<?php // install and uninstall plugin if (! function_exists('uninstall_plugin')){ function uninstall_plugin($plugin){ logger("Addons: uninstalling " . $plugin); q("DELETE FROM `addon` WHERE `name` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($plugin) ); @include_once('addon/' . $plugin . '/' . $plugin . '.php'); if(function_exists($plugin . '_uninstall')) { $func = $plugin . '_uninstall'; $func(); } }} if (! function_exists('install_plugin')){ function install_plugin($plugin){ logger("Addons: installing " . $plugin); $t = @filemtime('addon/' . $plugin . '/' . $plugin . '.php'); @include_once('addon/' . $plugin . '/' . $plugin . '.php'); if(function_exists($plugin . '_install')) { $func = $plugin . '_install'; $func(); $plugin_admin = (function_exists($plugin."_plugin_admin")?1:0); $r = q("INSERT INTO `addon` (`name`, `installed`, `timestamp`, `plugin_admin`) VALUES ( '%s', 1, %d , %d ) ", dbesc($plugin), intval($t), $plugin_admin ); } else { logger("Addons: FAILED installing " . $plugin); } }} // reload all updated plugins if(! function_exists('reload_plugins')) { function reload_plugins() { $plugins = get_config('system','addon'); if(strlen($plugins)) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `addon` WHERE `installed` = 1"); if(count($r)) $installed = $r; else $installed = array(); $parr = explode(',',$plugins); if(count($parr)) { foreach($parr as $pl) { $pl = trim($pl); $fname = 'addon/' . $pl . '/' . $pl . '.php'; if(file_exists($fname)) { $t = @filemtime($fname); foreach($installed as $i) { if(($i['name'] == $pl) && ($i['timestamp'] != $t)) { logger('Reloading plugin: ' . $i['name']); @include_once($fname); if(function_exists($pl . '_uninstall')) { $func = $pl . '_uninstall'; $func(); } if(function_exists($pl . '_install')) { $func = $pl . '_install'; $func(); } q("UPDATE `addon` SET `timestamp` = %d WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($t), intval($i['id']) ); } } } } } } }} if(! function_exists('register_hook')) { function register_hook($hook,$file,$function) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `hook` WHERE `hook` = '%s' AND `file` = '%s' AND `function` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($hook), dbesc($file), dbesc($function) ); if(count($r)) return true; $r = q("INSERT INTO `hook` (`hook`, `file`, `function`) VALUES ( '%s', '%s', '%s' ) ", dbesc($hook), dbesc($file), dbesc($function) ); return $r; }} if(! function_exists('unregister_hook')) { function unregister_hook($hook,$file,$function) { $r = q("DELETE FROM `hook` WHERE `hook` = '%s' AND `file` = '%s' AND `function` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($hook), dbesc($file), dbesc($function) ); return $r; }} if(! function_exists('load_hooks')) { function load_hooks() { $a = get_app(); $a->hooks = array(); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `hook` WHERE 1"); if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) { $a->hooks[] = array($rr['hook'], $rr['file'], $rr['function']); } } }} if(! function_exists('call_hooks')) { function call_hooks($name, &$data = null) { $a = get_app(); if(count($a->hooks)) { foreach($a->hooks as $hook) { if($hook[HOOK_HOOK] === $name) { @include_once($hook[HOOK_FILE]); if(function_exists($hook[HOOK_FUNCTION])) { $func = $hook[HOOK_FUNCTION]; $func($a,$data); } } } } }} /* * parse plugin comment in search of plugin infos. * like * * * Name: Plugin * * Description: A plugin which plugs in * * Version: 1.2.3 * * Author: John <profile url> * * Author: Jane <email> * * */ if (! function_exists('get_plugin_info')){ function get_plugin_info($plugin){ if (!is_file("addon/$plugin/$plugin.php")) return false; $f = file_get_contents("addon/$plugin/$plugin.php"); $r = preg_match("|/\*.*\*/|msU", $f, $m); $info=Array( 'name' => $plugin, 'description' => "", 'author' => array(), 'version' => "" ); if ($r){ $ll = explode("\n", $m[0]); foreach( $ll as $l ) { $l = trim($l,"\t\n\r */"); if ($l!=""){ list($k,$v) = array_map("trim", explode(":",$l,2)); $k= strtolower($k); if ($k=="author"){ $r=preg_match("|([^<]+)<([^>]+)>|", $v, $m); if ($r) { $info['author'][] = array('name'=>$m[1], 'link'=>$m[2]); } else { $info['author'][] = array('name'=>$v); } } else { if (array_key_exists($k,$info)){ $info[$k]=$v; } } } } } return $info; }}