config = $this->dice->create(IManageConfigValues::class); $this->config->set('system', 'url', 'http://localhost'); $this->config->set('system', 'hostname', 'localhost'); $this->config->set('system', 'worker_dont_fork', true); // Default config $this->config->set('config', 'hostname', 'localhost'); $this->config->set('system', 'throttle_limit_day', 100); $this->config->set('system', 'throttle_limit_week', 100); $this->config->set('system', 'throttle_limit_month', 100); $this->config->set('system', 'theme', 'system_theme'); /** @var App app */ $this->app = DI::app(); DI::args()->setArgc(1); // User data that the test database is populated with $this->selfUser = [ 'id' => 42, 'name' => 'Self contact', 'nick' => 'selfcontact', 'nurl' => 'http://localhost/profile/selfcontact' ]; $this->friendUser = [ 'id' => 44, 'name' => 'Friend contact', 'nick' => 'friendcontact', 'nurl' => 'http://localhost/profile/friendcontact' ]; $this->otherUser = [ 'id' => 43, 'name' => 'othercontact', 'nick' => 'othercontact', 'nurl' => 'http://localhost/profile/othercontact' ]; // User ID that we know is not in the database $this->wrongUserId = 666; DI::session()->start(); // Most API require login so we force the session $_SESSION = [ 'authenticated' => true, 'uid' => $this->selfUser['id'] ]; BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID($this->selfUser['id']); } /** * Assert that a list array contains expected keys. * * @param array $list List array * * @return void */ private function assertList(array $list = []) { self::assertIsString($list['name']); self::assertIsInt($list['id']); self::assertIsString('string', $list['id_str']); self::assertContains($list['mode'], ['public', 'private']); // We could probably do more checks here. } /** * Assert that the string is XML and contain the root element. * * @param string $result XML string * @param string $root_element Root element name * * @return void */ private function assertXml($result = '', $root_element = '') { self::assertStringStartsWith('', $result); self::assertStringContainsString('<' . $root_element, $result); // We could probably do more checks here. } /** * Test the api_user() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiUser() { self::assertEquals($this->selfUser['id'], BaseApi::getCurrentUserID()); } /** * Test the api_user() function with an unallowed user. * * @return void */ public function testApiUserWithUnallowedUser() { // self::assertEquals(false, api_user()); } /** * Test the api_source() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiSource() { self::assertEquals('api', BasicAuth::getCurrentApplicationToken()['name']); } /** * Test the api_source() function with a Twidere user agent. * * @return void */ public function testApiSourceWithTwidere() { $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'Twidere'; self::assertEquals('Twidere', BasicAuth::getCurrentApplicationToken()['name']); } /** * Test the api_source() function with a GET parameter. * * @return void */ public function testApiSourceWithGet() { $_REQUEST['source'] = 'source_name'; self::assertEquals('source_name', BasicAuth::getCurrentApplicationToken()['name']); } /** * Test the api_date() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiDate() { self::assertEquals('Wed Oct 10 00:00:00 +0000 1990', DateTimeFormat::utc('1990-10-10', DateTimeFormat::API)); } /** * Test the api_register_func() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiRegisterFunc() { global $API; self::assertNull( api_register_func( 'api_path', function () { }, true, 'method' ) ); self::assertTrue(is_callable($API['api_path']['func'])); } /** * Test the BasicAuth::getCurrentUserID() function without any login. * * @runInSeparateProcess * @preserveGlobalState disabled * @preserveGlobalState disabled */ public function testApiLoginWithoutLogin() { BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); BasicAuth::getCurrentUserID(true); } /** * Test the BasicAuth::getCurrentUserID() function with a bad login. * * @runInSeparateProcess * @preserveGlobalState disabled * @preserveGlobalState disabled */ public function testApiLoginWithBadLogin() { BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = 'user@server'; BasicAuth::getCurrentUserID(true); } /** * Test the BasicAuth::getCurrentUserID() function with oAuth. * * @return void */ public function testApiLoginWithOauth() { $this->markTestIncomplete('Can we test this easily?'); } /** * Test the BasicAuth::getCurrentUserID() function with authentication provided by an addon. * * @return void */ public function testApiLoginWithAddonAuth() { $this->markTestIncomplete('Can we test this easily?'); } /** * Test the BasicAuth::getCurrentUserID() function with a correct login. * * @runInSeparateProcess * @preserveGlobalState disabled * @doesNotPerformAssertions */ public function testApiLoginWithCorrectLogin() { BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = 'Test user'; $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = 'password'; BasicAuth::getCurrentUserID(true); } /** * Test the BasicAuth::getCurrentUserID() function with a remote user. * * @runInSeparateProcess * @preserveGlobalState disabled */ public function testApiLoginWithRemoteUser() { BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); $_SERVER['REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER'] = '123456dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA=='; BasicAuth::getCurrentUserID(true); } /** * Test the api_call() function. * * @runInSeparateProcess * @preserveGlobalState disabled */ public function testApiCall() { global $API; $API['api_path'] = [ 'method' => 'method', 'func' => function () { return ['data' => ['some_data']]; } ]; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'method'; $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'pagename=api_path'; $_GET['callback'] = 'callback_name'; self::assertEquals( 'callback_name(["some_data"])', api_call('api_path', 'json') ); } /** * Test the api_call() function with the profiled enabled. * * @runInSeparateProcess * @preserveGlobalState disabled */ public function testApiCallWithProfiler() { global $API; $API['api_path'] = [ 'method' => 'method', 'func' => function () { return ['data' => ['some_data']]; } ]; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'method'; $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'pagename=api_path'; $this->config->set('system', 'profiler', true); $this->config->set('rendertime', 'callstack', true); $this->app->callstack = [ 'database' => ['some_function' => 200], 'database_write' => ['some_function' => 200], 'cache' => ['some_function' => 200], 'cache_write' => ['some_function' => 200], 'network' => ['some_function' => 200] ]; self::assertEquals( '["some_data"]', api_call('api_path', 'json') ); } /** * Test the api_call() function with a JSON result. * * @runInSeparateProcess * @preserveGlobalState disabled */ public function testApiCallWithJson() { global $API; $API['api_path'] = [ 'method' => 'method', 'func' => function () { return ['data' => ['some_data']]; } ]; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'method'; $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'pagename=api_path.json'; self::assertEquals( '["some_data"]', api_call('api_path.json', 'json') ); } /** * Test the api_call() function with an XML result. * * @runInSeparateProcess * @preserveGlobalState disabled */ public function testApiCallWithXml() { global $API; $API['api_path'] = [ 'method' => 'method', 'func' => function () { return 'some_data'; } ]; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'method'; $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'pagename=api_path.xml'; $args = DI::args()->determine($_SERVER, $_GET); self::assertEquals( 'some_data', api_call('api_path.xml', 'xml') ); } /** * Test the api_call() function with an RSS result. * * @runInSeparateProcess * @preserveGlobalState disabled */ public function testApiCallWithRss() { global $API; $API['api_path'] = [ 'method' => 'method', 'func' => function () { return 'some_data'; } ]; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'method'; $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'pagename=api_path.rss'; self::assertEquals( '' . "\n" . 'some_data', api_call('api_path.rss', 'rss') ); } /** * Test the api_call() function with an Atom result. * * @runInSeparateProcess * @preserveGlobalState disabled */ public function testApiCallWithAtom() { global $API; $API['api_path'] = [ 'method' => 'method', 'func' => function () { return 'some_data'; } ]; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'method'; $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'pagename=api_path.atom'; self::assertEquals( '' . "\n" . 'some_data', api_call('api_path.atom', 'atom') ); } /** * Test the api_rss_extra() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiRssExtra() { /* $user_info = ['url' => 'user_url', 'lang' => 'en']; $result = api_rss_extra([], $user_info); self::assertEquals($user_info, $result['$user']); self::assertEquals($user_info['url'], $result['$rss']['alternate']); self::assertArrayHasKey('self', $result['$rss']); self::assertArrayHasKey('base', $result['$rss']); self::assertArrayHasKey('updated', $result['$rss']); self::assertArrayHasKey('atom_updated', $result['$rss']); self::assertArrayHasKey('language', $result['$rss']); self::assertArrayHasKey('logo', $result['$rss']); */ } /** * Test the api_rss_extra() function without any user info. * * @return void */ public function testApiRssExtraWithoutUserInfo() { /* $result = api_rss_extra([], null); self::assertIsArray($result['$user']); self::assertArrayHasKey('alternate', $result['$rss']); self::assertArrayHasKey('self', $result['$rss']); self::assertArrayHasKey('base', $result['$rss']); self::assertArrayHasKey('updated', $result['$rss']); self::assertArrayHasKey('atom_updated', $result['$rss']); self::assertArrayHasKey('language', $result['$rss']); self::assertArrayHasKey('logo', $result['$rss']); */ } /** * Test the api_get_user() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiGetUser() { // $user = api_get_user(); // self::assertSelfUser($user); // self::assertEquals('708fa0', $user['profile_sidebar_fill_color']); // self::assertEquals('6fdbe8', $user['profile_link_color']); // self::assertEquals('ededed', $user['profile_background_color']); } /** * Test the api_get_user() function with a Frio schema. * * @return void */ public function testApiGetUserWithFrioSchema() { // $pConfig = $this->dice->create(IManagePersonalConfigValues::class); // $pConfig->set($this->selfUser['id'], 'frio', 'schema', 'red'); // $user = api_get_user(); // self::assertSelfUser($user); // self::assertEquals('708fa0', $user['profile_sidebar_fill_color']); // self::assertEquals('6fdbe8', $user['profile_link_color']); // self::assertEquals('ededed', $user['profile_background_color']); } /** * Test the api_get_user() function with an empty Frio schema. * * @return void */ public function testApiGetUserWithEmptyFrioSchema() { // $pConfig = $this->dice->create(IManagePersonalConfigValues::class); // $pConfig->set($this->selfUser['id'], 'frio', 'schema', '---'); // $user = api_get_user(); // self::assertSelfUser($user); // self::assertEquals('708fa0', $user['profile_sidebar_fill_color']); // self::assertEquals('6fdbe8', $user['profile_link_color']); // self::assertEquals('ededed', $user['profile_background_color']); } /** * Test the api_get_user() function with a custom Frio schema. * * @return void */ public function testApiGetUserWithCustomFrioSchema() { // $pConfig = $this->dice->create(IManagePersonalConfigValues::class); // $pConfig->set($this->selfUser['id'], 'frio', 'schema', '---'); // $pConfig->set($this->selfUser['id'], 'frio', 'nav_bg', '#123456'); // $pConfig->set($this->selfUser['id'], 'frio', 'link_color', '#123456'); // $pConfig->set($this->selfUser['id'], 'frio', 'background_color', '#123456'); // $user = api_get_user(); // self::assertSelfUser($user); // self::assertEquals('123456', $user['profile_sidebar_fill_color']); // self::assertEquals('123456', $user['profile_link_color']); // self::assertEquals('123456', $user['profile_background_color']); } /** * Test the api_get_user() function with an user that is not allowed to use the API. * * @runInSeparateProcess * @preserveGlobalState disabled */ public function testApiGetUserWithoutApiUser() { // api_get_user() with empty parameters is not used anymore /* $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = 'Test user'; $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = 'password'; BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); self::assertFalse(api_get_user()); */ } /** * Test the api_get_user() function with an user ID in a GET parameter. * * @return void */ public function testApiGetUserWithGetId() { // self::assertOtherUser(api_get_user()); } /** * Test the api_get_user() function with a wrong user ID in a GET parameter. * * @return void */ public function testApiGetUserWithWrongGetId() { // $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); // self::assertOtherUser(api_get_user()); } /** * Test the api_get_user() function with an user name in a GET parameter. * * @return void */ public function testApiGetUserWithGetName() { // self::assertSelfUser(api_get_user()); } /** * Test the api_get_user() function with a profile URL in a GET parameter. * * @return void */ public function testApiGetUserWithGetUrl() { // self::assertSelfUser(api_get_user()); } /** * Test the api_get_user() function with an user ID in the API path. * * @return void */ public function testApiGetUserWithNumericCalledApi() { // global $called_api; // $called_api = ['api_path']; // DI::args()->setArgv(['', $this->otherUser['id'] . '.json']); // self::assertOtherUser(api_get_user()); } /** * Test the api_get_user() function with the $called_api global variable. * * @return void */ public function testApiGetUserWithCalledApi() { // global $called_api; // $called_api = ['api', 'api_path']; // self::assertSelfUser(api_get_user()); } /** * Test the Arrays::walkRecursive() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiWalkRecursive() { $array = ['item1']; self::assertEquals( $array, Arrays::walkRecursive( $array, function () { // Should we test this with a callback that actually does something? return true; } ) ); } /** * Test the Arrays::walkRecursive() function with an array. * * @return void */ public function testApiWalkRecursiveWithArray() { $array = [['item1'], ['item2']]; self::assertEquals( $array, Arrays::walkRecursive( $array, function () { // Should we test this with a callback that actually does something? return true; } ) ); } /** * Test the BaseApi::reformatXML() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiReformatXml() { $item = true; $key = ''; self::assertTrue(ApiResponse::reformatXML($item, $key)); self::assertEquals('true', $item); } /** * Test the BaseApi::reformatXML() function with a statusnet_api key. * * @return void */ public function testApiReformatXmlWithStatusnetKey() { $item = ''; $key = 'statusnet_api'; self::assertTrue(ApiResponse::reformatXML($item, $key)); self::assertEquals('statusnet:api', $key); } /** * Test the BaseApi::reformatXML() function with a friendica_api key. * * @return void */ public function testApiReformatXmlWithFriendicaKey() { $item = ''; $key = 'friendica_api'; self::assertTrue(ApiResponse::reformatXML($item, $key)); self::assertEquals('friendica:api', $key); } /** * Test the BaseApi::createXML() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiCreateXml() { self::assertEquals( '' . "\n" . '' . "\n" . ' some_data' . "\n" . '' . "\n", DI::apiResponse()->createXML(['data' => ['some_data']], 'root_element') ); } /** * Test the BaseApi::createXML() function without any XML namespace. * * @return void */ public function testApiCreateXmlWithoutNamespaces() { self::assertEquals( '' . "\n" . '' . "\n" . ' some_data' . "\n" . '' . "\n", DI::apiResponse()->createXML(['data' => ['some_data']], 'ok') ); } /** * Test the BaseApi::formatData() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiFormatData() { $data = ['some_data']; self::assertEquals($data, DI::apiResponse()->formatData('root_element', 'json', $data)); } /** * Test the BaseApi::formatData() function with an XML result. * * @return void */ public function testApiFormatDataWithXml() { self::assertEquals( '' . "\n" . '' . "\n" . ' some_data' . "\n" . '' . "\n", DI::apiResponse()->formatData('root_element', 'xml', ['data' => ['some_data']]) ); } /** * Test the api_statuses_mediap() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiStatusesMediap() { /* DI::args()->setArgc(2); $_FILES = [ 'media' => [ 'id' => 666, 'size' => 666, 'width' => 666, 