=a?""+a:"+"+a}),T(0,["YY",2],0,function(){return this.year()%100}),T(0,["YYYY",4],0,"year"),T(0,["YYYYY",5],0,"year"),T(0,["YYYYYY",6,!0],0,"year"),
+a.parseTwoDigitYear=function(a){return t(a)+(t(a)>68?1900:2e3)};
+var ke=N("FullYear",!0);
+Y("w",Kd),Y("ww",Kd,Gd),Y("W",Kd),Y("WW",Kd,Gd),ba(["w","ww","W","WW"],function(a,b,c,d){b[d.substr(0,1)]=t(a)});var le={dow:0,// Sunday is the first day of the week.
+T("d",0,"do","day"),T("dd",0,0,function(a){return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this,a)}),T("ddd",0,0,function(a){return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this,a)}),T("dddd",0,0,function(a){return this.localeData().weekdays(this,a)}),T("e",0,0,"weekday"),T("E",0,0,"isoWeekday"),
+Y("d",Kd),Y("e",Kd),Y("E",Kd),Y("dd",function(a,b){return b.weekdaysMinRegex(a)}),Y("ddd",function(a,b){return b.weekdaysShortRegex(a)}),Y("dddd",function(a,b){return b.weekdaysRegex(a)}),ba(["dd","ddd","dddd"],function(a,b,c,d){var e=c._locale.weekdaysParse(a,d,c._strict);
+// if we didn't get a weekday name, mark the date as invalid
+var me="Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"),ne="Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"),oe="Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"),pe=Vd,qe=Vd,re=Vd;T("H",["HH",2],0,"hour"),T("h",["hh",2],0,Qa),T("k",["kk",2],0,Ra),T("hmm",0,0,function(){return""+Qa.apply(this)+S(this.minutes(),2)}),T("hmmss",0,0,function(){return""+Qa.apply(this)+S(this.minutes(),2)+S(this.seconds(),2)}),T("Hmm",0,0,function(){return""+this.hours()+S(this.minutes(),2)}),T("Hmmss",0,0,function(){return""+this.hours()+S(this.minutes(),2)+S(this.seconds(),2)}),Sa("a",!0),Sa("A",!1),
+L("hour",13),Y("a",Ta),Y("A",Ta),Y("H",Kd),Y("h",Kd),Y("HH",Kd,Gd),Y("hh",Kd,Gd),Y("hmm",Ld),Y("hmmss",Md),Y("Hmm",Ld),Y("Hmmss",Md),aa(["H","HH"],_d),aa(["a","A"],function(a,b,c){c._isPm=c._locale.isPM(a),c._meridiem=a}),aa(["h","hh"],function(a,b,c){b[_d]=t(a),l(c).bigHour=!0}),aa("hmm",function(a,b,c){var d=a.length-2;b[_d]=t(a.substr(0,d)),b[ae]=t(a.substr(d)),l(c).bigHour=!0}),aa("hmmss",function(a,b,c){var d=a.length-4,e=a.length-2;b[_d]=t(a.substr(0,d)),b[ae]=t(a.substr(d,2)),b[be]=t(a.substr(e)),l(c).bigHour=!0}),aa("Hmm",function(a,b,c){var d=a.length-2;b[_d]=t(a.substr(0,d)),b[ae]=t(a.substr(d))}),aa("Hmmss",function(a,b,c){var d=a.length-4,e=a.length-2;b[_d]=t(a.substr(0,d)),b[ae]=t(a.substr(d,2)),b[be]=t(a.substr(e))});var se,te=/[ap]\.?m?\.?/i,ue=N("Hours",!0),ve={calendar:td,longDateFormat:ud,invalidDate:vd,ordinal:wd,ordinalParse:xd,relativeTime:yd,months:ge,monthsShort:he,week:le,weekdays:me,weekdaysMin:oe,weekdaysShort:ne,meridiemParse:te},we={},xe=/^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:\d\d-\d\d|W\d\d-\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?::\d\d(?::\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?/,ye=/^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})(?:\d\d\d\d|W\d\d\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?:\d\d(?:\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?/,ze=/Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/,Ae=[["YYYYYY-MM-DD",/[+-]\d{6}-\d\d-\d\d/],["YYYY-MM-DD",/\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d/],["GGGG-[W]WW-E",/\d{4}-W\d\d-\d/],["GGGG-[W]WW",/\d{4}-W\d\d/,!1],["YYYY-DDD",/\d{4}-\d{3}/],["YYYY-MM",/\d{4}-\d\d/,!1],["YYYYYYMMDD",/[+-]\d{10}/],["YYYYMMDD",/\d{8}/],
+// YYYYMM is NOT allowed by the standard
+["GGGG[W]WWE",/\d{4}W\d{3}/],["GGGG[W]WW",/\d{4}W\d{2}/,!1],["YYYYDDD",/\d{7}/]],Be=[["HH:mm:ss.SSSS",/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+/],["HH:mm:ss,SSSS",/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d+/],["HH:mm:ss",/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/],["HH:mm",/\d\d:\d\d/],["HHmmss.SSSS",/\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d+/],["HHmmss,SSSS",/\d\d\d\d\d\d,\d+/],["HHmmss",/\d\d\d\d\d\d/],["HHmm",/\d\d\d\d/],["HH",/\d\d/]],Ce=/^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i;a.createFromInputFallback=w("value provided is not in a recognized ISO format. moment construction falls back to js Date(), which is not reliable across all browsers and versions. Non ISO date formats are discouraged and will be removed in an upcoming major release. Please refer to http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/js-date/ for more info.",function(a){a._d=new Date(a._i+(a._useUTC?" UTC":""))}),
+// constant that refers to the ISO standard
+a.ISO_8601=function(){};var De=w("moment().min is deprecated, use moment.max instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/min-max/",function(){var a=rb.apply(null,arguments);return this.isValid()&&a.isValid()?this>a?this:a:n()}),Ee=w("moment().max is deprecated, use moment.min instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/min-max/",function(){var a=rb.apply(null,arguments);return this.isValid()&&a.isValid()?a>this?this:a:n()}),Fe=function(){return Date.now?Date.now():+new Date};yb("Z",":"),yb("ZZ",""),
+// timezone chunker
+// '+10:00' > ['10', '00']
+// '-1530' > ['-15', '30']
+var Ge=/([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi;
+// This function will be called whenever a moment is mutated.
+// It is intended to keep the offset in sync with the timezone.
+// ASP.NET json date format regex
+var He=/^(\-)?(?:(\d*)[. ])?(\d+)\:(\d+)(?:\:(\d+)(\.\d*)?)?$/,Ie=/^(-)?P(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/;Nb.fn=vb.prototype;var Je=Rb(1,"add"),Ke=Rb(-1,"subtract");a.defaultFormat="YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ",a.defaultFormatUtc="YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]";var Le=w("moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.",function(a){return void 0===a?this.localeData():this.locale(a)});
+T(0,["gg",2],0,function(){return this.weekYear()%100}),T(0,["GG",2],0,function(){return this.isoWeekYear()%100}),xc("gggg","weekYear"),xc("ggggg","weekYear"),xc("GGGG","isoWeekYear"),xc("GGGGG","isoWeekYear"),
+Y("D",Kd),Y("DD",Kd,Gd),Y("Do",function(a,b){return a?b._ordinalParse:b._ordinalParseLenient}),aa(["D","DD"],$d),aa("Do",function(a,b){b[$d]=t(a.match(Kd)[0],10)});
+var Me=N("Date",!0);
+var Ne=N("Minutes",!1);
+var Oe=N("Seconds",!1);
+T("S",0,0,function(){return~~(this.millisecond()/100)}),T(0,["SS",2],0,function(){return~~(this.millisecond()/10)}),T(0,["SSS",3],0,"millisecond"),T(0,["SSSS",4],0,function(){return 10*this.millisecond()}),T(0,["SSSSS",5],0,function(){return 100*this.millisecond()}),T(0,["SSSSSS",6],0,function(){return 1e3*this.millisecond()}),T(0,["SSSSSSS",7],0,function(){return 1e4*this.millisecond()}),T(0,["SSSSSSSS",8],0,function(){return 1e5*this.millisecond()}),T(0,["SSSSSSSSS",9],0,function(){return 1e6*this.millisecond()}),
+Y("S",Nd,Fd),Y("SS",Nd,Gd),Y("SSS",Nd,Hd);var Pe;for(Pe="SSSS";Pe.length<=9;Pe+="S")Y(Pe,Qd);for(Pe="S";Pe.length<=9;Pe+="S")aa(Pe,Gc);
+var Qe=N("Milliseconds",!1);
+T("z",0,0,"zoneAbbr"),T("zz",0,0,"zoneName");var Re=q.prototype;Re.add=Je,Re.calendar=Ub,Re.clone=Vb,Re.diff=ac,Re.endOf=mc,Re.format=ec,Re.from=fc,Re.fromNow=gc,Re.to=hc,Re.toNow=ic,Re.get=Q,Re.invalidAt=vc,Re.isAfter=Wb,Re.isBefore=Xb,Re.isBetween=Yb,Re.isSame=Zb,Re.isSameOrAfter=$b,Re.isSameOrBefore=_b,Re.isValid=tc,Re.lang=Le,Re.locale=jc,Re.localeData=kc,Re.max=Ee,Re.min=De,Re.parsingFlags=uc,Re.set=R,Re.startOf=lc,Re.subtract=Ke,Re.toArray=qc,Re.toObject=rc,Re.toDate=pc,Re.toISOString=dc,Re.toJSON=sc,Re.toString=cc,Re.unix=oc,Re.valueOf=nc,Re.creationData=wc,
+// Year
+// Week Year
+// Quarter
+// Month
+// Week
+// Day
+// Hour
+// Minute
+// Second
+// Millisecond
+// Offset
+// Timezone
+// Deprecations
+Re.dates=w("dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.",Me),Re.months=w("months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead",ja),Re.years=w("years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead",ke),Re.zone=w("moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/zone/",Db),Re.isDSTShifted=w("isDSTShifted is deprecated. See http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/dst-shifted/ for more information",Jb);var Se=Re,Te=B.prototype;Te.calendar=C,Te.longDateFormat=D,Te.invalidDate=E,Te.ordinal=F,Te.preparse=Lc,Te.postformat=Lc,Te.relativeTime=G,Te.pastFuture=H,Te.set=z,
+// Month
+// Week
+// Day of Week
+// Hours
+Te.isPM=Ua,Te.meridiem=Va,Za("en",{ordinalParse:/\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/,ordinal:function(a){var b=a%10,c=1===t(a%100/10)?"th":1===b?"st":2===b?"nd":3===b?"rd":"th";return a+c}}),
+// Side effect imports
+a.lang=w("moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.",Za),a.langData=w("moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.",ab);var Ue=Math.abs,Ve=cd("ms"),We=cd("s"),Xe=cd("m"),Ye=cd("h"),Ze=cd("d"),$e=cd("w"),_e=cd("M"),af=cd("y"),bf=ed("milliseconds"),cf=ed("seconds"),df=ed("minutes"),ef=ed("hours"),ff=ed("days"),gf=ed("months"),hf=ed("years"),jf=Math.round,kf={s:45,// seconds to minute
+m:45,// minutes to hour
+h:22,// hours to day
+d:26,// days to month
+// Deprecations
+mf.toIsoString=w("toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)",ld),mf.lang=Le,
+// Side effect imports
+Y("x",Rd),Y("X",Ud),aa("X",function(a,b,c){c._d=new Date(1e3*parseFloat(a,10))}),aa("x",function(a,b,c){c._d=new Date(t(a))}),
+// Side effect imports
+a.version="2.15.1",b(rb),a.fn=Se,a.min=tb,a.max=ub,a.now=Fe,a.utc=j,a.unix=Jc,a.months=Pc,a.isDate=f,a.locale=Za,a.invalid=n,a.duration=Nb,a.isMoment=r,a.weekdays=Rc,a.parseZone=Kc,a.localeData=ab,a.isDuration=wb,a.monthsShort=Qc,a.weekdaysMin=Tc,a.defineLocale=$a,a.updateLocale=_a,a.locales=bb,a.weekdaysShort=Sc,a.normalizeUnits=J,a.relativeTimeRounding=id,a.relativeTimeThreshold=jd,a.calendarFormat=Tb,a.prototype=Se;var nf=a;return nf});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/admin.php b/mod/admin.php
index 547c37fb6..9eb86720d 100644
--- a/mod/admin.php
+++ b/mod/admin.php
@@ -269,34 +269,43 @@ function admin_page_federation(&$a) {
// off one % two of them are needed in the query
// Add more platforms if you like, when one returns 0 known nodes it is not
// displayed on the stats page.
- $platforms = array('Friendica', 'Diaspora', '%%red%%', 'Hubzilla', 'GNU Social', 'StatusNet');
+ $platforms = array('Friendica', 'Diaspora', '%%red%%', 'Hubzilla', 'BlaBlaNet', 'GNU Social', 'StatusNet', 'Mastodon');
$colors = array('Friendica' => '#ffc018', // orange from the logo
- 'Diaspora' => '#a1a1a1', // logo is black and white, makes a gray
+ 'Diaspora' => '#a1a1a1', // logo is black and white, makes a gray
'%%red%%' => '#c50001', // fire red from the logo
'Hubzilla' => '#43488a', // blue from the logo
+ 'BlaBlaNet' => '#3B5998', // blue from the navbar at blablanet-dot-com
'GNU Social'=> '#a22430', // dark red from the logo
- 'StatusNet' => '#789240'); // the green from the logo (red and blue have already others
+ 'StatusNet' => '#789240', // the green from the logo (red and blue have already others
+ 'Mastodon' => '#1a9df9'); // blue from the Mastodon logo
$counts = array();
$total = 0;
foreach ($platforms as $p) {
// get a total count for the platform, the name and version of the
// highest version and the protocol tpe
- $c = q('SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total`, `platform`, `network`, `version` FROM `gserver`
- WHERE `platform` LIKE "%s" AND `last_contact` > `last_failure` AND `version` != ""
+ $c = qu('SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total`, `platform`, `network`, `version` FROM `gserver`
+ WHERE `platform` LIKE "%s" AND `last_contact` > `last_failure`
ORDER BY `version` ASC;', $p);
$total = $total + $c[0]['total'];
// what versions for that platform do we know at all?
// again only the active nodes
- $v = q('SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total`, `version` FROM `gserver`
- WHERE `last_contact` > `last_failure` AND `platform` LIKE "%s" AND `version` != ""
+ $v = qu('SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total`, `version` FROM `gserver`
+ WHERE `last_contact` > `last_failure` AND `platform` LIKE "%s"
GROUP BY `version`
ORDER BY `version`;', $p);
// clean up version numbers
+ // some platforms do not provide version information, add a unkown there
+ // to the version string for the displayed list.
+ foreach ($v as $key => $value) {
+ if ($v[$key]['version'] == '') {
+ $v[$key] = array('total'=>$v[$key]['total'], 'version'=>t('unknown'));
+ }
+ }
// in the DB the Diaspora versions have the format x.x.x.x-xx the last
// part (-xx) should be removed to clean up the versions from the "head
// commit" information and combined into a single entry for x.x.x.x
@@ -434,17 +443,17 @@ function admin_page_summary(&$a) {
logger('accounts: '.print_r($accounts,true),LOGGER_DATA);
- $r = q("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `count` FROM `register`");
+ $r = qu("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `count` FROM `register`");
$pending = $r[0]['count'];
- $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `deliverq` WHERE 1");
+ $r = qu("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `deliverq` WHERE 1");
$deliverq = (($r) ? $r[0]['total'] : 0);
- $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `queue` WHERE 1");
+ $r = qu("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `queue` WHERE 1");
$queue = (($r) ? $r[0]['total'] : 0);
if (get_config('system','worker')) {
- $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `workerqueue` WHERE 1");
+ $r = qu("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `workerqueue` WHERE 1");
$workerqueue = (($r) ? $r[0]['total'] : 0);
} else {
$workerqueue = 0;
@@ -460,6 +469,7 @@ function admin_page_summary(&$a) {
'$title' => t('Administration'),
'$page' => t('Summary'),
'$queues' => $queues,
+ '$workeractive' => get_config('system','worker'),
'$users' => array(t('Registered users'), $users),
'$accounts' => $accounts,
'$pending' => array(t('Pending registrations'), $pending),
@@ -549,7 +559,7 @@ function admin_page_site_post(&$a) {
$users = q("SELECT `uid` FROM `user` WHERE `account_removed` = 0 AND `account_expired` = 0");
foreach ($users as $user) {
- proc_run('php', 'include/notifier.php', 'relocate', $user['uid']);
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'include/notifier.php', 'relocate', $user['uid']);
info("Relocation started. Could take a while to complete.");
@@ -641,6 +651,7 @@ function admin_page_site_post(&$a) {
$worker = ((x($_POST,'worker')) ? True : False);
$worker_queues = ((x($_POST,'worker_queues')) ? intval($_POST['worker_queues']) : 4);
$worker_dont_fork = ((x($_POST,'worker_dont_fork')) ? True : False);
+ $worker_fastlane = ((x($_POST,'worker_fastlane')) ? True : False);
if($a->get_path() != "")
$diaspora_enabled = false;
@@ -790,6 +801,7 @@ function admin_page_site_post(&$a) {
set_config('system','worker', $worker);
set_config('system','worker_queues', $worker_queues);
set_config('system','worker_dont_fork', $worker_dont_fork);
+ set_config('system','worker_fastlane', $worker_fastlane);
if($rino==2 and !function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv')) {
notice(t("RINO2 needs mcrypt php extension to work."));
@@ -817,7 +829,7 @@ function admin_page_site_post(&$a) {
function admin_page_site(&$a) {
/* Installed langs */
- $lang_choices = get_avaiable_languages();
+ $lang_choices = get_available_languages();
if(strlen(get_config('system','directory_submit_url')) AND
!strlen(get_config('system','directory'))) {
@@ -1020,6 +1032,7 @@ function admin_page_site(&$a) {
'$worker' => array('worker', t("Enable 'worker' background processing"), get_config('system','worker'), t("The worker background processing limits the number of parallel background jobs to a maximum number and respects the system load.")),
'$worker_queues' => array('worker_queues', t("Maximum number of parallel workers"), get_config('system','worker_queues'), t("On shared hosters set this to 2. On larger systems, values of 10 are great. Default value is 4.")),
'$worker_dont_fork' => array('worker_dont_fork', t("Don't use 'proc_open' with the worker"), get_config('system','worker_dont_fork'), t("Enable this if your system doesn't allow the use of 'proc_open'. This can happen on shared hosters. If this is enabled you should increase the frequency of poller calls in your crontab.")),
+ '$worker_fastlane' => array('worker_fastlane', t("Enable fastlane"), get_config('system','worker_fastlane'), t("When enabed, the fastlane mechanism starts an additional worker if processes with higher priority are blocked by processes of lower priority.")),
'$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("admin_site")
@@ -1123,18 +1136,20 @@ function admin_page_dbsync(&$a) {
* @param App $a
function admin_page_users_post(&$a){
- $pending = (x($_POST, 'pending') ? $_POST['pending'] : array());
- $users = (x($_POST, 'user') ? $_POST['user'] : array());
- $nu_name = (x($_POST, 'new_user_name') ? $_POST['new_user_name'] : '');
- $nu_nickname = (x($_POST, 'new_user_nickname') ? $_POST['new_user_nickname'] : '');
- $nu_email = (x($_POST, 'new_user_email') ? $_POST['new_user_email'] : '');
+ $pending = (x($_POST, 'pending') ? $_POST['pending'] : array());
+ $users = (x($_POST, 'user') ? $_POST['user'] : array());
+ $nu_name = (x($_POST, 'new_user_name') ? $_POST['new_user_name'] : '');
+ $nu_nickname = (x($_POST, 'new_user_nickname') ? $_POST['new_user_nickname'] : '');
+ $nu_email = (x($_POST, 'new_user_email') ? $_POST['new_user_email'] : '');
+ $nu_language = get_config('system', 'language');
check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/admin/users', 'admin_users');
if(!($nu_name==="") && !($nu_email==="") && !($nu_nickname==="")) {
- $result = create_user(array('username'=>$nu_name, 'email'=>$nu_email, 'nickname'=>$nu_nickname, 'verified'=>1));
+ $result = create_user(array('username'=>$nu_name, 'email'=>$nu_email,
+ 'nickname'=>$nu_nickname, 'verified'=>1, 'language'=>$nu_language));
if(! $result['success']) {
@@ -1265,7 +1280,7 @@ function admin_page_users(&$a){
/* get users */
- $total = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `user` WHERE 1");
+ $total = qu("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `user` WHERE 1");
if(count($total)) {
@@ -1273,14 +1288,14 @@ function admin_page_users(&$a){
/* ordering */
$valid_orders = array(
- 'contact.name',
+ 'contact.name',
- 'lastitem.lastitem_date',
+ 'lastitem_date',
$order = "contact.name";
$order_direction = "+";
if (x($_GET,'o')){
@@ -1289,38 +1304,28 @@ function admin_page_users(&$a){
$order_direction = "-";
$new_order = substr($new_order,1);
if (in_array($new_order, $valid_orders)){
$order = $new_order;
if (x($_GET,'d')){
$new_direction = $_GET['d'];
$sql_order = "`".str_replace('.','`.`',$order)."`";
$sql_order_direction = ($order_direction==="+")?"ASC":"DESC";
- $users = q("SELECT `user`.* , `contact`.`name` , `contact`.`url` , `contact`.`micro`, `lastitem`.`lastitem_date`, `user`.`account_expired`
- (SELECT MAX(`item`.`changed`) as `lastitem_date`, `item`.`uid`
- FROM `item`
- WHERE `item`.`type` = 'wall'
- GROUP BY `item`.`uid`) AS `lastitem`
- RIGHT OUTER JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `lastitem`.`uid`,
- `contact`
- `user`.`uid` = `contact`.`uid`
- AND `user`.`verified` =1
- AND `contact`.`self` =1
- ORDER BY $sql_order $sql_order_direction LIMIT %d, %d
- ",
+ $users = qu("SELECT `user`.*, `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`micro`, `user`.`account_expired`, `contact`.`last-item` AS `lastitem_date`
+ FROM `user`
+ INNER JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`uid` = `user`.`uid` AND `contact`.`self`
+ WHERE `user`.`verified`
+ ORDER BY $sql_order $sql_order_direction LIMIT %d, %d",
//echo "$users"; killme();
$adminlist = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $a->config['admin_email']));
$_setup_users = function ($e) use ($adminlist){
$accounts = array(
@@ -1864,6 +1869,12 @@ function admin_page_logs(&$a){
LOGGER_DATA => 'Data',
+ if (ini_get('log_errors')) {
+ $phplogenabled = t('PHP log currently enabled.');
+ } else {
+ $phplogenabled = t('PHP log currently disabled.');
+ }
$t = get_markup_template("admin_logs.tpl");
@@ -1884,6 +1895,7 @@ function admin_page_logs(&$a){
'$phpheader' => t("PHP logging"),
'$phphint' => t("To enable logging of PHP errors and warnings you can add the following to the .htconfig.php file of your installation. The filename set in the 'error_log' line is relative to the friendica top-level directory and must be writeable by the web server. The option '1' for 'log_errors' and 'display_errors' is to enable these options, set to '0' to disable them."),
'$phplogcode' => "error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);\nini_set('error_log','php.out');\nini_set('log_errors','1');\nini_set('display_errors', '1');",
+ '$phplogenabled' => $phplogenabled,
diff --git a/mod/allfriends.php b/mod/allfriends.php
index 498b9d7db..03f78e696 100644
--- a/mod/allfriends.php
+++ b/mod/allfriends.php
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ function allfriends_content(&$a) {
'details' => $contact_details['location'],
'tags' => $contact_details['keywords'],
'about' => $contact_details['about'],
- 'account_type' => (($contact_details['community']) ? t('Forum') : ''),
+ 'account_type' => account_type($contact_details),
'network' => network_to_name($contact_details['network'], $contact_details['url']),
'photo_menu' => $photo_menu,
'conntxt' => t('Connect'),
diff --git a/mod/cal.php b/mod/cal.php
index a211a0ead..3a229ebad 100644
--- a/mod/cal.php
+++ b/mod/cal.php
@@ -40,10 +40,7 @@ function cal_init(&$a) {
$profile = get_profiledata_by_nick($nick, $a->profile_uid);
- if((intval($profile['page-flags']) == PAGE_COMMUNITY) || (intval($profile['page-flags']) == PAGE_PRVGROUP))
- $account_type = t('Forum');
- else
- $account_type = "";
+ $account_type = account_type($profile);
$tpl = get_markup_template("vcard-widget.tpl");
@@ -201,8 +198,8 @@ function cal_content(&$a) {
if ($a->argv[2] === 'json'){
- if (x($_GET,'start')) $start = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", $_GET['start']);
- if (x($_GET,'end')) $finish = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", $_GET['end']);
+ if (x($_GET,'start')) $start = $_GET['start'];
+ if (x($_GET,'end')) $finish = $_GET['end'];
$start = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$start);
@@ -256,7 +253,7 @@ function cal_content(&$a) {
$tpl = get_markup_template("event.tpl");
} else {
// if (get_config('experimentals','new_calendar')==1){
- $tpl = get_markup_template("events-js.tpl");
+ $tpl = get_markup_template("events_js.tpl");
// } else {
// $tpl = get_markup_template("events.tpl");
// }
@@ -287,8 +284,7 @@ function cal_content(&$a) {
"month" => t("month"),
"week" => t("week"),
"day" => t("day"),
+ "list" => t("list"),
if (x($_GET,'id')){ echo $o; killme(); }
@@ -304,25 +300,32 @@ function cal_content(&$a) {
// Test permissions
// Respect the export feature setting for all other /cal pages if it's not the own profile
- if( ((local_user() !== $owner_uid)) && ! feature_enabled($owner_uid, "export_calendar")) {
+ if( ((local_user() !== intval($owner_uid))) && ! feature_enabled($owner_uid, "export_calendar")) {
notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL);
- return;
+ goaway('cal/' . $nick);
// Get the export data by uid
$evexport = event_export($owner_uid, $format);
- if ($evexport["success"] == false ) {
+ if (!$evexport["success"]) {
notice( t('This calendar format is not supported') );
notice( t('No exportable data found'));
- return;
+ // If it the own calendar return to the events page
+ // otherwise to the profile calendar page
+ if (local_user() === intval($owner_uid))
+ $return_path = "events";
+ else
+ $returnpath = "cal/".$nick;
+ goaway($return_path);
// If nothing went wrong we can echo the export content
- if ($evexport["success"] == true ) {
+ if ($evexport["success"]) {
header('Content-type: text/calendar');
header('content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . t('calendar') . '-' . $nick . '.' . $evexport["extension"] . '"' );
echo $evexport["content"];
diff --git a/mod/common.php b/mod/common.php
index 9b2c69f6d..063eafe67 100644
--- a/mod/common.php
+++ b/mod/common.php
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ function common_content(&$a) {
'details' => $contact_details['location'],
'tags' => $contact_details['keywords'],
'about' => $contact_details['about'],
- 'account_type' => (($contact_details['community']) ? t('Forum') : ''),
+ 'account_type' => account_type($contact_details),
'network' => network_to_name($contact_details['network'], $contact_details['url']),
'photo_menu' => $photo_menu,
'id' => ++$id,
diff --git a/mod/community.php b/mod/community.php
index 06a96c740..c8d1e0c9d 100644
--- a/mod/community.php
+++ b/mod/community.php
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function community_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
// OR your own posts if you are a logged in member
if(get_config('system', 'old_pager')) {
- $r = q("SELECT COUNT(distinct(`item`.`uri`)) AS `total`
+ $r = qu("SELECT COUNT(distinct(`item`.`uri`)) AS `total`
FROM `item` INNER JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id`
AND `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`pending` = 0
INNER JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `item`.`uid` AND `user`.`hidewall` = 0
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ function community_getitems($start, $itemspage) {
if (get_config('system','community_page_style') == CP_GLOBAL_COMMUNITY)
return(community_getpublicitems($start, $itemspage));
- $r = q("SELECT %s
+ $r = qu("SELECT %s
FROM `thread` FORCE INDEX (`wall_private_received`)
INNER JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `thread`.`uid` AND NOT `user`.`hidewall`
INNER JOIN `item` ON `item`.`id` = `thread`.`iid`
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ function community_getitems($start, $itemspage) {
function community_getpublicitems($start, $itemspage) {
- $r = q("SELECT %s
+ $r = qu("SELECT %s
FROM `thread`
INNER JOIN `item` ON `item`.`id` = `thread`.`iid` %s
WHERE `thread`.`uid` = 0
diff --git a/mod/contacts.php b/mod/contacts.php
index f6551c8a7..1c1c21638 100644
--- a/mod/contacts.php
+++ b/mod/contacts.php
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ function contacts_init(&$a) {
if (($a->data['contact']['network'] != "") AND ($a->data['contact']['network'] != NETWORK_DFRN)) {
$networkname = format_network_name($a->data['contact']['network'],$a->data['contact']['url']);
- } else
+ } else
$networkname = '';
$vcard_widget = replace_macros(get_markup_template("vcard-widget.tpl"),array(
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function contacts_init(&$a) {
'$addr' => (($a->data['contact']['addr'] != "") ? ($a->data['contact']['addr']) : ""),
'$network_name' => $networkname,
'$network' => t('Network:'),
- 'account_type' => (($a->data['contact']['forum'] || $a->data['contact']['prv']) ? t('Forum') : '')
+ '$account_type' => account_type($a->data['contact'])
$finpeople_widget = '';
$follow_widget = '';
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ function _contact_update($contact_id) {
} else
// pull feed and consume it, which should subscribe to the hub.
- proc_run('php',"include/onepoll.php","$contact_id", "force");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/onepoll.php", $contact_id, "force");
function _contact_update_profile($contact_id) {
@@ -623,9 +623,11 @@ function contacts_content(&$a) {
'$url' => $url,
'$profileurllabel' => t('Profile URL'),
'$profileurl' => $contact['url'],
- 'account_type' => (($contact['forum'] || $contact['prv']) ? t('Forum') : ''),
+ '$account_type' => account_type($contact),
'$location' => bbcode($contact["location"]),
'$location_label' => t("Location:"),
+ '$xmpp' => bbcode($contact["xmpp"]),
+ '$xmpp_label' => t("XMPP:"),
'$about' => bbcode($contact["about"], false, false),
'$about_label' => t("About:"),
'$keywords' => $contact["keywords"],
@@ -899,8 +901,6 @@ function contact_posts($a, $contact_id) {
function _contact_detail_for_template($rr){
- $community = '';
switch($rr['rel']) {
$dir_icon = 'images/lrarrow.gif';
@@ -926,11 +926,6 @@ function _contact_detail_for_template($rr){
$sparkle = '';
- //test if contact is a forum page
- if (isset($rr['forum']) OR isset($rr['prv']))
- $community = ($rr['forum'] OR $rr['prv']);
return array(
'img_hover' => sprintf( t('Visit %s\'s profile [%s]'),$rr['name'],$rr['url']),
'edit_hover' => t('Edit contact'),
@@ -941,7 +936,7 @@ function _contact_detail_for_template($rr){
'thumb' => proxy_url($rr['thumb'], false, PROXY_SIZE_THUMB),
'name' => htmlentities($rr['name']),
'username' => htmlentities($rr['name']),
- 'account_type' => ($community ? t('Forum') : ''),
+ 'account_type' => account_type($rr),
'sparkle' => $sparkle,
'itemurl' => (($rr['addr'] != "") ? $rr['addr'] : $rr['url']),
'url' => $url,
diff --git a/mod/dfrn_confirm.php b/mod/dfrn_confirm.php
index 25694a67f..51cd59c62 100644
--- a/mod/dfrn_confirm.php
+++ b/mod/dfrn_confirm.php
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ function dfrn_confirm_post(&$a,$handsfree = null) {
$i = item_store($arr);
- proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","activity","$i");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", "activity", $i);
@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ function dfrn_confirm_post(&$a,$handsfree = null) {
$i = item_store($arr);
- proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","activity","$i");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", "activity", $i);
diff --git a/mod/directory.php b/mod/directory.php
index a6a9cb8ab..06aeec622 100644
--- a/mod/directory.php
+++ b/mod/directory.php
@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ function directory_content(&$a) {
foreach($r as $rr) {
- $community = '';
$itemurl= '';
$itemurl = (($rr['addr'] != "") ? $rr['addr'] : $rr['profile_url']);
@@ -128,13 +127,6 @@ function directory_content(&$a) {
// if(strlen($rr['gender']))
// $details .= ' ' . t('Gender: ') . $rr['gender'];
- // show if account is a community account
- /// @TODO The other page types should be also respected, but first we need a good
- /// translatiion and systemwide consistency for displaying the page type
- if((intval($rr['page-flags']) == PAGE_COMMUNITY) OR (intval($rr['page-flags']) == PAGE_PRVGROUP))
- $community = true;
$profile = $rr;
if((x($profile,'address') == 1)
@@ -171,7 +163,7 @@ function directory_content(&$a) {
'img_hover' => $rr['name'],
'name' => $rr['name'],
'details' => $details,
- 'account_type' => ($community ? t('Forum') : ''),
+ 'account_type' => account_type($rr),
'profile' => $profile,
'location' => $location_e,
'tags' => $rr['pub_keywords'],
diff --git a/mod/dirfind.php b/mod/dirfind.php
index 0638fe14f..215731978 100644
--- a/mod/dirfind.php
+++ b/mod/dirfind.php
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ function dirfind_content(&$a, $prefix = "") {
// Add found profiles from the global directory to the local directory
- proc_run('php','include/discover_poco.php', "dirsearch", urlencode($search));
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_LOW, 'include/discover_poco.php', "dirsearch", urlencode($search));
} else {
$p = (($a->pager['page'] != 1) ? '&p=' . $a->pager['page'] : '');
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ function dirfind_content(&$a, $prefix = "") {
'details' => $contact_details['location'],
'tags' => $contact_details['keywords'],
'about' => $contact_details['about'],
- 'account_type' => (($contact_details['community']) ? t('Forum') : ''),
+ 'account_type' => account_type($contact_details),
'network' => network_to_name($jj->network, $jj->url),
'id' => ++$id,
diff --git a/mod/display.php b/mod/display.php
index f879a91ae..293156cf1 100644
--- a/mod/display.php
+++ b/mod/display.php
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
function display_init(&$a) {
- if((get_config('system','block_public')) && (! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) {
+ if ((get_config('system','block_public')) && (! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) {
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ function display_init(&$a) {
// Does the local user have this item?
if (local_user()) {
- $r = q("SELECT `id`, `parent`, `author-name`, `author-link`, `author-avatar`, `network`, `body`, `uid`, `owner-link` FROM `item`
+ $r = qu("SELECT `id`, `parent`, `author-name`, `author-link`, `author-avatar`, `network`, `body`, `uid`, `owner-link` FROM `item`
WHERE `item`.`visible` AND NOT `item`.`deleted` AND NOT `item`.`moderated`
AND `guid` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d", dbesc($a->argv[1]), local_user());
- if (count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$nick = $a->user["nickname"];
$itemuid = local_user();
@@ -27,16 +27,15 @@ function display_init(&$a) {
// Or is it anywhere on the server?
if ($nick == "") {
- $r = q("SELECT `user`.`nickname`, `item`.`id`, `item`.`parent`, `item`.`author-name`,
+ $r = qu("SELECT `user`.`nickname`, `item`.`id`, `item`.`parent`, `item`.`author-name`,
`item`.`author-link`, `item`.`author-avatar`, `item`.`network`, `item`.`uid`, `item`.`owner-link`, `item`.`body`
- FROM `item` INNER JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `item`.`uid`
+ FROM `item` STRAIGHT_JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `item`.`uid`
WHERE `item`.`visible` AND NOT `item`.`deleted` AND NOT `item`.`moderated`
AND `item`.`allow_cid` = '' AND `item`.`allow_gid` = ''
AND `item`.`deny_cid` = '' AND `item`.`deny_gid` = ''
AND NOT `item`.`private` AND NOT `user`.`hidewall`
AND `item`.`guid` = '%s'", dbesc($a->argv[1]));
- // AND NOT `item`.`private` AND `item`.`wall`
- if (count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$nick = $r[0]["nickname"];
$itemuid = $r[0]["uid"];
@@ -44,33 +43,32 @@ function display_init(&$a) {
// Is it an item with uid=0?
if ($nick == "") {
- $r = q("SELECT `item`.`id`, `item`.`parent`, `item`.`author-name`, `item`.`author-link`,
+ $r = qu("SELECT `item`.`id`, `item`.`parent`, `item`.`author-name`, `item`.`author-link`,
`item`.`author-avatar`, `item`.`network`, `item`.`uid`, `item`.`owner-link`, `item`.`body`
FROM `item` WHERE `item`.`visible` AND NOT `item`.`deleted` AND NOT `item`.`moderated`
AND `item`.`allow_cid` = '' AND `item`.`allow_gid` = ''
AND `item`.`deny_cid` = '' AND `item`.`deny_gid` = ''
AND NOT `item`.`private` AND `item`.`uid` = 0
AND `item`.`guid` = '%s'", dbesc($a->argv[1]));
- // AND NOT `item`.`private` AND `item`.`wall`
- if (count($r)) {
- if ($r[0]["id"] != $r[0]["parent"])
- $r = q("SELECT `id`, `author-name`, `author-link`, `author-avatar`, `network`, `body`, `uid`, `owner-link` FROM `item`
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
+ if ($r[0]["id"] != $r[0]["parent"]) {
+ $r = qu("SELECT `id`, `author-name`, `author-link`, `author-avatar`, `network`, `body`, `uid`, `owner-link` FROM `item`
WHERE `item`.`visible` AND NOT `item`.`deleted` AND NOT `item`.`moderated`
AND `id` = %d", $r[0]["parent"]);
+ }
if (($itemuid != local_user()) AND local_user()) {
// Do we know this contact but we haven't got this item?
// Copy the wohle thread to our local storage so that we can interact.
// We really should change this need for the future since it scales very bad.
$contactid = get_contact($r[0]['owner-link'], local_user());
if ($contactid) {
- $items = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `parent` = %d ORDER BY `id`", intval($r[0]["id"]));
+ $items = qu("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `parent` = %d ORDER BY `id`", intval($r[0]["id"]));
foreach ($items AS $item) {
$itemcontactid = get_contact($item['owner-link'], local_user());
- if (!$itemcontactid)
+ if (!$itemcontactid) {
$itemcontactid = $contactid;
+ }
$item['uid'] = local_user();
$item['origin'] = 0;
@@ -87,21 +85,22 @@ function display_init(&$a) {
$nickname = str_replace(normalise_link($a->get_baseurl())."/profile/", "", normalise_link($profiledata["url"]));
if (($nickname != $a->user["nickname"])) {
- $r = q("SELECT `profile`.`uid` AS `profile_uid`, `profile`.* , `contact`.`avatar-date` AS picdate, `user`.* FROM `profile`
+ $r = qu("SELECT `profile`.`uid` AS `profile_uid`, `profile`.* , `contact`.`avatar-date` AS picdate, `user`.* FROM `profile`
INNER JOIN `contact` on `contact`.`uid` = `profile`.`uid` INNER JOIN `user` ON `profile`.`uid` = `user`.`uid`
WHERE `user`.`nickname` = '%s' AND `profile`.`is-default` AND `contact`.`self` LIMIT 1",
- if (count($r))
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$profiledata = $r[0];
+ }
$profiledata["network"] = NETWORK_DFRN;
- } else
+ } else {
$profiledata = array();
+ }
} else {
$a->error = 404;
- notice( t('Item not found.') . EOL);
+ notice(t('Item not found.') . EOL);
@@ -129,48 +128,49 @@ function display_fetchauthor($a, $item) {
// Skip if it isn't a pure repeated messages
// Does it start with a share?
- if (!$skip AND strpos($body, "[share") > 0)
+ if (!$skip AND strpos($body, "[share") > 0) {
$skip = true;
+ }
// Does it end with a share?
- if (!$skip AND (strlen($body) > (strrpos($body, "[/share]") + 8)))
+ if (!$skip AND (strlen($body) > (strrpos($body, "[/share]") + 8))) {
$skip = true;
+ }
if (!$skip) {
$attributes = preg_replace("/\[share(.*?)\]\s?(.*?)\s?\[\/share\]\s?/ism","$1",$body);
// Skip if there is no shared message in there
- if ($body == $attributes)
+ if ($body == $attributes) {
$skip = true;
+ }
if (!$skip) {
$author = "";
preg_match("/author='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches);
- if ($matches[1] != "")
+ if ($matches[1] != "") {
$profiledata["name"] = html_entity_decode($matches[1],ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8');
+ }
preg_match('/author="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches);
- if ($matches[1] != "")
+ if ($matches[1] != "") {
$profiledata["name"] = html_entity_decode($matches[1],ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8');
+ }
$profile = "";
preg_match("/profile='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches);
- if ($matches[1] != "")
+ if ($matches[1] != "") {
$profiledata["url"] = $matches[1];
+ }
preg_match('/profile="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches);
- if ($matches[1] != "")
+ if ($matches[1] != "") {
$profiledata["url"] = $matches[1];
+ }
$avatar = "";
preg_match("/avatar='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches);
- if ($matches[1] != "")
+ if ($matches[1] != "") {
$profiledata["photo"] = $matches[1];
+ }
preg_match('/avatar="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches);
- if ($matches[1] != "")
+ if ($matches[1] != "") {
$profiledata["photo"] = $matches[1];
+ }
$profiledata["nickname"] = $profiledata["name"];
$profiledata["network"] = GetProfileUsername($profiledata["url"], "", false, true);
@@ -183,8 +183,9 @@ function display_fetchauthor($a, $item) {
$profiledata["photo"] = App::remove_baseurl($profiledata["photo"]);
if (local_user()) {
- if (in_array($profiledata["network"], array(NETWORK_DFRN, NETWORK_DIASPORA, NETWORK_OSTATUS)))
+ if (in_array($profiledata["network"], array(NETWORK_DFRN, NETWORK_DIASPORA, NETWORK_OSTATUS))) {
$profiledata["remoteconnect"] = $a->get_baseurl()."/follow?url=".urlencode($profiledata["url"]);
+ }
} elseif ($profiledata["network"] == NETWORK_DFRN) {
$connect = str_replace("/profile/", "/dfrn_request/", $profiledata["url"]);
$profiledata["remoteconnect"] = $connect;
@@ -195,8 +196,8 @@ function display_fetchauthor($a, $item) {
function display_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
- if((get_config('system','block_public')) && (! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) {
- notice( t('Public access denied.') . EOL);
+ if ((get_config('system','block_public')) && (! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) {
+ notice(t('Public access denied.') . EOL);
@@ -210,55 +211,53 @@ function display_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
$a->page['htmlhead'] .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('display-head.tpl'), array());
- if($update) {
+ if ($update) {
$nick = $_REQUEST['nick'];
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$nick = (($a->argc > 1) ? $a->argv[1] : '');
- if($update) {
+ if ($update) {
$item_id = $_REQUEST['item_id'];
$a->profile = array('uid' => intval($update), 'profile_uid' => intval($update));
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$item_id = (($a->argc > 2) ? $a->argv[2] : 0);
if ($a->argc == 2) {
$nick = "";
if (local_user()) {
- $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item`
+ $r = qu("SELECT `id` FROM `item`
WHERE `item`.`visible` AND NOT `item`.`deleted` AND NOT `item`.`moderated`
AND `guid` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d", dbesc($a->argv[1]), local_user());
- if (count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$item_id = $r[0]["id"];
$nick = $a->user["nickname"];
if ($nick == "") {
- $r = q("SELECT `user`.`nickname`, `item`.`id` FROM `item` INNER JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `item`.`uid`
+ $r = qu("SELECT `user`.`nickname`, `item`.`id` FROM `item` STRAIGHT_JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `item`.`uid`
WHERE `item`.`visible` AND NOT `item`.`deleted` AND NOT `item`.`moderated`
AND `item`.`allow_cid` = '' AND `item`.`allow_gid` = ''
AND `item`.`deny_cid` = '' AND `item`.`deny_gid` = ''
AND NOT `item`.`private` AND NOT `user`.`hidewall`
AND `item`.`guid` = '%s'", dbesc($a->argv[1]));
// AND NOT `item`.`private` AND `item`.`wall`
- if (count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$item_id = $r[0]["id"];
$nick = $r[0]["nickname"];
if ($nick == "") {
- $r = q("SELECT `item`.`id` FROM `item`
+ $r = qu("SELECT `item`.`id` FROM `item`
WHERE `item`.`visible` AND NOT `item`.`deleted` AND NOT `item`.`moderated`
AND `item`.`allow_cid` = '' AND `item`.`allow_gid` = ''
AND `item`.`deny_cid` = '' AND `item`.`deny_gid` = ''
AND NOT `item`.`private` AND `item`.`uid` = 0
AND `item`.`guid` = '%s'", dbesc($a->argv[1]));
// AND NOT `item`.`private` AND `item`.`wall`
- if (count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$item_id = $r[0]["id"];
@@ -266,12 +265,13 @@ function display_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
if ($item_id AND !is_numeric($item_id)) {
- $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
+ $r = qu("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
dbesc($item_id), intval($a->profile['uid']));
- if ($r)
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$item_id = $r[0]["id"];
- else
+ } else {
$item_id = false;
+ }
if (!$item_id) {
@@ -288,44 +288,44 @@ function display_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
$contact_id = 0;
- if(is_array($_SESSION['remote'])) {
- foreach($_SESSION['remote'] as $v) {
- if($v['uid'] == $a->profile['uid']) {
+ if (is_array($_SESSION['remote'])) {
+ foreach ($_SESSION['remote'] as $v) {
+ if ($v['uid'] == $a->profile['uid']) {
$contact_id = $v['cid'];
- if($contact_id) {
+ if ($contact_id) {
$groups = init_groups_visitor($contact_id);
- $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
+ $r = qu("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
- if(count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$contact = $r[0];
$remote_contact = true;
- if(! $remote_contact) {
- if(local_user()) {
+ if (!$remote_contact) {
+ if (local_user()) {
$contact_id = $_SESSION['cid'];
$contact = $a->contact;
- $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` LIMIT 1",
+ $r = qu("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` LIMIT 1",
- if(count($r))
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$a->page_contact = $r[0];
+ }
$is_owner = ((local_user()) && (local_user() == $a->profile['profile_uid']) ? true : false);
- if($a->profile['hidewall'] && (! $is_owner) && (! $remote_contact)) {
- notice( t('Access to this profile has been restricted.') . EOL);
+ if ($a->profile['hidewall'] && (! $is_owner) && (! $remote_contact)) {
+ notice(t('Access to this profile has been restricted.') . EOL);
@@ -349,20 +349,21 @@ function display_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
$sql_extra = item_permissions_sql($a->profile['uid'],$remote_contact,$groups);
- if($update) {
+ if ($update) {
- $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `item`.`uid` = %d
+ $r = qu("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `item`.`uid` = %d
AND `item`.`parent` = (SELECT `parent` FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d)
$sql_extra AND `unseen`",
- if(!$r)
+ if (!$r) {
return '';
+ }
- $r = q(item_query()." AND `item`.`uid` = %d
+ $r = qu(item_query()." AND `item`.`uid` = %d
AND `item`.`parent` = (SELECT `parent` FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d)
ORDER BY `parent` DESC, `gravity` ASC, `id` ASC",
@@ -371,18 +372,18 @@ function display_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
- if(!$r && local_user()) {
+ if (!$r && local_user()) {
// Check if this is another person's link to a post that we have
- $r = q("SELECT `item`.uri FROM `item`
+ $r = qu("SELECT `item`.uri FROM `item`
WHERE (`item`.`id` = %d OR `item`.`uri` = '%s')
- if($r) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$item_uri = $r[0]['uri'];
- $r = q(item_query()." AND `item`.`uid` = %d
+ $r = qu(item_query()." AND `item`.`uid` = %d
AND `item`.`parent` = (SELECT `parent` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND uid = %d)
ORDER BY `parent` DESC, `gravity` ASC, `id` ASC ",
@@ -392,23 +393,24 @@ function display_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
- if($r) {
+ if ($r) {
- if((local_user()) && (local_user() == $a->profile['uid'])) {
+ if ((local_user()) && (local_user() == $a->profile['uid'])) {
$unseen = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `unseen` AND `parent` = %d",
- if ($unseen)
- q("UPDATE `item` SET `unseen` = 0
- WHERE `parent` = %d AND `unseen`",
+ if ($unseen) {
+ q("UPDATE `item` SET `unseen` = 0 WHERE `parent` = %d AND `unseen`",
+ }
$items = conv_sort($r,"`commented`");
- if(!$update)
+ if (!$update) {
$o .= "";
+ }
$o .= conversation($a,$items,'display', $update);
// Preparing the meta header
@@ -420,9 +422,9 @@ function display_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
$image = $a->remove_baseurl($r[0]["thumb"]);
- if ($title == "")
+ if ($title == "") {
$title = $author_name;
+ }
$description = htmlspecialchars($description, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', true); // allow double encoding here
$title = htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', true); // allow double encoding here
$author_name = htmlspecialchars($author_name, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', true); // allow double encoding here
@@ -462,20 +464,18 @@ function display_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
return $o;
- $r = q("SELECT `id`,`deleted` FROM `item` WHERE `id` = '%s' OR `uri` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
+ $r = qu("SELECT `id`,`deleted` FROM `item` WHERE `id` = '%s' OR `uri` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
- if($r) {
- if($r[0]['deleted']) {
- notice( t('Item has been removed.') . EOL );
+ if ($r) {
+ if ($r[0]['deleted']) {
+ notice(t('Item has been removed.') . EOL );
+ } else {
+ notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL );
- else {
- notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL );
- }
- }
- else {
- notice( t('Item not found.') . EOL );
+ } else {
+ notice(t('Item not found.') . EOL );
return $o;
diff --git a/mod/events.php b/mod/events.php
index 878bf841d..16679ff7e 100644
--- a/mod/events.php
+++ b/mod/events.php
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ function events_post(&$a) {
$item_id = event_store($datarray);
if(! $cid)
- proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","event","$item_id");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", "event", $item_id);
@@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ function events_content(&$a) {
if ($a->argv[1] === 'json'){
- if (x($_GET,'start')) $start = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", $_GET['start']);
- if (x($_GET,'end')) $finish = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", $_GET['end']);
+ if (x($_GET,'start')) $start = $_GET['start'];
+ if (x($_GET,'end')) $finish = $_GET['end'];
$start = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$start);
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ function events_content(&$a) {
$tpl = get_markup_template("event.tpl");
} else {
// if (get_config('experimentals','new_calendar')==1){
- $tpl = get_markup_template("events-js.tpl");
+ $tpl = get_markup_template("events_js.tpl");
// } else {
// $tpl = get_markup_template("events.tpl");
// }
@@ -378,10 +378,10 @@ function events_content(&$a) {
'$tabs' => $tabs,
'$title' => t('Events'),
'$view' => t('View'),
- '$new_event'=> array($a->get_baseurl().'/events/new',t('Create New Event'),'',''),
+ '$new_event' => array($a->get_baseurl().'/events/new',t('Create New Event'),'',''),
'$previus' => array($a->get_baseurl()."/events/$prevyear/$prevmonth",t('Previous'),'',''),
'$next' => array($a->get_baseurl()."/events/$nextyear/$nextmonth",t('Next'),'',''),
- '$calendar' => cal($y,$m,$links, ' eventcal'),
+ '$calendar' => cal($y,$m,$links, ' eventcal'),
'$events' => $events,
@@ -389,8 +389,7 @@ function events_content(&$a) {
"month" => t("month"),
"week" => t("week"),
"day" => t("day"),
+ "list" => t("list"),
if (x($_GET,'id')){ echo $o; killme(); }
@@ -506,7 +505,8 @@ function events_content(&$a) {
'$acl' => $acl,
'$submit' => t('Submit'),
'$basic' => t("Basic"),
- '$advanced' => t("Advanced")
+ '$advanced' => t("Advanced"),
+ '$permissions' => t('Permissions'),
diff --git a/mod/fsuggest.php b/mod/fsuggest.php
index 6b1cbd753..ad407d5f3 100644
--- a/mod/fsuggest.php
+++ b/mod/fsuggest.php
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function fsuggest_post(&$a) {
- proc_run('php', 'include/notifier.php', 'suggest' , $fsuggest_id);
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'include/notifier.php', 'suggest', $fsuggest_id);
info( t('Friend suggestion sent.') . EOL);
diff --git a/mod/hostxrd.php b/mod/hostxrd.php
index 4121764f1..647073b05 100644
--- a/mod/hostxrd.php
+++ b/mod/hostxrd.php
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ function hostxrd_init(&$a) {
'$zot_post' => z_root() . '/post',
'$bigkey' => salmon_key(get_config('system','site_pubkey')),
- session_write_close();
diff --git a/mod/hovercard.php b/mod/hovercard.php
index 9bd91f0d5..65b75b321 100644
--- a/mod/hovercard.php
+++ b/mod/hovercard.php
@@ -77,10 +77,9 @@ function hovercard_content() {
// 'server_url' => $contact["server_url"],
'bd' => (($contact["birthday"] == "0000-00-00") ? "" : $contact["birthday"]),
// 'generation' => $contact["generation"],
- 'account_type' => ($contact['community'] ? t("Forum") : ""),
+ 'account_type' => account_type($contact),
'actions' => $actions,
if($datatype == "html") {
$t = get_markup_template("hovercard.tpl");
diff --git a/mod/install.php b/mod/install.php
index f36c91ef2..d18d4ac3e 100755
--- a/mod/install.php
+++ b/mod/install.php
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ function install_content(&$a) {
$adminmail = notags(trim($_POST['adminmail']));
$timezone = ((x($_POST,'timezone')) ? ($_POST['timezone']) : 'America/Los_Angeles');
/* Installed langs */
- $lang_choices = get_avaiable_languages();
+ $lang_choices = get_available_languages();
$tpl = get_markup_template('install_settings.tpl');
$o .= replace_macros($tpl, array(
@@ -418,6 +418,7 @@ function check_funcs(&$checks) {
check_add($ck_funcs, t('mb_string PHP module'), true, true, "");
check_add($ck_funcs, t('mcrypt PHP module'), true, true, "");
check_add($ck_funcs, t('XML PHP module'), true, true, "");
+ check_add($ck_funcs, t('iconv module'), true, true, "");
if (! in_array('mod_rewrite',apache_get_modules())) {
@@ -451,6 +452,10 @@ function check_funcs(&$checks) {
$ck_funcs[5]['status']= false;
$ck_funcs[5]['help']= t('Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed.');
+ if(! function_exists('iconv_strlen')){
+ $ck_funcs[7]['status']= false;
+ $ck_funcs[7]['help']= t('Error: iconv PHP module required but not installed.');
+ }
$checks = array_merge($checks, $ck_funcs);
diff --git a/mod/item.php b/mod/item.php
index 963912800..29a210135 100644
--- a/mod/item.php
+++ b/mod/item.php
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
if(($r === false) || (! count($r))) {
notice( t('Unable to locate original post.') . EOL);
- goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/" . $return_path );
+ goaway($return_path);
$parent_item = $r[0];
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
- if(count($r))
+ if (dbm::is_result($r))
$parent_contact = $r[0];
// If the contact id doesn't fit with the contact, then set the contact to null
@@ -175,6 +175,19 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
$app = ((x($_REQUEST,'source')) ? strip_tags($_REQUEST['source']) : '');
$extid = ((x($_REQUEST,'extid')) ? strip_tags($_REQUEST['extid']) : '');
+ // Check for multiple posts with the same message id (when the post was created via API)
+ if (($message_id != '') AND ($profile_uid != 0)) {
+ $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
+ dbesc($message_id),
+ intval($profile_uid)
+ );
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
+ logger("Message with URI ".$message_id." already exists for user ".$profile_uid, LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
$allow_moderated = false;
// here is where we are going to check for permission to post a moderated comment.
@@ -184,7 +197,7 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
if((x($_REQUEST,'commenter')) && ((! $parent) || (! $parent_item['wall']))) {
notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL) ;
- goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/" . $return_path );
+ goaway($return_path);
@@ -196,7 +209,7 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
if((! can_write_wall($a,$profile_uid)) && (! $allow_moderated)) {
notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL) ;
- goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/" . $return_path );
+ goaway($return_path);
@@ -220,7 +233,7 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
- if(count($r))
+ if (dbm::is_result($r))
$user = $r[0];
if($orig_post) {
@@ -292,7 +305,6 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
// If this is a comment, set the permissions from the parent.
if($parent_item) {
- $private = 0;
// for non native networks use the network of the original post as network of the item
if (($parent_item['network'] != NETWORK_DIASPORA)
@@ -300,19 +312,13 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
AND ($network == ""))
$network = $parent_item['network'];
- if(($parent_item['private'])
- || strlen($parent_item['allow_cid'])
- || strlen($parent_item['allow_gid'])
- || strlen($parent_item['deny_cid'])
- || strlen($parent_item['deny_gid'])) {
- $private = (($parent_item['private']) ? $parent_item['private'] : 1);
- }
$str_contact_allow = $parent_item['allow_cid'];
$str_group_allow = $parent_item['allow_gid'];
$str_contact_deny = $parent_item['deny_cid'];
$str_group_deny = $parent_item['deny_gid'];
+ $private = $parent_item['private'];
$pubmail_enable = ((x($_REQUEST,'pubmail_enable') && intval($_REQUEST['pubmail_enable']) && (! $private)) ? 1 : 0);
// if using the API, we won't see pubmail_enable - figure out if it should be set
@@ -333,7 +339,7 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
info( t('Empty post discarded.') . EOL );
- goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/" . $return_path );
+ goaway($return_path);
@@ -392,7 +398,7 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
- if(count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$author = $r[0];
$contact_id = $author['id'];
@@ -406,7 +412,7 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 1 LIMIT 1",
- if(count($r))
+ if (dbm::is_result($r))
$contact_record = $r[0];
@@ -460,7 +466,6 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
if(! count($r))
$r = q("UPDATE `photo` SET `allow_cid` = '%s', `allow_gid` = '%s', `deny_cid` = '%s', `deny_gid` = '%s'
WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d AND `album` = '%s' ",
@@ -471,7 +476,6 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
dbesc( t('Wall Photos'))
@@ -491,7 +495,7 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
- if(count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$r = q("UPDATE `attach` SET `allow_cid` = '%s', `allow_gid` = '%s', `deny_cid` = '%s', `deny_gid` = '%s'
WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d",
@@ -632,7 +636,7 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
- if(count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$attachments .= ',';
$attachments .= '[attach]href="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/attach/' . $r[0]['id'] . '" length="' . $r[0]['filesize'] . '" type="' . $r[0]['filetype'] . '" title="' . (($r[0]['filename']) ? $r[0]['filename'] : '') . '"[/attach]';
@@ -725,6 +729,11 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
$datarray['self'] = $self;
// $datarray['prvnets'] = $user['prvnets'];
+ $datarray['parent-uri'] = ($parent == 0) ? $uri : $parent_item['uri'];
+ $datarray['plink'] = $a->get_baseurl().'/display/'.urlencode($datarray['guid']);
+ $datarray['last-child'] = 1;
+ $datarray['visible'] = 1;
$datarray['edit'] = true;
@@ -747,7 +756,7 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
if(x($datarray,'cancel')) {
logger('mod_item: post cancelled by plugin.');
if($return_path) {
- goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/" . $return_path);
+ goaway($return_path);
$json = array('cancel' => 1);
@@ -783,16 +792,17 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
// update filetags in pconfig
- proc_run('php', "include/notifier.php", 'edit_post', "$post_id");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", 'edit_post', $post_id);
if((x($_REQUEST,'return')) && strlen($return_path)) {
logger('return: ' . $return_path);
- goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/" . $return_path );
+ goaway($return_path);
- }
- else
+ } else
$post_id = 0;
+ q("COMMIT");
$r = q("INSERT INTO `item` (`guid`, `extid`, `uid`,`type`,`wall`,`gravity`, `network`, `contact-id`,
`owner-name`,`owner-link`,`owner-avatar`, `owner-id`,
@@ -802,7 +812,8 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
`tag`, `inform`, `verb`, `object-type`, `postopts`,
`allow_cid`, `allow_gid`, `deny_cid`, `deny_gid`, `private`,
`pubmail`, `attach`, `bookmark`,`origin`, `moderated`, `file`,
- `rendered-html`, `rendered-hash`)
+ `rendered-html`, `rendered-hash`,
+ `parent`, `parent-uri`, `plink`, `last-child`, `visible`)
VALUES('%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d, %d, '%s', %d,
'%s', '%s', '%s', %d,
'%s', '%s', '%s', %d,
@@ -811,7 +822,8 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
'%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s',
'%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d,
%d, '%s', %d, %d, %d, '%s',
- '%s', '%s')",
+ '%s', '%s',
+ %d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d)",
@@ -857,23 +869,39 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
- dbesc($datarray['rendered-hash'])
+ dbesc($datarray['rendered-hash']),
+ intval($datarray['parent']),
+ dbesc($datarray['parent-uri']),
+ dbesc($datarray['plink']),
+ intval($datarray['last-child']),
+ intval($datarray['visible'])
- $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
- dbesc($datarray['uri']));
- if(!count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
+ $r = q("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS `item-id`");
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
+ $post_id = $r[0]['item-id'];
+ } else {
+ $post_id = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ logger('mod_item: unable to create post.');
+ $post_id = 0;
+ }
+ if ($post_id == 0) {
+ q("COMMIT");
logger('mod_item: unable to retrieve post that was just stored.');
- notice( t('System error. Post not saved.') . EOL);
- goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/" . $return_path );
+ notice(t('System error. Post not saved.') . EOL);
+ goaway($return_path);
- $post_id = $r[0]['id'];
logger('mod_item: saved item ' . $post_id);
$datarray["id"] = $post_id;
- $datarray["plink"] = $a->get_baseurl().'/display/'.urlencode($datarray["guid"]);
+ item_set_last_item($datarray);
// update filetags in pconfig
@@ -881,23 +909,18 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
if($parent) {
// This item is the last leaf and gets the comment box, clear any ancestors
- $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `last-child` = 0, `changed` = '%s' WHERE `parent` = %d ",
+ $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `last-child` = 0, `changed` = '%s' WHERE `parent` = %d AND `last-child` AND `id` != %d",
+ dbesc(datetime_convert()),
+ intval($parent),
+ intval($post_id)
+ );
+ // update the commented timestamp on the parent
+ q("UPDATE `item` SET `visible` = 1, `commented` = '%s', `changed` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d",
+ dbesc(datetime_convert()),
- update_thread($parent, true);
- // Inherit ACLs from the parent item.
- $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `allow_cid` = '%s', `allow_gid` = '%s', `deny_cid` = '%s', `deny_gid` = '%s', `private` = %d
- WHERE `id` = %d",
- dbesc($parent_item['allow_cid']),
- dbesc($parent_item['allow_gid']),
- dbesc($parent_item['deny_cid']),
- dbesc($parent_item['deny_gid']),
- intval($parent_item['private']),
- intval($post_id)
- );
if($contact_record != $author) {
@@ -927,6 +950,10 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
} else {
$parent = $post_id;
+ $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `parent` = %d WHERE `id` = %d",
+ intval($parent),
+ intval($post_id));
if($contact_record != $author) {
'type' => NOTIFY_WALL,
@@ -946,41 +973,6 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
- // fallback so that parent always gets set to non-zero.
- if(! $parent)
- $parent = $post_id;
- $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `parent` = %d, `parent-uri` = '%s', `plink` = '%s', `changed` = '%s', `last-child` = 1, `visible` = 1
- WHERE `id` = %d",
- intval($parent),
- dbesc(($parent == $post_id) ? $uri : $parent_item['uri']),
- dbesc($a->get_baseurl().'/display/'.urlencode($datarray['guid'])),
- dbesc(datetime_convert()),
- intval($post_id)
- );
- // photo comments turn the corresponding item visible to the profile wall
- // This way we don't see every picture in your new photo album posted to your wall at once.
- // They will show up as people comment on them.
- if(! $parent_item['visible']) {
- $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `visible` = 1 WHERE `id` = %d",
- intval($parent_item['id'])
- );
- update_thread($parent_item['id']);
- }
- // update the commented timestamp on the parent
- q("UPDATE `item` set `commented` = '%s', `changed` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d",
- dbesc(datetime_convert()),
- dbesc(datetime_convert()),
- intval($parent)
- );
- if ($post_id != $parent)
- update_thread($parent);
call_hooks('post_local_end', $datarray);
if(strlen($emailcc) && $profile_uid == local_user()) {
@@ -1017,22 +1009,25 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
+ if ($post_id == $parent) {
+ add_thread($post_id);
+ } else {
+ update_thread($parent, true);
+ }
+ q("COMMIT");
- if ($post_id == $parent)
- add_thread($post_id);
+ // Insert an item entry for UID=0 for global entries.
+ // We now do it in the background to save some time.
+ // This is important in interactive environments like the frontend or the API.
+ // We don't fork a new process since this is done anyway with the following command
+ proc_run(array('priority' => PRIORITY_HIGH, 'dont_fork' => true), "include/create_shadowentry.php", $post_id);
- // This is a real juggling act on shared hosting services which kill your processes
- // e.g. dreamhost. We used to start delivery to our native delivery agents in the background
- // and then run our plugin delivery from the foreground. We're now doing plugin delivery first,
- // because as soon as you start loading up a bunch of remote delivey processes, *this* page is
- // likely to get killed off. If you end up looking at an /item URL and a blank page,
- // it's very likely the delivery got killed before all your friends could be notified.
- // Currently the only realistic fixes are to use a reliable server - which precludes shared hosting,
- // or cut back on plugins which do remote deliveries.
- proc_run('php', "include/notifier.php", $notify_type, $post_id);
+ // Call the background process that is delivering the item to the receivers
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", $notify_type, $post_id);
@@ -1047,7 +1042,7 @@ function item_post_return($baseurl, $api_source, $return_path) {
if($return_path) {
- goaway($baseurl . "/" . $return_path);
+ goaway($return_path);
$json = array('success' => 1);
diff --git a/mod/maintenance.php b/mod/maintenance.php
index b50c94c9b..3d21ce40b 100644
--- a/mod/maintenance.php
+++ b/mod/maintenance.php
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
t('System down for maintenance')
diff --git a/mod/match.php b/mod/match.php
index 834191157..33e07c91c 100644
--- a/mod/match.php
+++ b/mod/match.php
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ function match_content(&$a) {
'details' => $contact_details['location'],
'tags' => $contact_details['keywords'],
'about' => $contact_details['about'],
- 'account_type' => (($contact_details['community']) ? t('Forum') : ''),
+ 'account_type' => account_type($contact_details),
'thumb' => proxy_url($jj->photo, false, PROXY_SIZE_THUMB),
'inttxt' => ' ' . t('is interested in:'),
'conntxt' => t('Connect'),
diff --git a/mod/mood.php b/mod/mood.php
index 5e6ca0fcf..f804af0c0 100644
--- a/mod/mood.php
+++ b/mod/mood.php
@@ -95,13 +95,13 @@ function mood_init(&$a) {
- proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","tag","$item_id");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", "tag", $item_id);
call_hooks('post_local_end', $arr);
- proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","like","$post_id");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", "like", $post_id);
diff --git a/mod/network.php b/mod/network.php
index f62799f76..1b7574d10 100644
--- a/mod/network.php
+++ b/mod/network.php
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ function network_init(&$a) {
$search = ((x($_GET,'search')) ? escape_tags($_GET['search']) : '');
if(x($_GET,'save')) {
- $r = q("SELECT * FROM `search` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `term` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
+ $r = qu("SELECT * FROM `search` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `term` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ function saved_searches($search) {
$o = '';
- $r = q("SELECT `id`,`term` FROM `search` WHERE `uid` = %d",
+ $r = qu("SELECT `id`,`term` FROM `search` WHERE `uid` = %d",
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ function network_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
$def_acl = array('allow_cid' => '<' . intval($cid) . '>');
if($nets) {
- $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND network = '%s' AND `self` = 0",
+ $r = qu("SELECT `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND network = '%s' AND `self` = 0",
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ function network_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
if ($cid) {
// If $cid belongs to a communitity forum or a privat goup,.add a mention to the status editor
- $contact = q("SELECT `nick` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d AND (`forum` OR `prv`) ",
+ $contact = qu("SELECT `nick` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d AND (`forum` OR `prv`) ",
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ function network_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
$sql_nets = (($nets) ? sprintf(" and $sql_table.`network` = '%s' ", dbesc($nets)) : '');
if($group) {
- $r = q("SELECT `name`, `id` FROM `group` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
+ $r = qu("SELECT `name`, `id` FROM `group` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ function network_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
$contact_str = implode(',',$contacts);
$gcontact_str = implode(',',$gcontacts);
- $self = q("SELECT `contact`.`id`, `gcontact`.`id` AS `gid` FROM `contact`
+ $self = qu("SELECT `contact`.`id`, `gcontact`.`id` AS `gid` FROM `contact`
INNER JOIN `gcontact` ON `gcontact`.`nurl` = `contact`.`nurl`
WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self`", intval($_SESSION['uid']));
if (count($self)) {
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ function network_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
elseif($cid) {
- $r = q("SELECT `id`,`name`,`network`,`writable`,`nurl`, `forum`, `prv`, `addr`, `thumb`, `location` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d
+ $r = qu("SELECT `id`,`name`,`network`,`writable`,`nurl`, `forum`, `prv`, `contact-type`, `addr`, `thumb`, `location` FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d
AND `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 LIMIT 1",
@@ -514,10 +514,11 @@ function network_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
'name' => htmlentities($r[0]['name']),
'itemurl' => (($r[0]['addr']) ? ($r[0]['addr']) : ($r[0]['nurl'])),
'thumb' => proxy_url($r[0]['thumb'], false, PROXY_SIZE_THUMB),
- 'account_type' => (($r[0]['forum']) || ($r[0]['prv']) ? t('Forum') : ''),
'details' => $r[0]['location'],
+ $entries[0]["account_type"] = account_type($r[0]);
$o = replace_macros(get_markup_template("viewcontact_template.tpl"),array(
'contacts' => $entries,
'id' => 'network',
@@ -598,7 +599,7 @@ function network_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
} else {
if(get_config('system', 'old_pager')) {
- $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total`
+ $r = qu("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total`
FROM $sql_table $sql_post_table INNER JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = $sql_table.`contact-id`
AND NOT `contact`.`blocked` AND NOT `contact`.`pending`
WHERE $sql_table.`uid` = %d AND $sql_table.`visible` AND NOT $sql_table.`deleted`
@@ -638,7 +639,7 @@ function network_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
$sql_order = "`item`.`id`";
// "New Item View" - show all items unthreaded in reverse created date order
- $items = q("SELECT %s FROM $sql_table $sql_post_table %s
+ $items = qu("SELECT %s FROM $sql_table $sql_post_table %s
WHERE %s AND `item`.`uid` = %d
$sql_extra $sql_nets
@@ -676,7 +677,7 @@ function network_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
$sql_extra4 = "";
- $r = q("SELECT `item`.`parent` AS `item_id`, `item`.`network` AS `item_network`, `contact`.`uid` AS `contact_uid`
+ $r = qu("SELECT `item`.`parent` AS `item_id`, `item`.`network` AS `item_network`, `contact`.`uid` AS `contact_uid`
FROM $sql_table $sql_post_table INNER JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id`
AND NOT `contact`.`blocked` AND NOT `contact`.`pending`
WHERE `item`.`uid` = %d AND `item`.`visible` AND NOT `item`.`deleted` $sql_extra4
@@ -686,7 +687,7 @@ function network_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
} else {
- $r = q("SELECT `thread`.`iid` AS `item_id`, `thread`.`network` AS `item_network`, `contact`.`uid` AS `contact_uid`
+ $r = qu("SELECT `thread`.`iid` AS `item_id`, `thread`.`network` AS `item_network`, `contact`.`uid` AS `contact_uid`
FROM $sql_table $sql_post_table STRAIGHT_JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `thread`.`contact-id`
AND NOT `contact`.`blocked` AND NOT `contact`.`pending`
WHERE `thread`.`uid` = %d AND `thread`.`visible` AND NOT `thread`.`deleted`
@@ -720,7 +721,7 @@ function network_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
$items = array();
foreach ($parents_arr AS $parents) {
- $thread_items = q(item_query()." AND `item`.`uid` = %d
+ $thread_items = qu(item_query()." AND `item`.`uid` = %d
AND `item`.`parent` = %d
ORDER BY `item`.`commented` DESC LIMIT %d",
diff --git a/mod/nodeinfo.php b/mod/nodeinfo.php
index b90e05174..334dcb055 100644
--- a/mod/nodeinfo.php
+++ b/mod/nodeinfo.php
@@ -185,20 +185,13 @@ function nodeinfo_cron() {
*/ logger("cron_start");
- $users = q("SELECT profile.*, `user`.`login_date`, `lastitem`.`lastitem_date`
- FROM (SELECT MAX(`item`.`changed`) as `lastitem_date`, `item`.`uid`
- FROM `item`
- WHERE `item`.`type` = 'wall'
- GROUP BY `item`.`uid`) AS `lastitem`
- RIGHT OUTER JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `lastitem`.`uid`, `contact`, `profile`
- `user`.`uid` = `contact`.`uid` AND `profile`.`uid` = `user`.`uid`
- AND `profile`.`is-default` AND (`profile`.`publish` OR `profile`.`net-publish`)
- AND `user`.`verified` AND `contact`.`self`
- AND NOT `user`.`blocked`
- AND NOT `user`.`account_removed`
- AND NOT `user`.`account_expired`");
+ $users = qu("SELECT `user`.`uid`, `user`.`login_date`, `contact`.`last-item`
+ FROM `user`
+ INNER JOIN `profile` ON `profile`.`uid` = `user`.`uid` AND `profile`.`is-default`
+ INNER JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`uid` = `user`.`uid` AND `contact`.`self`
+ WHERE (`profile`.`publish` OR `profile`.`net-publish`) AND `user`.`verified`
+ AND NOT `user`.`blocked` AND NOT `user`.`account_removed`
+ AND NOT `user`.`account_expired`");
if (is_array($users)) {
$total_users = count($users);
$active_users_halfyear = 0;
@@ -209,11 +202,11 @@ function nodeinfo_cron() {
foreach ($users AS $user) {
if ((strtotime($user['login_date']) > $halfyear) OR
- (strtotime($user['lastitem_date']) > $halfyear))
+ (strtotime($user['last-item']) > $halfyear))
if ((strtotime($user['login_date']) > $month) OR
- (strtotime($user['lastitem_date']) > $month))
+ (strtotime($user['last-item']) > $month))
@@ -224,20 +217,9 @@ function nodeinfo_cron() {
set_config('nodeinfo','active_users_monthly', $active_users_monthly);
-// $posts = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `local_posts` FROM `thread`
-// INNER JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `thread`.`contact-id` AND `contact`.`uid` = `thread`.`uid`
-// WHERE `contact`.`self`");
- $posts = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS local_posts FROM `thread` WHERE `thread`.`wall`");
+ $posts = qu("SELECT COUNT(*) AS local_posts FROM `thread` WHERE `thread`.`wall`");
- $posts = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS local_posts FROM `thread`
- INNER JOIN `item` ON `item`.`id` = `thread`.`iid`
- WHERE `thread`.`wall` AND NOT `thread`.`private` AND
- `thread`.`uid` != 0 AND LEFT(`item`.`body`, 6) != '[share' AND
- `thread`.`network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s')",
- $posts = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `local_posts` FROM `item`
+ $posts = qu("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `local_posts` FROM `item`
INNER JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id`
WHERE `contact`.`self` and `item`.`id` = `item`.`parent` AND left(body, 6) != '[share' AND `item`.`network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s')",
@@ -251,7 +233,7 @@ function nodeinfo_cron() {
logger("local_posts: ".$local_posts, LOGGER_DEBUG);
- $posts = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `local_comments` FROM `item`
+ $posts = qu("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `local_comments` FROM `item`
INNER JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id`
WHERE `contact`.`self` and `item`.`id` != `item`.`parent` AND `item`.`network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s')",
diff --git a/mod/notifications.php b/mod/notifications.php
index e0f07118f..af44097c1 100644
--- a/mod/notifications.php
+++ b/mod/notifications.php
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
argc > 1 && $a->argv[$a->argc - 1] === 'json') ? true : false);
+ $nm = new NotificationsManager();
$o = '';
- $tabs = array(
- array(
- 'label' => t('System'),
- 'url'=>'notifications/system',
- 'sel'=> (($a->argv[1] == 'system') ? 'active' : ''),
- 'accesskey' => 'y',
- ),
- array(
- 'label' => t('Network'),
- 'url'=>'notifications/network',
- 'sel'=> (($a->argv[1] == 'network') ? 'active' : ''),
- 'accesskey' => 'w',
- ),
- array(
- 'label' => t('Personal'),
- 'url'=>'notifications/personal',
- 'sel'=> (($a->argv[1] == 'personal') ? 'active' : ''),
- 'accesskey' => 'r',
- ),
- array(
- 'label' => t('Home'),
- 'url' => 'notifications/home',
- 'sel'=> (($a->argv[1] == 'home') ? 'active' : ''),
- 'accesskey' => 'h',
- ),
- array(
- 'label' => t('Introductions'),
- 'url' => 'notifications/intros',
- 'sel'=> (($a->argv[1] == 'intros') ? 'active' : ''),
- 'accesskey' => 'i',
- ),
- /*array(
- 'label' => t('Messages'),
- 'url' => 'message',
- 'sel'=> '',
- ),*/ /*while I can have notifications for messages, this tablist is not place for message page link */
- );
- $o = "";
+ // Get the nav tabs for the notification pages
+ $tabs = $nm->getTabs();
+ $notif_content = array();
+ // Notification results per page
+ $perpage = 20;
+ $startrec = ($page * $perpage) - $perpage;
+ // Get introductions
if( (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] == 'intros')) || (($a->argc == 1))) {
- if(($a->argc > 2) && ($a->argv[2] == 'all'))
- $sql_extra = '';
- else
- $sql_extra = " AND `ignore` = 0 ";
+ $notif_header = t('Notifications');
- $notif_tpl = get_markup_template('notifications.tpl');
+ $all = (($a->argc > 2) && ($a->argv[2] == 'all'));
- $notif_content .= ''
- . ((strlen($sql_extra)) ? t('Show Ignored Requests') : t('Hide Ignored Requests')) . ' ' . "\r\n";
+ $notifs = $nm->introNotifs($all, $startrec, $perpage);
- $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `intro`
- WHERE `intro`.`uid` = %d $sql_extra AND `intro`.`blocked` = 0 ",
- intval($_SESSION['uid'])
+ // Get the network notifications
+ } else if (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] == 'network')) {
+ $notif_header = t('Network Notifications');
+ $notifs = $nm->networkNotifs($show, $startrec, $perpage);
+ // Get the system notifications
+ } else if (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] == 'system')) {
+ $notif_header = t('System Notifications');
+ $notifs = $nm->systemNotifs($show, $startrec, $perpage);
+ // Get the personal notifications
+ } else if (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] == 'personal')) {
+ $notif_header = t('Personal Notifications');
+ $notifs = $nm->personalNotifs($show, $startrec, $perpage);
+ // Get the home notifications
+ } else if (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] == 'home')) {
+ $notif_header = t('Home Notifications');
+ $notifs = $nm->homeNotifs($show, $startrec, $perpage);
+ }
+ // Set the pager
+ $a->set_pager_total($notifs['total']);
+ $a->set_pager_itemspage($perpage);
+ // Add additional informations (needed for json output)
+ $notifs['items_page'] = $a->pager['itemspage'];
+ $notifs['page'] = $a->pager['page'];
+ // Json output
+ if(intval($json) === 1)
+ json_return_and_die($notifs);
+ $notif_tpl = get_markup_template('notifications.tpl');
+ // Process the data for template creation
+ if($notifs['ident'] === 'introductions') {
+ $sugg = get_markup_template('suggestions.tpl');
+ $tpl = get_markup_template("intros.tpl");
+ // The link to switch between ignored and normal connection requests
+ $notif_show_lnk = array(
+ 'href' => (!$all ? 'notifications/intros/all' : 'notifications/intros' ),
+ 'text' => (!$all ? t('Show Ignored Requests') : t('Hide Ignored Requests'))
- if($r && count($r)) {
- $a->set_pager_total($r[0]['total']);
- $a->set_pager_itemspage(20);
- }
- /// @todo Fetch contact details by "get_contact_details_by_url" instead of queries to contact, fcontact and gcontact
+ // Loop through all introduction notifications.This creates an array with the output html for each
+ // introduction
+ foreach ($notifs['notifications'] as $it) {
- $r = q("SELECT `intro`.`id` AS `intro_id`, `intro`.*, `contact`.*, `fcontact`.`name` AS `fname`,`fcontact`.`url` AS `furl`,`fcontact`.`photo` AS `fphoto`,`fcontact`.`request` AS `frequest`,
- `gcontact`.`location` AS `glocation`, `gcontact`.`about` AS `gabout`,
- `gcontact`.`keywords` AS `gkeywords`, `gcontact`.`gender` AS `ggender`,
- `gcontact`.`network` AS `gnetwork`
- FROM `intro`
- LEFT JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `intro`.`contact-id`
- LEFT JOIN `gcontact` ON `gcontact`.`nurl` = `contact`.`nurl`
- LEFT JOIN `fcontact` ON `intro`.`fid` = `fcontact`.`id`
- WHERE `intro`.`uid` = %d $sql_extra AND `intro`.`blocked` = 0 ",
- intval($_SESSION['uid']));
- if(($r !== false) && (count($r))) {
- $sugg = get_markup_template('suggestions.tpl');
- $tpl = get_markup_template("intros.tpl");
- foreach($r as $rr) {
- if($rr['fid']) {
- $return_addr = bin2hex($a->user['nickname'] . '@' . $a->get_hostname() . (($a->path) ? '/' . $a->path : ''));
- $notif_content .= replace_macros($sugg, array(
+ // There are two kind of introduction. Contacts suggested by other contacts and normal connection requests.
+ // We have to distinguish between these two because they use different data.
+ switch ($it['label']) {
+ case 'friend_suggestion':
+ $notif_content[] = replace_macros($sugg, array(
'$str_notifytype' => t('Notification type: '),
- '$notify_type' => t('Friend Suggestion'),
- '$intro_id' => $rr['intro_id'],
- '$madeby' => sprintf( t('suggested by %s'),$rr['name']),
- '$contact_id' => $rr['contact-id'],
- '$photo' => ((x($rr,'fphoto')) ? proxy_url($rr['fphoto'], false, PROXY_SIZE_SMALL) : "images/person-175.jpg"),
- '$fullname' => $rr['fname'],
- '$url' => zrl($rr['furl']),
- '$hidden' => array('hidden', t('Hide this contact from others'), ($rr['hidden'] == 1), ''),
- '$activity' => array('activity', t('Post a new friend activity'), (intval(get_pconfig(local_user(),'system','post_newfriend')) ? '1' : 0), t('if applicable')),
+ '$notify_type' => $it['notify_type'],
+ '$intro_id' => $it['intro_id'],
+ '$madeby' => sprintf( t('suggested by %s'),$it['madeby']),
+ '$contact_id' => $it['contact-id'],
+ '$photo' => $it['photo'],
+ '$fullname' => $it['name'],
+ '$url' => $it['url'],
+ '$hidden' => array('hidden', t('Hide this contact from others'), ($it['hidden'] == 1), ''),
+ '$activity' => array('activity', t('Post a new friend activity'), $it['post_newfriend'], t('if applicable')),
- '$knowyou' => $knowyou,
+ '$knowyou' => $it['knowyou'],
'$approve' => t('Approve'),
- '$note' => $rr['note'],
- '$request' => $rr['frequest'] . '?addr=' . $return_addr,
+ '$note' => $it['note'],
+ '$request' => $it['request'],
'$ignore' => t('Ignore'),
'$discard' => t('Discard'),
+ break;
- continue;
+ // Normal connection requests
+ default:
+ $friend_selected = (($it['network'] !== NETWORK_OSTATUS) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ' disabled ');
+ $fan_selected = (($it['network'] === NETWORK_OSTATUS) ? ' checked="checked" disabled ' : '');
+ $dfrn_tpl = get_markup_template('netfriend.tpl');
- }
- $friend_selected = (($rr['network'] !== NETWORK_OSTATUS) ? ' checked="checked" ' : ' disabled ');
- $fan_selected = (($rr['network'] === NETWORK_OSTATUS) ? ' checked="checked" disabled ' : '');
- $dfrn_tpl = get_markup_template('netfriend.tpl');
+ $knowyou = '';
+ $dfrn_text = '';
- $knowyou = '';
- $dfrn_text = '';
- if($rr['network'] === NETWORK_DFRN || $rr['network'] === NETWORK_DIASPORA) {
- if($rr['network'] === NETWORK_DFRN) {
- $knowyou = t('Claims to be known to you: ') . (($rr['knowyou']) ? t('yes') : t('no'));
- $helptext = t('Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? "Friend" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. "Fan/Admirer" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: ');
- } else {
- $knowyou = '';
- $helptext = t('Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? "Friend" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. "Sharer" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: ');
+ if($it['network'] === NETWORK_DFRN || $it['network'] === NETWORK_DIASPORA) {
+ if($it['network'] === NETWORK_DFRN) {
+ $lbl_knowyou = t('Claims to be known to you: ');
+ $knowyou = (($it['knowyou']) ? t('yes') : t('no'));
+ $helptext = t('Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? "Friend" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. "Fan/Admirer" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: ');
+ } else {
+ $knowyou = '';
+ $helptext = t('Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? "Friend" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. "Sharer" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: ');
+ }
$dfrn_text = replace_macros($dfrn_tpl,array(
- '$intro_id' => $rr['intro_id'],
+ '$intro_id' => $it['intro_id'],
'$friend_selected' => $friend_selected,
'$fan_selected' => $fan_selected,
'$approve_as' => $helptext,
'$as_friend' => t('Friend'),
- '$as_fan' => (($rr['network'] == NETWORK_DIASPORA) ? t('Sharer') : t('Fan/Admirer'))
+ '$as_fan' => (($it['network'] == NETWORK_DIASPORA) ? t('Sharer') : t('Fan/Admirer'))
- }
- $header = $rr["name"];
+ $header = $it["name"];
- $ret = probe_url($rr["url"]);
+ if ($it["addr"] != "")
+ $header .= " <".$it["addr"].">";
- if ($rr['gnetwork'] == "")
- $rr['gnetwork'] = $ret["network"];
+ $header .= " (".network_to_name($it['network'], $it['url']).")";
- if ($ret["addr"] != "")
- $header .= " <".$ret["addr"].">";
+ $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl, array(
+ '$header' => htmlentities($header),
+ '$str_notifytype' => t('Notification type: '),
+ '$notify_type' => $it['notify_type'],
+ '$dfrn_text' => $dfrn_text,
+ '$dfrn_id' => $it['dfrn_id'],
+ '$uid' => $it['uid'],
+ '$intro_id' => $it['intro_id'],
+ '$contact_id' => $it['contact_id'],
+ '$photo' => $it['photo'],
+ '$fullname' => $it['name'],
+ '$location' => $it['location'],
+ '$lbl_location' => t('Location:'),
+ '$about' => $it['about'],
+ '$lbl_about' => t('About:'),
+ '$keywords' => $it['keywords'],
+ '$lbl_keywords' => t('Tags:'),
+ '$gender' => $it['gender'],
+ '$lbl_gender' => t('Gender:'),
+ '$hidden' => array('hidden', t('Hide this contact from others'), ($it['hidden'] == 1), ''),
+ '$activity' => array('activity', t('Post a new friend activity'), $it['post_newfriend'], t('if applicable')),
+ '$url' => $it['url'],
+ '$zrl' => $it['zrl'],
+ '$lbl_url' => t('Profile URL'),
+ '$addr' => $it['addr'],
+ '$lbl_knowyou' => $lbl_knowyou,
+ '$lbl_network' => t('Network:'),
+ '$network' => network_to_name($it['network'], $it['url']),
+ '$knowyou' => $knowyou,
+ '$approve' => t('Approve'),
+ '$note' => $it['note'],
+ '$ignore' => t('Ignore'),
+ '$discard' => t('Discard'),
- $header .= " (".network_to_name($rr['gnetwork'], $rr['url']).")";
- // Don't show these data until you are connected. Diaspora is doing the same.
- if($rr['gnetwork'] === NETWORK_DIASPORA) {
- $rr['glocation'] = "";
- $rr['gabout'] = "";
- $rr['ggender'] = "";
- }
- $notif_content .= replace_macros($tpl, array(
- '$header' => htmlentities($header),
- '$str_notifytype' => t('Notification type: '),
- '$notify_type' => (($rr['network'] !== NETWORK_OSTATUS) ? t('Friend/Connect Request') : t('New Follower')),
- '$dfrn_text' => $dfrn_text,
- '$dfrn_id' => $rr['issued-id'],
- '$uid' => $_SESSION['uid'],
- '$intro_id' => $rr['intro_id'],
- '$contact_id' => $rr['contact-id'],
- '$photo' => ((x($rr,'photo')) ? proxy_url($rr['photo'], false, PROXY_SIZE_SMALL) : "images/person-175.jpg"),
- '$fullname' => $rr['name'],
- '$location' => bbcode($rr['glocation'], false, false),
- '$location_label' => t('Location:'),
- '$about' => bbcode($rr['gabout'], false, false),
- '$about_label' => t('About:'),
- '$keywords' => $rr['gkeywords'],
- '$keywords_label' => t('Tags:'),
- '$gender' => $rr['ggender'],
- '$gender_label' => t('Gender:'),
- '$hidden' => array('hidden', t('Hide this contact from others'), ($rr['hidden'] == 1), ''),
- '$activity' => array('activity', t('Post a new friend activity'), (intval(get_pconfig(local_user(),'system','post_newfriend')) ? '1' : 0), t('if applicable')),
- '$url' => $rr['url'],
- '$zrl' => zrl($rr['url']),
- '$url_label' => t('Profile URL'),
- '$knowyou' => $knowyou,
- '$approve' => t('Approve'),
- '$note' => $rr['note'],
- '$ignore' => t('Ignore'),
- '$discard' => t('Discard'),
- ));
+ ));
+ break;
- else
+ if($notifs['total'] == 0)
info( t('No introductions.') . EOL);
- $o .= replace_macros($notif_tpl, array(
- '$notif_header' => t('Notifications'),
- '$tabs' => $tabs,
- '$notif_content' => $notif_content,
- ));
+ // Normal notifications (no introductions)
+ } else {
- $o .= paginate($a);
- return $o;
+ // The template files we need in different cases for formatting the content
+ $tpl_item_like = 'notifications_likes_item.tpl';
+ $tpl_item_dislike = 'notifications_dislikes_item.tpl';
+ $tpl_item_attend = 'notifications_attend_item.tpl';
+ $tpl_item_attendno = 'notifications_attend_item.tpl';
+ $tpl_item_attendmaybe = 'notifications_attend_item.tpl';
+ $tpl_item_friend = 'notifications_friends_item.tpl';
+ $tpl_item_comment = 'notifications_comments_item.tpl';
+ $tpl_item_post = 'notifications_posts_item.tpl';
+ $tpl_item_notify = 'notify.tpl';
- } else if (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] == 'network')) {
+ // Loop trough ever notification This creates an array with the output html for each
+ // notification and apply the correct template according to the notificationtype (label).
+ foreach ($notifs['notifications'] as $it) {
- $notif_tpl = get_markup_template('notifications.tpl');
+ // We use the notification label to get the correct template file
+ $tpl_var_name = 'tpl_item_'.$it['label'];
+ $tpl_notif = get_markup_template($$tpl_var_name);
- $r = q("SELECT `item`.`id`,`item`.`parent`, `item`.`verb`, `item`.`author-name`,
- `item`.`author-link`, `item`.`author-avatar`, `item`.`created`, `item`.`object` as `object`,
- `pitem`.`author-name` as `pname`, `pitem`.`author-link` as `plink`, `pitem`.`guid` as `pguid`
- FROM `item` INNER JOIN `item` as `pitem` ON `pitem`.`id`=`item`.`parent`
- WHERE `item`.`unseen` = 1 AND `item`.`visible` = 1 AND `pitem`.`parent` != 0 AND
- `item`.`deleted` = 0 AND `item`.`uid` = %d AND `item`.`wall` = 0 ORDER BY `item`.`created` DESC" ,
- intval(local_user())
- );
- $tpl_item_likes = get_markup_template('notifications_likes_item.tpl');
- $tpl_item_dislikes = get_markup_template('notifications_dislikes_item.tpl');
- $tpl_item_friends = get_markup_template('notifications_friends_item.tpl');
- $tpl_item_comments = get_markup_template('notifications_comments_item.tpl');
- $tpl_item_posts = get_markup_template('notifications_posts_item.tpl');
- $notif_content = '';
- if ($r) {
- foreach ($r as $it) {
- switch($it['verb']){
- $notif_content .= replace_macros($tpl_item_likes,array(
- //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'],
- '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'],
- '$item_image' => proxy_url($it['author-avatar'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO),
- '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s liked %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']),
- '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created'])
- ));
- break;
- $notif_content .= replace_macros($tpl_item_dislikes,array(
- //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'],
- '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'],
- '$item_image' => proxy_url($it['author-avatar'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO),
- '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s disliked %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']),
- '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created'])
- ));
- break;
- $xmlhead="<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?".">";
- $obj = parse_xml_string($xmlhead.$it['object']);
- $it['fname'] = $obj->title;
- $notif_content .= replace_macros($tpl_item_friends,array(
- //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'],
- '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'],
- '$item_image' => proxy_url($it['author-avatar'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO),
- '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s is now friends with %s"), $it['author-name'], $it['fname']),
- '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created'])
- ));
- break;
- default:
- $item_text = (($it['id'] == $it['parent'])
- ? sprintf( t("%s created a new post"), $it['author-name'])
- : sprintf( t("%s commented on %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']));
- $tpl = (($it['id'] == $it['parent']) ? $tpl_item_posts : $tpl_item_comments);
- $notif_content .= replace_macros($tpl,array(
- //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'],
- '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'],
- '$item_image' => proxy_url($it['author-avatar'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO),
- '$item_text' => $item_text,
- '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created'])
- ));
- }
- }
- } else {
- $notif_content = t('No more network notifications.');
+ $notif_content[] = replace_macros($tpl_notif,array(
+ '$item_label' => $it['label'],
+ '$item_link' => $it['link'],
+ '$item_image' => $it['image'],
+ '$item_text' => htmlentities($it['text']),
+ '$item_when' => $it['when'],
+ '$item_seen' => $it['seen'],
+ ));
- $o .= replace_macros($notif_tpl, array(
- '$notif_header' => t('Network Notifications'),
- '$tabs' => $tabs,
- '$notif_content' => $notif_content,
- ));
- } else if (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] == 'system')) {
- $notif_tpl = get_markup_template('notifications.tpl');
- $not_tpl = get_markup_template('notify.tpl');
- require_once('include/bbcode.php');
- $r = q("SELECT * from notify where uid = %d and seen = 0 order by date desc",
- intval(local_user())
- );
- if (count($r) > 0) {
- foreach ($r as $it) {
- $notif_content .= replace_macros($not_tpl,array(
- '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/notify/view/'. $it['id'],
- '$item_image' => proxy_url($it['photo'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO),
- '$item_text' => strip_tags(bbcode($it['msg'])),
- '$item_when' => relative_date($it['date'])
- ));
- }
- } else {
- $notif_content .= t('No more system notifications.');
+ // It doesn't make sense to show the Show unread / Show all link visible if the user is on the
+ // "Show all" page and there are no notifications. So we will hide it.
+ if($show == 0 || intval($show) && $notifs['total'] > 0) {
+ $notif_show_lnk = array(
+ 'href' => ($show ? 'notifications/'.$notifs['ident'] : 'notifications/'.$notifs['ident'].'?show=all' ),
+ 'text' => ($show ? t('Show unread') : t('Show all')),
+ );
- $o .= replace_macros($notif_tpl, array(
- '$notif_header' => t('System Notifications'),
- '$tabs' => $tabs,
- '$notif_content' => $notif_content,
- ));
- } else if (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] == 'personal')) {
- $notif_tpl = get_markup_template('notifications.tpl');
- $myurl = $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/profile/'. $a->user['nickname'];
- $myurl = substr($myurl,strpos($myurl,'://')+3);
- $myurl = str_replace(array('www.','.'),array('','\\.'),$myurl);
- $diasp_url = str_replace('/profile/','/u/',$myurl);
- $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND ( `item`.`author-link` regexp '%s' or `item`.`tag` regexp '%s' or `item`.`tag` regexp '%s' ) ",
- dbesc($myurl . '$'),
- dbesc($myurl . '\\]'),
- dbesc($diasp_url . '\\]')
- );
- $r = q("SELECT `item`.`id`,`item`.`parent`, `item`.`verb`, `item`.`author-name`,
- `item`.`author-link`, `item`.`author-avatar`, `item`.`created`, `item`.`object` as `object`,
- `pitem`.`author-name` as `pname`, `pitem`.`author-link` as `plink`, `pitem`.`guid` as `pguid`
- FROM `item` INNER JOIN `item` as `pitem` ON `pitem`.`id`=`item`.`parent`
- WHERE `item`.`unseen` = 1 AND `item`.`visible` = 1
- $sql_extra
- AND `item`.`deleted` = 0 AND `item`.`uid` = %d AND `item`.`wall` = 0 ORDER BY `item`.`created` DESC" ,
- intval(local_user())
- );
- $tpl_item_likes = get_markup_template('notifications_likes_item.tpl');
- $tpl_item_dislikes = get_markup_template('notifications_dislikes_item.tpl');
- $tpl_item_friends = get_markup_template('notifications_friends_item.tpl');
- $tpl_item_comments = get_markup_template('notifications_comments_item.tpl');
- $tpl_item_posts = get_markup_template('notifications_posts_item.tpl');
- $notif_content = '';
- if (count($r) > 0) {
- foreach ($r as $it) {
- switch($it['verb']){
- $notif_content .= replace_macros($tpl_item_likes,array(
- //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'],
- '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'],
- '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'],
- '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s liked %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']),
- '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created'])
- ));
- break;
- $notif_content .= replace_macros($tpl_item_dislikes,array(
- //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'],
- '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'],
- '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'],
- '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s disliked %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']),
- '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created'])
- ));
- break;
- $xmlhead="<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?".">";
- $obj = parse_xml_string($xmlhead.$it['object']);
- $it['fname'] = $obj->title;
- $notif_content .= replace_macros($tpl_item_friends,array(
- //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'],
- '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'],
- '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'],
- '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s is now friends with %s"), $it['author-name'], $it['fname']),
- '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created'])
- ));
- break;
- default:
- $item_text = (($it['id'] == $it['parent'])
- ? sprintf( t("%s created a new post"), $it['author-name'])
- : sprintf( t("%s commented on %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']));
- $tpl = (($it['id'] == $it['parent']) ? $tpl_item_posts : $tpl_item_comments);
- $notif_content .= replace_macros($tpl,array(
- //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'],
- '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'],
- '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'],
- '$item_text' => $item_text,
- '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created'])
- ));
- }
- }
- } else {
- $notif_content = t('No more personal notifications.');
- }
- $o .= replace_macros($notif_tpl, array(
- '$notif_header' => t('Personal Notifications'),
- '$tabs' => $tabs,
- '$notif_content' => $notif_content,
- ));
- } else if (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] == 'home')) {
- $notif_tpl = get_markup_template('notifications.tpl');
- $r = q("SELECT `item`.`id`,`item`.`parent`, `item`.`verb`, `item`.`author-name`,
- `item`.`author-link`, `item`.`author-avatar`, `item`.`created`, `item`.`object` as `object`,
- `pitem`.`author-name` as `pname`, `pitem`.`author-link` as `plink`, `pitem`.`guid` as `pguid`
- FROM `item` INNER JOIN `item` as `pitem` ON `pitem`.`id`=`item`.`parent`
- WHERE `item`.`unseen` = 1 AND `item`.`visible` = 1 AND
- `item`.`deleted` = 0 AND `item`.`uid` = %d AND `item`.`wall` = 1 ORDER BY `item`.`created` DESC",
- intval(local_user())
- );
- $tpl_item_likes = get_markup_template('notifications_likes_item.tpl');
- $tpl_item_dislikes = get_markup_template('notifications_dislikes_item.tpl');
- $tpl_item_friends = get_markup_template('notifications_friends_item.tpl');
- $tpl_item_comments = get_markup_template('notifications_comments_item.tpl');
- $notif_content = '';
- if (count($r) > 0) {
- foreach ($r as $it) {
- switch($it['verb']){
- $notif_content .= replace_macros($tpl_item_likes,array(
- //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'],
- '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'],
- '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'],
- '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s liked %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']),
- '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created'])
- ));
- break;
- $notif_content .= replace_macros($tpl_item_dislikes,array(
- //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'],
- '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'],
- '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'],
- '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s disliked %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']),
- '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created'])
- ));
- break;
- $xmlhead="<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?".">";
- $obj = parse_xml_string($xmlhead.$it['object']);
- $it['fname'] = $obj->title;
- $notif_content .= replace_macros($tpl_item_friends,array(
- //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'],
- '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'],
- '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'],
- '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s is now friends with %s"), $it['author-name'], $it['fname']),
- '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created'])
- ));
- break;
- default:
- $notif_content .= replace_macros($tpl_item_comments,array(
- //'$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$a->user['nickname']."/".$it['parent'],
- '$item_link' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/display/'.$it['pguid'],
- '$item_image' => $it['author-avatar'],
- '$item_text' => sprintf( t("%s commented on %s's post"), $it['author-name'], $it['pname']),
- '$item_when' => relative_date($it['created'])
- ));
- }
- }
- } else {
- $notif_content = t('No more home notifications.');
- }
- $o .= replace_macros($notif_tpl, array(
- '$notif_header' => t('Home Notifications'),
- '$tabs' => $tabs,
- '$notif_content' => $notif_content,
- ));
+ // Output if there aren't any notifications available
+ if($notifs['total'] == 0)
+ $notif_nocontent = sprintf( t('No more %s notifications.'), $notifs['ident']);
- $o .= paginate($a);
+ $o .= replace_macros($notif_tpl, array(
+ '$notif_header' => $notif_header,
+ '$tabs' => $tabs,
+ '$notif_content' => $notif_content,
+ '$notif_nocontent' => $notif_nocontent,
+ '$notif_show_lnk' => $notif_show_lnk,
+ '$notif_paginate' => paginate($a)
+ ));
return $o;
diff --git a/mod/parse_url.php b/mod/parse_url.php
index baf867750..23075ad77 100644
--- a/mod/parse_url.php
+++ b/mod/parse_url.php
@@ -89,6 +89,13 @@ function parseurl_getsiteinfo($url, $no_guessing = false, $do_oembed = true, $co
$siteinfo = array();
+ // Check if the URL does contain a scheme
+ $scheme = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
+ if ($scheme == "") {
+ $url = "http://".trim($url, "/");
+ }
if ($count > 10) {
logger("parseurl_getsiteinfo: Endless loop detected for ".$url, LOGGER_DEBUG);
@@ -102,6 +109,8 @@ function parseurl_getsiteinfo($url, $no_guessing = false, $do_oembed = true, $co
$siteinfo["url"] = $url;
$siteinfo["type"] = "link";
+ $check_cert = get_config('system','verifyssl');
$stamp1 = microtime(true);
$ch = curl_init();
@@ -110,8 +119,9 @@ function parseurl_getsiteinfo($url, $no_guessing = false, $do_oembed = true, $co
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
- //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $a->get_useragent());
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, (($check_cert) ? true : false));
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, (($check_cert) ? 2 : false));
$header = curl_exec($ch);
$curl_info = @curl_getinfo($ch);
@@ -142,8 +152,9 @@ function parseurl_getsiteinfo($url, $no_guessing = false, $do_oembed = true, $co
$oembed_data = oembed_fetch_url($url);
- if ($oembed_data->type != "error")
+ if (!in_array($oembed_data->type, array("error", "rich"))) {
$siteinfo["type"] = $oembed_data->type;
+ }
if (($oembed_data->type == "link") AND ($siteinfo["type"] != "photo")) {
if (isset($oembed_data->title))
@@ -165,6 +176,8 @@ function parseurl_getsiteinfo($url, $no_guessing = false, $do_oembed = true, $co
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $a->get_useragent());
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, (($check_cert) ? true : false));
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, (($check_cert) ? 2 : false));
$header = curl_exec($ch);
$curl_info = @curl_getinfo($ch);
diff --git a/mod/photo.php b/mod/photo.php
index 4166b4d53..0d60282d5 100644
--- a/mod/photo.php
+++ b/mod/photo.php
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ function photo_init(&$a) {
$uid = str_replace(array('.jpg','.png'),array('',''), $person);
- $r = q("SELECT * FROM `photo` WHERE `scale` = %d AND `uid` = %d AND `profile` = 1 LIMIT 1",
+ $r = qu("SELECT * FROM `photo` WHERE `scale` = %d AND `uid` = %d AND `profile` = 1 LIMIT 1",
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ function photo_init(&$a) {
// check if the photo exists and get the owner of the photo
- $r = q("SELECT `uid` FROM `photo` WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
+ $r = qu("SELECT `uid` FROM `photo` WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ function photo_init(&$a) {
// Now we'll see if we can access the photo
- $r = q("SELECT * FROM `photo` WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' AND `scale` <= %d $sql_extra ORDER BY scale DESC LIMIT 1",
+ $r = qu("SELECT * FROM `photo` WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' AND `scale` <= %d $sql_extra ORDER BY scale DESC LIMIT 1",
diff --git a/mod/photos.php b/mod/photos.php
index 4ac4e1a0e..d72a82482 100644
--- a/mod/photos.php
+++ b/mod/photos.php
@@ -12,24 +12,22 @@ require_once('include/Probe.php');
function photos_init(&$a) {
- if($a->argc > 1)
+ if ($a->argc > 1)
auto_redir($a, $a->argv[1]);
- if((get_config('system','block_public')) && (! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) {
+ if ((get_config('system','block_public')) && (! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) {
- $o = '';
- if($a->argc > 1) {
+ if ($a->argc > 1) {
$nick = $a->argv[1];
- $user = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `nickname` = '%s' AND `blocked` = 0 LIMIT 1",
+ $user = qu("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `nickname` = '%s' AND `blocked` = 0 LIMIT 1",
- if(! count($user))
+ if (! count($user))
$a->data['user'] = $user[0];
@@ -38,10 +36,7 @@ function photos_init(&$a) {
$profile = get_profiledata_by_nick($nick, $a->profile_uid);
- if((intval($profile['page-flags']) == PAGE_COMMUNITY) || (intval($profile['page-flags']) == PAGE_PRVGROUP))
- $account_type = t('Forum');
- else
- $account_type = "";
+ $account_type = account_type($profile);
$tpl = get_markup_template("vcard-widget.tpl");
@@ -53,30 +48,22 @@ function photos_init(&$a) {
'$pdesc' => (($profile['pdesc'] != "") ? $profile['pdesc'] : ""),
- $sql_extra = permissions_sql($a->data['user']['uid']);
- $albums = q("SELECT count(distinct `resource-id`) AS `total`, `album` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` != '%s' AND `album` != '%s'
- $sql_extra group by album order by created desc",
- intval($a->data['user']['uid']),
- dbesc('Contact Photos'),
- dbesc( t('Contact Photos'))
- );
+ $albums = photo_albums($a->data['user']['uid']);
$albums_visible = ((intval($a->data['user']['hidewall']) && (! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) ? false : true);
// add various encodings to the array so we can just loop through and pick them out in a template
$ret = array('success' => false);
- if($albums) {
+ if ($albums) {
$a->data['albums'] = $albums;
if ($albums_visible)
$ret['success'] = true;
$ret['albums'] = array();
- foreach($albums as $k => $album) {
+ foreach ($albums as $k => $album) {
//hide profile photos to others
- if((! $is_owner) && (! remote_user()) && ($album['album'] == t('Profile Photos')))
+ if ((! $is_owner) && (! remote_user()) && ($album['album'] == t('Profile Photos')))
$entry = array(
'text' => $album['album'],
@@ -91,10 +78,10 @@ function photos_init(&$a) {
$albums = $ret;
- if(local_user() && $a->data['user']['uid'] == local_user())
+ if (local_user() && $a->data['user']['uid'] == local_user())
$can_post = true;
- if($albums['success']) {
+ if ($albums['success']) {
$photo_albums_widget = replace_macros(get_markup_template('photo_albums.tpl'),array(
'$nick' => $a->data['user']['nickname'],
'$title' => t('Photo Albums'),
@@ -107,7 +94,7 @@ function photos_init(&$a) {
- if(! x($a->page,'aside'))
+ if (! x($a->page,'aside'))
$a->page['aside'] = '';
$a->page['aside'] .= $vcard_widget;
$a->page['aside'] .= $photo_albums_widget;
@@ -141,44 +128,44 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$page_owner_uid = $a->data['user']['uid'];
$community_page = (($a->data['user']['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY) ? true : false);
- if((local_user()) && (local_user() == $page_owner_uid))
+ if ((local_user()) && (local_user() == $page_owner_uid))
$can_post = true;
else {
- if($community_page && remote_user()) {
- $cid = 0;
- if(is_array($_SESSION['remote'])) {
- foreach($_SESSION['remote'] as $v) {
- if($v['uid'] == $page_owner_uid) {
- $cid = $v['cid'];
+ if ($community_page && remote_user()) {
+ $contact_id = 0;
+ if (is_array($_SESSION['remote'])) {
+ foreach ($_SESSION['remote'] as $v) {
+ if ($v['uid'] == $page_owner_uid) {
+ $contact_id = $v['cid'];
- if($cid) {
+ if ($contact_id) {
- $r = q("SELECT `uid` FROM `contact` WHERE `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
- intval($cid),
+ $r = qu("SELECT `uid` FROM `contact` WHERE `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
+ intval($contact_id),
- if(count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$can_post = true;
- $visitor = $cid;
+ $visitor = $contact_id;
- if(! $can_post) {
+ if (! $can_post) {
notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL );
- $r = q("SELECT `contact`.*, `user`.`nickname` FROM `contact` LEFT JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `contact`.`uid`
+ $r = qu("SELECT `contact`.*, `user`.`nickname` FROM `contact` LEFT JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `contact`.`uid`
WHERE `user`.`uid` = %d AND `self` = 1 LIMIT 1",
- if(! count($r)) {
+ if (! count($r)) {
notice( t('Contact information unavailable') . EOL);
logger('photos_post: unable to locate contact record for page owner. uid=' . $page_owner_uid);
@@ -187,26 +174,26 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$owner_record = $r[0];
- if(($a->argc > 3) && ($a->argv[2] === 'album')) {
+ if (($a->argc > 3) && ($a->argv[2] === 'album')) {
$album = hex2bin($a->argv[3]);
- if($album === t('Profile Photos') || $album === 'Contact Photos' || $album === t('Contact Photos')) {
+ if ($album === t('Profile Photos') || $album === 'Contact Photos' || $album === t('Contact Photos')) {
return; // NOTREACHED
- $r = q("SELECT count(*) FROM `photo` WHERE `album` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d",
+ $r = qu("SELECT count(*) FROM `photo` WHERE `album` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d",
- if(! count($r)) {
+ if (! count($r)) {
notice( t('Album not found.') . EOL);
return; // NOTREACHED
// Check if the user has responded to a delete confirmation query
- if($_REQUEST['canceled']) {
+ if ($_REQUEST['canceled']) {
@@ -215,7 +202,7 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$newalbum = notags(trim($_POST['albumname']));
- if($newalbum != $album) {
+ if ($newalbum != $album) {
q("UPDATE `photo` SET `album` = '%s' WHERE `album` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d",
@@ -230,10 +217,10 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
* DELETE photo album and all its photos
- if($_POST['dropalbum'] == t('Delete Album')) {
+ if ($_POST['dropalbum'] == t('Delete Album')) {
// Check if we should do HTML-based delete confirmation
- if($_REQUEST['confirm']) {
+ if ($_REQUEST['confirm']) {
$drop_url = $a->query_string;
$extra_inputs = array(
array('name' => 'albumname', 'value' => $_POST['albumname']),
@@ -255,25 +242,23 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
// get the list of photos we are about to delete
- if($visitor) {
+ if ($visitor) {
$r = q("SELECT distinct(`resource-id`) as `rid` FROM `photo` WHERE `contact-id` = %d AND `uid` = %d AND `album` = '%s'",
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$r = q("SELECT distinct(`resource-id`) as `rid` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` = '%s'",
- if(count($r)) {
- foreach($r as $rr) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
+ foreach ($r as $rr) {
$res[] = "'" . dbesc($rr['rid']) . "'" ;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
return; // NOTREACHED
@@ -291,8 +276,8 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$r = q("SELECT `parent-uri` FROM `item` WHERE `resource-id` IN ( $str_res ) AND `uid` = %d",
- if(count($r)) {
- foreach($r as $rr) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
+ foreach ($r as $rr) {
q("UPDATE `item` SET `deleted` = 1, `changed` = '%s' WHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d",
@@ -305,8 +290,8 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
// send the notification upstream/downstream as the case may be
- if($rr['visible'])
- proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","drop","$drop_id");
+ if ($rr['visible'])
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", "drop", $drop_id);
@@ -316,16 +301,16 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
// Check if the user has responded to a delete confirmation query for a single photo
- if(($a->argc > 2) && $_REQUEST['canceled']) {
+ if (($a->argc > 2) && $_REQUEST['canceled']) {
- if(($a->argc > 2) && (x($_POST,'delete')) && ($_POST['delete'] == t('Delete Photo'))) {
+ if (($a->argc > 2) && (x($_POST,'delete')) && ($_POST['delete'] == t('Delete Photo'))) {
// same as above but remove single photo
// Check if we should do HTML-based delete confirmation
- if($_REQUEST['confirm']) {
+ if ($_REQUEST['confirm']) {
$drop_url = $a->query_string;
$a->page['content'] = replace_macros(get_markup_template('confirm.tpl'), array(
'$method' => 'post',
@@ -340,20 +325,19 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
- if($visitor) {
+ if ($visitor) {
$r = q("SELECT `id`, `resource-id` FROM `photo` WHERE `contact-id` = %d AND `uid` = %d AND `resource-id` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$r = q("SELECT `id`, `resource-id` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `resource-id` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
- if(count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
q("DELETE FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `resource-id` = '%s'",
@@ -362,7 +346,7 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
- if(count($i)) {
+ if (count($i)) {
q("UPDATE `item` SET `deleted` = 1, `edited` = '%s', `changed` = '%s' WHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d",
@@ -375,8 +359,8 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$url = $a->get_baseurl();
$drop_id = intval($i[0]['id']);
- if($i[0]['visible'])
- proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","drop","$drop_id");
+ if ($i[0]['visible'])
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", "drop", $drop_id);
@@ -384,7 +368,7 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
return; // NOTREACHED
- if(($a->argc > 2) && ((x($_POST,'desc') !== false) || (x($_POST,'newtag') !== false)) || (x($_POST,'albname') !== false)) {
+ if (($a->argc > 2) && ((x($_POST,'desc') !== false) || (x($_POST,'newtag') !== false)) || (x($_POST,'albname') !== false)) {
$desc = ((x($_POST,'desc')) ? notags(trim($_POST['desc'])) : '');
$rawtags = ((x($_POST,'newtag')) ? notags(trim($_POST['newtag'])) : '');
@@ -397,11 +381,11 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$resource_id = $a->argv[2];
- if(! strlen($albname))
+ if (! strlen($albname))
$albname = datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),'now', 'Y');
- if((x($_POST,'rotate') !== false) &&
+ if ((x($_POST,'rotate') !== false) &&
( (intval($_POST['rotate']) == 1) || (intval($_POST['rotate']) == 2) )) {
@@ -409,9 +393,9 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
- if(count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$ph = new Photo($r[0]['data'], $r[0]['type']);
- if($ph->is_valid()) {
+ if ($ph->is_valid()) {
$rotate_deg = ( (intval($_POST['rotate']) == 1) ? 270 : 90 );
@@ -426,7 +410,7 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
- if($width > 640 || $height > 640) {
+ if ($width > 640 || $height > 640) {
$width = $ph->getWidth();
$height = $ph->getHeight();
@@ -440,7 +424,7 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
- if($width > 320 || $height > 320) {
+ if ($width > 320 || $height > 320) {
$width = $ph->getWidth();
$height = $ph->getHeight();
@@ -461,7 +445,7 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
- if(count($p)) {
+ if (count($p)) {
$ext = $phototypes[$p[0]['type']];
$r = q("UPDATE `photo` SET `desc` = '%s', `album` = '%s', `allow_cid` = '%s', `allow_gid` = '%s', `deny_cid` = '%s', `deny_gid` = '%s' WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d",
@@ -478,10 +462,10 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
/* Don't make the item visible if the only change was the album name */
$visibility = 0;
- if($p[0]['desc'] !== $desc || strlen($rawtags))
+ if ($p[0]['desc'] !== $desc || strlen($rawtags))
$visibility = 1;
- if(! $item_id) {
+ if (! $item_id) {
// Create item container
@@ -520,18 +504,18 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
- if($item_id) {
+ if ($item_id) {
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
- if(count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$old_tag = $r[0]['tag'];
$old_inform = $r[0]['inform'];
- if(strlen($rawtags)) {
+ if (strlen($rawtags)) {
$str_tags = '';
$inform = '';
@@ -539,49 +523,47 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
// if the new tag doesn't have a namespace specifier (@foo or #foo) give it a hashtag
$x = substr($rawtags,0,1);
- if($x !== '@' && $x !== '#')
+ if ($x !== '@' && $x !== '#')
$rawtags = '#' . $rawtags;
$taginfo = array();
$tags = get_tags($rawtags);
- if(count($tags)) {
- foreach($tags as $tag) {
- if(isset($profile))
+ if (count($tags)) {
+ foreach ($tags as $tag) {
+ if (isset($profile))
- if(strpos($tag,'@') === 0) {
+ if (strpos($tag,'@') === 0) {
$name = substr($tag,1);
- if((strpos($name,'@')) || (strpos($name,'http://'))) {
+ if ((strpos($name,'@')) || (strpos($name,'http://'))) {
$newname = $name;
$links = @Probe::lrdd($name);
- if(count($links)) {
- foreach($links as $link) {
- if($link['@attributes']['rel'] === 'http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page')
+ if (count($links)) {
+ foreach ($links as $link) {
+ if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === 'http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page')
$profile = $link['@attributes']['href'];
- if($link['@attributes']['rel'] === 'salmon') {
+ if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === 'salmon') {
$salmon = '$url:' . str_replace(',','%sc',$link['@attributes']['href']);
- if(strlen($inform))
+ if (strlen($inform))
$inform .= ',';
$inform .= $salmon;
$taginfo[] = array($newname,$profile,$salmon);
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$newname = $name;
$alias = '';
$tagcid = 0;
- if(strrpos($newname,'+'))
+ if (strrpos($newname,'+'))
$tagcid = intval(substr($newname,strrpos($newname,'+') + 1));
- if($tagcid) {
+ if ($tagcid) {
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$newname = str_replace('_',' ',$name);
//select someone from this user's contacts by name
@@ -590,7 +572,7 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
- if(! $r) {
+ if (! $r) {
//select someone by attag or nick and the name passed in
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `attag` = '%s' OR `nick` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d ORDER BY `attag` DESC LIMIT 1",
@@ -599,35 +581,34 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
-/* elseif(strstr($name,'_') || strstr($name,' ')) {
+/* elseif (strstr($name,'_') || strstr($name,' ')) {
$newname = str_replace('_',' ',$name);
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `name` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `attag` = '%s' OR `nick` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d ORDER BY `attag` DESC LIMIT 1",
- if(count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$newname = $r[0]['name'];
$profile = $r[0]['url'];
$notify = 'cid:' . $r[0]['id'];
- if(strlen($inform))
+ if (strlen($inform))
$inform .= ',';
$inform .= $notify;
- if($profile) {
- if(substr($notify,0,4) === 'cid:')
+ if ($profile) {
+ if (substr($notify,0,4) === 'cid:')
$taginfo[] = array($newname,$profile,$notify,$r[0],'@[url=' . str_replace(',','%2c',$profile) . ']' . $newname . '[/url]');
$taginfo[] = array($newname,$profile,$notify,null,$str_tags .= '@[url=' . $profile . ']' . $newname . '[/url]');
- if(strlen($str_tags))
+ if (strlen($str_tags))
$str_tags .= ',';
$profile = str_replace(',','%2c',$profile);
$str_tags .= '@[url='.$profile.']'.$newname.'[/url]';
@@ -640,12 +621,12 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$newtag = $old_tag;
- if(strlen($newtag) && strlen($str_tags))
+ if (strlen($newtag) && strlen($str_tags))
$newtag .= ',';
$newtag .= $str_tags;
$newinform = $old_inform;
- if(strlen($newinform) && strlen($inform))
+ if (strlen($newinform) && strlen($inform))
$newinform .= ',';
$newinform .= $inform;
@@ -661,19 +642,19 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$best = 0;
- foreach($p as $scales) {
- if(intval($scales['scale']) == 2) {
+ foreach ($p as $scales) {
+ if (intval($scales['scale']) == 2) {
$best = 2;
- if(intval($scales['scale']) == 4) {
+ if (intval($scales['scale']) == 4) {
$best = 4;
- if(count($taginfo)) {
- foreach($taginfo as $tagged) {
+ if (count($taginfo)) {
+ foreach ($taginfo as $tagged) {
$uri = item_new_uri($a->get_hostname(),$page_owner_uid);
@@ -709,7 +690,7 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$arr['object'] = '' . ACTIVITY_OBJ_PERSON . ' ' . $tagged[0] . ' ' . $tagged[1] . '/' . $tagged[0] . ' ';
$arr['object'] .= ' ' . xmlify(' ' . "\n");
- if($tagged[3])
+ if ($tagged[3])
$arr['object'] .= xmlify(' ' . "\n");
$arr['object'] .= ' ' . "\n";
@@ -718,8 +699,8 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$arr['target'] .= ' ' . xmlify(' ' . "\n" . ' ') . '';
$item_id = item_store($arr);
- if($item_id) {
- proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","tag","$item_id");
+ if ($item_id) {
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", "tag", $item_id);
@@ -746,8 +727,8 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
logger('mod/photos.php: photos_post(): album= ' . $album . ' newalbum= ' . $newalbum , LOGGER_DEBUG);
- if(! strlen($album)) {
- if(strlen($newalbum))
+ if (! strlen($album)) {
+ if (strlen($newalbum))
$album = $newalbum;
$album = datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),'now', 'Y');
@@ -767,12 +748,12 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
- if((! count($r)) || ($album == t('Profile Photos')))
+ if ((! count($r)) || ($album == t('Profile Photos')))
$visible = 1;
$visible = 0;
- if(intval($_REQUEST['not_visible']) || $_REQUEST['not_visible'] === 'true')
+ if (intval($_REQUEST['not_visible']) || $_REQUEST['not_visible'] === 'true')
$visible = 0;
$str_group_allow = perms2str(((is_array($_REQUEST['group_allow'])) ? $_REQUEST['group_allow'] : explode(',',$_REQUEST['group_allow'])));
@@ -784,13 +765,12 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
- if(x($ret,'src') && x($ret,'filesize')) {
+ if (x($ret,'src') && x($ret,'filesize')) {
$src = $ret['src'];
$filename = $ret['filename'];
$filesize = $ret['filesize'];
$type = $ret['type'];
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$src = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'];
$filename = basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
$filesize = intval($_FILES['userfile']['size']);
@@ -802,7 +782,7 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$maximagesize = get_config('system','maximagesize');
- if(($maximagesize) && ($filesize > $maximagesize)) {
+ if (($maximagesize) && ($filesize > $maximagesize)) {
notice( sprintf(t('Image exceeds size limit of %s'), formatBytes($maximagesize)) . EOL);
$foo = 0;
@@ -810,7 +790,7 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
- if(! $filesize) {
+ if (! $filesize) {
notice( t('Image file is empty.') . EOL);
$foo = 0;
@@ -830,7 +810,7 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$limit = service_class_fetch($a->data['user']['uid'],'photo_upload_limit');
- if(($limit !== false) && (($r[0]['total'] + strlen($imagedata)) > $limit)) {
+ if (($limit !== false) && (($r[0]['total'] + strlen($imagedata)) > $limit)) {
notice( upgrade_message() . EOL );
$foo = 0;
@@ -841,7 +821,7 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$ph = new Photo($imagedata, $type);
- if(! $ph->is_valid()) {
+ if (! $ph->is_valid()) {
logger('mod/photos.php: photos_post(): unable to process image' , LOGGER_DEBUG);
notice( t('Unable to process image.') . EOL );
@@ -854,9 +834,9 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$max_length = get_config('system','max_image_length');
- if(! $max_length)
+ if (! $max_length)
$max_length = MAX_IMAGE_LENGTH;
- if($max_length > 0)
+ if ($max_length > 0)
$width = $ph->getWidth();
@@ -868,19 +848,19 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$r = $ph->store($page_owner_uid, $visitor, $photo_hash, $filename, $album, 0 , 0, $str_contact_allow, $str_group_allow, $str_contact_deny, $str_group_deny);
- if(! $r) {
+ if (! $r) {
logger('mod/photos.php: photos_post(): image store failed' , LOGGER_DEBUG);
notice( t('Image upload failed.') . EOL );
- if($width > 640 || $height > 640) {
+ if ($width > 640 || $height > 640) {
$ph->store($page_owner_uid, $visitor, $photo_hash, $filename, $album, 1, 0, $str_contact_allow, $str_group_allow, $str_contact_deny, $str_group_deny);
$smallest = 1;
- if($width > 320 || $height > 320) {
+ if ($width > 320 || $height > 320) {
$ph->store($page_owner_uid, $visitor, $photo_hash, $filename, $album, 2, 0, $str_contact_allow, $str_group_allow, $str_contact_deny, $str_group_deny);
$smallest = 2;
@@ -893,8 +873,8 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$lat = $lon = null;
- if($exif && $exif['GPS']) {
- if(feature_enabled($channel_id,'photo_location')) {
+ if ($exif && $exif['GPS']) {
+ if (feature_enabled($channel_id,'photo_location')) {
$lat = getGps($exif['GPS']['GPSLatitude'], $exif['GPS']['GPSLatitudeRef']);
$lon = getGps($exif['GPS']['GPSLongitude'], $exif['GPS']['GPSLongitudeRef']);
@@ -902,7 +882,7 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$arr = array();
- if($lat && $lon)
+ if ($lat && $lon)
$arr['coord'] = $lat . ' ' . $lon;
$arr['guid'] = get_guid(32);
@@ -934,8 +914,8 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$item_id = item_store($arr);
- if($visible)
- proc_run('php', "include/notifier.php", 'wall-new', $item_id);
+ if ($visible)
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", 'wall-new', $item_id);
@@ -960,7 +940,7 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
// photos/name/image/xxxxx/edit
- if((get_config('system','block_public')) && (! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) {
+ if ((get_config('system','block_public')) && (! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) {
notice( t('Public access denied.') . EOL);
@@ -970,7 +950,7 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
- if(! x($a->data,'user')) {
+ if (! x($a->data,'user')) {
notice( t('No photos selected') . EOL );
@@ -983,16 +963,15 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
// Parse arguments
- if($a->argc > 3) {
+ if ($a->argc > 3) {
$datatype = $a->argv[2];
$datum = $a->argv[3];
- }
- elseif(($a->argc > 2) && ($a->argv[2] === 'upload'))
+ } elseif (($a->argc > 2) && ($a->argv[2] === 'upload'))
$datatype = 'upload';
$datatype = 'summary';
- if($a->argc > 4)
+ if ($a->argc > 4)
$cmd = $a->argv[4];
$cmd = 'view';
@@ -1011,29 +990,29 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
$community_page = (($a->data['user']['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY) ? true : false);
- if((local_user()) && (local_user() == $owner_uid))
+ if ((local_user()) && (local_user() == $owner_uid))
$can_post = true;
else {
- if($community_page && remote_user()) {
- if(is_array($_SESSION['remote'])) {
- foreach($_SESSION['remote'] as $v) {
- if($v['uid'] == $owner_uid) {
+ if ($community_page && remote_user()) {
+ if (is_array($_SESSION['remote'])) {
+ foreach ($_SESSION['remote'] as $v) {
+ if ($v['uid'] == $owner_uid) {
$contact_id = $v['cid'];
- if($contact_id) {
+ if ($contact_id) {
$r = q("SELECT `uid` FROM `contact` WHERE `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
- if(count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$can_post = true;
$contact = $r[0];
$remote_contact = true;
- $visitor = $cid;
+ $visitor = $contact_id;
@@ -1041,37 +1020,37 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
// perhaps they're visiting - but not a community page, so they wouldn't have write access
- if(remote_user() && (! $visitor)) {
+ if (remote_user() && (! $visitor)) {
$contact_id = 0;
- if(is_array($_SESSION['remote'])) {
- foreach($_SESSION['remote'] as $v) {
- if($v['uid'] == $owner_uid) {
+ if (is_array($_SESSION['remote'])) {
+ foreach ($_SESSION['remote'] as $v) {
+ if ($v['uid'] == $owner_uid) {
$contact_id = $v['cid'];
- if($contact_id) {
+ if ($contact_id) {
$groups = init_groups_visitor($contact_id);
$r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
- if(count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$contact = $r[0];
$remote_contact = true;
- if(! $remote_contact) {
- if(local_user()) {
+ if (! $remote_contact) {
+ if (local_user()) {
$contact_id = $_SESSION['cid'];
$contact = $a->contact;
- if($a->data['user']['hidewall'] && (local_user() != $owner_uid) && (! $remote_contact)) {
+ if ($a->data['user']['hidewall'] && (local_user() != $owner_uid) && (! $remote_contact)) {
notice( t('Access to this item is restricted.') . EOL);
@@ -1088,8 +1067,8 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
* Display upload form
- if($datatype === 'upload') {
- if(! ($can_post)) {
+ if ($datatype === 'upload') {
+ if (! ($can_post)) {
notice( t('Permission denied.'));
@@ -1102,9 +1081,9 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
$albumselect .= ' ';
- if(count($a->data['albums'])) {
- foreach($a->data['albums'] as $album) {
- if(($album['album'] === '') || ($album['album'] === 'Contact Photos') || ($album['album'] === t('Contact Photos')))
+ if (count($a->data['albums'])) {
+ foreach ($a->data['albums'] as $album) {
+ if (($album['album'] === '') || ($album['album'] === 'Contact Photos') || ($album['album'] === t('Contact Photos')))
$selected = (($selname === $album['album']) ? ' selected="selected" ' : '');
$albumselect .= '' . $album['album'] . ' ';
@@ -1127,7 +1106,7 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
$usage_message = '';
$limit = service_class_fetch($a->data['user']['uid'],'photo_upload_limit');
- if($limit !== false) {
+ if ($limit !== false) {
$r = q("select sum(datasize) as total from photo where uid = %d and scale = 0 and album != 'Contact Photos' ",
@@ -1138,17 +1117,17 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
// Private/public post links for the non-JS ACL form
$private_post = 1;
- if($_REQUEST['public'])
+ if ($_REQUEST['public'])
$private_post = 0;
$query_str = $a->query_string;
- if(strpos($query_str, 'public=1') !== false)
+ if (strpos($query_str, 'public=1') !== false)
$query_str = str_replace(array('?public=1', '&public=1'), array('', ''), $query_str);
// I think $a->query_string may never have ? in it, but I could be wrong
// It looks like it's from the index.php?q=[etc] rewrite that the web
// server does, which converts any ? to &, e.g. suggest&ignore=61 for suggest?ignore=61
- if(strpos($query_str, '?') === false)
+ if (strpos($query_str, '?') === false)
$public_post_link = '?public=1';
$public_post_link = '&public=1';
@@ -1157,11 +1136,10 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
$tpl = get_markup_template('photos_upload.tpl');
- if($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') {
+ if ($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') {
$albumselect_e = template_escape($albumselect);
$aclselect_e = (($visitor) ? '' : template_escape(populate_acl($a->user)));
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$albumselect_e = $albumselect;
$aclselect_e = (($visitor) ? '' : populate_acl($a->user));
@@ -1201,7 +1179,7 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
* Display a single photo album
- if($datatype === 'album') {
+ if ($datatype === 'album') {
$album = hex2bin($datum);
@@ -1210,12 +1188,12 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
- if(count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
- if($_GET['order'] === 'posted')
+ if ($_GET['order'] === 'posted')
$order = 'ASC';
$order = 'DESC';
@@ -1229,15 +1207,14 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
//edit album name
- if($cmd === 'edit') {
- if(($album !== t('Profile Photos')) && ($album !== 'Contact Photos') && ($album !== t('Contact Photos'))) {
- if($can_post) {
+ if ($cmd === 'edit') {
+ if (($album !== t('Profile Photos')) && ($album !== 'Contact Photos') && ($album !== t('Contact Photos'))) {
+ if ($can_post) {
$edit_tpl = get_markup_template('album_edit.tpl');
- if($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') {
+ if ($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') {
$album_e = template_escape($album);
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$album_e = $album;
@@ -1251,37 +1228,35 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
- }
- else {
- if(($album !== t('Profile Photos')) && ($album !== 'Contact Photos') && ($album !== t('Contact Photos'))) {
- if($can_post) {
+ } else {
+ if (($album !== t('Profile Photos')) && ($album !== 'Contact Photos') && ($album !== t('Contact Photos'))) {
+ if ($can_post) {
$edit = array(t('Edit Album'), 'photos/' . $a->data['user']['nickname'] . '/album/' . bin2hex($album) . '/edit');
- if($_GET['order'] === 'posted')
+ if ($_GET['order'] === 'posted')
$order = array(t('Show Newest First'), 'photos/' . $a->data['user']['nickname'] . '/album/' . bin2hex($album));
$order = array(t('Show Oldest First'), 'photos/' . $a->data['user']['nickname'] . '/album/' . bin2hex($album) . '?f=&order=posted');
$photos = array();
- if(count($r))
+ if (dbm::is_result($r))
$twist = 'rotright';
- foreach($r as $rr) {
- if($twist == 'rotright')
+ foreach ($r as $rr) {
+ if ($twist == 'rotright')
$twist = 'rotleft';
$twist = 'rotright';
$ext = $phototypes[$rr['type']];
- if($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') {
+ if ($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') {
$imgalt_e = template_escape($rr['filename']);
$desc_e = template_escape($rr['desc']);
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$imgalt_e = $rr['filename'];
$desc_e = $rr['desc'];
@@ -1307,11 +1282,10 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
'$can_post' => $can_post,
'$upload' => array(t('Upload New Photos'), 'photos/' . $a->data['user']['nickname'] . '/upload/' . bin2hex($album)),
'$order' => $order,
- '$edit' => $edit
+ '$edit' => $edit,
+ '$paginate' => paginate($a),
- $o .= paginate($a);
return $o;
@@ -1320,7 +1294,7 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
* Display one photo
- if($datatype === 'image') {
+ if ($datatype === 'image') {
//$o = '';
// fetch image, item containing image, then comments
@@ -1331,13 +1305,13 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
- if(! count($ph)) {
+ if (! count($ph)) {
$ph = q("SELECT `id` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `resource-id` = '%s'
- if(count($ph))
+ if (count($ph))
notice( t('Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted.'));
notice( t('Photo not available') . EOL );
@@ -1347,26 +1321,26 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
$prevlink = '';
$nextlink = '';
- if($_GET['order'] === 'posted')
+ if ($_GET['order'] === 'posted')
$order = 'ASC';
$order = 'DESC';
- $prvnxt = q("SELECT `resource-id` FROM `photo` WHERE `album` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d AND `scale` = 0
+ $prvnxt = qu("SELECT `resource-id` FROM `photo` WHERE `album` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d AND `scale` = 0
$sql_extra ORDER BY `created` $order ",
- if(count($prvnxt)) {
+ if (count($prvnxt)) {
for($z = 0; $z < count($prvnxt); $z++) {
- if($prvnxt[$z]['resource-id'] == $ph[0]['resource-id']) {
+ if ($prvnxt[$z]['resource-id'] == $ph[0]['resource-id']) {
$prv = $z - 1;
$nxt = $z + 1;
- if($prv < 0)
+ if ($prv < 0)
$prv = count($prvnxt) - 1;
- if($nxt >= count($prvnxt))
+ if ($nxt >= count($prvnxt))
$nxt = 0;
@@ -1377,16 +1351,15 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
- if(count($ph) == 1)
+ if (count($ph) == 1)
$hires = $lores = $ph[0];
- if(count($ph) > 1) {
- if($ph[1]['scale'] == 2) {
+ if (count($ph) > 1) {
+ if ($ph[1]['scale'] == 2) {
// original is 640 or less, we can display it directly
$hires = $lores = $ph[0];
- }
- else {
- $hires = $ph[0];
- $lores = $ph[1];
+ } else {
+ $hires = $ph[0];
+ $lores = $ph[1];
@@ -1394,7 +1367,7 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
$tools = Null;
$lock = Null;
- if($can_post && ($ph[0]['uid'] == $owner_uid)) {
+ if ($can_post && ($ph[0]['uid'] == $owner_uid)) {
$tools = array(
'edit' => array('photos/' . $a->data['user']['nickname'] . '/image/' . $datum . (($cmd === 'edit') ? '' : '/edit'), (($cmd === 'edit') ? t('View photo') : t('Edit photo'))),
'profile'=>array('profile_photo/use/'.$ph[0]['resource-id'], t('Use as profile photo')),
@@ -1409,7 +1382,7 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
- if( $cmd === 'edit') {
+ if ( $cmd === 'edit') {
$tpl = get_markup_template('photo_edit_head.tpl');
$a->page['htmlhead'] .= replace_macros($tpl,array(
'$prevlink' => $prevlink,
@@ -1417,7 +1390,7 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
- if($prevlink)
+ if ($prevlink)
$prevlink = array($prevlink, '
') ;
$photo = array(
@@ -1430,7 +1403,7 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
'filename' => $hires['filename'],
- if($nextlink)
+ if ($nextlink)
$nextlink = array($nextlink, '
@@ -1448,9 +1421,9 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
$map = null;
- if(count($linked_items)) {
+ if (count($linked_items)) {
$link_item = $linked_items[0];
- $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total`
+ $r = qu("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total`
FROM `item` LEFT JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id`
WHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' AND `uri` != '%s' AND `item`.`deleted` = 0 and `item`.`moderated` = 0
AND `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`pending` = 0
@@ -1462,11 +1435,11 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
- if(count($r))
+ if (dbm::is_result($r))
- $r = q("SELECT `item`.*, `item`.`id` AS `item_id`,
+ $r = qu("SELECT `item`.*, `item`.`id` AS `item_id`,
`contact`.`name`, `contact`.`photo`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`network`,
`contact`.`rel`, `contact`.`thumb`, `contact`.`self`,
`contact`.`id` AS `cid`, `contact`.`uid` AS `contact-uid`
@@ -1484,7 +1457,7 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
- if((local_user()) && (local_user() == $link_item['uid'])) {
+ if ((local_user()) && (local_user() == $link_item['uid'])) {
q("UPDATE `item` SET `unseen` = 0 WHERE `parent` = %d and `uid` = %d",
@@ -1492,24 +1465,24 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
- if($link_item['coord']) {
+ if ($link_item['coord']) {
$map = generate_map($link_item['coord']);
- if(count($linked_items) && strlen($link_item['tag'])) {
+ if (count($linked_items) && strlen($link_item['tag'])) {
$arr = explode(',',$link_item['tag']);
// parse tags and add links
$tag_str = '';
- foreach($arr as $t) {
- if(strlen($tag_str))
+ foreach ($arr as $t) {
+ if (strlen($tag_str))
$tag_str .= ', ';
$tag_str .= bbcode($t);
$tags = array(t('Tags: '), $tag_str);
- if($cmd === 'edit') {
+ if ($cmd === 'edit') {
$tags[] = 'tagrm/' . $link_item['id'];
$tags[] = t('[Remove any tag]');
@@ -1517,33 +1490,32 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
$edit = Null;
- if(($cmd === 'edit') && ($can_post)) {
+ if (($cmd === 'edit') && ($can_post)) {
$edit_tpl = get_markup_template('photo_edit.tpl');
// Private/public post links for the non-JS ACL form
$private_post = 1;
- if($_REQUEST['public'])
+ if ($_REQUEST['public'])
$private_post = 0;
$query_str = $a->query_string;
- if(strpos($query_str, 'public=1') !== false)
+ if (strpos($query_str, 'public=1') !== false)
$query_str = str_replace(array('?public=1', '&public=1'), array('', ''), $query_str);
// I think $a->query_string may never have ? in it, but I could be wrong
// It looks like it's from the index.php?q=[etc] rewrite that the web
// server does, which converts any ? to &, e.g. suggest&ignore=61 for suggest?ignore=61
- if(strpos($query_str, '?') === false)
+ if (strpos($query_str, '?') === false)
$public_post_link = '?public=1';
$public_post_link = '&public=1';
- if($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') {
+ if ($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') {
$album_e = template_escape($ph[0]['album']);
$caption_e = template_escape($ph[0]['desc']);
$aclselect_e = template_escape(populate_acl($ph[0]));
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$album_e = $ph[0]['album'];
$caption_e = $ph[0]['desc'];
$aclselect_e = populate_acl($ph[0]);
@@ -1579,7 +1551,7 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
- if(count($linked_items)) {
+ if (count($linked_items)) {
$cmnt_tpl = get_markup_template('comment_item.tpl');
$tpl = get_markup_template('photo_item.tpl');
@@ -1589,7 +1561,7 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
$likebuttons = '';
- if($can_post || can_write_wall($a,$owner_uid)) {
+ if ($can_post || can_write_wall($a,$owner_uid)) {
$likebuttons = replace_macros($like_tpl,array(
'$id' => $link_item['id'],
'$likethis' => t("I like this \x28toggle\x29"),
@@ -1601,9 +1573,9 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
$comments = '';
- if(! count($r)) {
- if($can_post || can_write_wall($a,$owner_uid)) {
- if($link_item['last-child']) {
+ if (! count($r)) {
+ if ($can_post || can_write_wall($a,$owner_uid)) {
+ if ($link_item['last-child']) {
$comments .= replace_macros($cmnt_tpl,array(
'$return_path' => '',
'$jsreload' => $return_url,
@@ -1639,9 +1611,9 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
// display comments
- if(count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
- foreach($r as $item) {
+ foreach ($r as $item) {
builtin_activity_puller($item, $conv_responses);
@@ -1650,8 +1622,8 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
- if($can_post || can_write_wall($a,$owner_uid)) {
- if($link_item['last-child']) {
+ if ($can_post || can_write_wall($a,$owner_uid)) {
+ if ($link_item['last-child']) {
$comments .= replace_macros($cmnt_tpl,array(
'$return_path' => '',
'$jsreload' => $return_url,
@@ -1673,23 +1645,22 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
- foreach($r as $item) {
+ foreach ($r as $item) {
$comment = '';
$template = $tpl;
$sparkle = '';
- if(((activity_match($item['verb'],ACTIVITY_LIKE)) || (activity_match($item['verb'],ACTIVITY_DISLIKE))) && ($item['id'] != $item['parent']))
+ if (((activity_match($item['verb'],ACTIVITY_LIKE)) || (activity_match($item['verb'],ACTIVITY_DISLIKE))) && ($item['id'] != $item['parent']))
$redirect_url = 'redir/' . $item['cid'] ;
- if(local_user() && ($item['contact-uid'] == local_user())
+ if (local_user() && ($item['contact-uid'] == local_user())
&& ($item['network'] == NETWORK_DFRN) && (! $item['self'] )) {
$profile_url = $redirect_url;
$sparkle = ' sparkle';
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$profile_url = $item['url'];
$sparkle = '';
@@ -1712,12 +1683,11 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
- if($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') {
+ if ($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') {
$name_e = template_escape($profile_name);
$title_e = template_escape($item['title']);
$body_e = template_escape(bbcode($item['body']));
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$name_e = $profile_name;
$title_e = $item['title'];
$body_e = bbcode($item['body']);
@@ -1737,9 +1707,9 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
'$comment' => $comment
- if($can_post || can_write_wall($a,$owner_uid)) {
+ if ($can_post || can_write_wall($a,$owner_uid)) {
- if($item['last-child']) {
+ if ($item['last-child']) {
$comments .= replace_macros($cmnt_tpl,array(
'$return_path' => '',
'$jsreload' => $return_url,
@@ -1767,19 +1737,18 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
$response_verbs = array('like');
- if(feature_enabled($owner_uid,'dislike'))
+ if (feature_enabled($owner_uid,'dislike'))
$response_verbs[] = 'dislike';
$responses = get_responses($conv_responses,$response_verbs,'',$link_item);
$photo_tpl = get_markup_template('photo_view.tpl');
- if($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') {
+ if ($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') {
$album_e = array($album_link,template_escape($ph[0]['album']));
$tags_e = template_escape($tags);
$like_e = template_escape($like);
$dislike_e = template_escape($dislike);
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$album_e = array($album_link,$ph[0]['album']);
$tags_e = $tags;
$like_e = $like;
@@ -1819,18 +1788,18 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
// Default - show recent photos with upload link (if applicable)
//$o = '';
- $r = q("SELECT `resource-id`, max(`scale`) AS `scale` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` != '%s' AND `album` != '%s'
+ $r = qu("SELECT `resource-id`, max(`scale`) AS `scale` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` != '%s' AND `album` != '%s'
$sql_extra GROUP BY `resource-id`",
dbesc('Contact Photos'),
dbesc( t('Contact Photos'))
- if(count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
- $r = q("SELECT `resource-id`, `id`, `filename`, type, `album`, max(`scale`) AS `scale` FROM `photo`
+ $r = qu("SELECT `resource-id`, `id`, `filename`, type, `album`, max(`scale`) AS `scale` FROM `photo`
WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` != '%s' AND `album` != '%s'
$sql_extra GROUP BY `resource-id` ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT %d , %d",
@@ -1843,24 +1812,24 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
$photos = array();
- if(count($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$twist = 'rotright';
- foreach($r as $rr) {
+ foreach ($r as $rr) {
//hide profile photos to others
- if((! $is_owner) && (! remote_user()) && ($rr['album'] == t('Profile Photos')))
+ if ((! $is_owner) && (! remote_user()) && ($rr['album'] == t('Profile Photos')))
- if($twist == 'rotright')
+ if ($twist == 'rotright')
$twist = 'rotleft';
$twist = 'rotright';
$ext = $phototypes[$rr['type']];
- if($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') {
+ if ($a->theme['template_engine'] === 'internal') {
$alt_e = template_escape($rr['filename']);
$name_e = template_escape($rr['album']);
- }
- else {
+ } else {
$alt_e = $rr['filename'];
$name_e = $rr['album'];
@@ -1888,10 +1857,8 @@ function photos_content(&$a) {
'$can_post' => $can_post,
'$upload' => array(t('Upload New Photos'), 'photos/'.$a->data['user']['nickname'].'/upload'),
'$photos' => $photos,
+ '$paginate' => paginate($a),
- $o .= paginate($a);
return $o;
diff --git a/mod/ping.php b/mod/ping.php
index f2e57430d..0ed7eb3fe 100644
--- a/mod/ping.php
+++ b/mod/ping.php
@@ -4,22 +4,18 @@ require_once('include/bbcode.php');
function ping_init(&$a) {
- header("Content-type: text/xml");
- echo "
- ";
- $xmlhead="<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?".">";
- if(local_user()){
+ $xmlhead = "<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?".">";
+ if (local_user()){
// Different login session than the page that is calling us.
- if(intval($_GET['uid']) && intval($_GET['uid']) != local_user()) {
- echo '1 ';
+ if (intval($_GET['uid']) && intval($_GET['uid']) != local_user()) {
+ $data = array("invalid" => 1);
+ header("Content-type: text/xml");
+ echo xml::from_array(array("result" => $data), $xml);
@@ -51,14 +47,14 @@ function ping_init(&$a) {
intval(local_user()), intval(local_user())
- if(dbm::is_result($r)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($r)) {
$arr = array('items' => $r);
call_hooks('network_ping', $arr);
foreach ($r as $it) {
- if($it['wall'])
+ if ($it['wall'])
$home ++;
$network ++;
@@ -84,20 +80,20 @@ function ping_init(&$a) {
if ($it['parent']!=$it['id']) {
$comments[] = $it;
} else {
- if(! $it['wall'])
+ if (!$it['wall'])
$posts[] = $it;
- if($network) {
- if(intval(feature_enabled(local_user(),'groups'))) {
+ if ($network) {
+ if (intval(feature_enabled(local_user(),'groups'))) {
// Find out how unseen network posts are spread across groups
$groups_unseen = groups_count_unseen();
- if(intval(feature_enabled(local_user(),'forumlist_widget'))) {
+ if (intval(feature_enabled(local_user(),'forumlist_widget'))) {
$forums_unseen = ForumManager::count_unseen_items();
@@ -128,7 +124,7 @@ function ping_init(&$a) {
if ($a->config['register_policy'] == REGISTER_APPROVE && is_site_admin()){
$regs = q("SELECT `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`micro`, `register`.`created`, COUNT(*) as `total` FROM `contact` RIGHT JOIN `register` ON `register`.`uid`=`contact`.`uid` WHERE `contact`.`self`=1");
- if($regs)
+ if ($regs)
$register = $regs[0]['total'];
} else {
$register = "0";
@@ -150,23 +146,23 @@ function ping_init(&$a) {
- if(dbm::is_result($ev)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($ev)) {
$all_events = intval($ev[0]['total']);
- if($all_events) {
+ if ($all_events) {
$str_now = datetime_convert('UTC',$a->timezone,'now','Y-m-d');
foreach($ev as $x) {
$bd = false;
- if($x['type'] === 'birthday') {
+ if ($x['type'] === 'birthday') {
$birthdays ++;
$bd = true;
else {
$events ++;
- if(datetime_convert('UTC',((intval($x['adjust'])) ? $a->timezone : 'UTC'), $x['start'],'Y-m-d') === $str_now) {
+ if (datetime_convert('UTC',((intval($x['adjust'])) ? $a->timezone : 'UTC'), $x['start'],'Y-m-d') === $str_now) {
$all_events_today ++;
- if($bd)
+ if ($bd)
$birthdays_today ++;
$events_today ++;
@@ -175,92 +171,58 @@ function ping_init(&$a) {
+ $data = array();
+ $data["intro"] = $intro;
+ $data["mail"] = $mail;
+ $data["net"] = $network;
+ $data["home"] = $home;
- /**
- * return xml from notification array
- *
- * @param array $n Notification array:
- * 'href' => notification link
- * 'name' => subject name
- * 'url' => subject url
- * 'photo' => subject photo
- * 'date' => notification date
- * 'seen' => bool true/false
- * 'message' => notification message. "{0}" will be replaced by subject name
- **/
- function xmlize($n){
+ if ($register!=0)
+ $data["register"] = $register;
- $contact = get_contact_details_by_url($n['url']);
- if (isset($contact["micro"]))
- $n['photo'] = proxy_url($contact["micro"], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO);
- else
- $n['photo'] = proxy_url($n['photo'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO);
+ $groups = array();
- $n['message'] = html_entity_decode($n['message'], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8");
- $n['name'] = html_entity_decode($n['name'], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8");
- // Are the nofications calles from the regular process or via the friendica app?
- $regularnotifications = (intval($_GET['uid']) AND intval($_GET['_']));
- $a = get_app();
- if ($a->is_friendica_app() OR !$regularnotifications)
- $n['message'] = str_replace("{0}", $n['name'], $n['message']);
- $local_time = datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$n['date']);
- call_hooks('ping_xmlize', $n);
- $notsxml = '%s '."\n";
- return sprintf ( $notsxml, intval($n['id']),
- xmlify($n['href']), xmlify(xmlify($n['name'])), xmlify($n['url']), xmlify($n['photo']),
- xmlify(relative_date($n['date'])), xmlify($n['seen']), xmlify(strtotime($local_time)),
- xmlify($n['message'])
- );
- }
- echo "$intro
- $mail
- $network
- $home \r\n";
- if ($register!=0) echo "$register ";
- if ( dbm::is_result($groups_unseen) ) {
- echo '';
+ if (dbm::is_result($groups_unseen)) {
+ $count = 0;
foreach ($groups_unseen as $it)
- if ($it['count'] > 0)
- echo ''.$it['count']." ";
- echo " ";
+ if ($it['count'] > 0) {
+ $count++;
+ $groups[$count.":group"] = $it['count'];
+ $groups[$count.":@attributes"] = array("id" => $it['id']);
+ }
+ $data["groups"] = $groups;
- if ( dbm::is_result($forums_unseen) ) {
- echo '';
+ $forums = array();
+ if (dbm::is_result($forums_unseen)) {
+ $count = 0;
foreach ($forums_unseen as $it)
- if ($it['count'] > 0)
- echo ''.$it['count']." ";
- echo " ";
+ if ($it['count'] > 0) {
+ $count++;
+ $forums[$count.":forum"] = $it['count'];
+ $forums[$count.":@attributes"] = array("id" => $it['id']);
+ }
+ $data["forums"] = $forums;
- echo "$all_events
- $all_events_today
- $events
- $events_today
- $birthdays
- $birthdays_today \r\n";
+ $data["all-events"] = $all_events;
+ $data["all-events-today"] = $all_events_today;
+ $data["events"] = $events;
+ $data["events-today"] = $events_today;
+ $data["birthdays"] = $birthdays;
+ $data["birthdays-today"] = $birthdays_today;
- if (dbm::is_result($notifs) && (! $sysnotify)) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($notifs) && !$sysnotify) {
foreach ($notifs as $zz) {
- if($zz['seen'] == 0)
+ if ($zz['seen'] == 0)
$sysnotify ++;
- echo ' ';
// merge all notification types in one array
- if ( dbm::is_result($intros) ) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($intros)) {
foreach ($intros as $i) {
$n = array(
'href' => $a->get_baseurl().'/notifications/intros/'.$i['id'],
@@ -275,7 +237,7 @@ function ping_init(&$a) {
- if ( dbm::is_result($mails) ) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($mails)) {
foreach ($mails as $i) {
$n = array(
'href' => $a->get_baseurl().'/message/'.$i['id'],
@@ -290,7 +252,7 @@ function ping_init(&$a) {
- if ( dbm::is_result($regs) ) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($regs)) {
foreach ($regs as $i) {
$n = array(
'href' => $a->get_baseurl().'/admin/users/',
@@ -316,37 +278,78 @@ function ping_init(&$a) {
usort($notifs, $sort_function);
- if( dbm::is_result($notifs) ) {
+ if (dbm::is_result($notifs)) {
+ // Are the nofications calles from the regular process or via the friendica app?
+ $regularnotifications = (intval($_GET['uid']) AND intval($_GET['_']));
+ $count = 0;
foreach($notifs as $n) {
- echo xmlize($n);
+ $count++;
+ if ($a->is_friendica_app() OR !$regularnotifications)
+ $n['message'] = str_replace("{0}", $n['name'], $n['message']);
+ $notifications[$count.":note"] = $n['message'];
+ $contact = get_contact_details_by_url($n['url']);
+ if (isset($contact["micro"]))
+ $n['photo'] = proxy_url($contact["micro"], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO);
+ else
+ $n['photo'] = proxy_url($n['photo'], false, PROXY_SIZE_MICRO);
+ $local_time = datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$n['date']);
+ call_hooks('ping_xmlize', $n);
+ $notifications[$count.":@attributes"] = array("id" => $n["id"],
+ "href" => $n['href'],
+ "name" => $n['name'],
+ "url" => $n['url'],
+ "photo" => $n['photo'],
+ "date" => relative_date($n['date']),
+ "seen" => $n['seen'],
+ "timestamp" => strtotime($local_time));
- echo " ";
+ $data["notif"] = $notifications;
+ $data["@attributes"] = array("count" => $sysnotify + $intro + $mail + $register);
- echo " ";
- if(x($_SESSION,'sysmsg')){
+ $sysmsg = array();
+ if (x($_SESSION,'sysmsg')){
+ $count = 0;
foreach ($_SESSION['sysmsg'] as $m){
- echo "".xmlify($m)." ";
+ $count++;
+ $sysmsg[$count.":notice"] = $m;
- if(x($_SESSION,'sysmsg_info')){
+ if (x($_SESSION,'sysmsg_info')){
+ $count = 0;
foreach ($_SESSION['sysmsg_info'] as $m){
- echo "".xmlify($m)." ";
+ $count++;
+ $sysmsg[$count.":info"] = $m;
- echo " ";
- echo"
- ";
+ $data["sysmsgs"] = $sysmsg;
+ header("Content-type: text/xml");
+ echo xml::from_array(array("result" => $data), $xml);
+ * @brief Retrieves the notifications array for the given user ID
+ *
+ * @param int $uid User id
+ * @return array Associative array of notifications
+ */
function ping_get_notifications($uid) {
$result = array();
@@ -375,46 +378,47 @@ function ping_get_notifications($uid) {
$seensql = "";
$order = "DESC";
$offset = 0;
- } elseif (!$r)
+ } elseif (!$r) {
$quit = true;
- else
+ } else {
$offset += 50;
+ }
foreach ($r AS $notification) {
- if (is_null($notification["visible"]))
+ if (is_null($notification["visible"])) {
$notification["visible"] = true;
+ }
- if (is_null($notification["spam"]))
+ if (is_null($notification["spam"])) {
$notification["spam"] = 0;
+ }
- if (is_null($notification["deleted"]))
+ if (is_null($notification["deleted"])) {
$notification["deleted"] = 0;
+ }
- $notification["message"] = strip_tags(bbcode($notification["msg"]));
- $notification["name"] = strip_tags(bbcode($notification["name"]));
+ if ($notification["msg_cache"]) {
+ $notification["name"] = $notification["name_cache"];
+ $notification["message"] = $notification["msg_cache"];
+ } else {
+ $notification["name"] = strip_tags(bbcode($notification["name"]));
+ $notification["message"] = format_notification_message($notification["name"], strip_tags(bbcode($notification["msg"])));
- // Replace the name with {0} but ensure to make that only once
- // The {0} is used later and prints the name in bold.
+ q("UPDATE `notify` SET `name_cache` = '%s', `msg_cache` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d",
+ dbesc($notification["name"]),
+ dbesc($notification["message"]),
+ intval($notification["id"])
+ );
+ }
- if ($notification['name'] != "")
- $pos = strpos($notification["message"],$notification['name']);
- else
- $pos = false;
- if ($pos !== false)
- $notification["message"] = substr_replace($notification["message"],"{0}",$pos,strlen($notification["name"]));
- $notification['href'] = $a->get_baseurl() . '/notify/view/' . $notification['id'];
+ $notification["href"] = $a->get_baseurl() . "/notify/view/" . $notification["id"];
if ($notification["visible"] AND !$notification["spam"] AND
!$notification["deleted"] AND !is_array($result[$notification["parent"]])) {
$result[$notification["parent"]] = $notification;
} while ((count($result) < 50) AND !$quit);
diff --git a/mod/poco.php b/mod/poco.php
index 0a1b39216..1ec5b2d4e 100644
--- a/mod/poco.php
+++ b/mod/poco.php
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
'tags' => false,
'address' => false,
+ 'contactType' => false,
'generation' => false
@@ -207,6 +212,9 @@ function poco_init(&$a) {
if (($rr['keywords'] == "") AND isset($rr['pub_keywords']))
$rr['keywords'] = $rr['pub_keywords'];
+ if (isset($rr['account-type']))
+ $rr['contact-type'] = $rr['account-type'];
$about = Cache::get("about:".$rr['updated'].":".$rr['nurl']);
if (is_null($about)) {
$about = bbcode($rr['about'], false, false);
@@ -300,6 +308,9 @@ function poco_init(&$a) {
$entry['address']['country'] = $rr['pcountry'];
+ if($fields_ret['contactType'])
+ $entry['contactType'] = intval($rr['contact-type']);
$ret['entry'][] = $entry;
diff --git a/mod/poke.php b/mod/poke.php
index 4a643435b..435da4dcd 100644
--- a/mod/poke.php
+++ b/mod/poke.php
@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ function poke_init(&$a) {
// intval($uid),
// intval($item_id)
- proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","tag","$item_id");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", "tag", $item_id);
call_hooks('post_local_end', $arr);
- proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","like","$post_id");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", "like", $post_id);
diff --git a/mod/profile.php b/mod/profile.php
index 681b1dbd1..279f86352 100644
--- a/mod/profile.php
+++ b/mod/profile.php
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function profile_init(&$a) {
$a->page['aside'] = '';
if($a->argc > 1)
- $which = $a->argv[1];
+ $which = htmlspecialchars($a->argv[1]);
else {
$r = q("select nickname from user where blocked = 0 and account_expired = 0 and account_removed = 0 and verified = 1 order by rand() limit 1");
if(count($r)) {
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ function profile_init(&$a) {
$profile = 0;
if((local_user()) && ($a->argc > 2) && ($a->argv[2] === 'view')) {
$which = $a->user['nickname'];
- $profile = $a->argv[1];
+ $profile = htmlspecialchars($a->argv[1]);
else {
auto_redir($a, $which);
@@ -282,16 +282,20 @@ function profile_content(&$a, $update = 0) {
$pager_sql = sprintf(" LIMIT %d, %d ",intval($a->pager['start']), intval($a->pager['itemspage']));
$r = q("SELECT `thread`.`iid` AS `item_id`, `thread`.`network` AS `item_network`
- FROM `thread` FORCE INDEX (`uid_created`) INNER JOIN `item` ON `item`.`id` = `thread`.`iid`
- $sql_post_table INNER JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `thread`.`contact-id`
- AND `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`pending` = 0
- WHERE `thread`.`uid` = %d AND `thread`.`visible` = 1 AND `thread`.`deleted` = 0
- and `thread`.`moderated` = 0
- AND `thread`.`wall` = 1
- $sql_extra $sql_extra2
- ORDER BY `thread`.`created` DESC $pager_sql ",
- intval($a->profile['profile_uid'])
+ FROM `thread`
+ STRAIGHT_JOIN `item` ON `item`.`id` = `thread`.`iid`
+ $sql_post_table
+ STRAIGHT_JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `thread`.`contact-id`
+ AND NOT `contact`.`blocked` AND NOT `contact`.`pending`
+ WHERE `thread`.`uid` = %d AND `thread`.`visible`
+ AND `thread`.`contact-id` = %d
+ AND NOT `thread`.`deleted`
+ AND NOT `thread`.`moderated`
+ AND `thread`.`wall`
+ $sql_extra $sql_extra2
+ ORDER BY `thread`.`created` DESC $pager_sql",
+ intval($a->profile['profile_uid']),
+ intval($a->profile['contact_id'])
diff --git a/mod/profile_photo.php b/mod/profile_photo.php
index 4e8d279a9..11e671afc 100644
--- a/mod/profile_photo.php
+++ b/mod/profile_photo.php
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ function profile_photo_post(&$a) {
// Update global directory in background
$url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $a->user['nickname'];
if($url && strlen(get_config('system','directory')))
- proc_run('php',"include/directory.php","$url");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_LOW, "include/directory.php", $url);
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ function profile_photo_content(&$a) {
// Update global directory in background
$url = $_SESSION['my_url'];
if($url && strlen(get_config('system','directory')))
- proc_run('php',"include/directory.php","$url");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_LOW, "include/directory.php", $url);
goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/profiles');
return; // NOTREACHED
diff --git a/mod/profiles.php b/mod/profiles.php
index c3bd068b0..943742e3a 100644
--- a/mod/profiles.php
+++ b/mod/profiles.php
@@ -303,6 +303,7 @@ function profiles_post(&$a) {
$sexual = notags(trim($_POST['sexual']));
+ $xmpp = notags(trim($_POST['xmpp']));
$homepage = notags(trim($_POST['homepage']));
if ((strpos($homepage, 'http') !== 0) && (strlen($homepage))) {
// neither http nor https in URL, add them
@@ -368,6 +369,10 @@ function profiles_post(&$a) {
$changes[] = t('Sexual Preference');
$value = $sexual;
+ if($xmpp != $orig[0]['xmpp']) {
+ $changes[] = t('XMPP');
+ $value = $xmpp;
+ }
if($homepage != $orig[0]['homepage']) {
$changes[] = t('Homepage');
$value = $homepage;
@@ -409,6 +414,7 @@ function profiles_post(&$a) {
`with` = '%s',
`howlong` = '%s',
`sexual` = '%s',
+ `xmpp` = '%s',
`homepage` = '%s',
`hometown` = '%s',
`politic` = '%s',
@@ -443,6 +449,7 @@ function profiles_post(&$a) {
+ dbesc($xmpp),
@@ -496,7 +503,7 @@ function profiles_post(&$a) {
// Update global directory in background
$url = $_SESSION['my_url'];
if($url && strlen(get_config('system','directory')))
- proc_run('php',"include/directory.php","$url");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_LOW, "include/directory.php", $url);
@@ -587,9 +594,8 @@ function profile_activity($changed, $value) {
$arr['deny_gid'] = $a->user['deny_gid'];
$i = item_store($arr);
- if($i) {
- proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","activity","$i");
- }
+ if($i)
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", "activity", $i);
@@ -726,6 +732,7 @@ function profiles_content(&$a) {
'$howlong' => array('howlong', t('Since [date]:'), ($r[0]['howlong'] === '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? '' : datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$r[0]['howlong']))),
'$sexual' => sexpref_selector($r[0]['sexual']),
'$about' => array('about', t('Tell us about yourself...'), $r[0]['about']),
+ '$xmpp' => array('xmpp', t('XMPP (Jabber) address:'), $r[0]['xmpp'], t("The XMPP address will be propagated to your contacts so that they can follow you.")),
'$homepage' => array('homepage', t('Homepage URL:'), $r[0]['homepage']),
'$hometown' => array('hometown', t('Hometown:'), $r[0]['hometown']),
'$politic' => array('politic', t('Political Views:'), $r[0]['politic']),
diff --git a/mod/proxy.php b/mod/proxy.php
index abcaf4912..a4fbdd244 100644
--- a/mod/proxy.php
+++ b/mod/proxy.php
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ function proxy_init() {
$valid = true;
if (!$direct_cache AND ($cachefile == "")) {
- $r = q("SELECT * FROM `photo` WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' LIMIT 1", $urlhash);
+ $r = qu("SELECT * FROM `photo` WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' LIMIT 1", $urlhash);
if (count($r)) {
$img_str = $r[0]['data'];
$mime = $r[0]["desc"];
diff --git a/mod/register.php b/mod/register.php
index 4c4fcc2af..3e124bd5b 100644
--- a/mod/register.php
+++ b/mod/register.php
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ function register_post(&$a) {
$arr['blocked'] = $blocked;
$arr['verified'] = $verified;
+ $arr['language'] = get_browser_language();
$result = create_user($arr);
@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ function register_post(&$a) {
if($netpublish && $a->config['register_policy'] != REGISTER_APPROVE) {
$url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $user['nickname'];
- proc_run('php',"include/directory.php","$url");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_LOW, "include/directory.php", $url);
$using_invites = get_config('system','invitation_only');
@@ -132,7 +133,6 @@ function register_post(&$a) {
foreach ($adminlist as $admin) {
'type' => NOTIFY_SYSTEM,
@@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ function register_post(&$a) {
'source_photo' => $a->get_baseurl() . "/photo/avatar/".$user['uid'].".jpg",
'to_email' => $admin['email'],
'uid' => $admin['uid'],
- 'language' => ($admin['language']?$admin['language']:'en'))
- );
+ 'language' => ($admin['language']?$admin['language']:'en'),
+ 'show_in_notification_page' => false
+ ));
info( t('Your registration is pending approval by the site owner.') . EOL ) ;
diff --git a/mod/regmod.php b/mod/regmod.php
index 5a90db1f9..bbe733003 100644
--- a/mod/regmod.php
+++ b/mod/regmod.php
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function user_allow($hash) {
if(count($r) && $r[0]['net-publish']) {
$url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $user[0]['nickname'];
if($url && strlen(get_config('system','directory')))
- proc_run('php',"include/directory.php","$url");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_LOW, "include/directory.php", $url);
diff --git a/mod/settings.php b/mod/settings.php
index 89406b707..a20b999ed 100644
--- a/mod/settings.php
+++ b/mod/settings.php
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ function settings_post(&$a) {
- if(($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] === 'features')) {
+ if (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] === 'features')) {
check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/settings/features', 'settings_features');
foreach($_POST as $k => $v) {
if(strpos($k,'feature_') === 0) {
@@ -290,49 +290,50 @@ function settings_post(&$a) {
- if(($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] === 'display')) {
+ if (($a->argc > 1) && ($a->argv[1] === 'display')) {
check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/settings/display', 'settings_display');
- $theme = ((x($_POST,'theme')) ? notags(trim($_POST['theme'])) : $a->user['theme']);
- $mobile_theme = ((x($_POST,'mobile_theme')) ? notags(trim($_POST['mobile_theme'])) : '');
- $nosmile = ((x($_POST,'nosmile')) ? intval($_POST['nosmile']) : 0);
- $first_day_of_week = ((x($_POST,'first_day_of_week')) ? intval($_POST['first_day_of_week']) : 0);
- $noinfo = ((x($_POST,'noinfo')) ? intval($_POST['noinfo']) : 0);
- $infinite_scroll = ((x($_POST,'infinite_scroll')) ? intval($_POST['infinite_scroll']) : 0);
- $no_auto_update = ((x($_POST,'no_auto_update')) ? intval($_POST['no_auto_update']) : 0);
- $browser_update = ((x($_POST,'browser_update')) ? intval($_POST['browser_update']) : 0);
+ $theme = x($_POST, 'theme') ? notags(trim($_POST['theme'])) : $a->user['theme'];
+ $mobile_theme = x($_POST, 'mobile_theme') ? notags(trim($_POST['mobile_theme'])) : '';
+ $nosmile = x($_POST, 'nosmile') ? intval($_POST['nosmile']) : 0;
+ $first_day_of_week = x($_POST, 'first_day_of_week') ? intval($_POST['first_day_of_week']) : 0;
+ $noinfo = x($_POST, 'noinfo') ? intval($_POST['noinfo']) : 0;
+ $infinite_scroll = x($_POST, 'infinite_scroll') ? intval($_POST['infinite_scroll']) : 0;
+ $no_auto_update = x($_POST, 'no_auto_update') ? intval($_POST['no_auto_update']) : 0;
+ $bandwidth_saver = x($_POST, 'bandwidth_saver') ? intval($_POST['bandwidth_saver']) : 0;
+ $browser_update = x($_POST, 'browser_update') ? intval($_POST['browser_update']) : 0;
if ($browser_update != -1) {
- $browser_update = $browser_update * 1000;
+ $browser_update = $browser_update * 1000;
if ($browser_update < 10000)
$browser_update = 10000;
- $itemspage_network = ((x($_POST,'itemspage_network')) ? intval($_POST['itemspage_network']) : 40);
- if($itemspage_network > 100)
+ $itemspage_network = x($_POST,'itemspage_network') ? intval($_POST['itemspage_network']) : 40;
+ if ($itemspage_network > 100) {
$itemspage_network = 100;
- $itemspage_mobile_network = ((x($_POST,'itemspage_mobile_network')) ? intval($_POST['itemspage_mobile_network']) : 20);
- if($itemspage_mobile_network > 100)
+ }
+ $itemspage_mobile_network = x($_POST,'itemspage_mobile_network') ? intval($_POST['itemspage_mobile_network']) : 20;
+ if ($itemspage_mobile_network > 100) {
$itemspage_mobile_network = 100;
+ }
if($mobile_theme !== '') {
- set_pconfig(local_user(),'system','update_interval', $browser_update);
- set_pconfig(local_user(),'system','itemspage_network', $itemspage_network);
- set_pconfig(local_user(),'system','itemspage_mobile_network', $itemspage_mobile_network);
- set_pconfig(local_user(),'system','no_smilies',$nosmile);
- set_pconfig(local_user(),'system','first_day_of_week',$first_day_of_week);
- set_pconfig(local_user(),'system','ignore_info',$noinfo);
- set_pconfig(local_user(),'system','infinite_scroll',$infinite_scroll);
- set_pconfig(local_user(),'system','no_auto_update',$no_auto_update);
+ set_pconfig(local_user(), 'system', 'update_interval' , $browser_update);
+ set_pconfig(local_user(), 'system', 'itemspage_network' , $itemspage_network);
+ set_pconfig(local_user(), 'system', 'itemspage_mobile_network', $itemspage_mobile_network);
+ set_pconfig(local_user(), 'system', 'no_smilies' , $nosmile);
+ set_pconfig(local_user(), 'system', 'first_day_of_week' , $first_day_of_week);
+ set_pconfig(local_user(), 'system', 'ignore_info' , $noinfo);
+ set_pconfig(local_user(), 'system', 'infinite_scroll' , $infinite_scroll);
+ set_pconfig(local_user(), 'system', 'no_auto_update' , $no_auto_update);
+ set_pconfig(local_user(), 'system', 'bandwidth_saver' , $bandwidth_saver);
- if ($theme == $a->user['theme']){
+ if ($theme == $a->user['theme']) {
// call theme_post only if theme has not been changed
- if( ($themeconfigfile = get_theme_config_file($theme)) != null){
+ if (($themeconfigfile = get_theme_config_file($theme)) != null) {
@@ -352,7 +353,7 @@ function settings_post(&$a) {
check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/settings', 'settings');
if (x($_POST,'resend_relocate')) {
- proc_run('php', 'include/notifier.php', 'relocate', local_user());
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, 'include/notifier.php', 'relocate', local_user());
info(t("Relocate message has been send to your contacts"));
@@ -420,6 +421,7 @@ function settings_post(&$a) {
$publish = (((x($_POST,'profile_in_directory')) && (intval($_POST['profile_in_directory']) == 1)) ? 1: 0);
$net_publish = (((x($_POST,'profile_in_netdirectory')) && (intval($_POST['profile_in_netdirectory']) == 1)) ? 1: 0);
$old_visibility = (((x($_POST,'visibility')) && (intval($_POST['visibility']) == 1)) ? 1 : 0);
+ $account_type = (((x($_POST,'account-type')) && (intval($_POST['account-type']))) ? intval($_POST['account-type']) : 0);
$page_flags = (((x($_POST,'page-flags')) && (intval($_POST['page-flags']))) ? intval($_POST['page-flags']) : 0);
$blockwall = (((x($_POST,'blockwall')) && (intval($_POST['blockwall']) == 1)) ? 0: 1); // this setting is inverted!
$blocktags = (((x($_POST,'blocktags')) && (intval($_POST['blocktags']) == 1)) ? 0: 1); // this setting is inverted!
@@ -453,6 +455,16 @@ function settings_post(&$a) {
$notify += intval($_POST['notify8']);
+ // Adjust the page flag if the account type doesn't fit to the page flag.
+ if (($account_type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_PERSON) AND !in_array($page_flags, array(PAGE_NORMAL, PAGE_SOAPBOX, PAGE_FREELOVE)))
+ $page_flags = PAGE_NORMAL;
+ elseif (($account_type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_ORGANISATION) AND !in_array($page_flags, array(PAGE_SOAPBOX)))
+ $page_flags = PAGE_SOAPBOX;
+ elseif (($account_type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_NEWS) AND !in_array($page_flags, array(PAGE_SOAPBOX)))
+ $page_flags = PAGE_SOAPBOX;
+ elseif (($account_type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_COMMUNITY) AND !in_array($page_flags, array(PAGE_COMMUNITY, PAGE_PRVGROUP)))
+ $page_flags = PAGE_COMMUNITY;
$email_changed = false;
$err = '';
@@ -553,7 +565,7 @@ function settings_post(&$a) {
$r = q("UPDATE `user` SET `username` = '%s', `email` = '%s',
`openid` = '%s', `timezone` = '%s',
`allow_cid` = '%s', `allow_gid` = '%s', `deny_cid` = '%s', `deny_gid` = '%s',
- `notify-flags` = %d, `page-flags` = %d, `default-location` = '%s',
+ `notify-flags` = %d, `page-flags` = %d, `account-type` = %d, `default-location` = '%s',
`allow_location` = %d, `maxreq` = %d, `expire` = %d, `openidserver` = '%s',
`def_gid` = %d, `blockwall` = %d, `hidewall` = %d, `blocktags` = %d,
`unkmail` = %d, `cntunkmail` = %d, `language` = '%s'
@@ -568,6 +580,7 @@ function settings_post(&$a) {
+ intval($account_type),
@@ -614,7 +627,7 @@ function settings_post(&$a) {
// Update global directory in background
$url = $_SESSION['my_url'];
if($url && strlen(get_config('system','directory')))
- proc_run('php',"include/directory.php","$url");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_LOW, "include/directory.php", $url);
@@ -963,8 +976,11 @@ function settings_content(&$a) {
$no_auto_update = get_pconfig(local_user(),'system','no_auto_update');
$no_auto_update = (($no_auto_update===false)? '0': $no_auto_update); // default if not set: 0
+ $bandwidth_saver = get_pconfig(local_user(), 'system', 'bandwidth_saver');
+ $bandwidth_saver = (($bandwidth_saver === false) ? '0' : $bandwidth_saver); // default if not set: 0
$theme_config = "";
- if( ($themeconfigfile = get_theme_config_file($theme_selected)) != null){
+ if (($themeconfigfile = get_theme_config_file($theme_selected)) != null) {
$theme_config = theme_content($a);
@@ -988,6 +1004,7 @@ function settings_content(&$a) {
'$noinfo' => array('noinfo', t("Don't show notices"), $noinfo, ''),
'$infinite_scroll' => array('infinite_scroll', t("Infinite scroll"), $infinite_scroll, ''),
'$no_auto_update' => array('no_auto_update', t("Automatic updates only at the top of the network page"), $no_auto_update, 'When disabled, the network page is updated all the time, which could be confusing while reading.'),
+ '$bandwidth_saver' => array('bandwidth_saver', t('Bandwith Saver Mode'), $bandwidth_saver, t('When enabled, embedded content is not displayed on automatic updates, they only show on page reload.')),
'$d_tset' => t('General Theme Settings'),
'$d_ctset' => t('Custom Theme Settings'),
@@ -1065,13 +1082,41 @@ function settings_content(&$a) {
if(! strlen($a->user['timezone']))
$timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
+ // Set the account type to "Community" when the page is a community page but the account type doesn't fit
+ // This is only happening on the first visit after the update
+ if (in_array($a->user['page-flags'], array(PAGE_COMMUNITY, PAGE_PRVGROUP)) AND
+ ($a->user['account-type'] != ACCOUNT_TYPE_COMMUNITY))
+ $a->user['account-type'] = ACCOUNT_TYPE_COMMUNITY;
+ $pageset_tpl = get_markup_template('settings_pagetypes.tpl');
- $pageset_tpl = get_markup_template('pagetypes.tpl');
$pagetype = replace_macros($pageset_tpl, array(
- '$user' => t("User Types"),
- '$community' => t("Community Types"),
- '$page_normal' => array('page-flags', t('Normal Account Page'), PAGE_NORMAL,
+ '$account_types' => t("Account Types"),
+ '$user' => t("Personal Page Subtypes"),
+ '$community' => t("Community Forum Subtypes"),
+ '$account_type' => $a->user['account-type'],
+ '$type_person' => ACCOUNT_TYPE_PERSON,
+ '$type_organisation' => ACCOUNT_TYPE_ORGANISATION,
+ '$type_news' => ACCOUNT_TYPE_NEWS,
+ '$type_community' => ACCOUNT_TYPE_COMMUNITY,
+ '$account_person' => array('account-type', t('Personal Page'), ACCOUNT_TYPE_PERSON,
+ t('This account is a regular personal profile'),
+ ($a->user['account-type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_PERSON)),
+ '$account_organisation' => array('account-type', t('Organisation Page'), ACCOUNT_TYPE_ORGANISATION,
+ t('This account is a profile for an organisation'),
+ ($a->user['account-type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_ORGANISATION)),
+ '$account_news' => array('account-type', t('News Page'), ACCOUNT_TYPE_NEWS,
+ t('This account is a news account/reflector'),
+ ($a->user['account-type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_NEWS)),
+ '$account_community' => array('account-type', t('Community Forum'), ACCOUNT_TYPE_COMMUNITY,
+ t('This account is a community forum where people can discuss with each other'),
+ ($a->user['account-type'] == ACCOUNT_TYPE_COMMUNITY)),
+ '$page_normal' => array('page-flags', t('Normal Account Page'), PAGE_NORMAL,
t('This account is a normal personal profile'),
($a->user['page-flags'] == PAGE_NORMAL)),
@@ -1079,8 +1124,8 @@ function settings_content(&$a) {
t('Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans'),
($a->user['page-flags'] == PAGE_SOAPBOX)),
- '$page_community' => array('page-flags', t('Community Forum/Celebrity Account'), PAGE_COMMUNITY,
- t('Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans'),
+ '$page_community' => array('page-flags', t('Public Forum'), PAGE_COMMUNITY,
+ t('Automatically approve all contact requests'),
($a->user['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY)),
'$page_freelove' => array('page-flags', t('Automatic Friend Page'), PAGE_FREELOVE,
@@ -1206,7 +1251,7 @@ function settings_content(&$a) {
$public_post_link = '&public=1';
/* Installed langs */
- $lang_choices = get_avaiable_languages();
+ $lang_choices = get_available_languages();
$o .= replace_macros($stpl, array(
'$ptitle' => t('Account Settings'),
@@ -1307,4 +1352,3 @@ function settings_content(&$a) {
return $o;
diff --git a/mod/suggest.php b/mod/suggest.php
index 00033b2d2..4399450ec 100644
--- a/mod/suggest.php
+++ b/mod/suggest.php
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ function suggest_content(&$a) {
'details' => $contact_details['location'],
'tags' => $contact_details['keywords'],
'about' => $contact_details['about'],
- 'account_type' => (($contact_details['community']) ? t('Forum') : ''),
+ 'account_type' => account_type($contact_details),
'ignlnk' => $ignlnk,
'ignid' => $rr['id'],
'conntxt' => t('Connect'),
@@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ function suggest_content(&$a) {
$o .= replace_macros($tpl,array(
'$title' => t('Friend Suggestions'),
'$contacts' => $entries,
return $o;
diff --git a/mod/tagger.php b/mod/tagger.php
index 26166a3cc..e0ef1ceb0 100644
--- a/mod/tagger.php
+++ b/mod/tagger.php
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ EOT;
call_hooks('post_local_end', $arr);
- proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","tag","$post_id");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", "tag", $post_id);
diff --git a/mod/update_community.php b/mod/update_community.php
index 512629b00..d5df7ba3b 100644
--- a/mod/update_community.php
+++ b/mod/update_community.php
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// See update_profile.php for documentation
function update_community_content(&$a) {
@@ -10,24 +10,25 @@ function update_community_content(&$a) {
echo "\r\n";
echo "";
- $text = community_content($a,true);
- $pattern = "/ ]*) src=\"([^\"]*)\"/";
- $replace = " ]*) src=\"([^\"]*)\"/";
+ $replace = " ' . t('[Embedded content - reload page to view]') . ' ';
- $pattern = "/<\s*audio[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*audio>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
- $pattern = "/<\s*video[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*video>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
- $pattern = "/<\s*embed[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*embed>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
- $pattern = "/<\s*iframe[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*iframe>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ if (get_pconfig(local_user(), "system", "bandwith_saver")) {
+ $replace = " ".t("[Embedded content - reload page to view]")." ";
+ $pattern = "/<\s*audio[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*audio>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ $pattern = "/<\s*video[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*video>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ $pattern = "/<\s*embed[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*embed>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ $pattern = "/<\s*iframe[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*iframe>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ }
- echo str_replace("\t",' ',$text);
+ echo str_replace("\t", " ", $text);
echo " ";
echo "\r\n";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/update_display.php b/mod/update_display.php
index 25b0f7792..bd2a52934 100644
--- a/mod/update_display.php
+++ b/mod/update_display.php
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
// See update_profile.php for documentation
function update_display_content(&$a) {
- $profile_uid = intval($_GET['p']);
+ $profile_uid = intval($_GET["p"]);
header("Content-type: text/html");
echo "\r\n";
@@ -19,20 +19,20 @@ function update_display_content(&$a) {
$replace = " ' . t('[Embedded content - reload page to view]') . ' ';
- $pattern = "/<\s*audio[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*audio>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
- $pattern = "/<\s*video[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*video>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
- $pattern = "/<\s*embed[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*embed>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
- $pattern = "/<\s*iframe[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*iframe>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ if (get_pconfig(local_user(), "system", "bandwith_saver")) {
+ $replace = " ".t("[Embedded content - reload page to view]")." ";
+ $pattern = "/<\s*audio[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*audio>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ $pattern = "/<\s*video[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*video>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ $pattern = "/<\s*embed[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*embed>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ $pattern = "/<\s*iframe[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*iframe>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ }
- echo str_replace("\t",' ',$text);
+ echo str_replace("\t", " ", $text);
echo "";
echo "\r\n";
diff --git a/mod/update_network.php b/mod/update_network.php
index 1bf374657..258d03e32 100644
--- a/mod/update_network.php
+++ b/mod/update_network.php
@@ -2,40 +2,41 @@
// See update_profile.php for documentation
function update_network_content(&$a) {
- $profile_uid = intval($_GET['p']);
+ $profile_uid = intval($_GET["p"]);
header("Content-type: text/html");
echo "\r\n";
echo "";
- if (!get_pconfig($profile_uid, "system", "no_auto_update") OR ($_GET['force'] == 1))
- $text = network_content($a,$profile_uid);
- else
+ if (!get_pconfig($profile_uid, "system", "no_auto_update") OR ($_GET["force"] == 1)) {
+ $text = network_content($a, $profile_uid);
+ } else {
$text = "";
+ }
$pattern = "/ ]*) src=\"([^\"]*)\"/";
$replace = " ' . t('[Embedded content - reload page to view]') . ' ';
- $pattern = "/<\s*audio[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*audio>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
- $pattern = "/<\s*video[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*video>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
- $pattern = "/<\s*embed[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*embed>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
- $pattern = "/<\s*iframe[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*iframe>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ if (get_pconfig(local_user(), "system", "bandwith_saver")) {
+ $replace = " ".t("[Embedded content - reload page to view]")." ";
+ $pattern = "/<\s*audio[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*audio>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ $pattern = "/<\s*video[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*video>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ $pattern = "/<\s*embed[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*embed>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ $pattern = "/<\s*iframe[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*iframe>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ }
- echo str_replace("\t",' ',$text);
+ echo str_replace("\t", " ", $text);
echo " ";
echo "\r\n";
diff --git a/mod/update_notes.php b/mod/update_notes.php
index 6b8fff511..ee9d1d71f 100644
--- a/mod/update_notes.php
+++ b/mod/update_notes.php
@@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
@@ -20,37 +18,35 @@ function update_notes_content(&$a) {
- * Grab the page inner contents by calling the content function from the profile module directly,
- * but move any image src attributes to another attribute name. This is because
+ * Grab the page inner contents by calling the content function from the profile module directly,
+ * but move any image src attributes to another attribute name. This is because
* some browsers will prefetch all the images for the page even if we don't need them.
* The only ones we need to fetch are those for new page additions, which we'll discover
* on the client side and then swap the image back.
- $text = notes_content($a,$profile_uid);
+ $text = notes_content($a, $profile_uid);
$pattern = "/ ]*) src=\"([^\"]*)\"/";
$replace = " ' . t('[Embedded content - reload page to view]') . ' ';
- $pattern = "/<\s*audio[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*audio>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
- $pattern = "/<\s*video[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*video>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
- $pattern = "/<\s*embed[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*embed>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
- $pattern = "/<\s*iframe[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*iframe>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ if (get_pconfig(local_user(), "system", "bandwith_saver")) {
+ $replace = " ".t("[Embedded content - reload page to view]")." ";
+ $pattern = "/<\s*audio[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*audio>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ $pattern = "/<\s*video[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*video>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ $pattern = "/<\s*embed[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*embed>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ $pattern = "/<\s*iframe[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*iframe>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ }
- /**
- * reportedly some versions of MSIE don't handle tabs in XMLHttpRequest documents very well
- */
- echo str_replace("\t",' ',$text);
+ // reportedly some versions of MSIE don't handle tabs in XMLHttpRequest documents very well
+ echo str_replace("\t", " ", $text);
echo "";
echo "\r\n";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/update_profile.php b/mod/update_profile.php
index 2492a48ee..1bc29d82c 100644
--- a/mod/update_profile.php
+++ b/mod/update_profile.php
@@ -3,58 +3,49 @@
* Module: update_profile
* Purpose: AJAX synchronisation of profile page
- *
function update_profile_content(&$a) {
- $profile_uid = intval($_GET['p']);
+ $profile_uid = intval($_GET["p"]);
header("Content-type: text/html");
echo "\r\n";
- /**
- * We can remove this hack once Internet Explorer recognises HTML5 natively
- */
+ // We can remove this hack once Internet Explorer recognises HTML5 natively
echo "";
- *
- * Grab the page inner contents by calling the content function from the profile module directly,
- * but move any image src attributes to another attribute name. This is because
+ * Grab the page inner contents by calling the content function from the profile module directly,
+ * but move any image src attributes to another attribute name. This is because
* some browsers will prefetch all the images for the page even if we don't need them.
* The only ones we need to fetch are those for new page additions, which we'll discover
* on the client side and then swap the image back.
- *
- $text = profile_content($a,$profile_uid);
+ $text = profile_content($a, $profile_uid);
$pattern = "/ ]*) src=\"([^\"]*)\"/";
$replace = " ' . t('[Embedded content - reload page to view]') . ' ';
- $pattern = "/<\s*audio[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*audio>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
- $pattern = "/<\s*video[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*video>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
- $pattern = "/<\s*embed[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*embed>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
- $pattern = "/<\s*iframe[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*iframe>/i";
- $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ if (get_pconfig(local_user(), "system", "bandwith_saver")) {
+ $replace = " ".t("[Embedded content - reload page to view]")." ";
+ $pattern = "/<\s*audio[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*audio>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ $pattern = "/<\s*video[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*video>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ $pattern = "/<\s*embed[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*embed>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ $pattern = "/<\s*iframe[^>]*>(.*?)<\s*\/\s*iframe>/i";
+ $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text);
+ }
- /**
- * reportedly some versions of MSIE don't handle tabs in XMLHttpRequest documents very well
- */
- echo str_replace("\t",' ',$text);
+ // reportedly some versions of MSIE don't handle tabs in XMLHttpRequest documents very well
+ echo str_replace("\t", " ", $text);
echo " ";
echo "\r\n";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/videos.php b/mod/videos.php
index bf8d696b6..1bb59bc54 100644
--- a/mod/videos.php
+++ b/mod/videos.php
@@ -33,10 +33,7 @@ function videos_init(&$a) {
$profile = get_profiledata_by_nick($nick, $a->profile_uid);
- if((intval($profile['page-flags']) == PAGE_COMMUNITY) || (intval($profile['page-flags']) == PAGE_PRVGROUP))
- $account_type = t('Forum');
- else
- $account_type = "";
+ $account_type = account_type($profile);
$tpl = get_markup_template("vcard-widget.tpl");
@@ -167,7 +164,7 @@ function videos_post(&$a) {
$drop_id = intval($i[0]['id']);
- proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","drop","$drop_id");
+ proc_run(PRIORITY_HIGH, "include/notifier.php", "drop", $drop_id);
@@ -266,7 +263,7 @@ function videos_content(&$a) {
$can_post = true;
$contact = $r[0];
$remote_contact = true;
- $visitor = $cid;
+ $visitor = $contact_id;
diff --git a/mod/viewcontacts.php b/mod/viewcontacts.php
index 2eae8fec8..19dd8b7f9 100644
--- a/mod/viewcontacts.php
+++ b/mod/viewcontacts.php
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ function viewcontacts_content(&$a) {
'details' => $contact_details['location'],
'tags' => $contact_details['keywords'],
'about' => $contact_details['about'],
- 'account_type' => (($contact_details['community']) ? t('Forum') : ''),
+ 'account_type' => account_type($contact_details),
'url' => $url,
'sparkle' => '',
'itemurl' => (($contact_details['addr'] != "") ? $contact_details['addr'] : $rr['url']),
diff --git a/mod/wall_attach.php b/mod/wall_attach.php
index 68752a0e1..15e3d3f75 100644
--- a/mod/wall_attach.php
+++ b/mod/wall_attach.php
@@ -14,19 +14,19 @@ function wall_attach_post(&$a) {
if(! count($r)){
if ($r_json) {
- echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Invalid request.')));
- killme();
- }
+ echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Invalid request.')));
+ killme();
+ }
- }
+ }
} else {
if ($r_json) {
- echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Invalid request.')));
- killme();
- }
+ echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Invalid request.')));
+ killme();
+ }
- }
+ }
$can_post = false;
$visitor = 0;
@@ -40,41 +40,41 @@ function wall_attach_post(&$a) {
$can_post = true;
else {
if($community_page && remote_user()) {
- $cid = 0;
+ $contact_id = 0;
if(is_array($_SESSION['remote'])) {
foreach($_SESSION['remote'] as $v) {
if($v['uid'] == $page_owner_uid) {
- $cid = $v['cid'];
+ $contact_id = $v['cid'];
- if($cid) {
+ if($contact_id) {
$r = q("SELECT `uid` FROM `contact` WHERE `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
- intval($cid),
+ intval($contact_id),
if(count($r)) {
$can_post = true;
- $visitor = $cid;
+ $visitor = $contact_id;
if(! $can_post) {
if ($r_json) {
- echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Permission denied.')));
- killme();
- }
+ echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Permission denied.')));
+ killme();
+ }
notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL );
if(! x($_FILES,'userfile')) {
if ($r_json) {
- echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Invalid request.')));
- }
+ echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Invalid request.')));
+ }
@@ -179,9 +179,9 @@ function wall_attach_post(&$a) {
if ($r_json) {
- echo json_encode(array('ok'=>true));
- killme();
- }
+ echo json_encode(array('ok'=>true));
+ killme();
+ }
$lf = "\n";
diff --git a/mod/wall_upload.php b/mod/wall_upload.php
index b815348c7..f5996d76f 100644
--- a/mod/wall_upload.php
+++ b/mod/wall_upload.php
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ function wall_upload_post(&$a, $desktopmode = true) {
if(! count($r)){
if ($r_json) {
- echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Invalid request.')));
- killme();
+ echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Invalid request.')));
+ killme();
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ function wall_upload_post(&$a, $desktopmode = true) {
} else {
if ($r_json) {
- echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Invalid request.')));
- killme();
+ echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Invalid request.')));
+ killme();
@@ -48,24 +48,24 @@ function wall_upload_post(&$a, $desktopmode = true) {
$can_post = true;
else {
if($community_page && remote_user()) {
- $cid = 0;
+ $contact_id = 0;
if(is_array($_SESSION['remote'])) {
foreach($_SESSION['remote'] as $v) {
if($v['uid'] == $page_owner_uid) {
- $cid = $v['cid'];
+ $contact_id = $v['cid'];
- if($cid) {
+ if($contact_id) {
$r = q("SELECT `uid` FROM `contact` WHERE `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0 AND `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
- intval($cid),
+ intval($contact_id),
if(count($r)) {
$can_post = true;
- $visitor = $cid;
+ $visitor = $contact_id;
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ function wall_upload_post(&$a, $desktopmode = true) {
if(! $can_post) {
if ($r_json) {
- echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Permission denied.')));
- killme();
+ echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Permission denied.')));
+ killme();
notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL );
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ function wall_upload_post(&$a, $desktopmode = true) {
if(! x($_FILES,'userfile') && ! x($_FILES,'media')){
if ($r_json) {
- echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Invalid request.')));
+ echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Invalid request.')));
@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ function wall_upload_post(&$a, $desktopmode = true) {
if ($src=="") {
if ($r_json) {
- echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Invalid request.')));
- killme();
+ echo json_encode(array('error'=>t('Invalid request.')));
+ killme();
notice(t('Invalid request.').EOL);
@@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ function wall_upload_post(&$a, $desktopmode = true) {
$r = q("SELECT `id`, `datasize`, `width`, `height`, `type` FROM `photo` WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' ORDER BY `width` DESC LIMIT 1", $hash);
if (!$r){
if ($r_json) {
- echo json_encode(array('error'=>''));
- killme();
+ echo json_encode(array('error'=>''));
+ killme();
return false;
@@ -265,16 +265,16 @@ function wall_upload_post(&$a, $desktopmode = true) {
$picture["preview"] = $a->get_baseurl()."/photo/{$hash}-{$smallest}.".$ph->getExt();
if ($r_json) {
- echo json_encode(array('picture'=>$picture));
- killme();
+ echo json_encode(array('picture'=>$picture));
+ killme();
return $picture;
if ($r_json) {
- echo json_encode(array('ok'=>true));
- killme();
+ echo json_encode(array('ok'=>true));
+ killme();
/* mod Waitman Gobble NO WARRANTY */
diff --git a/object/Conversation.php b/object/Conversation.php
index 94eed94d5..36c06c6d6 100644
--- a/object/Conversation.php
+++ b/object/Conversation.php
@@ -145,7 +145,6 @@ class Conversation extends BaseObject {
$result[] = $item_data;
- //$a->mark_timestamp();
return $result;
diff --git a/object/Item.php b/object/Item.php
index ee40d186c..9f01ac59b 100644
--- a/object/Item.php
+++ b/object/Item.php
@@ -89,14 +89,14 @@ class Item extends BaseObject {
$a = $this->get_app();
$item = $this->get_data();
- $edited = false;
- if (strcmp($item['created'], $item['edited'])<>0) {
- $edited = array(
- 'label' => t('This entry was edited'),
- 'date' => datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $item['edited'], 'r'),
- 'relative' => relative_date($item['edited'])
- );
- }
+ $edited = false;
+ if (strcmp($item['created'], $item['edited'])<>0) {
+ $edited = array(
+ 'label' => t('This entry was edited'),
+ 'date' => datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $item['edited'], 'r'),
+ 'relative' => relative_date($item['edited'])
+ );
+ }
$commentww = '';
$sparkle = '';
$buttons = '';
@@ -439,10 +439,10 @@ class Item extends BaseObject {
- if ($this->is_toplevel()) {
- $result['total_comments_num'] = "$total_children";
- $result['total_comments_text'] = tt('comment', 'comments', $total_children);
- }
+ if ($this->is_toplevel()) {
+ $result['total_comments_num'] = "$total_children";
+ $result['total_comments_text'] = tt('comment', 'comments', $total_children);
+ }
$result['private'] = $item['private'];
$result['toplevel'] = ($this->is_toplevel() ? 'toplevel_item' : '');
diff --git a/update.php b/update.php
index 8a8d93b1b..fa03ddd1a 100644
--- a/update.php
+++ b/update.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
string["%d message sent"] = Array(
@@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ Xgettext and .po workflow
This script runs xgettext on source tree, extracting strings from t() and tt()
functions, and creates a util/messages.po file.
- $ cd util; ./run_xgettext.sh
+ $ cd util; ./run_xgettext.sh
-2. copy util/messages.po to view//messages.po
- Replace with the language you are working on - e.g. 'es', 'fr', 'de', etc.
+2. copy util/messages.po to view/lang//messages.po
+ Replace with the language you are working on - e.g. 'es', 'fr', 'de', etc.
-3. open view//messages.po with a text editor and fill in infos in
+3. open view/lang//messages.po with a text editor and fill in infos in
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME "
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
"Language: \n"
@@ -97,30 +97,30 @@ Xgettext and .po workflow
"Language-Team: Pirate Friendika \n"
"Language: pi\n"
For the line
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
- read GNU gettext manual at
+ read GNU gettext manual at
4. You could then translate the strings in text editor, but I suggest to use one
of the many .po editors out there, like QtLinguist
-5. run
- $ php util/po2php.php view//messages.po
+5. run
+ $ php util/po2php.php view/lang//messages.po
to create the strings.php file
When strings are added or modified in source, you could run
- $ cd util; ./run_xgettext.sh ../view//messages.po
+ $ cd util; ./run_xgettext.sh ../view/lang//messages.po
to extract strings from source files and join them with the existing .po file:
new strings are added, the existing are not overwritten.
If you already translated Friendica using strings.php, you could import your old
translation to messages.po. Run:
-$ php util/php2po.php view//strings.php
+$ php util/php2po.php view/lang//strings.php
+You may also use the util/string_translator.php web interface to translate the string file, but it is disabled for website security reasons. The web server will need write permission to your language directories and the "Deny ..." line in util/.htaccess will need to be modified or commented to use the utility.
-You may also use the util/string_translator.php web interface to translate the string file, but it is disabled for website security reasons. The web server will need write permission to your language directories and the "Deny ..." line in util/.htaccess will need to be modified or commented to use the utility.
diff --git a/util/credits.txt b/util/credits.txt
index c8c8f10e8..d3c7c14f1 100644
--- a/util/credits.txt
+++ b/util/credits.txt
@@ -17,13 +17,16 @@ aweiher
+Beatriz Vital
Ben Roberts
Calango Jr
Carlos Solís
Carsten Pfeiffer
Cat Gray
Chris Case
+Christian González
Christian M. Grube
Christian Vogeley
Cohan Robinson
@@ -72,6 +75,7 @@ Hubert Kościański
+Jeroen S
Johannes Schwab
John Brazil
@@ -160,6 +164,7 @@ tomamplius
Tony Baldwin
diff --git a/util/make_credits.py b/util/make_credits.py
index eacb8707f..9575f10ff 100755
--- a/util/make_credits.py
+++ b/util/make_credits.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import os, glob, subprocess
# not work in some cases.
dontinclude = ['root', 'friendica', 'bavatar', 'tony baldwin', 'Taek', 'silke m',
'leberwurscht', 'abinoam', 'fabrixxm', 'FULL NAME', 'Hauke Zuehl',
- 'Michal Supler', 'michal_s', 'Manuel Pérez']
+ 'Michal Supler', 'michal_s', 'Manuel Pérez', 'rabuzarus']
# this script is in the /util sub-directory of the friendica installation
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ os.chdir(path)
# get the translators
print('> getting translators')
intrans = False
-for f in glob.glob(path+'/view/*/messages.po'):
+for f in glob.glob(path+'/view/lang/*/messages.po'):
i = open(f, 'r')
l = i.readlines()
diff --git a/util/messages.po b/util/messages.po
index e71198c69..3eab98882 100644
--- a/util/messages.po
+++ b/util/messages.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-07-08 19:22+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-11-10 15:43+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
@@ -18,185 +18,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: boot.php:887
-msgid "Delete this item?"
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:888 mod/content.php:727 mod/content.php:945 mod/photos.php:1616
-#: mod/photos.php:1664 mod/photos.php:1752 object/Item.php:403
-#: object/Item.php:719
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:889 include/contact_widgets.php:242 include/ForumManager.php:119
-#: include/items.php:2122 mod/content.php:624 object/Item.php:432
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:260
-msgid "show more"
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:890
-msgid "show fewer"
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:1483
-#, php-format
-msgid "Update %s failed. See error logs."
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:1595
-msgid "Create a New Account"
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:1596 include/nav.php:111 mod/register.php:280
-msgid "Register"
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:1620 include/nav.php:75 view/theme/frio/theme.php:243
-msgid "Logout"
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:1621 include/nav.php:94 mod/bookmarklet.php:12
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:1623 mod/lostpass.php:161
-msgid "Nickname or Email: "
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:1624
-msgid "Password: "
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:1625
-msgid "Remember me"
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:1628
-msgid "Or login using OpenID: "
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:1634
-msgid "Forgot your password?"
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:1635 mod/lostpass.php:109
-msgid "Password Reset"
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:1637
-msgid "Website Terms of Service"
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:1638
-msgid "terms of service"
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:1640
-msgid "Website Privacy Policy"
-msgstr ""
-#: boot.php:1641
-msgid "privacy policy"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:57 include/datetime.php:59 mod/profiles.php:698
-msgid "Miscellaneous"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:183 include/identity.php:627
-msgid "Birthday:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:185 mod/profiles.php:721
-msgid "Age: "
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:187
-msgid "YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:341
-msgid "never"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:347
-msgid "less than a second ago"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:357
-msgid "year"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:357
-msgid "years"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:358 include/event.php:480 mod/events.php:389
-#: mod/cal.php:287
-msgid "month"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:358
-msgid "months"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:359 include/event.php:481 mod/events.php:390
-#: mod/cal.php:288
-msgid "week"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:359
-msgid "weeks"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:360 include/event.php:482 mod/events.php:391
-#: mod/cal.php:289
-msgid "day"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:360
-msgid "days"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:361
-msgid "hour"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:361
-msgid "hours"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:362
-msgid "minute"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:362
-msgid "minutes"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:363
-msgid "second"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:363
-msgid "seconds"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:372
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$d %2$s ago"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:578
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s's birthday"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/datetime.php:579 include/dfrn.php:1111
-#, php-format
-msgid "Happy Birthday %s"
-msgstr ""
#: include/contact_widgets.php:6
msgid "Add New Contact"
msgstr ""
@@ -209,8 +30,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_widgets.php:10 include/identity.php:212 mod/dirfind.php:201
-#: mod/match.php:87 mod/allfriends.php:82 mod/suggest.php:101
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:10 include/identity.php:218
+#: mod/allfriends.php:82 mod/dirfind.php:201 mod/match.php:87
+#: mod/suggest.php:101
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
@@ -229,9 +51,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Enter name or interest"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_widgets.php:32 include/conversation.php:978
-#: include/Contact.php:324 mod/dirfind.php:204 mod/match.php:72
-#: mod/allfriends.php:66 mod/contacts.php:600 mod/follow.php:103
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:32 include/conversation.php:981
+#: include/Contact.php:347 mod/follow.php:103 mod/allfriends.php:66
+#: mod/contacts.php:602 mod/dirfind.php:204 mod/match.php:72
#: mod/suggest.php:83
msgid "Connect/Follow"
msgstr ""
@@ -240,7 +62,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Examples: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_widgets.php:34 mod/directory.php:212 mod/contacts.php:791
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:34 mod/contacts.php:798 mod/directory.php:204
msgid "Find"
msgstr ""
@@ -290,6 +112,1614 @@ msgid_plural "%d contacts in common"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:242 include/ForumManager.php:119
+#: include/items.php:2188 mod/content.php:624 object/Item.php:432
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:260 boot.php:970
+msgid "show more"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/ForumManager.php:114 include/nav.php:131 include/text.php:1025
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:255
+msgid "Forums"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/ForumManager.php:116 view/theme/vier/theme.php:257
+msgid "External link to forum"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Male"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Female"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Currently Male"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Currently Female"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Mostly Male"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Mostly Female"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Transgender"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Intersex"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Transsexual"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Hermaphrodite"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Neuter"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Non-specific"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6 include/conversation.php:1483
+msgid "Undecided"
+msgid_plural "Undecided"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Males"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Females"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Gay"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Lesbian"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "No Preference"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Bisexual"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Autosexual"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Abstinent"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Virgin"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Deviant"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Fetish"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Oodles"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Nonsexual"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Single"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Lonely"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Available"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Unavailable"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Has crush"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Infatuated"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Dating"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Unfaithful"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Sex Addict"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42 include/user.php:299 include/user.php:303
+msgid "Friends"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Friends/Benefits"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Casual"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Engaged"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Married"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Imaginarily married"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Partners"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Cohabiting"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Common law"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Happy"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Not looking"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Swinger"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Betrayed"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Separated"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Unstable"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Divorced"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Imaginarily divorced"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Widowed"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Uncertain"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "It's complicated"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Don't care"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Ask me"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:148 include/event.php:16 mod/localtime.php:12
+msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:154 include/event.php:33 include/event.php:51
+#: include/event.php:487
+msgid "Starts:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:162 include/event.php:36 include/event.php:57
+#: include/event.php:488
+msgid "Finishes:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:170 include/event.php:39 include/event.php:63
+#: include/event.php:489 include/identity.php:328 mod/notifications.php:232
+#: mod/contacts.php:628 mod/directory.php:137 mod/events.php:494
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/dba_pdo.php:72 include/dba.php:56
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/auth.php:45
+msgid "Logged out."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/auth.php:116 include/auth.php:178 mod/openid.php:100
+msgid "Login failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/auth.php:132 include/user.php:75
+msgid ""
+"We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. "
+"Please check the correct spelling of the ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/auth.php:132 include/user.php:75
+msgid "The error message was:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/group.php:25
+msgid ""
+"A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions "
+"may apply to this group and any future members. If this is "
+"not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/group.php:209
+msgid "Default privacy group for new contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/group.php:242
+msgid "Everybody"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/group.php:265
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/group.php:286 mod/newmember.php:61
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/group.php:288
+msgid "Edit groups"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/group.php:290
+msgid "Edit group"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/group.php:291
+msgid "Create a new group"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/group.php:292 mod/group.php:94 mod/group.php:178
+msgid "Group Name: "
+msgstr ""
+#: include/group.php:294
+msgid "Contacts not in any group"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/group.php:296 mod/network.php:201
+msgid "add"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:39 mod/settings.php:371
+msgid "Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:48
+msgid "An invitation is required."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:53
+msgid "Invitation could not be verified."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:61
+msgid "Invalid OpenID url"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:82
+msgid "Please enter the required information."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:96
+msgid "Please use a shorter name."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:98
+msgid "Name too short."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:113
+msgid "That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:118
+msgid "Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:121
+msgid "Not a valid email address."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:134
+msgid "Cannot use that email."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:140
+msgid "Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:147 include/user.php:245
+msgid "Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:157
+msgid ""
+"Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose "
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:173
+msgid "SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:231
+msgid "An error occurred during registration. Please try again."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:256 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:44
+msgid "default"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:266
+msgid "An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:345 include/user.php:352 include/user.php:359
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:74 mod/profile_photo.php:81 mod/profile_photo.php:88
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:210 mod/profile_photo.php:302
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:311 mod/photos.php:66 mod/photos.php:180
+#: mod/photos.php:751 mod/photos.php:1211 mod/photos.php:1232
+#: mod/photos.php:1819 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:500
+msgid "Profile Photos"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:387
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
+"\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2$s. Your account has been created.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:391
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
+"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3$s\n"
+"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1$s\n"
+"\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after "
+"\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that "
+"\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n"
+"\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
+"\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
+"\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - "
+"\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more "
+"\t\tthan that.\n"
+"\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are "
+"\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
+"\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
+"\t\tThank you and welcome to %2$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/user.php:423 mod/admin.php:1184
+#, php-format
+msgid "Registration details for %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:32
+msgid "Unknown | Not categorised"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:33
+msgid "Block immediately"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:34
+msgid "Shady, spammer, self-marketer"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:35
+msgid "Known to me, but no opinion"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:36
+msgid "OK, probably harmless"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:37
+msgid "Reputable, has my trust"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:56 mod/admin.php:862
+msgid "Frequently"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:57 mod/admin.php:863
+msgid "Hourly"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:58 mod/admin.php:864
+msgid "Twice daily"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:59 mod/admin.php:865
+msgid "Daily"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:60
+msgid "Weekly"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:61
+msgid "Monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:76 mod/dfrn_request.php:867
+msgid "Friendica"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:77
+msgid "OStatus"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:78
+msgid "RSS/Atom"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:79 include/contact_selectors.php:86
+#: mod/admin.php:1367 mod/admin.php:1380 mod/admin.php:1392 mod/admin.php:1410
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:80 mod/dfrn_request.php:869
+#: mod/settings.php:840
+msgid "Diaspora"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:81
+msgid "Facebook"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:82
+msgid "Zot!"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:83
+msgid "LinkedIn"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:84
+msgid "XMPP/IM"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:85
+msgid "MySpace"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:87
+msgid "Google+"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:88
+msgid "pump.io"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:89
+msgid "Twitter"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:90
+msgid "Diaspora Connector"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:91
+msgid "GNU Social"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:92
+msgid "App.net"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:103
+msgid "Hubzilla/Redmatrix"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/network.php:595
+msgid "view full size"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:327
+msgid "Post to Email"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:332
+#, php-format
+msgid "Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:333 mod/settings.php:1176
+msgid "Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:338
+msgid "Visible to everybody"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:339 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
+msgid "show"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:340 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
+msgid "don't show"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:346 mod/editpost.php:133
+msgid "CC: email addresses"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:347 mod/editpost.php:140
+msgid "Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:349 mod/events.php:509 mod/photos.php:1156
+#: mod/photos.php:1535
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:350
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/like.php:163 include/conversation.php:130
+#: include/conversation.php:266 include/text.php:1808 mod/subthread.php:87
+#: mod/tagger.php:62 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:471
+msgid "photo"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/like.php:163 include/diaspora.php:1402 include/conversation.php:125
+#: include/conversation.php:134 include/conversation.php:261
+#: include/conversation.php:270 mod/subthread.php:87 mod/tagger.php:62
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:466 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:475
+msgid "status"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/like.php:165 include/conversation.php:122
+#: include/conversation.php:258 include/text.php:1806
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:463
+msgid "event"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/like.php:182 include/diaspora.php:1398 include/conversation.php:141
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:480
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/like.php:184 include/conversation.php:144
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s doesn't like %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/like.php:186
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is attending %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/like.php:188
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is not attending %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/like.php:190
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s may attend %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/message.php:15 include/message.php:173
+msgid "[no subject]"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/message.php:145 include/Photo.php:1045 include/Photo.php:1061
+#: include/Photo.php:1069 include/Photo.php:1094 mod/wall_upload.php:218
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:232 mod/wall_upload.php:239 mod/item.php:477
+msgid "Wall Photos"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/plugin.php:526 include/plugin.php:528
+msgid "Click here to upgrade."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/plugin.php:534
+msgid "This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/plugin.php:539
+msgid "This action is not available under your subscription plan."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/uimport.php:94
+msgid "Error decoding account file"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/uimport.php:100
+msgid "Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/uimport.php:116 include/uimport.php:127
+msgid "Error! Cannot check nickname"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/uimport.php:120 include/uimport.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' already exists on this server!"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/uimport.php:153
+msgid "User creation error"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/uimport.php:173
+msgid "User profile creation error"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/uimport.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d contact not imported"
+msgid_plural "%d contacts not imported"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: include/uimport.php:292
+msgid "Done. You can now login with your username and password"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:153
+msgid "System"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:160 include/nav.php:158 mod/admin.php:402
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:253
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:167 mod/profiles.php:703
+#: mod/network.php:845
+msgid "Personal"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:174 include/nav.php:105
+#: include/nav.php:161 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:181 include/nav.php:166
+msgid "Introductions"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:234 include/NotificationsManager.php:245
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s commented on %s's post"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:244
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s created a new post"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:258
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s liked %s's post"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:269
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s disliked %s's post"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is attending %s's event"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:291
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is not attending %s's event"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:302
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s may attend %s's event"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is now friends with %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:750
+msgid "Friend Suggestion"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:783
+msgid "Friend/Connect Request"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:783
+msgid "New Follower"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/diaspora.php:1954
+msgid "Sharing notification from Diaspora network"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/diaspora.php:2854
+msgid "Attachments:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:63
+msgid "General Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:65
+msgid "Multiple Profiles"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:65
+msgid "Ability to create multiple profiles"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:66
+msgid "Photo Location"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:66
+msgid ""
+"Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present) "
+"prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:67
+msgid "Export Public Calendar"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:67
+msgid "Ability for visitors to download the public calendar"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:72
+msgid "Post Composition Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:73
+msgid "Richtext Editor"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:73
+msgid "Enable richtext editor"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:74
+msgid "Post Preview"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:74
+msgid "Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:75
+msgid "Auto-mention Forums"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:75
+msgid ""
+"Add/remove mention when a forum page is selected/deselected in ACL window."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:80
+msgid "Network Sidebar Widgets"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:81
+msgid "Search by Date"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:81
+msgid "Ability to select posts by date ranges"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:82 include/features.php:112
+msgid "List Forums"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:82
+msgid "Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:83
+msgid "Group Filter"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:83
+msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:84
+msgid "Network Filter"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:84
+msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:85 mod/search.php:34 mod/network.php:200
+msgid "Saved Searches"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:85
+msgid "Save search terms for re-use"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:90
+msgid "Network Tabs"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:91
+msgid "Network Personal Tab"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:91
+msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:92
+msgid "Network New Tab"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:92
+msgid "Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:93
+msgid "Network Shared Links Tab"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:93
+msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:98
+msgid "Post/Comment Tools"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:99
+msgid "Multiple Deletion"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:99
+msgid "Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:100
+msgid "Edit Sent Posts"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:100
+msgid "Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:101
+msgid "Tagging"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:101
+msgid "Ability to tag existing posts"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:102
+msgid "Post Categories"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:102
+msgid "Add categories to your posts"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:103
+msgid "Ability to file posts under folders"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:104
+msgid "Dislike Posts"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:104
+msgid "Ability to dislike posts/comments"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:105
+msgid "Star Posts"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:105
+msgid "Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:106
+msgid "Mute Post Notifications"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:106
+msgid "Ability to mute notifications for a thread"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:111
+msgid "Advanced Profile Settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:112
+msgid "Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/delivery.php:439
+msgid "(no subject)"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/delivery.php:450 include/enotify.php:43
+msgid "noreply"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/api.php:1019
+#, php-format
+msgid "Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/api.php:1039
+#, php-format
+msgid "Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/api.php:1060
+#, php-format
+msgid "Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/bbcode.php:348 include/bbcode.php:1055 include/bbcode.php:1056
+msgid "Image/photo"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/bbcode.php:465
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/bbcode.php:1015 include/bbcode.php:1035
+msgid "$1 wrote:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/bbcode.php:1064 include/bbcode.php:1065
+msgid "Encrypted content"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:147
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s attends %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s doesn't attend %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s attends maybe %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:185 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:473
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is now friends with %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s poked %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:239 mod/mood.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is currently %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:278 mod/tagger.php:95
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s tagged %2$s's %3$s with %4$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:303
+msgid "post/item"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:304
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s marked %2$s's %3$s as favorite"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:585 mod/content.php:372 mod/profiles.php:346
+#: mod/photos.php:1607
+msgid "Likes"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:585 mod/content.php:372 mod/profiles.php:350
+#: mod/photos.php:1607
+msgid "Dislikes"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:586 include/conversation.php:1477
+#: mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1608
+msgid "Attending"
+msgid_plural "Attending"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: include/conversation.php:586 mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1608
+msgid "Not attending"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:586 mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1608
+msgid "Might attend"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:708 mod/content.php:453 mod/content.php:758
+#: mod/photos.php:1681 object/Item.php:133
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:709 mod/group.php:171 mod/content.php:454
+#: mod/content.php:759 mod/admin.php:1384 mod/contacts.php:808
+#: mod/contacts.php:1016 mod/photos.php:1682 mod/settings.php:739
+#: object/Item.php:134
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:753 mod/content.php:487 mod/content.php:910
+#: mod/content.php:911 object/Item.php:367 object/Item.php:368
+#, php-format
+msgid "View %s's profile @ %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:765 object/Item.php:355
+msgid "Categories:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:766 object/Item.php:356
+msgid "Filed under:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:773 mod/content.php:497 mod/content.php:923
+#: object/Item.php:381
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s from %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:789 mod/content.php:513
+msgid "View in context"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:791 include/conversation.php:1261
+#: mod/editpost.php:124 mod/wallmessage.php:156 mod/message.php:356
+#: mod/message.php:548 mod/content.php:515 mod/content.php:948
+#: mod/photos.php:1570 object/Item.php:406
+msgid "Please wait"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:870
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:874
+msgid "Delete Selected Items"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:966
+msgid "Follow Thread"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:967 include/Contact.php:390
+msgid "View Status"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:968 include/conversation.php:984
+#: include/Contact.php:333 include/Contact.php:346 include/Contact.php:391
+#: mod/allfriends.php:65 mod/directory.php:155 mod/dirfind.php:203
+#: mod/match.php:71 mod/suggest.php:82
+msgid "View Profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:969 include/Contact.php:392
+msgid "View Photos"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:970 include/Contact.php:393
+msgid "Network Posts"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:971 include/Contact.php:394
+msgid "View Contact"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:972 include/Contact.php:396
+msgid "Send PM"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:976 include/Contact.php:397
+msgid "Poke"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1094
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s likes this."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1097
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s doesn't like this."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1100
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s attends."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1103
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s doesn't attend."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1106
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s attends maybe."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1116
+msgid "and"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1122
+#, php-format
+msgid ", and %d other people"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people like this"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1132
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s like this."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1135
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people don't like this"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1136
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s don't like this."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1139
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people attend"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1140
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s attend."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1143
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people don't attend"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1144
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s don't attend."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1147
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people attend maybe"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1148
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s anttend maybe."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1187 include/conversation.php:1205
+msgid "Visible to everybody "
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1188 include/conversation.php:1206
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:127 mod/wallmessage.php:135 mod/message.php:291
+#: mod/message.php:299 mod/message.php:442 mod/message.php:450
+msgid "Please enter a link URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1189 include/conversation.php:1207
+msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1190 include/conversation.php:1208
+msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1191 include/conversation.php:1209
+msgid "Tag term:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1192 include/conversation.php:1210
+#: mod/filer.php:30
+msgid "Save to Folder:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1193 include/conversation.php:1211
+msgid "Where are you right now?"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1194
+msgid "Delete item(s)?"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1242 mod/photos.php:1569
+msgid "Share"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1243 mod/editpost.php:110 mod/wallmessage.php:154
+#: mod/message.php:354 mod/message.php:545
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1244 mod/editpost.php:111
+msgid "upload photo"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1245 mod/editpost.php:112
+msgid "Attach file"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1246 mod/editpost.php:113
+msgid "attach file"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1247 mod/editpost.php:114 mod/wallmessage.php:155
+#: mod/message.php:355 mod/message.php:546
+msgid "Insert web link"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1248 mod/editpost.php:115
+msgid "web link"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1249 mod/editpost.php:116
+msgid "Insert video link"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1250 mod/editpost.php:117
+msgid "video link"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1251 mod/editpost.php:118
+msgid "Insert audio link"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1252 mod/editpost.php:119
+msgid "audio link"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1253 mod/editpost.php:120
+msgid "Set your location"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1254 mod/editpost.php:121
+msgid "set location"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1255 mod/editpost.php:122
+msgid "Clear browser location"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1256 mod/editpost.php:123
+msgid "clear location"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1258 mod/editpost.php:137
+msgid "Set title"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1260 mod/editpost.php:139
+msgid "Categories (comma-separated list)"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1262 mod/editpost.php:125
+msgid "Permission settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1263 mod/editpost.php:154
+msgid "permissions"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1271 mod/editpost.php:134
+msgid "Public post"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1276 mod/editpost.php:145 mod/content.php:737
+#: mod/events.php:504 mod/photos.php:1591 mod/photos.php:1639
+#: mod/photos.php:1725 object/Item.php:729
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1280 include/items.php:1917 mod/fbrowser.php:101
+#: mod/fbrowser.php:136 mod/tagrm.php:11 mod/tagrm.php:94 mod/follow.php:121
+#: mod/editpost.php:148 mod/message.php:220 mod/dfrn_request.php:875
+#: mod/contacts.php:445 mod/photos.php:235 mod/photos.php:322
+#: mod/suggest.php:32 mod/videos.php:128 mod/settings.php:677
+#: mod/settings.php:703
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1286
+msgid "Post to Groups"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1287
+msgid "Post to Contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1288
+msgid "Private post"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1293 include/identity.php:256 mod/editpost.php:152
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1294 mod/editpost.php:153
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1449
+msgid "View all"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1471
+msgid "Like"
+msgid_plural "Likes"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1474
+msgid "Dislike"
+msgid_plural "Dislikes"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1480
+msgid "Not Attending"
+msgid_plural "Not Attending"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: include/datetime.php:57 include/datetime.php:59 mod/profiles.php:705
+msgid "Miscellaneous"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:183 include/identity.php:629
+msgid "Birthday:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:185 mod/profiles.php:728
+msgid "Age: "
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:187
+msgid "YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:341
+msgid "never"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:347
+msgid "less than a second ago"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:350
+msgid "year"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:350
+msgid "years"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:351 include/event.php:480 mod/cal.php:284
+#: mod/events.php:389
+msgid "month"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:351
+msgid "months"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:352 include/event.php:481 mod/cal.php:285
+#: mod/events.php:390
+msgid "week"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:352
+msgid "weeks"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:353 include/event.php:482 mod/cal.php:286
+#: mod/events.php:391
+msgid "day"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:353
+msgid "days"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:354
+msgid "hour"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:354
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:355
+msgid "minute"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:355
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:356
+msgid "second"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:356
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:365
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$d %2$s ago"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:572
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s's birthday"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/datetime.php:573 include/dfrn.php:1108
+#, php-format
+msgid "Happy Birthday %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/dbstructure.php:26
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n"
+"\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n"
+"\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n"
+"\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database "
+"might be invalid."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/dbstructure.php:31
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"The error message is\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/dbstructure.php:183
+msgid "Errors encountered creating database tables."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/dbstructure.php:260
+msgid "Errors encountered performing database changes."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/dfrn.php:1107
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s\\'s birthday"
+msgstr ""
#: include/enotify.php:24
msgid "Friendica Notification"
msgstr ""
@@ -308,10 +1738,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%1$s, %2$s Administrator"
msgstr ""
-#: include/enotify.php:43 include/delivery.php:450
-msgid "noreply"
-msgstr ""
#: include/enotify.php:70
#, php-format
msgid "%s "
@@ -586,113 +2012,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the request."
msgstr ""
-#: include/plugin.php:522 include/plugin.php:524
-msgid "Click here to upgrade."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/plugin.php:530
-msgid "This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/plugin.php:535
-msgid "This action is not available under your subscription plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/ForumManager.php:114 include/text.php:998 include/nav.php:130
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:255
-msgid "Forums"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/ForumManager.php:116 view/theme/vier/theme.php:257
-msgid "External link to forum"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/diaspora.php:1379 include/conversation.php:141 include/like.php:182
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/diaspora.php:1383 include/conversation.php:125
-#: include/conversation.php:134 include/conversation.php:261
-#: include/conversation.php:270 include/like.php:163 mod/tagger.php:62
-#: mod/subthread.php:87 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:466
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:475
-msgid "status"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/diaspora.php:1909
-msgid "Sharing notification from Diaspora network"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/diaspora.php:2801
-msgid "Attachments:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/dfrn.php:1110
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s\\'s birthday"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/uimport.php:94
-msgid "Error decoding account file"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/uimport.php:100
-msgid "Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/uimport.php:116 include/uimport.php:127
-msgid "Error! Cannot check nickname"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/uimport.php:120 include/uimport.php:131
-#, php-format
-msgid "User '%s' already exists on this server!"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/uimport.php:153
-msgid "User creation error"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/uimport.php:173
-msgid "User profile creation error"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/uimport.php:222
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d contact not imported"
-msgid_plural "%d contacts not imported"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: include/uimport.php:292
-msgid "Done. You can now login with your username and password"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/dba.php:56 include/dba_pdo.php:72
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:16 include/bb2diaspora.php:148 mod/localtime.php:12
-msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:33 include/event.php:51 include/bb2diaspora.php:154
-msgid "Starts:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:36 include/event.php:57 include/bb2diaspora.php:162
-msgid "Finishes:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:39 include/event.php:63 include/identity.php:329
-#: include/bb2diaspora.php:170 mod/notifications.php:246 mod/events.php:495
-#: mod/directory.php:145 mod/contacts.php:624
-msgid "Location:"
-msgstr ""
#: include/event.php:441
msgid "Sun"
msgstr ""
@@ -721,31 +2040,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Sat"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:448 include/text.php:1103 mod/settings.php:955
+#: include/event.php:448 include/text.php:1130 mod/settings.php:968
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:449 include/text.php:1103 mod/settings.php:955
+#: include/event.php:449 include/text.php:1130 mod/settings.php:968
msgid "Monday"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:450 include/text.php:1103
+#: include/event.php:450 include/text.php:1130
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:451 include/text.php:1103
+#: include/event.php:451 include/text.php:1130
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:452 include/text.php:1103
+#: include/event.php:452 include/text.php:1130
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:453 include/text.php:1103
+#: include/event.php:453 include/text.php:1130
msgid "Friday"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:454 include/text.php:1103
+#: include/event.php:454 include/text.php:1130
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr ""
@@ -765,7 +2084,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Apr"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:459 include/event.php:471 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:459 include/event.php:471 include/text.php:1134
msgid "May"
msgstr ""
@@ -797,1316 +2116,87 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Dec"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:467 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:467 include/text.php:1134
msgid "January"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:468 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:468 include/text.php:1134
msgid "February"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:469 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:469 include/text.php:1134
msgid "March"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:470 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:470 include/text.php:1134
msgid "April"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:472 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:472 include/text.php:1134
msgid "June"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:473 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:473 include/text.php:1134
msgid "July"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:474 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:474 include/text.php:1134
msgid "August"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:475 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:475 include/text.php:1134
msgid "September"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:476 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:476 include/text.php:1134
msgid "October"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:477 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:477 include/text.php:1134
msgid "November"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:478 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:478 include/text.php:1134
msgid "December"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:479 mod/events.php:388 mod/cal.php:286
+#: include/event.php:479 mod/cal.php:283 mod/events.php:388
msgid "today"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:567
+#: include/event.php:483
+msgid "all-day"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/event.php:485
+msgid "No events to display"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/event.php:574
msgid "l, F j"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:586
+#: include/event.php:593
msgid "Edit event"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:608 include/text.php:1509 include/text.php:1516
+#: include/event.php:615 include/text.php:1536 include/text.php:1543
msgid "link to source"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:843
+#: include/event.php:850
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:844
+#: include/event.php:851
msgid "Export calendar as ical"
msgstr ""
-#: include/event.php:845
+#: include/event.php:852
msgid "Export calendar as csv"
msgstr ""
-#: include/security.php:22
-msgid "Welcome "
-msgstr ""
-#: include/security.php:23
-msgid "Please upload a profile photo."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/security.php:26
-msgid "Welcome back "
-msgstr ""
-#: include/security.php:375
-msgid ""
-"The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the "
-"form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Male"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Female"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Currently Male"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Currently Female"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Mostly Male"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Mostly Female"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Transgender"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Intersex"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Transsexual"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Hermaphrodite"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Neuter"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Non-specific"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6 include/conversation.php:1477
-msgid "Undecided"
-msgid_plural "Undecided"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Males"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Females"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Gay"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Lesbian"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "No Preference"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Bisexual"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Autosexual"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Abstinent"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Virgin"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Deviant"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Fetish"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Oodles"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Nonsexual"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Single"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Lonely"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Available"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Unavailable"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Has crush"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Infatuated"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Dating"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Unfaithful"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Sex Addict"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42 include/user.php:299 include/user.php:303
-msgid "Friends"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Friends/Benefits"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Casual"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Engaged"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Married"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Imaginarily married"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Partners"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Cohabiting"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Common law"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Happy"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Not looking"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Swinger"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Betrayed"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Separated"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Unstable"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Divorced"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Imaginarily divorced"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Widowed"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Uncertain"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "It's complicated"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Don't care"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Ask me"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/items.php:1447 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:725 mod/dfrn_request.php:744
-msgid "[Name Withheld]"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/items.php:1805 mod/viewsrc.php:15 mod/admin.php:234
-#: mod/admin.php:1445 mod/admin.php:1679 mod/display.php:104
-#: mod/display.php:279 mod/display.php:478 mod/notice.php:15
-msgid "Item not found."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/items.php:1844
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this item?"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/items.php:1846 mod/profiles.php:641 mod/profiles.php:644
-#: mod/profiles.php:670 mod/contacts.php:441 mod/follow.php:110
-#: mod/suggest.php:29 mod/dfrn_request.php:860 mod/register.php:238
-#: mod/settings.php:1113 mod/settings.php:1119 mod/settings.php:1127
-#: mod/settings.php:1131 mod/settings.php:1136 mod/settings.php:1142
-#: mod/settings.php:1148 mod/settings.php:1154 mod/settings.php:1180
-#: mod/settings.php:1181 mod/settings.php:1182 mod/settings.php:1183
-#: mod/settings.php:1184 mod/api.php:105 mod/message.php:217
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/items.php:1849 include/conversation.php:1274 mod/fbrowser.php:101
-#: mod/fbrowser.php:136 mod/tagrm.php:11 mod/tagrm.php:94 mod/videos.php:131
-#: mod/photos.php:247 mod/photos.php:336 mod/contacts.php:444
-#: mod/follow.php:121 mod/suggest.php:32 mod/editpost.php:148
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:874 mod/settings.php:664 mod/settings.php:690
-#: mod/message.php:220
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr ""
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-#: mod/message.php:182 mod/manage.php:96
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-#: include/items.php:2116
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-#: include/text.php:306
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-#: include/text.php:345
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-#: include/text.php:348
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-#: include/text.php:403
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-#: include/text.php:404
-msgid "The end"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/text.php:871
-msgid "No contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/text.php:886
-#, php-format
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-#: include/text.php:898
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-msgstr ""
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-#: include/text.php:1049
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-#: include/text.php:1049
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-#: include/text.php:1050
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-#: include/text.php:1050
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-#: include/text.php:1051
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-#: include/text.php:1051
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-#: include/text.php:1053
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-#: include/text.php:1054
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-#: include/text.php:1054
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-#: include/text.php:1069
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-#: include/text.php:1070
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-#: include/text.php:1072
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-#: include/text.php:1073
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-#: include/text.php:1074
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-#: include/text.php:1077
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-#: include/text.php:1081
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-#: include/text.php:1082
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-#: include/text.php:1083
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-#: include/text.php:1084
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-#: include/text.php:1085
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-#: include/text.php:1086
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-#: include/text.php:1087
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-msgid "View Video"
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-#: include/text.php:1333
-msgid "bytes"
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-#: include/text.php:1365 include/text.php:1377
-msgid "Click to open/close"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/text.php:1503
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-msgstr ""
-#: include/text.php:1504
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-#: include/conversation.php:258 include/like.php:165
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-#: include/text.php:1786
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-#: include/text.php:1954
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-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:144 include/like.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s doesn't like %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:147
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s attends %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:150
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s doesn't attend %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s attends maybe %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:185 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:472
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is now friends with %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:219
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s poked %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:239 mod/mood.php:62
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is currently %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:278 mod/tagger.php:95
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s tagged %2$s's %3$s with %4$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:303
-msgid "post/item"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:304
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s marked %2$s's %3$s as favorite"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:587 mod/content.php:372 mod/profiles.php:344
-#: mod/photos.php:1634
-msgid "Likes"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:587 mod/content.php:372 mod/profiles.php:348
-#: mod/photos.php:1634
-msgid "Dislikes"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:588 include/conversation.php:1471
-#: mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1635
-msgid "Attending"
-msgid_plural "Attending"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: include/conversation.php:588 mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1635
-msgid "Not attending"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:588 mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1635
-msgid "Might attend"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:710 mod/content.php:453 mod/content.php:758
-#: mod/photos.php:1709 object/Item.php:133
-msgid "Select"
-msgstr ""
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-#: mod/content.php:759 mod/photos.php:1710 mod/contacts.php:801
-#: mod/contacts.php:1016 mod/group.php:171 mod/settings.php:726
-#: object/Item.php:134
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-#: mod/content.php:911 object/Item.php:367 object/Item.php:368
-#, php-format
-msgid "View %s's profile @ %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:767 object/Item.php:355
-msgid "Categories:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:768 object/Item.php:356
-msgid "Filed under:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:775 mod/content.php:497 mod/content.php:923
-#: object/Item.php:381
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s from %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:791 mod/content.php:513
-msgid "View in context"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:793 include/conversation.php:1255
-#: mod/content.php:515 mod/content.php:948 mod/photos.php:1597
-#: mod/editpost.php:124 mod/wallmessage.php:156 mod/message.php:356
-#: mod/message.php:548 object/Item.php:406
-msgid "Please wait"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:872
-msgid "remove"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:876
-msgid "Delete Selected Items"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:964
-msgid "Follow Thread"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:965 include/Contact.php:364
-msgid "View Status"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:966 include/conversation.php:980
-#: include/Contact.php:310 include/Contact.php:323 include/Contact.php:365
-#: mod/dirfind.php:203 mod/directory.php:163 mod/match.php:71
-#: mod/allfriends.php:65 mod/suggest.php:82
-msgid "View Profile"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:967 include/Contact.php:366
-msgid "View Photos"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:968 include/Contact.php:367
-msgid "Network Posts"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:969 include/Contact.php:368
-msgid "Edit Contact"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:970 include/Contact.php:370
-msgid "Send PM"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:974 include/Contact.php:371
-msgid "Poke"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1088
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s likes this."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1091
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s doesn't like this."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1094
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s attends."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1097
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s doesn't attend."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1100
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s attends maybe."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1110
-msgid "and"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1116
-#, php-format
-msgid ", and %d other people"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1125
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people like this"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1126
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s like this."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1129
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people don't like this"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1130
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s don't like this."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1133
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people attend"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1134
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s attend."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1137
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people don't attend"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1138
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s don't attend."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1141
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people anttend maybe"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1142
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s anttend maybe."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1181 include/conversation.php:1199
-msgid "Visible to everybody "
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1182 include/conversation.php:1200
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:127 mod/wallmessage.php:135 mod/message.php:291
-#: mod/message.php:299 mod/message.php:442 mod/message.php:450
-msgid "Please enter a link URL:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1183 include/conversation.php:1201
-msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1184 include/conversation.php:1202
-msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1185 include/conversation.php:1203
-msgid "Tag term:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1186 include/conversation.php:1204
-#: mod/filer.php:30
-msgid "Save to Folder:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1187 include/conversation.php:1205
-msgid "Where are you right now?"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1188
-msgid "Delete item(s)?"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1236 mod/photos.php:1596
-msgid "Share"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1237 mod/editpost.php:110 mod/wallmessage.php:154
-#: mod/message.php:354 mod/message.php:545
-msgid "Upload photo"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1238 mod/editpost.php:111
-msgid "upload photo"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1239 mod/editpost.php:112
-msgid "Attach file"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1240 mod/editpost.php:113
-msgid "attach file"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1241 mod/editpost.php:114 mod/wallmessage.php:155
-#: mod/message.php:355 mod/message.php:546
-msgid "Insert web link"
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-#: include/conversation.php:1242 mod/editpost.php:115
-msgid "web link"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1243 mod/editpost.php:116
-msgid "Insert video link"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1244 mod/editpost.php:117
-msgid "video link"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1245 mod/editpost.php:118
-msgid "Insert audio link"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1246 mod/editpost.php:119
-msgid "audio link"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1247 mod/editpost.php:120
-msgid "Set your location"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1248 mod/editpost.php:121
-msgid "set location"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1249 mod/editpost.php:122
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-#: include/conversation.php:1250 mod/editpost.php:123
-msgid "clear location"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1252 mod/editpost.php:137
-msgid "Set title"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1254 mod/editpost.php:139
-msgid "Categories (comma-separated list)"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1256 mod/editpost.php:125
-msgid "Permission settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1257 mod/editpost.php:154
-msgid "permissions"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1265 mod/editpost.php:134
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-#: mod/photos.php:1618 mod/photos.php:1666 mod/photos.php:1754
-#: mod/editpost.php:145 object/Item.php:729
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1280
-msgid "Post to Groups"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1281
-msgid "Post to Contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1282
-msgid "Private post"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1287 include/identity.php:250 mod/editpost.php:152
-msgid "Message"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1288 mod/editpost.php:153
-msgid "Browser"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1443
-msgid "View all"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1465
-msgid "Like"
-msgid_plural "Likes"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1468
-msgid "Dislike"
-msgid_plural "Dislikes"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1474
-msgid "Not Attending"
-msgid_plural "Not Attending"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: include/identity.php:42
-msgid "Requested account is not available."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:51 mod/profile.php:21
-msgid "Requested profile is not available."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:95 include/identity.php:305 include/identity.php:686
-msgid "Edit profile"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:245
-msgid "Atom feed"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:276 include/nav.php:191
-msgid "Profiles"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:276
-msgid "Manage/edit profiles"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:281 include/identity.php:307 mod/profiles.php:787
-msgid "Change profile photo"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:282 mod/profiles.php:788
-msgid "Create New Profile"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:292 mod/profiles.php:777
-msgid "Profile Image"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:295 mod/profiles.php:779
-msgid "visible to everybody"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:296 mod/profiles.php:684 mod/profiles.php:780
-msgid "Edit visibility"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:319 mod/dirfind.php:223 mod/directory.php:174
-#: mod/match.php:84 mod/viewcontacts.php:105 mod/allfriends.php:79
-#: mod/cal.php:44 mod/videos.php:37 mod/photos.php:41 mod/contacts.php:51
-#: mod/contacts.php:948 mod/suggest.php:98 mod/hovercard.php:80
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-msgstr ""
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-#: mod/directory.php:147
-msgid "Gender:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:334 include/identity.php:634 mod/directory.php:149
-msgid "Status:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:336 include/identity.php:645 mod/directory.php:151
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-msgstr ""
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-#: mod/directory.php:153 mod/contacts.php:626
-msgid "About:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:420 mod/contacts.php:50
-msgid "Network:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:449 include/identity.php:533
-msgid "g A l F d"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:450 include/identity.php:534
-msgid "F d"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:495 include/identity.php:580
-msgid "[today]"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:507
-msgid "Birthday Reminders"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:508
-msgid "Birthdays this week:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:567
-msgid "[No description]"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:591
-msgid "Event Reminders"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:592
-msgid "Events this week:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:603 include/identity.php:689 include/identity.php:720
-#: include/nav.php:79 mod/profperm.php:104 mod/contacts.php:834
-#: mod/newmember.php:32 view/theme/frio/theme.php:247
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-#: include/identity.php:612 mod/settings.php:1229
-msgid "Full Name:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:619
-msgid "j F, Y"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:620
-msgid "j F"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:631
-msgid "Age:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:640
-#, php-format
-msgid "for %1$d %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:643 mod/profiles.php:703
-msgid "Sexual Preference:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:647 mod/profiles.php:729
-msgid "Hometown:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:649 mod/notifications.php:250 mod/contacts.php:628
-#: mod/follow.php:134
-msgid "Tags:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:651 mod/profiles.php:730
-msgid "Political Views:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:653
-msgid "Religion:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:657
-msgid "Hobbies/Interests:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:659 mod/profiles.php:734
-msgid "Likes:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:661 mod/profiles.php:735
-msgid "Dislikes:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:664
-msgid "Contact information and Social Networks:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:666
-msgid "Musical interests:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:668
-msgid "Books, literature:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:670
-msgid "Television:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:672
-msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:674
-msgid "Love/Romance:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:676
-msgid "Work/employment:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:678
-msgid "School/education:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:682
-msgid "Forums:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:690 mod/events.php:508
-msgid "Basic"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:691 mod/events.php:509 mod/admin.php:928
-#: mod/contacts.php:863
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr ""
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-#: mod/contacts.php:826 view/theme/frio/theme.php:246
-msgid "Status"
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-#: include/identity.php:715 mod/contacts.php:829 mod/follow.php:143
-msgid "Status Messages and Posts"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:723 mod/contacts.php:837
-msgid "Profile Details"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:728 include/nav.php:80 mod/fbrowser.php:32
-#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:248 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
-msgid "Photos"
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-msgid "Photo Albums"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:736 include/identity.php:739 include/nav.php:81
-#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:249
-msgid "Videos"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:748 include/identity.php:759 include/nav.php:82
-#: include/nav.php:146 mod/events.php:379 mod/cal.php:278
-#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:250 view/theme/frio/theme.php:254
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
-msgid "Events"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:751 include/identity.php:762 include/nav.php:146
-#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:254
-msgid "Events and Calendar"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:770 mod/notes.php:46
-msgid "Personal Notes"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/identity.php:773
-msgid "Only You Can See This"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/Scrape.php:656
-msgid " on Last.fm"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/follow.php:77 mod/dfrn_request.php:506
+#: include/follow.php:77 mod/dfrn_request.php:507
msgid "Disallowed profile URL."
msgstr ""
@@ -2165,610 +2255,317 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "following"
msgstr ""
-#: include/Contact.php:119
-msgid "stopped following"
+#: include/identity.php:42
+msgid "Requested account is not available."
msgstr ""
-#: include/Contact.php:369
-msgid "Drop Contact"
+#: include/identity.php:51 mod/profile.php:21
+msgid "Requested profile is not available."
msgstr ""
-#: include/oembed.php:229
-msgid "Embedded content"
+#: include/identity.php:95 include/identity.php:311 include/identity.php:688
+msgid "Edit profile"
msgstr ""
-#: include/oembed.php:238
-msgid "Embedding disabled"
+#: include/identity.php:251
+msgid "Atom feed"
msgstr ""
-#: include/bbcode.php:349 include/bbcode.php:1054 include/bbcode.php:1055
-msgid "Image/photo"
+#: include/identity.php:282 include/nav.php:189
+msgid "Profiles"
msgstr ""
-#: include/bbcode.php:466
+#: include/identity.php:282
+msgid "Manage/edit profiles"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:287 include/identity.php:313 mod/profiles.php:795
+msgid "Change profile photo"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:288 mod/profiles.php:796
+msgid "Create New Profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:298 mod/profiles.php:785
+msgid "Profile Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:301 mod/profiles.php:787
+msgid "visible to everybody"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:302 mod/profiles.php:691 mod/profiles.php:788
+msgid "Edit visibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:330 include/identity.php:616 mod/notifications.php:238
+#: mod/directory.php:139
+msgid "Gender:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:333 include/identity.php:636 mod/directory.php:141
+msgid "Status:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:335 include/identity.php:647 mod/directory.php:143
+msgid "Homepage:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:337 include/identity.php:657 mod/notifications.php:234
+#: mod/contacts.php:632 mod/directory.php:145
+msgid "About:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:339 mod/contacts.php:630
+msgid "XMPP:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:422 mod/notifications.php:246 mod/contacts.php:50
+msgid "Network:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:451 include/identity.php:535
+msgid "g A l F d"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:452 include/identity.php:536
+msgid "F d"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:497 include/identity.php:582
+msgid "[today]"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:509
+msgid "Birthday Reminders"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:510
+msgid "Birthdays this week:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:569
+msgid "[No description]"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:593
+msgid "Event Reminders"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:594
+msgid "Events this week:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:605 include/identity.php:691 include/identity.php:722
+#: include/nav.php:82 mod/profperm.php:104 mod/newmember.php:32
+#: mod/contacts.php:639 mod/contacts.php:841 view/theme/frio/theme.php:247
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:614 mod/settings.php:1274
+msgid "Full Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:621
+msgid "j F, Y"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:622
+msgid "j F"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:633
+msgid "Age:"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:642
#, php-format
-msgid "%2$s %3$s"
+msgid "for %1$d %2$s"
msgstr ""
-#: include/bbcode.php:1014 include/bbcode.php:1034
-msgid "$1 wrote:"
+#: include/identity.php:645 mod/profiles.php:710
+msgid "Sexual Preference:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/bbcode.php:1063 include/bbcode.php:1064
-msgid "Encrypted content"
+#: include/identity.php:649 mod/profiles.php:737
+msgid "Hometown:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:32
-msgid "Unknown | Not categorised"
+#: include/identity.php:651 mod/follow.php:134 mod/notifications.php:236
+#: mod/contacts.php:634
+msgid "Tags:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:33
-msgid "Block immediately"
+#: include/identity.php:653 mod/profiles.php:738
+msgid "Political Views:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:34
-msgid "Shady, spammer, self-marketer"
+#: include/identity.php:655
+msgid "Religion:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:35
-msgid "Known to me, but no opinion"
+#: include/identity.php:659
+msgid "Hobbies/Interests:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:36
-msgid "OK, probably harmless"
+#: include/identity.php:661 mod/profiles.php:742
+msgid "Likes:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:37
-msgid "Reputable, has my trust"
+#: include/identity.php:663 mod/profiles.php:743
+msgid "Dislikes:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:56 mod/admin.php:859
-msgid "Frequently"
+#: include/identity.php:666
+msgid "Contact information and Social Networks:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:57 mod/admin.php:860
-msgid "Hourly"
+#: include/identity.php:668
+msgid "Musical interests:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:58 mod/admin.php:861
-msgid "Twice daily"
+#: include/identity.php:670
+msgid "Books, literature:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:59 mod/admin.php:862
-msgid "Daily"
+#: include/identity.php:672
+msgid "Television:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:60
-msgid "Weekly"
+#: include/identity.php:674
+msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:61
-msgid "Monthly"
+#: include/identity.php:676
+msgid "Love/Romance:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:76 mod/dfrn_request.php:866
-msgid "Friendica"
+#: include/identity.php:678
+msgid "Work/employment:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:77
-msgid "OStatus"
+#: include/identity.php:680
+msgid "School/education:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:78
-msgid "RSS/Atom"
+#: include/identity.php:684
+msgid "Forums:"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:79 include/contact_selectors.php:86
-#: mod/admin.php:1371 mod/admin.php:1384 mod/admin.php:1396 mod/admin.php:1414
-msgid "Email"
+#: include/identity.php:692 mod/events.php:507
+msgid "Basic"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:80 mod/dfrn_request.php:868
-#: mod/settings.php:827
-msgid "Diaspora"
+#: include/identity.php:693 mod/admin.php:931 mod/contacts.php:870
+#: mod/events.php:508
+msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:81
-msgid "Facebook"
+#: include/identity.php:714 include/nav.php:81 mod/contacts.php:637
+#: mod/contacts.php:833 view/theme/frio/theme.php:246
+msgid "Status"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:82
-msgid "Zot!"
+#: include/identity.php:717 mod/follow.php:143 mod/contacts.php:836
+msgid "Status Messages and Posts"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:83
-msgid "LinkedIn"
+#: include/identity.php:725 mod/contacts.php:844
+msgid "Profile Details"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:84
-msgid "XMPP/IM"
+#: include/identity.php:730 include/nav.php:83 mod/fbrowser.php:32
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:248 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
+msgid "Photos"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:85
-msgid "MySpace"
+#: include/identity.php:733 mod/photos.php:87
+msgid "Photo Albums"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:87
-msgid "Google+"
+#: include/identity.php:738 include/identity.php:741 include/nav.php:84
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:249
+msgid "Videos"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:88
-msgid "pump.io"
+#: include/identity.php:750 include/identity.php:761 include/nav.php:85
+#: include/nav.php:149 mod/cal.php:275 mod/events.php:379
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:250 view/theme/frio/theme.php:254
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
+msgid "Events"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:89
-msgid "Twitter"
+#: include/identity.php:753 include/identity.php:764 include/nav.php:149
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:254
+msgid "Events and Calendar"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:90
-msgid "Diaspora Connector"
+#: include/identity.php:772 mod/notes.php:46
+msgid "Personal Notes"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:91
-msgid "GNU Social"
+#: include/identity.php:775
+msgid "Only You Can See This"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:92
-msgid "App.net"
+#: include/identity.php:783 include/identity.php:786 include/nav.php:128
+#: include/nav.php:192 include/text.php:1022 mod/contacts.php:792
+#: mod/contacts.php:853 mod/viewcontacts.php:116 view/theme/frio/theme.php:257
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:125
+msgid "Contacts"
msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:103
-msgid "Hubzilla/Redmatrix"
+#: include/items.php:1518 mod/dfrn_request.php:745 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:726
+msgid "[Name Withheld]"
msgstr ""
-#: include/dbstructure.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n"
-"\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n"
-"\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n"
-"\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database "
-"might be invalid."
+#: include/items.php:1873 mod/viewsrc.php:15 mod/notice.php:15
+#: mod/admin.php:234 mod/admin.php:1441 mod/admin.php:1675 mod/display.php:103
+#: mod/display.php:279 mod/display.php:478
+msgid "Item not found."
msgstr ""
-#: include/dbstructure.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The error message is\n"
+#: include/items.php:1912
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this item?"
msgstr ""
-#: include/dbstructure.php:153
-msgid "Errors encountered creating database tables."
+#: include/items.php:1914 mod/follow.php:110 mod/api.php:105
+#: mod/message.php:217 mod/dfrn_request.php:861 mod/profiles.php:648
+#: mod/profiles.php:651 mod/profiles.php:677 mod/contacts.php:442
+#: mod/register.php:238 mod/suggest.php:29 mod/settings.php:1158
+#: mod/settings.php:1164 mod/settings.php:1172 mod/settings.php:1176
+#: mod/settings.php:1181 mod/settings.php:1187 mod/settings.php:1193
+#: mod/settings.php:1199 mod/settings.php:1225 mod/settings.php:1226
+#: mod/settings.php:1227 mod/settings.php:1228 mod/settings.php:1229
+msgid "Yes"
msgstr ""
-#: include/dbstructure.php:230
-msgid "Errors encountered performing database changes."
+#: include/items.php:2077 mod/wall_upload.php:77 mod/wall_upload.php:80
+#: mod/notes.php:22 mod/uimport.php:23 mod/nogroup.php:25 mod/invite.php:15
+#: mod/invite.php:101 mod/wall_attach.php:67 mod/wall_attach.php:70
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:9 mod/delegate.php:12 mod/attach.php:33
+#: mod/follow.php:11 mod/follow.php:73 mod/follow.php:155 mod/editpost.php:10
+#: mod/group.php:19 mod/wallmessage.php:9 mod/wallmessage.php:33
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:79 mod/wallmessage.php:103 mod/api.php:26
+#: mod/api.php:31 mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:9 mod/message.php:46
+#: mod/message.php:182 mod/manage.php:96 mod/crepair.php:100
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:57 mod/fsuggest.php:78 mod/mood.php:114
+#: mod/poke.php:150 mod/profile_photo.php:19 mod/profile_photo.php:175
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:186 mod/profile_photo.php:199 mod/regmod.php:110
+#: mod/notifications.php:71 mod/profiles.php:166 mod/profiles.php:605
+#: mod/allfriends.php:12 mod/cal.php:304 mod/common.php:18
+#: mod/contacts.php:350 mod/dirfind.php:11 mod/display.php:475
+#: mod/events.php:190 mod/item.php:198 mod/item.php:210 mod/network.php:4
+#: mod/photos.php:159 mod/photos.php:1072 mod/register.php:42
+#: mod/suggest.php:58 mod/viewcontacts.php:45 mod/settings.php:22
+#: mod/settings.php:128 mod/settings.php:663 index.php:397
+msgid "Permission denied."
msgstr ""
-#: include/auth.php:45
-msgid "Logged out."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/auth.php:116 include/auth.php:178 mod/openid.php:100
-msgid "Login failed."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/auth.php:132 include/user.php:75
-msgid ""
-"We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. "
-"Please check the correct spelling of the ID."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/auth.php:132 include/user.php:75
-msgid "The error message was:"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/network.php:913
-msgid "view full size"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/group.php:25
-msgid ""
-"A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions "
-"may apply to this group and any future members. If this is "
-"not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/group.php:209
-msgid "Default privacy group for new contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/group.php:242
-msgid "Everybody"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/group.php:265
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/group.php:286 mod/newmember.php:61
-msgid "Groups"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/group.php:288
-msgid "Edit groups"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/group.php:290
-msgid "Edit group"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/group.php:291
-msgid "Create a new group"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/group.php:292 mod/group.php:94 mod/group.php:178
-msgid "Group Name: "
-msgstr ""
-#: include/group.php:294
-msgid "Contacts not in any group"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/group.php:296 mod/network.php:201
-msgid "add"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/Photo.php:996 include/Photo.php:1011 include/Photo.php:1018
-#: include/Photo.php:1040 include/message.php:145 mod/wall_upload.php:218
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:232 mod/wall_upload.php:239 mod/item.php:472
-msgid "Wall Photos"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/delivery.php:439
-msgid "(no subject)"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:39 mod/settings.php:370
-msgid "Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:48
-msgid "An invitation is required."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:53
-msgid "Invitation could not be verified."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:61
-msgid "Invalid OpenID url"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:82
-msgid "Please enter the required information."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:96
-msgid "Please use a shorter name."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:98
-msgid "Name too short."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:113
-msgid "That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:118
-msgid "Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:121
-msgid "Not a valid email address."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:134
-msgid "Cannot use that email."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:140
-msgid "Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:147 include/user.php:245
-msgid "Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:157
-msgid ""
-"Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose "
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:173
-msgid "SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:231
-msgid "An error occurred during registration. Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:256 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:44
-msgid "default"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:266
-msgid "An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:345 include/user.php:352 include/user.php:359
-#: mod/photos.php:78 mod/photos.php:192 mod/photos.php:769 mod/photos.php:1232
-#: mod/photos.php:1255 mod/photos.php:1849 mod/profile_photo.php:74
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:81 mod/profile_photo.php:88 mod/profile_photo.php:210
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:302 mod/profile_photo.php:311
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:500
-msgid "Profile Photos"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:387
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
-"\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2$s. Your account has been created.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:391
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
-"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3$s\n"
-"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1$s\n"
-"\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after "
-"\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that "
-"\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n"
-"\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
-"\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
-"\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - "
-"\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more "
-"\t\tthan that.\n"
-"\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are "
-"\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
-"\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
-"\t\tThank you and welcome to %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:423 mod/admin.php:1178
-#, php-format
-msgid "Registration details for %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/api.php:905
-#, php-format
-msgid "Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/api.php:925
-#, php-format
-msgid "Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/api.php:946
-#, php-format
-msgid "Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:63
-msgid "General Features"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:65
-msgid "Multiple Profiles"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:65
-msgid "Ability to create multiple profiles"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:66
-msgid "Photo Location"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:66
-msgid ""
-"Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present) "
-"prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:67
-msgid "Export Public Calendar"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:67
-msgid "Ability for visitors to download the public calendar"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:72
-msgid "Post Composition Features"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:73
-msgid "Richtext Editor"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:73
-msgid "Enable richtext editor"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:74
-msgid "Post Preview"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:74
-msgid "Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:75
-msgid "Auto-mention Forums"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:75
-msgid ""
-"Add/remove mention when a fourm page is selected/deselected in ACL window."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:80
-msgid "Network Sidebar Widgets"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:81
-msgid "Search by Date"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:81
-msgid "Ability to select posts by date ranges"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:82 include/features.php:112
-msgid "List Forums"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:82
-msgid "Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:83
-msgid "Group Filter"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:83
-msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:84
-msgid "Network Filter"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:84
-msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:85 mod/search.php:34 mod/network.php:200
-msgid "Saved Searches"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:85
-msgid "Save search terms for re-use"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:90
-msgid "Network Tabs"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:91
-msgid "Network Personal Tab"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:91
-msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:92
-msgid "Network New Tab"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:92
-msgid "Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:93
-msgid "Network Shared Links Tab"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:93
-msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:98
-msgid "Post/Comment Tools"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:99
-msgid "Multiple Deletion"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:99
-msgid "Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:100
-msgid "Edit Sent Posts"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:100
-msgid "Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:101
-msgid "Tagging"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:101
-msgid "Ability to tag existing posts"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:102
-msgid "Post Categories"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:102
-msgid "Add categories to your posts"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:103
-msgid "Ability to file posts under folders"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:104
-msgid "Dislike Posts"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:104
-msgid "Ability to dislike posts/comments"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:105
-msgid "Star Posts"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:105
-msgid "Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:106
-msgid "Mute Post Notifications"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:106
-msgid "Ability to mute notifications for a thread"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:111
-msgid "Advanced Profile Settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:112
-msgid "Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"
+#: include/items.php:2182
+msgid "Archives"
msgstr ""
#: include/nav.php:35 mod/navigation.php:19
@@ -2779,64 +2576,75 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Clear notifications"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:75 view/theme/frio/theme.php:243
+#: include/nav.php:40 include/text.php:1015
+msgid "@name, !forum, #tags, content"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/nav.php:78 view/theme/frio/theme.php:243 boot.php:1778
+msgid "Logout"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/nav.php:78 view/theme/frio/theme.php:243
msgid "End this session"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:78 include/nav.php:163 view/theme/frio/theme.php:246
+#: include/nav.php:81 include/nav.php:161 view/theme/frio/theme.php:246
#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
msgid "Your posts and conversations"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:79 view/theme/frio/theme.php:247
+#: include/nav.php:82 view/theme/frio/theme.php:247
#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124
msgid "Your profile page"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:80 view/theme/frio/theme.php:248
+#: include/nav.php:83 view/theme/frio/theme.php:248
#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
msgid "Your photos"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:81 view/theme/frio/theme.php:249
+#: include/nav.php:84 view/theme/frio/theme.php:249
msgid "Your videos"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:82 view/theme/frio/theme.php:250
+#: include/nav.php:85 view/theme/frio/theme.php:250
#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
msgid "Your events"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:83 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128
+#: include/nav.php:86 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128
msgid "Personal notes"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:83
+#: include/nav.php:86
msgid "Your personal notes"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:94
+#: include/nav.php:95 mod/bookmarklet.php:12 boot.php:1779
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/nav.php:95
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:107 include/nav.php:163 mod/notifications.php:99
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
-msgid "Home"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:107
+#: include/nav.php:105
msgid "Home Page"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:111
+#: include/nav.php:109 mod/register.php:280 boot.php:1754
+msgid "Register"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/nav.php:109
msgid "Create an account"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:116 mod/help.php:47 view/theme/vier/theme.php:298
+#: include/nav.php:115 mod/help.php:47 view/theme/vier/theme.php:298
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:116
+#: include/nav.php:115
msgid "Help and documentation"
msgstr ""
@@ -2848,270 +2656,429 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Addon applications, utilities, games"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:122
+#: include/nav.php:123 include/text.php:1012 mod/search.php:149
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/nav.php:123
msgid "Search site content"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:141 include/nav.php:143 mod/community.php:36
+#: include/nav.php:126 include/text.php:1020
+msgid "Full Text"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/nav.php:127 include/text.php:1021
+msgid "Tags"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/nav.php:143 include/nav.php:145 mod/community.php:36
#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:129
msgid "Community"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:141
+#: include/nav.php:143
msgid "Conversations on this site"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:143
+#: include/nav.php:145
msgid "Conversations on the network"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:148
+#: include/nav.php:152
msgid "Directory"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:148
+#: include/nav.php:152
msgid "People directory"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:150
+#: include/nav.php:154
msgid "Information"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:150
+#: include/nav.php:154
msgid "Information about this friendica instance"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:160 mod/notifications.php:87 mod/admin.php:402
-#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:253
-msgid "Network"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:160 view/theme/frio/theme.php:253
+#: include/nav.php:158 view/theme/frio/theme.php:253
msgid "Conversations from your friends"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:161
+#: include/nav.php:159
msgid "Network Reset"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:161
+#: include/nav.php:159
msgid "Load Network page with no filters"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:168 mod/notifications.php:105
-msgid "Introductions"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:168
+#: include/nav.php:166
msgid "Friend Requests"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:171 mod/notifications.php:271
+#: include/nav.php:169 mod/notifications.php:96
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:172
+#: include/nav.php:170
msgid "See all notifications"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:173 mod/settings.php:887
+#: include/nav.php:171 mod/settings.php:900
msgid "Mark as seen"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:173
+#: include/nav.php:171
msgid "Mark all system notifications seen"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:177 mod/message.php:190 view/theme/frio/theme.php:255
+#: include/nav.php:175 mod/message.php:190 view/theme/frio/theme.php:255
msgid "Messages"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:177 view/theme/frio/theme.php:255
+#: include/nav.php:175 view/theme/frio/theme.php:255
msgid "Private mail"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:178
+#: include/nav.php:176
msgid "Inbox"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:179
+#: include/nav.php:177
msgid "Outbox"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:180 mod/message.php:16
+#: include/nav.php:178 mod/message.php:16
msgid "New Message"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:183
+#: include/nav.php:181
msgid "Manage"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:183
+#: include/nav.php:181
msgid "Manage other pages"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:186 mod/settings.php:81
+#: include/nav.php:184 mod/settings.php:81
msgid "Delegations"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:186 mod/delegate.php:130
+#: include/nav.php:184 mod/delegate.php:130
msgid "Delegate Page Management"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:188 mod/admin.php:1498 mod/admin.php:1756
-#: mod/newmember.php:22 mod/settings.php:111 view/theme/frio/theme.php:256
+#: include/nav.php:186 mod/newmember.php:22 mod/admin.php:1494
+#: mod/admin.php:1752 mod/settings.php:111 view/theme/frio/theme.php:256
#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:544 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:648
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:188 view/theme/frio/theme.php:256
+#: include/nav.php:186 view/theme/frio/theme.php:256
msgid "Account settings"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:191
+#: include/nav.php:189
msgid "Manage/Edit Profiles"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:193 view/theme/frio/theme.php:257
+#: include/nav.php:192 view/theme/frio/theme.php:257
msgid "Manage/edit friends and contacts"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:200 mod/admin.php:186
+#: include/nav.php:197 mod/admin.php:186
msgid "Admin"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:200
+#: include/nav.php:197
msgid "Site setup and configuration"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:204
+#: include/nav.php:200
msgid "Navigation"
msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:204
+#: include/nav.php:200
msgid "Site map"
msgstr ""
-#: include/like.php:186
+#: include/oembed.php:252
+msgid "Embedded content"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/oembed.php:260
+msgid "Embedding disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/photos.php:53 mod/fbrowser.php:41 mod/fbrowser.php:62
+#: mod/photos.php:180 mod/photos.php:1086 mod/photos.php:1211
+#: mod/photos.php:1232 mod/photos.php:1795 mod/photos.php:1807
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:499
+msgid "Contact Photos"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/security.php:22
+msgid "Welcome "
+msgstr ""
+#: include/security.php:23
+msgid "Please upload a profile photo."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/security.php:26
+msgid "Welcome back "
+msgstr ""
+#: include/security.php:373
+msgid ""
+"The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the "
+"form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:304
+msgid "newer"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:306
+msgid "older"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:311
+msgid "prev"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:313
+msgid "first"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:345
+msgid "last"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:348
+msgid "next"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:403
+msgid "Loading more entries..."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:404
+msgid "The end"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:889
+msgid "No contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:912
#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is attending %2$s's %3$s"
+msgid "%d Contact"
+msgid_plural "%d Contacts"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: include/text.php:925
+msgid "View Contacts"
msgstr ""
-#: include/like.php:188
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is not attending %2$s's %3$s"
+#: include/text.php:1013 mod/notes.php:61 mod/filer.php:31
+#: mod/editpost.php:109
+msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
-#: include/like.php:190
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s may attend %2$s's %3$s"
+#: include/text.php:1076
+msgid "poke"
msgstr ""
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:327
-msgid "Post to Email"
+#: include/text.php:1076
+msgid "poked"
msgstr ""
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:332
-#, php-format
-msgid "Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."
