*/ use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Content\Text\BBCode; use Friendica\Content\Text\HTML; use Friendica\Core\Config; use Friendica\Core\Hook; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\PConfig; use Friendica\Core\Protocol; use Friendica\Core\Worker; use Friendica\Database\DBA; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\GContact; use Friendica\Model\Group; use Friendica\Model\Item; use Friendica\Model\Queue; use Friendica\Model\User; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; use Friendica\Util\Network; use Friendica\Util\Strings; use Friendica\Util\XML; require 'addon/pumpio/oauth/http.php'; require 'addon/pumpio/oauth/oauth_client.php'; require_once 'include/enotify.php'; require_once "mod/share.php"; define('PUMPIO_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL', 5); // given in minutes function pumpio_install() { Hook::register('load_config', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_load_config'); Hook::register('hook_fork', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'hook_fork'); Hook::register('post_local', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_post_local'); Hook::register('notifier_normal', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_send'); Hook::register('jot_networks', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_jot_nets'); Hook::register('connector_settings', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_settings'); Hook::register('connector_settings_post', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_settings_post'); Hook::register('cron', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_cron'); Hook::register('queue_predeliver', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_queue_hook'); Hook::register('check_item_notification', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_check_item_notification'); } function pumpio_uninstall() { Hook::unregister('load_config', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_load_config'); Hook::unregister('hook_fork', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_hook_fork'); Hook::unregister('post_local', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_post_local'); Hook::unregister('notifier_normal', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_send'); Hook::unregister('jot_networks', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_jot_nets'); Hook::unregister('connector_settings', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_settings'); Hook::unregister('connector_settings_post', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_settings_post'); Hook::unregister('cron', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_cron'); Hook::unregister('queue_predeliver', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_queue_hook'); Hook::unregister('check_item_notification', 'addon/pumpio/pumpio.php', 'pumpio_check_item_notification'); } function pumpio_module() {} function pumpio_content(App $a) { if (!local_user()) { notice(L10n::t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return ''; } require_once("mod/settings.php"); settings_init($a); if (isset($a->argv[1])) { switch ($a->argv[1]) { case "connect": $o = pumpio_connect($a); break; default: $o = print_r($a->argv, true); break; } } else { $o = pumpio_connect($a); } return $o; } function pumpio_check_item_notification($a, &$notification_data) { $hostname = PConfig::get($notification_data["uid"], 'pumpio', 'host'); $username = PConfig::get($notification_data["uid"], "pumpio", "user"); $notification_data["profiles"][] = "https://".$hostname."/".$username; } function pumpio_registerclient(App $a, $host) { $url = "https://".$host."/api/client/register"; $params = []; $application_name = Config::get('pumpio', 'application_name'); if ($application_name == "") { $application_name = $a->getHostName(); } $adminlist = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", Config::get('config', 'admin_email'))); $params["type"] = "client_associate"; $params["contacts"] = $adminlist[0]; $params["application_type"] = "native"; $params["application_name"] = $application_name; $params["logo_url"] = $a->getBaseURL()."/images/friendica-256.png"; $params["redirect_uris"] = $a->getBaseURL()."/pumpio/connect"; Logger::log("pumpio_registerclient: ".$url." parameters ".print_r($params, true), Logger::DEBUG); $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Friendica"); $s = curl_exec($ch); $curl_info = curl_getinfo($ch); if ($curl_info["http_code"] == "200") { $values = json_decode($s); Logger::log("pumpio_registerclient: success ".print_r($values, true), Logger::DEBUG); return $values; } Logger::log("pumpio_registerclient: failed: ".print_r($curl_info, true), Logger::DEBUG); return false; } function pumpio_connect(App $a) { // Define the needed keys $consumer_key = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'consumer_key'); $consumer_secret = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'consumer_secret'); $hostname = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'host'); if ((($consumer_key == "") || ($consumer_secret == "")) && ($hostname != "")) { Logger::log("pumpio_connect: register client"); $clientdata = pumpio_registerclient($a, $hostname); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'consumer_key', $clientdata->client_id); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'consumer_secret', $clientdata->client_secret); $consumer_key = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'consumer_key'); $consumer_secret = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'consumer_secret'); Logger::log("pumpio_connect: ckey: ".$consumer_key." csecrect: ".$consumer_secret, Logger::DEBUG); } if (($consumer_key == "") || ($consumer_secret == "")) { Logger::log("pumpio_connect: ".sprintf("Unable to register the client at the pump.io server '%s'.", $hostname)); $o .= L10n::t("Unable to register the client at the pump.io server '%s'.", $hostname); return $o; } // The callback URL is the script that gets called after the user authenticates with pumpio $callback_url = $a->getBaseURL()."/pumpio/connect"; // Let's begin. First we need a Request Token. The request token is required to send the user // to pumpio's login page. // Create a new instance of the oauth_client_class library. For this step, all we need to give the library is our // Consumer Key and Consumer Secret $client = new oauth_client_class; $client->debug = 0; $client->server = ''; $client->oauth_version = '1.0a'; $client->request_token_url = 'https://'.$hostname.'/oauth/request_token'; $client->dialog_url = 'https://'.$hostname.'/oauth/authorize'; $client->access_token_url = 'https://'.$hostname.'/oauth/access_token'; $client->url_parameters = false; $client->authorization_header = true; $client->redirect_uri = $callback_url; $client->client_id = $consumer_key; $client->client_secret = $consumer_secret; if (($success = $client->Initialize())) { if (($success = $client->Process())) { if (strlen($client->access_token)) { Logger::log("pumpio_connect: otoken: ".$client->access_token." osecrect: ".$client->access_token_secret, Logger::DEBUG); PConfig::set(local_user(), "pumpio", "oauth_token", $client->access_token); PConfig::set(local_user(), "pumpio", "oauth_token_secret", $client->access_token_secret); } } $success = $client->Finalize($success); } if ($client->exit) { $o = 'Could not connect to pumpio. Refresh the page or try again later.'; } if ($success) { Logger::log("pumpio_connect: authenticated"); $o = L10n::t("You are now authenticated to pumpio."); $o .= '
'.L10n::t("return to the connector page").''; } else { Logger::log("pumpio_connect: could not connect"); $o = 'Could not connect to pumpio. Refresh the page or try again later.'; } return $o; } function pumpio_jot_nets(App $a, &$b) { if (! local_user()) { return; } $pumpio_post = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'post'); if (intval($pumpio_post) == 1) { $pumpio_defpost = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'post_by_default'); $selected = ((intval($pumpio_defpost) == 1) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $b .= '
' . L10n::t('Post to pumpio') . '
'; } } function pumpio_settings(App $a, &$s) { if (!local_user()) { return; } /* Add our stylesheet to the page so we can make our settings look nice */ $a->page['htmlhead'] .= '' . "\r\n"; /* Get the current state of our config variables */ $import_enabled = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'import'); $import_checked = (($import_enabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $enabled = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'post'); $checked = (($enabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $css = (($enabled) ? '' : '-disabled'); $def_enabled = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'post_by_default'); $def_checked = (($def_enabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $public_enabled = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'public'); $public_checked = (($public_enabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $mirror_enabled = PConfig::get(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'mirror'); $mirror_checked = (($mirror_enabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''); $servername = PConfig::get(local_user(), "pumpio", "host"); $username = PConfig::get(local_user(), "pumpio", "user"); /* Add some HTML to the existing form */ $s .= ''; $s .= '

'. L10n::t('Pump.io Import/Export/Mirror').'