'height' => 666, 'tmp_name' => $this->getTempImage(), 'name' => 'spacer.png', 'type' => 'image/png' ] ]; $_GET['status'] = 'Status content'; $result = api_statuses_mediap('json'); self::assertStatus($result['status']); */ } /** * Test the api_statuses_mediap() function without an authenticated user. * * @return void */ public function testApiStatusesMediapWithoutAuthenticatedUser() { // $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); // BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); // $_SESSION['authenticated'] = false; // api_statuses_mediap('json'); } /** * Test the api_statuses_repeat() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiStatusesRepeat() { // $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\ForbiddenException::class); // api_statuses_repeat('json'); } /** * Test the api_statuses_repeat() function without an authenticated user. * * @return void */ public function testApiStatusesRepeatWithoutAuthenticatedUser() { // $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); // BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); // $_SESSION['authenticated'] = false; // api_statuses_repeat('json'); } /** * Test the api_statuses_repeat() function with an ID. * * @return void */ public function testApiStatusesRepeatWithId() { // DI::args()->setArgv(['', '', '', 1]); // $result = api_statuses_repeat('json'); // self::assertStatus($result['status']); // Also test with a shared status // DI::args()->setArgv(['', '', '', 5]); // $result = api_statuses_repeat('json'); // self::assertStatus($result['status']); } /** * Test the api_favorites_create_destroy() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiFavoritesCreateDestroy() { // $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); // DI::args()->setArgv(['api', '1.1', 'favorites', 'create']); // api_favorites_create_destroy('json'); } /** * Test the api_favorites_create_destroy() function with an invalid ID. * * @return void */ public function testApiFavoritesCreateDestroyWithInvalidId() { // $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); // DI::args()->setArgv(['api', '1.1', 'favorites', 'create', '12.json']); // api_favorites_create_destroy('json'); } /** * Test the api_favorites_create_destroy() function with an invalid action. * * @return void */ public function testApiFavoritesCreateDestroyWithInvalidAction() { // $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); // DI::args()->setArgv(['api', '1.1', 'favorites', 'change.json']); // $_REQUEST['id'] = 1; // api_favorites_create_destroy('json'); } /** * Test the api_favorites_create_destroy() function with the create action. * * @return void */ public function testApiFavoritesCreateDestroyWithCreateAction() { // DI::args()->setArgv(['api', '1.1', 'favorites', 'create.json']); // $_REQUEST['id'] = 3; // $result = api_favorites_create_destroy('json'); // self::assertStatus($result['status']); } /** * Test the api_favorites_create_destroy() function with the create action and an RSS result. * * @return void */ public function testApiFavoritesCreateDestroyWithCreateActionAndRss() { // DI::args()->setArgv(['api', '1.1', 'favorites', 'create.rss']); // $_REQUEST['id'] = 3; // $result = api_favorites_create_destroy('rss'); // self::assertXml($result, 'status'); } /** * Test the api_favorites_create_destroy() function with the destroy action. * * @return void */ public function testApiFavoritesCreateDestroyWithDestroyAction() { // DI::args()->setArgv(['api', '1.1', 'favorites', 'destroy.json']); // $_REQUEST['id'] = 3; // $result = api_favorites_create_destroy('json'); // self::assertStatus($result['status']); } /** * Test the api_favorites_create_destroy() function without an authenticated user. * * @return void */ public function testApiFavoritesCreateDestroyWithoutAuthenticatedUser() { /* $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); DI::args()->setArgv(['api', '1.1', 'favorites', 'create.json']); BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); $_SESSION['authenticated'] = false; api_favorites_create_destroy('json'); */ } /** * Test the api_format_messages() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiFormatMessages() { $result = api_format_messages( ['id' => 1, 'uri-id' => 1, 'title' => 'item_title', 'body' => '[b]item_body[/b]'], ['id' => 2, 'uri-id' => 2, 'screen_name' => 'recipient_name'], ['id' => 3, 'uri-id' => 2, 'screen_name' => 'sender_name'] ); self::assertEquals('item_title' . "\n" . 'item_body', $result['text']); self::assertEquals(1, $result['id']); self::assertEquals(2, $result['recipient_id']); self::assertEquals(3, $result['sender_id']); self::assertEquals('recipient_name', $result['recipient_screen_name']); self::assertEquals('sender_name', $result['sender_screen_name']); } /** * Test the api_format_messages() function with HTML. * * @return void */ public function testApiFormatMessagesWithHtmlText() { $_GET['getText'] = 'html'; $result = api_format_messages( ['id' => 1, 'uri-id' => 1, 'title' => 'item_title', 'body' => '[b]item_body[/b]'], ['id' => 2, 'uri-id' => 2, 'screen_name' => 'recipient_name'], ['id' => 3, 'uri-id' => 3, 'screen_name' => 'sender_name'] ); self::assertEquals('item_title', $result['title']); self::assertEquals('item_body', $result['text']); } /** * Test the api_format_messages() function with plain text. * * @return void */ public function testApiFormatMessagesWithPlainText() { $_GET['getText'] = 'plain'; $result = api_format_messages( ['id' => 1, 'uri-id' => 1, 'title' => 'item_title', 'body' => '[b]item_body[/b]'], ['id' => 2, 'uri-id' => 