get_hostname(); if (strpos($localhost,':')) { $localhost = substr($localhost,0,strpos($localhost,':')); } /** * * Be VERY CAREFUL if you make any changes to the following line. Seemingly innocuous changes * have been known to cause runaway conditions which affected several servers, along with * permissions issues. * */ $relay_to_owner = false; if (!$top_level && ($parent['wall'] == 0) && stristr($target_item['uri'], $localhost)) { $relay_to_owner = true; } if ($relay_to_owner) { logger('followup '.$target_item["guid"], LOGGER_DEBUG); // local followup to remote post $followup = true; } if (strlen($parent['allow_cid']) || strlen($parent['allow_gid']) || strlen($parent['deny_cid']) || strlen($parent['deny_gid']) || $parent["private"]) { $public_message = false; // private recipients, not public } } $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0", intval($contact_id) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { $contact = $r[0]; } if ($contact['self']) { return; } $deliver_status = 0; // Transmit via Diaspora if not possible via Friendica if (($item['uid'] == 0) && ($contact['network'] == NETWORK_DFRN)) { $contact['network'] = NETWORK_DIASPORA; } logger("main delivery by delivery: followup=$followup mail=$mail fsuggest=$fsuggest relocate=$relocate - network ".$contact['network']); switch ($contact['network']) { case NETWORK_DFRN: logger('notifier: '.$target_item["guid"].' dfrndelivery: '.$contact['name']); if ($mail) { $item['body'] = fix_private_photos($item['body'],$owner['uid'],null,$message[0]['contact-id']); $atom = DFRN::mail($item, $owner); } elseif ($fsuggest) { $atom = DFRN::fsuggest($item, $owner); q("DELETE FROM `fsuggest` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item['id'])); } elseif ($relocate) { $atom = DFRN::relocate($owner, $uid); } elseif ($followup) { $msgitems = []; foreach ($items as $item) { // there is only one item if (!$item['parent']) { return; } if ($item['id'] == $item_id) { logger('followup: item: '. print_r($item,true), LOGGER_DATA); $msgitems[] = $item; } } $atom = DFRN::entries($msgitems,$owner); } else { $msgitems = []; foreach ($items as $item) { if (!$item['parent']) { return; } // private emails may be in included in public conversations. Filter them. if ($public_message && $item['private']) { return; } $item_contact = self::getItemContact($item,$icontacts); if (!$item_contact) { return; } if ($normal_mode) { if ($item_id == $item['id'] || $item['id'] == $item['parent']) { $item["entry:comment-allow"] = true; $item["entry:cid"] = (($top_level) ? $contact['id'] : 0); $msgitems[] = $item; } } else { $item["entry:comment-allow"] = true; $msgitems[] = $item; } } $atom = DFRN::entries($msgitems,$owner); } logger('notifier entry: '.$contact["url"].' '.$target_item["guid"].' entry: '.$atom, LOGGER_DEBUG); logger('notifier: '.$atom, LOGGER_DATA); $basepath = implode('/', array_slice(explode('/',$contact['url']),0,3)); // perform local delivery if we are on the same site if (link_compare($basepath,System::baseUrl())) { $nickname = basename($contact['url']); if ($contact['issued-id']) { $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND `dfrn-id` = '%s' ", dbesc($contact['issued-id'])); } else { $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND `issued-id` = '%s' ", dbesc($contact['dfrn-id'])); } $x = q("SELECT `contact`.*, `contact`.`uid` AS `importer_uid`, `contact`.`pubkey` AS `cpubkey`, `contact`.`prvkey` AS `cprvkey`, `contact`.`thumb` AS `thumb`, `contact`.`url` as `url`, `contact`.`name` as `senderName`, `user`.* FROM `contact` INNER JOIN `user` ON `contact`.`uid` = `user`.`uid` WHERE `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`pending` = 0 AND `contact`.`network` = '%s' AND `user`.`nickname` = '%s' $sql_extra AND `user`.`account_expired` = 0 AND `user`.`account_removed` = 0 LIMIT 1", dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN), dbesc($nickname) ); if ($x && count($x)) { $write_flag = ((($x[0]['rel']) && ($x[0]['rel'] != CONTACT_IS_SHARING)) ? true : false); if ((($owner['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY) || $write_flag) && !$x[0]['writable']) { q("UPDATE `contact` SET `writable` = 1 WHERE `id` = %d", intval($x[0]['id']) ); $x[0]['writable'] = 1; } $ssl_policy = Config::get('system','ssl_policy'); fix_contact_ssl_policy($x[0],$ssl_policy); // If we are setup as a soapbox we aren't accepting top level posts from this person if (($x[0]['page-flags'] == PAGE_SOAPBOX) && $top_level) { break; } logger('mod-delivery: local delivery'); DFRN::import($atom, $x[0]); break; } } if (!Queue::wasDelayed($contact['id'])) { $deliver_status = DFRN::deliver($owner, $contact, $atom); } else { $deliver_status = (-1); } logger('notifier: dfrn_delivery to '.$contact["url"].' with guid '.$target_item["guid"].' returns '.$deliver_status); if ($deliver_status < 0) { logger('notifier: delivery failed: queuing message'); Queue::add($contact['id'], NETWORK_DFRN, $atom); // The message could not be delivered. We mark the contact as "dead" Contact::markForArchival($contact); } else { // We successfully delivered a message, the contact is alive Contact::unmarkForArchival($contact); } break; case NETWORK_OSTATUS: // Do not send to otatus if we are not configured to send to public networks if ($owner['prvnets']) { break; } if (Config::get('system','ostatus_disabled') || Config::get('system','dfrn_only')) { break; } // There is currently no code here to distribute anything to OStatus. // This is done in "notifier.php" (See "url_recipients" and "push_notify") break; case NETWORK_MAIL: if (Config::get('system','dfrn_only')) { break; } // WARNING: does not currently convert to RFC2047 header encodings, etc. $addr = $contact['addr']; if (!strlen($addr)) { break; } if ($cmd === 'wall-new' || $cmd === 'comment-new') { $it = null; if ($cmd === 'wall-new') { $it = $items[0]; } else { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item_id) ); if (DBM::is_result($r)) { $it = $r[0]; } } if (!$it) { break; } $local_user = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($uid) ); if (!count($local_user)) { break; } $reply_to = ''; $r1 = q("SELECT * FROM `mailacct` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($uid) ); if ($r1 && $r1[0]['reply_to']) { $reply_to = $r1[0]['reply_to']; } $subject = (($it['title']) ? Email::encodeHeader($it['title'],'UTF-8') : L10n::t("\x28no subject\x29")) ; // only expose our real email address to true friends if (($contact['rel'] == CONTACT_IS_FRIEND) && !$contact['blocked']) { if ($reply_to) { $headers = 'From: '.Email::encodeHeader($local_user[0]['username'],'UTF-8').' <'.$reply_to.'>'."\n"; $headers .= 'Sender: '.$local_user[0]['email']."\n"; } else { $headers = 'From: '.Email::encodeHeader($local_user[0]['username'],'UTF-8').' <'.$local_user[0]['email'].'>'."\n"; } } else { $headers = 'From: '. Email::encodeHeader($local_user[0]['username'],'UTF-8') .' <'. L10n::t('noreply') .'@'.$a->get_hostname() .'>'. "\n"; } //if ($reply_to) // $headers .= 'Reply-to: '.$reply_to . "\n"; $headers .= 'Message-Id: <'. Email::iri2msgid($it['uri']).'>'. "\n"; //logger("Mail: uri: ".$it['uri']." parent-uri ".$it['parent-uri'], LOGGER_DEBUG); //logger("Mail: Data: ".print_r($it, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); //logger("Mail: Data: ".print_r($it, true), LOGGER_DATA); if ($it['uri'] !== $it['parent-uri']) { $headers .= "References: <".Email::iri2msgid($it["parent-uri"]).">"; // If Threading is enabled, write down the correct parent if (($it["thr-parent"] != "") && ($it["thr-parent"] != $it["parent-uri"])) { $headers .= " <".Email::iri2msgid($it["thr-parent"]).">"; } $headers .= "\n"; if (!$it['title']) { $r = q("SELECT `title` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($it['parent-uri']), intval($uid)); if (DBM::is_result($r) && ($r[0]['title'] != '')) { $subject = $r[0]['title']; } else { $r = q("SELECT `title` FROM `item` WHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($it['parent-uri']), intval($uid)); if (DBM::is_result($r) && ($r[0]['title'] != '')) { $subject = $r[0]['title']; } } } if (strncasecmp($subject,'RE:',3)) { $subject = 'Re: '.$subject; } } Email::send($addr, $subject, $headers, $it); } break; case NETWORK_DIASPORA: if ($public_message) { $loc = 'public batch '.$contact['batch']; } else { $loc = $contact['name']; } logger('delivery: diaspora batch deliver: '.$loc); if (Config::get('system','dfrn_only') || !Config::get('system','diaspora_enabled')) { break; } if ($mail) { Diaspora::sendMail($item,$owner,$contact); break; } if (!$normal_mode) { break; } if (!$contact['pubkey'] && !$public_message) { break; } if (($target_item['deleted']) && (($target_item['uri'] === $target_item['parent-uri']) || $followup)) { // top-level retraction logger('diaspora retract: '.$loc); Diaspora::sendRetraction($target_item,$owner,$contact,$public_message); break; } elseif ($relocate) { Diaspora::sendAccountMigration($owner, $contact, $uid); break; } elseif ($followup) { // send comments and likes to owner to relay logger('diaspora followup: '.$loc); Diaspora::sendFollowup($target_item,$owner,$contact,$public_message); break; } elseif ($target_item['uri'] !== $target_item['parent-uri']) { // we are the relay - send comments, likes and relayable_retractions to our conversants logger('diaspora relay: '.$loc); Diaspora::sendRelay($target_item,$owner,$contact,$public_message); break; } elseif ($top_level && !$walltowall) { // currently no workable solution for sending walltowall logger('diaspora status: '.$loc); Diaspora::sendStatus($target_item,$owner,$contact,$public_message); break; } logger('delivery: diaspora unknown mode: '.$contact['name']); break; default: break; } return; } private static function getItemContact($item, $contacts) { if (!count($contacts) || !is_array($item)) { return false; } foreach ($contacts as $contact) { if ($contact['id'] == $item['contact-id']) { return $contact; } } return false; } }