<?php require_once("dbm.php"); require_once('include/datetime.php'); /** * @class MySQL database class * * For debugging, insert 'dbg(1);' anywhere in the program flow. * dbg(0); will turn it off. Logging is performed at LOGGER_DATA level. * When logging, all binary info is converted to text and html entities are escaped so that * the debugging stream is safe to view within both terminals and web pages. * * This class is for the low level database stuff that does driver specific things. */ class dba { private $debug = 0; private $db; private $result; private $driver; public $connected = false; public $error = false; private $_server_info = ''; private static $dbo; function __construct($server, $user, $pass, $db, $install = false) { $a = get_app(); $stamp1 = microtime(true); $server = trim($server); $user = trim($user); $pass = trim($pass); $db = trim($db); if (!(strlen($server) && strlen($user))) { $this->connected = false; $this->db = null; return; } if ($install) { if (strlen($server) && ($server !== 'localhost') && ($server !== '')) { if (! dns_get_record($server, DNS_A + DNS_CNAME + DNS_PTR)) { $this->error = sprintf(t('Cannot locate DNS info for database server \'%s\''), $server); $this->connected = false; $this->db = null; return; } } } if (class_exists('\PDO') && in_array('mysql', PDO::getAvailableDrivers())) { $this->driver = 'pdo'; $connect = "mysql:host=".$server.";dbname=".$db; if (isset($a->config["system"]["db_charset"])) { $connect .= ";charset=".$a->config["system"]["db_charset"]; } $this->db = @new PDO($connect, $user, $pass); if (!$this->db->errorCode()) { $this->connected = true; } } elseif (class_exists('mysqli')) { $this->driver = 'mysqli'; $this->db = @new mysqli($server,$user,$pass,$db); if (!mysqli_connect_errno()) { $this->connected = true; if (isset($a->config["system"]["db_charset"])) { $this->db->set_charset($a->config["system"]["db_charset"]); } } } elseif (function_exists('mysql_connect')) { $this->driver = 'mysql'; $this->db = mysql_connect($server,$user,$pass); if ($this->db && mysql_select_db($db,$this->db)) { $this->connected = true; if (isset($a->config["system"]["db_charset"])) { mysql_set_charset($a->config["system"]["db_charset"], $this->db); } } } else { // No suitable SQL driver was found. if (!$install) { system_unavailable(); } } if (!$this->connected) { $this->db = null; if (!$install) { system_unavailable(); } } $a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "network"); self::$dbo = $this; } /** * @brief Returns the MySQL server version string * * This function discriminate between the deprecated mysql API and the current * object-oriented mysqli API. Example of returned string: 5.5.46-0+deb8u1 * * @return string */ public function server_info() { if ($this->_server_info == '') { switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': $this->_server_info = $this->db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION); break; case 'mysqli': $this->_server_info = $this->db->server_info; break; case 'mysql': $this->_server_info = mysql_get_server_info($this->db); break; } } return $this->_server_info; } /** * @brief Returns the selected database name * * @return string */ public function database_name() { $r = $this->q("SELECT DATABASE() AS `db`"); return $r[0]['db']; } /** * @brief Analyze a database query and log this if some conditions are met. * * @param string $query The database query that will be analyzed */ public function log_index($query) { $a = get_app(); if ($a->config["system"]["db_log_index"] == "") { return; } // Don't explain an explain statement if (strtolower(substr($query, 0, 7)) == "explain") { return; } // Only do the explain on "select", "update" and "delete" if (!in_array(strtolower(substr($query, 0, 6)), array("select", "update", "delete"))) { return; } $r = $this->q("EXPLAIN ".$query); if (!dbm::is_result($r)) { return; } $watchlist = explode(',', $a->config["system"]["db_log_index_watch"]); $blacklist = explode(',', $a->config["system"]["db_log_index_blacklist"]); foreach ($r AS $row) { if ((intval($a->config["system"]["db_loglimit_index"]) > 0)) { $log = (in_array($row['key'], $watchlist) AND ($row['rows'] >= intval($a->config["system"]["db_loglimit_index"]))); } else { $log = false; } if ((intval($a->config["system"]["db_loglimit_index_high"]) > 0) AND ($row['rows'] >= intval($a->config["system"]["db_loglimit_index_high"]))) { $log = true; } if (in_array($row['key'], $blacklist) OR ($row['key'] == "")) { $log = false; } if ($log) { $backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); @file_put_contents($a->config["system"]["db_log_index"], datetime_convert()."\t". $row['key']."\t".$row['rows']."\t".$row['Extra']."\t". basename($backtrace[1]["file"])."\t". $backtrace[1]["line"]."\t".$backtrace[2]["function"]."\t". substr($query, 0, 2000)."\n", FILE_APPEND); } } } public function q($sql, $onlyquery = false) { $a = get_app(); if (!