Message type ("link", "video", "photo")
* 'text' -> Text before the shared message
* 'after' -> Text after the shared message
* 'image' -> Preview image of the message
* 'url' -> Url to the attached message
* 'title' -> Title of the attachment
* 'description' -> Description of the attachment
private static function getOldAttachmentData($body)
$post = [];
// Simplify image codes
$body = preg_replace("/\[img\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", '[img]$3[/img]', $body);
if (preg_match_all("(\[class=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/class\])ism", $body, $attached, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
foreach ($attached as $data) {
if (!in_array($data[1], ["type-link", "type-video", "type-photo"])) {
$post["type"] = substr($data[1], 5);
$pos = strpos($body, $data[0]);
if ($pos > 0) {
$post["text"] = trim(substr($body, 0, $pos));
$post["after"] = trim(substr($body, $pos + strlen($data[0])));
} else {
$post["text"] = trim(str_replace($data[0], "", $body));
$attacheddata = $data[2];
$URLSearchString = "^\[\]";
if (preg_match("/\[img\]([$URLSearchString]*)\[\/img\]/ism", $attacheddata, $matches)) {
$picturedata = Image::getInfoFromURL($matches[1]);
if ($picturedata) {
if (($picturedata[0] >= 500) && ($picturedata[0] >= $picturedata[1])) {
$post["image"] = $matches[1];
} else {
$post["preview"] = $matches[1];
if (preg_match("/\[bookmark\=([$URLSearchString]*)\](.*?)\[\/bookmark\]/ism", $attacheddata, $matches)) {
$post["url"] = $matches[1];
$post["title"] = $matches[2];
if (!empty($post["url"]) && (in_array($post["type"], ["link", "video"]))
&& preg_match("/\[url\=([$URLSearchString]*)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism", $attacheddata, $matches)) {
$post["url"] = $matches[1];
// Search for description
if (preg_match("/\[quote\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/ism", $attacheddata, $matches)) {
$post["description"] = $matches[1];
return $post;
* @brief Fetches attachment data that were generated with the "attachment" element
* @param string $body Message body
* @return array
* 'type' -> Message type ("link", "video", "photo")
* 'text' -> Text before the shared message
* 'after' -> Text after the shared message
* 'image' -> Preview image of the message
* 'url' -> Url to the attached message
* 'title' -> Title of the attachment
* 'description' -> Description of the attachment
public static function getAttachmentData($body)
$data = [];
if (!preg_match("/(.*)\[attachment(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/attachment\](.*)/ism", $body, $match)) {
return self::getOldAttachmentData($body);
$attributes = $match[2];
$data["text"] = trim($match[1]);
$type = "";
preg_match("/type='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches);
if (x($matches, 1)) {
$type = strtolower($matches[1]);
preg_match('/type="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches);
if (x($matches, 1)) {
$type = strtolower($matches[1]);
if ($type == "") {
return [];
if (!in_array($type, ["link", "audio", "photo", "video"])) {
return [];
if ($type != "") {
$data["type"] = $type;
$url = "";
preg_match("/url='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches);
if (x($matches, 1)) {
$url = $matches[1];
preg_match('/url="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches);
if (x($matches, 1)) {
$url = $matches[1];
if ($url != "") {
$data["url"] = html_entity_decode($url, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$title = "";
preg_match("/title='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches);
if (x($matches, 1)) {
$title = $matches[1];
preg_match('/title="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches);
if (x($matches, 1)) {
$title = $matches[1];
if ($title != "") {
$title = self::convert(html_entity_decode($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), false, true);
$title = html_entity_decode($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$title = str_replace(["[", "]"], ["[", "]"], $title);
$data["title"] = $title;
$image = "";
preg_match("/image='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches);
if (x($matches, 1)) {
$image = $matches[1];
preg_match('/image="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches);
if (x($matches, 1)) {
$image = $matches[1];
if ($image != "") {
$data["image"] = html_entity_decode($image, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$preview = "";
preg_match("/preview='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches);
if (x($matches, 1)) {
$preview = $matches[1];
preg_match('/preview="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches);
if (x($matches, 1)) {
$preview = $matches[1];
if ($preview != "") {
$data["preview"] = html_entity_decode($preview, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$data["description"] = trim($match[3]);
$data["after"] = trim($match[4]);
return $data;
public static function getAttachedData($body, $item = [])
- text:
- type: link, video, photo
- title:
- url:
- image:
- description:
- (thumbnail)
$has_title = !empty($item['title']);
$plink = (!empty($item['plink']) ? $item['plink'] : '');
$post = self::getAttachmentData($body);
// if nothing is found, it maybe having an image.
