compact($input, $ctx, $options); } /** * Performs JSON-LD expansion. * * @param mixed $input the JSON-LD object to expand. * @param assoc[$options] the options to use: * [base] the base IRI to use. * [loadContext(url)] the context loader. * * @return array the expanded JSON-LD output. */ function jsonld_expand($input, $options=array()) { $p = new JsonLdProcessor(); return $p->expand($input, $options); } /** * Performs JSON-LD flattening. * * @param mixed $input the JSON-LD to flatten. * @param mixed $ctx the context to use to compact the flattened output, or * null. * @param [options] the options to use: * [base] the base IRI to use. * [loadContext(url)] the context loader. * * @return mixed the flattened JSON-LD output. */ function jsonld_flatten($input, $ctx, $options=array()) { $p = new JsonLdProcessor(); return $p->flatten($input, $ctx, $options); } /** * Performs JSON-LD framing. * * @param mixed $input the JSON-LD object to frame. * @param stdClass $frame the JSON-LD frame to use. * @param assoc [$options] the framing options. * [base] the base IRI to use. * [embed] default @embed flag (default: true). * [explicit] default @explicit flag (default: false). * [omitDefault] default @omitDefault flag (default: false). * [optimize] optimize when compacting (default: false). * [loadContext(url)] the context loader. * * @return stdClass the framed JSON-LD output. */ function jsonld_frame($input, $frame, $options=array()) { $p = new JsonLdProcessor(); return $p->frame($input, $frame, $options); } /** * Performs RDF dataset normalization on the given JSON-LD input. The output * is an RDF dataset unless the 'format' option is used. * * @param mixed $input the JSON-LD object to normalize. * @param assoc [$options] the options to use: * [base] the base IRI to use. * [format] the format if output is a string: * 'application/nquads' for N-Quads (default). * [loadContext(url)] the context loader. * * @return mixed the normalized output. */ function jsonld_normalize($input, $options=array()) { $p = new JsonLdProcessor(); return $p->normalize($input, $options); } /** * Converts an RDF dataset to JSON-LD. * * @param mixed $input a serialized string of RDF in a format specified * by the format option or an RDF dataset to convert. * @param assoc [$options] the options to use: * [format] the format if input not an array: * 'application/nquads' for N-Quads (default). * [useRdfType] true to use rdf:type, false to use @type * (default: false). * [useNativeTypes] true to convert XSD types into native types * (boolean, integer, double), false not to (default: true). * * @return array the JSON-LD output. */ function jsonld_from_rdf($input, $options=array()) { $p = new JsonLdProcessor(); return $p->fromRDF($input, $options); } /** * Outputs the RDF dataset found in the given JSON-LD object. * * @param mixed $input the JSON-LD object. * @param assoc [$options] the options to use: * [base] the base IRI to use. * [format] the format to use to output a string: * 'application/nquads' for N-Quads (default). * [loadContext(url)] the context loader. * * @return mixed the resulting RDF dataset (or a serialization of it). */ function jsonld_to_rdf($input, $options=array()) { $p = new JsonLdProcessor(); return $p->toRDF($input, $options); } /** * Relabels all blank nodes in the given JSON-LD input. * * @param mixed input the JSON-LD input. */ function jsonld_relabel_blank_nodes($input) { $p = new JsonLdProcessor(); return $p->_labelBlankNodes(new UniqueNamer('_:b'), $input); } /** JSON-LD shared in-memory cache. */ global $jsonld_cache; $jsonld_cache = new stdClass(); /** The default active context cache. */ $jsonld_cache->activeCtx = new ActiveContextCache(); /** The default JSON-LD context loader. */ global $jsonld_default_load_context; $jsonld_default_load_context = null; /** * Sets the default JSON-LD context loader. * * @param callable load_context(url) the context loader. */ function jsonld_set_context_loader($load_context) { global $jsonld_default_load_context; $jsonld_default_load_context = $load_context; } /** * Retrieves JSON-LD at the given URL. * * @param string $url the URL to to retrieve. * * @return the JSON-LD. */ function jsonld_get_url($url) { global $jsonld_default_load_context; if($jsonld_default_load_context !== null) { return call_user_func($jsonld_default_load_context, $url); } // default JSON-LD GET implementation return jsonld_default_get_url($url); } /** * The default implementation to retrieve JSON-LD at the given URL. * * @param string $url the URL to to retrieve. * * @return the JSON-LD. */ function jsonld_default_get_url($url) { // default JSON-LD GET implementation $opts = array( 'http' => array( 'method' => "GET", 'header' => "Accept: application/ld+json\r\n" . "User-Agent: PaySwarm PHP Client/1.0\r\n"), 'https' => array( 'verify_peer' => true, 'method' => "GET", 'header' => "Accept: application/ld+json\r\n" . "User-Agent: PaySwarm PHP Client/1.0\r\n")); $stream = stream_context_create($opts); $result = @file_get_contents($url, false, $stream); if($result === false) { throw new Exception("Could not GET url: '$url'"); } return $result; } /** * The default implementation to retrieve JSON-LD at the given secure URL. * * @param string $url the secure URL to to retrieve. * * @return the JSON-LD. */ function jsonld_default_get_secure_url($url) { if(strpos($url, 'https') !== 0) { throw new Exception("Could not GET url: '$url'; 'https' is required."); } $redirects = array(); // default JSON-LD https GET implementation $opts = array( 'https' => array( 'verify_peer' => true, 'method' => "GET", 'header' => "Accept: application/ld+json\r\n" . "User-Agent: PaySwarm PHP Client/1.0\r\n")); $stream = stream_context_create($opts); stream_context_set_params($stream, array('notification' => function($notification_code, $severity, $message) use (&$redirects) { switch($notification_code) { case STREAM_NOTIFY_REDIRECTED: $redirects[] = $message; break; }; })); $result = @file_get_contents($url, false, $stream); if($result === false) { throw new Exception("Could not GET url: '$url'"); } foreach($redirects as $redirect) { if(strpos($redirect, 'https') !== 0) { throw new Exception( "Could not GET redirected url: '$redirect'; 'https' is required."); } } return $result; } /** Registered global RDF dataset parsers hashed by content-type. */ global $jsonld_rdf_parsers; $jsonld_rdf_parsers = new stdClass(); /** * Registers a global RDF dataset parser by content-type, for use with * jsonld_from_rdf. Global parsers will be used by JsonLdProcessors that do * not register their own parsers. * * @param string $content_type the content-type for the parser. * @param callable $parser(input) the parser function (takes a string as * a parameter and returns an RDF dataset). */ function jsonld_register_rdf_parser($content_type, $parser) { global $jsonld_rdf_parsers; $jsonld_rdf_parsers->{$content_type} = $parser; } /** * Unregisters a global RDF dataset parser by content-type. * * @param string $content_type the content-type for the parser. */ function jsonld_unregister_rdf_parser($content_type) { global $jsonld_rdf_parsers; if(property_exists($jsonld_rdf_parsers, $content_type)) { unset($jsonld_rdf_parsers->{$content_type}); } } /** * Parses a URL into its component parts. * * @param string $url the URL to parse. * * @return assoc the parsed URL. */ function jsonld_parse_url($url) { $rval = parse_url($url); if(isset($rval['host'])) { if(!isset($rval['path']) || $rval['path'] === '') { $rval['path'] = '/'; } } else { $rval['host'] = ''; if(!isset($rval['path'])) { $rval['path'] = ''; } } if(!isset($rval['scheme'])) { $rval['scheme'] = ''; } if(isset($rval['user']) || isset($rval['pass'])) { $rval['auth'] = ''; if(isset($rval['user'])) { $rval['auth'] = $rval['user']; } if(isset($rval['pass'])) { $rval['auth'] .= ":{$rval['pass']}"; } } return $rval; } /** * Prepends a base IRI to the given relative IRI. * * @param mixed $base a string or the parsed base IRI. * @param string $iri the relative IRI. * * @return string the absolute IRI. */ function jsonld_prepend_base($base, $iri) { // already an absolute IRI if(strpos($iri, ':') !== false) { return $iri; } if(is_string($base)) { $base = jsonld_parse_url($base); } $authority = $base['host']; if(isset($base['port'])) { $authority .= ":{$base['port']}"; } $rel = jsonld_parse_url($iri); // per RFC3986 normalize slashes and dots in path // IRI contains authority if(strpos($iri, '//') === 0) { $path = substr($iri, 2); $authority = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/')); $path = substr($path, strlen($authority)); } // IRI represents an absolute path else if(strpos($rel['path'], '/') === 0) { $path = $rel['path']; } else { $path = $base['path']; // prepend last directory for base if($rel['path'] !== '') { $idx = strrpos($path, '/'); $idx = ($idx === false) ? 0 : $idx + 1; $path = substr($path, 0, $idx) . $rel['path']; } } $segments = explode('/', $path); // remove '.' and '' (do not remove trailing empty path) $idx = -1; $end = count($segments) - 1; $filter = function($e) use (&$idx, $end) { $idx += 1; return $e !== '.' && ($e !== '' || $idx === $end); }; $segments = array_values(array_filter($segments, $filter)); // remove as many '..' as possible for($i = 0; $i < count($segments);) { $segment = $segments[$i]; if($segment === '..') { // too many reverse dots if($i === 0) { $last = $segments[count($segments) - 1]; if($last !== '..') { $segments = array($last); } else { $segments = array(); } break; } // remove '..' and previous segment array_splice($segments, $i - 1, 2); $segments = array_values($segments); $i -= 1; } else { $i += 1; } } $path = '/' . implode('/', $segments); // add query and hash if(isset($rel['query'])) { $path .= "?{$rel['query']}"; } if(isset($rel['fragment'])) { $path .= "#{$rel['fragment']}"; } $absolute_iri = "{$base['scheme']}://"; if(isset($base['auth'])) { $absolute_iri .= "{$base['auth']}@"; } $absolute_iri .= "$authority$path"; return $absolute_iri; } /** * Removes a base IRI from the given absolute IRI. * * @param mixed $base the base IRI. * @param string $iri the absolute IRI. * * @return string the relative IRI if relative to base, otherwise the absolute * IRI. */ function jsonld_remove_base($base, $iri) { if(is_string($base)) { $base = jsonld_parse_url($base); } // establish base root $root = "{$base['scheme']}://"; if(isset($base['auth'])) { $root .= "{$base['auth']}@"; } $authority = $base['host']; if(isset($base['port'])) { $authority .= ":{$base['port']}"; } $root .= $authority; // IRI not relative to base if(strpos($iri, $root) !== 0) { return $iri; } // remove path segments that match $base_segments = explode('/', $base['path']); $iri_segments = explode('/', substr($iri, strlen($root))); while(count($base_segments) > 0 && count($iri_segments) > 0) { if($base_segments[0] !== $iri_segments[0]) { break; } array_shift($base_segments); array_shift($iri_segments); } // use '../' for each non-matching base segment $rval = ''; if(count($base_segments) > 0) { // do not count the last segment if it isn't a path (doesn't end in '/') if(substr($base['path'], -1) !== '/') { array_pop($base_segments); } foreach($base_segments as $segment) { $rval .= '../'; } } // prepend remaining segments $rval .= implode('/', $iri_segments); return $rval; } /** * A JSON-LD processor. */ class JsonLdProcessor { /** XSD constants */ const XSD_BOOLEAN = ''; const XSD_DOUBLE = ''; const XSD_INTEGER = ''; const XSD_STRING = ''; /** RDF constants */ const RDF_FIRST = ''; const RDF_REST = ''; const RDF_NIL = ''; const RDF_TYPE = ''; const RDF_LANGSTRING = ''; /** Restraints */ const MAX_CONTEXT_URLS = 10; /** Processor-specific RDF dataset parsers. */ protected $rdfParsers = null; /** * Constructs a JSON-LD processor. */ public function __construct() {} /** * Performs JSON-LD compaction. * * @param mixed $input the JSON-LD object to compact. * @param mixed $ctx the context to compact with. * @param assoc $options the compaction options. * [base] the base IRI to use. * [skipExpansion] true to assume the input is expanded and skip * expansion, false not to, defaults to false. * [activeCtx] true to also return the active context used. * [loadContext(url)] the context loader. * * @return mixed the compacted JSON-LD output. */ public function compact($input, $ctx, $options) { // nothing to compact if($input === null) { return null; } // set default options isset($options['base']) or $options['base'] = ''; isset($options['renameBlankNodes']) or $options['renameBlankNodes'] = true; isset($options['strict']) or $options['strict'] = true; isset($options['optimize']) or $options['optimize'] = false; isset($options['graph']) or $options['graph'] = false; isset($options['skipExpansion']) or $options['skipExpansion'] = false; isset($options['activeCtx']) or $options['activeCtx'] = false; isset($options['loadContext']) or $options['loadContext'] = 'jsonld_get_url'; if($options['skipExpansion'] === true) { $expanded = $input; } else { // expand input try { $expanded = $this->expand($input, $options); } catch(JsonLdException $e) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not expand input before compaction.', 'jsonld.CompactError', null, $e); } } // process context $active_ctx = $this->_getInitialContext($options); try { $active_ctx = $this->processContext($active_ctx, $ctx, $options); } catch(JsonLdException $e) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not process context before compaction.', 'jsonld.CompactError', null, $e); } // do compaction $compacted = $this->_compact($active_ctx, null, $expanded, $options); if(!$options['graph'] && is_array($compacted)) { // simplify to a single item if(count($compacted) === 1) { $compacted = $compacted[0]; } // simplify to an empty object else if(count($compacted) === 0) { $compacted = new stdClass(); } } // always use array if graph option is on else if($options['graph']) { $compacted = self::arrayify($compacted); } // follow @context key if(is_object($ctx) && property_exists($ctx, '@context')) { $ctx = $ctx->{'@context'}; } // build output context $ctx = self::copy($ctx); $ctx = self::arrayify($ctx); // remove empty contexts $tmp = $ctx; $ctx = array(); foreach($tmp as $v) { if(!is_object($v) || count(array_keys((array)$v)) > 0) { $ctx[] = $v; } } // remove array if only one context $ctx_length = count($ctx); $has_context = ($ctx_length > 0); if($ctx_length === 1) { $ctx = $ctx[0]; } // add context if($has_context || $options['graph']) { if(is_array($compacted)) { // use '@graph' keyword $kwgraph = $this->_compactIri($active_ctx, '@graph'); $graph = $compacted; $compacted = new stdClass(); if($has_context) { $compacted->{'@context'} = $ctx; } $compacted->{$kwgraph} = $graph; } else if(is_object($compacted)) { // reorder keys so @context is first $graph = $compacted; $compacted = new stdClass(); $compacted->{'@context'} = $ctx; foreach($graph as $k => $v) { $compacted->{$k} = $v; } } } if($options['activeCtx']) { return array('compacted' => $compacted, 'activeCtx' => $active_ctx); } return $compacted; } /** * Performs JSON-LD expansion. * * @param mixed $input the JSON-LD object to expand. * @param assoc $options the options to use: * [base] the base IRI to use. * [renameBlankNodes] true to rename blank nodes, false not to, * defaults to true. * [keepFreeFloatingNodes] true to keep free-floating nodes, * false not to, defaults to false. * [loadContext(url)] the context loader. * * @return array the expanded JSON-LD output. */ public function expand($input, $options) { // set default options isset($options['base']) or $options['base'] = ''; isset($options['renameBlankNodes']) or $options['renameBlankNodes'] = true; isset($options['keepFreeFloatingNodes']) or $options['keepFreeFloatingNodes'] = false; isset($options['loadContext']) or $options['loadContext'] = 'jsonld_get_url'; // retrieve all @context URLs in the input $input = self::copy($input); try { $this->_retrieveContextUrls( $input, new stdClass(), $options['loadContext'], $options['base']); } catch(Exception $e) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not perform JSON-LD expansion.', 'jsonld.ExpandError', null, $e); } // do expansion $active_ctx = $this->_getInitialContext($options); $expanded = $this->_expand($active_ctx, null, $input, $options, false); // optimize away @graph with no other properties if(is_object($expanded) && property_exists($expanded, '@graph') && count(array_keys((array)$expanded)) === 1) { $expanded = $expanded->{'@graph'}; } else if($expanded === null) { $expanded = array(); } // normalize to an array return self::arrayify($expanded); } /** * Performs JSON-LD flattening. * * @param mixed $input the JSON-LD to flatten. * @param ctx the context to use to compact the flattened output, or null. * @param assoc $options the options to use: * [base] the base IRI to use. * [loadContext(url)] the context loader. * * @return array the flattened output. */ public function flatten($input, $ctx, $options) { // set default options isset($options['base']) or $options['base'] = ''; isset($options['loadContext']) or $options['loadContext'] = 'jsonld_get_url'; try { // expand input $expanded = $this->expand($input, $options); } catch(Exception $e) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not expand input before flattening.', 'jsonld.FlattenError', null, $e); } // do flattening $flattened = $this->_flatten($expanded); if($ctx === null) { return $flattened; } // compact result (force @graph option to true, skip expansion) $options['graph'] = true; $options['skipExpansion'] = true; try { $compacted = $this->compact($flattened, $ctx, $options); } catch(Exception $e) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not