$this->db || !$this->connected) { return false; } $this->error = ''; $connstr = ($this->connected() ? "Connected" : "Disonnected"); $stamp1 = microtime(true); $orig_sql = $sql; if (x($a->config,'system') && x($a->config['system'], 'db_callstack')) { $sql = "/*".$a->callstack()." */ ".$sql; } $columns = 0; switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': $result = @$this->db->query($sql); // Is used to separate between queries that returning data - or not if (!is_bool($result)) { $columns = $result->columnCount(); } break; case 'mysqli': $result = @$this->db->query($sql); break; case 'mysql': $result = @mysql_query($sql,$this->db); break; } $stamp2 = microtime(true); $duration = (float)($stamp2 - $stamp1); $a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "database"); if (strtolower(substr($orig_sql, 0, 6)) != "select") { $a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "database_write"); } if (x($a->config,'system') && x($a->config['system'],'db_log')) { if (($duration > $a->config["system"]["db_loglimit"])) { $duration = round($duration, 3); $backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); @file_put_contents($a->config["system"]["db_log"], datetime_convert()."\t".$duration."\t". basename($backtrace[1]["file"])."\t". $backtrace[1]["line"]."\t".$backtrace[2]["function"]."\t". substr($sql, 0, 2000)."\n", FILE_APPEND); } } switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': $errorInfo = $this->db->errorInfo(); if ($errorInfo) { $this->error = $errorInfo[2]; $this->errorno = $errorInfo[1]; } break; case 'mysqli': if ($this->db->errno) { $this->error = $this->db->error; $this->errorno = $this->db->errno; } break; case 'mysql': if (mysql_errno($this->db)) { $this->error = mysql_error($this->db); $this->errorno = mysql_errno($this->db); } break; } if (strlen($this->error)) { logger('DB Error ('.$connstr.') '.$this->errorno.': '.$this->error); } if ($this->debug) { $mesg = ''; if ($result === false) { $mesg = 'false'; } elseif ($result === true) { $mesg = 'true'; } else { switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': $mesg = $result->rowCount().' results'.EOL; break; case 'mysqli': $mesg = $result->num_rows.' results'.EOL; break; case 'mysql': $mesg = mysql_num_rows($result).' results'.EOL; break; } } $str = 'SQL = ' . printable($sql) . EOL . 'SQL returned ' . $mesg . (($this->error) ? ' error: ' . $this->error : '') . EOL; logger('dba: ' . $str ); } /** * If dbfail.out exists, we will write any failed calls directly to it, * regardless of any logging that may or may nor be in effect. * These usually indicate SQL syntax errors that need to be resolved. */ if ($result === false) { logger('dba: ' . printable($sql) . ' returned false.' . "\n" . $this->error); if (file_exists('dbfail.out')) { file_put_contents('dbfail.out', datetime_convert() . "\n" . printable($sql) . ' returned false' . "\n" . $this->error . "\n", FILE_APPEND); } } if (is_bool($result)) { return $result; } if ($onlyquery) { $this->result = $result; return true; } $r = array(); switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': while ($x = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $r[] = $x; } $result->closeCursor(); break; case 'mysqli': while ($x = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $r[] = $x; } $result->free_result(); break; case 'mysql': while ($x = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $r[] = $x; } mysql_free_result($result); break; } // PDO doesn't return "true" on successful operations - like mysqli does // Emulate this behaviour by checking if the query returned data and had columns // This should be reliable enough if (($this->driver == 'pdo') AND (count($r) == 0) AND ($columns == 0)) { return true; } //$a->save_timestamp($stamp1, "database"); if ($this->debug) { logger('dba: ' . printable(print_r($r, true))); } return($r); } public function dbg($dbg) { $this->debug = $dbg; } public function escape($str) { if ($this->db && $this->connected) { switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': return substr(@$this->db->quote($str, PDO::PARAM_STR), 1, -1); case 'mysqli': return @$this->db->real_escape_string($str); case 'mysql': return @mysql_real_escape_string($str,$this->db); } } } function connected() { switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': // Not sure if this really is working like expected $connected = ($this->db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS) != ""); break; case 'mysqli': $connected = $this->db->ping(); break; case 'mysql': $connected = mysql_ping($this->db); break; } return $connected; } function insert_id() { switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': $id = $this->db->lastInsertId(); break; case 'mysqli': $id = $this->db->insert_id; break; case 'mysql': $id = mysql_insert_id($this->db); break; } return $id; } function __destruct() { if ($this->db) { switch ($this->driver) { case 'pdo': $this->db = null; break; case 'mysqli': $this->db->close(); break; case 'mysql': mysql_close($this->db); break; } } } /** * @brief Replaces ANY_VALUE() function by MIN() function, * if the database server does not support ANY_VALUE(). * * Considerations for Standard SQL, or MySQL with ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY (default since 5.7.5). * ANY_VALUE() is available from MySQL 5.7.5 https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html * A standard fall-back is to use MIN(). * * @param string $sql An SQL string without the values * @return string The input SQL string modified if necessary. */ public function any_value_fallback($sql) { $server_info = $this->server_info(); if (version_compare($server_info, '5.7.5', '<') || (stripos($server_info, 'MariaDB') !== false)) { $sql = str_ireplace('ANY_VALUE(', 'MIN(', $sql); } return $sql; } /** * @brief Replaces the ? placeholders with the parameters in the $args array * * @param string $sql SQL query * @param array $args The parameters that are to replace the ? placeholders * @return string The replaced SQL query */ static private function replace_parameters($sql, $args) { $offset = 0; foreach ($args AS $param => $value) { if (is_int($args[$param]) OR is_float($args[$param])) { $replace = intval($args[$param]); } else { $replace = "'".dbesc($args[$param])."'"; } $pos = strpos($sql, '?', $offset); if ($pos !== false) { $sql = substr_replace($sql, $replace, $pos, 1); } $offset = $pos + strlen($replace); } return $sql; } /** * @brief Executes a prepared statement that returns data * @usage Example: $r = p("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `guid` = ?", $guid); * @param string $sql SQL statement * @return object statement object */ static public function p($sql) { $a = get_app(); $stamp1 = microtime(true); $args = func_get_args(); unset($args[0]); if (!self::$dbo OR !self::$dbo->connected) { return false; } $sql = self::$dbo->any_value_fallback($sql); if (x($a->config,'system') && x($a->config['system'], 'db_callstack')) { $sql = "/*".$a->callstack()." */ ".$sql; } switch (self::$dbo->driver) { case 'pdo': if (!$stmt = self::$dbo->db->prepare($sql)) { $errorInfo = self::$dbo->db->errorInfo(); self::$dbo->error = $errorInfo[2]; self::$dbo->errorno = $errorInfo[1]; $retval = false; break; } foreach ($args AS $param => $value) { $stmt->bindParam($param, $args[$param]); } if (!$stmt->execute()) { $errorInfo = self::$dbo->db->errorInfo(); self::$dbo->error = $errorInfo[2]; self::$dbo->errorno = $errorInfo[1]; $retval = false; } else { $retval = $stmt; } break; case 'mysqli': $stmt = self::$dbo->db->stmt_init(); if (!$stmt->prepare($sql)) { self::$dbo->error = self::$dbo->db->error; self::$dbo->errorno = self::$dbo->db->errno; $retval = false; break; } $params = ''; $values = array(); foreach ($args AS $param => $value) { if (is_int($args[$param])) { $params .= 'i'; } elseif (is_float($args[$param])) { $params .= 'd'; } elseif (is_string($args[$param])) { $params .= 's'; } else { $params .= 'b'; } $values[] = &$args[$param]; } array_unshift($values, $params); call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $values); if (!$stmt->execute()) { self::$dbo->error = self::$dbo->db->error; self::$dbo->errorno = self::$dbo->db->errno; $retval = false; } else { $stmt->store_result(); $retval = $stmt; } break; case 'mysql': // For the old "mysql" functions we cannot use prepared statements $retval = mysql_query(self::replace_parameters($sql, $args), self::$dbo->db); if (mysql_errno(self::$dbo->db)) { self::$dbo->error = mysql_error(self::$dbo->db); self::$dbo->errorno = mysql_errno(self::$dbo->db); } break; } $a->save_timestamp($stamp1, 'database'); if (x($a->config,'system') && x($a->config['system'], 'db_log')) { $stamp2 = microtime(true); $duration = (float)($stamp2 - $stamp1); if (($duration > $a->config["system"]["db_loglimit"])) { $duration = round($duration, 3); $backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); @file_put_contents($a->config["system"]["db_log"], datetime_convert()."\t".$duration."\t". basename($backtrace[1]["file"])."\t". $backtrace[1]["line"]."\t".$backtrace[2]["function"]."\t". substr(self::replace_parameters($sql, $args), 0, 2000)."