diff --git a/util/po2php.php b/util/po2php.php index f29980d6a..147c4a58d 100644 --- a/util/po2php.php +++ b/util/po2php.php @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ strings["'.$k.'"] = '; } - if ($inv) { $inv = False; $out .= '"'.$v.'"'; } + if ($inv) { $inv = False; $out .= '"'.$v.'"'; } $v = substr($l,8,$len-10); $v = preg_replace_callback($escape_s_exp,'escape_s',$v); @@ -113,6 +115,7 @@ function po2php_run(&$argv, &$argc) { if ($inv) { $inv = False; $out .= '"'.$v.'"'; } if ($k!="") $out .= $arr?");\n":";\n"; + $out = str_replace(DQ_ESCAPE, '\"', $out); file_put_contents($outfile, $out); } diff --git a/view/ca/strings.php b/view/ca/strings.php index dc7207bb7..08d9d523d 100644 --- a/view/ca/strings.php +++ b/view/ca/strings.php @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ $a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not in $a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Error: El mòdul enssl de PHP és necessari però no està instal·lat."; $a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Error: El mòdul mysqli de PHP és necessari però no està instal·lat."; $a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Error: mòdul mb_string de PHP requerit però no instal·lat."; -$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\ in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "L'instal·lador web necessita crear un arxiu anomenat \".htconfig.php\" en la carpeta superior del seu servidor web però alguna cosa ho va impedir."; +$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "L'instal·lador web necessita crear un arxiu anomenat \".htconfig.php\" en la carpeta superior del seu servidor web però alguna cosa ho va impedir."; $a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Això freqüentment és a causa d'una configuració de permisos; el servidor web no pot escriure arxius en la carpeta - encara que sigui possible."; $a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = "Al final d'aquest procediment, et facilitarem un text que hauràs de guardar en un arxiu que s'anomena .htconfig.php que hi es a la carpeta principal del teu Friendica."; $a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = "Alternativament, pots saltar-te aquest procediment i configurar-ho manualment. Per favor, mira l'arxiu \"INTALL.txt\" per a instruccions."; diff --git a/view/cs/strings.php b/view/cs/strings.php index 26ade3163..cf5b9281c 100644 --- a/view/cs/strings.php +++ b/view/cs/strings.php @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ $a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not in $a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Chyba: požadovaný openssl PHP modul není nainstalován."; $a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Chyba: požadovaný mysqli PHP modul není nainstalován."; $a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Chyba: PHP modul mb_string je vyžadován, ale není nainstalován."; -$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\ in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "Webový instalátor musí být schopen vytvořit soubor s názvem \".htconfig.php\" v hlavním adresáři vašeho webového serveru ale nyní mu to není umožněno."; +$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "Webový instalátor musí být schopen vytvořit soubor s názvem \".htconfig.php\" v hlavním adresáři vašeho webového serveru ale nyní mu to není umožněno."; $a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Toto je nejčastěji nastavením oprávnění, kdy webový server nemusí být schopen zapisovat soubory do vašeho adresáře - i když Vy můžete."; $a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = "Na konci této procedury obd nás obdržíte text k uložení v souboru pojmenovaném .htconfig.php ve Vašem Friendica kořenovém adresáři."; $a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = "Alternativně můžete tento krok přeskočit a provést manuální instalaci. Přečtěte si prosím soubor \"INSTALL.txt\" pro další instrukce."; diff --git a/view/de/strings.php b/view/de/strings.php index b1547de2f..c7ba70053 100644 --- a/view/de/strings.php +++ b/view/de/strings.php @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ $a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not in $a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Fehler: Das openssl-Modul von PHP ist nicht installiert."; $a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Fehler: Das mysqli-Modul von PHP ist nicht installiert."; $a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Fehler: mb_string PHP Module wird benötigt ist aber nicht installiert."; -$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\ in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "Der Installationswizard muss in der Lage sein, eine Datei im Stammverzeichnis deines Webservers anzulegen, ist allerdings derzeit nicht in der Lage, dies zu tun."; +$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "Der Installationswizard muss in der Lage sein, eine Datei im Stammverzeichnis deines Webservers anzulegen, ist allerdings derzeit nicht in der Lage, dies zu tun."; $a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "In den meisten Fällen ist dies ein Problem mit den Schreibrechten. Der Webserver könnte keine Schreiberlaubnis haben, selbst wenn du sie hast."; $a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = "Nachdem du alles ausgefüllt hast, erhältst du einen Text, den du in eine Datei namens .htconfig.php in deinem Friendica-Wurzelverzeichnis kopieren musst."; $a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = "Alternativ kannst du diesen Schritt aber auch überspringen und die Installation manuell durchführen. Eine Anleitung dazu (Englisch) findest du in der Datei INSTALL.txt."; diff --git a/view/eo/strings.php b/view/eo/strings.php index bc31c1a2d..23dca759c 100644 --- a/view/eo/strings.php +++ b/view/eo/strings.php @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ $a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not in $a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Eraro: La modulo OpenSSL en PHP estas bezonata sed ne instalita."; $a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Eraro: La modulo mysqli en PHP estas bezonata sed ne