compact flattened output.', 'jsonld.FlattenError', null, $e); } return $compacted; } /** * Performs JSON-LD framing. * * @param mixed $input the JSON-LD object to frame. * @param stdClass $frame the JSON-LD frame to use. * @param $options the framing options. * [base] the base IRI to use. * [embed] default @embed flag (default: true). * [explicit] default @explicit flag (default: false). * [omitDefault] default @omitDefault flag (default: false). * [optimize] optimize when compacting (default: false). * [loadContext(url)] the context loader. * * @return stdClass the framed JSON-LD output. */ public function frame($input, $frame, $options) { // set default options isset($options['base']) or $options['base'] = ''; isset($options['embed']) or $options['embed'] = true; isset($options['explicit']) or $options['explicit'] = false; isset($options['omitDefault']) or $options['omitDefault'] = false; isset($options['optimize']) or $options['optimize'] = false; isset($options['loadContext']) or $options['loadContext'] = 'jsonld_get_url'; // preserve frame context $ctx = (property_exists($frame, '@context') ? $frame->{'@context'} : new stdClass()); try { // expand input $expanded = $this->expand($input, $options); } catch(Exception $e) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not expand input before framing.', 'jsonld.FrameError', null, $e); } try { // expand frame $opts = self::copy($options); $opts['keepFreeFloatingNodes'] = true; $expanded_frame = $this->expand($frame, $opts); } catch(Exception $e) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not expand frame before framing.', 'jsonld.FrameError', null, $e); } // do framing $framed = $this->_frame($expanded, $expanded_frame, $options); try { // compact result (force @graph option to true) $options['graph'] = true; $options['skipExpansion'] = true; $options['activeCtx'] = true; $result = $this->compact($framed, $ctx, $options); } catch(Exception $e) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not compact framed output.', 'jsonld.FrameError', null, $e); } $compacted = $result['compacted']; $active_ctx = $result['activeCtx']; // get graph alias $graph = $this->_compactIri($active_ctx, '@graph'); // remove @preserve from results $compacted->{$graph} = $this->_removePreserve( $active_ctx, $compacted->{$graph}); return $compacted; } /** * Performs JSON-LD normalization. * * @param mixed $input the JSON-LD object to normalize. * @param assoc $options the options to use: * [base] the base IRI to use. * [format] the format if output is a string: * 'application/nquads' for N-Quads. * [loadContext(url)] the context loader. * * @return mixed the normalized output. */ public function normalize($input, $options) { // set default options isset($options['base']) or $options['base'] = ''; isset($options['loadContext']) or $options['loadContext'] = 'jsonld_get_url'; try { // convert to RDF dataset then do normalization $opts = self::copy($options); if(isset($opts['format'])) { unset($opts['format']); } $dataset = $this->toRDF($input, $opts); } catch(Exception $e) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not convert input to RDF dataset before normalization.', 'jsonld.NormalizeError', null, $e); } // do normalization return $this->_normalize($dataset, $options); } /** * Converts an RDF dataset to JSON-LD. * * @param mixed $dataset a serialized string of RDF in a format specified * by the format option or an RDF dataset to convert. * @param assoc $options the options to use: * [format] the format if input is a string: * 'application/nquads' for N-Quads (default). * [useRdfType] true to use rdf:type, false to use @type * (default: false). * [useNativeTypes] true to convert XSD types into native types * (boolean, integer, double), false not to (default: true). * * @return array the JSON-LD output. */ public function fromRDF($dataset, $options) { global $jsonld_rdf_parsers; // set default options isset($options['useRdfType']) or $options['useRdfType'] = false; isset($options['useNativeTypes']) or $options['useNativeTypes'] = true; if(!isset($options['format']) && is_string($dataset)) { // set default format to nquads $options['format'] = 'application/nquads'; } // handle special format if(isset($options['format']) && $options['format']) { // supported formats (processor-specific and global) if(($this->rdfParsers !== null && !property_exists($this->rdfParsers, $options['format'])) || $this->rdfParsers === null && !property_exists($jsonld_rdf_parsers, $options['format'])) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Unknown input format.', 'jsonld.UnknownFormat', array('format' => $options['format'])); } if($this->rdfParsers !== null) { $callable = $this->rdfParsers->{$options['format']}; } else { $callable = $jsonld_rdf_parsers->{$options['format']}; } $dataset = call_user_func($callable, $dataset); } // convert from RDF return $this->_fromRDF($dataset, $options); } /** * Outputs the RDF dataset found in the given JSON-LD object. * * @param mixed $input the JSON-LD object. * @param assoc $options the options to use: * [base] the base IRI to use. * [format] the format to use to output a string: * 'application/nquads' for N-Quads (default). * [loadContext(url)] the context loader. * * @return mixed the resulting RDF dataset (or a serialization of it). */ public function toRDF($input, $options) { // set default options isset($options['base']) or $options['base'] = ''; isset($options['loadContext']) or $options['loadContext'] = 'jsonld_get_url'; try { // expand input $expanded = $this->expand($input, $options); } catch(JsonLdException $e) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not expand input before conversion to RDF.', 'jsonld.RdfError', $e); } // create node map for default graph (and any named graphs) $namer = new UniqueNamer('_:b'); $node_map = (object)array('@default' => new stdClass()); $this->_createNodeMap($expanded, $node_map, '@default', $namer); // output RDF dataset $namer = new UniqueNamer('_:b'); $dataset = new stdClass(); foreach($node_map as $graph_name => $graph) { if(strpos($graph_name, '_:') === 0) { $graph_name = $namer->getName($graph_name); } $dataset->{$graph_name} = $this->_graphToRDF($graph, $namer); } $rval = $dataset; // convert to output format if(isset($options['format']) && $options['format']) { // supported formats if($options['format'] === 'application/nquads') { $rval = self::toNQuads($dataset); } else { throw new JsonLdException( 'Unknown output format.', 'jsonld.UnknownFormat', array('format' => $options['format'])); } } return $rval; } /** * Processes a local context, resolving any URLs as necessary, and returns a * new active context in its callback. * * @param stdClass $active_ctx the current active context. * @param mixed $local_ctx the local context to process. * @param assoc $options the options to use: * [renameBlankNodes] true to rename blank nodes, false not to, * defaults to true. * [loadContext(url)] the context loader. * * @return stdClass the new active context. */ public function processContext($active_ctx, $local_ctx, $options) { // set default options isset($options['base']) or $options['base'] = ''; isset($options['renameBlankNodes']) or $options['renameBlankNodes'] = true; isset($options['loadContext']) or $options['loadContext'] = 'jsonld_get_url'; // return initial context early for null context if($local_ctx === null) { return $this->_getInitialContext($options); } // retrieve URLs in local_ctx $ctx = self::copy($local_ctx); if(is_object($ctx) && !property_exists($ctx, '@context')) { $ctx = (object)array('@context' => $ctx); } try { $this->_retrieveContextUrls( $ctx, new stdClass(), $options['loadContext'], $options['base']); } catch(Exception $e) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not process JSON-LD context.', 'jsonld.ContextError', null, $e); } // process context return $this->_processContext($active_ctx, $ctx, $options); } /** * Returns true if the given subject has the given property. * * @param stdClass $subject the subject to check. * @param string $property the property to look for. * * @return bool true if the subject has the given property, false if not. */ public static function hasProperty($subject, $property) { $rval = false; if(property_exists($subject, $property)) { $value = $subject->{$property}; $rval = (!is_array($value) || count($value) > 0); } return $rval; } /** * Determines if the given value is a property of the given subject. * * @param stdClass $subject the subject to check. * @param string $property the property to check. * @param mixed $value the value to check. * * @return bool true if the value exists, false if not. */ public static function hasValue($subject, $property, $value) { $rval = false; if(self::hasProperty($subject, $property)) { $val = $subject->{$property}; $is_list = self::_isList($val); if(is_array($val) || $is_list) { if($is_list) { $val = $val->{'@list'}; } foreach($val as $v) { if(self::compareValues($value, $v)) { $rval = true; break; } } } // avoid matching the set of values with an array value parameter else if(!is_array($value)) { $rval = self::compareValues($value, $val); } } return $rval; } /** * Adds a value to a subject. If the value is an array, all values in the * array will be added. * * Note: If the value is a subject that already exists as a property of the * given subject, this method makes no attempt to deeply merge properties. * Instead, the value will not be added. * * @param stdClass $subject the subject to add the value to. * @param string $property the property that relates the value to the subject. * @param mixed $value the value to add. * @param assoc [$options] the options to use: * [propertyIsArray] true if the property is always an array, false * if not (default: false). * [allowDuplicate] true to allow duplicates, false not to (uses a * simple shallow comparison of subject ID or value) * (default: true). */ public static function addValue( $subject, $property, $value, $options=array()) { isset($options['allowDuplicate']) or $options['allowDuplicate'] = true; isset($options['propertyIsArray']) or $options['propertyIsArray'] = false; if(is_array($value)) { if(count($value) === 0 && $options['propertyIsArray'] && !property_exists($subject, $property)) { $subject->{$property} = array(); } foreach($value as $v) { self::addValue($subject, $property, $v, $options); } } else if(property_exists($subject, $property)) { // check if subject already has value if duplicates not allowed $has_value = (!$options['allowDuplicate'] && self::hasValue($subject, $property, $value)); // make property an array if value not present or always an array if(!is_array($subject->{$property}) && (!$has_value || $options['propertyIsArray'])) { $subject->{$property} = array($subject->{$property}); } // add new value if(!$has_value) { $subject->{$property}[] = $value; } } else { // add new value as set or single value $subject->{$property} = ($options['propertyIsArray'] ? array($value) : $value); } } /** * Gets all of the values for a subject's property as an array. * * @param stdClass $subject the subject. * @param string $property the property. * * @return array all of the values for a subject's property as an array. */ public static function getValues($subject, $property) { $rval = (property_exists($subject, $property) ? $subject->{$property} : array()); return self::arrayify($rval); } /** * Removes a property from a subject. * * @param stdClass $subject the subject. * @param string $property the property. */ public static function removeProperty($subject, $property) { unset($subject->{$property}); } /** * Removes a value from a subject. * * @param stdClass $subject the subject. * @param string $property the property that relates the value to the subject. * @param mixed $value the value to remove. * @param assoc [$options] the options to use: * [propertyIsArray] true if the property is always an array, * false if not (default: false). */ public static function removeValue( $subject, $property, $value, $options=array()) { isset($options['propertyIsArray']) or $options['propertyIsArray'] = false; // filter out value $filter = function($e) use ($value) { return !self::compareValues($e, $value); }; $values = self::getValues($subject, $property); $values = array_values(array_filter($values, $filter)); if(count($values) === 0) { self::removeProperty($subject, $property); } else if(count($values) === 1 && !$options['property_is_array']) { $subject->{$property} = $values[0]; } else { $subject->{$property} = $values; } } /** * Compares two JSON-LD values for equality. Two JSON-LD values will be * considered equal if: * * 1. They are both primitives of the same type and value. * 2. They are both @values with the same @value, @type, @language, * and @index, OR * 3. They are both @lists with the same @list and @index, OR * 4. They both have @ids they are the same. * * @param mixed $v1 the first value. * @param mixed $v2 the second value. * * @return bool true if v1 and v2 are considered equal, false if not. */ public static function compareValues($v1, $v2) { // 1. equal primitives if($v1 === $v2) { return true; } // 2. equal @values if(self::_isValue($v1) && self::_isValue($v2)) { return ( self::_compareKeyValues($v1, $v2, '@value') && self::_compareKeyValues($v1, $v2, '@type') && self::_compareKeyValues($v1, $v2, '@language') && self::_compareKeyValues($v1, $v2, '@index')); } // 3. equal @lists if(self::_isList($v1) && self::_isList($v2)) { if(!self::_compareKeyValues($v1, $v2, '@index')) { return false; } $list1 = $v1->{'@list'}; $list2 = $v2->{'@list'}; $count_list1 = count($list1); $count_list2 = count($list2); if($count_list1 !== $count_list2) { return false; } for($i = 0; $i < $count_list1; ++$i) { if(!self::compareValues($list1[$i], $list2[$i])) { return false; } } return true; } // 4. equal @ids if(is_object($v1) && property_exists($v1, '@id') && is_object($v2) && property_exists($v2, '@id')) { return $v1->{'@id'} === $v2->{'@id'}; } return false; } /** * Gets the value for the given active context key and type, null if none is * set. * * @param stdClass $ctx the active context. * @param string $key the context key. * @param string [$type] the type of value to get (eg: '@id', '@type'), if not * specified gets the entire entry for a key, null if not found. * * @return mixed the value. */ public static function getContextValue($ctx, $key, $type) { $rval = null; // return null for invalid key if($key === null) { return $rval; } // get default language if($type === '@language' && property_exists($ctx, $type)) { $rval = $ctx->{$type}; } // get specific entry information if(property_exists($ctx->mappings, $key)) { $entry = $ctx->mappings->{$key}; if($entry === null) { return null; } // return whole entry if($type === null) { $rval = $entry; } // return entry value for type else if(property_exists($entry, $type)) { $rval = $entry->{$type}; } } return $rval; } /** * Parses RDF in the form of N-Quads. * * @param string $input the N-Quads input to parse. * * @return stdClass an RDF dataset. */ public static function parseNQuads($input) { // define partial regexes $iri = '(?:<([^:]+:[^>]*)>)'; $bnode = '(_:(?:[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*))'; $plain = '"([^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*)"'; $datatype = "(?:\\^\\^$iri)"; $language = '(?:@([a-z]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*))'; $literal = "(?:$plain(?:$datatype|$language)?)"; $ws = '[ \\t]'; $eoln = '/(?:\r\n)|(?:\n)|(?:\r)/'; $empty = "/^$ws*$/"; // define quad part regexes $subject = "(?:$iri|$bnode)$ws+"; $property = "$iri$ws+"; $object = "(?:$iri|$bnode|$literal)$ws*"; $graph_name = "(?:\\.|(?:(?:$iri|$bnode)$ws*\\.))"; // full quad regex $quad = "/^$ws*$subject$property$object$graph_name$ws*$/"; // build RDF dataset $dataset = new stdClass(); // split N-Quad input into lines $lines = preg_split($eoln, $input); $line_number = 0; foreach($lines as $line) { $line_number += 1; // skip empty lines if(preg_match($empty, $line)) { continue; } // parse quad if(!preg_match($quad, $line, $match)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Error while parsing N-Quads; invalid quad.', 'jsonld.ParseError', array('line' => $line_number)); } // create RDF triple $triple = (object)array( 'subject' => new stdClass(), 'predicate' => new stdClass(), 'object' => new stdClass()); // get subject if($match[1] !== '') { $triple->subject->type = 'IRI'; $triple->subject->value = $match[1]; } else { $triple->subject->type = 'blank node'; $triple->subject->value = $match[2]; } // get predicate $triple->predicate->type = 'IRI'; $triple->predicate->value = $match[3]; // get object if($match[4] !== '') { $triple->object->type = 'IRI'; $triple->object->value = $match[4]; } else if($match[5] !== '') { $triple->object->type = 'blank node'; $triple->object->value = $match[5]; } else { $triple->object->type = 'literal'; $unescaped = str_replace( array('\"', '\t', '\n', '\r', '\\\\'), array('"', "\t", "\n", "\r", '\\'), $match[6]); if(isset($match[7]) && $match[7] !== '') { $triple->object->datatype = $match[7]; } else if(isset($match[8]) && $match[8] !== '') { $triple->object->datatype = self::RDF_LANGSTRING; $triple->object->language = $match[8]; } else { $triple->object->datatype = self::XSD_STRING; } $triple->object->value = $unescaped; } // get graph name ('@default' is used for the default graph) $name = '@default'; if(isset($match[9]) && $match[9] !== '') { $name = $match[9]; } else if(isset($match[10]) && $match[10] !