\n", FILE_APPEND); } } return $retval; } /** * @brief Executes a prepared statement like UPDATE or INSERT that doesn't return data * * @param string $sql SQL statement * @return boolean Was the query successfull? False is returned only if an error occurred */ static public function e($sql) { $a = get_app(); $stamp = microtime(true); $args = func_get_args(); $stmt = call_user_func_array('self::p', $args); if (is_bool($stmt)) { $retval = $stmt; } elseif (is_object($stmt)) { $retval = true; } else { $retval = false; } self::close($stmt); $a->save_timestamp($stamp, "database_write"); return $retval; } /** * @brief Check if data exists * * @param string $sql SQL statement * @return boolean Are there rows for that query? */ static public function exists($sql) { $args = func_get_args(); $stmt = call_user_func_array('self::p', $args); if (is_bool($stmt)) { $retval = $stmt; } else { $retval = (self::rows($stmt) > 0); } self::close($stmt); return $retval; } /** * @brief Returns the number of rows of a statement * * @param object Statement object * @return int Number of rows */ static public function num_rows($stmt) { switch (self::$dbo->driver) { case 'pdo': return $stmt->rowCount(); case 'mysqli': return $stmt->num_rows; case 'mysql': return mysql_num_rows($stmt); } return 0; } /** * @brief Fetch a single row * * @param object $stmt statement object * @return array current row */ static public function fetch($stmt) { if (!is_object($stmt)) { return false; } switch (self::$dbo->driver) { case 'pdo': return $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); case 'mysqli': // This code works, but is slow // Bind the result to a result array $cols = array(); $cols_num = array(); for ($x = 0; $x < $stmt->field_count; $x++) { $cols[] = &$cols_num[$x]; } call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_result'), $cols); if (!$stmt->fetch()) { return false; } // The slow part: // We need to get the field names for the array keys // It seems that there is no better way to do this. $result = $stmt->result_metadata(); $fields = $result->fetch_fields(); $columns = array(); foreach ($cols_num AS $param => $col) { $columns[$fields[$param]->name] = $col; } return $columns; case 'mysql': return mysql_fetch_array(self::$dbo->result, MYSQL_ASSOC); } } /** * @brief Closes the current statement * * @param object $stmt statement object * @return boolean was the close successfull? */ static public function close($stmt) { if (!is_object($stmt)) { return false; } switch (self::$dbo->driver) { case 'pdo': return $stmt->closeCursor(); case 'mysqli': return $stmt->free_result(); return $stmt->close(); case 'mysql': return mysql_free_result($stmt); } } } function printable($s) { $s = preg_replace("~([\x01-\x08\x0E-\x0F\x10-\x1F\x7F-\xFF])~",".", $s); $s = str_replace("\x00",'.',$s); if (x($_SERVER,'SERVER_NAME')) { $s = escape_tags($s); } return $s; } // Procedural functions function dbg($state) { global $db; if ($db) { $db->dbg($state); } } function dbesc($str) { global $db; if ($db && $db->connected) { return($db->escape($str)); } else { return(str_replace("'","\\'",$str)); } } // Function: q($sql,$args); // Description: execute SQL query with printf style args. // Example: $r = q("SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `uid` = %d", // 'user', 1); function q($sql) { global $db; $args = func_get_args(); unset($args[0]); if ($db && $db->connected) { $sql = $db->any_value_fallback($sql); $stmt = @vsprintf($sql,$args); // Disabled warnings //logger("dba: q: $stmt", LOGGER_ALL); if ($stmt === false) logger('dba: vsprintf error: ' . print_r(debug_backtrace(),true), LOGGER_DEBUG); $db->log_index($stmt); return $db->q($stmt); } /** * * This will happen occasionally trying to store the * session data after abnormal program termination * */ logger('dba: no database: ' . print_r($args,true)); return false; } /** * @brief Performs a query with "dirty reads" * * By doing dirty reads (reading uncommitted data) no locks are performed * This function can be used to fetch data that doesn't need to be reliable. * * @param $args Query parameters (1 to N parameters of different types) * @return array Query array */ function qu($sql) { global $db; $args = func_get_args(); unset($args[0]); if ($db && $db->connected) { $sql = $db->any_value_fallback($sql); $stmt = @vsprintf($sql,$args); // Disabled warnings if ($stmt === false) logger('dba: vsprintf error: ' . print_r(debug_backtrace(),true), LOGGER_DEBUG); $db->log_index($stmt); $db->q("SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED;"); $retval = $db->q($stmt); $db->q("SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ;"); return $retval; } /** * * This will happen occasionally trying to store the * session data after abnormal program termination * */ logger('dba: no database: ' . print_r($args,true)); return false; } /** * * Raw db query, no arguments * */ function dbq($sql) { global $db; if ($db && $db->connected) { $ret = $db->q($sql); } else { $ret = false; } return $ret; } // Caller is responsible for ensuring that any integer arguments to // dbesc_array are actually integers and not malformed strings containing // SQL injection vectors. All integer array elements should be specifically // cast to int to avoid trouble. function dbesc_array_cb(&$item, $key) { if (is_string($item)) $item = dbesc($item); } function dbesc_array(&$arr) { if (is_array($arr) && count($arr)) { array_walk($arr,'dbesc_array_cb'); } } function dba_timer() { return microtime(true); }