diff --git a/include/api.php b/include/api.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e8b3dd33..000000000
--- a/include/api.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,857 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Friendica implementation of statusnet/twitter API
- *
- * @file include/api.php
- * @todo Automatically detect if incoming data is HTML or BBCode
- */
-use Friendica\App;
-use Friendica\Core\ACL;
-use Friendica\Core\Logger;
-use Friendica\Database\DBA;
-use Friendica\DI;
-use Friendica\Model\Contact;
-use Friendica\Model\Group;
-use Friendica\Model\Photo;
-use Friendica\Model\Post;
-use Friendica\Module\BaseApi;
-use Friendica\Network\HTTPException;
-$API = [];
- * Register a function to be the endpoint for defined API path.
- *
- * @param string $path API URL path, relative to DI::baseUrl()
- * @param string $func Function name to call on path request
- */
-function api_register_func($path, $func)
- global $API;
- $API[$path] = [
- 'func' => $func,
- ];
- // Workaround for hotot
- $path = str_replace("api/", "api/1.1/", $path);
- $API[$path] = [
- 'func' => $func,
- ];
- * Main API entry point
- *
- * Authenticate user, call registered API function, set HTTP headers
- *
- * @param App\Arguments $args The app arguments (optional, will retrieved by the DI-Container in case of missing)
- * @return string|array API call result
- * @throws Exception
- */
-function api_call($command, $extension)
- global $API;
- Logger::info('Legacy API call', ['command' => $command, 'extension' => $extension]);
- try {
- foreach ($API as $p => $info) {
- if (strpos($command, $p) === 0) {
- Logger::debug(BaseApi::LOG_PREFIX . 'parameters', ['module' => 'api', 'action' => 'call', 'parameters' => $_REQUEST]);
- $stamp = microtime(true);
- $return = call_user_func($info['func'], $extension);
- $duration = floatval(microtime(true) - $stamp);
- Logger::info(BaseApi::LOG_PREFIX . 'duration {duration}', ['module' => 'api', 'action' => 'call', 'duration' => round($duration, 2)]);
- DI::profiler()->saveLog(DI::logger(), BaseApi::LOG_PREFIX . 'performance');
- if (false === $return) {
- /*
- * api function returned false withour throw an
- * exception. This should not happend, throw a 500
- */
- throw new HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException();
- }
- switch ($extension) {
- case "xml":
- header("Content-Type: text/xml");
- break;
- case "json":
- header("Content-Type: application/json");
- if (!empty($return)) {
- $json = json_encode(end($return));
- if (!empty($_GET['callback'])) {
- $json = $_GET['callback'] . "(" . $json . ")";
- }
- $return = $json;
- }
- break;
- case "rss":
- header("Content-Type: application/rss+xml");
- $return = '' . "\n" . $return;
- break;
- case "atom":
- header("Content-Type: application/atom+xml");
- $return = '' . "\n" . $return;
- break;
- }
- return $return;
- }
- }
- Logger::warning(BaseApi::LOG_PREFIX . 'not implemented', ['module' => 'api', 'action' => 'call', 'query' => DI::args()->getQueryString()]);
- throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException();
- } catch (HTTPException $e) {
- Logger::notice(BaseApi::LOG_PREFIX . 'got exception', ['module' => 'api', 'action' => 'call', 'query' => DI::args()->getQueryString(), 'error' => $e]);
- DI::apiResponse()->error($e->getCode(), $e->getDescription(), $e->getMessage(), $extension);
- }
- *
- * @param string $type
- * @param int $scale
- * @param string $photo_id
- *
- * @return array
- * @throws HTTPException\BadRequestException
- * @throws HTTPException\ForbiddenException
- * @throws ImagickException
- * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
- * @throws HTTPException\NotFoundException
- * @throws HTTPException\UnauthorizedException
- */
-function prepare_photo_data($type, $scale, $photo_id, $uid)
- $scale_sql = ($scale === false ? "" : sprintf("AND scale=%d", intval($scale)));
- $data_sql = ($scale === false ? "" : "data, ");
- // added allow_cid, allow_gid, deny_cid, deny_gid to output as string like stored in database
- // clients needs to convert this in their way for further processing
- $r = DBA::toArray(DBA::p(
- "SELECT $data_sql `resource-id`, `created`, `edited`, `title`, `desc`, `album`, `filename`,
- `type`, `height`, `width`, `datasize`, `profile`, `allow_cid`, `deny_cid`, `allow_gid`, `deny_gid`,
- MIN(`scale`) AS `minscale`, MAX(`scale`) AS `maxscale`
- FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = ? AND `resource-id` = ? $scale_sql GROUP BY
- `resource-id`, `created`, `edited`, `title`, `desc`, `album`, `filename`,
- `type`, `height`, `width`, `datasize`, `profile`, `allow_cid`, `deny_cid`, `allow_gid`, `deny_gid`",
- $uid,
- $photo_id
- ));
- $typetoext = [
- 'image/jpeg' => 'jpg',
- 'image/png' => 'png',
- 'image/gif' => 'gif'
- ];
- // prepare output data for photo
- if (DBA::isResult($r)) {
- $data = ['photo' => $r[0]];
- $data['photo']['id'] = $data['photo']['resource-id'];
- if ($scale !== false) {
- $data['photo']['data'] = base64_encode($data['photo']['data']);
- } else {
- unset($data['photo']['datasize']); //needed only with scale param
- }
- if ($type == "xml") {
- $data['photo']['links'] = [];
- for ($k = intval($data['photo']['minscale']); $k <= intval($data['photo']['maxscale']); $k++) {
- $data['photo']['links'][$k . ":link"]["@attributes"] = ["type" => $data['photo']['type'],
- "scale" => $k,
- "href" => DI::baseUrl() . "/photo/" . $data['photo']['resource-id'] . "-" . $k . "." . $typetoext[$data['photo']['type']]];
- }
- } else {
- $data['photo']['link'] = [];
- // when we have profile images we could have only scales from 4 to 6, but index of array always needs to start with 0
- $i = 0;
- for ($k = intval($data['photo']['minscale']); $k <= intval($data['photo']['maxscale']); $k++) {
- $data['photo']['link'][$i] = DI::baseUrl() . "/photo/" . $data['photo']['resource-id'] . "-" . $k . "." . $typetoext[$data['photo']['type']];
- $i++;
- }
- }
- unset($data['photo']['resource-id']);
- unset($data['photo']['minscale']);
- unset($data['photo']['maxscale']);
- } else {
- throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException();
- }
- // retrieve item element for getting activities (like, dislike etc.) related to photo
- $condition = ['uid' => $uid, 'resource-id' => $photo_id];
- $item = Post::selectFirst(['id', 'uid', 'uri', 'uri-id', 'parent', 'allow_cid', 'deny_cid', 'allow_gid', 'deny_gid'], $condition);
- if (!DBA::isResult($item)) {
- throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException('Photo-related item not found.');
- }
- $data['photo']['friendica_activities'] = DI::friendicaActivities()->createFromUriId($item['uri-id'], $item['uid'], $type);
- // retrieve comments on photo
- $condition = ["`parent` = ? AND `uid` = ? AND `gravity` IN (?, ?)",
- $item['parent'], $uid, GRAVITY_PARENT, GRAVITY_COMMENT];
- $statuses = Post::selectForUser($uid, [], $condition);
- // prepare output of comments
- $commentData = [];
- while ($status = DBA::fetch($statuses)) {
- $commentData[] = DI::twitterStatus()->createFromUriId($status['uri-id'], $status['uid'])->toArray();
- }
- DBA::close($statuses);
- $comments = [];
- if ($type == "xml") {
- $k = 0;
- foreach ($commentData as $comment) {
- $comments[$k++ . ":comment"] = $comment;
- }
- } else {
- foreach ($commentData as $comment) {
- $comments[] = $comment;
- }
- }
- $data['photo']['friendica_comments'] = $comments;
- // include info if rights on photo and rights on item are mismatching
- $rights_mismatch = $data['photo']['allow_cid'] != $item['allow_cid'] ||
- $data['photo']['deny_cid'] != $item['deny_cid'] ||
- $data['photo']['allow_gid'] != $item['allow_gid'] ||
- $data['photo']['deny_gid'] != $item['deny_gid'];
- $data['photo']['rights_mismatch'] = $rights_mismatch;
- return $data;
- */
- * Returns all lists the user subscribes to.
- *
- * @param string $type Return type (atom, rss, xml, json)
- *
- * @return array|string
- * @see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/create-manage-lists/api-reference/get-lists-list
- */
-function api_lists_list($type)
- BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_READ);
- $ret = [];
- /// @TODO $ret is not filled here?
