<?php namespace DDDBL; /** * @returns (PDO) - reference to PDO object * @returns (boolean) false, if there is no connection to the database * * if there is a connection to the database, * the PDO object is returned otherwise false * **/ function getDB() { if(!isConnected()) return false; $objDB = getDBDataObject(); return $objDB->get('PDO'); } /** * @returns (boolean) true, if connection exists or is established * @returns (boolean) false, if connection could not be established * * if no connection to the database exists, establishe one. * **/ function connect() { if(isConnected()) return true; $objDB = getDBDataObject(); try { $objPDO = new \PDO($objDB->get('CONNECTION'), $objDB->get('USER'), $objDB->get('PASS')); } catch (\Exception $objException) { return false; } $objDB->update(array('PDO' => $objPDO)); return true; } /** * disconnect from the database * **/ function disconnect() { $objDB = getDBDataObject(); $objPDO = $objDB->get('PDO'); $objPDO = null; $objDB->delete('PDO'); } /** * check if a connection to the database is established * **/ function isConnected() { $objDB = getDBDataObject(); if(!$objDB->exists('PDO')) return false; return true; } /** * @returns (boolean) true, if transaction started * @returns (boolean) false, if transaction could not be started * @returns (boolean) false, if no connection to database exists * * start a transaction * **/ function startTransaction() { return mapMethod('beginTransaction'); } /** * @returns (boolean) true, if there is an active transaction * @returns (boolean) false, if there is no active transaction * @returns (boolean) false, if no connection to database exists * * check if there is an active transaction * **/ function inTransaction() { return mapMethod('inTransaction'); } /** * @returns (boolean) true, if rollback was successfull * @returns (boolean) false, if rollback was not successfull * @returns (boolean) false, if no connection to database exists * * perform a rollback of the active transaction * **/ function rollback() { return mapMethod('rollback'); } /** * @returns (boolean) true, if commit was successfull * @returns (boolean) false, if commit was not successfull * @returns (boolean) false, if no connection to database exists * * commit the active transaction * **/ function commit() { return mapMethod('commit'); } /** * @returns (array) - list of error-information * * get information about an error * **/ function getErrorInfo() { return mapMethod('errorInfo'); } /** * change the active database-connection. all db-functions * are performed at the new connection. * * ATTENTION: the old connection is *not* closed! * **/ function changeDB($strIdentifier) { $objDataObjectPool = new DataObjectPool('Database-Definition'); $objNewDB = $objDataObjectPool->get($strIdentifier); $objDataObjectPool->delete('DEFAULT'); $objDataObjectPool->add('DEFAULT', $objNewDB->getAll()); } /** * @returns (DataObject) - reference to the DataObject of default connection * * returns the DataObject of the default connection. * **/ function getDBDataObject() { $objDataObjectPool = new DataObjectPool('Database-Definition'); return $objDataObjectPool->get('DEFAULT'); } /** * @throws UnexpectedParameterTypeException - if the given parameter is not a string * * @returns (boolean) false, if no connection is established * * check if a connection to the database is established. if so, * the given parameter is used, as method to call at the * PDO object. the result of the call is returned * **/ function mapMethod($strMethod) { if(!is_string($strMethod)) throw new UnexpectedParameterTypeException('string', $strMethod); if(!isConnected()) return false; $objDB = getDBDataObject(); $objPDO = $objDB->get('PDO'); return $objPDO->$strMethod(); }