 * @brief The file contains functions for text editing and commenting

function insertFormatting(BBcode,id) {
	var tmpStr = $("#comment-edit-text-" + id).val();
	if (tmpStr == '') {
		$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).addClass("comment-edit-text-full");
		$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).removeClass("comment-edit-text-empty");
		openMenu("comment-edit-submit-wrapper-" + id);

	textarea = document.getElementById("comment-edit-text-" +id);
	if (document.selection) {
		selected = document.selection.createRange();
		if (BBcode == "url") {
			selected.text = "["+BBcode+"]" + "http://" +  selected.text + "[/"+BBcode+"]";
		} else {
			selected.text = "["+BBcode+"]" + selected.text + "[/"+BBcode+"]";
	} else if (textarea.selectionStart || textarea.selectionStart == "0") {
		var start = textarea.selectionStart;
		var end = textarea.selectionEnd;
		if (BBcode == "url") {
			textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, start) + "["+BBcode+"]" + "http://" + textarea.value.substring(start, end) + "[/"+BBcode+"]" + textarea.value.substring(end, textarea.value.length);
		} else {
			textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, start) + "["+BBcode+"]" + textarea.value.substring(start, end) + "[/"+BBcode+"]" + textarea.value.substring(end, textarea.value.length);

	return true;

function showThread(id) {
	$("#collapsed-comments-" + id).show()
	$("#collapsed-comments-" + id + " .collapsed-comments").show()
function hideThread(id) {
	$("#collapsed-comments-" + id).hide()
	$("#collapsed-comments-" + id + " .collapsed-comments").hide()

function cmtBbOpen(id) {
	$("#comment-edit-bb-" + id).show();
function cmtBbClose(id) {
	$("#comment-edit-bb-" + id).hide();

function commentExpand(id) {
	$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).value = '';
	$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).addClass("comment-edit-text-full");
	$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).removeClass("comment-edit-text-empty");
	$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).focus();
	$("#mod-cmnt-wrap-" + id).show();
	openMenu("comment-edit-submit-wrapper-" + id);
	return true;

function commentClose(obj,id) {
	if (obj.value == '') {
		$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).removeClass("comment-edit-text-full");
		$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).addClass("comment-edit-text-empty");
		$("#mod-cmnt-wrap-" + id).hide();
		closeMenu("comment-edit-submit-wrapper-" + id);
		return true;
	return false;

function showHideCommentBox(id) {
	if( $('#comment-edit-form-' + id).is(':visible')) {
		$('#comment-edit-form-' + id).hide();
	else {
		$('#comment-edit-form-' + id).show();

function commentOpenUI(obj, id) {
	$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).addClass("comment-edit-text-full").removeClass("comment-edit-text-empty");
	// Choose an arbitrary tab index that's greater than what we're using in jot (3 of them)
	// The submit button gets tabindex + 1
	$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).attr('tabindex','9');
	$("#comment-edit-submit-" + id).attr('tabindex','10');
	$("#comment-edit-submit-wrapper-" + id).show();
	// initialize autosize for this comment
	autosize($("#comment-edit-text-" + id + ".text-autosize"));

function commentCloseUI(obj, id) {
	if (obj.value === '') {
		$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).removeClass("comment-edit-text-full").addClass("comment-edit-text-empty");
		$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).removeAttr('tabindex');
		$("#comment-edit-submit-" + id).removeAttr('tabindex');
		$("#comment-edit-submit-wrapper-" + id).hide();
		// destroy the automatic textarea resizing
		autosize.destroy($("#comment-edit-text-" + id + ".text-autosize"));

function jotTextOpenUI(obj) {
	if (obj.value == '') {
		$(".modal-body #profile-jot-text").addClass("profile-jot-text-full").removeClass("profile-jot-text-empty");
		// initiale autosize for the jot
		autosize($(".modal-body #profile-jot-text"));

function jotTextCloseUI(obj) {
	if (obj.value === '') {
		$(".modal-body #profile-jot-text").removeClass("profile-jot-text-full").addClass("profile-jot-text-empty");
		// destroy the automatic textarea resizing
		autosize.destroy($(".modal-body #profile-jot-text"));

function commentOpen(obj,id) {
	if (obj.value == '') {
		$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).addClass("comment-edit-text-full");
		$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).removeClass("comment-edit-text-empty");
		$("#mod-cmnt-wrap-" + id).show();
		openMenu("comment-edit-submit-wrapper-" + id);
		return true;
	return false;

function commentInsert(obj,id) {
	var tmpStr = $("#comment-edit-text-" + id).val();
	if (tmpStr == '') {
		$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).addClass("comment-edit-text-full");
		$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).removeClass("comment-edit-text-empty");
		openMenu("comment-edit-submit-wrapper-" + id);
	var ins = $(obj).html();
	ins = ins.replace('&lt;','<');
	ins = ins.replace('&gt;','>');
	ins = ins.replace('&amp;','&');
	ins = ins.replace('&quot;','"');
	$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).val(tmpStr + ins);

function qCommentInsert(obj,id) {
	var tmpStr = $("#comment-edit-text-" + id).val();
	if (tmpStr == '') {
		$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).addClass("comment-edit-text-full");
		$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).removeClass("comment-edit-text-empty");
		openMenu("comment-edit-submit-wrapper-" + id);
	var ins = $(obj).val();
	ins = ins.replace('&lt;','<');
	ins = ins.replace('&gt;','>');
	ins = ins.replace('&amp;','&');
	ins = ins.replace('&quot;','"');
	$("#comment-edit-text-" + id).val(tmpStr + ins);

function confirmDelete() { return confirm(aStr.delitem); }

 * Hide and removes an item element from the DOM after the deletion url is
 * successful, restore it else.
 * @param {string} url The item removal URL
 * @param {string} elementId The DOM id of the item element
 * @returns {undefined}
function dropItem(url, elementId) {
	var confirm = confirmDelete();

	if (confirm) {
		$('body').css('cursor', 'wait');

		var $el = $(document.getElementById(elementId));

		$el.fadeTo('fast', 0.33, function () {
			$.get(url).then(function() {
			}).fail(function() {
				// @todo Show related error message
			}).always(function() {
				$('body').css('cursor', 'auto');