'; $s .= '
'; $s .= ''; } function pumpio_settings_post(App $a, array &$b) { if (!empty($_POST['pumpio-submit'])) { if (!empty($_POST['pumpio_delete'])) { PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'consumer_key' , ''); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'consumer_secret' , ''); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'oauth_token' , ''); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'oauth_token_secret', ''); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'post' , false); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'import' , false); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'host' , ''); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'user' , ''); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'public' , false); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'mirror' , false); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'post_by_default' , false); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'lastdate' , 0); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'last_id' , ''); } else { // filtering the username if it is filled wrong $user = $_POST['pumpio_user']; if (strstr($user, "@")) { $pos = strpos($user, "@"); if ($pos > 0) { $user = substr($user, 0, $pos); } } // Filtering the hostname if someone is entering it with "http" $host = $_POST['pumpio_host']; $host = trim($host); $host = str_replace(["https://", "http://"], ["", ""], $host); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'post' , defaults($_POST, 'pumpio', false)); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'import' , defaults($_POST, 'pumpio_import', false)); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'host' , $host); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'user' , $user); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'public' , defaults($_POST, 'pumpio_public', false)); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'mirror' , defaults($_POST, 'pumpio_mirror', false)); PConfig::set(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'post_by_default', defaults($_POST, 'pumpio_bydefault', false)); if (!empty($_POST['pumpio_mirror'])) { PConfig::delete(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'lastdate'); } } } } function pumpio_load_config(App $a, Config\ConfigCacheLoader $loader) { $a->getConfig()->loadConfigArray($loader->loadAddonConfig('pumpio')); } function pumpio_hook_fork(App $a, array &$b) { if ($b['name'] != 'notifier_normal') { return; } $post = $b['data']; // Deleting and editing is not supported by the addon (deleting could, but isn't by now) if ($post['deleted'] || ($post['created'] !== $post['edited'])) { $b['execute'] = false; return; } // if post comes from pump.io don't send it back if ($post['app'] == "pump.io") { $b['execute'] = false; return; } if (PConfig::get($post['uid'], 'pumpio', 'import')) { // Don't fork if it isn't a reply to a pump.io post if (($post['parent'] != $post['id']) && !Item::exists(['id' => $post['parent'], 'network' => Protocol::PUMPIO])) { Logger::log('No pump.io parent found for item ' . $post['id']); $b['execute'] = false; return; } } else { // Comments are never exported when we don't import the pumpio timeline if (!strstr($post['postopts'], 'pumpio') || ($post['parent'] != $post['id']) || $post['private']) { $b['execute'] = false; return; } } } function pumpio_post_local(App $a, array &$b) { if (!local_user() || (local_user() != $b['uid'])) { return; } $pumpio_post = intval(PConfig::get(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'post')); $pumpio_enable = (($pumpio_post && !empty($_REQUEST['pumpio_enable'])) ? intval($_REQUEST['pumpio_enable']) : 0); if ($b['api_source'] && intval(PConfig::get(local_user(), 'pumpio', 'post_by_default'))) { $pumpio_enable = 1; } if (!$pumpio_enable) { return; } if (strlen($b['postopts'])) { $b['postopts'] .= ','; } $b['postopts'] .= 'pumpio'; } function pumpio_send(App $a, array &$b) { if (!PConfig::get($b["uid"], 'pumpio', 'import') && ($b['deleted'] || $b['private'] || ($b['created'] !== $b['edited']))) { return; } Logger::log("pumpio_send: parameter ".print_r($b, true), Logger::DATA); if ($b['parent'] != $b['id']) { // Looking if its a reply to a pumpio post $condition = ['id' => $b['parent'], 'network' => Protocol::PUMPIO]; $orig_post = Item::selectFirst([], $condition); if (!DBA::isResult($orig_post)) { Logger::log("pumpio_send: no pumpio post ".$b["parent"]); return; } else { $iscomment = true; } } else { $iscomment = false; $receiver = pumpio_getreceiver($a, $b); Logger::log("pumpio_send: receiver ".print_r($receiver, true)); if (!count($receiver) && ($b['private'] || !strstr($b['postopts'], 'pumpio'))) { return; } // Dont't post if the post doesn't belong to us. // This is a check for forum postings $self = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['id'], ['uid' => $b['uid'], 'self' => true]); if ($b['contact-id'] != $self['id']) { return; } } if ($b['verb'] == ACTIVITY_LIKE) { if ($b['deleted']) { pumpio_action($a, $b["uid"], $b["thr-parent"], "unlike"); } else { pumpio_action($a, $b["uid"], $b["thr-parent"], "like"); } return; } if ($b['verb'] == ACTIVITY_DISLIKE) { return; } if (($b['verb'] == ACTIVITY_POST) && ($b['created'] !== $b['edited']) && !$b['deleted']) { pumpio_action($a, $b["uid"], $b["uri"], "update", $b["body"]); } if (($b['verb'] == ACTIVITY_POST) && $b['deleted']) { pumpio_action($a, $b["uid"], $b["uri"], "delete"); } if ($b['deleted'] || ($b['created'] !