2, 'screen_name' => 'recipient_name'], ['id' => 3, 'uri-id' => 3, 'screen_name' => 'sender_name'] ); self::assertEquals('item_title', $result['title']); self::assertEquals('item_body', $result['text']); } /** * Test the api_format_messages() function with the getUserObjects GET parameter set to false. * * @return void */ public function testApiFormatMessagesWithoutUserObjects() { $_GET['getUserObjects'] = 'false'; $result = api_format_messages( ['id' => 1, 'uri-id' => 1, 'title' => 'item_title', 'body' => '[b]item_body[/b]'], ['id' => 2, 'uri-id' => 2, 'screen_name' => 'recipient_name'], ['id' => 3, 'uri-id' => 3, 'screen_name' => 'sender_name'] ); self::assertTrue(!isset($result['sender'])); self::assertTrue(!isset($result['recipient'])); } /** * Test the api_convert_item() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiConvertItem() { /* $result = api_convert_item( [ 'network' => 'feed', 'title' => 'item_title', 'uri-id' => 1, // We need a long string to test that it is correctly cut 'body' => 'perspiciatis impedit voluptatem quis molestiae ea qui ' . 'reiciendis dolorum aut ducimus sunt consequatur inventore dolor ' . 'officiis pariatur doloremque nemo culpa aut quidem qui dolore ' . 'laudantium atque commodi alias voluptatem non possimus aperiam ' . 'ipsum rerum consequuntur aut amet fugit quia aliquid praesentium ' . 'repellendus quibusdam et et inventore mollitia rerum sit autem ' . 'pariatur maiores ipsum accusantium perferendis vel sit possimus ' . 'veritatis nihil distinctio qui eum repellat officia illum quos ' . 'impedit quam iste esse unde qui suscipit aut facilis ut inventore ' . 'omnis exercitationem quo magnam consequatur maxime aut illum ' . 'soluta quaerat natus unde aspernatur et sed beatae nihil ullam ' . 'temporibus corporis ratione blanditiis perspiciatis impedit ' . 'voluptatem quis molestiae ea qui reiciendis dolorum aut ducimus ' . 'sunt consequatur inventore dolor officiis pariatur doloremque ' . 'nemo culpa aut quidem qui dolore laudantium atque commodi alias ' . 'voluptatem non possimus aperiam ipsum rerum consequuntur aut ' . 'amet fugit quia aliquid praesentium repellendus quibusdam et et ' . 'inventore mollitia rerum sit autem pariatur maiores ipsum accusantium ' . 'perferendis vel sit possimus veritatis nihil distinctio qui eum ' . 'repellat officia illum quos impedit quam iste esse unde qui ' . 'suscipit aut facilis ut inventore omnis exercitationem quo magnam ' . 'consequatur maxime aut illum soluta quaerat natus unde aspernatur ' . 'et sed beatae nihil ullam temporibus corporis ratione blanditiis', 'plink' => 'item_plink' ] ); self::assertStringStartsWith('item_title', $result['text']); self::assertStringStartsWith('


perspiciatis impedit voluptatem', $result['html']); */ } /** * Test the api_convert_item() function with an empty item body. * * @return void */ public function testApiConvertItemWithoutBody() { /* $result = api_convert_item( [ 'network' => 'feed', 'title' => 'item_title', 'uri-id' => -1, 'body' => '', 'plink' => 'item_plink' ] ); self::assertEquals("item_title", $result['text']); self::assertEquals('


item_plink', $result['html']); */ } /** * Test the api_convert_item() function with the title in the body. * * @return void */ public function testApiConvertItemWithTitleInBody() { /* $result = api_convert_item( [ 'title' => 'item_title', 'body' => 'item_title item_body', 'uri-id' => 1, ] ); self::assertEquals('item_title item_body', $result['text']); self::assertEquals('


item_title item_body', $result['html']); */ } /** * Test the api_get_attachments() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiGetAttachments() { // $body = 'body'; // self::assertEmpty(api_get_attachments($body, 0)); } /** * Test the api_get_attachments() function with an img tag. * * @return void */ public function testApiGetAttachmentsWithImage() { // $body = '[img][/img]'; // self::assertIsArray(api_get_attachments($body, 0)); } /** * Test the api_get_attachments() function with an img tag and an AndStatus user agent. * * @return void */ public function testApiGetAttachmentsWithImageAndAndStatus() { // $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'AndStatus'; // $body = '[img][/img]'; // self::assertIsArray(api_get_attachments($body, 0)); } /** * Test the api_get_entitities() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiGetEntitities() { // $text = 'text'; // self::assertIsArray(api_get_entitities($text, 'bbcode', 0)); } /** * Test the api_get_entitities() function with the include_entities parameter. * * @return void */ public function testApiGetEntititiesWithIncludeEntities() { /* $_REQUEST['include_entities'] = 'true'; $text = 'text'; $result = api_get_entitities($text, 'bbcode', 0); self::assertIsArray($result['hashtags']); self::assertIsArray($result['symbols']); self::assertIsArray($result['urls']); self::assertIsArray($result['user_mentions']); */ } /** * Test the api_format_items_embeded_images() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiFormatItemsEmbededImages() { /* self::assertEquals( 'text ' . DI::baseUrl() . '/display/item_guid', api_format_items_embeded_images(['guid' => 'item_guid'], 'text data:image/foo') ); */ } /** * Test the api_format_items_activities() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiFormatItemsActivities() { $item = ['uid' => 0, 'uri-id' => 1]; $result = DI::friendicaActivities()->createFromUriId($item['uri-id'], $item['uid']); self::assertArrayHasKey('like', $result); self::assertArrayHasKey('dislike', $result); self::assertArrayHasKey('attendyes', $result); self::assertArrayHasKey('attendno', $result); self::assertArrayHasKey('attendmaybe', $result); } /** * Test