<?php require_once("include/contact_selectors.php"); require_once("include/features.php"); require_once("mod/proxy.php"); /** * */ /** * @package acl_selectors */ function group_select($selname,$selclass,$preselected = false,$size = 4) { $a = get_app(); $o = ''; $o .= "<select name=\"{$selname}[]\" id=\"$selclass\" class=\"$selclass\" multiple=\"multiple\" size=\"$size\" >\r\n"; $r = q("SELECT * FROM `group` WHERE `deleted` = 0 AND `uid` = %d ORDER BY `name` ASC", intval(local_user()) ); $arr = array('group' => $r, 'entry' => $o); // e.g. 'network_pre_group_deny', 'profile_pre_group_allow' call_hooks($a->module . '_pre_' . $selname, $arr); if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) { if((is_array($preselected)) && in_array($rr['id'], $preselected)) $selected = " selected=\"selected\" "; else $selected = ''; $trimmed = mb_substr($rr['name'],0,12); $o .= "<option value=\"{$rr['id']}\" $selected title=\"{$rr['name']}\" >$trimmed</option>\r\n"; } } $o .= "</select>\r\n"; call_hooks($a->module . '_post_' . $selname, $o); return $o; } function contact_selector($selname, $selclass, $preselected = false, $options) { $a = get_app(); $mutual = false; $networks = null; $single = false; $exclude = false; $size = 4; if(is_array($options)) { if(x($options,'size')) $size = $options['size']; if(x($options,'mutual_friends')) $mutual = true; if(x($options,'single')) $single = true; if(x($options,'multiple')) $single = false; if(x($options,'exclude')) $exclude = $options['exclude']; if(x($options,'networks')) { switch($options['networks']) { case 'DFRN_ONLY': $networks = array(NETWORK_DFRN); break; case 'PRIVATE': if(is_array($a->user) && $a->user['prvnets']) $networks = array(NETWORK_DFRN,NETWORK_MAIL,NETWORK_DIASPORA); else $networks = array(NETWORK_DFRN,NETWORK_FACEBOOK,NETWORK_MAIL, NETWORK_DIASPORA); break; case 'TWO_WAY': if(is_array($a->user) && $a->user['prvnets']) $networks = array(NETWORK_DFRN,NETWORK_MAIL,NETWORK_DIASPORA); else $networks = array(NETWORK_DFRN,NETWORK_FACEBOOK,NETWORK_MAIL,NETWORK_DIASPORA,NETWORK_OSTATUS); break; default: break; } } } $x = array('options' => $options, 'size' => $size, 'single' => $single, 'mutual' => $mutual, 'exclude' => $exclude, 'networks' => $networks); call_hooks('contact_select_options', $x); $o = ''; $sql_extra = ''; if($x['mutual']) { $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND `rel` = %d ", intval(CONTACT_IS_FRIEND)); } if(intval($x['exclude'])) $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND `id` != %d ", intval($x['exclude'])); if(is_array($x['networks']) && count($x['networks'])) { for($y = 0; $y < count($x['networks']) ; $y ++) $x['networks'][$y] = "'" . dbesc($x['networks'][$y]) . "'"; $str_nets = implode(',',$x['networks']); $sql_extra .= " AND `network` IN ( $str_nets ) "; } $tabindex = (x($options, 'tabindex') ? "tabindex=\"" . $options["tabindex"] . "\"" : ""); if($x['single']) $o .= "<select name=\"$selname\" id=\"$selclass\" class=\"$selclass\" size=\"" . $x['size'] . "\" $tabindex >\r\n"; else $o .= "<select name=\"{$selname}[]\" id=\"$selclass\" class=\"$selclass\" multiple=\"multiple\" size=\"" . $x['size'] . "$\" $tabindex >\r\n"; $r = q("SELECT `id`, `name`, `url`, `network` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 0 AND `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `archive` = 0 AND `notify` != '' $sql_extra ORDER BY `name` ASC ", intval(local_user()) ); $arr = array('contact' => $r, 'entry' => $o); // e.g. 'network_pre_contact_deny', 'profile_pre_contact_allow' call_hooks($a->module . '_pre_' . $selname, $arr); if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) { if((is_array($preselected)) && in_array($rr['id'], $preselected)) $selected = " selected=\"selected\" "; else $selected = ''; $trimmed = mb_substr($rr['name'],0,20); $o .= "<option value=\"{$rr['id']}\" $selected title=\"{$rr['name']}|{$rr['url']}\" >$trimmed</option>\r\n"; } } $o .