if (!isset($post["type"])) {
// Simplify image codes
$body = preg_replace("/\[img\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", '[img]$3[/img]', $body);
$URLSearchString = "^\[\]";
$body = preg_replace("/\[img\=([$URLSearchString]*)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", '[img]$1[/img]', $body);
if (preg_match_all("(\[url=([$URLSearchString]*)\]\s*\[img\]([$URLSearchString]*)\[\/img\]\s*\[\/url\])ism", $body, $pictures, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
if ((count($pictures) == 1) && !$has_title) {
// Checking, if the link goes to a picture
$data = ParseUrl::getSiteinfoCached($pictures[0][1], true);
// Workaround:
// Sometimes photo posts to the own album are not detected at the start.
// So we seem to cannot use the cache for these cases. That's strange.
if (($data["type"] != "photo") && strstr($pictures[0][1], "/photos/")) {
$data = ParseUrl::getSiteinfo($pictures[0][1], true);
if ($data["type"] == "photo") {
$post["type"] = "photo";
if (isset($data["images"][0])) {
$post["image"] = $data["images"][0]["src"];
$post["url"] = $data["url"];
} else {
$post["image"] = $data["url"];
$post["preview"] = $pictures[0][2];
$post["text"] = str_replace($pictures[0][0], "", $body);
} else {
$imgdata = Image::getInfoFromURL($pictures[0][1]);
if ($imgdata && substr($imgdata["mime"], 0, 6) == "image/") {
$post["type"] = "photo";
$post["image"] = $pictures[0][1];
$post["preview"] = $pictures[0][2];
$post["text"] = str_replace($pictures[0][0], "", $body);
} elseif (count($pictures) > 0) {
$post["type"] = "link";
$post["url"] = $plink;
$post["image"] = $pictures[0][2];
$post["text"] = $body;
} elseif (preg_match_all("(\[img\]([$URLSearchString]*)\[\/img\])ism", $body, $pictures, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
if ((count($pictures) == 1) && !$has_title) {
$post["type"] = "photo";
$post["image"] = $pictures[0][1];
$post["text"] = str_replace($pictures[0][0], "", $body);
} elseif (count($pictures) > 0) {
$post["type"] = "link";
$post["url"] = $plink;
$post["image"] = $pictures[0][1];
$post["text"] = $body;
// Test for the external links
preg_match_all("(\[url\]([$URLSearchString]*)\[\/url\])ism", $body, $links1, PREG_SET_ORDER);
preg_match_all("(\[url\=([$URLSearchString]*)\].*?\[\/url\])ism", $body, $links2, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$links = array_merge($links1, $links2);
// If there is only a single one, then use it.
// This should cover link posts via API.
if ((count($links) == 1) && !isset($post["preview"]) && !$has_title) {
$post["type"] = "link";
$post["text"] = trim($body);
$post["url"] = $links[0][1];
// Now count the number of external media links
preg_match_all("(\[vimeo\](.*?)\[\/vimeo\])ism", $body, $links1, PREG_SET_ORDER);
preg_match_all("(\[youtube\\](.*?)\[\/youtube\\])ism", $body, $links2, PREG_SET_ORDER);
preg_match_all("(\[video\\](.*?)\[\/video\\])ism", $body, $links3, PREG_SET_ORDER);
preg_match_all("(\[audio\\](.*?)\[\/audio\\])ism", $body, $links4, PREG_SET_ORDER);
// Add them to the other external links
$links = array_merge($links, $links1, $links2, $links3, $links4);
// Are there more than one?
