<?php use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Core\Config; use Friendica\Network\Probe; function cronjobs_run(&$argv, &$argc){ global $a; require_once 'include/datetime.php'; require_once 'include/ostatus.php'; require_once 'include/post_update.php'; require_once 'mod/nodeinfo.php'; require_once 'include/photos.php'; require_once 'include/user.php'; require_once 'include/socgraph.php'; // No parameter set? So return if ($argc <= 1) { return; } logger("Starting cronjob ".$argv[1], LOGGER_DEBUG); // Check OStatus conversations // Check only conversations with mentions (for a longer time) if ($argv[1] == 'ostatus_mentions') { ostatus::check_conversations(true); return; } // Check every conversation if ($argv[1] == 'ostatus_conversations') { ostatus::check_conversations(false); return; } // Call possible post update functions // see include/post_update.php for more details if ($argv[1] == 'post_update') { post_update(); return; } // update nodeinfo data if ($argv[1] == 'nodeinfo') { nodeinfo_cron(); return; } // Expire and remove user entries if ($argv[1] == 'expire_and_remove_users') { cron_expire_and_remove_users(); return; } if ($argv[1] == 'update_contact_birthdays') { update_contact_birthdays(); return; } if ($argv[1] == 'update_photo_albums') { cron_update_photo_albums(); return; } // Clear cache entries if ($argv[1] == 'clear_cache') { cron_clear_cache($a); return; } // Repair missing Diaspora values in contacts if ($argv[1] == 'repair_diaspora') { cron_repair_diaspora($a); return; } // Repair entries in the database if ($argv[1] == 'repair_database') { cron_repair_database(); return; } logger("Xronjob ".$argv[1]." is unknown.", LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } /** * @brief Update the cached values for the number of photo albums per user */ function cron_update_photo_albums() { $r = q("SELECT `uid` FROM `user` WHERE NOT `account_expired` AND NOT `account_removed`"); if (!dbm::is_result($r)) { return; } foreach ($r AS $user) { photo_albums($user['uid'], true); } } /** * @brief Expire and remove user entries */ function cron_expire_and_remove_users() { // expire any expired accounts q("UPDATE user SET `account_expired` = 1 where `account_expired` = 0 AND `account_expires_on` > '%s' AND `account_expires_on` < UTC_TIMESTAMP()", dbesc(NULL_DATE)); // delete user and contact records for recently removed accounts $r = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `account_removed` AND `account_expires_on` < UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 3 DAY"); if (dbm::is_result($r)) { foreach ($r as $user) { q("DELETE FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d", intval($user['uid'])); q("DELETE FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d", intval($user['uid'])); } } } /** * @brief Clear cache entries * * @param App $a */ function cron_clear_cache(App $a) { $last = get_config('system','cache_last_cleared'); if ($last) { $next = $last + (3600); // Once per hour $clear_cache = ($next <= time()); } else { $clear_cache = true; } if (!$clear_cache) { return; } // clear old cache Cache::clear(); // clear old item cache files clear_cache(); // clear cache for photos clear_cache($a->get_basepath(), $a->get_basepath()."/photo"); // clear smarty cache clear_cache($a->get_basepath()."/view/smarty3/compiled", $a->get_basepath()."/view/smarty3/compiled"); // clear cache for image proxy if (!get_config("system", "proxy_disabled")) { clear_cache($a->get_basepath(), $a->get_basepath()."/proxy"); $cachetime = get_config('system','proxy_cache_time'); if (!$cachetime) { $cachetime = PROXY_DEFAULT_TIME; } q('DELETE FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = 0 AND `resource-id` LIKE "pic:%%" AND `created` < NOW() - INTERVAL %d SECOND', $cachetime); } // Delete the cached OEmbed entries that are older than one year q("DELETE FROM `oembed` WHERE `created` < NOW() - INTERVAL 3 MONTH"); // Delete the cached "parse_url" entries that are older than one year q("DELETE FROM `parsed_url` WHERE `created` < NOW() - INTERVAL 3 MONTH"); // Maximum table size in megabyte $max_tablesize = intval(get_config('system','optimize_max_tablesize')) * 1000000; if ($max_tablesize == 0) { $max_tablesize = 100 * 1000000; // Default are 100 MB } if ($max_tablesize > 0) { // Minimum fragmentation level in percent $fragmentation_level = intval(get_config('system','optimize_fragmentation')) / 100; if ($fragmentation_level == 0) { $fragmentation_level = 0.3; // Default value is 30% } // Optimize some tables that need to be optimized $r = q("SHOW TABLE STATUS"); foreach ($r as $table) { // Don't optimize tables that are too large if ($table["Data_length"] > $max_tablesize) { continue; } // Don't optimize empty tables if ($table["Data_length"] == 0) { continue; } // Calculate fragmentation $fragmentation = $table["Data_free"] / ($table["Data_length"] + $table["Index_length"]); logger("Table ".$table["Name"]." - Fragmentation level: ".round($fragmentation * 100, 2), LOGGER_DEBUG); // Don't optimize tables that needn't to be optimized if ($fragmentation < $fragmentation_level) { continue; } // So optimize it logger("Optimize Table ".$table["Name"], LOGGER_DEBUG); q("OPTIMIZE TABLE `%s`", dbesc($table["Name"])); } } set_config('system','cache_last_cleared', time()); } /** * @brief Repair missing values in Diaspora contacts * * @param App $a */ function cron_repair_diaspora(App $a) { $starttime = time(); $r = q("SELECT `id`, `url` FROM `contact` WHERE `network` = '%s' AND (`batch` = '' OR `notify` = '' OR `poll` = '' OR pubkey = '') ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 50", dbesc(NETWORK_DIASPORA)); if (!dbm::is_result($r)) { return; } foreach ($r AS $contact) { // Quit the loop after 3 minutes if (time() > ($starttime + 180)) { return; } if (!poco_reachable($contact["url"])) { continue; } $data = Probe::uri($contact["url"]); if ($data["network"] != NETWORK_DIASPORA) { continue; } logger("Repair contact ".$contact["id"]." ".$contact["url"], LOGGER_DEBUG); q("UPDATE `contact` SET `batch` = '%s', `notify` = '%s', `poll` = '%s', pubkey = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d", dbesc($data["batch"]), dbesc($data["notify"]), dbesc($data["poll"]), dbesc($data["pubkey"]), intval($contact["id"])); } } /** * @brief Do some repairs in database entries * */ function cron_repair_database() { // Sometimes there seem to be issues where the "self" contact vanishes. // We haven't found the origin of the problem by now. $r = q("SELECT `uid` FROM `user` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT `uid` FROM `contact` WHERE `contact`.`uid` = `user`.`uid` AND `contact`.`self`)"); if (dbm::is_result($r)) { foreach ($r AS $user) { logger('Create missing self contact for user '.$user['uid']); user_create_self_contact($user['uid']); } } // Set the parent if it wasn't set. (Shouldn't happen - but does sometimes) // This call is very "cheap" so we can do it at any time without a problem q("UPDATE `item` INNER JOIN `item` AS `parent` ON `parent`.`uri` = `item`.`parent-uri` AND `parent`.`uid` = `item`.`uid` SET `item`.`parent` = `parent`.`id` WHERE `item`.`parent` = 0"); // There was an issue where the nick vanishes from the contact table q("UPDATE `contact` INNER JOIN `user` ON `contact`.`uid` = `user`.`uid` SET `nick` = `nickname` WHERE `self` AND `nick`=''"); // Update the global contacts for local users $r = q("SELECT `uid` FROM `user` WHERE `verified` AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `account_removed` AND NOT `account_expired`"); if (dbm::is_result($r)) { foreach ($r AS $user) { update_gcontact_for_user($user["uid"]); } } /// @todo /// - remove thread entries without item /// - remove sign entries without item /// - remove children when parent got lost /// - set contact-id in item when not present }