+#: include/text.php:1077
+msgid "ping"
msgstr ""
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:333 mod/settings.php:1131
-msgid "Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"
+#: include/text.php:1077
+msgid "pinged"
msgstr ""
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:338
-msgid "Visible to everybody"
+#: include/text.php:1078
+msgid "prod"
msgstr ""
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:339 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
-msgid "show"
+#: include/text.php:1078
+msgid "prodded"
msgstr ""
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:340 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
-msgid "don't show"
+#: include/text.php:1079
+msgid "slap"
msgstr ""
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:346 mod/editpost.php:133
-msgid "CC: email addresses"
+#: include/text.php:1079
+msgid "slapped"
msgstr ""
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:347 mod/editpost.php:140
-msgid "Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"
+#: include/text.php:1080
+msgid "finger"
msgstr ""
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:349 mod/photos.php:1177 mod/photos.php:1562
-msgid "Permissions"
+#: include/text.php:1080
+msgid "fingered"
msgstr ""
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:350
-msgid "Close"
+#: include/text.php:1081
+msgid "rebuff"
msgstr ""
-#: include/message.php:15 include/message.php:173
-msgid "[no subject]"
+#: include/text.php:1081
+msgid "rebuffed"
msgstr ""
-#: index.php:240 mod/apps.php:7
-msgid "You must be logged in to use addons. "
+#: include/text.php:1095
+msgid "happy"
msgstr ""
-#: index.php:284 mod/help.php:53 mod/p.php:16 mod/p.php:43 mod/p.php:52
-#: mod/fetch.php:12 mod/fetch.php:39 mod/fetch.php:48
-msgid "Not Found"
+#: include/text.php:1096
+msgid "sad"
msgstr ""
-#: index.php:287 mod/help.php:56
-msgid "Page not found."
+#: include/text.php:1097
+msgid "mellow"
msgstr ""
-#: index.php:396 mod/profperm.php:19 mod/group.php:72
-msgid "Permission denied"
+#: include/text.php:1098
+msgid "tired"
msgstr ""
-#: index.php:447
-msgid "toggle mobile"
+#: include/text.php:1099
+msgid "perky"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/regmod.php:55
-msgid "Account approved."
+#: include/text.php:1100
+msgid "angry"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/regmod.php:92
-#, php-format
-msgid "Registration revoked for %s"
+#: include/text.php:1101
+msgid "stupified"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/regmod.php:104
-msgid "Please login."
+#: include/text.php:1102
+msgid "puzzled"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1103
+msgid "interested"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1104
+msgid "bitter"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1105
+msgid "cheerful"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1106
+msgid "alive"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1107
+msgid "annoyed"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1108
+msgid "anxious"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1109
+msgid "cranky"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1110
+msgid "disturbed"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1111
+msgid "frustrated"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1112
+msgid "motivated"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1113
+msgid "relaxed"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1114
+msgid "surprised"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1328 mod/videos.php:380
+msgid "View Video"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1360
+msgid "bytes"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1392 include/text.php:1404
+msgid "Click to open/close"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1530
+msgid "View on separate page"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1531
+msgid "view on separate page"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1810
+msgid "activity"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1812 mod/content.php:623 object/Item.php:431
+#: object/Item.php:444
+msgid "comment"
+msgid_plural "comments"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: include/text.php:1813
+msgid "post"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/text.php:1981
+msgid "Item filed"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/Contact.php:119
+msgid "stopped following"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/Contact.php:395
+msgid "Drop Contact"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/Contact.php:770
+msgid "Organisation"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/Contact.php:773
+msgid "News"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/Contact.php:776
+msgid "Forum"
msgstr ""
#: mod/oexchange.php:25
msgid "Post successful."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/update_community.php:18 mod/update_notes.php:37
-#: mod/update_display.php:22 mod/update_profile.php:41
-#: mod/update_network.php:25
-msgid "[Embedded content - reload page to view]"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dirfind.php:36
-#, php-format
-msgid "People Search - %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dirfind.php:47
-#, php-format
-msgid "Forum Search - %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dirfind.php:240 mod/match.php:107
-msgid "No matches"
-msgstr ""
#: mod/viewsrc.php:7
msgid "Access denied."
msgstr ""
@@ -3121,11 +3088,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Welcome to %s"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/notify.php:60 mod/notifications.php:387
+#: mod/notify.php:60
msgid "No more system notifications."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/notify.php:64 mod/notifications.php:391
+#: mod/notify.php:64 mod/notifications.php:111
msgid "System Notifications"
msgstr ""
@@ -3133,9 +3100,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Remove term"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/search.php:93 mod/search.php:99 mod/directory.php:37
-#: mod/viewcontacts.php:35 mod/videos.php:197 mod/photos.php:963
-#: mod/display.php:199 mod/community.php:22 mod/dfrn_request.php:789
+#: mod/search.php:93 mod/search.php:99 mod/dfrn_request.php:790
+#: mod/community.php:22 mod/directory.php:37 mod/display.php:200
+#: mod/photos.php:944 mod/videos.php:194 mod/viewcontacts.php:35
msgid "Public access denied."
msgstr ""
@@ -3160,263 +3127,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Items tagged with: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/search.php:232 mod/contacts.php:790 mod/network.php:146
+#: mod/search.php:232 mod/contacts.php:797 mod/network.php:146
#, php-format
msgid "Results for: %s"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:29
-msgid "Invalid request identifier."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:38 mod/notifications.php:182
-#: mod/notifications.php:262
-msgid "Discard"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:54 mod/notifications.php:181
-#: mod/notifications.php:261 mod/contacts.php:604 mod/contacts.php:799
-#: mod/contacts.php:1000
-msgid "Ignore"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:81
-msgid "System"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:93 mod/profiles.php:696 mod/network.php:844
-msgid "Personal"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:130
-msgid "Show Ignored Requests"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:130
-msgid "Hide Ignored Requests"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:166 mod/notifications.php:236
-msgid "Notification type: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:167
-msgid "Friend Suggestion"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:169
-#, php-format
-msgid "suggested by %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:174 mod/notifications.php:253 mod/contacts.php:610
-msgid "Hide this contact from others"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:175 mod/notifications.php:254
-msgid "Post a new friend activity"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:175 mod/notifications.php:254
-msgid "if applicable"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:178 mod/notifications.php:259 mod/admin.php:1386
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:198
-msgid "Claims to be known to you: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:198
-msgid "yes"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:198
-msgid "no"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:199
-msgid ""
-"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
-"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that "
-"you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:202
-msgid ""
-"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
-"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you "
-"allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:210
-msgid "Friend"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:211
-msgid "Sharer"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:211
-msgid "Fan/Admirer"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:237
-msgid "Friend/Connect Request"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:237
-msgid "New Follower"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:257 mod/contacts.php:621 mod/follow.php:126
-msgid "Profile URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:268
-msgid "No introductions."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:309 mod/notifications.php:438
-#: mod/notifications.php:529
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s liked %s's post"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:319 mod/notifications.php:448
-#: mod/notifications.php:539
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s disliked %s's post"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:334 mod/notifications.php:463
-#: mod/notifications.php:554
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s is now friends with %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:341 mod/notifications.php:470
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s created a new post"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:342 mod/notifications.php:471
-#: mod/notifications.php:564
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s commented on %s's post"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:357
-msgid "No more network notifications."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:361
-msgid "Network Notifications"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:486
-msgid "No more personal notifications."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:490
-msgid "Personal Notifications"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:571
-msgid "No more home notifications."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/notifications.php:575
-msgid "Home Notifications"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:65 mod/profiles.php:18 mod/profiles.php:133
-#: mod/profiles.php:179 mod/profiles.php:610
-msgid "Profile not found."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:121 mod/fsuggest.php:20 mod/fsuggest.php:92
-#: mod/crepair.php:114
-msgid "Contact not found."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:122
-msgid ""
-"This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it "
-"has already been approved."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:241
-msgid "Response from remote site was not understood."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:250 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:255
-msgid "Unexpected response from remote site: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:264
-msgid "Confirmation completed successfully."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:266 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:280 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:287
-msgid "Remote site reported: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:278
-msgid "Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:285
-msgid "Introduction failed or was revoked."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:414
-msgid "Unable to set contact photo."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:552
-#, php-format
-msgid "No user record found for '%s' "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:562
-msgid "Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:573
-msgid "Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:594
-msgid "Contact record was not found for you on our site."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:608
-#, php-format
-msgid "Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:628
-msgid ""
-"The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work "
-"if you try again."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:639
-msgid "Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:698
-msgid "Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:770
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s has joined %2$s"
-msgstr ""
#: mod/friendica.php:70
msgid "This is Friendica, version"
msgstr ""
@@ -3507,6 +3222,10 @@ msgid ""
"Password reset failed."
msgstr ""
+#: mod/lostpass.php:109 boot.php:1793
+msgid "Password Reset"
+msgstr ""
#: mod/lostpass.php:110
msgid "Your password has been reset as requested."
msgstr ""
@@ -3571,6 +3290,10 @@ msgid ""
"your email for further instructions."
msgstr ""
+#: mod/lostpass.php:161 boot.php:1781
+msgid "Nickname or Email: "
+msgstr ""
#: mod/lostpass.php:162
msgid "Reset"
msgstr ""
@@ -3583,53 +3306,34 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Help:"
msgstr ""
+#: mod/help.php:53 mod/p.php:16 mod/p.php:43 mod/p.php:52 mod/fetch.php:12
+#: mod/fetch.php:39 mod/fetch.php:48 index.php:284
+msgid "Not Found"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/help.php:56 index.php:287
+msgid "Page not found."
+msgstr ""
#: mod/wall_upload.php:20 mod/wall_upload.php:33 mod/wall_upload.php:86
#: mod/wall_upload.php:122 mod/wall_upload.php:125 mod/wall_attach.php:17
#: mod/wall_attach.php:25 mod/wall_attach.php:76
msgid "Invalid request."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:151 mod/photos.php:805 mod/profile_photo.php:150
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:151 mod/profile_photo.php:150 mod/photos.php:786
#, php-format
msgid "Image exceeds size limit of %s"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:188 mod/photos.php:845 mod/profile_photo.php:159
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:188 mod/profile_photo.php:159 mod/photos.php:826
msgid "Unable to process image."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:221 mod/photos.php:872 mod/profile_photo.php:307
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:221 mod/profile_photo.php:307 mod/photos.php:853
msgid "Image upload failed."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/fsuggest.php:63
-msgid "Friend suggestion sent."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/fsuggest.php:97
-msgid "Suggest Friends"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/fsuggest.php:99
-#, php-format
-msgid "Suggest a friend for %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/fsuggest.php:107 mod/events.php:507 mod/invite.php:140
-#: mod/crepair.php:179 mod/content.php:728 mod/profiles.php:681
-#: mod/poke.php:199 mod/photos.php:1124 mod/photos.php:1248
-#: mod/photos.php:1566 mod/photos.php:1617 mod/photos.php:1665
-#: mod/photos.php:1753 mod/install.php:272 mod/install.php:312
-#: mod/contacts.php:575 mod/mood.php:137 mod/localtime.php:45
-#: mod/message.php:357 mod/message.php:547 mod/manage.php:143
-#: object/Item.php:720 view/theme/frio/config.php:59
-#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:80 view/theme/quattro/config.php:64
-#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:70 view/theme/vier/config.php:107
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:633 view/theme/diabook/config.php:148
-#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:59
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr ""
#: mod/lockview.php:31 mod/lockview.php:39
msgid "Remote privacy information not available."
msgstr ""
@@ -3638,91 +3342,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Visible to:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:95 mod/events.php:97
-msgid "Event can not end before it has started."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:104 mod/events.php:106
-msgid "Event title and start time are required."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:380 mod/cal.php:279
-msgid "View"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:381
-msgid "Create New Event"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:382 mod/cal.php:280
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:383 mod/cal.php:281 mod/install.php:231
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:483
-msgid "Event details"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:484
-msgid "Starting date and Title are required."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:485 mod/events.php:486
-msgid "Event Starts:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:485 mod/events.php:497 mod/profiles.php:709
-msgid "Required"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:487 mod/events.php:503
-msgid "Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:489 mod/events.php:490
-msgid "Event Finishes:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:491 mod/events.php:504
-msgid "Adjust for viewer timezone"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:493
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:497 mod/events.php:499
-msgid "Title:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/events.php:500 mod/events.php:501
-msgid "Share this event"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/directory.php:205 view/theme/vier/theme.php:201
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:525
-msgid "Global Directory"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/directory.php:207
-msgid "Find on this site"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/directory.php:209
-msgid "Results for:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/directory.php:211
-msgid "Site Directory"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/directory.php:218
-msgid "No entries (some entries may be hidden)."
-msgstr ""
#: mod/openid.php:24
msgid "OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."
msgstr ""
@@ -3773,8 +3392,8 @@ msgid ""
"select \"Export account\""
msgstr ""
-#: mod/nogroup.php:41 mod/viewcontacts.php:97 mod/contacts.php:584
-#: mod/contacts.php:939
+#: mod/nogroup.php:41 mod/contacts.php:586 mod/contacts.php:939
+#: mod/viewcontacts.php:97
#, php-format
msgid "Visit %s's profile [%s]"
msgstr ""
@@ -3787,18 +3406,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Contacts who are not members of a group"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/match.php:33
-msgid "No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/match.php:86
-msgid "is interested in:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/match.php:100
-msgid "Profile Match"
-msgstr ""
#: mod/uexport.php:29
msgid "Export account"
msgstr ""
@@ -3921,19 +3528,26 @@ msgid ""
"important, please visit http://friendica.com"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/fbrowser.php:41 mod/fbrowser.php:62 mod/photos.php:62
-#: mod/photos.php:192 mod/photos.php:1106 mod/photos.php:1232
-#: mod/photos.php:1255 mod/photos.php:1825 mod/photos.php:1837
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:499
-msgid "Contact Photos"
+#: mod/invite.php:140 mod/localtime.php:45 mod/message.php:357
+#: mod/message.php:547 mod/manage.php:143 mod/crepair.php:154
+#: mod/content.php:728 mod/fsuggest.php:107 mod/mood.php:137 mod/poke.php:199
+#: mod/profiles.php:688 mod/contacts.php:577 mod/events.php:506
+#: mod/install.php:272 mod/install.php:312 mod/photos.php:1104
+#: mod/photos.php:1226 mod/photos.php:1539 mod/photos.php:1590
+#: mod/photos.php:1638 mod/photos.php:1724 object/Item.php:720
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:59 view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:80
+#: view/theme/quattro/config.php:64 view/theme/dispy/config.php:70
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:107 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:633
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:148 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:59
+msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""
#: mod/fbrowser.php:133
msgid "Files"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/maintenance.php:5
-msgid "System down for maintenance"
+#: mod/profperm.php:19 mod/group.php:72 index.php:396
+msgid "Permission denied"
msgstr ""
#: mod/profperm.php:25 mod/profperm.php:56
@@ -3956,102 +3570,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "All Contacts (with secure profile access)"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/viewcontacts.php:72
-msgid "No contacts."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:87
-msgid "Contact settings applied."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:89
-msgid "Contact update failed."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:120
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: This is highly advanced and if you enter incorrect "
-"information your communications with this contact may stop working."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:121
-msgid ""
-"Please use your browser 'Back' button now if you are "
-"uncertain what to do on this page."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
-msgid "No mirroring"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:134
-msgid "Mirror as forwarded posting"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
-msgid "Mirror as my own posting"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:150
-msgid "Return to contact editor"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:152
-msgid "Refetch contact data"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:153 mod/admin.php:1371 mod/admin.php:1384
-#: mod/admin.php:1396 mod/admin.php:1412 mod/settings.php:665
-#: mod/settings.php:691
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:154
-msgid "Account Nickname"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:155
-msgid "@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:156
-msgid "Account URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:157
-msgid "Friend Request URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:158
-msgid "Friend Confirm URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:159
-msgid "Notification Endpoint URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:160
-msgid "Poll/Feed URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:161
-msgid "New photo from this URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:162
-msgid "Remote Self"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:165
-msgid "Mirror postings from this contact"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:167
-msgid ""
-"Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new "
-"entries from this contact."
-msgstr ""
#: mod/tagrm.php:41
msgid "Tag removed"
msgstr ""
@@ -4068,1382 +3586,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Remove"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/ping.php:272
-msgid "{0} wants to be your friend"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/ping.php:287
-msgid "{0} sent you a message"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/ping.php:302
-msgid "{0} requested registration"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:92
-msgid "Theme settings updated."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:156 mod/admin.php:923
-msgid "Site"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:157 mod/admin.php:867 mod/admin.php:1379 mod/admin.php:1394
-msgid "Users"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:158 mod/admin.php:1496 mod/admin.php:1556 mod/settings.php:74
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:159 mod/admin.php:1754 mod/admin.php:1804
-msgid "Themes"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:160 mod/settings.php:52
-msgid "Additional features"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:161
-msgid "DB updates"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:162 mod/admin.php:397
-msgid "Inspect Queue"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:163 mod/admin.php:363
-msgid "Federation Statistics"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:177 mod/admin.php:188 mod/admin.php:1872
-msgid "Logs"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:178 mod/admin.php:1939
-msgid "View Logs"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:179
-msgid "probe address"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:180
-msgid "check webfinger"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:187
-msgid "Plugin Features"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:189
-msgid "diagnostics"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:190
-msgid "User registrations waiting for confirmation"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:356
-msgid ""
-"This page offers you some numbers to the known part of the federated social "
-"network your Friendica node is part of. These numbers are not complete but "
-"only reflect the part of the network your node is aware of."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:357
-msgid ""
-"The Auto Discovered Contact Directory feature is not enabled, it "
-"will improve the data displayed here."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:362 mod/admin.php:396 mod/admin.php:460 mod/admin.php:922
-#: mod/admin.php:1378 mod/admin.php:1495 mod/admin.php:1555 mod/admin.php:1753
-#: mod/admin.php:1803 mod/admin.php:1871 mod/admin.php:1938
-msgid "Administration"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:369
-#, php-format
-msgid "Currently this node is aware of %d nodes from the following platforms:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:399
-msgid "ID"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:400
-msgid "Recipient Name"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:401
-msgid "Recipient Profile"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:403
-msgid "Created"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:404
-msgid "Last Tried"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:405
-msgid ""
-"This page lists the content of the queue for outgoing postings. These are "
-"postings the initial delivery failed for. They will be resend later and "
-"eventually deleted if the delivery fails permanently."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:424 mod/admin.php:1327
-msgid "Normal Account"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:425 mod/admin.php:1328
-msgid "Soapbox Account"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:426 mod/admin.php:1329
-msgid "Community/Celebrity Account"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:427 mod/admin.php:1330
-msgid "Automatic Friend Account"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:428
-msgid "Blog Account"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:429
-msgid "Private Forum"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:455
-msgid "Message queues"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:461
-msgid "Summary"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:463
-msgid "Registered users"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:465
-msgid "Pending registrations"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:466
-msgid "Version"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:471
-msgid "Active plugins"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:494
-msgid "Can not parse base url. Must have at least ://"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:795
-msgid "RINO2 needs mcrypt php extension to work."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:803
-msgid "Site settings updated."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:831 mod/settings.php:919
-msgid "No special theme for mobile devices"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:850
-msgid "No community page"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:851
-msgid "Public postings from users of this site"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:852
-msgid "Global community page"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:857 mod/contacts.php:529
-msgid "Never"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:858
-msgid "At post arrival"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:866 mod/contacts.php:556
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:868
-msgid "Users, Global Contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:869
-msgid "Users, Global Contacts/fallback"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:873
-msgid "One month"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:874
-msgid "Three months"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:875
-msgid "Half a year"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:876
-msgid "One year"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:881
-msgid "Multi user instance"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:904
-msgid "Closed"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:905
-msgid "Requires approval"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:906
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:910
-msgid "No SSL policy, links will track page SSL state"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:911
-msgid "Force all links to use SSL"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:912
-msgid "Self-signed certificate, use SSL for local links only (discouraged)"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:924 mod/admin.php:1557 mod/admin.php:1805 mod/admin.php:1873
-#: mod/admin.php:2022 mod/settings.php:663 mod/settings.php:773
-#: mod/settings.php:820 mod/settings.php:889 mod/settings.php:976
-#: mod/settings.php:1214
-msgid "Save Settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:925 mod/register.php:263
-msgid "Registration"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:926
-msgid "File upload"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:927
-msgid "Policies"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:929
-msgid "Auto Discovered Contact Directory"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:930
-msgid "Performance"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:931
-msgid "Worker"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:932
-msgid ""
-"Relocate - WARNING: advanced function. Could make this server unreachable."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:935
-msgid "Site name"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:936
-msgid "Host name"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:937
-msgid "Sender Email"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:937
-msgid ""
-"The email address your server shall use to send notification emails from."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:938
-msgid "Banner/Logo"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:939
-msgid "Shortcut icon"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:939
-msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for browsers."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:940
-msgid "Touch icon"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:940
-msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for tablets and mobiles."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:941
-msgid "Additional Info"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:941
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"For public servers: you can add additional information here that will be "
-"listed at %s/siteinfo."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:942
-msgid "System language"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:943
-msgid "System theme"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:943
-msgid ""
-"Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - change theme settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:944
-msgid "Mobile system theme"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:944
-msgid "Theme for mobile devices"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:945
-msgid "SSL link policy"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:945
-msgid "Determines whether generated links should be forced to use SSL"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:946
-msgid "Force SSL"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:946
-msgid ""
-"Force all Non-SSL requests to SSL - Attention: on some systems it could lead "
-"to endless loops."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:947
-msgid "Old style 'Share'"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:947
-msgid "Deactivates the bbcode element 'share' for repeating items."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:948
-msgid "Hide help entry from navigation menu"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:948
-msgid ""
-"Hides the menu entry for the Help pages from the navigation menu. You can "
-"still access it calling /help directly."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:949
-msgid "Single user instance"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:949
-msgid "Make this instance multi-user or single-user for the named user"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:950
-msgid "Maximum image size"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:950
-msgid ""
-"Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:951
-msgid "Maximum image length"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:951
-msgid ""
-"Maximum length in pixels of the longest side of uploaded images. Default is "
-"-1, which means no limits."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:952
-msgid "JPEG image quality"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:952
-msgid ""
-"Uploaded JPEGS will be saved at this quality setting [0-100]. Default is "
-"100, which is full quality."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:954
-msgid "Register policy"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:955
-msgid "Maximum Daily Registrations"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:955
-msgid ""
-"If registration is permitted above, this sets the maximum number of new user "
-"registrations to accept per day. If register is set to closed, this setting "
-"has no effect."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:956
-msgid "Register text"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:956
-msgid "Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:957
-msgid "Accounts abandoned after x days"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:957
-msgid ""
-"Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded "
-"accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:958
-msgid "Allowed friend domains"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:958
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships "
-"with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:959
-msgid "Allowed email domains"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:959
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for "
-"registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:960
-msgid "Block public"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:960
-msgid ""
-"Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this "
-"site unless you are currently logged in."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:961
-msgid "Force publish"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:961
-msgid ""
-"Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:962
-msgid "Global directory URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:962
-msgid ""
-"URL to the global directory. If this is not set, the global directory is "
-"completely unavailable to the application."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:963
-msgid "Allow threaded items"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:963
-msgid "Allow infinite level threading for items on this site."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:964
-msgid "Private posts by default for new users"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:964
-msgid ""
-"Set default post permissions for all new members to the default privacy "
-"group rather than public."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:965
-msgid "Don't include post content in email notifications"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:965
-msgid ""
-"Don't include the content of a post/comment/private message/etc. in the "
-"email notifications that are sent out from this site, as a privacy measure."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:966
-msgid "Disallow public access to addons listed in the apps menu."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:966
-msgid ""
-"Checking this box will restrict addons listed in the apps menu to members "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:967
-msgid "Don't embed private images in posts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:967
-msgid ""
-"Don't replace locally-hosted private photos in posts with an embedded copy "
-"of the image. This means that contacts who receive posts containing private "
-"photos will have to authenticate and load each image, which may take a while."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:968
-msgid "Allow Users to set remote_self"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:968
-msgid ""
-"With checking this, every user is allowed to mark every contact as a "
-"remote_self in the repair contact dialog. Setting this flag on a contact "
-"causes mirroring every posting of that contact in the users stream."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:969
-msgid "Block multiple registrations"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:969
-msgid "Disallow users to register additional accounts for use as pages."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:970
-msgid "OpenID support"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:970
-msgid "OpenID support for registration and logins."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:971
-msgid "Fullname check"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:971
-msgid ""
-"Force users to register with a space between firstname and lastname in Full "
-"name, as an antispam measure"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:972
-msgid "UTF-8 Regular expressions"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:972
-msgid "Use PHP UTF8 regular expressions"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:973
-msgid "Community Page Style"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:973
-msgid ""
-"Type of community page to show. 'Global community' shows every public "
-"posting from an open distributed network that arrived on this server."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:974
-msgid "Posts per user on community page"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:974
-msgid ""
-"The maximum number of posts per user on the community page. (Not valid for "
-"'Global Community')"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:975
-msgid "Enable OStatus support"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:975
-msgid ""
-"Provide built-in OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social etc.) compatibility. All "
-"communications in OStatus are public, so privacy warnings will be "
-"occasionally displayed."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:976
-msgid "OStatus conversation completion interval"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:976
-msgid ""
-"How often shall the poller check for new entries in OStatus conversations? "
-"This can be a very ressource task."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:977
-msgid "Only import OStatus threads from our contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:977
-msgid ""
-"Normally we import every content from our OStatus contacts. With this option "
-"we only store threads that are started by a contact that is known on our "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:978
-msgid "OStatus support can only be enabled if threading is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:980
-msgid ""
-"Diaspora support can't be enabled because Friendica was installed into a sub "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:981
-msgid "Enable Diaspora support"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:981
-msgid "Provide built-in Diaspora network compatibility."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:982
-msgid "Only allow Friendica contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:982
-msgid ""
-"All contacts must use Friendica protocols. All other built-in communication "
-"protocols disabled."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:983
-msgid "Verify SSL"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:983
-msgid ""
-"If you wish, you can turn on strict certificate checking. This will mean you "
-"cannot connect (at all) to self-signed SSL sites."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:984
-msgid "Proxy user"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:985
-msgid "Proxy URL"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:986
-msgid "Network timeout"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:986
-msgid "Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended)."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:987
-msgid "Delivery interval"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:987
-msgid ""
-"Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
-"load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 "
-"for large dedicated servers."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:988
-msgid "Poll interval"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:988
-msgid ""
-"Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
-"load. If 0, use delivery interval."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:989
-msgid "Maximum Load Average"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:989
-msgid ""
-"Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - "
-"default 50."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:990
-msgid "Maximum Load Average (Frontend)"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:990
-msgid "Maximum system load before the frontend quits service - default 50."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:991
-msgid "Maximum table size for optimization"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:991
-msgid ""
-"Maximum table size (in MB) for the automatic optimization - default 100 MB. "
-"Enter -1 to disable it."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:992
-msgid "Minimum level of fragmentation"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:992
-msgid ""
-"Minimum fragmenation level to start the automatic optimization - default "
-"value is 30%."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:994
-msgid "Periodical check of global contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:994
-msgid ""
-"If enabled, the global contacts are checked periodically for missing or "
-"outdated data and the vitality of the contacts and servers."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:995
-msgid "Days between requery"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:995
-msgid "Number of days after which a server is requeried for his contacts."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:996
-msgid "Discover contacts from other servers"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:996
-msgid ""
-"Periodically query other servers for contacts. You can choose between "
-"'users': the users on the remote system, 'Global Contacts': active contacts "
-"that are known on the system. The fallback is meant for Redmatrix servers "
-"and older friendica servers, where global contacts weren't available. The "
-"fallback increases the server load, so the recommened setting is 'Users, "
-"Global Contacts'."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:997
-msgid "Timeframe for fetching global contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:997
-msgid ""
-"When the discovery is activated, this value defines the timeframe for the "
-"activity of the global contacts that are fetched from other servers."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:998
-msgid "Search the local directory"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:998
-msgid ""
-"Search the local directory instead of the global directory. When searching "
-"locally, every search will be executed on the global directory in the "
-"background. This improves the search results when the search is repeated."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1000
-msgid "Publish server information"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1000
-msgid ""
-"If enabled, general server and usage data will be published. The data "
-"contains the name and version of the server, number of users with public "
-"profiles, number of posts and the activated protocols and connectors. See the-federation.info for details."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1002
-msgid "Use MySQL full text engine"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1002
-msgid ""
-"Activates the full text engine. Speeds up search - but can only search for "
-"four and more characters."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1003
-msgid "Suppress Language"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1003
-msgid "Suppress language information in meta information about a posting."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1004
-msgid "Suppress Tags"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1004
-msgid "Suppress showing a list of hashtags at the end of the posting."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1005
-msgid "Path to item cache"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1005
-msgid "The item caches buffers generated bbcode and external images."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1006
-msgid "Cache duration in seconds"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1006
-msgid ""
-"How long should the cache files be hold? Default value is 86400 seconds (One "
-"day). To disable the item cache, set the value to -1."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1007
-msgid "Maximum numbers of comments per post"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1007
-msgid "How much comments should be shown for each post? Default value is 100."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1008
-msgid "Path for lock file"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1008
-msgid ""
-"The lock file is used to avoid multiple pollers at one time. Only define a "
-"folder here."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1009
-msgid "Temp path"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1009
-msgid ""
-"If you have a restricted system where the webserver can't access the system "
-"temp path, enter another path here."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1010
-msgid "Base path to installation"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1010
-msgid ""
-"If the system cannot detect the correct path to your installation, enter the "
-"correct path here. This setting should only be set if you are using a "
-"restricted system and symbolic links to your webroot."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1011
-msgid "Disable picture proxy"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1011
-msgid ""
-"The picture proxy increases performance and privacy. It shouldn't be used on "
-"systems with very low bandwith."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1012
-msgid "Enable old style pager"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1012
-msgid ""
-"The old style pager has page numbers but slows down massively the page speed."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1013
-msgid "Only search in tags"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1013
-msgid "On large systems the text search can slow down the system extremely."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1015
-msgid "New base url"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1015
-msgid ""
-"Change base url for this server. Sends relocate message to all DFRN contacts "
-"of all users."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1017
-msgid "RINO Encryption"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1017
-msgid "Encryption layer between nodes."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1018
-msgid "Embedly API key"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1018
-msgid ""
-"Embedly is used to fetch additional data for "
-"web pages. This is an optional parameter."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1020
-msgid "Enable 'worker' background processing"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1020
-msgid ""
-"The worker background processing limits the number of parallel background "
-"jobs to a maximum number and respects the system load."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1021
-msgid "Maximum number of parallel workers"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1021
-msgid ""
-"On shared hosters set this to 2. On larger systems, values of 10 are great. "
-"Default value is 4."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1022
-msgid "Don't use 'proc_open' with the worker"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1022
-msgid ""
-"Enable this if your system doesn't allow the use of 'proc_open'. This can "
-"happen on shared hosters. If this is enabled you should increase the "
-"frequency of poller calls in your crontab."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1051
-msgid "Update has been marked successful"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1059
-#, php-format
-msgid "Database structure update %s was successfully applied."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1062
-#, php-format
-msgid "Executing of database structure update %s failed with error: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1074
-#, php-format
-msgid "Executing %s failed with error: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1077
-#, php-format
-msgid "Update %s was successfully applied."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1081
-#, php-format
-msgid "Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1083
-#, php-format
-msgid "There was no additional update function %s that needed to be called."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1102
-msgid "No failed updates."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1103
-msgid "Check database structure"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1108
-msgid "Failed Updates"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1109
-msgid ""
-"This does not include updates prior to 1139, which did not return a status."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1110
-msgid "Mark success (if update was manually applied)"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1111
-msgid "Attempt to execute this update step automatically"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1143
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
-"\t\t\t\tthe administrator of %2$s has set up an account for you."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1146
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
-"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1$s\n"
-"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t\t%2$s\n"
-"\t\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after "
-"\t\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that "
-"\t\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default "
-"\t\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
-"\t\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
-"\t\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - "
-"\t\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more "
-"\t\t\tthan that.\n"
-"\t\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are "
-"\t\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
-"\t\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
-"\t\t\tThank you and welcome to %4$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1190
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s user blocked/unblocked"
-msgid_plural "%s users blocked/unblocked"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1197
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s user deleted"
-msgid_plural "%s users deleted"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1244
-#, php-format
-msgid "User '%s' deleted"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1252
-#, php-format
-msgid "User '%s' unblocked"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1252
-#, php-format
-msgid "User '%s' blocked"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1371 mod/admin.php:1396
-msgid "Register date"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1371 mod/admin.php:1396
-msgid "Last login"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1371 mod/admin.php:1396
-msgid "Last item"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1371 mod/settings.php:43
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1380
-msgid "Add User"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1381
-msgid "select all"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1382
-msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1383
-msgid "User waiting for permanent deletion"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1384
-msgid "Request date"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1385
-msgid "No registrations."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1387
-msgid "Deny"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1389 mod/contacts.php:603 mod/contacts.php:798
-#: mod/contacts.php:992
-msgid "Block"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1390 mod/contacts.php:603 mod/contacts.php:798
-#: mod/contacts.php:992
-msgid "Unblock"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1391
-msgid "Site admin"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1392
-msgid "Account expired"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1395
-msgid "New User"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1396
-msgid "Deleted since"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1401
-msgid ""
-"Selected users will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these users had posted on "
-"this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1402
-msgid ""
-"The user {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this user has posted on this "
-"site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1412
-msgid "Name of the new user."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1413
-msgid "Nickname"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1413
-msgid "Nickname of the new user."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1414
-msgid "Email address of the new user."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1457
-#, php-format
-msgid "Plugin %s disabled."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1461
-#, php-format
-msgid "Plugin %s enabled."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1472 mod/admin.php:1708
-msgid "Disable"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1474 mod/admin.php:1710
-msgid "Enable"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1497 mod/admin.php:1755
-msgid "Toggle"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1505 mod/admin.php:1764
-msgid "Author: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1506 mod/admin.php:1765
-msgid "Maintainer: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1558
-msgid "Reload active plugins"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1563
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"There are currently no plugins available on your node. You can find the "
-"official plugin repository at %1$s and might find other interesting plugins "
-"in the open plugin registry at %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1668
-msgid "No themes found."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1746
-msgid "Screenshot"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1806
-msgid "Reload active themes"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1811
-#, php-format
-msgid "No themes found on the system. They should be paced in %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1812
-msgid "[Experimental]"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1813
-msgid "[Unsupported]"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1837
-msgid "Log settings updated."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1874
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1879
-msgid "Enable Debugging"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1880
-msgid "Log file"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Friendica top-level "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1881
-msgid "Log level"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1884
-msgid "PHP logging"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:1885
-msgid ""
-"To enable logging of PHP errors and warnings you can add the following to "
-"the .htconfig.php file of your installation. The filename set in the "
-"'error_log' line is relative to the friendica top-level directory and must "
-"be writeable by the web server. The option '1' for 'log_errors' and "
-"'display_errors' is to enable these options, set to '0' to disable them."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:2011 mod/admin.php:2012 mod/settings.php:763
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:2011 mod/admin.php:2012 mod/settings.php:763
-msgid "On"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:2012
-#, php-format
-msgid "Lock feature %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:2020
-msgid "Manage Additional Features"
-msgstr ""
#: mod/wall_attach.php:94
msgid "Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"
msgstr ""
@@ -5461,188 +3603,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "File upload failed."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/allfriends.php:43
-msgid "No friends to display."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/cal.php:152 mod/display.php:328 mod/profile.php:155
-msgid "Access to this profile has been restricted."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/cal.php:301
-msgid "User not found"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/cal.php:317
-msgid "This calendar format is not supported"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/cal.php:319
-msgid "No exportable data found"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/cal.php:327
-msgid "calendar"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:119 mod/network.php:468
-msgid "No such group"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:130 mod/network.php:495 mod/group.php:193
-msgid "Group is empty"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:135 mod/network.php:499
-#, php-format
-msgid "Group: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:325 object/Item.php:95
-msgid "This entry was edited"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:621 object/Item.php:429
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d comment"
-msgid_plural "%d comments"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: mod/content.php:638 mod/photos.php:1405 object/Item.php:117
-msgid "Private Message"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:702 mod/photos.php:1594 object/Item.php:263
-msgid "I like this (toggle)"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:702 object/Item.php:263
-msgid "like"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:703 mod/photos.php:1595 object/Item.php:264
-msgid "I don't like this (toggle)"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:703 object/Item.php:264
-msgid "dislike"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:705 object/Item.php:266
-msgid "Share this"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:705 object/Item.php:266
-msgid "share"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:725 mod/photos.php:1614 mod/photos.php:1662
-#: mod/photos.php:1750 object/Item.php:717
-msgid "This is you"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:729 object/Item.php:721
-msgid "Bold"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:730 object/Item.php:722
-msgid "Italic"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:731 object/Item.php:723
-msgid "Underline"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:732 object/Item.php:724
-msgid "Quote"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:733 object/Item.php:725
-msgid "Code"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:734 object/Item.php:726
-msgid "Image"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:735 object/Item.php:727
-msgid "Link"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:736 object/Item.php:728
-msgid "Video"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:746 mod/settings.php:725 object/Item.php:122
-#: object/Item.php:124
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:771 object/Item.php:227
-msgid "add star"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:772 object/Item.php:228
-msgid "remove star"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:773 object/Item.php:229
-msgid "toggle star status"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:776 object/Item.php:232
-msgid "starred"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:777 mod/content.php:798 object/Item.php:252
-msgid "add tag"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:787 object/Item.php:240
-msgid "ignore thread"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:788 object/Item.php:241
-msgid "unignore thread"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:789 object/Item.php:242
-msgid "toggle ignore status"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:792 mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:69 object/Item.php:245
-msgid "ignored"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:803 object/Item.php:137
-msgid "save to folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
-msgid "I will attend"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
-msgid "I will not attend"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
-msgid "I might attend"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:912 object/Item.php:369
-msgid "to"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:913 object/Item.php:371
-msgid "Wall-to-Wall"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/content.php:914 object/Item.php:372
-msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:"
-msgstr ""
#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:14
msgid "Resubscribing to OStatus contacts"
msgstr ""
@@ -5690,333 +3650,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "No entries."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/videos.php:123
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this video?"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/videos.php:128
-msgid "Delete Video"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/videos.php:207
-msgid "No videos selected"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/videos.php:308 mod/photos.php:1074
-msgid "Access to this item is restricted."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/videos.php:390 mod/photos.php:1877
-msgid "View Album"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/videos.php:399
-msgid "Recent Videos"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/videos.php:401
-msgid "Upload New Videos"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:37
-msgid "Profile deleted."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:55 mod/profiles.php:89
-msgid "Profile-"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:74 mod/profiles.php:117
-msgid "New profile created."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:95
-msgid "Profile unavailable to clone."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:189
-msgid "Profile Name is required."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:336
-msgid "Marital Status"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:340
-msgid "Romantic Partner"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:352
-msgid "Work/Employment"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:355
-msgid "Religion"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:359
-msgid "Political Views"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:363
-msgid "Gender"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:367
-msgid "Sexual Preference"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:371
-msgid "Homepage"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:375 mod/profiles.php:695
-msgid "Interests"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:379
-msgid "Address"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:386 mod/profiles.php:691
-msgid "Location"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:469
-msgid "Profile updated."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:556
-msgid " and "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:564
-msgid "public profile"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:567
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s changed %2$s to “%3$s”"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:568
-#, php-format
-msgid " - Visit %1$s's %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:571
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s has an updated %2$s, changing %3$s."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:638
-msgid "Hide contacts and friends:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:641 mod/profiles.php:645 mod/profiles.php:670
-#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/dfrn_request.php:860 mod/register.php:239
-#: mod/settings.php:1113 mod/settings.php:1119 mod/settings.php:1127
-#: mod/settings.php:1131 mod/settings.php:1136 mod/settings.php:1142
-#: mod/settings.php:1148 mod/settings.php:1154 mod/settings.php:1180
-#: mod/settings.php:1181 mod/settings.php:1182 mod/settings.php:1183
-#: mod/settings.php:1184 mod/api.php:106
-msgid "No"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:643
-msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:667
-msgid "Show more profile fields:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:679
-msgid "Profile Actions"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:680
-msgid "Edit Profile Details"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:682
-msgid "Change Profile Photo"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:683
-msgid "View this profile"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:685
-msgid "Create a new profile using these settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:686
-msgid "Clone this profile"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:687
-msgid "Delete this profile"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:689
-msgid "Basic information"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:690
-msgid "Profile picture"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:692
-msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:693
-msgid "Status information"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:694
-msgid "Additional information"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:697
-msgid "Relation"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:700 mod/newmember.php:36 mod/profile_photo.php:250
-msgid "Upload Profile Photo"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:701
-msgid "Your Gender:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:702
-msgid "♥ Marital Status:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:704
-msgid "Example: fishing photography software"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:709
-msgid "Profile Name:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:711
-msgid ""
-"This is your public profile. It may "
-"be visible to anybody using the internet."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:712
-msgid "Your Full Name:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:713
-msgid "Title/Description:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:716
-msgid "Street Address:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:717
-msgid "Locality/City:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:718
-msgid "Region/State:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:719
-msgid "Postal/Zip Code:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:720
-msgid "Country:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:724
-msgid "Who: (if applicable)"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:724
-msgid "Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:725
-msgid "Since [date]:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:727
-msgid "Tell us about yourself..."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:728
-msgid "Homepage URL:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:731
-msgid "Religious Views:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:732
-msgid "Public Keywords:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:732
-msgid "(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:733
-msgid "Private Keywords:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:733
-msgid "(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:736
-msgid "Musical interests"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:737
-msgid "Books, literature"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:738
-msgid "Television"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:739
-msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:740
-msgid "Hobbies/Interests"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:741
-msgid "Love/romance"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:742
-msgid "Work/employment"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:743
-msgid "School/education"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:744
-msgid "Contact information and Social Networks"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:786
-msgid "Edit/Manage Profiles"
-msgstr ""
#: mod/credits.php:16
msgid "Credits"
msgstr ""
@@ -6032,6 +3665,1098 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "- select -"
msgstr ""
+#: mod/subthread.php:103
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is following %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/attach.php:8
+msgid "Item not available."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/attach.php:20
+msgid "Item was not found."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/follow.php:19 mod/dfrn_request.php:874
+msgid "Submit Request"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/follow.php:30
+msgid "You already added this contact."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/follow.php:39
+msgid "Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/follow.php:46
+msgid "OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/follow.php:53
+msgid "The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/follow.php:109 mod/dfrn_request.php:860
+msgid "Please answer the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/dfrn_request.php:861
+#, php-format
+msgid "Does %s know you?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/api.php:106 mod/dfrn_request.php:861
+#: mod/profiles.php:648 mod/profiles.php:652 mod/profiles.php:677
+#: mod/register.php:239 mod/settings.php:1158 mod/settings.php:1164
+#: mod/settings.php:1172 mod/settings.php:1176 mod/settings.php:1181
+#: mod/settings.php:1187 mod/settings.php:1193 mod/settings.php:1199
+#: mod/settings.php:1225 mod/settings.php:1226 mod/settings.php:1227
+#: mod/settings.php:1228 mod/settings.php:1229
+msgid "No"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/follow.php:111 mod/dfrn_request.php:865
+msgid "Add a personal note:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/follow.php:117 mod/dfrn_request.php:871
+msgid "Your Identity Address:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/follow.php:126 mod/notifications.php:243 mod/contacts.php:624
+msgid "Profile URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/follow.php:180
+msgid "Contact added"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/apps.php:7 index.php:240
+msgid "You must be logged in to use addons. "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/apps.php:11
+msgid "Applications"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/apps.php:14
+msgid "No installed applications."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/p.php:9
+msgid "Not Extended"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:6
+msgid "Welcome to Friendica"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:8
+msgid "New Member Checklist"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:12
+msgid ""
+"We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience "
+"enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page "
+"will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial "
+"registration and then will quietly disappear."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:14
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:18
+msgid "Friendica Walk-Through"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:18
+msgid ""
+"On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your "
+"profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:26
+msgid "Go to Your Settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:26
+msgid ""
+"On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a "
+"note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and "
+"will be useful in making friends on the free social web."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:28
+msgid ""
+"Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished "
+"directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you "
+"should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and "
+"potential friends know exactly how to find you."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:36 mod/profile_photo.php:250 mod/profiles.php:707
+msgid "Upload Profile Photo"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:36
+msgid ""
+"Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown "
+"that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make "
+"friends than people who do not."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:38
+msgid "Edit Your Profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:38
+msgid ""
+"Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the "
+"settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:40
+msgid "Profile Keywords"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:40
+msgid ""
+"Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your "
+"interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and "
+"suggest friendships."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:44
+msgid "Connecting"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:51
+msgid "Importing Emails"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:51
+msgid ""
+"Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you "
+"wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:53
+msgid "Go to Your Contacts Page"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:53
+msgid ""
+"Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting "
+"with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site "
+"URL in the Add New Contact dialog."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:55
+msgid "Go to Your Site's Directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:55
+msgid ""
+"The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other "
+"federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on "
+"their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:57
+msgid "Finding New People"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:57
+msgid ""
+"On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new "
+"friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or "
+"interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand "
+"new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:65
+msgid "Group Your Contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:65
+msgid ""
+"Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation "
+"groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with "
+"each group privately on your Network page."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:68
+msgid "Why Aren't My Posts Public?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:68
+msgid ""
+"Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to "
+"people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section "
+"from the link above."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:73
+msgid "Getting Help"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:77
+msgid "Go to the Help Section"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/newmember.php:77
+msgid ""
+"Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program "
+"features and resources."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/removeme.php:46 mod/removeme.php:49
+msgid "Remove My Account"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/removeme.php:47
+msgid ""
+"This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/removeme.php:48
+msgid "Please enter your password for verification:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/editpost.php:17 mod/editpost.php:27
+msgid "Item not found"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/editpost.php:40
+msgid "Edit post"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/localtime.php:24
+msgid "Time Conversion"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/localtime.php:26
+msgid ""
+"Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and "
+"friends in unknown timezones."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/localtime.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "UTC time: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/localtime.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "Current timezone: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/localtime.php:36
+#, php-format
+msgid "Converted localtime: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/localtime.php:41
+msgid "Please select your timezone:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/bookmarklet.php:41
+msgid "The post was created"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/group.php:29
+msgid "Group created."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/group.php:35
+msgid "Could not create group."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/group.php:47 mod/group.php:140
+msgid "Group not found."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/group.php:60
+msgid "Group name changed."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/group.php:87
+msgid "Save Group"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/group.php:93
+msgid "Create a group of contacts/friends."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/group.php:113
+msgid "Group removed."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/group.php:115
+msgid "Unable to remove group."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/group.php:177
+msgid "Group Editor"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/group.php:190
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/group.php:192 mod/contacts.php:692
+msgid "All Contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/group.php:193 mod/content.php:130 mod/network.php:495
+msgid "Group is empty"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:42 mod/wallmessage.php:112
+#, php-format
+msgid "Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:56 mod/message.php:71
+msgid "No recipient selected."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:59
+msgid "Unable to check your home location."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:62 mod/message.php:78
+msgid "Message could not be sent."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:65 mod/message.php:81
+msgid "Message collection failure."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:68 mod/message.php:84
+msgid "Message sent."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:86 mod/wallmessage.php:95
+msgid "No recipient."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:142 mod/message.php:341
+msgid "Send Private Message"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:143
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on "
+"your site allow private mail from unknown senders."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:144 mod/message.php:342 mod/message.php:536
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:145 mod/message.php:347 mod/message.php:538
+msgid "Subject:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/share.php:38
+msgid "link"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/api.php:76 mod/api.php:102
+msgid "Authorize application connection"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/api.php:77
+msgid "Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/api.php:89
+msgid "Please login to continue."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/api.php:104
+msgid ""
+"Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts, "
+"and/or create new posts for you?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/babel.php:17
+msgid "Source (bbcode) text:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/babel.php:23
+msgid "Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/babel.php:31
+msgid "Source input: "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/babel.php:35
+msgid "bb2html (raw HTML): "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/babel.php:39
+msgid "bb2html: "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/babel.php:43
+msgid "bb2html2bb: "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/babel.php:47
+msgid "bb2md: "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/babel.php:51
+msgid "bb2md2html: "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/babel.php:55
+msgid "bb2dia2bb: "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/babel.php:59
+msgid "bb2md2html2bb: "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/babel.php:69
+msgid "Source input (Diaspora format): "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/babel.php:74
+msgid "diaspora2bb: "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:14
+msgid "Subscribing to OStatus contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:25
+msgid "No contact provided."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:30
+msgid "Couldn't fetch information for contact."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:38
+msgid "Couldn't fetch friends for contact."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:65
+msgid "success"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:67
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:69 mod/content.php:792 object/Item.php:245
+msgid "ignored"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_poll.php:104 mod/dfrn_poll.php:537
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s welcomes %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/message.php:75
+msgid "Unable to locate contact information."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/message.php:215
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this message?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/message.php:235
+msgid "Message deleted."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/message.php:266
+msgid "Conversation removed."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/message.php:383
+msgid "No messages."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/message.php:426
+msgid "Message not available."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/message.php:503
+msgid "Delete message"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/message.php:529 mod/message.php:609
+msgid "Delete conversation"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/message.php:531
+msgid ""
+"No secure communications available. You may be able to "
+"respond from the sender's profile page."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/message.php:535
+msgid "Send Reply"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/message.php:579
+#, php-format
+msgid "Unknown sender - %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/message.php:581
+#, php-format
+msgid "You and %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/message.php:583
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s and You"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/message.php:612
+msgid "D, d M Y - g:i A"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/message.php:615
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d message"
+msgid_plural "%d messages"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: mod/manage.php:139
+msgid "Manage Identities and/or Pages"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/manage.php:140
+msgid ""
+"Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share "
+"your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/manage.php:141
+msgid "Select an identity to manage: "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:87
+msgid "Contact settings applied."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:89
+msgid "Contact update failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:114 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:122 mod/fsuggest.php:20
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:92
+msgid "Contact not found."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:120
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: This is highly advanced and if you enter incorrect "
+"information your communications with this contact may stop working."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:121
+msgid ""
+"Please use your browser 'Back' button now if you are "
+"uncertain what to do on this page."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
+msgid "No mirroring"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:134
+msgid "Mirror as forwarded posting"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
+msgid "Mirror as my own posting"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:150
+msgid "Return to contact editor"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:152
+msgid "Refetch contact data"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:156
+msgid "Remote Self"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:159
+msgid "Mirror postings from this contact"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:161
+msgid ""
+"Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new "
+"entries from this contact."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:165 mod/admin.php:1367 mod/admin.php:1380
+#: mod/admin.php:1392 mod/admin.php:1408 mod/settings.php:678
+#: mod/settings.php:704
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:166
+msgid "Account Nickname"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:167
+msgid "@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:168
+msgid "Account URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:169
+msgid "Friend Request URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:170
+msgid "Friend Confirm URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:171
+msgid "Notification Endpoint URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:172
+msgid "Poll/Feed URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:173
+msgid "New photo from this URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:100
+msgid "This introduction has already been accepted."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:123 mod/dfrn_request.php:518
+msgid "Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:128 mod/dfrn_request.php:523
+msgid "Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:130 mod/dfrn_request.php:525
+msgid "Warning: profile location has no profile photo."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:133 mod/dfrn_request.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d required parameter was not found at the given location"
+msgid_plural "%d required parameters were not found at the given location"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:178
+msgid "Introduction complete."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:220
+msgid "Unrecoverable protocol error."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:248
+msgid "Profile unavailable."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s has received too many connection requests today."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:274
+msgid "Spam protection measures have been invoked."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:275
+msgid "Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:337
+msgid "Invalid locator"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:346
+msgid "Invalid email address."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:373
+msgid "This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:476
+msgid "You have already introduced yourself here."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:480
+#, php-format
+msgid "Apparently you are already friends with %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:501
+msgid "Invalid profile URL."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:579 mod/contacts.php:208
+msgid "Failed to update contact record."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:600
+msgid "Your introduction has been sent."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:640
+msgid ""
+"Remote subscription can't be done for your network. Please subscribe "
+"directly on your system."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:663
+msgid "Please login to confirm introduction."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:673
+msgid ""
+"Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to this"
+"strong> profile."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:687 mod/dfrn_request.php:704
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:699
+msgid "Hide this contact"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:702
+#, php-format
+msgid "Welcome home %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:703
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:832
+msgid ""
+"Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported "
+"communications networks:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:853
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and join us today ."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:858
+msgid "Friend/Connection Request"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:859
+msgid ""
+"Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:868
+msgid "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:870
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:119 mod/network.php:468
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:135 mod/network.php:499
+#, php-format
+msgid "Group: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:325 object/Item.php:95
+msgid "This entry was edited"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:621 object/Item.php:429
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d comment"
+msgid_plural "%d comments"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: mod/content.php:638 mod/photos.php:1379 object/Item.php:117
+msgid "Private Message"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:702 mod/photos.php:1567 object/Item.php:263
+msgid "I like this (toggle)"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:702 object/Item.php:263
+msgid "like"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:703 mod/photos.php:1568 object/Item.php:264
+msgid "I don't like this (toggle)"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:703 object/Item.php:264
+msgid "dislike"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:705 object/Item.php:266
+msgid "Share this"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:705 object/Item.php:266
+msgid "share"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:725 mod/photos.php:1587 mod/photos.php:1635
+#: mod/photos.php:1721 object/Item.php:717
+msgid "This is you"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:727 mod/content.php:945 mod/photos.php:1589
+#: mod/photos.php:1637 mod/photos.php:1723 object/Item.php:403
+#: object/Item.php:719 boot.php:969
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:729 object/Item.php:721
+msgid "Bold"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:730 object/Item.php:722
+msgid "Italic"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:731 object/Item.php:723
+msgid "Underline"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:732 object/Item.php:724
+msgid "Quote"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:733 object/Item.php:725
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:734 object/Item.php:726
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:735 object/Item.php:727
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:736 object/Item.php:728
+msgid "Video"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:746 mod/settings.php:738 object/Item.php:122
+#: object/Item.php:124
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:771 object/Item.php:227
+msgid "add star"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:772 object/Item.php:228
+msgid "remove star"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:773 object/Item.php:229
+msgid "toggle star status"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:776 object/Item.php:232
+msgid "starred"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:777 mod/content.php:798 object/Item.php:252
+msgid "add tag"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:787 object/Item.php:240
+msgid "ignore thread"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:788 object/Item.php:241
+msgid "unignore thread"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:789 object/Item.php:242
+msgid "toggle ignore status"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:803 object/Item.php:137
+msgid "save to folder"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
+msgid "I will attend"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
+msgid "I will not attend"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
+msgid "I might attend"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:912 object/Item.php:369
+msgid "to"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:913 object/Item.php:371
+msgid "Wall-to-Wall"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/content.php:914 object/Item.php:372
+msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:66 mod/profiles.php:19 mod/profiles.php:134
+#: mod/profiles.php:180 mod/profiles.php:617
+msgid "Profile not found."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:123
+msgid ""
+"This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it "
+"has already been approved."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:242
+msgid "Response from remote site was not understood."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:251 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:256
+msgid "Unexpected response from remote site: "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:265
+msgid "Confirmation completed successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:267 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:281 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:288
+msgid "Remote site reported: "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:279
+msgid "Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:286
+msgid "Introduction failed or was revoked."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:415
+msgid "Unable to set contact photo."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:553
+#, php-format
+msgid "No user record found for '%s' "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:563
+msgid "Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:574
+msgid "Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:595
+msgid "Contact record was not found for you on our site."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:609
+#, php-format
+msgid "Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:629
+msgid ""
+"The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work "
+"if you try again."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:640
+msgid "Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:699
+msgid "Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:771
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s has joined %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:63
+msgid "Friend suggestion sent."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:97
+msgid "Suggest Friends"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:99
+#, php-format
+msgid "Suggest a friend for %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/mood.php:133
+msgid "Mood"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/mood.php:134
+msgid "Set your current mood and tell your friends"
+msgstr ""
#: mod/poke.php:192
msgid "Poke/Prod"
msgstr ""
@@ -6052,182 +4777,2333 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Make this post private"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:100 mod/photos.php:1886
-msgid "Recent Photos"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:44
+msgid "Image uploaded but image cropping failed."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:103 mod/photos.php:1307 mod/photos.php:1888
-msgid "Upload New Photos"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:117 mod/settings.php:36
-msgid "everybody"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:181
-msgid "Contact information unavailable"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:202
-msgid "Album not found."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:232 mod/photos.php:244 mod/photos.php:1249
-msgid "Delete Album"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:242
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:322 mod/photos.php:333 mod/photos.php:1567
-msgid "Delete Photo"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:331
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo?"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:706
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:77 mod/profile_photo.php:84 mod/profile_photo.php:91
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:314
#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s was tagged in %2$s by %3$s"
+msgid "Image size reduction [%s] failed."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:706
-msgid "a photo"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:124
+msgid ""
+"Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not "
+"display immediately."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:813
-msgid "Image file is empty."
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:134
+msgid "Unable to process image"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:973
-msgid "No photos selected"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:248
+msgid "Upload File:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1134
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:249
+msgid "Select a profile:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:251
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
+msgid "or"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
+msgid "skip this step"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
+msgid "select a photo from your photo albums"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:268
+msgid "Crop Image"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:269
+msgid "Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:271
+msgid "Done Editing"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:305
+msgid "Image uploaded successfully."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/regmod.php:55
+msgid "Account approved."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/regmod.php:92
#, php-format
-msgid "You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."
+msgid "Registration revoked for %s"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1169
-msgid "Upload Photos"
+#: mod/regmod.php:104
+msgid "Please login."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1173 mod/photos.php:1244
-msgid "New album name: "
+#: mod/notifications.php:35
+msgid "Invalid request identifier."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1174
-msgid "or existing album name: "
+#: mod/notifications.php:44 mod/notifications.php:180
+#: mod/notifications.php:252
+msgid "Discard"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1175
-msgid "Do not show a status post for this upload"
+#: mod/notifications.php:60 mod/notifications.php:179
+#: mod/notifications.php:251 mod/contacts.php:606 mod/contacts.php:806
+#: mod/contacts.php:1000
+msgid "Ignore"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1186 mod/photos.php:1571 mod/settings.php:1250
-msgid "Show to Groups"
+#: mod/notifications.php:105
+msgid "Network Notifications"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1187 mod/photos.php:1572 mod/settings.php:1251
-msgid "Show to Contacts"
+#: mod/notifications.php:117
+msgid "Personal Notifications"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1188
-msgid "Private Photo"
+#: mod/notifications.php:123
+msgid "Home Notifications"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1189
-msgid "Public Photo"
+#: mod/notifications.php:152
+msgid "Show Ignored Requests"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1257
-msgid "Edit Album"
+#: mod/notifications.php:152
+msgid "Hide Ignored Requests"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1263
-msgid "Show Newest First"
+#: mod/notifications.php:164 mod/notifications.php:222
+msgid "Notification type: "
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1265
-msgid "Show Oldest First"
+#: mod/notifications.php:167
+#, php-format
+msgid "suggested by %s"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1293 mod/photos.php:1871
-msgid "View Photo"
+#: mod/notifications.php:172 mod/notifications.php:239 mod/contacts.php:613
+msgid "Hide this contact from others"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1340
-msgid "Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."
+#: mod/notifications.php:173 mod/notifications.php:240
+msgid "Post a new friend activity"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1342
-msgid "Photo not available"
+#: mod/notifications.php:173 mod/notifications.php:240
+msgid "if applicable"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1398
-msgid "View photo"
+#: mod/notifications.php:176 mod/notifications.php:249 mod/admin.php:1382
+msgid "Approve"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1398
-msgid "Edit photo"
+#: mod/notifications.php:195
+msgid "Claims to be known to you: "
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1399
-msgid "Use as profile photo"
+#: mod/notifications.php:196
+msgid "yes"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1424
-msgid "View Full Size"
+#: mod/notifications.php:196
+msgid "no"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1510
-msgid "Tags: "
+#: mod/notifications.php:197
+msgid ""
+"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
+"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that "
+"you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1513
-msgid "[Remove any tag]"
+#: mod/notifications.php:200
+msgid ""
+"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
+"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you "
+"allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1553
-msgid "New album name"
+#: mod/notifications.php:209
+msgid "Friend"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1554
-msgid "Caption"
+#: mod/notifications.php:210
+msgid "Sharer"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1555
-msgid "Add a Tag"
+#: mod/notifications.php:210
+msgid "Fan/Admirer"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1555
-msgid "Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"
+#: mod/notifications.php:260
+msgid "No introductions."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1556
-msgid "Do not rotate"
+#: mod/notifications.php:299
+msgid "Show unread"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1557
-msgid "Rotate CW (right)"
+#: mod/notifications.php:299
+msgid "Show all"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1558
-msgid "Rotate CCW (left)"
+#: mod/notifications.php:305
+#, php-format
+msgid "No more %s notifications."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1573
-msgid "Private photo"
+#: mod/profiles.php:38
+msgid "Profile deleted."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1574
-msgid "Public photo"
+#: mod/profiles.php:56 mod/profiles.php:90
+msgid "Profile-"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1800
-msgid "Map"
+#: mod/profiles.php:75 mod/profiles.php:118
+msgid "New profile created."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:96
+msgid "Profile unavailable to clone."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:190
+msgid "Profile Name is required."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:338
+msgid "Marital Status"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:342
+msgid "Romantic Partner"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:354
+msgid "Work/Employment"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:357
+msgid "Religion"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:361
+msgid "Political Views"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:365
+msgid "Gender"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:369
+msgid "Sexual Preference"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:373
+msgid "XMPP"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:377
+msgid "Homepage"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:381 mod/profiles.php:702
+msgid "Interests"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:385
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:392 mod/profiles.php:698
+msgid "Location"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:477
+msgid "Profile updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:564
+msgid " and "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:572
+msgid "public profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:575
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s changed %2$s to “%3$s”"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:576
+#, php-format
+msgid " - Visit %1$s's %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:579
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s has an updated %2$s, changing %3$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:645
+msgid "Hide contacts and friends:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:650
+msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:674
+msgid "Show more profile fields:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:686
+msgid "Profile Actions"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:687
+msgid "Edit Profile Details"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:689
+msgid "Change Profile Photo"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:690
+msgid "View this profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:692
+msgid "Create a new profile using these settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:693
+msgid "Clone this profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:694
+msgid "Delete this profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:696
+msgid "Basic information"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:697
+msgid "Profile picture"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:699
+msgid "Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:700
+msgid "Status information"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:701
+msgid "Additional information"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:704
+msgid "Relation"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:708
+msgid "Your Gender:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:709
+msgid "♥ Marital Status:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:711
+msgid "Example: fishing photography software"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:716
+msgid "Profile Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:716 mod/events.php:484 mod/events.php:496
+msgid "Required"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:718
+msgid ""
+"This is your public profile. It may "
+"be visible to anybody using the internet."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:719
+msgid "Your Full Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:720
+msgid "Title/Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:723
+msgid "Street Address:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:724
+msgid "Locality/City:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:725
+msgid "Region/State:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:726
+msgid "Postal/Zip Code:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:727
+msgid "Country:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:731
+msgid "Who: (if applicable)"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:731
+msgid "Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:732
+msgid "Since [date]:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:734
+msgid "Tell us about yourself..."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:735
+msgid "XMPP (Jabber) address:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:735
+msgid ""
+"The XMPP address will be propagated to your contacts so that they can follow "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:736
+msgid "Homepage URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:739
+msgid "Religious Views:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:740
+msgid "Public Keywords:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:740
+msgid "(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:741
+msgid "Private Keywords:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:741
+msgid "(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:744
+msgid "Musical interests"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:745
+msgid "Books, literature"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:746
+msgid "Television"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:747
+msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:748
+msgid "Hobbies/Interests"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:749
+msgid "Love/romance"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:750
+msgid "Work/employment"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:751
+msgid "School/education"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:752
+msgid "Contact information and Social Networks"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:794
+msgid "Edit/Manage Profiles"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:92
+msgid "Theme settings updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:156 mod/admin.php:926
+msgid "Site"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:157 mod/admin.php:870 mod/admin.php:1375 mod/admin.php:1390
+msgid "Users"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:158 mod/admin.php:1492 mod/admin.php:1552 mod/settings.php:74
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:159 mod/admin.php:1750 mod/admin.php:1800
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:160 mod/settings.php:52
+msgid "Additional features"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:161
+msgid "DB updates"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:162 mod/admin.php:397
+msgid "Inspect Queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:163 mod/admin.php:363
+msgid "Federation Statistics"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:177 mod/admin.php:188 mod/admin.php:1874
+msgid "Logs"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:178 mod/admin.php:1942
+msgid "View Logs"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:179
+msgid "probe address"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:180
+msgid "check webfinger"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:187
+msgid "Plugin Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:189
+msgid "diagnostics"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:190
+msgid "User registrations waiting for confirmation"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:356
+msgid ""
+"This page offers you some numbers to the known part of the federated social "
+"network your Friendica node is part of. These numbers are not complete but "
+"only reflect the part of the network your node is aware of."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:357
+msgid ""
+"The Auto Discovered Contact Directory feature is not enabled, it "
+"will improve the data displayed here."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:362 mod/admin.php:396 mod/admin.php:460 mod/admin.php:925
+#: mod/admin.php:1374 mod/admin.php:1491 mod/admin.php:1551 mod/admin.php:1749
+#: mod/admin.php:1799 mod/admin.php:1873 mod/admin.php:1941
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:369
+#, php-format
+msgid "Currently this node is aware of %d nodes from the following platforms:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:399
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:400
+msgid "Recipient Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:401
+msgid "Recipient Profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:403
+msgid "Created"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:404
+msgid "Last Tried"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:405
+msgid ""
+"This page lists the content of the queue for outgoing postings. These are "
+"postings the initial delivery failed for. They will be resend later and "
+"eventually deleted if the delivery fails permanently."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:424 mod/admin.php:1323
+msgid "Normal Account"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:425 mod/admin.php:1324
+msgid "Soapbox Account"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:426 mod/admin.php:1325
+msgid "Community/Celebrity Account"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:427 mod/admin.php:1326
+msgid "Automatic Friend Account"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:428
+msgid "Blog Account"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:429
+msgid "Private Forum"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:455
+msgid "Message queues"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:461
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:464
+msgid "Registered users"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:466
+msgid "Pending registrations"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:467
+msgid "Version"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:472
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:495
+msgid "Can not parse base url. Must have at least ://"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:798
+msgid "RINO2 needs mcrypt php extension to work."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:806
+msgid "Site settings updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:834 mod/settings.php:932
+msgid "No special theme for mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:853
+msgid "No community page"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:854
+msgid "Public postings from users of this site"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:855
+msgid "Global community page"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:860 mod/contacts.php:530
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:861
+msgid "At post arrival"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:869 mod/contacts.php:557
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:871
+msgid "Users, Global Contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:872
+msgid "Users, Global Contacts/fallback"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:876
+msgid "One month"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:877
+msgid "Three months"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:878
+msgid "Half a year"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:879
+msgid "One year"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:884
+msgid "Multi user instance"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:907
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:908
+msgid "Requires approval"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:909
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:913
+msgid "No SSL policy, links will track page SSL state"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:914
+msgid "Force all links to use SSL"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:915
+msgid "Self-signed certificate, use SSL for local links only (discouraged)"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:927 mod/admin.php:1553 mod/admin.php:1801 mod/admin.php:1875
+#: mod/admin.php:2025 mod/settings.php:676 mod/settings.php:786
+#: mod/settings.php:833 mod/settings.php:902 mod/settings.php:992
+#: mod/settings.php:1259
+msgid "Save Settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:928 mod/register.php:263
+msgid "Registration"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:929
+msgid "File upload"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:930
+msgid "Policies"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:932
+msgid "Auto Discovered Contact Directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:933
+msgid "Performance"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:934
+msgid "Worker"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:935
+msgid ""
+"Relocate - WARNING: advanced function. Could make this server unreachable."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:938
+msgid "Site name"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:939
+msgid "Host name"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:940
+msgid "Sender Email"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:940
+msgid ""
+"The email address your server shall use to send notification emails from."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:941
+msgid "Banner/Logo"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:942
+msgid "Shortcut icon"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:942
+msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for browsers."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:943
+msgid "Touch icon"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:943
+msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for tablets and mobiles."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:944
+msgid "Additional Info"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:944
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"For public servers: you can add additional information here that will be "
+"listed at %s/siteinfo."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:945
+msgid "System language"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:946
+msgid "System theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:946
+msgid ""
+"Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - change theme settings "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:947
+msgid "Mobile system theme"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:947
+msgid "Theme for mobile devices"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:948
+msgid "SSL link policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:948
+msgid "Determines whether generated links should be forced to use SSL"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:949
+msgid "Force SSL"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:949
+msgid ""
+"Force all Non-SSL requests to SSL - Attention: on some systems it could lead "
+"to endless loops."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:950
+msgid "Old style 'Share'"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:950
+msgid "Deactivates the bbcode element 'share' for repeating items."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:951
+msgid "Hide help entry from navigation menu"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:951
+msgid ""
+"Hides the menu entry for the Help pages from the navigation menu. You can "
+"still access it calling /help directly."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:952
+msgid "Single user instance"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:952
+msgid "Make this instance multi-user or single-user for the named user"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:953
+msgid "Maximum image size"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:953
+msgid ""
+"Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:954
+msgid "Maximum image length"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:954
+msgid ""
+"Maximum length in pixels of the longest side of uploaded images. Default is "
+"-1, which means no limits."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:955
+msgid "JPEG image quality"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:955
+msgid ""
+"Uploaded JPEGS will be saved at this quality setting [0-100]. Default is "
+"100, which is full quality."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:957
+msgid "Register policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:958
+msgid "Maximum Daily Registrations"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:958
+msgid ""
+"If registration is permitted above, this sets the maximum number of new user "
+"registrations to accept per day. If register is set to closed, this setting "
+"has no effect."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:959
+msgid "Register text"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:959
+msgid "Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:960
+msgid "Accounts abandoned after x days"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:960
+msgid ""
+"Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded "
+"accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:961
+msgid "Allowed friend domains"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:961
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships "
+"with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:962
+msgid "Allowed email domains"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:962
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for "
+"registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:963
+msgid "Block public"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:963
+msgid ""
+"Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this "
+"site unless you are currently logged in."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:964
+msgid "Force publish"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:964
+msgid ""
+"Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:965
+msgid "Global directory URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:965
+msgid ""
+"URL to the global directory. If this is not set, the global directory is "
+"completely unavailable to the application."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:966
+msgid "Allow threaded items"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:966
+msgid "Allow infinite level threading for items on this site."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:967
+msgid "Private posts by default for new users"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:967
+msgid ""
+"Set default post permissions for all new members to the default privacy "
+"group rather than public."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:968
+msgid "Don't include post content in email notifications"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:968
+msgid ""
+"Don't include the content of a post/comment/private message/etc. in the "
+"email notifications that are sent out from this site, as a privacy measure."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:969
+msgid "Disallow public access to addons listed in the apps menu."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:969
+msgid ""
+"Checking this box will restrict addons listed in the apps menu to members "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:970
+msgid "Don't embed private images in posts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:970
+msgid ""
+"Don't replace locally-hosted private photos in posts with an embedded copy "
+"of the image. This means that contacts who receive posts containing private "
+"photos will have to authenticate and load each image, which may take a while."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:971
+msgid "Allow Users to set remote_self"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:971
+msgid ""
+"With checking this, every user is allowed to mark every contact as a "
+"remote_self in the repair contact dialog. Setting this flag on a contact "
+"causes mirroring every posting of that contact in the users stream."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:972
+msgid "Block multiple registrations"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:972
+msgid "Disallow users to register additional accounts for use as pages."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:973
+msgid "OpenID support"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:973
+msgid "OpenID support for registration and logins."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:974
+msgid "Fullname check"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:974
+msgid ""
+"Force users to register with a space between firstname and lastname in Full "
+"name, as an antispam measure"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:975
+msgid "UTF-8 Regular expressions"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:975
+msgid "Use PHP UTF8 regular expressions"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:976
+msgid "Community Page Style"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:976
+msgid ""
+"Type of community page to show. 'Global community' shows every public "
+"posting from an open distributed network that arrived on this server."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:977
+msgid "Posts per user on community page"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:977
+msgid ""
+"The maximum number of posts per user on the community page. (Not valid for "
+"'Global Community')"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:978
+msgid "Enable OStatus support"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:978
+msgid ""
+"Provide built-in OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social etc.) compatibility. All "
+"communications in OStatus are public, so privacy warnings will be "
+"occasionally displayed."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:979
+msgid "OStatus conversation completion interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:979
+msgid ""
+"How often shall the poller check for new entries in OStatus conversations? "
+"This can be a very ressource task."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:980
+msgid "Only import OStatus threads from our contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:980
+msgid ""
+"Normally we import every content from our OStatus contacts. With this option "
+"we only store threads that are started by a contact that is known on our "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:981
+msgid "OStatus support can only be enabled if threading is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:983
+msgid ""
+"Diaspora support can't be enabled because Friendica was installed into a sub "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:984
+msgid "Enable Diaspora support"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:984
+msgid "Provide built-in Diaspora network compatibility."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:985
+msgid "Only allow Friendica contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:985
+msgid ""
+"All contacts must use Friendica protocols. All other built-in communication "
+"protocols disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:986
+msgid "Verify SSL"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:986
+msgid ""
+"If you wish, you can turn on strict certificate checking. This will mean you "
+"cannot connect (at all) to self-signed SSL sites."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:987
+msgid "Proxy user"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:988
+msgid "Proxy URL"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:989
+msgid "Network timeout"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:989
+msgid "Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended)."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:990
+msgid "Delivery interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:990
+msgid ""
+"Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
+"load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 "
+"for large dedicated servers."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:991
+msgid "Poll interval"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:991
+msgid ""
+"Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
+"load. If 0, use delivery interval."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:992
+msgid "Maximum Load Average"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:992
+msgid ""
+"Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - "
+"default 50."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:993
+msgid "Maximum Load Average (Frontend)"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:993
+msgid "Maximum system load before the frontend quits service - default 50."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:994
+msgid "Maximum table size for optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:994
+msgid ""
+"Maximum table size (in MB) for the automatic optimization - default 100 MB. "
+"Enter -1 to disable it."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:995
+msgid "Minimum level of fragmentation"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:995
+msgid ""
+"Minimum fragmenation level to start the automatic optimization - default "
+"value is 30%."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:997
+msgid "Periodical check of global contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:997
+msgid ""
+"If enabled, the global contacts are checked periodically for missing or "
+"outdated data and the vitality of the contacts and servers."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:998
+msgid "Days between requery"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:998
+msgid "Number of days after which a server is requeried for his contacts."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:999
+msgid "Discover contacts from other servers"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:999
+msgid ""
+"Periodically query other servers for contacts. You can choose between "
+"'users': the users on the remote system, 'Global Contacts': active contacts "
+"that are known on the system. The fallback is meant for Redmatrix servers "
+"and older friendica servers, where global contacts weren't available. The "
+"fallback increases the server load, so the recommened setting is 'Users, "
+"Global Contacts'."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1000
+msgid "Timeframe for fetching global contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1000
+msgid ""
+"When the discovery is activated, this value defines the timeframe for the "
+"activity of the global contacts that are fetched from other servers."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1001
+msgid "Search the local directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1001
+msgid ""
+"Search the local directory instead of the global directory. When searching "
+"locally, every search will be executed on the global directory in the "
+"background. This improves the search results when the search is repeated."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1003
+msgid "Publish server information"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1003
+msgid ""
+"If enabled, general server and usage data will be published. The data "
+"contains the name and version of the server, number of users with public "
+"profiles, number of posts and the activated protocols and connectors. See the-federation.info for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1005
+msgid "Use MySQL full text engine"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1005
+msgid ""
+"Activates the full text engine. Speeds up search - but can only search for "
+"four and more characters."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1006
+msgid "Suppress Language"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1006
+msgid "Suppress language information in meta information about a posting."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1007
+msgid "Suppress Tags"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1007
+msgid "Suppress showing a list of hashtags at the end of the posting."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1008
+msgid "Path to item cache"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1008
+msgid "The item caches buffers generated bbcode and external images."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1009
+msgid "Cache duration in seconds"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1009
+msgid ""
+"How long should the cache files be hold? Default value is 86400 seconds (One "
+"day). To disable the item cache, set the value to -1."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1010
+msgid "Maximum numbers of comments per post"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1010
+msgid "How much comments should be shown for each post? Default value is 100."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1011
+msgid "Path for lock file"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1011
+msgid ""
+"The lock file is used to avoid multiple pollers at one time. Only define a "
+"folder here."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1012
+msgid "Temp path"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1012
+msgid ""
+"If you have a restricted system where the webserver can't access the system "
+"temp path, enter another path here."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1013
+msgid "Base path to installation"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1013
+msgid ""
+"If the system cannot detect the correct path to your installation, enter the "
+"correct path here. This setting should only be set if you are using a "
+"restricted system and symbolic links to your webroot."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1014
+msgid "Disable picture proxy"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1014
+msgid ""
+"The picture proxy increases performance and privacy. It shouldn't be used on "
+"systems with very low bandwith."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1015
+msgid "Enable old style pager"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1015
+msgid ""
+"The old style pager has page numbers but slows down massively the page speed."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1016
+msgid "Only search in tags"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1016
+msgid "On large systems the text search can slow down the system extremely."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1018
+msgid "New base url"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1018
+msgid ""
+"Change base url for this server. Sends relocate message to all DFRN contacts "
+"of all users."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1020
+msgid "RINO Encryption"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1020
+msgid "Encryption layer between nodes."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1021
+msgid "Embedly API key"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1021
+msgid ""
+"Embedly is used to fetch additional data for "
+"web pages. This is an optional parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1023
+msgid "Enable 'worker' background processing"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1023
+msgid ""
+"The worker background processing limits the number of parallel background "
+"jobs to a maximum number and respects the system load."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1024
+msgid "Maximum number of parallel workers"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1024
+msgid ""
+"On shared hosters set this to 2. On larger systems, values of 10 are great. "
+"Default value is 4."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1025
+msgid "Don't use 'proc_open' with the worker"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1025
+msgid ""
+"Enable this if your system doesn't allow the use of 'proc_open'. This can "
+"happen on shared hosters. If this is enabled you should increase the "
+"frequency of poller calls in your crontab."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1026
+msgid "Enable fastlane"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1026
+msgid ""
+"When enabed, the fastlane mechanism starts an additional worker if processes "
+"with higher priority are blocked by processes of lower priority."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1055
+msgid "Update has been marked successful"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1063
+#, php-format
+msgid "Database structure update %s was successfully applied."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1066
+#, php-format
+msgid "Executing of database structure update %s failed with error: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1078
+#, php-format
+msgid "Executing %s failed with error: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1081
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s was successfully applied."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1085
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1087
+#, php-format
+msgid "There was no additional update function %s that needed to be called."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1106
+msgid "No failed updates."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1107
+msgid "Check database structure"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1112
+msgid "Failed Updates"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1113
+msgid ""
+"This does not include updates prior to 1139, which did not return a status."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1114
+msgid "Mark success (if update was manually applied)"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1115
+msgid "Attempt to execute this update step automatically"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1149
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
+"\t\t\t\tthe administrator of %2$s has set up an account for you."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1152
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
+"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1$s\n"
+"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t\t%2$s\n"
+"\t\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after "
+"\t\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that "
+"\t\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default "
+"\t\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
+"\t\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
+"\t\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - "
+"\t\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more "
+"\t\t\tthan that.\n"
+"\t\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are "
+"\t\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
+"\t\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
+"\t\t\tThank you and welcome to %4$s."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1196
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s user blocked/unblocked"
+msgid_plural "%s users blocked/unblocked"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1203
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s user deleted"
+msgid_plural "%s users deleted"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1250
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' deleted"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1258
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' unblocked"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1258
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' blocked"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1367 mod/admin.php:1392
+msgid "Register date"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1367 mod/admin.php:1392
+msgid "Last login"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1367 mod/admin.php:1392
+msgid "Last item"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1367 mod/settings.php:43
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1376
+msgid "Add User"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1377
+msgid "select all"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1378
+msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1379
+msgid "User waiting for permanent deletion"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1380
+msgid "Request date"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1381
+msgid "No registrations."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1383
+msgid "Deny"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1385 mod/contacts.php:605 mod/contacts.php:805
+#: mod/contacts.php:992
+msgid "Block"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1386 mod/contacts.php:605 mod/contacts.php:805
+#: mod/contacts.php:992
+msgid "Unblock"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1387
+msgid "Site admin"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1388
+msgid "Account expired"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1391
+msgid "New User"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1392
+msgid "Deleted since"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1397
+msgid ""
+"Selected users will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these users had posted on "
+"this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1398
+msgid ""
+"The user {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this user has posted on this "
+"site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1408
+msgid "Name of the new user."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1409
+msgid "Nickname"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1409
+msgid "Nickname of the new user."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1410
+msgid "Email address of the new user."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1453
+#, php-format
+msgid "Plugin %s disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1457
+#, php-format
+msgid "Plugin %s enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1468 mod/admin.php:1704
+msgid "Disable"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1470 mod/admin.php:1706
+msgid "Enable"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1493 mod/admin.php:1751
+msgid "Toggle"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1501 mod/admin.php:1760
+msgid "Author: "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1502 mod/admin.php:1761
+msgid "Maintainer: "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1554
+msgid "Reload active plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1559
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"There are currently no plugins available on your node. You can find the "
+"official plugin repository at %1$s and might find other interesting plugins "
+"in the open plugin registry at %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1664
+msgid "No themes found."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1742
+msgid "Screenshot"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1802
+msgid "Reload active themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1807
+#, php-format
+msgid "No themes found on the system. They should be paced in %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1808
+msgid "[Experimental]"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1809
+msgid "[Unsupported]"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1833
+msgid "Log settings updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1865
+msgid "PHP log currently enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1867
+msgid "PHP log currently disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1876
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1881
+msgid "Enable Debugging"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1882
+msgid "Log file"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1882
+msgid ""
+"Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Friendica top-level "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1883
+msgid "Log level"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1886
+msgid "PHP logging"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1887
+msgid ""
+"To enable logging of PHP errors and warnings you can add the following to "
+"the .htconfig.php file of your installation. The filename set in the "
+"'error_log' line is relative to the friendica top-level directory and must "
+"be writeable by the web server. The option '1' for 'log_errors' and "
+"'display_errors' is to enable these options, set to '0' to disable them."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:2014 mod/admin.php:2015 mod/settings.php:776
+msgid "Off"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:2014 mod/admin.php:2015 mod/settings.php:776
+msgid "On"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:2015
+#, php-format
+msgid "Lock feature %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:2023
+msgid "Manage Additional Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/allfriends.php:43
+msgid "No friends to display."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/cal.php:149 mod/display.php:328 mod/profile.php:155
+msgid "Access to this profile has been restricted."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/cal.php:276 mod/events.php:380
+msgid "View"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/cal.php:277 mod/events.php:382
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/cal.php:278 mod/events.php:383 mod/install.php:231
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/cal.php:287 mod/events.php:392
+msgid "list"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/cal.php:297
+msgid "User not found"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/cal.php:313
+msgid "This calendar format is not supported"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/cal.php:315
+msgid "No exportable data found"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/cal.php:330
+msgid "calendar"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/common.php:86
+msgid "No contacts in common."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/common.php:134 mod/contacts.php:863
+msgid "Common Friends"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/community.php:27
+msgid "Not available."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:128
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d contact edited."
+msgid_plural "%d contacts edited."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:159 mod/contacts.php:368
+msgid "Could not access contact record."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:173
+msgid "Could not locate selected profile."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:206
+msgid "Contact updated."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:389
+msgid "Contact has been blocked"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:389
+msgid "Contact has been unblocked"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:400
+msgid "Contact has been ignored"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:400
+msgid "Contact has been unignored"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:412
+msgid "Contact has been archived"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:412
+msgid "Contact has been unarchived"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:437
+msgid "Drop contact"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:440 mod/contacts.php:801
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this contact?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:457
+msgid "Contact has been removed."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:498
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are mutual friends with %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:502
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are sharing with %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:507
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is sharing with you"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:527
+msgid "Private communications are not available for this contact."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:534
+msgid "(Update was successful)"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:534
+msgid "(Update was not successful)"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:536 mod/contacts.php:973
+msgid "Suggest friends"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:540
+#, php-format
+msgid "Network type: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:553
+msgid "Communications lost with this contact!"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:556
+msgid "Fetch further information for feeds"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:557
+msgid "Fetch information"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:557
+msgid "Fetch information and keywords"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:575
+msgid "Contact"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:578
+msgid "Profile Visibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:579
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your "
+"profile securely."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:580
+msgid "Contact Information / Notes"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:581
+msgid "Edit contact notes"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:587
+msgid "Block/Unblock contact"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:588
+msgid "Ignore contact"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:589
+msgid "Repair URL settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:590
+msgid "View conversations"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:596
+msgid "Last update:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:598
+msgid "Update public posts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:600 mod/contacts.php:983
+msgid "Update now"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:606 mod/contacts.php:806 mod/contacts.php:1000
+msgid "Unignore"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:610
+msgid "Currently blocked"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:611
+msgid "Currently ignored"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:612
+msgid "Currently archived"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:613
+msgid ""
+"Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:614
+msgid "Notification for new posts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:614
+msgid "Send a notification of every new post of this contact"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:617
+msgid "Blacklisted keywords"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:617
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, "
+"when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:635
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:638
+msgid "Contact Settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:684
+msgid "Suggestions"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:687
+msgid "Suggest potential friends"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:695
+msgid "Show all contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:700
+msgid "Unblocked"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:703
+msgid "Only show unblocked contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:709
+msgid "Blocked"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:712
+msgid "Only show blocked contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:718
+msgid "Ignored"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:721
+msgid "Only show ignored contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:727
+msgid "Archived"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:730
+msgid "Only show archived contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:736
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:739
+msgid "Only show hidden contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:796
+msgid "Search your contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:804 mod/settings.php:158 mod/settings.php:702
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:807 mod/contacts.php:1008
+msgid "Archive"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:807 mod/contacts.php:1008
+msgid "Unarchive"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:810
+msgid "Batch Actions"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:856
+msgid "View all contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:866
+msgid "View all common friends"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:873
+msgid "Advanced Contact Settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:916
+msgid "Mutual Friendship"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:920
+msgid "is a fan of yours"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:924
+msgid "you are a fan of"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:994
+msgid "Toggle Blocked status"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:1002
+msgid "Toggle Ignored status"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:1010
+msgid "Toggle Archive status"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:1018
+msgid "Delete contact"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/directory.php:197 view/theme/vier/theme.php:201
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:525
+msgid "Global Directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/directory.php:199
+msgid "Find on this site"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/directory.php:201
+msgid "Results for:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/directory.php:203
+msgid "Site Directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/directory.php:210
+msgid "No entries (some entries may be hidden)."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dirfind.php:36
+#, php-format
+msgid "People Search - %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dirfind.php:47
+#, php-format
+msgid "Forum Search - %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dirfind.php:240 mod/match.php:107
+msgid "No matches"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/display.php:473
+msgid "Item has been removed."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/events.php:95 mod/events.php:97
+msgid "Event can not end before it has started."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/events.php:104 mod/events.php:106
+msgid "Event title and start time are required."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/events.php:381
+msgid "Create New Event"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/events.php:482
+msgid "Event details"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/events.php:483
+msgid "Starting date and Title are required."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/events.php:484 mod/events.php:485
+msgid "Event Starts:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/events.php:486 mod/events.php:502
+msgid "Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/events.php:488 mod/events.php:489
+msgid "Event Finishes:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/events.php:490 mod/events.php:503
+msgid "Adjust for viewer timezone"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/events.php:492
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/events.php:496 mod/events.php:498
+msgid "Title:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/events.php:499 mod/events.php:500
+msgid "Share this event"
msgstr ""
#: mod/install.php:139
@@ -6252,7 +7128,7 @@ msgid ""
"or mysql."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:161 mod/install.php:230 mod/install.php:597
+#: mod/install.php:161 mod/install.php:230 mod/install.php:602
msgid "Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\"."
msgstr ""
@@ -6430,752 +7306,206 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "XML PHP module"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:424 mod/install.php:426
+#: mod/install.php:421
+msgid "iconv module"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/install.php:425 mod/install.php:427
msgid "Apache mod_rewrite module"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:424
+#: mod/install.php:425
msgid ""
"Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:432
+#: mod/install.php:433
msgid "Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:436
+#: mod/install.php:437
msgid ""
"Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:440
+#: mod/install.php:441
msgid "Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:444
+#: mod/install.php:445
msgid "Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:448
+#: mod/install.php:449
msgid "Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:452
+#: mod/install.php:453
msgid "Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:461
+#: mod/install.php:457
+msgid "Error: iconv PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/install.php:466
msgid ""
"If you are using php_cli, please make sure that mcrypt module is enabled in "
"its config file"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:464
+#: mod/install.php:469
msgid ""
"Function mcrypt_create_iv() is not defined. This is needed to enable RINO2 "
"encryption layer."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:466
+#: mod/install.php:471
msgid "mcrypt_create_iv() function"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:474
+#: mod/install.php:479
msgid "Error, XML PHP module required but not installed."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:489
+#: mod/install.php:494
msgid ""
"The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" "
"in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:490
+#: mod/install.php:495
msgid ""
"This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able "
"to write files in your folder - even if you can."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:491
+#: mod/install.php:496
msgid ""
"At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file "
"named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:492
+#: mod/install.php:497
msgid ""
"You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. "
"Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:495
+#: mod/install.php:500
msgid ".htconfig.php is writable"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:505
+#: mod/install.php:510
msgid ""
"Friendica uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 "
"compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:506
+#: mod/install.php:511
msgid ""
"In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have "
"write access to the directory view/smarty3/ under the Friendica top level "
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:507
+#: mod/install.php:512
msgid ""
"Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as (e.g. www-data) has "
"write access to this folder."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:508
+#: mod/install.php:513
msgid ""
"Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to "
"view/smarty3/ only--not the template files (.tpl) that it contains."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:511
+#: mod/install.php:516
msgid "view/smarty3 is writable"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:527
+#: mod/install.php:532
msgid ""
"Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:529
+#: mod/install.php:534
msgid "Url rewrite is working"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:546
+#: mod/install.php:551
msgid "ImageMagick PHP extension is installed"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:548
+#: mod/install.php:553
msgid "ImageMagick supports GIF"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:556
+#: mod/install.php:561
msgid ""
"The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. "
"Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web "
"server root."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:595
+#: mod/install.php:600
msgid "What next "
msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:596
+#: mod/install.php:601
msgid ""
"IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the poller."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/subthread.php:103
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is following %2$s's %3$s"
+#: mod/item.php:116
+msgid "Unable to locate original post."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/attach.php:8
-msgid "Item not available."
+#: mod/item.php:340
+msgid "Empty post discarded."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/attach.php:20
-msgid "Item was not found."
+#: mod/item.php:895
+msgid "System error. Post not saved."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:128
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d contact edited."
-msgid_plural "%d contacts edited."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:159 mod/contacts.php:368
-msgid "Could not access contact record."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:173
-msgid "Could not locate selected profile."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:206
-msgid "Contact updated."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:208 mod/dfrn_request.php:578
-msgid "Failed to update contact record."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:389
-msgid "Contact has been blocked"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:389
-msgid "Contact has been unblocked"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:400
-msgid "Contact has been ignored"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:400
-msgid "Contact has been unignored"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:412
-msgid "Contact has been archived"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:412
-msgid "Contact has been unarchived"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:439 mod/contacts.php:794
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this contact?"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:456
-msgid "Contact has been removed."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:497
-#, php-format
-msgid "You are mutual friends with %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:501
-#, php-format
-msgid "You are sharing with %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:506
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s is sharing with you"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:526
-msgid "Private communications are not available for this contact."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:533
-msgid "(Update was successful)"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:533
-msgid "(Update was not successful)"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:535 mod/contacts.php:973
-msgid "Suggest friends"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:539
-#, php-format
-msgid "Network type: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:552
-msgid "Communications lost with this contact!"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:555
-msgid "Fetch further information for feeds"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:556
-msgid "Fetch information"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:556
-msgid "Fetch information and keywords"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:576
-msgid "Profile Visibility"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:577
+#: mod/item.php:985
#, php-format
msgid ""
-"Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your "
-"profile securely."
+"This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social network."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:578
-msgid "Contact Information / Notes"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:579
-msgid "Edit contact notes"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:585
-msgid "Block/Unblock contact"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:586
-msgid "Ignore contact"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:587
-msgid "Repair URL settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:588
-msgid "View conversations"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:594
-msgid "Last update:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:596
-msgid "Update public posts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:598 mod/contacts.php:983
-msgid "Update now"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:604 mod/contacts.php:799 mod/contacts.php:1000
-msgid "Unignore"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:607
-msgid "Currently blocked"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:608
-msgid "Currently ignored"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:609
-msgid "Currently archived"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:610
-msgid ""
-"Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:611
-msgid "Notification for new posts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:611
-msgid "Send a notification of every new post of this contact"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:614
-msgid "Blacklisted keywords"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:614
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, "
-"when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:629
-msgid "Actions"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:632
-msgid "Contact Settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:677
-msgid "Suggestions"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:680
-msgid "Suggest potential friends"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:685 mod/group.php:192
-msgid "All Contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:688
-msgid "Show all contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:693
-msgid "Unblocked"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:696
-msgid "Only show unblocked contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:702
-msgid "Blocked"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:705
-msgid "Only show blocked contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:711
-msgid "Ignored"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:714
-msgid "Only show ignored contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:720
-msgid "Archived"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:723
-msgid "Only show archived contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:729
-msgid "Hidden"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:732
-msgid "Only show hidden contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:789
-msgid "Search your contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:797 mod/settings.php:158 mod/settings.php:689
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:800 mod/contacts.php:1008
-msgid "Archive"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:800 mod/contacts.php:1008
-msgid "Unarchive"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:803
-msgid "Batch Actions"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:849
-msgid "View all contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:856 mod/common.php:134
-msgid "Common Friends"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:859
-msgid "View all common friends"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:866
-msgid "Advanced Contact Settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:911
-msgid "Mutual Friendship"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:915
-msgid "is a fan of yours"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:919
-msgid "you are a fan of"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:994
-msgid "Toggle Blocked status"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:1002
-msgid "Toggle Ignored status"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:1010
-msgid "Toggle Archive status"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:1018
-msgid "Delete contact"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/follow.php:19 mod/dfrn_request.php:873
-msgid "Submit Request"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/follow.php:30
-msgid "You already added this contact."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/follow.php:39
-msgid "Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/follow.php:46
-msgid "OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/follow.php:53
-msgid "The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/follow.php:109 mod/dfrn_request.php:859
-msgid "Please answer the following:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/dfrn_request.php:860
+#: mod/item.php:987
#, php-format
-msgid "Does %s know you?"
+msgid "You may visit them online at %s"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/follow.php:111 mod/dfrn_request.php:864
-msgid "Add a personal note:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/follow.php:117 mod/dfrn_request.php:870
-msgid "Your Identity Address:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/follow.php:180
-msgid "Contact added"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/apps.php:11
-msgid "Applications"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/apps.php:14
-msgid "No installed applications."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/suggest.php:27
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/suggest.php:71
+#: mod/item.php:988
msgid ""
-"No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 "
+"Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to "
+"receive these messages."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/suggest.php:84 mod/suggest.php:104
-msgid "Ignore/Hide"
+#: mod/item.php:992
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s posted an update."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/p.php:9
-msgid "Not Extended"
+#: mod/maintenance.php:9
+msgid "System down for maintenance"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/display.php:471
-msgid "Item has been removed."
+#: mod/match.php:33
+msgid "No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/common.php:86
-msgid "No contacts in common."
+#: mod/match.php:86
+msgid "is interested in:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:6
-msgid "Welcome to Friendica"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:8
-msgid "New Member Checklist"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:12
-msgid ""
-"We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience "
-"enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page "
-"will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial "
-"registration and then will quietly disappear."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:14
-msgid "Getting Started"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:18
-msgid "Friendica Walk-Through"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:18
-msgid ""
-"On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your "
-"profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:26
-msgid "Go to Your Settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:26
-msgid ""
-"On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a "
-"note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and "
-"will be useful in making friends on the free social web."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:28
-msgid ""
-"Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished "
-"directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you "
-"should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and "
-"potential friends know exactly how to find you."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:36
-msgid ""
-"Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown "
-"that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make "
-"friends than people who do not."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:38
-msgid "Edit Your Profile"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:38
-msgid ""
-"Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the "
-"settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:40
-msgid "Profile Keywords"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:40
-msgid ""
-"Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your "
-"interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and "
-"suggest friendships."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:44
-msgid "Connecting"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:51
-msgid "Importing Emails"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:51
-msgid ""
-"Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you "
-"wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:53
-msgid "Go to Your Contacts Page"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:53
-msgid ""
-"Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting "
-"with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site "
-"URL in the Add New Contact dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:55
-msgid "Go to Your Site's Directory"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:55
-msgid ""
-"The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other "
-"federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on "
-"their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:57
-msgid "Finding New People"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:57
-msgid ""
-"On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new "
-"friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or "
-"interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand "
-"new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:65
-msgid "Group Your Contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:65
-msgid ""
-"Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation "
-"groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with "
-"each group privately on your Network page."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:68
-msgid "Why Aren't My Posts Public?"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:68
-msgid ""
-"Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to "
-"people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section "
-"from the link above."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:73
-msgid "Getting Help"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:77
-msgid "Go to the Help Section"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/newmember.php:77
-msgid ""
-"Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program "
-"features and resources."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/removeme.php:46 mod/removeme.php:49
-msgid "Remove My Account"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/removeme.php:47
-msgid ""
-"This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/removeme.php:48
-msgid "Please enter your password for verification:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/mood.php:133
-msgid "Mood"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/mood.php:134
-msgid "Set your current mood and tell your friends"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/editpost.php:17 mod/editpost.php:27
-msgid "Item not found"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/editpost.php:40
-msgid "Edit post"
+#: mod/match.php:100
+msgid "Profile Match"
msgstr ""
#: mod/network.php:398
@@ -7190,357 +7520,277 @@ msgstr[1] ""
msgid "Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/network.php:527
+#: mod/network.php:528
msgid "Private messages to this person are at risk of public disclosure."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/network.php:532
+#: mod/network.php:533
msgid "Invalid contact."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/network.php:825
+#: mod/network.php:826
msgid "Commented Order"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/network.php:828
+#: mod/network.php:829
msgid "Sort by Comment Date"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/network.php:833
+#: mod/network.php:834
msgid "Posted Order"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/network.php:836
+#: mod/network.php:837
msgid "Sort by Post Date"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/network.php:847
+#: mod/network.php:848
msgid "Posts that mention or involve you"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/network.php:855
+#: mod/network.php:856
msgid "New"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/network.php:858
+#: mod/network.php:859
msgid "Activity Stream - by date"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/network.php:866
+#: mod/network.php:867
msgid "Shared Links"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/network.php:869
+#: mod/network.php:870
msgid "Interesting Links"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/network.php:877
+#: mod/network.php:878
msgid "Starred"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/network.php:880
+#: mod/network.php:881
msgid "Favourite Posts"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/community.php:27
-msgid "Not available."
+#: mod/photos.php:88 mod/photos.php:1856
+msgid "Recent Photos"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/localtime.php:24
-msgid "Time Conversion"
+#: mod/photos.php:91 mod/photos.php:1283 mod/photos.php:1858
+msgid "Upload New Photos"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/localtime.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and "
-"friends in unknown timezones."
+#: mod/photos.php:105 mod/settings.php:36
+msgid "everybody"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/localtime.php:30
+#: mod/photos.php:169
+msgid "Contact information unavailable"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/photos.php:190
+msgid "Album not found."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/photos.php:220 mod/photos.php:232 mod/photos.php:1227
+msgid "Delete Album"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/photos.php:230
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/photos.php:308 mod/photos.php:319 mod/photos.php:1540
+msgid "Delete Photo"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/photos.php:317
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/photos.php:688
#, php-format
-msgid "UTC time: %s"
+msgid "%1$s was tagged in %2$s by %3$s"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/localtime.php:33
+#: mod/photos.php:688
+msgid "a photo"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/photos.php:794
+msgid "Image file is empty."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/photos.php:954
+msgid "No photos selected"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/photos.php:1054 mod/videos.php:305
+msgid "Access to this item is restricted."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/photos.php:1114
#, php-format
-msgid "Current timezone: %s"
+msgid "You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/localtime.php:36
-#, php-format
-msgid "Converted localtime: %s"
+#: mod/photos.php:1148
+msgid "Upload Photos"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/localtime.php:41
-msgid "Please select your timezone:"
+#: mod/photos.php:1152 mod/photos.php:1222
+msgid "New album name: "
msgstr ""
-#: mod/bookmarklet.php:41
-msgid "The post was created"
+#: mod/photos.php:1153
+msgid "or existing album name: "
msgstr ""
-#: mod/group.php:29
-msgid "Group created."
+#: mod/photos.php:1154
+msgid "Do not show a status post for this upload"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/group.php:35
-msgid "Could not create group."
+#: mod/photos.php:1165 mod/photos.php:1544 mod/settings.php:1295
+msgid "Show to Groups"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/group.php:47 mod/group.php:140
-msgid "Group not found."
+#: mod/photos.php:1166 mod/photos.php:1545 mod/settings.php:1296
+msgid "Show to Contacts"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/group.php:60
-msgid "Group name changed."
+#: mod/photos.php:1167
+msgid "Private Photo"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/group.php:87
-msgid "Save Group"
+#: mod/photos.php:1168
+msgid "Public Photo"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/group.php:93
-msgid "Create a group of contacts/friends."
+#: mod/photos.php:1234
+msgid "Edit Album"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/group.php:113
-msgid "Group removed."
+#: mod/photos.php:1240
+msgid "Show Newest First"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/group.php:115
-msgid "Unable to remove group."
+#: mod/photos.php:1242
+msgid "Show Oldest First"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/group.php:177
-msgid "Group Editor"
+#: mod/photos.php:1269 mod/photos.php:1841
+msgid "View Photo"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/group.php:190
-msgid "Members"
+#: mod/photos.php:1315
+msgid "Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:99
-msgid "This introduction has already been accepted."
+#: mod/photos.php:1317
+msgid "Photo not available"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:122 mod/dfrn_request.php:517
-msgid "Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."
+#: mod/photos.php:1372
+msgid "View photo"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:127 mod/dfrn_request.php:522
-msgid "Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."
+#: mod/photos.php:1372
+msgid "Edit photo"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:129 mod/dfrn_request.php:524
-msgid "Warning: profile location has no profile photo."
+#: mod/photos.php:1373
+msgid "Use as profile photo"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:132 mod/dfrn_request.php:527
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d required parameter was not found at the given location"
-msgid_plural "%d required parameters were not found at the given location"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:177
-msgid "Introduction complete."
+#: mod/photos.php:1398
+msgid "View Full Size"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:219
-msgid "Unrecoverable protocol error."
+#: mod/photos.php:1484
+msgid "Tags: "
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:247
-msgid "Profile unavailable."
+#: mod/photos.php:1487
+msgid "[Remove any tag]"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:272
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s has received too many connection requests today."
+#: mod/photos.php:1526
+msgid "New album name"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:273
-msgid "Spam protection measures have been invoked."
+#: mod/photos.php:1527
+msgid "Caption"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:274
-msgid "Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."
+#: mod/photos.php:1528
+msgid "Add a Tag"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:336
-msgid "Invalid locator"
+#: mod/photos.php:1528
+msgid "Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:345
-msgid "Invalid email address."
+#: mod/photos.php:1529
+msgid "Do not rotate"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:372
-msgid "This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."
+#: mod/photos.php:1530
+msgid "Rotate CW (right)"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:475
-msgid "You have already introduced yourself here."
+#: mod/photos.php:1531
+msgid "Rotate CCW (left)"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:479
-#, php-format
-msgid "Apparently you are already friends with %s."
+#: mod/photos.php:1546
+msgid "Private photo"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:500
-msgid "Invalid profile URL."
+#: mod/photos.php:1547
+msgid "Public photo"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:599
-msgid "Your introduction has been sent."
+#: mod/photos.php:1770
+msgid "Map"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:639
-msgid ""
-"Remote subscription can't be done for your network. Please subscribe "
-"directly on your system."
+#: mod/photos.php:1847 mod/videos.php:387
+msgid "View Album"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:662
-msgid "Please login to confirm introduction."
+#: mod/ping.php:234
+msgid "{0} wants to be your friend"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:672
-msgid ""
-"Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to this"
-"strong> profile."
+#: mod/ping.php:249
+msgid "{0} sent you a message"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:686 mod/dfrn_request.php:703
-msgid "Confirm"
+#: mod/ping.php:264
+msgid "{0} requested registration"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:698
-msgid "Hide this contact"
+#: mod/profile.php:179
+msgid "Tips for New Members"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:701
-#, php-format
-msgid "Welcome home %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:702
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:831
-msgid ""
-"Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported "
-"communications networks:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:852
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and join us today ."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:857
-msgid "Friend/Connection Request"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:858
-msgid ""
-"Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:867
-msgid "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:869
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:44
-msgid "Image uploaded but image cropping failed."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:77 mod/profile_photo.php:84 mod/profile_photo.php:91
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:314
-#, php-format
-msgid "Image size reduction [%s] failed."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:124
-msgid ""
-"Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not "
-"display immediately."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:134
-msgid "Unable to process image"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:248
-msgid "Upload File:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:249
-msgid "Select a profile:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:251
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
-msgid "or"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
-msgid "skip this step"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
-msgid "select a photo from your photo albums"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:268
-msgid "Crop Image"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:269
-msgid "Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:271
-msgid "Done Editing"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:305
-msgid "Image uploaded successfully."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/register.php:92
+#: mod/register.php:93
msgid ""
"Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/register.php:97
+#: mod/register.php:98
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Failed to send email message. Here your accout details: login: %s "
"password: %s You can change your password after login."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/register.php:104
+#: mod/register.php:105
msgid "Registration successful."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/register.php:110
+#: mod/register.php:111
msgid "Your registration can not be processed."
msgstr ""
@@ -7584,7 +7834,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Your Email Address: "
msgstr ""
-#: mod/register.php:274 mod/settings.php:1221
+#: mod/register.php:274 mod/settings.php:1266
msgid "New Password:"
msgstr ""
@@ -7592,7 +7842,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Leave empty for an auto generated password."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/register.php:275 mod/settings.php:1222
+#: mod/register.php:275 mod/settings.php:1267
msgid "Confirm:"
msgstr ""
@@ -7611,11 +7861,54 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Import your profile to this friendica instance"
msgstr ""
+#: mod/suggest.php:27
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/suggest.php:71
+msgid ""
+"No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/suggest.php:84 mod/suggest.php:104
+msgid "Ignore/Hide"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/update_community.php:19 mod/update_display.php:23
+#: mod/update_network.php:27 mod/update_notes.php:36 mod/update_profile.php:35
+msgid "[Embedded content - reload page to view]"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/videos.php:120
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this video?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/videos.php:125
+msgid "Delete Video"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/videos.php:204
+msgid "No videos selected"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/videos.php:396
+msgid "Recent Videos"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/videos.php:398
+msgid "Upload New Videos"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/viewcontacts.php:72
+msgid "No contacts."
+msgstr ""
#: mod/settings.php:60
msgid "Display"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:67 mod/settings.php:871
+#: mod/settings.php:67 mod/settings.php:884
msgid "Social Networks"
msgstr ""
@@ -7643,895 +7936,675 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Features updated"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:356
+#: mod/settings.php:357
msgid "Relocate message has been send to your contacts"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:375
+#: mod/settings.php:376
msgid "Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:383
+#: mod/settings.php:384
msgid "Wrong password."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:394
+#: mod/settings.php:395
msgid "Password changed."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:396
+#: mod/settings.php:397
msgid "Password update failed. Please try again."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:465
+#: mod/settings.php:477
msgid " Please use a shorter name."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:467
+#: mod/settings.php:479
msgid " Name too short."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:476
+#: mod/settings.php:488
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:481
+#: mod/settings.php:493
msgid " Not valid email."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:487
+#: mod/settings.php:499
msgid " Cannot change to that email."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:543
+#: mod/settings.php:555
msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions. Using default privacy group."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:547
+#: mod/settings.php:559
msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions and no default privacy group."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:586
+#: mod/settings.php:599
msgid "Settings updated."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:662 mod/settings.php:688 mod/settings.php:724
+#: mod/settings.php:675 mod/settings.php:701 mod/settings.php:737
msgid "Add application"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:666 mod/settings.php:692
+#: mod/settings.php:679 mod/settings.php:705
msgid "Consumer Key"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:667 mod/settings.php:693
+#: mod/settings.php:680 mod/settings.php:706
msgid "Consumer Secret"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:668 mod/settings.php:694
+#: mod/settings.php:681 mod/settings.php:707
msgid "Redirect"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:669 mod/settings.php:695
+#: mod/settings.php:682 mod/settings.php:708
msgid "Icon url"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:680
+#: mod/settings.php:693
msgid "You can't edit this application."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:723
+#: mod/settings.php:736
msgid "Connected Apps"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:727
+#: mod/settings.php:740
msgid "Client key starts with"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:728
+#: mod/settings.php:741
msgid "No name"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:729
+#: mod/settings.php:742
msgid "Remove authorization"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:741
+#: mod/settings.php:754
msgid "No Plugin settings configured"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:749
+#: mod/settings.php:762
msgid "Plugin Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:771
+#: mod/settings.php:784
msgid "Additional Features"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:781 mod/settings.php:785
+#: mod/settings.php:794 mod/settings.php:798
msgid "General Social Media Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:791
+#: mod/settings.php:804
msgid "Disable intelligent shortening"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:793
+#: mod/settings.php:806
msgid ""
"Normally the system tries to find the best link to add to shortened posts. "
"If this option is enabled then every shortened post will always point to the "
"original friendica post."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:799
+#: mod/settings.php:812
msgid "Automatically follow any GNU Social (OStatus) followers/mentioners"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:801
+#: mod/settings.php:814
msgid ""
"If you receive a message from an unknown OStatus user, this option decides "
"what to do. If it is checked, a new contact will be created for every "
"unknown user."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:807
+#: mod/settings.php:820
msgid "Default group for OStatus contacts"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:813
+#: mod/settings.php:826
msgid "Your legacy GNU Social account"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:815
+#: mod/settings.php:828
msgid ""
"If you enter your old GNU Social/Statusnet account name here (in the format "
"user@domain.tld), your contacts will be added automatically. The field will "
"be emptied when done."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:818
+#: mod/settings.php:831
msgid "Repair OStatus subscriptions"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:827 mod/settings.php:828
+#: mod/settings.php:840 mod/settings.php:841
#, php-format
msgid "Built-in support for %s connectivity is %s"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:827 mod/settings.php:828
+#: mod/settings.php:840 mod/settings.php:841
msgid "enabled"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:827 mod/settings.php:828
+#: mod/settings.php:840 mod/settings.php:841
msgid "disabled"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:828
+#: mod/settings.php:841
msgid "GNU Social (OStatus)"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:864
+#: mod/settings.php:877
msgid "Email access is disabled on this site."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:876
+#: mod/settings.php:889
msgid "Email/Mailbox Setup"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:877
+#: mod/settings.php:890
msgid ""
"If you wish to communicate with email contacts using this service "
"(optional), please specify how to connect to your mailbox."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:878
+#: mod/settings.php:891
msgid "Last successful email check:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:880
+#: mod/settings.php:893
msgid "IMAP server name:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:881
+#: mod/settings.php:894
msgid "IMAP port:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:882
+#: mod/settings.php:895
msgid "Security:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:882 mod/settings.php:887
+#: mod/settings.php:895 mod/settings.php:900
msgid "None"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:883
+#: mod/settings.php:896
msgid "Email login name:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:884
+#: mod/settings.php:897
msgid "Email password:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:885
+#: mod/settings.php:898
msgid "Reply-to address:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:886
+#: mod/settings.php:899
msgid "Send public posts to all email contacts:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:887
+#: mod/settings.php:900
msgid "Action after import:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:887
+#: mod/settings.php:900
msgid "Move to folder"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:888
+#: mod/settings.php:901
msgid "Move to folder:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:974
+#: mod/settings.php:990
msgid "Display Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:980 mod/settings.php:1001
+#: mod/settings.php:996 mod/settings.php:1018
msgid "Display Theme:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:981
+#: mod/settings.php:997
msgid "Mobile Theme:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:982
+#: mod/settings.php:998
msgid "Update browser every xx seconds"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:982
+#: mod/settings.php:998
msgid "Minimum of 10 seconds. Enter -1 to disable it."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:983
+#: mod/settings.php:999
msgid "Number of items to display per page:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:983 mod/settings.php:984
+#: mod/settings.php:999 mod/settings.php:1000
msgid "Maximum of 100 items"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:984
+#: mod/settings.php:1000
msgid "Number of items to display per page when viewed from mobile device:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:985
+#: mod/settings.php:1001
msgid "Don't show emoticons"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:986
+#: mod/settings.php:1002
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:987
+#: mod/settings.php:1003
msgid "Beginning of week:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:988
+#: mod/settings.php:1004
msgid "Don't show notices"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:989
+#: mod/settings.php:1005
msgid "Infinite scroll"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:990
+#: mod/settings.php:1006
msgid "Automatic updates only at the top of the network page"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:992
+#: mod/settings.php:1007
+msgid "Bandwith Saver Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1007
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, embedded content is not displayed on automatic updates, they "
+"only show on page reload."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1009
msgid "General Theme Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:993
+#: mod/settings.php:1010
msgid "Custom Theme Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:994
+#: mod/settings.php:1011
msgid "Content Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:995 view/theme/frio/config.php:61
+#: mod/settings.php:1012 view/theme/frio/config.php:61
#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:82 view/theme/quattro/config.php:66
#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:72 view/theme/vier/config.php:109
#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:150 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:61
msgid "Theme settings"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1072
-msgid "User Types"
+#: mod/settings.php:1094
+msgid "Account Types"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1073
-msgid "Community Types"
+#: mod/settings.php:1095
+msgid "Personal Page Subtypes"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1074
-msgid "Normal Account Page"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1075
-msgid "This account is a normal personal profile"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1078
-msgid "Soapbox Page"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1079
-msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1082
-msgid "Community Forum/Celebrity Account"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1083
-msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1086
-msgid "Automatic Friend Page"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1087
-msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1090
-msgid "Private Forum [Experimental]"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1091
-msgid "Private forum - approved members only"
+#: mod/settings.php:1096
+msgid "Community Forum Subtypes"
msgstr ""
#: mod/settings.php:1103
-msgid "OpenID:"
+msgid "Personal Page"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1103
-msgid "(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account."
+#: mod/settings.php:1104
+msgid "This account is a regular personal profile"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1113
-msgid "Publish your default profile in your local site directory?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1107
+msgid "Organisation Page"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1108
+msgid "This account is a profile for an organisation"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1111
+msgid "News Page"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1112
+msgid "This account is a news account/reflector"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1115
+msgid "Community Forum"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1116
+msgid ""
+"This account is a community forum where people can discuss with each other"
msgstr ""
#: mod/settings.php:1119
-msgid "Publish your default profile in the global social directory?"
+msgid "Normal Account Page"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1120
+msgid "This account is a normal personal profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1123
+msgid "Soapbox Page"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1124
+msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"
msgstr ""
#: mod/settings.php:1127
-msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of your default profile?"
+msgid "Public Forum"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1128
+msgid "Automatically approve all contact requests"
msgstr ""
#: mod/settings.php:1131
+msgid "Automatic Friend Page"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1132
+msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1135
+msgid "Private Forum [Experimental]"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1136
+msgid "Private forum - approved members only"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1148
+msgid "OpenID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1148
+msgid "(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1158
+msgid "Publish your default profile in your local site directory?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1164
+msgid "Publish your default profile in the global social directory?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1172
+msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of your default profile?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1176
msgid ""
"If enabled, posting public messages to Diaspora and other networks isn't "
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1136
+#: mod/settings.php:1181
msgid "Allow friends to post to your profile page?"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1142
+#: mod/settings.php:1187
msgid "Allow friends to tag your posts?"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1148
+#: mod/settings.php:1193
msgid "Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1154
+#: mod/settings.php:1199
msgid "Permit unknown people to send you private mail?"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1162
+#: mod/settings.php:1207
msgid "Profile is not published ."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1170
+#: mod/settings.php:1215
#, php-format
msgid "Your Identity Address is '%s' or '%s'."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1177
+#: mod/settings.php:1222
msgid "Automatically expire posts after this many days:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1177
+#: mod/settings.php:1222
msgid "If empty, posts will not expire. Expired posts will be deleted"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1178
+#: mod/settings.php:1223
msgid "Advanced expiration settings"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1179
+#: mod/settings.php:1224
msgid "Advanced Expiration"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1180
+#: mod/settings.php:1225
msgid "Expire posts:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1181
+#: mod/settings.php:1226
msgid "Expire personal notes:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1182
+#: mod/settings.php:1227
msgid "Expire starred posts:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1183
+#: mod/settings.php:1228
msgid "Expire photos:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1184
+#: mod/settings.php:1229
msgid "Only expire posts by others:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1212
+#: mod/settings.php:1257
msgid "Account Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1220
+#: mod/settings.php:1265
msgid "Password Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1222
+#: mod/settings.php:1267
msgid "Leave password fields blank unless changing"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1223
+#: mod/settings.php:1268
msgid "Current Password:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1223 mod/settings.php:1224
+#: mod/settings.php:1268 mod/settings.php:1269
msgid "Your current password to confirm the changes"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1224
+#: mod/settings.php:1269
msgid "Password:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1228
+#: mod/settings.php:1273
msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1230
+#: mod/settings.php:1275
msgid "Email Address:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1231
+#: mod/settings.php:1276
msgid "Your Timezone:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1232
+#: mod/settings.php:1277
msgid "Your Language:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1232
+#: mod/settings.php:1277
msgid ""
"Set the language we use to show you friendica interface and to send you "
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1233
+#: mod/settings.php:1278
msgid "Default Post Location:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1234
+#: mod/settings.php:1279
msgid "Use Browser Location:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1237
+#: mod/settings.php:1282
msgid "Security and Privacy Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1239
+#: mod/settings.php:1284
msgid "Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1239 mod/settings.php:1269
+#: mod/settings.php:1284 mod/settings.php:1314
msgid "(to prevent spam abuse)"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1240
+#: mod/settings.php:1285
msgid "Default Post Permissions"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1241
+#: mod/settings.php:1286
msgid "(click to open/close)"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1252
+#: mod/settings.php:1297
msgid "Default Private Post"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1253
+#: mod/settings.php:1298
msgid "Default Public Post"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1257
+#: mod/settings.php:1302
msgid "Default Permissions for New Posts"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1269
+#: mod/settings.php:1314
msgid "Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1272
+#: mod/settings.php:1317
msgid "Notification Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1273
+#: mod/settings.php:1318
msgid "By default post a status message when:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1274
+#: mod/settings.php:1319
msgid "accepting a friend request"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1275
+#: mod/settings.php:1320
msgid "joining a forum/community"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1276
+#: mod/settings.php:1321
msgid "making an interesting profile change"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1277
+#: mod/settings.php:1322
msgid "Send a notification email when:"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1278
+#: mod/settings.php:1323
msgid "You receive an introduction"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1279
+#: mod/settings.php:1324
msgid "Your introductions are confirmed"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1280
+#: mod/settings.php:1325
msgid "Someone writes on your profile wall"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1281
+#: mod/settings.php:1326
msgid "Someone writes a followup comment"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1282
+#: mod/settings.php:1327
msgid "You receive a private message"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1283
+#: mod/settings.php:1328
msgid "You receive a friend suggestion"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1284
+#: mod/settings.php:1329
msgid "You are tagged in a post"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1285
+#: mod/settings.php:1330
msgid "You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1287
+#: mod/settings.php:1332
msgid "Activate desktop notifications"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1287
+#: mod/settings.php:1332
msgid "Show desktop popup on new notifications"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1289
+#: mod/settings.php:1334
msgid "Text-only notification emails"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1291
+#: mod/settings.php:1336
msgid "Send text only notification emails, without the html part"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1293
+#: mod/settings.php:1338
msgid "Advanced Account/Page Type Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1294
+#: mod/settings.php:1339
msgid "Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1297
+#: mod/settings.php:1342
msgid "Relocate"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1298
+#: mod/settings.php:1343
msgid ""
"If you have moved this profile from another server, and some of your "
"contacts don't receive your updates, try pushing this button."
msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1299
+#: mod/settings.php:1344
msgid "Resend relocate message to contacts"
msgstr ""
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:42 mod/wallmessage.php:112
-#, php-format
-msgid "Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:56 mod/message.php:71
-msgid "No recipient selected."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:59
-msgid "Unable to check your home location."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:62 mod/message.php:78
-msgid "Message could not be sent."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:65 mod/message.php:81
-msgid "Message collection failure."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:68 mod/message.php:84
-msgid "Message sent."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:86 mod/wallmessage.php:95
-msgid "No recipient."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:142 mod/message.php:341
-msgid "Send Private Message"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:143
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on "
-"your site allow private mail from unknown senders."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:144 mod/message.php:342 mod/message.php:536
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:145 mod/message.php:347 mod/message.php:538
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/share.php:38
-msgid "link"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/api.php:76 mod/api.php:102
-msgid "Authorize application connection"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/api.php:77
-msgid "Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/api.php:89
-msgid "Please login to continue."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/api.php:104
-msgid ""
-"Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts, "
-"and/or create new posts for you?"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/babel.php:17
-msgid "Source (bbcode) text:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/babel.php:23
-msgid "Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/babel.php:31
-msgid "Source input: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/babel.php:35
-msgid "bb2html (raw HTML): "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/babel.php:39
-msgid "bb2html: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/babel.php:43
-msgid "bb2html2bb: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/babel.php:47
-msgid "bb2md: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/babel.php:51
-msgid "bb2md2html: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/babel.php:55
-msgid "bb2dia2bb: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/babel.php:59
-msgid "bb2md2html2bb: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/babel.php:69
-msgid "Source input (Diaspora format): "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/babel.php:74
-msgid "diaspora2bb: "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/item.php:116
-msgid "Unable to locate original post."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/item.php:334
-msgid "Empty post discarded."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/item.php:867
-msgid "System error. Post not saved."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/item.php:993
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social network."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/item.php:995
-#, php-format
-msgid "You may visit them online at %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/item.php:996
-msgid ""
-"Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to "
-"receive these messages."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/item.php:1000
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s posted an update."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:14
-msgid "Subscribing to OStatus contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:25
-msgid "No contact provided."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:30
-msgid "Couldn't fetch information for contact."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:38
-msgid "Couldn't fetch friends for contact."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:65
-msgid "success"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:67
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/dfrn_poll.php:104 mod/dfrn_poll.php:537
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s welcomes %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profile.php:179
-msgid "Tips for New Members"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/message.php:75
-msgid "Unable to locate contact information."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/message.php:215
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this message?"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/message.php:235
-msgid "Message deleted."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/message.php:266
-msgid "Conversation removed."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/message.php:383
-msgid "No messages."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/message.php:426
-msgid "Message not available."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/message.php:503
-msgid "Delete message"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/message.php:529 mod/message.php:609
-msgid "Delete conversation"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/message.php:531
-msgid ""
-"No secure communications available. You may be able to "
-"respond from the sender's profile page."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/message.php:535
-msgid "Send Reply"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/message.php:579
-#, php-format
-msgid "Unknown sender - %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/message.php:581
-#, php-format
-msgid "You and %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/message.php:583
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s and You"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/message.php:612
-msgid "D, d M Y - g:i A"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/message.php:615
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d message"
-msgid_plural "%d messages"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: mod/manage.php:139
-msgid "Manage Identities and/or Pages"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/manage.php:140
-msgid ""
-"Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share "
-"your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/manage.php:141
-msgid "Select an identity to manage: "
-msgstr ""
#: object/Item.php:370
msgid "via"
msgstr ""
@@ -8568,14 +8641,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Resize to best fit and retain aspect ratio."
msgstr ""
-#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:226
-msgid "Remote"
-msgstr ""
-#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:232
-msgid "Visitor"
-msgstr ""
#: view/theme/frio/config.php:42
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
@@ -8616,6 +8681,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Set the background image"
msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:226
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:232
+msgid "Visitor"
+msgstr ""
#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:83
msgid "Set resize level for images in posts and comments (width and height)"
msgstr ""
@@ -8790,3 +8863,56 @@ msgstr ""
#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:62
msgid "Variations"
msgstr ""
+#: index.php:447
+msgid "toggle mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: boot.php:968
+msgid "Delete this item?"
+msgstr ""
+#: boot.php:971
+msgid "show fewer"
+msgstr ""
+#: boot.php:1641
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s failed. See error logs."
+msgstr ""
+#: boot.php:1753
+msgid "Create a New Account"
+msgstr ""
+#: boot.php:1782
+msgid "Password: "
+msgstr ""
+#: boot.php:1783
+msgid "Remember me"
+msgstr ""
+#: boot.php:1786
+msgid "Or login using OpenID: "
+msgstr ""
+#: boot.php:1792
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr ""
+#: boot.php:1795
+msgid "Website Terms of Service"
+msgstr ""
+#: boot.php:1796
+msgid "terms of service"
+msgstr ""
+#: boot.php:1798
+msgid "Website Privacy Policy"
+msgstr ""
+#: boot.php:1799
+msgid "privacy policy"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/util/typo.php b/util/typo.php
index 0e2177c70..d68ac2ac9 100644
--- a/util/typo.php
+++ b/util/typo.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
foreach($files as $file) {
passthru("$phpath -l $file", $ret); $ret===0 or die();
echo "Directory: object\n";
$files = glob('object/*.php');
foreach($files as $file) {
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
echo 'util/strings.php' . "\n";
passthru("$phpath -l util/strings.php", $ret); $ret===0 or die();
- $files = glob('view/*/strings.php');
+ $files = glob('view/lang/*/strings.php');
foreach($files as $file) {
passthru("$phpath -l $file", $ret); $ret===0 or die();
diff --git a/view/global.css b/view/global.css
index 8f0b06507..bcf7174ea 100644
--- a/view/global.css
+++ b/view/global.css
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ a.btn, a.btn:hover {
background-color: #2d2d2d;
+.overline {
+ text-decoration: overline;
/* List of social Networks */
img.connector, img.connector-disabled {
height: 40px;
@@ -115,6 +119,7 @@ span.connector {
.embed_rich {
display: block;
+ transition: height .75s;
/* Shared Messages */
@@ -454,3 +459,8 @@ td.federation-data {
display: none;
margin: 10px 0;
+/* settings page */
+#settings-form .pageflags {
+ margin: 0 0 20px 30px;
diff --git a/view/bg/messages.po b/view/lang/bg/messages.po
similarity index 100%
rename from view/bg/messages.po
rename to view/lang/bg/messages.po
diff --git a/view/bg/strings.php b/view/lang/bg/strings.php
similarity index 100%
rename from view/bg/strings.php
rename to view/lang/bg/strings.php
diff --git a/view/ca/messages.po b/view/lang/ca/messages.po
similarity index 100%
rename from view/ca/messages.po
rename to view/lang/ca/messages.po
diff --git a/view/ca/strings.php b/view/lang/ca/strings.php
similarity index 100%
rename from view/ca/strings.php
rename to view/lang/ca/strings.php
diff --git a/view/cs/messages.po b/view/lang/cs/messages.po
similarity index 100%
rename from view/cs/messages.po
rename to view/lang/cs/messages.po
diff --git a/view/cs/strings.php b/view/lang/cs/strings.php
similarity index 100%
rename from view/cs/strings.php
rename to view/lang/cs/strings.php
diff --git a/view/de/messages.po b/view/lang/de/messages.po
similarity index 83%
rename from view/de/messages.po
rename to view/lang/de/messages.po
index 3314bf593..a5ad4627a 100644
--- a/view/de/messages.po
+++ b/view/lang/de/messages.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Translators:
# Andreas H., 2015
# Andreas H., 2015-2016
-# bavatar , 2011
+# Tobias Diekershoff , 2011
# David Rabel , 2016
# Erkan Yilmaz , 2011
# Fabian Dost , 2012
@@ -22,20 +22,22 @@
# Matthias Moritz , 2012
# Oliver , 2015
# Oliver , 2012
+# rabuzarus , 2016
# Sennewood , 2013
# Sennewood , 2012-2013
# silke m , 2015
-# bavatar , 2013-2016
-# bavatar , 2011-2013
+# Tobias Diekershoff , 2013-2016
+# Tobias Diekershoff , 2011-2013
+# Tobias Diekershoff , 2016
# zottel , 2011-2012
# tschlotfeldt , 2011
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: friendica\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-07-08 19:22+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-17 10:34+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: David Rabel \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-11-10 15:43+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-11 10:10+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Andreas H.\n"
"Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.com/Friendica/friendica/language/de/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -43,185 +45,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Language: de\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: boot.php:887
-msgid "Delete this item?"
-msgstr "Diesen Beitrag löschen?"
-#: boot.php:888 mod/content.php:727 mod/content.php:945 mod/photos.php:1616
-#: mod/photos.php:1664 mod/photos.php:1752 object/Item.php:403
-#: object/Item.php:719
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Kommentar"
-#: boot.php:889 include/contact_widgets.php:242 include/ForumManager.php:119
-#: include/items.php:2122 mod/content.php:624 object/Item.php:432
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:260
-msgid "show more"
-msgstr "mehr anzeigen"
-#: boot.php:890
-msgid "show fewer"
-msgstr "weniger anzeigen"
-#: boot.php:1483
-#, php-format
-msgid "Update %s failed. See error logs."
-msgstr "Update %s fehlgeschlagen. Bitte Fehlerprotokoll überprüfen."
-#: boot.php:1595
-msgid "Create a New Account"
-msgstr "Neues Konto erstellen"
-#: boot.php:1596 include/nav.php:111 mod/register.php:280
-msgid "Register"
-msgstr "Registrieren"
-#: boot.php:1620 include/nav.php:75 view/theme/frio/theme.php:243
-msgid "Logout"
-msgstr "Abmelden"
-#: boot.php:1621 include/nav.php:94 mod/bookmarklet.php:12
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "Anmeldung"
-#: boot.php:1623 mod/lostpass.php:161
-msgid "Nickname or Email: "
-msgstr "Spitzname oder E-Mail:"
-#: boot.php:1624
-msgid "Password: "
-msgstr "Passwort: "
-#: boot.php:1625
-msgid "Remember me"
-msgstr "Anmeldedaten merken"
-#: boot.php:1628
-msgid "Or login using OpenID: "
-msgstr "Oder melde Dich mit Deiner OpenID an: "
-#: boot.php:1634
-msgid "Forgot your password?"
-msgstr "Passwort vergessen?"
-#: boot.php:1635 mod/lostpass.php:109
-msgid "Password Reset"
-msgstr "Passwort zurücksetzen"
-#: boot.php:1637
-msgid "Website Terms of Service"
-msgstr "Website Nutzungsbedingungen"
-#: boot.php:1638
-msgid "terms of service"
-msgstr "Nutzungsbedingungen"
-#: boot.php:1640
-msgid "Website Privacy Policy"
-msgstr "Website Datenschutzerklärung"
-#: boot.php:1641
-msgid "privacy policy"
-msgstr "Datenschutzerklärung"
-#: include/datetime.php:57 include/datetime.php:59 mod/profiles.php:698
-msgid "Miscellaneous"
-msgstr "Verschiedenes"
-#: include/datetime.php:183 include/identity.php:627
-msgid "Birthday:"
-msgstr "Geburtstag:"
-#: include/datetime.php:185 mod/profiles.php:721
-msgid "Age: "
-msgstr "Alter: "
-#: include/datetime.php:187
-msgid "YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"
-msgstr "YYYY-MM-DD oder MM-DD"
-#: include/datetime.php:341
-msgid "never"
-msgstr "nie"
-#: include/datetime.php:347
-msgid "less than a second ago"
-msgstr "vor weniger als einer Sekunde"
-#: include/datetime.php:357
-msgid "year"
-msgstr "Jahr"
-#: include/datetime.php:357
-msgid "years"
-msgstr "Jahre"
-#: include/datetime.php:358 include/event.php:480 mod/events.php:389
-#: mod/cal.php:287
-msgid "month"
-msgstr "Monat"
-#: include/datetime.php:358
-msgid "months"
-msgstr "Monate"
-#: include/datetime.php:359 include/event.php:481 mod/events.php:390
-#: mod/cal.php:288
-msgid "week"
-msgstr "Woche"
-#: include/datetime.php:359
-msgid "weeks"
-msgstr "Wochen"
-#: include/datetime.php:360 include/event.php:482 mod/events.php:391
-#: mod/cal.php:289
-msgid "day"
-msgstr "Tag"
-#: include/datetime.php:360
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "Tage"
-#: include/datetime.php:361
-msgid "hour"
-msgstr "Stunde"
-#: include/datetime.php:361
-msgid "hours"
-msgstr "Stunden"
-#: include/datetime.php:362
-msgid "minute"
-msgstr "Minute"
-#: include/datetime.php:362
-msgid "minutes"
-msgstr "Minuten"
-#: include/datetime.php:363
-msgid "second"
-msgstr "Sekunde"
-#: include/datetime.php:363
-msgid "seconds"
-msgstr "Sekunden"
-#: include/datetime.php:372
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$d %2$s ago"
-msgstr "%1$d %2$s her"
-#: include/datetime.php:578
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s's birthday"
-msgstr "%ss Geburtstag"
-#: include/datetime.php:579 include/dfrn.php:1111
-#, php-format
-msgid "Happy Birthday %s"
-msgstr "Herzlichen Glückwunsch %s"
#: include/contact_widgets.php:6
msgid "Add New Contact"
msgstr "Neuen Kontakt hinzufügen"
@@ -234,8 +57,9 @@ msgstr "Adresse oder Web-Link eingeben"
msgid "Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"
msgstr "Beispiel: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"
-#: include/contact_widgets.php:10 include/identity.php:212 mod/dirfind.php:201
-#: mod/match.php:87 mod/allfriends.php:82 mod/suggest.php:101
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:10 include/identity.php:218
+#: mod/allfriends.php:82 mod/dirfind.php:201 mod/match.php:87
+#: mod/suggest.php:101
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Verbinden"
@@ -254,9 +78,9 @@ msgstr "Leute finden"
msgid "Enter name or interest"
msgstr "Name oder Interessen eingeben"
-#: include/contact_widgets.php:32 include/conversation.php:978
-#: include/Contact.php:324 mod/dirfind.php:204 mod/match.php:72
-#: mod/allfriends.php:66 mod/contacts.php:600 mod/follow.php:103
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:32 include/conversation.php:981
+#: include/Contact.php:347 mod/follow.php:103 mod/allfriends.php:66
+#: mod/contacts.php:602 mod/dirfind.php:204 mod/match.php:72
#: mod/suggest.php:83
msgid "Connect/Follow"
msgstr "Verbinden/Folgen"
@@ -265,7 +89,7 @@ msgstr "Verbinden/Folgen"
msgid "Examples: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing"
msgstr "Beispiel: Robert Morgenstein, Angeln"
-#: include/contact_widgets.php:34 mod/directory.php:212 mod/contacts.php:791
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:34 mod/contacts.php:798 mod/directory.php:204
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Finde"
@@ -315,6 +139,1608 @@ msgid_plural "%d contacts in common"
msgstr[0] "%d gemeinsamer Kontakt"
msgstr[1] "%d gemeinsame Kontakte"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:242 include/ForumManager.php:119
+#: include/items.php:2188 mod/content.php:624 object/Item.php:432
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:260 boot.php:970
+msgid "show more"
+msgstr "mehr anzeigen"
+#: include/ForumManager.php:114 include/nav.php:131 include/text.php:1025
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:255
+msgid "Forums"
+msgstr "Foren"
+#: include/ForumManager.php:116 view/theme/vier/theme.php:257
+msgid "External link to forum"
+msgstr "Externer Link zum Forum"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Male"
+msgstr "Männlich"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Female"
+msgstr "Weiblich"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Currently Male"
+msgstr "Momentan männlich"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Currently Female"
+msgstr "Momentan weiblich"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Mostly Male"
+msgstr "Hauptsächlich männlich"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Mostly Female"
+msgstr "Hauptsächlich weiblich"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Transgender"
+msgstr "Transgender"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Intersex"
+msgstr "Intersex"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Transsexual"
+msgstr "Transsexuell"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Hermaphrodite"
+msgstr "Hermaphrodit"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Neuter"
+msgstr "Neuter"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Non-specific"
+msgstr "Nicht spezifiziert"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Andere"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6 include/conversation.php:1483
+msgid "Undecided"
+msgid_plural "Undecided"
+msgstr[0] "Unentschieden"
+msgstr[1] "Unentschieden"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Males"
+msgstr "Männer"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Females"
+msgstr "Frauen"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Gay"
+msgstr "Schwul"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Lesbian"
+msgstr "Lesbisch"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "No Preference"
+msgstr "Keine Vorlieben"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Bisexual"
+msgstr "Bisexuell"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Autosexual"
+msgstr "Autosexual"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Abstinent"
+msgstr "Abstinent"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Virgin"
+msgstr "Jungfrauen"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Deviant"
+msgstr "Deviant"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Fetish"
+msgstr "Fetish"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Oodles"
+msgstr "Oodles"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Nonsexual"
+msgstr "Nonsexual"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Single"
+msgstr "Single"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Lonely"
+msgstr "Einsam"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Available"
+msgstr "Verfügbar"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Unavailable"
+msgstr "Nicht verfügbar"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Has crush"
+msgstr "verknallt"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Infatuated"
+msgstr "verliebt"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Dating"
+msgstr "Dating"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Unfaithful"
+msgstr "Untreu"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Sex Addict"
+msgstr "Sexbesessen"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42 include/user.php:299 include/user.php:303
+msgid "Friends"
+msgstr "Kontakte"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Friends/Benefits"
+msgstr "Freunde/Zuwendungen"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Casual"
+msgstr "Casual"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Engaged"
+msgstr "Verlobt"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Married"
+msgstr "Verheiratet"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Imaginarily married"
+msgstr "imaginär verheiratet"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Partners"
+msgstr "Partner"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Cohabiting"
+msgstr "zusammenlebend"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Common law"
+msgstr "wilde Ehe"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Happy"
+msgstr "Glücklich"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Not looking"
+msgstr "Nicht auf der Suche"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Swinger"
+msgstr "Swinger"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Betrayed"
+msgstr "Betrogen"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Separated"
+msgstr "Getrennt"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Unstable"
+msgstr "Unstabil"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Divorced"
+msgstr "Geschieden"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Imaginarily divorced"
+msgstr "imaginär geschieden"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Widowed"
+msgstr "Verwitwet"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Uncertain"
+msgstr "Unsicher"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "It's complicated"
+msgstr "Ist kompliziert"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Don't care"
+msgstr "Ist mir nicht wichtig"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Ask me"
+msgstr "Frag mich"
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:148 include/event.php:16 mod/localtime.php:12
+msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
+msgstr "l, d. F Y\\, H:i"
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:154 include/event.php:33 include/event.php:51
+#: include/event.php:487
+msgid "Starts:"
+msgstr "Beginnt:"
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:162 include/event.php:36 include/event.php:57
+#: include/event.php:488
+msgid "Finishes:"
+msgstr "Endet:"
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:170 include/event.php:39 include/event.php:63
+#: include/event.php:489 include/identity.php:328 mod/notifications.php:232
+#: mod/contacts.php:628 mod/directory.php:137 mod/events.php:494
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Ort:"
+#: include/dba_pdo.php:72 include/dba.php:56
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
+msgstr "Kann die DNS Informationen für den Datenbankserver '%s' nicht ermitteln."
+#: include/auth.php:45
+msgid "Logged out."
+msgstr "Abgemeldet."
+#: include/auth.php:116 include/auth.php:178 mod/openid.php:100
+msgid "Login failed."
+msgstr "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen."
+#: include/auth.php:132 include/user.php:75
+msgid ""
+"We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. "
+"Please check the correct spelling of the ID."
+msgstr "Beim Versuch Dich mit der von Dir angegebenen OpenID anzumelden trat ein Problem auf. Bitte überprüfe, dass Du die OpenID richtig geschrieben hast."
+#: include/auth.php:132 include/user.php:75
+msgid "The error message was:"
+msgstr "Die Fehlermeldung lautete:"
+#: include/group.php:25
+msgid ""
+"A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions "
+"may apply to this group and any future members. If this is "
+"not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."
+msgstr "Eine gelöschte Gruppe mit diesem Namen wurde wiederbelebt. Bestehende Berechtigungseinstellungen könnten auf diese Gruppe oder zukünftige Mitglieder angewandt werden. Falls Du dies nicht möchtest, erstelle bitte eine andere Gruppe mit einem anderen Namen."
+#: include/group.php:209
+msgid "Default privacy group for new contacts"
+msgstr "Voreingestellte Gruppe für neue Kontakte"
+#: include/group.php:242
+msgid "Everybody"
+msgstr "Alle Kontakte"
+#: include/group.php:265
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "bearbeiten"
+#: include/group.php:286 mod/newmember.php:61
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Gruppen"
+#: include/group.php:288
+msgid "Edit groups"
+msgstr "Gruppen bearbeiten"
+#: include/group.php:290
+msgid "Edit group"
+msgstr "Gruppe bearbeiten"
+#: include/group.php:291
+msgid "Create a new group"
+msgstr "Neue Gruppe erstellen"
+#: include/group.php:292 mod/group.php:94 mod/group.php:178
+msgid "Group Name: "
+msgstr "Gruppenname:"
+#: include/group.php:294
+msgid "Contacts not in any group"
+msgstr "Kontakte in keiner Gruppe"
+#: include/group.php:296 mod/network.php:201
+msgid "add"
+msgstr "hinzufügen"
+#: include/user.php:39 mod/settings.php:371
+msgid "Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."
+msgstr "Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein. Das Passwort bleibt unverändert."
+#: include/user.php:48
+msgid "An invitation is required."
+msgstr "Du benötigst eine Einladung."
+#: include/user.php:53
+msgid "Invitation could not be verified."
+msgstr "Die Einladung konnte nicht überprüft werden."
+#: include/user.php:61
+msgid "Invalid OpenID url"
+msgstr "Ungültige OpenID URL"
+#: include/user.php:82
+msgid "Please enter the required information."
+msgstr "Bitte trage die erforderlichen Informationen ein."
+#: include/user.php:96
+msgid "Please use a shorter name."
+msgstr "Bitte verwende einen kürzeren Namen."
+#: include/user.php:98
+msgid "Name too short."
+msgstr "Der Name ist zu kurz."
+#: include/user.php:113
+msgid "That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."
+msgstr "Das scheint nicht Dein kompletter Name (Vor- und Nachname) zu sein."
+#: include/user.php:118
+msgid "Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."
+msgstr "Die Domain Deiner E-Mail Adresse ist auf dieser Seite nicht erlaubt."
+#: include/user.php:121
+msgid "Not a valid email address."
+msgstr "Keine gültige E-Mail-Adresse."
+#: include/user.php:134
+msgid "Cannot use that email."
+msgstr "Konnte diese E-Mail-Adresse nicht verwenden."
+#: include/user.php:140
+msgid "Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."
+msgstr "Dein Spitzname darf nur aus Buchstaben und Zahlen (\"a-z\",\"0-9\" und \"_\") bestehen."
+#: include/user.php:147 include/user.php:245
+msgid "Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."
+msgstr "Dieser Spitzname ist bereits vergeben. Bitte wähle einen anderen."
+#: include/user.php:157
+msgid ""
+"Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose "
+msgstr "Dieser Spitzname ist bereits vergeben. Bitte wähle einen anderen."
+#: include/user.php:173
+msgid "SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."
+msgstr "FATALER FEHLER: Sicherheitsschlüssel konnten nicht erzeugt werden."
+#: include/user.php:231
+msgid "An error occurred during registration. Please try again."
+msgstr "Während der Anmeldung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
+#: include/user.php:256 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:44
+msgid "default"
+msgstr "Standard"
+#: include/user.php:266
+msgid "An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."
+msgstr "Bei der Erstellung des Standardprofils ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
+#: include/user.php:345 include/user.php:352 include/user.php:359
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:74 mod/profile_photo.php:81 mod/profile_photo.php:88
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:210 mod/profile_photo.php:302
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:311 mod/photos.php:66 mod/photos.php:180
+#: mod/photos.php:751 mod/photos.php:1211 mod/photos.php:1232
+#: mod/photos.php:1819 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:500
+msgid "Profile Photos"
+msgstr "Profilbilder"
+#: include/user.php:387
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
+"\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2$s. Your account has been created.\n"
+msgstr "\nHallo %1$s,\n\ndanke für Deine Registrierung auf %2$s. Dein Account wurde eingerichtet."
+#: include/user.php:391
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
+"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3$s\n"
+"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1$s\n"
+"\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n"
+"\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n"
+"\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n"
+"\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
+"\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
+"\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n"
+"\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n"
+"\t\tthan that.\n"
+"\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n"
+"\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
+"\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
+"\t\tThank you and welcome to %2$s."
+msgstr "\nDie Anmelde-Details sind die folgenden:\n\tAdresse der Seite:\t%3$s\n\tBenutzernamename:\t%1$s\n\tPasswort:\t%5$s\n\nDu kannst Dein Passwort unter \"Einstellungen\" ändern, sobald Du Dich\nangemeldet hast.\n\nBitte nimm Dir ein paar Minuten um die anderen Einstellungen auf dieser\nSeite zu kontrollieren.\n\nEventuell magst Du ja auch einige Informationen über Dich in Deinem\nProfil veröffentlichen, damit andere Leute Dich einfacher finden können.\nBearbeite hierfür einfach Dein Standard-Profil (über die Profil-Seite).\n\nWir empfehlen Dir, Deinen kompletten Namen anzugeben und ein zu Dir\npassendes Profilbild zu wählen, damit Dich alte Bekannte wieder finden.\nAußerdem ist es nützlich, wenn Du auf Deinem Profil Schlüsselwörter\nangibst. Das erleichtert es, Leute zu finden, die Deine Interessen teilen.\n\nWir respektieren Deine Privatsphäre - keine dieser Angaben ist nötig.\nWenn Du neu im Netzwerk bist und noch niemanden kennst, dann können sie\nallerdings dabei helfen, neue und interessante Kontakte zu knüpfen.\n\nDanke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit und willkommen auf %2$s."
+#: include/user.php:423 mod/admin.php:1184
+#, php-format
+msgid "Registration details for %s"
+msgstr "Details der Registration von %s"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:32
+msgid "Unknown | Not categorised"
+msgstr "Unbekannt | Nicht kategorisiert"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:33
+msgid "Block immediately"
+msgstr "Sofort blockieren"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:34
+msgid "Shady, spammer, self-marketer"
+msgstr "Zwielichtig, Spammer, Selbstdarsteller"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:35
+msgid "Known to me, but no opinion"
+msgstr "Ist mir bekannt, hab aber keine Meinung"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:36
+msgid "OK, probably harmless"
+msgstr "OK, wahrscheinlich harmlos"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:37
+msgid "Reputable, has my trust"
+msgstr "Seriös, hat mein Vertrauen"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:56 mod/admin.php:862
+msgid "Frequently"
+msgstr "immer wieder"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:57 mod/admin.php:863
+msgid "Hourly"
+msgstr "Stündlich"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:58 mod/admin.php:864
+msgid "Twice daily"
+msgstr "Zweimal täglich"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:59 mod/admin.php:865
+msgid "Daily"
+msgstr "Täglich"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:60
+msgid "Weekly"
+msgstr "Wöchentlich"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:61
+msgid "Monthly"
+msgstr "Monatlich"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:76 mod/dfrn_request.php:867
+msgid "Friendica"
+msgstr "Friendica"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:77
+msgid "OStatus"
+msgstr "OStatus"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:78
+msgid "RSS/Atom"
+msgstr "RSS/Atom"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:79 include/contact_selectors.php:86
+#: mod/admin.php:1367 mod/admin.php:1380 mod/admin.php:1392 mod/admin.php:1410
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "E-Mail"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:80 mod/dfrn_request.php:869
+#: mod/settings.php:840
+msgid "Diaspora"
+msgstr "Diaspora"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:81
+msgid "Facebook"
+msgstr "Facebook"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:82
+msgid "Zot!"
+msgstr "Zott"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:83
+msgid "LinkedIn"
+msgstr "LinkedIn"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:84
+msgid "XMPP/IM"
+msgstr "XMPP/Chat"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:85
+msgid "MySpace"
+msgstr "MySpace"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:87
+msgid "Google+"
+msgstr "Google+"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:88
+msgid "pump.io"
+msgstr "pump.io"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:89
+msgid "Twitter"
+msgstr "Twitter"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:90
+msgid "Diaspora Connector"
+msgstr "Diaspora"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:91
+msgid "GNU Social"
+msgstr "GNU Social"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:92
+msgid "App.net"
+msgstr "App.net"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:103
+msgid "Hubzilla/Redmatrix"
+msgstr "Hubzilla/Redmatrix"
+#: include/network.php:595
+msgid "view full size"
+msgstr "Volle Größe anzeigen"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:327
+msgid "Post to Email"
+msgstr "An E-Mail senden"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:332
+#, php-format
+msgid "Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."
+msgstr "Konnektoren sind nicht verfügbar, da \"%s\" aktiv ist."
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:333 mod/settings.php:1176
+msgid "Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"
+msgstr "Profil-Details vor unbekannten Betrachtern verbergen?"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:338
+msgid "Visible to everybody"
+msgstr "Für jeden sichtbar"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:339 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
+msgid "show"
+msgstr "zeigen"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:340 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
+msgid "don't show"
+msgstr "nicht zeigen"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:346 mod/editpost.php:133
+msgid "CC: email addresses"
+msgstr "Cc: E-Mail-Addressen"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:347 mod/editpost.php:140
+msgid "Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"
+msgstr "Z.B.: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:349 mod/events.php:509 mod/photos.php:1156
+#: mod/photos.php:1535
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Berechtigungen"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:350
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Schließen"
+#: include/like.php:163 include/conversation.php:130
+#: include/conversation.php:266 include/text.php:1808 mod/subthread.php:87
+#: mod/tagger.php:62 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:471
+msgid "photo"
+msgstr "Foto"
+#: include/like.php:163 include/diaspora.php:1402 include/conversation.php:125
+#: include/conversation.php:134 include/conversation.php:261
+#: include/conversation.php:270 mod/subthread.php:87 mod/tagger.php:62
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:466 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:475
+msgid "status"
+msgstr "Status"
+#: include/like.php:165 include/conversation.php:122
+#: include/conversation.php:258 include/text.php:1806
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:463
+msgid "event"
+msgstr "Event"
+#: include/like.php:182 include/diaspora.php:1398 include/conversation.php:141
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:480
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s mag %2$ss %3$s"
+#: include/like.php:184 include/conversation.php:144
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s doesn't like %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s mag %2$ss %3$s nicht"
+#: include/like.php:186
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is attending %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s nimmt an %2$ss %3$s teil."
+#: include/like.php:188
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is not attending %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s nimmt nicht an %2$ss %3$s teil."
+#: include/like.php:190
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s may attend %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s nimmt eventuell an %2$ss %3$s teil."
+#: include/message.php:15 include/message.php:173
+msgid "[no subject]"
+msgstr "[kein Betreff]"
+#: include/message.php:145 include/Photo.php:1045 include/Photo.php:1061
+#: include/Photo.php:1069 include/Photo.php:1094 mod/wall_upload.php:218
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:232 mod/wall_upload.php:239 mod/item.php:477
+msgid "Wall Photos"
+msgstr "Pinnwand-Bilder"
+#: include/plugin.php:526 include/plugin.php:528
+msgid "Click here to upgrade."
+msgstr "Zum Upgraden hier klicken."
+#: include/plugin.php:534
+msgid "This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."
+msgstr "Diese Aktion überschreitet die Obergrenze Deines Abonnements."
+#: include/plugin.php:539
+msgid "This action is not available under your subscription plan."
+msgstr "Diese Aktion ist in Deinem Abonnement nicht verfügbar."
+#: include/uimport.php:94
+msgid "Error decoding account file"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Verarbeiten der Account Datei"
+#: include/uimport.php:100
+msgid "Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"
+msgstr "Fehler! Keine Versionsdaten in der Datei! Ist das wirklich eine Friendica Account Datei?"
+#: include/uimport.php:116 include/uimport.php:127
+msgid "Error! Cannot check nickname"
+msgstr "Fehler! Konnte den Nickname nicht überprüfen."
+#: include/uimport.php:120 include/uimport.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' already exists on this server!"
+msgstr "Nutzer '%s' existiert bereits auf diesem Server!"
+#: include/uimport.php:153
+msgid "User creation error"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Anlegen des Nutzeraccounts aufgetreten"
+#: include/uimport.php:173
+msgid "User profile creation error"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Anlegen des Nutzerkontos"
+#: include/uimport.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d contact not imported"
+msgid_plural "%d contacts not imported"
+msgstr[0] "%d Kontakt nicht importiert"
+msgstr[1] "%d Kontakte nicht importiert"
+#: include/uimport.php:292
+msgid "Done. You can now login with your username and password"
+msgstr "Erledigt. Du kannst Dich jetzt mit Deinem Nutzernamen und Passwort anmelden"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:153
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "System"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:160 include/nav.php:158 mod/admin.php:402
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:253
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Netzwerk"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:167 mod/profiles.php:703
+#: mod/network.php:845
+msgid "Personal"
+msgstr "Persönlich"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:174 include/nav.php:105
+#: include/nav.php:161 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Pinnwand"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:181 include/nav.php:166
+msgid "Introductions"
+msgstr "Kontaktanfragen"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:234 include/NotificationsManager.php:245
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s commented on %s's post"
+msgstr "%s hat %ss Beitrag kommentiert"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:244
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s created a new post"
+msgstr "%s hat einen neuen Beitrag erstellt"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:258
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s liked %s's post"
+msgstr "%s mag %ss Beitrag"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:269
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s disliked %s's post"
+msgstr "%s mag %ss Beitrag nicht"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is attending %s's event"
+msgstr "%s nimmt an %s's Event teil"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:291
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is not attending %s's event"
+msgstr "%s nimmt nicht an %s's Event teil"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:302
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s may attend %s's event"
+msgstr "%s nimmt eventuell an %s's Event teil"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is now friends with %s"
+msgstr "%s ist jetzt mit %s befreundet"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:750
+msgid "Friend Suggestion"
+msgstr "Kontaktvorschlag"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:783
+msgid "Friend/Connect Request"
+msgstr "Kontakt-/Freundschaftsanfrage"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:783
+msgid "New Follower"
+msgstr "Neuer Bewunderer"
+#: include/diaspora.php:1954
+msgid "Sharing notification from Diaspora network"
+msgstr "Freigabe-Benachrichtigung von Diaspora"
+#: include/diaspora.php:2854
+msgid "Attachments:"
+msgstr "Anhänge:"
+#: include/features.php:63
+msgid "General Features"
+msgstr "Allgemeine Features"
+#: include/features.php:65
+msgid "Multiple Profiles"
+msgstr "Mehrere Profile"
+#: include/features.php:65
+msgid "Ability to create multiple profiles"
+msgstr "Möglichkeit mehrere Profile zu erstellen"
+#: include/features.php:66
+msgid "Photo Location"
+msgstr "Aufnahmeort"
+#: include/features.php:66
+msgid ""
+"Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present)"
+" prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."
+msgstr "Die Foto-Metadaten werden ausgelesen. Dadurch kann der Aufnahmeort (wenn vorhanden) in einer Karte angezeigt werden."
+#: include/features.php:67
+msgid "Export Public Calendar"
+msgstr "Öffentlichen Kalender exportieren"
+#: include/features.php:67
+msgid "Ability for visitors to download the public calendar"
+msgstr "Möglichkeit für Besucher den öffentlichen Kalender herunter zu laden"
+#: include/features.php:72
+msgid "Post Composition Features"
+msgstr "Beitragserstellung Features"
+#: include/features.php:73
+msgid "Richtext Editor"
+msgstr "Web-Editor"
+#: include/features.php:73
+msgid "Enable richtext editor"
+msgstr "Den Web-Editor für neue Beiträge aktivieren"
+#: include/features.php:74
+msgid "Post Preview"
+msgstr "Beitragsvorschau"
+#: include/features.php:74
+msgid "Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"
+msgstr "Die Vorschau von Beiträgen und Kommentaren vor dem absenden erlauben."
+#: include/features.php:75
+msgid "Auto-mention Forums"
+msgstr "Foren automatisch erwähnen"
+#: include/features.php:75
+msgid ""
+"Add/remove mention when a forum page is selected/deselected in ACL window."
+msgstr "Automatisch eine @-Erwähnung eines Forums einfügen/entfehrnen, wenn dieses im ACL Fenster de-/markiert wurde."
+#: include/features.php:80
+msgid "Network Sidebar Widgets"
+msgstr "Widgets für Netzwerk und Seitenleiste"
+#: include/features.php:81
+msgid "Search by Date"
+msgstr "Archiv"
+#: include/features.php:81
+msgid "Ability to select posts by date ranges"
+msgstr "Möglichkeit die Beiträge nach Datumsbereichen zu sortieren"
+#: include/features.php:82 include/features.php:112
+msgid "List Forums"
+msgstr "Zeige Foren"
+#: include/features.php:82
+msgid "Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"
+msgstr "Aktiviere Widget, um die Foren mit denen du verbunden bist anzuzeigen"
+#: include/features.php:83
+msgid "Group Filter"
+msgstr "Gruppen Filter"
+#: include/features.php:83
+msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"
+msgstr "Widget zur Darstellung der Beiträge nach Kontaktgruppen sortiert aktivieren."
+#: include/features.php:84
+msgid "Network Filter"
+msgstr "Netzwerk Filter"
+#: include/features.php:84
+msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"
+msgstr "Widget zum filtern der Beiträge in Abhängigkeit des Netzwerks aus dem der Ersteller sendet aktivieren."
+#: include/features.php:85 mod/search.php:34 mod/network.php:200
+msgid "Saved Searches"
+msgstr "Gespeicherte Suchen"
+#: include/features.php:85
+msgid "Save search terms for re-use"
+msgstr "Speichere Suchanfragen für spätere Wiederholung."
+#: include/features.php:90
+msgid "Network Tabs"
+msgstr "Netzwerk Reiter"
+#: include/features.php:91
+msgid "Network Personal Tab"
+msgstr "Netzwerk-Reiter: Persönlich"
+#: include/features.php:91
+msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"
+msgstr "Aktiviert einen Netzwerk-Reiter in dem Nachrichten angezeigt werden mit denen Du interagiert hast"
+#: include/features.php:92
+msgid "Network New Tab"
+msgstr "Netzwerk-Reiter: Neue"
+#: include/features.php:92
+msgid "Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"
+msgstr "Aktiviert einen Netzwerk-Reiter in dem ausschließlich neue Beiträge (der letzten 12 Stunden) angezeigt werden"
+#: include/features.php:93
+msgid "Network Shared Links Tab"
+msgstr "Netzwerk-Reiter: Geteilte Links"
+#: include/features.php:93
+msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"
+msgstr "Aktiviert einen Netzwerk-Reiter der ausschließlich Nachrichten mit Links enthält"
+#: include/features.php:98
+msgid "Post/Comment Tools"
+msgstr "Werkzeuge für Beiträge und Kommentare"
+#: include/features.php:99
+msgid "Multiple Deletion"
+msgstr "Mehrere Beiträge löschen"
+#: include/features.php:99
+msgid "Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"
+msgstr "Mehrere Beiträge/Kommentare markieren und gleichzeitig löschen"
+#: include/features.php:100
+msgid "Edit Sent Posts"
+msgstr "Gesendete Beiträge editieren"
+#: include/features.php:100
+msgid "Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"
+msgstr "Erlaubt es Beiträge und Kommentare nach dem Senden zu editieren bzw.zu korrigieren."
+#: include/features.php:101
+msgid "Tagging"
+msgstr "Tagging"
+#: include/features.php:101
+msgid "Ability to tag existing posts"
+msgstr "Möglichkeit bereits existierende Beiträge nachträglich mit Tags zu versehen."
+#: include/features.php:102
+msgid "Post Categories"
+msgstr "Beitragskategorien"
+#: include/features.php:102
+msgid "Add categories to your posts"
+msgstr "Eigene Beiträge mit Kategorien versehen"
+#: include/features.php:103
+msgid "Ability to file posts under folders"
+msgstr "Beiträge in Ordnern speichern aktivieren"
+#: include/features.php:104
+msgid "Dislike Posts"
+msgstr "Beiträge 'nicht mögen'"
+#: include/features.php:104
+msgid "Ability to dislike posts/comments"
+msgstr "Ermöglicht es Beiträge mit einem Klick 'nicht zu mögen'"
+#: include/features.php:105
+msgid "Star Posts"
+msgstr "Beiträge Markieren"
+#: include/features.php:105
+msgid "Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"
+msgstr "Erlaubt es Beiträge mit einem Stern-Indikator zu markieren"
+#: include/features.php:106
+msgid "Mute Post Notifications"
+msgstr "Benachrichtigungen für Beiträge Stumm schalten"
+#: include/features.php:106
+msgid "Ability to mute notifications for a thread"
+msgstr "Möglichkeit Benachrichtigungen für einen Thread abbestellen zu können"
+#: include/features.php:111
+msgid "Advanced Profile Settings"
+msgstr "Erweiterte Profil-Einstellungen"
+#: include/features.php:112
+msgid "Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"
+msgstr "Zeige Besuchern öffentliche Gemeinschafts-Foren auf der Erweiterten Profil-Seite"
+#: include/delivery.php:439
+msgid "(no subject)"
+msgstr "(kein Betreff)"
+#: include/delivery.php:450 include/enotify.php:43
+msgid "noreply"
+msgstr "noreply"
+#: include/api.php:1019
+#, php-format
+msgid "Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
+msgstr "Das tägliche Nachrichtenlimit von %d Nachrichten wurde erreicht. Die Nachtricht wurde verworfen."
+#: include/api.php:1039
+#, php-format
+msgid "Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
+msgstr "Das wöchentliche Nachrichtenlimit von %d Nachrichten wurde erreicht. Die Nachtricht wurde verworfen."
+#: include/api.php:1060
+#, php-format
+msgid "Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
+msgstr "Das monatliche Nachrichtenlimit von %d Nachrichten wurde erreicht. Die Nachtricht wurde verworfen."
+#: include/bbcode.php:348 include/bbcode.php:1055 include/bbcode.php:1056
+msgid "Image/photo"
+msgstr "Bild/Foto"
+#: include/bbcode.php:465
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr "%2$s %3$s"
+#: include/bbcode.php:1015 include/bbcode.php:1035
+msgid "$1 wrote:"
+msgstr "$1 hat geschrieben:"
+#: include/bbcode.php:1064 include/bbcode.php:1065
+msgid "Encrypted content"
+msgstr "Verschlüsselter Inhalt"
+#: include/conversation.php:147
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s attends %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s nimmt an %2$ss %3$s teil."
+#: include/conversation.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s doesn't attend %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s nimmt nicht an %2$ss %3$s teil."
+#: include/conversation.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s attends maybe %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s nimmt eventuell an %2$ss %3$s teil."
+#: include/conversation.php:185 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:473
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is now friends with %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s ist nun mit %2$s befreundet"
+#: include/conversation.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s poked %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s stupste %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:239 mod/mood.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is currently %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s ist momentan %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:278 mod/tagger.php:95
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s tagged %2$s's %3$s with %4$s"
+msgstr "%1$s hat %2$ss %3$s mit %4$s getaggt"
+#: include/conversation.php:303
+msgid "post/item"
+msgstr "Nachricht/Beitrag"
+#: include/conversation.php:304
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s marked %2$s's %3$s as favorite"
+msgstr "%1$s hat %2$s\\s %3$s als Favorit markiert"
+#: include/conversation.php:585 mod/content.php:372 mod/profiles.php:346
+#: mod/photos.php:1607
+msgid "Likes"
+msgstr "Likes"
+#: include/conversation.php:585 mod/content.php:372 mod/profiles.php:350
+#: mod/photos.php:1607
+msgid "Dislikes"
+msgstr "Dislikes"
+#: include/conversation.php:586 include/conversation.php:1477
+#: mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1608
+msgid "Attending"
+msgid_plural "Attending"
+msgstr[0] "Teilnehmend"
+msgstr[1] "Teilnehmend"
+#: include/conversation.php:586 mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1608
+msgid "Not attending"
+msgstr "Nicht teilnehmend"
+#: include/conversation.php:586 mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1608
+msgid "Might attend"
+msgstr "Eventuell teilnehmend"
+#: include/conversation.php:708 mod/content.php:453 mod/content.php:758
+#: mod/photos.php:1681 object/Item.php:133
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Auswählen"
+#: include/conversation.php:709 mod/group.php:171 mod/content.php:454
+#: mod/content.php:759 mod/admin.php:1384 mod/contacts.php:808
+#: mod/contacts.php:1016 mod/photos.php:1682 mod/settings.php:739
+#: object/Item.php:134
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Löschen"
+#: include/conversation.php:753 mod/content.php:487 mod/content.php:910
+#: mod/content.php:911 object/Item.php:367 object/Item.php:368
+#, php-format
+msgid "View %s's profile @ %s"
+msgstr "Das Profil von %s auf %s betrachten."
+#: include/conversation.php:765 object/Item.php:355
+msgid "Categories:"
+msgstr "Kategorien:"
+#: include/conversation.php:766 object/Item.php:356
+msgid "Filed under:"
+msgstr "Abgelegt unter:"
+#: include/conversation.php:773 mod/content.php:497 mod/content.php:923
+#: object/Item.php:381
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s from %s"
+msgstr "%s von %s"
+#: include/conversation.php:789 mod/content.php:513
+msgid "View in context"
+msgstr "Im Zusammenhang betrachten"
+#: include/conversation.php:791 include/conversation.php:1261
+#: mod/editpost.php:124 mod/wallmessage.php:156 mod/message.php:356
+#: mod/message.php:548 mod/content.php:515 mod/content.php:948
+#: mod/photos.php:1570 object/Item.php:406
+msgid "Please wait"
+msgstr "Bitte warten"
+#: include/conversation.php:870
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "löschen"
+#: include/conversation.php:874
+msgid "Delete Selected Items"
+msgstr "Lösche die markierten Beiträge"
+#: include/conversation.php:966
+msgid "Follow Thread"
+msgstr "Folge der Unterhaltung"
+#: include/conversation.php:967 include/Contact.php:390
+msgid "View Status"
+msgstr "Pinnwand anschauen"
+#: include/conversation.php:968 include/conversation.php:984
+#: include/Contact.php:333 include/Contact.php:346 include/Contact.php:391
+#: mod/allfriends.php:65 mod/directory.php:155 mod/dirfind.php:203
+#: mod/match.php:71 mod/suggest.php:82
+msgid "View Profile"
+msgstr "Profil anschauen"
+#: include/conversation.php:969 include/Contact.php:392
+msgid "View Photos"
+msgstr "Bilder anschauen"
+#: include/conversation.php:970 include/Contact.php:393
+msgid "Network Posts"
+msgstr "Netzwerkbeiträge"
+#: include/conversation.php:971 include/Contact.php:394
+msgid "View Contact"
+msgstr "Kontakt anzeigen"
+#: include/conversation.php:972 include/Contact.php:396
+msgid "Send PM"
+msgstr "Private Nachricht senden"
+#: include/conversation.php:976 include/Contact.php:397
+msgid "Poke"
+msgstr "Anstupsen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1094
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s likes this."
+msgstr "%s mag das."
+#: include/conversation.php:1097
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s doesn't like this."
+msgstr "%s mag das nicht."
+#: include/conversation.php:1100
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s attends."
+msgstr "%s nimmt teil."
+#: include/conversation.php:1103
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s doesn't attend."
+msgstr "%s nimmt nicht teil."
+#: include/conversation.php:1106
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s attends maybe."
+msgstr "%s nimmt eventuell teil."
+#: include/conversation.php:1116
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "und"
+#: include/conversation.php:1122
+#, php-format
+msgid ", and %d other people"
+msgstr " und %d andere"
+#: include/conversation.php:1131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people like this"
+msgstr "%2$d Personen mögen das"
+#: include/conversation.php:1132
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s like this."
+msgstr "%s mögen das."
+#: include/conversation.php:1135
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people don't like this"
+msgstr "%2$d Personen mögen das nicht"
+#: include/conversation.php:1136
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s don't like this."
+msgstr "%s mögen dies nicht."
+#: include/conversation.php:1139
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people attend"
+msgstr "%2$d Personen nehmen teil"
+#: include/conversation.php:1140
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s attend."
+msgstr "%s nehmen teil."
+#: include/conversation.php:1143
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people don't attend"
+msgstr "%2$d Personen nehmen nicht teil"
+#: include/conversation.php:1144
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s don't attend."
+msgstr "%s nehmen nicht teil."
+#: include/conversation.php:1147
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people attend maybe"
+msgstr "%2$d Personen nehmen eventuell teil"
+#: include/conversation.php:1148
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s anttend maybe."
+msgstr "%s nehmen vielleicht teil."
+#: include/conversation.php:1187 include/conversation.php:1205
+msgid "Visible to everybody "
+msgstr "Für jedermann sichtbar"
+#: include/conversation.php:1188 include/conversation.php:1206
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:127 mod/wallmessage.php:135 mod/message.php:291
+#: mod/message.php:299 mod/message.php:442 mod/message.php:450
+msgid "Please enter a link URL:"
+msgstr "Bitte gib die URL des Links ein:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1189 include/conversation.php:1207
+msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:"
+msgstr "Bitte Link/URL zum Video einfügen:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1190 include/conversation.php:1208
+msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:"
+msgstr "Bitte Link/URL zum Audio einfügen:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1191 include/conversation.php:1209
+msgid "Tag term:"
+msgstr "Tag:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1192 include/conversation.php:1210
+#: mod/filer.php:30
+msgid "Save to Folder:"
+msgstr "In diesem Ordner speichern:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1193 include/conversation.php:1211
+msgid "Where are you right now?"
+msgstr "Wo hältst Du Dich jetzt gerade auf?"
+#: include/conversation.php:1194
+msgid "Delete item(s)?"
+msgstr "Einträge löschen?"
+#: include/conversation.php:1242 mod/photos.php:1569
+msgid "Share"
+msgstr "Teilen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1243 mod/editpost.php:110 mod/wallmessage.php:154
+#: mod/message.php:354 mod/message.php:545
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Foto hochladen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1244 mod/editpost.php:111
+msgid "upload photo"
+msgstr "Bild hochladen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1245 mod/editpost.php:112
+msgid "Attach file"
+msgstr "Datei anhängen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1246 mod/editpost.php:113
+msgid "attach file"
+msgstr "Datei anhängen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1247 mod/editpost.php:114 mod/wallmessage.php:155
+#: mod/message.php:355 mod/message.php:546
+msgid "Insert web link"
+msgstr "Einen Link einfügen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1248 mod/editpost.php:115
+msgid "web link"
+msgstr "Weblink"
+#: include/conversation.php:1249 mod/editpost.php:116
+msgid "Insert video link"
+msgstr "Video-Adresse einfügen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1250 mod/editpost.php:117
+msgid "video link"
+msgstr "Video-Link"
+#: include/conversation.php:1251 mod/editpost.php:118
+msgid "Insert audio link"
+msgstr "Audio-Adresse einfügen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1252 mod/editpost.php:119
+msgid "audio link"
+msgstr "Audio-Link"
+#: include/conversation.php:1253 mod/editpost.php:120
+msgid "Set your location"
+msgstr "Deinen Standort festlegen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1254 mod/editpost.php:121
+msgid "set location"
+msgstr "Ort setzen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1255 mod/editpost.php:122
+msgid "Clear browser location"
+msgstr "Browser-Standort leeren"
+#: include/conversation.php:1256 mod/editpost.php:123
+msgid "clear location"
+msgstr "Ort löschen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1258 mod/editpost.php:137
+msgid "Set title"
+msgstr "Titel setzen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1260 mod/editpost.php:139
+msgid "Categories (comma-separated list)"
+msgstr "Kategorien (kommasepariert)"
+#: include/conversation.php:1262 mod/editpost.php:125
+msgid "Permission settings"
+msgstr "Berechtigungseinstellungen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1263 mod/editpost.php:154
+msgid "permissions"
+msgstr "Zugriffsrechte"
+#: include/conversation.php:1271 mod/editpost.php:134
+msgid "Public post"
+msgstr "Öffentlicher Beitrag"
+#: include/conversation.php:1276 mod/editpost.php:145 mod/content.php:737
+#: mod/events.php:504 mod/photos.php:1591 mod/photos.php:1639
+#: mod/photos.php:1725 object/Item.php:729
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Vorschau"
+#: include/conversation.php:1280 include/items.php:1917 mod/fbrowser.php:101
+#: mod/fbrowser.php:136 mod/tagrm.php:11 mod/tagrm.php:94 mod/follow.php:121
+#: mod/editpost.php:148 mod/message.php:220 mod/dfrn_request.php:875
+#: mod/contacts.php:445 mod/photos.php:235 mod/photos.php:322
+#: mod/suggest.php:32 mod/videos.php:128 mod/settings.php:677
+#: mod/settings.php:703
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Abbrechen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1286
+msgid "Post to Groups"
+msgstr "Poste an Gruppe"
+#: include/conversation.php:1287
+msgid "Post to Contacts"
+msgstr "Poste an Kontakte"
+#: include/conversation.php:1288
+msgid "Private post"
+msgstr "Privater Beitrag"
+#: include/conversation.php:1293 include/identity.php:256 mod/editpost.php:152
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Nachricht"
+#: include/conversation.php:1294 mod/editpost.php:153
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Browser"
+#: include/conversation.php:1449
+msgid "View all"
+msgstr "Zeige alle"
+#: include/conversation.php:1471
+msgid "Like"
+msgid_plural "Likes"
+msgstr[0] "mag ich"
+msgstr[1] "Mag ich"
+#: include/conversation.php:1474
+msgid "Dislike"
+msgid_plural "Dislikes"
+msgstr[0] "mag ich nicht"
+msgstr[1] "Mag ich nicht"
+#: include/conversation.php:1480
+msgid "Not Attending"
+msgid_plural "Not Attending"
+msgstr[0] "Nicht teilnehmend "
+msgstr[1] "Nicht teilnehmend"
+#: include/datetime.php:57 include/datetime.php:59 mod/profiles.php:705
+msgid "Miscellaneous"
+msgstr "Verschiedenes"
+#: include/datetime.php:183 include/identity.php:629
+msgid "Birthday:"
+msgstr "Geburtstag:"
+#: include/datetime.php:185 mod/profiles.php:728
+msgid "Age: "
+msgstr "Alter: "
+#: include/datetime.php:187
+msgid "YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"
+msgstr "YYYY-MM-DD oder MM-DD"
+#: include/datetime.php:341
+msgid "never"
+msgstr "nie"
+#: include/datetime.php:347
+msgid "less than a second ago"
+msgstr "vor weniger als einer Sekunde"
+#: include/datetime.php:350
+msgid "year"
+msgstr "Jahr"
+#: include/datetime.php:350
+msgid "years"
+msgstr "Jahre"
+#: include/datetime.php:351 include/event.php:480 mod/cal.php:284
+#: mod/events.php:389
+msgid "month"
+msgstr "Monat"
+#: include/datetime.php:351
+msgid "months"
+msgstr "Monate"
+#: include/datetime.php:352 include/event.php:481 mod/cal.php:285
+#: mod/events.php:390
+msgid "week"
+msgstr "Woche"
+#: include/datetime.php:352
+msgid "weeks"
+msgstr "Wochen"
+#: include/datetime.php:353 include/event.php:482 mod/cal.php:286
+#: mod/events.php:391
+msgid "day"
+msgstr "Tag"
+#: include/datetime.php:353
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "Tage"
+#: include/datetime.php:354
+msgid "hour"
+msgstr "Stunde"
+#: include/datetime.php:354
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr "Stunden"
+#: include/datetime.php:355
+msgid "minute"
+msgstr "Minute"
+#: include/datetime.php:355
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr "Minuten"
+#: include/datetime.php:356
+msgid "second"
+msgstr "Sekunde"
+#: include/datetime.php:356
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "Sekunden"
+#: include/datetime.php:365
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$d %2$s ago"
+msgstr "%1$d %2$s her"
+#: include/datetime.php:572
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s's birthday"
+msgstr "%ss Geburtstag"
+#: include/datetime.php:573 include/dfrn.php:1108
+#, php-format
+msgid "Happy Birthday %s"
+msgstr "Herzlichen Glückwunsch %s"
+#: include/dbstructure.php:26
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n"
+"\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n"
+"\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n"
+"\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."
+msgstr "\nDie Friendica-Entwickler haben vor kurzem das Update %s veröffentlicht, aber bei der Installation ging etwas schrecklich schief.\n\nDas Problem sollte so schnell wie möglich gelöst werden, aber ich schaffe es nicht alleine. Bitte kontaktiere einen Friendica-Entwickler falls Du mir nicht alleine helfen kannst. Meine Datenbank könnte ungültig sein."
+#: include/dbstructure.php:31
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"The error message is\n"
+msgstr "Die Fehlermeldung lautet\n[pre]%s[/pre]"
+#: include/dbstructure.php:183
+msgid "Errors encountered creating database tables."
+msgstr "Fehler aufgetreten während der Erzeugung der Datenbanktabellen."
+#: include/dbstructure.php:260
+msgid "Errors encountered performing database changes."
+msgstr "Es sind Fehler beim Bearbeiten der Datenbank aufgetreten."
+#: include/dfrn.php:1107
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s\\'s birthday"
+msgstr "%ss Geburtstag"
#: include/enotify.php:24
msgid "Friendica Notification"
msgstr "Friendica-Benachrichtigung"
@@ -333,10 +1759,6 @@ msgstr "der Administrator von %s"
msgid "%1$s, %2$s Administrator"
msgstr "%1$s, %2$s Administrator"
-#: include/enotify.php:43 include/delivery.php:450
-msgid "noreply"
-msgstr "noreply"
#: include/enotify.php:70
#, php-format
msgid "%s "
@@ -612,113 +2034,6 @@ msgstr "Kompletter Name:\t%1$s\\nURL der Seite:\t%2$s\\nLogin Name:\t%3$s (%4$s)
msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the request."
msgstr "Bitte besuche %s um die Anfrage zu bearbeiten."
-#: include/plugin.php:522 include/plugin.php:524
-msgid "Click here to upgrade."
-msgstr "Zum Upgraden hier klicken."
-#: include/plugin.php:530
-msgid "This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."
-msgstr "Diese Aktion überschreitet die Obergrenze Deines Abonnements."
-#: include/plugin.php:535
-msgid "This action is not available under your subscription plan."
-msgstr "Diese Aktion ist in Deinem Abonnement nicht verfügbar."
-#: include/ForumManager.php:114 include/text.php:998 include/nav.php:130
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:255
-msgid "Forums"
-msgstr "Foren"
-#: include/ForumManager.php:116 view/theme/vier/theme.php:257
-msgid "External link to forum"
-msgstr "Externer Link zum Forum"
-#: include/diaspora.php:1379 include/conversation.php:141 include/like.php:182
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s mag %2$ss %3$s"
-#: include/diaspora.php:1383 include/conversation.php:125
-#: include/conversation.php:134 include/conversation.php:261
-#: include/conversation.php:270 include/like.php:163 mod/tagger.php:62
-#: mod/subthread.php:87 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:466
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:475
-msgid "status"
-msgstr "Status"
-#: include/diaspora.php:1909
-msgid "Sharing notification from Diaspora network"
-msgstr "Freigabe-Benachrichtigung von Diaspora"
-#: include/diaspora.php:2801
-msgid "Attachments:"
-msgstr "Anhänge:"
-#: include/dfrn.php:1110
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s\\'s birthday"
-msgstr "%ss Geburtstag"
-#: include/uimport.php:94
-msgid "Error decoding account file"
-msgstr "Fehler beim Verarbeiten der Account Datei"
-#: include/uimport.php:100
-msgid "Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"
-msgstr "Fehler! Keine Versionsdaten in der Datei! Ist das wirklich eine Friendica Account Datei?"
-#: include/uimport.php:116 include/uimport.php:127
-msgid "Error! Cannot check nickname"
-msgstr "Fehler! Konnte den Nickname nicht überprüfen."
-#: include/uimport.php:120 include/uimport.php:131
-#, php-format
-msgid "User '%s' already exists on this server!"
-msgstr "Nutzer '%s' existiert bereits auf diesem Server!"
-#: include/uimport.php:153
-msgid "User creation error"
-msgstr "Fehler beim Anlegen des Nutzeraccounts aufgetreten"
-#: include/uimport.php:173
-msgid "User profile creation error"
-msgstr "Fehler beim Anlegen des Nutzerkontos"
-#: include/uimport.php:222
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d contact not imported"
-msgid_plural "%d contacts not imported"
-msgstr[0] "%d Kontakt nicht importiert"
-msgstr[1] "%d Kontakte nicht importiert"
-#: include/uimport.php:292
-msgid "Done. You can now login with your username and password"
-msgstr "Erledigt. Du kannst Dich jetzt mit Deinem Nutzernamen und Passwort anmelden"
-#: include/dba.php:56 include/dba_pdo.php:72
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
-msgstr "Kann die DNS Informationen für den Datenbankserver '%s' nicht ermitteln."
-#: include/event.php:16 include/bb2diaspora.php:148 mod/localtime.php:12
-msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
-msgstr "l, d. F Y\\, H:i"
-#: include/event.php:33 include/event.php:51 include/bb2diaspora.php:154
-msgid "Starts:"
-msgstr "Beginnt:"
-#: include/event.php:36 include/event.php:57 include/bb2diaspora.php:162
-msgid "Finishes:"
-msgstr "Endet:"
-#: include/event.php:39 include/event.php:63 include/identity.php:329
-#: include/bb2diaspora.php:170 mod/notifications.php:246 mod/events.php:495
-#: mod/directory.php:145 mod/contacts.php:624
-msgid "Location:"
-msgstr "Ort:"
#: include/event.php:441
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "So"
@@ -747,31 +2062,31 @@ msgstr "Fr"
msgid "Sat"
msgstr "Sa"
-#: include/event.php:448 include/text.php:1103 mod/settings.php:955
+#: include/event.php:448 include/text.php:1130 mod/settings.php:968
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Sonntag"
-#: include/event.php:449 include/text.php:1103 mod/settings.php:955
+#: include/event.php:449 include/text.php:1130 mod/settings.php:968
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Montag"
-#: include/event.php:450 include/text.php:1103
+#: include/event.php:450 include/text.php:1130
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Dienstag"
-#: include/event.php:451 include/text.php:1103
+#: include/event.php:451 include/text.php:1130
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Mittwoch"
-#: include/event.php:452 include/text.php:1103
+#: include/event.php:452 include/text.php:1130
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Donnerstag"
-#: include/event.php:453 include/text.php:1103
+#: include/event.php:453 include/text.php:1130
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Freitag"
-#: include/event.php:454 include/text.php:1103
+#: include/event.php:454 include/text.php:1130
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Samstag"
@@ -791,7 +2106,7 @@ msgstr "März"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Apr"
-#: include/event.php:459 include/event.php:471 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:459 include/event.php:471 include/text.php:1134
msgid "May"
msgstr "Mai"
@@ -823,1316 +2138,87 @@ msgstr "Nov"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Dez"
-#: include/event.php:467 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:467 include/text.php:1134
msgid "January"
msgstr "Januar"
-#: include/event.php:468 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:468 include/text.php:1134
msgid "February"
msgstr "Februar"
-#: include/event.php:469 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:469 include/text.php:1134
msgid "March"
msgstr "März"
-#: include/event.php:470 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:470 include/text.php:1134
msgid "April"
msgstr "April"
-#: include/event.php:472 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:472 include/text.php:1134
msgid "June"
msgstr "Juni"
-#: include/event.php:473 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:473 include/text.php:1134
msgid "July"
msgstr "Juli"
-#: include/event.php:474 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:474 include/text.php:1134
msgid "August"
msgstr "August"
-#: include/event.php:475 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:475 include/text.php:1134
msgid "September"
msgstr "September"
-#: include/event.php:476 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:476 include/text.php:1134
msgid "October"
msgstr "Oktober"
-#: include/event.php:477 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:477 include/text.php:1134
msgid "November"
msgstr "November"
-#: include/event.php:478 include/text.php:1107
+#: include/event.php:478 include/text.php:1134
msgid "December"
msgstr "Dezember"
-#: include/event.php:479 mod/events.php:388 mod/cal.php:286
+#: include/event.php:479 mod/cal.php:283 mod/events.php:388
msgid "today"
msgstr "Heute"
-#: include/event.php:567
+#: include/event.php:483
+msgid "all-day"
+msgstr "ganztägig"
+#: include/event.php:485
+msgid "No events to display"
+msgstr "Keine Veranstaltung zum Anzeigen"
+#: include/event.php:574
msgid "l, F j"
msgstr "l, F j"
-#: include/event.php:586
+#: include/event.php:593
msgid "Edit event"
msgstr "Veranstaltung bearbeiten"
-#: include/event.php:608 include/text.php:1509 include/text.php:1516
+#: include/event.php:615 include/text.php:1536 include/text.php:1543
msgid "link to source"
msgstr "Link zum Originalbeitrag"
-#: include/event.php:843
+#: include/event.php:850
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exportieren"
-#: include/event.php:844
+#: include/event.php:851
msgid "Export calendar as ical"
msgstr "Kalender als ical exportieren"
-#: include/event.php:845
+#: include/event.php:852
msgid "Export calendar as csv"
msgstr "Kalender als csv exportieren"
-#: include/security.php:22
-msgid "Welcome "
-msgstr "Willkommen "
-#: include/security.php:23
-msgid "Please upload a profile photo."
-msgstr "Bitte lade ein Profilbild hoch."
-#: include/security.php:26
-msgid "Welcome back "
-msgstr "Willkommen zurück "
-#: include/security.php:375
-msgid ""
-"The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the "
-"form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."
-msgstr "Das Sicherheitsmerkmal war nicht korrekt. Das passiert meistens wenn das Formular vor dem Absenden zu lange geöffnet war (länger als 3 Stunden)."
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Male"
-msgstr "Männlich"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Female"
-msgstr "Weiblich"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Currently Male"
-msgstr "Momentan männlich"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Currently Female"
-msgstr "Momentan weiblich"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Mostly Male"
-msgstr "Hauptsächlich männlich"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Mostly Female"
-msgstr "Hauptsächlich weiblich"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Transgender"
-msgstr "Transgender"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Intersex"
-msgstr "Intersex"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Transsexual"
-msgstr "Transsexuell"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Hermaphrodite"
-msgstr "Hermaphrodit"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Neuter"
-msgstr "Neuter"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Non-specific"
-msgstr "Nicht spezifiziert"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Andere"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:6 include/conversation.php:1477
-msgid "Undecided"
-msgid_plural "Undecided"
-msgstr[0] "Unentschieden"
-msgstr[1] "Unentschieden"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Males"
-msgstr "Männer"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Females"
-msgstr "Frauen"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Gay"
-msgstr "Schwul"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Lesbian"
-msgstr "Lesbisch"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "No Preference"
-msgstr "Keine Vorlieben"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Bisexual"
-msgstr "Bisexuell"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Autosexual"
-msgstr "Autosexual"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Abstinent"
-msgstr "Abstinent"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Virgin"
-msgstr "Jungfrauen"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Deviant"
-msgstr "Deviant"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Fetish"
-msgstr "Fetish"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Oodles"
-msgstr "Oodles"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
-msgid "Nonsexual"
-msgstr "Nonsexual"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Single"
-msgstr "Single"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Lonely"
-msgstr "Einsam"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Available"
-msgstr "Verfügbar"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Unavailable"
-msgstr "Nicht verfügbar"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Has crush"
-msgstr "verknallt"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Infatuated"
-msgstr "verliebt"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Dating"
-msgstr "Dating"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Unfaithful"
-msgstr "Untreu"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Sex Addict"
-msgstr "Sexbesessen"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42 include/user.php:299 include/user.php:303
-msgid "Friends"
-msgstr "Kontakte"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Friends/Benefits"
-msgstr "Freunde/Zuwendungen"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Casual"
-msgstr "Casual"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Engaged"
-msgstr "Verlobt"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Married"
-msgstr "Verheiratet"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Imaginarily married"
-msgstr "imaginär verheiratet"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Partners"
-msgstr "Partner"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Cohabiting"
-msgstr "zusammenlebend"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Common law"
-msgstr "wilde Ehe"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Happy"
-msgstr "Glücklich"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Not looking"
-msgstr "Nicht auf der Suche"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Swinger"
-msgstr "Swinger"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Betrayed"
-msgstr "Betrogen"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Separated"
-msgstr "Getrennt"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Unstable"
-msgstr "Unstabil"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Divorced"
-msgstr "Geschieden"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Imaginarily divorced"
-msgstr "imaginär geschieden"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Widowed"
-msgstr "Verwitwet"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Uncertain"
-msgstr "Unsicher"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "It's complicated"
-msgstr "Ist kompliziert"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Don't care"
-msgstr "Ist mir nicht wichtig"
-#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Ask me"
-msgstr "Frag mich"
-#: include/items.php:1447 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:725 mod/dfrn_request.php:744
-msgid "[Name Withheld]"
-msgstr "[Name unterdrückt]"
-#: include/items.php:1805 mod/viewsrc.php:15 mod/admin.php:234
-#: mod/admin.php:1445 mod/admin.php:1679 mod/display.php:104
-#: mod/display.php:279 mod/display.php:478 mod/notice.php:15
-msgid "Item not found."
-msgstr "Beitrag nicht gefunden."
-#: include/items.php:1844
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this item?"
-msgstr "Möchtest Du wirklich dieses Item löschen?"
-#: include/items.php:1846 mod/profiles.php:641 mod/profiles.php:644
-#: mod/profiles.php:670 mod/contacts.php:441 mod/follow.php:110
-#: mod/suggest.php:29 mod/dfrn_request.php:860 mod/register.php:238
-#: mod/settings.php:1113 mod/settings.php:1119 mod/settings.php:1127
-#: mod/settings.php:1131 mod/settings.php:1136 mod/settings.php:1142
-#: mod/settings.php:1148 mod/settings.php:1154 mod/settings.php:1180
-#: mod/settings.php:1181 mod/settings.php:1182 mod/settings.php:1183
-#: mod/settings.php:1184 mod/api.php:105 mod/message.php:217
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Ja"
-#: include/items.php:1849 include/conversation.php:1274 mod/fbrowser.php:101
-#: mod/fbrowser.php:136 mod/tagrm.php:11 mod/tagrm.php:94 mod/videos.php:131
-#: mod/photos.php:247 mod/photos.php:336 mod/contacts.php:444
-#: mod/follow.php:121 mod/suggest.php:32 mod/editpost.php:148
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:874 mod/settings.php:664 mod/settings.php:690
-#: mod/message.php:220
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Abbrechen"
-#: include/items.php:2011 index.php:397 mod/regmod.php:110 mod/dirfind.php:11
-#: mod/notifications.php:69 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:56 mod/wall_upload.php:77
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:80 mod/fsuggest.php:78 mod/notes.php:22
-#: mod/events.php:190 mod/uimport.php:23 mod/nogroup.php:25 mod/invite.php:15
-#: mod/invite.php:101 mod/viewcontacts.php:45 mod/crepair.php:100
-#: mod/wall_attach.php:67 mod/wall_attach.php:70 mod/allfriends.php:12
-#: mod/cal.php:308 mod/repair_ostatus.php:9 mod/delegate.php:12
-#: mod/profiles.php:165 mod/profiles.php:598 mod/poke.php:150
-#: mod/photos.php:171 mod/photos.php:1092 mod/attach.php:33
-#: mod/contacts.php:350 mod/follow.php:11 mod/follow.php:73 mod/follow.php:155
-#: mod/suggest.php:58 mod/display.php:474 mod/common.php:18 mod/mood.php:114
-#: mod/editpost.php:10 mod/network.php:4 mod/group.php:19
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:19 mod/profile_photo.php:175
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:186 mod/profile_photo.php:199 mod/register.php:42
-#: mod/settings.php:22 mod/settings.php:128 mod/settings.php:650
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:9 mod/wallmessage.php:33 mod/wallmessage.php:79
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:103 mod/api.php:26 mod/api.php:31 mod/item.php:185
-#: mod/item.php:197 mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:9 mod/message.php:46
-#: mod/message.php:182 mod/manage.php:96
-msgid "Permission denied."
-msgstr "Zugriff verweigert."
-#: include/items.php:2116
-msgid "Archives"
-msgstr "Archiv"
-#: include/text.php:304
-msgid "newer"
-msgstr "neuer"
-#: include/text.php:306
-msgid "older"
-msgstr "älter"
-#: include/text.php:311
-msgid "prev"
-msgstr "vorige"
-#: include/text.php:313
-msgid "first"
-msgstr "erste"
-#: include/text.php:345
-msgid "last"
-msgstr "letzte"
-#: include/text.php:348
-msgid "next"
-msgstr "nächste"
-#: include/text.php:403
-msgid "Loading more entries..."
-msgstr "lade weitere Einträge..."
-#: include/text.php:404
-msgid "The end"
-msgstr "Das Ende"
-#: include/text.php:871
-msgid "No contacts"
-msgstr "Keine Kontakte"
-#: include/text.php:886
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d Contact"
-msgid_plural "%d Contacts"
-msgstr[0] "%d Kontakt"
-msgstr[1] "%d Kontakte"
-#: include/text.php:898
-msgid "View Contacts"
-msgstr "Kontakte anzeigen"
-#: include/text.php:985 include/nav.php:122 mod/search.php:149
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Suche"
-#: include/text.php:986 mod/notes.php:61 mod/filer.php:31 mod/editpost.php:109
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Speichern"
-#: include/text.php:988 include/nav.php:40
-msgid "@name, !forum, #tags, content"
-msgstr "@name, !forum, #tags, content"
-#: include/text.php:993 include/nav.php:125
-msgid "Full Text"
-msgstr "Volltext"
-#: include/text.php:994 include/nav.php:126
-msgid "Tags"
-msgstr "Tags"
-#: include/text.php:995 include/identity.php:781 include/identity.php:784
-#: include/nav.php:127 include/nav.php:193 mod/viewcontacts.php:116
-#: mod/contacts.php:785 mod/contacts.php:846 view/theme/frio/theme.php:257
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:125
-msgid "Contacts"
-msgstr "Kontakte"
-#: include/text.php:1049
-msgid "poke"
-msgstr "anstupsen"
-#: include/text.php:1049
-msgid "poked"
-msgstr "stupste"
-#: include/text.php:1050
-msgid "ping"
-msgstr "anpingen"
-#: include/text.php:1050
-msgid "pinged"
-msgstr "pingte"
-#: include/text.php:1051
-msgid "prod"
-msgstr "knuffen"
-#: include/text.php:1051
-msgid "prodded"
-msgstr "knuffte"
-#: include/text.php:1052
-msgid "slap"
-msgstr "ohrfeigen"
-#: include/text.php:1052
-msgid "slapped"
-msgstr "ohrfeigte"
-#: include/text.php:1053
-msgid "finger"
-msgstr "befummeln"
-#: include/text.php:1053
-msgid "fingered"
-msgstr "befummelte"
-#: include/text.php:1054
-msgid "rebuff"
-msgstr "eine Abfuhr erteilen"
-#: include/text.php:1054
-msgid "rebuffed"
-msgstr "abfuhrerteilte"
-#: include/text.php:1068
-msgid "happy"
-msgstr "glücklich"
-#: include/text.php:1069
-msgid "sad"
-msgstr "traurig"
-#: include/text.php:1070
-msgid "mellow"
-msgstr "sanft"
-#: include/text.php:1071
-msgid "tired"
-msgstr "müde"
-#: include/text.php:1072
-msgid "perky"
-msgstr "frech"
-#: include/text.php:1073
-msgid "angry"
-msgstr "sauer"
-#: include/text.php:1074
-msgid "stupified"
-msgstr "verblüfft"
-#: include/text.php:1075
-msgid "puzzled"
-msgstr "verwirrt"
-#: include/text.php:1076
-msgid "interested"
-msgstr "interessiert"
-#: include/text.php:1077
-msgid "bitter"
-msgstr "verbittert"
-#: include/text.php:1078
-msgid "cheerful"
-msgstr "fröhlich"
-#: include/text.php:1079
-msgid "alive"
-msgstr "lebendig"
-#: include/text.php:1080
-msgid "annoyed"
-msgstr "verärgert"
-#: include/text.php:1081
-msgid "anxious"
-msgstr "unruhig"
-#: include/text.php:1082
-msgid "cranky"
-msgstr "schrullig"
-#: include/text.php:1083
-msgid "disturbed"
-msgstr "verstört"
-#: include/text.php:1084
-msgid "frustrated"
-msgstr "frustriert"
-#: include/text.php:1085
-msgid "motivated"
-msgstr "motiviert"
-#: include/text.php:1086
-msgid "relaxed"
-msgstr "entspannt"
-#: include/text.php:1087
-msgid "surprised"
-msgstr "überrascht"
-#: include/text.php:1301 mod/videos.php:383
-msgid "View Video"
-msgstr "Video ansehen"
-#: include/text.php:1333
-msgid "bytes"
-msgstr "Byte"
-#: include/text.php:1365 include/text.php:1377
-msgid "Click to open/close"
-msgstr "Zum öffnen/schließen klicken"
-#: include/text.php:1503
-msgid "View on separate page"
-msgstr "Auf separater Seite ansehen"
-#: include/text.php:1504
-msgid "view on separate page"
-msgstr "auf separater Seite ansehen"
-#: include/text.php:1779 include/conversation.php:122
-#: include/conversation.php:258 include/like.php:165
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:463
-msgid "event"
-msgstr "Event"
-#: include/text.php:1781 include/conversation.php:130
-#: include/conversation.php:266 include/like.php:163 mod/tagger.php:62
-#: mod/subthread.php:87 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:471
-msgid "photo"
-msgstr "Foto"
-#: include/text.php:1783
-msgid "activity"
-msgstr "Aktivität"
-#: include/text.php:1785 mod/content.php:623 object/Item.php:431
-#: object/Item.php:444
-msgid "comment"
-msgid_plural "comments"
-msgstr[0] "Kommentar"
-msgstr[1] "Kommentare"
-#: include/text.php:1786
-msgid "post"
-msgstr "Beitrag"
-#: include/text.php:1954
-msgid "Item filed"
-msgstr "Beitrag abgelegt"
-#: include/conversation.php:144 include/like.php:184
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s doesn't like %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s mag %2$ss %3$s nicht"
-#: include/conversation.php:147
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s attends %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s nimmt an %2$ss %3$s teil."
-#: include/conversation.php:150
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s doesn't attend %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s nimmt nicht an %2$ss %3$s teil."
-#: include/conversation.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s attends maybe %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s nimmt eventuell an %2$ss %3$s teil."
-#: include/conversation.php:185 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:472
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is now friends with %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s ist nun mit %2$s befreundet"
-#: include/conversation.php:219
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s poked %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s stupste %2$s"
-#: include/conversation.php:239 mod/mood.php:62
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is currently %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s ist momentan %2$s"
-#: include/conversation.php:278 mod/tagger.php:95
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s tagged %2$s's %3$s with %4$s"
-msgstr "%1$s hat %2$ss %3$s mit %4$s getaggt"
-#: include/conversation.php:303
-msgid "post/item"
-msgstr "Nachricht/Beitrag"
-#: include/conversation.php:304
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s marked %2$s's %3$s as favorite"
-msgstr "%1$s hat %2$s\\s %3$s als Favorit markiert"
-#: include/conversation.php:587 mod/content.php:372 mod/profiles.php:344
-#: mod/photos.php:1634
-msgid "Likes"
-msgstr "Likes"
-#: include/conversation.php:587 mod/content.php:372 mod/profiles.php:348
-#: mod/photos.php:1634
-msgid "Dislikes"
-msgstr "Dislikes"
-#: include/conversation.php:588 include/conversation.php:1471
-#: mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1635
-msgid "Attending"
-msgid_plural "Attending"
-msgstr[0] "Teilnehmend"
-msgstr[1] "Teilnehmend"
-#: include/conversation.php:588 mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1635
-msgid "Not attending"
-msgstr "Nicht teilnehmend"
-#: include/conversation.php:588 mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1635
-msgid "Might attend"
-msgstr "Eventuell teilnehmend"
-#: include/conversation.php:710 mod/content.php:453 mod/content.php:758
-#: mod/photos.php:1709 object/Item.php:133
-msgid "Select"
-msgstr "Auswählen"
-#: include/conversation.php:711 mod/admin.php:1388 mod/content.php:454
-#: mod/content.php:759 mod/photos.php:1710 mod/contacts.php:801
-#: mod/contacts.php:1016 mod/group.php:171 mod/settings.php:726
-#: object/Item.php:134
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Löschen"
-#: include/conversation.php:755 mod/content.php:487 mod/content.php:910
-#: mod/content.php:911 object/Item.php:367 object/Item.php:368
-#, php-format
-msgid "View %s's profile @ %s"
-msgstr "Das Profil von %s auf %s betrachten."
-#: include/conversation.php:767 object/Item.php:355
-msgid "Categories:"
-msgstr "Kategorien:"
-#: include/conversation.php:768 object/Item.php:356
-msgid "Filed under:"
-msgstr "Abgelegt unter:"
-#: include/conversation.php:775 mod/content.php:497 mod/content.php:923
-#: object/Item.php:381
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s from %s"
-msgstr "%s von %s"
-#: include/conversation.php:791 mod/content.php:513
-msgid "View in context"
-msgstr "Im Zusammenhang betrachten"
-#: include/conversation.php:793 include/conversation.php:1255
-#: mod/content.php:515 mod/content.php:948 mod/photos.php:1597
-#: mod/editpost.php:124 mod/wallmessage.php:156 mod/message.php:356
-#: mod/message.php:548 object/Item.php:406
-msgid "Please wait"
-msgstr "Bitte warten"
-#: include/conversation.php:872
-msgid "remove"
-msgstr "löschen"
-#: include/conversation.php:876
-msgid "Delete Selected Items"
-msgstr "Lösche die markierten Beiträge"
-#: include/conversation.php:964
-msgid "Follow Thread"
-msgstr "Folge der Unterhaltung"
-#: include/conversation.php:965 include/Contact.php:364
-msgid "View Status"
-msgstr "Pinnwand anschauen"
-#: include/conversation.php:966 include/conversation.php:980
-#: include/Contact.php:310 include/Contact.php:323 include/Contact.php:365
-#: mod/dirfind.php:203 mod/directory.php:163 mod/match.php:71
-#: mod/allfriends.php:65 mod/suggest.php:82
-msgid "View Profile"
-msgstr "Profil anschauen"
-#: include/conversation.php:967 include/Contact.php:366
-msgid "View Photos"
-msgstr "Bilder anschauen"
-#: include/conversation.php:968 include/Contact.php:367
-msgid "Network Posts"
-msgstr "Netzwerkbeiträge"
-#: include/conversation.php:969 include/Contact.php:368
-msgid "Edit Contact"
-msgstr "Kontakt bearbeiten"
-#: include/conversation.php:970 include/Contact.php:370
-msgid "Send PM"
-msgstr "Private Nachricht senden"
-#: include/conversation.php:974 include/Contact.php:371
-msgid "Poke"
-msgstr "Anstupsen"
-#: include/conversation.php:1088
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s likes this."
-msgstr "%s mag das."
-#: include/conversation.php:1091
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s doesn't like this."
-msgstr "%s mag das nicht."
-#: include/conversation.php:1094
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s attends."
-msgstr "%s nimmt teil."
-#: include/conversation.php:1097
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s doesn't attend."
-msgstr "%s nimmt nicht teil."
-#: include/conversation.php:1100
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s attends maybe."
-msgstr "%s nimmt eventuell teil."
-#: include/conversation.php:1110
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "und"
-#: include/conversation.php:1116
-#, php-format
-msgid ", and %d other people"
-msgstr " und %d andere"
-#: include/conversation.php:1125
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people like this"
-msgstr "%2$d Personen mögen das"
-#: include/conversation.php:1126
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s like this."
-msgstr "%s mögen das."
-#: include/conversation.php:1129
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people don't like this"
-msgstr "%2$d Personen mögen das nicht"
-#: include/conversation.php:1130
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s don't like this."
-msgstr "%s mögen dies nicht."
-#: include/conversation.php:1133
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people attend"
-msgstr "%2$d Personen nehmen teil"
-#: include/conversation.php:1134
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s attend."
-msgstr "%s nehmen teil."
-#: include/conversation.php:1137
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people don't attend"
-msgstr "%2$d Personen nehmen nicht teil"
-#: include/conversation.php:1138
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s don't attend."
-msgstr "%s nehmen nicht teil."
-#: include/conversation.php:1141
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people anttend maybe"
-msgstr "%2$d Personen nehmen eventuell teil"
-#: include/conversation.php:1142
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s anttend maybe."
-msgstr "%s nehmen vielleicht teil."
-#: include/conversation.php:1181 include/conversation.php:1199
-msgid "Visible to everybody "
-msgstr "Für jedermann sichtbar"
-#: include/conversation.php:1182 include/conversation.php:1200
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:127 mod/wallmessage.php:135 mod/message.php:291
-#: mod/message.php:299 mod/message.php:442 mod/message.php:450
-msgid "Please enter a link URL:"
-msgstr "Bitte gib die URL des Links ein:"
-#: include/conversation.php:1183 include/conversation.php:1201
-msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:"
-msgstr "Bitte Link/URL zum Video einfügen:"
-#: include/conversation.php:1184 include/conversation.php:1202
-msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:"
-msgstr "Bitte Link/URL zum Audio einfügen:"
-#: include/conversation.php:1185 include/conversation.php:1203
-msgid "Tag term:"
-msgstr "Tag:"
-#: include/conversation.php:1186 include/conversation.php:1204
-#: mod/filer.php:30
-msgid "Save to Folder:"
-msgstr "In diesem Ordner speichern:"
-#: include/conversation.php:1187 include/conversation.php:1205
-msgid "Where are you right now?"
-msgstr "Wo hältst Du Dich jetzt gerade auf?"
-#: include/conversation.php:1188
-msgid "Delete item(s)?"
-msgstr "Einträge löschen?"
-#: include/conversation.php:1236 mod/photos.php:1596
-msgid "Share"
-msgstr "Teilen"
-#: include/conversation.php:1237 mod/editpost.php:110 mod/wallmessage.php:154
-#: mod/message.php:354 mod/message.php:545
-msgid "Upload photo"
-msgstr "Foto hochladen"
-#: include/conversation.php:1238 mod/editpost.php:111
-msgid "upload photo"
-msgstr "Bild hochladen"
-#: include/conversation.php:1239 mod/editpost.php:112
-msgid "Attach file"
-msgstr "Datei anhängen"
-#: include/conversation.php:1240 mod/editpost.php:113
-msgid "attach file"
-msgstr "Datei anhängen"
-#: include/conversation.php:1241 mod/editpost.php:114 mod/wallmessage.php:155
-#: mod/message.php:355 mod/message.php:546
-msgid "Insert web link"
-msgstr "Einen Link einfügen"
-#: include/conversation.php:1242 mod/editpost.php:115
-msgid "web link"
-msgstr "Weblink"
-#: include/conversation.php:1243 mod/editpost.php:116
-msgid "Insert video link"
-msgstr "Video-Adresse einfügen"
-#: include/conversation.php:1244 mod/editpost.php:117
-msgid "video link"
-msgstr "Video-Link"
-#: include/conversation.php:1245 mod/editpost.php:118
-msgid "Insert audio link"
-msgstr "Audio-Adresse einfügen"
-#: include/conversation.php:1246 mod/editpost.php:119
-msgid "audio link"
-msgstr "Audio-Link"
-#: include/conversation.php:1247 mod/editpost.php:120
-msgid "Set your location"
-msgstr "Deinen Standort festlegen"
-#: include/conversation.php:1248 mod/editpost.php:121
-msgid "set location"
-msgstr "Ort setzen"
-#: include/conversation.php:1249 mod/editpost.php:122
-msgid "Clear browser location"
-msgstr "Browser-Standort leeren"
-#: include/conversation.php:1250 mod/editpost.php:123
-msgid "clear location"
-msgstr "Ort löschen"
-#: include/conversation.php:1252 mod/editpost.php:137
-msgid "Set title"
-msgstr "Titel setzen"
-#: include/conversation.php:1254 mod/editpost.php:139
-msgid "Categories (comma-separated list)"
-msgstr "Kategorien (kommasepariert)"
-#: include/conversation.php:1256 mod/editpost.php:125
-msgid "Permission settings"
-msgstr "Berechtigungseinstellungen"
-#: include/conversation.php:1257 mod/editpost.php:154
-msgid "permissions"
-msgstr "Zugriffsrechte"
-#: include/conversation.php:1265 mod/editpost.php:134
-msgid "Public post"
-msgstr "Öffentlicher Beitrag"
-#: include/conversation.php:1270 mod/events.php:505 mod/content.php:737
-#: mod/photos.php:1618 mod/photos.php:1666 mod/photos.php:1754
-#: mod/editpost.php:145 object/Item.php:729
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Vorschau"
-#: include/conversation.php:1280
-msgid "Post to Groups"
-msgstr "Poste an Gruppe"
-#: include/conversation.php:1281
-msgid "Post to Contacts"
-msgstr "Poste an Kontakte"
-#: include/conversation.php:1282
-msgid "Private post"
-msgstr "Privater Beitrag"
-#: include/conversation.php:1287 include/identity.php:250 mod/editpost.php:152
-msgid "Message"
-msgstr "Nachricht"
-#: include/conversation.php:1288 mod/editpost.php:153
-msgid "Browser"
-msgstr "Browser"
-#: include/conversation.php:1443
-msgid "View all"
-msgstr "Zeige alle"
-#: include/conversation.php:1465
-msgid "Like"
-msgid_plural "Likes"
-msgstr[0] "mag ich"
-msgstr[1] "Mag ich"
-#: include/conversation.php:1468
-msgid "Dislike"
-msgid_plural "Dislikes"
-msgstr[0] "mag ich nicht"
-msgstr[1] "Mag ich nicht"
-#: include/conversation.php:1474
-msgid "Not Attending"
-msgid_plural "Not Attending"
-msgstr[0] "Nicht teilnehmend "
-msgstr[1] "Nicht teilnehmend"
-#: include/identity.php:42
-msgid "Requested account is not available."
-msgstr "Das angefragte Profil ist nicht vorhanden."
-#: include/identity.php:51 mod/profile.php:21
-msgid "Requested profile is not available."
-msgstr "Das angefragte Profil ist nicht vorhanden."
-#: include/identity.php:95 include/identity.php:305 include/identity.php:686
-msgid "Edit profile"
-msgstr "Profil bearbeiten"
-#: include/identity.php:245
-msgid "Atom feed"
-msgstr "Atom-Feed"
-#: include/identity.php:276 include/nav.php:191
-msgid "Profiles"
-msgstr "Profile"
-#: include/identity.php:276
-msgid "Manage/edit profiles"
-msgstr "Profile verwalten/editieren"
-#: include/identity.php:281 include/identity.php:307 mod/profiles.php:787
-msgid "Change profile photo"
-msgstr "Profilbild ändern"
-#: include/identity.php:282 mod/profiles.php:788
-msgid "Create New Profile"
-msgstr "Neues Profil anlegen"
-#: include/identity.php:292 mod/profiles.php:777
-msgid "Profile Image"
-msgstr "Profilbild"
-#: include/identity.php:295 mod/profiles.php:779
-msgid "visible to everybody"
-msgstr "sichtbar für jeden"
-#: include/identity.php:296 mod/profiles.php:684 mod/profiles.php:780
-msgid "Edit visibility"
-msgstr "Sichtbarkeit bearbeiten"
-#: include/identity.php:319 mod/dirfind.php:223 mod/directory.php:174
-#: mod/match.php:84 mod/viewcontacts.php:105 mod/allfriends.php:79
-#: mod/cal.php:44 mod/videos.php:37 mod/photos.php:41 mod/contacts.php:51
-#: mod/contacts.php:948 mod/suggest.php:98 mod/hovercard.php:80
-#: mod/common.php:123 mod/network.php:517
-msgid "Forum"
-msgstr "Forum"
-#: include/identity.php:331 include/identity.php:614 mod/notifications.php:252
-#: mod/directory.php:147
-msgid "Gender:"
-msgstr "Geschlecht:"
-#: include/identity.php:334 include/identity.php:634 mod/directory.php:149
-msgid "Status:"
-msgstr "Status:"
-#: include/identity.php:336 include/identity.php:645 mod/directory.php:151
-msgid "Homepage:"
-msgstr "Homepage:"
-#: include/identity.php:338 include/identity.php:655 mod/notifications.php:248
-#: mod/directory.php:153 mod/contacts.php:626
-msgid "About:"
-msgstr "Über:"
-#: include/identity.php:420 mod/contacts.php:50
-msgid "Network:"
-msgstr "Netzwerk"
-#: include/identity.php:449 include/identity.php:533
-msgid "g A l F d"
-msgstr "l, d. F G \\U\\h\\r"
-#: include/identity.php:450 include/identity.php:534
-msgid "F d"
-msgstr "d. F"
-#: include/identity.php:495 include/identity.php:580
-msgid "[today]"
-msgstr "[heute]"
-#: include/identity.php:507
-msgid "Birthday Reminders"
-msgstr "Geburtstagserinnerungen"
-#: include/identity.php:508
-msgid "Birthdays this week:"
-msgstr "Geburtstage diese Woche:"
-#: include/identity.php:567
-msgid "[No description]"
-msgstr "[keine Beschreibung]"
-#: include/identity.php:591
-msgid "Event Reminders"
-msgstr "Veranstaltungserinnerungen"
-#: include/identity.php:592
-msgid "Events this week:"
-msgstr "Veranstaltungen diese Woche"
-#: include/identity.php:603 include/identity.php:689 include/identity.php:720
-#: include/nav.php:79 mod/profperm.php:104 mod/contacts.php:834
-#: mod/newmember.php:32 view/theme/frio/theme.php:247
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124
-msgid "Profile"
-msgstr "Profil"
-#: include/identity.php:612 mod/settings.php:1229
-msgid "Full Name:"
-msgstr "Kompletter Name:"
-#: include/identity.php:619
-msgid "j F, Y"
-msgstr "j F, Y"
-#: include/identity.php:620
-msgid "j F"
-msgstr "j F"
-#: include/identity.php:631
-msgid "Age:"
-msgstr "Alter:"
-#: include/identity.php:640
-#, php-format
-msgid "for %1$d %2$s"
-msgstr "für %1$d %2$s"
-#: include/identity.php:643 mod/profiles.php:703
-msgid "Sexual Preference:"
-msgstr "Sexuelle Vorlieben:"
-#: include/identity.php:647 mod/profiles.php:729
-msgid "Hometown:"
-msgstr "Heimatort:"
-#: include/identity.php:649 mod/notifications.php:250 mod/contacts.php:628
-#: mod/follow.php:134
-msgid "Tags:"
-msgstr "Tags"
-#: include/identity.php:651 mod/profiles.php:730
-msgid "Political Views:"
-msgstr "Politische Ansichten:"
-#: include/identity.php:653
-msgid "Religion:"
-msgstr "Religion:"
-#: include/identity.php:657
-msgid "Hobbies/Interests:"
-msgstr "Hobbies/Interessen:"
-#: include/identity.php:659 mod/profiles.php:734
-msgid "Likes:"
-msgstr "Likes:"
-#: include/identity.php:661 mod/profiles.php:735
-msgid "Dislikes:"
-msgstr "Dislikes:"
-#: include/identity.php:664
-msgid "Contact information and Social Networks:"
-msgstr "Kontaktinformationen und Soziale Netzwerke:"
-#: include/identity.php:666
-msgid "Musical interests:"
-msgstr "Musikalische Interessen:"
-#: include/identity.php:668
-msgid "Books, literature:"
-msgstr "Literatur/Bücher:"
-#: include/identity.php:670
-msgid "Television:"
-msgstr "Fernsehen:"
-#: include/identity.php:672
-msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"
-msgstr "Filme/Tänze/Kultur/Unterhaltung:"
-#: include/identity.php:674
-msgid "Love/Romance:"
-msgstr "Liebesleben:"
-#: include/identity.php:676
-msgid "Work/employment:"
-msgstr "Arbeit/Beschäftigung:"
-#: include/identity.php:678
-msgid "School/education:"
-msgstr "Schule/Ausbildung:"
-#: include/identity.php:682
-msgid "Forums:"
-msgstr "Foren:"
-#: include/identity.php:690 mod/events.php:508
-msgid "Basic"
-msgstr "Allgemein"
-#: include/identity.php:691 mod/events.php:509 mod/admin.php:928
-#: mod/contacts.php:863
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Erweitert"
-#: include/identity.php:712 include/nav.php:78 mod/contacts.php:631
-#: mod/contacts.php:826 view/theme/frio/theme.php:246
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Status"
-#: include/identity.php:715 mod/contacts.php:829 mod/follow.php:143
-msgid "Status Messages and Posts"
-msgstr "Statusnachrichten und Beiträge"
-#: include/identity.php:723 mod/contacts.php:837
-msgid "Profile Details"
-msgstr "Profildetails"
-#: include/identity.php:728 include/nav.php:80 mod/fbrowser.php:32
-#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:248 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
-msgid "Photos"
-msgstr "Bilder"
-#: include/identity.php:731 mod/photos.php:99
-msgid "Photo Albums"
-msgstr "Fotoalben"
-#: include/identity.php:736 include/identity.php:739 include/nav.php:81
-#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:249
-msgid "Videos"
-msgstr "Videos"
-#: include/identity.php:748 include/identity.php:759 include/nav.php:82
-#: include/nav.php:146 mod/events.php:379 mod/cal.php:278
-#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:250 view/theme/frio/theme.php:254
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
-msgid "Events"
-msgstr "Veranstaltungen"
-#: include/identity.php:751 include/identity.php:762 include/nav.php:146
-#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:254
-msgid "Events and Calendar"
-msgstr "Ereignisse und Kalender"
-#: include/identity.php:770 mod/notes.php:46
-msgid "Personal Notes"
-msgstr "Persönliche Notizen"
-#: include/identity.php:773
-msgid "Only You Can See This"
-msgstr "Nur Du kannst das sehen"
-#: include/Scrape.php:656
-msgid " on Last.fm"
-msgstr " bei Last.fm"
-#: include/follow.php:77 mod/dfrn_request.php:506
+#: include/follow.php:77 mod/dfrn_request.php:507
msgid "Disallowed profile URL."
msgstr "Nicht erlaubte Profil-URL."
@@ -2191,606 +2277,319 @@ msgstr "Konnte die Kontaktinformationen nicht empfangen."
msgid "following"
msgstr "folgen"
-#: include/Contact.php:119
-msgid "stopped following"
-msgstr "wird nicht mehr gefolgt"
+#: include/identity.php:42
+msgid "Requested account is not available."
+msgstr "Das angefragte Profil ist nicht vorhanden."
-#: include/Contact.php:369
-msgid "Drop Contact"
-msgstr "Kontakt löschen"
+#: include/identity.php:51 mod/profile.php:21
+msgid "Requested profile is not available."
+msgstr "Das angefragte Profil ist nicht vorhanden."
-#: include/oembed.php:229
-msgid "Embedded content"
-msgstr "Eingebetteter Inhalt"
+#: include/identity.php:95 include/identity.php:311 include/identity.php:688
+msgid "Edit profile"
+msgstr "Profil bearbeiten"
-#: include/oembed.php:238
-msgid "Embedding disabled"
-msgstr "Einbettungen deaktiviert"
+#: include/identity.php:251
+msgid "Atom feed"
+msgstr "Atom-Feed"
-#: include/bbcode.php:349 include/bbcode.php:1054 include/bbcode.php:1055
-msgid "Image/photo"
-msgstr "Bild/Foto"
+#: include/identity.php:282 include/nav.php:189
+msgid "Profiles"
+msgstr "Profile"
-#: include/bbcode.php:466
+#: include/identity.php:282
+msgid "Manage/edit profiles"
+msgstr "Profile verwalten/editieren"
+#: include/identity.php:287 include/identity.php:313 mod/profiles.php:795
+msgid "Change profile photo"
+msgstr "Profilbild ändern"
+#: include/identity.php:288 mod/profiles.php:796
+msgid "Create New Profile"
+msgstr "Neues Profil anlegen"
+#: include/identity.php:298 mod/profiles.php:785
+msgid "Profile Image"
+msgstr "Profilbild"
+#: include/identity.php:301 mod/profiles.php:787
+msgid "visible to everybody"
+msgstr "sichtbar für jeden"
+#: include/identity.php:302 mod/profiles.php:691 mod/profiles.php:788
+msgid "Edit visibility"
+msgstr "Sichtbarkeit bearbeiten"
+#: include/identity.php:330 include/identity.php:616 mod/notifications.php:238
+#: mod/directory.php:139
+msgid "Gender:"
+msgstr "Geschlecht:"
+#: include/identity.php:333 include/identity.php:636 mod/directory.php:141
+msgid "Status:"
+msgstr "Status:"
+#: include/identity.php:335 include/identity.php:647 mod/directory.php:143
+msgid "Homepage:"
+msgstr "Homepage:"
+#: include/identity.php:337 include/identity.php:657 mod/notifications.php:234
+#: mod/contacts.php:632 mod/directory.php:145
+msgid "About:"
+msgstr "Über:"
+#: include/identity.php:339 mod/contacts.php:630
+msgid "XMPP:"
+msgstr "XMPP:"
+#: include/identity.php:422 mod/notifications.php:246 mod/contacts.php:50
+msgid "Network:"
+msgstr "Netzwerk:"
+#: include/identity.php:451 include/identity.php:535
+msgid "g A l F d"
+msgstr "l, d. F G \\U\\h\\r"
+#: include/identity.php:452 include/identity.php:536
+msgid "F d"
+msgstr "d. F"
+#: include/identity.php:497 include/identity.php:582
+msgid "[today]"
+msgstr "[heute]"
+#: include/identity.php:509
+msgid "Birthday Reminders"
+msgstr "Geburtstagserinnerungen"
+#: include/identity.php:510
+msgid "Birthdays this week:"
+msgstr "Geburtstage diese Woche:"
+#: include/identity.php:569
+msgid "[No description]"
+msgstr "[keine Beschreibung]"
+#: include/identity.php:593
+msgid "Event Reminders"
+msgstr "Veranstaltungserinnerungen"
+#: include/identity.php:594
+msgid "Events this week:"
+msgstr "Veranstaltungen diese Woche"
+#: include/identity.php:605 include/identity.php:691 include/identity.php:722
+#: include/nav.php:82 mod/profperm.php:104 mod/newmember.php:32
+#: mod/contacts.php:639 mod/contacts.php:841 view/theme/frio/theme.php:247
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Profil"
+#: include/identity.php:614 mod/settings.php:1274
+msgid "Full Name:"
+msgstr "Kompletter Name:"
+#: include/identity.php:621
+msgid "j F, Y"
+msgstr "j F, Y"
+#: include/identity.php:622
+msgid "j F"
+msgstr "j F"
+#: include/identity.php:633
+msgid "Age:"
+msgstr "Alter:"
+#: include/identity.php:642
#, php-format
-msgid "%2$s %3$s"
-msgstr "%2$s %3$s"
+msgid "for %1$d %2$s"
+msgstr "für %1$d %2$s"
-#: include/bbcode.php:1014 include/bbcode.php:1034
-msgid "$1 wrote:"
-msgstr "$1 hat geschrieben:"
-#: include/bbcode.php:1063 include/bbcode.php:1064
-msgid "Encrypted content"
-msgstr "Verschlüsselter Inhalt"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:32
-msgid "Unknown | Not categorised"
-msgstr "Unbekannt | Nicht kategorisiert"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:33
-msgid "Block immediately"
-msgstr "Sofort blockieren"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:34
-msgid "Shady, spammer, self-marketer"
-msgstr "Zwielichtig, Spammer, Selbstdarsteller"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:35
-msgid "Known to me, but no opinion"
-msgstr "Ist mir bekannt, hab aber keine Meinung"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:36
-msgid "OK, probably harmless"
-msgstr "OK, wahrscheinlich harmlos"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:37
-msgid "Reputable, has my trust"
-msgstr "Seriös, hat mein Vertrauen"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:56 mod/admin.php:859
-msgid "Frequently"
-msgstr "immer wieder"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:57 mod/admin.php:860
-msgid "Hourly"
-msgstr "Stündlich"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:58 mod/admin.php:861
-msgid "Twice daily"
-msgstr "Zweimal täglich"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:59 mod/admin.php:862
-msgid "Daily"
-msgstr "Täglich"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:60
-msgid "Weekly"
-msgstr "Wöchentlich"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:61
-msgid "Monthly"
-msgstr "Monatlich"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:76 mod/dfrn_request.php:866
-msgid "Friendica"
-msgstr "Friendica"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:77
-msgid "OStatus"
-msgstr "OStatus"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:78
-msgid "RSS/Atom"
-msgstr "RSS/Atom"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:79 include/contact_selectors.php:86
-#: mod/admin.php:1371 mod/admin.php:1384 mod/admin.php:1396 mod/admin.php:1414
-msgid "Email"
-msgstr "E-Mail"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:80 mod/dfrn_request.php:868
-#: mod/settings.php:827
-msgid "Diaspora"
-msgstr "Diaspora"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:81
-msgid "Facebook"
-msgstr "Facebook"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:82
-msgid "Zot!"
-msgstr "Zott"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:83
-msgid "LinkedIn"
-msgstr "LinkedIn"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:84
-msgid "XMPP/IM"
-msgstr "XMPP/Chat"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:85
-msgid "MySpace"
-msgstr "MySpace"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:87
-msgid "Google+"
-msgstr "Google+"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:88
-msgid "pump.io"
-msgstr "pump.io"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:89
-msgid "Twitter"
-msgstr "Twitter"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:90
-msgid "Diaspora Connector"
-msgstr "Diaspora"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:91
-msgid "GNU Social"
-msgstr "GNU Social"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:92
-msgid "App.net"
-msgstr "App.net"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:103
-msgid "Hubzilla/Redmatrix"
-msgstr "Hubzilla/Redmatrix"
-#: include/dbstructure.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n"
-"\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n"
-"\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n"
-"\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."
-msgstr "\nDie Friendica-Entwickler haben vor kurzem das Update %s veröffentlicht, aber bei der Installation ging etwas schrecklich schief.\n\nDas Problem sollte so schnell wie möglich gelöst werden, aber ich schaffe es nicht alleine. Bitte kontaktiere einen Friendica-Entwickler falls Du mir nicht alleine helfen kannst. Meine Datenbank könnte ungültig sein."
-#: include/dbstructure.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The error message is\n"
-msgstr "Die Fehlermeldung lautet\n[pre]%s[/pre]"
-#: include/dbstructure.php:153
-msgid "Errors encountered creating database tables."
-msgstr "Fehler aufgetreten während der Erzeugung der Datenbanktabellen."
-#: include/dbstructure.php:230
-msgid "Errors encountered performing database changes."
-msgstr "Es sind Fehler beim Bearbeiten der Datenbank aufgetreten."
-#: include/auth.php:45
-msgid "Logged out."
-msgstr "Abgemeldet."
-#: include/auth.php:116 include/auth.php:178 mod/openid.php:100
-msgid "Login failed."
-msgstr "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen."
-#: include/auth.php:132 include/user.php:75
-msgid ""
-"We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. "
-"Please check the correct spelling of the ID."
-msgstr "Beim Versuch Dich mit der von Dir angegebenen OpenID anzumelden trat ein Problem auf. Bitte überprüfe, dass Du die OpenID richtig geschrieben hast."
-#: include/auth.php:132 include/user.php:75
-msgid "The error message was:"
-msgstr "Die Fehlermeldung lautete:"
-#: include/network.php:913
-msgid "view full size"
-msgstr "Volle Größe anzeigen"
-#: include/group.php:25
-msgid ""
-"A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions "
-"may apply to this group and any future members. If this is "
-"not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."
-msgstr "Eine gelöschte Gruppe mit diesem Namen wurde wiederbelebt. Bestehende Berechtigungseinstellungen könnten auf diese Gruppe oder zukünftige Mitglieder angewandt werden. Falls Du dies nicht möchtest, erstelle bitte eine andere Gruppe mit einem anderen Namen."
-#: include/group.php:209
-msgid "Default privacy group for new contacts"
-msgstr "Voreingestellte Gruppe für neue Kontakte"
-#: include/group.php:242
-msgid "Everybody"
-msgstr "Alle Kontakte"
-#: include/group.php:265
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "bearbeiten"
-#: include/group.php:286 mod/newmember.php:61
-msgid "Groups"
-msgstr "Gruppen"
-#: include/group.php:288
-msgid "Edit groups"
-msgstr "Gruppen bearbeiten"
-#: include/group.php:290
-msgid "Edit group"
-msgstr "Gruppe bearbeiten"
-#: include/group.php:291
-msgid "Create a new group"
-msgstr "Neue Gruppe erstellen"
-#: include/group.php:292 mod/group.php:94 mod/group.php:178
-msgid "Group Name: "
-msgstr "Gruppenname:"
-#: include/group.php:294
-msgid "Contacts not in any group"
-msgstr "Kontakte in keiner Gruppe"
-#: include/group.php:296 mod/network.php:201
-msgid "add"
-msgstr "hinzufügen"
-#: include/Photo.php:996 include/Photo.php:1011 include/Photo.php:1018
-#: include/Photo.php:1040 include/message.php:145 mod/wall_upload.php:218
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:232 mod/wall_upload.php:239 mod/item.php:472
-msgid "Wall Photos"
-msgstr "Pinnwand-Bilder"
-#: include/delivery.php:439
-msgid "(no subject)"
-msgstr "(kein Betreff)"
-#: include/user.php:39 mod/settings.php:370
-msgid "Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."
-msgstr "Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein. Das Passwort bleibt unverändert."
-#: include/user.php:48
-msgid "An invitation is required."
-msgstr "Du benötigst eine Einladung."
-#: include/user.php:53
-msgid "Invitation could not be verified."
-msgstr "Die Einladung konnte nicht überprüft werden."
-#: include/user.php:61
-msgid "Invalid OpenID url"
-msgstr "Ungültige OpenID URL"
-#: include/user.php:82
-msgid "Please enter the required information."
-msgstr "Bitte trage die erforderlichen Informationen ein."
-#: include/user.php:96
-msgid "Please use a shorter name."
-msgstr "Bitte verwende einen kürzeren Namen."
-#: include/user.php:98
-msgid "Name too short."
-msgstr "Der Name ist zu kurz."
-#: include/user.php:113
-msgid "That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."
-msgstr "Das scheint nicht Dein kompletter Name (Vor- und Nachname) zu sein."
-#: include/user.php:118
-msgid "Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."
-msgstr "Die Domain Deiner E-Mail Adresse ist auf dieser Seite nicht erlaubt."
-#: include/user.php:121
-msgid "Not a valid email address."
-msgstr "Keine gültige E-Mail-Adresse."
-#: include/user.php:134
-msgid "Cannot use that email."
-msgstr "Konnte diese E-Mail-Adresse nicht verwenden."
-#: include/user.php:140
-msgid "Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."
-msgstr "Dein Spitzname darf nur aus Buchstaben und Zahlen (\"a-z\",\"0-9\" und \"_\") bestehen."
-#: include/user.php:147 include/user.php:245
-msgid "Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."
-msgstr "Dieser Spitzname ist bereits vergeben. Bitte wähle einen anderen."
-#: include/user.php:157
-msgid ""
-"Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose "
-msgstr "Dieser Spitzname ist bereits vergeben. Bitte wähle einen anderen."
-#: include/user.php:173
-msgid "SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."
-msgstr "FATALER FEHLER: Sicherheitsschlüssel konnten nicht erzeugt werden."
-#: include/user.php:231
-msgid "An error occurred during registration. Please try again."
-msgstr "Während der Anmeldung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
-#: include/user.php:256 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:44
-msgid "default"
-msgstr "Standard"
-#: include/user.php:266
-msgid "An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."
-msgstr "Bei der Erstellung des Standardprofils ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
-#: include/user.php:345 include/user.php:352 include/user.php:359
-#: mod/photos.php:78 mod/photos.php:192 mod/photos.php:769 mod/photos.php:1232
-#: mod/photos.php:1255 mod/photos.php:1849 mod/profile_photo.php:74
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:81 mod/profile_photo.php:88 mod/profile_photo.php:210
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:302 mod/profile_photo.php:311
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:500
-msgid "Profile Photos"
-msgstr "Profilbilder"
-#: include/user.php:387
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
-"\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2$s. Your account has been created.\n"
-msgstr "\nHallo %1$s,\n\ndanke für Deine Registrierung auf %2$s. Dein Account wurde eingerichtet."
-#: include/user.php:391
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
-"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3$s\n"
-"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1$s\n"
-"\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n"
-"\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n"
-"\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n"
-"\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
-"\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
-"\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n"
-"\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n"
-"\t\tthan that.\n"
-"\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n"
-"\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
-"\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
-"\t\tThank you and welcome to %2$s."
-msgstr "\nDie Anmelde-Details sind die folgenden:\n\tAdresse der Seite:\t%3$s\n\tBenutzernamename:\t%1$s\n\tPasswort:\t%5$s\n\nDu kannst Dein Passwort unter \"Einstellungen\" ändern, sobald Du Dich\nangemeldet hast.\n\nBitte nimm Dir ein paar Minuten um die anderen Einstellungen auf dieser\nSeite zu kontrollieren.\n\nEventuell magst Du ja auch einige Informationen über Dich in Deinem\nProfil veröffentlichen, damit andere Leute Dich einfacher finden können.\nBearbeite hierfür einfach Dein Standard-Profil (über die Profil-Seite).\n\nWir empfehlen Dir, Deinen kompletten Namen anzugeben und ein zu Dir\npassendes Profilbild zu wählen, damit Dich alte Bekannte wieder finden.\nAußerdem ist es nützlich, wenn Du auf Deinem Profil Schlüsselwörter\nangibst. Das erleichtert es, Leute zu finden, die Deine Interessen teilen.\n\nWir respektieren Deine Privatsphäre - keine dieser Angaben ist nötig.\nWenn Du neu im Netzwerk bist und noch niemanden kennst, dann können sie\nallerdings dabei helfen, neue und interessante Kontakte zu knüpfen.\n\nDanke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit und willkommen auf %2$s."
-#: include/user.php:423 mod/admin.php:1178
-#, php-format
-msgid "Registration details for %s"
-msgstr "Details der Registration von %s"
-#: include/api.php:905
-#, php-format
-msgid "Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
-msgstr "Das tägliche Nachrichtenlimit von %d Nachrichten wurde erreicht. Die Nachtricht wurde verworfen."
-#: include/api.php:925
-#, php-format
-msgid "Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
-msgstr "Das wöchentliche Nachrichtenlimit von %d Nachrichten wurde erreicht. Die Nachtricht wurde verworfen."
-#: include/api.php:946
-#, php-format
-msgid "Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
-msgstr "Das monatliche Nachrichtenlimit von %d Nachrichten wurde erreicht. Die Nachtricht wurde verworfen."
-#: include/features.php:63
-msgid "General Features"
-msgstr "Allgemeine Features"
-#: include/features.php:65
-msgid "Multiple Profiles"
-msgstr "Mehrere Profile"
-#: include/features.php:65
-msgid "Ability to create multiple profiles"
-msgstr "Möglichkeit mehrere Profile zu erstellen"
-#: include/features.php:66
-msgid "Photo Location"
-msgstr "Aufnahmeort"
-#: include/features.php:66
-msgid ""
-"Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present)"
-" prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."
-msgstr "Die Foto-Metadaten werden ausgelesen. Dadurch kann der Aufnahmeort (wenn vorhanden) in einer Karte angezeigt werden."
-#: include/features.php:67
-msgid "Export Public Calendar"
-msgstr "Öffentlichen Kalender exportieren"
-#: include/features.php:67
-msgid "Ability for visitors to download the public calendar"
-msgstr "Möglichkeit für Besucher den öffentlichen Kalender herunter zu laden"
-#: include/features.php:72
-msgid "Post Composition Features"
-msgstr "Beitragserstellung Features"
-#: include/features.php:73
-msgid "Richtext Editor"
-msgstr "Web-Editor"
-#: include/features.php:73
-msgid "Enable richtext editor"
-msgstr "Den Web-Editor für neue Beiträge aktivieren"
-#: include/features.php:74
-msgid "Post Preview"
-msgstr "Beitragsvorschau"
-#: include/features.php:74
-msgid "Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"
-msgstr "Die Vorschau von Beiträgen und Kommentaren vor dem absenden erlauben."
-#: include/features.php:75
-msgid "Auto-mention Forums"
-msgstr "Foren automatisch erwähnen"
-#: include/features.php:75
-msgid ""
-"Add/remove mention when a fourm page is selected/deselected in ACL window."
-msgstr "Automatisch eine @-Erwähnung eines Forums einfügen/entfehrnen, wenn dieses im ACL Fenster de-/markiert wurde."
-#: include/features.php:80
-msgid "Network Sidebar Widgets"
-msgstr "Widgets für Netzwerk und Seitenleiste"
-#: include/features.php:81
-msgid "Search by Date"
+#: include/identity.php:645 mod/profiles.php:710
+msgid "Sexual Preference:"
+msgstr "Sexuelle Vorlieben:"
+#: include/identity.php:649 mod/profiles.php:737
+msgid "Hometown:"
+msgstr "Heimatort:"
+#: include/identity.php:651 mod/follow.php:134 mod/notifications.php:236
+#: mod/contacts.php:634
+msgid "Tags:"
+msgstr "Tags:"
+#: include/identity.php:653 mod/profiles.php:738
+msgid "Political Views:"
+msgstr "Politische Ansichten:"
+#: include/identity.php:655
+msgid "Religion:"
+msgstr "Religion:"
+#: include/identity.php:659
+msgid "Hobbies/Interests:"
+msgstr "Hobbies/Interessen:"
+#: include/identity.php:661 mod/profiles.php:742
+msgid "Likes:"
+msgstr "Likes:"
+#: include/identity.php:663 mod/profiles.php:743
+msgid "Dislikes:"
+msgstr "Dislikes:"
+#: include/identity.php:666
+msgid "Contact information and Social Networks:"
+msgstr "Kontaktinformationen und Soziale Netzwerke:"
+#: include/identity.php:668
+msgid "Musical interests:"
+msgstr "Musikalische Interessen:"
+#: include/identity.php:670
+msgid "Books, literature:"
+msgstr "Literatur/Bücher:"
+#: include/identity.php:672
+msgid "Television:"
+msgstr "Fernsehen:"
+#: include/identity.php:674
+msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"
+msgstr "Filme/Tänze/Kultur/Unterhaltung:"
+#: include/identity.php:676
+msgid "Love/Romance:"
+msgstr "Liebesleben:"
+#: include/identity.php:678
+msgid "Work/employment:"
+msgstr "Arbeit/Beschäftigung:"
+#: include/identity.php:680
+msgid "School/education:"
+msgstr "Schule/Ausbildung:"
+#: include/identity.php:684
+msgid "Forums:"
+msgstr "Foren:"
+#: include/identity.php:692 mod/events.php:507
+msgid "Basic"
+msgstr "Allgemein"
+#: include/identity.php:693 mod/admin.php:931 mod/contacts.php:870
+#: mod/events.php:508
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr "Erweitert"
+#: include/identity.php:714 include/nav.php:81 mod/contacts.php:637
+#: mod/contacts.php:833 view/theme/frio/theme.php:246
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Status"
+#: include/identity.php:717 mod/follow.php:143 mod/contacts.php:836
+msgid "Status Messages and Posts"
+msgstr "Statusnachrichten und Beiträge"
+#: include/identity.php:725 mod/contacts.php:844
+msgid "Profile Details"
+msgstr "Profildetails"
+#: include/identity.php:730 include/nav.php:83 mod/fbrowser.php:32
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:248 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
+msgid "Photos"
+msgstr "Bilder"
+#: include/identity.php:733 mod/photos.php:87
+msgid "Photo Albums"
+msgstr "Fotoalben"
+#: include/identity.php:738 include/identity.php:741 include/nav.php:84
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:249
+msgid "Videos"
+msgstr "Videos"
+#: include/identity.php:750 include/identity.php:761 include/nav.php:85
+#: include/nav.php:149 mod/cal.php:275 mod/events.php:379
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:250 view/theme/frio/theme.php:254
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
+msgid "Events"
+msgstr "Veranstaltungen"
+#: include/identity.php:753 include/identity.php:764 include/nav.php:149
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:254
+msgid "Events and Calendar"
+msgstr "Ereignisse und Kalender"
+#: include/identity.php:772 mod/notes.php:46
+msgid "Personal Notes"
+msgstr "Persönliche Notizen"
+#: include/identity.php:775
+msgid "Only You Can See This"
+msgstr "Nur Du kannst das sehen"
+#: include/identity.php:783 include/identity.php:786 include/nav.php:128
+#: include/nav.php:192 include/text.php:1022 mod/contacts.php:792
+#: mod/contacts.php:853 mod/viewcontacts.php:116 view/theme/frio/theme.php:257
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:125
+msgid "Contacts"
+msgstr "Kontakte"
+#: include/items.php:1518 mod/dfrn_request.php:745 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:726
+msgid "[Name Withheld]"
+msgstr "[Name unterdrückt]"
+#: include/items.php:1873 mod/viewsrc.php:15 mod/notice.php:15
+#: mod/admin.php:234 mod/admin.php:1441 mod/admin.php:1675 mod/display.php:103
+#: mod/display.php:279 mod/display.php:478
+msgid "Item not found."
+msgstr "Beitrag nicht gefunden."
+#: include/items.php:1912
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this item?"
+msgstr "Möchtest Du wirklich dieses Item löschen?"
+#: include/items.php:1914 mod/follow.php:110 mod/api.php:105
+#: mod/message.php:217 mod/dfrn_request.php:861 mod/profiles.php:648
+#: mod/profiles.php:651 mod/profiles.php:677 mod/contacts.php:442
+#: mod/register.php:238 mod/suggest.php:29 mod/settings.php:1158
+#: mod/settings.php:1164 mod/settings.php:1172 mod/settings.php:1176
+#: mod/settings.php:1181 mod/settings.php:1187 mod/settings.php:1193
+#: mod/settings.php:1199 mod/settings.php:1225 mod/settings.php:1226
+#: mod/settings.php:1227 mod/settings.php:1228 mod/settings.php:1229
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Ja"
+#: include/items.php:2077 mod/wall_upload.php:77 mod/wall_upload.php:80
+#: mod/notes.php:22 mod/uimport.php:23 mod/nogroup.php:25 mod/invite.php:15
+#: mod/invite.php:101 mod/wall_attach.php:67 mod/wall_attach.php:70
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:9 mod/delegate.php:12 mod/attach.php:33
+#: mod/follow.php:11 mod/follow.php:73 mod/follow.php:155 mod/editpost.php:10
+#: mod/group.php:19 mod/wallmessage.php:9 mod/wallmessage.php:33
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:79 mod/wallmessage.php:103 mod/api.php:26
+#: mod/api.php:31 mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:9 mod/message.php:46
+#: mod/message.php:182 mod/manage.php:96 mod/crepair.php:100
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:57 mod/fsuggest.php:78 mod/mood.php:114
+#: mod/poke.php:150 mod/profile_photo.php:19 mod/profile_photo.php:175
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:186 mod/profile_photo.php:199 mod/regmod.php:110
+#: mod/notifications.php:71 mod/profiles.php:166 mod/profiles.php:605
+#: mod/allfriends.php:12 mod/cal.php:304 mod/common.php:18
+#: mod/contacts.php:350 mod/dirfind.php:11 mod/display.php:475
+#: mod/events.php:190 mod/item.php:198 mod/item.php:210 mod/network.php:4
+#: mod/photos.php:159 mod/photos.php:1072 mod/register.php:42
+#: mod/suggest.php:58 mod/viewcontacts.php:45 mod/settings.php:22
+#: mod/settings.php:128 mod/settings.php:663 index.php:397
+msgid "Permission denied."
+msgstr "Zugriff verweigert."
+#: include/items.php:2182
+msgid "Archives"
msgstr "Archiv"
-#: include/features.php:81
-msgid "Ability to select posts by date ranges"
-msgstr "Möglichkeit die Beiträge nach Datumsbereichen zu sortieren"
-#: include/features.php:82 include/features.php:112
-msgid "List Forums"
-msgstr "Zeige Foren"
-#: include/features.php:82
-msgid "Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"
-msgstr "Aktiviere Widget, um die Foren mit denen du verbunden bist anzuzeigen"
-#: include/features.php:83
-msgid "Group Filter"
-msgstr "Gruppen Filter"
-#: include/features.php:83
-msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"
-msgstr "Widget zur Darstellung der Beiträge nach Kontaktgruppen sortiert aktivieren."
-#: include/features.php:84
-msgid "Network Filter"
-msgstr "Netzwerk Filter"
-#: include/features.php:84
-msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"
-msgstr "Widget zum filtern der Beiträge in Abhängigkeit des Netzwerks aus dem der Ersteller sendet aktivieren."
-#: include/features.php:85 mod/search.php:34 mod/network.php:200
-msgid "Saved Searches"
-msgstr "Gespeicherte Suchen"
-#: include/features.php:85
-msgid "Save search terms for re-use"
-msgstr "Speichere Suchanfragen für spätere Wiederholung."
-#: include/features.php:90
-msgid "Network Tabs"
-msgstr "Netzwerk Reiter"
-#: include/features.php:91
-msgid "Network Personal Tab"
-msgstr "Netzwerk-Reiter: Persönlich"
-#: include/features.php:91
-msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"
-msgstr "Aktiviert einen Netzwerk-Reiter in dem Nachrichten angezeigt werden mit denen Du interagiert hast"
-#: include/features.php:92
-msgid "Network New Tab"
-msgstr "Netzwerk-Reiter: Neue"
-#: include/features.php:92
-msgid "Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"
-msgstr "Aktiviert einen Netzwerk-Reiter in dem ausschließlich neue Beiträge (der letzten 12 Stunden) angezeigt werden"
-#: include/features.php:93
-msgid "Network Shared Links Tab"
-msgstr "Netzwerk-Reiter: Geteilte Links"
-#: include/features.php:93
-msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"
-msgstr "Aktiviert einen Netzwerk-Reiter der ausschließlich Nachrichten mit Links enthält"
-#: include/features.php:98
-msgid "Post/Comment Tools"
-msgstr "Werkzeuge für Beiträge und Kommentare"
-#: include/features.php:99
-msgid "Multiple Deletion"
-msgstr "Mehrere Beiträge löschen"
-#: include/features.php:99
-msgid "Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"
-msgstr "Mehrere Beiträge/Kommentare markieren und gleichzeitig löschen"
-#: include/features.php:100
-msgid "Edit Sent Posts"
-msgstr "Gesendete Beiträge editieren"
-#: include/features.php:100
-msgid "Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"
-msgstr "Erlaubt es Beiträge und Kommentare nach dem Senden zu editieren bzw.zu korrigieren."
-#: include/features.php:101
-msgid "Tagging"
-msgstr "Tagging"
-#: include/features.php:101
-msgid "Ability to tag existing posts"
-msgstr "Möglichkeit bereits existierende Beiträge nachträglich mit Tags zu versehen."
-#: include/features.php:102
-msgid "Post Categories"
-msgstr "Beitragskategorien"
-#: include/features.php:102
-msgid "Add categories to your posts"
-msgstr "Eigene Beiträge mit Kategorien versehen"
-#: include/features.php:103
-msgid "Ability to file posts under folders"
-msgstr "Beiträge in Ordnern speichern aktivieren"
-#: include/features.php:104
-msgid "Dislike Posts"
-msgstr "Beiträge 'nicht mögen'"
-#: include/features.php:104
-msgid "Ability to dislike posts/comments"
-msgstr "Ermöglicht es Beiträge mit einem Klick 'nicht zu mögen'"
-#: include/features.php:105
-msgid "Star Posts"
-msgstr "Beiträge Markieren"
-#: include/features.php:105
-msgid "Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"
-msgstr "Erlaubt es Beiträge mit einem Stern-Indikator zu markieren"
-#: include/features.php:106
-msgid "Mute Post Notifications"
-msgstr "Benachrichtigungen für Beiträge Stumm schalten"
-#: include/features.php:106
-msgid "Ability to mute notifications for a thread"
-msgstr "Möglichkeit Benachrichtigungen für einen Thread abbestellen zu können"
-#: include/features.php:111
-msgid "Advanced Profile Settings"
-msgstr "Erweiterte Profil-Einstellungen"
-#: include/features.php:112
-msgid "Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"
-msgstr "Zeige Besuchern öffentliche Gemeinschafts-Foren auf der Erweiterten Profil-Seite"
#: include/nav.php:35 mod/navigation.php:19
msgid "Nothing new here"
msgstr "Keine Neuigkeiten"
@@ -2799,64 +2598,75 @@ msgstr "Keine Neuigkeiten"
msgid "Clear notifications"
msgstr "Bereinige Benachrichtigungen"
-#: include/nav.php:75 view/theme/frio/theme.php:243
+#: include/nav.php:40 include/text.php:1015
+msgid "@name, !forum, #tags, content"
+msgstr "@name, !forum, #tags, content"
+#: include/nav.php:78 view/theme/frio/theme.php:243 boot.php:1778
+msgid "Logout"
+msgstr "Abmelden"
+#: include/nav.php:78 view/theme/frio/theme.php:243
msgid "End this session"
msgstr "Diese Sitzung beenden"
-#: include/nav.php:78 include/nav.php:163 view/theme/frio/theme.php:246
+#: include/nav.php:81 include/nav.php:161 view/theme/frio/theme.php:246
#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
msgid "Your posts and conversations"
msgstr "Deine Beiträge und Unterhaltungen"
-#: include/nav.php:79 view/theme/frio/theme.php:247
+#: include/nav.php:82 view/theme/frio/theme.php:247
#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124
msgid "Your profile page"
msgstr "Deine Profilseite"
-#: include/nav.php:80 view/theme/frio/theme.php:248
+#: include/nav.php:83 view/theme/frio/theme.php:248
#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
msgid "Your photos"
msgstr "Deine Fotos"
-#: include/nav.php:81 view/theme/frio/theme.php:249
+#: include/nav.php:84 view/theme/frio/theme.php:249
msgid "Your videos"
msgstr "Deine Videos"
-#: include/nav.php:82 view/theme/frio/theme.php:250
+#: include/nav.php:85 view/theme/frio/theme.php:250
#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
msgid "Your events"
msgstr "Deine Ereignisse"
-#: include/nav.php:83 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128
+#: include/nav.php:86 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128
msgid "Personal notes"
msgstr "Persönliche Notizen"
-#: include/nav.php:83
+#: include/nav.php:86
msgid "Your personal notes"
msgstr "Deine persönlichen Notizen"
-#: include/nav.php:94
+#: include/nav.php:95 mod/bookmarklet.php:12 boot.php:1779
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Anmeldung"
+#: include/nav.php:95
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Anmelden"
-#: include/nav.php:107 include/nav.php:163 mod/notifications.php:99
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
-msgid "Home"
-msgstr "Pinnwand"
-#: include/nav.php:107
+#: include/nav.php:105
msgid "Home Page"
msgstr "Homepage"
-#: include/nav.php:111
+#: include/nav.php:109 mod/register.php:280 boot.php:1754
+msgid "Register"
+msgstr "Registrieren"
+#: include/nav.php:109
msgid "Create an account"
msgstr "Nutzerkonto erstellen"
-#: include/nav.php:116 mod/help.php:47 view/theme/vier/theme.php:298
+#: include/nav.php:115 mod/help.php:47 view/theme/vier/theme.php:298
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hilfe"
-#: include/nav.php:116
+#: include/nav.php:115
msgid "Help and documentation"
msgstr "Hilfe und Dokumentation"
@@ -2868,270 +2678,429 @@ msgstr "Apps"
msgid "Addon applications, utilities, games"
msgstr "Addon Anwendungen, Dienstprogramme, Spiele"
-#: include/nav.php:122
+#: include/nav.php:123 include/text.php:1012 mod/search.php:149
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Suche"
+#: include/nav.php:123
msgid "Search site content"
msgstr "Inhalt der Seite durchsuchen"
-#: include/nav.php:141 include/nav.php:143 mod/community.php:36
+#: include/nav.php:126 include/text.php:1020
+msgid "Full Text"
+msgstr "Volltext"
+#: include/nav.php:127 include/text.php:1021
+msgid "Tags"
+msgstr "Tags"
+#: include/nav.php:143 include/nav.php:145 mod/community.php:36
#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:129
msgid "Community"
msgstr "Gemeinschaft"
-#: include/nav.php:141
+#: include/nav.php:143
msgid "Conversations on this site"
msgstr "Unterhaltungen auf dieser Seite"
-#: include/nav.php:143
+#: include/nav.php:145
msgid "Conversations on the network"
msgstr "Unterhaltungen im Netzwerk"
-#: include/nav.php:148
+#: include/nav.php:152
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Verzeichnis"
-#: include/nav.php:148
+#: include/nav.php:152
msgid "People directory"
msgstr "Nutzerverzeichnis"
-#: include/nav.php:150
+#: include/nav.php:154
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Information"
-#: include/nav.php:150
+#: include/nav.php:154
msgid "Information about this friendica instance"
msgstr "Informationen zu dieser Friendica Instanz"
-#: include/nav.php:160 mod/notifications.php:87 mod/admin.php:402
-#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:253
-msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Netzwerk"
-#: include/nav.php:160 view/theme/frio/theme.php:253
+#: include/nav.php:158 view/theme/frio/theme.php:253
msgid "Conversations from your friends"
msgstr "Unterhaltungen Deiner Kontakte"
-#: include/nav.php:161
+#: include/nav.php:159
msgid "Network Reset"
msgstr "Netzwerk zurücksetzen"
-#: include/nav.php:161
+#: include/nav.php:159
msgid "Load Network page with no filters"
msgstr "Netzwerk-Seite ohne Filter laden"
-#: include/nav.php:168 mod/notifications.php:105
-msgid "Introductions"
-msgstr "Kontaktanfragen"
-#: include/nav.php:168
+#: include/nav.php:166
msgid "Friend Requests"
msgstr "Kontaktanfragen"
-#: include/nav.php:171 mod/notifications.php:271
+#: include/nav.php:169 mod/notifications.php:96
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Benachrichtigungen"
-#: include/nav.php:172
+#: include/nav.php:170
msgid "See all notifications"
msgstr "Alle Benachrichtigungen anzeigen"
-#: include/nav.php:173 mod/settings.php:887
+#: include/nav.php:171 mod/settings.php:900
msgid "Mark as seen"
msgstr "Als gelesen markieren"
-#: include/nav.php:173
+#: include/nav.php:171
msgid "Mark all system notifications seen"
msgstr "Markiere alle Systembenachrichtigungen als gelesen"
-#: include/nav.php:177 mod/message.php:190 view/theme/frio/theme.php:255
+#: include/nav.php:175 mod/message.php:190 view/theme/frio/theme.php:255
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "Nachrichten"
-#: include/nav.php:177 view/theme/frio/theme.php:255
+#: include/nav.php:175 view/theme/frio/theme.php:255
msgid "Private mail"
msgstr "Private E-Mail"
-#: include/nav.php:178
+#: include/nav.php:176
msgid "Inbox"
msgstr "Eingang"
-#: include/nav.php:179
+#: include/nav.php:177
msgid "Outbox"
msgstr "Ausgang"
-#: include/nav.php:180 mod/message.php:16
+#: include/nav.php:178 mod/message.php:16
msgid "New Message"
msgstr "Neue Nachricht"
-#: include/nav.php:183
+#: include/nav.php:181
msgid "Manage"
msgstr "Verwalten"
-#: include/nav.php:183
+#: include/nav.php:181
msgid "Manage other pages"
msgstr "Andere Seiten verwalten"
-#: include/nav.php:186 mod/settings.php:81
+#: include/nav.php:184 mod/settings.php:81
msgid "Delegations"
msgstr "Delegationen"
-#: include/nav.php:186 mod/delegate.php:130
+#: include/nav.php:184 mod/delegate.php:130
msgid "Delegate Page Management"
msgstr "Delegiere das Management für die Seite"
-#: include/nav.php:188 mod/admin.php:1498 mod/admin.php:1756
-#: mod/newmember.php:22 mod/settings.php:111 view/theme/frio/theme.php:256
+#: include/nav.php:186 mod/newmember.php:22 mod/admin.php:1494
+#: mod/admin.php:1752 mod/settings.php:111 view/theme/frio/theme.php:256
#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:544 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:648
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen"
-#: include/nav.php:188 view/theme/frio/theme.php:256
+#: include/nav.php:186 view/theme/frio/theme.php:256
msgid "Account settings"
msgstr "Kontoeinstellungen"
-#: include/nav.php:191
+#: include/nav.php:189
msgid "Manage/Edit Profiles"
msgstr "Profile Verwalten/Editieren"
-#: include/nav.php:193 view/theme/frio/theme.php:257
+#: include/nav.php:192 view/theme/frio/theme.php:257
msgid "Manage/edit friends and contacts"
msgstr " Kontakte verwalten/editieren"
-#: include/nav.php:200 mod/admin.php:186
+#: include/nav.php:197 mod/admin.php:186
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Administration"
-#: include/nav.php:200
+#: include/nav.php:197
msgid "Site setup and configuration"
msgstr "Einstellungen der Seite und Konfiguration"
-#: include/nav.php:204
+#: include/nav.php:200
msgid "Navigation"
msgstr "Navigation"
-#: include/nav.php:204
+#: include/nav.php:200
msgid "Site map"
msgstr "Sitemap"
-#: include/like.php:186
+#: include/oembed.php:252
+msgid "Embedded content"
+msgstr "Eingebetteter Inhalt"
+#: include/oembed.php:260
+msgid "Embedding disabled"
+msgstr "Einbettungen deaktiviert"
+#: include/photos.php:53 mod/fbrowser.php:41 mod/fbrowser.php:62
+#: mod/photos.php:180 mod/photos.php:1086 mod/photos.php:1211
+#: mod/photos.php:1232 mod/photos.php:1795 mod/photos.php:1807
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:499
+msgid "Contact Photos"
+msgstr "Kontaktbilder"
+#: include/security.php:22
+msgid "Welcome "
+msgstr "Willkommen "
+#: include/security.php:23
+msgid "Please upload a profile photo."
+msgstr "Bitte lade ein Profilbild hoch."
+#: include/security.php:26
+msgid "Welcome back "
+msgstr "Willkommen zurück "
+#: include/security.php:373
+msgid ""
+"The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the "
+"form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."
+msgstr "Das Sicherheitsmerkmal war nicht korrekt. Das passiert meistens wenn das Formular vor dem Absenden zu lange geöffnet war (länger als 3 Stunden)."
+#: include/text.php:304
+msgid "newer"
+msgstr "neuer"
+#: include/text.php:306
+msgid "older"
+msgstr "älter"
+#: include/text.php:311
+msgid "prev"
+msgstr "vorige"
+#: include/text.php:313
+msgid "first"
+msgstr "erste"
+#: include/text.php:345
+msgid "last"
+msgstr "letzte"
+#: include/text.php:348
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "nächste"
+#: include/text.php:403
+msgid "Loading more entries..."
+msgstr "lade weitere Einträge..."
+#: include/text.php:404
+msgid "The end"
+msgstr "Das Ende"
+#: include/text.php:889
+msgid "No contacts"
+msgstr "Keine Kontakte"
+#: include/text.php:912
#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is attending %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s nimmt an %2$ss %3$s teil."
