<?php if(! function_exists("string_plural_select_es")) { function string_plural_select_es($n){ $n = intval($n); return intval($n != 1); }} ; $a->strings["Androgyne"] = "Adrogino"; $a->strings["Bear"] = "Grande y peludo"; $a->strings["Bigender"] = "Ambos generos"; $a->strings["Cross dresser"] = "Trasvesti"; $a->strings["Drag queen"] = "Reina de Gala"; $a->strings["Eunuch"] = "Eunuco"; $a->strings["Faux queen"] = "Reina Falsa"; $a->strings["Gender fluid"] = "Género Fluido"; $a->strings["Kathoey"] = "Kathoey 'Thai'"; $a->strings["Lady"] = "Dama"; $a->strings["Lipstick lesbian"] = "Lesbiana labial (bi)"; $a->strings["Metrosexual"] = "Metrosexual"; $a->strings["Monk"] = "Monje"; $a->strings["Nun"] = "Monja"; $a->strings["Soft butch"] = "Marimacho leve"; $a->strings["Stone femme"] = "Mujer Dura"; $a->strings["Tomboy"] = "Niña niño"; $a->strings["Transman"] = "Hombre Trans"; $a->strings["Transwoman"] = "Mujer Trans"; $a->strings["Transvesti"] = "Trasvestido"; $a->strings["Trigender"] = "Trigenere"; $a->strings["Can't remember"] = "No recuerdo"; $a->strings["Hard to tell these days"] = "Díficil recordar ahora"; $a->strings["Girls with big tits"] = "Chica con grandes tetas"; $a->strings["Millionaires"] = "Millonarios"; $a->strings["Guys with big schlongs"] = "Chico con un gran paquete"; $a->strings["Easy women"] = "Chica Fácil"; $a->strings["People with impaired mobility"] = "Persona con movilidad reducida"; $a->strings["Amputees"] = "Amputado"; $a->strings["Statues, mannequins and immobility"] = "Estatua, maniquí e inmovilizado"; $a->strings["Pain"] = "Dolor"; $a->strings["Trans men"] = "Hombre Trans"; $a->strings["Older women"] = "Mujer Grande"; $a->strings["Asphyxiation"] = "Asfixia"; $a->strings["In public"] = "En público"; $a->strings["In danger"] = "En peligro"; $a->strings["Pretending to be male"] = "Petendiendo ser hombre"; $a->strings["Pretending to be female"] = "Petendiendo ser mujer"; $a->strings["Breats"] = "Breats"; $a->strings["Scat"] = "Escatolog@"; $a->strings["Crying"] = "Lorrón@"; $a->strings["Nappies/Diapers"] = "Pañal/Toallitas"; $a->strings["Trees"] = "Árbol"; $a->strings["Vomit"] = "Vómito"; $a->strings["Murder"] = "Asesino"; $a->strings["Fat people"] = "Gente gorda"; $a->strings["Feet"] = "Pies"; $a->strings["Covered in insects"] = "Cubierto de insectos"; $a->strings["Turning a human being into furniture"] = "Convertir un humano en mueble"; $a->strings["Elderly people"] = "Gente mayor"; $a->strings["Transgender people"] = "Gente transgenere"; $a->strings["Criminals"] = "Criminales"; $a->strings["Stealing"] = "Ladrón"; $a->strings["Breast milk"] = "Chupa leche"; $a->strings["Immersing genitals in liquids"] = "Genitales húmedos"; $a->strings["Giants"] = "Gigantes"; $a->strings["Masochism"] = "Masoquismo"; $a->strings["Cars"] = "Carros"; $a->strings["Menstruation"] = "Mestruación"; $a->strings["Mucus"] = "Moco"; $a->strings["Obscene language"] = "Lenguaje obseno"; $a->strings["Noses"] = "Nariz"; $a->strings["Navels"] = "Ombligos"; $a->strings["Corpses"] = "Cadaveres"; $a->strings["Smells"] = "Aromas"; $a->strings["Buttocks"] = "Traseros"; $a->strings["Nonliving objects"] = "Objetos inertes"; $a->strings["Sleeping people"] = "Gente dormida"; $a->strings["Urination"] = "Orina"; $a->strings["Eating people"] = "Que come gente"; $a->strings["Being eaten"] = "Ser comido"; $a->strings["Animals"] = "Animales"; $a->strings["I'd rather just have some chocolate"] = "Prefiero tomar chocolate"; $a->strings["Married to my job"] = "Casado con el trabajo"; $a->strings["Polygamist"] = "Polígam@"; $a->strings["Half married"] = "Medio casad@"; $a->strings["Living in the past"] = "Que vive en el pasado"; $a->strings["Pretending to be over my ex"] = "Pretendiendo superar a mi ex"; $a->strings["Hurt in the past"] = "Herida en el pasado"; $a->strings["Wallowing in self-pity"] = "Revolcadome en autocompasión";