- return DI::apiResponse()->formatData('lists', $type, ["lists_list" => $ret]);
-api_register_func('api/lists/list', 'api_lists_list', true);
-api_register_func('api/lists/subscriptions', 'api_lists_list', true);
- * Returns all groups the user owns.
- *
- * @param string $type Return type (atom, rss, xml, json)
- *
- * @return array|string
- * @throws HTTPException\BadRequestException
- * @throws HTTPException\ForbiddenException
- * @throws ImagickException
- * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
- * @throws HTTPException\UnauthorizedException
- * @see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/create-manage-lists/api-reference/get-lists-ownerships
- */
-function api_lists_ownerships($type)
- BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_READ);
- $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID();
- // params
- $user_info = DI::twitterUser()->createFromUserId($uid, true)->toArray();
- $groups = DBA::select('group', [], ['deleted' => 0, 'uid' => $uid]);
- // loop through all groups
- $lists = [];
- foreach ($groups as $group) {
- if ($group['visible']) {
- $mode = 'public';
- } else {
- $mode = 'private';
- }
- $lists[] = [
- 'name' => $group['name'],
- 'id' => intval($group['id']),
- 'id_str' => (string) $group['id'],
- 'user' => $user_info,
- 'mode' => $mode
- ];
- }
- return DI::apiResponse()->formatData("lists", $type, ['lists' => ['lists' => $lists]]);
-api_register_func('api/lists/ownerships', 'api_lists_ownerships', true);
- * list all photos of the authenticated user
- *
- * @param string $type Known types are 'atom', 'rss', 'xml' and 'json'
- * @return string|array
- * @throws HTTPException\ForbiddenException
- * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
- */
-function api_fr_photos_list($type)
- BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_READ);
- $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID();
- $r = DBA::toArray(DBA::p(
- "SELECT `resource-id`, MAX(scale) AS `scale`, `album`, `filename`, `type`, MAX(`created`) AS `created`,
- MAX(`edited`) AS `edited`, MAX(`desc`) AS `desc` FROM `photo`
- WHERE `uid` = ? AND NOT `photo-type` IN (?, ?) GROUP BY `resource-id`, `album`, `filename`, `type`",
- ));
- $typetoext = [
- 'image/jpeg' => 'jpg',
- 'image/png' => 'png',
- 'image/gif' => 'gif'
- ];
- $data = ['photo'=>[]];
- if (DBA::isResult($r)) {
- foreach ($r as $rr) {
- $photo = [];
- $photo['id'] = $rr['resource-id'];
- $photo['album'] = $rr['album'];
- $photo['filename'] = $rr['filename'];
- $photo['type'] = $rr['type'];
- $thumb = DI::baseUrl() . "/photo/" . $rr['resource-id'] . "-" . $rr['scale'] . "." . $typetoext[$rr['type']];
- $photo['created'] = $rr['created'];
- $photo['edited'] = $rr['edited'];
- $photo['desc'] = $rr['desc'];
- if ($type == "xml") {
- $data['photo'][] = ["@attributes" => $photo, "1" => $thumb];
- } else {
- $photo['thumb'] = $thumb;
- $data['photo'][] = $photo;
- }
- }
- }
- return DI::apiResponse()->formatData("photos", $type, $data);
-api_register_func('api/friendica/photos/list', 'api_fr_photos_list', true);
- * upload a new photo or change an existing photo
- *
- * @param string $type Known types are 'atom', 'rss', 'xml' and 'json'
- * @return string|array
- * @throws HTTPException\BadRequestException
- * @throws HTTPException\ForbiddenException
- * @throws ImagickException
- * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
- * @throws HTTPException\NotFoundException
- */
-function api_fr_photo_create_update($type)
- BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_WRITE);
- $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID();
- // input params
- $photo_id = $_REQUEST['photo_id'] ?? null;
- $desc = $_REQUEST['desc'] ?? null;
- $album = $_REQUEST['album'] ?? null;
- $album_new = $_REQUEST['album_new'] ?? null;
- $allow_cid = $_REQUEST['allow_cid'] ?? null;
- $deny_cid = $_REQUEST['deny_cid' ] ?? null;
- $allow_gid = $_REQUEST['allow_gid'] ?? null;
- $deny_gid = $_REQUEST['deny_gid' ] ?? null;
- // do several checks on input parameters
- // we do not allow calls without album string
- if ($album == null) {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException("no albumname specified");
- }
- // if photo_id == null --> we are uploading a new photo
- if ($photo_id == null) {
- $mode = "create";
- // error if no media posted in create-mode
- if (empty($_FILES['media'])) {
- // Output error
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException("no media data submitted");
- }
- // album_new will be ignored in create-mode
- $album_new = "";
- } else {
- $mode = "update";
- // check if photo is existing in databasei
- if (!Photo::exists(['resource-id' => $photo_id, 'uid' => $uid, 'album' => $album])) {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException("photo not available");
- }
- }
- // checks on acl strings provided by clients
- $acl_input_error = false;
- $acl_input_error |= !ACL::isValidContact($allow_cid, $uid);
- $acl_input_error |= !ACL::isValidContact($deny_cid, $uid);
- $acl_input_error |= !ACL::isValidGroup($allow_gid, $uid);
- $acl_input_error |= !ACL::isValidGroup($deny_gid, $uid);
- if ($acl_input_error) {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException("acl data invalid");
- }
- // now let's upload the new media in create-mode
- if ($mode == "create") {
- $photo = Photo::upload($uid, $_FILES['media'], $album, trim($allow_cid), trim($allow_gid), trim($deny_cid), trim($deny_gid), $desc);
- // return success of updating or error message
- if (!empty($photo)) {
- $data = prepare_photo_data($type, false, $photo['resource_id'], $uid);
- return DI::apiResponse()->formatData("photo_create", $type, $data);
- } else {
- throw new HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException("unknown error - uploading photo failed, see Friendica log for more information");
- }
- }
- // now let's do the changes in update-mode
- if ($mode == "update") {
- $updated_fields = [];
- if (!is_null($desc)) {
- $updated_fields['desc'] = $desc;
- }
- if (!is_null($album_new)) {
- $updated_fields['album'] = $album_new;
- }
- if (!is_null($allow_cid)) {
- $allow_cid = trim($allow_cid);
- $updated_fields['allow_cid'] = $allow_cid;
- }
- if (!is_null($deny_cid)) {
- $deny_cid = trim($deny_cid);
- $updated_fields['deny_cid'] = $deny_cid;
- }
- if (!is_null($allow_gid)) {
- $allow_gid = trim($allow_gid);
- $updated_fields['allow_gid'] = $allow_gid;
- }
- if (!is_null($deny_gid)) {
- $deny_gid = trim($deny_gid);
- $updated_fields['deny_gid'] = $deny_gid;
- }
- $result = false;
- if (count($updated_fields) > 0) {
- $nothingtodo = false;
- $result = Photo::update($updated_fields, ['uid' => $uid, 'resource-id' => $photo_id, 'album' => $album]);
- } else {
- $nothingtodo = true;
- }
- if (!empty($_FILES['media'])) {
- $nothingtodo = false;
- $photo = Photo::upload($uid, $_FILES['media'], $album, $allow_cid, $allow_gid, $deny_cid, $deny_gid, $desc, $photo_id);
- if (!empty($photo)) {
- $data = prepare_photo_data($type, false, $photo['resource_id'], $uid);
- return DI::apiResponse()->formatData("photo_update", $type, $data);
- }
- }
- // return success of updating or error message
- if ($result) {
- $answer = ['result' => 'updated', 'message' => 'Image id `' . $photo_id . '` has been updated.'];
- return DI::apiResponse()->formatData("photo_update", $type, ['$result' => $answer]);
- } else {
- if ($nothingtodo) {
- $answer = ['result' => 'cancelled', 'message' => 'Nothing to update for image id `' . $photo_id . '`.'];
- return DI::apiResponse()->formatData("photo_update", $type, ['$result' => $answer]);
- }
- throw new HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException("unknown error - update photo entry in database failed");
- }
- }
- throw new HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException("unknown error - this error on uploading or updating a photo should never happen");
-api_register_func('api/friendica/photo/create', 'api_fr_photo_create_update', true);
-api_register_func('api/friendica/photo/update', 'api_fr_photo_create_update', true);
- * returns the details of a specified photo id, if scale is given, returns the photo data in base 64
- *
- * @param string $type Known types are 'atom', 'rss', 'xml' and 'json'
- * @return string|array
- * @throws HTTPException\BadRequestException
- * @throws HTTPException\ForbiddenException
- * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
- * @throws HTTPException\NotFoundException
- */
-function api_fr_photo_detail($type)
- BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_READ);
- $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID();
- if (empty($_REQUEST['photo_id'])) {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException("No photo id.");
- }
- $scale = (!empty($_REQUEST['scale']) ? intval($_REQUEST['scale']) : false);
- $photo_id = $_REQUEST['photo_id'];
- // prepare json/xml output with data from database for the requested photo
- $data = prepare_photo_data($type, $scale, $photo_id, $uid);
- return DI::apiResponse()->formatData("photo_detail", $type, $data);
-api_register_func('api/friendica/photo', 'api_fr_photo_detail', true);
- * updates the profile image for the user (either a specified profile or the default profile)
- *
- * @param string $type Known types are 'atom', 'rss', 'xml' and 'json'
- *
- * @return string|array
- * @throws HTTPException\BadRequestException
- * @throws HTTPException\ForbiddenException
- * @throws ImagickException
- * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
- * @throws HTTPException\NotFoundException
- * @see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/manage-account-settings/api-reference/post-account-update_profile_image
- */
-function api_account_update_profile_image($type)
- BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_WRITE);
- $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID();
- // get mediadata from image or media (Twitter call api/account/update_profile_image provides image)
- if (!empty($_FILES['image'])) {
- $media = $_FILES['image'];
- } elseif (!empty($_FILES['media'])) {
- $media = $_FILES['media'];
- }
- // error if image data is missing
- if (empty($media)) {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException("no media data submitted");
- }
- // save new profile image
- $resource_id = Photo::uploadAvatar($uid, $media);
- if (empty($resource_id)) {
- throw new HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException("image upload failed");
- }
- // output for client
- $skip_status = $_REQUEST['skip_status'] ?? false;
- $user_info = DI::twitterUser()->createFromUserId($uid, $skip_status)->toArray();
- // "verified" isn't used here in the standard
- unset($user_info["verified"]);
- // "uid" is only needed for some internal stuff, so remove it from here
- unset($user_info['uid']);
- return DI::apiResponse()->formatData("user", $type, ['user' => $user_info]);
-api_register_func('api/account/update_profile_image', 'api_account_update_profile_image', true);
- * Return all or a specified group of the user with the containing contacts.
