<?php require_once("boot.php"); function cronhooks_run(&$argv, &$argc){ global $a, $db; if(is_null($a)) { $a = new App; } if(is_null($db)) { @include(".htconfig.php"); require_once("include/dba.php"); $db = new dba($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data); unset($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data); }; require_once('include/session.php'); require_once('include/datetime.php'); load_config('config'); load_config('system'); // Don't check this stuff if the function is called by the poller if (App::callstack() != "poller_run") { if ($a->maxload_reached()) return; if (App::is_already_running('cronhooks', 'include/cronhooks.php', 1140)) return; } load_hooks(); if (($argc == 2) AND is_array($a->hooks) AND array_key_exists("cron", $a->hooks)) { foreach ($a->hooks["cron"] as $hook) if ($hook[1] == $argv[1]) { logger("Calling cron hook '".$hook[1]."'", LOGGER_DEBUG); call_single_hook($a, $name, $hook, $data); } return; } $last = get_config('system','last_cronhook'); $poll_interval = intval(get_config('system','cronhook_interval')); if(! $poll_interval) $poll_interval = 9; if($last) { $next = $last + ($poll_interval * 60); if($next > time()) { logger('cronhook intervall not reached'); return; } } $a->set_baseurl(get_config('system','url')); logger('cronhooks: start'); $d = datetime_convert(); if (get_config("system", "worker") AND is_array($a->hooks) AND array_key_exists("cron", $a->hooks)) { foreach ($a->hooks["cron"] as $hook) { logger("Calling cronhooks for '".$hook[1]."'", LOGGER_DEBUG); proc_run(PRIORITY_MEDIUM, "include/cronhooks.php", $hook[1]); } } else call_hooks('cron', $d); logger('cronhooks: end'); set_config('system','last_cronhook', time()); return; } if (array_search(__file__,get_included_files())===0){ cronhooks_run($_SERVER["argv"],$_SERVER["argc"]); killme(); }