+msgid "%d Contact"
+msgid_plural "%d Contacts"
+msgstr[0] "%d Kontakt"
+msgstr[1] "%d Kontakte"
-#: include/like.php:188
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is not attending %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s nimmt nicht an %2$ss %3$s teil."
+#: include/text.php:925
+msgid "View Contacts"
+msgstr "Kontakte anzeigen"
-#: include/like.php:190
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s may attend %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s nimmt eventuell an %2$ss %3$s teil."
+#: include/text.php:1013 mod/notes.php:61 mod/filer.php:31
+#: mod/editpost.php:109
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Speichern"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:327
-msgid "Post to Email"
-msgstr "An E-Mail senden"
+#: include/text.php:1076
+msgid "poke"
+msgstr "anstupsen"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:332
-#, php-format
-msgid "Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."
-msgstr "Konnektoren sind nicht verfügbar, da \"%s\" aktiv ist."
+#: include/text.php:1076
+msgid "poked"
+msgstr "stupste"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:333 mod/settings.php:1131
-msgid "Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"
-msgstr "Profil-Details vor unbekannten Betrachtern verbergen?"
+#: include/text.php:1077
+msgid "ping"
+msgstr "anpingen"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:338
-msgid "Visible to everybody"
-msgstr "Für jeden sichtbar"
+#: include/text.php:1077
+msgid "pinged"
+msgstr "pingte"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:339 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
-msgid "show"
-msgstr "zeigen"
+#: include/text.php:1078
+msgid "prod"
+msgstr "knuffen"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:340 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
-msgid "don't show"
-msgstr "nicht zeigen"
+#: include/text.php:1078
+msgid "prodded"
+msgstr "knuffte"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:346 mod/editpost.php:133
-msgid "CC: email addresses"
-msgstr "Cc: E-Mail-Addressen"
+#: include/text.php:1079
+msgid "slap"
+msgstr "ohrfeigen"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:347 mod/editpost.php:140
-msgid "Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"
-msgstr "Z.B.: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"
+#: include/text.php:1079
+msgid "slapped"
+msgstr "ohrfeigte"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:349 mod/photos.php:1177 mod/photos.php:1562
-msgid "Permissions"
-msgstr "Berechtigungen"
+#: include/text.php:1080
+msgid "finger"
+msgstr "befummeln"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:350
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Schließen"
+#: include/text.php:1080
+msgid "fingered"
+msgstr "befummelte"
-#: include/message.php:15 include/message.php:173
-msgid "[no subject]"
-msgstr "[kein Betreff]"
+#: include/text.php:1081
+msgid "rebuff"
+msgstr "eine Abfuhr erteilen"
-#: index.php:240 mod/apps.php:7
-msgid "You must be logged in to use addons. "
-msgstr "Sie müssen angemeldet sein um Addons benutzen zu können."
+#: include/text.php:1081
+msgid "rebuffed"
+msgstr "abfuhrerteilte"
-#: index.php:284 mod/help.php:53 mod/p.php:16 mod/p.php:43 mod/p.php:52
-#: mod/fetch.php:12 mod/fetch.php:39 mod/fetch.php:48
-msgid "Not Found"
-msgstr "Nicht gefunden"
+#: include/text.php:1095
+msgid "happy"
+msgstr "glücklich"
-#: index.php:287 mod/help.php:56
-msgid "Page not found."
-msgstr "Seite nicht gefunden."
+#: include/text.php:1096
+msgid "sad"
+msgstr "traurig"
-#: index.php:396 mod/profperm.php:19 mod/group.php:72
-msgid "Permission denied"
-msgstr "Zugriff verweigert"
+#: include/text.php:1097
+msgid "mellow"
+msgstr "sanft"
-#: index.php:447
-msgid "toggle mobile"
-msgstr "auf/von Mobile Ansicht wechseln"
+#: include/text.php:1098
+msgid "tired"
+msgstr "müde"
-#: mod/regmod.php:55
-msgid "Account approved."
-msgstr "Konto freigegeben."
+#: include/text.php:1099
+msgid "perky"
+msgstr "frech"
-#: mod/regmod.php:92
-#, php-format
-msgid "Registration revoked for %s"
-msgstr "Registrierung für %s wurde zurückgezogen"
+#: include/text.php:1100
+msgid "angry"
+msgstr "sauer"
-#: mod/regmod.php:104
-msgid "Please login."
-msgstr "Bitte melde Dich an."
+#: include/text.php:1101
+msgid "stupified"
+msgstr "verblüfft"
+#: include/text.php:1102
+msgid "puzzled"
+msgstr "verwirrt"
+#: include/text.php:1103
+msgid "interested"
+msgstr "interessiert"
+#: include/text.php:1104
+msgid "bitter"
+msgstr "verbittert"
+#: include/text.php:1105
+msgid "cheerful"
+msgstr "fröhlich"
+#: include/text.php:1106
+msgid "alive"
+msgstr "lebendig"
+#: include/text.php:1107
+msgid "annoyed"
+msgstr "verärgert"
+#: include/text.php:1108
+msgid "anxious"
+msgstr "unruhig"
+#: include/text.php:1109
+msgid "cranky"
+msgstr "schrullig"
+#: include/text.php:1110
+msgid "disturbed"
+msgstr "verstört"
+#: include/text.php:1111
+msgid "frustrated"
+msgstr "frustriert"
+#: include/text.php:1112
+msgid "motivated"
+msgstr "motiviert"
+#: include/text.php:1113
+msgid "relaxed"
+msgstr "entspannt"
+#: include/text.php:1114
+msgid "surprised"
+msgstr "überrascht"
+#: include/text.php:1328 mod/videos.php:380
+msgid "View Video"
+msgstr "Video ansehen"
+#: include/text.php:1360
+msgid "bytes"
+msgstr "Byte"
+#: include/text.php:1392 include/text.php:1404
+msgid "Click to open/close"
+msgstr "Zum öffnen/schließen klicken"
+#: include/text.php:1530
+msgid "View on separate page"
+msgstr "Auf separater Seite ansehen"
+#: include/text.php:1531
+msgid "view on separate page"
+msgstr "auf separater Seite ansehen"
+#: include/text.php:1810
+msgid "activity"
+msgstr "Aktivität"
+#: include/text.php:1812 mod/content.php:623 object/Item.php:431
+#: object/Item.php:444
+msgid "comment"
+msgid_plural "comments"
+msgstr[0] "Kommentar"
+msgstr[1] "Kommentare"
+#: include/text.php:1813
+msgid "post"
+msgstr "Beitrag"
+#: include/text.php:1981
+msgid "Item filed"
+msgstr "Beitrag abgelegt"
+#: include/Contact.php:119
+msgid "stopped following"
+msgstr "wird nicht mehr gefolgt"
+#: include/Contact.php:395
+msgid "Drop Contact"
+msgstr "Kontakt löschen"
+#: include/Contact.php:770
+msgid "Organisation"
+msgstr "Organisation"
+#: include/Contact.php:773
+msgid "News"
+msgstr "Nachrichten"
+#: include/Contact.php:776
+msgid "Forum"
+msgstr "Forum"
#: mod/oexchange.php:25
msgid "Post successful."
msgstr "Beitrag erfolgreich veröffentlicht."
-#: mod/update_community.php:18 mod/update_notes.php:37
-#: mod/update_display.php:22 mod/update_profile.php:41
-#: mod/update_network.php:25
-msgid "[Embedded content - reload page to view]"
-msgstr "[Eingebetteter Inhalt - Seite neu laden zum Betrachten]"
-#: mod/dirfind.php:36
-#, php-format
-msgid "People Search - %s"
-msgstr "Personensuche - %s"
-#: mod/dirfind.php:47
-#, php-format
-msgid "Forum Search - %s"
-msgstr "Forensuche - %s"
-#: mod/dirfind.php:240 mod/match.php:107
-msgid "No matches"
-msgstr "Keine Übereinstimmungen"
#: mod/viewsrc.php:7
msgid "Access denied."
msgstr "Zugriff verweigert."
@@ -3141,11 +3110,11 @@ msgstr "Zugriff verweigert."
msgid "Welcome to %s"
msgstr "Willkommen zu %s"
-#: mod/notify.php:60 mod/notifications.php:387
+#: mod/notify.php:60
msgid "No more system notifications."
msgstr "Keine weiteren Systembenachrichtigungen."
-#: mod/notify.php:64 mod/notifications.php:391
+#: mod/notify.php:64 mod/notifications.php:111
msgid "System Notifications"
msgstr "Systembenachrichtigungen"
@@ -3153,9 +3122,9 @@ msgstr "Systembenachrichtigungen"
msgid "Remove term"
msgstr "Begriff entfernen"
-#: mod/search.php:93 mod/search.php:99 mod/directory.php:37
-#: mod/viewcontacts.php:35 mod/videos.php:197 mod/photos.php:963
-#: mod/display.php:199 mod/community.php:22 mod/dfrn_request.php:789
+#: mod/search.php:93 mod/search.php:99 mod/dfrn_request.php:790
+#: mod/community.php:22 mod/directory.php:37 mod/display.php:200
+#: mod/photos.php:944 mod/videos.php:194 mod/viewcontacts.php:35
msgid "Public access denied."
msgstr "Öffentlicher Zugriff verweigert."
@@ -3180,263 +3149,11 @@ msgstr "Keine Ergebnisse."
msgid "Items tagged with: %s"
msgstr "Beiträge die mit %s getaggt sind"
-#: mod/search.php:232 mod/contacts.php:790 mod/network.php:146
+#: mod/search.php:232 mod/contacts.php:797 mod/network.php:146
#, php-format
msgid "Results for: %s"
msgstr "Ergebnisse für: %s"
-#: mod/notifications.php:29
-msgid "Invalid request identifier."
-msgstr "Invalid request identifier."
-#: mod/notifications.php:38 mod/notifications.php:182
-#: mod/notifications.php:262
-msgid "Discard"
-msgstr "Verwerfen"
-#: mod/notifications.php:54 mod/notifications.php:181
-#: mod/notifications.php:261 mod/contacts.php:604 mod/contacts.php:799
-#: mod/contacts.php:1000
-msgid "Ignore"
-msgstr "Ignorieren"
-#: mod/notifications.php:81
-msgid "System"
-msgstr "System"
-#: mod/notifications.php:93 mod/profiles.php:696 mod/network.php:844
-msgid "Personal"
-msgstr "Persönlich"
-#: mod/notifications.php:130
-msgid "Show Ignored Requests"
-msgstr "Zeige ignorierte Anfragen"
-#: mod/notifications.php:130
-msgid "Hide Ignored Requests"
-msgstr "Verberge ignorierte Anfragen"
-#: mod/notifications.php:166 mod/notifications.php:236
-msgid "Notification type: "
-msgstr "Benachrichtigungstyp: "
-#: mod/notifications.php:167
-msgid "Friend Suggestion"
-msgstr "Kontaktvorschlag"
-#: mod/notifications.php:169
-#, php-format
-msgid "suggested by %s"
-msgstr "vorgeschlagen von %s"
-#: mod/notifications.php:174 mod/notifications.php:253 mod/contacts.php:610
-msgid "Hide this contact from others"
-msgstr "Verbirg diesen Kontakt vor andere"
-#: mod/notifications.php:175 mod/notifications.php:254
-msgid "Post a new friend activity"
-msgstr "Neue-Kontakt Nachricht senden"
-#: mod/notifications.php:175 mod/notifications.php:254
-msgid "if applicable"
-msgstr "falls anwendbar"
-#: mod/notifications.php:178 mod/notifications.php:259 mod/admin.php:1386
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Genehmigen"
-#: mod/notifications.php:198
-msgid "Claims to be known to you: "
-msgstr "Behauptet Dich zu kennen: "
-#: mod/notifications.php:198
-msgid "yes"
-msgstr "ja"
-#: mod/notifications.php:198
-msgid "no"
-msgstr "nein"
-#: mod/notifications.php:199
-msgid ""
-"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
-"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that "
-"you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
-msgstr "Soll Deine Beziehung beidseitig sein oder nicht? \"Kontakt\" bedeutet, ihr könnt gegenseitig die Beiträge des Anderen lesen dürft. \"Fan/Verehrer\", dass du das lesen deiner Beiträge erlaubst aber nicht die Beiträge der anderen Seite lesen möchtest. Genehmigen als:"
-#: mod/notifications.php:202
-msgid ""
-"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
-"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you "
-"allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
-msgstr "Soll Deine Beziehung beidseitig sein oder nicht? \"Freund\" bedeutet, ihr gegenseitig die Beiträge des Anderen lesen dürft. \"Teilenden\", das du das lesen deiner Beiträge erlaubst aber nicht die Beiträge der anderen Seite lesen möchtest. Genehmigen als:"
-#: mod/notifications.php:210
-msgid "Friend"
-msgstr "Kontakt"
-#: mod/notifications.php:211
-msgid "Sharer"
-msgstr "Teilenden"
-#: mod/notifications.php:211
-msgid "Fan/Admirer"
-msgstr "Fan/Verehrer"
-#: mod/notifications.php:237
-msgid "Friend/Connect Request"
-msgstr "Kontakt-/Freundschaftsanfrage"
-#: mod/notifications.php:237
-msgid "New Follower"
-msgstr "Neuer Bewunderer"
-#: mod/notifications.php:257 mod/contacts.php:621 mod/follow.php:126
-msgid "Profile URL"
-msgstr "Profil URL"
-#: mod/notifications.php:268
-msgid "No introductions."
-msgstr "Keine Kontaktanfragen."
-#: mod/notifications.php:309 mod/notifications.php:438
-#: mod/notifications.php:529
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s liked %s's post"
-msgstr "%s mag %ss Beitrag"
-#: mod/notifications.php:319 mod/notifications.php:448
-#: mod/notifications.php:539
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s disliked %s's post"
-msgstr "%s mag %ss Beitrag nicht"
-#: mod/notifications.php:334 mod/notifications.php:463
-#: mod/notifications.php:554
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s is now friends with %s"
-msgstr "%s ist jetzt mit %s befreundet"
-#: mod/notifications.php:341 mod/notifications.php:470
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s created a new post"
-msgstr "%s hat einen neuen Beitrag erstellt"
-#: mod/notifications.php:342 mod/notifications.php:471
-#: mod/notifications.php:564
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s commented on %s's post"
-msgstr "%s hat %ss Beitrag kommentiert"
-#: mod/notifications.php:357
-msgid "No more network notifications."
-msgstr "Keine weiteren Netzwerk-Benachrichtigungen."
-#: mod/notifications.php:361
-msgid "Network Notifications"
-msgstr "Netzwerk Benachrichtigungen"
-#: mod/notifications.php:486
-msgid "No more personal notifications."
-msgstr "Keine weiteren persönlichen Benachrichtigungen"
-#: mod/notifications.php:490
-msgid "Personal Notifications"
-msgstr "Persönliche Benachrichtigungen"
-#: mod/notifications.php:571
-msgid "No more home notifications."
-msgstr "Keine weiteren Pinnwand-Benachrichtigungen"
-#: mod/notifications.php:575
-msgid "Home Notifications"
-msgstr "Pinnwand Benachrichtigungen"
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:65 mod/profiles.php:18 mod/profiles.php:133
-#: mod/profiles.php:179 mod/profiles.php:610
-msgid "Profile not found."
-msgstr "Profil nicht gefunden."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:121 mod/fsuggest.php:20 mod/fsuggest.php:92
-#: mod/crepair.php:114
-msgid "Contact not found."
-msgstr "Kontakt nicht gefunden."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:122
-msgid ""
-"This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it"
-" has already been approved."
-msgstr "Das kann passieren, wenn sich zwei Kontakte gegenseitig eingeladen haben und bereits einer angenommen wurde."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:241
-msgid "Response from remote site was not understood."
-msgstr "Antwort der Gegenstelle unverständlich."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:250 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:255
-msgid "Unexpected response from remote site: "
-msgstr "Unerwartete Antwort der Gegenstelle: "
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:264
-msgid "Confirmation completed successfully."
-msgstr "Bestätigung erfolgreich abgeschlossen."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:266 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:280 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:287
-msgid "Remote site reported: "
-msgstr "Gegenstelle meldet: "
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:278
-msgid "Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."
-msgstr "Zeitweiser Fehler. Bitte warte einige Momente und versuche es dann noch einmal."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:285
-msgid "Introduction failed or was revoked."
-msgstr "Kontaktanfrage schlug fehl oder wurde zurückgezogen."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:414
-msgid "Unable to set contact photo."
-msgstr "Konnte das Bild des Kontakts nicht speichern."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:552
-#, php-format
-msgid "No user record found for '%s' "
-msgstr "Für '%s' wurde kein Nutzer gefunden"
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:562
-msgid "Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."
-msgstr "Der Verschlüsselungsschlüssel unserer Seite ist anscheinend nicht in Ordnung."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:573
-msgid "Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."
-msgstr "Leere URL für die Seite erhalten oder die URL konnte nicht entschlüsselt werden."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:594
-msgid "Contact record was not found for you on our site."
-msgstr "Für diesen Kontakt wurde auf unserer Seite kein Eintrag gefunden."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:608
-#, php-format
-msgid "Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s."
-msgstr "Die Kontaktdaten für URL %s enthalten keinen Public Key für den Server."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:628
-msgid ""
-"The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work "
-"if you try again."
-msgstr "Die ID, die uns Dein System angeboten hat, ist hier bereits vergeben. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:639
-msgid "Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."
-msgstr "Deine Kontaktreferenzen konnten nicht in unserem System gespeichert werden."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:698
-msgid "Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"
-msgstr "Die Updates für Dein Profil konnten nicht gespeichert werden"
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:770
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s has joined %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s ist %2$s beigetreten"
#: mod/friendica.php:70
msgid "This is Friendica, version"
msgstr "Dies ist Friendica, Version"
@@ -3525,6 +3242,10 @@ msgid ""
"Password reset failed."
msgstr "Anfrage konnte nicht verifiziert werden. (Eventuell hast Du bereits eine ähnliche Anfrage gestellt.) Zurücksetzen des Passworts gescheitert."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:109 boot.php:1793
+msgid "Password Reset"
+msgstr "Passwort zurücksetzen"
#: mod/lostpass.php:110
msgid "Your password has been reset as requested."
msgstr "Dein Passwort wurde wie gewünscht zurückgesetzt."
@@ -3587,6 +3308,10 @@ msgid ""
"your email for further instructions."
msgstr "Gib Deine E-Mail-Adresse an und fordere ein neues Passwort an. Es werden Dir dann weitere Informationen per Mail zugesendet."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:161 boot.php:1781
+msgid "Nickname or Email: "
+msgstr "Spitzname oder E-Mail:"
#: mod/lostpass.php:162
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Zurücksetzen"
@@ -3599,53 +3324,34 @@ msgstr "Kein Profil"
msgid "Help:"
msgstr "Hilfe:"
+#: mod/help.php:53 mod/p.php:16 mod/p.php:43 mod/p.php:52 mod/fetch.php:12
+#: mod/fetch.php:39 mod/fetch.php:48 index.php:284
+msgid "Not Found"
+msgstr "Nicht gefunden"
+#: mod/help.php:56 index.php:287
+msgid "Page not found."
+msgstr "Seite nicht gefunden."
#: mod/wall_upload.php:20 mod/wall_upload.php:33 mod/wall_upload.php:86
#: mod/wall_upload.php:122 mod/wall_upload.php:125 mod/wall_attach.php:17
#: mod/wall_attach.php:25 mod/wall_attach.php:76
msgid "Invalid request."
msgstr "Ungültige Anfrage"
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:151 mod/photos.php:805 mod/profile_photo.php:150
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:151 mod/profile_photo.php:150 mod/photos.php:786
#, php-format
msgid "Image exceeds size limit of %s"
msgstr "Bildgröße überschreitet das Limit von %s"
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:188 mod/photos.php:845 mod/profile_photo.php:159
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:188 mod/profile_photo.php:159 mod/photos.php:826
msgid "Unable to process image."
msgstr "Konnte das Bild nicht bearbeiten."
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:221 mod/photos.php:872 mod/profile_photo.php:307
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:221 mod/profile_photo.php:307 mod/photos.php:853
msgid "Image upload failed."
msgstr "Hochladen des Bildes gescheitert."
-#: mod/fsuggest.php:63
-msgid "Friend suggestion sent."
-msgstr "Kontaktvorschlag gesendet."
-#: mod/fsuggest.php:97
-msgid "Suggest Friends"
-msgstr "Kontakte vorschlagen"
-#: mod/fsuggest.php:99
-#, php-format
-msgid "Suggest a friend for %s"
-msgstr "Schlage %s einen Kontakt vor"
-#: mod/fsuggest.php:107 mod/events.php:507 mod/invite.php:140
-#: mod/crepair.php:179 mod/content.php:728 mod/profiles.php:681
-#: mod/poke.php:199 mod/photos.php:1124 mod/photos.php:1248
-#: mod/photos.php:1566 mod/photos.php:1617 mod/photos.php:1665
-#: mod/photos.php:1753 mod/install.php:272 mod/install.php:312
-#: mod/contacts.php:575 mod/mood.php:137 mod/localtime.php:45
-#: mod/message.php:357 mod/message.php:547 mod/manage.php:143
-#: object/Item.php:720 view/theme/frio/config.php:59
-#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:80 view/theme/quattro/config.php:64
-#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:70 view/theme/vier/config.php:107
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:633 view/theme/diabook/config.php:148
-#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:59
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr "Senden"
#: mod/lockview.php:31 mod/lockview.php:39
msgid "Remote privacy information not available."
msgstr "Entfernte Privatsphäreneinstellungen nicht verfügbar."
@@ -3654,91 +3360,6 @@ msgstr "Entfernte Privatsphäreneinstellungen nicht verfügbar."
msgid "Visible to:"
msgstr "Sichtbar für:"
-#: mod/events.php:95 mod/events.php:97
-msgid "Event can not end before it has started."
-msgstr "Die Veranstaltung kann nicht enden bevor sie beginnt."
-#: mod/events.php:104 mod/events.php:106
-msgid "Event title and start time are required."
-msgstr "Der Veranstaltungstitel und die Anfangszeit müssen angegeben werden."
-#: mod/events.php:380 mod/cal.php:279
-msgid "View"
-msgstr "Ansehen"
-#: mod/events.php:381
-msgid "Create New Event"
-msgstr "Neue Veranstaltung erstellen"
-#: mod/events.php:382 mod/cal.php:280
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Vorherige"
-#: mod/events.php:383 mod/cal.php:281 mod/install.php:231
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Nächste"
-#: mod/events.php:483
-msgid "Event details"
-msgstr "Veranstaltungsdetails"
-#: mod/events.php:484
-msgid "Starting date and Title are required."
-msgstr "Anfangszeitpunkt und Titel werden benötigt"
-#: mod/events.php:485 mod/events.php:486
-msgid "Event Starts:"
-msgstr "Veranstaltungsbeginn:"
-#: mod/events.php:485 mod/events.php:497 mod/profiles.php:709
-msgid "Required"
-msgstr "Benötigt"
-#: mod/events.php:487 mod/events.php:503
-msgid "Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"
-msgstr "Enddatum/-zeit ist nicht bekannt oder nicht relevant"
-#: mod/events.php:489 mod/events.php:490
-msgid "Event Finishes:"
-msgstr "Veranstaltungsende:"
-#: mod/events.php:491 mod/events.php:504
-msgid "Adjust for viewer timezone"
-msgstr "An Zeitzone des Betrachters anpassen"
-#: mod/events.php:493
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Beschreibung"
-#: mod/events.php:497 mod/events.php:499
-msgid "Title:"
-msgstr "Titel:"
-#: mod/events.php:500 mod/events.php:501
-msgid "Share this event"
-msgstr "Veranstaltung teilen"
-#: mod/directory.php:205 view/theme/vier/theme.php:201
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:525
-msgid "Global Directory"
-msgstr "Weltweites Verzeichnis"
-#: mod/directory.php:207
-msgid "Find on this site"
-msgstr "Auf diesem Server suchen"
-#: mod/directory.php:209
-msgid "Results for:"
-msgstr "Ergebnisse für:"
-#: mod/directory.php:211
-msgid "Site Directory"
-msgstr "Verzeichnis"
-#: mod/directory.php:218
-msgid "No entries (some entries may be hidden)."
-msgstr "Keine Einträge (einige Einträge könnten versteckt sein)."
#: mod/openid.php:24
msgid "OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."
msgstr "OpenID Protokollfehler. Keine ID zurückgegeben."
@@ -3789,8 +3410,8 @@ msgid ""
"select \"Export account\""
msgstr "Um Deinen Account zu exportieren, rufe \"Einstellungen -> Persönliche Daten exportieren\" auf und wähle \"Account exportieren\""
-#: mod/nogroup.php:41 mod/viewcontacts.php:97 mod/contacts.php:584
-#: mod/contacts.php:939
+#: mod/nogroup.php:41 mod/contacts.php:586 mod/contacts.php:939
+#: mod/viewcontacts.php:97
#, php-format
msgid "Visit %s's profile [%s]"
msgstr "Besuche %ss Profil [%s]"
@@ -3803,18 +3424,6 @@ msgstr "Kontakt bearbeiten"
msgid "Contacts who are not members of a group"
msgstr "Kontakte, die keiner Gruppe zugewiesen sind"
-#: mod/match.php:33
-msgid "No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."
-msgstr "Keine Schlüsselwörter zum Abgleichen gefunden. Bitte füge einige Schlüsselwörter zu Deinem Standardprofil hinzu."
-#: mod/match.php:86
-msgid "is interested in:"
-msgstr "ist interessiert an:"
-#: mod/match.php:100
-msgid "Profile Match"
-msgstr "Profilübereinstimmungen"
#: mod/uexport.php:29
msgid "Export account"
msgstr "Account exportieren"
@@ -3937,20 +3546,27 @@ msgid ""
"important, please visit http://friendica.com"
msgstr "Für weitere Informationen über das Friendica Projekt und warum wir es für ein wichtiges Projekt halten, besuche bitte http://friendica.com"
-#: mod/fbrowser.php:41 mod/fbrowser.php:62 mod/photos.php:62
-#: mod/photos.php:192 mod/photos.php:1106 mod/photos.php:1232
-#: mod/photos.php:1255 mod/photos.php:1825 mod/photos.php:1837
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:499
-msgid "Contact Photos"
-msgstr "Kontaktbilder"
+#: mod/invite.php:140 mod/localtime.php:45 mod/message.php:357
+#: mod/message.php:547 mod/manage.php:143 mod/crepair.php:154
+#: mod/content.php:728 mod/fsuggest.php:107 mod/mood.php:137 mod/poke.php:199
+#: mod/profiles.php:688 mod/contacts.php:577 mod/events.php:506
+#: mod/install.php:272 mod/install.php:312 mod/photos.php:1104
+#: mod/photos.php:1226 mod/photos.php:1539 mod/photos.php:1590
+#: mod/photos.php:1638 mod/photos.php:1724 object/Item.php:720
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:59 view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:80
+#: view/theme/quattro/config.php:64 view/theme/dispy/config.php:70
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:107 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:633
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:148 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:59
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Senden"
#: mod/fbrowser.php:133
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Dateien"
-#: mod/maintenance.php:5
-msgid "System down for maintenance"
-msgstr "System zur Wartung abgeschaltet"
+#: mod/profperm.php:19 mod/group.php:72 index.php:396
+msgid "Permission denied"
+msgstr "Zugriff verweigert"
#: mod/profperm.php:25 mod/profperm.php:56
msgid "Invalid profile identifier."
@@ -3972,102 +3588,6 @@ msgstr "Sichtbar für"
msgid "All Contacts (with secure profile access)"
msgstr "Alle Kontakte (mit gesichertem Profilzugriff)"
-#: mod/viewcontacts.php:72
-msgid "No contacts."
-msgstr "Keine Kontakte."
-#: mod/crepair.php:87
-msgid "Contact settings applied."
-msgstr "Einstellungen zum Kontakt angewandt."
-#: mod/crepair.php:89
-msgid "Contact update failed."
-msgstr "Konnte den Kontakt nicht aktualisieren."
-#: mod/crepair.php:120
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: This is highly advanced and if you enter incorrect"
-" information your communications with this contact may stop working."
-msgstr "ACHTUNG: Das sind Experten-Einstellungen! Wenn Du etwas Falsches eingibst, funktioniert die Kommunikation mit diesem Kontakt evtl. nicht mehr."
-#: mod/crepair.php:121
-msgid ""
-"Please use your browser 'Back' button now if you are "
-"uncertain what to do on this page."
-msgstr "Bitte nutze den Zurück-Button Deines Browsers jetzt , wenn Du Dir unsicher bist, was Du tun willst."
-#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
-msgid "No mirroring"
-msgstr "Kein Spiegeln"
-#: mod/crepair.php:134
-msgid "Mirror as forwarded posting"
-msgstr "Spiegeln als weitergeleitete Beiträge"
-#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
-msgid "Mirror as my own posting"
-msgstr "Spiegeln als meine eigenen Beiträge"
-#: mod/crepair.php:150
-msgid "Return to contact editor"
-msgstr "Zurück zum Kontakteditor"
-#: mod/crepair.php:152
-msgid "Refetch contact data"
-msgstr "Kontaktdaten neu laden"
-#: mod/crepair.php:153 mod/admin.php:1371 mod/admin.php:1384
-#: mod/admin.php:1396 mod/admin.php:1412 mod/settings.php:665
-#: mod/settings.php:691
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Name"
-#: mod/crepair.php:154
-msgid "Account Nickname"
-msgstr "Konto-Spitzname"
-#: mod/crepair.php:155
-msgid "@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname"
-msgstr "@Tagname - überschreibt Name/Spitzname"
-#: mod/crepair.php:156
-msgid "Account URL"
-msgstr "Konto-URL"
-#: mod/crepair.php:157
-msgid "Friend Request URL"
-msgstr "URL für Kontaktschaftsanfragen"
-#: mod/crepair.php:158
-msgid "Friend Confirm URL"
-msgstr "URL für Bestätigungen von Kontaktanfragen"
-#: mod/crepair.php:159
-msgid "Notification Endpoint URL"
-msgstr "URL-Endpunkt für Benachrichtigungen"
-#: mod/crepair.php:160
-msgid "Poll/Feed URL"
-msgstr "Pull/Feed-URL"
-#: mod/crepair.php:161
-msgid "New photo from this URL"
-msgstr "Neues Foto von dieser URL"
-#: mod/crepair.php:162
-msgid "Remote Self"
-msgstr "Entfernte Konten"
-#: mod/crepair.php:165
-msgid "Mirror postings from this contact"
-msgstr "Spiegle Beiträge dieses Kontakts"
-#: mod/crepair.php:167
-msgid ""
-"Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new "
-"entries from this contact."
-msgstr "Markiere diesen Kontakt als remote_self (entferntes Konto), dies veranlasst Friendica alle Top-Level Beiträge dieses Kontakts an all Deine Kontakte zu senden."
#: mod/tagrm.php:41
msgid "Tag removed"
msgstr "Tag entfernt"
@@ -4084,1378 +3604,6 @@ msgstr "Wähle ein Tag zum Entfernen aus: "
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Entfernen"
-#: mod/ping.php:272
-msgid "{0} wants to be your friend"
-msgstr "{0} möchte mit Dir in Kontakt treten"
-#: mod/ping.php:287
-msgid "{0} sent you a message"
-msgstr "{0} schickte Dir eine Nachricht"
-#: mod/ping.php:302
-msgid "{0} requested registration"
-msgstr "{0} möchte sich registrieren"
-#: mod/admin.php:92
-msgid "Theme settings updated."
-msgstr "Themeneinstellungen aktualisiert."
-#: mod/admin.php:156 mod/admin.php:923
-msgid "Site"
-msgstr "Seite"
-#: mod/admin.php:157 mod/admin.php:867 mod/admin.php:1379 mod/admin.php:1394
-msgid "Users"
-msgstr "Nutzer"
-#: mod/admin.php:158 mod/admin.php:1496 mod/admin.php:1556 mod/settings.php:74
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr "Plugins"
-#: mod/admin.php:159 mod/admin.php:1754 mod/admin.php:1804
-msgid "Themes"
-msgstr "Themen"
-#: mod/admin.php:160 mod/settings.php:52
-msgid "Additional features"
-msgstr "Zusätzliche Features"
-#: mod/admin.php:161
-msgid "DB updates"
-msgstr "DB Updates"
-#: mod/admin.php:162 mod/admin.php:397
-msgid "Inspect Queue"
-msgstr "Warteschlange Inspizieren"
-#: mod/admin.php:163 mod/admin.php:363
-msgid "Federation Statistics"
-msgstr "Federation Statistik"
-#: mod/admin.php:177 mod/admin.php:188 mod/admin.php:1872
-msgid "Logs"
-msgstr "Protokolle"
-#: mod/admin.php:178 mod/admin.php:1939
-msgid "View Logs"
-msgstr "Protokolle anzeigen"
-#: mod/admin.php:179
-msgid "probe address"
-msgstr "Adresse untersuchen"
-#: mod/admin.php:180
-msgid "check webfinger"
-msgstr "Webfinger überprüfen"
-#: mod/admin.php:187
-msgid "Plugin Features"
-msgstr "Plugin Features"
-#: mod/admin.php:189
-msgid "diagnostics"
-msgstr "Diagnose"
-#: mod/admin.php:190
-msgid "User registrations waiting for confirmation"
-msgstr "Nutzeranmeldungen die auf Bestätigung warten"
-#: mod/admin.php:356
-msgid ""
-"This page offers you some numbers to the known part of the federated social "
-"network your Friendica node is part of. These numbers are not complete but "
-"only reflect the part of the network your node is aware of."
-msgstr "Diese Seite präsentiert einige Zahlen zu dem bekannten Teil des föderalen sozialen Netzwerks, von dem deine Friendica Installation ein Teil ist. Diese Zahlen sind nicht absolut und reflektieren nur den Teil des Netzwerks, den dein Knoten kennt."
-#: mod/admin.php:357
-msgid ""
-"The Auto Discovered Contact Directory feature is not enabled, it "
-"will improve the data displayed here."
-msgstr "Die Funktion um Automatisch ein Kontaktverzeichnis erstellen ist nicht aktiv. Es wird die hier angezeigten Daten verbessern."
-#: mod/admin.php:362 mod/admin.php:396 mod/admin.php:460 mod/admin.php:922
-#: mod/admin.php:1378 mod/admin.php:1495 mod/admin.php:1555 mod/admin.php:1753
-#: mod/admin.php:1803 mod/admin.php:1871 mod/admin.php:1938
-msgid "Administration"
-msgstr "Administration"
-#: mod/admin.php:369
-#, php-format
-msgid "Currently this node is aware of %d nodes from the following platforms:"
-msgstr "Momentan kennt dieser Knoten %d andere Knoten der folgenden Plattformen:"
-#: mod/admin.php:399
-msgid "ID"
-msgstr "ID"
-#: mod/admin.php:400
-msgid "Recipient Name"
-msgstr "Empfänger Name"
-#: mod/admin.php:401
-msgid "Recipient Profile"
-msgstr "Empfänger Profil"
-#: mod/admin.php:403
-msgid "Created"
-msgstr "Erstellt"
-#: mod/admin.php:404
-msgid "Last Tried"
-msgstr "Zuletzt versucht"
-#: mod/admin.php:405
-msgid ""
-"This page lists the content of the queue for outgoing postings. These are "
-"postings the initial delivery failed for. They will be resend later and "
-"eventually deleted if the delivery fails permanently."
-msgstr "Auf dieser Seite werden die in der Warteschlange eingereihten Beiträge aufgelistet. Bei diesen Beiträgen schlug die erste Zustellung fehl. Es wird später wiederholt versucht die Beiträge zuzustellen, bis sie schließlich gelöscht werden."
-#: mod/admin.php:424 mod/admin.php:1327
-msgid "Normal Account"
-msgstr "Normales Konto"
-#: mod/admin.php:425 mod/admin.php:1328
-msgid "Soapbox Account"
-msgstr "Marktschreier-Konto"
-#: mod/admin.php:426 mod/admin.php:1329
-msgid "Community/Celebrity Account"
-msgstr "Forum/Promi-Konto"
-#: mod/admin.php:427 mod/admin.php:1330
-msgid "Automatic Friend Account"
-msgstr "Automatisches Freundekonto"
-#: mod/admin.php:428
-msgid "Blog Account"
-msgstr "Blog-Konto"
-#: mod/admin.php:429
-msgid "Private Forum"
-msgstr "Privates Forum"
-#: mod/admin.php:455
-msgid "Message queues"
-msgstr "Nachrichten-Warteschlangen"
-#: mod/admin.php:461
-msgid "Summary"
-msgstr "Zusammenfassung"
-#: mod/admin.php:463
-msgid "Registered users"
-msgstr "Registrierte Nutzer"
-#: mod/admin.php:465
-msgid "Pending registrations"
-msgstr "Anstehende Anmeldungen"
-#: mod/admin.php:466
-msgid "Version"
-msgstr "Version"
-#: mod/admin.php:471
-msgid "Active plugins"
-msgstr "Aktive Plugins"
-#: mod/admin.php:494
-msgid "Can not parse base url. Must have at least ://"
-msgstr "Die Basis-URL konnte nicht analysiert werden. Sie muss mindestens aus :// bestehen"
-#: mod/admin.php:795
-msgid "RINO2 needs mcrypt php extension to work."
-msgstr "RINO2 benötigt die PHP Extension mcrypt."
-#: mod/admin.php:803
-msgid "Site settings updated."
-msgstr "Seiteneinstellungen aktualisiert."
-#: mod/admin.php:831 mod/settings.php:919
-msgid "No special theme for mobile devices"
-msgstr "Kein spezielles Theme für mobile Geräte verwenden."
-#: mod/admin.php:850
-msgid "No community page"
-msgstr "Keine Gemeinschaftsseite"
-#: mod/admin.php:851
-msgid "Public postings from users of this site"
-msgstr "Öffentliche Beiträge von Nutzer_innen dieser Seite"
-#: mod/admin.php:852
-msgid "Global community page"
-msgstr "Globale Gemeinschaftsseite"
-#: mod/admin.php:857 mod/contacts.php:529
-msgid "Never"
-msgstr "Niemals"
-#: mod/admin.php:858
-msgid "At post arrival"
-msgstr "Beim Empfang von Nachrichten"
-#: mod/admin.php:866 mod/contacts.php:556
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Deaktiviert"
-#: mod/admin.php:868
-msgid "Users, Global Contacts"
-msgstr "Nutzer, globale Kontakte"
-#: mod/admin.php:869
-msgid "Users, Global Contacts/fallback"
-msgstr "Nutzer, globale Kontakte / Fallback"
-#: mod/admin.php:873
-msgid "One month"
-msgstr "ein Monat"
-#: mod/admin.php:874
-msgid "Three months"
-msgstr "drei Monate"
-#: mod/admin.php:875
-msgid "Half a year"
-msgstr "ein halbes Jahr"
-#: mod/admin.php:876
-msgid "One year"
-msgstr "ein Jahr"
-#: mod/admin.php:881
-msgid "Multi user instance"
-msgstr "Mehrbenutzer Instanz"
-#: mod/admin.php:904
-msgid "Closed"
-msgstr "Geschlossen"
-#: mod/admin.php:905
-msgid "Requires approval"
-msgstr "Bedarf der Zustimmung"
-#: mod/admin.php:906
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Offen"
-#: mod/admin.php:910
-msgid "No SSL policy, links will track page SSL state"
-msgstr "Keine SSL Richtlinie, Links werden das verwendete Protokoll beibehalten"
-#: mod/admin.php:911
-msgid "Force all links to use SSL"
-msgstr "SSL für alle Links erzwingen"
-#: mod/admin.php:912
-msgid "Self-signed certificate, use SSL for local links only (discouraged)"
-msgstr "Selbst-unterzeichnetes Zertifikat, SSL nur für lokale Links verwenden (nicht empfohlen)"
-#: mod/admin.php:924 mod/admin.php:1557 mod/admin.php:1805 mod/admin.php:1873
-#: mod/admin.php:2022 mod/settings.php:663 mod/settings.php:773
-#: mod/settings.php:820 mod/settings.php:889 mod/settings.php:976
-#: mod/settings.php:1214
-msgid "Save Settings"
-msgstr "Einstellungen speichern"
-#: mod/admin.php:925 mod/register.php:263
-msgid "Registration"
-msgstr "Registrierung"
-#: mod/admin.php:926
-msgid "File upload"
-msgstr "Datei hochladen"
-#: mod/admin.php:927
-msgid "Policies"
-msgstr "Regeln"
-#: mod/admin.php:929
-msgid "Auto Discovered Contact Directory"
-msgstr "Automatisch ein Kontaktverzeichnis erstellen"
-#: mod/admin.php:930
-msgid "Performance"
-msgstr "Performance"
-#: mod/admin.php:931
-msgid "Worker"
-msgstr "Worker"
-#: mod/admin.php:932
-msgid ""
-"Relocate - WARNING: advanced function. Could make this server unreachable."
-msgstr "Umsiedeln - WARNUNG: Könnte diesen Server unerreichbar machen."
-#: mod/admin.php:935
-msgid "Site name"
-msgstr "Seitenname"
-#: mod/admin.php:936
-msgid "Host name"
-msgstr "Host Name"
-#: mod/admin.php:937
-msgid "Sender Email"
-msgstr "Absender für Emails"
-#: mod/admin.php:937
-msgid ""
-"The email address your server shall use to send notification emails from."
-msgstr "Die E-Mail Adresse die dein Server zum Versenden von Benachrichtigungen verwenden soll."
-#: mod/admin.php:938
-msgid "Banner/Logo"
-msgstr "Banner/Logo"
-#: mod/admin.php:939
-msgid "Shortcut icon"
-msgstr "Shortcut Icon"
-#: mod/admin.php:939
-msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for browsers."
-msgstr "Link zu einem Icon, das Browser verwenden werden."
-#: mod/admin.php:940
-msgid "Touch icon"
-msgstr "Touch Icon"
-#: mod/admin.php:940
-msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for tablets and mobiles."
-msgstr "Link zu einem Icon das Tablets und Handies verwenden sollen."
-#: mod/admin.php:941
-msgid "Additional Info"
-msgstr "Zusätzliche Informationen"
-#: mod/admin.php:941
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"For public servers: you can add additional information here that will be "
-"listed at %s/siteinfo."
-msgstr "Für öffentliche Server kannst Du hier zusätzliche Informationen angeben, die dann auf %s/siteinfo angezeigt werden."
-#: mod/admin.php:942
-msgid "System language"
-msgstr "Systemsprache"
-#: mod/admin.php:943
-msgid "System theme"
-msgstr "Systemweites Theme"
-#: mod/admin.php:943
-msgid ""
-"Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - change theme settings "
-msgstr "Vorgabe für das System-Theme - kann von Benutzerprofilen überschrieben werden - Theme-Einstellungen ändern "
-#: mod/admin.php:944
-msgid "Mobile system theme"
-msgstr "Systemweites mobiles Theme"
-#: mod/admin.php:944
-msgid "Theme for mobile devices"
-msgstr "Thema für mobile Geräte"
-#: mod/admin.php:945
-msgid "SSL link policy"
-msgstr "Regeln für SSL Links"
-#: mod/admin.php:945
-msgid "Determines whether generated links should be forced to use SSL"
-msgstr "Bestimmt, ob generierte Links SSL verwenden müssen"
-#: mod/admin.php:946
-msgid "Force SSL"
-msgstr "Erzwinge SSL"
-#: mod/admin.php:946
-msgid ""
-"Force all Non-SSL requests to SSL - Attention: on some systems it could lead"
-" to endless loops."
-msgstr "Erzinge alle Nicht-SSL Anfragen auf SSL - Achtung: auf manchen Systemen verursacht dies eine Endlosschleife."
-#: mod/admin.php:947
-msgid "Old style 'Share'"
-msgstr "Altes \"Teilen\" Element"
-#: mod/admin.php:947
-msgid "Deactivates the bbcode element 'share' for repeating items."
-msgstr "Deaktiviert das BBCode Element \"share\" beim Wiederholen von Beiträgen."
-#: mod/admin.php:948
-msgid "Hide help entry from navigation menu"
-msgstr "Verberge den Menüeintrag für die Hilfe im Navigationsmenü"
-#: mod/admin.php:948
-msgid ""
-"Hides the menu entry for the Help pages from the navigation menu. You can "
-"still access it calling /help directly."
-msgstr "Verbirgt den Menüeintrag für die Hilfe-Seiten im Navigationsmenü. Die Seiten können weiterhin über /help aufgerufen werden."
-#: mod/admin.php:949
-msgid "Single user instance"
-msgstr "Ein-Nutzer Instanz"
-#: mod/admin.php:949
-msgid "Make this instance multi-user or single-user for the named user"
-msgstr "Regelt ob es sich bei dieser Instanz um eine ein Personen Installation oder eine Installation mit mehr als einem Nutzer handelt."
-#: mod/admin.php:950
-msgid "Maximum image size"
-msgstr "Maximale Bildgröße"
-#: mod/admin.php:950
-msgid ""
-"Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no "
-msgstr "Maximale Uploadgröße von Bildern in Bytes. Standard ist 0, d.h. ohne Limit."
-#: mod/admin.php:951
-msgid "Maximum image length"
-msgstr "Maximale Bildlänge"
-#: mod/admin.php:951
-msgid ""
-"Maximum length in pixels of the longest side of uploaded images. Default is "
-"-1, which means no limits."
-msgstr "Maximale Länge in Pixeln der längsten Seite eines hoch geladenen Bildes. Grundeinstellung ist -1 was keine Einschränkung bedeutet."
-#: mod/admin.php:952
-msgid "JPEG image quality"
-msgstr "Qualität des JPEG Bildes"
-#: mod/admin.php:952
-msgid ""
-"Uploaded JPEGS will be saved at this quality setting [0-100]. Default is "
-"100, which is full quality."
-msgstr "Hoch geladene JPEG Bilder werden mit dieser Qualität [0-100] gespeichert. Grundeinstellung ist 100, kein Qualitätsverlust."
-#: mod/admin.php:954
-msgid "Register policy"
-msgstr "Registrierungsmethode"
-#: mod/admin.php:955
-msgid "Maximum Daily Registrations"
-msgstr "Maximum täglicher Registrierungen"
-#: mod/admin.php:955
-msgid ""
-"If registration is permitted above, this sets the maximum number of new user"
-" registrations to accept per day. If register is set to closed, this "
-"setting has no effect."
-msgstr "Wenn die Registrierung weiter oben erlaubt ist, regelt dies die maximale Anzahl von Neuanmeldungen pro Tag. Wenn die Registrierung geschlossen ist, hat diese Einstellung keinen Effekt."
-#: mod/admin.php:956
-msgid "Register text"
-msgstr "Registrierungstext"
-#: mod/admin.php:956
-msgid "Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."
-msgstr "Wird gut sichtbar auf der Registrierungsseite angezeigt."
-#: mod/admin.php:957
-msgid "Accounts abandoned after x days"
-msgstr "Nutzerkonten gelten nach x Tagen als unbenutzt"
-#: mod/admin.php:957
-msgid ""
-"Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded "
-"accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit."
-msgstr "Verschwende keine System-Ressourcen auf das Pollen externer Seiten, wenn Konten nicht mehr benutzt werden. 0 eingeben für kein Limit."
-#: mod/admin.php:958
-msgid "Allowed friend domains"
-msgstr "Erlaubte Domains für Kontakte"
-#: mod/admin.php:958
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships "
-"with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"
-msgstr "Liste der Domains, die für Kontakte erlaubt sind, durch Kommas getrennt. Platzhalter werden akzeptiert. Leer lassen, um alle Domains zu erlauben."
-#: mod/admin.php:959
-msgid "Allowed email domains"
-msgstr "Erlaubte Domains für E-Mails"
-#: mod/admin.php:959
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for "
-"registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
-msgstr "Liste der Domains, die für E-Mail-Adressen bei der Registrierung erlaubt sind, durch Kommas getrennt. Platzhalter werden akzeptiert. Leer lassen, um alle Domains zu erlauben."
-#: mod/admin.php:960
-msgid "Block public"
-msgstr "Öffentlichen Zugriff blockieren"
-#: mod/admin.php:960
-msgid ""
-"Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this "
-"site unless you are currently logged in."
-msgstr "Klicken, um öffentlichen Zugriff auf sonst öffentliche Profile zu blockieren, wenn man nicht eingeloggt ist."
-#: mod/admin.php:961
-msgid "Force publish"
-msgstr "Erzwinge Veröffentlichung"
-#: mod/admin.php:961
-msgid ""
-"Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."
-msgstr "Klicken, um Anzeige aller Profile dieses Servers im Verzeichnis zu erzwingen."
-#: mod/admin.php:962
-msgid "Global directory URL"
-msgstr "URL des weltweiten Verzeichnisses"
-#: mod/admin.php:962
-msgid ""
-"URL to the global directory. If this is not set, the global directory is "
-"completely unavailable to the application."
-msgstr "URL des weltweiten Verzeichnisses. Wenn diese nicht gesetzt ist, ist das Verzeichnis für die Applikation nicht erreichbar."
-#: mod/admin.php:963
-msgid "Allow threaded items"
-msgstr "Erlaube Threads in Diskussionen"
-#: mod/admin.php:963
-msgid "Allow infinite level threading for items on this site."
-msgstr "Erlaube ein unendliches Level für Threads auf dieser Seite."
-#: mod/admin.php:964
-msgid "Private posts by default for new users"
-msgstr "Private Beiträge als Standard für neue Nutzer"
-#: mod/admin.php:964
-msgid ""
-"Set default post permissions for all new members to the default privacy "
-"group rather than public."
-msgstr "Die Standard-Zugriffsrechte für neue Nutzer werden so gesetzt, dass als Voreinstellung in die private Gruppe gepostet wird anstelle von öffentlichen Beiträgen."
-#: mod/admin.php:965
-msgid "Don't include post content in email notifications"
-msgstr "Inhalte von Beiträgen nicht in E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen versenden"
-#: mod/admin.php:965
-msgid ""
-"Don't include the content of a post/comment/private message/etc. in the "
-"email notifications that are sent out from this site, as a privacy measure."
-msgstr "Inhalte von Beiträgen/Kommentaren/privaten Nachrichten/usw., zum Datenschutz nicht in E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen einbinden."
-#: mod/admin.php:966
-msgid "Disallow public access to addons listed in the apps menu."
-msgstr "Öffentlichen Zugriff auf Addons im Apps Menü verbieten."
-#: mod/admin.php:966
-msgid ""
-"Checking this box will restrict addons listed in the apps menu to members "
-msgstr "Wenn ausgewählt werden die im Apps Menü aufgeführten Addons nur angemeldeten Nutzern der Seite zur Verfügung gestellt."
-#: mod/admin.php:967
-msgid "Don't embed private images in posts"
-msgstr "Private Bilder nicht in Beiträgen einbetten."
-#: mod/admin.php:967
-msgid ""
-"Don't replace locally-hosted private photos in posts with an embedded copy "
-"of the image. This means that contacts who receive posts containing private "
-"photos will have to authenticate and load each image, which may take a "
-msgstr "Ersetze lokal gehostete private Fotos in Beiträgen nicht mit einer eingebetteten Kopie des Bildes. Dies bedeutet, dass Kontakte, die Beiträge mit privaten Fotos erhalten sich zunächst auf den jeweiligen Servern authentifizieren müssen bevor die Bilder geladen und angezeigt werden, was eine gewisse Zeit dauert."
-#: mod/admin.php:968
-msgid "Allow Users to set remote_self"
-msgstr "Nutzern erlauben das remote_self Flag zu setzen"
-#: mod/admin.php:968
-msgid ""
-"With checking this, every user is allowed to mark every contact as a "
-"remote_self in the repair contact dialog. Setting this flag on a contact "
-"causes mirroring every posting of that contact in the users stream."
-msgstr "Ist dies ausgewählt kann jeder Nutzer jeden seiner Kontakte als remote_self (entferntes Konto) im Kontakt reparieren Dialog markieren. Nach dem setzten dieses Flags werden alle Top-Level Beiträge dieser Kontakte automatisch in den Stream dieses Nutzers gepostet."
-#: mod/admin.php:969
-msgid "Block multiple registrations"
-msgstr "Unterbinde Mehrfachregistrierung"
-#: mod/admin.php:969
-msgid "Disallow users to register additional accounts for use as pages."
-msgstr "Benutzern nicht erlauben, weitere Konten als zusätzliche Profile anzulegen."
-#: mod/admin.php:970
-msgid "OpenID support"
-msgstr "OpenID Unterstützung"
-#: mod/admin.php:970
-msgid "OpenID support for registration and logins."
-msgstr "OpenID-Unterstützung für Registrierung und Login."
-#: mod/admin.php:971
-msgid "Fullname check"
-msgstr "Namen auf Vollständigkeit überprüfen"
-#: mod/admin.php:971
-msgid ""
-"Force users to register with a space between firstname and lastname in Full "
-"name, as an antispam measure"
-msgstr "Leerzeichen zwischen Vor- und Nachname im vollständigen Namen erzwingen, um SPAM zu vermeiden."
-#: mod/admin.php:972
-msgid "UTF-8 Regular expressions"
-msgstr "UTF-8 Reguläre Ausdrücke"
-#: mod/admin.php:972
-msgid "Use PHP UTF8 regular expressions"
-msgstr "PHP UTF8 Ausdrücke verwenden"
-#: mod/admin.php:973
-msgid "Community Page Style"
-msgstr "Art der Gemeinschaftsseite"
-#: mod/admin.php:973
-msgid ""
-"Type of community page to show. 'Global community' shows every public "
-"posting from an open distributed network that arrived on this server."
-msgstr "Welche Art der Gemeinschaftsseite soll verwendet werden? Globale Gemeinschaftsseite zeigt alle öffentlichen Beiträge eines offenen dezentralen Netzwerks an die auf diesem Server eintreffen."
-#: mod/admin.php:974
-msgid "Posts per user on community page"
-msgstr "Anzahl der Beiträge pro Benutzer auf der Gemeinschaftsseite"
-#: mod/admin.php:974
-msgid ""
-"The maximum number of posts per user on the community page. (Not valid for "
-"'Global Community')"
-msgstr "Die Anzahl der Beiträge die von jedem Nutzer maximal auf der Gemeinschaftsseite angezeigt werden sollen. Dieser Parameter wird nicht für die Globale Gemeinschaftsseite genutzt."
-#: mod/admin.php:975
-msgid "Enable OStatus support"
-msgstr "OStatus Unterstützung aktivieren"
-#: mod/admin.php:975
-msgid ""
-"Provide built-in OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social etc.) compatibility. All "
-"communications in OStatus are public, so privacy warnings will be "
-"occasionally displayed."
-msgstr "Biete die eingebaute OStatus (iStatusNet, GNU Social, etc.) Unterstützung an. Jede Kommunikation in OStatus ist öffentlich, Privatsphäre Warnungen werden nur bei Bedarf angezeigt."
-#: mod/admin.php:976
-msgid "OStatus conversation completion interval"
-msgstr "Intervall zum Vervollständigen von OStatus Unterhaltungen"
-#: mod/admin.php:976
-msgid ""
-"How often shall the poller check for new entries in OStatus conversations? "
-"This can be a very ressource task."
-msgstr "Wie oft soll der Poller checken ob es neue Nachrichten in OStatus Unterhaltungen gibt die geladen werden müssen. Je nach Anzahl der OStatus Kontakte könnte dies ein sehr Ressourcen lastiger Job sein."
-#: mod/admin.php:977
-msgid "Only import OStatus threads from our contacts"
-msgstr "Nur OStatus Konversationen unserer Kontakte importieren"
-#: mod/admin.php:977
-msgid ""
-"Normally we import every content from our OStatus contacts. With this option"
-" we only store threads that are started by a contact that is known on our "
-msgstr "Normalerweise werden alle Inhalte von OStatus Kontakten importiert. Mit dieser Option werden nur solche Konversationen gespeichert, die von Kontakten der Nutzer dieses Knotens gestartet wurden."
-#: mod/admin.php:978
-msgid "OStatus support can only be enabled if threading is enabled."
-msgstr "OStatus Unterstützung kann nur aktiviert werden wenn \"Threading\" aktiviert ist. "
-#: mod/admin.php:980
-msgid ""
-"Diaspora support can't be enabled because Friendica was installed into a sub"
-" directory."
-msgstr "Diaspora Unterstützung kann nicht aktiviert werden da Friendica in ein Unterverzeichnis installiert ist."
-#: mod/admin.php:981
-msgid "Enable Diaspora support"
-msgstr "Diaspora Unterstützung aktivieren"
-#: mod/admin.php:981
-msgid "Provide built-in Diaspora network compatibility."
-msgstr "Verwende die eingebaute Diaspora-Verknüpfung."
-#: mod/admin.php:982
-msgid "Only allow Friendica contacts"
-msgstr "Nur Friendica-Kontakte erlauben"
-#: mod/admin.php:982
-msgid ""
-"All contacts must use Friendica protocols. All other built-in communication "
-"protocols disabled."
-msgstr "Alle Kontakte müssen das Friendica Protokoll nutzen. Alle anderen Kommunikationsprotokolle werden deaktiviert."
-#: mod/admin.php:983
-msgid "Verify SSL"
-msgstr "SSL Überprüfen"
-#: mod/admin.php:983
-msgid ""
-"If you wish, you can turn on strict certificate checking. This will mean you"
-" cannot connect (at all) to self-signed SSL sites."
-msgstr "Wenn gewollt, kann man hier eine strenge Zertifikatkontrolle einstellen. Das bedeutet, dass man zu keinen Seiten mit selbst unterzeichnetem SSL eine Verbindung herstellen kann."
-#: mod/admin.php:984
-msgid "Proxy user"
-msgstr "Proxy Nutzer"
-#: mod/admin.php:985
-msgid "Proxy URL"
-msgstr "Proxy URL"
-#: mod/admin.php:986
-msgid "Network timeout"
-msgstr "Netzwerk Wartezeit"
-#: mod/admin.php:986
-msgid "Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended)."
-msgstr "Der Wert ist in Sekunden. Setze 0 für unbegrenzt (nicht empfohlen)."
-#: mod/admin.php:987
-msgid "Delivery interval"
-msgstr "Zustellungsintervall"
-#: mod/admin.php:987
-msgid ""
-"Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
-"load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 "
-"for large dedicated servers."
-msgstr "Verzögere im Hintergrund laufende Auslieferungsprozesse um die angegebene Anzahl an Sekunden, um die Systemlast zu verringern. Empfehlungen: 4-5 für Shared-Hosts, 2-3 für VPS, 0-1 für große dedizierte Server."
-#: mod/admin.php:988
-msgid "Poll interval"
-msgstr "Abfrageintervall"
-#: mod/admin.php:988
-msgid ""
-"Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
-"load. If 0, use delivery interval."
-msgstr "Verzögere Hintergrundprozesse um diese Anzahl an Sekunden, um die Systemlast zu reduzieren. Bei 0 Sekunden wird das Auslieferungsintervall verwendet."
-#: mod/admin.php:989
-msgid "Maximum Load Average"
-msgstr "Maximum Load Average"
-#: mod/admin.php:989
-msgid ""
-"Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - "
-"default 50."
-msgstr "Maximale Systemlast bevor Verteil- und Empfangsprozesse verschoben werden - Standard 50"
-#: mod/admin.php:990
-msgid "Maximum Load Average (Frontend)"
-msgstr "Maximum Load Average (Frontend)"
-#: mod/admin.php:990
-msgid "Maximum system load before the frontend quits service - default 50."
-msgstr "Maximale Systemlast bevor Vordergrundprozesse pausiert werden - Standard 50."
-#: mod/admin.php:991
-msgid "Maximum table size for optimization"
-msgstr "Maximale Tabellengröße zur Optimierung"
-#: mod/admin.php:991
-msgid ""
-"Maximum table size (in MB) for the automatic optimization - default 100 MB. "
-"Enter -1 to disable it."
-msgstr "Maximale Tabellengröße (in MB) für die automatische Optimierung - Standard 100 MB. Gib -1 für Deaktivierung ein."
-#: mod/admin.php:992
-msgid "Minimum level of fragmentation"
-msgstr "Minimaler Fragmentationsgrad"
-#: mod/admin.php:992
-msgid ""
-"Minimum fragmenation level to start the automatic optimization - default "
-"value is 30%."
-msgstr "Minimales Fragmentationsgrad von Datenbanktabellen um die automatische Optimierung einzuleiten - Standardwert ist 30%"
-#: mod/admin.php:994
-msgid "Periodical check of global contacts"
-msgstr "Regelmäßig globale Kontakte überprüfen"
-#: mod/admin.php:994
-msgid ""
-"If enabled, the global contacts are checked periodically for missing or "
-"outdated data and the vitality of the contacts and servers."
-msgstr "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, werden die globalen Kontakte regelmäßig auf fehlende oder veraltete Daten sowie auf Erreichbarkeit des Kontakts und des Servers überprüft."
-#: mod/admin.php:995
-msgid "Days between requery"
-msgstr "Tage zwischen erneuten Abfragen"
-#: mod/admin.php:995
-msgid "Number of days after which a server is requeried for his contacts."
-msgstr "Legt das Abfrageintervall fest, nachdem ein Server erneut nach Kontakten abgefragt werden soll."
-#: mod/admin.php:996
-msgid "Discover contacts from other servers"
-msgstr "Neue Kontakte auf anderen Servern entdecken"
-#: mod/admin.php:996
-msgid ""
-"Periodically query other servers for contacts. You can choose between "
-"'users': the users on the remote system, 'Global Contacts': active contacts "
-"that are known on the system. The fallback is meant for Redmatrix servers "
-"and older friendica servers, where global contacts weren't available. The "
-"fallback increases the server load, so the recommened setting is 'Users, "
-"Global Contacts'."
-msgstr "Regelmäßig andere Server nach potentiellen Kontakten absuchen. Du kannst zwischen 'Nutzern', den tatsächlichen Nutzern des anderen Systems und 'globalen Kontakten', aktiven Kontakten die auf dem System bekannt sind, wählen. Der Fallback-Mechanismus ist für ältere Friendica und Redmatrix Server gedacht, bei denen globale Kontakte noch nicht verfügbar sind. Durch den Fallbackmodus entsteht auf deinem Server eine wesentlich höhere Last, empfohlen wird der Modus 'Nutzer, globale Kontakte'."
-#: mod/admin.php:997
-msgid "Timeframe for fetching global contacts"
-msgstr "Zeitfenster für globale Kontakte"
-#: mod/admin.php:997
-msgid ""
-"When the discovery is activated, this value defines the timeframe for the "
-"activity of the global contacts that are fetched from other servers."
-msgstr "Wenn die Entdeckung neuer Kontakte aktiv ist, definiert dieses Zeitfenster den Zeitraum in dem globale Kontakte als aktiv gelten und von anderen Servern importiert werden."
-#: mod/admin.php:998
-msgid "Search the local directory"
-msgstr "Lokales Verzeichnis durchsuchen"
-#: mod/admin.php:998
-msgid ""
-"Search the local directory instead of the global directory. When searching "
-"locally, every search will be executed on the global directory in the "
-"background. This improves the search results when the search is repeated."
-msgstr "Suche im lokalen Verzeichnis anstelle des globalen Verzeichnisses durchführen. Jede Suche wird im Hintergrund auch im globalen Verzeichnis durchgeführt umd die Suchresultate zu verbessern, wenn diese Suche wiederholt wird."
-#: mod/admin.php:1000
-msgid "Publish server information"
-msgstr "Server Informationen veröffentlichen"
-#: mod/admin.php:1000
-msgid ""
-"If enabled, general server and usage data will be published. The data "
-"contains the name and version of the server, number of users with public "
-"profiles, number of posts and the activated protocols and connectors. See the-federation.info for details."
-msgstr "Wenn aktiviert, werden allgemeine Informationen über den Server und Nutzungsdaten veröffentlicht. Die Daten beinhalten den Namen sowie die Version des Servers, die Anzahl der Nutzer_innen mit öffentlichen Profilen, die Anzahl der Beiträge sowie aktivierte Protokolle und Connectoren. Für Details bitte the-federation.info aufrufen."
-#: mod/admin.php:1002
-msgid "Use MySQL full text engine"
-msgstr "Nutze MySQL full text engine"
-#: mod/admin.php:1002
-msgid ""
-"Activates the full text engine. Speeds up search - but can only search for "
-"four and more characters."
-msgstr "Aktiviert die 'full text engine'. Beschleunigt die Suche - aber es kann nur nach vier oder mehr Zeichen gesucht werden."
-#: mod/admin.php:1003
-msgid "Suppress Language"
-msgstr "Sprachinformation unterdrücken"
-#: mod/admin.php:1003
-msgid "Suppress language information in meta information about a posting."
-msgstr "Verhindert das Erzeugen der Meta-Information zur Spracherkennung eines Beitrags."
-#: mod/admin.php:1004
-msgid "Suppress Tags"
-msgstr "Tags Unterdrücken"
-#: mod/admin.php:1004
-msgid "Suppress showing a list of hashtags at the end of the posting."
-msgstr "Unterdrückt die Anzeige von Tags am Ende eines Beitrags."
-#: mod/admin.php:1005
-msgid "Path to item cache"
-msgstr "Pfad zum Eintrag Cache"
-#: mod/admin.php:1005
-msgid "The item caches buffers generated bbcode and external images."
-msgstr "Im Item-Cache werden externe Bilder und geparster BBCode zwischen gespeichert."
-#: mod/admin.php:1006
-msgid "Cache duration in seconds"
-msgstr "Cache-Dauer in Sekunden"
-#: mod/admin.php:1006
-msgid ""
-"How long should the cache files be hold? Default value is 86400 seconds (One"
-" day). To disable the item cache, set the value to -1."
-msgstr "Wie lange sollen die gecachedten Dateien vorgehalten werden? Grundeinstellung sind 86400 Sekunden (ein Tag). Um den Item Cache zu deaktivieren, setze diesen Wert auf -1."
-#: mod/admin.php:1007
-msgid "Maximum numbers of comments per post"
-msgstr "Maximale Anzahl von Kommentaren pro Beitrag"
-#: mod/admin.php:1007
-msgid "How much comments should be shown for each post? Default value is 100."
-msgstr "Wie viele Kommentare sollen pro Beitrag angezeigt werden? Standardwert sind 100."
-#: mod/admin.php:1008
-msgid "Path for lock file"
-msgstr "Pfad für die Sperrdatei"
-#: mod/admin.php:1008
-msgid ""
-"The lock file is used to avoid multiple pollers at one time. Only define a "
-"folder here."
-msgstr "Die lock-Datei wird benutzt, damit nicht mehrere poller auf einmal laufen. Definiere hier einen Dateiverzeichnis."
-#: mod/admin.php:1009
-msgid "Temp path"
-msgstr "Temp Pfad"
-#: mod/admin.php:1009
-msgid ""
-"If you have a restricted system where the webserver can't access the system "
-"temp path, enter another path here."
-msgstr "Solltest du ein eingeschränktes System haben, auf dem der Webserver nicht auf das temp Verzeichnis des Systems zugreifen kann, setze hier einen anderen Pfad."
-#: mod/admin.php:1010
-msgid "Base path to installation"
-msgstr "Basis-Pfad zur Installation"
-#: mod/admin.php:1010
-msgid ""
-"If the system cannot detect the correct path to your installation, enter the"
-" correct path here. This setting should only be set if you are using a "
-"restricted system and symbolic links to your webroot."
-msgstr "Falls das System nicht den korrekten Pfad zu deiner Installation gefunden hat, gib den richtigen Pfad bitte hier ein. Du solltest hier den Pfad nur auf einem eingeschränkten System angeben müssen, bei dem du mit symbolischen Links auf dein Webverzeichnis verweist."
-#: mod/admin.php:1011
-msgid "Disable picture proxy"
-msgstr "Bilder Proxy deaktivieren"
-#: mod/admin.php:1011
-msgid ""
-"The picture proxy increases performance and privacy. It shouldn't be used on"
-" systems with very low bandwith."
-msgstr "Der Proxy für Bilder verbessert die Leistung und Privatsphäre der Nutzer. Er sollte nicht auf Systemen verwendet werden, die nur über begrenzte Bandbreite verfügen."
-#: mod/admin.php:1012
-msgid "Enable old style pager"
-msgstr "Den Old-Style Pager aktiviren"
-#: mod/admin.php:1012
-msgid ""
-"The old style pager has page numbers but slows down massively the page "
-msgstr "Der Old-Style Pager zeigt Seitennummern an, verlangsamt aber auch drastisch das Laden einer Seite."
-#: mod/admin.php:1013
-msgid "Only search in tags"
-msgstr "Nur in Tags suchen"
-#: mod/admin.php:1013
-msgid "On large systems the text search can slow down the system extremely."
-msgstr "Auf großen Knoten kann die Volltext-Suche das System ausbremsen."
-#: mod/admin.php:1015
-msgid "New base url"
-msgstr "Neue Basis-URL"
-#: mod/admin.php:1015
-msgid ""
-"Change base url for this server. Sends relocate message to all DFRN contacts"
-" of all users."
-msgstr "Ändert die Basis-URL dieses Servers und sendet eine Umzugsmitteilung an alle DFRN Kontakte deiner Nutzer_innen."
-#: mod/admin.php:1017
-msgid "RINO Encryption"
-msgstr "RINO Verschlüsselung"
-#: mod/admin.php:1017
-msgid "Encryption layer between nodes."
-msgstr "Verschlüsselung zwischen Friendica Instanzen"
-#: mod/admin.php:1018
-msgid "Embedly API key"
-msgstr "Embedly API Schlüssel"
-#: mod/admin.php:1018
-msgid ""
-"Embedly is used to fetch additional data for "
-"web pages. This is an optional parameter."
-msgstr "Embedly wird verwendet um zusätzliche Informationen von Webseiten zu laden. Dies ist ein optionaler Parameter."
-#: mod/admin.php:1020
-msgid "Enable 'worker' background processing"
-msgstr "Aktiviere die 'Worker' Hintergrundprozesse"
-#: mod/admin.php:1020
-msgid ""
-"The worker background processing limits the number of parallel background "
-"jobs to a maximum number and respects the system load."
-msgstr "Der 'background worker' Prozess begrenzt die Zahl der Prozesse, die im Hintergrund parallel laufen und beachtet dabei die Systemlast."
-#: mod/admin.php:1021
-msgid "Maximum number of parallel workers"
-msgstr "Maximale Anzahl parallel laufender Worker"
-#: mod/admin.php:1021
-msgid ""
-"On shared hosters set this to 2. On larger systems, values of 10 are great. "
-"Default value is 4."
-msgstr "Wenn dein Knoten bei einem Shared Hoster ist, setzte diesen Wert auf 2. Auf größeren Systemen funktioniert ein Wert von 10 recht gut. Standardeinstellung sind 4."
-#: mod/admin.php:1022
-msgid "Don't use 'proc_open' with the worker"
-msgstr "'proc_open' nicht mit den Workern verwenden"
-#: mod/admin.php:1022
-msgid ""
-"Enable this if your system doesn't allow the use of 'proc_open'. This can "
-"happen on shared hosters. If this is enabled you should increase the "
-"frequency of poller calls in your crontab."
-msgstr "Aktiviere diese Option, wenn dein System die Verwendung von 'proc_open' verhindert. Dies könnte auf Shared Hostern der Fall sein. Wenn du diese Option aktivierst, solltest du die Frequenz der poller Aufrufe in deiner crontab erhöhen."
-#: mod/admin.php:1051
-msgid "Update has been marked successful"
-msgstr "Update wurde als erfolgreich markiert"
-#: mod/admin.php:1059
-#, php-format
-msgid "Database structure update %s was successfully applied."
-msgstr "Das Update %s der Struktur der Datenbank wurde erfolgreich angewandt."
-#: mod/admin.php:1062
-#, php-format
-msgid "Executing of database structure update %s failed with error: %s"
-msgstr "Das Update %s der Struktur der Datenbank schlug mit folgender Fehlermeldung fehl: %s"
-#: mod/admin.php:1074
-#, php-format
-msgid "Executing %s failed with error: %s"
-msgstr "Die Ausführung von %s schlug fehl. Fehlermeldung: %s"
-#: mod/admin.php:1077
-#, php-format
-msgid "Update %s was successfully applied."
-msgstr "Update %s war erfolgreich."
-#: mod/admin.php:1081
-#, php-format
-msgid "Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded."
-msgstr "Update %s hat keinen Status zurückgegeben. Unbekannter Status."
-#: mod/admin.php:1083
-#, php-format
-msgid "There was no additional update function %s that needed to be called."
-msgstr "Es gab keine weitere Update-Funktion, die von %s ausgeführt werden musste."
-#: mod/admin.php:1102
-msgid "No failed updates."
-msgstr "Keine fehlgeschlagenen Updates."
-#: mod/admin.php:1103
-msgid "Check database structure"
-msgstr "Datenbank Struktur überprüfen"
-#: mod/admin.php:1108
-msgid "Failed Updates"
-msgstr "Fehlgeschlagene Updates"
-#: mod/admin.php:1109
-msgid ""
-"This does not include updates prior to 1139, which did not return a status."
-msgstr "Ohne Updates vor 1139, da diese keinen Status zurückgegeben haben."
-#: mod/admin.php:1110
-msgid "Mark success (if update was manually applied)"
-msgstr "Als erfolgreich markieren (falls das Update manuell installiert wurde)"
-#: mod/admin.php:1111
-msgid "Attempt to execute this update step automatically"
-msgstr "Versuchen, diesen Schritt automatisch auszuführen"
-#: mod/admin.php:1143
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
-"\t\t\t\tthe administrator of %2$s has set up an account for you."
-msgstr "\nHallo %1$s,\n\nauf %2$s wurde ein Account für Dich angelegt."
-#: mod/admin.php:1146
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
-"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1$s\n"
-"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t\t%2$s\n"
-"\t\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n"
-"\t\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n"
-"\t\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n"
-"\t\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
-"\t\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
-"\t\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n"
-"\t\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n"
-"\t\t\tthan that.\n"
-"\t\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n"
-"\t\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
-"\t\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
-"\t\t\tThank you and welcome to %4$s."
-msgstr "\nNachfolgend die Anmelde-Details:\n\tAdresse der Seite:\t%1$s\n\tBenutzername:\t%2$s\n\tPasswort:\t%3$s\n\nDu kannst Dein Passwort unter \"Einstellungen\" ändern, sobald Du Dich\nangemeldet hast.\n\nBitte nimm Dir ein paar Minuten um die anderen Einstellungen auf dieser\nSeite zu kontrollieren.\n\nEventuell magst Du ja auch einige Informationen über Dich in Deinem\nProfil veröffentlichen, damit andere Leute Dich einfacher finden können.\nBearbeite hierfür einfach Dein Standard-Profil (über die Profil-Seite).\n\nWir empfehlen Dir, Deinen kompletten Namen anzugeben und ein zu Dir\npassendes Profilbild zu wählen, damit Dich alte Bekannte wieder finden.\nAußerdem ist es nützlich, wenn Du auf Deinem Profil Schlüsselwörter\nangibst. Das erleichtert es, Leute zu finden, die Deine Interessen teilen.\n\nWir respektieren Deine Privatsphäre - keine dieser Angaben ist nötig.\nWenn Du neu im Netzwerk bist und noch niemanden kennst, dann können sie\nallerdings dabei helfen, neue und interessante Kontakte zu knüpfen.\n\nNun viel Spaß, gute Begegnungen und willkommen auf %4$s."
-#: mod/admin.php:1190
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s user blocked/unblocked"
-msgid_plural "%s users blocked/unblocked"
-msgstr[0] "%s Benutzer geblockt/freigegeben"
-msgstr[1] "%s Benutzer geblockt/freigegeben"
-#: mod/admin.php:1197
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s user deleted"
-msgid_plural "%s users deleted"
-msgstr[0] "%s Nutzer gelöscht"
-msgstr[1] "%s Nutzer gelöscht"
-#: mod/admin.php:1244
-#, php-format
-msgid "User '%s' deleted"
-msgstr "Nutzer '%s' gelöscht"
-#: mod/admin.php:1252
-#, php-format
-msgid "User '%s' unblocked"
-msgstr "Nutzer '%s' entsperrt"
-#: mod/admin.php:1252
-#, php-format
-msgid "User '%s' blocked"
-msgstr "Nutzer '%s' gesperrt"
-#: mod/admin.php:1371 mod/admin.php:1396
-msgid "Register date"
-msgstr "Anmeldedatum"
-#: mod/admin.php:1371 mod/admin.php:1396
-msgid "Last login"
-msgstr "Letzte Anmeldung"
-#: mod/admin.php:1371 mod/admin.php:1396
-msgid "Last item"
-msgstr "Letzter Beitrag"
-#: mod/admin.php:1371 mod/settings.php:43
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Nutzerkonto"
-#: mod/admin.php:1380
-msgid "Add User"
-msgstr "Nutzer hinzufügen"
-#: mod/admin.php:1381
-msgid "select all"
-msgstr "Alle auswählen"
-#: mod/admin.php:1382
-msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm"
-msgstr "Neuanmeldungen, die auf Deine Bestätigung warten"
-#: mod/admin.php:1383
-msgid "User waiting for permanent deletion"
-msgstr "Nutzer wartet auf permanente Löschung"
-#: mod/admin.php:1384
-msgid "Request date"
-msgstr "Anfragedatum"
-#: mod/admin.php:1385
-msgid "No registrations."
-msgstr "Keine Neuanmeldungen."
-#: mod/admin.php:1387
-msgid "Deny"
-msgstr "Verwehren"
-#: mod/admin.php:1389 mod/contacts.php:603 mod/contacts.php:798
-#: mod/contacts.php:992
-msgid "Block"
-msgstr "Sperren"
-#: mod/admin.php:1390 mod/contacts.php:603 mod/contacts.php:798
-#: mod/contacts.php:992
-msgid "Unblock"
-msgstr "Entsperren"
-#: mod/admin.php:1391
-msgid "Site admin"
-msgstr "Seitenadministrator"
-#: mod/admin.php:1392
-msgid "Account expired"
-msgstr "Account ist abgelaufen"
-#: mod/admin.php:1395
-msgid "New User"
-msgstr "Neuer Nutzer"
-#: mod/admin.php:1396
-msgid "Deleted since"
-msgstr "Gelöscht seit"
-#: mod/admin.php:1401
-msgid ""
-"Selected users will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these users had posted on "
-"this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
-msgstr "Die markierten Nutzer werden gelöscht!\\n\\nAlle Beiträge, die diese Nutzer auf dieser Seite veröffentlicht haben, werden permanent gelöscht!\\n\\nBist Du sicher?"
-#: mod/admin.php:1402
-msgid ""
-"The user {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this user has posted on this "
-"site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
-msgstr "Der Nutzer {0} wird gelöscht!\\n\\nAlles was dieser Nutzer auf dieser Seite veröffentlicht hat, wird permanent gelöscht!\\n\\nBist Du sicher?"
-#: mod/admin.php:1412
-msgid "Name of the new user."
-msgstr "Name des neuen Nutzers"
-#: mod/admin.php:1413
-msgid "Nickname"
-msgstr "Spitzname"
-#: mod/admin.php:1413
-msgid "Nickname of the new user."
-msgstr "Spitznamen für den neuen Nutzer"
-#: mod/admin.php:1414
-msgid "Email address of the new user."
-msgstr "Email Adresse des neuen Nutzers"
-#: mod/admin.php:1457
-#, php-format
-msgid "Plugin %s disabled."
-msgstr "Plugin %s deaktiviert."
-#: mod/admin.php:1461
-#, php-format
-msgid "Plugin %s enabled."
-msgstr "Plugin %s aktiviert."
-#: mod/admin.php:1472 mod/admin.php:1708
-msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Ausschalten"
-#: mod/admin.php:1474 mod/admin.php:1710
-msgid "Enable"
-msgstr "Einschalten"
-#: mod/admin.php:1497 mod/admin.php:1755
-msgid "Toggle"
-msgstr "Umschalten"
-#: mod/admin.php:1505 mod/admin.php:1764
-msgid "Author: "
-msgstr "Autor:"
-#: mod/admin.php:1506 mod/admin.php:1765
-msgid "Maintainer: "
-msgstr "Betreuer:"
-#: mod/admin.php:1558
-msgid "Reload active plugins"
-msgstr "Aktive Plugins neu laden"
-#: mod/admin.php:1563
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"There are currently no plugins available on your node. You can find the "
-"official plugin repository at %1$s and might find other interesting plugins "
-"in the open plugin registry at %2$s"
-msgstr "Es sind derzeit keine Plugins auf diesem Knoten verfügbar. Du findest das offizielle Plugin-Repository unter %1$s und weitere eventuell interessante Plugins im offenen Plugins-Verzeichnis auf %2$s."
-#: mod/admin.php:1668
-msgid "No themes found."
-msgstr "Keine Themen gefunden."
-#: mod/admin.php:1746
-msgid "Screenshot"
-msgstr "Bildschirmfoto"
-#: mod/admin.php:1806
-msgid "Reload active themes"
-msgstr "Aktives Theme neu laden"
-#: mod/admin.php:1811
-#, php-format
-msgid "No themes found on the system. They should be paced in %1$s"
-msgstr "Es wurden keine Themes auf dem System gefunden. Diese sollten in %1$s patziert werden."
-#: mod/admin.php:1812
-msgid "[Experimental]"
-msgstr "[Experimentell]"
-#: mod/admin.php:1813
-msgid "[Unsupported]"
-msgstr "[Nicht unterstützt]"
-#: mod/admin.php:1837
-msgid "Log settings updated."
-msgstr "Protokolleinstellungen aktualisiert."
-#: mod/admin.php:1874
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "löschen"
-#: mod/admin.php:1879
-msgid "Enable Debugging"
-msgstr "Protokoll führen"
-#: mod/admin.php:1880
-msgid "Log file"
-msgstr "Protokolldatei"
-#: mod/admin.php:1880
-msgid ""
-"Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Friendica top-level "
-msgstr "Webserver muss Schreibrechte besitzen. Abhängig vom Friendica-Installationsverzeichnis."
-#: mod/admin.php:1881
-msgid "Log level"
-msgstr "Protokoll-Level"
-#: mod/admin.php:1884
-msgid "PHP logging"
-msgstr "PHP Protokollieren"
-#: mod/admin.php:1885
-msgid ""
-"To enable logging of PHP errors and warnings you can add the following to "
-"the .htconfig.php file of your installation. The filename set in the "
-"'error_log' line is relative to the friendica top-level directory and must "
-"be writeable by the web server. The option '1' for 'log_errors' and "
-"'display_errors' is to enable these options, set to '0' to disable them."
-msgstr "Um PHP Warnungen und Fehler zu protokollieren, kannst du die folgenden Zeilen zur .htconfig.php Datei deiner Installation hinzufügen. Den Dateinamen der Log-Datei legst du in der Zeile mit dem 'error_log' fest, Er ist relativ zum Friendica-Stammverzeichnis und muss schreibbar durch den Webserver sein. Eine \"1\" als Option für die Punkte 'log_errors' und 'display_errors' aktiviert die Funktionen zum Protokollieren bzw. Anzeigen der Fehler, eine \"0\" deaktiviert sie."
-#: mod/admin.php:2011 mod/admin.php:2012 mod/settings.php:763
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "Aus"
-#: mod/admin.php:2011 mod/admin.php:2012 mod/settings.php:763
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "An"
-#: mod/admin.php:2012
-#, php-format
-msgid "Lock feature %s"
-msgstr "Feature festlegen: %s"
-#: mod/admin.php:2020
-msgid "Manage Additional Features"
-msgstr "Zusätzliche Features Verwalten"
#: mod/wall_attach.php:94
msgid "Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"
msgstr "Entschuldige, die Datei scheint größer zu sein als es die PHP Konfiguration erlaubt."
@@ -5473,188 +3621,6 @@ msgstr "Die Datei ist größer als das erlaubte Limit von %s"
msgid "File upload failed."
msgstr "Hochladen der Datei fehlgeschlagen."
-#: mod/allfriends.php:43
-msgid "No friends to display."
-msgstr "Keine Kontakte zum Anzeigen."
-#: mod/cal.php:152 mod/display.php:328 mod/profile.php:155
-msgid "Access to this profile has been restricted."
-msgstr "Der Zugriff zu diesem Profil wurde eingeschränkt."
-#: mod/cal.php:301
-msgid "User not found"
-msgstr "Nutzer nicht gefunden"
-#: mod/cal.php:317
-msgid "This calendar format is not supported"
-msgstr "Dieses Kalenderformat wird nicht unterstützt."
-#: mod/cal.php:319
-msgid "No exportable data found"
-msgstr "Keine exportierbaren Daten gefunden"
-#: mod/cal.php:327
-msgid "calendar"
-msgstr "Kalender"
-#: mod/content.php:119 mod/network.php:468
-msgid "No such group"
-msgstr "Es gibt keine solche Gruppe"
-#: mod/content.php:130 mod/network.php:495 mod/group.php:193
-msgid "Group is empty"
-msgstr "Gruppe ist leer"
-#: mod/content.php:135 mod/network.php:499
-#, php-format
-msgid "Group: %s"
-msgstr "Gruppe: %s"
-#: mod/content.php:325 object/Item.php:95
-msgid "This entry was edited"
-msgstr "Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet."
-#: mod/content.php:621 object/Item.php:429
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d comment"
-msgid_plural "%d comments"
-msgstr[0] "%d Kommentar"
-msgstr[1] "%d Kommentare"
-#: mod/content.php:638 mod/photos.php:1405 object/Item.php:117
-msgid "Private Message"
-msgstr "Private Nachricht"
-#: mod/content.php:702 mod/photos.php:1594 object/Item.php:263
-msgid "I like this (toggle)"
-msgstr "Ich mag das (toggle)"
-#: mod/content.php:702 object/Item.php:263
-msgid "like"
-msgstr "mag ich"
-#: mod/content.php:703 mod/photos.php:1595 object/Item.php:264
-msgid "I don't like this (toggle)"
-msgstr "Ich mag das nicht (toggle)"
-#: mod/content.php:703 object/Item.php:264
-msgid "dislike"
-msgstr "mag ich nicht"
-#: mod/content.php:705 object/Item.php:266
-msgid "Share this"
-msgstr "Weitersagen"
-#: mod/content.php:705 object/Item.php:266
-msgid "share"
-msgstr "Teilen"
-#: mod/content.php:725 mod/photos.php:1614 mod/photos.php:1662
-#: mod/photos.php:1750 object/Item.php:717
-msgid "This is you"
-msgstr "Das bist Du"
-#: mod/content.php:729 object/Item.php:721
-msgid "Bold"
-msgstr "Fett"
-#: mod/content.php:730 object/Item.php:722
-msgid "Italic"
-msgstr "Kursiv"
-#: mod/content.php:731 object/Item.php:723
-msgid "Underline"
-msgstr "Unterstrichen"
-#: mod/content.php:732 object/Item.php:724
-msgid "Quote"
-msgstr "Zitat"
-#: mod/content.php:733 object/Item.php:725
-msgid "Code"
-msgstr "Code"
-#: mod/content.php:734 object/Item.php:726
-msgid "Image"
-msgstr "Bild"
-#: mod/content.php:735 object/Item.php:727
-msgid "Link"
-msgstr "Link"
-#: mod/content.php:736 object/Item.php:728
-msgid "Video"
-msgstr "Video"
-#: mod/content.php:746 mod/settings.php:725 object/Item.php:122
-#: object/Item.php:124
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Bearbeiten"
-#: mod/content.php:771 object/Item.php:227
-msgid "add star"
-msgstr "markieren"
-#: mod/content.php:772 object/Item.php:228
-msgid "remove star"
-msgstr "Markierung entfernen"
-#: mod/content.php:773 object/Item.php:229
-msgid "toggle star status"
-msgstr "Markierung umschalten"
-#: mod/content.php:776 object/Item.php:232
-msgid "starred"
-msgstr "markiert"
-#: mod/content.php:777 mod/content.php:798 object/Item.php:252
-msgid "add tag"
-msgstr "Tag hinzufügen"
-#: mod/content.php:787 object/Item.php:240
-msgid "ignore thread"
-msgstr "Thread ignorieren"
-#: mod/content.php:788 object/Item.php:241
-msgid "unignore thread"
-msgstr "Thread nicht mehr ignorieren"
-#: mod/content.php:789 object/Item.php:242
-msgid "toggle ignore status"
-msgstr "Ignoriert-Status ein-/ausschalten"
-#: mod/content.php:792 mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:69 object/Item.php:245
-msgid "ignored"
-msgstr "Ignoriert"
-#: mod/content.php:803 object/Item.php:137
-msgid "save to folder"
-msgstr "In Ordner speichern"
-#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
-msgid "I will attend"
-msgstr "Ich werde teilnehmen"
-#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
-msgid "I will not attend"
-msgstr "Ich werde nicht teilnehmen"
-#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
-msgid "I might attend"
-msgstr "Ich werde eventuell teilnehmen"
-#: mod/content.php:912 object/Item.php:369
-msgid "to"
-msgstr "zu"
-#: mod/content.php:913 object/Item.php:371
-msgid "Wall-to-Wall"
-msgstr "Wall-to-Wall"
-#: mod/content.php:914 object/Item.php:372
-msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:"
-msgstr "via Wall-To-Wall:"
#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:14
msgid "Resubscribing to OStatus contacts"
msgstr "Erneuern der OStatus Abonements"
@@ -5702,333 +3668,6 @@ msgstr "Hinzufügen"
msgid "No entries."
msgstr "Keine Einträge."
-#: mod/videos.php:123
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this video?"
-msgstr "Möchtest Du dieses Video wirklich löschen?"
-#: mod/videos.php:128
-msgid "Delete Video"
-msgstr "Video Löschen"
-#: mod/videos.php:207
-msgid "No videos selected"
-msgstr "Keine Videos ausgewählt"
-#: mod/videos.php:308 mod/photos.php:1074
-msgid "Access to this item is restricted."
-msgstr "Zugriff zu diesem Eintrag wurde eingeschränkt."
-#: mod/videos.php:390 mod/photos.php:1877
-msgid "View Album"
-msgstr "Album betrachten"
-#: mod/videos.php:399
-msgid "Recent Videos"
-msgstr "Neueste Videos"
-#: mod/videos.php:401
-msgid "Upload New Videos"
-msgstr "Neues Video hochladen"
-#: mod/profiles.php:37
-msgid "Profile deleted."
-msgstr "Profil gelöscht."
-#: mod/profiles.php:55 mod/profiles.php:89
-msgid "Profile-"
-msgstr "Profil-"
-#: mod/profiles.php:74 mod/profiles.php:117
-msgid "New profile created."
-msgstr "Neues Profil angelegt."
-#: mod/profiles.php:95
-msgid "Profile unavailable to clone."
-msgstr "Profil nicht zum Duplizieren verfügbar."
-#: mod/profiles.php:189
-msgid "Profile Name is required."
-msgstr "Profilname ist erforderlich."
-#: mod/profiles.php:336
-msgid "Marital Status"
-msgstr "Familienstand"
-#: mod/profiles.php:340
-msgid "Romantic Partner"
-msgstr "Romanze"
-#: mod/profiles.php:352
-msgid "Work/Employment"
-msgstr "Arbeit / Beschäftigung"
-#: mod/profiles.php:355
-msgid "Religion"
-msgstr "Religion"
-#: mod/profiles.php:359
-msgid "Political Views"
-msgstr "Politische Ansichten"
-#: mod/profiles.php:363
-msgid "Gender"
-msgstr "Geschlecht"
-#: mod/profiles.php:367
-msgid "Sexual Preference"
-msgstr "Sexuelle Vorlieben"
-#: mod/profiles.php:371
-msgid "Homepage"
-msgstr "Webseite"
-#: mod/profiles.php:375 mod/profiles.php:695
-msgid "Interests"
-msgstr "Interessen"
-#: mod/profiles.php:379
-msgid "Address"
-msgstr "Adresse"
-#: mod/profiles.php:386 mod/profiles.php:691
-msgid "Location"
-msgstr "Wohnort"
-#: mod/profiles.php:469
-msgid "Profile updated."
-msgstr "Profil aktualisiert."
-#: mod/profiles.php:556
-msgid " and "
-msgstr " und "
-#: mod/profiles.php:564
-msgid "public profile"
-msgstr "öffentliches Profil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:567
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s changed %2$s to “%3$s”"
-msgstr "%1$s hat %2$s geändert auf “%3$s”"
-#: mod/profiles.php:568
-#, php-format
-msgid " - Visit %1$s's %2$s"
-msgstr " – %1$ss %2$s besuchen"
-#: mod/profiles.php:571
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s has an updated %2$s, changing %3$s."
-msgstr "%1$s hat folgendes aktualisiert %2$s, verändert wurde %3$s."
-#: mod/profiles.php:638
-msgid "Hide contacts and friends:"
-msgstr "Kontakte und Freunde verbergen"
-#: mod/profiles.php:641 mod/profiles.php:645 mod/profiles.php:670
-#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/dfrn_request.php:860 mod/register.php:239
-#: mod/settings.php:1113 mod/settings.php:1119 mod/settings.php:1127
-#: mod/settings.php:1131 mod/settings.php:1136 mod/settings.php:1142
-#: mod/settings.php:1148 mod/settings.php:1154 mod/settings.php:1180
-#: mod/settings.php:1181 mod/settings.php:1182 mod/settings.php:1183
-#: mod/settings.php:1184 mod/api.php:106
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Nein"
-#: mod/profiles.php:643
-msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"
-msgstr "Liste der Kontakte vor Betrachtern dieses Profils verbergen?"
-#: mod/profiles.php:667
-msgid "Show more profile fields:"
-msgstr "Zeige mehr Profil-Felder:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:679
-msgid "Profile Actions"
-msgstr "Profilaktionen"
-#: mod/profiles.php:680
-msgid "Edit Profile Details"
-msgstr "Profil bearbeiten"
-#: mod/profiles.php:682
-msgid "Change Profile Photo"
-msgstr "Profilbild ändern"
-#: mod/profiles.php:683
-msgid "View this profile"
-msgstr "Dieses Profil anzeigen"
-#: mod/profiles.php:685
-msgid "Create a new profile using these settings"
-msgstr "Neues Profil anlegen und diese Einstellungen verwenden"
-#: mod/profiles.php:686
-msgid "Clone this profile"
-msgstr "Dieses Profil duplizieren"
-#: mod/profiles.php:687
-msgid "Delete this profile"
-msgstr "Dieses Profil löschen"
-#: mod/profiles.php:689
-msgid "Basic information"
-msgstr "Grundinformationen"
-#: mod/profiles.php:690
-msgid "Profile picture"
-msgstr "Profilbild"
-#: mod/profiles.php:692
-msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Vorlieben"
-#: mod/profiles.php:693
-msgid "Status information"
-msgstr "Status Informationen"
-#: mod/profiles.php:694
-msgid "Additional information"
-msgstr "Zusätzliche Informationen"
-#: mod/profiles.php:697
-msgid "Relation"
-msgstr "Beziehung"
-#: mod/profiles.php:700 mod/newmember.php:36 mod/profile_photo.php:250
-msgid "Upload Profile Photo"
-msgstr "Profilbild hochladen"
-#: mod/profiles.php:701
-msgid "Your Gender:"
-msgstr "Dein Geschlecht:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:702
-msgid "♥ Marital Status:"
-msgstr "♥ Beziehungsstatus:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:704
-msgid "Example: fishing photography software"
-msgstr "Beispiel: Fischen Fotografie Software"
-#: mod/profiles.php:709
-msgid "Profile Name:"
-msgstr "Profilname:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:711
-msgid ""
-"This is your public profile. It may "
-"be visible to anybody using the internet."
-msgstr "Dies ist Dein öffentliches Profil. Es könnte für jeden Nutzer des Internets sichtbar sein."
-#: mod/profiles.php:712
-msgid "Your Full Name:"
-msgstr "Dein kompletter Name:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:713
-msgid "Title/Description:"
-msgstr "Titel/Beschreibung:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:716
-msgid "Street Address:"
-msgstr "Adresse:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:717
-msgid "Locality/City:"
-msgstr "Wohnort:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:718
-msgid "Region/State:"
-msgstr "Region/Bundesstaat:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:719
-msgid "Postal/Zip Code:"
-msgstr "Postleitzahl:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:720
-msgid "Country:"
-msgstr "Land:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:724
-msgid "Who: (if applicable)"
-msgstr "Wer: (falls anwendbar)"
-#: mod/profiles.php:724
-msgid "Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
-msgstr "Beispiele: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
-#: mod/profiles.php:725
-msgid "Since [date]:"
-msgstr "Seit [Datum]:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:727
-msgid "Tell us about yourself..."
-msgstr "Erzähle uns ein bisschen von Dir …"
-#: mod/profiles.php:728
-msgid "Homepage URL:"
-msgstr "Adresse der Homepage:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:731
-msgid "Religious Views:"
-msgstr "Religiöse Ansichten:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:732
-msgid "Public Keywords:"
-msgstr "Öffentliche Schlüsselwörter:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:732
-msgid "(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"
-msgstr "(Wird verwendet, um potentielle Kontakte zu finden, kann von Kontakten eingesehen werden)"
-#: mod/profiles.php:733
-msgid "Private Keywords:"
-msgstr "Private Schlüsselwörter:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:733
-msgid "(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"
-msgstr "(Wird für die Suche nach Profilen verwendet und niemals veröffentlicht)"
-#: mod/profiles.php:736
-msgid "Musical interests"
-msgstr "Musikalische Interessen"
-#: mod/profiles.php:737
-msgid "Books, literature"
-msgstr "Bücher, Literatur"
-#: mod/profiles.php:738
-msgid "Television"
-msgstr "Fernsehen"
-#: mod/profiles.php:739
-msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment"
-msgstr "Filme/Tänze/Kultur/Unterhaltung"
-#: mod/profiles.php:740
-msgid "Hobbies/Interests"
-msgstr "Hobbies/Interessen"
-#: mod/profiles.php:741
-msgid "Love/romance"
-msgstr "Liebe/Romantik"
-#: mod/profiles.php:742
-msgid "Work/employment"
-msgstr "Arbeit/Anstellung"
-#: mod/profiles.php:743
-msgid "School/education"
-msgstr "Schule/Ausbildung"
-#: mod/profiles.php:744
-msgid "Contact information and Social Networks"
-msgstr "Kontaktinformationen und Soziale Netzwerke"
-#: mod/profiles.php:786
-msgid "Edit/Manage Profiles"
-msgstr "Bearbeite/Verwalte Profile"
#: mod/credits.php:16
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Credits"
@@ -6044,6 +3683,1099 @@ msgstr "Friendica ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt, das nicht ohne die Hilfe vieler
msgid "- select -"
msgstr "- auswählen -"
+#: mod/subthread.php:103
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is following %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s folgt %2$s %3$s"
+#: mod/attach.php:8
+msgid "Item not available."
+msgstr "Beitrag nicht verfügbar."
+#: mod/attach.php:20
+msgid "Item was not found."
+msgstr "Beitrag konnte nicht gefunden werden."
+#: mod/follow.php:19 mod/dfrn_request.php:874
+msgid "Submit Request"
+msgstr "Anfrage abschicken"
+#: mod/follow.php:30
+msgid "You already added this contact."
+msgstr "Du hast den Kontakt bereits hinzugefügt."
+#: mod/follow.php:39
+msgid "Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."
+msgstr "Diaspora Unterstützung ist nicht aktiviert. Der Kontakt kann nicht zugefügt werden."
+#: mod/follow.php:46
+msgid "OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."
+msgstr "OStatus Unterstützung ist nicht aktiviert. Der Kontakt kann nicht zugefügt werden."
+#: mod/follow.php:53
+msgid "The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."
+msgstr "Der Netzwerktype wurde nicht erkannt. Der Kontakt kann nicht hinzugefügt werden."
+#: mod/follow.php:109 mod/dfrn_request.php:860
+msgid "Please answer the following:"
+msgstr "Bitte beantworte folgendes:"
+#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/dfrn_request.php:861
+#, php-format
+msgid "Does %s know you?"
+msgstr "Kennt %s Dich?"
+#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/api.php:106 mod/dfrn_request.php:861
+#: mod/profiles.php:648 mod/profiles.php:652 mod/profiles.php:677
+#: mod/register.php:239 mod/settings.php:1158 mod/settings.php:1164
+#: mod/settings.php:1172 mod/settings.php:1176 mod/settings.php:1181
+#: mod/settings.php:1187 mod/settings.php:1193 mod/settings.php:1199
+#: mod/settings.php:1225 mod/settings.php:1226 mod/settings.php:1227
+#: mod/settings.php:1228 mod/settings.php:1229
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Nein"
+#: mod/follow.php:111 mod/dfrn_request.php:865
+msgid "Add a personal note:"
+msgstr "Eine persönliche Notiz beifügen:"
+#: mod/follow.php:117 mod/dfrn_request.php:871
+msgid "Your Identity Address:"
+msgstr "Adresse Deines Profils:"
+#: mod/follow.php:126 mod/notifications.php:243 mod/contacts.php:624
+msgid "Profile URL"
+msgstr "Profil URL"
+#: mod/follow.php:180
+msgid "Contact added"
+msgstr "Kontakt hinzugefügt"
+#: mod/apps.php:7 index.php:240
+msgid "You must be logged in to use addons. "
+msgstr "Sie müssen angemeldet sein um Addons benutzen zu können."
+#: mod/apps.php:11
+msgid "Applications"
+msgstr "Anwendungen"
+#: mod/apps.php:14
+msgid "No installed applications."
+msgstr "Keine Applikationen installiert."
+#: mod/p.php:9
+msgid "Not Extended"
+msgstr "Nicht erweitert."
+#: mod/newmember.php:6
+msgid "Welcome to Friendica"
+msgstr "Willkommen bei Friendica"
+#: mod/newmember.php:8
+msgid "New Member Checklist"
+msgstr "Checkliste für neue Mitglieder"
+#: mod/newmember.php:12
+msgid ""
+"We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience "
+"enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page "
+"will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial "
+"registration and then will quietly disappear."
+msgstr "Wir möchten Dir einige Tipps und Links anbieten, die Dir helfen könnten, den Einstieg angenehmer zu machen. Klicke auf ein Element, um die entsprechende Seite zu besuchen. Ein Link zu dieser Seite hier bleibt für Dich an Deiner Pinnwand für zwei Wochen nach dem Registrierungsdatum sichtbar und wird dann verschwinden."
+#: mod/newmember.php:14
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr "Einstieg"
+#: mod/newmember.php:18
+msgid "Friendica Walk-Through"
+msgstr "Friendica Rundgang"
+#: mod/newmember.php:18
+msgid ""
+"On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your "
+"profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to"
+" join."
+msgstr "Auf der Quick Start Seite findest Du eine kurze Einleitung in die einzelnen Funktionen Deines Profils und die Netzwerk-Reiter, wo Du interessante Foren findest und neue Kontakte knüpfst."
+#: mod/newmember.php:26
+msgid "Go to Your Settings"
+msgstr "Gehe zu deinen Einstellungen"
+#: mod/newmember.php:26
+msgid ""
+"On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a "
+"note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and "
+"will be useful in making friends on the free social web."
+msgstr "Ändere bitte unter Einstellungen dein Passwort. Außerdem merke dir deine Identifikationsadresse. Diese sieht aus wie eine E-Mail-Adresse und wird benötigt, um Kontakte mit anderen im Friendica Netzwerk zu knüpfen.."
+#: mod/newmember.php:28
+msgid ""
+"Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished"
+" directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you "
+"should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and "
+"potential friends know exactly how to find you."
+msgstr "Überprüfe die restlichen Einstellungen, insbesondere die Einstellungen zur Privatsphäre. Wenn Du Dein Profil nicht veröffentlichst, ist das als wenn Du Deine Telefonnummer nicht ins Telefonbuch einträgst. Im Allgemeinen solltest Du es veröffentlichen - außer all Deine Kontakte und potentiellen Kontakte wissen genau, wie sie Dich finden können."
+#: mod/newmember.php:36 mod/profile_photo.php:250 mod/profiles.php:707
+msgid "Upload Profile Photo"
+msgstr "Profilbild hochladen"
+#: mod/newmember.php:36
+msgid ""
+"Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown "
+"that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make"
+" friends than people who do not."
+msgstr "Lade ein Profilbild hoch, falls Du es noch nicht getan hast. Studien haben gezeigt, dass es zehnmal wahrscheinlicher ist neue Kontakte zu finden, wenn Du ein Bild von Dir selbst verwendest, als wenn Du dies nicht tust."
+#: mod/newmember.php:38
+msgid "Edit Your Profile"
+msgstr "Editiere dein Profil"
+#: mod/newmember.php:38
+msgid ""
+"Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the "
+"settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown"
+" visitors."
+msgstr "Editiere Dein Standard Profil nach Deinen Vorlieben. Überprüfe die Einstellungen zum Verbergen Deiner Kontaktliste vor unbekannten Betrachtern des Profils."
+#: mod/newmember.php:40
+msgid "Profile Keywords"
+msgstr "Profil Schlüsselbegriffe"
+#: mod/newmember.php:40
+msgid ""
+"Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your "
+"interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and "
+"suggest friendships."
+msgstr "Trage ein paar öffentliche Stichwörter in Dein Standardprofil ein, die Deine Interessen beschreiben. Eventuell sind wir in der Lage Leute zu finden, die Deine Interessen teilen und können Dir dann Kontakte vorschlagen."
+#: mod/newmember.php:44
+msgid "Connecting"
+msgstr "Verbindungen knüpfen"
+#: mod/newmember.php:51
+msgid "Importing Emails"
+msgstr "Emails Importieren"
+#: mod/newmember.php:51
+msgid ""
+"Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you "
+"wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email "
+msgstr "Gib Deine E-Mail-Zugangsinformationen auf der Connector-Einstellungsseite ein, falls Du E-Mails aus Deinem Posteingang importieren und mit Kontakten und Mailinglisten interagieren willst."
+#: mod/newmember.php:53
+msgid "Go to Your Contacts Page"
+msgstr "Gehe zu deiner Kontakt-Seite"
+#: mod/newmember.php:53
+msgid ""
+"Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting "
+"with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site "
+"URL in the Add New Contact dialog."
+msgstr "Die Kontakte-Seite ist die Einstiegsseite, von der aus Du Kontakte verwalten und Dich mit Personen in anderen Netzwerken verbinden kannst. Normalerweise gibst Du dazu einfach ihre Adresse oder die URL der Seite im Kasten Neuen Kontakt hinzufügen ein."
+#: mod/newmember.php:55
+msgid "Go to Your Site's Directory"
+msgstr "Gehe zum Verzeichnis Deiner Friendica Instanz"
+#: mod/newmember.php:55
+msgid ""
+"The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other "
+"federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on "
+"their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."
+msgstr "Über die Verzeichnisseite kannst Du andere Personen auf diesem Server oder anderen verknüpften Seiten finden. Halte nach einem Verbinden oder Folgen Link auf deren Profilseiten Ausschau und gib Deine eigene Profiladresse an, falls Du danach gefragt wirst."
+#: mod/newmember.php:57
+msgid "Finding New People"
+msgstr "Neue Leute kennenlernen"
+#: mod/newmember.php:57
+msgid ""
+"On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new "
+"friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or "
+"interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand"
+" new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 "
+msgstr "Im seitlichen Bedienfeld der Kontakteseite gibt es diverse Werkzeuge, um neue Personen zu finden. Wir können Menschen mit den gleichen Interessen finden, anhand von Namen oder Interessen suchen oder aber aufgrund vorhandener Kontakte neue Leute vorschlagen.\nAuf einer brandneuen - soeben erstellten - Seite starten die Kontaktvorschläge innerhalb von 24 Stunden."
+#: mod/newmember.php:65
+msgid "Group Your Contacts"
+msgstr "Gruppiere deine Kontakte"
+#: mod/newmember.php:65
+msgid ""
+"Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation "
+"groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with"
+" each group privately on your Network page."
+msgstr "Sobald Du einige Kontakte gefunden hast, organisiere sie in Gruppen zur privaten Kommunikation im Seitenmenü der Kontakte-Seite. Du kannst dann mit jeder dieser Gruppen von der Netzwerkseite aus privat interagieren."
+#: mod/newmember.php:68
+msgid "Why Aren't My Posts Public?"
+msgstr "Warum sind meine Beiträge nicht öffentlich?"
+#: mod/newmember.php:68
+msgid ""
+"Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to"
+" people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section "
+"from the link above."
+msgstr "Friendica respektiert Deine Privatsphäre. Mit der Grundeinstellung werden Deine Beiträge ausschließlich Deinen Kontakten angezeigt. Für weitere Informationen diesbezüglich lies Dir bitte den entsprechenden Abschnitt in der Hilfe unter dem obigen Link durch."
+#: mod/newmember.php:73
+msgid "Getting Help"
+msgstr "Hilfe bekommen"
+#: mod/newmember.php:77
+msgid "Go to the Help Section"
+msgstr "Zum Hilfe Abschnitt gehen"
+#: mod/newmember.php:77
+msgid ""
+"Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program"
+" features and resources."
+msgstr "Unsere Hilfe Seiten können herangezogen werden, um weitere Einzelheiten zu andern Programm Features zu erhalten."
+#: mod/removeme.php:46 mod/removeme.php:49
+msgid "Remove My Account"
+msgstr "Konto löschen"
+#: mod/removeme.php:47
+msgid ""
+"This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not "
+msgstr "Dein Konto wird endgültig gelöscht. Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, es wiederherzustellen."
+#: mod/removeme.php:48
+msgid "Please enter your password for verification:"
+msgstr "Bitte gib Dein Passwort zur Verifikation ein:"
+#: mod/editpost.php:17 mod/editpost.php:27
+msgid "Item not found"
+msgstr "Beitrag nicht gefunden"
+#: mod/editpost.php:40
+msgid "Edit post"
+msgstr "Beitrag bearbeiten"
+#: mod/localtime.php:24
+msgid "Time Conversion"
+msgstr "Zeitumrechnung"
+#: mod/localtime.php:26
+msgid ""
+"Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and "
+"friends in unknown timezones."
+msgstr "Friendica bietet diese Funktion an, um das Teilen von Events mit Kontakten zu vereinfachen, deren Zeitzone nicht ermittelt werden kann."
+#: mod/localtime.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "UTC time: %s"
+msgstr "UTC Zeit: %s"
+#: mod/localtime.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "Current timezone: %s"
+msgstr "Aktuelle Zeitzone: %s"
+#: mod/localtime.php:36
+#, php-format
+msgid "Converted localtime: %s"
+msgstr "Umgerechnete lokale Zeit: %s"
+#: mod/localtime.php:41
+msgid "Please select your timezone:"
+msgstr "Bitte wähle Deine Zeitzone:"
+#: mod/bookmarklet.php:41
+msgid "The post was created"
+msgstr "Der Beitrag wurde angelegt"
+#: mod/group.php:29
+msgid "Group created."
+msgstr "Gruppe erstellt."
+#: mod/group.php:35
+msgid "Could not create group."
+msgstr "Konnte die Gruppe nicht erstellen."
+#: mod/group.php:47 mod/group.php:140
+msgid "Group not found."
+msgstr "Gruppe nicht gefunden."
+#: mod/group.php:60
+msgid "Group name changed."
+msgstr "Gruppenname geändert."
+#: mod/group.php:87
+msgid "Save Group"
+msgstr "Gruppe speichern"
+#: mod/group.php:93
+msgid "Create a group of contacts/friends."
+msgstr "Eine Kontaktgruppe anlegen."
+#: mod/group.php:113
+msgid "Group removed."
+msgstr "Gruppe entfernt."
+#: mod/group.php:115
+msgid "Unable to remove group."
+msgstr "Konnte die Gruppe nicht entfernen."
+#: mod/group.php:177
+msgid "Group Editor"
+msgstr "Gruppeneditor"
+#: mod/group.php:190
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Mitglieder"
+#: mod/group.php:192 mod/contacts.php:692
+msgid "All Contacts"
+msgstr "Alle Kontakte"
+#: mod/group.php:193 mod/content.php:130 mod/network.php:495
+msgid "Group is empty"
+msgstr "Gruppe ist leer"
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:42 mod/wallmessage.php:112
+#, php-format
+msgid "Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."
+msgstr "Maximale Anzahl der täglichen Pinnwand Nachrichten für %s ist überschritten. Zustellung fehlgeschlagen."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:56 mod/message.php:71
+msgid "No recipient selected."
+msgstr "Kein Empfänger gewählt."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:59
+msgid "Unable to check your home location."
+msgstr "Konnte Deinen Heimatort nicht bestimmen."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:62 mod/message.php:78
+msgid "Message could not be sent."
+msgstr "Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:65 mod/message.php:81
+msgid "Message collection failure."
+msgstr "Konnte Nachrichten nicht abrufen."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:68 mod/message.php:84
+msgid "Message sent."
+msgstr "Nachricht gesendet."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:86 mod/wallmessage.php:95
+msgid "No recipient."
+msgstr "Kein Empfänger."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:142 mod/message.php:341
+msgid "Send Private Message"
+msgstr "Private Nachricht senden"
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:143
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on "
+"your site allow private mail from unknown senders."
+msgstr "Wenn Du möchtest, dass %s Dir antworten kann, überprüfe Deine Privatsphären-Einstellungen und erlaube private Nachrichten von unbekannten Absendern."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:144 mod/message.php:342 mod/message.php:536
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "An:"
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:145 mod/message.php:347 mod/message.php:538
+msgid "Subject:"
+msgstr "Betreff:"
+#: mod/share.php:38
+msgid "link"
+msgstr "Link"
+#: mod/api.php:76 mod/api.php:102
+msgid "Authorize application connection"
+msgstr "Verbindung der Applikation autorisieren"
+#: mod/api.php:77
+msgid "Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"
+msgstr "Gehe zu Deiner Anwendung zurück und trage dort folgenden Sicherheitscode ein:"
+#: mod/api.php:89
+msgid "Please login to continue."
+msgstr "Bitte melde Dich an um fortzufahren."
+#: mod/api.php:104
+msgid ""
+"Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts,"
+" and/or create new posts for you?"
+msgstr "Möchtest Du dieser Anwendung den Zugriff auf Deine Beiträge und Kontakte, sowie das Erstellen neuer Beiträge in Deinem Namen gestatten?"
+#: mod/babel.php:17
+msgid "Source (bbcode) text:"
+msgstr "Quelle (bbcode) Text:"
+#: mod/babel.php:23
+msgid "Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"
+msgstr "Eingabe (Diaspora) nach BBCode zu konvertierender Text:"
+#: mod/babel.php:31
+msgid "Source input: "
+msgstr "Originaltext:"
+#: mod/babel.php:35
+msgid "bb2html (raw HTML): "
+msgstr "bb2html (reines HTML): "
+#: mod/babel.php:39
+msgid "bb2html: "
+msgstr "bb2html: "
+#: mod/babel.php:43
+msgid "bb2html2bb: "
+msgstr "bb2html2bb: "
+#: mod/babel.php:47
+msgid "bb2md: "
+msgstr "bb2md: "
+#: mod/babel.php:51
+msgid "bb2md2html: "
+msgstr "bb2md2html: "
+#: mod/babel.php:55
+msgid "bb2dia2bb: "
+msgstr "bb2dia2bb: "
+#: mod/babel.php:59
+msgid "bb2md2html2bb: "
+msgstr "bb2md2html2bb: "
+#: mod/babel.php:69
+msgid "Source input (Diaspora format): "
+msgstr "Originaltext (Diaspora Format): "
+#: mod/babel.php:74
+msgid "diaspora2bb: "
+msgstr "diaspora2bb: "
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:14
+msgid "Subscribing to OStatus contacts"
+msgstr "OStatus Kontakten folgen"
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:25
+msgid "No contact provided."
+msgstr "Keine Kontakte gefunden."
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:30
+msgid "Couldn't fetch information for contact."
+msgstr "Konnte die Kontaktinformationen nicht einholen."
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:38
+msgid "Couldn't fetch friends for contact."
+msgstr "Konnte die Kontaktliste des Kontakts nicht abfragen."
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:65
+msgid "success"
+msgstr "Erfolg"
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:67
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "Fehlgeschlagen"
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:69 mod/content.php:792 object/Item.php:245
+msgid "ignored"
+msgstr "Ignoriert"
+#: mod/dfrn_poll.php:104 mod/dfrn_poll.php:537
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s welcomes %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s heißt %2$s herzlich willkommen"
+#: mod/message.php:75
+msgid "Unable to locate contact information."
+msgstr "Konnte die Kontaktinformationen nicht finden."
+#: mod/message.php:215
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this message?"
+msgstr "Möchtest Du wirklich diese Nachricht löschen?"
+#: mod/message.php:235
+msgid "Message deleted."
+msgstr "Nachricht gelöscht."
+#: mod/message.php:266
+msgid "Conversation removed."
+msgstr "Unterhaltung gelöscht."
+#: mod/message.php:383
+msgid "No messages."
+msgstr "Keine Nachrichten."
+#: mod/message.php:426
+msgid "Message not available."
+msgstr "Nachricht nicht verfügbar."
+#: mod/message.php:503
+msgid "Delete message"
+msgstr "Nachricht löschen"
+#: mod/message.php:529 mod/message.php:609
+msgid "Delete conversation"
+msgstr "Unterhaltung löschen"
+#: mod/message.php:531
+msgid ""
+"No secure communications available. You may be able to "
+"respond from the sender's profile page."
+msgstr "Sichere Kommunikation ist nicht verfügbar. Eventuell kannst Du auf der Profilseite des Absenders antworten."
+#: mod/message.php:535
+msgid "Send Reply"
+msgstr "Antwort senden"
+#: mod/message.php:579
+#, php-format
+msgid "Unknown sender - %s"
+msgstr "'Unbekannter Absender - %s"
+#: mod/message.php:581
+#, php-format
+msgid "You and %s"
+msgstr "Du und %s"
+#: mod/message.php:583
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s and You"
+msgstr "%s und Du"
+#: mod/message.php:612
+msgid "D, d M Y - g:i A"
+msgstr "D, d. M Y - g:i A"
+#: mod/message.php:615
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d message"
+msgid_plural "%d messages"
+msgstr[0] "%d Nachricht"
+msgstr[1] "%d Nachrichten"
+#: mod/manage.php:139
+msgid "Manage Identities and/or Pages"
+msgstr "Verwalte Identitäten und/oder Seiten"
+#: mod/manage.php:140
+msgid ""
+"Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share "
+"your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"
+msgstr "Zwischen verschiedenen Identitäten oder Gemeinschafts-/Gruppenseiten wechseln, die Deine Kontoinformationen teilen oder zu denen Du „Verwalten“-Befugnisse bekommen hast."
+#: mod/manage.php:141
+msgid "Select an identity to manage: "
+msgstr "Wähle eine Identität zum Verwalten aus: "
+#: mod/crepair.php:87
+msgid "Contact settings applied."
+msgstr "Einstellungen zum Kontakt angewandt."
+#: mod/crepair.php:89
+msgid "Contact update failed."
+msgstr "Konnte den Kontakt nicht aktualisieren."
+#: mod/crepair.php:114 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:122 mod/fsuggest.php:20
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:92
+msgid "Contact not found."
+msgstr "Kontakt nicht gefunden."
+#: mod/crepair.php:120
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: This is highly advanced and if you enter incorrect"
+" information your communications with this contact may stop working."
+msgstr "ACHTUNG: Das sind Experten-Einstellungen! Wenn Du etwas Falsches eingibst, funktioniert die Kommunikation mit diesem Kontakt evtl. nicht mehr."
+#: mod/crepair.php:121
+msgid ""
+"Please use your browser 'Back' button now if you are "
+"uncertain what to do on this page."
+msgstr "Bitte nutze den Zurück-Button Deines Browsers jetzt , wenn Du Dir unsicher bist, was Du tun willst."
+#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
+msgid "No mirroring"
+msgstr "Kein Spiegeln"
+#: mod/crepair.php:134
+msgid "Mirror as forwarded posting"
+msgstr "Spiegeln als weitergeleitete Beiträge"
+#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
+msgid "Mirror as my own posting"
+msgstr "Spiegeln als meine eigenen Beiträge"
+#: mod/crepair.php:150
+msgid "Return to contact editor"
+msgstr "Zurück zum Kontakteditor"
+#: mod/crepair.php:152
+msgid "Refetch contact data"
+msgstr "Kontaktdaten neu laden"
+#: mod/crepair.php:156
+msgid "Remote Self"
+msgstr "Entfernte Konten"
+#: mod/crepair.php:159
+msgid "Mirror postings from this contact"
+msgstr "Spiegle Beiträge dieses Kontakts"
+#: mod/crepair.php:161
+msgid ""
+"Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new "
+"entries from this contact."
+msgstr "Markiere diesen Kontakt als remote_self (entferntes Konto), dies veranlasst Friendica alle Top-Level Beiträge dieses Kontakts an all Deine Kontakte zu senden."
+#: mod/crepair.php:165 mod/admin.php:1367 mod/admin.php:1380
+#: mod/admin.php:1392 mod/admin.php:1408 mod/settings.php:678
+#: mod/settings.php:704
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Name"
+#: mod/crepair.php:166
+msgid "Account Nickname"
+msgstr "Konto-Spitzname"
+#: mod/crepair.php:167
+msgid "@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname"
+msgstr "@Tagname - überschreibt Name/Spitzname"
+#: mod/crepair.php:168
+msgid "Account URL"
+msgstr "Konto-URL"
+#: mod/crepair.php:169
+msgid "Friend Request URL"
+msgstr "URL für Kontaktschaftsanfragen"
+#: mod/crepair.php:170
+msgid "Friend Confirm URL"
+msgstr "URL für Bestätigungen von Kontaktanfragen"
+#: mod/crepair.php:171
+msgid "Notification Endpoint URL"
+msgstr "URL-Endpunkt für Benachrichtigungen"
+#: mod/crepair.php:172
+msgid "Poll/Feed URL"
+msgstr "Pull/Feed-URL"
+#: mod/crepair.php:173
+msgid "New photo from this URL"
+msgstr "Neues Foto von dieser URL"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:100
+msgid "This introduction has already been accepted."
+msgstr "Diese Kontaktanfrage wurde bereits akzeptiert."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:123 mod/dfrn_request.php:518
+msgid "Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."
+msgstr "Profiladresse ist ungültig oder stellt keine Profildaten zur Verfügung."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:128 mod/dfrn_request.php:523
+msgid "Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."
+msgstr "Warnung: Es konnte kein Name des Besitzers von der angegebenen Profiladresse gefunden werden."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:130 mod/dfrn_request.php:525
+msgid "Warning: profile location has no profile photo."
+msgstr "Warnung: Es gibt kein Profilbild bei der angegebenen Profiladresse."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:133 mod/dfrn_request.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d required parameter was not found at the given location"
+msgid_plural "%d required parameters were not found at the given location"
+msgstr[0] "%d benötigter Parameter wurde an der angegebenen Stelle nicht gefunden"
+msgstr[1] "%d benötigte Parameter wurden an der angegebenen Stelle nicht gefunden"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:178
+msgid "Introduction complete."
+msgstr "Kontaktanfrage abgeschlossen."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:220
+msgid "Unrecoverable protocol error."
+msgstr "Nicht behebbarer Protokollfehler."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:248
+msgid "Profile unavailable."
+msgstr "Profil nicht verfügbar."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s has received too many connection requests today."
+msgstr "%s hat heute zu viele Kontaktanfragen erhalten."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:274
+msgid "Spam protection measures have been invoked."
+msgstr "Maßnahmen zum Spamschutz wurden ergriffen."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:275
+msgid "Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."
+msgstr "Freunde sind angehalten, es in 24 Stunden erneut zu versuchen."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:337
+msgid "Invalid locator"
+msgstr "Ungültiger Locator"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:346
+msgid "Invalid email address."
+msgstr "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:373
+msgid "This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."
+msgstr "Dieses Konto ist nicht für E-Mail konfiguriert. Anfrage fehlgeschlagen."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:476
+msgid "You have already introduced yourself here."
+msgstr "Du hast Dich hier bereits vorgestellt."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:480
+#, php-format
+msgid "Apparently you are already friends with %s."
+msgstr "Es scheint so, als ob Du bereits mit %s in Kontakt stehst."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:501
+msgid "Invalid profile URL."
+msgstr "Ungültige Profil-URL."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:579 mod/contacts.php:208
+msgid "Failed to update contact record."
+msgstr "Aktualisierung der Kontaktdaten fehlgeschlagen."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:600
+msgid "Your introduction has been sent."
+msgstr "Deine Kontaktanfrage wurde gesendet."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:640
+msgid ""
+"Remote subscription can't be done for your network. Please subscribe "
+"directly on your system."
+msgstr "Entferntes abonnieren kann für dein Netzwerk nicht durchgeführt werden. Bitte nutze direkt die Abonnieren-Funktion deines Systems. "
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:663
+msgid "Please login to confirm introduction."
+msgstr "Bitte melde Dich an, um die Kontaktanfrage zu bestätigen."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:673
+msgid ""
+"Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to "
+"this profile."
+msgstr "Momentan bist Du mit einer anderen Identität angemeldet. Bitte melde Dich mit diesem Profil an."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:687 mod/dfrn_request.php:704
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr "Bestätigen"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:699
+msgid "Hide this contact"
+msgstr "Verberge diesen Kontakt"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:702
+#, php-format
+msgid "Welcome home %s."
+msgstr "Willkommen zurück %s."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:703
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."
+msgstr "Bitte bestätige Deine Kontaktanfrage bei %s."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:832
+msgid ""
+"Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported "
+"communications networks:"
+msgstr "Bitte gib die Adresse Deines Profils in einem der unterstützten sozialen Netzwerke an:"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:853
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and "
+"join us today ."
+msgstr "Wenn du noch kein Mitglied dieses freien sozialen Netzwerks bist, folge diesem Link um einen öffentlichen Friendica-Server zu finden und beizutreten."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:858
+msgid "Friend/Connection Request"
+msgstr "Kontaktanfrage"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:859
+msgid ""
+"Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, "
+msgstr "Beispiele: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:868
+msgid "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
+msgstr "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:870
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search"
+" bar."
+msgstr " - bitte verwende dieses Formular nicht. Stattdessen suche nach %s in Deiner Diaspora Suchleiste."
+#: mod/content.php:119 mod/network.php:468
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "Es gibt keine solche Gruppe"
+#: mod/content.php:135 mod/network.php:499
+#, php-format
+msgid "Group: %s"
+msgstr "Gruppe: %s"
+#: mod/content.php:325 object/Item.php:95
+msgid "This entry was edited"
+msgstr "Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet."
+#: mod/content.php:621 object/Item.php:429
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d comment"
+msgid_plural "%d comments"
+msgstr[0] "%d Kommentar"
+msgstr[1] "%d Kommentare"
+#: mod/content.php:638 mod/photos.php:1379 object/Item.php:117
+msgid "Private Message"
+msgstr "Private Nachricht"
+#: mod/content.php:702 mod/photos.php:1567 object/Item.php:263
+msgid "I like this (toggle)"
+msgstr "Ich mag das (toggle)"
+#: mod/content.php:702 object/Item.php:263
+msgid "like"
+msgstr "mag ich"
+#: mod/content.php:703 mod/photos.php:1568 object/Item.php:264
+msgid "I don't like this (toggle)"
+msgstr "Ich mag das nicht (toggle)"
+#: mod/content.php:703 object/Item.php:264
+msgid "dislike"
+msgstr "mag ich nicht"
+#: mod/content.php:705 object/Item.php:266
+msgid "Share this"
+msgstr "Weitersagen"
+#: mod/content.php:705 object/Item.php:266
+msgid "share"
+msgstr "Teilen"
+#: mod/content.php:725 mod/photos.php:1587 mod/photos.php:1635
+#: mod/photos.php:1721 object/Item.php:717
+msgid "This is you"
+msgstr "Das bist Du"
+#: mod/content.php:727 mod/content.php:945 mod/photos.php:1589
+#: mod/photos.php:1637 mod/photos.php:1723 object/Item.php:403
+#: object/Item.php:719 boot.php:969
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Kommentar"
+#: mod/content.php:729 object/Item.php:721
+msgid "Bold"
+msgstr "Fett"
+#: mod/content.php:730 object/Item.php:722
+msgid "Italic"
+msgstr "Kursiv"
+#: mod/content.php:731 object/Item.php:723
+msgid "Underline"
+msgstr "Unterstrichen"
+#: mod/content.php:732 object/Item.php:724
+msgid "Quote"
+msgstr "Zitat"
+#: mod/content.php:733 object/Item.php:725
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr "Code"
+#: mod/content.php:734 object/Item.php:726
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Bild"
+#: mod/content.php:735 object/Item.php:727
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Link"
+#: mod/content.php:736 object/Item.php:728
+msgid "Video"
+msgstr "Video"
+#: mod/content.php:746 mod/settings.php:738 object/Item.php:122
+#: object/Item.php:124
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Bearbeiten"
+#: mod/content.php:771 object/Item.php:227
+msgid "add star"
+msgstr "markieren"
+#: mod/content.php:772 object/Item.php:228
+msgid "remove star"
+msgstr "Markierung entfernen"
+#: mod/content.php:773 object/Item.php:229
+msgid "toggle star status"
+msgstr "Markierung umschalten"
+#: mod/content.php:776 object/Item.php:232
+msgid "starred"
+msgstr "markiert"
+#: mod/content.php:777 mod/content.php:798 object/Item.php:252
+msgid "add tag"
+msgstr "Tag hinzufügen"
+#: mod/content.php:787 object/Item.php:240
+msgid "ignore thread"
+msgstr "Thread ignorieren"
+#: mod/content.php:788 object/Item.php:241
+msgid "unignore thread"
+msgstr "Thread nicht mehr ignorieren"
+#: mod/content.php:789 object/Item.php:242
+msgid "toggle ignore status"
+msgstr "Ignoriert-Status ein-/ausschalten"
+#: mod/content.php:803 object/Item.php:137
+msgid "save to folder"
+msgstr "In Ordner speichern"
+#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
+msgid "I will attend"
+msgstr "Ich werde teilnehmen"
+#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
+msgid "I will not attend"
+msgstr "Ich werde nicht teilnehmen"
+#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
+msgid "I might attend"
+msgstr "Ich werde eventuell teilnehmen"
+#: mod/content.php:912 object/Item.php:369
+msgid "to"
+msgstr "zu"
+#: mod/content.php:913 object/Item.php:371
+msgid "Wall-to-Wall"
+msgstr "Wall-to-Wall"
+#: mod/content.php:914 object/Item.php:372
+msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:"
+msgstr "via Wall-To-Wall:"
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:66 mod/profiles.php:19 mod/profiles.php:134
+#: mod/profiles.php:180 mod/profiles.php:617
+msgid "Profile not found."
+msgstr "Profil nicht gefunden."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:123
+msgid ""
+"This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it"
+" has already been approved."
+msgstr "Das kann passieren, wenn sich zwei Kontakte gegenseitig eingeladen haben und bereits einer angenommen wurde."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:242
+msgid "Response from remote site was not understood."
+msgstr "Antwort der Gegenstelle unverständlich."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:251 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:256
+msgid "Unexpected response from remote site: "
+msgstr "Unerwartete Antwort der Gegenstelle: "
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:265
+msgid "Confirmation completed successfully."
+msgstr "Bestätigung erfolgreich abgeschlossen."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:267 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:281 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:288
+msgid "Remote site reported: "
+msgstr "Gegenstelle meldet: "
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:279
+msgid "Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."
+msgstr "Zeitweiser Fehler. Bitte warte einige Momente und versuche es dann noch einmal."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:286
+msgid "Introduction failed or was revoked."
+msgstr "Kontaktanfrage schlug fehl oder wurde zurückgezogen."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:415
+msgid "Unable to set contact photo."
+msgstr "Konnte das Bild des Kontakts nicht speichern."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:553
+#, php-format
+msgid "No user record found for '%s' "
+msgstr "Für '%s' wurde kein Nutzer gefunden"
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:563
+msgid "Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."
+msgstr "Der Verschlüsselungsschlüssel unserer Seite ist anscheinend nicht in Ordnung."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:574
+msgid "Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."
+msgstr "Leere URL für die Seite erhalten oder die URL konnte nicht entschlüsselt werden."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:595
+msgid "Contact record was not found for you on our site."
+msgstr "Für diesen Kontakt wurde auf unserer Seite kein Eintrag gefunden."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:609
+#, php-format
+msgid "Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s."
+msgstr "Die Kontaktdaten für URL %s enthalten keinen Public Key für den Server."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:629
+msgid ""
+"The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work "
+"if you try again."
+msgstr "Die ID, die uns Dein System angeboten hat, ist hier bereits vergeben. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:640
+msgid "Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."
+msgstr "Deine Kontaktreferenzen konnten nicht in unserem System gespeichert werden."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:699
+msgid "Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"
+msgstr "Die Updates für Dein Profil konnten nicht gespeichert werden"
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:771
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s has joined %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s ist %2$s beigetreten"
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:63
+msgid "Friend suggestion sent."
+msgstr "Kontaktvorschlag gesendet."
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:97
+msgid "Suggest Friends"
+msgstr "Kontakte vorschlagen"
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:99
+#, php-format
+msgid "Suggest a friend for %s"
+msgstr "Schlage %s einen Kontakt vor"
+#: mod/mood.php:133
+msgid "Mood"
+msgstr "Stimmung"
+#: mod/mood.php:134
+msgid "Set your current mood and tell your friends"
+msgstr "Wähle Deine aktuelle Stimmung und erzähle sie Deinen Kontakten"
#: mod/poke.php:192
msgid "Poke/Prod"
msgstr "Anstupsen"
@@ -6064,184 +4796,2330 @@ msgstr "Was willst Du mit dem Empfänger machen:"
msgid "Make this post private"
msgstr "Diesen Beitrag privat machen"
-#: mod/photos.php:100 mod/photos.php:1886
-msgid "Recent Photos"
-msgstr "Neueste Fotos"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:44
+msgid "Image uploaded but image cropping failed."
+msgstr "Bild hochgeladen, aber das Zuschneiden schlug fehl."
-#: mod/photos.php:103 mod/photos.php:1307 mod/photos.php:1888
-msgid "Upload New Photos"
-msgstr "Neue Fotos hochladen"
-#: mod/photos.php:117 mod/settings.php:36
-msgid "everybody"
-msgstr "jeder"
-#: mod/photos.php:181
-msgid "Contact information unavailable"
-msgstr "Kontaktinformationen nicht verfügbar"
-#: mod/photos.php:202
-msgid "Album not found."
-msgstr "Album nicht gefunden."
-#: mod/photos.php:232 mod/photos.php:244 mod/photos.php:1249
-msgid "Delete Album"
-msgstr "Album löschen"
-#: mod/photos.php:242
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"
-msgstr "Möchtest Du wirklich dieses Foto-Album und all seine Foto löschen?"
-#: mod/photos.php:322 mod/photos.php:333 mod/photos.php:1567
-msgid "Delete Photo"
-msgstr "Foto löschen"
-#: mod/photos.php:331
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo?"
-msgstr "Möchtest Du wirklich dieses Foto löschen?"
-#: mod/photos.php:706
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:77 mod/profile_photo.php:84 mod/profile_photo.php:91
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:314
#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s was tagged in %2$s by %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s wurde von %3$s in %2$s getaggt"
+msgid "Image size reduction [%s] failed."
+msgstr "Verkleinern der Bildgröße von [%s] scheiterte."
-#: mod/photos.php:706
-msgid "a photo"
-msgstr "einem Foto"
-#: mod/photos.php:813
-msgid "Image file is empty."
-msgstr "Bilddatei ist leer."
-#: mod/photos.php:973
-msgid "No photos selected"
-msgstr "Keine Bilder ausgewählt"
-#: mod/photos.php:1134
-#, php-format
-msgid "You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."
-msgstr "Du verwendest %1$.2f Mbyte von %2$.2f Mbyte des Foto-Speichers."
-#: mod/photos.php:1169
-msgid "Upload Photos"
-msgstr "Bilder hochladen"
-#: mod/photos.php:1173 mod/photos.php:1244
-msgid "New album name: "
-msgstr "Name des neuen Albums: "
-#: mod/photos.php:1174
-msgid "or existing album name: "
-msgstr "oder existierender Albumname: "
-#: mod/photos.php:1175
-msgid "Do not show a status post for this upload"
-msgstr "Keine Status-Mitteilung für diesen Beitrag anzeigen"
-#: mod/photos.php:1186 mod/photos.php:1571 mod/settings.php:1250
-msgid "Show to Groups"
-msgstr "Zeige den Gruppen"
-#: mod/photos.php:1187 mod/photos.php:1572 mod/settings.php:1251
-msgid "Show to Contacts"
-msgstr "Zeige den Kontakten"
-#: mod/photos.php:1188
-msgid "Private Photo"
-msgstr "Privates Foto"
-#: mod/photos.php:1189
-msgid "Public Photo"
-msgstr "Öffentliches Foto"
-#: mod/photos.php:1257
-msgid "Edit Album"
-msgstr "Album bearbeiten"
-#: mod/photos.php:1263
-msgid "Show Newest First"
-msgstr "Zeige neueste zuerst"
-#: mod/photos.php:1265
-msgid "Show Oldest First"
-msgstr "Zeige älteste zuerst"
-#: mod/photos.php:1293 mod/photos.php:1871
-msgid "View Photo"
-msgstr "Foto betrachten"
-#: mod/photos.php:1340
-msgid "Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."
-msgstr "Zugriff verweigert. Zugriff zu diesem Eintrag könnte eingeschränkt sein."
-#: mod/photos.php:1342
-msgid "Photo not available"
-msgstr "Foto nicht verfügbar"
-#: mod/photos.php:1398
-msgid "View photo"
-msgstr "Fotos ansehen"
-#: mod/photos.php:1398
-msgid "Edit photo"
-msgstr "Foto bearbeiten"
-#: mod/photos.php:1399
-msgid "Use as profile photo"
-msgstr "Als Profilbild verwenden"
-#: mod/photos.php:1424
-msgid "View Full Size"
-msgstr "Betrachte Originalgröße"
-#: mod/photos.php:1510
-msgid "Tags: "
-msgstr "Tags: "
-#: mod/photos.php:1513
-msgid "[Remove any tag]"
-msgstr "[Tag entfernen]"
-#: mod/photos.php:1553
-msgid "New album name"
-msgstr "Name des neuen Albums"
-#: mod/photos.php:1554
-msgid "Caption"
-msgstr "Bildunterschrift"
-#: mod/photos.php:1555
-msgid "Add a Tag"
-msgstr "Tag hinzufügen"
-#: mod/photos.php:1555
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:124
msgid ""
-"Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"
-msgstr "Beispiel: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"
+"Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not "
+"display immediately."
+msgstr "Drücke Umschalt+Neu Laden oder leere den Browser-Cache, falls das neue Foto nicht gleich angezeigt wird."
-#: mod/photos.php:1556
-msgid "Do not rotate"
-msgstr "Nicht rotieren"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:134
+msgid "Unable to process image"
+msgstr "Bild konnte nicht verarbeitet werden"
-#: mod/photos.php:1557
-msgid "Rotate CW (right)"
-msgstr "Drehen US (rechts)"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:248
+msgid "Upload File:"
+msgstr "Datei hochladen:"
-#: mod/photos.php:1558
-msgid "Rotate CCW (left)"
-msgstr "Drehen EUS (links)"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:249
+msgid "Select a profile:"
+msgstr "Profil auswählen:"
-#: mod/photos.php:1573
-msgid "Private photo"
-msgstr "Privates Foto"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:251
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Hochladen"
-#: mod/photos.php:1574
-msgid "Public photo"
-msgstr "Öffentliches Foto"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
+msgid "or"
+msgstr "oder"
-#: mod/photos.php:1800
-msgid "Map"
-msgstr "Karte"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
+msgid "skip this step"
+msgstr "diesen Schritt überspringen"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
+msgid "select a photo from your photo albums"
+msgstr "wähle ein Foto aus deinen Fotoalben"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:268
+msgid "Crop Image"
+msgstr "Bild zurechtschneiden"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:269
+msgid "Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."
+msgstr "Passe bitte den Bildausschnitt an, damit das Bild optimal dargestellt werden kann."
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:271
+msgid "Done Editing"
+msgstr "Bearbeitung abgeschlossen"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:305
+msgid "Image uploaded successfully."
+msgstr "Bild erfolgreich hochgeladen."
+#: mod/regmod.php:55
+msgid "Account approved."
+msgstr "Konto freigegeben."
+#: mod/regmod.php:92
+#, php-format
+msgid "Registration revoked for %s"
+msgstr "Registrierung für %s wurde zurückgezogen"
+#: mod/regmod.php:104
+msgid "Please login."
+msgstr "Bitte melde Dich an."
+#: mod/notifications.php:35
+msgid "Invalid request identifier."
+msgstr "Invalid request identifier."
+#: mod/notifications.php:44 mod/notifications.php:180
+#: mod/notifications.php:252
+msgid "Discard"
+msgstr "Verwerfen"
+#: mod/notifications.php:60 mod/notifications.php:179
+#: mod/notifications.php:251 mod/contacts.php:606 mod/contacts.php:806
+#: mod/contacts.php:1000
+msgid "Ignore"
+msgstr "Ignorieren"
+#: mod/notifications.php:105
+msgid "Network Notifications"
+msgstr "Netzwerk Benachrichtigungen"
+#: mod/notifications.php:117
+msgid "Personal Notifications"
+msgstr "Persönliche Benachrichtigungen"
+#: mod/notifications.php:123
+msgid "Home Notifications"
+msgstr "Pinnwand Benachrichtigungen"
+#: mod/notifications.php:152
+msgid "Show Ignored Requests"
+msgstr "Zeige ignorierte Anfragen"
+#: mod/notifications.php:152
+msgid "Hide Ignored Requests"
+msgstr "Verberge ignorierte Anfragen"
+#: mod/notifications.php:164 mod/notifications.php:222
+msgid "Notification type: "
+msgstr "Benachrichtigungstyp: "
+#: mod/notifications.php:167
+#, php-format
+msgid "suggested by %s"
+msgstr "vorgeschlagen von %s"
+#: mod/notifications.php:172 mod/notifications.php:239 mod/contacts.php:613
+msgid "Hide this contact from others"
+msgstr "Verbirg diesen Kontakt vor andere"
+#: mod/notifications.php:173 mod/notifications.php:240
+msgid "Post a new friend activity"
+msgstr "Neue-Kontakt Nachricht senden"
+#: mod/notifications.php:173 mod/notifications.php:240
+msgid "if applicable"
+msgstr "falls anwendbar"
+#: mod/notifications.php:176 mod/notifications.php:249 mod/admin.php:1382
+msgid "Approve"
+msgstr "Genehmigen"
+#: mod/notifications.php:195
+msgid "Claims to be known to you: "
+msgstr "Behauptet Dich zu kennen: "
+#: mod/notifications.php:196
+msgid "yes"
+msgstr "ja"
+#: mod/notifications.php:196
+msgid "no"
+msgstr "nein"
+#: mod/notifications.php:197
+msgid ""
+"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
+"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that "
+"you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
+msgstr "Soll Deine Beziehung beidseitig sein oder nicht? \"Kontakt\" bedeutet, ihr könnt gegenseitig die Beiträge des Anderen lesen dürft. \"Fan/Verehrer\", dass du das lesen deiner Beiträge erlaubst aber nicht die Beiträge der anderen Seite lesen möchtest. Genehmigen als:"
+#: mod/notifications.php:200
+msgid ""
+"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
+"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you "
+"allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
+msgstr "Soll Deine Beziehung beidseitig sein oder nicht? \"Freund\" bedeutet, ihr gegenseitig die Beiträge des Anderen lesen dürft. \"Teilenden\", das du das lesen deiner Beiträge erlaubst aber nicht die Beiträge der anderen Seite lesen möchtest. Genehmigen als:"
+#: mod/notifications.php:209
+msgid "Friend"
+msgstr "Kontakt"
+#: mod/notifications.php:210
+msgid "Sharer"
+msgstr "Teilenden"
+#: mod/notifications.php:210
+msgid "Fan/Admirer"
+msgstr "Fan/Verehrer"
+#: mod/notifications.php:260
+msgid "No introductions."
+msgstr "Keine Kontaktanfragen."
+#: mod/notifications.php:299
+msgid "Show unread"
+msgstr "Ungelesene anzeigen"
+#: mod/notifications.php:299
+msgid "Show all"
+msgstr "Alle anzeigen"
+#: mod/notifications.php:305
+#, php-format
+msgid "No more %s notifications."
+msgstr "Keine weiteren %s Benachrichtigungen"
+#: mod/profiles.php:38
+msgid "Profile deleted."
+msgstr "Profil gelöscht."
+#: mod/profiles.php:56 mod/profiles.php:90
+msgid "Profile-"
+msgstr "Profil-"
+#: mod/profiles.php:75 mod/profiles.php:118
+msgid "New profile created."
+msgstr "Neues Profil angelegt."
+#: mod/profiles.php:96
+msgid "Profile unavailable to clone."
+msgstr "Profil nicht zum Duplizieren verfügbar."
+#: mod/profiles.php:190
+msgid "Profile Name is required."
+msgstr "Profilname ist erforderlich."
+#: mod/profiles.php:338
+msgid "Marital Status"
+msgstr "Familienstand"
+#: mod/profiles.php:342
+msgid "Romantic Partner"
+msgstr "Romanze"
+#: mod/profiles.php:354
+msgid "Work/Employment"
+msgstr "Arbeit / Beschäftigung"
+#: mod/profiles.php:357
+msgid "Religion"
+msgstr "Religion"
+#: mod/profiles.php:361
+msgid "Political Views"
+msgstr "Politische Ansichten"
+#: mod/profiles.php:365
+msgid "Gender"
+msgstr "Geschlecht"
+#: mod/profiles.php:369
+msgid "Sexual Preference"
+msgstr "Sexuelle Vorlieben"
+#: mod/profiles.php:373
+msgid "XMPP"
+msgstr "XMPP"
+#: mod/profiles.php:377
+msgid "Homepage"
+msgstr "Webseite"
+#: mod/profiles.php:381 mod/profiles.php:702
+msgid "Interests"
+msgstr "Interessen"
+#: mod/profiles.php:385
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Adresse"
+#: mod/profiles.php:392 mod/profiles.php:698
+msgid "Location"
+msgstr "Wohnort"
+#: mod/profiles.php:477
+msgid "Profile updated."
+msgstr "Profil aktualisiert."
+#: mod/profiles.php:564
+msgid " and "
+msgstr " und "
+#: mod/profiles.php:572
+msgid "public profile"
+msgstr "öffentliches Profil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:575
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s changed %2$s to “%3$s”"
+msgstr "%1$s hat %2$s geändert auf “%3$s”"
+#: mod/profiles.php:576
+#, php-format
+msgid " - Visit %1$s's %2$s"
+msgstr " – %1$ss %2$s besuchen"
+#: mod/profiles.php:579
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s has an updated %2$s, changing %3$s."
+msgstr "%1$s hat folgendes aktualisiert %2$s, verändert wurde %3$s."
+#: mod/profiles.php:645
+msgid "Hide contacts and friends:"
+msgstr "Kontakte und Freunde verbergen"
+#: mod/profiles.php:650
+msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"
+msgstr "Liste der Kontakte vor Betrachtern dieses Profils verbergen?"
+#: mod/profiles.php:674
+msgid "Show more profile fields:"
+msgstr "Zeige mehr Profil-Felder:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:686
+msgid "Profile Actions"
+msgstr "Profilaktionen"
+#: mod/profiles.php:687
+msgid "Edit Profile Details"
+msgstr "Profil bearbeiten"
+#: mod/profiles.php:689
+msgid "Change Profile Photo"
+msgstr "Profilbild ändern"
+#: mod/profiles.php:690
+msgid "View this profile"
+msgstr "Dieses Profil anzeigen"
+#: mod/profiles.php:692
+msgid "Create a new profile using these settings"
+msgstr "Neues Profil anlegen und diese Einstellungen verwenden"
+#: mod/profiles.php:693
+msgid "Clone this profile"
+msgstr "Dieses Profil duplizieren"
+#: mod/profiles.php:694
+msgid "Delete this profile"
+msgstr "Dieses Profil löschen"
+#: mod/profiles.php:696
+msgid "Basic information"
+msgstr "Grundinformationen"
+#: mod/profiles.php:697
+msgid "Profile picture"
+msgstr "Profilbild"
+#: mod/profiles.php:699
+msgid "Preferences"
+msgstr "Vorlieben"
+#: mod/profiles.php:700
+msgid "Status information"
+msgstr "Status Informationen"
+#: mod/profiles.php:701
+msgid "Additional information"
+msgstr "Zusätzliche Informationen"
+#: mod/profiles.php:704
+msgid "Relation"
+msgstr "Beziehung"
+#: mod/profiles.php:708
+msgid "Your Gender:"
+msgstr "Dein Geschlecht:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:709
+msgid "♥ Marital Status:"
+msgstr "♥ Beziehungsstatus:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:711
+msgid "Example: fishing photography software"
+msgstr "Beispiel: Fischen Fotografie Software"
+#: mod/profiles.php:716
+msgid "Profile Name:"
+msgstr "Profilname:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:716 mod/events.php:484 mod/events.php:496
+msgid "Required"
+msgstr "Benötigt"
+#: mod/profiles.php:718
+msgid ""
+"This is your public profile. It may "
+"be visible to anybody using the internet."
+msgstr "Dies ist Dein öffentliches Profil. Es könnte für jeden Nutzer des Internets sichtbar sein."
+#: mod/profiles.php:719
+msgid "Your Full Name:"
+msgstr "Dein kompletter Name:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:720
+msgid "Title/Description:"
+msgstr "Titel/Beschreibung:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:723
+msgid "Street Address:"
+msgstr "Adresse:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:724
+msgid "Locality/City:"
+msgstr "Wohnort:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:725
+msgid "Region/State:"
+msgstr "Region/Bundesstaat:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:726
+msgid "Postal/Zip Code:"
+msgstr "Postleitzahl:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:727
+msgid "Country:"
+msgstr "Land:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:731
+msgid "Who: (if applicable)"
+msgstr "Wer: (falls anwendbar)"
+#: mod/profiles.php:731
+msgid "Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
+msgstr "Beispiele: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
+#: mod/profiles.php:732
+msgid "Since [date]:"
+msgstr "Seit [Datum]:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:734
+msgid "Tell us about yourself..."
+msgstr "Erzähle uns ein bisschen von Dir …"
+#: mod/profiles.php:735
+msgid "XMPP (Jabber) address:"
+msgstr "XMPP (Jabber) Adresse"
+#: mod/profiles.php:735
+msgid ""
+"The XMPP address will be propagated to your contacts so that they can follow"
+" you."
+msgstr "Die XMPP Adresse wird an deine Kontakte verteilt werden, so dass sie auch über XMPP mit dir in Kontakt treten können."
+#: mod/profiles.php:736
+msgid "Homepage URL:"
+msgstr "Adresse der Homepage:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:739
+msgid "Religious Views:"
+msgstr "Religiöse Ansichten:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:740
+msgid "Public Keywords:"
+msgstr "Öffentliche Schlüsselwörter:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:740
+msgid "(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"
+msgstr "(Wird verwendet, um potentielle Kontakte zu finden, kann von Kontakten eingesehen werden)"
+#: mod/profiles.php:741
+msgid "Private Keywords:"
+msgstr "Private Schlüsselwörter:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:741
+msgid "(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"
+msgstr "(Wird für die Suche nach Profilen verwendet und niemals veröffentlicht)"
+#: mod/profiles.php:744
+msgid "Musical interests"
+msgstr "Musikalische Interessen"
+#: mod/profiles.php:745
+msgid "Books, literature"
+msgstr "Bücher, Literatur"
+#: mod/profiles.php:746
+msgid "Television"
+msgstr "Fernsehen"
+#: mod/profiles.php:747
+msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment"
+msgstr "Filme/Tänze/Kultur/Unterhaltung"
+#: mod/profiles.php:748
+msgid "Hobbies/Interests"
+msgstr "Hobbies/Interessen"
+#: mod/profiles.php:749
+msgid "Love/romance"
+msgstr "Liebe/Romantik"
+#: mod/profiles.php:750
+msgid "Work/employment"
+msgstr "Arbeit/Anstellung"
+#: mod/profiles.php:751
+msgid "School/education"
+msgstr "Schule/Ausbildung"
+#: mod/profiles.php:752
+msgid "Contact information and Social Networks"
+msgstr "Kontaktinformationen und Soziale Netzwerke"
+#: mod/profiles.php:794
+msgid "Edit/Manage Profiles"
+msgstr "Bearbeite/Verwalte Profile"
+#: mod/admin.php:92
+msgid "Theme settings updated."
+msgstr "Themeneinstellungen aktualisiert."
+#: mod/admin.php:156 mod/admin.php:926
+msgid "Site"
+msgstr "Seite"
+#: mod/admin.php:157 mod/admin.php:870 mod/admin.php:1375 mod/admin.php:1390
+msgid "Users"
+msgstr "Nutzer"
+#: mod/admin.php:158 mod/admin.php:1492 mod/admin.php:1552 mod/settings.php:74
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plugins"
+#: mod/admin.php:159 mod/admin.php:1750 mod/admin.php:1800
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr "Themen"
+#: mod/admin.php:160 mod/settings.php:52
+msgid "Additional features"
+msgstr "Zusätzliche Features"
+#: mod/admin.php:161
+msgid "DB updates"
+msgstr "DB Updates"
+#: mod/admin.php:162 mod/admin.php:397
+msgid "Inspect Queue"
+msgstr "Warteschlange Inspizieren"
+#: mod/admin.php:163 mod/admin.php:363
+msgid "Federation Statistics"
+msgstr "Federation Statistik"
+#: mod/admin.php:177 mod/admin.php:188 mod/admin.php:1874
+msgid "Logs"
+msgstr "Protokolle"
+#: mod/admin.php:178 mod/admin.php:1942
+msgid "View Logs"
+msgstr "Protokolle anzeigen"
+#: mod/admin.php:179
+msgid "probe address"
+msgstr "Adresse untersuchen"
+#: mod/admin.php:180
+msgid "check webfinger"
+msgstr "Webfinger überprüfen"
+#: mod/admin.php:187
+msgid "Plugin Features"
+msgstr "Plugin Features"
+#: mod/admin.php:189
+msgid "diagnostics"
+msgstr "Diagnose"
+#: mod/admin.php:190
+msgid "User registrations waiting for confirmation"
+msgstr "Nutzeranmeldungen die auf Bestätigung warten"
+#: mod/admin.php:356
+msgid ""
+"This page offers you some numbers to the known part of the federated social "
+"network your Friendica node is part of. These numbers are not complete but "
+"only reflect the part of the network your node is aware of."
+msgstr "Diese Seite präsentiert einige Zahlen zu dem bekannten Teil des föderalen sozialen Netzwerks, von dem deine Friendica Installation ein Teil ist. Diese Zahlen sind nicht absolut und reflektieren nur den Teil des Netzwerks, den dein Knoten kennt."
+#: mod/admin.php:357
+msgid ""
+"The Auto Discovered Contact Directory feature is not enabled, it "
+"will improve the data displayed here."
+msgstr "Die Funktion um Automatisch ein Kontaktverzeichnis erstellen ist nicht aktiv. Es wird die hier angezeigten Daten verbessern."
+#: mod/admin.php:362 mod/admin.php:396 mod/admin.php:460 mod/admin.php:925
+#: mod/admin.php:1374 mod/admin.php:1491 mod/admin.php:1551 mod/admin.php:1749
+#: mod/admin.php:1799 mod/admin.php:1873 mod/admin.php:1941
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Administration"
+#: mod/admin.php:369
+#, php-format
+msgid "Currently this node is aware of %d nodes from the following platforms:"
+msgstr "Momentan kennt dieser Knoten %d andere Knoten der folgenden Plattformen:"
+#: mod/admin.php:399
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+#: mod/admin.php:400
+msgid "Recipient Name"
+msgstr "Empfänger Name"
+#: mod/admin.php:401
+msgid "Recipient Profile"
+msgstr "Empfänger Profil"
+#: mod/admin.php:403
+msgid "Created"
+msgstr "Erstellt"
+#: mod/admin.php:404
+msgid "Last Tried"
+msgstr "Zuletzt versucht"
+#: mod/admin.php:405
+msgid ""
+"This page lists the content of the queue for outgoing postings. These are "
+"postings the initial delivery failed for. They will be resend later and "
+"eventually deleted if the delivery fails permanently."
+msgstr "Auf dieser Seite werden die in der Warteschlange eingereihten Beiträge aufgelistet. Bei diesen Beiträgen schlug die erste Zustellung fehl. Es wird später wiederholt versucht die Beiträge zuzustellen, bis sie schließlich gelöscht werden."
+#: mod/admin.php:424 mod/admin.php:1323
+msgid "Normal Account"
+msgstr "Normales Konto"
+#: mod/admin.php:425 mod/admin.php:1324
+msgid "Soapbox Account"
+msgstr "Marktschreier-Konto"
+#: mod/admin.php:426 mod/admin.php:1325
+msgid "Community/Celebrity Account"
+msgstr "Forum/Promi-Konto"
+#: mod/admin.php:427 mod/admin.php:1326
+msgid "Automatic Friend Account"
+msgstr "Automatisches Freundekonto"
+#: mod/admin.php:428
+msgid "Blog Account"
+msgstr "Blog-Konto"
+#: mod/admin.php:429
+msgid "Private Forum"
+msgstr "Privates Forum"
+#: mod/admin.php:455
+msgid "Message queues"
+msgstr "Nachrichten-Warteschlangen"
+#: mod/admin.php:461
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Zusammenfassung"
+#: mod/admin.php:464
+msgid "Registered users"
+msgstr "Registrierte Nutzer"
+#: mod/admin.php:466
+msgid "Pending registrations"
+msgstr "Anstehende Anmeldungen"
+#: mod/admin.php:467
+msgid "Version"
+msgstr "Version"
+#: mod/admin.php:472
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktive Plugins"
+#: mod/admin.php:495
+msgid "Can not parse base url. Must have at least ://"
+msgstr "Die Basis-URL konnte nicht analysiert werden. Sie muss mindestens aus :// bestehen"
+#: mod/admin.php:798
+msgid "RINO2 needs mcrypt php extension to work."
+msgstr "RINO2 benötigt die PHP Extension mcrypt."
+#: mod/admin.php:806
+msgid "Site settings updated."
+msgstr "Seiteneinstellungen aktualisiert."
+#: mod/admin.php:834 mod/settings.php:932
+msgid "No special theme for mobile devices"
+msgstr "Kein spezielles Theme für mobile Geräte verwenden."
+#: mod/admin.php:853
+msgid "No community page"
+msgstr "Keine Gemeinschaftsseite"
+#: mod/admin.php:854
+msgid "Public postings from users of this site"
+msgstr "Öffentliche Beiträge von Nutzer_innen dieser Seite"
+#: mod/admin.php:855
+msgid "Global community page"
+msgstr "Globale Gemeinschaftsseite"
+#: mod/admin.php:860 mod/contacts.php:530
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Niemals"
+#: mod/admin.php:861
+msgid "At post arrival"
+msgstr "Beim Empfang von Nachrichten"
+#: mod/admin.php:869 mod/contacts.php:557
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "Deaktiviert"
+#: mod/admin.php:871
+msgid "Users, Global Contacts"
+msgstr "Nutzer, globale Kontakte"
+#: mod/admin.php:872
+msgid "Users, Global Contacts/fallback"
+msgstr "Nutzer, globale Kontakte / Fallback"
+#: mod/admin.php:876
+msgid "One month"
+msgstr "ein Monat"
+#: mod/admin.php:877
+msgid "Three months"
+msgstr "drei Monate"
+#: mod/admin.php:878
+msgid "Half a year"
+msgstr "ein halbes Jahr"
+#: mod/admin.php:879
+msgid "One year"
+msgstr "ein Jahr"
+#: mod/admin.php:884
+msgid "Multi user instance"
+msgstr "Mehrbenutzer Instanz"
+#: mod/admin.php:907
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Geschlossen"
+#: mod/admin.php:908
+msgid "Requires approval"
+msgstr "Bedarf der Zustimmung"
+#: mod/admin.php:909
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Offen"
+#: mod/admin.php:913
+msgid "No SSL policy, links will track page SSL state"
+msgstr "Keine SSL Richtlinie, Links werden das verwendete Protokoll beibehalten"
+#: mod/admin.php:914
+msgid "Force all links to use SSL"
+msgstr "SSL für alle Links erzwingen"
+#: mod/admin.php:915
+msgid "Self-signed certificate, use SSL for local links only (discouraged)"
+msgstr "Selbst-unterzeichnetes Zertifikat, SSL nur für lokale Links verwenden (nicht empfohlen)"
+#: mod/admin.php:927 mod/admin.php:1553 mod/admin.php:1801 mod/admin.php:1875
+#: mod/admin.php:2025 mod/settings.php:676 mod/settings.php:786
+#: mod/settings.php:833 mod/settings.php:902 mod/settings.php:992
+#: mod/settings.php:1259
+msgid "Save Settings"
+msgstr "Einstellungen speichern"
+#: mod/admin.php:928 mod/register.php:263
+msgid "Registration"
+msgstr "Registrierung"
+#: mod/admin.php:929
+msgid "File upload"
+msgstr "Datei hochladen"
+#: mod/admin.php:930
+msgid "Policies"
+msgstr "Regeln"
+#: mod/admin.php:932
+msgid "Auto Discovered Contact Directory"
+msgstr "Automatisch ein Kontaktverzeichnis erstellen"
+#: mod/admin.php:933
+msgid "Performance"
+msgstr "Performance"
+#: mod/admin.php:934
+msgid "Worker"
+msgstr "Worker"
+#: mod/admin.php:935
+msgid ""
+"Relocate - WARNING: advanced function. Could make this server unreachable."
+msgstr "Umsiedeln - WARNUNG: Könnte diesen Server unerreichbar machen."
+#: mod/admin.php:938
+msgid "Site name"
+msgstr "Seitenname"
+#: mod/admin.php:939
+msgid "Host name"
+msgstr "Host Name"
+#: mod/admin.php:940
+msgid "Sender Email"
+msgstr "Absender für Emails"
+#: mod/admin.php:940
+msgid ""
+"The email address your server shall use to send notification emails from."
+msgstr "Die E-Mail Adresse die dein Server zum Versenden von Benachrichtigungen verwenden soll."
+#: mod/admin.php:941
+msgid "Banner/Logo"
+msgstr "Banner/Logo"
+#: mod/admin.php:942
+msgid "Shortcut icon"
+msgstr "Shortcut Icon"
+#: mod/admin.php:942
+msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for browsers."
+msgstr "Link zu einem Icon, das Browser verwenden werden."
+#: mod/admin.php:943
+msgid "Touch icon"
+msgstr "Touch Icon"
+#: mod/admin.php:943
+msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for tablets and mobiles."
+msgstr "Link zu einem Icon das Tablets und Handies verwenden sollen."
+#: mod/admin.php:944
+msgid "Additional Info"
+msgstr "Zusätzliche Informationen"
+#: mod/admin.php:944
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"For public servers: you can add additional information here that will be "
+"listed at %s/siteinfo."
+msgstr "Für öffentliche Server kannst Du hier zusätzliche Informationen angeben, die dann auf %s/siteinfo angezeigt werden."
+#: mod/admin.php:945
+msgid "System language"
+msgstr "Systemsprache"
+#: mod/admin.php:946
+msgid "System theme"
+msgstr "Systemweites Theme"
+#: mod/admin.php:946
+msgid ""
+"Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - change theme settings "
+msgstr "Vorgabe für das System-Theme - kann von Benutzerprofilen überschrieben werden - Theme-Einstellungen ändern "
+#: mod/admin.php:947
+msgid "Mobile system theme"
+msgstr "Systemweites mobiles Theme"
+#: mod/admin.php:947
+msgid "Theme for mobile devices"
+msgstr "Thema für mobile Geräte"
+#: mod/admin.php:948
+msgid "SSL link policy"
+msgstr "Regeln für SSL Links"
+#: mod/admin.php:948
+msgid "Determines whether generated links should be forced to use SSL"
+msgstr "Bestimmt, ob generierte Links SSL verwenden müssen"
+#: mod/admin.php:949
+msgid "Force SSL"
+msgstr "Erzwinge SSL"
+#: mod/admin.php:949
+msgid ""
+"Force all Non-SSL requests to SSL - Attention: on some systems it could lead"
+" to endless loops."
+msgstr "Erzinge alle Nicht-SSL Anfragen auf SSL - Achtung: auf manchen Systemen verursacht dies eine Endlosschleife."
+#: mod/admin.php:950
+msgid "Old style 'Share'"
+msgstr "Altes \"Teilen\" Element"
+#: mod/admin.php:950
+msgid "Deactivates the bbcode element 'share' for repeating items."
+msgstr "Deaktiviert das BBCode Element \"share\" beim Wiederholen von Beiträgen."
+#: mod/admin.php:951
+msgid "Hide help entry from navigation menu"
+msgstr "Verberge den Menüeintrag für die Hilfe im Navigationsmenü"
+#: mod/admin.php:951
+msgid ""
+"Hides the menu entry for the Help pages from the navigation menu. You can "
+"still access it calling /help directly."
+msgstr "Verbirgt den Menüeintrag für die Hilfe-Seiten im Navigationsmenü. Die Seiten können weiterhin über /help aufgerufen werden."
+#: mod/admin.php:952
+msgid "Single user instance"
+msgstr "Ein-Nutzer Instanz"
+#: mod/admin.php:952
+msgid "Make this instance multi-user or single-user for the named user"
+msgstr "Regelt ob es sich bei dieser Instanz um eine ein Personen Installation oder eine Installation mit mehr als einem Nutzer handelt."
+#: mod/admin.php:953
+msgid "Maximum image size"
+msgstr "Maximale Bildgröße"
+#: mod/admin.php:953
+msgid ""
+"Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no "
+msgstr "Maximale Uploadgröße von Bildern in Bytes. Standard ist 0, d.h. ohne Limit."
+#: mod/admin.php:954
+msgid "Maximum image length"
+msgstr "Maximale Bildlänge"
+#: mod/admin.php:954
+msgid ""
+"Maximum length in pixels of the longest side of uploaded images. Default is "
+"-1, which means no limits."
+msgstr "Maximale Länge in Pixeln der längsten Seite eines hoch geladenen Bildes. Grundeinstellung ist -1 was keine Einschränkung bedeutet."
+#: mod/admin.php:955
+msgid "JPEG image quality"
+msgstr "Qualität des JPEG Bildes"
+#: mod/admin.php:955
+msgid ""
+"Uploaded JPEGS will be saved at this quality setting [0-100]. Default is "
+"100, which is full quality."
+msgstr "Hoch geladene JPEG Bilder werden mit dieser Qualität [0-100] gespeichert. Grundeinstellung ist 100, kein Qualitätsverlust."
+#: mod/admin.php:957
+msgid "Register policy"
+msgstr "Registrierungsmethode"
+#: mod/admin.php:958
+msgid "Maximum Daily Registrations"
+msgstr "Maximum täglicher Registrierungen"
+#: mod/admin.php:958
+msgid ""
+"If registration is permitted above, this sets the maximum number of new user"
+" registrations to accept per day. If register is set to closed, this "
+"setting has no effect."
+msgstr "Wenn die Registrierung weiter oben erlaubt ist, regelt dies die maximale Anzahl von Neuanmeldungen pro Tag. Wenn die Registrierung geschlossen ist, hat diese Einstellung keinen Effekt."
+#: mod/admin.php:959
+msgid "Register text"
+msgstr "Registrierungstext"
+#: mod/admin.php:959
+msgid "Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."
+msgstr "Wird gut sichtbar auf der Registrierungsseite angezeigt."
+#: mod/admin.php:960
+msgid "Accounts abandoned after x days"
+msgstr "Nutzerkonten gelten nach x Tagen als unbenutzt"
+#: mod/admin.php:960
+msgid ""
+"Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded "
+"accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit."
+msgstr "Verschwende keine System-Ressourcen auf das Pollen externer Seiten, wenn Konten nicht mehr benutzt werden. 0 eingeben für kein Limit."
+#: mod/admin.php:961
+msgid "Allowed friend domains"
+msgstr "Erlaubte Domains für Kontakte"
+#: mod/admin.php:961
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships "
+"with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"
+msgstr "Liste der Domains, die für Kontakte erlaubt sind, durch Kommas getrennt. Platzhalter werden akzeptiert. Leer lassen, um alle Domains zu erlauben."
+#: mod/admin.php:962
+msgid "Allowed email domains"
+msgstr "Erlaubte Domains für E-Mails"
+#: mod/admin.php:962
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for "
+"registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
+msgstr "Liste der Domains, die für E-Mail-Adressen bei der Registrierung erlaubt sind, durch Kommas getrennt. Platzhalter werden akzeptiert. Leer lassen, um alle Domains zu erlauben."
+#: mod/admin.php:963
+msgid "Block public"
+msgstr "Öffentlichen Zugriff blockieren"
+#: mod/admin.php:963
+msgid ""
+"Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this "
+"site unless you are currently logged in."
+msgstr "Klicken, um öffentlichen Zugriff auf sonst öffentliche Profile zu blockieren, wenn man nicht eingeloggt ist."
+#: mod/admin.php:964
+msgid "Force publish"
+msgstr "Erzwinge Veröffentlichung"
+#: mod/admin.php:964
+msgid ""
+"Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."
+msgstr "Klicken, um Anzeige aller Profile dieses Servers im Verzeichnis zu erzwingen."
+#: mod/admin.php:965
+msgid "Global directory URL"
+msgstr "URL des weltweiten Verzeichnisses"
+#: mod/admin.php:965
+msgid ""
+"URL to the global directory. If this is not set, the global directory is "
+"completely unavailable to the application."
+msgstr "URL des weltweiten Verzeichnisses. Wenn diese nicht gesetzt ist, ist das Verzeichnis für die Applikation nicht erreichbar."
+#: mod/admin.php:966
+msgid "Allow threaded items"
+msgstr "Erlaube Threads in Diskussionen"
+#: mod/admin.php:966
+msgid "Allow infinite level threading for items on this site."
+msgstr "Erlaube ein unendliches Level für Threads auf dieser Seite."
+#: mod/admin.php:967
+msgid "Private posts by default for new users"
+msgstr "Private Beiträge als Standard für neue Nutzer"
+#: mod/admin.php:967
+msgid ""
+"Set default post permissions for all new members to the default privacy "
+"group rather than public."
+msgstr "Die Standard-Zugriffsrechte für neue Nutzer werden so gesetzt, dass als Voreinstellung in die private Gruppe gepostet wird anstelle von öffentlichen Beiträgen."
+#: mod/admin.php:968
+msgid "Don't include post content in email notifications"
+msgstr "Inhalte von Beiträgen nicht in E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen versenden"
+#: mod/admin.php:968
+msgid ""
+"Don't include the content of a post/comment/private message/etc. in the "
+"email notifications that are sent out from this site, as a privacy measure."
+msgstr "Inhalte von Beiträgen/Kommentaren/privaten Nachrichten/usw., zum Datenschutz nicht in E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen einbinden."
+#: mod/admin.php:969
+msgid "Disallow public access to addons listed in the apps menu."
+msgstr "Öffentlichen Zugriff auf Addons im Apps Menü verbieten."
+#: mod/admin.php:969
+msgid ""
+"Checking this box will restrict addons listed in the apps menu to members "
+msgstr "Wenn ausgewählt werden die im Apps Menü aufgeführten Addons nur angemeldeten Nutzern der Seite zur Verfügung gestellt."
+#: mod/admin.php:970
+msgid "Don't embed private images in posts"
+msgstr "Private Bilder nicht in Beiträgen einbetten."
+#: mod/admin.php:970
+msgid ""
+"Don't replace locally-hosted private photos in posts with an embedded copy "
+"of the image. This means that contacts who receive posts containing private "
+"photos will have to authenticate and load each image, which may take a "
+msgstr "Ersetze lokal gehostete private Fotos in Beiträgen nicht mit einer eingebetteten Kopie des Bildes. Dies bedeutet, dass Kontakte, die Beiträge mit privaten Fotos erhalten sich zunächst auf den jeweiligen Servern authentifizieren müssen bevor die Bilder geladen und angezeigt werden, was eine gewisse Zeit dauert."
+#: mod/admin.php:971
+msgid "Allow Users to set remote_self"
+msgstr "Nutzern erlauben das remote_self Flag zu setzen"
+#: mod/admin.php:971
+msgid ""
+"With checking this, every user is allowed to mark every contact as a "
+"remote_self in the repair contact dialog. Setting this flag on a contact "
+"causes mirroring every posting of that contact in the users stream."
+msgstr "Ist dies ausgewählt kann jeder Nutzer jeden seiner Kontakte als remote_self (entferntes Konto) im Kontakt reparieren Dialog markieren. Nach dem setzten dieses Flags werden alle Top-Level Beiträge dieser Kontakte automatisch in den Stream dieses Nutzers gepostet."
+#: mod/admin.php:972
+msgid "Block multiple registrations"
+msgstr "Unterbinde Mehrfachregistrierung"
+#: mod/admin.php:972
+msgid "Disallow users to register additional accounts for use as pages."
+msgstr "Benutzern nicht erlauben, weitere Konten als zusätzliche Profile anzulegen."
+#: mod/admin.php:973
+msgid "OpenID support"
+msgstr "OpenID Unterstützung"
+#: mod/admin.php:973
+msgid "OpenID support for registration and logins."
+msgstr "OpenID-Unterstützung für Registrierung und Login."
+#: mod/admin.php:974
+msgid "Fullname check"
+msgstr "Namen auf Vollständigkeit überprüfen"
+#: mod/admin.php:974
+msgid ""
+"Force users to register with a space between firstname and lastname in Full "
+"name, as an antispam measure"
+msgstr "Leerzeichen zwischen Vor- und Nachname im vollständigen Namen erzwingen, um SPAM zu vermeiden."
+#: mod/admin.php:975
+msgid "UTF-8 Regular expressions"
+msgstr "UTF-8 Reguläre Ausdrücke"
+#: mod/admin.php:975
+msgid "Use PHP UTF8 regular expressions"
+msgstr "PHP UTF8 Ausdrücke verwenden"
+#: mod/admin.php:976
+msgid "Community Page Style"
+msgstr "Art der Gemeinschaftsseite"
+#: mod/admin.php:976
+msgid ""
+"Type of community page to show. 'Global community' shows every public "
+"posting from an open distributed network that arrived on this server."
+msgstr "Welche Art der Gemeinschaftsseite soll verwendet werden? Globale Gemeinschaftsseite zeigt alle öffentlichen Beiträge eines offenen dezentralen Netzwerks an die auf diesem Server eintreffen."
+#: mod/admin.php:977
+msgid "Posts per user on community page"
+msgstr "Anzahl der Beiträge pro Benutzer auf der Gemeinschaftsseite"
+#: mod/admin.php:977
+msgid ""
+"The maximum number of posts per user on the community page. (Not valid for "
+"'Global Community')"
+msgstr "Die Anzahl der Beiträge die von jedem Nutzer maximal auf der Gemeinschaftsseite angezeigt werden sollen. Dieser Parameter wird nicht für die Globale Gemeinschaftsseite genutzt."
+#: mod/admin.php:978
+msgid "Enable OStatus support"
+msgstr "OStatus Unterstützung aktivieren"
+#: mod/admin.php:978
+msgid ""
+"Provide built-in OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social etc.) compatibility. All "
+"communications in OStatus are public, so privacy warnings will be "
+"occasionally displayed."
+msgstr "Biete die eingebaute OStatus (iStatusNet, GNU Social, etc.) Unterstützung an. Jede Kommunikation in OStatus ist öffentlich, Privatsphäre Warnungen werden nur bei Bedarf angezeigt."
+#: mod/admin.php:979
+msgid "OStatus conversation completion interval"
+msgstr "Intervall zum Vervollständigen von OStatus Unterhaltungen"
+#: mod/admin.php:979
+msgid ""
+"How often shall the poller check for new entries in OStatus conversations? "
+"This can be a very ressource task."
+msgstr "Wie oft soll der Poller checken ob es neue Nachrichten in OStatus Unterhaltungen gibt die geladen werden müssen. Je nach Anzahl der OStatus Kontakte könnte dies ein sehr Ressourcen lastiger Job sein."
+#: mod/admin.php:980
+msgid "Only import OStatus threads from our contacts"
+msgstr "Nur OStatus Konversationen unserer Kontakte importieren"
+#: mod/admin.php:980
+msgid ""
+"Normally we import every content from our OStatus contacts. With this option"
+" we only store threads that are started by a contact that is known on our "
+msgstr "Normalerweise werden alle Inhalte von OStatus Kontakten importiert. Mit dieser Option werden nur solche Konversationen gespeichert, die von Kontakten der Nutzer dieses Knotens gestartet wurden."
+#: mod/admin.php:981
+msgid "OStatus support can only be enabled if threading is enabled."
+msgstr "OStatus Unterstützung kann nur aktiviert werden wenn \"Threading\" aktiviert ist. "
+#: mod/admin.php:983
+msgid ""
+"Diaspora support can't be enabled because Friendica was installed into a sub"
+" directory."
+msgstr "Diaspora Unterstützung kann nicht aktiviert werden da Friendica in ein Unterverzeichnis installiert ist."
+#: mod/admin.php:984
+msgid "Enable Diaspora support"
+msgstr "Diaspora Unterstützung aktivieren"
+#: mod/admin.php:984
+msgid "Provide built-in Diaspora network compatibility."
+msgstr "Verwende die eingebaute Diaspora-Verknüpfung."
+#: mod/admin.php:985
+msgid "Only allow Friendica contacts"
+msgstr "Nur Friendica-Kontakte erlauben"
+#: mod/admin.php:985
+msgid ""
+"All contacts must use Friendica protocols. All other built-in communication "
+"protocols disabled."
+msgstr "Alle Kontakte müssen das Friendica Protokoll nutzen. Alle anderen Kommunikationsprotokolle werden deaktiviert."
+#: mod/admin.php:986
+msgid "Verify SSL"
+msgstr "SSL Überprüfen"
+#: mod/admin.php:986
+msgid ""
+"If you wish, you can turn on strict certificate checking. This will mean you"
+" cannot connect (at all) to self-signed SSL sites."
+msgstr "Wenn gewollt, kann man hier eine strenge Zertifikatkontrolle einstellen. Das bedeutet, dass man zu keinen Seiten mit selbst unterzeichnetem SSL eine Verbindung herstellen kann."
+#: mod/admin.php:987
+msgid "Proxy user"
+msgstr "Proxy Nutzer"
+#: mod/admin.php:988
+msgid "Proxy URL"
+msgstr "Proxy URL"
+#: mod/admin.php:989
+msgid "Network timeout"
+msgstr "Netzwerk Wartezeit"
+#: mod/admin.php:989
+msgid "Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended)."
+msgstr "Der Wert ist in Sekunden. Setze 0 für unbegrenzt (nicht empfohlen)."
+#: mod/admin.php:990
+msgid "Delivery interval"
+msgstr "Zustellungsintervall"
+#: mod/admin.php:990
+msgid ""
+"Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
+"load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 "
+"for large dedicated servers."
+msgstr "Verzögere im Hintergrund laufende Auslieferungsprozesse um die angegebene Anzahl an Sekunden, um die Systemlast zu verringern. Empfehlungen: 4-5 für Shared-Hosts, 2-3 für VPS, 0-1 für große dedizierte Server."
+#: mod/admin.php:991
+msgid "Poll interval"
+msgstr "Abfrageintervall"
+#: mod/admin.php:991
+msgid ""
+"Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
+"load. If 0, use delivery interval."
+msgstr "Verzögere Hintergrundprozesse um diese Anzahl an Sekunden, um die Systemlast zu reduzieren. Bei 0 Sekunden wird das Auslieferungsintervall verwendet."
+#: mod/admin.php:992
+msgid "Maximum Load Average"
+msgstr "Maximum Load Average"
+#: mod/admin.php:992
+msgid ""
+"Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - "
+"default 50."
+msgstr "Maximale Systemlast bevor Verteil- und Empfangsprozesse verschoben werden - Standard 50"
+#: mod/admin.php:993
+msgid "Maximum Load Average (Frontend)"
+msgstr "Maximum Load Average (Frontend)"
+#: mod/admin.php:993
+msgid "Maximum system load before the frontend quits service - default 50."
+msgstr "Maximale Systemlast bevor Vordergrundprozesse pausiert werden - Standard 50."
+#: mod/admin.php:994
+msgid "Maximum table size for optimization"
+msgstr "Maximale Tabellengröße zur Optimierung"
+#: mod/admin.php:994
+msgid ""
+"Maximum table size (in MB) for the automatic optimization - default 100 MB. "
+"Enter -1 to disable it."
+msgstr "Maximale Tabellengröße (in MB) für die automatische Optimierung - Standard 100 MB. Gib -1 für Deaktivierung ein."
+#: mod/admin.php:995
+msgid "Minimum level of fragmentation"
+msgstr "Minimaler Fragmentationsgrad"
+#: mod/admin.php:995
+msgid ""
+"Minimum fragmenation level to start the automatic optimization - default "
+"value is 30%."
+msgstr "Minimales Fragmentationsgrad von Datenbanktabellen um die automatische Optimierung einzuleiten - Standardwert ist 30%"
+#: mod/admin.php:997
+msgid "Periodical check of global contacts"
+msgstr "Regelmäßig globale Kontakte überprüfen"
+#: mod/admin.php:997
+msgid ""
+"If enabled, the global contacts are checked periodically for missing or "
+"outdated data and the vitality of the contacts and servers."
+msgstr "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, werden die globalen Kontakte regelmäßig auf fehlende oder veraltete Daten sowie auf Erreichbarkeit des Kontakts und des Servers überprüft."
+#: mod/admin.php:998
+msgid "Days between requery"
+msgstr "Tage zwischen erneuten Abfragen"
+#: mod/admin.php:998
+msgid "Number of days after which a server is requeried for his contacts."
+msgstr "Legt das Abfrageintervall fest, nachdem ein Server erneut nach Kontakten abgefragt werden soll."
+#: mod/admin.php:999
+msgid "Discover contacts from other servers"
+msgstr "Neue Kontakte auf anderen Servern entdecken"
+#: mod/admin.php:999
+msgid ""
+"Periodically query other servers for contacts. You can choose between "
+"'users': the users on the remote system, 'Global Contacts': active contacts "
+"that are known on the system. The fallback is meant for Redmatrix servers "
+"and older friendica servers, where global contacts weren't available. The "
+"fallback increases the server load, so the recommened setting is 'Users, "
+"Global Contacts'."
+msgstr "Regelmäßig andere Server nach potentiellen Kontakten absuchen. Du kannst zwischen 'Nutzern', den tatsächlichen Nutzern des anderen Systems und 'globalen Kontakten', aktiven Kontakten die auf dem System bekannt sind, wählen. Der Fallback-Mechanismus ist für ältere Friendica und Redmatrix Server gedacht, bei denen globale Kontakte noch nicht verfügbar sind. Durch den Fallbackmodus entsteht auf deinem Server eine wesentlich höhere Last, empfohlen wird der Modus 'Nutzer, globale Kontakte'."
+#: mod/admin.php:1000
+msgid "Timeframe for fetching global contacts"
+msgstr "Zeitfenster für globale Kontakte"
+#: mod/admin.php:1000
+msgid ""
+"When the discovery is activated, this value defines the timeframe for the "
+"activity of the global contacts that are fetched from other servers."
+msgstr "Wenn die Entdeckung neuer Kontakte aktiv ist, definiert dieses Zeitfenster den Zeitraum in dem globale Kontakte als aktiv gelten und von anderen Servern importiert werden."
+#: mod/admin.php:1001
+msgid "Search the local directory"
+msgstr "Lokales Verzeichnis durchsuchen"
+#: mod/admin.php:1001
+msgid ""
+"Search the local directory instead of the global directory. When searching "
+"locally, every search will be executed on the global directory in the "
+"background. This improves the search results when the search is repeated."
+msgstr "Suche im lokalen Verzeichnis anstelle des globalen Verzeichnisses durchführen. Jede Suche wird im Hintergrund auch im globalen Verzeichnis durchgeführt umd die Suchresultate zu verbessern, wenn diese Suche wiederholt wird."
+#: mod/admin.php:1003
+msgid "Publish server information"
+msgstr "Server Informationen veröffentlichen"
+#: mod/admin.php:1003
+msgid ""
+"If enabled, general server and usage data will be published. The data "
+"contains the name and version of the server, number of users with public "
+"profiles, number of posts and the activated protocols and connectors. See the-federation.info for details."
+msgstr "Wenn aktiviert, werden allgemeine Informationen über den Server und Nutzungsdaten veröffentlicht. Die Daten beinhalten den Namen sowie die Version des Servers, die Anzahl der Nutzer_innen mit öffentlichen Profilen, die Anzahl der Beiträge sowie aktivierte Protokolle und Connectoren. Für Details bitte the-federation.info aufrufen."
+#: mod/admin.php:1005
+msgid "Use MySQL full text engine"
+msgstr "Nutze MySQL full text engine"
+#: mod/admin.php:1005
+msgid ""
+"Activates the full text engine. Speeds up search - but can only search for "
+"four and more characters."
+msgstr "Aktiviert die 'full text engine'. Beschleunigt die Suche - aber es kann nur nach vier oder mehr Zeichen gesucht werden."
+#: mod/admin.php:1006
+msgid "Suppress Language"
+msgstr "Sprachinformation unterdrücken"
+#: mod/admin.php:1006
+msgid "Suppress language information in meta information about a posting."
+msgstr "Verhindert das Erzeugen der Meta-Information zur Spracherkennung eines Beitrags."
+#: mod/admin.php:1007
+msgid "Suppress Tags"
+msgstr "Tags Unterdrücken"
+#: mod/admin.php:1007
+msgid "Suppress showing a list of hashtags at the end of the posting."
+msgstr "Unterdrückt die Anzeige von Tags am Ende eines Beitrags."
+#: mod/admin.php:1008
+msgid "Path to item cache"
+msgstr "Pfad zum Eintrag Cache"
+#: mod/admin.php:1008
+msgid "The item caches buffers generated bbcode and external images."
+msgstr "Im Item-Cache werden externe Bilder und geparster BBCode zwischen gespeichert."
+#: mod/admin.php:1009
+msgid "Cache duration in seconds"
+msgstr "Cache-Dauer in Sekunden"
+#: mod/admin.php:1009
+msgid ""
+"How long should the cache files be hold? Default value is 86400 seconds (One"
+" day). To disable the item cache, set the value to -1."
+msgstr "Wie lange sollen die gecachedten Dateien vorgehalten werden? Grundeinstellung sind 86400 Sekunden (ein Tag). Um den Item Cache zu deaktivieren, setze diesen Wert auf -1."
+#: mod/admin.php:1010
+msgid "Maximum numbers of comments per post"
+msgstr "Maximale Anzahl von Kommentaren pro Beitrag"
+#: mod/admin.php:1010
+msgid "How much comments should be shown for each post? Default value is 100."
+msgstr "Wie viele Kommentare sollen pro Beitrag angezeigt werden? Standardwert sind 100."
+#: mod/admin.php:1011
+msgid "Path for lock file"
+msgstr "Pfad für die Sperrdatei"
+#: mod/admin.php:1011
+msgid ""
+"The lock file is used to avoid multiple pollers at one time. Only define a "
+"folder here."
+msgstr "Die lock-Datei wird benutzt, damit nicht mehrere poller auf einmal laufen. Definiere hier einen Dateiverzeichnis."
+#: mod/admin.php:1012
+msgid "Temp path"
+msgstr "Temp Pfad"
+#: mod/admin.php:1012
+msgid ""
+"If you have a restricted system where the webserver can't access the system "
+"temp path, enter another path here."
+msgstr "Solltest du ein eingeschränktes System haben, auf dem der Webserver nicht auf das temp Verzeichnis des Systems zugreifen kann, setze hier einen anderen Pfad."
+#: mod/admin.php:1013
+msgid "Base path to installation"
+msgstr "Basis-Pfad zur Installation"
+#: mod/admin.php:1013
+msgid ""
+"If the system cannot detect the correct path to your installation, enter the"
+" correct path here. This setting should only be set if you are using a "
+"restricted system and symbolic links to your webroot."
+msgstr "Falls das System nicht den korrekten Pfad zu deiner Installation gefunden hat, gib den richtigen Pfad bitte hier ein. Du solltest hier den Pfad nur auf einem eingeschränkten System angeben müssen, bei dem du mit symbolischen Links auf dein Webverzeichnis verweist."
+#: mod/admin.php:1014
+msgid "Disable picture proxy"
+msgstr "Bilder Proxy deaktivieren"
+#: mod/admin.php:1014
+msgid ""
+"The picture proxy increases performance and privacy. It shouldn't be used on"
+" systems with very low bandwith."
+msgstr "Der Proxy für Bilder verbessert die Leistung und Privatsphäre der Nutzer. Er sollte nicht auf Systemen verwendet werden, die nur über begrenzte Bandbreite verfügen."
+#: mod/admin.php:1015
+msgid "Enable old style pager"
+msgstr "Den Old-Style Pager aktiviren"
+#: mod/admin.php:1015
+msgid ""
+"The old style pager has page numbers but slows down massively the page "
+msgstr "Der Old-Style Pager zeigt Seitennummern an, verlangsamt aber auch drastisch das Laden einer Seite."
+#: mod/admin.php:1016
+msgid "Only search in tags"
+msgstr "Nur in Tags suchen"
+#: mod/admin.php:1016
+msgid "On large systems the text search can slow down the system extremely."
+msgstr "Auf großen Knoten kann die Volltext-Suche das System ausbremsen."
+#: mod/admin.php:1018
+msgid "New base url"
+msgstr "Neue Basis-URL"
+#: mod/admin.php:1018
+msgid ""
+"Change base url for this server. Sends relocate message to all DFRN contacts"
+" of all users."
+msgstr "Ändert die Basis-URL dieses Servers und sendet eine Umzugsmitteilung an alle DFRN Kontakte deiner Nutzer_innen."
+#: mod/admin.php:1020
+msgid "RINO Encryption"
+msgstr "RINO Verschlüsselung"
+#: mod/admin.php:1020
+msgid "Encryption layer between nodes."
+msgstr "Verschlüsselung zwischen Friendica Instanzen"
+#: mod/admin.php:1021
+msgid "Embedly API key"
+msgstr "Embedly API Schlüssel"
+#: mod/admin.php:1021
+msgid ""
+"Embedly is used to fetch additional data for "
+"web pages. This is an optional parameter."
+msgstr "Embedly wird verwendet um zusätzliche Informationen von Webseiten zu laden. Dies ist ein optionaler Parameter."
+#: mod/admin.php:1023
+msgid "Enable 'worker' background processing"
+msgstr "Aktiviere die 'Worker' Hintergrundprozesse"
+#: mod/admin.php:1023
+msgid ""
+"The worker background processing limits the number of parallel background "
+"jobs to a maximum number and respects the system load."
+msgstr "Der 'background worker' Prozess begrenzt die Zahl der Prozesse, die im Hintergrund parallel laufen und beachtet dabei die Systemlast."
+#: mod/admin.php:1024
+msgid "Maximum number of parallel workers"
+msgstr "Maximale Anzahl parallel laufender Worker"
+#: mod/admin.php:1024
+msgid ""
+"On shared hosters set this to 2. On larger systems, values of 10 are great. "
+"Default value is 4."
+msgstr "Wenn dein Knoten bei einem Shared Hoster ist, setzte diesen Wert auf 2. Auf größeren Systemen funktioniert ein Wert von 10 recht gut. Standardeinstellung sind 4."
+#: mod/admin.php:1025
+msgid "Don't use 'proc_open' with the worker"
+msgstr "'proc_open' nicht mit den Workern verwenden"
+#: mod/admin.php:1025
+msgid ""
+"Enable this if your system doesn't allow the use of 'proc_open'. This can "
+"happen on shared hosters. If this is enabled you should increase the "
+"frequency of poller calls in your crontab."
+msgstr "Aktiviere diese Option, wenn dein System die Verwendung von 'proc_open' verhindert. Dies könnte auf Shared Hostern der Fall sein. Wenn du diese Option aktivierst, solltest du die Frequenz der poller Aufrufe in deiner crontab erhöhen."
+#: mod/admin.php:1026
+msgid "Enable fastlane"
+msgstr "Aktiviere Fastlane"
+#: mod/admin.php:1026
+msgid ""
+"When enabed, the fastlane mechanism starts an additional worker if processes"
+" with higher priority are blocked by processes of lower priority."
+msgstr "Wenn aktiviert, wird der Fastlane-Mechanismus einen weiteren Worker-Prozeß starten wenn Prozesse mit höherer Priorität von Prozessen mit niedrigerer Priorität blockiert werden."
+#: mod/admin.php:1055
+msgid "Update has been marked successful"
+msgstr "Update wurde als erfolgreich markiert"
+#: mod/admin.php:1063
+#, php-format
+msgid "Database structure update %s was successfully applied."
+msgstr "Das Update %s der Struktur der Datenbank wurde erfolgreich angewandt."
+#: mod/admin.php:1066
+#, php-format
+msgid "Executing of database structure update %s failed with error: %s"
+msgstr "Das Update %s der Struktur der Datenbank schlug mit folgender Fehlermeldung fehl: %s"
+#: mod/admin.php:1078
+#, php-format
+msgid "Executing %s failed with error: %s"
+msgstr "Die Ausführung von %s schlug fehl. Fehlermeldung: %s"
+#: mod/admin.php:1081
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s was successfully applied."
+msgstr "Update %s war erfolgreich."
+#: mod/admin.php:1085
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded."
+msgstr "Update %s hat keinen Status zurückgegeben. Unbekannter Status."
+#: mod/admin.php:1087
+#, php-format
+msgid "There was no additional update function %s that needed to be called."
+msgstr "Es gab keine weitere Update-Funktion, die von %s ausgeführt werden musste."
+#: mod/admin.php:1106
+msgid "No failed updates."
+msgstr "Keine fehlgeschlagenen Updates."
+#: mod/admin.php:1107
+msgid "Check database structure"
+msgstr "Datenbank Struktur überprüfen"
+#: mod/admin.php:1112
+msgid "Failed Updates"
+msgstr "Fehlgeschlagene Updates"
+#: mod/admin.php:1113
+msgid ""
+"This does not include updates prior to 1139, which did not return a status."
+msgstr "Ohne Updates vor 1139, da diese keinen Status zurückgegeben haben."
+#: mod/admin.php:1114
+msgid "Mark success (if update was manually applied)"
+msgstr "Als erfolgreich markieren (falls das Update manuell installiert wurde)"
+#: mod/admin.php:1115
+msgid "Attempt to execute this update step automatically"
+msgstr "Versuchen, diesen Schritt automatisch auszuführen"
+#: mod/admin.php:1149
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
+"\t\t\t\tthe administrator of %2$s has set up an account for you."
+msgstr "\nHallo %1$s,\n\nauf %2$s wurde ein Account für Dich angelegt."
+#: mod/admin.php:1152
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
+"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1$s\n"
+"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t\t%2$s\n"
+"\t\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n"
+"\t\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n"
+"\t\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n"
+"\t\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
+"\t\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
+"\t\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n"
+"\t\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n"
+"\t\t\tthan that.\n"
+"\t\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n"
+"\t\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
+"\t\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
+"\t\t\tThank you and welcome to %4$s."
+msgstr "\nNachfolgend die Anmelde-Details:\n\tAdresse der Seite:\t%1$s\n\tBenutzername:\t%2$s\n\tPasswort:\t%3$s\n\nDu kannst Dein Passwort unter \"Einstellungen\" ändern, sobald Du Dich\nangemeldet hast.\n\nBitte nimm Dir ein paar Minuten um die anderen Einstellungen auf dieser\nSeite zu kontrollieren.\n\nEventuell magst Du ja auch einige Informationen über Dich in Deinem\nProfil veröffentlichen, damit andere Leute Dich einfacher finden können.\nBearbeite hierfür einfach Dein Standard-Profil (über die Profil-Seite).\n\nWir empfehlen Dir, Deinen kompletten Namen anzugeben und ein zu Dir\npassendes Profilbild zu wählen, damit Dich alte Bekannte wieder finden.\nAußerdem ist es nützlich, wenn Du auf Deinem Profil Schlüsselwörter\nangibst. Das erleichtert es, Leute zu finden, die Deine Interessen teilen.\n\nWir respektieren Deine Privatsphäre - keine dieser Angaben ist nötig.\nWenn Du neu im Netzwerk bist und noch niemanden kennst, dann können sie\nallerdings dabei helfen, neue und interessante Kontakte zu knüpfen.\n\nNun viel Spaß, gute Begegnungen und willkommen auf %4$s."
+#: mod/admin.php:1196
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s user blocked/unblocked"
+msgid_plural "%s users blocked/unblocked"
+msgstr[0] "%s Benutzer geblockt/freigegeben"
+msgstr[1] "%s Benutzer geblockt/freigegeben"
+#: mod/admin.php:1203
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s user deleted"
+msgid_plural "%s users deleted"
+msgstr[0] "%s Nutzer gelöscht"
+msgstr[1] "%s Nutzer gelöscht"
+#: mod/admin.php:1250
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' deleted"
+msgstr "Nutzer '%s' gelöscht"
+#: mod/admin.php:1258
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' unblocked"
+msgstr "Nutzer '%s' entsperrt"
+#: mod/admin.php:1258
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' blocked"
+msgstr "Nutzer '%s' gesperrt"
+#: mod/admin.php:1367 mod/admin.php:1392
+msgid "Register date"
+msgstr "Anmeldedatum"
+#: mod/admin.php:1367 mod/admin.php:1392
+msgid "Last login"
+msgstr "Letzte Anmeldung"
+#: mod/admin.php:1367 mod/admin.php:1392
+msgid "Last item"
+msgstr "Letzter Beitrag"
+#: mod/admin.php:1367 mod/settings.php:43
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Nutzerkonto"
+#: mod/admin.php:1376
+msgid "Add User"
+msgstr "Nutzer hinzufügen"
+#: mod/admin.php:1377
+msgid "select all"
+msgstr "Alle auswählen"
+#: mod/admin.php:1378
+msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm"
+msgstr "Neuanmeldungen, die auf Deine Bestätigung warten"
+#: mod/admin.php:1379
+msgid "User waiting for permanent deletion"
+msgstr "Nutzer wartet auf permanente Löschung"
+#: mod/admin.php:1380
+msgid "Request date"
+msgstr "Anfragedatum"
+#: mod/admin.php:1381
+msgid "No registrations."
+msgstr "Keine Neuanmeldungen."
+#: mod/admin.php:1383
+msgid "Deny"
+msgstr "Verwehren"
+#: mod/admin.php:1385 mod/contacts.php:605 mod/contacts.php:805
+#: mod/contacts.php:992
+msgid "Block"
+msgstr "Sperren"
+#: mod/admin.php:1386 mod/contacts.php:605 mod/contacts.php:805
+#: mod/contacts.php:992
+msgid "Unblock"
+msgstr "Entsperren"
+#: mod/admin.php:1387
+msgid "Site admin"
+msgstr "Seitenadministrator"
+#: mod/admin.php:1388
+msgid "Account expired"
+msgstr "Account ist abgelaufen"
+#: mod/admin.php:1391
+msgid "New User"
+msgstr "Neuer Nutzer"
+#: mod/admin.php:1392
+msgid "Deleted since"
+msgstr "Gelöscht seit"
+#: mod/admin.php:1397
+msgid ""
+"Selected users will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these users had posted on "
+"this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
+msgstr "Die markierten Nutzer werden gelöscht!\\n\\nAlle Beiträge, die diese Nutzer auf dieser Seite veröffentlicht haben, werden permanent gelöscht!\\n\\nBist Du sicher?"
+#: mod/admin.php:1398
+msgid ""
+"The user {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this user has posted on this "
+"site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
+msgstr "Der Nutzer {0} wird gelöscht!\\n\\nAlles was dieser Nutzer auf dieser Seite veröffentlicht hat, wird permanent gelöscht!\\n\\nBist Du sicher?"
+#: mod/admin.php:1408
+msgid "Name of the new user."
+msgstr "Name des neuen Nutzers"
+#: mod/admin.php:1409
+msgid "Nickname"
+msgstr "Spitzname"
+#: mod/admin.php:1409
+msgid "Nickname of the new user."
+msgstr "Spitznamen für den neuen Nutzer"
+#: mod/admin.php:1410
+msgid "Email address of the new user."
+msgstr "Email Adresse des neuen Nutzers"
+#: mod/admin.php:1453
+#, php-format
+msgid "Plugin %s disabled."
+msgstr "Plugin %s deaktiviert."
+#: mod/admin.php:1457
+#, php-format
+msgid "Plugin %s enabled."
+msgstr "Plugin %s aktiviert."
+#: mod/admin.php:1468 mod/admin.php:1704
+msgid "Disable"
+msgstr "Ausschalten"
+#: mod/admin.php:1470 mod/admin.php:1706
+msgid "Enable"
+msgstr "Einschalten"
+#: mod/admin.php:1493 mod/admin.php:1751
+msgid "Toggle"
+msgstr "Umschalten"
+#: mod/admin.php:1501 mod/admin.php:1760
+msgid "Author: "
+msgstr "Autor:"
+#: mod/admin.php:1502 mod/admin.php:1761
+msgid "Maintainer: "
+msgstr "Betreuer:"
+#: mod/admin.php:1554
+msgid "Reload active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktive Plugins neu laden"
+#: mod/admin.php:1559
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"There are currently no plugins available on your node. You can find the "
+"official plugin repository at %1$s and might find other interesting plugins "
+"in the open plugin registry at %2$s"
+msgstr "Es sind derzeit keine Plugins auf diesem Knoten verfügbar. Du findest das offizielle Plugin-Repository unter %1$s und weitere eventuell interessante Plugins im offenen Plugins-Verzeichnis auf %2$s."
+#: mod/admin.php:1664
+msgid "No themes found."
+msgstr "Keine Themen gefunden."
+#: mod/admin.php:1742
+msgid "Screenshot"
+msgstr "Bildschirmfoto"
+#: mod/admin.php:1802
+msgid "Reload active themes"
+msgstr "Aktives Theme neu laden"
+#: mod/admin.php:1807
+#, php-format
+msgid "No themes found on the system. They should be paced in %1$s"
+msgstr "Es wurden keine Themes auf dem System gefunden. Diese sollten in %1$s patziert werden."
+#: mod/admin.php:1808
+msgid "[Experimental]"
+msgstr "[Experimentell]"
+#: mod/admin.php:1809
+msgid "[Unsupported]"
+msgstr "[Nicht unterstützt]"
+#: mod/admin.php:1833
+msgid "Log settings updated."
+msgstr "Protokolleinstellungen aktualisiert."
+#: mod/admin.php:1865
+msgid "PHP log currently enabled."
+msgstr "PHP Protokollierung ist derzeit aktiviert."
+#: mod/admin.php:1867
+msgid "PHP log currently disabled."
+msgstr "PHP Protokollierung ist derzeit nicht aktiviert."
+#: mod/admin.php:1876
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "löschen"
+#: mod/admin.php:1881
+msgid "Enable Debugging"
+msgstr "Protokoll führen"
+#: mod/admin.php:1882
+msgid "Log file"
+msgstr "Protokolldatei"
+#: mod/admin.php:1882
+msgid ""
+"Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Friendica top-level "
+msgstr "Webserver muss Schreibrechte besitzen. Abhängig vom Friendica-Installationsverzeichnis."
+#: mod/admin.php:1883
+msgid "Log level"
+msgstr "Protokoll-Level"
+#: mod/admin.php:1886
+msgid "PHP logging"
+msgstr "PHP Protokollieren"
+#: mod/admin.php:1887
+msgid ""
+"To enable logging of PHP errors and warnings you can add the following to "
+"the .htconfig.php file of your installation. The filename set in the "
+"'error_log' line is relative to the friendica top-level directory and must "
+"be writeable by the web server. The option '1' for 'log_errors' and "
+"'display_errors' is to enable these options, set to '0' to disable them."
+msgstr "Um PHP Warnungen und Fehler zu protokollieren, kannst du die folgenden Zeilen zur .htconfig.php Datei deiner Installation hinzufügen. Den Dateinamen der Log-Datei legst du in der Zeile mit dem 'error_log' fest, Er ist relativ zum Friendica-Stammverzeichnis und muss schreibbar durch den Webserver sein. Eine \"1\" als Option für die Punkte 'log_errors' und 'display_errors' aktiviert die Funktionen zum Protokollieren bzw. Anzeigen der Fehler, eine \"0\" deaktiviert sie."
+#: mod/admin.php:2014 mod/admin.php:2015 mod/settings.php:776
+msgid "Off"
+msgstr "Aus"
+#: mod/admin.php:2014 mod/admin.php:2015 mod/settings.php:776
+msgid "On"
+msgstr "An"
+#: mod/admin.php:2015
+#, php-format
+msgid "Lock feature %s"
+msgstr "Feature festlegen: %s"
+#: mod/admin.php:2023
+msgid "Manage Additional Features"
+msgstr "Zusätzliche Features Verwalten"
+#: mod/allfriends.php:43
+msgid "No friends to display."
+msgstr "Keine Kontakte zum Anzeigen."
+#: mod/cal.php:149 mod/display.php:328 mod/profile.php:155
+msgid "Access to this profile has been restricted."
+msgstr "Der Zugriff zu diesem Profil wurde eingeschränkt."
+#: mod/cal.php:276 mod/events.php:380
+msgid "View"
+msgstr "Ansehen"
+#: mod/cal.php:277 mod/events.php:382
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Vorherige"
+#: mod/cal.php:278 mod/events.php:383 mod/install.php:231
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Nächste"
+#: mod/cal.php:287 mod/events.php:392
+msgid "list"
+msgstr "Liste"
+#: mod/cal.php:297
+msgid "User not found"
+msgstr "Nutzer nicht gefunden"
+#: mod/cal.php:313
+msgid "This calendar format is not supported"
+msgstr "Dieses Kalenderformat wird nicht unterstützt."
+#: mod/cal.php:315
+msgid "No exportable data found"
+msgstr "Keine exportierbaren Daten gefunden"
+#: mod/cal.php:330
+msgid "calendar"
+msgstr "Kalender"
+#: mod/common.php:86
+msgid "No contacts in common."
+msgstr "Keine gemeinsamen Kontakte."
+#: mod/common.php:134 mod/contacts.php:863
+msgid "Common Friends"
+msgstr "Gemeinsame Kontakte"
+#: mod/community.php:27
+msgid "Not available."
+msgstr "Nicht verfügbar."
+#: mod/contacts.php:128
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d contact edited."
+msgid_plural "%d contacts edited."
+msgstr[0] "%d Kontakt bearbeitet."
+msgstr[1] "%d Kontakte bearbeitet."
+#: mod/contacts.php:159 mod/contacts.php:368
+msgid "Could not access contact record."
+msgstr "Konnte nicht auf die Kontaktdaten zugreifen."
+#: mod/contacts.php:173
+msgid "Could not locate selected profile."
+msgstr "Konnte das ausgewählte Profil nicht finden."
+#: mod/contacts.php:206
+msgid "Contact updated."
+msgstr "Kontakt aktualisiert."
+#: mod/contacts.php:389
+msgid "Contact has been blocked"
+msgstr "Kontakt wurde blockiert"
+#: mod/contacts.php:389
+msgid "Contact has been unblocked"
+msgstr "Kontakt wurde wieder freigegeben"
+#: mod/contacts.php:400
+msgid "Contact has been ignored"
+msgstr "Kontakt wurde ignoriert"
+#: mod/contacts.php:400
+msgid "Contact has been unignored"
+msgstr "Kontakt wird nicht mehr ignoriert"
+#: mod/contacts.php:412
+msgid "Contact has been archived"
+msgstr "Kontakt wurde archiviert"
+#: mod/contacts.php:412
+msgid "Contact has been unarchived"
+msgstr "Kontakt wurde aus dem Archiv geholt"
+#: mod/contacts.php:437
+msgid "Drop contact"
+msgstr "Kontakt löschen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:440 mod/contacts.php:801
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this contact?"
+msgstr "Möchtest Du wirklich diesen Kontakt löschen?"
+#: mod/contacts.php:457
+msgid "Contact has been removed."
+msgstr "Kontakt wurde entfernt."
+#: mod/contacts.php:498
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are mutual friends with %s"
+msgstr "Du hast mit %s eine beidseitige Freundschaft"
+#: mod/contacts.php:502
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are sharing with %s"
+msgstr "Du teilst mit %s"
+#: mod/contacts.php:507
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is sharing with you"
+msgstr "%s teilt mit Dir"
+#: mod/contacts.php:527
+msgid "Private communications are not available for this contact."
+msgstr "Private Kommunikation ist für diesen Kontakt nicht verfügbar."
+#: mod/contacts.php:534
+msgid "(Update was successful)"
+msgstr "(Aktualisierung war erfolgreich)"
+#: mod/contacts.php:534
+msgid "(Update was not successful)"
+msgstr "(Aktualisierung war nicht erfolgreich)"
+#: mod/contacts.php:536 mod/contacts.php:973
+msgid "Suggest friends"
+msgstr "Kontakte vorschlagen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:540
+#, php-format
+msgid "Network type: %s"
+msgstr "Netzwerktyp: %s"
+#: mod/contacts.php:553
+msgid "Communications lost with this contact!"
+msgstr "Verbindungen mit diesem Kontakt verloren!"
+#: mod/contacts.php:556
+msgid "Fetch further information for feeds"
+msgstr "Weitere Informationen zu Feeds holen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:557
+msgid "Fetch information"
+msgstr "Beziehe Information"
+#: mod/contacts.php:557
+msgid "Fetch information and keywords"
+msgstr "Beziehe Information und Schlüsselworte"
+#: mod/contacts.php:575
+msgid "Contact"
+msgstr "Kontakt: "
+#: mod/contacts.php:578
+msgid "Profile Visibility"
+msgstr "Profil-Sichtbarkeit"
+#: mod/contacts.php:579
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your "
+"profile securely."
+msgstr "Bitte wähle eines Deiner Profile das angezeigt werden soll, wenn %s Dein Profil aufruft."
+#: mod/contacts.php:580
+msgid "Contact Information / Notes"
+msgstr "Kontakt Informationen / Notizen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:581
+msgid "Edit contact notes"
+msgstr "Notizen zum Kontakt bearbeiten"
+#: mod/contacts.php:587
+msgid "Block/Unblock contact"
+msgstr "Kontakt blockieren/freischalten"
+#: mod/contacts.php:588
+msgid "Ignore contact"
+msgstr "Ignoriere den Kontakt"
+#: mod/contacts.php:589
+msgid "Repair URL settings"
+msgstr "URL Einstellungen reparieren"
+#: mod/contacts.php:590
+msgid "View conversations"
+msgstr "Unterhaltungen anzeigen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:596
+msgid "Last update:"
+msgstr "Letzte Aktualisierung: "
+#: mod/contacts.php:598
+msgid "Update public posts"
+msgstr "Öffentliche Beiträge aktualisieren"
+#: mod/contacts.php:600 mod/contacts.php:983
+msgid "Update now"
+msgstr "Jetzt aktualisieren"
+#: mod/contacts.php:606 mod/contacts.php:806 mod/contacts.php:1000
+msgid "Unignore"
+msgstr "Ignorieren aufheben"
+#: mod/contacts.php:610
+msgid "Currently blocked"
+msgstr "Derzeit geblockt"
+#: mod/contacts.php:611
+msgid "Currently ignored"
+msgstr "Derzeit ignoriert"
+#: mod/contacts.php:612
+msgid "Currently archived"
+msgstr "Momentan archiviert"
+#: mod/contacts.php:613
+msgid ""
+"Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"
+msgstr "Antworten/Likes auf deine öffentlichen Beiträge könnten weiterhin sichtbar sein"
+#: mod/contacts.php:614
+msgid "Notification for new posts"
+msgstr "Benachrichtigung bei neuen Beiträgen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:614
+msgid "Send a notification of every new post of this contact"
+msgstr "Sende eine Benachrichtigung, wann immer dieser Kontakt einen neuen Beitrag schreibt."
+#: mod/contacts.php:617
+msgid "Blacklisted keywords"
+msgstr "Blacklistete Schlüsselworte "
+#: mod/contacts.php:617
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, "
+"when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"
+msgstr "Komma-Separierte Liste mit Schlüsselworten, die nicht in Hashtags konvertiert werden, wenn \"Beziehe Information und Schlüsselworte\" aktiviert wurde"
+#: mod/contacts.php:635
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr "Aktionen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:638
+msgid "Contact Settings"
+msgstr "Kontakteinstellungen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:684
+msgid "Suggestions"
+msgstr "Kontaktvorschläge"
+#: mod/contacts.php:687
+msgid "Suggest potential friends"
+msgstr "Kontakte vorschlagen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:695
+msgid "Show all contacts"
+msgstr "Alle Kontakte anzeigen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:700
+msgid "Unblocked"
+msgstr "Ungeblockt"
+#: mod/contacts.php:703
+msgid "Only show unblocked contacts"
+msgstr "Nur nicht-blockierte Kontakte anzeigen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:709
+msgid "Blocked"
+msgstr "Geblockt"
+#: mod/contacts.php:712
+msgid "Only show blocked contacts"
+msgstr "Nur blockierte Kontakte anzeigen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:718
+msgid "Ignored"
+msgstr "Ignoriert"
+#: mod/contacts.php:721
+msgid "Only show ignored contacts"
+msgstr "Nur ignorierte Kontakte anzeigen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:727
+msgid "Archived"
+msgstr "Archiviert"
+#: mod/contacts.php:730
+msgid "Only show archived contacts"
+msgstr "Nur archivierte Kontakte anzeigen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:736
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr "Verborgen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:739
+msgid "Only show hidden contacts"
+msgstr "Nur verborgene Kontakte anzeigen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:796
+msgid "Search your contacts"
+msgstr "Suche in deinen Kontakten"
+#: mod/contacts.php:804 mod/settings.php:158 mod/settings.php:702
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr "Aktualisierungen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:807 mod/contacts.php:1008
+msgid "Archive"
+msgstr "Archivieren"
+#: mod/contacts.php:807 mod/contacts.php:1008
+msgid "Unarchive"
+msgstr "Aus Archiv zurückholen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:810
+msgid "Batch Actions"
+msgstr "Stapelverarbeitung"
+#: mod/contacts.php:856
+msgid "View all contacts"
+msgstr "Alle Kontakte anzeigen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:866
+msgid "View all common friends"
+msgstr "Alle Kontakte anzeigen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:873
+msgid "Advanced Contact Settings"
+msgstr "Fortgeschrittene Kontakteinstellungen"
+#: mod/contacts.php:916
+msgid "Mutual Friendship"
+msgstr "Beidseitige Freundschaft"
+#: mod/contacts.php:920
+msgid "is a fan of yours"
+msgstr "ist ein Fan von dir"
+#: mod/contacts.php:924
+msgid "you are a fan of"
+msgstr "Du bist Fan von"
+#: mod/contacts.php:994
+msgid "Toggle Blocked status"
+msgstr "Geblockt-Status ein-/ausschalten"
+#: mod/contacts.php:1002
+msgid "Toggle Ignored status"
+msgstr "Ignoriert-Status ein-/ausschalten"
+#: mod/contacts.php:1010
+msgid "Toggle Archive status"
+msgstr "Archiviert-Status ein-/ausschalten"
+#: mod/contacts.php:1018
+msgid "Delete contact"
+msgstr "Lösche den Kontakt"
+#: mod/directory.php:197 view/theme/vier/theme.php:201
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:525
+msgid "Global Directory"
+msgstr "Weltweites Verzeichnis"
+#: mod/directory.php:199
+msgid "Find on this site"
+msgstr "Auf diesem Server suchen"
+#: mod/directory.php:201
+msgid "Results for:"
+msgstr "Ergebnisse für:"
+#: mod/directory.php:203
+msgid "Site Directory"
+msgstr "Verzeichnis"
+#: mod/directory.php:210
+msgid "No entries (some entries may be hidden)."
+msgstr "Keine Einträge (einige Einträge könnten versteckt sein)."
+#: mod/dirfind.php:36
+#, php-format
+msgid "People Search - %s"
+msgstr "Personensuche - %s"
+#: mod/dirfind.php:47
+#, php-format
+msgid "Forum Search - %s"
+msgstr "Forensuche - %s"
+#: mod/dirfind.php:240 mod/match.php:107
+msgid "No matches"
+msgstr "Keine Übereinstimmungen"
+#: mod/display.php:473
+msgid "Item has been removed."
+msgstr "Eintrag wurde entfernt."
+#: mod/events.php:95 mod/events.php:97
+msgid "Event can not end before it has started."
+msgstr "Die Veranstaltung kann nicht enden bevor sie beginnt."
+#: mod/events.php:104 mod/events.php:106
+msgid "Event title and start time are required."
+msgstr "Der Veranstaltungstitel und die Anfangszeit müssen angegeben werden."
+#: mod/events.php:381
+msgid "Create New Event"
+msgstr "Neue Veranstaltung erstellen"
+#: mod/events.php:482
+msgid "Event details"
+msgstr "Veranstaltungsdetails"
+#: mod/events.php:483
+msgid "Starting date and Title are required."
+msgstr "Anfangszeitpunkt und Titel werden benötigt"
+#: mod/events.php:484 mod/events.php:485
+msgid "Event Starts:"
+msgstr "Veranstaltungsbeginn:"
+#: mod/events.php:486 mod/events.php:502
+msgid "Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"
+msgstr "Enddatum/-zeit ist nicht bekannt oder nicht relevant"
+#: mod/events.php:488 mod/events.php:489
+msgid "Event Finishes:"
+msgstr "Veranstaltungsende:"
+#: mod/events.php:490 mod/events.php:503
+msgid "Adjust for viewer timezone"
+msgstr "An Zeitzone des Betrachters anpassen"
+#: mod/events.php:492
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Beschreibung"
+#: mod/events.php:496 mod/events.php:498
+msgid "Title:"
+msgstr "Titel:"
+#: mod/events.php:499 mod/events.php:500
+msgid "Share this event"
+msgstr "Veranstaltung teilen"
#: mod/install.php:139
msgid "Friendica Communications Server - Setup"
@@ -6265,7 +7143,7 @@ msgid ""
"or mysql."
msgstr "Möglicherweise musst Du die Datei \"database.sql\" manuell mit phpmyadmin oder mysql importieren."
-#: mod/install.php:161 mod/install.php:230 mod/install.php:597
+#: mod/install.php:161 mod/install.php:230 mod/install.php:602
msgid "Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\"."
msgstr "Lies bitte die \"INSTALL.txt\"."
@@ -6443,754 +7321,209 @@ msgstr "PHP mcrypt Modul"
msgid "XML PHP module"
msgstr "XML PHP Modul"
-#: mod/install.php:424 mod/install.php:426
+#: mod/install.php:421
+msgid "iconv module"
+msgstr "iconv module"
+#: mod/install.php:425 mod/install.php:427
msgid "Apache mod_rewrite module"
msgstr "Apache mod_rewrite module"
-#: mod/install.php:424
+#: mod/install.php:425
msgid ""
"Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."
msgstr "Fehler: Das Apache-Modul mod-rewrite wird benötigt, es ist allerdings nicht installiert."
-#: mod/install.php:432
+#: mod/install.php:433
msgid "Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."
msgstr "Fehler: Das libCURL PHP Modul wird benötigt, ist aber nicht installiert."
-#: mod/install.php:436
+#: mod/install.php:437
msgid ""
"Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."
msgstr "Fehler: Das GD-Graphikmodul für PHP mit JPEG-Unterstützung ist nicht installiert."
-#: mod/install.php:440
+#: mod/install.php:441
msgid "Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."
msgstr "Fehler: Das openssl-Modul von PHP ist nicht installiert."
-#: mod/install.php:444
+#: mod/install.php:445
msgid "Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."
msgstr "Fehler: Das mysqli-Modul von PHP ist nicht installiert."
-#: mod/install.php:448
+#: mod/install.php:449
msgid "Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."
msgstr "Fehler: mb_string PHP Module wird benötigt ist aber nicht installiert."
-#: mod/install.php:452
+#: mod/install.php:453
msgid "Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed."
msgstr "Fehler: Das mcrypt Modul von PHP ist nicht installiert"
-#: mod/install.php:461
+#: mod/install.php:457
+msgid "Error: iconv PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Fehler: Das iconv-Modul von PHP ist nicht installiert."
+#: mod/install.php:466
msgid ""
"If you are using php_cli, please make sure that mcrypt module is enabled in "
"its config file"
msgstr "Wenn du das Modul \"php_cli\" benutzt dann versichere dich, daß das mcrypt Modul in seiner Konfigurationsdatei aktiviert ist. "
-#: mod/install.php:464
+#: mod/install.php:469
msgid ""
"Function mcrypt_create_iv() is not defined. This is needed to enable RINO2 "
"encryption layer."
msgstr "Die Funktion mcrypt_create_iv() ist nicht festgelegt. Dies ist notwendig um den RINO2-Encryption-Layer zu aktivieren."
-#: mod/install.php:466
+#: mod/install.php:471
msgid "mcrypt_create_iv() function"
msgstr "mcrypt_create_iv() function"
-#: mod/install.php:474
+#: mod/install.php:479
msgid "Error, XML PHP module required but not installed."
msgstr "Fehler: XML PHP Modul erforderlich aber nicht installiert."
-#: mod/install.php:489
+#: mod/install.php:494
msgid ""
"The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\""
" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."
msgstr "Der Installationswizard muss in der Lage sein, eine Datei im Stammverzeichnis Deines Webservers anzulegen, ist allerdings derzeit nicht in der Lage, dies zu tun."
-#: mod/install.php:490
+#: mod/install.php:495
msgid ""
"This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able "
"to write files in your folder - even if you can."
msgstr "In den meisten Fällen ist dies ein Problem mit den Schreibrechten. Der Webserver könnte keine Schreiberlaubnis haben, selbst wenn Du sie hast."
-#: mod/install.php:491
+#: mod/install.php:496
msgid ""
"At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file "
"named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."
msgstr "Nachdem Du alles ausgefüllt hast, erhältst Du einen Text, den Du in eine Datei namens .htconfig.php in Deinem Friendica-Wurzelverzeichnis kopieren musst."
-#: mod/install.php:492
+#: mod/install.php:497
msgid ""
"You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation."
" Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."
msgstr "Alternativ kannst Du diesen Schritt aber auch überspringen und die Installation manuell durchführen. Eine Anleitung dazu (Englisch) findest Du in der Datei INSTALL.txt."
-#: mod/install.php:495
+#: mod/install.php:500
msgid ".htconfig.php is writable"
msgstr "Schreibrechte auf .htconfig.php"
-#: mod/install.php:505
+#: mod/install.php:510
msgid ""
"Friendica uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 "
"compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering."
msgstr "Friendica nutzt die Smarty3 Template Engine um die Webansichten zu rendern. Smarty3 kompiliert Templates zu PHP um das Rendern zu beschleunigen."
-#: mod/install.php:506
+#: mod/install.php:511
msgid ""
"In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have "
"write access to the directory view/smarty3/ under the Friendica top level "
msgstr "Um diese kompilierten Templates zu speichern benötigt der Webserver Schreibrechte zum Verzeichnis view/smarty3/ im obersten Ordner von Friendica."
-#: mod/install.php:507
+#: mod/install.php:512
msgid ""
"Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as (e.g. www-data) has"
" write access to this folder."
msgstr "Bitte stelle sicher, dass der Nutzer unter dem der Webserver läuft (z.B. www-data) Schreibrechte zu diesem Verzeichnis hat."
-#: mod/install.php:508
+#: mod/install.php:513
msgid ""
"Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to "
"view/smarty3/ only--not the template files (.tpl) that it contains."
msgstr "Hinweis: aus Sicherheitsgründen solltest Du dem Webserver nur Schreibrechte für view/smarty3/ geben -- Nicht den Templatedateien (.tpl) die sie enthalten."
-#: mod/install.php:511
+#: mod/install.php:516
msgid "view/smarty3 is writable"
msgstr "view/smarty3 ist schreibbar"
-#: mod/install.php:527
+#: mod/install.php:532
msgid ""
"Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration."
msgstr "Umschreiben der URLs in der .htaccess funktioniert nicht. Überprüfe die Konfiguration des Servers."
-#: mod/install.php:529
+#: mod/install.php:534
msgid "Url rewrite is working"
msgstr "URL rewrite funktioniert"
-#: mod/install.php:546
+#: mod/install.php:551
msgid "ImageMagick PHP extension is installed"
msgstr "ImageMagick PHP Erweiterung ist installiert"
-#: mod/install.php:548
+#: mod/install.php:553
msgid "ImageMagick supports GIF"
msgstr "ImageMagick unterstützt GIF"
-#: mod/install.php:556
+#: mod/install.php:561
msgid ""
"The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. "
"Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web "
"server root."
msgstr "Die Konfigurationsdatei \".htconfig.php\" konnte nicht angelegt werden. Bitte verwende den angefügten Text, um die Datei im Stammverzeichnis Deiner Friendica-Installation zu erzeugen."
-#: mod/install.php:595
+#: mod/install.php:600
msgid "What next "
msgstr "Wie geht es weiter? "
-#: mod/install.php:596
+#: mod/install.php:601
msgid ""
"IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the "
msgstr "WICHTIG: Du musst [manuell] einen Cronjob (o.ä.) für den Poller einrichten."
-#: mod/subthread.php:103
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is following %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s folgt %2$s %3$s"
+#: mod/item.php:116
+msgid "Unable to locate original post."
+msgstr "Konnte den Originalbeitrag nicht finden."
-#: mod/attach.php:8
-msgid "Item not available."
-msgstr "Beitrag nicht verfügbar."
+#: mod/item.php:340
+msgid "Empty post discarded."
+msgstr "Leerer Beitrag wurde verworfen."
-#: mod/attach.php:20
-msgid "Item was not found."
-msgstr "Beitrag konnte nicht gefunden werden."
+#: mod/item.php:895
+msgid "System error. Post not saved."
+msgstr "Systemfehler. Beitrag konnte nicht gespeichert werden."
-#: mod/contacts.php:128
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d contact edited."
-msgid_plural "%d contacts edited."
-msgstr[0] "%d Kontakt bearbeitet."
-msgstr[1] "%d Kontakte bearbeitet."
-#: mod/contacts.php:159 mod/contacts.php:368
-msgid "Could not access contact record."
-msgstr "Konnte nicht auf die Kontaktdaten zugreifen."
-#: mod/contacts.php:173
-msgid "Could not locate selected profile."
-msgstr "Konnte das ausgewählte Profil nicht finden."
-#: mod/contacts.php:206
-msgid "Contact updated."
-msgstr "Kontakt aktualisiert."
-#: mod/contacts.php:208 mod/dfrn_request.php:578
-msgid "Failed to update contact record."
-msgstr "Aktualisierung der Kontaktdaten fehlgeschlagen."
-#: mod/contacts.php:389
-msgid "Contact has been blocked"
-msgstr "Kontakt wurde blockiert"
-#: mod/contacts.php:389
-msgid "Contact has been unblocked"
-msgstr "Kontakt wurde wieder freigegeben"
-#: mod/contacts.php:400
-msgid "Contact has been ignored"
-msgstr "Kontakt wurde ignoriert"
-#: mod/contacts.php:400
-msgid "Contact has been unignored"
-msgstr "Kontakt wird nicht mehr ignoriert"
-#: mod/contacts.php:412
-msgid "Contact has been archived"
-msgstr "Kontakt wurde archiviert"
-#: mod/contacts.php:412
-msgid "Contact has been unarchived"
-msgstr "Kontakt wurde aus dem Archiv geholt"
-#: mod/contacts.php:439 mod/contacts.php:794
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this contact?"
-msgstr "Möchtest Du wirklich diesen Kontakt löschen?"
-#: mod/contacts.php:456
-msgid "Contact has been removed."
-msgstr "Kontakt wurde entfernt."
-#: mod/contacts.php:497
-#, php-format
-msgid "You are mutual friends with %s"
-msgstr "Du hast mit %s eine beidseitige Freundschaft"
-#: mod/contacts.php:501
-#, php-format
-msgid "You are sharing with %s"
-msgstr "Du teilst mit %s"
-#: mod/contacts.php:506
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s is sharing with you"
-msgstr "%s teilt mit Dir"
-#: mod/contacts.php:526
-msgid "Private communications are not available for this contact."
-msgstr "Private Kommunikation ist für diesen Kontakt nicht verfügbar."
-#: mod/contacts.php:533
-msgid "(Update was successful)"
-msgstr "(Aktualisierung war erfolgreich)"
-#: mod/contacts.php:533
-msgid "(Update was not successful)"
-msgstr "(Aktualisierung war nicht erfolgreich)"
-#: mod/contacts.php:535 mod/contacts.php:973
-msgid "Suggest friends"
-msgstr "Kontakte vorschlagen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:539
-#, php-format
-msgid "Network type: %s"
-msgstr "Netzwerktyp: %s"
-#: mod/contacts.php:552
-msgid "Communications lost with this contact!"
-msgstr "Verbindungen mit diesem Kontakt verloren!"
-#: mod/contacts.php:555
-msgid "Fetch further information for feeds"
-msgstr "Weitere Informationen zu Feeds holen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:556
-msgid "Fetch information"
-msgstr "Beziehe Information"
-#: mod/contacts.php:556
-msgid "Fetch information and keywords"
-msgstr "Beziehe Information und Schlüsselworte"
-#: mod/contacts.php:576
-msgid "Profile Visibility"
-msgstr "Profil-Sichtbarkeit"
-#: mod/contacts.php:577
+#: mod/item.php:985
#, php-format
msgid ""
-"Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your "
-"profile securely."
-msgstr "Bitte wähle eines Deiner Profile das angezeigt werden soll, wenn %s Dein Profil aufruft."
+"This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social "
+msgstr "Diese Nachricht wurde dir von %s geschickt, einem Mitglied des Sozialen Netzwerks Friendica."
-#: mod/contacts.php:578
-msgid "Contact Information / Notes"
-msgstr "Kontakt Informationen / Notizen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:579
-msgid "Edit contact notes"
-msgstr "Notizen zum Kontakt bearbeiten"
-#: mod/contacts.php:585
-msgid "Block/Unblock contact"
-msgstr "Kontakt blockieren/freischalten"
-#: mod/contacts.php:586
-msgid "Ignore contact"
-msgstr "Ignoriere den Kontakt"
-#: mod/contacts.php:587
-msgid "Repair URL settings"
-msgstr "URL Einstellungen reparieren"
-#: mod/contacts.php:588
-msgid "View conversations"
-msgstr "Unterhaltungen anzeigen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:594
-msgid "Last update:"
-msgstr "Letzte Aktualisierung: "
-#: mod/contacts.php:596
-msgid "Update public posts"
-msgstr "Öffentliche Beiträge aktualisieren"
-#: mod/contacts.php:598 mod/contacts.php:983
-msgid "Update now"
-msgstr "Jetzt aktualisieren"
-#: mod/contacts.php:604 mod/contacts.php:799 mod/contacts.php:1000
-msgid "Unignore"
-msgstr "Ignorieren aufheben"
-#: mod/contacts.php:607
-msgid "Currently blocked"
-msgstr "Derzeit geblockt"
-#: mod/contacts.php:608
-msgid "Currently ignored"
-msgstr "Derzeit ignoriert"
-#: mod/contacts.php:609
-msgid "Currently archived"
-msgstr "Momentan archiviert"
-#: mod/contacts.php:610
-msgid ""
-"Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"
-msgstr "Antworten/Likes auf deine öffentlichen Beiträge könnten weiterhin sichtbar sein"
-#: mod/contacts.php:611
-msgid "Notification for new posts"
-msgstr "Benachrichtigung bei neuen Beiträgen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:611
-msgid "Send a notification of every new post of this contact"
-msgstr "Sende eine Benachrichtigung, wann immer dieser Kontakt einen neuen Beitrag schreibt."
-#: mod/contacts.php:614
-msgid "Blacklisted keywords"
-msgstr "Blacklistete Schlüsselworte "
-#: mod/contacts.php:614
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, "
-"when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"
-msgstr "Komma-Separierte Liste mit Schlüsselworten, die nicht in Hashtags konvertiert werden, wenn \"Beziehe Information und Schlüsselworte\" aktiviert wurde"
-#: mod/contacts.php:629
-msgid "Actions"
-msgstr "Aktionen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:632
-msgid "Contact Settings"
-msgstr "Kontakteinstellungen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:677
-msgid "Suggestions"
-msgstr "Kontaktvorschläge"
-#: mod/contacts.php:680
-msgid "Suggest potential friends"
-msgstr "Kontakte vorschlagen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:685 mod/group.php:192
-msgid "All Contacts"
-msgstr "Alle Kontakte"
-#: mod/contacts.php:688
-msgid "Show all contacts"
-msgstr "Alle Kontakte anzeigen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:693
-msgid "Unblocked"
-msgstr "Ungeblockt"
-#: mod/contacts.php:696
-msgid "Only show unblocked contacts"
-msgstr "Nur nicht-blockierte Kontakte anzeigen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:702
-msgid "Blocked"
-msgstr "Geblockt"
-#: mod/contacts.php:705
-msgid "Only show blocked contacts"
-msgstr "Nur blockierte Kontakte anzeigen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:711
-msgid "Ignored"
-msgstr "Ignoriert"
-#: mod/contacts.php:714
-msgid "Only show ignored contacts"
-msgstr "Nur ignorierte Kontakte anzeigen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:720
-msgid "Archived"
-msgstr "Archiviert"
-#: mod/contacts.php:723
-msgid "Only show archived contacts"
-msgstr "Nur archivierte Kontakte anzeigen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:729
-msgid "Hidden"
-msgstr "Verborgen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:732
-msgid "Only show hidden contacts"
-msgstr "Nur verborgene Kontakte anzeigen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:789
-msgid "Search your contacts"
-msgstr "Suche in deinen Kontakten"
-#: mod/contacts.php:797 mod/settings.php:158 mod/settings.php:689
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Aktualisierungen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:800 mod/contacts.php:1008
-msgid "Archive"
-msgstr "Archivieren"
-#: mod/contacts.php:800 mod/contacts.php:1008
-msgid "Unarchive"
-msgstr "Aus Archiv zurückholen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:803
-msgid "Batch Actions"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/contacts.php:849
-msgid "View all contacts"
-msgstr "Alle Kontakte anzeigen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:856 mod/common.php:134
-msgid "Common Friends"
-msgstr "Gemeinsame Kontakte"
-#: mod/contacts.php:859
-msgid "View all common friends"
-msgstr "Alle Kontakte anzeigen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:866
-msgid "Advanced Contact Settings"
-msgstr "Fortgeschrittene Kontakteinstellungen"
-#: mod/contacts.php:911
-msgid "Mutual Friendship"
-msgstr "Beidseitige Freundschaft"
-#: mod/contacts.php:915
-msgid "is a fan of yours"
-msgstr "ist ein Fan von dir"
-#: mod/contacts.php:919
-msgid "you are a fan of"
-msgstr "Du bist Fan von"
-#: mod/contacts.php:994
-msgid "Toggle Blocked status"
-msgstr "Geblockt-Status ein-/ausschalten"
-#: mod/contacts.php:1002
-msgid "Toggle Ignored status"
-msgstr "Ignoriert-Status ein-/ausschalten"
-#: mod/contacts.php:1010
-msgid "Toggle Archive status"
-msgstr "Archiviert-Status ein-/ausschalten"
-#: mod/contacts.php:1018
-msgid "Delete contact"
-msgstr "Lösche den Kontakt"
-#: mod/follow.php:19 mod/dfrn_request.php:873
-msgid "Submit Request"
-msgstr "Anfrage abschicken"
-#: mod/follow.php:30
-msgid "You already added this contact."
-msgstr "Du hast den Kontakt bereits hinzugefügt."
-#: mod/follow.php:39
-msgid "Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."
-msgstr "Diaspora Unterstützung ist nicht aktiviert. Der Kontakt kann nicht zugefügt werden."
-#: mod/follow.php:46
-msgid "OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."
-msgstr "OStatus Unterstützung ist nicht aktiviert. Der Kontakt kann nicht zugefügt werden."
-#: mod/follow.php:53
-msgid "The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."
-msgstr "Der Netzwerktype wurde nicht erkannt. Der Kontakt kann nicht hinzugefügt werden."
-#: mod/follow.php:109 mod/dfrn_request.php:859
-msgid "Please answer the following:"
-msgstr "Bitte beantworte folgendes:"
-#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/dfrn_request.php:860
+#: mod/item.php:987
#, php-format
-msgid "Does %s know you?"
-msgstr "Kennt %s Dich?"
+msgid "You may visit them online at %s"
+msgstr "Du kannst sie online unter %s besuchen"
-#: mod/follow.php:111 mod/dfrn_request.php:864
-msgid "Add a personal note:"
-msgstr "Eine persönliche Notiz beifügen:"
-#: mod/follow.php:117 mod/dfrn_request.php:870
-msgid "Your Identity Address:"
-msgstr "Adresse Deines Profils:"
-#: mod/follow.php:180
-msgid "Contact added"
-msgstr "Kontakt hinzugefügt"
-#: mod/apps.php:11
-msgid "Applications"
-msgstr "Anwendungen"
-#: mod/apps.php:14
-msgid "No installed applications."
-msgstr "Keine Applikationen installiert."
-#: mod/suggest.php:27
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"
-msgstr "Möchtest Du wirklich diese Empfehlung löschen?"
-#: mod/suggest.php:71
+#: mod/item.php:988
msgid ""
-"No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 "
-msgstr "Keine Vorschläge verfügbar. Falls der Server frisch aufgesetzt wurde, versuche es bitte in 24 Stunden noch einmal."
+"Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to "
+"receive these messages."
+msgstr "Falls Du diese Beiträge nicht erhalten möchtest, kontaktiere bitte den Autor, indem Du auf diese Nachricht antwortest."
-#: mod/suggest.php:84 mod/suggest.php:104
-msgid "Ignore/Hide"
-msgstr "Ignorieren/Verbergen"
+#: mod/item.php:992
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s posted an update."
+msgstr "%s hat ein Update veröffentlicht."
-#: mod/p.php:9
-msgid "Not Extended"
-msgstr "Nicht erweitert."
+#: mod/maintenance.php:9
+msgid "System down for maintenance"
+msgstr "System zur Wartung abgeschaltet"
-#: mod/display.php:471
-msgid "Item has been removed."
-msgstr "Eintrag wurde entfernt."
+#: mod/match.php:33
+msgid "No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."
+msgstr "Keine Schlüsselwörter zum Abgleichen gefunden. Bitte füge einige Schlüsselwörter zu Deinem Standardprofil hinzu."
-#: mod/common.php:86
-msgid "No contacts in common."
-msgstr "Keine gemeinsamen Kontakte."
+#: mod/match.php:86
+msgid "is interested in:"
+msgstr "ist interessiert an:"
-#: mod/newmember.php:6
-msgid "Welcome to Friendica"
-msgstr "Willkommen bei Friendica"
-#: mod/newmember.php:8
-msgid "New Member Checklist"
-msgstr "Checkliste für neue Mitglieder"
-#: mod/newmember.php:12
-msgid ""
-"We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience "
-"enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page "
-"will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial "
-"registration and then will quietly disappear."
-msgstr "Wir möchten Dir einige Tipps und Links anbieten, die Dir helfen könnten, den Einstieg angenehmer zu machen. Klicke auf ein Element, um die entsprechende Seite zu besuchen. Ein Link zu dieser Seite hier bleibt für Dich an Deiner Pinnwand für zwei Wochen nach dem Registrierungsdatum sichtbar und wird dann verschwinden."
-#: mod/newmember.php:14
-msgid "Getting Started"
-msgstr "Einstieg"
-#: mod/newmember.php:18
-msgid "Friendica Walk-Through"
-msgstr "Friendica Rundgang"
-#: mod/newmember.php:18
-msgid ""
-"On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your "
-"profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to"
-" join."
-msgstr "Auf der Quick Start Seite findest Du eine kurze Einleitung in die einzelnen Funktionen Deines Profils und die Netzwerk-Reiter, wo Du interessante Foren findest und neue Kontakte knüpfst."
-#: mod/newmember.php:26
-msgid "Go to Your Settings"
-msgstr "Gehe zu deinen Einstellungen"
-#: mod/newmember.php:26
-msgid ""
-"On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a "
-"note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and "
-"will be useful in making friends on the free social web."
-msgstr "Ändere bitte unter Einstellungen dein Passwort. Außerdem merke dir deine Identifikationsadresse. Diese sieht aus wie eine E-Mail-Adresse und wird benötigt, um Kontakte mit anderen im Friendica Netzwerk zu knüpfen.."
-#: mod/newmember.php:28
-msgid ""
-"Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished"
-" directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you "
-"should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and "
-"potential friends know exactly how to find you."
-msgstr "Überprüfe die restlichen Einstellungen, insbesondere die Einstellungen zur Privatsphäre. Wenn Du Dein Profil nicht veröffentlichst, ist das als wenn Du Deine Telefonnummer nicht ins Telefonbuch einträgst. Im Allgemeinen solltest Du es veröffentlichen - außer all Deine Kontakte und potentiellen Kontakte wissen genau, wie sie Dich finden können."
-#: mod/newmember.php:36
-msgid ""
-"Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown "
-"that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make"
-" friends than people who do not."
-msgstr "Lade ein Profilbild hoch, falls Du es noch nicht getan hast. Studien haben gezeigt, dass es zehnmal wahrscheinlicher ist neue Kontakte zu finden, wenn Du ein Bild von Dir selbst verwendest, als wenn Du dies nicht tust."
-#: mod/newmember.php:38
-msgid "Edit Your Profile"
-msgstr "Editiere dein Profil"
-#: mod/newmember.php:38
-msgid ""
-"Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the "
-"settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown"
-" visitors."
-msgstr "Editiere Dein Standard Profil nach Deinen Vorlieben. Überprüfe die Einstellungen zum Verbergen Deiner Kontaktliste vor unbekannten Betrachtern des Profils."
-#: mod/newmember.php:40
-msgid "Profile Keywords"
-msgstr "Profil Schlüsselbegriffe"
-#: mod/newmember.php:40
-msgid ""
-"Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your "
-"interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and "
-"suggest friendships."
-msgstr "Trage ein paar öffentliche Stichwörter in Dein Standardprofil ein, die Deine Interessen beschreiben. Eventuell sind wir in der Lage Leute zu finden, die Deine Interessen teilen und können Dir dann Kontakte vorschlagen."
-#: mod/newmember.php:44
-msgid "Connecting"
-msgstr "Verbindungen knüpfen"
-#: mod/newmember.php:51
-msgid "Importing Emails"
-msgstr "Emails Importieren"
-#: mod/newmember.php:51
-msgid ""
-"Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you "
-"wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email "
-msgstr "Gib Deine E-Mail-Zugangsinformationen auf der Connector-Einstellungsseite ein, falls Du E-Mails aus Deinem Posteingang importieren und mit Kontakten und Mailinglisten interagieren willst."
-#: mod/newmember.php:53
-msgid "Go to Your Contacts Page"
-msgstr "Gehe zu deiner Kontakt-Seite"
-#: mod/newmember.php:53
-msgid ""
-"Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting "
-"with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site "
-"URL in the Add New Contact dialog."
-msgstr "Die Kontakte-Seite ist die Einstiegsseite, von der aus Du Kontakte verwalten und Dich mit Personen in anderen Netzwerken verbinden kannst. Normalerweise gibst Du dazu einfach ihre Adresse oder die URL der Seite im Kasten Neuen Kontakt hinzufügen ein."
-#: mod/newmember.php:55
-msgid "Go to Your Site's Directory"
-msgstr "Gehe zum Verzeichnis Deiner Friendica Instanz"
-#: mod/newmember.php:55
-msgid ""
-"The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other "
-"federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on "
-"their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."
-msgstr "Über die Verzeichnisseite kannst Du andere Personen auf diesem Server oder anderen verknüpften Seiten finden. Halte nach einem Verbinden oder Folgen Link auf deren Profilseiten Ausschau und gib Deine eigene Profiladresse an, falls Du danach gefragt wirst."
-#: mod/newmember.php:57
-msgid "Finding New People"
-msgstr "Neue Leute kennenlernen"
-#: mod/newmember.php:57
-msgid ""
-"On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new "
-"friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or "
-"interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand"
-" new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 "
-msgstr "Im seitlichen Bedienfeld der Kontakteseite gibt es diverse Werkzeuge, um neue Personen zu finden. Wir können Menschen mit den gleichen Interessen finden, anhand von Namen oder Interessen suchen oder aber aufgrund vorhandener Kontakte neue Leute vorschlagen.\nAuf einer brandneuen - soeben erstellten - Seite starten die Kontaktvorschläge innerhalb von 24 Stunden."
-#: mod/newmember.php:65
-msgid "Group Your Contacts"
-msgstr "Gruppiere deine Kontakte"
-#: mod/newmember.php:65
-msgid ""
-"Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation "
-"groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with"
-" each group privately on your Network page."
-msgstr "Sobald Du einige Kontakte gefunden hast, organisiere sie in Gruppen zur privaten Kommunikation im Seitenmenü der Kontakte-Seite. Du kannst dann mit jeder dieser Gruppen von der Netzwerkseite aus privat interagieren."
-#: mod/newmember.php:68
-msgid "Why Aren't My Posts Public?"
-msgstr "Warum sind meine Beiträge nicht öffentlich?"
-#: mod/newmember.php:68
-msgid ""
-"Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to"
-" people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section "
-"from the link above."
-msgstr "Friendica respektiert Deine Privatsphäre. Mit der Grundeinstellung werden Deine Beiträge ausschließlich Deinen Kontakten angezeigt. Für weitere Informationen diesbezüglich lies Dir bitte den entsprechenden Abschnitt in der Hilfe unter dem obigen Link durch."
-#: mod/newmember.php:73
-msgid "Getting Help"
-msgstr "Hilfe bekommen"
-#: mod/newmember.php:77
-msgid "Go to the Help Section"
-msgstr "Zum Hilfe Abschnitt gehen"
-#: mod/newmember.php:77
-msgid ""
-"Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program"
-" features and resources."
-msgstr "Unsere Hilfe Seiten können herangezogen werden, um weitere Einzelheiten zu andern Programm Features zu erhalten."
-#: mod/removeme.php:46 mod/removeme.php:49
-msgid "Remove My Account"
-msgstr "Konto löschen"
-#: mod/removeme.php:47
-msgid ""
-"This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not "
-msgstr "Dein Konto wird endgültig gelöscht. Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, es wiederherzustellen."
-#: mod/removeme.php:48
-msgid "Please enter your password for verification:"
-msgstr "Bitte gib Dein Passwort zur Verifikation ein:"
-#: mod/mood.php:133
-msgid "Mood"
-msgstr "Stimmung"
-#: mod/mood.php:134
-msgid "Set your current mood and tell your friends"
-msgstr "Wähle Deine aktuelle Stimmung und erzähle sie Deinen Kontakten"
-#: mod/editpost.php:17 mod/editpost.php:27
-msgid "Item not found"
-msgstr "Beitrag nicht gefunden"
-#: mod/editpost.php:40
-msgid "Edit post"
-msgstr "Beitrag bearbeiten"
+#: mod/match.php:100
+msgid "Profile Match"
+msgstr "Profilübereinstimmungen"
#: mod/network.php:398
#, php-format
@@ -7204,358 +7537,278 @@ msgstr[1] "Warnung: Diese Gruppe beinhaltet %s Personen aus unsicheren Netzwerke
msgid "Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure."
msgstr "Private Nachrichten an diese Gruppe könnten an die Öffentlichkeit geraten."
-#: mod/network.php:527
+#: mod/network.php:528
msgid "Private messages to this person are at risk of public disclosure."
msgstr "Private Nachrichten an diese Person könnten an die Öffentlichkeit gelangen."
-#: mod/network.php:532
+#: mod/network.php:533
msgid "Invalid contact."
msgstr "Ungültiger Kontakt."
-#: mod/network.php:825
+#: mod/network.php:826
msgid "Commented Order"
msgstr "Neueste Kommentare"
-#: mod/network.php:828
+#: mod/network.php:829
msgid "Sort by Comment Date"
msgstr "Nach Kommentardatum sortieren"
-#: mod/network.php:833
+#: mod/network.php:834
msgid "Posted Order"
msgstr "Neueste Beiträge"
-#: mod/network.php:836
+#: mod/network.php:837
msgid "Sort by Post Date"
msgstr "Nach Beitragsdatum sortieren"
-#: mod/network.php:847
+#: mod/network.php:848
msgid "Posts that mention or involve you"
msgstr "Beiträge, in denen es um Dich geht"
-#: mod/network.php:855
+#: mod/network.php:856
msgid "New"
msgstr "Neue"
-#: mod/network.php:858
+#: mod/network.php:859
msgid "Activity Stream - by date"
msgstr "Aktivitäten-Stream - nach Datum"
-#: mod/network.php:866
+#: mod/network.php:867
msgid "Shared Links"
msgstr "Geteilte Links"
-#: mod/network.php:869
+#: mod/network.php:870
msgid "Interesting Links"
msgstr "Interessante Links"
-#: mod/network.php:877
+#: mod/network.php:878
msgid "Starred"
msgstr "Markierte"
-#: mod/network.php:880
+#: mod/network.php:881
msgid "Favourite Posts"
msgstr "Favorisierte Beiträge"
-#: mod/community.php:27
-msgid "Not available."
-msgstr "Nicht verfügbar."
+#: mod/photos.php:88 mod/photos.php:1856
+msgid "Recent Photos"
+msgstr "Neueste Fotos"
-#: mod/localtime.php:24
-msgid "Time Conversion"
-msgstr "Zeitumrechnung"
+#: mod/photos.php:91 mod/photos.php:1283 mod/photos.php:1858
+msgid "Upload New Photos"
+msgstr "Neue Fotos hochladen"
-#: mod/localtime.php:26
+#: mod/photos.php:105 mod/settings.php:36
+msgid "everybody"
+msgstr "jeder"
+#: mod/photos.php:169
+msgid "Contact information unavailable"
+msgstr "Kontaktinformationen nicht verfügbar"
+#: mod/photos.php:190
+msgid "Album not found."
+msgstr "Album nicht gefunden."
+#: mod/photos.php:220 mod/photos.php:232 mod/photos.php:1227
+msgid "Delete Album"
+msgstr "Album löschen"
+#: mod/photos.php:230
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"
+msgstr "Möchtest Du wirklich dieses Foto-Album und all seine Foto löschen?"
+#: mod/photos.php:308 mod/photos.php:319 mod/photos.php:1540
+msgid "Delete Photo"
+msgstr "Foto löschen"
+#: mod/photos.php:317
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo?"
+msgstr "Möchtest Du wirklich dieses Foto löschen?"
+#: mod/photos.php:688
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s was tagged in %2$s by %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s wurde von %3$s in %2$s getaggt"
+#: mod/photos.php:688
+msgid "a photo"
+msgstr "einem Foto"
+#: mod/photos.php:794
+msgid "Image file is empty."
+msgstr "Bilddatei ist leer."
+#: mod/photos.php:954
+msgid "No photos selected"
+msgstr "Keine Bilder ausgewählt"
+#: mod/photos.php:1054 mod/videos.php:305
+msgid "Access to this item is restricted."
+msgstr "Zugriff zu diesem Eintrag wurde eingeschränkt."
+#: mod/photos.php:1114
+#, php-format
+msgid "You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."
+msgstr "Du verwendest %1$.2f Mbyte von %2$.2f Mbyte des Foto-Speichers."
+#: mod/photos.php:1148
+msgid "Upload Photos"
+msgstr "Bilder hochladen"
+#: mod/photos.php:1152 mod/photos.php:1222
+msgid "New album name: "
+msgstr "Name des neuen Albums: "
+#: mod/photos.php:1153
+msgid "or existing album name: "
+msgstr "oder existierender Albumname: "
+#: mod/photos.php:1154
+msgid "Do not show a status post for this upload"
+msgstr "Keine Status-Mitteilung für diesen Beitrag anzeigen"
+#: mod/photos.php:1165 mod/photos.php:1544 mod/settings.php:1295
+msgid "Show to Groups"
+msgstr "Zeige den Gruppen"
+#: mod/photos.php:1166 mod/photos.php:1545 mod/settings.php:1296
+msgid "Show to Contacts"
+msgstr "Zeige den Kontakten"
+#: mod/photos.php:1167
+msgid "Private Photo"
+msgstr "Privates Foto"
+#: mod/photos.php:1168
+msgid "Public Photo"
+msgstr "Öffentliches Foto"
+#: mod/photos.php:1234
+msgid "Edit Album"
+msgstr "Album bearbeiten"
+#: mod/photos.php:1240
+msgid "Show Newest First"
+msgstr "Zeige neueste zuerst"
+#: mod/photos.php:1242
+msgid "Show Oldest First"
+msgstr "Zeige älteste zuerst"
+#: mod/photos.php:1269 mod/photos.php:1841
+msgid "View Photo"
+msgstr "Foto betrachten"
+#: mod/photos.php:1315
+msgid "Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."
+msgstr "Zugriff verweigert. Zugriff zu diesem Eintrag könnte eingeschränkt sein."
+#: mod/photos.php:1317
+msgid "Photo not available"
+msgstr "Foto nicht verfügbar"
+#: mod/photos.php:1372
+msgid "View photo"
+msgstr "Fotos ansehen"
+#: mod/photos.php:1372
+msgid "Edit photo"
+msgstr "Foto bearbeiten"
+#: mod/photos.php:1373
+msgid "Use as profile photo"
+msgstr "Als Profilbild verwenden"
+#: mod/photos.php:1398
+msgid "View Full Size"
+msgstr "Betrachte Originalgröße"
+#: mod/photos.php:1484
+msgid "Tags: "
+msgstr "Tags: "
+#: mod/photos.php:1487
+msgid "[Remove any tag]"
+msgstr "[Tag entfernen]"
+#: mod/photos.php:1526
+msgid "New album name"
+msgstr "Name des neuen Albums"
+#: mod/photos.php:1527
+msgid "Caption"
+msgstr "Bildunterschrift"
+#: mod/photos.php:1528
+msgid "Add a Tag"
+msgstr "Tag hinzufügen"
+#: mod/photos.php:1528
msgid ""
-"Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and "
-"friends in unknown timezones."
-msgstr "Friendica bietet diese Funktion an, um das Teilen von Events mit Kontakten zu vereinfachen, deren Zeitzone nicht ermittelt werden kann."
+"Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"
+msgstr "Beispiel: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"
-#: mod/localtime.php:30
-#, php-format
-msgid "UTC time: %s"
-msgstr "UTC Zeit: %s"
+#: mod/photos.php:1529
+msgid "Do not rotate"
+msgstr "Nicht rotieren"
-#: mod/localtime.php:33
-#, php-format
-msgid "Current timezone: %s"
-msgstr "Aktuelle Zeitzone: %s"
+#: mod/photos.php:1530
+msgid "Rotate CW (right)"
+msgstr "Drehen US (rechts)"
-#: mod/localtime.php:36
-#, php-format
-msgid "Converted localtime: %s"
-msgstr "Umgerechnete lokale Zeit: %s"
+#: mod/photos.php:1531
+msgid "Rotate CCW (left)"
+msgstr "Drehen EUS (links)"
-#: mod/localtime.php:41
-msgid "Please select your timezone:"
-msgstr "Bitte wähle Deine Zeitzone:"
+#: mod/photos.php:1546
+msgid "Private photo"
+msgstr "Privates Foto"
-#: mod/bookmarklet.php:41
-msgid "The post was created"
-msgstr "Der Beitrag wurde angelegt"
+#: mod/photos.php:1547
+msgid "Public photo"
+msgstr "Öffentliches Foto"
-#: mod/group.php:29
-msgid "Group created."
-msgstr "Gruppe erstellt."
+#: mod/photos.php:1770
+msgid "Map"
+msgstr "Karte"
-#: mod/group.php:35
-msgid "Could not create group."
-msgstr "Konnte die Gruppe nicht erstellen."
+#: mod/photos.php:1847 mod/videos.php:387
+msgid "View Album"
+msgstr "Album betrachten"
-#: mod/group.php:47 mod/group.php:140
-msgid "Group not found."
-msgstr "Gruppe nicht gefunden."
+#: mod/ping.php:234
+msgid "{0} wants to be your friend"
+msgstr "{0} möchte mit Dir in Kontakt treten"
-#: mod/group.php:60
-msgid "Group name changed."
-msgstr "Gruppenname geändert."
+#: mod/ping.php:249
+msgid "{0} sent you a message"
+msgstr "{0} schickte Dir eine Nachricht"
-#: mod/group.php:87
-msgid "Save Group"
-msgstr "Gruppe speichern"
+#: mod/ping.php:264
+msgid "{0} requested registration"
+msgstr "{0} möchte sich registrieren"
-#: mod/group.php:93
-msgid "Create a group of contacts/friends."
-msgstr "Eine Kontaktgruppe anlegen."
+#: mod/profile.php:179
+msgid "Tips for New Members"
+msgstr "Tipps für neue Nutzer"
-#: mod/group.php:113
-msgid "Group removed."
-msgstr "Gruppe entfernt."
-#: mod/group.php:115
-msgid "Unable to remove group."
-msgstr "Konnte die Gruppe nicht entfernen."
-#: mod/group.php:177
-msgid "Group Editor"
-msgstr "Gruppeneditor"
-#: mod/group.php:190
-msgid "Members"
-msgstr "Mitglieder"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:99
-msgid "This introduction has already been accepted."
-msgstr "Diese Kontaktanfrage wurde bereits akzeptiert."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:122 mod/dfrn_request.php:517
-msgid "Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."
-msgstr "Profiladresse ist ungültig oder stellt keine Profildaten zur Verfügung."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:127 mod/dfrn_request.php:522
-msgid "Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."
-msgstr "Warnung: Es konnte kein Name des Besitzers von der angegebenen Profiladresse gefunden werden."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:129 mod/dfrn_request.php:524
-msgid "Warning: profile location has no profile photo."
-msgstr "Warnung: Es gibt kein Profilbild bei der angegebenen Profiladresse."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:132 mod/dfrn_request.php:527
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d required parameter was not found at the given location"
-msgid_plural "%d required parameters were not found at the given location"
-msgstr[0] "%d benötigter Parameter wurde an der angegebenen Stelle nicht gefunden"
-msgstr[1] "%d benötigte Parameter wurden an der angegebenen Stelle nicht gefunden"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:177
-msgid "Introduction complete."
-msgstr "Kontaktanfrage abgeschlossen."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:219
-msgid "Unrecoverable protocol error."
-msgstr "Nicht behebbarer Protokollfehler."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:247
-msgid "Profile unavailable."
-msgstr "Profil nicht verfügbar."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:272
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s has received too many connection requests today."
-msgstr "%s hat heute zu viele Kontaktanfragen erhalten."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:273
-msgid "Spam protection measures have been invoked."
-msgstr "Maßnahmen zum Spamschutz wurden ergriffen."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:274
-msgid "Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."
-msgstr "Freunde sind angehalten, es in 24 Stunden erneut zu versuchen."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:336
-msgid "Invalid locator"
-msgstr "Ungültiger Locator"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:345
-msgid "Invalid email address."
-msgstr "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:372
-msgid "This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."
-msgstr "Dieses Konto ist nicht für E-Mail konfiguriert. Anfrage fehlgeschlagen."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:475
-msgid "You have already introduced yourself here."
-msgstr "Du hast Dich hier bereits vorgestellt."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:479
-#, php-format
-msgid "Apparently you are already friends with %s."
-msgstr "Es scheint so, als ob Du bereits mit %s in Kontakt stehst."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:500
-msgid "Invalid profile URL."
-msgstr "Ungültige Profil-URL."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:599
-msgid "Your introduction has been sent."
-msgstr "Deine Kontaktanfrage wurde gesendet."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:639
-msgid ""
-"Remote subscription can't be done for your network. Please subscribe "
-"directly on your system."
-msgstr "Entferntes abonnieren kann für dein Netzwerk nicht durchgeführt werden. Bitte nutze direkt die Abonnieren-Funktion deines Systems. "
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:662
-msgid "Please login to confirm introduction."
-msgstr "Bitte melde Dich an, um die Kontaktanfrage zu bestätigen."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:672
-msgid ""
-"Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to "
-"this profile."
-msgstr "Momentan bist Du mit einer anderen Identität angemeldet. Bitte melde Dich mit diesem Profil an."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:686 mod/dfrn_request.php:703
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Bestätigen"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:698
-msgid "Hide this contact"
-msgstr "Verberge diesen Kontakt"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:701
-#, php-format
-msgid "Welcome home %s."
-msgstr "Willkommen zurück %s."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:702
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."
-msgstr "Bitte bestätige Deine Kontaktanfrage bei %s."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:831
-msgid ""
-"Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported "
-"communications networks:"
-msgstr "Bitte gib die Adresse Deines Profils in einem der unterstützten sozialen Netzwerke an:"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:852
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and "
-"join us today ."
-msgstr "Wenn du noch kein Mitglied dieses freien sozialen Netzwerks bist, folge diesem Link um einen öffentlichen Friendica-Server zu finden und beizutreten."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:857
-msgid "Friend/Connection Request"
-msgstr "Kontaktanfrage"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:858
-msgid ""
-"Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, "
-msgstr "Beispiele: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:867
-msgid "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
-msgstr "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:869
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search"
-" bar."
-msgstr " - bitte verwende dieses Formular nicht. Stattdessen suche nach %s in Deiner Diaspora Suchleiste."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:44
-msgid "Image uploaded but image cropping failed."
-msgstr "Bild hochgeladen, aber das Zuschneiden schlug fehl."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:77 mod/profile_photo.php:84 mod/profile_photo.php:91
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:314
-#, php-format
-msgid "Image size reduction [%s] failed."
-msgstr "Verkleinern der Bildgröße von [%s] scheiterte."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:124
-msgid ""
-"Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not "
-"display immediately."
-msgstr "Drücke Umschalt+Neu Laden oder leere den Browser-Cache, falls das neue Foto nicht gleich angezeigt wird."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:134
-msgid "Unable to process image"
-msgstr "Bild konnte nicht verarbeitet werden"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:248
-msgid "Upload File:"
-msgstr "Datei hochladen:"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:249
-msgid "Select a profile:"
-msgstr "Profil auswählen:"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:251
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Hochladen"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
-msgid "or"
-msgstr "oder"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
-msgid "skip this step"
-msgstr "diesen Schritt überspringen"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
-msgid "select a photo from your photo albums"
-msgstr "wähle ein Foto aus deinen Fotoalben"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:268
-msgid "Crop Image"
-msgstr "Bild zurechtschneiden"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:269
-msgid "Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."
-msgstr "Passe bitte den Bildausschnitt an, damit das Bild optimal dargestellt werden kann."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:271
-msgid "Done Editing"
-msgstr "Bearbeitung abgeschlossen"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:305
-msgid "Image uploaded successfully."
-msgstr "Bild erfolgreich hochgeladen."
-#: mod/register.php:92
+#: mod/register.php:93
msgid ""
"Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."
msgstr "Registrierung erfolgreich. Eine E-Mail mit weiteren Anweisungen wurde an Dich gesendet."
