=') || $alg === 'sha1') { openssl_sign($data,$sig,$key,(($alg == 'sha1') ? OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1 : $alg)); } else { if (strlen($key) < 1024 || extension_loaded('gmp')) { require_once('library/phpsec/Crypt/RSA.php'); $rsa = new CRYPT_RSA(); $rsa->signatureMode = CRYPT_RSA_SIGNATURE_PKCS1; $rsa->setHash($alg); $rsa->loadKey($key); $sig = $rsa->sign($data); } else { logger('rsa_sign: insecure algorithm used. Please upgrade PHP to 5.3'); openssl_private_encrypt(hex2bin('3031300d060960864801650304020105000420') . hash('sha256',$data,true), $sig, $key); } } return $sig; } function rsa_verify($data,$sig,$key,$alg = 'sha256') { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=') || $alg === 'sha1') { $verify = openssl_verify($data,$sig,$key,(($alg == 'sha1') ? OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1 : $alg)); } else { if (strlen($key) <= 300 || extension_loaded('gmp')) { require_once('library/phpsec/Crypt/RSA.php'); $rsa = new CRYPT_RSA(); $rsa->signatureMode = CRYPT_RSA_SIGNATURE_PKCS1; $rsa->setHash($alg); $rsa->loadKey($key); $verify = $rsa->verify($data,$sig); } else { // fallback sha256 verify for PHP < 5.3 and large key lengths $rawsig = ''; openssl_public_decrypt($sig,$rawsig,$key); $verify = (($rawsig && substr($rawsig,-32) === hash('sha256',$data,true)) ? true : false); } } return $verify; } function DerToPem($Der, $Private=false) { //Encode: $Der = base64_encode($Der); //Split lines: $lines = str_split($Der, 65); $body = implode("\n", $lines); //Get title: $title = $Private? 'RSA PRIVATE KEY' : 'PUBLIC KEY'; //Add wrapping: $result = "-----BEGIN {$title}-----\n"; $result .= $body . "\n"; $result .= "-----END {$title}-----\n"; return $result; } function DerToRsa($Der) { //Encode: $Der = base64_encode($Der); //Split lines: $lines = str_split($Der, 64); $body = implode("\n", $lines); //Get title: $title = 'RSA PUBLIC KEY'; //Add wrapping: $result = "-----BEGIN {$title}-----\n"; $result .= $body . "\n"; $result .= "-----END {$title}-----\n"; return $result; } function pkcs8_encode($Modulus,$PublicExponent) { //Encode key sequence $modulus = new ASNValue(ASNValue::TAG_INTEGER); $modulus->SetIntBuffer($Modulus); $publicExponent = new ASNValue(ASNValue::TAG_INTEGER); $publicExponent->SetIntBuffer($PublicExponent); $keySequenceItems = array($modulus, $publicExponent); $keySequence = new ASNValue(ASNValue::TAG_SEQUENCE); $keySequence->SetSequence($keySequenceItems); //Encode bit string $bitStringValue = $keySequence->Encode(); $bitStringValue = chr(0x00) . $bitStringValue; //Add unused bits byte $bitString = new ASNValue(ASNValue::TAG_BITSTRING); $bitString->Value = $bitStringValue; //Encode body $bodyValue = "\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x0d\x01\x01\x01\x05\x00" . $bitString->Encode(); $body = new ASNValue(ASNValue::TAG_SEQUENCE); $body->Value = $bodyValue; //Get DER encoded public key: $PublicDER = $body->Encode(); return $PublicDER; } function pkcs1_encode($Modulus,$PublicExponent) { //Encode key sequence $modulus = new ASNValue(ASNValue::TAG_INTEGER); $modulus->SetIntBuffer($Modulus); $publicExponent = new ASNValue(ASNValue::TAG_INTEGER); $publicExponent->SetIntBuffer($PublicExponent); $keySequenceItems = array($modulus, $publicExponent); $keySequence = new ASNValue(ASNValue::TAG_SEQUENCE); $keySequence->SetSequence($keySequenceItems); //Encode bit string $bitStringValue = $keySequence->Encode(); return $bitStringValue; } function metopem($m,$e) { $der = pkcs8_encode($m,$e); $key = DerToPem($der,false); return $key; } function pubrsatome($key,&$m,&$e) { require_once('library/asn1.php'); require_once('include/salmon.php'); $lines = explode("\n",$key); unset($lines[0]); unset($lines[count($lines)]); $x = base64_decode(implode('',$lines)); $r = ASN_BASE::parseASNString($x); $m = base64url_decode($r[0]->asnData[0]->asnData); $e = base64url_decode($r[0]->asnData[1]->asnData); } function rsatopem($key) { pubrsatome($key,$m,$e); return(metopem($m,$e)); } function pemtorsa($key) { pemtome($key,$m,$e); return(metorsa($m,$e)); } function pemtome($key,&$m,&$e) { require_once('include/salmon.php'); $lines = explode("\n",$key); unset($lines[0]); unset($lines[count($lines)]); $x = base64_decode(implode('',$lines)); $r = ASN_BASE::parseASNString($x); $m = base64url_decode($r[0]->asnData[1]->asnData[0]->asnData[0]->asnData); $e = base64url_decode($r[0]->asnData[1]->asnData[0]->asnData[1]->asnData); } function metorsa($m,$e) { $der = pkcs1_encode($m,$e); $key = DerToRsa($der); return $key; } function salmon_key($pubkey) { pemtome($pubkey,$m,$e); return 'RSA' . '.' . base64url_encode($m,true) . '.' . base64url_encode($e,true) ; } if (! function_exists('aes_decrypt')) { // DEPRECATED IN 3.4.1 function aes_decrypt($val,$ky) { $key="\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; for($a=0;$a=0 and ord(substr($dec, strlen($dec)-1,1))<=16)? chr(ord( substr($dec,strlen($dec)-1,1))):null)); }} if (! function_exists('aes_encrypt')) { // DEPRECATED IN 3.4.1 function aes_encrypt($val,$ky) { $key="\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; for($a=0;$a strlen($text)) return false; if (strspn($text, chr($pad), strlen($text) - $pad) != $pad) return false; return substr($text, 0, -1 * $pad); } function new_keypair($bits) { $openssl_options = array( 'digest_alg' => 'sha1', 'private_key_bits' => $bits, 'encrypt_key' => false ); $conf = get_config('system','openssl_conf_file'); if ($conf) $openssl_options['config'] = $conf; $result = openssl_pkey_new($openssl_options); if (empty($result)) { logger('new_keypair: failed'); return false; } // Get private key $response = array('prvkey' => '', 'pubkey' => ''); openssl_pkey_export($result, $response['prvkey']); // Get public key $pkey = openssl_pkey_get_details($result); $response['pubkey'] = $pkey["key"]; return $response; }