== '') { $name = $match[10]; } // initialize graph in dataset if(!property_exists($dataset, $name)) { $dataset->{$name} = array($triple); } // add triple if unique to its graph else { $unique = true; $triples = &$dataset->{$name}; foreach($triples as $t) { if(self::_compareRDFTriples($t, $triple)) { $unique = false; break; } } if($unique) { $triples[] = $triple; } } } return $dataset; } /** * Converts an RDF dataset to N-Quads. * * @param stdClass $dataset the RDF dataset to convert. * * @return string the N-Quads string. */ public static function toNQuads($dataset) { $quads = array(); foreach($dataset as $graph_name => $triples) { foreach($triples as $triple) { if($graph_name === '@default') { $graph_name = null; } $quads[] = self::toNQuad($triple, $graph_name); } } sort($quads); return implode($quads); } /** * Converts an RDF triple and graph name to an N-Quad string (a single quad). * * @param stdClass $triple the RDF triple to convert. * @param mixed $graph_name the name of the graph containing the triple, null * for the default graph. * @param string $bnode the bnode the quad is mapped to (optional, for * use during normalization only). * * @return string the N-Quad string. */ public static function toNQuad($triple, $graph_name, $bnode=null) { $s = $triple->subject; $p = $triple->predicate; $o = $triple->object; $g = $graph_name; $quad = ''; // subject is an IRI or bnode if($s->type === 'IRI') { $quad .= "<{$s->value}>"; } // normalization mode else if($bnode !== null) { $quad .= ($s->value === $bnode) ? '_:a' : '_:z'; } // normal mode else { $quad .= $s->value; } // predicate is always an IRI $quad .= " <{$p->value}> "; // object is IRI, bnode, or literal if($o->type === 'IRI') { $quad .= "<{$o->value}>"; } else if($o->type === 'blank node') { // normalization mode if($bnode !== null) { $quad .= ($o->value === $bnode) ? '_:a' : '_:z'; } // normal mode else { $quad .= $o->value; } } else { $escaped = str_replace( array('\\', "\t", "\n", "\r", '"'), array('\\\\', '\t', '\n', '\r', '\"'), $o->value); $quad .= '"' . $escaped . '"'; if($o->datatype === self::RDF_LANGSTRING) { $quad .= "@{$o->language}"; } else if($o->datatype !== self::XSD_STRING) { $quad .= "^^<{$o->datatype}>"; } } // graph if($g !== null) { if(strpos($g, '_:') !== 0) { $quad .= " <$g>"; } else if($bnode) { $quad .= ' _:g'; } else { $quad .= " $g"; } } $quad .= " .\n"; return $quad; } /** * Registers a processor-specific RDF dataset parser by content-type. * Global parsers will no longer be used by this processor. * * @param string $content_type the content-type for the parser. * @param callable $parser(input) the parser function (takes a string as * a parameter and returns an RDF dataset). */ public function registerRDFParser($content_type, $parser) { if($this->rdfParsers === null) { $this->rdfParsers = new stdClass(); } $this->rdfParsers->{$content_type} = $parser; } /** * Unregisters a process-specific RDF dataset parser by content-type. If * there are no remaining processor-specific parsers, then the global * parsers will be re-enabled. * * @param string $content_type the content-type for the parser. */ public function unregisterRDFParser($content_type) { if($this->rdfParsers !== null && property_exists($this->rdfParsers, $content_type)) { unset($this->rdfParsers->{$content_type}); if(count(get_object_vars($content_type)) === 0) { $this->rdfParsers = null; } } } /** * If $value is an array, returns $value, otherwise returns an array * containing $value as the only element. * * @param mixed $value the value. * * @return array an array. */ public static function arrayify($value) { return is_array($value) ? $value : array($value); } /** * Clones an object, array, or string/number. * * @param mixed $value the value to clone. * * @return mixed the cloned value. */ public static function copy($value) { if(is_object($value) || is_array($value)) { return unserialize(serialize($value)); } else { return $value; } } /** * Recursively compacts an element using the given active context. All values * must be in expanded form before this method is called. * * @param stdClass $active_ctx the active context to use. * @param mixed $active_property the compacted property with the element * to compact, null for none. * @param mixed $element the element to compact. * @param assoc $options the compaction options. * * @return mixed the compacted value. */ protected function _compact( $active_ctx, $active_property, $element, $options) { // recursively compact array if(is_array($element)) { $rval = array(); foreach($element as $e) { // compact, dropping any null values $compacted = $this->_compact( $active_ctx, $active_property, $e, $options); // drop null values if($compacted !== null) { $rval[] = $compacted; } } if(count($rval) === 1) { // use single element if no container is specified $container = self::getContextValue( $active_ctx, $active_property, '@container'); if($container === null) { $rval = $rval[0]; } } return $rval; } // recursively compact object if(is_object($element)) { // do value compaction on @values and subject references if(self::_isValue($element) || self::_isSubjectReference($element)) { return $this->_compactValue($active_ctx, $active_property, $element); } // shallow copy element and arrays so keys and values can be removed // during property generator compaction $shallow = new stdClass(); foreach($element as $expanded_property => $expanded_value) { if(is_array($element->{$expanded_property})) { $shallow->{$expanded_property} = $element->{$expanded_property}; } else { $shallow->{$expanded_property} = $element->{$expanded_property}; } } $element = $shallow; // process element keys in order $keys = array_keys((array)$element); sort($keys); $rval = new stdClass(); foreach($keys as $expanded_property) { // skip key if removed during property generator duplicate handling if(!property_exists($element, $expanded_property)) { continue; } $expanded_value = $element->{$expanded_property}; // compact @id and @type(s) if($expanded_property === '@id' || $expanded_property === '@type') { // compact single @id if(is_string($expanded_value)) { $compacted_value = $this->_compactIri( $active_ctx, $expanded_value, null, array('vocab' => ($expanded_property === '@type'))); } // expanded value must be a @type array else { $compacted_value = array(); foreach($expanded_value as $ev) { $compacted_value[] = $this->_compactIri( $active_ctx, $ev, null, array('vocab' => true)); } } // use keyword alias and add value $alias = $this->_compactIri($active_ctx, $expanded_property); $is_array = (is_array($compacted_value) && count($expanded_value) === 0); self::addValue( $rval, $alias, $compacted_value, array('propertyIsArray' => $is_array)); continue; } // handle @index property if($expanded_property === '@index') { // drop @index if inside an @index container $container = self::getContextValue( $active_ctx, $active_property, '@container'); if($container === '@index') { continue; } // use keyword alias and add value $alias = $this->_compactIri($active_ctx, $expanded_property); self::addValue($rval, $alias, $expanded_value); continue; } // Note: expanded value must be an array due to expansion algorithm. // preserve empty arrays if(count($expanded_value) === 0) { $item_active_property = $this->_compactIri( $active_ctx, $expanded_property, $expanded_value, array('vocab' => true), $element); self::addValue( $rval, $item_active_property, array(), array('propertyIsArray' => true)); } // recusively process array values foreach($expanded_value as $expanded_item) { // compact property and get container type $item_active_property = $this->_compactIri( $active_ctx, $expanded_property, $expanded_item, array('vocab' => true), $element); $container = self::getContextValue( $active_ctx, $item_active_property, '@container'); // remove any duplicates that were (presumably) generated by a // property generator if(property_exists($active_ctx->mappings, $item_active_property)) { $mapping = $active_ctx->mappings->{$item_active_property}; if($mapping && $mapping->propertyGenerator) { $this->_findPropertyGeneratorDuplicates( $active_ctx, $element, $expanded_property, $expanded_item, $item_active_property, true); } } // get @list value if appropriate $is_list = self::_isList($expanded_item); $list = null; if($is_list) { $list = $expanded_item->{'@list'}; } // recursively compact expanded item $compacted_item = $this->_compact( $active_ctx, $item_active_property, $is_list ? $list : $expanded_item, $options); // handle @list if($is_list) { // ensure @list value is an array $compacted_item = self::arrayify($compacted_item); if($container !== '@list') { // wrap using @list alias $compacted_item = (object)array( $this->_compactIri($active_ctx, '@list') => $compacted_item); // include @index from expanded @list, if any if(property_exists($expanded_item, '@index')) { $compacted_item->{$this->_compactIri($active_ctx, '@index')} = $expanded_item->{'@index'}; } } // can't use @list container for more than 1 list else if(property_exists($rval, $item_active_property)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'JSON-LD compact error; property has a "@list" @container ' . 'rule but there is more than a single @list that matches ' . 'the compacted term in the document. Compaction might mix ' . 'unwanted items into the list.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError'); } } // handle language and index maps if($container === '@language' || $container === '@index') { // get or create the map object if(property_exists($rval, $item_active_property)) { $map_object = $rval->{$item_active_property}; } else { $rval->{$item_active_property} = $map_object = new stdClass(); } // if container is a language map, simplify compacted value to // a simple string if($container === '@language' && self::_isValue($compacted_item)) { $compacted_item = $compacted_item->{'@value'}; } // add compact value to map object using key from expanded value // based on the container type self::addValue( $map_object, $expanded_item->{$container}, $compacted_item); } else { // use an array if: @container is @set or @list , value is an empty // array, or key is @graph $is_array = ($container === '@set' || $container === '@list' || (is_array($compacted_item) && count($compacted_item) === 0) || $expanded_property === '@list' || $expanded_property === '@graph'); // add compact value self::addValue( $rval, $item_active_property, $compacted_item, array('propertyIsArray' => $is_array)); } } } return $rval; } // only primitives remain which are already compact return $element; } /** * Recursively expands an element using the given context. Any context in * the element will be removed. All context URLs must have been retrieved * before calling this method. * * @param stdClass $active_ctx the active context to use. * @param mixed $active_property the property for the element, null for none. * @param mixed $element the element to expand. * @param assoc $options the expansion options. * @param bool $inside_list true if the property is a list, false if not. * * @return mixed the expanded value. */ protected function _expand( $active_ctx, $active_property, $element, $options, $inside_list) { // nothing to expand if($element === null) { return $element; } // recursively expand array if(is_array($element)) { $rval = array(); foreach($element as $e) { // expand element $e = $this->_expand( $active_ctx, $active_property, $e, $options, $inside_list); if($inside_list && (is_array($e) || self::_isList($e))) { // lists of lists are illegal throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; lists of lists are not permitted.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError'); } // drop null values else if($e !== null) { if(is_array($e)) { $rval = array_merge($rval, $e); } else { $rval[] = $e; } } } return $rval; } // recursively expand object if(is_object($element)) { // if element has a context, process it if(property_exists($element, '@context')) { $active_ctx = $this->_processContext($active_ctx, $element->{'@context'}, $options); } // expand the active property $expanded_active_property = $this->_expandIri( $active_ctx, $active_property, array('vocab' => true)); $rval = new stdClass(); $keys = array_keys((array)$element); sort($keys); foreach($keys as $key) { $value = $element->{$key}; if($key === '@context') { continue; } // get term definition for key if(property_exists($active_ctx->mappings, $key)) { $mapping = $active_ctx->mappings->{$key}; } else { $mapping = null; } // expand key using property generator if($mapping && $mapping->propertyGenerator) { $expanded_property = $mapping->{'@id'}; } // expand key to IRI else { $expanded_property = $this->_expandIri( $active_ctx, $key, array('vocab' => true)); } // drop non-absolute IRI keys that aren't keywords if($expanded_property === null || !(is_array($expanded_property) || self::_isAbsoluteIri($expanded_property) || self::_isKeyword($expanded_property))) { continue; } // syntax error if @id is not a string if($expanded_property === '@id' && !is_string($value)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; "@id" value must a string.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('value' => $value)); } // validate @type value if($expanded_property === '@type') { $this->_validateTypeValue($value); } // @graph must be an array or an object if($expanded_property === '@graph' && !(is_object($value) || is_array($value))) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; "@value" value must not be an ' . 'object or an array.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('value' => $value)); } // @value must not be an object or an array if($expanded_property === '@value' && (is_object($value) || is_array($value))) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; "@value" value must not be an ' . 'object or an array.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('value' => $value)); } // @language must be a string if($expanded_property === '@language' && !is_string($value)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; "@language" value must not be a string.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('value' => $value)); // ensure language value is lowercase $value = strtolower($value); } // preserve @index if($expanded_property === '@index') { if(!is_string($value)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; "@index" value must be a string.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('value' => $value)); } } $container = self::getContextValue($active_ctx, $key, '@container'); // handle language map container (skip if value is not an object) if($container === '@language' && is_object($value)) { $expanded_value = $this->_expandLanguageMap($value); } // handle index container (skip if value is not an object) else if($container === '@index' && is_object($value)) { $expand_index_map = function($active_property) use ( $active_ctx, $options, $value) { $rval = array(); $keys = array_keys((array)$value); sort($keys); foreach($keys as $key) { $val = $value->{$key}; $val = self::arrayify($val); $val = $this->_expand( $active_ctx, $active_property, $val, $options, false); foreach($val as $item) { if(!property_exists($item, '@index')) { $item->{'@index'} = $key; } $rval[] = $item; } } return $rval; }; $expanded_value = $expand_index_map($key); } else { // recurse into @list or @set keeping the active property $is_list = ($expanded_property === '@list'); if($is_list || $expanded_property === '@set') { $next_active_property = $active_property; if($is_list && $expanded_active_property === '@graph') { $next_active_property = null; } $expanded_value = $this->_expand( $active_ctx, $next_active_property, $value, $options, $is_list); if($is_list && self::_isList($expanded_value)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; lists of lists are not permitted.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError'); } } else { // recursively expand value with key as new active property $expanded_value = $this->_expand( $active_ctx, $key, $value, $options, false); } } // drop null values if property is not @value if($expanded_value === null && $expanded_property !== '@value') { continue; } // convert expanded value to @list if container specifies it if($expanded_property !== '@list' && !self::_isList($expanded_value) && $container === '@list') { // ensure expanded value is an array $expanded_value = (object)array( '@list' => self::arrayify($expanded_value)); } // add copy of value for each property from property generator if(is_array($expanded_property)) { $expanded_value = $this->_labelBlankNodes( $active_ctx->namer, $expanded_value); foreach($expanded_property as $iri) { self::addValue( $rval, $iri, self::copy($expanded_value), array('propertyIsArray' => true)); } } // add value for property else { // use an array except for certain keywords $use_array = (!in_array( $expanded_property, array( '@index', '@id', '@type', '@value', '@language'))); self::addValue( $rval, $expanded_property, $expanded_value, array('propertyIsArray' => $use_array)); } } // get property count on expanded output $keys = array_keys((array)$rval); $count = count($keys); // @value must only have @language or @type if(property_exists($rval, '@value')) { // @value must only have @language or @type if(property_exists($rval, '@type') && property_exists($rval, '@language')) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; an element containing "@value" may not ' . 'contain both "@type" and "@language".', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('element' => $rval)); } $valid_count = $count - 1; if(property_exists($rval, '@type')) { $valid_count -= 1; } if(property_exists($rval, '@index')) { $valid_count -= 1; } if(property_exists($rval, '@language')) { $valid_count -= 1; } if($valid_count !