if (count($links) > 1) {
// The post will be the type "text", which means a blog post
$post["url"] = $plink;
if (!isset($post["type"])) {
$post["type"] = "text";
$post["text"] = trim($body);
} elseif (isset($post["url"]) && ($post["type"] == "video")) {
$data = ParseUrl::getSiteinfoCached($post["url"], true);
if (isset($data["images"][0])) {
$post["image"] = $data["images"][0]["src"];
return $post;
* @brief Converts a BBCode text into plaintext
* @param bool $keep_urls Whether to keep URLs in the resulting plaintext
* @return string
public static function toPlaintext($text, $keep_urls = true)
$naked_text = preg_replace('/\[(.+?)\]\s*/','', $text);
if (!$keep_urls) {
$naked_text = preg_replace('#https?\://[^\s<]+[^\s\.\)]#i', '', $naked_text);
return $naked_text;
private static function proxyUrl($image, $simplehtml = false)
// Only send proxied pictures to API and for internal display
if (in_array($simplehtml, [false, 2])) {
return ProxyUtils::proxifyUrl($image);
} else {
return $image;
public static function scaleExternalImages($srctext, $include_link = true, $scale_replace = false)
// Suppress "view full size"
if (intval(Config::get('system', 'no_view_full_size'))) {
$include_link = false;
// Picture addresses can contain special characters
$s = htmlspecialchars_decode($srctext);
$matches = null;
$c = preg_match_all('/\[img.*?\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism', $s, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if ($c) {
foreach ($matches as $mtch) {
logger('scale_external_image: ' . $mtch[1]);
$hostname = str_replace('www.', '', substr(System::baseUrl(), strpos(System::baseUrl(), '://') + 3));
if (stristr($mtch[1], $hostname)) {
// $scale_replace, if passed, is an array of two elements. The
// first is the name of the full-size image. The second is the
// name of a remote, scaled-down version of the full size image.
// This allows Friendica to display the smaller remote image if
// one exists, while still linking to the full-size image
if ($scale_replace) {
$scaled = str_replace($scale_replace[0], $scale_replace[1], $mtch[1]);
} else {
$scaled = $mtch[1];
$i = Network::fetchUrl($scaled);
if (!$i) {
return $srctext;
// guess mimetype from headers or filename
$type = Image::guessType($mtch[1], true);
if ($i) {
$Image = new Image($i, $type);
if ($Image->isValid()) {
$orig_width = $Image->getWidth();
$orig_height = $Image->getHeight();
if ($orig_width > 640 || $orig_height > 640) {
$new_width = $Image->getWidth();
$new_height = $Image->getHeight();
logger('scale_external_images: ' . $orig_width . '->' . $new_width . 'w ' . $orig_height . '->' . $new_height . 'h' . ' match: ' . $mtch[0], LOGGER_DEBUG);
$s = str_replace(
'[img=' . $new_width . 'x' . $new_height. ']' . $scaled . '[/img]'
. "\n" . (($include_link)
? '[url=' . $mtch[1] . ']' . L10n::t('view full size') . '[/url]' . "\n"
: ''),
logger('scale_external_images: new string: ' . $s, LOGGER_DEBUG);
// replace the special char encoding
$s = htmlspecialchars($s, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
return $s;
* The purpose of this function is to apply system message length limits to
* imported messages without including any embedded photos in the length
* @brief Truncates imported message body string length to max_import_size
* @param string $body
* @return string
public static function limitBodySize($body)
$maxlen = Config::get('config', 'max_import_size', 0);
// If the length of the body, including the embedded images, is smaller
// than the maximum, then don't waste time looking for the images
if ($maxlen && (strlen($body) > $maxlen)) {
logger('the total body length exceeds the limit', LOGGER_DEBUG);
$orig_body = $body;
$new_body = '';
$textlen = 0;
$img_start = strpos($orig_body, '[img');
$img_st_close = ($img_start !== false ? strpos(substr($orig_body, $img_start), ']') : false);
$img_end = ($img_start !== false ? strpos(substr($orig_body, $img_start), '[/img]') : false);
while (($img_st_close !== false) && ($img_end !== false)) {
$img_st_close++; // make it point to AFTER the closing bracket
$img_end += $img_start;
$img_end += strlen('[/img]');
if (!strcmp(substr($orig_body, $img_start + $img_st_close, 5), 'data:')) {
// This is an embedded image
if (($textlen + $img_start) > $maxlen) {
if ($textlen < $maxlen) {
logger('the limit happens before an embedded image', LOGGER_DEBUG);
$new_body = $new_body . substr($orig_body, 0, $maxlen - $textlen);
$textlen = $maxlen;
} else {
$new_body = $new_body . substr($orig_body, 0, $img_start);
$textlen += $img_start;
$new_body = $new_body . substr($orig_body, $img_start, $img_end - $img_start);
} else {
if (($textlen + $img_end) > $maxlen) {
if ($textlen < $maxlen) {
logger('the limit happens before the end of a non-embedded image', LOGGER_DEBUG);
$new_body = $new_body . substr($orig_body, 0, $maxlen - $textlen);
$textlen = $maxlen;
} else {
$new_body = $new_body . substr($orig_body, 0, $img_end);
$textlen += $img_end;
$orig_body = substr($orig_body, $img_end);
if ($orig_body === false) {
// in case the body ends on a closing image tag
$orig_body = '';
$img_start = strpos($orig_body, '[img');
$img_st_close = ($img_start !== false ? strpos(substr($orig_body, $img_start), ']') : false);
$img_end = ($img_start !== false ? strpos(substr($orig_body, $img_start), '[/img]') : false);
if (($textlen + strlen($orig_body)) > $maxlen) {
if ($textlen < $maxlen) {
logger('the limit happens after the end of the last image', LOGGER_DEBUG);
$new_body = $new_body . substr($orig_body, 0, $maxlen - $textlen);
} else {
logger('the text size with embedded images extracted did not violate the limit', LOGGER_DEBUG);
$new_body = $new_body . $orig_body;
return $new_body;
} else {
return $body;
* Processes [attachment] tags
* Note: Can produce a [bookmark] tag in the returned string
* @brief Processes [attachment] tags
* @param string $return
* @param bool|int $simplehtml
* @param bool $tryoembed
* @return string
private static function convertAttachment($return, $simplehtml = false, $tryoembed = true)
$data = self::getAttachmentData($return);
if (empty($data) || empty($data["url"])) {
return $return;
if (isset($data["title"])) {
$data["title"] = strip_tags($data["title"]);
$data["title"] = str_replace(["http://", "https://"], "", $data["title"]);
} else {
$data["title"] = null;
if (((strpos($data["text"], "[img=") !== false) || (strpos($data["text"], "[img]") !== false) || Config::get('system', 'always_show_preview')) && !empty($data["image"])) {
$data["preview"] = $data["image"];
$data["image"] = "";
$return = '';
if ($simplehtml == 7) {
$return = self::convertUrlForOStatus($data["url"]);
} elseif (($simplehtml != 4) && ($simplehtml != 0)) {
$return = sprintf('%s
', $data["url"], $data["title"]);
} else {
try {
if ($tryoembed && OEmbed::isAllowedURL($data['url'])) {
$return = OEmbed::getHTML($data['url'], $data['title']);
} else {
throw new Exception('OEmbed is disabled for this attachment.');
} catch (Exception $e) {
$data["title"] = defaults($data, 'title', $data['url']);
if ($simplehtml != 4) {
$return = sprintf('
%s', trim(self::convert($bbcode))); } if (!empty($data['url'])) { $return .= sprintf('%s', $data['url'], parse_url($data['url'], PHP_URL_HOST)); } if ($simplehtml != 4) { $return .= '
' . html_entity_decode('♲ ', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' ' . $mention . ':
' . "\n" . '«' . $content . '»'; break; case 2: $text = '' . html_entity_decode('♲ ', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' ' . $author_contact['addr'] . ':