== $b['edited'])) { return; } // if post comes from pump.io don't send it back if ($b['app'] == "pump.io") { return; } // To-Do; // Support for native shares // http:///api//shares?id= $oauth_token = PConfig::get($b['uid'], "pumpio", "oauth_token"); $oauth_token_secret = PConfig::get($b['uid'], "pumpio", "oauth_token_secret"); $consumer_key = PConfig::get($b['uid'], "pumpio","consumer_key"); $consumer_secret = PConfig::get($b['uid'], "pumpio","consumer_secret"); $host = PConfig::get($b['uid'], "pumpio", "host"); $user = PConfig::get($b['uid'], "pumpio", "user"); $public = PConfig::get($b['uid'], "pumpio", "public"); if ($oauth_token && $oauth_token_secret) { $title = trim($b['title']); $content = BBCode::convert($b['body'], false, 4); $params = []; $params["verb"] = "post"; if (!$iscomment) { $params["object"] = [ 'objectType' => "note", 'content' => $content]; if (!empty($title)) { $params["object"]["displayName"] = $title; } if (!empty($receiver["to"])) { $params["to"] = $receiver["to"]; } if (!empty($receiver["bto"])) { $params["bto"] = $receiver["bto"]; } if (!empty($receiver["cc"])) { $params["cc"] = $receiver["cc"]; } if (!empty($receiver["bcc"])) { $params["bcc"] = $receiver["bcc"]; } } else { $inReplyTo = ["id" => $orig_post["uri"], "objectType" => "note"]; if (($orig_post["object-type"] != "") && (strstr($orig_post["object-type"], NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA))) { $inReplyTo["objectType"] = str_replace(NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA, '', $orig_post["object-type"]); } $params["object"] = [ 'objectType' => "comment", 'content' => $content, 'inReplyTo' => $inReplyTo]; if ($title != "") { $params["object"]["displayName"] = $title; } } $client = new oauth_client_class; $client->oauth_version = '1.0a'; $client->url_parameters = false; $client->authorization_header = true; $client->access_token = $oauth_token; $client->access_token_secret = $oauth_token_secret; $client->client_id = $consumer_key; $client->client_secret = $consumer_secret; $username = $user.'@'.$host; $url = 'https://'.$host.'/api/user/'.$user.'/feed'; if (pumpio_reachable($url)) { $success = $client->CallAPI($url, 'POST', $params, ['FailOnAccessError'=>true, 'RequestContentType'=>'application/json'], $user); } else { $success = false; } if ($success) { if ($user->generator->displayName) { PConfig::set($b["uid"], "pumpio", "application_name", $user->generator->displayName); } $post_id = $user->object->id; Logger::log('pumpio_send '.$username.': success '.$post_id); if ($post_id && $iscomment) { Logger::log('pumpio_send '.$username.': Update extid '.$post_id." for post id ".$b['id']); Item::update(['extid' => $post_id], ['id' => $b['id']]); } } else { Logger::log('pumpio_send '.$username.': '.$url.' general error: ' . print_r($user, true)); $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self`", $b['uid']); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { $a->contact = $r[0]["id"]; } $s = serialize(['url' => $url, 'item' => $b['id'], 'post' => $params]); Queue::add($a->contact, Protocol::PUMPIO, $s); notice(L10n::t('Pump.io post failed. Queued for retry.').EOL); } } } function pumpio_action(App $a, $uid, $uri, $action, $content = "") { // Don't do likes and other stuff if you don't import the timeline if (!PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'import')) { return; } $ckey = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'consumer_key'); $csecret = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'consumer_secret'); $otoken = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'oauth_token'); $osecret = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'oauth_token_secret'); $hostname = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'host'); $username = PConfig::get($uid, "pumpio", "user"); $orig_post = Item::selectFirst([], ['uri' => $uri, 'uid' => $uid]); if (!DBA::isResult($orig_post)) { return; } if ($orig_post["extid"] && !strstr($orig_post["extid"], "/proxy/")) { $uri = $orig_post["extid"]; } else { $uri = $orig_post["uri"]; } if (($orig_post["object-type"] != "") && (strstr($orig_post["object-type"], NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA))) { $objectType = str_replace(NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA, '', $orig_post["object-type"]); } elseif (strstr($uri, "/api/comment/")) { $objectType = "comment"; } elseif (strstr($uri, "/api/note/")) { $objectType = "note"; } elseif (strstr($uri, "/api/image/")) { $objectType = "image"; } $params["verb"] = $action; $params["object"] = ['id' => $uri, "objectType" => $objectType, "content" => $content]; $client = new oauth_client_class; $client->oauth_version = '1.0a'; $client->authorization_header = true; $client->url_parameters = false; $client->client_id = $ckey; $client->client_secret = $csecret; $client->access_token = $otoken; $client->access_token_secret = $osecret; $url = 'https://'.$hostname.'/api/user/'.$username.'/feed'; if (pumpio_reachable($url)) { $success = $client->CallAPI($url, 'POST', $params, ['FailOnAccessError'=>true, 'RequestContentType'=>'application/json'], $user); } else { $success = false; } if ($success) { Logger::log('pumpio_action '.$username.' '.$action.': success '.$uri); } else { Logger::log('pumpio_action '.$username.' '.$action.': general error: '.$uri.' '.print_r($user, true)); $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self`", $uid); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { $a->contact = $r[0]["id"]; } $s = serialize(['url' => $url, 'item' => $orig_post["id"], 'post' => $params]); Queue::add($a->contact, Protocol::PUMPIO, $s); notice(L10n::t('Pump.io like failed. Queued for retry.').EOL); } } function pumpio_sync(App $a) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `addon` WHERE `installed` = 1 AND `name` = 'pumpio'"); if (!DBA::isResult($r)) { return; } $last = Config::get('pumpio', 'last_poll'); $poll_interval = intval(Config::get('pumpio', 'poll_interval', PUMPIO_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL)); if ($last) { $next = $last + ($poll_interval * 60); if ($next > time()) { Logger::log('pumpio: poll intervall not reached'); return; } } Logger::log('pumpio: cron_start'); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `pconfig` WHERE `cat` = 'pumpio' AND `k` = 'mirror' AND `v` = '1' ORDER BY RAND() "); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { foreach ($r as $rr) { Logger::log('pumpio: mirroring user '.