= "</select>\r\n"; call_hooks($a->module . '_post_' . $selname, $o); return $o; } function contact_select($selname, $selclass, $preselected = false, $size = 4, $privmail = false, $celeb = false, $privatenet = false, $tabindex = null) { require_once("include/bbcode.php"); $a = get_app(); $o = ''; // When used for private messages, we limit correspondence to mutual DFRN/Friendica friends and the selector // to one recipient. By default our selector allows multiple selects amongst all contacts. $sql_extra = ''; if($privmail || $celeb) { $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND `rel` = %d ", intval(CONTACT_IS_FRIEND)); } if($privmail) $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND `network` IN ('%s' , '%s') ", NETWORK_DFRN, NETWORK_DIASPORA); elseif($privatenet) $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND `network` IN ('%s' , '%s', '%s', '%s') ", NETWORK_DFRN, NETWORK_MAIL, NETWORK_FACEBOOK, NETWORK_DIASPORA); $tabindex = ($tabindex > 0 ? "tabindex=\"$tabindex\"" : ""); if($privmail) $o .= "<select name=\"$selname\" id=\"$selclass\" class=\"$selclass\" size=\"$size\" $tabindex >\r\n"; else $o .= "<select name=\"{$selname}[]\" id=\"$selclass\" class=\"$selclass\" multiple=\"multiple\" size=\"$size\" $tabindex >\r\n"; $r = q("SELECT `id`, `name`, `url`, `network` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 0 AND `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `archive` = 0 AND `notify` != '' $sql_extra ORDER BY `name` ASC ", intval(local_user()) ); $arr = array('contact' => $r, 'entry' => $o); // e.g. 'network_pre_contact_deny', 'profile_pre_contact_allow' call_hooks($a->module . '_pre_' . $selname, $arr); if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) { if((is_array($preselected)) && in_array($rr['id'], $preselected)) $selected = " selected=\"selected\" "; else $selected = ''; if($privmail) $trimmed = GetProfileUsername($rr['url'], $rr['name'], false); else $trimmed = mb_substr($rr['name'],0,20); $o .= "<option value=\"{$rr['id']}\" $selected title=\"{$rr['name']}|{$rr['url']}\" >$trimmed</option>\r\n"; } } $o .= "</select>\r\n"; call_hooks($a->module . '_post_' . $selname, $o); return $o; } function fixacl(&$item) { $item = intval(str_replace(array('<','>'),array('',''),$item)); } function prune_deadguys($arr) { if(! $arr) return $arr; $str = dbesc(implode(',',$arr)); $r = q("select id from contact where id in ( " . $str . ") and blocked = 0 and pending = 0 and archive = 0 "); if($r) { $ret = array(); foreach($r as $rr) $ret[] = intval($rr['id']); return $ret; } return array(); } function get_acl_permissions($user = null) { $allow_cid = $allow_gid = $deny_cid = $deny_gid = false; if(is_array($user)) { $allow_cid = ((strlen($user['allow_cid'])) ? explode('><', $user['allow_cid']) : array() ); $allow_gid = ((strlen($user['allow_gid'])) ? explode('><', $user['allow_gid']) : array() ); $deny_cid = ((strlen($user['deny_cid'])) ? explode('><', $user['deny_cid']) : array() ); $deny_gid = ((strlen($user['deny_gid'])) ? explode('><', $user['deny_gid']) : array() ); array_walk($allow_cid,'fixacl'); array_walk($allow_gid,'fixacl'); array_walk($deny_cid,'fixacl'); array_walk($deny_gid,'fixacl'); } $allow_cid = prune_deadguys($allow_cid); return array( 'allow_cid' => $allow_cid, 'allow_gid' => $allow_gid, 'deny_cid' => $deny_cid, 'deny_gid' => $deny_gid, ); } function populate_acl($user = null,$celeb = false) { $perms = get_acl_permissions($user); // We shouldn't need to prune deadguys from the block list. Either way they can't get the message. // Also no point enumerating groups and checking them, that will take place on delivery. // $deny_cid = prune_deadguys($deny_cid); /*$o = ''; $o .= '<div id="acl-wrapper">'; $o .= '<div id="acl-permit-outer-wrapper">'; $o .= '<div id="acl-permit-text">' . t('Visible To:') . '</div><div id="jot-public">' . t('everybody') . '</div>'; $o .= '<div id="acl-permit-text-end"></div>'; $o .= '<div id="acl-permit-wrapper">'; $o .= '<div id="group_allow_wrapper">'; $o .= '<label id="acl-allow-group-label" for="group_allow" >' . t('Groups') . '</label>'; $o .= group_select('group_allow','group_allow',$allow_gid); $o .= '</div>'; $o .= '<div id="contact_allow_wrapper">'; $o .= '<label id="acl-allow-contact-label" for="contact_allow" >' . t('Contacts') . '</label>'; $o .