-#: mod/register.php:97
+#: mod/register.php:98
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Failed to send email message. Here your accout details: login: %s "
"password: %s You can change your password after login."
msgstr "Versenden der E-Mail fehlgeschlagen. Hier sind Deine Account Details:\n\nLogin: %s\nPasswort: %s\n\nDu kannst das Passwort nach dem Anmelden ändern."
-#: mod/register.php:104
+#: mod/register.php:105
msgid "Registration successful."
msgstr "Registrierung erfolgreich."
-#: mod/register.php:110
+#: mod/register.php:111
msgid "Your registration can not be processed."
msgstr "Deine Registrierung konnte nicht verarbeitet werden."
@@ -7599,7 +7852,7 @@ msgstr "Dein vollständiger Name (z.B. Hans Mustermann, echt oder echt erscheine
msgid "Your Email Address: "
msgstr "Deine E-Mail-Adresse: "
-#: mod/register.php:274 mod/settings.php:1221
+#: mod/register.php:274 mod/settings.php:1266
msgid "New Password:"
msgstr "Neues Passwort:"
@@ -7607,7 +7860,7 @@ msgstr "Neues Passwort:"
msgid "Leave empty for an auto generated password."
msgstr "Leer lassen um das Passwort automatisch zu generieren."
-#: mod/register.php:275 mod/settings.php:1222
+#: mod/register.php:275 mod/settings.php:1267
msgid "Confirm:"
msgstr "Bestätigen:"
@@ -7626,11 +7879,54 @@ msgstr "Spitznamen wählen: "
msgid "Import your profile to this friendica instance"
msgstr "Importiere Dein Profil auf diese Friendica Instanz"
+#: mod/suggest.php:27
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"
+msgstr "Möchtest Du wirklich diese Empfehlung löschen?"
+#: mod/suggest.php:71
+msgid ""
+"No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 "
+msgstr "Keine Vorschläge verfügbar. Falls der Server frisch aufgesetzt wurde, versuche es bitte in 24 Stunden noch einmal."
+#: mod/suggest.php:84 mod/suggest.php:104
+msgid "Ignore/Hide"
+msgstr "Ignorieren/Verbergen"
+#: mod/update_community.php:19 mod/update_display.php:23
+#: mod/update_network.php:27 mod/update_notes.php:36 mod/update_profile.php:35
+msgid "[Embedded content - reload page to view]"
+msgstr "[Eingebetteter Inhalt - Seite neu laden zum Betrachten]"
+#: mod/videos.php:120
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this video?"
+msgstr "Möchtest Du dieses Video wirklich löschen?"
+#: mod/videos.php:125
+msgid "Delete Video"
+msgstr "Video Löschen"
+#: mod/videos.php:204
+msgid "No videos selected"
+msgstr "Keine Videos ausgewählt"
+#: mod/videos.php:396
+msgid "Recent Videos"
+msgstr "Neueste Videos"
+#: mod/videos.php:398
+msgid "Upload New Videos"
+msgstr "Neues Video hochladen"
+#: mod/viewcontacts.php:72
+msgid "No contacts."
+msgstr "Keine Kontakte."
#: mod/settings.php:60
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Anzeige"
-#: mod/settings.php:67 mod/settings.php:871
+#: mod/settings.php:67 mod/settings.php:884
msgid "Social Networks"
msgstr "Soziale Netzwerke"
@@ -7658,897 +7954,675 @@ msgstr "E-Mail Einstellungen bearbeitet."
msgid "Features updated"
msgstr "Features aktualisiert"
-#: mod/settings.php:356
+#: mod/settings.php:357
msgid "Relocate message has been send to your contacts"
msgstr "Die Umzugsbenachrichtigung wurde an Deine Kontakte versendet."
-#: mod/settings.php:375
+#: mod/settings.php:376
msgid "Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."
msgstr "Leere Passwörter sind nicht erlaubt. Passwort bleibt unverändert."
-#: mod/settings.php:383
+#: mod/settings.php:384
msgid "Wrong password."
msgstr "Falsches Passwort."
-#: mod/settings.php:394
+#: mod/settings.php:395
msgid "Password changed."
msgstr "Passwort geändert."
-#: mod/settings.php:396
+#: mod/settings.php:397
msgid "Password update failed. Please try again."
msgstr "Aktualisierung des Passworts gescheitert, bitte versuche es noch einmal."
-#: mod/settings.php:465
+#: mod/settings.php:477
msgid " Please use a shorter name."
msgstr " Bitte verwende einen kürzeren Namen."
-#: mod/settings.php:467
+#: mod/settings.php:479
msgid " Name too short."
msgstr " Name ist zu kurz."
-#: mod/settings.php:476
+#: mod/settings.php:488
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "Falsches Passwort"
-#: mod/settings.php:481
+#: mod/settings.php:493
msgid " Not valid email."
msgstr " Keine gültige E-Mail."
-#: mod/settings.php:487
+#: mod/settings.php:499
msgid " Cannot change to that email."
msgstr "Ändern der E-Mail nicht möglich. "
-#: mod/settings.php:543
+#: mod/settings.php:555
msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions. Using default privacy group."
msgstr "Für das private Forum sind keine Zugriffsrechte eingestellt. Die voreingestellte Gruppe für neue Kontakte wird benutzt."
-#: mod/settings.php:547
+#: mod/settings.php:559
msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions and no default privacy group."
msgstr "Für das private Forum sind keine Zugriffsrechte eingestellt, und es gibt keine voreingestellte Gruppe für neue Kontakte."
-#: mod/settings.php:586
+#: mod/settings.php:599
msgid "Settings updated."
msgstr "Einstellungen aktualisiert."
-#: mod/settings.php:662 mod/settings.php:688 mod/settings.php:724
+#: mod/settings.php:675 mod/settings.php:701 mod/settings.php:737
msgid "Add application"
msgstr "Programm hinzufügen"
-#: mod/settings.php:666 mod/settings.php:692
+#: mod/settings.php:679 mod/settings.php:705
msgid "Consumer Key"
msgstr "Consumer Key"
-#: mod/settings.php:667 mod/settings.php:693
+#: mod/settings.php:680 mod/settings.php:706
msgid "Consumer Secret"
msgstr "Consumer Secret"
-#: mod/settings.php:668 mod/settings.php:694
+#: mod/settings.php:681 mod/settings.php:707
msgid "Redirect"
msgstr "Umleiten"
-#: mod/settings.php:669 mod/settings.php:695
+#: mod/settings.php:682 mod/settings.php:708
msgid "Icon url"
msgstr "Icon URL"
-#: mod/settings.php:680
+#: mod/settings.php:693
msgid "You can't edit this application."
msgstr "Du kannst dieses Programm nicht bearbeiten."
-#: mod/settings.php:723
+#: mod/settings.php:736
msgid "Connected Apps"
msgstr "Verbundene Programme"
-#: mod/settings.php:727
+#: mod/settings.php:740
msgid "Client key starts with"
msgstr "Anwenderschlüssel beginnt mit"
-#: mod/settings.php:728
+#: mod/settings.php:741
msgid "No name"
msgstr "Kein Name"
-#: mod/settings.php:729
+#: mod/settings.php:742
msgid "Remove authorization"
msgstr "Autorisierung entziehen"
-#: mod/settings.php:741
+#: mod/settings.php:754
msgid "No Plugin settings configured"
msgstr "Keine Plugin-Einstellungen konfiguriert"
-#: mod/settings.php:749
+#: mod/settings.php:762
msgid "Plugin Settings"
msgstr "Plugin-Einstellungen"
-#: mod/settings.php:771
+#: mod/settings.php:784
msgid "Additional Features"
msgstr "Zusätzliche Features"
-#: mod/settings.php:781 mod/settings.php:785
+#: mod/settings.php:794 mod/settings.php:798
msgid "General Social Media Settings"
msgstr "Allgemeine Einstellungen zu Sozialen Medien"
-#: mod/settings.php:791
+#: mod/settings.php:804
msgid "Disable intelligent shortening"
msgstr "Intelligentes Link kürzen ausschalten"
-#: mod/settings.php:793
+#: mod/settings.php:806
msgid ""
"Normally the system tries to find the best link to add to shortened posts. "
"If this option is enabled then every shortened post will always point to the"
" original friendica post."
msgstr "Normalerweise versucht das System den besten Link zu finden um ihn zu gekürzten Postings hinzu zu fügen. Wird diese Option ausgewählt wird stets ein Link auf die originale Friendica Nachricht beigefügt."
-#: mod/settings.php:799
+#: mod/settings.php:812
msgid "Automatically follow any GNU Social (OStatus) followers/mentioners"
msgstr "Automatisch allen GNU Social (OStatus) Followern/Erwähnern folgen"
-#: mod/settings.php:801
+#: mod/settings.php:814
msgid ""
"If you receive a message from an unknown OStatus user, this option decides "
"what to do. If it is checked, a new contact will be created for every "
"unknown user."
msgstr "Wenn du eine Nachricht eines unbekannten OStatus Nutzers bekommst, entscheidet diese Option wie diese behandelt werden soll. Ist die Option aktiviert, wird ein neuer Kontakt für den Verfasser erstellt,."
-#: mod/settings.php:807
+#: mod/settings.php:820
msgid "Default group for OStatus contacts"
msgstr "Voreingestellte Gruppe für OStatus Kontakte"
-#: mod/settings.php:813
+#: mod/settings.php:826
msgid "Your legacy GNU Social account"
msgstr "Dein alter GNU Social Account"
-#: mod/settings.php:815
+#: mod/settings.php:828
msgid ""
"If you enter your old GNU Social/Statusnet account name here (in the format "
"user@domain.tld), your contacts will be added automatically. The field will "
"be emptied when done."
msgstr "Wenn du deinen alten GNU Socual/Statusnet Accountnamen hier angibst (Format name@domain.tld) werden deine Kontakte automatisch hinzugefügt. Dieses Feld wird geleert, wenn die Kontakte hinzugefügt wurden."
-#: mod/settings.php:818
+#: mod/settings.php:831
msgid "Repair OStatus subscriptions"
msgstr "OStatus Abonnements reparieren"
-#: mod/settings.php:827 mod/settings.php:828
+#: mod/settings.php:840 mod/settings.php:841
#, php-format
msgid "Built-in support for %s connectivity is %s"
msgstr "Eingebaute Unterstützung für Verbindungen zu %s ist %s"
-#: mod/settings.php:827 mod/settings.php:828
+#: mod/settings.php:840 mod/settings.php:841
msgid "enabled"
msgstr "eingeschaltet"
-#: mod/settings.php:827 mod/settings.php:828
+#: mod/settings.php:840 mod/settings.php:841
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "ausgeschaltet"
-#: mod/settings.php:828
+#: mod/settings.php:841
msgid "GNU Social (OStatus)"
msgstr "GNU Social (OStatus)"
-#: mod/settings.php:864
+#: mod/settings.php:877
msgid "Email access is disabled on this site."
msgstr "Zugriff auf E-Mails für diese Seite deaktiviert."
-#: mod/settings.php:876
+#: mod/settings.php:889
msgid "Email/Mailbox Setup"
msgstr "E-Mail/Postfach-Einstellungen"
-#: mod/settings.php:877
+#: mod/settings.php:890
msgid ""
"If you wish to communicate with email contacts using this service "
"(optional), please specify how to connect to your mailbox."
msgstr "Wenn Du mit E-Mail-Kontakten über diesen Service kommunizieren möchtest (optional), gib bitte die Einstellungen für Dein Postfach an."
-#: mod/settings.php:878
+#: mod/settings.php:891
msgid "Last successful email check:"
msgstr "Letzter erfolgreicher E-Mail Check"
-#: mod/settings.php:880
+#: mod/settings.php:893
msgid "IMAP server name:"
msgstr "IMAP-Server-Name:"
-#: mod/settings.php:881
+#: mod/settings.php:894
msgid "IMAP port:"
msgstr "IMAP-Port:"
-#: mod/settings.php:882
+#: mod/settings.php:895
msgid "Security:"
msgstr "Sicherheit:"
-#: mod/settings.php:882 mod/settings.php:887
+#: mod/settings.php:895 mod/settings.php:900
msgid "None"
msgstr "Keine"
-#: mod/settings.php:883
+#: mod/settings.php:896
msgid "Email login name:"
msgstr "E-Mail-Login-Name:"
-#: mod/settings.php:884
+#: mod/settings.php:897
msgid "Email password:"
msgstr "E-Mail-Passwort:"
-#: mod/settings.php:885
+#: mod/settings.php:898
msgid "Reply-to address:"
msgstr "Reply-to Adresse:"
-#: mod/settings.php:886
+#: mod/settings.php:899
msgid "Send public posts to all email contacts:"
msgstr "Sende öffentliche Beiträge an alle E-Mail-Kontakte:"
-#: mod/settings.php:887
+#: mod/settings.php:900
msgid "Action after import:"
msgstr "Aktion nach Import:"
-#: mod/settings.php:887
+#: mod/settings.php:900
msgid "Move to folder"
msgstr "In einen Ordner verschieben"
-#: mod/settings.php:888
+#: mod/settings.php:901
msgid "Move to folder:"
msgstr "In diesen Ordner verschieben:"
-#: mod/settings.php:974
+#: mod/settings.php:990
msgid "Display Settings"
msgstr "Anzeige-Einstellungen"
-#: mod/settings.php:980 mod/settings.php:1001
+#: mod/settings.php:996 mod/settings.php:1018
msgid "Display Theme:"
msgstr "Theme:"
-#: mod/settings.php:981
+#: mod/settings.php:997
msgid "Mobile Theme:"
msgstr "Mobiles Theme"
-#: mod/settings.php:982
+#: mod/settings.php:998
msgid "Update browser every xx seconds"
msgstr "Browser alle xx Sekunden aktualisieren"
-#: mod/settings.php:982
+#: mod/settings.php:998
msgid "Minimum of 10 seconds. Enter -1 to disable it."
msgstr "Minimum sind 10 Sekeunden. Gib -1 ein um abzuschalten."
-#: mod/settings.php:983
+#: mod/settings.php:999
msgid "Number of items to display per page:"
msgstr "Zahl der Beiträge, die pro Netzwerkseite angezeigt werden sollen: "
-#: mod/settings.php:983 mod/settings.php:984
+#: mod/settings.php:999 mod/settings.php:1000
msgid "Maximum of 100 items"
msgstr "Maximal 100 Beiträge"
-#: mod/settings.php:984
+#: mod/settings.php:1000
msgid "Number of items to display per page when viewed from mobile device:"
msgstr "Zahl der Beiträge, die pro Netzwerkseite auf mobilen Geräten angezeigt werden sollen:"
-#: mod/settings.php:985
+#: mod/settings.php:1001
msgid "Don't show emoticons"
msgstr "Keine Smilies anzeigen"
-#: mod/settings.php:986
+#: mod/settings.php:1002
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr "Kalender"
-#: mod/settings.php:987
+#: mod/settings.php:1003
msgid "Beginning of week:"
msgstr "Wochenbeginn:"
-#: mod/settings.php:988
+#: mod/settings.php:1004
msgid "Don't show notices"
msgstr "Info-Popups nicht anzeigen"
-#: mod/settings.php:989
+#: mod/settings.php:1005
msgid "Infinite scroll"
msgstr "Endloses Scrollen"
-#: mod/settings.php:990
+#: mod/settings.php:1006
msgid "Automatic updates only at the top of the network page"
msgstr "Automatische Updates nur, wenn Du oben auf der Netzwerkseite bist."
-#: mod/settings.php:992
+#: mod/settings.php:1007
+msgid "Bandwith Saver Mode"
+msgstr "Bandbreiten-Spar-Modus"
+#: mod/settings.php:1007
+msgid ""
+"When enabled, embedded content is not displayed on automatic updates, they "
+"only show on page reload."
+msgstr "Wenn aktiviert, wird der eingebettete Inhalt nicht automatisch aktualisiert. In diesem Fall Seite bitte neu laden."
+#: mod/settings.php:1009
msgid "General Theme Settings"
msgstr "Allgemeine Themeneinstellungen"
-#: mod/settings.php:993
+#: mod/settings.php:1010
msgid "Custom Theme Settings"
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Theme Einstellungen"
-#: mod/settings.php:994
+#: mod/settings.php:1011
msgid "Content Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen zum Inhalt"
-#: mod/settings.php:995 view/theme/frio/config.php:61
+#: mod/settings.php:1012 view/theme/frio/config.php:61
#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:82 view/theme/quattro/config.php:66
#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:72 view/theme/vier/config.php:109
#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:150 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:61
msgid "Theme settings"
msgstr "Themeneinstellungen"
-#: mod/settings.php:1072
-msgid "User Types"
-msgstr "Nutzer Art"
+#: mod/settings.php:1094
+msgid "Account Types"
+msgstr "Kontenarten"
-#: mod/settings.php:1073
-msgid "Community Types"
-msgstr "Gemeinschafts Art"
+#: mod/settings.php:1095
+msgid "Personal Page Subtypes"
+msgstr "Unterarten der persönlichen Seite"
-#: mod/settings.php:1074
+#: mod/settings.php:1096
+msgid "Community Forum Subtypes"
+msgstr "Unterarten des Gemeinschaftsforums"
+#: mod/settings.php:1103
+msgid "Personal Page"
+msgstr "Persönliche Seite"
+#: mod/settings.php:1104
+msgid "This account is a regular personal profile"
+msgstr "Dieses Konto ist ein normales persönliches Profil"
+#: mod/settings.php:1107
+msgid "Organisation Page"
+msgstr "Organisationsseite"
+#: mod/settings.php:1108
+msgid "This account is a profile for an organisation"
+msgstr "Diese Konto ist ein Profil für eine Organisation"
+#: mod/settings.php:1111
+msgid "News Page"
+msgstr "Nachrichtenseite"
+#: mod/settings.php:1112
+msgid "This account is a news account/reflector"
+msgstr "Dieses Konto ist ein News-Konto bzw. -Spiegel"
+#: mod/settings.php:1115
+msgid "Community Forum"
+msgstr "Gemeinschaftsforum"
+#: mod/settings.php:1116
+msgid ""
+"This account is a community forum where people can discuss with each other"
+msgstr "Dieses Konto ist ein Gemeinschaftskonto wo sich Leute untereinander austauschen können"
+#: mod/settings.php:1119
msgid "Normal Account Page"
msgstr "Normales Konto"
-#: mod/settings.php:1075
+#: mod/settings.php:1120
msgid "This account is a normal personal profile"
msgstr "Dieses Konto ist ein normales persönliches Profil"
-#: mod/settings.php:1078
+#: mod/settings.php:1123
msgid "Soapbox Page"
msgstr "Marktschreier-Konto"
-#: mod/settings.php:1079
+#: mod/settings.php:1124
msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"
msgstr "Kontaktanfragen werden automatisch als Nurlese-Fans akzeptiert"
-#: mod/settings.php:1082
-msgid "Community Forum/Celebrity Account"
-msgstr "Forum/Promi-Konto"
+#: mod/settings.php:1127
+msgid "Public Forum"
+msgstr "Öffentliches Forum"
-#: mod/settings.php:1083
-msgid ""
-"Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans"
-msgstr "Kontaktanfragen werden automatisch als Lese-und-Schreib-Fans akzeptiert"
+#: mod/settings.php:1128
+msgid "Automatically approve all contact requests"
+msgstr "Bestätige alle Kontaktanfragen automatisch"
-#: mod/settings.php:1086
+#: mod/settings.php:1131
msgid "Automatic Friend Page"
msgstr "Automatische Freunde Seite"
-#: mod/settings.php:1087
+#: mod/settings.php:1132
msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"
msgstr "Kontaktanfragen werden automatisch als Freund akzeptiert"
-#: mod/settings.php:1090
+#: mod/settings.php:1135
msgid "Private Forum [Experimental]"
msgstr "Privates Forum [Versuchsstadium]"
-#: mod/settings.php:1091
+#: mod/settings.php:1136
msgid "Private forum - approved members only"
msgstr "Privates Forum, nur für Mitglieder"
-#: mod/settings.php:1103
+#: mod/settings.php:1148
msgid "OpenID:"
msgstr "OpenID:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1103
+#: mod/settings.php:1148
msgid "(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account."
msgstr "(Optional) Erlaube die Anmeldung für dieses Konto mit dieser OpenID."
-#: mod/settings.php:1113
+#: mod/settings.php:1158
msgid "Publish your default profile in your local site directory?"
msgstr "Darf Dein Standardprofil im Verzeichnis dieses Servers veröffentlicht werden?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1119
+#: mod/settings.php:1164
msgid "Publish your default profile in the global social directory?"
msgstr "Darf Dein Standardprofil im weltweiten Verzeichnis veröffentlicht werden?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1127
+#: mod/settings.php:1172
msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of your default profile?"
msgstr "Liste der Kontakte vor Betrachtern des Standardprofils verbergen?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1131
+#: mod/settings.php:1176
msgid ""
"If enabled, posting public messages to Diaspora and other networks isn't "
msgstr "Wenn aktiviert, ist das senden öffentliche Nachrichten zu Diaspora und anderen Netzwerken nicht möglich"
-#: mod/settings.php:1136
+#: mod/settings.php:1181
msgid "Allow friends to post to your profile page?"
msgstr "Dürfen Deine Kontakte auf Deine Pinnwand schreiben?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1142
+#: mod/settings.php:1187
msgid "Allow friends to tag your posts?"
msgstr "Dürfen Deine Kontakte Deine Beiträge mit Schlagwörtern versehen?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1148
+#: mod/settings.php:1193
msgid "Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?"
msgstr "Dürfen wir Dich neuen Mitgliedern als potentiellen Kontakt vorschlagen?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1154
+#: mod/settings.php:1199
msgid "Permit unknown people to send you private mail?"
msgstr "Dürfen Dir Unbekannte private Nachrichten schicken?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1162
+#: mod/settings.php:1207
msgid "Profile is not published ."
msgstr "Profil ist nicht veröffentlicht ."
-#: mod/settings.php:1170
+#: mod/settings.php:1215
#, php-format
msgid "Your Identity Address is '%s' or '%s'."
msgstr "Die Adresse deines Profils lautet '%s' oder '%s'."
-#: mod/settings.php:1177
+#: mod/settings.php:1222
msgid "Automatically expire posts after this many days:"
msgstr "Beiträge verfallen automatisch nach dieser Anzahl von Tagen:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1177
+#: mod/settings.php:1222
msgid "If empty, posts will not expire. Expired posts will be deleted"
msgstr "Wenn leer verfallen Beiträge nie automatisch. Verfallene Beiträge werden gelöscht."
-#: mod/settings.php:1178
+#: mod/settings.php:1223
msgid "Advanced expiration settings"
msgstr "Erweiterte Verfallseinstellungen"
-#: mod/settings.php:1179
+#: mod/settings.php:1224
msgid "Advanced Expiration"
msgstr "Erweitertes Verfallen"
-#: mod/settings.php:1180
+#: mod/settings.php:1225
msgid "Expire posts:"
msgstr "Beiträge verfallen lassen:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1181
+#: mod/settings.php:1226
msgid "Expire personal notes:"
msgstr "Persönliche Notizen verfallen lassen:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1182
+#: mod/settings.php:1227
msgid "Expire starred posts:"
msgstr "Markierte Beiträge verfallen lassen:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1183
+#: mod/settings.php:1228
msgid "Expire photos:"
msgstr "Fotos verfallen lassen:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1184
+#: mod/settings.php:1229
msgid "Only expire posts by others:"
msgstr "Nur Beiträge anderer verfallen:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1212
+#: mod/settings.php:1257
msgid "Account Settings"
msgstr "Kontoeinstellungen"
-#: mod/settings.php:1220
+#: mod/settings.php:1265
msgid "Password Settings"
msgstr "Passwort-Einstellungen"
-#: mod/settings.php:1222
+#: mod/settings.php:1267
msgid "Leave password fields blank unless changing"
msgstr "Lass die Passwort-Felder leer, außer Du willst das Passwort ändern"
-#: mod/settings.php:1223
+#: mod/settings.php:1268
msgid "Current Password:"
msgstr "Aktuelles Passwort:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1223 mod/settings.php:1224
+#: mod/settings.php:1268 mod/settings.php:1269
msgid "Your current password to confirm the changes"
msgstr "Dein aktuelles Passwort um die Änderungen zu bestätigen"
-#: mod/settings.php:1224
+#: mod/settings.php:1269
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Passwort:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1228
+#: mod/settings.php:1273
msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Grundeinstellungen"
-#: mod/settings.php:1230
+#: mod/settings.php:1275
msgid "Email Address:"
msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1231
+#: mod/settings.php:1276
msgid "Your Timezone:"
msgstr "Deine Zeitzone:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1232
+#: mod/settings.php:1277
msgid "Your Language:"
msgstr "Deine Sprache:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1232
+#: mod/settings.php:1277
msgid ""
"Set the language we use to show you friendica interface and to send you "
msgstr "Wähle die Sprache, in der wir Dir die Friendica-Oberfläche präsentieren sollen und Dir E-Mail schicken"
-#: mod/settings.php:1233
+#: mod/settings.php:1278
msgid "Default Post Location:"
msgstr "Standardstandort:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1234
+#: mod/settings.php:1279
msgid "Use Browser Location:"
msgstr "Standort des Browsers verwenden:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1237
+#: mod/settings.php:1282
msgid "Security and Privacy Settings"
msgstr "Sicherheits- und Privatsphäre-Einstellungen"
-#: mod/settings.php:1239
+#: mod/settings.php:1284
msgid "Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"
msgstr "Maximale Anzahl vonKontaktanfragen/Tag:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1239 mod/settings.php:1269
+#: mod/settings.php:1284 mod/settings.php:1314
msgid "(to prevent spam abuse)"
msgstr "(um SPAM zu vermeiden)"
-#: mod/settings.php:1240
+#: mod/settings.php:1285
msgid "Default Post Permissions"
msgstr "Standard-Zugriffsrechte für Beiträge"
-#: mod/settings.php:1241
+#: mod/settings.php:1286
msgid "(click to open/close)"
msgstr "(klicke zum öffnen/schließen)"
-#: mod/settings.php:1252
+#: mod/settings.php:1297
msgid "Default Private Post"
msgstr "Privater Standardbeitrag"
-#: mod/settings.php:1253
+#: mod/settings.php:1298
msgid "Default Public Post"
msgstr "Öffentlicher Standardbeitrag"
-#: mod/settings.php:1257
+#: mod/settings.php:1302
msgid "Default Permissions for New Posts"
msgstr "Standardberechtigungen für neue Beiträge"
-#: mod/settings.php:1269
+#: mod/settings.php:1314
msgid "Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:"
msgstr "Maximale Anzahl privater Nachrichten von Unbekannten pro Tag:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1272
+#: mod/settings.php:1317
msgid "Notification Settings"
msgstr "Benachrichtigungseinstellungen"
-#: mod/settings.php:1273
+#: mod/settings.php:1318
msgid "By default post a status message when:"
msgstr "Standardmäßig eine Statusnachricht posten, wenn:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1274
+#: mod/settings.php:1319
msgid "accepting a friend request"
msgstr "– Du eine Kontaktanfrage akzeptierst"
-#: mod/settings.php:1275
+#: mod/settings.php:1320
msgid "joining a forum/community"
msgstr "– Du einem Forum/einer Gemeinschaftsseite beitrittst"
-#: mod/settings.php:1276
+#: mod/settings.php:1321
msgid "making an interesting profile change"
msgstr "– Du eine interessante Änderung an Deinem Profil durchführst"
-#: mod/settings.php:1277
+#: mod/settings.php:1322
msgid "Send a notification email when:"
msgstr "Benachrichtigungs-E-Mail senden wenn:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1278
+#: mod/settings.php:1323
msgid "You receive an introduction"
msgstr "– Du eine Kontaktanfrage erhältst"
-#: mod/settings.php:1279
+#: mod/settings.php:1324
msgid "Your introductions are confirmed"
msgstr "– eine Deiner Kontaktanfragen akzeptiert wurde"
-#: mod/settings.php:1280
+#: mod/settings.php:1325
msgid "Someone writes on your profile wall"
msgstr "– jemand etwas auf Deine Pinnwand schreibt"
-#: mod/settings.php:1281
+#: mod/settings.php:1326
msgid "Someone writes a followup comment"
msgstr "– jemand auch einen Kommentar verfasst"
-#: mod/settings.php:1282
+#: mod/settings.php:1327
msgid "You receive a private message"
msgstr "– Du eine private Nachricht erhältst"
-#: mod/settings.php:1283
+#: mod/settings.php:1328
msgid "You receive a friend suggestion"
msgstr "– Du eine Empfehlung erhältst"
-#: mod/settings.php:1284
+#: mod/settings.php:1329
msgid "You are tagged in a post"
msgstr "– Du in einem Beitrag erwähnt wirst"
-#: mod/settings.php:1285
+#: mod/settings.php:1330
msgid "You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"
msgstr "– Du von jemandem angestupst oder sonstwie behandelt wirst"
-#: mod/settings.php:1287
+#: mod/settings.php:1332
msgid "Activate desktop notifications"
msgstr "Desktop Benachrichtigungen einschalten"
-#: mod/settings.php:1287
+#: mod/settings.php:1332
msgid "Show desktop popup on new notifications"
msgstr "Desktop Benachrichtigungen einschalten"
-#: mod/settings.php:1289
+#: mod/settings.php:1334
msgid "Text-only notification emails"
msgstr "Benachrichtigungs E-Mail als Rein-Text."
-#: mod/settings.php:1291
+#: mod/settings.php:1336
msgid "Send text only notification emails, without the html part"
msgstr "Sende Benachrichtigungs E-Mail als Rein-Text - ohne HTML-Teil"
-#: mod/settings.php:1293
+#: mod/settings.php:1338
msgid "Advanced Account/Page Type Settings"
msgstr "Erweiterte Konto-/Seitentyp-Einstellungen"
-#: mod/settings.php:1294
+#: mod/settings.php:1339
msgid "Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"
msgstr "Verhalten dieses Kontos in bestimmten Situationen:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1297
+#: mod/settings.php:1342
msgid "Relocate"
msgstr "Umziehen"
-#: mod/settings.php:1298
+#: mod/settings.php:1343
msgid ""
"If you have moved this profile from another server, and some of your "
"contacts don't receive your updates, try pushing this button."
msgstr "Wenn Du Dein Profil von einem anderen Server umgezogen hast und einige Deiner Kontakte Deine Beiträge nicht erhalten, verwende diesen Button."
-#: mod/settings.php:1299
+#: mod/settings.php:1344
msgid "Resend relocate message to contacts"
msgstr "Umzugsbenachrichtigung erneut an Kontakte senden"
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:42 mod/wallmessage.php:112
-#, php-format
-msgid "Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."
-msgstr "Maximale Anzahl der täglichen Pinnwand Nachrichten für %s ist überschritten. Zustellung fehlgeschlagen."
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:56 mod/message.php:71
-msgid "No recipient selected."
-msgstr "Kein Empfänger gewählt."
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:59
-msgid "Unable to check your home location."
-msgstr "Konnte Deinen Heimatort nicht bestimmen."
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:62 mod/message.php:78
-msgid "Message could not be sent."
-msgstr "Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden."
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:65 mod/message.php:81
-msgid "Message collection failure."
-msgstr "Konnte Nachrichten nicht abrufen."
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:68 mod/message.php:84
-msgid "Message sent."
-msgstr "Nachricht gesendet."
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:86 mod/wallmessage.php:95
-msgid "No recipient."
-msgstr "Kein Empfänger."
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:142 mod/message.php:341
-msgid "Send Private Message"
-msgstr "Private Nachricht senden"
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:143
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on "
-"your site allow private mail from unknown senders."
-msgstr "Wenn Du möchtest, dass %s Dir antworten kann, überprüfe Deine Privatsphären-Einstellungen und erlaube private Nachrichten von unbekannten Absendern."
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:144 mod/message.php:342 mod/message.php:536
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr "An:"
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:145 mod/message.php:347 mod/message.php:538
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Betreff:"
-#: mod/share.php:38
-msgid "link"
-msgstr "Link"
-#: mod/api.php:76 mod/api.php:102
-msgid "Authorize application connection"
-msgstr "Verbindung der Applikation autorisieren"
-#: mod/api.php:77
-msgid "Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"
-msgstr "Gehe zu Deiner Anwendung zurück und trage dort folgenden Sicherheitscode ein:"
-#: mod/api.php:89
-msgid "Please login to continue."
-msgstr "Bitte melde Dich an um fortzufahren."
-#: mod/api.php:104
-msgid ""
-"Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts,"
-" and/or create new posts for you?"
-msgstr "Möchtest Du dieser Anwendung den Zugriff auf Deine Beiträge und Kontakte, sowie das Erstellen neuer Beiträge in Deinem Namen gestatten?"
-#: mod/babel.php:17
-msgid "Source (bbcode) text:"
-msgstr "Quelle (bbcode) Text:"
-#: mod/babel.php:23
-msgid "Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"
-msgstr "Eingabe (Diaspora) nach BBCode zu konvertierender Text:"
-#: mod/babel.php:31
-msgid "Source input: "
-msgstr "Originaltext:"
-#: mod/babel.php:35
-msgid "bb2html (raw HTML): "
-msgstr "bb2html (reines HTML): "
-#: mod/babel.php:39
-msgid "bb2html: "
-msgstr "bb2html: "
-#: mod/babel.php:43
-msgid "bb2html2bb: "
-msgstr "bb2html2bb: "
-#: mod/babel.php:47
-msgid "bb2md: "
-msgstr "bb2md: "
-#: mod/babel.php:51
-msgid "bb2md2html: "
-msgstr "bb2md2html: "
-#: mod/babel.php:55
-msgid "bb2dia2bb: "
-msgstr "bb2dia2bb: "
-#: mod/babel.php:59
-msgid "bb2md2html2bb: "
-msgstr "bb2md2html2bb: "
-#: mod/babel.php:69
-msgid "Source input (Diaspora format): "
-msgstr "Originaltext (Diaspora Format): "
-#: mod/babel.php:74
-msgid "diaspora2bb: "
-msgstr "diaspora2bb: "
-#: mod/item.php:116
-msgid "Unable to locate original post."
-msgstr "Konnte den Originalbeitrag nicht finden."
-#: mod/item.php:334
-msgid "Empty post discarded."
-msgstr "Leerer Beitrag wurde verworfen."
-#: mod/item.php:867
-msgid "System error. Post not saved."
-msgstr "Systemfehler. Beitrag konnte nicht gespeichert werden."
-#: mod/item.php:993
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social "
-msgstr "Diese Nachricht wurde dir von %s geschickt, einem Mitglied des Sozialen Netzwerks Friendica."
-#: mod/item.php:995
-#, php-format
-msgid "You may visit them online at %s"
-msgstr "Du kannst sie online unter %s besuchen"
-#: mod/item.php:996
-msgid ""
-"Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to "
-"receive these messages."
-msgstr "Falls Du diese Beiträge nicht erhalten möchtest, kontaktiere bitte den Autor, indem Du auf diese Nachricht antwortest."
-#: mod/item.php:1000
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s posted an update."
-msgstr "%s hat ein Update veröffentlicht."
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:14
-msgid "Subscribing to OStatus contacts"
-msgstr "OStatus Kontakten folgen"
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:25
-msgid "No contact provided."
-msgstr "Keine Kontakte gefunden."
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:30
-msgid "Couldn't fetch information for contact."
-msgstr "Konnte die Kontaktinformationen nicht einholen."
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:38
-msgid "Couldn't fetch friends for contact."
-msgstr "Konnte die Kontaktliste des Kontakts nicht abfragen."
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:65
-msgid "success"
-msgstr "Erfolg"
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:67
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "Fehlgeschlagen"
-#: mod/dfrn_poll.php:104 mod/dfrn_poll.php:537
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s welcomes %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s heißt %2$s herzlich willkommen"
-#: mod/profile.php:179
-msgid "Tips for New Members"
-msgstr "Tipps für neue Nutzer"
-#: mod/message.php:75
-msgid "Unable to locate contact information."
-msgstr "Konnte die Kontaktinformationen nicht finden."
-#: mod/message.php:215
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this message?"
-msgstr "Möchtest Du wirklich diese Nachricht löschen?"
-#: mod/message.php:235
-msgid "Message deleted."
-msgstr "Nachricht gelöscht."
-#: mod/message.php:266
-msgid "Conversation removed."
-msgstr "Unterhaltung gelöscht."
-#: mod/message.php:383
-msgid "No messages."
-msgstr "Keine Nachrichten."
-#: mod/message.php:426
-msgid "Message not available."
-msgstr "Nachricht nicht verfügbar."
-#: mod/message.php:503
-msgid "Delete message"
-msgstr "Nachricht löschen"
-#: mod/message.php:529 mod/message.php:609
-msgid "Delete conversation"
-msgstr "Unterhaltung löschen"
-#: mod/message.php:531
-msgid ""
-"No secure communications available. You may be able to "
-"respond from the sender's profile page."
-msgstr "Sichere Kommunikation ist nicht verfügbar. Eventuell kannst Du auf der Profilseite des Absenders antworten."
-#: mod/message.php:535
-msgid "Send Reply"
-msgstr "Antwort senden"
-#: mod/message.php:579
-#, php-format
-msgid "Unknown sender - %s"
-msgstr "'Unbekannter Absender - %s"
-#: mod/message.php:581
-#, php-format
-msgid "You and %s"
-msgstr "Du und %s"
-#: mod/message.php:583
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s and You"
-msgstr "%s und Du"
-#: mod/message.php:612
-msgid "D, d M Y - g:i A"
-msgstr "D, d. M Y - g:i A"
-#: mod/message.php:615
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d message"
-msgid_plural "%d messages"
-msgstr[0] "%d Nachricht"
-msgstr[1] "%d Nachrichten"
-#: mod/manage.php:139
-msgid "Manage Identities and/or Pages"
-msgstr "Verwalte Identitäten und/oder Seiten"
-#: mod/manage.php:140
-msgid ""
-"Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share "
-"your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"
-msgstr "Zwischen verschiedenen Identitäten oder Gemeinschafts-/Gruppenseiten wechseln, die Deine Kontoinformationen teilen oder zu denen Du „Verwalten“-Befugnisse bekommen hast."
-#: mod/manage.php:141
-msgid "Select an identity to manage: "
-msgstr "Wähle eine Identität zum Verwalten aus: "
#: object/Item.php:370
msgid "via"
msgstr "via"
@@ -8585,14 +8659,6 @@ msgstr "Größe anpassen - Optimale Größe"
msgid "Resize to best fit and retain aspect ratio."
msgstr "Größe anpassen - Optimale Größe und Seitenverhältnisse beibehalten"
-#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:226
-msgid "Remote"
-msgstr "Entferne"
-#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:232
-msgid "Visitor"
-msgstr "Besucher"
#: view/theme/frio/config.php:42
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standard"
@@ -8633,6 +8699,14 @@ msgstr "Transparanz des Hintergrunds von Beiträgem"
msgid "Set the background image"
msgstr "Hintergrundbild festlegen"
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:226
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Gast"
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:232
+msgid "Visitor"
+msgstr "Besucher"
#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:83
msgid "Set resize level for images in posts and comments (width and height)"
msgstr "Wähle das Vergrößerungsmaß für Bilder in Beiträgen und Kommentaren (Höhe und Breite)"
@@ -8807,3 +8881,56 @@ msgstr "slackr"
#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:62
msgid "Variations"
msgstr "Variationen"
+#: index.php:447
+msgid "toggle mobile"
+msgstr "auf/von Mobile Ansicht wechseln"
+#: boot.php:968
+msgid "Delete this item?"
+msgstr "Diesen Beitrag löschen?"
+#: boot.php:971
+msgid "show fewer"
+msgstr "weniger anzeigen"
+#: boot.php:1641
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s failed. See error logs."
+msgstr "Update %s fehlgeschlagen. Bitte Fehlerprotokoll überprüfen."
+#: boot.php:1753
+msgid "Create a New Account"
+msgstr "Neues Konto erstellen"
+#: boot.php:1782
+msgid "Password: "
+msgstr "Passwort: "
+#: boot.php:1783
+msgid "Remember me"
+msgstr "Anmeldedaten merken"
+#: boot.php:1786
+msgid "Or login using OpenID: "
+msgstr "Oder melde Dich mit Deiner OpenID an: "
+#: boot.php:1792
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr "Passwort vergessen?"
+#: boot.php:1795
+msgid "Website Terms of Service"
+msgstr "Website Nutzungsbedingungen"
+#: boot.php:1796
+msgid "terms of service"
+msgstr "Nutzungsbedingungen"
+#: boot.php:1798
+msgid "Website Privacy Policy"
+msgstr "Website Datenschutzerklärung"
+#: boot.php:1799
+msgid "privacy policy"
+msgstr "Datenschutzerklärung"
diff --git a/view/de/strings.php b/view/lang/de/strings.php
similarity index 98%
rename from view/de/strings.php
rename to view/lang/de/strings.php
index bd16af7a0..346cd3202 100644
--- a/view/de/strings.php
+++ b/view/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -5,48 +5,6 @@ function string_plural_select_de($n){
return ($n != 1);;
-$a->strings["Delete this item?"] = "Diesen Beitrag löschen?";
-$a->strings["Comment"] = "Kommentar";
-$a->strings["show more"] = "mehr anzeigen";
-$a->strings["show fewer"] = "weniger anzeigen";
-$a->strings["Update %s failed. See error logs."] = "Update %s fehlgeschlagen. Bitte Fehlerprotokoll überprüfen.";
-$a->strings["Create a New Account"] = "Neues Konto erstellen";
-$a->strings["Register"] = "Registrieren";
-$a->strings["Logout"] = "Abmelden";
-$a->strings["Login"] = "Anmeldung";
-$a->strings["Nickname or Email: "] = "Spitzname oder E-Mail:";
-$a->strings["Password: "] = "Passwort: ";
-$a->strings["Remember me"] = "Anmeldedaten merken";
-$a->strings["Or login using OpenID: "] = "Oder melde Dich mit Deiner OpenID an: ";
-$a->strings["Forgot your password?"] = "Passwort vergessen?";
-$a->strings["Password Reset"] = "Passwort zurücksetzen";
-$a->strings["Website Terms of Service"] = "Website Nutzungsbedingungen";
-$a->strings["terms of service"] = "Nutzungsbedingungen";
-$a->strings["Website Privacy Policy"] = "Website Datenschutzerklärung";
-$a->strings["privacy policy"] = "Datenschutzerklärung";
-$a->strings["Miscellaneous"] = "Verschiedenes";
-$a->strings["Birthday:"] = "Geburtstag:";
-$a->strings["Age: "] = "Alter: ";
-$a->strings["YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"] = "YYYY-MM-DD oder MM-DD";
-$a->strings["never"] = "nie";
-$a->strings["less than a second ago"] = "vor weniger als einer Sekunde";
-$a->strings["year"] = "Jahr";
-$a->strings["years"] = "Jahre";
-$a->strings["month"] = "Monat";
-$a->strings["months"] = "Monate";
-$a->strings["week"] = "Woche";
-$a->strings["weeks"] = "Wochen";
-$a->strings["day"] = "Tag";
-$a->strings["days"] = "Tage";
-$a->strings["hour"] = "Stunde";
-$a->strings["hours"] = "Stunden";
-$a->strings["minute"] = "Minute";
-$a->strings["minutes"] = "Minuten";
-$a->strings["second"] = "Sekunde";
-$a->strings["seconds"] = "Sekunden";
-$a->strings["%1\$d %2\$s ago"] = "%1\$d %2\$s her";
-$a->strings["%s's birthday"] = "%ss Geburtstag";
-$a->strings["Happy Birthday %s"] = "Herzlichen Glückwunsch %s";
$a->strings["Add New Contact"] = "Neuen Kontakt hinzufügen";
$a->strings["Enter address or web location"] = "Adresse oder Web-Link eingeben";
$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"] = "Beispiel: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara";
@@ -73,140 +31,9 @@ $a->strings["%d contact in common"] = array(
0 => "%d gemeinsamer Kontakt",
1 => "%d gemeinsame Kontakte",
-$a->strings["Friendica Notification"] = "Friendica-Benachrichtigung";
-$a->strings["Thank You,"] = "Danke,";
-$a->strings["%s Administrator"] = "der Administrator von %s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s Administrator"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s Administrator";
-$a->strings["noreply"] = "noreply";
-$a->strings["%s "] = "%s ";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] New mail received at %s"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] Neue Nachricht erhalten von %s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s sent you a new private message at %2\$s."] = "%1\$s hat Dir eine neue private Nachricht auf %2\$s geschickt.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s sent you %2\$s."] = "%1\$s schickte Dir %2\$s.";
-$a->strings["a private message"] = "eine private Nachricht";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to your private messages."] = "Bitte besuche %s, um Deine privaten Nachrichten anzusehen und/oder zu beantworten.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]a %3\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s kommentierte [url=%2\$s]a %3\$s[/url]";
-$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]%3\$s's %4\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s kommentierte [url=%2\$s]%3\$ss %4\$s[/url]";
-$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]your %3\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s kommentierte [url=%2\$s]Deinen %3\$s[/url]";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%1\$d by %2\$s"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] Kommentar zum Beitrag #%1\$d von %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%s commented on an item/conversation you have been following."] = "%s hat einen Beitrag kommentiert, dem Du folgst.";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."] = "Bitte besuche %s, um die Konversation anzusehen und/oder zu kommentieren.";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] %s hat auf Deine Pinnwand geschrieben";
-$a->strings["%1\$s posted to your profile wall at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s schrieb auf %2\$s auf Deine Pinnwand";
-$a->strings["%1\$s posted to [url=%2\$s]your wall[/url]"] = "%1\$s hat etwas auf [url=%2\$s]Deiner Pinnwand[/url] gepostet";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged you"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] %s hat Dich erwähnt";
-$a->strings["%1\$s tagged you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s erwähnte Dich auf %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]tagged you[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]erwähnte Dich[/url].";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s shared a new post"] = "[Friendica Benachrichtigung] %s hat einen Beitrag geteilt";
-$a->strings["%1\$s shared a new post at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s hat einen neuen Beitrag auf %2\$s geteilt";
-$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]shared a post[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]hat einen Beitrag geteilt[/url].";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %1\$s poked you"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] %1\$s hat Dich angestupst";
-$a->strings["%1\$s poked you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s hat Dich auf %2\$s angestupst";
-$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]poked you[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]hat Dich angestupst[/url].";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged your post"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] %s hat Deinen Beitrag getaggt";
-$a->strings["%1\$s tagged your post at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s erwähnte Deinen Beitrag auf %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s tagged [url=%2\$s]your post[/url]"] = "%1\$s erwähnte [url=%2\$s]Deinen Beitrag[/url]";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Introduction received"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] Kontaktanfrage erhalten";
-$a->strings["You've received an introduction from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Du hast eine Kontaktanfrage von '%1\$s' auf %2\$s erhalten";
-$a->strings["You've received [url=%1\$s]an introduction[/url] from %2\$s."] = "Du hast eine [url=%1\$s]Kontaktanfrage[/url] von %2\$s erhalten.";
-$a->strings["You may visit their profile at %s"] = "Hier kannst Du das Profil betrachten: %s";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the introduction."] = "Bitte besuche %s, um die Kontaktanfrage anzunehmen oder abzulehnen.";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] A new person is sharing with you"] = "[Friendica Benachrichtigung] Eine neue Person teilt mit Dir";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is sharing with you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s teilt mit Dir auf %2\$s";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] You have a new follower"] = "[Friendica Benachrichtigung] Du hast einen neuen Kontakt auf ";
-$a->strings["You have a new follower at %2\$s : %1\$s"] = "Du hast einen neuen Kontakt auf %2\$s: %1\$s";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Friend suggestion received"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] Kontaktvorschlag erhalten";
-$a->strings["You've received a friend suggestion from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Du hast einen Kontakt-Vorschlag von '%1\$s' auf %2\$s erhalten";
-$a->strings["You've received [url=%1\$s]a friend suggestion[/url] for %2\$s from %3\$s."] = "Du hast einen [url=%1\$s]Kontakt-Vorschlag[/url] %2\$s von %3\$s erhalten.";
-$a->strings["Name:"] = "Name:";
-$a->strings["Photo:"] = "Foto:";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the suggestion."] = "Bitte besuche %s, um den Vorschlag zu akzeptieren oder abzulehnen.";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Connection accepted"] = "[Friendica-Benachrichtigung] Kontaktanfrage bestätigt";
-$a->strings["'%1\$s' has accepted your connection request at %2\$s"] = "'%1\$s' hat Deine Kontaktanfrage auf %2\$s bestätigt";
-$a->strings["%2\$s has accepted your [url=%1\$s]connection request[/url]."] = "%2\$s hat Deine [url=%1\$s]Kontaktanfrage[/url] akzeptiert.";
-$a->strings["You are now mutual friends and may exchange status updates, photos, and email without restriction."] = "Ihr seid nun beidseitige Kontakte und könnt Statusmitteilungen, Bilder und Emails ohne Einschränkungen austauschen.";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."] = "Bitte besuche %s, wenn Du Änderungen an eurer Beziehung vornehmen willst.";
-$a->strings["'%1\$s' has chosen to accept you a \"fan\", which restricts some forms of communication - such as private messaging and some profile interactions. If this is a celebrity or community page, these settings were applied automatically."] = "'%1\$s' hat sich entschieden Dich als \"Fan\" zu akzeptieren, dies schränkt einige Kommunikationswege - wie private Nachrichten und einige Interaktionsmöglichkeiten auf der Profilseite - ein. Wenn dies eine Berühmtheiten- oder Gemeinschaftsseite ist, werden diese Einstellungen automatisch vorgenommen.";
-$a->strings["'%1\$s' may choose to extend this into a two-way or more permissive relationship in the future."] = "'%1\$s' kann den Kontaktstatus zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erweitern und diese Einschränkungen aufheben. ";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."] = "Bitte besuche %s, wenn Du Änderungen an eurer Beziehung vornehmen willst.";
-$a->strings["[Friendica System:Notify] registration request"] = "[Friendica System:Benachrichtigung] Registrationsanfrage";
-$a->strings["You've received a registration request from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Du hast eine Registrierungsanfrage von %2\$s auf '%1\$s' erhalten";
-$a->strings["You've received a [url=%1\$s]registration request[/url] from %2\$s."] = "Du hast eine [url=%1\$s]Registrierungsanfrage[/url] von %2\$s erhalten.";
-$a->strings["Full Name:\t%1\$s\\nSite Location:\t%2\$s\\nLogin Name:\t%3\$s (%4\$s)"] = "Kompletter Name:\t%1\$s\\nURL der Seite:\t%2\$s\\nLogin Name:\t%3\$s (%4\$s)";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the request."] = "Bitte besuche %s um die Anfrage zu bearbeiten.";
-$a->strings["Click here to upgrade."] = "Zum Upgraden hier klicken.";
-$a->strings["This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."] = "Diese Aktion überschreitet die Obergrenze Deines Abonnements.";
-$a->strings["This action is not available under your subscription plan."] = "Diese Aktion ist in Deinem Abonnement nicht verfügbar.";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "mehr anzeigen";
$a->strings["Forums"] = "Foren";
$a->strings["External link to forum"] = "Externer Link zum Forum";
-$a->strings["%1\$s likes %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s mag %2\$ss %3\$s";
-$a->strings["status"] = "Status";
-$a->strings["Sharing notification from Diaspora network"] = "Freigabe-Benachrichtigung von Diaspora";
-$a->strings["Attachments:"] = "Anhänge:";
-$a->strings["%s\\'s birthday"] = "%ss Geburtstag";
-$a->strings["Error decoding account file"] = "Fehler beim Verarbeiten der Account Datei";
-$a->strings["Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"] = "Fehler! Keine Versionsdaten in der Datei! Ist das wirklich eine Friendica Account Datei?";
-$a->strings["Error! Cannot check nickname"] = "Fehler! Konnte den Nickname nicht überprüfen.";
-$a->strings["User '%s' already exists on this server!"] = "Nutzer '%s' existiert bereits auf diesem Server!";
-$a->strings["User creation error"] = "Fehler beim Anlegen des Nutzeraccounts aufgetreten";
-$a->strings["User profile creation error"] = "Fehler beim Anlegen des Nutzerkontos";
-$a->strings["%d contact not imported"] = array(
- 0 => "%d Kontakt nicht importiert",
- 1 => "%d Kontakte nicht importiert",
-$a->strings["Done. You can now login with your username and password"] = "Erledigt. Du kannst Dich jetzt mit Deinem Nutzernamen und Passwort anmelden";
-$a->strings["Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"] = "Kann die DNS Informationen für den Datenbankserver '%s' nicht ermitteln.";
-$a->strings["l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"] = "l, d. F Y\\, H:i";
-$a->strings["Starts:"] = "Beginnt:";
-$a->strings["Finishes:"] = "Endet:";
-$a->strings["Location:"] = "Ort:";
-$a->strings["Sun"] = "So";
-$a->strings["Mon"] = "Mo";
-$a->strings["Tue"] = "Di";
-$a->strings["Wed"] = "Mi";
-$a->strings["Thu"] = "Do";
-$a->strings["Fri"] = "Fr";
-$a->strings["Sat"] = "Sa";
-$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Sonntag";
-$a->strings["Monday"] = "Montag";
-$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Dienstag";
-$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Mittwoch";
-$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Donnerstag";
-$a->strings["Friday"] = "Freitag";
-$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Samstag";
-$a->strings["Jan"] = "Jan";
-$a->strings["Feb"] = "Feb";
-$a->strings["Mar"] = "März";
-$a->strings["Apr"] = "Apr";
-$a->strings["May"] = "Mai";
-$a->strings["Jun"] = "Jun";
-$a->strings["Jul"] = "Juli";
-$a->strings["Aug"] = "Aug";
-$a->strings["Sept"] = "Sep";
-$a->strings["Oct"] = "Okt";
-$a->strings["Nov"] = "Nov";
-$a->strings["Dec"] = "Dez";
-$a->strings["January"] = "Januar";
-$a->strings["February"] = "Februar";
-$a->strings["March"] = "März";
-$a->strings["April"] = "April";
-$a->strings["June"] = "Juni";
-$a->strings["July"] = "Juli";
-$a->strings["August"] = "August";
-$a->strings["September"] = "September";
-$a->strings["October"] = "Oktober";
-$a->strings["November"] = "November";
-$a->strings["December"] = "Dezember";
-$a->strings["today"] = "Heute";
-$a->strings["l, F j"] = "l, F j";
-$a->strings["Edit event"] = "Veranstaltung bearbeiten";
-$a->strings["link to source"] = "Link zum Originalbeitrag";
-$a->strings["Export"] = "Exportieren";
-$a->strings["Export calendar as ical"] = "Kalender als ical exportieren";
-$a->strings["Export calendar as csv"] = "Kalender als csv exportieren";
-$a->strings["Welcome "] = "Willkommen ";
-$a->strings["Please upload a profile photo."] = "Bitte lade ein Profilbild hoch.";
-$a->strings["Welcome back "] = "Willkommen zurück ";
-$a->strings["The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."] = "Das Sicherheitsmerkmal war nicht korrekt. Das passiert meistens wenn das Formular vor dem Absenden zu lange geöffnet war (länger als 3 Stunden).";
$a->strings["Male"] = "Männlich";
$a->strings["Female"] = "Weiblich";
$a->strings["Currently Male"] = "Momentan männlich";
@@ -268,13 +95,566 @@ $a->strings["Uncertain"] = "Unsicher";
$a->strings["It's complicated"] = "Ist kompliziert";
$a->strings["Don't care"] = "Ist mir nicht wichtig";
$a->strings["Ask me"] = "Frag mich";
+$a->strings["l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"] = "l, d. F Y\\, H:i";
+$a->strings["Starts:"] = "Beginnt:";
+$a->strings["Finishes:"] = "Endet:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Ort:";
+$a->strings["Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"] = "Kann die DNS Informationen für den Datenbankserver '%s' nicht ermitteln.";
+$a->strings["Logged out."] = "Abgemeldet.";
+$a->strings["Login failed."] = "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen.";
+$a->strings["We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. Please check the correct spelling of the ID."] = "Beim Versuch Dich mit der von Dir angegebenen OpenID anzumelden trat ein Problem auf. Bitte überprüfe, dass Du die OpenID richtig geschrieben hast.";
+$a->strings["The error message was:"] = "Die Fehlermeldung lautete:";
+$a->strings["A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions may apply to this group and any future members. If this is not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."] = "Eine gelöschte Gruppe mit diesem Namen wurde wiederbelebt. Bestehende Berechtigungseinstellungen könnten auf diese Gruppe oder zukünftige Mitglieder angewandt werden. Falls Du dies nicht möchtest, erstelle bitte eine andere Gruppe mit einem anderen Namen.";
+$a->strings["Default privacy group for new contacts"] = "Voreingestellte Gruppe für neue Kontakte";
+$a->strings["Everybody"] = "Alle Kontakte";
+$a->strings["edit"] = "bearbeiten";
+$a->strings["Groups"] = "Gruppen";
+$a->strings["Edit groups"] = "Gruppen bearbeiten";
+$a->strings["Edit group"] = "Gruppe bearbeiten";
+$a->strings["Create a new group"] = "Neue Gruppe erstellen";
+$a->strings["Group Name: "] = "Gruppenname:";
+$a->strings["Contacts not in any group"] = "Kontakte in keiner Gruppe";
+$a->strings["add"] = "hinzufügen";
+$a->strings["Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."] = "Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein. Das Passwort bleibt unverändert.";
+$a->strings["An invitation is required."] = "Du benötigst eine Einladung.";
+$a->strings["Invitation could not be verified."] = "Die Einladung konnte nicht überprüft werden.";
+$a->strings["Invalid OpenID url"] = "Ungültige OpenID URL";
+$a->strings["Please enter the required information."] = "Bitte trage die erforderlichen Informationen ein.";
+$a->strings["Please use a shorter name."] = "Bitte verwende einen kürzeren Namen.";
+$a->strings["Name too short."] = "Der Name ist zu kurz.";
+$a->strings["That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."] = "Das scheint nicht Dein kompletter Name (Vor- und Nachname) zu sein.";
+$a->strings["Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."] = "Die Domain Deiner E-Mail Adresse ist auf dieser Seite nicht erlaubt.";
+$a->strings["Not a valid email address."] = "Keine gültige E-Mail-Adresse.";
+$a->strings["Cannot use that email."] = "Konnte diese E-Mail-Adresse nicht verwenden.";
+$a->strings["Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."] = "Dein Spitzname darf nur aus Buchstaben und Zahlen (\"a-z\",\"0-9\" und \"_\") bestehen.";
+$a->strings["Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."] = "Dieser Spitzname ist bereits vergeben. Bitte wähle einen anderen.";
+$a->strings["Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose another."] = "Dieser Spitzname ist bereits vergeben. Bitte wähle einen anderen.";
+$a->strings["SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."] = "FATALER FEHLER: Sicherheitsschlüssel konnten nicht erzeugt werden.";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during registration. Please try again."] = "Während der Anmeldung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.";
+$a->strings["default"] = "Standard";
+$a->strings["An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."] = "Bei der Erstellung des Standardprofils ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Profilbilder";
+$a->strings["\n\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2\$s. Your account has been created.\n\t"] = "\nHallo %1\$s,\n\ndanke für Deine Registrierung auf %2\$s. Dein Account wurde eingerichtet.";
+$a->strings["\n\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3\$s\n\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tPassword:\t%5\$s\n\n\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n\t\tin.\n\n\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n\n\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n\n\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n\t\tthan that.\n\n\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n\n\n\t\tThank you and welcome to %2\$s."] = "\nDie Anmelde-Details sind die folgenden:\n\tAdresse der Seite:\t%3\$s\n\tBenutzernamename:\t%1\$s\n\tPasswort:\t%5\$s\n\nDu kannst Dein Passwort unter \"Einstellungen\" ändern, sobald Du Dich\nangemeldet hast.\n\nBitte nimm Dir ein paar Minuten um die anderen Einstellungen auf dieser\nSeite zu kontrollieren.\n\nEventuell magst Du ja auch einige Informationen über Dich in Deinem\nProfil veröffentlichen, damit andere Leute Dich einfacher finden können.\nBearbeite hierfür einfach Dein Standard-Profil (über die Profil-Seite).\n\nWir empfehlen Dir, Deinen kompletten Namen anzugeben und ein zu Dir\npassendes Profilbild zu wählen, damit Dich alte Bekannte wieder finden.\nAußerdem ist es nützlich, wenn Du auf Deinem Profil Schlüsselwörter\nangibst. Das erleichtert es, Leute zu finden, die Deine Interessen teilen.\n\nWir respektieren Deine Privatsphäre - keine dieser Angaben ist nötig.\nWenn Du neu im Netzwerk bist und noch niemanden kennst, dann können sie\nallerdings dabei helfen, neue und interessante Kontakte zu knüpfen.\n\nDanke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit und willkommen auf %2\$s.";
+$a->strings["Registration details for %s"] = "Details der Registration von %s";
+$a->strings["Unknown | Not categorised"] = "Unbekannt | Nicht kategorisiert";
+$a->strings["Block immediately"] = "Sofort blockieren";
+$a->strings["Shady, spammer, self-marketer"] = "Zwielichtig, Spammer, Selbstdarsteller";
+$a->strings["Known to me, but no opinion"] = "Ist mir bekannt, hab aber keine Meinung";
+$a->strings["OK, probably harmless"] = "OK, wahrscheinlich harmlos";
+$a->strings["Reputable, has my trust"] = "Seriös, hat mein Vertrauen";
+$a->strings["Frequently"] = "immer wieder";
+$a->strings["Hourly"] = "Stündlich";
+$a->strings["Twice daily"] = "Zweimal täglich";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Täglich";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Wöchentlich";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Monatlich";
+$a->strings["Friendica"] = "Friendica";
+$a->strings["OStatus"] = "OStatus";
+$a->strings["RSS/Atom"] = "RSS/Atom";
+$a->strings["Email"] = "E-Mail";
+$a->strings["Diaspora"] = "Diaspora";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Zot!"] = "Zott";
+$a->strings["LinkedIn"] = "LinkedIn";
+$a->strings["XMPP/IM"] = "XMPP/Chat";
+$a->strings["MySpace"] = "MySpace";
+$a->strings["Google+"] = "Google+";
+$a->strings["pump.io"] = "pump.io";
+$a->strings["Twitter"] = "Twitter";
+$a->strings["Diaspora Connector"] = "Diaspora";
+$a->strings["GNU Social"] = "GNU Social";
+$a->strings["App.net"] = "App.net";
+$a->strings["Hubzilla/Redmatrix"] = "Hubzilla/Redmatrix";
+$a->strings["view full size"] = "Volle Größe anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Post to Email"] = "An E-Mail senden";
+$a->strings["Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."] = "Konnektoren sind nicht verfügbar, da \"%s\" aktiv ist.";
+$a->strings["Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"] = "Profil-Details vor unbekannten Betrachtern verbergen?";
+$a->strings["Visible to everybody"] = "Für jeden sichtbar";
+$a->strings["show"] = "zeigen";
+$a->strings["don't show"] = "nicht zeigen";
+$a->strings["CC: email addresses"] = "Cc: E-Mail-Addressen";
+$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"] = "Z.B.: bob@example.com, mary@example.com";
+$a->strings["Permissions"] = "Berechtigungen";
+$a->strings["Close"] = "Schließen";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "Foto";
+$a->strings["status"] = "Status";
+$a->strings["event"] = "Event";
+$a->strings["%1\$s likes %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s mag %2\$ss %3\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't like %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s mag %2\$ss %3\$s nicht";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is attending %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s nimmt an %2\$ss %3\$s teil.";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is not attending %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s nimmt nicht an %2\$ss %3\$s teil.";
+$a->strings["%1\$s may attend %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s nimmt eventuell an %2\$ss %3\$s teil.";
+$a->strings["[no subject]"] = "[kein Betreff]";
+$a->strings["Wall Photos"] = "Pinnwand-Bilder";
+$a->strings["Click here to upgrade."] = "Zum Upgraden hier klicken.";
+$a->strings["This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."] = "Diese Aktion überschreitet die Obergrenze Deines Abonnements.";
+$a->strings["This action is not available under your subscription plan."] = "Diese Aktion ist in Deinem Abonnement nicht verfügbar.";
+$a->strings["Error decoding account file"] = "Fehler beim Verarbeiten der Account Datei";
+$a->strings["Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"] = "Fehler! Keine Versionsdaten in der Datei! Ist das wirklich eine Friendica Account Datei?";
+$a->strings["Error! Cannot check nickname"] = "Fehler! Konnte den Nickname nicht überprüfen.";
+$a->strings["User '%s' already exists on this server!"] = "Nutzer '%s' existiert bereits auf diesem Server!";
+$a->strings["User creation error"] = "Fehler beim Anlegen des Nutzeraccounts aufgetreten";
+$a->strings["User profile creation error"] = "Fehler beim Anlegen des Nutzerkontos";
+$a->strings["%d contact not imported"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d Kontakt nicht importiert",
+ 1 => "%d Kontakte nicht importiert",
+$a->strings["Done. You can now login with your username and password"] = "Erledigt. Du kannst Dich jetzt mit Deinem Nutzernamen und Passwort anmelden";
+$a->strings["System"] = "System";
+$a->strings["Network"] = "Netzwerk";
+$a->strings["Personal"] = "Persönlich";
+$a->strings["Home"] = "Pinnwand";
+$a->strings["Introductions"] = "Kontaktanfragen";
+$a->strings["%s commented on %s's post"] = "%s hat %ss Beitrag kommentiert";
+$a->strings["%s created a new post"] = "%s hat einen neuen Beitrag erstellt";
+$a->strings["%s liked %s's post"] = "%s mag %ss Beitrag";
+$a->strings["%s disliked %s's post"] = "%s mag %ss Beitrag nicht";
+$a->strings["%s is attending %s's event"] = "%s nimmt an %s's Event teil";
+$a->strings["%s is not attending %s's event"] = "%s nimmt nicht an %s's Event teil";
+$a->strings["%s may attend %s's event"] = "%s nimmt eventuell an %s's Event teil";
+$a->strings["%s is now friends with %s"] = "%s ist jetzt mit %s befreundet";
+$a->strings["Friend Suggestion"] = "Kontaktvorschlag";
+$a->strings["Friend/Connect Request"] = "Kontakt-/Freundschaftsanfrage";
+$a->strings["New Follower"] = "Neuer Bewunderer";
+$a->strings["Sharing notification from Diaspora network"] = "Freigabe-Benachrichtigung von Diaspora";
+$a->strings["Attachments:"] = "Anhänge:";
+$a->strings["General Features"] = "Allgemeine Features";
+$a->strings["Multiple Profiles"] = "Mehrere Profile";
+$a->strings["Ability to create multiple profiles"] = "Möglichkeit mehrere Profile zu erstellen";
+$a->strings["Photo Location"] = "Aufnahmeort";
+$a->strings["Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present) prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."] = "Die Foto-Metadaten werden ausgelesen. Dadurch kann der Aufnahmeort (wenn vorhanden) in einer Karte angezeigt werden.";
+$a->strings["Export Public Calendar"] = "Öffentlichen Kalender exportieren";
+$a->strings["Ability for visitors to download the public calendar"] = "Möglichkeit für Besucher den öffentlichen Kalender herunter zu laden";
+$a->strings["Post Composition Features"] = "Beitragserstellung Features";
+$a->strings["Richtext Editor"] = "Web-Editor";
+$a->strings["Enable richtext editor"] = "Den Web-Editor für neue Beiträge aktivieren";
+$a->strings["Post Preview"] = "Beitragsvorschau";
+$a->strings["Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"] = "Die Vorschau von Beiträgen und Kommentaren vor dem absenden erlauben.";
+$a->strings["Auto-mention Forums"] = "Foren automatisch erwähnen";
+$a->strings["Add/remove mention when a forum page is selected/deselected in ACL window."] = "Automatisch eine @-Erwähnung eines Forums einfügen/entfehrnen, wenn dieses im ACL Fenster de-/markiert wurde.";
+$a->strings["Network Sidebar Widgets"] = "Widgets für Netzwerk und Seitenleiste";
+$a->strings["Search by Date"] = "Archiv";
+$a->strings["Ability to select posts by date ranges"] = "Möglichkeit die Beiträge nach Datumsbereichen zu sortieren";
+$a->strings["List Forums"] = "Zeige Foren";
+$a->strings["Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"] = "Aktiviere Widget, um die Foren mit denen du verbunden bist anzuzeigen";
+$a->strings["Group Filter"] = "Gruppen Filter";
+$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"] = "Widget zur Darstellung der Beiträge nach Kontaktgruppen sortiert aktivieren.";
+$a->strings["Network Filter"] = "Netzwerk Filter";
+$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"] = "Widget zum filtern der Beiträge in Abhängigkeit des Netzwerks aus dem der Ersteller sendet aktivieren.";
+$a->strings["Saved Searches"] = "Gespeicherte Suchen";
+$a->strings["Save search terms for re-use"] = "Speichere Suchanfragen für spätere Wiederholung.";
+$a->strings["Network Tabs"] = "Netzwerk Reiter";
+$a->strings["Network Personal Tab"] = "Netzwerk-Reiter: Persönlich";
+$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"] = "Aktiviert einen Netzwerk-Reiter in dem Nachrichten angezeigt werden mit denen Du interagiert hast";
+$a->strings["Network New Tab"] = "Netzwerk-Reiter: Neue";
+$a->strings["Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"] = "Aktiviert einen Netzwerk-Reiter in dem ausschließlich neue Beiträge (der letzten 12 Stunden) angezeigt werden";
+$a->strings["Network Shared Links Tab"] = "Netzwerk-Reiter: Geteilte Links";
+$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"] = "Aktiviert einen Netzwerk-Reiter der ausschließlich Nachrichten mit Links enthält";
+$a->strings["Post/Comment Tools"] = "Werkzeuge für Beiträge und Kommentare";
+$a->strings["Multiple Deletion"] = "Mehrere Beiträge löschen";
+$a->strings["Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"] = "Mehrere Beiträge/Kommentare markieren und gleichzeitig löschen";
+$a->strings["Edit Sent Posts"] = "Gesendete Beiträge editieren";
+$a->strings["Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"] = "Erlaubt es Beiträge und Kommentare nach dem Senden zu editieren bzw.zu korrigieren.";
+$a->strings["Tagging"] = "Tagging";
+$a->strings["Ability to tag existing posts"] = "Möglichkeit bereits existierende Beiträge nachträglich mit Tags zu versehen.";
+$a->strings["Post Categories"] = "Beitragskategorien";
+$a->strings["Add categories to your posts"] = "Eigene Beiträge mit Kategorien versehen";
+$a->strings["Ability to file posts under folders"] = "Beiträge in Ordnern speichern aktivieren";
+$a->strings["Dislike Posts"] = "Beiträge 'nicht mögen'";
+$a->strings["Ability to dislike posts/comments"] = "Ermöglicht es Beiträge mit einem Klick 'nicht zu mögen'";
+$a->strings["Star Posts"] = "Beiträge Markieren";
+$a->strings["Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"] = "Erlaubt es Beiträge mit einem Stern-Indikator zu markieren";
+$a->strings["Mute Post Notifications"] = "Benachrichtigungen für Beiträge Stumm schalten";
+$a->strings["Ability to mute notifications for a thread"] = "Möglichkeit Benachrichtigungen für einen Thread abbestellen zu können";
+$a->strings["Advanced Profile Settings"] = "Erweiterte Profil-Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"] = "Zeige Besuchern öffentliche Gemeinschafts-Foren auf der Erweiterten Profil-Seite";
+$a->strings["(no subject)"] = "(kein Betreff)";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "noreply";
+$a->strings["Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Das tägliche Nachrichtenlimit von %d Nachrichten wurde erreicht. Die Nachtricht wurde verworfen.";
+$a->strings["Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Das wöchentliche Nachrichtenlimit von %d Nachrichten wurde erreicht. Die Nachtricht wurde verworfen.";
+$a->strings["Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Das monatliche Nachrichtenlimit von %d Nachrichten wurde erreicht. Die Nachtricht wurde verworfen.";
+$a->strings["Image/photo"] = "Bild/Foto";
+$a->strings["%2\$s %3\$s"] = "%2\$s %3\$s";
+$a->strings["$1 wrote:"] = "$1 hat geschrieben:";
+$a->strings["Encrypted content"] = "Verschlüsselter Inhalt";
+$a->strings["%1\$s attends %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s nimmt an %2\$ss %3\$s teil.";
+$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't attend %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s nimmt nicht an %2\$ss %3\$s teil.";
+$a->strings["%1\$s attends maybe %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s nimmt eventuell an %2\$ss %3\$s teil.";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is now friends with %2\$s"] = "%1\$s ist nun mit %2\$s befreundet";
+$a->strings["%1\$s poked %2\$s"] = "%1\$s stupste %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is currently %2\$s"] = "%1\$s ist momentan %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s tagged %2\$s's %3\$s with %4\$s"] = "%1\$s hat %2\$ss %3\$s mit %4\$s getaggt";
+$a->strings["post/item"] = "Nachricht/Beitrag";
+$a->strings["%1\$s marked %2\$s's %3\$s as favorite"] = "%1\$s hat %2\$s\\s %3\$s als Favorit markiert";
+$a->strings["Likes"] = "Likes";
+$a->strings["Dislikes"] = "Dislikes";
+$a->strings["Attending"] = array(
+ 0 => "Teilnehmend",
+ 1 => "Teilnehmend",
+$a->strings["Not attending"] = "Nicht teilnehmend";
+$a->strings["Might attend"] = "Eventuell teilnehmend";
+$a->strings["Select"] = "Auswählen";
+$a->strings["Delete"] = "Löschen";
+$a->strings["View %s's profile @ %s"] = "Das Profil von %s auf %s betrachten.";
+$a->strings["Categories:"] = "Kategorien:";
+$a->strings["Filed under:"] = "Abgelegt unter:";
+$a->strings["%s from %s"] = "%s von %s";
+$a->strings["View in context"] = "Im Zusammenhang betrachten";
+$a->strings["Please wait"] = "Bitte warten";
+$a->strings["remove"] = "löschen";
+$a->strings["Delete Selected Items"] = "Lösche die markierten Beiträge";
+$a->strings["Follow Thread"] = "Folge der Unterhaltung";
+$a->strings["View Status"] = "Pinnwand anschauen";
+$a->strings["View Profile"] = "Profil anschauen";
+$a->strings["View Photos"] = "Bilder anschauen";
+$a->strings["Network Posts"] = "Netzwerkbeiträge";
+$a->strings["View Contact"] = "Kontakt anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Send PM"] = "Private Nachricht senden";
+$a->strings["Poke"] = "Anstupsen";
+$a->strings["%s likes this."] = "%s mag das.";
+$a->strings["%s doesn't like this."] = "%s mag das nicht.";
+$a->strings["%s attends."] = "%s nimmt teil.";
+$a->strings["%s doesn't attend."] = "%s nimmt nicht teil.";
+$a->strings["%s attends maybe."] = "%s nimmt eventuell teil.";
+$a->strings["and"] = "und";
+$a->strings[", and %d other people"] = " und %d andere";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people like this"] = "%2\$d Personen mögen das";
+$a->strings["%s like this."] = "%s mögen das.";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people don't like this"] = "%2\$d Personen mögen das nicht";
+$a->strings["%s don't like this."] = "%s mögen dies nicht.";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people attend"] = "%2\$d Personen nehmen teil";
+$a->strings["%s attend."] = "%s nehmen teil.";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people don't attend"] = "%2\$d Personen nehmen nicht teil";
+$a->strings["%s don't attend."] = "%s nehmen nicht teil.";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people attend maybe"] = "%2\$d Personen nehmen eventuell teil";
+$a->strings["%s anttend maybe."] = "%s nehmen vielleicht teil.";
+$a->strings["Visible to everybody "] = "Für jedermann sichtbar";
+$a->strings["Please enter a link URL:"] = "Bitte gib die URL des Links ein:";
+$a->strings["Please enter a video link/URL:"] = "Bitte Link/URL zum Video einfügen:";
+$a->strings["Please enter an audio link/URL:"] = "Bitte Link/URL zum Audio einfügen:";
+$a->strings["Tag term:"] = "Tag:";
+$a->strings["Save to Folder:"] = "In diesem Ordner speichern:";
+$a->strings["Where are you right now?"] = "Wo hältst Du Dich jetzt gerade auf?";
+$a->strings["Delete item(s)?"] = "Einträge löschen?";
+$a->strings["Share"] = "Teilen";
+$a->strings["Upload photo"] = "Foto hochladen";
+$a->strings["upload photo"] = "Bild hochladen";
+$a->strings["Attach file"] = "Datei anhängen";
+$a->strings["attach file"] = "Datei anhängen";
+$a->strings["Insert web link"] = "Einen Link einfügen";
+$a->strings["web link"] = "Weblink";
+$a->strings["Insert video link"] = "Video-Adresse einfügen";
+$a->strings["video link"] = "Video-Link";
+$a->strings["Insert audio link"] = "Audio-Adresse einfügen";
+$a->strings["audio link"] = "Audio-Link";
+$a->strings["Set your location"] = "Deinen Standort festlegen";
+$a->strings["set location"] = "Ort setzen";
+$a->strings["Clear browser location"] = "Browser-Standort leeren";
+$a->strings["clear location"] = "Ort löschen";
+$a->strings["Set title"] = "Titel setzen";
+$a->strings["Categories (comma-separated list)"] = "Kategorien (kommasepariert)";
+$a->strings["Permission settings"] = "Berechtigungseinstellungen";
+$a->strings["permissions"] = "Zugriffsrechte";
+$a->strings["Public post"] = "Öffentlicher Beitrag";
+$a->strings["Preview"] = "Vorschau";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Abbrechen";
+$a->strings["Post to Groups"] = "Poste an Gruppe";
+$a->strings["Post to Contacts"] = "Poste an Kontakte";
+$a->strings["Private post"] = "Privater Beitrag";
+$a->strings["Message"] = "Nachricht";
+$a->strings["Browser"] = "Browser";
+$a->strings["View all"] = "Zeige alle";
+$a->strings["Like"] = array(
+ 0 => "mag ich",
+ 1 => "Mag ich",
+$a->strings["Dislike"] = array(
+ 0 => "mag ich nicht",
+ 1 => "Mag ich nicht",
+$a->strings["Not Attending"] = array(
+ 0 => "Nicht teilnehmend ",
+ 1 => "Nicht teilnehmend",
+$a->strings["Miscellaneous"] = "Verschiedenes";
+$a->strings["Birthday:"] = "Geburtstag:";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Alter: ";
+$a->strings["YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"] = "YYYY-MM-DD oder MM-DD";
+$a->strings["never"] = "nie";
+$a->strings["less than a second ago"] = "vor weniger als einer Sekunde";
+$a->strings["year"] = "Jahr";
+$a->strings["years"] = "Jahre";
+$a->strings["month"] = "Monat";
+$a->strings["months"] = "Monate";
+$a->strings["week"] = "Woche";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "Wochen";
+$a->strings["day"] = "Tag";
+$a->strings["days"] = "Tage";
+$a->strings["hour"] = "Stunde";
+$a->strings["hours"] = "Stunden";
+$a->strings["minute"] = "Minute";
+$a->strings["minutes"] = "Minuten";
+$a->strings["second"] = "Sekunde";
+$a->strings["seconds"] = "Sekunden";
+$a->strings["%1\$d %2\$s ago"] = "%1\$d %2\$s her";
+$a->strings["%s's birthday"] = "%ss Geburtstag";
+$a->strings["Happy Birthday %s"] = "Herzlichen Glückwunsch %s";
+$a->strings["\n\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."] = "\nDie Friendica-Entwickler haben vor kurzem das Update %s veröffentlicht, aber bei der Installation ging etwas schrecklich schief.\n\nDas Problem sollte so schnell wie möglich gelöst werden, aber ich schaffe es nicht alleine. Bitte kontaktiere einen Friendica-Entwickler falls Du mir nicht alleine helfen kannst. Meine Datenbank könnte ungültig sein.";
+$a->strings["The error message is\n[pre]%s[/pre]"] = "Die Fehlermeldung lautet\n[pre]%s[/pre]";
+$a->strings["Errors encountered creating database tables."] = "Fehler aufgetreten während der Erzeugung der Datenbanktabellen.";
+$a->strings["Errors encountered performing database changes."] = "Es sind Fehler beim Bearbeiten der Datenbank aufgetreten.";
+$a->strings["%s\\'s birthday"] = "%ss Geburtstag";
+$a->strings["Friendica Notification"] = "Friendica-Benachrichtigung";
+$a->strings["Thank You,"] = "Danke,";
+$a->strings["%s Administrator"] = "der Administrator von %s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s Administrator"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s Administrator";
+$a->strings["%s "] = "%s ";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] New mail received at %s"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] Neue Nachricht erhalten von %s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s sent you a new private message at %2\$s."] = "%1\$s hat Dir eine neue private Nachricht auf %2\$s geschickt.";
+$a->strings["%1\$s sent you %2\$s."] = "%1\$s schickte Dir %2\$s.";
+$a->strings["a private message"] = "eine private Nachricht";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to your private messages."] = "Bitte besuche %s, um Deine privaten Nachrichten anzusehen und/oder zu beantworten.";
+$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]a %3\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s kommentierte [url=%2\$s]a %3\$s[/url]";
+$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]%3\$s's %4\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s kommentierte [url=%2\$s]%3\$ss %4\$s[/url]";
+$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]your %3\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s kommentierte [url=%2\$s]Deinen %3\$s[/url]";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%1\$d by %2\$s"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] Kommentar zum Beitrag #%1\$d von %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%s commented on an item/conversation you have been following."] = "%s hat einen Beitrag kommentiert, dem Du folgst.";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."] = "Bitte besuche %s, um die Konversation anzusehen und/oder zu kommentieren.";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] %s hat auf Deine Pinnwand geschrieben";
+$a->strings["%1\$s posted to your profile wall at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s schrieb auf %2\$s auf Deine Pinnwand";
+$a->strings["%1\$s posted to [url=%2\$s]your wall[/url]"] = "%1\$s hat etwas auf [url=%2\$s]Deiner Pinnwand[/url] gepostet";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged you"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] %s hat Dich erwähnt";
+$a->strings["%1\$s tagged you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s erwähnte Dich auf %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]tagged you[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]erwähnte Dich[/url].";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s shared a new post"] = "[Friendica Benachrichtigung] %s hat einen Beitrag geteilt";
+$a->strings["%1\$s shared a new post at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s hat einen neuen Beitrag auf %2\$s geteilt";
+$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]shared a post[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]hat einen Beitrag geteilt[/url].";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %1\$s poked you"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] %1\$s hat Dich angestupst";
+$a->strings["%1\$s poked you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s hat Dich auf %2\$s angestupst";
+$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]poked you[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]hat Dich angestupst[/url].";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged your post"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] %s hat Deinen Beitrag getaggt";
+$a->strings["%1\$s tagged your post at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s erwähnte Deinen Beitrag auf %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s tagged [url=%2\$s]your post[/url]"] = "%1\$s erwähnte [url=%2\$s]Deinen Beitrag[/url]";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Introduction received"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] Kontaktanfrage erhalten";
+$a->strings["You've received an introduction from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Du hast eine Kontaktanfrage von '%1\$s' auf %2\$s erhalten";
+$a->strings["You've received [url=%1\$s]an introduction[/url] from %2\$s."] = "Du hast eine [url=%1\$s]Kontaktanfrage[/url] von %2\$s erhalten.";
+$a->strings["You may visit their profile at %s"] = "Hier kannst Du das Profil betrachten: %s";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the introduction."] = "Bitte besuche %s, um die Kontaktanfrage anzunehmen oder abzulehnen.";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] A new person is sharing with you"] = "[Friendica Benachrichtigung] Eine neue Person teilt mit Dir";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is sharing with you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s teilt mit Dir auf %2\$s";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] You have a new follower"] = "[Friendica Benachrichtigung] Du hast einen neuen Kontakt auf ";
+$a->strings["You have a new follower at %2\$s : %1\$s"] = "Du hast einen neuen Kontakt auf %2\$s: %1\$s";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Friend suggestion received"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] Kontaktvorschlag erhalten";
+$a->strings["You've received a friend suggestion from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Du hast einen Kontakt-Vorschlag von '%1\$s' auf %2\$s erhalten";
+$a->strings["You've received [url=%1\$s]a friend suggestion[/url] for %2\$s from %3\$s."] = "Du hast einen [url=%1\$s]Kontakt-Vorschlag[/url] %2\$s von %3\$s erhalten.";
+$a->strings["Name:"] = "Name:";
+$a->strings["Photo:"] = "Foto:";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the suggestion."] = "Bitte besuche %s, um den Vorschlag zu akzeptieren oder abzulehnen.";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Connection accepted"] = "[Friendica-Benachrichtigung] Kontaktanfrage bestätigt";
+$a->strings["'%1\$s' has accepted your connection request at %2\$s"] = "'%1\$s' hat Deine Kontaktanfrage auf %2\$s bestätigt";
+$a->strings["%2\$s has accepted your [url=%1\$s]connection request[/url]."] = "%2\$s hat Deine [url=%1\$s]Kontaktanfrage[/url] akzeptiert.";
+$a->strings["You are now mutual friends and may exchange status updates, photos, and email without restriction."] = "Ihr seid nun beidseitige Kontakte und könnt Statusmitteilungen, Bilder und Emails ohne Einschränkungen austauschen.";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."] = "Bitte besuche %s, wenn Du Änderungen an eurer Beziehung vornehmen willst.";
+$a->strings["'%1\$s' has chosen to accept you a \"fan\", which restricts some forms of communication - such as private messaging and some profile interactions. If this is a celebrity or community page, these settings were applied automatically."] = "'%1\$s' hat sich entschieden Dich als \"Fan\" zu akzeptieren, dies schränkt einige Kommunikationswege - wie private Nachrichten und einige Interaktionsmöglichkeiten auf der Profilseite - ein. Wenn dies eine Berühmtheiten- oder Gemeinschaftsseite ist, werden diese Einstellungen automatisch vorgenommen.";
+$a->strings["'%1\$s' may choose to extend this into a two-way or more permissive relationship in the future."] = "'%1\$s' kann den Kontaktstatus zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erweitern und diese Einschränkungen aufheben. ";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."] = "Bitte besuche %s, wenn Du Änderungen an eurer Beziehung vornehmen willst.";
+$a->strings["[Friendica System:Notify] registration request"] = "[Friendica System:Benachrichtigung] Registrationsanfrage";
+$a->strings["You've received a registration request from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Du hast eine Registrierungsanfrage von %2\$s auf '%1\$s' erhalten";
+$a->strings["You've received a [url=%1\$s]registration request[/url] from %2\$s."] = "Du hast eine [url=%1\$s]Registrierungsanfrage[/url] von %2\$s erhalten.";
+$a->strings["Full Name:\t%1\$s\\nSite Location:\t%2\$s\\nLogin Name:\t%3\$s (%4\$s)"] = "Kompletter Name:\t%1\$s\\nURL der Seite:\t%2\$s\\nLogin Name:\t%3\$s (%4\$s)";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the request."] = "Bitte besuche %s um die Anfrage zu bearbeiten.";
+$a->strings["Sun"] = "So";
+$a->strings["Mon"] = "Mo";
+$a->strings["Tue"] = "Di";
+$a->strings["Wed"] = "Mi";
+$a->strings["Thu"] = "Do";
+$a->strings["Fri"] = "Fr";
+$a->strings["Sat"] = "Sa";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Sonntag";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "Montag";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Dienstag";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Mittwoch";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Donnerstag";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "Freitag";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Samstag";
+$a->strings["Jan"] = "Jan";
+$a->strings["Feb"] = "Feb";
+$a->strings["Mar"] = "März";
+$a->strings["Apr"] = "Apr";
+$a->strings["May"] = "Mai";
+$a->strings["Jun"] = "Jun";
+$a->strings["Jul"] = "Juli";
+$a->strings["Aug"] = "Aug";
+$a->strings["Sept"] = "Sep";
+$a->strings["Oct"] = "Okt";
+$a->strings["Nov"] = "Nov";
+$a->strings["Dec"] = "Dez";
+$a->strings["January"] = "Januar";
+$a->strings["February"] = "Februar";
+$a->strings["March"] = "März";
+$a->strings["April"] = "April";
+$a->strings["June"] = "Juni";
+$a->strings["July"] = "Juli";
+$a->strings["August"] = "August";
+$a->strings["September"] = "September";
+$a->strings["October"] = "Oktober";
+$a->strings["November"] = "November";
+$a->strings["December"] = "Dezember";
+$a->strings["today"] = "Heute";
+$a->strings["all-day"] = "ganztägig";
+$a->strings["No events to display"] = "Keine Veranstaltung zum Anzeigen";
+$a->strings["l, F j"] = "l, F j";
+$a->strings["Edit event"] = "Veranstaltung bearbeiten";
+$a->strings["link to source"] = "Link zum Originalbeitrag";
+$a->strings["Export"] = "Exportieren";
+$a->strings["Export calendar as ical"] = "Kalender als ical exportieren";
+$a->strings["Export calendar as csv"] = "Kalender als csv exportieren";
+$a->strings["Disallowed profile URL."] = "Nicht erlaubte Profil-URL.";
+$a->strings["Connect URL missing."] = "Connect-URL fehlt";
+$a->strings["This site is not configured to allow communications with other networks."] = "Diese Seite ist so konfiguriert, dass keine Kommunikation mit anderen Netzwerken erfolgen kann.";
+$a->strings["No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered."] = "Es wurden keine kompatiblen Kommunikationsprotokolle oder Feeds gefunden.";
+$a->strings["The profile address specified does not provide adequate information."] = "Die angegebene Profiladresse liefert unzureichende Informationen.";
+$a->strings["An author or name was not found."] = "Es wurde kein Autor oder Name gefunden.";
+$a->strings["No browser URL could be matched to this address."] = "Zu dieser Adresse konnte keine passende Browser URL gefunden werden.";
+$a->strings["Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email contact."] = "Konnte die @-Adresse mit keinem der bekannten Protokolle oder Email-Kontakte abgleichen.";
+$a->strings["Use mailto: in front of address to force email check."] = "Verwende mailto: vor der Email Adresse, um eine Überprüfung der E-Mail-Adresse zu erzwingen.";
+$a->strings["The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled on this site."] = "Die Adresse dieses Profils gehört zu einem Netzwerk, mit dem die Kommunikation auf dieser Seite ausgeschaltet wurde.";
+$a->strings["Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal notifications from you."] = "Eingeschränktes Profil. Diese Person wird keine direkten/privaten Nachrichten von Dir erhalten können.";
+$a->strings["Unable to retrieve contact information."] = "Konnte die Kontaktinformationen nicht empfangen.";
+$a->strings["following"] = "folgen";
+$a->strings["Requested account is not available."] = "Das angefragte Profil ist nicht vorhanden.";
+$a->strings["Requested profile is not available."] = "Das angefragte Profil ist nicht vorhanden.";
+$a->strings["Edit profile"] = "Profil bearbeiten";
+$a->strings["Atom feed"] = "Atom-Feed";
+$a->strings["Profiles"] = "Profile";
+$a->strings["Manage/edit profiles"] = "Profile verwalten/editieren";
+$a->strings["Change profile photo"] = "Profilbild ändern";
+$a->strings["Create New Profile"] = "Neues Profil anlegen";
+$a->strings["Profile Image"] = "Profilbild";
+$a->strings["visible to everybody"] = "sichtbar für jeden";
+$a->strings["Edit visibility"] = "Sichtbarkeit bearbeiten";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Geschlecht:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Status:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Homepage:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "Über:";
+$a->strings["XMPP:"] = "XMPP:";
+$a->strings["Network:"] = "Netzwerk:";
+$a->strings["g A l F d"] = "l, d. F G \\U\\h\\r";
+$a->strings["F d"] = "d. F";
+$a->strings["[today]"] = "[heute]";
+$a->strings["Birthday Reminders"] = "Geburtstagserinnerungen";
+$a->strings["Birthdays this week:"] = "Geburtstage diese Woche:";
+$a->strings["[No description]"] = "[keine Beschreibung]";
+$a->strings["Event Reminders"] = "Veranstaltungserinnerungen";
+$a->strings["Events this week:"] = "Veranstaltungen diese Woche";
+$a->strings["Profile"] = "Profil";
+$a->strings["Full Name:"] = "Kompletter Name:";
+$a->strings["j F, Y"] = "j F, Y";
+$a->strings["j F"] = "j F";
+$a->strings["Age:"] = "Alter:";
+$a->strings["for %1\$d %2\$s"] = "für %1\$d %2\$s";
+$a->strings["Sexual Preference:"] = "Sexuelle Vorlieben:";
+$a->strings["Hometown:"] = "Heimatort:";
+$a->strings["Tags:"] = "Tags:";
+$a->strings["Political Views:"] = "Politische Ansichten:";
+$a->strings["Religion:"] = "Religion:";
+$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests:"] = "Hobbies/Interessen:";
+$a->strings["Likes:"] = "Likes:";
+$a->strings["Dislikes:"] = "Dislikes:";
+$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks:"] = "Kontaktinformationen und Soziale Netzwerke:";
+$a->strings["Musical interests:"] = "Musikalische Interessen:";
+$a->strings["Books, literature:"] = "Literatur/Bücher:";
+$a->strings["Television:"] = "Fernsehen:";
+$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"] = "Filme/Tänze/Kultur/Unterhaltung:";
+$a->strings["Love/Romance:"] = "Liebesleben:";
+$a->strings["Work/employment:"] = "Arbeit/Beschäftigung:";
+$a->strings["School/education:"] = "Schule/Ausbildung:";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Foren:";
+$a->strings["Basic"] = "Allgemein";
+$a->strings["Advanced"] = "Erweitert";
+$a->strings["Status"] = "Status";
+$a->strings["Status Messages and Posts"] = "Statusnachrichten und Beiträge";
+$a->strings["Profile Details"] = "Profildetails";
+$a->strings["Photos"] = "Bilder";
+$a->strings["Photo Albums"] = "Fotoalben";
+$a->strings["Videos"] = "Videos";
+$a->strings["Events"] = "Veranstaltungen";
+$a->strings["Events and Calendar"] = "Ereignisse und Kalender";
+$a->strings["Personal Notes"] = "Persönliche Notizen";
+$a->strings["Only You Can See This"] = "Nur Du kannst das sehen";
+$a->strings["Contacts"] = "Kontakte";
$a->strings["[Name Withheld]"] = "[Name unterdrückt]";
$a->strings["Item not found."] = "Beitrag nicht gefunden.";
$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this item?"] = "Möchtest Du wirklich dieses Item löschen?";
$a->strings["Yes"] = "Ja";
-$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Abbrechen";
$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Zugriff verweigert.";
$a->strings["Archives"] = "Archiv";
+$a->strings["Nothing new here"] = "Keine Neuigkeiten";
+$a->strings["Clear notifications"] = "Bereinige Benachrichtigungen";
+$a->strings["@name, !forum, #tags, content"] = "@name, !forum, #tags, content";
+$a->strings["Logout"] = "Abmelden";
+$a->strings["End this session"] = "Diese Sitzung beenden";
+$a->strings["Your posts and conversations"] = "Deine Beiträge und Unterhaltungen";
+$a->strings["Your profile page"] = "Deine Profilseite";
+$a->strings["Your photos"] = "Deine Fotos";
+$a->strings["Your videos"] = "Deine Videos";
+$a->strings["Your events"] = "Deine Ereignisse";
+$a->strings["Personal notes"] = "Persönliche Notizen";
+$a->strings["Your personal notes"] = "Deine persönlichen Notizen";
+$a->strings["Login"] = "Anmeldung";
+$a->strings["Sign in"] = "Anmelden";
+$a->strings["Home Page"] = "Homepage";
+$a->strings["Register"] = "Registrieren";
+$a->strings["Create an account"] = "Nutzerkonto erstellen";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Hilfe";
+$a->strings["Help and documentation"] = "Hilfe und Dokumentation";
+$a->strings["Apps"] = "Apps";
+$a->strings["Addon applications, utilities, games"] = "Addon Anwendungen, Dienstprogramme, Spiele";
+$a->strings["Search"] = "Suche";
+$a->strings["Search site content"] = "Inhalt der Seite durchsuchen";
+$a->strings["Full Text"] = "Volltext";
+$a->strings["Tags"] = "Tags";
+$a->strings["Community"] = "Gemeinschaft";
+$a->strings["Conversations on this site"] = "Unterhaltungen auf dieser Seite";
+$a->strings["Conversations on the network"] = "Unterhaltungen im Netzwerk";
+$a->strings["Directory"] = "Verzeichnis";
+$a->strings["People directory"] = "Nutzerverzeichnis";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "Information";
+$a->strings["Information about this friendica instance"] = "Informationen zu dieser Friendica Instanz";
+$a->strings["Conversations from your friends"] = "Unterhaltungen Deiner Kontakte";
+$a->strings["Network Reset"] = "Netzwerk zurücksetzen";
+$a->strings["Load Network page with no filters"] = "Netzwerk-Seite ohne Filter laden";
+$a->strings["Friend Requests"] = "Kontaktanfragen";
+$a->strings["Notifications"] = "Benachrichtigungen";
+$a->strings["See all notifications"] = "Alle Benachrichtigungen anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Mark as seen"] = "Als gelesen markieren";
+$a->strings["Mark all system notifications seen"] = "Markiere alle Systembenachrichtigungen als gelesen";
+$a->strings["Messages"] = "Nachrichten";
+$a->strings["Private mail"] = "Private E-Mail";
+$a->strings["Inbox"] = "Eingang";
+$a->strings["Outbox"] = "Ausgang";
+$a->strings["New Message"] = "Neue Nachricht";
+$a->strings["Manage"] = "Verwalten";
+$a->strings["Manage other pages"] = "Andere Seiten verwalten";
+$a->strings["Delegations"] = "Delegationen";
+$a->strings["Delegate Page Management"] = "Delegiere das Management für die Seite";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Account settings"] = "Kontoeinstellungen";
+$a->strings["Manage/Edit Profiles"] = "Profile Verwalten/Editieren";
+$a->strings["Manage/edit friends and contacts"] = " Kontakte verwalten/editieren";
+$a->strings["Admin"] = "Administration";
+$a->strings["Site setup and configuration"] = "Einstellungen der Seite und Konfiguration";
+$a->strings["Navigation"] = "Navigation";
+$a->strings["Site map"] = "Sitemap";
+$a->strings["Embedded content"] = "Eingebetteter Inhalt";
+$a->strings["Embedding disabled"] = "Einbettungen deaktiviert";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Kontaktbilder";
+$a->strings["Welcome "] = "Willkommen ";
+$a->strings["Please upload a profile photo."] = "Bitte lade ein Profilbild hoch.";
+$a->strings["Welcome back "] = "Willkommen zurück ";
+$a->strings["The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."] = "Das Sicherheitsmerkmal war nicht korrekt. Das passiert meistens wenn das Formular vor dem Absenden zu lange geöffnet war (länger als 3 Stunden).";
$a->strings["newer"] = "neuer";
$a->strings["older"] = "älter";
$a->strings["prev"] = "vorige";
@@ -289,12 +669,7 @@ $a->strings["%d Contact"] = array(
1 => "%d Kontakte",
$a->strings["View Contacts"] = "Kontakte anzeigen";
-$a->strings["Search"] = "Suche";
$a->strings["Save"] = "Speichern";
-$a->strings["@name, !forum, #tags, content"] = "@name, !forum, #tags, content";
-$a->strings["Full Text"] = "Volltext";
-$a->strings["Tags"] = "Tags";
-$a->strings["Contacts"] = "Kontakte";
$a->strings["poke"] = "anstupsen";
$a->strings["poked"] = "stupste";
$a->strings["ping"] = "anpingen";
@@ -332,8 +707,6 @@ $a->strings["bytes"] = "Byte";
$a->strings["Click to open/close"] = "Zum öffnen/schließen klicken";
$a->strings["View on separate page"] = "Auf separater Seite ansehen";
$a->strings["view on separate page"] = "auf separater Seite ansehen";
-$a->strings["event"] = "Event";
-$a->strings["photo"] = "Foto";
$a->strings["activity"] = "Aktivität";
$a->strings["comment"] = array(
0 => "Kommentar",
@@ -341,394 +714,12 @@ $a->strings["comment"] = array(
$a->strings["post"] = "Beitrag";
$a->strings["Item filed"] = "Beitrag abgelegt";
-$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't like %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s mag %2\$ss %3\$s nicht";
-$a->strings["%1\$s attends %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s nimmt an %2\$ss %3\$s teil.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't attend %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s nimmt nicht an %2\$ss %3\$s teil.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s attends maybe %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s nimmt eventuell an %2\$ss %3\$s teil.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is now friends with %2\$s"] = "%1\$s ist nun mit %2\$s befreundet";
-$a->strings["%1\$s poked %2\$s"] = "%1\$s stupste %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is currently %2\$s"] = "%1\$s ist momentan %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s tagged %2\$s's %3\$s with %4\$s"] = "%1\$s hat %2\$ss %3\$s mit %4\$s getaggt";
-$a->strings["post/item"] = "Nachricht/Beitrag";
-$a->strings["%1\$s marked %2\$s's %3\$s as favorite"] = "%1\$s hat %2\$s\\s %3\$s als Favorit markiert";
-$a->strings["Likes"] = "Likes";
-$a->strings["Dislikes"] = "Dislikes";
-$a->strings["Attending"] = array(
- 0 => "Teilnehmend",
- 1 => "Teilnehmend",
-$a->strings["Not attending"] = "Nicht teilnehmend";
-$a->strings["Might attend"] = "Eventuell teilnehmend";
-$a->strings["Select"] = "Auswählen";
-$a->strings["Delete"] = "Löschen";
-$a->strings["View %s's profile @ %s"] = "Das Profil von %s auf %s betrachten.";
-$a->strings["Categories:"] = "Kategorien:";
-$a->strings["Filed under:"] = "Abgelegt unter:";
-$a->strings["%s from %s"] = "%s von %s";
-$a->strings["View in context"] = "Im Zusammenhang betrachten";
-$a->strings["Please wait"] = "Bitte warten";
-$a->strings["remove"] = "löschen";
-$a->strings["Delete Selected Items"] = "Lösche die markierten Beiträge";
-$a->strings["Follow Thread"] = "Folge der Unterhaltung";
-$a->strings["View Status"] = "Pinnwand anschauen";
-$a->strings["View Profile"] = "Profil anschauen";
-$a->strings["View Photos"] = "Bilder anschauen";
-$a->strings["Network Posts"] = "Netzwerkbeiträge";
-$a->strings["Edit Contact"] = "Kontakt bearbeiten";
-$a->strings["Send PM"] = "Private Nachricht senden";
-$a->strings["Poke"] = "Anstupsen";
-$a->strings["%s likes this."] = "%s mag das.";
-$a->strings["%s doesn't like this."] = "%s mag das nicht.";
-$a->strings["%s attends."] = "%s nimmt teil.";
-$a->strings["%s doesn't attend."] = "%s nimmt nicht teil.";
-$a->strings["%s attends maybe."] = "%s nimmt eventuell teil.";
-$a->strings["and"] = "und";
-$a->strings[", and %d other people"] = " und %d andere";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people like this"] = "%2\$d Personen mögen das";
-$a->strings["%s like this."] = "%s mögen das.";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people don't like this"] = "%2\$d Personen mögen das nicht";
-$a->strings["%s don't like this."] = "%s mögen dies nicht.";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people attend"] = "%2\$d Personen nehmen teil";
-$a->strings["%s attend."] = "%s nehmen teil.";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people don't attend"] = "%2\$d Personen nehmen nicht teil";
-$a->strings["%s don't attend."] = "%s nehmen nicht teil.";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people anttend maybe"] = "%2\$d Personen nehmen eventuell teil";
-$a->strings["%s anttend maybe."] = "%s nehmen vielleicht teil.";
-$a->strings["Visible to everybody "] = "Für jedermann sichtbar";
-$a->strings["Please enter a link URL:"] = "Bitte gib die URL des Links ein:";
-$a->strings["Please enter a video link/URL:"] = "Bitte Link/URL zum Video einfügen:";
-$a->strings["Please enter an audio link/URL:"] = "Bitte Link/URL zum Audio einfügen:";
-$a->strings["Tag term:"] = "Tag:";
-$a->strings["Save to Folder:"] = "In diesem Ordner speichern:";
-$a->strings["Where are you right now?"] = "Wo hältst Du Dich jetzt gerade auf?";
-$a->strings["Delete item(s)?"] = "Einträge löschen?";
-$a->strings["Share"] = "Teilen";
-$a->strings["Upload photo"] = "Foto hochladen";
-$a->strings["upload photo"] = "Bild hochladen";
-$a->strings["Attach file"] = "Datei anhängen";
-$a->strings["attach file"] = "Datei anhängen";
-$a->strings["Insert web link"] = "Einen Link einfügen";
-$a->strings["web link"] = "Weblink";
-$a->strings["Insert video link"] = "Video-Adresse einfügen";
-$a->strings["video link"] = "Video-Link";
-$a->strings["Insert audio link"] = "Audio-Adresse einfügen";
-$a->strings["audio link"] = "Audio-Link";
-$a->strings["Set your location"] = "Deinen Standort festlegen";
-$a->strings["set location"] = "Ort setzen";
-$a->strings["Clear browser location"] = "Browser-Standort leeren";
-$a->strings["clear location"] = "Ort löschen";
-$a->strings["Set title"] = "Titel setzen";
-$a->strings["Categories (comma-separated list)"] = "Kategorien (kommasepariert)";
-$a->strings["Permission settings"] = "Berechtigungseinstellungen";
-$a->strings["permissions"] = "Zugriffsrechte";
-$a->strings["Public post"] = "Öffentlicher Beitrag";
-$a->strings["Preview"] = "Vorschau";
-$a->strings["Post to Groups"] = "Poste an Gruppe";
-$a->strings["Post to Contacts"] = "Poste an Kontakte";
-$a->strings["Private post"] = "Privater Beitrag";
-$a->strings["Message"] = "Nachricht";
-$a->strings["Browser"] = "Browser";
-$a->strings["View all"] = "Zeige alle";
-$a->strings["Like"] = array(
- 0 => "mag ich",
- 1 => "Mag ich",
-$a->strings["Dislike"] = array(
- 0 => "mag ich nicht",
- 1 => "Mag ich nicht",
-$a->strings["Not Attending"] = array(
- 0 => "Nicht teilnehmend ",
- 1 => "Nicht teilnehmend",
-$a->strings["Requested account is not available."] = "Das angefragte Profil ist nicht vorhanden.";
-$a->strings["Requested profile is not available."] = "Das angefragte Profil ist nicht vorhanden.";
-$a->strings["Edit profile"] = "Profil bearbeiten";
-$a->strings["Atom feed"] = "Atom-Feed";
-$a->strings["Profiles"] = "Profile";
-$a->strings["Manage/edit profiles"] = "Profile verwalten/editieren";
-$a->strings["Change profile photo"] = "Profilbild ändern";
-$a->strings["Create New Profile"] = "Neues Profil anlegen";
-$a->strings["Profile Image"] = "Profilbild";
-$a->strings["visible to everybody"] = "sichtbar für jeden";
-$a->strings["Edit visibility"] = "Sichtbarkeit bearbeiten";
-$a->strings["Forum"] = "Forum";
-$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Geschlecht:";
-$a->strings["Status:"] = "Status:";
-$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Homepage:";
-$a->strings["About:"] = "Über:";
-$a->strings["Network:"] = "Netzwerk";
-$a->strings["g A l F d"] = "l, d. F G \\U\\h\\r";
-$a->strings["F d"] = "d. F";
-$a->strings["[today]"] = "[heute]";
-$a->strings["Birthday Reminders"] = "Geburtstagserinnerungen";
-$a->strings["Birthdays this week:"] = "Geburtstage diese Woche:";
-$a->strings["[No description]"] = "[keine Beschreibung]";
-$a->strings["Event Reminders"] = "Veranstaltungserinnerungen";
-$a->strings["Events this week:"] = "Veranstaltungen diese Woche";
-$a->strings["Profile"] = "Profil";
-$a->strings["Full Name:"] = "Kompletter Name:";
-$a->strings["j F, Y"] = "j F, Y";
-$a->strings["j F"] = "j F";
-$a->strings["Age:"] = "Alter:";
-$a->strings["for %1\$d %2\$s"] = "für %1\$d %2\$s";
-$a->strings["Sexual Preference:"] = "Sexuelle Vorlieben:";
-$a->strings["Hometown:"] = "Heimatort:";
-$a->strings["Tags:"] = "Tags";
-$a->strings["Political Views:"] = "Politische Ansichten:";
-$a->strings["Religion:"] = "Religion:";
-$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests:"] = "Hobbies/Interessen:";
-$a->strings["Likes:"] = "Likes:";
-$a->strings["Dislikes:"] = "Dislikes:";
-$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks:"] = "Kontaktinformationen und Soziale Netzwerke:";
-$a->strings["Musical interests:"] = "Musikalische Interessen:";
-$a->strings["Books, literature:"] = "Literatur/Bücher:";
-$a->strings["Television:"] = "Fernsehen:";
-$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"] = "Filme/Tänze/Kultur/Unterhaltung:";
-$a->strings["Love/Romance:"] = "Liebesleben:";
-$a->strings["Work/employment:"] = "Arbeit/Beschäftigung:";
-$a->strings["School/education:"] = "Schule/Ausbildung:";
-$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Foren:";
-$a->strings["Basic"] = "Allgemein";
-$a->strings["Advanced"] = "Erweitert";
-$a->strings["Status"] = "Status";
-$a->strings["Status Messages and Posts"] = "Statusnachrichten und Beiträge";
-$a->strings["Profile Details"] = "Profildetails";
-$a->strings["Photos"] = "Bilder";
-$a->strings["Photo Albums"] = "Fotoalben";
-$a->strings["Videos"] = "Videos";
-$a->strings["Events"] = "Veranstaltungen";
-$a->strings["Events and Calendar"] = "Ereignisse und Kalender";
-$a->strings["Personal Notes"] = "Persönliche Notizen";
-$a->strings["Only You Can See This"] = "Nur Du kannst das sehen";
-$a->strings[" on Last.fm"] = " bei Last.fm";
-$a->strings["Disallowed profile URL."] = "Nicht erlaubte Profil-URL.";
-$a->strings["Connect URL missing."] = "Connect-URL fehlt";
-$a->strings["This site is not configured to allow communications with other networks."] = "Diese Seite ist so konfiguriert, dass keine Kommunikation mit anderen Netzwerken erfolgen kann.";
-$a->strings["No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered."] = "Es wurden keine kompatiblen Kommunikationsprotokolle oder Feeds gefunden.";
-$a->strings["The profile address specified does not provide adequate information."] = "Die angegebene Profiladresse liefert unzureichende Informationen.";
-$a->strings["An author or name was not found."] = "Es wurde kein Autor oder Name gefunden.";
-$a->strings["No browser URL could be matched to this address."] = "Zu dieser Adresse konnte keine passende Browser URL gefunden werden.";
-$a->strings["Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email contact."] = "Konnte die @-Adresse mit keinem der bekannten Protokolle oder Email-Kontakte abgleichen.";
-$a->strings["Use mailto: in front of address to force email check."] = "Verwende mailto: vor der Email Adresse, um eine Überprüfung der E-Mail-Adresse zu erzwingen.";
-$a->strings["The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled on this site."] = "Die Adresse dieses Profils gehört zu einem Netzwerk, mit dem die Kommunikation auf dieser Seite ausgeschaltet wurde.";
-$a->strings["Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal notifications from you."] = "Eingeschränktes Profil. Diese Person wird keine direkten/privaten Nachrichten von Dir erhalten können.";
-$a->strings["Unable to retrieve contact information."] = "Konnte die Kontaktinformationen nicht empfangen.";
-$a->strings["following"] = "folgen";
$a->strings["stopped following"] = "wird nicht mehr gefolgt";
$a->strings["Drop Contact"] = "Kontakt löschen";
-$a->strings["Embedded content"] = "Eingebetteter Inhalt";
-$a->strings["Embedding disabled"] = "Einbettungen deaktiviert";
-$a->strings["Image/photo"] = "Bild/Foto";
-$a->strings["%2\$s %3\$s"] = "%2\$s %3\$s";
-$a->strings["$1 wrote:"] = "$1 hat geschrieben:";
-$a->strings["Encrypted content"] = "Verschlüsselter Inhalt";
-$a->strings["Unknown | Not categorised"] = "Unbekannt | Nicht kategorisiert";
-$a->strings["Block immediately"] = "Sofort blockieren";
-$a->strings["Shady, spammer, self-marketer"] = "Zwielichtig, Spammer, Selbstdarsteller";
-$a->strings["Known to me, but no opinion"] = "Ist mir bekannt, hab aber keine Meinung";
-$a->strings["OK, probably harmless"] = "OK, wahrscheinlich harmlos";
-$a->strings["Reputable, has my trust"] = "Seriös, hat mein Vertrauen";
-$a->strings["Frequently"] = "immer wieder";
-$a->strings["Hourly"] = "Stündlich";
-$a->strings["Twice daily"] = "Zweimal täglich";
-$a->strings["Daily"] = "Täglich";
-$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Wöchentlich";
-$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Monatlich";
-$a->strings["Friendica"] = "Friendica";
-$a->strings["OStatus"] = "OStatus";
-$a->strings["RSS/Atom"] = "RSS/Atom";
-$a->strings["Email"] = "E-Mail";
-$a->strings["Diaspora"] = "Diaspora";
-$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
-$a->strings["Zot!"] = "Zott";
-$a->strings["LinkedIn"] = "LinkedIn";
-$a->strings["XMPP/IM"] = "XMPP/Chat";
-$a->strings["MySpace"] = "MySpace";
-$a->strings["Google+"] = "Google+";
-$a->strings["pump.io"] = "pump.io";
-$a->strings["Twitter"] = "Twitter";
-$a->strings["Diaspora Connector"] = "Diaspora";
-$a->strings["GNU Social"] = "GNU Social";
-$a->strings["App.net"] = "App.net";
-$a->strings["Hubzilla/Redmatrix"] = "Hubzilla/Redmatrix";
-$a->strings["\n\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."] = "\nDie Friendica-Entwickler haben vor kurzem das Update %s veröffentlicht, aber bei der Installation ging etwas schrecklich schief.\n\nDas Problem sollte so schnell wie möglich gelöst werden, aber ich schaffe es nicht alleine. Bitte kontaktiere einen Friendica-Entwickler falls Du mir nicht alleine helfen kannst. Meine Datenbank könnte ungültig sein.";
-$a->strings["The error message is\n[pre]%s[/pre]"] = "Die Fehlermeldung lautet\n[pre]%s[/pre]";
-$a->strings["Errors encountered creating database tables."] = "Fehler aufgetreten während der Erzeugung der Datenbanktabellen.";
-$a->strings["Errors encountered performing database changes."] = "Es sind Fehler beim Bearbeiten der Datenbank aufgetreten.";
-$a->strings["Logged out."] = "Abgemeldet.";
-$a->strings["Login failed."] = "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen.";
-$a->strings["We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. Please check the correct spelling of the ID."] = "Beim Versuch Dich mit der von Dir angegebenen OpenID anzumelden trat ein Problem auf. Bitte überprüfe, dass Du die OpenID richtig geschrieben hast.";
-$a->strings["The error message was:"] = "Die Fehlermeldung lautete:";
-$a->strings["view full size"] = "Volle Größe anzeigen";
-$a->strings["A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions may apply to this group and any future members. If this is not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."] = "Eine gelöschte Gruppe mit diesem Namen wurde wiederbelebt. Bestehende Berechtigungseinstellungen könnten auf diese Gruppe oder zukünftige Mitglieder angewandt werden. Falls Du dies nicht möchtest, erstelle bitte eine andere Gruppe mit einem anderen Namen.";
-$a->strings["Default privacy group for new contacts"] = "Voreingestellte Gruppe für neue Kontakte";
-$a->strings["Everybody"] = "Alle Kontakte";
-$a->strings["edit"] = "bearbeiten";
-$a->strings["Groups"] = "Gruppen";
-$a->strings["Edit groups"] = "Gruppen bearbeiten";
-$a->strings["Edit group"] = "Gruppe bearbeiten";
-$a->strings["Create a new group"] = "Neue Gruppe erstellen";
-$a->strings["Group Name: "] = "Gruppenname:";
-$a->strings["Contacts not in any group"] = "Kontakte in keiner Gruppe";
-$a->strings["add"] = "hinzufügen";
-$a->strings["Wall Photos"] = "Pinnwand-Bilder";
-$a->strings["(no subject)"] = "(kein Betreff)";
-$a->strings["Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."] = "Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein. Das Passwort bleibt unverändert.";
-$a->strings["An invitation is required."] = "Du benötigst eine Einladung.";
-$a->strings["Invitation could not be verified."] = "Die Einladung konnte nicht überprüft werden.";
-$a->strings["Invalid OpenID url"] = "Ungültige OpenID URL";
-$a->strings["Please enter the required information."] = "Bitte trage die erforderlichen Informationen ein.";
-$a->strings["Please use a shorter name."] = "Bitte verwende einen kürzeren Namen.";
-$a->strings["Name too short."] = "Der Name ist zu kurz.";
-$a->strings["That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."] = "Das scheint nicht Dein kompletter Name (Vor- und Nachname) zu sein.";
-$a->strings["Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."] = "Die Domain Deiner E-Mail Adresse ist auf dieser Seite nicht erlaubt.";
-$a->strings["Not a valid email address."] = "Keine gültige E-Mail-Adresse.";
-$a->strings["Cannot use that email."] = "Konnte diese E-Mail-Adresse nicht verwenden.";
-$a->strings["Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."] = "Dein Spitzname darf nur aus Buchstaben und Zahlen (\"a-z\",\"0-9\" und \"_\") bestehen.";
-$a->strings["Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."] = "Dieser Spitzname ist bereits vergeben. Bitte wähle einen anderen.";
-$a->strings["Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose another."] = "Dieser Spitzname ist bereits vergeben. Bitte wähle einen anderen.";
-$a->strings["SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."] = "FATALER FEHLER: Sicherheitsschlüssel konnten nicht erzeugt werden.";
-$a->strings["An error occurred during registration. Please try again."] = "Während der Anmeldung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.";
-$a->strings["default"] = "Standard";
-$a->strings["An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."] = "Bei der Erstellung des Standardprofils ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.";
-$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Profilbilder";
-$a->strings["\n\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2\$s. Your account has been created.\n\t"] = "\nHallo %1\$s,\n\ndanke für Deine Registrierung auf %2\$s. Dein Account wurde eingerichtet.";
-$a->strings["\n\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3\$s\n\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tPassword:\t%5\$s\n\n\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n\t\tin.\n\n\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n\n\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n\n\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n\t\tthan that.\n\n\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n\n\n\t\tThank you and welcome to %2\$s."] = "\nDie Anmelde-Details sind die folgenden:\n\tAdresse der Seite:\t%3\$s\n\tBenutzernamename:\t%1\$s\n\tPasswort:\t%5\$s\n\nDu kannst Dein Passwort unter \"Einstellungen\" ändern, sobald Du Dich\nangemeldet hast.\n\nBitte nimm Dir ein paar Minuten um die anderen Einstellungen auf dieser\nSeite zu kontrollieren.\n\nEventuell magst Du ja auch einige Informationen über Dich in Deinem\nProfil veröffentlichen, damit andere Leute Dich einfacher finden können.\nBearbeite hierfür einfach Dein Standard-Profil (über die Profil-Seite).\n\nWir empfehlen Dir, Deinen kompletten Namen anzugeben und ein zu Dir\npassendes Profilbild zu wählen, damit Dich alte Bekannte wieder finden.\nAußerdem ist es nützlich, wenn Du auf Deinem Profil Schlüsselwörter\nangibst. Das erleichtert es, Leute zu finden, die Deine Interessen teilen.\n\nWir respektieren Deine Privatsphäre - keine dieser Angaben ist nötig.\nWenn Du neu im Netzwerk bist und noch niemanden kennst, dann können sie\nallerdings dabei helfen, neue und interessante Kontakte zu knüpfen.\n\nDanke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit und willkommen auf %2\$s.";
-$a->strings["Registration details for %s"] = "Details der Registration von %s";
-$a->strings["Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Das tägliche Nachrichtenlimit von %d Nachrichten wurde erreicht. Die Nachtricht wurde verworfen.";
-$a->strings["Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Das wöchentliche Nachrichtenlimit von %d Nachrichten wurde erreicht. Die Nachtricht wurde verworfen.";
-$a->strings["Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Das monatliche Nachrichtenlimit von %d Nachrichten wurde erreicht. Die Nachtricht wurde verworfen.";
-$a->strings["General Features"] = "Allgemeine Features";
-$a->strings["Multiple Profiles"] = "Mehrere Profile";
-$a->strings["Ability to create multiple profiles"] = "Möglichkeit mehrere Profile zu erstellen";
-$a->strings["Photo Location"] = "Aufnahmeort";
-$a->strings["Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present) prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."] = "Die Foto-Metadaten werden ausgelesen. Dadurch kann der Aufnahmeort (wenn vorhanden) in einer Karte angezeigt werden.";
-$a->strings["Export Public Calendar"] = "Öffentlichen Kalender exportieren";
-$a->strings["Ability for visitors to download the public calendar"] = "Möglichkeit für Besucher den öffentlichen Kalender herunter zu laden";
-$a->strings["Post Composition Features"] = "Beitragserstellung Features";
-$a->strings["Richtext Editor"] = "Web-Editor";
-$a->strings["Enable richtext editor"] = "Den Web-Editor für neue Beiträge aktivieren";
-$a->strings["Post Preview"] = "Beitragsvorschau";
-$a->strings["Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"] = "Die Vorschau von Beiträgen und Kommentaren vor dem absenden erlauben.";
-$a->strings["Auto-mention Forums"] = "Foren automatisch erwähnen";
-$a->strings["Add/remove mention when a fourm page is selected/deselected in ACL window."] = "Automatisch eine @-Erwähnung eines Forums einfügen/entfehrnen, wenn dieses im ACL Fenster de-/markiert wurde.";
-$a->strings["Network Sidebar Widgets"] = "Widgets für Netzwerk und Seitenleiste";
-$a->strings["Search by Date"] = "Archiv";
-$a->strings["Ability to select posts by date ranges"] = "Möglichkeit die Beiträge nach Datumsbereichen zu sortieren";
-$a->strings["List Forums"] = "Zeige Foren";
-$a->strings["Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"] = "Aktiviere Widget, um die Foren mit denen du verbunden bist anzuzeigen";
-$a->strings["Group Filter"] = "Gruppen Filter";
-$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"] = "Widget zur Darstellung der Beiträge nach Kontaktgruppen sortiert aktivieren.";
-$a->strings["Network Filter"] = "Netzwerk Filter";
-$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"] = "Widget zum filtern der Beiträge in Abhängigkeit des Netzwerks aus dem der Ersteller sendet aktivieren.";
-$a->strings["Saved Searches"] = "Gespeicherte Suchen";
-$a->strings["Save search terms for re-use"] = "Speichere Suchanfragen für spätere Wiederholung.";
-$a->strings["Network Tabs"] = "Netzwerk Reiter";
-$a->strings["Network Personal Tab"] = "Netzwerk-Reiter: Persönlich";
-$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"] = "Aktiviert einen Netzwerk-Reiter in dem Nachrichten angezeigt werden mit denen Du interagiert hast";
-$a->strings["Network New Tab"] = "Netzwerk-Reiter: Neue";
-$a->strings["Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"] = "Aktiviert einen Netzwerk-Reiter in dem ausschließlich neue Beiträge (der letzten 12 Stunden) angezeigt werden";
-$a->strings["Network Shared Links Tab"] = "Netzwerk-Reiter: Geteilte Links";
-$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"] = "Aktiviert einen Netzwerk-Reiter der ausschließlich Nachrichten mit Links enthält";
-$a->strings["Post/Comment Tools"] = "Werkzeuge für Beiträge und Kommentare";
-$a->strings["Multiple Deletion"] = "Mehrere Beiträge löschen";
-$a->strings["Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"] = "Mehrere Beiträge/Kommentare markieren und gleichzeitig löschen";
-$a->strings["Edit Sent Posts"] = "Gesendete Beiträge editieren";
-$a->strings["Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"] = "Erlaubt es Beiträge und Kommentare nach dem Senden zu editieren bzw.zu korrigieren.";
-$a->strings["Tagging"] = "Tagging";
-$a->strings["Ability to tag existing posts"] = "Möglichkeit bereits existierende Beiträge nachträglich mit Tags zu versehen.";
-$a->strings["Post Categories"] = "Beitragskategorien";
-$a->strings["Add categories to your posts"] = "Eigene Beiträge mit Kategorien versehen";
-$a->strings["Ability to file posts under folders"] = "Beiträge in Ordnern speichern aktivieren";
-$a->strings["Dislike Posts"] = "Beiträge 'nicht mögen'";
-$a->strings["Ability to dislike posts/comments"] = "Ermöglicht es Beiträge mit einem Klick 'nicht zu mögen'";
-$a->strings["Star Posts"] = "Beiträge Markieren";
-$a->strings["Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"] = "Erlaubt es Beiträge mit einem Stern-Indikator zu markieren";
-$a->strings["Mute Post Notifications"] = "Benachrichtigungen für Beiträge Stumm schalten";
-$a->strings["Ability to mute notifications for a thread"] = "Möglichkeit Benachrichtigungen für einen Thread abbestellen zu können";
-$a->strings["Advanced Profile Settings"] = "Erweiterte Profil-Einstellungen";
-$a->strings["Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"] = "Zeige Besuchern öffentliche Gemeinschafts-Foren auf der Erweiterten Profil-Seite";
-$a->strings["Nothing new here"] = "Keine Neuigkeiten";
-$a->strings["Clear notifications"] = "Bereinige Benachrichtigungen";
-$a->strings["End this session"] = "Diese Sitzung beenden";
-$a->strings["Your posts and conversations"] = "Deine Beiträge und Unterhaltungen";
-$a->strings["Your profile page"] = "Deine Profilseite";
-$a->strings["Your photos"] = "Deine Fotos";
-$a->strings["Your videos"] = "Deine Videos";
-$a->strings["Your events"] = "Deine Ereignisse";
-$a->strings["Personal notes"] = "Persönliche Notizen";
-$a->strings["Your personal notes"] = "Deine persönlichen Notizen";
-$a->strings["Sign in"] = "Anmelden";
-$a->strings["Home"] = "Pinnwand";
-$a->strings["Home Page"] = "Homepage";
-$a->strings["Create an account"] = "Nutzerkonto erstellen";
-$a->strings["Help"] = "Hilfe";
-$a->strings["Help and documentation"] = "Hilfe und Dokumentation";
-$a->strings["Apps"] = "Apps";
-$a->strings["Addon applications, utilities, games"] = "Addon Anwendungen, Dienstprogramme, Spiele";
-$a->strings["Search site content"] = "Inhalt der Seite durchsuchen";
-$a->strings["Community"] = "Gemeinschaft";
-$a->strings["Conversations on this site"] = "Unterhaltungen auf dieser Seite";
-$a->strings["Conversations on the network"] = "Unterhaltungen im Netzwerk";
-$a->strings["Directory"] = "Verzeichnis";
-$a->strings["People directory"] = "Nutzerverzeichnis";
-$a->strings["Information"] = "Information";
-$a->strings["Information about this friendica instance"] = "Informationen zu dieser Friendica Instanz";
-$a->strings["Network"] = "Netzwerk";
-$a->strings["Conversations from your friends"] = "Unterhaltungen Deiner Kontakte";
-$a->strings["Network Reset"] = "Netzwerk zurücksetzen";
-$a->strings["Load Network page with no filters"] = "Netzwerk-Seite ohne Filter laden";
-$a->strings["Introductions"] = "Kontaktanfragen";
-$a->strings["Friend Requests"] = "Kontaktanfragen";
-$a->strings["Notifications"] = "Benachrichtigungen";
-$a->strings["See all notifications"] = "Alle Benachrichtigungen anzeigen";
-$a->strings["Mark as seen"] = "Als gelesen markieren";
-$a->strings["Mark all system notifications seen"] = "Markiere alle Systembenachrichtigungen als gelesen";
-$a->strings["Messages"] = "Nachrichten";
-$a->strings["Private mail"] = "Private E-Mail";
-$a->strings["Inbox"] = "Eingang";
-$a->strings["Outbox"] = "Ausgang";
-$a->strings["New Message"] = "Neue Nachricht";
-$a->strings["Manage"] = "Verwalten";
-$a->strings["Manage other pages"] = "Andere Seiten verwalten";
-$a->strings["Delegations"] = "Delegationen";
-$a->strings["Delegate Page Management"] = "Delegiere das Management für die Seite";
-$a->strings["Settings"] = "Einstellungen";
-$a->strings["Account settings"] = "Kontoeinstellungen";
-$a->strings["Manage/Edit Profiles"] = "Profile Verwalten/Editieren";
-$a->strings["Manage/edit friends and contacts"] = " Kontakte verwalten/editieren";
-$a->strings["Admin"] = "Administration";
-$a->strings["Site setup and configuration"] = "Einstellungen der Seite und Konfiguration";
-$a->strings["Navigation"] = "Navigation";
-$a->strings["Site map"] = "Sitemap";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is attending %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s nimmt an %2\$ss %3\$s teil.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is not attending %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s nimmt nicht an %2\$ss %3\$s teil.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s may attend %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s nimmt eventuell an %2\$ss %3\$s teil.";
-$a->strings["Post to Email"] = "An E-Mail senden";
-$a->strings["Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."] = "Konnektoren sind nicht verfügbar, da \"%s\" aktiv ist.";
-$a->strings["Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"] = "Profil-Details vor unbekannten Betrachtern verbergen?";
-$a->strings["Visible to everybody"] = "Für jeden sichtbar";
-$a->strings["show"] = "zeigen";
-$a->strings["don't show"] = "nicht zeigen";
-$a->strings["CC: email addresses"] = "Cc: E-Mail-Addressen";
-$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"] = "Z.B.: bob@example.com, mary@example.com";
-$a->strings["Permissions"] = "Berechtigungen";
-$a->strings["Close"] = "Schließen";
-$a->strings["[no subject]"] = "[kein Betreff]";
-$a->strings["You must be logged in to use addons. "] = "Sie müssen angemeldet sein um Addons benutzen zu können.";
-$a->strings["Not Found"] = "Nicht gefunden";
-$a->strings["Page not found."] = "Seite nicht gefunden.";
-$a->strings["Permission denied"] = "Zugriff verweigert";
-$a->strings["toggle mobile"] = "auf/von Mobile Ansicht wechseln";
-$a->strings["Account approved."] = "Konto freigegeben.";
-$a->strings["Registration revoked for %s"] = "Registrierung für %s wurde zurückgezogen";
-$a->strings["Please login."] = "Bitte melde Dich an.";
+$a->strings["Organisation"] = "Organisation";
+$a->strings["News"] = "Nachrichten";
+$a->strings["Forum"] = "Forum";
$a->strings["Post successful."] = "Beitrag erfolgreich veröffentlicht.";
-$a->strings["[Embedded content - reload page to view]"] = "[Eingebetteter Inhalt - Seite neu laden zum Betrachten]";
-$a->strings["People Search - %s"] = "Personensuche - %s";
-$a->strings["Forum Search - %s"] = "Forensuche - %s";
-$a->strings["No matches"] = "Keine Übereinstimmungen";
$a->strings["Access denied."] = "Zugriff verweigert.";
$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Willkommen zu %s";
$a->strings["No more system notifications."] = "Keine weiteren Systembenachrichtigungen.";
@@ -741,62 +732,6 @@ $a->strings["Only one search per minute is permitted for not logged in users."]
$a->strings["No results."] = "Keine Ergebnisse.";
$a->strings["Items tagged with: %s"] = "Beiträge die mit %s getaggt sind";
$a->strings["Results for: %s"] = "Ergebnisse für: %s";
-$a->strings["Invalid request identifier."] = "Invalid request identifier.";
-$a->strings["Discard"] = "Verwerfen";
-$a->strings["Ignore"] = "Ignorieren";
-$a->strings["System"] = "System";
-$a->strings["Personal"] = "Persönlich";
-$a->strings["Show Ignored Requests"] = "Zeige ignorierte Anfragen";
-$a->strings["Hide Ignored Requests"] = "Verberge ignorierte Anfragen";
-$a->strings["Notification type: "] = "Benachrichtigungstyp: ";
-$a->strings["Friend Suggestion"] = "Kontaktvorschlag";
-$a->strings["suggested by %s"] = "vorgeschlagen von %s";
-$a->strings["Hide this contact from others"] = "Verbirg diesen Kontakt vor andere";
-$a->strings["Post a new friend activity"] = "Neue-Kontakt Nachricht senden";
-$a->strings["if applicable"] = "falls anwendbar";
-$a->strings["Approve"] = "Genehmigen";
-$a->strings["Claims to be known to you: "] = "Behauptet Dich zu kennen: ";
-$a->strings["yes"] = "ja";
-$a->strings["no"] = "nein";
-$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "Soll Deine Beziehung beidseitig sein oder nicht? \"Kontakt\" bedeutet, ihr könnt gegenseitig die Beiträge des Anderen lesen dürft. \"Fan/Verehrer\", dass du das lesen deiner Beiträge erlaubst aber nicht die Beiträge der anderen Seite lesen möchtest. Genehmigen als:";
-$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "Soll Deine Beziehung beidseitig sein oder nicht? \"Freund\" bedeutet, ihr gegenseitig die Beiträge des Anderen lesen dürft. \"Teilenden\", das du das lesen deiner Beiträge erlaubst aber nicht die Beiträge der anderen Seite lesen möchtest. Genehmigen als:";
-$a->strings["Friend"] = "Kontakt";
-$a->strings["Sharer"] = "Teilenden";
-$a->strings["Fan/Admirer"] = "Fan/Verehrer";
-$a->strings["Friend/Connect Request"] = "Kontakt-/Freundschaftsanfrage";
-$a->strings["New Follower"] = "Neuer Bewunderer";
-$a->strings["Profile URL"] = "Profil URL";
-$a->strings["No introductions."] = "Keine Kontaktanfragen.";
-$a->strings["%s liked %s's post"] = "%s mag %ss Beitrag";
-$a->strings["%s disliked %s's post"] = "%s mag %ss Beitrag nicht";
-$a->strings["%s is now friends with %s"] = "%s ist jetzt mit %s befreundet";
-$a->strings["%s created a new post"] = "%s hat einen neuen Beitrag erstellt";
-$a->strings["%s commented on %s's post"] = "%s hat %ss Beitrag kommentiert";
-$a->strings["No more network notifications."] = "Keine weiteren Netzwerk-Benachrichtigungen.";
-$a->strings["Network Notifications"] = "Netzwerk Benachrichtigungen";
-$a->strings["No more personal notifications."] = "Keine weiteren persönlichen Benachrichtigungen";
-$a->strings["Personal Notifications"] = "Persönliche Benachrichtigungen";
-$a->strings["No more home notifications."] = "Keine weiteren Pinnwand-Benachrichtigungen";
-$a->strings["Home Notifications"] = "Pinnwand Benachrichtigungen";
-$a->strings["Profile not found."] = "Profil nicht gefunden.";
-$a->strings["Contact not found."] = "Kontakt nicht gefunden.";
-$a->strings["This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it has already been approved."] = "Das kann passieren, wenn sich zwei Kontakte gegenseitig eingeladen haben und bereits einer angenommen wurde.";
-$a->strings["Response from remote site was not understood."] = "Antwort der Gegenstelle unverständlich.";
-$a->strings["Unexpected response from remote site: "] = "Unerwartete Antwort der Gegenstelle: ";
-$a->strings["Confirmation completed successfully."] = "Bestätigung erfolgreich abgeschlossen.";
-$a->strings["Remote site reported: "] = "Gegenstelle meldet: ";
-$a->strings["Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."] = "Zeitweiser Fehler. Bitte warte einige Momente und versuche es dann noch einmal.";
-$a->strings["Introduction failed or was revoked."] = "Kontaktanfrage schlug fehl oder wurde zurückgezogen.";
-$a->strings["Unable to set contact photo."] = "Konnte das Bild des Kontakts nicht speichern.";
-$a->strings["No user record found for '%s' "] = "Für '%s' wurde kein Nutzer gefunden";
-$a->strings["Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."] = "Der Verschlüsselungsschlüssel unserer Seite ist anscheinend nicht in Ordnung.";
-$a->strings["Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."] = "Leere URL für die Seite erhalten oder die URL konnte nicht entschlüsselt werden.";
-$a->strings["Contact record was not found for you on our site."] = "Für diesen Kontakt wurde auf unserer Seite kein Eintrag gefunden.";
-$a->strings["Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s."] = "Die Kontaktdaten für URL %s enthalten keinen Public Key für den Server.";
-$a->strings["The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work if you try again."] = "Die ID, die uns Dein System angeboten hat, ist hier bereits vergeben. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.";
-$a->strings["Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."] = "Deine Kontaktreferenzen konnten nicht in unserem System gespeichert werden.";
-$a->strings["Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"] = "Die Updates für Dein Profil konnten nicht gespeichert werden";
-$a->strings["%1\$s has joined %2\$s"] = "%1\$s ist %2\$s beigetreten";
$a->strings["This is Friendica, version"] = "Dies ist Friendica, Version";
$a->strings["running at web location"] = "die unter folgender Webadresse zu finden ist";
$a->strings["Please visit Friendica.com to learn more about the Friendica project."] = "Bitte besuche Friendica.com , um mehr über das Friendica Projekt zu erfahren.";
@@ -811,6 +746,7 @@ $a->strings["\n\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\tA request was recently received at \"%2\$s
$a->strings["\n\t\tFollow this link to verify your identity:\n\n\t\t%1\$s\n\n\t\tYou will then receive a follow-up message containing the new password.\n\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n\n\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n\n\t\tSite Location:\t%2\$s\n\t\tLogin Name:\t%3\$s"] = "\nUm Deine Identität zu verifizieren, folge bitte dem folgenden Link:\n\n%1\$s\n\nDu wirst eine weitere E-Mail mit Deinem neuen Passwort erhalten. Sobald Du Dich\nangemeldet hast, kannst Du Dein Passwort in den Einstellungen ändern.\n\nDie Anmeldedetails sind die folgenden:\n\nAdresse der Seite:\t%2\$s\nBenutzername:\t%3\$s";
$a->strings["Password reset requested at %s"] = "Anfrage zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts auf %s erhalten";
$a->strings["Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) Password reset failed."] = "Anfrage konnte nicht verifiziert werden. (Eventuell hast Du bereits eine ähnliche Anfrage gestellt.) Zurücksetzen des Passworts gescheitert.";
+$a->strings["Password Reset"] = "Passwort zurücksetzen";
$a->strings["Your password has been reset as requested."] = "Dein Passwort wurde wie gewünscht zurückgesetzt.";
$a->strings["Your new password is"] = "Dein neues Passwort lautet";
$a->strings["Save or copy your new password - and then"] = "Speichere oder kopiere Dein neues Passwort - und dann";
@@ -821,40 +757,18 @@ $a->strings["\n\t\t\t\tYour login details are as follows:\n\n\t\t\t\tSite Locati
$a->strings["Your password has been changed at %s"] = "Auf %s wurde Dein Passwort geändert";
$a->strings["Forgot your Password?"] = "Hast Du Dein Passwort vergessen?";
$a->strings["Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check your email for further instructions."] = "Gib Deine E-Mail-Adresse an und fordere ein neues Passwort an. Es werden Dir dann weitere Informationen per Mail zugesendet.";
+$a->strings["Nickname or Email: "] = "Spitzname oder E-Mail:";
$a->strings["Reset"] = "Zurücksetzen";
$a->strings["No profile"] = "Kein Profil";
$a->strings["Help:"] = "Hilfe:";
+$a->strings["Not Found"] = "Nicht gefunden";
+$a->strings["Page not found."] = "Seite nicht gefunden.";
$a->strings["Invalid request."] = "Ungültige Anfrage";
$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of %s"] = "Bildgröße überschreitet das Limit von %s";
$a->strings["Unable to process image."] = "Konnte das Bild nicht bearbeiten.";
$a->strings["Image upload failed."] = "Hochladen des Bildes gescheitert.";
-$a->strings["Friend suggestion sent."] = "Kontaktvorschlag gesendet.";
-$a->strings["Suggest Friends"] = "Kontakte vorschlagen";
-$a->strings["Suggest a friend for %s"] = "Schlage %s einen Kontakt vor";
-$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
$a->strings["Remote privacy information not available."] = "Entfernte Privatsphäreneinstellungen nicht verfügbar.";
$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Sichtbar für:";
-$a->strings["Event can not end before it has started."] = "Die Veranstaltung kann nicht enden bevor sie beginnt.";
-$a->strings["Event title and start time are required."] = "Der Veranstaltungstitel und die Anfangszeit müssen angegeben werden.";
-$a->strings["View"] = "Ansehen";
-$a->strings["Create New Event"] = "Neue Veranstaltung erstellen";
-$a->strings["Previous"] = "Vorherige";
-$a->strings["Next"] = "Nächste";
-$a->strings["Event details"] = "Veranstaltungsdetails";
-$a->strings["Starting date and Title are required."] = "Anfangszeitpunkt und Titel werden benötigt";
-$a->strings["Event Starts:"] = "Veranstaltungsbeginn:";
-$a->strings["Required"] = "Benötigt";
-$a->strings["Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"] = "Enddatum/-zeit ist nicht bekannt oder nicht relevant";
-$a->strings["Event Finishes:"] = "Veranstaltungsende:";
-$a->strings["Adjust for viewer timezone"] = "An Zeitzone des Betrachters anpassen";
-$a->strings["Description:"] = "Beschreibung";
-$a->strings["Title:"] = "Titel:";
-$a->strings["Share this event"] = "Veranstaltung teilen";
-$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Weltweites Verzeichnis";
-$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Auf diesem Server suchen";
-$a->strings["Results for:"] = "Ergebnisse für:";
-$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Verzeichnis";
-$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Keine Einträge (einige Einträge könnten versteckt sein).";
$a->strings["OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."] = "OpenID Protokollfehler. Keine ID zurückgegeben.";
$a->strings["Account not found and OpenID registration is not permitted on this site."] = "Nutzerkonto wurde nicht gefunden und OpenID-Registrierung ist auf diesem Server nicht gestattet.";
$a->strings["This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow."] = "Die maximale Anzahl täglicher Registrierungen auf dieser Seite wurde überschritten. Bitte versuche es morgen noch einmal.";
@@ -868,9 +782,6 @@ $a->strings["To export your account, go to \"Settings->Export your personal data
$a->strings["Visit %s's profile [%s]"] = "Besuche %ss Profil [%s]";
$a->strings["Edit contact"] = "Kontakt bearbeiten";
$a->strings["Contacts who are not members of a group"] = "Kontakte, die keiner Gruppe zugewiesen sind";
-$a->strings["No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."] = "Keine Schlüsselwörter zum Abgleichen gefunden. Bitte füge einige Schlüsselwörter zu Deinem Standardprofil hinzu.";
-$a->strings["is interested in:"] = "ist interessiert an:";
-$a->strings["Profile Match"] = "Profilübereinstimmungen";
$a->strings["Export account"] = "Account exportieren";
$a->strings["Export your account info and contacts. Use this to make a backup of your account and/or to move it to another server."] = "Exportiere Deine Accountinformationen und Kontakte. Verwende dies um ein Backup Deines Accounts anzulegen und/oder damit auf einen anderen Server umzuziehen.";
$a->strings["Export all"] = "Alles exportieren";
@@ -897,17 +808,170 @@ $a->strings["You are cordially invited to join me and other close friends on Fri
$a->strings["You will need to supply this invitation code: \$invite_code"] = "Du benötigst den folgenden Einladungscode: \$invite_code";
$a->strings["Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:"] = "Sobald Du registriert bist, kontaktiere mich bitte auf meiner Profilseite:";
$a->strings["For more information about the Friendica project and why we feel it is important, please visit http://friendica.com"] = "Für weitere Informationen über das Friendica Projekt und warum wir es für ein wichtiges Projekt halten, besuche bitte http://friendica.com";
-$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Kontaktbilder";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
$a->strings["Files"] = "Dateien";
-$a->strings["System down for maintenance"] = "System zur Wartung abgeschaltet";
+$a->strings["Permission denied"] = "Zugriff verweigert";
$a->strings["Invalid profile identifier."] = "Ungültiger Profil-Bezeichner.";
$a->strings["Profile Visibility Editor"] = "Editor für die Profil-Sichtbarkeit";
$a->strings["Click on a contact to add or remove."] = "Klicke einen Kontakt an, um ihn hinzuzufügen oder zu entfernen";
$a->strings["Visible To"] = "Sichtbar für";
$a->strings["All Contacts (with secure profile access)"] = "Alle Kontakte (mit gesichertem Profilzugriff)";
-$a->strings["No contacts."] = "Keine Kontakte.";
+$a->strings["Tag removed"] = "Tag entfernt";
+$a->strings["Remove Item Tag"] = "Gegenstands-Tag entfernen";
+$a->strings["Select a tag to remove: "] = "Wähle ein Tag zum Entfernen aus: ";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Entfernen";
+$a->strings["Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"] = "Entschuldige, die Datei scheint größer zu sein als es die PHP Konfiguration erlaubt.";
+$a->strings["Or - did you try to upload an empty file?"] = "Oder - hast Du versucht, eine leere Datei hochzuladen?";
+$a->strings["File exceeds size limit of %s"] = "Die Datei ist größer als das erlaubte Limit von %s";
+$a->strings["File upload failed."] = "Hochladen der Datei fehlgeschlagen.";
+$a->strings["Resubscribing to OStatus contacts"] = "Erneuern der OStatus Abonements";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "Fehler";
+$a->strings["Done"] = "Erledigt";
+$a->strings["Keep this window open until done."] = "Lasse dieses Fenster offen, bis der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist.";
+$a->strings["No potential page delegates located."] = "Keine potentiellen Bevollmächtigten für die Seite gefunden.";
+$a->strings["Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to anybody that you do not trust completely."] = "Bevollmächtigte sind in der Lage, alle Aspekte dieses Kontos/dieser Seite zu verwalten, abgesehen von den Grundeinstellungen des Kontos. Bitte gib niemandem eine Bevollmächtigung für Deinen privaten Account, dem Du nicht absolut vertraust!";
+$a->strings["Existing Page Managers"] = "Vorhandene Seitenmanager";
+$a->strings["Existing Page Delegates"] = "Vorhandene Bevollmächtigte für die Seite";
+$a->strings["Potential Delegates"] = "Potentielle Bevollmächtigte";
+$a->strings["Add"] = "Hinzufügen";
+$a->strings["No entries."] = "Keine Einträge.";
+$a->strings["Credits"] = "Credits";
+$a->strings["Friendica is a community project, that would not be possible without the help of many people. Here is a list of those who have contributed to the code or the translation of Friendica. Thank you all!"] = "Friendica ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt, das nicht ohne die Hilfe vieler Personen möglich wäre. Hier ist eine Aufzählung der Personen, die zum Code oder der Übersetzung beigetragen haben. Dank an alle !";
+$a->strings["- select -"] = "- auswählen -";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is following %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s folgt %2\$s %3\$s";
+$a->strings["Item not available."] = "Beitrag nicht verfügbar.";
+$a->strings["Item was not found."] = "Beitrag konnte nicht gefunden werden.";
+$a->strings["Submit Request"] = "Anfrage abschicken";
+$a->strings["You already added this contact."] = "Du hast den Kontakt bereits hinzugefügt.";
+$a->strings["Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."] = "Diaspora Unterstützung ist nicht aktiviert. Der Kontakt kann nicht zugefügt werden.";
+$a->strings["OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."] = "OStatus Unterstützung ist nicht aktiviert. Der Kontakt kann nicht zugefügt werden.";
+$a->strings["The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."] = "Der Netzwerktype wurde nicht erkannt. Der Kontakt kann nicht hinzugefügt werden.";
+$a->strings["Please answer the following:"] = "Bitte beantworte folgendes:";
+$a->strings["Does %s know you?"] = "Kennt %s Dich?";
+$a->strings["No"] = "Nein";
+$a->strings["Add a personal note:"] = "Eine persönliche Notiz beifügen:";
+$a->strings["Your Identity Address:"] = "Adresse Deines Profils:";
+$a->strings["Profile URL"] = "Profil URL";
+$a->strings["Contact added"] = "Kontakt hinzugefügt";
+$a->strings["You must be logged in to use addons. "] = "Sie müssen angemeldet sein um Addons benutzen zu können.";
+$a->strings["Applications"] = "Anwendungen";
+$a->strings["No installed applications."] = "Keine Applikationen installiert.";
+$a->strings["Not Extended"] = "Nicht erweitert.";
+$a->strings["Welcome to Friendica"] = "Willkommen bei Friendica";
+$a->strings["New Member Checklist"] = "Checkliste für neue Mitglieder";
+$a->strings["We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial registration and then will quietly disappear."] = "Wir möchten Dir einige Tipps und Links anbieten, die Dir helfen könnten, den Einstieg angenehmer zu machen. Klicke auf ein Element, um die entsprechende Seite zu besuchen. Ein Link zu dieser Seite hier bleibt für Dich an Deiner Pinnwand für zwei Wochen nach dem Registrierungsdatum sichtbar und wird dann verschwinden.";
+$a->strings["Getting Started"] = "Einstieg";
+$a->strings["Friendica Walk-Through"] = "Friendica Rundgang";
+$a->strings["On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to join."] = "Auf der Quick Start Seite findest Du eine kurze Einleitung in die einzelnen Funktionen Deines Profils und die Netzwerk-Reiter, wo Du interessante Foren findest und neue Kontakte knüpfst.";
+$a->strings["Go to Your Settings"] = "Gehe zu deinen Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and will be useful in making friends on the free social web."] = "Ändere bitte unter Einstellungen dein Passwort. Außerdem merke dir deine Identifikationsadresse. Diese sieht aus wie eine E-Mail-Adresse und wird benötigt, um Kontakte mit anderen im Friendica Netzwerk zu knüpfen..";
+$a->strings["Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and potential friends know exactly how to find you."] = "Überprüfe die restlichen Einstellungen, insbesondere die Einstellungen zur Privatsphäre. Wenn Du Dein Profil nicht veröffentlichst, ist das als wenn Du Deine Telefonnummer nicht ins Telefonbuch einträgst. Im Allgemeinen solltest Du es veröffentlichen - außer all Deine Kontakte und potentiellen Kontakte wissen genau, wie sie Dich finden können.";
+$a->strings["Upload Profile Photo"] = "Profilbild hochladen";
+$a->strings["Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make friends than people who do not."] = "Lade ein Profilbild hoch, falls Du es noch nicht getan hast. Studien haben gezeigt, dass es zehnmal wahrscheinlicher ist neue Kontakte zu finden, wenn Du ein Bild von Dir selbst verwendest, als wenn Du dies nicht tust.";
+$a->strings["Edit Your Profile"] = "Editiere dein Profil";
+$a->strings["Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown visitors."] = "Editiere Dein Standard Profil nach Deinen Vorlieben. Überprüfe die Einstellungen zum Verbergen Deiner Kontaktliste vor unbekannten Betrachtern des Profils.";
+$a->strings["Profile Keywords"] = "Profil Schlüsselbegriffe";
+$a->strings["Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and suggest friendships."] = "Trage ein paar öffentliche Stichwörter in Dein Standardprofil ein, die Deine Interessen beschreiben. Eventuell sind wir in der Lage Leute zu finden, die Deine Interessen teilen und können Dir dann Kontakte vorschlagen.";
+$a->strings["Connecting"] = "Verbindungen knüpfen";
+$a->strings["Importing Emails"] = "Emails Importieren";
+$a->strings["Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email INBOX"] = "Gib Deine E-Mail-Zugangsinformationen auf der Connector-Einstellungsseite ein, falls Du E-Mails aus Deinem Posteingang importieren und mit Kontakten und Mailinglisten interagieren willst.";
+$a->strings["Go to Your Contacts Page"] = "Gehe zu deiner Kontakt-Seite";
+$a->strings["Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site URL in the Add New Contact dialog."] = "Die Kontakte-Seite ist die Einstiegsseite, von der aus Du Kontakte verwalten und Dich mit Personen in anderen Netzwerken verbinden kannst. Normalerweise gibst Du dazu einfach ihre Adresse oder die URL der Seite im Kasten Neuen Kontakt hinzufügen ein.";
+$a->strings["Go to Your Site's Directory"] = "Gehe zum Verzeichnis Deiner Friendica Instanz";
+$a->strings["The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."] = "Über die Verzeichnisseite kannst Du andere Personen auf diesem Server oder anderen verknüpften Seiten finden. Halte nach einem Verbinden oder Folgen Link auf deren Profilseiten Ausschau und gib Deine eigene Profiladresse an, falls Du danach gefragt wirst.";
+$a->strings["Finding New People"] = "Neue Leute kennenlernen";
+$a->strings["On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 hours."] = "Im seitlichen Bedienfeld der Kontakteseite gibt es diverse Werkzeuge, um neue Personen zu finden. Wir können Menschen mit den gleichen Interessen finden, anhand von Namen oder Interessen suchen oder aber aufgrund vorhandener Kontakte neue Leute vorschlagen.\nAuf einer brandneuen - soeben erstellten - Seite starten die Kontaktvorschläge innerhalb von 24 Stunden.";
+$a->strings["Group Your Contacts"] = "Gruppiere deine Kontakte";
+$a->strings["Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with each group privately on your Network page."] = "Sobald Du einige Kontakte gefunden hast, organisiere sie in Gruppen zur privaten Kommunikation im Seitenmenü der Kontakte-Seite. Du kannst dann mit jeder dieser Gruppen von der Netzwerkseite aus privat interagieren.";
+$a->strings["Why Aren't My Posts Public?"] = "Warum sind meine Beiträge nicht öffentlich?";
+$a->strings["Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section from the link above."] = "Friendica respektiert Deine Privatsphäre. Mit der Grundeinstellung werden Deine Beiträge ausschließlich Deinen Kontakten angezeigt. Für weitere Informationen diesbezüglich lies Dir bitte den entsprechenden Abschnitt in der Hilfe unter dem obigen Link durch.";
+$a->strings["Getting Help"] = "Hilfe bekommen";
+$a->strings["Go to the Help Section"] = "Zum Hilfe Abschnitt gehen";
+$a->strings["Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program features and resources."] = "Unsere Hilfe Seiten können herangezogen werden, um weitere Einzelheiten zu andern Programm Features zu erhalten.";
+$a->strings["Remove My Account"] = "Konto löschen";
+$a->strings["This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not recoverable."] = "Dein Konto wird endgültig gelöscht. Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, es wiederherzustellen.";
+$a->strings["Please enter your password for verification:"] = "Bitte gib Dein Passwort zur Verifikation ein:";
+$a->strings["Item not found"] = "Beitrag nicht gefunden";
+$a->strings["Edit post"] = "Beitrag bearbeiten";
+$a->strings["Time Conversion"] = "Zeitumrechnung";
+$a->strings["Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and friends in unknown timezones."] = "Friendica bietet diese Funktion an, um das Teilen von Events mit Kontakten zu vereinfachen, deren Zeitzone nicht ermittelt werden kann.";
+$a->strings["UTC time: %s"] = "UTC Zeit: %s";
+$a->strings["Current timezone: %s"] = "Aktuelle Zeitzone: %s";
+$a->strings["Converted localtime: %s"] = "Umgerechnete lokale Zeit: %s";
+$a->strings["Please select your timezone:"] = "Bitte wähle Deine Zeitzone:";
+$a->strings["The post was created"] = "Der Beitrag wurde angelegt";
+$a->strings["Group created."] = "Gruppe erstellt.";
+$a->strings["Could not create group."] = "Konnte die Gruppe nicht erstellen.";
+$a->strings["Group not found."] = "Gruppe nicht gefunden.";
+$a->strings["Group name changed."] = "Gruppenname geändert.";
+$a->strings["Save Group"] = "Gruppe speichern";
+$a->strings["Create a group of contacts/friends."] = "Eine Kontaktgruppe anlegen.";
+$a->strings["Group removed."] = "Gruppe entfernt.";
+$a->strings["Unable to remove group."] = "Konnte die Gruppe nicht entfernen.";
+$a->strings["Group Editor"] = "Gruppeneditor";
+$a->strings["Members"] = "Mitglieder";
+$a->strings["All Contacts"] = "Alle Kontakte";
+$a->strings["Group is empty"] = "Gruppe ist leer";
+$a->strings["Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."] = "Maximale Anzahl der täglichen Pinnwand Nachrichten für %s ist überschritten. Zustellung fehlgeschlagen.";
+$a->strings["No recipient selected."] = "Kein Empfänger gewählt.";
+$a->strings["Unable to check your home location."] = "Konnte Deinen Heimatort nicht bestimmen.";
+$a->strings["Message could not be sent."] = "Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden.";
+$a->strings["Message collection failure."] = "Konnte Nachrichten nicht abrufen.";
+$a->strings["Message sent."] = "Nachricht gesendet.";
+$a->strings["No recipient."] = "Kein Empfänger.";
+$a->strings["Send Private Message"] = "Private Nachricht senden";
+$a->strings["If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on your site allow private mail from unknown senders."] = "Wenn Du möchtest, dass %s Dir antworten kann, überprüfe Deine Privatsphären-Einstellungen und erlaube private Nachrichten von unbekannten Absendern.";
+$a->strings["To:"] = "An:";
+$a->strings["Subject:"] = "Betreff:";
+$a->strings["link"] = "Link";
+$a->strings["Authorize application connection"] = "Verbindung der Applikation autorisieren";
+$a->strings["Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"] = "Gehe zu Deiner Anwendung zurück und trage dort folgenden Sicherheitscode ein:";
+$a->strings["Please login to continue."] = "Bitte melde Dich an um fortzufahren.";
+$a->strings["Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts, and/or create new posts for you?"] = "Möchtest Du dieser Anwendung den Zugriff auf Deine Beiträge und Kontakte, sowie das Erstellen neuer Beiträge in Deinem Namen gestatten?";
+$a->strings["Source (bbcode) text:"] = "Quelle (bbcode) Text:";
+$a->strings["Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"] = "Eingabe (Diaspora) nach BBCode zu konvertierender Text:";
+$a->strings["Source input: "] = "Originaltext:";
+$a->strings["bb2html (raw HTML): "] = "bb2html (reines HTML): ";
+$a->strings["bb2html: "] = "bb2html: ";
+$a->strings["bb2html2bb: "] = "bb2html2bb: ";
+$a->strings["bb2md: "] = "bb2md: ";
+$a->strings["bb2md2html: "] = "bb2md2html: ";
+$a->strings["bb2dia2bb: "] = "bb2dia2bb: ";
+$a->strings["bb2md2html2bb: "] = "bb2md2html2bb: ";
+$a->strings["Source input (Diaspora format): "] = "Originaltext (Diaspora Format): ";
+$a->strings["diaspora2bb: "] = "diaspora2bb: ";
+$a->strings["Subscribing to OStatus contacts"] = "OStatus Kontakten folgen";
+$a->strings["No contact provided."] = "Keine Kontakte gefunden.";
+$a->strings["Couldn't fetch information for contact."] = "Konnte die Kontaktinformationen nicht einholen.";
+$a->strings["Couldn't fetch friends for contact."] = "Konnte die Kontaktliste des Kontakts nicht abfragen.";
+$a->strings["success"] = "Erfolg";
+$a->strings["failed"] = "Fehlgeschlagen";
+$a->strings["ignored"] = "Ignoriert";
+$a->strings["%1\$s welcomes %2\$s"] = "%1\$s heißt %2\$s herzlich willkommen";
+$a->strings["Unable to locate contact information."] = "Konnte die Kontaktinformationen nicht finden.";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this message?"] = "Möchtest Du wirklich diese Nachricht löschen?";
+$a->strings["Message deleted."] = "Nachricht gelöscht.";
+$a->strings["Conversation removed."] = "Unterhaltung gelöscht.";
+$a->strings["No messages."] = "Keine Nachrichten.";
+$a->strings["Message not available."] = "Nachricht nicht verfügbar.";
+$a->strings["Delete message"] = "Nachricht löschen";
+$a->strings["Delete conversation"] = "Unterhaltung löschen";
+$a->strings["No secure communications available. You may be able to respond from the sender's profile page."] = "Sichere Kommunikation ist nicht verfügbar. Eventuell kannst Du auf der Profilseite des Absenders antworten.";
+$a->strings["Send Reply"] = "Antwort senden";
+$a->strings["Unknown sender - %s"] = "'Unbekannter Absender - %s";
+$a->strings["You and %s"] = "Du und %s";
+$a->strings["%s and You"] = "%s und Du";
+$a->strings["D, d M Y - g:i A"] = "D, d. M Y - g:i A";
+$a->strings["%d message"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d Nachricht",
+ 1 => "%d Nachrichten",
+$a->strings["Manage Identities and/or Pages"] = "Verwalte Identitäten und/oder Seiten";
+$a->strings["Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"] = "Zwischen verschiedenen Identitäten oder Gemeinschafts-/Gruppenseiten wechseln, die Deine Kontoinformationen teilen oder zu denen Du „Verwalten“-Befugnisse bekommen hast.";
+$a->strings["Select an identity to manage: "] = "Wähle eine Identität zum Verwalten aus: ";
$a->strings["Contact settings applied."] = "Einstellungen zum Kontakt angewandt.";
$a->strings["Contact update failed."] = "Konnte den Kontakt nicht aktualisieren.";
+$a->strings["Contact not found."] = "Kontakt nicht gefunden.";
$a->strings["WARNING: This is highly advanced and if you enter incorrect information your communications with this contact may stop working."] = "ACHTUNG: Das sind Experten-Einstellungen! Wenn Du etwas Falsches eingibst, funktioniert die Kommunikation mit diesem Kontakt evtl. nicht mehr.";
$a->strings["Please use your browser 'Back' button now if you are uncertain what to do on this page."] = "Bitte nutze den Zurück-Button Deines Browsers jetzt , wenn Du Dir unsicher bist, was Du tun willst.";
$a->strings["No mirroring"] = "Kein Spiegeln";
@@ -915,6 +979,9 @@ $a->strings["Mirror as forwarded posting"] = "Spiegeln als weitergeleitete Beitr
$a->strings["Mirror as my own posting"] = "Spiegeln als meine eigenen Beiträge";
$a->strings["Return to contact editor"] = "Zurück zum Kontakteditor";
$a->strings["Refetch contact data"] = "Kontaktdaten neu laden";
+$a->strings["Remote Self"] = "Entfernte Konten";
+$a->strings["Mirror postings from this contact"] = "Spiegle Beiträge dieses Kontakts";
+$a->strings["Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new entries from this contact."] = "Markiere diesen Kontakt als remote_self (entferntes Konto), dies veranlasst Friendica alle Top-Level Beiträge dieses Kontakts an all Deine Kontakte zu senden.";
$a->strings["Name"] = "Name";
$a->strings["Account Nickname"] = "Konto-Spitzname";
$a->strings["@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname"] = "@Tagname - überschreibt Name/Spitzname";
@@ -924,16 +991,226 @@ $a->strings["Friend Confirm URL"] = "URL für Bestätigungen von Kontaktanfragen
$a->strings["Notification Endpoint URL"] = "URL-Endpunkt für Benachrichtigungen";
$a->strings["Poll/Feed URL"] = "Pull/Feed-URL";
$a->strings["New photo from this URL"] = "Neues Foto von dieser URL";
-$a->strings["Remote Self"] = "Entfernte Konten";
-$a->strings["Mirror postings from this contact"] = "Spiegle Beiträge dieses Kontakts";
-$a->strings["Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new entries from this contact."] = "Markiere diesen Kontakt als remote_self (entferntes Konto), dies veranlasst Friendica alle Top-Level Beiträge dieses Kontakts an all Deine Kontakte zu senden.";
-$a->strings["Tag removed"] = "Tag entfernt";
-$a->strings["Remove Item Tag"] = "Gegenstands-Tag entfernen";
-$a->strings["Select a tag to remove: "] = "Wähle ein Tag zum Entfernen aus: ";
-$a->strings["Remove"] = "Entfernen";
-$a->strings["{0} wants to be your friend"] = "{0} möchte mit Dir in Kontakt treten";
-$a->strings["{0} sent you a message"] = "{0} schickte Dir eine Nachricht";
-$a->strings["{0} requested registration"] = "{0} möchte sich registrieren";
+$a->strings["This introduction has already been accepted."] = "Diese Kontaktanfrage wurde bereits akzeptiert.";
+$a->strings["Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."] = "Profiladresse ist ungültig oder stellt keine Profildaten zur Verfügung.";
+$a->strings["Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."] = "Warnung: Es konnte kein Name des Besitzers von der angegebenen Profiladresse gefunden werden.";
+$a->strings["Warning: profile location has no profile photo."] = "Warnung: Es gibt kein Profilbild bei der angegebenen Profiladresse.";
+$a->strings["%d required parameter was not found at the given location"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d benötigter Parameter wurde an der angegebenen Stelle nicht gefunden",
+ 1 => "%d benötigte Parameter wurden an der angegebenen Stelle nicht gefunden",
+$a->strings["Introduction complete."] = "Kontaktanfrage abgeschlossen.";
+$a->strings["Unrecoverable protocol error."] = "Nicht behebbarer Protokollfehler.";
+$a->strings["Profile unavailable."] = "Profil nicht verfügbar.";
+$a->strings["%s has received too many connection requests today."] = "%s hat heute zu viele Kontaktanfragen erhalten.";
+$a->strings["Spam protection measures have been invoked."] = "Maßnahmen zum Spamschutz wurden ergriffen.";
+$a->strings["Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."] = "Freunde sind angehalten, es in 24 Stunden erneut zu versuchen.";
+$a->strings["Invalid locator"] = "Ungültiger Locator";
+$a->strings["Invalid email address."] = "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse.";
+$a->strings["This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."] = "Dieses Konto ist nicht für E-Mail konfiguriert. Anfrage fehlgeschlagen.";
+$a->strings["You have already introduced yourself here."] = "Du hast Dich hier bereits vorgestellt.";
+$a->strings["Apparently you are already friends with %s."] = "Es scheint so, als ob Du bereits mit %s in Kontakt stehst.";
+$a->strings["Invalid profile URL."] = "Ungültige Profil-URL.";
+$a->strings["Failed to update contact record."] = "Aktualisierung der Kontaktdaten fehlgeschlagen.";
+$a->strings["Your introduction has been sent."] = "Deine Kontaktanfrage wurde gesendet.";
+$a->strings["Remote subscription can't be done for your network. Please subscribe directly on your system."] = "Entferntes abonnieren kann für dein Netzwerk nicht durchgeführt werden. Bitte nutze direkt die Abonnieren-Funktion deines Systems. ";
+$a->strings["Please login to confirm introduction."] = "Bitte melde Dich an, um die Kontaktanfrage zu bestätigen.";
+$a->strings["Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to this profile."] = "Momentan bist Du mit einer anderen Identität angemeldet. Bitte melde Dich mit diesem Profil an.";
+$a->strings["Confirm"] = "Bestätigen";
+$a->strings["Hide this contact"] = "Verberge diesen Kontakt";
+$a->strings["Welcome home %s."] = "Willkommen zurück %s.";
+$a->strings["Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."] = "Bitte bestätige Deine Kontaktanfrage bei %s.";
+$a->strings["Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported communications networks:"] = "Bitte gib die Adresse Deines Profils in einem der unterstützten sozialen Netzwerke an:";
+$a->strings["If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and join us today ."] = "Wenn du noch kein Mitglied dieses freien sozialen Netzwerks bist, folge diesem Link um einen öffentlichen Friendica-Server zu finden und beizutreten.";
+$a->strings["Friend/Connection Request"] = "Kontaktanfrage";
+$a->strings["Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca"] = "Beispiele: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca";
+$a->strings["StatusNet/Federated Social Web"] = "StatusNet/Federated Social Web";
+$a->strings[" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search bar."] = " - bitte verwende dieses Formular nicht. Stattdessen suche nach %s in Deiner Diaspora Suchleiste.";
+$a->strings["No such group"] = "Es gibt keine solche Gruppe";
+$a->strings["Group: %s"] = "Gruppe: %s";
+$a->strings["This entry was edited"] = "Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet.";
+$a->strings["%d comment"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d Kommentar",
+ 1 => "%d Kommentare",
+$a->strings["Private Message"] = "Private Nachricht";
+$a->strings["I like this (toggle)"] = "Ich mag das (toggle)";
+$a->strings["like"] = "mag ich";
+$a->strings["I don't like this (toggle)"] = "Ich mag das nicht (toggle)";
+$a->strings["dislike"] = "mag ich nicht";
+$a->strings["Share this"] = "Weitersagen";
+$a->strings["share"] = "Teilen";
+$a->strings["This is you"] = "Das bist Du";
+$a->strings["Comment"] = "Kommentar";
+$a->strings["Bold"] = "Fett";
+$a->strings["Italic"] = "Kursiv";
+$a->strings["Underline"] = "Unterstrichen";
+$a->strings["Quote"] = "Zitat";
+$a->strings["Code"] = "Code";
+$a->strings["Image"] = "Bild";
+$a->strings["Link"] = "Link";
+$a->strings["Video"] = "Video";
+$a->strings["Edit"] = "Bearbeiten";
+$a->strings["add star"] = "markieren";
+$a->strings["remove star"] = "Markierung entfernen";
+$a->strings["toggle star status"] = "Markierung umschalten";
+$a->strings["starred"] = "markiert";
+$a->strings["add tag"] = "Tag hinzufügen";
+$a->strings["ignore thread"] = "Thread ignorieren";
+$a->strings["unignore thread"] = "Thread nicht mehr ignorieren";
+$a->strings["toggle ignore status"] = "Ignoriert-Status ein-/ausschalten";
+$a->strings["save to folder"] = "In Ordner speichern";
+$a->strings["I will attend"] = "Ich werde teilnehmen";
+$a->strings["I will not attend"] = "Ich werde nicht teilnehmen";
+$a->strings["I might attend"] = "Ich werde eventuell teilnehmen";
+$a->strings["to"] = "zu";
+$a->strings["Wall-to-Wall"] = "Wall-to-Wall";
+$a->strings["via Wall-To-Wall:"] = "via Wall-To-Wall:";
+$a->strings["Profile not found."] = "Profil nicht gefunden.";
+$a->strings["This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it has already been approved."] = "Das kann passieren, wenn sich zwei Kontakte gegenseitig eingeladen haben und bereits einer angenommen wurde.";
+$a->strings["Response from remote site was not understood."] = "Antwort der Gegenstelle unverständlich.";
+$a->strings["Unexpected response from remote site: "] = "Unerwartete Antwort der Gegenstelle: ";
+$a->strings["Confirmation completed successfully."] = "Bestätigung erfolgreich abgeschlossen.";
+$a->strings["Remote site reported: "] = "Gegenstelle meldet: ";
+$a->strings["Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."] = "Zeitweiser Fehler. Bitte warte einige Momente und versuche es dann noch einmal.";
+$a->strings["Introduction failed or was revoked."] = "Kontaktanfrage schlug fehl oder wurde zurückgezogen.";
+$a->strings["Unable to set contact photo."] = "Konnte das Bild des Kontakts nicht speichern.";
+$a->strings["No user record found for '%s' "] = "Für '%s' wurde kein Nutzer gefunden";
+$a->strings["Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."] = "Der Verschlüsselungsschlüssel unserer Seite ist anscheinend nicht in Ordnung.";
+$a->strings["Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."] = "Leere URL für die Seite erhalten oder die URL konnte nicht entschlüsselt werden.";
+$a->strings["Contact record was not found for you on our site."] = "Für diesen Kontakt wurde auf unserer Seite kein Eintrag gefunden.";
+$a->strings["Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s."] = "Die Kontaktdaten für URL %s enthalten keinen Public Key für den Server.";
+$a->strings["The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work if you try again."] = "Die ID, die uns Dein System angeboten hat, ist hier bereits vergeben. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.";
+$a->strings["Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."] = "Deine Kontaktreferenzen konnten nicht in unserem System gespeichert werden.";
+$a->strings["Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"] = "Die Updates für Dein Profil konnten nicht gespeichert werden";
+$a->strings["%1\$s has joined %2\$s"] = "%1\$s ist %2\$s beigetreten";
+$a->strings["Friend suggestion sent."] = "Kontaktvorschlag gesendet.";
+$a->strings["Suggest Friends"] = "Kontakte vorschlagen";
+$a->strings["Suggest a friend for %s"] = "Schlage %s einen Kontakt vor";
+$a->strings["Mood"] = "Stimmung";
+$a->strings["Set your current mood and tell your friends"] = "Wähle Deine aktuelle Stimmung und erzähle sie Deinen Kontakten";
+$a->strings["Poke/Prod"] = "Anstupsen";
+$a->strings["poke, prod or do other things to somebody"] = "Stupse Leute an oder mache anderes mit ihnen";
+$a->strings["Recipient"] = "Empfänger";
+$a->strings["Choose what you wish to do to recipient"] = "Was willst Du mit dem Empfänger machen:";
+$a->strings["Make this post private"] = "Diesen Beitrag privat machen";
+$a->strings["Image uploaded but image cropping failed."] = "Bild hochgeladen, aber das Zuschneiden schlug fehl.";
+$a->strings["Image size reduction [%s] failed."] = "Verkleinern der Bildgröße von [%s] scheiterte.";
+$a->strings["Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not display immediately."] = "Drücke Umschalt+Neu Laden oder leere den Browser-Cache, falls das neue Foto nicht gleich angezeigt wird.";
+$a->strings["Unable to process image"] = "Bild konnte nicht verarbeitet werden";
+$a->strings["Upload File:"] = "Datei hochladen:";
+$a->strings["Select a profile:"] = "Profil auswählen:";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Hochladen";
+$a->strings["or"] = "oder";
+$a->strings["skip this step"] = "diesen Schritt überspringen";
+$a->strings["select a photo from your photo albums"] = "wähle ein Foto aus deinen Fotoalben";
+$a->strings["Crop Image"] = "Bild zurechtschneiden";
+$a->strings["Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."] = "Passe bitte den Bildausschnitt an, damit das Bild optimal dargestellt werden kann.";
+$a->strings["Done Editing"] = "Bearbeitung abgeschlossen";
+$a->strings["Image uploaded successfully."] = "Bild erfolgreich hochgeladen.";
+$a->strings["Account approved."] = "Konto freigegeben.";
+$a->strings["Registration revoked for %s"] = "Registrierung für %s wurde zurückgezogen";
+$a->strings["Please login."] = "Bitte melde Dich an.";
+$a->strings["Invalid request identifier."] = "Invalid request identifier.";
+$a->strings["Discard"] = "Verwerfen";
+$a->strings["Ignore"] = "Ignorieren";
+$a->strings["Network Notifications"] = "Netzwerk Benachrichtigungen";
+$a->strings["Personal Notifications"] = "Persönliche Benachrichtigungen";
+$a->strings["Home Notifications"] = "Pinnwand Benachrichtigungen";
+$a->strings["Show Ignored Requests"] = "Zeige ignorierte Anfragen";
+$a->strings["Hide Ignored Requests"] = "Verberge ignorierte Anfragen";
+$a->strings["Notification type: "] = "Benachrichtigungstyp: ";
+$a->strings["suggested by %s"] = "vorgeschlagen von %s";
+$a->strings["Hide this contact from others"] = "Verbirg diesen Kontakt vor andere";
+$a->strings["Post a new friend activity"] = "Neue-Kontakt Nachricht senden";
+$a->strings["if applicable"] = "falls anwendbar";
+$a->strings["Approve"] = "Genehmigen";
+$a->strings["Claims to be known to you: "] = "Behauptet Dich zu kennen: ";
+$a->strings["yes"] = "ja";
+$a->strings["no"] = "nein";
+$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "Soll Deine Beziehung beidseitig sein oder nicht? \"Kontakt\" bedeutet, ihr könnt gegenseitig die Beiträge des Anderen lesen dürft. \"Fan/Verehrer\", dass du das lesen deiner Beiträge erlaubst aber nicht die Beiträge der anderen Seite lesen möchtest. Genehmigen als:";
+$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "Soll Deine Beziehung beidseitig sein oder nicht? \"Freund\" bedeutet, ihr gegenseitig die Beiträge des Anderen lesen dürft. \"Teilenden\", das du das lesen deiner Beiträge erlaubst aber nicht die Beiträge der anderen Seite lesen möchtest. Genehmigen als:";
+$a->strings["Friend"] = "Kontakt";
+$a->strings["Sharer"] = "Teilenden";
+$a->strings["Fan/Admirer"] = "Fan/Verehrer";
+$a->strings["No introductions."] = "Keine Kontaktanfragen.";
+$a->strings["Show unread"] = "Ungelesene anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Show all"] = "Alle anzeigen";
+$a->strings["No more %s notifications."] = "Keine weiteren %s Benachrichtigungen";
+$a->strings["Profile deleted."] = "Profil gelöscht.";
+$a->strings["Profile-"] = "Profil-";
+$a->strings["New profile created."] = "Neues Profil angelegt.";
+$a->strings["Profile unavailable to clone."] = "Profil nicht zum Duplizieren verfügbar.";
+$a->strings["Profile Name is required."] = "Profilname ist erforderlich.";
+$a->strings["Marital Status"] = "Familienstand";
+$a->strings["Romantic Partner"] = "Romanze";
+$a->strings["Work/Employment"] = "Arbeit / Beschäftigung";
+$a->strings["Religion"] = "Religion";
+$a->strings["Political Views"] = "Politische Ansichten";
+$a->strings["Gender"] = "Geschlecht";
+$a->strings["Sexual Preference"] = "Sexuelle Vorlieben";
+$a->strings["XMPP"] = "XMPP";
+$a->strings["Homepage"] = "Webseite";
+$a->strings["Interests"] = "Interessen";
+$a->strings["Address"] = "Adresse";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "Wohnort";
+$a->strings["Profile updated."] = "Profil aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings[" and "] = " und ";
+$a->strings["public profile"] = "öffentliches Profil";
+$a->strings["%1\$s changed %2\$s to “%3\$s”"] = "%1\$s hat %2\$s geändert auf “%3\$s”";
+$a->strings[" - Visit %1\$s's %2\$s"] = " – %1\$ss %2\$s besuchen";
+$a->strings["%1\$s has an updated %2\$s, changing %3\$s."] = "%1\$s hat folgendes aktualisiert %2\$s, verändert wurde %3\$s.";
+$a->strings["Hide contacts and friends:"] = "Kontakte und Freunde verbergen";
+$a->strings["Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"] = "Liste der Kontakte vor Betrachtern dieses Profils verbergen?";
+$a->strings["Show more profile fields:"] = "Zeige mehr Profil-Felder:";
+$a->strings["Profile Actions"] = "Profilaktionen";
+$a->strings["Edit Profile Details"] = "Profil bearbeiten";
+$a->strings["Change Profile Photo"] = "Profilbild ändern";
+$a->strings["View this profile"] = "Dieses Profil anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Create a new profile using these settings"] = "Neues Profil anlegen und diese Einstellungen verwenden";
+$a->strings["Clone this profile"] = "Dieses Profil duplizieren";
+$a->strings["Delete this profile"] = "Dieses Profil löschen";
+$a->strings["Basic information"] = "Grundinformationen";
+$a->strings["Profile picture"] = "Profilbild";
+$a->strings["Preferences"] = "Vorlieben";
+$a->strings["Status information"] = "Status Informationen";
+$a->strings["Additional information"] = "Zusätzliche Informationen";
+$a->strings["Relation"] = "Beziehung";
+$a->strings["Your Gender:"] = "Dein Geschlecht:";
+$a->strings["♥ Marital Status:"] = "♥ Beziehungsstatus:";
+$a->strings["Example: fishing photography software"] = "Beispiel: Fischen Fotografie Software";
+$a->strings["Profile Name:"] = "Profilname:";
+$a->strings["Required"] = "Benötigt";
+$a->strings["This is your public profile. It may be visible to anybody using the internet."] = "Dies ist Dein öffentliches Profil. Es könnte für jeden Nutzer des Internets sichtbar sein.";
+$a->strings["Your Full Name:"] = "Dein kompletter Name:";
+$a->strings["Title/Description:"] = "Titel/Beschreibung:";
+$a->strings["Street Address:"] = "Adresse:";
+$a->strings["Locality/City:"] = "Wohnort:";
+$a->strings["Region/State:"] = "Region/Bundesstaat:";
+$a->strings["Postal/Zip Code:"] = "Postleitzahl:";
+$a->strings["Country:"] = "Land:";
+$a->strings["Who: (if applicable)"] = "Wer: (falls anwendbar)";
+$a->strings["Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"] = "Beispiele: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com";
+$a->strings["Since [date]:"] = "Seit [Datum]:";
+$a->strings["Tell us about yourself..."] = "Erzähle uns ein bisschen von Dir …";
+$a->strings["XMPP (Jabber) address:"] = "XMPP (Jabber) Adresse";
+$a->strings["The XMPP address will be propagated to your contacts so that they can follow you."] = "Die XMPP Adresse wird an deine Kontakte verteilt werden, so dass sie auch über XMPP mit dir in Kontakt treten können.";
+$a->strings["Homepage URL:"] = "Adresse der Homepage:";
+$a->strings["Religious Views:"] = "Religiöse Ansichten:";
+$a->strings["Public Keywords:"] = "Öffentliche Schlüsselwörter:";
+$a->strings["(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"] = "(Wird verwendet, um potentielle Kontakte zu finden, kann von Kontakten eingesehen werden)";
+$a->strings["Private Keywords:"] = "Private Schlüsselwörter:";
+$a->strings["(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"] = "(Wird für die Suche nach Profilen verwendet und niemals veröffentlicht)";
+$a->strings["Musical interests"] = "Musikalische Interessen";
+$a->strings["Books, literature"] = "Bücher, Literatur";
+$a->strings["Television"] = "Fernsehen";
+$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment"] = "Filme/Tänze/Kultur/Unterhaltung";
+$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests"] = "Hobbies/Interessen";
+$a->strings["Love/romance"] = "Liebe/Romantik";
+$a->strings["Work/employment"] = "Arbeit/Anstellung";
+$a->strings["School/education"] = "Schule/Ausbildung";
+$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks"] = "Kontaktinformationen und Soziale Netzwerke";
+$a->strings["Edit/Manage Profiles"] = "Bearbeite/Verwalte Profile";
$a->strings["Theme settings updated."] = "Themeneinstellungen aktualisiert.";
$a->strings["Site"] = "Seite";
$a->strings["Users"] = "Nutzer";
@@ -1154,6 +1431,8 @@ $a->strings["Maximum number of parallel workers"] = "Maximale Anzahl parallel la
$a->strings["On shared hosters set this to 2. On larger systems, values of 10 are great. Default value is 4."] = "Wenn dein Knoten bei einem Shared Hoster ist, setzte diesen Wert auf 2. Auf größeren Systemen funktioniert ein Wert von 10 recht gut. Standardeinstellung sind 4.";
$a->strings["Don't use 'proc_open' with the worker"] = "'proc_open' nicht mit den Workern verwenden";
$a->strings["Enable this if your system doesn't allow the use of 'proc_open'. This can happen on shared hosters. If this is enabled you should increase the frequency of poller calls in your crontab."] = "Aktiviere diese Option, wenn dein System die Verwendung von 'proc_open' verhindert. Dies könnte auf Shared Hostern der Fall sein. Wenn du diese Option aktivierst, solltest du die Frequenz der poller Aufrufe in deiner crontab erhöhen.";
+$a->strings["Enable fastlane"] = "Aktiviere Fastlane";
+$a->strings["When enabed, the fastlane mechanism starts an additional worker if processes with higher priority are blocked by processes of lower priority."] = "Wenn aktiviert, wird der Fastlane-Mechanismus einen weiteren Worker-Prozeß starten wenn Prozesse mit höherer Priorität von Prozessen mit niedrigerer Priorität blockiert werden.";
$a->strings["Update has been marked successful"] = "Update wurde als erfolgreich markiert";
$a->strings["Database structure update %s was successfully applied."] = "Das Update %s der Struktur der Datenbank wurde erfolgreich angewandt.";
$a->strings["Executing of database structure update %s failed with error: %s"] = "Das Update %s der Struktur der Datenbank schlug mit folgender Fehlermeldung fehl: %s";
@@ -1219,6 +1498,8 @@ $a->strings["No themes found on the system. They should be paced in %1\$s"] = "E
$a->strings["[Experimental]"] = "[Experimentell]";
$a->strings["[Unsupported]"] = "[Nicht unterstützt]";
$a->strings["Log settings updated."] = "Protokolleinstellungen aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["PHP log currently enabled."] = "PHP Protokollierung ist derzeit aktiviert.";
+$a->strings["PHP log currently disabled."] = "PHP Protokollierung ist derzeit nicht aktiviert.";
$a->strings["Clear"] = "löschen";
$a->strings["Enable Debugging"] = "Protokoll führen";
$a->strings["Log file"] = "Protokolldatei";
@@ -1230,199 +1511,119 @@ $a->strings["Off"] = "Aus";
$a->strings["On"] = "An";
$a->strings["Lock feature %s"] = "Feature festlegen: %s";
$a->strings["Manage Additional Features"] = "Zusätzliche Features Verwalten";
-$a->strings["Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"] = "Entschuldige, die Datei scheint größer zu sein als es die PHP Konfiguration erlaubt.";
-$a->strings["Or - did you try to upload an empty file?"] = "Oder - hast Du versucht, eine leere Datei hochzuladen?";
-$a->strings["File exceeds size limit of %s"] = "Die Datei ist größer als das erlaubte Limit von %s";
-$a->strings["File upload failed."] = "Hochladen der Datei fehlgeschlagen.";
$a->strings["No friends to display."] = "Keine Kontakte zum Anzeigen.";
$a->strings["Access to this profile has been restricted."] = "Der Zugriff zu diesem Profil wurde eingeschränkt.";
+$a->strings["View"] = "Ansehen";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Vorherige";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "Nächste";
+$a->strings["list"] = "Liste";
$a->strings["User not found"] = "Nutzer nicht gefunden";
$a->strings["This calendar format is not supported"] = "Dieses Kalenderformat wird nicht unterstützt.";
$a->strings["No exportable data found"] = "Keine exportierbaren Daten gefunden";
$a->strings["calendar"] = "Kalender";
-$a->strings["No such group"] = "Es gibt keine solche Gruppe";
-$a->strings["Group is empty"] = "Gruppe ist leer";
-$a->strings["Group: %s"] = "Gruppe: %s";
-$a->strings["This entry was edited"] = "Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet.";
-$a->strings["%d comment"] = array(
- 0 => "%d Kommentar",
- 1 => "%d Kommentare",
+$a->strings["No contacts in common."] = "Keine gemeinsamen Kontakte.";
+$a->strings["Common Friends"] = "Gemeinsame Kontakte";
+$a->strings["Not available."] = "Nicht verfügbar.";
+$a->strings["%d contact edited."] = array(
+ 0 => "%d Kontakt bearbeitet.",
+ 1 => "%d Kontakte bearbeitet.",
-$a->strings["Private Message"] = "Private Nachricht";
-$a->strings["I like this (toggle)"] = "Ich mag das (toggle)";
-$a->strings["like"] = "mag ich";
-$a->strings["I don't like this (toggle)"] = "Ich mag das nicht (toggle)";
-$a->strings["dislike"] = "mag ich nicht";
-$a->strings["Share this"] = "Weitersagen";
-$a->strings["share"] = "Teilen";
-$a->strings["This is you"] = "Das bist Du";
-$a->strings["Bold"] = "Fett";
-$a->strings["Italic"] = "Kursiv";
-$a->strings["Underline"] = "Unterstrichen";
-$a->strings["Quote"] = "Zitat";
-$a->strings["Code"] = "Code";
-$a->strings["Image"] = "Bild";
-$a->strings["Link"] = "Link";
-$a->strings["Video"] = "Video";
-$a->strings["Edit"] = "Bearbeiten";
-$a->strings["add star"] = "markieren";
-$a->strings["remove star"] = "Markierung entfernen";
-$a->strings["toggle star status"] = "Markierung umschalten";
-$a->strings["starred"] = "markiert";
-$a->strings["add tag"] = "Tag hinzufügen";
-$a->strings["ignore thread"] = "Thread ignorieren";
-$a->strings["unignore thread"] = "Thread nicht mehr ignorieren";
-$a->strings["toggle ignore status"] = "Ignoriert-Status ein-/ausschalten";
-$a->strings["ignored"] = "Ignoriert";
-$a->strings["save to folder"] = "In Ordner speichern";
-$a->strings["I will attend"] = "Ich werde teilnehmen";
-$a->strings["I will not attend"] = "Ich werde nicht teilnehmen";
-$a->strings["I might attend"] = "Ich werde eventuell teilnehmen";
-$a->strings["to"] = "zu";
-$a->strings["Wall-to-Wall"] = "Wall-to-Wall";
-$a->strings["via Wall-To-Wall:"] = "via Wall-To-Wall:";
-$a->strings["Resubscribing to OStatus contacts"] = "Erneuern der OStatus Abonements";
-$a->strings["Error"] = "Fehler";
-$a->strings["Done"] = "Erledigt";
-$a->strings["Keep this window open until done."] = "Lasse dieses Fenster offen, bis der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist.";
-$a->strings["No potential page delegates located."] = "Keine potentiellen Bevollmächtigten für die Seite gefunden.";
-$a->strings["Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to anybody that you do not trust completely."] = "Bevollmächtigte sind in der Lage, alle Aspekte dieses Kontos/dieser Seite zu verwalten, abgesehen von den Grundeinstellungen des Kontos. Bitte gib niemandem eine Bevollmächtigung für Deinen privaten Account, dem Du nicht absolut vertraust!";
-$a->strings["Existing Page Managers"] = "Vorhandene Seitenmanager";
-$a->strings["Existing Page Delegates"] = "Vorhandene Bevollmächtigte für die Seite";
-$a->strings["Potential Delegates"] = "Potentielle Bevollmächtigte";
-$a->strings["Add"] = "Hinzufügen";
-$a->strings["No entries."] = "Keine Einträge.";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this video?"] = "Möchtest Du dieses Video wirklich löschen?";
-$a->strings["Delete Video"] = "Video Löschen";
-$a->strings["No videos selected"] = "Keine Videos ausgewählt";
-$a->strings["Access to this item is restricted."] = "Zugriff zu diesem Eintrag wurde eingeschränkt.";
-$a->strings["View Album"] = "Album betrachten";
-$a->strings["Recent Videos"] = "Neueste Videos";
-$a->strings["Upload New Videos"] = "Neues Video hochladen";
-$a->strings["Profile deleted."] = "Profil gelöscht.";
-$a->strings["Profile-"] = "Profil-";
-$a->strings["New profile created."] = "Neues Profil angelegt.";
-$a->strings["Profile unavailable to clone."] = "Profil nicht zum Duplizieren verfügbar.";
-$a->strings["Profile Name is required."] = "Profilname ist erforderlich.";
-$a->strings["Marital Status"] = "Familienstand";
-$a->strings["Romantic Partner"] = "Romanze";
-$a->strings["Work/Employment"] = "Arbeit / Beschäftigung";
-$a->strings["Religion"] = "Religion";
-$a->strings["Political Views"] = "Politische Ansichten";
-$a->strings["Gender"] = "Geschlecht";
-$a->strings["Sexual Preference"] = "Sexuelle Vorlieben";
-$a->strings["Homepage"] = "Webseite";
-$a->strings["Interests"] = "Interessen";
-$a->strings["Address"] = "Adresse";
-$a->strings["Location"] = "Wohnort";
-$a->strings["Profile updated."] = "Profil aktualisiert.";
-$a->strings[" and "] = " und ";
-$a->strings["public profile"] = "öffentliches Profil";
-$a->strings["%1\$s changed %2\$s to “%3\$s”"] = "%1\$s hat %2\$s geändert auf “%3\$s”";
-$a->strings[" - Visit %1\$s's %2\$s"] = " – %1\$ss %2\$s besuchen";
-$a->strings["%1\$s has an updated %2\$s, changing %3\$s."] = "%1\$s hat folgendes aktualisiert %2\$s, verändert wurde %3\$s.";
-$a->strings["Hide contacts and friends:"] = "Kontakte und Freunde verbergen";
-$a->strings["No"] = "Nein";
-$a->strings["Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"] = "Liste der Kontakte vor Betrachtern dieses Profils verbergen?";
-$a->strings["Show more profile fields:"] = "Zeige mehr Profil-Felder:";
-$a->strings["Profile Actions"] = "Profilaktionen";
-$a->strings["Edit Profile Details"] = "Profil bearbeiten";
-$a->strings["Change Profile Photo"] = "Profilbild ändern";
-$a->strings["View this profile"] = "Dieses Profil anzeigen";
-$a->strings["Create a new profile using these settings"] = "Neues Profil anlegen und diese Einstellungen verwenden";
-$a->strings["Clone this profile"] = "Dieses Profil duplizieren";
-$a->strings["Delete this profile"] = "Dieses Profil löschen";
-$a->strings["Basic information"] = "Grundinformationen";
-$a->strings["Profile picture"] = "Profilbild";
-$a->strings["Preferences"] = "Vorlieben";
-$a->strings["Status information"] = "Status Informationen";
-$a->strings["Additional information"] = "Zusätzliche Informationen";
-$a->strings["Relation"] = "Beziehung";
-$a->strings["Upload Profile Photo"] = "Profilbild hochladen";
-$a->strings["Your Gender:"] = "Dein Geschlecht:";
-$a->strings["♥ Marital Status:"] = "♥ Beziehungsstatus:";
-$a->strings["Example: fishing photography software"] = "Beispiel: Fischen Fotografie Software";
-$a->strings["Profile Name:"] = "Profilname:";
-$a->strings["This is your public profile. It may be visible to anybody using the internet."] = "Dies ist Dein öffentliches Profil. Es könnte für jeden Nutzer des Internets sichtbar sein.";
-$a->strings["Your Full Name:"] = "Dein kompletter Name:";
-$a->strings["Title/Description:"] = "Titel/Beschreibung:";
-$a->strings["Street Address:"] = "Adresse:";
-$a->strings["Locality/City:"] = "Wohnort:";
-$a->strings["Region/State:"] = "Region/Bundesstaat:";
-$a->strings["Postal/Zip Code:"] = "Postleitzahl:";
-$a->strings["Country:"] = "Land:";
-$a->strings["Who: (if applicable)"] = "Wer: (falls anwendbar)";
-$a->strings["Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"] = "Beispiele: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com";
-$a->strings["Since [date]:"] = "Seit [Datum]:";
-$a->strings["Tell us about yourself..."] = "Erzähle uns ein bisschen von Dir …";
-$a->strings["Homepage URL:"] = "Adresse der Homepage:";
-$a->strings["Religious Views:"] = "Religiöse Ansichten:";
-$a->strings["Public Keywords:"] = "Öffentliche Schlüsselwörter:";
-$a->strings["(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"] = "(Wird verwendet, um potentielle Kontakte zu finden, kann von Kontakten eingesehen werden)";
-$a->strings["Private Keywords:"] = "Private Schlüsselwörter:";
-$a->strings["(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"] = "(Wird für die Suche nach Profilen verwendet und niemals veröffentlicht)";
-$a->strings["Musical interests"] = "Musikalische Interessen";
-$a->strings["Books, literature"] = "Bücher, Literatur";
-$a->strings["Television"] = "Fernsehen";
-$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment"] = "Filme/Tänze/Kultur/Unterhaltung";
-$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests"] = "Hobbies/Interessen";
-$a->strings["Love/romance"] = "Liebe/Romantik";
-$a->strings["Work/employment"] = "Arbeit/Anstellung";
-$a->strings["School/education"] = "Schule/Ausbildung";
-$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks"] = "Kontaktinformationen und Soziale Netzwerke";
-$a->strings["Edit/Manage Profiles"] = "Bearbeite/Verwalte Profile";
-$a->strings["Credits"] = "Credits";
-$a->strings["Friendica is a community project, that would not be possible without the help of many people. Here is a list of those who have contributed to the code or the translation of Friendica. Thank you all!"] = "Friendica ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt, das nicht ohne die Hilfe vieler Personen möglich wäre. Hier ist eine Aufzählung der Personen, die zum Code oder der Übersetzung beigetragen haben. Dank an alle !";
-$a->strings["- select -"] = "- auswählen -";
-$a->strings["Poke/Prod"] = "Anstupsen";
-$a->strings["poke, prod or do other things to somebody"] = "Stupse Leute an oder mache anderes mit ihnen";
-$a->strings["Recipient"] = "Empfänger";
-$a->strings["Choose what you wish to do to recipient"] = "Was willst Du mit dem Empfänger machen:";
-$a->strings["Make this post private"] = "Diesen Beitrag privat machen";
-$a->strings["Recent Photos"] = "Neueste Fotos";
-$a->strings["Upload New Photos"] = "Neue Fotos hochladen";
-$a->strings["everybody"] = "jeder";
-$a->strings["Contact information unavailable"] = "Kontaktinformationen nicht verfügbar";
-$a->strings["Album not found."] = "Album nicht gefunden.";
-$a->strings["Delete Album"] = "Album löschen";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"] = "Möchtest Du wirklich dieses Foto-Album und all seine Foto löschen?";
-$a->strings["Delete Photo"] = "Foto löschen";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo?"] = "Möchtest Du wirklich dieses Foto löschen?";
-$a->strings["%1\$s was tagged in %2\$s by %3\$s"] = "%1\$s wurde von %3\$s in %2\$s getaggt";
-$a->strings["a photo"] = "einem Foto";
-$a->strings["Image file is empty."] = "Bilddatei ist leer.";
-$a->strings["No photos selected"] = "Keine Bilder ausgewählt";
-$a->strings["You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."] = "Du verwendest %1$.2f Mbyte von %2$.2f Mbyte des Foto-Speichers.";
-$a->strings["Upload Photos"] = "Bilder hochladen";
-$a->strings["New album name: "] = "Name des neuen Albums: ";
-$a->strings["or existing album name: "] = "oder existierender Albumname: ";
-$a->strings["Do not show a status post for this upload"] = "Keine Status-Mitteilung für diesen Beitrag anzeigen";
-$a->strings["Show to Groups"] = "Zeige den Gruppen";
-$a->strings["Show to Contacts"] = "Zeige den Kontakten";
-$a->strings["Private Photo"] = "Privates Foto";
-$a->strings["Public Photo"] = "Öffentliches Foto";
-$a->strings["Edit Album"] = "Album bearbeiten";
-$a->strings["Show Newest First"] = "Zeige neueste zuerst";
-$a->strings["Show Oldest First"] = "Zeige älteste zuerst";
-$a->strings["View Photo"] = "Foto betrachten";
-$a->strings["Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."] = "Zugriff verweigert. Zugriff zu diesem Eintrag könnte eingeschränkt sein.";
-$a->strings["Photo not available"] = "Foto nicht verfügbar";
-$a->strings["View photo"] = "Fotos ansehen";
-$a->strings["Edit photo"] = "Foto bearbeiten";
-$a->strings["Use as profile photo"] = "Als Profilbild verwenden";
-$a->strings["View Full Size"] = "Betrachte Originalgröße";
-$a->strings["Tags: "] = "Tags: ";
-$a->strings["[Remove any tag]"] = "[Tag entfernen]";
-$a->strings["New album name"] = "Name des neuen Albums";
-$a->strings["Caption"] = "Bildunterschrift";
-$a->strings["Add a Tag"] = "Tag hinzufügen";
-$a->strings["Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"] = "Beispiel: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping";
-$a->strings["Do not rotate"] = "Nicht rotieren";
-$a->strings["Rotate CW (right)"] = "Drehen US (rechts)";
-$a->strings["Rotate CCW (left)"] = "Drehen EUS (links)";
-$a->strings["Private photo"] = "Privates Foto";
-$a->strings["Public photo"] = "Öffentliches Foto";
-$a->strings["Map"] = "Karte";
+$a->strings["Could not access contact record."] = "Konnte nicht auf die Kontaktdaten zugreifen.";
+$a->strings["Could not locate selected profile."] = "Konnte das ausgewählte Profil nicht finden.";
+$a->strings["Contact updated."] = "Kontakt aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["Contact has been blocked"] = "Kontakt wurde blockiert";
+$a->strings["Contact has been unblocked"] = "Kontakt wurde wieder freigegeben";
+$a->strings["Contact has been ignored"] = "Kontakt wurde ignoriert";
+$a->strings["Contact has been unignored"] = "Kontakt wird nicht mehr ignoriert";
+$a->strings["Contact has been archived"] = "Kontakt wurde archiviert";
+$a->strings["Contact has been unarchived"] = "Kontakt wurde aus dem Archiv geholt";
+$a->strings["Drop contact"] = "Kontakt löschen";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this contact?"] = "Möchtest Du wirklich diesen Kontakt löschen?";
+$a->strings["Contact has been removed."] = "Kontakt wurde entfernt.";
+$a->strings["You are mutual friends with %s"] = "Du hast mit %s eine beidseitige Freundschaft";
+$a->strings["You are sharing with %s"] = "Du teilst mit %s";
+$a->strings["%s is sharing with you"] = "%s teilt mit Dir";
+$a->strings["Private communications are not available for this contact."] = "Private Kommunikation ist für diesen Kontakt nicht verfügbar.";
+$a->strings["(Update was successful)"] = "(Aktualisierung war erfolgreich)";
+$a->strings["(Update was not successful)"] = "(Aktualisierung war nicht erfolgreich)";
+$a->strings["Suggest friends"] = "Kontakte vorschlagen";
+$a->strings["Network type: %s"] = "Netzwerktyp: %s";
+$a->strings["Communications lost with this contact!"] = "Verbindungen mit diesem Kontakt verloren!";
+$a->strings["Fetch further information for feeds"] = "Weitere Informationen zu Feeds holen";
+$a->strings["Fetch information"] = "Beziehe Information";
+$a->strings["Fetch information and keywords"] = "Beziehe Information und Schlüsselworte";
+$a->strings["Contact"] = "Kontakt: ";
+$a->strings["Profile Visibility"] = "Profil-Sichtbarkeit";
+$a->strings["Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely."] = "Bitte wähle eines Deiner Profile das angezeigt werden soll, wenn %s Dein Profil aufruft.";
+$a->strings["Contact Information / Notes"] = "Kontakt Informationen / Notizen";
+$a->strings["Edit contact notes"] = "Notizen zum Kontakt bearbeiten";
+$a->strings["Block/Unblock contact"] = "Kontakt blockieren/freischalten";
+$a->strings["Ignore contact"] = "Ignoriere den Kontakt";
+$a->strings["Repair URL settings"] = "URL Einstellungen reparieren";
+$a->strings["View conversations"] = "Unterhaltungen anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Last update:"] = "Letzte Aktualisierung: ";
+$a->strings["Update public posts"] = "Öffentliche Beiträge aktualisieren";
+$a->strings["Update now"] = "Jetzt aktualisieren";
+$a->strings["Unignore"] = "Ignorieren aufheben";
+$a->strings["Currently blocked"] = "Derzeit geblockt";
+$a->strings["Currently ignored"] = "Derzeit ignoriert";
+$a->strings["Currently archived"] = "Momentan archiviert";
+$a->strings["Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"] = "Antworten/Likes auf deine öffentlichen Beiträge könnten weiterhin sichtbar sein";
+$a->strings["Notification for new posts"] = "Benachrichtigung bei neuen Beiträgen";
+$a->strings["Send a notification of every new post of this contact"] = "Sende eine Benachrichtigung, wann immer dieser Kontakt einen neuen Beitrag schreibt.";
+$a->strings["Blacklisted keywords"] = "Blacklistete Schlüsselworte ";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"] = "Komma-Separierte Liste mit Schlüsselworten, die nicht in Hashtags konvertiert werden, wenn \"Beziehe Information und Schlüsselworte\" aktiviert wurde";
+$a->strings["Actions"] = "Aktionen";
+$a->strings["Contact Settings"] = "Kontakteinstellungen";
+$a->strings["Suggestions"] = "Kontaktvorschläge";
+$a->strings["Suggest potential friends"] = "Kontakte vorschlagen";
+$a->strings["Show all contacts"] = "Alle Kontakte anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Unblocked"] = "Ungeblockt";
+$a->strings["Only show unblocked contacts"] = "Nur nicht-blockierte Kontakte anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Blocked"] = "Geblockt";
+$a->strings["Only show blocked contacts"] = "Nur blockierte Kontakte anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Ignored"] = "Ignoriert";
+$a->strings["Only show ignored contacts"] = "Nur ignorierte Kontakte anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Archived"] = "Archiviert";
+$a->strings["Only show archived contacts"] = "Nur archivierte Kontakte anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Hidden"] = "Verborgen";
+$a->strings["Only show hidden contacts"] = "Nur verborgene Kontakte anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Search your contacts"] = "Suche in deinen Kontakten";
+$a->strings["Update"] = "Aktualisierungen";
+$a->strings["Archive"] = "Archivieren";
+$a->strings["Unarchive"] = "Aus Archiv zurückholen";
+$a->strings["Batch Actions"] = "Stapelverarbeitung";
+$a->strings["View all contacts"] = "Alle Kontakte anzeigen";
+$a->strings["View all common friends"] = "Alle Kontakte anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Advanced Contact Settings"] = "Fortgeschrittene Kontakteinstellungen";
+$a->strings["Mutual Friendship"] = "Beidseitige Freundschaft";
+$a->strings["is a fan of yours"] = "ist ein Fan von dir";
+$a->strings["you are a fan of"] = "Du bist Fan von";
+$a->strings["Toggle Blocked status"] = "Geblockt-Status ein-/ausschalten";
+$a->strings["Toggle Ignored status"] = "Ignoriert-Status ein-/ausschalten";
+$a->strings["Toggle Archive status"] = "Archiviert-Status ein-/ausschalten";
+$a->strings["Delete contact"] = "Lösche den Kontakt";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Weltweites Verzeichnis";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Auf diesem Server suchen";
+$a->strings["Results for:"] = "Ergebnisse für:";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Verzeichnis";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Keine Einträge (einige Einträge könnten versteckt sein).";
+$a->strings["People Search - %s"] = "Personensuche - %s";
+$a->strings["Forum Search - %s"] = "Forensuche - %s";
+$a->strings["No matches"] = "Keine Übereinstimmungen";
+$a->strings["Item has been removed."] = "Eintrag wurde entfernt.";
+$a->strings["Event can not end before it has started."] = "Die Veranstaltung kann nicht enden bevor sie beginnt.";
+$a->strings["Event title and start time are required."] = "Der Veranstaltungstitel und die Anfangszeit müssen angegeben werden.";
+$a->strings["Create New Event"] = "Neue Veranstaltung erstellen";
+$a->strings["Event details"] = "Veranstaltungsdetails";
+$a->strings["Starting date and Title are required."] = "Anfangszeitpunkt und Titel werden benötigt";
+$a->strings["Event Starts:"] = "Veranstaltungsbeginn:";
+$a->strings["Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"] = "Enddatum/-zeit ist nicht bekannt oder nicht relevant";
+$a->strings["Event Finishes:"] = "Veranstaltungsende:";
+$a->strings["Adjust for viewer timezone"] = "An Zeitzone des Betrachters anpassen";
+$a->strings["Description:"] = "Beschreibung";
+$a->strings["Title:"] = "Titel:";
+$a->strings["Share this event"] = "Veranstaltung teilen";
$a->strings["Friendica Communications Server - Setup"] = "Friendica-Server für soziale Netzwerke – Setup";
$a->strings["Could not connect to database."] = "Verbindung zur Datenbank gescheitert.";
$a->strings["Could not create table."] = "Tabelle konnte nicht angelegt werden.";
@@ -1467,6 +1668,7 @@ $a->strings["mysqli PHP module"] = "PHP: mysqli-Modul";
$a->strings["mb_string PHP module"] = "PHP: mb_string-Modul";
$a->strings["mcrypt PHP module"] = "PHP mcrypt Modul";
$a->strings["XML PHP module"] = "XML PHP Modul";
+$a->strings["iconv module"] = "iconv module";
$a->strings["Apache mod_rewrite module"] = "Apache mod_rewrite module";
$a->strings["Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."] = "Fehler: Das Apache-Modul mod-rewrite wird benötigt, es ist allerdings nicht installiert.";
$a->strings["Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."] = "Fehler: Das libCURL PHP Modul wird benötigt, ist aber nicht installiert.";
@@ -1475,6 +1677,7 @@ $a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Fehler:
$a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Fehler: Das mysqli-Modul von PHP ist nicht installiert.";
$a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Fehler: mb_string PHP Module wird benötigt ist aber nicht installiert.";
$a->strings["Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed."] = "Fehler: Das mcrypt Modul von PHP ist nicht installiert";
+$a->strings["Error: iconv PHP module required but not installed."] = "Fehler: Das iconv-Modul von PHP ist nicht installiert.";
$a->strings["If you are using php_cli, please make sure that mcrypt module is enabled in its config file"] = "Wenn du das Modul \"php_cli\" benutzt dann versichere dich, daß das mcrypt Modul in seiner Konfigurationsdatei aktiviert ist. ";
$a->strings["Function mcrypt_create_iv() is not defined. This is needed to enable RINO2 encryption layer."] = "Die Funktion mcrypt_create_iv() ist nicht festgelegt. Dies ist notwendig um den RINO2-Encryption-Layer zu aktivieren.";
$a->strings["mcrypt_create_iv() function"] = "mcrypt_create_iv() function";
@@ -1496,144 +1699,17 @@ $a->strings["ImageMagick supports GIF"] = "ImageMagick unterstützt GIF";
$a->strings["The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web server root."] = "Die Konfigurationsdatei \".htconfig.php\" konnte nicht angelegt werden. Bitte verwende den angefügten Text, um die Datei im Stammverzeichnis Deiner Friendica-Installation zu erzeugen.";
$a->strings["What next "] = "Wie geht es weiter? ";
$a->strings["IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the poller."] = "WICHTIG: Du musst [manuell] einen Cronjob (o.ä.) für den Poller einrichten.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is following %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s folgt %2\$s %3\$s";
-$a->strings["Item not available."] = "Beitrag nicht verfügbar.";
-$a->strings["Item was not found."] = "Beitrag konnte nicht gefunden werden.";
-$a->strings["%d contact edited."] = array(
- 0 => "%d Kontakt bearbeitet.",
- 1 => "%d Kontakte bearbeitet.",
-$a->strings["Could not access contact record."] = "Konnte nicht auf die Kontaktdaten zugreifen.";
-$a->strings["Could not locate selected profile."] = "Konnte das ausgewählte Profil nicht finden.";
-$a->strings["Contact updated."] = "Kontakt aktualisiert.";
-$a->strings["Failed to update contact record."] = "Aktualisierung der Kontaktdaten fehlgeschlagen.";
-$a->strings["Contact has been blocked"] = "Kontakt wurde blockiert";
-$a->strings["Contact has been unblocked"] = "Kontakt wurde wieder freigegeben";
-$a->strings["Contact has been ignored"] = "Kontakt wurde ignoriert";
-$a->strings["Contact has been unignored"] = "Kontakt wird nicht mehr ignoriert";
-$a->strings["Contact has been archived"] = "Kontakt wurde archiviert";
-$a->strings["Contact has been unarchived"] = "Kontakt wurde aus dem Archiv geholt";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this contact?"] = "Möchtest Du wirklich diesen Kontakt löschen?";
-$a->strings["Contact has been removed."] = "Kontakt wurde entfernt.";
-$a->strings["You are mutual friends with %s"] = "Du hast mit %s eine beidseitige Freundschaft";
-$a->strings["You are sharing with %s"] = "Du teilst mit %s";
-$a->strings["%s is sharing with you"] = "%s teilt mit Dir";
-$a->strings["Private communications are not available for this contact."] = "Private Kommunikation ist für diesen Kontakt nicht verfügbar.";
-$a->strings["(Update was successful)"] = "(Aktualisierung war erfolgreich)";
-$a->strings["(Update was not successful)"] = "(Aktualisierung war nicht erfolgreich)";
-$a->strings["Suggest friends"] = "Kontakte vorschlagen";
-$a->strings["Network type: %s"] = "Netzwerktyp: %s";
-$a->strings["Communications lost with this contact!"] = "Verbindungen mit diesem Kontakt verloren!";
-$a->strings["Fetch further information for feeds"] = "Weitere Informationen zu Feeds holen";
-$a->strings["Fetch information"] = "Beziehe Information";
-$a->strings["Fetch information and keywords"] = "Beziehe Information und Schlüsselworte";
-$a->strings["Profile Visibility"] = "Profil-Sichtbarkeit";
-$a->strings["Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely."] = "Bitte wähle eines Deiner Profile das angezeigt werden soll, wenn %s Dein Profil aufruft.";
-$a->strings["Contact Information / Notes"] = "Kontakt Informationen / Notizen";
-$a->strings["Edit contact notes"] = "Notizen zum Kontakt bearbeiten";
-$a->strings["Block/Unblock contact"] = "Kontakt blockieren/freischalten";
-$a->strings["Ignore contact"] = "Ignoriere den Kontakt";
-$a->strings["Repair URL settings"] = "URL Einstellungen reparieren";
-$a->strings["View conversations"] = "Unterhaltungen anzeigen";
-$a->strings["Last update:"] = "Letzte Aktualisierung: ";
-$a->strings["Update public posts"] = "Öffentliche Beiträge aktualisieren";
-$a->strings["Update now"] = "Jetzt aktualisieren";
-$a->strings["Unignore"] = "Ignorieren aufheben";
-$a->strings["Currently blocked"] = "Derzeit geblockt";
-$a->strings["Currently ignored"] = "Derzeit ignoriert";
-$a->strings["Currently archived"] = "Momentan archiviert";
-$a->strings["Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"] = "Antworten/Likes auf deine öffentlichen Beiträge könnten weiterhin sichtbar sein";
-$a->strings["Notification for new posts"] = "Benachrichtigung bei neuen Beiträgen";
-$a->strings["Send a notification of every new post of this contact"] = "Sende eine Benachrichtigung, wann immer dieser Kontakt einen neuen Beitrag schreibt.";
-$a->strings["Blacklisted keywords"] = "Blacklistete Schlüsselworte ";
-$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"] = "Komma-Separierte Liste mit Schlüsselworten, die nicht in Hashtags konvertiert werden, wenn \"Beziehe Information und Schlüsselworte\" aktiviert wurde";
-$a->strings["Actions"] = "Aktionen";
-$a->strings["Contact Settings"] = "Kontakteinstellungen";
-$a->strings["Suggestions"] = "Kontaktvorschläge";
-$a->strings["Suggest potential friends"] = "Kontakte vorschlagen";
-$a->strings["All Contacts"] = "Alle Kontakte";
-$a->strings["Show all contacts"] = "Alle Kontakte anzeigen";
-$a->strings["Unblocked"] = "Ungeblockt";
-$a->strings["Only show unblocked contacts"] = "Nur nicht-blockierte Kontakte anzeigen";
-$a->strings["Blocked"] = "Geblockt";
-$a->strings["Only show blocked contacts"] = "Nur blockierte Kontakte anzeigen";
-$a->strings["Ignored"] = "Ignoriert";
-$a->strings["Only show ignored contacts"] = "Nur ignorierte Kontakte anzeigen";
-$a->strings["Archived"] = "Archiviert";
-$a->strings["Only show archived contacts"] = "Nur archivierte Kontakte anzeigen";
-$a->strings["Hidden"] = "Verborgen";
-$a->strings["Only show hidden contacts"] = "Nur verborgene Kontakte anzeigen";
-$a->strings["Search your contacts"] = "Suche in deinen Kontakten";
-$a->strings["Update"] = "Aktualisierungen";
-$a->strings["Archive"] = "Archivieren";
-$a->strings["Unarchive"] = "Aus Archiv zurückholen";
-$a->strings["Batch Actions"] = "";
-$a->strings["View all contacts"] = "Alle Kontakte anzeigen";
-$a->strings["Common Friends"] = "Gemeinsame Kontakte";
-$a->strings["View all common friends"] = "Alle Kontakte anzeigen";
-$a->strings["Advanced Contact Settings"] = "Fortgeschrittene Kontakteinstellungen";
-$a->strings["Mutual Friendship"] = "Beidseitige Freundschaft";
-$a->strings["is a fan of yours"] = "ist ein Fan von dir";
-$a->strings["you are a fan of"] = "Du bist Fan von";
-$a->strings["Toggle Blocked status"] = "Geblockt-Status ein-/ausschalten";
-$a->strings["Toggle Ignored status"] = "Ignoriert-Status ein-/ausschalten";
-$a->strings["Toggle Archive status"] = "Archiviert-Status ein-/ausschalten";
-$a->strings["Delete contact"] = "Lösche den Kontakt";
-$a->strings["Submit Request"] = "Anfrage abschicken";
-$a->strings["You already added this contact."] = "Du hast den Kontakt bereits hinzugefügt.";
-$a->strings["Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."] = "Diaspora Unterstützung ist nicht aktiviert. Der Kontakt kann nicht zugefügt werden.";
-$a->strings["OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."] = "OStatus Unterstützung ist nicht aktiviert. Der Kontakt kann nicht zugefügt werden.";
-$a->strings["The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."] = "Der Netzwerktype wurde nicht erkannt. Der Kontakt kann nicht hinzugefügt werden.";
-$a->strings["Please answer the following:"] = "Bitte beantworte folgendes:";
-$a->strings["Does %s know you?"] = "Kennt %s Dich?";
-$a->strings["Add a personal note:"] = "Eine persönliche Notiz beifügen:";
-$a->strings["Your Identity Address:"] = "Adresse Deines Profils:";
-$a->strings["Contact added"] = "Kontakt hinzugefügt";
-$a->strings["Applications"] = "Anwendungen";
-$a->strings["No installed applications."] = "Keine Applikationen installiert.";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"] = "Möchtest Du wirklich diese Empfehlung löschen?";
-$a->strings["No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 hours."] = "Keine Vorschläge verfügbar. Falls der Server frisch aufgesetzt wurde, versuche es bitte in 24 Stunden noch einmal.";
-$a->strings["Ignore/Hide"] = "Ignorieren/Verbergen";
-$a->strings["Not Extended"] = "Nicht erweitert.";
-$a->strings["Item has been removed."] = "Eintrag wurde entfernt.";
-$a->strings["No contacts in common."] = "Keine gemeinsamen Kontakte.";
-$a->strings["Welcome to Friendica"] = "Willkommen bei Friendica";
-$a->strings["New Member Checklist"] = "Checkliste für neue Mitglieder";
-$a->strings["We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial registration and then will quietly disappear."] = "Wir möchten Dir einige Tipps und Links anbieten, die Dir helfen könnten, den Einstieg angenehmer zu machen. Klicke auf ein Element, um die entsprechende Seite zu besuchen. Ein Link zu dieser Seite hier bleibt für Dich an Deiner Pinnwand für zwei Wochen nach dem Registrierungsdatum sichtbar und wird dann verschwinden.";
-$a->strings["Getting Started"] = "Einstieg";
-$a->strings["Friendica Walk-Through"] = "Friendica Rundgang";
-$a->strings["On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to join."] = "Auf der Quick Start Seite findest Du eine kurze Einleitung in die einzelnen Funktionen Deines Profils und die Netzwerk-Reiter, wo Du interessante Foren findest und neue Kontakte knüpfst.";
-$a->strings["Go to Your Settings"] = "Gehe zu deinen Einstellungen";
-$a->strings["On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and will be useful in making friends on the free social web."] = "Ändere bitte unter Einstellungen dein Passwort. Außerdem merke dir deine Identifikationsadresse. Diese sieht aus wie eine E-Mail-Adresse und wird benötigt, um Kontakte mit anderen im Friendica Netzwerk zu knüpfen..";
-$a->strings["Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and potential friends know exactly how to find you."] = "Überprüfe die restlichen Einstellungen, insbesondere die Einstellungen zur Privatsphäre. Wenn Du Dein Profil nicht veröffentlichst, ist das als wenn Du Deine Telefonnummer nicht ins Telefonbuch einträgst. Im Allgemeinen solltest Du es veröffentlichen - außer all Deine Kontakte und potentiellen Kontakte wissen genau, wie sie Dich finden können.";
-$a->strings["Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make friends than people who do not."] = "Lade ein Profilbild hoch, falls Du es noch nicht getan hast. Studien haben gezeigt, dass es zehnmal wahrscheinlicher ist neue Kontakte zu finden, wenn Du ein Bild von Dir selbst verwendest, als wenn Du dies nicht tust.";
-$a->strings["Edit Your Profile"] = "Editiere dein Profil";
-$a->strings["Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown visitors."] = "Editiere Dein Standard Profil nach Deinen Vorlieben. Überprüfe die Einstellungen zum Verbergen Deiner Kontaktliste vor unbekannten Betrachtern des Profils.";
-$a->strings["Profile Keywords"] = "Profil Schlüsselbegriffe";
-$a->strings["Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and suggest friendships."] = "Trage ein paar öffentliche Stichwörter in Dein Standardprofil ein, die Deine Interessen beschreiben. Eventuell sind wir in der Lage Leute zu finden, die Deine Interessen teilen und können Dir dann Kontakte vorschlagen.";
-$a->strings["Connecting"] = "Verbindungen knüpfen";
-$a->strings["Importing Emails"] = "Emails Importieren";
-$a->strings["Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email INBOX"] = "Gib Deine E-Mail-Zugangsinformationen auf der Connector-Einstellungsseite ein, falls Du E-Mails aus Deinem Posteingang importieren und mit Kontakten und Mailinglisten interagieren willst.";
-$a->strings["Go to Your Contacts Page"] = "Gehe zu deiner Kontakt-Seite";
-$a->strings["Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site URL in the Add New Contact dialog."] = "Die Kontakte-Seite ist die Einstiegsseite, von der aus Du Kontakte verwalten und Dich mit Personen in anderen Netzwerken verbinden kannst. Normalerweise gibst Du dazu einfach ihre Adresse oder die URL der Seite im Kasten Neuen Kontakt hinzufügen ein.";
-$a->strings["Go to Your Site's Directory"] = "Gehe zum Verzeichnis Deiner Friendica Instanz";
-$a->strings["The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."] = "Über die Verzeichnisseite kannst Du andere Personen auf diesem Server oder anderen verknüpften Seiten finden. Halte nach einem Verbinden oder Folgen Link auf deren Profilseiten Ausschau und gib Deine eigene Profiladresse an, falls Du danach gefragt wirst.";
-$a->strings["Finding New People"] = "Neue Leute kennenlernen";
-$a->strings["On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 hours."] = "Im seitlichen Bedienfeld der Kontakteseite gibt es diverse Werkzeuge, um neue Personen zu finden. Wir können Menschen mit den gleichen Interessen finden, anhand von Namen oder Interessen suchen oder aber aufgrund vorhandener Kontakte neue Leute vorschlagen.\nAuf einer brandneuen - soeben erstellten - Seite starten die Kontaktvorschläge innerhalb von 24 Stunden.";
-$a->strings["Group Your Contacts"] = "Gruppiere deine Kontakte";
-$a->strings["Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with each group privately on your Network page."] = "Sobald Du einige Kontakte gefunden hast, organisiere sie in Gruppen zur privaten Kommunikation im Seitenmenü der Kontakte-Seite. Du kannst dann mit jeder dieser Gruppen von der Netzwerkseite aus privat interagieren.";
-$a->strings["Why Aren't My Posts Public?"] = "Warum sind meine Beiträge nicht öffentlich?";
-$a->strings["Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section from the link above."] = "Friendica respektiert Deine Privatsphäre. Mit der Grundeinstellung werden Deine Beiträge ausschließlich Deinen Kontakten angezeigt. Für weitere Informationen diesbezüglich lies Dir bitte den entsprechenden Abschnitt in der Hilfe unter dem obigen Link durch.";
-$a->strings["Getting Help"] = "Hilfe bekommen";
-$a->strings["Go to the Help Section"] = "Zum Hilfe Abschnitt gehen";
-$a->strings["Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program features and resources."] = "Unsere Hilfe Seiten können herangezogen werden, um weitere Einzelheiten zu andern Programm Features zu erhalten.";
-$a->strings["Remove My Account"] = "Konto löschen";
-$a->strings["This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not recoverable."] = "Dein Konto wird endgültig gelöscht. Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, es wiederherzustellen.";
-$a->strings["Please enter your password for verification:"] = "Bitte gib Dein Passwort zur Verifikation ein:";
-$a->strings["Mood"] = "Stimmung";
-$a->strings["Set your current mood and tell your friends"] = "Wähle Deine aktuelle Stimmung und erzähle sie Deinen Kontakten";
-$a->strings["Item not found"] = "Beitrag nicht gefunden";
-$a->strings["Edit post"] = "Beitrag bearbeiten";
+$a->strings["Unable to locate original post."] = "Konnte den Originalbeitrag nicht finden.";
+$a->strings["Empty post discarded."] = "Leerer Beitrag wurde verworfen.";
+$a->strings["System error. Post not saved."] = "Systemfehler. Beitrag konnte nicht gespeichert werden.";
+$a->strings["This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social network."] = "Diese Nachricht wurde dir von %s geschickt, einem Mitglied des Sozialen Netzwerks Friendica.";
+$a->strings["You may visit them online at %s"] = "Du kannst sie online unter %s besuchen";
+$a->strings["Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to receive these messages."] = "Falls Du diese Beiträge nicht erhalten möchtest, kontaktiere bitte den Autor, indem Du auf diese Nachricht antwortest.";
+$a->strings["%s posted an update."] = "%s hat ein Update veröffentlicht.";
+$a->strings["System down for maintenance"] = "System zur Wartung abgeschaltet";
+$a->strings["No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."] = "Keine Schlüsselwörter zum Abgleichen gefunden. Bitte füge einige Schlüsselwörter zu Deinem Standardprofil hinzu.";
+$a->strings["is interested in:"] = "ist interessiert an:";
+$a->strings["Profile Match"] = "Profilübereinstimmungen";
$a->strings["Warning: This group contains %s member from an insecure network."] = array(
0 => "Warnung: Diese Gruppe beinhaltet %s Person aus einem unsicheren Netzwerk.",
1 => "Warnung: Diese Gruppe beinhaltet %s Personen aus unsicheren Netzwerken.",
@@ -1652,72 +1728,56 @@ $a->strings["Shared Links"] = "Geteilte Links";
$a->strings["Interesting Links"] = "Interessante Links";
$a->strings["Starred"] = "Markierte";
$a->strings["Favourite Posts"] = "Favorisierte Beiträge";
-$a->strings["Not available."] = "Nicht verfügbar.";
-$a->strings["Time Conversion"] = "Zeitumrechnung";
-$a->strings["Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and friends in unknown timezones."] = "Friendica bietet diese Funktion an, um das Teilen von Events mit Kontakten zu vereinfachen, deren Zeitzone nicht ermittelt werden kann.";
-$a->strings["UTC time: %s"] = "UTC Zeit: %s";
-$a->strings["Current timezone: %s"] = "Aktuelle Zeitzone: %s";
-$a->strings["Converted localtime: %s"] = "Umgerechnete lokale Zeit: %s";
-$a->strings["Please select your timezone:"] = "Bitte wähle Deine Zeitzone:";
-$a->strings["The post was created"] = "Der Beitrag wurde angelegt";
-$a->strings["Group created."] = "Gruppe erstellt.";
-$a->strings["Could not create group."] = "Konnte die Gruppe nicht erstellen.";
-$a->strings["Group not found."] = "Gruppe nicht gefunden.";
-$a->strings["Group name changed."] = "Gruppenname geändert.";
-$a->strings["Save Group"] = "Gruppe speichern";
-$a->strings["Create a group of contacts/friends."] = "Eine Kontaktgruppe anlegen.";
-$a->strings["Group removed."] = "Gruppe entfernt.";
-$a->strings["Unable to remove group."] = "Konnte die Gruppe nicht entfernen.";
-$a->strings["Group Editor"] = "Gruppeneditor";
-$a->strings["Members"] = "Mitglieder";
-$a->strings["This introduction has already been accepted."] = "Diese Kontaktanfrage wurde bereits akzeptiert.";
-$a->strings["Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."] = "Profiladresse ist ungültig oder stellt keine Profildaten zur Verfügung.";
-$a->strings["Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."] = "Warnung: Es konnte kein Name des Besitzers von der angegebenen Profiladresse gefunden werden.";
-$a->strings["Warning: profile location has no profile photo."] = "Warnung: Es gibt kein Profilbild bei der angegebenen Profiladresse.";
-$a->strings["%d required parameter was not found at the given location"] = array(
- 0 => "%d benötigter Parameter wurde an der angegebenen Stelle nicht gefunden",
- 1 => "%d benötigte Parameter wurden an der angegebenen Stelle nicht gefunden",
-$a->strings["Introduction complete."] = "Kontaktanfrage abgeschlossen.";
-$a->strings["Unrecoverable protocol error."] = "Nicht behebbarer Protokollfehler.";
-$a->strings["Profile unavailable."] = "Profil nicht verfügbar.";
-$a->strings["%s has received too many connection requests today."] = "%s hat heute zu viele Kontaktanfragen erhalten.";
-$a->strings["Spam protection measures have been invoked."] = "Maßnahmen zum Spamschutz wurden ergriffen.";
-$a->strings["Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."] = "Freunde sind angehalten, es in 24 Stunden erneut zu versuchen.";
-$a->strings["Invalid locator"] = "Ungültiger Locator";
-$a->strings["Invalid email address."] = "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse.";
-$a->strings["This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."] = "Dieses Konto ist nicht für E-Mail konfiguriert. Anfrage fehlgeschlagen.";
-$a->strings["You have already introduced yourself here."] = "Du hast Dich hier bereits vorgestellt.";
-$a->strings["Apparently you are already friends with %s."] = "Es scheint so, als ob Du bereits mit %s in Kontakt stehst.";
-$a->strings["Invalid profile URL."] = "Ungültige Profil-URL.";
-$a->strings["Your introduction has been sent."] = "Deine Kontaktanfrage wurde gesendet.";
-$a->strings["Remote subscription can't be done for your network. Please subscribe directly on your system."] = "Entferntes abonnieren kann für dein Netzwerk nicht durchgeführt werden. Bitte nutze direkt die Abonnieren-Funktion deines Systems. ";
-$a->strings["Please login to confirm introduction."] = "Bitte melde Dich an, um die Kontaktanfrage zu bestätigen.";
-$a->strings["Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to this profile."] = "Momentan bist Du mit einer anderen Identität angemeldet. Bitte melde Dich mit diesem Profil an.";
-$a->strings["Confirm"] = "Bestätigen";
-$a->strings["Hide this contact"] = "Verberge diesen Kontakt";
-$a->strings["Welcome home %s."] = "Willkommen zurück %s.";
-$a->strings["Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."] = "Bitte bestätige Deine Kontaktanfrage bei %s.";
-$a->strings["Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported communications networks:"] = "Bitte gib die Adresse Deines Profils in einem der unterstützten sozialen Netzwerke an:";
-$a->strings["If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and join us today ."] = "Wenn du noch kein Mitglied dieses freien sozialen Netzwerks bist, folge diesem Link um einen öffentlichen Friendica-Server zu finden und beizutreten.";
-$a->strings["Friend/Connection Request"] = "Kontaktanfrage";
-$a->strings["Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca"] = "Beispiele: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca";
-$a->strings["StatusNet/Federated Social Web"] = "StatusNet/Federated Social Web";
-$a->strings[" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search bar."] = " - bitte verwende dieses Formular nicht. Stattdessen suche nach %s in Deiner Diaspora Suchleiste.";
-$a->strings["Image uploaded but image cropping failed."] = "Bild hochgeladen, aber das Zuschneiden schlug fehl.";
-$a->strings["Image size reduction [%s] failed."] = "Verkleinern der Bildgröße von [%s] scheiterte.";
-$a->strings["Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not display immediately."] = "Drücke Umschalt+Neu Laden oder leere den Browser-Cache, falls das neue Foto nicht gleich angezeigt wird.";
-$a->strings["Unable to process image"] = "Bild konnte nicht verarbeitet werden";
-$a->strings["Upload File:"] = "Datei hochladen:";
-$a->strings["Select a profile:"] = "Profil auswählen:";
-$a->strings["Upload"] = "Hochladen";
-$a->strings["or"] = "oder";
-$a->strings["skip this step"] = "diesen Schritt überspringen";
-$a->strings["select a photo from your photo albums"] = "wähle ein Foto aus deinen Fotoalben";
-$a->strings["Crop Image"] = "Bild zurechtschneiden";
-$a->strings["Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."] = "Passe bitte den Bildausschnitt an, damit das Bild optimal dargestellt werden kann.";
-$a->strings["Done Editing"] = "Bearbeitung abgeschlossen";
-$a->strings["Image uploaded successfully."] = "Bild erfolgreich hochgeladen.";
+$a->strings["Recent Photos"] = "Neueste Fotos";
+$a->strings["Upload New Photos"] = "Neue Fotos hochladen";
+$a->strings["everybody"] = "jeder";
+$a->strings["Contact information unavailable"] = "Kontaktinformationen nicht verfügbar";
+$a->strings["Album not found."] = "Album nicht gefunden.";
+$a->strings["Delete Album"] = "Album löschen";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"] = "Möchtest Du wirklich dieses Foto-Album und all seine Foto löschen?";
+$a->strings["Delete Photo"] = "Foto löschen";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo?"] = "Möchtest Du wirklich dieses Foto löschen?";
+$a->strings["%1\$s was tagged in %2\$s by %3\$s"] = "%1\$s wurde von %3\$s in %2\$s getaggt";
+$a->strings["a photo"] = "einem Foto";
+$a->strings["Image file is empty."] = "Bilddatei ist leer.";
+$a->strings["No photos selected"] = "Keine Bilder ausgewählt";
+$a->strings["Access to this item is restricted."] = "Zugriff zu diesem Eintrag wurde eingeschränkt.";
+$a->strings["You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."] = "Du verwendest %1$.2f Mbyte von %2$.2f Mbyte des Foto-Speichers.";
+$a->strings["Upload Photos"] = "Bilder hochladen";
+$a->strings["New album name: "] = "Name des neuen Albums: ";
+$a->strings["or existing album name: "] = "oder existierender Albumname: ";
+$a->strings["Do not show a status post for this upload"] = "Keine Status-Mitteilung für diesen Beitrag anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Show to Groups"] = "Zeige den Gruppen";
+$a->strings["Show to Contacts"] = "Zeige den Kontakten";
+$a->strings["Private Photo"] = "Privates Foto";
+$a->strings["Public Photo"] = "Öffentliches Foto";
+$a->strings["Edit Album"] = "Album bearbeiten";
+$a->strings["Show Newest First"] = "Zeige neueste zuerst";
+$a->strings["Show Oldest First"] = "Zeige älteste zuerst";
+$a->strings["View Photo"] = "Foto betrachten";
+$a->strings["Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."] = "Zugriff verweigert. Zugriff zu diesem Eintrag könnte eingeschränkt sein.";
+$a->strings["Photo not available"] = "Foto nicht verfügbar";
+$a->strings["View photo"] = "Fotos ansehen";
+$a->strings["Edit photo"] = "Foto bearbeiten";
+$a->strings["Use as profile photo"] = "Als Profilbild verwenden";
+$a->strings["View Full Size"] = "Betrachte Originalgröße";
+$a->strings["Tags: "] = "Tags: ";
+$a->strings["[Remove any tag]"] = "[Tag entfernen]";
+$a->strings["New album name"] = "Name des neuen Albums";
+$a->strings["Caption"] = "Bildunterschrift";
+$a->strings["Add a Tag"] = "Tag hinzufügen";
+$a->strings["Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"] = "Beispiel: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping";
+$a->strings["Do not rotate"] = "Nicht rotieren";
+$a->strings["Rotate CW (right)"] = "Drehen US (rechts)";
+$a->strings["Rotate CCW (left)"] = "Drehen EUS (links)";
+$a->strings["Private photo"] = "Privates Foto";
+$a->strings["Public photo"] = "Öffentliches Foto";
+$a->strings["Map"] = "Karte";
+$a->strings["View Album"] = "Album betrachten";
+$a->strings["{0} wants to be your friend"] = "{0} möchte mit Dir in Kontakt treten";
+$a->strings["{0} sent you a message"] = "{0} schickte Dir eine Nachricht";
+$a->strings["{0} requested registration"] = "{0} möchte sich registrieren";
+$a->strings["Tips for New Members"] = "Tipps für neue Nutzer";
$a->strings["Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."] = "Registrierung erfolgreich. Eine E-Mail mit weiteren Anweisungen wurde an Dich gesendet.";
$a->strings["Failed to send email message. Here your accout details: login: %s password: %s You can change your password after login."] = "Versenden der E-Mail fehlgeschlagen. Hier sind Deine Account Details:\n\nLogin: %s\nPasswort: %s\n\nDu kannst das Passwort nach dem Anmelden ändern.";
$a->strings["Registration successful."] = "Registrierung erfolgreich.";
@@ -1737,6 +1797,16 @@ $a->strings["Confirm:"] = "Bestätigen:";
$a->strings["Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your profile address on this site will then be 'nickname@\$sitename '."] = "Wähle einen Spitznamen für Dein Profil. Dieser muss mit einem Buchstaben beginnen. Die Adresse Deines Profils auf dieser Seite wird 'spitzname@\$sitename ' sein.";
$a->strings["Choose a nickname: "] = "Spitznamen wählen: ";
$a->strings["Import your profile to this friendica instance"] = "Importiere Dein Profil auf diese Friendica Instanz";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"] = "Möchtest Du wirklich diese Empfehlung löschen?";
+$a->strings["No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 hours."] = "Keine Vorschläge verfügbar. Falls der Server frisch aufgesetzt wurde, versuche es bitte in 24 Stunden noch einmal.";
+$a->strings["Ignore/Hide"] = "Ignorieren/Verbergen";
+$a->strings["[Embedded content - reload page to view]"] = "[Eingebetteter Inhalt - Seite neu laden zum Betrachten]";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this video?"] = "Möchtest Du dieses Video wirklich löschen?";
+$a->strings["Delete Video"] = "Video Löschen";
+$a->strings["No videos selected"] = "Keine Videos ausgewählt";
+$a->strings["Recent Videos"] = "Neueste Videos";
+$a->strings["Upload New Videos"] = "Neues Video hochladen";
+$a->strings["No contacts."] = "Keine Kontakte.";
$a->strings["Display"] = "Anzeige";
$a->strings["Social Networks"] = "Soziale Netzwerke";
$a->strings["Connected apps"] = "Verbundene Programme";
@@ -1813,18 +1883,29 @@ $a->strings["Beginning of week:"] = "Wochenbeginn:";
$a->strings["Don't show notices"] = "Info-Popups nicht anzeigen";
$a->strings["Infinite scroll"] = "Endloses Scrollen";
$a->strings["Automatic updates only at the top of the network page"] = "Automatische Updates nur, wenn Du oben auf der Netzwerkseite bist.";
+$a->strings["Bandwith Saver Mode"] = "Bandbreiten-Spar-Modus";
+$a->strings["When enabled, embedded content is not displayed on automatic updates, they only show on page reload."] = "Wenn aktiviert, wird der eingebettete Inhalt nicht automatisch aktualisiert. In diesem Fall Seite bitte neu laden.";
$a->strings["General Theme Settings"] = "Allgemeine Themeneinstellungen";
$a->strings["Custom Theme Settings"] = "Benutzerdefinierte Theme Einstellungen";
$a->strings["Content Settings"] = "Einstellungen zum Inhalt";
$a->strings["Theme settings"] = "Themeneinstellungen";
-$a->strings["User Types"] = "Nutzer Art";
-$a->strings["Community Types"] = "Gemeinschafts Art";
+$a->strings["Account Types"] = "Kontenarten";
+$a->strings["Personal Page Subtypes"] = "Unterarten der persönlichen Seite";
+$a->strings["Community Forum Subtypes"] = "Unterarten des Gemeinschaftsforums";
+$a->strings["Personal Page"] = "Persönliche Seite";
+$a->strings["This account is a regular personal profile"] = "Dieses Konto ist ein normales persönliches Profil";
+$a->strings["Organisation Page"] = "Organisationsseite";
+$a->strings["This account is a profile for an organisation"] = "Diese Konto ist ein Profil für eine Organisation";
+$a->strings["News Page"] = "Nachrichtenseite";
+$a->strings["This account is a news account/reflector"] = "Dieses Konto ist ein News-Konto bzw. -Spiegel";
+$a->strings["Community Forum"] = "Gemeinschaftsforum";
+$a->strings["This account is a community forum where people can discuss with each other"] = "Dieses Konto ist ein Gemeinschaftskonto wo sich Leute untereinander austauschen können";
$a->strings["Normal Account Page"] = "Normales Konto";
$a->strings["This account is a normal personal profile"] = "Dieses Konto ist ein normales persönliches Profil";
$a->strings["Soapbox Page"] = "Marktschreier-Konto";
$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"] = "Kontaktanfragen werden automatisch als Nurlese-Fans akzeptiert";
-$a->strings["Community Forum/Celebrity Account"] = "Forum/Promi-Konto";
-$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans"] = "Kontaktanfragen werden automatisch als Lese-und-Schreib-Fans akzeptiert";
+$a->strings["Public Forum"] = "Öffentliches Forum";
+$a->strings["Automatically approve all contact requests"] = "Bestätige alle Kontaktanfragen automatisch";
$a->strings["Automatic Friend Page"] = "Automatische Freunde Seite";
$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"] = "Kontaktanfragen werden automatisch als Freund akzeptiert";
$a->strings["Private Forum [Experimental]"] = "Privates Forum [Versuchsstadium]";
@@ -1895,70 +1976,6 @@ $a->strings["Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"] = "Ve
$a->strings["Relocate"] = "Umziehen";
$a->strings["If you have moved this profile from another server, and some of your contacts don't receive your updates, try pushing this button."] = "Wenn Du Dein Profil von einem anderen Server umgezogen hast und einige Deiner Kontakte Deine Beiträge nicht erhalten, verwende diesen Button.";
$a->strings["Resend relocate message to contacts"] = "Umzugsbenachrichtigung erneut an Kontakte senden";
-$a->strings["Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."] = "Maximale Anzahl der täglichen Pinnwand Nachrichten für %s ist überschritten. Zustellung fehlgeschlagen.";
-$a->strings["No recipient selected."] = "Kein Empfänger gewählt.";
-$a->strings["Unable to check your home location."] = "Konnte Deinen Heimatort nicht bestimmen.";
-$a->strings["Message could not be sent."] = "Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden.";
-$a->strings["Message collection failure."] = "Konnte Nachrichten nicht abrufen.";
-$a->strings["Message sent."] = "Nachricht gesendet.";
-$a->strings["No recipient."] = "Kein Empfänger.";
-$a->strings["Send Private Message"] = "Private Nachricht senden";
-$a->strings["If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on your site allow private mail from unknown senders."] = "Wenn Du möchtest, dass %s Dir antworten kann, überprüfe Deine Privatsphären-Einstellungen und erlaube private Nachrichten von unbekannten Absendern.";
-$a->strings["To:"] = "An:";
-$a->strings["Subject:"] = "Betreff:";
-$a->strings["link"] = "Link";
-$a->strings["Authorize application connection"] = "Verbindung der Applikation autorisieren";
-$a->strings["Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"] = "Gehe zu Deiner Anwendung zurück und trage dort folgenden Sicherheitscode ein:";
-$a->strings["Please login to continue."] = "Bitte melde Dich an um fortzufahren.";
-$a->strings["Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts, and/or create new posts for you?"] = "Möchtest Du dieser Anwendung den Zugriff auf Deine Beiträge und Kontakte, sowie das Erstellen neuer Beiträge in Deinem Namen gestatten?";
-$a->strings["Source (bbcode) text:"] = "Quelle (bbcode) Text:";
-$a->strings["Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"] = "Eingabe (Diaspora) nach BBCode zu konvertierender Text:";
-$a->strings["Source input: "] = "Originaltext:";
-$a->strings["bb2html (raw HTML): "] = "bb2html (reines HTML): ";
-$a->strings["bb2html: "] = "bb2html: ";
-$a->strings["bb2html2bb: "] = "bb2html2bb: ";
-$a->strings["bb2md: "] = "bb2md: ";
-$a->strings["bb2md2html: "] = "bb2md2html: ";
-$a->strings["bb2dia2bb: "] = "bb2dia2bb: ";
-$a->strings["bb2md2html2bb: "] = "bb2md2html2bb: ";
-$a->strings["Source input (Diaspora format): "] = "Originaltext (Diaspora Format): ";
-$a->strings["diaspora2bb: "] = "diaspora2bb: ";
-$a->strings["Unable to locate original post."] = "Konnte den Originalbeitrag nicht finden.";
-$a->strings["Empty post discarded."] = "Leerer Beitrag wurde verworfen.";
-$a->strings["System error. Post not saved."] = "Systemfehler. Beitrag konnte nicht gespeichert werden.";
-$a->strings["This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social network."] = "Diese Nachricht wurde dir von %s geschickt, einem Mitglied des Sozialen Netzwerks Friendica.";
-$a->strings["You may visit them online at %s"] = "Du kannst sie online unter %s besuchen";
-$a->strings["Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to receive these messages."] = "Falls Du diese Beiträge nicht erhalten möchtest, kontaktiere bitte den Autor, indem Du auf diese Nachricht antwortest.";
-$a->strings["%s posted an update."] = "%s hat ein Update veröffentlicht.";
-$a->strings["Subscribing to OStatus contacts"] = "OStatus Kontakten folgen";
-$a->strings["No contact provided."] = "Keine Kontakte gefunden.";
-$a->strings["Couldn't fetch information for contact."] = "Konnte die Kontaktinformationen nicht einholen.";
-$a->strings["Couldn't fetch friends for contact."] = "Konnte die Kontaktliste des Kontakts nicht abfragen.";
-$a->strings["success"] = "Erfolg";
-$a->strings["failed"] = "Fehlgeschlagen";
-$a->strings["%1\$s welcomes %2\$s"] = "%1\$s heißt %2\$s herzlich willkommen";
-$a->strings["Tips for New Members"] = "Tipps für neue Nutzer";
-$a->strings["Unable to locate contact information."] = "Konnte die Kontaktinformationen nicht finden.";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this message?"] = "Möchtest Du wirklich diese Nachricht löschen?";
-$a->strings["Message deleted."] = "Nachricht gelöscht.";
-$a->strings["Conversation removed."] = "Unterhaltung gelöscht.";
-$a->strings["No messages."] = "Keine Nachrichten.";
-$a->strings["Message not available."] = "Nachricht nicht verfügbar.";
-$a->strings["Delete message"] = "Nachricht löschen";
-$a->strings["Delete conversation"] = "Unterhaltung löschen";
-$a->strings["No secure communications available. You may be able to respond from the sender's profile page."] = "Sichere Kommunikation ist nicht verfügbar. Eventuell kannst Du auf der Profilseite des Absenders antworten.";
-$a->strings["Send Reply"] = "Antwort senden";
-$a->strings["Unknown sender - %s"] = "'Unbekannter Absender - %s";
-$a->strings["You and %s"] = "Du und %s";
-$a->strings["%s and You"] = "%s und Du";
-$a->strings["D, d M Y - g:i A"] = "D, d. M Y - g:i A";
-$a->strings["%d message"] = array(
- 0 => "%d Nachricht",
- 1 => "%d Nachrichten",
-$a->strings["Manage Identities and/or Pages"] = "Verwalte Identitäten und/oder Seiten";
-$a->strings["Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"] = "Zwischen verschiedenen Identitäten oder Gemeinschafts-/Gruppenseiten wechseln, die Deine Kontoinformationen teilen oder zu denen Du „Verwalten“-Befugnisse bekommen hast.";
-$a->strings["Select an identity to manage: "] = "Wähle eine Identität zum Verwalten aus: ";
$a->strings["via"] = "via";
$a->strings["Repeat the image"] = "Bild wiederholen";
$a->strings["Will repeat your image to fill the background."] = "Wiederholt das Bild um den Hintergrund auszufüllen.";
@@ -1968,8 +1985,6 @@ $a->strings["Resize fill and-clip"] = "Größe anpassen - Ausfüllen und abschne
$a->strings["Resize to fill and retain aspect ratio."] = "Größe anpassen: Ausfüllen und Seitenverhältnis beibehalten";
$a->strings["Resize best fit"] = "Größe anpassen - Optimale Größe";
$a->strings["Resize to best fit and retain aspect ratio."] = "Größe anpassen - Optimale Größe und Seitenverhältnisse beibehalten";
-$a->strings["Remote"] = "Entferne";
-$a->strings["Visitor"] = "Besucher";
$a->strings["Default"] = "Standard";
$a->strings["Note: "] = "Hinweis:";
$a->strings["Check image permissions if all users are allowed to visit the image"] = "Überprüfe, dass alle Benutzer die Berechtigung haben dieses Bild anzusehen";
@@ -1980,6 +1995,8 @@ $a->strings["Link color"] = "Linkfarbe";
$a->strings["Set the background color"] = "Hintergrundfarbe festlegen";
$a->strings["Content background transparency"] = "Transparanz des Hintergrunds von Beiträgem";
$a->strings["Set the background image"] = "Hintergrundbild festlegen";
+$a->strings["Guest"] = "Gast";
+$a->strings["Visitor"] = "Besucher";
$a->strings["Set resize level for images in posts and comments (width and height)"] = "Wähle das Vergrößerungsmaß für Bilder in Beiträgen und Kommentaren (Höhe und Breite)";
$a->strings["Set font-size for posts and comments"] = "Schriftgröße für Beiträge und Kommentare festlegen";
$a->strings["Set theme width"] = "Theme Breite festlegen";
@@ -2020,3 +2037,16 @@ $a->strings["darkzero"] = "darkzero";
$a->strings["comix"] = "comix";
$a->strings["slackr"] = "slackr";
$a->strings["Variations"] = "Variationen";
+$a->strings["toggle mobile"] = "auf/von Mobile Ansicht wechseln";
+$a->strings["Delete this item?"] = "Diesen Beitrag löschen?";
+$a->strings["show fewer"] = "weniger anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Update %s failed. See error logs."] = "Update %s fehlgeschlagen. Bitte Fehlerprotokoll überprüfen.";
+$a->strings["Create a New Account"] = "Neues Konto erstellen";
+$a->strings["Password: "] = "Passwort: ";
+$a->strings["Remember me"] = "Anmeldedaten merken";
+$a->strings["Or login using OpenID: "] = "Oder melde Dich mit Deiner OpenID an: ";
+$a->strings["Forgot your password?"] = "Passwort vergessen?";
+$a->strings["Website Terms of Service"] = "Website Nutzungsbedingungen";
+$a->strings["terms of service"] = "Nutzungsbedingungen";
+$a->strings["Website Privacy Policy"] = "Website Datenschutzerklärung";
+$a->strings["privacy policy"] = "Datenschutzerklärung";
diff --git a/view/eo/messages.po b/view/lang/eo/messages.po
similarity index 100%
rename from view/eo/messages.po
rename to view/lang/eo/messages.po
diff --git a/view/eo/strings.php b/view/lang/eo/strings.php
similarity index 100%
rename from view/eo/strings.php
rename to view/lang/eo/strings.php
diff --git a/view/es/messages.po b/view/lang/es/messages.po
similarity index 76%
rename from view/es/messages.po
rename to view/lang/es/messages.po
index f06587294..3ea542d00 100644
--- a/view/es/messages.po
+++ b/view/lang/es/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Friendica package.
# Translators:
-# bavatar , 2011
+# Alberto Díaz Tormo , 2016
+# Tobias Diekershoff , 2011
# Manuel Pérez , 2011
# Carlos Solís , 2012
# David Martín Miranda, 2011
@@ -23,8 +24,8 @@
# Mike Macgirvin, 2010
# Oliver , 2012
# Sennewood , 2013
-# bavatar , 2013
-# bavatar , 2012
+# Tobias Diekershoff , 2013
+# Tobias Diekershoff , 2012
# tschlotfeldt , 2011
# Tupambae.org, 2015
# Tupambae.org, 2016
@@ -33,9 +34,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: friendica\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-03-12 07:34+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-18 19:01+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Tupambae.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-11-06 16:00+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-08 16:20+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Alberto Díaz Tormo \n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (http://www.transifex.com/Friendica/friendica/language/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -43,6320 +44,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Language: es\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: mod/contacts.php:50 include/identity.php:396
-msgid "Network:"
-msgstr "Red:"
-#: mod/contacts.php:51 mod/contacts.php:947 mod/videos.php:37
-#: mod/viewcontacts.php:105 mod/dirfind.php:214 mod/network.php:598
-#: mod/allfriends.php:77 mod/match.php:82 mod/directory.php:172
-#: mod/common.php:123 mod/suggest.php:95 mod/photos.php:41
-#: include/identity.php:299
-msgid "Forum"
-msgstr "Foro"
-#: mod/contacts.php:128
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d contact edited."
-msgid_plural "%d contacts edited."
-msgstr[0] "%d contacto editado."
-msgstr[1] "%d contacts edited."
-#: mod/contacts.php:159 mod/contacts.php:368
-msgid "Could not access contact record."
-msgstr "No se pudo acceder a los datos del contacto."
-#: mod/contacts.php:173
-msgid "Could not locate selected profile."
-msgstr "No se pudo encontrar el perfil seleccionado."
-#: mod/contacts.php:206
-msgid "Contact updated."
-msgstr "Contacto actualizado."
-#: mod/contacts.php:208 mod/dfrn_request.php:573
-msgid "Failed to update contact record."
-msgstr "Error al actualizar el contacto."
-#: mod/contacts.php:350 mod/manage.php:96 mod/display.php:513
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:19 mod/profile_photo.php:175
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:186 mod/profile_photo.php:199
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:9 mod/follow.php:11 mod/follow.php:73
-#: mod/follow.php:155 mod/item.php:183 mod/item.php:195 mod/group.php:19
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:55 mod/fsuggest.php:78 mod/wall_upload.php:77
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:80 mod/viewcontacts.php:40 mod/notifications.php:69
-#: mod/message.php:45 mod/message.php:181 mod/crepair.php:100
-#: mod/dirfind.php:11 mod/nogroup.php:25 mod/network.php:4
-#: mod/allfriends.php:12 mod/events.php:165 mod/wallmessage.php:9
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:33 mod/wallmessage.php:79 mod/wallmessage.php:103
-#: mod/wall_attach.php:67 mod/wall_attach.php:70 mod/settings.php:20
-#: mod/settings.php:126 mod/settings.php:647 mod/register.php:42
-#: mod/delegate.php:12 mod/common.php:18 mod/mood.php:114 mod/suggest.php:58
-#: mod/profiles.php:165 mod/profiles.php:593 mod/editpost.php:10
-#: mod/api.php:26 mod/api.php:31 mod/notes.php:22 mod/poke.php:149
-#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:9 mod/invite.php:15 mod/invite.php:101
-#: mod/photos.php:171 mod/photos.php:1091 mod/regmod.php:110
-#: mod/uimport.php:23 mod/attach.php:33 include/items.php:2002 index.php:384
-msgid "Permission denied."
-msgstr "Permiso denegado."
-#: mod/contacts.php:389
-msgid "Contact has been blocked"
-msgstr "El contacto ha sido bloqueado"
-#: mod/contacts.php:389
-msgid "Contact has been unblocked"
-msgstr "El contacto ha sido desbloqueado"
-#: mod/contacts.php:400
-msgid "Contact has been ignored"
-msgstr "El contacto ha sido ignorado"
-#: mod/contacts.php:400
-msgid "Contact has been unignored"
-msgstr "El contacto ya no está ignorado"
-#: mod/contacts.php:412
-msgid "Contact has been archived"
-msgstr "El contacto ha sido archivado"
-#: mod/contacts.php:412
-msgid "Contact has been unarchived"
-msgstr "El contacto ya no está archivado"
-#: mod/contacts.php:439 mod/contacts.php:794
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this contact?"
-msgstr "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este contacto?"
-#: mod/contacts.php:441 mod/follow.php:110 mod/message.php:216
-#: mod/settings.php:1107 mod/settings.php:1113 mod/settings.php:1121
-#: mod/settings.php:1125 mod/settings.php:1130 mod/settings.php:1136
-#: mod/settings.php:1142 mod/settings.php:1148 mod/settings.php:1174
-#: mod/settings.php:1175 mod/settings.php:1176 mod/settings.php:1177
-#: mod/settings.php:1178 mod/dfrn_request.php:855 mod/register.php:238
-#: mod/suggest.php:29 mod/profiles.php:636 mod/profiles.php:639
-#: mod/profiles.php:665 mod/api.php:105 include/items.php:1834
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Sí"
-#: mod/contacts.php:444 mod/tagrm.php:11 mod/tagrm.php:94 mod/follow.php:121
-#: mod/videos.php:131 mod/message.php:219 mod/fbrowser.php:93
-#: mod/fbrowser.php:128 mod/settings.php:661 mod/settings.php:687
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:869 mod/suggest.php:32 mod/editpost.php:148
-#: mod/photos.php:247 mod/photos.php:336 include/conversation.php:1220
-#: include/items.php:1837
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Cancelar"
-#: mod/contacts.php:456
-msgid "Contact has been removed."
-msgstr "El contacto ha sido eliminado"
-#: mod/contacts.php:497
-#, php-format
-msgid "You are mutual friends with %s"
-msgstr "Ahora tienes una amistad mutua con %s"
-#: mod/contacts.php:501
-#, php-format
-msgid "You are sharing with %s"
-msgstr "Estás compartiendo con %s"
-#: mod/contacts.php:506
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s is sharing with you"
-msgstr "%s está compartiendo contigo"
-#: mod/contacts.php:526
-msgid "Private communications are not available for this contact."
-msgstr "Las comunicaciones privadas no está disponibles para este contacto."
-#: mod/contacts.php:529 mod/admin.php:838
-msgid "Never"
-msgstr "Nunca"
-#: mod/contacts.php:533
-msgid "(Update was successful)"
-msgstr "(La actualización se ha completado)"
-#: mod/contacts.php:533
-msgid "(Update was not successful)"
-msgstr "(La actualización no se ha completado)"
-#: mod/contacts.php:535 mod/contacts.php:972
-msgid "Suggest friends"
-msgstr "Sugerir amigos"
-#: mod/contacts.php:539
-#, php-format
-msgid "Network type: %s"
-msgstr "Tipo de red: %s"
-#: mod/contacts.php:552
-msgid "Communications lost with this contact!"
-msgstr "¡Se ha perdido la comunicación con este contacto!"
-#: mod/contacts.php:555
-msgid "Fetch further information for feeds"
-msgstr "Recaudar informacion complementaria de los feeds"
-#: mod/contacts.php:556 mod/admin.php:847
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Deshabilitado"
-#: mod/contacts.php:556
-msgid "Fetch information"
-msgstr "Recaudar informacion"
-#: mod/contacts.php:556
-msgid "Fetch information and keywords"
-msgstr "Recaudar informacion y palabras claves"
-#: mod/contacts.php:575 mod/manage.php:143 mod/fsuggest.php:107
-#: mod/message.php:342 mod/message.php:525 mod/crepair.php:179
-#: mod/events.php:574 mod/content.php:712 mod/install.php:261
-#: mod/install.php:299 mod/mood.php:137 mod/profiles.php:674
-#: mod/localtime.php:45 mod/poke.php:198 mod/invite.php:140
-#: mod/photos.php:1123 mod/photos.php:1247 mod/photos.php:1565
-#: mod/photos.php:1616 mod/photos.php:1664 mod/photos.php:1752
-#: object/Item.php:710 view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:80
-#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:70 view/theme/quattro/config.php:64
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:148 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:633
-#: view/theme/vier/config.php:107 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:59
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr "Envíar"
-#: mod/contacts.php:576
-msgid "Profile Visibility"
-msgstr "Visibilidad del Perfil"
-#: mod/contacts.php:577
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your "
-"profile securely."
-msgstr "Por favor, selecciona el perfil que quieras mostrar a %s cuando esté viendo tu perfil de forma segura."
-#: mod/contacts.php:578
-msgid "Contact Information / Notes"
-msgstr "Información del Contacto / Notas"
-#: mod/contacts.php:579
-msgid "Edit contact notes"
-msgstr "Editar notas del contacto"
-#: mod/contacts.php:584 mod/contacts.php:938 mod/viewcontacts.php:97
-#: mod/nogroup.php:41
-#, php-format
-msgid "Visit %s's profile [%s]"
-msgstr "Ver el perfil de %s [%s]"
-#: mod/contacts.php:585
-msgid "Block/Unblock contact"
-msgstr "Boquear/Desbloquear contacto"
-#: mod/contacts.php:586
-msgid "Ignore contact"
-msgstr "Ignorar contacto"
-#: mod/contacts.php:587
-msgid "Repair URL settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de reparación de la dirección"
-#: mod/contacts.php:588
-msgid "View conversations"
-msgstr "Ver conversaciones"
-#: mod/contacts.php:594
-msgid "Last update:"
-msgstr "Última actualización:"
-#: mod/contacts.php:596
-msgid "Update public posts"
-msgstr "Actualizar publicaciones públicas"
-#: mod/contacts.php:598 mod/contacts.php:982
-msgid "Update now"
-msgstr "Actualizar ahora"
-#: mod/contacts.php:600 mod/follow.php:103 mod/dirfind.php:196
-#: mod/allfriends.php:65 mod/match.php:71 mod/suggest.php:82
-#: include/contact_widgets.php:32 include/Contact.php:299
-#: include/conversation.php:924
-msgid "Connect/Follow"
-msgstr "Conectar/Seguir"
-#: mod/contacts.php:603 mod/contacts.php:798 mod/contacts.php:991
-#: mod/admin.php:1334
-msgid "Unblock"
-msgstr "Desbloquear"
-#: mod/contacts.php:603 mod/contacts.php:798 mod/contacts.php:991
-#: mod/admin.php:1333
-msgid "Block"
-msgstr "Bloquear"
-#: mod/contacts.php:604 mod/contacts.php:799 mod/contacts.php:999
-msgid "Unignore"
-msgstr "Quitar de Ignorados"
-#: mod/contacts.php:604 mod/contacts.php:799 mod/contacts.php:999
-#: mod/notifications.php:54 mod/notifications.php:179
-#: mod/notifications.php:259
-msgid "Ignore"
-msgstr "Ignorar"
-#: mod/contacts.php:607
-msgid "Currently blocked"
-msgstr "Bloqueados"
-#: mod/contacts.php:608
-msgid "Currently ignored"
-msgstr "Ignorados"
-#: mod/contacts.php:609
-msgid "Currently archived"
-msgstr "Archivados"
-#: mod/contacts.php:610 mod/notifications.php:172 mod/notifications.php:251
-msgid "Hide this contact from others"
-msgstr "Ocultar este contacto a los demás."
-#: mod/contacts.php:610
-msgid ""
-"Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"
-msgstr "Los comentarios o \"me gusta\" en tus publicaciones públicas todavía pueden ser visibles."
-#: mod/contacts.php:611
-msgid "Notification for new posts"
-msgstr "Notificacion de nuevos temas."
-#: mod/contacts.php:611
-msgid "Send a notification of every new post of this contact"
-msgstr "Enviar una notificacion por nuevos temas de este contacto."
