<?php /** * @file src/Protocol/diaspora.php * @brief The implementation of the diaspora protocol * * The new protocol is described here: http://diaspora.github.io/diaspora_federation/index.html * This implementation here interprets the old and the new protocol and sends the new one. * In the future we will remove most stuff from "validPosting" and interpret only the new protocol. */ namespace Friendica\Protocol; use Friendica\Content\Text\BBCode; use Friendica\Content\Text\Markdown; use Friendica\Core\Cache; use Friendica\Core\Config; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Core\PConfig; use Friendica\Core\System; use Friendica\Core\Worker; use Friendica\Database\DBM; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\GContact; use Friendica\Model\Group; use Friendica\Model\Item; use Friendica\Model\Profile; use Friendica\Model\Queue; use Friendica\Model\User; use Friendica\Network\Probe; use Friendica\Util\Crypto; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; use Friendica\Util\Network; use Friendica\Util\XML; use Friendica\Util\Map; use dba; use SimpleXMLElement; require_once 'include/dba.php'; require_once 'include/items.php'; /** * @brief This class contain functions to create and send Diaspora XML files * */ class Diaspora { /** * @brief Return a list of relay servers * * The list contains not only the official relays but also servers that we serve directly * * @param integer $item_id The id of the item that is sent * @return array of relay servers */ public static function relayList($item_id) { $serverlist = []; // Fetching relay servers $serverdata = Config::get("system", "relay_server"); if ($serverdata != "") { $servers = explode(",", $serverdata); foreach ($servers as $server) { $serverlist[$server] = trim($server); } } if (Config::get("system", "relay_directly", false)) { // Servers that want to get all content $servers = dba::select('gserver', ['url'], ['relay-subscribe' => true, 'relay-scope' => 'all']); while ($server = dba::fetch($servers)) { $serverlist[$server['url']] = $server['url']; } // All tags of the current post $condition = ['otype' => TERM_OBJ_POST, 'type' => TERM_HASHTAG, 'oid' => $item_id]; $tags = dba::select('term', ['term'], $condition); $taglist = []; while ($tag = dba::fetch($tags)) { $taglist[] = $tag['term']; } // All servers who wants content with this tag $tagserverlist = []; if (!empty($taglist)) { $tagserver = dba::select('gserver-tag', ['gserver-id'], ['tag' => $taglist]); while ($server = dba::fetch($tagserver)) { $tagserverlist[] = $server['gserver-id']; } } // All adresses with the given id if (!empty($tagserverlist)) { $servers = dba::select('gserver', ['url'], ['relay-subscribe' => true, 'relay-scope' => 'tags', 'id' => $tagserverlist]); while ($server = dba::fetch($servers)) { $serverlist[$server['url']] = $server['url']; } } } // Now we are collecting all relay contacts $contacts = []; foreach ($serverlist as $server_url) { // We don't send messages to ourselves if (!link_compare($server_url, System::baseUrl())) { $cid = self::getRelayContactId($server_url); if (!is_bool($cid)) { $contacts[] = $cid; } } } return $contacts; } /** * @brief Return a contact for a given server address or creates a dummy entry * * @param string $server_url The url of the server * @return array with the contact */ private static function getRelayContactId($server_url) { $batch = $server_url . '/receive/public'; $fields = ['batch', 'id', 'name', 'network', 'archive', 'blocked']; // Fetch the relay contact $condition = ['uid' => 0, 'network' => NETWORK_DIASPORA, 'batch' => $batch, 'contact-type' => ACCOUNT_TYPE_RELAY]; $contact = dba::selectFirst('contact', $fields, $condition); // If there is nothing found, we check if there is some unmarked relay // This code segment can be removed before the release 2018-05 if (!DBM::is_result($contact)) { $condition = ['uid' => 0, 'network' => NETWORK_DIASPORA, 'batch' => $batch, 'name' => 'relay', 'nick' => 'relay', 'url' => $server_url]; $contact = dba::selectFirst('contact', $fields, $condition); if (DBM::is_result($contact)) { // Mark the relay account as a relay account $fields = ['contact-type' => ACCOUNT_TYPE_RELAY]; dba::update('contact', $fields, ['id' => $contact['id']]); } } if (DBM::is_result($contact)) { if ($contact['archive'] || $contact['blocked']) { return false; } return $contact; } else { $fields = ['uid' => 0, 'created' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(), 'name' => 'relay', 'nick' => 'relay', 'url' => $server_url, 'nurl' => normalise_link($server_url), 'batch' => $batch, 'network' => NETWORK_DIASPORA, 'rel' => CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER, 'blocked' => false, 'contact-type' => ACCOUNT_TYPE_RELAY, 'pending' => false, 'writable' => true]; dba::insert('contact', $fields); $fields = ['batch', 'id', 'name', 'network']; $contact = dba::selectFirst('contact', $fields, $condition); if (DBM::is_result($contact)) { return $contact; } } // It should never happen that we arrive here return []; } /** * @brief Return a list of participating contacts for a thread * * This is used for the participation feature. * One of the parameters is a contact array. * This is done to avoid duplicates. * * @param integer $thread The id of the thread * @param array $contacts The previously fetched contacts * * @return array of relay servers */ public static function participantsForThread($thread, $contacts) { $r = dba::p("SELECT `contact`.`batch`, `contact`.`id`, `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`network`, `fcontact`.`batch` AS `fbatch`, `fcontact`.`network` AS `fnetwork` FROM `participation` INNER JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `participation`.`cid` INNER JOIN `fcontact` ON `fcontact`.`id` = `participation`.`fid` WHERE `participation`.`iid` = ?", $thread); while ($contact = dba::fetch($r)) { if (!empty($contact['fnetwork'])) { $contact['network'] = $contact['fnetwork']; } unset($contact['fnetwork']); if (empty($contact['batch']) && !empty($contact['fbatch'])) { $contact['batch'] = $contact['fbatch']; } unset($contact['fbatch']); $exists = false; foreach ($contacts as $entry) { if ($entry['batch'] == $contact['batch']) { $exists = true; } } if (!$exists) { $contacts[] = $contact; } } dba::close($r); return $contacts; } /** * @brief repairs a signature that was double encoded * * The function is unused at the moment. It was copied from the old implementation. * * @param string $signature The signature * @param string $handle The handle of the signature owner * @param integer $level This value is only set inside this function to avoid endless loops * * @return string the repaired signature */ private static function repairSignature($signature, $handle = "", $level = 1) { if ($signature == "") { return ($signature); } if (base64_encode(base64_decode(base64_decode($signature))) == base64_decode($signature)) { $signature = base64_decode($signature); logger("Repaired double encoded signature from Diaspora/Hubzilla handle ".$handle." - level ".$level, LOGGER_DEBUG); // Do a recursive call to be able to fix even multiple levels if ($level < 10) { $signature = self::repairSignature($signature, $handle, ++$level); } } return($signature); } /** * @brief verify the envelope and return the verified data * * @param string $envelope The magic envelope * * @return string verified data */ private static function verifyMagicEnvelope($envelope) { $basedom = XML::parseString($envelope); if (!is_object($basedom)) { logger("Envelope is no XML file"); return false; } $children = $basedom->children('http://salmon-protocol.org/ns/magic-env'); if (sizeof($children) == 0) { logger("XML has no children"); return false; } $handle = ""; $data = base64url_decode($children->data); $type = $children->data->attributes()->type[0]; $encoding = $children->encoding; $alg = $children->alg; $sig = base64url_decode($children->sig); $key_id = $children->sig->attributes()->key_id[0]; if ($key_id != "") { $handle = base64url_decode($key_id); } $b64url_data = base64url_encode($data); $msg = str_replace(["\n", "\r", " ", "\t"], ["", "", "", ""], $b64url_data); $signable_data = $msg.".".base64url_encode($type).".".base64url_encode($encoding).".".base64url_encode($alg); if ($handle == '') { logger('No author could be decoded. Discarding. Message: ' . $envelope); return false; } $key = self::key($handle); if ($key == '') { logger("Couldn't get a key for handle " . $handle . ". Discarding."); return false; } $verify = Crypto::rsaVerify($signable_data, $sig, $key); if (!$verify) { logger('Message from ' . $handle . ' did not verify. Discarding.'); return false; } return $data; } /** * @brief encrypts data via AES * * @param string $key The AES key * @param string $iv The IV (is used for CBC encoding) * @param string $data The data that is to be encrypted * * @return string encrypted data */ private static function aesEncrypt($key, $iv, $data) { return openssl_encrypt($data, 'aes-256-cbc', str_pad($key, 32, "\0"), OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, str_pad($iv, 16, "\0")); } /** * @brief decrypts data via AES * * @param string $key The AES key * @param string $iv The IV (is used for CBC encoding) * @param string $encrypted The encrypted data * * @return string decrypted data */ private static function aesDecrypt($key, $iv, $encrypted) { return openssl_decrypt($encrypted, 'aes-256-cbc', str_pad($key, 32, "\0"), OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, str_pad($iv, 16, "\0")); } /** * @brief: Decodes incoming Diaspora message in the new format * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param string $raw raw post message * * @return array * 'message' -> decoded Diaspora XML message * 'author' -> author diaspora handle * 'key' -> author public key (converted to pkcs#8) */ public static function decodeRaw($importer, $raw) { $data = json_decode($raw); // Is it a private post? Then decrypt the outer Salmon if (is_object($data)) { $encrypted_aes_key_bundle = base64_decode($data->aes_key); $ciphertext = base64_decode($data->encrypted_magic_envelope); $outer_key_bundle = ''; @openssl_private_decrypt($encrypted_aes_key_bundle, $outer_key_bundle, $importer['prvkey']); $j_outer_key_bundle = json_decode($outer_key_bundle); if (!is_object($j_outer_key_bundle)) { logger('Outer Salmon did not verify. Discarding.'); System::httpExit(400); } $outer_iv = base64_decode($j_outer_key_bundle->iv); $outer_key = base64_decode($j_outer_key_bundle->key); $xml = self::aesDecrypt($outer_key, $outer_iv, $ciphertext); } else { $xml = $raw; } $basedom = XML::parseString($xml); if (!is_object($basedom)) { logger('Received data does not seem to be an XML. Discarding. '.$xml); System::httpExit(400); } $base = $basedom->children(NAMESPACE_SALMON_ME); // Not sure if this cleaning is needed $data = str_replace([" ", "\t", "\r", "\n"], ["", "", "", ""], $base->data); // Build the signed data $type = $base->data[0]->attributes()->type[0]; $encoding = $base->encoding; $alg = $base->alg; $signed_data = $data.'.'.base64url_encode($type).'.'.base64url_encode($encoding).'.'.base64url_encode($alg); // This is the signature $signature = base64url_decode($base->sig); // Get the senders' public key $key_id = $base->sig[0]->attributes()->key_id[0]; $author_addr = base64_decode($key_id); if ($author_addr == '') { logger('No author could be decoded. Discarding. Message: ' . $xml); System::httpExit(400); } $key = self::key($author_addr); if ($key == '') { logger("Couldn't get a key for handle " . $author_addr . ". Discarding."); System::httpExit(400); } $verify = Crypto::rsaVerify($signed_data, $signature, $key); if (!$verify) { logger('Message did not verify. Discarding.'); System::httpExit(400); } return ['message' => (string)base64url_decode($base->data), 'author' => unxmlify($author_addr), 'key' => (string)$key]; } /** * @brief: Decodes incoming Diaspora message in the deprecated format * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param string $xml urldecoded Diaspora salmon * * @return array * 'message' -> decoded Diaspora XML message * 'author' -> author diaspora handle * 'key' -> author public key (converted to pkcs#8) */ public static function decode($importer, $xml) { $public = false; $basedom = XML::parseString($xml); if (!is_object($basedom)) { logger("XML is not parseable."); return false; } $children = $basedom->children('https://joindiaspora.com/protocol'); $inner_aes_key = null; $inner_iv = null; if ($children->header) { $public = true; $author_link = str_replace('acct:', '', $children->header->author_id); } else { // This happens with posts from a relais if (!$importer) { logger("This is no private post in the old format", LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } $encrypted_header = json_decode(base64_decode($children->encrypted_header)); $encrypted_aes_key_bundle = base64_decode($encrypted_header->aes_key); $ciphertext = base64_decode($encrypted_header->ciphertext); $outer_key_bundle = ''; openssl_private_decrypt($encrypted_aes_key_bundle, $outer_key_bundle, $importer['prvkey']); $j_outer_key_bundle = json_decode($outer_key_bundle); $outer_iv = base64_decode($j_outer_key_bundle->iv); $outer_key = base64_decode($j_outer_key_bundle->key); $decrypted = self::aesDecrypt($outer_key, $outer_iv, $ciphertext); logger('decrypted: '.$decrypted, LOGGER_DEBUG); $idom = XML::parseString($decrypted); $inner_iv = base64_decode($idom->iv); $inner_aes_key = base64_decode($idom->aes_key); $author_link = str_replace('acct:', '', $idom->author_id); } $dom = $basedom->children(NAMESPACE_SALMON_ME); // figure out where in the DOM tree our data is hiding $base = null; if ($dom->provenance->data) { $base = $dom->provenance; } elseif ($dom->env->data) { $base = $dom->env; } elseif ($dom->data) { $base = $dom; } if (!$base) { logger('unable to locate salmon data in xml'); System::httpExit(400); } // Stash the signature away for now. We have to find their key or it won't be good for anything. $signature = base64url_decode($base->sig); // unpack the data // strip whitespace so our data element will return to one big base64 blob $data = str_replace([" ", "\t", "\r", "\n"], ["", "", "", ""], $base->data); // stash away some other stuff for later $type = $base->data[0]->attributes()->type[0]; $keyhash = $base->sig[0]->attributes()->keyhash[0]; $encoding = $base->encoding; $alg = $base->alg; $signed_data = $data.'.'.base64url_encode($type).'.'.base64url_encode($encoding).'.'.base64url_encode($alg); // decode the data $data = base64url_decode($data); if ($public) { $inner_decrypted = $data; } else { // Decode the encrypted blob $inner_encrypted = base64_decode($data); $inner_decrypted = self::aesDecrypt($inner_aes_key, $inner_iv, $inner_encrypted); } if (!$author_link) { logger('Could not retrieve author URI.'); System::httpExit(400); } // Once we have the author URI, go to the web and try to find their public key // (first this will look it up locally if it is in the fcontact cache) // This will also convert diaspora public key from pkcs#1 to pkcs#8 logger('Fetching key for '.$author_link); $key = self::key($author_link); if (!$key) { logger('Could not retrieve author key.'); System::httpExit(400); } $verify = Crypto::rsaVerify($signed_data, $signature, $key); if (!$verify) { logger('Message did not verify. Discarding.'); System::httpExit(400); } logger('Message verified.'); return ['message' => (string)$inner_decrypted, 'author' => unxmlify($author_link), 'key' => (string)$key]; } /** * @brief Dispatches public messages and find the fitting receivers * * @param array $msg The post that will be dispatched * * @return int The message id of the generated message, "true" or "false" if there was an error */ public static function dispatchPublic($msg) { $enabled = intval(Config::get("system", "diaspora_enabled")); if (!$enabled) { logger("diaspora is disabled"); return false; } if (!($postdata = self::validPosting($msg))) { logger("Invalid posting"); return false; } $fields = $postdata['fields']; // Is it a an action (comment, like, ...) for our own post? if (isset($fields->parent_guid) && !$postdata["relayed"]) { $guid = notags(unxmlify($fields->parent_guid)); $importer = self::importerForGuid($guid); if (is_array($importer)) { logger("delivering to origin: ".$importer["name"]); $message_id = self::dispatch($importer, $msg, $fields); return $message_id; } } // Process item retractions. This has to be done separated from the other stuff, // since retractions for comments could come even from non followers. if (!empty($fields) && in_array($fields->getName(), ['retraction'])) { $target = notags(unxmlify($fields->target_type)); if (in_array($target, ["Comment", "Like", "Post", "Reshare", "StatusMessage"])) { logger('processing retraction for '.$target, LOGGER_DEBUG); $importer = ["uid" => 0, "page-flags" => PAGE_FREELOVE]; $message_id = self::dispatch($importer, $msg, $fields); return $message_id; } } // Now distribute it to the followers $r = q( "SELECT `user`.* FROM `user` WHERE `user`.`uid` IN (SELECT `contact`.`uid` FROM `contact` WHERE `contact`.`network` = '%s' AND `contact`.`addr` = '%s') AND NOT `account_expired` AND NOT `account_removed`", dbesc(NETWORK_DIASPORA), dbesc($msg["author"]) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { foreach ($r as $rr) { logger("delivering to: ".$rr["username"]); self::dispatch($rr, $msg, $fields); } } elseif (!Config::get('system', 'relay_subscribe', false)) { logger("Unwanted message from ".$msg["author"]." send by ".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]." with ".$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].": ".print_r($msg, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); } else { // Use a dummy importer to import the data for the public copy $importer = ["uid" => 0, "page-flags" => PAGE_FREELOVE]; $message_id = self::dispatch($importer, $msg, $fields); } return $message_id; } /** * @brief Dispatches the different message types to the different functions * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param array $msg The post that will be dispatched * @param object $fields SimpleXML object that contains the message * * @return int The message id of the generated message, "true" or "false" if there was an error */ public static function dispatch($importer, $msg, $fields = null) { // The sender is the handle of the contact that sent the message. // This will often be different with relayed messages (for example "like" and "comment") $sender = $msg["author"]; // This is only needed for private postings since this is already done for public ones before if (is_null($fields)) { if (!($postdata = self::validPosting($msg))) { logger("Invalid posting"); return false; } $fields = $postdata['fields']; } $type = $fields->getName(); logger("Received message type ".$type." from ".$sender." for user ".$importer["uid"], LOGGER_DEBUG); switch ($type) { case "account_migration": return self::receiveAccountMigration($importer, $fields); case "account_deletion": return self::receiveAccountDeletion($importer, $fields); case "comment": return self::receiveComment($importer, $sender, $fields, $msg["message"]); case "contact": return self::receiveContactRequest($importer, $fields); case "conversation": return self::receiveConversation($importer, $msg, $fields); case "like": return self::receiveLike($importer, $sender, $fields); case "message": return self::receiveMessage($importer, $fields); case "participation": return self::receiveParticipation($importer, $fields); case "photo": // Not implemented return self::receivePhoto($importer, $fields); case "poll_participation": // Not implemented return self::receivePollParticipation($importer, $fields); case "profile": return self::receiveProfile($importer, $fields); case "reshare": return self::receiveReshare($importer, $fields, $msg["message"]); case "retraction": return self::receiveRetraction($importer, $sender, $fields); case "status_message": return self::receiveStatusMessage($importer, $fields, $msg["message"]); default: logger("Unknown message type ".$type); return false; } return true; } /** * @brief Checks if a posting is valid and fetches the data fields. * * This function does not only check the signature. * It also does the conversion between the old and the new diaspora format. * * @param array $msg Array with the XML, the sender handle and the sender signature * * @return bool|array If the posting is valid then an array with an SimpleXML object is returned */ private static function validPosting($msg) { $data = XML::parseString($msg["message"]); if (!is_object($data)) { logger("No valid XML ".$msg["message"], LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } // Is this the new or the old version? if ($data->getName() == "XML") { $oldXML = true; foreach ($data->post->children() as $child) { $element = $child; } } else { $oldXML = false; $element = $data; } $type = $element->getName(); $orig_type = $type; logger("Got message type ".$type.": ".$msg["message"], LOGGER_DATA); // All retractions are handled identically from now on. // In the new version there will only be "retraction". if (in_array($type, ["signed_retraction", "relayable_retraction"])) $type = "retraction"; if ($type == "request") { $type = "contact"; } $fields = new SimpleXMLElement("<".$type."/>"); $signed_data = ""; $author_signature = null; $parent_author_signature = null; foreach ($element->children() as $fieldname => $entry) { if ($oldXML) { // Translation for the old XML structure if ($fieldname == "diaspora_handle") { $fieldname = "author"; } if ($fieldname == "participant_handles") { $fieldname = "participants"; } if (in_array($type, ["like", "participation"])) { if ($fieldname == "target_type") { $fieldname = "parent_type"; } } if ($fieldname == "sender_handle") { $fieldname = "author"; } if ($fieldname == "recipient_handle") { $fieldname = "recipient"; } if ($fieldname == "root_diaspora_id") { $fieldname = "root_author"; } if ($type == "status_message") { if ($fieldname == "raw_message") { $fieldname = "text"; } } if ($type == "retraction") { if ($fieldname == "post_guid") { $fieldname = "target_guid"; } if ($fieldname == "type") { $fieldname = "target_type"; } } } if (($fieldname == "author_signature") && ($entry != "")) { $author_signature = base64_decode($entry); } elseif (($fieldname == "parent_author_signature") && ($entry != "")) { $parent_author_signature = base64_decode($entry); } elseif (!in_array($fieldname, ["author_signature", "parent_author_signature", "target_author_signature"])) { if ($signed_data != "") { $signed_data .= ";"; } $signed_data .= $entry; } if (!in_array($fieldname, ["parent_author_signature", "target_author_signature"]) || ($orig_type == "relayable_retraction") ) { XML::copy($entry, $fields, $fieldname); } } // This is something that shouldn't happen at all. if (in_array($type, ["status_message", "reshare", "profile"])) { if ($msg["author"] != $fields->author) { logger("Message handle is not the same as envelope sender. Quitting this message."); return false; } } // Only some message types have signatures. So we quit here for the other types. if (!in_array($type, ["comment", "like"])) { return ["fields" => $fields, "relayed" => false]; } // No author_signature? This is a must, so we quit. if (!isset($author_signature)) { logger("No author signature for type ".$type." - Message: ".$msg["message"], LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } if (isset($parent_author_signature)) { $relayed = true; $key = self::key($msg["author"]); if (!Crypto::rsaVerify($signed_data, $parent_author_signature, $key, "sha256")) { logger("No valid parent author signature for parent author ".$msg["author"]. " in type ".$type." - signed data: ".$signed_data." - Message: ".$msg["message"]." - Signature ".$parent_author_signature, LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } } else { $relayed = false; } $key = self::key($fields->author); if (!Crypto::rsaVerify($signed_data, $author_signature, $key, "sha256")) { logger("No valid author signature for author ".$fields->author. " in type ".$type." - signed data: ".$signed_data." - Message: ".$msg["message"]." - Signature ".$author_signature, LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } else { return ["fields" => $fields, "relayed" => $relayed]; } } /** * @brief Fetches the public key for a given handle * * @param string $handle The handle * * @return string The public key */ private static function key($handle) { $handle = strval($handle); logger("Fetching diaspora key for: ".$handle); $r = self::personByHandle($handle); if ($r) { return $r["pubkey"]; } return ""; } /** * @brief Fetches data for a given handle * * @param string $handle The handle * * @return array the queried data */ public static function personByHandle($handle) { $update = false; $person = dba::selectFirst('fcontact', [], ['network' => NETWORK_DIASPORA, 'addr' => $handle]); if (DBM::is_result($person)) { logger("In cache " . print_r($person, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); // update record occasionally so it doesn't get stale $d = strtotime($person["updated"]." +00:00"); if ($d < strtotime("now - 14 days")) { $update = true; } if ($person["guid"] == "") { $update = true; } } if (!DBM::is_result($person) || $update) { logger("create or refresh", LOGGER_DEBUG); $r = Probe::uri($handle, NETWORK_DIASPORA); // Note that Friendica contacts will return a "Diaspora person" // if Diaspora connectivity is enabled on their server if ($r && ($r["network"] === NETWORK_DIASPORA)) { self::addFContact($r, $update); // Fetch the updated or added contact $person = dba::selectFirst('fcontact', [], ['network' => NETWORK_DIASPORA, 'addr' => $handle]); if (!DBM::is_result($person)) { $person = $r; } } } return $person; } /** * @brief Updates the fcontact table * * @param array $arr The fcontact data * @param bool $update Update or insert? * * @return string The id of the fcontact entry */ private static function addFContact($arr, $update = false) { if ($update) { $r = q( "UPDATE `fcontact` SET `name` = '%s', `photo` = '%s', `request` = '%s', `nick` = '%s', `addr` = '%s', `guid` = '%s', `batch` = '%s', `notify` = '%s', `poll` = '%s', `confirm` = '%s', `alias` = '%s', `pubkey` = '%s', `updated` = '%s' WHERE `url` = '%s' AND `network` = '%s'", dbesc($arr["name"]), dbesc($arr["photo"]), dbesc($arr["request"]), dbesc($arr["nick"]), dbesc(strtolower($arr["addr"])), dbesc($arr["guid"]), dbesc($arr["batch"]), dbesc($arr["notify"]), dbesc($arr["poll"]), dbesc($arr["confirm"]), dbesc($arr["alias"]), dbesc($arr["pubkey"]), dbesc(DateTimeFormat::utcNow()), dbesc($arr["url"]), dbesc($arr["network"]) ); } else { $r = q( "INSERT INTO `fcontact` (`url`,`name`,`photo`,`request`,`nick`,`addr`, `guid`, `batch`, `notify`,`poll`,`confirm`,`network`,`alias`,`pubkey`,`updated`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", dbesc($arr["url"]), dbesc($arr["name"]), dbesc($arr["photo"]), dbesc($arr["request"]), dbesc($arr["nick"]), dbesc($arr["addr"]), dbesc($arr["guid"]), dbesc($arr["batch"]), dbesc($arr["notify"]), dbesc($arr["poll"]), dbesc($arr["confirm"]), dbesc($arr["network"]), dbesc($arr["alias"]), dbesc($arr["pubkey"]), dbesc(DateTimeFormat::utcNow()) ); } return $r; } /** * @brief get a handle (user@domain.tld) from a given contact id * * @param int $contact_id The id in the contact table * @param int $pcontact_id The id in the contact table (Used for the public contact) * * @return string the handle */ private static function handleFromContact($contact_id, $pcontact_id = 0) { $handle = false; logger("contact id is ".$contact_id." - pcontact id is ".$pcontact_id, LOGGER_DEBUG); if ($pcontact_id != 0) { $r = q( "SELECT `addr` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `addr` != ''", intval($pcontact_id) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { return strtolower($r[0]["addr"]); } } $r = q( "SELECT `network`, `addr`, `self`, `url`, `nick` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d", intval($contact_id) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { $contact = $r[0]; logger("contact 'self' = ".$contact['self']." 'url' = ".$contact['url'], LOGGER_DEBUG); if ($contact['addr'] != "") { $handle = $contact['addr']; } else { $baseurl_start = strpos($contact['url'], '://') + 3; // allows installations in a subdirectory--not sure how Diaspora will handle $baseurl_length = strpos($contact['url'], '/profile') - $baseurl_start; $baseurl = substr($contact['url'], $baseurl_start, $baseurl_length); $handle = $contact['nick'].'@'.$baseurl; } } return strtolower($handle); } /** * @brief get a url (scheme://domain.tld/u/user) from a given Diaspora* * fcontact guid * * @param mixed $fcontact_guid Hexadecimal string guid * * @return string the contact url or null */ public static function urlFromContactGuid($fcontact_guid) { logger("fcontact guid is ".$fcontact_guid, LOGGER_DEBUG); $r = q( "SELECT `url` FROM `fcontact` WHERE `url` != '' AND `network` = '%s' AND `guid` = '%s'", dbesc(NETWORK_DIASPORA), dbesc($fcontact_guid) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { return $r[0]['url']; } return null; } /** * @brief Get a contact id for a given handle * * @todo Move to Friendica\Model\Contact * * @param int $uid The user id * @param string $handle The handle in the format user@domain.tld * * @return int Contact id */ private static function contactByHandle($uid, $handle) { // First do a direct search on the contact table $r = q( "SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `addr` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($uid), dbesc($handle) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { return $r[0]; } else { /* * We haven't found it? * We use another function for it that will possibly create a contact entry. */ $cid = Contact::getIdForURL($handle, $uid); if ($cid > 0) { /// @TODO Contact retrieval should be encapsulated into an "entity" class like `Contact` $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($cid)); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { return $r[0]; } } } $handle_parts = explode("@", $handle); $nurl_sql = "%%://".$handle_parts[1]."%%/profile/".$handle_parts[0]; $r = q( "SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `network` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d AND `nurl` LIKE '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN), intval($uid), dbesc($nurl_sql) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { return $r[0]; } logger("Haven't found contact for user ".$uid." and handle ".$handle, LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } /** * @brief Check if posting is allowed for this contact * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param array $contact The contact that is checked * @param bool $is_comment Is the check for a comment? * * @return bool is the contact allowed to post? */ private static function postAllow($importer, $contact, $is_comment = false) { /* * Perhaps we were already sharing with this person. Now they're sharing with us. * That makes us friends. * Normally this should have handled by getting a request - but this could get lost */ // It is deactivated by now, due to side effects. See issue https://github.com/friendica/friendica/pull/4033 // It is not removed by now. Possibly the code is needed? //if (!