<?php namespace DDDBL; /** * a DataObject is a generic object * to store data under given keys. * * it allows getting, adding, updating and deleting * data. * * a validation callback can be provided * to ensure, that the stored data * validate correctly. * **/ class DataObject { /** * list of stored data **/ private $arrData = array(); /** * callback to validate all stored data **/ private $cloValidator = null; /** * @param $cloValidator - optional validator callback to validate stored data * @param $arrData - optional list of data to store in object * * @throws UnexpectedParameterTypeException - if validator callback is not a callable * * initiates the data-object and stores the validator callback. if no * callback is given, a default callback is stored, which validates against * everything. * * if optional data are given, they are passed to DataObject::add(), to be stored * immediatley * **/ public function __construct($cloValidator = null, array $arrData = array()) { if(!is_null($cloValidator) && !is_callable($cloValidator)) throw new UnexpectedParameterTypeException('callable', $cloValidator); $this->cloValidator = (!is_null($cloValidator)) ? $cloValidator : function() {return true; }; if(!empty($arrData)) $this->add($arrData); } /** * @param $arrData - list of data to store in object * * @throws \Exception - if a key is already in use * @throws \Exception - if the final data-set do not validate * * add the list of data to the existing ones. the given data * must have the following format: * array([key] => data * [key] => data, [..]) * * if a key in the given data is already used in stored * data the addition is aborted and an exception is * thrown. * * the stored data are only modified on success * **/ public function add(array $arrData) { $arrMergedData = array_merge($this->arrData, $arrData); foreach($arrData AS $strKey => $mixData) if(array_key_exists($strKey, $this->arrData)) throw new \Exception("could not store data, key is already in use: $strKey"); $cloValidator = $this->cloValidator; if(!$cloValidator($arrMergedData)) throw new \Exception("given data do not validate"); $this->arrData = $arrMergedData; } /** * @param $arrData - list of data to update * * @throws \Exception - if the final data-set do not validate * * update the stored data with the given data-set. for * the structure of $arrData have a look at DataObject:add() * * existing keys are overwritten with new values. new * keys are added to the data-set. * * if validation of final set fails, an exception is * thrown. no data are modified on failure. * **/ public function update(array $arrData) { $arrMergedData = array_merge($this->arrData, $arrData); $cloValidator = $this->cloValidator; if(!$cloValidator($arrMergedData)) throw new \Exception("given data do not validate"); $this->arrData = $arrMergedData; } /** * @param $strKey - the key of the value to delete * * @throws UnexpectedParameterTypeException - if given key is not a string * * delete the value stored under the given key. * if given key do not exists, nothing is done! * **/ public function delete($strKey) { if(!is_string($strKey)) throw new UnexpectedParameterTypeException('string', $strKey); if($this->exists($strKey)) unset($this->arrData[$strKey]); } /** * @param $strKey - the key to check * * @throws UnexpectedParameterTypeException - if given key is not a string * * @return (boolean) true, if key exists * @return (boolean) false, if key do not exists * * check if the given key exists * **/ public function exists($strKey) { if(!is_string($strKey)) throw new UnexpectedParameterTypeException('string', $strKey); if(!array_key_exists($strKey, $this->arrData)) return false; return true; } /** * @param $strKey - the key to get the value from * * @throws UnexpectedParameterTypeException - if given key is not a string * @throws \Exception - if given key is unknown * * @return (mixed) the value stored under the given key * * return the value stored under the given key * **/ public function get($strKey) { if(!is_string($strKey)) throw new UnexpectedParameterTypeException('string', $strKey); if(!$this->exists($strKey)) throw new \Exception("unknown key: $strKey"); return $this->arrData[$strKey]; } /** * return all stored data in the structure of: * array([key] => data * [key] => data, [..]) * **/ public function getAll() { return $this->arrData; } }