 * @file view/theme/frio/style.php

use Friendica\Core\Config;
use Friendica\Core\PConfig;
use Friendica\Util\Strings;

require_once 'view/theme/frio/php/PHPColors/Color.php';

$scheme = '';
$schemecss = '';
$schemecssfile = false;
$scheme_modified = 0;


// Default to hard-coded values for empty settings
$scheme           = Config::get('frio', 'scheme', Config::get('frio', 'schema'));
$nav_bg           = Config::get('frio', 'nav_bg')           ?: '#708fa0';
$nav_icon_color   = Config::get('frio', 'nav_icon_color')   ?: '#ffffff';
$link_color       = Config::get('frio', 'link_color')       ?: '#6fdbe8';
$background_color = Config::get('frio', 'background_color') ?: '#ededed';
$contentbg_transp = Config::get('frio', 'contentbg_transp') ?: '';
$background_image = Config::get('frio', 'background_image') ?: 'img/none.png';
$bg_image_option  = Config::get('frio', 'bg_image_option')  ?: '';
$login_bg_image   = Config::get('frio', 'login_bg_image')   ?: '';
$login_bg_color   = Config::get('frio', 'login_bg_color')   ?: '';
$modified         = Config::get('frio', 'css_modified')     ?: time();

if (!$login_bg_image && !$login_bg_color) {
	$login_bg_image = 'img/login_bg.jpg';
$login_bg_color = $login_bg_color ?: '#ededed';

// Get the UID of the profile owner.
$uid = $_REQUEST['puid'] ?? 0;
if ($uid) {
	PConfig::load($uid, 'frio');

	// Only override display settings that have actually been set
	$scheme           = PConfig::get($uid, 'frio', 'scheme', PConfig::get($uid, 'frio', 'schema')) ?: $scheme;
	$nav_bg           = PConfig::get($uid, 'frio', 'nav_bg')           ?: $nav_bg;
	$nav_icon_color   = PConfig::get($uid, 'frio', 'nav_icon_color')   ?: $nav_icon_color;
	$link_color       = PConfig::get($uid, 'frio', 'link_color')       ?: $link_color;
	$background_color = PConfig::get($uid, 'frio', 'background_color') ?: $background_color;
	$contentbg_transp = PConfig::get($uid, 'frio', 'contentbg_transp') ?: $contentbg_transp;
	$background_image = PConfig::get($uid, 'frio', 'background_image') ?: $background_image;
	$bg_image_option  = PConfig::get($uid, 'frio', 'bg_image_option')  ?: $bg_image_option;
	$modified         = PConfig::get($uid, 'frio', 'css_modified')     ?: $modified;

// Now load the scheme.  If a value is changed above, we'll keep the settings
// If not, we'll keep those defined by the scheme
// Setting $scheme to '' wasn't working for some reason, so we'll check it's
// not --- like the mobile theme does instead.
// Allow layouts to over-ride the scheme.
if (!empty($_REQUEST['scheme'])) {
	$scheme = $_REQUEST['scheme'];

$scheme = Strings::sanitizeFilePathItem($scheme);

if (($scheme) && ($scheme != '---')) {
	if (file_exists('view/theme/frio/scheme/' . $scheme . '.php')) {
		$schemefile = 'view/theme/frio/scheme/' . $scheme . '.php';
		require_once $schemefile;
	if (file_exists('view/theme/frio/scheme/' . $scheme . '.css')) {
		$schemecssfile = 'view/theme/frio/scheme/' . $scheme . '.css';

// If we haven't got a scheme, load the default.  We shouldn't touch this - we
// should leave it for admins to define for themselves.
// default.php and default.css MUST be symlinks to existing scheme files.
if (!$scheme) {
	if (file_exists('view/theme/frio/scheme/default.php')) {
		$schemefile = 'view/theme/frio/scheme/default.php';
		require_once $schemefile;
	if (file_exists('view/theme/frio/scheme/default.css')) {
		$schemecssfile = 'view/theme/frio/scheme/default.css';