$rr['uid']); pumpio_fetchtimeline($a, $rr['uid']); } } $abandon_days = intval(Config::get('system', 'account_abandon_days')); if ($abandon_days < 1) { $abandon_days = 0; } $abandon_limit = date(DateTimeFormat::MYSQL, time() - $abandon_days * 86400); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `pconfig` WHERE `cat` = 'pumpio' AND `k` = 'import' AND `v` = '1' ORDER BY RAND() "); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { foreach ($r as $rr) { if ($abandon_days != 0) { $user = q("SELECT `login_date` FROM `user` WHERE uid=%d AND `login_date` >= '%s'", $rr['uid'], $abandon_limit); if (!DBA::isResult($user)) { Logger::log('abandoned account: timeline from user '.$rr['uid'].' will not be imported'); continue; } } Logger::log('pumpio: importing timeline from user '.$rr['uid']); pumpio_fetchinbox($a, $rr['uid']); // check for new contacts once a day $last_contact_check = PConfig::get($rr['uid'], 'pumpio', 'contact_check'); if ($last_contact_check) { $next_contact_check = $last_contact_check + 86400; } else { $next_contact_check = 0; } if ($next_contact_check <= time()) { pumpio_getallusers($a, $rr["uid"]); PConfig::set($rr['uid'], 'pumpio', 'contact_check', time()); } } } Logger::log('pumpio: cron_end'); Config::set('pumpio', 'last_poll', time()); } function pumpio_cron(App $a, $b) { Worker::add(PRIORITY_MEDIUM,"addon/pumpio/pumpio_sync.php"); } function pumpio_fetchtimeline(App $a, $uid) { $ckey = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'consumer_key'); $csecret = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'consumer_secret'); $otoken = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'oauth_token'); $osecret = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'oauth_token_secret'); $lastdate = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'lastdate'); $hostname = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'host'); $username = PConfig::get($uid, "pumpio", "user"); // get the application name for the pump.io app // 1st try personal config, then system config and fallback to the // hostname of the node if neither one is set. $application_name = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'application_name'); if ($application_name == "") { $application_name = Config::get('pumpio', 'application_name'); } if ($application_name == "") { $application_name = $a->getHostName(); } $first_time = ($lastdate == ""); $client = new oauth_client_class; $client->oauth_version = '1.0a'; $client->authorization_header = true; $client->url_parameters = false; $client->client_id = $ckey; $client->client_secret = $csecret; $client->access_token = $otoken; $client->access_token_secret = $osecret; $url = 'https://'.$hostname.'/api/user/'.$username.'/feed/major'; Logger::log('pumpio: fetching for user '.$uid.' '.$url.' C:'.$client->client_id.' CS:'.$client->client_secret.' T:'.$client->access_token.' TS:'.$client->access_token_secret); $useraddr = $username.'@'.$hostname; if (pumpio_reachable($url)) { $success = $client->CallAPI($url, 'GET', [], ['FailOnAccessError'=>true], $user); } else { $success = false; $user = []; } if (!$success) { Logger::log('pumpio: error fetching posts for user '.$uid." ".$useraddr." ".print_r($user, true)); return; } $posts = array_reverse($user->items); $initiallastdate = $lastdate; $lastdate = ''; if (count($posts)) { foreach ($posts as $post) { if ($post->published <= $initiallastdate) { continue; } if ($lastdate < $post->published) { $lastdate = $post->published; } if ($first_time) { continue; } $receiptians = []; if (@is_array($post->cc)) { $receiptians = array_merge($receiptians, $post->cc); } if (@is_array($post->to)) { $receiptians = array_merge($receiptians, $post->to); } $public = false; foreach ($receiptians AS $receiver) { if (is_string($receiver->objectType) && ($receiver->id == "http://activityschema.org/collection/public")) { $public = true; } } if ($public && !stristr($post->generator->displayName, $application_name)) { $_SESSION["authenticated"] = true; $_SESSION["uid"] = $uid; unset($_REQUEST); $_REQUEST["api_source"] = true; $_REQUEST["profile_uid"] = $uid; $_REQUEST["source"] = "pump.io"; if (isset($post->object->id)) { $_REQUEST['message_id'] = Protocol::PUMPIO.":".$post->object->id; } if ($post->object->displayName != "") { $_REQUEST["title"] = HTML::toBBCode($post->object->displayName); } else { $_REQUEST["title"] = ""; } $_REQUEST["body"] = HTML::toBBCode($post->object->content); // To-Do: Picture has to be cached and stored locally if ($post->object->fullImage->url != "") { if ($post->object->fullImage->pump_io->proxyURL != "") { $_REQUEST["body"] = "[url=".$post->object->fullImage->pump_io->proxyURL."][img]".$post->object->image->pump_io->proxyURL."[/img][/url]\n".$_REQUEST["body"]; } else { $_REQUEST["body"] = "[url=".$post->object->fullImage->url."][img]".$post->object->image->url."[/img][/url]\n".$_REQUEST["body"]; } } Logger::log('pumpio: posting for user '.$uid); require_once('mod/item.php'); item_post($a); Logger::log('pumpio: posting done - user '.$uid); } } } if ($lastdate != 0) { PConfig::set($uid, 'pumpio', 'lastdate', $lastdate); } } function pumpio_dounlike(App $a, $uid, $self, $post, $own_id) { // Searching for the unliked post // Two queries for speed issues $orig_post = Item::selectFirst([], ['uri' => $post->object->id, 'uid' => $uid]); if (!DBA::isResult($orig_post)) { $orig_post = Item::selectFirst([], ['extid' => $post->object->id, 'uid' => $uid]); if (!DBA::isResult($orig_post)) { return; } } $contactid = 0; if (Strings::compareLink($post->actor->url, $own_id)) { $contactid = $self[0]['id']; } else { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d AND `blocked` = 0 AND `readonly` = 0 LIMIT 1", DBA::escape(Strings::normaliseLink($post->actor->url)), intval($uid) ); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { $contactid = $r[0]['id']; } if ($contactid == 0) { $contactid = $orig_post['contact-id']; } } Item::delete(['verb' => ACTIVITY_LIKE, 'uid' => $uid, 'contact-id' => $contactid, 'thr-parent' => $orig_post['uri']]); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { Logger::log("pumpio_dounlike: unliked existing like. User ".