diff --git a/tests/datasets/log/friendica.log.txt b/tests/datasets/log/friendica.log.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed695bd8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/datasets/log/friendica.log.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+2021-05-24T15:23:58Z index [INFO]: No HTTP_SIGNATURE header [] - {"file":"HTTPSignature.php","line":476,"function":"getSigner","uid":"0a3934","process_id":14826}
+2021-05-24T15:30:01Z worker [NOTICE]: Load: 0.01/20 - processes: 0/1/6 (0:0, 30:1) - maximum: 10/10 {"worker_id":"ece8fc8","worker_cmd":"Cron"} - {"file":"Worker.php","line":786,"function":"tooMuchWorkers","uid":"364d3c","process_id":20754}
+2021-05-24T15:40:01Z worker [WARNING]: Spool file does does not start with "item-" {"file":".","worker_id":"560c8b6","worker_cmd":"SpoolPost"} - {"file":"SpoolPost.php","line":40,"function":"execute","uid":"fd8c37","process_id":20846}
diff --git a/tests/src/Model/Log/ParsedLogIteratorTest.php b/tests/src/Model/Log/ParsedLogIteratorTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c97195547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/Model/Log/ParsedLogIteratorTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2021, the Friendica project
+ *
+ * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+namespace Friendica\Test\src\Object\Log;
+use Friendica\Util\ReversedFileReader;
+use Friendica\Model\Log\ParsedLogIterator;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
+ * Parsed log iterator testing class
+ */
+class ParsedLogIteratorTest extends TestCase
+	protected $pli;
+	public static function assertParsed($parsed, $expected_data)
+	{
+		foreach ($expected_data as $k => $v) {
+			self::assertSame($parsed->$k, $v, '"'.$k.'" does not match expectation');
+		}
+	}
+	protected function setUp()
+	{
+		$logfile = dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
+			'datasets' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
+			'friendica.log.txt';
+		$reader = new ReversedFileReader();
+		$this->pli = new ParsedLogIterator($reader);
+		$this->pli->open($logfile);
+	}
+	public function testIsIterable()
+	{
+		self::assertIsIterable($this->pli);
+	}
+	public function testEverything()
+	{
+		self::assertCount(3, iterator_to_array($this->pli, false));
+	}
+	public function testLimit()
+	{
+		$this->pli->withLimit(2);
+		self::assertCount(2, iterator_to_array($this->pli, false));
+	}
+	public function testFilterByLevel()
+	{
+		$this->pli->withFilters(['level' => 'INFO']);
+		$pls = iterator_to_array($this->pli, false);
+		self::assertCount(1, $pls);
+		self::assertParsed(
+			$pls[0],
+			[
+				'date'    => '2021-05-24T15:23:58Z',
+				'context' => 'index',
+				'level'   => 'INFO',
+				'message' => 'No HTTP_SIGNATURE header',
+				'data'    => null,
+				'source'  => '{"file":"HTTPSignature.php","line":476,"function":"getSigner","uid":"0a3934","process_id":14826}',
+			]
+		);
+	}
+	public function testFilterByContext()
+	{
+		$this->pli->withFilters(['context' => 'worker']);
+		$pls = iterator_to_array($this->pli, false);
+		self::assertCount(2, $pls);
+		self::assertParsed(
+			$pls[0],
+			[
+				'date'    => '2021-05-24T15:40:01Z',
+				'context' => 'worker',
+				'level'   => 'WARNING',
+				'message' => 'Spool file does does not start with "item-"',
+				'data'    => '{"file":".","worker_id":"560c8b6","worker_cmd":"SpoolPost"}',
+				'source'  => '{"file":"SpoolPost.php","line":40,"function":"execute","uid":"fd8c37","process_id":20846}',
+			]
+		);
+	}
+	public function testFilterCombined()
+	{
+		$this->pli->withFilters(['level' => 'NOTICE', 'context' => 'worker']);
+		$pls = iterator_to_array($this->pli, false);
+		self::assertCount(1, $pls);
+		self::assertParsed(
+			$pls[0],
+			[
+				'date'    => '2021-05-24T15:30:01Z',
+				'context' => 'worker',
+				'level'   => 'NOTICE',
+				'message' => 'Load: 0.01/20 - processes: 0/1/6 (0:0, 30:1) - maximum: 10/10',
+				'data'    => '{"worker_id":"ece8fc8","worker_cmd":"Cron"}',
+				'source'  => '{"file":"Worker.php","line":786,"function":"tooMuchWorkers","uid":"364d3c","process_id":20754}',
+			]
+		);
+	}
+	public function testSearch()
+	{
+		$this->pli->withSearch("maximum");
+		$pls = iterator_to_array($this->pli, false);
+		self::assertCount(1, $pls);
+		self::assertParsed(
+			$pls[0],
+			[
+				'date'    => '2021-05-24T15:30:01Z',
+				'context' => 'worker',
+				'level'   => 'NOTICE',
+				'message' => 'Load: 0.01/20 - processes: 0/1/6 (0:0, 30:1) - maximum: 10/10',
+				'data'    => '{"worker_id":"ece8fc8","worker_cmd":"Cron"}',
+				'source'  => '{"file":"Worker.php","line":786,"function":"tooMuchWorkers","uid":"364d3c","process_id":20754}',
+			]
+		);
+	}
+	public function testFilterAndSearch()
+	{
+		$this->pli
+			->withFilters(['context' => 'worker'])
+			->withSearch("header");
+		$pls = iterator_to_array($this->pli, false);
+		self::assertCount(0, $pls);
+	}
diff --git a/tests/src/Object/Log/ParsedLogTest.php b/tests/src/Object/Log/ParsedLogTest.php
index ab98030fc..ff3d06f55 100644
--- a/tests/src/Object/Log/ParsedLogTest.php
+++ b/tests/src/Object/Log/ParsedLogTest.php
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ class ParsedLogTest extends TestCase
 	public function testGenericLogLine()
-			'2021-05-24T15:40:01Z worker [NOTICE]: Spool file does does not start with "item-" {"file":".","worker_id":"560c8b6","worker_cmd":"SpoolPost"} - {"file":"SpoolPost.php","line":40,"function":"execute","uid":"fd8c37","process_id":20846}',
+			'2021-05-24T15:40:01Z worker [WARNING]: Spool file does does not start with "item-" {"file":".","worker_id":"560c8b6","worker_cmd":"SpoolPost"} - {"file":"SpoolPost.php","line":40,"function":"execute","uid":"fd8c37","process_id":20846}',
 				'date'    => '2021-05-24T15:40:01Z',
 				'context' => 'worker',
-				'level'   => 'NOTICE',
+				'level'   => 'WARNING',
 				'message' => 'Spool file does does not start with "item-"',
 				'data'    => '{"file":".","worker_id":"560c8b6","worker_cmd":"SpoolPost"}',
 				'source'  => '{"file":"SpoolPost.php","line":40,"function":"execute","uid":"fd8c37","process_id":20846}',