-#: mod/contacts.php:614
-msgid "Blacklisted keywords"
-msgstr "Lista negra de palabras"
-#: mod/contacts.php:614
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, "
-"when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"
-msgstr "Lista separada por comas de palabras claves que no deberian ser convertido en #hashtags cuando \"Recaudar informacion y palabras claves\" es seleccionado"
-#: mod/contacts.php:621 mod/follow.php:126 mod/notifications.php:255
-msgid "Profile URL"
-msgstr "URL Perfil"
-#: mod/contacts.php:624 mod/notifications.php:244 mod/events.php:566
-#: mod/directory.php:145 include/identity.php:309 include/bb2diaspora.php:170
-#: include/event.php:36 include/event.php:60
-msgid "Location:"
-msgstr "Localización:"
-#: mod/contacts.php:626 mod/notifications.php:246 mod/directory.php:153
-#: include/identity.php:318 include/identity.php:632
-msgid "About:"
-msgstr "Acerca de:"
-#: mod/contacts.php:628 mod/follow.php:134 mod/notifications.php:248
-#: include/identity.php:626
-msgid "Tags:"
-msgstr "Etiquetas:"
-#: mod/contacts.php:629
-msgid "Actions"
-msgstr "Acciones"
-#: mod/contacts.php:631 mod/contacts.php:825 include/identity.php:687
-#: include/nav.php:75
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Estado"
-#: mod/contacts.php:632
-msgid "Contact Settings"
-msgstr "Ajustes del contacto"
-#: mod/contacts.php:677
-msgid "Suggestions"
-msgstr "Sugerencias"
-#: mod/contacts.php:680
-msgid "Suggest potential friends"
-msgstr "Amistades potenciales sugeridas"
-#: mod/contacts.php:685 mod/group.php:192
-msgid "All Contacts"
-msgstr "Todos los contactos"
-#: mod/contacts.php:688
-msgid "Show all contacts"
-msgstr "Mostrar todos los contactos"
-#: mod/contacts.php:693
-msgid "Unblocked"
-msgstr "Desbloqueados"
-#: mod/contacts.php:696
-msgid "Only show unblocked contacts"
-msgstr "Mostrar solo contactos sin bloquear"
-#: mod/contacts.php:702
-msgid "Blocked"
-msgstr "Bloqueados"
-#: mod/contacts.php:705
-msgid "Only show blocked contacts"
-msgstr "Mostrar solo contactos bloqueados"
-#: mod/contacts.php:711
-msgid "Ignored"
-msgstr "Ignorados"
-#: mod/contacts.php:714
-msgid "Only show ignored contacts"
-msgstr "Mostrar solo contactos ignorados"
-#: mod/contacts.php:720
-msgid "Archived"
-msgstr "Archivados"
-#: mod/contacts.php:723
-msgid "Only show archived contacts"
-msgstr "Mostrar solo contactos archivados"
-#: mod/contacts.php:729
-msgid "Hidden"
-msgstr "Ocultos"
-#: mod/contacts.php:732
-msgid "Only show hidden contacts"
-msgstr "Mostrar solo contactos ocultos"
-#: mod/contacts.php:785 mod/contacts.php:845 mod/viewcontacts.php:116
-#: include/identity.php:742 include/identity.php:745 include/text.php:983
-#: include/nav.php:123 include/nav.php:187 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:125
-msgid "Contacts"
-msgstr "Contactos"
-#: mod/contacts.php:789
-msgid "Search your contacts"
-msgstr "Buscar en tus contactos"
-#: mod/contacts.php:790
-msgid "Finding: "
-msgstr "Buscando: "
-#: mod/contacts.php:791 mod/directory.php:210 include/contact_widgets.php:34
-msgid "Find"
-msgstr "Buscar"
-#: mod/contacts.php:797 mod/settings.php:156 mod/settings.php:686
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Actualizar"
-#: mod/contacts.php:800 mod/contacts.php:1007
-msgid "Archive"
-msgstr "Archivo"
-#: mod/contacts.php:800 mod/contacts.php:1007
-msgid "Unarchive"
-msgstr "Sin archivar"
-#: mod/contacts.php:801 mod/contacts.php:1015 mod/group.php:171
-#: mod/admin.php:1332 mod/content.php:440 mod/content.php:743
-#: mod/settings.php:723 mod/photos.php:1709 object/Item.php:134
-#: include/conversation.php:635
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: mod/contacts.php:828 mod/follow.php:143 include/identity.php:690
-msgid "Status Messages and Posts"
-msgstr "Mensajes de Estado y Publicaciones"
-#: mod/contacts.php:833 mod/profperm.php:104 mod/newmember.php:32
-#: include/identity.php:580 include/identity.php:666 include/identity.php:695
-#: include/nav.php:76 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124
-msgid "Profile"
-msgstr "Perfil"
-#: mod/contacts.php:836 include/identity.php:698
-msgid "Profile Details"
-msgstr "Detalles del Perfil"
-#: mod/contacts.php:848
-msgid "View all contacts"
-msgstr "Ver todos los contactos"
-#: mod/contacts.php:855 mod/common.php:134
-msgid "Common Friends"
-msgstr "Amigos comunes"
-#: mod/contacts.php:858
-msgid "View all common friends"
-msgstr "Ver todos los conocidos en común "
-#: mod/contacts.php:862 mod/admin.php:909
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avanzado"
-#: mod/contacts.php:865
-msgid "Advanced Contact Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada"
-#: mod/contacts.php:910
-msgid "Mutual Friendship"
-msgstr "Amistad recíproca"
-#: mod/contacts.php:914
-msgid "is a fan of yours"
-msgstr "es tu fan"
-#: mod/contacts.php:918
-msgid "you are a fan of"
-msgstr "eres fan de"
-#: mod/contacts.php:939 mod/nogroup.php:42
-msgid "Edit contact"
-msgstr "Modificar contacto"
-#: mod/contacts.php:993
-msgid "Toggle Blocked status"
-msgstr "Cambiar bloqueados"
-#: mod/contacts.php:1001
-msgid "Toggle Ignored status"
-msgstr "Cambiar ignorados"
-#: mod/contacts.php:1009
-msgid "Toggle Archive status"
-msgstr "Cambiar archivados"
-#: mod/contacts.php:1017
-msgid "Delete contact"
-msgstr "Eliminar contacto"
-#: mod/hcard.php:10
-msgid "No profile"
-msgstr "Nigún perfil"
-#: mod/manage.php:139
-msgid "Manage Identities and/or Pages"
-msgstr "Administrar identidades y/o páginas"
-#: mod/manage.php:140
-msgid ""
-"Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share "
-"your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"
-msgstr "Cambia entre diferentes identidades o páginas de Comunidad/Grupos que comparten los detalles de tu cuenta o sobre los que tienes permisos para administrar"
-#: mod/manage.php:141
-msgid "Select an identity to manage: "
-msgstr "Selecciona una identidad a gestionar:"
-#: mod/oexchange.php:25
-msgid "Post successful."
-msgstr "¡Publicado!"
-#: mod/profperm.php:19 mod/group.php:72 index.php:383
-msgid "Permission denied"
-msgstr "Permiso denegado"
-#: mod/profperm.php:25 mod/profperm.php:56
-msgid "Invalid profile identifier."
-msgstr "Identificador de perfil no válido."
-#: mod/profperm.php:102
-msgid "Profile Visibility Editor"
-msgstr "Editor de visibilidad del perfil"
-#: mod/profperm.php:106 mod/group.php:223
-msgid "Click on a contact to add or remove."
-msgstr "Pulsa en un contacto para añadirlo o eliminarlo."
-#: mod/profperm.php:115
-msgid "Visible To"
-msgstr "Visible para"
-#: mod/profperm.php:131
-msgid "All Contacts (with secure profile access)"
-msgstr "Todos los contactos (con perfil de acceso seguro)"
-#: mod/display.php:82 mod/display.php:298 mod/display.php:517
-#: mod/viewsrc.php:15 mod/admin.php:234 mod/admin.php:1387 mod/admin.php:1621
-#: mod/notice.php:15 include/items.php:1793
-msgid "Item not found."
-msgstr "Elemento no encontrado."
-#: mod/display.php:227 mod/videos.php:197 mod/viewcontacts.php:35
-#: mod/community.php:22 mod/dfrn_request.php:784 mod/search.php:93
-#: mod/search.php:99 mod/directory.php:37 mod/photos.php:962
-msgid "Public access denied."
-msgstr "Acceso público denegado."
-#: mod/display.php:346 mod/profile.php:155
-msgid "Access to this profile has been restricted."
-msgstr "El acceso a este perfil ha sido restringido."
-#: mod/display.php:510
-msgid "Item has been removed."
-msgstr "El elemento ha sido eliminado."
-#: mod/newmember.php:6
-msgid "Welcome to Friendica"
-msgstr "Bienvenido a Friendica "
-#: mod/newmember.php:8
-msgid "New Member Checklist"
-msgstr "Listado de nuevos miembros"
-#: mod/newmember.php:12
-msgid ""
-"We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience "
-"enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page "
-"will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial "
-"registration and then will quietly disappear."
-msgstr "Nos gustaría ofrecerte algunos consejos y enlaces para ayudar a hacer tu experiencia más amena. Pulsa en cualquier elemento para visitar la página correspondiente. Un enlace a esta página será visible desde tu página de inicio durante las dos semanas siguientes a tu inscripción y luego desaparecerá."
-#: mod/newmember.php:14
-msgid "Getting Started"
-msgstr "Empezando"
-#: mod/newmember.php:18
-msgid "Friendica Walk-Through"
-msgstr "Visita guiada a Friendica"
-#: mod/newmember.php:18
-msgid ""
-"On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your "
-"profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to"
-" join."
-msgstr "En tu página de Inicio Rápido - busca una introducción breve para tus pestañas de perfil y red, haz algunas conexiones nuevas, y busca algunos grupos a los que unirte."
-#: mod/newmember.php:22 mod/admin.php:1440 mod/admin.php:1698
-#: mod/settings.php:109 include/nav.php:182 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:544
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:648
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración"
-#: mod/newmember.php:26
-msgid "Go to Your Settings"
-msgstr "Ir a tus ajustes"
-#: mod/newmember.php:26
-msgid ""
-"On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a "
-"note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and "
-"will be useful in making friends on the free social web."
-msgstr "En la página de Configuración puedes cambiar tu contraseña inicial. También aparece tu ID (Identity Address). Es parecida a una dirección de correo y te servirá para conectar con gente de redes sociales libres."
-#: mod/newmember.php:28
-msgid ""
-"Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished"
-" directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you "
-"should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and "
-"potential friends know exactly how to find you."
-msgstr "Revisa las otras configuraciones, especialmente la configuración de privacidad. Un listado de directorio sin publicar es como tener un número de teléfono sin publicar. Normalmente querrás publicar tu listado, a menos que tus amigos y amigos potenciales sepan cómo ponerse en contacto contigo."
-#: mod/newmember.php:36 mod/profile_photo.php:250 mod/profiles.php:687
-msgid "Upload Profile Photo"
-msgstr "Subir foto del Perfil"
-#: mod/newmember.php:36
-msgid ""
-"Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown "
-"that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make"
-" friends than people who do not."
-msgstr "Sube una foto para tu perfil si no lo has hecho aún. Los estudios han demostrado que la gente que usa fotos suyas reales tienen diez veces más éxito a la hora de entablar amistad que las que no."
-#: mod/newmember.php:38
-msgid "Edit Your Profile"
-msgstr "Editar tu perfil"
-#: mod/newmember.php:38
-msgid ""
-"Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the "
-"settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown"
-" visitors."
-msgstr "Edita tu perfil predeterminado como quieras. Revisa la configuración para ocultar tu lista de amigos o tu perfil a los visitantes desconocidos."
-#: mod/newmember.php:40
-msgid "Profile Keywords"
-msgstr "Palabras clave del perfil"
-#: mod/newmember.php:40
-msgid ""
-"Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your "
-"interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and "
-"suggest friendships."
-msgstr "Define en tu perfil público algunas palabras que describan tus intereses. Así podremos buscar otras personas con los mismos gustos y sugerirte posibles amigos."
-#: mod/newmember.php:44
-msgid "Connecting"
-msgstr "Conectando"
-#: mod/newmember.php:51
-msgid "Importing Emails"
-msgstr "Importando correos electrónicos"
-#: mod/newmember.php:51
-msgid ""
-"Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you "
-"wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email "
-msgstr "Introduce la información para acceder a tu correo en la página de Configuración del conector si quieres importar e interactuar con amigos o listas de correos del buzón de entrada de tu correo electrónico."
-#: mod/newmember.php:53
-msgid "Go to Your Contacts Page"
-msgstr "Ir a tu página de contactos"
-#: mod/newmember.php:53
-msgid ""
-"Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting "
-"with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site "
-"URL in the Add New Contact dialog."
-msgstr "Tu página de Contactos es el portal desde donde podrás manejar tus amistades y conectarte con amigos de otras redes. Normalmente introduces su dirección o la dirección de su sitio web en el recuadro \"Añadir contacto nuevo\"."
-#: mod/newmember.php:55
-msgid "Go to Your Site's Directory"
-msgstr "Ir al directorio de tu sitio"
-#: mod/newmember.php:55
-msgid ""
-"The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other "
-"federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on "
-"their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."
-msgstr "El Directorio te permite encontrar otras personas en esta red o en cualquier otro sitio federado. Busca algún enlace de Conectar o Seguir en su perfil. Proporciona tu direción personal si es necesario."
-#: mod/newmember.php:57
-msgid "Finding New People"
-msgstr "Encontrando nueva gente"
-#: mod/newmember.php:57
-msgid ""
-"On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new "
-"friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or "
-"interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand"
-" new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 "
-msgstr "En el panel lateral de la página de Contactos existen varias herramientas para encontrar nuevos amigos. Podemos filtrar personas por sus intereses, buscar personas por nombre o por sus intereses, y ofrecerte sugerencias basadas en sus relaciones de la red. En un sitio nuevo, las sugerencias de amigos por lo general comienzan pasadas las 24 horas."
-#: mod/newmember.php:61 include/group.php:286
-msgid "Groups"
-msgstr "Grupos"
-#: mod/newmember.php:65
-msgid "Group Your Contacts"
-msgstr "Agrupa tus contactos"
-#: mod/newmember.php:65
-msgid ""
-"Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation "
-"groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with"
-" each group privately on your Network page."
-msgstr "Una vez que tengas algunos amigos, puedes organizarlos en grupos privados de conversación mediante el memnú en tu página de Contactos y luego puedes interactuar con cada grupo por separado desde tu página de Red."
-#: mod/newmember.php:68
-msgid "Why Aren't My Posts Public?"
-msgstr "¿Por qué mis publicaciones no son públicas?"
-#: mod/newmember.php:68
-msgid ""
-"Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to"
-" people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section "
-"from the link above."
-msgstr "Friendica respeta tu privacidad. Por defecto, tus publicaciones solo se mostrarán a personas que hayas añadido como amistades. Para más información, mira la sección de ayuda en el enlace de más arriba."
-#: mod/newmember.php:73
-msgid "Getting Help"
-msgstr "Consiguiendo ayuda"
-#: mod/newmember.php:77
-msgid "Go to the Help Section"
-msgstr "Ir a la sección de ayuda"
-#: mod/newmember.php:77
-msgid ""
-"Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program"
-" features and resources."
-msgstr "Puedes consultar nuestra página de Ayuda para más información y recursos de ayuda."
-#: mod/openid.php:24
-msgid "OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."
-msgstr "Error de protocolo OpenID. ID no devuelta."
-#: mod/openid.php:53
-msgid ""
-"Account not found and OpenID registration is not permitted on this site."
-msgstr "Cuenta no encontrada y el registro OpenID no está permitido en ese sitio."
-#: mod/openid.php:93 include/auth.php:118 include/auth.php:181
-msgid "Login failed."
-msgstr "Accesso fallido."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:44
-msgid "Image uploaded but image cropping failed."
-msgstr "Imagen recibida, pero ha fallado al recortarla."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:74 mod/profile_photo.php:81 mod/profile_photo.php:88
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:210 mod/profile_photo.php:302
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:311 mod/photos.php:78 mod/photos.php:192
-#: mod/photos.php:769 mod/photos.php:1231 mod/photos.php:1254
-#: mod/photos.php:1848 include/user.php:345 include/user.php:352
-#: include/user.php:359 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:500
-msgid "Profile Photos"
-msgstr "Foto del perfil"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:77 mod/profile_photo.php:84 mod/profile_photo.php:91
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:314
-#, php-format
-msgid "Image size reduction [%s] failed."
-msgstr "Ha fallado la reducción de las dimensiones de la imagen [%s]."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:124
-msgid ""
-"Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not "
-"display immediately."
-msgstr "Recarga la página o limpia la caché del navegador si la foto nueva no aparece inmediatamente."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:134
-msgid "Unable to process image"
-msgstr "Imposible procesar la imagen"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:150 mod/wall_upload.php:151 mod/photos.php:805
-#, php-format
-msgid "Image exceeds size limit of %s"
-msgstr "La imagen excede el limite de %s"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:159 mod/wall_upload.php:188 mod/photos.php:845
-msgid "Unable to process image."
-msgstr "Imposible procesar la imagen."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:248
-msgid "Upload File:"
-msgstr "Subir archivo:"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:249
-msgid "Select a profile:"
-msgstr "Elige un perfil:"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:251
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Subir"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
-msgid "or"
-msgstr "o"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
-msgid "skip this step"
-msgstr "saltar este paso"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
-msgid "select a photo from your photo albums"
-msgstr "elige una foto de tus álbumes"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:268
-msgid "Crop Image"
-msgstr "Recortar imagen"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:269
-msgid "Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."
-msgstr "Por favor, ajusta el recorte de la imagen para optimizarla."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:271
-msgid "Done Editing"
-msgstr "Editado"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:305
-msgid "Image uploaded successfully."
-msgstr "Imagen subida con éxito."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:307 mod/wall_upload.php:221 mod/photos.php:872
-msgid "Image upload failed."
-msgstr "Error al subir la imagen."
-#: mod/subthread.php:87 mod/tagger.php:62 include/like.php:165
-#: include/conversation.php:130 include/conversation.php:266
-#: include/text.php:1923 include/diaspora.php:2117
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:471
-msgid "photo"
-msgstr "foto"
-#: mod/subthread.php:87 mod/tagger.php:62 include/like.php:165
-#: include/like.php:334 include/conversation.php:125
-#: include/conversation.php:134 include/conversation.php:261
-#: include/conversation.php:270 include/diaspora.php:2117
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:466 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:475
-msgid "status"
-msgstr "estado"
-#: mod/subthread.php:103
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is following %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s está siguiendo las %3$s de %2$s"
-#: mod/tagrm.php:41
-msgid "Tag removed"
-msgstr "Etiqueta eliminada"
-#: mod/tagrm.php:79
-msgid "Remove Item Tag"
-msgstr "Eliminar etiqueta"
-#: mod/tagrm.php:81
-msgid "Select a tag to remove: "
-msgstr "Selecciona una etiqueta para eliminar: "
-#: mod/tagrm.php:93 mod/delegate.php:139
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:14
-msgid "Subscribing to OStatus contacts"
-msgstr "Subscribir a los contactos de OStatus"
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:25
-msgid "No contact provided."
-msgstr "Sin suministro de datos de contacto."
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:30
-msgid "Couldn't fetch information for contact."
-msgstr "No se ha podido conseguir la información del contacto."
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:38
-msgid "Couldn't fetch friends for contact."
-msgstr "No se ha podido conseguir datos de amigos para contactar."
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:51 mod/repair_ostatus.php:44
-msgid "Done"
-msgstr "hecho!"
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:65
-msgid "success"
-msgstr "exito!"
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:67
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "fallido!"
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:69 object/Item.php:235
-msgid "ignored"
-msgstr "ignorado"
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:73 mod/repair_ostatus.php:50
-msgid "Keep this window open until done."
-msgstr "Mantén esta ventana abierta hasta que el proceso ha terminado."
-#: mod/filer.php:30 include/conversation.php:1132
-#: include/conversation.php:1150
-msgid "Save to Folder:"
-msgstr "Guardar en directorio:"
-#: mod/filer.php:30
-msgid "- select -"
-msgstr "- seleccionar -"
-#: mod/filer.php:31 mod/editpost.php:109 mod/notes.php:61 include/text.php:975
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Guardar"
-#: mod/follow.php:19 mod/dfrn_request.php:868
-msgid "Submit Request"
-msgstr "Enviar solicitud"
-#: mod/follow.php:30
-msgid "You already added this contact."
-msgstr "Ya has añadido este contacto."
-#: mod/follow.php:39
-msgid "Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."
-msgstr "El soporte de Diaspora* no esta habilitado, el contacto no puede ser agregado."
-#: mod/follow.php:46
-msgid "OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."
-msgstr "El soporte de OStatus no esta habilitado, el contacto no puede ser agregado."
-#: mod/follow.php:53
-msgid "The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."
-msgstr "No se pudo detectar el tipo de red. Contacto no puede ser agregado."
-#: mod/follow.php:109 mod/dfrn_request.php:854
-msgid "Please answer the following:"
-msgstr "Por favor responde lo siguiente:"
-#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/dfrn_request.php:855
-#, php-format
-msgid "Does %s know you?"
-msgstr "¿%s te conoce?"
-#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/settings.php:1107 mod/settings.php:1113
-#: mod/settings.php:1121 mod/settings.php:1125 mod/settings.php:1130
-#: mod/settings.php:1136 mod/settings.php:1142 mod/settings.php:1148
-#: mod/settings.php:1174 mod/settings.php:1175 mod/settings.php:1176
-#: mod/settings.php:1177 mod/settings.php:1178 mod/dfrn_request.php:855
-#: mod/register.php:239 mod/profiles.php:636 mod/profiles.php:640
-#: mod/profiles.php:665 mod/api.php:106
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "No"
-#: mod/follow.php:111 mod/dfrn_request.php:859
-msgid "Add a personal note:"
-msgstr "Añade una nota personal:"
-#: mod/follow.php:117 mod/dfrn_request.php:865
-msgid "Your Identity Address:"
-msgstr "Dirección de tu perfil:"
-#: mod/follow.php:180
-msgid "Contact added"
-msgstr "Contacto añadido"
-#: mod/item.php:114
-msgid "Unable to locate original post."
-msgstr "No se puede encontrar la publicación original."
-#: mod/item.php:332
-msgid "Empty post discarded."
-msgstr "Publicación vacía descartada."
-#: mod/item.php:470 mod/wall_upload.php:218 mod/wall_upload.php:232
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:239 include/Photo.php:994 include/Photo.php:1009
-#: include/Photo.php:1016 include/Photo.php:1038 include/message.php:145
-msgid "Wall Photos"
-msgstr "Foto del Muro"
-#: mod/item.php:845
-msgid "System error. Post not saved."
-msgstr "Error del sistema. Mensaje no guardado."
-#: mod/item.php:971
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social "
-msgstr "Este mensaje te lo ha enviado %s, miembro de la red social Friendica."
-#: mod/item.php:973
-#, php-format
-msgid "You may visit them online at %s"
-msgstr "Los puedes visitar en línea en %s"
-#: mod/item.php:974
-msgid ""
-"Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to "
-"receive these messages."
-msgstr "Por favor contacta con el remitente respondiendo a este mensaje si no deseas recibir estos mensajes."
-#: mod/item.php:978
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s posted an update."
-msgstr "%s ha publicado una actualización."
-#: mod/group.php:29
-msgid "Group created."
-msgstr "Grupo creado."
-#: mod/group.php:35
-msgid "Could not create group."
-msgstr "Imposible crear el grupo."
-#: mod/group.php:47 mod/group.php:140
-msgid "Group not found."
-msgstr "Grupo no encontrado."
-#: mod/group.php:60
-msgid "Group name changed."
-msgstr "El nombre del grupo ha cambiado."
-#: mod/group.php:87
-msgid "Save Group"
-msgstr "Guardar grupo"
-#: mod/group.php:93
-msgid "Create a group of contacts/friends."
-msgstr "Crea un grupo de contactos/amigos."
-#: mod/group.php:94 mod/group.php:178 include/group.php:292
-msgid "Group Name: "
-msgstr "Nombre del grupo: "
-#: mod/group.php:113
-msgid "Group removed."
-msgstr "Grupo eliminado."
-#: mod/group.php:115
-msgid "Unable to remove group."
-msgstr "No se puede eliminar el grupo."
-#: mod/group.php:177
-msgid "Group Editor"
-msgstr "Editor de grupos"
-#: mod/group.php:190
-msgid "Members"
-msgstr "Miembros"
-#: mod/group.php:193 mod/network.php:576 mod/content.php:130
-msgid "Group is empty"
-msgstr "El grupo está vacío"
-#: mod/apps.php:7 index.php:227
-msgid "You must be logged in to use addons. "
-msgstr "Tienes que estar registrado para tener acceso a los accesorios."
-#: mod/apps.php:11
-msgid "Applications"
-msgstr "Aplicaciones"
-#: mod/apps.php:14
-msgid "No installed applications."
-msgstr "Sin aplicaciones"
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:64 mod/profiles.php:18 mod/profiles.php:133
-#: mod/profiles.php:179 mod/profiles.php:605
-msgid "Profile not found."
-msgstr "Perfil no encontrado."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:120 mod/fsuggest.php:20 mod/fsuggest.php:92
-#: mod/crepair.php:114
-msgid "Contact not found."
-msgstr "Contacto no encontrado."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:121
-msgid ""
-"This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it"
-" has already been approved."
-msgstr "Esto puede ocurrir a veces si la conexión fue solicitada por ambas personas y ya hubiera sido aprobada."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:240
-msgid "Response from remote site was not understood."
-msgstr "La respuesta desde el sitio remoto no ha sido entendida."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:249 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:254
-msgid "Unexpected response from remote site: "
-msgstr "Respuesta inesperada desde el sitio remoto: "
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:263
-msgid "Confirmation completed successfully."
-msgstr "Confirmación completada con éxito."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:265 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:279 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:286
-msgid "Remote site reported: "
-msgstr "El sito remoto informó: "
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:277
-msgid "Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."
-msgstr "Error temporal. Por favor, espere y vuelva a intentarlo."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:284
-msgid "Introduction failed or was revoked."
-msgstr "La presentación ha fallado o ha sido anulada."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:413
-msgid "Unable to set contact photo."
-msgstr "Imposible establecer la foto del contacto."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:470 include/conversation.php:185
-#: include/diaspora.php:638
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is now friends with %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s ahora es amigo de %2$s"
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:552
-#, php-format
-msgid "No user record found for '%s' "
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado a ningún '%s' "
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:562
-msgid "Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."
-msgstr "Nuestra clave de cifrado del sitio es aparentemente un lío."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:573
-msgid "Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."
-msgstr "Se ha proporcionado una dirección vacía o no hemos podido descifrarla."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:594
-msgid "Contact record was not found for you on our site."
-msgstr "El contacto no se ha encontrado en nuestra base de datos."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:608
-#, php-format
-msgid "Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s."
-msgstr "La clave pública del sitio no está disponible en los datos del contacto para %s."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:628
-msgid ""
-"The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work "
-"if you try again."
-msgstr "La identificación proporcionada por el sistema es un duplicado de nuestro sistema. Debería funcionar si lo intentas de nuevo."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:639
-msgid "Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."
-msgstr "No se puede establecer las credenciales de tu contacto en nuestro sistema."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:698
-msgid "Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"
-msgstr "No se puede actualizar los datos de tu perfil de contacto en nuestro sistema"
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:725 mod/dfrn_request.php:739 include/items.php:1434
-msgid "[Name Withheld]"
-msgstr "[Nombre oculto]"
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:770
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s has joined %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s se ha unido a %2$s"
-#: mod/profile.php:21 include/identity.php:51
-msgid "Requested profile is not available."
-msgstr "El perfil solicitado no está disponible."
-#: mod/profile.php:179
-msgid "Tips for New Members"
-msgstr "Consejos para nuevos miembros"
-#: mod/videos.php:123
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this video?"
-msgstr "Realmente quieres eliminar este vídeo?"
-#: mod/videos.php:128
-msgid "Delete Video"
-msgstr "Borrar vídeo"
-#: mod/videos.php:207
-msgid "No videos selected"
-msgstr "Ningún vídeo seleccionado"
-#: mod/videos.php:308 mod/photos.php:1073
-msgid "Access to this item is restricted."
-msgstr "El acceso a este elemento está restringido."
-#: mod/videos.php:383 include/text.php:1443
-msgid "View Video"
-msgstr "Ver vídeo"
-#: mod/videos.php:390 mod/photos.php:1876
-msgid "View Album"
-msgstr "Ver Álbum"
-#: mod/videos.php:399
-msgid "Recent Videos"
-msgstr "Vídeos recientes"
-#: mod/videos.php:401
-msgid "Upload New Videos"
-msgstr "Subir nuevos vídeos"
-#: mod/tagger.php:95 include/conversation.php:278
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s tagged %2$s's %3$s with %4$s"
-msgstr "%1$s ha etiquetado el %3$s de %2$s con %4$s"
-#: mod/fsuggest.php:63
-msgid "Friend suggestion sent."
-msgstr "Solicitud de amistad enviada."
-#: mod/fsuggest.php:97
-msgid "Suggest Friends"
-msgstr "Sugerencias de amistad"
-#: mod/fsuggest.php:99
-#, php-format
-msgid "Suggest a friend for %s"
-msgstr "Recomienda un amigo a %s"
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:20 mod/wall_upload.php:33 mod/wall_upload.php:86
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:122 mod/wall_upload.php:125 mod/wall_attach.php:17
-#: mod/wall_attach.php:25 mod/wall_attach.php:76
-msgid "Invalid request."
-msgstr "Consulta invalida"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:19
-msgid "No valid account found."
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado ninguna cuenta válida"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:35
-msgid "Password reset request issued. Check your email."
-msgstr "Solicitud de restablecimiento de contraseña enviada. Revisa tu correo."
-#: mod/lostpass.php:42
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
-"\t\t\tA request was recently received at \"%2$s\" to reset your account\n"
-"\t\tpassword. In order to confirm this request, please select the verification link\n"
-"\t\tbelow or paste it into your web browser address bar.\n"
-"\t\tIf you did NOT request this change, please DO NOT follow the link\n"
-"\t\tprovided and ignore and/or delete this email.\n"
-"\t\tYour password will not be changed unless we can verify that you\n"
-"\t\tissued this request."
-msgstr "\n\t\tEstimado %1$s,\n\t\t\tUna consulta llego recientemente a \"%2$s\" para renovar su\n\t\tcontraseña. Para confirmar esta solicitud por favor seleccione el enlace de verificación mas \n\t\tabajo o copie a pegue el mismo en la barra de dirección de su navegador.\n\n\t\tSi NO ha solicitado este cambio por favor NO SIGA este enlace\n\t\tproporcionado y ignore o borre este mail.\n\n\t\tSu contraseña no sera cambiada hasta que podamos verificar que usted haza\n\t\tsolicitado este cambio.."
-#: mod/lostpass.php:53
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\tFollow this link to verify your identity:\n"
-"\t\tYou will then receive a follow-up message containing the new password.\n"
-"\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n"
-"\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
-"\t\tSite Location:\t%2$s\n"
-"\t\tLogin Name:\t%3$s"
-msgstr "\n\t\tSiga este enlace para verificar su identidad:\n\n\t\t%1$s\n\n\t\tA continuación recibirá un mensaje consecutivo conteniendo la nueva contraseña.\n\t\tPodrá cambiar la contraseña después de haber accedido a la cuenta.\n\n\t\tLos detalles del acceso son las siguientes:\n\n\t\tDirección del sitio:\t%2$s\n\t\tNombre de la cuenta:\t%3$s"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:72
-#, php-format
-msgid "Password reset requested at %s"
-msgstr "Contraseña restablecida enviada a %s"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) "
-"Password reset failed."
-msgstr "La solicitud no puede ser verificada (deberías haberla proporcionado antes). Falló el restablecimiento de la contraseña."
-#: mod/lostpass.php:109 boot.php:1534
-msgid "Password Reset"
-msgstr "Restablecer la contraseña"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:110
-msgid "Your password has been reset as requested."
-msgstr "Tu contraseña ha sido restablecida como solicitaste."
-#: mod/lostpass.php:111
-msgid "Your new password is"
-msgstr "Tu nueva contraseña es"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:112
-msgid "Save or copy your new password - and then"
-msgstr "Guarda o copia tu nueva contraseña y luego"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:113
-msgid "click here to login"
-msgstr "pulsa aquí para acceder"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:114
-msgid ""
-"Your password may be changed from the Settings page after "
-"successful login."
-msgstr "Puedes cambiar tu contraseña desde la página de Configuración después de acceder con éxito."
-#: mod/lostpass.php:125
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\tYour password has been changed as requested. Please retain this\n"
-"\t\t\t\tinformation for your records (or change your password immediately to\n"
-"\t\t\t\tsomething that you will remember).\n"
-msgstr "\n\t\t\t\tEstimado %1$s,\n\t\t\t\t\tSu contraseña ha cambiado como solicitado. Por favor guarde esta\n\t\t\t\tinformación para sus documentación (o cambie su contraseña inmediatamente a\n\t\t\t\talgo que pueda recordar).\n\t\t"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:131
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tYour login details are as follows:\n"
-"\t\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1$s\n"
-"\t\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%2$s\n"
-"\t\t\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n"
-msgstr "\n\t\t\t\tSus datos de acceso son las siguientes:\n\n\t\t\t\tDirección del sitio:\t%1$s\n\t\t\t\tNombre de cuenta:\t%2$s\n\t\t\t\tContraseña:\t%3$s\n\n\t\t\t\tPodrá cambiar esta contraseña después de ingresar al sitio en su pagina de configuración.\n\t\t\t"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:147
-#, php-format
-msgid "Your password has been changed at %s"
-msgstr "Tu contraseña se ha cambiado por %s"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:159
-msgid "Forgot your Password?"
-msgstr "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:160
-msgid ""
-"Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check "
-"your email for further instructions."
-msgstr "Introduce tu correo para restablecer tu contraseña. Luego comprueba tu correo para las instrucciones adicionales."
-#: mod/lostpass.php:161
-msgid "Nickname or Email: "
-msgstr "Apodo o Correo electrónico: "
-#: mod/lostpass.php:162
-msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Restablecer"
-#: mod/ping.php:267
-msgid "{0} wants to be your friend"
-msgstr "{0} quiere ser tu amigo"
-#: mod/ping.php:282
-msgid "{0} sent you a message"
-msgstr "{0} te ha enviado un mensaje"
-#: mod/ping.php:297
-msgid "{0} requested registration"
-msgstr "{0} solicitudes de registro"
-#: mod/viewcontacts.php:72
-msgid "No contacts."
-msgstr "Ningún contacto."
-#: mod/notifications.php:29
-msgid "Invalid request identifier."
-msgstr "Solicitud de identificación no válida."
-#: mod/notifications.php:38 mod/notifications.php:180
-#: mod/notifications.php:260
-msgid "Discard"
-msgstr "Descartar"
-#: mod/notifications.php:81
-msgid "System"
-msgstr "Sistema"
-#: mod/notifications.php:87 mod/admin.php:399 include/nav.php:154
-msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Red"
-#: mod/notifications.php:93 mod/network.php:384
-msgid "Personal"
-msgstr "Personal"
-#: mod/notifications.php:99 include/nav.php:104 include/nav.php:157
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
-msgid "Home"
-msgstr "Inicio"
-#: mod/notifications.php:105 include/nav.php:162
-msgid "Introductions"
-msgstr "Presentaciones"
-#: mod/notifications.php:130
-msgid "Show Ignored Requests"
-msgstr "Mostrar peticiones ignoradas"
-#: mod/notifications.php:130
-msgid "Hide Ignored Requests"
-msgstr "Ocultar peticiones ignoradas"
-#: mod/notifications.php:164 mod/notifications.php:234
-msgid "Notification type: "
-msgstr "Tipo de notificación: "
-#: mod/notifications.php:165
-msgid "Friend Suggestion"
-msgstr "Propuestas de amistad"
-#: mod/notifications.php:167
-#, php-format
-msgid "suggested by %s"
-msgstr "sugerido por %s"
-#: mod/notifications.php:173 mod/notifications.php:252
-msgid "Post a new friend activity"
-msgstr "Publica tu nueva amistad"
-#: mod/notifications.php:173 mod/notifications.php:252
-msgid "if applicable"
-msgstr "Si corresponde"
-#: mod/notifications.php:176 mod/notifications.php:257 mod/admin.php:1330
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Aprobar"
-#: mod/notifications.php:196
-msgid "Claims to be known to you: "
-msgstr "Dice conocerte: "
-#: mod/notifications.php:196
-msgid "yes"
-msgstr "sí"
-#: mod/notifications.php:196
-msgid "no"
-msgstr "no"
-#: mod/notifications.php:197
-msgid ""
-"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
-"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that "
-"you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
-msgstr "¿Deberá la coneccion ser bidireccional?\n\"Amigo\" implica que permitas la lectura y subscribas a las publicaciones del contacto.\n\"Admirador\" significa que permitas la lectura de tus publicaciones pero que no quieras ver sus publicaciones.\n\nAprobar como:"
-#: mod/notifications.php:200
-msgid ""
-"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
-"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you "
-"allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
-msgstr "¿Deberá la coneccion ser bidireccional?\n\"Amigo\" implica que permitas la lectura y subscribas a las publicaciones del contacto.\n\"Sharer\" significa que permitas la lectura de tus publicaciones pero que no quieras ver sus publicaciones.\n\nAprobar como:"
-#: mod/notifications.php:208
-msgid "Friend"
-msgstr "Amigo"
-#: mod/notifications.php:209
-msgid "Sharer"
-msgstr "Lector"
-#: mod/notifications.php:209
-msgid "Fan/Admirer"
-msgstr "Fan/Admirador"
-#: mod/notifications.php:235
-msgid "Friend/Connect Request"
-msgstr "Solicitud de Amistad/Conexión"
-#: mod/notifications.php:235
-msgid "New Follower"
-msgstr "Nuevo seguidor"
-#: mod/notifications.php:250 mod/directory.php:147 include/identity.php:311
-#: include/identity.php:591
-msgid "Gender:"
-msgstr "Género:"
-#: mod/notifications.php:266
-msgid "No introductions."
-msgstr "Sin presentaciones."
-#: mod/notifications.php:269 include/nav.php:165
-msgid "Notifications"
-msgstr "Notificaciones"
-#: mod/notifications.php:307 mod/notifications.php:436
-#: mod/notifications.php:527
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s liked %s's post"
-msgstr "A %s le gusta la publicación de %s"
-#: mod/notifications.php:317 mod/notifications.php:446
-#: mod/notifications.php:537
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s disliked %s's post"
-msgstr "A %s no le gusta la publicación de %s"
-#: mod/notifications.php:332 mod/notifications.php:461
-#: mod/notifications.php:552
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s is now friends with %s"
-msgstr "%s es ahora es amigo de %s"
-#: mod/notifications.php:339 mod/notifications.php:468
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s created a new post"
-msgstr "%s creó una nueva publicación"
-#: mod/notifications.php:340 mod/notifications.php:469
-#: mod/notifications.php:562
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s commented on %s's post"
-msgstr "%s comentó la publicación de %s"
-#: mod/notifications.php:355
-msgid "No more network notifications."
-msgstr "No hay más notificaciones de red."
-#: mod/notifications.php:359
-msgid "Network Notifications"
-msgstr "Notificaciones de Red"
-#: mod/notifications.php:385 mod/notify.php:60
-msgid "No more system notifications."
-msgstr "No hay más notificaciones del sistema."
-#: mod/notifications.php:389 mod/notify.php:64
-msgid "System Notifications"
-msgstr "Notificaciones del sistema"
-#: mod/notifications.php:484
-msgid "No more personal notifications."
-msgstr "No hay más notificaciones personales."
-#: mod/notifications.php:488
-msgid "Personal Notifications"
-msgstr "Notificaciones personales"
-#: mod/notifications.php:569
-msgid "No more home notifications."
-msgstr "No hay más notificaciones de inicio."
-#: mod/notifications.php:573
-msgid "Home Notifications"
-msgstr "Notificaciones de Inicio"
-#: mod/babel.php:17
-msgid "Source (bbcode) text:"
-msgstr "Texto fuente (bbcode):"
-#: mod/babel.php:23
-msgid "Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"
-msgstr "Fuente (Diaspora) para pasar a BBcode:"
-#: mod/babel.php:31
-msgid "Source input: "
-msgstr "Entrada: "
-#: mod/babel.php:35
-msgid "bb2html (raw HTML): "
-msgstr "bb2html (raw HTML): "
-#: mod/babel.php:39
-msgid "bb2html: "
-msgstr "bb2html: "
-#: mod/babel.php:43
-msgid "bb2html2bb: "
-msgstr "bb2html2bb: "
-#: mod/babel.php:47
-msgid "bb2md: "
-msgstr "bb2md: "
-#: mod/babel.php:51
-msgid "bb2md2html: "
-msgstr "bb2md2html: "
-#: mod/babel.php:55
-msgid "bb2dia2bb: "
-msgstr "bb2dia2bb: "
-#: mod/babel.php:59
-msgid "bb2md2html2bb: "
-msgstr "bb2md2html2bb: "
-#: mod/babel.php:69
-msgid "Source input (Diaspora format): "
-msgstr "Fuente (formato Diaspora): "
-#: mod/babel.php:74
-msgid "diaspora2bb: "
-msgstr "diaspora2bb: "
-#: mod/navigation.php:19 include/nav.php:33
-msgid "Nothing new here"
-msgstr "Nada nuevo por aquí"
-#: mod/navigation.php:23 include/nav.php:37
-msgid "Clear notifications"
-msgstr "Limpiar notificaciones"
-#: mod/message.php:15 include/nav.php:174
-msgid "New Message"
-msgstr "Nuevo mensaje"
-#: mod/message.php:70 mod/wallmessage.php:56
-msgid "No recipient selected."
-msgstr "Ningún destinatario seleccionado"
-#: mod/message.php:74
-msgid "Unable to locate contact information."
-msgstr "No se puede encontrar información del contacto."
-#: mod/message.php:77 mod/wallmessage.php:62
-msgid "Message could not be sent."
-msgstr "El mensaje no ha podido ser enviado."
-#: mod/message.php:80 mod/wallmessage.php:65
-msgid "Message collection failure."
-msgstr "Fallo en la recolección de mensajes."
-#: mod/message.php:83 mod/wallmessage.php:68
-msgid "Message sent."
-msgstr "Mensaje enviado."
-#: mod/message.php:189 include/nav.php:171
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Mensajes"
-#: mod/message.php:214
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this message?"
-msgstr "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar este mensaje?"
-#: mod/message.php:234
-msgid "Message deleted."
-msgstr "Mensaje eliminado."
-#: mod/message.php:265
-msgid "Conversation removed."
-msgstr "Conversación eliminada."
-#: mod/message.php:290 mod/message.php:298 mod/message.php:427
-#: mod/message.php:435 mod/wallmessage.php:127 mod/wallmessage.php:135
-#: include/conversation.php:1128 include/conversation.php:1146
-msgid "Please enter a link URL:"
-msgstr "Introduce la dirección del enlace:"
-#: mod/message.php:326 mod/wallmessage.php:142
-msgid "Send Private Message"
-msgstr "Enviar mensaje privado"
-#: mod/message.php:327 mod/message.php:514 mod/wallmessage.php:144
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr "Para:"
-#: mod/message.php:332 mod/message.php:516 mod/wallmessage.php:145
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Asunto:"
-#: mod/message.php:336 mod/message.php:519 mod/wallmessage.php:151
-#: mod/invite.php:134
-msgid "Your message:"
-msgstr "Tu mensaje:"
-#: mod/message.php:339 mod/message.php:523 mod/wallmessage.php:154
-#: mod/editpost.php:110 include/conversation.php:1183
-msgid "Upload photo"
-msgstr "Subir foto"
-#: mod/message.php:340 mod/message.php:524 mod/wallmessage.php:155
-#: mod/editpost.php:114 include/conversation.php:1187
-msgid "Insert web link"
-msgstr "Insertar enlace"
-#: mod/message.php:341 mod/message.php:526 mod/content.php:501
-#: mod/content.php:885 mod/wallmessage.php:156 mod/editpost.php:124
-#: mod/photos.php:1596 object/Item.php:396 include/conversation.php:713
-#: include/conversation.php:1201
-msgid "Please wait"
-msgstr "Por favor, espera"
-#: mod/message.php:368
-msgid "No messages."
-msgstr "No hay mensajes."
-#: mod/message.php:411
-msgid "Message not available."
-msgstr "Mensaje no disponibile."
-#: mod/message.php:481
-msgid "Delete message"
-msgstr "Borrar mensaje"
-#: mod/message.php:507 mod/message.php:584
-msgid "Delete conversation"
-msgstr "Eliminar conversación"
-#: mod/message.php:509
-msgid ""
-"No secure communications available. You may be able to "
-"respond from the sender's profile page."
-msgstr "No hay comunicaciones seguras disponibles. Podrías responder desde la página de perfil del remitente. "
-#: mod/message.php:513
-msgid "Send Reply"
-msgstr "Enviar respuesta"
-#: mod/message.php:557
-#, php-format
-msgid "Unknown sender - %s"
-msgstr "Remitente desconocido - %s"
-#: mod/message.php:560
-#, php-format
-msgid "You and %s"
-msgstr "Tú y %s"
-#: mod/message.php:563
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s and You"
-msgstr "%s y Tú"
-#: mod/message.php:587
-msgid "D, d M Y - g:i A"
-msgstr "D, d M Y - g:i A"
-#: mod/message.php:590
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d message"
-msgid_plural "%d messages"
-msgstr[0] "%d mensaje"
-msgstr[1] "%d mensajes"
-#: mod/update_display.php:22 mod/update_community.php:18
-#: mod/update_notes.php:37 mod/update_profile.php:41 mod/update_network.php:25
-msgid "[Embedded content - reload page to view]"
-msgstr "[Contenido incrustado - recarga la página para verlo]"
-#: mod/crepair.php:87
-msgid "Contact settings applied."
-msgstr "Contacto configurado con éxito."
-#: mod/crepair.php:89
-msgid "Contact update failed."
-msgstr "Error al actualizar el Contacto."
-#: mod/crepair.php:120
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: This is highly advanced and if you enter incorrect"
-" information your communications with this contact may stop working."
-msgstr "ADVERTENCIA: Esto es muy avanzado y si se introduce información incorrecta tu conexión con este contacto puede dejar de funcionar."
-#: mod/crepair.php:121
-msgid ""
-"Please use your browser 'Back' button now if you are "
-"uncertain what to do on this page."
-msgstr "Por favor usa el botón 'Atás' de tu navegador ahora si no tienes claro qué hacer en esta página."
-#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
-msgid "No mirroring"
-msgstr "No espejar"
-#: mod/crepair.php:134
-msgid "Mirror as forwarded posting"
-msgstr "Espejar como reenvio"
-#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
-msgid "Mirror as my own posting"
-msgstr "Espejar como publicación propia"
-#: mod/crepair.php:150
-msgid "Return to contact editor"
-msgstr "Volver al editor de contactos"
-#: mod/crepair.php:152
-msgid "Refetch contact data"
-msgstr "Volver a solicitar datos del contacto."
-#: mod/crepair.php:153 mod/admin.php:1328 mod/admin.php:1340
-#: mod/admin.php:1341 mod/admin.php:1354 mod/settings.php:662
-#: mod/settings.php:688
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nombre"
-#: mod/crepair.php:154
-msgid "Account Nickname"
-msgstr "Apodo de la cuenta"
-#: mod/crepair.php:155
-msgid "@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname"
-msgstr "@Etiqueta - Sobrescribe el Nombre/Apodo"
-#: mod/crepair.php:156
-msgid "Account URL"
-msgstr "Dirección de la cuenta"
-#: mod/crepair.php:157
-msgid "Friend Request URL"
-msgstr "Dirección de la solicitud de amistad"
-#: mod/crepair.php:158
-msgid "Friend Confirm URL"
-msgstr "Dirección de confirmación de tu amigo "
-#: mod/crepair.php:159
-msgid "Notification Endpoint URL"
-msgstr "Dirección URL de la notificación"
-#: mod/crepair.php:160
-msgid "Poll/Feed URL"
-msgstr "Dirección del Sondeo/Fuentes"
-#: mod/crepair.php:161
-msgid "New photo from this URL"
-msgstr "Nueva foto de esta dirección"
-#: mod/crepair.php:162
-msgid "Remote Self"
-msgstr "Perfil remoto"
-#: mod/crepair.php:165
-msgid "Mirror postings from this contact"
-msgstr "Espejar publicaciones de este contacto"
-#: mod/crepair.php:167
-msgid ""
-"Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new "
-"entries from this contact."
-msgstr "Marcar este contacto como perfil_remoto, esto generara que friendica reenvía nuevas publicaciones desde esta cuenta."
-#: mod/bookmarklet.php:12 boot.php:1520 include/nav.php:91
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "Acceder"
-#: mod/bookmarklet.php:41
-msgid "The post was created"
-msgstr "La publicación fue creada"
-#: mod/viewsrc.php:7
-msgid "Access denied."
-msgstr "Acceso denegado."
-#: mod/dirfind.php:194 mod/allfriends.php:80 mod/match.php:85
-#: mod/suggest.php:98 include/contact_widgets.php:10 include/identity.php:212
-msgid "Connect"
-msgstr "Conectar"
-#: mod/dirfind.php:195 mod/allfriends.php:64 mod/match.php:70
-#: mod/directory.php:162 mod/suggest.php:81 include/Contact.php:285
-#: include/Contact.php:298 include/Contact.php:340
-#: include/conversation.php:912 include/conversation.php:926
-msgid "View Profile"
-msgstr "Ver perfil"
-#: mod/dirfind.php:224
-#, php-format
-msgid "People Search - %s"
-msgstr "Buscar perfiles - %s"
-#: mod/dirfind.php:231 mod/match.php:105
-msgid "No matches"
-msgstr "Sin conincidencias"
-#: mod/fbrowser.php:32 include/identity.php:703 include/nav.php:77
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
-msgid "Photos"
-msgstr "Fotografías"
-#: mod/fbrowser.php:41 mod/fbrowser.php:62 mod/photos.php:62
-#: mod/photos.php:192 mod/photos.php:1105 mod/photos.php:1231
-#: mod/photos.php:1254 mod/photos.php:1824 mod/photos.php:1836
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:499
-msgid "Contact Photos"
-msgstr "Foto del contacto"
-#: mod/fbrowser.php:125
-msgid "Files"
-msgstr "Archivos"
-#: mod/nogroup.php:63
-msgid "Contacts who are not members of a group"
-msgstr "Contactos sin grupo"
-#: mod/admin.php:92
-msgid "Theme settings updated."
-msgstr "Configuración de la apariencia actualizada."
-#: mod/admin.php:156 mod/admin.php:904
-msgid "Site"
-msgstr "Sitio"
-#: mod/admin.php:157 mod/admin.php:848 mod/admin.php:1323 mod/admin.php:1338
-msgid "Users"
-msgstr "Usuarios"
-#: mod/admin.php:158 mod/admin.php:1438 mod/admin.php:1498 mod/settings.php:72
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr "Módulos"
-#: mod/admin.php:159 mod/admin.php:1696 mod/admin.php:1746
-msgid "Themes"
-msgstr "Temas"
-#: mod/admin.php:160 mod/settings.php:50
-msgid "Additional features"
-msgstr "Características adicionales"
-#: mod/admin.php:161
-msgid "DB updates"
-msgstr "Actualizaciones de la Base de Datos"
-#: mod/admin.php:162 mod/admin.php:394
-msgid "Inspect Queue"
-msgstr "Inspeccionar cola"
-#: mod/admin.php:163 mod/admin.php:363
-msgid "Federation Statistics"
-msgstr "Estadísticas de federación"
-#: mod/admin.php:177 mod/admin.php:188 mod/admin.php:1814
-msgid "Logs"
-msgstr "Registros"
-#: mod/admin.php:178 mod/admin.php:1881
-msgid "View Logs"
-msgstr "Ver registro de depuración"
-#: mod/admin.php:179
-msgid "probe address"
-msgstr "probar direccion"
-#: mod/admin.php:180
-msgid "check webfinger"
-msgstr "Verificar webfinger"
-#: mod/admin.php:186 include/nav.php:194
-msgid "Admin"
-msgstr "Admin"
-#: mod/admin.php:187
-msgid "Plugin Features"
-msgstr "Características del módulo"
-#: mod/admin.php:189
-msgid "diagnostics"
-msgstr "diagnosticos"
-#: mod/admin.php:190
-msgid "User registrations waiting for confirmation"
-msgstr "Registro de usuarios esperando la confirmación"
-#: mod/admin.php:356
-msgid ""
-"This page offers you some numbers to the known part of the federated social "
-"network your Friendica node is part of. These numbers are not complete but "
-"only reflect the part of the network your node is aware of."
-msgstr "Esta pagina ofrece algunos datos sobre la red conocida a la que tu nodo friendica esta conectado. Estos nummeros no son completos respecto a las redes federadas, si no refleja los nodos esta instancia conoce. "
-#: mod/admin.php:357
-msgid ""
-"The Auto Discovered Contact Directory feature is not enabled, it "
-"will improve the data displayed here."
-msgstr "El modulo directorio de contactos encontrados no esta habilitado, habilitado aumentara la cantidad de datos detallados aquí."
-#: mod/admin.php:362 mod/admin.php:393 mod/admin.php:450 mod/admin.php:903
-#: mod/admin.php:1322 mod/admin.php:1437 mod/admin.php:1497 mod/admin.php:1695
-#: mod/admin.php:1745 mod/admin.php:1813 mod/admin.php:1880
-msgid "Administration"
-msgstr "Administración"
-#: mod/admin.php:369
-#, php-format
-msgid "Currently this node is aware of %d nodes from the following platforms:"
-msgstr "Actualmente este nodo reconoce %d nodos de las siguientes plataformas:"
-#: mod/admin.php:396
-msgid "ID"
-msgstr "ID"
-#: mod/admin.php:397
-msgid "Recipient Name"
-msgstr "Nombre del recipiente"
-#: mod/admin.php:398
-msgid "Recipient Profile"
-msgstr "Perfil del recipiente"
-#: mod/admin.php:400
-msgid "Created"
-msgstr "Creado"
-#: mod/admin.php:401
-msgid "Last Tried"
-msgstr "Ultimo intento"
-#: mod/admin.php:402
-msgid ""
-"This page lists the content of the queue for outgoing postings. These are "
-"postings the initial delivery failed for. They will be resend later and "
-"eventually deleted if the delivery fails permanently."
-msgstr "Esta pagina muestra la cola de mensajes salientes. Estos son publicaciones cuyo envío inicial fallo. Serán reenviados mas tarde y eventualmente eliminados si la entrega falla permanentemente. "
-#: mod/admin.php:421 mod/admin.php:1276
-msgid "Normal Account"
-msgstr "Cuenta normal"
-#: mod/admin.php:422 mod/admin.php:1277
-msgid "Soapbox Account"
-msgstr "Cuenta tribuna"
-#: mod/admin.php:423 mod/admin.php:1278
-msgid "Community/Celebrity Account"
-msgstr "Cuenta de Comunidad/Celebridad"
-#: mod/admin.php:424 mod/admin.php:1279
-msgid "Automatic Friend Account"
-msgstr "Cuenta de amistad automática"
-#: mod/admin.php:425
-msgid "Blog Account"
-msgstr "Cuenta de blog"
-#: mod/admin.php:426
-msgid "Private Forum"
-msgstr "Foro privado"
-#: mod/admin.php:445
-msgid "Message queues"
-msgstr "Cola de mensajes"
-#: mod/admin.php:451
-msgid "Summary"
-msgstr "Resumen"
-#: mod/admin.php:453
-msgid "Registered users"
-msgstr "Usuarios registrados"
-#: mod/admin.php:455
-msgid "Pending registrations"
-msgstr "Pendientes de registro"
-#: mod/admin.php:456
-msgid "Version"
-msgstr "Versión"
-#: mod/admin.php:461
-msgid "Active plugins"
-msgstr "Módulos activos"
-#: mod/admin.php:484
-msgid "Can not parse base url. Must have at least ://"
-msgstr "No se puede resolver la direccion URL base.\nDeberá tener al menos ://"
-#: mod/admin.php:776
-msgid "RINO2 needs mcrypt php extension to work."
-msgstr "RINO2 precisa la extensión mcrypt para funcionar. "
-#: mod/admin.php:784
-msgid "Site settings updated."
-msgstr "Configuración de actualización."
-#: mod/admin.php:812 mod/settings.php:916
-msgid "No special theme for mobile devices"
-msgstr "No hay tema especial para dispositivos móviles"
-#: mod/admin.php:831
-msgid "No community page"
-msgstr "No hay pagina de comunidad"
-#: mod/admin.php:832
-msgid "Public postings from users of this site"
-msgstr "Temas públicos de perfiles de este sitio."
-#: mod/admin.php:833
-msgid "Global community page"
-msgstr "Pagina global de comunidad"
-#: mod/admin.php:839
-msgid "At post arrival"
-msgstr "A la llegada de una publicación"
-#: mod/admin.php:840 include/contact_selectors.php:56
-msgid "Frequently"
-msgstr "Frequentemente"
-#: mod/admin.php:841 include/contact_selectors.php:57
-msgid "Hourly"
-msgstr "Cada hora"
-#: mod/admin.php:842 include/contact_selectors.php:58
-msgid "Twice daily"
-msgstr "Dos veces al día"
-#: mod/admin.php:843 include/contact_selectors.php:59
-msgid "Daily"
-msgstr "Diariamente"
-#: mod/admin.php:849
-msgid "Users, Global Contacts"
-msgstr "Perfiles, contactos globales"
-#: mod/admin.php:850
-msgid "Users, Global Contacts/fallback"
-msgstr "Perfiles, contactos globales/fallback"
-#: mod/admin.php:854
-msgid "One month"
-msgstr "Un mes"
-#: mod/admin.php:855
-msgid "Three months"
-msgstr "Tres meses"
-#: mod/admin.php:856
-msgid "Half a year"
-msgstr "Medio año"
-#: mod/admin.php:857
-msgid "One year"
-msgstr "Un año"
-#: mod/admin.php:862
-msgid "Multi user instance"
-msgstr "Sesión multi usuario"
-#: mod/admin.php:885
-msgid "Closed"
-msgstr "Cerrado"
-#: mod/admin.php:886
-msgid "Requires approval"
-msgstr "Requiere aprobación"
-#: mod/admin.php:887
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Abierto"
-#: mod/admin.php:891
-msgid "No SSL policy, links will track page SSL state"
-msgstr "No existe una política de SSL, los vínculos harán un seguimiento del estado de SSL en la página"
-#: mod/admin.php:892
-msgid "Force all links to use SSL"
-msgstr "Forzar todos los enlaces a utilizar SSL"
-#: mod/admin.php:893
-msgid "Self-signed certificate, use SSL for local links only (discouraged)"
-msgstr "Certificación personal, usa SSL solo para enlaces locales (no recomendado)"
-#: mod/admin.php:905 mod/admin.php:1499 mod/admin.php:1747 mod/admin.php:1815
-#: mod/admin.php:1964 mod/settings.php:660 mod/settings.php:770
-#: mod/settings.php:817 mod/settings.php:886 mod/settings.php:973
-#: mod/settings.php:1208
-msgid "Save Settings"
-msgstr "Guardar configuración"
-#: mod/admin.php:906 mod/register.php:263
-msgid "Registration"
-msgstr "Registro"
-#: mod/admin.php:907
-msgid "File upload"
-msgstr "Subida de archivo"
-#: mod/admin.php:908
-msgid "Policies"
-msgstr "Políticas"
-#: mod/admin.php:910
-msgid "Auto Discovered Contact Directory"
-msgstr "Directorio de contactos descubierto automáticamente"
-#: mod/admin.php:911
-msgid "Performance"
-msgstr "Rendimiento"
-#: mod/admin.php:912
-msgid "Worker"
-msgstr "Trabajador (??)"
-#: mod/admin.php:913
-msgid ""
-"Relocate - WARNING: advanced function. Could make this server unreachable."
-msgstr "Reubicación - ADVERTENCIA: función avanzada. Puede hacer a este servidor inaccesible. "
-#: mod/admin.php:916
-msgid "Site name"
-msgstr "Nombre del sitio"
-#: mod/admin.php:917
-msgid "Host name"
-msgstr "Nombre de dominio"
-#: mod/admin.php:918
-msgid "Sender Email"
-msgstr "Dirección de origen de correo electrónico"
-#: mod/admin.php:918
-msgid ""
-"The email address your server shall use to send notification emails from."
-msgstr "La dirección de correo electrónico que el servidor debería usar como dirección de envío."
-#: mod/admin.php:919
-msgid "Banner/Logo"
-msgstr "Imagen/Logotipo"
-#: mod/admin.php:920
-msgid "Shortcut icon"
-msgstr "Icono de atajo"
-#: mod/admin.php:920
-msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for browsers."
-msgstr "Enlace hacia un icono que sera usado para el navegador."
-#: mod/admin.php:921
-msgid "Touch icon"
-msgstr "Icono touch"
-#: mod/admin.php:921
-msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for tablets and mobiles."
-msgstr "Enlace para un icono que sera usado para tablets y moviles."
-#: mod/admin.php:922
-msgid "Additional Info"
-msgstr "Información adicional"
-#: mod/admin.php:922
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"For public servers: you can add additional information here that will be "
-"listed at %s/siteinfo."
-msgstr "Para servidores públicos: información adicional que sera publicado en %s/siteinfo."
-#: mod/admin.php:923
-msgid "System language"
-msgstr "Idioma"
-#: mod/admin.php:924
-msgid "System theme"
-msgstr "Tema"
-#: mod/admin.php:924
-msgid ""
-"Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - change theme settings "
-msgstr "Tema por defecto del sistema, los usuarios podrán elegir el suyo propio en su configuración cambiar configuración del tema "
-#: mod/admin.php:925
-msgid "Mobile system theme"
-msgstr "Tema de sistema móvil"
-#: mod/admin.php:925
-msgid "Theme for mobile devices"
-msgstr "Tema para dispositivos móviles"
-#: mod/admin.php:926
-msgid "SSL link policy"
-msgstr "Política de enlaces SSL"
-#: mod/admin.php:926
-msgid "Determines whether generated links should be forced to use SSL"
-msgstr "Determina si los enlaces generados deben ser forzados a utilizar SSL"
-#: mod/admin.php:927
-msgid "Force SSL"
-msgstr "Forzar SSL"
-#: mod/admin.php:927
-msgid ""
-"Force all Non-SSL requests to SSL - Attention: on some systems it could lead"
-" to endless loops."
-msgstr "Forzar todos las consultas No-SSL a SSL. - ATENCIÓN: en algunos sistemas esto puede generar comportamiento recursivo interminable."
-#: mod/admin.php:928
-msgid "Old style 'Share'"
-msgstr "Viejo estilo de 'reenviar'"
-#: mod/admin.php:928
-msgid "Deactivates the bbcode element 'share' for repeating items."
-msgstr "Desactiva el elemento bbcode 'reenviar' para objetos repetidos."
-#: mod/admin.php:929
-msgid "Hide help entry from navigation menu"
-msgstr "Ocultar la ayuda en el menú de navegación"
-#: mod/admin.php:929
-msgid ""
-"Hides the menu entry for the Help pages from the navigation menu. You can "
-"still access it calling /help directly."
-msgstr "Oculta la entrada de las páginas de Ayuda en el menú de navegación. Todavía se puede acceder escribiendo /ayuda directamente."
-#: mod/admin.php:930
-msgid "Single user instance"
-msgstr "Sesión de usuario único"
-#: mod/admin.php:930
-msgid "Make this instance multi-user or single-user for the named user"
-msgstr "Haz esta sesión multi-usuario o usuario único para el usuario"
-#: mod/admin.php:931
-msgid "Maximum image size"
-msgstr "Tamaño máximo de la imagen"
-#: mod/admin.php:931
-msgid ""
-"Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no "
-msgstr "Tamaño máximo en bytes de las imágenes a subir. Por defecto es 0, que quiere decir que no hay límite."
-#: mod/admin.php:932
-msgid "Maximum image length"
-msgstr "Largo máximo de imagen"
-#: mod/admin.php:932
-msgid ""
-"Maximum length in pixels of the longest side of uploaded images. Default is "
-"-1, which means no limits."
-msgstr "Longitud máxima en píxeles del lado más largo de las imágenes subidas. Por defecto es -1, que significa que no hay límites."
-#: mod/admin.php:933
-msgid "JPEG image quality"
-msgstr "Calidad de imagen JPEG"
-#: mod/admin.php:933
-msgid ""
-"Uploaded JPEGS will be saved at this quality setting [0-100]. Default is "
-"100, which is full quality."
-msgstr "Los archivos JPEG subidos se guardarán con este ajuste de calidad [0-100]. Por defecto es 100, que es calidad máxima."
-#: mod/admin.php:935
-msgid "Register policy"
-msgstr "Política de registros"
-#: mod/admin.php:936
-msgid "Maximum Daily Registrations"
-msgstr "Registros Máximos Diarios"
-#: mod/admin.php:936
-msgid ""
-"If registration is permitted above, this sets the maximum number of new user"
-" registrations to accept per day. If register is set to closed, this "
-"setting has no effect."
-msgstr "Si anteriormente se ha permitido el registro, esto establece el número máximo de registro de nuevos usuarios aceptados por día. Si el registro se establece como cerrado, esta opción no tiene efecto."
-#: mod/admin.php:937
-msgid "Register text"
-msgstr "Términos"
-#: mod/admin.php:937
-msgid "Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."
-msgstr "Se mostrará en un lugar destacado en la página de registro."
-#: mod/admin.php:938
-msgid "Accounts abandoned after x days"
-msgstr "Cuentas abandonadas después de x días"
-#: mod/admin.php:938
-msgid ""
-"Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded "
-"accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit."
-msgstr "No gastará recursos del sistema creando sondeos a sitios externos para cuentas abandonadas. Introduce 0 para ningún límite temporal."
-#: mod/admin.php:939
-msgid "Allowed friend domains"
-msgstr "Dominios amigos permitidos"
-#: mod/admin.php:939
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships "
-"with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"
-msgstr "Lista separada por comas de los dominios que están autorizados para establecer conexiones con este sitio. Se aceptan comodines. Dejar en blanco para permitir cualquier dominio"
-#: mod/admin.php:940
-msgid "Allowed email domains"
-msgstr "Dominios de correo permitidos"
-#: mod/admin.php:940
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for "
-"registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
-msgstr "Lista separada por comas de los dominios que están autorizados en las direcciones de correo para registrarse en este sitio. Se aceptan comodines. Dejar en blanco para permitir cualquier dominio"
-#: mod/admin.php:941
-msgid "Block public"
-msgstr "Bloqueo público"
-#: mod/admin.php:941
-msgid ""
-"Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this "
-"site unless you are currently logged in."
-msgstr "Marca para bloquear el acceso público a todas las páginas personales, aún siendo públicas, hasta que no hayas iniciado tu sesión."
-#: mod/admin.php:942
-msgid "Force publish"
-msgstr "Forzar publicación"
-#: mod/admin.php:942
-msgid ""
-"Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."
-msgstr "Marca para forzar que todos los perfiles de este sitio sean listados en el directorio del sitio."
-#: mod/admin.php:943
-msgid "Global directory URL"
-msgstr "URL del directorio global."
-#: mod/admin.php:943
-msgid ""
-"URL to the global directory. If this is not set, the global directory is "
-"completely unavailable to the application."
-msgstr "URL del directorio global. Si se deja este campo vacío, el directorio global sera completamente inaccesible para la instancia."
-#: mod/admin.php:944
-msgid "Allow threaded items"
-msgstr "Permitir elementos en hilo"
-#: mod/admin.php:944
-msgid "Allow infinite level threading for items on this site."
-msgstr "Permitir infinitos niveles de hilo para los elementos de este sitio."
-#: mod/admin.php:945
-msgid "Private posts by default for new users"
-msgstr "Publicaciones privadas por defecto para usuarios nuevos"
-#: mod/admin.php:945
-msgid ""
-"Set default post permissions for all new members to the default privacy "
-"group rather than public."
-msgstr "Ajusta los permisos de publicación por defecto a los miembros nuevos al grupo privado por defecto en vez del público."
-#: mod/admin.php:946
-msgid "Don't include post content in email notifications"
-msgstr "No incluir el contenido del post en las notificaciones de correo electrónico"
-#: mod/admin.php:946
-msgid ""
-"Don't include the content of a post/comment/private message/etc. in the "
-"email notifications that are sent out from this site, as a privacy measure."
-msgstr "No incluye el contenido de un mensaje/comentario/mensaje privado/etc. en las notificaciones de correo electrónico que se envían desde este sitio, como una medida de privacidad."
-#: mod/admin.php:947
-msgid "Disallow public access to addons listed in the apps menu."
-msgstr "Deshabilitar acceso a addons listados en el menú de aplicaciones."
-#: mod/admin.php:947
-msgid ""
-"Checking this box will restrict addons listed in the apps menu to members "
-msgstr "Habilitando esta opción restringe el acceso a addons en el menú de aplicaciones a usuarios identificados."
-#: mod/admin.php:948
-msgid "Don't embed private images in posts"
-msgstr "No agregar imágenes privados en las publicaciones"
-#: mod/admin.php:948
-msgid ""
-"Don't replace locally-hosted private photos in posts with an embedded copy "
-"of the image. This means that contacts who receive posts containing private "
-"photos will have to authenticate and load each image, which may take a "
-msgstr "No reemplazar imágenes privadas guardadas localmente en el servidor con imágenes integrados en los envíos. Esto significa que contactos que reciben publicaciones tendrán que autenticarse y cargar cada imagen, lo que puede demorar."
-#: mod/admin.php:949
-msgid "Allow Users to set remote_self"
-msgstr "Permitir a los usuarios de definir perfiles_remotos"
-#: mod/admin.php:949
-msgid ""
-"With checking this, every user is allowed to mark every contact as a "
-"remote_self in the repair contact dialog. Setting this flag on a contact "
-"causes mirroring every posting of that contact in the users stream."
-msgstr "Al habilitar esta opción, cada perfil tiene el permiso de marcar cualquiera de sus contactos como un perfil_remoto. Habilitar la opción perfil_remoto para un contacto genera que todas las publicaciones de este contacto seran re-publicado en el muro del perfil."
-#: mod/admin.php:950
-msgid "Block multiple registrations"
-msgstr "Bloquear registros multiples"
-#: mod/admin.php:950
-msgid "Disallow users to register additional accounts for use as pages."
-msgstr "Impedir que los usuarios registren cuentas adicionales para su uso como páginas."
-#: mod/admin.php:951
-msgid "OpenID support"
-msgstr "Soporte OpenID"
-#: mod/admin.php:951
-msgid "OpenID support for registration and logins."
-msgstr "Soporte OpenID para registros y accesos."
-#: mod/admin.php:952
-msgid "Fullname check"
-msgstr "Comprobar Nombre completo"
-#: mod/admin.php:952
-msgid ""
-"Force users to register with a space between firstname and lastname in Full "
-"name, as an antispam measure"
-msgstr "Fuerza a los usuarios a registrarse con un espacio entre su nombre y su apellido en el campo Nombre completo como medida anti-spam"
-#: mod/admin.php:953
-msgid "UTF-8 Regular expressions"
-msgstr "Expresiones regulares UTF-8"
-#: mod/admin.php:953
-msgid "Use PHP UTF8 regular expressions"
-msgstr "Usar expresiones regulares de UTF8 en PHP"
-#: mod/admin.php:954
-msgid "Community Page Style"
-msgstr "Estilo de pagina de comunidad"
-#: mod/admin.php:954
-msgid ""
-"Type of community page to show. 'Global community' shows every public "
-"posting from an open distributed network that arrived on this server."
-msgstr "Tipo de pagina de comunidad a visualizar. 'Comunidad global' muestra todas las publicaciones publicas de la red abierta federada que llega a este servidor."
-#: mod/admin.php:955
-msgid "Posts per user on community page"
-msgstr "Publicaciones por usuario en la pagina de comunidad"
-#: mod/admin.php:955
-msgid ""
-"The maximum number of posts per user on the community page. (Not valid for "
-"'Global Community')"
-msgstr "El numero máximo de publicaciones por usuario que aparecerán en la pagina de comunidad. (No valido para 'comunidad global')"
-#: mod/admin.php:956
-msgid "Enable OStatus support"
-msgstr "Permitir soporte OStatus"
-#: mod/admin.php:956
-msgid ""
-"Provide built-in OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social etc.) compatibility. All "
-"communications in OStatus are public, so privacy warnings will be "
-"occasionally displayed."
-msgstr "Proporcionar OStatus compatibilidad integrada (StatusNet, GNU Social, Quitter etc.). Todas las comunicaciones en OStatus son publicas así que eventuales advertencias serán ocasionalmente desplegadas."
-#: mod/admin.php:957
-msgid "OStatus conversation completion interval"
-msgstr "Intervalo de actualización de conversaciones OStatus"
-#: mod/admin.php:957
-msgid ""
-"How often shall the poller check for new entries in OStatus conversations? "
-"This can be a very ressource task."
-msgstr "Cuan seguido el recolector deberá buscar nuevas entradas en OStatus? Esto puede ser un trabajo de mucha carga para los recursos del servidor."
-#: mod/admin.php:958
-msgid "Only import OStatus threads from our contacts"
-msgstr "Solo importar OStatus temas de nuestros (?) contactos."
-#: mod/admin.php:958
-msgid ""
-"Normally we import every content from our OStatus contacts. With this option"
-" we only store threads that are started by a contact that is known on our "
-msgstr "Normalmente importamos todo el contenido de los contactos de OStatus. Con esta opción solamente se guardan temas que fueron iniciados por contactos que son conocidos de la instancia.\n(nota de traducción, no se entiende muy bien la función en base al texto original)"
-#: mod/admin.php:959
-msgid "OStatus support can only be enabled if threading is enabled."
-msgstr "Solo se puede habilitar el soporte OStatus si threading (comentarios en fila) se encuentra habilitado."
-#: mod/admin.php:961
-msgid ""
-"Diaspora support can't be enabled because Friendica was installed into a sub"
-" directory."
-msgstr "El soporte para Diaspora* no se puede habilitar porque friendica se instalo en un directorio subalterno (sub directory)."
-#: mod/admin.php:962
-msgid "Enable Diaspora support"
-msgstr "Habilitar el soporte para Diaspora*"
-#: mod/admin.php:962
-msgid "Provide built-in Diaspora network compatibility."
-msgstr "Provee una compatibilidad con la red de Diaspora."
-#: mod/admin.php:963
-msgid "Only allow Friendica contacts"
-msgstr "Permitir solo contactos de Friendica"
-#: mod/admin.php:963
-msgid ""
-"All contacts must use Friendica protocols. All other built-in communication "
-"protocols disabled."
-msgstr "Todos los contactos deben usar protocolos de Friendica. El resto de protocolos serán desactivados."
-#: mod/admin.php:964
-msgid "Verify SSL"
-msgstr "Verificar SSL"
-#: mod/admin.php:964
-msgid ""
-"If you wish, you can turn on strict certificate checking. This will mean you"
-" cannot connect (at all) to self-signed SSL sites."
-msgstr "Si quieres puedes activar la comprobación estricta de certificados. Esto significa que serás incapaz de conectar con ningún sitio que use certificados SSL autofirmados."
-#: mod/admin.php:965
-msgid "Proxy user"
-msgstr "Usuario proxy"
-#: mod/admin.php:966
-msgid "Proxy URL"
-msgstr "Dirección proxy"
-#: mod/admin.php:967
-msgid "Network timeout"
-msgstr "Tiempo de espera de red"
-#: mod/admin.php:967
-msgid "Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended)."
-msgstr "Valor en segundos. Usar 0 para dejarlo sin límites (no se recomienda)."
-#: mod/admin.php:968
-msgid "Delivery interval"
-msgstr "Intervalo de actualización"
-#: mod/admin.php:968
-msgid ""
-"Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
-"load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 "
-"for large dedicated servers."
-msgstr "Retrasar la entrega de procesos en segundo plano por esta cantidad de segundos para reducir la carga del sistema. Recomendamos: 4-5 para los servidores compartidos, 2-3 para servidores privados virtuales, 0-1 para los grandes servidores dedicados."
-#: mod/admin.php:969
-msgid "Poll interval"
-msgstr "Intervalo de sondeo"
-#: mod/admin.php:969
-msgid ""
-"Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
-"load. If 0, use delivery interval."
-msgstr "Retrasar los procesos en segundo plano de sondeo en esta cantidad de segundos para reducir la carga del sistema. Si es 0, se usará el intervalo de entrega."
-#: mod/admin.php:970
-msgid "Maximum Load Average"
-msgstr "Promedio de carga máxima"
-#: mod/admin.php:970
-msgid ""
-"Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - "
-"default 50."
-msgstr "Carga máxima del sistema antes de que la entrega y los procesos de sondeo sean retrasados - por defecto 50."
-#: mod/admin.php:971
-msgid "Maximum Load Average (Frontend)"
-msgstr "Carga máxima promedio (frontend)"
-#: mod/admin.php:971
-msgid "Maximum system load before the frontend quits service - default 50."
-msgstr "Carga máxima del sistema antes de que el frontend cancele el servicio - por defecto 50."
-#: mod/admin.php:972
-msgid "Maximum table size for optimization"
-msgstr "Tamaño máximo de las tablas para la optimización."
-#: mod/admin.php:972
-msgid ""
-"Maximum table size (in MB) for the automatic optimization - default 100 MB. "
-"Enter -1 to disable it."
-msgstr "Tamaño máximo de tablas (en MB) para la optimización automática - por defecto 100MB. Ingrese -1 para deshabilitar."
-#: mod/admin.php:973
-msgid "Minimum level of fragmentation"
-msgstr "Nivel mínimo de fragmentación "
-#: mod/admin.php:973
-msgid ""
-"Minimum fragmenation level to start the automatic optimization - default "
-"value is 30%."
-msgstr "Nivel mínimo de fragmentación para para comenzar la optimización - valor por defecto es 30%. "
-#: mod/admin.php:975
-msgid "Periodical check of global contacts"
-msgstr "Verificación periódica de los contactos globales."
-#: mod/admin.php:975
-msgid ""
-"If enabled, the global contacts are checked periodically for missing or "
-"outdated data and the vitality of the contacts and servers."
-msgstr "Habilitado los contactos globales son verificado periódicamente por datos faltantes o datos obsoletos como también por la vitalidad de los contactos y servidores."
-#: mod/admin.php:976
-msgid "Days between requery"
-msgstr "Días entre búsquedas"
-#: mod/admin.php:976
-msgid "Number of days after which a server is requeried for his contacts."
-msgstr "Cantidad de días hasta que un servidor es consultado por sus contactos."
-#: mod/admin.php:977
-msgid "Discover contacts from other servers"
-msgstr "Descubrir contactos de otros servidores"
-#: mod/admin.php:977
-msgid ""
-"Periodically query other servers for contacts. You can choose between "
-"'users': the users on the remote system, 'Global Contacts': active contacts "
-"that are known on the system. The fallback is meant for Redmatrix servers "
-"and older friendica servers, where global contacts weren't available. The "
-"fallback increases the server load, so the recommened setting is 'Users, "
-"Global Contacts'."
-msgstr "Recoger periódicamente información sobre perfiles en otros servidores. Puede elegir entre 'usuarios': perfiles de un sistema remoto, 'contactos globales': contactos activos que son conocidos por el servidor. El fallback es para servidors redmatrix y instalaciones viejas de friendica en las que los contactos no estaban a disposición. El fallback aumenta la carga del servidor, asi que la configuración recomendada es 'usuarios, contactos globales'"
-#: mod/admin.php:978
-msgid "Timeframe for fetching global contacts"
-msgstr "Intervalos de tiempo para revisar contactos globales."
-#: mod/admin.php:978
-msgid ""
-"When the discovery is activated, this value defines the timeframe for the "
-"activity of the global contacts that are fetched from other servers."
-msgstr "Cuando la revisacion es activada, este valor define el intervalo de tiempo de la actividad de los contactos globales que son recolectados de los servidores. (?)"
-#: mod/admin.php:979
-msgid "Search the local directory"
-msgstr "Buscar el directorio local"
-#: mod/admin.php:979
-msgid ""
-"Search the local directory instead of the global directory. When searching "
-"locally, every search will be executed on the global directory in the "
-"background. This improves the search results when the search is repeated."
-msgstr "Buscar en el directorio local en vez del directorio global. Cuando se busca localmente, cada busqueda sera efectuada en el directorio global en el background. Esto mejora los resultados de la busqueda cuando la misma es repetida."
-#: mod/admin.php:981
-msgid "Publish server information"
-msgstr "Publicar información del servidor"
-#: mod/admin.php:981
-msgid ""
-"If enabled, general server and usage data will be published. The data "
-"contains the name and version of the server, number of users with public "
-"profiles, number of posts and the activated protocols and connectors. See the-federation.info for details."
-msgstr "Si habilitado, datos generales del servidor y estadisticas de uso serán publicados. Los datos contienen el nombre y la versión del servidor, numero de usuarios con perfiles públicos, cantidad de temas publicados y los protocolos y conectores activados. Vea the-federation.info por detalles."
-#: mod/admin.php:983
-msgid "Use MySQL full text engine"
-msgstr "Usar motor MySQL de texto completo"
-#: mod/admin.php:983
-msgid ""
-"Activates the full text engine. Speeds up search - but can only search for "
-"four and more characters."
-msgstr "Activa el motor de texto completo. Agiliza las búsquedas, pero solo busca cuatro o más caracteres."
-#: mod/admin.php:984
-msgid "Suppress Language"
-msgstr "Suprimir idiomas"
-#: mod/admin.php:984
-msgid "Suppress language information in meta information about a posting."
-msgstr "Suprimir la información de datos meta sobre informaciones de idiomas en las publicaciones."
-#: mod/admin.php:985
-msgid "Suppress Tags"
-msgstr "Suprimir tags"
-#: mod/admin.php:985
-msgid "Suppress showing a list of hashtags at the end of the posting."
-msgstr "Suprimir la lista de tags al final de una publicación."
-#: mod/admin.php:986
-msgid "Path to item cache"
-msgstr "Ruta a la caché del objeto"
-#: mod/admin.php:986
-msgid "The item caches buffers generated bbcode and external images."
-msgstr "El buffer de cache de items generado para bbcodes e imágenes externas. "
-#: mod/admin.php:987
-msgid "Cache duration in seconds"
-msgstr "Duración de la caché en segundos"
-#: mod/admin.php:987
-msgid ""
-"How long should the cache files be hold? Default value is 86400 seconds (One"
-" day). To disable the item cache, set the value to -1."
-msgstr "¿Por cuanto tiempo deberían los archives ser almacenados en el cache? Valor por defecto 86400 segundos (un día). Para deshabilita el item cache, ajuste el valor a -1."
-#: mod/admin.php:988
-msgid "Maximum numbers of comments per post"
-msgstr "Numero máximo de respuestas por tema"
-#: mod/admin.php:988
-msgid "How much comments should be shown for each post? Default value is 100."
-msgstr "¿Cuantos comentarios deberían ser mostrados por tema? Valor por defecto es 100."
-#: mod/admin.php:989
-msgid "Path for lock file"
-msgstr "Ruta al archivo protegido"
-#: mod/admin.php:989
-msgid ""
-"The lock file is used to avoid multiple pollers at one time. Only define a "
-"folder here."
-msgstr "El archivo lock es usado para evitar multiples pooler (recolectores de información) a la vez. Defina solo una carpeta aquí."
-#: mod/admin.php:990
-msgid "Temp path"
-msgstr "Ruta a los temporales"
-#: mod/admin.php:990
-msgid ""
-"If you have a restricted system where the webserver can't access the system "
-"temp path, enter another path here."
-msgstr "Si tiene un sistema restringido en donde el servidor web no puede acceder la dirección del sistema temp, ingrese una dirección alternativa aquí. "
-#: mod/admin.php:991
-msgid "Base path to installation"
-msgstr "Ruta base para la instalación"
-#: mod/admin.php:991
-msgid ""
-"If the system cannot detect the correct path to your installation, enter the"
-" correct path here. This setting should only be set if you are using a "
-"restricted system and symbolic links to your webroot."
-msgstr "Si el sistema no puede detectar el acceso correcto a la instalación, ingrese la dirección correcta aquí. Esta configuración solo debería utilizarse si si usa un sistema restringido y enlaces simbolicos a su webroot."
-#: mod/admin.php:992
-msgid "Disable picture proxy"
-msgstr "Deshabilitar proxy de imagen"
-#: mod/admin.php:992
-msgid ""
-"The picture proxy increases performance and privacy. It shouldn't be used on"
-" systems with very low bandwith."
-msgstr "El proxy de imagen mejora el performance y privacidad. No debería ser usado en sistemas con poco ancho de banda."
-#: mod/admin.php:993
-msgid "Enable old style pager"
-msgstr "Habilitar paginación estilo viejo"
-#: mod/admin.php:993
-msgid ""
-"The old style pager has page numbers but slows down massively the page "
-msgstr "La paginación al estilo viejo tiene números de paginas pero enlentece masivamente la velocidad de la pagina."
-#: mod/admin.php:994
-msgid "Only search in tags"
-msgstr "Solo buscar en tags"
-#: mod/admin.php:994
-msgid "On large systems the text search can slow down the system extremely."
-msgstr "En sistemas grandes, la búsqueda de texto puede enlentecer el sistema gravemente."
-#: mod/admin.php:996
-msgid "New base url"
-msgstr "Nueva URLbase"
-#: mod/admin.php:996
-msgid ""
-"Change base url for this server. Sends relocate message to all DFRN contacts"
-" of all users."
-msgstr "Cambiar base URL para este servidor. Envía mensajes de relocalisación a todos los contactos DFRN."
-#: mod/admin.php:998
-msgid "RINO Encryption"
-msgstr "Encryptado RINO"
-#: mod/admin.php:998
-msgid "Encryption layer between nodes."
-msgstr "Capa de encryptación entre nodos."
-#: mod/admin.php:999
-msgid "Embedly API key"
-msgstr "Embedly llave de API (API key) "
-#: mod/admin.php:999
-msgid ""
-"Embedly is used to fetch additional data for "
-"web pages. This is an optional parameter."
-msgstr "Embedly es usado para recolectar datos adicionales para paginas web. Esto es un parámetro opcional."
-#: mod/admin.php:1001
-msgid "Enable 'worker' background processing"
-msgstr "Habilitar procesos de fondo del \"trabajador\""
-#: mod/admin.php:1001
-msgid ""
-"The worker background processing limits the number of parallel background "
-"jobs to a maximum number and respects the system load."
-msgstr "Limita los procesos del trabajo de fondo del numero paralelo de trabajos a un numero máximo que respeta la carga del sistema."
-#: mod/admin.php:1002
-msgid "Maximum number of parallel workers"
-msgstr "Numero máximo de trabajos paralelos de fondo."
-#: mod/admin.php:1002
-msgid ""
-"On shared hosters set this to 2. On larger systems, values of 10 are great. "
-"Default value is 4."
-msgstr "Ajustar a 2 en un servidor compartido (shared hosting).\nEn sistemas grandes valores como 10 son excelentes.\nValor por defecto es 4."
-#: mod/admin.php:1003
-msgid "Don't use 'proc_open' with the worker"
-msgstr "No use 'proc_open' junto al \"trabajador\"!"
-#: mod/admin.php:1003
-msgid ""
-"Enable this if your system doesn't allow the use of 'proc_open'. This can "
-"happen on shared hosters. If this is enabled you should increase the "
-"frequency of poller calls in your crontab."
-msgstr "Habilite esta función si el sistema no permite el uso de 'proc_open'. Esto suelo suceder en servidores compartidos (shared hosting). Si esta función se habilita se debería incrementar la frecuencia de llamadas del poller (poller calls) en la pestaña de trabajos cron. (¡en el hosting?)"
-#: mod/admin.php:1032
-msgid "Update has been marked successful"
-msgstr "La actualización se ha completado con éxito"
-#: mod/admin.php:1040
-#, php-format
-msgid "Database structure update %s was successfully applied."
-msgstr "Actualización de base de datos %s fue aplicada con éxito."
-#: mod/admin.php:1043
-#, php-format
-msgid "Executing of database structure update %s failed with error: %s"
-msgstr "El paso de actualización de la estructura de la base de datos %s fallo con el mensaje de error: %s"
-#: mod/admin.php:1055
-#, php-format
-msgid "Executing %s failed with error: %s"
-msgstr "Paso %s fallo con el error: %s"
-#: mod/admin.php:1058
-#, php-format
-msgid "Update %s was successfully applied."
-msgstr "Actualización %s aplicada con éxito."
-#: mod/admin.php:1062
-#, php-format
-msgid "Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded."
-msgstr "La actualización %s no ha informado, se desconoce el estado."
-#: mod/admin.php:1064
-#, php-format
-msgid "There was no additional update function %s that needed to be called."
-msgstr "No había función adicional de actualización %s que necesitaba ser requerida."
-#: mod/admin.php:1083
-msgid "No failed updates."
-msgstr "Actualizaciones sin fallos."
-#: mod/admin.php:1084
-msgid "Check database structure"
-msgstr "Revisar estructura de la base de datos"
-#: mod/admin.php:1089
-msgid "Failed Updates"
-msgstr "Actualizaciones fallidas"
-#: mod/admin.php:1090
-msgid ""
-"This does not include updates prior to 1139, which did not return a status."
-msgstr "No se incluyen las anteriores a la 1139, que no indicaban su estado."
-#: mod/admin.php:1091
-msgid "Mark success (if update was manually applied)"
-msgstr "Marcar como correcta (si actualizaste manualmente)"
-#: mod/admin.php:1092
-msgid "Attempt to execute this update step automatically"
-msgstr "Intentando ejecutar este paso automáticamente"
-#: mod/admin.php:1124
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
-"\t\t\t\tthe administrator of %2$s has set up an account for you."
-msgstr "\n\t\t\tEstimado %1$s,\n\t\t\t\tel administrador de %2$s ha creado una cuenta para usted."
-#: mod/admin.php:1127
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
-"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1$s\n"
-"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t\t%2$s\n"
-"\t\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n"
-"\t\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n"
-"\t\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n"
-"\t\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
-"\t\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
-"\t\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n"
-"\t\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n"
-"\t\t\tthan that.\n"
-"\t\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n"
-"\t\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
-"\t\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
-"\t\t\tThank you and welcome to %4$s."
-msgstr "\n\t\t\tLos detalles de acceso son las siguientes:\n\n\t\t\tDirección del sitio:\t%1$s\n\t\t\tNombre de la cuenta:\t\t%2$s\n\t\t\tContraseña:\t\t%3$s\n\n\t\t\tPodrá cambiar la contraseña desde la pagina de configuración de su cuenta después de acceder a la misma\n\t\t\ten.\n\n\t\t\tPor favor tome unos minutos para revisar las opciones demás de la cuenta en dicha pagina de configuración.\n\n\t\t\tTambién podrá agregar informaciones adicionales a su pagina de perfil predeterminado. \n\t\t\t(en la pagina \"Perfiles\") para que otras personas pueden encontrarlo fácilmente.\n\n\t\t\tRecomendamos que elija un nombre apropiado, agregando una imagen de perfil,\n\t\t\tagregando algunas palabras claves de la cuenta (muy útil para hacer nuevos amigos) - y \n\t\t\tquizás el país en donde vive; si no quiere ser mas especifico\n\t\t\tque eso.\n\n\t\t\tRespetamos absolutamente su derecho a la privacidad y ninguno de estos detalles es necesario.\n\t\t\tSi eres nuevo aquí y no conoces a nadie, estos detalles pueden ayudarte\n\t\t\tpara hacer nuevas e interesantes amistades.\n\n\t\t\tGracias y bienvenido a %4$s."
-#: mod/admin.php:1159 include/user.php:423
-#, php-format
-msgid "Registration details for %s"
-msgstr "Detalles de registro para %s"
-#: mod/admin.php:1171
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s user blocked/unblocked"
-msgid_plural "%s users blocked/unblocked"
-msgstr[0] "%s usuario bloqueado/desbloqueado"
-msgstr[1] "%s usuarios bloqueados/desbloqueados"
-#: mod/admin.php:1178
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s user deleted"
-msgid_plural "%s users deleted"
-msgstr[0] "%s usuario eliminado"
-msgstr[1] "%s usuarios eliminados"
-#: mod/admin.php:1225
-#, php-format
-msgid "User '%s' deleted"
-msgstr "Usuario '%s' eliminado"
-#: mod/admin.php:1233
-#, php-format
-msgid "User '%s' unblocked"
-msgstr "Usuario '%s' desbloqueado"
-#: mod/admin.php:1233
-#, php-format
-msgid "User '%s' blocked"
-msgstr "Usuario '%s' bloqueado'"
-#: mod/admin.php:1324
-msgid "Add User"
-msgstr "Agregar usuario"
-#: mod/admin.php:1325
-msgid "select all"
-msgstr "seleccionar todo"
-#: mod/admin.php:1326
-msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm"
-msgstr "Registro de usuarios esperando confirmación"
-#: mod/admin.php:1327
-msgid "User waiting for permanent deletion"
-msgstr "Usuario esperando anulación permanente."
-#: mod/admin.php:1328
-msgid "Request date"
-msgstr "Solicitud de fecha"
-#: mod/admin.php:1328 mod/admin.php:1340 mod/admin.php:1341 mod/admin.php:1356
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:79 include/contact_selectors.php:86
-msgid "Email"
-msgstr "Correo electrónico"
-#: mod/admin.php:1329
-msgid "No registrations."
-msgstr "Sin registros."
-#: mod/admin.php:1331
-msgid "Deny"
-msgstr "Denegado"
-#: mod/admin.php:1335
-msgid "Site admin"
-msgstr "Administrador de la web"
-#: mod/admin.php:1336
-msgid "Account expired"
-msgstr "Cuenta caducada"
-#: mod/admin.php:1339
-msgid "New User"
-msgstr "Nuevo usuario"
-#: mod/admin.php:1340 mod/admin.php:1341
-msgid "Register date"
-msgstr "Fecha de registro"
-#: mod/admin.php:1340 mod/admin.php:1341
-msgid "Last login"
-msgstr "Último acceso"
-#: mod/admin.php:1340 mod/admin.php:1341
-msgid "Last item"
-msgstr "Último elemento"
-#: mod/admin.php:1340
-msgid "Deleted since"
-msgstr "Borrado desde"
-#: mod/admin.php:1341 mod/settings.php:41
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Cuenta"
-#: mod/admin.php:1343
-msgid ""
-"Selected users will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these users had posted on "
-"this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
-msgstr "¡Los usuarios seleccionados serán eliminados!\\n\\n¡Todo lo que hayan publicado en este sitio se borrará para siempre!\\n\\n¿Estás seguro?"
-#: mod/admin.php:1344
-msgid ""
-"The user {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this user has posted on this "
-"site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
-msgstr "¡El usuario {0} será eliminado!\\n\\n¡Todo lo que haya publicado en este sitio se borrará para siempre!\\n\\n¿Estás seguro?"
-#: mod/admin.php:1354
-msgid "Name of the new user."
-msgstr "Nombre del nuevo usuario"
-#: mod/admin.php:1355
-msgid "Nickname"
-msgstr "Apodo"
-#: mod/admin.php:1355
-msgid "Nickname of the new user."
-msgstr "Apodo del nuevo perfil."
-#: mod/admin.php:1356
-msgid "Email address of the new user."
-msgstr "Dirección de correo del nuevo perfil."
-#: mod/admin.php:1399
-#, php-format
-msgid "Plugin %s disabled."
-msgstr "Módulo %s deshabilitado."
-#: mod/admin.php:1403
-#, php-format
-msgid "Plugin %s enabled."
-msgstr "Módulo %s habilitado."
-#: mod/admin.php:1414 mod/admin.php:1650
-msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Desactivado"
-#: mod/admin.php:1416 mod/admin.php:1652
-msgid "Enable"
-msgstr "Activado"
-#: mod/admin.php:1439 mod/admin.php:1697
-msgid "Toggle"
-msgstr "Activar"
-#: mod/admin.php:1447 mod/admin.php:1706
-msgid "Author: "
-msgstr "Autor:"
-#: mod/admin.php:1448 mod/admin.php:1707
-msgid "Maintainer: "
-msgstr "Mantenedor: "
-#: mod/admin.php:1500
-msgid "Reload active plugins"
-msgstr "Recargar plugins activos"
-#: mod/admin.php:1505
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"There are currently no plugins available on your node. You can find the "
-"official plugin repository at %1$s and might find other interesting plugins "
-"in the open plugin registry at %2$s"
-msgstr "No ay plugins habilitados en este nodo. Encontrara los repositorios oficiales de plugins en %1$s y posiblemente encontrara mas plugins interesantes en el registro abierto de plugins aquí %2$s ."
-#: mod/admin.php:1610
-msgid "No themes found."
-msgstr "No se encontraron temas."
-#: mod/admin.php:1688
-msgid "Screenshot"
-msgstr "Captura de pantalla"
-#: mod/admin.php:1748
-msgid "Reload active themes"
-msgstr "Recargar interfaces de usuario activos"
-#: mod/admin.php:1753
-#, php-format
-msgid "No themes found on the system. They should be paced in %1$s"
-msgstr "No se encuentran interfaces en el sistema. Deberían estar localizados (paced) en %1$s"
-#: mod/admin.php:1754
-msgid "[Experimental]"
-msgstr "[Experimental]"
-#: mod/admin.php:1755
-msgid "[Unsupported]"
-msgstr "[Sin soporte]"
-#: mod/admin.php:1779
-msgid "Log settings updated."
-msgstr "Configuración de registro actualizada."
-#: mod/admin.php:1816
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "Limpiar"
-#: mod/admin.php:1821
-msgid "Enable Debugging"
-msgstr "Habilitar debugging"
-#: mod/admin.php:1822
-msgid "Log file"
-msgstr "Archivo de registro"
-#: mod/admin.php:1822
-msgid ""
-"Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Friendica top-level "
-msgstr "Debes tener permiso de escritura en el servidor. Relacionado con tu directorio de inicio de Friendica."
-#: mod/admin.php:1823
-msgid "Log level"
-msgstr "Nivel de registro"
-#: mod/admin.php:1826
-msgid "PHP logging"
-msgstr "PHP logging"
-#: mod/admin.php:1827
-msgid ""
-"To enable logging of PHP errors and warnings you can add the following to "
-"the .htconfig.php file of your installation. The filename set in the "
-"'error_log' line is relative to the friendica top-level directory and must "
-"be writeable by the web server. The option '1' for 'log_errors' and "
-"'display_errors' is to enable these options, set to '0' to disable them."
-msgstr "Para habilitar la documentación de los errores PHP y las advertencias se puede agregar lo siguiente al archivo .htconfig.php de la instalación (ftp). La dirección definido en el 'error_log' es relativo al directorio friendica principal (top-level directory) y debe de ser habilitado para la escritura por el servidor web. La opción '1' para 'log_errors' y 'display_errors' es para habilitar estas opciones, '0' para deshabilitarlo."
-#: mod/admin.php:1953 mod/admin.php:1954 mod/settings.php:760
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "Apagado"
-#: mod/admin.php:1953 mod/admin.php:1954 mod/settings.php:760
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "Encendido"
-#: mod/admin.php:1954
-#, php-format
-msgid "Lock feature %s"
-msgstr "Trancar opción %s "
-#: mod/admin.php:1962
-msgid "Manage Additional Features"
-msgstr "Administrar opciones adicionales"
-#: mod/network.php:146
-#, php-format
-msgid "Search Results For: %s"
-msgstr "Buscar resultados para: %s"
-#: mod/network.php:191 mod/search.php:25
-msgid "Remove term"
-msgstr "Eliminar término"
-#: mod/network.php:200 mod/search.php:34 include/features.php:84
-msgid "Saved Searches"
-msgstr "Búsquedas guardadas"
-#: mod/network.php:201 include/group.php:296
-msgid "add"
-msgstr "añadir"
-#: mod/network.php:365
-msgid "Commented Order"
-msgstr "Orden de comentarios"
-#: mod/network.php:368
-msgid "Sort by Comment Date"
-msgstr "Ordenar por fecha de comentarios"
-#: mod/network.php:373
-msgid "Posted Order"
-msgstr "Orden de publicación"
-#: mod/network.php:376
-msgid "Sort by Post Date"
-msgstr "Ordenar por fecha de publicación"
-#: mod/network.php:387
-msgid "Posts that mention or involve you"
-msgstr "Publicaciones que te mencionan o involucran"
-#: mod/network.php:395
-msgid "New"
-msgstr "Nuevo"
-#: mod/network.php:398
-msgid "Activity Stream - by date"
-msgstr "Corriente de actividad por fecha"
-#: mod/network.php:406
-msgid "Shared Links"
-msgstr "Enlaces compartidos"
-#: mod/network.php:409
-msgid "Interesting Links"
-msgstr "Enlaces interesantes"
-#: mod/network.php:417
-msgid "Starred"
-msgstr "Favoritos"
-#: mod/network.php:420
-msgid "Favourite Posts"
-msgstr "Publicaciones favoritas"
-#: mod/network.php:479
-#, php-format
-msgid "Warning: This group contains %s member from an insecure network."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Warning: This group contains %s members from an insecure network."
-msgstr[0] "Aviso: este grupo contiene %s contacto con conexión no segura."
-msgstr[1] "Aviso: este grupo contiene %s contactos con conexiones no seguras."
-#: mod/network.php:482
-msgid "Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure."
-msgstr "Los mensajes privados a este grupo corren el riesgo de ser mostrados públicamente."
-#: mod/network.php:549 mod/content.php:119
-msgid "No such group"
-msgstr "Ningún grupo"
-#: mod/network.php:580 mod/content.php:135
-#, php-format
-msgid "Group: %s"
-msgstr "Grupo: %s"
-#: mod/network.php:608
-msgid "Private messages to this person are at risk of public disclosure."
-msgstr "Los mensajes privados a esta persona corren el riesgo de ser mostrados públicamente."
-#: mod/network.php:613
-msgid "Invalid contact."
-msgstr "Contacto erróneo."
-#: mod/allfriends.php:43
-msgid "No friends to display."
-msgstr "No hay amigos para mostrar."
-#: mod/events.php:71 mod/events.php:73
-msgid "Event can not end before it has started."
-msgstr "Un evento no puede terminar antes de su comienzo."
-#: mod/events.php:80 mod/events.php:82
-msgid "Event title and start time are required."
-msgstr "Título del evento y hora de inicio requeridas."
-#: mod/events.php:201
-msgid "Sun"
-msgstr "Dom"
-#: mod/events.php:202
-msgid "Mon"
-msgstr "Lun"
-#: mod/events.php:203
-msgid "Tue"
-msgstr "Mar"
-#: mod/events.php:204
-msgid "Wed"
-msgstr "Mie"
-#: mod/events.php:205
-msgid "Thu"
-msgstr "Jue"
-#: mod/events.php:206
-msgid "Fri"
-msgstr "Vie"
-#: mod/events.php:207
-msgid "Sat"
-msgstr "Sab"
-#: mod/events.php:208 mod/settings.php:952 include/text.php:1245
-msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr "Domingo"
-#: mod/events.php:209 mod/settings.php:952 include/text.php:1245
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "Lunes"
-#: mod/events.php:210 include/text.php:1245
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "Martes"
-#: mod/events.php:211 include/text.php:1245
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "Miércoles"
-#: mod/events.php:212 include/text.php:1245
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "Jueves"
-#: mod/events.php:213 include/text.php:1245
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "Viernes"
-#: mod/events.php:214 include/text.php:1245
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "Sábado"
-#: mod/events.php:215
-msgid "Jan"
-msgstr "Ene"
-#: mod/events.php:216
-msgid "Feb"
-msgstr "Feb"
-#: mod/events.php:217
-msgid "Mar"
-msgstr "Mar"
-#: mod/events.php:218
-msgid "Apr"
-msgstr "Abr"
-#: mod/events.php:219 mod/events.php:231 include/text.php:1249
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "Mayo"
-#: mod/events.php:220
-msgid "Jun"
-msgstr "Jun"
-#: mod/events.php:221
-msgid "Jul"
-msgstr "Jul"
-#: mod/events.php:222
-msgid "Aug"
-msgstr "Ago"
-#: mod/events.php:223
-msgid "Sept"
-msgstr "Sept"
-#: mod/events.php:224
-msgid "Oct"
-msgstr "Oct"
-#: mod/events.php:225
-msgid "Nov"
-msgstr "Nov"
-#: mod/events.php:226
-msgid "Dec"
-msgstr "Dec"
-#: mod/events.php:227 include/text.php:1249
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "Enero"
-#: mod/events.php:228 include/text.php:1249
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "Febrero"
-#: mod/events.php:229 include/text.php:1249
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "Marzo"
-#: mod/events.php:230 include/text.php:1249
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "Abril"
-#: mod/events.php:232 include/text.php:1249
-msgid "June"
-msgstr "Junio"
-#: mod/events.php:233 include/text.php:1249
-msgid "July"
-msgstr "Julio"
-#: mod/events.php:234 include/text.php:1249
-msgid "August"
-msgstr "Agosto"
-#: mod/events.php:235 include/text.php:1249
-msgid "September"
-msgstr "Septiembre"
-#: mod/events.php:236 include/text.php:1249
-msgid "October"
-msgstr "Octubre"
-#: mod/events.php:237 include/text.php:1249
-msgid "November"
-msgstr "Noviembre"
-#: mod/events.php:238 include/text.php:1249
-msgid "December"
-msgstr "Diciembre"
-#: mod/events.php:239
-msgid "today"
-msgstr "hoy"
-#: mod/events.php:240 include/datetime.php:344
-msgid "month"
-msgstr "mes"
-#: mod/events.php:241 include/datetime.php:345
-msgid "week"
-msgstr "semana"
-#: mod/events.php:242 include/datetime.php:346
-msgid "day"
-msgstr "día"
-#: mod/events.php:377
-msgid "l, F j"
-msgstr "l, F j"
-#: mod/events.php:399
-msgid "Edit event"
-msgstr "Editar evento"
-#: mod/events.php:421 include/text.php:1651 include/text.php:1658
-msgid "link to source"
-msgstr "Enlace al original"
-#: mod/events.php:456 include/identity.php:723 include/nav.php:79
-#: include/nav.php:140 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
-msgid "Events"
-msgstr "Eventos"
-#: mod/events.php:457
-msgid "Create New Event"
-msgstr "Crea un evento nuevo"
-#: mod/events.php:458
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Previo"
-#: mod/events.php:459 mod/install.php:220
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Siguiente"
-#: mod/events.php:554
-msgid "Event details"
-msgstr "Detalles del evento"
-#: mod/events.php:555
-msgid "Starting date and Title are required."
-msgstr "Se requiere fecha de comienzo y titulo"
-#: mod/events.php:556
-msgid "Event Starts:"
-msgstr "Inicio del evento:"
-#: mod/events.php:556 mod/events.php:568
-msgid "Required"
-msgstr "Obligatorio"
-#: mod/events.php:558
-msgid "Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"
-msgstr "La fecha/hora de finalización no es conocida o es irrelevante."
-#: mod/events.php:560
-msgid "Event Finishes:"
-msgstr "Finalización del evento:"
-#: mod/events.php:562
-msgid "Adjust for viewer timezone"
-msgstr "Ajuste de zona horaria"
-#: mod/events.php:564
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Descripción:"
-#: mod/events.php:568
-msgid "Title:"
-msgstr "Título:"
-#: mod/events.php:570
-msgid "Share this event"
-msgstr "Comparte este evento"
-#: mod/events.php:572 mod/content.php:721 mod/editpost.php:145
-#: mod/photos.php:1617 mod/photos.php:1665 mod/photos.php:1753
-#: object/Item.php:719 include/conversation.php:1216
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Vista previa"
-#: mod/credits.php:16
-msgid "Credits"
-msgstr "Creditos"
-#: mod/credits.php:17
-msgid ""
-"Friendica is a community project, that would not be possible without the "
-"help of many people. Here is a list of those who have contributed to the "
-"code or the translation of Friendica. Thank you all!"
-msgstr "Friendica es un proyecto comunitario, que no seria posible sin la ayuda de mucha gente. Aquí una lista de de aquellos que aportaron al código o la traducción de friendica.\nGracias a todos! "
-#: mod/content.php:439 mod/content.php:742 mod/photos.php:1708
-#: object/Item.php:133 include/conversation.php:634
-msgid "Select"
-msgstr "Seleccionar"
-#: mod/content.php:473 mod/content.php:854 mod/content.php:855
-#: object/Item.php:357 object/Item.php:358 include/conversation.php:675
-#, php-format
-msgid "View %s's profile @ %s"
-msgstr "Ver perfil de %s @ %s"
-#: mod/content.php:483 mod/content.php:866 object/Item.php:371
-#: include/conversation.php:695
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s from %s"
-msgstr "%s de %s"
-#: mod/content.php:499 include/conversation.php:711
-msgid "View in context"
-msgstr "Verlo en contexto"
-#: mod/content.php:605 object/Item.php:419
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d comment"
-msgid_plural "%d comments"
-msgstr[0] "%d comentario"
-msgstr[1] "%d comentarios"
-#: mod/content.php:607 object/Item.php:421 object/Item.php:434
-#: include/text.php:1927
-msgid "comment"
-msgid_plural "comments"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] "Comentario"
-#: mod/content.php:608 boot.php:872 object/Item.php:422
-#: include/contact_widgets.php:242 include/ForumManager.php:117
-#: include/items.php:2113 view/theme/vier/theme.php:260
-msgid "show more"
-msgstr "ver más"
-#: mod/content.php:622 mod/photos.php:1404 object/Item.php:117
-msgid "Private Message"
-msgstr "Mensaje privado"
-#: mod/content.php:686 mod/photos.php:1593 object/Item.php:253
-msgid "I like this (toggle)"
-msgstr "Me gusta esto (cambiar)"
-#: mod/content.php:686 object/Item.php:253
-msgid "like"
-msgstr "me gusta"
-#: mod/content.php:687 mod/photos.php:1594 object/Item.php:254
-msgid "I don't like this (toggle)"
-msgstr "No me gusta esto (cambiar)"
-#: mod/content.php:687 object/Item.php:254
-msgid "dislike"
-msgstr "no me gusta"
-#: mod/content.php:689 object/Item.php:256
-msgid "Share this"
-msgstr "Compartir esto"
-#: mod/content.php:689 object/Item.php:256
-msgid "share"
-msgstr "compartir"
-#: mod/content.php:709 mod/photos.php:1613 mod/photos.php:1661
-#: mod/photos.php:1749 object/Item.php:707
-msgid "This is you"
-msgstr "Este eres tú"
-#: mod/content.php:711 mod/photos.php:1615 mod/photos.php:1663
-#: mod/photos.php:1751 boot.php:871 object/Item.php:393 object/Item.php:709
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Comentar"
-#: mod/content.php:713 object/Item.php:711
-msgid "Bold"
-msgstr "Negrita"
-#: mod/content.php:714 object/Item.php:712
-msgid "Italic"
-msgstr "Cursiva"
-#: mod/content.php:715 object/Item.php:713
-msgid "Underline"
-msgstr "Subrayado"
-#: mod/content.php:716 object/Item.php:714
-msgid "Quote"
-msgstr "Cita"
-#: mod/content.php:717 object/Item.php:715
-msgid "Code"
-msgstr "Código"
-#: mod/content.php:718 object/Item.php:716
-msgid "Image"
-msgstr "Imagen"
-#: mod/content.php:719 object/Item.php:717
-msgid "Link"
-msgstr "Enlace"
-#: mod/content.php:720 object/Item.php:718
-msgid "Video"
-msgstr "Vídeo"
-#: mod/content.php:730 mod/settings.php:722 object/Item.php:122
-#: object/Item.php:124
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Editar"
-#: mod/content.php:755 object/Item.php:217
-msgid "add star"
-msgstr "Añadir estrella"
-#: mod/content.php:756 object/Item.php:218
-msgid "remove star"
-msgstr "Quitar estrella"
-#: mod/content.php:757 object/Item.php:219
-msgid "toggle star status"
-msgstr "Añadir a destacados"
-#: mod/content.php:760 object/Item.php:222
-msgid "starred"
-msgstr "marcados con estrellas"
-#: mod/content.php:761 object/Item.php:242
-msgid "add tag"
-msgstr "añadir etiqueta"
-#: mod/content.php:765 object/Item.php:137
-msgid "save to folder"
-msgstr "grabado en directorio"
-#: mod/content.php:856 object/Item.php:359
-msgid "to"
-msgstr "a"
-#: mod/content.php:857 object/Item.php:361
-msgid "Wall-to-Wall"
-msgstr "Muro-A-Muro"
-#: mod/content.php:858 object/Item.php:362
-msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:"
-msgstr "via Muro-A-Muro:"
-#: mod/removeme.php:46 mod/removeme.php:49
-msgid "Remove My Account"
-msgstr "Eliminar mi cuenta"
-#: mod/removeme.php:47
-msgid ""
-"This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not "
-msgstr "Esto eliminará por completo tu cuenta. Una vez hecho no se puede deshacer."
-#: mod/removeme.php:48
-msgid "Please enter your password for verification:"
-msgstr "Por favor, introduce tu contraseña para la verificación:"
-#: mod/install.php:128
-msgid "Friendica Communications Server - Setup"
-msgstr "Servidor de comunicación Friendica - Configuración"
-#: mod/install.php:134
-msgid "Could not connect to database."
-msgstr "No es posible la conexión con la base de datos."
-#: mod/install.php:138
-msgid "Could not create table."
-msgstr "No se puede crear la tabla."
-#: mod/install.php:144
-msgid "Your Friendica site database has been installed."
-msgstr "La base de datos de su sitio web de Friendica ha sido instalada."
-#: mod/install.php:149
-msgid ""
-"You may need to import the file \"database.sql\" manually using phpmyadmin "
-"or mysql."
-msgstr "Puede que tengas que importar el archivo \"Database.sql\" manualmente usando phpmyadmin o mysql."
-#: mod/install.php:150 mod/install.php:219 mod/install.php:577
-msgid "Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\"."
-msgstr "Por favor, consulta el archivo \"INSTALL.txt\"."
-#: mod/install.php:162
-msgid "Database already in use."
-msgstr "Base de datos ya se encuentra en uso"
-#: mod/install.php:216
-msgid "System check"
-msgstr "Verificación del sistema"
-#: mod/install.php:221
-msgid "Check again"
-msgstr "Compruebalo de nuevo"
-#: mod/install.php:240
-msgid "Database connection"
-msgstr "Conexión con la base de datos"
-#: mod/install.php:241
-msgid ""
-"In order to install Friendica we need to know how to connect to your "
-msgstr "Con el fin de poder instalar Friendica, necesitamos saber cómo conectar con tu base de datos."
-#: mod/install.php:242
-msgid ""
-"Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have "
-"questions about these settings."
-msgstr "Por favor, contacta con tu proveedor de servicios o con el administrador de la página si tienes alguna pregunta sobre estas configuraciones."
-#: mod/install.php:243
-msgid ""
-"The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please "
-"create it before continuing."
-msgstr "La base de datos que especifiques a continuación debería existir ya. Si no es el caso, debes crearla antes de continuar."
-#: mod/install.php:247
-msgid "Database Server Name"
-msgstr "Nombre del servidor de la base de datos"
-#: mod/install.php:248
-msgid "Database Login Name"
-msgstr "Usuario de la base de datos"
-#: mod/install.php:249
-msgid "Database Login Password"
-msgstr "Contraseña de la base de datos"
-#: mod/install.php:250
-msgid "Database Name"
-msgstr "Nombre de la base de datos"
-#: mod/install.php:251 mod/install.php:290
-msgid "Site administrator email address"
-msgstr "Dirección de correo del administrador de la web"
-#: mod/install.php:251 mod/install.php:290
-msgid ""
-"Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin "
-msgstr "La dirección de correo de tu cuenta debe coincidir con esta para poder usar el panel de administración de la web."
-#: mod/install.php:255 mod/install.php:293
-msgid "Please select a default timezone for your website"
-msgstr "Por favor, selecciona la zona horaria predeterminada para tu web"
-#: mod/install.php:280
-msgid "Site settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de la página web"
-#: mod/install.php:334
-msgid "Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH."
-msgstr "No se pudo encontrar una versión de la línea de comandos de PHP en la ruta del servidor web."
-#: mod/install.php:335
-msgid ""
-"If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on server, you "
-"will not be able to run background polling via cron. See 'Setup the poller' "
-msgstr "Si no tienes una versión de command line de php installado en el servidor, no sera posible de efectuar polling como trabajo de fondo a traves de cron. Vea 'Setup the poller' "
-#: mod/install.php:339
-msgid "PHP executable path"
-msgstr "Dirección al ejecutable PHP"
-#: mod/install.php:339
-msgid ""
-"Enter full path to php executable. You can leave this blank to continue the "
-msgstr "Introduce la ruta completa al ejecutable php. Puedes dejarlo en blanco y seguir con la instalación."
-#: mod/install.php:344
-msgid "Command line PHP"
-msgstr "Línea de comandos PHP"
-#: mod/install.php:353
-msgid "PHP executable is not the php cli binary (could be cgi-fgci version)"
-msgstr "El ejecutable PHP no es e lphp cli binary (podria ser versión cgi-fgci)"
-#: mod/install.php:354
-msgid "Found PHP version: "
-msgstr "Versión PHP encontrada:"
-#: mod/install.php:356
-msgid "PHP cli binary"
-msgstr "PHP cli binario"
-#: mod/install.php:367
-msgid ""
-"The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "
-"\"register_argc_argv\" enabled."
-msgstr "La versión en línea de comandos de PHP en tu sistema no tiene \"register_argc_argv\" habilitado."
-#: mod/install.php:368
-msgid "This is required for message delivery to work."
-msgstr "Esto es necesario para que funcione la entrega de mensajes."
-#: mod/install.php:370
-msgid "PHP register_argc_argv"
-msgstr "PHP register_argc_argv"
-#: mod/install.php:391
-msgid ""
-"Error: the \"openssl_pkey_new\" function on this system is not able to "
-"generate encryption keys"
-msgstr "Error: La función \"openssl_pkey_new\" en este sistema no es capaz de generar claves de cifrado"
-#: mod/install.php:392
-msgid ""
-"If running under Windows, please see "
-msgstr "Si se ejecuta en Windows, por favor consulta la sección \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\"."
-#: mod/install.php:394
-msgid "Generate encryption keys"
-msgstr "Generar claves de encriptación"
-#: mod/install.php:401
-msgid "libCurl PHP module"
-msgstr "Módulo PHP libCurl"
-#: mod/install.php:402
-msgid "GD graphics PHP module"
-msgstr "Módulo PHP gráficos GD"
-#: mod/install.php:403
-msgid "OpenSSL PHP module"
-msgstr "Módulo PHP OpenSSL"
-#: mod/install.php:404
-msgid "mysqli PHP module"
-msgstr "Módulo PHP mysqli"
-#: mod/install.php:405
-msgid "mb_string PHP module"
-msgstr "Módulo PHP mb_string"
-#: mod/install.php:406
-msgid "mcrypt PHP module"
-msgstr "modulo mycrypt PHP"
-#: mod/install.php:411 mod/install.php:413
-msgid "Apache mod_rewrite module"
-msgstr "Módulo mod_rewrite de Apache"
-#: mod/install.php:411
-msgid ""
-"Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."
-msgstr "Error: El módulo de Apache mod-rewrite es necesario pero no está instalado."
-#: mod/install.php:419
-msgid "Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."
-msgstr "Error: El módulo de PHP libcurl es necesario, pero no está instalado."
-#: mod/install.php:423
-msgid ""
-"Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."
-msgstr "Error: El módulo de de PHP gráficos GD con soporte JPEG es necesario, pero no está instalado."
-#: mod/install.php:427
-msgid "Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."
-msgstr "Error: El módulo de PHP openssl es necesario, pero no está instalado."
-#: mod/install.php:431
-msgid "Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."
-msgstr "Error: El módulo de PHP mysqli es necesario, pero no está instalado."
-#: mod/install.php:435
-msgid "Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."
-msgstr "Error: El módulo de PHP mb_string es necesario, pero no está instalado."
-#: mod/install.php:439
-msgid "Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed."
-msgstr "Error: modulo mycrypt PHP requerido pero no instalado."
-#: mod/install.php:451
-msgid ""
-"Function mcrypt_create_iv() is not defined. This is needed to enable RINO2 "
-"encryption layer."
-msgstr "Función mycrypt_create_iv() no esta definido. Esto es preciso para habilitar RINO2 encryption layer."
-#: mod/install.php:453
-msgid "mcrypt_create_iv() function"
-msgstr "mcrypt_create_iv() función"
-#: mod/install.php:469
-msgid ""
-"The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\""
-" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."
-msgstr "El programa de instalación web necesita ser capaz de crear un archivo llamado \".htconfig.php\" en la carpeta principal de tu servidor web y es incapaz de hacerlo."
-#: mod/install.php:470
-msgid ""
-"This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able "
-"to write files in your folder - even if you can."
-msgstr "Se trata a menudo de una configuración de permisos, pues el servidor web puede que no sea capaz de escribir archivos en la carpeta, aunque tú sí puedas."
-#: mod/install.php:471
-msgid ""
-"At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file "
-"named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."
-msgstr "Al final obtendremos un texto que debes guardar en un archivo llamado .htconfig.php en la carpeta de Friendica."
-#: mod/install.php:472
-msgid ""
-"You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation."
-" Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."
-msgstr "Como alternativa, puedes saltarte estos pasos y realizar una instalación manual. Por favor, consulta el archivo \"INSTALL.txt\" para las instrucciones."
-#: mod/install.php:475
-msgid ".htconfig.php is writable"
-msgstr ".htconfig.php tiene permiso de escritura"
-#: mod/install.php:485
-msgid ""
-"Friendica uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 "
-"compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering."
-msgstr "Friendica usa el motor de templates Smarty3 para renderizar su visualisacion web. Smarty3 compila templates hacia PHP para acelerar la velocidad del renderizar."
-#: mod/install.php:486
-msgid ""
-"In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have "
-"write access to the directory view/smarty3/ under the Friendica top level "
-msgstr "Para poder guardar estos templates compilados, el servidor web necesita acceso de escritura en el directorio /view/smarty3/ en el árbol de raíz de la instalación friendica."
-#: mod/install.php:487
-msgid ""
-"Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as (e.g. www-data) has"
-" write access to this folder."
-msgstr "Por favor asegure que el usuario que utiliza el servidor web (ejemplo: www-data) tiene permisos de escritura en esta carpeta."
-#: mod/install.php:488
-msgid ""
-"Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to "
-"view/smarty3/ only--not the template files (.tpl) that it contains."
-msgstr "Nota: como medida de seguridad deberia dar acceso de escritura solo a /view/smarty3 / → no al los archivos template (.tpl) que contiene."
-#: mod/install.php:491
-msgid "view/smarty3 is writable"
-msgstr "Se puede escribir en /view/smarty3"
-#: mod/install.php:507
-msgid ""
-"Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration."
-msgstr "La reescritura de la dirección en .htaccess no funcionó. Revisa la configuración."
-#: mod/install.php:509
-msgid "Url rewrite is working"
-msgstr "Reescribiendo la dirección..."
-#: mod/install.php:526
-msgid "ImageMagick PHP extension is installed"
-msgstr "ImageMagick PHP extension is installed"
-#: mod/install.php:528
-msgid "ImageMagick supports GIF"
-msgstr "ImageMagick supporta GIF"
-#: mod/install.php:536
-msgid ""
-"The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. "
-"Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web "
-"server root."
-msgstr "El archivo de configuración de base de datos \".htconfig.php\" no se pudo escribir. Por favor, utiliza el texto adjunto para crear un archivo de configuración en la raíz de tu servidor web."
-#: mod/install.php:575
-msgid "What next "
-msgstr "¿Ahora qué? "
-#: mod/install.php:576
-msgid ""
-"IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the "
-msgstr "IMPORTANTE: Tendrás que configurar [manualmente] una tarea programada para el sondeo"
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:42 mod/wallmessage.php:112
-#, php-format
-msgid "Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."
-msgstr "Excedido el número máximo de mensajes para %s. El mensaje no se ha enviado."
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:59
-msgid "Unable to check your home location."
-msgstr "Imposible comprobar tu servidor de inicio."
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:86 mod/wallmessage.php:95
-msgid "No recipient."
-msgstr "Sin receptor."
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:143
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on "
-"your site allow private mail from unknown senders."
-msgstr "Si quieres que %s te responda, asegúrate de que la configuración de privacidad permite enviar correo privado a desconocidos."
-#: mod/help.php:41
-msgid "Help:"
-msgstr "Ayuda:"
-#: mod/help.php:47 include/nav.php:113 view/theme/vier/theme.php:298
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Ayuda"
-#: mod/help.php:53 mod/p.php:16 mod/p.php:25 index.php:271
-msgid "Not Found"
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado"
-#: mod/help.php:56 index.php:274
-msgid "Page not found."
-msgstr "Página no encontrada."
-#: mod/dfrn_poll.php:101 mod/dfrn_poll.php:534
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s welcomes %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s te da la bienvenida a %2$s"
-#: mod/home.php:35
-#, php-format
-msgid "Welcome to %s"
-msgstr "Bienvenido a %s"
-#: mod/wall_attach.php:94
-msgid "Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"
-msgstr "Disculpa, posiblemente el archivo subido es mas grande que la PHP configuración permite."
-#: mod/wall_attach.php:94
-msgid "Or - did you try to upload an empty file?"
-msgstr "Si no - intento de subir un archivo vacío?"
-#: mod/wall_attach.php:105
-#, php-format
-msgid "File exceeds size limit of %s"
-msgstr "El archivo excede el limite de tamaño de %s"
-#: mod/wall_attach.php:156 mod/wall_attach.php:172
-msgid "File upload failed."
-msgstr "Ha fallado la subida del archivo."
-#: mod/match.php:33
-msgid "No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."
-msgstr "No hay palabras clave que coincidan. Por favor, agrega algunas palabras claves en tu perfil predeterminado."
-#: mod/match.php:84
-msgid "is interested in:"
-msgstr "estás interesado en:"
-#: mod/match.php:98
-msgid "Profile Match"
-msgstr "Coincidencias de Perfil"
-#: mod/share.php:38
-msgid "link"
-msgstr "enlace"
-#: mod/community.php:27
-msgid "Not available."
-msgstr "No disponible"
-#: mod/community.php:36 include/nav.php:136 include/nav.php:138
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:129
-msgid "Community"
-msgstr "Comunidad"
-#: mod/community.php:66 mod/community.php:75 mod/search.php:228
-msgid "No results."
-msgstr "Sin resultados."
-#: mod/settings.php:34 mod/photos.php:117
-msgid "everybody"
-msgstr "todos"
-#: mod/settings.php:58
-msgid "Display"
-msgstr "Interfaz del usuario"
-#: mod/settings.php:65 mod/settings.php:868
-msgid "Social Networks"
-msgstr "Redes sociales"
-#: mod/settings.php:79 include/nav.php:180
-msgid "Delegations"
-msgstr "Delegaciones"
-#: mod/settings.php:86
-msgid "Connected apps"
-msgstr "Aplicaciones conectadas"
-#: mod/settings.php:93 mod/uexport.php:37
-msgid "Export personal data"
-msgstr "Exportación de datos personales"
-#: mod/settings.php:100
-msgid "Remove account"
-msgstr "Eliminar cuenta"
-#: mod/settings.php:153
-msgid "Missing some important data!"
-msgstr "¡Faltan algunos datos importantes!"
-#: mod/settings.php:267
-msgid "Failed to connect with email account using the settings provided."
-msgstr "Error al conectar con la cuenta de correo mediante la configuración suministrada."
-#: mod/settings.php:272
-msgid "Email settings updated."
-msgstr "Configuración de correo actualizada."
-#: mod/settings.php:287
-msgid "Features updated"
-msgstr "Actualizaciones"
-#: mod/settings.php:354
-msgid "Relocate message has been send to your contacts"
-msgstr "Mensaje de reubicación ha sido enviado a sus contactos."
-#: mod/settings.php:368 include/user.php:39
-msgid "Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."
-msgstr "Las contraseñas no coinciden. La contraseña no ha sido modificada."
-#: mod/settings.php:373
-msgid "Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."
-msgstr "No se permiten contraseñas vacías. La contraseña no ha sido modificada."
-#: mod/settings.php:381
-msgid "Wrong password."
-msgstr "Contraseña incorrecta"
-#: mod/settings.php:392
-msgid "Password changed."
-msgstr "Contraseña modificada."
-#: mod/settings.php:394
-msgid "Password update failed. Please try again."
-msgstr "La actualización de la contraseña ha fallado. Por favor, prueba otra vez."
-#: mod/settings.php:463
-msgid " Please use a shorter name."
-msgstr " Usa un nombre más corto."
-#: mod/settings.php:465
-msgid " Name too short."
-msgstr " Nombre demasiado corto."
-#: mod/settings.php:474
-msgid "Wrong Password"
-msgstr "Contraseña incorrecta"
-#: mod/settings.php:479
-msgid " Not valid email."
-msgstr " Correo no válido."
-#: mod/settings.php:485
-msgid " Cannot change to that email."
-msgstr " No se puede usar ese correo."
-#: mod/settings.php:541
-msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions. Using default privacy group."
-msgstr "El foro privado no tiene permisos de privacidad. Usando el grupo de privacidad por defecto."
-#: mod/settings.php:545
-msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions and no default privacy group."
-msgstr "El foro privado no tiene permisos de privacidad ni grupo por defecto de privacidad."
-#: mod/settings.php:584
-msgid "Settings updated."
-msgstr "Configuración actualizada."
-#: mod/settings.php:659 mod/settings.php:685 mod/settings.php:721
-msgid "Add application"
-msgstr "Agregar aplicación"
-#: mod/settings.php:663 mod/settings.php:689
-msgid "Consumer Key"
-msgstr "Clave del consumidor"
-#: mod/settings.php:664 mod/settings.php:690
-msgid "Consumer Secret"
-msgstr "Secreto del consumidor"
-#: mod/settings.php:665 mod/settings.php:691
-msgid "Redirect"
-msgstr "Redirigir"
-#: mod/settings.php:666 mod/settings.php:692
-msgid "Icon url"
-msgstr "Dirección del ícono"
-#: mod/settings.php:677
-msgid "You can't edit this application."
-msgstr "No puedes editar esta aplicación."
-#: mod/settings.php:720
-msgid "Connected Apps"
-msgstr "Aplicaciones conectadas"
-#: mod/settings.php:724
-msgid "Client key starts with"
-msgstr "Clave de cliente comienza por"
-#: mod/settings.php:725
-msgid "No name"
-msgstr "Sin nombre"
-#: mod/settings.php:726
-msgid "Remove authorization"
-msgstr "Suprimir la autorización"
-#: mod/settings.php:738
-msgid "No Plugin settings configured"
-msgstr "No se ha configurado ningún módulo"
-#: mod/settings.php:746
-msgid "Plugin Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de los módulos"
-#: mod/settings.php:768
-msgid "Additional Features"
-msgstr "Características adicionales"
-#: mod/settings.php:778 mod/settings.php:782
-msgid "General Social Media Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración general de social media "
-#: mod/settings.php:788
-msgid "Disable intelligent shortening"
-msgstr "Deshabilitar recorte inteligente de URL"
-#: mod/settings.php:790
-msgid ""
-"Normally the system tries to find the best link to add to shortened posts. "
-"If this option is enabled then every shortened post will always point to the"
-" original friendica post."
-msgstr "Normalemente el sistema intenta de encontrara el mejor enlace para agregar a envíos recortados (twitter, OStatus). Si esta opción se encuentra habilitado, todo envío recortado apuntara siempre al tema original en friendica."
-#: mod/settings.php:796
-msgid "Automatically follow any GNU Social (OStatus) followers/mentioners"
-msgstr "Automáticamente seguir cualquier GNUsocial (OStatus) seguidores o menciones "
-#: mod/settings.php:798
-msgid ""
-"If you receive a message from an unknown OStatus user, this option decides "
-"what to do. If it is checked, a new contact will be created for every "
-"unknown user."
-msgstr "Cuando se recibe un mensaje de un perfil desconocido de OStatus, esta opción define que hacer.\nSi es habilitado, un nuevo contacto sera creado para cada usuario."
-#: mod/settings.php:804
-msgid "Default group for OStatus contacts"
-msgstr "Grupo por defecto para contactos OStatus"
-#: mod/settings.php:810
-msgid "Your legacy GNU Social account"
-msgstr "Tu cuenta GNU social conectada"
-#: mod/settings.php:812
-msgid ""
-"If you enter your old GNU Social/Statusnet account name here (in the format "
-"user@domain.tld), your contacts will be added automatically. The field will "
-"be emptied when done."
-msgstr "Si agrega su viejo nombre de perfil GNUsocial/Statusnet aqui (en el formato de usuario@dominio.tld), sus contactos serán añadidos automáticamente.\nEl campo sera vaciado cuando termine el proceso. "
-#: mod/settings.php:815
-msgid "Repair OStatus subscriptions"
-msgstr "Reparar subscripciones de OStatus"
-#: mod/settings.php:824 mod/settings.php:825
-#, php-format
-msgid "Built-in support for %s connectivity is %s"
-msgstr "El soporte integrado de conexión con %s está %s"
-#: mod/settings.php:824 mod/dfrn_request.php:863
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:80
-msgid "Diaspora"
-msgstr "Diaspora*"
-#: mod/settings.php:824 mod/settings.php:825
-msgid "enabled"
-msgstr "habilitado"
-#: mod/settings.php:824 mod/settings.php:825
-msgid "disabled"
-msgstr "deshabilitado"
-#: mod/settings.php:825
-msgid "GNU Social (OStatus)"
-msgstr "GNUsocial (OStatus)"
-#: mod/settings.php:861
-msgid "Email access is disabled on this site."
-msgstr "El acceso por correo está deshabilitado en esta web."
-#: mod/settings.php:873
-msgid "Email/Mailbox Setup"
-msgstr "Configuración del correo/buzón"
-#: mod/settings.php:874
-msgid ""
-"If you wish to communicate with email contacts using this service "
-"(optional), please specify how to connect to your mailbox."
-msgstr "Si quieres comunicarte con tus contactos de correo usando este servicio (opcional), por favor, especifica cómo conectar con tu buzón."
-#: mod/settings.php:875
-msgid "Last successful email check:"
-msgstr "Última comprobación del correo con éxito:"
-#: mod/settings.php:877
-msgid "IMAP server name:"
-msgstr "Nombre del servidor IMAP:"
-#: mod/settings.php:878
-msgid "IMAP port:"
-msgstr "Puerto IMAP:"
-#: mod/settings.php:879
-msgid "Security:"
-msgstr "Seguridad:"
-#: mod/settings.php:879 mod/settings.php:884
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Ninguna"
-#: mod/settings.php:880
-msgid "Email login name:"
-msgstr "Nombre de usuario:"
-#: mod/settings.php:881
-msgid "Email password:"
-msgstr "Contraseña:"
-#: mod/settings.php:882
-msgid "Reply-to address:"
-msgstr "Dirección de respuesta:"
-#: mod/settings.php:883
-msgid "Send public posts to all email contacts:"
-msgstr "Enviar publicaciones públicas a todos los contactos de correo:"
-#: mod/settings.php:884
-msgid "Action after import:"
-msgstr "Acción después de importar:"
-#: mod/settings.php:884
-msgid "Mark as seen"
-msgstr "Marcar como leído"
-#: mod/settings.php:884
-msgid "Move to folder"
-msgstr "Mover a un directorio"
-#: mod/settings.php:885
-msgid "Move to folder:"
-msgstr "Mover al directorio:"
-#: mod/settings.php:971
-msgid "Display Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración Tema/Visualización"
-#: mod/settings.php:977 mod/settings.php:995
-msgid "Display Theme:"
-msgstr "Utilizar tema:"
-#: mod/settings.php:978
-msgid "Mobile Theme:"
-msgstr "Tema móvil:"
-#: mod/settings.php:979
-msgid "Update browser every xx seconds"
-msgstr "Actualizar navegador cada xx segundos"
-#: mod/settings.php:979
-msgid "Minimum of 10 seconds. Enter -1 to disable it."
-msgstr "Minimo 10 segundos. Ingrese -1 para deshabilitar."
-#: mod/settings.php:980
-msgid "Number of items to display per page:"
-msgstr "Número de elementos a mostrar por página:"
-#: mod/settings.php:980 mod/settings.php:981
-msgid "Maximum of 100 items"
-msgstr "Máximo 100 elementos"
-#: mod/settings.php:981
-msgid "Number of items to display per page when viewed from mobile device:"
-msgstr "Cantidad de objetos a visualizar cuando se usa un movil"
-#: mod/settings.php:982
-msgid "Don't show emoticons"
-msgstr "No mostrar emoticones"
-#: mod/settings.php:983
-msgid "Calendar"
-msgstr "Calendario"
-#: mod/settings.php:984
-msgid "Beginning of week:"
-msgstr "Principio de la semana:"
-#: mod/settings.php:985
-msgid "Don't show notices"
-msgstr "No mostrara avisos"
-#: mod/settings.php:986
-msgid "Infinite scroll"
-msgstr "pagina infinita (sroll)"
-#: mod/settings.php:987
-msgid "Automatic updates only at the top of the network page"
-msgstr "Actualizaciones automaticas solo estando al principio de la pagina"
-#: mod/settings.php:989 view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:82
-#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:72 view/theme/quattro/config.php:66
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:150 view/theme/vier/config.php:109
-#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:61
-msgid "Theme settings"
-msgstr "Configuración del Tema"
-#: mod/settings.php:1066
-msgid "User Types"
-msgstr "Tipos de perfiles"
-#: mod/settings.php:1067
-msgid "Community Types"
-msgstr "Tipos de comunidades"
-#: mod/settings.php:1068
-msgid "Normal Account Page"
-msgstr "Página de cuenta normal"
-#: mod/settings.php:1069
-msgid "This account is a normal personal profile"
-msgstr "Esta cuenta es el perfil personal normal"
-#: mod/settings.php:1072
-msgid "Soapbox Page"
-msgstr "Página de tribuna"
-#: mod/settings.php:1073
-msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"
-msgstr "Acepta automáticamente todas las peticiones de conexión/amistad como seguidores de solo-lectura"
-#: mod/settings.php:1076
-msgid "Community Forum/Celebrity Account"
-msgstr "Cuenta de Comunidad, Foro o Celebridad"
-#: mod/settings.php:1077
-msgid ""
-"Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans"
-msgstr "Acepta automáticamente todas las peticiones de conexión/amistad como seguidores de lectura-escritura"
-#: mod/settings.php:1080
-msgid "Automatic Friend Page"
-msgstr "Página de Amistad autómatica"
-#: mod/settings.php:1081
-msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"
-msgstr "Aceptar automáticamente todas las solicitudes de conexión/amistad como amigos"
-#: mod/settings.php:1084
-msgid "Private Forum [Experimental]"
-msgstr "Foro privado [Experimental]"
-#: mod/settings.php:1085
-msgid "Private forum - approved members only"
-msgstr "Foro privado - solo miembros"
-#: mod/settings.php:1097
-msgid "OpenID:"
-msgstr "OpenID:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1097
-msgid "(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account."
-msgstr "(Opcional) Permitir a este OpenID acceder a esta cuenta."
-#: mod/settings.php:1107
-msgid "Publish your default profile in your local site directory?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres publicar tu perfil predeterminado en el directorio local del sitio?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1113
-msgid "Publish your default profile in the global social directory?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres publicar tu perfil predeterminado en el directorio social de forma global?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1121
-msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of your default profile?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres ocultar tu lista de contactos/amigos en la vista de tu perfil predeterminado?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1125 include/acl_selectors.php:331
-msgid "Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres que los detalles de tu perfil permanezcan ocultos a los desconocidos?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1125
-msgid ""
-"If enabled, posting public messages to Diaspora and other networks isn't "
-msgstr "Si habilitado, enviar temas públicos a a Diaspora* y otras redes no es posible. "
-#: mod/settings.php:1130
-msgid "Allow friends to post to your profile page?"
-msgstr "¿Permites que tus amigos publiquen en tu página de perfil?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1136
-msgid "Allow friends to tag your posts?"
-msgstr "¿Permites a los amigos etiquetar tus publicaciones?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1142
-msgid "Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?"
-msgstr "¿Nos permite recomendarte como amigo potencial a los nuevos miembros?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1148
-msgid "Permit unknown people to send you private mail?"
-msgstr "¿Permites que desconocidos te manden correos privados?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1156
-msgid "Profile is not published ."
-msgstr "El perfil no está publicado ."
-#: mod/settings.php:1164
-#, php-format
-msgid "Your Identity Address is '%s' or '%s'."
-msgstr "Su dirección de identidad es '%s' o '%s'."
-#: mod/settings.php:1171
-msgid "Automatically expire posts after this many days:"
-msgstr "Las publicaciones expirarán automáticamente después de estos días:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1171
-msgid "If empty, posts will not expire. Expired posts will be deleted"
-msgstr "Si lo dejas vacío no expirarán nunca. Las publicaciones que hayan expirado se borrarán"
-#: mod/settings.php:1172
-msgid "Advanced expiration settings"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de expiración"
-#: mod/settings.php:1173
-msgid "Advanced Expiration"
-msgstr "Expiración avanzada"
-#: mod/settings.php:1174
-msgid "Expire posts:"
-msgstr "¿Expiran las publicaciones?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1175
-msgid "Expire personal notes:"
-msgstr "¿Expiran las notas personales?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1176
-msgid "Expire starred posts:"
-msgstr "¿Expiran los favoritos?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1177
-msgid "Expire photos:"
-msgstr "¿Expiran las fotografías?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1178
-msgid "Only expire posts by others:"
-msgstr "Solo expiran los mensajes de los demás:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1206
-msgid "Account Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de la cuenta"
-#: mod/settings.php:1214
-msgid "Password Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de la contraseña"
-#: mod/settings.php:1215 mod/register.php:274
-msgid "New Password:"
-msgstr "Contraseña nueva:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1216 mod/register.php:275
-msgid "Confirm:"
-msgstr "Confirmar:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1216
-msgid "Leave password fields blank unless changing"
-msgstr "Deja la contraseña en blanco si no quieres cambiarla"
-#: mod/settings.php:1217
-msgid "Current Password:"
-msgstr "Contraseña actual:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1217 mod/settings.php:1218
-msgid "Your current password to confirm the changes"
-msgstr "Su contraseña actual para confirmar los cambios."
-#: mod/settings.php:1218
-msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Contraseña:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1222
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración básica"
-#: mod/settings.php:1223 include/identity.php:589
-msgid "Full Name:"
-msgstr "Nombre completo:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1224
-msgid "Email Address:"
-msgstr "Dirección de correo:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1225
-msgid "Your Timezone:"
-msgstr "Zona horaria:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1226
-msgid "Your Language:"
-msgstr "Tu idioma:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1226
-msgid ""
-"Set the language we use to show you friendica interface and to send you "
-msgstr "Selecciona el idioma que se usara para la interfaz del usuario y para el envío de correo."
-#: mod/settings.php:1227
-msgid "Default Post Location:"
-msgstr "Localización predeterminada:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1228
-msgid "Use Browser Location:"
-msgstr "Usar localización del navegador:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1231
-msgid "Security and Privacy Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de seguridad y privacidad"
-#: mod/settings.php:1233
-msgid "Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"
-msgstr "Máximo número de peticiones de amistad por día:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1233 mod/settings.php:1263
-msgid "(to prevent spam abuse)"
-msgstr "(para prevenir el abuso de spam)"
-#: mod/settings.php:1234
-msgid "Default Post Permissions"
-msgstr "Permisos por defecto para las publicaciones"
-#: mod/settings.php:1235
-msgid "(click to open/close)"
-msgstr "(pulsa para abrir/cerrar)"
-#: mod/settings.php:1244 mod/photos.php:1185 mod/photos.php:1570
-msgid "Show to Groups"
-msgstr "Mostrar a los Grupos"
-#: mod/settings.php:1245 mod/photos.php:1186 mod/photos.php:1571
-msgid "Show to Contacts"
-msgstr "Mostrar a los Contactos"
-#: mod/settings.php:1246
-msgid "Default Private Post"
-msgstr "Publicación Privada por defecto"
-#: mod/settings.php:1247
-msgid "Default Public Post"
-msgstr "Publicación Pública por defecto"
-#: mod/settings.php:1251
-msgid "Default Permissions for New Posts"
-msgstr "Permisos por defecto para nuevas publicaciones"
-#: mod/settings.php:1263
-msgid "Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:"
-msgstr "Número máximo de mensajes diarios para desconocidos:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1266
-msgid "Notification Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de notificaciones"
-#: mod/settings.php:1267
-msgid "By default post a status message when:"
-msgstr "Publicar en tu estado cuando:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1268
-msgid "accepting a friend request"
-msgstr "aceptes una solicitud de amistad"
-#: mod/settings.php:1269
-msgid "joining a forum/community"
-msgstr "te unas a un foro/comunidad"
-#: mod/settings.php:1270
-msgid "making an interesting profile change"
-msgstr "hagas un cambio interesante en tu perfil"
-#: mod/settings.php:1271
-msgid "Send a notification email when:"
-msgstr "Enviar notificación por correo cuando:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1272
-msgid "You receive an introduction"
-msgstr "Recibas una presentación"
-#: mod/settings.php:1273
-msgid "Your introductions are confirmed"
-msgstr "Tu presentación sea confirmada"
-#: mod/settings.php:1274
-msgid "Someone writes on your profile wall"
-msgstr "Alguien escriba en el muro de mi perfil"
-#: mod/settings.php:1275
-msgid "Someone writes a followup comment"
-msgstr "Algien escriba en un comentario que sigo"
-#: mod/settings.php:1276
-msgid "You receive a private message"
-msgstr "Recibas un mensaje privado"
-#: mod/settings.php:1277
-msgid "You receive a friend suggestion"
-msgstr "Recibas una sugerencia de amistad"
-#: mod/settings.php:1278
-msgid "You are tagged in a post"
-msgstr "Seas etiquetado en una publicación"
-#: mod/settings.php:1279
-msgid "You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"
-msgstr "Te han tocado/empujado/etc. en una publicación"
-#: mod/settings.php:1281
-msgid "Activate desktop notifications"
-msgstr "Activar notificaciones en pantalla."
-#: mod/settings.php:1281
-msgid "Show desktop popup on new notifications"
-msgstr "Mostrar notificaciones emergentes en caso de nuevos eventos."
-#: mod/settings.php:1283
-msgid "Text-only notification emails"
-msgstr "Notificaciones e-mail de solo texto"
-#: mod/settings.php:1285
-msgid "Send text only notification emails, without the html part"
-msgstr "Enviar las notificaciones por correo con formato de solo texto sin html."
-#: mod/settings.php:1287
-msgid "Advanced Account/Page Type Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de tipo de Cuenta/Página"
-#: mod/settings.php:1288
-msgid "Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"
-msgstr "Cambiar el comportamiento de esta cuenta para situaciones especiales"
-#: mod/settings.php:1291
-msgid "Relocate"
-msgstr "Relocalizar"
-#: mod/settings.php:1292
-msgid ""
-"If you have moved this profile from another server, and some of your "
-"contacts don't receive your updates, try pushing this button."
-msgstr "Si ha migrado este perfil desde otro servidor aquí y algunos contactos no reciben sus publicaciones intente recomunicar su ubicación a traves este botón. (Como para decir el botón de los botones)"
-#: mod/settings.php:1293
-msgid "Resend relocate message to contacts"
-msgstr "Reenviar mensaje de relocalización a los contactos"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:98
-msgid "This introduction has already been accepted."
-msgstr "Esta presentación ya ha sido aceptada."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:121 mod/dfrn_request.php:514
-msgid "Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."
-msgstr "La dirección del perfil no es válida o no contiene información del perfil."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:126 mod/dfrn_request.php:519
-msgid "Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."
-msgstr "Aviso: La dirección del perfil no tiene un nombre de propietario identificable."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:128 mod/dfrn_request.php:521
-msgid "Warning: profile location has no profile photo."
-msgstr "Aviso: la dirección del perfil no tiene foto de perfil."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:131 mod/dfrn_request.php:524
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d required parameter was not found at the given location"
-msgid_plural "%d required parameters were not found at the given location"
-msgstr[0] "no se encontró %d parámetro requerido en el lugar determinado"
-msgstr[1] "no se encontraron %d parámetros requeridos en el lugar determinado"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:174
-msgid "Introduction complete."
-msgstr "Presentación completa."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:214
-msgid "Unrecoverable protocol error."
-msgstr "Error de protocolo irrecuperable."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:242
-msgid "Profile unavailable."
-msgstr "Perfil no disponible."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:267
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s has received too many connection requests today."
-msgstr "%s ha recibido demasiadas solicitudes de conexión hoy."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:268
-msgid "Spam protection measures have been invoked."
-msgstr "Han sido activadas las medidas de protección contra spam."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:269
-msgid "Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."
-msgstr "Tus amigos serán avisados para que lo intenten de nuevo pasadas 24 horas."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:331
-msgid "Invalid locator"
-msgstr "Localizador no válido"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:340
-msgid "Invalid email address."
-msgstr "Dirección de correo incorrecta"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:367
-msgid "This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."
-msgstr "Esta cuenta no ha sido configurada para el correo. Fallo de solicitud."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:472
-msgid "You have already introduced yourself here."
-msgstr "Ya te has presentado aquí."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:476
-#, php-format
-msgid "Apparently you are already friends with %s."
-msgstr "Al parecer, ya eres amigo de %s."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:497
-msgid "Invalid profile URL."
-msgstr "Dirección de perfil no válida."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:503 include/follow.php:76
-msgid "Disallowed profile URL."
-msgstr "Dirección de perfil no permitida."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:594
-msgid "Your introduction has been sent."
-msgstr "Tu presentación ha sido enviada."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:634
-msgid ""
-"Remote subscription can't be done for your network. Please subscribe "
-"directly on your system."
-msgstr "La subscripción remota no se podrá hacer para tu red. Por favor contacta directamente desde tu sistema."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:657
-msgid "Please login to confirm introduction."
-msgstr "Inicia sesión para confirmar la presentación."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:667
-msgid ""
-"Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to "
-"this profile."
-msgstr "Sesión iniciada con la identificación incorrecta. Entra en este perfil."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:681 mod/dfrn_request.php:698
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Confirmar"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:693
-msgid "Hide this contact"
-msgstr "Ocultar este contacto"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:696
-#, php-format
-msgid "Welcome home %s."
-msgstr "Bienvenido a casa %s"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:697
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."
-msgstr "Por favor, confirma tu solicitud de presentación/conexión con %s."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:826
-msgid ""
-"Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported "
-"communications networks:"
-msgstr "Por favor introduce tu dirección ID de una de las siguientes redes sociales soportadas:"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:847
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and "
-"join us today ."
-msgstr "Si aun no eres miembro de la red social libre seguí este enlace para encontrara un sitio disponible de friendica y acompañanos hoy mismo "
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:852
-msgid "Friend/Connection Request"
-msgstr "Solicitud de Amistad/Conexión"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:853
-msgid ""
-"Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, "
-msgstr "Ejemplos: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:861 include/contact_selectors.php:76
-msgid "Friendica"
-msgstr "Friendica"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:862
-msgid "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
-msgstr "StatusNet/Web Social Federada"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:864
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search"
-" bar."
-msgstr "(En vez de usar este formulario, introduce %s en la barra de búsqueda de Diaspora."
-#: mod/register.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."
-msgstr "Te has registrado con éxito. Por favor, consulta tu correo para más información."
-#: mod/register.php:97
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to send email message. Here your accout details: login: %s "
-"password: %s You can change your password after login."
-msgstr "Error al intentar de enviar mensaje de correo. Aquí los detalles de su cuenta: login: %s contraseña: %s Puede cambiar su contraseña después de ingresar al sitio."
-#: mod/register.php:104
-msgid "Registration successful."
-msgstr "Registro exitoso."
-#: mod/register.php:110
-msgid "Your registration can not be processed."
-msgstr "Tu registro no se puede procesar."
-#: mod/register.php:153
-msgid "Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."
-msgstr "Tu registro está pendiente de aprobación por el propietario del sitio."
-#: mod/register.php:191 mod/uimport.php:50
-msgid ""
-"This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. "
-"Please try again tomorrow."
-msgstr "Este sitio ha excedido el número de registros diarios permitidos. Inténtalo de nuevo mañana por favor."
-#: mod/register.php:219
-msgid ""
-"You may (optionally) fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID "
-"and clicking 'Register'."
-msgstr "Puedes (opcionalmente) rellenar este formulario a través de OpenID escribiendo tu OpenID y pulsando en \"Registrar\"."
-#: mod/register.php:220
-msgid ""
-"If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill "
-"in the rest of the items."
-msgstr "Si no estás familiarizado con OpenID, por favor deja ese campo en blanco y rellena el resto de los elementos."
-#: mod/register.php:221
-msgid "Your OpenID (optional): "
-msgstr "Tu OpenID (opcional):"
-#: mod/register.php:235
-msgid "Include your profile in member directory?"
-msgstr "¿Incluir tu perfil en el directorio de miembros?"
-#: mod/register.php:259
-msgid "Membership on this site is by invitation only."
-msgstr "Sitio solo accesible mediante invitación."
-#: mod/register.php:260
-msgid "Your invitation ID: "
-msgstr "ID de tu invitación: "
-#: mod/register.php:271
-msgid "Your Full Name (e.g. Joe Smith, real or real-looking): "
-msgstr "Nombre completo (ej. Joe Smith, real o real aparente):"
-#: mod/register.php:272
-msgid "Your Email Address: "
-msgstr "Tu dirección de correo: "
-#: mod/register.php:274
-msgid "Leave empty for an auto generated password."
-msgstr "Dejar vacío para autogenerar una contraseña"
-#: mod/register.php:276
-msgid ""
-"Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your "
-"profile address on this site will then be "
-"'nickname@$sitename '."
-msgstr "Elije un apodo. Debe comenzar con una letra. Tu dirección de perfil en este sitio va a ser \"apodo@$nombredelsitio \"."
-#: mod/register.php:277
-msgid "Choose a nickname: "
-msgstr "Escoge un apodo: "
-#: mod/register.php:280 boot.php:1495 include/nav.php:108
-msgid "Register"
-msgstr "Registrarse"
-#: mod/register.php:286 mod/uimport.php:64
-msgid "Import"
-msgstr "Importar"
-#: mod/register.php:287
-msgid "Import your profile to this friendica instance"
-msgstr "Importar tu perfil a esta instancia de friendica"
-#: mod/maintenance.php:5
-msgid "System down for maintenance"
-msgstr "Servicio suspendido por mantenimiento"
-#: mod/search.php:100
-msgid "Only logged in users are permitted to perform a search."
-msgstr "Solo usuarios activos tienen permiso para ejecutar búsquedas."
-#: mod/search.php:124
-msgid "Too Many Requests"
-msgstr "Demasiadas consultas"
-#: mod/search.php:125
-msgid "Only one search per minute is permitted for not logged in users."
-msgstr "Se permite solo una búsqueda por minuto para usuarios no identificados."
-#: mod/search.php:136 include/text.php:974 include/nav.php:118
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Buscar"
-#: mod/search.php:234
-#, php-format
-msgid "Items tagged with: %s"
-msgstr "Objetos taggeado con: %s"
-#: mod/search.php:236
-#, php-format
-msgid "Search results for: %s"
-msgstr "Resultados de búsqueda para: %s"
-#: mod/directory.php:149 include/identity.php:314 include/identity.php:611
-msgid "Status:"
-msgstr "Estado:"
-#: mod/directory.php:151 include/identity.php:316 include/identity.php:622
-msgid "Homepage:"
-msgstr "Página de inicio:"
-#: mod/directory.php:203 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:525
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:201
-msgid "Global Directory"
-msgstr "Directorio global"
-#: mod/directory.php:205
-msgid "Find on this site"
-msgstr "Buscar en este sitio"
-#: mod/directory.php:207
-msgid "Finding:"
-msgstr "Buscando:"
-#: mod/directory.php:209
-msgid "Site Directory"
-msgstr "Directorio del sitio"
-#: mod/directory.php:216
-msgid "No entries (some entries may be hidden)."
-msgstr "Sin entradas (algunas pueden que estén ocultas)."
-#: mod/delegate.php:101
-msgid "No potential page delegates located."
-msgstr "No se han localizado delegados potenciales de la página."
-#: mod/delegate.php:130 include/nav.php:180
-msgid "Delegate Page Management"
-msgstr "Delegar la administración de la página"
-#: mod/delegate.php:132
-msgid ""
-"Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for "
-"basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to "
-"anybody that you do not trust completely."
-msgstr "Los delegados tienen la capacidad de gestionar todos los aspectos de esta cuenta/página, excepto los ajustes básicos de la cuenta. Por favor, no delegues tu cuenta personal a nadie en quien no confíes completamente."
-#: mod/delegate.php:133
-msgid "Existing Page Managers"
-msgstr "Administradores actuales de la página"
-#: mod/delegate.php:135
-msgid "Existing Page Delegates"
-msgstr "Delegados actuales de la página"
-#: mod/delegate.php:137
-msgid "Potential Delegates"
-msgstr "Delegados potenciales"
-#: mod/delegate.php:140
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Añadir"
-#: mod/delegate.php:141
-msgid "No entries."
-msgstr "Sin entradas."
-#: mod/common.php:86
-msgid "No contacts in common."
-msgstr "Sin contactos en común."
-#: mod/uexport.php:29
-msgid "Export account"
-msgstr "Exportar cuenta"
-#: mod/uexport.php:29
-msgid ""
-"Export your account info and contacts. Use this to make a backup of your "
-"account and/or to move it to another server."
-msgstr "Exporta la información de tu cuenta y tus contactos. Úsalo para guardar una copia de seguridad de tu cuenta y/o moverla a otro servidor."
-#: mod/uexport.php:30
-msgid "Export all"
-msgstr "Exportar todo"
-#: mod/uexport.php:30
-msgid ""
-"Export your accout info, contacts and all your items as json. Could be a "
-"very big file, and could take a lot of time. Use this to make a full backup "
-"of your account (photos are not exported)"
-msgstr "Exporta la información de tu cuenta, contactos y lo demás en JSON. Puede ser un archivo bastante grande, por lo que llevará tiempo. Úsalo para hacer una copia de seguridad completa de tu cuenta (las fotos no se exportarán)"
-#: mod/mood.php:62 include/conversation.php:239
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is currently %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s está actualmente %2$s"
-#: mod/mood.php:133
-msgid "Mood"
-msgstr "Ánimo"
-#: mod/mood.php:134
-msgid "Set your current mood and tell your friends"
-msgstr "Coloca tu ánimo actual y cuéntaselo a tus amigos"
-#: mod/suggest.php:27
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"
-msgstr "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar esta sugerencia?"
-#: mod/suggest.php:71
-msgid ""
-"No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 "
-msgstr "No hay sugerencias disponibles. Si el sitio web es nuevo inténtalo de nuevo dentro de 24 horas."
-#: mod/suggest.php:83 mod/suggest.php:101
-msgid "Ignore/Hide"
-msgstr "Ignorar/Ocultar"
-#: mod/suggest.php:111 include/contact_widgets.php:35
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:527 view/theme/vier/theme.php:203
-msgid "Friend Suggestions"
-msgstr "Sugerencias de amigos"
-#: mod/profiles.php:37
-msgid "Profile deleted."
-msgstr "Perfil eliminado."
-#: mod/profiles.php:55 mod/profiles.php:89
-msgid "Profile-"
-msgstr "Perfil-"
-#: mod/profiles.php:74 mod/profiles.php:117
-msgid "New profile created."
-msgstr "Nuevo perfil creado."
-#: mod/profiles.php:95
-msgid "Profile unavailable to clone."
-msgstr "Imposible duplicar el perfil."
-#: mod/profiles.php:189
-msgid "Profile Name is required."
-msgstr "Se necesita un nombre de perfil."
-#: mod/profiles.php:336
-msgid "Marital Status"
-msgstr "Estado civil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:340
-msgid "Romantic Partner"
-msgstr "Pareja sentimental"
-#: mod/profiles.php:344 mod/photos.php:1633 include/conversation.php:508
-msgid "Likes"
-msgstr "Me gusta"
-#: mod/profiles.php:348 mod/photos.php:1633 include/conversation.php:508
-msgid "Dislikes"
-msgstr "No me gusta"
-#: mod/profiles.php:352
-msgid "Work/Employment"
-msgstr "Trabajo/estudios"
-#: mod/profiles.php:355
-msgid "Religion"
-msgstr "Religión"
-#: mod/profiles.php:359
-msgid "Political Views"
-msgstr "Preferencias políticas"
-#: mod/profiles.php:363
-msgid "Gender"
-msgstr "Género"
-#: mod/profiles.php:367
-msgid "Sexual Preference"
-msgstr "Orientación sexual"
-#: mod/profiles.php:371
-msgid "Homepage"
-msgstr "Página de inicio"
-#: mod/profiles.php:375 mod/profiles.php:686
-msgid "Interests"
-msgstr "Intereses"
-#: mod/profiles.php:379
-msgid "Address"
-msgstr "Dirección"
-#: mod/profiles.php:386 mod/profiles.php:682
-msgid "Location"
-msgstr "Ubicación"
-#: mod/profiles.php:469
-msgid "Profile updated."
-msgstr "Perfil actualizado."
-#: mod/profiles.php:551
-msgid " and "
-msgstr " y "
-#: mod/profiles.php:559
-msgid "public profile"
-msgstr "perfil público"
-#: mod/profiles.php:562
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s changed %2$s to “%3$s”"
-msgstr "%1$s cambió su %2$s a “%3$s”"
-#: mod/profiles.php:563
-#, php-format
-msgid " - Visit %1$s's %2$s"
-msgstr " - Visita %1$s's %2$s"
-#: mod/profiles.php:566
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s has an updated %2$s, changing %3$s."
-msgstr "%1$s tiene una actualización %2$s, cambiando %3$s."
-#: mod/profiles.php:633
-msgid "Hide contacts and friends:"
-msgstr "Ocultar contactos y amigos"
-#: mod/profiles.php:638
-msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"
-msgstr "¿Ocultar tu lista de contactos/amigos en este perfil?"
-#: mod/profiles.php:662
-msgid "Show more profile fields:"
-msgstr "Mostrar mas campos del perfil:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:673
-msgid "Edit Profile Details"
-msgstr "Editar detalles de tu perfil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:675
-msgid "Change Profile Photo"
-msgstr "Cambiar imagen del Perfil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:676
-msgid "View this profile"
-msgstr "Ver este perfil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:677
-msgid "Create a new profile using these settings"
-msgstr "¿Crear un nuevo perfil con esta configuración?"
-#: mod/profiles.php:678
-msgid "Clone this profile"
-msgstr "Clonar este perfil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:679
-msgid "Delete this profile"
-msgstr "Eliminar este perfil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:680
-msgid "Basic information"
-msgstr "Información básica"
-#: mod/profiles.php:681
-msgid "Profile picture"
-msgstr "Imagen del perfil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:683
-msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferencias"
-#: mod/profiles.php:684
-msgid "Status information"
-msgstr "Información del estatus"
-#: mod/profiles.php:685
-msgid "Additional information"
-msgstr "Información addicional"
-#: mod/profiles.php:688
-msgid "Profile Name:"
-msgstr "Nombres del perfil:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:689
-msgid "Your Full Name:"
-msgstr "Tu nombre completo:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:690
-msgid "Title/Description:"
-msgstr "Título/Descrición:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:691
-msgid "Your Gender:"
-msgstr "Género:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:692
-msgid "Birthday :"
-msgstr "Día de nacimiento:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:693
-msgid "Street Address:"
-msgstr "Dirección"
-#: mod/profiles.php:694
-msgid "Locality/City:"
-msgstr "Localidad/Ciudad:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:695
-msgid "Postal/Zip Code:"
-msgstr "Código postal:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:696
-msgid "Country:"
-msgstr "País"
-#: mod/profiles.php:697
-msgid "Region/State:"
-msgstr "Región/Estado:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:698
-msgid "♥ Marital Status:"
-msgstr " Estado civil:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:699
-msgid "Who: (if applicable)"
-msgstr "¿Quién? (si es aplicable)"
-#: mod/profiles.php:700
-msgid "Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
-msgstr "Ejemplos: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
-#: mod/profiles.php:701
-msgid "Since [date]:"
-msgstr "Desde [fecha]:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:702 include/identity.php:620
-msgid "Sexual Preference:"
-msgstr "Preferencia sexual:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:703
-msgid "Homepage URL:"
-msgstr "Dirección de tu página:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:704 include/identity.php:624
-msgid "Hometown:"
-msgstr "Ciudad de origen:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:705 include/identity.php:628
-msgid "Political Views:"
-msgstr "Ideas políticas:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:706
-msgid "Religious Views:"
-msgstr "Creencias religiosas:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:707
-msgid "Public Keywords:"
-msgstr "Palabras clave públicas:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:708
-msgid "Private Keywords:"
-msgstr "Palabras clave privadas:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:709 include/identity.php:636
-msgid "Likes:"
-msgstr "Me gusta:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:710 include/identity.php:638
-msgid "Dislikes:"
-msgstr "No me gusta:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:711
-msgid "Example: fishing photography software"
-msgstr "Ejemplo: pesca fotografía software"
-#: mod/profiles.php:712
-msgid "(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"
-msgstr "(Utilizadas para sugerir amigos potenciales, otros pueden verlo)"
-#: mod/profiles.php:713
-msgid "(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"
-msgstr "(Utilizadas para buscar perfiles, nunca se muestra a otros)"
-#: mod/profiles.php:714
-msgid "Tell us about yourself..."
-msgstr "Háblanos sobre ti..."
-#: mod/profiles.php:715
-msgid "Hobbies/Interests"
-msgstr "Aficiones/Intereses"
-#: mod/profiles.php:716
-msgid "Contact information and Social Networks"
-msgstr "Informacioń de contacto y Redes sociales"
-#: mod/profiles.php:717
-msgid "Musical interests"
-msgstr "Gustos musicales"
-#: mod/profiles.php:718
-msgid "Books, literature"
-msgstr "Libros, literatura"
-#: mod/profiles.php:719
-msgid "Television"
-msgstr "Televisión"
-#: mod/profiles.php:720
-msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment"
-msgstr "Películas/baile/cultura/entretenimiento"
-#: mod/profiles.php:721
-msgid "Love/romance"
-msgstr "Amor/Romance"
-#: mod/profiles.php:722
-msgid "Work/employment"
-msgstr "Trabajo/ocupación"
-#: mod/profiles.php:723
-msgid "School/education"
-msgstr "Escuela/estudios"
-#: mod/profiles.php:728
-msgid ""
-"This is your public profile. It may "
-"be visible to anybody using the internet."
-msgstr "Éste es tu perfil público .Puede ser visto por cualquier usuario de internet."
-#: mod/profiles.php:738
-msgid "Age: "
-msgstr "Edad: "
-#: mod/profiles.php:791
-msgid "Edit/Manage Profiles"
-msgstr "Editar/Administrar perfiles"
-#: mod/profiles.php:792 include/identity.php:261 include/identity.php:287
-msgid "Change profile photo"
-msgstr "Cambiar foto del perfil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:793 include/identity.php:262
-msgid "Create New Profile"
-msgstr "Crear nuevo perfil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:804 include/identity.php:272
-msgid "Profile Image"
-msgstr "Imagen del Perfil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:806 include/identity.php:275
-msgid "visible to everybody"
-msgstr "Visible para todos"
-#: mod/profiles.php:807 include/identity.php:276
-msgid "Edit visibility"
-msgstr "Editar visibilidad"
-#: mod/editpost.php:17 mod/editpost.php:27
-msgid "Item not found"
-msgstr "Elemento no encontrado"
-#: mod/editpost.php:40
-msgid "Edit post"
-msgstr "Editar publicación"
-#: mod/editpost.php:111 include/conversation.php:1184
-msgid "upload photo"
-msgstr "subir imagen"
-#: mod/editpost.php:112 include/conversation.php:1185
-msgid "Attach file"
-msgstr "Adjuntar archivo"
-#: mod/editpost.php:113 include/conversation.php:1186
-msgid "attach file"
-msgstr "adjuntar archivo"
-#: mod/editpost.php:115 include/conversation.php:1188
-msgid "web link"
-msgstr "enlace web"
-#: mod/editpost.php:116 include/conversation.php:1189
-msgid "Insert video link"
-msgstr "Insertar enlace del vídeo"
-#: mod/editpost.php:117 include/conversation.php:1190
-msgid "video link"
-msgstr "enlace de video"
-#: mod/editpost.php:118 include/conversation.php:1191
-msgid "Insert audio link"
-msgstr "Insertar vínculo del audio"
-#: mod/editpost.php:119 include/conversation.php:1192
-msgid "audio link"
-msgstr "enlace de audio"
-#: mod/editpost.php:120 include/conversation.php:1193
-msgid "Set your location"
-msgstr "Configurar tu localización"
-#: mod/editpost.php:121 include/conversation.php:1194
-msgid "set location"
-msgstr "establecer tu ubicación"
-#: mod/editpost.php:122 include/conversation.php:1195
-msgid "Clear browser location"
-msgstr "Borrar la localización del navegador"
-#: mod/editpost.php:123 include/conversation.php:1196
-msgid "clear location"
-msgstr "limpiar la localización"
-#: mod/editpost.php:125 include/conversation.php:1202
-msgid "Permission settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de permisos"
-#: mod/editpost.php:133 include/acl_selectors.php:344
-msgid "CC: email addresses"
-msgstr "CC: dirección de correo electrónico"
-#: mod/editpost.php:134 include/conversation.php:1211
-msgid "Public post"
-msgstr "Publicación pública"
-#: mod/editpost.php:137 include/conversation.php:1198
-msgid "Set title"
-msgstr "Establecer el título"
-#: mod/editpost.php:139 include/conversation.php:1200
-msgid "Categories (comma-separated list)"
-msgstr "Categorías (lista separada por comas)"
-#: mod/editpost.php:140 include/acl_selectors.php:345
-msgid "Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"
-msgstr "Ejemplo: juan@ejemplo.com, sofia@ejemplo.com"
-#: mod/friendica.php:70
-msgid "This is Friendica, version"
-msgstr "Esto es Friendica, versión"
-#: mod/friendica.php:71
-msgid "running at web location"
-msgstr "ejecutándose en la dirección web"
-#: mod/friendica.php:73
-msgid ""
-"Please visit Friendica.com to learn "
-"more about the Friendica project."
-msgstr "Por favor, visita Friendica.com para saber más sobre el proyecto Friendica."
-#: mod/friendica.php:75
-msgid "Bug reports and issues: please visit"
-msgstr "Reporte de fallos y problemas: por favor visita"
-#: mod/friendica.php:75
-msgid "the bugtracker at github"
-msgstr "aviso de fallas (bugs) en github"
-#: mod/friendica.php:76
-msgid ""
-"Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email \"Info\" at Friendica - "
-"dot com"
-msgstr "Sugerencias, elogios, donaciones, etc. por favor manda un correo a Info arroba Friendica punto com"
-#: mod/friendica.php:90
-msgid "Installed plugins/addons/apps:"
-msgstr "Módulos/extensiones/aplicaciones instalados:"
-#: mod/friendica.php:103
-msgid "No installed plugins/addons/apps"
-msgstr "Módulos/extensiones/aplicaciones no instalados"
-#: mod/api.php:76 mod/api.php:102
-msgid "Authorize application connection"
-msgstr "Autorizar la conexión de la aplicación"
-#: mod/api.php:77
-msgid "Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"
-msgstr "Regresa a tu aplicación e introduce este código de seguridad:"
-#: mod/api.php:89
-msgid "Please login to continue."
-msgstr "Inicia sesión para continuar."
-#: mod/api.php:104
-msgid ""
-"Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts,"
-" and/or create new posts for you?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres autorizar a esta aplicación el acceso a tus mensajes y contactos, y/o crear nuevas publicaciones para ti?"
-#: mod/lockview.php:31 mod/lockview.php:39
-msgid "Remote privacy information not available."
-msgstr "Privacidad de la información remota no disponible."
-#: mod/lockview.php:48
-msgid "Visible to:"
-msgstr "Visible para:"
-#: mod/notes.php:46 include/identity.php:731
-msgid "Personal Notes"
-msgstr "Notas personales"
-#: mod/localtime.php:12 include/bb2diaspora.php:148 include/event.php:13
-msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
-msgstr "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
-#: mod/localtime.php:24
-msgid "Time Conversion"
-msgstr "Conversión horária"
-#: mod/localtime.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and "
-"friends in unknown timezones."
-msgstr "Friendica ofrece este servicio para compartir eventos con otros servidores de la red friendica y amigos en zonas de horarios desconocidos."
-#: mod/localtime.php:30
-#, php-format
-msgid "UTC time: %s"
-msgstr "Tiempo UTC: %s"
-#: mod/localtime.php:33
-#, php-format
-msgid "Current timezone: %s"
-msgstr "Zona horaria actual: %s"
-#: mod/localtime.php:36
-#, php-format
-msgid "Converted localtime: %s"
-msgstr "Zona horaria local convertida: %s"
-#: mod/localtime.php:41
-msgid "Please select your timezone:"
-msgstr "Por favor, selecciona tu zona horaria:"
-#: mod/poke.php:191
-msgid "Poke/Prod"
-msgstr "Toque/Empujón"
-#: mod/poke.php:192
-msgid "poke, prod or do other things to somebody"
-msgstr "da un toque, empujón o similar a alguien"
-#: mod/poke.php:193
-msgid "Recipient"
-msgstr "Receptor"
-#: mod/poke.php:194
-msgid "Choose what you wish to do to recipient"
-msgstr "Elige qué desea hacer con el receptor"
-#: mod/poke.php:197
-msgid "Make this post private"
-msgstr "Hacer esta publicación privada"
-#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:14
-msgid "Resubscribing to OStatus contacts"
-msgstr "Resubscribir a contactos de OStatus"
-#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:30
-msgid "Error"
-msgstr "error"
-#: mod/invite.php:27
-msgid "Total invitation limit exceeded."
-msgstr "Límite total de invitaciones excedido."
-#: mod/invite.php:49
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s : Not a valid email address."
-msgstr "%s : No es una dirección de correo válida."
-#: mod/invite.php:73
-msgid "Please join us on Friendica"
-msgstr "Únete a nosotros en Friendica"
-#: mod/invite.php:84
-msgid "Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."
-msgstr "Límite de invitaciones sobrepasado. Contacta con el administrador del sitio."
-#: mod/invite.php:89
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s : Message delivery failed."
-msgstr "%s : Ha fallado la entrega del mensaje."
-#: mod/invite.php:93
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d message sent."
-msgid_plural "%d messages sent."
-msgstr[0] "%d mensaje enviado."
-msgstr[1] "%d mensajes enviados."
-#: mod/invite.php:112
-msgid "You have no more invitations available"
-msgstr "No tienes más invitaciones disponibles"
-#: mod/invite.php:120
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Visit %s for a list of public sites that you can join. Friendica members on "
-"other sites can all connect with each other, as well as with members of many"
-" other social networks."
-msgstr "Visita %s para ver una lista de servidores públicos donde puedes darte de alta. Los miembros de otros servidores de Friendica pueden conectarse entre ellos, así como con miembros de otras redes sociales diferentes."
-#: mod/invite.php:122
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To accept this invitation, please visit and register at %s or any other "
-"public Friendica website."
-msgstr "Para aceptar la invitación visita y regístrate en %s o en cualquier otro servidor público de Friendica."
-#: mod/invite.php:123
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Friendica sites all inter-connect to create a huge privacy-enhanced social "
-"web that is owned and controlled by its members. They can also connect with "
-"many traditional social networks. See %s for a list of alternate Friendica "
-"sites you can join."
-msgstr "Los servidores de Friendica están interconectados para crear una enorme red social centrada en la privacidad y controlada por sus miembros. También se puede conectar con muchas redes sociales tradicionales. Mira en %s para poder ver un listado de servidores alternativos de Friendica donde puedes darte de alta."
-#: mod/invite.php:126
-msgid ""
-"Our apologies. This system is not currently configured to connect with other"
-" public sites or invite members."
-msgstr "Discúlpanos. Este sistema no está configurado actualmente para conectar con otros servidores públicos o invitar nuevos miembros."
-#: mod/invite.php:132
-msgid "Send invitations"
-msgstr "Enviar invitaciones"
-#: mod/invite.php:133
-msgid "Enter email addresses, one per line:"
-msgstr "Introduce las direcciones de correo, una por línea:"
-#: mod/invite.php:135
-msgid ""
-"You are cordially invited to join me and other close friends on Friendica - "
-"and help us to create a better social web."
-msgstr "Estás cordialmente invitado a unirte a mi y a otros amigos en Friendica, creemos juntos una red social mejor."
-#: mod/invite.php:137
-msgid "You will need to supply this invitation code: $invite_code"
-msgstr "Tienes que proporcionar el siguiente código: $invite_code"
-#: mod/invite.php:137
-msgid ""
-"Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:"
-msgstr "Una vez registrado, por favor contacta conmigo a través de mi página de perfil en:"
-#: mod/invite.php:139
-msgid ""
-"For more information about the Friendica project and why we feel it is "
-"important, please visit http://friendica.com"
-msgstr "Para más información sobre el Proyecto Friendica y sobre por qué pensamos que es algo importante, visita http://friendica.com"
-#: mod/photos.php:99 include/identity.php:706
-msgid "Photo Albums"
-msgstr "Álbum de Fotos"
-#: mod/photos.php:100 mod/photos.php:1885
-msgid "Recent Photos"
-msgstr "Fotos recientes"
-#: mod/photos.php:103 mod/photos.php:1306 mod/photos.php:1887
-msgid "Upload New Photos"
-msgstr "Subir nuevas fotos"
-#: mod/photos.php:181
-msgid "Contact information unavailable"
-msgstr "Información del contacto no disponible"
-#: mod/photos.php:202
-msgid "Album not found."
-msgstr "Álbum no encontrado."
-#: mod/photos.php:232 mod/photos.php:244 mod/photos.php:1248
-msgid "Delete Album"
-msgstr "Eliminar álbum"
-#: mod/photos.php:242
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"
-msgstr "¿Estás seguro de quieres borrar este álbum y todas sus fotos?"
-#: mod/photos.php:322 mod/photos.php:333 mod/photos.php:1566
-msgid "Delete Photo"
-msgstr "Eliminar foto"
-#: mod/photos.php:331
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo?"
-msgstr "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar esta foto?"
-#: mod/photos.php:706
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s was tagged in %2$s by %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s fue etiquetado en %2$s por %3$s"
-#: mod/photos.php:706
-msgid "a photo"
-msgstr "una foto"
-#: mod/photos.php:813
-msgid "Image file is empty."
-msgstr "El archivo de imagen está vacío."
-#: mod/photos.php:972
-msgid "No photos selected"
-msgstr "Ninguna foto seleccionada"
-#: mod/photos.php:1133
-#, php-format
-msgid "You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."
-msgstr "Has usado %1$.2f MB de %2$.2f MB de tu álbum de fotos."
-#: mod/photos.php:1168
-msgid "Upload Photos"
-msgstr "Subir fotos"
-#: mod/photos.php:1172 mod/photos.php:1243
-msgid "New album name: "
-msgstr "Nombre del nuevo álbum: "
-#: mod/photos.php:1173
-msgid "or existing album name: "
-msgstr "o nombre de un álbum existente: "
-#: mod/photos.php:1174
-msgid "Do not show a status post for this upload"
-msgstr "No actualizar tu estado con este envío"
-#: mod/photos.php:1176 mod/photos.php:1561 include/acl_selectors.php:347
-msgid "Permissions"
-msgstr "Permisos"
-#: mod/photos.php:1187
-msgid "Private Photo"
-msgstr "Foto Privada"
-#: mod/photos.php:1188
-msgid "Public Photo"
-msgstr "Foto Pública"
-#: mod/photos.php:1256
-msgid "Edit Album"
-msgstr "Modificar álbum"
-#: mod/photos.php:1262
-msgid "Show Newest First"
-msgstr "Mostrar más nuevos primero"
-#: mod/photos.php:1264
-msgid "Show Oldest First"
-msgstr "Mostrar más antiguos primero"
-#: mod/photos.php:1292 mod/photos.php:1870
-msgid "View Photo"
-msgstr "Ver foto"
-#: mod/photos.php:1339
-msgid "Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."
-msgstr "Permiso denegado. El acceso a este elemento puede estar restringido."
-#: mod/photos.php:1341
-msgid "Photo not available"
-msgstr "Foto no disponible"
-#: mod/photos.php:1397
-msgid "View photo"
-msgstr "Ver foto"
-#: mod/photos.php:1397
-msgid "Edit photo"
-msgstr "Modificar foto"
-#: mod/photos.php:1398
-msgid "Use as profile photo"
-msgstr "Usar como foto del perfil"
-#: mod/photos.php:1423
-msgid "View Full Size"
-msgstr "Ver a tamaño completo"
-#: mod/photos.php:1509
-msgid "Tags: "
-msgstr "Etiquetas: "
-#: mod/photos.php:1512
-msgid "[Remove any tag]"
-msgstr "[Borrar todas las etiquetas]"
-#: mod/photos.php:1552
-msgid "New album name"
-msgstr "Nuevo nombre del álbum"
-#: mod/photos.php:1553
-msgid "Caption"
-msgstr "Título"
-#: mod/photos.php:1554
-msgid "Add a Tag"
-msgstr "Añadir una etiqueta"
-#: mod/photos.php:1554
-msgid ""
-"Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"
-msgstr "Ejemplo: @juan, @Barbara_Ruiz, @julia@example.com, #California, #camping"
-#: mod/photos.php:1555
-msgid "Do not rotate"
-msgstr "No rotar"
-#: mod/photos.php:1556
-msgid "Rotate CW (right)"
-msgstr "Girar a la derecha"
-#: mod/photos.php:1557
-msgid "Rotate CCW (left)"
-msgstr "Girar a la izquierda"
-#: mod/photos.php:1572
-msgid "Private photo"
-msgstr "Foto privada"
-#: mod/photos.php:1573
-msgid "Public photo"
-msgstr "Foto pública"
-#: mod/photos.php:1595 include/conversation.php:1182
-msgid "Share"
-msgstr "Compartir"
-#: mod/photos.php:1634 include/conversation.php:509
-#: include/conversation.php:1413
-msgid "Attending"
-msgid_plural "Attending"
-msgstr[0] "Atendiendo"
-msgstr[1] "Atendiendo"
-#: mod/photos.php:1634 include/conversation.php:509
-msgid "Not attending"
-msgstr "No atendiendo"
-#: mod/photos.php:1634 include/conversation.php:509
-msgid "Might attend"
-msgstr "Puede que atienda"
-#: mod/photos.php:1799
-msgid "Map"
-msgstr "Mapa"
-#: mod/p.php:9
-msgid "Not Extended"
-msgstr "No extendido"
-#: mod/regmod.php:55
-msgid "Account approved."
-msgstr "Cuenta aprobada."
-#: mod/regmod.php:92
-#, php-format
-msgid "Registration revoked for %s"
-msgstr "Registro anulado para %s"
-#: mod/regmod.php:104
-msgid "Please login."
-msgstr "Por favor accede."
-#: mod/uimport.php:66
-msgid "Move account"
-msgstr "Mover cuenta"
-#: mod/uimport.php:67
-msgid "You can import an account from another Friendica server."
-msgstr "Puedes importar una cuenta desde otro servidor de Friendica."
-#: mod/uimport.php:68
-msgid ""
-"You need to export your account from the old server and upload it here. We "
-"will recreate your old account here with all your contacts. We will try also"
-" to inform your friends that you moved here."
-msgstr "Necesitas exportar tu cuenta del antiguo servidor y subirla aquí. Volveremos a crear tu antigua cuenta con todos tus contactos aquí. También intentaremos de informar a tus amigos de que te has mudado."
-#: mod/uimport.php:69
-msgid ""
-"This feature is experimental. We can't import contacts from the OStatus "
-"network (GNU Social/Statusnet) or from Diaspora"
-msgstr "Esta característica es experimental. No podemos importar contactos desde la red OStatus (statusnet/identi.ca) o desde Diaspora*"
-#: mod/uimport.php:70
-msgid "Account file"
-msgstr "Archivo de la cuenta"
-#: mod/uimport.php:70
-msgid ""
-"To export your account, go to \"Settings->Export your personal data\" and "
-"select \"Export account\""
-msgstr "Para exportar el perfil vaya a \"Configuracion -> Exportar sus datos personales\" y seleccione \"Exportar cuenta\""
-#: mod/attach.php:8
-msgid "Item not available."
-msgstr "Elemento no disponible."
-#: mod/attach.php:20
-msgid "Item was not found."
-msgstr "Elemento no encontrado."
-#: boot.php:870
-msgid "Delete this item?"
-msgstr "¿Eliminar este elemento?"
-#: boot.php:873
-msgid "show fewer"
-msgstr "ver menos"
-#: boot.php:1382
-#, php-format
-msgid "Update %s failed. See error logs."
-msgstr "Falló la actualización de %s. Mira los registros de errores."
-#: boot.php:1494
-msgid "Create a New Account"
-msgstr "Crear una nueva cuenta"
-#: boot.php:1519 include/nav.php:72
-msgid "Logout"
-msgstr "Salir"
-#: boot.php:1522
-msgid "Nickname or Email address: "
-msgstr "Apodo o dirección de email: "
-#: boot.php:1523
-msgid "Password: "
-msgstr "Contraseña: "
-#: boot.php:1524
-msgid "Remember me"
-msgstr "Recordarme"
-#: boot.php:1527
-msgid "Or login using OpenID: "
-msgstr "O inicia sesión usando OpenID: "
-#: boot.php:1533
-msgid "Forgot your password?"
-msgstr "¿Olvidaste la contraseña?"
-#: boot.php:1536
-msgid "Website Terms of Service"
-msgstr "Términos de uso del sitio"
-#: boot.php:1537
-msgid "terms of service"
-msgstr "Términos de uso"
-#: boot.php:1539
-msgid "Website Privacy Policy"
-msgstr "Política de privacidad del sitio"
-#: boot.php:1540
-msgid "privacy policy"
-msgstr "Política de privacidad"
-#: object/Item.php:95
-msgid "This entry was edited"
-msgstr "Esta entrada fue editada"
-#: object/Item.php:191
-msgid "I will attend"
-msgstr "Voy a estar presente"
-#: object/Item.php:191
-msgid "I will not attend"
-msgstr "No voy a estar presente"
-#: object/Item.php:191
-msgid "I might attend"
-msgstr "Puede que voy a estar presente"
-#: object/Item.php:230
-msgid "ignore thread"
-msgstr "ignorar publicación"
-#: object/Item.php:231
-msgid "unignore thread"
-msgstr "revertir ignorar publicacion"
-#: object/Item.php:232
-msgid "toggle ignore status"
-msgstr "cambiar estatus de observación"
-#: object/Item.php:345 include/conversation.php:687
-msgid "Categories:"
-msgstr "Categorías:"
-#: object/Item.php:346 include/conversation.php:688
-msgid "Filed under:"
-msgstr "Archivado en:"
-#: object/Item.php:360
-msgid "via"
-msgstr "vía"
-#: include/dfrn.php:1092
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s\\'s birthday"
-msgstr "%s\\'s cumpleaños"
-#: include/dfrn.php:1093 include/datetime.php:565
-#, php-format
-msgid "Happy Birthday %s"
-msgstr "Feliz cumpleaños %s"
-#: include/dbstructure.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n"
-"\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n"
-"\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n"
-"\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."
-msgstr "\n\t\t\tLos desarolladores de friendica publicaron una actualización %s recientemente\n\t\t\tpero cuando intento de instalarla,algo salio terriblemente mal.\n\t\t\tEsto necesita ser arreglado pronto y no puedo hacerlo solo. Por favor contacta\n\t\t\tlos desarolladores de friendica si no me podes ayudar por ti solo. Mi base de datos puede estar invalido."
-#: include/dbstructure.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The error message is\n"
-msgstr "El mensaje de error es\n[pre]%s[/pre]"
-#: include/dbstructure.php:153
-msgid "Errors encountered creating database tables."
-msgstr "Se han encontrados errores creando las tablas de la base de datos."
-#: include/dbstructure.php:230
-msgid "Errors encountered performing database changes."
-msgstr "Errores encontrados al ejecutar cambios en la base de datos."
-#: include/auth.php:44
-msgid "Logged out."
-msgstr "Sesión finalizada"
-#: include/auth.php:134 include/user.php:75
-msgid ""
-"We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. "
-"Please check the correct spelling of the ID."
-msgstr "Se ha encontrado un problema para acceder con el OpenID que has escrito. Verifica que lo hayas escrito correctamente."
-#: include/auth.php:134 include/user.php:75
-msgid "The error message was:"
-msgstr "El mensaje del error fue:"
#: include/contact_widgets.php:6
msgid "Add New Contact"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo contacto"
@@ -6369,6 +56,12 @@ msgstr "Escribe la dirección o página web"
msgid "Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"
msgstr "Ejemplo: miguel@ejemplo.com, http://ejemplo.com/miguel"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:10 include/identity.php:218
+#: mod/allfriends.php:82 mod/dirfind.php:201 mod/match.php:87
+#: mod/suggest.php:101
+msgid "Connect"
+msgstr "Conectar"
#: include/contact_widgets.php:24
#, php-format
msgid "%d invitation available"
@@ -6384,12 +77,28 @@ msgstr "Buscar personas"
msgid "Enter name or interest"
msgstr "Introduzce nombre o intereses"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:32 include/Contact.php:325
+#: include/conversation.php:981 mod/follow.php:103 mod/allfriends.php:66
+#: mod/contacts.php:602 mod/dirfind.php:204 mod/match.php:72
+#: mod/suggest.php:83
+msgid "Connect/Follow"
+msgstr "Conectar/Seguir"
#: include/contact_widgets.php:33
msgid "Examples: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing"
msgstr "Ejemplos: Robert Morgenstein, Pesca"
-#: include/contact_widgets.php:36 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:526
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:202
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:34 mod/contacts.php:798 mod/directory.php:204
+msgid "Find"
+msgstr "Buscar"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:35 mod/suggest.php:114
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:203 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:527
+msgid "Friend Suggestions"
+msgstr "Sugerencias de amigos"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:36 view/theme/vier/theme.php:202
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:526
msgid "Similar Interests"
msgstr "Intereses similares"
@@ -6397,8 +106,8 @@ msgstr "Intereses similares"
msgid "Random Profile"
msgstr "Perfil aleatorio"
-#: include/contact_widgets.php:38 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:528
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:204
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:38 view/theme/vier/theme.php:204
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:528
msgid "Invite Friends"
msgstr "Invitar amigos"
@@ -6410,7 +119,7 @@ msgstr "Redes"
msgid "All Networks"
msgstr "Todas las redes"
-#: include/contact_widgets.php:141 include/features.php:102
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:141 include/features.php:103
msgid "Saved Folders"
msgstr "Directorios guardados"
@@ -6429,1465 +138,21 @@ msgid_plural "%d contacts in common"
msgstr[0] "%d contacto en común"
msgstr[1] "%d contactos en común"
-#: include/features.php:63
-msgid "General Features"
-msgstr "Opciones generales"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:242 include/ForumManager.php:119
+#: include/items.php:2188 mod/content.php:624 object/Item.php:432
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:260 boot.php:970
+msgid "show more"
+msgstr "ver más"
-#: include/features.php:65
-msgid "Multiple Profiles"
-msgstr "Perfiles multiples"
-#: include/features.php:65
-msgid "Ability to create multiple profiles"
-msgstr "Capacidad de crear perfiles multiples. Cada pagina/perfil/usuario puede tener diferentes perfiles/apariencias. Las mismas pueden ser visibles para determinados contactos seleccionados dentro de la red friendica."
-#: include/features.php:66
-msgid "Photo Location"
-msgstr "Localización foto"
-#: include/features.php:66
-msgid ""
-"Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present)"
-" prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."
-msgstr "Normalmente los meta datos de las imágenes son eliminados. Esto extraerá la localización si presente antes de eliminar los meta datos y enlaza la misma con el mapa."
-#: include/features.php:71
-msgid "Post Composition Features"
-msgstr "Opciones de edición de publicaciones."
-#: include/features.php:72
-msgid "Richtext Editor"
-msgstr "Editor de texto sofisticado (richt text editor)"
-#: include/features.php:72
-msgid "Enable richtext editor"
-msgstr "Habilitar editor de textos sofisticado"
-#: include/features.php:73
-msgid "Post Preview"
-msgstr "Previsualizar publicaciones"
-#: include/features.php:73
-msgid "Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"
-msgstr "Permitir la previsualización de publicaciones antes de publicar las mismas."
-#: include/features.php:74
-msgid "Auto-mention Forums"
-msgstr "Auto-mencionar foros"
-#: include/features.php:74
-msgid ""
-"Add/remove mention when a fourm page is selected/deselected in ACL window."
-msgstr "Agregar/remover menciones cuando una pagina de foro es seleccionado/deseleccionado en la ventana ACL."
-#: include/features.php:79
-msgid "Network Sidebar Widgets"
-msgstr "Accesorios de red del panel lateral"
-#: include/features.php:80
-msgid "Search by Date"
-msgstr "Buscar por fecha"
-#: include/features.php:80
-msgid "Ability to select posts by date ranges"
-msgstr "Habilidad de seleccionar publicaciones por fecha"
-#: include/features.php:81 include/features.php:111
-msgid "List Forums"
-msgstr "Listar foros"
-#: include/features.php:81
-msgid "Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"
-msgstr "Habilitar la pestaña para mostrar los foros en que estas participando."
-#: include/features.php:82
-msgid "Group Filter"
-msgstr "Filtro del grupo"
-#: include/features.php:82
-msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"
-msgstr "Habilitar accesorios para visualizar publicaciones en la red solo de grupos seleccionados"
-#: include/features.php:83
-msgid "Network Filter"
-msgstr "Filtro de red"
-#: include/features.php:83
-msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"
-msgstr "Habilitar accesorios para visualizar publicaciones solo de las redes seleccionadas."
-#: include/features.php:84
-msgid "Save search terms for re-use"
-msgstr "Guardar términos de búsqueda para su reutilizacion"
-#: include/features.php:89
-msgid "Network Tabs"
-msgstr "Pestañas de redes"
-#: include/features.php:90
-msgid "Network Personal Tab"
-msgstr "Pestaña actividad personal"
-#: include/features.php:90
-msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"
-msgstr "Habilitar para visualizar solo publicaciones con las que se ha interactuado"
-#: include/features.php:91
-msgid "Network New Tab"
-msgstr "Pestaña nuevo en la red"
-#: include/features.php:91
-msgid "Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"
-msgstr "Activar para mostrar solo publicaciones nuevas en la red (de las ultimas 12 horas)"
-#: include/features.php:92
-msgid "Network Shared Links Tab"
-msgstr "Pestaña publicaciones con enlaces"
-#: include/features.php:92
-msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"
-msgstr "Habilitar para visualizar solo publicaciones que contienen enlaces"
-#: include/features.php:97
-msgid "Post/Comment Tools"
-msgstr "Herramienta de publicaciones/respuestas"
-#: include/features.php:98
-msgid "Multiple Deletion"
-msgstr "Borrar múltiples publicaciones"
-#: include/features.php:98
-msgid "Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"
-msgstr "Habilidad de seleccionar y borrar varias publicaciones/comentarios a la vez"
-#: include/features.php:99
-msgid "Edit Sent Posts"
-msgstr "Editar temas enviados"
-#: include/features.php:99
-msgid "Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"
-msgstr "Editar y corregir publicaciones y respuestas enviados. Las ediciones solo son comunicados dentro de la red friendica. No se modificaran copias enviadas a diaspora, OStatus/GNUsocial/Quitter u otros servicios conectados."
-#: include/features.php:100
-msgid "Tagging"
-msgstr "taggear"
-#: include/features.php:100
-msgid "Ability to tag existing posts"
-msgstr "Habilidad de taggear publicaciones existentes"
-#: include/features.php:101
-msgid "Post Categories"
-msgstr "Categorías de publicaciones"
-#: include/features.php:101
-msgid "Add categories to your posts"
-msgstr "Agregue categorías a sus publicaciones. Las mismas serán visualizadas en su pagina de inicio."
-#: include/features.php:102
-msgid "Ability to file posts under folders"
-msgstr "Archivar publicaciones en carpetas"
-#: include/features.php:103
-msgid "Dislike Posts"
-msgstr "Desaprobar publicación (dislike)"
-#: include/features.php:103
-msgid "Ability to dislike posts/comments"
-msgstr "Habilidad de expresar desacuerdo en publicaciones y comentarios. Esta función solo es visualizado en la red friendica."
-#: include/features.php:104
-msgid "Star Posts"
-msgstr "Fijar publicaciones"
-#: include/features.php:104
-msgid "Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"
-msgstr "Habilidad de marcar - observar fijamente publicaciones.\nEl simbolo de estrella es habilitado. Se recibirán notificaciones sobre comentarios, además una pestaña de publicaciones fijadas es habilitada. En las opciones de expiración de publicaciones se puede filtrar estas publicaciones para no ser eliminados contrario a las publicaciones demás de los contactos."
-#: include/features.php:105
-msgid "Mute Post Notifications"
-msgstr "Silenciar notificaciones de una publicacion"
-#: include/features.php:105
-msgid "Ability to mute notifications for a thread"
-msgstr "Habilidad de silenciar notificaciones sobre nuevos comentarios en una publicación."
-#: include/features.php:110
-msgid "Advanced Profile Settings"
-msgstr "Ajustes avanzados del perfil"
-#: include/features.php:111
-msgid "Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"
-msgstr "Mostrar a los visitantes foros públicos en las que se esta participando en el pagina avanzada de perfiles."
-#: include/follow.php:81
-msgid "Connect URL missing."
-msgstr "Falta el conector URL."
-#: include/follow.php:108
-msgid ""
-"This site is not configured to allow communications with other networks."
-msgstr "Este sitio no está configurado para permitir la comunicación con otras redes."
-#: include/follow.php:109 include/follow.php:129
-msgid "No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered."
-msgstr "No se ha descubierto protocolos de comunicación o fuentes compatibles."
-#: include/follow.php:127
-msgid "The profile address specified does not provide adequate information."
-msgstr "La dirección del perfil especificado no proporciona información adecuada."
-#: include/follow.php:131
-msgid "An author or name was not found."
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado un autor o nombre."
-#: include/follow.php:133
-msgid "No browser URL could be matched to this address."
-msgstr "Ninguna dirección concuerda con la suministrada."
-#: include/follow.php:135
-msgid ""
-"Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email "
-msgstr "Imposible identificar la dirección @ con algún protocolo conocido o dirección de contacto."
-#: include/follow.php:136
-msgid "Use mailto: in front of address to force email check."
-msgstr "Escribe mailto: al principio de la dirección para forzar el envío."
-#: include/follow.php:142
-msgid ""
-"The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled "
-"on this site."
-msgstr "La dirección del perfil especificada pertenece a una red que ha sido deshabilitada en este sitio."
-#: include/follow.php:152
-msgid ""
-"Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal "
-"notifications from you."
-msgstr "Perfil limitado. Esta persona no podrá recibir notificaciones directas/personales tuyas."
-#: include/follow.php:253
-msgid "Unable to retrieve contact information."
-msgstr "No ha sido posible recibir la información del contacto."
-#: include/follow.php:288
-msgid "following"
-msgstr "siguiendo"
-#: include/group.php:25
-msgid ""
-"A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions "
-"may apply to this group and any future members. If this is "
-"not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."
-msgstr "Un grupo eliminado con este nombre fue restablecido. Los permisos existentes pueden aplicarse a este grupo y a sus futuros miembros. Si esto no es lo que pretendes, por favor, crea otro grupo con un nombre diferente."
-#: include/group.php:209
-msgid "Default privacy group for new contacts"
-msgstr "Grupo por defecto para nuevos contactos"
-#: include/group.php:242
-msgid "Everybody"
-msgstr "Todo el mundo"
-#: include/group.php:265
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "editar"
-#: include/group.php:288
-msgid "Edit groups"
-msgstr "Editar grupo"
-#: include/group.php:290
-msgid "Edit group"
-msgstr "Editar grupo"
-#: include/group.php:291
-msgid "Create a new group"
-msgstr "Crear un nuevo grupo"
-#: include/group.php:294
-msgid "Contacts not in any group"
-msgstr "Contactos sin grupo"
-#: include/datetime.php:57 include/datetime.php:59
-msgid "Miscellaneous"
-msgstr "Varios"
-#: include/datetime.php:178
-msgid "YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"
-msgstr "YYYY-MM-DD o MM-DD"
-#: include/datetime.php:327
-msgid "never"
-msgstr "nunca"
-#: include/datetime.php:333
-msgid "less than a second ago"
-msgstr "hace menos de un segundo"
-#: include/datetime.php:343
-msgid "year"
-msgstr "año"
-#: include/datetime.php:343
-msgid "years"
-msgstr "años"
-#: include/datetime.php:344
-msgid "months"
-msgstr "meses"
-#: include/datetime.php:345
-msgid "weeks"
-msgstr "semanas"
-#: include/datetime.php:346
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "días"
-#: include/datetime.php:347
-msgid "hour"
-msgstr "hora"
-#: include/datetime.php:347
-msgid "hours"
-msgstr "horas"
-#: include/datetime.php:348
-msgid "minute"
-msgstr "minuto"
-#: include/datetime.php:348
-msgid "minutes"
-msgstr "minutos"
-#: include/datetime.php:349
-msgid "second"
-msgstr "segundo"
-#: include/datetime.php:349
-msgid "seconds"
-msgstr "segundos"
-#: include/datetime.php:358
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$d %2$s ago"
-msgstr "hace %1$d %2$s"
-#: include/datetime.php:564
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s's birthday"
-msgstr "Cumpleaños de %s"
-#: include/identity.php:42
-msgid "Requested account is not available."
-msgstr "La cuenta solicitada no está disponible."
-#: include/identity.php:95 include/identity.php:285 include/identity.php:663
-msgid "Edit profile"
-msgstr "Editar perfil"
-#: include/identity.php:245
-msgid "Atom feed"
-msgstr "Atom feed"
-#: include/identity.php:250
-msgid "Message"
-msgstr "Mensaje"
-#: include/identity.php:256 include/nav.php:185
-msgid "Profiles"
-msgstr "Perfiles"
-#: include/identity.php:256
-msgid "Manage/edit profiles"
-msgstr "Administrar/editar perfiles"
-#: include/identity.php:426 include/identity.php:510
-msgid "g A l F d"
-msgstr "g A l F d"
-#: include/identity.php:427 include/identity.php:511
-msgid "F d"
-msgstr "F d"
-#: include/identity.php:472 include/identity.php:557
-msgid "[today]"
-msgstr "[hoy]"
-#: include/identity.php:484
-msgid "Birthday Reminders"
-msgstr "Recordatorios de cumpleaños"
-#: include/identity.php:485
-msgid "Birthdays this week:"
-msgstr "Cumpleaños esta semana:"
-#: include/identity.php:544
-msgid "[No description]"
-msgstr "[Sin descripción]"
-#: include/identity.php:568
-msgid "Event Reminders"
-msgstr "Recordatorios de eventos"
-#: include/identity.php:569
-msgid "Events this week:"
-msgstr "Eventos de esta semana:"
-#: include/identity.php:596
-msgid "j F, Y"
-msgstr "j F, Y"
-#: include/identity.php:597
-msgid "j F"
-msgstr "j F"
-#: include/identity.php:604
-msgid "Birthday:"
-msgstr "Fecha de nacimiento:"
-#: include/identity.php:608
-msgid "Age:"
-msgstr "Edad:"
-#: include/identity.php:617
-#, php-format
-msgid "for %1$d %2$s"
-msgstr "por %1$d %2$s"
-#: include/identity.php:630
-msgid "Religion:"
-msgstr "Religión:"
-#: include/identity.php:634
-msgid "Hobbies/Interests:"
-msgstr "Aficiones/Intereses:"
-#: include/identity.php:641
-msgid "Contact information and Social Networks:"
-msgstr "Información de contacto y Redes sociales:"
-#: include/identity.php:643
-msgid "Musical interests:"
-msgstr "Intereses musicales:"
-#: include/identity.php:645
-msgid "Books, literature:"
-msgstr "Libros, literatura:"
-#: include/identity.php:647
-msgid "Television:"
-msgstr "Televisión:"
-#: include/identity.php:649
-msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"
-msgstr "Películas/baile/cultura/entretenimiento:"
-#: include/identity.php:651
-msgid "Love/Romance:"
-msgstr "Amor/Romance:"
-#: include/identity.php:653
-msgid "Work/employment:"
-msgstr "Trabajo/ocupación:"
-#: include/identity.php:655
-msgid "School/education:"
-msgstr "Escuela/estudios:"
-#: include/identity.php:659
-msgid "Forums:"
-msgstr "Foros:"
-#: include/identity.php:711 include/identity.php:714 include/nav.php:78
-msgid "Videos"
-msgstr "Videos"
-#: include/identity.php:726 include/nav.php:140
-msgid "Events and Calendar"
-msgstr "Eventos y Calendario"
-#: include/identity.php:734
-msgid "Only You Can See This"
-msgstr "Únicamente tú puedes ver esto"
-#: include/like.php:167 include/conversation.php:122
-#: include/conversation.php:258 include/text.php:1921
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:463
-msgid "event"
-msgstr "evento"
-#: include/like.php:184 include/conversation.php:141 include/diaspora.php:2133
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "A %1$s le gusta %3$s de %2$s"
-#: include/like.php:186 include/conversation.php:144
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s doesn't like %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "A %1$s no le gusta %3$s de %2$s"
-#: include/like.php:188
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is attending %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s atenderá %2$s's %3$s"
-#: include/like.php:190
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is not attending %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s no atenderá %2$s's %3$s"
-#: include/like.php:192
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s may attend %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s puede que atienda %2$s's %3$s"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:325
-msgid "Post to Email"
-msgstr "Publicar mediante correo electrónico"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:330
-#, php-format
-msgid "Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."
-msgstr "Conectores deshabilitados, ya que \"%s\" es habilitado."
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:336
-msgid "Visible to everybody"
-msgstr "Visible para cualquiera"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:337 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
-msgid "show"
-msgstr "mostrar"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:338 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
-msgid "don't show"
-msgstr "no mostrar"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:348
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Cerrado"
-#: include/message.php:15 include/message.php:173
-msgid "[no subject]"
-msgstr "[sin asunto]"
-#: include/Contact.php:119
-msgid "stopped following"
-msgstr "dejó de seguir"
-#: include/Contact.php:339 include/conversation.php:911
-msgid "View Status"
-msgstr "Ver estado"
-#: include/Contact.php:341 include/conversation.php:913
-msgid "View Photos"
-msgstr "Ver fotos"
-#: include/Contact.php:342 include/conversation.php:914
-msgid "Network Posts"
-msgstr "Publicaciones en la red"
-#: include/Contact.php:343 include/conversation.php:915
-msgid "Edit Contact"
-msgstr "Editar contacto"
-#: include/Contact.php:344
-msgid "Drop Contact"
-msgstr "Eliminar contacto"
-#: include/Contact.php:345 include/conversation.php:916
-msgid "Send PM"
-msgstr "Enviar mensaje privado"
-#: include/Contact.php:346 include/conversation.php:920
-msgid "Poke"
-msgstr "Toque"
-#: include/security.php:22
-msgid "Welcome "
-msgstr "Bienvenido "
-#: include/security.php:23
-msgid "Please upload a profile photo."
-msgstr "Por favor sube una foto para tu perfil."
-#: include/security.php:26
-msgid "Welcome back "
-msgstr "Bienvenido de nuevo "
-#: include/security.php:375
-msgid ""
-"The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the "
-"form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."
-msgstr "La ficha de seguridad no es correcta. Seguramente haya ocurrido por haber dejado el formulario abierto demasiado tiempo (>3 horas) antes de enviarlo."
-#: include/conversation.php:147
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s attends %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s atenderá %2$s's %3$s"
-#: include/conversation.php:150
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s doesn't attend %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s no atenderá %2$s's %3$s"
-#: include/conversation.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s attends maybe %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s atenderá quizás %2$s's %3$s"
-#: include/conversation.php:219
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s poked %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s le dio un toque a %2$s"
-#: include/conversation.php:303
-msgid "post/item"
-msgstr "publicación/tema"
-#: include/conversation.php:304
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s marked %2$s's %3$s as favorite"
-msgstr "%1$s ha marcado %3$s de %2$s como Favorito"
-#: include/conversation.php:792
-msgid "remove"
-msgstr "eliminar"
-#: include/conversation.php:796
-msgid "Delete Selected Items"
-msgstr "Eliminar el elemento seleccionado"
-#: include/conversation.php:910
-msgid "Follow Thread"
-msgstr "Seguir publicacion"
-#: include/conversation.php:1034
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s likes this."
-msgstr "A %s le gusta esto."
-#: include/conversation.php:1037
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s doesn't like this."
-msgstr "A %s no le gusta esto."
-#: include/conversation.php:1040
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s attends."
-msgstr "%s atiende."
-#: include/conversation.php:1043
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s doesn't attend."
-msgstr "%s no atenderá."
-#: include/conversation.php:1046
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s attends maybe."
-msgstr "%s quizás atenderá"
-#: include/conversation.php:1056
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "y"
-#: include/conversation.php:1062
-#, php-format
-msgid ", and %d other people"
-msgstr " y a otras %d personas"
-#: include/conversation.php:1071
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people like this"
-msgstr "%2$d personas les gusta esto"
-#: include/conversation.php:1072
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s like this."
-msgstr "A %s le gusta esto."
-#: include/conversation.php:1075
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people don't like this"
-msgstr "%2$d personas no les gusta esto"
-#: include/conversation.php:1076
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s don't like this."
-msgstr "A %s no le gusta esto."
-#: include/conversation.php:1079
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people attend"
-msgstr "%2$d personas atienden"
-#: include/conversation.php:1080
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s attend."
-msgstr "%s atiende."
-#: include/conversation.php:1083
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people don't attend"
-msgstr "%2$d personas no atienden"
-#: include/conversation.php:1084
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s don't attend."
-msgstr "%s no atiende."
-#: include/conversation.php:1087
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people anttend maybe"
-msgstr "%2$d personas atienden quizás."
-#: include/conversation.php:1088
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s anttend maybe."
-msgstr "%s atiende quizás."
-#: include/conversation.php:1127 include/conversation.php:1145
-msgid "Visible to everybody "
-msgstr "Visible para cualquiera "
-#: include/conversation.php:1129 include/conversation.php:1147
-msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:"
-msgstr "Por favor, introduce la URL/enlace del vídeo:"
-#: include/conversation.php:1130 include/conversation.php:1148
-msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:"
-msgstr "Por favor, introduce la URL/enlace del audio:"
-#: include/conversation.php:1131 include/conversation.php:1149
-msgid "Tag term:"
-msgstr "Etiquetar:"
-#: include/conversation.php:1133 include/conversation.php:1151
-msgid "Where are you right now?"
-msgstr "¿Dónde estás ahora?"
-#: include/conversation.php:1134
-msgid "Delete item(s)?"
-msgstr "¿Borrar objeto(s)?"
-#: include/conversation.php:1203
-msgid "permissions"
-msgstr "permisos"
-#: include/conversation.php:1226
-msgid "Post to Groups"
-msgstr "Publicar hacia grupos"
-#: include/conversation.php:1227
-msgid "Post to Contacts"
-msgstr "Publicar hacia contactos"
-#: include/conversation.php:1228
-msgid "Private post"
-msgstr "Publicación privada"
-#: include/conversation.php:1385
-msgid "View all"
-msgstr "Ver todos los contactos"
-#: include/conversation.php:1407
-msgid "Like"
-msgid_plural "Likes"
-msgstr[0] "Me gusta"
-msgstr[1] "Me gusta"
-#: include/conversation.php:1410
-msgid "Dislike"
-msgid_plural "Dislikes"
-msgstr[0] "No me gusta"
-msgstr[1] "No me gusta"
-#: include/conversation.php:1416
-msgid "Not Attending"
-msgid_plural "Not Attending"
-msgstr[0] "No atendiendo"
-msgstr[1] "No atendiendo"
-#: include/conversation.php:1419 include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Undecided"
-msgid_plural "Undecided"
-msgstr[0] "Indeciso"
-msgstr[1] "Indeciso"
-#: include/network.php:975
-msgid "view full size"
-msgstr "Ver a tamaño completo"
-#: include/text.php:303
-msgid "newer"
-msgstr "más nuevo"
-#: include/text.php:305
-msgid "older"
-msgstr "más antiguo"
-#: include/text.php:310
-msgid "prev"
-msgstr "ant."
-#: include/text.php:312
-msgid "first"
-msgstr "primera"
-#: include/text.php:344
-msgid "last"
-msgstr "última"
-#: include/text.php:347
-msgid "next"
-msgstr "sig."
-#: include/text.php:402
-msgid "Loading more entries..."
-msgstr "Cargar mas entradas .."
-#: include/text.php:403
-msgid "The end"
-msgstr "El fin"
-#: include/text.php:865
-msgid "No contacts"
-msgstr "Sin contactos"
-#: include/text.php:880
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d Contact"
-msgid_plural "%d Contacts"
-msgstr[0] "%d Contacto"
-msgstr[1] "%d Contactos"
-#: include/text.php:892
-msgid "View Contacts"
-msgstr "Ver contactos"
-#: include/text.php:981 include/nav.php:121
-msgid "Full Text"
-msgstr "Texto completo"
-#: include/text.php:982 include/nav.php:122
-msgid "Tags"
-msgstr "Tags"
-#: include/text.php:986 include/ForumManager.php:112 include/nav.php:126
+#: include/ForumManager.php:114 include/nav.php:131 include/text.php:1025
#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:255
msgid "Forums"
msgstr "Foros"
-#: include/text.php:1037
-msgid "poke"
-msgstr "tocar"
-#: include/text.php:1037
-msgid "poked"
-msgstr "tocó a"
-#: include/text.php:1038
-msgid "ping"
-msgstr "hacer \"ping\""
-#: include/text.php:1038
-msgid "pinged"
-msgstr "hizo \"ping\" a"
-#: include/text.php:1039
-msgid "prod"
-msgstr "empujar"
-#: include/text.php:1039
-msgid "prodded"
-msgstr "empujó a"
-#: include/text.php:1040
-msgid "slap"
-msgstr "abofetear"
-#: include/text.php:1040
-msgid "slapped"
-msgstr "abofeteó a"
-#: include/text.php:1041
-msgid "finger"
-msgstr "meter dedo"
-#: include/text.php:1041
-msgid "fingered"
-msgstr "le metió un dedo a"
-#: include/text.php:1042
-msgid "rebuff"
-msgstr "desairar"
-#: include/text.php:1042
-msgid "rebuffed"
-msgstr "desairó a"
-#: include/text.php:1056
-msgid "happy"
-msgstr "feliz"
-#: include/text.php:1057
-msgid "sad"
-msgstr "triste"
-#: include/text.php:1058
-msgid "mellow"
-msgstr "sentimental"
-#: include/text.php:1059
-msgid "tired"
-msgstr "cansado"
-#: include/text.php:1060
-msgid "perky"
-msgstr "alegre"
-#: include/text.php:1061
-msgid "angry"
-msgstr "furioso"
-#: include/text.php:1062
-msgid "stupified"
-msgstr "estupefacto"
-#: include/text.php:1063
-msgid "puzzled"
-msgstr "extrañado"
-#: include/text.php:1064
-msgid "interested"
-msgstr "interesado"
-#: include/text.php:1065
-msgid "bitter"
-msgstr "rencoroso"
-#: include/text.php:1066
-msgid "cheerful"
-msgstr "jovial"
-#: include/text.php:1067
-msgid "alive"
-msgstr "vivo"
-#: include/text.php:1068
-msgid "annoyed"
-msgstr "enojado"
-#: include/text.php:1069
-msgid "anxious"
-msgstr "ansioso"
-#: include/text.php:1070
-msgid "cranky"
-msgstr "irritable"
-#: include/text.php:1071
-msgid "disturbed"
-msgstr "perturbado"
-#: include/text.php:1072
-msgid "frustrated"
-msgstr "frustrado"
-#: include/text.php:1073
-msgid "motivated"
-msgstr "motivado"
-#: include/text.php:1074
-msgid "relaxed"
-msgstr "relajado"
-#: include/text.php:1075
-msgid "surprised"
-msgstr "sorprendido"
-#: include/text.php:1475
-msgid "bytes"
-msgstr "bytes"
-#: include/text.php:1507 include/text.php:1519
-msgid "Click to open/close"
-msgstr "Pulsa para abrir/cerrar"
-#: include/text.php:1645
-msgid "View on separate page"
-msgstr "Ver en pagina aparte"
-#: include/text.php:1646
-msgid "view on separate page"
-msgstr "ver en pagina aparte"
-#: include/text.php:1925
-msgid "activity"
-msgstr "Actividad"
-#: include/text.php:1928
-msgid "post"
-msgstr "Publicación"
-#: include/text.php:2096
-msgid "Item filed"
-msgstr "Elemento archivado"
-#: include/bbcode.php:482 include/bbcode.php:1159 include/bbcode.php:1160
-msgid "Image/photo"
-msgstr "Imagen/Foto"
-#: include/bbcode.php:595
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$s %3$s"
-msgstr "%2$s %3$s"
-#: include/bbcode.php:629
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s wrote the following post "
-msgstr "%s escribió la siguiente publicación "
-#: include/bbcode.php:1119 include/bbcode.php:1139
-msgid "$1 wrote:"
-msgstr "$1 escribió:"
-#: include/bbcode.php:1168 include/bbcode.php:1169
-msgid "Encrypted content"
-msgstr "Contenido cifrado"
-#: include/dba_pdo.php:72 include/dba.php:55
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
-msgstr "No se puede encontrar información DNS para la base de datos del servidor '%s'"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:32
-msgid "Unknown | Not categorised"
-msgstr "Desconocido | No clasificado"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:33
-msgid "Block immediately"
-msgstr "Bloquear inmediatamente"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:34
-msgid "Shady, spammer, self-marketer"
-msgstr "Sospechoso, spammer, auto-publicidad"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:35
-msgid "Known to me, but no opinion"
-msgstr "Le conozco, sin opinión"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:36
-msgid "OK, probably harmless"
-msgstr "OK, probablemente inofensivo"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:37
-msgid "Reputable, has my trust"
-msgstr "Buena reputación, tiene mi confianza"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:60
-msgid "Weekly"
-msgstr "Semanalmente"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:61
-msgid "Monthly"
-msgstr "Mensualmente"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:77
-msgid "OStatus"
-msgstr "OStatus"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:78
-msgid "RSS/Atom"
-msgstr "RSS/Atom"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:81
-msgid "Facebook"
-msgstr "Facebook"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:82
-msgid "Zot!"
-msgstr "Zot!"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:83
-msgid "LinkedIn"
-msgstr "LinkedIn"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:84
-msgid "XMPP/IM"
-msgstr "XMPP/IM"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:85
-msgid "MySpace"
-msgstr "MySpace"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:87
-msgid "Google+"
-msgstr "Google+"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:88
-msgid "pump.io"
-msgstr "pump.io"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:89
-msgid "Twitter"
-msgstr "Twitter"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:90
-msgid "Diaspora Connector"
-msgstr "Conector Diaspora"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:91
-msgid "GNU Social"
-msgstr "GNUsocial (OStatus)"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:92
-msgid "App.net"
-msgstr "App.net"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:103
-msgid "Hubzilla/Redmatrix"
-msgstr "Hubzilla/Redmatrix"
-#: include/Scrape.php:623
-msgid " on Last.fm"
-msgstr "en Last.fm"
-#: include/bb2diaspora.php:154 include/event.php:30 include/event.php:48
-msgid "Starts:"
-msgstr "Inicio:"
-#: include/bb2diaspora.php:162 include/event.php:33 include/event.php:54
-msgid "Finishes:"
-msgstr "Final:"
-#: include/plugin.php:522 include/plugin.php:524
-msgid "Click here to upgrade."
-msgstr "Pulsa aquí para actualizar."
-#: include/plugin.php:530
-msgid "This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."
-msgstr "Esta acción excede los límites permitidos por tu subscripción."
-#: include/plugin.php:535
-msgid "This action is not available under your subscription plan."
-msgstr "Esta acción no está permitida para tu subscripción."
-#: include/ForumManager.php:114 view/theme/vier/theme.php:257
+#: include/ForumManager.php:116 view/theme/vier/theme.php:257
msgid "External link to forum"
msgstr "Enlace externo al foro"
-#: include/nav.php:72
-msgid "End this session"
-msgstr "Cerrar la sesión"
-#: include/nav.php:75 include/nav.php:157 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
-msgid "Your posts and conversations"
-msgstr "Tus publicaciones y conversaciones"
-#: include/nav.php:76 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124
-msgid "Your profile page"
-msgstr "Tu página de perfil"
-#: include/nav.php:77 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
-msgid "Your photos"
-msgstr "Tus fotos"
-#: include/nav.php:78
-msgid "Your videos"
-msgstr "Tus videos"
-#: include/nav.php:79 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
-msgid "Your events"
-msgstr "Tus eventos"
-#: include/nav.php:80 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128
-msgid "Personal notes"
-msgstr "Notas personales"
-#: include/nav.php:80
-msgid "Your personal notes"
-msgstr "Tus notas personales"
-#: include/nav.php:91
-msgid "Sign in"
-msgstr "Date de alta"
-#: include/nav.php:104
-msgid "Home Page"
-msgstr "Página de inicio"
-#: include/nav.php:108
-msgid "Create an account"
-msgstr "Crea una cuenta"
-#: include/nav.php:113
-msgid "Help and documentation"
-msgstr "Ayuda y documentación"
-#: include/nav.php:116
-msgid "Apps"
-msgstr "Aplicaciones"
-#: include/nav.php:116
-msgid "Addon applications, utilities, games"
-msgstr "Aplicaciones, utilidades, juegos"
-#: include/nav.php:118
-msgid "Search site content"
-msgstr " Busca contenido en la página"
-#: include/nav.php:136
-msgid "Conversations on this site"
-msgstr "Conversaciones en este sitio"
-#: include/nav.php:138
-msgid "Conversations on the network"
-msgstr "Conversaciones en la red"
-#: include/nav.php:142
-msgid "Directory"
-msgstr "Directorio"
-#: include/nav.php:142
-msgid "People directory"
-msgstr "Directorio de usuarios"
-#: include/nav.php:144
-msgid "Information"
-msgstr "Información"
-#: include/nav.php:144
-msgid "Information about this friendica instance"
-msgstr "Información sobre esta instancia de friendica"
-#: include/nav.php:154
-msgid "Conversations from your friends"
-msgstr "Conversaciones de tus amigos"
-#: include/nav.php:155
-msgid "Network Reset"
-msgstr "Reseteo de la red"
-#: include/nav.php:155
-msgid "Load Network page with no filters"
-msgstr "Cargar pagina de redes sin filtros"
-#: include/nav.php:162
-msgid "Friend Requests"
-msgstr "Solicitudes de amistad"
-#: include/nav.php:166
-msgid "See all notifications"
-msgstr "Ver todas las notificaciones"
-#: include/nav.php:167
-msgid "Mark all system notifications seen"
-msgstr "Marcar todas las notificaciones del sistema como leídas"
-#: include/nav.php:171
-msgid "Private mail"
-msgstr "Correo privado"
-#: include/nav.php:172
-msgid "Inbox"
-msgstr "Entrada"
-#: include/nav.php:173
-msgid "Outbox"
-msgstr "Enviados"
-#: include/nav.php:177
-msgid "Manage"
-msgstr "Administrar"
-#: include/nav.php:177
-msgid "Manage other pages"
-msgstr "Administrar otras páginas"
-#: include/nav.php:182
-msgid "Account settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de tu cuenta"
-#: include/nav.php:185
-msgid "Manage/Edit Profiles"
-msgstr "Manejar/editar Perfiles"
-#: include/nav.php:187
-msgid "Manage/edit friends and contacts"
-msgstr "Administrar/editar amigos y contactos"
-#: include/nav.php:194
-msgid "Site setup and configuration"
-msgstr "Opciones y configuración del sitio"
-#: include/nav.php:198
-msgid "Navigation"
-msgstr "Navegación"
-#: include/nav.php:198
-msgid "Site map"
-msgstr "Mapa del sitio"
-#: include/api.php:906
-#, php-format
-msgid "Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
-msgstr "Limite diario de publicaciones %d alcanzado. La publicación fue rechazada."
-#: include/api.php:926
-#, php-format
-msgid "Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
-msgstr "Limite semanal de publicaciones %d alcanzado. La publicación fue rechazada."
-#: include/api.php:947
-#, php-format
-msgid "Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
-msgstr "Limite mensual de publicaciones %d alcanzado. La publicación fue rechazada."
-#: include/user.php:48
-msgid "An invitation is required."
-msgstr "Se necesita invitación."
-#: include/user.php:53
-msgid "Invitation could not be verified."
-msgstr "No se puede verificar la invitación."
-#: include/user.php:61
-msgid "Invalid OpenID url"
-msgstr "Dirección OpenID no válida"
-#: include/user.php:82
-msgid "Please enter the required information."
-msgstr "Por favor, introduce la información necesaria."
-#: include/user.php:96
-msgid "Please use a shorter name."
-msgstr "Por favor, usa un nombre más corto."
-#: include/user.php:98
-msgid "Name too short."
-msgstr "El nombre es demasiado corto."
-#: include/user.php:113
-msgid "That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."
-msgstr "No parece que ese sea tu nombre completo."
-#: include/user.php:118
-msgid "Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."
-msgstr "Tu dominio de correo no se encuentra entre los permitidos en este sitio."
-#: include/user.php:121
-msgid "Not a valid email address."
-msgstr "No es una dirección de correo electrónico válida."
-#: include/user.php:134
-msgid "Cannot use that email."
-msgstr "No se puede utilizar este correo electrónico."
-#: include/user.php:140
-msgid "Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."
-msgstr "El apodo solo puede contener \"a-z\", \"0-9\" y \"_\"."
-#: include/user.php:147 include/user.php:245
-msgid "Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."
-msgstr "Apodo ya registrado. Por favor, elije otro."
-#: include/user.php:157
-msgid ""
-"Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose "
-msgstr "El apodo ya ha sido registrado alguna vez y no puede volver a usarse. Por favor, utiliza otro."
-#: include/user.php:173
-msgid "SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."
-msgstr "ERROR GRAVE: La generación de claves de seguridad ha fallado."
-#: include/user.php:231
-msgid "An error occurred during registration. Please try again."
-msgstr "Se produjo un error durante el registro. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo."
-#: include/user.php:256 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:44
-msgid "default"
-msgstr "predeterminado"
-#: include/user.php:266
-msgid "An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."
-msgstr "Error al crear tu perfil predeterminado. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo."
-#: include/user.php:299 include/user.php:303 include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Friends"
-msgstr "Amigos"
-#: include/user.php:387
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
-"\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2$s. Your account has been created.\n"
-msgstr "\n\t\tEstimado %1$s,\n\t\t\tGracias por registrar en %2$s. Su cuenta ha sido creada.\n\t"
-#: include/user.php:391
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
-"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3$s\n"
-"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1$s\n"
-"\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n"
-"\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n"
-"\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n"
-"\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
-"\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
-"\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n"
-"\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n"
-"\t\tthan that.\n"
-"\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n"
-"\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
-"\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
-"\t\tThank you and welcome to %2$s."
-msgstr "\n\t\t\tLos detalles de acceso son las siguientes:\n\n\t\t\tDirección del sitio:\t%3$s\n\t\t\tNombre de la cuenta:\t\t%1$s\n\t\t\tContraseña:\t\t%5$s\n\n\t\t\tPodrá cambiar la contraseña desde la pagina de configuración de su cuenta después de acceder a la misma\n\t\t\ten.\n\n\t\t\tPor favor tome unos minutos para revisar las opciones demás de la cuenta en dicha pagina de configuración.\n\n\t\t\tTambién podrá agregar informaciones adicionales a su pagina de perfil predeterminado. \n\t\t\t(en la pagina \"Perfiles\") para que otras personas pueden encontrarlo fácilmente.\n\n\t\t\tRecomendamos que elija un nombre apropiado, agregando una imagen de perfil,\n\t\t\tagregando algunas palabras claves de la cuenta (muy útil para hacer nuevos amigos) - y \n\t\t\tquizás el país en donde vive; si no quiere ser mas especifico\n\t\t\tque eso.\n\n\t\t\tRespetamos absolutamente su derecho a la privacidad y ninguno de estos detalles es necesario.\n\t\t\tSi eres nuevo aquí y no conoces a nadie, estos detalles pueden ayudarte\n\t\t\tpara hacer nuevas e interesantes amistades.\n\n\t\t\tGracias y bienvenido a %2$s."
-#: include/diaspora.php:719
-msgid "Sharing notification from Diaspora network"
-msgstr "Compartir notificaciones con la red Diaspora*"
-#: include/diaspora.php:2570
-msgid "Attachments:"
-msgstr "Archivos adjuntos:"
-#: include/delivery.php:438
-msgid "(no subject)"
-msgstr "(sin asunto)"
-#: include/delivery.php:449 include/enotify.php:37
-msgid "noreply"
-msgstr "no responder"
-#: include/items.php:1832
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this item?"
-msgstr "¿Realmente quieres borrar este objeto?"
-#: include/items.php:2107
-msgid "Archives"
-msgstr "Archivos"
#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
msgid "Male"
msgstr "Hombre"
@@ -7940,6 +205,12 @@ msgstr "Sin especificar"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Otro"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6 include/conversation.php:1483
+msgid "Undecided"
+msgid_plural "Undecided"
+msgstr[0] "Indeciso"
+msgstr[1] "Indeciso"
#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
msgid "Males"
msgstr "Hombres"
@@ -8028,6 +299,10 @@ msgstr "Infiel"
msgid "Sex Addict"
msgstr "Adicto al sexo"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42 include/user.php:299 include/user.php:303
+msgid "Friends"
+msgstr "Amigos"
#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Friends/Benefits"
msgstr "Amigos con beneficios"
@@ -8112,301 +387,455 @@ msgstr "No te importa"
msgid "Ask me"
msgstr "Pregúntame"
-#: include/enotify.php:18
-msgid "Friendica Notification"
-msgstr "Notificación de Friendica"
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:148 include/event.php:16 mod/localtime.php:12
+msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
+msgstr "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
-#: include/enotify.php:21
-msgid "Thank You,"
-msgstr "Gracias,"
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:154 include/event.php:33 include/event.php:51
+#: include/event.php:487
+msgid "Starts:"
+msgstr "Inicio:"
-#: include/enotify.php:24
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:162 include/event.php:36 include/event.php:57
+#: include/event.php:488
+msgid "Finishes:"
+msgstr "Final:"
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:170 include/event.php:39 include/event.php:63
+#: include/event.php:489 include/identity.php:328 mod/notifications.php:232
+#: mod/contacts.php:628 mod/directory.php:137 mod/events.php:494
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Localización:"
+#: include/dba_pdo.php:72 include/dba.php:56
#, php-format
-msgid "%s Administrator"
-msgstr "%s Administrador"
+msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
+msgstr "No se puede encontrar información DNS para la base de datos del servidor '%s'"
-#: include/enotify.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s, %2$s Administrator"
-msgstr "%1$s, %2$s Administrador"
+#: include/auth.php:45
+msgid "Logged out."
+msgstr "Sesión finalizada"
-#: include/enotify.php:68
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s "
-msgstr "%s "
+#: include/auth.php:116 include/auth.php:178 mod/openid.php:100
+msgid "Login failed."
+msgstr "Accesso fallido."
-#: include/enotify.php:82
-#, php-format
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] New mail received at %s"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notificación] Nuevo correo recibido de %s"
+#: include/auth.php:132 include/user.php:75
+msgid ""
+"We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. "
+"Please check the correct spelling of the ID."
+msgstr "Se ha encontrado un problema para acceder con el OpenID que has escrito. Verifica que lo hayas escrito correctamente."
-#: include/enotify.php:84
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s sent you a new private message at %2$s."
-msgstr "%1$s te ha enviado un mensaje privado desde %2$s."
+#: include/auth.php:132 include/user.php:75
+msgid "The error message was:"
+msgstr "El mensaje del error fue:"
-#: include/enotify.php:85
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s sent you %2$s."
-msgstr "%1$s te ha enviado %2$s."
+#: include/group.php:25
+msgid ""
+"A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions "
+"may apply to this group and any future members. If this is "
+"not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."
+msgstr "Un grupo eliminado con este nombre fue restablecido. Los permisos existentes pueden aplicarse a este grupo y a sus futuros miembros. Si esto no es lo que pretendes, por favor, crea otro grupo con un nombre diferente."
-#: include/enotify.php:85
-msgid "a private message"
-msgstr "un mensaje privado"
+#: include/group.php:209
+msgid "Default privacy group for new contacts"
+msgstr "Grupo por defecto para nuevos contactos"
-#: include/enotify.php:86
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please visit %s to view and/or reply to your private messages."
-msgstr "Por favor, visita %s para ver y/o responder a tus mensajes privados."
+#: include/group.php:242
+msgid "Everybody"
+msgstr "Todo el mundo"
-#: include/enotify.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]a %3$s[/url]"
-msgstr "%1$s comentó en [url=%2$s]a %3$s[/url]"
+#: include/group.php:265
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "editar"
-#: include/enotify.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]%3$s's %4$s[/url]"
-msgstr "%1$s comentó en [url=%2$s] %4$s de %3$s[/url]"
+#: include/group.php:286 mod/newmember.php:61
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Grupos"
-#: include/enotify.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]your %3$s[/url]"
-msgstr "%1$s comentó en [url=%2$s] tu %3$s[/url]"
+#: include/group.php:288
+msgid "Edit groups"
+msgstr "Editar grupo"
-#: include/enotify.php:163
-#, php-format
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%1$d by %2$s"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notificación] Comentario en la conversación de #%1$d por %2$s"
+#: include/group.php:290
+msgid "Edit group"
+msgstr "Editar grupo"
-#: include/enotify.php:164
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s commented on an item/conversation you have been following."
-msgstr "%s ha comentado en una conversación/elemento que sigues."
+#: include/group.php:291
+msgid "Create a new group"
+msgstr "Crear un nuevo grupo"
-#: include/enotify.php:167 include/enotify.php:182 include/enotify.php:195
-#: include/enotify.php:208 include/enotify.php:226 include/enotify.php:239
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."
-msgstr "Por favor, visita %s para ver y/o responder a la conversación."
+#: include/group.php:292 mod/group.php:94 mod/group.php:178
+msgid "Group Name: "
+msgstr "Nombre del grupo: "
-#: include/enotify.php:174
-#, php-format
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notificación] %s publicó en tu muro"
+#: include/group.php:294
+msgid "Contacts not in any group"
+msgstr "Contactos sin grupo"
-#: include/enotify.php:176
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s posted to your profile wall at %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s publicó en tu perfil de %2$s"
+#: include/group.php:296 mod/network.php:201
+msgid "add"
+msgstr "añadir"
-#: include/enotify.php:178
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s posted to [url=%2$s]your wall[/url]"
-msgstr "%1$s publicó en [url=%2$s]tu muro[/url]"
+#: include/user.php:39 mod/settings.php:371
+msgid "Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."
+msgstr "Las contraseñas no coinciden. La contraseña no ha sido modificada."
-#: include/enotify.php:189
-#, php-format
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged you"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notificación] %s te ha nombrado"
+#: include/user.php:48
+msgid "An invitation is required."
+msgstr "Se necesita invitación."
-#: include/enotify.php:190
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s tagged you at %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s te ha nombrado en %2$s"
+#: include/user.php:53
+msgid "Invitation could not be verified."
+msgstr "No se puede verificar la invitación."
-#: include/enotify.php:191
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s [url=%2$s]tagged you[/url]."
-msgstr "%1$s [url=%2$s]te nombró[/url]."
+#: include/user.php:61
+msgid "Invalid OpenID url"
+msgstr "Dirección OpenID no válida"
-#: include/enotify.php:202
-#, php-format
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s shared a new post"
-msgstr "[Notificacion Friendica] %s compartio una nueva publicacion"
+#: include/user.php:82
+msgid "Please enter the required information."
+msgstr "Por favor, introduce la información necesaria."
-#: include/enotify.php:203
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s shared a new post at %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s compartió un nuevo tema en %2$s"
+#: include/user.php:96
+msgid "Please use a shorter name."
+msgstr "Por favor, usa un nombre más corto."
-#: include/enotify.php:204
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s [url=%2$s]shared a post[/url]."
-msgstr "%1$s [url=%2$s]compartió una publicación[/url]."
+#: include/user.php:98
+msgid "Name too short."
+msgstr "El nombre es demasiado corto."
-#: include/enotify.php:216
-#, php-format
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %1$s poked you"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notify] %1$s te dio un toque"
+#: include/user.php:113
+msgid "That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."
+msgstr "No parece que ese sea tu nombre completo."
-#: include/enotify.php:217
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s poked you at %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s te dio un toque en %2$s"
+#: include/user.php:118
+msgid "Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."
+msgstr "Tu dominio de correo no se encuentra entre los permitidos en este sitio."
-#: include/enotify.php:218
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s [url=%2$s]poked you[/url]."
-msgstr "%1$s [url=%2$s]te dio un toque[/url]."
+#: include/user.php:121
+msgid "Not a valid email address."
+msgstr "No es una dirección de correo electrónico válida."
-#: include/enotify.php:233
-#, php-format
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged your post"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notificación] %s ha etiquetado tu publicación"
+#: include/user.php:134
+msgid "Cannot use that email."
+msgstr "No se puede utilizar este correo electrónico."
-#: include/enotify.php:234
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s tagged your post at %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s ha etiquetado tu publicación en %2$s"
+#: include/user.php:140
+msgid "Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."
+msgstr "El apodo solo puede contener \"a-z\", \"0-9\" y \"_\"."
-#: include/enotify.php:235
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s tagged [url=%2$s]your post[/url]"
-msgstr "%1$s ha etiquetado [url=%2$s]tu publicación[/url]"
+#: include/user.php:147 include/user.php:245
+msgid "Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."
+msgstr "Apodo ya registrado. Por favor, elije otro."
-#: include/enotify.php:246
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Introduction received"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notificación] Presentación recibida"
+#: include/user.php:157
+msgid ""
+"Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose "
+msgstr "El apodo ya ha sido registrado alguna vez y no puede volver a usarse. Por favor, utiliza otro."
-#: include/enotify.php:247
-#, php-format
-msgid "You've received an introduction from '%1$s' at %2$s"
-msgstr "Has recibido una presentación de '%1$s' en %2$s"
+#: include/user.php:173
+msgid "SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."
+msgstr "ERROR GRAVE: La generación de claves de seguridad ha fallado."
-#: include/enotify.php:248
-#, php-format
-msgid "You've received [url=%1$s]an introduction[/url] from %2$s."
-msgstr "Has recibido [url=%1$s]una presentación[/url] de %2$s."
+#: include/user.php:231
+msgid "An error occurred during registration. Please try again."
+msgstr "Se produjo un error durante el registro. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo."
-#: include/enotify.php:251 include/enotify.php:293
-#, php-format
-msgid "You may visit their profile at %s"
-msgstr "Puedes visitar su perfil en %s"
+#: include/user.php:256 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:44
+msgid "default"
+msgstr "predeterminado"
-#: include/enotify.php:253
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the introduction."
-msgstr "Visita %s para aceptar o rechazar la presentación por favor."
+#: include/user.php:266
+msgid "An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."
+msgstr "Error al crear tu perfil predeterminado. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo."
-#: include/enotify.php:261
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] A new person is sharing with you"
-msgstr "[Notificación:Friendica] Un nuevo contacto comparte contigo"
+#: include/user.php:345 include/user.php:352 include/user.php:359
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:74 mod/profile_photo.php:81 mod/profile_photo.php:88
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:210 mod/profile_photo.php:302
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:311 mod/photos.php:66 mod/photos.php:180
+#: mod/photos.php:751 mod/photos.php:1211 mod/photos.php:1232
+#: mod/photos.php:1819 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:500
+msgid "Profile Photos"
+msgstr "Foto del perfil"
-#: include/enotify.php:262 include/enotify.php:263
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is sharing with you at %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s comparte con tigo en %2$s"
-#: include/enotify.php:269
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] You have a new follower"
-msgstr "[Notificación:Friendica] Tienes un nuevo seguidor"
-#: include/enotify.php:270 include/enotify.php:271
-#, php-format
-msgid "You have a new follower at %2$s : %1$s"
-msgstr "Tienes un nuevo seguidor en %2$s : %1$s"
-#: include/enotify.php:284
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Friend suggestion received"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notificación] Sugerencia de amigo recibida"
-#: include/enotify.php:285
-#, php-format
-msgid "You've received a friend suggestion from '%1$s' at %2$s"
-msgstr "Has recibido una sugerencia de amigo de '%1$s' en %2$s"
-#: include/enotify.php:286
+#: include/user.php:387
#, php-format
msgid ""
-"You've received [url=%1$s]a friend suggestion[/url] for %2$s from %3$s."
-msgstr "Has recibido [url=%1$s]una sugerencia de amigo[/url] en %2$s de %3$s."
+"\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
+"\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2$s. Your account has been created.\n"
+msgstr "\n\t\tEstimado %1$s,\n\t\t\tGracias por registrar en %2$s. Su cuenta ha sido creada.\n\t"
-#: include/enotify.php:291
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Nombre: "
-#: include/enotify.php:292
-msgid "Photo:"
-msgstr "Foto: "
-#: include/enotify.php:295
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the suggestion."
-msgstr "Visita %s para aceptar o rechazar la sugerencia por favor."
-#: include/enotify.php:303 include/enotify.php:316
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Connection accepted"
-msgstr "[Notificación:Friendica] Conexión aceptada"
-#: include/enotify.php:304 include/enotify.php:317
-#, php-format
-msgid "'%1$s' has accepted your connection request at %2$s"
-msgstr "'%1$s' acepto tu consulta de conexión %2$s"
-#: include/enotify.php:305 include/enotify.php:318
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$s has accepted your [url=%1$s]connection request[/url]."
-msgstr "%2$s hacepto tu [url=%1$s]consulta de conexión[/url]."
-#: include/enotify.php:308
-msgid ""
-"You are now mutual friends and may exchange status updates, photos, and email\n"
-"\twithout restriction."
-msgstr "Ahora tienes una amistad mutua y podrán intercambiar actualizaciones de estados, imágenes, y correo\n\tsin restricciones"
-#: include/enotify.php:311 include/enotify.php:325
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."
-msgstr "Por favor visita %s si es preciso de hacer algún cambio a la relación con este contacto."
-#: include/enotify.php:321
+#: include/user.php:391
#, php-format
msgid ""
-"'%1$s' has chosen to accept you a \"fan\", which restricts some forms of "
-"communication - such as private messaging and some profile interactions. If "
-"this is a celebrity or community page, these settings were applied "
-msgstr "'%1$s' eligió de aceptarte como fan/hincha lo que restringe algunas formas de comunicación - tales como mensajes privados y algunas interacciones de los perfiles. Si esto es una pagina de celebridad o comunidad, estas configuraciones se adoptaron automáticamente."
+"\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
+"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3$s\n"
+"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1$s\n"
+"\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n"
+"\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n"
+"\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n"
+"\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
+"\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
+"\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n"
+"\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n"
+"\t\tthan that.\n"
+"\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n"
+"\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
+"\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
+"\t\tThank you and welcome to %2$s."
+msgstr "\n\t\t\tLos detalles de acceso son las siguientes:\n\n\t\t\tDirección del sitio:\t%3$s\n\t\t\tNombre de la cuenta:\t\t%1$s\n\t\t\tContraseña:\t\t%5$s\n\n\t\t\tPodrá cambiar la contraseña desde la pagina de configuración de su cuenta después de acceder a la misma\n\t\t\ten.\n\n\t\t\tPor favor tome unos minutos para revisar las opciones demás de la cuenta en dicha pagina de configuración.\n\n\t\t\tTambién podrá agregar informaciones adicionales a su pagina de perfil predeterminado. \n\t\t\t(en la pagina \"Perfiles\") para que otras personas pueden encontrarlo fácilmente.\n\n\t\t\tRecomendamos que elija un nombre apropiado, agregando una imagen de perfil,\n\t\t\tagregando algunas palabras claves de la cuenta (muy útil para hacer nuevos amigos) - y \n\t\t\tquizás el país en donde vive; si no quiere ser mas especifico\n\t\t\tque eso.\n\n\t\t\tRespetamos absolutamente su derecho a la privacidad y ninguno de estos detalles es necesario.\n\t\t\tSi eres nuevo aquí y no conoces a nadie, estos detalles pueden ayudarte\n\t\t\tpara hacer nuevas e interesantes amistades.\n\n\t\t\tGracias y bienvenido a %2$s."
-#: include/enotify.php:323
+#: include/user.php:423 mod/admin.php:1184
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"'%1$s' may choose to extend this into a two-way or more permissive "
-"relationship in the future. "
-msgstr "'%1$s' puede elegir de extender la relación hacia una relación de ida y vuelta o otras configuración mas permisiva en el futuro."
+msgid "Registration details for %s"
+msgstr "Detalles de registro para %s"
-#: include/enotify.php:336
-msgid "[Friendica System:Notify] registration request"
-msgstr "[Notificacion:Friendica] consulta de registro"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:32
+msgid "Unknown | Not categorised"
+msgstr "Desconocido | No clasificado"
-#: include/enotify.php:337
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:33
+msgid "Block immediately"
+msgstr "Bloquear inmediatamente"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:34
+msgid "Shady, spammer, self-marketer"
+msgstr "Sospechoso, spammer, auto-publicidad"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:35
+msgid "Known to me, but no opinion"
+msgstr "Le conozco, sin opinión"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:36
+msgid "OK, probably harmless"
+msgstr "OK, probablemente inofensivo"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:37
+msgid "Reputable, has my trust"
+msgstr "Buena reputación, tiene mi confianza"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:56 mod/admin.php:862
+msgid "Frequently"
+msgstr "Frequentemente"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:57 mod/admin.php:863
+msgid "Hourly"
+msgstr "Cada hora"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:58 mod/admin.php:864
+msgid "Twice daily"
+msgstr "Dos veces al día"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:59 mod/admin.php:865
+msgid "Daily"
+msgstr "Diariamente"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:60
+msgid "Weekly"
+msgstr "Semanalmente"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:61
+msgid "Monthly"
+msgstr "Mensualmente"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:76 mod/dfrn_request.php:867
+msgid "Friendica"
+msgstr "Friendica"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:77
+msgid "OStatus"
+msgstr "OStatus"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:78
+msgid "RSS/Atom"
+msgstr "RSS/Atom"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:79 include/contact_selectors.php:86
+#: mod/admin.php:1367 mod/admin.php:1380 mod/admin.php:1392 mod/admin.php:1410
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Correo electrónico"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:80 mod/dfrn_request.php:869
+#: mod/settings.php:840
+msgid "Diaspora"
+msgstr "Diaspora*"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:81
+msgid "Facebook"
+msgstr "Facebook"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:82
+msgid "Zot!"
+msgstr "Zot!"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:83
+msgid "LinkedIn"
+msgstr "LinkedIn"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:84
+msgid "XMPP/IM"
+msgstr "XMPP/IM"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:85
+msgid "MySpace"
+msgstr "MySpace"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:87
+msgid "Google+"
+msgstr "Google+"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:88
+msgid "pump.io"
+msgstr "pump.io"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:89
+msgid "Twitter"
+msgstr "Twitter"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:90
+msgid "Diaspora Connector"
+msgstr "Conector Diaspora"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:91
+msgid "GNU Social"
+msgstr "GNUsocial (OStatus)"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:92
+msgid "App.net"
+msgstr "App.net"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:103
+msgid "Hubzilla/Redmatrix"
+msgstr "Hubzilla/Redmatrix"
+#: include/network.php:595
+msgid "view full size"
+msgstr "Ver a tamaño completo"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:327
+msgid "Post to Email"
+msgstr "Publicar mediante correo electrónico"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:332
#, php-format
-msgid "You've received a registration request from '%1$s' at %2$s"
-msgstr "Recibiste una consulta de registro de '%1$s' en %2$s"
+msgid "Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."
+msgstr "Conectores deshabilitados, ya que \"%s\" es habilitado."
-#: include/enotify.php:338
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:333 mod/settings.php:1176
+msgid "Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"
+msgstr "¿Quieres que los detalles de tu perfil permanezcan ocultos a los desconocidos?"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:338
+msgid "Visible to everybody"
+msgstr "Visible para cualquiera"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:339 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
+msgid "show"
+msgstr "mostrar"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:340 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
+msgid "don't show"
+msgstr "no mostrar"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:346 mod/editpost.php:133
+msgid "CC: email addresses"
+msgstr "CC: dirección de correo electrónico"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:347 mod/editpost.php:140
+msgid "Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"
+msgstr "Ejemplo: juan@ejemplo.com, sofia@ejemplo.com"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:349 mod/events.php:509 mod/photos.php:1156
+#: mod/photos.php:1535
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Permisos"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:350
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Cerrado"
+#: include/like.php:163 include/conversation.php:130
+#: include/conversation.php:266 include/text.php:1808 mod/subthread.php:87
+#: mod/tagger.php:62 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:471
+msgid "photo"
+msgstr "foto"
+#: include/like.php:163 include/diaspora.php:1402 include/conversation.php:125
+#: include/conversation.php:134 include/conversation.php:261
+#: include/conversation.php:270 mod/subthread.php:87 mod/tagger.php:62
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:466 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:475
+msgid "status"
+msgstr "estado"
+#: include/like.php:165 include/conversation.php:122
+#: include/conversation.php:258 include/text.php:1806
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:463
+msgid "event"
+msgstr "evento"
+#: include/like.php:182 include/diaspora.php:1398 include/conversation.php:141
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:480
#, php-format
-msgid "You've received a [url=%1$s]registration request[/url] from %2$s."
-msgstr "Recibiste una [url=%1$s]consulta de registro[/url] from %2$s."
+msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "A %1$s le gusta %3$s de %2$s"
-#: include/enotify.php:341
+#: include/like.php:184 include/conversation.php:144
#, php-format
-msgid "Full Name:\t%1$s\\nSite Location:\t%2$s\\nLogin Name:\t%3$s (%4$s)"
-msgstr "Nombre completo:\t%1$s\\nUbicación del sitio:\t%2$s\\nLogin Nombre:\t%3$s (%4$s)"
+msgid "%1$s doesn't like %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "A %1$s no le gusta %3$s de %2$s"
-#: include/enotify.php:344
+#: include/like.php:186
#, php-format
-msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the request."
-msgstr "Por favor visita %s para aprobar o negar la solicitud."
+msgid "%1$s is attending %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s atenderá %2$s's %3$s"
-#: include/oembed.php:226
-msgid "Embedded content"
-msgstr "Contenido integrado"
+#: include/like.php:188
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is not attending %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s no atenderá %2$s's %3$s"
-#: include/oembed.php:235
-msgid "Embedding disabled"
-msgstr "Contenido incrustrado desabilitado"
+#: include/like.php:190
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s may attend %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s puede que atienda %2$s's %3$s"
+#: include/message.php:15 include/message.php:173
+msgid "[no subject]"
+msgstr "[sin asunto]"
+#: include/message.php:145 include/Photo.php:1045 include/Photo.php:1061
+#: include/Photo.php:1069 include/Photo.php:1094 mod/wall_upload.php:218
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:232 mod/wall_upload.php:239 mod/item.php:477
+msgid "Wall Photos"
+msgstr "Foto del Muro"
+#: include/plugin.php:526 include/plugin.php:528
+msgid "Click here to upgrade."
+msgstr "Pulsa aquí para actualizar."
+#: include/plugin.php:534
+msgid "This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."
+msgstr "Esta acción excede los límites permitidos por tu subscripción."
+#: include/plugin.php:539
+msgid "This action is not available under your subscription plan."
+msgstr "Esta acción no está permitida para tu subscripción."
#: include/uimport.php:94
msgid "Error decoding account file"
@@ -8444,9 +873,7832 @@ msgstr[1] "%d contactos no importado"
msgid "Done. You can now login with your username and password"
msgstr "Hecho. Ahora podes ingresar con tu nombre de cuenta y la contraseña."
-#: index.php:434
-msgid "toggle mobile"
-msgstr "Cambiar a versión móvil"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:153
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistema"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:160 include/nav.php:158 mod/admin.php:402
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:253
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Red"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:167 mod/profiles.php:703
+#: mod/network.php:845
+msgid "Personal"
+msgstr "Personal"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:174 include/nav.php:105
+#: include/nav.php:161 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Inicio"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:181 include/nav.php:166
+msgid "Introductions"
+msgstr "Presentaciones"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:234 include/NotificationsManager.php:245
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s commented on %s's post"
+msgstr "%s comentó la publicación de %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:244
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s created a new post"
+msgstr "%s creó una nueva publicación"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:258
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s liked %s's post"
+msgstr "A %s le gusta la publicación de %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:269
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s disliked %s's post"
+msgstr "A %s no le gusta la publicación de %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is attending %s's event"
+msgstr "%s está asistiendo al evento %s's"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:291
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is not attending %s's event"
+msgstr "%s no está asistiendo al evento %s's"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:302
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s may attend %s's event"
+msgstr "%s podría asistir al evento %s's"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is now friends with %s"
+msgstr "%s es ahora es amigo de %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:750
+msgid "Friend Suggestion"
+msgstr "Propuestas de amistad"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:783
+msgid "Friend/Connect Request"
+msgstr "Solicitud de Amistad/Conexión"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:783
+msgid "New Follower"
+msgstr "Nuevo seguidor"
+#: include/diaspora.php:1954
+msgid "Sharing notification from Diaspora network"
+msgstr "Compartir notificaciones con la red Diaspora*"
+#: include/diaspora.php:2854
+msgid "Attachments:"
+msgstr "Archivos adjuntos:"
+#: include/features.php:63
+msgid "General Features"
+msgstr "Opciones generales"
+#: include/features.php:65
+msgid "Multiple Profiles"
+msgstr "Perfiles multiples"
+#: include/features.php:65
+msgid "Ability to create multiple profiles"
+msgstr "Capacidad de crear perfiles multiples. Cada pagina/perfil/usuario puede tener diferentes perfiles/apariencias. Las mismas pueden ser visibles para determinados contactos seleccionados dentro de la red friendica."
+#: include/features.php:66
+msgid "Photo Location"
+msgstr "Localización foto"
+#: include/features.php:66
+msgid ""
+"Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present)"
+" prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."
+msgstr "Normalmente los meta datos de las imágenes son eliminados. Esto extraerá la localización si presente antes de eliminar los meta datos y enlaza la misma con el mapa."
+#: include/features.php:67
+msgid "Export Public Calendar"
+msgstr "Exportar Calendario Público"
+#: include/features.php:67
+msgid "Ability for visitors to download the public calendar"
+msgstr "Posibilidad de los visitantes de descargar el calendario público"
+#: include/features.php:72
+msgid "Post Composition Features"
+msgstr "Opciones de edición de publicaciones."
+#: include/features.php:73
+msgid "Richtext Editor"
+msgstr "Editor de texto sofisticado (richt text editor)"
+#: include/features.php:73
+msgid "Enable richtext editor"
+msgstr "Habilitar editor de textos sofisticado"
+#: include/features.php:74
+msgid "Post Preview"
+msgstr "Previsualizar publicaciones"
+#: include/features.php:74
+msgid "Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"
+msgstr "Permitir la previsualización de publicaciones antes de publicar las mismas."
+#: include/features.php:75
+msgid "Auto-mention Forums"
+msgstr "Auto-mencionar foros"
+#: include/features.php:75
+msgid ""
+"Add/remove mention when a forum page is selected/deselected in ACL window."
+msgstr "Añadir/eliminar mención cuando un foro es seleccionado/deseleccionado en la ventana ACL."
+#: include/features.php:80
+msgid "Network Sidebar Widgets"
+msgstr "Accesorios de red del panel lateral"
+#: include/features.php:81
+msgid "Search by Date"
+msgstr "Buscar por fecha"
+#: include/features.php:81
+msgid "Ability to select posts by date ranges"
+msgstr "Habilidad de seleccionar publicaciones por fecha"
+#: include/features.php:82 include/features.php:112
+msgid "List Forums"
+msgstr "Listar foros"
+#: include/features.php:82
+msgid "Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"
+msgstr "Habilitar la pestaña para mostrar los foros en que estas participando."
+#: include/features.php:83
+msgid "Group Filter"
+msgstr "Filtro del grupo"
+#: include/features.php:83
+msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"
+msgstr "Habilitar accesorios para visualizar publicaciones en la red solo de grupos seleccionados"
+#: include/features.php:84
+msgid "Network Filter"
+msgstr "Filtro de red"
+#: include/features.php:84
+msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"
+msgstr "Habilitar accesorios para visualizar publicaciones solo de las redes seleccionadas."
+#: include/features.php:85 mod/search.php:34 mod/network.php:200
+msgid "Saved Searches"
+msgstr "Búsquedas guardadas"
+#: include/features.php:85
+msgid "Save search terms for re-use"
+msgstr "Guardar términos de búsqueda para su reutilizacion"
+#: include/features.php:90
+msgid "Network Tabs"
+msgstr "Pestañas de redes"
+#: include/features.php:91
+msgid "Network Personal Tab"
+msgstr "Pestaña actividad personal"
+#: include/features.php:91
+msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"
+msgstr "Habilitar para visualizar solo publicaciones con las que se ha interactuado"
+#: include/features.php:92
+msgid "Network New Tab"
+msgstr "Pestaña nuevo en la red"
+#: include/features.php:92
+msgid "Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"
+msgstr "Activar para mostrar solo publicaciones nuevas en la red (de las ultimas 12 horas)"
+#: include/features.php:93
+msgid "Network Shared Links Tab"
+msgstr "Pestaña publicaciones con enlaces"
+#: include/features.php:93
+msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"
+msgstr "Habilitar para visualizar solo publicaciones que contienen enlaces"
+#: include/features.php:98
+msgid "Post/Comment Tools"
+msgstr "Herramienta de publicaciones/respuestas"
+#: include/features.php:99
+msgid "Multiple Deletion"
+msgstr "Borrar múltiples publicaciones"
+#: include/features.php:99
+msgid "Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"
+msgstr "Habilidad de seleccionar y borrar varias publicaciones/comentarios a la vez"
+#: include/features.php:100
+msgid "Edit Sent Posts"
+msgstr "Editar temas enviados"
+#: include/features.php:100
+msgid "Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"
+msgstr "Editar y corregir publicaciones y respuestas enviados. Las ediciones solo son comunicados dentro de la red friendica. No se modificaran copias enviadas a diaspora, OStatus/GNUsocial/Quitter u otros servicios conectados."
+#: include/features.php:101
+msgid "Tagging"
+msgstr "taggear"
+#: include/features.php:101
+msgid "Ability to tag existing posts"
+msgstr "Habilidad de taggear publicaciones existentes"
+#: include/features.php:102
+msgid "Post Categories"
+msgstr "Categorías de publicaciones"
+#: include/features.php:102
+msgid "Add categories to your posts"
+msgstr "Agregue categorías a sus publicaciones. Las mismas serán visualizadas en su pagina de inicio."
+#: include/features.php:103
+msgid "Ability to file posts under folders"
+msgstr "Archivar publicaciones en carpetas"
+#: include/features.php:104
+msgid "Dislike Posts"
+msgstr "Desaprobar publicación (dislike)"
+#: include/features.php:104
+msgid "Ability to dislike posts/comments"
+msgstr "Habilidad de expresar desacuerdo en publicaciones y comentarios. Esta función solo es visualizado en la red friendica."
+#: include/features.php:105
+msgid "Star Posts"
+msgstr "Fijar publicaciones"
+#: include/features.php:105
+msgid "Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"
+msgstr "Habilidad de marcar - observar fijamente publicaciones.\nEl simbolo de estrella es habilitado. Se recibirán notificaciones sobre comentarios, además una pestaña de publicaciones fijadas es habilitada. En las opciones de expiración de publicaciones se puede filtrar estas publicaciones para no ser eliminados contrario a las publicaciones demás de los contactos."
+#: include/features.php:106
+msgid "Mute Post Notifications"
+msgstr "Silenciar notificaciones de una publicacion"
+#: include/features.php:106
+msgid "Ability to mute notifications for a thread"
+msgstr "Habilidad de silenciar notificaciones sobre nuevos comentarios en una publicación."
+#: include/features.php:111
+msgid "Advanced Profile Settings"
+msgstr "Ajustes avanzados del perfil"
+#: include/features.php:112
+msgid "Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"
+msgstr "Mostrar a los visitantes foros públicos en las que se esta participando en el pagina avanzada de perfiles."
+#: include/delivery.php:439
+msgid "(no subject)"
+msgstr "(sin asunto)"
+#: include/delivery.php:450 include/enotify.php:43
+msgid "noreply"
+msgstr "no responder"
+#: include/Contact.php:119
+msgid "stopped following"
+msgstr "dejó de seguir"
+#: include/Contact.php:311 include/Contact.php:324 include/Contact.php:369
+#: include/conversation.php:968 include/conversation.php:984
+#: mod/allfriends.php:65 mod/directory.php:155 mod/dirfind.php:203
+#: mod/match.php:71 mod/suggest.php:82
+msgid "View Profile"
+msgstr "Ver perfil"
+#: include/Contact.php:368 include/conversation.php:967
+msgid "View Status"
+msgstr "Ver estado"
+#: include/Contact.php:370 include/conversation.php:969
+msgid "View Photos"
+msgstr "Ver fotos"
+#: include/Contact.php:371 include/conversation.php:970
+msgid "Network Posts"
+msgstr "Publicaciones en la red"
+#: include/Contact.php:372 include/conversation.php:971
+msgid "View Contact"
+msgstr "Ver contacto"
+#: include/Contact.php:373
+msgid "Drop Contact"
+msgstr "Eliminar contacto"
+#: include/Contact.php:374 include/conversation.php:972
+msgid "Send PM"
+msgstr "Enviar mensaje privado"
+#: include/Contact.php:375 include/conversation.php:976
+msgid "Poke"
+msgstr "Toque"
+#: include/Contact.php:748
+msgid "Organisation"
+msgstr "Organización"
+#: include/Contact.php:751
+msgid "News"
+msgstr "Noticias"
+#: include/Contact.php:754
+msgid "Forum"
+msgstr "Foro"
+#: include/api.php:1019
+#, php-format
+msgid "Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
+msgstr "Limite diario de publicaciones %d alcanzado. La publicación fue rechazada."
+#: include/api.php:1039
+#, php-format
+msgid "Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
+msgstr "Limite semanal de publicaciones %d alcanzado. La publicación fue rechazada."
+#: include/api.php:1060
+#, php-format
+msgid "Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
+msgstr "Limite mensual de publicaciones %d alcanzado. La publicación fue rechazada."