== 0) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; an element containing "@value" may only ' . 'have an "@index" property and at most one other property ' . 'which can be "@type" or "@language".', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('element' => $rval)); } // drop null @values if($rval->{'@value'} === null) { $rval = null; } // drop @language if @value isn't a string else if(property_exists($rval, '@language') && !is_string($rval->{'@value'})) { unset($rval->{'@language'}); } } // convert @type to an array else if(property_exists($rval, '@type') && !is_array($rval->{'@type'})) { $rval->{'@type'} = array($rval->{'@type'}); } // handle @set and @list else if(property_exists($rval, '@set') || property_exists($rval, '@list')) { if($count > 1 && ($count !== 2 && property_exists($rval, '@index'))) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; if an element has the property "@set" ' . 'or "@list", then it can have at most one other property that is ' . '"@index".', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('element' => $rval)); } // optimize away @set if(property_exists($rval, '@set')) { $rval = $rval->{'@set'}; $keys = array_keys((array)$rval); $count = count($keys); } } // drop objects with only @language else if($count === 1 && property_exists($rval, '@language')) { $rval = null; } // drop certain top-level objects that do not occur in lists if(is_object($rval) && !$options['keepFreeFloatingNodes'] && !$inside_list && ($active_property === null || $expanded_active_property === '@graph')) { // drop empty object or top-level @value if($count === 0 || property_exists($rval, '@value')) { $rval = null; } else { // drop subjects that generate no triples $has_triples = false; $ignore = array('@graph', '@type'); foreach($keys as $key) { if(!self::_isKeyword($key) || in_array($key, $ignore)) { $has_triples = true; break; } } if(!$has_triples) { $rval = null; } } } return $rval; } // drop top-level scalars that are not in lists if(!$inside_list && ($active_property === null || $this->_expandIri($active_ctx, $active_property, array('vocab' => true)) === '@graph')) { return null; } // expand element according to value expansion rules return $this->_expandValue($active_ctx, $active_property, $element); } /** * Performs JSON-LD flattening. * * @param array $input the expanded JSON-LD to flatten. * * @return array the flattened output. */ protected function _flatten($input) { // produce a map of all subjects and name each bnode $namer = new UniqueNamer('_:b'); $graphs = (object)array('@default' => new stdClass()); $this->_createNodeMap($input, $graphs, '@default', $namer); // add all non-default graphs to default graph $default_graph = $graphs->{'@default'}; $graph_names = array_keys((array)$graphs); foreach($graph_names as $graph_name) { if($graph_name === '@default') { continue; } $node_map = $graphs->{$graph_name}; if(!property_exists($default_graph, $graph_name)) { $default_graph->{$graph_name} = (object)array( '@id' => $graph_name, '@graph' => array()); } $subject = $default_graph->{$graph_name}; if(!property_exists($subject, '@graph')) { $subject->{'@graph'} = array(); } $ids = array_keys((array)$node_map); sort($ids); foreach($ids as $id) { $subject->{'@graph'}[] = $node_map->{$id}; } } // produce flattened output $flattened = array(); $keys = array_keys((array)$default_graph); sort($keys); foreach($keys as $key) { $flattened[] = $default_graph->{$key}; } return $flattened; } /** * Performs JSON-LD framing. * * @param array $input the expanded JSON-LD to frame. * @param array $frame the expanded JSON-LD frame to use. * @param assoc $options the framing options. * * @return array the framed output. */ protected function _frame($input, $frame, $options) { // create framing state $state = (object)array( 'options' => $options, 'graphs' => (object)array( '@default' => new stdClass(), '@merged' => new stdClass())); // produce a map of all graphs and name each bnode // FIXME: currently uses subjects from @merged graph only $namer = new UniqueNamer('_:b'); $this->_createNodeMap($input, $state->graphs, '@merged', $namer); $state->subjects = $state->graphs->{'@merged'}; // frame the subjects $framed = new ArrayObject(); $keys = array_keys((array)$state->subjects); sort($keys); $this->_matchFrame($state, $keys, $frame, $framed, null); return (array)$framed; } /** * Performs normalization on the given RDF dataset. * * @param stdClass $dataset the RDF dataset to normalize. * @param assoc $options the normalization options. * * @return mixed the normalized output. */ protected function _normalize($dataset, $options) { // create quads and map bnodes to their associated quads $quads = array(); $bnodes = new stdClass(); foreach($dataset as $graph_name => $triples) { if($graph_name === '@default') { $graph_name = null; } foreach($triples as $triple) { $quad = $triple; if($graph_name !== null) { if(strpos($graph_name, '_:') === 0) { $quad->name = (object)array( 'type' => 'blank node', 'value' => $graph_name); } else { $quad->name = (object)array( 'type' => 'IRI', 'value' => $graph_name); } } $quads[] = $quad; foreach(array('subject', 'object', 'name') as $attr) { if(property_exists($quad, $attr) && $quad->{$attr}->type === 'blank node') { $id = $quad->{$attr}->value; if(property_exists($bnodes, $id)) { $bnodes->{$id}->quads[] = $quad; } else { $bnodes->{$id} = (object)array('quads' => array($quad)); } } } } } // mapping complete, start canonical naming $namer = new UniqueNamer('_:c14n'); // continue to hash bnode quads while bnodes are assigned names $unnamed = null; $nextUnnamed = array_keys((array)$bnodes); $duplicates = null; do { $unnamed = $nextUnnamed; $nextUnnamed = array(); $duplicates = new stdClass(); $unique = new stdClass(); foreach($unnamed as $bnode) { // hash quads for each unnamed bnode $hash = $this->_hashQuads($bnode, $bnodes, $namer); // store hash as unique or a duplicate if(property_exists($duplicates, $hash)) { $duplicates->{$hash}[] = $bnode; $nextUnnamed[] = $bnode; } else if(property_exists($unique, $hash)) { $duplicates->{$hash} = array($unique->{$hash}, $bnode); $nextUnnamed[] = $unique->{$hash}; $nextUnnamed[] = $bnode; unset($unique->{$hash}); } else { $unique->{$hash} = $bnode; } } // name unique bnodes in sorted hash order $hashes = array_keys((array)$unique); sort($hashes); foreach($hashes as $hash) { $namer->getName($unique->{$hash}); } } while(count($unnamed) > count($nextUnnamed)); // enumerate duplicate hash groups in sorted order $hashes = array_keys((array)$duplicates); sort($hashes); foreach($hashes as $hash) { // process group $group = $duplicates->{$hash}; $results = array(); foreach($group as $bnode) { // skip already-named bnodes if($namer->isNamed($bnode)) { continue; } // hash bnode paths $path_namer = new UniqueNamer('_:b'); $path_namer->getName($bnode); $results[] = $this->_hashPaths($bnode, $bnodes, $namer, $path_namer); } // name bnodes in hash order usort($results, function($a, $b) { $a = $a->hash; $b = $b->hash; return ($a < $b) ? -1 : (($a > $b) ? 1 : 0); }); foreach($results as $result) { // name all bnodes in path namer in key-entry order foreach($result->pathNamer->order as $bnode) { $namer->getName($bnode); } } } // create normalized array $normalized = array(); /* Note: At this point all bnodes in the set of RDF quads have been assigned canonical names, which have been stored in the 'namer' object. Here each quad is updated by assigning each of its bnodes its new name via the 'namer' object. */ // update bnode names in each quad and serialize foreach($quads as $quad) { foreach(array('subject', 'object', 'name') as $attr) { if(property_exists($quad, $attr) && $quad->{$attr}->type === 'blank node' && strpos($quad->{$attr}->value, '_:c14n') !== 0) { $quad->{$attr}->value = $namer->getName($quad->{$attr}->value); } } $normalized[] = $this->toNQuad($quad, property_exists($quad, 'name') ? $quad->name->value : null); } // sort normalized output sort($normalized); // handle output format if(isset($options['format']) && $options['format']) { if($options['format'] === 'application/nquads') { return implode($normalized); } throw new JsonLdException( 'Unknown output format.', 'jsonld.UnknownFormat', array('format' => $options['format'])); } // return RDF dataset return $this->parseNQuads(implode($normalized)); } /** * Converts an RDF dataset to JSON-LD. * * @param stdClass $dataset the RDF dataset. * @param assoc $options the RDF conversion options. * * @return array the JSON-LD output. */ protected function _fromRDF($dataset, $options) { // prepare graph map (maps graph name => subjects, lists) $default_graph = (object)array( 'subjects' => new stdClass(), 'listMap' => new stdClass()); $graphs = (object)array('@default' => $default_graph); foreach($dataset as $graph_name => $triples) { foreach($triples as $triple) { // get subject, predicate, object $s = $triple->subject->value; $p = $triple->predicate->value; $o = $triple->object; // create a named graph entry as needed if(!property_exists($graphs, $graph_name)) { $graph = $graphs->{$graph_name} = (object)array( 'subjects' => new stdClass(), 'listMap' => new stdClass()); } else { $graph = $graphs->{$graph_name}; } // handle element in @list if($p === self::RDF_FIRST) { // create list entry as needed $list_map = $graph->listMap; if(!property_exists($list_map, $s)) { $entry = $list_map->{$s} = new stdClass(); } else { $entry = $list_map->{$s}; } // set object value $entry->first = $this->_RDFToObject($o, $options['useNativeTypes']); continue; } // handle other element in @list if($p === self::RDF_REST) { // set next in list if($o->type === 'blank node') { // create list entry as needed $list_map = $graph->listMap; if(!property_exists($list_map, $s)) { $entry = $list_map->{$s} = new stdClass(); } else { $entry = $list_map->{$s}; } $entry->rest = $o->value; } continue; } // add graph subject to the default graph as needed if($graph_name !== '@default' && !property_exists($default_graph->subjects, $graph_name)) { $default_graph->subjects->{$graph_name} = (object)array( '@id' => $graph_name); } // add subject to graph as needed $subjects = $graph->subjects; if(!property_exists($subjects, $s)) { $value = $subjects->{$s} = (object)array('@id' => $s); } // use existing subject value else { $value = $subjects->{$s}; } // convert to @type unless options indicate to treat rdf:type as property if($p === self::RDF_TYPE && !$options['useRdfType']) { // add value of object as @type self::addValue( $value, '@type', $o->value, array('propertyIsArray' => true)); } else { // add property to value as needed $object = $this->_RDFToObject($o, $options['useNativeTypes']); self::addValue($value, $p, $object, array('propertyIsArray' => true)); // a bnode might be the beginning of a list, so add it to the list map if($o->type === 'blank node') { $id = $object->{'@id'}; $list_map = $graph->listMap; if(!property_exists($list_map, $id)) { $entry = $list_map->{$id} = new stdClass(); } else { $entry = $list_map->{$id}; } $entry->head = $object; } } } } // build @lists $all_graphs = array_values((array)$graphs); $all_graphs[] = $default_graph; foreach($all_graphs as $graph) { // find list head $list_map = $graph->listMap; foreach($list_map as $subject => $entry) { // head found, build lists if(property_exists($entry, 'head') && property_exists($entry, 'first')) { // replace bnode @id with @list $value = $entry->head; unset($value->{'@id'}); $list = array($entry->first); while(property_exists($entry, 'rest')) { $rest = $entry->rest; $entry = $list_map->{$rest}; if(!property_exists($entry, 'first')) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid RDF list entry.', 'jsonld.RdfError', array('bnode' => $rest)); } $list[] = $entry->first; } $value->{'@list'} = $list; } } } // build default graph in subject @id order $output = array(); $subjects = $default_graph->subjects; $ids = array_keys((array)$subjects); sort($ids); foreach($ids as $i => $id) { // add subject to default graph $subject = $subjects->{$id}; $output[] = $subject; // output named graph in subject @id order if(property_exists($graphs, $id)) { $graph = array(); $subjects_ = $graphs->{$id}->subjects; $ids_ = array_keys((array)$subjects_); sort($ids_); foreach($ids_ as $i_ => $id_) { $graph[] = $subjects_->{$id_}; } $subject->{'@graph'} = $graph; } } return $output; } /** * Processes a local context and returns a new active context. * * @param stdClass $active_ctx the current active context. * @param mixed $local_ctx the local context to process. * @param assoc $options the context processing options. * * @return stdClass the new active context. */ protected function _processContext($active_ctx, $local_ctx, $options) { global $jsonld_cache; $rval = null; // get context from cache if available if(property_exists($jsonld_cache, 'activeCtx')) { $rval = $jsonld_cache->activeCtx->get($active_ctx, $local_ctx); if($rval) { $rval->namer = $active_ctx->namer; return $rval; } } // initialize the resulting context $rval = self::_cloneActiveContext($active_ctx); // normalize local context to an array if(is_object($local_ctx) && property_exists($local_ctx, '@context') && is_array($local_ctx->{'@context'})) { $local_ctx = $local_ctx->{'@context'}; } $ctxs = self::arrayify($local_ctx); // process each context in order foreach($ctxs as $ctx) { // reset to initial context if($ctx === null) { $rval = $this->_getInitialContext($options); $rval->namer = $active_ctx->namer; continue; } // dereference @context key if present if(is_object($ctx) && property_exists($ctx, '@context')) { $ctx = $ctx->{'@context'}; } // context must be an object by now, all URLs retrieved before this call if(!is_object($ctx)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; @context must be an object.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('context' => $ctx)); } // define context mappings for keys in local context $defined = new stdClass(); // handle @vocab if(property_exists($ctx, '@vocab')) { $value = $ctx->{'@vocab'}; if($value === null) { unset($rval->{'@vocab'}); } else if(!is_string($value)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; the value of "@vocab" in a ' . '@context must be a string or null.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('context' => $ctx)); } else if(!self::_isAbsoluteIri($value)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; the value of "@vocab" in a ' . '@context must be an absolute IRI.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('context' => $ctx)); } else { $rval->{'@vocab'} = $value; } $defined->{'@vocab'} = true; } // handle @language if(property_exists($ctx, '@language')) { $value = $ctx->{'@language'}; if($value === null) { unset($rval->{'@language'}); } else if(!is_string($value)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; the value of "@language" in a ' . '@context must be a string or null.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('context' => $ctx)); } else { $rval->{'@language'} = strtolower($value); } $defined->{'@language'} = true; } // process all other keys foreach($ctx as $k => $v) { $this->_createTermDefinition($rval, $ctx, $k, $defined); } } // cache result if(property_exists($jsonld_cache, 'activeCtx')) { $jsonld_cache->activeCtx->set($active_ctx, $local_ctx, $rval); } return $rval; } /** * Expands a language map. * * @param stdClass $language_map the language map to expand. * * @return array the expanded language map. */ protected function _expandLanguageMap($language_map) { $rval = array(); $keys = array_keys((array)$language_map); sort($keys); foreach($keys as $key) { $values = $language_map->{$key}; $values = self::arrayify($values); foreach($values as $item) { if(!is_string($item)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; language map values must be strings.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('languageMap', $language_map)); } $rval[] = (object)array( '@value' => $item, '@language' => strtolower($key)); } } return $rval; } /** * Labels the blank nodes in the given value using the given UniqueNamer. * * @param UniqueNamer $namer the UniqueNamer to use. * @param mixed $element the element with blank nodes to rename. * * @return mixed the element. */ public function _labelBlankNodes($namer, $element) { if(is_array($element)) { $length = count($element); for($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) { $element[$i] = $this->_labelBlankNodes($namer, $element[$i]); } } else if(self::_isList($element)) { $element->{'@list'} = $this->_labelBlankNodes( $namer, $element->{'@list'}); } else if(is_object($element)) { // rename blank node if(self::_isBlankNode($element)) { $name = null; if(property_exists($element, '@id')) { $name = $element->{'@id'}; } $element->{'@id'} = $namer->getName($name); } // recursively apply to all keys $keys = array_keys((array)$element); sort($keys); foreach($keys as $key) { if($key !== '@id') { $element->{$key} = $this->_labelBlankNodes($namer, $element->{$key}); } } } return $element; } /** * Expands the given value by using the coercion and keyword rules in the * given context. * * @param stdClass $active_ctx the active context to use. * @param string $active_property the property the value is associated with. * @param mixed $value the value to expand. * * @return mixed the expanded value. */ protected function _expandValue($active_ctx, $active_property, $value) { // nothing to expand if($value === null) { return null; } // special-case expand @id and @type (skips '@id' expansion) $expanded_property = $this->_expandIri( $active_ctx, $active_property, array('vocab' => true)); if($expanded_property === '@id') { return $this->_expandIri($active_ctx, $value, array('base' => true)); } else if($expanded_property === '@type') { return $this->_expandIri( $active_ctx, $value, array('vocab' => true, 'base' => true)); } // get type definition from context $type = self::getContextValue($active_ctx, $active_property, '@type'); // do @id expansion (automatic for @graph) if($type === '@id' || ($expanded_property === '@graph' && is_string($value))) { return (object)array('@id' => $this->_expandIri( $active_ctx, $value, array('base' => true))); } // do @id expansion w/vocab if($type === '@vocab') { return (object)array('@id' => $this->_expandIri( $active_ctx, $value, array('vocab' => true, 'base' => true))); } // do not expand keyword values if(self::_isKeyword($expanded_property)) { return $value; } $rval = new stdClass(); // other type if($type !