' . "\n" . $content; break; case 3: // Diaspora $headline = '' . html_entity_decode('♲ ', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . $mention . ':
' . "\n"; if (stripos(normalise_link($attributes['link']), '') === 0) { $text = '' . "\n"; } else { $text = $headline . '' . trim($content) . '' . "\n"; if ($attributes['link'] != '') { $text .= '' . "\n"; } } break; case 4: $headline = '
' . html_entity_decode('♲ ', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $headline .= L10n::t('%2$s %3$s', $attributes['link'], $mention, $attributes['posted']); $headline .= ':
' . "\n"; $text = $headline . '' . trim($content) . '' . "\n"; break; case 5: $text = '
' . html_entity_decode('♲ ', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' ' . $author_contact['addr'] . ':
' . "\n" . $content; break; case 7: // statusnet/GNU Social $text = '' . html_entity_decode('♲ ', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' @' . $author_contact['addr'] . ': ' . $content . '
' . "\n"; break; case 9: // Google+ $text = '' . html_entity_decode('♲ ', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' ' . $author_contact['addr'] . ':
' . "\n"; $text .= '' . $content . '
' . "\n"; if ($attributes['link'] != '') { $text .= '' . $attributes['link'] . '
'; } break; default: // Transforms quoted tweets in rich attachments to avoid nested tweets if (stripos(normalise_link($attributes['link']), '') === 0 && OEmbed::isAllowedURL($attributes['link'])) { try { $text = OEmbed::getHTML($attributes['link']); } catch (Exception $e) { $text = sprintf('[bookmark=%s]%s[/bookmark]', $attributes['link'], $content); } } else { $tpl = get_markup_template('shared_content.tpl'); $text = replace_macros($tpl, [ '$profile' => $attributes['profile'], '$avatar' => $attributes['avatar'], '$author' => $attributes['author'], '$link' => $attributes['link'], '$posted' => $attributes['posted'], '$content' => trim($content) ]); } break; } return $text; } private static function removePictureLinksCallback($match) { $text = Cache::get($match[1]); if (is_null($text)) { $a = self::getApp(); $stamp1 = microtime(true); $ch = @curl_init($match[1]); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $a->getUserAgent()); @curl_exec($ch); $curl_info = @curl_getinfo($ch); $a->saveTimestamp($stamp1, "network"); if (substr($curl_info["content_type"], 0, 6) == "image/") { $text = "[url=" . $match[1] . "]" . $match[1] . "[/url]"; } else { $text = "[url=" . $match[2] . "]" . $match[2] . "[/url]"; // if its not a picture then look if its a page that contains a picture link $body = Network::fetchUrl($match[1]); $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTML($body); $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $list = $xpath->query("//meta[@name]"); foreach ($list as $node) { $attr = []; if ($node->attributes->length) { foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) { $attr[$attribute->name] = $attribute->value; } } if (strtolower($attr["name"]) == "twitter:image") { $text = "[url=" . $attr["content"] . "]" . $attr["content"] . "[/url]"; } } } Cache::set($match[1], $text); } return $text; } private static function expandLinksCallback($match) { if (($match[3] == "") || ($match[2] == $match[3]) || stristr($match[2], $match[3])) { return ($match[1] . "[url]" . $match[2] . "[/url]"); } else { return ($match[1] . $match[3] . " [url]" . $match[2] . "[/url]"); } } private static function cleanPictureLinksCallback($match) { $text = Cache::get($match[1]); if (is_null($text)) { $a = self::getApp(); $stamp1 = microtime(true); $ch = @curl_init($match[1]); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $a->getUserAgent()); @curl_exec($ch); $curl_info = @curl_getinfo($ch); $a->saveTimestamp($stamp1, "network"); // if its a link to a picture then embed this picture if (substr($curl_info["content_type"], 