$contentbg_transp = ((isset($contentbg_transp) && $contentbg_transp != '') ? $contentbg_transp : 100);

// Calculate some colors in dependance of existing colors.
// Some colors are calculated to don't have too many selection
// fields in the theme settings.
if (!isset($menu_background_hover_color)) {
	$mbhc = new Color($nav_bg);
	$mcolor = $mbhc->getHex();

	if ($mbhc->isLight($mcolor, 75)) {
		$menu_is = 'light';
		$menu_background_hover_color = '#' . $mbhc->darken(5);
	} else {
		$menu_is = 'dark';
		$menu_background_hover_color = '#' . $mbhc->lighten(5);
if (!isset($nav_icon_hover_color)) {
	$nihc = new Color($nav_bg);

	if ($nihc->isLight()) {
		$nav_icon_hover_color = '#' . $nihc->darken(10);
	} else {
		$nav_icon_hover_color = '#' . $nihc->lighten(10);
if (!isset($link_hover_color)) {
	$lhc = new Color($link_color);
	$lcolor = $lhc->getHex();

	if ($lhc->isLight($lcolor, 75)) {
		$link_hover_color = '#' . $lhc->darken(5);
	} else {
		$link_hover_color = '#' . $lhc->lighten(5);

// Convert $bg_image_options into css.
if (!isset($bg_image_option)) {
	$bg_image_option = null;

switch ($bg_image_option) {
	case 'stretch':
		$background_size_img = '100%';
		$background_repeat = 'no-repeat';
	case 'cover':
		$background_size_img = 'cover';
		$background_repeat = 'no-repeat';
	case 'repeat':
		$background_size_img = 'auto';
		$background_repeat = 'repeat';
	case 'contain':
		$background_size_img = 'contain';
		$background_repeat = 'repeat';

		$background_size_img = 'auto';
		$background_repeat = 'no-repeat';

// Convert transparency level from percentage to opacity value.
$contentbg_transp = $contentbg_transp / 100;

$options = [
	'$nav_bg'                      => $nav_bg,
	'$nav_icon_color'              => $nav_icon_color,
	'$nav_icon_hover_color'        => $nav_icon_hover_color,
	'$link_color'                  => $link_color,
	'$link_hover_color'            => $link_hover_color,
	'$menu_background_hover_color' => $menu_background_hover_color,
	'$btn_primary_color'           => $nav_icon_color,
	'$btn_primary_hover_color'     => $menu_background_hover_color,
	'$background_color'            => $background_color,
	'$contentbg_transp'            => $contentbg_transp,
	'$background_image'            => $background_image,
	'$background_size_img'         => $background_size_img,
	'$background_repeat'           => $background_repeat,
	'$login_bg_image'              => $login_bg_image,
	'$login_bg_color'              => $login_bg_color

$css_tpl = file_get_contents('view/theme/frio/css/style.css');

// Get the content of the scheme css file and the time of the last file change.
if ($schemecssfile) {
	$css_tpl .= file_get_contents($schemecssfile);
	$scheme_modified = filemtime($schemecssfile);

// We need to check which is the most recent css data.
// We will use this time later to decide if we load the cached or fresh css data.
if ($scheme_modified > $modified) {
	$modified = $scheme_modified;
// Apply the settings to the css template.
$css = str_replace(array_keys($options), array_values($options), $css_tpl);

$modified = gmdate('r', $modified);

$etag = md5($css);

// Set a header for caching.
header('Cache-Control: public');
header('ETag: "' . $etag . '"');
header('Last-Modified: ' . $modified);

// Only send the CSS file if it was changed.
/// @todo Check if this works at all (possibly clients are sending only the one or the other header) - compare with mod/photo.php
	$cached_modified = gmdate('r', strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']));
	$cached_etag = str_replace(['"', '-gzip'], ['', ''],

	if (($cached_modified == $modified) && ($cached_etag == $etag)) {
		header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');

echo $css;