== null) { // rename blank node if requested if($active_ctx->namer !== null && strpos($type, '_:') === 0) { $type = $active_ctx->namer->getName($type); } $rval->{'@type'} = $type; } // check for language tagging for strings else if(is_string($value)) { $language = self::getContextValue( $active_ctx, $active_property, '@language'); if($language !== null) { $rval->{'@language'} = $language; } } $rval->{'@value'} = $value; return $rval; } /** * Creates an array of RDF triples for the given graph. * * @param stdClass $graph the graph to create RDF triples for. * @param UniqueNamer $namer for assigning bnode names. * * @return array the array of RDF triples for the given graph. */ protected function _graphToRDF($graph, $namer) { $rval = array(); foreach($graph as $id => $node) { foreach($node as $property => $items) { if($property === '@type') { $property = self::RDF_TYPE; } else if(self::_isKeyword($property)) { continue; } foreach($items as $item) { // RDF subject $subject = new stdClass(); if(strpos($id, '_:') === 0) { $subject->type = 'blank node'; $subject->value = $namer->getName($id); } else { $subject->type = 'IRI'; $subject->value = $id; } // RDF predicate $predicate = new stdClass(); $predicate->type = 'IRI'; $predicate->value = $property; // convert @list to triples if(self::_isList($item)) { $this->_listToRDF( $item->{'@list'}, $namer, $subject, $predicate, $rval); } // convert value or node object to triple else { $object = $this->_objectToRDF($item, $namer); $rval[] = (object)array( 'subject' => $subject, 'predicate' => $predicate, 'object' => $object); } } } } return $rval; } /** * Converts a @list value into linked list of blank node RDF triples * (an RDF collection). * * @param array $list the @list value. * @param UniqueNamer $namer for assigning blank node names. * @param stdClass $subject the subject for the head of the list. * @param stdClass $predicate the predicate for the head of the list. * @param &array $triples the array of triples to append to. */ protected function _listToRDF( $list, $namer, $subject, $predicate, &$triples) { $first = (object)array('type' => 'IRI', 'value' => self::RDF_FIRST); $rest = (object)array('type' => 'IRI', 'value' => self::RDF_REST); $nil = (object)array('type' => 'IRI', 'value' => self::RDF_NIL); foreach($list as $item) { $blank_node = (object)array( 'type' => 'blank node', 'value' => $namer->getName()); $triples[] = (object)array( 'subject' => $subject, 'predicate' => $predicate, 'object' => $blank_node); $subject = $blank_node; $predicate = $first; $object = $this->_objectToRDF($item, $namer); $triples[] = (object)array( 'subject' => $subject, 'predicate' => $predicate, 'object' => $object); $predicate = $rest; } $triples[] = (object)array( 'subject' => $subject, 'predicate' => $predicate, 'object' => $nil); } /** * Converts a JSON-LD value object to an RDF literal or a JSON-LD string or * node object to an RDF resource. * * @param mixed $item the JSON-LD value or node object. * @param UniqueNamer $namer for assign blank node names. * * @return stdClass the RDF literal or RDF resource. */ protected function _objectToRDF($item, $namer) { $object = new stdClass(); if(self::_isValue($item)) { $object->type = 'literal'; $value = $item->{'@value'}; $datatype = property_exists($item, '@type') ? $item->{'@type'} : null; // convert to XSD datatypes as appropriate if(is_bool($value)) { $object->value = ($value ? 'true' : 'false'); $object->datatype = $datatype ? $datatype : self::XSD_BOOLEAN; } else if(is_double($value)) { // canonical double representation $object->value = preg_replace( '/(\d)0*E\+?/', '$1E', sprintf('%1.15E', $value)); $object->datatype = $datatype ? $datatype : self::XSD_DOUBLE; } else if(is_integer($value)) { $object->value = strval($value); $object->datatype = $datatype ? $datatype : self::XSD_INTEGER; } else if(property_exists($item, '@language')) { $object->value = $value; $object->datatype = $datatype ? $datatype : self::RDF_LANGSTRING; $object->language = $item->{'@language'}; } else { $object->value = $value; $object->datatype = $datatype ? $datatype : self::XSD_STRING; } } // convert string/node object to RDF else { $id = is_object($item) ? $item->{'@id'} : $item; if(strpos($id, '_:') === 0) { $object->type = 'blank node'; $object->value = $namer->getName($id); } else { $object->type = 'IRI'; $object->value = $id; } } return $object; } /** * Converts an RDF triple object to a JSON-LD object. * * @param stdClass $o the RDF triple object to convert. * @param bool $use_native_types true to output native types, false not to. * * @return stdClass the JSON-LD object. */ protected function _RDFToObject($o, $use_native_types) { // convert empty list if($o->type === 'IRI' && $o->value === self::RDF_NIL) { return (object)array('@list' => array()); } // convert IRI/blank node object to JSON-LD if($o->type === 'IRI' || $o->type === 'blank node') { return (object)array('@id' => $o->value); } // convert literal object to JSON-LD $rval = (object)array('@value' => $o->value); // add language if(property_exists($o, 'language')) { $rval->{'@language'} = $o->language; } // add datatype else { $type = $o->datatype; // use native types for certain xsd types if($use_native_types) { if($type === self::XSD_BOOLEAN) { if($rval->{'@value'} === 'true') { $rval->{'@value'} = true; } else if($rval->{'@value'} === 'false') { $rval->{'@value'} = false; } } else if(is_numeric($rval->{'@value'})) { if($type === self::XSD_INTEGER) { $i = intval($rval->{'@value'}); if(strval($i) === $rval->{'@value'}) { $rval->{'@value'} = $i; } } else if($type === self::XSD_DOUBLE) { $rval->{'@value'} = doubleval($rval->{'@value'}); } } // do not add native type if(!in_array($type, array( self::XSD_BOOLEAN, self::XSD_INTEGER, self::XSD_DOUBLE, self::XSD_STRING))) { $rval->{'@type'} = $type; } } else { $rval->{'@type'} = $type; } } return $rval; } /** * Recursively flattens the subjects in the given JSON-LD expanded input * into a node map. * * @param mixed $input the JSON-LD expanded input. * @param stdClass $graphs a map of graph name to subject map. * @param string $graph the name of the current graph. * @param UniqueNamer $namer the blank node namer. * @param mixed $name the name assigned to the current input if it is a bnode. * @param mixed $list the list to append to, null for none. */ protected function _createNodeMap( $input, $graphs, $graph, $namer, $name=null, $list=null) { // recurse through array if(is_array($input)) { foreach($input as $e) { $this->_createNodeMap($e, $graphs, $graph, $namer, null, $list); } return; } // add non-object to list if(!is_object($input)) { if($list !== null) { $list[] = $input; } return; } // add entries for @type if(property_exists($input, '@type')) { $types = $input->{'@type'}; $types = self::arrayify($types); foreach($types as $type) { $id = (strpos($type, '_:') === 0) ? $namer->getName($type) : $type; if(!property_exists($graphs->{$graph}, $id)) { $graphs->{$graph}->{$id} = (object)array('@id' => $id); } } } // add add values to list if(self::_isValue($input)) { if($list !== null) { $list[] = $input; } return; } // Note: At this point, input must be a subject. // get name for subject if($name === null) { if(property_exists($input, '@id')) { $name = $input->{'@id'}; } if(self::_isBlankNode($input)) { $name = $namer->getName($name); } } // add subject reference to list if($list !== null) { $list[] = (object)array('@id' => $name); } // create new subject or merge into existing one if(!property_exists($graphs, $graph)) { $graphs->{$graph} = new stdClass(); } $subjects = $graphs->{$graph}; if(!property_exists($subjects, $name)) { $subjects->{$name} = new stdClass(); } $subject = $subjects->{$name}; $subject->{'@id'} = $name; $properties = array_keys((array)$input); sort($properties); foreach($properties as $property) { // skip @id if($property === '@id') { continue; } // recurse into graph if($property === '@graph') { // add graph subjects map entry if(!property_exists($graphs, $name)) { $graphs->{$name} = new stdClass(); } $g = ($graph === '@merged') ? $graph : $name; $this->_createNodeMap( $input->{$property}, $graphs, $g, $namer, null, null); continue; } // copy non-@type keywords if($property !== '@type' && self::_isKeyword($property)) { $subject->{$property} = $input->{$property}; continue; } // iterate over objects (ensure property is added for empty arrays) $objects = $input->{$property}; if(count($objects) === 0) { self::addValue( $subject, $property, array(), array('propertyIsArray' => true)); continue; } foreach($objects as $o) { // handle embedded subject or subject reference if(self::_isSubject($o) || self::_isSubjectReference($o)) { // rename blank node @id $id = property_exists($o, '@id') ? $o->{'@id'} : null; if(self::_isBlankNode($o)) { $id = $namer->getName($id); } // add reference and recurse self::addValue( $subject, $property, (object)array('@id' => $id), array('propertyIsArray' => true, 'allowDuplicate' => false)); $this->_createNodeMap($o, $graphs, $graph, $namer, $id, null); } // handle $list else if(self::_isList($o)) { $_list = new ArrayObject(); $this->_createNodeMap( $o->{'@list'}, $graphs, $graph, $namer, $name, $_list); $o = (object)array('@list' => (array)$_list); self::addValue( $subject, $property, $o, array('propertyIsArray' => true, 'allowDuplicate' => false)); } // handle @value else { $this->_createNodeMap($o, $graphs, $graph, $namer, $name, null); self::addValue( $subject, $property, $o, array('propertyIsArray' => true, 'allowDuplicate' => false)); } } } } /** * Frames subjects according to the given frame. * * @param stdClass $state the current framing state. * @param array $subjects the subjects to filter. * @param array $frame the frame. * @param mixed $parent the parent subject or top-level array. * @param mixed $property the parent property, initialized to null. */ protected function _matchFrame( $state, $subjects, $frame, $parent, $property) { // validate the frame $this->_validateFrame($state, $frame); $frame = $frame[0]; // filter out subjects that match the frame $matches = $this->_filterSubjects($state, $subjects, $frame); // get flags for current frame $options = $state->options; $embed_on = $this->_getFrameFlag($frame, $options, 'embed'); $explicit_on = $this->_getFrameFlag($frame, $options, 'explicit'); // add matches to output foreach($matches as $id => $subject) { /* Note: In order to treat each top-level match as a compartmentalized result, create an independent copy of the embedded subjects map when the property is null, which only occurs at the top-level. */ if($property === null) { $state->embeds = new stdClass(); } // start output $output = new stdClass(); $output->{'@id'} = $id; // prepare embed meta info $embed = (object)array('parent' => $parent, 'property' => $property); // if embed is on and there is an existing embed if($embed_on && property_exists($state->embeds, $id)) { // only overwrite an existing embed if it has already been added to its // parent -- otherwise its parent is somewhere up the tree from this // embed and the embed would occur twice once the tree is added $embed_on = false; // existing embed's parent is an array $existing = $state->embeds->{$id}; if(is_array($existing->parent)) { foreach($existing->parent as $p) { if(self::compareValues($output, $p)) { $embed_on = true; break; } } } // existing embed's parent is an object else if(self::hasValue( $existing->parent, $existing->property, $output)) { $embed_on = true; } // existing embed has already been added, so allow an overwrite if($embed_on) { $this->_removeEmbed($state, $id); } } // not embedding, add output without any other properties if(!$embed_on) { $this->_addFrameOutput($state, $parent, $property, $output); } else { // add embed meta info $state->embeds->{$id} = $embed; // iterate over subject properties $props = array_keys((array)$subject); sort($props); foreach($props as $prop) { // copy keywords to output if(self::_isKeyword($prop)) { $output->{$prop} = self::copy($subject->{$prop}); continue; } // if property isn't in the frame if(!property_exists($frame, $prop)) { // if explicit is off, embed values if(!$explicit_on) { $this->_embedValues($state, $subject, $prop, $output); } continue; } // add objects $objects = $subject->{$prop}; foreach($objects as $o) { // recurse into list if(self::_isList($o)) { // add empty list $list = (object)array('@list' => array()); $this->_addFrameOutput($state, $output, $prop, $list); // add list objects $src = $o->{'@list'}; foreach($src as $o) { // recurse into subject reference if(self::_isSubjectReference($o)) { $this->_matchFrame( $state, array($o->{'@id'}), $frame->{$prop}, $list, '@list'); } // include other values automatically else { $this->_addFrameOutput( $state, $list, '@list', self::copy($o)); } } continue; } // recurse into subject reference if(self::_isSubjectReference($o)) { $this->_matchFrame( $state, array($o->{'@id'}), $frame->{$prop}, $output, $prop); } // include other values automatically else { $this->_addFrameOutput($state, $output, $prop, self::copy($o)); } } } // handle defaults $props = array_keys((array)$frame); sort($props); foreach($props as $prop) { // skip keywords if(self::_isKeyword($prop)) { continue; } // if omit default is off, then include default values for properties // that appear in the next frame but are not in the matching subject $next = $frame->{$prop}[0]; $omit_default_on = $this->_getFrameFlag( $next, $options, 'omitDefault'); if(!$omit_default_on && !property_exists($output, $prop)) { $preserve = '@null'; if(property_exists($next, '@default')) { $preserve = self::copy($next->{'@default'}); } $preserve = self::arrayify($preserve); $output->{$prop} = array((object)array('@preserve' => $preserve)); } } // add output to parent $this->_addFrameOutput($state, $parent, $property, $output); } } } /** * Gets the frame flag value for the given flag name. * * @param stdClass $frame the frame. * @param stdClass $options the framing options. * @param string $name the flag name. * * @return mixed $the flag value. */ protected function _getFrameFlag($frame, $options, $name) { $flag = "@$name"; return (property_exists($frame, $flag) ? $frame->{$flag}[0] : $options[$name]); } /** * Validates a JSON-LD frame, throwing an exception if the frame is invalid. * * @param stdClass $state the current frame state. * @param array $frame the frame to validate. */ protected function _validateFrame($state, $frame) { if(!is_array($frame) || count($frame) !== 1 || !is_object($frame[0])) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; a JSON-LD frame must be a single object.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('frame' => $frame)); } } /** * Returns a map of all of the subjects that match a parsed frame. * * @param stdClass $state the current framing state. * @param array $subjects the set of subjects to filter. * @param stdClass $frame the parsed frame. * * @return stdClass all of the matched subjects. */ protected function _filterSubjects($state, $subjects, $frame) { $rval = new stdClass(); sort($subjects); foreach($subjects as $id) { $subject = $state->subjects->{$id}; if($this->_filterSubject($subject, $frame)) { $rval->{$id} = $subject; } } return $rval; } /** * Returns true if the given subject matches the given frame. * * @param stdClass $subject the subject to check. * @param stdClass $frame the frame to check. * * @return bool true if the subject matches, false if not. */ protected function _filterSubject($subject, $frame) { // check @type (object value means 'any' type, fall through to ducktyping) if(property_exists($frame, '@type') && !(count($frame->{'@type'}) === 1 && is_object($frame->{'@type'}[0]))) { $types = $frame->{'@type'}; foreach($types as $type) { // any matching @type is a match if(self::hasValue($subject, '@type', $type)) { return true; } } return false; } // check ducktype foreach($frame as $k => $v) { // only not a duck if @id or non-keyword isn't in subject if(($k === '@id' || !self::_isKeyword($k)) && !property_exists($subject, $k)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Embeds values for the given subject and property into the given output * during the framing algorithm. * * @param stdClass $state the current framing state. * @param stdClass $subject the subject. * @param string $property the property. * @param mixed $output the output. */ protected function _embedValues($state, $subject, $property, $output) { // embed subject properties in output $objects = $subject->{$property}; foreach($objects as $o) { // recurse into @list if(self::_isList($o)) { $list = (object)array('@list' => new ArrayObject()); $this->_addFrameOutput($state, $output, $property, $list); $this->_embedValues($state, $o, '@list', $list->{'@list'}); $list->{'@list'} = (array)$list->{'@list'}; return; } // handle subject reference if(self::_isSubjectReference($o)) { $id = $o->{'@id'}; // embed full subject if isn't already embedded if(!property_exists($state->embeds, $id)) { // add embed $embed = (object)array('parent' => $output, 'property' => $property); $state->embeds->{$id} = $embed; // recurse into subject $o = new stdClass(); $s = $state->subjects->{$id}; foreach($s as $prop => $v) { // copy keywords if(self::_isKeyword($prop)) { $o->{$prop} = self::copy($v); continue; } $this->_embedValues($state, $s, $prop, $o); } } $this->_addFrameOutput($state, $output, $property, $o); } // copy non-subject value else { $this->_addFrameOutput($state, $output, $property, self::copy($o)); } } } /** * Removes an existing embed. * * @param stdClass $state the current framing state. * @param string $id the @id of the embed to remove. */ protected function _removeEmbed($state, $id) { // get existing embed $embeds = $state->embeds; $embed = $embeds->{$id}; $property = $embed->property; // create reference to replace embed $subject = (object)array('@id' => id); // remove existing embed if(is_array($embed->parent)) { // replace subject with reference foreach($embed->parent as $i => $parent) { if(self::compareValues($parent, $subject)) { $embed->parent[$i] = $subject; break; } } } else { // replace subject with reference $use_array = is_array($embed->parent->{$property}); self::removeValue($embed->parent, $property, $subject, array('propertyIsArray' => $use_array)); self::addValue($embed->parent, $property, $subject, array('propertyIsArray' => $use_array)); } // recursively remove dependent dangling embeds $removeDependents = function($id) { // get embed keys as a separate array to enable deleting keys in map $ids = array_keys((array)$embeds); foreach($ids as $next) { if(property_exists($embeds, $next) && is_object($embeds->{$next}->parent) && $embeds->{$next}->parent->{'@id'} === $id) { unset($embeds->{$next}); $removeDependents($next); } } }; $removeDependents($id); } /** * Adds framing output to the given parent. * * @param stdClass $state the current framing state. * @param mixed $parent the parent to add to. * @param string $property the parent property. * @param mixed $output the output to add. */ protected function _addFrameOutput($state, $parent, $property, $output) { if(is_object($parent) && !($parent instanceof ArrayObject)) { self::addValue( $parent, $property, $output, array('propertyIsArray' => true)); } else { $parent[] = $output; } } /** * Removes the @preserve keywords as the last step of the framing algorithm. * * @param stdClass $ctx the active context used to compact the input. * @param mixed $input the framed, compacted output. * * @return mixed the resulting output. */ protected function _removePreserve($ctx, $input) { // recurse through arrays if(is_array($input)) { $output = array(); foreach($input as $e) { $result = $this->_removePreserve($ctx, $e); // drop nulls from arrays if($result !== null) { $output[] = $result; } } $input = $output; } else if(is_object($input)) { // remove @preserve if(property_exists($input, '@preserve')) { if($input->{'@preserve'} === '@null') { return null; } return $input->{'@preserve'}; } // skip @values if(self::_isValue($input)) { return $input; } // recurse through @lists if(self::_isList($input)) { $input->{'@list'} = $this->_removePreserve($ctx, $input->{'@list'}); return $input; } // recurse through properties foreach($input as $prop => $v) { $result = $this->_removePreserve($ctx, $v); $container = self::getContextValue($ctx, $prop, '@container'); if(is_array($result) && count($result) === 1 && $container !== '@set' && $container !== '@list') { $result = $result[0]; } $input->{$prop} = $result; } } return $input; } /** * Compares two RDF triples for equality. * * @param stdClass $t1 the first triple. * @param stdClass $t2 the second triple. * * @return true if the triples are the same, false if not. */ protected static function _compareRDFTriples($t1, $t2) { foreach(array('subject', 'predicate', 'object') as $attr) { if($t1->{$attr}->type !== $t2->{$attr}->type || $t1->{$attr}->value !== $t2->{$attr}->value) { return false; } } if(property_exists($t1->object, 'language') !== property_exists($t1->object, 'language')) { return false; } if(property_exists($t1->object, 'language') && $t1->object->language !== $t2->object->language) { return false; } if($t1->object->datatype !== $t2->object->datatype) { return false; } return true; } /** * Hashes all of the quads about a blank node. * * @param string $id the ID of the bnode to hash quads for. * @param stdClass $bnodes the mapping of bnodes to quads. * @param UniqueNamer $namer the canonical bnode namer. * * @return string the new hash. */ protected function _hashQuads($id, $bnodes, $namer) { // return cached hash if(property_exists($bnodes->{$id}, 'hash')) { return $bnodes->{$id}->hash; } // serialize all of bnode's quads $quads = $bnodes->{$id}->quads; $nquads = array(); foreach($quads as $quad) { $nquads[] = $this->toNQuad($quad, property_exists($quad, 'name') ? $quad->name->value : null, $id); } // sort serialized quads sort($nquads); // cache and return hashed quads $hash = $bnodes->{$id}->hash = sha1(implode($nquads)); return $hash; } /** * Produces a hash for the paths of adjacent bnodes for a bnode, * incorporating all information about its subgraph of bnodes. This * method will recursively pick adjacent bnode permutations that produce the * lexicographically-least 'path' serializations. * * @param string $id the ID of the bnode to hash paths for. * @param stdClass $bnodes the map of bnode quads. * @param UniqueNamer $namer the canonical bnode namer. * @param UniqueNamer $path_namer the namer used to assign names to adjacent * bnodes. * * @return stdClass the hash and path namer used. */ protected function _hashPaths($id, $bnodes, $namer, $path_namer) { // create SHA-1 digest $md = hash_init('sha1'); // group adjacent bnodes by hash, keep properties and references separate $groups = new stdClass(); $quads = $bnodes->{$id}->quads; foreach($quads as $quad) { // get adjacent bnode $bnode = $this->_getAdjacentBlankNodeName($quad->subject, $id); if($bnode !== null) { // normal property $direction = 'p'; } else { $bnode = $this->_getAdjacentBlankNodeName($quad->object, $id); if($bnode !== null) { // reverse property $direction = 'r'; } } if($bnode !== null) { // get bnode name (try canonical, path, then hash) if($namer->isNamed($bnode)) { $name = $namer->getName($bnode); } else if($path_namer->isNamed($bnode)) { $name = $path_namer->getName($bnode); } else { $name = $this->_hashQuads($bnode, $bnodes, $namer); } // hash direction, property, and bnode name/hash $group_md = hash_init('sha1'); hash_update($group_md, $direction); hash_update($group_md, $quad->predicate->value); hash_update($group_md, $name); $group_hash = hash_final($group_md); // add bnode to hash group if(property_exists($groups, $group_hash)) { $groups->{$group_hash}[] = $bnode; } else { $groups->{$group_hash} = array($bnode); } } } // iterate over groups in sorted hash order $group_hashes = array_keys((array)$groups); sort($group_hashes); foreach($group_hashes as $group_hash) { // digest group hash hash_update($md, $group_hash); // choose a path and namer from the permutations $chosen_path = null; $chosen_namer = null; $permutator = new Permutator($groups->{$group_hash}); while($permutator->hasNext()) { $permutation = $permutator->next(); $path_namer_copy = clone $path_namer; // build adjacent path $path = ''; $skipped = false; $recurse = array(); foreach($permutation as $bnode) { // use canonical name if available if($namer->isNamed($bnode)) { $path .= $namer->getName($bnode); } else { // recurse if bnode isn't named in the path yet if(!$path_namer_copy->isNamed($bnode)) { $recurse[] = $bnode; } $path .= $path_namer_copy->getName($bnode); } // skip permutation if path is already >= chosen path if($chosen_path !== null && strlen($path) >= strlen($chosen_path) && $path > $chosen_path) { $skipped = true; break; } } // recurse if(!$skipped) { foreach($recurse as $bnode) { $result = $this->_hashPaths( $bnode, $bnodes, $namer, $path_namer_copy); $path .= $path_namer_copy->getName($bnode); $path .= "<{$result->hash}>"; $path_namer_copy = $result->pathNamer; // skip permutation if path is already >= chosen path if($chosen_path !== null && strlen($path) >= strlen($chosen_path) && $path > $chosen_path) { $skipped = true; break; } } } if(!$skipped && ($chosen_path === null || $path < $chosen_path)) { $chosen_path = $path; $chosen_namer = $path_namer_copy; } } // digest chosen path and update namer hash_update($md, $chosen_path); $path_namer = $chosen_namer; } // return SHA-1 hash and path namer return (object)array( 'hash' => hash_final($md), 'pathNamer' => $path_namer); } /** * A helper function that gets the blank node name from an RDF quad * node (subject or object). If the node is not a blank node or its * value does not match the given blank node ID, it will be returned. * * @param stdClass $node the RDF quad node. * @param string $id the ID of the blank node to look next to. * * @return mixed the adjacent blank node name or null if none was found. */ protected function _getAdjacentBlankNodeName($node, $id) { if($node->type === 'blank node' && $node->value !== $id) { return $node->value; } return null; } /** * Compares two strings first based on length and then lexicographically. * * @param string $a the first string. * @param string $b the second string. * * @return integer -1 if a < b, 1 if a > b, 0 if a == b. */ protected function _compareShortestLeast($a, $b) { $len_a = strlen($a); $len_b = strlen($b); if($len_a < $len_b) { return -1; } else if($len_b < $len_a) { return 1; } else if($a === $b) { return 0; } return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1; } /** * Picks the preferred compaction term from the given inverse context entry. * * @param active_ctx the active context. * @param iri the IRI to pick the term for. * @param value the value to pick the term for. * @param parent the parent of the value (required for property generators). * @param containers the preferred containers. * @param type_or_language either '@type' or '@language'. * @param type_or_language_value the preferred value for '@type' or * '@language'. * * @return mixed the preferred term. */ protected function _selectTerm( $active_ctx, $iri, $value, $parent, $containers, $type_or_language, $type_or_language_value) { $containers[] = '@none'; if($type_or_language_value === null) { $type_or_language_value = '@null'; } // options for the value of @type or @language, // determine for @id based on whether or not value compacts to a term if($type_or_language_value === '@id' && self::_isSubjectReference($value)) { // try to compact value to a term $term = $this->_compactIri( $active_ctx, $value->{'@id'}, null, array('vocab' => true)); if(property_exists($active_ctx->mappings, $term) && $active_ctx->mappings->{$term} && $active_ctx->mappings->{$term}->{'@id'} === $value->{'@id'}) { // prefer @vocab $options = array('@vocab', '@id', '@none'); } else { // prefer @id $options = array('@id', '@vocab', '@none'); } } else { $options = array($type_or_language_value, '@none'); } $term = null; $container_map = $active_ctx->inverse->{$iri}; foreach($containers as $container) { if($term !== null) { break; } // if container not available in the map, continue if(!property_exists($container_map, $container)) { continue; } $type_or_language_value_map = $container_map->{$container}->{$type_or_language}; foreach($options as $option) { if($term !== null) { break; } // if type/language option not available in the map, continue if(!property_exists($type_or_language_value_map, $option)) { continue; } $term_info = $type_or_language_value_map->{$option}; // see if a property generator matches if(is_object($parent)) { foreach($term_info->propertyGenerators as $property_generator) { $match = $this->_findPropertyGeneratorDuplicates( $active_ctx, $parent, $iri, $value, $property_generator, false); if($match) { $term = $property_generator; break; } } } // no matching property generator, use a simple term instead if($term === null) { $term = $term_info->term; } } } return $term; } /** * Compacts an IRI or keyword into a term or prefix if it can be. If the * IRI has an associated value it may be passed. * * @param stdClass $active_ctx the active context to use. * @param string $iri the IRI to compact. * @param mixed $value the value to check or null. * @param assoc $relative_to options for how to compact IRIs: * vocab: true to split after @vocab, false not to. * @param mixed $parent the parent element for the value. * * @return string the compacted term, prefix, keyword alias, or original IRI. */ protected function _compactIri( $active_ctx, $iri, $value=null, $relative_to=array(), $parent=null) { // can't compact null if($iri === null) { return $iri; } // term is a keyword if(self::_isKeyword($iri)) { // return alias if available $aliases = $active_ctx->keywords->{$iri}; return (count($aliases) > 0) ? $aliases[0] : $iri; } // use inverse context to pick a term if iri is relative to vocab if(isset($relative_to['vocab']) && $relative_to['vocab'] && property_exists($this->_getInverseContext($active_ctx), $iri)) { $default_language = '@none'; if(property_exists($active_ctx, '@language')) { $default_language = $active_ctx->{'@language'}; } // prefer @index if available in value $containers = array(); if(is_object($value) && property_exists($value, '@index')) { $containers[] = '@index'; } // defaults for term selection based on type/language $type_or_language = '@language'; $type_or_language_value = '@null'; // choose the most specific term that works for all elements in @list if(self::_isList($value)) { // only select @list containers if @index is NOT in value if(!property_exists($value, '@index')) { $containers[] = '@list'; } $list = $value->{'@list'}; $common_language = (count($list) === 0) ? $default_language : null; $common_type = null; foreach($list as $item) { $item_language = '@none'; $item_type = '@none'; if(self::_isValue($item)) { if(property_exists($item, '@language')) { $item_language = $item->{'@language'}; } else if(property_exists($item, '@type')) { $item_type = $item->{'@type'}; } // plain literal else { $item_language = '@null'; } } else { $item_type = '@id'; } if($common_language === null) { $common_language = $item_language; } else if($item_language !== $common_language && self::_isValue($item)) { $common_language = '@none'; } if($common_type === null) { $common_type = $item_type; } else if($item_type !== $common_type) { $common_type = '@none'; } // there are different languages and types in the list, so choose // the most generic term, no need to keep iterating the list if($common_language === '@none' && $common_type === '@none') { break; } } if($common_language === null) { $common_language = '@none'; } if($common_type === null) { $common_type = '@none'; } if($common_type !== '@none') { $type_or_language = '@type'; $type_or_language_value = $common_type; } else { $type_or_language_value = $common_language; } } else { if(self::_isValue($value)) { if(property_exists($value, '@language') && !property_exists($value, '@index')) { $containers[] = '@language'; $type_or_language_value = $value->{'@language'}; } else if(property_exists($value, '@type')) { $type_or_language = '@type'; $type_or_language_value = $value->{'@type'}; } } else { $type_or_language = '@type'; $type_or_language_value = '@id'; } $containers[] = '@set'; } // do term selection $term = $this->_selectTerm( $active_ctx, $iri, $value, $parent, $containers, $type_or_language, $type_or_language_value); if($term !== null) { return $term; } } // no term match, check for possible CURIEs $choice = null; foreach($active_ctx->mappings as $term => $definition) { // skip terms with colons, they can't be prefixes if(strpos($term, ':') !== false) { continue; } // skip entries with @ids that are not partial matches if($definition === null || $definition->propertyGenerator || $definition->{'@id'} === $iri || strpos($iri, $definition->{'@id'}) !== 0) { continue; } // a CURIE is usable if: // 1. it has no mapping, OR // 2. value is null, which means we're not compacting an @value, AND // the mapping matches the IRI) $curie = $term . ':' . substr($iri, strlen($definition->{'@id'})); $is_usable_curie = (!property_exists($active_ctx->mappings, $curie) || ($value === null && $active_ctx->mappings->{$curie} && $active_ctx->mappings->{$curie}->{'@id'} === $iri)); // select curie if it is shorter or the same length but lexicographically // less than the current choice if($is_usable_curie && ($choice === null || self::_compareShortestLeast($curie, $choice) < 0)) { $choice = $curie; } } // return chosen curie if($choice !== null) { return $choice; } // no matching terms or curies, use @vocab if available if(isset($relative_to['vocab']) && $relative_to['vocab']) { if(property_exists($active_ctx, '@vocab')) { // determine if vocab is a prefix of the iri $vocab = $active_ctx->{'@vocab'}; if(strpos($iri, $vocab) === 0 && $iri !== $vocab) { // use suffix as relative iri if it is not a term in the active context $suffix = substr($iri, strlen($vocab)); if(!property_exists($active_ctx->mappings, $suffix)) { return $suffix; } } } } // compact IRI relative to base else { return jsonld_remove_base($active_ctx->{'@base'}, $iri); } // return IRI as is return $iri; } /** * Performs value compaction on an object with '@value' or '@id' as the only * property. * * @param stdClass $active_ctx the active context. * @param string $active_property the active property that points to the * value. * @param mixed $value the value to compact. * * @return mixed the compaction result. */ protected function _compactValue($active_ctx, $active_property, $value) { // value is a @value if(self::_isValue($value)) { // get context rules $type = self::getContextValue($active_ctx, $active_property, '@type'); $language = self::getContextValue( $active_ctx, $active_property, '@language'); $container = self::getContextValue( $active_ctx, $active_property, '@container'); // whether or not the value has an @index that must be preserved $preserve_index = (property_exists($value, '@index') && $container !