+#: include/bbcode.php:348 include/bbcode.php:1055 include/bbcode.php:1056
+msgid "Image/photo"
+msgstr "Imagen/Foto"
+#: include/bbcode.php:465
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr "%2$s %3$s"
+#: include/bbcode.php:1015 include/bbcode.php:1035
+msgid "$1 wrote:"
+msgstr "$1 escribió:"
+#: include/bbcode.php:1064 include/bbcode.php:1065
+msgid "Encrypted content"
+msgstr "Contenido cifrado"
+#: include/conversation.php:147
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s attends %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s atenderá %2$s's %3$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s doesn't attend %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s no atenderá %2$s's %3$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s attends maybe %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s atenderá quizás %2$s's %3$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:185 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:473
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is now friends with %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s ahora es amigo de %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s poked %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s le dio un toque a %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:239 mod/mood.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is currently %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s está actualmente %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:278 mod/tagger.php:95
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s tagged %2$s's %3$s with %4$s"
+msgstr "%1$s ha etiquetado el %3$s de %2$s con %4$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:303
+msgid "post/item"
+msgstr "publicación/tema"
+#: include/conversation.php:304
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s marked %2$s's %3$s as favorite"
+msgstr "%1$s ha marcado %3$s de %2$s como Favorito"
+#: include/conversation.php:585 mod/content.php:372 mod/profiles.php:346
+#: mod/photos.php:1607
+msgid "Likes"
+msgstr "Me gusta"
+#: include/conversation.php:585 mod/content.php:372 mod/profiles.php:350
+#: mod/photos.php:1607
+msgid "Dislikes"
+msgstr "No me gusta"
+#: include/conversation.php:586 include/conversation.php:1477
+#: mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1608
+msgid "Attending"
+msgid_plural "Attending"
+msgstr[0] "Atendiendo"
+msgstr[1] "Atendiendo"
+#: include/conversation.php:586 mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1608
+msgid "Not attending"
+msgstr "No atendiendo"
+#: include/conversation.php:586 mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1608
+msgid "Might attend"
+msgstr "Puede que atienda"
+#: include/conversation.php:708 mod/content.php:453 mod/content.php:758
+#: mod/photos.php:1681 object/Item.php:133
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: include/conversation.php:709 mod/group.php:171 mod/content.php:454
+#: mod/content.php:759 mod/admin.php:1384 mod/contacts.php:808
+#: mod/contacts.php:1016 mod/photos.php:1682 mod/settings.php:739
+#: object/Item.php:134
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Eliminar"
+#: include/conversation.php:753 mod/content.php:487 mod/content.php:910
+#: mod/content.php:911 object/Item.php:367 object/Item.php:368
+#, php-format
+msgid "View %s's profile @ %s"
+msgstr "Ver perfil de %s @ %s"
+#: include/conversation.php:765 object/Item.php:355
+msgid "Categories:"
+msgstr "Categorías:"
+#: include/conversation.php:766 object/Item.php:356
+msgid "Filed under:"
+msgstr "Archivado en:"
+#: include/conversation.php:773 mod/content.php:497 mod/content.php:923
+#: object/Item.php:381
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s from %s"
+msgstr "%s de %s"
+#: include/conversation.php:789 mod/content.php:513
+msgid "View in context"
+msgstr "Verlo en contexto"
+#: include/conversation.php:791 include/conversation.php:1261
+#: mod/editpost.php:124 mod/wallmessage.php:156 mod/message.php:356
+#: mod/message.php:548 mod/content.php:515 mod/content.php:948
+#: mod/photos.php:1570 object/Item.php:406
+msgid "Please wait"
+msgstr "Por favor, espera"
+#: include/conversation.php:870
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "eliminar"
+#: include/conversation.php:874
+msgid "Delete Selected Items"
+msgstr "Eliminar el elemento seleccionado"
+#: include/conversation.php:966
+msgid "Follow Thread"
+msgstr "Seguir publicacion"
+#: include/conversation.php:1094
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s likes this."
+msgstr "A %s le gusta esto."
+#: include/conversation.php:1097
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s doesn't like this."
+msgstr "A %s no le gusta esto."
+#: include/conversation.php:1100
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s attends."
+msgstr "%s atiende."
+#: include/conversation.php:1103
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s doesn't attend."
+msgstr "%s no atenderá."
+#: include/conversation.php:1106
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s attends maybe."
+msgstr "%s quizás atenderá"
+#: include/conversation.php:1116
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "y"
+#: include/conversation.php:1122
+#, php-format
+msgid ", and %d other people"
+msgstr " y a otras %d personas"
+#: include/conversation.php:1131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people like this"
+msgstr "%2$d personas les gusta esto"
+#: include/conversation.php:1132
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s like this."
+msgstr "A %s le gusta esto."
+#: include/conversation.php:1135
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people don't like this"
+msgstr "%2$d personas no les gusta esto"
+#: include/conversation.php:1136
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s don't like this."
+msgstr "A %s no le gusta esto."
+#: include/conversation.php:1139
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people attend"
+msgstr "%2$d personas atienden"
+#: include/conversation.php:1140
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s attend."
+msgstr "%s atiende."
+#: include/conversation.php:1143
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people don't attend"
+msgstr "%2$d personas no atienden"
+#: include/conversation.php:1144
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s don't attend."
+msgstr "%s no atiende."
+#: include/conversation.php:1147
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people attend maybe"
+msgstr "%2$d people quizá asistan"
+#: include/conversation.php:1148
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s anttend maybe."
+msgstr "%s atiende quizás."
+#: include/conversation.php:1187 include/conversation.php:1205
+msgid "Visible to everybody "
+msgstr "Visible para cualquiera "
+#: include/conversation.php:1188 include/conversation.php:1206
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:127 mod/wallmessage.php:135 mod/message.php:291
+#: mod/message.php:299 mod/message.php:442 mod/message.php:450
+msgid "Please enter a link URL:"
+msgstr "Introduce la dirección del enlace:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1189 include/conversation.php:1207
+msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:"
+msgstr "Por favor, introduce la URL/enlace del vídeo:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1190 include/conversation.php:1208
+msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:"
+msgstr "Por favor, introduce la URL/enlace del audio:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1191 include/conversation.php:1209
+msgid "Tag term:"
+msgstr "Etiquetar:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1192 include/conversation.php:1210
+#: mod/filer.php:30
+msgid "Save to Folder:"
+msgstr "Guardar en directorio:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1193 include/conversation.php:1211
+msgid "Where are you right now?"
+msgstr "¿Dónde estás ahora?"
+#: include/conversation.php:1194
+msgid "Delete item(s)?"
+msgstr "¿Borrar objeto(s)?"
+#: include/conversation.php:1242 mod/photos.php:1569
+msgid "Share"
+msgstr "Compartir"
+#: include/conversation.php:1243 mod/editpost.php:110 mod/wallmessage.php:154
+#: mod/message.php:354 mod/message.php:545
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Subir foto"
+#: include/conversation.php:1244 mod/editpost.php:111
+msgid "upload photo"
+msgstr "subir imagen"
+#: include/conversation.php:1245 mod/editpost.php:112
+msgid "Attach file"
+msgstr "Adjuntar archivo"
+#: include/conversation.php:1246 mod/editpost.php:113
+msgid "attach file"
+msgstr "adjuntar archivo"
+#: include/conversation.php:1247 mod/editpost.php:114 mod/wallmessage.php:155
+#: mod/message.php:355 mod/message.php:546
+msgid "Insert web link"
+msgstr "Insertar enlace"
+#: include/conversation.php:1248 mod/editpost.php:115
+msgid "web link"
+msgstr "enlace web"
+#: include/conversation.php:1249 mod/editpost.php:116
+msgid "Insert video link"
+msgstr "Insertar enlace del vídeo"
+#: include/conversation.php:1250 mod/editpost.php:117
+msgid "video link"
+msgstr "enlace de video"
+#: include/conversation.php:1251 mod/editpost.php:118
+msgid "Insert audio link"
+msgstr "Insertar vínculo del audio"
+#: include/conversation.php:1252 mod/editpost.php:119
+msgid "audio link"
+msgstr "enlace de audio"
+#: include/conversation.php:1253 mod/editpost.php:120
+msgid "Set your location"
+msgstr "Configurar tu localización"
+#: include/conversation.php:1254 mod/editpost.php:121
+msgid "set location"
+msgstr "establecer tu ubicación"
+#: include/conversation.php:1255 mod/editpost.php:122
+msgid "Clear browser location"
+msgstr "Borrar la localización del navegador"
+#: include/conversation.php:1256 mod/editpost.php:123
+msgid "clear location"
+msgstr "limpiar la localización"
+#: include/conversation.php:1258 mod/editpost.php:137
+msgid "Set title"
+msgstr "Establecer el título"
+#: include/conversation.php:1260 mod/editpost.php:139
+msgid "Categories (comma-separated list)"
+msgstr "Categorías (lista separada por comas)"
+#: include/conversation.php:1262 mod/editpost.php:125
+msgid "Permission settings"
+msgstr "Configuración de permisos"
+#: include/conversation.php:1263 mod/editpost.php:154
+msgid "permissions"
+msgstr "permisos"
+#: include/conversation.php:1271 mod/editpost.php:134
+msgid "Public post"
+msgstr "Publicación pública"
+#: include/conversation.php:1276 mod/editpost.php:145 mod/content.php:737
+#: mod/events.php:504 mod/photos.php:1591 mod/photos.php:1639
+#: mod/photos.php:1725 object/Item.php:729
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Vista previa"
+#: include/conversation.php:1280 include/items.php:1917 mod/fbrowser.php:101
+#: mod/fbrowser.php:136 mod/tagrm.php:11 mod/tagrm.php:94 mod/follow.php:121
+#: mod/editpost.php:148 mod/message.php:220 mod/dfrn_request.php:875
+#: mod/contacts.php:445 mod/photos.php:235 mod/photos.php:322
+#: mod/settings.php:677 mod/settings.php:703 mod/suggest.php:32
+#: mod/videos.php:128
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Cancelar"
+#: include/conversation.php:1286
+msgid "Post to Groups"
+msgstr "Publicar hacia grupos"
+#: include/conversation.php:1287
+msgid "Post to Contacts"
+msgstr "Publicar hacia contactos"
+#: include/conversation.php:1288
+msgid "Private post"
+msgstr "Publicación privada"
+#: include/conversation.php:1293 include/identity.php:256 mod/editpost.php:152
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Mensaje"
+#: include/conversation.php:1294 mod/editpost.php:153
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Navegador"
+#: include/conversation.php:1449
+msgid "View all"
+msgstr "Ver todos los contactos"
+#: include/conversation.php:1471
+msgid "Like"
+msgid_plural "Likes"
+msgstr[0] "Me gusta"
+msgstr[1] "Me gusta"
+#: include/conversation.php:1474
+msgid "Dislike"
+msgid_plural "Dislikes"
+msgstr[0] "No me gusta"
+msgstr[1] "No me gusta"
+#: include/conversation.php:1480
+msgid "Not Attending"
+msgid_plural "Not Attending"
+msgstr[0] "No atendiendo"
+msgstr[1] "No atendiendo"
+#: include/datetime.php:57 include/datetime.php:59 mod/profiles.php:705
+msgid "Miscellaneous"
+msgstr "Varios"
+#: include/datetime.php:183 include/identity.php:629
+msgid "Birthday:"
+msgstr "Fecha de nacimiento:"
+#: include/datetime.php:185 mod/profiles.php:728
+msgid "Age: "
+msgstr "Edad: "
+#: include/datetime.php:187
+msgid "YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"
+msgstr "YYYY-MM-DD o MM-DD"
+#: include/datetime.php:341
+msgid "never"
+msgstr "nunca"
+#: include/datetime.php:347
+msgid "less than a second ago"
+msgstr "hace menos de un segundo"
+#: include/datetime.php:350
+msgid "year"
+msgstr "año"
+#: include/datetime.php:350
+msgid "years"
+msgstr "años"
+#: include/datetime.php:351 include/event.php:480 mod/cal.php:284
+#: mod/events.php:389
+msgid "month"
+msgstr "mes"
+#: include/datetime.php:351
+msgid "months"
+msgstr "meses"
+#: include/datetime.php:352 include/event.php:481 mod/cal.php:285
+#: mod/events.php:390
+msgid "week"
+msgstr "semana"
+#: include/datetime.php:352
+msgid "weeks"
+msgstr "semanas"
+#: include/datetime.php:353 include/event.php:482 mod/cal.php:286
+#: mod/events.php:391
+msgid "day"
+msgstr "día"
+#: include/datetime.php:353
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "días"
+#: include/datetime.php:354
+msgid "hour"
+msgstr "hora"
+#: include/datetime.php:354
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr "horas"
+#: include/datetime.php:355
+msgid "minute"
+msgstr "minuto"
+#: include/datetime.php:355
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr "minutos"
+#: include/datetime.php:356
+msgid "second"
+msgstr "segundo"
+#: include/datetime.php:356
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segundos"
+#: include/datetime.php:365
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$d %2$s ago"
+msgstr "hace %1$d %2$s"
+#: include/datetime.php:572
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s's birthday"
+msgstr "Cumpleaños de %s"
+#: include/datetime.php:573 include/dfrn.php:1108
+#, php-format
+msgid "Happy Birthday %s"
+msgstr "Feliz cumpleaños %s"
+#: include/dbstructure.php:26
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n"
+"\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n"
+"\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n"
+"\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."
+msgstr "\n\t\t\tLos desarolladores de friendica publicaron una actualización %s recientemente\n\t\t\tpero cuando intento de instalarla,algo salio terriblemente mal.\n\t\t\tEsto necesita ser arreglado pronto y no puedo hacerlo solo. Por favor contacta\n\t\t\tlos desarolladores de friendica si no me podes ayudar por ti solo. Mi base de datos puede estar invalido."
+#: include/dbstructure.php:31
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"The error message is\n"
+msgstr "El mensaje de error es\n[pre]%s[/pre]"
+#: include/dbstructure.php:183
+msgid "Errors encountered creating database tables."
+msgstr "Se han encontrados errores creando las tablas de la base de datos."
+#: include/dbstructure.php:260
+msgid "Errors encountered performing database changes."
+msgstr "Errores encontrados al ejecutar cambios en la base de datos."
+#: include/dfrn.php:1107
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s\\'s birthday"
+msgstr "%s\\'s cumpleaños"
+#: include/enotify.php:24
+msgid "Friendica Notification"
+msgstr "Notificación de Friendica"
+#: include/enotify.php:27
+msgid "Thank You,"
+msgstr "Gracias,"
+#: include/enotify.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s Administrator"
+msgstr "%s Administrador"
+#: include/enotify.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s Administrator"
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s Administrador"
+#: include/enotify.php:70
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s "
+msgstr "%s "
+#: include/enotify.php:83
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] New mail received at %s"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notificación] Nuevo correo recibido de %s"
+#: include/enotify.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s sent you a new private message at %2$s."
+msgstr "%1$s te ha enviado un mensaje privado desde %2$s."
+#: include/enotify.php:86
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s sent you %2$s."
+msgstr "%1$s te ha enviado %2$s."
+#: include/enotify.php:86
+msgid "a private message"
+msgstr "un mensaje privado"
+#: include/enotify.php:88
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s to view and/or reply to your private messages."
+msgstr "Por favor, visita %s para ver y/o responder a tus mensajes privados."
+#: include/enotify.php:134
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]a %3$s[/url]"
+msgstr "%1$s comentó en [url=%2$s]a %3$s[/url]"
+#: include/enotify.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]%3$s's %4$s[/url]"
+msgstr "%1$s comentó en [url=%2$s] %4$s de %3$s[/url]"
+#: include/enotify.php:149
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]your %3$s[/url]"
+msgstr "%1$s comentó en [url=%2$s] tu %3$s[/url]"
+#: include/enotify.php:159
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%1$d by %2$s"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notificación] Comentario en la conversación de #%1$d por %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:161
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s commented on an item/conversation you have been following."
+msgstr "%s ha comentado en una conversación/elemento que sigues."
+#: include/enotify.php:164 include/enotify.php:178 include/enotify.php:192
+#: include/enotify.php:206 include/enotify.php:224 include/enotify.php:238
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."
+msgstr "Por favor, visita %s para ver y/o responder a la conversación."
+#: include/enotify.php:171
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notificación] %s publicó en tu muro"
+#: include/enotify.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s posted to your profile wall at %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s publicó en tu perfil de %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:174
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s posted to [url=%2$s]your wall[/url]"
+msgstr "%1$s publicó en [url=%2$s]tu muro[/url]"
+#: include/enotify.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged you"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notificación] %s te ha nombrado"
+#: include/enotify.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s tagged you at %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s te ha nombrado en %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:188
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s [url=%2$s]tagged you[/url]."
+msgstr "%1$s [url=%2$s]te nombró[/url]."
+#: include/enotify.php:199
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s shared a new post"
+msgstr "[Notificacion Friendica] %s compartio una nueva publicacion"
+#: include/enotify.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s shared a new post at %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s compartió un nuevo tema en %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s [url=%2$s]shared a post[/url]."
+msgstr "%1$s [url=%2$s]compartió una publicación[/url]."
+#: include/enotify.php:213
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %1$s poked you"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notify] %1$s te dio un toque"
+#: include/enotify.php:215
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s poked you at %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s te dio un toque en %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:216
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s [url=%2$s]poked you[/url]."
+msgstr "%1$s [url=%2$s]te dio un toque[/url]."
+#: include/enotify.php:231
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged your post"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notificación] %s ha etiquetado tu publicación"
+#: include/enotify.php:233
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s tagged your post at %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s ha etiquetado tu publicación en %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:234
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s tagged [url=%2$s]your post[/url]"
+msgstr "%1$s ha etiquetado [url=%2$s]tu publicación[/url]"
+#: include/enotify.php:245
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Introduction received"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notificación] Presentación recibida"
+#: include/enotify.php:247
+#, php-format
+msgid "You've received an introduction from '%1$s' at %2$s"
+msgstr "Has recibido una presentación de '%1$s' en %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:248
+#, php-format
+msgid "You've received [url=%1$s]an introduction[/url] from %2$s."
+msgstr "Has recibido [url=%1$s]una presentación[/url] de %2$s."
+#: include/enotify.php:252 include/enotify.php:295
+#, php-format
+msgid "You may visit their profile at %s"
+msgstr "Puedes visitar su perfil en %s"
+#: include/enotify.php:254
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the introduction."
+msgstr "Visita %s para aceptar o rechazar la presentación por favor."
+#: include/enotify.php:262
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] A new person is sharing with you"
+msgstr "[Notificación:Friendica] Un nuevo contacto comparte contigo"
+#: include/enotify.php:264 include/enotify.php:265
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is sharing with you at %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s comparte con tigo en %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:271
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] You have a new follower"
+msgstr "[Notificación:Friendica] Tienes un nuevo seguidor"
+#: include/enotify.php:273 include/enotify.php:274
+#, php-format
+msgid "You have a new follower at %2$s : %1$s"
+msgstr "Tienes un nuevo seguidor en %2$s : %1$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:285
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Friend suggestion received"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notificación] Sugerencia de amigo recibida"
+#: include/enotify.php:287
+#, php-format
+msgid "You've received a friend suggestion from '%1$s' at %2$s"
+msgstr "Has recibido una sugerencia de amigo de '%1$s' en %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:288
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"You've received [url=%1$s]a friend suggestion[/url] for %2$s from %3$s."
+msgstr "Has recibido [url=%1$s]una sugerencia de amigo[/url] en %2$s de %3$s."
+#: include/enotify.php:293
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nombre: "
+#: include/enotify.php:294
+msgid "Photo:"
+msgstr "Foto: "
+#: include/enotify.php:297
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the suggestion."
+msgstr "Visita %s para aceptar o rechazar la sugerencia por favor."
+#: include/enotify.php:305 include/enotify.php:319
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Connection accepted"
+msgstr "[Notificación:Friendica] Conexión aceptada"
+#: include/enotify.php:307 include/enotify.php:321
+#, php-format
+msgid "'%1$s' has accepted your connection request at %2$s"
+msgstr "'%1$s' acepto tu consulta de conexión %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:308 include/enotify.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$s has accepted your [url=%1$s]connection request[/url]."
+msgstr "%2$s hacepto tu [url=%1$s]consulta de conexión[/url]."
+#: include/enotify.php:312
+msgid ""
+"You are now mutual friends and may exchange status updates, photos, and "
+"email without restriction."
+msgstr "Ahora tiene amigos en común y puede intercambiar actualizaciones de estado, fotos y email sin restricción."
+#: include/enotify.php:314
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."
+msgstr "Por favor visite %s si desea hacer algún cambio a su relación."
+#: include/enotify.php:326
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"'%1$s' has chosen to accept you a \"fan\", which restricts some forms of "
+"communication - such as private messaging and some profile interactions. If "
+"this is a celebrity or community page, these settings were applied "
+msgstr "'%1$s' eligió de aceptarte como fan/hincha lo que restringe algunas formas de comunicación - tales como mensajes privados y algunas interacciones de los perfiles. Si esto es una pagina de celebridad o comunidad, estas configuraciones se adoptaron automáticamente."
+#: include/enotify.php:328
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"'%1$s' may choose to extend this into a two-way or more permissive "
+"relationship in the future."
+msgstr "'%1$s' puede elegir extender esto en una relación más permisiva o ambidireccional en el futuro."
+#: include/enotify.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."
+msgstr "Por favor visita %s si es preciso de hacer algún cambio a la relación con este contacto."
+#: include/enotify.php:340
+msgid "[Friendica System:Notify] registration request"
+msgstr "[Notificacion:Friendica] consulta de registro"
+#: include/enotify.php:342
+#, php-format
+msgid "You've received a registration request from '%1$s' at %2$s"
+msgstr "Recibiste una consulta de registro de '%1$s' en %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "You've received a [url=%1$s]registration request[/url] from %2$s."
+msgstr "Recibiste una [url=%1$s]consulta de registro[/url] from %2$s."
+#: include/enotify.php:347
+#, php-format
+msgid "Full Name:\t%1$s\\nSite Location:\t%2$s\\nLogin Name:\t%3$s (%4$s)"
+msgstr "Nombre completo:\t%1$s\\nUbicación del sitio:\t%2$s\\nLogin Nombre:\t%3$s (%4$s)"
+#: include/enotify.php:350
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the request."
+msgstr "Por favor visita %s para aprobar o negar la solicitud."
+#: include/event.php:441
+msgid "Sun"
+msgstr "Dom"
+#: include/event.php:442
+msgid "Mon"
+msgstr "Lun"
+#: include/event.php:443
+msgid "Tue"
+msgstr "Mar"
+#: include/event.php:444
+msgid "Wed"
+msgstr "Mie"
+#: include/event.php:445
+msgid "Thu"
+msgstr "Jue"
+#: include/event.php:446
+msgid "Fri"
+msgstr "Vie"
+#: include/event.php:447
+msgid "Sat"
+msgstr "Sab"
+#: include/event.php:448 include/text.php:1130 mod/settings.php:968
+msgid "Sunday"
+msgstr "Domingo"
+#: include/event.php:449 include/text.php:1130 mod/settings.php:968
+msgid "Monday"
+msgstr "Lunes"
+#: include/event.php:450 include/text.php:1130
+msgid "Tuesday"
+msgstr "Martes"
+#: include/event.php:451 include/text.php:1130
+msgid "Wednesday"
+msgstr "Miércoles"
+#: include/event.php:452 include/text.php:1130
+msgid "Thursday"
+msgstr "Jueves"
+#: include/event.php:453 include/text.php:1130
+msgid "Friday"
+msgstr "Viernes"
+#: include/event.php:454 include/text.php:1130
+msgid "Saturday"
+msgstr "Sábado"
+#: include/event.php:455
+msgid "Jan"
+msgstr "Ene"
+#: include/event.php:456
+msgid "Feb"
+msgstr "Feb"
+#: include/event.php:457
+msgid "Mar"
+msgstr "Mar"
+#: include/event.php:458
+msgid "Apr"
+msgstr "Abr"
+#: include/event.php:459 include/event.php:471 include/text.php:1134
+msgid "May"
+msgstr "Mayo"
+#: include/event.php:460
+msgid "Jun"
+msgstr "Jun"
+#: include/event.php:461
+msgid "Jul"
+msgstr "Jul"
+#: include/event.php:462
+msgid "Aug"
+msgstr "Ago"
+#: include/event.php:463
+msgid "Sept"
+msgstr "Sept"
+#: include/event.php:464
+msgid "Oct"
+msgstr "Oct"
+#: include/event.php:465
+msgid "Nov"
+msgstr "Nov"
+#: include/event.php:466
+msgid "Dec"
+msgstr "Dec"
+#: include/event.php:467 include/text.php:1134
+msgid "January"
+msgstr "Enero"
+#: include/event.php:468 include/text.php:1134
+msgid "February"
+msgstr "Febrero"
+#: include/event.php:469 include/text.php:1134
+msgid "March"
+msgstr "Marzo"
+#: include/event.php:470 include/text.php:1134
+msgid "April"
+msgstr "Abril"
+#: include/event.php:472 include/text.php:1134
+msgid "June"
+msgstr "Junio"
+#: include/event.php:473 include/text.php:1134
+msgid "July"
+msgstr "Julio"
+#: include/event.php:474 include/text.php:1134
+msgid "August"
+msgstr "Agosto"
+#: include/event.php:475 include/text.php:1134
+msgid "September"
+msgstr "Septiembre"
+#: include/event.php:476 include/text.php:1134
+msgid "October"
+msgstr "Octubre"
+#: include/event.php:477 include/text.php:1134
+msgid "November"
+msgstr "Noviembre"
+#: include/event.php:478 include/text.php:1134
+msgid "December"
+msgstr "Diciembre"
+#: include/event.php:479 mod/cal.php:283 mod/events.php:388
+msgid "today"
+msgstr "hoy"
+#: include/event.php:483
+msgid "all-day"
+msgstr "todo el día"
+#: include/event.php:485
+msgid "No events to display"
+msgstr "No hay eventos a mostrar"
+#: include/event.php:574
+msgid "l, F j"
+msgstr "l, F j"
+#: include/event.php:593
+msgid "Edit event"
+msgstr "Editar evento"
+#: include/event.php:615 include/text.php:1536 include/text.php:1543
+msgid "link to source"
+msgstr "Enlace al original"
+#: include/event.php:850
+msgid "Export"
+msgstr "Exportar"
+#: include/event.php:851
+msgid "Export calendar as ical"
+msgstr "Exportar calendario como ical"
+#: include/event.php:852
+msgid "Export calendar as csv"
+msgstr "Exportar calendario como csv"
+#: include/follow.php:77 mod/dfrn_request.php:507
+msgid "Disallowed profile URL."
+msgstr "Dirección de perfil no permitida."
+#: include/follow.php:82
+msgid "Connect URL missing."
+msgstr "Falta el conector URL."
+#: include/follow.php:109
+msgid ""
+"This site is not configured to allow communications with other networks."
+msgstr "Este sitio no está configurado para permitir la comunicación con otras redes."
+#: include/follow.php:110 include/follow.php:130
+msgid "No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered."
+msgstr "No se ha descubierto protocolos de comunicación o fuentes compatibles."
+#: include/follow.php:128
+msgid "The profile address specified does not provide adequate information."
+msgstr "La dirección del perfil especificado no proporciona información adecuada."
+#: include/follow.php:132
+msgid "An author or name was not found."
+msgstr "No se ha encontrado un autor o nombre."
+#: include/follow.php:134
+msgid "No browser URL could be matched to this address."
+msgstr "Ninguna dirección concuerda con la suministrada."
+#: include/follow.php:136
+msgid ""
+"Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email "
+msgstr "Imposible identificar la dirección @ con algún protocolo conocido o dirección de contacto."
+#: include/follow.php:137
+msgid "Use mailto: in front of address to force email check."
+msgstr "Escribe mailto: al principio de la dirección para forzar el envío."
+#: include/follow.php:143
+msgid ""
+"The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled "
+"on this site."
+msgstr "La dirección del perfil especificada pertenece a una red que ha sido deshabilitada en este sitio."
+#: include/follow.php:153
+msgid ""
+"Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal "
+"notifications from you."
+msgstr "Perfil limitado. Esta persona no podrá recibir notificaciones directas/personales tuyas."
+#: include/follow.php:254
+msgid "Unable to retrieve contact information."
+msgstr "No ha sido posible recibir la información del contacto."
+#: include/follow.php:287
+msgid "following"
+msgstr "siguiendo"
+#: include/identity.php:42
+msgid "Requested account is not available."
+msgstr "La cuenta solicitada no está disponible."
+#: include/identity.php:51 mod/profile.php:21
+msgid "Requested profile is not available."
+msgstr "El perfil solicitado no está disponible."
+#: include/identity.php:95 include/identity.php:311 include/identity.php:688
+msgid "Edit profile"
+msgstr "Editar perfil"
+#: include/identity.php:251
+msgid "Atom feed"
+msgstr "Atom feed"
+#: include/identity.php:282 include/nav.php:189
+msgid "Profiles"
+msgstr "Perfiles"
+#: include/identity.php:282
+msgid "Manage/edit profiles"
+msgstr "Administrar/editar perfiles"
+#: include/identity.php:287 include/identity.php:313 mod/profiles.php:795
+msgid "Change profile photo"
+msgstr "Cambiar foto del perfil"
+#: include/identity.php:288 mod/profiles.php:796
+msgid "Create New Profile"
+msgstr "Crear nuevo perfil"
+#: include/identity.php:298 mod/profiles.php:785
+msgid "Profile Image"
+msgstr "Imagen del Perfil"
+#: include/identity.php:301 mod/profiles.php:787
+msgid "visible to everybody"
+msgstr "Visible para todos"
+#: include/identity.php:302 mod/profiles.php:691 mod/profiles.php:788
+msgid "Edit visibility"
+msgstr "Editar visibilidad"
+#: include/identity.php:330 include/identity.php:616 mod/notifications.php:238
+#: mod/directory.php:139
+msgid "Gender:"
+msgstr "Género:"
+#: include/identity.php:333 include/identity.php:636 mod/directory.php:141
+msgid "Status:"
+msgstr "Estado:"
+#: include/identity.php:335 include/identity.php:647 mod/directory.php:143
+msgid "Homepage:"
+msgstr "Página de inicio:"
+#: include/identity.php:337 include/identity.php:657 mod/notifications.php:234
+#: mod/contacts.php:632 mod/directory.php:145
+msgid "About:"
+msgstr "Acerca de:"
+#: include/identity.php:339 mod/contacts.php:630
+msgid "XMPP:"
+msgstr "XMPP:"
+#: include/identity.php:422 mod/notifications.php:246 mod/contacts.php:50
+msgid "Network:"
+msgstr "Red:"
+#: include/identity.php:451 include/identity.php:535
+msgid "g A l F d"
+msgstr "g A l F d"
+#: include/identity.php:452 include/identity.php:536
+msgid "F d"
+msgstr "F d"
+#: include/identity.php:497 include/identity.php:582
+msgid "[today]"
+msgstr "[hoy]"
+#: include/identity.php:509
+msgid "Birthday Reminders"
+msgstr "Recordatorios de cumpleaños"
+#: include/identity.php:510
+msgid "Birthdays this week:"
+msgstr "Cumpleaños esta semana:"
+#: include/identity.php:569
+msgid "[No description]"
+msgstr "[Sin descripción]"
+#: include/identity.php:593
+msgid "Event Reminders"
+msgstr "Recordatorios de eventos"
+#: include/identity.php:594
+msgid "Events this week:"
+msgstr "Eventos de esta semana:"
+#: include/identity.php:605 include/identity.php:691 include/identity.php:722
+#: include/nav.php:82 mod/profperm.php:104 mod/newmember.php:32
+#: mod/contacts.php:639 mod/contacts.php:841 view/theme/frio/theme.php:247
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Perfil"
+#: include/identity.php:614 mod/settings.php:1274
+msgid "Full Name:"
+msgstr "Nombre completo:"
+#: include/identity.php:621
+msgid "j F, Y"
+msgstr "j F, Y"
+#: include/identity.php:622
+msgid "j F"
+msgstr "j F"
+#: include/identity.php:633
+msgid "Age:"
+msgstr "Edad:"
+#: include/identity.php:642
+#, php-format
+msgid "for %1$d %2$s"
+msgstr "por %1$d %2$s"
+#: include/identity.php:645 mod/profiles.php:710
+msgid "Sexual Preference:"
+msgstr "Preferencia sexual:"
+#: include/identity.php:649 mod/profiles.php:737
+msgid "Hometown:"
+msgstr "Ciudad de origen:"
+#: include/identity.php:651 mod/follow.php:134 mod/notifications.php:236
+#: mod/contacts.php:634
+msgid "Tags:"
+msgstr "Etiquetas:"
+#: include/identity.php:653 mod/profiles.php:738
+msgid "Political Views:"
+msgstr "Ideas políticas:"
+#: include/identity.php:655
+msgid "Religion:"
+msgstr "Religión:"
+#: include/identity.php:659
+msgid "Hobbies/Interests:"
+msgstr "Aficiones/Intereses:"
+#: include/identity.php:661 mod/profiles.php:742
+msgid "Likes:"
+msgstr "Me gusta:"
+#: include/identity.php:663 mod/profiles.php:743
+msgid "Dislikes:"
+msgstr "No me gusta:"
+#: include/identity.php:666
+msgid "Contact information and Social Networks:"
+msgstr "Información de contacto y Redes sociales:"
+#: include/identity.php:668
+msgid "Musical interests:"
+msgstr "Intereses musicales:"
+#: include/identity.php:670
+msgid "Books, literature:"
+msgstr "Libros, literatura:"
+#: include/identity.php:672
+msgid "Television:"
+msgstr "Televisión:"
+#: include/identity.php:674
+msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"
+msgstr "Películas/baile/cultura/entretenimiento:"
+#: include/identity.php:676
+msgid "Love/Romance:"
+msgstr "Amor/Romance:"
+#: include/identity.php:678
+msgid "Work/employment:"
+msgstr "Trabajo/ocupación:"
+#: include/identity.php:680
+msgid "School/education:"
+msgstr "Escuela/estudios:"
+#: include/identity.php:684
+msgid "Forums:"
+msgstr "Foros:"
+#: include/identity.php:692 mod/events.php:507
+msgid "Basic"
+msgstr "Basic"
+#: include/identity.php:693 mod/admin.php:931 mod/contacts.php:870
+#: mod/events.php:508
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr "Avanzado"
+#: include/identity.php:714 include/nav.php:81 mod/contacts.php:637
+#: mod/contacts.php:833 view/theme/frio/theme.php:246
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Estado"
+#: include/identity.php:717 mod/follow.php:143 mod/contacts.php:836
+msgid "Status Messages and Posts"
+msgstr "Mensajes de Estado y Publicaciones"
+#: include/identity.php:725 mod/contacts.php:844
+msgid "Profile Details"
+msgstr "Detalles del Perfil"
+#: include/identity.php:730 include/nav.php:83 mod/fbrowser.php:32
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:248 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
+msgid "Photos"
+msgstr "Fotografías"
+#: include/identity.php:733 mod/photos.php:87
+msgid "Photo Albums"
+msgstr "Álbum de Fotos"
+#: include/identity.php:738 include/identity.php:741 include/nav.php:84
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:249
+msgid "Videos"
+msgstr "Videos"
+#: include/identity.php:750 include/identity.php:761 include/nav.php:85
+#: include/nav.php:149 mod/cal.php:275 mod/events.php:379
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:250 view/theme/frio/theme.php:254
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
+msgid "Events"
+msgstr "Eventos"
+#: include/identity.php:753 include/identity.php:764 include/nav.php:149
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:254
+msgid "Events and Calendar"
+msgstr "Eventos y Calendario"
+#: include/identity.php:772 mod/notes.php:46
+msgid "Personal Notes"
+msgstr "Notas personales"
+#: include/identity.php:775
+msgid "Only You Can See This"
+msgstr "Únicamente tú puedes ver esto"
+#: include/identity.php:783 include/identity.php:786 include/nav.php:128
+#: include/nav.php:192 include/text.php:1022 mod/contacts.php:792
+#: mod/contacts.php:853 mod/viewcontacts.php:116 view/theme/frio/theme.php:257
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:125
+msgid "Contacts"
+msgstr "Contactos"
+#: include/items.php:1518 mod/dfrn_request.php:745 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:726
+msgid "[Name Withheld]"
+msgstr "[Nombre oculto]"
+#: include/items.php:1873 mod/viewsrc.php:15 mod/notice.php:15
+#: mod/admin.php:234 mod/admin.php:1441 mod/admin.php:1675 mod/display.php:103
+#: mod/display.php:279 mod/display.php:478
+msgid "Item not found."
+msgstr "Elemento no encontrado."
+#: include/items.php:1912
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this item?"
+msgstr "¿Realmente quieres borrar este objeto?"
+#: include/items.php:1914 mod/follow.php:110 mod/api.php:105
+#: mod/message.php:217 mod/dfrn_request.php:861 mod/profiles.php:648
+#: mod/profiles.php:651 mod/profiles.php:677 mod/contacts.php:442
+#: mod/register.php:238 mod/settings.php:1158 mod/settings.php:1164
+#: mod/settings.php:1172 mod/settings.php:1176 mod/settings.php:1181
+#: mod/settings.php:1187 mod/settings.php:1193 mod/settings.php:1199
+#: mod/settings.php:1225 mod/settings.php:1226 mod/settings.php:1227
+#: mod/settings.php:1228 mod/settings.php:1229 mod/suggest.php:29
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Sí"
+#: include/items.php:2077 mod/wall_upload.php:77 mod/wall_upload.php:80
+#: mod/notes.php:22 mod/uimport.php:23 mod/nogroup.php:25 mod/invite.php:15
+#: mod/invite.php:101 mod/wall_attach.php:67 mod/wall_attach.php:70
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:9 mod/delegate.php:12 mod/attach.php:33
+#: mod/follow.php:11 mod/follow.php:73 mod/follow.php:155 mod/editpost.php:10
+#: mod/group.php:19 mod/wallmessage.php:9 mod/wallmessage.php:33
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:79 mod/wallmessage.php:103 mod/api.php:26
+#: mod/api.php:31 mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:9 mod/message.php:46
+#: mod/message.php:182 mod/manage.php:96 mod/crepair.php:100
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:57 mod/fsuggest.php:78 mod/mood.php:114
+#: mod/poke.php:150 mod/profile_photo.php:19 mod/profile_photo.php:175
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:186 mod/profile_photo.php:199 mod/regmod.php:110
+#: mod/notifications.php:71 mod/profiles.php:166 mod/profiles.php:605
+#: mod/allfriends.php:12 mod/cal.php:304 mod/common.php:18
+#: mod/contacts.php:350 mod/dirfind.php:11 mod/display.php:475
+#: mod/events.php:190 mod/item.php:198 mod/item.php:210 mod/network.php:4
+#: mod/photos.php:159 mod/photos.php:1072 mod/register.php:42
+#: mod/settings.php:22 mod/settings.php:128 mod/settings.php:663
+#: mod/suggest.php:58 mod/viewcontacts.php:45 index.php:397
+msgid "Permission denied."
+msgstr "Permiso denegado."
+#: include/items.php:2182
+msgid "Archives"
+msgstr "Archivos"
+#: include/nav.php:35 mod/navigation.php:19
+msgid "Nothing new here"
+msgstr "Nada nuevo por aquí"
+#: include/nav.php:39 mod/navigation.php:23
+msgid "Clear notifications"
+msgstr "Limpiar notificaciones"
+#: include/nav.php:40 include/text.php:1015
+msgid "@name, !forum, #tags, content"
+msgstr "@name, !forum, #tags, contenido"
+#: include/nav.php:78 view/theme/frio/theme.php:243 boot.php:1778
+msgid "Logout"
+msgstr "Salir"
+#: include/nav.php:78 view/theme/frio/theme.php:243
+msgid "End this session"
+msgstr "Cerrar la sesión"
+#: include/nav.php:81 include/nav.php:161 view/theme/frio/theme.php:246
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
+msgid "Your posts and conversations"
+msgstr "Tus publicaciones y conversaciones"
+#: include/nav.php:82 view/theme/frio/theme.php:247
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124
+msgid "Your profile page"
+msgstr "Tu página de perfil"
+#: include/nav.php:83 view/theme/frio/theme.php:248
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
+msgid "Your photos"
+msgstr "Tus fotos"
+#: include/nav.php:84 view/theme/frio/theme.php:249
+msgid "Your videos"
+msgstr "Tus videos"
+#: include/nav.php:85 view/theme/frio/theme.php:250
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
+msgid "Your events"
+msgstr "Tus eventos"
+#: include/nav.php:86 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128
+msgid "Personal notes"
+msgstr "Notas personales"
+#: include/nav.php:86
+msgid "Your personal notes"
+msgstr "Tus notas personales"
+#: include/nav.php:95 mod/bookmarklet.php:12 boot.php:1779
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Acceder"
+#: include/nav.php:95
+msgid "Sign in"
+msgstr "Date de alta"
+#: include/nav.php:105
+msgid "Home Page"
+msgstr "Página de inicio"
+#: include/nav.php:109 mod/register.php:280 boot.php:1754
+msgid "Register"
+msgstr "Registrarse"
+#: include/nav.php:109
+msgid "Create an account"
+msgstr "Crea una cuenta"
+#: include/nav.php:115 mod/help.php:47 view/theme/vier/theme.php:298
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Ayuda"
+#: include/nav.php:115
+msgid "Help and documentation"
+msgstr "Ayuda y documentación"
+#: include/nav.php:119
+msgid "Apps"
+msgstr "Aplicaciones"
+#: include/nav.php:119
+msgid "Addon applications, utilities, games"
+msgstr "Aplicaciones, utilidades, juegos"
+#: include/nav.php:123 include/text.php:1012 mod/search.php:149
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Buscar"
+#: include/nav.php:123
+msgid "Search site content"
+msgstr " Busca contenido en la página"
+#: include/nav.php:126 include/text.php:1020
+msgid "Full Text"
+msgstr "Texto completo"
+#: include/nav.php:127 include/text.php:1021
+msgid "Tags"
+msgstr "Tags"
+#: include/nav.php:143 include/nav.php:145 mod/community.php:36
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:129
+msgid "Community"
+msgstr "Comunidad"
+#: include/nav.php:143
+msgid "Conversations on this site"
+msgstr "Conversaciones en este sitio"
+#: include/nav.php:145
+msgid "Conversations on the network"
+msgstr "Conversaciones en la red"
+#: include/nav.php:152
+msgid "Directory"
+msgstr "Directorio"
+#: include/nav.php:152
+msgid "People directory"
+msgstr "Directorio de usuarios"
+#: include/nav.php:154
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Información"
+#: include/nav.php:154
+msgid "Information about this friendica instance"
+msgstr "Información sobre esta instancia de friendica"
+#: include/nav.php:158 view/theme/frio/theme.php:253
+msgid "Conversations from your friends"
+msgstr "Conversaciones de tus amigos"
+#: include/nav.php:159
+msgid "Network Reset"
+msgstr "Reseteo de la red"
+#: include/nav.php:159
+msgid "Load Network page with no filters"
+msgstr "Cargar pagina de redes sin filtros"
+#: include/nav.php:166
+msgid "Friend Requests"
+msgstr "Solicitudes de amistad"
+#: include/nav.php:169 mod/notifications.php:96
+msgid "Notifications"
+msgstr "Notificaciones"
+#: include/nav.php:170
+msgid "See all notifications"
+msgstr "Ver todas las notificaciones"
+#: include/nav.php:171 mod/settings.php:900
+msgid "Mark as seen"
+msgstr "Marcar como leído"
+#: include/nav.php:171
+msgid "Mark all system notifications seen"
+msgstr "Marcar todas las notificaciones del sistema como leídas"
+#: include/nav.php:175 mod/message.php:190 view/theme/frio/theme.php:255
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Mensajes"
+#: include/nav.php:175 view/theme/frio/theme.php:255
+msgid "Private mail"
+msgstr "Correo privado"
+#: include/nav.php:176
+msgid "Inbox"
+msgstr "Entrada"
+#: include/nav.php:177
+msgid "Outbox"
+msgstr "Enviados"
+#: include/nav.php:178 mod/message.php:16
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Nuevo mensaje"
+#: include/nav.php:181
+msgid "Manage"
+msgstr "Administrar"
+#: include/nav.php:181
+msgid "Manage other pages"
+msgstr "Administrar otras páginas"
+#: include/nav.php:184 mod/settings.php:81
+msgid "Delegations"
+msgstr "Delegaciones"
+#: include/nav.php:184 mod/delegate.php:130
+msgid "Delegate Page Management"
+msgstr "Delegar la administración de la página"
+#: include/nav.php:186 mod/newmember.php:22 mod/admin.php:1494
+#: mod/admin.php:1752 mod/settings.php:111 view/theme/frio/theme.php:256
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:544 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:648
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Configuración"
+#: include/nav.php:186 view/theme/frio/theme.php:256
+msgid "Account settings"
+msgstr "Configuración de tu cuenta"
+#: include/nav.php:189
+msgid "Manage/Edit Profiles"
+msgstr "Manejar/editar Perfiles"
+#: include/nav.php:192 view/theme/frio/theme.php:257
+msgid "Manage/edit friends and contacts"
+msgstr "Administrar/editar amigos y contactos"
+#: include/nav.php:197 mod/admin.php:186
+msgid "Admin"
+msgstr "Admin"
+#: include/nav.php:197
+msgid "Site setup and configuration"
+msgstr "Opciones y configuración del sitio"
+#: include/nav.php:200
+msgid "Navigation"
+msgstr "Navegación"
+#: include/nav.php:200
+msgid "Site map"
+msgstr "Mapa del sitio"
+#: include/oembed.php:252
+msgid "Embedded content"
+msgstr "Contenido integrado"
+#: include/oembed.php:260
+msgid "Embedding disabled"
+msgstr "Contenido incrustrado desabilitado"
+#: include/photos.php:53 mod/fbrowser.php:41 mod/fbrowser.php:62
+#: mod/photos.php:180 mod/photos.php:1086 mod/photos.php:1211
+#: mod/photos.php:1232 mod/photos.php:1795 mod/photos.php:1807
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:499
+msgid "Contact Photos"
+msgstr "Foto del contacto"
+#: include/security.php:22
+msgid "Welcome "
+msgstr "Bienvenido "
+#: include/security.php:23
+msgid "Please upload a profile photo."
+msgstr "Por favor sube una foto para tu perfil."
+#: include/security.php:26
+msgid "Welcome back "
+msgstr "Bienvenido de nuevo "
+#: include/security.php:373
+msgid ""
+"The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the "
+"form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."
+msgstr "La ficha de seguridad no es correcta. Seguramente haya ocurrido por haber dejado el formulario abierto demasiado tiempo (>3 horas) antes de enviarlo."
+#: include/text.php:304
+msgid "newer"
+msgstr "más nuevo"
+#: include/text.php:306
+msgid "older"
+msgstr "más antiguo"
+#: include/text.php:311
+msgid "prev"
+msgstr "ant."
+#: include/text.php:313
+msgid "first"
+msgstr "primera"
+#: include/text.php:345
+msgid "last"
+msgstr "última"
+#: include/text.php:348
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "sig."
+#: include/text.php:403
+msgid "Loading more entries..."
+msgstr "Cargar mas entradas .."
+#: include/text.php:404
+msgid "The end"
+msgstr "El fin"
+#: include/text.php:889
+msgid "No contacts"
+msgstr "Sin contactos"
+#: include/text.php:912
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d Contact"
+msgid_plural "%d Contacts"
+msgstr[0] "%d Contacto"
+msgstr[1] "%d Contactos"
+#: include/text.php:925
+msgid "View Contacts"
+msgstr "Ver contactos"
+#: include/text.php:1013 mod/notes.php:61 mod/filer.php:31
+#: mod/editpost.php:109
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Guardar"
+#: include/text.php:1076
+msgid "poke"
+msgstr "tocar"
+#: include/text.php:1076
+msgid "poked"
+msgstr "tocó a"
+#: include/text.php:1077
+msgid "ping"
+msgstr "hacer \"ping\""
+#: include/text.php:1077
+msgid "pinged"
+msgstr "hizo \"ping\" a"
+#: include/text.php:1078
+msgid "prod"
+msgstr "empujar"
+#: include/text.php:1078
+msgid "prodded"
+msgstr "empujó a"
+#: include/text.php:1079
+msgid "slap"
+msgstr "abofetear"
+#: include/text.php:1079
+msgid "slapped"
+msgstr "abofeteó a"
+#: include/text.php:1080
+msgid "finger"
+msgstr "meter dedo"
+#: include/text.php:1080
+msgid "fingered"
+msgstr "le metió un dedo a"
+#: include/text.php:1081
+msgid "rebuff"
+msgstr "desairar"
+#: include/text.php:1081
+msgid "rebuffed"
+msgstr "desairó a"
+#: include/text.php:1095
+msgid "happy"
+msgstr "feliz"
+#: include/text.php:1096
+msgid "sad"
+msgstr "triste"
+#: include/text.php:1097
+msgid "mellow"
+msgstr "sentimental"
+#: include/text.php:1098
+msgid "tired"
+msgstr "cansado"
+#: include/text.php:1099
+msgid "perky"
+msgstr "alegre"
+#: include/text.php:1100
+msgid "angry"
+msgstr "furioso"
+#: include/text.php:1101
+msgid "stupified"
+msgstr "estupefacto"
+#: include/text.php:1102
+msgid "puzzled"
+msgstr "extrañado"
+#: include/text.php:1103
+msgid "interested"
+msgstr "interesado"
+#: include/text.php:1104
+msgid "bitter"
+msgstr "rencoroso"
+#: include/text.php:1105
+msgid "cheerful"
+msgstr "jovial"
+#: include/text.php:1106
+msgid "alive"
+msgstr "vivo"
+#: include/text.php:1107
+msgid "annoyed"
+msgstr "enojado"
+#: include/text.php:1108
+msgid "anxious"
+msgstr "ansioso"
+#: include/text.php:1109
+msgid "cranky"
+msgstr "irritable"
+#: include/text.php:1110
+msgid "disturbed"
+msgstr "perturbado"
+#: include/text.php:1111
+msgid "frustrated"
+msgstr "frustrado"
+#: include/text.php:1112
+msgid "motivated"
+msgstr "motivado"
+#: include/text.php:1113
+msgid "relaxed"
+msgstr "relajado"
+#: include/text.php:1114
+msgid "surprised"
+msgstr "sorprendido"
+#: include/text.php:1328 mod/videos.php:380
+msgid "View Video"
+msgstr "Ver vídeo"
+#: include/text.php:1360
+msgid "bytes"
+msgstr "bytes"
+#: include/text.php:1392 include/text.php:1404
+msgid "Click to open/close"
+msgstr "Pulsa para abrir/cerrar"
+#: include/text.php:1530
+msgid "View on separate page"
+msgstr "Ver en pagina aparte"
+#: include/text.php:1531
+msgid "view on separate page"
+msgstr "ver en pagina aparte"
+#: include/text.php:1810
+msgid "activity"
+msgstr "Actividad"
+#: include/text.php:1812 mod/content.php:623 object/Item.php:431
+#: object/Item.php:444
+msgid "comment"
+msgid_plural "comments"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] "Comentario"
+#: include/text.php:1813
+msgid "post"
+msgstr "Publicación"
+#: include/text.php:1981
+msgid "Item filed"
+msgstr "Elemento archivado"
+#: mod/oexchange.php:25
+msgid "Post successful."
+msgstr "¡Publicado!"
+#: mod/viewsrc.php:7
+msgid "Access denied."
+msgstr "Acceso denegado."
+#: mod/home.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s"
+msgstr "Bienvenido a %s"
+#: mod/notify.php:60
+msgid "No more system notifications."
+msgstr "No hay más notificaciones del sistema."
+#: mod/notify.php:64 mod/notifications.php:111
+msgid "System Notifications"
+msgstr "Notificaciones del sistema"
+#: mod/search.php:25 mod/network.php:191
+msgid "Remove term"
+msgstr "Eliminar término"
+#: mod/search.php:93 mod/search.php:99 mod/dfrn_request.php:790
+#: mod/community.php:22 mod/directory.php:37 mod/display.php:200
+#: mod/photos.php:944 mod/videos.php:194 mod/viewcontacts.php:35
+msgid "Public access denied."
+msgstr "Acceso público denegado."
+#: mod/search.php:100
+msgid "Only logged in users are permitted to perform a search."
+msgstr "Solo usuarios activos tienen permiso para ejecutar búsquedas."
+#: mod/search.php:124
+msgid "Too Many Requests"
+msgstr "Demasiadas consultas"
+#: mod/search.php:125
+msgid "Only one search per minute is permitted for not logged in users."
+msgstr "Se permite solo una búsqueda por minuto para usuarios no identificados."
+#: mod/search.php:224 mod/community.php:66 mod/community.php:75
+msgid "No results."
+msgstr "Sin resultados."
+#: mod/search.php:230
+#, php-format
+msgid "Items tagged with: %s"
+msgstr "Objetos taggeado con: %s"
+#: mod/search.php:232 mod/contacts.php:797 mod/network.php:146
+#, php-format
+msgid "Results for: %s"
+msgstr "Resultados para: %s"
+#: mod/friendica.php:70
+msgid "This is Friendica, version"
+msgstr "Esto es Friendica, versión"
+#: mod/friendica.php:71
+msgid "running at web location"
+msgstr "ejecutándose en la dirección web"
+#: mod/friendica.php:73
+msgid ""
+"Please visit Friendica.com to learn "
+"more about the Friendica project."
+msgstr "Por favor, visita Friendica.com para saber más sobre el proyecto Friendica."
+#: mod/friendica.php:75
+msgid "Bug reports and issues: please visit"
+msgstr "Reporte de fallos y problemas: por favor visita"
+#: mod/friendica.php:75
+msgid "the bugtracker at github"
+msgstr "aviso de fallas (bugs) en github"
+#: mod/friendica.php:76
+msgid ""
+"Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email \"Info\" at Friendica - "
+"dot com"
+msgstr "Sugerencias, elogios, donaciones, etc. por favor manda un correo a Info arroba Friendica punto com"
+#: mod/friendica.php:90
+msgid "Installed plugins/addons/apps:"
+msgstr "Módulos/extensiones/aplicaciones instalados:"
+#: mod/friendica.php:103
+msgid "No installed plugins/addons/apps"
+msgstr "Módulos/extensiones/aplicaciones no instalados"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:19
+msgid "No valid account found."
+msgstr "No se ha encontrado ninguna cuenta válida"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:35
+msgid "Password reset request issued. Check your email."
+msgstr "Solicitud de restablecimiento de contraseña enviada. Revisa tu correo."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
+"\t\t\tA request was recently received at \"%2$s\" to reset your account\n"
+"\t\tpassword. In order to confirm this request, please select the verification link\n"
+"\t\tbelow or paste it into your web browser address bar.\n"
+"\t\tIf you did NOT request this change, please DO NOT follow the link\n"
+"\t\tprovided and ignore and/or delete this email.\n"
+"\t\tYour password will not be changed unless we can verify that you\n"
+"\t\tissued this request."
+msgstr "\n\t\tEstimado %1$s,\n\t\t\tUna consulta llego recientemente a \"%2$s\" para renovar su\n\t\tcontraseña. Para confirmar esta solicitud por favor seleccione el enlace de verificación mas \n\t\tabajo o copie a pegue el mismo en la barra de dirección de su navegador.\n\n\t\tSi NO ha solicitado este cambio por favor NO SIGA este enlace\n\t\tproporcionado y ignore o borre este mail.\n\n\t\tSu contraseña no sera cambiada hasta que podamos verificar que usted haza\n\t\tsolicitado este cambio.."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:53
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\tFollow this link to verify your identity:\n"
+"\t\tYou will then receive a follow-up message containing the new password.\n"
+"\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n"
+"\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
+"\t\tSite Location:\t%2$s\n"
+"\t\tLogin Name:\t%3$s"
+msgstr "\n\t\tSiga este enlace para verificar su identidad:\n\n\t\t%1$s\n\n\t\tA continuación recibirá un mensaje consecutivo conteniendo la nueva contraseña.\n\t\tPodrá cambiar la contraseña después de haber accedido a la cuenta.\n\n\t\tLos detalles del acceso son las siguientes:\n\n\t\tDirección del sitio:\t%2$s\n\t\tNombre de la cuenta:\t%3$s"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:72
+#, php-format
+msgid "Password reset requested at %s"
+msgstr "Contraseña restablecida enviada a %s"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:92
+msgid ""
+"Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) "
+"Password reset failed."
+msgstr "La solicitud no puede ser verificada (deberías haberla proporcionado antes). Falló el restablecimiento de la contraseña."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:109 boot.php:1793
+msgid "Password Reset"
+msgstr "Restablecer la contraseña"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:110
+msgid "Your password has been reset as requested."
+msgstr "Tu contraseña ha sido restablecida como solicitaste."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:111
+msgid "Your new password is"
+msgstr "Tu nueva contraseña es"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:112
+msgid "Save or copy your new password - and then"
+msgstr "Guarda o copia tu nueva contraseña y luego"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:113
+msgid "click here to login"
+msgstr "pulsa aquí para acceder"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:114
+msgid ""
+"Your password may be changed from the Settings page after "
+"successful login."
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar tu contraseña desde la página de Configuración después de acceder con éxito."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:125
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
+"\t\t\t\t\tYour password has been changed as requested. Please retain this\n"
+"\t\t\t\tinformation for your records (or change your password immediately to\n"
+"\t\t\t\tsomething that you will remember).\n"
+msgstr "\n\t\t\t\tEstimado %1$s,\n\t\t\t\t\tSu contraseña ha cambiado como solicitado. Por favor guarde esta\n\t\t\t\tinformación para sus documentación (o cambie su contraseña inmediatamente a\n\t\t\t\talgo que pueda recordar).\n\t\t"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\t\tYour login details are as follows:\n"
+"\t\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1$s\n"
+"\t\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%2$s\n"
+"\t\t\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n"
+msgstr "\n\t\t\t\tSus datos de acceso son las siguientes:\n\n\t\t\t\tDirección del sitio:\t%1$s\n\t\t\t\tNombre de cuenta:\t%2$s\n\t\t\t\tContraseña:\t%3$s\n\n\t\t\t\tPodrá cambiar esta contraseña después de ingresar al sitio en su pagina de configuración.\n\t\t\t"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:147
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your password has been changed at %s"
+msgstr "Tu contraseña se ha cambiado por %s"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:159
+msgid "Forgot your Password?"
+msgstr "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:160
+msgid ""
+"Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check "
+"your email for further instructions."
+msgstr "Introduce tu correo para restablecer tu contraseña. Luego comprueba tu correo para las instrucciones adicionales."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:161 boot.php:1781
+msgid "Nickname or Email: "
+msgstr "Apodo o Correo electrónico: "
+#: mod/lostpass.php:162
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr "Restablecer"
+#: mod/hcard.php:10
+msgid "No profile"
+msgstr "Nigún perfil"
+#: mod/help.php:41
+msgid "Help:"
+msgstr "Ayuda:"
+#: mod/help.php:53 mod/p.php:16 mod/p.php:43 mod/p.php:52 mod/fetch.php:12
+#: mod/fetch.php:39 mod/fetch.php:48 index.php:284
+msgid "Not Found"
+msgstr "No se ha encontrado"
+#: mod/help.php:56 index.php:287
+msgid "Page not found."
+msgstr "Página no encontrada."
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:20 mod/wall_upload.php:33 mod/wall_upload.php:86
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:122 mod/wall_upload.php:125 mod/wall_attach.php:17
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:25 mod/wall_attach.php:76
+msgid "Invalid request."
+msgstr "Consulta invalida"
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:151 mod/profile_photo.php:150 mod/photos.php:786
+#, php-format
+msgid "Image exceeds size limit of %s"
+msgstr "La imagen excede el limite de %s"
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:188 mod/profile_photo.php:159 mod/photos.php:826
+msgid "Unable to process image."
+msgstr "Imposible procesar la imagen."
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:221 mod/profile_photo.php:307 mod/photos.php:853
+msgid "Image upload failed."
+msgstr "Error al subir la imagen."
+#: mod/lockview.php:31 mod/lockview.php:39
+msgid "Remote privacy information not available."
+msgstr "Privacidad de la información remota no disponible."
+#: mod/lockview.php:48
+msgid "Visible to:"
+msgstr "Visible para:"
+#: mod/openid.php:24
+msgid "OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."
+msgstr "Error de protocolo OpenID. ID no devuelta."
+#: mod/openid.php:60
+msgid ""
+"Account not found and OpenID registration is not permitted on this site."
+msgstr "Cuenta no encontrada y el registro OpenID no está permitido en ese sitio."
+#: mod/uimport.php:50 mod/register.php:191
+msgid ""
+"This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. "
+"Please try again tomorrow."
+msgstr "Este sitio ha excedido el número de registros diarios permitidos. Inténtalo de nuevo mañana por favor."
+#: mod/uimport.php:64 mod/register.php:286
+msgid "Import"
+msgstr "Importar"
+#: mod/uimport.php:66
+msgid "Move account"
+msgstr "Mover cuenta"
+#: mod/uimport.php:67
+msgid "You can import an account from another Friendica server."
+msgstr "Puedes importar una cuenta desde otro servidor de Friendica."
+#: mod/uimport.php:68
+msgid ""
+"You need to export your account from the old server and upload it here. We "
+"will recreate your old account here with all your contacts. We will try also"
+" to inform your friends that you moved here."
+msgstr "Necesitas exportar tu cuenta del antiguo servidor y subirla aquí. Volveremos a crear tu antigua cuenta con todos tus contactos aquí. También intentaremos de informar a tus amigos de que te has mudado."
+#: mod/uimport.php:69
+msgid ""
+"This feature is experimental. We can't import contacts from the OStatus "
+"network (GNU Social/Statusnet) or from Diaspora"
+msgstr "Esta característica es experimental. No podemos importar contactos desde la red OStatus (statusnet/identi.ca) o desde Diaspora*"
+#: mod/uimport.php:70
+msgid "Account file"
+msgstr "Archivo de la cuenta"
+#: mod/uimport.php:70
+msgid ""
+"To export your account, go to \"Settings->Export your personal data\" and "
+"select \"Export account\""
+msgstr "Para exportar el perfil vaya a \"Configuracion -> Exportar sus datos personales\" y seleccione \"Exportar cuenta\""
+#: mod/nogroup.php:41 mod/contacts.php:586 mod/contacts.php:939
+#: mod/viewcontacts.php:97
+#, php-format
+msgid "Visit %s's profile [%s]"
+msgstr "Ver el perfil de %s [%s]"
+#: mod/nogroup.php:42 mod/contacts.php:940
+msgid "Edit contact"
+msgstr "Modificar contacto"
+#: mod/nogroup.php:63
+msgid "Contacts who are not members of a group"
+msgstr "Contactos sin grupo"
+#: mod/uexport.php:29
+msgid "Export account"
+msgstr "Exportar cuenta"
+#: mod/uexport.php:29
+msgid ""
+"Export your account info and contacts. Use this to make a backup of your "
+"account and/or to move it to another server."
+msgstr "Exporta la información de tu cuenta y tus contactos. Úsalo para guardar una copia de seguridad de tu cuenta y/o moverla a otro servidor."
+#: mod/uexport.php:30
+msgid "Export all"
+msgstr "Exportar todo"
+#: mod/uexport.php:30
+msgid ""
+"Export your accout info, contacts and all your items as json. Could be a "
+"very big file, and could take a lot of time. Use this to make a full backup "
+"of your account (photos are not exported)"
+msgstr "Exporta la información de tu cuenta, contactos y lo demás en JSON. Puede ser un archivo bastante grande, por lo que llevará tiempo. Úsalo para hacer una copia de seguridad completa de tu cuenta (las fotos no se exportarán)"
+#: mod/uexport.php:37 mod/settings.php:95
+msgid "Export personal data"
+msgstr "Exportación de datos personales"
+#: mod/invite.php:27
+msgid "Total invitation limit exceeded."
+msgstr "Límite total de invitaciones excedido."
+#: mod/invite.php:49
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s : Not a valid email address."
+msgstr "%s : No es una dirección de correo válida."
+#: mod/invite.php:73
+msgid "Please join us on Friendica"
+msgstr "Únete a nosotros en Friendica"
+#: mod/invite.php:84
+msgid "Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."
+msgstr "Límite de invitaciones sobrepasado. Contacta con el administrador del sitio."
+#: mod/invite.php:89
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s : Message delivery failed."
+msgstr "%s : Ha fallado la entrega del mensaje."
+#: mod/invite.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d message sent."
+msgid_plural "%d messages sent."
+msgstr[0] "%d mensaje enviado."
+msgstr[1] "%d mensajes enviados."
+#: mod/invite.php:112
+msgid "You have no more invitations available"
+msgstr "No tienes más invitaciones disponibles"
+#: mod/invite.php:120
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"Visit %s for a list of public sites that you can join. Friendica members on "
+"other sites can all connect with each other, as well as with members of many"
+" other social networks."
+msgstr "Visita %s para ver una lista de servidores públicos donde puedes darte de alta. Los miembros de otros servidores de Friendica pueden conectarse entre ellos, así como con miembros de otras redes sociales diferentes."
+#: mod/invite.php:122
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"To accept this invitation, please visit and register at %s or any other "
+"public Friendica website."
+msgstr "Para aceptar la invitación visita y regístrate en %s o en cualquier otro servidor público de Friendica."
+#: mod/invite.php:123
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"Friendica sites all inter-connect to create a huge privacy-enhanced social "
+"web that is owned and controlled by its members. They can also connect with "
+"many traditional social networks. See %s for a list of alternate Friendica "
+"sites you can join."
+msgstr "Los servidores de Friendica están interconectados para crear una enorme red social centrada en la privacidad y controlada por sus miembros. También se puede conectar con muchas redes sociales tradicionales. Mira en %s para poder ver un listado de servidores alternativos de Friendica donde puedes darte de alta."
+#: mod/invite.php:126
+msgid ""
+"Our apologies. This system is not currently configured to connect with other"
+" public sites or invite members."
+msgstr "Discúlpanos. Este sistema no está configurado actualmente para conectar con otros servidores públicos o invitar nuevos miembros."
+#: mod/invite.php:132
+msgid "Send invitations"
+msgstr "Enviar invitaciones"
+#: mod/invite.php:133
+msgid "Enter email addresses, one per line:"
+msgstr "Introduce las direcciones de correo, una por línea:"
+#: mod/invite.php:134 mod/wallmessage.php:151 mod/message.php:351
+#: mod/message.php:541
+msgid "Your message:"
+msgstr "Tu mensaje:"
+#: mod/invite.php:135
+msgid ""
+"You are cordially invited to join me and other close friends on Friendica - "
+"and help us to create a better social web."
+msgstr "Estás cordialmente invitado a unirte a mi y a otros amigos en Friendica, creemos juntos una red social mejor."
+#: mod/invite.php:137
+msgid "You will need to supply this invitation code: $invite_code"
+msgstr "Tienes que proporcionar el siguiente código: $invite_code"
+#: mod/invite.php:137
+msgid ""
+"Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:"
+msgstr "Una vez registrado, por favor contacta conmigo a través de mi página de perfil en:"
+#: mod/invite.php:139
+msgid ""
+"For more information about the Friendica project and why we feel it is "
+"important, please visit http://friendica.com"
+msgstr "Para más información sobre el Proyecto Friendica y sobre por qué pensamos que es algo importante, visita http://friendica.com"
+#: mod/invite.php:140 mod/localtime.php:45 mod/message.php:357
+#: mod/message.php:547 mod/manage.php:143 mod/crepair.php:154
+#: mod/content.php:728 mod/fsuggest.php:107 mod/mood.php:137 mod/poke.php:199
+#: mod/profiles.php:688 mod/contacts.php:577 mod/events.php:506
+#: mod/install.php:272 mod/install.php:312 mod/photos.php:1104
+#: mod/photos.php:1226 mod/photos.php:1539 mod/photos.php:1590
+#: mod/photos.php:1638 mod/photos.php:1724 object/Item.php:720
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:59 view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:80
+#: view/theme/quattro/config.php:64 view/theme/dispy/config.php:70
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:107 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:633
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:148 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:59
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Envíar"
+#: mod/fbrowser.php:133
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Archivos"
+#: mod/profperm.php:19 mod/group.php:72 index.php:396
+msgid "Permission denied"
+msgstr "Permiso denegado"
+#: mod/profperm.php:25 mod/profperm.php:56
+msgid "Invalid profile identifier."
+msgstr "Identificador de perfil no válido."
+#: mod/profperm.php:102
+msgid "Profile Visibility Editor"
+msgstr "Editor de visibilidad del perfil"
+#: mod/profperm.php:106 mod/group.php:223
+msgid "Click on a contact to add or remove."
+msgstr "Pulsa en un contacto para añadirlo o eliminarlo."
+#: mod/profperm.php:115
+msgid "Visible To"
+msgstr "Visible para"
+#: mod/profperm.php:131
+msgid "All Contacts (with secure profile access)"
+msgstr "Todos los contactos (con perfil de acceso seguro)"
+#: mod/tagrm.php:41
+msgid "Tag removed"
+msgstr "Etiqueta eliminada"
+#: mod/tagrm.php:79
+msgid "Remove Item Tag"
+msgstr "Eliminar etiqueta"
+#: mod/tagrm.php:81
+msgid "Select a tag to remove: "
+msgstr "Selecciona una etiqueta para eliminar: "
+#: mod/tagrm.php:93 mod/delegate.php:139
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Eliminar"
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:94
+msgid "Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"
+msgstr "Disculpa, posiblemente el archivo subido es mas grande que la PHP configuración permite."
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:94
+msgid "Or - did you try to upload an empty file?"
+msgstr "Si no - intento de subir un archivo vacío?"
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:105
+#, php-format
+msgid "File exceeds size limit of %s"
+msgstr "El archivo excede el limite de tamaño de %s"
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:156 mod/wall_attach.php:172
+msgid "File upload failed."
+msgstr "Ha fallado la subida del archivo."
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:14
+msgid "Resubscribing to OStatus contacts"
+msgstr "Resubscribir a contactos de OStatus"
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:30
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "error"
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:44 mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:51
+msgid "Done"
+msgstr "hecho!"
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:50 mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:73
+msgid "Keep this window open until done."
+msgstr "Mantén esta ventana abierta hasta que el proceso ha terminado."
+#: mod/delegate.php:101
+msgid "No potential page delegates located."
+msgstr "No se han localizado delegados potenciales de la página."
+#: mod/delegate.php:132
+msgid ""
+"Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for "
+"basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to "
+"anybody that you do not trust completely."
+msgstr "Los delegados tienen la capacidad de gestionar todos los aspectos de esta cuenta/página, excepto los ajustes básicos de la cuenta. Por favor, no delegues tu cuenta personal a nadie en quien no confíes completamente."
+#: mod/delegate.php:133
+msgid "Existing Page Managers"
+msgstr "Administradores actuales de la página"
+#: mod/delegate.php:135
+msgid "Existing Page Delegates"
+msgstr "Delegados actuales de la página"
+#: mod/delegate.php:137
+msgid "Potential Delegates"
+msgstr "Delegados potenciales"
+#: mod/delegate.php:140
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Añadir"
+#: mod/delegate.php:141
+msgid "No entries."
+msgstr "Sin entradas."
+#: mod/credits.php:16
+msgid "Credits"
+msgstr "Creditos"
+#: mod/credits.php:17
+msgid ""
+"Friendica is a community project, that would not be possible without the "
+"help of many people. Here is a list of those who have contributed to the "
+"code or the translation of Friendica. Thank you all!"
+msgstr "Friendica es un proyecto comunitario, que no seria posible sin la ayuda de mucha gente. Aquí una lista de de aquellos que aportaron al código o la traducción de friendica.\nGracias a todos! "
+#: mod/filer.php:30
+msgid "- select -"
+msgstr "- seleccionar -"
+#: mod/subthread.php:103
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is following %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s está siguiendo las %3$s de %2$s"
+#: mod/attach.php:8
+msgid "Item not available."
+msgstr "Elemento no disponible."
+#: mod/attach.php:20
+msgid "Item was not found."
+msgstr "Elemento no encontrado."
+#: mod/follow.php:19 mod/dfrn_request.php:874
+msgid "Submit Request"
+msgstr "Enviar solicitud"
+#: mod/follow.php:30
+msgid "You already added this contact."
+msgstr "Ya has añadido este contacto."
+#: mod/follow.php:39
+msgid "Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."
+msgstr "El soporte de Diaspora* no esta habilitado, el contacto no puede ser agregado."
+#: mod/follow.php:46
+msgid "OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."
+msgstr "El soporte de OStatus no esta habilitado, el contacto no puede ser agregado."
+#: mod/follow.php:53
+msgid "The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."
+msgstr "No se pudo detectar el tipo de red. Contacto no puede ser agregado."
+#: mod/follow.php:109 mod/dfrn_request.php:860
+msgid "Please answer the following:"
+msgstr "Por favor responde lo siguiente:"
+#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/dfrn_request.php:861
+#, php-format
+msgid "Does %s know you?"
+msgstr "¿%s te conoce?"
+#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/api.php:106 mod/dfrn_request.php:861
+#: mod/profiles.php:648 mod/profiles.php:652 mod/profiles.php:677
+#: mod/register.php:239 mod/settings.php:1158 mod/settings.php:1164
+#: mod/settings.php:1172 mod/settings.php:1176 mod/settings.php:1181
+#: mod/settings.php:1187 mod/settings.php:1193 mod/settings.php:1199
+#: mod/settings.php:1225 mod/settings.php:1226 mod/settings.php:1227
+#: mod/settings.php:1228 mod/settings.php:1229
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "No"
+#: mod/follow.php:111 mod/dfrn_request.php:865
+msgid "Add a personal note:"
+msgstr "Añade una nota personal:"
+#: mod/follow.php:117 mod/dfrn_request.php:871
+msgid "Your Identity Address:"
+msgstr "Dirección de tu perfil:"
+#: mod/follow.php:126 mod/notifications.php:243 mod/contacts.php:624
+msgid "Profile URL"
+msgstr "URL Perfil"
+#: mod/follow.php:180
+msgid "Contact added"
+msgstr "Contacto añadido"
+#: mod/apps.php:7 index.php:240
+msgid "You must be logged in to use addons. "
+msgstr "Tienes que estar registrado para tener acceso a los accesorios."
+#: mod/apps.php:11
+msgid "Applications"
+msgstr "Aplicaciones"
+#: mod/apps.php:14
+msgid "No installed applications."
+msgstr "Sin aplicaciones"
+#: mod/p.php:9
+msgid "Not Extended"
+msgstr "No extendido"
+#: mod/newmember.php:6
+msgid "Welcome to Friendica"
+msgstr "Bienvenido a Friendica "
+#: mod/newmember.php:8
+msgid "New Member Checklist"
+msgstr "Listado de nuevos miembros"
+#: mod/newmember.php:12
+msgid ""
+"We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience "
+"enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page "
+"will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial "
+"registration and then will quietly disappear."
+msgstr "Nos gustaría ofrecerte algunos consejos y enlaces para ayudar a hacer tu experiencia más amena. Pulsa en cualquier elemento para visitar la página correspondiente. Un enlace a esta página será visible desde tu página de inicio durante las dos semanas siguientes a tu inscripción y luego desaparecerá."
+#: mod/newmember.php:14
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr "Empezando"
+#: mod/newmember.php:18
+msgid "Friendica Walk-Through"
+msgstr "Visita guiada a Friendica"
+#: mod/newmember.php:18
+msgid ""
+"On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your "
+"profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to"
+" join."
+msgstr "En tu página de Inicio Rápido - busca una introducción breve para tus pestañas de perfil y red, haz algunas conexiones nuevas, y busca algunos grupos a los que unirte."
+#: mod/newmember.php:26
+msgid "Go to Your Settings"
+msgstr "Ir a tus ajustes"
+#: mod/newmember.php:26
+msgid ""
+"On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a "
+"note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and "
+"will be useful in making friends on the free social web."
+msgstr "En la página de Configuración puedes cambiar tu contraseña inicial. También aparece tu ID (Identity Address). Es parecida a una dirección de correo y te servirá para conectar con gente de redes sociales libres."
+#: mod/newmember.php:28
+msgid ""
+"Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished"
+" directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you "
+"should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and "
+"potential friends know exactly how to find you."
+msgstr "Revisa las otras configuraciones, especialmente la configuración de privacidad. Un listado de directorio sin publicar es como tener un número de teléfono sin publicar. Normalmente querrás publicar tu listado, a menos que tus amigos y amigos potenciales sepan cómo ponerse en contacto contigo."
+#: mod/newmember.php:36 mod/profile_photo.php:250 mod/profiles.php:707
+msgid "Upload Profile Photo"
+msgstr "Subir foto del Perfil"
+#: mod/newmember.php:36
+msgid ""
+"Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown "
+"that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make"
+" friends than people who do not."
+msgstr "Sube una foto para tu perfil si no lo has hecho aún. Los estudios han demostrado que la gente que usa fotos suyas reales tienen diez veces más éxito a la hora de entablar amistad que las que no."
+#: mod/newmember.php:38
+msgid "Edit Your Profile"
+msgstr "Editar tu perfil"
+#: mod/newmember.php:38
+msgid ""
+"Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the "
+"settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown"
+" visitors."
+msgstr "Edita tu perfil predeterminado como quieras. Revisa la configuración para ocultar tu lista de amigos o tu perfil a los visitantes desconocidos."
+#: mod/newmember.php:40
+msgid "Profile Keywords"
+msgstr "Palabras clave del perfil"
+#: mod/newmember.php:40
+msgid ""
+"Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your "
+"interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and "
+"suggest friendships."
+msgstr "Define en tu perfil público algunas palabras que describan tus intereses. Así podremos buscar otras personas con los mismos gustos y sugerirte posibles amigos."
+#: mod/newmember.php:44
+msgid "Connecting"
+msgstr "Conectando"
+#: mod/newmember.php:51
+msgid "Importing Emails"
+msgstr "Importando correos electrónicos"
+#: mod/newmember.php:51
+msgid ""
+"Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you "
+"wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email "
+msgstr "Introduce la información para acceder a tu correo en la página de Configuración del conector si quieres importar e interactuar con amigos o listas de correos del buzón de entrada de tu correo electrónico."
+#: mod/newmember.php:53
+msgid "Go to Your Contacts Page"
+msgstr "Ir a tu página de contactos"
+#: mod/newmember.php:53
+msgid ""
+"Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting "
+"with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site "
+"URL in the Add New Contact dialog."
+msgstr "Tu página de Contactos es el portal desde donde podrás manejar tus amistades y conectarte con amigos de otras redes. Normalmente introduces su dirección o la dirección de su sitio web en el recuadro \"Añadir contacto nuevo\"."
+#: mod/newmember.php:55
+msgid "Go to Your Site's Directory"
+msgstr "Ir al directorio de tu sitio"
+#: mod/newmember.php:55
+msgid ""
+"The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other "
+"federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on "
+"their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."
+msgstr "El Directorio te permite encontrar otras personas en esta red o en cualquier otro sitio federado. Busca algún enlace de Conectar o Seguir en su perfil. Proporciona tu direción personal si es necesario."
+#: mod/newmember.php:57
+msgid "Finding New People"
+msgstr "Encontrando nueva gente"
+#: mod/newmember.php:57
+msgid ""
+"On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new "
+"friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or "
+"interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand"
+" new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 "
+msgstr "En el panel lateral de la página de Contactos existen varias herramientas para encontrar nuevos amigos. Podemos filtrar personas por sus intereses, buscar personas por nombre o por sus intereses, y ofrecerte sugerencias basadas en sus relaciones de la red. En un sitio nuevo, las sugerencias de amigos por lo general comienzan pasadas las 24 horas."
+#: mod/newmember.php:65
+msgid "Group Your Contacts"
+msgstr "Agrupa tus contactos"
+#: mod/newmember.php:65
+msgid ""
+"Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation "
+"groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with"
+" each group privately on your Network page."
+msgstr "Una vez que tengas algunos amigos, puedes organizarlos en grupos privados de conversación mediante el memnú en tu página de Contactos y luego puedes interactuar con cada grupo por separado desde tu página de Red."
+#: mod/newmember.php:68
+msgid "Why Aren't My Posts Public?"
+msgstr "¿Por qué mis publicaciones no son públicas?"
+#: mod/newmember.php:68
+msgid ""
+"Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to"
+" people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section "
+"from the link above."
+msgstr "Friendica respeta tu privacidad. Por defecto, tus publicaciones solo se mostrarán a personas que hayas añadido como amistades. Para más información, mira la sección de ayuda en el enlace de más arriba."
+#: mod/newmember.php:73
+msgid "Getting Help"
+msgstr "Consiguiendo ayuda"
+#: mod/newmember.php:77
+msgid "Go to the Help Section"
+msgstr "Ir a la sección de ayuda"
+#: mod/newmember.php:77
+msgid ""
+"Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program"
+" features and resources."
+msgstr "Puedes consultar nuestra página de Ayuda para más información y recursos de ayuda."
+#: mod/removeme.php:46 mod/removeme.php:49
+msgid "Remove My Account"
+msgstr "Eliminar mi cuenta"
+#: mod/removeme.php:47
+msgid ""
+"This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not "
+msgstr "Esto eliminará por completo tu cuenta. Una vez hecho no se puede deshacer."
+#: mod/removeme.php:48
+msgid "Please enter your password for verification:"
+msgstr "Por favor, introduce tu contraseña para la verificación:"
+#: mod/editpost.php:17 mod/editpost.php:27
+msgid "Item not found"
+msgstr "Elemento no encontrado"
+#: mod/editpost.php:40
+msgid "Edit post"
+msgstr "Editar publicación"
+#: mod/localtime.php:24
+msgid "Time Conversion"
+msgstr "Conversión horária"
+#: mod/localtime.php:26
+msgid ""
+"Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and "
+"friends in unknown timezones."
+msgstr "Friendica ofrece este servicio para compartir eventos con otros servidores de la red friendica y amigos en zonas de horarios desconocidos."
+#: mod/localtime.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "UTC time: %s"
+msgstr "Tiempo UTC: %s"
+#: mod/localtime.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "Current timezone: %s"
+msgstr "Zona horaria actual: %s"
+#: mod/localtime.php:36
+#, php-format
+msgid "Converted localtime: %s"
+msgstr "Zona horaria local convertida: %s"
+#: mod/localtime.php:41
+msgid "Please select your timezone:"
+msgstr "Por favor, selecciona tu zona horaria:"
+#: mod/bookmarklet.php:41
+msgid "The post was created"
+msgstr "La publicación fue creada"
+#: mod/group.php:29
+msgid "Group created."
+msgstr "Grupo creado."
+#: mod/group.php:35
+msgid "Could not create group."
+msgstr "Imposible crear el grupo."
+#: mod/group.php:47 mod/group.php:140
+msgid "Group not found."
+msgstr "Grupo no encontrado."
+#: mod/group.php:60
+msgid "Group name changed."
+msgstr "El nombre del grupo ha cambiado."
+#: mod/group.php:87
+msgid "Save Group"
+msgstr "Guardar grupo"
+#: mod/group.php:93
+msgid "Create a group of contacts/friends."
+msgstr "Crea un grupo de contactos/amigos."
+#: mod/group.php:113
+msgid "Group removed."
+msgstr "Grupo eliminado."
+#: mod/group.php:115
+msgid "Unable to remove group."
+msgstr "No se puede eliminar el grupo."
+#: mod/group.php:177
+msgid "Group Editor"
+msgstr "Editor de grupos"
+#: mod/group.php:190
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Miembros"
+#: mod/group.php:192 mod/contacts.php:692
+msgid "All Contacts"
+msgstr "Todos los contactos"
+#: mod/group.php:193 mod/content.php:130 mod/network.php:495
+msgid "Group is empty"
+msgstr "El grupo está vacío"
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:42 mod/wallmessage.php:112
+#, php-format
+msgid "Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."
+msgstr "Excedido el número máximo de mensajes para %s. El mensaje no se ha enviado."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:56 mod/message.php:71
+msgid "No recipient selected."
+msgstr "Ningún destinatario seleccionado"
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:59
+msgid "Unable to check your home location."
+msgstr "Imposible comprobar tu servidor de inicio."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:62 mod/message.php:78
+msgid "Message could not be sent."
+msgstr "El mensaje no ha podido ser enviado."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:65 mod/message.php:81
+msgid "Message collection failure."
+msgstr "Fallo en la recolección de mensajes."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:68 mod/message.php:84
+msgid "Message sent."
+msgstr "Mensaje enviado."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:86 mod/wallmessage.php:95
+msgid "No recipient."
+msgstr "Sin receptor."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:142 mod/message.php:341
+msgid "Send Private Message"
+msgstr "Enviar mensaje privado"
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:143
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on "
+"your site allow private mail from unknown senders."
+msgstr "Si quieres que %s te responda, asegúrate de que la configuración de privacidad permite enviar correo privado a desconocidos."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:144 mod/message.php:342 mod/message.php:536
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Para:"
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:145 mod/message.php:347 mod/message.php:538
+msgid "Subject:"
+msgstr "Asunto:"
+#: mod/share.php:38
+msgid "link"
+msgstr "enlace"
+#: mod/api.php:76 mod/api.php:102
+msgid "Authorize application connection"
+msgstr "Autorizar la conexión de la aplicación"
+#: mod/api.php:77
+msgid "Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"
+msgstr "Regresa a tu aplicación e introduce este código de seguridad:"
+#: mod/api.php:89
+msgid "Please login to continue."
+msgstr "Inicia sesión para continuar."
+#: mod/api.php:104
+msgid ""
+"Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts,"
+" and/or create new posts for you?"
+msgstr "¿Quieres autorizar a esta aplicación el acceso a tus mensajes y contactos, y/o crear nuevas publicaciones para ti?"
+#: mod/babel.php:17
+msgid "Source (bbcode) text:"
+msgstr "Texto fuente (bbcode):"
+#: mod/babel.php:23
+msgid "Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"
+msgstr "Fuente (Diaspora) para pasar a BBcode:"
+#: mod/babel.php:31
+msgid "Source input: "
+msgstr "Entrada: "
+#: mod/babel.php:35
+msgid "bb2html (raw HTML): "
+msgstr "bb2html (raw HTML): "
+#: mod/babel.php:39
+msgid "bb2html: "
+msgstr "bb2html: "
+#: mod/babel.php:43
+msgid "bb2html2bb: "
+msgstr "bb2html2bb: "
+#: mod/babel.php:47
+msgid "bb2md: "
+msgstr "bb2md: "
+#: mod/babel.php:51
+msgid "bb2md2html: "
+msgstr "bb2md2html: "
+#: mod/babel.php:55
+msgid "bb2dia2bb: "
+msgstr "bb2dia2bb: "
+#: mod/babel.php:59
+msgid "bb2md2html2bb: "
+msgstr "bb2md2html2bb: "
+#: mod/babel.php:69
+msgid "Source input (Diaspora format): "
+msgstr "Fuente (formato Diaspora): "
+#: mod/babel.php:74
+msgid "diaspora2bb: "
+msgstr "diaspora2bb: "
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:14
+msgid "Subscribing to OStatus contacts"
+msgstr "Subscribir a los contactos de OStatus"
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:25
+msgid "No contact provided."
+msgstr "Sin suministro de datos de contacto."
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:30
+msgid "Couldn't fetch information for contact."
+msgstr "No se ha podido conseguir la información del contacto."
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:38
+msgid "Couldn't fetch friends for contact."
+msgstr "No se ha podido conseguir datos de amigos para contactar."
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:65
+msgid "success"
+msgstr "exito!"
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:67
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "fallido!"
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:69 mod/content.php:792 object/Item.php:245
+msgid "ignored"
+msgstr "ignorado"
+#: mod/dfrn_poll.php:104 mod/dfrn_poll.php:537
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s welcomes %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s te da la bienvenida a %2$s"
+#: mod/message.php:75
+msgid "Unable to locate contact information."
+msgstr "No se puede encontrar información del contacto."
+#: mod/message.php:215
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this message?"
+msgstr "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar este mensaje?"
+#: mod/message.php:235
+msgid "Message deleted."
+msgstr "Mensaje eliminado."
+#: mod/message.php:266
+msgid "Conversation removed."
+msgstr "Conversación eliminada."
+#: mod/message.php:383
+msgid "No messages."
+msgstr "No hay mensajes."
+#: mod/message.php:426
+msgid "Message not available."
+msgstr "Mensaje no disponibile."
+#: mod/message.php:503
+msgid "Delete message"
+msgstr "Borrar mensaje"
+#: mod/message.php:529 mod/message.php:609
+msgid "Delete conversation"
+msgstr "Eliminar conversación"
+#: mod/message.php:531
+msgid ""
+"No secure communications available. You may be able to "
+"respond from the sender's profile page."
+msgstr "No hay comunicaciones seguras disponibles. Podrías responder desde la página de perfil del remitente. "
+#: mod/message.php:535
+msgid "Send Reply"
+msgstr "Enviar respuesta"
+#: mod/message.php:579
+#, php-format
+msgid "Unknown sender - %s"
+msgstr "Remitente desconocido - %s"
+#: mod/message.php:581
+#, php-format
+msgid "You and %s"
+msgstr "Tú y %s"
+#: mod/message.php:583
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s and You"
+msgstr "%s y Tú"
+#: mod/message.php:612
+msgid "D, d M Y - g:i A"
+msgstr "D, d M Y - g:i A"
+#: mod/message.php:615
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d message"
+msgid_plural "%d messages"
+msgstr[0] "%d mensaje"
+msgstr[1] "%d mensajes"
+#: mod/manage.php:139
+msgid "Manage Identities and/or Pages"
+msgstr "Administrar identidades y/o páginas"
+#: mod/manage.php:140
+msgid ""
+"Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share "
+"your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"
+msgstr "Cambia entre diferentes identidades o páginas de Comunidad/Grupos que comparten los detalles de tu cuenta o sobre los que tienes permisos para administrar"
+#: mod/manage.php:141
+msgid "Select an identity to manage: "
+msgstr "Selecciona una identidad a gestionar:"
+#: mod/crepair.php:87
+msgid "Contact settings applied."
+msgstr "Contacto configurado con éxito."
+#: mod/crepair.php:89
+msgid "Contact update failed."
+msgstr "Error al actualizar el Contacto."
+#: mod/crepair.php:114 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:122 mod/fsuggest.php:20
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:92
+msgid "Contact not found."
+msgstr "Contacto no encontrado."
+#: mod/crepair.php:120
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: This is highly advanced and if you enter incorrect"
+" information your communications with this contact may stop working."
+msgstr "ADVERTENCIA: Esto es muy avanzado y si se introduce información incorrecta tu conexión con este contacto puede dejar de funcionar."
+#: mod/crepair.php:121
+msgid ""
+"Please use your browser 'Back' button now if you are "
+"uncertain what to do on this page."
+msgstr "Por favor usa el botón 'Atás' de tu navegador ahora si no tienes claro qué hacer en esta página."
+#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
+msgid "No mirroring"
+msgstr "No espejar"
+#: mod/crepair.php:134
+msgid "Mirror as forwarded posting"
+msgstr "Espejar como reenvio"
+#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
+msgid "Mirror as my own posting"
+msgstr "Espejar como publicación propia"
+#: mod/crepair.php:150
+msgid "Return to contact editor"
+msgstr "Volver al editor de contactos"
+#: mod/crepair.php:152
+msgid "Refetch contact data"
+msgstr "Volver a solicitar datos del contacto."
+#: mod/crepair.php:156
+msgid "Remote Self"
+msgstr "Perfil remoto"
+#: mod/crepair.php:159
+msgid "Mirror postings from this contact"
+msgstr "Espejar publicaciones de este contacto"
+#: mod/crepair.php:161
+msgid ""
+"Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new "
+"entries from this contact."
+msgstr "Marcar este contacto como perfil_remoto, esto generara que friendica reenvía nuevas publicaciones desde esta cuenta."
+#: mod/crepair.php:165 mod/admin.php:1367 mod/admin.php:1380
+#: mod/admin.php:1392 mod/admin.php:1408 mod/settings.php:678
+#: mod/settings.php:704
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nombre"
+#: mod/crepair.php:166
+msgid "Account Nickname"
+msgstr "Apodo de la cuenta"
+#: mod/crepair.php:167
+msgid "@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname"
+msgstr "@Etiqueta - Sobrescribe el Nombre/Apodo"
+#: mod/crepair.php:168
+msgid "Account URL"
+msgstr "Dirección de la cuenta"
+#: mod/crepair.php:169
+msgid "Friend Request URL"
+msgstr "Dirección de la solicitud de amistad"
+#: mod/crepair.php:170
+msgid "Friend Confirm URL"
+msgstr "Dirección de confirmación de tu amigo "
+#: mod/crepair.php:171
+msgid "Notification Endpoint URL"
+msgstr "Dirección URL de la notificación"
+#: mod/crepair.php:172
+msgid "Poll/Feed URL"
+msgstr "Dirección del Sondeo/Fuentes"
+#: mod/crepair.php:173
+msgid "New photo from this URL"
+msgstr "Nueva foto de esta dirección"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:100
+msgid "This introduction has already been accepted."
+msgstr "Esta presentación ya ha sido aceptada."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:123 mod/dfrn_request.php:518
+msgid "Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."
+msgstr "La dirección del perfil no es válida o no contiene información del perfil."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:128 mod/dfrn_request.php:523
+msgid "Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."
+msgstr "Aviso: La dirección del perfil no tiene un nombre de propietario identificable."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:130 mod/dfrn_request.php:525
+msgid "Warning: profile location has no profile photo."
+msgstr "Aviso: la dirección del perfil no tiene foto de perfil."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:133 mod/dfrn_request.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d required parameter was not found at the given location"
+msgid_plural "%d required parameters were not found at the given location"
+msgstr[0] "no se encontró %d parámetro requerido en el lugar determinado"
+msgstr[1] "no se encontraron %d parámetros requeridos en el lugar determinado"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:178
+msgid "Introduction complete."
+msgstr "Presentación completa."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:220
+msgid "Unrecoverable protocol error."
+msgstr "Error de protocolo irrecuperable."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:248
+msgid "Profile unavailable."
+msgstr "Perfil no disponible."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s has received too many connection requests today."
+msgstr "%s ha recibido demasiadas solicitudes de conexión hoy."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:274
+msgid "Spam protection measures have been invoked."
+msgstr "Han sido activadas las medidas de protección contra spam."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:275
+msgid "Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."
+msgstr "Tus amigos serán avisados para que lo intenten de nuevo pasadas 24 horas."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:337
+msgid "Invalid locator"
+msgstr "Localizador no válido"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:346
+msgid "Invalid email address."
+msgstr "Dirección de correo incorrecta"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:373
+msgid "This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."
+msgstr "Esta cuenta no ha sido configurada para el correo. Fallo de solicitud."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:476
+msgid "You have already introduced yourself here."
+msgstr "Ya te has presentado aquí."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:480
+#, php-format
+msgid "Apparently you are already friends with %s."
+msgstr "Al parecer, ya eres amigo de %s."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:501
+msgid "Invalid profile URL."
+msgstr "Dirección de perfil no válida."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:579 mod/contacts.php:208
+msgid "Failed to update contact record."
+msgstr "Error al actualizar el contacto."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:600
+msgid "Your introduction has been sent."
+msgstr "Tu presentación ha sido enviada."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:640
+msgid ""
+"Remote subscription can't be done for your network. Please subscribe "
+"directly on your system."
+msgstr "La subscripción remota no se podrá hacer para tu red. Por favor contacta directamente desde tu sistema."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:663
+msgid "Please login to confirm introduction."
+msgstr "Inicia sesión para confirmar la presentación."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:673
+msgid ""
+"Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to "
+"this profile."
+msgstr "Sesión iniciada con la identificación incorrecta. Entra en este perfil."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:687 mod/dfrn_request.php:704
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr "Confirmar"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:699
+msgid "Hide this contact"
+msgstr "Ocultar este contacto"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:702
+#, php-format
+msgid "Welcome home %s."
+msgstr "Bienvenido a casa %s"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:703
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."
+msgstr "Por favor, confirma tu solicitud de presentación/conexión con %s."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:832
+msgid ""
+"Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported "
+"communications networks:"
+msgstr "Por favor introduce tu dirección ID de una de las siguientes redes sociales soportadas:"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:853
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and "
+"join us today ."
+msgstr "Si aun no eres miembro de la red social libre seguí este enlace para encontrara un sitio disponible de friendica y acompañanos hoy mismo "
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:858
+msgid "Friend/Connection Request"
+msgstr "Solicitud de Amistad/Conexión"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:859
+msgid ""
+"Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, "
+msgstr "Ejemplos: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:868
+msgid "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
+msgstr "StatusNet/Web Social Federada"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:870
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search"
+" bar."
+msgstr "(En vez de usar este formulario, introduce %s en la barra de búsqueda de Diaspora."
+#: mod/content.php:119 mod/network.php:468
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "Ningún grupo"
+#: mod/content.php:135 mod/network.php:499
+#, php-format
+msgid "Group: %s"
+msgstr "Grupo: %s"
+#: mod/content.php:325 object/Item.php:95
+msgid "This entry was edited"
+msgstr "Esta entrada fue editada"
+#: mod/content.php:621 object/Item.php:429
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d comment"
+msgid_plural "%d comments"
+msgstr[0] "%d comentario"
+msgstr[1] "%d comentarios"
+#: mod/content.php:638 mod/photos.php:1379 object/Item.php:117
+msgid "Private Message"
+msgstr "Mensaje privado"
+#: mod/content.php:702 mod/photos.php:1567 object/Item.php:263
+msgid "I like this (toggle)"
+msgstr "Me gusta esto (cambiar)"
+#: mod/content.php:702 object/Item.php:263
+msgid "like"
+msgstr "me gusta"
+#: mod/content.php:703 mod/photos.php:1568 object/Item.php:264
+msgid "I don't like this (toggle)"
+msgstr "No me gusta esto (cambiar)"
+#: mod/content.php:703 object/Item.php:264
+msgid "dislike"
+msgstr "no me gusta"
+#: mod/content.php:705 object/Item.php:266
+msgid "Share this"
+msgstr "Compartir esto"
+#: mod/content.php:705 object/Item.php:266
+msgid "share"
+msgstr "compartir"
+#: mod/content.php:725 mod/photos.php:1587 mod/photos.php:1635
+#: mod/photos.php:1721 object/Item.php:717
+msgid "This is you"
+msgstr "Este eres tú"
+#: mod/content.php:727 mod/content.php:945 mod/photos.php:1589
+#: mod/photos.php:1637 mod/photos.php:1723 object/Item.php:403
+#: object/Item.php:719 boot.php:969
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Comentar"
+#: mod/content.php:729 object/Item.php:721
+msgid "Bold"
+msgstr "Negrita"
+#: mod/content.php:730 object/Item.php:722
+msgid "Italic"
+msgstr "Cursiva"
+#: mod/content.php:731 object/Item.php:723
+msgid "Underline"
+msgstr "Subrayado"
+#: mod/content.php:732 object/Item.php:724
+msgid "Quote"
+msgstr "Cita"
+#: mod/content.php:733 object/Item.php:725
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr "Código"
+#: mod/content.php:734 object/Item.php:726
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Imagen"
+#: mod/content.php:735 object/Item.php:727
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Enlace"
+#: mod/content.php:736 object/Item.php:728
+msgid "Video"
+msgstr "Vídeo"
+#: mod/content.php:746 mod/settings.php:738 object/Item.php:122
+#: object/Item.php:124
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Editar"
+#: mod/content.php:771 object/Item.php:227
+msgid "add star"
+msgstr "Añadir estrella"
+#: mod/content.php:772 object/Item.php:228
+msgid "remove star"
+msgstr "Quitar estrella"
+#: mod/content.php:773 object/Item.php:229
+msgid "toggle star status"
+msgstr "Añadir a destacados"
+#: mod/content.php:776 object/Item.php:232
+msgid "starred"
+msgstr "marcados con estrellas"
+#: mod/content.php:777 mod/content.php:798 object/Item.php:252
+msgid "add tag"
+msgstr "añadir etiqueta"
+#: mod/content.php:787 object/Item.php:240
+msgid "ignore thread"
+msgstr "ignorar publicación"
+#: mod/content.php:788 object/Item.php:241
+msgid "unignore thread"
+msgstr "revertir ignorar publicacion"
+#: mod/content.php:789 object/Item.php:242
+msgid "toggle ignore status"
+msgstr "cambiar estatus de observación"
+#: mod/content.php:803 object/Item.php:137
+msgid "save to folder"
+msgstr "grabado en directorio"
+#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
+msgid "I will attend"
+msgstr "Voy a estar presente"
+#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
+msgid "I will not attend"
+msgstr "No voy a estar presente"
+#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
+msgid "I might attend"
+msgstr "Puede que voy a estar presente"
+#: mod/content.php:912 object/Item.php:369
+msgid "to"
+msgstr "a"
+#: mod/content.php:913 object/Item.php:371
+msgid "Wall-to-Wall"
+msgstr "Muro-A-Muro"
+#: mod/content.php:914 object/Item.php:372
+msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:"
+msgstr "via Muro-A-Muro:"
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:66 mod/profiles.php:19 mod/profiles.php:134
+#: mod/profiles.php:180 mod/profiles.php:617
+msgid "Profile not found."
+msgstr "Perfil no encontrado."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:123
+msgid ""
+"This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it"
+" has already been approved."
+msgstr "Esto puede ocurrir a veces si la conexión fue solicitada por ambas personas y ya hubiera sido aprobada."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:242
+msgid "Response from remote site was not understood."
+msgstr "La respuesta desde el sitio remoto no ha sido entendida."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:251 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:256
+msgid "Unexpected response from remote site: "
+msgstr "Respuesta inesperada desde el sitio remoto: "
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:265
+msgid "Confirmation completed successfully."
+msgstr "Confirmación completada con éxito."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:267 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:281 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:288
+msgid "Remote site reported: "
+msgstr "El sito remoto informó: "
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:279
+msgid "Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."
+msgstr "Error temporal. Por favor, espere y vuelva a intentarlo."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:286
+msgid "Introduction failed or was revoked."
+msgstr "La presentación ha fallado o ha sido anulada."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:415
+msgid "Unable to set contact photo."
+msgstr "Imposible establecer la foto del contacto."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:553
+#, php-format
+msgid "No user record found for '%s' "
+msgstr "No se ha encontrado a ningún '%s' "
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:563
+msgid "Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."
+msgstr "Nuestra clave de cifrado del sitio es aparentemente un lío."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:574
+msgid "Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."
+msgstr "Se ha proporcionado una dirección vacía o no hemos podido descifrarla."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:595
+msgid "Contact record was not found for you on our site."
+msgstr "El contacto no se ha encontrado en nuestra base de datos."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:609
+#, php-format
+msgid "Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s."
+msgstr "La clave pública del sitio no está disponible en los datos del contacto para %s."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:629
+msgid ""
+"The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work "
+"if you try again."
+msgstr "La identificación proporcionada por el sistema es un duplicado de nuestro sistema. Debería funcionar si lo intentas de nuevo."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:640
+msgid "Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."
+msgstr "No se puede establecer las credenciales de tu contacto en nuestro sistema."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:699
+msgid "Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"
+msgstr "No se puede actualizar los datos de tu perfil de contacto en nuestro sistema"
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:771
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s has joined %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s se ha unido a %2$s"
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:63
+msgid "Friend suggestion sent."
+msgstr "Solicitud de amistad enviada."
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:97
+msgid "Suggest Friends"
+msgstr "Sugerencias de amistad"
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:99
+#, php-format
+msgid "Suggest a friend for %s"
+msgstr "Recomienda un amigo a %s"
+#: mod/mood.php:133
+msgid "Mood"
+msgstr "Ánimo"
+#: mod/mood.php:134
+msgid "Set your current mood and tell your friends"
+msgstr "Coloca tu ánimo actual y cuéntaselo a tus amigos"
+#: mod/poke.php:192
+msgid "Poke/Prod"
+msgstr "Toque/Empujón"
+#: mod/poke.php:193
+msgid "poke, prod or do other things to somebody"
+msgstr "da un toque, empujón o similar a alguien"
+#: mod/poke.php:194
+msgid "Recipient"
+msgstr "Receptor"
+#: mod/poke.php:195
+msgid "Choose what you wish to do to recipient"
+msgstr "Elige qué desea hacer con el receptor"
+#: mod/poke.php:198
+msgid "Make this post private"
+msgstr "Hacer esta publicación privada"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:44
+msgid "Image uploaded but image cropping failed."
+msgstr "Imagen recibida, pero ha fallado al recortarla."
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:77 mod/profile_photo.php:84 mod/profile_photo.php:91
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:314
+#, php-format
+msgid "Image size reduction [%s] failed."
+msgstr "Ha fallado la reducción de las dimensiones de la imagen [%s]."
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:124
+msgid ""
+"Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not "
+"display immediately."
+msgstr "Recarga la página o limpia la caché del navegador si la foto nueva no aparece inmediatamente."
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:134
+msgid "Unable to process image"
+msgstr "Imposible procesar la imagen"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:248
+msgid "Upload File:"
+msgstr "Subir archivo:"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:249
+msgid "Select a profile:"
+msgstr "Elige un perfil:"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:251
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Subir"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
+msgid "or"
+msgstr "o"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
+msgid "skip this step"
+msgstr "saltar este paso"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
+msgid "select a photo from your photo albums"
+msgstr "elige una foto de tus álbumes"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:268
+msgid "Crop Image"
+msgstr "Recortar imagen"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:269
+msgid "Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."
+msgstr "Por favor, ajusta el recorte de la imagen para optimizarla."
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:271
+msgid "Done Editing"
+msgstr "Editado"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:305
+msgid "Image uploaded successfully."
+msgstr "Imagen subida con éxito."
+#: mod/regmod.php:55
+msgid "Account approved."
+msgstr "Cuenta aprobada."
+#: mod/regmod.php:92
+#, php-format
+msgid "Registration revoked for %s"
+msgstr "Registro anulado para %s"
+#: mod/regmod.php:104
+msgid "Please login."
+msgstr "Por favor accede."
+#: mod/notifications.php:35
+msgid "Invalid request identifier."
+msgstr "Solicitud de identificación no válida."
+#: mod/notifications.php:44 mod/notifications.php:180
+#: mod/notifications.php:252
+msgid "Discard"
+msgstr "Descartar"
+#: mod/notifications.php:60 mod/notifications.php:179
+#: mod/notifications.php:251 mod/contacts.php:606 mod/contacts.php:806
+#: mod/contacts.php:1000
+msgid "Ignore"
+msgstr "Ignorar"
+#: mod/notifications.php:105
+msgid "Network Notifications"
+msgstr "Notificaciones de Red"
+#: mod/notifications.php:117
+msgid "Personal Notifications"
+msgstr "Notificaciones personales"
+#: mod/notifications.php:123
+msgid "Home Notifications"
+msgstr "Notificaciones de Inicio"
+#: mod/notifications.php:152
+msgid "Show Ignored Requests"
+msgstr "Mostrar peticiones ignoradas"
+#: mod/notifications.php:152
+msgid "Hide Ignored Requests"
+msgstr "Ocultar peticiones ignoradas"
+#: mod/notifications.php:164 mod/notifications.php:222
+msgid "Notification type: "
+msgstr "Tipo de notificación: "
+#: mod/notifications.php:167
+#, php-format
+msgid "suggested by %s"
+msgstr "sugerido por %s"
+#: mod/notifications.php:172 mod/notifications.php:239 mod/contacts.php:613
+msgid "Hide this contact from others"
+msgstr "Ocultar este contacto a los demás."
+#: mod/notifications.php:173 mod/notifications.php:240
+msgid "Post a new friend activity"
+msgstr "Publica tu nueva amistad"
+#: mod/notifications.php:173 mod/notifications.php:240
+msgid "if applicable"
+msgstr "Si corresponde"
+#: mod/notifications.php:176 mod/notifications.php:249 mod/admin.php:1382
+msgid "Approve"
+msgstr "Aprobar"
+#: mod/notifications.php:195
+msgid "Claims to be known to you: "
+msgstr "Dice conocerte: "
+#: mod/notifications.php:196
+msgid "yes"
+msgstr "sí"
+#: mod/notifications.php:196
+msgid "no"
+msgstr "no"
+#: mod/notifications.php:197
+msgid ""
+"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
+"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that "
+"you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
+msgstr "¿Deberá la coneccion ser bidireccional?\n\"Amigo\" implica que permitas la lectura y subscribas a las publicaciones del contacto.\n\"Admirador\" significa que permitas la lectura de tus publicaciones pero que no quieras ver sus publicaciones.\n\nAprobar como:"
+#: mod/notifications.php:200
+msgid ""
+"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
+"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you "
+"allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
+msgstr "¿Deberá la coneccion ser bidireccional?\n\"Amigo\" implica que permitas la lectura y subscribas a las publicaciones del contacto.\n\"Sharer\" significa que permitas la lectura de tus publicaciones pero que no quieras ver sus publicaciones.\n\nAprobar como:"
+#: mod/notifications.php:209
+msgid "Friend"
+msgstr "Amigo"
+#: mod/notifications.php:210
+msgid "Sharer"
+msgstr "Lector"
+#: mod/notifications.php:210
+msgid "Fan/Admirer"
+msgstr "Fan/Admirador"
+#: mod/notifications.php:260
+msgid "No introductions."
+msgstr "Sin presentaciones."
+#: mod/notifications.php:299
+msgid "Show unread"
+msgstr "Mostrar no leído"
+#: mod/notifications.php:299
+msgid "Show all"
+msgstr "Mostrar todo"
+#: mod/notifications.php:305
+#, php-format
+msgid "No more %s notifications."
+msgstr "No más notificaciones de %s."
+#: mod/profiles.php:38
+msgid "Profile deleted."
+msgstr "Perfil eliminado."
+#: mod/profiles.php:56 mod/profiles.php:90
+msgid "Profile-"
+msgstr "Perfil-"
+#: mod/profiles.php:75 mod/profiles.php:118
+msgid "New profile created."
+msgstr "Nuevo perfil creado."
+#: mod/profiles.php:96
+msgid "Profile unavailable to clone."
+msgstr "Imposible duplicar el perfil."
+#: mod/profiles.php:190
+msgid "Profile Name is required."
+msgstr "Se necesita un nombre de perfil."
+#: mod/profiles.php:338
+msgid "Marital Status"
+msgstr "Estado civil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:342
+msgid "Romantic Partner"
+msgstr "Pareja sentimental"
+#: mod/profiles.php:354
+msgid "Work/Employment"
+msgstr "Trabajo/estudios"
+#: mod/profiles.php:357
+msgid "Religion"
+msgstr "Religión"
+#: mod/profiles.php:361
+msgid "Political Views"
+msgstr "Preferencias políticas"
+#: mod/profiles.php:365
+msgid "Gender"
+msgstr "Género"
+#: mod/profiles.php:369
+msgid "Sexual Preference"
+msgstr "Orientación sexual"
+#: mod/profiles.php:373
+msgid "XMPP"
+msgstr "XMPP"
+#: mod/profiles.php:377
+msgid "Homepage"
+msgstr "Página de inicio"
+#: mod/profiles.php:381 mod/profiles.php:702
+msgid "Interests"
+msgstr "Intereses"
+#: mod/profiles.php:385
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Dirección"
+#: mod/profiles.php:392 mod/profiles.php:698
+msgid "Location"
+msgstr "Ubicación"
+#: mod/profiles.php:477
+msgid "Profile updated."
+msgstr "Perfil actualizado."
+#: mod/profiles.php:564
+msgid " and "
+msgstr " y "
+#: mod/profiles.php:572
+msgid "public profile"
+msgstr "perfil público"
+#: mod/profiles.php:575
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s changed %2$s to “%3$s”"
+msgstr "%1$s cambió su %2$s a “%3$s”"
+#: mod/profiles.php:576
+#, php-format
+msgid " - Visit %1$s's %2$s"
+msgstr " - Visita %1$s's %2$s"
+#: mod/profiles.php:579
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s has an updated %2$s, changing %3$s."
+msgstr "%1$s tiene una actualización %2$s, cambiando %3$s."
+#: mod/profiles.php:645
+msgid "Hide contacts and friends:"
+msgstr "Ocultar contactos y amigos"
+#: mod/profiles.php:650
+msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"
+msgstr "¿Ocultar tu lista de contactos/amigos en este perfil?"
+#: mod/profiles.php:674
+msgid "Show more profile fields:"
+msgstr "Mostrar mas campos del perfil:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:686
+msgid "Profile Actions"
+msgstr "Acciones de perfil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:687
+msgid "Edit Profile Details"
+msgstr "Editar detalles de tu perfil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:689
+msgid "Change Profile Photo"
+msgstr "Cambiar imagen del Perfil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:690
+msgid "View this profile"
+msgstr "Ver este perfil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:692
+msgid "Create a new profile using these settings"
+msgstr "¿Crear un nuevo perfil con esta configuración?"
+#: mod/profiles.php:693
+msgid "Clone this profile"
+msgstr "Clonar este perfil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:694
+msgid "Delete this profile"
+msgstr "Eliminar este perfil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:696
+msgid "Basic information"
+msgstr "Información básica"
+#: mod/profiles.php:697
+msgid "Profile picture"
+msgstr "Imagen del perfil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:699
+msgid "Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferencias"
+#: mod/profiles.php:700
+msgid "Status information"
+msgstr "Información del estatus"
+#: mod/profiles.php:701
+msgid "Additional information"
+msgstr "Información addicional"
+#: mod/profiles.php:704
+msgid "Relation"
+msgstr "Relación"
+#: mod/profiles.php:708
+msgid "Your Gender:"
+msgstr "Género:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:709
+msgid "♥ Marital Status:"
+msgstr " Estado civil:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:711
+msgid "Example: fishing photography software"
+msgstr "Ejemplo: pesca fotografía software"
+#: mod/profiles.php:716
+msgid "Profile Name:"
+msgstr "Nombres del perfil:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:716 mod/events.php:484 mod/events.php:496
+msgid "Required"
+msgstr "Obligatorio"
+#: mod/profiles.php:718
+msgid ""
+"This is your public profile. It may "
+"be visible to anybody using the internet."
+msgstr "Éste es tu perfil público .Puede ser visto por cualquier usuario de internet."
+#: mod/profiles.php:719
+msgid "Your Full Name:"
+msgstr "Tu nombre completo:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:720
+msgid "Title/Description:"
+msgstr "Título/Descrición:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:723
+msgid "Street Address:"
+msgstr "Dirección"
+#: mod/profiles.php:724
+msgid "Locality/City:"
+msgstr "Localidad/Ciudad:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:725
+msgid "Region/State:"
+msgstr "Región/Estado:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:726
+msgid "Postal/Zip Code:"
+msgstr "Código postal:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:727
+msgid "Country:"
+msgstr "País"
+#: mod/profiles.php:731
+msgid "Who: (if applicable)"
+msgstr "¿Quién? (si es aplicable)"
+#: mod/profiles.php:731
+msgid "Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
+msgstr "Ejemplos: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
+#: mod/profiles.php:732
+msgid "Since [date]:"
+msgstr "Desde [fecha]:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:734
+msgid "Tell us about yourself..."
+msgstr "Háblanos sobre ti..."
+#: mod/profiles.php:735
+msgid "XMPP (Jabber) address:"
+msgstr "Dirección XMPP (Jabber):"
+#: mod/profiles.php:735
+msgid ""
+"The XMPP address will be propagated to your contacts so that they can follow"
+" you."
+msgstr "La dirección XMPP será propagada entre sus contactos para que puedan seguirle."
+#: mod/profiles.php:736
+msgid "Homepage URL:"
+msgstr "Dirección de tu página:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:739
+msgid "Religious Views:"
+msgstr "Creencias religiosas:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:740
+msgid "Public Keywords:"
+msgstr "Palabras clave públicas:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:740
+msgid "(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"
+msgstr "(Utilizadas para sugerir amigos potenciales, otros pueden verlo)"
+#: mod/profiles.php:741
+msgid "Private Keywords:"
+msgstr "Palabras clave privadas:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:741
+msgid "(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"
+msgstr "(Utilizadas para buscar perfiles, nunca se muestra a otros)"
+#: mod/profiles.php:744
+msgid "Musical interests"
+msgstr "Gustos musicales"
+#: mod/profiles.php:745
+msgid "Books, literature"
+msgstr "Libros, literatura"
+#: mod/profiles.php:746
+msgid "Television"
+msgstr "Televisión"
+#: mod/profiles.php:747
+msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment"
+msgstr "Películas/baile/cultura/entretenimiento"
+#: mod/profiles.php:748
+msgid "Hobbies/Interests"
+msgstr "Aficiones/Intereses"
+#: mod/profiles.php:749
+msgid "Love/romance"
+msgstr "Amor/Romance"
+#: mod/profiles.php:750
+msgid "Work/employment"
+msgstr "Trabajo/ocupación"
+#: mod/profiles.php:751
+msgid "School/education"
+msgstr "Escuela/estudios"
+#: mod/profiles.php:752
+msgid "Contact information and Social Networks"
+msgstr "Informacioń de contacto y Redes sociales"
+#: mod/profiles.php:794
+msgid "Edit/Manage Profiles"
+msgstr "Editar/Administrar perfiles"
+#: mod/admin.php:92
+msgid "Theme settings updated."
+msgstr "Configuración de la apariencia actualizada."
+#: mod/admin.php:156 mod/admin.php:926
+msgid "Site"
+msgstr "Sitio"
+#: mod/admin.php:157 mod/admin.php:870 mod/admin.php:1375 mod/admin.php:1390
+msgid "Users"
+msgstr "Usuarios"
+#: mod/admin.php:158 mod/admin.php:1492 mod/admin.php:1552 mod/settings.php:74
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Módulos"
+#: mod/admin.php:159 mod/admin.php:1750 mod/admin.php:1800
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr "Temas"
+#: mod/admin.php:160 mod/settings.php:52
+msgid "Additional features"
+msgstr "Características adicionales"
+#: mod/admin.php:161
+msgid "DB updates"
+msgstr "Actualizaciones de la Base de Datos"
+#: mod/admin.php:162 mod/admin.php:397
+msgid "Inspect Queue"
+msgstr "Inspeccionar cola"
+#: mod/admin.php:163 mod/admin.php:363
+msgid "Federation Statistics"
+msgstr "Estadísticas de federación"
+#: mod/admin.php:177 mod/admin.php:188 mod/admin.php:1874
+msgid "Logs"
+msgstr "Registros"
+#: mod/admin.php:178 mod/admin.php:1942
+msgid "View Logs"
+msgstr "Ver registro de depuración"
+#: mod/admin.php:179
+msgid "probe address"
+msgstr "probar direccion"
+#: mod/admin.php:180
+msgid "check webfinger"
+msgstr "Verificar webfinger"
+#: mod/admin.php:187
+msgid "Plugin Features"
+msgstr "Características del módulo"
+#: mod/admin.php:189
+msgid "diagnostics"
+msgstr "diagnosticos"
+#: mod/admin.php:190
+msgid "User registrations waiting for confirmation"
+msgstr "Registro de usuarios esperando la confirmación"
+#: mod/admin.php:356
+msgid ""
+"This page offers you some numbers to the known part of the federated social "
+"network your Friendica node is part of. These numbers are not complete but "
+"only reflect the part of the network your node is aware of."
+msgstr "Esta pagina ofrece algunos datos sobre la red conocida a la que tu nodo friendica esta conectado. Estos nummeros no son completos respecto a las redes federadas, si no refleja los nodos esta instancia conoce. "
+#: mod/admin.php:357
+msgid ""
+"The Auto Discovered Contact Directory feature is not enabled, it "
+"will improve the data displayed here."
+msgstr "El modulo directorio de contactos encontrados no esta habilitado, habilitado aumentara la cantidad de datos detallados aquí."
+#: mod/admin.php:362 mod/admin.php:396 mod/admin.php:460 mod/admin.php:925
+#: mod/admin.php:1374 mod/admin.php:1491 mod/admin.php:1551 mod/admin.php:1749
+#: mod/admin.php:1799 mod/admin.php:1873 mod/admin.php:1941
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Administración"
+#: mod/admin.php:369
+#, php-format
+msgid "Currently this node is aware of %d nodes from the following platforms:"
+msgstr "Actualmente este nodo reconoce %d nodos de las siguientes plataformas:"
+#: mod/admin.php:399
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+#: mod/admin.php:400
+msgid "Recipient Name"
+msgstr "Nombre del recipiente"
+#: mod/admin.php:401
+msgid "Recipient Profile"
+msgstr "Perfil del recipiente"
+#: mod/admin.php:403
+msgid "Created"
+msgstr "Creado"
+#: mod/admin.php:404
+msgid "Last Tried"
+msgstr "Ultimo intento"
+#: mod/admin.php:405
+msgid ""
+"This page lists the content of the queue for outgoing postings. These are "
+"postings the initial delivery failed for. They will be resend later and "
+"eventually deleted if the delivery fails permanently."
+msgstr "Esta pagina muestra la cola de mensajes salientes. Estos son publicaciones cuyo envío inicial fallo. Serán reenviados mas tarde y eventualmente eliminados si la entrega falla permanentemente. "
+#: mod/admin.php:424 mod/admin.php:1323
+msgid "Normal Account"
+msgstr "Cuenta normal"
+#: mod/admin.php:425 mod/admin.php:1324
+msgid "Soapbox Account"
+msgstr "Cuenta tribuna"
+#: mod/admin.php:426 mod/admin.php:1325
+msgid "Community/Celebrity Account"
+msgstr "Cuenta de Comunidad/Celebridad"
+#: mod/admin.php:427 mod/admin.php:1326
+msgid "Automatic Friend Account"
+msgstr "Cuenta de amistad automática"
+#: mod/admin.php:428
+msgid "Blog Account"
+msgstr "Cuenta de blog"
+#: mod/admin.php:429
+msgid "Private Forum"
+msgstr "Foro privado"
+#: mod/admin.php:455
+msgid "Message queues"
+msgstr "Cola de mensajes"
+#: mod/admin.php:461
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Resumen"
+#: mod/admin.php:464
+msgid "Registered users"
+msgstr "Usuarios registrados"
+#: mod/admin.php:466
+msgid "Pending registrations"
+msgstr "Pendientes de registro"
+#: mod/admin.php:467
+msgid "Version"
+msgstr "Versión"
+#: mod/admin.php:472
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Módulos activos"
+#: mod/admin.php:495
+msgid "Can not parse base url. Must have at least ://"
+msgstr "No se puede resolver la direccion URL base.\nDeberá tener al menos ://"
+#: mod/admin.php:798
+msgid "RINO2 needs mcrypt php extension to work."
+msgstr "RINO2 precisa la extensión mcrypt para funcionar. "
+#: mod/admin.php:806
+msgid "Site settings updated."
+msgstr "Configuración de actualización."
+#: mod/admin.php:834 mod/settings.php:932
+msgid "No special theme for mobile devices"
+msgstr "No hay tema especial para dispositivos móviles"
+#: mod/admin.php:853
+msgid "No community page"
+msgstr "No hay pagina de comunidad"
+#: mod/admin.php:854
+msgid "Public postings from users of this site"
+msgstr "Temas públicos de perfiles de este sitio."
+#: mod/admin.php:855
+msgid "Global community page"
+msgstr "Pagina global de comunidad"
+#: mod/admin.php:860 mod/contacts.php:530
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Nunca"
+#: mod/admin.php:861
+msgid "At post arrival"
+msgstr "A la llegada de una publicación"
+#: mod/admin.php:869 mod/contacts.php:557
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "Deshabilitado"
+#: mod/admin.php:871
+msgid "Users, Global Contacts"
+msgstr "Perfiles, contactos globales"
+#: mod/admin.php:872
+msgid "Users, Global Contacts/fallback"
+msgstr "Perfiles, contactos globales/fallback"
+#: mod/admin.php:876
+msgid "One month"
+msgstr "Un mes"
+#: mod/admin.php:877
+msgid "Three months"
+msgstr "Tres meses"
+#: mod/admin.php:878
+msgid "Half a year"
+msgstr "Medio año"
+#: mod/admin.php:879
+msgid "One year"
+msgstr "Un año"
+#: mod/admin.php:884
+msgid "Multi user instance"
+msgstr "Sesión multi usuario"
+#: mod/admin.php:907
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Cerrado"
+#: mod/admin.php:908
+msgid "Requires approval"
+msgstr "Requiere aprobación"
+#: mod/admin.php:909
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Abierto"
+#: mod/admin.php:913
+msgid "No SSL policy, links will track page SSL state"
+msgstr "No existe una política de SSL, los vínculos harán un seguimiento del estado de SSL en la página"
+#: mod/admin.php:914
+msgid "Force all links to use SSL"
+msgstr "Forzar todos los enlaces a utilizar SSL"
+#: mod/admin.php:915
+msgid "Self-signed certificate, use SSL for local links only (discouraged)"
+msgstr "Certificación personal, usa SSL solo para enlaces locales (no recomendado)"
+#: mod/admin.php:927 mod/admin.php:1553 mod/admin.php:1801 mod/admin.php:1875
+#: mod/admin.php:2025 mod/settings.php:676 mod/settings.php:786
+#: mod/settings.php:833 mod/settings.php:902 mod/settings.php:992
+#: mod/settings.php:1259
+msgid "Save Settings"
+msgstr "Guardar configuración"
+#: mod/admin.php:928 mod/register.php:263
+msgid "Registration"
+msgstr "Registro"
+#: mod/admin.php:929
+msgid "File upload"
+msgstr "Subida de archivo"
+#: mod/admin.php:930
+msgid "Policies"
+msgstr "Políticas"
+#: mod/admin.php:932
+msgid "Auto Discovered Contact Directory"
+msgstr "Directorio de contactos descubierto automáticamente"
+#: mod/admin.php:933
+msgid "Performance"
+msgstr "Rendimiento"
+#: mod/admin.php:934
+msgid "Worker"
+msgstr "Trabajador (??)"
+#: mod/admin.php:935
+msgid ""
+"Relocate - WARNING: advanced function. Could make this server unreachable."
+msgstr "Reubicación - ADVERTENCIA: función avanzada. Puede hacer a este servidor inaccesible. "
+#: mod/admin.php:938
+msgid "Site name"
+msgstr "Nombre del sitio"
+#: mod/admin.php:939
+msgid "Host name"
+msgstr "Nombre de dominio"
+#: mod/admin.php:940
+msgid "Sender Email"
+msgstr "Dirección de origen de correo electrónico"
+#: mod/admin.php:940
+msgid ""
+"The email address your server shall use to send notification emails from."
+msgstr "La dirección de correo electrónico que el servidor debería usar como dirección de envío."
+#: mod/admin.php:941
+msgid "Banner/Logo"
+msgstr "Imagen/Logotipo"
+#: mod/admin.php:942
+msgid "Shortcut icon"
+msgstr "Icono de atajo"
+#: mod/admin.php:942
+msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for browsers."
+msgstr "Enlace hacia un icono que sera usado para el navegador."
+#: mod/admin.php:943
+msgid "Touch icon"
+msgstr "Icono touch"
+#: mod/admin.php:943
+msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for tablets and mobiles."
+msgstr "Enlace para un icono que sera usado para tablets y moviles."
+#: mod/admin.php:944
+msgid "Additional Info"
+msgstr "Información adicional"
+#: mod/admin.php:944
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"For public servers: you can add additional information here that will be "
+"listed at %s/siteinfo."
+msgstr "Para servidores públicos: información adicional que sera publicado en %s/siteinfo."
+#: mod/admin.php:945
+msgid "System language"
+msgstr "Idioma"
+#: mod/admin.php:946
+msgid "System theme"
+msgstr "Tema"
+#: mod/admin.php:946
+msgid ""
+"Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - change theme settings "
+msgstr "Tema por defecto del sistema, los usuarios podrán elegir el suyo propio en su configuración cambiar configuración del tema "
+#: mod/admin.php:947
+msgid "Mobile system theme"
+msgstr "Tema de sistema móvil"
+#: mod/admin.php:947
+msgid "Theme for mobile devices"
+msgstr "Tema para dispositivos móviles"
+#: mod/admin.php:948
+msgid "SSL link policy"
+msgstr "Política de enlaces SSL"
+#: mod/admin.php:948
+msgid "Determines whether generated links should be forced to use SSL"
+msgstr "Determina si los enlaces generados deben ser forzados a utilizar SSL"
+#: mod/admin.php:949
+msgid "Force SSL"
+msgstr "Forzar SSL"
+#: mod/admin.php:949
+msgid ""
+"Force all Non-SSL requests to SSL - Attention: on some systems it could lead"
+" to endless loops."
+msgstr "Forzar todos las consultas No-SSL a SSL. - ATENCIÓN: en algunos sistemas esto puede generar comportamiento recursivo interminable."
+#: mod/admin.php:950
+msgid "Old style 'Share'"
+msgstr "Viejo estilo de 'reenviar'"
+#: mod/admin.php:950
+msgid "Deactivates the bbcode element 'share' for repeating items."
+msgstr "Desactiva el elemento bbcode 'reenviar' para objetos repetidos."
+#: mod/admin.php:951
+msgid "Hide help entry from navigation menu"
+msgstr "Ocultar la ayuda en el menú de navegación"
+#: mod/admin.php:951
+msgid ""
+"Hides the menu entry for the Help pages from the navigation menu. You can "
+"still access it calling /help directly."
+msgstr "Oculta la entrada de las páginas de Ayuda en el menú de navegación. Todavía se puede acceder escribiendo /ayuda directamente."
+#: mod/admin.php:952
+msgid "Single user instance"
+msgstr "Sesión de usuario único"
+#: mod/admin.php:952
+msgid "Make this instance multi-user or single-user for the named user"
+msgstr "Haz esta sesión multi-usuario o usuario único para el usuario"
+#: mod/admin.php:953
+msgid "Maximum image size"
+msgstr "Tamaño máximo de la imagen"
+#: mod/admin.php:953
+msgid ""
+"Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no "
+msgstr "Tamaño máximo en bytes de las imágenes a subir. Por defecto es 0, que quiere decir que no hay límite."
+#: mod/admin.php:954
+msgid "Maximum image length"
+msgstr "Largo máximo de imagen"
+#: mod/admin.php:954
+msgid ""
+"Maximum length in pixels of the longest side of uploaded images. Default is "
+"-1, which means no limits."
+msgstr "Longitud máxima en píxeles del lado más largo de las imágenes subidas. Por defecto es -1, que significa que no hay límites."
+#: mod/admin.php:955
+msgid "JPEG image quality"
+msgstr "Calidad de imagen JPEG"
+#: mod/admin.php:955
+msgid ""
+"Uploaded JPEGS will be saved at this quality setting [0-100]. Default is "
+"100, which is full quality."
+msgstr "Los archivos JPEG subidos se guardarán con este ajuste de calidad [0-100]. Por defecto es 100, que es calidad máxima."
+#: mod/admin.php:957
+msgid "Register policy"
+msgstr "Política de registros"
+#: mod/admin.php:958
+msgid "Maximum Daily Registrations"
+msgstr "Registros Máximos Diarios"
+#: mod/admin.php:958
+msgid ""
+"If registration is permitted above, this sets the maximum number of new user"
+" registrations to accept per day. If register is set to closed, this "
+"setting has no effect."
+msgstr "Si anteriormente se ha permitido el registro, esto establece el número máximo de registro de nuevos usuarios aceptados por día. Si el registro se establece como cerrado, esta opción no tiene efecto."
+#: mod/admin.php:959
+msgid "Register text"
+msgstr "Términos"
+#: mod/admin.php:959
+msgid "Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."
+msgstr "Se mostrará en un lugar destacado en la página de registro."
+#: mod/admin.php:960
+msgid "Accounts abandoned after x days"
+msgstr "Cuentas abandonadas después de x días"
+#: mod/admin.php:960
+msgid ""
+"Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded "
+"accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit."
+msgstr "No gastará recursos del sistema creando sondeos a sitios externos para cuentas abandonadas. Introduce 0 para ningún límite temporal."
+#: mod/admin.php:961
+msgid "Allowed friend domains"
+msgstr "Dominios amigos permitidos"
+#: mod/admin.php:961
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships "
+"with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"
+msgstr "Lista separada por comas de los dominios que están autorizados para establecer conexiones con este sitio. Se aceptan comodines. Dejar en blanco para permitir cualquier dominio"
+#: mod/admin.php:962
+msgid "Allowed email domains"
+msgstr "Dominios de correo permitidos"
+#: mod/admin.php:962
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for "
+"registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
+msgstr "Lista separada por comas de los dominios que están autorizados en las direcciones de correo para registrarse en este sitio. Se aceptan comodines. Dejar en blanco para permitir cualquier dominio"
+#: mod/admin.php:963
+msgid "Block public"
+msgstr "Bloqueo público"
+#: mod/admin.php:963
+msgid ""
+"Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this "
+"site unless you are currently logged in."
+msgstr "Marca para bloquear el acceso público a todas las páginas personales, aún siendo públicas, hasta que no hayas iniciado tu sesión."
+#: mod/admin.php:964
+msgid "Force publish"
+msgstr "Forzar publicación"
+#: mod/admin.php:964
+msgid ""
+"Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."
+msgstr "Marca para forzar que todos los perfiles de este sitio sean listados en el directorio del sitio."
+#: mod/admin.php:965
+msgid "Global directory URL"
+msgstr "URL del directorio global."
+#: mod/admin.php:965
+msgid ""
+"URL to the global directory. If this is not set, the global directory is "
+"completely unavailable to the application."
+msgstr "URL del directorio global. Si se deja este campo vacío, el directorio global sera completamente inaccesible para la instancia."
+#: mod/admin.php:966
+msgid "Allow threaded items"
+msgstr "Permitir elementos en hilo"
+#: mod/admin.php:966
+msgid "Allow infinite level threading for items on this site."
+msgstr "Permitir infinitos niveles de hilo para los elementos de este sitio."
+#: mod/admin.php:967
+msgid "Private posts by default for new users"
+msgstr "Publicaciones privadas por defecto para usuarios nuevos"
+#: mod/admin.php:967
+msgid ""
+"Set default post permissions for all new members to the default privacy "
+"group rather than public."
+msgstr "Ajusta los permisos de publicación por defecto a los miembros nuevos al grupo privado por defecto en vez del público."
+#: mod/admin.php:968
+msgid "Don't include post content in email notifications"
+msgstr "No incluir el contenido del post en las notificaciones de correo electrónico"
+#: mod/admin.php:968
+msgid ""
+"Don't include the content of a post/comment/private message/etc. in the "
+"email notifications that are sent out from this site, as a privacy measure."
+msgstr "No incluye el contenido de un mensaje/comentario/mensaje privado/etc. en las notificaciones de correo electrónico que se envían desde este sitio, como una medida de privacidad."
+#: mod/admin.php:969
+msgid "Disallow public access to addons listed in the apps menu."
+msgstr "Deshabilitar acceso a addons listados en el menú de aplicaciones."
+#: mod/admin.php:969
+msgid ""
+"Checking this box will restrict addons listed in the apps menu to members "
+msgstr "Habilitando esta opción restringe el acceso a addons en el menú de aplicaciones a usuarios identificados."
+#: mod/admin.php:970
+msgid "Don't embed private images in posts"
+msgstr "No agregar imágenes privados en las publicaciones"
+#: mod/admin.php:970
+msgid ""
+"Don't replace locally-hosted private photos in posts with an embedded copy "
+"of the image. This means that contacts who receive posts containing private "
+"photos will have to authenticate and load each image, which may take a "
+msgstr "No reemplazar imágenes privadas guardadas localmente en el servidor con imágenes integrados en los envíos. Esto significa que contactos que reciben publicaciones tendrán que autenticarse y cargar cada imagen, lo que puede demorar."
+#: mod/admin.php:971
+msgid "Allow Users to set remote_self"
+msgstr "Permitir a los usuarios de definir perfiles_remotos"
+#: mod/admin.php:971
+msgid ""
+"With checking this, every user is allowed to mark every contact as a "
+"remote_self in the repair contact dialog. Setting this flag on a contact "
+"causes mirroring every posting of that contact in the users stream."
+msgstr "Al habilitar esta opción, cada perfil tiene el permiso de marcar cualquiera de sus contactos como un perfil_remoto. Habilitar la opción perfil_remoto para un contacto genera que todas las publicaciones de este contacto seran re-publicado en el muro del perfil."
+#: mod/admin.php:972
+msgid "Block multiple registrations"
+msgstr "Bloquear registros multiples"
+#: mod/admin.php:972
+msgid "Disallow users to register additional accounts for use as pages."
+msgstr "Impedir que los usuarios registren cuentas adicionales para su uso como páginas."
+#: mod/admin.php:973
+msgid "OpenID support"
+msgstr "Soporte OpenID"
+#: mod/admin.php:973
+msgid "OpenID support for registration and logins."
+msgstr "Soporte OpenID para registros y accesos."
+#: mod/admin.php:974
+msgid "Fullname check"
+msgstr "Comprobar Nombre completo"
+#: mod/admin.php:974
+msgid ""
+"Force users to register with a space between firstname and lastname in Full "
+"name, as an antispam measure"
+msgstr "Fuerza a los usuarios a registrarse con un espacio entre su nombre y su apellido en el campo Nombre completo como medida anti-spam"
+#: mod/admin.php:975
+msgid "UTF-8 Regular expressions"
+msgstr "Expresiones regulares UTF-8"
+#: mod/admin.php:975
+msgid "Use PHP UTF8 regular expressions"
+msgstr "Usar expresiones regulares de UTF8 en PHP"
+#: mod/admin.php:976
+msgid "Community Page Style"
+msgstr "Estilo de pagina de comunidad"
+#: mod/admin.php:976
+msgid ""
+"Type of community page to show. 'Global community' shows every public "
+"posting from an open distributed network that arrived on this server."
+msgstr "Tipo de pagina de comunidad a visualizar. 'Comunidad global' muestra todas las publicaciones publicas de la red abierta federada que llega a este servidor."
+#: mod/admin.php:977
+msgid "Posts per user on community page"
+msgstr "Publicaciones por usuario en la pagina de comunidad"
+#: mod/admin.php:977
+msgid ""
+"The maximum number of posts per user on the community page. (Not valid for "
+"'Global Community')"
+msgstr "El numero máximo de publicaciones por usuario que aparecerán en la pagina de comunidad. (No valido para 'comunidad global')"
+#: mod/admin.php:978
+msgid "Enable OStatus support"
+msgstr "Permitir soporte OStatus"
+#: mod/admin.php:978
+msgid ""
+"Provide built-in OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social etc.) compatibility. All "
+"communications in OStatus are public, so privacy warnings will be "
+"occasionally displayed."
+msgstr "Proporcionar OStatus compatibilidad integrada (StatusNet, GNU Social, Quitter etc.). Todas las comunicaciones en OStatus son publicas así que eventuales advertencias serán ocasionalmente desplegadas."
+#: mod/admin.php:979
+msgid "OStatus conversation completion interval"
+msgstr "Intervalo de actualización de conversaciones OStatus"
+#: mod/admin.php:979
+msgid ""
+"How often shall the poller check for new entries in OStatus conversations? "
+"This can be a very ressource task."
+msgstr "Cuan seguido el recolector deberá buscar nuevas entradas en OStatus? Esto puede ser un trabajo de mucha carga para los recursos del servidor."
+#: mod/admin.php:980
+msgid "Only import OStatus threads from our contacts"
+msgstr "Solo importar OStatus temas de nuestros (?) contactos."
+#: mod/admin.php:980
+msgid ""
+"Normally we import every content from our OStatus contacts. With this option"
+" we only store threads that are started by a contact that is known on our "
+msgstr "Normalmente importamos todo el contenido de los contactos de OStatus. Con esta opción solamente se guardan temas que fueron iniciados por contactos que son conocidos de la instancia.\n(nota de traducción, no se entiende muy bien la función en base al texto original)"
+#: mod/admin.php:981
+msgid "OStatus support can only be enabled if threading is enabled."
+msgstr "Solo se puede habilitar el soporte OStatus si threading (comentarios en fila) se encuentra habilitado."
+#: mod/admin.php:983
+msgid ""
+"Diaspora support can't be enabled because Friendica was installed into a sub"
+" directory."
+msgstr "El soporte para Diaspora* no se puede habilitar porque friendica se instalo en un directorio subalterno (sub directory)."
+#: mod/admin.php:984
+msgid "Enable Diaspora support"
+msgstr "Habilitar el soporte para Diaspora*"
+#: mod/admin.php:984
+msgid "Provide built-in Diaspora network compatibility."
+msgstr "Provee una compatibilidad con la red de Diaspora."
+#: mod/admin.php:985
+msgid "Only allow Friendica contacts"
+msgstr "Permitir solo contactos de Friendica"
+#: mod/admin.php:985
+msgid ""
+"All contacts must use Friendica protocols. All other built-in communication "
+"protocols disabled."
+msgstr "Todos los contactos deben usar protocolos de Friendica. El resto de protocolos serán desactivados."
+#: mod/admin.php:986
+msgid "Verify SSL"
+msgstr "Verificar SSL"
+#: mod/admin.php:986
+msgid ""
+"If you wish, you can turn on strict certificate checking. This will mean you"
+" cannot connect (at all) to self-signed SSL sites."
+msgstr "Si quieres puedes activar la comprobación estricta de certificados. Esto significa que serás incapaz de conectar con ningún sitio que use certificados SSL autofirmados."
+#: mod/admin.php:987
+msgid "Proxy user"
+msgstr "Usuario proxy"
+#: mod/admin.php:988
+msgid "Proxy URL"
+msgstr "Dirección proxy"
+#: mod/admin.php:989
+msgid "Network timeout"
+msgstr "Tiempo de espera de red"
+#: mod/admin.php:989
+msgid "Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended)."
+msgstr "Valor en segundos. Usar 0 para dejarlo sin límites (no se recomienda)."
+#: mod/admin.php:990
+msgid "Delivery interval"
+msgstr "Intervalo de actualización"
+#: mod/admin.php:990
+msgid ""
+"Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
+"load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 "
+"for large dedicated servers."
+msgstr "Retrasar la entrega de procesos en segundo plano por esta cantidad de segundos para reducir la carga del sistema. Recomendamos: 4-5 para los servidores compartidos, 2-3 para servidores privados virtuales, 0-1 para los grandes servidores dedicados."
+#: mod/admin.php:991
+msgid "Poll interval"
+msgstr "Intervalo de sondeo"
+#: mod/admin.php:991
+msgid ""
+"Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
+"load. If 0, use delivery interval."
+msgstr "Retrasar los procesos en segundo plano de sondeo en esta cantidad de segundos para reducir la carga del sistema. Si es 0, se usará el intervalo de entrega."
+#: mod/admin.php:992
+msgid "Maximum Load Average"
+msgstr "Promedio de carga máxima"
+#: mod/admin.php:992
+msgid ""
+"Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - "
+"default 50."
+msgstr "Carga máxima del sistema antes de que la entrega y los procesos de sondeo sean retrasados - por defecto 50."
+#: mod/admin.php:993
+msgid "Maximum Load Average (Frontend)"
+msgstr "Carga máxima promedio (frontend)"
+#: mod/admin.php:993
+msgid "Maximum system load before the frontend quits service - default 50."
+msgstr "Carga máxima del sistema antes de que el frontend cancele el servicio - por defecto 50."
+#: mod/admin.php:994
+msgid "Maximum table size for optimization"
+msgstr "Tamaño máximo de las tablas para la optimización."
+#: mod/admin.php:994
+msgid ""
+"Maximum table size (in MB) for the automatic optimization - default 100 MB. "
+"Enter -1 to disable it."
+msgstr "Tamaño máximo de tablas (en MB) para la optimización automática - por defecto 100MB. Ingrese -1 para deshabilitar."
+#: mod/admin.php:995
+msgid "Minimum level of fragmentation"
+msgstr "Nivel mínimo de fragmentación "
+#: mod/admin.php:995
+msgid ""
+"Minimum fragmenation level to start the automatic optimization - default "
+"value is 30%."
+msgstr "Nivel mínimo de fragmentación para para comenzar la optimización - valor por defecto es 30%. "
+#: mod/admin.php:997
+msgid "Periodical check of global contacts"
+msgstr "Verificación periódica de los contactos globales."
+#: mod/admin.php:997
+msgid ""
+"If enabled, the global contacts are checked periodically for missing or "
+"outdated data and the vitality of the contacts and servers."
+msgstr "Habilitado los contactos globales son verificado periódicamente por datos faltantes o datos obsoletos como también por la vitalidad de los contactos y servidores."
+#: mod/admin.php:998
+msgid "Days between requery"
+msgstr "Días entre búsquedas"
+#: mod/admin.php:998
+msgid "Number of days after which a server is requeried for his contacts."
+msgstr "Cantidad de días hasta que un servidor es consultado por sus contactos."
+#: mod/admin.php:999
+msgid "Discover contacts from other servers"
+msgstr "Descubrir contactos de otros servidores"
+#: mod/admin.php:999
+msgid ""
+"Periodically query other servers for contacts. You can choose between "
+"'users': the users on the remote system, 'Global Contacts': active contacts "
+"that are known on the system. The fallback is meant for Redmatrix servers "
+"and older friendica servers, where global contacts weren't available. The "
+"fallback increases the server load, so the recommened setting is 'Users, "
+"Global Contacts'."
+msgstr "Recoger periódicamente información sobre perfiles en otros servidores. Puede elegir entre 'usuarios': perfiles de un sistema remoto, 'contactos globales': contactos activos que son conocidos por el servidor. El fallback es para servidors redmatrix y instalaciones viejas de friendica en las que los contactos no estaban a disposición. El fallback aumenta la carga del servidor, asi que la configuración recomendada es 'usuarios, contactos globales'"
+#: mod/admin.php:1000
+msgid "Timeframe for fetching global contacts"
+msgstr "Intervalos de tiempo para revisar contactos globales."
+#: mod/admin.php:1000
+msgid ""
+"When the discovery is activated, this value defines the timeframe for the "
+"activity of the global contacts that are fetched from other servers."
+msgstr "Cuando la revisacion es activada, este valor define el intervalo de tiempo de la actividad de los contactos globales que son recolectados de los servidores. (?)"
+#: mod/admin.php:1001
+msgid "Search the local directory"
+msgstr "Buscar el directorio local"
+#: mod/admin.php:1001
+msgid ""
+"Search the local directory instead of the global directory. When searching "
+"locally, every search will be executed on the global directory in the "
+"background. This improves the search results when the search is repeated."
+msgstr "Buscar en el directorio local en vez del directorio global. Cuando se busca localmente, cada busqueda sera efectuada en el directorio global en el background. Esto mejora los resultados de la busqueda cuando la misma es repetida."
+#: mod/admin.php:1003
+msgid "Publish server information"
+msgstr "Publicar información del servidor"
+#: mod/admin.php:1003
+msgid ""
+"If enabled, general server and usage data will be published. The data "
+"contains the name and version of the server, number of users with public "
+"profiles, number of posts and the activated protocols and connectors. See the-federation.info for details."
+msgstr "Si habilitado, datos generales del servidor y estadisticas de uso serán publicados. Los datos contienen el nombre y la versión del servidor, numero de usuarios con perfiles públicos, cantidad de temas publicados y los protocolos y conectores activados. Vea the-federation.info por detalles."
+#: mod/admin.php:1005
+msgid "Use MySQL full text engine"
+msgstr "Usar motor MySQL de texto completo"
+#: mod/admin.php:1005
+msgid ""
+"Activates the full text engine. Speeds up search - but can only search for "
+"four and more characters."
+msgstr "Activa el motor de texto completo. Agiliza las búsquedas, pero solo busca cuatro o más caracteres."
+#: mod/admin.php:1006
+msgid "Suppress Language"
+msgstr "Suprimir idiomas"
+#: mod/admin.php:1006
+msgid "Suppress language information in meta information about a posting."
+msgstr "Suprimir la información de datos meta sobre informaciones de idiomas en las publicaciones."
+#: mod/admin.php:1007
+msgid "Suppress Tags"
+msgstr "Suprimir tags"
+#: mod/admin.php:1007
+msgid "Suppress showing a list of hashtags at the end of the posting."
+msgstr "Suprimir la lista de tags al final de una publicación."
+#: mod/admin.php:1008
+msgid "Path to item cache"
+msgstr "Ruta a la caché del objeto"
+#: mod/admin.php:1008
+msgid "The item caches buffers generated bbcode and external images."
+msgstr "El buffer de cache de items generado para bbcodes e imágenes externas. "
+#: mod/admin.php:1009
+msgid "Cache duration in seconds"
+msgstr "Duración de la caché en segundos"
+#: mod/admin.php:1009
+msgid ""
+"How long should the cache files be hold? Default value is 86400 seconds (One"
+" day). To disable the item cache, set the value to -1."
+msgstr "¿Por cuanto tiempo deberían los archives ser almacenados en el cache? Valor por defecto 86400 segundos (un día). Para deshabilita el item cache, ajuste el valor a -1."
+#: mod/admin.php:1010
+msgid "Maximum numbers of comments per post"
+msgstr "Numero máximo de respuestas por tema"
+#: mod/admin.php:1010
+msgid "How much comments should be shown for each post? Default value is 100."
+msgstr "¿Cuantos comentarios deberían ser mostrados por tema? Valor por defecto es 100."
+#: mod/admin.php:1011
+msgid "Path for lock file"
+msgstr "Ruta al archivo protegido"
+#: mod/admin.php:1011
+msgid ""
+"The lock file is used to avoid multiple pollers at one time. Only define a "
+"folder here."
+msgstr "El archivo lock es usado para evitar multiples pooler (recolectores de información) a la vez. Defina solo una carpeta aquí."
+#: mod/admin.php:1012
+msgid "Temp path"
+msgstr "Ruta a los temporales"
+#: mod/admin.php:1012
+msgid ""
+"If you have a restricted system where the webserver can't access the system "
+"temp path, enter another path here."
+msgstr "Si tiene un sistema restringido en donde el servidor web no puede acceder la dirección del sistema temp, ingrese una dirección alternativa aquí. "
+#: mod/admin.php:1013
+msgid "Base path to installation"
+msgstr "Ruta base para la instalación"
+#: mod/admin.php:1013
+msgid ""
+"If the system cannot detect the correct path to your installation, enter the"
+" correct path here. This setting should only be set if you are using a "
+"restricted system and symbolic links to your webroot."
+msgstr "Si el sistema no puede detectar el acceso correcto a la instalación, ingrese la dirección correcta aquí. Esta configuración solo debería utilizarse si si usa un sistema restringido y enlaces simbolicos a su webroot."
+#: mod/admin.php:1014
+msgid "Disable picture proxy"
+msgstr "Deshabilitar proxy de imagen"
+#: mod/admin.php:1014
+msgid ""
+"The picture proxy increases performance and privacy. It shouldn't be used on"
+" systems with very low bandwith."
+msgstr "El proxy de imagen mejora el performance y privacidad. No debería ser usado en sistemas con poco ancho de banda."
+#: mod/admin.php:1015
+msgid "Enable old style pager"
+msgstr "Habilitar paginación estilo viejo"
+#: mod/admin.php:1015
+msgid ""
+"The old style pager has page numbers but slows down massively the page "
+msgstr "La paginación al estilo viejo tiene números de paginas pero enlentece masivamente la velocidad de la pagina."
+#: mod/admin.php:1016
+msgid "Only search in tags"
+msgstr "Solo buscar en tags"
+#: mod/admin.php:1016
+msgid "On large systems the text search can slow down the system extremely."
+msgstr "En sistemas grandes, la búsqueda de texto puede enlentecer el sistema gravemente."
+#: mod/admin.php:1018
+msgid "New base url"
+msgstr "Nueva URLbase"
+#: mod/admin.php:1018
+msgid ""
+"Change base url for this server. Sends relocate message to all DFRN contacts"
+" of all users."
+msgstr "Cambiar base URL para este servidor. Envía mensajes de relocalisación a todos los contactos DFRN."
+#: mod/admin.php:1020
+msgid "RINO Encryption"
+msgstr "Encryptado RINO"
+#: mod/admin.php:1020
+msgid "Encryption layer between nodes."
+msgstr "Capa de encryptación entre nodos."
+#: mod/admin.php:1021
+msgid "Embedly API key"
+msgstr "Embedly llave de API (API key) "
+#: mod/admin.php:1021
+msgid ""
+"Embedly is used to fetch additional data for "
+"web pages. This is an optional parameter."
+msgstr "Embedly es usado para recolectar datos adicionales para paginas web. Esto es un parámetro opcional."
+#: mod/admin.php:1023
+msgid "Enable 'worker' background processing"
+msgstr "Habilitar procesos de fondo del \"trabajador\""
+#: mod/admin.php:1023
+msgid ""
+"The worker background processing limits the number of parallel background "
+"jobs to a maximum number and respects the system load."
+msgstr "Limita los procesos del trabajo de fondo del numero paralelo de trabajos a un numero máximo que respeta la carga del sistema."
+#: mod/admin.php:1024
+msgid "Maximum number of parallel workers"
+msgstr "Numero máximo de trabajos paralelos de fondo."
+#: mod/admin.php:1024
+msgid ""
+"On shared hosters set this to 2. On larger systems, values of 10 are great. "
+"Default value is 4."
+msgstr "Ajustar a 2 en un servidor compartido (shared hosting).\nEn sistemas grandes valores como 10 son excelentes.\nValor por defecto es 4."
+#: mod/admin.php:1025
+msgid "Don't use 'proc_open' with the worker"
+msgstr "No use 'proc_open' junto al \"trabajador\"!"
+#: mod/admin.php:1025
+msgid ""
+"Enable this if your system doesn't allow the use of 'proc_open'. This can "
+"happen on shared hosters. If this is enabled you should increase the "
+"frequency of poller calls in your crontab."
+msgstr "Habilite esta función si el sistema no permite el uso de 'proc_open'. Esto suelo suceder en servidores compartidos (shared hosting). Si esta función se habilita se debería incrementar la frecuencia de llamadas del poller (poller calls) en la pestaña de trabajos cron. (¡en el hosting?)"
+#: mod/admin.php:1026
+msgid "Enable fastlane"
+msgstr "Habilitar ascenso rápido"
+#: mod/admin.php:1026
+msgid ""
+"When enabed, the fastlane mechanism starts an additional worker if processes"
+" with higher priority are blocked by processes of lower priority."
+msgstr "Cuando está habilitado, el mecanismo ascenso rápido inicia un trabajador adicional si los procesos de mayor prioridad son bloqueados por prcesos de menor prioridad."
+#: mod/admin.php:1055
+msgid "Update has been marked successful"
+msgstr "La actualización se ha completado con éxito"
+#: mod/admin.php:1063
+#, php-format
+msgid "Database structure update %s was successfully applied."
+msgstr "Actualización de base de datos %s fue aplicada con éxito."
+#: mod/admin.php:1066
+#, php-format
+msgid "Executing of database structure update %s failed with error: %s"
+msgstr "El paso de actualización de la estructura de la base de datos %s fallo con el mensaje de error: %s"
+#: mod/admin.php:1078
+#, php-format
+msgid "Executing %s failed with error: %s"
+msgstr "Paso %s fallo con el error: %s"
+#: mod/admin.php:1081
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s was successfully applied."
+msgstr "Actualización %s aplicada con éxito."
+#: mod/admin.php:1085
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded."
+msgstr "La actualización %s no ha informado, se desconoce el estado."
+#: mod/admin.php:1087
+#, php-format
+msgid "There was no additional update function %s that needed to be called."
+msgstr "No había función adicional de actualización %s que necesitaba ser requerida."
+#: mod/admin.php:1106
+msgid "No failed updates."
+msgstr "Actualizaciones sin fallos."
+#: mod/admin.php:1107
+msgid "Check database structure"
+msgstr "Revisar estructura de la base de datos"
+#: mod/admin.php:1112
+msgid "Failed Updates"
+msgstr "Actualizaciones fallidas"
+#: mod/admin.php:1113
+msgid ""
+"This does not include updates prior to 1139, which did not return a status."
+msgstr "No se incluyen las anteriores a la 1139, que no indicaban su estado."
+#: mod/admin.php:1114
+msgid "Mark success (if update was manually applied)"
+msgstr "Marcar como correcta (si actualizaste manualmente)"
+#: mod/admin.php:1115
+msgid "Attempt to execute this update step automatically"
+msgstr "Intentando ejecutar este paso automáticamente"
+#: mod/admin.php:1149
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
+"\t\t\t\tthe administrator of %2$s has set up an account for you."
+msgstr "\n\t\t\tEstimado %1$s,\n\t\t\t\tel administrador de %2$s ha creado una cuenta para usted."
+#: mod/admin.php:1152
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
+"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1$s\n"
+"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t\t%2$s\n"
+"\t\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n"
+"\t\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n"
+"\t\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n"
+"\t\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
+"\t\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
+"\t\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n"
+"\t\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n"
+"\t\t\tthan that.\n"
+"\t\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n"
+"\t\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
+"\t\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
+"\t\t\tThank you and welcome to %4$s."
+msgstr "\n\t\t\tLos detalles de acceso son las siguientes:\n\n\t\t\tDirección del sitio:\t%1$s\n\t\t\tNombre de la cuenta:\t\t%2$s\n\t\t\tContraseña:\t\t%3$s\n\n\t\t\tPodrá cambiar la contraseña desde la pagina de configuración de su cuenta después de acceder a la misma\n\t\t\ten.\n\n\t\t\tPor favor tome unos minutos para revisar las opciones demás de la cuenta en dicha pagina de configuración.\n\n\t\t\tTambién podrá agregar informaciones adicionales a su pagina de perfil predeterminado. \n\t\t\t(en la pagina \"Perfiles\") para que otras personas pueden encontrarlo fácilmente.\n\n\t\t\tRecomendamos que elija un nombre apropiado, agregando una imagen de perfil,\n\t\t\tagregando algunas palabras claves de la cuenta (muy útil para hacer nuevos amigos) - y \n\t\t\tquizás el país en donde vive; si no quiere ser mas especifico\n\t\t\tque eso.\n\n\t\t\tRespetamos absolutamente su derecho a la privacidad y ninguno de estos detalles es necesario.\n\t\t\tSi eres nuevo aquí y no conoces a nadie, estos detalles pueden ayudarte\n\t\t\tpara hacer nuevas e interesantes amistades.\n\n\t\t\tGracias y bienvenido a %4$s."
+#: mod/admin.php:1196
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s user blocked/unblocked"
+msgid_plural "%s users blocked/unblocked"
+msgstr[0] "%s usuario bloqueado/desbloqueado"
+msgstr[1] "%s usuarios bloqueados/desbloqueados"
+#: mod/admin.php:1203
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s user deleted"
+msgid_plural "%s users deleted"
+msgstr[0] "%s usuario eliminado"
+msgstr[1] "%s usuarios eliminados"
+#: mod/admin.php:1250
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' deleted"
+msgstr "Usuario '%s' eliminado"
+#: mod/admin.php:1258
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' unblocked"
+msgstr "Usuario '%s' desbloqueado"
+#: mod/admin.php:1258
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' blocked"
+msgstr "Usuario '%s' bloqueado'"
+#: mod/admin.php:1367 mod/admin.php:1392
+msgid "Register date"
+msgstr "Fecha de registro"
+#: mod/admin.php:1367 mod/admin.php:1392
+msgid "Last login"
+msgstr "Último acceso"
+#: mod/admin.php:1367 mod/admin.php:1392
+msgid "Last item"
+msgstr "Último elemento"
+#: mod/admin.php:1367 mod/settings.php:43
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Cuenta"
+#: mod/admin.php:1376
+msgid "Add User"
+msgstr "Agregar usuario"
+#: mod/admin.php:1377
+msgid "select all"
+msgstr "seleccionar todo"
+#: mod/admin.php:1378
+msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm"
+msgstr "Registro de usuarios esperando confirmación"
+#: mod/admin.php:1379
+msgid "User waiting for permanent deletion"
+msgstr "Usuario esperando anulación permanente."
+#: mod/admin.php:1380
+msgid "Request date"
+msgstr "Solicitud de fecha"
+#: mod/admin.php:1381
+msgid "No registrations."
+msgstr "Sin registros."
+#: mod/admin.php:1383
+msgid "Deny"
+msgstr "Denegado"
+#: mod/admin.php:1385 mod/contacts.php:605 mod/contacts.php:805
+#: mod/contacts.php:992
+msgid "Block"
+msgstr "Bloquear"
+#: mod/admin.php:1386 mod/contacts.php:605 mod/contacts.php:805
+#: mod/contacts.php:992
+msgid "Unblock"
+msgstr "Desbloquear"
+#: mod/admin.php:1387
+msgid "Site admin"
+msgstr "Administrador de la web"
+#: mod/admin.php:1388
+msgid "Account expired"
+msgstr "Cuenta caducada"
+#: mod/admin.php:1391
+msgid "New User"
+msgstr "Nuevo usuario"
+#: mod/admin.php:1392
+msgid "Deleted since"
+msgstr "Borrado desde"
+#: mod/admin.php:1397
+msgid ""
+"Selected users will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these users had posted on "
+"this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
+msgstr "¡Los usuarios seleccionados serán eliminados!\\n\\n¡Todo lo que hayan publicado en este sitio se borrará para siempre!\\n\\n¿Estás seguro?"
+#: mod/admin.php:1398
+msgid ""
+"The user {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this user has posted on this "
+"site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
+msgstr "¡El usuario {0} será eliminado!\\n\\n¡Todo lo que haya publicado en este sitio se borrará para siempre!\\n\\n¿Estás seguro?"
+#: mod/admin.php:1408
+msgid "Name of the new user."
+msgstr "Nombre del nuevo usuario"
+#: mod/admin.php:1409
+msgid "Nickname"
+msgstr "Apodo"
+#: mod/admin.php:1409
+msgid "Nickname of the new user."
+msgstr "Apodo del nuevo perfil."
+#: mod/admin.php:1410
+msgid "Email address of the new user."
+msgstr "Dirección de correo del nuevo perfil."
+#: mod/admin.php:1453
+#, php-format
+msgid "Plugin %s disabled."
+msgstr "Módulo %s deshabilitado."
+#: mod/admin.php:1457
+#, php-format
+msgid "Plugin %s enabled."
+msgstr "Módulo %s habilitado."
+#: mod/admin.php:1468 mod/admin.php:1704
+msgid "Disable"
+msgstr "Desactivado"
+#: mod/admin.php:1470 mod/admin.php:1706
+msgid "Enable"
+msgstr "Activado"
+#: mod/admin.php:1493 mod/admin.php:1751
+msgid "Toggle"
+msgstr "Activar"
+#: mod/admin.php:1501 mod/admin.php:1760
+msgid "Author: "
+msgstr "Autor:"
+#: mod/admin.php:1502 mod/admin.php:1761
+msgid "Maintainer: "
+msgstr "Mantenedor: "
+#: mod/admin.php:1554
+msgid "Reload active plugins"
+msgstr "Recargar plugins activos"
+#: mod/admin.php:1559
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"There are currently no plugins available on your node. You can find the "
+"official plugin repository at %1$s and might find other interesting plugins "
+"in the open plugin registry at %2$s"
+msgstr "No ay plugins habilitados en este nodo. Encontrara los repositorios oficiales de plugins en %1$s y posiblemente encontrara mas plugins interesantes en el registro abierto de plugins aquí %2$s ."
+#: mod/admin.php:1664
+msgid "No themes found."
+msgstr "No se encontraron temas."
+#: mod/admin.php:1742
+msgid "Screenshot"
+msgstr "Captura de pantalla"
+#: mod/admin.php:1802
+msgid "Reload active themes"
+msgstr "Recargar interfaces de usuario activos"
+#: mod/admin.php:1807
+#, php-format
+msgid "No themes found on the system. They should be paced in %1$s"
+msgstr "No se encuentran interfaces en el sistema. Deberían estar localizados (paced) en %1$s"
+#: mod/admin.php:1808
+msgid "[Experimental]"
+msgstr "[Experimental]"
+#: mod/admin.php:1809
+msgid "[Unsupported]"
+msgstr "[Sin soporte]"
+#: mod/admin.php:1833
+msgid "Log settings updated."
+msgstr "Configuración de registro actualizada."
+#: mod/admin.php:1865
+msgid "PHP log currently enabled."
+msgstr "Registro PHP actualmente disponible."
+#: mod/admin.php:1867
+msgid "PHP log currently disabled."
+msgstr "Registro PHP actualmente deshabilitado."
+#: mod/admin.php:1876
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Limpiar"
+#: mod/admin.php:1881
+msgid "Enable Debugging"
+msgstr "Habilitar debugging"
+#: mod/admin.php:1882
+msgid "Log file"
+msgstr "Archivo de registro"
+#: mod/admin.php:1882
+msgid ""
+"Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Friendica top-level "
+msgstr "Debes tener permiso de escritura en el servidor. Relacionado con tu directorio de inicio de Friendica."
+#: mod/admin.php:1883
+msgid "Log level"
+msgstr "Nivel de registro"
+#: mod/admin.php:1886
+msgid "PHP logging"
+msgstr "PHP logging"
+#: mod/admin.php:1887
+msgid ""
+"To enable logging of PHP errors and warnings you can add the following to "
+"the .htconfig.php file of your installation. The filename set in the "
+"'error_log' line is relative to the friendica top-level directory and must "
+"be writeable by the web server. The option '1' for 'log_errors' and "
+"'display_errors' is to enable these options, set to '0' to disable them."
+msgstr "Para habilitar la documentación de los errores PHP y las advertencias se puede agregar lo siguiente al archivo .htconfig.php de la instalación (ftp). La dirección definido en el 'error_log' es relativo al directorio friendica principal (top-level directory) y debe de ser habilitado para la escritura por el servidor web. La opción '1' para 'log_errors' y 'display_errors' es para habilitar estas opciones, '0' para deshabilitarlo."
+#: mod/admin.php:2014 mod/admin.php:2015 mod/settings.php:776
+msgid "Off"
+msgstr "Apagado"
+#: mod/admin.php:2014 mod/admin.php:2015 mod/settings.php:776
+msgid "On"
+msgstr "Encendido"
+#: mod/admin.php:2015
+#, php-format
+msgid "Lock feature %s"
+msgstr "Trancar opción %s "
+#: mod/admin.php:2023
+msgid "Manage Additional Features"
+msgstr "Administrar opciones adicionales"
+#: mod/allfriends.php:43
+msgid "No friends to display."
+msgstr "No hay amigos para mostrar."
+#: mod/cal.php:149 mod/display.php:328 mod/profile.php:155
+msgid "Access to this profile has been restricted."
+msgstr "El acceso a este perfil ha sido restringido."
+#: mod/cal.php:276 mod/events.php:380
+msgid "View"
+msgstr "Vista"
+#: mod/cal.php:277 mod/events.php:382
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Previo"
+#: mod/cal.php:278 mod/events.php:383 mod/install.php:231
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Siguiente"
+#: mod/cal.php:287 mod/events.php:392
+msgid "list"
+msgstr "lista"
+#: mod/cal.php:297
+msgid "User not found"
+msgstr "Usuario no encontrado"
+#: mod/cal.php:313
+msgid "This calendar format is not supported"
+msgstr "Este formato de calendario no se soporta"
+#: mod/cal.php:315
+msgid "No exportable data found"
+msgstr "No se ha encontrado información exportable"
+#: mod/cal.php:330
+msgid "calendar"
+msgstr "calendario"
+#: mod/common.php:86
+msgid "No contacts in common."
+msgstr "Sin contactos en común."
+#: mod/common.php:134 mod/contacts.php:863
+msgid "Common Friends"
+msgstr "Amigos comunes"
+#: mod/community.php:27
+msgid "Not available."
+msgstr "No disponible"
+#: mod/contacts.php:128
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d contact edited."
+msgid_plural "%d contacts edited."
+msgstr[0] "%d contacto editado."
+msgstr[1] "%d contacts edited."
+#: mod/contacts.php:159 mod/contacts.php:368
+msgid "Could not access contact record."
+msgstr "No se pudo acceder a los datos del contacto."
+#: mod/contacts.php:173
+msgid "Could not locate selected profile."
+msgstr "No se pudo encontrar el perfil seleccionado."
+#: mod/contacts.php:206
+msgid "Contact updated."
+msgstr "Contacto actualizado."
+#: mod/contacts.php:389
+msgid "Contact has been blocked"
+msgstr "El contacto ha sido bloqueado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:389
+msgid "Contact has been unblocked"
+msgstr "El contacto ha sido desbloqueado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:400
+msgid "Contact has been ignored"
+msgstr "El contacto ha sido ignorado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:400
+msgid "Contact has been unignored"
+msgstr "El contacto ya no está ignorado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:412
+msgid "Contact has been archived"
+msgstr "El contacto ha sido archivado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:412
+msgid "Contact has been unarchived"
+msgstr "El contacto ya no está archivado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:437
+msgid "Drop contact"
+msgstr "Eliminar contacto"
+#: mod/contacts.php:440 mod/contacts.php:801
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this contact?"
+msgstr "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este contacto?"
+#: mod/contacts.php:457
+msgid "Contact has been removed."
+msgstr "El contacto ha sido eliminado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:498
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are mutual friends with %s"
+msgstr "Ahora tienes una amistad mutua con %s"
+#: mod/contacts.php:502
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are sharing with %s"
+msgstr "Estás compartiendo con %s"
+#: mod/contacts.php:507
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is sharing with you"
+msgstr "%s está compartiendo contigo"
+#: mod/contacts.php:527
+msgid "Private communications are not available for this contact."
+msgstr "Las comunicaciones privadas no está disponibles para este contacto."
+#: mod/contacts.php:534
+msgid "(Update was successful)"
+msgstr "(La actualización se ha completado)"
+#: mod/contacts.php:534
+msgid "(Update was not successful)"
+msgstr "(La actualización no se ha completado)"
+#: mod/contacts.php:536 mod/contacts.php:973
+msgid "Suggest friends"
+msgstr "Sugerir amigos"
+#: mod/contacts.php:540
+#, php-format
+msgid "Network type: %s"
+msgstr "Tipo de red: %s"
+#: mod/contacts.php:553
+msgid "Communications lost with this contact!"
+msgstr "¡Se ha perdido la comunicación con este contacto!"
+#: mod/contacts.php:556
+msgid "Fetch further information for feeds"
+msgstr "Recaudar informacion complementaria de los feeds"
+#: mod/contacts.php:557
+msgid "Fetch information"
+msgstr "Recaudar informacion"
+#: mod/contacts.php:557
+msgid "Fetch information and keywords"
+msgstr "Recaudar informacion y palabras claves"
+#: mod/contacts.php:575
+msgid "Contact"
+msgstr "Contacto"
+#: mod/contacts.php:578
+msgid "Profile Visibility"
+msgstr "Visibilidad del Perfil"
+#: mod/contacts.php:579
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your "
+"profile securely."
+msgstr "Por favor, selecciona el perfil que quieras mostrar a %s cuando esté viendo tu perfil de forma segura."
+#: mod/contacts.php:580
+msgid "Contact Information / Notes"
+msgstr "Información del Contacto / Notas"
+#: mod/contacts.php:581
+msgid "Edit contact notes"
+msgstr "Editar notas del contacto"
+#: mod/contacts.php:587
+msgid "Block/Unblock contact"
+msgstr "Boquear/Desbloquear contacto"
+#: mod/contacts.php:588
+msgid "Ignore contact"
+msgstr "Ignorar contacto"
+#: mod/contacts.php:589
+msgid "Repair URL settings"
+msgstr "Configuración de reparación de la dirección"
+#: mod/contacts.php:590
+msgid "View conversations"
+msgstr "Ver conversaciones"
+#: mod/contacts.php:596
+msgid "Last update:"
+msgstr "Última actualización:"
+#: mod/contacts.php:598
+msgid "Update public posts"
+msgstr "Actualizar publicaciones públicas"
+#: mod/contacts.php:600 mod/contacts.php:983
+msgid "Update now"
+msgstr "Actualizar ahora"
+#: mod/contacts.php:606 mod/contacts.php:806 mod/contacts.php:1000
+msgid "Unignore"
+msgstr "Quitar de Ignorados"
+#: mod/contacts.php:610
+msgid "Currently blocked"
+msgstr "Bloqueados"
+#: mod/contacts.php:611
+msgid "Currently ignored"
+msgstr "Ignorados"
+#: mod/contacts.php:612
+msgid "Currently archived"
+msgstr "Archivados"
+#: mod/contacts.php:613
+msgid ""
+"Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"
+msgstr "Los comentarios o \"me gusta\" en tus publicaciones públicas todavía pueden ser visibles."
+#: mod/contacts.php:614
+msgid "Notification for new posts"
+msgstr "Notificacion de nuevos temas."
+#: mod/contacts.php:614
+msgid "Send a notification of every new post of this contact"
+msgstr "Enviar una notificacion por nuevos temas de este contacto."
+#: mod/contacts.php:617
+msgid "Blacklisted keywords"
+msgstr "Lista negra de palabras"
+#: mod/contacts.php:617
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, "
+"when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"
+msgstr "Lista separada por comas de palabras claves que no deberian ser convertido en #hashtags cuando \"Recaudar informacion y palabras claves\" es seleccionado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:635
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr "Acciones"
+#: mod/contacts.php:638
+msgid "Contact Settings"
+msgstr "Ajustes del contacto"
+#: mod/contacts.php:684
+msgid "Suggestions"
+msgstr "Sugerencias"
+#: mod/contacts.php:687
+msgid "Suggest potential friends"
+msgstr "Amistades potenciales sugeridas"
+#: mod/contacts.php:695
+msgid "Show all contacts"
+msgstr "Mostrar todos los contactos"
+#: mod/contacts.php:700
+msgid "Unblocked"
+msgstr "Desbloqueados"
+#: mod/contacts.php:703
+msgid "Only show unblocked contacts"
+msgstr "Mostrar solo contactos sin bloquear"
+#: mod/contacts.php:709
+msgid "Blocked"
+msgstr "Bloqueados"
+#: mod/contacts.php:712
+msgid "Only show blocked contacts"
+msgstr "Mostrar solo contactos bloqueados"
+#: mod/contacts.php:718
+msgid "Ignored"
+msgstr "Ignorados"
+#: mod/contacts.php:721
+msgid "Only show ignored contacts"
+msgstr "Mostrar solo contactos ignorados"
+#: mod/contacts.php:727
+msgid "Archived"
+msgstr "Archivados"
+#: mod/contacts.php:730
+msgid "Only show archived contacts"
+msgstr "Mostrar solo contactos archivados"
+#: mod/contacts.php:736
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr "Ocultos"
+#: mod/contacts.php:739
+msgid "Only show hidden contacts"
+msgstr "Mostrar solo contactos ocultos"
+#: mod/contacts.php:796
+msgid "Search your contacts"
+msgstr "Buscar en tus contactos"
+#: mod/contacts.php:804 mod/settings.php:158 mod/settings.php:702
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr "Actualizar"
+#: mod/contacts.php:807 mod/contacts.php:1008
+msgid "Archive"
+msgstr "Archivo"
+#: mod/contacts.php:807 mod/contacts.php:1008
+msgid "Unarchive"
+msgstr "Sin archivar"
+#: mod/contacts.php:810
+msgid "Batch Actions"
+msgstr "Accones en lote"
+#: mod/contacts.php:856
+msgid "View all contacts"
+msgstr "Ver todos los contactos"
+#: mod/contacts.php:866
+msgid "View all common friends"
+msgstr "Ver todos los conocidos en común "
+#: mod/contacts.php:873
+msgid "Advanced Contact Settings"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada"
+#: mod/contacts.php:916
+msgid "Mutual Friendship"
+msgstr "Amistad recíproca"
+#: mod/contacts.php:920
+msgid "is a fan of yours"
+msgstr "es tu fan"
+#: mod/contacts.php:924
+msgid "you are a fan of"
+msgstr "eres fan de"
+#: mod/contacts.php:994
+msgid "Toggle Blocked status"
+msgstr "Cambiar bloqueados"
+#: mod/contacts.php:1002
+msgid "Toggle Ignored status"
+msgstr "Cambiar ignorados"
+#: mod/contacts.php:1010
+msgid "Toggle Archive status"
+msgstr "Cambiar archivados"
+#: mod/contacts.php:1018
+msgid "Delete contact"
+msgstr "Eliminar contacto"
+#: mod/directory.php:197 view/theme/vier/theme.php:201
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:525
+msgid "Global Directory"
+msgstr "Directorio global"
+#: mod/directory.php:199
+msgid "Find on this site"
+msgstr "Buscar en este sitio"
+#: mod/directory.php:201
+msgid "Results for:"
+msgstr "Resultados para:"
+#: mod/directory.php:203
+msgid "Site Directory"
+msgstr "Directorio del sitio"
+#: mod/directory.php:210
+msgid "No entries (some entries may be hidden)."
+msgstr "Sin entradas (algunas pueden que estén ocultas)."
+#: mod/dirfind.php:36
+#, php-format
+msgid "People Search - %s"
+msgstr "Buscar perfiles - %s"
+#: mod/dirfind.php:47
+#, php-format
+msgid "Forum Search - %s"
+msgstr "Búsqueda de foro - %s"
+#: mod/dirfind.php:240 mod/match.php:107
+msgid "No matches"
+msgstr "Sin conincidencias"
+#: mod/display.php:473
+msgid "Item has been removed."
+msgstr "El elemento ha sido eliminado."
+#: mod/events.php:95 mod/events.php:97
+msgid "Event can not end before it has started."
+msgstr "Un evento no puede terminar antes de su comienzo."
+#: mod/events.php:104 mod/events.php:106
+msgid "Event title and start time are required."
+msgstr "Título del evento y hora de inicio requeridas."
+#: mod/events.php:381
+msgid "Create New Event"
+msgstr "Crea un evento nuevo"
+#: mod/events.php:482
+msgid "Event details"
+msgstr "Detalles del evento"
+#: mod/events.php:483
+msgid "Starting date and Title are required."
+msgstr "Se requiere fecha de comienzo y titulo"
+#: mod/events.php:484 mod/events.php:485
+msgid "Event Starts:"
+msgstr "Inicio del evento:"
+#: mod/events.php:486 mod/events.php:502
+msgid "Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"
+msgstr "La fecha/hora de finalización no es conocida o es irrelevante."
+#: mod/events.php:488 mod/events.php:489
+msgid "Event Finishes:"
+msgstr "Finalización del evento:"
+#: mod/events.php:490 mod/events.php:503
+msgid "Adjust for viewer timezone"
+msgstr "Ajuste de zona horaria"
+#: mod/events.php:492
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Descripción:"
+#: mod/events.php:496 mod/events.php:498
+msgid "Title:"
+msgstr "Título:"
+#: mod/events.php:499 mod/events.php:500
+msgid "Share this event"
+msgstr "Comparte este evento"
+#: mod/install.php:139
+msgid "Friendica Communications Server - Setup"
+msgstr "Servidor de comunicación Friendica - Configuración"
+#: mod/install.php:145
+msgid "Could not connect to database."
+msgstr "No es posible la conexión con la base de datos."
+#: mod/install.php:149
+msgid "Could not create table."
+msgstr "No se puede crear la tabla."
+#: mod/install.php:155
+msgid "Your Friendica site database has been installed."
+msgstr "La base de datos de su sitio web de Friendica ha sido instalada."
+#: mod/install.php:160
+msgid ""
+"You may need to import the file \"database.sql\" manually using phpmyadmin "
+"or mysql."
+msgstr "Puede que tengas que importar el archivo \"Database.sql\" manualmente usando phpmyadmin o mysql."
+#: mod/install.php:161 mod/install.php:230 mod/install.php:602
+msgid "Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\"."
+msgstr "Por favor, consulta el archivo \"INSTALL.txt\"."
+#: mod/install.php:173
+msgid "Database already in use."
+msgstr "Base de datos ya se encuentra en uso"
+#: mod/install.php:227
+msgid "System check"
+msgstr "Verificación del sistema"
+#: mod/install.php:232
+msgid "Check again"
+msgstr "Compruebalo de nuevo"
+#: mod/install.php:251
+msgid "Database connection"
+msgstr "Conexión con la base de datos"
+#: mod/install.php:252
+msgid ""
+"In order to install Friendica we need to know how to connect to your "
+msgstr "Con el fin de poder instalar Friendica, necesitamos saber cómo conectar con tu base de datos."
+#: mod/install.php:253
+msgid ""
+"Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have "
+"questions about these settings."
+msgstr "Por favor, contacta con tu proveedor de servicios o con el administrador de la página si tienes alguna pregunta sobre estas configuraciones."
+#: mod/install.php:254
+msgid ""
+"The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please "
+"create it before continuing."
+msgstr "La base de datos que especifiques a continuación debería existir ya. Si no es el caso, debes crearla antes de continuar."
+#: mod/install.php:258
+msgid "Database Server Name"
+msgstr "Nombre del servidor de la base de datos"
+#: mod/install.php:259
+msgid "Database Login Name"
+msgstr "Usuario de la base de datos"
+#: mod/install.php:260
+msgid "Database Login Password"
+msgstr "Contraseña de la base de datos"
+#: mod/install.php:261
+msgid "Database Name"
+msgstr "Nombre de la base de datos"
+#: mod/install.php:262 mod/install.php:303
+msgid "Site administrator email address"
+msgstr "Dirección de correo del administrador de la web"
+#: mod/install.php:262 mod/install.php:303
+msgid ""
+"Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin "
+msgstr "La dirección de correo de tu cuenta debe coincidir con esta para poder usar el panel de administración de la web."
+#: mod/install.php:266 mod/install.php:306
+msgid "Please select a default timezone for your website"
+msgstr "Por favor, selecciona la zona horaria predeterminada para tu web"
+#: mod/install.php:293
+msgid "Site settings"
+msgstr "Configuración de la página web"
+#: mod/install.php:307
+msgid "System Language:"
+msgstr "Sistema de idioma:"
+#: mod/install.php:307
+msgid ""
+"Set the default language for your Friendica installation interface and to "
+"send emails."
+msgstr "Seleccione el idioma por defecto para su interfaz de instalación de Friendica y para enviar emails."
+#: mod/install.php:347
+msgid "Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH."
+msgstr "No se pudo encontrar una versión de la línea de comandos de PHP en la ruta del servidor web."
+#: mod/install.php:348
+msgid ""
+"If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on server, you "
+"will not be able to run background polling via cron. See 'Setup the poller' "
+msgstr "Si no tienes una versión de command line de php installado en el servidor, no sera posible de efectuar polling como trabajo de fondo a traves de cron. Vea 'Setup the poller' "
+#: mod/install.php:352
+msgid "PHP executable path"
+msgstr "Dirección al ejecutable PHP"
+#: mod/install.php:352
+msgid ""
+"Enter full path to php executable. You can leave this blank to continue the "
+msgstr "Introduce la ruta completa al ejecutable php. Puedes dejarlo en blanco y seguir con la instalación."
+#: mod/install.php:357
+msgid "Command line PHP"
+msgstr "Línea de comandos PHP"
+#: mod/install.php:366
+msgid "PHP executable is not the php cli binary (could be cgi-fgci version)"
+msgstr "El ejecutable PHP no es e lphp cli binary (podria ser versión cgi-fgci)"
+#: mod/install.php:367
+msgid "Found PHP version: "
+msgstr "Versión PHP encontrada:"
+#: mod/install.php:369
+msgid "PHP cli binary"
+msgstr "PHP cli binario"
+#: mod/install.php:380
+msgid ""
+"The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "
+"\"register_argc_argv\" enabled."
+msgstr "La versión en línea de comandos de PHP en tu sistema no tiene \"register_argc_argv\" habilitado."
+#: mod/install.php:381
+msgid "This is required for message delivery to work."
+msgstr "Esto es necesario para que funcione la entrega de mensajes."
+#: mod/install.php:383
+msgid "PHP register_argc_argv"
+msgstr "PHP register_argc_argv"
+#: mod/install.php:404
+msgid ""
+"Error: the \"openssl_pkey_new\" function on this system is not able to "
+"generate encryption keys"
+msgstr "Error: La función \"openssl_pkey_new\" en este sistema no es capaz de generar claves de cifrado"
+#: mod/install.php:405
+msgid ""
+"If running under Windows, please see "
+msgstr "Si se ejecuta en Windows, por favor consulta la sección \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\"."
+#: mod/install.php:407
+msgid "Generate encryption keys"
+msgstr "Generar claves de encriptación"
+#: mod/install.php:414
+msgid "libCurl PHP module"
+msgstr "Módulo PHP libCurl"
+#: mod/install.php:415
+msgid "GD graphics PHP module"
+msgstr "Módulo PHP gráficos GD"
+#: mod/install.php:416
+msgid "OpenSSL PHP module"
+msgstr "Módulo PHP OpenSSL"
+#: mod/install.php:417
+msgid "mysqli PHP module"
+msgstr "Módulo PHP mysqli"
+#: mod/install.php:418
+msgid "mb_string PHP module"
+msgstr "Módulo PHP mb_string"
+#: mod/install.php:419
+msgid "mcrypt PHP module"
+msgstr "modulo mycrypt PHP"
+#: mod/install.php:420
+msgid "XML PHP module"
+msgstr "Módulo XML PHP"
+#: mod/install.php:421
+msgid "iconv module"
+msgstr "Módulo iconv"
+#: mod/install.php:425 mod/install.php:427
+msgid "Apache mod_rewrite module"
+msgstr "Módulo mod_rewrite de Apache"
+#: mod/install.php:425
+msgid ""
+"Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."
+msgstr "Error: El módulo de Apache mod-rewrite es necesario pero no está instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:433
+msgid "Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Error: El módulo de PHP libcurl es necesario, pero no está instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:437
+msgid ""
+"Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."
+msgstr "Error: El módulo de de PHP gráficos GD con soporte JPEG es necesario, pero no está instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:441
+msgid "Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Error: El módulo de PHP openssl es necesario, pero no está instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:445
+msgid "Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Error: El módulo de PHP mysqli es necesario, pero no está instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:449
+msgid "Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Error: El módulo de PHP mb_string es necesario, pero no está instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:453
+msgid "Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Error: modulo mycrypt PHP requerido pero no instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:457
+msgid "Error: iconv PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Error: módulo iconv PHP requerido pero no instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:466
+msgid ""
+"If you are using php_cli, please make sure that mcrypt module is enabled in "
+"its config file"
+msgstr "Si está utilizando php_cli, por favor asegúrese de que el módulo mcrypt está habilitado en este archivo de configuración"
+#: mod/install.php:469
+msgid ""
+"Function mcrypt_create_iv() is not defined. This is needed to enable RINO2 "
+"encryption layer."
+msgstr "Función mycrypt_create_iv() no esta definido. Esto es preciso para habilitar RINO2 encryption layer."
+#: mod/install.php:471
+msgid "mcrypt_create_iv() function"
+msgstr "mcrypt_create_iv() función"
+#: mod/install.php:479
+msgid "Error, XML PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Error, módulo XML PHP requerido pero no instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:494
+msgid ""
+"The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\""
+" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."
+msgstr "El programa de instalación web necesita ser capaz de crear un archivo llamado \".htconfig.php\" en la carpeta principal de tu servidor web y es incapaz de hacerlo."
+#: mod/install.php:495
+msgid ""
+"This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able "
+"to write files in your folder - even if you can."
+msgstr "Se trata a menudo de una configuración de permisos, pues el servidor web puede que no sea capaz de escribir archivos en la carpeta, aunque tú sí puedas."
+#: mod/install.php:496
+msgid ""
+"At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file "
+"named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."
+msgstr "Al final obtendremos un texto que debes guardar en un archivo llamado .htconfig.php en la carpeta de Friendica."
+#: mod/install.php:497
+msgid ""
+"You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation."
+" Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."
+msgstr "Como alternativa, puedes saltarte estos pasos y realizar una instalación manual. Por favor, consulta el archivo \"INSTALL.txt\" para las instrucciones."
+#: mod/install.php:500
+msgid ".htconfig.php is writable"
+msgstr ".htconfig.php tiene permiso de escritura"
+#: mod/install.php:510
+msgid ""
+"Friendica uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 "
+"compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering."
+msgstr "Friendica usa el motor de templates Smarty3 para renderizar su visualisacion web. Smarty3 compila templates hacia PHP para acelerar la velocidad del renderizar."
+#: mod/install.php:511
+msgid ""
+"In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have "
+"write access to the directory view/smarty3/ under the Friendica top level "
+msgstr "Para poder guardar estos templates compilados, el servidor web necesita acceso de escritura en el directorio /view/smarty3/ en el árbol de raíz de la instalación friendica."
+#: mod/install.php:512
+msgid ""
+"Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as (e.g. www-data) has"
+" write access to this folder."
+msgstr "Por favor asegure que el usuario que utiliza el servidor web (ejemplo: www-data) tiene permisos de escritura en esta carpeta."
+#: mod/install.php:513
+msgid ""
+"Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to "
+"view/smarty3/ only--not the template files (.tpl) that it contains."
+msgstr "Nota: como medida de seguridad deberia dar acceso de escritura solo a /view/smarty3 / → no al los archivos template (.tpl) que contiene."
+#: mod/install.php:516
+msgid "view/smarty3 is writable"
+msgstr "Se puede escribir en /view/smarty3"
+#: mod/install.php:532
+msgid ""
+"Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration."
+msgstr "La reescritura de la dirección en .htaccess no funcionó. Revisa la configuración."
+#: mod/install.php:534
+msgid "Url rewrite is working"
+msgstr "Reescribiendo la dirección..."
+#: mod/install.php:551
+msgid "ImageMagick PHP extension is installed"
+msgstr "ImageMagick PHP extension is installed"
+#: mod/install.php:553
+msgid "ImageMagick supports GIF"
+msgstr "ImageMagick supporta GIF"
+#: mod/install.php:561
+msgid ""
+"The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. "
+"Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web "
+"server root."
+msgstr "El archivo de configuración de base de datos \".htconfig.php\" no se pudo escribir. Por favor, utiliza el texto adjunto para crear un archivo de configuración en la raíz de tu servidor web."
+#: mod/install.php:600
+msgid "What next "
+msgstr "¿Ahora qué? "
+#: mod/install.php:601
+msgid ""
+"IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the "
+msgstr "IMPORTANTE: Tendrás que configurar [manualmente] una tarea programada para el sondeo"
+#: mod/item.php:116
+msgid "Unable to locate original post."
+msgstr "No se puede encontrar la publicación original."
+#: mod/item.php:340
+msgid "Empty post discarded."
+msgstr "Publicación vacía descartada."
+#: mod/item.php:895
+msgid "System error. Post not saved."
+msgstr "Error del sistema. Mensaje no guardado."
+#: mod/item.php:985
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social "
+msgstr "Este mensaje te lo ha enviado %s, miembro de la red social Friendica."
+#: mod/item.php:987
+#, php-format
+msgid "You may visit them online at %s"
+msgstr "Los puedes visitar en línea en %s"
+#: mod/item.php:988
+msgid ""
+"Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to "
+"receive these messages."
+msgstr "Por favor contacta con el remitente respondiendo a este mensaje si no deseas recibir estos mensajes."
+#: mod/item.php:992
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s posted an update."
+msgstr "%s ha publicado una actualización."
+#: mod/maintenance.php:9
+msgid "System down for maintenance"
+msgstr "Servicio suspendido por mantenimiento"
+#: mod/match.php:33
+msgid "No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."
+msgstr "No hay palabras clave que coincidan. Por favor, agrega algunas palabras claves en tu perfil predeterminado."
+#: mod/match.php:86
+msgid "is interested in:"
+msgstr "estás interesado en:"
+#: mod/match.php:100
+msgid "Profile Match"
+msgstr "Coincidencias de Perfil"
+#: mod/network.php:398
+#, php-format
+msgid "Warning: This group contains %s member from an insecure network."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Warning: This group contains %s members from an insecure network."
+msgstr[0] "Aviso: este grupo contiene %s contacto con conexión no segura."
+msgstr[1] "Aviso: este grupo contiene %s contactos con conexiones no seguras."
+#: mod/network.php:401
+msgid "Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure."
+msgstr "Los mensajes privados a este grupo corren el riesgo de ser mostrados públicamente."
+#: mod/network.php:528
+msgid "Private messages to this person are at risk of public disclosure."
+msgstr "Los mensajes privados a esta persona corren el riesgo de ser mostrados públicamente."
+#: mod/network.php:533
+msgid "Invalid contact."
+msgstr "Contacto erróneo."
+#: mod/network.php:826
+msgid "Commented Order"
+msgstr "Orden de comentarios"
+#: mod/network.php:829
+msgid "Sort by Comment Date"
+msgstr "Ordenar por fecha de comentarios"
+#: mod/network.php:834
+msgid "Posted Order"
+msgstr "Orden de publicación"
+#: mod/network.php:837
+msgid "Sort by Post Date"
+msgstr "Ordenar por fecha de publicación"
+#: mod/network.php:848
+msgid "Posts that mention or involve you"
+msgstr "Publicaciones que te mencionan o involucran"
+#: mod/network.php:856
+msgid "New"
+msgstr "Nuevo"
+#: mod/network.php:859
+msgid "Activity Stream - by date"
+msgstr "Corriente de actividad por fecha"
+#: mod/network.php:867
+msgid "Shared Links"
+msgstr "Enlaces compartidos"
+#: mod/network.php:870
+msgid "Interesting Links"
+msgstr "Enlaces interesantes"
+#: mod/network.php:878
+msgid "Starred"
+msgstr "Favoritos"
+#: mod/network.php:881
+msgid "Favourite Posts"
+msgstr "Publicaciones favoritas"
+#: mod/photos.php:88 mod/photos.php:1856
+msgid "Recent Photos"
+msgstr "Fotos recientes"
+#: mod/photos.php:91 mod/photos.php:1283 mod/photos.php:1858
+msgid "Upload New Photos"
+msgstr "Subir nuevas fotos"
+#: mod/photos.php:105 mod/settings.php:36
+msgid "everybody"
+msgstr "todos"
+#: mod/photos.php:169
+msgid "Contact information unavailable"
+msgstr "Información del contacto no disponible"
+#: mod/photos.php:190
+msgid "Album not found."
+msgstr "Álbum no encontrado."
+#: mod/photos.php:220 mod/photos.php:232 mod/photos.php:1227
+msgid "Delete Album"
+msgstr "Eliminar álbum"
+#: mod/photos.php:230
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"
+msgstr "¿Estás seguro de quieres borrar este álbum y todas sus fotos?"
+#: mod/photos.php:308 mod/photos.php:319 mod/photos.php:1540
+msgid "Delete Photo"
+msgstr "Eliminar foto"
+#: mod/photos.php:317
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo?"
+msgstr "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar esta foto?"
+#: mod/photos.php:688
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s was tagged in %2$s by %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s fue etiquetado en %2$s por %3$s"
+#: mod/photos.php:688
+msgid "a photo"
+msgstr "una foto"
+#: mod/photos.php:794
+msgid "Image file is empty."
+msgstr "El archivo de imagen está vacío."
+#: mod/photos.php:954
+msgid "No photos selected"
+msgstr "Ninguna foto seleccionada"
+#: mod/photos.php:1054 mod/videos.php:305
+msgid "Access to this item is restricted."
+msgstr "El acceso a este elemento está restringido."
+#: mod/photos.php:1114
+#, php-format
+msgid "You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."
+msgstr "Has usado %1$.2f MB de %2$.2f MB de tu álbum de fotos."
+#: mod/photos.php:1148
+msgid "Upload Photos"
+msgstr "Subir fotos"
+#: mod/photos.php:1152 mod/photos.php:1222
+msgid "New album name: "
+msgstr "Nombre del nuevo álbum: "
+#: mod/photos.php:1153
+msgid "or existing album name: "
+msgstr "o nombre de un álbum existente: "
+#: mod/photos.php:1154
+msgid "Do not show a status post for this upload"
+msgstr "No actualizar tu estado con este envío"
+#: mod/photos.php:1165 mod/photos.php:1544 mod/settings.php:1295
+msgid "Show to Groups"
+msgstr "Mostrar a los Grupos"
+#: mod/photos.php:1166 mod/photos.php:1545 mod/settings.php:1296
+msgid "Show to Contacts"
+msgstr "Mostrar a los Contactos"
+#: mod/photos.php:1167
+msgid "Private Photo"
+msgstr "Foto Privada"
+#: mod/photos.php:1168
+msgid "Public Photo"
+msgstr "Foto Pública"
+#: mod/photos.php:1234
+msgid "Edit Album"
+msgstr "Modificar álbum"
+#: mod/photos.php:1240
+msgid "Show Newest First"
+msgstr "Mostrar más nuevos primero"
+#: mod/photos.php:1242
+msgid "Show Oldest First"
+msgstr "Mostrar más antiguos primero"
+#: mod/photos.php:1269 mod/photos.php:1841
+msgid "View Photo"
+msgstr "Ver foto"
+#: mod/photos.php:1315
+msgid "Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."
+msgstr "Permiso denegado. El acceso a este elemento puede estar restringido."
+#: mod/photos.php:1317
+msgid "Photo not available"
+msgstr "Foto no disponible"
+#: mod/photos.php:1372
+msgid "View photo"
+msgstr "Ver foto"
+#: mod/photos.php:1372
+msgid "Edit photo"
+msgstr "Modificar foto"
+#: mod/photos.php:1373
+msgid "Use as profile photo"
+msgstr "Usar como foto del perfil"
+#: mod/photos.php:1398
+msgid "View Full Size"
+msgstr "Ver a tamaño completo"
+#: mod/photos.php:1484
+msgid "Tags: "
+msgstr "Etiquetas: "
+#: mod/photos.php:1487
+msgid "[Remove any tag]"
+msgstr "[Borrar todas las etiquetas]"
+#: mod/photos.php:1526
+msgid "New album name"
+msgstr "Nuevo nombre del álbum"
+#: mod/photos.php:1527
+msgid "Caption"
+msgstr "Título"
+#: mod/photos.php:1528
+msgid "Add a Tag"
+msgstr "Añadir una etiqueta"
+#: mod/photos.php:1528
+msgid ""
+"Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"
+msgstr "Ejemplo: @juan, @Barbara_Ruiz, @julia@example.com, #California, #camping"
+#: mod/photos.php:1529
+msgid "Do not rotate"
+msgstr "No rotar"
+#: mod/photos.php:1530
+msgid "Rotate CW (right)"
+msgstr "Girar a la derecha"
+#: mod/photos.php:1531
+msgid "Rotate CCW (left)"
+msgstr "Girar a la izquierda"
+#: mod/photos.php:1546
+msgid "Private photo"
+msgstr "Foto privada"
+#: mod/photos.php:1547
+msgid "Public photo"
+msgstr "Foto pública"
+#: mod/photos.php:1770
+msgid "Map"
+msgstr "Mapa"
+#: mod/photos.php:1847 mod/videos.php:387
+msgid "View Album"
+msgstr "Ver Álbum"
+#: mod/ping.php:234
+msgid "{0} wants to be your friend"
+msgstr "{0} quiere ser tu amigo"
+#: mod/ping.php:249
+msgid "{0} sent you a message"
+msgstr "{0} te ha enviado un mensaje"
+#: mod/ping.php:264
+msgid "{0} requested registration"
+msgstr "{0} solicitudes de registro"
+#: mod/profile.php:179
+msgid "Tips for New Members"
+msgstr "Consejos para nuevos miembros"
+#: mod/register.php:93
+msgid ""
+"Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."
+msgstr "Te has registrado con éxito. Por favor, consulta tu correo para más información."
+#: mod/register.php:98
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"Failed to send email message. Here your accout details: login: %s "
+"password: %s You can change your password after login."
+msgstr "Error al intentar de enviar mensaje de correo. Aquí los detalles de su cuenta: login: %s contraseña: %s Puede cambiar su contraseña después de ingresar al sitio."
+#: mod/register.php:105
+msgid "Registration successful."
+msgstr "Registro exitoso."
+#: mod/register.php:111
+msgid "Your registration can not be processed."
+msgstr "Tu registro no se puede procesar."
+#: mod/register.php:153
+msgid "Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."
+msgstr "Tu registro está pendiente de aprobación por el propietario del sitio."
+#: mod/register.php:219
+msgid ""
+"You may (optionally) fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID "
+"and clicking 'Register'."
+msgstr "Puedes (opcionalmente) rellenar este formulario a través de OpenID escribiendo tu OpenID y pulsando en \"Registrar\"."
+#: mod/register.php:220
+msgid ""
+"If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill "
+"in the rest of the items."
+msgstr "Si no estás familiarizado con OpenID, por favor deja ese campo en blanco y rellena el resto de los elementos."
+#: mod/register.php:221
+msgid "Your OpenID (optional): "
+msgstr "Tu OpenID (opcional):"
+#: mod/register.php:235
+msgid "Include your profile in member directory?"
+msgstr "¿Incluir tu perfil en el directorio de miembros?"
+#: mod/register.php:259
+msgid "Membership on this site is by invitation only."
+msgstr "Sitio solo accesible mediante invitación."
+#: mod/register.php:260
+msgid "Your invitation ID: "
+msgstr "ID de tu invitación: "
+#: mod/register.php:271
+msgid "Your Full Name (e.g. Joe Smith, real or real-looking): "
+msgstr "Nombre completo (ej. Joe Smith, real o real aparente):"
+#: mod/register.php:272
+msgid "Your Email Address: "
+msgstr "Tu dirección de correo: "
+#: mod/register.php:274 mod/settings.php:1266
+msgid "New Password:"
+msgstr "Contraseña nueva:"
+#: mod/register.php:274
+msgid "Leave empty for an auto generated password."
+msgstr "Dejar vacío para autogenerar una contraseña"
+#: mod/register.php:275 mod/settings.php:1267
+msgid "Confirm:"
+msgstr "Confirmar:"
+#: mod/register.php:276
+msgid ""
+"Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your "
+"profile address on this site will then be "
+"'nickname@$sitename '."
+msgstr "Elije un apodo. Debe comenzar con una letra. Tu dirección de perfil en este sitio va a ser \"apodo@$nombredelsitio \"."
+#: mod/register.php:277
+msgid "Choose a nickname: "
+msgstr "Escoge un apodo: "
+#: mod/register.php:287
+msgid "Import your profile to this friendica instance"
+msgstr "Importar tu perfil a esta instancia de friendica"
+#: mod/settings.php:60
+msgid "Display"
+msgstr "Interfaz del usuario"
+#: mod/settings.php:67 mod/settings.php:884
+msgid "Social Networks"
+msgstr "Redes sociales"
+#: mod/settings.php:88
+msgid "Connected apps"
+msgstr "Aplicaciones conectadas"
+#: mod/settings.php:102
+msgid "Remove account"
+msgstr "Eliminar cuenta"
+#: mod/settings.php:155
+msgid "Missing some important data!"
+msgstr "¡Faltan algunos datos importantes!"
+#: mod/settings.php:269
+msgid "Failed to connect with email account using the settings provided."
+msgstr "Error al conectar con la cuenta de correo mediante la configuración suministrada."
+#: mod/settings.php:274
+msgid "Email settings updated."
+msgstr "Configuración de correo actualizada."
+#: mod/settings.php:289
+msgid "Features updated"
+msgstr "Actualizaciones"
+#: mod/settings.php:357
+msgid "Relocate message has been send to your contacts"
+msgstr "Mensaje de reubicación ha sido enviado a sus contactos."
+#: mod/settings.php:376
+msgid "Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."
+msgstr "No se permiten contraseñas vacías. La contraseña no ha sido modificada."
+#: mod/settings.php:384
+msgid "Wrong password."
+msgstr "Contraseña incorrecta"
+#: mod/settings.php:395
+msgid "Password changed."
+msgstr "Contraseña modificada."
+#: mod/settings.php:397
+msgid "Password update failed. Please try again."
+msgstr "La actualización de la contraseña ha fallado. Por favor, prueba otra vez."
+#: mod/settings.php:477
+msgid " Please use a shorter name."
+msgstr " Usa un nombre más corto."
+#: mod/settings.php:479
+msgid " Name too short."
+msgstr " Nombre demasiado corto."
+#: mod/settings.php:488
+msgid "Wrong Password"
+msgstr "Contraseña incorrecta"
+#: mod/settings.php:493
+msgid " Not valid email."
+msgstr " Correo no válido."
+#: mod/settings.php:499
+msgid " Cannot change to that email."
+msgstr " No se puede usar ese correo."
+#: mod/settings.php:555
+msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions. Using default privacy group."
+msgstr "El foro privado no tiene permisos de privacidad. Usando el grupo de privacidad por defecto."
+#: mod/settings.php:559
+msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions and no default privacy group."
+msgstr "El foro privado no tiene permisos de privacidad ni grupo por defecto de privacidad."
+#: mod/settings.php:599
+msgid "Settings updated."
+msgstr "Configuración actualizada."
+#: mod/settings.php:675 mod/settings.php:701 mod/settings.php:737
+msgid "Add application"
+msgstr "Agregar aplicación"
+#: mod/settings.php:679 mod/settings.php:705
+msgid "Consumer Key"
+msgstr "Clave del consumidor"
+#: mod/settings.php:680 mod/settings.php:706
+msgid "Consumer Secret"
+msgstr "Secreto del consumidor"
+#: mod/settings.php:681 mod/settings.php:707
+msgid "Redirect"
+msgstr "Redirigir"
+#: mod/settings.php:682 mod/settings.php:708
+msgid "Icon url"
+msgstr "Dirección del ícono"
+#: mod/settings.php:693
+msgid "You can't edit this application."
+msgstr "No puedes editar esta aplicación."
+#: mod/settings.php:736
+msgid "Connected Apps"
+msgstr "Aplicaciones conectadas"
+#: mod/settings.php:740
+msgid "Client key starts with"
+msgstr "Clave de cliente comienza por"
+#: mod/settings.php:741
+msgid "No name"
+msgstr "Sin nombre"
+#: mod/settings.php:742
+msgid "Remove authorization"
+msgstr "Suprimir la autorización"
+#: mod/settings.php:754
+msgid "No Plugin settings configured"
+msgstr "No se ha configurado ningún módulo"
+#: mod/settings.php:762
+msgid "Plugin Settings"
+msgstr "Configuración de los módulos"
+#: mod/settings.php:784
+msgid "Additional Features"
+msgstr "Características adicionales"
+#: mod/settings.php:794 mod/settings.php:798
+msgid "General Social Media Settings"
+msgstr "Configuración general de social media "
+#: mod/settings.php:804
+msgid "Disable intelligent shortening"
+msgstr "Deshabilitar recorte inteligente de URL"
+#: mod/settings.php:806
+msgid ""
+"Normally the system tries to find the best link to add to shortened posts. "
+"If this option is enabled then every shortened post will always point to the"
+" original friendica post."
+msgstr "Normalemente el sistema intenta de encontrara el mejor enlace para agregar a envíos recortados (twitter, OStatus). Si esta opción se encuentra habilitado, todo envío recortado apuntara siempre al tema original en friendica."
+#: mod/settings.php:812
+msgid "Automatically follow any GNU Social (OStatus) followers/mentioners"
+msgstr "Automáticamente seguir cualquier GNUsocial (OStatus) seguidores o menciones "
+#: mod/settings.php:814
+msgid ""
+"If you receive a message from an unknown OStatus user, this option decides "
+"what to do. If it is checked, a new contact will be created for every "
+"unknown user."
+msgstr "Cuando se recibe un mensaje de un perfil desconocido de OStatus, esta opción define que hacer.\nSi es habilitado, un nuevo contacto sera creado para cada usuario."
+#: mod/settings.php:820
+msgid "Default group for OStatus contacts"
+msgstr "Grupo por defecto para contactos OStatus"
+#: mod/settings.php:826
+msgid "Your legacy GNU Social account"
+msgstr "Tu cuenta GNU social conectada"
+#: mod/settings.php:828
+msgid ""
+"If you enter your old GNU Social/Statusnet account name here (in the format "
+"user@domain.tld), your contacts will be added automatically. The field will "
+"be emptied when done."
+msgstr "Si agrega su viejo nombre de perfil GNUsocial/Statusnet aqui (en el formato de usuario@dominio.tld), sus contactos serán añadidos automáticamente.\nEl campo sera vaciado cuando termine el proceso. "
+#: mod/settings.php:831
+msgid "Repair OStatus subscriptions"
+msgstr "Reparar subscripciones de OStatus"
+#: mod/settings.php:840 mod/settings.php:841
+#, php-format
+msgid "Built-in support for %s connectivity is %s"
+msgstr "El soporte integrado de conexión con %s está %s"
+#: mod/settings.php:840 mod/settings.php:841
+msgid "enabled"
+msgstr "habilitado"
+#: mod/settings.php:840 mod/settings.php:841
+msgid "disabled"
+msgstr "deshabilitado"
+#: mod/settings.php:841
+msgid "GNU Social (OStatus)"
+msgstr "GNUsocial (OStatus)"
+#: mod/settings.php:877
+msgid "Email access is disabled on this site."
+msgstr "El acceso por correo está deshabilitado en esta web."
+#: mod/settings.php:889
+msgid "Email/Mailbox Setup"
+msgstr "Configuración del correo/buzón"
+#: mod/settings.php:890
+msgid ""
+"If you wish to communicate with email contacts using this service "
+"(optional), please specify how to connect to your mailbox."
+msgstr "Si quieres comunicarte con tus contactos de correo usando este servicio (opcional), por favor, especifica cómo conectar con tu buzón."
+#: mod/settings.php:891
+msgid "Last successful email check:"
+msgstr "Última comprobación del correo con éxito:"
+#: mod/settings.php:893
+msgid "IMAP server name:"
+msgstr "Nombre del servidor IMAP:"
+#: mod/settings.php:894
+msgid "IMAP port:"
+msgstr "Puerto IMAP:"
+#: mod/settings.php:895
+msgid "Security:"
+msgstr "Seguridad:"
+#: mod/settings.php:895 mod/settings.php:900
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Ninguna"
+#: mod/settings.php:896
+msgid "Email login name:"
+msgstr "Nombre de usuario:"
+#: mod/settings.php:897
+msgid "Email password:"
+msgstr "Contraseña:"
+#: mod/settings.php:898
+msgid "Reply-to address:"
+msgstr "Dirección de respuesta:"
+#: mod/settings.php:899
+msgid "Send public posts to all email contacts:"
+msgstr "Enviar publicaciones públicas a todos los contactos de correo:"
+#: mod/settings.php:900
+msgid "Action after import:"
+msgstr "Acción después de importar:"
+#: mod/settings.php:900
+msgid "Move to folder"
+msgstr "Mover a un directorio"
+#: mod/settings.php:901
+msgid "Move to folder:"
+msgstr "Mover al directorio:"
+#: mod/settings.php:990
+msgid "Display Settings"
+msgstr "Configuración Tema/Visualización"
+#: mod/settings.php:996 mod/settings.php:1018
+msgid "Display Theme:"
+msgstr "Utilizar tema:"
+#: mod/settings.php:997
+msgid "Mobile Theme:"
+msgstr "Tema móvil:"
+#: mod/settings.php:998
+msgid "Update browser every xx seconds"
+msgstr "Actualizar navegador cada xx segundos"
+#: mod/settings.php:998
+msgid "Minimum of 10 seconds. Enter -1 to disable it."
+msgstr "Minimo 10 segundos. Ingrese -1 para deshabilitar."
+#: mod/settings.php:999
+msgid "Number of items to display per page:"
+msgstr "Número de elementos a mostrar por página:"
+#: mod/settings.php:999 mod/settings.php:1000
+msgid "Maximum of 100 items"
+msgstr "Máximo 100 elementos"
+#: mod/settings.php:1000
+msgid "Number of items to display per page when viewed from mobile device:"
+msgstr "Cantidad de objetos a visualizar cuando se usa un movil"
+#: mod/settings.php:1001
+msgid "Don't show emoticons"
+msgstr "No mostrar emoticones"
+#: mod/settings.php:1002
+msgid "Calendar"
+msgstr "Calendario"
+#: mod/settings.php:1003
+msgid "Beginning of week:"
+msgstr "Principio de la semana:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1004
+msgid "Don't show notices"
+msgstr "No mostrara avisos"
+#: mod/settings.php:1005
+msgid "Infinite scroll"
+msgstr "pagina infinita (sroll)"
+#: mod/settings.php:1006
+msgid "Automatic updates only at the top of the network page"
+msgstr "Actualizaciones automaticas solo estando al principio de la pagina"
+#: mod/settings.php:1007
+msgid "Bandwith Saver Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1009
+msgid "General Theme Settings"
+msgstr "Ajustes generales de tema"
+#: mod/settings.php:1010
+msgid "Custom Theme Settings"
+msgstr "Ajustes personalizados de tema"
+#: mod/settings.php:1011
+msgid "Content Settings"
+msgstr "Ajustes de contenido"
+#: mod/settings.php:1012 view/theme/frio/config.php:61
+#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:82 view/theme/quattro/config.php:66
+#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:72 view/theme/vier/config.php:109
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:150 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:61
+msgid "Theme settings"
+msgstr "Configuración del Tema"
+#: mod/settings.php:1094
+msgid "Account Types"
+msgstr "Tipos de cuenta"
+#: mod/settings.php:1095
+msgid "Personal Page Subtypes"
+msgstr "Subtipos de página personal"
+#: mod/settings.php:1096
+msgid "Community Forum Subtypes"
+msgstr "Subtipos de foro de comunidad"
+#: mod/settings.php:1103
+msgid "Personal Page"
+msgstr "Página personal"
+#: mod/settings.php:1104
+msgid "This account is a regular personal profile"
+msgstr "Esta cuenta es un perfil personal corriente"
+#: mod/settings.php:1107
+msgid "Organisation Page"
+msgstr "Página de organización"
+#: mod/settings.php:1108
+msgid "This account is a profile for an organisation"
+msgstr "Esta cuenta es un perfil de una organización"
+#: mod/settings.php:1111
+msgid "News Page"
+msgstr "Página de noticias"
+#: mod/settings.php:1112
+msgid "This account is a news account/reflector"
+msgstr "Esta cuenta es una cuenta de noticias/reflectora"
+#: mod/settings.php:1115
+msgid "Community Forum"
+msgstr "Foro de la comunidad"
+#: mod/settings.php:1116
+msgid ""
+"This account is a community forum where people can discuss with each other"
+msgstr "Esta cuenta es un foro de comunidad donde la gente puede debatir con otros"
+#: mod/settings.php:1119
+msgid "Normal Account Page"
+msgstr "Página de cuenta normal"
+#: mod/settings.php:1120
+msgid "This account is a normal personal profile"
+msgstr "Esta cuenta es el perfil personal normal"
+#: mod/settings.php:1123
+msgid "Soapbox Page"
+msgstr "Página de tribuna"
+#: mod/settings.php:1124
+msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"
+msgstr "Acepta automáticamente todas las peticiones de conexión/amistad como seguidores de solo-lectura"
+#: mod/settings.php:1127
+msgid "Public Forum"
+msgstr "Foro público"
+#: mod/settings.php:1128
+msgid "Automatically approve all contact requests"
+msgstr "Aprovar autimáticamente todas las solicitudes de contacto"
+#: mod/settings.php:1131
+msgid "Automatic Friend Page"
+msgstr "Página de Amistad autómatica"
+#: mod/settings.php:1132
+msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"
+msgstr "Aceptar automáticamente todas las solicitudes de conexión/amistad como amigos"
+#: mod/settings.php:1135
+msgid "Private Forum [Experimental]"
+msgstr "Foro privado [Experimental]"
+#: mod/settings.php:1136
+msgid "Private forum - approved members only"
+msgstr "Foro privado - solo miembros"
+#: mod/settings.php:1148
+msgid "OpenID:"
+msgstr "OpenID:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1148
+msgid "(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account."
+msgstr "(Opcional) Permitir a este OpenID acceder a esta cuenta."
+#: mod/settings.php:1158
+msgid "Publish your default profile in your local site directory?"
+msgstr "¿Quieres publicar tu perfil predeterminado en el directorio local del sitio?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1164
+msgid "Publish your default profile in the global social directory?"
+msgstr "¿Quieres publicar tu perfil predeterminado en el directorio social de forma global?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1172
+msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of your default profile?"
+msgstr "¿Quieres ocultar tu lista de contactos/amigos en la vista de tu perfil predeterminado?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1176
+msgid ""
+"If enabled, posting public messages to Diaspora and other networks isn't "
+msgstr "Si habilitado, enviar temas públicos a a Diaspora* y otras redes no es posible. "
+#: mod/settings.php:1181
+msgid "Allow friends to post to your profile page?"
+msgstr "¿Permites que tus amigos publiquen en tu página de perfil?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1187
+msgid "Allow friends to tag your posts?"
+msgstr "¿Permites a los amigos etiquetar tus publicaciones?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1193
+msgid "Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?"
+msgstr "¿Nos permite recomendarte como amigo potencial a los nuevos miembros?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1199
+msgid "Permit unknown people to send you private mail?"
+msgstr "¿Permites que desconocidos te manden correos privados?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1207
+msgid "Profile is not published ."
+msgstr "El perfil no está publicado ."
+#: mod/settings.php:1215
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your Identity Address is '%s' or '%s'."
+msgstr "Su dirección de identidad es '%s' o '%s'."
+#: mod/settings.php:1222
+msgid "Automatically expire posts after this many days:"
+msgstr "Las publicaciones expirarán automáticamente después de estos días:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1222
+msgid "If empty, posts will not expire. Expired posts will be deleted"
+msgstr "Si lo dejas vacío no expirarán nunca. Las publicaciones que hayan expirado se borrarán"
+#: mod/settings.php:1223
+msgid "Advanced expiration settings"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de expiración"
+#: mod/settings.php:1224
+msgid "Advanced Expiration"
+msgstr "Expiración avanzada"
+#: mod/settings.php:1225
+msgid "Expire posts:"
+msgstr "¿Expiran las publicaciones?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1226
+msgid "Expire personal notes:"
+msgstr "¿Expiran las notas personales?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1227
+msgid "Expire starred posts:"
+msgstr "¿Expiran los favoritos?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1228
+msgid "Expire photos:"
+msgstr "¿Expiran las fotografías?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1229
+msgid "Only expire posts by others:"
+msgstr "Solo expiran los mensajes de los demás:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1257
+msgid "Account Settings"
+msgstr "Configuración de la cuenta"
+#: mod/settings.php:1265
+msgid "Password Settings"
+msgstr "Configuración de la contraseña"
+#: mod/settings.php:1267
+msgid "Leave password fields blank unless changing"
+msgstr "Deja la contraseña en blanco si no quieres cambiarla"
+#: mod/settings.php:1268
+msgid "Current Password:"
+msgstr "Contraseña actual:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1268 mod/settings.php:1269
+msgid "Your current password to confirm the changes"
+msgstr "Su contraseña actual para confirmar los cambios."
+#: mod/settings.php:1269
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Contraseña:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1273
+msgid "Basic Settings"
+msgstr "Configuración básica"
+#: mod/settings.php:1275
+msgid "Email Address:"
+msgstr "Dirección de correo:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1276
+msgid "Your Timezone:"
+msgstr "Zona horaria:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1277
+msgid "Your Language:"
+msgstr "Tu idioma:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1277
+msgid ""
+"Set the language we use to show you friendica interface and to send you "
+msgstr "Selecciona el idioma que se usara para la interfaz del usuario y para el envío de correo."
+#: mod/settings.php:1278
+msgid "Default Post Location:"
+msgstr "Localización predeterminada:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1279
+msgid "Use Browser Location:"
+msgstr "Usar localización del navegador:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1282
+msgid "Security and Privacy Settings"
+msgstr "Configuración de seguridad y privacidad"
+#: mod/settings.php:1284
+msgid "Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"
+msgstr "Máximo número de peticiones de amistad por día:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1284 mod/settings.php:1314
+msgid "(to prevent spam abuse)"
+msgstr "(para prevenir el abuso de spam)"
+#: mod/settings.php:1285
+msgid "Default Post Permissions"
+msgstr "Permisos por defecto para las publicaciones"
+#: mod/settings.php:1286
+msgid "(click to open/close)"
+msgstr "(pulsa para abrir/cerrar)"
+#: mod/settings.php:1297
+msgid "Default Private Post"
+msgstr "Publicación Privada por defecto"
+#: mod/settings.php:1298
+msgid "Default Public Post"
+msgstr "Publicación Pública por defecto"
+#: mod/settings.php:1302
+msgid "Default Permissions for New Posts"
+msgstr "Permisos por defecto para nuevas publicaciones"
+#: mod/settings.php:1314
+msgid "Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:"
+msgstr "Número máximo de mensajes diarios para desconocidos:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1317
+msgid "Notification Settings"
+msgstr "Configuración de notificaciones"
+#: mod/settings.php:1318
+msgid "By default post a status message when:"
+msgstr "Publicar en tu estado cuando:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1319
+msgid "accepting a friend request"
+msgstr "aceptes una solicitud de amistad"
+#: mod/settings.php:1320
+msgid "joining a forum/community"
+msgstr "te unas a un foro/comunidad"
+#: mod/settings.php:1321
+msgid "making an interesting profile change"
+msgstr "hagas un cambio interesante en tu perfil"
+#: mod/settings.php:1322
+msgid "Send a notification email when:"
+msgstr "Enviar notificación por correo cuando:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1323
+msgid "You receive an introduction"
+msgstr "Recibas una presentación"
+#: mod/settings.php:1324
+msgid "Your introductions are confirmed"
+msgstr "Tu presentación sea confirmada"
+#: mod/settings.php:1325
+msgid "Someone writes on your profile wall"
+msgstr "Alguien escriba en el muro de mi perfil"
+#: mod/settings.php:1326
+msgid "Someone writes a followup comment"
+msgstr "Algien escriba en un comentario que sigo"
+#: mod/settings.php:1327
+msgid "You receive a private message"
+msgstr "Recibas un mensaje privado"
+#: mod/settings.php:1328
+msgid "You receive a friend suggestion"
+msgstr "Recibas una sugerencia de amistad"
+#: mod/settings.php:1329
+msgid "You are tagged in a post"
+msgstr "Seas etiquetado en una publicación"
+#: mod/settings.php:1330
+msgid "You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"
+msgstr "Te han tocado/empujado/etc. en una publicación"
+#: mod/settings.php:1332
+msgid "Activate desktop notifications"
+msgstr "Activar notificaciones en pantalla."
+#: mod/settings.php:1332
+msgid "Show desktop popup on new notifications"
+msgstr "Mostrar notificaciones emergentes en caso de nuevos eventos."
+#: mod/settings.php:1334
+msgid "Text-only notification emails"
+msgstr "Notificaciones e-mail de solo texto"
+#: mod/settings.php:1336
+msgid "Send text only notification emails, without the html part"
+msgstr "Enviar las notificaciones por correo con formato de solo texto sin html."
+#: mod/settings.php:1338
+msgid "Advanced Account/Page Type Settings"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de tipo de Cuenta/Página"
+#: mod/settings.php:1339
+msgid "Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"
+msgstr "Cambiar el comportamiento de esta cuenta para situaciones especiales"
+#: mod/settings.php:1342
+msgid "Relocate"
+msgstr "Relocalizar"
+#: mod/settings.php:1343
+msgid ""
+"If you have moved this profile from another server, and some of your "
+"contacts don't receive your updates, try pushing this button."
+msgstr "Si ha migrado este perfil desde otro servidor aquí y algunos contactos no reciben sus publicaciones intente recomunicar su ubicación a traves este botón. (Como para decir el botón de los botones)"
+#: mod/settings.php:1344
+msgid "Resend relocate message to contacts"
+msgstr "Reenviar mensaje de relocalización a los contactos"
+#: mod/suggest.php:27
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"
+msgstr "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar esta sugerencia?"
+#: mod/suggest.php:71
+msgid ""
+"No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 "
+msgstr "No hay sugerencias disponibles. Si el sitio web es nuevo inténtalo de nuevo dentro de 24 horas."
+#: mod/suggest.php:84 mod/suggest.php:104
+msgid "Ignore/Hide"
+msgstr "Ignorar/Ocultar"
+#: mod/update_community.php:19 mod/update_display.php:23
+#: mod/update_network.php:27 mod/update_notes.php:36 mod/update_profile.php:35
+msgid "[Embedded content - reload page to view]"
+msgstr "[Contenido incrustado - recarga la página para verlo]"
+#: mod/videos.php:120
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this video?"
+msgstr "Realmente quieres eliminar este vídeo?"
+#: mod/videos.php:125
+msgid "Delete Video"
+msgstr "Borrar vídeo"
+#: mod/videos.php:204
+msgid "No videos selected"
+msgstr "Ningún vídeo seleccionado"
+#: mod/videos.php:396
+msgid "Recent Videos"
+msgstr "Vídeos recientes"
+#: mod/videos.php:398
+msgid "Upload New Videos"
+msgstr "Subir nuevos vídeos"
+#: mod/viewcontacts.php:72
+msgid "No contacts."
+msgstr "Ningún contacto."
+#: object/Item.php:370
+msgid "via"
+msgstr "vía"
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:23
+msgid "Repeat the image"
+msgstr "Repetir la imagen"
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:23
+msgid "Will repeat your image to fill the background."
+msgstr "Repetirá su imagen para llenar el fondo"
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:25
+msgid "Stretch"
+msgstr "Estirar"
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:25
+msgid "Will stretch to width/height of the image."
+msgstr "Estirará la anchura/altura de la imagen."
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:27
+msgid "Resize fill and-clip"
+msgstr "Reajustar llenado y clip"
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:27
+msgid "Resize to fill and retain aspect ratio."
+msgstr "Reajustar para llenar y conservar proporción"
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:29
+msgid "Resize best fit"
+msgstr "Reajustar al mejor tamaño"
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:29
+msgid "Resize to best fit and retain aspect ratio."
+msgstr "Reajustar al mejor tamaño y conservar proporción"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:42
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Por defecto"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:54
+msgid "Note: "
+msgstr "Nota:"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:54
+msgid "Check image permissions if all users are allowed to visit the image"
+msgstr "Compruebe los permisos de imagen si se les permite a todos los usuarios visitar la imagen"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:62
+msgid "Select scheme"
+msgstr "Seleccionar plan"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:63
+msgid "Navigation bar background color"
+msgstr "Color de fondo de la barra de navegación"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:64
+msgid "Navigation bar icon color "
+msgstr "Color de icono de la barra de navegación"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:65
+msgid "Link color"
+msgstr "Color de enlace"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:66
+msgid "Set the background color"
+msgstr "Seleccionar el color de fondo"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:67
+msgid "Content background transparency"
+msgstr "Transparencia de contenido de fondo"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:68
+msgid "Set the background image"
+msgstr "Seleccionar la imagen de fondo"
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:226
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Invitado"
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:232
+msgid "Visitor"
+msgstr "Visitante"
#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:83
msgid "Set resize level for images in posts and comments (width and height)"
@@ -8465,14 +8717,6 @@ msgstr "Establecer el ancho para el tema"
msgid "Color scheme"
msgstr "Esquema de color"
-#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:74 view/theme/diabook/config.php:152
-msgid "Set line-height for posts and comments"
-msgstr "Altura para las publicaciones y comentarios"
-#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:75
-msgid "Set colour scheme"
-msgstr "Configurar esquema de color"
#: view/theme/quattro/config.php:67
msgid "Alignment"
msgstr "Alineación"
@@ -8493,6 +8737,104 @@ msgstr "Tamaño de letra del titulo de las publicaciones"
msgid "Textareas font size"
msgstr "Tamaño de letra del área de texto"
+#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:74 view/theme/diabook/config.php:152
+msgid "Set line-height for posts and comments"
+msgstr "Altura para las publicaciones y comentarios"
+#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:75
+msgid "Set colour scheme"
+msgstr "Configurar esquema de color"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:152 view/theme/vier/config.php:112
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:391 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:626
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:160
+msgid "Community Profiles"
+msgstr "Perfiles de la Comunidad"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:181 view/theme/vier/config.php:116
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:412 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:630
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:164
+msgid "Last users"
+msgstr "Últimos usuarios"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:199 view/theme/vier/config.php:115
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:523 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:629
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:163
+msgid "Find Friends"
+msgstr "Buscar amigos"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:200 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:524
+msgid "Local Directory"
+msgstr "Directorio local"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:291
+msgid "Quick Start"
+msgstr "Inicio rápido"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:373 view/theme/vier/config.php:114
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:606 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:628
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:162
+msgid "Connect Services"
+msgstr "Servicios conectados"
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:64
+msgid "Comma separated list of helper forums"
+msgstr "Lista separada por comas de foros de ayuda."
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:110
+msgid "Set style"
+msgstr "Definir estilo"
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:111 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:130
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:544 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:624
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:158
+msgid "Community Pages"
+msgstr "Páginas de Comunidad"
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:113 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:599
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:627 view/theme/diabook/config.php:161
+msgid "Help or @NewHere ?"
+msgstr "¿Ayuda o @NuevoAquí?"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:125
+msgid "Your contacts"
+msgstr "Tus contactos"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128
+msgid "Your personal photos"
+msgstr "Tus fotos personales"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:441 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:632
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:166
+msgid "Last likes"
+msgstr "Últimos \"me gusta\""
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:486 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:631
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:165
+msgid "Last photos"
+msgstr "Últimas fotos"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:579 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:625
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:159
+msgid "Earth Layers"
+msgstr "Minimapa"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:584
+msgid "Set zoomfactor for Earth Layers"
+msgstr "Configurar zoom en Minimapa"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:585 view/theme/diabook/config.php:156
+msgid "Set longitude (X) for Earth Layers"
+msgstr "Configurar longitud (X) en Minimapa"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:586 view/theme/diabook/config.php:157
+msgid "Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layers"
+msgstr "Configurar latitud (Y) en Minimapa"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:622
+msgid "Show/hide boxes at right-hand column:"
+msgstr "Mostrar/Ocultar casillas en la columna derecha:"
#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:153
msgid "Set resolution for middle column"
msgstr "Resolución para la columna central"
@@ -8505,96 +8847,6 @@ msgstr "Configurar esquema de color"
msgid "Set zoomfactor for Earth Layer"
msgstr "Establecer zoom para Minimapa"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:156 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:585
-msgid "Set longitude (X) for Earth Layers"
-msgstr "Configurar longitud (X) en Minimapa"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:157 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:586
-msgid "Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layers"
-msgstr "Configurar latitud (Y) en Minimapa"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:158 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:130
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:544 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:624
-#: view/theme/vier/config.php:111
-msgid "Community Pages"
-msgstr "Páginas de Comunidad"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:159 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:579
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:625
-msgid "Earth Layers"
-msgstr "Minimapa"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:160 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:391
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:626 view/theme/vier/config.php:112
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:152
-msgid "Community Profiles"
-msgstr "Perfiles de la Comunidad"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:161 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:599
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:627 view/theme/vier/config.php:113
-msgid "Help or @NewHere ?"
-msgstr "¿Ayuda o @NuevoAquí?"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:162 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:606
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:628 view/theme/vier/config.php:114
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:373
-msgid "Connect Services"
-msgstr "Servicios conectados"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:163 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:523
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:629 view/theme/vier/config.php:115
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:199
-msgid "Find Friends"
-msgstr "Buscar amigos"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:164 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:412
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:630 view/theme/vier/config.php:116
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:181
-msgid "Last users"
-msgstr "Últimos usuarios"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:165 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:486
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:631
-msgid "Last photos"
-msgstr "Últimas fotos"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:166 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:441
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:632
-msgid "Last likes"
-msgstr "Últimos \"me gusta\""
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:125
-msgid "Your contacts"
-msgstr "Tus contactos"
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128
-msgid "Your personal photos"
-msgstr "Tus fotos personales"
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:524 view/theme/vier/theme.php:200
-msgid "Local Directory"
-msgstr "Directorio local"
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:584
-msgid "Set zoomfactor for Earth Layers"
-msgstr "Configurar zoom en Minimapa"
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:622
-msgid "Show/hide boxes at right-hand column:"
-msgstr "Mostrar/Ocultar casillas en la columna derecha:"
-#: view/theme/vier/config.php:64
-msgid "Comma separated list of helper forums"
-msgstr "Lista separada por comas de foros de ayuda."
-#: view/theme/vier/config.php:110
-msgid "Set style"
-msgstr "Definir estilo"
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:291
-msgid "Quick Start"
-msgstr "Inicio rápido"
#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:45
msgid "greenzero"
msgstr "greenzero"
@@ -8622,3 +8874,56 @@ msgstr "slackr"
#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:62
msgid "Variations"
msgstr "Variaciones"
+#: index.php:447
+msgid "toggle mobile"
+msgstr "Cambiar a versión móvil"
+#: boot.php:968
+msgid "Delete this item?"
+msgstr "¿Eliminar este elemento?"
+#: boot.php:971
+msgid "show fewer"
+msgstr "ver menos"
+#: boot.php:1641
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s failed. See error logs."
+msgstr "Falló la actualización de %s. Mira los registros de errores."
+#: boot.php:1753
+msgid "Create a New Account"
+msgstr "Crear una nueva cuenta"
+#: boot.php:1782
+msgid "Password: "
+msgstr "Contraseña: "
+#: boot.php:1783
+msgid "Remember me"
+msgstr "Recordarme"
+#: boot.php:1786
+msgid "Or login using OpenID: "
+msgstr "O inicia sesión usando OpenID: "
+#: boot.php:1792
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr "¿Olvidaste la contraseña?"