the api_format_items_activities() function with an XML result. * * @return void */ public function testApiFormatItemsActivitiesWithXml() { $item = ['uid' => 0, 'uri-id' => 1]; $result = DI::friendicaActivities()->createFromUriId($item['uri-id'], $item['uid'], 'xml'); self::assertArrayHasKey('friendica:like', $result); self::assertArrayHasKey('friendica:dislike', $result); self::assertArrayHasKey('friendica:attendyes', $result); self::assertArrayHasKey('friendica:attendno', $result); self::assertArrayHasKey('friendica:attendmaybe', $result); } /** * Test the api_format_items() function. * @doesNotPerformAssertions */ public function testApiFormatItems() { /* $items = Post::selectToArray([], ['uid' => 42]); foreach ($items as $item) { $status = api_format_item($item); self::assertStatus($status); } */ } /** * Test the api_format_items() function with an XML result. * @doesNotPerformAssertions */ public function testApiFormatItemsWithXml() { /* $items = Post::selectToArray([], ['uid' => 42]); foreach ($items as $item) { $status = api_format_item($item, 'xml'); self::assertStatus($status); } */ } /** * Test the api_lists_list() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiListsList() { $result = api_lists_list('json'); self::assertEquals(['lists_list' => []], $result); } /** * Test the api_lists_ownerships() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiListsOwnerships() { $result = api_lists_ownerships('json'); foreach ($result['lists']['lists'] as $list) { self::assertList($list); } } /** * Test the api_lists_ownerships() function without an authenticated user. * * @return void */ public function testApiListsOwnershipsWithoutAuthenticatedUser() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); $_SESSION['authenticated'] = false; api_lists_ownerships('json'); } /** * Test the api_statuses_f() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiStatusesFWithIncoming() { // $result = api_statuses_f('incoming'); // self::assertArrayHasKey('user', $result); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_new() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesNew() { $result = api_direct_messages_new('json'); self::assertNull($result); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_new() function without an authenticated user. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesNewWithoutAuthenticatedUser() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); $_SESSION['authenticated'] = false; api_direct_messages_new('json'); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_new() function with an user ID. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesNewWithUserId() { $_POST['text'] = 'message_text'; $_REQUEST['user_id'] = $this->otherUser['id']; $result = api_direct_messages_new('json'); self::assertEquals(['direct_message' => ['error' => -1]], $result); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_new() function with a screen name. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesNewWithScreenName() { $this->app->setLoggedInUserNickname($this->selfUser['nick']); $_POST['text'] = 'message_text'; $_REQUEST['user_id'] = $this->friendUser['id']; $result = api_direct_messages_new('json'); self::assertStringContainsString('message_text', $result['direct_message']['text']); self::assertEquals('selfcontact', $result['direct_message']['sender_screen_name']); self::assertEquals(1, $result['direct_message']['friendica_seen']); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_new() function with a title. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesNewWithTitle() { $this->app->setLoggedInUserNickname($this->selfUser['nick']); $_POST['text'] = 'message_text'; $_REQUEST['user_id'] = $this->friendUser['id']; $_REQUEST['title'] = 'message_title'; $result = api_direct_messages_new('json'); self::assertStringContainsString('message_text', $result['direct_message']['text']); self::assertStringContainsString('message_title', $result['direct_message']['text']); self::assertEquals('selfcontact', $result['direct_message']['sender_screen_name']); self::assertEquals(1, $result['direct_message']['friendica_seen']); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_new() function with an RSS result. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesNewWithRss() { $this->app->setLoggedInUserNickname($this->selfUser['nick']); $_POST['text'] = 'message_text'; $_REQUEST['user_id'] = $this->friendUser['id']; $result = api_direct_messages_new('rss'); self::assertXml($result, 'direct-messages'); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_destroy() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesDestroy() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); api_direct_messages_destroy('json'); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_destroy() function with the friendica_verbose GET param. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesDestroyWithVerbose() { $_GET['friendica_verbose'] = 'true'; $result = api_direct_messages_destroy('json'); self::assertEquals( [ '$result' => [ 'result' => 'error', 'message' => 'message id or parenturi not specified' ] ], $result ); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_destroy() function without an authenticated user. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesDestroyWithoutAuthenticatedUser() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); $_SESSION['authenticated'] = false; api_direct_messages_destroy('json'); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_destroy() function with a non-zero ID. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesDestroyWithId() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); $_REQUEST['id'] = 1; api_direct_messages_destroy('json'); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_destroy() with a non-zero ID and the friendica_verbose GET param. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesDestroyWithIdAndVerbose() { $_REQUEST['id'] = 1; $_REQUEST['friendica_parenturi'] = 'parent_uri'; $_GET['friendica_verbose'] = 'true'; $result = api_direct_messages_destroy('json'); self::assertEquals( [ '$result' => [ 'result' => 'error', 'message' => 'message id not in database' ] ], $result ); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_destroy() function with a non-zero ID. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesDestroyWithCorrectId() { $this->markTestIncomplete('We need to add a dataset for this.'); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_box() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesBoxWithSentbox() { $_REQUEST['page'] = -1; $_REQUEST['max_id'] = 10; $result = api_direct_messages_box('json', 'sentbox', 'false'); self::assertArrayHasKey('direct_message', $result); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_box() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesBoxWithConversation() { $result = api_direct_messages_box('json', 'conversation', 'false'); self::assertArrayHasKey('direct_message', $result); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_box() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesBoxWithAll() { $result = api_direct_messages_box('json', 'all', 'false'); self::assertArrayHasKey('direct_message', $result); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_box() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesBoxWithInbox() { $result = api_direct_messages_box('json', 'inbox', 'false'); self::assertArrayHasKey('direct_message', $result); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_box() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesBoxWithVerbose() { $result = api_direct_messages_box('json', 'sentbox', 'true'); self::assertEquals( [ '$result' => [ 'result' => 'error', 'message' => 'no mails available' ] ], $result ); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_box() function with a RSS result. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesBoxWithRss() { $result = api_direct_messages_box('rss', 'sentbox', 'false'); self::assertXml($result, 'direct-messages'); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_box() function without an authenticated user. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesBoxWithUnallowedUser() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); api_direct_messages_box('json', 'sentbox', 'false'); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_sentbox() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesSentbox() { $result = api_direct_messages_sentbox('json'); self::assertArrayHasKey('direct_message', $result); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_inbox() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesInbox() { $result = api_direct_messages_inbox('json'); self::assertArrayHasKey('direct_message', $result); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_all() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesAll() { $result = api_direct_messages_all('json'); self::assertArrayHasKey('direct_message', $result); } /** * Test the api_direct_messages_conversation() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiDirectMessagesConversation() { $result = api_direct_messages_conversation('json'); self::assertArrayHasKey('direct_message', $result); } /** * Test the api_oauth_request_token() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiOauthRequestToken() { $this->markTestIncomplete('exit() kills phpunit as well'); } /** * Test the api_oauth_access_token() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiOauthAccessToken() { $this->markTestIncomplete('exit() kills phpunit as well'); } /** * Test the api_fr_photos_list() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiFrPhotosList() { $result = api_fr_photos_list('json'); self::assertArrayHasKey('photo', $result); } /** * Test the api_fr_photos_list() function without an authenticated user. * * @return void */ public function testApiFrPhotosListWithoutAuthenticatedUser() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); $_SESSION['authenticated'] = false; api_fr_photos_list('json'); } /** * Test the api_fr_photo_create_update() function. */ public function testApiFrPhotoCreateUpdate() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); api_fr_photo_create_update('json'); } /** * Test the api_fr_photo_create_update() function without an authenticated user. * * @return void */ public function testApiFrPhotoCreateUpdateWithoutAuthenticatedUser() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); $_SESSION['authenticated'] = false; api_fr_photo_create_update('json'); } /** * Test the api_fr_photo_create_update() function with an album name. * * @return void */ public function testApiFrPhotoCreateUpdateWithAlbum() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); $_REQUEST['album'] = 'album_name'; api_fr_photo_create_update('json'); } /** * Test the api_fr_photo_create_update() function with the update mode. * * @return void */ public function testApiFrPhotoCreateUpdateWithUpdate() { $this->markTestIncomplete('We need to create a dataset