- *
- * @param string $type Return type (atom, rss, xml, json)
- *
- * @return array|string
- * @throws HTTPException\BadRequestException
- * @throws HTTPException\ForbiddenException
- * @throws ImagickException
- * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
- * @throws HTTPException\UnauthorizedException
- */
-function api_friendica_group_show($type)
- BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_READ);
- $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID();
- // params
- $gid = $_REQUEST['gid'] ?? 0;
- // get data of the specified group id or all groups if not specified
- if ($gid != 0) {
- $groups = DBA::selectToArray('group', [], ['deleted' => false, 'uid' => $uid, 'id' => $gid]);
- // error message if specified gid is not in database
- if (!DBA::isResult($groups)) {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException("gid not available");
- }
- } else {
- $groups = DBA::selectToArray('group', [], ['deleted' => false, 'uid' => $uid]);
- }
- // loop through all groups and retrieve all members for adding data in the user array
- $grps = [];
- foreach ($groups as $rr) {
- $members = Contact\Group::getById($rr['id']);
- $users = [];
- if ($type == "xml") {
- $user_element = "users";
- $k = 0;
- foreach ($members as $member) {
- $user = DI::twitterUser()->createFromContactId($member['contact-id'], $uid, true)->toArray();
- $users[$k++.":user"] = $user;
- }
- } else {
- $user_element = "user";
- foreach ($members as $member) {
- $user = DI::twitterUser()->createFromContactId($member['contact-id'], $uid, true)->toArray();
- $users[] = $user;
- }
- }
- $grps[] = ['name' => $rr['name'], 'gid' => $rr['id'], $user_element => $users];
- }
- return DI::apiResponse()->formatData("groups", $type, ['group' => $grps]);
-api_register_func('api/friendica/group_show', 'api_friendica_group_show', true);
- * Delete a group.
- *
- * @param string $type Return type (atom, rss, xml, json)
- *
- * @return array|string
- * @throws HTTPException\BadRequestException
- * @throws HTTPException\ForbiddenException
- * @throws ImagickException
- * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
- * @throws HTTPException\UnauthorizedException
- * @see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/create-manage-lists/api-reference/post-lists-destroy
- */
-function api_lists_destroy($type)
- BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_WRITE);
- $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID();
- // params
- $gid = $_REQUEST['list_id'] ?? 0;
- // error if no gid specified
- if ($gid == 0) {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('gid not specified');
- }
- // get data of the specified group id
- $group = DBA::selectFirst('group', [], ['uid' => $uid, 'id' => $gid]);
- // error message if specified gid is not in database
- if (!$group) {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('gid not available');
- }
- if (Group::remove($gid)) {
- $list = [
- 'name' => $group['name'],
- 'id' => intval($gid),
- 'id_str' => (string) $gid,
- 'user' => DI::twitterUser()->createFromUserId($uid, true)->toArray()
- ];
- return DI::apiResponse()->formatData("lists", $type, ['lists' => $list]);
- }
-api_register_func('api/lists/destroy', 'api_lists_destroy', true);
- * Create the specified group with the posted array of contacts.
- *
- * @param string $type Return type (atom, rss, xml, json)
- *
- * @return array|string
- * @throws HTTPException\BadRequestException
- * @throws HTTPException\ForbiddenException
- * @throws ImagickException
- * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
- * @throws HTTPException\UnauthorizedException
- */
-function api_friendica_group_create($type)
- BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_WRITE);
- $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID();
- // params
- $name = $_REQUEST['name'] ?? '';
- $json = json_decode($_POST['json'], true);
- $users = $json['user'];
- // error if no name specified
- if ($name == "") {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('group name not specified');
- }
- // error message if specified group name already exists
- if (DBA::exists('group', ['uid' => $uid, 'name' => $name, 'deleted' => false])) {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('group name already exists');
- }
- // Check if the group needs to be reactivated
- if (DBA::exists('group', ['uid' => $uid, 'name' => $name, 'deleted' => true])) {
- $reactivate_group = true;
- }
- // create group
- $ret = Group::create($uid, $name);
- if ($ret) {
- $gid = Group::getIdByName($uid, $name);
- } else {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('other API error');
- }
- // add members
- $erroraddinguser = false;
- $errorusers = [];
- foreach ($users as $user) {
- $cid = $user['cid'];
- if (DBA::exists('contact', ['id' => $cid, 'uid' => $uid])) {
- Group::addMember($gid, $cid);
- } else {
- $erroraddinguser = true;
- $errorusers[] = $cid;
- }
- }
- // return success message incl. missing users in array
- $status = ($erroraddinguser ? "missing user" : ((isset($reactivate_group) && $reactivate_group) ? "reactivated" : "ok"));
- $result = ['success' => true, 'gid' => $gid, 'name' => $name, 'status' => $status, 'wrong users' => $errorusers];
- return DI::apiResponse()->formatData("group_create", $type, ['result' => $result]);
-api_register_func('api/friendica/group_create', 'api_friendica_group_create', true);
- * Create a new group.
- *
- * @param string $type Return type (atom, rss, xml, json)
- *
- * @return array|string
- * @throws HTTPException\BadRequestException
- * @throws HTTPException\ForbiddenException
- * @throws ImagickException
- * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
- * @throws HTTPException\UnauthorizedException
- * @see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/create-manage-lists/api-reference/post-lists-create
- */
-function api_lists_create($type)
- BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_WRITE);
- $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID();
- // params
- $name = $_REQUEST['name'] ?? '';
- if ($name == "") {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('group name not specified');
- }
- // error message if specified group name already exists
- if (DBA::exists('group', ['uid' => $uid, 'name' => $name, 'deleted' => false])) {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('group name already exists');
- }
- $ret = Group::create($uid, $name);
- if ($ret) {
- $gid = Group::getIdByName($uid, $name);
- } else {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('other API error');
- }
- $grp = [
- 'name' => $name,
- 'id' => intval($gid),
- 'id_str' => (string) $gid,
- 'user' => DI::twitterUser()->createFromUserId($uid, true)->toArray()
- ];
- return DI::apiResponse()->formatData("lists", $type, ['lists' => $grp]);
-api_register_func('api/lists/create', 'api_lists_create', true);
- * Update information about a group.
- *
- * @param string $type Return type (atom, rss, xml, json)
- *
- * @return array|string
- * @throws HTTPException\BadRequestException
- * @throws HTTPException\ForbiddenException
- * @throws ImagickException
- * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
- * @throws HTTPException\UnauthorizedException
- * @see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/create-manage-lists/api-reference/post-lists-update
- */
-function api_lists_update($type)
- BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_WRITE);
- $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID();
- // params
- $gid = $_REQUEST['list_id'] ?? 0;
- $name = $_REQUEST['name'] ?? '';
- // error if no gid specified
- if ($gid == 0) {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('gid not specified');
- }
- // get data of the specified group id
- $group = DBA::selectFirst('group', [], ['uid' => $uid, 'id' => $gid]);
- // error message if specified gid is not in database
- if (!$group) {
- throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('gid not available');
- }
- if (Group::update($gid, $name)) {
- $list = [
- 'name' => $name,
- 'id' => intval($gid),
- 'id_str' => (string) $gid,
- 'user' => DI::twitterUser()->createFromUserId($uid, true)->toArray()
- ];
- return DI::apiResponse()->formatData("lists", $type, ['lists' => $list]);
- }
-api_register_func('api/lists/update', 'api_lists_update', true);
diff --git a/src/Content/Text/BBCode.php b/src/Content/Text/BBCode.php
index a3244aafc..1f638c2f5 100644
--- a/src/Content/Text/BBCode.php
+++ b/src/Content/Text/BBCode.php
@@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@ class BBCode
switch ($simplehtml) {
case self::API:
$text = ($is_quote_share? '
' : '') .
- '' . html_entity_decode('♲ ', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' ' . $author_contact['addr'] . ":
\n" .
+ '' . html_entity_decode('♲', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' ' . $author_contact['addr'] . ":
\n" .
' . $content . ''; break; case self::DIASPORA: diff --git a/src/DI.php b/src/DI.php index 89b102afc..992e2c649 100644 --- a/src/DI.php +++ b/src/DI.php @@ -270,6 +270,22 @@ abstract class DI return self::$dice->create(Factory\Api\Friendica\Activities::class); } + /** + * @return Factory\Api\Friendica\Group + */ + public static function friendicaGroup() + { + return self::$dice->create(Factory\Api\Friendica\Group::class); + } + + /** + * @return Factory\Api\Friendica\Photo + */ + public static function friendicaPhoto() + { + return self::$dice->create(Factory\Api\Friendica\Photo::class); + } + /** * @return Factory\Api\Mastodon\Account */ diff --git a/src/Factory/Api/Friendica/Group.php b/src/Factory/Api/Friendica/Group.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..945971c28 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Factory/Api/Friendica/Group.php @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +. + * + */ + +namespace Friendica\Factory\Api\Friendica; + +use Friendica\BaseFactory; +use Friendica\Database\DBA; +use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; +use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; +use Friendica\Factory\Api\Twitter\User as TwitterUser; + +class Group extends BaseFactory +{ + /** @var twitterUser entity */ + private $twitterUser; + + public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger, TwitterUser $twitteruser) + { + parent::__construct($logger); + + $this->twitterUser = $twitteruser; + } + + /** + * @param int $id id of the group + * @return array + * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException + */ + public function createFromId(int $id): array + { + $group = DBA::selectFirst('group', [], ['id' => $id, 'deleted' => false]); + if (empty($group)) { + return []; + } + + $user = $this->twitterUser->createFromUserId($group['uid'])->toArray(); + $object = new \Friendica\Object\Api\Friendica\Group($group, $user); + + return $object->toArray(); + } +} diff --git a/src/Factory/Api/Friendica/Photo.php b/src/Factory/Api/Friendica/Photo.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2a2f2be22 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Factory/Api/Friendica/Photo.php @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +. + * + */ + +namespace Friendica\Factory\Api\Friendica; + +use Friendica\App\BaseURL; +use Friendica\BaseFactory; +use Friendica\Database\DBA; +use Friendica\Factory\Api\Twitter\Status; +use Friendica\Model\Photo as ModelPhoto; +use Friendica\Model\Post; +use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; +use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; +use Friendica\Util\Images; + +class Photo extends BaseFactory +{ + /** @var BaseURL */ + private $baseUrl; + /** @var Status */ + private $status; + /** @var Activities */ + private $activities; + + public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger, BaseURL $baseURL, Status $status, Activities $activities) + { + parent::__construct($logger); + + $this->activities = $activities; + $this->status = $status; + $this->baseUrl = $baseURL; + } + + /** + * @param string $photo_id + * @param int $scale + * @param int $uid + * @param string $type + * @return Array + */ + public function createFromId(string $photo_id, int $scale = null, int $uid, string $type = 'json', bool $with_posts = true): array + { + $fields = ['resource-id', 'created', 'edited', 'title', 'desc', 'album', 'filename','type', + 'height', 'width', 'datasize', 'profile', 'allow_cid', 'deny_cid', 'allow_gid', 'deny_gid', + 'backend-class', 'backend-ref', 'id', 'scale']; + + $condition = ['uid' => $uid, 'resource-id' => $photo_id]; + if (is_int($scale)) { + $fields = array_merge(['data'], $fields); + $condition['scale'] = $scale; + } + + $photos = ModelPhoto::selectToArray($fields, $condition); + if (empty($photos)) { + throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException(); + } + $data = $photos[0]; + $data['id'] = $data['resource-id']; + if (is_int($scale)) { + $data['data'] = base64_encode(ModelPhoto::getImageDataForPhoto($data)); + } else { + unset($data['datasize']); //needed only with scale param + } + + if ($type == 'xml') { + $data['links'] = []; + } else { + $data['link'] = []; + } + + foreach ($photos as $id => $photo) { + $link = $this->baseUrl->get() . '/photo/' . $data['resource-id'] . '-' . $photo['scale'] . Images::getExtensionByMimeType($data['type']); + if ($type == 'xml') { + $data['links'][$photo['scale'] . ':link']['@attributes'] = [ + 'type' => $data['type'], + 'scale' => $photo['scale'], + 'href' => $link + ]; + } else { + $data['link'][$id] = $link; + } + } + + unset($data['backend-class']); + unset($data['backend-ref']); + unset($data['resource-id']); + unset($data['scale']); + + if ($with_posts) { + // retrieve item element for getting activities (like, dislike etc.) related to photo + $condition = ['uid' => $uid, 'resource-id' => $photo_id]; + $item = Post::selectFirst(['id', 'uid', 'uri', 'uri-id', 'parent', 'allow_cid', 'deny_cid', 'allow_gid', 'deny_gid'], $condition); + } + if (!empty($item)) { + $data['friendica_activities'] = $this->activities->createFromUriId($item['uri-id'], $item['uid'], $type); + + // retrieve comments on photo + $condition = ["`parent` = ? AND `uid` = ? AND `gravity` IN (?, ?)", + $item['parent'], $uid, GRAVITY_PARENT, GRAVITY_COMMENT]; + + $statuses = Post::selectForUser($uid, [], $condition); + + // prepare output of comments + $commentData = []; + while ($status = DBA::fetch($statuses)) { + $commentData[] = $this->status->createFromUriId($status['uri-id'], $status['uid'])->toArray(); + } + DBA::close($statuses); + + $comments = []; + if ($type == 'xml') { + $k = 0; + foreach ($commentData as $comment) { + $comments[$k++ . ':comment'] = $comment; + } + } else { + foreach ($commentData as $comment) { + $comments[] = $comment; + } + } + $data['friendica_comments'] = $comments; + + // include info if rights on photo and rights on item are mismatching + $data['rights_mismatch'] = $data['allow_cid'] != $item['allow_cid'] || + $data['deny_cid'] != $item['deny_cid'] || + $data['allow_gid'] != $item['allow_gid'] || + $data['deny_gid'] != $item['deny_gid']; + } elseif ($with_posts) { + $data['friendica_activities'] = []; + $data['friendica_comments'] = []; + $data['rights_mismatch'] = false; + } + + return $data; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Group/Create.php b/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Group/Create.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..85445588b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Group/Create.php @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +. + * + */ + +namespace Friendica\Module\Api\Friendica\Group; + +use Friendica\Database\DBA; +use Friendica\Model\Group; +use Friendica\Module\BaseApi; +use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; + +/** + * API endpoint: /api/friendica/group_create + */ +class Create extends BaseApi +{ + protected function post(array $request = []) + { + BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_WRITE); + $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID(); + + // params + $name = $_REQUEST['name'] ?? ''; + $json = json_decode($_POST['json'], true); + $users = $json['user']; + + // error if no name specified + if ($name == '') { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('group name not specified'); + } + + // error message if specified group name already exists + if (DBA::exists('group', ['uid' => $uid, 'name' => $name, 'deleted' => false])) { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('group name already exists'); + } + + // Check if the group needs to be reactivated + if (DBA::exists('group', ['uid' => $uid, 'name' => $name, 'deleted' => true])) { + $reactivate_group = true; + } + + // create group + $ret = Group::create($uid, $name); + if ($ret) { + $gid = Group::getIdByName($uid, $name); + } else { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('other API error'); + } + + // add members + $erroraddinguser = false; + $errorusers = []; + foreach ($users as $user) { + $cid = $user['cid']; + if (DBA::exists('contact', ['id' => $cid, 'uid' => $uid])) { + Group::addMember($gid, $cid); + } else { + $erroraddinguser = true; + $errorusers[] = $cid; + } + } + + // return success message incl. missing users in array + $status = ($erroraddinguser ? 'missing user' : ((isset($reactivate_group) && $reactivate_group) ? 'reactivated' : 'ok')); + + $result = ['success' => true, 'gid' => $gid, 'name' => $name, 'status' => $status, 'wrong users' => $errorusers]; + + $this->response->exit('group_create', ['$result' => $result], $this->parameters['extension'] ?? null); + } +} diff --git a/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Group/Show.php b/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Group/Show.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..62e13e08b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Group/Show.php @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +. + * + */ + +namespace Friendica\Module\Api\Friendica\Group; + +use Friendica\Database\DBA; +use Friendica\DI; +use Friendica\Model\Contact; +use Friendica\Module\BaseApi; +use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; + +/** + * API endpoint: /api/friendica/group_show + */ +class Show extends BaseApi +{ + protected function post(array $request = []) + { + BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_READ); + $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID(); + $type = $this->parameters['extension'] ?? ''; + + // params + $gid = $_REQUEST['gid'] ?? 0; + + // get data of the specified group id or all groups if not specified + if ($gid != 0) { + $groups = DBA::selectToArray('group', [], ['deleted' => false, 'uid' => $uid, 'id' => $gid]); + + // error message if specified gid is not in database + if (!DBA::isResult($groups)) { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('gid not available'); + } + } else { + $groups = DBA::selectToArray('group', [], ['deleted' => false, 'uid' => $uid]); + } + + // loop through all groups and retrieve all members for adding data in the user array + $grps = []; + foreach ($groups as $rr) { + $members = Contact\Group::getById($rr['id']); + $users = []; + + if ($type == 'xml') { + $user_element = 'users'; + $k = 0; + foreach ($members as $member) { + $user = DI::twitterUser()->createFromContactId($member['contact-id'], $uid, true)->toArray(); + $users[$k++.':user'] = $user; + } + } else { + $user_element = 'user'; + foreach ($members as $member) { + $user = DI::twitterUser()->createFromContactId($member['contact-id'], $uid, true)->toArray(); + $users[] = $user; + } + } + $grps[] = ['name' => $rr['name'], 'gid' => $rr['id'], $user_element => $users]; + } + + $this->response->exit('group_update', ['group' => $grps], $this->parameters['extension'] ?? null); + } +} diff --git a/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Photo.php b/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Photo.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a27abb371 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Photo.php @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +. + * + */ + +namespace Friendica\Module\Api\Friendica; + +use Friendica\DI; +use Friendica\Model\Contact; +use Friendica\Module\BaseApi; +use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; + +class Activity extends BaseApi +{ + protected function post(array $request = []) + { + BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_READ); + $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID(); + $type = $this->parameters['extension'] ?? ''; + + if (empty($_REQUEST['photo_id'])) { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('No photo id.'); + } + + $scale = (!empty($_REQUEST['scale']) ? intval($_REQUEST['scale']) : false); + $photo_id = $_REQUEST['photo_id']; + + // prepare json/xml output with data from database for the requested photo + $data = ['photo' => DI::friendicaPhoto()->createFromId($photo_id, $scale, $uid, $type)]; + + $this->response->exit('statuses', $data, $this->parameters['extension'] ?? null, Contact::getPublicIdByUserId($uid)); + } +} diff --git a/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Photo/Create.php b/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Photo/Create.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe99a175d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Photo/Create.php @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +. + * + */ + +namespace Friendica\Module\Api\Friendica\Photo; + +use Friendica\Core\ACL; +use Friendica\DI; +use Friendica\Model\Photo; +use Friendica\Module\BaseApi; +use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; + +/** + * API endpoint: /api/friendica/photo/create + */ +class Create extends BaseApi +{ + protected function post(array $request = []) + { + BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_WRITE); + $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID(); + $type = $this->parameters['extension'] ?? ''; + + // input params + $desc = $_REQUEST['desc'] ?? null; + $album = $_REQUEST['album'] ?? null; + $allow_cid = $_REQUEST['allow_cid'] ?? null; + $deny_cid = $_REQUEST['deny_cid' ] ?? null; + $allow_gid = $_REQUEST['allow_gid'] ?? null; + $deny_gid = $_REQUEST['deny_gid' ] ?? null; + + // do several checks on input parameters + // we do not allow calls without album string + if ($album == null) { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('no albumname specified'); + } + + // error if no media posted in create-mode + if (empty($_FILES['media'])) { + // Output error + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('no media data submitted'); + } + + // checks on acl strings provided by clients + $acl_input_error = false; + $acl_input_error |= !ACL::isValidContact($allow_cid, $uid); + $acl_input_error |= !ACL::isValidContact($deny_cid, $uid); + $acl_input_error |= !ACL::isValidGroup($allow_gid, $uid); + $acl_input_error |= !ACL::isValidGroup($deny_gid, $uid); + if ($acl_input_error) { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('acl data invalid'); + } + // now let's upload the new media in create-mode + $photo = Photo::upload($uid, $_FILES['media'], $album, trim($allow_cid), trim($allow_gid), trim($deny_cid), trim($deny_gid), $desc); + + // return success of updating or error message + if (!empty($photo)) { + $data = ['photo' => DI::friendicaPhoto()->createFromId($photo['resource_id'], null, $uid, $type)]; + $this->response->exit('photo_create', $data, $this->parameters['extension'] ?? null); + return; + } else { + throw new HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException('unknown error - uploading photo failed, see Friendica log for more information'); + } + } +} diff --git a/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Photo/Lists.php b/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Photo/Lists.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..826e32d08 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Photo/Lists.php @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +. + * + */ + +namespace Friendica\Module\Api\Friendica\Photo; + +use Friendica\Database\DBA; +use Friendica\DI; +use Friendica\Module\BaseApi; +use Friendica\Model\Contact; +use Friendica\Model\Photo; + +/** + * Returns all lists the user subscribes to. + * + * @see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/create-manage-lists/api-reference/get-lists-list + */ +class Lists extends BaseApi +{ + protected function rawContent(array $request = []) + { + BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_READ); + $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID(); + $type = $this->parameters['extension'] ?? ''; + + $photos = Photo::selectToArray(['resource-id'], ["`uid` = ? AND NOT `photo-type` IN (?, ?)", $uid, Photo::CONTACT_AVATAR, Photo::CONTACT_BANNER], + ['order' => ['id'], 'group_by' => ['resource-id']]); + + $data = ['photo' => []]; + if (DBA::isResult($photos)) { + foreach ($photos as $photo) { + $element = DI::friendicaPhoto()->createFromId($photo['resource-id'], null, $uid, 'json', false); + + $element['thumb'] = end($element['link']); + unset($element['link']); + + if ($type == 'xml') { + $thumb = $element['thumb']; + unset($element['thumb']); + $data['photo'][] = ['@attributes' => $element, '1' => $thumb]; + } else { + $data['photo'][] = $element; + } + } + } + + $this->response->exit('statuses', $data, $this->parameters['extension'] ?? null, Contact::getPublicIdByUserId($uid)); + } +} diff --git a/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Photo/Update.php b/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Photo/Update.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2b489bad3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Photo/Update.php @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +. + * + */ + +namespace Friendica\Module\Api\Friendica\Photo; + +use Friendica\Core\ACL; +use Friendica\DI; +use Friendica\Model\Photo; +use Friendica\Module\BaseApi; +use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; + +/** + * API endpoint: /api/friendica/photo/update + */ +class Update extends BaseApi +{ + protected function post(array $request = []) + { + BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_WRITE); + $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID(); + $type = $this->parameters['extension'] ?? ''; + + // input params + $photo_id = $_REQUEST['photo_id'] ?? null; + $desc = $_REQUEST['desc'] ?? null; + $album = $_REQUEST['album'] ?? null; + $album_new = $_REQUEST['album_new'] ?? null; + $allow_cid = $_REQUEST['allow_cid'] ?? null; + $deny_cid = $_REQUEST['deny_cid' ] ?? null; + $allow_gid = $_REQUEST['allow_gid'] ?? null; + $deny_gid = $_REQUEST['deny_gid' ] ?? null; + + // do several checks on input parameters + // we do not allow calls without album string + if ($album == null) { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('no albumname specified'); + } + + // check if photo is existing in databasei + if (!Photo::exists(['resource-id' => $photo_id, 'uid' => $uid, 'album' => $album])) { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('photo not available'); + } + + // checks on acl strings provided by clients + $acl_input_error = false; + $acl_input_error |= !ACL::isValidContact($allow_cid, $uid); + $acl_input_error |= !ACL::isValidContact($deny_cid, $uid); + $acl_input_error |= !ACL::isValidGroup($allow_gid, $uid); + $acl_input_error |= !ACL::isValidGroup($deny_gid, $uid); + if ($acl_input_error) { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('acl data invalid'); + } + + $updated_fields = []; + + if (!is_null($desc)) { + $updated_fields['desc'] = $desc; + } + + if (!is_null($album_new)) { + $updated_fields['album'] = $album_new; + } + + if (!is_null($allow_cid)) { + $allow_cid = trim($allow_cid); + $updated_fields['allow_cid'] = $allow_cid; + } + + if (!is_null($deny_cid)) { + $deny_cid = trim($deny_cid); + $updated_fields['deny_cid'] = $deny_cid; + } + + if (!is_null($allow_gid)) { + $allow_gid = trim($allow_gid); + $updated_fields['allow_gid'] = $allow_gid; + } + + if (!is_null($deny_gid)) { + $deny_gid = trim($deny_gid); + $updated_fields['deny_gid'] = $deny_gid; + } + + $result = false; + if (count($updated_fields) > 0) { + $nothingtodo = false; + $result = Photo::update($updated_fields, ['uid' => $uid, 'resource-id' => $photo_id, 'album' => $album]); + } else { + $nothingtodo = true; + } + + if (!empty($_FILES['media'])) { + $nothingtodo = false; + $photo = Photo::upload($uid, $_FILES['media'], $album, $allow_cid, $allow_gid, $deny_cid, $deny_gid, $desc, $photo_id); + if (!empty($photo)) { + $data = ['photo' => DI::friendicaPhoto()->createFromId($photo['resource_id'], null, $uid, $type)]; + $this->response->exit('photo_update', $data, $this->parameters['extension'] ?? null); + return; + } + } + + // return success of updating or error message + if ($result) { + $answer = ['result' => 'updated', 'message' => 'Image id `' . $photo_id . '` has been updated.']; + $this->response->exit('photo_update', ['$result' => $answer], $this->parameters['extension'] ?? null); + return; + } else { + if ($nothingtodo) { + $answer = ['result' => 'cancelled', 'message' => 'Nothing to update for image id `' . $photo_id . '`.']; + $this->response->exit('photo_update', ['$result' => $answer], $this->parameters['extension'] ?? null); + return; + } + throw new HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException('unknown error - update photo entry in database failed'); + } + + throw new HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException('unknown error - this error on uploading or updating a photo should never happen'); + } +} diff --git a/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Account/UpdateProfileImage.php b/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Account/UpdateProfileImage.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..15ca6cf92 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Account/UpdateProfileImage.php @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +. + * + */ + +namespace Friendica\Module\Api\Twitter\Account; + +use Friendica\Module\BaseApi; +use Friendica\DI; +use Friendica\Model\Photo; +use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; + +/** + * updates the profile image for the user (either a specified profile or the default profile) + * + * @see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/manage-account-settings/api-reference/post-account-update_profile_image + */ +class UpdateProfileImage extends BaseApi +{ + protected function post(array $request = []) + { + BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_WRITE); + $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID(); + + // get mediadata from image or media (Twitter call api/account/update_profile_image provides image) + if (!empty($_FILES['image'])) { + $media = $_FILES['image']; + } elseif (!empty($_FILES['media'])) { + $media = $_FILES['media']; + } + + // error if image data is missing + if (empty($media)) { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('no media data submitted'); + } + + // save new profile image + $resource_id = Photo::uploadAvatar($uid, $media); + if (empty($resource_id)) { + throw new HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException('image upload failed'); + } + + // output for client + $skip_status = $_REQUEST['skip_status'] ?? false; + + $user_info = DI::twitterUser()->createFromUserId($uid, $skip_status)->toArray(); + + // "verified" isn't used here in the standard + unset($user_info['verified']); + + // "uid" is only needed for some internal stuff, so remove it from here + unset($user_info['uid']); + + $this->response->exit('user', ['user' => $user_info], $this->parameters['extension'] ?? null); + } +} diff --git a/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Lists/Create.php b/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Lists/Create.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f39d7bbfc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Lists/Create.php @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +. + * + */ + +namespace Friendica\Module\Api\Twitter\Lists; + +use Friendica\Database\DBA; +use Friendica\DI; +use Friendica\Module\BaseApi; +use Friendica\Model\Contact; +use Friendica\Model\Group; +use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; + +/** + * Update information about a group. + * + * @see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/create-manage-lists/api-reference/post-lists-update + */ +class Create extends BaseApi +{ + protected function rawContent(array $request = []) + { + BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_WRITE); + $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID(); + + // params + $name = $_REQUEST['name'] ?? ''; + + if ($name == '') { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('group name not specified'); + } + + // error message if specified group name already exists + if (DBA::exists('group', ['uid' => $uid, 'name' => $name, 'deleted' => false])) { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('group name already exists'); + } + + $ret = Group::create($uid, $name); + if ($ret) { + $gid = Group::getIdByName($uid, $name); + } else { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('other API error'); + } + + $grp = DI::friendicaGroup()->createFromId($gid); + + $this->response->exit('statuses', ['lists' => ['lists' => $grp]], $this->parameters['extension'] ?? null, Contact::getPublicIdByUserId($uid)); + } +} diff --git a/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Lists/Destroy.php b/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Lists/Destroy.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e84cb8d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Lists/Destroy.php @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +. + * + */ + +namespace Friendica\Module\Api\Twitter\Lists; + +use Friendica\Database\DBA; +use Friendica\DI; +use Friendica\Module\BaseApi; +use Friendica\Model\Contact; +use Friendica\Model\Group; +use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; + +/** + * Delete a group. + * + * @see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/create-manage-lists/api-reference/post-lists-destroy + */ +class Destroy extends BaseApi +{ + protected function rawContent(array $request = []) + { + BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_WRITE); + $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID(); + + // params + $gid = $_REQUEST['list_id'] ?? 0; + + // error if no gid specified + if ($gid == 0) { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('gid not specified'); + } + + // get data of the specified group id + $group = DBA::selectFirst('group', [], ['uid' => $uid, 'id' => $gid]); + // error message if specified gid is not in database + if (!$group) { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('gid not available'); + } + + $list = DI::friendicaGroup()->createFromId($gid); + + if (Group::remove($gid)) { + $this->response->exit('statuses', ['lists' => ['lists' => $list]], $this->parameters['extension'] ?? null, Contact::getPublicIdByUserId($uid)); + } + } +} diff --git a/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Index.php b/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Lists/Lists.php similarity index 63% rename from src/Module/Api/Friendica/Index.php rename to src/Module/Api/Twitter/Lists/Lists.php index c3eeda23b..09d740bb6 100644 --- a/src/Module/Api/Friendica/Index.php +++ b/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Lists/Lists.php @@ -19,32 +19,25 @@ * */ -namespace Friendica\Module\Api\Friendica; +namespace Friendica\Module\Api\Twitter\Lists; -use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Module\BaseApi; -require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../include/api.php'; +use Friendica\Model\Contact; /** - * api/friendica + * Returns all lists the user subscribes to. * - * @package Friendica\Module\Api\Friendica + * @see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/create-manage-lists/api-reference/get-lists-list */ -class Index extends BaseApi +class Lists extends BaseApi { - protected function post(array $request = []) - { - self::checkAllowedScope(self::SCOPE_WRITE); - } - - protected function delete(array $request = []) - { - self::checkAllowedScope(self::SCOPE_WRITE); - } - protected function rawContent(array $request = []) { - echo api_call(DI::args()->getCommand(), $this->parameters['extension'] ?? 'json'); - exit(); + BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_READ); + $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID(); + + // This is a dummy endpoint + $ret = []; + $this->response->exit('statuses', ["lists_list" => $ret], $this->parameters['extension'] ?? null, Contact::getPublicIdByUserId($uid)); } } diff --git a/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Lists/Ownership.php b/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Lists/Ownership.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..57aa2855f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Lists/Ownership.php @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +. + * + */ + +namespace Friendica\Module\Api\Twitter\Lists; + +use Friendica\Database\DBA; +use Friendica\DI; +use Friendica\Module\BaseApi; +use Friendica\Model\Contact; + +/** + * Returns all groups the user owns. + * + * @see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/create-manage-lists/api-reference/get-lists-ownerships + */ +class Ownership extends BaseApi +{ + protected function rawContent(array $request = []) + { + BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_READ); + $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID(); + + $groups = DBA::select('group', [], ['deleted' => false, 'uid' => $uid]); + + // loop through all groups + $lists = []; + foreach ($groups as $group) { + $lists[] = DI::friendicaGroup()->createFromId($group['id']); + } + + $this->response->exit('statuses', ['lists' => ['lists' => $lists]], $this->parameters['extension'] ?? null, Contact::getPublicIdByUserId($uid)); + } +} diff --git a/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Lists/Update.php b/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Lists/Update.