<?php require_once("mod/share.php"); require_once('include/html2bbcode.php'); require_once('include/enotify.php'); require_once('include/items.php'); require_once('include/ostatus_conversation.php'); require_once('include/socgraph.php'); require_once('include/Photo.php'); function ostatus_fetchauthor($xpath, $context, $importer, &$contact) { $author = array(); $author["author-link"] = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/atom:uri/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; $author["author-name"] = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/atom:name/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; // Preserve the value $authorlink = $author["author-link"]; $alternate = $xpath->query("atom:author/atom:link[@rel='alternate']", $context)->item(0)->attributes; if (is_object($alternate)) foreach($alternate AS $attributes) if ($attributes->name == "href") $author["author-link"] = $attributes->textContent; $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `nurl` IN ('%s', '%s') AND `network` != '%s'", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc(normalise_link($author["author-link"])), dbesc(normalise_link($authorlink)), dbesc(NETWORK_STATUSNET)); if ($r) { $contact = $r[0]; $author["contact-id"] = $r[0]["id"]; } else $author["contact-id"] = $contact["id"]; $avatarlist = array(); $avatars = $xpath->query("atom:author/atom:link[@rel='avatar']", $context); foreach($avatars AS $avatar) { $href = ""; $width = 0; foreach($avatar->attributes AS $attributes) { if ($attributes->name == "href") $href = $attributes->textContent; if ($attributes->name == "width") $width = $attributes->textContent; } if (($width > 0) AND ($href != "")) $avatarlist[$width] = $href; } if (count($avatarlist) > 0) { krsort($avatarlist); $author["author-avatar"] = current($avatarlist); } $displayname = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/poco:displayName/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($displayname != "") $author["author-name"] = $displayname; $author["owner-name"] = $author["author-name"]; $author["owner-link"] = $author["author-link"]; $author["owner-avatar"] = $author["author-avatar"]; if ($r) { // Update contact data $update_contact = ($r[0]['name-date'] < datetime_convert('','','now -12 hours')); if ($update_contact) { logger("Update contact data for contact ".$contact["id"], LOGGER_DEBUG); $value = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/poco:displayName/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($value != "") $contact["name"] = $value; $value = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/poco:preferredUsername/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($value != "") $contact["nick"] = $value; $value = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/poco:note/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($value != "") $contact["about"] = $value; $value = $xpath->evaluate('atom:author/poco:address/poco:formatted/text()', $context)->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($value != "") $contact["location"] = $value; q("UPDATE `contact` SET `name` = '%s', `nick` = '%s', `about` = '%s', `location` = '%s', `name-date` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d", dbesc($contact["name"]), dbesc($contact["nick"]), dbesc($contact["about"]), dbesc($contact["location"]), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($contact["id"])); poco_check($contact["url"], $contact["name"], $contact["network"], $author["author-avatar"], $contact["about"], $contact["location"], "", "", "", datetime_convert(), 2, $contact["id"], $contact["uid"]); } $update_photo = ($r[0]['avatar-date'] < datetime_convert('','','now -12 hours')); if ($update_photo AND isset($author["author-avatar"])) { logger("Update profile picture for contact ".$contact["id"], LOGGER_DEBUG); $photos = import_profile_photo($author["author-avatar"], $importer["uid"], $contact["id"]); q("UPDATE `contact` SET `photo` = '%s', `thumb` = '%s', `micro` = '%s', `avatar-date` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d", dbesc($photos[0]), dbesc($photos[1]), dbesc($photos[2]), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($contact["id"])); } } return($author); } function ostatus_import($xml,$importer,&$contact, &$hub) { $a = get_app(); logger("Import OStatus message", LOGGER_DEBUG); if ($xml == "") return; $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadXML($xml); $xpath = new DomXPath($doc); $xpath->registerNamespace('atom', "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"); $xpath->registerNamespace('thr', "http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0"); $xpath->registerNamespace('georss', "http://www.georss.org/georss"); $xpath->registerNamespace('activity', "http://activitystrea.ms/spec/1.0/"); $xpath->registerNamespace('media', "http://purl.org/syndication/atommedia"); $xpath->registerNamespace('poco', "http://portablecontacts.net/spec/1.0"); $xpath->registerNamespace('ostatus', "http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0"); $xpath->registerNamespace('statusnet', "http://status.net/schema/api/1/"); $gub = ""; $hub_attributes = $xpath->query("/atom:feed/atom:link[@rel='hub']")->item(0)->attributes; if (is_object($hub_attributes)) foreach($hub_attributes AS $hub_attribute) if ($hub_attribute->name == "href") { $hub = $hub_attribute->textContent; logger("Found hub ".