= contact_select('contact_allow','contact_allow',$allow_cid,4,false,$celeb,true); $o .= '</div>'; $o .= '</div>' . "\r\n"; $o .= '<div id="acl-allow-end"></div>' . "\r\n"; $o .= '</div>'; $o .= '<div id="acl-deny-outer-wrapper">'; $o .= '<div id="acl-deny-text">' . t('Except For:') . '</div>'; $o .= '<div id="acl-deny-text-end"></div>'; $o .= '<div id="acl-deny-wrapper">'; $o .= '<div id="group_deny_wrapper" >'; $o .= '<label id="acl-deny-group-label" for="group_deny" >' . t('Groups') . '</label>'; $o .= group_select('group_deny','group_deny', $deny_gid); $o .= '</div>'; $o .= '<div id="contact_deny_wrapper" >'; $o .= '<label id="acl-deny-contact-label" for="contact_deny" >' . t('Contacts') . '</label>'; $o .= contact_select('contact_deny','contact_deny', $deny_cid,4,false, $celeb,true); $o .= '</div>'; $o .= '</div>' . "\r\n"; $o .= '<div id="acl-deny-end"></div>' . "\r\n"; $o .= '</div>'; $o .= '</div>' . "\r\n"; $o .= '<div id="acl-wrapper-end"></div>' . "\r\n";*/ $tpl = get_markup_template("acl_selector.tpl"); $o = replace_macros($tpl, array( '$showall'=> t("Visible to everybody"), '$show' => t("show"), '$hide' => t("don't show"), '$allowcid' => json_encode($perms['allow_cid']), '$allowgid' => json_encode($perms['allow_gid']), '$denycid' => json_encode($perms['deny_cid']), '$denygid' => json_encode($perms['deny_gid']), '$features' => array( "aclautomention"=>(feature_enabled($user['uid'],"aclautomention")?"true":"false") ), )); return $o; } function construct_acl_data(&$a, $user) { // Get group and contact information for html ACL selector $acl_data = acl_lookup($a, 'html'); $user_defaults = get_acl_permissions($user); if($acl_data['groups']) { foreach($acl_data['groups'] as $key=>$group) { // Add a "selected" flag to groups that are posted to by default if($user_defaults['allow_gid'] && in_array($group['id'], $user_defaults['allow_gid']) && !in_array($group['id'], $user_defaults['deny_gid']) ) $acl_data['groups'][$key]['selected'] = 1; else $acl_data['groups'][$key]['selected'] = 0; } } if($acl_data['contacts']) { foreach($acl_data['contacts'] as $key=>$contact) { // Add a "selected" flag to groups that are posted to by default if($user_defaults['allow_cid'] && in_array($contact['id'], $user_defaults['allow_cid']) && !in_array($contact['id'], $user_defaults['deny_cid']) ) $acl_data['contacts'][$key]['selected'] = 1; else $acl_data['contacts'][$key]['selected'] = 0; } } return $acl_data; } function acl_lookup(&$a, $out_type = 'json') { if(!local_user()) return ""; $start = (x($_REQUEST,'start')?$_REQUEST['start']:0); $count = (x($_REQUEST,'count')?$_REQUEST['count']:100); $search = (x($_REQUEST,'search')?$_REQUEST['search']:""); $type = (x($_REQUEST,'type')?$_REQUEST['type']:""); $conv_id = (x($_REQUEST,'conversation')?$_REQUEST['conversation']:null); // For use with jquery.autocomplete for private mail completion if(x($_REQUEST,'query') && strlen($_REQUEST['query'])) { if(! $type) $type = 'm'; $search = $_REQUEST['query']; } if ($search!=""){ $sql_extra = "AND `name` LIKE '%%".dbesc($search)."%%'"; $sql_extra2 = "AND (`attag` LIKE '%%".dbesc($search)."%%' OR `name` LIKE '%%".dbesc($search)."%%' OR `nick` LIKE '%%".dbesc($search)."%%')"; } else { $sql_extra = $sql_extra2 = ""; } // count groups and contacts if ($type=='' || $type=='g'){ $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS g FROM `group` WHERE `deleted` = 0 AND `uid` = %d $sql_extra", intval(local_user()) ); $group_count = (int)$r[0]['g']; } else { $group_count = 0; } if ($type=='' || $type=='c'){ $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 0 AND `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `archive` = 0 AND `notify` != '' $sql_extra2" , intval(local_user()) ); $contact_count = (int)$r[0]['c']; } elseif ($type == 'm') { // autocomplete for Private Messages $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 0 AND `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `archive` = 0 AND `network` IN ('%s','%s','%s') $sql_extra2" , intval(local_user()), dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN), dbesc(NETWORK_ZOT), dbesc(NETWORK_DIASPORA) ); $contact_count = (int)$r[0]['c']; } elseif ($type == 'a') { // autocomplete for Contacts $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 $sql_extra2" , intval(local_user()) ); $contact_count = (int)$r[0]['c']; } else { $contact_count = 0; } $tot = $group_count+$contact_count; $groups = array(); $contacts = array(); if ($type=='' || $type=='g'){ $r = q("SELECT `group`.