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e78ae2744 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Module/Api/Twitter/Lists/Update.php @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +. + * + */ + +namespace Friendica\Module\Api\Twitter\Lists; + +use Friendica\Database\DBA; +use Friendica\DI; +use Friendica\Module\BaseApi; +use Friendica\Model\Contact; +use Friendica\Model\Group; +use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; + +/** + * Update information about a group. + * + * @see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/create-manage-lists/api-reference/post-lists-update + */ +class Update extends BaseApi +{ + protected function rawContent(array $request = []) + { + BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_WRITE); + $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID(); + + // params + $gid = $_REQUEST['list_id'] ?? 0; + $name = $_REQUEST['name'] ?? ''; + + // error if no gid specified + if ($gid == 0) { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('gid not specified'); + } + + // get data of the specified group id + $group = DBA::selectFirst('group', [], ['uid' => $uid, 'id' => $gid]); + // error message if specified gid is not in database + if (!$group) { + throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('gid not available'); + } + + if (Group::update($gid, $name)) { + $list = DI::friendicaGroup()->createFromId($gid); + + $this->response->exit('statuses', ['lists' => ['lists' => $list]], $this->parameters['extension'] ?? null, Contact::getPublicIdByUserId($uid)); + } + } +} diff --git a/src/Object/Api/Friendica/Group.php b/src/Object/Api/Friendica/Group.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..36dd6df6c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Object/Api/Friendica/Group.php @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +. + * + */ + +namespace Friendica\Object\Api\Friendica; + +use Friendica\BaseDataTransferObject; + +/** + * Class Group + * + * + */ +class Group extends BaseDataTransferObject +{ + /** @var string */ + protected $name; + /** @var int */ + protected $id; + /** @var string */ + protected $id_str; + /** @var array */ + protected $user; + /** @var string */ + protected $mode; + + /** + * Creates an Group entity array + * + * @param array $group + * @param array $user + * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException + */ + public function __construct(array $group, array $user) + { + $this->name = $group['name']; + $this->id = $group['id']; + $this->id_str = (string)$group['id']; + $this->user = $user; + $this->mode = $group['visible'] ? 'public' : 'private'; + } +} diff --git a/src/Util/Images.php b/src/Util/Images.php index cd4704dce..077509d3c 100644 --- a/src/Util/Images.php +++ b/src/Util/Images.php @@ -46,6 +46,30 @@ class Images return $m; } + /** + * Return file extension for mime type + * @param string $mimetype + * @return string + */ + public static function getExtensionByMimeType(string $mimetype): string + { + switch ($mimetype) { + case 'image/png': + $imagetype = IMAGETYPE_PNG; + break; + + case 'image/gif': + $imagetype = IMAGETYPE_GIF; + break; + + default: + $imagetype = IMAGETYPE_JPEG; + break; + } + + return image_type_to_extension($imagetype); + } + /** * Returns supported image mimetypes and corresponding file extensions * diff --git a/src/Util/ParseUrl.php b/src/Util/ParseUrl.php index c1fcff28e..04afc927b 100644 --- a/src/Util/ParseUrl.php +++ b/src/Util/ParseUrl.php @@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ class ParseUrl $curlResult = DI::httpClient()->get($url, [HttpClientOptions::CONTENT_LENGTH => 1000000]); if (!$curlResult->isSuccess() || empty($curlResult->getBody())) { + Logger::info('Empty body or error when fetching', ['url' => $url, 'success' => $curlResult->isSuccess(), 'code' => $curlResult->getReturnCode()]); return $siteinfo; } diff --git a/static/routes.config.php b/static/routes.config.php index 63c968c6c..758462ca0 100644 --- a/static/routes.config.php +++ b/static/routes.config.php @@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ $profileRoutes = [ $apiRoutes = [ '/account' => [ - '/verify_credentials[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Account\VerifyCredentials::class, [R::GET ]], - '/rate_limit_status[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Account\RateLimitStatus::class, [R::GET ]], - '/update_profile[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Account\UpdateProfile ::class, [ R::POST]], - '/update_profile_image[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Index::class, [ R::POST]], + '/verify_credentials[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Account\VerifyCredentials::class, [R::GET ]], + '/rate_limit_status[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Account\RateLimitStatus::class, [R::GET ]], + '/update_profile[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Account\UpdateProfile ::class, [ R::POST]], + '/update_profile_image[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Account\UpdateProfileImage::class, [ R::POST]], ], '/blocks/ids[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Blocks\Ids::class, [R::GET ]], @@ -80,18 +80,18 @@ $apiRoutes = [ '/direct_messages_setseen[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\DirectMessages\Setseen::class, [ R::POST]], '/direct_messages_search[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\DirectMessages\Search ::class, [R::GET ]], '/events[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Events\Index::class, [R::GET ]], - '/group_show[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Index::class, [R::GET ]], - '/group_create[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Index::class, [ R::POST]], + '/group_show[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Group\Show::class, [R::GET ]], + '/group_create[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Group\Create::class, [ R::POST]], '/group_delete[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Group\Delete::class, [ R::POST]], '/group_update[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Group\Update::class, [ R::POST]], '/profile/show[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Profile\Show::class, [R::GET ]], '/photoalbum/delete[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Photoalbum\Delete::class, [ R::POST]], '/photoalbum/update[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Photoalbum\Update::class, [ R::POST]], - '/photos/list[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Index::class, [R::GET ]], - '/photo/create[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Index::class, [ R::POST]], + '/photos/list[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Photo\Lists::class, [R::GET ]], + '/photo/create[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Photo\Create::class, [ R::POST]], '/photo/delete[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Photo\Delete::class, [ R::POST]], - '/photo/update[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Index::class, [ R::POST]], - '/photo[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Index::class, [R::GET ]], + '/photo/update[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Photo\Update::class, [ R::POST]], + '/photo[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Photo::class, [R::GET ]], ], '/gnusocial/config[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\GNUSocial\GNUSocial\Config::class, [R::GET ]], @@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ $apiRoutes = [ '/help/test[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\GNUSocial\Help\Test::class, [R::GET ]], '/lists' => [ - '/create[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Index::class, [ R::POST]], - '/destroy[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Index::class, [ R::POST]], - '/list[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Index::class, [R::GET ]], - '/ownerships[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Index::class, [R::GET ]], - '/statuses[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Lists\Statuses::class, [R::GET ]], - '/subscriptions[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Index::class, [R::GET ]], - '/update[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Index::class, [ R::POST]], + '/create[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Lists\Create::class, [ R::POST]], + '/destroy[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Lists\Destroy::class, [ R::POST]], + '/list[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Lists\Lists::class, [R::GET ]], + '/ownerships[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Lists\Ownership::class, [R::GET ]], + '/statuses[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Lists\Statuses::class, [R::GET ]], + '/subscriptions[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Friendica\Lists\Lists::class, [R::GET ]], + '/update[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Lists\Update::class, [ R::POST]], ], '/media/upload[.{extension:json|xml|rss|atom}]' => [Module\Api\Twitter\Media\Upload::class, [ R::POST]], diff --git a/tests/legacy/ApiTest.php b/tests/legacy/ApiTest.php index 075459d0e..597f432ff 100644 --- a/tests/legacy/ApiTest.php +++ b/tests/legacy/ApiTest.php @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ namespace Friendica\Test\legacy; use Friendica\App; -use Friendica\Core\ACL; use Friendica\Core\Config\Capability\IManageConfigValues; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Module\BaseApi; @@ -129,37 +128,6 @@ class ApiTest extends FixtureTest BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID($this->selfUser['id']); } - /** - * Assert that a list array contains expected keys. - * - * @param array $list List array - * - * @return void - */ - private function assertList(array $list = []) - { - self::assertIsString($list['name']); - self::assertIsInt($list['id']); - self::assertIsString('string', $list['id_str']); - self::assertContains($list['mode'], ['public', 'private']); - // We could probably do more checks here. - } - - /** - * Assert that the string is XML and contain the root element. - * - * @param string $result XML string - * @param string $root_element Root element name - * - * @return void - */ - private function assertXml($result = '', $root_element = '') - { - self::assertStringStartsWith('', $result); - self::assertStringContainsString('<' . $root_element, $result); - // We could probably do more checks here. - } - /** * Test the api_user() function. * @@ -214,26 +182,6 @@ class ApiTest extends FixtureTest self::assertEquals('Wed Oct 10 00:00:00 +0000 1990', DateTimeFormat::utc('1990-10-10', DateTimeFormat::API)); } - /** - * Test the api_register_func() function. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiRegisterFunc() - { - global $API; - self::assertNull( - api_register_func( - 'api_path', - function () { - }, - true, - 'method' - ) - ); - self::assertTrue(is_callable($API['api_path']['func'])); - } - /** * Test the BasicAuth::getCurrentUserID() function without any login. * @@ -312,166 +260,6 @@ class ApiTest extends FixtureTest BasicAuth::getCurrentUserID(true); } - /** - * Test the api_call() function. - * - * @runInSeparateProcess - * @preserveGlobalState disabled - */ - public function testApiCall() - { - global $API; - $API['api_path'] = [ - 'method' => 'method', - 'func' => function () { - return ['data' => ['some_data']]; - } - ]; - $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'method'; - $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'pagename=api_path'; - $_GET['callback'] = 'callback_name'; - - self::assertEquals( - 'callback_name(["some_data"])', - api_call('api_path', 'json') - ); - } - - /** - * Test the api_call() function with the profiled enabled. - * - * @runInSeparateProcess - * @preserveGlobalState disabled - */ - public function testApiCallWithProfiler() - { - global $API; - $API['api_path'] = [ - 'method' => 'method', - 'func' => function () { - return ['data' => ['some_data']]; - } - ]; - - $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'method'; - $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'pagename=api_path'; - - $this->config->set('system', 'profiler', true); - $this->config->set('rendertime', 'callstack', true); - $this->app->callstack = [ - 'database' => ['some_function' => 200], - 'database_write' => ['some_function' => 200], - 'cache' => ['some_function' => 200], - 'cache_write' => ['some_function' => 200], - 'network' => ['some_function' => 200] - ]; - - self::assertEquals( - '["some_data"]', - api_call('api_path', 'json') - ); - } - - /** - * Test the api_call() function with a JSON result. - * - * @runInSeparateProcess - * @preserveGlobalState disabled - */ - public function testApiCallWithJson() - { - global $API; - $API['api_path'] = [ - 'method' => 'method', - 'func' => function () { - return ['data' => ['some_data']]; - } - ]; - $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'method'; - $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'pagename=api_path.json'; - - self::assertEquals( - '["some_data"]', - api_call('api_path.json', 'json') - ); - } - - /** - * Test the api_call() function with an XML result. - * - * @runInSeparateProcess - * @preserveGlobalState disabled - */ - public function testApiCallWithXml() - { - global $API; - $API['api_path'] = [ - 'method' => 'method', - 'func' => function () { - return 'some_data'; - } - ]; - $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'method'; - $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'pagename=api_path.xml'; - - $args = DI::args()->determine($_SERVER, $_GET); - - self::assertEquals( - 'some_data', - api_call('api_path.xml', 'xml') - ); - } - - /** - * Test the api_call() function with an RSS result. - * - * @runInSeparateProcess - * @preserveGlobalState disabled - */ - public function testApiCallWithRss() - { - global $API; - $API['api_path'] = [ - 'method' => 'method', - 'func' => function () { - return 'some_data'; - } - ]; - $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'method'; - $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'pagename=api_path.rss'; - - self::assertEquals( - '' . "\n" . - 'some_data', - api_call('api_path.rss', 'rss') - ); - } - - /** - * Test the api_call() function with an Atom result. - * - * @runInSeparateProcess - * @preserveGlobalState disabled - */ - public function testApiCallWithAtom() - { - global $API; - $API['api_path'] = [ - 'method' => 'method', - 'func' => function () { - return 'some_data'; - } - ]; - $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'method'; - $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'pagename=api_path.atom'; - - self::assertEquals( - '' . "\n" . - 'some_data', - api_call('api_path.atom', 'atom') - ); - } - /** * Test the Arrays::walkRecursive() function. * @@ -511,290 +299,4 @@ class ApiTest extends FixtureTest ) ); } - - /** - * Test the api_lists_list() function. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiListsList() - { - $result = api_lists_list('json'); - self::assertEquals(['lists_list' => []], $result); - } - - /** - * Test the api_lists_ownerships() function. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiListsOwnerships() - { - $result = api_lists_ownerships('json'); - foreach ($result['lists']['lists'] as $list) { - self::assertList($list); - } - } - - /** - * Test the api_lists_ownerships() function without an authenticated user. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiListsOwnershipsWithoutAuthenticatedUser() - { - $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); - BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); - $_SESSION['authenticated'] = false; - api_lists_ownerships('json'); - } - - /** - * Test the api_fr_photos_list() function. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiFrPhotosList() - { - $result = api_fr_photos_list('json'); - self::assertArrayHasKey('photo', $result); - } - - /** - * Test the api_fr_photos_list() function without an authenticated user. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiFrPhotosListWithoutAuthenticatedUser() - { - $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); - BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); - $_SESSION['authenticated'] = false; - api_fr_photos_list('json'); - } - - /** - * Test the api_fr_photo_create_update() function. - */ - public function testApiFrPhotoCreateUpdate() - { - $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); - api_fr_photo_create_update('json'); - } - - /** - * Test the api_fr_photo_create_update() function without an authenticated user. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiFrPhotoCreateUpdateWithoutAuthenticatedUser() - { - $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); - BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); - $_SESSION['authenticated'] = false; - api_fr_photo_create_update('json'); - } - - /** - * Test the api_fr_photo_create_update() function with an album name. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiFrPhotoCreateUpdateWithAlbum() - { - $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); - $_REQUEST['album'] = 'album_name'; - api_fr_photo_create_update('json'); - } - - /** - * Test the api_fr_photo_create_update() function with the update mode. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiFrPhotoCreateUpdateWithUpdate() - { - $this->markTestIncomplete('We need to create a dataset for this'); - } - - /** - * Test the api_fr_photo_create_update() function with an uploaded file. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiFrPhotoCreateUpdateWithFile() - { - $this->markTestIncomplete(); - } - - /** - * Test the api_fr_photo_detail() function. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiFrPhotoDetail() - { - $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); - api_fr_photo_detail('json'); - } - - /** - * Test the api_fr_photo_detail() function without an authenticated user. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiFrPhotoDetailWithoutAuthenticatedUser() - { - $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); - BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); - $_SESSION['authenticated'] = false; - api_fr_photo_detail('json'); - } - - /** - * Test the api_fr_photo_detail() function with a photo ID. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiFrPhotoDetailWithPhotoId() - { - $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\NotFoundException::class); - $_REQUEST['photo_id'] = 1; - api_fr_photo_detail('json'); - } - - /** - * Test the api_fr_photo_detail() function with a correct photo ID. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiFrPhotoDetailCorrectPhotoId() - { - $this->markTestIncomplete('We need to create a dataset for this.'); - } - - /** - * Test the api_account_update_profile_image() function. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiAccountUpdateProfileImage() - { - $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); - api_account_update_profile_image('json'); - } - - /** - * Test the api_account_update_profile_image() function without an authenticated user. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiAccountUpdateProfileImageWithoutAuthenticatedUser() - { - $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\UnauthorizedException::class); - BasicAuth::setCurrentUserID(); - $_SESSION['authenticated'] = false; - api_account_update_profile_image('json'); - } - - /** - * Test the api_account_update_profile_image() function with an uploaded file. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiAccountUpdateProfileImageWithUpload() - { - $this->expectException(\Friendica\Network\HTTPException\BadRequestException::class); - $this->markTestIncomplete(); - } - - /** - * Test the save_media_to_database() function. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testSaveMediaToDatabase() - { - $this->markTestIncomplete(); - } - - /** - * Test the post_photo_item() function. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testPostPhotoItem() - { - $this->markTestIncomplete(); - } - - /** - * Test the prepare_photo_data() function. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testPreparePhotoData() - { - $this->markTestIncomplete(); - } - - /** - * Test the api_friendica_group_show() function. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiFriendicaGroupShow() - { - $this->markTestIncomplete(); - } - - /** - * Test the api_lists_destroy() function. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiListsDestroy() - { - $this->markTestIncomplete(); - } - - /** - * Test the group_create() function. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testGroupCreate() - { - $this->markTestIncomplete(); - } - - /** - * Test the api_friendica_group_create() function. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiFriendicaGroupCreate() - { - $this->markTestIncomplete(); - } - - /** - * Test the api_lists_create() function. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiListsCreate() - { - $this->markTestIncomplete(); - } - - /** - * Test the api_lists_update() function. - * - * @return void - */ - public function testApiListsUpdate() - { - $this->markTestIncomplete(); - } }