0, 6) == "image/") { $text = "[img]" . $match[1] . "[/img]"; } else { $text = "[img]" . $match[2] . "[/img]"; // if its not a picture then look if its a page that contains a picture link $body = Network::fetchUrl($match[1]); $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTML($body); $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $list = $xpath->query("//meta[@name]"); foreach ($list as $node) { $attr = []; if ($node->attributes->length) { foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) { $attr[$attribute->name] = $attribute->value; } } if (strtolower($attr["name"]) == "twitter:image") { $text = "[img]" . $attr["content"] . "[/img]"; } } } Cache::set($match[1], $text); } return $text; } public static function cleanPictureLinks($text) { $return = preg_replace_callback("&\[url=([^\[\]]*)\]\[img\](.*)\[\/img\]\[\/url\]&Usi", 'self::cleanPictureLinksCallback', $text); return $return; } /** * @brief Converts a BBCode message to HTML message * * BBcode 2 HTML was written by * extended to work with Mistpark/Friendica - Mike Macgirvin * * Simple HTML values meaning: * - 0: Friendica display * - 1: Unused * - 2: Used for Google+, Windows Phone push, Friendica API * - 3: Used before converting to Markdown in bb2diaspora.php * - 4: Used for WordPress, Libertree (before Markdown), and tumblr * - 5: Unused * - 6: Unused * - 7: Used for dfrn, OStatus * - 8: Used for WP backlink text setting * * @param string $text * @param bool $try_oembed * @param int $simple_html * @param bool $for_plaintext * @return string */ public static function convert($text, $try_oembed = true, $simple_html = false, $for_plaintext = false) { $a = self::getApp(); /* * preg_match_callback function to replace potential Oembed tags with Oembed content * * $match[0] = [tag]$url[/tag] or [tag=$url]$title[/tag] * $match[1] = $url * $match[2] = $title or absent */ $try_oembed_callback = function ($match) { $url = $match[1]; $title = defaults($match, 2, null); try { $return = OEmbed::getHTML($url, $title); } catch (Exception $ex) { $return = $match[0]; } return $return; }; // Extracting multi-line code blocks before the whitespace processing $codeblocks = []; $text = preg_replace_callback("#\[code(?:=([^\]]*))?\](.*?)\[\/code\]#is", function ($matches) use (&$codeblocks) { $return = $matches[0]; if (strpos($matches[2], "\n") !== false) { $return = '#codeblock-' . count($codeblocks) . '#'; $codeblocks[] = '' . trim($matches[2], "\n\r") . '
return $return;
// Hide all [noparse] contained bbtags by spacefying them
// POSSIBLE BUG --> Will the 'preg' functions crash if there's an embedded image?
$text = preg_replace_callback("/\[noparse\](.*?)\[\/noparse\]/ism", 'self::escapeNoparseCallback', $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback("/\[nobb\](.*?)\[\/nobb\]/ism", 'self::escapeNoparseCallback', $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback("/\[pre\](.*?)\[\/pre\]/ism", 'self::escapeNoparseCallback', $text);
// Remove the abstract element. It is a non visible element.
$text = self::stripAbstract($text);
// Move all spaces out of the tags
$text = preg_replace("/\[(\w*)\](\s*)/ism", '$2[$1]', $text);
$text = preg_replace("/(\s*)\[\/(\w*)\]/ism", '[/$2]$1', $text);
// Extract the private images which use data urls since preg has issues with
// large data sizes. Stash them away while we do bbcode conversion, and then put them back
// in after we've done all the regex matching. We cannot use any preg functions to do this.
$extracted = self::extractImagesFromItemBody($text);
$text = $extracted['body'];
$saved_image = $extracted['images'];
// If we find any event code, turn it into an event.
// After we're finished processing the bbcode we'll
// replace all of the event code with a reformatted version.