$own_id." ".$uid." Contact: ".$contactid." Url ".$orig_post['uri']); } else { Logger::log("pumpio_dounlike: not found. User ".$own_id." ".$uid." Contact: ".$contactid." Url ".$orig_post['uri']); } } function pumpio_dolike(App $a, $uid, $self, $post, $own_id, $threadcompletion = true) { require_once('include/items.php'); if (empty($post->object->id)) { Logger::log('Got empty like: '.print_r($post, true), Logger::DEBUG); return; } // Searching for the liked post // Two queries for speed issues $orig_post = Item::selectFirst([], ['uri' => $post->object->id, 'uid' => $uid]); if (!DBA::isResult($orig_post)) { $orig_post = Item::selectFirst([], ['extid' => $post->object->id, 'uid' => $uid]); if (!DBA::isResult($orig_post)) { return; } } // thread completion if ($threadcompletion) { pumpio_fetchallcomments($a, $uid, $post->object->id); } $contactid = 0; if (Strings::compareLink($post->actor->url, $own_id)) { $contactid = $self[0]['id']; $post->actor->displayName = $self[0]['name']; $post->actor->url = $self[0]['url']; $post->actor->image->url = $self[0]['photo']; } else { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d AND `blocked` = 0 AND `readonly` = 0 LIMIT 1", DBA::escape(Strings::normaliseLink($post->actor->url)), intval($uid) ); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { $contactid = $r[0]['id']; } if ($contactid == 0) { $contactid = $orig_post['contact-id']; } } $condition = ['verb' => ACTIVITY_LIKE, 'uid' => $uid, 'contact-id' => $contactid, 'thr-parent' => $orig_post['uri']]; if (Item::exists($condition)) { Logger::log("pumpio_dolike: found existing like. User ".$own_id." ".$uid." Contact: ".$contactid." Url ".$orig_post['uri']); return; } $likedata = []; $likedata['parent'] = $orig_post['id']; $likedata['verb'] = ACTIVITY_LIKE; $likedata['gravity'] = GRAVITY_ACTIVITY; $likedata['uid'] = $uid; $likedata['wall'] = 0; $likedata['network'] = Protocol::PUMPIO; $likedata['uri'] = Item::newURI($uid); $likedata['parent-uri'] = $orig_post["uri"]; $likedata['contact-id'] = $contactid; $likedata['app'] = $post->generator->displayName; $likedata['author-name'] = $post->actor->displayName; $likedata['author-link'] = $post->actor->url; if (!empty($post->actor->image)) { $likedata['author-avatar'] = $post->actor->image->url; } $author = '[url=' . $likedata['author-link'] . ']' . $likedata['author-name'] . '[/url]'; $objauthor = '[url=' . $orig_post['author-link'] . ']' . $orig_post['author-name'] . '[/url]'; $post_type = L10n::t('status'); $plink = '[url=' . $orig_post['plink'] . ']' . $post_type . '[/url]'; $likedata['object-type'] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE; $likedata['body'] = L10n::t('%1$s likes %2$s\'s %3$s', $author, $objauthor, $plink); $likedata['object'] = '' . ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE . '1' . '' . $orig_post['uri'] . '' . XML::escape('') . '' . $orig_post['title'] . '' . $orig_post['body'] . ''; $ret = Item::insert($likedata); Logger::log("pumpio_dolike: ".$ret." User ".$own_id." ".$uid." Contact: ".$contactid." Url ".$orig_post['uri']); } function pumpio_get_contact($uid, $contact, $no_insert = false) { $gcontact = ["url" => $contact->url, "network" => Protocol::PUMPIO, "generation" => 2, "name" => $contact->displayName, "hide" => true, "nick" => $contact->preferredUsername, "addr" => str_replace("acct:", "", $contact->id)]; if (!empty($contact->location->displayName)) { $gcontact["location"] = $contact->location->displayName; } if (!empty($contact->summary)) { $gcontact["about"] = $contact->summary; } if (!empty($contact->image->url)) { $gcontact["photo"] = $contact->image->url; } GContact::update($gcontact); $cid = Contact::getIdForURL($contact->url, $uid); if ($no_insert) { return $cid; } $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `nurl` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($uid), DBA::escape(Strings::normaliseLink($contact->url))); if (!DBA::isResult($r)) { // create contact record q("INSERT INTO `contact` (`uid`, `created`, `url`, `nurl`, `addr`, `alias`, `notify`, `poll`, `name`, `nick`, `photo`, `network`, `rel`, `priority`, `location`, `about`, `writable`, `blocked`, `readonly`, `pending` ) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', %d, 0, 0, 0)", intval($uid), DBA::escape(DateTimeFormat::utcNow()), DBA::escape($contact->url), DBA::escape(Strings::normaliseLink($contact->url)), DBA::escape(str_replace("acct:", "", $contact->id)), DBA::escape(''), DBA::escape($contact->id), // What is it for? DBA::escape('pump.io ' . $contact->id), // What is it for? DBA::escape($contact->displayName), DBA::escape($contact->preferredUsername), DBA::escape($contact->image->url), DBA::escape(Protocol::PUMPIO), intval(Contact::FRIEND), intval(1), DBA::escape($contact->location->displayName), DBA::escape($contact->summary), intval(1) ); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", DBA::escape(Strings::normaliseLink($contact->url)), intval($uid) ); if (!DBA::isResult($r)) { return false; } $contact_id = $r[0]['id']; Group::addMember(User::getDefaultGroup($uid), $contact_id); } else { $contact_id = $r[0]["id"]; /* if (DB_UPDATE_VERSION >= "1177") q("UPDATE `contact` SET `location` = '%s', `about` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d", dbesc($contact->location->displayName), dbesc($contact->summary), intval($r[0]['id']) ); */ } if (!empty($contact->image->url)) { Contact::updateAvatar($contact->image->url, $uid, $contact_id); } return $contact_id; } function pumpio_dodelete(App $a, $uid, $self, $post, $own_id) { // Two queries for speed issues $condition = ['uri' => $post->object->id, 'uid' => $uid]; if (Item::exists($condition)) { Item::delete($condition); return true; } $condition = ['extid' => $post->object->id, 'uid' => $uid]; if (Item::exists($condition)) { Item::delete($condition); return true; } return false; } function pumpio_dopost(App $a, $client, $uid, $self, $post, $own_id, $threadcompletion = true) { require_once('include/items.php'); if (($post->verb == "like") || ($post->verb == "favorite")) { return pumpio_dolike($a, $uid, $self, $post, $own_id); } if (($post->verb == "unlike") || ($post->verb == "unfavorite")) { return pumpio_dounlike($a, $uid, $self, $post, $own_id); } if ($post->verb == "delete") { return pumpio_dodelete($a, $uid, $self, $post, $own_id); } if ($post->verb != "update") { // Two queries for speed issues if (Item::exists(['uri' => $post->object->id, 'uid' => $uid])) { return false; } if (Item::exists(['extid' => $post->object->id, 'uid' => $uid])) { return false; } } // Only handle these three types if (!strstr("post|share|update", $post->verb)) { return false; } $receiptians = []; if (@is_array($post->cc)) { $receiptians = array_merge($receiptians, $post->cc); } if (@is_array($post->to)) { $receiptians = array_merge($receiptians, $post->to); } $public = false; foreach ($receiptians AS $receiver) { if (is_string($receiver->objectType) && ($receiver->id == "http://activityschema.org/collection/public")) { $public = true; } } $postarray = []; $postarray['network'] = Protocol::PUMPIO; $postarray['uid'] = $uid; $postarray['wall'] = 0; $postarray['uri'] = $post->object->id; $postarray['object-type'] = NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA.strtolower($post->object->objectType); if ($post->object->objectType != "comment") { $contact_id = pumpio_get_contact($uid, $post->actor); if (!$contact_id) { $contact_id = $self[0]['id']; } $postarray['parent-uri'] = $post->object->id; if (!$public) { $postarray['private'] = 1; $postarray['allow_cid'] = '<' . $self[0]['id'] . '>'; } } else { $contact_id = pumpio_get_contact($uid, $post->actor, true); if (Strings::compareLink($post->actor->url, $own_id)) { $contact_id = $self[0]['id']; $post->actor->displayName = $self[0]['name']; $post->actor->url = $self[0]['url']; $post->actor->image->url = $self[0]['photo']; } elseif ($contact_id == 0) { // Take an existing contact, the contact of the note or - as a fallback - the id of the user $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d AND `blocked` = 0 AND `readonly` = 0 LIMIT 1", DBA::escape(Strings::normaliseLink($post->actor->url)), intval($uid) ); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { $contact_id = $r[0]['id']; } else { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `nurl` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d AND `blocked` = 0 AND `readonly` = 0 LIMIT 1", DBA::escape(Strings::normaliseLink($post->actor->url)), intval($uid) ); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { $contact_id = $r[0]['id']; } else { $contact_id = $self[0]['id']; } } } $reply = new stdClass; $reply->verb = "note"; if (isset($post->cc)) { $reply->cc = $post->cc; } if (isset($post->to)) { $reply->to = $post->to; } $reply->object = new stdClass; $reply->object->objectType = $post->object->inReplyTo->objectType; $reply->object->content = $post->object->inReplyTo->content; $reply->object->id = $post->object->inReplyTo->id; $reply->actor = $post->object->inReplyTo->author; $reply->url = $post->object->inReplyTo->url; $reply->generator = new stdClass; $reply->generator->displayName = "pumpio"; $reply->published = $post->object->inReplyTo->published; $reply->received = $post->object->inReplyTo->updated; $reply->url = $post->object->inReplyTo->url; pumpio_dopost($a, $client, $uid, $self, $reply, $own_id, false); $postarray['parent-uri'] = $post->object->inReplyTo->id; } // When there is no content there is no need to continue if (empty($post->object->content)) { return false; } if (!empty($post->object->pump_io->proxyURL)) { $postarray['extid'] = $post->object->pump_io->proxyURL; } $postarray['contact-id'] = $contact_id; $postarray['verb'] = ACTIVITY_POST; $postarray['owner-name'] = $post->actor->displayName; $postarray['owner-link'] = $post->actor->url; $postarray['author-name'] = $postarray['owner-name']; $postarray['author-link'] = $postarray['owner-link']; if (!empty($post->actor->image)) { $postarray['owner-avatar'] = $post->actor->image->url; $postarray['author-avatar'] = $postarray['owner-avatar']; } $postarray['plink'] = $post->object->url; $postarray['app'] = $post->generator->displayName; $postarray['title'] = ''; $postarray['body'] = HTML::toBBCode($post->object->content); $postarray['object'] = json_encode($post); if (!empty($post->object->fullImage->url)) { $postarray["body"] = "[url=".$post->object->fullImage->url."][img]".$post->object->image->url."[/img][/url]\n".$postarray["body"]; } if (!empty($post->object->displayName)) { $postarray['title'] = $post->object->displayName; } $postarray['created'] = DateTimeFormat::utc($post->published); if (isset($post->updated)) { $postarray['edited'] = DateTimeFormat::utc($post->updated); } elseif (isset($post->received)) { $postarray['edited'] = DateTimeFormat::utc($post->received); } else { $postarray['edited'] = $postarray['created']; } if ($post->verb == "share") { if (isset($post->object->author->displayName) && ($post->object->author->displayName != "")) { $share_author = $post->object->author->displayName; } elseif (isset($post->object->author->preferredUsername) && ($post->object->author->preferredUsername != "")) { $share_author = $post->object->author->preferredUsername; } else { $share_author = $post->object->author->url; } if (isset($post->object->created)) { $created = DateTimeFormat::utc($post->object->created); } else { $created = ''; } $postarray['body'] = share_header($share_author, $post->object->author->url, $post->object->author->image->url, "", $created, $post->links->self->href). $postarray['body']."