$hub, LOGGER_DEBUG); } $header = array(); $header["uid"] = $importer["uid"]; $header["network"] = NETWORK_OSTATUS; $header["type"] = "remote"; $header["wall"] = 0; $header["origin"] = 0; $header["gravity"] = GRAVITY_PARENT; // it could either be a received post or a post we fetched by ourselves // depending on that, the first node is different $first_child = $doc->firstChild->tagName; if ($first_child == "feed") $entries = $xpath->query('/atom:feed/atom:entry'); else $entries = $xpath->query('/atom:entry'); $conversation = ""; $conversationlist = array(); $item_id = 0; // Reverse the order of the entries $entrylist = array(); foreach ($entries AS $entry) $entrylist[] = $entry; foreach (array_reverse($entrylist) AS $entry) { $mention = false; // fetch the author if ($first_child == "feed") $author = ostatus_fetchauthor($xpath, $doc->firstChild, $importer, $contact); else $author = ostatus_fetchauthor($xpath, $entry, $importer, $contact); $item = array_merge($header, $author); // Now get the item $item["uri"] = $xpath->query('atom:id/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s'", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc($item["uri"])); if ($r) { logger("Item with uri ".$item["uri"]." for user ".$importer["uid"]." already existed under id ".$r[0]["id"], LOGGER_DEBUG); continue; } $item["body"] = add_page_info_to_body(html2bbcode($xpath->query('atom:content/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue)); $item["object-type"] = $xpath->query('activity:object-type/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; $item["verb"] = $xpath->query('activity:verb/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($item["verb"] == ACTIVITY_FOLLOW) { // ignore "Follow" messages continue; } if ($item["verb"] == ACTIVITY_FAVORITE) { // ignore "Favorite" messages continue; } $item["created"] = $xpath->query('atom:published/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; $item["edited"] = $xpath->query('atom:updated/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; $conversation = $xpath->query('ostatus:conversation/text()', $entry)->item(0)->nodeValue; $related = ""; $inreplyto = $xpath->query('thr:in-reply-to', $entry); if (is_object($inreplyto->item(0))) { foreach($inreplyto->item(0)->attributes AS $attributes) { if ($attributes->name == "ref") $item["parent-uri"] = $attributes->textContent; if ($attributes->name == "href") $related = $attributes->textContent; } } $georsspoint = $xpath->query('georss:point', $entry); if ($georsspoint) $item["coord"] = $georsspoint->item(0)->nodeValue; $categories = $xpath->query('atom:category', $entry); if ($categories) { foreach ($categories AS $category) { foreach($category->attributes AS $attributes) if ($attributes->name == "term") { $term = $attributes->textContent; if(strlen($item["tag"])) $item["tag"] .= ','; $item["tag"] .= "#[url=".$a->get_baseurl()."/search?tag=".$term."]".$term."[/url]"; } } } $self = ""; $enclosure = ""; $links = $xpath->query('atom:link', $entry); if ($links) { $rel = ""; $href = ""; $type = ""; $length = "0"; $title = ""; foreach ($links AS $link) { foreach($link->attributes AS $attributes) { if ($attributes->name == "href") $href = $attributes->textContent; if ($attributes->name == "rel") $rel = $attributes->textContent; if ($attributes->name == "type") $type = $attributes->textContent; if ($attributes->name == "length") $length = $attributes->textContent; if ($attributes->name == "title") $title = $attributes->textContent; } if (($rel != "") AND ($href != "")) switch($rel) { case "alternate": $item["plink"] = $href; break; case "ostatus:conversation": $conversation = $href; break; case "enclosure": $enclosure = $href; if(strlen($item["attach"])) $item["attach"] .= ','; $item["attach"] .= '[attach]href="'.$href.'" length="'.$length.'" type="'.$type.'" title="'.$title.'"