$ev = Event::fromBBCode($text);
// Replace any html brackets with HTML Entities to prevent executing HTML or script
// Don't use strip_tags here because it breaks [url] search by replacing & with amp
$text = str_replace("<", "<", $text);
$text = str_replace(">", ">", $text);
// remove some newlines before the general conversion
$text = preg_replace("/\s?\[share(.*?)\]\s?(.*?)\s?\[\/share\]\s?/ism", "[share$1]$2[/share]", $text);
$text = preg_replace("/\s?\[quote(.*?)\]\s?(.*?)\s?\[\/quote\]\s?/ism", "[quote$1]$2[/quote]", $text);
// when the content is meant exporting to other systems then remove the avatar picture since this doesn't really look good on these systems
if (!$try_oembed) {
$text = preg_replace("/\[share(.*?)avatar\s?=\s?'.*?'\s?(.*?)\]\s?(.*?)\s?\[\/share\]\s?/ism", "\n[share$1$2]$3[/share]", $text);
// Convert new line chars to html ' . Map::byLocation($match[1], $simple_html) . '
', $match[0]); }, $text ); } if (strpos($text, '[map=') !== false) { $text = preg_replace_callback( "/\[map=(.*?)\]/ism", function ($match) use ($simple_html) { return str_replace($match[0], '' . Map::byCoordinates(str_replace('/', ' ', $match[1]), $simple_html) . '
', $match[0]); }, $text ); } if (strpos($text, '[map]') !== false) { $text = preg_replace("/\[map\]/", '', $text); } // Check for headers $text = preg_replace("(\[h1\](.*?)\[\/h1\])ism", '$1
', $text); // Check for bold text $text = preg_replace("(\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\])ism", '$1', $text); // Check for Italics text $text = preg_replace("(\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\])ism", '$1', $text); // Check for Underline text $text = preg_replace("(\[u\](.*?)\[\/u\])ism", '$1', $text); // Check for strike-through text $text = preg_replace("(\[s\](.*?)\[\/s\])ism", '$1
// Check for [code] text
$text = preg_replace("/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/ism", "$CodeLayout", $text);
// Declare the format for [spoiler] layout
$SpoilerLayout = '$1'; // Check for [spoiler] text // handle nested quotes $endlessloop = 0; while ((strpos($text, "[/spoiler]") !== false) && (strpos($text, "[spoiler]") !== false) && (++$endlessloop < 20)) { $text = preg_replace("/\[spoiler\](.*?)\[\/spoiler\]/ism", "$SpoilerLayout", $text); } // Check for [spoiler=Author] text $t_wrote = L10n::t('$1 wrote:'); // handle nested quotes $endlessloop = 0; while ((strpos($text, "[/spoiler]")!== false) && (strpos($text, "[spoiler=") !== false) && (++$endlessloop < 20)) { $text = preg_replace("/\[spoiler=[\"\']*(.*?)[\"\']*\](.*?)\[\/spoiler\]/ism", "
$2", $text); } // Declare the format for [quote] layout $QuoteLayout = '
$1'; // Check for [quote] text // handle nested quotes $endlessloop = 0; while ((strpos($text, "[/quote]") !== false) && (strpos($text, "[quote]") !== false) && (++$endlessloop < 20)) { $text = preg_replace("/\[quote\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/ism", "$QuoteLayout", $text); } // Check for [quote=Author] text $t_wrote = L10n::t('$1 wrote:'); // handle nested quotes $endlessloop = 0; while ((strpos($text, "[/quote]")!== false) && (strpos($text, "[quote=") !== false) && (++$endlessloop < 20)) { $text = preg_replace("/\[quote=[\"\']*(.*?)[\"\']*\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/ism", "
" . $t_wrote . "
$2", $text); } // [img=widthxheight]image source[/img] $text = preg_replace_callback( "/\[img\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", function ($matches) use ($simple_html) { if (strpos($matches[3], "data:image/") === 0) { return $matches[0]; } $matches[3] = self::proxyUrl($matches[3], $simple_html); return "[img=" . $matches[1] . "x" . $matches[2] . "]" . $matches[3] . "[/img]"; }, $text ); $text = preg_replace("/\[img\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", '
"], [""], $text); $stamp1 = microtime(true); // Now convert HTML to Markdown $text = HTML::toMarkdown($text); // unmask the special chars back to HTML $text = str_replace(['&\_lt\_;', '&\_gt\_;', '&\_amp\_;'], ['<', '>', '&'], $text); $a->saveTimestamp($stamp1, "parser"); // Libertree has a problem with escaped hashtags. $text = str_replace(['\#'], ['#'], $text); // Remove any leading or trailing whitespace, as this will mess up // the Diaspora signature verification and cause the item to disappear $text = trim($text); if ($for_diaspora) { $url_search_string = "^\[\]"; $text = preg_replace_callback( "/([@]\[(.*?)\])\(([$url_search_string]*?)\)/ism", ['self', 'bbCodeMention2DiasporaCallback'], $text ); } Addon::callHooks('bb2diaspora', $text); return $text; } }