instalita."; $a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Eraro: La modulo mb_string en PHP estas bezonata sed ne instalita."; -$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\ in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "La reta instalilo bezonas skribi dosieron nomata \".htconfig.php\" en la baza dosierujo de la retservilo, sed ne sukcesis."; +$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "La reta instalilo bezonas skribi dosieron nomata \".htconfig.php\" en la baza dosierujo de la retservilo, sed ne sukcesis."; $a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Tio ĉi plej ofte estas agordo rilate al permesoj, ĉar la servilo eble ne povas skribi en via dosierujo, eĉ se vi mem povas skribi."; $a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = "Post la fino de tiu proceduro, ni donos al vi tekston por konservi en dosiero .htconfig.php en via baza Friendica dosierujo."; $a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = "Vi ankaŭ povas preterpasi tiun proceduron kaj fari permanan instaladon. Bonvolu legi la dosieron \"INSTALL.txt\" por trovi instrukciojn."; diff --git a/view/es/strings.php b/view/es/strings.php index d001a2772..689989b07 100644 --- a/view/es/strings.php +++ b/view/es/strings.php @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ $a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not in $a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Error: El módulo de PHP openssl es necesario, pero no está instalado."; $a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Error: El módulo de PHP mysqli es necesario, pero no está instalado."; $a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Error: El módulo de PHP mb_string es necesario, pero no está instalado."; -$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\ in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "El programa de instalación web necesita ser capaz de crear un archivo llamado \".htconfig.php\" en la carpeta principal de tu servidor web y es incapaz de hacerlo."; +$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "El programa de instalación web necesita ser capaz de crear un archivo llamado \".htconfig.php\" en la carpeta principal de tu servidor web y es incapaz de hacerlo."; $a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Se trata a menudo de una configuración de permisos, pues el servidor web puede que no sea capaz de escribir archivos en la carpeta, aunque tú sí puedas."; $a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = "Al final obtendremos un texto que debes guardar en un archivo llamado .htconfig.php en la carpeta de Friendica."; $a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = "Como alternativa, puedes saltarte estos pasos y realizar una instalación manual. Por favor, consulta el archivo \"INSTALL.txt\" para las instrucciones."; diff --git a/view/fr/strings.php b/view/fr/strings.php index 70059fa2f..41d76a8ce 100644 --- a/view/fr/strings.php +++ b/view/fr/strings.php @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ $a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not in $a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erreur: Le module PHP \"openssl\" est requis mais pas installé."; $a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erreur: Le module PHP \"mysqli\" est requis mais pas installé."; $a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erreur: le module PHP mb_string est requis mais pas installé."; -$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\ in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "L'installeur web doit être en mesure de créer un fichier \".htconfig.php\" à la racine de votre serveur web, mais il en est incapable."; +$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "L'installeur web doit être en mesure de créer un fichier \".htconfig.php\" à la racine de votre serveur web, mais il en est incapable."; $a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Le plus souvent, il s'agit d'un problème de permission. Le serveur web peut ne pas être capable d'écrire dans votre répertoire - alors que vous-même le pouvez."; $a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = "A la fin de cette étape, nous vous fournirons un texte à sauvegarder dans un fichier nommé .htconfig.php à la racine de votre répertoire Friendica."; $a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = "Vous pouvez également sauter cette étape et procéder à une installation manuelle. Pour cela, merci de lire le fichier \"INSTALL.txt\"."; diff --git a/view/is/strings.php b/view/is/strings.php index 5af232362..b0dc1808c 100644 --- a/view/is/strings.php +++ b/view/is/strings.php @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ $a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not in $a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Villa: openssl PHP eining skilyrði og er ekki uppsett."; $a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Villa: mysqli PHP eining er skilyrði og er ekki uppsett"; $a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Villa: mb_string PHP eining skilyrði en ekki uppsett."; -$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\ in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "Vef uppsetningar forrit þarf að geta stofnað skránna \".htconfig.php\" in efsta skráarsafninu á vefþjóninum og það getur ekki gert það."; +$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "Vef uppsetningar forrit þarf að geta stofnað skránna \".htconfig.php\" in efsta skráarsafninu á vefþjóninum og það getur ekki gert það."; $a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Þetta er oftast aðgangsstýringa stilling, þar sem vefþjónninn getur ekki skrifað út skrár í skráarsafnið - þó þú getir það."; $a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = ""; $a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = ""; diff --git a/view/it/strings.php b/view/it/strings.php index 70544ced0..6c6c22811 100644 --- a/view/it/strings.php +++ b/view/it/strings.php @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ $a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not in $a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Errore: il modulo openssl di PHP è richiesto, ma non risulta installato."; $a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Errore: il modulo mysqli di PHP è richiesto, ma non risulta installato"; $a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Errore: il modulo PHP mb_string è richiesto, ma non risulta installato."; -$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\ in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "L'installazione web deve poter creare un file chiamato \".htconfig.php\" nella cartella principale del tuo web server ma non è in grado di farlo."; +$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "L'installazione web deve poter creare un file chiamato \".htconfig.php\" nella cartella principale del tuo web server ma non è in grado di farlo."; $a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Ciò è dovuto spesso a impostazioni di permessi, dato che il web server può non essere in grado di scrivere il file nella tua cartella, anche se tu puoi."; $a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = ""; $a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = ""; diff --git a/view/nb-no/strings.php b/view/nb-no/strings.php index 8ac2b58f8..2e02190dd 100644 --- a/view/nb-no/strings.php +++ b/view/nb-no/strings.php @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not in $a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Feil: openssl PHP-modulen er påkrevet, men er ikke installert."; $a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Feil: mysqli PHP-modulen er påkrevet, men er ikke installert."; $a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Feil: mb_string PHP-modulen er påkrevet men ikke installert."; -$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\ in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "Web-installatøren trenger å kunne lage filen \".htconfig.php\" i topp-folderen på web-tjeneren din, men den får ikke til dette."; +$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "Web-installatøren trenger å kunne lage filen \".htconfig.php\" i topp-folderen på web-tjeneren din, men den får ikke til dette."; $a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Dette skyldes oftest manglende tillatelse, ettersom web-tjeneren kanskje ikke kan skrive filer i din mappe - selv om du kan."; $a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = ""; $a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = ""; diff --git a/view/pl/strings.php b/view/pl/strings.php index d5b154626..428144ec4 100644 --- a/view/pl/strings.php +++ b/view/pl/strings.php @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ $a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not in $a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Błąd: openssl PHP wymagany moduł, lecz nie zainstalowany."; $a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Błąd: mysqli PHP wymagany moduł, lecz nie zainstalowany."; $a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = ""; -$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\ in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = ""; +$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = ""; $a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = ""; $a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = ""; $a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = ""; diff --git a/view/pt-br/strings.php b/view/pt-br/strings.php index 7d96b0b8c..9d2b0e87c 100644 --- a/view/pt-br/strings.php +++ b/view/pt-br/strings.php @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ $a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not in $a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo openssl do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado."; $a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo mysqli do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado."; $a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo mb_string PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado."; -$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\ in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "O instalador web precisa criar um arquivo chamado \".htconfig.php\" na pasta raiz da instalação e não está conseguindo."; +$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "O instalador web precisa criar um arquivo chamado \".htconfig.php\" na pasta raiz da instalação e não está conseguindo."; $a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Geralmente isso está relacionado às definições de permissão, uma vez que o servidor web pode não estar conseguindo escrever os arquivos nesta pasta."; $a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = "Ao final desse procedimento, será fornecido um texto que deverá ser salvo em um arquivo de nome. htconfig.php, na pasta raiz da instalação do seu Friendica."; $a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = "Você também pode pular esse procedimento e executar uma instalação manual. Por favor, dê uma olhada no arquivo \"INSTALL.TXT\" para instruções."; diff --git a/view/ru/strings.php b/view/ru/strings.php index 91c7c4eae..87daa7b57 100644 --- a/view/ru/strings.php +++ b/view/ru/strings.php @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ $a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not in $a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Ошибка: необходим PHP модуль OpenSSL, но он не установлен."; $a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Ошибка: необходим PHP модуль MySQLi, но он не установлен."; $a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Ошибка: необходим PHP модуль mb_string, но он не установлен."; -$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\ in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "Веб-инсталлятору требуется создать файл с именем \". htconfig.php\" в верхней папке веб-сервера, но он не в состоянии это сделать."; +$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "Веб-инсталлятору требуется создать файл с именем \". htconfig.php\" в верхней папке веб-сервера, но он не в состоянии это сделать."; $a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Это наиболее частые параметры разрешений, когда веб-сервер не может записать файлы в папке - даже если вы можете."; $a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = ""; $a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = "";