
namespace Friendica\Test\Util;

use Friendica\App;
use Friendica\BaseObject;
use Friendica\Render\FriendicaSmartyEngine;
use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStreamDirectory;

 * Trait to Mock the global App instance
trait AppMockTrait
	use ConfigMockTrait;
	use DBAMockTrait;

	 * @var App The Friendica global App Mock
	protected $app;

	 * Mock the App
	 * @param vfsStreamDirectory $root The root directory
	public function mockApp($root)
		/// @todo This mock is ugly. We return an empty string for each translation - no workaround yet
		$l10nMock = \Mockery::mock('alias:Friendica\Core\L10n');

		$this->mockConfigGet('system', 'theme', 'testtheme');

		// Mocking App and most used functions
		$this->app = \Mockery::mock('Friendica\App');

			->with('database', 'hostname')
			->with('database', 'username')
			->with('database', 'password')
			->with('database', 'database')
			->andReturn(new FriendicaSmartyEngine());

		// Mocking the Theme
		// Necessary for macro engine with template files
		$themeMock = \Mockery::mock('alias:Friendica\Core\Theme');