[/share]"; } if (trim($postarray['body']) == "") { return false; } $top_item = Item::insert($postarray); $postarray["id"] = $top_item; if (($top_item == 0) && ($post->verb == "update")) { $fields = ['title' => $postarray["title"], 'body' => $postarray["body"], 'changed' => $postarray["edited"]]; $condition = ['uri' => $postarray["uri"], 'uid' => $uid]; Item::update($fields, $condition); } if (($post->object->objectType == "comment") && $threadcompletion) { pumpio_fetchallcomments($a, $uid, $postarray['parent-uri']); } return $top_item; } function pumpio_fetchinbox(App $a, $uid) { $ckey = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'consumer_key'); $csecret = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'consumer_secret'); $otoken = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'oauth_token'); $osecret = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'oauth_token_secret'); $lastdate = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'lastdate'); $hostname = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'host'); $username = PConfig::get($uid, "pumpio", "user"); $own_id = "https://".$hostname."/".$username; $self = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `self` = 1 AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($uid)); $lastitems = q("SELECT `uri` FROM `thread` INNER JOIN `item` ON `item`.`id` = `thread`.`iid` WHERE `thread`.`network` = '%s' AND `thread`.`uid` = %d AND `item`.`extid` != '' ORDER BY `thread`.`commented` DESC LIMIT 10", DBA::escape(Protocol::PUMPIO), intval($uid) ); $client = new oauth_client_class; $client->oauth_version = '1.0a'; $client->authorization_header = true; $client->url_parameters = false; $client->client_id = $ckey; $client->client_secret = $csecret; $client->access_token = $otoken; $client->access_token_secret = $osecret; $last_id = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'last_id'); $url = 'https://'.$hostname.'/api/user/'.$username.'/inbox'; if ($last_id != "") { $url .= '?since='.urlencode($last_id); } if (pumpio_reachable($url)) { $success = $client->CallAPI($url, 'GET', [], ['FailOnAccessError'=>true], $user); } else { $success = false; } if (!$success) { return; } if (!empty($user->items)) { $posts = array_reverse($user->items); if (count($posts)) { foreach ($posts as $post) { $last_id = $post->id; pumpio_dopost($a, $client, $uid, $self, $post, $own_id, true); } } } foreach ($lastitems as $item) { pumpio_fetchallcomments($a, $uid, $item["uri"]); } PConfig::set($uid, 'pumpio', 'last_id', $last_id); } function pumpio_getallusers(App &$a, $uid) { $ckey = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'consumer_key'); $csecret = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'consumer_secret'); $otoken = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'oauth_token'); $osecret = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'oauth_token_secret'); $hostname = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'host'); $username = PConfig::get($uid, "pumpio", "user"); $client = new oauth_client_class; $client->oauth_version = '1.0a'; $client->authorization_header = true; $client->url_parameters = false; $client->client_id = $ckey; $client->client_secret = $csecret; $client->access_token = $otoken; $client->access_token_secret = $osecret; $url = 'https://'.$hostname.'/api/user/'.$username.'/following'; if (pumpio_reachable($url)) { $success = $client->CallAPI($url, 'GET', [], ['FailOnAccessError' => true], $users); } else { $success = false; } if (empty($users)) { return; } if ($users->totalItems > count($users->items)) { $url = 'https://'.$hostname.'/api/user/'.$username.'/following?count='.$users->totalItems; if (pumpio_reachable($url)) { $success = $client->CallAPI($url, 'GET', [], ['FailOnAccessError' => true], $users); } else { $success = false; } } if (!empty($users->items)) { foreach ($users->items as $user) { pumpio_get_contact($uid, $user); } } } function pumpio_queue_hook(App $a, array &$b) { $qi = q("SELECT * FROM `queue` WHERE `network` = '%s'", DBA::escape(Protocol::PUMPIO) ); if (!DBA::isResult($qi)) { return; } foreach ($qi as $x) { if ($x['network'] !== Protocol::PUMPIO) { continue; } Logger::log('pumpio_queue: run'); $r = q("SELECT `user`.* FROM `user` LEFT JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`uid` = `user`.`uid` WHERE `contact`.`self` = 1 AND `contact`.`id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($x['cid']) ); if (!DBA::isResult($r)) { continue; } $userdata = $r[0]; //Logger::log('pumpio_queue: fetching userdata '.print_r($userdata, true)); $oauth_token = PConfig::get($userdata['uid'], "pumpio", "oauth_token"); $oauth_token_secret = PConfig::get($userdata['uid'], "pumpio", "oauth_token_secret"); $consumer_key = PConfig::get($userdata['uid'], "pumpio", "consumer_key"); $consumer_secret = PConfig::get($userdata['uid'], "pumpio", "consumer_secret"); $host = PConfig::get($userdata['uid'], "pumpio", "host"); $user = PConfig::get($userdata['uid'], "pumpio", "user"); $success = false; if ($oauth_token && $oauth_token_secret && $consumer_key && $consumer_secret) { $username = $user.'@'.$host; Logger::log('pumpio_queue: able to post for user '.$username); $z = unserialize($x['content']); $client = new oauth_client_class; $client->oauth_version = '1.0a'; $client->url_parameters = false; $client->authorization_header = true; $client->access_token = $oauth_token; $client->access_token_secret = $oauth_token_secret; $client->client_id = $consumer_key; $client->client_secret = $consumer_secret; if (pumpio_reachable($z['url'])) { $success = $client->CallAPI($z['url'], 'POST', $z['post'], ['FailOnAccessError'=>true, 'RequestContentType'=>'application/json'], $user); } else { $success = false; } if ($success) { $post_id = $user->object->id; Logger::log('pumpio_queue: send '.$username.': success '.$post_id); if ($post_id && $iscomment) { Logger::log('pumpio_send '.$username.': Update extid '.$post_id." for post id ".$z['item']); Item::update(['extid' => $post_id], ['id' => $z['item']]); } Queue::removeItem($x['id']); } else { Logger::log('pumpio_queue: send '.$username.': '.$z['url'].' general error: ' . print_r($user, true)); } } else { Logger::log("pumpio_queue: Error getting tokens for user ".$userdata['uid']); } if (!$success) { Logger::log('pumpio_queue: delayed'); Queue::updateTime($x['id']); } } } function pumpio_getreceiver(App $a, array $b) { $receiver = []; if (!$b["private"]) { if (!strstr($b['postopts'], 'pumpio')) { return $receiver; } $public = PConfig::get($b['uid'], "pumpio", "public"); if ($public) { $receiver["to"][] = [ "objectType" => "collection", "id" => "http://activityschema.org/collection/public"]; } } else { $cids = explode("><", $b["allow_cid"]); $gids = explode("><", $b["allow_gid"]); foreach ($cids AS $cid) { $cid = trim($cid, " <>"); $r = q("SELECT `name`, `nick`, `url` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d AND `network` = '%s' AND `blocked` = 0 AND `readonly` = 0 LIMIT 1", intval($cid), intval($b["uid"]), DBA::escape(Protocol::PUMPIO) ); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { $receiver["bcc"][] = [ "displayName" => $r[0]["name"], "objectType" => "person", "preferredUsername" => $r[0]["nick"], "url" => $r[0]["url"]]; } } foreach ($gids AS $gid) { $gid = trim($gid, " <>"); $r = q("SELECT `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`nick`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`network` ". "FROM `group_member`, `contact` WHERE `group_member`.`gid` = %d ". "AND `contact`.`id` = `group_member`.`contact-id` AND `contact`.`network` = '%s'", intval($gid), DBA::escape(Protocol::PUMPIO) ); foreach ($r AS $row) $receiver["bcc"][] = [ "displayName" => $row["name"], "objectType" => "person", "preferredUsername" => $row["nick"], "url" => $row["url"]]; } } if ($b["inform"] != "") { $inform = explode(",", $b["inform"]); foreach ($inform AS $cid) { if (substr($cid, 0, 4) != "cid:") { continue; } $cid = str_replace("cid:", "", $cid); $r = q("SELECT `name`, `nick`, `url` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d AND `network` = '%s' AND `blocked` = 0 AND `readonly` = 0 LIMIT 1", intval($cid), intval($b["uid"]), DBA::escape(Protocol::PUMPIO) ); if (DBA::isResult($r)) { $receiver["to"][] = [ "displayName" => $r[0]["name"], "objectType" => "person", "preferredUsername" => $r[0]["nick"], "url" => $r[0]["url"]]; } } } return $receiver; } function pumpio_fetchallcomments(App $a, $uid, $id) { $ckey = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'consumer_key'); $csecret = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'consumer_secret'); $otoken = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'oauth_token'); $osecret = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'oauth_token_secret'); $hostname = PConfig::get($uid, 'pumpio', 'host'); $username = PConfig::get($uid, "pumpio", "user"); Logger::log("pumpio_fetchallcomments: completing comment for user ".$uid." post id ".$id); $own_id = "https://".$hostname."/".$username; $self = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `self` = 1 AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($uid)); // Fetching the original post $condition = ["`uri` = ? AND `uid` = ? AND `extid` != ''", $id, $uid]; $item = Item::selectFirst(['extid'], $condition); if (!DBA::isResult($item)) { return false; } $url = $item["extid"]; $client = new oauth_client_class; $client->oauth_version = '1.0a'; $client->authorization_header = true; $client->url_parameters = false; $client->client_id = $ckey; $client->client_secret = $csecret; $client->access_token = $otoken; $client->access_token_secret = $osecret; Logger::log("pumpio_fetchallcomments: fetching comment for user ".$uid." url ".$url); if (pumpio_reachable($url)) { $success = $client->CallAPI($url, 'GET', [], ['FailOnAccessError'=>true], $item); } else { $success = false; } if (!$success) { return; } if ($item->likes->totalItems != 0) { foreach ($item->likes->items AS $post) { $like = new stdClass; $like->object = new stdClass; $like->object->id = $item->id; $like->actor = new stdClass; if (!empty($item->displayName)) { $like->actor->displayName = $item->displayName; } //$like->actor->preferredUsername = $item->preferredUsername; //$like->actor->image = $item->image; $like->actor->url = $item->url; $like->generator = new stdClass; $like->generator->displayName = "pumpio"; pumpio_dolike($a, $uid, $self, $post, $own_id, false); } } if ($item->replies->totalItems == 0) { return; } foreach ($item->replies->items AS $item) { if ($item->id == $id) { continue; } // Checking if the comment already exists - Two queries for speed issues if (Item::exists(['uri' => $item->id, 'uid' => $uid])) { continue; } if (Item::exists(['extid' => $item->id, 'uid' => $uid])) { continue; } $post = new stdClass; $post->verb = "post"; $post->actor = $item->author; $post->published = $item->published; $post->received = $item->updated; $post->generator = new stdClass; $post->generator->displayName = "pumpio"; // To-Do: Check for public post unset($item->author); unset($item->published); unset($item->updated); $post->object = $item; Logger::log("pumpio_fetchallcomments: posting comment ".$post->object->id." ".print_r($post, true)); pumpio_dopost($a, $client, $uid, $self, $post, $own_id, false); } } function pumpio_reachable($url) { return Network::curl($url, false, $redirects, ['timeout'=>10])->isSuccess(); } /* To-Do: - edit own notes - delete own notes */