[/attach]'; break; case "related": if (!isset($item["parent-uri"])) $item["parent-uri"] = $href; if ($related == "") $related = $href; break; case "self": $self = $href; break; case "mentioned": // Notification check if ($importer["nurl"] == normalise_link($href)) $mention = true; break; } } } $local_id = ""; $repeat_of = ""; $notice_info = $xpath->query('statusnet:notice_info', $entry); if ($notice_info) foreach($notice_info->item(0)->attributes AS $attributes) { if ($attributes->name == "source") $item["app"] = strip_tags($attributes->textContent); if ($attributes->name == "local_id") $local_id = $attributes->textContent; if ($attributes->name == "repeat_of") $repeat_of = $attributes->textContent; } // Is it a repeated post? if ($repeat_of != "") { $activityobjects = $xpath->query('activity:object', $entry)->item(0); if (is_object($activityobjects)) { $orig_uris = $xpath->query("activity:object/atom:link[@rel='alternate']", $activityobjects); if ($orig_uris) foreach($orig_uris->item(0)->attributes AS $attributes) if ($attributes->name == "href") $orig_uri = $attributes->textContent; if (!isset($orig_uri)) $orig_uri = $xpath->query("atom:link[@rel='alternate']", $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; if (!isset($orig_uri)) $orig_uri = $xpath->query("activity:object/atom:id", $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; if (!isset($orig_uri)) $orig_uri = $xpath->query('atom:id/text()', $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; $orig_body = $xpath->query('atom:content/text()', $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; $orig_created = $xpath->query('atom:published/text()', $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; $orig_contact = $contact; $orig_author = ostatus_fetchauthor($xpath, $activityobjects, $importer, $orig_contact); //if (!intval(get_config('system','wall-to-wall_share'))) { // $prefix = share_header($orig_author['author-name'], $orig_author['author-link'], $orig_author['author-avatar'], "", $orig_created, $orig_uri); // $item["body"] = $prefix.add_page_info_to_body(html2bbcode($orig_body))."[/share]"; //} else { $item["author-name"] = $orig_author["author-name"]; $item["author-link"] = $orig_author["author-link"]; $item["author-avatar"] = $orig_author["author-avatar"]; $item["body"] = add_page_info_to_body(html2bbcode($orig_body)); $item["created"] = $orig_created; $item["uri"] = $orig_uri; //} $item["verb"] = $xpath->query('activity:verb/text()', $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; $item["object-type"] = $xpath->query('activity:object-type/text()', $activityobjects)->item(0)->nodeValue; } } //if ($enclosure != "") // $item["body"] .= add_page_info($enclosure); if (isset($item["parent-uri"])) { $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s'", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc($item["parent-uri"])); if (!$r AND ($related != "")) { $reply_path = str_replace("/notice/", "/api/statuses/show/", $related).".atom"; if ($reply_path != $related) { logger("Fetching related items for user ".$importer["uid"]." from ".$reply_path, LOGGER_DEBUG); $reply_xml = fetch_url($reply_path); $reply_contact = $contact; ostatus_import($reply_xml,$importer,$reply_contact, $reply_hub); // After the import try to fetch the parent item again $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s'", intval($importer["uid"]), dbesc($item["parent-uri"])); } } if ($r) { $item["type"] = 'remote-comment'; $item["gravity"] = GRAVITY_COMMENT; } } else $item["parent-uri"] = $item["uri"]; // We risk the chance of getting orphan items, we correct it some lines later // To-Do: See To-Do line below. $item_id = item_store($item, true); //echo $xml; //print_r($item); //echo $item_id." ".$item["parent-uri"]."\n"; if (!$item_id) { logger("Error storing item ".print_r($item, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); continue; } logger("Item was stored with id ".$item_id, LOGGER_DEBUG); $item["id"] = $item_id; if (!isset($item["parent"]) OR ($item["parent"] == 0)) $item["parent"] = $item_id; if ($mention) { $u = q("SELECT `notify-flags`, `language`, `username`, `email` FROM user WHERE uid = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item['uid'])); notification(array( 'type' => NOTIFY_TAGSELF, 'notify_flags' => $u[0]["notify-flags"], 'language' => $u[0]["language"], 'to_name' => $u[0]["username"], 'to_email' => $u[0]["email"], 'uid' => $item["uid"], 'item' => $item, 'link' => $a->get_baseurl().'/display/'.urlencode(get_item_guid($item["id"])), 'source_name' => $item["author-name"], 'source_link' => $item["author-link"], 'source_photo' => $item["author-avatar"], 'verb' => ACTIVITY_TAG, 'otype' => 'item', 'parent' => $item["parent"] )); } if ($conversation != "") { // Check for duplicates. We really don't need to check the same conversation twice. if (!in_array($conversation, $conversationlist)) { // To-Do: // Call this before item_store is called to avoid posts with orphans // The routine then needs to get the item array. complete_conversation($item_id, $conversation); $conversationlist[] = $conversation; } } } }