== '@index'); // if there's no @index to preserve ... if(!$preserve_index) { // matching @type or @language specified in context, compact value if(self::_hasKeyValue($value, '@type', $type) || self::_hasKeyValue($value, '@language', $language)) { return $value->{'@value'}; } } // return just the value of @value if all are true: // 1. @value is the only key or @index isn't being preserved // 2. there is no default language or @value is not a string or // the key has a mapping with a null @language $key_count = count(array_keys((array)$value)); $is_value_only_key = ($key_count === 1 || ($key_count === 2 && property_exists($value, '@index') && !$preserve_index)); $has_default_language = property_exists($active_ctx, '@language'); $is_value_string = is_string($value->{'@value'}); $has_null_mapping = ( property_exists($active_ctx->mappings, $active_property) && $active_ctx->mappings->{$active_property} !== null && self::_hasKeyValue( $active_ctx->mappings->{$active_property}, '@language', null)); if($is_value_only_key && (!$has_default_language || !$is_value_string || $has_null_mapping)) { return $value->{'@value'}; } $rval = new stdClass(); // preserve @index if($preserve_index) { $rval->{$this->_compactIri($active_ctx, '@index')} = $value->{'@index'}; } // compact @type IRI if(property_exists($value, '@type')) { $rval->{$this->_compactIri($active_ctx, '@type')} = $this->_compactIri( $active_ctx, $value->{'@type'}, null, array('vocab' => true)); } // alias @language else if(property_exists($value, '@language')) { $rval->{$this->_compactIri($active_ctx, '@language')} = $value->{'@language'}; } // alias @value $rval->{$this->_compactIri($active_ctx, '@value')} = $value->{'@value'}; return $rval; } // value is a subject reference $expanded_property = $this->_expandIri( $active_ctx, $active_property, array('vocab' => true)); $type = self::getContextValue($active_ctx, $active_property, '@type'); $compacted = $this->_compactIri( $active_ctx, $value->{'@id'}, null, array('vocab' => ($type === '@vocab'))); // compact to scalar if($type === '@id' || $type === '@vocab' || $expanded_property === '@graph') { return $compacted; } $rval = (object)array( $this->_compactIri($active_ctx, '@id') => $compacted); return $rval; } /** * Finds and, if specified, removes any duplicate values that were * presumably generated by a property generator in the given element. * * @param stdClass $active_ctx the active context. * @param stdClass $element the element to remove duplicates from. * @param string $expanded_property the property to map to a property * generator. * @param mixed $value the value to compare against when duplicate checking. * @param string $active_property the property generator term. * @param bool $remove true to remove the duplicates found, false not to. * * @return bool true if duplicates were found for every IRI. */ protected function _findPropertyGeneratorDuplicates( $active_ctx, $element, $expanded_property, $value, $active_property, $remove) { $rval = true; // get property generator IRIs $iris = $active_ctx->mappings->{$active_property}->{'@id'}; // for each IRI that isn't 'expandedProperty', remove a single duplicate // from element, if found foreach($iris as $iri) { if($rval === false) { break; } if($iri === $expanded_property) { continue; } $rval = false; if(!property_exists($element, $iri)) { break; } $length = count($element->{$iri}); // handle empty array case if(is_array($value) && count($value) === 0) { $rval = true; if($remove) { unset($element->{$iri}); } continue; } // handle other cases for($pi = 0; $pi < $length; ++$pi) { if(self::compareValues($element->{$iri}[$pi], $value)) { // duplicate found $rval = true; if($remove) { // remove it in place array_splice($element->{$iri}, $pi, 1); if(count($element->{$iri}) === 0) { unset($element->{$iri}); } } break; } } } return $rval; } /** * Creates a term definition during context processing. * * @param stdClass $active_ctx the current active context. * @param stdClass $local_ctx the local context being processed. * @param string $term the key in the local context to define the mapping for. * @param stdClass $defined a map of defining/defined keys to detect cycles * and prevent double definitions. */ protected function _createTermDefinition( $active_ctx, $local_ctx, $term, $defined) { if(property_exists($defined, $term)) { // term already defined if($defined->{$term}) { return; } // cycle detected throw new JsonLdException( 'Cyclical context definition detected.', 'jsonld.CyclicalContext', (object)array('context' => $local_ctx, 'term' => $term)); } // now defining term $defined->{$term} = false; if(self::_isKeyword($term)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; keywords cannot be overridden.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('context' => $local_ctx)); } if(property_exists($active_ctx->mappings, $term) && $active_ctx->mappings->{$term} !== null) { // if term is a keyword alias, remove it $kw = $active_ctx->mappings->{$term}->{'@id'}; if(self::_isKeyword($kw)) { array_splice($active_ctx->keywords->{$kw}, array_search($term, $active_ctx->keywords->{$kw}), 1); } } // get context term value $value = $local_ctx->{$term}; // clear context entry if($value === null || (is_object($value) && self::_hasKeyValue($value, '@id', null))) { $active_ctx->mappings->{$term} = null; $defined->{$term} = true; return; } if(is_string($value)) { // expand value to a full IRI $id = $this->_expandIri( $active_ctx, $value, array('vocab' => true, 'base' => true), $local_ctx, $defined); if(self::_isKeyword($value)) { // disallow aliasing @context and @preserve if($value === '@context' || $value === '@preserve') { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; @context and @preserve cannot be aliased.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError'); } // uniquely add term as a keyword alias and resort if(!in_array($term, $active_ctx->keywords->{$value})) { $active_ctx->keywords->{$value}[] = $term; usort($active_ctx->keywords->{$value}, array($this, '_compareShortestLeast')); } } // define/redefine term to expanded IRI/keyword $active_ctx->mappings->{$term} = (object)array( '@id' => $id, 'propertyGenerator' => false); $defined->{$term} = true; return; } if(!is_object($value)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; @context property values must be ' . 'strings or objects.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('context' => $local_ctx)); } // create new mapping $mapping = new stdClass(); $mapping->propertyGenerator = false; if(property_exists($value, '@id')) { $id = $value->{'@id'}; // handle property generator if(is_array($id)) { if($active_ctx->namer === null) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Incompatible JSON-LD options; a property generator was found ' . 'in the @context, but blank node renaming has been disabled; ' . 'it must be enabled to use property generators.', 'jsonld.OptionsError', array('context' => $local_ctx)); } $property_generator = array(); $ids = $id; foreach($ids as $id) { // expand @id if(is_string($id)) { $id = $this->_expandIri( $active_ctx, $id, array('vocab' => true, 'base' => true), $local_ctx, $defined); } if(!is_string($id) || self::_isKeyword($id)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; property generators must consist of ' . 'an @id array containing only strings and no string can be ' . '"@type".', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('context' => $local_ctx)); } $property_generator[] = $id; } // add sorted property generator as @id in mapping sort($property_generator); $mapping->{'@id'} = $property_generator; $mapping->propertyGenerator = true; } else if(!is_string($id)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; @context @id value must be an array ' . 'of strings or a string.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('context' => $local_ctx)); } else { // add @id to mapping $mapping->{'@id'} = $this->_expandIri( $active_ctx, $id, array('vocab' => true, 'base' => true), $local_ctx, $defined); } } else { // see if the term has a prefix $colon = strpos($term, ':'); if($colon !== false) { $prefix = substr($term, 0, $colon); if(property_exists($local_ctx, $prefix)) { // define parent prefix $this->_createTermDefinition( $active_ctx, $local_ctx, $prefix, $defined); } // set @id based on prefix parent if(property_exists($active_ctx->mappings, $prefix) && $active_ctx->mappings->{$prefix}) { $suffix = substr($term, $colon + 1); $mapping->{'@id'} = $active_ctx->mappings->{$prefix}->{'@id'} . $suffix; } // term is an absolute IRI else { $mapping->{'@id'} = $term; } } else { // non-IRIs *must* define @ids if @vocab is not available if(!property_exists($active_ctx, '@vocab')) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; @context terms must define an @id.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('context' => $local_ctx, 'term' => $term)); } // prepend vocab to term $mapping->{'@id'} = $active_ctx->{'@vocab'} . $term; } } if(property_exists($value, '@type')) { $type = $value->{'@type'}; if(!is_string($type)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; @context @type values must be strings.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('context' => $local_ctx)); } if($type !== '@id') { // expand @type to full IRI $type = $this->_expandIri( $active_ctx, $type, array('vocab' => true, 'base' => true), $local_ctx, $defined); } // add @type to mapping $mapping->{'@type'} = $type; } if(property_exists($value, '@container')) { $container = $value->{'@container'}; if($container !== '@list' && $container !== '@set' && $container !== '@index' && $container !== '@language') { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; @context @container value must be ' . 'one of the following: @list, @set, @index, or @language.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('context' => $local_ctx)); } // add @container to mapping $mapping->{'@container'} = $container; } if(property_exists($value, '@language') && !property_exists($value, '@type')) { $language = $value->{'@language'}; if($language !== null && !is_string($language)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; @context @language value must be ' . 'a string or null.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('context' => $local_ctx)); } // add @language to mapping if($language !== null) { $language = strtolower($language); } $mapping->{'@language'} = $language; } // define term mapping $active_ctx->mappings->{$term} = $mapping; $defined->{$term} = true; } /** * Expands a string to a full IRI. The string may be a term, a prefix, a * relative IRI, or an absolute IRI. The associated absolute IRI will be * returned. * * @param stdClass $active_ctx the current active context. * @param string $value the string to expand. * @param assoc $relative_to options for how to resolve relative IRIs: * base: true to resolve against the base IRI, false not to. * vocab: true to concatenate after @vocab, false not to. * @param stdClass $local_ctx the local context being processed (only given * if called during document processing). * @param defined a map for tracking cycles in context definitions (only given * if called during document processing). * * @return mixed the expanded value. */ function _expandIri( $active_ctx, $value, $relative_to=array(), $local_ctx=null, $defined=null) { // nothing to expand if($value === null) { return null; } // define term dependency if not defined if($local_ctx !== null && property_exists($local_ctx, $value) && !self::_hasKeyValue($defined, $value, true)) { $this->_createTermDefinition($active_ctx, $local_ctx, $value, $defined); } $rval = null; if(isset($relative_to['vocab']) && $relative_to['vocab']) { if(property_exists($active_ctx->mappings, $value)) { // term dependency cannot be a property generator $mapping = $active_ctx->mappings->{$value}; if($local_ctx !== null && $mapping && $mapping->propertyGenerator) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; a term definition cannot have a property ' . 'generator as a dependency.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('context' => $local_ctx, 'value' => $value)); } // value is explicitly ignored with a null mapping if($mapping === null) { return null; } // value is a term if(!$mapping->propertyGenerator) { $rval = $mapping->{'@id'}; } } } if($rval === null) { // split value into prefix:suffix $colon = strpos($value, ':'); if($colon !== false) { $prefix = substr($value, 0, $colon); $suffix = substr($value, $colon + 1); // do not expand blank nodes (prefix of '_') or already-absolute // IRIs (suffix of '//') if($prefix !== '_' && strpos($suffix, '//') !== 0) { // prefix dependency not defined, define it if($local_ctx !== null && property_exists($local_ctx, $prefix)) { $this->_createTermDefinition( $active_ctx, $local_ctx, $prefix, $defined); } // use mapping if prefix is defined and not a property generator if(property_exists($active_ctx->mappings, $prefix)) { $mapping = $active_ctx->mappings->{$prefix}; if($mapping && !$mapping->propertyGenerator) { $rval = $active_ctx->mappings->{$prefix}->{'@id'} . $suffix; } } } } } if($rval === null) { $rval = $value; } // keywords need no expanding (aliasing already handled by now) if(self::_isKeyword($rval)) { return $rval; } if(self::_isAbsoluteIri($rval)) { // rename blank node if requested if(!$local_ctx && strpos($rval, '_:') === 0 && $active_ctx->namer !== null) { $rval = $active_ctx->namer->getName($rval); } } // prepend vocab else if(isset($relative_to['vocab']) && $relative_to['vocab'] && property_exists($active_ctx, '@vocab')) { $rval = $active_ctx->{'@vocab'} . $rval; } // prepend base else if(isset($relative_to['base']) && $relative_to['base']) { $rval = jsonld_prepend_base($active_ctx->{'@base'}, $rval); } if($local_ctx) { // value must now be an absolute IRI if(!self::_isAbsoluteIri($rval)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; a @context value does not expand to ' . 'an absolute IRI.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('context' => $local_ctx, 'value' => $value)); } } return $rval; } /** * Finds all @context URLs in the given JSON-LD input. * * @param mixed $input the JSON-LD input. * @param stdClass $urls a map of URLs (url => false/@contexts). * @param bool $replace true to replace the URLs in the given input with * the @contexts from the urls map, false not to. * @param string $base the base URL to resolve relative URLs with. */ protected function _findContextUrls($input, $urls, $replace, $base) { if(is_array($input)) { foreach($input as $e) { $this->_findContextUrls($e, $urls, $replace, $base); } } else if(is_object($input)) { foreach($input as $k => &$v) { if($k !== '@context') { $this->_findContextUrls($v, $urls, $replace, $base); continue; } // array @context if(is_array($v)) { $length = count($v); for($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) { if(is_string($v[$i])) { $url = jsonld_prepend_base($base, $v[$i]); // replace w/@context if requested if($replace) { $ctx = $urls->{$url}; if(is_array($ctx)) { // add flattened context array_splice($v, $i, 1, $ctx); $i += count($ctx); $length += count($ctx); } else { $v[$i] = $ctx; } } // @context URL found else if(!property_exists($urls, $url)) { $urls->{$url} = false; } } } } // string @context else if(is_string($v)) { $v = jsonld_prepend_base($base, $v); // replace w/@context if requested if($replace) { $input->{$k} = $urls->{$v}; } // @context URL found else if(!property_exists($urls, $v)) { $urls->{$v} = false; } } } } } /** * Retrieves external @context URLs using the given context loader. Each * instance of @context in the input that refers to a URL will be replaced * with the JSON @context found at that URL. * * @param mixed $input the JSON-LD input with possible contexts. * @param stdClass $cycles an object for tracking context cycles. * @param callable $load_context(url) the context loader. * @param base $base the base URL to resolve relative URLs against. * * @return mixed the result. */ protected function _retrieveContextUrls( &$input, $cycles, $load_context, $base='') { if(count(get_object_vars($cycles)) > self::MAX_CONTEXT_URLS) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Maximum number of @context URLs exceeded.', 'jsonld.ContextUrlError', array('max' => self::MAX_CONTEXT_URLS)); } // for tracking the URLs to retrieve $urls = new stdClass(); // find all URLs in the given input $this->_findContextUrls($input, $urls, false, $base); // queue all unretrieved URLs $queue = array(); foreach($urls as $url => $ctx) { if($ctx === false) { $queue[] = $url; } } // retrieve URLs in queue foreach($queue as $url) { // check for context URL cycle if(property_exists($cycles, $url)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Cyclical @context URLs detected.', 'jsonld.ContextUrlError', array('url' => $url)); } $_cycles = self::copy($cycles); $_cycles->{$url} = true; // retrieve URL $ctx = $load_context($url); // parse string context as JSON if(is_string($ctx)) { $ctx = json_decode($ctx); switch(json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_NONE: break; case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not parse JSON from URL; the maximum stack depth has ' . 'been exceeded.', 'jsonld.ParseError', array('url' => $url)); case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not parse JSON from URL; invalid or malformed JSON.', 'jsonld.ParseError', array('url' => $url)); case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not parse JSON from URL; syntax error, malformed JSON.', 'jsonld.ParseError', array('url' => $url)); case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not parse JSON from URL; malformed UTF-8 characters.', 'jsonld.ParseError', array('url' => $url)); default: throw new JsonLdException( 'Could not parse JSON from URL; unknown error.', 'jsonld.ParseError', array('url' => $url)); } } // ensure ctx is an object if(!is_object($ctx)) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Derefencing a URL did not result in a valid JSON-LD object.', 'jsonld.InvalidUrl', array('url' => $url)); } // use empty context if no @context key is present if(!property_exists($ctx, '@context')) { $ctx = (object)array('@context' => new stdClass()); } // recurse $this->_retrieveContextUrls($ctx, $_cycles, $load_context, $url); $urls->{$url} = $ctx->{'@context'}; } // replace all URLS in the input $this->_findContextUrls($input, $urls, true, $base); } /** * Gets the initial context. * * @param assoc $options the options to use. * base the document base IRI. * * @return stdClass the initial context. */ protected function _getInitialContext($options) { $namer = null; if(isset($options['renameBlankNodes']) && $options['renameBlankNodes']) { $namer = new UniqueNamer('_:b'); } return (object)array( '@base' => jsonld_parse_url($options['base']), 'mappings' => new stdClass(), 'keywords' => (object)array( '@context' => array(), '@container' => array(), '@default' => array(), '@embed' => array(), '@explicit' => array(), '@graph' => array(), '@id' => array(), '@index' => array(), '@language' => array(), '@list' => array(), '@omitDefault' => array(), '@preserve' => array(), '@set' => array(), '@type' => array(), '@value' => array(), '@vocab' => array()), 'namer' => $namer, 'inverse' => null); } /** * Generates an inverse context for use in the compaction algorithm, if * not already generated for the given active context. * * @param stdClass $active_ctx the active context to use. * * @return stdClass the inverse context. */ protected function _getInverseContext($active_ctx) { $inverse = $active_ctx->inverse = new stdClass(); // handle default language $default_language = '@none'; if(property_exists($active_ctx, '@language')) { $default_language = $active_ctx->{'@language'}; } // create term selections for each mapping in the context, ordered by // shortest and then lexicographically least $mappings = $active_ctx->mappings; $terms = array_keys((array)$mappings); usort($terms, array($this, '_compareShortestLeast')); foreach($terms as $term) { $mapping = $mappings->{$term}; if($mapping === null) { continue; } // add term selection where it applies if(property_exists($mapping, '@container')) { $container = $mapping->{'@container'}; } else { $container = '@none'; } // iterate over every IRI in the mapping $iris = $mapping->{'@id'}; $iris = self::arrayify($iris); foreach($iris as $iri) { // initialize container map if(!property_exists($inverse, $iri)) { $inverse->{$iri} = new stdClass(); } $container_map = $inverse->{$iri}; // add new entry if(!property_exists($container_map, $container)) { $container_map->{$container} = (object)array( '@language' => new stdClass(), '@type' => new stdClass()); } $entry = $container_map->{$container}; // consider updating @language entry if @type is not specified if(!property_exists($mapping, '@type')) { // if a @language is specified, update its specific entry if(property_exists($mapping, '@language')) { $language = $mapping->{'@language'}; if($language === null) { $language = '@null'; } $this->_addPreferredTerm( $mapping, $term, $entry->{'@language'}, $language); } // add an entry for the default language and for no @language else { $this->_addPreferredTerm( $mapping, $term, $entry->{'@language'}, $default_language); $this->_addPreferredTerm( $mapping, $term, $entry->{'@language'}, '@none'); } } // consider updating @type entry if @language is not specified if(!property_exists($mapping, '@language')) { if(property_exists($mapping, '@type')) { $type = $mapping->{'@type'}; } else { $type = '@none'; } $this->_addPreferredTerm($mapping, $term, $entry->{'@type'}, $type); } } } return $inverse; } /** * Adds or updates the term or property generator for the given entry. * * @param stdClass $mapping the term mapping. * @param string $term the term to add. * @param stdClass $entry the inverse context type_or_language entry to * add to. * @param string $type_or_language_value the key in the entry to add to. */ function _addPreferredTerm($mapping, $term, $entry, $type_or_language_value) { if(!property_exists($entry, $type_or_language_value)) { $entry->{$type_or_language_value} = (object)array( 'term' => null, 'propertyGenerators' => array()); } $e = $entry->{$type_or_language_value}; if($mapping->propertyGenerator) { $e->propertyGenerators[] = $term; } else if($e->term === null) { $e->term = $term; } } /** * Clones an active context, creating a child active context. * * @return stdClass a clone (child) of the active context. */ protected function _cloneActiveContext($active_ctx) { $child = new stdClass(); $child->{'@base'} = $active_ctx->{'@base'}; $child->keywords = self::copy($active_ctx->keywords); $child->mappings = self::copy($active_ctx->mappings); $child->namer = $active_ctx->namer; $child->inverse = null; if(property_exists($active_ctx, '@language')) { $child->{'@language'} = $active_ctx->{'@language'}; } if(property_exists($active_ctx, '@vocab')) { $child->{'@vocab'} = $active_ctx->{'@vocab'}; } return $child; } /** * Returns a copy of this active context that can be shared between * different processing algorithms. This method only copies the parts * of the active context that can't be shared. * * @param stdClass $active_ctx the active context to use. * * @return stdClass a shareable copy of the active context. */ public function _shareActiveContext($active_ctx) { $rval = new stdClass(); $rval->{'@base'} = $active_ctx->{'@base'}; $rval->keywords = $active_ctx->keywords; $rval->mappings = $active_ctx->mappings; if($active_ctx->namer !== null) { $rval->namer = new UniqueNamer('_:b'); } $rval->inverse = $active_ctx->inverse; if(property_exists($active_ctx, '@language')) { $rval->{'@language'} = $active_ctx->{'@language'}; } if(property_exists($active_ctx, '@vocab')) { $rval->{'@vocab'} = $active_ctx->{'@vocab'}; } return $rval; } /** * Returns whether or not the given value is a keyword. * * @param string $v the value to check. * * @return bool true if the value is a keyword, false if not. */ protected static function _isKeyword($v) { if(!is_string($v)) { return false; } switch($v) { case '@context': case '@container': case '@default': case '@embed': case '@explicit': case '@graph': case '@id': case '@index': case '@language': case '@list': case '@omitDefault': case '@preserve': case '@set': case '@type': case '@value': case '@vocab': return true; } return false; } /** * Returns true if the given value is an empty Object. * * @param mixed $v the value to check. * * @return bool true if the value is an empty Object, false if not. */ protected static function _isEmptyObject($v) { return is_object($v) && count(get_object_vars($v)) === 0; } /** * Throws an exception if the given value is not a valid @type value. * * @param mixed $v the value to check. */ protected static function _validateTypeValue($v) { // must be a string or empty object if(is_string($v) || self::_isEmptyObject($v)) { return; } // must be an array $is_valid = false; if(is_array($v)) { // must contain only strings $is_valid = true; foreach($v as $e) { if(!(is_string($e))) { $is_valid = false; break; } } } if(!$is_valid) { throw new JsonLdException( 'Invalid JSON-LD syntax; "@type" value must a string, an array ' . 'of strings, or an empty object.', 'jsonld.SyntaxError', array('value' => $v)); } } /** * Returns true if the given value is a subject with properties. * * @param mixed $v the value to check. * * @return bool true if the value is a subject with properties, false if not. */ protected static function _isSubject($v) { // Note: A value is a subject if all of these hold true: // 1. It is an Object. // 2. It is not a @value, @set, or @list. // 3. It has more than 1 key OR any existing key is not @id. $rval = false; if(is_object($v) && !property_exists($v, '@value') && !property_exists($v, '@set') && !property_exists($v, '@list')) { $count = count(get_object_vars($v)); $rval = ($count > 1 || !property_exists($v, '@id')); } return $rval; } /** * Returns true if the given value is a subject reference. * * @param mixed $v the value to check. * * @return bool true if the value is a subject reference, false if not. */ protected static function _isSubjectReference($v) { // Note: A value is a subject reference if all of these hold true: // 1. It is an Object. // 2. It has a single key: @id. return (is_object($v) && count(get_object_vars($v)) === 1 && property_exists($v, '@id')); } /** * Returns true if the given value is a @value. * * @param mixed $v the value to check. * * @return bool true if the value is a @value, false if not. */ protected static function _isValue($v) { // Note: A value is a @value if all of these hold true: // 1. It is an Object. // 2. It has the @value property. return is_object($v) && property_exists($v, '@value'); } /** * Returns true if the given value is a @list. * * @param mixed $v the value to check. * * @return bool true if the value is a @list, false if not. */ protected static function _isList($v) { // Note: A value is a @list if all of these hold true: // 1. It is an Object. // 2. It has the @list property. return is_object($v) && property_exists($v, '@list'); } /** * Returns true if the given value is a blank node. * * @param mixed $v the value to check. * * @return bool true if the value is a blank node, false if not. */ protected static function _isBlankNode($v) { // Note: A value is a blank node if all of these hold true: // 1. It is an Object. // 2. If it has an @id key its value begins with '_:'. // 3. It has no keys OR is not a @value, @set, or @list. $rval = false; if(is_object($v)) { if(property_exists($v, '@id')) { $rval = (strpos($v->{'@id'}, '_:') === 0); } else { $rval = (count(get_object_vars($v)) === 0 || !(property_exists($v, '@value') || property_exists($v, '@set') || property_exists($v, '@list'))); } } return $rval; } /** * Returns true if the given value is an absolute IRI, false if not. * * @param string $v the value to check. * * @return bool true if the value is an absolute IRI, false if not. */ protected static function _isAbsoluteIri($v) { return strpos($v, ':') !== false; } /** * Returns true if the given target has the given key and its * value equals is the given value. * * @param stdClass $target the target object. * @param string key the key to check. * @param mixed $value the value to check. * * @return bool true if the target has the given key and its value matches. */ protected static function _hasKeyValue($target, $key, $value) { return (property_exists($target, $key) && $target->{$key} === $value); } /** * Returns true if both of the given objects have the same value for the * given key or if neither of the objects contain the given key. * * @param stdClass $o1 the first object. * @param stdClass $o2 the second object. * @param string key the key to check. * * @return bool true if both objects have the same value for the key or * neither has the key. */ protected static function _compareKeyValues($o1, $o2, $key) { if(property_exists($o1, $key)) { return property_exists($o2, $key) && $o1->{$key} === $o2->{$key}; } return !property_exists($o2, $key); } } // register the N-Quads RDF parser jsonld_register_rdf_parser( 'application/nquads', 'JsonLdProcessor::parseNQuads'); /** * A JSON-LD Exception. */ class JsonLdException extends Exception { protected $type; protected $details; protected $cause; public function __construct($msg, $type, $details=null, $previous=null) { $this->type = $type; $this->details = $details; $this->cause = $previous; parent::__construct($msg, 0, $previous); } public function __toString() { $rval = __CLASS__ . ": [{$this->type}]: {$this->message}\n"; if($this->details) { $rval .= 'Details: ' . print_r($this->details, true) . "\n"; } if($this->cause) { $rval .= 'Cause: ' . $this->cause; } $rval .= $this->getTraceAsString() . "\n"; return $rval; } }; /** * A UniqueNamer issues unique names, keeping track of any previously issued * names. */ class UniqueNamer { /** * Constructs a new UniqueNamer. * * @param prefix the prefix to use (''). */ public function __construct($prefix) { $this->prefix = $prefix; $this->counter = 0; $this->existing = new stdClass(); $this->order = array(); } /** * Clones this UniqueNamer. */ public function __clone() { $this->existing = clone $this->existing; } /** * Gets the new name for the given old name, where if no old name is given * a new name will be generated. * * @param mixed [$old_name] the old name to get the new name for. * * @return string the new name. */ public function getName($old_name=null) { // return existing old name if($old_name && property_exists($this->existing, $old_name)) { return $this->existing->{$old_name}; } // get next name $name = $this->prefix . $this->counter; $this->counter += 1; // save mapping if($old_name !== null) { $this->existing->{$old_name} = $name; $this->order[] = $old_name; } return $name; } /** * Returns true if the given old name has already been assigned a new name. * * @param string $old_name the old name to check. * * @return true if the old name has been assigned a new name, false if not. */ public function isNamed($old_name) { return property_exists($this->existing, $old_name); } } /** * A Permutator iterates over all possible permutations of the given array * of elements. */ class Permutator { /** * Constructs a new Permutator. * * @param array $list the array of elements to iterate over. */ public function __construct($list) { // original array $this->list = $list; sort($this->list); // indicates whether there are more permutations $this->done = false; // directional info for permutation algorithm $this->left = new stdClass(); foreach($list as $v) { $this->left->{$v} = true; } } /** * Returns true if there is another permutation. * * @return bool true if there is another permutation, false if not. */ public function hasNext() { return !$this->done; } /** * Gets the next permutation. Call hasNext() to ensure there is another one * first. * * @return array the next permutation. */ public function next() { // copy current permutation $rval = $this->list; /* Calculate the next permutation using the Steinhaus-Johnson-Trotter permutation algorithm. */ // get largest mobile element k // (mobile: element is greater than the one it is looking at) $k = null; $pos = 0; $length = count($this->list); for($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) { $element = $this->list[$i]; $left = $this->left->{$element}; if(($k === null || $element > $k) && (($left && $i > 0 && $element > $this->list[$i - 1]) || (!$left && $i < ($length - 1) && $element > $this->list[$i + 1]))) { $k = $element; $pos = $i; } } // no more permutations if($k === null) { $this->done = true; } else { // swap k and the element it is looking at $swap = $this->left->{$k} ? $pos - 1 : $pos + 1; $this->list[$pos] = $this->list[$swap]; $this->list[$swap] = $k; // reverse the direction of all elements larger than k for($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) { if($this->list[$i] > $k) { $this->left->{$this->list[$i]} = !$this->left->{$this->list[$i]}; } } } return $rval; } } /** * An ActiveContextCache caches active contexts so they can be reused without * the overhead of recomputing them. */ class ActiveContextCache { /** * Constructs a new ActiveContextCache. * * @param int size the maximum size of the cache, defaults to 100. */ public function __construct($size=100) { $this->order = array(); $this->cache = new stdClass(); $this->size = $size; } /** * Gets an active context from the cache based on the current active * context and the new local context. * * @param stdClass $active_ctx the current active context. * @param stdClass $local_ctx the new local context. * * @return mixed a shared copy of the cached active context or null. */ public function get($active_ctx, $local_ctx) { $key1 = serialize($active_ctx); $key2 = serialize($local_ctx); if(property_exists($this->cache, $key1)) { $level1 = $this->cache->{$key1}; if(property_exists($level1, $key2)) { // get shareable copy of cached active context return JsonLdProcessor::_shareActiveContext($level1->{$key2}); } } return null; } /** * Sets an active context in the cache based on the previous active * context and the just-processed local context. * * @param stdClass $active_ctx the previous active context. * @param stdClass $local_ctx the just-processed local context. * @param stdClass $result the resulting active context. */ public function set($active_ctx, $local_ctx, $result) { if(count($this->order) === $this->size) { $entry = array_shift($this->order); unset($this->cache->{$entry->activeCtx}->{$entry->localCtx}); } $key1 = serialize($active_ctx); $key2 = serialize($local_ctx); $this->order[] = (object)array( 'activeCtx' => $key1, 'localCtx' => $key2); if(!property_exists($this->cache, $key1)) { $this->cache->{$key1} = new stdClass(); } $this->cache->{$key1}->{$key2} = $result; } } /* end of file, omit ?> */