$is_comment && $contact["rel"] == CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER && in_array($importer["page-flags"], array(PAGE_FREELOVE))) { // dba::update( // 'contact', // array('rel' => CONTACT_IS_FRIEND, 'writable' => true), // array('id' => $contact["id"], 'uid' => $contact["uid"]) // ); // // $contact["rel"] = CONTACT_IS_FRIEND; // logger("defining user ".$contact["nick"]." as friend"); //} // We don't seem to like that person if ($contact["blocked"] || $contact["readonly"]) { // Maybe blocked, don't accept. return false; // We are following this person? } elseif (($contact["rel"] == CONTACT_IS_SHARING) || ($contact["rel"] == CONTACT_IS_FRIEND)) { // Yes, then it is fine. return true; // Is it a post to a community? } elseif (($contact["rel"] == CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER) && ($importer["page-flags"] == PAGE_COMMUNITY)) { // That's good return true; // Is the message a global user or a comment? } elseif (($importer["uid"] == 0) || $is_comment) { // Messages for the global users and comments are always accepted return true; } return false; } /** * @brief Fetches the contact id for a handle and checks if posting is allowed * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param string $handle The checked handle in the format user@domain.tld * @param bool $is_comment Is the check for a comment? * * @return array The contact data */ private static function allowedContactByHandle($importer, $handle, $is_comment = false) { $contact = self::contactByHandle($importer["uid"], $handle); if (!$contact) { logger("A Contact for handle ".$handle." and user ".$importer["uid"]." was not found"); // If a contact isn't found, we accept it anyway if it is a comment if ($is_comment) { return $importer; } else { return false; } } if (!self::postAllow($importer, $contact, $is_comment)) { logger("The handle: ".$handle." is not allowed to post to user ".$importer["uid"]); return false; } return $contact; } /** * @brief Does the message already exists on the system? * * @param int $uid The user id * @param string $guid The guid of the message * * @return int|bool message id if the message already was stored into the system - or false. */ private static function messageExists($uid, $guid) { $r = q( "SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `guid` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($uid), dbesc($guid) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { logger("message ".$guid." already exists for user ".$uid); return $r[0]["id"]; } return false; } /** * @brief Checks for links to posts in a message * * @param array $item The item array * @return void */ private static function fetchGuid($item) { $expression = "=diaspora://.*?/post/([0-9A-Za-z\-_@.:]{15,254}[0-9A-Za-z])=ism"; preg_replace_callback( $expression, function ($match) use ($item) { self::fetchGuidSub($match, $item); }, $item["body"] ); preg_replace_callback( "&\[url=/posts/([^\[\]]*)\](.*)\[\/url\]&Usi", function ($match) use ($item) { self::fetchGuidSub($match, $item); }, $item["body"] ); } /** * @brief Checks for relative /people/* links in an item body to match local * contacts or prepends the remote host taken from the author link. * * @param string $body The item body to replace links from * @param string $author_link The author link for missing local contact fallback * * @return string the replaced string */ public static function replacePeopleGuid($body, $author_link) { $return = preg_replace_callback( "&\[url=/people/([^\[\]]*)\](.*)\[\/url\]&Usi", function ($match) use ($author_link) { // $match // 0 => '[url=/people/0123456789abcdef]Foo Bar[/url]' // 1 => '0123456789abcdef' // 2 => 'Foo Bar' $handle = self::urlFromContactGuid($match[1]); if ($handle) { $return = '@[url='.$handle.']'.$match[2].'[/url]'; } else { // No local match, restoring absolute remote URL from author scheme and host $author_url = parse_url($author_link); $return = '[url='.$author_url['scheme'].'://'.$author_url['host'].'/people/'.$match[1].']'.$match[2].'[/url]'; } return $return; }, $body ); return $return; } /** * @brief sub function of "fetchGuid" which checks for links in messages * * @param array $match array containing a link that has to be checked for a message link * @param array $item The item array * @return void */ private static function fetchGuidSub($match, $item) { if (!self::storeByGuid($match[1], $item["author-link"])) { self::storeByGuid($match[1], $item["owner-link"]); } } /** * @brief Fetches an item with a given guid from a given server * * @param string $guid the message guid * @param string $server The server address * @param int $uid The user id of the user * * @return int the message id of the stored message or false */ private static function storeByGuid($guid, $server, $uid = 0) { $serverparts = parse_url($server); $server = $serverparts["scheme"]."://".$serverparts["host"]; logger("Trying to fetch item ".$guid." from ".$server, LOGGER_DEBUG); $msg = self::message($guid, $server); if (!$msg) { return false; } logger("Successfully fetched item ".$guid." from ".$server, LOGGER_DEBUG); // Now call the dispatcher return self::dispatchPublic($msg); } /** * @brief Fetches a message from a server * * @param string $guid message guid * @param string $server The url of the server * @param int $level Endless loop prevention * * @return array * 'message' => The message XML * 'author' => The author handle * 'key' => The public key of the author */ private static function message($guid, $server, $level = 0) { if ($level > 5) { return false; } // This will work for new Diaspora servers and Friendica servers from 3.5 $source_url = $server."/fetch/post/".urlencode($guid); logger("Fetch post from ".$source_url, LOGGER_DEBUG); $envelope = Network::fetchUrl($source_url); if ($envelope) { logger("Envelope was fetched.", LOGGER_DEBUG); $x = self::verifyMagicEnvelope($envelope); if (!$x) { logger("Envelope could not be verified.", LOGGER_DEBUG); } else { logger("Envelope was verified.", LOGGER_DEBUG); } } else { $x = false; } // This will work for older Diaspora and Friendica servers if (!$x) { $source_url = $server."/p/".urlencode($guid).".xml"; logger("Fetch post from ".$source_url, LOGGER_DEBUG); $x = Network::fetchUrl($source_url); if (!$x) { return false; } } $source_xml = XML::parseString($x); if (!is_object($source_xml)) { return false; } if ($source_xml->post->reshare) { // Reshare of a reshare - old Diaspora version logger("Message is a reshare", LOGGER_DEBUG); return self::message($source_xml->post->reshare->root_guid, $server, ++$level); } elseif ($source_xml->getName() == "reshare") { // Reshare of a reshare - new Diaspora version logger("Message is a new reshare", LOGGER_DEBUG); return self::message($source_xml->root_guid, $server, ++$level); } $author = ""; // Fetch the author - for the old and the new Diaspora version if ($source_xml->post->status_message->diaspora_handle) { $author = (string)$source_xml->post->status_message->diaspora_handle; } elseif ($source_xml->author && ($source_xml->getName() == "status_message")) { $author = (string)$source_xml->author; } // If this isn't a "status_message" then quit if (!$author) { logger("Message doesn't seem to be a status message", LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } $msg = ["message" => $x, "author" => $author]; $msg["key"] = self::key($msg["author"]); return $msg; } /** * @brief Fetches the item record of a given guid * * @param int $uid The user id * @param string $guid message guid * @param string $author The handle of the item * @param array $contact The contact of the item owner * * @return array the item record */ private static function parentItem($uid, $guid, $author, $contact) { $r = q( "SELECT `id`, `parent`, `body`, `wall`, `uri`, `guid`, `private`, `origin`, `author-name`, `author-link`, `author-avatar`, `owner-name`, `owner-link`, `owner-avatar` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `guid` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($uid), dbesc($guid) ); if (!$r) { $result = self::storeByGuid($guid, $contact["url"], $uid); if (!$result) { $person = self::personByHandle($author); $result = self::storeByGuid($guid, $person["url"], $uid); } if ($result) { logger("Fetched missing item ".$guid." - result: ".$result, LOGGER_DEBUG); $r = q( "SELECT `id`, `body`, `wall`, `uri`, `private`, `origin`, `author-name`, `author-link`, `author-avatar`, `owner-name`, `owner-link`, `owner-avatar` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `guid` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($uid), dbesc($guid) ); } } if (!$r) { logger("parent item not found: parent: ".$guid." - user: ".$uid); return false; } else { logger("parent item found: parent: ".$guid." - user: ".$uid); return $r[0]; } } /** * @brief returns contact details * * @param array $def_contact The default contact if the person isn't found * @param array $person The record of the person * @param int $uid The user id * * @return array * 'cid' => contact id * 'network' => network type */ private static function authorContactByUrl($def_contact, $person, $uid) { $condition = ['nurl' => normalise_link($person["url"]), 'uid' => $uid]; $contact = dba::selectFirst('contact', ['id', 'network'], $condition); if (DBM::is_result($contact)) { $cid = $contact["id"]; $network = $contact["network"]; } else { $cid = $def_contact["id"]; $network = NETWORK_DIASPORA; } return ["cid" => $cid, "network" => $network]; } /** * @brief Is the profile a hubzilla profile? * * @param string $url The profile link * * @return bool is it a hubzilla server? */ public static function isRedmatrix($url) { return(strstr($url, "/channel/")); } /** * @brief Generate a post link with a given handle and message guid * * @param string $addr The user handle * @param string $guid message guid * @param string $parent_guid optional parent guid * * @return string the post link */ private static function plink($addr, $guid, $parent_guid = '') { $r = q("SELECT `url`, `nick`, `network` FROM `fcontact` WHERE `addr`='%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($addr)); // Fallback if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { if ($parent_guid != '') { return "https://".substr($addr, strpos($addr, "@") + 1) . "/posts/" . $parent_guid . "#" . $guid; } else { return "https://".substr($addr, strpos($addr, "@") + 1) . "/posts/" . $guid; } } // Friendica contacts are often detected as Diaspora contacts in the "fcontact" table // So we try another way as well. $s = q("SELECT `network` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `nurl`='%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc(normalise_link($r[0]["url"]))); if (DBM::is_result($s)) { $r[0]["network"] = $s[0]["network"]; } if ($r[0]["network"] == NETWORK_DFRN) { return str_replace("/profile/".$r[0]["nick"]."/", "/display/".$guid, $r[0]["url"]."/"); } if (self::isRedmatrix($r[0]["url"])) { return $r[0]["url"]."/?f=&mid=".$guid; } if ($parent_guid != '') { return "https://".substr($addr, strpos($addr, "@") + 1) . "/posts/" . $parent_guid . "#" . $guid; } else { return "https://".substr($addr, strpos($addr, "@") + 1) . "/posts/" . $guid; } } /** * @brief Receives account migration * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param object $data The message object * * @return bool Success */ private static function receiveAccountMigration($importer, $data) { $old_handle = notags(unxmlify($data->author)); $new_handle = notags(unxmlify($data->profile->author)); $signature = notags(unxmlify($data->signature)); $contact = self::contactByHandle($importer["uid"], $old_handle); if (!$contact) { logger("cannot find contact for sender: ".$old_handle." and user ".$importer["uid"]); return false; } logger("Got migration for ".$old_handle.", to ".$new_handle." with user ".$importer["uid"]); // Check signature $signed_text = 'AccountMigration:'.$old_handle.':'.$new_handle; $key = self::key($old_handle); if (!Crypto::rsaVerify($signed_text, $signature, $key, "sha256")) { logger('No valid signature for migration.'); return false; } // Update the profile self::receiveProfile($importer, $data->profile); // change the technical stuff in contact and gcontact $data = Probe::uri($new_handle); if ($data['network'] == NETWORK_PHANTOM) { logger('Account for '.$new_handle." couldn't be probed."); return false; } $fields = ['url' => $data['url'], 'nurl' => normalise_link($data['url']), 'name' => $data['name'], 'nick' => $data['nick'], 'addr' => $data['addr'], 'batch' => $data['batch'], 'notify' => $data['notify'], 'poll' => $data['poll'], 'network' => $data['network']]; dba::update('contact', $fields, ['addr' => $old_handle]); $fields = ['url' => $data['url'], 'nurl' => normalise_link($data['url']), 'name' => $data['name'], 'nick' => $data['nick'], 'addr' => $data['addr'], 'connect' => $data['addr'], 'notify' => $data['notify'], 'photo' => $data['photo'], 'server_url' => $data['baseurl'], 'network' => $data['network']]; dba::update('gcontact', $fields, ['addr' => $old_handle]); logger('Contacts are updated.'); // update items /// @todo This is an extreme performance killer $fields = [ 'owner-link' => [$contact["url"], $data["url"]], 'author-link' => [$contact["url"], $data["url"]], ]; foreach ($fields as $n => $f) { $r = q( "SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `%s` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", $n, dbesc($f[0]), intval($importer["uid"]) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { $x = q( "UPDATE `item` SET `%s` = '%s' WHERE `%s` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d", $n, dbesc($f[1]), $n, dbesc($f[0]), intval($importer["uid"]) ); if ($x === false) { return false; } } } logger('Items are updated.'); return true; } /** * @brief Processes an account deletion * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param object $data The message object * * @return bool Success */ private static function receiveAccountDeletion($importer, $data) { /// @todo Account deletion should remove the contact from the global contacts as well $author = notags(unxmlify($data->author)); $contact = self::contactByHandle($importer["uid"], $author); if (!$contact) { logger("cannot find contact for author: ".$author); return false; } // We now remove the contact Contact::remove($contact["id"]); return true; } /** * @brief Fetch the uri from our database if we already have this item (maybe from ourselves) * * @param string $author Author handle * @param string $guid Message guid * @param boolean $onlyfound Only return uri when found in the database * * @return string The constructed uri or the one from our database */ private static function getUriFromGuid($author, $guid, $onlyfound = false) { $r = q("SELECT `uri` FROM `item` WHERE `guid` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($guid)); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { return $r[0]["uri"]; } elseif (!$onlyfound) { return $author.":".$guid; } return ""; } /** * @brief Fetch the guid from our database with a given uri * * @param string $uri Message uri * @param string $uid Author handle * * @return string The post guid */ private static function getGuidFromUri($uri, $uid) { $r = q("SELECT `guid` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($uri), intval($uid)); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { return $r[0]["guid"]; } else { return false; } } /** * @brief Find the best importer for a comment, like, ... * * @param string $guid The guid of the item * * @return array|boolean the origin owner of that post - or false */ private static function importerForGuid($guid) { $item = dba::fetch_first("SELECT `uid` FROM `item` WHERE `origin` AND `guid` = ? LIMIT 1", $guid); if (DBM::is_result($item)) { logger("Found user ".$item['uid']." as owner of item ".$guid, LOGGER_DEBUG); $contact = dba::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `self` AND `uid` = ?", $item['uid']); if (DBM::is_result($contact)) { return $contact; } } return false; } /** * @brief Processes an incoming comment * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param string $sender The sender of the message * @param object $data The message object * @param string $xml The original XML of the message * * @return int The message id of the generated comment or "false" if there was an error */ private static function receiveComment($importer, $sender, $data, $xml) { $author = notags(unxmlify($data->author)); $guid = notags(unxmlify($data->guid)); $parent_guid = notags(unxmlify($data->parent_guid)); $text = unxmlify($data->text); if (isset($data->created_at)) { $created_at = DateTimeFormat::utc(notags(unxmlify($data->created_at))); } else { $created_at = DateTimeFormat::utcNow(); } if (isset($data->thread_parent_guid)) { $thread_parent_guid = notags(unxmlify($data->thread_parent_guid)); $thr_uri = self::getUriFromGuid("", $thread_parent_guid, true); } else { $thr_uri = ""; } $contact = self::allowedContactByHandle($importer, $sender, true); if (!$contact) { return false; } $message_id = self::messageExists($importer["uid"], $guid); if ($message_id) { return true; } $parent_item = self::parentItem($importer["uid"], $parent_guid, $author, $contact); if (!$parent_item) { return false; } $person = self::personByHandle($author); if (!is_array($person)) { logger("unable to find author details"); return false; } // Fetch the contact id - if we know this contact $author_contact = self::authorContactByUrl($contact, $person, $importer["uid"]); $datarray = []; $datarray["uid"] = $importer["uid"]; $datarray["contact-id"] = $author_contact["cid"]; $datarray["network"] = $author_contact["network"]; $datarray["author-name"] = $person["name"]; $datarray["author-link"] = $person["url"]; $datarray["author-avatar"] = ((x($person, "thumb")) ? $person["thumb"] : $person["photo"]); $datarray["owner-name"] = $contact["name"]; $datarray["owner-link"] = $contact["url"]; $datarray["owner-avatar"] = ((x($contact, "thumb")) ? $contact["thumb"] : $contact["photo"]); $datarray["guid"] = $guid; $datarray["uri"] = self::getUriFromGuid($author, $guid); $datarray["type"] = "remote-comment"; $datarray["verb"] = ACTIVITY_POST; $datarray["gravity"] = GRAVITY_COMMENT; if ($thr_uri != "") { $datarray["parent-uri"] = $thr_uri; } else { $datarray["parent-uri"] = $parent_item["uri"]; } $datarray["object-type"] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_COMMENT; $datarray["protocol"] = PROTOCOL_DIASPORA; $datarray["source"] = $xml; $datarray["changed"] = $datarray["created"] = $datarray["edited"] = $created_at; $datarray["plink"] = self::plink($author, $guid, $parent_item['guid']); $body = Markdown::toBBCode($text); $datarray["body"] = self::replacePeopleGuid($body, $person["url"]); self::fetchGuid($datarray); $message_id = Item::insert($datarray); if ($message_id <= 0) { return false; } if ($message_id) { logger("Stored comment ".$datarray["guid"]." with message id ".$message_id, LOGGER_DEBUG); } // If we are the origin of the parent we store the original data and notify our followers if ($message_id && $parent_item["origin"]) { // Formerly we stored the signed text, the signature and the author in different fields. // We now store the raw data so that we are more flexible. dba::insert('sign', ['iid' => $message_id, 'signed_text' => json_encode($data)]); // notify others Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, "Notifier", "comment-import", $message_id); } return true; } /** * @brief processes and stores private messages * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param array $contact The contact of the message * @param object $data The message object * @param array $msg Array of the processed message, author handle and key * @param object $mesg The private message * @param array $conversation The conversation record to which this message belongs * * @return bool "true" if it was successful */ private static function receiveConversationMessage($importer, $contact, $data, $msg, $mesg, $conversation) { $author = notags(unxmlify($data->author)); $guid = notags(unxmlify($data->guid)); $subject = notags(unxmlify($data->subject)); // "diaspora_handle" is the element name from the old version // "author" is the element name from the new version if ($mesg->author) { $msg_author = notags(unxmlify($mesg->author)); } elseif ($mesg->diaspora_handle) { $msg_author = notags(unxmlify($mesg->diaspora_handle)); } else { return false; } $msg_guid = notags(unxmlify($mesg->guid)); $msg_conversation_guid = notags(unxmlify($mesg->conversation_guid)); $msg_text = unxmlify($mesg->text); $msg_created_at = DateTimeFormat::utc(notags(unxmlify($mesg->created_at))); if ($msg_conversation_guid != $guid) { logger("message conversation guid does not belong to the current conversation."); return false; } $body = Markdown::toBBCode($msg_text); $message_uri = $msg_author.":".$msg_guid; $person = self::personByHandle($msg_author); dba::lock('mail'); $r = q( "SELECT `id` FROM `mail` WHERE `guid` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($msg_guid), intval($importer["uid"]) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { logger("duplicate message already delivered.", LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } q( "INSERT INTO `mail` (`uid`, `guid`, `convid`, `from-name`,`from-photo`,`from-url`,`contact-id`,`title`,`body`,`seen`,`reply`,`uri`,`parent-uri`,`created`) VALUES (%d, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s','%s','%s')", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc($msg_guid), intval($conversation["id"]), dbesc($person["name"]), dbesc($person["photo"]), dbesc($person["url"]), intval($contact["id"]), dbesc($subject), dbesc($body), 0, 0, dbesc($message_uri), dbesc($author.":".$guid), dbesc($msg_created_at) ); dba::unlock(); dba::update('conv', ['updated' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow()], ['id' => $conversation["id"]]); notification( [ "type" => NOTIFY_MAIL, "notify_flags" => $importer["notify-flags"], "language" => $importer["language"], "to_name" => $importer["username"], "to_email" => $importer["email"], "uid" =>$importer["uid"], "item" => ["subject" => $subject, "body" => $body], "source_name" => $person["name"], "source_link" => $person["url"], "source_photo" => $person["thumb"], "verb" => ACTIVITY_POST, "otype" => "mail"] ); return true; } /** * @brief Processes new private messages (answers to private messages are processed elsewhere) * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param array $msg Array of the processed message, author handle and key * @param object $data The message object * * @return bool Success */ private static function receiveConversation($importer, $msg, $data) { $author = notags(unxmlify($data->author)); $guid = notags(unxmlify($data->guid)); $subject = notags(unxmlify($data->subject)); $created_at = DateTimeFormat::utc(notags(unxmlify($data->created_at))); $participants = notags(unxmlify($data->participants)); $messages = $data->message; if (!count($messages)) { logger("empty conversation"); return false; } $contact = self::allowedContactByHandle($importer, $msg["author"], true); if (!$contact) { return false; } $conversation = null; $c = q( "SELECT * FROM `conv` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `guid` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc($guid) ); if ($c) $conversation = $c[0]; else { $r = q( "INSERT INTO `conv` (`uid`, `guid`, `creator`, `created`, `updated`, `subject`, `recips`) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc($guid), dbesc($author), dbesc($created_at), dbesc(DateTimeFormat::utcNow()), dbesc($subject), dbesc($participants) ); if ($r) { $c = q( "SELECT * FROM `conv` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `guid` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc($guid) ); } if ($c) { $conversation = $c[0]; } } if (!$conversation) { logger("unable to create conversation."); return false; } foreach ($messages as $mesg) { self::receiveConversationMessage($importer, $contact, $data, $msg, $mesg, $conversation); } return true; } /** * @brief Creates the body for a "like" message * * @param array $contact The contact that send us the "like" * @param array $parent_item The item array of the parent item * @param string $guid message guid * * @return string the body */ private static function constructLikeBody($contact, $parent_item, $guid) { $bodyverb = L10n::t('%1$s likes %2$s\'s %3$s'); $ulink = "[url=".$contact["url"]."]".$contact["name"]."[/url]"; $alink = "[url=".$parent_item["author-link"]."]".$parent_item["author-name"]."[/url]"; $plink = "[url=".System::baseUrl()."/display/".urlencode($guid)."]".L10n::t("status")."[/url]"; return sprintf($bodyverb, $ulink, $alink, $plink); } /** * @brief Creates a XML object for a "like" * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param array $parent_item The item array of the parent item * * @return string The XML */ private static function constructLikeObject($importer, $parent_item) { $objtype = ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE; $link = '<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="'.System::baseUrl()."/display/".$importer["nickname"]."/".$parent_item["id"].'" />'; $parent_body = $parent_item["body"]; $xmldata = ["object" => ["type" => $objtype, "local" => "1", "id" => $parent_item["uri"], "link" => $link, "title" => "", "content" => $parent_body]]; return XML::fromArray($xmldata, $xml, true); } /** * @brief Processes "like" messages * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param string $sender The sender of the message * @param object $data The message object * * @return int The message id of the generated like or "false" if there was an error */ private static function receiveLike($importer, $sender, $data) { $author = notags(unxmlify($data->author)); $guid = notags(unxmlify($data->guid)); $parent_guid = notags(unxmlify($data->parent_guid)); $parent_type = notags(unxmlify($data->parent_type)); $positive = notags(unxmlify($data->positive)); // likes on comments aren't supported by Diaspora - only on posts // But maybe this will be supported in the future, so we will accept it. if (!in_array($parent_type, ["Post", "Comment"])) { return false; } $contact = self::allowedContactByHandle($importer, $sender, true); if (!$contact) { return false; } $message_id = self::messageExists($importer["uid"], $guid); if ($message_id) { return true; } $parent_item = self::parentItem($importer["uid"], $parent_guid, $author, $contact); if (!$parent_item) { return false; } $person = self::personByHandle($author); if (!is_array($person)) { logger("unable to find author details"); return false; } // Fetch the contact id - if we know this contact $author_contact = self::authorContactByUrl($contact, $person, $importer["uid"]); // "positive" = "false" would be a Dislike - wich isn't currently supported by Diaspora // We would accept this anyhow. if ($positive == "true") { $verb = ACTIVITY_LIKE; } else { $verb = ACTIVITY_DISLIKE; } $datarray = []; $datarray["protocol"] = PROTOCOL_DIASPORA; $datarray["uid"] = $importer["uid"]; $datarray["contact-id"] = $author_contact["cid"]; $datarray["network"] = $author_contact["network"]; $datarray["author-name"] = $person["name"]; $datarray["author-link"] = $person["url"]; $datarray["author-avatar"] = ((x($person, "thumb")) ? $person["thumb"] : $person["photo"]); $datarray["owner-name"] = $contact["name"]; $datarray["owner-link"] = $contact["url"]; $datarray["owner-avatar"] = ((x($contact, "thumb")) ? $contact["thumb"] : $contact["photo"]); $datarray["guid"] = $guid; $datarray["uri"] = self::getUriFromGuid($author, $guid); $datarray["type"] = "activity"; $datarray["verb"] = $verb; $datarray["gravity"] = GRAVITY_LIKE; $datarray["parent-uri"] = $parent_item["uri"]; $datarray["object-type"] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE; $datarray["object"] = self::constructLikeObject($importer, $parent_item); $datarray["body"] = self::constructLikeBody($contact, $parent_item, $guid); $message_id = Item::insert($datarray); if ($message_id <= 0) { return false; } if ($message_id) { logger("Stored like ".$datarray["guid"]." with message id ".$message_id, LOGGER_DEBUG); } // like on comments have the comment as parent. So we need to fetch the toplevel parent if ($parent_item["id"] != $parent_item["parent"]) { $toplevel = dba::selectFirst('item', ['origin'], ['id' => $parent_item["parent"]]); $origin = $toplevel["origin"]; } else { $origin = $parent_item["origin"]; } // If we are the origin of the parent we store the original data and notify our followers if ($message_id && $origin) { // Formerly we stored the signed text, the signature and the author in different fields. // We now store the raw data so that we are more flexible. dba::insert('sign', ['iid' => $message_id, 'signed_text' => json_encode($data)]); // notify others Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, "Notifier", "comment-import", $message_id); } return true; } /** * @brief Processes private messages * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param object $data The message object * * @return bool Success? */ private static function receiveMessage($importer, $data) { $author = notags(unxmlify($data->author)); $guid = notags(unxmlify($data->guid)); $conversation_guid = notags(unxmlify($data->conversation_guid)); $text = unxmlify($data->text); $created_at = DateTimeFormat::utc(notags(unxmlify($data->created_at))); $contact = self::allowedContactByHandle($importer, $author, true); if (!$contact) { return false; } $conversation = null; $c = q( "SELECT * FROM `conv` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `guid` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc($conversation_guid) ); if ($c) { $conversation = $c[0]; } else { logger("conversation not available."); return false; } $message_uri = $author.":".$guid; $person = self::personByHandle($author); if (!$person) { logger("unable to find author details"); return false; } $body = Markdown::toBBCode($text); $body = self::replacePeopleGuid($body, $person["url"]); dba::lock('mail'); $r = q( "SELECT `id` FROM `mail` WHERE `guid` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($guid), intval($importer["uid"]) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { logger("duplicate message already delivered.", LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } q( "INSERT INTO `mail` (`uid`, `guid`, `convid`, `from-name`,`from-photo`,`from-url`,`contact-id`,`title`,`body`,`seen`,`reply`,`uri`,`parent-uri`,`created`) VALUES ( %d, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s','%s','%s')", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc($guid), intval($conversation["id"]), dbesc($person["name"]), dbesc($person["photo"]), dbesc($person["url"]), intval($contact["id"]), dbesc($conversation["subject"]), dbesc($body), 0, 1, dbesc($message_uri), dbesc($author.":".$conversation["guid"]), dbesc($created_at) ); dba::unlock(); dba::update('conv', ['updated' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow()], ['id' => $conversation["id"]]); return true; } /** * @brief Processes participations - unsupported by now * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param object $data The message object * * @return bool always true */ private static function receiveParticipation($importer, $data) { $author = strtolower(notags(unxmlify($data->author))); $parent_guid = notags(unxmlify($data->parent_guid)); $contact_id = Contact::getIdForURL($author); if (!$contact_id) { logger('Contact not found: '.$author); return false; } $person = self::personByHandle($author); if (!is_array($person)) { logger("Person not found: ".$author); return false; } $item = dba::selectFirst('item', ['id'], ['guid' => $parent_guid, 'origin' => true, 'private' => false]); if (!DBM::is_result($item)) { logger('Item not found, no origin or private: '.$parent_guid); return false; } $author_parts = explode('@', $author); if (isset($author_parts[1])) { $server = $author_parts[1]; } else { // Should never happen $server = $author; } logger('Received participation for ID: '.$item['id'].' - Contact: '.$contact_id.' - Server: '.$server, LOGGER_DEBUG); if (!dba::exists('participation', ['iid' => $item['id'], 'server' => $server])) { dba::insert('participation', ['iid' => $item['id'], 'cid' => $contact_id, 'fid' => $person['id'], 'server' => $server]); } // Send all existing comments and likes to the requesting server $comments = dba::p("SELECT `item`.`id`, `item`.`verb`, `contact`.`self` FROM `item` INNER JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id` WHERE `item`.`parent` = ? AND `item`.`id` != `item`.`parent`", $item['id']); while ($comment = dba::fetch($comments)) { if ($comment['verb'] == ACTIVITY_POST) { $cmd = $comment['self'] ? 'comment-new' : 'comment-import'; } else { $cmd = $comment['self'] ? 'like' : 'comment-import'; } logger("Send ".$cmd." for item ".$comment['id']." to contact ".$contact_id, LOGGER_DEBUG); Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'Delivery', $cmd, $comment['id'], $contact_id); } dba::close($comments); return true; } /** * @brief Processes photos - unneeded * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param object $data The message object * * @return bool always true */ private static function receivePhoto($importer, $data) { // There doesn't seem to be a reason for this function, // since the photo data is transmitted in the status message as well return true; } /** * @brief Processes poll participations - unssupported * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param object $data The message object * * @return bool always true */ private static function receivePollParticipation($importer, $data) { // We don't support polls by now return true; } /** * @brief Processes incoming profile updates * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param object $data The message object * * @return bool Success */ private static function receiveProfile($importer, $data) { $author = strtolower(notags(unxmlify($data->author))); $contact = self::contactByHandle($importer["uid"], $author); if (!$contact) { return false; } $name = unxmlify($data->first_name).((strlen($data->last_name)) ? " ".unxmlify($data->last_name) : ""); $image_url = unxmlify($data->image_url); $birthday = unxmlify($data->birthday); $gender = unxmlify($data->gender); $about = Markdown::toBBCode(unxmlify($data->bio)); $location = Markdown::toBBCode(unxmlify($data->location)); $searchable = (unxmlify($data->searchable) == "true"); $nsfw = (unxmlify($data->nsfw) == "true"); $tags = unxmlify($data->tag_string); $tags = explode("#", $tags); $keywords = []; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag = trim(strtolower($tag)); if ($tag != "") { $keywords[] = $tag; } } $keywords = implode(", ", $keywords); $handle_parts = explode("@", $author); $nick = $handle_parts[0]; if ($name === "") { $name = $handle_parts[0]; } if (preg_match("|^https?://|", $image_url) === 0) { $image_url = "http://".$handle_parts[1].$image_url; } Contact::updateAvatar($image_url, $importer["uid"], $contact["id"]); // Generic birthday. We don't know the timezone. The year is irrelevant. $birthday = str_replace("1000", "1901", $birthday); if ($birthday != "") { $birthday = DateTimeFormat::utc($birthday, "Y-m-d"); } // this is to prevent multiple birthday notifications in a single year // if we already have a stored birthday and the 'm-d' part hasn't changed, preserve the entry, which will preserve the notify year if (substr($birthday, 5) === substr($contact["bd"], 5)) { $birthday = $contact["bd"]; } $r = q( "UPDATE `contact` SET `name` = '%s', `nick` = '%s', `addr` = '%s', `name-date` = '%s', `bd` = '%s', `location` = '%s', `about` = '%s', `keywords` = '%s', `gender` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d", dbesc($name), dbesc($nick), dbesc($author), dbesc(DateTimeFormat::utcNow()), dbesc($birthday), dbesc($location), dbesc($about), dbesc($keywords), dbesc($gender), intval($contact["id"]), intval($importer["uid"]) ); $gcontact = ["url" => $contact["url"], "network" => NETWORK_DIASPORA, "generation" => 2, "photo" => $image_url, "name" => $name, "location" => $location, "about" => $about, "birthday" => $birthday, "gender" => $gender, "addr" => $author, "nick" => $nick, "keywords" => $keywords, "hide" => !$searchable, "nsfw" => $nsfw]; $gcid = GContact::update($gcontact); GContact::link($gcid, $importer["uid"], $contact["id"]); logger("Profile of contact ".$contact["id"]." stored for user ".$importer["uid"], LOGGER_DEBUG); return true; } /** * @brief Processes incoming friend requests * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param array $contact The contact that send the request * @return void */ private static function receiveRequestMakeFriend($importer, $contact) { $a = get_app(); if ($contact["rel"] == CONTACT_IS_SHARING) { dba::update( 'contact', ['rel' => CONTACT_IS_FRIEND, 'writable' => true], ['id' => $contact["id"], 'uid' => $importer["uid"]] ); } // send notification $r = q( "SELECT `hide-friends` FROM `profile` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `is-default` = 1 LIMIT 1", intval($importer["uid"]) ); if ($r && !$r[0]["hide-friends"] && !$contact["hidden"] && intval(PConfig::get($importer["uid"], "system", "post_newfriend"))) { $self = q( "SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `self` AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($importer["uid"]) ); // they are not CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER anymore but that's what we have in the array if ($self && $contact["rel"] == CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER) { $arr = []; $arr["protocol"] = PROTOCOL_DIASPORA; $arr["uri"] = $arr["parent-uri"] = item_new_uri($a->get_hostname(), $importer["uid"]); $arr["uid"] = $importer["uid"]; $arr["contact-id"] = $self[0]["id"]; $arr["wall"] = 1; $arr["type"] = 'wall'; $arr["gravity"] = 0; $arr["origin"] = 1; $arr["author-name"] = $arr["owner-name"] = $self[0]["name"]; $arr["author-link"] = $arr["owner-link"] = $self[0]["url"]; $arr["author-avatar"] = $arr["owner-avatar"] = $self[0]["thumb"]; $arr["verb"] = ACTIVITY_FRIEND; $arr["object-type"] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_PERSON; $A = "[url=".$self[0]["url"]."]".$self[0]["name"]."[/url]"; $B = "[url=".$contact["url"]."]".$contact["name"]."[/url]"; $BPhoto = "[url=".$contact["url"]."][img]".$contact["thumb"]."[/img][/url]"; $arr["body"] = L10n::t('%1$s is now friends with %2$s', $A, $B)."\n\n\n".$BPhoto; $arr["object"] = self::constructNewFriendObject($contact); $user = dba::selectFirst('user', ['allow_cid', 'allow_gid', 'deny_cid', 'deny_gid'], ['uid' => $importer["uid"]]); $arr["allow_cid"] = $user["allow_cid"]; $arr["allow_gid"] = $user["allow_gid"]; $arr["deny_cid"] = $user["deny_cid"]; $arr["deny_gid"] = $user["deny_gid"]; $i = Item::insert($arr); if ($i) { Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, "Notifier", "activity", $i); } } } } /** * @brief Creates a XML object for a "new friend" message * * @param array $contact Array of the contact * * @return string The XML */ private static function constructNewFriendObject($contact) { $objtype = ACTIVITY_OBJ_PERSON; $link = '<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="'.$contact["url"].'" />'."\n". '<link rel="photo" type="image/jpeg" href="'.$contact["thumb"].'" />'."\n"; $xmldata = ["object" => ["type" => $objtype, "title" => $contact["name"], "id" => $contact["url"]."/".$contact["name"], "link" => $link]]; return XML::fromArray($xmldata, $xml, true); } /** * @brief Processes incoming sharing notification * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param object $data The message object * * @return bool Success */ private static function receiveContactRequest($importer, $data) { $author = unxmlify($data->author); $recipient = unxmlify($data->recipient); if (!$author || !$recipient) { return false; } // the current protocol version doesn't know these fields // That means that we will assume their existance if (isset($data->following)) { $following = (unxmlify($data->following) == "true"); } else { $following = true; } if (isset($data->sharing)) { $sharing = (unxmlify($data->sharing) == "true"); } else { $sharing = true; } $contact = self::contactByHandle($importer["uid"], $author); // perhaps we were already sharing with this person. Now they're sharing with us. // That makes us friends. if ($contact) { if ($following) { logger("Author ".$author." (Contact ".$contact["id"].") wants to follow us.", LOGGER_DEBUG); self::receiveRequestMakeFriend($importer, $contact); // refetch the contact array $contact = self::contactByHandle($importer["uid"], $author); // If we are now friends, we are sending a share message. // Normally we needn't to do so, but the first message could have been vanished. if (in_array($contact["rel"], [CONTACT_IS_FRIEND])) { $u = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($importer["uid"])); if ($u) { logger("Sending share message to author ".$author." - Contact: ".$contact["id"]." - User: ".$importer["uid"], LOGGER_DEBUG); $ret = self::sendShare($u[0], $contact); } } return true; } else { logger("Author ".$author." doesn't want to follow us anymore.", LOGGER_DEBUG); Contact::removeFollower($importer, $contact); return true; } } if (!$following && $sharing && in_array($importer["page-flags"], [PAGE_SOAPBOX, PAGE_NORMAL])) { logger("Author ".$author." wants to share with us - but doesn't want to listen. Request is ignored.", LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } elseif (!$following && !$sharing) { logger("Author ".$author." doesn't want anything - and we don't know the author. Request is ignored.", LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } elseif (!$following && $sharing) { logger("Author ".$author." wants to share with us.", LOGGER_DEBUG); } elseif ($following && $sharing) { logger("Author ".$author." wants to have a bidirectional conection.", LOGGER_DEBUG); } elseif ($following && !$sharing) { logger("Author ".$author." wants to listen to us.", LOGGER_DEBUG); } $ret = self::personByHandle($author); if (!$ret || ($ret["network"] != NETWORK_DIASPORA)) { logger("Cannot resolve diaspora handle ".$author." for ".$recipient); return false; } $batch = (($ret["batch"]) ? $ret["batch"] : implode("/", array_slice(explode("/", $ret["url"]), 0, 3))."/receive/public"); $r = q( "INSERT INTO `contact` (`uid`, `network`,`addr`,`created`,`url`,`nurl`,`batch`,`name`,`nick`,`photo`,`pubkey`,`notify`,`poll`,`blocked`,`priority`) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%d,%d)", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc($ret["network"]), dbesc($ret["addr"]), DateTimeFormat::utcNow(), dbesc($ret["url"]), dbesc(normalise_link($ret["url"])), dbesc($batch), dbesc($ret["name"]), dbesc($ret["nick"]), dbesc($ret["photo"]), dbesc($ret["pubkey"]), dbesc($ret["notify"]), dbesc($ret["poll"]), 1, 2 ); // find the contact record we just created $contact_record = self::contactByHandle($importer["uid"], $author); if (!$contact_record) { logger("unable to locate newly created contact record."); return; } logger("Author ".$author." was added as contact number ".$contact_record["id"].".", LOGGER_DEBUG); Group::addMember(User::getDefaultGroup($importer['uid'], $ret["network"]), $contact_record['id']); Contact::updateAvatar($ret["photo"], $importer['uid'], $contact_record["id"], true); if ($importer["page-flags"] == PAGE_NORMAL) { logger("Sending intra message for author ".$author.".", LOGGER_DEBUG); $hash = random_string().(string)time(); // Generate a confirm_key $ret = q( "INSERT INTO `intro` (`uid`, `contact-id`, `blocked`, `knowyou`, `note`, `hash`, `datetime`) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s')", intval($importer["uid"]), intval($contact_record["id"]), 0, 0, dbesc(L10n::t("Sharing notification from Diaspora network")), dbesc($hash), dbesc(DateTimeFormat::utcNow()) ); } else { // automatic friend approval logger("Does an automatic friend approval for author ".$author.".", LOGGER_DEBUG); Contact::updateAvatar($contact_record["photo"], $importer["uid"], $contact_record["id"]); // technically they are sharing with us (CONTACT_IS_SHARING), // but if our page-type is PAGE_COMMUNITY or PAGE_SOAPBOX // we are going to change the relationship and make them a follower. if (($importer["page-flags"] == PAGE_FREELOVE) && $sharing && $following) { $new_relation = CONTACT_IS_FRIEND; } elseif (($importer["page-flags"] == PAGE_FREELOVE) && $sharing) { $new_relation = CONTACT_IS_SHARING; } else { $new_relation = CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER; } $r = q( "UPDATE `contact` SET `rel` = %d, `name-date` = '%s', `uri-date` = '%s', `blocked` = 0, `pending` = 0, `writable` = 1 WHERE `id` = %d ", intval($new_relation), dbesc(DateTimeFormat::utcNow()), dbesc(DateTimeFormat::utcNow()), intval($contact_record["id"]) ); $u = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($importer["uid"])); if ($u) { logger("Sending share message (Relation: ".$new_relation.") to author ".$author." - Contact: ".$contact_record["id"]." - User: ".$importer["uid"], LOGGER_DEBUG); $ret = self::sendShare($u[0], $contact_record); // Send the profile data, maybe it weren't transmitted before self::sendProfile($importer["uid"], [$contact_record]); } } return true; } /** * @brief Fetches a message with a given guid * * @param string $guid message guid * @param string $orig_author handle of the original post * @param string $author handle of the sharer * * @return array The fetched item */ private static function originalItem($guid, $orig_author, $author) { // Do we already have this item? $r = q( "SELECT `body`, `tag`, `app`, `created`, `object-type`, `uri`, `guid`, `author-name`, `author-link`, `author-avatar` FROM `item` WHERE `guid` = '%s' AND `visible` AND NOT `deleted` AND `body` != '' LIMIT 1", dbesc($guid) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { logger("reshared message ".$guid." already exists on system."); // Maybe it is already a reshared item? // Then refetch the content, if it is a reshare from a reshare. // If it is a reshared post from another network then reformat to avoid display problems with two share elements if (self::isReshare($r[0]["body"], true)) { $r = []; } elseif (self::isReshare($r[0]["body"], false) || strstr($r[0]["body"], "[share")) { $r[0]["body"] = Markdown::toBBCode(BBCode::toMarkdown($r[0]["body"])); $r[0]["body"] = self::replacePeopleGuid($r[0]["body"], $r[0]["author-link"]); // Add OEmbed and other information to the body $r[0]["body"] = add_page_info_to_body($r[0]["body"], false, true); return $r[0]; } else { return $r[0]; } } if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { $server = "https://".substr($orig_author, strpos($orig_author, "@") + 1); logger("1st try: reshared message ".$guid." will be fetched via SSL from the server ".$server); $item_id = self::storeByGuid($guid, $server); if (!$item_id) { $server = "http://".substr($orig_author, strpos($orig_author, "@") + 1); logger("2nd try: reshared message ".$guid." will be fetched without SLL from the server ".$server); $item_id = self::storeByGuid($guid, $server); } if ($item_id) { $r = q( "SELECT `body`, `tag`, `app`, `created`, `object-type`, `uri`, `guid`, `author-name`, `author-link`, `author-avatar` FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d AND `visible` AND NOT `deleted` AND `body` != '' LIMIT 1", intval($item_id) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { // If it is a reshared post from another network then reformat to avoid display problems with two share elements if (self::isReshare($r[0]["body"], false)) { $r[0]["body"] = Markdown::toBBCode(BBCode::toMarkdown($r[0]["body"])); $r[0]["body"] = self::replacePeopleGuid($r[0]["body"], $r[0]["author-link"]); } return $r[0]; } } } return false; } /** * @brief Processes a reshare message * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param object $data The message object * @param string $xml The original XML of the message * * @return int the message id */ private static function receiveReshare($importer, $data, $xml) { $author = notags(unxmlify($data->author)); $guid = notags(unxmlify($data->guid)); $created_at = DateTimeFormat::utc(notags(unxmlify($data->created_at))); $root_author = notags(unxmlify($data->root_author)); $root_guid = notags(unxmlify($data->root_guid)); /// @todo handle unprocessed property "provider_display_name" $public = notags(unxmlify($data->public)); $contact = self::allowedContactByHandle($importer, $author, false); if (!$contact) { return false; } $message_id = self::messageExists($importer["uid"], $guid); if ($message_id) { return true; } $original_item = self::originalItem($root_guid, $root_author, $author); if (!$original_item) { return false; } $orig_url = System::baseUrl()."/display/".$original_item["guid"]; $datarray = []; $datarray["uid"] = $importer["uid"]; $datarray["contact-id"] = $contact["id"]; $datarray["network"] = NETWORK_DIASPORA; $datarray["author-name"] = $contact["name"]; $datarray["author-link"] = $contact["url"]; $datarray["author-avatar"] = ((x($contact, "thumb")) ? $contact["thumb"] : $contact["photo"]); $datarray["owner-name"] = $datarray["author-name"]; $datarray["owner-link"] = $datarray["author-link"]; $datarray["owner-avatar"] = $datarray["author-avatar"]; $datarray["guid"] = $guid; $datarray["uri"] = $datarray["parent-uri"] = self::getUriFromGuid($author, $guid); $datarray["verb"] = ACTIVITY_POST; $datarray["gravity"] = GRAVITY_PARENT; $datarray["protocol"] = PROTOCOL_DIASPORA; $datarray["source"] = $xml; $prefix = share_header( $original_item["author-name"], $original_item["author-link"], $original_item["author-avatar"], $original_item["guid"], $original_item["created"], $orig_url ); $datarray["body"] = $prefix.$original_item["body"]."[/share]"; $datarray["tag"] = $original_item["tag"]; $datarray["app"] = $original_item["app"]; $datarray["plink"] = self::plink($author, $guid); $datarray["private"] = (($public == "false") ? 1 : 0); $datarray["changed"] = $datarray["created"] = $datarray["edited"] = $created_at; $datarray["object-type"] = $original_item["object-type"]; self::fetchGuid($datarray); $message_id = Item::insert($datarray); self::sendParticipation($contact, $datarray); if ($message_id) { logger("Stored reshare ".$datarray["guid"]." with message id ".$message_id, LOGGER_DEBUG); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @brief Processes retractions * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param array $contact The contact of the item owner * @param object $data The message object * * @return bool success */ private static function itemRetraction($importer, $contact, $data) { $author = notags(unxmlify($data->author)); $target_guid = notags(unxmlify($data->target_guid)); $target_type = notags(unxmlify($data->target_type)); $person = self::personByHandle($author); if (!is_array($person)) { logger("unable to find author detail for ".$author); return false; } if (empty($contact["url"])) { $contact["url"] = $person["url"]; } // Fetch items that are about to be deleted $fields = ['uid', 'id', 'parent', 'parent-uri', 'author-link']; // When we receive a public retraction, we delete every item that we find. if ($importer['uid'] == 0) { $condition = ["`guid` = ? AND NOT `file` LIKE '%%[%%' AND NOT `deleted`", $target_guid]; } else { $condition = ["`guid` = ? AND `uid` = ? AND NOT `file` LIKE '%%[%%' AND NOT `deleted`", $target_guid, $importer['uid']]; } $r = dba::select('item', $fields, $condition); if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { logger("Target guid ".$target_guid." was not found on this system for user ".$importer['uid']."."); return false; } while ($item = dba::fetch($r)) { // Fetch the parent item $parent = dba::selectFirst('item', ['author-link', 'origin'], ['id' => $item["parent"]]); // Only delete it if the parent author really fits if (!link_compare($parent["author-link"], $contact["url"]) && !link_compare($item["author-link"], $contact["url"])) { logger("Thread author ".$parent["author-link"]." and item author ".$item["author-link"]." don't fit to expected contact ".$contact["url"], LOGGER_DEBUG); continue; } Item::deleteById($item["id"]); logger("Deleted target ".$target_guid." (".$item["id"].") from user ".$item["uid"]." parent: ".$item["parent"], LOGGER_DEBUG); // Now check if the retraction needs to be relayed by us if ($parent["origin"]) { // notify others Worker::add(PRIORITY_HIGH, "Notifier", "drop", $item["id"]); } } return true; } /** * @brief Receives retraction messages * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param string $sender The sender of the message * @param object $data The message object * * @return bool Success */ private static function receiveRetraction($importer, $sender, $data) { $target_type = notags(unxmlify($data->target_type)); $contact = self::contactByHandle($importer["uid"], $sender); if (!$contact && (in_array($target_type, ["Contact", "Person"]))) { logger("cannot find contact for sender: ".$sender." and user ".$importer["uid"]); return false; } logger("Got retraction for ".$target_type.", sender ".$sender." and user ".$importer["uid"], LOGGER_DEBUG); switch ($target_type) { case "Comment": case "Like": case "Post": case "Reshare": case "StatusMessage": return self::itemRetraction($importer, $contact, $data); case "Contact": case "Person": /// @todo What should we do with an "unshare"? // Removing the contact isn't correct since we still can read the public items Contact::remove($contact["id"]); return true; default: logger("Unknown target type ".$target_type); return false; } return true; } /** * @brief Receives status messages * * @param array $importer Array of the importer user * @param object $data The message object * @param string $xml The original XML of the message * * @return int The message id of the newly created item */ private static function receiveStatusMessage($importer, $data, $xml) { $author = notags(unxmlify($data->author)); $guid = notags(unxmlify($data->guid)); $created_at = DateTimeFormat::utc(notags(unxmlify($data->created_at))); $public = notags(unxmlify($data->public)); $text = unxmlify($data->text); $provider_display_name = notags(unxmlify($data->provider_display_name)); $contact = self::allowedContactByHandle($importer, $author, false); if (!$contact) { return false; } $message_id = self::messageExists($importer["uid"], $guid); if ($message_id) { return true; } $address = []; if ($data->location) { foreach ($data->location->children() as $fieldname => $data) { $address[$fieldname] = notags(unxmlify($data)); } } $body = Markdown::toBBCode($text); $datarray = []; // Attach embedded pictures to the body if ($data->photo) { foreach ($data->photo as $photo) { $body = "[img]".unxmlify($photo->remote_photo_path). unxmlify($photo->remote_photo_name)."[/img]\n".$body; } $datarray["object-type"] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_IMAGE; } else { $datarray["object-type"] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE; // Add OEmbed and other information to the body if (!self::isRedmatrix($contact["url"])) { $body = add_page_info_to_body($body, false, true); } } /// @todo enable support for polls //if ($data->poll) { // foreach ($data->poll AS $poll) // print_r($poll); // die("poll!\n"); //} /// @todo enable support for events $datarray["uid"] = $importer["uid"]; $datarray["contact-id"] = $contact["id"]; $datarray["network"] = NETWORK_DIASPORA; $datarray["author-name"] = $contact["name"]; $datarray["author-link"] = $contact["url"]; $datarray["author-avatar"] = ((x($contact, "thumb")) ? $contact["thumb"] : $contact["photo"]); $datarray["owner-name"] = $datarray["author-name"]; $datarray["owner-link"] = $datarray["author-link"]; $datarray["owner-avatar"] = $datarray["author-avatar"]; $datarray["guid"] = $guid; $datarray["uri"] = $datarray["parent-uri"] = self::getUriFromGuid($author, $guid); $datarray["verb"] = ACTIVITY_POST; $datarray["gravity"] = GRAVITY_PARENT; $datarray["protocol"] = PROTOCOL_DIASPORA; $datarray["source"] = $xml; $datarray["body"] = self::replacePeopleGuid($body, $contact["url"]); if ($provider_display_name != "") { $datarray["app"] = $provider_display_name; } $datarray["plink"] = self::plink($author, $guid); $datarray["private"] = (($public == "false") ? 1 : 0); $datarray["changed"] = $datarray["created"] = $datarray["edited"] = $created_at; if (isset($address["address"])) { $datarray["location"] = $address["address"]; } if (isset($address["lat"]) && isset($address["lng"])) { $datarray["coord"] = $address["lat"]." ".$address["lng"]; } self::fetchGuid($datarray); $message_id = Item::insert($datarray); self::sendParticipation($contact, $datarray); if ($message_id) { logger("Stored item ".$datarray["guid"]." with message id ".$message_id, LOGGER_DEBUG); return true; } else { return false; } } /* ************************************************************************************** * * Here are all the functions that are needed to transmit data with the Diaspora protocol * * ************************************************************************************** */ /** * @brief returnes the handle of a contact * * @param array $contact contact array * * @return string the handle in the format user@domain.tld */ private static function myHandle($contact) { if ($contact["addr"] != "") { return $contact["addr"]; } // Normally we should have a filled "addr" field - but in the past this wasn't the case // So - just in case - we build the the address here. if ($contact["nickname"] != "") { $nick = $contact["nickname"]; } else { $nick = $contact["nick"]; } return $nick."@".substr(System::baseUrl(), strpos(System::baseUrl(), "://") + 3); } /** * @brief Creates the data for a private message in the new format * * @param string $msg The message that is to be transmitted * @param array $user The record of the sender * @param array $contact Target of the communication * @param string $prvkey The private key of the sender * @param string $pubkey The public key of the receiver * * @return string The encrypted data */ public static function encodePrivateData($msg, $user, $contact, $prvkey, $pubkey) { logger("Message: ".$msg, LOGGER_DATA); // without a public key nothing will work if (!$pubkey) { logger("pubkey missing: contact id: ".$contact["id"]); return false; } $aes_key = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32); $b_aes_key = base64_encode($aes_key); $iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16); $b_iv = base64_encode($iv); $ciphertext = self::aesEncrypt($aes_key, $iv, $msg); $json = json_encode(["iv" => $b_iv, "key" => $b_aes_key]); $encrypted_key_bundle = ""; openssl_public_encrypt($json, $encrypted_key_bundle, $pubkey); $json_object = json_encode( ["aes_key" => base64_encode($encrypted_key_bundle), "encrypted_magic_envelope" => base64_encode($ciphertext)] ); return $json_object; } /** * @brief Creates the envelope for the "fetch" endpoint and for the new format * * @param string $msg The message that is to be transmitted * @param array $user The record of the sender * * @return string The envelope */ public static function buildMagicEnvelope($msg, $user) { $b64url_data = base64url_encode($msg); $data = str_replace(["\n", "\r", " ", "\t"], ["", "", "", ""], $b64url_data); $key_id = base64url_encode(self::myHandle($user)); $type = "application/xml"; $encoding = "base64url"; $alg = "RSA-SHA256"; $signable_data = $data.".".base64url_encode($type).".".base64url_encode($encoding).".".base64url_encode($alg); // Fallback if the private key wasn't transmitted in the expected field if ($user['uprvkey'] == "") { $user['uprvkey'] = $user['prvkey']; } $signature = Crypto::rsaSign($signable_data, $user["uprvkey"]); $sig = base64url_encode($signature); $xmldata = ["me:env" => ["me:data" => $data, "@attributes" => ["type" => $type], "me:encoding" => $encoding, "me:alg" => $alg, "me:sig" => $sig, "@attributes2" => ["key_id" => $key_id]]]; $namespaces = ["me" => "http://salmon-protocol.org/ns/magic-env"]; return XML::fromArray($xmldata, $xml, false, $namespaces); } /** * @brief Create the envelope for a message * * @param string $msg The message that is to be transmitted * @param array $user The record of the sender * @param array $contact Target of the communication * @param string $prvkey The private key of the sender * @param string $pubkey The public key of the receiver * @param bool $public Is the message public? * * @return string The message that will be transmitted to other servers */ public static function buildMessage($msg, $user, $contact, $prvkey, $pubkey, $public = false) { // The message is put into an envelope with the sender's signature $envelope = self::buildMagicEnvelope($msg, $user); // Private messages are put into a second envelope, encrypted with the receivers public key if (!$public) { $envelope = self::encodePrivateData($envelope, $user, $contact, $prvkey, $pubkey); } return $envelope; } /** * @brief Creates a signature for a message * * @param array $owner the array of the owner of the message * @param array $message The message that is to be signed * * @return string The signature */ private static function signature($owner, $message) { $sigmsg = $message; unset($sigmsg["author_signature"]); unset($sigmsg["parent_author_signature"]); $signed_text = implode(";", $sigmsg); return base64_encode(Crypto::rsaSign($signed_text, $owner["uprvkey"], "sha256")); } /** * @brief Transmit a message to a target server * * @param array $owner the array of the item owner * @param array $contact Target of the communication * @param string $envelope The message that is to be transmitted * @param bool $public_batch Is it a public post? * @param bool $queue_run Is the transmission called from the queue? * @param string $guid message guid * * @return int Result of the transmission */ public static function transmit($owner, $contact, $envelope, $public_batch, $queue_run = false, $guid = "", $no_queue = false) { $a = get_app(); $enabled = intval(Config::get("system", "diaspora_enabled")); if (!$enabled) { return 200; } $logid = random_string(4); $dest_url = ($public_batch ? $contact["batch"] : $contact["notify"]); // We always try to use the data from the fcontact table. // This is important for transmitting data to Friendica servers. if (!empty($contact['addr'])) { $fcontact = self::personByHandle($contact['addr']); if (!empty($fcontact)) { $dest_url = ($public_batch ? $fcontact["batch"] : $fcontact["notify"]); } } if (!