for this'); } /** * Test the api_fr_photo_create_update() function with an uploaded file. * * @return void */ public function testApiFrPhotoCreateUpdateWithFile() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the api_fr_photo_detail() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiFrPhotoDetail() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); api_fr_photo_detail('json'); } /** * Test the api_fr_photo_detail() function without an authenticated user. * * @return void */ public function testApiFrPhotoDetailWithoutAuthenticatedUser() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); $_SESSION['authenticated'] = false; api_fr_photo_detail('json'); } /** * Test the api_fr_photo_detail() function with a photo ID. * * @return void */ public function testApiFrPhotoDetailWithPhotoId() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\NotFoundException::class); $_REQUEST['photo_id'] = 1; api_fr_photo_detail('json'); } /** * Test the api_fr_photo_detail() function with a correct photo ID. * * @return void */ public function testApiFrPhotoDetailCorrectPhotoId() { $this->markTestIncomplete('We need to create a dataset for this.'); } /** * Test the api_account_update_profile_image() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiAccountUpdateProfileImage() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); api_account_update_profile_image('json'); } /** * Test the api_account_update_profile_image() function without an authenticated user. * * @return void */ public function testApiAccountUpdateProfileImageWithoutAuthenticatedUser() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); $_SESSION['authenticated'] = false; api_account_update_profile_image('json'); } /** * Test the api_account_update_profile_image() function with an uploaded file. * * @return void */ public function testApiAccountUpdateProfileImageWithUpload() { $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the check_acl_input() function. * * @return void */ public function testCheckAclInput() { $result = check_acl_input('', BaseApi::getCurrentUserID()); // Where does this result come from? self::assertEquals(1, $result); } /** * Test the check_acl_input() function with an empty ACL string. * * @return void */ public function testCheckAclInputWithEmptyAclString() { $result = check_acl_input(' ', BaseApi::getCurrentUserID()); self::assertFalse($result); } /** * Test the save_media_to_database() function. * * @return void */ public function testSaveMediaToDatabase() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the post_photo_item() function. * * @return void */ public function testPostPhotoItem() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the prepare_photo_data() function. * * @return void */ public function testPreparePhotoData() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the api_share_as_retweet() function with a valid item. * * @return void */ public function testApiShareAsRetweetWithValidItem() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the api_in_reply_to() function with a valid item. * * @return void */ public function testApiInReplyToWithValidItem() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the api_clean_plain_items() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiCleanPlainItems() { $_REQUEST['include_entities'] = 'true'; $result = api_clean_plain_items('some_text [url="some_url"]some_text[/url]'); self::assertEquals('some_text [url="some_url"]"some_url"[/url]', $result); } /** * Test the api_best_nickname() function with contacts. * * @return void */ public function testApiBestNicknameWithContacts() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the api_friendica_group_show() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiFriendicaGroupShow() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the api_friendica_group_delete() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiFriendicaGroupDelete() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the api_lists_destroy() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiListsDestroy() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the group_create() function. * * @return void */ public function testGroupCreate() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the api_friendica_group_create() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiFriendicaGroupCreate() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the api_lists_create() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiListsCreate() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the api_friendica_group_update() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiFriendicaGroupUpdate() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the api_lists_update() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiListsUpdate() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the api_friendica_activity() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiFriendicaActivity() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the api_friendica_notification_seen() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiFriendicaNotificationSeen() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the api_friendica_direct_messages_setseen() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiFriendicaDirectMessagesSetseen() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } /** * Test the api_friendica_direct_messages_search() function. * * @return void */ public function testApiFriendicaDirectMessagesSearch() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } }