<?php /** * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2022, the Friendica project * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Main view structure configuration file. * * Here are described all the view Friendica needs to work. * * Syntax (braces indicate optionale values): * "<view name>" => [ * "fields" => [ * "<field name>" => ["table", "field"], * "<field name>" => "SQL expression", * ... * ], * "query" => "FROM `table` INNER JOIN `other-table` ..." * ], * ], * * If you need to make any change, make sure to increment the DB_UPDATE_VERSION constant value in dbstructure.config.php. * */ return [ "application-view" => [ "fields" => [ "id" => ["application", "id"], "uid" => ["application-token", "uid"], "name" => ["application", "name"], "redirect_uri" => ["application", "redirect_uri"], "website" => ["application", "website"], "client_id" => ["application", "client_id"], "client_secret" => ["application", "client_secret"], "code" => ["application-token", "code"], "access_token" => ["application-token", "access_token"], "created_at" => ["application-token", "created_at"], "scopes" => ["application-token", "scopes"], "read" => ["application-token", "read"], "write" => ["application-token", "write"], "follow" => ["application-token", "follow"], "push" => ["application-token", "push"], ], "query" => "FROM `application-token` INNER JOIN `application` ON `application-token`.`application-id` = `application`.`id`" ], "post-user-view" => [ "fields" => [ "id" => ["post-user", "id"], "post-user-id" => ["post-user", "id"], "uid" => ["post-user", "uid"], "parent" => ["parent-post", "id"], "uri" => ["item-uri", "uri"], "uri-id" => ["post-user", "uri-id"], "parent-uri" => ["parent-item-uri", "uri"], "parent-uri-id" => ["post-user", "parent-uri-id"], "thr-parent" => ["thr-parent-item-uri", "uri"], "thr-parent-id" => ["post-user", "thr-parent-id"], "conversation" => ["conversation-item-uri", "uri"], "conversation-id" => ["post-thread-user", "conversation-id"], "quote-uri" => ["quote-item-uri", "uri"], "quote-uri-id" => ["post-content", "quote-uri-id"], "guid" => ["item-uri", "guid"], "wall" => ["post-user", "wall"], "gravity" => ["post-user", "gravity"], "extid" => ["external-item-uri", "uri"], "external-id" => ["post-user", "external-id"], "created" => ["post-user", "created"], "edited" => ["post-user", "edited"], "commented" => ["post-thread-user", "commented"], "received" => ["post-user", "received"], "changed" => ["post-thread-user", "changed"], "post-type" => ["post-user", "post-type"], "post-reason" => ["post-user", "post-reason"], "private" => ["post-user", "private"], "pubmail" => ["post-thread-user", "pubmail"], "visible" => ["post-user", "visible"], "starred" => ["post-thread-user", "starred"], "unseen" => ["post-user", "unseen"], "deleted" => ["post-user", "deleted"], "origin" => ["post-user", "origin"], "parent-origin" => ["post-thread-user", "origin"], "mention" => ["post-thread-user", "mention"], "global" => ["post-user", "global"], "featured" => "EXISTS(SELECT `type` FROM `post-collection` WHERE `type` = 0 AND `uri-id` = `post-user`.`uri-id`)", "network" => ["post-user", "network"], "protocol" => ["post-user", "protocol"], "vid" => ["post-user", "vid"], "psid" => ["post-user", "psid"], "verb" => "IF (`post-user`.`vid` IS NULL, '', `verb`.`name`)", "title" => ["post-content", "title"], "content-warning" => ["post-content", "content-warning"], "raw-body" => ["post-content", "raw-body"], "body" => "IFNULL (`post-content`.`body`, '')", "rendered-hash" => ["post-content", "rendered-hash"], "rendered-html" => ["post-content", "rendered-html"], "language" => ["post-content", "language"], "plink" => ["post-content", "plink"], "location" => ["post-content", "location"], "coord" => ["post-content", "coord"], "app" => ["post-content", "app"], "object-type" => ["post-content", "object-type"], "object" => ["post-content", "object"], "target-type" => ["post-content", "target-type"], "target" => ["post-content", "target"], "resource-id" => ["post-content", "resource-id"], "contact-id" => ["post-user", 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