$dest_url) { logger("no url for contact: ".$contact["id"]." batch mode =".$public_batch); return 0; } logger("transmit: ".$logid."-".$guid." ".$dest_url); if (!$queue_run && Queue::wasDelayed($contact["id"])) { $return_code = 0; } else { if (!intval(Config::get("system", "diaspora_test"))) { $content_type = (($public_batch) ? "application/magic-envelope+xml" : "application/json"); Network::post($dest_url."/", $envelope, ["Content-Type: ".$content_type]); $return_code = $a->get_curl_code(); } else { logger("test_mode"); return 200; } } logger("transmit: ".$logid."-".$guid." returns: ".$return_code); if (!$return_code || (($return_code == 503) && (stristr($a->get_curl_headers(), "retry-after")))) { if (!$no_queue && ($contact['contact-type'] != ACCOUNT_TYPE_RELAY)) { logger("queue message"); // queue message for redelivery Queue::add($contact["id"], NETWORK_DIASPORA, $envelope, $public_batch, $guid); } // The message could not be delivered. We mark the contact as "dead" Contact::markForArchival($contact); } elseif (($return_code >= 200) && ($return_code <= 299)) { // We successfully delivered a message, the contact is alive Contact::unmarkForArchival($contact); } return $return_code ? $return_code : -1; } /** * @brief Build the post xml * * @param string $type The message type * @param array $message The message data * * @return string The post XML */ public static function buildPostXml($type, $message) { $data = [$type => $message]; return XML::fromArray($data, $xml); } /** * @brief Builds and transmit messages * * @param array $owner the array of the item owner * @param array $contact Target of the communication * @param string $type The message type * @param array $message The message data * @param bool $public_batch Is it a public post? * @param string $guid message guid * @param bool $spool Should the transmission be spooled or transmitted? * * @return int Result of the transmission */ private static function buildAndTransmit($owner, $contact, $type, $message, $public_batch = false, $guid = "", $spool = false) { $msg = self::buildPostXml($type, $message); logger('message: '.$msg, LOGGER_DATA); logger('send guid '.$guid, LOGGER_DEBUG); // Fallback if the private key wasn't transmitted in the expected field if ($owner['uprvkey'] == "") { $owner['uprvkey'] = $owner['prvkey']; } $envelope = self::buildMessage($msg, $owner, $contact, $owner['uprvkey'], $contact['pubkey'], $public_batch); if ($spool) { Queue::add($contact['id'], NETWORK_DIASPORA, $envelope, $public_batch, $guid); return true; } else { $return_code = self::transmit($owner, $contact, $envelope, $public_batch, false, $guid); } logger("guid: ".$guid." result ".$return_code, LOGGER_DEBUG); return $return_code; } /** * @brief sends a participation (Used to get all further updates) * * @param array $contact Target of the communication * @param array $item Item array * * @return int The result of the transmission */ private static function sendParticipation($contact, $item) { // Don't send notifications for private postings if ($item['private']) { return; } $cachekey = "diaspora:sendParticipation:".$item['guid']; $result = Cache::get($cachekey); if (!is_null($result)) { return; } // Fetch some user id to have a valid handle to transmit the participation. // In fact it doesn't matter which user sends this - but it is needed by the protocol. // If the item belongs to a user, we take this user id. if ($item['uid'] == 0) { $condition = ['verified' => true, 'blocked' => false, 'account_removed' => false, 'account_expired' => false]; $first_user = dba::selectFirst('user', ['uid'], $condition); $owner = User::getOwnerDataById($first_user['uid']); } else { $owner = User::getOwnerDataById($item['uid']); } $author = self::myHandle($owner); $message = ["author" => $author, "guid" => get_guid(32), "parent_type" => "Post", "parent_guid" => $item["guid"]]; logger("Send participation for ".$item["guid"]." by ".$author, LOGGER_DEBUG); // It doesn't matter what we store, we only want to avoid sending repeated notifications for the same item Cache::set($cachekey, $item["guid"], CACHE_QUARTER_HOUR); return self::buildAndTransmit($owner, $contact, "participation", $message); } /** * @brief sends an account migration * * @param array $owner the array of the item owner * @param array $contact Target of the communication * @param int $uid User ID * * @return int The result of the transmission */ public static function sendAccountMigration($owner, $contact, $uid) { $old_handle = PConfig::get($uid, 'system', 'previous_addr'); $profile = self::createProfileData($uid); $signed_text = 'AccountMigration:'.$old_handle.':'.$profile['author']; $signature = base64_encode(Crypto::rsaSign($signed_text, $owner["uprvkey"], "sha256")); $message = ["author" => $old_handle, "profile" => $profile, "signature" => $signature]; logger("Send account migration ".print_r($message, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); return self::buildAndTransmit($owner, $contact, "account_migration", $message); } /** * @brief Sends a "share" message * * @param array $owner the array of the item owner * @param array $contact Target of the communication * * @return int The result of the transmission */ public static function sendShare($owner, $contact) { /** * @todo support the different possible combinations of "following" and "sharing" * Currently, Diaspora only interprets the "sharing" field * * Before switching this code productive, we have to check all "sendShare" calls if "rel" is set correctly */ /* switch ($contact["rel"]) { case CONTACT_IS_FRIEND: $following = true; $sharing = true; case CONTACT_IS_SHARING: $following = false; $sharing = true; case CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER: $following = true; $sharing = false; } */ $message = ["author" => self::myHandle($owner), "recipient" => $contact["addr"], "following" => "true", "sharing" => "true"]; logger("Send share ".print_r($message, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); return self::buildAndTransmit($owner, $contact, "contact", $message); } /** * @brief sends an "unshare" * * @param array $owner the array of the item owner * @param array $contact Target of the communication * * @return int The result of the transmission */ public static function sendUnshare($owner, $contact) { $message = ["author" => self::myHandle($owner), "recipient" => $contact["addr"], "following" => "false", "sharing" => "false"]; logger("Send unshare ".print_r($message, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); return self::buildAndTransmit($owner, $contact, "contact", $message); } /** * @brief Checks a message body if it is a reshare * * @param string $body The message body that is to be check * @param bool $complete Should it be a complete check or a simple check? * * @return array|bool Reshare details or "false" if no reshare */ public static function isReshare($body, $complete = true) { $body = trim($body); // Skip if it isn't a pure repeated messages // Does it start with a share? if ((strpos($body, "[share") > 0) && $complete) { return(false); } // Does it end with a share? if (strlen($body) > (strrpos($body, "[/share]") + 8)) { return(false); } $attributes = preg_replace("/\[share(.*?)\]\s?(.*?)\s?\[\/share\]\s?/ism", "$1", $body); // Skip if there is no shared message in there if ($body == $attributes) { return(false); } // If we don't do the complete check we quit here if (!$complete) { return true; } $guid = ""; preg_match("/guid='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches); if ($matches[1] != "") { $guid = $matches[1]; } preg_match('/guid="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches); if ($matches[1] != "") { $guid = $matches[1]; } if ($guid != "") { $r = q( "SELECT `contact-id` FROM `item` WHERE `guid` = '%s' AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s') LIMIT 1", dbesc($guid), NETWORK_DFRN, NETWORK_DIASPORA ); if ($r) { $ret= []; $ret["root_handle"] = self::handleFromContact($r[0]["contact-id"]); $ret["root_guid"] = $guid; return($ret); } } $profile = ""; preg_match("/profile='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches); if ($matches[1] != "") { $profile = $matches[1]; } preg_match('/profile="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches); if ($matches[1] != "") { $profile = $matches[1]; } $ret= []; $ret["root_handle"] = preg_replace("=https?://(.*)/u/(.*)=ism", "$2@$1", $profile); if (($ret["root_handle"] == $profile) || ($ret["root_handle"] == "")) { return(false); } $link = ""; preg_match("/link='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches); if ($matches[1] != "") { $link = $matches[1]; } preg_match('/link="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches); if ($matches[1] != "") { $link = $matches[1]; } $ret["root_guid"] = preg_replace("=https?://(.*)/posts/(.*)=ism", "$2", $link); if (($ret["root_guid"] == $link) || (trim($ret["root_guid"]) == "")) { return(false); } return($ret); } /** * @brief Create an event array * * @param integer $event_id The id of the event * * @return array with event data */ private static function buildEvent($event_id) { $r = q("SELECT `guid`, `uid`, `start`, `finish`, `nofinish`, `summary`, `desc`, `location`, `adjust` FROM `event` WHERE `id` = %d", intval($event_id)); if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { return []; } $event = $r[0]; $eventdata = []; $r = q("SELECT `timezone` FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d", intval($event['uid'])); if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { return []; } $user = $r[0]; $r = q("SELECT `addr`, `nick` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self`", intval($event['uid'])); if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { return []; } $owner = $r[0]; $eventdata['author'] = self::myHandle($owner); if ($event['guid']) { $eventdata['guid'] = $event['guid']; } $mask = DateTimeFormat::ATOM; /// @todo - establish "all day" events in Friendica $eventdata["all_day"] = "false"; if (!$event['adjust']) { $eventdata['timezone'] = $user['timezone']; if ($eventdata['timezone'] == "") { $eventdata['timezone'] = 'UTC'; } } if ($event['start']) { $eventdata['start'] = DateTimeFormat::convert($event['start'], "UTC", $eventdata['timezone'], $mask); } if ($event['finish'] && !$event['nofinish']) { $eventdata['end'] = DateTimeFormat::convert($event['finish'], "UTC", $eventdata['timezone'], $mask); } if ($event['summary']) { $eventdata['summary'] = html_entity_decode(BBCode::toMarkdown($event['summary'])); } if ($event['desc']) { $eventdata['description'] = html_entity_decode(BBCode::toMarkdown($event['desc'])); } if ($event['location']) { $event['location'] = preg_replace("/\[map\](.*?)\[\/map\]/ism", '$1', $event['location']); $coord = Map::getCoordinates($event['location']); $location = []; $location["address"] = html_entity_decode(BBCode::toMarkdown($event['location'])); if (!empty($coord['lat']) && !empty($coord['lon'])) { $location["lat"] = $coord['lat']; $location["lng"] = $coord['lon']; } else { $location["lat"] = 0; $location["lng"] = 0; } $eventdata['location'] = $location; } return $eventdata; } /** * @brief Create a post (status message or reshare) * * @param array $item The item that will be exported * @param array $owner the array of the item owner * * @return array * 'type' -> Message type ("status_message" or "reshare") * 'message' -> Array of XML elements of the status */ public static function buildStatus($item, $owner) { $cachekey = "diaspora:buildStatus:".$item['guid']; $result = Cache::get($cachekey); if (!is_null($result)) { return $result; } $myaddr = self::myHandle($owner); $public = (($item["private"]) ? "false" : "true"); $created = DateTimeFormat::utc($item["created"], DateTimeFormat::ATOM); // Detect a share element and do a reshare if (!$item['private'] && ($ret = self::isReshare($item["body"]))) { $message = ["author" => $myaddr, "guid" => $item["guid"], "created_at" => $created, "root_author" => $ret["root_handle"], "root_guid" => $ret["root_guid"], "provider_display_name" => $item["app"], "public" => $public]; $type = "reshare"; } else { $title = $item["title"]; $body = $item["body"]; // convert to markdown $body = html_entity_decode(BBCode::toMarkdown($body)); // Adding the title if (strlen($title)) { $body = "## ".html_entity_decode($title)."\n\n".$body; } if ($item["attach"]) { $cnt = preg_match_all('/href=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)title=\"(.*?)\"/ism', $item["attach"], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if (cnt) { $body .= "\n".L10n::t("Attachments:")."\n"; foreach ($matches as $mtch) { $body .= "[".$mtch[3]."](".$mtch[1].")\n"; } } } $location = []; if ($item["location"] != "") $location["address"] = $item["location"]; if ($item["coord"] != "") { $coord = explode(" ", $item["coord"]); $location["lat"] = $coord[0]; $location["lng"] = $coord[1]; } $message = ["author" => $myaddr, "guid" => $item["guid"], "created_at" => $created, "public" => $public, "text" => $body, "provider_display_name" => $item["app"], "location" => $location]; // Diaspora rejects messages when they contain a location without "lat" or "lng" if (!isset($location["lat"]) || !isset($location["lng"])) { unset($message["location"]); } if ($item['event-id'] > 0) { $event = self::buildEvent($item['event-id']); if (count($event)) { $message['event'] = $event; if (!empty($event['location']['address']) && !empty($event['location']['lat']) && !empty($event['location']['lng'])) { $message['location'] = $event['location']; } /// @todo Once Diaspora supports it, we will remove the body and the location hack above // $message['text'] = ''; } } $type = "status_message"; } $msg = ["type" => $type, "message" => $message]; Cache::set($cachekey, $msg, CACHE_QUARTER_HOUR); return $msg; } /** * @brief Sends a post * * @param array $item The item that will be exported * @param array $owner the array of the item owner * @param array $contact Target of the communication * @param bool $public_batch Is it a public post? * * @return int The result of the transmission */ public static function sendStatus($item, $owner, $contact, $public_batch = false) { $status = self::buildStatus($item, $owner); return self::buildAndTransmit($owner, $contact, $status["type"], $status["message"], $public_batch, $item["guid"]); } /** * @brief Creates a "like" object * * @param array $item The item that will be exported * @param array $owner the array of the item owner * * @return array The data for a "like" */ private static function constructLike($item, $owner) { $p = q( "SELECT `guid`, `uri`, `parent-uri` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($item["thr-parent"]) ); if (!DBM::is_result($p)) { return false; } $parent = $p[0]; $target_type = ($parent["uri"] === $parent["parent-uri"] ? "Post" : "Comment"); $positive = null; if ($item['verb'] === ACTIVITY_LIKE) { $positive = "true"; } elseif ($item['verb'] === ACTIVITY_DISLIKE) { $positive = "false"; } return(["author" => self::myHandle($owner), "guid" => $item["guid"], "parent_guid" => $parent["guid"], "parent_type" => $target_type, "positive" => $positive, "author_signature" => ""]); } /** * @brief Creates an "EventParticipation" object * * @param array $item The item that will be exported * @param array $owner the array of the item owner * * @return array The data for an "EventParticipation" */ private static function constructAttend($item, $owner) { $p = q( "SELECT `guid`, `uri`, `parent-uri` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($item["thr-parent"]) ); if (!DBM::is_result($p)) { return false; } $parent = $p[0]; switch ($item['verb']) { case ACTIVITY_ATTEND: $attend_answer = 'accepted'; break; case ACTIVITY_ATTENDNO: $attend_answer = 'declined'; break; case ACTIVITY_ATTENDMAYBE: $attend_answer = 'tentative'; break; default: logger('Unknown verb '.$item['verb'].' in item '.$item['guid']); return false; } return(["author" => self::myHandle($owner), "guid" => $item["guid"], "parent_guid" => $parent["guid"], "status" => $attend_answer, "author_signature" => ""]); } /** * @brief Creates the object for a comment * * @param array $item The item that will be exported * @param array $owner the array of the item owner * * @return array The data for a comment */ private static function constructComment($item, $owner) { $cachekey = "diaspora:constructComment:".$item['guid']; $result = Cache::get($cachekey); if (!is_null($result)) { return $result; } $p = q( "SELECT `guid` FROM `item` WHERE `parent` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item["parent"]), intval($item["parent"]) ); if (!DBM::is_result($p)) { return false; } $parent = $p[0]; $text = html_entity_decode(BBCode::toMarkdown($item["body"])); $created = DateTimeFormat::utc($item["created"], DateTimeFormat::ATOM); $comment = ["author" => self::myHandle($owner), "guid" => $item["guid"], "created_at" => $created, "parent_guid" => $parent["guid"], "text" => $text, "author_signature" => ""]; // Send the thread parent guid only if it is a threaded comment if ($item['thr-parent'] != $item['parent-uri']) { $comment['thread_parent_guid'] = self::getGuidFromUri($item['thr-parent'], $item['uid']); } Cache::set($cachekey, $comment, CACHE_QUARTER_HOUR); return($comment); } /** * @brief Send a like or a comment * * @param array $item The item that will be exported * @param array $owner the array of the item owner * @param array $contact Target of the communication * @param bool $public_batch Is it a public post? * * @return int The result of the transmission */ public static function sendFollowup($item, $owner, $contact, $public_batch = false) { if (in_array($item['verb'], [ACTIVITY_ATTEND, ACTIVITY_ATTENDNO, ACTIVITY_ATTENDMAYBE])) { $message = self::constructAttend($item, $owner); $type = "event_participation"; } elseif (in_array($item["verb"], [ACTIVITY_LIKE, ACTIVITY_DISLIKE])) { $message = self::constructLike($item, $owner); $type = "like"; } else { $message = self::constructComment($item, $owner); $type = "comment"; } if (!$message) { return false; } $message["author_signature"] = self::signature($owner, $message); return self::buildAndTransmit($owner, $contact, $type, $message, $public_batch, $item["guid"]); } /** * @brief Creates a message from a signature record entry * * @param array $item The item that will be exported * @param array $signature The entry of the "sign" record * * @return string The message */ private static function messageFromSignature($item, $signature) { // Split the signed text $signed_parts = explode(";", $signature['signed_text']); if ($item["deleted"]) { $message = ["author" => $signature['signer'], "target_guid" => $signed_parts[0], "target_type" => $signed_parts[1]]; } elseif (in_array($item["verb"], [ACTIVITY_LIKE, ACTIVITY_DISLIKE])) { $message = ["author" => $signed_parts[4], "guid" => $signed_parts[1], "parent_guid" => $signed_parts[3], "parent_type" => $signed_parts[2], "positive" => $signed_parts[0], "author_signature" => $signature['signature'], "parent_author_signature" => ""]; } else { // Remove the comment guid $guid = array_shift($signed_parts); // Remove the parent guid $parent_guid = array_shift($signed_parts); // Remove the handle $handle = array_pop($signed_parts); // Glue the parts together $text = implode(";", $signed_parts); $message = ["author" => $handle, "guid" => $guid, "parent_guid" => $parent_guid, "text" => implode(";", $signed_parts), "author_signature" => $signature['signature'], "parent_author_signature" => ""]; } return $message; } /** * @brief Relays messages (like, comment, retraction) to other servers if we are the thread owner * * @param array $item The item that will be exported * @param array $owner the array of the item owner * @param array $contact Target of the communication * @param bool $public_batch Is it a public post? * * @return int The result of the transmission */ public static function sendRelay($item, $owner, $contact, $public_batch = false) { if ($item["deleted"]) { return self::sendRetraction($item, $owner, $contact, $public_batch, true); } elseif (in_array($item["verb"], [ACTIVITY_LIKE, ACTIVITY_DISLIKE])) { $type = "like"; } else { $type = "comment"; } logger("Got relayable data ".$type." for item ".$item["guid"]." (".$item["id"].")", LOGGER_DEBUG); // fetch the original signature $r = q( "SELECT `signed_text`, `signature`, `signer` FROM `sign` WHERE `iid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item["id"]) ); if (!$r) { logger("Couldn't fetch signatur for item ".$item["guid"]." (".$item["id"].")", LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } $signature = $r[0]; // Old way - is used by the internal Friendica functions /// @todo Change all signatur storing functions to the new format if ($signature['signed_text'] && $signature['signature'] && $signature['signer']) { $message = self::messageFromSignature($item, $signature); } else {// New way $msg = json_decode($signature['signed_text'], true); $message = []; if (is_array($msg)) { foreach ($msg as $field => $data) { if (!$item["deleted"]) { if ($field == "diaspora_handle") { $field = "author"; } if ($field == "target_type") { $field = "parent_type"; } } $message[$field] = $data; } } else { logger("Signature text for item ".$item["guid"]." (".$item["id"].") couldn't be extracted: ".$signature['signed_text'], LOGGER_DEBUG); } } $message["parent_author_signature"] = self::signature($owner, $message); logger("Relayed data ".print_r($message, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); return self::buildAndTransmit($owner, $contact, $type, $message, $public_batch, $item["guid"]); } /** * @brief Sends a retraction (deletion) of a message, like or comment * * @param array $item The item that will be exported * @param array $owner the array of the item owner * @param array $contact Target of the communication * @param bool $public_batch Is it a public post? * @param bool $relay Is the retraction transmitted from a relay? * * @return int The result of the transmission */ public static function sendRetraction($item, $owner, $contact, $public_batch = false, $relay = false) { $itemaddr = self::handleFromContact($item["contact-id"], $item["author-id"]); $msg_type = "retraction"; if ($item['id'] == $item['parent']) { $target_type = "Post"; } elseif (in_array($item["verb"], [ACTIVITY_LIKE, ACTIVITY_DISLIKE])) { $target_type = "Like"; } else { $target_type = "Comment"; } $message = ["author" => $itemaddr, "target_guid" => $item['guid'], "target_type" => $target_type]; logger("Got message ".print_r($message, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); return self::buildAndTransmit($owner, $contact, $msg_type, $message, $public_batch, $item["guid"]); } /** * @brief Sends a mail * * @param array $item The item that will be exported * @param array $owner The owner * @param array $contact Target of the communication * * @return int The result of the transmission */ public static function sendMail($item, $owner, $contact) { $myaddr = self::myHandle($owner); $r = q( "SELECT * FROM `conv` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item["convid"]), intval($item["uid"]) ); if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { logger("conversation not found."); return; } $cnv = $r[0]; $conv = [ "author" => $cnv["creator"], "guid" => $cnv["guid"], "subject" => $cnv["subject"], "created_at" => DateTimeFormat::utc($cnv['created'], DateTimeFormat::ATOM), "participants" => $cnv["recips"] ]; $body = BBCode::toMarkdown($item["body"]); $created = DateTimeFormat::utc($item["created"], DateTimeFormat::ATOM); $msg = [ "author" => $myaddr, "guid" => $item["guid"], "conversation_guid" => $cnv["guid"], "text" => $body, "created_at" => $created, ]; if ($item["reply"]) { $message = $msg; $type = "message"; } else { $message = [ "author" => $cnv["creator"], "guid" => $cnv["guid"], "subject" => $cnv["subject"], "created_at" => DateTimeFormat::utc($cnv['created'], DateTimeFormat::ATOM), "participants" => $cnv["recips"], "message" => $msg]; $type = "conversation"; } return self::buildAndTransmit($owner, $contact, $type, $message, false, $item["guid"]); } /** * @brief Split a name into first name and last name * * @param string $name The name * * @return array The array with "first" and "last" */ public static function splitName($name) { $name = trim($name); // Is the name longer than 64 characters? Then cut the rest of it. if (strlen($name) > 64) { if ((strpos($name, ' ') <= 64) && (strpos($name, ' ') !== false)) { $name = trim(substr($name, 0, strrpos(substr($name, 0, 65), ' '))); } else { $name = substr($name, 0, 64); } } // Take the first word as first name $first = ((strpos($name, ' ') ? trim(substr($name, 0, strpos($name, ' '))) : $name)); $last = (($first === $name) ? '' : trim(substr($name, strlen($first)))); if ((strlen($first) < 32) && (strlen($last) < 32)) { return ['first' => $first, 'last' => $last]; } // Take the last word as last name $first = ((strrpos($name, ' ') ? trim(substr($name, 0, strrpos($name, ' '))) : $name)); $last = (($first === $name) ? '' : trim(substr($name, strlen($first)))); if ((strlen($first) < 32) && (strlen($last) < 32)) { return ['first' => $first, 'last' => $last]; } // Take the first 32 characters if there is no space in the first 32 characters if ((strpos($name, ' ') > 32) || (strpos($name, ' ') === false)) { $first = substr($name, 0, 32); $last = substr($name, 32); return ['first' => $first, 'last' => $last]; } $first = trim(substr($name, 0, strrpos(substr($name, 0, 33), ' '))); $last = (($first === $name) ? '' : trim(substr($name, strlen($first)))); // Check if the last name is longer than 32 characters if (strlen($last) > 32) { if (strpos($last, ' ') <= 32) { $last = trim(substr($last, 0, strrpos(substr($last, 0, 33), ' '))); } else { $last = substr($last, 0, 32); } } return ['first' => $first, 'last' => $last]; } /** * @brief Create profile data * * @param int $uid The user id * * @return array The profile data */ private static function createProfileData($uid) { $r = q( "SELECT `profile`.`uid` AS `profile_uid`, `profile`.* , `user`.*, `user`.`prvkey` AS `uprvkey`, `contact`.`addr` FROM `profile` INNER JOIN `user` ON `profile`.`uid` = `user`.`uid` INNER JOIN `contact` ON `profile`.`uid` = `contact`.`uid` WHERE `user`.`uid` = %d AND `profile`.`is-default` AND `contact`.`self` LIMIT 1", intval($uid) ); if (!$r) { return []; } $profile = $r[0]; $handle = $profile["addr"]; $split_name = self::splitName($profile['name']); $first = $split_name['first']; $last = $split_name['last']; $large = System::baseUrl().'/photo/custom/300/'.$profile['uid'].'.jpg'; $medium = System::baseUrl().'/photo/custom/100/'.$profile['uid'].'.jpg'; $small = System::baseUrl().'/photo/custom/50/' .$profile['uid'].'.jpg'; $searchable = (($profile['publish'] && $profile['net-publish']) ? 'true' : 'false'); $dob = null; $about = null; $location = null; $tags = null; if ($searchable === 'true') { $dob = ''; if ($profile['dob'] && ($profile['dob'] > '0000-00-00')) { list($year, $month, $day) = sscanf($profile['dob'], '%4d-%2d-%2d'); if ($year < 1004) { $year = 1004; } $dob = DateTimeFormat::utc($year . '-' . $month . '-'. $day, 'Y-m-d'); } $about = $profile['about']; $about = strip_tags(BBCode::convert($about)); $location = Profile::formatLocation($profile); $tags = ''; if ($profile['pub_keywords']) { $kw = str_replace(',', ' ', $profile['pub_keywords']); $kw = str_replace(' ', ' ', $kw); $arr = explode(' ', $profile['pub_keywords']); if (count($arr)) { for ($x = 0; $x < 5; $x ++) { if (trim($arr[$x])) { $tags .= '#'. trim($arr[$x]) .' '; } } } } $tags = trim($tags); } return ["author" => $handle, "first_name" => $first, "last_name" => $last, "image_url" => $large, "image_url_medium" => $medium, "image_url_small" => $small, "birthday" => $dob, "gender" => $profile['gender'], "bio" => $about, "location" => $location, "searchable" => $searchable, "nsfw" => "false", "tag_string" => $tags]; } /** * @brief Sends profile data * * @param int $uid The user id * @param bool $recips optional, default false * @return void */ public static function sendProfile($uid, $recips = false) { if (!$uid) { return; } $owner = User::getOwnerDataById($uid); if (!$owner) { return; } if (!$recips) { $recips = q( "SELECT `id`,`name`,`network`,`pubkey`,`notify` FROM `contact` WHERE `network` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d AND `rel` != %d", dbesc(NETWORK_DIASPORA), intval($uid), intval(CONTACT_IS_SHARING) ); } if (!$recips) { return; } $message = self::createProfileData($uid); foreach ($recips as $recip) { logger("Send updated profile data for user ".$uid." to contact ".$recip["id"], LOGGER_DEBUG); self::buildAndTransmit($owner, $recip, "profile", $message, false, "", false); } } /** * @brief Stores the signature for likes that are created on our system * * @param array $contact The contact array of the "like" * @param int $post_id The post id of the "like" * * @return bool Success */ public static function storeLikeSignature($contact, $post_id) { // Is the contact the owner? Then fetch the private key if (!$contact['self'] || ($contact['uid'] == 0)) { logger("No owner post, so not storing signature", LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } $r = q("SELECT `prvkey` FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($contact['uid'])); if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { return false; } $contact["uprvkey"] = $r[0]['prvkey']; $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($post_id)); if (!DBM::is_result($r)) { return false; } if (!in_array($r[0]["verb"], [ACTIVITY_LIKE, ACTIVITY_DISLIKE])) { return false; } $message = self::constructLike($r[0], $contact); if ($message === false) { return false; } $message["author_signature"] = self::signature($contact, $message); /* * Now store the signature more flexible to dynamically support new fields. * This will break Diaspora compatibility with Friendica versions prior to 3.5. */ dba::insert('sign', ['iid' => $post_id, 'signed_text' => json_encode($message)]); logger('Stored diaspora like signature'); return true; } /** * @brief Stores the signature for comments that are created on our system * * @param array $item The item array of the comment * @param array $contact The contact array of the item owner * @param string $uprvkey The private key of the sender * @param int $message_id The message id of the comment * * @return bool Success */ public static function storeCommentSignature($item, $contact, $uprvkey, $message_id) { if ($uprvkey == "") { logger('No private key, so not storing comment signature', LOGGER_DEBUG); return false; } $contact["uprvkey"] = $uprvkey; $message = self::constructComment($item, $contact); if ($message === false) { return false; } $message["author_signature"] = self::signature($contact, $message); /* * Now store the signature more flexible to dynamically support new fields. * This will break Diaspora compatibility with Friendica versions prior to 3.5. */ dba::insert('sign', ['iid' => $message_id, 'signed_text' => json_encode($message)]); logger('Stored diaspora comment signature'); return true; } }