`id`, `group`.`name`, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `group_member`.`contact-id` SEPARATOR ',') as uids FROM `group`,`group_member` WHERE `group`.`deleted` = 0 AND `group`.`uid` = %d AND `group_member`.`gid`=`group`.`id` $sql_extra GROUP BY `group`.`id` ORDER BY `group`.`name` LIMIT %d,%d", intval(local_user()), intval($start), intval($count) ); foreach($r as $g){ // logger('acl: group: ' . $g['name'] . ' members: ' . $g['uids']); $groups[] = array( "type" => "g", "photo" => "images/twopeople.png", "name" => $g['name'], "id" => intval($g['id']), "uids" => array_map("intval", explode(",",$g['uids'])), "link" => '', "forum" => '0' ); } } if ($type=='' || $type=='c'){ $r = q("SELECT `id`, `name`, `nick`, `micro`, `network`, `url`, `attag`, forum FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 0 AND `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `archive` = 0 AND `notify` != '' $sql_extra2 ORDER BY `name` ASC ", intval(local_user()) ); } elseif($type == 'm') { $r = q("SELECT `id`, `name`, `nick`, `micro`, `network`, `url`, `attag` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 0 AND `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `archive` = 0 AND `network` IN ('%s','%s','%s') $sql_extra2 ORDER BY `name` ASC ", intval(local_user()), dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN), dbesc(NETWORK_ZOT), dbesc(NETWORK_DIASPORA) ); } elseif($type == 'a') { $r = q("SELECT `id`, `name`, `nick`, `micro`, `network`, `url`, `attag` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `pending` = 0 $sql_extra2 ORDER BY `name` ASC ", intval(local_user()) ); } else $r = array(); if($type == 'm' || $type == 'a') { $x = array(); $x['query'] = $search; $x['photos'] = array(); $x['links'] = array(); $x['suggestions'] = array(); $x['data'] = array(); if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $g) { $x['photos'][] = proxy_url($g['micro']); $x['links'][] = $g['url']; $x['suggestions'][] = $g['name']; $x['data'][] = intval($g['id']); } } echo json_encode($x); killme(); } if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $g){ $contacts[] = array( "type" => "c", "photo" => proxy_url($g['micro']), "name" => $g['name'], "id" => intval($g['id']), "network" => $g['network'], "link" => $g['url'], "nick" => ($g['attag']) ? $g['attag'] : $g['nick'], "forum" => $g['forum'] ); } } $items = array_merge($groups, $contacts); if ($conv_id) { /* if $conv_id is set, get unknow contacts in thread */ /* but first get know contacts url to filter them out */ function _contact_link($i){ return dbesc($i['link']); } $known_contacts = array_map(_contact_link, $contacts); $unknow_contacts=array(); $r = q("select `author-avatar`,`author-name`,`author-link` from item where parent=%d and ( `author-name` LIKE '%%%s%%' OR `author-link` LIKE '%%%s%%' ) and `author-link` NOT IN ('%s') GROUP BY `author-link` ORDER BY `author-name` ASC ", intval($conv_id), dbesc($search), dbesc($search), implode("','", $known_contacts) ); if (is_array($r) && count($r)){ foreach($r as $row) { // nickname.. $up = parse_url($row['author-link']); $nick = explode("/",$up['path']); $nick = $nick[count($nick)-1]; $nick .= "@".$up['host']; // /nickname $unknow_contacts[] = array( "type" => "c", "photo" => proxy_url($row['author-avatar']), "name" => $row['author-name'], "id" => '', "network" => "unknown", "link" => $row['author-link'], "nick" => $nick, "forum" => false ); } } $items = array_merge($items, $unknow_contacts); $tot += count($unknow_contacts); } if($out_type === 'html') { $o = array( 'tot' => $tot, 'start' => $start, 'count' => $count, 'groups' => $groups, 'contacts' => $contacts, ); return $o; } $o = array( 'tot' => $tot, 'start' => $start, 'count' => $count, 'items' => $items, ); echo json_encode($o); killme(); }