+#: boot.php:1795
+msgid "Website Terms of Service"
+msgstr "Términos de uso del sitio"
+#: boot.php:1796
+msgid "terms of service"
+msgstr "Términos de uso"
+#: boot.php:1798
+msgid "Website Privacy Policy"
+msgstr "Política de privacidad del sitio"
+#: boot.php:1799
+msgid "privacy policy"
+msgstr "Política de privacidad"
diff --git a/view/es/strings.php b/view/lang/es/strings.php
similarity index 96%
rename from view/es/strings.php
rename to view/lang/es/strings.php
index e12d02a4e..90bddcb71 100644
--- a/view/es/strings.php
+++ b/view/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -5,271 +5,741 @@ function string_plural_select_es($n){
return ($n != 1);;
-$a->strings["Network:"] = "Red:";
-$a->strings["Forum"] = "Foro";
-$a->strings["%d contact edited."] = array(
- 0 => "%d contacto editado.",
- 1 => "%d contacts edited.",
+$a->strings["Add New Contact"] = "Añadir nuevo contacto";
+$a->strings["Enter address or web location"] = "Escribe la dirección o página web";
+$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"] = "Ejemplo: miguel@ejemplo.com, http://ejemplo.com/miguel";
+$a->strings["Connect"] = "Conectar";
+$a->strings["%d invitation available"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d invitación disponible",
+ 1 => "%d invitaviones disponibles",
-$a->strings["Could not access contact record."] = "No se pudo acceder a los datos del contacto.";
-$a->strings["Could not locate selected profile."] = "No se pudo encontrar el perfil seleccionado.";
-$a->strings["Contact updated."] = "Contacto actualizado.";
-$a->strings["Failed to update contact record."] = "Error al actualizar el contacto.";
-$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permiso denegado.";
-$a->strings["Contact has been blocked"] = "El contacto ha sido bloqueado";
-$a->strings["Contact has been unblocked"] = "El contacto ha sido desbloqueado";
-$a->strings["Contact has been ignored"] = "El contacto ha sido ignorado";
-$a->strings["Contact has been unignored"] = "El contacto ya no está ignorado";
-$a->strings["Contact has been archived"] = "El contacto ha sido archivado";
-$a->strings["Contact has been unarchived"] = "El contacto ya no está archivado";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this contact?"] = "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este contacto?";
-$a->strings["Yes"] = "Sí";
-$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Cancelar";
-$a->strings["Contact has been removed."] = "El contacto ha sido eliminado";
-$a->strings["You are mutual friends with %s"] = "Ahora tienes una amistad mutua con %s";
-$a->strings["You are sharing with %s"] = "Estás compartiendo con %s";
-$a->strings["%s is sharing with you"] = "%s está compartiendo contigo";
-$a->strings["Private communications are not available for this contact."] = "Las comunicaciones privadas no está disponibles para este contacto.";
-$a->strings["Never"] = "Nunca";
-$a->strings["(Update was successful)"] = "(La actualización se ha completado)";
-$a->strings["(Update was not successful)"] = "(La actualización no se ha completado)";
-$a->strings["Suggest friends"] = "Sugerir amigos";
-$a->strings["Network type: %s"] = "Tipo de red: %s";
-$a->strings["Communications lost with this contact!"] = "¡Se ha perdido la comunicación con este contacto!";
-$a->strings["Fetch further information for feeds"] = "Recaudar informacion complementaria de los feeds";
-$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Deshabilitado";
-$a->strings["Fetch information"] = "Recaudar informacion";
-$a->strings["Fetch information and keywords"] = "Recaudar informacion y palabras claves";
-$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
-$a->strings["Profile Visibility"] = "Visibilidad del Perfil";
-$a->strings["Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely."] = "Por favor, selecciona el perfil que quieras mostrar a %s cuando esté viendo tu perfil de forma segura.";
-$a->strings["Contact Information / Notes"] = "Información del Contacto / Notas";
-$a->strings["Edit contact notes"] = "Editar notas del contacto";
-$a->strings["Visit %s's profile [%s]"] = "Ver el perfil de %s [%s]";
-$a->strings["Block/Unblock contact"] = "Boquear/Desbloquear contacto";
-$a->strings["Ignore contact"] = "Ignorar contacto";
-$a->strings["Repair URL settings"] = "Configuración de reparación de la dirección";
-$a->strings["View conversations"] = "Ver conversaciones";
-$a->strings["Last update:"] = "Última actualización:";
-$a->strings["Update public posts"] = "Actualizar publicaciones públicas";
-$a->strings["Update now"] = "Actualizar ahora";
+$a->strings["Find People"] = "Buscar personas";
+$a->strings["Enter name or interest"] = "Introduzce nombre o intereses";
$a->strings["Connect/Follow"] = "Conectar/Seguir";
-$a->strings["Unblock"] = "Desbloquear";
-$a->strings["Block"] = "Bloquear";
-$a->strings["Unignore"] = "Quitar de Ignorados";
-$a->strings["Ignore"] = "Ignorar";
-$a->strings["Currently blocked"] = "Bloqueados";
-$a->strings["Currently ignored"] = "Ignorados";
-$a->strings["Currently archived"] = "Archivados";
-$a->strings["Hide this contact from others"] = "Ocultar este contacto a los demás.";
-$a->strings["Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"] = "Los comentarios o \"me gusta\" en tus publicaciones públicas todavía pueden ser visibles.";
-$a->strings["Notification for new posts"] = "Notificacion de nuevos temas.";
-$a->strings["Send a notification of every new post of this contact"] = "Enviar una notificacion por nuevos temas de este contacto.";
-$a->strings["Blacklisted keywords"] = "Lista negra de palabras";
-$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"] = "Lista separada por comas de palabras claves que no deberian ser convertido en #hashtags cuando \"Recaudar informacion y palabras claves\" es seleccionado";
-$a->strings["Profile URL"] = "URL Perfil";
-$a->strings["Location:"] = "Localización:";
-$a->strings["About:"] = "Acerca de:";
-$a->strings["Tags:"] = "Etiquetas:";
-$a->strings["Actions"] = "Acciones";
-$a->strings["Status"] = "Estado";
-$a->strings["Contact Settings"] = "Ajustes del contacto";
-$a->strings["Suggestions"] = "Sugerencias";
-$a->strings["Suggest potential friends"] = "Amistades potenciales sugeridas";
-$a->strings["All Contacts"] = "Todos los contactos";
-$a->strings["Show all contacts"] = "Mostrar todos los contactos";
-$a->strings["Unblocked"] = "Desbloqueados";
-$a->strings["Only show unblocked contacts"] = "Mostrar solo contactos sin bloquear";
-$a->strings["Blocked"] = "Bloqueados";
-$a->strings["Only show blocked contacts"] = "Mostrar solo contactos bloqueados";
-$a->strings["Ignored"] = "Ignorados";
-$a->strings["Only show ignored contacts"] = "Mostrar solo contactos ignorados";
-$a->strings["Archived"] = "Archivados";
-$a->strings["Only show archived contacts"] = "Mostrar solo contactos archivados";
-$a->strings["Hidden"] = "Ocultos";
-$a->strings["Only show hidden contacts"] = "Mostrar solo contactos ocultos";
-$a->strings["Contacts"] = "Contactos";
-$a->strings["Search your contacts"] = "Buscar en tus contactos";
-$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Buscando: ";
+$a->strings["Examples: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing"] = "Ejemplos: Robert Morgenstein, Pesca";
$a->strings["Find"] = "Buscar";
-$a->strings["Update"] = "Actualizar";
-$a->strings["Archive"] = "Archivo";
-$a->strings["Unarchive"] = "Sin archivar";
-$a->strings["Delete"] = "Eliminar";
-$a->strings["Status Messages and Posts"] = "Mensajes de Estado y Publicaciones";
-$a->strings["Profile"] = "Perfil";
-$a->strings["Profile Details"] = "Detalles del Perfil";
-$a->strings["View all contacts"] = "Ver todos los contactos";
-$a->strings["Common Friends"] = "Amigos comunes";
-$a->strings["View all common friends"] = "Ver todos los conocidos en común ";
-$a->strings["Advanced"] = "Avanzado";
-$a->strings["Advanced Contact Settings"] = "Configuración avanzada";
-$a->strings["Mutual Friendship"] = "Amistad recíproca";
-$a->strings["is a fan of yours"] = "es tu fan";
-$a->strings["you are a fan of"] = "eres fan de";
-$a->strings["Edit contact"] = "Modificar contacto";
-$a->strings["Toggle Blocked status"] = "Cambiar bloqueados";
-$a->strings["Toggle Ignored status"] = "Cambiar ignorados";
-$a->strings["Toggle Archive status"] = "Cambiar archivados";
-$a->strings["Delete contact"] = "Eliminar contacto";
-$a->strings["No profile"] = "Nigún perfil";
-$a->strings["Manage Identities and/or Pages"] = "Administrar identidades y/o páginas";
-$a->strings["Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"] = "Cambia entre diferentes identidades o páginas de Comunidad/Grupos que comparten los detalles de tu cuenta o sobre los que tienes permisos para administrar";
-$a->strings["Select an identity to manage: "] = "Selecciona una identidad a gestionar:";
-$a->strings["Post successful."] = "¡Publicado!";
-$a->strings["Permission denied"] = "Permiso denegado";
-$a->strings["Invalid profile identifier."] = "Identificador de perfil no válido.";
-$a->strings["Profile Visibility Editor"] = "Editor de visibilidad del perfil";
-$a->strings["Click on a contact to add or remove."] = "Pulsa en un contacto para añadirlo o eliminarlo.";
-$a->strings["Visible To"] = "Visible para";
-$a->strings["All Contacts (with secure profile access)"] = "Todos los contactos (con perfil de acceso seguro)";
-$a->strings["Item not found."] = "Elemento no encontrado.";
-$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Acceso público denegado.";
-$a->strings["Access to this profile has been restricted."] = "El acceso a este perfil ha sido restringido.";
-$a->strings["Item has been removed."] = "El elemento ha sido eliminado.";
-$a->strings["Welcome to Friendica"] = "Bienvenido a Friendica ";
-$a->strings["New Member Checklist"] = "Listado de nuevos miembros";
-$a->strings["We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial registration and then will quietly disappear."] = "Nos gustaría ofrecerte algunos consejos y enlaces para ayudar a hacer tu experiencia más amena. Pulsa en cualquier elemento para visitar la página correspondiente. Un enlace a esta página será visible desde tu página de inicio durante las dos semanas siguientes a tu inscripción y luego desaparecerá.";
-$a->strings["Getting Started"] = "Empezando";
-$a->strings["Friendica Walk-Through"] = "Visita guiada a Friendica";
-$a->strings["On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to join."] = "En tu página de Inicio Rápido - busca una introducción breve para tus pestañas de perfil y red, haz algunas conexiones nuevas, y busca algunos grupos a los que unirte.";
-$a->strings["Settings"] = "Configuración";
-$a->strings["Go to Your Settings"] = "Ir a tus ajustes";
-$a->strings["On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and will be useful in making friends on the free social web."] = "En la página de Configuración puedes cambiar tu contraseña inicial. También aparece tu ID (Identity Address). Es parecida a una dirección de correo y te servirá para conectar con gente de redes sociales libres.";
-$a->strings["Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and potential friends know exactly how to find you."] = "Revisa las otras configuraciones, especialmente la configuración de privacidad. Un listado de directorio sin publicar es como tener un número de teléfono sin publicar. Normalmente querrás publicar tu listado, a menos que tus amigos y amigos potenciales sepan cómo ponerse en contacto contigo.";
-$a->strings["Upload Profile Photo"] = "Subir foto del Perfil";
-$a->strings["Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make friends than people who do not."] = "Sube una foto para tu perfil si no lo has hecho aún. Los estudios han demostrado que la gente que usa fotos suyas reales tienen diez veces más éxito a la hora de entablar amistad que las que no.";
-$a->strings["Edit Your Profile"] = "Editar tu perfil";
-$a->strings["Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown visitors."] = "Edita tu perfil predeterminado como quieras. Revisa la configuración para ocultar tu lista de amigos o tu perfil a los visitantes desconocidos.";
-$a->strings["Profile Keywords"] = "Palabras clave del perfil";
-$a->strings["Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and suggest friendships."] = "Define en tu perfil público algunas palabras que describan tus intereses. Así podremos buscar otras personas con los mismos gustos y sugerirte posibles amigos.";
-$a->strings["Connecting"] = "Conectando";
-$a->strings["Importing Emails"] = "Importando correos electrónicos";
-$a->strings["Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email INBOX"] = "Introduce la información para acceder a tu correo en la página de Configuración del conector si quieres importar e interactuar con amigos o listas de correos del buzón de entrada de tu correo electrónico.";
-$a->strings["Go to Your Contacts Page"] = "Ir a tu página de contactos";
-$a->strings["Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site URL in the Add New Contact dialog."] = "Tu página de Contactos es el portal desde donde podrás manejar tus amistades y conectarte con amigos de otras redes. Normalmente introduces su dirección o la dirección de su sitio web en el recuadro \"Añadir contacto nuevo\".";
-$a->strings["Go to Your Site's Directory"] = "Ir al directorio de tu sitio";
-$a->strings["The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."] = "El Directorio te permite encontrar otras personas en esta red o en cualquier otro sitio federado. Busca algún enlace de Conectar o Seguir en su perfil. Proporciona tu direción personal si es necesario.";
-$a->strings["Finding New People"] = "Encontrando nueva gente";
-$a->strings["On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 hours."] = "En el panel lateral de la página de Contactos existen varias herramientas para encontrar nuevos amigos. Podemos filtrar personas por sus intereses, buscar personas por nombre o por sus intereses, y ofrecerte sugerencias basadas en sus relaciones de la red. En un sitio nuevo, las sugerencias de amigos por lo general comienzan pasadas las 24 horas.";
-$a->strings["Groups"] = "Grupos";
-$a->strings["Group Your Contacts"] = "Agrupa tus contactos";
-$a->strings["Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with each group privately on your Network page."] = "Una vez que tengas algunos amigos, puedes organizarlos en grupos privados de conversación mediante el memnú en tu página de Contactos y luego puedes interactuar con cada grupo por separado desde tu página de Red.";
-$a->strings["Why Aren't My Posts Public?"] = "¿Por qué mis publicaciones no son públicas?";
-$a->strings["Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section from the link above."] = "Friendica respeta tu privacidad. Por defecto, tus publicaciones solo se mostrarán a personas que hayas añadido como amistades. Para más información, mira la sección de ayuda en el enlace de más arriba.";
-$a->strings["Getting Help"] = "Consiguiendo ayuda";
-$a->strings["Go to the Help Section"] = "Ir a la sección de ayuda";
-$a->strings["Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program features and resources."] = "Puedes consultar nuestra página de Ayuda para más información y recursos de ayuda.";
-$a->strings["OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."] = "Error de protocolo OpenID. ID no devuelta.";
-$a->strings["Account not found and OpenID registration is not permitted on this site."] = "Cuenta no encontrada y el registro OpenID no está permitido en ese sitio.";
+$a->strings["Friend Suggestions"] = "Sugerencias de amigos";
+$a->strings["Similar Interests"] = "Intereses similares";
+$a->strings["Random Profile"] = "Perfil aleatorio";
+$a->strings["Invite Friends"] = "Invitar amigos";
+$a->strings["Networks"] = "Redes";
+$a->strings["All Networks"] = "Todas las redes";
+$a->strings["Saved Folders"] = "Directorios guardados";
+$a->strings["Everything"] = "Todo";
+$a->strings["Categories"] = "Categorías";
+$a->strings["%d contact in common"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d contacto en común",
+ 1 => "%d contactos en común",
+$a->strings["show more"] = "ver más";
+$a->strings["Forums"] = "Foros";
+$a->strings["External link to forum"] = "Enlace externo al foro";
+$a->strings["Male"] = "Hombre";
+$a->strings["Female"] = "Mujer";
+$a->strings["Currently Male"] = "Actualmente Hombre";
+$a->strings["Currently Female"] = "Actualmente Mujer";
+$a->strings["Mostly Male"] = "Mayormente Hombre";
+$a->strings["Mostly Female"] = "Mayormente Mujer";
+$a->strings["Transgender"] = "Transgenérico";
+$a->strings["Intersex"] = "Bisexual";
+$a->strings["Transsexual"] = "Transexual";
+$a->strings["Hermaphrodite"] = "Hermafrodita";
+$a->strings["Neuter"] = "Neutro";
+$a->strings["Non-specific"] = "Sin especificar";
+$a->strings["Other"] = "Otro";
+$a->strings["Undecided"] = array(
+ 0 => "Indeciso",
+ 1 => "Indeciso",
+$a->strings["Males"] = "Hombres";
+$a->strings["Females"] = "Mujeres";
+$a->strings["Gay"] = "Gay";
+$a->strings["Lesbian"] = "Lesbiana";
+$a->strings["No Preference"] = "Sin preferencias";
+$a->strings["Bisexual"] = "Bisexual";
+$a->strings["Autosexual"] = "Autosexual";
+$a->strings["Abstinent"] = "Célibe";
+$a->strings["Virgin"] = "Virgen";
+$a->strings["Deviant"] = "Desviado";
+$a->strings["Fetish"] = "Fetichista";
+$a->strings["Oodles"] = "Orgiástico";
+$a->strings["Nonsexual"] = "Asexual";
+$a->strings["Single"] = "Soltero";
+$a->strings["Lonely"] = "Solitario";
+$a->strings["Available"] = "Disponible";
+$a->strings["Unavailable"] = "No disponible";
+$a->strings["Has crush"] = "Enamorado";
+$a->strings["Infatuated"] = "Loco/a por alguien";
+$a->strings["Dating"] = "De citas";
+$a->strings["Unfaithful"] = "Infiel";
+$a->strings["Sex Addict"] = "Adicto al sexo";
+$a->strings["Friends"] = "Amigos";
+$a->strings["Friends/Benefits"] = "Amigos con beneficios";
+$a->strings["Casual"] = "Casual";
+$a->strings["Engaged"] = "Comprometido/a";
+$a->strings["Married"] = "Casado/a";
+$a->strings["Imaginarily married"] = "Casado imaginario";
+$a->strings["Partners"] = "Socios";
+$a->strings["Cohabiting"] = "Cohabitando";
+$a->strings["Common law"] = "Pareja de hecho";
+$a->strings["Happy"] = "Feliz";
+$a->strings["Not looking"] = "No busca relación";
+$a->strings["Swinger"] = "Swinger";
+$a->strings["Betrayed"] = "Traicionado/a";
+$a->strings["Separated"] = "Separado/a";
+$a->strings["Unstable"] = "Inestable";
+$a->strings["Divorced"] = "Divorciado/a";
+$a->strings["Imaginarily divorced"] = "Divorciado imaginario";
+$a->strings["Widowed"] = "Viudo/a";
+$a->strings["Uncertain"] = "Incierto";
+$a->strings["It's complicated"] = "Es complicado";
+$a->strings["Don't care"] = "No te importa";
+$a->strings["Ask me"] = "Pregúntame";
+$a->strings["l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"] = "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A";
+$a->strings["Starts:"] = "Inicio:";
+$a->strings["Finishes:"] = "Final:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Localización:";
+$a->strings["Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"] = "No se puede encontrar información DNS para la base de datos del servidor '%s'";
+$a->strings["Logged out."] = "Sesión finalizada";
$a->strings["Login failed."] = "Accesso fallido.";
-$a->strings["Image uploaded but image cropping failed."] = "Imagen recibida, pero ha fallado al recortarla.";
+$a->strings["We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. Please check the correct spelling of the ID."] = "Se ha encontrado un problema para acceder con el OpenID que has escrito. Verifica que lo hayas escrito correctamente.";
+$a->strings["The error message was:"] = "El mensaje del error fue:";
+$a->strings["A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions may apply to this group and any future members. If this is not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."] = "Un grupo eliminado con este nombre fue restablecido. Los permisos existentes pueden aplicarse a este grupo y a sus futuros miembros. Si esto no es lo que pretendes, por favor, crea otro grupo con un nombre diferente.";
+$a->strings["Default privacy group for new contacts"] = "Grupo por defecto para nuevos contactos";
+$a->strings["Everybody"] = "Todo el mundo";
+$a->strings["edit"] = "editar";
+$a->strings["Groups"] = "Grupos";
+$a->strings["Edit groups"] = "Editar grupo";
+$a->strings["Edit group"] = "Editar grupo";
+$a->strings["Create a new group"] = "Crear un nuevo grupo";
+$a->strings["Group Name: "] = "Nombre del grupo: ";
+$a->strings["Contacts not in any group"] = "Contactos sin grupo";
+$a->strings["add"] = "añadir";
+$a->strings["Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."] = "Las contraseñas no coinciden. La contraseña no ha sido modificada.";
+$a->strings["An invitation is required."] = "Se necesita invitación.";
+$a->strings["Invitation could not be verified."] = "No se puede verificar la invitación.";
+$a->strings["Invalid OpenID url"] = "Dirección OpenID no válida";
+$a->strings["Please enter the required information."] = "Por favor, introduce la información necesaria.";
+$a->strings["Please use a shorter name."] = "Por favor, usa un nombre más corto.";
+$a->strings["Name too short."] = "El nombre es demasiado corto.";
+$a->strings["That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."] = "No parece que ese sea tu nombre completo.";
+$a->strings["Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."] = "Tu dominio de correo no se encuentra entre los permitidos en este sitio.";
+$a->strings["Not a valid email address."] = "No es una dirección de correo electrónico válida.";
+$a->strings["Cannot use that email."] = "No se puede utilizar este correo electrónico.";
+$a->strings["Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."] = "El apodo solo puede contener \"a-z\", \"0-9\" y \"_\".";
+$a->strings["Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."] = "Apodo ya registrado. Por favor, elije otro.";
+$a->strings["Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose another."] = "El apodo ya ha sido registrado alguna vez y no puede volver a usarse. Por favor, utiliza otro.";
+$a->strings["SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."] = "ERROR GRAVE: La generación de claves de seguridad ha fallado.";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during registration. Please try again."] = "Se produjo un error durante el registro. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo.";
+$a->strings["default"] = "predeterminado";
+$a->strings["An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."] = "Error al crear tu perfil predeterminado. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo.";
$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Foto del perfil";
-$a->strings["Image size reduction [%s] failed."] = "Ha fallado la reducción de las dimensiones de la imagen [%s].";
-$a->strings["Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not display immediately."] = "Recarga la página o limpia la caché del navegador si la foto nueva no aparece inmediatamente.";
-$a->strings["Unable to process image"] = "Imposible procesar la imagen";
-$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of %s"] = "La imagen excede el limite de %s";
-$a->strings["Unable to process image."] = "Imposible procesar la imagen.";
-$a->strings["Upload File:"] = "Subir archivo:";
-$a->strings["Select a profile:"] = "Elige un perfil:";
-$a->strings["Upload"] = "Subir";
-$a->strings["or"] = "o";
-$a->strings["skip this step"] = "saltar este paso";
-$a->strings["select a photo from your photo albums"] = "elige una foto de tus álbumes";
-$a->strings["Crop Image"] = "Recortar imagen";
-$a->strings["Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."] = "Por favor, ajusta el recorte de la imagen para optimizarla.";
-$a->strings["Done Editing"] = "Editado";
-$a->strings["Image uploaded successfully."] = "Imagen subida con éxito.";
-$a->strings["Image upload failed."] = "Error al subir la imagen.";
+$a->strings["\n\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2\$s. Your account has been created.\n\t"] = "\n\t\tEstimado %1\$s,\n\t\t\tGracias por registrar en %2\$s. Su cuenta ha sido creada.\n\t";
+$a->strings["\n\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3\$s\n\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tPassword:\t%5\$s\n\n\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n\t\tin.\n\n\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n\n\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n\n\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n\t\tthan that.\n\n\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n\n\n\t\tThank you and welcome to %2\$s."] = "\n\t\t\tLos detalles de acceso son las siguientes:\n\n\t\t\tDirección del sitio:\t%3\$s\n\t\t\tNombre de la cuenta:\t\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tContraseña:\t\t%5\$s\n\n\t\t\tPodrá cambiar la contraseña desde la pagina de configuración de su cuenta después de acceder a la misma\n\t\t\ten.\n\n\t\t\tPor favor tome unos minutos para revisar las opciones demás de la cuenta en dicha pagina de configuración.\n\n\t\t\tTambién podrá agregar informaciones adicionales a su pagina de perfil predeterminado. \n\t\t\t(en la pagina \"Perfiles\") para que otras personas pueden encontrarlo fácilmente.\n\n\t\t\tRecomendamos que elija un nombre apropiado, agregando una imagen de perfil,\n\t\t\tagregando algunas palabras claves de la cuenta (muy útil para hacer nuevos amigos) - y \n\t\t\tquizás el país en donde vive; si no quiere ser mas especifico\n\t\t\tque eso.\n\n\t\t\tRespetamos absolutamente su derecho a la privacidad y ninguno de estos detalles es necesario.\n\t\t\tSi eres nuevo aquí y no conoces a nadie, estos detalles pueden ayudarte\n\t\t\tpara hacer nuevas e interesantes amistades.\n\n\t\t\tGracias y bienvenido a %2\$s.";
+$a->strings["Registration details for %s"] = "Detalles de registro para %s";
+$a->strings["Unknown | Not categorised"] = "Desconocido | No clasificado";
+$a->strings["Block immediately"] = "Bloquear inmediatamente";
+$a->strings["Shady, spammer, self-marketer"] = "Sospechoso, spammer, auto-publicidad";
+$a->strings["Known to me, but no opinion"] = "Le conozco, sin opinión";
+$a->strings["OK, probably harmless"] = "OK, probablemente inofensivo";
+$a->strings["Reputable, has my trust"] = "Buena reputación, tiene mi confianza";
+$a->strings["Frequently"] = "Frequentemente";
+$a->strings["Hourly"] = "Cada hora";
+$a->strings["Twice daily"] = "Dos veces al día";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Diariamente";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Semanalmente";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Mensualmente";
+$a->strings["Friendica"] = "Friendica";
+$a->strings["OStatus"] = "OStatus";
+$a->strings["RSS/Atom"] = "RSS/Atom";
+$a->strings["Email"] = "Correo electrónico";
+$a->strings["Diaspora"] = "Diaspora*";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Zot!"] = "Zot!";
+$a->strings["LinkedIn"] = "LinkedIn";
+$a->strings["XMPP/IM"] = "XMPP/IM";
+$a->strings["MySpace"] = "MySpace";
+$a->strings["Google+"] = "Google+";
+$a->strings["pump.io"] = "pump.io";
+$a->strings["Twitter"] = "Twitter";
+$a->strings["Diaspora Connector"] = "Conector Diaspora";
+$a->strings["GNU Social"] = "GNUsocial (OStatus)";
+$a->strings["App.net"] = "App.net";
+$a->strings["Hubzilla/Redmatrix"] = "Hubzilla/Redmatrix";
+$a->strings["view full size"] = "Ver a tamaño completo";
+$a->strings["Post to Email"] = "Publicar mediante correo electrónico";
+$a->strings["Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."] = "Conectores deshabilitados, ya que \"%s\" es habilitado.";
+$a->strings["Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"] = "¿Quieres que los detalles de tu perfil permanezcan ocultos a los desconocidos?";
+$a->strings["Visible to everybody"] = "Visible para cualquiera";
+$a->strings["show"] = "mostrar";
+$a->strings["don't show"] = "no mostrar";
+$a->strings["CC: email addresses"] = "CC: dirección de correo electrónico";
+$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"] = "Ejemplo: juan@ejemplo.com, sofia@ejemplo.com";
+$a->strings["Permissions"] = "Permisos";
+$a->strings["Close"] = "Cerrado";
$a->strings["photo"] = "foto";
$a->strings["status"] = "estado";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is following %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s está siguiendo las %3\$s de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["Tag removed"] = "Etiqueta eliminada";
-$a->strings["Remove Item Tag"] = "Eliminar etiqueta";
-$a->strings["Select a tag to remove: "] = "Selecciona una etiqueta para eliminar: ";
-$a->strings["Remove"] = "Eliminar";
-$a->strings["Subscribing to OStatus contacts"] = "Subscribir a los contactos de OStatus";
-$a->strings["No contact provided."] = "Sin suministro de datos de contacto.";
-$a->strings["Couldn't fetch information for contact."] = "No se ha podido conseguir la información del contacto.";
-$a->strings["Couldn't fetch friends for contact."] = "No se ha podido conseguir datos de amigos para contactar.";
-$a->strings["Done"] = "hecho!";
-$a->strings["success"] = "exito!";
-$a->strings["failed"] = "fallido!";
-$a->strings["ignored"] = "ignorado";
-$a->strings["Keep this window open until done."] = "Mantén esta ventana abierta hasta que el proceso ha terminado.";
-$a->strings["Save to Folder:"] = "Guardar en directorio:";
-$a->strings["- select -"] = "- seleccionar -";
-$a->strings["Save"] = "Guardar";
-$a->strings["Submit Request"] = "Enviar solicitud";
-$a->strings["You already added this contact."] = "Ya has añadido este contacto.";
-$a->strings["Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."] = "El soporte de Diaspora* no esta habilitado, el contacto no puede ser agregado.";
-$a->strings["OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."] = "El soporte de OStatus no esta habilitado, el contacto no puede ser agregado.";
-$a->strings["The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."] = "No se pudo detectar el tipo de red. Contacto no puede ser agregado.";
-$a->strings["Please answer the following:"] = "Por favor responde lo siguiente:";
-$a->strings["Does %s know you?"] = "¿%s te conoce?";
-$a->strings["No"] = "No";
-$a->strings["Add a personal note:"] = "Añade una nota personal:";
-$a->strings["Your Identity Address:"] = "Dirección de tu perfil:";
-$a->strings["Contact added"] = "Contacto añadido";
-$a->strings["Unable to locate original post."] = "No se puede encontrar la publicación original.";
-$a->strings["Empty post discarded."] = "Publicación vacía descartada.";
+$a->strings["event"] = "evento";
+$a->strings["%1\$s likes %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "A %1\$s le gusta %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't like %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "A %1\$s no le gusta %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is attending %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s atenderá %2\$s's %3\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is not attending %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s no atenderá %2\$s's %3\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s may attend %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s puede que atienda %2\$s's %3\$s";
+$a->strings["[no subject]"] = "[sin asunto]";
$a->strings["Wall Photos"] = "Foto del Muro";
-$a->strings["System error. Post not saved."] = "Error del sistema. Mensaje no guardado.";
-$a->strings["This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social network."] = "Este mensaje te lo ha enviado %s, miembro de la red social Friendica.";
-$a->strings["You may visit them online at %s"] = "Los puedes visitar en línea en %s";
-$a->strings["Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to receive these messages."] = "Por favor contacta con el remitente respondiendo a este mensaje si no deseas recibir estos mensajes.";
-$a->strings["%s posted an update."] = "%s ha publicado una actualización.";
-$a->strings["Group created."] = "Grupo creado.";
-$a->strings["Could not create group."] = "Imposible crear el grupo.";
-$a->strings["Group not found."] = "Grupo no encontrado.";
-$a->strings["Group name changed."] = "El nombre del grupo ha cambiado.";
-$a->strings["Save Group"] = "Guardar grupo";
-$a->strings["Create a group of contacts/friends."] = "Crea un grupo de contactos/amigos.";
-$a->strings["Group Name: "] = "Nombre del grupo: ";
-$a->strings["Group removed."] = "Grupo eliminado.";
-$a->strings["Unable to remove group."] = "No se puede eliminar el grupo.";
-$a->strings["Group Editor"] = "Editor de grupos";
-$a->strings["Members"] = "Miembros";
-$a->strings["Group is empty"] = "El grupo está vacío";
-$a->strings["You must be logged in to use addons. "] = "Tienes que estar registrado para tener acceso a los accesorios.";
-$a->strings["Applications"] = "Aplicaciones";
-$a->strings["No installed applications."] = "Sin aplicaciones";
-$a->strings["Profile not found."] = "Perfil no encontrado.";
-$a->strings["Contact not found."] = "Contacto no encontrado.";
-$a->strings["This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it has already been approved."] = "Esto puede ocurrir a veces si la conexión fue solicitada por ambas personas y ya hubiera sido aprobada.";
-$a->strings["Response from remote site was not understood."] = "La respuesta desde el sitio remoto no ha sido entendida.";
-$a->strings["Unexpected response from remote site: "] = "Respuesta inesperada desde el sitio remoto: ";
-$a->strings["Confirmation completed successfully."] = "Confirmación completada con éxito.";
-$a->strings["Remote site reported: "] = "El sito remoto informó: ";
-$a->strings["Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."] = "Error temporal. Por favor, espere y vuelva a intentarlo.";
-$a->strings["Introduction failed or was revoked."] = "La presentación ha fallado o ha sido anulada.";
-$a->strings["Unable to set contact photo."] = "Imposible establecer la foto del contacto.";
+$a->strings["Click here to upgrade."] = "Pulsa aquí para actualizar.";
+$a->strings["This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."] = "Esta acción excede los límites permitidos por tu subscripción.";
+$a->strings["This action is not available under your subscription plan."] = "Esta acción no está permitida para tu subscripción.";
+$a->strings["Error decoding account file"] = "Error decodificando el archivo de cuenta";
+$a->strings["Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"] = "Error! No hay datos de versión en el archivo! ¿Es esto de una cuenta friendica? ";
+$a->strings["Error! Cannot check nickname"] = "Error! No puedo consultar el apodo";
+$a->strings["User '%s' already exists on this server!"] = "La cuenta '%s' ya existe en este servidor!";
+$a->strings["User creation error"] = "Error al crear la cuenta";
+$a->strings["User profile creation error"] = "Error de creación del perfil de la cuenta";
+$a->strings["%d contact not imported"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d contactos no encontrado",
+ 1 => "%d contactos no importado",
+$a->strings["Done. You can now login with your username and password"] = "Hecho. Ahora podes ingresar con tu nombre de cuenta y la contraseña.";
+$a->strings["System"] = "Sistema";
+$a->strings["Network"] = "Red";
+$a->strings["Personal"] = "Personal";
+$a->strings["Home"] = "Inicio";
+$a->strings["Introductions"] = "Presentaciones";
+$a->strings["%s commented on %s's post"] = "%s comentó la publicación de %s";
+$a->strings["%s created a new post"] = "%s creó una nueva publicación";
+$a->strings["%s liked %s's post"] = "A %s le gusta la publicación de %s";
+$a->strings["%s disliked %s's post"] = "A %s no le gusta la publicación de %s";
+$a->strings["%s is attending %s's event"] = "%s está asistiendo al evento %s's";
+$a->strings["%s is not attending %s's event"] = "%s no está asistiendo al evento %s's";
+$a->strings["%s may attend %s's event"] = "%s podría asistir al evento %s's";
+$a->strings["%s is now friends with %s"] = "%s es ahora es amigo de %s";
+$a->strings["Friend Suggestion"] = "Propuestas de amistad";
+$a->strings["Friend/Connect Request"] = "Solicitud de Amistad/Conexión";
+$a->strings["New Follower"] = "Nuevo seguidor";
+$a->strings["Sharing notification from Diaspora network"] = "Compartir notificaciones con la red Diaspora*";
+$a->strings["Attachments:"] = "Archivos adjuntos:";
+$a->strings["General Features"] = "Opciones generales";
+$a->strings["Multiple Profiles"] = "Perfiles multiples";
+$a->strings["Ability to create multiple profiles"] = "Capacidad de crear perfiles multiples. Cada pagina/perfil/usuario puede tener diferentes perfiles/apariencias. Las mismas pueden ser visibles para determinados contactos seleccionados dentro de la red friendica.";
+$a->strings["Photo Location"] = "Localización foto";
+$a->strings["Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present) prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."] = "Normalmente los meta datos de las imágenes son eliminados. Esto extraerá la localización si presente antes de eliminar los meta datos y enlaza la misma con el mapa.";
+$a->strings["Export Public Calendar"] = "Exportar Calendario Público";
+$a->strings["Ability for visitors to download the public calendar"] = "Posibilidad de los visitantes de descargar el calendario público";
+$a->strings["Post Composition Features"] = "Opciones de edición de publicaciones.";
+$a->strings["Richtext Editor"] = "Editor de texto sofisticado (richt text editor)";
+$a->strings["Enable richtext editor"] = "Habilitar editor de textos sofisticado";
+$a->strings["Post Preview"] = "Previsualizar publicaciones";
+$a->strings["Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"] = "Permitir la previsualización de publicaciones antes de publicar las mismas.";
+$a->strings["Auto-mention Forums"] = "Auto-mencionar foros";
+$a->strings["Add/remove mention when a forum page is selected/deselected in ACL window."] = "Añadir/eliminar mención cuando un foro es seleccionado/deseleccionado en la ventana ACL.";
+$a->strings["Network Sidebar Widgets"] = "Accesorios de red del panel lateral";
+$a->strings["Search by Date"] = "Buscar por fecha";
+$a->strings["Ability to select posts by date ranges"] = "Habilidad de seleccionar publicaciones por fecha";
+$a->strings["List Forums"] = "Listar foros";
+$a->strings["Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"] = "Habilitar la pestaña para mostrar los foros en que estas participando.";
+$a->strings["Group Filter"] = "Filtro del grupo";
+$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"] = "Habilitar accesorios para visualizar publicaciones en la red solo de grupos seleccionados";
+$a->strings["Network Filter"] = "Filtro de red";
+$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"] = "Habilitar accesorios para visualizar publicaciones solo de las redes seleccionadas.";
+$a->strings["Saved Searches"] = "Búsquedas guardadas";
+$a->strings["Save search terms for re-use"] = "Guardar términos de búsqueda para su reutilizacion";
+$a->strings["Network Tabs"] = "Pestañas de redes";
+$a->strings["Network Personal Tab"] = "Pestaña actividad personal";
+$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"] = "Habilitar para visualizar solo publicaciones con las que se ha interactuado";
+$a->strings["Network New Tab"] = "Pestaña nuevo en la red";
+$a->strings["Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"] = "Activar para mostrar solo publicaciones nuevas en la red (de las ultimas 12 horas)";
+$a->strings["Network Shared Links Tab"] = "Pestaña publicaciones con enlaces";
+$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"] = "Habilitar para visualizar solo publicaciones que contienen enlaces";
+$a->strings["Post/Comment Tools"] = "Herramienta de publicaciones/respuestas";
+$a->strings["Multiple Deletion"] = "Borrar múltiples publicaciones";
+$a->strings["Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"] = "Habilidad de seleccionar y borrar varias publicaciones/comentarios a la vez";
+$a->strings["Edit Sent Posts"] = "Editar temas enviados";
+$a->strings["Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"] = "Editar y corregir publicaciones y respuestas enviados. Las ediciones solo son comunicados dentro de la red friendica. No se modificaran copias enviadas a diaspora, OStatus/GNUsocial/Quitter u otros servicios conectados.";
+$a->strings["Tagging"] = "taggear";
+$a->strings["Ability to tag existing posts"] = "Habilidad de taggear publicaciones existentes";
+$a->strings["Post Categories"] = "Categorías de publicaciones";
+$a->strings["Add categories to your posts"] = "Agregue categorías a sus publicaciones. Las mismas serán visualizadas en su pagina de inicio.";
+$a->strings["Ability to file posts under folders"] = "Archivar publicaciones en carpetas";
+$a->strings["Dislike Posts"] = "Desaprobar publicación (dislike)";
+$a->strings["Ability to dislike posts/comments"] = "Habilidad de expresar desacuerdo en publicaciones y comentarios. Esta función solo es visualizado en la red friendica.";
+$a->strings["Star Posts"] = "Fijar publicaciones";
+$a->strings["Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"] = "Habilidad de marcar - observar fijamente publicaciones.\nEl simbolo de estrella es habilitado. Se recibirán notificaciones sobre comentarios, además una pestaña de publicaciones fijadas es habilitada. En las opciones de expiración de publicaciones se puede filtrar estas publicaciones para no ser eliminados contrario a las publicaciones demás de los contactos.";
+$a->strings["Mute Post Notifications"] = "Silenciar notificaciones de una publicacion";
+$a->strings["Ability to mute notifications for a thread"] = "Habilidad de silenciar notificaciones sobre nuevos comentarios en una publicación.";
+$a->strings["Advanced Profile Settings"] = "Ajustes avanzados del perfil";
+$a->strings["Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"] = "Mostrar a los visitantes foros públicos en las que se esta participando en el pagina avanzada de perfiles.";
+$a->strings["(no subject)"] = "(sin asunto)";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "no responder";
+$a->strings["stopped following"] = "dejó de seguir";
+$a->strings["View Profile"] = "Ver perfil";
+$a->strings["View Status"] = "Ver estado";
+$a->strings["View Photos"] = "Ver fotos";
+$a->strings["Network Posts"] = "Publicaciones en la red";
+$a->strings["View Contact"] = "Ver contacto";
+$a->strings["Drop Contact"] = "Eliminar contacto";
+$a->strings["Send PM"] = "Enviar mensaje privado";
+$a->strings["Poke"] = "Toque";
+$a->strings["Organisation"] = "Organización";
+$a->strings["News"] = "Noticias";
+$a->strings["Forum"] = "Foro";
+$a->strings["Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Limite diario de publicaciones %d alcanzado. La publicación fue rechazada.";
+$a->strings["Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Limite semanal de publicaciones %d alcanzado. La publicación fue rechazada.";
+$a->strings["Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Limite mensual de publicaciones %d alcanzado. La publicación fue rechazada.";
+$a->strings["Image/photo"] = "Imagen/Foto";
+$a->strings["%2\$s %3\$s"] = "%2\$s %3\$s";
+$a->strings["$1 wrote:"] = "$1 escribió:";
+$a->strings["Encrypted content"] = "Contenido cifrado";
+$a->strings["%1\$s attends %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s atenderá %2\$s's %3\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't attend %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s no atenderá %2\$s's %3\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s attends maybe %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s atenderá quizás %2\$s's %3\$s";
$a->strings["%1\$s is now friends with %2\$s"] = "%1\$s ahora es amigo de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["No user record found for '%s' "] = "No se ha encontrado a ningún '%s' ";
-$a->strings["Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."] = "Nuestra clave de cifrado del sitio es aparentemente un lío.";
-$a->strings["Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."] = "Se ha proporcionado una dirección vacía o no hemos podido descifrarla.";
-$a->strings["Contact record was not found for you on our site."] = "El contacto no se ha encontrado en nuestra base de datos.";
-$a->strings["Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s."] = "La clave pública del sitio no está disponible en los datos del contacto para %s.";
-$a->strings["The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work if you try again."] = "La identificación proporcionada por el sistema es un duplicado de nuestro sistema. Debería funcionar si lo intentas de nuevo.";
-$a->strings["Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."] = "No se puede establecer las credenciales de tu contacto en nuestro sistema.";
-$a->strings["Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"] = "No se puede actualizar los datos de tu perfil de contacto en nuestro sistema";
-$a->strings["[Name Withheld]"] = "[Nombre oculto]";
-$a->strings["%1\$s has joined %2\$s"] = "%1\$s se ha unido a %2\$s";
-$a->strings["Requested profile is not available."] = "El perfil solicitado no está disponible.";
-$a->strings["Tips for New Members"] = "Consejos para nuevos miembros";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this video?"] = "Realmente quieres eliminar este vídeo?";
-$a->strings["Delete Video"] = "Borrar vídeo";
-$a->strings["No videos selected"] = "Ningún vídeo seleccionado";
-$a->strings["Access to this item is restricted."] = "El acceso a este elemento está restringido.";
-$a->strings["View Video"] = "Ver vídeo";
-$a->strings["View Album"] = "Ver Álbum";
-$a->strings["Recent Videos"] = "Vídeos recientes";
-$a->strings["Upload New Videos"] = "Subir nuevos vídeos";
+$a->strings["%1\$s poked %2\$s"] = "%1\$s le dio un toque a %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is currently %2\$s"] = "%1\$s está actualmente %2\$s";
$a->strings["%1\$s tagged %2\$s's %3\$s with %4\$s"] = "%1\$s ha etiquetado el %3\$s de %2\$s con %4\$s";
-$a->strings["Friend suggestion sent."] = "Solicitud de amistad enviada.";
-$a->strings["Suggest Friends"] = "Sugerencias de amistad";
-$a->strings["Suggest a friend for %s"] = "Recomienda un amigo a %s";
-$a->strings["Invalid request."] = "Consulta invalida";
+$a->strings["post/item"] = "publicación/tema";
+$a->strings["%1\$s marked %2\$s's %3\$s as favorite"] = "%1\$s ha marcado %3\$s de %2\$s como Favorito";
+$a->strings["Likes"] = "Me gusta";
+$a->strings["Dislikes"] = "No me gusta";
+$a->strings["Attending"] = array(
+ 0 => "Atendiendo",
+ 1 => "Atendiendo",
+$a->strings["Not attending"] = "No atendiendo";
+$a->strings["Might attend"] = "Puede que atienda";
+$a->strings["Select"] = "Seleccionar";
+$a->strings["Delete"] = "Eliminar";
+$a->strings["View %s's profile @ %s"] = "Ver perfil de %s @ %s";
+$a->strings["Categories:"] = "Categorías:";
+$a->strings["Filed under:"] = "Archivado en:";
+$a->strings["%s from %s"] = "%s de %s";
+$a->strings["View in context"] = "Verlo en contexto";
+$a->strings["Please wait"] = "Por favor, espera";
+$a->strings["remove"] = "eliminar";
+$a->strings["Delete Selected Items"] = "Eliminar el elemento seleccionado";
+$a->strings["Follow Thread"] = "Seguir publicacion";
+$a->strings["%s likes this."] = "A %s le gusta esto.";
+$a->strings["%s doesn't like this."] = "A %s no le gusta esto.";
+$a->strings["%s attends."] = "%s atiende.";
+$a->strings["%s doesn't attend."] = "%s no atenderá.";
+$a->strings["%s attends maybe."] = "%s quizás atenderá";
+$a->strings["and"] = "y";
+$a->strings[", and %d other people"] = " y a otras %d personas";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people like this"] = "%2\$d personas les gusta esto";
+$a->strings["%s like this."] = "A %s le gusta esto.";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people don't like this"] = "%2\$d personas no les gusta esto";
+$a->strings["%s don't like this."] = "A %s no le gusta esto.";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people attend"] = "%2\$d personas atienden";
+$a->strings["%s attend."] = "%s atiende.";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people don't attend"] = "%2\$d personas no atienden";
+$a->strings["%s don't attend."] = "%s no atiende.";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people attend maybe"] = "%2\$d people quizá asistan";
+$a->strings["%s anttend maybe."] = "%s atiende quizás.";
+$a->strings["Visible to everybody "] = "Visible para cualquiera ";
+$a->strings["Please enter a link URL:"] = "Introduce la dirección del enlace:";
+$a->strings["Please enter a video link/URL:"] = "Por favor, introduce la URL/enlace del vídeo:";
+$a->strings["Please enter an audio link/URL:"] = "Por favor, introduce la URL/enlace del audio:";
+$a->strings["Tag term:"] = "Etiquetar:";
+$a->strings["Save to Folder:"] = "Guardar en directorio:";
+$a->strings["Where are you right now?"] = "¿Dónde estás ahora?";
+$a->strings["Delete item(s)?"] = "¿Borrar objeto(s)?";
+$a->strings["Share"] = "Compartir";
+$a->strings["Upload photo"] = "Subir foto";
+$a->strings["upload photo"] = "subir imagen";
+$a->strings["Attach file"] = "Adjuntar archivo";
+$a->strings["attach file"] = "adjuntar archivo";
+$a->strings["Insert web link"] = "Insertar enlace";
+$a->strings["web link"] = "enlace web";
+$a->strings["Insert video link"] = "Insertar enlace del vídeo";
+$a->strings["video link"] = "enlace de video";
+$a->strings["Insert audio link"] = "Insertar vínculo del audio";
+$a->strings["audio link"] = "enlace de audio";
+$a->strings["Set your location"] = "Configurar tu localización";
+$a->strings["set location"] = "establecer tu ubicación";
+$a->strings["Clear browser location"] = "Borrar la localización del navegador";
+$a->strings["clear location"] = "limpiar la localización";
+$a->strings["Set title"] = "Establecer el título";
+$a->strings["Categories (comma-separated list)"] = "Categorías (lista separada por comas)";
+$a->strings["Permission settings"] = "Configuración de permisos";
+$a->strings["permissions"] = "permisos";
+$a->strings["Public post"] = "Publicación pública";
+$a->strings["Preview"] = "Vista previa";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Cancelar";
+$a->strings["Post to Groups"] = "Publicar hacia grupos";
+$a->strings["Post to Contacts"] = "Publicar hacia contactos";
+$a->strings["Private post"] = "Publicación privada";
+$a->strings["Message"] = "Mensaje";
+$a->strings["Browser"] = "Navegador";
+$a->strings["View all"] = "Ver todos los contactos";
+$a->strings["Like"] = array(
+ 0 => "Me gusta",
+ 1 => "Me gusta",
+$a->strings["Dislike"] = array(
+ 0 => "No me gusta",
+ 1 => "No me gusta",
+$a->strings["Not Attending"] = array(
+ 0 => "No atendiendo",
+ 1 => "No atendiendo",
+$a->strings["Miscellaneous"] = "Varios";
+$a->strings["Birthday:"] = "Fecha de nacimiento:";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Edad: ";
+$a->strings["YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"] = "YYYY-MM-DD o MM-DD";
+$a->strings["never"] = "nunca";
+$a->strings["less than a second ago"] = "hace menos de un segundo";
+$a->strings["year"] = "año";
+$a->strings["years"] = "años";
+$a->strings["month"] = "mes";
+$a->strings["months"] = "meses";
+$a->strings["week"] = "semana";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "semanas";
+$a->strings["day"] = "día";
+$a->strings["days"] = "días";
+$a->strings["hour"] = "hora";
+$a->strings["hours"] = "horas";
+$a->strings["minute"] = "minuto";
+$a->strings["minutes"] = "minutos";
+$a->strings["second"] = "segundo";
+$a->strings["seconds"] = "segundos";
+$a->strings["%1\$d %2\$s ago"] = "hace %1\$d %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%s's birthday"] = "Cumpleaños de %s";
+$a->strings["Happy Birthday %s"] = "Feliz cumpleaños %s";
+$a->strings["\n\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."] = "\n\t\t\tLos desarolladores de friendica publicaron una actualización %s recientemente\n\t\t\tpero cuando intento de instalarla,algo salio terriblemente mal.\n\t\t\tEsto necesita ser arreglado pronto y no puedo hacerlo solo. Por favor contacta\n\t\t\tlos desarolladores de friendica si no me podes ayudar por ti solo. Mi base de datos puede estar invalido.";
+$a->strings["The error message is\n[pre]%s[/pre]"] = "El mensaje de error es\n[pre]%s[/pre]";
+$a->strings["Errors encountered creating database tables."] = "Se han encontrados errores creando las tablas de la base de datos.";
+$a->strings["Errors encountered performing database changes."] = "Errores encontrados al ejecutar cambios en la base de datos.";
+$a->strings["%s\\'s birthday"] = "%s\\'s cumpleaños";
+$a->strings["Friendica Notification"] = "Notificación de Friendica";
+$a->strings["Thank You,"] = "Gracias,";
+$a->strings["%s Administrator"] = "%s Administrador";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s Administrator"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s Administrador";
+$a->strings["%s "] = "%s ";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] New mail received at %s"] = "[Friendica:Notificación] Nuevo correo recibido de %s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s sent you a new private message at %2\$s."] = "%1\$s te ha enviado un mensaje privado desde %2\$s.";
+$a->strings["%1\$s sent you %2\$s."] = "%1\$s te ha enviado %2\$s.";
+$a->strings["a private message"] = "un mensaje privado";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to your private messages."] = "Por favor, visita %s para ver y/o responder a tus mensajes privados.";
+$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]a %3\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s comentó en [url=%2\$s]a %3\$s[/url]";
+$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]%3\$s's %4\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s comentó en [url=%2\$s] %4\$s de %3\$s[/url]";
+$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]your %3\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s comentó en [url=%2\$s] tu %3\$s[/url]";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%1\$d by %2\$s"] = "[Friendica:Notificación] Comentario en la conversación de #%1\$d por %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%s commented on an item/conversation you have been following."] = "%s ha comentado en una conversación/elemento que sigues.";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."] = "Por favor, visita %s para ver y/o responder a la conversación.";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"] = "[Friendica:Notificación] %s publicó en tu muro";
+$a->strings["%1\$s posted to your profile wall at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s publicó en tu perfil de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s posted to [url=%2\$s]your wall[/url]"] = "%1\$s publicó en [url=%2\$s]tu muro[/url]";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged you"] = "[Friendica:Notificación] %s te ha nombrado";
+$a->strings["%1\$s tagged you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s te ha nombrado en %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]tagged you[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]te nombró[/url].";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s shared a new post"] = "[Notificacion Friendica] %s compartio una nueva publicacion";
+$a->strings["%1\$s shared a new post at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s compartió un nuevo tema en %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]shared a post[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]compartió una publicación[/url].";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %1\$s poked you"] = "[Friendica:Notify] %1\$s te dio un toque";
+$a->strings["%1\$s poked you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s te dio un toque en %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]poked you[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]te dio un toque[/url].";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged your post"] = "[Friendica:Notificación] %s ha etiquetado tu publicación";
+$a->strings["%1\$s tagged your post at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s ha etiquetado tu publicación en %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s tagged [url=%2\$s]your post[/url]"] = "%1\$s ha etiquetado [url=%2\$s]tu publicación[/url]";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Introduction received"] = "[Friendica:Notificación] Presentación recibida";
+$a->strings["You've received an introduction from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Has recibido una presentación de '%1\$s' en %2\$s";
+$a->strings["You've received [url=%1\$s]an introduction[/url] from %2\$s."] = "Has recibido [url=%1\$s]una presentación[/url] de %2\$s.";
+$a->strings["You may visit their profile at %s"] = "Puedes visitar su perfil en %s";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the introduction."] = "Visita %s para aceptar o rechazar la presentación por favor.";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] A new person is sharing with you"] = "[Notificación:Friendica] Un nuevo contacto comparte contigo";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is sharing with you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s comparte con tigo en %2\$s";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] You have a new follower"] = "[Notificación:Friendica] Tienes un nuevo seguidor";
+$a->strings["You have a new follower at %2\$s : %1\$s"] = "Tienes un nuevo seguidor en %2\$s : %1\$s";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Friend suggestion received"] = "[Friendica:Notificación] Sugerencia de amigo recibida";
+$a->strings["You've received a friend suggestion from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Has recibido una sugerencia de amigo de '%1\$s' en %2\$s";
+$a->strings["You've received [url=%1\$s]a friend suggestion[/url] for %2\$s from %3\$s."] = "Has recibido [url=%1\$s]una sugerencia de amigo[/url] en %2\$s de %3\$s.";
+$a->strings["Name:"] = "Nombre: ";
+$a->strings["Photo:"] = "Foto: ";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the suggestion."] = "Visita %s para aceptar o rechazar la sugerencia por favor.";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Connection accepted"] = "[Notificación:Friendica] Conexión aceptada";
+$a->strings["'%1\$s' has accepted your connection request at %2\$s"] = "'%1\$s' acepto tu consulta de conexión %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%2\$s has accepted your [url=%1\$s]connection request[/url]."] = "%2\$s hacepto tu [url=%1\$s]consulta de conexión[/url].";
+$a->strings["You are now mutual friends and may exchange status updates, photos, and email without restriction."] = "Ahora tiene amigos en común y puede intercambiar actualizaciones de estado, fotos y email sin restricción.";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."] = "Por favor visite %s si desea hacer algún cambio a su relación.";
+$a->strings["'%1\$s' has chosen to accept you a \"fan\", which restricts some forms of communication - such as private messaging and some profile interactions. If this is a celebrity or community page, these settings were applied automatically."] = "'%1\$s' eligió de aceptarte como fan/hincha lo que restringe algunas formas de comunicación - tales como mensajes privados y algunas interacciones de los perfiles. Si esto es una pagina de celebridad o comunidad, estas configuraciones se adoptaron automáticamente.";
+$a->strings["'%1\$s' may choose to extend this into a two-way or more permissive relationship in the future."] = "'%1\$s' puede elegir extender esto en una relación más permisiva o ambidireccional en el futuro.";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."] = "Por favor visita %s si es preciso de hacer algún cambio a la relación con este contacto.";
+$a->strings["[Friendica System:Notify] registration request"] = "[Notificacion:Friendica] consulta de registro";
+$a->strings["You've received a registration request from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Recibiste una consulta de registro de '%1\$s' en %2\$s";
+$a->strings["You've received a [url=%1\$s]registration request[/url] from %2\$s."] = "Recibiste una [url=%1\$s]consulta de registro[/url] from %2\$s.";
+$a->strings["Full Name:\t%1\$s\\nSite Location:\t%2\$s\\nLogin Name:\t%3\$s (%4\$s)"] = "Nombre completo:\t%1\$s\\nUbicación del sitio:\t%2\$s\\nLogin Nombre:\t%3\$s (%4\$s)";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the request."] = "Por favor visita %s para aprobar o negar la solicitud.";
+$a->strings["Sun"] = "Dom";
+$a->strings["Mon"] = "Lun";
+$a->strings["Tue"] = "Mar";
+$a->strings["Wed"] = "Mie";
+$a->strings["Thu"] = "Jue";
+$a->strings["Fri"] = "Vie";
+$a->strings["Sat"] = "Sab";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Domingo";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "Lunes";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Martes";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Miércoles";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Jueves";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "Viernes";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Sábado";
+$a->strings["Jan"] = "Ene";
+$a->strings["Feb"] = "Feb";
+$a->strings["Mar"] = "Mar";
+$a->strings["Apr"] = "Abr";
+$a->strings["May"] = "Mayo";
+$a->strings["Jun"] = "Jun";
+$a->strings["Jul"] = "Jul";
+$a->strings["Aug"] = "Ago";
+$a->strings["Sept"] = "Sept";
+$a->strings["Oct"] = "Oct";
+$a->strings["Nov"] = "Nov";
+$a->strings["Dec"] = "Dec";
+$a->strings["January"] = "Enero";
+$a->strings["February"] = "Febrero";
+$a->strings["March"] = "Marzo";
+$a->strings["April"] = "Abril";
+$a->strings["June"] = "Junio";
+$a->strings["July"] = "Julio";
+$a->strings["August"] = "Agosto";
+$a->strings["September"] = "Septiembre";
+$a->strings["October"] = "Octubre";
+$a->strings["November"] = "Noviembre";
+$a->strings["December"] = "Diciembre";
+$a->strings["today"] = "hoy";
+$a->strings["all-day"] = "todo el día";
+$a->strings["No events to display"] = "No hay eventos a mostrar";
+$a->strings["l, F j"] = "l, F j";
+$a->strings["Edit event"] = "Editar evento";
+$a->strings["link to source"] = "Enlace al original";
+$a->strings["Export"] = "Exportar";
+$a->strings["Export calendar as ical"] = "Exportar calendario como ical";
+$a->strings["Export calendar as csv"] = "Exportar calendario como csv";
+$a->strings["Disallowed profile URL."] = "Dirección de perfil no permitida.";
+$a->strings["Connect URL missing."] = "Falta el conector URL.";
+$a->strings["This site is not configured to allow communications with other networks."] = "Este sitio no está configurado para permitir la comunicación con otras redes.";
+$a->strings["No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered."] = "No se ha descubierto protocolos de comunicación o fuentes compatibles.";
+$a->strings["The profile address specified does not provide adequate information."] = "La dirección del perfil especificado no proporciona información adecuada.";
+$a->strings["An author or name was not found."] = "No se ha encontrado un autor o nombre.";
+$a->strings["No browser URL could be matched to this address."] = "Ninguna dirección concuerda con la suministrada.";
+$a->strings["Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email contact."] = "Imposible identificar la dirección @ con algún protocolo conocido o dirección de contacto.";
+$a->strings["Use mailto: in front of address to force email check."] = "Escribe mailto: al principio de la dirección para forzar el envío.";
+$a->strings["The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled on this site."] = "La dirección del perfil especificada pertenece a una red que ha sido deshabilitada en este sitio.";
+$a->strings["Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal notifications from you."] = "Perfil limitado. Esta persona no podrá recibir notificaciones directas/personales tuyas.";
+$a->strings["Unable to retrieve contact information."] = "No ha sido posible recibir la información del contacto.";
+$a->strings["following"] = "siguiendo";
+$a->strings["Requested account is not available."] = "La cuenta solicitada no está disponible.";
+$a->strings["Requested profile is not available."] = "El perfil solicitado no está disponible.";
+$a->strings["Edit profile"] = "Editar perfil";
+$a->strings["Atom feed"] = "Atom feed";
+$a->strings["Profiles"] = "Perfiles";
+$a->strings["Manage/edit profiles"] = "Administrar/editar perfiles";
+$a->strings["Change profile photo"] = "Cambiar foto del perfil";
+$a->strings["Create New Profile"] = "Crear nuevo perfil";
+$a->strings["Profile Image"] = "Imagen del Perfil";
+$a->strings["visible to everybody"] = "Visible para todos";
+$a->strings["Edit visibility"] = "Editar visibilidad";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Género:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Estado:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Página de inicio:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "Acerca de:";
+$a->strings["XMPP:"] = "XMPP:";
+$a->strings["Network:"] = "Red:";
+$a->strings["g A l F d"] = "g A l F d";
+$a->strings["F d"] = "F d";
+$a->strings["[today]"] = "[hoy]";
+$a->strings["Birthday Reminders"] = "Recordatorios de cumpleaños";
+$a->strings["Birthdays this week:"] = "Cumpleaños esta semana:";
+$a->strings["[No description]"] = "[Sin descripción]";
+$a->strings["Event Reminders"] = "Recordatorios de eventos";
+$a->strings["Events this week:"] = "Eventos de esta semana:";
+$a->strings["Profile"] = "Perfil";
+$a->strings["Full Name:"] = "Nombre completo:";
+$a->strings["j F, Y"] = "j F, Y";
+$a->strings["j F"] = "j F";
+$a->strings["Age:"] = "Edad:";
+$a->strings["for %1\$d %2\$s"] = "por %1\$d %2\$s";
+$a->strings["Sexual Preference:"] = "Preferencia sexual:";
+$a->strings["Hometown:"] = "Ciudad de origen:";
+$a->strings["Tags:"] = "Etiquetas:";
+$a->strings["Political Views:"] = "Ideas políticas:";
+$a->strings["Religion:"] = "Religión:";
+$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests:"] = "Aficiones/Intereses:";
+$a->strings["Likes:"] = "Me gusta:";
+$a->strings["Dislikes:"] = "No me gusta:";
+$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks:"] = "Información de contacto y Redes sociales:";
+$a->strings["Musical interests:"] = "Intereses musicales:";
+$a->strings["Books, literature:"] = "Libros, literatura:";
+$a->strings["Television:"] = "Televisión:";
+$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"] = "Películas/baile/cultura/entretenimiento:";
+$a->strings["Love/Romance:"] = "Amor/Romance:";
+$a->strings["Work/employment:"] = "Trabajo/ocupación:";
+$a->strings["School/education:"] = "Escuela/estudios:";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Foros:";
+$a->strings["Basic"] = "Basic";
+$a->strings["Advanced"] = "Avanzado";
+$a->strings["Status"] = "Estado";
+$a->strings["Status Messages and Posts"] = "Mensajes de Estado y Publicaciones";
+$a->strings["Profile Details"] = "Detalles del Perfil";
+$a->strings["Photos"] = "Fotografías";
+$a->strings["Photo Albums"] = "Álbum de Fotos";
+$a->strings["Videos"] = "Videos";
+$a->strings["Events"] = "Eventos";
+$a->strings["Events and Calendar"] = "Eventos y Calendario";
+$a->strings["Personal Notes"] = "Notas personales";
+$a->strings["Only You Can See This"] = "Únicamente tú puedes ver esto";
+$a->strings["Contacts"] = "Contactos";
+$a->strings["[Name Withheld]"] = "[Nombre oculto]";
+$a->strings["Item not found."] = "Elemento no encontrado.";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this item?"] = "¿Realmente quieres borrar este objeto?";
+$a->strings["Yes"] = "Sí";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permiso denegado.";
+$a->strings["Archives"] = "Archivos";
+$a->strings["Nothing new here"] = "Nada nuevo por aquí";
+$a->strings["Clear notifications"] = "Limpiar notificaciones";
+$a->strings["@name, !forum, #tags, content"] = "@name, !forum, #tags, contenido";
+$a->strings["Logout"] = "Salir";
+$a->strings["End this session"] = "Cerrar la sesión";
+$a->strings["Your posts and conversations"] = "Tus publicaciones y conversaciones";
+$a->strings["Your profile page"] = "Tu página de perfil";
+$a->strings["Your photos"] = "Tus fotos";
+$a->strings["Your videos"] = "Tus videos";
+$a->strings["Your events"] = "Tus eventos";
+$a->strings["Personal notes"] = "Notas personales";
+$a->strings["Your personal notes"] = "Tus notas personales";
+$a->strings["Login"] = "Acceder";
+$a->strings["Sign in"] = "Date de alta";
+$a->strings["Home Page"] = "Página de inicio";
+$a->strings["Register"] = "Registrarse";
+$a->strings["Create an account"] = "Crea una cuenta";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Ayuda";
+$a->strings["Help and documentation"] = "Ayuda y documentación";
+$a->strings["Apps"] = "Aplicaciones";
+$a->strings["Addon applications, utilities, games"] = "Aplicaciones, utilidades, juegos";
+$a->strings["Search"] = "Buscar";
+$a->strings["Search site content"] = " Busca contenido en la página";
+$a->strings["Full Text"] = "Texto completo";
+$a->strings["Tags"] = "Tags";
+$a->strings["Community"] = "Comunidad";
+$a->strings["Conversations on this site"] = "Conversaciones en este sitio";
+$a->strings["Conversations on the network"] = "Conversaciones en la red";
+$a->strings["Directory"] = "Directorio";
+$a->strings["People directory"] = "Directorio de usuarios";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "Información";
+$a->strings["Information about this friendica instance"] = "Información sobre esta instancia de friendica";
+$a->strings["Conversations from your friends"] = "Conversaciones de tus amigos";
+$a->strings["Network Reset"] = "Reseteo de la red";
+$a->strings["Load Network page with no filters"] = "Cargar pagina de redes sin filtros";
+$a->strings["Friend Requests"] = "Solicitudes de amistad";
+$a->strings["Notifications"] = "Notificaciones";
+$a->strings["See all notifications"] = "Ver todas las notificaciones";
+$a->strings["Mark as seen"] = "Marcar como leído";
+$a->strings["Mark all system notifications seen"] = "Marcar todas las notificaciones del sistema como leídas";
+$a->strings["Messages"] = "Mensajes";
+$a->strings["Private mail"] = "Correo privado";
+$a->strings["Inbox"] = "Entrada";
+$a->strings["Outbox"] = "Enviados";
+$a->strings["New Message"] = "Nuevo mensaje";
+$a->strings["Manage"] = "Administrar";
+$a->strings["Manage other pages"] = "Administrar otras páginas";
+$a->strings["Delegations"] = "Delegaciones";
+$a->strings["Delegate Page Management"] = "Delegar la administración de la página";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Configuración";
+$a->strings["Account settings"] = "Configuración de tu cuenta";
+$a->strings["Manage/Edit Profiles"] = "Manejar/editar Perfiles";
+$a->strings["Manage/edit friends and contacts"] = "Administrar/editar amigos y contactos";
+$a->strings["Admin"] = "Admin";
+$a->strings["Site setup and configuration"] = "Opciones y configuración del sitio";
+$a->strings["Navigation"] = "Navegación";
+$a->strings["Site map"] = "Mapa del sitio";
+$a->strings["Embedded content"] = "Contenido integrado";
+$a->strings["Embedding disabled"] = "Contenido incrustrado desabilitado";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Foto del contacto";
+$a->strings["Welcome "] = "Bienvenido ";
+$a->strings["Please upload a profile photo."] = "Por favor sube una foto para tu perfil.";
+$a->strings["Welcome back "] = "Bienvenido de nuevo ";
+$a->strings["The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."] = "La ficha de seguridad no es correcta. Seguramente haya ocurrido por haber dejado el formulario abierto demasiado tiempo (>3 horas) antes de enviarlo.";
+$a->strings["newer"] = "más nuevo";
+$a->strings["older"] = "más antiguo";
+$a->strings["prev"] = "ant.";
+$a->strings["first"] = "primera";
+$a->strings["last"] = "última";
+$a->strings["next"] = "sig.";
+$a->strings["Loading more entries..."] = "Cargar mas entradas ..";
+$a->strings["The end"] = "El fin";
+$a->strings["No contacts"] = "Sin contactos";
+$a->strings["%d Contact"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d Contacto",
+ 1 => "%d Contactos",
+$a->strings["View Contacts"] = "Ver contactos";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Guardar";
+$a->strings["poke"] = "tocar";
+$a->strings["poked"] = "tocó a";
+$a->strings["ping"] = "hacer \"ping\"";
+$a->strings["pinged"] = "hizo \"ping\" a";
+$a->strings["prod"] = "empujar";
+$a->strings["prodded"] = "empujó a";
+$a->strings["slap"] = "abofetear";
+$a->strings["slapped"] = "abofeteó a";
+$a->strings["finger"] = "meter dedo";
+$a->strings["fingered"] = "le metió un dedo a";
+$a->strings["rebuff"] = "desairar";
+$a->strings["rebuffed"] = "desairó a";
+$a->strings["happy"] = "feliz";
+$a->strings["sad"] = "triste";
+$a->strings["mellow"] = "sentimental";
+$a->strings["tired"] = "cansado";
+$a->strings["perky"] = "alegre";
+$a->strings["angry"] = "furioso";
+$a->strings["stupified"] = "estupefacto";
+$a->strings["puzzled"] = "extrañado";
+$a->strings["interested"] = "interesado";
+$a->strings["bitter"] = "rencoroso";
+$a->strings["cheerful"] = "jovial";
+$a->strings["alive"] = "vivo";
+$a->strings["annoyed"] = "enojado";
+$a->strings["anxious"] = "ansioso";
+$a->strings["cranky"] = "irritable";
+$a->strings["disturbed"] = "perturbado";
+$a->strings["frustrated"] = "frustrado";
+$a->strings["motivated"] = "motivado";
+$a->strings["relaxed"] = "relajado";
+$a->strings["surprised"] = "sorprendido";
+$a->strings["View Video"] = "Ver vídeo";
+$a->strings["bytes"] = "bytes";
+$a->strings["Click to open/close"] = "Pulsa para abrir/cerrar";
+$a->strings["View on separate page"] = "Ver en pagina aparte";
+$a->strings["view on separate page"] = "ver en pagina aparte";
+$a->strings["activity"] = "Actividad";
+$a->strings["comment"] = array(
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "Comentario",
+$a->strings["post"] = "Publicación";
+$a->strings["Item filed"] = "Elemento archivado";
+$a->strings["Post successful."] = "¡Publicado!";
+$a->strings["Access denied."] = "Acceso denegado.";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Bienvenido a %s";
+$a->strings["No more system notifications."] = "No hay más notificaciones del sistema.";
+$a->strings["System Notifications"] = "Notificaciones del sistema";
+$a->strings["Remove term"] = "Eliminar término";
+$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Acceso público denegado.";
+$a->strings["Only logged in users are permitted to perform a search."] = "Solo usuarios activos tienen permiso para ejecutar búsquedas.";
+$a->strings["Too Many Requests"] = "Demasiadas consultas";
+$a->strings["Only one search per minute is permitted for not logged in users."] = "Se permite solo una búsqueda por minuto para usuarios no identificados.";
+$a->strings["No results."] = "Sin resultados.";
+$a->strings["Items tagged with: %s"] = "Objetos taggeado con: %s";
+$a->strings["Results for: %s"] = "Resultados para: %s";
+$a->strings["This is Friendica, version"] = "Esto es Friendica, versión";
+$a->strings["running at web location"] = "ejecutándose en la dirección web";
+$a->strings["Please visit Friendica.com to learn more about the Friendica project."] = "Por favor, visita Friendica.com para saber más sobre el proyecto Friendica.";
+$a->strings["Bug reports and issues: please visit"] = "Reporte de fallos y problemas: por favor visita";
+$a->strings["the bugtracker at github"] = "aviso de fallas (bugs) en github";
+$a->strings["Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email \"Info\" at Friendica - dot com"] = "Sugerencias, elogios, donaciones, etc. por favor manda un correo a Info arroba Friendica punto com";
+$a->strings["Installed plugins/addons/apps:"] = "Módulos/extensiones/aplicaciones instalados:";
+$a->strings["No installed plugins/addons/apps"] = "Módulos/extensiones/aplicaciones no instalados";
$a->strings["No valid account found."] = "No se ha encontrado ninguna cuenta válida";
$a->strings["Password reset request issued. Check your email."] = "Solicitud de restablecimiento de contraseña enviada. Revisa tu correo.";
$a->strings["\n\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\tA request was recently received at \"%2\$s\" to reset your account\n\t\tpassword. In order to confirm this request, please select the verification link\n\t\tbelow or paste it into your web browser address bar.\n\n\t\tIf you did NOT request this change, please DO NOT follow the link\n\t\tprovided and ignore and/or delete this email.\n\n\t\tYour password will not be changed unless we can verify that you\n\t\tissued this request."] = "\n\t\tEstimado %1\$s,\n\t\t\tUna consulta llego recientemente a \"%2\$s\" para renovar su\n\t\tcontraseña. Para confirmar esta solicitud por favor seleccione el enlace de verificación mas \n\t\tabajo o copie a pegue el mismo en la barra de dirección de su navegador.\n\n\t\tSi NO ha solicitado este cambio por favor NO SIGA este enlace\n\t\tproporcionado y ignore o borre este mail.\n\n\t\tSu contraseña no sera cambiada hasta que podamos verificar que usted haza\n\t\tsolicitado este cambio..";
@@ -289,51 +759,175 @@ $a->strings["Forgot your Password?"] = "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?";
$a->strings["Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check your email for further instructions."] = "Introduce tu correo para restablecer tu contraseña. Luego comprueba tu correo para las instrucciones adicionales.";
$a->strings["Nickname or Email: "] = "Apodo o Correo electrónico: ";
$a->strings["Reset"] = "Restablecer";
-$a->strings["{0} wants to be your friend"] = "{0} quiere ser tu amigo";
-$a->strings["{0} sent you a message"] = "{0} te ha enviado un mensaje";
-$a->strings["{0} requested registration"] = "{0} solicitudes de registro";
-$a->strings["No contacts."] = "Ningún contacto.";
-$a->strings["Invalid request identifier."] = "Solicitud de identificación no válida.";
-$a->strings["Discard"] = "Descartar";
-$a->strings["System"] = "Sistema";
-$a->strings["Network"] = "Red";
-$a->strings["Personal"] = "Personal";
-$a->strings["Home"] = "Inicio";
-$a->strings["Introductions"] = "Presentaciones";
-$a->strings["Show Ignored Requests"] = "Mostrar peticiones ignoradas";
-$a->strings["Hide Ignored Requests"] = "Ocultar peticiones ignoradas";
-$a->strings["Notification type: "] = "Tipo de notificación: ";
-$a->strings["Friend Suggestion"] = "Propuestas de amistad";
-$a->strings["suggested by %s"] = "sugerido por %s";
-$a->strings["Post a new friend activity"] = "Publica tu nueva amistad";
-$a->strings["if applicable"] = "Si corresponde";
-$a->strings["Approve"] = "Aprobar";
-$a->strings["Claims to be known to you: "] = "Dice conocerte: ";
-$a->strings["yes"] = "sí";
-$a->strings["no"] = "no";
-$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "¿Deberá la coneccion ser bidireccional?\n\"Amigo\" implica que permitas la lectura y subscribas a las publicaciones del contacto.\n\"Admirador\" significa que permitas la lectura de tus publicaciones pero que no quieras ver sus publicaciones.\n\nAprobar como:";
-$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "¿Deberá la coneccion ser bidireccional?\n\"Amigo\" implica que permitas la lectura y subscribas a las publicaciones del contacto.\n\"Sharer\" significa que permitas la lectura de tus publicaciones pero que no quieras ver sus publicaciones.\n\nAprobar como:";
-$a->strings["Friend"] = "Amigo";
-$a->strings["Sharer"] = "Lector";
-$a->strings["Fan/Admirer"] = "Fan/Admirador";
-$a->strings["Friend/Connect Request"] = "Solicitud de Amistad/Conexión";
-$a->strings["New Follower"] = "Nuevo seguidor";
-$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Género:";
-$a->strings["No introductions."] = "Sin presentaciones.";
-$a->strings["Notifications"] = "Notificaciones";
-$a->strings["%s liked %s's post"] = "A %s le gusta la publicación de %s";
-$a->strings["%s disliked %s's post"] = "A %s no le gusta la publicación de %s";
-$a->strings["%s is now friends with %s"] = "%s es ahora es amigo de %s";
-$a->strings["%s created a new post"] = "%s creó una nueva publicación";
-$a->strings["%s commented on %s's post"] = "%s comentó la publicación de %s";
-$a->strings["No more network notifications."] = "No hay más notificaciones de red.";
-$a->strings["Network Notifications"] = "Notificaciones de Red";
-$a->strings["No more system notifications."] = "No hay más notificaciones del sistema.";
-$a->strings["System Notifications"] = "Notificaciones del sistema";
-$a->strings["No more personal notifications."] = "No hay más notificaciones personales.";
-$a->strings["Personal Notifications"] = "Notificaciones personales";
-$a->strings["No more home notifications."] = "No hay más notificaciones de inicio.";
-$a->strings["Home Notifications"] = "Notificaciones de Inicio";
+$a->strings["No profile"] = "Nigún perfil";
+$a->strings["Help:"] = "Ayuda:";
+$a->strings["Not Found"] = "No se ha encontrado";
+$a->strings["Page not found."] = "Página no encontrada.";
+$a->strings["Invalid request."] = "Consulta invalida";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of %s"] = "La imagen excede el limite de %s";
+$a->strings["Unable to process image."] = "Imposible procesar la imagen.";
+$a->strings["Image upload failed."] = "Error al subir la imagen.";
+$a->strings["Remote privacy information not available."] = "Privacidad de la información remota no disponible.";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Visible para:";
+$a->strings["OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."] = "Error de protocolo OpenID. ID no devuelta.";
+$a->strings["Account not found and OpenID registration is not permitted on this site."] = "Cuenta no encontrada y el registro OpenID no está permitido en ese sitio.";
+$a->strings["This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow."] = "Este sitio ha excedido el número de registros diarios permitidos. Inténtalo de nuevo mañana por favor.";
+$a->strings["Import"] = "Importar";
+$a->strings["Move account"] = "Mover cuenta";
+$a->strings["You can import an account from another Friendica server."] = "Puedes importar una cuenta desde otro servidor de Friendica.";
+$a->strings["You need to export your account from the old server and upload it here. We will recreate your old account here with all your contacts. We will try also to inform your friends that you moved here."] = "Necesitas exportar tu cuenta del antiguo servidor y subirla aquí. Volveremos a crear tu antigua cuenta con todos tus contactos aquí. También intentaremos de informar a tus amigos de que te has mudado.";
+$a->strings["This feature is experimental. We can't import contacts from the OStatus network (GNU Social/Statusnet) or from Diaspora"] = "Esta característica es experimental. No podemos importar contactos desde la red OStatus (statusnet/identi.ca) o desde Diaspora*";
+$a->strings["Account file"] = "Archivo de la cuenta";
+$a->strings["To export your account, go to \"Settings->Export your personal data\" and select \"Export account\""] = "Para exportar el perfil vaya a \"Configuracion -> Exportar sus datos personales\" y seleccione \"Exportar cuenta\"";
+$a->strings["Visit %s's profile [%s]"] = "Ver el perfil de %s [%s]";
+$a->strings["Edit contact"] = "Modificar contacto";
+$a->strings["Contacts who are not members of a group"] = "Contactos sin grupo";
+$a->strings["Export account"] = "Exportar cuenta";
+$a->strings["Export your account info and contacts. Use this to make a backup of your account and/or to move it to another server."] = "Exporta la información de tu cuenta y tus contactos. Úsalo para guardar una copia de seguridad de tu cuenta y/o moverla a otro servidor.";
+$a->strings["Export all"] = "Exportar todo";
+$a->strings["Export your accout info, contacts and all your items as json. Could be a very big file, and could take a lot of time. Use this to make a full backup of your account (photos are not exported)"] = "Exporta la información de tu cuenta, contactos y lo demás en JSON. Puede ser un archivo bastante grande, por lo que llevará tiempo. Úsalo para hacer una copia de seguridad completa de tu cuenta (las fotos no se exportarán)";
+$a->strings["Export personal data"] = "Exportación de datos personales";
+$a->strings["Total invitation limit exceeded."] = "Límite total de invitaciones excedido.";
+$a->strings["%s : Not a valid email address."] = "%s : No es una dirección de correo válida.";
+$a->strings["Please join us on Friendica"] = "Únete a nosotros en Friendica";
+$a->strings["Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Límite de invitaciones sobrepasado. Contacta con el administrador del sitio.";
+$a->strings["%s : Message delivery failed."] = "%s : Ha fallado la entrega del mensaje.";
+$a->strings["%d message sent."] = array(
+ 0 => "%d mensaje enviado.",
+ 1 => "%d mensajes enviados.",
+$a->strings["You have no more invitations available"] = "No tienes más invitaciones disponibles";
+$a->strings["Visit %s for a list of public sites that you can join. Friendica members on other sites can all connect with each other, as well as with members of many other social networks."] = "Visita %s para ver una lista de servidores públicos donde puedes darte de alta. Los miembros de otros servidores de Friendica pueden conectarse entre ellos, así como con miembros de otras redes sociales diferentes.";
+$a->strings["To accept this invitation, please visit and register at %s or any other public Friendica website."] = "Para aceptar la invitación visita y regístrate en %s o en cualquier otro servidor público de Friendica.";
+$a->strings["Friendica sites all inter-connect to create a huge privacy-enhanced social web that is owned and controlled by its members. They can also connect with many traditional social networks. See %s for a list of alternate Friendica sites you can join."] = "Los servidores de Friendica están interconectados para crear una enorme red social centrada en la privacidad y controlada por sus miembros. También se puede conectar con muchas redes sociales tradicionales. Mira en %s para poder ver un listado de servidores alternativos de Friendica donde puedes darte de alta.";
+$a->strings["Our apologies. This system is not currently configured to connect with other public sites or invite members."] = "Discúlpanos. Este sistema no está configurado actualmente para conectar con otros servidores públicos o invitar nuevos miembros.";
+$a->strings["Send invitations"] = "Enviar invitaciones";
+$a->strings["Enter email addresses, one per line:"] = "Introduce las direcciones de correo, una por línea:";
+$a->strings["Your message:"] = "Tu mensaje:";
+$a->strings["You are cordially invited to join me and other close friends on Friendica - and help us to create a better social web."] = "Estás cordialmente invitado a unirte a mi y a otros amigos en Friendica, creemos juntos una red social mejor.";
+$a->strings["You will need to supply this invitation code: \$invite_code"] = "Tienes que proporcionar el siguiente código: \$invite_code";
+$a->strings["Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:"] = "Una vez registrado, por favor contacta conmigo a través de mi página de perfil en:";
+$a->strings["For more information about the Friendica project and why we feel it is important, please visit http://friendica.com"] = "Para más información sobre el Proyecto Friendica y sobre por qué pensamos que es algo importante, visita http://friendica.com";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Files"] = "Archivos";
+$a->strings["Permission denied"] = "Permiso denegado";
+$a->strings["Invalid profile identifier."] = "Identificador de perfil no válido.";
+$a->strings["Profile Visibility Editor"] = "Editor de visibilidad del perfil";
+$a->strings["Click on a contact to add or remove."] = "Pulsa en un contacto para añadirlo o eliminarlo.";
+$a->strings["Visible To"] = "Visible para";
+$a->strings["All Contacts (with secure profile access)"] = "Todos los contactos (con perfil de acceso seguro)";
+$a->strings["Tag removed"] = "Etiqueta eliminada";
+$a->strings["Remove Item Tag"] = "Eliminar etiqueta";
+$a->strings["Select a tag to remove: "] = "Selecciona una etiqueta para eliminar: ";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Eliminar";
+$a->strings["Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"] = "Disculpa, posiblemente el archivo subido es mas grande que la PHP configuración permite.";
+$a->strings["Or - did you try to upload an empty file?"] = "Si no - intento de subir un archivo vacío?";
+$a->strings["File exceeds size limit of %s"] = "El archivo excede el limite de tamaño de %s";
+$a->strings["File upload failed."] = "Ha fallado la subida del archivo.";
+$a->strings["Resubscribing to OStatus contacts"] = "Resubscribir a contactos de OStatus";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "error";
+$a->strings["Done"] = "hecho!";
+$a->strings["Keep this window open until done."] = "Mantén esta ventana abierta hasta que el proceso ha terminado.";
+$a->strings["No potential page delegates located."] = "No se han localizado delegados potenciales de la página.";
+$a->strings["Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to anybody that you do not trust completely."] = "Los delegados tienen la capacidad de gestionar todos los aspectos de esta cuenta/página, excepto los ajustes básicos de la cuenta. Por favor, no delegues tu cuenta personal a nadie en quien no confíes completamente.";
+$a->strings["Existing Page Managers"] = "Administradores actuales de la página";
+$a->strings["Existing Page Delegates"] = "Delegados actuales de la página";
+$a->strings["Potential Delegates"] = "Delegados potenciales";
+$a->strings["Add"] = "Añadir";
+$a->strings["No entries."] = "Sin entradas.";
+$a->strings["Credits"] = "Creditos";
+$a->strings["Friendica is a community project, that would not be possible without the help of many people. Here is a list of those who have contributed to the code or the translation of Friendica. Thank you all!"] = "Friendica es un proyecto comunitario, que no seria posible sin la ayuda de mucha gente. Aquí una lista de de aquellos que aportaron al código o la traducción de friendica.\nGracias a todos! ";
+$a->strings["- select -"] = "- seleccionar -";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is following %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s está siguiendo las %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["Item not available."] = "Elemento no disponible.";
+$a->strings["Item was not found."] = "Elemento no encontrado.";
+$a->strings["Submit Request"] = "Enviar solicitud";
+$a->strings["You already added this contact."] = "Ya has añadido este contacto.";
+$a->strings["Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."] = "El soporte de Diaspora* no esta habilitado, el contacto no puede ser agregado.";
+$a->strings["OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."] = "El soporte de OStatus no esta habilitado, el contacto no puede ser agregado.";
+$a->strings["The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."] = "No se pudo detectar el tipo de red. Contacto no puede ser agregado.";
+$a->strings["Please answer the following:"] = "Por favor responde lo siguiente:";
+$a->strings["Does %s know you?"] = "¿%s te conoce?";
+$a->strings["No"] = "No";
+$a->strings["Add a personal note:"] = "Añade una nota personal:";
+$a->strings["Your Identity Address:"] = "Dirección de tu perfil:";
+$a->strings["Profile URL"] = "URL Perfil";
+$a->strings["Contact added"] = "Contacto añadido";
+$a->strings["You must be logged in to use addons. "] = "Tienes que estar registrado para tener acceso a los accesorios.";
+$a->strings["Applications"] = "Aplicaciones";
+$a->strings["No installed applications."] = "Sin aplicaciones";
+$a->strings["Not Extended"] = "No extendido";
+$a->strings["Welcome to Friendica"] = "Bienvenido a Friendica ";
+$a->strings["New Member Checklist"] = "Listado de nuevos miembros";
+$a->strings["We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial registration and then will quietly disappear."] = "Nos gustaría ofrecerte algunos consejos y enlaces para ayudar a hacer tu experiencia más amena. Pulsa en cualquier elemento para visitar la página correspondiente. Un enlace a esta página será visible desde tu página de inicio durante las dos semanas siguientes a tu inscripción y luego desaparecerá.";
+$a->strings["Getting Started"] = "Empezando";
+$a->strings["Friendica Walk-Through"] = "Visita guiada a Friendica";
+$a->strings["On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to join."] = "En tu página de Inicio Rápido - busca una introducción breve para tus pestañas de perfil y red, haz algunas conexiones nuevas, y busca algunos grupos a los que unirte.";
+$a->strings["Go to Your Settings"] = "Ir a tus ajustes";
+$a->strings["On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and will be useful in making friends on the free social web."] = "En la página de Configuración puedes cambiar tu contraseña inicial. También aparece tu ID (Identity Address). Es parecida a una dirección de correo y te servirá para conectar con gente de redes sociales libres.";
+$a->strings["Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and potential friends know exactly how to find you."] = "Revisa las otras configuraciones, especialmente la configuración de privacidad. Un listado de directorio sin publicar es como tener un número de teléfono sin publicar. Normalmente querrás publicar tu listado, a menos que tus amigos y amigos potenciales sepan cómo ponerse en contacto contigo.";
+$a->strings["Upload Profile Photo"] = "Subir foto del Perfil";
+$a->strings["Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make friends than people who do not."] = "Sube una foto para tu perfil si no lo has hecho aún. Los estudios han demostrado que la gente que usa fotos suyas reales tienen diez veces más éxito a la hora de entablar amistad que las que no.";
+$a->strings["Edit Your Profile"] = "Editar tu perfil";
+$a->strings["Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown visitors."] = "Edita tu perfil predeterminado como quieras. Revisa la configuración para ocultar tu lista de amigos o tu perfil a los visitantes desconocidos.";
+$a->strings["Profile Keywords"] = "Palabras clave del perfil";
+$a->strings["Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and suggest friendships."] = "Define en tu perfil público algunas palabras que describan tus intereses. Así podremos buscar otras personas con los mismos gustos y sugerirte posibles amigos.";
+$a->strings["Connecting"] = "Conectando";
+$a->strings["Importing Emails"] = "Importando correos electrónicos";
+$a->strings["Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email INBOX"] = "Introduce la información para acceder a tu correo en la página de Configuración del conector si quieres importar e interactuar con amigos o listas de correos del buzón de entrada de tu correo electrónico.";
+$a->strings["Go to Your Contacts Page"] = "Ir a tu página de contactos";
+$a->strings["Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site URL in the Add New Contact dialog."] = "Tu página de Contactos es el portal desde donde podrás manejar tus amistades y conectarte con amigos de otras redes. Normalmente introduces su dirección o la dirección de su sitio web en el recuadro \"Añadir contacto nuevo\".";
+$a->strings["Go to Your Site's Directory"] = "Ir al directorio de tu sitio";
+$a->strings["The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."] = "El Directorio te permite encontrar otras personas en esta red o en cualquier otro sitio federado. Busca algún enlace de Conectar o Seguir en su perfil. Proporciona tu direción personal si es necesario.";
+$a->strings["Finding New People"] = "Encontrando nueva gente";
+$a->strings["On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 hours."] = "En el panel lateral de la página de Contactos existen varias herramientas para encontrar nuevos amigos. Podemos filtrar personas por sus intereses, buscar personas por nombre o por sus intereses, y ofrecerte sugerencias basadas en sus relaciones de la red. En un sitio nuevo, las sugerencias de amigos por lo general comienzan pasadas las 24 horas.";
+$a->strings["Group Your Contacts"] = "Agrupa tus contactos";
+$a->strings["Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with each group privately on your Network page."] = "Una vez que tengas algunos amigos, puedes organizarlos en grupos privados de conversación mediante el memnú en tu página de Contactos y luego puedes interactuar con cada grupo por separado desde tu página de Red.";
+$a->strings["Why Aren't My Posts Public?"] = "¿Por qué mis publicaciones no son públicas?";
+$a->strings["Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section from the link above."] = "Friendica respeta tu privacidad. Por defecto, tus publicaciones solo se mostrarán a personas que hayas añadido como amistades. Para más información, mira la sección de ayuda en el enlace de más arriba.";
+$a->strings["Getting Help"] = "Consiguiendo ayuda";
+$a->strings["Go to the Help Section"] = "Ir a la sección de ayuda";
+$a->strings["Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program features and resources."] = "Puedes consultar nuestra página de Ayuda para más información y recursos de ayuda.";
+$a->strings["Remove My Account"] = "Eliminar mi cuenta";
+$a->strings["This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not recoverable."] = "Esto eliminará por completo tu cuenta. Una vez hecho no se puede deshacer.";
+$a->strings["Please enter your password for verification:"] = "Por favor, introduce tu contraseña para la verificación:";
+$a->strings["Item not found"] = "Elemento no encontrado";
+$a->strings["Edit post"] = "Editar publicación";
+$a->strings["Time Conversion"] = "Conversión horária";
+$a->strings["Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and friends in unknown timezones."] = "Friendica ofrece este servicio para compartir eventos con otros servidores de la red friendica y amigos en zonas de horarios desconocidos.";
+$a->strings["UTC time: %s"] = "Tiempo UTC: %s";
+$a->strings["Current timezone: %s"] = "Zona horaria actual: %s";
+$a->strings["Converted localtime: %s"] = "Zona horaria local convertida: %s";
+$a->strings["Please select your timezone:"] = "Por favor, selecciona tu zona horaria:";
+$a->strings["The post was created"] = "La publicación fue creada";
+$a->strings["Group created."] = "Grupo creado.";
+$a->strings["Could not create group."] = "Imposible crear el grupo.";
+$a->strings["Group not found."] = "Grupo no encontrado.";
+$a->strings["Group name changed."] = "El nombre del grupo ha cambiado.";
+$a->strings["Save Group"] = "Guardar grupo";
+$a->strings["Create a group of contacts/friends."] = "Crea un grupo de contactos/amigos.";
+$a->strings["Group removed."] = "Grupo eliminado.";
+$a->strings["Unable to remove group."] = "No se puede eliminar el grupo.";
+$a->strings["Group Editor"] = "Editor de grupos";
+$a->strings["Members"] = "Miembros";
+$a->strings["All Contacts"] = "Todos los contactos";
+$a->strings["Group is empty"] = "El grupo está vacío";
+$a->strings["Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."] = "Excedido el número máximo de mensajes para %s. El mensaje no se ha enviado.";
+$a->strings["No recipient selected."] = "Ningún destinatario seleccionado";
+$a->strings["Unable to check your home location."] = "Imposible comprobar tu servidor de inicio.";
+$a->strings["Message could not be sent."] = "El mensaje no ha podido ser enviado.";
+$a->strings["Message collection failure."] = "Fallo en la recolección de mensajes.";
+$a->strings["Message sent."] = "Mensaje enviado.";
+$a->strings["No recipient."] = "Sin receptor.";
+$a->strings["Send Private Message"] = "Enviar mensaje privado";
+$a->strings["If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on your site allow private mail from unknown senders."] = "Si quieres que %s te responda, asegúrate de que la configuración de privacidad permite enviar correo privado a desconocidos.";
+$a->strings["To:"] = "Para:";
+$a->strings["Subject:"] = "Asunto:";
+$a->strings["link"] = "enlace";
+$a->strings["Authorize application connection"] = "Autorizar la conexión de la aplicación";
+$a->strings["Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"] = "Regresa a tu aplicación e introduce este código de seguridad:";
+$a->strings["Please login to continue."] = "Inicia sesión para continuar.";
+$a->strings["Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts, and/or create new posts for you?"] = "¿Quieres autorizar a esta aplicación el acceso a tus mensajes y contactos, y/o crear nuevas publicaciones para ti?";
$a->strings["Source (bbcode) text:"] = "Texto fuente (bbcode):";
$a->strings["Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"] = "Fuente (Diaspora) para pasar a BBcode:";
$a->strings["Source input: "] = "Entrada: ";
@@ -346,26 +940,18 @@ $a->strings["bb2dia2bb: "] = "bb2dia2bb: ";
$a->strings["bb2md2html2bb: "] = "bb2md2html2bb: ";
$a->strings["Source input (Diaspora format): "] = "Fuente (formato Diaspora): ";
$a->strings["diaspora2bb: "] = "diaspora2bb: ";
-$a->strings["Nothing new here"] = "Nada nuevo por aquí";
-$a->strings["Clear notifications"] = "Limpiar notificaciones";
-$a->strings["New Message"] = "Nuevo mensaje";
-$a->strings["No recipient selected."] = "Ningún destinatario seleccionado";
+$a->strings["Subscribing to OStatus contacts"] = "Subscribir a los contactos de OStatus";
+$a->strings["No contact provided."] = "Sin suministro de datos de contacto.";
+$a->strings["Couldn't fetch information for contact."] = "No se ha podido conseguir la información del contacto.";
+$a->strings["Couldn't fetch friends for contact."] = "No se ha podido conseguir datos de amigos para contactar.";
+$a->strings["success"] = "exito!";
+$a->strings["failed"] = "fallido!";
+$a->strings["ignored"] = "ignorado";
+$a->strings["%1\$s welcomes %2\$s"] = "%1\$s te da la bienvenida a %2\$s";
$a->strings["Unable to locate contact information."] = "No se puede encontrar información del contacto.";
-$a->strings["Message could not be sent."] = "El mensaje no ha podido ser enviado.";
-$a->strings["Message collection failure."] = "Fallo en la recolección de mensajes.";
-$a->strings["Message sent."] = "Mensaje enviado.";
-$a->strings["Messages"] = "Mensajes";
$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this message?"] = "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar este mensaje?";
$a->strings["Message deleted."] = "Mensaje eliminado.";
$a->strings["Conversation removed."] = "Conversación eliminada.";
-$a->strings["Please enter a link URL:"] = "Introduce la dirección del enlace:";
-$a->strings["Send Private Message"] = "Enviar mensaje privado";
-$a->strings["To:"] = "Para:";
-$a->strings["Subject:"] = "Asunto:";
-$a->strings["Your message:"] = "Tu mensaje:";
-$a->strings["Upload photo"] = "Subir foto";
-$a->strings["Insert web link"] = "Insertar enlace";
-$a->strings["Please wait"] = "Por favor, espera";
$a->strings["No messages."] = "No hay mensajes.";
$a->strings["Message not available."] = "Mensaje no disponibile.";
$a->strings["Delete message"] = "Borrar mensaje";
@@ -380,9 +966,12 @@ $a->strings["%d message"] = array(
0 => "%d mensaje",
1 => "%d mensajes",
-$a->strings["[Embedded content - reload page to view]"] = "[Contenido incrustado - recarga la página para verlo]";
+$a->strings["Manage Identities and/or Pages"] = "Administrar identidades y/o páginas";
+$a->strings["Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"] = "Cambia entre diferentes identidades o páginas de Comunidad/Grupos que comparten los detalles de tu cuenta o sobre los que tienes permisos para administrar";
+$a->strings["Select an identity to manage: "] = "Selecciona una identidad a gestionar:";
$a->strings["Contact settings applied."] = "Contacto configurado con éxito.";
$a->strings["Contact update failed."] = "Error al actualizar el Contacto.";
+$a->strings["Contact not found."] = "Contacto no encontrado.";
$a->strings["WARNING: This is highly advanced and if you enter incorrect information your communications with this contact may stop working."] = "ADVERTENCIA: Esto es muy avanzado y si se introduce información incorrecta tu conexión con este contacto puede dejar de funcionar.";
$a->strings["Please use your browser 'Back' button now if you are uncertain what to do on this page."] = "Por favor usa el botón 'Atás' de tu navegador ahora si no tienes claro qué hacer en esta página.";
$a->strings["No mirroring"] = "No espejar";
@@ -390,6 +979,9 @@ $a->strings["Mirror as forwarded posting"] = "Espejar como reenvio";
$a->strings["Mirror as my own posting"] = "Espejar como publicación propia";
$a->strings["Return to contact editor"] = "Volver al editor de contactos";
$a->strings["Refetch contact data"] = "Volver a solicitar datos del contacto.";
+$a->strings["Remote Self"] = "Perfil remoto";
+$a->strings["Mirror postings from this contact"] = "Espejar publicaciones de este contacto";
+$a->strings["Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new entries from this contact."] = "Marcar este contacto como perfil_remoto, esto generara que friendica reenvía nuevas publicaciones desde esta cuenta.";
$a->strings["Name"] = "Nombre";
$a->strings["Account Nickname"] = "Apodo de la cuenta";
$a->strings["@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname"] = "@Etiqueta - Sobrescribe el Nombre/Apodo";
@@ -399,20 +991,226 @@ $a->strings["Friend Confirm URL"] = "Dirección de confirmación de tu amigo ";
$a->strings["Notification Endpoint URL"] = "Dirección URL de la notificación";
$a->strings["Poll/Feed URL"] = "Dirección del Sondeo/Fuentes";
$a->strings["New photo from this URL"] = "Nueva foto de esta dirección";
-$a->strings["Remote Self"] = "Perfil remoto";
-$a->strings["Mirror postings from this contact"] = "Espejar publicaciones de este contacto";
-$a->strings["Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new entries from this contact."] = "Marcar este contacto como perfil_remoto, esto generara que friendica reenvía nuevas publicaciones desde esta cuenta.";
-$a->strings["Login"] = "Acceder";
-$a->strings["The post was created"] = "La publicación fue creada";
-$a->strings["Access denied."] = "Acceso denegado.";
-$a->strings["Connect"] = "Conectar";
-$a->strings["View Profile"] = "Ver perfil";
-$a->strings["People Search - %s"] = "Buscar perfiles - %s";
-$a->strings["No matches"] = "Sin conincidencias";
-$a->strings["Photos"] = "Fotografías";
-$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Foto del contacto";
-$a->strings["Files"] = "Archivos";
-$a->strings["Contacts who are not members of a group"] = "Contactos sin grupo";
+$a->strings["This introduction has already been accepted."] = "Esta presentación ya ha sido aceptada.";
+$a->strings["Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."] = "La dirección del perfil no es válida o no contiene información del perfil.";
+$a->strings["Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."] = "Aviso: La dirección del perfil no tiene un nombre de propietario identificable.";
+$a->strings["Warning: profile location has no profile photo."] = "Aviso: la dirección del perfil no tiene foto de perfil.";
+$a->strings["%d required parameter was not found at the given location"] = array(
+ 0 => "no se encontró %d parámetro requerido en el lugar determinado",
+ 1 => "no se encontraron %d parámetros requeridos en el lugar determinado",
+$a->strings["Introduction complete."] = "Presentación completa.";
+$a->strings["Unrecoverable protocol error."] = "Error de protocolo irrecuperable.";
+$a->strings["Profile unavailable."] = "Perfil no disponible.";
+$a->strings["%s has received too many connection requests today."] = "%s ha recibido demasiadas solicitudes de conexión hoy.";
+$a->strings["Spam protection measures have been invoked."] = "Han sido activadas las medidas de protección contra spam.";
+$a->strings["Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."] = "Tus amigos serán avisados para que lo intenten de nuevo pasadas 24 horas.";
+$a->strings["Invalid locator"] = "Localizador no válido";
+$a->strings["Invalid email address."] = "Dirección de correo incorrecta";
+$a->strings["This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."] = "Esta cuenta no ha sido configurada para el correo. Fallo de solicitud.";
+$a->strings["You have already introduced yourself here."] = "Ya te has presentado aquí.";
+$a->strings["Apparently you are already friends with %s."] = "Al parecer, ya eres amigo de %s.";
+$a->strings["Invalid profile URL."] = "Dirección de perfil no válida.";
+$a->strings["Failed to update contact record."] = "Error al actualizar el contacto.";
+$a->strings["Your introduction has been sent."] = "Tu presentación ha sido enviada.";
+$a->strings["Remote subscription can't be done for your network. Please subscribe directly on your system."] = "La subscripción remota no se podrá hacer para tu red. Por favor contacta directamente desde tu sistema.";
+$a->strings["Please login to confirm introduction."] = "Inicia sesión para confirmar la presentación.";
+$a->strings["Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to this profile."] = "Sesión iniciada con la identificación incorrecta. Entra en este perfil.";
+$a->strings["Confirm"] = "Confirmar";
+$a->strings["Hide this contact"] = "Ocultar este contacto";
+$a->strings["Welcome home %s."] = "Bienvenido a casa %s";
+$a->strings["Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."] = "Por favor, confirma tu solicitud de presentación/conexión con %s.";
+$a->strings["Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported communications networks:"] = "Por favor introduce tu dirección ID de una de las siguientes redes sociales soportadas:";
+$a->strings["If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and join us today ."] = "Si aun no eres miembro de la red social libre seguí este enlace para encontrara un sitio disponible de friendica y acompañanos hoy mismo ";
+$a->strings["Friend/Connection Request"] = "Solicitud de Amistad/Conexión";
+$a->strings["Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca"] = "Ejemplos: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca";
+$a->strings["StatusNet/Federated Social Web"] = "StatusNet/Web Social Federada";
+$a->strings[" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search bar."] = "(En vez de usar este formulario, introduce %s en la barra de búsqueda de Diaspora.";
+$a->strings["No such group"] = "Ningún grupo";
+$a->strings["Group: %s"] = "Grupo: %s";
+$a->strings["This entry was edited"] = "Esta entrada fue editada";
+$a->strings["%d comment"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d comentario",
+ 1 => "%d comentarios",
+$a->strings["Private Message"] = "Mensaje privado";
+$a->strings["I like this (toggle)"] = "Me gusta esto (cambiar)";
+$a->strings["like"] = "me gusta";
+$a->strings["I don't like this (toggle)"] = "No me gusta esto (cambiar)";
+$a->strings["dislike"] = "no me gusta";
+$a->strings["Share this"] = "Compartir esto";
+$a->strings["share"] = "compartir";
+$a->strings["This is you"] = "Este eres tú";
+$a->strings["Comment"] = "Comentar";
+$a->strings["Bold"] = "Negrita";
+$a->strings["Italic"] = "Cursiva";
+$a->strings["Underline"] = "Subrayado";
+$a->strings["Quote"] = "Cita";
+$a->strings["Code"] = "Código";
+$a->strings["Image"] = "Imagen";
+$a->strings["Link"] = "Enlace";
+$a->strings["Video"] = "Vídeo";
+$a->strings["Edit"] = "Editar";
+$a->strings["add star"] = "Añadir estrella";
+$a->strings["remove star"] = "Quitar estrella";
+$a->strings["toggle star status"] = "Añadir a destacados";
+$a->strings["starred"] = "marcados con estrellas";
+$a->strings["add tag"] = "añadir etiqueta";
+$a->strings["ignore thread"] = "ignorar publicación";
+$a->strings["unignore thread"] = "revertir ignorar publicacion";
+$a->strings["toggle ignore status"] = "cambiar estatus de observación";
+$a->strings["save to folder"] = "grabado en directorio";
+$a->strings["I will attend"] = "Voy a estar presente";
+$a->strings["I will not attend"] = "No voy a estar presente";
+$a->strings["I might attend"] = "Puede que voy a estar presente";
+$a->strings["to"] = "a";
+$a->strings["Wall-to-Wall"] = "Muro-A-Muro";
+$a->strings["via Wall-To-Wall:"] = "via Muro-A-Muro:";
+$a->strings["Profile not found."] = "Perfil no encontrado.";
+$a->strings["This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it has already been approved."] = "Esto puede ocurrir a veces si la conexión fue solicitada por ambas personas y ya hubiera sido aprobada.";
+$a->strings["Response from remote site was not understood."] = "La respuesta desde el sitio remoto no ha sido entendida.";
+$a->strings["Unexpected response from remote site: "] = "Respuesta inesperada desde el sitio remoto: ";
+$a->strings["Confirmation completed successfully."] = "Confirmación completada con éxito.";
+$a->strings["Remote site reported: "] = "El sito remoto informó: ";
+$a->strings["Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."] = "Error temporal. Por favor, espere y vuelva a intentarlo.";
+$a->strings["Introduction failed or was revoked."] = "La presentación ha fallado o ha sido anulada.";
+$a->strings["Unable to set contact photo."] = "Imposible establecer la foto del contacto.";
+$a->strings["No user record found for '%s' "] = "No se ha encontrado a ningún '%s' ";
+$a->strings["Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."] = "Nuestra clave de cifrado del sitio es aparentemente un lío.";
+$a->strings["Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."] = "Se ha proporcionado una dirección vacía o no hemos podido descifrarla.";
+$a->strings["Contact record was not found for you on our site."] = "El contacto no se ha encontrado en nuestra base de datos.";
+$a->strings["Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s."] = "La clave pública del sitio no está disponible en los datos del contacto para %s.";
+$a->strings["The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work if you try again."] = "La identificación proporcionada por el sistema es un duplicado de nuestro sistema. Debería funcionar si lo intentas de nuevo.";
+$a->strings["Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."] = "No se puede establecer las credenciales de tu contacto en nuestro sistema.";
+$a->strings["Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"] = "No se puede actualizar los datos de tu perfil de contacto en nuestro sistema";
+$a->strings["%1\$s has joined %2\$s"] = "%1\$s se ha unido a %2\$s";
+$a->strings["Friend suggestion sent."] = "Solicitud de amistad enviada.";
+$a->strings["Suggest Friends"] = "Sugerencias de amistad";
+$a->strings["Suggest a friend for %s"] = "Recomienda un amigo a %s";
+$a->strings["Mood"] = "Ánimo";
+$a->strings["Set your current mood and tell your friends"] = "Coloca tu ánimo actual y cuéntaselo a tus amigos";
+$a->strings["Poke/Prod"] = "Toque/Empujón";
+$a->strings["poke, prod or do other things to somebody"] = "da un toque, empujón o similar a alguien";
+$a->strings["Recipient"] = "Receptor";
+$a->strings["Choose what you wish to do to recipient"] = "Elige qué desea hacer con el receptor";
+$a->strings["Make this post private"] = "Hacer esta publicación privada";
+$a->strings["Image uploaded but image cropping failed."] = "Imagen recibida, pero ha fallado al recortarla.";
+$a->strings["Image size reduction [%s] failed."] = "Ha fallado la reducción de las dimensiones de la imagen [%s].";
+$a->strings["Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not display immediately."] = "Recarga la página o limpia la caché del navegador si la foto nueva no aparece inmediatamente.";
+$a->strings["Unable to process image"] = "Imposible procesar la imagen";
+$a->strings["Upload File:"] = "Subir archivo:";
+$a->strings["Select a profile:"] = "Elige un perfil:";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Subir";
+$a->strings["or"] = "o";
+$a->strings["skip this step"] = "saltar este paso";
+$a->strings["select a photo from your photo albums"] = "elige una foto de tus álbumes";
+$a->strings["Crop Image"] = "Recortar imagen";
+$a->strings["Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."] = "Por favor, ajusta el recorte de la imagen para optimizarla.";
+$a->strings["Done Editing"] = "Editado";
+$a->strings["Image uploaded successfully."] = "Imagen subida con éxito.";
+$a->strings["Account approved."] = "Cuenta aprobada.";
+$a->strings["Registration revoked for %s"] = "Registro anulado para %s";
+$a->strings["Please login."] = "Por favor accede.";
+$a->strings["Invalid request identifier."] = "Solicitud de identificación no válida.";
+$a->strings["Discard"] = "Descartar";
+$a->strings["Ignore"] = "Ignorar";
+$a->strings["Network Notifications"] = "Notificaciones de Red";
+$a->strings["Personal Notifications"] = "Notificaciones personales";
+$a->strings["Home Notifications"] = "Notificaciones de Inicio";
+$a->strings["Show Ignored Requests"] = "Mostrar peticiones ignoradas";
+$a->strings["Hide Ignored Requests"] = "Ocultar peticiones ignoradas";
+$a->strings["Notification type: "] = "Tipo de notificación: ";
+$a->strings["suggested by %s"] = "sugerido por %s";
+$a->strings["Hide this contact from others"] = "Ocultar este contacto a los demás.";
+$a->strings["Post a new friend activity"] = "Publica tu nueva amistad";
+$a->strings["if applicable"] = "Si corresponde";
+$a->strings["Approve"] = "Aprobar";
+$a->strings["Claims to be known to you: "] = "Dice conocerte: ";
+$a->strings["yes"] = "sí";
+$a->strings["no"] = "no";
+$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "¿Deberá la coneccion ser bidireccional?\n\"Amigo\" implica que permitas la lectura y subscribas a las publicaciones del contacto.\n\"Admirador\" significa que permitas la lectura de tus publicaciones pero que no quieras ver sus publicaciones.\n\nAprobar como:";
+$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "¿Deberá la coneccion ser bidireccional?\n\"Amigo\" implica que permitas la lectura y subscribas a las publicaciones del contacto.\n\"Sharer\" significa que permitas la lectura de tus publicaciones pero que no quieras ver sus publicaciones.\n\nAprobar como:";
+$a->strings["Friend"] = "Amigo";
+$a->strings["Sharer"] = "Lector";
+$a->strings["Fan/Admirer"] = "Fan/Admirador";
+$a->strings["No introductions."] = "Sin presentaciones.";
+$a->strings["Show unread"] = "Mostrar no leído";
+$a->strings["Show all"] = "Mostrar todo";
+$a->strings["No more %s notifications."] = "No más notificaciones de %s.";
+$a->strings["Profile deleted."] = "Perfil eliminado.";
+$a->strings["Profile-"] = "Perfil-";
+$a->strings["New profile created."] = "Nuevo perfil creado.";
+$a->strings["Profile unavailable to clone."] = "Imposible duplicar el perfil.";
+$a->strings["Profile Name is required."] = "Se necesita un nombre de perfil.";
+$a->strings["Marital Status"] = "Estado civil";
+$a->strings["Romantic Partner"] = "Pareja sentimental";
+$a->strings["Work/Employment"] = "Trabajo/estudios";
+$a->strings["Religion"] = "Religión";
+$a->strings["Political Views"] = "Preferencias políticas";
+$a->strings["Gender"] = "Género";
+$a->strings["Sexual Preference"] = "Orientación sexual";
+$a->strings["XMPP"] = "XMPP";
+$a->strings["Homepage"] = "Página de inicio";
+$a->strings["Interests"] = "Intereses";
+$a->strings["Address"] = "Dirección";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "Ubicación";
+$a->strings["Profile updated."] = "Perfil actualizado.";
+$a->strings[" and "] = " y ";
+$a->strings["public profile"] = "perfil público";
+$a->strings["%1\$s changed %2\$s to “%3\$s”"] = "%1\$s cambió su %2\$s a “%3\$s”";
+$a->strings[" - Visit %1\$s's %2\$s"] = " - Visita %1\$s's %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s has an updated %2\$s, changing %3\$s."] = "%1\$s tiene una actualización %2\$s, cambiando %3\$s.";
+$a->strings["Hide contacts and friends:"] = "Ocultar contactos y amigos";
+$a->strings["Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"] = "¿Ocultar tu lista de contactos/amigos en este perfil?";
+$a->strings["Show more profile fields:"] = "Mostrar mas campos del perfil:";
+$a->strings["Profile Actions"] = "Acciones de perfil";
+$a->strings["Edit Profile Details"] = "Editar detalles de tu perfil";
+$a->strings["Change Profile Photo"] = "Cambiar imagen del Perfil";
+$a->strings["View this profile"] = "Ver este perfil";
+$a->strings["Create a new profile using these settings"] = "¿Crear un nuevo perfil con esta configuración?";
+$a->strings["Clone this profile"] = "Clonar este perfil";
+$a->strings["Delete this profile"] = "Eliminar este perfil";
+$a->strings["Basic information"] = "Información básica";
+$a->strings["Profile picture"] = "Imagen del perfil";
+$a->strings["Preferences"] = "Preferencias";
+$a->strings["Status information"] = "Información del estatus";
+$a->strings["Additional information"] = "Información addicional";
+$a->strings["Relation"] = "Relación";
+$a->strings["Your Gender:"] = "Género:";
+$a->strings["♥ Marital Status:"] = " Estado civil:";
+$a->strings["Example: fishing photography software"] = "Ejemplo: pesca fotografía software";
+$a->strings["Profile Name:"] = "Nombres del perfil:";
+$a->strings["Required"] = "Obligatorio";
+$a->strings["This is your public profile. It may be visible to anybody using the internet."] = "Éste es tu perfil público .Puede ser visto por cualquier usuario de internet.";
+$a->strings["Your Full Name:"] = "Tu nombre completo:";
+$a->strings["Title/Description:"] = "Título/Descrición:";
+$a->strings["Street Address:"] = "Dirección";
+$a->strings["Locality/City:"] = "Localidad/Ciudad:";
+$a->strings["Region/State:"] = "Región/Estado:";
+$a->strings["Postal/Zip Code:"] = "Código postal:";
+$a->strings["Country:"] = "País";
+$a->strings["Who: (if applicable)"] = "¿Quién? (si es aplicable)";
+$a->strings["Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"] = "Ejemplos: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com";
+$a->strings["Since [date]:"] = "Desde [fecha]:";
+$a->strings["Tell us about yourself..."] = "Háblanos sobre ti...";
+$a->strings["XMPP (Jabber) address:"] = "Dirección XMPP (Jabber):";
+$a->strings["The XMPP address will be propagated to your contacts so that they can follow you."] = "La dirección XMPP será propagada entre sus contactos para que puedan seguirle.";
+$a->strings["Homepage URL:"] = "Dirección de tu página:";
+$a->strings["Religious Views:"] = "Creencias religiosas:";
+$a->strings["Public Keywords:"] = "Palabras clave públicas:";
+$a->strings["(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"] = "(Utilizadas para sugerir amigos potenciales, otros pueden verlo)";
+$a->strings["Private Keywords:"] = "Palabras clave privadas:";
+$a->strings["(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"] = "(Utilizadas para buscar perfiles, nunca se muestra a otros)";
+$a->strings["Musical interests"] = "Gustos musicales";
+$a->strings["Books, literature"] = "Libros, literatura";
+$a->strings["Television"] = "Televisión";
+$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment"] = "Películas/baile/cultura/entretenimiento";
+$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests"] = "Aficiones/Intereses";
+$a->strings["Love/romance"] = "Amor/Romance";
+$a->strings["Work/employment"] = "Trabajo/ocupación";
+$a->strings["School/education"] = "Escuela/estudios";
+$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks"] = "Informacioń de contacto y Redes sociales";
+$a->strings["Edit/Manage Profiles"] = "Editar/Administrar perfiles";
$a->strings["Theme settings updated."] = "Configuración de la apariencia actualizada.";
$a->strings["Site"] = "Sitio";
$a->strings["Users"] = "Usuarios";
@@ -426,7 +1224,6 @@ $a->strings["Logs"] = "Registros";
$a->strings["View Logs"] = "Ver registro de depuración";
$a->strings["probe address"] = "probar direccion";
$a->strings["check webfinger"] = "Verificar webfinger";
-$a->strings["Admin"] = "Admin";
$a->strings["Plugin Features"] = "Características del módulo";
$a->strings["diagnostics"] = "diagnosticos";
$a->strings["User registrations waiting for confirmation"] = "Registro de usuarios esperando la confirmación";
@@ -459,11 +1256,9 @@ $a->strings["No special theme for mobile devices"] = "No hay tema especial para
$a->strings["No community page"] = "No hay pagina de comunidad";
$a->strings["Public postings from users of this site"] = "Temas públicos de perfiles de este sitio.";
$a->strings["Global community page"] = "Pagina global de comunidad";
+$a->strings["Never"] = "Nunca";
$a->strings["At post arrival"] = "A la llegada de una publicación";
-$a->strings["Frequently"] = "Frequentemente";
-$a->strings["Hourly"] = "Cada hora";
-$a->strings["Twice daily"] = "Dos veces al día";
-$a->strings["Daily"] = "Diariamente";
+$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Deshabilitado";
$a->strings["Users, Global Contacts"] = "Perfiles, contactos globales";
$a->strings["Users, Global Contacts/fallback"] = "Perfiles, contactos globales/fallback";
$a->strings["One month"] = "Un mes";
@@ -636,6 +1431,8 @@ $a->strings["Maximum number of parallel workers"] = "Numero máximo de trabajos
$a->strings["On shared hosters set this to 2. On larger systems, values of 10 are great. Default value is 4."] = "Ajustar a 2 en un servidor compartido (shared hosting).\nEn sistemas grandes valores como 10 son excelentes.\nValor por defecto es 4.";
$a->strings["Don't use 'proc_open' with the worker"] = "No use 'proc_open' junto al \"trabajador\"!";
$a->strings["Enable this if your system doesn't allow the use of 'proc_open'. This can happen on shared hosters. If this is enabled you should increase the frequency of poller calls in your crontab."] = "Habilite esta función si el sistema no permite el uso de 'proc_open'. Esto suelo suceder en servidores compartidos (shared hosting). Si esta función se habilita se debería incrementar la frecuencia de llamadas del poller (poller calls) en la pestaña de trabajos cron. (¡en el hosting?)";
+$a->strings["Enable fastlane"] = "Habilitar ascenso rápido";
+$a->strings["When enabed, the fastlane mechanism starts an additional worker if processes with higher priority are blocked by processes of lower priority."] = "Cuando está habilitado, el mecanismo ascenso rápido inicia un trabajador adicional si los procesos de mayor prioridad son bloqueados por prcesos de menor prioridad.";
$a->strings["Update has been marked successful"] = "La actualización se ha completado con éxito";
$a->strings["Database structure update %s was successfully applied."] = "Actualización de base de datos %s fue aplicada con éxito.";
$a->strings["Executing of database structure update %s failed with error: %s"] = "El paso de actualización de la estructura de la base de datos %s fallo con el mensaje de error: %s";
@@ -651,7 +1448,6 @@ $a->strings["Mark success (if update was manually applied)"] = "Marcar como corr
$a->strings["Attempt to execute this update step automatically"] = "Intentando ejecutar este paso automáticamente";
$a->strings["\n\t\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\t\tthe administrator of %2\$s has set up an account for you."] = "\n\t\t\tEstimado %1\$s,\n\t\t\t\tel administrador de %2\$s ha creado una cuenta para usted.";
$a->strings["\n\t\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n\n\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tLogin Name:\t\t%2\$s\n\t\t\tPassword:\t\t%3\$s\n\n\t\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n\t\t\tin.\n\n\t\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n\n\t\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n\t\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n\n\t\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n\t\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n\t\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n\t\t\tthan that.\n\n\t\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n\t\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n\t\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n\n\t\t\tThank you and welcome to %4\$s."] = "\n\t\t\tLos detalles de acceso son las siguientes:\n\n\t\t\tDirección del sitio:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tNombre de la cuenta:\t\t%2\$s\n\t\t\tContraseña:\t\t%3\$s\n\n\t\t\tPodrá cambiar la contraseña desde la pagina de configuración de su cuenta después de acceder a la misma\n\t\t\ten.\n\n\t\t\tPor favor tome unos minutos para revisar las opciones demás de la cuenta en dicha pagina de configuración.\n\n\t\t\tTambién podrá agregar informaciones adicionales a su pagina de perfil predeterminado. \n\t\t\t(en la pagina \"Perfiles\") para que otras personas pueden encontrarlo fácilmente.\n\n\t\t\tRecomendamos que elija un nombre apropiado, agregando una imagen de perfil,\n\t\t\tagregando algunas palabras claves de la cuenta (muy útil para hacer nuevos amigos) - y \n\t\t\tquizás el país en donde vive; si no quiere ser mas especifico\n\t\t\tque eso.\n\n\t\t\tRespetamos absolutamente su derecho a la privacidad y ninguno de estos detalles es necesario.\n\t\t\tSi eres nuevo aquí y no conoces a nadie, estos detalles pueden ayudarte\n\t\t\tpara hacer nuevas e interesantes amistades.\n\n\t\t\tGracias y bienvenido a %4\$s.";
-$a->strings["Registration details for %s"] = "Detalles de registro para %s";
$a->strings["%s user blocked/unblocked"] = array(
0 => "%s usuario bloqueado/desbloqueado",
1 => "%s usuarios bloqueados/desbloqueados",
@@ -663,22 +1459,23 @@ $a->strings["%s user deleted"] = array(
$a->strings["User '%s' deleted"] = "Usuario '%s' eliminado";
$a->strings["User '%s' unblocked"] = "Usuario '%s' desbloqueado";
$a->strings["User '%s' blocked"] = "Usuario '%s' bloqueado'";
+$a->strings["Register date"] = "Fecha de registro";
+$a->strings["Last login"] = "Último acceso";
+$a->strings["Last item"] = "Último elemento";
+$a->strings["Account"] = "Cuenta";
$a->strings["Add User"] = "Agregar usuario";
$a->strings["select all"] = "seleccionar todo";
$a->strings["User registrations waiting for confirm"] = "Registro de usuarios esperando confirmación";
$a->strings["User waiting for permanent deletion"] = "Usuario esperando anulación permanente.";
$a->strings["Request date"] = "Solicitud de fecha";
-$a->strings["Email"] = "Correo electrónico";
$a->strings["No registrations."] = "Sin registros.";
$a->strings["Deny"] = "Denegado";
+$a->strings["Block"] = "Bloquear";
+$a->strings["Unblock"] = "Desbloquear";
$a->strings["Site admin"] = "Administrador de la web";
$a->strings["Account expired"] = "Cuenta caducada";
$a->strings["New User"] = "Nuevo usuario";
-$a->strings["Register date"] = "Fecha de registro";
-$a->strings["Last login"] = "Último acceso";
-$a->strings["Last item"] = "Último elemento";
$a->strings["Deleted since"] = "Borrado desde";
-$a->strings["Account"] = "Cuenta";
$a->strings["Selected users will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these users had posted on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"] = "¡Los usuarios seleccionados serán eliminados!\\n\\n¡Todo lo que hayan publicado en este sitio se borrará para siempre!\\n\\n¿Estás seguro?";
$a->strings["The user {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this user has posted on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"] = "¡El usuario {0} será eliminado!\\n\\n¡Todo lo que haya publicado en este sitio se borrará para siempre!\\n\\n¿Estás seguro?";
$a->strings["Name of the new user."] = "Nombre del nuevo usuario";
@@ -701,6 +1498,8 @@ $a->strings["No themes found on the system. They should be paced in %1\$s"] = "N
$a->strings["[Experimental]"] = "[Experimental]";
$a->strings["[Unsupported]"] = "[Sin soporte]";
$a->strings["Log settings updated."] = "Configuración de registro actualizada.";
+$a->strings["PHP log currently enabled."] = "Registro PHP actualmente disponible.";
+$a->strings["PHP log currently disabled."] = "Registro PHP actualmente deshabilitado.";
$a->strings["Clear"] = "Limpiar";
$a->strings["Enable Debugging"] = "Habilitar debugging";
$a->strings["Log file"] = "Archivo de registro";
@@ -712,137 +1511,119 @@ $a->strings["Off"] = "Apagado";
$a->strings["On"] = "Encendido";
$a->strings["Lock feature %s"] = "Trancar opción %s ";
$a->strings["Manage Additional Features"] = "Administrar opciones adicionales";
-$a->strings["Search Results For: %s"] = "Buscar resultados para: %s";
-$a->strings["Remove term"] = "Eliminar término";
-$a->strings["Saved Searches"] = "Búsquedas guardadas";
-$a->strings["add"] = "añadir";
-$a->strings["Commented Order"] = "Orden de comentarios";
-$a->strings["Sort by Comment Date"] = "Ordenar por fecha de comentarios";
-$a->strings["Posted Order"] = "Orden de publicación";
-$a->strings["Sort by Post Date"] = "Ordenar por fecha de publicación";
-$a->strings["Posts that mention or involve you"] = "Publicaciones que te mencionan o involucran";
-$a->strings["New"] = "Nuevo";
-$a->strings["Activity Stream - by date"] = "Corriente de actividad por fecha";
-$a->strings["Shared Links"] = "Enlaces compartidos";
-$a->strings["Interesting Links"] = "Enlaces interesantes";
-$a->strings["Starred"] = "Favoritos";
-$a->strings["Favourite Posts"] = "Publicaciones favoritas";
-$a->strings["Warning: This group contains %s member from an insecure network."] = array(
- 0 => "Aviso: este grupo contiene %s contacto con conexión no segura.",
- 1 => "Aviso: este grupo contiene %s contactos con conexiones no seguras.",
-$a->strings["Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure."] = "Los mensajes privados a este grupo corren el riesgo de ser mostrados públicamente.";
-$a->strings["No such group"] = "Ningún grupo";
-$a->strings["Group: %s"] = "Grupo: %s";
-$a->strings["Private messages to this person are at risk of public disclosure."] = "Los mensajes privados a esta persona corren el riesgo de ser mostrados públicamente.";
-$a->strings["Invalid contact."] = "Contacto erróneo.";
$a->strings["No friends to display."] = "No hay amigos para mostrar.";
-$a->strings["Event can not end before it has started."] = "Un evento no puede terminar antes de su comienzo.";
-$a->strings["Event title and start time are required."] = "Título del evento y hora de inicio requeridas.";
-$a->strings["Sun"] = "Dom";
-$a->strings["Mon"] = "Lun";
-$a->strings["Tue"] = "Mar";
-$a->strings["Wed"] = "Mie";
-$a->strings["Thu"] = "Jue";
-$a->strings["Fri"] = "Vie";
-$a->strings["Sat"] = "Sab";
-$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Domingo";
-$a->strings["Monday"] = "Lunes";
-$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Martes";
-$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Miércoles";
-$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Jueves";
-$a->strings["Friday"] = "Viernes";
-$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Sábado";
-$a->strings["Jan"] = "Ene";
-$a->strings["Feb"] = "Feb";
-$a->strings["Mar"] = "Mar";
-$a->strings["Apr"] = "Abr";
-$a->strings["May"] = "Mayo";
-$a->strings["Jun"] = "Jun";
-$a->strings["Jul"] = "Jul";
-$a->strings["Aug"] = "Ago";
-$a->strings["Sept"] = "Sept";
-$a->strings["Oct"] = "Oct";
-$a->strings["Nov"] = "Nov";
-$a->strings["Dec"] = "Dec";
-$a->strings["January"] = "Enero";
-$a->strings["February"] = "Febrero";
-$a->strings["March"] = "Marzo";
-$a->strings["April"] = "Abril";
-$a->strings["June"] = "Junio";
-$a->strings["July"] = "Julio";
-$a->strings["August"] = "Agosto";
-$a->strings["September"] = "Septiembre";
-$a->strings["October"] = "Octubre";
-$a->strings["November"] = "Noviembre";
-$a->strings["December"] = "Diciembre";
-$a->strings["today"] = "hoy";
-$a->strings["month"] = "mes";
-$a->strings["week"] = "semana";
-$a->strings["day"] = "día";
-$a->strings["l, F j"] = "l, F j";
-$a->strings["Edit event"] = "Editar evento";
-$a->strings["link to source"] = "Enlace al original";
-$a->strings["Events"] = "Eventos";
-$a->strings["Create New Event"] = "Crea un evento nuevo";
+$a->strings["Access to this profile has been restricted."] = "El acceso a este perfil ha sido restringido.";
+$a->strings["View"] = "Vista";
$a->strings["Previous"] = "Previo";
$a->strings["Next"] = "Siguiente";
+$a->strings["list"] = "lista";
+$a->strings["User not found"] = "Usuario no encontrado";
+$a->strings["This calendar format is not supported"] = "Este formato de calendario no se soporta";
+$a->strings["No exportable data found"] = "No se ha encontrado información exportable";
+$a->strings["calendar"] = "calendario";
+$a->strings["No contacts in common."] = "Sin contactos en común.";
+$a->strings["Common Friends"] = "Amigos comunes";
+$a->strings["Not available."] = "No disponible";
+$a->strings["%d contact edited."] = array(
+ 0 => "%d contacto editado.",
+ 1 => "%d contacts edited.",
+$a->strings["Could not access contact record."] = "No se pudo acceder a los datos del contacto.";
+$a->strings["Could not locate selected profile."] = "No se pudo encontrar el perfil seleccionado.";
+$a->strings["Contact updated."] = "Contacto actualizado.";
+$a->strings["Contact has been blocked"] = "El contacto ha sido bloqueado";
+$a->strings["Contact has been unblocked"] = "El contacto ha sido desbloqueado";
+$a->strings["Contact has been ignored"] = "El contacto ha sido ignorado";
+$a->strings["Contact has been unignored"] = "El contacto ya no está ignorado";
+$a->strings["Contact has been archived"] = "El contacto ha sido archivado";
+$a->strings["Contact has been unarchived"] = "El contacto ya no está archivado";
+$a->strings["Drop contact"] = "Eliminar contacto";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this contact?"] = "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este contacto?";
+$a->strings["Contact has been removed."] = "El contacto ha sido eliminado";
+$a->strings["You are mutual friends with %s"] = "Ahora tienes una amistad mutua con %s";
+$a->strings["You are sharing with %s"] = "Estás compartiendo con %s";
+$a->strings["%s is sharing with you"] = "%s está compartiendo contigo";
+$a->strings["Private communications are not available for this contact."] = "Las comunicaciones privadas no está disponibles para este contacto.";
+$a->strings["(Update was successful)"] = "(La actualización se ha completado)";
+$a->strings["(Update was not successful)"] = "(La actualización no se ha completado)";
+$a->strings["Suggest friends"] = "Sugerir amigos";
+$a->strings["Network type: %s"] = "Tipo de red: %s";
+$a->strings["Communications lost with this contact!"] = "¡Se ha perdido la comunicación con este contacto!";
+$a->strings["Fetch further information for feeds"] = "Recaudar informacion complementaria de los feeds";
+$a->strings["Fetch information"] = "Recaudar informacion";
+$a->strings["Fetch information and keywords"] = "Recaudar informacion y palabras claves";
+$a->strings["Contact"] = "Contacto";
+$a->strings["Profile Visibility"] = "Visibilidad del Perfil";
+$a->strings["Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely."] = "Por favor, selecciona el perfil que quieras mostrar a %s cuando esté viendo tu perfil de forma segura.";
+$a->strings["Contact Information / Notes"] = "Información del Contacto / Notas";
+$a->strings["Edit contact notes"] = "Editar notas del contacto";
+$a->strings["Block/Unblock contact"] = "Boquear/Desbloquear contacto";
+$a->strings["Ignore contact"] = "Ignorar contacto";
+$a->strings["Repair URL settings"] = "Configuración de reparación de la dirección";
+$a->strings["View conversations"] = "Ver conversaciones";
+$a->strings["Last update:"] = "Última actualización:";
+$a->strings["Update public posts"] = "Actualizar publicaciones públicas";
+$a->strings["Update now"] = "Actualizar ahora";
+$a->strings["Unignore"] = "Quitar de Ignorados";
+$a->strings["Currently blocked"] = "Bloqueados";
+$a->strings["Currently ignored"] = "Ignorados";
+$a->strings["Currently archived"] = "Archivados";
+$a->strings["Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"] = "Los comentarios o \"me gusta\" en tus publicaciones públicas todavía pueden ser visibles.";
+$a->strings["Notification for new posts"] = "Notificacion de nuevos temas.";
+$a->strings["Send a notification of every new post of this contact"] = "Enviar una notificacion por nuevos temas de este contacto.";
+$a->strings["Blacklisted keywords"] = "Lista negra de palabras";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"] = "Lista separada por comas de palabras claves que no deberian ser convertido en #hashtags cuando \"Recaudar informacion y palabras claves\" es seleccionado";
+$a->strings["Actions"] = "Acciones";
+$a->strings["Contact Settings"] = "Ajustes del contacto";
+$a->strings["Suggestions"] = "Sugerencias";
+$a->strings["Suggest potential friends"] = "Amistades potenciales sugeridas";
+$a->strings["Show all contacts"] = "Mostrar todos los contactos";
+$a->strings["Unblocked"] = "Desbloqueados";
+$a->strings["Only show unblocked contacts"] = "Mostrar solo contactos sin bloquear";
+$a->strings["Blocked"] = "Bloqueados";
+$a->strings["Only show blocked contacts"] = "Mostrar solo contactos bloqueados";
+$a->strings["Ignored"] = "Ignorados";
+$a->strings["Only show ignored contacts"] = "Mostrar solo contactos ignorados";
+$a->strings["Archived"] = "Archivados";
+$a->strings["Only show archived contacts"] = "Mostrar solo contactos archivados";
+$a->strings["Hidden"] = "Ocultos";
+$a->strings["Only show hidden contacts"] = "Mostrar solo contactos ocultos";
+$a->strings["Search your contacts"] = "Buscar en tus contactos";
+$a->strings["Update"] = "Actualizar";
+$a->strings["Archive"] = "Archivo";
+$a->strings["Unarchive"] = "Sin archivar";
+$a->strings["Batch Actions"] = "Accones en lote";
+$a->strings["View all contacts"] = "Ver todos los contactos";
+$a->strings["View all common friends"] = "Ver todos los conocidos en común ";
+$a->strings["Advanced Contact Settings"] = "Configuración avanzada";
+$a->strings["Mutual Friendship"] = "Amistad recíproca";
+$a->strings["is a fan of yours"] = "es tu fan";
+$a->strings["you are a fan of"] = "eres fan de";
+$a->strings["Toggle Blocked status"] = "Cambiar bloqueados";
+$a->strings["Toggle Ignored status"] = "Cambiar ignorados";
+$a->strings["Toggle Archive status"] = "Cambiar archivados";
+$a->strings["Delete contact"] = "Eliminar contacto";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Directorio global";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Buscar en este sitio";
+$a->strings["Results for:"] = "Resultados para:";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Directorio del sitio";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Sin entradas (algunas pueden que estén ocultas).";
+$a->strings["People Search - %s"] = "Buscar perfiles - %s";
+$a->strings["Forum Search - %s"] = "Búsqueda de foro - %s";
+$a->strings["No matches"] = "Sin conincidencias";
+$a->strings["Item has been removed."] = "El elemento ha sido eliminado.";
+$a->strings["Event can not end before it has started."] = "Un evento no puede terminar antes de su comienzo.";
+$a->strings["Event title and start time are required."] = "Título del evento y hora de inicio requeridas.";
+$a->strings["Create New Event"] = "Crea un evento nuevo";
$a->strings["Event details"] = "Detalles del evento";
$a->strings["Starting date and Title are required."] = "Se requiere fecha de comienzo y titulo";
$a->strings["Event Starts:"] = "Inicio del evento:";
-$a->strings["Required"] = "Obligatorio";
$a->strings["Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"] = "La fecha/hora de finalización no es conocida o es irrelevante.";
$a->strings["Event Finishes:"] = "Finalización del evento:";
$a->strings["Adjust for viewer timezone"] = "Ajuste de zona horaria";
$a->strings["Description:"] = "Descripción:";
$a->strings["Title:"] = "Título:";
$a->strings["Share this event"] = "Comparte este evento";
-$a->strings["Preview"] = "Vista previa";
-$a->strings["Credits"] = "Creditos";
-$a->strings["Friendica is a community project, that would not be possible without the help of many people. Here is a list of those who have contributed to the code or the translation of Friendica. Thank you all!"] = "Friendica es un proyecto comunitario, que no seria posible sin la ayuda de mucha gente. Aquí una lista de de aquellos que aportaron al código o la traducción de friendica.\nGracias a todos! ";
-$a->strings["Select"] = "Seleccionar";
-$a->strings["View %s's profile @ %s"] = "Ver perfil de %s @ %s";
-$a->strings["%s from %s"] = "%s de %s";
-$a->strings["View in context"] = "Verlo en contexto";
-$a->strings["%d comment"] = array(
- 0 => "%d comentario",
- 1 => "%d comentarios",
-$a->strings["comment"] = array(
- 0 => "",
- 1 => "Comentario",
-$a->strings["show more"] = "ver más";
-$a->strings["Private Message"] = "Mensaje privado";
-$a->strings["I like this (toggle)"] = "Me gusta esto (cambiar)";
-$a->strings["like"] = "me gusta";
-$a->strings["I don't like this (toggle)"] = "No me gusta esto (cambiar)";
-$a->strings["dislike"] = "no me gusta";
-$a->strings["Share this"] = "Compartir esto";
-$a->strings["share"] = "compartir";
-$a->strings["This is you"] = "Este eres tú";
-$a->strings["Comment"] = "Comentar";
-$a->strings["Bold"] = "Negrita";
-$a->strings["Italic"] = "Cursiva";
-$a->strings["Underline"] = "Subrayado";
-$a->strings["Quote"] = "Cita";
-$a->strings["Code"] = "Código";
-$a->strings["Image"] = "Imagen";
-$a->strings["Link"] = "Enlace";
-$a->strings["Video"] = "Vídeo";
-$a->strings["Edit"] = "Editar";
-$a->strings["add star"] = "Añadir estrella";
-$a->strings["remove star"] = "Quitar estrella";
-$a->strings["toggle star status"] = "Añadir a destacados";
-$a->strings["starred"] = "marcados con estrellas";
-$a->strings["add tag"] = "añadir etiqueta";
-$a->strings["save to folder"] = "grabado en directorio";
-$a->strings["to"] = "a";
-$a->strings["Wall-to-Wall"] = "Muro-A-Muro";
-$a->strings["via Wall-To-Wall:"] = "via Muro-A-Muro:";
-$a->strings["Remove My Account"] = "Eliminar mi cuenta";
-$a->strings["This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not recoverable."] = "Esto eliminará por completo tu cuenta. Una vez hecho no se puede deshacer.";
-$a->strings["Please enter your password for verification:"] = "Por favor, introduce tu contraseña para la verificación:";
$a->strings["Friendica Communications Server - Setup"] = "Servidor de comunicación Friendica - Configuración";
$a->strings["Could not connect to database."] = "No es posible la conexión con la base de datos.";
$a->strings["Could not create table."] = "No se puede crear la tabla.";
@@ -864,6 +1645,8 @@ $a->strings["Site administrator email address"] = "Dirección de correo del admi
$a->strings["Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin panel."] = "La dirección de correo de tu cuenta debe coincidir con esta para poder usar el panel de administración de la web.";
$a->strings["Please select a default timezone for your website"] = "Por favor, selecciona la zona horaria predeterminada para tu web";
$a->strings["Site settings"] = "Configuración de la página web";
+$a->strings["System Language:"] = "Sistema de idioma:";
+$a->strings["Set the default language for your Friendica installation interface and to send emails."] = "Seleccione el idioma por defecto para su interfaz de instalación de Friendica y para enviar emails.";
$a->strings["Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH."] = "No se pudo encontrar una versión de la línea de comandos de PHP en la ruta del servidor web.";
$a->strings["If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on server, you will not be able to run background polling via cron. See 'Setup the poller' "] = "Si no tienes una versión de command line de php installado en el servidor, no sera posible de efectuar polling como trabajo de fondo a traves de cron. Vea 'Setup the poller' ";
$a->strings["PHP executable path"] = "Dirección al ejecutable PHP";
@@ -884,6 +1667,8 @@ $a->strings["OpenSSL PHP module"] = "Módulo PHP OpenSSL";
$a->strings["mysqli PHP module"] = "Módulo PHP mysqli";
$a->strings["mb_string PHP module"] = "Módulo PHP mb_string";
$a->strings["mcrypt PHP module"] = "modulo mycrypt PHP";
+$a->strings["XML PHP module"] = "Módulo XML PHP";
+$a->strings["iconv module"] = "Módulo iconv";
$a->strings["Apache mod_rewrite module"] = "Módulo mod_rewrite de Apache";
$a->strings["Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."] = "Error: El módulo de Apache mod-rewrite es necesario pero no está instalado.";
$a->strings["Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."] = "Error: El módulo de PHP libcurl es necesario, pero no está instalado.";
@@ -892,8 +1677,11 @@ $a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Error: E
$a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Error: El módulo de PHP mysqli es necesario, pero no está instalado.";
$a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Error: El módulo de PHP mb_string es necesario, pero no está instalado.";
$a->strings["Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed."] = "Error: modulo mycrypt PHP requerido pero no instalado.";
+$a->strings["Error: iconv PHP module required but not installed."] = "Error: módulo iconv PHP requerido pero no instalado.";
+$a->strings["If you are using php_cli, please make sure that mcrypt module is enabled in its config file"] = "Si está utilizando php_cli, por favor asegúrese de que el módulo mcrypt está habilitado en este archivo de configuración";
$a->strings["Function mcrypt_create_iv() is not defined. This is needed to enable RINO2 encryption layer."] = "Función mycrypt_create_iv() no esta definido. Esto es preciso para habilitar RINO2 encryption layer.";
$a->strings["mcrypt_create_iv() function"] = "mcrypt_create_iv() función";
+$a->strings["Error, XML PHP module required but not installed."] = "Error, módulo XML PHP requerido pero no instalado.";
$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "El programa de instalación web necesita ser capaz de crear un archivo llamado \".htconfig.php\" en la carpeta principal de tu servidor web y es incapaz de hacerlo.";
$a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Se trata a menudo de una configuración de permisos, pues el servidor web puede que no sea capaz de escribir archivos en la carpeta, aunque tú sí puedas.";
$a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = "Al final obtendremos un texto que debes guardar en un archivo llamado .htconfig.php en la carpeta de Friendica.";
@@ -911,40 +1699,113 @@ $a->strings["ImageMagick supports GIF"] = "ImageMagick supporta GIF";
$a->strings["The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web server root."] = "El archivo de configuración de base de datos \".htconfig.php\" no se pudo escribir. Por favor, utiliza el texto adjunto para crear un archivo de configuración en la raíz de tu servidor web.";
$a->strings["What next "] = "¿Ahora qué? ";
$a->strings["IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the poller."] = "IMPORTANTE: Tendrás que configurar [manualmente] una tarea programada para el sondeo";
-$a->strings["Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."] = "Excedido el número máximo de mensajes para %s. El mensaje no se ha enviado.";
-$a->strings["Unable to check your home location."] = "Imposible comprobar tu servidor de inicio.";
-$a->strings["No recipient."] = "Sin receptor.";
-$a->strings["If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on your site allow private mail from unknown senders."] = "Si quieres que %s te responda, asegúrate de que la configuración de privacidad permite enviar correo privado a desconocidos.";
-$a->strings["Help:"] = "Ayuda:";
-$a->strings["Help"] = "Ayuda";
-$a->strings["Not Found"] = "No se ha encontrado";
-$a->strings["Page not found."] = "Página no encontrada.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s welcomes %2\$s"] = "%1\$s te da la bienvenida a %2\$s";
-$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Bienvenido a %s";
-$a->strings["Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"] = "Disculpa, posiblemente el archivo subido es mas grande que la PHP configuración permite.";
-$a->strings["Or - did you try to upload an empty file?"] = "Si no - intento de subir un archivo vacío?";
-$a->strings["File exceeds size limit of %s"] = "El archivo excede el limite de tamaño de %s";
-$a->strings["File upload failed."] = "Ha fallado la subida del archivo.";
+$a->strings["Unable to locate original post."] = "No se puede encontrar la publicación original.";
+$a->strings["Empty post discarded."] = "Publicación vacía descartada.";
+$a->strings["System error. Post not saved."] = "Error del sistema. Mensaje no guardado.";
+$a->strings["This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social network."] = "Este mensaje te lo ha enviado %s, miembro de la red social Friendica.";
+$a->strings["You may visit them online at %s"] = "Los puedes visitar en línea en %s";
+$a->strings["Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to receive these messages."] = "Por favor contacta con el remitente respondiendo a este mensaje si no deseas recibir estos mensajes.";
+$a->strings["%s posted an update."] = "%s ha publicado una actualización.";
+$a->strings["System down for maintenance"] = "Servicio suspendido por mantenimiento";
$a->strings["No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."] = "No hay palabras clave que coincidan. Por favor, agrega algunas palabras claves en tu perfil predeterminado.";
$a->strings["is interested in:"] = "estás interesado en:";
$a->strings["Profile Match"] = "Coincidencias de Perfil";
-$a->strings["link"] = "enlace";
-$a->strings["Not available."] = "No disponible";
-$a->strings["Community"] = "Comunidad";
-$a->strings["No results."] = "Sin resultados.";
+$a->strings["Warning: This group contains %s member from an insecure network."] = array(
+ 0 => "Aviso: este grupo contiene %s contacto con conexión no segura.",
+ 1 => "Aviso: este grupo contiene %s contactos con conexiones no seguras.",
+$a->strings["Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure."] = "Los mensajes privados a este grupo corren el riesgo de ser mostrados públicamente.";
+$a->strings["Private messages to this person are at risk of public disclosure."] = "Los mensajes privados a esta persona corren el riesgo de ser mostrados públicamente.";
+$a->strings["Invalid contact."] = "Contacto erróneo.";
+$a->strings["Commented Order"] = "Orden de comentarios";
+$a->strings["Sort by Comment Date"] = "Ordenar por fecha de comentarios";
+$a->strings["Posted Order"] = "Orden de publicación";
+$a->strings["Sort by Post Date"] = "Ordenar por fecha de publicación";
+$a->strings["Posts that mention or involve you"] = "Publicaciones que te mencionan o involucran";
+$a->strings["New"] = "Nuevo";
+$a->strings["Activity Stream - by date"] = "Corriente de actividad por fecha";
+$a->strings["Shared Links"] = "Enlaces compartidos";
+$a->strings["Interesting Links"] = "Enlaces interesantes";
+$a->strings["Starred"] = "Favoritos";
+$a->strings["Favourite Posts"] = "Publicaciones favoritas";
+$a->strings["Recent Photos"] = "Fotos recientes";
+$a->strings["Upload New Photos"] = "Subir nuevas fotos";
$a->strings["everybody"] = "todos";
+$a->strings["Contact information unavailable"] = "Información del contacto no disponible";
+$a->strings["Album not found."] = "Álbum no encontrado.";
+$a->strings["Delete Album"] = "Eliminar álbum";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"] = "¿Estás seguro de quieres borrar este álbum y todas sus fotos?";
+$a->strings["Delete Photo"] = "Eliminar foto";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo?"] = "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar esta foto?";
+$a->strings["%1\$s was tagged in %2\$s by %3\$s"] = "%1\$s fue etiquetado en %2\$s por %3\$s";
+$a->strings["a photo"] = "una foto";
+$a->strings["Image file is empty."] = "El archivo de imagen está vacío.";
+$a->strings["No photos selected"] = "Ninguna foto seleccionada";
+$a->strings["Access to this item is restricted."] = "El acceso a este elemento está restringido.";
+$a->strings["You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."] = "Has usado %1$.2f MB de %2$.2f MB de tu álbum de fotos.";
+$a->strings["Upload Photos"] = "Subir fotos";
+$a->strings["New album name: "] = "Nombre del nuevo álbum: ";
+$a->strings["or existing album name: "] = "o nombre de un álbum existente: ";
+$a->strings["Do not show a status post for this upload"] = "No actualizar tu estado con este envío";
+$a->strings["Show to Groups"] = "Mostrar a los Grupos";
+$a->strings["Show to Contacts"] = "Mostrar a los Contactos";
+$a->strings["Private Photo"] = "Foto Privada";
+$a->strings["Public Photo"] = "Foto Pública";
+$a->strings["Edit Album"] = "Modificar álbum";
+$a->strings["Show Newest First"] = "Mostrar más nuevos primero";
+$a->strings["Show Oldest First"] = "Mostrar más antiguos primero";
+$a->strings["View Photo"] = "Ver foto";
+$a->strings["Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."] = "Permiso denegado. El acceso a este elemento puede estar restringido.";
+$a->strings["Photo not available"] = "Foto no disponible";
+$a->strings["View photo"] = "Ver foto";
+$a->strings["Edit photo"] = "Modificar foto";
+$a->strings["Use as profile photo"] = "Usar como foto del perfil";
+$a->strings["View Full Size"] = "Ver a tamaño completo";
+$a->strings["Tags: "] = "Etiquetas: ";
+$a->strings["[Remove any tag]"] = "[Borrar todas las etiquetas]";
+$a->strings["New album name"] = "Nuevo nombre del álbum";
+$a->strings["Caption"] = "Título";
+$a->strings["Add a Tag"] = "Añadir una etiqueta";
+$a->strings["Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"] = "Ejemplo: @juan, @Barbara_Ruiz, @julia@example.com, #California, #camping";
+$a->strings["Do not rotate"] = "No rotar";
+$a->strings["Rotate CW (right)"] = "Girar a la derecha";
+$a->strings["Rotate CCW (left)"] = "Girar a la izquierda";
+$a->strings["Private photo"] = "Foto privada";
+$a->strings["Public photo"] = "Foto pública";
+$a->strings["Map"] = "Mapa";
+$a->strings["View Album"] = "Ver Álbum";
+$a->strings["{0} wants to be your friend"] = "{0} quiere ser tu amigo";
+$a->strings["{0} sent you a message"] = "{0} te ha enviado un mensaje";
+$a->strings["{0} requested registration"] = "{0} solicitudes de registro";
+$a->strings["Tips for New Members"] = "Consejos para nuevos miembros";
+$a->strings["Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."] = "Te has registrado con éxito. Por favor, consulta tu correo para más información.";
+$a->strings["Failed to send email message. Here your accout details: login: %s password: %s You can change your password after login."] = "Error al intentar de enviar mensaje de correo. Aquí los detalles de su cuenta: login: %s contraseña: %s Puede cambiar su contraseña después de ingresar al sitio.";
+$a->strings["Registration successful."] = "Registro exitoso.";
+$a->strings["Your registration can not be processed."] = "Tu registro no se puede procesar.";
+$a->strings["Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."] = "Tu registro está pendiente de aprobación por el propietario del sitio.";
+$a->strings["You may (optionally) fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID and clicking 'Register'."] = "Puedes (opcionalmente) rellenar este formulario a través de OpenID escribiendo tu OpenID y pulsando en \"Registrar\".";
+$a->strings["If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill in the rest of the items."] = "Si no estás familiarizado con OpenID, por favor deja ese campo en blanco y rellena el resto de los elementos.";
+$a->strings["Your OpenID (optional): "] = "Tu OpenID (opcional):";
+$a->strings["Include your profile in member directory?"] = "¿Incluir tu perfil en el directorio de miembros?";
+$a->strings["Membership on this site is by invitation only."] = "Sitio solo accesible mediante invitación.";
+$a->strings["Your invitation ID: "] = "ID de tu invitación: ";
+$a->strings["Your Full Name (e.g. Joe Smith, real or real-looking): "] = "Nombre completo (ej. Joe Smith, real o real aparente):";
+$a->strings["Your Email Address: "] = "Tu dirección de correo: ";
+$a->strings["New Password:"] = "Contraseña nueva:";
+$a->strings["Leave empty for an auto generated password."] = "Dejar vacío para autogenerar una contraseña";
+$a->strings["Confirm:"] = "Confirmar:";
+$a->strings["Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your profile address on this site will then be 'nickname@\$sitename '."] = "Elije un apodo. Debe comenzar con una letra. Tu dirección de perfil en este sitio va a ser \"apodo@\$nombredelsitio \".";
+$a->strings["Choose a nickname: "] = "Escoge un apodo: ";
+$a->strings["Import your profile to this friendica instance"] = "Importar tu perfil a esta instancia de friendica";
$a->strings["Display"] = "Interfaz del usuario";
$a->strings["Social Networks"] = "Redes sociales";
-$a->strings["Delegations"] = "Delegaciones";
$a->strings["Connected apps"] = "Aplicaciones conectadas";
-$a->strings["Export personal data"] = "Exportación de datos personales";
$a->strings["Remove account"] = "Eliminar cuenta";
$a->strings["Missing some important data!"] = "¡Faltan algunos datos importantes!";
$a->strings["Failed to connect with email account using the settings provided."] = "Error al conectar con la cuenta de correo mediante la configuración suministrada.";
$a->strings["Email settings updated."] = "Configuración de correo actualizada.";
$a->strings["Features updated"] = "Actualizaciones";
$a->strings["Relocate message has been send to your contacts"] = "Mensaje de reubicación ha sido enviado a sus contactos.";
-$a->strings["Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."] = "Las contraseñas no coinciden. La contraseña no ha sido modificada.";
$a->strings["Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."] = "No se permiten contraseñas vacías. La contraseña no ha sido modificada.";
$a->strings["Wrong password."] = "Contraseña incorrecta";
$a->strings["Password changed."] = "Contraseña modificada.";
@@ -980,7 +1841,6 @@ $a->strings["Your legacy GNU Social account"] = "Tu cuenta GNU social conectada"
$a->strings["If you enter your old GNU Social/Statusnet account name here (in the format user@domain.tld), your contacts will be added automatically. The field will be emptied when done."] = "Si agrega su viejo nombre de perfil GNUsocial/Statusnet aqui (en el formato de usuario@dominio.tld), sus contactos serán añadidos automáticamente.\nEl campo sera vaciado cuando termine el proceso. ";
$a->strings["Repair OStatus subscriptions"] = "Reparar subscripciones de OStatus";
$a->strings["Built-in support for %s connectivity is %s"] = "El soporte integrado de conexión con %s está %s";
-$a->strings["Diaspora"] = "Diaspora*";
$a->strings["enabled"] = "habilitado";
$a->strings["disabled"] = "deshabilitado";
$a->strings["GNU Social (OStatus)"] = "GNUsocial (OStatus)";
@@ -997,7 +1857,6 @@ $a->strings["Email password:"] = "Contraseña:";
$a->strings["Reply-to address:"] = "Dirección de respuesta:";
$a->strings["Send public posts to all email contacts:"] = "Enviar publicaciones públicas a todos los contactos de correo:";
$a->strings["Action after import:"] = "Acción después de importar:";
-$a->strings["Mark as seen"] = "Marcar como leído";
$a->strings["Move to folder"] = "Mover a un directorio";
$a->strings["Move to folder:"] = "Mover al directorio:";
$a->strings["Display Settings"] = "Configuración Tema/Visualización";
@@ -1014,15 +1873,28 @@ $a->strings["Beginning of week:"] = "Principio de la semana:";
$a->strings["Don't show notices"] = "No mostrara avisos";
$a->strings["Infinite scroll"] = "pagina infinita (sroll)";
$a->strings["Automatic updates only at the top of the network page"] = "Actualizaciones automaticas solo estando al principio de la pagina";
+$a->strings["Bandwith Saver Mode"] = "";
+$a->strings["General Theme Settings"] = "Ajustes generales de tema";
+$a->strings["Custom Theme Settings"] = "Ajustes personalizados de tema";
+$a->strings["Content Settings"] = "Ajustes de contenido";
$a->strings["Theme settings"] = "Configuración del Tema";
-$a->strings["User Types"] = "Tipos de perfiles";
-$a->strings["Community Types"] = "Tipos de comunidades";
+$a->strings["Account Types"] = "Tipos de cuenta";
+$a->strings["Personal Page Subtypes"] = "Subtipos de página personal";
+$a->strings["Community Forum Subtypes"] = "Subtipos de foro de comunidad";
+$a->strings["Personal Page"] = "Página personal";
+$a->strings["This account is a regular personal profile"] = "Esta cuenta es un perfil personal corriente";
+$a->strings["Organisation Page"] = "Página de organización";
+$a->strings["This account is a profile for an organisation"] = "Esta cuenta es un perfil de una organización";
+$a->strings["News Page"] = "Página de noticias";
+$a->strings["This account is a news account/reflector"] = "Esta cuenta es una cuenta de noticias/reflectora";
+$a->strings["Community Forum"] = "Foro de la comunidad";
+$a->strings["This account is a community forum where people can discuss with each other"] = "Esta cuenta es un foro de comunidad donde la gente puede debatir con otros";
$a->strings["Normal Account Page"] = "Página de cuenta normal";
$a->strings["This account is a normal personal profile"] = "Esta cuenta es el perfil personal normal";
$a->strings["Soapbox Page"] = "Página de tribuna";
$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"] = "Acepta automáticamente todas las peticiones de conexión/amistad como seguidores de solo-lectura";
-$a->strings["Community Forum/Celebrity Account"] = "Cuenta de Comunidad, Foro o Celebridad";
-$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans"] = "Acepta automáticamente todas las peticiones de conexión/amistad como seguidores de lectura-escritura";
+$a->strings["Public Forum"] = "Foro público";
+$a->strings["Automatically approve all contact requests"] = "Aprovar autimáticamente todas las solicitudes de contacto";
$a->strings["Automatic Friend Page"] = "Página de Amistad autómatica";
$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"] = "Aceptar automáticamente todas las solicitudes de conexión/amistad como amigos";
$a->strings["Private Forum [Experimental]"] = "Foro privado [Experimental]";
@@ -1032,7 +1904,6 @@ $a->strings["(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account."] = "(Opcion
$a->strings["Publish your default profile in your local site directory?"] = "¿Quieres publicar tu perfil predeterminado en el directorio local del sitio?";
$a->strings["Publish your default profile in the global social directory?"] = "¿Quieres publicar tu perfil predeterminado en el directorio social de forma global?";
$a->strings["Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of your default profile?"] = "¿Quieres ocultar tu lista de contactos/amigos en la vista de tu perfil predeterminado?";
-$a->strings["Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"] = "¿Quieres que los detalles de tu perfil permanezcan ocultos a los desconocidos?";
$a->strings["If enabled, posting public messages to Diaspora and other networks isn't possible."] = "Si habilitado, enviar temas públicos a a Diaspora* y otras redes no es posible. ";
$a->strings["Allow friends to post to your profile page?"] = "¿Permites que tus amigos publiquen en tu página de perfil?";
$a->strings["Allow friends to tag your posts?"] = "¿Permites a los amigos etiquetar tus publicaciones?";
@@ -1051,14 +1922,11 @@ $a->strings["Expire photos:"] = "¿Expiran las fotografías?";
$a->strings["Only expire posts by others:"] = "Solo expiran los mensajes de los demás:";
$a->strings["Account Settings"] = "Configuración de la cuenta";
$a->strings["Password Settings"] = "Configuración de la contraseña";
-$a->strings["New Password:"] = "Contraseña nueva:";
-$a->strings["Confirm:"] = "Confirmar:";
$a->strings["Leave password fields blank unless changing"] = "Deja la contraseña en blanco si no quieres cambiarla";
$a->strings["Current Password:"] = "Contraseña actual:";
$a->strings["Your current password to confirm the changes"] = "Su contraseña actual para confirmar los cambios.";
$a->strings["Password:"] = "Contraseña:";
$a->strings["Basic Settings"] = "Configuración básica";
-$a->strings["Full Name:"] = "Nombre completo:";
$a->strings["Email Address:"] = "Dirección de correo:";
$a->strings["Your Timezone:"] = "Zona horaria:";
$a->strings["Your Language:"] = "Tu idioma:";
@@ -1070,8 +1938,6 @@ $a->strings["Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"] = "Máximo número de peticiones de
$a->strings["(to prevent spam abuse)"] = "(para prevenir el abuso de spam)";
$a->strings["Default Post Permissions"] = "Permisos por defecto para las publicaciones";
$a->strings["(click to open/close)"] = "(pulsa para abrir/cerrar)";
-$a->strings["Show to Groups"] = "Mostrar a los Grupos";
-$a->strings["Show to Contacts"] = "Mostrar a los Contactos";
$a->strings["Default Private Post"] = "Publicación Privada por defecto";
$a->strings["Default Public Post"] = "Publicación Pública por defecto";
$a->strings["Default Permissions for New Posts"] = "Permisos por defecto para nuevas publicaciones";
@@ -1099,315 +1965,82 @@ $a->strings["Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"] = "Ca
$a->strings["Relocate"] = "Relocalizar";
$a->strings["If you have moved this profile from another server, and some of your contacts don't receive your updates, try pushing this button."] = "Si ha migrado este perfil desde otro servidor aquí y algunos contactos no reciben sus publicaciones intente recomunicar su ubicación a traves este botón. (Como para decir el botón de los botones)";
$a->strings["Resend relocate message to contacts"] = "Reenviar mensaje de relocalización a los contactos";
-$a->strings["This introduction has already been accepted."] = "Esta presentación ya ha sido aceptada.";
-$a->strings["Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."] = "La dirección del perfil no es válida o no contiene información del perfil.";
-$a->strings["Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."] = "Aviso: La dirección del perfil no tiene un nombre de propietario identificable.";
-$a->strings["Warning: profile location has no profile photo."] = "Aviso: la dirección del perfil no tiene foto de perfil.";
-$a->strings["%d required parameter was not found at the given location"] = array(
- 0 => "no se encontró %d parámetro requerido en el lugar determinado",
- 1 => "no se encontraron %d parámetros requeridos en el lugar determinado",
-$a->strings["Introduction complete."] = "Presentación completa.";
-$a->strings["Unrecoverable protocol error."] = "Error de protocolo irrecuperable.";
-$a->strings["Profile unavailable."] = "Perfil no disponible.";
-$a->strings["%s has received too many connection requests today."] = "%s ha recibido demasiadas solicitudes de conexión hoy.";
-$a->strings["Spam protection measures have been invoked."] = "Han sido activadas las medidas de protección contra spam.";
-$a->strings["Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."] = "Tus amigos serán avisados para que lo intenten de nuevo pasadas 24 horas.";
-$a->strings["Invalid locator"] = "Localizador no válido";
-$a->strings["Invalid email address."] = "Dirección de correo incorrecta";
-$a->strings["This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."] = "Esta cuenta no ha sido configurada para el correo. Fallo de solicitud.";
-$a->strings["You have already introduced yourself here."] = "Ya te has presentado aquí.";
-$a->strings["Apparently you are already friends with %s."] = "Al parecer, ya eres amigo de %s.";
-$a->strings["Invalid profile URL."] = "Dirección de perfil no válida.";
-$a->strings["Disallowed profile URL."] = "Dirección de perfil no permitida.";
-$a->strings["Your introduction has been sent."] = "Tu presentación ha sido enviada.";
-$a->strings["Remote subscription can't be done for your network. Please subscribe directly on your system."] = "La subscripción remota no se podrá hacer para tu red. Por favor contacta directamente desde tu sistema.";
-$a->strings["Please login to confirm introduction."] = "Inicia sesión para confirmar la presentación.";
-$a->strings["Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to this profile."] = "Sesión iniciada con la identificación incorrecta. Entra en este perfil.";
-$a->strings["Confirm"] = "Confirmar";
-$a->strings["Hide this contact"] = "Ocultar este contacto";
-$a->strings["Welcome home %s."] = "Bienvenido a casa %s";
-$a->strings["Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."] = "Por favor, confirma tu solicitud de presentación/conexión con %s.";
-$a->strings["Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported communications networks:"] = "Por favor introduce tu dirección ID de una de las siguientes redes sociales soportadas:";
-$a->strings["If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and join us today ."] = "Si aun no eres miembro de la red social libre seguí este enlace para encontrara un sitio disponible de friendica y acompañanos hoy mismo ";
-$a->strings["Friend/Connection Request"] = "Solicitud de Amistad/Conexión";
-$a->strings["Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca"] = "Ejemplos: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca";
-$a->strings["Friendica"] = "Friendica";
-$a->strings["StatusNet/Federated Social Web"] = "StatusNet/Web Social Federada";
-$a->strings[" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search bar."] = "(En vez de usar este formulario, introduce %s en la barra de búsqueda de Diaspora.";
-$a->strings["Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."] = "Te has registrado con éxito. Por favor, consulta tu correo para más información.";
-$a->strings["Failed to send email message. Here your accout details: login: %s password: %s You can change your password after login."] = "Error al intentar de enviar mensaje de correo. Aquí los detalles de su cuenta: login: %s contraseña: %s Puede cambiar su contraseña después de ingresar al sitio.";
-$a->strings["Registration successful."] = "Registro exitoso.";
-$a->strings["Your registration can not be processed."] = "Tu registro no se puede procesar.";
-$a->strings["Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."] = "Tu registro está pendiente de aprobación por el propietario del sitio.";
-$a->strings["This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow."] = "Este sitio ha excedido el número de registros diarios permitidos. Inténtalo de nuevo mañana por favor.";
-$a->strings["You may (optionally) fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID and clicking 'Register'."] = "Puedes (opcionalmente) rellenar este formulario a través de OpenID escribiendo tu OpenID y pulsando en \"Registrar\".";
-$a->strings["If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill in the rest of the items."] = "Si no estás familiarizado con OpenID, por favor deja ese campo en blanco y rellena el resto de los elementos.";
-$a->strings["Your OpenID (optional): "] = "Tu OpenID (opcional):";
-$a->strings["Include your profile in member directory?"] = "¿Incluir tu perfil en el directorio de miembros?";
-$a->strings["Membership on this site is by invitation only."] = "Sitio solo accesible mediante invitación.";
-$a->strings["Your invitation ID: "] = "ID de tu invitación: ";
-$a->strings["Your Full Name (e.g. Joe Smith, real or real-looking): "] = "Nombre completo (ej. Joe Smith, real o real aparente):";
-$a->strings["Your Email Address: "] = "Tu dirección de correo: ";
-$a->strings["Leave empty for an auto generated password."] = "Dejar vacío para autogenerar una contraseña";
-$a->strings["Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your profile address on this site will then be 'nickname@\$sitename '."] = "Elije un apodo. Debe comenzar con una letra. Tu dirección de perfil en este sitio va a ser \"apodo@\$nombredelsitio \".";
-$a->strings["Choose a nickname: "] = "Escoge un apodo: ";
-$a->strings["Register"] = "Registrarse";
-$a->strings["Import"] = "Importar";
-$a->strings["Import your profile to this friendica instance"] = "Importar tu perfil a esta instancia de friendica";
-$a->strings["System down for maintenance"] = "Servicio suspendido por mantenimiento";
-$a->strings["Only logged in users are permitted to perform a search."] = "Solo usuarios activos tienen permiso para ejecutar búsquedas.";
-$a->strings["Too Many Requests"] = "Demasiadas consultas";
-$a->strings["Only one search per minute is permitted for not logged in users."] = "Se permite solo una búsqueda por minuto para usuarios no identificados.";
-$a->strings["Search"] = "Buscar";
-$a->strings["Items tagged with: %s"] = "Objetos taggeado con: %s";
-$a->strings["Search results for: %s"] = "Resultados de búsqueda para: %s";
-$a->strings["Status:"] = "Estado:";
-$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Página de inicio:";
-$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Directorio global";
-$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Buscar en este sitio";
-$a->strings["Finding:"] = "Buscando:";
-$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Directorio del sitio";
-$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Sin entradas (algunas pueden que estén ocultas).";
-$a->strings["No potential page delegates located."] = "No se han localizado delegados potenciales de la página.";
-$a->strings["Delegate Page Management"] = "Delegar la administración de la página";
-$a->strings["Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to anybody that you do not trust completely."] = "Los delegados tienen la capacidad de gestionar todos los aspectos de esta cuenta/página, excepto los ajustes básicos de la cuenta. Por favor, no delegues tu cuenta personal a nadie en quien no confíes completamente.";
-$a->strings["Existing Page Managers"] = "Administradores actuales de la página";
-$a->strings["Existing Page Delegates"] = "Delegados actuales de la página";
-$a->strings["Potential Delegates"] = "Delegados potenciales";
-$a->strings["Add"] = "Añadir";
-$a->strings["No entries."] = "Sin entradas.";
-$a->strings["No contacts in common."] = "Sin contactos en común.";
-$a->strings["Export account"] = "Exportar cuenta";
-$a->strings["Export your account info and contacts. Use this to make a backup of your account and/or to move it to another server."] = "Exporta la información de tu cuenta y tus contactos. Úsalo para guardar una copia de seguridad de tu cuenta y/o moverla a otro servidor.";
-$a->strings["Export all"] = "Exportar todo";
-$a->strings["Export your accout info, contacts and all your items as json. Could be a very big file, and could take a lot of time. Use this to make a full backup of your account (photos are not exported)"] = "Exporta la información de tu cuenta, contactos y lo demás en JSON. Puede ser un archivo bastante grande, por lo que llevará tiempo. Úsalo para hacer una copia de seguridad completa de tu cuenta (las fotos no se exportarán)";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is currently %2\$s"] = "%1\$s está actualmente %2\$s";
-$a->strings["Mood"] = "Ánimo";
-$a->strings["Set your current mood and tell your friends"] = "Coloca tu ánimo actual y cuéntaselo a tus amigos";
$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"] = "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar esta sugerencia?";
$a->strings["No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 hours."] = "No hay sugerencias disponibles. Si el sitio web es nuevo inténtalo de nuevo dentro de 24 horas.";
$a->strings["Ignore/Hide"] = "Ignorar/Ocultar";
-$a->strings["Friend Suggestions"] = "Sugerencias de amigos";
-$a->strings["Profile deleted."] = "Perfil eliminado.";
-$a->strings["Profile-"] = "Perfil-";
-$a->strings["New profile created."] = "Nuevo perfil creado.";
-$a->strings["Profile unavailable to clone."] = "Imposible duplicar el perfil.";
-$a->strings["Profile Name is required."] = "Se necesita un nombre de perfil.";
-$a->strings["Marital Status"] = "Estado civil";
-$a->strings["Romantic Partner"] = "Pareja sentimental";
-$a->strings["Likes"] = "Me gusta";
-$a->strings["Dislikes"] = "No me gusta";
-$a->strings["Work/Employment"] = "Trabajo/estudios";
-$a->strings["Religion"] = "Religión";
-$a->strings["Political Views"] = "Preferencias políticas";
-$a->strings["Gender"] = "Género";
-$a->strings["Sexual Preference"] = "Orientación sexual";
-$a->strings["Homepage"] = "Página de inicio";
-$a->strings["Interests"] = "Intereses";
-$a->strings["Address"] = "Dirección";
-$a->strings["Location"] = "Ubicación";
-$a->strings["Profile updated."] = "Perfil actualizado.";
-$a->strings[" and "] = " y ";
-$a->strings["public profile"] = "perfil público";
-$a->strings["%1\$s changed %2\$s to “%3\$s”"] = "%1\$s cambió su %2\$s a “%3\$s”";
-$a->strings[" - Visit %1\$s's %2\$s"] = " - Visita %1\$s's %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s has an updated %2\$s, changing %3\$s."] = "%1\$s tiene una actualización %2\$s, cambiando %3\$s.";
-$a->strings["Hide contacts and friends:"] = "Ocultar contactos y amigos";
-$a->strings["Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"] = "¿Ocultar tu lista de contactos/amigos en este perfil?";
-$a->strings["Show more profile fields:"] = "Mostrar mas campos del perfil:";
-$a->strings["Edit Profile Details"] = "Editar detalles de tu perfil";
-$a->strings["Change Profile Photo"] = "Cambiar imagen del Perfil";
-$a->strings["View this profile"] = "Ver este perfil";
-$a->strings["Create a new profile using these settings"] = "¿Crear un nuevo perfil con esta configuración?";
-$a->strings["Clone this profile"] = "Clonar este perfil";
-$a->strings["Delete this profile"] = "Eliminar este perfil";
-$a->strings["Basic information"] = "Información básica";
-$a->strings["Profile picture"] = "Imagen del perfil";
-$a->strings["Preferences"] = "Preferencias";
-$a->strings["Status information"] = "Información del estatus";
-$a->strings["Additional information"] = "Información addicional";
-$a->strings["Profile Name:"] = "Nombres del perfil:";
-$a->strings["Your Full Name:"] = "Tu nombre completo:";
-$a->strings["Title/Description:"] = "Título/Descrición:";
-$a->strings["Your Gender:"] = "Género:";
-$a->strings["Birthday :"] = "Día de nacimiento:";
-$a->strings["Street Address:"] = "Dirección";
-$a->strings["Locality/City:"] = "Localidad/Ciudad:";
-$a->strings["Postal/Zip Code:"] = "Código postal:";
-$a->strings["Country:"] = "País";
-$a->strings["Region/State:"] = "Región/Estado:";
-$a->strings["♥ Marital Status:"] = " Estado civil:";
-$a->strings["Who: (if applicable)"] = "¿Quién? (si es aplicable)";
-$a->strings["Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"] = "Ejemplos: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com";
-$a->strings["Since [date]:"] = "Desde [fecha]:";
-$a->strings["Sexual Preference:"] = "Preferencia sexual:";
-$a->strings["Homepage URL:"] = "Dirección de tu página:";
-$a->strings["Hometown:"] = "Ciudad de origen:";
-$a->strings["Political Views:"] = "Ideas políticas:";
-$a->strings["Religious Views:"] = "Creencias religiosas:";
-$a->strings["Public Keywords:"] = "Palabras clave públicas:";
-$a->strings["Private Keywords:"] = "Palabras clave privadas:";
-$a->strings["Likes:"] = "Me gusta:";
-$a->strings["Dislikes:"] = "No me gusta:";
-$a->strings["Example: fishing photography software"] = "Ejemplo: pesca fotografía software";
-$a->strings["(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"] = "(Utilizadas para sugerir amigos potenciales, otros pueden verlo)";
-$a->strings["(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"] = "(Utilizadas para buscar perfiles, nunca se muestra a otros)";
-$a->strings["Tell us about yourself..."] = "Háblanos sobre ti...";
-$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests"] = "Aficiones/Intereses";
-$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks"] = "Informacioń de contacto y Redes sociales";
-$a->strings["Musical interests"] = "Gustos musicales";
-$a->strings["Books, literature"] = "Libros, literatura";
-$a->strings["Television"] = "Televisión";
-$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment"] = "Películas/baile/cultura/entretenimiento";
-$a->strings["Love/romance"] = "Amor/Romance";
-$a->strings["Work/employment"] = "Trabajo/ocupación";
-$a->strings["School/education"] = "Escuela/estudios";
-$a->strings["This is your public profile. It may be visible to anybody using the internet."] = "Éste es tu perfil público .Puede ser visto por cualquier usuario de internet.";
-$a->strings["Age: "] = "Edad: ";
-$a->strings["Edit/Manage Profiles"] = "Editar/Administrar perfiles";
-$a->strings["Change profile photo"] = "Cambiar foto del perfil";
-$a->strings["Create New Profile"] = "Crear nuevo perfil";
-$a->strings["Profile Image"] = "Imagen del Perfil";
-$a->strings["visible to everybody"] = "Visible para todos";
-$a->strings["Edit visibility"] = "Editar visibilidad";
-$a->strings["Item not found"] = "Elemento no encontrado";
-$a->strings["Edit post"] = "Editar publicación";
-$a->strings["upload photo"] = "subir imagen";
-$a->strings["Attach file"] = "Adjuntar archivo";
-$a->strings["attach file"] = "adjuntar archivo";
-$a->strings["web link"] = "enlace web";
-$a->strings["Insert video link"] = "Insertar enlace del vídeo";
-$a->strings["video link"] = "enlace de video";
-$a->strings["Insert audio link"] = "Insertar vínculo del audio";
-$a->strings["audio link"] = "enlace de audio";
-$a->strings["Set your location"] = "Configurar tu localización";
-$a->strings["set location"] = "establecer tu ubicación";
-$a->strings["Clear browser location"] = "Borrar la localización del navegador";
-$a->strings["clear location"] = "limpiar la localización";
-$a->strings["Permission settings"] = "Configuración de permisos";
-$a->strings["CC: email addresses"] = "CC: dirección de correo electrónico";
-$a->strings["Public post"] = "Publicación pública";
-$a->strings["Set title"] = "Establecer el título";
-$a->strings["Categories (comma-separated list)"] = "Categorías (lista separada por comas)";
-$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"] = "Ejemplo: juan@ejemplo.com, sofia@ejemplo.com";
-$a->strings["This is Friendica, version"] = "Esto es Friendica, versión";
-$a->strings["running at web location"] = "ejecutándose en la dirección web";
-$a->strings["Please visit Friendica.com to learn more about the Friendica project."] = "Por favor, visita Friendica.com para saber más sobre el proyecto Friendica.";
-$a->strings["Bug reports and issues: please visit"] = "Reporte de fallos y problemas: por favor visita";
-$a->strings["the bugtracker at github"] = "aviso de fallas (bugs) en github";
-$a->strings["Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email \"Info\" at Friendica - dot com"] = "Sugerencias, elogios, donaciones, etc. por favor manda un correo a Info arroba Friendica punto com";
-$a->strings["Installed plugins/addons/apps:"] = "Módulos/extensiones/aplicaciones instalados:";
-$a->strings["No installed plugins/addons/apps"] = "Módulos/extensiones/aplicaciones no instalados";
-$a->strings["Authorize application connection"] = "Autorizar la conexión de la aplicación";
-$a->strings["Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"] = "Regresa a tu aplicación e introduce este código de seguridad:";
-$a->strings["Please login to continue."] = "Inicia sesión para continuar.";
-$a->strings["Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts, and/or create new posts for you?"] = "¿Quieres autorizar a esta aplicación el acceso a tus mensajes y contactos, y/o crear nuevas publicaciones para ti?";
-$a->strings["Remote privacy information not available."] = "Privacidad de la información remota no disponible.";
-$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Visible para:";
-$a->strings["Personal Notes"] = "Notas personales";
-$a->strings["l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"] = "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A";
-$a->strings["Time Conversion"] = "Conversión horária";
-$a->strings["Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and friends in unknown timezones."] = "Friendica ofrece este servicio para compartir eventos con otros servidores de la red friendica y amigos en zonas de horarios desconocidos.";
-$a->strings["UTC time: %s"] = "Tiempo UTC: %s";
-$a->strings["Current timezone: %s"] = "Zona horaria actual: %s";
-$a->strings["Converted localtime: %s"] = "Zona horaria local convertida: %s";
-$a->strings["Please select your timezone:"] = "Por favor, selecciona tu zona horaria:";
-$a->strings["Poke/Prod"] = "Toque/Empujón";
-$a->strings["poke, prod or do other things to somebody"] = "da un toque, empujón o similar a alguien";
-$a->strings["Recipient"] = "Receptor";
-$a->strings["Choose what you wish to do to recipient"] = "Elige qué desea hacer con el receptor";
-$a->strings["Make this post private"] = "Hacer esta publicación privada";
-$a->strings["Resubscribing to OStatus contacts"] = "Resubscribir a contactos de OStatus";
-$a->strings["Error"] = "error";
-$a->strings["Total invitation limit exceeded."] = "Límite total de invitaciones excedido.";
-$a->strings["%s : Not a valid email address."] = "%s : No es una dirección de correo válida.";
-$a->strings["Please join us on Friendica"] = "Únete a nosotros en Friendica";
-$a->strings["Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Límite de invitaciones sobrepasado. Contacta con el administrador del sitio.";
-$a->strings["%s : Message delivery failed."] = "%s : Ha fallado la entrega del mensaje.";
-$a->strings["%d message sent."] = array(
- 0 => "%d mensaje enviado.",
- 1 => "%d mensajes enviados.",
-$a->strings["You have no more invitations available"] = "No tienes más invitaciones disponibles";
-$a->strings["Visit %s for a list of public sites that you can join. Friendica members on other sites can all connect with each other, as well as with members of many other social networks."] = "Visita %s para ver una lista de servidores públicos donde puedes darte de alta. Los miembros de otros servidores de Friendica pueden conectarse entre ellos, así como con miembros de otras redes sociales diferentes.";
-$a->strings["To accept this invitation, please visit and register at %s or any other public Friendica website."] = "Para aceptar la invitación visita y regístrate en %s o en cualquier otro servidor público de Friendica.";
-$a->strings["Friendica sites all inter-connect to create a huge privacy-enhanced social web that is owned and controlled by its members. They can also connect with many traditional social networks. See %s for a list of alternate Friendica sites you can join."] = "Los servidores de Friendica están interconectados para crear una enorme red social centrada en la privacidad y controlada por sus miembros. También se puede conectar con muchas redes sociales tradicionales. Mira en %s para poder ver un listado de servidores alternativos de Friendica donde puedes darte de alta.";
-$a->strings["Our apologies. This system is not currently configured to connect with other public sites or invite members."] = "Discúlpanos. Este sistema no está configurado actualmente para conectar con otros servidores públicos o invitar nuevos miembros.";
-$a->strings["Send invitations"] = "Enviar invitaciones";
-$a->strings["Enter email addresses, one per line:"] = "Introduce las direcciones de correo, una por línea:";
-$a->strings["You are cordially invited to join me and other close friends on Friendica - and help us to create a better social web."] = "Estás cordialmente invitado a unirte a mi y a otros amigos en Friendica, creemos juntos una red social mejor.";
-$a->strings["You will need to supply this invitation code: \$invite_code"] = "Tienes que proporcionar el siguiente código: \$invite_code";
-$a->strings["Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:"] = "Una vez registrado, por favor contacta conmigo a través de mi página de perfil en:";
-$a->strings["For more information about the Friendica project and why we feel it is important, please visit http://friendica.com"] = "Para más información sobre el Proyecto Friendica y sobre por qué pensamos que es algo importante, visita http://friendica.com";
-$a->strings["Photo Albums"] = "Álbum de Fotos";
-$a->strings["Recent Photos"] = "Fotos recientes";
-$a->strings["Upload New Photos"] = "Subir nuevas fotos";
-$a->strings["Contact information unavailable"] = "Información del contacto no disponible";
-$a->strings["Album not found."] = "Álbum no encontrado.";
-$a->strings["Delete Album"] = "Eliminar álbum";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"] = "¿Estás seguro de quieres borrar este álbum y todas sus fotos?";
-$a->strings["Delete Photo"] = "Eliminar foto";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo?"] = "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar esta foto?";
-$a->strings["%1\$s was tagged in %2\$s by %3\$s"] = "%1\$s fue etiquetado en %2\$s por %3\$s";
-$a->strings["a photo"] = "una foto";
-$a->strings["Image file is empty."] = "El archivo de imagen está vacío.";
-$a->strings["No photos selected"] = "Ninguna foto seleccionada";
-$a->strings["You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."] = "Has usado %1$.2f MB de %2$.2f MB de tu álbum de fotos.";
-$a->strings["Upload Photos"] = "Subir fotos";
-$a->strings["New album name: "] = "Nombre del nuevo álbum: ";
-$a->strings["or existing album name: "] = "o nombre de un álbum existente: ";
-$a->strings["Do not show a status post for this upload"] = "No actualizar tu estado con este envío";
-$a->strings["Permissions"] = "Permisos";
-$a->strings["Private Photo"] = "Foto Privada";
-$a->strings["Public Photo"] = "Foto Pública";
-$a->strings["Edit Album"] = "Modificar álbum";
-$a->strings["Show Newest First"] = "Mostrar más nuevos primero";
-$a->strings["Show Oldest First"] = "Mostrar más antiguos primero";
-$a->strings["View Photo"] = "Ver foto";
-$a->strings["Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."] = "Permiso denegado. El acceso a este elemento puede estar restringido.";
-$a->strings["Photo not available"] = "Foto no disponible";
-$a->strings["View photo"] = "Ver foto";
-$a->strings["Edit photo"] = "Modificar foto";
-$a->strings["Use as profile photo"] = "Usar como foto del perfil";
-$a->strings["View Full Size"] = "Ver a tamaño completo";
-$a->strings["Tags: "] = "Etiquetas: ";
-$a->strings["[Remove any tag]"] = "[Borrar todas las etiquetas]";
-$a->strings["New album name"] = "Nuevo nombre del álbum";
-$a->strings["Caption"] = "Título";
-$a->strings["Add a Tag"] = "Añadir una etiqueta";
-$a->strings["Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"] = "Ejemplo: @juan, @Barbara_Ruiz, @julia@example.com, #California, #camping";
-$a->strings["Do not rotate"] = "No rotar";
-$a->strings["Rotate CW (right)"] = "Girar a la derecha";
-$a->strings["Rotate CCW (left)"] = "Girar a la izquierda";
-$a->strings["Private photo"] = "Foto privada";
-$a->strings["Public photo"] = "Foto pública";
-$a->strings["Share"] = "Compartir";
-$a->strings["Attending"] = array(
- 0 => "Atendiendo",
- 1 => "Atendiendo",
-$a->strings["Not attending"] = "No atendiendo";
-$a->strings["Might attend"] = "Puede que atienda";
-$a->strings["Map"] = "Mapa";
-$a->strings["Not Extended"] = "No extendido";
-$a->strings["Account approved."] = "Cuenta aprobada.";
-$a->strings["Registration revoked for %s"] = "Registro anulado para %s";
-$a->strings["Please login."] = "Por favor accede.";
-$a->strings["Move account"] = "Mover cuenta";
-$a->strings["You can import an account from another Friendica server."] = "Puedes importar una cuenta desde otro servidor de Friendica.";
-$a->strings["You need to export your account from the old server and upload it here. We will recreate your old account here with all your contacts. We will try also to inform your friends that you moved here."] = "Necesitas exportar tu cuenta del antiguo servidor y subirla aquí. Volveremos a crear tu antigua cuenta con todos tus contactos aquí. También intentaremos de informar a tus amigos de que te has mudado.";
-$a->strings["This feature is experimental. We can't import contacts from the OStatus network (GNU Social/Statusnet) or from Diaspora"] = "Esta característica es experimental. No podemos importar contactos desde la red OStatus (statusnet/identi.ca) o desde Diaspora*";
-$a->strings["Account file"] = "Archivo de la cuenta";
-$a->strings["To export your account, go to \"Settings->Export your personal data\" and select \"Export account\""] = "Para exportar el perfil vaya a \"Configuracion -> Exportar sus datos personales\" y seleccione \"Exportar cuenta\"";
-$a->strings["Item not available."] = "Elemento no disponible.";
-$a->strings["Item was not found."] = "Elemento no encontrado.";
+$a->strings["[Embedded content - reload page to view]"] = "[Contenido incrustado - recarga la página para verlo]";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this video?"] = "Realmente quieres eliminar este vídeo?";
+$a->strings["Delete Video"] = "Borrar vídeo";
+$a->strings["No videos selected"] = "Ningún vídeo seleccionado";
+$a->strings["Recent Videos"] = "Vídeos recientes";
+$a->strings["Upload New Videos"] = "Subir nuevos vídeos";
+$a->strings["No contacts."] = "Ningún contacto.";
+$a->strings["via"] = "vía";
+$a->strings["Repeat the image"] = "Repetir la imagen";
+$a->strings["Will repeat your image to fill the background."] = "Repetirá su imagen para llenar el fondo";
+$a->strings["Stretch"] = "Estirar";
+$a->strings["Will stretch to width/height of the image."] = "Estirará la anchura/altura de la imagen.";
+$a->strings["Resize fill and-clip"] = "Reajustar llenado y clip";
+$a->strings["Resize to fill and retain aspect ratio."] = "Reajustar para llenar y conservar proporción";
+$a->strings["Resize best fit"] = "Reajustar al mejor tamaño";
+$a->strings["Resize to best fit and retain aspect ratio."] = "Reajustar al mejor tamaño y conservar proporción";
+$a->strings["Default"] = "Por defecto";
+$a->strings["Note: "] = "Nota:";
+$a->strings["Check image permissions if all users are allowed to visit the image"] = "Compruebe los permisos de imagen si se les permite a todos los usuarios visitar la imagen";
+$a->strings["Select scheme"] = "Seleccionar plan";
+$a->strings["Navigation bar background color"] = "Color de fondo de la barra de navegación";
+$a->strings["Navigation bar icon color "] = "Color de icono de la barra de navegación";
+$a->strings["Link color"] = "Color de enlace";
+$a->strings["Set the background color"] = "Seleccionar el color de fondo";
+$a->strings["Content background transparency"] = "Transparencia de contenido de fondo";
+$a->strings["Set the background image"] = "Seleccionar la imagen de fondo";
+$a->strings["Guest"] = "Invitado";
+$a->strings["Visitor"] = "Visitante";
+$a->strings["Set resize level for images in posts and comments (width and height)"] = "Configurar el tamaño de las imágenes en las publicaciones";
+$a->strings["Set font-size for posts and comments"] = "Tamaño del texto para publicaciones y comentarios";
+$a->strings["Set theme width"] = "Establecer el ancho para el tema";
+$a->strings["Color scheme"] = "Esquema de color";
+$a->strings["Alignment"] = "Alineación";
+$a->strings["Left"] = "Izquierda";
+$a->strings["Center"] = "Centrado";
+$a->strings["Posts font size"] = "Tamaño de letra del titulo de las publicaciones";
+$a->strings["Textareas font size"] = "Tamaño de letra del área de texto";
+$a->strings["Set line-height for posts and comments"] = "Altura para las publicaciones y comentarios";
+$a->strings["Set colour scheme"] = "Configurar esquema de color";
+$a->strings["Community Profiles"] = "Perfiles de la Comunidad";
+$a->strings["Last users"] = "Últimos usuarios";
+$a->strings["Find Friends"] = "Buscar amigos";
+$a->strings["Local Directory"] = "Directorio local";
+$a->strings["Quick Start"] = "Inicio rápido";
+$a->strings["Connect Services"] = "Servicios conectados";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of helper forums"] = "Lista separada por comas de foros de ayuda.";
+$a->strings["Set style"] = "Definir estilo";
+$a->strings["Community Pages"] = "Páginas de Comunidad";
+$a->strings["Help or @NewHere ?"] = "¿Ayuda o @NuevoAquí?";
+$a->strings["Your contacts"] = "Tus contactos";
+$a->strings["Your personal photos"] = "Tus fotos personales";
+$a->strings["Last likes"] = "Últimos \"me gusta\"";
+$a->strings["Last photos"] = "Últimas fotos";
+$a->strings["Earth Layers"] = "Minimapa";
+$a->strings["Set zoomfactor for Earth Layers"] = "Configurar zoom en Minimapa";
+$a->strings["Set longitude (X) for Earth Layers"] = "Configurar longitud (X) en Minimapa";
+$a->strings["Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layers"] = "Configurar latitud (Y) en Minimapa";
+$a->strings["Show/hide boxes at right-hand column:"] = "Mostrar/Ocultar casillas en la columna derecha:";
+$a->strings["Set resolution for middle column"] = "Resolución para la columna central";
+$a->strings["Set color scheme"] = "Configurar esquema de color";
+$a->strings["Set zoomfactor for Earth Layer"] = "Establecer zoom para Minimapa";
+$a->strings["greenzero"] = "greenzero";
+$a->strings["purplezero"] = "purplezero";
+$a->strings["easterbunny"] = "easterbunny";
+$a->strings["darkzero"] = "darkzero";
+$a->strings["comix"] = "comix";
+$a->strings["slackr"] = "slackr";
+$a->strings["Variations"] = "Variaciones";
+$a->strings["toggle mobile"] = "Cambiar a versión móvil";
$a->strings["Delete this item?"] = "¿Eliminar este elemento?";
$a->strings["show fewer"] = "ver menos";
$a->strings["Update %s failed. See error logs."] = "Falló la actualización de %s. Mira los registros de errores.";
$a->strings["Create a New Account"] = "Crear una nueva cuenta";
-$a->strings["Logout"] = "Salir";
-$a->strings["Nickname or Email address: "] = "Apodo o dirección de email: ";
$a->strings["Password: "] = "Contraseña: ";
$a->strings["Remember me"] = "Recordarme";
$a->strings["Or login using OpenID: "] = "O inicia sesión usando OpenID: ";
@@ -1416,566 +2049,3 @@ $a->strings["Website Terms of Service"] = "Términos de uso del sitio";
$a->strings["terms of service"] = "Términos de uso";
$a->strings["Website Privacy Policy"] = "Política de privacidad del sitio";
$a->strings["privacy policy"] = "Política de privacidad";
-$a->strings["This entry was edited"] = "Esta entrada fue editada";
-$a->strings["I will attend"] = "Voy a estar presente";
-$a->strings["I will not attend"] = "No voy a estar presente";
-$a->strings["I might attend"] = "Puede que voy a estar presente";
-$a->strings["ignore thread"] = "ignorar publicación";
-$a->strings["unignore thread"] = "revertir ignorar publicacion";
-$a->strings["toggle ignore status"] = "cambiar estatus de observación";
-$a->strings["Categories:"] = "Categorías:";
-$a->strings["Filed under:"] = "Archivado en:";
-$a->strings["via"] = "vía";
-$a->strings["%s\\'s birthday"] = "%s\\'s cumpleaños";
-$a->strings["Happy Birthday %s"] = "Feliz cumpleaños %s";
-$a->strings["\n\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."] = "\n\t\t\tLos desarolladores de friendica publicaron una actualización %s recientemente\n\t\t\tpero cuando intento de instalarla,algo salio terriblemente mal.\n\t\t\tEsto necesita ser arreglado pronto y no puedo hacerlo solo. Por favor contacta\n\t\t\tlos desarolladores de friendica si no me podes ayudar por ti solo. Mi base de datos puede estar invalido.";
-$a->strings["The error message is\n[pre]%s[/pre]"] = "El mensaje de error es\n[pre]%s[/pre]";
-$a->strings["Errors encountered creating database tables."] = "Se han encontrados errores creando las tablas de la base de datos.";
-$a->strings["Errors encountered performing database changes."] = "Errores encontrados al ejecutar cambios en la base de datos.";
-$a->strings["Logged out."] = "Sesión finalizada";
-$a->strings["We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. Please check the correct spelling of the ID."] = "Se ha encontrado un problema para acceder con el OpenID que has escrito. Verifica que lo hayas escrito correctamente.";
-$a->strings["The error message was:"] = "El mensaje del error fue:";
-$a->strings["Add New Contact"] = "Añadir nuevo contacto";
-$a->strings["Enter address or web location"] = "Escribe la dirección o página web";
-$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"] = "Ejemplo: miguel@ejemplo.com, http://ejemplo.com/miguel";
-$a->strings["%d invitation available"] = array(
- 0 => "%d invitación disponible",
- 1 => "%d invitaviones disponibles",
-$a->strings["Find People"] = "Buscar personas";
-$a->strings["Enter name or interest"] = "Introduzce nombre o intereses";
-$a->strings["Examples: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing"] = "Ejemplos: Robert Morgenstein, Pesca";
-$a->strings["Similar Interests"] = "Intereses similares";
-$a->strings["Random Profile"] = "Perfil aleatorio";
-$a->strings["Invite Friends"] = "Invitar amigos";
-$a->strings["Networks"] = "Redes";
-$a->strings["All Networks"] = "Todas las redes";
-$a->strings["Saved Folders"] = "Directorios guardados";
-$a->strings["Everything"] = "Todo";
-$a->strings["Categories"] = "Categorías";
-$a->strings["%d contact in common"] = array(
- 0 => "%d contacto en común",
- 1 => "%d contactos en común",
-$a->strings["General Features"] = "Opciones generales";
-$a->strings["Multiple Profiles"] = "Perfiles multiples";
-$a->strings["Ability to create multiple profiles"] = "Capacidad de crear perfiles multiples. Cada pagina/perfil/usuario puede tener diferentes perfiles/apariencias. Las mismas pueden ser visibles para determinados contactos seleccionados dentro de la red friendica.";
-$a->strings["Photo Location"] = "Localización foto";
-$a->strings["Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present) prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."] = "Normalmente los meta datos de las imágenes son eliminados. Esto extraerá la localización si presente antes de eliminar los meta datos y enlaza la misma con el mapa.";
-$a->strings["Post Composition Features"] = "Opciones de edición de publicaciones.";
-$a->strings["Richtext Editor"] = "Editor de texto sofisticado (richt text editor)";
-$a->strings["Enable richtext editor"] = "Habilitar editor de textos sofisticado";
-$a->strings["Post Preview"] = "Previsualizar publicaciones";
-$a->strings["Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"] = "Permitir la previsualización de publicaciones antes de publicar las mismas.";
-$a->strings["Auto-mention Forums"] = "Auto-mencionar foros";
-$a->strings["Add/remove mention when a fourm page is selected/deselected in ACL window."] = "Agregar/remover menciones cuando una pagina de foro es seleccionado/deseleccionado en la ventana ACL.";
-$a->strings["Network Sidebar Widgets"] = "Accesorios de red del panel lateral";
-$a->strings["Search by Date"] = "Buscar por fecha";
-$a->strings["Ability to select posts by date ranges"] = "Habilidad de seleccionar publicaciones por fecha";
-$a->strings["List Forums"] = "Listar foros";
-$a->strings["Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"] = "Habilitar la pestaña para mostrar los foros en que estas participando.";
-$a->strings["Group Filter"] = "Filtro del grupo";
-$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"] = "Habilitar accesorios para visualizar publicaciones en la red solo de grupos seleccionados";
-$a->strings["Network Filter"] = "Filtro de red";
-$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"] = "Habilitar accesorios para visualizar publicaciones solo de las redes seleccionadas.";
-$a->strings["Save search terms for re-use"] = "Guardar términos de búsqueda para su reutilizacion";
-$a->strings["Network Tabs"] = "Pestañas de redes";
-$a->strings["Network Personal Tab"] = "Pestaña actividad personal";
-$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"] = "Habilitar para visualizar solo publicaciones con las que se ha interactuado";
-$a->strings["Network New Tab"] = "Pestaña nuevo en la red";
-$a->strings["Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"] = "Activar para mostrar solo publicaciones nuevas en la red (de las ultimas 12 horas)";
-$a->strings["Network Shared Links Tab"] = "Pestaña publicaciones con enlaces";
-$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"] = "Habilitar para visualizar solo publicaciones que contienen enlaces";
-$a->strings["Post/Comment Tools"] = "Herramienta de publicaciones/respuestas";
-$a->strings["Multiple Deletion"] = "Borrar múltiples publicaciones";
-$a->strings["Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"] = "Habilidad de seleccionar y borrar varias publicaciones/comentarios a la vez";
-$a->strings["Edit Sent Posts"] = "Editar temas enviados";
-$a->strings["Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"] = "Editar y corregir publicaciones y respuestas enviados. Las ediciones solo son comunicados dentro de la red friendica. No se modificaran copias enviadas a diaspora, OStatus/GNUsocial/Quitter u otros servicios conectados.";
-$a->strings["Tagging"] = "taggear";
-$a->strings["Ability to tag existing posts"] = "Habilidad de taggear publicaciones existentes";
-$a->strings["Post Categories"] = "Categorías de publicaciones";
-$a->strings["Add categories to your posts"] = "Agregue categorías a sus publicaciones. Las mismas serán visualizadas en su pagina de inicio.";
-$a->strings["Ability to file posts under folders"] = "Archivar publicaciones en carpetas";
-$a->strings["Dislike Posts"] = "Desaprobar publicación (dislike)";
-$a->strings["Ability to dislike posts/comments"] = "Habilidad de expresar desacuerdo en publicaciones y comentarios. Esta función solo es visualizado en la red friendica.";
-$a->strings["Star Posts"] = "Fijar publicaciones";
-$a->strings["Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"] = "Habilidad de marcar - observar fijamente publicaciones.\nEl simbolo de estrella es habilitado. Se recibirán notificaciones sobre comentarios, además una pestaña de publicaciones fijadas es habilitada. En las opciones de expiración de publicaciones se puede filtrar estas publicaciones para no ser eliminados contrario a las publicaciones demás de los contactos.";
-$a->strings["Mute Post Notifications"] = "Silenciar notificaciones de una publicacion";
-$a->strings["Ability to mute notifications for a thread"] = "Habilidad de silenciar notificaciones sobre nuevos comentarios en una publicación.";
-$a->strings["Advanced Profile Settings"] = "Ajustes avanzados del perfil";
-$a->strings["Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"] = "Mostrar a los visitantes foros públicos en las que se esta participando en el pagina avanzada de perfiles.";
-$a->strings["Connect URL missing."] = "Falta el conector URL.";
-$a->strings["This site is not configured to allow communications with other networks."] = "Este sitio no está configurado para permitir la comunicación con otras redes.";
-$a->strings["No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered."] = "No se ha descubierto protocolos de comunicación o fuentes compatibles.";
-$a->strings["The profile address specified does not provide adequate information."] = "La dirección del perfil especificado no proporciona información adecuada.";
-$a->strings["An author or name was not found."] = "No se ha encontrado un autor o nombre.";
-$a->strings["No browser URL could be matched to this address."] = "Ninguna dirección concuerda con la suministrada.";
-$a->strings["Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email contact."] = "Imposible identificar la dirección @ con algún protocolo conocido o dirección de contacto.";
-$a->strings["Use mailto: in front of address to force email check."] = "Escribe mailto: al principio de la dirección para forzar el envío.";
-$a->strings["The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled on this site."] = "La dirección del perfil especificada pertenece a una red que ha sido deshabilitada en este sitio.";
-$a->strings["Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal notifications from you."] = "Perfil limitado. Esta persona no podrá recibir notificaciones directas/personales tuyas.";
-$a->strings["Unable to retrieve contact information."] = "No ha sido posible recibir la información del contacto.";
-$a->strings["following"] = "siguiendo";
-$a->strings["A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions may apply to this group and any future members. If this is not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."] = "Un grupo eliminado con este nombre fue restablecido. Los permisos existentes pueden aplicarse a este grupo y a sus futuros miembros. Si esto no es lo que pretendes, por favor, crea otro grupo con un nombre diferente.";
-$a->strings["Default privacy group for new contacts"] = "Grupo por defecto para nuevos contactos";
-$a->strings["Everybody"] = "Todo el mundo";
-$a->strings["edit"] = "editar";
-$a->strings["Edit groups"] = "Editar grupo";
-$a->strings["Edit group"] = "Editar grupo";
-$a->strings["Create a new group"] = "Crear un nuevo grupo";
-$a->strings["Contacts not in any group"] = "Contactos sin grupo";
-$a->strings["Miscellaneous"] = "Varios";
-$a->strings["YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"] = "YYYY-MM-DD o MM-DD";
-$a->strings["never"] = "nunca";
-$a->strings["less than a second ago"] = "hace menos de un segundo";
-$a->strings["year"] = "año";
-$a->strings["years"] = "años";
-$a->strings["months"] = "meses";
-$a->strings["weeks"] = "semanas";
-$a->strings["days"] = "días";
-$a->strings["hour"] = "hora";
-$a->strings["hours"] = "horas";
-$a->strings["minute"] = "minuto";
-$a->strings["minutes"] = "minutos";
-$a->strings["second"] = "segundo";
-$a->strings["seconds"] = "segundos";
-$a->strings["%1\$d %2\$s ago"] = "hace %1\$d %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%s's birthday"] = "Cumpleaños de %s";
-$a->strings["Requested account is not available."] = "La cuenta solicitada no está disponible.";
-$a->strings["Edit profile"] = "Editar perfil";
-$a->strings["Atom feed"] = "Atom feed";
-$a->strings["Message"] = "Mensaje";
-$a->strings["Profiles"] = "Perfiles";
-$a->strings["Manage/edit profiles"] = "Administrar/editar perfiles";
-$a->strings["g A l F d"] = "g A l F d";
-$a->strings["F d"] = "F d";
-$a->strings["[today]"] = "[hoy]";
-$a->strings["Birthday Reminders"] = "Recordatorios de cumpleaños";
-$a->strings["Birthdays this week:"] = "Cumpleaños esta semana:";
-$a->strings["[No description]"] = "[Sin descripción]";
-$a->strings["Event Reminders"] = "Recordatorios de eventos";
-$a->strings["Events this week:"] = "Eventos de esta semana:";
-$a->strings["j F, Y"] = "j F, Y";
-$a->strings["j F"] = "j F";
-$a->strings["Birthday:"] = "Fecha de nacimiento:";
-$a->strings["Age:"] = "Edad:";
-$a->strings["for %1\$d %2\$s"] = "por %1\$d %2\$s";
-$a->strings["Religion:"] = "Religión:";
-$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests:"] = "Aficiones/Intereses:";
-$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks:"] = "Información de contacto y Redes sociales:";
-$a->strings["Musical interests:"] = "Intereses musicales:";
-$a->strings["Books, literature:"] = "Libros, literatura:";
-$a->strings["Television:"] = "Televisión:";
-$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"] = "Películas/baile/cultura/entretenimiento:";
-$a->strings["Love/Romance:"] = "Amor/Romance:";
-$a->strings["Work/employment:"] = "Trabajo/ocupación:";
-$a->strings["School/education:"] = "Escuela/estudios:";
-$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Foros:";
-$a->strings["Videos"] = "Videos";
-$a->strings["Events and Calendar"] = "Eventos y Calendario";
-$a->strings["Only You Can See This"] = "Únicamente tú puedes ver esto";
-$a->strings["event"] = "evento";
-$a->strings["%1\$s likes %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "A %1\$s le gusta %3\$s de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't like %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "A %1\$s no le gusta %3\$s de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is attending %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s atenderá %2\$s's %3\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is not attending %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s no atenderá %2\$s's %3\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s may attend %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s puede que atienda %2\$s's %3\$s";
-$a->strings["Post to Email"] = "Publicar mediante correo electrónico";
-$a->strings["Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."] = "Conectores deshabilitados, ya que \"%s\" es habilitado.";
-$a->strings["Visible to everybody"] = "Visible para cualquiera";
-$a->strings["show"] = "mostrar";
-$a->strings["don't show"] = "no mostrar";
-$a->strings["Close"] = "Cerrado";
-$a->strings["[no subject]"] = "[sin asunto]";
-$a->strings["stopped following"] = "dejó de seguir";
-$a->strings["View Status"] = "Ver estado";
-$a->strings["View Photos"] = "Ver fotos";
-$a->strings["Network Posts"] = "Publicaciones en la red";
-$a->strings["Edit Contact"] = "Editar contacto";
-$a->strings["Drop Contact"] = "Eliminar contacto";
-$a->strings["Send PM"] = "Enviar mensaje privado";
-$a->strings["Poke"] = "Toque";
-$a->strings["Welcome "] = "Bienvenido ";
-$a->strings["Please upload a profile photo."] = "Por favor sube una foto para tu perfil.";
-$a->strings["Welcome back "] = "Bienvenido de nuevo ";
-$a->strings["The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."] = "La ficha de seguridad no es correcta. Seguramente haya ocurrido por haber dejado el formulario abierto demasiado tiempo (>3 horas) antes de enviarlo.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s attends %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s atenderá %2\$s's %3\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't attend %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s no atenderá %2\$s's %3\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s attends maybe %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s atenderá quizás %2\$s's %3\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s poked %2\$s"] = "%1\$s le dio un toque a %2\$s";
-$a->strings["post/item"] = "publicación/tema";
-$a->strings["%1\$s marked %2\$s's %3\$s as favorite"] = "%1\$s ha marcado %3\$s de %2\$s como Favorito";
-$a->strings["remove"] = "eliminar";
-$a->strings["Delete Selected Items"] = "Eliminar el elemento seleccionado";
-$a->strings["Follow Thread"] = "Seguir publicacion";
-$a->strings["%s likes this."] = "A %s le gusta esto.";
-$a->strings["%s doesn't like this."] = "A %s no le gusta esto.";
-$a->strings["%s attends."] = "%s atiende.";
-$a->strings["%s doesn't attend."] = "%s no atenderá.";
-$a->strings["%s attends maybe."] = "%s quizás atenderá";
-$a->strings["and"] = "y";
-$a->strings[", and %d other people"] = " y a otras %d personas";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people like this"] = "%2\$d personas les gusta esto";
-$a->strings["%s like this."] = "A %s le gusta esto.";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people don't like this"] = "%2\$d personas no les gusta esto";
-$a->strings["%s don't like this."] = "A %s no le gusta esto.";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people attend"] = "%2\$d personas atienden";
-$a->strings["%s attend."] = "%s atiende.";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people don't attend"] = "%2\$d personas no atienden";
-$a->strings["%s don't attend."] = "%s no atiende.";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people anttend maybe"] = "%2\$d personas atienden quizás.";
-$a->strings["%s anttend maybe."] = "%s atiende quizás.";
-$a->strings["Visible to everybody "] = "Visible para cualquiera ";
-$a->strings["Please enter a video link/URL:"] = "Por favor, introduce la URL/enlace del vídeo:";
-$a->strings["Please enter an audio link/URL:"] = "Por favor, introduce la URL/enlace del audio:";
-$a->strings["Tag term:"] = "Etiquetar:";
-$a->strings["Where are you right now?"] = "¿Dónde estás ahora?";
-$a->strings["Delete item(s)?"] = "¿Borrar objeto(s)?";
-$a->strings["permissions"] = "permisos";
-$a->strings["Post to Groups"] = "Publicar hacia grupos";
-$a->strings["Post to Contacts"] = "Publicar hacia contactos";
-$a->strings["Private post"] = "Publicación privada";
-$a->strings["View all"] = "Ver todos los contactos";
-$a->strings["Like"] = array(
- 0 => "Me gusta",
- 1 => "Me gusta",
-$a->strings["Dislike"] = array(
- 0 => "No me gusta",
- 1 => "No me gusta",
-$a->strings["Not Attending"] = array(
- 0 => "No atendiendo",
- 1 => "No atendiendo",
-$a->strings["Undecided"] = array(
- 0 => "Indeciso",
- 1 => "Indeciso",
-$a->strings["view full size"] = "Ver a tamaño completo";
-$a->strings["newer"] = "más nuevo";
-$a->strings["older"] = "más antiguo";
-$a->strings["prev"] = "ant.";
-$a->strings["first"] = "primera";
-$a->strings["last"] = "última";
-$a->strings["next"] = "sig.";
-$a->strings["Loading more entries..."] = "Cargar mas entradas ..";
-$a->strings["The end"] = "El fin";
-$a->strings["No contacts"] = "Sin contactos";
-$a->strings["%d Contact"] = array(
- 0 => "%d Contacto",
- 1 => "%d Contactos",
-$a->strings["View Contacts"] = "Ver contactos";
-$a->strings["Full Text"] = "Texto completo";
-$a->strings["Tags"] = "Tags";
-$a->strings["Forums"] = "Foros";
-$a->strings["poke"] = "tocar";
-$a->strings["poked"] = "tocó a";
-$a->strings["ping"] = "hacer \"ping\"";
-$a->strings["pinged"] = "hizo \"ping\" a";
-$a->strings["prod"] = "empujar";
-$a->strings["prodded"] = "empujó a";
-$a->strings["slap"] = "abofetear";
-$a->strings["slapped"] = "abofeteó a";
-$a->strings["finger"] = "meter dedo";
-$a->strings["fingered"] = "le metió un dedo a";
-$a->strings["rebuff"] = "desairar";
-$a->strings["rebuffed"] = "desairó a";
-$a->strings["happy"] = "feliz";
-$a->strings["sad"] = "triste";
-$a->strings["mellow"] = "sentimental";
-$a->strings["tired"] = "cansado";
-$a->strings["perky"] = "alegre";
-$a->strings["angry"] = "furioso";
-$a->strings["stupified"] = "estupefacto";
-$a->strings["puzzled"] = "extrañado";
-$a->strings["interested"] = "interesado";
-$a->strings["bitter"] = "rencoroso";
-$a->strings["cheerful"] = "jovial";
-$a->strings["alive"] = "vivo";
-$a->strings["annoyed"] = "enojado";
-$a->strings["anxious"] = "ansioso";
-$a->strings["cranky"] = "irritable";
-$a->strings["disturbed"] = "perturbado";
-$a->strings["frustrated"] = "frustrado";
-$a->strings["motivated"] = "motivado";
-$a->strings["relaxed"] = "relajado";
-$a->strings["surprised"] = "sorprendido";
-$a->strings["bytes"] = "bytes";
-$a->strings["Click to open/close"] = "Pulsa para abrir/cerrar";
-$a->strings["View on separate page"] = "Ver en pagina aparte";
-$a->strings["view on separate page"] = "ver en pagina aparte";
-$a->strings["activity"] = "Actividad";
-$a->strings["post"] = "Publicación";
-$a->strings["Item filed"] = "Elemento archivado";
-$a->strings["Image/photo"] = "Imagen/Foto";
-$a->strings["%2\$s %3\$s"] = "%2\$s %3\$s";
-$a->strings["%s wrote the following post "] = "%s escribió la siguiente publicación ";
-$a->strings["$1 wrote:"] = "$1 escribió:";
-$a->strings["Encrypted content"] = "Contenido cifrado";
-$a->strings["Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"] = "No se puede encontrar información DNS para la base de datos del servidor '%s'";
-$a->strings["Unknown | Not categorised"] = "Desconocido | No clasificado";
-$a->strings["Block immediately"] = "Bloquear inmediatamente";
-$a->strings["Shady, spammer, self-marketer"] = "Sospechoso, spammer, auto-publicidad";
-$a->strings["Known to me, but no opinion"] = "Le conozco, sin opinión";
-$a->strings["OK, probably harmless"] = "OK, probablemente inofensivo";
-$a->strings["Reputable, has my trust"] = "Buena reputación, tiene mi confianza";
-$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Semanalmente";
-$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Mensualmente";
-$a->strings["OStatus"] = "OStatus";
-$a->strings["RSS/Atom"] = "RSS/Atom";
-$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
-$a->strings["Zot!"] = "Zot!";
-$a->strings["LinkedIn"] = "LinkedIn";
-$a->strings["XMPP/IM"] = "XMPP/IM";
-$a->strings["MySpace"] = "MySpace";
-$a->strings["Google+"] = "Google+";
-$a->strings["pump.io"] = "pump.io";
-$a->strings["Twitter"] = "Twitter";
-$a->strings["Diaspora Connector"] = "Conector Diaspora";
-$a->strings["GNU Social"] = "GNUsocial (OStatus)";
-$a->strings["App.net"] = "App.net";
-$a->strings["Hubzilla/Redmatrix"] = "Hubzilla/Redmatrix";
-$a->strings[" on Last.fm"] = "en Last.fm";
-$a->strings["Starts:"] = "Inicio:";
-$a->strings["Finishes:"] = "Final:";
-$a->strings["Click here to upgrade."] = "Pulsa aquí para actualizar.";
-$a->strings["This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."] = "Esta acción excede los límites permitidos por tu subscripción.";
-$a->strings["This action is not available under your subscription plan."] = "Esta acción no está permitida para tu subscripción.";
-$a->strings["External link to forum"] = "Enlace externo al foro";
-$a->strings["End this session"] = "Cerrar la sesión";
-$a->strings["Your posts and conversations"] = "Tus publicaciones y conversaciones";
-$a->strings["Your profile page"] = "Tu página de perfil";
-$a->strings["Your photos"] = "Tus fotos";
-$a->strings["Your videos"] = "Tus videos";
-$a->strings["Your events"] = "Tus eventos";
-$a->strings["Personal notes"] = "Notas personales";
-$a->strings["Your personal notes"] = "Tus notas personales";
-$a->strings["Sign in"] = "Date de alta";
-$a->strings["Home Page"] = "Página de inicio";
-$a->strings["Create an account"] = "Crea una cuenta";
-$a->strings["Help and documentation"] = "Ayuda y documentación";
-$a->strings["Apps"] = "Aplicaciones";
-$a->strings["Addon applications, utilities, games"] = "Aplicaciones, utilidades, juegos";
-$a->strings["Search site content"] = " Busca contenido en la página";
-$a->strings["Conversations on this site"] = "Conversaciones en este sitio";
-$a->strings["Conversations on the network"] = "Conversaciones en la red";
-$a->strings["Directory"] = "Directorio";
-$a->strings["People directory"] = "Directorio de usuarios";
-$a->strings["Information"] = "Información";
-$a->strings["Information about this friendica instance"] = "Información sobre esta instancia de friendica";
-$a->strings["Conversations from your friends"] = "Conversaciones de tus amigos";
-$a->strings["Network Reset"] = "Reseteo de la red";
-$a->strings["Load Network page with no filters"] = "Cargar pagina de redes sin filtros";
-$a->strings["Friend Requests"] = "Solicitudes de amistad";
-$a->strings["See all notifications"] = "Ver todas las notificaciones";
-$a->strings["Mark all system notifications seen"] = "Marcar todas las notificaciones del sistema como leídas";
-$a->strings["Private mail"] = "Correo privado";
-$a->strings["Inbox"] = "Entrada";
-$a->strings["Outbox"] = "Enviados";
-$a->strings["Manage"] = "Administrar";
-$a->strings["Manage other pages"] = "Administrar otras páginas";
-$a->strings["Account settings"] = "Configuración de tu cuenta";
-$a->strings["Manage/Edit Profiles"] = "Manejar/editar Perfiles";
-$a->strings["Manage/edit friends and contacts"] = "Administrar/editar amigos y contactos";
-$a->strings["Site setup and configuration"] = "Opciones y configuración del sitio";
-$a->strings["Navigation"] = "Navegación";
-$a->strings["Site map"] = "Mapa del sitio";
-$a->strings["Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Limite diario de publicaciones %d alcanzado. La publicación fue rechazada.";
-$a->strings["Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Limite semanal de publicaciones %d alcanzado. La publicación fue rechazada.";
-$a->strings["Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Limite mensual de publicaciones %d alcanzado. La publicación fue rechazada.";
-$a->strings["An invitation is required."] = "Se necesita invitación.";
-$a->strings["Invitation could not be verified."] = "No se puede verificar la invitación.";
-$a->strings["Invalid OpenID url"] = "Dirección OpenID no válida";
-$a->strings["Please enter the required information."] = "Por favor, introduce la información necesaria.";
-$a->strings["Please use a shorter name."] = "Por favor, usa un nombre más corto.";
-$a->strings["Name too short."] = "El nombre es demasiado corto.";
-$a->strings["That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."] = "No parece que ese sea tu nombre completo.";
-$a->strings["Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."] = "Tu dominio de correo no se encuentra entre los permitidos en este sitio.";
-$a->strings["Not a valid email address."] = "No es una dirección de correo electrónico válida.";
-$a->strings["Cannot use that email."] = "No se puede utilizar este correo electrónico.";
-$a->strings["Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."] = "El apodo solo puede contener \"a-z\", \"0-9\" y \"_\".";
-$a->strings["Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."] = "Apodo ya registrado. Por favor, elije otro.";
-$a->strings["Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose another."] = "El apodo ya ha sido registrado alguna vez y no puede volver a usarse. Por favor, utiliza otro.";
-$a->strings["SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."] = "ERROR GRAVE: La generación de claves de seguridad ha fallado.";
-$a->strings["An error occurred during registration. Please try again."] = "Se produjo un error durante el registro. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo.";
-$a->strings["default"] = "predeterminado";
-$a->strings["An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."] = "Error al crear tu perfil predeterminado. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo.";
-$a->strings["Friends"] = "Amigos";
-$a->strings["\n\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2\$s. Your account has been created.\n\t"] = "\n\t\tEstimado %1\$s,\n\t\t\tGracias por registrar en %2\$s. Su cuenta ha sido creada.\n\t";
-$a->strings["\n\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3\$s\n\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tPassword:\t%5\$s\n\n\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n\t\tin.\n\n\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n\n\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n\n\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n\t\tthan that.\n\n\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n\n\n\t\tThank you and welcome to %2\$s."] = "\n\t\t\tLos detalles de acceso son las siguientes:\n\n\t\t\tDirección del sitio:\t%3\$s\n\t\t\tNombre de la cuenta:\t\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tContraseña:\t\t%5\$s\n\n\t\t\tPodrá cambiar la contraseña desde la pagina de configuración de su cuenta después de acceder a la misma\n\t\t\ten.\n\n\t\t\tPor favor tome unos minutos para revisar las opciones demás de la cuenta en dicha pagina de configuración.\n\n\t\t\tTambién podrá agregar informaciones adicionales a su pagina de perfil predeterminado. \n\t\t\t(en la pagina \"Perfiles\") para que otras personas pueden encontrarlo fácilmente.\n\n\t\t\tRecomendamos que elija un nombre apropiado, agregando una imagen de perfil,\n\t\t\tagregando algunas palabras claves de la cuenta (muy útil para hacer nuevos amigos) - y \n\t\t\tquizás el país en donde vive; si no quiere ser mas especifico\n\t\t\tque eso.\n\n\t\t\tRespetamos absolutamente su derecho a la privacidad y ninguno de estos detalles es necesario.\n\t\t\tSi eres nuevo aquí y no conoces a nadie, estos detalles pueden ayudarte\n\t\t\tpara hacer nuevas e interesantes amistades.\n\n\t\t\tGracias y bienvenido a %2\$s.";
-$a->strings["Sharing notification from Diaspora network"] = "Compartir notificaciones con la red Diaspora*";
-$a->strings["Attachments:"] = "Archivos adjuntos:";
-$a->strings["(no subject)"] = "(sin asunto)";
-$a->strings["noreply"] = "no responder";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this item?"] = "¿Realmente quieres borrar este objeto?";
-$a->strings["Archives"] = "Archivos";
-$a->strings["Male"] = "Hombre";
-$a->strings["Female"] = "Mujer";
-$a->strings["Currently Male"] = "Actualmente Hombre";
-$a->strings["Currently Female"] = "Actualmente Mujer";
-$a->strings["Mostly Male"] = "Mayormente Hombre";
-$a->strings["Mostly Female"] = "Mayormente Mujer";
-$a->strings["Transgender"] = "Transgenérico";
-$a->strings["Intersex"] = "Bisexual";
-$a->strings["Transsexual"] = "Transexual";
-$a->strings["Hermaphrodite"] = "Hermafrodita";
-$a->strings["Neuter"] = "Neutro";
-$a->strings["Non-specific"] = "Sin especificar";
-$a->strings["Other"] = "Otro";
-$a->strings["Males"] = "Hombres";
-$a->strings["Females"] = "Mujeres";
-$a->strings["Gay"] = "Gay";
-$a->strings["Lesbian"] = "Lesbiana";
-$a->strings["No Preference"] = "Sin preferencias";
-$a->strings["Bisexual"] = "Bisexual";
-$a->strings["Autosexual"] = "Autosexual";
-$a->strings["Abstinent"] = "Célibe";
-$a->strings["Virgin"] = "Virgen";
-$a->strings["Deviant"] = "Desviado";
-$a->strings["Fetish"] = "Fetichista";
-$a->strings["Oodles"] = "Orgiástico";
-$a->strings["Nonsexual"] = "Asexual";
-$a->strings["Single"] = "Soltero";
-$a->strings["Lonely"] = "Solitario";
-$a->strings["Available"] = "Disponible";
-$a->strings["Unavailable"] = "No disponible";
-$a->strings["Has crush"] = "Enamorado";
-$a->strings["Infatuated"] = "Loco/a por alguien";
-$a->strings["Dating"] = "De citas";
-$a->strings["Unfaithful"] = "Infiel";
-$a->strings["Sex Addict"] = "Adicto al sexo";
-$a->strings["Friends/Benefits"] = "Amigos con beneficios";
-$a->strings["Casual"] = "Casual";
-$a->strings["Engaged"] = "Comprometido/a";
-$a->strings["Married"] = "Casado/a";
-$a->strings["Imaginarily married"] = "Casado imaginario";
-$a->strings["Partners"] = "Socios";
-$a->strings["Cohabiting"] = "Cohabitando";
-$a->strings["Common law"] = "Pareja de hecho";
-$a->strings["Happy"] = "Feliz";
-$a->strings["Not looking"] = "No busca relación";
-$a->strings["Swinger"] = "Swinger";
-$a->strings["Betrayed"] = "Traicionado/a";
-$a->strings["Separated"] = "Separado/a";
-$a->strings["Unstable"] = "Inestable";
-$a->strings["Divorced"] = "Divorciado/a";
-$a->strings["Imaginarily divorced"] = "Divorciado imaginario";
-$a->strings["Widowed"] = "Viudo/a";
-$a->strings["Uncertain"] = "Incierto";
-$a->strings["It's complicated"] = "Es complicado";
-$a->strings["Don't care"] = "No te importa";
-$a->strings["Ask me"] = "Pregúntame";
-$a->strings["Friendica Notification"] = "Notificación de Friendica";
-$a->strings["Thank You,"] = "Gracias,";
-$a->strings["%s Administrator"] = "%s Administrador";
-$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s Administrator"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s Administrador";
-$a->strings["%s "] = "%s ";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] New mail received at %s"] = "[Friendica:Notificación] Nuevo correo recibido de %s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s sent you a new private message at %2\$s."] = "%1\$s te ha enviado un mensaje privado desde %2\$s.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s sent you %2\$s."] = "%1\$s te ha enviado %2\$s.";
-$a->strings["a private message"] = "un mensaje privado";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to your private messages."] = "Por favor, visita %s para ver y/o responder a tus mensajes privados.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]a %3\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s comentó en [url=%2\$s]a %3\$s[/url]";
-$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]%3\$s's %4\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s comentó en [url=%2\$s] %4\$s de %3\$s[/url]";
-$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]your %3\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s comentó en [url=%2\$s] tu %3\$s[/url]";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%1\$d by %2\$s"] = "[Friendica:Notificación] Comentario en la conversación de #%1\$d por %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%s commented on an item/conversation you have been following."] = "%s ha comentado en una conversación/elemento que sigues.";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."] = "Por favor, visita %s para ver y/o responder a la conversación.";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"] = "[Friendica:Notificación] %s publicó en tu muro";
-$a->strings["%1\$s posted to your profile wall at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s publicó en tu perfil de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s posted to [url=%2\$s]your wall[/url]"] = "%1\$s publicó en [url=%2\$s]tu muro[/url]";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged you"] = "[Friendica:Notificación] %s te ha nombrado";
-$a->strings["%1\$s tagged you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s te ha nombrado en %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]tagged you[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]te nombró[/url].";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s shared a new post"] = "[Notificacion Friendica] %s compartio una nueva publicacion";
-$a->strings["%1\$s shared a new post at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s compartió un nuevo tema en %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]shared a post[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]compartió una publicación[/url].";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %1\$s poked you"] = "[Friendica:Notify] %1\$s te dio un toque";
-$a->strings["%1\$s poked you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s te dio un toque en %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]poked you[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]te dio un toque[/url].";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged your post"] = "[Friendica:Notificación] %s ha etiquetado tu publicación";
-$a->strings["%1\$s tagged your post at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s ha etiquetado tu publicación en %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s tagged [url=%2\$s]your post[/url]"] = "%1\$s ha etiquetado [url=%2\$s]tu publicación[/url]";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Introduction received"] = "[Friendica:Notificación] Presentación recibida";
-$a->strings["You've received an introduction from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Has recibido una presentación de '%1\$s' en %2\$s";
-$a->strings["You've received [url=%1\$s]an introduction[/url] from %2\$s."] = "Has recibido [url=%1\$s]una presentación[/url] de %2\$s.";
-$a->strings["You may visit their profile at %s"] = "Puedes visitar su perfil en %s";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the introduction."] = "Visita %s para aceptar o rechazar la presentación por favor.";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] A new person is sharing with you"] = "[Notificación:Friendica] Un nuevo contacto comparte contigo";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is sharing with you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s comparte con tigo en %2\$s";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] You have a new follower"] = "[Notificación:Friendica] Tienes un nuevo seguidor";
-$a->strings["You have a new follower at %2\$s : %1\$s"] = "Tienes un nuevo seguidor en %2\$s : %1\$s";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Friend suggestion received"] = "[Friendica:Notificación] Sugerencia de amigo recibida";
-$a->strings["You've received a friend suggestion from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Has recibido una sugerencia de amigo de '%1\$s' en %2\$s";
-$a->strings["You've received [url=%1\$s]a friend suggestion[/url] for %2\$s from %3\$s."] = "Has recibido [url=%1\$s]una sugerencia de amigo[/url] en %2\$s de %3\$s.";
-$a->strings["Name:"] = "Nombre: ";
-$a->strings["Photo:"] = "Foto: ";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the suggestion."] = "Visita %s para aceptar o rechazar la sugerencia por favor.";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Connection accepted"] = "[Notificación:Friendica] Conexión aceptada";
-$a->strings["'%1\$s' has accepted your connection request at %2\$s"] = "'%1\$s' acepto tu consulta de conexión %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%2\$s has accepted your [url=%1\$s]connection request[/url]."] = "%2\$s hacepto tu [url=%1\$s]consulta de conexión[/url].";
-$a->strings["You are now mutual friends and may exchange status updates, photos, and email\n\twithout restriction."] = "Ahora tienes una amistad mutua y podrán intercambiar actualizaciones de estados, imágenes, y correo\n\tsin restricciones";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."] = "Por favor visita %s si es preciso de hacer algún cambio a la relación con este contacto.";
-$a->strings["'%1\$s' has chosen to accept you a \"fan\", which restricts some forms of communication - such as private messaging and some profile interactions. If this is a celebrity or community page, these settings were applied automatically."] = "'%1\$s' eligió de aceptarte como fan/hincha lo que restringe algunas formas de comunicación - tales como mensajes privados y algunas interacciones de los perfiles. Si esto es una pagina de celebridad o comunidad, estas configuraciones se adoptaron automáticamente.";
-$a->strings["'%1\$s' may choose to extend this into a two-way or more permissive relationship in the future. "] = "'%1\$s' puede elegir de extender la relación hacia una relación de ida y vuelta o otras configuración mas permisiva en el futuro.";
-$a->strings["[Friendica System:Notify] registration request"] = "[Notificacion:Friendica] consulta de registro";
-$a->strings["You've received a registration request from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Recibiste una consulta de registro de '%1\$s' en %2\$s";
-$a->strings["You've received a [url=%1\$s]registration request[/url] from %2\$s."] = "Recibiste una [url=%1\$s]consulta de registro[/url] from %2\$s.";
-$a->strings["Full Name:\t%1\$s\\nSite Location:\t%2\$s\\nLogin Name:\t%3\$s (%4\$s)"] = "Nombre completo:\t%1\$s\\nUbicación del sitio:\t%2\$s\\nLogin Nombre:\t%3\$s (%4\$s)";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the request."] = "Por favor visita %s para aprobar o negar la solicitud.";
-$a->strings["Embedded content"] = "Contenido integrado";
-$a->strings["Embedding disabled"] = "Contenido incrustrado desabilitado";
-$a->strings["Error decoding account file"] = "Error decodificando el archivo de cuenta";
-$a->strings["Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"] = "Error! No hay datos de versión en el archivo! ¿Es esto de una cuenta friendica? ";
-$a->strings["Error! Cannot check nickname"] = "Error! No puedo consultar el apodo";
-$a->strings["User '%s' already exists on this server!"] = "La cuenta '%s' ya existe en este servidor!";
-$a->strings["User creation error"] = "Error al crear la cuenta";
-$a->strings["User profile creation error"] = "Error de creación del perfil de la cuenta";
-$a->strings["%d contact not imported"] = array(
- 0 => "%d contactos no encontrado",
- 1 => "%d contactos no importado",
-$a->strings["Done. You can now login with your username and password"] = "Hecho. Ahora podes ingresar con tu nombre de cuenta y la contraseña.";
-$a->strings["toggle mobile"] = "Cambiar a versión móvil";
-$a->strings["Set resize level for images in posts and comments (width and height)"] = "Configurar el tamaño de las imágenes en las publicaciones";
-$a->strings["Set font-size for posts and comments"] = "Tamaño del texto para publicaciones y comentarios";
-$a->strings["Set theme width"] = "Establecer el ancho para el tema";
-$a->strings["Color scheme"] = "Esquema de color";
-$a->strings["Set line-height for posts and comments"] = "Altura para las publicaciones y comentarios";
-$a->strings["Set colour scheme"] = "Configurar esquema de color";
-$a->strings["Alignment"] = "Alineación";
-$a->strings["Left"] = "Izquierda";
-$a->strings["Center"] = "Centrado";
-$a->strings["Posts font size"] = "Tamaño de letra del titulo de las publicaciones";
-$a->strings["Textareas font size"] = "Tamaño de letra del área de texto";
-$a->strings["Set resolution for middle column"] = "Resolución para la columna central";
-$a->strings["Set color scheme"] = "Configurar esquema de color";
-$a->strings["Set zoomfactor for Earth Layer"] = "Establecer zoom para Minimapa";
-$a->strings["Set longitude (X) for Earth Layers"] = "Configurar longitud (X) en Minimapa";
-$a->strings["Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layers"] = "Configurar latitud (Y) en Minimapa";
-$a->strings["Community Pages"] = "Páginas de Comunidad";
-$a->strings["Earth Layers"] = "Minimapa";
-$a->strings["Community Profiles"] = "Perfiles de la Comunidad";
-$a->strings["Help or @NewHere ?"] = "¿Ayuda o @NuevoAquí?";
-$a->strings["Connect Services"] = "Servicios conectados";
-$a->strings["Find Friends"] = "Buscar amigos";
-$a->strings["Last users"] = "Últimos usuarios";
-$a->strings["Last photos"] = "Últimas fotos";
-$a->strings["Last likes"] = "Últimos \"me gusta\"";
-$a->strings["Your contacts"] = "Tus contactos";
-$a->strings["Your personal photos"] = "Tus fotos personales";
-$a->strings["Local Directory"] = "Directorio local";
-$a->strings["Set zoomfactor for Earth Layers"] = "Configurar zoom en Minimapa";
-$a->strings["Show/hide boxes at right-hand column:"] = "Mostrar/Ocultar casillas en la columna derecha:";
-$a->strings["Comma separated list of helper forums"] = "Lista separada por comas de foros de ayuda.";
-$a->strings["Set style"] = "Definir estilo";
-$a->strings["Quick Start"] = "Inicio rápido";
-$a->strings["greenzero"] = "greenzero";
-$a->strings["purplezero"] = "purplezero";
-$a->strings["easterbunny"] = "easterbunny";
-$a->strings["darkzero"] = "darkzero";
-$a->strings["comix"] = "comix";
-$a->strings["slackr"] = "slackr";
-$a->strings["Variations"] = "Variaciones";
diff --git a/view/fr/messages.po b/view/lang/fr/messages.po
similarity index 73%
rename from view/fr/messages.po
rename to view/lang/fr/messages.po
index f4ee263ed..bd6f52758 100644
--- a/view/fr/messages.po
+++ b/view/lang/fr/messages.po
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
# Translators:
# Anthronaut , 2015
# Cyboulette , 2014
-# Damien Goutte-Gattat , 2015
+# Damien Goutte-Gattat , 2015-2016
# Damien Goutte-Gattat , 2015
# Domovoy , 2012
+# Hypolite Petovan , 2016
# Jak , 2014
# Lionel Triay , 2013
# Marquis_de_Carabas , 2012
@@ -21,9 +22,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: friendica\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-27 08:40+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-30 06:02+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Perig Gouanvic \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-09-21 12:10+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-09-24 04:22+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Hypolite Petovan \n"
"Language-Team: French (http://www.transifex.com/Friendica/friendica/language/fr/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -31,6258 +32,103 @@ msgstr ""
"Language: fr\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
-#: mod/contacts.php:50 include/identity.php:389
-msgid "Network:"
-msgstr "Réseau"
+#: include/datetime.php:57 include/datetime.php:59 mod/profiles.php:698
+msgid "Miscellaneous"
+msgstr "Divers"
-#: mod/contacts.php:51 mod/contacts.php:986 mod/videos.php:37
-#: mod/viewcontacts.php:105 mod/dirfind.php:208 mod/network.php:596
-#: mod/allfriends.php:77 mod/match.php:82 mod/directory.php:172
-#: mod/common.php:123 mod/suggest.php:95 mod/photos.php:41
-#: include/identity.php:295
-msgid "Forum"
-msgstr "Forum"
+#: include/datetime.php:183 include/identity.php:627
+msgid "Birthday:"
+msgstr "Anniversaire:"
-#: mod/contacts.php:128
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d contact edited."
-msgid_plural "%d contacts edited"
-msgstr[0] "%d contact édité"
-msgstr[1] "%d contacts édités."
-#: mod/contacts.php:159 mod/contacts.php:382
-msgid "Could not access contact record."
-msgstr "Impossible d'accéder à l'enregistrement du contact."
-#: mod/contacts.php:173
-msgid "Could not locate selected profile."
-msgstr "Impossible de localiser le profil séléctionné."
-#: mod/contacts.php:206
-msgid "Contact updated."
-msgstr "Contact mis à jour."
-#: mod/contacts.php:208 mod/dfrn_request.php:578
-msgid "Failed to update contact record."
-msgstr "Échec de mise à jour du contact."
-#: mod/contacts.php:364 mod/manage.php:96 mod/display.php:493
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:19 mod/profile_photo.php:175
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:186 mod/profile_photo.php:199
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:9 mod/follow.php:10 mod/follow.php:72
-#: mod/follow.php:137 mod/item.php:169 mod/item.php:181 mod/group.php:19
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:55 mod/fsuggest.php:78 mod/wall_upload.php:77
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:80 mod/viewcontacts.php:40 mod/notifications.php:69
-#: mod/message.php:45 mod/message.php:181 mod/crepair.php:117
-#: mod/dirfind.php:11 mod/nogroup.php:25 mod/network.php:4
-#: mod/allfriends.php:12 mod/events.php:165 mod/wallmessage.php:9
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:33 mod/wallmessage.php:79 mod/wallmessage.php:103
-#: mod/wall_attach.php:67 mod/wall_attach.php:70 mod/settings.php:20
-#: mod/settings.php:116 mod/settings.php:637 mod/register.php:42
-#: mod/delegate.php:12 mod/common.php:18 mod/mood.php:114 mod/suggest.php:58
-#: mod/profiles.php:165 mod/profiles.php:615 mod/editpost.php:10
-#: mod/api.php:26 mod/api.php:31 mod/notes.php:22 mod/poke.php:149
-#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:9 mod/invite.php:15 mod/invite.php:101
-#: mod/photos.php:171 mod/photos.php:1105 mod/regmod.php:110
-#: mod/uimport.php:23 mod/attach.php:33 include/items.php:5070 index.php:383
-msgid "Permission denied."
-msgstr "Permission refusée."
-#: mod/contacts.php:403
-msgid "Contact has been blocked"
-msgstr "Le contact a été bloqué"
-#: mod/contacts.php:403
-msgid "Contact has been unblocked"
-msgstr "Le contact n'est plus bloqué"
-#: mod/contacts.php:414
-msgid "Contact has been ignored"
-msgstr "Le contact a été ignoré"
-#: mod/contacts.php:414
-msgid "Contact has been unignored"
-msgstr "Le contact n'est plus ignoré"
-#: mod/contacts.php:426
-msgid "Contact has been archived"
-msgstr "Contact archivé"
-#: mod/contacts.php:426
-msgid "Contact has been unarchived"
-msgstr "Contact désarchivé"
-#: mod/contacts.php:453 mod/contacts.php:801
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this contact?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce contact?"
-#: mod/contacts.php:455 mod/follow.php:105 mod/message.php:216
-#: mod/settings.php:1094 mod/settings.php:1100 mod/settings.php:1108
-#: mod/settings.php:1112 mod/settings.php:1117 mod/settings.php:1123
-#: mod/settings.php:1129 mod/settings.php:1135 mod/settings.php:1161
-#: mod/settings.php:1162 mod/settings.php:1163 mod/settings.php:1164
-#: mod/settings.php:1165 mod/dfrn_request.php:850 mod/register.php:238
-#: mod/suggest.php:29 mod/profiles.php:658 mod/profiles.php:661
-#: mod/profiles.php:687 mod/api.php:105 include/items.php:4902
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Oui"
-#: mod/contacts.php:458 mod/tagrm.php:11 mod/tagrm.php:94 mod/follow.php:116
-#: mod/videos.php:131 mod/message.php:219 mod/fbrowser.php:93
-#: mod/fbrowser.php:128 mod/settings.php:651 mod/settings.php:677
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:864 mod/suggest.php:32 mod/editpost.php:148
-#: mod/photos.php:247 mod/photos.php:336 include/conversation.php:1221
-#: include/items.php:4905
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Annuler"
-#: mod/contacts.php:470
-msgid "Contact has been removed."
-msgstr "Ce contact a été retiré."
-#: mod/contacts.php:511
-#, php-format
-msgid "You are mutual friends with %s"
-msgstr "Vous êtes ami (et réciproquement) avec %s"
-#: mod/contacts.php:515
-#, php-format
-msgid "You are sharing with %s"
-msgstr "Vous partagez avec %s"
-#: mod/contacts.php:520
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s is sharing with you"
-msgstr "%s partage avec vous"
-#: mod/contacts.php:540
-msgid "Private communications are not available for this contact."
-msgstr "Les communications privées ne sont pas disponibles pour ce contact."
-#: mod/contacts.php:543 mod/admin.php:647
-msgid "Never"
-msgstr "Jamais"
-#: mod/contacts.php:547
-msgid "(Update was successful)"
-msgstr "(Mise à jour effectuée avec succès)"
-#: mod/contacts.php:547
-msgid "(Update was not successful)"
-msgstr "(Échec de la mise à jour)"
-#: mod/contacts.php:549
-msgid "Suggest friends"
-msgstr "Suggérer amitié/contact"
-#: mod/contacts.php:553
-#, php-format
-msgid "Network type: %s"
-msgstr "Type de réseau %s"
-#: mod/contacts.php:566
-msgid "Communications lost with this contact!"
-msgstr "Communications perdues avec ce contact !"
-#: mod/contacts.php:569
-msgid "Fetch further information for feeds"
-msgstr "Chercher plus d'informations pour les flux"
-#: mod/contacts.php:570 mod/admin.php:656
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Désactivé"
-#: mod/contacts.php:570
-msgid "Fetch information"
-msgstr "Récupérer informations"
-#: mod/contacts.php:570
-msgid "Fetch information and keywords"
-msgstr "Récupérer informations"
-#: mod/contacts.php:586 mod/manage.php:143 mod/fsuggest.php:107
-#: mod/message.php:342 mod/message.php:525 mod/crepair.php:196
-#: mod/events.php:574 mod/content.php:712 mod/install.php:261
-#: mod/install.php:299 mod/mood.php:137 mod/profiles.php:696
-#: mod/localtime.php:45 mod/poke.php:198 mod/invite.php:140
-#: mod/photos.php:1137 mod/photos.php:1261 mod/photos.php:1579
-#: mod/photos.php:1630 mod/photos.php:1678 mod/photos.php:1766
-#: object/Item.php:710 view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:80
-#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:70 view/theme/quattro/config.php:64
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:148 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:633
-#: view/theme/clean/config.php:83 view/theme/vier/config.php:107
-#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:59
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr "Envoyer"
-#: mod/contacts.php:587
-msgid "Profile Visibility"
-msgstr "Visibilité du profil"
-#: mod/contacts.php:588
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your "
-"profile securely."
-msgstr "Merci de choisir le profil que vous souhaitez montrer à %s lorsqu'il vous rend visite de manière sécurisée."
-#: mod/contacts.php:589
-msgid "Contact Information / Notes"
-msgstr "Informations de contact / Notes"
-#: mod/contacts.php:590
-msgid "Edit contact notes"
-msgstr "Éditer les notes des contacts"
-#: mod/contacts.php:595 mod/contacts.php:977 mod/viewcontacts.php:97
-#: mod/nogroup.php:41
-#, php-format
-msgid "Visit %s's profile [%s]"
-msgstr "Visiter le profil de %s [%s]"
-#: mod/contacts.php:596
-msgid "Block/Unblock contact"
-msgstr "Bloquer/débloquer ce contact"
-#: mod/contacts.php:597
-msgid "Ignore contact"
-msgstr "Ignorer ce contact"
-#: mod/contacts.php:598
-msgid "Repair URL settings"
-msgstr "Réglages de réparation des URL"
-#: mod/contacts.php:599
-msgid "View conversations"
-msgstr "Voir les conversations"
-#: mod/contacts.php:601
-msgid "Delete contact"
-msgstr "Effacer ce contact"
-#: mod/contacts.php:605
-msgid "Last update:"
-msgstr "Dernière mise-à-jour :"
-#: mod/contacts.php:607
-msgid "Update public posts"
-msgstr "Mettre à jour les publications publiques:"
-#: mod/contacts.php:609 mod/admin.php:1656
-msgid "Update now"
-msgstr "Mettre à jour"
-#: mod/contacts.php:611 mod/dirfind.php:190 mod/allfriends.php:65
-#: mod/match.php:71 mod/suggest.php:82 include/contact_widgets.php:32
-#: include/Contact.php:310 include/conversation.php:924
-msgid "Connect/Follow"
-msgstr "Connecter/Suivre"
-#: mod/contacts.php:614 mod/contacts.php:805 mod/contacts.php:864
-#: mod/admin.php:1120
-msgid "Unblock"
-msgstr "Débloquer"
-#: mod/contacts.php:614 mod/contacts.php:805 mod/contacts.php:864
-#: mod/admin.php:1119
-msgid "Block"
-msgstr "Bloquer"
-#: mod/contacts.php:615 mod/contacts.php:806 mod/contacts.php:871
-msgid "Unignore"
-msgstr "Ne plus ignorer"
-#: mod/contacts.php:615 mod/contacts.php:806 mod/contacts.php:871
-#: mod/notifications.php:54 mod/notifications.php:179
-#: mod/notifications.php:259
-msgid "Ignore"
-msgstr "Ignorer"
-#: mod/contacts.php:618
-msgid "Currently blocked"
-msgstr "Actuellement bloqué"
-#: mod/contacts.php:619
-msgid "Currently ignored"
-msgstr "Actuellement ignoré"
-#: mod/contacts.php:620
-msgid "Currently archived"
-msgstr "Actuellement archivé"
-#: mod/contacts.php:621 mod/notifications.php:172 mod/notifications.php:251
-msgid "Hide this contact from others"
-msgstr "Cacher ce contact aux autres"
-#: mod/contacts.php:621
-msgid ""
-"Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"
-msgstr "Les réponses et \"j'aime\" à vos publications publiques peuvent être toujours visibles"
-#: mod/contacts.php:622
-msgid "Notification for new posts"
-msgstr "Notification des nouvelles publications"
-#: mod/contacts.php:622
-msgid "Send a notification of every new post of this contact"
-msgstr "Envoyer une notification de chaque nouveau message en provenance de ce contact"
-#: mod/contacts.php:625
-msgid "Blacklisted keywords"
-msgstr "Mots-clés sur la liste noire"
-#: mod/contacts.php:625
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, "
-"when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"
-msgstr "Liste de mots-clés separés par des virgules qui ne doivent pas être converti en mots-dièse quand « Récupérer informations et mots-clés » est sélectionné."
-#: mod/contacts.php:632 mod/follow.php:121 mod/notifications.php:255
-msgid "Profile URL"
-msgstr "URL du Profil"
-#: mod/contacts.php:635 mod/follow.php:125 mod/notifications.php:244
-#: mod/events.php:566 mod/directory.php:145 include/identity.php:304
-#: include/bb2diaspora.php:170 include/event.php:36 include/event.php:60
-msgid "Location:"
-msgstr "Localisation:"
-#: mod/contacts.php:637 mod/follow.php:127 mod/notifications.php:246
-#: mod/directory.php:153 include/identity.php:313 include/identity.php:630
-msgid "About:"
-msgstr "À propos:"
-#: mod/contacts.php:639 mod/follow.php:129 mod/notifications.php:248
-#: include/identity.php:624
-msgid "Tags:"
-msgstr "Étiquette:"
-#: mod/contacts.php:684
-msgid "Suggestions"
-msgstr "Suggestions"
-#: mod/contacts.php:687
-msgid "Suggest potential friends"
-msgstr "Suggérer des amis potentiels"
-#: mod/contacts.php:692 mod/group.php:192
-msgid "All Contacts"
-msgstr "Tous les contacts"
-#: mod/contacts.php:695
-msgid "Show all contacts"
-msgstr "Montrer tous les contacts"
-#: mod/contacts.php:700
-msgid "Unblocked"
-msgstr "Non-bloqués"
-#: mod/contacts.php:703
-msgid "Only show unblocked contacts"
-msgstr "Ne montrer que les contacts non-bloqués"
-#: mod/contacts.php:709
-msgid "Blocked"
-msgstr "Bloqués"
-#: mod/contacts.php:712
-msgid "Only show blocked contacts"
-msgstr "Ne montrer que les contacts bloqués"
-#: mod/contacts.php:718
-msgid "Ignored"
-msgstr "Ignorés"
-#: mod/contacts.php:721
-msgid "Only show ignored contacts"
-msgstr "Ne montrer que les contacts ignorés"
-#: mod/contacts.php:727
-msgid "Archived"
-msgstr "Archivés"
-#: mod/contacts.php:730
-msgid "Only show archived contacts"
-msgstr "Ne montrer que les contacts archivés"
-#: mod/contacts.php:736
-msgid "Hidden"
-msgstr "Cachés"
-#: mod/contacts.php:739
-msgid "Only show hidden contacts"
-msgstr "Ne montrer que les contacts masqués"
-#: mod/contacts.php:792 mod/contacts.php:840 mod/viewcontacts.php:116
-#: include/identity.php:741 include/identity.php:744 include/text.php:1012
-#: include/nav.php:123 include/nav.php:187 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:125
-msgid "Contacts"
-msgstr "Contacts"
-#: mod/contacts.php:796
-msgid "Search your contacts"
-msgstr "Rechercher dans vos contacts"
-#: mod/contacts.php:797
-msgid "Finding: "
-msgstr "Trouvé: "
-#: mod/contacts.php:798 mod/directory.php:210 include/contact_widgets.php:34
-msgid "Find"
-msgstr "Trouver"
-#: mod/contacts.php:804 mod/settings.php:146 mod/settings.php:676
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Mises-à-jour"
-#: mod/contacts.php:807 mod/contacts.php:878
-msgid "Archive"
-msgstr "Archiver"
-#: mod/contacts.php:807 mod/contacts.php:878
-msgid "Unarchive"
-msgstr "Désarchiver"
-#: mod/contacts.php:808 mod/group.php:171 mod/admin.php:1118
-#: mod/content.php:440 mod/content.php:743 mod/settings.php:713
-#: mod/photos.php:1723 object/Item.php:134 include/conversation.php:635
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Supprimer"
-#: mod/contacts.php:821 include/identity.php:686 include/nav.php:75
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Statut"
-#: mod/contacts.php:824 include/identity.php:689
-msgid "Status Messages and Posts"
-msgstr "Messages d'état et publications"
-#: mod/contacts.php:829 mod/profperm.php:104 mod/newmember.php:32
-#: include/identity.php:578 include/identity.php:664 include/identity.php:694
-#: include/nav.php:76 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124
-msgid "Profile"
-msgstr "Profil"
-#: mod/contacts.php:832 include/identity.php:697
-msgid "Profile Details"
-msgstr "Détails du profil"
-#: mod/contacts.php:843
-msgid "View all contacts"
-msgstr "Voir tous les contacts"
-#: mod/contacts.php:849 mod/common.php:134
-msgid "Common Friends"
-msgstr "Amis communs"
-#: mod/contacts.php:852
-msgid "View all common friends"
-msgstr "Voir tous les amis communs"
-#: mod/contacts.php:856
-msgid "Repair"
-msgstr "Réparer"
-#: mod/contacts.php:859
-msgid "Advanced Contact Settings"
-msgstr "Réglages avancés du contact"
-#: mod/contacts.php:867
-msgid "Toggle Blocked status"
-msgstr "(dés)activer l'état \"bloqué\""
-#: mod/contacts.php:874
-msgid "Toggle Ignored status"
-msgstr "(dés)activer l'état \"ignoré\""
-#: mod/contacts.php:881
-msgid "Toggle Archive status"
-msgstr "(dés)activer l'état \"archivé\""
-#: mod/contacts.php:949
-msgid "Mutual Friendship"
-msgstr "Relation réciproque"
-#: mod/contacts.php:953
-msgid "is a fan of yours"
-msgstr "Vous suit"
-#: mod/contacts.php:957
-msgid "you are a fan of"
-msgstr "Vous le/la suivez"
-#: mod/contacts.php:978 mod/nogroup.php:42
-msgid "Edit contact"
-msgstr "Éditer le contact"
-#: mod/hcard.php:10
-msgid "No profile"
-msgstr "Aucun profil"
-#: mod/manage.php:139
-msgid "Manage Identities and/or Pages"
-msgstr "Gérer les identités et/ou les pages"
-#: mod/manage.php:140
-msgid ""
-"Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share "
-"your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"
-msgstr "Basculez entre les différentes identités ou pages (groupes/communautés) qui se partagent votre compte ou que vous avez été autorisé à gérer."
-#: mod/manage.php:141
-msgid "Select an identity to manage: "
-msgstr "Choisir une identité à gérer: "
-#: mod/oexchange.php:25
-msgid "Post successful."
-msgstr "Publication réussie."
-#: mod/profperm.php:19 mod/group.php:72 index.php:382
-msgid "Permission denied"
-msgstr "Permission refusée"
-#: mod/profperm.php:25 mod/profperm.php:56
-msgid "Invalid profile identifier."
-msgstr "Identifiant de profil invalide."
-#: mod/profperm.php:102
-msgid "Profile Visibility Editor"
-msgstr "Éditer la visibilité du profil"
-#: mod/profperm.php:106 mod/group.php:223
-msgid "Click on a contact to add or remove."
-msgstr "Cliquez sur un contact pour l'ajouter ou le supprimer."
-#: mod/profperm.php:115
-msgid "Visible To"
-msgstr "Visible par"
-#: mod/profperm.php:131
-msgid "All Contacts (with secure profile access)"
-msgstr "Tous les contacts (ayant un accès sécurisé)"
-#: mod/display.php:82 mod/display.php:280 mod/display.php:497
-#: mod/viewsrc.php:15 mod/admin.php:196 mod/admin.php:1163 mod/admin.php:1384
-#: mod/notice.php:15 include/items.php:4861
-msgid "Item not found."
-msgstr "Élément introuvable."
-#: mod/display.php:209 mod/videos.php:197 mod/viewcontacts.php:35
-#: mod/community.php:18 mod/dfrn_request.php:779 mod/search.php:93
-#: mod/search.php:99 mod/directory.php:37 mod/photos.php:976
-msgid "Public access denied."
-msgstr "Accès public refusé."
-#: mod/display.php:328 mod/profile.php:155
-msgid "Access to this profile has been restricted."
-msgstr "L'accès au profil a été restreint."
-#: mod/display.php:490
-msgid "Item has been removed."
-msgstr "Cet élément a été enlevé."
-#: mod/newmember.php:6
-msgid "Welcome to Friendica"
-msgstr "Bienvenue sur Friendica"
-#: mod/newmember.php:8
-msgid "New Member Checklist"
-msgstr "Checklist du nouvel utilisateur"
-#: mod/newmember.php:12
-msgid ""
-"We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience "
-"enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page "
-"will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial "
-"registration and then will quietly disappear."
-msgstr "Nous souhaiterions vous donner quelques astuces et ressources pour rendre votre expérience la plus agréable possible. Cliquez sur n'importe lequel de ces éléments pour visiter la page correspondante. Un lien vers cette page restera visible sur votre page d'accueil pendant les deux semaines qui suivent votre inscription initiale, puis disparaîtra silencieusement."
-#: mod/newmember.php:14
-msgid "Getting Started"
-msgstr "Bien démarrer"
-#: mod/newmember.php:18
-msgid "Friendica Walk-Through"
-msgstr "Friendica pas-à-pas"
-#: mod/newmember.php:18
-msgid ""
-"On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your "
-"profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to"
-" join."
-msgstr "Sur votre page d'accueil, dans Conseils aux nouveaux venus - vous trouverez une rapide introduction aux onglets Profil et Réseau, pourrez vous connecter à Facebook, établir de nouvelles relations, et choisir des groupes à rejoindre."
-#: mod/newmember.php:22 mod/admin.php:1215 mod/admin.php:1460
-#: mod/settings.php:99 include/nav.php:182 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:544
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:648
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "Réglages"
-#: mod/newmember.php:26
-msgid "Go to Your Settings"
-msgstr "Éditer vos Réglages"
-#: mod/newmember.php:26
-msgid ""
-"On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a "
-"note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and "
-"will be useful in making friends on the free social web."
-msgstr "Sur la page des Réglages - changez votre mot de passe initial. Notez bien votre Identité. Elle ressemble à une adresse de courriel - et vous sera utile pour vous faire des amis dans le web social libre."
-#: mod/newmember.php:28
-msgid ""
-"Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished"
-" directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you "
-"should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and "
-"potential friends know exactly how to find you."
-msgstr "Vérifiez les autres réglages, tout particulièrement ceux liés à la vie privée. Un profil non listé, c'est un peu comme un numéro sur liste rouge. En général, vous devriez probablement publier votre profil - à moins que tous vos amis (potentiels) sachent déjà comment vous trouver."
-#: mod/newmember.php:36 mod/profile_photo.php:250 mod/profiles.php:709
-msgid "Upload Profile Photo"
-msgstr "Téléverser une photo de profil"
-#: mod/newmember.php:36
-msgid ""
-"Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown "
-"that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make"
-" friends than people who do not."
-msgstr "Téléversez (envoyez) une photo de profil si vous n'en avez pas déjà une. Les études montrent que les gens qui affichent de vraies photos d'eux sont dix fois plus susceptibles de se faire des amis."
-#: mod/newmember.php:38
-msgid "Edit Your Profile"
-msgstr "Éditer votre Profil"
-#: mod/newmember.php:38
-msgid ""
-"Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the "
-"settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown"
-" visitors."
-msgstr "Éditez votre profil par défaut à votre convenance. Vérifiez les réglages concernant la visibilité de votre liste d'amis par les visiteurs inconnus."
-#: mod/newmember.php:40
-msgid "Profile Keywords"
-msgstr "Mots-clés du profil"
-#: mod/newmember.php:40
-msgid ""
-"Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your "
-"interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and "
-"suggest friendships."
-msgstr "Choisissez quelques mots-clé publics pour votre profil par défaut. Ils pourront ainsi décrire vos centres d'intérêt, et nous pourrons vous proposer des contacts qui les partagent."
-#: mod/newmember.php:44
-msgid "Connecting"
-msgstr "Connexions"
-#: mod/newmember.php:49 mod/newmember.php:51 include/contact_selectors.php:81
-msgid "Facebook"
-msgstr "Facebook"
-#: mod/newmember.php:49
-msgid ""
-"Authorise the Facebook Connector if you currently have a Facebook account "
-"and we will (optionally) import all your Facebook friends and conversations."
-msgstr "Activez et paramétrez le connecteur Facebook si vous avez un compte Facebook et nous pourrons (de manière facultative) importer tous vos amis et conversations Facebook."
-#: mod/newmember.php:51
-msgid ""
-"If this is your own personal server, installing the Facebook addon "
-"may ease your transition to the free social web."
-msgstr "Si ceci est votre propre serveur, installer le connecteur Facebook peut adoucir votre transition vers le web social libre."
-#: mod/newmember.php:56
-msgid "Importing Emails"
-msgstr "Importer courriels"
-#: mod/newmember.php:56
-msgid ""
-"Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you "
-"wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email "
-msgstr "Entrez vos paramètres de courriel dans les Réglages des connecteurs si vous souhaitez importer et interagir avec des amis ou des listes venant de votre Boîte de Réception."
-#: mod/newmember.php:58
-msgid "Go to Your Contacts Page"
-msgstr "Consulter vos Contacts"
-#: mod/newmember.php:58
-msgid ""
-"Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting "
-"with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site "
-"URL in the Add New Contact dialog."
-msgstr "Votre page Contacts est le point d'entrée vers la gestion de vos amitiés/relations et la connexion à des amis venant d'autres réseaux. Typiquement, vous pourrez y rentrer leur adresse d'Identité ou l'URL de leur site dans le formulaire Ajouter un nouveau contact ."
-#: mod/newmember.php:60
-msgid "Go to Your Site's Directory"
-msgstr "Consulter l'Annuaire de votre Site"
-#: mod/newmember.php:60
-msgid ""
-"The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other "
-"federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on "
-"their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."
-msgstr "La page Annuaire vous permet de trouver d'autres personnes au sein de ce réseaux ou parmi d'autres sites fédérés. Cherchez un lien Relier ou Suivre sur leur profil. Vous pourrez avoir besoin d'indiquer votre adresse d'identité."
-#: mod/newmember.php:62
-msgid "Finding New People"
-msgstr "Trouver de nouvelles personnes"
-#: mod/newmember.php:62
-msgid ""
-"On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new "
-"friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or "
-"interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand"
-" new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 "
-msgstr "Sur le panneau latéral de la page Contacts, il y a plusieurs moyens de trouver de nouveaux amis. Nous pouvons mettre les gens en relation selon leurs intérêts, rechercher des amis par nom ou intérêt, et fournir des suggestions en fonction de la topologie du réseau. Sur un site tout neuf, les suggestions d'amitié devraient commencer à apparaître au bout de 24 heures."
-#: mod/newmember.php:66 include/group.php:283
-msgid "Groups"
-msgstr "Groupes"
-#: mod/newmember.php:70
-msgid "Group Your Contacts"
-msgstr "Grouper vos contacts"
-#: mod/newmember.php:70
-msgid ""
-"Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation "
-"groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with"
-" each group privately on your Network page."
-msgstr "Une fois que vous avez trouvé quelques amis, organisez-les en groupes de conversation privés depuis le panneau latéral de la page Contacts. Vous pourrez ensuite interagir avec chaque groupe de manière privée depuis la page Réseau."
-#: mod/newmember.php:73
-msgid "Why Aren't My Posts Public?"
-msgstr "Pourquoi mes éléments ne sont pas publics ?"
-#: mod/newmember.php:73
-msgid ""
-"Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to"
-" people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section "
-"from the link above."
-msgstr "Friendica respecte votre vie privée. Par défaut, toutes vos publications seront seulement montrés à vos amis. Pour plus d'information, consultez la section \"aide\" du lien ci-dessus."
-#: mod/newmember.php:78
-msgid "Getting Help"
-msgstr "Obtenir de l'aide"
-#: mod/newmember.php:82
-msgid "Go to the Help Section"
-msgstr "Aller à la section Aide"
-#: mod/newmember.php:82
-msgid ""
-"Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program"
-" features and resources."
-msgstr "Nos pages d'aide peuvent être consultées pour davantage de détails sur les fonctionnalités ou les ressources."
-#: mod/openid.php:24
-msgid "OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."
-msgstr "Erreur de protocole OpenID. Pas d'ID en retour."
-#: mod/openid.php:53
-msgid ""
-"Account not found and OpenID registration is not permitted on this site."
-msgstr "Compte introuvable, et l'inscription OpenID n'est pas autorisée sur ce site."
-#: mod/openid.php:93 include/auth.php:112 include/auth.php:175
-msgid "Login failed."
-msgstr "Échec de connexion."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:44
-msgid "Image uploaded but image cropping failed."
-msgstr "Image envoyée, mais impossible de la retailler."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:74 mod/profile_photo.php:81 mod/profile_photo.php:88
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:210 mod/profile_photo.php:302
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:311 mod/photos.php:78 mod/photos.php:192
-#: mod/photos.php:775 mod/photos.php:1245 mod/photos.php:1268
-#: mod/photos.php:1862 include/user.php:345 include/user.php:352
-#: include/user.php:359 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:500
-msgid "Profile Photos"
-msgstr "Photos du profil"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:77 mod/profile_photo.php:84 mod/profile_photo.php:91
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:314
-#, php-format
-msgid "Image size reduction [%s] failed."
-msgstr "Réduction de la taille de l'image [%s] échouée."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:124
-msgid ""
-"Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not "
-"display immediately."
-msgstr "Rechargez la page avec la touche Maj pressée, ou bien effacez le cache du navigateur, si d'aventure la nouvelle photo n'apparaissait pas immédiatement."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:134
-msgid "Unable to process image"
-msgstr "Impossible de traiter l'image"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:150 mod/wall_upload.php:151 mod/photos.php:811
-#, php-format
-msgid "Image exceeds size limit of %s"
-msgstr "L'image dépasse la taille limite de %s"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:159 mod/wall_upload.php:183 mod/photos.php:851
-msgid "Unable to process image."
-msgstr "Impossible de traiter l'image."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:248
-msgid "Upload File:"
-msgstr "Fichier à téléverser:"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:249
-msgid "Select a profile:"
-msgstr "Choisir un profil:"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:251
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Téléverser"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
-msgid "or"
-msgstr "ou"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
-msgid "skip this step"
-msgstr "ignorer cette étape"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
-msgid "select a photo from your photo albums"
-msgstr "choisissez une photo depuis vos albums"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:268
-msgid "Crop Image"
-msgstr "(Re)cadrer l'image"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:269
-msgid "Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."
-msgstr "Ajustez le cadre de l'image pour une visualisation optimale."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:271
-msgid "Done Editing"
-msgstr "Édition terminée"
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:305
-msgid "Image uploaded successfully."
-msgstr "Image téléversée avec succès."
-#: mod/profile_photo.php:307 mod/wall_upload.php:216 mod/photos.php:878
-msgid "Image upload failed."
-msgstr "Le téléversement de l'image a échoué."
-#: mod/subthread.php:87 mod/tagger.php:62 mod/like.php:168
-#: include/conversation.php:130 include/conversation.php:266
-#: include/text.php:1993 include/diaspora.php:2147
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:471
-msgid "photo"
-msgstr "photo"
-#: mod/subthread.php:87 mod/tagger.php:62 mod/like.php:168 mod/like.php:346
-#: include/conversation.php:125 include/conversation.php:134
-#: include/conversation.php:261 include/conversation.php:270
-#: include/diaspora.php:2147 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:466
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:475
-msgid "status"
-msgstr "le statut"
-#: mod/subthread.php:103
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is following %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s suit les %3$s de %2$s"
-#: mod/tagrm.php:41
-msgid "Tag removed"
-msgstr "Étiquette supprimée"
-#: mod/tagrm.php:79
-msgid "Remove Item Tag"
-msgstr "Enlever l'étiquette de l'élément"
-#: mod/tagrm.php:81
-msgid "Select a tag to remove: "
-msgstr "Sélectionner une étiquette à supprimer: "
-#: mod/tagrm.php:93 mod/delegate.php:139
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Utiliser comme photo de profil"
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:14
-msgid "Subscribing to OStatus contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:25
-msgid "No contact provided."
-msgstr "Pas de contact fourni."
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:30
-msgid "Couldn't fetch information for contact."
-msgstr "Impossible de récupérer les informations pour ce contact."
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:38
-msgid "Couldn't fetch friends for contact."
-msgstr "Impossible de récupérer les amis de ce contact."
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:51 mod/repair_ostatus.php:44
-msgid "Done"
-msgstr "Terminé"
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:65
-msgid "success"
-msgstr "réussite"
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:67
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "échec"
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:69 object/Item.php:235
-msgid "ignored"
-msgstr "ignoré"
-#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:73 mod/repair_ostatus.php:50
-msgid "Keep this window open until done."
-msgstr "Veuillez garder cette fenêtre ouverte jusqu'à la fin."
-#: mod/filer.php:30 include/conversation.php:1133
-#: include/conversation.php:1151
-msgid "Save to Folder:"
-msgstr "Sauver dans le Dossier:"
-#: mod/filer.php:30
-msgid "- select -"
-msgstr "- choisir -"
-#: mod/filer.php:31 mod/editpost.php:109 mod/notes.php:61
-#: include/text.php:1004
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Sauver"
-#: mod/follow.php:18 mod/dfrn_request.php:863
-msgid "Submit Request"
-msgstr "Envoyer la requête"
-#: mod/follow.php:29
-msgid "You already added this contact."
-msgstr "Vous avez déjà ajouté ce contact."
-#: mod/follow.php:38
-msgid "Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."
-msgstr "Le support de Diaspora est désactivé. Le contact ne peut pas être ajouté."
-#: mod/follow.php:45
-msgid "OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."
-msgstr "Le support d'OStatus est désactivé. Le contact ne peut pas être ajouté."
-#: mod/follow.php:52
-msgid "The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."
-msgstr "Impossible de détecter le type de réseau. Le contact ne peut pas être ajouté."
-#: mod/follow.php:104 mod/dfrn_request.php:849
-msgid "Please answer the following:"
-msgstr "Merci de répondre à ce qui suit:"
-#: mod/follow.php:105 mod/dfrn_request.php:850
-#, php-format
-msgid "Does %s know you?"
-msgstr "Est-ce que %s vous connaît?"
-#: mod/follow.php:105 mod/settings.php:1094 mod/settings.php:1100
-#: mod/settings.php:1108 mod/settings.php:1112 mod/settings.php:1117
-#: mod/settings.php:1123 mod/settings.php:1129 mod/settings.php:1135
-#: mod/settings.php:1161 mod/settings.php:1162 mod/settings.php:1163
-#: mod/settings.php:1164 mod/settings.php:1165 mod/dfrn_request.php:850
-#: mod/register.php:239 mod/profiles.php:658 mod/profiles.php:662
-#: mod/profiles.php:687 mod/api.php:106
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Non"
-#: mod/follow.php:106 mod/dfrn_request.php:854
-msgid "Add a personal note:"
-msgstr "Ajouter une note personnelle:"
-#: mod/follow.php:112 mod/dfrn_request.php:860
-msgid "Your Identity Address:"
-msgstr "Votre adresse d'identité:"
-#: mod/follow.php:162
-msgid "Contact added"
-msgstr "Contact ajouté"
-#: mod/item.php:114
-msgid "Unable to locate original post."
-msgstr "Impossible de localiser la publication originale."
-#: mod/item.php:318
-msgid "Empty post discarded."
-msgstr "Publication vide rejetée."
-#: mod/item.php:456 mod/wall_upload.php:213 mod/wall_upload.php:227
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:234 include/Photo.php:954 include/Photo.php:969
-#: include/Photo.php:976 include/Photo.php:998 include/message.php:145
-msgid "Wall Photos"
-msgstr "Photos du mur"
-#: mod/item.php:830
-msgid "System error. Post not saved."
-msgstr "Erreur système. Publication non sauvée."
-#: mod/item.php:959
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social "
-msgstr "Ce message vous a été envoyé par %s, membre du réseau social Friendica."
-#: mod/item.php:961
-#, php-format
-msgid "You may visit them online at %s"
-msgstr "Vous pouvez leur rendre visite sur %s"
-#: mod/item.php:962
-msgid ""
-"Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to "
-"receive these messages."
-msgstr "Merci de contacter l’émetteur en répondant à cette publication si vous ne souhaitez pas recevoir ces messages."
-#: mod/item.php:966
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s posted an update."
-msgstr "%s a publié une mise à jour."
-#: mod/group.php:29
-msgid "Group created."
-msgstr "Groupe créé."
-#: mod/group.php:35
-msgid "Could not create group."
-msgstr "Impossible de créer le groupe."
-#: mod/group.php:47 mod/group.php:140
-msgid "Group not found."
-msgstr "Groupe introuvable."
-#: mod/group.php:60
-msgid "Group name changed."
-msgstr "Groupe renommé."
-#: mod/group.php:87
-msgid "Save Group"
-msgstr "Sauvegarder le groupe"
-#: mod/group.php:93
-msgid "Create a group of contacts/friends."
-msgstr "Créez un groupe de contacts/amis."
-#: mod/group.php:94 mod/group.php:178 include/group.php:289
-msgid "Group Name: "
-msgstr "Nom du groupe: "
-#: mod/group.php:113
-msgid "Group removed."
-msgstr "Groupe enlevé."
-#: mod/group.php:115
-msgid "Unable to remove group."
-msgstr "Impossible d'enlever le groupe."
-#: mod/group.php:177
-msgid "Group Editor"
-msgstr "Éditeur de groupe"
-#: mod/group.php:190
-msgid "Members"
-msgstr "Membres"
-#: mod/group.php:193 mod/network.php:563 mod/content.php:130
-msgid "Group is empty"
-msgstr "Groupe vide"
-#: mod/apps.php:7 index.php:226
-msgid "You must be logged in to use addons. "
-msgstr "Vous devez être connecté pour utiliser les greffons."
-#: mod/apps.php:11
-msgid "Applications"
-msgstr "Applications"
-#: mod/apps.php:14
-msgid "No installed applications."
-msgstr "Pas d'application installée."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:64 mod/profiles.php:18 mod/profiles.php:133
-#: mod/profiles.php:179 mod/profiles.php:627
-msgid "Profile not found."
-msgstr "Profil introuvable."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:120 mod/fsuggest.php:20 mod/fsuggest.php:92
-#: mod/crepair.php:131
-msgid "Contact not found."
-msgstr "Contact introuvable."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:121
-msgid ""
-"This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it"
-" has already been approved."
-msgstr "Ceci peut se produire lorsque le contact a été requis par les deux personnes et a déjà été approuvé."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:240
-msgid "Response from remote site was not understood."
-msgstr "Réponse du site distant incomprise."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:249 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:254
-msgid "Unexpected response from remote site: "
-msgstr "Réponse inattendue du site distant : "
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:263
-msgid "Confirmation completed successfully."
-msgstr "Confirmation achevée avec succès."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:265 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:279 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:286
-msgid "Remote site reported: "
-msgstr "Alerte du site distant : "
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:277
-msgid "Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."
-msgstr "Échec temporaire. Merci de recommencer ultérieurement."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:284
-msgid "Introduction failed or was revoked."
-msgstr "Introduction échouée ou annulée."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:430
-msgid "Unable to set contact photo."
-msgstr "Impossible de définir la photo du contact."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:487 include/conversation.php:185
-#: include/diaspora.php:637
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is now friends with %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s est désormais lié à %2$s"
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:572
-#, php-format
-msgid "No user record found for '%s' "
-msgstr "Pas d'utilisateur trouvé pour '%s' "
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:582
-msgid "Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."
-msgstr "Notre clé de chiffrement de site est apparemment corrompue."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:593
-msgid "Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."
-msgstr "URL de site absente ou indéchiffrable."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:614
-msgid "Contact record was not found for you on our site."
-msgstr "Pas d'entrée pour ce contact sur notre site."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:628
-#, php-format
-msgid "Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s."
-msgstr "La clé publique du site ne se trouve pas dans l'enregistrement du contact pour l'URL %s."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:648
-msgid ""
-"The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work "
-"if you try again."
-msgstr "L'identifiant fourni par votre système fait doublon sur le notre. Cela peut fonctionner si vous réessayez."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:659
-msgid "Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."
-msgstr "Impossible de vous définir des permissions sur notre système."
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:726
-msgid "Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"
-msgstr "Impossible de mettre les détails de votre profil à jour sur notre système"
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:753 mod/dfrn_request.php:734 include/items.php:4273
-msgid "[Name Withheld]"
-msgstr "[Nom non-publié]"
-#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:798
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s has joined %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s a rejoint %2$s"
-#: mod/profile.php:21 include/identity.php:53
-msgid "Requested profile is not available."
-msgstr "Le profil demandé n'est pas disponible."
-#: mod/profile.php:179
-msgid "Tips for New Members"
-msgstr "Conseils aux nouveaux venus"
-#: mod/videos.php:123
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this video?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette vidéo?"
-#: mod/videos.php:128
-msgid "Delete Video"
-msgstr "Supprimer la vidéo"
-#: mod/videos.php:207
-msgid "No videos selected"
-msgstr "Pas de vidéo sélectionné"
-#: mod/videos.php:308 mod/photos.php:1087
-msgid "Access to this item is restricted."
-msgstr "Accès restreint à cet élément."
-#: mod/videos.php:383 include/text.php:1465
-msgid "View Video"
-msgstr "Regarder la vidéo"
-#: mod/videos.php:390 mod/photos.php:1890
-msgid "View Album"
-msgstr "Voir l'album"
-#: mod/videos.php:399
-msgid "Recent Videos"
-msgstr "Vidéos récente"
-#: mod/videos.php:401
-msgid "Upload New Videos"
-msgstr "Téléversé une nouvelle vidéo"
-#: mod/tagger.php:95 include/conversation.php:278
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s tagged %2$s's %3$s with %4$s"
-msgstr "%1$s a étiqueté %3$s de %2$s avec %4$s"
-#: mod/fsuggest.php:63
-msgid "Friend suggestion sent."
-msgstr "Suggestion d'amitié/contact envoyée."
-#: mod/fsuggest.php:97
-msgid "Suggest Friends"
-msgstr "Suggérer des amis/contacts"
-#: mod/fsuggest.php:99
-#, php-format
-msgid "Suggest a friend for %s"
-msgstr "Suggérer un ami/contact pour %s"
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:20 mod/wall_upload.php:33 mod/wall_upload.php:86
-#: mod/wall_upload.php:122 mod/wall_upload.php:125 mod/wall_attach.php:17
-#: mod/wall_attach.php:25 mod/wall_attach.php:76 include/api.php:1735
-msgid "Invalid request."
-msgstr "Requête invalide."
-#: mod/lostpass.php:19
-msgid "No valid account found."
-msgstr "Impossible de trouver un compte valide."
-#: mod/lostpass.php:35
-msgid "Password reset request issued. Check your email."
-msgstr "Réinitialisation du mot de passe en cours. Vérifiez votre courriel."
-#: mod/lostpass.php:42
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
-"\t\t\tA request was recently received at \"%2$s\" to reset your account\n"
-"\t\tpassword. In order to confirm this request, please select the verification link\n"
-"\t\tbelow or paste it into your web browser address bar.\n"
-"\t\tIf you did NOT request this change, please DO NOT follow the link\n"
-"\t\tprovided and ignore and/or delete this email.\n"
-"\t\tYour password will not be changed unless we can verify that you\n"
-"\t\tissued this request."
-msgstr "\n\t\tChère/Cher %1$s,\n\t\t\tNous avons reçu une demande de ré-initialisation du mot de passe de votre compte sur \"%2$s\". Pour confirmer cette demande, veuillez cliquer sur le lien de vérification ci-dessous ou le coller dans la barre d’adresse de votre navigateur.\n\n\t\tSi vous n’êtes PAS à l’origine de cette demande, NE suivez PAS le lien—ignorez et/ou supprimez ce message.\n\n\t\tVotre mot de passe ne sera pas modifié si nous n’avons pas de confirmation que la demande émane de vous."
-#: mod/lostpass.php:53
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\tFollow this link to verify your identity:\n"
-"\t\tYou will then receive a follow-up message containing the new password.\n"
-"\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n"
-"\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
-"\t\tSite Location:\t%2$s\n"
-"\t\tLogin Name:\t%3$s"
-msgstr "\n\t\tSuivez ce lien pour confirmer votre identité :\n\n\t\t%1$s\n\n\t\tVous recevrez alors a message contenant votre nouveau mot de passe.\n\t\tVous pourrez changer ce mot de passe depuis les paramètres de votre compte une fois connecté.\n\n\t\tInformations de connexion :\n\n\t\tAdresse :\t%2$s\n\t\tIdentifiant :\t%3$s"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:72
-#, php-format
-msgid "Password reset requested at %s"
-msgstr "Requête de réinitialisation de mot de passe à %s"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) "
-"Password reset failed."
-msgstr "Impossible d'honorer cette demande. (Vous l'avez peut-être déjà utilisée par le passé.) La réinitialisation a échoué."
-#: mod/lostpass.php:109 boot.php:1310
-msgid "Password Reset"
-msgstr "Réinitialiser le mot de passe"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:110
-msgid "Your password has been reset as requested."
-msgstr "Votre mot de passe a bien été réinitialisé."
-#: mod/lostpass.php:111
-msgid "Your new password is"
-msgstr "Votre nouveau mot de passe est "
-#: mod/lostpass.php:112
-msgid "Save or copy your new password - and then"
-msgstr "Sauvez ou copiez ce nouveau mot de passe - puis"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:113
-msgid "click here to login"
-msgstr "cliquez ici pour vous connecter"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:114
-msgid ""
-"Your password may be changed from the Settings page after "
-"successful login."
-msgstr "Votre mot de passe peut être changé depuis la page <em>Réglages</em>, une fois que vous serez connecté."
-#: mod/lostpass.php:125
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\tYour password has been changed as requested. Please retain this\n"
-"\t\t\t\tinformation for your records (or change your password immediately to\n"
-"\t\t\t\tsomething that you will remember).\n"
-msgstr "\n\t\t\t\tChère/Cher %1$s,\n\t\t\t\t\tVotre mot de passe a été changé ainsi que vous l’avez demandé. Veuillez conserver cette informations dans vos archives (ou changer immédiatement votre mot de passe pour un autre dont vous vous souviendrez).\n\t\t\t"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:131
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tYour login details are as follows:\n"
-"\t\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1$s\n"
-"\t\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%2$s\n"
-"\t\t\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n"
-msgstr "\n\t\t\t\tVoici vos informations de connexion :\n\n\t\t\t\tAdresse :\t%1$s\n\t\t\t\tIdentifiant :\t%2$s\n\t\t\t\tMot de passe :\t%3$s\n\n\t\t\t\tVous pourrez changer votre mot de passe dans les paramètres de votre compte une fois connecté.\n\t\t\t"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:147
-#, php-format
-msgid "Your password has been changed at %s"
-msgstr "Votre mot de passe a été modifié à %s"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:159
-msgid "Forgot your Password?"
-msgstr "Mot de passe oublié ?"
-#: mod/lostpass.php:160
-msgid ""
-"Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check "
-"your email for further instructions."
-msgstr "Entrez votre adresse de courriel et validez pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe. Vous recevrez la suite des instructions par courriel."
-#: mod/lostpass.php:161
-msgid "Nickname or Email: "
-msgstr "Pseudo ou eMail : "
-#: mod/lostpass.php:162
-msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Réinitialiser"
-#: mod/like.php:170 include/conversation.php:122 include/conversation.php:258
-#: include/text.php:1991 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:463
-msgid "event"
-msgstr "évènement"
-#: mod/like.php:187 include/conversation.php:141 include/diaspora.php:2163
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:480
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s aime %3$s de %2$s"
-#: mod/like.php:189 include/conversation.php:144
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s doesn't like %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s n'aime pas %3$s de %2$s"
-#: mod/like.php:191
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is attending %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s participe à %3$s de %2$s"
-#: mod/like.php:193
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is not attending %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s ne participe pas à %3$s de %2$s"
-#: mod/like.php:195
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s may attend %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s participera peut-être à %3$s de %2$s"
-#: mod/ping.php:265
-msgid "{0} wants to be your friend"
-msgstr "{0} souhaite être votre ami(e)"
-#: mod/ping.php:280
-msgid "{0} sent you a message"
-msgstr "{0} vous a envoyé un message"
-#: mod/ping.php:295
-msgid "{0} requested registration"
-msgstr "{0} a demandé à s'inscrire"
-#: mod/viewcontacts.php:72
-msgid "No contacts."
-msgstr "Aucun contact."
-#: mod/notifications.php:29
-msgid "Invalid request identifier."
-msgstr "Identifiant de demande invalide."
-#: mod/notifications.php:38 mod/notifications.php:180
-#: mod/notifications.php:260
-msgid "Discard"
-msgstr "Rejeter"
-#: mod/notifications.php:81
-msgid "System"
-msgstr "Système"
-#: mod/notifications.php:87 mod/admin.php:228 include/nav.php:154
-msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Réseau"
-#: mod/notifications.php:93 mod/network.php:381
-msgid "Personal"
-msgstr "Personnel"
-#: mod/notifications.php:99 include/nav.php:104 include/nav.php:157
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
-msgid "Home"
-msgstr "Profil"
-#: mod/notifications.php:105 include/nav.php:162
-msgid "Introductions"
-msgstr "Introductions"
-#: mod/notifications.php:130
-msgid "Show Ignored Requests"
-msgstr "Voir les demandes ignorées"
-#: mod/notifications.php:130
-msgid "Hide Ignored Requests"
-msgstr "Cacher les demandes ignorées"
-#: mod/notifications.php:164 mod/notifications.php:234
-msgid "Notification type: "
-msgstr "Type de notification: "
-#: mod/notifications.php:165
-msgid "Friend Suggestion"
-msgstr "Suggestion d'amitié/contact"
-#: mod/notifications.php:167
-#, php-format
-msgid "suggested by %s"
-msgstr "suggéré(e) par %s"
-#: mod/notifications.php:173 mod/notifications.php:252
-msgid "Post a new friend activity"
-msgstr "Poster une nouvelle avtivité d'ami"
-#: mod/notifications.php:173 mod/notifications.php:252
-msgid "if applicable"
-msgstr "si possible"
-#: mod/notifications.php:176 mod/notifications.php:257 mod/admin.php:1116
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Approuver"
-#: mod/notifications.php:196
-msgid "Claims to be known to you: "
-msgstr "Prétend que vous le connaissez: "
-#: mod/notifications.php:196
-msgid "yes"
-msgstr "oui"
-#: mod/notifications.php:196
-msgid "no"
-msgstr "non"
-#: mod/notifications.php:197
-msgid ""
-"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
-"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that "
-"you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
-msgstr "Doit être votre connexion bidirectionnelle ou non? \"Ami\" implique que vous autorisiez à lire et vous vous abonnez à leurs postes. \"Fan / Admirateur\" signifie que vous permettez de lire, mais vous ne voulez pas lire les leurs. Approuver en:"
-#: mod/notifications.php:200
-msgid ""
-"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
-"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you "
-"allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
-msgstr "Doit être votre connexion bidirectionnelle ou non? \"Ami\" implique que vous autorisiez à lire et vous vous abonnez à leurs postes. \"Fan / Admirateur\" signifie que vous permettez de lire, mais vous ne voulez pas lire les leurs. Approuver en:"
-#: mod/notifications.php:208
-msgid "Friend"
-msgstr "Ami"
-#: mod/notifications.php:209
-msgid "Sharer"
-msgstr "Initiateur du partage"
-#: mod/notifications.php:209
-msgid "Fan/Admirer"
-msgstr "Fan/Admirateur"
-#: mod/notifications.php:235
-msgid "Friend/Connect Request"
-msgstr "Demande de connexion/relation"
-#: mod/notifications.php:235
-msgid "New Follower"
-msgstr "Nouvel abonné"
-#: mod/notifications.php:250 mod/directory.php:147 include/identity.php:306
-#: include/identity.php:589
-msgid "Gender:"
-msgstr "Genre:"
-#: mod/notifications.php:266
-msgid "No introductions."
-msgstr "Aucune demande d'introduction."
-#: mod/notifications.php:269 include/nav.php:165
-msgid "Notifications"
-msgstr "Notifications"
-#: mod/notifications.php:307 mod/notifications.php:436
-#: mod/notifications.php:527
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s liked %s's post"
-msgstr "%s a aimé la publication de %s"
-#: mod/notifications.php:317 mod/notifications.php:446
-#: mod/notifications.php:537
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s disliked %s's post"
-msgstr "%s n'a pas aimé la publication de %s"
-#: mod/notifications.php:332 mod/notifications.php:461
-#: mod/notifications.php:552
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s is now friends with %s"
-msgstr "%s est désormais ami(e) avec %s"
-#: mod/notifications.php:339 mod/notifications.php:468
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s created a new post"
-msgstr "%s a créé une nouvelle publication"
-#: mod/notifications.php:340 mod/notifications.php:469
-#: mod/notifications.php:562
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s commented on %s's post"
-msgstr "%s a commenté la publication de %s"
-#: mod/notifications.php:355
-msgid "No more network notifications."
-msgstr "Aucune notification du réseau."
-#: mod/notifications.php:359
-msgid "Network Notifications"
-msgstr "Notifications du réseau"
-#: mod/notifications.php:385 mod/notify.php:72
-msgid "No more system notifications."
-msgstr "Pas plus de notifications système."
-#: mod/notifications.php:389 mod/notify.php:76
-msgid "System Notifications"
-msgstr "Notifications du système"
-#: mod/notifications.php:484
-msgid "No more personal notifications."
-msgstr "Aucun notification personnelle."
-#: mod/notifications.php:488
-msgid "Personal Notifications"
-msgstr "Notifications personnelles"
-#: mod/notifications.php:569
-msgid "No more home notifications."
-msgstr "Aucune notification de la page d'accueil."
-#: mod/notifications.php:573
-msgid "Home Notifications"
-msgstr "Notifications de page d'accueil"
-#: mod/babel.php:17
-msgid "Source (bbcode) text:"
-msgstr "Texte source (bbcode) :"
-#: mod/babel.php:23
-msgid "Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"
-msgstr "Texte source (Diaspora) à convertir en BBcode :"
-#: mod/babel.php:31
-msgid "Source input: "
-msgstr "Source input : "
-#: mod/babel.php:35
-msgid "bb2html (raw HTML): "
-msgstr "bb2html (HTML brut)"
-#: mod/babel.php:39
-msgid "bb2html: "
-msgstr "bb2html : "
-#: mod/babel.php:43
-msgid "bb2html2bb: "
-msgstr "bb2html2bb : "
-#: mod/babel.php:47
-msgid "bb2md: "
-msgstr "bb2md : "
-#: mod/babel.php:51
-msgid "bb2md2html: "
-msgstr "bb2md2html : "
-#: mod/babel.php:55
-msgid "bb2dia2bb: "
-msgstr "bb2dia2bb : "
-#: mod/babel.php:59
-msgid "bb2md2html2bb: "
-msgstr "bb2md2html2bb : "
-#: mod/babel.php:69
-msgid "Source input (Diaspora format): "
-msgstr "Texte source (format Diaspora) :"
-#: mod/babel.php:74
-msgid "diaspora2bb: "
-msgstr "diaspora2bb :"
-#: mod/navigation.php:19 include/nav.php:33
-msgid "Nothing new here"
-msgstr "Rien de neuf ici"
-#: mod/navigation.php:23 include/nav.php:37
-msgid "Clear notifications"
-msgstr "Effacer les notifications"
-#: mod/message.php:15 include/nav.php:174
-msgid "New Message"
-msgstr "Nouveau message"
-#: mod/message.php:70 mod/wallmessage.php:56
-msgid "No recipient selected."
-msgstr "Pas de destinataire sélectionné."
-#: mod/message.php:74
-msgid "Unable to locate contact information."
-msgstr "Impossible de localiser les informations du contact."
-#: mod/message.php:77 mod/wallmessage.php:62
-msgid "Message could not be sent."
-msgstr "Impossible d'envoyer le message."
-#: mod/message.php:80 mod/wallmessage.php:65
-msgid "Message collection failure."
-msgstr "Récupération des messages infructueuse."
-#: mod/message.php:83 mod/wallmessage.php:68
-msgid "Message sent."
-msgstr "Message envoyé."
-#: mod/message.php:189 include/nav.php:171
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Messages"
-#: mod/message.php:214
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this message?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce message ?"
-#: mod/message.php:234
-msgid "Message deleted."
-msgstr "Message supprimé."
-#: mod/message.php:265
-msgid "Conversation removed."
-msgstr "Conversation supprimée."
-#: mod/message.php:290 mod/message.php:298 mod/message.php:427
-#: mod/message.php:435 mod/wallmessage.php:127 mod/wallmessage.php:135
-#: include/conversation.php:1129 include/conversation.php:1147
-msgid "Please enter a link URL:"
-msgstr "Entrez un lien web:"
-#: mod/message.php:326 mod/wallmessage.php:142
-msgid "Send Private Message"
-msgstr "Envoyer un message privé"
-#: mod/message.php:327 mod/message.php:514 mod/wallmessage.php:144
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr "À:"
-#: mod/message.php:332 mod/message.php:516 mod/wallmessage.php:145
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Sujet:"
-#: mod/message.php:336 mod/message.php:519 mod/wallmessage.php:151
-#: mod/invite.php:134
-msgid "Your message:"
-msgstr "Votre message:"
-#: mod/message.php:339 mod/message.php:523 mod/wallmessage.php:154
-#: mod/editpost.php:110 include/conversation.php:1184
-msgid "Upload photo"
-msgstr "Joindre photo"
-#: mod/message.php:340 mod/message.php:524 mod/wallmessage.php:155
-#: mod/editpost.php:114 include/conversation.php:1188
-msgid "Insert web link"
-msgstr "Insérer lien web"
-#: mod/message.php:341 mod/message.php:526 mod/content.php:501
-#: mod/content.php:885 mod/wallmessage.php:156 mod/editpost.php:124
-#: mod/photos.php:1610 object/Item.php:396 include/conversation.php:713
-#: include/conversation.php:1202
-msgid "Please wait"
-msgstr "Patientez"
-#: mod/message.php:368
-msgid "No messages."
-msgstr "Aucun message."
-#: mod/message.php:411
-msgid "Message not available."
-msgstr "Message indisponible."
-#: mod/message.php:481
-msgid "Delete message"
-msgstr "Effacer message"
-#: mod/message.php:507 mod/message.php:582
-msgid "Delete conversation"
-msgstr "Effacer conversation"
-#: mod/message.php:509
-msgid ""
-"No secure communications available. You may be able to "
-"respond from the sender's profile page."
-msgstr "Pas de communications sécurisées possibles. Vous serez peut-être en mesure de répondre depuis la page de profil de l'émetteur."
-#: mod/message.php:513
-msgid "Send Reply"
-msgstr "Répondre"
-#: mod/message.php:555
-#, php-format
-msgid "Unknown sender - %s"
-msgstr "Émetteur inconnu - %s"
-#: mod/message.php:558
-#, php-format
-msgid "You and %s"
-msgstr "Vous et %s"
-#: mod/message.php:561
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s and You"
-msgstr "%s et vous"
-#: mod/message.php:585
-msgid "D, d M Y - g:i A"
-msgstr "D, d M Y - g:i A"
-#: mod/message.php:588
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d message"
-msgid_plural "%d messages"
-msgstr[0] "%d message"
-msgstr[1] "%d messages"
-#: mod/update_display.php:22 mod/update_community.php:18
-#: mod/update_notes.php:37 mod/update_profile.php:41 mod/update_network.php:25
-msgid "[Embedded content - reload page to view]"
-msgstr "[contenu incorporé - rechargez la page pour le voir]"
-#: mod/crepair.php:104
-msgid "Contact settings applied."
-msgstr "Réglages du contact appliqués."
-#: mod/crepair.php:106
-msgid "Contact update failed."
-msgstr "Impossible d'appliquer les réglages."
-#: mod/crepair.php:137
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: This is highly advanced and if you enter incorrect"
-" information your communications with this contact may stop working."
-msgstr "ATTENTION: Manipulation réservée aux experts , toute information incorrecte pourrait empêcher la communication avec ce contact."
-#: mod/crepair.php:138
-msgid ""
-"Please use your browser 'Back' button now if you are "
-"uncertain what to do on this page."
-msgstr "une photo"
-#: mod/crepair.php:151 mod/crepair.php:153
-msgid "No mirroring"
-msgstr "Pas de miroir"
-#: mod/crepair.php:151
-msgid "Mirror as forwarded posting"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:151 mod/crepair.php:153
-msgid "Mirror as my own posting"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:167
-msgid "Return to contact editor"
-msgstr "Retour à l'éditeur de contact"
-#: mod/crepair.php:169
-msgid "Refetch contact data"
-msgstr "Récupérer à nouveau les données de contact"
-#: mod/crepair.php:170 mod/admin.php:1114 mod/admin.php:1126
-#: mod/admin.php:1127 mod/admin.php:1140 mod/settings.php:652
-#: mod/settings.php:678
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nom"
-#: mod/crepair.php:171
-msgid "Account Nickname"
-msgstr "Pseudo du compte"
-#: mod/crepair.php:172
-msgid "@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname"
-msgstr "@NomEtiquette - prend le pas sur Nom/Pseudo"
-#: mod/crepair.php:173
-msgid "Account URL"
-msgstr "URL du compte"
-#: mod/crepair.php:174
-msgid "Friend Request URL"
-msgstr "Echec du téléversement de l'image."
-#: mod/crepair.php:175
-msgid "Friend Confirm URL"
-msgstr "Accès public refusé."
-#: mod/crepair.php:176
-msgid "Notification Endpoint URL"
-msgstr "Aucune photo sélectionnée"
-#: mod/crepair.php:177
-msgid "Poll/Feed URL"
-msgstr "Téléverser des photos"
-#: mod/crepair.php:178
-msgid "New photo from this URL"
-msgstr "Nouvelle photo depuis cette URL"
-#: mod/crepair.php:179
-msgid "Remote Self"
-msgstr "Identité à distance"
-#: mod/crepair.php:182
-msgid "Mirror postings from this contact"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/crepair.php:184
-msgid ""
-"Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new "
-"entries from this contact."
-msgstr "Marquer ce contact comme étant remote_self, friendica republiera alors les nouvelles entrées de ce contact."
-#: mod/bookmarklet.php:12 boot.php:1296 include/nav.php:91
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "Connexion"
-#: mod/bookmarklet.php:41
-msgid "The post was created"
-msgstr "La publication a été créée"
-#: mod/viewsrc.php:7
-msgid "Access denied."
-msgstr "Accès refusé."
-#: mod/dirfind.php:188 mod/allfriends.php:80 mod/match.php:85
-#: mod/suggest.php:98 include/contact_widgets.php:10 include/identity.php:209
-msgid "Connect"
-msgstr "Relier"
-#: mod/dirfind.php:189 mod/allfriends.php:64 mod/match.php:70
-#: mod/directory.php:162 mod/suggest.php:81 include/Contact.php:296
-#: include/Contact.php:309 include/Contact.php:351
-#: include/conversation.php:912 include/conversation.php:926
-msgid "View Profile"
-msgstr "Voir le profil"
-#: mod/dirfind.php:218
-#, php-format
-msgid "People Search - %s"
-msgstr "Recherche de personne - %s"
-#: mod/dirfind.php:225 mod/match.php:105
-msgid "No matches"
-msgstr "Aucune correspondance"
-#: mod/fbrowser.php:32 include/identity.php:702 include/nav.php:77
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
-msgid "Photos"
-msgstr "Photos"
-#: mod/fbrowser.php:41 mod/fbrowser.php:62 mod/photos.php:62
-#: mod/photos.php:192 mod/photos.php:1119 mod/photos.php:1245
-#: mod/photos.php:1268 mod/photos.php:1838 mod/photos.php:1850
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:499
-msgid "Contact Photos"
-msgstr "Photos du contact"
-#: mod/fbrowser.php:125
-msgid "Files"
-msgstr "Fichiers"
-#: mod/nogroup.php:63
-msgid "Contacts who are not members of a group"
-msgstr "Contacts qui n’appartiennent à aucun groupe"
-#: mod/admin.php:80
-msgid "Theme settings updated."
-msgstr "Réglages du thème sauvés."
-#: mod/admin.php:127 mod/admin.php:713
-msgid "Site"
-msgstr "Site"
-#: mod/admin.php:128 mod/admin.php:657 mod/admin.php:1109 mod/admin.php:1124
-msgid "Users"
-msgstr "Utilisateurs"
-#: mod/admin.php:129 mod/admin.php:1213 mod/admin.php:1273 mod/settings.php:66
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr "Extensions"
-#: mod/admin.php:130 mod/admin.php:1458 mod/admin.php:1509
-msgid "Themes"
-msgstr "Thèmes"
-#: mod/admin.php:131
-msgid "DB updates"
-msgstr "Mise-à-jour de la base"
-#: mod/admin.php:132 mod/admin.php:223
-msgid "Inspect Queue"
-msgstr "Inspecter la file d'attente"
-#: mod/admin.php:147 mod/admin.php:156 mod/admin.php:1597
-msgid "Logs"
-msgstr "Journaux"
-#: mod/admin.php:148
-msgid "probe address"
-msgstr "Tester une adresse"
-#: mod/admin.php:149
-msgid "check webfinger"
-msgstr "vérification de webfinger"
-#: mod/admin.php:154 include/nav.php:194
-msgid "Admin"
-msgstr "Admin"
-#: mod/admin.php:155
-msgid "Plugin Features"
-msgstr "Propriétés des extensions"
-#: mod/admin.php:157
-msgid "diagnostics"
-msgstr "diagnostic"
-#: mod/admin.php:158
-msgid "User registrations waiting for confirmation"
-msgstr "Inscriptions en attente de confirmation"
-#: mod/admin.php:222 mod/admin.php:272 mod/admin.php:712 mod/admin.php:1108
-#: mod/admin.php:1212 mod/admin.php:1272 mod/admin.php:1457 mod/admin.php:1508
-#: mod/admin.php:1596
-msgid "Administration"
-msgstr "Administration"
-#: mod/admin.php:225
-msgid "ID"
-msgstr "ID"
-#: mod/admin.php:226
-msgid "Recipient Name"
-msgstr "Nom du destinataire"
-#: mod/admin.php:227
-msgid "Recipient Profile"
-msgstr "Profil du destinataire"
-#: mod/admin.php:229
-msgid "Created"
-msgstr "Créé"
-#: mod/admin.php:230
-msgid "Last Tried"
-msgstr "Dernier essai"
-#: mod/admin.php:231
-msgid ""
-"This page lists the content of the queue for outgoing postings. These are "
-"postings the initial delivery failed for. They will be resend later and "
-"eventually deleted if the delivery fails permanently."
-msgstr "Cette page présente le contenu de la file d'attente pour les publications sortantes. Ce sont des messages dont la première livraison a échoué. Ils seront réenvoyés plus tard et éventuellement supprimés si l'envoi échoue de façon permanente."
-#: mod/admin.php:243 mod/admin.php:1062
-msgid "Normal Account"
-msgstr "Compte normal"
-#: mod/admin.php:244 mod/admin.php:1063
-msgid "Soapbox Account"
-msgstr "Compte \"boîte à savon\""
-#: mod/admin.php:245 mod/admin.php:1064
-msgid "Community/Celebrity Account"
-msgstr "Compte de communauté/célébrité"
-#: mod/admin.php:246 mod/admin.php:1065
-msgid "Automatic Friend Account"
-msgstr "Compte auto-amical"
-#: mod/admin.php:247
-msgid "Blog Account"
-msgstr "Compte de blog"
-#: mod/admin.php:248
-msgid "Private Forum"
-msgstr "Forum privé"
-#: mod/admin.php:267
-msgid "Message queues"
-msgstr "Files d'attente des messages"
-#: mod/admin.php:273
-msgid "Summary"
-msgstr "Résumé"
-#: mod/admin.php:275
-msgid "Registered users"
-msgstr "Utilisateurs inscrits"
-#: mod/admin.php:277
-msgid "Pending registrations"
-msgstr "Inscriptions en attente"
-#: mod/admin.php:278
-msgid "Version"
-msgstr "Versio"
-#: mod/admin.php:283
-msgid "Active plugins"
-msgstr "Extensions activés"
-#: mod/admin.php:306
-msgid "Can not parse base url. Must have at least ://"
-msgstr "Impossible d'analyser l'URL de base. Doit contenir au moins ://"
-#: mod/admin.php:589
-msgid "RINO2 needs mcrypt php extension to work."
-msgstr "RINO2 a besoin du module php mcrypt pour fonctionner."
-#: mod/admin.php:597
-msgid "Site settings updated."
-msgstr "Réglages du site mis-à-jour."
-#: mod/admin.php:621 mod/settings.php:903
-msgid "No special theme for mobile devices"
-msgstr "Pas de thème particulier pour les terminaux mobiles"
-#: mod/admin.php:640
-msgid "No community page"
-msgstr "Aucune page de communauté"
-#: mod/admin.php:641
-msgid "Public postings from users of this site"
-msgstr "Publications publiques des utilisateurs de ce site"
-#: mod/admin.php:642
-msgid "Global community page"
-msgstr "Page de la communauté globale"
-#: mod/admin.php:648
-msgid "At post arrival"
-msgstr "A l'arrivé d'une publication"
-#: mod/admin.php:649 include/contact_selectors.php:56
-msgid "Frequently"
-msgstr "Fréquemment"
-#: mod/admin.php:650 include/contact_selectors.php:57
-msgid "Hourly"
-msgstr "Toutes les heures"
-#: mod/admin.php:651 include/contact_selectors.php:58
-msgid "Twice daily"
-msgstr "Deux fois par jour"
-#: mod/admin.php:652 include/contact_selectors.php:59
-msgid "Daily"
-msgstr "Chaque jour"
-#: mod/admin.php:658
-msgid "Users, Global Contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:659
-msgid "Users, Global Contacts/fallback"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:663
-msgid "One month"
-msgstr "Un mois"
-#: mod/admin.php:664
-msgid "Three months"
-msgstr "Trois mois"
-#: mod/admin.php:665
-msgid "Half a year"
-msgstr "Six mois"
-#: mod/admin.php:666
-msgid "One year"
-msgstr "Un an"
-#: mod/admin.php:671
-msgid "Multi user instance"
-msgstr "Instance multi-utilisateurs"
-#: mod/admin.php:694
-msgid "Closed"
-msgstr "Fermé"
-#: mod/admin.php:695
-msgid "Requires approval"
-msgstr "Demande une apptrobation"
-#: mod/admin.php:696
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Ouvert"
-#: mod/admin.php:700
-msgid "No SSL policy, links will track page SSL state"
-msgstr "Pas de politique SSL, le liens conserveront l'état SSL de la page"
-#: mod/admin.php:701
-msgid "Force all links to use SSL"
-msgstr "Forcer tous les liens à utiliser SSL"
-#: mod/admin.php:702
-msgid "Self-signed certificate, use SSL for local links only (discouraged)"
-msgstr "Certificat auto-signé, n'utiliser SSL que pour les liens locaux (non recommandé)"
-#: mod/admin.php:714 mod/admin.php:1274 mod/admin.php:1510 mod/admin.php:1598
-#: mod/settings.php:650 mod/settings.php:760 mod/settings.php:804
-#: mod/settings.php:873 mod/settings.php:960 mod/settings.php:1195
-msgid "Save Settings"
-msgstr "Sauvegarder les paramétres"
-#: mod/admin.php:715 mod/register.php:263
-msgid "Registration"
-msgstr "Inscription"
-#: mod/admin.php:716
-msgid "File upload"
-msgstr "Téléversement de fichier"
-#: mod/admin.php:717
-msgid "Policies"
-msgstr "Politiques"
-#: mod/admin.php:718
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avancé"
-#: mod/admin.php:719
-msgid "Auto Discovered Contact Directory"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:720
-msgid "Performance"
-msgstr "Performance"
-#: mod/admin.php:721
-msgid ""
-"Relocate - WARNING: advanced function. Could make this server unreachable."
-msgstr "Relocalisation - ATTENTION: fonction avancée. Peut rendre ce serveur inaccessible."
-#: mod/admin.php:724
-msgid "Site name"
-msgstr "Nom du site"
-#: mod/admin.php:725
-msgid "Host name"
-msgstr "Nom de la machine hôte"
-#: mod/admin.php:726
-msgid "Sender Email"
-msgstr "Courriel de l'émetteur"
-#: mod/admin.php:726
-msgid ""
-"The email address your server shall use to send notification emails from."
-msgstr "L'adresse courriel à partir de laquelle votre serveur enverra des courriels."
-#: mod/admin.php:727
-msgid "Banner/Logo"
-msgstr "Bannière/Logo"
-#: mod/admin.php:728
-msgid "Shortcut icon"
-msgstr "Icône de raccourci"
-#: mod/admin.php:728
-msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for browsers."
-msgstr "Lien vers une icône qui sera utilisée pour les navigateurs."
-#: mod/admin.php:729
-msgid "Touch icon"
-msgstr "Icône pour systèmes tactiles"
-#: mod/admin.php:729
-msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for tablets and mobiles."
-msgstr "Lien vers une icône qui sera utilisée pour les tablettes et les mobiles."
-#: mod/admin.php:730
-msgid "Additional Info"
-msgstr "Informations supplémentaires"
-#: mod/admin.php:730
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"For public servers: you can add additional information here that will be "
-"listed at %s/siteinfo."
-msgstr "Pour les serveurs publics : vous pouvez ajouter des informations supplémentaires ici, qui figureront dans %s/siteinfo."
-#: mod/admin.php:731
-msgid "System language"
-msgstr "Langue du système"
-#: mod/admin.php:732
-msgid "System theme"
-msgstr "Thème du système"
-#: mod/admin.php:732
-msgid ""
-"Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - change theme settings "
-msgstr "Thème par défaut sur ce site - peut être changé au niveau du profile utilisateur - changer les réglages du thème "
-#: mod/admin.php:733
-msgid "Mobile system theme"
-msgstr "Thème mobile"
-#: mod/admin.php:733
-msgid "Theme for mobile devices"
-msgstr "Thème pour les terminaux mobiles"
-#: mod/admin.php:734
-msgid "SSL link policy"
-msgstr "Politique SSL pour les liens"
-#: mod/admin.php:734
-msgid "Determines whether generated links should be forced to use SSL"
-msgstr "Détermine si les liens générés doivent forcer l'utilisation de SSL"
-#: mod/admin.php:735
-msgid "Force SSL"
-msgstr "SSL obligatoire"
-#: mod/admin.php:735
-msgid ""
-"Force all Non-SSL requests to SSL - Attention: on some systems it could lead"
-" to endless loops."
-msgstr "Redirige toutes les requêtes en clair vers des requêtes SSL. Attention : sur certains systèmes cela peut conduire à des boucles de redirection infinies."
-#: mod/admin.php:736
-msgid "Old style 'Share'"
-msgstr "Anciens style 'Partage'"
-#: mod/admin.php:736
-msgid "Deactivates the bbcode element 'share' for repeating items."
-msgstr "Désactive l'élément 'partage' de bbcode pour répéter les articles."
-#: mod/admin.php:737
-msgid "Hide help entry from navigation menu"
-msgstr "Cacher l'aide du menu de navigation"
-#: mod/admin.php:737
-msgid ""
-"Hides the menu entry for the Help pages from the navigation menu. You can "
-"still access it calling /help directly."
-msgstr "Cacher du menu de navigation le l'entrée des vers les pages d'aide. Vous pouvez toujours y accéder en tapant directement /help."
-#: mod/admin.php:738
-msgid "Single user instance"
-msgstr "Instance mono-utilisateur"
-#: mod/admin.php:738
-msgid "Make this instance multi-user or single-user for the named user"
-msgstr "Transformer cette en instance en multi-utilisateur ou mono-utilisateur pour cet l'utilisateur."
-#: mod/admin.php:739
-msgid "Maximum image size"
-msgstr "Taille maximale des images"
-#: mod/admin.php:739
-msgid ""
-"Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no "
-msgstr "Taille maximale des images envoyées (en octets). 0 par défaut, c'est à dire \"aucune limite\"."
-#: mod/admin.php:740
-msgid "Maximum image length"
-msgstr "Longueur maximale des images"
-#: mod/admin.php:740
-msgid ""
-"Maximum length in pixels of the longest side of uploaded images. Default is "
-"-1, which means no limits."
-msgstr "Longueur maximale (en pixels) du plus long côté des images téléversées. La valeur par défaut est -1, soit une absence de limite."
-#: mod/admin.php:741
-msgid "JPEG image quality"
-msgstr "Qualité JPEG des images"
-#: mod/admin.php:741
-msgid ""
-"Uploaded JPEGS will be saved at this quality setting [0-100]. Default is "
-"100, which is full quality."
-msgstr "Les JPEGs téléversés seront sauvegardés avec ce niveau de qualité [0-100]. La valeur par défaut est 100, soit la qualité maximale."
-#: mod/admin.php:743
-msgid "Register policy"
-msgstr "Politique d'inscription"
-#: mod/admin.php:744
-msgid "Maximum Daily Registrations"
-msgstr "Inscriptions maximum par jour"
-#: mod/admin.php:744
-msgid ""
-"If registration is permitted above, this sets the maximum number of new user"
-" registrations to accept per day. If register is set to closed, this "
-"setting has no effect."
-msgstr "Si les inscriptions sont permises ci-dessus, ceci fixe le nombre maximum d'inscriptions de nouveaux utilisateurs acceptées par jour. Si les inscriptions ne sont pas ouvertes, ce paramètre n'a aucun effet."
-#: mod/admin.php:745
-msgid "Register text"
-msgstr "Texte d'inscription"
-#: mod/admin.php:745
-msgid "Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."
-msgstr "Sera affiché de manière bien visible sur la page d'accueil."
-#: mod/admin.php:746
-msgid "Accounts abandoned after x days"
-msgstr "Les comptes sont abandonnés après x jours"
-#: mod/admin.php:746
-msgid ""
-"Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded "
-"accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit."
-msgstr "Pour ne pas gaspiller les ressources système, on cesse d'interroger les sites distants pour les comptes abandonnés. Mettre 0 pour désactiver cette fonction."
-#: mod/admin.php:747
-msgid "Allowed friend domains"
-msgstr "Domaines autorisés"
-#: mod/admin.php:747
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships "
-"with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"
-msgstr "Une liste de domaines, séparés par des virgules, autorisés à établir des relations avec les utilisateurs de ce site. Les '*' sont acceptés. Laissez vide pour autoriser tous les domaines"
-#: mod/admin.php:748
-msgid "Allowed email domains"
-msgstr "Domaines courriel autorisés"
-#: mod/admin.php:748
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for "
-"registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
-msgstr "Liste de domaines - séparés par des virgules - dont les adresses e-mail sont autorisées à s'inscrire sur ce site. Les '*' sont acceptées. Laissez vide pour autoriser tous les domaines"
-#: mod/admin.php:749
-msgid "Block public"
-msgstr "Interdire la publication globale"
-#: mod/admin.php:749
-msgid ""
-"Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this "
-"site unless you are currently logged in."
-msgstr "Cocher pour bloquer les accès anonymes (non-connectés) à tout sauf aux pages personnelles publiques."
-#: mod/admin.php:750
-msgid "Force publish"
-msgstr "Forcer la publication globale"
-#: mod/admin.php:750
-msgid ""
-"Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."
-msgstr "Cocher pour publier obligatoirement tous les profils locaux dans l'annuaire du site."
-#: mod/admin.php:751
-msgid "Global directory URL"
-msgstr "URL de l'annuaire global"
-#: mod/admin.php:751
-msgid ""
-"URL to the global directory. If this is not set, the global directory is "
-"completely unavailable to the application."
-msgstr "URL de l'annuaire global. Si ce champ n'est pas défini, l'annuaire global sera complètement indisponible pour l'application."
-#: mod/admin.php:752
-msgid "Allow threaded items"
-msgstr "autoriser le suivi des éléments par fil conducteur"
-#: mod/admin.php:752
-msgid "Allow infinite level threading for items on this site."
-msgstr "Permettre une imbrication infinie des commentaires."
-#: mod/admin.php:753
-msgid "Private posts by default for new users"
-msgstr "Publications privées par défaut pour les nouveaux utilisateurs"
-#: mod/admin.php:753
-msgid ""
-"Set default post permissions for all new members to the default privacy "
-"group rather than public."
-msgstr "Rendre les publications de tous les nouveaux utilisateurs accessibles seulement par le groupe de contacts par défaut, et non par tout le monde."
-#: mod/admin.php:754
-msgid "Don't include post content in email notifications"
-msgstr "Ne pas inclure le contenu posté dans l'e-mail de notification"
-#: mod/admin.php:754
-msgid ""
-"Don't include the content of a post/comment/private message/etc. in the "
-"email notifications that are sent out from this site, as a privacy measure."
-msgstr "Ne pas inclure le contenu de publication/commentaire/message privé/etc dans l'e-mail de notification qui est envoyé à partir du site, par mesure de confidentialité."
-#: mod/admin.php:755
-msgid "Disallow public access to addons listed in the apps menu."
-msgstr "Interdire l’accès public pour les greffons listées dans le menu apps."
-#: mod/admin.php:755
-msgid ""
-"Checking this box will restrict addons listed in the apps menu to members "
-msgstr "Cocher cette case restreint la liste des greffons dans le menu des applications seulement aux membres."
-#: mod/admin.php:756
-msgid "Don't embed private images in posts"
-msgstr "Ne pas miniaturiser les images privées dans les publications"
-#: mod/admin.php:756
-msgid ""
-"Don't replace locally-hosted private photos in posts with an embedded copy "
-"of the image. This means that contacts who receive posts containing private "
-"photos will have to authenticate and load each image, which may take a "
-msgstr "Ne remplacez pas les images privées hébergées localement dans les publications avec une image attaché en copie, car cela signifie que le contact qui reçoit les publications contenant ces photos privées devra s’authentifier pour charger chaque image, ce qui peut prendre du temps."
-#: mod/admin.php:757
-msgid "Allow Users to set remote_self"
-msgstr "Autoriser les utilisateurs à définir remote_self"
-#: mod/admin.php:757
-msgid ""
-"With checking this, every user is allowed to mark every contact as a "
-"remote_self in the repair contact dialog. Setting this flag on a contact "
-"causes mirroring every posting of that contact in the users stream."
-msgstr "Cocher cette case, permet à chaque utilisateur de marquer chaque contact comme un remote_self dans la boîte de dialogue de réparation des contacts. Activer cette fonction à un contact engendre la réplique de toutes les publications d'un contact dans le flux d'activités des utilisateurs."
-#: mod/admin.php:758
-msgid "Block multiple registrations"
-msgstr "Interdire les inscriptions multiples"
-#: mod/admin.php:758
-msgid "Disallow users to register additional accounts for use as pages."
-msgstr "Ne pas permettre l'inscription de comptes multiples comme des pages."
-#: mod/admin.php:759
-msgid "OpenID support"
-msgstr "Support OpenID"
-#: mod/admin.php:759
-msgid "OpenID support for registration and logins."
-msgstr "Supporter OpenID pour les inscriptions et connexions."
-#: mod/admin.php:760
-msgid "Fullname check"
-msgstr "Vérification du \"Prénom Nom\""
-#: mod/admin.php:760
-msgid ""
-"Force users to register with a space between firstname and lastname in Full "
-"name, as an antispam measure"
-msgstr "Imposer l'utilisation d'un espace entre le prénom et le nom (dans le Nom complet), pour limiter les abus"
-#: mod/admin.php:761
-msgid "UTF-8 Regular expressions"
-msgstr "Regex UTF-8"
-#: mod/admin.php:761
-msgid "Use PHP UTF8 regular expressions"
-msgstr "Utiliser les expressions rationnelles de PHP en UTF8"
-#: mod/admin.php:762
-msgid "Community Page Style"
-msgstr "Style de la page de communauté"
-#: mod/admin.php:762
-msgid ""
-"Type of community page to show. 'Global community' shows every public "
-"posting from an open distributed network that arrived on this server."
-msgstr "Type de page de la communauté à afficher. « Communauté globale » montre toutes les publications publiques des réseaux distribués ouverts qui arrivent sur ce serveur."
-#: mod/admin.php:763
-msgid "Posts per user on community page"
-msgstr "Nombre de publications par utilisateur sur la page de la communauté (n'est pas valide pour "
-#: mod/admin.php:763
-msgid ""
-"The maximum number of posts per user on the community page. (Not valid for "
-"'Global Community')"
-msgstr "Nombre maximal de publications par utilisateurs sur la page de la communauté (ne s'applique pas pour « Communauté globale »)."
-#: mod/admin.php:764
-msgid "Enable OStatus support"
-msgstr "Activer le support d'OStatus"
-#: mod/admin.php:764
-msgid ""
-"Provide built-in OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social etc.) compatibility. All "
-"communications in OStatus are public, so privacy warnings will be "
-"occasionally displayed."
-msgstr "Fourni nativement la compatibilité avec OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social etc.). Touts les communications utilisant OStatus sont public, des avertissements liés à la vie privée seront affichés si utile."
-#: mod/admin.php:765
-msgid "OStatus conversation completion interval"
-msgstr "Achèvement de l'intervalle de conversation OStatus "
-#: mod/admin.php:765
-msgid ""
-"How often shall the poller check for new entries in OStatus conversations? "
-"This can be a very ressource task."
-msgstr "Combien de fois le poller devra vérifier les nouvelles entrées dans les conversations OStatus? Cela peut utilisé beaucoup de ressources."
-#: mod/admin.php:766
-msgid "OStatus support can only be enabled if threading is enabled."
-msgstr "Le support OStatus ne peut être activé que si l'imbrication des commentaires est activée."
-#: mod/admin.php:768
-msgid ""
-"Diaspora support can't be enabled because Friendica was installed into a sub"
-" directory."
-msgstr "Le support de Diaspora ne peut pas être activé parce que Friendica a été installé dans un sous-répertoire."
-#: mod/admin.php:769
-msgid "Enable Diaspora support"
-msgstr "Activer le support de Diaspora"
-#: mod/admin.php:769
-msgid "Provide built-in Diaspora network compatibility."
-msgstr "Fournir une compatibilité Diaspora intégrée."
-#: mod/admin.php:770
-msgid "Only allow Friendica contacts"
-msgstr "N'autoriser que les contacts Friendica"
-#: mod/admin.php:770
-msgid ""
-"All contacts must use Friendica protocols. All other built-in communication "
-"protocols disabled."
-msgstr "Tous les contacts doivent utiliser les protocoles de Friendica. Tous les autres protocoles de communication intégrés sont désactivés."
-#: mod/admin.php:771
-msgid "Verify SSL"
-msgstr "Vérifier SSL"
-#: mod/admin.php:771
-msgid ""
-"If you wish, you can turn on strict certificate checking. This will mean you"
-" cannot connect (at all) to self-signed SSL sites."
-msgstr "Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez activier la vérification stricte des certificats. Cela signifie que vous ne pourrez pas vous connecter (du tout) aux sites SSL munis d'un certificat auto-signé."
-#: mod/admin.php:772
-msgid "Proxy user"
-msgstr "Utilisateur du proxy"
-#: mod/admin.php:773
-msgid "Proxy URL"
-msgstr "URL du proxy"
-#: mod/admin.php:774
-msgid "Network timeout"
-msgstr "Dépassement du délai d'attente du réseau"
-#: mod/admin.php:774
-msgid "Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended)."
-msgstr "Valeur en secondes. Mettre à 0 pour 'illimité' (pas recommandé)."
-#: mod/admin.php:775
-msgid "Delivery interval"
-msgstr "Intervalle de transmission"
-#: mod/admin.php:775
-msgid ""
-"Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
-"load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 "
-"for large dedicated servers."
-msgstr "Rallonge le processus de transmissions pour réduire la charge système (en secondes). Valeurs recommandées : 4-5 pour les serveurs mutualisés, 2-3 pour les VPS, 0-1 pour les gros servers dédiés."
-#: mod/admin.php:776
-msgid "Poll interval"
-msgstr "Intervalle de réception"
-#: mod/admin.php:776
-msgid ""
-"Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
-"load. If 0, use delivery interval."
-msgstr "Rajouter un délai - en secondes - au processus de 'polling', afin de réduire la charge système. Mettre à 0 pour utiliser l'intervalle d'émission."
-#: mod/admin.php:777
-msgid "Maximum Load Average"
-msgstr "Plafond de la charge moyenne"
-#: mod/admin.php:777
-msgid ""
-"Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - "
-"default 50."
-msgstr "Charge système maximale à partir de laquelle l'émission et la réception seront soumises à un délai supplémentaire. Par défaut, 50."
-#: mod/admin.php:778
-msgid "Maximum Load Average (Frontend)"
-msgstr "Plafond de la charge moyenne (frontale)"
-#: mod/admin.php:778
-msgid "Maximum system load before the frontend quits service - default 50."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:779
-msgid "Maximum table size for optimization"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:779
-msgid ""
-"Maximum table size (in MB) for the automatic optimization - default 100 MB. "
-"Enter -1 to disable it."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:780
-msgid "Minimum level of fragmentation"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:780
-msgid ""
-"Minimum fragmenation level to start the automatic optimization - default "
-"value is 30%."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:782
-msgid "Periodical check of global contacts"
-msgstr "Vérification périodique des contacts globaux"
-#: mod/admin.php:782
-msgid ""
-"If enabled, the global contacts are checked periodically for missing or "
-"outdated data and the vitality of the contacts and servers."
-msgstr "Si activé, les données manquantes et obsolètes et la vitalité des contacts et des serveurs seront vérifiées périodiquement dans les contacts globaux."
-#: mod/admin.php:783
-msgid "Days between requery"
-msgstr "Nombre de jours entre les requêtes"
-#: mod/admin.php:783
-msgid "Number of days after which a server is requeried for his contacts."
-msgstr "Nombre de jours avant qu'une requête de contacts soient envoyée à nouveau à un serveur."
-#: mod/admin.php:784
-msgid "Discover contacts from other servers"
-msgstr "Découvrir des contacts des autres serveurs"
-#: mod/admin.php:784
-msgid ""
-"Periodically query other servers for contacts. You can choose between "
-"'users': the users on the remote system, 'Global Contacts': active contacts "
-"that are known on the system. The fallback is meant for Redmatrix servers "
-"and older friendica servers, where global contacts weren't available. The "
-"fallback increases the server load, so the recommened setting is 'Users, "
-"Global Contacts'."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:785
-msgid "Timeframe for fetching global contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:785
-msgid ""
-"When the discovery is activated, this value defines the timeframe for the "
-"activity of the global contacts that are fetched from other servers."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:786
-msgid "Search the local directory"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:786
-msgid ""
-"Search the local directory instead of the global directory. When searching "
-"locally, every search will be executed on the global directory in the "
-"background. This improves the search results when the search is repeated."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:788
-msgid "Publish server information"
-msgstr "Publier les informations du serveur"
-#: mod/admin.php:788
-msgid ""
-"If enabled, general server and usage data will be published. The data "
-"contains the name and version of the server, number of users with public "
-"profiles, number of posts and the activated protocols and connectors. See the-federation.info for details."
-msgstr "Si cette option est activée, des informations sur le serveur et son utilisation seront publiées. Ces informations incluent le nom et la version du serveur, le nombre d’utilisateurs avec des profils publics, le nombre de messages, les protocoles supportés et les connecteurs disponibles. Plus de détails sur the-federation.info ."
-#: mod/admin.php:790
-msgid "Use MySQL full text engine"
-msgstr "Utiliser le moteur de recherche plein texte de MySQL"
-#: mod/admin.php:790
-msgid ""
-"Activates the full text engine. Speeds up search - but can only search for "
-"four and more characters."
-msgstr "Activer le moteur de recherche plein texte. Accélère la recherche mais peut seulement rechercher quatre lettres ou plus."
-#: mod/admin.php:791
-msgid "Suppress Language"
-msgstr "Supprimer un langage"
-#: mod/admin.php:791
-msgid "Suppress language information in meta information about a posting."
-msgstr "Supprimer les informations de langue dans les métadonnées des publications."
-#: mod/admin.php:792
-msgid "Suppress Tags"
-msgstr "Masquer les tags"
-#: mod/admin.php:792
-msgid "Suppress showing a list of hashtags at the end of the posting."
-msgstr "Ne pas afficher la liste des hashtags à la fin d’un message."
-#: mod/admin.php:793
-msgid "Path to item cache"
-msgstr "Chemin vers le cache des objets."
-#: mod/admin.php:793
-msgid "The item caches buffers generated bbcode and external images."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:794
-msgid "Cache duration in seconds"
-msgstr "Durée du cache en secondes"
-#: mod/admin.php:794
-msgid ""
-"How long should the cache files be hold? Default value is 86400 seconds (One"
-" day). To disable the item cache, set the value to -1."
-msgstr "Combien de temps les fichiers de cache doivent être maintenu? La valeur par défaut est 86400 secondes (une journée). Pour désactiver le cache de l'item, définissez la valeur à -1."
-#: mod/admin.php:795
-msgid "Maximum numbers of comments per post"
-msgstr "Nombre maximum de commentaires par publication"
-#: mod/admin.php:795
-msgid "How much comments should be shown for each post? Default value is 100."
-msgstr "Combien de commentaires doivent être affichés pour chaque publication? Valeur par défaut: 100."
-#: mod/admin.php:796
-msgid "Path for lock file"
-msgstr "Chemin vers le ficher de verrouillage"
-#: mod/admin.php:796
-msgid ""
-"The lock file is used to avoid multiple pollers at one time. Only define a "
-"folder here."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:797
-msgid "Temp path"
-msgstr "Chemin des fichiers temporaires"
-#: mod/admin.php:797
-msgid ""
-"If you have a restricted system where the webserver can't access the system "
-"temp path, enter another path here."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:798
-msgid "Base path to installation"
-msgstr "Chemin de base de l'installation"
-#: mod/admin.php:798
-msgid ""
-"If the system cannot detect the correct path to your installation, enter the"
-" correct path here. This setting should only be set if you are using a "
-"restricted system and symbolic links to your webroot."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:799
-msgid "Disable picture proxy"
-msgstr "Désactiver le proxy image "
-#: mod/admin.php:799
-msgid ""
-"The picture proxy increases performance and privacy. It shouldn't be used on"
-" systems with very low bandwith."
-msgstr "Le proxy d'image augmente les performances et l'intimité. Il ne devrait pas être utilisé sur des systèmes avec une très faible bande passante."
-#: mod/admin.php:800
-msgid "Enable old style pager"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:800
-msgid ""
-"The old style pager has page numbers but slows down massively the page "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:801
-msgid "Only search in tags"
-msgstr "Rechercher seulement dans les étiquettes"
-#: mod/admin.php:801
-msgid "On large systems the text search can slow down the system extremely."
-msgstr "La recherche textuelle peut ralentir considérablement les systèmes de grande taille."
-#: mod/admin.php:803
-msgid "New base url"
-msgstr "Nouvelle URL de base"
-#: mod/admin.php:803
-msgid ""
-"Change base url for this server. Sends relocate message to all DFRN contacts"
-" of all users."
-msgstr "Changer d'URL de base pour ce serveur. Envoie un message de relocalisation à tous les contacts des réseaux distribués d'amis et de relations (DFRN) de tous les utilisateurs."
-#: mod/admin.php:805
-msgid "RINO Encryption"
-msgstr "Chiffrement RINO"
-#: mod/admin.php:805
-msgid "Encryption layer between nodes."
-msgstr "Couche de chiffrement entre les nœuds du réseau."
-#: mod/admin.php:806
-msgid "Embedly API key"
-msgstr "Clé API d'Embedly"
-#: mod/admin.php:806
-msgid ""
-"Embedly is used to fetch additional data for "
-"web pages. This is an optional parameter."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/admin.php:824
-msgid "Update has been marked successful"
-msgstr "Mise-à-jour validée comme 'réussie'"
-#: mod/admin.php:832
-#, php-format
-msgid "Database structure update %s was successfully applied."
-msgstr "La structure de base de données pour la mise à jour %s a été appliquée avec succès."
-#: mod/admin.php:835
-#, php-format
-msgid "Executing of database structure update %s failed with error: %s"
-msgstr "L'exécution de la mise à jour %s pour la structure de base de données a échoué avec l'erreur: %s"
-#: mod/admin.php:847
-#, php-format
-msgid "Executing %s failed with error: %s"
-msgstr "L'exécution %s a échoué avec l'erreur: %s"
-#: mod/admin.php:850
-#, php-format
-msgid "Update %s was successfully applied."
-msgstr "Mise-à-jour %s appliquée avec succès."
-#: mod/admin.php:854
-#, php-format
-msgid "Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded."
-msgstr "La mise-à-jour %s n'a pas retourné de détails. Impossible de savoir si elle a réussi."
-#: mod/admin.php:856
-#, php-format
-msgid "There was no additional update function %s that needed to be called."
-msgstr "Il n'y avait aucune fonction supplémentaire de mise à jour %s qui devait être appelé"
-#: mod/admin.php:875
-msgid "No failed updates."
-msgstr "Pas de mises-à-jour échouées."
-#: mod/admin.php:876
-msgid "Check database structure"
-msgstr "Vérifier la structure de la base de données"
-#: mod/admin.php:881
-msgid "Failed Updates"
-msgstr "Mises-à-jour échouées"
-#: mod/admin.php:882
-msgid ""
-"This does not include updates prior to 1139, which did not return a status."
-msgstr "Ceci n'inclut pas les versions antérieures à la 1139, qui ne retournaient jamais de détails."
-#: mod/admin.php:883
-msgid "Mark success (if update was manually applied)"
-msgstr "Marquer comme 'réussie' (dans le cas d'une mise-à-jour manuelle)"
-#: mod/admin.php:884
-msgid "Attempt to execute this update step automatically"
-msgstr "Tenter d'éxecuter cette étape automatiquement"
-#: mod/admin.php:916
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
-"\t\t\t\tthe administrator of %2$s has set up an account for you."
-msgstr "\n\t\t\tChère/Cher %1$s,\n\t\t\t\tL’administrateur de %2$s vous a ouvert un compte."
-#: mod/admin.php:919
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
-"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1$s\n"
-"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t\t%2$s\n"
-"\t\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n"
-"\t\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n"
-"\t\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n"
-"\t\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
-"\t\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
-"\t\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n"
-"\t\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n"
-"\t\t\tthan that.\n"
-"\t\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n"
-"\t\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
-"\t\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
-"\t\t\tThank you and welcome to %4$s."
-msgstr "\n\t\t\tVoici vos informations de connexion :\n\n\t\t\tAdresse :\t%1$s\n\t\t\tIdentifiant :\t\t%2$s\n\t\t\tMot de passe :\t\t%3$s\n\n\t\t\tVous pourrez changer votre mot de passe dans les paramètres de votre compte une fois connecté.\n\n\t\t\tProfitez-en pour prendre le temps de passer en revue les autres paramètres de votre compte.\n\n\t\t\tVous pourrez aussi ajouter quelques informations élémentaires à votre profil par défaut (sur la page « Profils ») pour permettre à d’autres personnes de vous trouver facilement.\n\n\t\t\tNous recommandons de préciser votre nom complet, d’ajouter une photo et quelques mots-clefs (c’est très utile pour découvrir de nouveaux amis), et peut-être aussi d’indiquer au moins le pays dans lequel vous vivez, à défaut d’être plus précis.\n\n\t\t\tNous respectons pleinement votre droit à une vie privée, et vous n’avez aucune obligation de donner toutes ces informations. Mais si vous êtes nouveau et ne connaissez encore personne ici, cela peut vous aider à vous faire de nouveaux amis intéressants.\n\n\t\t\tMerci et bienvenu sur %4$s."
-#: mod/admin.php:951 include/user.php:423
-#, php-format
-msgid "Registration details for %s"
-msgstr "Détails d'inscription pour %s"
-#: mod/admin.php:963
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s user blocked/unblocked"
-msgid_plural "%s users blocked/unblocked"
-msgstr[0] "%s utilisateur a (dé)bloqué"
-msgstr[1] "%s utilisateurs ont (dé)bloqué"
-#: mod/admin.php:970
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s user deleted"
-msgid_plural "%s users deleted"
-msgstr[0] "%s utilisateur supprimé"
-msgstr[1] "%s utilisateurs supprimés"
-#: mod/admin.php:1009
-#, php-format
-msgid "User '%s' deleted"
-msgstr "Utilisateur '%s' supprimé"
-#: mod/admin.php:1017
-#, php-format
-msgid "User '%s' unblocked"
-msgstr "Utilisateur '%s' débloqué"
-#: mod/admin.php:1017
-#, php-format
-msgid "User '%s' blocked"
-msgstr "Utilisateur '%s' bloqué"
-#: mod/admin.php:1110
-msgid "Add User"
-msgstr "Ajouter l'utilisateur"
-#: mod/admin.php:1111
-msgid "select all"
-msgstr "tout sélectionner"
-#: mod/admin.php:1112
-msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm"
-msgstr "Inscriptions d'utilisateurs en attente de confirmation"
-#: mod/admin.php:1113
-msgid "User waiting for permanent deletion"
-msgstr "Utilisateur en attente de suppression définitive"
-#: mod/admin.php:1114
-msgid "Request date"
-msgstr "Date de la demande"
-#: mod/admin.php:1114 mod/admin.php:1126 mod/admin.php:1127 mod/admin.php:1142
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:79 include/contact_selectors.php:86
-msgid "Email"
-msgstr "Courriel"
-#: mod/admin.php:1115
-msgid "No registrations."
-msgstr "Pas d'inscriptions."
-#: mod/admin.php:1117
-msgid "Deny"
-msgstr "Rejetter"
-#: mod/admin.php:1121
-msgid "Site admin"
-msgstr "Administration du Site"
-#: mod/admin.php:1122
-msgid "Account expired"
-msgstr "Compte expiré"
-#: mod/admin.php:1125
-msgid "New User"
-msgstr "Nouvel utilisateur"
-#: mod/admin.php:1126 mod/admin.php:1127
-msgid "Register date"
-msgstr "Date d'inscription"
-#: mod/admin.php:1126 mod/admin.php:1127
-msgid "Last login"
-msgstr "Dernière connexion"
-#: mod/admin.php:1126 mod/admin.php:1127
-msgid "Last item"
-msgstr "Dernier élément"
-#: mod/admin.php:1126
-msgid "Deleted since"
-msgstr "Supprimé depuis"
-#: mod/admin.php:1127 mod/settings.php:41
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Compte"
-#: mod/admin.php:1129
-msgid ""
-"Selected users will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these users had posted on "
-"this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
-msgstr "Les utilisateurs sélectionnés vont être supprimés!\\n\\nTout ce qu'ils ont posté sur ce site sera définitivement effacé!\\n\\nÊtes-vous certain?"
-#: mod/admin.php:1130
-msgid ""
-"The user {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this user has posted on this "
-"site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
-msgstr "L'utilisateur {0} va être supprimé!\\n\\nTout ce qu'il a posté sur ce site sera définitivement perdu!\\n\\nÊtes-vous certain?"
-#: mod/admin.php:1140
-msgid "Name of the new user."
-msgstr "Nom du nouvel utilisateur."
-#: mod/admin.php:1141
-msgid "Nickname"
-msgstr "Pseudo"
-#: mod/admin.php:1141
-msgid "Nickname of the new user."
-msgstr "Pseudo du nouvel utilisateur."
-#: mod/admin.php:1142
-msgid "Email address of the new user."
-msgstr "Adresse mail du nouvel utilisateur."
-#: mod/admin.php:1175
-#, php-format
-msgid "Plugin %s disabled."
-msgstr "Extension %s désactivée."
-#: mod/admin.php:1179
-#, php-format
-msgid "Plugin %s enabled."
-msgstr "Extension %s activée."
-#: mod/admin.php:1189 mod/admin.php:1413
-msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Désactiver"
-#: mod/admin.php:1191 mod/admin.php:1415
-msgid "Enable"
-msgstr "Activer"
-#: mod/admin.php:1214 mod/admin.php:1459
-msgid "Toggle"
-msgstr "Activer/Désactiver"
-#: mod/admin.php:1222 mod/admin.php:1469
-msgid "Author: "
-msgstr "Auteur: "
-#: mod/admin.php:1223 mod/admin.php:1470
-msgid "Maintainer: "
-msgstr "Mainteneur: "
-#: mod/admin.php:1275
-#: view/smarty3/compiled/f835364006028b1061f37be121c9bd9db5fa50a9.file.admin_plugins.tpl.php:42
-msgid "Reload active plugins"
-msgstr "Recharger les extensions actives"
-#: mod/admin.php:1373
-msgid "No themes found."
-msgstr "Aucun thème trouvé."
-#: mod/admin.php:1451
-msgid "Screenshot"
-msgstr "Capture d'écran"
-#: mod/admin.php:1511
-msgid "Reload active themes"
-msgstr "Recharger les thèmes actifs"
-#: mod/admin.php:1515
-msgid "[Experimental]"
-msgstr "[Expérimental]"
-#: mod/admin.php:1516
-msgid "[Unsupported]"
-msgstr "[Non supporté]"
-#: mod/admin.php:1543
-msgid "Log settings updated."
-msgstr "Réglages des journaux mis-à-jour."
-#: mod/admin.php:1599
-msgid "Clear"
-msgstr "Effacer"
-#: mod/admin.php:1605
-msgid "Enable Debugging"
-msgstr "Activer le déboggage"
-#: mod/admin.php:1606
-msgid "Log file"
-msgstr "Fichier de journaux"
-#: mod/admin.php:1606
-msgid ""
-"Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Friendica top-level "
-msgstr "Accès en écriture par le serveur web requis. Relatif à la racine de votre installation de Friendica."
-#: mod/admin.php:1607
-msgid "Log level"
-msgstr "Niveau de journalisaton"
-#: mod/admin.php:1657 include/acl_selectors.php:348
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Fermer"
-#: mod/admin.php:1663
-msgid "FTP Host"
-msgstr "Hôte FTP"
-#: mod/admin.php:1664
-msgid "FTP Path"
-msgstr "Chemin FTP"
-#: mod/admin.php:1665
-msgid "FTP User"
-msgstr "Utilisateur FTP"
-#: mod/admin.php:1666
-msgid "FTP Password"
-msgstr "Mot de passe FTP"
-#: mod/network.php:146
-#, php-format
-msgid "Search Results For: %s"
-msgstr "Résultats de la recherche pour %s"
-#: mod/network.php:191 mod/search.php:25
-msgid "Remove term"
-msgstr "Retirer le terme"
-#: mod/network.php:200 mod/search.php:34 include/features.php:79
-msgid "Saved Searches"
-msgstr "Recherches"
-#: mod/network.php:201 include/group.php:293
-msgid "add"
-msgstr "ajouter"
-#: mod/network.php:362
-msgid "Commented Order"
-msgstr "Tri par commentaires"
-#: mod/network.php:365
-msgid "Sort by Comment Date"
-msgstr "Trier par date de commentaire"
-#: mod/network.php:370
-msgid "Posted Order"
-msgstr "Tri des publications"
-#: mod/network.php:373
-msgid "Sort by Post Date"
-msgstr "Trier par date de publication"
-#: mod/network.php:384
-msgid "Posts that mention or involve you"
-msgstr "Publications qui vous concernent"
-#: mod/network.php:392
-msgid "New"
-msgstr "Nouveau"
-#: mod/network.php:395
-msgid "Activity Stream - by date"
-msgstr "Flux d'activités - par date"
-#: mod/network.php:403
-msgid "Shared Links"
-msgstr "Liens partagés"
-#: mod/network.php:406
-msgid "Interesting Links"
-msgstr "Liens intéressants"
-#: mod/network.php:414
-msgid "Starred"
-msgstr "Mis en avant"
-#: mod/network.php:417
-msgid "Favourite Posts"
-msgstr "Publications favorites"
-#: mod/network.php:476
-#, php-format
-msgid "Warning: This group contains %s member from an insecure network."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Warning: This group contains %s members from an insecure network."
-msgstr[0] "Attention: Ce groupe contient %s membre d'un réseau non-sûr."
-msgstr[1] "Attention: Ce groupe contient %s membres d'un réseau non-sûr."
-#: mod/network.php:479
-msgid "Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure."
-msgstr "Les messages privés envoyés à ce groupe s'exposent à une diffusion incontrôlée."
-#: mod/network.php:546 mod/content.php:119
-msgid "No such group"
-msgstr "Groupe inexistant"
-#: mod/network.php:574 mod/content.php:135
-#, php-format
-msgid "Group: %s"
-msgstr "Group : %s"
-#: mod/network.php:606
-msgid "Private messages to this person are at risk of public disclosure."
-msgstr "Les messages privés envoyés à ce contact s'exposent à une diffusion incontrôlée."
-#: mod/network.php:611
-msgid "Invalid contact."
-msgstr "Contact invalide."
-#: mod/allfriends.php:43
-msgid "No friends to display."
-msgstr "Pas d'amis à afficher."
-#: mod/events.php:71 mod/events.php:73
-msgid "Event can not end before it has started."
-msgstr "L'événement ne peut pas se terminer avant d'avoir commencé."
-#: mod/events.php:80 mod/events.php:82
-msgid "Event title and start time are required."
-msgstr "Vous devez donner un nom et un horaire de début à l'événement."
-#: mod/events.php:201
-msgid "Sun"
-msgstr "Dim"
-#: mod/events.php:202
-msgid "Mon"
-msgstr "Lun"
-#: mod/events.php:203
-msgid "Tue"
-msgstr "Mar"
-#: mod/events.php:204
-msgid "Wed"
-msgstr "Mer"
-#: mod/events.php:205
-msgid "Thu"
-msgstr "Jeu"
-#: mod/events.php:206
-msgid "Fri"
-msgstr "Ven"
-#: mod/events.php:207
-msgid "Sat"
-msgstr "Sam"
-#: mod/events.php:208 mod/settings.php:939 include/text.php:1274
-msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr "Dimanche"
-#: mod/events.php:209 mod/settings.php:939 include/text.php:1274
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "Lundi"
-#: mod/events.php:210 include/text.php:1274
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "Mardi"
-#: mod/events.php:211 include/text.php:1274
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "Mercredi"
-#: mod/events.php:212 include/text.php:1274
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "Jeudi"
-#: mod/events.php:213 include/text.php:1274
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "Vendredi"
-#: mod/events.php:214 include/text.php:1274
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "Samedi"
-#: mod/events.php:215
-msgid "Jan"
-msgstr "Jan"
-#: mod/events.php:216
-msgid "Feb"
-msgstr "Fév"
-#: mod/events.php:217
-msgid "Mar"
-msgstr "Mar"
-#: mod/events.php:218
-msgid "Apr"
-msgstr "Avr"
-#: mod/events.php:219 mod/events.php:231 include/text.php:1278
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "Mai"
-#: mod/events.php:220
-msgid "Jun"
-msgstr "Jun"
-#: mod/events.php:221
-msgid "Jul"
-msgstr "Jul"
-#: mod/events.php:222
-msgid "Aug"
-msgstr "Aoû"
-#: mod/events.php:223
-msgid "Sept"
-msgstr "Sep"
-#: mod/events.php:224
-msgid "Oct"
-msgstr "Oct"
-#: mod/events.php:225
-msgid "Nov"
-msgstr "Nov"
-#: mod/events.php:226
-msgid "Dec"
-msgstr "Déc"
-#: mod/events.php:227 include/text.php:1278
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "Janvier"
-#: mod/events.php:228 include/text.php:1278
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "Février"
-#: mod/events.php:229 include/text.php:1278
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "Mars"
-#: mod/events.php:230 include/text.php:1278
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "Avril"
-#: mod/events.php:232 include/text.php:1278
-msgid "June"
-msgstr "Juin"
-#: mod/events.php:233 include/text.php:1278
-msgid "July"
-msgstr "Juillet"
-#: mod/events.php:234 include/text.php:1278
-msgid "August"
-msgstr "Août"
-#: mod/events.php:235 include/text.php:1278
-msgid "September"
-msgstr "Septembre"
-#: mod/events.php:236 include/text.php:1278
-msgid "October"
-msgstr "Octobre"
-#: mod/events.php:237 include/text.php:1278
-msgid "November"
-msgstr "Novembre"
-#: mod/events.php:238 include/text.php:1278
-msgid "December"
-msgstr "Décembre"
-#: mod/events.php:239
-msgid "today"
-msgstr "aujourd'hui"
-#: mod/events.php:240 include/datetime.php:288
-msgid "month"
-msgstr "mois"
-#: mod/events.php:241 include/datetime.php:289
-msgid "week"
-msgstr "semaine"
-#: mod/events.php:242 include/datetime.php:290
-msgid "day"
-msgstr "jour"
-#: mod/events.php:377
-msgid "l, F j"
-msgstr "l, F j"
-#: mod/events.php:399
-msgid "Edit event"
-msgstr "Editer l'événement"
-#: mod/events.php:421 include/text.php:1721 include/text.php:1728
-msgid "link to source"
-msgstr "lien original"
-#: mod/events.php:456 include/identity.php:722 include/nav.php:79
-#: include/nav.php:140 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
-msgid "Events"
-msgstr "Événements"
-#: mod/events.php:457
-msgid "Create New Event"
-msgstr "Créer un nouvel événement"
-#: mod/events.php:458
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Précédent"
-#: mod/events.php:459 mod/install.php:220
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Suivant"
-#: mod/events.php:554
-msgid "Event details"
-msgstr "Détails de l'événement"
-#: mod/events.php:555
-msgid "Starting date and Title are required."
-msgstr "La date de début et le titre sont requis."
-#: mod/events.php:556
-msgid "Event Starts:"
-msgstr "Début de l'événement :"
-#: mod/events.php:556 mod/events.php:568
-msgid "Required"
-msgstr "Requis"
-#: mod/events.php:558
-msgid "Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"
-msgstr "Date / heure de fin inconnue ou sans objet"
-#: mod/events.php:560
-msgid "Event Finishes:"
-msgstr "Fin de l'événement:"
-#: mod/events.php:562
-msgid "Adjust for viewer timezone"
-msgstr "Ajuster à la zone horaire du visiteur"
-#: mod/events.php:564
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Description:"
-#: mod/events.php:568
-msgid "Title:"
-msgstr "Titre :"
-#: mod/events.php:570
-msgid "Share this event"
-msgstr "Partager cet événement"
-#: mod/events.php:572 mod/content.php:721 mod/editpost.php:145
-#: mod/photos.php:1631 mod/photos.php:1679 mod/photos.php:1767
-#: object/Item.php:719 include/conversation.php:1217
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Aperçu"
-#: mod/credits.php:16
-msgid "Credits"
-msgstr "Remerciements"
-#: mod/credits.php:17
-msgid ""
-"Friendica is a community project, that would not be possible without the "
-"help of many people. Here is a list of those who have contributed to the "
-"code or the translation of Friendica. Thank you all!"
-msgstr "Friendica est un projet communautaire, qui ne serait pas possible sans l'aide de beaucoup de gens. Voici une liste de ceux qui ont contribué au code ou à la traduction de Friendica. Merci à tous!"
-#: mod/content.php:439 mod/content.php:742 mod/photos.php:1722
-#: object/Item.php:133 include/conversation.php:634
-msgid "Select"
-msgstr "Sélectionner"
-#: mod/content.php:473 mod/content.php:854 mod/content.php:855
-#: object/Item.php:357 object/Item.php:358 include/conversation.php:675
-#, php-format
-msgid "View %s's profile @ %s"
-msgstr "Voir le profil de %s @ %s"
-#: mod/content.php:483 mod/content.php:866 object/Item.php:371
-#: include/conversation.php:695
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s from %s"
-msgstr "%s de %s"
-#: mod/content.php:499 include/conversation.php:711
-msgid "View in context"
-msgstr "Voir dans le contexte"
-#: mod/content.php:605 object/Item.php:419
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d comment"
-msgid_plural "%d comments"
-msgstr[0] "%d commentaire"
-msgstr[1] "%d commentaires"
-#: mod/content.php:607 object/Item.php:421 object/Item.php:434
-#: include/text.php:1997
-msgid "comment"
-msgid_plural "comments"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] "commentaire"
-#: mod/content.php:608 boot.php:788 object/Item.php:422
-#: include/contact_widgets.php:242 include/forums.php:110
-#: include/items.php:5181 view/theme/vier/theme.php:264
-msgid "show more"
-msgstr "montrer plus"
-#: mod/content.php:622 mod/photos.php:1418 object/Item.php:117
-msgid "Private Message"
-msgstr "Message privé"
-#: mod/content.php:686 mod/photos.php:1607 object/Item.php:253
-msgid "I like this (toggle)"
-msgstr "J'aime"
-#: mod/content.php:686 object/Item.php:253
-msgid "like"
-msgstr "aime"
-#: mod/content.php:687 mod/photos.php:1608 object/Item.php:254
-msgid "I don't like this (toggle)"
-msgstr "Je n'aime pas"
-#: mod/content.php:687 object/Item.php:254
-msgid "dislike"
-msgstr "n'aime pas"
-#: mod/content.php:689 object/Item.php:256
-msgid "Share this"
-msgstr "Partager"
-#: mod/content.php:689 object/Item.php:256
-msgid "share"
-msgstr "partager"
-#: mod/content.php:709 mod/photos.php:1627 mod/photos.php:1675
-#: mod/photos.php:1763 object/Item.php:707
-msgid "This is you"
-msgstr "C'est vous"
-#: mod/content.php:711 mod/photos.php:1629 mod/photos.php:1677
-#: mod/photos.php:1765 boot.php:787 object/Item.php:393 object/Item.php:709
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Commenter"
-#: mod/content.php:713 object/Item.php:711
-msgid "Bold"
-msgstr "Gras"
-#: mod/content.php:714 object/Item.php:712
-msgid "Italic"
-msgstr "Italique"
-#: mod/content.php:715 object/Item.php:713
-msgid "Underline"
-msgstr "Souligné"
-#: mod/content.php:716 object/Item.php:714
-msgid "Quote"
-msgstr "Citation"
-#: mod/content.php:717 object/Item.php:715
-msgid "Code"
-msgstr "Code"
-#: mod/content.php:718 object/Item.php:716
-msgid "Image"
-msgstr "Image"
-#: mod/content.php:719 object/Item.php:717
-msgid "Link"
-msgstr "Lien"
-#: mod/content.php:720 object/Item.php:718
-msgid "Video"
-msgstr "Vidéo"
-#: mod/content.php:730 mod/settings.php:712 object/Item.php:122
-#: object/Item.php:124
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Éditer"
-#: mod/content.php:755 object/Item.php:217
-msgid "add star"
-msgstr "mett en avant"
-#: mod/content.php:756 object/Item.php:218
-msgid "remove star"
-msgstr "ne plus mettre en avant"
-#: mod/content.php:757 object/Item.php:219
-msgid "toggle star status"
-msgstr "mettre en avant"
-#: mod/content.php:760 object/Item.php:222
-msgid "starred"
-msgstr "mis en avant"
-#: mod/content.php:761 object/Item.php:242
-msgid "add tag"
-msgstr "ajouter une étiquette"
-#: mod/content.php:765 object/Item.php:137
-msgid "save to folder"
-msgstr "sauver vers dossier"
-#: mod/content.php:856 object/Item.php:359
-msgid "to"
-msgstr "à"
-#: mod/content.php:857 object/Item.php:361
-msgid "Wall-to-Wall"
-msgstr "Inter-mur"
-#: mod/content.php:858 object/Item.php:362
-msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:"
-msgstr "en Inter-mur:"
-#: mod/removeme.php:46 mod/removeme.php:49
-msgid "Remove My Account"
-msgstr "Supprimer mon compte"
-#: mod/removeme.php:47
-msgid ""
-"This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not "
-msgstr "Ceci supprimera totalement votre compte. Cette opération est irréversible."
-#: mod/removeme.php:48
-msgid "Please enter your password for verification:"
-msgstr "Merci de saisir votre mot de passe pour vérification :"
-#: mod/install.php:128
-msgid "Friendica Communications Server - Setup"
-msgstr "Serveur de communications Friendica - Configuration"
-#: mod/install.php:134
-msgid "Could not connect to database."
-msgstr "Impossible de se connecter à la base."
-#: mod/install.php:138
-msgid "Could not create table."
-msgstr "Impossible de créer une table."
-#: mod/install.php:144
-msgid "Your Friendica site database has been installed."
-msgstr "La base de données de votre site Friendica a bien été installée."
-#: mod/install.php:149
-msgid ""
-"You may need to import the file \"database.sql\" manually using phpmyadmin "
-"or mysql."
-msgstr "Vous pourriez avoir besoin d'importer le fichier \"database.sql\" manuellement au moyen de phpmyadmin ou de la commande mysql."
-#: mod/install.php:150 mod/install.php:219 mod/install.php:577
-msgid "Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\"."
-msgstr "Référez-vous au fichier \"INSTALL.txt\"."
-#: mod/install.php:162
-msgid "Database already in use."
-msgstr "Base de données déjà en cours d'utilisation."
-#: mod/install.php:216
-msgid "System check"
-msgstr "Vérifications système"
-#: mod/install.php:221
-msgid "Check again"
-msgstr "Vérifier à nouveau"
-#: mod/install.php:240
-msgid "Database connection"
-msgstr "Connexion à la base de données"
-#: mod/install.php:241
-msgid ""
-"In order to install Friendica we need to know how to connect to your "
-msgstr "Pour installer Friendica, nous avons besoin de savoir comment contacter votre base de données."
-#: mod/install.php:242
-msgid ""
-"Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have "
-"questions about these settings."
-msgstr "Merci de vous tourner vers votre hébergeur et/ou administrateur pour toute question concernant ces réglages."
-#: mod/install.php:243
-msgid ""
-"The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please "
-"create it before continuing."
-msgstr "La base de données que vous spécifierez doit exister. Si ce n'est pas encore le cas, merci de la créer avant de continuer."
-#: mod/install.php:247
-msgid "Database Server Name"
-msgstr "Serveur de base de données"
-#: mod/install.php:248
-msgid "Database Login Name"
-msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur de la base"
-#: mod/install.php:249
-msgid "Database Login Password"
-msgstr "Mot de passe de la base"
-#: mod/install.php:250
-msgid "Database Name"
-msgstr "Nom de la base"
-#: mod/install.php:251 mod/install.php:290
-msgid "Site administrator email address"
-msgstr "Adresse électronique de l'administrateur du site"
-#: mod/install.php:251 mod/install.php:290
-msgid ""
-"Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin "
-msgstr "Votre adresse électronique doit correspondre à celle-ci pour pouvoir utiliser l'interface d'administration."
-#: mod/install.php:255 mod/install.php:293
-msgid "Please select a default timezone for your website"
-msgstr "Sélectionner un fuseau horaire par défaut pour votre site"
-#: mod/install.php:280
-msgid "Site settings"
-msgstr "Réglages du site"
-#: mod/install.php:334
-msgid "Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH."
-msgstr "Impossible de trouver la version \"ligne de commande\" de PHP dans le PATH du serveur web."
-#: mod/install.php:335
-msgid ""
-"If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on server, you "
-"will not be able to run background polling via cron. See 'Setup the poller' "
-msgstr "Si vous n'avez pas une version en ligne de commande de PHP sur votre serveur, vous ne pourrez pas exécuter l'attente active ou « polling » en arrière-plan via cron. Voir 'Setup the poller' ."
-#: mod/install.php:339
-msgid "PHP executable path"
-msgstr "Chemin vers l'exécutable de PHP"
-#: mod/install.php:339
-msgid ""
-"Enter full path to php executable. You can leave this blank to continue the "
-msgstr "Entrez le chemin (absolu) vers l'exécutable 'php'. Vous pouvez laisser cette ligne vide pour continuer l'installation."
-#: mod/install.php:344
-msgid "Command line PHP"
-msgstr "Version \"ligne de commande\" de PHP"
-#: mod/install.php:353
-msgid "PHP executable is not the php cli binary (could be cgi-fgci version)"
-msgstr "L'executable PHP n'est pas le binaire php client (c'est peut être la version cgi-fcgi)"
-#: mod/install.php:354
-msgid "Found PHP version: "
-msgstr "Version de PHP:"
-#: mod/install.php:356
-msgid "PHP cli binary"
-msgstr "PHP cli binary"
-#: mod/install.php:367
-msgid ""
-"The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "
-"\"register_argc_argv\" enabled."
-msgstr "La version \"ligne de commande\" de PHP de votre système n'a pas \"register_argc_argv\" d'activé."
-#: mod/install.php:368
-msgid "This is required for message delivery to work."
-msgstr "Ceci est requis pour que la livraison des messages fonctionne."
-#: mod/install.php:370
-msgid "PHP register_argc_argv"
-msgstr "PHP register_argc_argv"
-#: mod/install.php:391
-msgid ""
-"Error: the \"openssl_pkey_new\" function on this system is not able to "
-"generate encryption keys"
-msgstr "Erreur: la fonction \"openssl_pkey_new\" de ce système ne permet pas de générer des clés de chiffrement"
-#: mod/install.php:392
-msgid ""
-"If running under Windows, please see "
-msgstr "Si vous utilisez Windows, merci de vous réferer à \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\"."
-#: mod/install.php:394
-msgid "Generate encryption keys"
-msgstr "Générer les clés de chiffrement"
-#: mod/install.php:401
-msgid "libCurl PHP module"
-msgstr "Module libCurl de PHP"
-#: mod/install.php:402
-msgid "GD graphics PHP module"
-msgstr "Module GD (graphiques) de PHP"
-#: mod/install.php:403
-msgid "OpenSSL PHP module"
-msgstr "Module OpenSSL de PHP"
-#: mod/install.php:404
-msgid "mysqli PHP module"
-msgstr "Module Mysqli de PHP"
-#: mod/install.php:405
-msgid "mb_string PHP module"
-msgstr "Module mb_string de PHP"
-#: mod/install.php:406
-msgid "mcrypt PHP module"
-msgstr "Module PHP mcrypt"
-#: mod/install.php:411 mod/install.php:413
-msgid "Apache mod_rewrite module"
-msgstr "Module mod_rewrite Apache"
-#: mod/install.php:411
-msgid ""
-"Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."
-msgstr "Erreur : Le module \"rewrite\" du serveur web Apache est requis mais pas installé."
-#: mod/install.php:419
-msgid "Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."
-msgstr "Erreur : Le module PHP \"libCURL\" est requis mais pas installé."
-#: mod/install.php:423
-msgid ""
-"Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."
-msgstr "Erreur : Le module PHP \"GD\" disposant du support JPEG est requis mais pas installé."
-#: mod/install.php:427
-msgid "Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."
-msgstr "Erreur : Le module PHP \"openssl\" est requis mais pas installé."
-#: mod/install.php:431
-msgid "Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."
-msgstr "Erreur : Le module PHP \"mysqli\" est requis mais pas installé."
-#: mod/install.php:435
-msgid "Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."
-msgstr "Erreur : le module PHP mb_string est requis mais pas installé."
-#: mod/install.php:439
-msgid "Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed."
-msgstr "Erreur : le module PHP mcrypt est nécessaire, mais n'es pas installé."
-#: mod/install.php:451
-msgid ""
-"Function mcrypt_create_iv() is not defined. This is needed to enable RINO2 "
-"encryption layer."
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:453
-msgid "mcrypt_create_iv() function"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/install.php:469
-msgid ""
-"The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\""
-" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."
-msgstr "L'installeur web doit être en mesure de créer un fichier \".htconfig.php\" à la racine de votre serveur web, mais il en est incapable."
-#: mod/install.php:470
-msgid ""
-"This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able "
-"to write files in your folder - even if you can."
-msgstr "Le plus souvent, il s'agit d'un problème de permission. Le serveur web peut ne pas être capable d'écrire dans votre répertoire - alors que vous-même le pouvez."
-#: mod/install.php:471
-msgid ""
-"At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file "
-"named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."
-msgstr "A la fin de cette étape, nous vous fournirons un texte à sauvegarder dans un fichier nommé .htconfig.php à la racine de votre répertoire Friendica."
-#: mod/install.php:472
-msgid ""
-"You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation."
-" Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."
-msgstr "Vous pouvez également sauter cette étape et procéder à une installation manuelle. Pour cela, merci de lire le fichier \"INSTALL.txt\"."
-#: mod/install.php:475
-msgid ".htconfig.php is writable"
-msgstr "Fichier .htconfig.php accessible en écriture"
-#: mod/install.php:485
-msgid ""
-"Friendica uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 "
-"compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering."
-msgstr "Friendica utilise le moteur de modèles Smarty3 pour le rendu d'affichage web. Smarty3 compile les modèles en PHP pour accélérer le rendu."
-#: mod/install.php:486
-msgid ""
-"In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have "
-"write access to the directory view/smarty3/ under the Friendica top level "
-msgstr "Pour pouvoir stocker ces modèles compilés, le serveur internet doit avoir accès au droit d'écriture pour le répertoire view/smarty3/ sous le dossier racine de Friendica."
-#: mod/install.php:487
-msgid ""
-"Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as (e.g. www-data) has"
-" write access to this folder."
-msgstr "Veuillez vous assurer que l'utilisateur qui exécute votre serveur internet (p. ex. www-data) détient le droit d'accès en écriture sur ce dossier."
-#: mod/install.php:488
-msgid ""
-"Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to "
-"view/smarty3/ only--not the template files (.tpl) that it contains."
-msgstr "Note: pour plus de sécurité, vous devriez ne donner le droit d'accès en écriture qu'à view/smarty3/ et pas aux fichiers modèles (.tpl) qu'il contient."
-#: mod/install.php:491
-msgid "view/smarty3 is writable"
-msgstr "view/smarty3 est autorisé à l écriture"
-#: mod/install.php:507
-msgid ""
-"Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration."
-msgstr "La réécriture d'URL dans le fichier .htaccess ne fonctionne pas. Vérifiez la configuration de votre serveur."
-#: mod/install.php:509
-msgid "Url rewrite is working"
-msgstr "La réécriture d'URL fonctionne."
-#: mod/install.php:526
-msgid "ImageMagick PHP extension is installed"
-msgstr "L’extension PHP ImageMagick est installée"
-#: mod/install.php:528
-msgid "ImageMagick supports GIF"
-msgstr "ImageMagick supporte le format GIF"
-#: mod/install.php:536
-msgid ""
-"The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. "
-"Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web "
-"server root."
-msgstr "Le fichier de configuration de la base (\".htconfig.php\") ne peut être créé. Merci d'utiliser le texte ci-joint pour créer ce fichier à la racine de votre hébergement."
-#: mod/install.php:575
-msgid "What next "
-msgstr "Ensuite "
-#: mod/install.php:576
-msgid ""
-"IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the "
-msgstr "IMPORTANT: Vous devez configurer [manuellement] une tâche programmée pour le \"poller\"."
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:42 mod/wallmessage.php:112
-#, php-format
-msgid "Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."
-msgstr "Nombre de messages de mur quotidiens pour %s dépassé. Échec du message."
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:59
-msgid "Unable to check your home location."
-msgstr "Impossible de vérifier votre localisation."
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:86 mod/wallmessage.php:95
-msgid "No recipient."
-msgstr "Pas de destinataire."
-#: mod/wallmessage.php:143
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on "
-"your site allow private mail from unknown senders."
-msgstr "Si vous souhaitez que %s réponde, merci de vérifier vos réglages pour autoriser les messages privés venant d'inconnus."
-#: mod/help.php:31
-msgid "Help:"
-msgstr "Aide :"
-#: mod/help.php:36 include/nav.php:113 view/theme/vier/theme.php:302
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Aide"
-#: mod/help.php:42 mod/p.php:16 mod/p.php:25 index.php:270
-msgid "Not Found"
-msgstr "Non trouvé"
-#: mod/help.php:45 index.php:273
-msgid "Page not found."
-msgstr "Page introuvable."
-#: mod/dfrn_poll.php:103 mod/dfrn_poll.php:536
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s welcomes %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s accueille %2$s"
-#: mod/home.php:35
-#, php-format
-msgid "Welcome to %s"
-msgstr "Bienvenue sur %s"
-#: mod/wall_attach.php:94
-msgid "Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"
-msgstr "Désolé, il semble que votre fichier est plus important que ce que la configuration de PHP autorise"
-#: mod/wall_attach.php:94
-msgid "Or - did you try to upload an empty file?"
-msgstr "Ou — auriez-vous essayé de télécharger un fichier vide ?"
-#: mod/wall_attach.php:105
-#, php-format
-msgid "File exceeds size limit of %s"
-msgstr "La taille du fichier dépasse la limite de %s"
-#: mod/wall_attach.php:156 mod/wall_attach.php:172
-msgid "File upload failed."
-msgstr "Le téléversement a échoué."
-#: mod/match.php:33
-msgid "No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."
-msgstr "Aucun mot-clé en correspondance. Merci d'ajouter des mots-clés à votre profil par défaut."
-#: mod/match.php:84
-msgid "is interested in:"
-msgstr "s'intéresse à :"
-#: mod/match.php:98
-msgid "Profile Match"
-msgstr "Correpondance de profils"
-#: mod/share.php:38
-msgid "link"
-msgstr "lien"
-#: mod/community.php:23
-msgid "Not available."
-msgstr "Indisponible."
-#: mod/community.php:32 include/nav.php:136 include/nav.php:138
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:129
-msgid "Community"
-msgstr "Communauté"
-#: mod/community.php:62 mod/community.php:71 mod/search.php:228
-msgid "No results."
-msgstr "Aucun résultat."
-#: mod/settings.php:34 mod/photos.php:117
-msgid "everybody"
-msgstr "tout le monde"
-#: mod/settings.php:47
-msgid "Additional features"
-msgstr "Fonctions supplémentaires"
-#: mod/settings.php:53
-msgid "Display"
-msgstr "Afficher"
-#: mod/settings.php:60 mod/settings.php:855
-msgid "Social Networks"
-msgstr "Réseaux sociaux"
-#: mod/settings.php:72 include/nav.php:180
-msgid "Delegations"
-msgstr "Délégations"
-#: mod/settings.php:78
-msgid "Connected apps"
-msgstr "Applications connectées"
-#: mod/settings.php:84 mod/uexport.php:85
-msgid "Export personal data"
-msgstr "Exporter"
-#: mod/settings.php:90
-msgid "Remove account"
-msgstr "Supprimer le compte"
-#: mod/settings.php:143
-msgid "Missing some important data!"
-msgstr "Il manque certaines informations importantes!"
-#: mod/settings.php:256
-msgid "Failed to connect with email account using the settings provided."
-msgstr "Impossible de se connecter au compte courriel configuré."
-#: mod/settings.php:261
-msgid "Email settings updated."
-msgstr "Réglages de courriel mis-à-jour."
-#: mod/settings.php:276
-msgid "Features updated"
-msgstr "Fonctionnalités mises à jour"
-#: mod/settings.php:343
-msgid "Relocate message has been send to your contacts"
-msgstr "Un message de relocalisation a été envoyé à vos contacts."
-#: mod/settings.php:357 include/user.php:39
-msgid "Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."
-msgstr "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas. Aucun changement appliqué."
-#: mod/settings.php:362
-msgid "Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."
-msgstr "Les mots de passe vides sont interdits. Aucun changement appliqué."
-#: mod/settings.php:370
-msgid "Wrong password."
-msgstr "Mauvais mot de passe."
-#: mod/settings.php:381
-msgid "Password changed."
-msgstr "Mots de passe changés."
-#: mod/settings.php:383
-msgid "Password update failed. Please try again."
-msgstr "Le changement de mot de passe a échoué. Merci de recommencer."
-#: mod/settings.php:452
-msgid " Please use a shorter name."
-msgstr " Merci d'utiliser un nom plus court."
-#: mod/settings.php:454
-msgid " Name too short."
-msgstr " Nom trop court."
-#: mod/settings.php:463
-msgid "Wrong Password"
-msgstr "Mauvais mot de passe"
-#: mod/settings.php:468
-msgid " Not valid email."
-msgstr " Email invalide."
-#: mod/settings.php:474
-msgid " Cannot change to that email."
-msgstr " Impossible de changer pour cet email."
-#: mod/settings.php:530
-msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions. Using default privacy group."
-msgstr "Ce forum privé n'a pas de paramètres de vie privée. Utilisation des paramètres de confidentialité par défaut."
-#: mod/settings.php:534
-msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions and no default privacy group."
-msgstr "Ce forum privé n'a pas de paramètres de vie privée ni de paramètres de confidentialité par défaut."
-#: mod/settings.php:573
-msgid "Settings updated."
-msgstr "Réglages mis à jour."
-#: mod/settings.php:649 mod/settings.php:675 mod/settings.php:711
-msgid "Add application"
-msgstr "Ajouter une application"
-#: mod/settings.php:653 mod/settings.php:679
-msgid "Consumer Key"
-msgstr "Clé utilisateur"
-#: mod/settings.php:654 mod/settings.php:680
-msgid "Consumer Secret"
-msgstr "Secret utilisateur"
-#: mod/settings.php:655 mod/settings.php:681
-msgid "Redirect"
-msgstr "Rediriger"
-#: mod/settings.php:656 mod/settings.php:682
-msgid "Icon url"
-msgstr "URL de l'icône"
-#: mod/settings.php:667
-msgid "You can't edit this application."
-msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas éditer cette application."
-#: mod/settings.php:710
-msgid "Connected Apps"
-msgstr "Applications connectées"
-#: mod/settings.php:714
-msgid "Client key starts with"
-msgstr "La clé cliente commence par"
-#: mod/settings.php:715
-msgid "No name"
-msgstr "Sans nom"
-#: mod/settings.php:716
-msgid "Remove authorization"
-msgstr "Révoquer l'autorisation"
-#: mod/settings.php:728
-msgid "No Plugin settings configured"
-msgstr "Pas de réglages d'extensions configurés"
-#: mod/settings.php:736
-msgid "Plugin Settings"
-msgstr "Extensions"
-#: mod/settings.php:750
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "Éteint"
-#: mod/settings.php:750
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "Allumé"
-#: mod/settings.php:758
-msgid "Additional Features"
-msgstr "Fonctions supplémentaires"
-#: mod/settings.php:768 mod/settings.php:772
-msgid "General Social Media Settings"
-msgstr "Paramètres généraux des réseaux sociaux"
-#: mod/settings.php:778
-msgid "Disable intelligent shortening"
-msgstr "Désactiver la réduction d'URL"
-#: mod/settings.php:780
-msgid ""
-"Normally the system tries to find the best link to add to shortened posts. "
-"If this option is enabled then every shortened post will always point to the"
-" original friendica post."
-msgstr "Normalement, le système tente de trouver le meilleur lien à ajouter aux publications raccourcies. Si cette option est activée, les publications raccourcies dirigeront toujours vers leur publication d'origine sur Friendica."
-#: mod/settings.php:786
-msgid "Automatically follow any GNU Social (OStatus) followers/mentioners"
-msgstr "Suivre automatiquement ceux qui me suivent ou me mentionnent sur GNU Social (OStatus)"
-#: mod/settings.php:788
-msgid ""
-"If you receive a message from an unknown OStatus user, this option decides "
-"what to do. If it is checked, a new contact will be created for every "
-"unknown user."
-msgstr "Si vous recevez un message d'un utilisateur OStatus inconnu, cette option détermine ce qui sera fait. Si elle est cochée, un nouveau contact sera créé pour chaque utilisateur inconnu."
-#: mod/settings.php:797
-msgid "Your legacy GNU Social account"
-msgstr "Le compte GNU Social que vous avez déjà"
-#: mod/settings.php:799
-msgid ""
-"If you enter your old GNU Social/Statusnet account name here (in the format "
-"user@domain.tld), your contacts will be added automatically. The field will "
-"be emptied when done."
-msgstr "Si vous entrez le nom de votre ancien compte GNU Social / StatusNet ici (utiliser le format utilisateur@domaine.tld), vos contacts seront ajoutés automatiquement. Le champ sera vidé lorsque ce sera terminé."
-#: mod/settings.php:802
-msgid "Repair OStatus subscriptions"
-msgstr "Réparer les abonnements OStatus"
-#: mod/settings.php:811 mod/settings.php:812
-#, php-format
-msgid "Built-in support for %s connectivity is %s"
-msgstr "Le support natif pour la connectivité %s est %s"
-#: mod/settings.php:811 mod/dfrn_request.php:858
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:80
-msgid "Diaspora"
-msgstr "Diaspora"
-#: mod/settings.php:811 mod/settings.php:812
-msgid "enabled"
-msgstr "activé"
-#: mod/settings.php:811 mod/settings.php:812
-msgid "disabled"
-msgstr "désactivé"
-#: mod/settings.php:812
-msgid "GNU Social (OStatus)"
-msgstr "GNU Social (OStatus)"
-#: mod/settings.php:848
-msgid "Email access is disabled on this site."
-msgstr "L'accès courriel est désactivé sur ce site."
-#: mod/settings.php:860
-msgid "Email/Mailbox Setup"
-msgstr "Réglages de courriel/boîte à lettre"
-#: mod/settings.php:861
-msgid ""
-"If you wish to communicate with email contacts using this service "
-"(optional), please specify how to connect to your mailbox."
-msgstr "Si vous souhaitez communiquer avec vos contacts \"courriel\" (facultatif), merci de nous indiquer comment vous connecter à votre boîte."
-#: mod/settings.php:862
-msgid "Last successful email check:"
-msgstr "Dernière vérification réussie des courriels:"
-#: mod/settings.php:864
-msgid "IMAP server name:"
-msgstr "Nom du serveur IMAP:"
-#: mod/settings.php:865
-msgid "IMAP port:"
-msgstr "Port IMAP:"
-#: mod/settings.php:866
-msgid "Security:"
-msgstr "Sécurité:"
-#: mod/settings.php:866 mod/settings.php:871
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Aucun(e)"
-#: mod/settings.php:867
-msgid "Email login name:"
-msgstr "Nom de connexion:"
-#: mod/settings.php:868
-msgid "Email password:"
-msgstr "Mot de passe:"
-#: mod/settings.php:869
-msgid "Reply-to address:"
-msgstr "Adresse de réponse:"
-#: mod/settings.php:870
-msgid "Send public posts to all email contacts:"
-msgstr "Envoyer les publications publiques à tous les contacts courriels:"
-#: mod/settings.php:871
-msgid "Action after import:"
-msgstr "Action après import:"
-#: mod/settings.php:871
-msgid "Mark as seen"
-msgstr "Marquer comme vu"
-#: mod/settings.php:871
-msgid "Move to folder"
-msgstr "Déplacer vers"
-#: mod/settings.php:872
-msgid "Move to folder:"
-msgstr "Déplacer vers:"
-#: mod/settings.php:958
-msgid "Display Settings"
-msgstr "Affichage"
-#: mod/settings.php:964 mod/settings.php:982
-msgid "Display Theme:"
-msgstr "Thème d'affichage:"
-#: mod/settings.php:965
-msgid "Mobile Theme:"
-msgstr "Thème mobile:"
-#: mod/settings.php:966
-msgid "Update browser every xx seconds"
-msgstr "Mettre-à-jour l'affichage toutes les xx secondes"
-#: mod/settings.php:966
-msgid "Minimum of 10 seconds. Enter -1 to disable it."
-msgstr "Minimum de 10 secondes. Saisir -1 pour désactiver."
-#: mod/settings.php:967
-msgid "Number of items to display per page:"
-msgstr "Nombre d’éléments par page:"
-#: mod/settings.php:967 mod/settings.php:968
-msgid "Maximum of 100 items"
-msgstr "Maximum de 100 éléments"
-#: mod/settings.php:968
-msgid "Number of items to display per page when viewed from mobile device:"
-msgstr "Nombre d'éléments a afficher par page pour un appareil mobile"
-#: mod/settings.php:969
-msgid "Don't show emoticons"
-msgstr "Ne pas afficher les émoticônes (smileys grahiques)"
-#: mod/settings.php:970
-msgid "Calendar"
-msgstr "Calendrier"
-#: mod/settings.php:971
-msgid "Beginning of week:"
-msgstr "Début de la semaine :"
-#: mod/settings.php:972
-msgid "Don't show notices"
-msgstr "Ne plus afficher les avis"
-#: mod/settings.php:973
-msgid "Infinite scroll"
-msgstr "Défilement infini"
-#: mod/settings.php:974
-msgid "Automatic updates only at the top of the network page"
-msgstr "Mises à jour automatiques seulement en haut de la page du réseau."
-#: mod/settings.php:976 view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:82
-#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:72 view/theme/quattro/config.php:66
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:150 view/theme/clean/config.php:85
-#: view/theme/vier/config.php:109 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:61
-msgid "Theme settings"
-msgstr "Réglages du thème graphique"
-#: mod/settings.php:1053
-msgid "User Types"
-msgstr "Types d'utilisateurs"
-#: mod/settings.php:1054
-msgid "Community Types"
-msgstr "Genre de communautés"
-#: mod/settings.php:1055
-msgid "Normal Account Page"
-msgstr "Compte normal"
-#: mod/settings.php:1056
-msgid "This account is a normal personal profile"
-msgstr "Ce compte correspond à un profil normal, pour une seule personne (physique, généralement)"
-#: mod/settings.php:1059
-msgid "Soapbox Page"
-msgstr "Compte \"boîte à savon\""
-#: mod/settings.php:1060
-msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"
-msgstr "Accepter automatiquement toutes les demandes d'amitié/connexion comme étant des fans 'en lecture seule'"
-#: mod/settings.php:1063
-msgid "Community Forum/Celebrity Account"
-msgstr "Compte de communauté/célébrité"
-#: mod/settings.php:1064
-msgid ""
-"Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans"
-msgstr "Accepter automatiquement toutes les demandes d'amitié/connexion comme étant des fans en 'lecture/écriture'"
-#: mod/settings.php:1067
-msgid "Automatic Friend Page"
-msgstr "Compte d'\"amitié automatique\""
-#: mod/settings.php:1068
-msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"
-msgstr "Accepter automatiquement toutes les demandes d'amitié/connexion comme étant des amis"
-#: mod/settings.php:1071
-msgid "Private Forum [Experimental]"
-msgstr "Forum privé [expérimental]"
-#: mod/settings.php:1072
-msgid "Private forum - approved members only"
-msgstr "Forum privé - modéré en inscription"
-#: mod/settings.php:1084
-msgid "OpenID:"
-msgstr "OpenID:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1084
-msgid "(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account."
-msgstr " (Facultatif) Autoriser cet OpenID à se connecter à ce compte."
-#: mod/settings.php:1094
-msgid "Publish your default profile in your local site directory?"
-msgstr "Publier votre profil par défaut sur l'annuaire local de ce site?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1100
-msgid "Publish your default profile in the global social directory?"
-msgstr "Publier votre profil par défaut sur l'annuaire social global?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1108
-msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of your default profile?"
-msgstr "Cacher votre liste de contacts/amis des visiteurs de votre profil par défaut?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1112 include/acl_selectors.php:331
-msgid "Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"
-msgstr "Cacher les détails du profil aux visiteurs inconnus?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1112
-msgid ""
-"If enabled, posting public messages to Diaspora and other networks isn't "
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/settings.php:1117
-msgid "Allow friends to post to your profile page?"
-msgstr "Autoriser vos amis à publier sur votre profil?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1123
-msgid "Allow friends to tag your posts?"
-msgstr "Autoriser vos amis à étiqueter vos publications?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1129
-msgid "Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?"
-msgstr "Autoriser les suggestions d'amis potentiels aux nouveaux arrivants?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1135
-msgid "Permit unknown people to send you private mail?"
-msgstr "Autoriser les messages privés d'inconnus?"
-#: mod/settings.php:1143
-msgid "Profile is not published ."
-msgstr "Ce profil n'est pas publié ."
-#: mod/settings.php:1151
-#, php-format
-msgid "Your Identity Address is '%s' or '%s'."
-msgstr "L’adresse de votre identité est '%s' or '%s'."
-#: mod/settings.php:1158
-msgid "Automatically expire posts after this many days:"
-msgstr "Les publications expirent automatiquement après (en jours) :"
-#: mod/settings.php:1158
-msgid "If empty, posts will not expire. Expired posts will be deleted"
-msgstr "Si ce champ est vide, les publications n'expireront pas. Les publications expirées seront supprimées"
-#: mod/settings.php:1159
-msgid "Advanced expiration settings"
-msgstr "Réglages avancés de l'expiration"
-#: mod/settings.php:1160
-msgid "Advanced Expiration"
-msgstr "Expiration (avancé)"
-#: mod/settings.php:1161
-msgid "Expire posts:"
-msgstr "Faire expirer les publications:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1162
-msgid "Expire personal notes:"
-msgstr "Faire expirer les notes personnelles:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1163
-msgid "Expire starred posts:"
-msgstr "Faire expirer les publications marqués:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1164
-msgid "Expire photos:"
-msgstr "Faire expirer les photos:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1165
-msgid "Only expire posts by others:"
-msgstr "Faire expirer seulement les publications des autres:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1193
-msgid "Account Settings"
-msgstr "Compte"
-#: mod/settings.php:1201
-msgid "Password Settings"
-msgstr "Réglages de mot de passe"
-#: mod/settings.php:1202 mod/register.php:274
-msgid "New Password:"
-msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1203 mod/register.php:275
-msgid "Confirm:"
-msgstr "Confirmer:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1203
-msgid "Leave password fields blank unless changing"
-msgstr "Laissez les champs de mot de passe vierges, sauf si vous désirez les changer"
-#: mod/settings.php:1204
-msgid "Current Password:"
-msgstr "Mot de passe actuel:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1204 mod/settings.php:1205
-msgid "Your current password to confirm the changes"
-msgstr "Votre mot de passe actuel pour confirmer les modifications"
-#: mod/settings.php:1205
-msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Mot de passe:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1209
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr "Réglages basiques"
-#: mod/settings.php:1210 include/identity.php:587
-msgid "Full Name:"
-msgstr "Nom complet:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1211
-msgid "Email Address:"
-msgstr "Adresse courriel:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1212
-msgid "Your Timezone:"
-msgstr "Votre fuseau horaire:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1213
-msgid "Your Language:"
-msgstr "Votre langue :"
-#: mod/settings.php:1213
-msgid ""
-"Set the language we use to show you friendica interface and to send you "
-msgstr "Détermine la langue que nous utilisons pour afficher votre interface Friendica et pour vous envoyer des courriels"
-#: mod/settings.php:1214
-msgid "Default Post Location:"
-msgstr "Emplacement de publication par défaut:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1215
-msgid "Use Browser Location:"
-msgstr "Utiliser la localisation géographique du navigateur:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1218
-msgid "Security and Privacy Settings"
-msgstr "Réglages de sécurité et vie privée"
-#: mod/settings.php:1220
-msgid "Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"
-msgstr "Nombre maximal de requêtes d'amitié/jour:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1220 mod/settings.php:1250
-msgid "(to prevent spam abuse)"
-msgstr "(pour limiter l'impact du spam)"
-#: mod/settings.php:1221
-msgid "Default Post Permissions"
-msgstr "Permissions de publication par défaut"
-#: mod/settings.php:1222
-msgid "(click to open/close)"
-msgstr "(cliquer pour ouvrir/fermer)"
-#: mod/settings.php:1231 mod/photos.php:1199 mod/photos.php:1584
-msgid "Show to Groups"
-msgstr "Montrer aux groupes"
-#: mod/settings.php:1232 mod/photos.php:1200 mod/photos.php:1585
-msgid "Show to Contacts"
-msgstr "Montrer aux Contacts"
-#: mod/settings.php:1233
-msgid "Default Private Post"
-msgstr "Message privé par défaut"
-#: mod/settings.php:1234
-msgid "Default Public Post"
-msgstr "Message publique par défaut"
-#: mod/settings.php:1238
-msgid "Default Permissions for New Posts"
-msgstr "Permissions par défaut pour les nouvelles publications"
-#: mod/settings.php:1250
-msgid "Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:"
-msgstr "Maximum de messages privés d'inconnus par jour:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1253
-msgid "Notification Settings"
-msgstr "Réglages de notification"
-#: mod/settings.php:1254
-msgid "By default post a status message when:"
-msgstr "Par défaut, poster un statut quand:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1255
-msgid "accepting a friend request"
-msgstr "j'accepte un ami"
-#: mod/settings.php:1256
-msgid "joining a forum/community"
-msgstr "joignant un forum/une communauté"
-#: mod/settings.php:1257
-msgid "making an interesting profile change"
-msgstr "je fais une modification intéressante de mon profil"
-#: mod/settings.php:1258
-msgid "Send a notification email when:"
-msgstr "Envoyer un courriel de notification quand:"
-#: mod/settings.php:1259
-msgid "You receive an introduction"
-msgstr "Vous recevez une introduction"
-#: mod/settings.php:1260
-msgid "Your introductions are confirmed"
-msgstr "Vos introductions sont confirmées"
-#: mod/settings.php:1261
-msgid "Someone writes on your profile wall"
-msgstr "Quelqu'un écrit sur votre mur"
-#: mod/settings.php:1262
-msgid "Someone writes a followup comment"
-msgstr "Quelqu'un vous commente"
-#: mod/settings.php:1263
-msgid "You receive a private message"
-msgstr "Vous recevez un message privé"
-#: mod/settings.php:1264
-msgid "You receive a friend suggestion"
-msgstr "Vous avez reçu une suggestion d'ami"
-#: mod/settings.php:1265
-msgid "You are tagged in a post"
-msgstr "Vous avez été étiquetté dans une publication"
-#: mod/settings.php:1266
-msgid "You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"
-msgstr "Vous avez été sollicité dans une publication"
-#: mod/settings.php:1268
-msgid "Activate desktop notifications"
-msgstr "Activer les notifications de bureau"
-#: mod/settings.php:1268
-msgid "Show desktop popup on new notifications"
-msgstr "Afficher dans des pops-ups les nouvelles notifications"
-#: mod/settings.php:1270
-msgid "Text-only notification emails"
-msgstr "Courriels de notification en format texte"
-#: mod/settings.php:1272
-msgid "Send text only notification emails, without the html part"
-msgstr "Envoyer le texte des courriels de notification, sans la composante html"
-#: mod/settings.php:1274
-msgid "Advanced Account/Page Type Settings"
-msgstr "Paramètres avancés de compte/page"
-#: mod/settings.php:1275
-msgid "Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"
-msgstr "Modifier le comportement de ce compte dans certaines situations"
-#: mod/settings.php:1278
-msgid "Relocate"
-msgstr "Relocaliser"
-#: mod/settings.php:1279
-msgid ""
-"If you have moved this profile from another server, and some of your "
-"contacts don't receive your updates, try pushing this button."
-msgstr "Si vous avez migré ce profil depuis un autre serveur et que vos contacts ne reçoivent plus vos mises à jour, essayez ce bouton."
-#: mod/settings.php:1280
-msgid "Resend relocate message to contacts"
-msgstr "Renvoyer un message de relocalisation aux contacts."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:95
-msgid "This introduction has already been accepted."
-msgstr "Cette introduction a déjà été acceptée."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:120 mod/dfrn_request.php:519
-msgid "Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."
-msgstr "L'emplacement du profil est invalide ou ne contient pas de profil valide."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:125 mod/dfrn_request.php:524
-msgid "Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."
-msgstr "Attention: l'emplacement du profil n'a pas de nom identifiable."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:127 mod/dfrn_request.php:526
-msgid "Warning: profile location has no profile photo."
-msgstr "Attention: l'emplacement du profil n'a pas de photo de profil."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:130 mod/dfrn_request.php:529
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d required parameter was not found at the given location"
-msgid_plural "%d required parameters were not found at the given location"
-msgstr[0] "%d paramètre requis n'a pas été trouvé à l'endroit indiqué"
-msgstr[1] "%d paramètres requis n'ont pas été trouvés à l'endroit indiqué"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:173
-msgid "Introduction complete."
-msgstr "Phase d'introduction achevée."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:215
-msgid "Unrecoverable protocol error."
-msgstr "Erreur de protocole non-récupérable."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:243
-msgid "Profile unavailable."
-msgstr "Profil indisponible."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:268
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s has received too many connection requests today."
-msgstr "%s a reçu trop de demandes d'introduction aujourd'hui."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:269
-msgid "Spam protection measures have been invoked."
-msgstr "Des mesures de protection contre le spam ont été déclenchées."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:270
-msgid "Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."
-msgstr "Les relations sont encouragées à attendre 24 heures pour recommencer."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:332
-msgid "Invalid locator"
-msgstr "Localisateur invalide"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:341
-msgid "Invalid email address."
-msgstr "Adresse courriel invalide."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:368
-msgid "This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."
-msgstr "Ce compte n'a pas été configuré pour les échanges de courriel. Requête avortée."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:464
-msgid "Unable to resolve your name at the provided location."
-msgstr "Impossible de résoudre votre nom à l'emplacement fourni."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:477
-msgid "You have already introduced yourself here."
-msgstr "Vous vous êtes déjà présenté ici."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:481
-#, php-format
-msgid "Apparently you are already friends with %s."
-msgstr "Il semblerait que vous soyez déjà ami avec %s."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:502
-msgid "Invalid profile URL."
-msgstr "URL de profil invalide."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:508 include/follow.php:72
-msgid "Disallowed profile URL."
-msgstr "URL de profil interdite."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:599
-msgid "Your introduction has been sent."
-msgstr "Votre introduction a été envoyée."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:652
-msgid "Please login to confirm introduction."
-msgstr "Connectez-vous pour confirmer l'introduction."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:662
-msgid ""
-"Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to "
-"this profile."
-msgstr "Identité incorrecte actuellement connectée. Merci de vous connecter à ce profil."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:676 mod/dfrn_request.php:693
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Confirmer"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:688
-msgid "Hide this contact"
-msgstr "Cacher ce contact"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:691
-#, php-format
-msgid "Welcome home %s."
-msgstr "Bienvenue chez vous, %s."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:692
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."
-msgstr "Merci de confirmer votre demande d'introduction auprès de %s."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:821
-msgid ""
-"Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported "
-"communications networks:"
-msgstr "Merci d'entrer votre \"adresse d'identité\" de l'un des réseaux de communication suivant:"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:842
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and "
-"join us today ."
-msgstr "Si vous n’êtes pas encore membre du web social libre, suivez ce lien pour trouver un site Friendica ouvert au public et nous rejoindre dès aujourd’hui ."
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:847
-msgid "Friend/Connection Request"
-msgstr "Requête de relation/amitié"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:848
-msgid ""
-"Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, "
-msgstr "Exemples : jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:856 include/contact_selectors.php:76
-msgid "Friendica"
-msgstr "Friendica"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:857
-msgid "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
-msgstr "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
-#: mod/dfrn_request.php:859
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search"
-" bar."
-msgstr " - merci de ne pas utiliser ce formulaire. Entrez plutôt %s dans votre barre de recherche Diaspora."
-#: mod/register.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."
-msgstr "Inscription réussie. Vérifiez vos emails pour la suite des instructions."
-#: mod/register.php:97
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Failed to send email message. Here your accout details: login: %s "
-"password: %s You can change your password after login."
-msgstr "Impossible d’envoyer le courriel de confirmation. Voici vos informations de connexion: identifiant : %s mot de passe : %s Vous pourrez changer votre mot de passe une fois connecté."
-#: mod/register.php:104
-msgid "Registration successful."
-msgstr "Inscription réussie."
-#: mod/register.php:110
-msgid "Your registration can not be processed."
-msgstr "Votre inscription ne peut être traitée."
-#: mod/register.php:153
-msgid "Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."
-msgstr "Votre inscription attend une validation du propriétaire du site."
-#: mod/register.php:191 mod/uimport.php:50
-msgid ""
-"This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. "
-"Please try again tomorrow."
-msgstr "Le nombre d'inscriptions quotidiennes pour ce site a été dépassé. Merci de réessayer demain."
-#: mod/register.php:219
-msgid ""
-"You may (optionally) fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID "
-"and clicking 'Register'."
-msgstr "Vous pouvez (si vous le souhaitez) remplir ce formulaire via OpenID. Fournissez votre OpenID et cliquez \"S'inscrire\"."
-#: mod/register.php:220
-msgid ""
-"If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill "
-"in the rest of the items."
-msgstr "Si vous n'êtes pas familier avec OpenID, laissez ce champ vide et remplissez le reste."
-#: mod/register.php:221
-msgid "Your OpenID (optional): "
-msgstr "Votre OpenID (facultatif): "
-#: mod/register.php:235
-msgid "Include your profile in member directory?"
-msgstr "Inclure votre profil dans l'annuaire des membres?"
-#: mod/register.php:259
-msgid "Membership on this site is by invitation only."
-msgstr "L'inscription à ce site se fait uniquement sur invitation."
-#: mod/register.php:260
-msgid "Your invitation ID: "
-msgstr "Votre ID d'invitation: "
-#: mod/register.php:271
-msgid "Your Full Name (e.g. Joe Smith, real or real-looking): "
-msgstr "Votre nom complet (p. ex. Michel Dupont):"
-#: mod/register.php:272
-msgid "Your Email Address: "
-msgstr "Votre adresse courriel: "
-#: mod/register.php:274
-msgid "Leave empty for an auto generated password."
-msgstr "Laisser ce champ libre pour obtenir un mot de passe généré automatiquement."
-#: mod/register.php:276
-msgid ""
-"Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your "
-"profile address on this site will then be "
-"'nickname@$sitename '."
-msgstr "Choisissez un pseudo. Celui devra commencer par une lettre. L'adresse de votre profil en découlera sous la forme '<strong>pseudo@$sitename</strong>'."
-#: mod/register.php:277
-msgid "Choose a nickname: "
-msgstr "Choisir un pseudo: "
-#: mod/register.php:280 boot.php:1271 include/nav.php:108
-msgid "Register"
-msgstr "S'inscrire"
-#: mod/register.php:286 mod/uimport.php:64
-msgid "Import"
-msgstr "Importer"
-#: mod/register.php:287
-msgid "Import your profile to this friendica instance"
-msgstr "Importer votre profile dans cette instance de friendica"
-#: mod/maintenance.php:5
-msgid "System down for maintenance"
-msgstr "Système indisponible pour cause de maintenance"
-#: mod/search.php:100
-msgid "Only logged in users are permitted to perform a search."
-msgstr "Seuls les utilisateurs inscrits sont autorisés à lancer une recherche."
-#: mod/search.php:124
-msgid "Too Many Requests"
-msgstr "Trop de requêtes"
-#: mod/search.php:125
-msgid "Only one search per minute is permitted for not logged in users."
-msgstr "Une seule recherche par minute pour les utilisateurs qui ne sont pas connectés."
-#: mod/search.php:136 include/text.php:1003 include/nav.php:118
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Recherche"
-#: mod/search.php:234
-#, php-format
-msgid "Items tagged with: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/search.php:236
-#, php-format
-msgid "Search results for: %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/directory.php:149 include/identity.php:309 include/identity.php:609
-msgid "Status:"
-msgstr "Statut:"
-#: mod/directory.php:151 include/identity.php:311 include/identity.php:620
-msgid "Homepage:"
-msgstr "Page personnelle:"
-#: mod/directory.php:203 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:525
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:205
-msgid "Global Directory"
-msgstr "Annuaire global"
-#: mod/directory.php:205
-msgid "Find on this site"
-msgstr "Trouver sur ce site"
-#: mod/directory.php:207
-msgid "Finding:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/directory.php:209
-msgid "Site Directory"
-msgstr "Annuaire local"
-#: mod/directory.php:216
-msgid "No entries (some entries may be hidden)."
-msgstr "Aucune entrée (certaines peuvent être cachées)."
-#: mod/delegate.php:101
-msgid "No potential page delegates located."
-msgstr "Pas de délégataire potentiel."
-#: mod/delegate.php:130 include/nav.php:180
-msgid "Delegate Page Management"
-msgstr "Déléguer la gestion de la page"
-#: mod/delegate.php:132
-msgid ""
-"Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for "
-"basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to "
-"anybody that you do not trust completely."
-msgstr "Les délégataires seront capables de gérer tous les aspects de ce compte ou de cette page, à l'exception des réglages de compte. Merci de ne pas déléguer votre compte principal à quelqu'un en qui vous n'avez pas une confiance absolue."
-#: mod/delegate.php:133
-msgid "Existing Page Managers"
-msgstr "Gestionnaires existants"
-#: mod/delegate.php:135
-msgid "Existing Page Delegates"
-msgstr "Délégataires existants"
-#: mod/delegate.php:137
-msgid "Potential Delegates"
-msgstr "Délégataires potentiels"
-#: mod/delegate.php:140
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Ajouter"
-#: mod/delegate.php:141
-msgid "No entries."
-msgstr "Aucune entrée."
-#: mod/common.php:86
-msgid "No contacts in common."
-msgstr "Pas de contacts en commun."
-#: mod/uexport.php:77
-msgid "Export account"
-msgstr "Exporter le compte"
-#: mod/uexport.php:77
-msgid ""
-"Export your account info and contacts. Use this to make a backup of your "
-"account and/or to move it to another server."
-msgstr "Exportez votre compte, vos infos et vos contacts. Vous pourrez utiliser le résultat comme sauvegarde et/ou pour le ré-importer sur un autre serveur."
-#: mod/uexport.php:78
-msgid "Export all"
-msgstr "Tout exporter"
-#: mod/uexport.php:78
-msgid ""
-"Export your accout info, contacts and all your items as json. Could be a "
-"very big file, and could take a lot of time. Use this to make a full backup "
-"of your account (photos are not exported)"
-msgstr "Exportez votre compte, vos infos, vos contacts et toutes vos publications (en JSON). Le fichier résultant peut être extrêmement volumineux, et sa production peut durer longtemps. Vous pourrez l'utiliser pour faire une sauvegarde complète (à part les photos)."
-#: mod/mood.php:62 include/conversation.php:239
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is currently %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s est d'humeur %2$s"
-#: mod/mood.php:133
-msgid "Mood"
-msgstr "Humeur"
-#: mod/mood.php:134
-msgid "Set your current mood and tell your friends"
-msgstr "Spécifiez votre humeur du moment, et informez vos amis"
-#: mod/suggest.php:27
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette suggestion ?"
-#: mod/suggest.php:71
-msgid ""
-"No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 "
-msgstr "Aucune suggestion. Si ce site est récent, merci de recommencer dans 24h."
-#: mod/suggest.php:83 mod/suggest.php:101
-msgid "Ignore/Hide"
-msgstr "Ignorer/cacher"
-#: mod/suggest.php:111 include/contact_widgets.php:35
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:527 view/theme/vier/theme.php:207
-msgid "Friend Suggestions"
-msgstr "Suggestions d'amitiés/contacts"
-#: mod/profiles.php:37
-msgid "Profile deleted."
-msgstr "Profil supprimé."
-#: mod/profiles.php:55 mod/profiles.php:89
-msgid "Profile-"
-msgstr "Profil-"
-#: mod/profiles.php:74 mod/profiles.php:117
-msgid "New profile created."
-msgstr "Nouveau profil créé."
-#: mod/profiles.php:95
-msgid "Profile unavailable to clone."
-msgstr "Ce profil ne peut être cloné."
-#: mod/profiles.php:189
-msgid "Profile Name is required."
-msgstr "Le nom du profil est requis."
-#: mod/profiles.php:336
-msgid "Marital Status"
-msgstr "Statut marital"
-#: mod/profiles.php:340
-msgid "Romantic Partner"
-msgstr "Partenaire / conjoint"
-#: mod/profiles.php:344 mod/photos.php:1647 include/conversation.php:508
-msgid "Likes"
-msgstr "Derniers \"J'aime\""
-#: mod/profiles.php:348 mod/photos.php:1647 include/conversation.php:508
-msgid "Dislikes"
-msgstr "Derniers \"Je n'aime pas\""
-#: mod/profiles.php:352
-msgid "Work/Employment"
-msgstr "Travail / Occupation"
-#: mod/profiles.php:355
-msgid "Religion"
-msgstr "Religion"
-#: mod/profiles.php:359
-msgid "Political Views"
-msgstr "Tendance politique"
-#: mod/profiles.php:363
-msgid "Gender"
-msgstr "Sexe"
-#: mod/profiles.php:367
-msgid "Sexual Preference"
-msgstr "Préférence sexuelle"
-#: mod/profiles.php:371
-msgid "Homepage"
-msgstr "Site internet"
-#: mod/profiles.php:375 mod/profiles.php:708
-msgid "Interests"
-msgstr "Centres d'intérêt"
-#: mod/profiles.php:379
-msgid "Address"
-msgstr "Adresse"
-#: mod/profiles.php:386 mod/profiles.php:704
-msgid "Location"
-msgstr "Localisation"
-#: mod/profiles.php:469
-msgid "Profile updated."
-msgstr "Profil mis à jour."
-#: mod/profiles.php:565
-msgid " and "
-msgstr " et "
-#: mod/profiles.php:573
-msgid "public profile"
-msgstr "profil public"
-#: mod/profiles.php:576
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s changed %2$s to “%3$s”"
-msgstr "%1$s a changé %2$s en “%3$s”"
-#: mod/profiles.php:577
-#, php-format
-msgid " - Visit %1$s's %2$s"
-msgstr "Visiter le %2$s de %1$s"
-#: mod/profiles.php:580
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s has an updated %2$s, changing %3$s."
-msgstr "%1$s a mis à jour son %2$s, en modifiant %3$s."
-#: mod/profiles.php:655
-msgid "Hide contacts and friends:"
-msgstr "Cacher mes contacts et amis :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:660
-msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"
-msgstr "Cacher ma liste d'amis / contacts des visiteurs de ce profil ?"
-#: mod/profiles.php:684
-msgid "Show more profile fields:"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/profiles.php:695
-msgid "Edit Profile Details"
-msgstr "Éditer les détails du profil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:697
-msgid "Change Profile Photo"
-msgstr "Changer la photo du profil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:698
-msgid "View this profile"
-msgstr "Voir ce profil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:699
-msgid "Create a new profile using these settings"
-msgstr "Créer un nouveau profil en utilisant ces réglages"
-#: mod/profiles.php:700
-msgid "Clone this profile"
-msgstr "Cloner ce profil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:701
-msgid "Delete this profile"
-msgstr "Supprimer ce profil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:702
-msgid "Basic information"
-msgstr "Information de base"
-#: mod/profiles.php:703
-msgid "Profile picture"
-msgstr "Image de profil"
-#: mod/profiles.php:705
-msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Préférences"
-#: mod/profiles.php:706
-msgid "Status information"
-msgstr "Information sur le statut"
-#: mod/profiles.php:707
-msgid "Additional information"
-msgstr "Information additionnelle"
-#: mod/profiles.php:710
-msgid "Profile Name:"
-msgstr "Nom du profil :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:711
-msgid "Your Full Name:"
-msgstr "Votre nom complet :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:712
-msgid "Title/Description:"
-msgstr "Titre / Description :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:713
-msgid "Your Gender:"
-msgstr "Votre genre :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:714
-msgid "Birthday :"
-msgstr "Anniversaire :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:715
-msgid "Street Address:"
-msgstr "Adresse postale :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:716
-msgid "Locality/City:"
-msgstr "Ville / Localité :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:717
-msgid "Postal/Zip Code:"
-msgstr "Code postal :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:718
-msgid "Country:"
-msgstr "Pays :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:719
-msgid "Region/State:"
-msgstr "Région / État :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:720
-msgid "♥ Marital Status:"
-msgstr "♥ Statut marital :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:721
-msgid "Who: (if applicable)"
-msgstr "Qui : (si pertinent)"
-#: mod/profiles.php:722
-msgid "Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
-msgstr "Exemples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
-#: mod/profiles.php:723
-msgid "Since [date]:"
-msgstr "Depuis [date] :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:724 include/identity.php:618
-msgid "Sexual Preference:"
-msgstr "Préférence sexuelle:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:725
-msgid "Homepage URL:"
-msgstr "Page personnelle :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:726 include/identity.php:622
-msgid "Hometown:"
-msgstr " Ville d'origine:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:727 include/identity.php:626
-msgid "Political Views:"
-msgstr "Opinions politiques:"
-#: mod/profiles.php:728
-msgid "Religious Views:"
-msgstr "Opinions religieuses :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:729
-msgid "Public Keywords:"
-msgstr "Mots-clés publics :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:730
-msgid "Private Keywords:"
-msgstr "Mots-clés privés :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:731 include/identity.php:634
-msgid "Likes:"
-msgstr "J'aime :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:732 include/identity.php:636
-msgid "Dislikes:"
-msgstr "Je n'aime pas :"
-#: mod/profiles.php:733
-msgid "Example: fishing photography software"
-msgstr "Exemple : football dessin programmation"
-#: mod/profiles.php:734
-msgid "(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"
-msgstr "(Utilisés pour vous suggérer des amis potentiels, peuvent être vus par autrui)"
-#: mod/profiles.php:735
-msgid "(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"
-msgstr "(Utilisés pour rechercher dans les profils, ne seront jamais montrés à autrui)"
-#: mod/profiles.php:736
-msgid "Tell us about yourself..."
-msgstr "Parlez-nous de vous..."
-#: mod/profiles.php:737
-msgid "Hobbies/Interests"
-msgstr "Passe-temps / Centres d'intérêt"
-#: mod/profiles.php:738
-msgid "Contact information and Social Networks"
-msgstr "Coordonnées / Réseaux sociaux"
-#: mod/profiles.php:739
-msgid "Musical interests"
-msgstr "Goûts musicaux"
-#: mod/profiles.php:740
-msgid "Books, literature"
-msgstr "Lectures"
-#: mod/profiles.php:741
-msgid "Television"
-msgstr "Télévision"
-#: mod/profiles.php:742
-msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment"
-msgstr "Cinéma / Danse / Culture / Divertissement"
-#: mod/profiles.php:743
-msgid "Love/romance"
-msgstr "Amour / Romance"
-#: mod/profiles.php:744
-msgid "Work/employment"
-msgstr "Activité professionnelle / Occupation"
-#: mod/profiles.php:745
-msgid "School/education"
-msgstr "Études / Formation"
-#: mod/profiles.php:750
-msgid ""
-"This is your public profile. It may "
-"be visible to anybody using the internet."
-msgstr "Ceci est votre profil public . Il peut être visible par n'importe quel utilisateur d'Internet."
-#: mod/profiles.php:760
+#: include/datetime.php:185 mod/profiles.php:721
msgid "Age: "
msgstr "Age : "
-#: mod/profiles.php:813
-msgid "Edit/Manage Profiles"
-msgstr "Editer / gérer les profils"
+#: include/datetime.php:187
+msgid "YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"
+msgstr "AAAA-MM-JJ ou MM-JJ"
-#: mod/profiles.php:814 include/identity.php:257 include/identity.php:283
-msgid "Change profile photo"
-msgstr "Changer de photo de profil"
+#: include/datetime.php:341
+msgid "never"
+msgstr "jamais"
-#: mod/profiles.php:815 include/identity.php:258
-msgid "Create New Profile"
-msgstr "Créer un nouveau profil"
+#: include/datetime.php:347
+msgid "less than a second ago"
+msgstr "il y a moins d'une seconde"
-#: mod/profiles.php:826 include/identity.php:268
-msgid "Profile Image"
-msgstr "Image du profil"
+#: include/datetime.php:357
+msgid "year"
+msgstr "an"
-#: mod/profiles.php:828 include/identity.php:271
-msgid "visible to everybody"
-msgstr "visible par tous"
+#: include/datetime.php:357
+msgid "years"
+msgstr "ans"
-#: mod/profiles.php:829 include/identity.php:272
-msgid "Edit visibility"
-msgstr "Changer la visibilité"
+#: include/datetime.php:358 include/event.php:480 mod/cal.php:287
+#: mod/events.php:389
+msgid "month"
+msgstr "mois"
-#: mod/editpost.php:17 mod/editpost.php:27
-msgid "Item not found"
-msgstr "Élément introuvable"
+#: include/datetime.php:358
+msgid "months"
+msgstr "mois"
-#: mod/editpost.php:40
-msgid "Edit post"
-msgstr "Éditer la publication"
+#: include/datetime.php:359 include/event.php:481 mod/cal.php:288
+#: mod/events.php:390
+msgid "week"
+msgstr "semaine"
-#: mod/editpost.php:111 include/conversation.php:1185
-msgid "upload photo"
-msgstr "envoi image"
+#: include/datetime.php:359
+msgid "weeks"
+msgstr "semaines"
-#: mod/editpost.php:112 include/conversation.php:1186
-msgid "Attach file"
-msgstr "Joindre fichier"
+#: include/datetime.php:360 include/event.php:482 mod/cal.php:289
+#: mod/events.php:391
+msgid "day"
+msgstr "jour"
-#: mod/editpost.php:113 include/conversation.php:1187
-msgid "attach file"
-msgstr "ajout fichier"
+#: include/datetime.php:360
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "jours"
-#: mod/editpost.php:115 include/conversation.php:1189
-msgid "web link"
-msgstr "lien web"
+#: include/datetime.php:361
+msgid "hour"
+msgstr "heure"
-#: mod/editpost.php:116 include/conversation.php:1190
-msgid "Insert video link"
-msgstr "Insérer un lien video"
+#: include/datetime.php:361
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr "heures"
-#: mod/editpost.php:117 include/conversation.php:1191
-msgid "video link"
-msgstr "lien vidéo"
+#: include/datetime.php:362
+msgid "minute"
+msgstr "minute"
-#: mod/editpost.php:118 include/conversation.php:1192
-msgid "Insert audio link"
-msgstr "Insérer un lien audio"
+#: include/datetime.php:362
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr "minutes"
-#: mod/editpost.php:119 include/conversation.php:1193
-msgid "audio link"
-msgstr "lien audio"
+#: include/datetime.php:363
+msgid "second"
+msgstr "seconde"
-#: mod/editpost.php:120 include/conversation.php:1194
-msgid "Set your location"
-msgstr "Définir votre localisation"
+#: include/datetime.php:363
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "secondes"
-#: mod/editpost.php:121 include/conversation.php:1195
-msgid "set location"
-msgstr "spéc. localisation"
-#: mod/editpost.php:122 include/conversation.php:1196
-msgid "Clear browser location"
-msgstr "Effacer la localisation du navigateur"
-#: mod/editpost.php:123 include/conversation.php:1197
-msgid "clear location"
-msgstr "supp. localisation"
-#: mod/editpost.php:125 include/conversation.php:1203
-msgid "Permission settings"
-msgstr "Réglages des permissions"
-#: mod/editpost.php:133 include/acl_selectors.php:344
-msgid "CC: email addresses"
-msgstr "CC: adresses de courriel"
-#: mod/editpost.php:134 include/conversation.php:1212
-msgid "Public post"
-msgstr "Publication publique"
-#: mod/editpost.php:137 include/conversation.php:1199
-msgid "Set title"
-msgstr "Définir un titre"
-#: mod/editpost.php:139 include/conversation.php:1201
-msgid "Categories (comma-separated list)"
-msgstr "Catégories (séparées par des virgules)"
-#: mod/editpost.php:140 include/acl_selectors.php:345
-msgid "Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"
-msgstr "Exemple: bob@exemple.com, mary@exemple.com"
-#: mod/friendica.php:59
-msgid "This is Friendica, version"
-msgstr "Motorisé par Friendica version"
-#: mod/friendica.php:60
-msgid "running at web location"
-msgstr "hébergé sur"
-#: mod/friendica.php:62
-msgid ""
-"Please visit Friendica.com to learn "
-"more about the Friendica project."
-msgstr "Merci de vous rendre sur Friendica.com si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur le projet Friendica."
-#: mod/friendica.php:64
-msgid "Bug reports and issues: please visit"
-msgstr "Pour les rapports de bugs: rendez vous sur"
-#: mod/friendica.php:64
-msgid "the bugtracker at github"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/friendica.php:65
-msgid ""
-"Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email \"Info\" at Friendica - "
-"dot com"
-msgstr "Suggestions, remerciements, donations, etc. - écrivez à \"Info\" arob. Friendica - point com"
-#: mod/friendica.php:79
-msgid "Installed plugins/addons/apps:"
-msgstr "Extensions/greffons/applications installées:"
-#: mod/friendica.php:92
-msgid "No installed plugins/addons/apps"
-msgstr "Extensions/greffons/applications non installées:"
-#: mod/api.php:76 mod/api.php:102
-msgid "Authorize application connection"
-msgstr "Autoriser l'application à se connecter"
-#: mod/api.php:77
-msgid "Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"
-msgstr "Retournez à votre application et saisissez ce Code de Sécurité : "
-#: mod/api.php:89
-msgid "Please login to continue."
-msgstr "Merci de vous connecter pour continuer."
-#: mod/api.php:104
-msgid ""
-"Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts,"
-" and/or create new posts for you?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous autoriser cette application à accéder à vos publications et contacts, et/ou à créer des billets à votre place?"
-#: mod/lockview.php:31 mod/lockview.php:39
-msgid "Remote privacy information not available."
-msgstr "Informations de confidentialité indisponibles."
-#: mod/lockview.php:48
-msgid "Visible to:"
-msgstr "Visible par:"
-#: mod/notes.php:46 include/identity.php:730
-msgid "Personal Notes"
-msgstr "Notes personnelles"
-#: mod/localtime.php:12 include/bb2diaspora.php:148 include/event.php:13
-msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
-msgstr "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
-#: mod/localtime.php:24
-msgid "Time Conversion"
-msgstr "Conversion temporelle"
-#: mod/localtime.php:26
-msgid ""
-"Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and "
-"friends in unknown timezones."
-msgstr "Friendica fournit ce service pour partager des événements avec d'autres réseaux et amis indépendament de leur fuseau horaire."
-#: mod/localtime.php:30
+#: include/datetime.php:372
#, php-format
-msgid "UTC time: %s"
-msgstr "Temps UTC : %s"
+msgid "%1$d %2$s ago"
+msgstr "%1$d %2$s auparavant"
-#: mod/localtime.php:33
+#: include/datetime.php:578
#, php-format
-msgid "Current timezone: %s"
-msgstr "Zone de temps courante : %s"
+msgid "%s's birthday"
+msgstr "Anniversaire de %s's"
-#: mod/localtime.php:36
+#: include/datetime.php:579 include/dfrn.php:1111
#, php-format
-msgid "Converted localtime: %s"
-msgstr "Temps local converti : %s"
-#: mod/localtime.php:41
-msgid "Please select your timezone:"
-msgstr "Sélectionner votre zone :"
-#: mod/poke.php:191
-msgid "Poke/Prod"
-msgstr "Solliciter"
-#: mod/poke.php:192
-msgid "poke, prod or do other things to somebody"
-msgstr "solliciter (poke/...) quelqu'un"
-#: mod/poke.php:193
-msgid "Recipient"
-msgstr "Destinataire"
-#: mod/poke.php:194
-msgid "Choose what you wish to do to recipient"
-msgstr "Choisissez ce que vous voulez faire au destinataire"
-#: mod/poke.php:197
-msgid "Make this post private"
-msgstr "Rendez ce message privé"
-#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:14
-msgid "Resubscribing to OStatus contacts"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:30
-msgid "Error"
-msgstr "Erreur"
-#: mod/invite.php:27
-msgid "Total invitation limit exceeded."
-msgstr "La limite d'invitation totale est éxédée."
-#: mod/invite.php:49
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s : Not a valid email address."
-msgstr "%s : Adresse de courriel invalide."
-#: mod/invite.php:73
-msgid "Please join us on Friendica"
-msgstr "Rejoignez-nous sur Friendica"
-#: mod/invite.php:84
-msgid "Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."
-msgstr "Limite d'invitation exédée. Veuillez contacter l'administrateur de votre site."
-#: mod/invite.php:89
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s : Message delivery failed."
-msgstr "%s : L'envoi du message a échoué."
-#: mod/invite.php:93
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d message sent."
-msgid_plural "%d messages sent."
-msgstr[0] "%d message envoyé."
-msgstr[1] "%d messages envoyés."
-#: mod/invite.php:112
-msgid "You have no more invitations available"
-msgstr "Vous n'avez plus d'invitations disponibles"
-#: mod/invite.php:120
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Visit %s for a list of public sites that you can join. Friendica members on "
-"other sites can all connect with each other, as well as with members of many"
-" other social networks."
-msgstr "Visitez %s pour une liste des sites publics que vous pouvez rejoindre. Les membres de Friendica appartenant à d'autres sites peuvent s'interconnecter, ainsi qu'avec les membres de plusieurs autres réseaux sociaux."
-#: mod/invite.php:122
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"To accept this invitation, please visit and register at %s or any other "
-"public Friendica website."
-msgstr "Pour accepter cette invitation, merci d'aller vous inscrire sur %s, ou n'importe quel autre site Friendica public."
-#: mod/invite.php:123
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Friendica sites all inter-connect to create a huge privacy-enhanced social "
-"web that is owned and controlled by its members. They can also connect with "
-"many traditional social networks. See %s for a list of alternate Friendica "
-"sites you can join."
-msgstr "Les sites Friendica sont tous interconnectés pour créer un immense réseau social respectueux de la vie privée, possédé et contrôllé par ses membres. Ils peuvent également interagir avec plusieurs réseaux sociaux traditionnels. Voir %s pour une liste d'autres sites Friendica que vous pourriez rejoindre."
-#: mod/invite.php:126
-msgid ""
-"Our apologies. This system is not currently configured to connect with other"
-" public sites or invite members."
-msgstr "Toutes nos excuses. Ce système n'est pas configuré pour se connecter à d'autres sites publics ou inviter de nouveaux membres."
-#: mod/invite.php:132
-msgid "Send invitations"
-msgstr "Envoyer des invitations"
-#: mod/invite.php:133
-msgid "Enter email addresses, one per line:"
-msgstr "Entrez les adresses email, une par ligne :"
-#: mod/invite.php:135
-msgid ""
-"You are cordially invited to join me and other close friends on Friendica - "
-"and help us to create a better social web."
-msgstr "Vous êtes cordialement invité à me rejoindre sur Friendica, et nous aider ainsi à créer un meilleur web social."
-#: mod/invite.php:137
-msgid "You will need to supply this invitation code: $invite_code"
-msgstr "Vous devrez fournir ce code d'invitation : $invite_code"
-#: mod/invite.php:137
-msgid ""
-"Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:"
-msgstr "Une fois inscrit, connectez-vous à la page de mon profil sur :"
-#: mod/invite.php:139
-msgid ""
-"For more information about the Friendica project and why we feel it is "
-"important, please visit http://friendica.com"
-msgstr "Pour plus d'information sur le projet Friendica, et pourquoi nous croyons qu'il est important, merci de visiter http://friendica.com"
-#: mod/photos.php:99 include/identity.php:705
-msgid "Photo Albums"
-msgstr "Albums photo"
-#: mod/photos.php:100 mod/photos.php:1899
-msgid "Recent Photos"
-msgstr "Photos récentes"
-#: mod/photos.php:103 mod/photos.php:1320 mod/photos.php:1901
-msgid "Upload New Photos"
-msgstr "Téléverser de nouvelles photos"
-#: mod/photos.php:181
-msgid "Contact information unavailable"
-msgstr "Informations de contact indisponibles"
-#: mod/photos.php:202
-msgid "Album not found."
-msgstr "Album introuvable."
-#: mod/photos.php:232 mod/photos.php:244 mod/photos.php:1262
-msgid "Delete Album"
-msgstr "Effacer l'album"
-#: mod/photos.php:242
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet album photo et toutes ses photos ?"
-#: mod/photos.php:322 mod/photos.php:333 mod/photos.php:1580
-msgid "Delete Photo"
-msgstr "Effacer la photo"
-#: mod/photos.php:331
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette photo ?"
-#: mod/photos.php:706
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s was tagged in %2$s by %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s a été étiqueté dans %2$s par %3$s"
-#: mod/photos.php:706
-msgid "a photo"
-msgstr "une photo"
-#: mod/photos.php:819
-msgid "Image file is empty."
-msgstr "Fichier image vide."
-#: mod/photos.php:986
-msgid "No photos selected"
-msgstr "Aucune photo sélectionnée"
-#: mod/photos.php:1147
-#, php-format
-msgid "You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."
-msgstr "Vous avez utilisé %1$.2f Mo sur %2$.2f d'espace de stockage pour les photos."
-#: mod/photos.php:1182
-msgid "Upload Photos"
-msgstr "Téléverser des photos"
-#: mod/photos.php:1186 mod/photos.php:1257
-msgid "New album name: "
-msgstr "Nom du nouvel album: "
-#: mod/photos.php:1187
-msgid "or existing album name: "
-msgstr "ou nom d'un album existant: "
-#: mod/photos.php:1188
-msgid "Do not show a status post for this upload"
-msgstr "Ne pas publier de notice de statut pour cet envoi"
-#: mod/photos.php:1190 mod/photos.php:1575 include/acl_selectors.php:347
-msgid "Permissions"
-msgstr "Permissions"
-#: mod/photos.php:1201
-msgid "Private Photo"
-msgstr "Photo privée"
-#: mod/photos.php:1202
-msgid "Public Photo"
-msgstr "Photo publique"
-#: mod/photos.php:1270
-msgid "Edit Album"
-msgstr "Éditer l'album"
-#: mod/photos.php:1276
-msgid "Show Newest First"
-msgstr "Plus récent d'abord"
-#: mod/photos.php:1278
-msgid "Show Oldest First"
-msgstr "Plus ancien d'abord"
-#: mod/photos.php:1306 mod/photos.php:1884
-msgid "View Photo"
-msgstr "Voir la photo"
-#: mod/photos.php:1353
-msgid "Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."
-msgstr "Interdit. L'accès à cet élément peut avoir été restreint."
-#: mod/photos.php:1355
-msgid "Photo not available"
-msgstr "Photo indisponible"
-#: mod/photos.php:1411
-msgid "View photo"
-msgstr "Voir photo"
-#: mod/photos.php:1411
-msgid "Edit photo"
-msgstr "Éditer la photo"
-#: mod/photos.php:1412
-msgid "Use as profile photo"
-msgstr "Utiliser comme photo de profil"
-#: mod/photos.php:1437
-msgid "View Full Size"
-msgstr "Voir en taille réelle"
-#: mod/photos.php:1523
-msgid "Tags: "
-msgstr "Étiquettes:"
-#: mod/photos.php:1526
-msgid "[Remove any tag]"
-msgstr "[Retirer toutes les étiquettes]"
-#: mod/photos.php:1566
-msgid "New album name"
-msgstr "Nom du nouvel album"
-#: mod/photos.php:1567
-msgid "Caption"
-msgstr "Titre"
-#: mod/photos.php:1568
-msgid "Add a Tag"
-msgstr "Ajouter une étiquette"
-#: mod/photos.php:1568
-msgid ""
-"Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"
-msgstr "Exemples: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #Californie, #vacances"
-#: mod/photos.php:1569
-msgid "Do not rotate"
-msgstr "Pas de rotation"
-#: mod/photos.php:1570
-msgid "Rotate CW (right)"
-msgstr "Tourner dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre (vers la droite)"
-#: mod/photos.php:1571
-msgid "Rotate CCW (left)"
-msgstr "Tourner dans le sens contraire des aiguilles d'une montre (vers la gauche)"
-#: mod/photos.php:1586
-msgid "Private photo"
-msgstr "Photo privée"
-#: mod/photos.php:1587
-msgid "Public photo"
-msgstr "Photo publique"
-#: mod/photos.php:1609 include/conversation.php:1183
-msgid "Share"
-msgstr "Partager"
-#: mod/photos.php:1648 include/conversation.php:509
-#: include/conversation.php:1414
-msgid "Attending"
-msgid_plural "Attending"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: mod/photos.php:1648 include/conversation.php:509
-msgid "Not attending"
-msgstr "Ne participe pas"
-#: mod/photos.php:1648 include/conversation.php:509
-msgid "Might attend"
-msgstr "Participera peut-être"
-#: mod/photos.php:1813
-msgid "Map"
-msgstr "Carte"
-#: mod/p.php:9
-msgid "Not Extended"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/regmod.php:55
-msgid "Account approved."
-msgstr "Inscription validée."
-#: mod/regmod.php:92
-#, php-format
-msgid "Registration revoked for %s"
-msgstr "Inscription révoquée pour %s"
-#: mod/regmod.php:104
-msgid "Please login."
-msgstr "Merci de vous connecter."
-#: mod/uimport.php:66
-msgid "Move account"
-msgstr "Migrer le compte"
-#: mod/uimport.php:67
-msgid "You can import an account from another Friendica server."
-msgstr "Vous pouvez importer un compte d'un autre serveur Friendica."
-#: mod/uimport.php:68
-msgid ""
-"You need to export your account from the old server and upload it here. We "
-"will recreate your old account here with all your contacts. We will try also"
-" to inform your friends that you moved here."
-msgstr "Vous devez exporter votre compte à partir de l'ancien serveur et le téléverser ici. Nous recréerons votre ancien compte ici avec tous vos contacts. Nous tenterons également d'informer vos amis que vous avez déménagé ici."
-#: mod/uimport.php:69
-msgid ""
-"This feature is experimental. We can't import contacts from the OStatus "
-"network (GNU Social/Statusnet) or from Diaspora"
-msgstr ""
-#: mod/uimport.php:70
-msgid "Account file"
-msgstr "Fichier du compte"
-#: mod/uimport.php:70
-msgid ""
-"To export your account, go to \"Settings->Export your personal data\" and "
-"select \"Export account\""
-msgstr "Pour exporter votre compte, allez dans \"Paramètres> Exporter vos données personnelles\" et sélectionnez \"exportation de compte\""
-#: mod/attach.php:8
-msgid "Item not available."
-msgstr "Elément non disponible."
-#: mod/attach.php:20
-msgid "Item was not found."
-msgstr "Element introuvable."
-#: boot.php:786
-msgid "Delete this item?"
-msgstr "Effacer cet élément?"
-#: boot.php:789
-msgid "show fewer"
-msgstr "montrer moins"
-#: boot.php:1163
-#, php-format
-msgid "Update %s failed. See error logs."
-msgstr "Mise-à-jour %s échouée. Voir les journaux d'erreur."
-#: boot.php:1270
-msgid "Create a New Account"
-msgstr "Créer un nouveau compte"
-#: boot.php:1295 include/nav.php:72
-msgid "Logout"
-msgstr "Se déconnecter"
-#: boot.php:1298
-msgid "Nickname or Email address: "
-msgstr "Pseudo ou courriel: "
-#: boot.php:1299
-msgid "Password: "
-msgstr "Mot de passe: "
-#: boot.php:1300
-msgid "Remember me"
-msgstr "Se souvenir de moi"
-#: boot.php:1303
-msgid "Or login using OpenID: "
-msgstr "Ou connectez-vous via OpenID: "
-#: boot.php:1309
-msgid "Forgot your password?"
-msgstr "Mot de passe oublié?"
-#: boot.php:1312
-msgid "Website Terms of Service"
-msgstr "Conditions d'utilisation du site internet"
-#: boot.php:1313
-msgid "terms of service"
-msgstr "conditions d'utilisation"
-#: boot.php:1315
-msgid "Website Privacy Policy"
-msgstr "Politique de confidentialité du site internet"
-#: boot.php:1316
-msgid "privacy policy"
-msgstr "politique de confidentialité"
-#: object/Item.php:95
-msgid "This entry was edited"
-msgstr "Cette entrée à été édité"
-#: object/Item.php:191
-msgid "I will attend"
-msgstr "Je vais participer"
-#: object/Item.php:191
-msgid "I will not attend"
-msgstr "Je ne vais pas participer"
-#: object/Item.php:191
-msgid "I might attend"
-msgstr "Je vais peut-être participer"
-#: object/Item.php:230
-msgid "ignore thread"
-msgstr "ignorer le fil"
-#: object/Item.php:231
-msgid "unignore thread"
-msgstr "Ne plus ignorer le fil"
-#: object/Item.php:232
-msgid "toggle ignore status"
-msgstr "Ignorer le statut"
-#: object/Item.php:345 include/conversation.php:687
-msgid "Categories:"
-msgstr "Catégories:"
-#: object/Item.php:346 include/conversation.php:688
-msgid "Filed under:"
-msgstr "Rangé sous:"
-#: object/Item.php:360
-msgid "via"
-msgstr "via"
-#: include/dbstructure.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n"
-"\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n"
-"\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n"
-"\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."
-msgstr "\nLes développeurs de Friendica ont récemment publié la mise à jour %s, mais en tentant de l’installer, quelque chose s’est terriblement mal passé. Une réparation s’impose et je ne peux pas la faire tout seul. Contactez un développeur Friendica si vous ne pouvez pas corriger le problème vous-même. Il est possible que ma base de données soit corrompue."
-#: include/dbstructure.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The error message is\n"
-msgstr "Le message d’erreur est\n[pre]%s[/pre]"
-#: include/dbstructure.php:151
-msgid "Errors encountered creating database tables."
-msgstr "Des erreurs ont été signalées lors de la création des tables."
-#: include/dbstructure.php:209
-msgid "Errors encountered performing database changes."
-msgstr "Des erreurs sont survenues lors de la mise à jour de la base de données."
-#: include/auth.php:38
-msgid "Logged out."
-msgstr "Déconnecté."
-#: include/auth.php:128 include/user.php:75
-msgid ""
-"We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. "
-"Please check the correct spelling of the ID."
-msgstr "Nous avons eu un souci avec l'OpenID que vous avez fourni. merci de vérifier l'orthographe correcte de ce dernier."
-#: include/auth.php:128 include/user.php:75
-msgid "The error message was:"
-msgstr "Le message d'erreur était :"
+msgid "Happy Birthday %s"
+msgstr "Joyeux anniversaire, %s !"
#: include/contact_widgets.php:6
msgid "Add New Contact"
@@ -6296,6 +142,11 @@ msgstr "Entrez son adresse ou sa localisation web"
msgid "Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"
msgstr "Exemple: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:10 include/identity.php:212 mod/match.php:87
+#: mod/allfriends.php:82 mod/suggest.php:101 mod/dirfind.php:201
+msgid "Connect"
+msgstr "Relier"
#: include/contact_widgets.php:24
#, php-format
msgid "%d invitation available"
@@ -6311,12 +162,28 @@ msgstr "Trouver des personnes"
msgid "Enter name or interest"
msgstr "Entrez un nom ou un centre d'intérêt"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:32 include/Contact.php:324
+#: include/conversation.php:976 mod/match.php:72 mod/allfriends.php:66
+#: mod/follow.php:103 mod/suggest.php:83 mod/contacts.php:602
+#: mod/dirfind.php:204
+msgid "Connect/Follow"
+msgstr "Connecter/Suivre"
#: include/contact_widgets.php:33
msgid "Examples: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing"
msgstr "Exemples: Robert Morgenstein, Pêche"
-#: include/contact_widgets.php:36 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:526
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:206
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:34 mod/directory.php:212 mod/contacts.php:796
+msgid "Find"
+msgstr "Trouver"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:35 mod/suggest.php:114
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:203 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:527
+msgid "Friend Suggestions"
+msgstr "Suggestions d'amitiés/contacts"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:36 view/theme/vier/theme.php:202
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:526
msgid "Similar Interests"
msgstr "Intérêts similaires"
@@ -6324,8 +191,8 @@ msgstr "Intérêts similaires"
msgid "Random Profile"
msgstr "Profil au hasard"
-#: include/contact_widgets.php:38 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:528
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:208
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:38 view/theme/vier/theme.php:204
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:528
msgid "Invite Friends"
msgstr "Inviter des amis"
@@ -6337,7 +204,7 @@ msgstr "Réseaux"
msgid "All Networks"
msgstr "Tous réseaux"
-#: include/contact_widgets.php:141 include/features.php:97
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:141 include/features.php:103
msgid "Saved Folders"
msgstr "Dossiers sauvegardés"
@@ -6356,553 +223,317 @@ msgid_plural "%d contacts in common"
msgstr[0] "%d contact en commun"
msgstr[1] "%d contacts en commun"
-#: include/features.php:58
-msgid "General Features"
-msgstr "Fonctions générales"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:242 include/ForumManager.php:119
+#: include/items.php:2122 mod/content.php:624 object/Item.php:432
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:260 boot.php:904
+msgid "show more"
+msgstr "montrer plus"
-#: include/features.php:60
-msgid "Multiple Profiles"
-msgstr "Profils multiples"
+#: include/enotify.php:24
+msgid "Friendica Notification"
+msgstr "Notification Friendica"
-#: include/features.php:60
-msgid "Ability to create multiple profiles"
-msgstr "Possibilité de créer plusieurs profils"
+#: include/enotify.php:27
+msgid "Thank You,"
+msgstr "Merci, "
-#: include/features.php:61
-msgid "Photo Location"
-msgstr "Lieu de prise de la photo"
-#: include/features.php:61
-msgid ""
-"Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present)"
-" prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:66
-msgid "Post Composition Features"
-msgstr "Caractéristiques de composition de publication"
-#: include/features.php:67
-msgid "Richtext Editor"
-msgstr "Éditeur de texte enrichi"
-#: include/features.php:67
-msgid "Enable richtext editor"
-msgstr "Activer l'éditeur de texte enrichi"
-#: include/features.php:68
-msgid "Post Preview"
-msgstr "Aperçu de la publication"
-#: include/features.php:68
-msgid "Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"
-msgstr "Permet la prévisualisation des publications et commentaires avant de les publier"
-#: include/features.php:69
-msgid "Auto-mention Forums"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:69
-msgid ""
-"Add/remove mention when a fourm page is selected/deselected in ACL window."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:74
-msgid "Network Sidebar Widgets"
-msgstr "Widgets réseau pour barre latérale"
-#: include/features.php:75
-msgid "Search by Date"
-msgstr "Rechercher par Date"
-#: include/features.php:75
-msgid "Ability to select posts by date ranges"
-msgstr "Capacité de sélectionner les publications par intervalles de dates"
-#: include/features.php:76 include/features.php:106
-msgid "List Forums"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:76
-msgid "Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:77
-msgid "Group Filter"
-msgstr "Filtre de groupe"
-#: include/features.php:77
-msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"
-msgstr "Activer le widget d’affichage des publications du réseau seulement pour le groupe sélectionné"
-#: include/features.php:78
-msgid "Network Filter"
-msgstr "Filtre de réseau"
-#: include/features.php:78
-msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"
-msgstr "Activer le widget d’affichage des publications du réseau seulement pour le réseau sélectionné"
-#: include/features.php:79
-msgid "Save search terms for re-use"
-msgstr "Sauvegarder la recherche pour une utilisation ultérieure"
-#: include/features.php:84
-msgid "Network Tabs"
-msgstr "Onglets Réseau"
-#: include/features.php:85
-msgid "Network Personal Tab"
-msgstr "Onglet Réseau Personnel"
-#: include/features.php:85
-msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"
-msgstr "Activer l'onglet pour afficher seulement les publications du réseau où vous avez interagit"
-#: include/features.php:86
-msgid "Network New Tab"
-msgstr "Nouvel onglet réseaux"
-#: include/features.php:86
-msgid "Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"
-msgstr "Activer l'onglet pour afficher seulement les publications du réseau (dans les 12 dernières heures)"
-#: include/features.php:87
-msgid "Network Shared Links Tab"
-msgstr "Onglet réseau partagé"
-#: include/features.php:87
-msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"
-msgstr "Activer l'onglet pour afficher seulement les publications du réseau contenant des liens"
-#: include/features.php:92
-msgid "Post/Comment Tools"
-msgstr "outils de publication/commentaire"
-#: include/features.php:93
-msgid "Multiple Deletion"
-msgstr "Suppression multiple"
-#: include/features.php:93
-msgid "Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"
-msgstr "Sélectionner et supprimer plusieurs publications/commentaires à la fois"
-#: include/features.php:94
-msgid "Edit Sent Posts"
-msgstr "Éditer les publications envoyées"
-#: include/features.php:94
-msgid "Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"
-msgstr "Éditer et corriger les publications et commentaires après l'envoi"
-#: include/features.php:95
-msgid "Tagging"
-msgstr "Étiquettage"
-#: include/features.php:95
-msgid "Ability to tag existing posts"
-msgstr "Possibilité d'étiqueter les publications existantes"
-#: include/features.php:96
-msgid "Post Categories"
-msgstr "Catégories des publications"
-#: include/features.php:96
-msgid "Add categories to your posts"
-msgstr "Ajouter des catégories à vos publications"
-#: include/features.php:97
-msgid "Ability to file posts under folders"
-msgstr "Possibilité d'afficher les publications sous les répertoires"
-#: include/features.php:98
-msgid "Dislike Posts"
-msgstr "Publications non aimées"
-#: include/features.php:98
-msgid "Ability to dislike posts/comments"
-msgstr "Possibilité de ne pas aimer les publications/commentaires"
-#: include/features.php:99
-msgid "Star Posts"
-msgstr "Publications spéciales"
-#: include/features.php:99
-msgid "Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"
-msgstr "Possibilité de marquer les publications spéciales d'une étoile"
-#: include/features.php:100
-msgid "Mute Post Notifications"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:100
-msgid "Ability to mute notifications for a thread"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:105
-msgid "Advanced Profile Settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/features.php:106
-msgid "Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/follow.php:77
-msgid "Connect URL missing."
-msgstr "URL de connexion manquante."
-#: include/follow.php:104
-msgid ""
-"This site is not configured to allow communications with other networks."
-msgstr "Ce site n'est pas configuré pour dialoguer avec d'autres réseaux."
-#: include/follow.php:105 include/follow.php:125
-msgid "No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered."
-msgstr "Aucun protocole de communication ni aucun flux n'a pu être découvert."
-#: include/follow.php:123
-msgid "The profile address specified does not provide adequate information."
-msgstr "L'adresse de profil indiquée ne fournit par les informations adéquates."
-#: include/follow.php:127
-msgid "An author or name was not found."
-msgstr "Aucun auteur ou nom d'auteur n'a pu être trouvé."
-#: include/follow.php:129
-msgid "No browser URL could be matched to this address."
-msgstr "Aucune URL de navigation ne correspond à cette adresse."
-#: include/follow.php:131
-msgid ""
-"Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email "
-msgstr "Impossible de faire correspondre l'adresse d'identité en \"@\" avec un protocole connu ou un contact courriel."
-#: include/follow.php:132
-msgid "Use mailto: in front of address to force email check."
-msgstr "Utilisez mailto: en face d'une adresse pour l'obliger à être reconnue comme courriel."
-#: include/follow.php:138
-msgid ""
-"The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled "
-"on this site."
-msgstr "L'adresse de profil spécifiée correspond à un réseau qui a été désactivé sur ce site."
-#: include/follow.php:148
-msgid ""
-"Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal "
-"notifications from you."
-msgstr "Profil limité. Cette personne ne sera pas capable de recevoir des notifications directes/personnelles de votre part."
-#: include/follow.php:249
-msgid "Unable to retrieve contact information."
-msgstr "Impossible de récupérer les informations du contact."
-#: include/follow.php:302
-msgid "following"
-msgstr "following"
-#: include/group.php:25
-msgid ""
-"A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions "
-"may apply to this group and any future members. If this is "
-"not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."
-msgstr "Un groupe supprimé a été recréé. Les permissions existantes pourraient s'appliquer à ce groupe et aux futurs membres. Si ce n'est pas le comportement attendu, merci de re-créer un autre groupe sous un autre nom."
-#: include/group.php:209
-msgid "Default privacy group for new contacts"
-msgstr "Paramètres de confidentialité par défaut pour les nouveaux contacts"
-#: include/group.php:239
-msgid "Everybody"
-msgstr "Tout le monde"
-#: include/group.php:262
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "éditer"
-#: include/group.php:285
-msgid "Edit groups"
-msgstr "Modifier les groupes"
-#: include/group.php:287
-msgid "Edit group"
-msgstr "Editer groupe"
-#: include/group.php:288
-msgid "Create a new group"
-msgstr "Créer un nouveau groupe"
-#: include/group.php:291
-msgid "Contacts not in any group"
-msgstr "Contacts n'appartenant à aucun groupe"
-#: include/datetime.php:43 include/datetime.php:45
-msgid "Miscellaneous"
-msgstr "Divers"
-#: include/datetime.php:141
-msgid "YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"
-msgstr "AAAA-MM-JJ ou MM-JJ"
-#: include/datetime.php:271
-msgid "never"
-msgstr "jamais"
-#: include/datetime.php:277
-msgid "less than a second ago"
-msgstr "il y a moins d'une seconde"
-#: include/datetime.php:287
-msgid "year"
-msgstr "an"
-#: include/datetime.php:287
-msgid "years"
-msgstr "ans"
-#: include/datetime.php:288
-msgid "months"
-msgstr "mois"
-#: include/datetime.php:289
-msgid "weeks"
-msgstr "semaines"
-#: include/datetime.php:290
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "jours"
-#: include/datetime.php:291
-msgid "hour"
-msgstr "heure"
-#: include/datetime.php:291
-msgid "hours"
-msgstr "heures"
-#: include/datetime.php:292
-msgid "minute"
-msgstr "minute"
-#: include/datetime.php:292
-msgid "minutes"
-msgstr "minutes"
-#: include/datetime.php:293
-msgid "second"
-msgstr "seconde"
-#: include/datetime.php:293
-msgid "seconds"
-msgstr "secondes"
-#: include/datetime.php:302
+#: include/enotify.php:30
#, php-format
-msgid "%1$d %2$s ago"
-msgstr "%1$d %2$s auparavant"
+msgid "%s Administrator"
+msgstr "L'administrateur de %s"
-#: include/datetime.php:474 include/items.php:2473
+#: include/enotify.php:32
#, php-format
-msgid "%s's birthday"
-msgstr "Anniversaire de %s's"
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s Administrator"
+msgstr "%1$s,, l'administrateur de %2$s"
-#: include/datetime.php:475 include/items.php:2474
+#: include/enotify.php:43 include/delivery.php:450
+msgid "noreply"
+msgstr "noreply"
+#: include/enotify.php:70
#, php-format
-msgid "Happy Birthday %s"
-msgstr "Joyeux anniversaire, %s !"
+msgid "%s "
+msgstr "%s "
-#: include/identity.php:44
-msgid "Requested account is not available."
-msgstr "Le compte demandé n'est pas disponible."
-#: include/identity.php:97 include/identity.php:281 include/identity.php:661
-msgid "Edit profile"
-msgstr "Editer le profil"
-#: include/identity.php:241
-msgid "Atom feed"
-msgstr "Flux Atom"
-#: include/identity.php:246
-msgid "Message"
-msgstr "Message"
-#: include/identity.php:252 include/nav.php:185
-msgid "Profiles"
-msgstr "Profils"
-#: include/identity.php:252
-msgid "Manage/edit profiles"
-msgstr "Gérer/éditer les profils"
-#: include/identity.php:421 include/identity.php:507
-msgid "g A l F d"
-msgstr "g A | F d"
-#: include/identity.php:422 include/identity.php:508
-msgid "F d"
-msgstr "F d"
-#: include/identity.php:467 include/identity.php:554
-msgid "[today]"
-msgstr "[aujourd'hui]"
-#: include/identity.php:479
-msgid "Birthday Reminders"
-msgstr "Rappels d'anniversaires"
-#: include/identity.php:480
-msgid "Birthdays this week:"
-msgstr "Anniversaires cette semaine:"
-#: include/identity.php:541
-msgid "[No description]"
-msgstr "[Sans description]"
-#: include/identity.php:565
-msgid "Event Reminders"
-msgstr "Rappels d'événements"
-#: include/identity.php:566
-msgid "Events this week:"
-msgstr "Evénements cette semaine :"
-#: include/identity.php:594
-msgid "j F, Y"
-msgstr "j F, Y"
-#: include/identity.php:595
-msgid "j F"
-msgstr "j F"
-#: include/identity.php:602
-msgid "Birthday:"
-msgstr "Anniversaire:"
-#: include/identity.php:606
-msgid "Age:"
-msgstr "Age:"
-#: include/identity.php:615
+#: include/enotify.php:83
#, php-format
-msgid "for %1$d %2$s"
-msgstr "depuis %1$d %2$s"
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] New mail received at %s"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] Nouveau courriel reçu sur %s"
-#: include/identity.php:628
-msgid "Religion:"
-msgstr "Religion:"
-#: include/identity.php:632
-msgid "Hobbies/Interests:"
-msgstr "Passe-temps/Centres d'intérêt:"
-#: include/identity.php:639
-msgid "Contact information and Social Networks:"
-msgstr "Coordonnées/Réseaux sociaux:"
-#: include/identity.php:641
-msgid "Musical interests:"
-msgstr "Goûts musicaux:"
-#: include/identity.php:643
-msgid "Books, literature:"
-msgstr "Lectures:"
-#: include/identity.php:645
-msgid "Television:"
-msgstr "Télévision:"
-#: include/identity.php:647
-msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"
-msgstr "Cinéma/Danse/Culture/Divertissement:"
-#: include/identity.php:649
-msgid "Love/Romance:"
-msgstr "Amour/Romance:"
-#: include/identity.php:651
-msgid "Work/employment:"
-msgstr "Activité professionnelle/Occupation:"
-#: include/identity.php:653
-msgid "School/education:"
-msgstr "Études/Formation:"
-#: include/identity.php:657
-msgid "Forums:"
-msgstr "Forums :"
-#: include/identity.php:710 include/identity.php:713 include/nav.php:78
-msgid "Videos"
-msgstr "Vidéos"
-#: include/identity.php:725 include/nav.php:140
-msgid "Events and Calendar"
-msgstr "Événements et agenda"
-#: include/identity.php:733
-msgid "Only You Can See This"
-msgstr "Vous seul pouvez voir ça"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:325
-msgid "Post to Email"
-msgstr "Publier aux courriels"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:330
+#: include/enotify.php:85
#, php-format
-msgid "Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."
-msgstr "Les connecteurs sont désactivés parce que \"%s\" est activé."
+msgid "%1$s sent you a new private message at %2$s."
+msgstr "%1$s vous a envoyé un nouveau message privé sur %2$s."
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:336
-msgid "Visible to everybody"
-msgstr "Visible par tout le monde"
+#: include/enotify.php:86
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s sent you %2$s."
+msgstr "%1$s vous a envoyé %2$s."
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:337 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
-msgid "show"
-msgstr "montrer"
+#: include/enotify.php:86
+msgid "a private message"
+msgstr "un message privé"
-#: include/acl_selectors.php:338 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
-msgid "don't show"
-msgstr "cacher"
+#: include/enotify.php:88
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s to view and/or reply to your private messages."
+msgstr "Merci de visiter %s pour voir vos messages privés et/ou y répondre."
-#: include/message.php:15 include/message.php:173
-msgid "[no subject]"
-msgstr "[pas de sujet]"
+#: include/enotify.php:134
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]a %3$s[/url]"
+msgstr "%1$s a commenté sur [url=%2$s]un %3$s[/url]"
-#: include/Contact.php:119
-msgid "stopped following"
-msgstr "retiré de la liste de suivi"
+#: include/enotify.php:141
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]%3$s's %4$s[/url]"
+msgstr "%1$s a commenté sur [url=%2$s]le %4$s de %3$s[/url]"
-#: include/Contact.php:350 include/conversation.php:911
-msgid "View Status"
-msgstr "Voir les statuts"
+#: include/enotify.php:149
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]your %3$s[/url]"
+msgstr "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]your %3$s[/url]"
-#: include/Contact.php:352 include/conversation.php:913
-msgid "View Photos"
-msgstr "Voir les photos"
+#: include/enotify.php:159
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%1$d by %2$s"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] Commentaire de %2$s sur la conversation #%1$d"
-#: include/Contact.php:353 include/conversation.php:914
-msgid "Network Posts"
-msgstr "Publications du réseau"
+#: include/enotify.php:161
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s commented on an item/conversation you have been following."
+msgstr "%s a commenté un élément que vous suivez."
-#: include/Contact.php:354 include/conversation.php:915
-msgid "Edit Contact"
-msgstr "Éditer le contact"
+#: include/enotify.php:164 include/enotify.php:178 include/enotify.php:192
+#: include/enotify.php:206 include/enotify.php:224 include/enotify.php:238
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."
+msgstr "Merci de visiter %s pour voir la conversation et/ou y répondre."
-#: include/Contact.php:355
-msgid "Drop Contact"
-msgstr "Supprimer le contact"
+#: include/enotify.php:171
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] %s a posté sur votre mur de profil"
-#: include/Contact.php:356 include/conversation.php:916
-msgid "Send PM"
-msgstr "Message privé"
+#: include/enotify.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s posted to your profile wall at %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s a publié sur votre mur à %2$s"
-#: include/Contact.php:357 include/conversation.php:920
-msgid "Poke"
-msgstr "Sollicitations (pokes)"
+#: include/enotify.php:174
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s posted to [url=%2$s]your wall[/url]"
+msgstr "%1$s a posté sur [url=%2$s]votre mur[/url]"
+#: include/enotify.php:185
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged you"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] %s vous a étiqueté"
+#: include/enotify.php:187
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s tagged you at %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s vous a étiqueté sur %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:188
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s [url=%2$s]tagged you[/url]."
+msgstr "%1$s [url=%2$s]vous a étiqueté[/url]."
+#: include/enotify.php:199
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s shared a new post"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] %s partage une nouvelle publication"
+#: include/enotify.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s shared a new post at %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s a partagé une nouvelle publication sur %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:202
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s [url=%2$s]shared a post[/url]."
+msgstr "%1$s [url=%2$s]partage une publication[/url]."
+#: include/enotify.php:213
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %1$s poked you"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notify] %1$s vous a sollicité"
+#: include/enotify.php:215
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s poked you at %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s vous a sollicité via %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:216
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s [url=%2$s]poked you[/url]."
+msgstr "%1$s vous a [url=%2$s]sollicité[/url]."
+#: include/enotify.php:231
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged your post"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] %s a étiqueté votre publication"
+#: include/enotify.php:233
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s tagged your post at %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s a étiqueté votre publication sur %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:234
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s tagged [url=%2$s]your post[/url]"
+msgstr "%1$s a étiqueté [url=%2$s]votre publication[/url]"
+#: include/enotify.php:245
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Introduction received"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] Introduction reçue"
+#: include/enotify.php:247
+#, php-format
+msgid "You've received an introduction from '%1$s' at %2$s"
+msgstr "Vous avez reçu une introduction de '%1$s' sur %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:248
+#, php-format
+msgid "You've received [url=%1$s]an introduction[/url] from %2$s."
+msgstr "Vous avez reçu [url=%1$s]une introduction[/url] de %2$s."
+#: include/enotify.php:252 include/enotify.php:295
+#, php-format
+msgid "You may visit their profile at %s"
+msgstr "Vous pouvez visiter son profil sur %s"
+#: include/enotify.php:254
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the introduction."
+msgstr "Merci de visiter %s pour approuver ou rejeter l'introduction."
+#: include/enotify.php:262
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] A new person is sharing with you"
+msgstr "[Notification Friendica] Une nouvelle personne partage avec vous"
+#: include/enotify.php:264 include/enotify.php:265
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is sharing with you at %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s partage avec vous sur %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:271
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] You have a new follower"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] Vous avez un nouvel abonné"
+#: include/enotify.php:273 include/enotify.php:274
+#, php-format
+msgid "You have a new follower at %2$s : %1$s"
+msgstr "Vous avez un nouvel abonné à %2$s : %1$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:285
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Friend suggestion received"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] Nouvelle suggestion d'amitié"
+#: include/enotify.php:287
+#, php-format
+msgid "You've received a friend suggestion from '%1$s' at %2$s"
+msgstr "Vous avez reçu une suggestion de '%1$s' sur %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:288
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"You've received [url=%1$s]a friend suggestion[/url] for %2$s from %3$s."
+msgstr "Vous avez reçu [url=%1$s]une suggestion[/url] de %3$s pour %2$s."
+#: include/enotify.php:293
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nom :"
+#: include/enotify.php:294
+msgid "Photo:"
+msgstr "Photo :"
+#: include/enotify.php:297
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the suggestion."
+msgstr "Merci de visiter %s pour approuver ou rejeter la suggestion."
+#: include/enotify.php:305 include/enotify.php:319
+msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Connection accepted"
+msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] Connexion acceptée"
+#: include/enotify.php:307 include/enotify.php:321
+#, php-format
+msgid "'%1$s' has accepted your connection request at %2$s"
+msgstr "'%1$s' a accepté votre demande de connexion à %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:308 include/enotify.php:322
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$s has accepted your [url=%1$s]connection request[/url]."
+msgstr "%2$s a accepté votre [url=%1$s]demande de connexion[/url]."
+#: include/enotify.php:312
+msgid ""
+"You are now mutual friends and may exchange status updates, photos, and "
+"email without restriction."
+msgstr "Vous êtes désormais mutuellement amis, et pouvez échanger des mises-à-jour d'état, des photos, et des messages sans restriction."
+#: include/enotify.php:314
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."
+msgstr "Veuillez visiter %s si vous souhaitez modifier cette relation."
+#: include/enotify.php:326
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"'%1$s' has chosen to accept you a \"fan\", which restricts some forms of "
+"communication - such as private messaging and some profile interactions. If "
+"this is a celebrity or community page, these settings were applied "
+msgstr "%1$s a choisi de vous accepter comme \"fan\", ce qui limite les moyens de communication - comme les messages privés et certaines interactions de profil. Si c'est une page de célébrité ou de communauté, ce réglage a été appliqué automatiquement."
+#: include/enotify.php:328
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"'%1$s' may choose to extend this into a two-way or more permissive "
+"relationship in the future."
+msgstr "%1$s peut choisir à l'avenir de rendre cette relation réciproque ou au moins plus permissive."
+#: include/enotify.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."
+msgstr "Veuillez visiter %s si vous souhaitez modifier cette relation."
+#: include/enotify.php:340
+msgid "[Friendica System:Notify] registration request"
+msgstr "[Système Friendica:Notification] demande d'inscription"
+#: include/enotify.php:342
+#, php-format
+msgid "You've received a registration request from '%1$s' at %2$s"
+msgstr "Vous avez reçu une demande d'inscription de %1$s sur %2$s"
+#: include/enotify.php:343
+#, php-format
+msgid "You've received a [url=%1$s]registration request[/url] from %2$s."
+msgstr "Vous avez reçu une [url=%1$s]demande de création de compte[/url] de %2$s."
+#: include/enotify.php:347
+#, php-format
+msgid "Full Name:\t%1$s\\nSite Location:\t%2$s\\nLogin Name:\t%3$s (%4$s)"
+msgstr "Nom complet :\t%1$s\\nAdresse :\t%2$s\\nIdentifiant :\t%3$s (%4$s)"
+#: include/enotify.php:350
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the request."
+msgstr "Veuillez visiter %s pour approuver ou rejeter la demande."
+#: include/ForumManager.php:114 include/nav.php:130 include/text.php:1007
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:255
+msgid "Forums"
+msgstr "Forums"
+#: include/ForumManager.php:116 view/theme/vier/theme.php:257
+msgid "External link to forum"
+msgstr "Lien sortant vers le forum"
#: include/security.php:22
msgid "Welcome "
@@ -6922,890 +553,6 @@ msgid ""
"form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."
msgstr "Le jeton de sécurité du formulaire n'est pas correct. Ceci veut probablement dire que le formulaire est resté ouvert trop longtemps (plus de 3 heures) avant d'être validé."
-#: include/conversation.php:147
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s attends %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s participe à %3$s de %2$s"
-#: include/conversation.php:150
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s doesn't attend %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s ne participe pas à %3$s de %2$s"
-#: include/conversation.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s attends maybe %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s participe peut-être à %3$s de %2$s"
-#: include/conversation.php:219
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s poked %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s a sollicité %2$s"
-#: include/conversation.php:303
-msgid "post/item"
-msgstr "publication/élément"
-#: include/conversation.php:304
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s marked %2$s's %3$s as favorite"
-msgstr "%1$s a marqué le %3$s de %2$s comme favori"
-#: include/conversation.php:792
-msgid "remove"
-msgstr "enlever"
-#: include/conversation.php:796
-msgid "Delete Selected Items"
-msgstr "Supprimer les éléments sélectionnés"
-#: include/conversation.php:910
-msgid "Follow Thread"
-msgstr "Suivre le fil"
-#: include/conversation.php:1035
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s likes this."
-msgstr "%s aime ça."
-#: include/conversation.php:1038
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s doesn't like this."
-msgstr "%s n'aime pas ça."
-#: include/conversation.php:1041
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s attends."
-msgstr "%s participe"
-#: include/conversation.php:1044
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s doesn't attend."
-msgstr "%s ne participe pas"
-#: include/conversation.php:1047
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s attends maybe."
-msgstr "%s participe peut-être"
-#: include/conversation.php:1057
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "et"
-#: include/conversation.php:1063
-#, php-format
-msgid ", and %d other people"
-msgstr ", et %d autres personnes"
-#: include/conversation.php:1072
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people like this"
-msgstr "%2$d personnes aiment ça"
-#: include/conversation.php:1073
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s like this."
-msgstr "%s aime ça."
-#: include/conversation.php:1076
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people don't like this"
-msgstr "%2$d personnes n'aiment pas ça"
-#: include/conversation.php:1077
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s don't like this."
-msgstr "%s n'aiment pas ça."
-#: include/conversation.php:1080
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people attend"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1081
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s attend."
-msgstr "%s participent."
-#: include/conversation.php:1084
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people don't attend"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1085
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s don't attend."
-msgstr "%s ne participent pas."
-#: include/conversation.php:1088
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people anttend maybe"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1089
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s anttend maybe."
-msgstr "%s participent peut-être."
-#: include/conversation.php:1128 include/conversation.php:1146
-msgid "Visible to everybody "
-msgstr "Visible par tout le monde "
-#: include/conversation.php:1130 include/conversation.php:1148
-msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:"
-msgstr "Entrez un lien/URL video :"
-#: include/conversation.php:1131 include/conversation.php:1149
-msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:"
-msgstr "Entrez un lien/URL audio :"
-#: include/conversation.php:1132 include/conversation.php:1150
-msgid "Tag term:"
-msgstr "Terme d'étiquette:"
-#: include/conversation.php:1134 include/conversation.php:1152
-msgid "Where are you right now?"
-msgstr "Où êtes-vous présentemment?"
-#: include/conversation.php:1135
-msgid "Delete item(s)?"
-msgstr "Supprimer les élément(s) ?"
-#: include/conversation.php:1204
-msgid "permissions"
-msgstr "permissions"
-#: include/conversation.php:1227
-msgid "Post to Groups"
-msgstr "Publier aux groupes"
-#: include/conversation.php:1228
-msgid "Post to Contacts"
-msgstr "Publier aux contacts"
-#: include/conversation.php:1229
-msgid "Private post"
-msgstr "Message privé"
-#: include/conversation.php:1386
-msgid "View all"
-msgstr "Voir tout"
-#: include/conversation.php:1408
-msgid "Like"
-msgid_plural "Likes"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1411
-msgid "Dislike"
-msgid_plural "Dislikes"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1417
-msgid "Not Attending"
-msgid_plural "Not Attending"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: include/conversation.php:1420 include/profile_selectors.php:6
-msgid "Undecided"
-msgid_plural "Undecided"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: include/forums.php:105 include/text.php:1015 include/nav.php:126
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:259
-msgid "Forums"
-msgstr "Forums"
-#: include/forums.php:107 view/theme/vier/theme.php:261
-msgid "External link to forum"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/network.php:967
-msgid "view full size"
-msgstr "voir en pleine taille"
-#: include/text.php:303
-msgid "newer"
-msgstr "Plus récent"
-#: include/text.php:305
-msgid "older"
-msgstr "Plus ancien"
-#: include/text.php:310
-msgid "prev"
-msgstr "précédent"
-#: include/text.php:312
-msgid "first"
-msgstr "premier"
-#: include/text.php:344
-msgid "last"
-msgstr "dernier"
-#: include/text.php:347
-msgid "next"
-msgstr "suivant"
-#: include/text.php:402
-msgid "Loading more entries..."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/text.php:403
-msgid "The end"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/text.php:894
-msgid "No contacts"
-msgstr "Aucun contact"
-#: include/text.php:909
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d Contact"
-msgid_plural "%d Contacts"
-msgstr[0] "%d contact"
-msgstr[1] "%d contacts"
-#: include/text.php:921
-msgid "View Contacts"
-msgstr "Voir les contacts"
-#: include/text.php:1010 include/nav.php:121
-msgid "Full Text"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/text.php:1011 include/nav.php:122
-msgid "Tags"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/text.php:1066
-msgid "poke"
-msgstr "titiller"
-#: include/text.php:1066
-msgid "poked"
-msgstr "a titillé"
-#: include/text.php:1067
-msgid "ping"
-msgstr "attirer l'attention"
-#: include/text.php:1067
-msgid "pinged"
-msgstr "a attiré l'attention de"
-#: include/text.php:1068
-msgid "prod"
-msgstr "aiguillonner"
-#: include/text.php:1068
-msgid "prodded"
-msgstr "a aiguillonné"
-#: include/text.php:1069
-msgid "slap"
-msgstr "gifler"
-#: include/text.php:1069
-msgid "slapped"
-msgstr "a giflé"
-#: include/text.php:1070
-msgid "finger"
-msgstr "tripoter"
-#: include/text.php:1070
-msgid "fingered"
-msgstr "a tripoté"
-#: include/text.php:1071
-msgid "rebuff"
-msgstr "rabrouer"
-#: include/text.php:1071
-msgid "rebuffed"
-msgstr "a rabroué"
-#: include/text.php:1085
-msgid "happy"
-msgstr "heureuse"
-#: include/text.php:1086
-msgid "sad"
-msgstr "triste"
-#: include/text.php:1087
-msgid "mellow"
-msgstr "suave"
-#: include/text.php:1088
-msgid "tired"
-msgstr "fatiguée"
-#: include/text.php:1089
-msgid "perky"
-msgstr "guillerette"
-#: include/text.php:1090
-msgid "angry"
-msgstr "colérique"
-#: include/text.php:1091
-msgid "stupified"
-msgstr "stupéfaite"
-#: include/text.php:1092
-msgid "puzzled"
-msgstr "perplexe"
-#: include/text.php:1093
-msgid "interested"
-msgstr "intéressée"
-#: include/text.php:1094
-msgid "bitter"
-msgstr "amère"
-#: include/text.php:1095
-msgid "cheerful"
-msgstr "entraînante"
-#: include/text.php:1096
-msgid "alive"
-msgstr "vivante"
-#: include/text.php:1097
-msgid "annoyed"
-msgstr "ennuyée"
-#: include/text.php:1098
-msgid "anxious"
-msgstr "anxieuse"
-#: include/text.php:1099
-msgid "cranky"
-msgstr "excentrique"
-#: include/text.php:1100
-msgid "disturbed"
-msgstr "dérangée"
-#: include/text.php:1101
-msgid "frustrated"
-msgstr "frustrée"
-#: include/text.php:1102
-msgid "motivated"
-msgstr "motivée"
-#: include/text.php:1103
-msgid "relaxed"
-msgstr "détendue"
-#: include/text.php:1104
-msgid "surprised"
-msgstr "surprise"
-#: include/text.php:1497
-msgid "bytes"
-msgstr "octets"
-#: include/text.php:1529 include/text.php:1541
-msgid "Click to open/close"
-msgstr "Cliquer pour ouvrir/fermer"
-#: include/text.php:1715
-msgid "View on separate page"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/text.php:1716
-msgid "view on separate page"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/text.php:1995
-msgid "activity"
-msgstr "activité"
-#: include/text.php:1998
-msgid "post"
-msgstr "publication"
-#: include/text.php:2166
-msgid "Item filed"
-msgstr "Élément classé"
-#: include/bbcode.php:483 include/bbcode.php:1143 include/bbcode.php:1144
-msgid "Image/photo"
-msgstr "Image/photo"
-#: include/bbcode.php:581
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$s %3$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/bbcode.php:615
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s wrote the following post "
-msgstr ""
-#: include/bbcode.php:1103 include/bbcode.php:1123
-msgid "$1 wrote:"
-msgstr "$1 a écrit:"
-#: include/bbcode.php:1152 include/bbcode.php:1153
-msgid "Encrypted content"
-msgstr "Contenu chiffré"
-#: include/notifier.php:843 include/delivery.php:459
-msgid "(no subject)"
-msgstr "(sans titre)"
-#: include/notifier.php:853 include/delivery.php:470 include/enotify.php:37
-msgid "noreply"
-msgstr "noreply"
-#: include/dba_pdo.php:72 include/dba.php:55
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
-msgstr "Impossible de localiser les informations DNS pour le serveur de base de données '%s'"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:32
-msgid "Unknown | Not categorised"
-msgstr "Inconnu | Non-classé"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:33
-msgid "Block immediately"
-msgstr "Bloquer immédiatement"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:34
-msgid "Shady, spammer, self-marketer"
-msgstr "Douteux, spammeur, accro à l'auto-promotion"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:35
-msgid "Known to me, but no opinion"
-msgstr "Connu de moi, mais sans opinion"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:36
-msgid "OK, probably harmless"
-msgstr "OK, probablement inoffensif"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:37
-msgid "Reputable, has my trust"
-msgstr "Réputé, a toute ma confiance"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:60
-msgid "Weekly"
-msgstr "Chaque semaine"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:61
-msgid "Monthly"
-msgstr "Chaque mois"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:77
-msgid "OStatus"
-msgstr "OStatus"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:78
-msgid "RSS/Atom"
-msgstr "RSS/Atom"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:82
-msgid "Zot!"
-msgstr "Zot!"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:83
-msgid "LinkedIn"
-msgstr "LinkedIn"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:84
-msgid "XMPP/IM"
-msgstr "XMPP/IM"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:85
-msgid "MySpace"
-msgstr "MySpace"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:87
-msgid "Google+"
-msgstr "Google+"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:88
-msgid "pump.io"
-msgstr "pump.io"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:89
-msgid "Twitter"
-msgstr "Twitter"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:90
-msgid "Diaspora Connector"
-msgstr "Connecteur Diaspora"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:91
-msgid "GNU Social"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:92
-msgid "App.net"
-msgstr "App.net"
-#: include/contact_selectors.php:103
-msgid "Redmatrix"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/Scrape.php:610
-msgid " on Last.fm"
-msgstr "sur Last.fm"
-#: include/bb2diaspora.php:154 include/event.php:30 include/event.php:48
-msgid "Starts:"
-msgstr "Débute:"
-#: include/bb2diaspora.php:162 include/event.php:33 include/event.php:54
-msgid "Finishes:"
-msgstr "Finit:"
-#: include/plugin.php:522 include/plugin.php:524
-msgid "Click here to upgrade."
-msgstr "Cliquez ici pour mettre à jour."
-#: include/plugin.php:530
-msgid "This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."
-msgstr "Cette action dépasse les limites définies par votre abonnement."
-#: include/plugin.php:535
-msgid "This action is not available under your subscription plan."
-msgstr "Cette action n'est pas disponible avec votre abonnement."
-#: include/nav.php:72
-msgid "End this session"
-msgstr "Mettre fin à cette session"
-#: include/nav.php:75 include/nav.php:157 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
-msgid "Your posts and conversations"
-msgstr "Vos publications et conversations"
-#: include/nav.php:76 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124
-msgid "Your profile page"
-msgstr "Votre page de profil"
-#: include/nav.php:77 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
-msgid "Your photos"
-msgstr "Vos photos"
-#: include/nav.php:78
-msgid "Your videos"
-msgstr "Vos vidéos"
-#: include/nav.php:79 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
-msgid "Your events"
-msgstr "Vos événements"
-#: include/nav.php:80 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128
-msgid "Personal notes"
-msgstr "Notes personnelles"
-#: include/nav.php:80
-msgid "Your personal notes"
-msgstr "Vos notes personnelles"
-#: include/nav.php:91
-msgid "Sign in"
-msgstr "Se connecter"
-#: include/nav.php:104
-msgid "Home Page"
-msgstr "Page d'accueil"
-#: include/nav.php:108
-msgid "Create an account"
-msgstr "Créer un compte"
-#: include/nav.php:113
-msgid "Help and documentation"
-msgstr "Aide et documentation"
-#: include/nav.php:116
-msgid "Apps"
-msgstr "Applications"
-#: include/nav.php:116
-msgid "Addon applications, utilities, games"
-msgstr "Applications supplémentaires, utilitaires, jeux"
-#: include/nav.php:118
-msgid "Search site content"
-msgstr "Rechercher dans le contenu du site"
-#: include/nav.php:136
-msgid "Conversations on this site"
-msgstr "Conversations ayant cours sur ce site"
-#: include/nav.php:138
-msgid "Conversations on the network"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/nav.php:142
-msgid "Directory"
-msgstr "Annuaire"
-#: include/nav.php:142
-msgid "People directory"
-msgstr "Annuaire des utilisateurs"
-#: include/nav.php:144
-msgid "Information"
-msgstr "Information"
-#: include/nav.php:144
-msgid "Information about this friendica instance"
-msgstr "Information au sujet de cette instance de friendica"
-#: include/nav.php:154
-msgid "Conversations from your friends"
-msgstr "Conversations de vos amis"
-#: include/nav.php:155
-msgid "Network Reset"
-msgstr "Réinitialiser le réseau"
-#: include/nav.php:155
-msgid "Load Network page with no filters"
-msgstr "Chargement des pages du réseau sans filtre"
-#: include/nav.php:162
-msgid "Friend Requests"
-msgstr "Demande d'amitié"
-#: include/nav.php:166
-msgid "See all notifications"
-msgstr "Voir toute notification"
-#: include/nav.php:167
-msgid "Mark all system notifications seen"
-msgstr "Marquer toutes les notifications système comme 'vues'"
-#: include/nav.php:171
-msgid "Private mail"
-msgstr "Messages privés"
-#: include/nav.php:172
-msgid "Inbox"
-msgstr "Messages entrants"
-#: include/nav.php:173
-msgid "Outbox"
-msgstr "Messages sortants"
-#: include/nav.php:177
-msgid "Manage"
-msgstr "Gérer"
-#: include/nav.php:177
-msgid "Manage other pages"
-msgstr "Gérer les autres pages"
-#: include/nav.php:182
-msgid "Account settings"
-msgstr "Compte"
-#: include/nav.php:185
-msgid "Manage/Edit Profiles"
-msgstr "Gérer/Éditer les profiles"
-#: include/nav.php:187
-msgid "Manage/edit friends and contacts"
-msgstr "Gérer/éditer les amitiés et contacts"
-#: include/nav.php:194
-msgid "Site setup and configuration"
-msgstr "Démarrage et configuration du site"
-#: include/nav.php:198
-msgid "Navigation"
-msgstr "Navigation"
-#: include/nav.php:198
-msgid "Site map"
-msgstr "Carte du site"
-#: include/api.php:345 include/api.php:356 include/api.php:465
-#: include/api.php:1184 include/api.php:1186
-msgid "User not found."
-msgstr "Utilisateur non trouvé"
-#: include/api.php:832
-#, php-format
-msgid "Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
-msgstr "Le quota journalier de %d publications a été atteint. La publication a été rejetée."
-#: include/api.php:851
-#, php-format
-msgid "Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
-msgstr "Le quota hebdomadaire de %d publications a été atteint. La publication a été rejetée."
-#: include/api.php:870
-#, php-format
-msgid "Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
-msgstr "Le quota mensuel de %d publications a été atteint. La publication a été rejetée."
-#: include/api.php:1393
-msgid "There is no status with this id."
-msgstr "Il n'y a pas de statut avec cet id."
-#: include/api.php:1467
-msgid "There is no conversation with this id."
-msgstr "Il n'y a pas de conversation avec cet id."
-#: include/api.php:1746
-msgid "Invalid item."
-msgstr "Item invalide."
-#: include/api.php:1756
-msgid "Invalid action. "
-msgstr "Action invalide."
-#: include/api.php:1764
-msgid "DB error"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:48
-msgid "An invitation is required."
-msgstr "Une invitation est requise."
-#: include/user.php:53
-msgid "Invitation could not be verified."
-msgstr "L'invitation fournie n'a pu être validée."
-#: include/user.php:61
-msgid "Invalid OpenID url"
-msgstr "Adresse OpenID invalide"
-#: include/user.php:82
-msgid "Please enter the required information."
-msgstr "Entrez les informations requises."
-#: include/user.php:96
-msgid "Please use a shorter name."
-msgstr "Utilisez un nom plus court."
-#: include/user.php:98
-msgid "Name too short."
-msgstr "Nom trop court."
-#: include/user.php:113
-msgid "That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."
-msgstr "Ceci ne semble pas être votre nom complet (Prénom Nom)."
-#: include/user.php:118
-msgid "Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."
-msgstr "Votre domaine de courriel n'est pas autorisé sur ce site."
-#: include/user.php:121
-msgid "Not a valid email address."
-msgstr "Ceci n'est pas une adresse courriel valide."
-#: include/user.php:134
-msgid "Cannot use that email."
-msgstr "Impossible d'utiliser ce courriel."
-#: include/user.php:140
-msgid "Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/user.php:147 include/user.php:245
-msgid "Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."
-msgstr "Pseudo déjà utilisé. Merci d'en choisir un autre."
-#: include/user.php:157
-msgid ""
-"Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose "
-msgstr "Ce surnom a déjà été utilisé ici, et ne peut re-servir. Merci d'en choisir un autre."
-#: include/user.php:173
-msgid "SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."
-msgstr "ERREUR SÉRIEUSE: La génération des clés de sécurité a échoué."
-#: include/user.php:231
-msgid "An error occurred during registration. Please try again."
-msgstr "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'inscription. Merci de recommencer."
-#: include/user.php:256 view/theme/clean/config.php:56
-#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:44
-msgid "default"
-msgstr "défaut"
-#: include/user.php:266
-msgid "An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."
-msgstr "Une erreur est survenue lors de la création de votre profil par défaut. Merci de recommencer."
-#: include/user.php:299 include/user.php:303 include/profile_selectors.php:42
-msgid "Friends"
-msgstr "Amis"
-#: include/user.php:387
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
-"\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2$s. Your account has been created.\n"
-msgstr "\n\t\tChère/Cher %1$s,\n\t\t\tMerci de vous être inscrit sur %2$s. Votre compte a bien été créé.\n\t"
-#: include/user.php:391
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
-"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3$s\n"
-"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1$s\n"
-"\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n"
-"\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n"
-"\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n"
-"\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
-"\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
-"\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n"
-"\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n"
-"\t\tthan that.\n"
-"\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n"
-"\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
-"\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
-"\t\tThank you and welcome to %2$s."
-msgstr "\n\t\tVoici vos informations de connexion :\n\t\t\tAdresse :\t%3$s\n\t\t\tIdentifiant :\t%1$s\n\t\t\tMot de passe :\t%5$s\n\n\t\tVous pourrez changer votre mot de passe dans les paramètres de votre compte une fois connecté.\n\n\t\tProfitez-en pour prendre le temps de passer en revue les autres paramètres de votre compte.\n\n\t\tVous pourrez aussi ajouter quelques informations élémentaires à votre profil par défaut (sur la page « Profils ») pour permettre à d’autres personnes de vous trouver facilement.\n\n\t\tNous recommandons de préciser votre nom complet, d’ajouter une photo et quelques mots-clefs (c’est très utile pour découvrir de nouveaux amis), et peut-être aussi d’indiquer au moins le pays dans lequel vous vivez, à défaut d’être plus précis.\n\n\t\tNous respectons pleinement votre droit à une vie privée, et vous n’avez aucune obligation de donner toutes ces informations. Mais si vous êtes nouveau et ne connaissez encore personne ici, cela peut vous aider à vous faire de nouveaux amis intéressants.\n\n\n\t\tMerci et bienvenu sur %2$s."
-#: include/diaspora.php:720
-msgid "Sharing notification from Diaspora network"
-msgstr "Notification de partage du réseau Diaspora"
-#: include/diaspora.php:2607
-msgid "Attachments:"
-msgstr "Pièces jointes : "
-#: include/items.php:4900
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this item?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet élément ?"
-#: include/items.php:5175
-msgid "Archives"
-msgstr "Archives"
#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
msgid "Male"
msgstr "Masculin"
@@ -7858,6 +605,12 @@ msgstr "Non-spécifique"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Autre"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6 include/conversation.php:1475
+msgid "Undecided"
+msgid_plural "Undecided"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
msgid "Males"
msgstr "Hommes"
@@ -7946,6 +699,10 @@ msgstr "Infidèle"
msgid "Sex Addict"
msgstr "Accro au sexe"
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42 include/user.php:299 include/user.php:303
+msgid "Friends"
+msgstr "Amis"
#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Friends/Benefits"
msgstr "Amis par intérêt"
@@ -8030,302 +787,1424 @@ msgstr "S'en désintéresse"
msgid "Ask me"
msgstr "Me demander"
-#: include/enotify.php:18
-msgid "Friendica Notification"
-msgstr "Notification Friendica"
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:148 include/event.php:16 mod/localtime.php:12
+msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
+msgstr "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
-#: include/enotify.php:21
-msgid "Thank You,"
-msgstr "Merci, "
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:154 include/event.php:33 include/event.php:51
+msgid "Starts:"
+msgstr "Débute:"
-#: include/enotify.php:24
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s Administrator"
-msgstr "L'administrateur de %s"
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:162 include/event.php:36 include/event.php:57
+msgid "Finishes:"
+msgstr "Finit:"
-#: include/enotify.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s, %2$s Administrator"
-msgstr ""
+#: include/bb2diaspora.php:170 include/event.php:39 include/event.php:63
+#: include/identity.php:329 mod/directory.php:145 mod/contacts.php:628
+#: mod/events.php:495 mod/notifications.php:232
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Localisation:"
-#: include/enotify.php:68
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s "
-msgstr "%s "
-#: include/enotify.php:82
-#, php-format
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] New mail received at %s"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] Nouveau courriel reçu sur %s"
-#: include/enotify.php:84
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s sent you a new private message at %2$s."
-msgstr "%1$s vous a envoyé un nouveau message privé sur %2$s."
-#: include/enotify.php:85
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s sent you %2$s."
-msgstr "%1$s vous a envoyé %2$s."
-#: include/enotify.php:85
-msgid "a private message"
-msgstr "un message privé"
-#: include/enotify.php:86
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please visit %s to view and/or reply to your private messages."
-msgstr "Merci de visiter %s pour voir vos messages privés et/ou y répondre."
-#: include/enotify.php:138
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]a %3$s[/url]"
-msgstr "%1$s a commenté sur [url=%2$s]un %3$s[/url]"
-#: include/enotify.php:145
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]%3$s's %4$s[/url]"
-msgstr "%1$s a commenté sur [url=%2$s]le %4$s de %3$s[/url]"
-#: include/enotify.php:153
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]your %3$s[/url]"
-msgstr "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]your %3$s[/url]"
-#: include/enotify.php:163
-#, php-format
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%1$d by %2$s"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] Commentaire de %2$s sur la conversation #%1$d"
-#: include/enotify.php:164
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s commented on an item/conversation you have been following."
-msgstr "%s a commenté un élément que vous suivez."
-#: include/enotify.php:167 include/enotify.php:182 include/enotify.php:195
-#: include/enotify.php:208 include/enotify.php:226 include/enotify.php:239
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."
-msgstr "Merci de visiter %s pour voir la conversation et/ou y répondre."
-#: include/enotify.php:174
-#, php-format
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] %s a posté sur votre mur de profil"
-#: include/enotify.php:176
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s posted to your profile wall at %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s a publié sur votre mur à %2$s"
-#: include/enotify.php:178
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s posted to [url=%2$s]your wall[/url]"
-msgstr "%1$s a posté sur [url=%2$s]votre mur[/url]"
-#: include/enotify.php:189
-#, php-format
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged you"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] %s vous a étiqueté"
-#: include/enotify.php:190
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s tagged you at %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s vous a étiqueté sur %2$s"
-#: include/enotify.php:191
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s [url=%2$s]tagged you[/url]."
-msgstr "%1$s [url=%2$s]vous a étiqueté[/url]."
-#: include/enotify.php:202
-#, php-format
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s shared a new post"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] %s partage une nouvelle publication"
-#: include/enotify.php:203
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s shared a new post at %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s a partagé une nouvelle publication sur %2$s"
-#: include/enotify.php:204
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s [url=%2$s]shared a post[/url]."
-msgstr "%1$s [url=%2$s]partage une publication[/url]."
-#: include/enotify.php:216
-#, php-format
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %1$s poked you"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notify] %1$s vous a sollicité"
-#: include/enotify.php:217
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s poked you at %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s vous a sollicité via %2$s"
-#: include/enotify.php:218
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s [url=%2$s]poked you[/url]."
-msgstr "%1$s vous a [url=%2$s]sollicité[/url]."
-#: include/enotify.php:233
-#, php-format
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged your post"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] %s a étiqueté votre publication"
-#: include/enotify.php:234
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s tagged your post at %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s a étiqueté votre publication sur %2$s"
-#: include/enotify.php:235
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s tagged [url=%2$s]your post[/url]"
-msgstr "%1$s a étiqueté [url=%2$s]votre publication[/url]"
-#: include/enotify.php:246
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Introduction received"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] Introduction reçue"
-#: include/enotify.php:247
-#, php-format
-msgid "You've received an introduction from '%1$s' at %2$s"
-msgstr "Vous avez reçu une introduction de '%1$s' sur %2$s"
-#: include/enotify.php:248
-#, php-format
-msgid "You've received [url=%1$s]an introduction[/url] from %2$s."
-msgstr "Vous avez reçu [url=%1$s]une introduction[/url] de %2$s."
-#: include/enotify.php:251 include/enotify.php:293
-#, php-format
-msgid "You may visit their profile at %s"
-msgstr "Vous pouvez visiter son profil sur %s"
-#: include/enotify.php:253
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the introduction."
-msgstr "Merci de visiter %s pour approuver ou rejeter l'introduction."
-#: include/enotify.php:261
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] A new person is sharing with you"
-msgstr "[Notification Friendica] Une nouvelle personne partage avec vous"
-#: include/enotify.php:262 include/enotify.php:263
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is sharing with you at %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/enotify.php:269
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] You have a new follower"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/enotify.php:270 include/enotify.php:271
-#, php-format
-msgid "You have a new follower at %2$s : %1$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/enotify.php:284
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Friend suggestion received"
-msgstr "[Friendica:Notification] Nouvelle suggestion d'amitié"
-#: include/enotify.php:285
-#, php-format
-msgid "You've received a friend suggestion from '%1$s' at %2$s"
-msgstr "Vous avez reçu une suggestion de '%1$s' sur %2$s"
-#: include/enotify.php:286
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You've received [url=%1$s]a friend suggestion[/url] for %2$s from %3$s."
-msgstr "Vous avez reçu [url=%1$s]une suggestion[/url] de %3$s pour %2$s."
-#: include/enotify.php:291
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Nom :"
-#: include/enotify.php:292
-msgid "Photo:"
-msgstr "Photo :"
-#: include/enotify.php:295
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the suggestion."
-msgstr "Merci de visiter %s pour approuver ou rejeter la suggestion."
-#: include/enotify.php:303 include/enotify.php:316
-msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Connection accepted"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/enotify.php:304 include/enotify.php:317
-#, php-format
-msgid "'%1$s' has accepted your connection request at %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/enotify.php:305 include/enotify.php:318
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$s has accepted your [url=%1$s]connection request[/url]."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/enotify.php:308
-msgid ""
-"You are now mutual friends and may exchange status updates, photos, and email\n"
-"\twithout restriction."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/enotify.php:311 include/enotify.php:325
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."
-msgstr ""
-#: include/enotify.php:321
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"'%1$s' has chosen to accept you a \"fan\", which restricts some forms of "
-"communication - such as private messaging and some profile interactions. If "
-"this is a celebrity or community page, these settings were applied "
-msgstr ""
-#: include/enotify.php:323
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"'%1$s' may choose to extend this into a two-way or more permissive "
-"relationship in the future. "
-msgstr ""
-#: include/enotify.php:336
-msgid "[Friendica System:Notify] registration request"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/enotify.php:337
-#, php-format
-msgid "You've received a registration request from '%1$s' at %2$s"
-msgstr ""
-#: include/enotify.php:338
-#, php-format
-msgid "You've received a [url=%1$s]registration request[/url] from %2$s."
-msgstr "Vous avez reçu une [url=%1$s]demande de création de compte[/url] de %2$s."
-#: include/enotify.php:341
-#, php-format
-msgid "Full Name:\t%1$s\\nSite Location:\t%2$s\\nLogin Name:\t%3$s (%4$s)"
-msgstr "Nom complet :\t%1$s\\nAdresse :\t%2$s\\nIdentifiant :\t%3$s (%4$s)"
-#: include/enotify.php:344
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the request."
-msgstr "Veuillez visiter %s pour approuver ou rejeter la demande."
-#: include/oembed.php:220
+#: include/oembed.php:229
msgid "Embedded content"
msgstr "Contenu incorporé"
-#: include/oembed.php:229
+#: include/oembed.php:238
msgid "Embedding disabled"
msgstr "Incorporation désactivée"
+#: include/dba_pdo.php:72 include/dba.php:56
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
+msgstr "Impossible de localiser les informations DNS pour le serveur de base de données '%s'"
+#: include/auth.php:45
+msgid "Logged out."
+msgstr "Déconnecté."
+#: include/auth.php:116 include/auth.php:178 mod/openid.php:100
+msgid "Login failed."
+msgstr "Échec de connexion."
+#: include/auth.php:132 include/user.php:75
+msgid ""
+"We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. "
+"Please check the correct spelling of the ID."
+msgstr "Nous avons eu un souci avec l'OpenID que vous avez fourni. merci de vérifier l'orthographe correcte de ce dernier."
+#: include/auth.php:132 include/user.php:75
+msgid "The error message was:"
+msgstr "Le message d'erreur était :"
+#: include/group.php:25
+msgid ""
+"A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions "
+"may apply to this group and any future members. If this is "
+"not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."
+msgstr "Un groupe supprimé a été recréé. Les permissions existantes pourraient s'appliquer à ce groupe et aux futurs membres. Si ce n'est pas le comportement attendu, merci de re-créer un autre groupe sous un autre nom."
+#: include/group.php:209
+msgid "Default privacy group for new contacts"
+msgstr "Paramètres de confidentialité par défaut pour les nouveaux contacts"
+#: include/group.php:242
+msgid "Everybody"
+msgstr "Tout le monde"
+#: include/group.php:265
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "éditer"
+#: include/group.php:286 mod/newmember.php:61
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Groupes"
+#: include/group.php:288
+msgid "Edit groups"
+msgstr "Modifier les groupes"
+#: include/group.php:290
+msgid "Edit group"
+msgstr "Editer groupe"
+#: include/group.php:291
+msgid "Create a new group"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau groupe"
+#: include/group.php:292 mod/group.php:94 mod/group.php:178
+msgid "Group Name: "
+msgstr "Nom du groupe: "
+#: include/group.php:294
+msgid "Contacts not in any group"
+msgstr "Contacts n'appartenant à aucun groupe"
+#: include/group.php:296 mod/network.php:201
+msgid "add"
+msgstr "ajouter"
+#: include/Photo.php:996 include/Photo.php:1011 include/Photo.php:1018
+#: include/Photo.php:1040 include/message.php:145 mod/wall_upload.php:218
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:232 mod/wall_upload.php:239 mod/item.php:472
+msgid "Wall Photos"
+msgstr "Photos du mur"
+#: include/delivery.php:439
+msgid "(no subject)"
+msgstr "(sans titre)"
+#: include/user.php:39 mod/settings.php:370
+msgid "Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."
+msgstr "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas. Aucun changement appliqué."
+#: include/user.php:48
+msgid "An invitation is required."
+msgstr "Une invitation est requise."
+#: include/user.php:53
+msgid "Invitation could not be verified."
+msgstr "L'invitation fournie n'a pu être validée."
+#: include/user.php:61
+msgid "Invalid OpenID url"
+msgstr "Adresse OpenID invalide"
+#: include/user.php:82
+msgid "Please enter the required information."
+msgstr "Entrez les informations requises."
+#: include/user.php:96
+msgid "Please use a shorter name."
+msgstr "Utilisez un nom plus court."
+#: include/user.php:98
+msgid "Name too short."
+msgstr "Nom trop court."
+#: include/user.php:113
+msgid "That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."
+msgstr "Ceci ne semble pas être votre nom complet (Prénom Nom)."
+#: include/user.php:118
+msgid "Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."
+msgstr "Votre domaine de courriel n'est pas autorisé sur ce site."
+#: include/user.php:121
+msgid "Not a valid email address."
+msgstr "Ceci n'est pas une adresse courriel valide."
+#: include/user.php:134
+msgid "Cannot use that email."
+msgstr "Impossible d'utiliser ce courriel."
+#: include/user.php:140
+msgid "Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."
+msgstr "Votre \"pseudonyme\" peut seulement contenir les caractères \"a-z\", \"0-9\" et \"_\"."
+#: include/user.php:147 include/user.php:245
+msgid "Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."
+msgstr "Pseudo déjà utilisé. Merci d'en choisir un autre."
+#: include/user.php:157
+msgid ""
+"Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose "
+msgstr "Ce surnom a déjà été utilisé ici, et ne peut re-servir. Merci d'en choisir un autre."
+#: include/user.php:173
+msgid "SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."
+msgstr "ERREUR SÉRIEUSE: La génération des clés de sécurité a échoué."
+#: include/user.php:231
+msgid "An error occurred during registration. Please try again."
+msgstr "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'inscription. Merci de recommencer."
+#: include/user.php:256 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:44
+msgid "default"
+msgstr "défaut"
+#: include/user.php:266
+msgid "An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."
+msgstr "Une erreur est survenue lors de la création de votre profil par défaut. Merci de recommencer."
+#: include/user.php:345 include/user.php:352 include/user.php:359
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:74 mod/profile_photo.php:81 mod/profile_photo.php:88
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:210 mod/profile_photo.php:302
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:311 mod/photos.php:79 mod/photos.php:193
+#: mod/photos.php:770 mod/photos.php:1233 mod/photos.php:1256
+#: mod/photos.php:1849 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:500
+msgid "Profile Photos"
+msgstr "Photos du profil"
+#: include/user.php:387
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
+"\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2$s. Your account has been created.\n"
+msgstr "\n\t\tChère/Cher %1$s,\n\t\t\tMerci de vous être inscrit sur %2$s. Votre compte a bien été créé.\n\t"
+#: include/user.php:391
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
+"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3$s\n"
+"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1$s\n"
+"\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n"
+"\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n"
+"\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n"
+"\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
+"\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
+"\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n"
+"\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n"
+"\t\tthan that.\n"
+"\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n"
+"\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
+"\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
+"\t\tThank you and welcome to %2$s."
+msgstr "\n\t\tVoici vos informations de connexion :\n\t\t\tAdresse :\t%3$s\n\t\t\tIdentifiant :\t%1$s\n\t\t\tMot de passe :\t%5$s\n\n\t\tVous pourrez changer votre mot de passe dans les paramètres de votre compte une fois connecté.\n\n\t\tProfitez-en pour prendre le temps de passer en revue les autres paramètres de votre compte.\n\n\t\tVous pourrez aussi ajouter quelques informations élémentaires à votre profil par défaut (sur la page « Profils ») pour permettre à d’autres personnes de vous trouver facilement.\n\n\t\tNous recommandons de préciser votre nom complet, d’ajouter une photo et quelques mots-clefs (c’est très utile pour découvrir de nouveaux amis), et peut-être aussi d’indiquer au moins le pays dans lequel vous vivez, à défaut d’être plus précis.\n\n\t\tNous respectons pleinement votre droit à une vie privée, et vous n’avez aucune obligation de donner toutes ces informations. Mais si vous êtes nouveau et ne connaissez encore personne ici, cela peut vous aider à vous faire de nouveaux amis intéressants.\n\n\n\t\tMerci et bienvenu sur %2$s."
+#: include/user.php:423 mod/admin.php:1182
+#, php-format
+msgid "Registration details for %s"
+msgstr "Détails d'inscription pour %s"
+#: include/features.php:63
+msgid "General Features"
+msgstr "Fonctions générales"
+#: include/features.php:65
+msgid "Multiple Profiles"
+msgstr "Profils multiples"
+#: include/features.php:65
+msgid "Ability to create multiple profiles"
+msgstr "Possibilité de créer plusieurs profils"
+#: include/features.php:66
+msgid "Photo Location"
+msgstr "Lieu de prise de la photo"
+#: include/features.php:66
+msgid ""
+"Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present)"
+" prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."
+msgstr "Les métadonnées des photos sont normalement retirées. Ceci permet de sauver l'emplacement (si présent) et de positionner la photo sur une carte."
+#: include/features.php:67
+msgid "Export Public Calendar"
+msgstr "Exporter le Calendrier Public"
+#: include/features.php:67
+msgid "Ability for visitors to download the public calendar"
+msgstr "Les visiteurs peuvent télécharger le calendrier public"
+#: include/features.php:72
+msgid "Post Composition Features"
+msgstr "Caractéristiques de composition de publication"
+#: include/features.php:73
+msgid "Richtext Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur de texte enrichi"
+#: include/features.php:73
+msgid "Enable richtext editor"
+msgstr "Activer l'éditeur de texte enrichi"
+#: include/features.php:74
+msgid "Post Preview"
+msgstr "Aperçu de la publication"
+#: include/features.php:74
+msgid "Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"
+msgstr "Permet la prévisualisation des publications et commentaires avant de les publier"
+#: include/features.php:75
+msgid "Auto-mention Forums"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:75
+msgid ""
+"Add/remove mention when a fourm page is selected/deselected in ACL window."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:80
+msgid "Network Sidebar Widgets"
+msgstr "Widgets réseau pour barre latérale"
+#: include/features.php:81
+msgid "Search by Date"
+msgstr "Rechercher par Date"
+#: include/features.php:81
+msgid "Ability to select posts by date ranges"
+msgstr "Capacité de sélectionner les publications par intervalles de dates"
+#: include/features.php:82 include/features.php:112
+msgid "List Forums"
+msgstr "Liste des forums"
+#: include/features.php:82
+msgid "Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"
+msgstr "Activer le widget pour afficher les forums auxquels vous êtes connecté"
+#: include/features.php:83
+msgid "Group Filter"
+msgstr "Filtre de groupe"
+#: include/features.php:83
+msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"
+msgstr "Activer le widget d’affichage des publications du réseau seulement pour le groupe sélectionné"
+#: include/features.php:84
+msgid "Network Filter"
+msgstr "Filtre de réseau"
+#: include/features.php:84
+msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"
+msgstr "Activer le widget d’affichage des publications du réseau seulement pour le réseau sélectionné"
+#: include/features.php:85 mod/search.php:34 mod/network.php:200
+msgid "Saved Searches"
+msgstr "Recherches"
+#: include/features.php:85
+msgid "Save search terms for re-use"
+msgstr "Sauvegarder la recherche pour une utilisation ultérieure"
+#: include/features.php:90
+msgid "Network Tabs"
+msgstr "Onglets Réseau"
+#: include/features.php:91
+msgid "Network Personal Tab"
+msgstr "Onglet Réseau Personnel"
+#: include/features.php:91
+msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"
+msgstr "Activer l'onglet pour afficher seulement les publications du réseau où vous avez interagit"
+#: include/features.php:92
+msgid "Network New Tab"
+msgstr "Nouvel onglet réseaux"
+#: include/features.php:92
+msgid "Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"
+msgstr "Activer l'onglet pour afficher seulement les publications du réseau (dans les 12 dernières heures)"
+#: include/features.php:93
+msgid "Network Shared Links Tab"
+msgstr "Onglet réseau partagé"
+#: include/features.php:93
+msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"
+msgstr "Activer l'onglet pour afficher seulement les publications du réseau contenant des liens"
+#: include/features.php:98
+msgid "Post/Comment Tools"
+msgstr "outils de publication/commentaire"
+#: include/features.php:99
+msgid "Multiple Deletion"
+msgstr "Suppression multiple"
+#: include/features.php:99
+msgid "Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"
+msgstr "Sélectionner et supprimer plusieurs publications/commentaires à la fois"
+#: include/features.php:100
+msgid "Edit Sent Posts"
+msgstr "Éditer les publications envoyées"
+#: include/features.php:100
+msgid "Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"
+msgstr "Éditer et corriger les publications et commentaires après l'envoi"
+#: include/features.php:101
+msgid "Tagging"
+msgstr "Étiquettage"
+#: include/features.php:101
+msgid "Ability to tag existing posts"
+msgstr "Possibilité d'étiqueter les publications existantes"
+#: include/features.php:102
+msgid "Post Categories"
+msgstr "Catégories des publications"
+#: include/features.php:102
+msgid "Add categories to your posts"
+msgstr "Ajouter des catégories à vos publications"
+#: include/features.php:103
+msgid "Ability to file posts under folders"
+msgstr "Possibilité d'afficher les publications sous les répertoires"
+#: include/features.php:104
+msgid "Dislike Posts"
+msgstr "Publications non aimées"
+#: include/features.php:104
+msgid "Ability to dislike posts/comments"
+msgstr "Possibilité de ne pas aimer les publications/commentaires"
+#: include/features.php:105
+msgid "Star Posts"
+msgstr "Publications spéciales"
+#: include/features.php:105
+msgid "Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"
+msgstr "Possibilité de marquer les publications spéciales d'une étoile"
+#: include/features.php:106
+msgid "Mute Post Notifications"
+msgstr "Ignorer les notifications du post"
+#: include/features.php:106
+msgid "Ability to mute notifications for a thread"
+msgstr "Permettre d'ignorer les notifications d'un fil de discussion"
+#: include/features.php:111
+msgid "Advanced Profile Settings"
+msgstr "Paramètres Avancés du Profil"
+#: include/features.php:112
+msgid "Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"
+msgstr "Montrer les forums communautaires aux visiteurs sur la Page de profil avancé"
+#: include/nav.php:35 mod/navigation.php:19
+msgid "Nothing new here"
+msgstr "Rien de neuf ici"
+#: include/nav.php:39 mod/navigation.php:23
+msgid "Clear notifications"
+msgstr "Effacer les notifications"
+#: include/nav.php:40 include/text.php:997
+msgid "@name, !forum, #tags, content"
+msgstr "@nom, !forum, #tags, contenu"
+#: include/nav.php:75 view/theme/frio/theme.php:243 boot.php:1704
+msgid "Logout"
+msgstr "Se déconnecter"
+#: include/nav.php:75 view/theme/frio/theme.php:243
+msgid "End this session"
+msgstr "Mettre fin à cette session"
+#: include/nav.php:78 include/identity.php:712 mod/contacts.php:635
+#: mod/contacts.php:831 view/theme/frio/theme.php:246
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Statut"
+#: include/nav.php:78 include/nav.php:163 view/theme/frio/theme.php:246
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
+msgid "Your posts and conversations"
+msgstr "Vos publications et conversations"
+#: include/nav.php:79 include/identity.php:603 include/identity.php:689
+#: include/identity.php:720 mod/profperm.php:104 mod/newmember.php:32
+#: mod/contacts.php:637 mod/contacts.php:839 view/theme/frio/theme.php:247
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Profil"
+#: include/nav.php:79 view/theme/frio/theme.php:247
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124
+msgid "Your profile page"
+msgstr "Votre page de profil"
+#: include/nav.php:80 include/identity.php:728 mod/fbrowser.php:32
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:248 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
+msgid "Photos"
+msgstr "Photos"
+#: include/nav.php:80 view/theme/frio/theme.php:248
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
+msgid "Your photos"
+msgstr "Vos photos"
+#: include/nav.php:81 include/identity.php:736 include/identity.php:739
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:249
+msgid "Videos"
+msgstr "Vidéos"
+#: include/nav.php:81 view/theme/frio/theme.php:249
+msgid "Your videos"
+msgstr "Vos vidéos"
+#: include/nav.php:82 include/nav.php:146 include/identity.php:748
+#: include/identity.php:759 mod/cal.php:278 mod/events.php:379
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:250 view/theme/frio/theme.php:254
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
+msgid "Events"
+msgstr "Événements"
+#: include/nav.php:82 view/theme/frio/theme.php:250
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
+msgid "Your events"
+msgstr "Vos événements"
+#: include/nav.php:83 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128
+msgid "Personal notes"
+msgstr "Notes personnelles"
+#: include/nav.php:83
+msgid "Your personal notes"
+msgstr "Vos notes personnelles"
+#: include/nav.php:94 mod/bookmarklet.php:12 boot.php:1705
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Connexion"
+#: include/nav.php:94
+msgid "Sign in"
+msgstr "Se connecter"
+#: include/nav.php:107 include/nav.php:163
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:174 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Profil"
+#: include/nav.php:107
+msgid "Home Page"
+msgstr "Page d'accueil"
+#: include/nav.php:111 mod/register.php:280 boot.php:1680
+msgid "Register"
+msgstr "S'inscrire"
+#: include/nav.php:111
+msgid "Create an account"
+msgstr "Créer un compte"
+#: include/nav.php:116 mod/help.php:47 view/theme/vier/theme.php:298
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Aide"
+#: include/nav.php:116
+msgid "Help and documentation"
+msgstr "Aide et documentation"
+#: include/nav.php:119
+msgid "Apps"
+msgstr "Applications"
+#: include/nav.php:119
+msgid "Addon applications, utilities, games"
+msgstr "Applications supplémentaires, utilitaires, jeux"
+#: include/nav.php:122 include/text.php:994 mod/search.php:149
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Recherche"
+#: include/nav.php:122
+msgid "Search site content"
+msgstr "Rechercher dans le contenu du site"
+#: include/nav.php:125 include/text.php:1002
+msgid "Full Text"
+msgstr "Texte Entier"
+#: include/nav.php:126 include/text.php:1003
+msgid "Tags"
+msgstr "Tags"
+#: include/nav.php:127 include/nav.php:193 include/text.php:1004
+#: include/identity.php:781 include/identity.php:784 mod/viewcontacts.php:116
+#: mod/contacts.php:790 mod/contacts.php:851 view/theme/frio/theme.php:257
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:125
+msgid "Contacts"
+msgstr "Contacts"
+#: include/nav.php:141 include/nav.php:143 mod/community.php:36
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:129
+msgid "Community"
+msgstr "Communauté"
+#: include/nav.php:141
+msgid "Conversations on this site"
+msgstr "Conversations ayant cours sur ce site"
+#: include/nav.php:143
+msgid "Conversations on the network"
+msgstr "Conversations sur le réseau"
+#: include/nav.php:146 include/identity.php:751 include/identity.php:762
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:254
+msgid "Events and Calendar"
+msgstr "Événements et agenda"
+#: include/nav.php:148
+msgid "Directory"
+msgstr "Annuaire"
+#: include/nav.php:148
+msgid "People directory"
+msgstr "Annuaire des utilisateurs"
+#: include/nav.php:150
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Information"
+#: include/nav.php:150
+msgid "Information about this friendica instance"
+msgstr "Information au sujet de cette instance de friendica"
+#: include/nav.php:160 include/NotificationsManager.php:160 mod/admin.php:402
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:253
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Réseau"
+#: include/nav.php:160 view/theme/frio/theme.php:253
+msgid "Conversations from your friends"
+msgstr "Conversations de vos amis"
+#: include/nav.php:161
+msgid "Network Reset"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser le réseau"
+#: include/nav.php:161
+msgid "Load Network page with no filters"
+msgstr "Chargement des pages du réseau sans filtre"
+#: include/nav.php:168 include/NotificationsManager.php:181
+msgid "Introductions"
+msgstr "Introductions"
+#: include/nav.php:168
+msgid "Friend Requests"
+msgstr "Demande d'amitié"
+#: include/nav.php:171 mod/notifications.php:96
+msgid "Notifications"
+msgstr "Notifications"
+#: include/nav.php:172
+msgid "See all notifications"
+msgstr "Voir toute notification"
+#: include/nav.php:173 mod/settings.php:887
+msgid "Mark as seen"
+msgstr "Marquer comme vu"
+#: include/nav.php:173
+msgid "Mark all system notifications seen"
+msgstr "Marquer toutes les notifications système comme 'vues'"
+#: include/nav.php:177 mod/message.php:190 view/theme/frio/theme.php:255
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Messages"
+#: include/nav.php:177 view/theme/frio/theme.php:255
+msgid "Private mail"
+msgstr "Messages privés"
+#: include/nav.php:178
+msgid "Inbox"
+msgstr "Messages entrants"
+#: include/nav.php:179
+msgid "Outbox"
+msgstr "Messages sortants"
+#: include/nav.php:180 mod/message.php:16
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Nouveau message"
+#: include/nav.php:183
+msgid "Manage"
+msgstr "Gérer"
+#: include/nav.php:183
+msgid "Manage other pages"
+msgstr "Gérer les autres pages"
+#: include/nav.php:186 mod/settings.php:81
+msgid "Delegations"
+msgstr "Délégations"
+#: include/nav.php:186 mod/delegate.php:130
+msgid "Delegate Page Management"
+msgstr "Déléguer la gestion de la page"
+#: include/nav.php:188 mod/newmember.php:22 mod/settings.php:111
+#: mod/admin.php:1502 mod/admin.php:1760 view/theme/frio/theme.php:256
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:544 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:648
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Réglages"
+#: include/nav.php:188 view/theme/frio/theme.php:256
+msgid "Account settings"
+msgstr "Compte"
+#: include/nav.php:191 include/identity.php:276
+msgid "Profiles"
+msgstr "Profils"
+#: include/nav.php:191
+msgid "Manage/Edit Profiles"
+msgstr "Gérer/Éditer les profiles"
+#: include/nav.php:193 view/theme/frio/theme.php:257
+msgid "Manage/edit friends and contacts"
+msgstr "Gérer/éditer les amitiés et contacts"
+#: include/nav.php:200 mod/admin.php:186
+msgid "Admin"
+msgstr "Admin"
+#: include/nav.php:200
+msgid "Site setup and configuration"
+msgstr "Démarrage et configuration du site"
+#: include/nav.php:204
+msgid "Navigation"
+msgstr "Navigation"
+#: include/nav.php:204
+msgid "Site map"
+msgstr "Carte du site"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:32
+msgid "Unknown | Not categorised"
+msgstr "Inconnu | Non-classé"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:33
+msgid "Block immediately"
+msgstr "Bloquer immédiatement"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:34
+msgid "Shady, spammer, self-marketer"
+msgstr "Douteux, spammeur, accro à l'auto-promotion"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:35
+msgid "Known to me, but no opinion"
+msgstr "Connu de moi, mais sans opinion"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:36
+msgid "OK, probably harmless"
+msgstr "OK, probablement inoffensif"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:37
+msgid "Reputable, has my trust"
+msgstr "Réputé, a toute ma confiance"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:56 mod/admin.php:862
+msgid "Frequently"
+msgstr "Fréquemment"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:57 mod/admin.php:863
+msgid "Hourly"
+msgstr "Toutes les heures"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:58 mod/admin.php:864
+msgid "Twice daily"
+msgstr "Deux fois par jour"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:59 mod/admin.php:865
+msgid "Daily"
+msgstr "Chaque jour"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:60
+msgid "Weekly"
+msgstr "Chaque semaine"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:61
+msgid "Monthly"
+msgstr "Chaque mois"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:76 mod/dfrn_request.php:867
+msgid "Friendica"
+msgstr "Friendica"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:77
+msgid "OStatus"
+msgstr "OStatus"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:78
+msgid "RSS/Atom"
+msgstr "RSS/Atom"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:79 include/contact_selectors.php:86
+#: mod/admin.php:1375 mod/admin.php:1388 mod/admin.php:1400 mod/admin.php:1418
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Courriel"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:80 mod/dfrn_request.php:869
+#: mod/settings.php:827
+msgid "Diaspora"
+msgstr "Diaspora"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:81
+msgid "Facebook"
+msgstr "Facebook"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:82
+msgid "Zot!"
+msgstr "Zot!"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:83
+msgid "LinkedIn"
+msgstr "LinkedIn"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:84
+msgid "XMPP/IM"
+msgstr "XMPP/IM"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:85
+msgid "MySpace"
+msgstr "MySpace"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:87
+msgid "Google+"
+msgstr "Google+"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:88
+msgid "pump.io"
+msgstr "pump.io"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:89
+msgid "Twitter"
+msgstr "Twitter"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:90
+msgid "Diaspora Connector"
+msgstr "Connecteur Diaspora"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:91
+msgid "GNU Social"
+msgstr "GNU Social"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:92
+msgid "App.net"
+msgstr "App.net"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:103
+msgid "Hubzilla/Redmatrix"
+msgstr "Hubzilla/Redmatrix"
+#: include/network.php:595
+msgid "view full size"
+msgstr "voir en pleine taille"
+#: include/Contact.php:119
+msgid "stopped following"
+msgstr "retiré de la liste de suivi"
+#: include/Contact.php:310 include/Contact.php:323 include/Contact.php:365
+#: include/conversation.php:964 include/conversation.php:978
+#: mod/directory.php:163 mod/match.php:71 mod/allfriends.php:65
+#: mod/suggest.php:82 mod/dirfind.php:203
+msgid "View Profile"
+msgstr "Voir le profil"
+#: include/Contact.php:364 include/conversation.php:963
+msgid "View Status"
+msgstr "Voir les statuts"
+#: include/Contact.php:366 include/conversation.php:965
+msgid "View Photos"
+msgstr "Voir les photos"
+#: include/Contact.php:367 include/conversation.php:966
+msgid "Network Posts"
+msgstr "Publications du réseau"
+#: include/Contact.php:368 include/conversation.php:967
+msgid "Edit Contact"
+msgstr "Éditer le contact"
+#: include/Contact.php:369
+msgid "Drop Contact"
+msgstr "Supprimer le contact"
+#: include/Contact.php:370 include/conversation.php:968
+msgid "Send PM"
+msgstr "Message privé"
+#: include/Contact.php:371 include/conversation.php:972
+msgid "Poke"
+msgstr "Sollicitations (pokes)"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:327
+msgid "Post to Email"
+msgstr "Publier aux courriels"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:332
+#, php-format
+msgid "Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."
+msgstr "Les connecteurs sont désactivés parce que \"%s\" est activé."
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:333 mod/settings.php:1131
+msgid "Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"
+msgstr "Cacher les détails du profil aux visiteurs inconnus?"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:338
+msgid "Visible to everybody"
+msgstr "Visible par tout le monde"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:339 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
+msgid "show"
+msgstr "montrer"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:340 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
+msgid "don't show"
+msgstr "cacher"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:346 mod/editpost.php:133
+msgid "CC: email addresses"
+msgstr "CC: adresses de courriel"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:347 mod/editpost.php:140
+msgid "Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"
+msgstr "Exemple: bob@exemple.com, mary@exemple.com"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:349 mod/photos.php:1178 mod/photos.php:1562
+#: mod/events.php:510
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Permissions"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:350
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Fermer"
+#: include/dfrn.php:1110
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s\\'s birthday"
+msgstr "Anniversaire de %s"
+#: include/follow.php:77 mod/dfrn_request.php:507
+msgid "Disallowed profile URL."
+msgstr "URL de profil interdite."
+#: include/follow.php:82
+msgid "Connect URL missing."
+msgstr "URL de connexion manquante."
+#: include/follow.php:109
+msgid ""
+"This site is not configured to allow communications with other networks."
+msgstr "Ce site n'est pas configuré pour dialoguer avec d'autres réseaux."
+#: include/follow.php:110 include/follow.php:130
+msgid "No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered."
+msgstr "Aucun protocole de communication ni aucun flux n'a pu être découvert."
+#: include/follow.php:128
+msgid "The profile address specified does not provide adequate information."
+msgstr "L'adresse de profil indiquée ne fournit par les informations adéquates."
+#: include/follow.php:132
+msgid "An author or name was not found."
+msgstr "Aucun auteur ou nom d'auteur n'a pu être trouvé."
+#: include/follow.php:134
+msgid "No browser URL could be matched to this address."
+msgstr "Aucune URL de navigation ne correspond à cette adresse."
+#: include/follow.php:136
+msgid ""
+"Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email "
+msgstr "Impossible de faire correspondre l'adresse d'identité en \"@\" avec un protocole connu ou un contact courriel."
+#: include/follow.php:137
+msgid "Use mailto: in front of address to force email check."
+msgstr "Utilisez mailto: en face d'une adresse pour l'obliger à être reconnue comme courriel."
+#: include/follow.php:143
+msgid ""
+"The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled "
+"on this site."
+msgstr "L'adresse de profil spécifiée correspond à un réseau qui a été désactivé sur ce site."
+#: include/follow.php:153
+msgid ""
+"Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal "
+"notifications from you."
+msgstr "Profil limité. Cette personne ne sera pas capable de recevoir des notifications directes/personnelles de votre part."
+#: include/follow.php:254
+msgid "Unable to retrieve contact information."
+msgstr "Impossible de récupérer les informations du contact."
+#: include/follow.php:287
+msgid "following"
+msgstr "following"
+#: include/items.php:1447 mod/dfrn_request.php:745 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:726
+msgid "[Name Withheld]"
+msgstr "[Nom non-publié]"
+#: include/items.php:1805 mod/viewsrc.php:15 mod/display.php:104
+#: mod/display.php:279 mod/display.php:478 mod/notice.php:15 mod/admin.php:234
+#: mod/admin.php:1449 mod/admin.php:1683
+msgid "Item not found."
+msgstr "Élément introuvable."
+#: include/items.php:1844
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this item?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet élément ?"
+#: include/items.php:1846 mod/follow.php:110 mod/suggest.php:29
+#: mod/api.php:105 mod/message.php:217 mod/dfrn_request.php:861
+#: mod/contacts.php:442 mod/profiles.php:641 mod/profiles.php:644
+#: mod/profiles.php:670 mod/register.php:238 mod/settings.php:1113
+#: mod/settings.php:1119 mod/settings.php:1127 mod/settings.php:1131
+#: mod/settings.php:1136 mod/settings.php:1142 mod/settings.php:1148
+#: mod/settings.php:1154 mod/settings.php:1180 mod/settings.php:1181
+#: mod/settings.php:1182 mod/settings.php:1183 mod/settings.php:1184
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Oui"
+#: include/items.php:1849 include/conversation.php:1272 mod/fbrowser.php:101
+#: mod/fbrowser.php:136 mod/tagrm.php:11 mod/tagrm.php:94 mod/follow.php:121
+#: mod/suggest.php:32 mod/editpost.php:148 mod/message.php:220
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:875 mod/contacts.php:445 mod/settings.php:664
+#: mod/settings.php:690 mod/videos.php:131 mod/photos.php:248
+#: mod/photos.php:337
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Annuler"
+#: include/items.php:2011 mod/wall_upload.php:77 mod/wall_upload.php:80
+#: mod/notes.php:22 mod/uimport.php:23 mod/nogroup.php:25 mod/invite.php:15
+#: mod/invite.php:101 mod/viewcontacts.php:45 mod/wall_attach.php:67
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:70 mod/allfriends.php:12 mod/repair_ostatus.php:9
+#: mod/delegate.php:12 mod/attach.php:33 mod/follow.php:11 mod/follow.php:73
+#: mod/follow.php:155 mod/suggest.php:58 mod/display.php:474 mod/common.php:18
+#: mod/editpost.php:10 mod/network.php:4 mod/group.php:19
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:9 mod/wallmessage.php:33 mod/wallmessage.php:79
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:103 mod/api.php:26 mod/api.php:31
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:9 mod/message.php:46 mod/message.php:182
+#: mod/manage.php:96 mod/crepair.php:100 mod/contacts.php:350
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:57 mod/dirfind.php:11 mod/fsuggest.php:78
+#: mod/item.php:185 mod/item.php:197 mod/mood.php:114 mod/poke.php:150
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:19 mod/profile_photo.php:175
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:186 mod/profile_photo.php:199 mod/profiles.php:166
+#: mod/profiles.php:598 mod/register.php:42 mod/regmod.php:110
+#: mod/settings.php:22 mod/settings.php:128 mod/settings.php:650
+#: mod/photos.php:172 mod/photos.php:1093 mod/cal.php:308 mod/events.php:190
+#: mod/notifications.php:71 index.php:397
+msgid "Permission denied."
+msgstr "Permission refusée."
+#: include/items.php:2116
+msgid "Archives"
+msgstr "Archives"
+#: include/like.php:163 include/text.php:1790 include/conversation.php:130
+#: include/conversation.php:266 mod/subthread.php:87 mod/tagger.php:62
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:471
+msgid "photo"
+msgstr "photo"
+#: include/like.php:163 include/conversation.php:125
+#: include/conversation.php:134 include/conversation.php:261
+#: include/conversation.php:270 include/diaspora.php:1402 mod/subthread.php:87
+#: mod/tagger.php:62 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:466
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:475
+msgid "status"
+msgstr "le statut"
+#: include/like.php:165 include/text.php:1788 include/conversation.php:122
+#: include/conversation.php:258 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:463
+msgid "event"
+msgstr "évènement"
+#: include/like.php:182 include/conversation.php:141 include/diaspora.php:1398
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:480
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s aime %3$s de %2$s"
+#: include/like.php:184 include/conversation.php:144
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s doesn't like %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s n'aime pas %3$s de %2$s"
+#: include/like.php:186
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is attending %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s participe à %3$s de %2$s"
+#: include/like.php:188
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is not attending %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s ne participe pas à %3$s de %2$s"
+#: include/like.php:190
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s may attend %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s participera peut-être à %3$s de %2$s"
+#: include/message.php:15 include/message.php:173
+msgid "[no subject]"
+msgstr "[pas de sujet]"
+#: include/plugin.php:526 include/plugin.php:528
+msgid "Click here to upgrade."
+msgstr "Cliquez ici pour mettre à jour."
+#: include/plugin.php:534
+msgid "This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."
+msgstr "Cette action dépasse les limites définies par votre abonnement."
+#: include/plugin.php:539
+msgid "This action is not available under your subscription plan."
+msgstr "Cette action n'est pas disponible avec votre abonnement."
+#: include/text.php:304
+msgid "newer"
+msgstr "Plus récent"
+#: include/text.php:306
+msgid "older"
+msgstr "Plus ancien"
+#: include/text.php:311
+msgid "prev"
+msgstr "précédent"
+#: include/text.php:313
+msgid "first"
+msgstr "premier"
+#: include/text.php:345
+msgid "last"
+msgstr "dernier"
+#: include/text.php:348
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "suivant"
+#: include/text.php:403
+msgid "Loading more entries..."
+msgstr "Chargement de résultats supplémentaires..."
+#: include/text.php:404
+msgid "The end"
+msgstr "Fin"
+#: include/text.php:871
+msgid "No contacts"
+msgstr "Aucun contact"
+#: include/text.php:894
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d Contact"
+msgid_plural "%d Contacts"
+msgstr[0] "%d contact"
+msgstr[1] "%d contacts"
+#: include/text.php:907
+msgid "View Contacts"
+msgstr "Voir les contacts"
+#: include/text.php:995 mod/notes.php:61 mod/filer.php:31 mod/editpost.php:109
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Sauver"
+#: include/text.php:1058
+msgid "poke"
+msgstr "titiller"
+#: include/text.php:1058
+msgid "poked"
+msgstr "a titillé"
+#: include/text.php:1059
+msgid "ping"
+msgstr "attirer l'attention"
+#: include/text.php:1059
+msgid "pinged"
+msgstr "a attiré l'attention de"
+#: include/text.php:1060
+msgid "prod"
+msgstr "aiguillonner"
+#: include/text.php:1060
+msgid "prodded"
+msgstr "a aiguillonné"
+#: include/text.php:1061
+msgid "slap"
+msgstr "gifler"
+#: include/text.php:1061
+msgid "slapped"
+msgstr "a giflé"
+#: include/text.php:1062
+msgid "finger"
+msgstr "tripoter"
+#: include/text.php:1062
+msgid "fingered"
+msgstr "a tripoté"
+#: include/text.php:1063
+msgid "rebuff"
+msgstr "rabrouer"
+#: include/text.php:1063
+msgid "rebuffed"
+msgstr "a rabroué"
+#: include/text.php:1077
+msgid "happy"
+msgstr "heureuse"
+#: include/text.php:1078
+msgid "sad"
+msgstr "triste"
+#: include/text.php:1079
+msgid "mellow"
+msgstr "suave"
+#: include/text.php:1080
+msgid "tired"
+msgstr "fatiguée"
+#: include/text.php:1081
+msgid "perky"
+msgstr "guillerette"
+#: include/text.php:1082
+msgid "angry"
+msgstr "colérique"
+#: include/text.php:1083
+msgid "stupified"
+msgstr "stupéfaite"
+#: include/text.php:1084
+msgid "puzzled"
+msgstr "perplexe"
+#: include/text.php:1085
+msgid "interested"
+msgstr "intéressée"
+#: include/text.php:1086
+msgid "bitter"
+msgstr "amère"
+#: include/text.php:1087
+msgid "cheerful"
+msgstr "entraînante"
+#: include/text.php:1088
+msgid "alive"
+msgstr "vivante"
+#: include/text.php:1089
+msgid "annoyed"
+msgstr "ennuyée"
+#: include/text.php:1090
+msgid "anxious"
+msgstr "anxieuse"
+#: include/text.php:1091
+msgid "cranky"
+msgstr "excentrique"
+#: include/text.php:1092
+msgid "disturbed"
+msgstr "dérangée"
+#: include/text.php:1093
+msgid "frustrated"
+msgstr "frustrée"
+#: include/text.php:1094
+msgid "motivated"
+msgstr "motivée"
+#: include/text.php:1095
+msgid "relaxed"
+msgstr "détendue"
+#: include/text.php:1096
+msgid "surprised"
+msgstr "surprise"
+#: include/text.php:1112 include/event.php:449 mod/settings.php:955
+msgid "Monday"
+msgstr "Lundi"
+#: include/text.php:1112 include/event.php:450
+msgid "Tuesday"
+msgstr "Mardi"
+#: include/text.php:1112 include/event.php:451
+msgid "Wednesday"
+msgstr "Mercredi"
+#: include/text.php:1112 include/event.php:452
+msgid "Thursday"
+msgstr "Jeudi"
+#: include/text.php:1112 include/event.php:453
+msgid "Friday"
+msgstr "Vendredi"
+#: include/text.php:1112 include/event.php:454
+msgid "Saturday"
+msgstr "Samedi"
+#: include/text.php:1112 include/event.php:448 mod/settings.php:955
+msgid "Sunday"
+msgstr "Dimanche"
+#: include/text.php:1116 include/event.php:467
+msgid "January"
+msgstr "Janvier"
+#: include/text.php:1116 include/event.php:468
+msgid "February"
+msgstr "Février"
+#: include/text.php:1116 include/event.php:469
+msgid "March"
+msgstr "Mars"
+#: include/text.php:1116 include/event.php:470
+msgid "April"
+msgstr "Avril"
+#: include/text.php:1116 include/event.php:459 include/event.php:471
+msgid "May"
+msgstr "Mai"
+#: include/text.php:1116 include/event.php:472
+msgid "June"
+msgstr "Juin"
+#: include/text.php:1116 include/event.php:473
+msgid "July"
+msgstr "Juillet"
+#: include/text.php:1116 include/event.php:474
+msgid "August"
+msgstr "Août"
+#: include/text.php:1116 include/event.php:475
+msgid "September"
+msgstr "Septembre"
+#: include/text.php:1116 include/event.php:476
+msgid "October"
+msgstr "Octobre"
+#: include/text.php:1116 include/event.php:477
+msgid "November"
+msgstr "Novembre"
+#: include/text.php:1116 include/event.php:478
+msgid "December"
+msgstr "Décembre"
+#: include/text.php:1310 mod/videos.php:383
+msgid "View Video"
+msgstr "Regarder la vidéo"
+#: include/text.php:1342
+msgid "bytes"
+msgstr "octets"
+#: include/text.php:1374 include/text.php:1386
+msgid "Click to open/close"
+msgstr "Cliquer pour ouvrir/fermer"
+#: include/text.php:1512
+msgid "View on separate page"
+msgstr "Voir dans une nouvelle page"
+#: include/text.php:1513
+msgid "view on separate page"
+msgstr "voir dans une nouvelle page"
+#: include/text.php:1518 include/text.php:1525 include/event.php:608
+msgid "link to source"
+msgstr "lien original"
+#: include/text.php:1792
+msgid "activity"
+msgstr "activité"
+#: include/text.php:1794 mod/content.php:623 object/Item.php:431
+#: object/Item.php:444
+msgid "comment"
+msgid_plural "comments"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] "commentaire"
+#: include/text.php:1795
+msgid "post"
+msgstr "publication"
+#: include/text.php:1963
+msgid "Item filed"
+msgstr "Élément classé"
#: include/uimport.php:94
msgid "Error decoding account file"
msgstr "Une erreur a été détecté en décodant un fichier utilisateur"
@@ -8362,9 +2241,6374 @@ msgstr[1] "%d contacts non importés"
msgid "Done. You can now login with your username and password"
msgstr "Action réalisé. Vous pouvez désormais vous connecter avec votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe"
-#: index.php:442
-msgid "toggle mobile"
-msgstr "activ. mobile"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:153
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Système"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:167 mod/network.php:844
+#: mod/profiles.php:696
+msgid "Personal"
+msgstr "Personnel"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:234 include/NotificationsManager.php:245
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s commented on %s's post"
+msgstr "%s a commenté la publication de %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:244
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s created a new post"
+msgstr "%s a créé une nouvelle publication"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:258
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s liked %s's post"
+msgstr "%s a aimé la publication de %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:269
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s disliked %s's post"
+msgstr "%s n'a pas aimé la publication de %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is attending %s's event"
+msgstr "%s participe à l'événement de %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:291
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is not attending %s's event"
+msgstr "%s ne participe pas à l'événement de %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:302
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s may attend %s's event"
+msgstr "%s participera peut-être à l'événement de %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is now friends with %s"
+msgstr "%s est désormais ami(e) avec %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:750
+msgid "Friend Suggestion"
+msgstr "Suggestion d'amitié/contact"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:783
+msgid "Friend/Connect Request"
+msgstr "Demande de connexion/relation"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:783
+msgid "New Follower"
+msgstr "Nouvel abonné"
+#: include/api.php:975
+#, php-format
+msgid "Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
+msgstr "Le quota journalier de %d publications a été atteint. La publication a été rejetée."
+#: include/api.php:995
+#, php-format
+msgid "Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
+msgstr "Le quota hebdomadaire de %d publications a été atteint. La publication a été rejetée."
+#: include/api.php:1016
+#, php-format
+msgid "Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
+msgstr "Le quota mensuel de %d publications a été atteint. La publication a été rejetée."
+#: include/bbcode.php:348 include/bbcode.php:1056 include/bbcode.php:1057
+msgid "Image/photo"
+msgstr "Image/photo"
+#: include/bbcode.php:465
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr "%2$s %3$s"
+#: include/bbcode.php:1016 include/bbcode.php:1036
+msgid "$1 wrote:"
+msgstr "$1 a écrit:"
+#: include/bbcode.php:1065 include/bbcode.php:1066
+msgid "Encrypted content"
+msgstr "Contenu chiffré"
+#: include/conversation.php:147
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s attends %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s participe à %3$s de %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s doesn't attend %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s ne participe pas à %3$s de %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s attends maybe %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s participe peut-être à %3$s de %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:185 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:473
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is now friends with %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s est désormais lié à %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s poked %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s a sollicité %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:239 mod/mood.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is currently %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s est d'humeur %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:278 mod/tagger.php:95
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s tagged %2$s's %3$s with %4$s"
+msgstr "%1$s a étiqueté %3$s de %2$s avec %4$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:303
+msgid "post/item"
+msgstr "publication/élément"
+#: include/conversation.php:304
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s marked %2$s's %3$s as favorite"
+msgstr "%1$s a marqué le %3$s de %2$s comme favori"
+#: include/conversation.php:585 mod/content.php:372 mod/profiles.php:345
+#: mod/photos.php:1634
+msgid "Likes"
+msgstr "Derniers \"J'aime\""
+#: include/conversation.php:585 mod/content.php:372 mod/profiles.php:349
+#: mod/photos.php:1634
+msgid "Dislikes"
+msgstr "Derniers \"Je n'aime pas\""
+#: include/conversation.php:586 include/conversation.php:1469
+#: mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1635
+msgid "Attending"
+msgid_plural "Attending"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: include/conversation.php:586 mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1635
+msgid "Not attending"
+msgstr "Ne participe pas"
+#: include/conversation.php:586 mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1635
+msgid "Might attend"
+msgstr "Participera peut-être"
+#: include/conversation.php:708 mod/content.php:453 mod/content.php:758
+#: mod/photos.php:1709 object/Item.php:133
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Sélectionner"
+#: include/conversation.php:709 mod/group.php:171 mod/content.php:454
+#: mod/content.php:759 mod/contacts.php:806 mod/contacts.php:1021
+#: mod/settings.php:726 mod/photos.php:1710 mod/admin.php:1392
+#: object/Item.php:134
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Supprimer"
+#: include/conversation.php:753 mod/content.php:487 mod/content.php:910
+#: mod/content.php:911 object/Item.php:367 object/Item.php:368
+#, php-format
+msgid "View %s's profile @ %s"
+msgstr "Voir le profil de %s @ %s"
+#: include/conversation.php:765 object/Item.php:355
+msgid "Categories:"
+msgstr "Catégories:"
+#: include/conversation.php:766 object/Item.php:356
+msgid "Filed under:"
+msgstr "Rangé sous:"
+#: include/conversation.php:773 mod/content.php:497 mod/content.php:923
+#: object/Item.php:381
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s from %s"
+msgstr "%s de %s"
+#: include/conversation.php:789 mod/content.php:513
+msgid "View in context"
+msgstr "Voir dans le contexte"
+#: include/conversation.php:791 include/conversation.php:1253
+#: mod/editpost.php:124 mod/wallmessage.php:156 mod/message.php:356
+#: mod/message.php:548 mod/content.php:515 mod/content.php:948
+#: mod/photos.php:1597 object/Item.php:406
+msgid "Please wait"
+msgstr "Patientez"
+#: include/conversation.php:870
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "enlever"
+#: include/conversation.php:874
+msgid "Delete Selected Items"
+msgstr "Supprimer les éléments sélectionnés"
+#: include/conversation.php:962
+msgid "Follow Thread"
+msgstr "Suivre le fil"
+#: include/conversation.php:1086
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s likes this."
+msgstr "%s aime ça."
+#: include/conversation.php:1089
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s doesn't like this."
+msgstr "%s n'aime pas ça."
+#: include/conversation.php:1092
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s attends."
+msgstr "%s participe"
+#: include/conversation.php:1095
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s doesn't attend."
+msgstr "%s ne participe pas"
+#: include/conversation.php:1098
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s attends maybe."
+msgstr "%s participe peut-être"
+#: include/conversation.php:1108
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "et"
+#: include/conversation.php:1114
+#, php-format
+msgid ", and %d other people"
+msgstr ", et %d autres personnes"
+#: include/conversation.php:1123
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people like this"
+msgstr "%2$d personnes aiment ça"
+#: include/conversation.php:1124
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s like this."
+msgstr "%s aime ça."
+#: include/conversation.php:1127
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people don't like this"
+msgstr "%2$d personnes n'aiment pas ça"
+#: include/conversation.php:1128
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s don't like this."
+msgstr "%s n'aiment pas ça."
+#: include/conversation.php:1131
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people attend"
+msgstr "%2$d personnes participent"
+#: include/conversation.php:1132
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s attend."
+msgstr "%s participent."
+#: include/conversation.php:1135
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people don't attend"
+msgstr "%2$d personnes ne participent pas"
+#: include/conversation.php:1136
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s don't attend."
+msgstr "%s ne participent pas."
+#: include/conversation.php:1139
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people anttend maybe"
+msgstr "%2$d personnes participeront peut-être"
+#: include/conversation.php:1140
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s anttend maybe."
+msgstr "%s participent peut-être."
+#: include/conversation.php:1179 include/conversation.php:1197
+msgid "Visible to everybody "
+msgstr "Visible par tout le monde "
+#: include/conversation.php:1180 include/conversation.php:1198
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:127 mod/wallmessage.php:135 mod/message.php:291
+#: mod/message.php:299 mod/message.php:442 mod/message.php:450
+msgid "Please enter a link URL:"
+msgstr "Entrez un lien web:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1181 include/conversation.php:1199
+msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:"
+msgstr "Entrez un lien/URL video :"
+#: include/conversation.php:1182 include/conversation.php:1200
+msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:"
+msgstr "Entrez un lien/URL audio :"
+#: include/conversation.php:1183 include/conversation.php:1201
+msgid "Tag term:"
+msgstr "Terme d'étiquette:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1184 include/conversation.php:1202
+#: mod/filer.php:30
+msgid "Save to Folder:"
+msgstr "Sauver dans le Dossier:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1185 include/conversation.php:1203
+msgid "Where are you right now?"
+msgstr "Où êtes-vous présentemment?"
+#: include/conversation.php:1186
+msgid "Delete item(s)?"
+msgstr "Supprimer les élément(s) ?"
+#: include/conversation.php:1234 mod/photos.php:1596
+msgid "Share"
+msgstr "Partager"
+#: include/conversation.php:1235 mod/editpost.php:110 mod/wallmessage.php:154
+#: mod/message.php:354 mod/message.php:545
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Joindre photo"
+#: include/conversation.php:1236 mod/editpost.php:111
+msgid "upload photo"
+msgstr "envoi image"
+#: include/conversation.php:1237 mod/editpost.php:112
+msgid "Attach file"
+msgstr "Joindre fichier"
+#: include/conversation.php:1238 mod/editpost.php:113
+msgid "attach file"
+msgstr "ajout fichier"
+#: include/conversation.php:1239 mod/editpost.php:114 mod/wallmessage.php:155
+#: mod/message.php:355 mod/message.php:546
+msgid "Insert web link"
+msgstr "Insérer lien web"
+#: include/conversation.php:1240 mod/editpost.php:115
+msgid "web link"
+msgstr "lien web"
+#: include/conversation.php:1241 mod/editpost.php:116
+msgid "Insert video link"
+msgstr "Insérer un lien video"
+#: include/conversation.php:1242 mod/editpost.php:117
+msgid "video link"
+msgstr "lien vidéo"
+#: include/conversation.php:1243 mod/editpost.php:118
+msgid "Insert audio link"
+msgstr "Insérer un lien audio"
+#: include/conversation.php:1244 mod/editpost.php:119
+msgid "audio link"
+msgstr "lien audio"
+#: include/conversation.php:1245 mod/editpost.php:120
+msgid "Set your location"
+msgstr "Définir votre localisation"
+#: include/conversation.php:1246 mod/editpost.php:121
+msgid "set location"
+msgstr "spéc. localisation"
+#: include/conversation.php:1247 mod/editpost.php:122
+msgid "Clear browser location"
+msgstr "Effacer la localisation du navigateur"
+#: include/conversation.php:1248 mod/editpost.php:123
+msgid "clear location"
+msgstr "supp. localisation"
+#: include/conversation.php:1250 mod/editpost.php:137
+msgid "Set title"
+msgstr "Définir un titre"
+#: include/conversation.php:1252 mod/editpost.php:139
+msgid "Categories (comma-separated list)"
+msgstr "Catégories (séparées par des virgules)"
+#: include/conversation.php:1254 mod/editpost.php:125
+msgid "Permission settings"
+msgstr "Réglages des permissions"
+#: include/conversation.php:1255 mod/editpost.php:154
+msgid "permissions"
+msgstr "permissions"
+#: include/conversation.php:1263 mod/editpost.php:134
+msgid "Public post"
+msgstr "Publication publique"
+#: include/conversation.php:1268 mod/editpost.php:145 mod/content.php:737
+#: mod/photos.php:1618 mod/photos.php:1666 mod/photos.php:1754
+#: mod/events.php:505 object/Item.php:729
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Aperçu"
+#: include/conversation.php:1278
+msgid "Post to Groups"
+msgstr "Publier aux groupes"
+#: include/conversation.php:1279
+msgid "Post to Contacts"
+msgstr "Publier aux contacts"
+#: include/conversation.php:1280
+msgid "Private post"
+msgstr "Message privé"
+#: include/conversation.php:1285 include/identity.php:250 mod/editpost.php:152
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Message"
+#: include/conversation.php:1286 mod/editpost.php:153
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Navigateur"
+#: include/conversation.php:1441
+msgid "View all"
+msgstr "Voir tout"
+#: include/conversation.php:1463
+msgid "Like"
+msgid_plural "Likes"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1466
+msgid "Dislike"
+msgid_plural "Dislikes"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1472
+msgid "Not Attending"
+msgid_plural "Not Attending"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: include/dbstructure.php:26
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n"
+"\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n"
+"\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n"
+"\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."
+msgstr "\nLes développeurs de Friendica ont récemment publié la mise à jour %s, mais en tentant de l’installer, quelque chose s’est terriblement mal passé. Une réparation s’impose et je ne peux pas la faire tout seul. Contactez un développeur Friendica si vous ne pouvez pas corriger le problème vous-même. Il est possible que ma base de données soit corrompue."
+#: include/dbstructure.php:31
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"The error message is\n"
+msgstr "Le message d’erreur est\n[pre]%s[/pre]"
+#: include/dbstructure.php:153
+msgid "Errors encountered creating database tables."
+msgstr "Des erreurs ont été signalées lors de la création des tables."
+#: include/dbstructure.php:230
+msgid "Errors encountered performing database changes."
+msgstr "Des erreurs sont survenues lors de la mise à jour de la base de données."
+#: include/diaspora.php:1954
+msgid "Sharing notification from Diaspora network"
+msgstr "Notification de partage du réseau Diaspora"
+#: include/diaspora.php:2854
+msgid "Attachments:"
+msgstr "Pièces jointes : "
+#: include/event.php:441
+msgid "Sun"
+msgstr "Dim"
+#: include/event.php:442
+msgid "Mon"
+msgstr "Lun"
+#: include/event.php:443
+msgid "Tue"
+msgstr "Mar"
+#: include/event.php:444
+msgid "Wed"
+msgstr "Mer"
+#: include/event.php:445
+msgid "Thu"
+msgstr "Jeu"
+#: include/event.php:446
+msgid "Fri"
+msgstr "Ven"
+#: include/event.php:447
+msgid "Sat"
+msgstr "Sam"
+#: include/event.php:455
+msgid "Jan"
+msgstr "Jan"
+#: include/event.php:456
+msgid "Feb"
+msgstr "Fév"
+#: include/event.php:457
+msgid "Mar"
+msgstr "Mar"
+#: include/event.php:458
+msgid "Apr"
+msgstr "Avr"
+#: include/event.php:460
+msgid "Jun"
+msgstr "Jun"
+#: include/event.php:461
+msgid "Jul"
+msgstr "Jul"
+#: include/event.php:462
+msgid "Aug"
+msgstr "Aoû"
+#: include/event.php:463
+msgid "Sept"
+msgstr "Sep"
+#: include/event.php:464
+msgid "Oct"
+msgstr "Oct"
+#: include/event.php:465
+msgid "Nov"
+msgstr "Nov"
+#: include/event.php:466
+msgid "Dec"
+msgstr "Déc"
+#: include/event.php:479 mod/cal.php:286 mod/events.php:388
+msgid "today"
+msgstr "aujourd'hui"
+#: include/event.php:567
+msgid "l, F j"
+msgstr "l, F j"
+#: include/event.php:586
+msgid "Edit event"
+msgstr "Editer l'événement"
+#: include/event.php:843
+msgid "Export"
+msgstr "Exporter"
+#: include/event.php:844
+msgid "Export calendar as ical"
+msgstr "Exporter au format iCal"
+#: include/event.php:845
+msgid "Export calendar as csv"
+msgstr "Exporter au format CSV"
+#: include/identity.php:42
+msgid "Requested account is not available."
+msgstr "Le compte demandé n'est pas disponible."
+#: include/identity.php:51 mod/profile.php:21
+msgid "Requested profile is not available."
+msgstr "Le profil demandé n'est pas disponible."
+#: include/identity.php:95 include/identity.php:305 include/identity.php:686
+msgid "Edit profile"
+msgstr "Editer le profil"
+#: include/identity.php:245
+msgid "Atom feed"
+msgstr "Flux Atom"
+#: include/identity.php:276
+msgid "Manage/edit profiles"
+msgstr "Gérer/éditer les profils"
+#: include/identity.php:281 include/identity.php:307 mod/profiles.php:787
+msgid "Change profile photo"
+msgstr "Changer de photo de profil"
+#: include/identity.php:282 mod/profiles.php:788
+msgid "Create New Profile"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau profil"
+#: include/identity.php:292 mod/profiles.php:777
+msgid "Profile Image"
+msgstr "Image du profil"
+#: include/identity.php:295 mod/profiles.php:779
+msgid "visible to everybody"
+msgstr "visible par tous"
+#: include/identity.php:296 mod/profiles.php:684 mod/profiles.php:780
+msgid "Edit visibility"
+msgstr "Changer la visibilité"
+#: include/identity.php:319 mod/directory.php:174 mod/match.php:84
+#: mod/viewcontacts.php:105 mod/allfriends.php:79 mod/suggest.php:98
+#: mod/hovercard.php:80 mod/common.php:123 mod/network.php:517
+#: mod/contacts.php:51 mod/contacts.php:626 mod/contacts.php:953
+#: mod/dirfind.php:223 mod/videos.php:37 mod/photos.php:42 mod/cal.php:44
+msgid "Forum"
+msgstr "Forum"
+#: include/identity.php:331 include/identity.php:614 mod/directory.php:147
+#: mod/notifications.php:238
+msgid "Gender:"
+msgstr "Genre:"
+#: include/identity.php:334 include/identity.php:634 mod/directory.php:149
+msgid "Status:"
+msgstr "Statut:"
+#: include/identity.php:336 include/identity.php:645 mod/directory.php:151
+msgid "Homepage:"
+msgstr "Page personnelle:"
+#: include/identity.php:338 include/identity.php:655 mod/directory.php:153
+#: mod/contacts.php:630 mod/notifications.php:234
+msgid "About:"
+msgstr "À propos:"
+#: include/identity.php:420 mod/contacts.php:50 mod/notifications.php:246
+msgid "Network:"
+msgstr "Réseau"
+#: include/identity.php:449 include/identity.php:533
+msgid "g A l F d"
+msgstr "g A | F d"
+#: include/identity.php:450 include/identity.php:534
+msgid "F d"
+msgstr "F d"
+#: include/identity.php:495 include/identity.php:580
+msgid "[today]"
+msgstr "[aujourd'hui]"
+#: include/identity.php:507
+msgid "Birthday Reminders"
+msgstr "Rappels d'anniversaires"
+#: include/identity.php:508
+msgid "Birthdays this week:"
+msgstr "Anniversaires cette semaine:"
+#: include/identity.php:567
+msgid "[No description]"
+msgstr "[Sans description]"
+#: include/identity.php:591
+msgid "Event Reminders"
+msgstr "Rappels d'événements"
+#: include/identity.php:592
+msgid "Events this week:"
+msgstr "Evénements cette semaine :"
+#: include/identity.php:612 mod/settings.php:1229
+msgid "Full Name:"
+msgstr "Nom complet:"
+#: include/identity.php:619
+msgid "j F, Y"
+msgstr "j F, Y"
+#: include/identity.php:620
+msgid "j F"
+msgstr "j F"
+#: include/identity.php:631
+msgid "Age:"
+msgstr "Age:"
+#: include/identity.php:640
+#, php-format
+msgid "for %1$d %2$s"
+msgstr "depuis %1$d %2$s"
+#: include/identity.php:643 mod/profiles.php:703
+msgid "Sexual Preference:"
+msgstr "Préférence sexuelle:"
+#: include/identity.php:647 mod/profiles.php:729
+msgid "Hometown:"
+msgstr " Ville d'origine:"
+#: include/identity.php:649 mod/follow.php:134 mod/contacts.php:632
+#: mod/notifications.php:236
+msgid "Tags:"
+msgstr "Étiquette:"
+#: include/identity.php:651 mod/profiles.php:730
+msgid "Political Views:"
+msgstr "Opinions politiques:"
+#: include/identity.php:653
+msgid "Religion:"
+msgstr "Religion:"
+#: include/identity.php:657
+msgid "Hobbies/Interests:"
+msgstr "Passe-temps/Centres d'intérêt:"
+#: include/identity.php:659 mod/profiles.php:734
+msgid "Likes:"
+msgstr "J'aime :"
+#: include/identity.php:661 mod/profiles.php:735
+msgid "Dislikes:"
+msgstr "Je n'aime pas :"
+#: include/identity.php:664
+msgid "Contact information and Social Networks:"
+msgstr "Coordonnées/Réseaux sociaux:"
+#: include/identity.php:666
+msgid "Musical interests:"
+msgstr "Goûts musicaux:"
+#: include/identity.php:668
+msgid "Books, literature:"
+msgstr "Lectures:"
+#: include/identity.php:670
+msgid "Television:"
+msgstr "Télévision:"
+#: include/identity.php:672
+msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"
+msgstr "Cinéma/Danse/Culture/Divertissement:"
+#: include/identity.php:674
+msgid "Love/Romance:"
+msgstr "Amour/Romance:"
+#: include/identity.php:676
+msgid "Work/employment:"
+msgstr "Activité professionnelle/Occupation:"
+#: include/identity.php:678
+msgid "School/education:"
+msgstr "Études/Formation:"
+#: include/identity.php:682
+msgid "Forums:"
+msgstr "Forums :"
+#: include/identity.php:690 mod/events.php:508
+msgid "Basic"
+msgstr "Simple"
+#: include/identity.php:691 mod/contacts.php:868 mod/events.php:509
+#: mod/admin.php:931
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr "Avancé"
+#: include/identity.php:715 mod/follow.php:143 mod/contacts.php:834
+msgid "Status Messages and Posts"
+msgstr "Messages d'état et publications"
+#: include/identity.php:723 mod/contacts.php:842
+msgid "Profile Details"
+msgstr "Détails du profil"
+#: include/identity.php:731 mod/photos.php:100
+msgid "Photo Albums"
+msgstr "Albums photo"
+#: include/identity.php:770 mod/notes.php:46
+msgid "Personal Notes"
+msgstr "Notes personnelles"
+#: include/identity.php:773
+msgid "Only You Can See This"
+msgstr "Vous seul pouvez voir ça"
+#: mod/oexchange.php:25
+msgid "Post successful."
+msgstr "Publication réussie."
+#: mod/update_community.php:18 mod/update_notes.php:37
+#: mod/update_display.php:22 mod/update_profile.php:41
+#: mod/update_network.php:25
+msgid "[Embedded content - reload page to view]"
+msgstr "[contenu incorporé - rechargez la page pour le voir]"
+#: mod/viewsrc.php:7
+msgid "Access denied."
+msgstr "Accès refusé."
+#: mod/home.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s"
+msgstr "Bienvenue sur %s"
+#: mod/notify.php:60
+msgid "No more system notifications."
+msgstr "Pas plus de notifications système."
+#: mod/notify.php:64 mod/notifications.php:111
+msgid "System Notifications"
+msgstr "Notifications du système"
+#: mod/search.php:25 mod/network.php:191
+msgid "Remove term"
+msgstr "Retirer le terme"
+#: mod/search.php:93 mod/search.php:99 mod/directory.php:37
+#: mod/viewcontacts.php:35 mod/display.php:199 mod/community.php:22
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:790 mod/videos.php:197 mod/photos.php:964
+msgid "Public access denied."
+msgstr "Accès public refusé."
+#: mod/search.php:100
+msgid "Only logged in users are permitted to perform a search."
+msgstr "Seuls les utilisateurs inscrits sont autorisés à lancer une recherche."
+#: mod/search.php:124
+msgid "Too Many Requests"
+msgstr "Trop de requêtes"
+#: mod/search.php:125
+msgid "Only one search per minute is permitted for not logged in users."
+msgstr "Une seule recherche par minute pour les utilisateurs qui ne sont pas connectés."
+#: mod/search.php:224 mod/community.php:66 mod/community.php:75
+msgid "No results."
+msgstr "Aucun résultat."
+#: mod/search.php:230
+#, php-format
+msgid "Items tagged with: %s"
+msgstr "Éléments taggés %s"
+#: mod/search.php:232 mod/network.php:146 mod/contacts.php:795
+#, php-format
+msgid "Results for: %s"
+msgstr "Résultats pour : %s"
+#: mod/friendica.php:70
+msgid "This is Friendica, version"
+msgstr "Motorisé par Friendica version"
+#: mod/friendica.php:71
+msgid "running at web location"
+msgstr "hébergé sur"
+#: mod/friendica.php:73
+msgid ""
+"Please visit Friendica.com to learn "
+"more about the Friendica project."
+msgstr "Merci de vous rendre sur Friendica.com si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur le projet Friendica."
+#: mod/friendica.php:75
+msgid "Bug reports and issues: please visit"
+msgstr "Pour les rapports de bugs: rendez vous sur"
+#: mod/friendica.php:75
+msgid "the bugtracker at github"
+msgstr "le bugtracker sur GitHub"
+#: mod/friendica.php:76
+msgid ""
+"Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email \"Info\" at Friendica - "
+"dot com"
+msgstr "Suggestions, remerciements, donations, etc. - écrivez à \"Info\" arob. Friendica - point com"
+#: mod/friendica.php:90
+msgid "Installed plugins/addons/apps:"
+msgstr "Extensions/greffons/applications installées:"
+#: mod/friendica.php:103
+msgid "No installed plugins/addons/apps"
+msgstr "Extensions/greffons/applications non installées:"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:19
+msgid "No valid account found."
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver un compte valide."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:35
+msgid "Password reset request issued. Check your email."
+msgstr "Réinitialisation du mot de passe en cours. Vérifiez votre courriel."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
+"\t\t\tA request was recently received at \"%2$s\" to reset your account\n"
+"\t\tpassword. In order to confirm this request, please select the verification link\n"
+"\t\tbelow or paste it into your web browser address bar.\n"
+"\t\tIf you did NOT request this change, please DO NOT follow the link\n"
+"\t\tprovided and ignore and/or delete this email.\n"
+"\t\tYour password will not be changed unless we can verify that you\n"
+"\t\tissued this request."
+msgstr "\n\t\tChère/Cher %1$s,\n\t\t\tNous avons reçu une demande de ré-initialisation du mot de passe de votre compte sur \"%2$s\". Pour confirmer cette demande, veuillez cliquer sur le lien de vérification ci-dessous ou le coller dans la barre d’adresse de votre navigateur.\n\n\t\tSi vous n’êtes PAS à l’origine de cette demande, NE suivez PAS le lien—ignorez et/ou supprimez ce message.\n\n\t\tVotre mot de passe ne sera pas modifié si nous n’avons pas de confirmation que la demande émane de vous."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:53
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\tFollow this link to verify your identity:\n"
+"\t\tYou will then receive a follow-up message containing the new password.\n"
+"\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n"
+"\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
+"\t\tSite Location:\t%2$s\n"
+"\t\tLogin Name:\t%3$s"
+msgstr "\n\t\tSuivez ce lien pour confirmer votre identité :\n\n\t\t%1$s\n\n\t\tVous recevrez alors a message contenant votre nouveau mot de passe.\n\t\tVous pourrez changer ce mot de passe depuis les paramètres de votre compte une fois connecté.\n\n\t\tInformations de connexion :\n\n\t\tAdresse :\t%2$s\n\t\tIdentifiant :\t%3$s"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:72
+#, php-format
+msgid "Password reset requested at %s"
+msgstr "Requête de réinitialisation de mot de passe à %s"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:92
+msgid ""
+"Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) "
+"Password reset failed."
+msgstr "Impossible d'honorer cette demande. (Vous l'avez peut-être déjà utilisée par le passé.) La réinitialisation a échoué."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:109 boot.php:1719
+msgid "Password Reset"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser le mot de passe"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:110
+msgid "Your password has been reset as requested."
+msgstr "Votre mot de passe a bien été réinitialisé."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:111
+msgid "Your new password is"
+msgstr "Votre nouveau mot de passe est "
+#: mod/lostpass.php:112
+msgid "Save or copy your new password - and then"
+msgstr "Sauvez ou copiez ce nouveau mot de passe - puis"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:113
+msgid "click here to login"
+msgstr "cliquez ici pour vous connecter"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:114
+msgid ""
+"Your password may be changed from the Settings page after "
+"successful login."
+msgstr "Votre mot de passe peut être changé depuis la page <em>Réglages</em>, une fois que vous serez connecté."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:125
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
+"\t\t\t\t\tYour password has been changed as requested. Please retain this\n"
+"\t\t\t\tinformation for your records (or change your password immediately to\n"
+"\t\t\t\tsomething that you will remember).\n"
+msgstr "\n\t\t\t\tChère/Cher %1$s,\n\t\t\t\t\tVotre mot de passe a été changé ainsi que vous l’avez demandé. Veuillez conserver cette informations dans vos archives (ou changer immédiatement votre mot de passe pour un autre dont vous vous souviendrez).\n\t\t\t"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\t\tYour login details are as follows:\n"
+"\t\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1$s\n"
+"\t\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%2$s\n"
+"\t\t\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n"
+msgstr "\n\t\t\t\tVoici vos informations de connexion :\n\n\t\t\t\tAdresse :\t%1$s\n\t\t\t\tIdentifiant :\t%2$s\n\t\t\t\tMot de passe :\t%3$s\n\n\t\t\t\tVous pourrez changer votre mot de passe dans les paramètres de votre compte une fois connecté.\n\t\t\t"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:147
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your password has been changed at %s"
+msgstr "Votre mot de passe a été modifié à %s"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:159
+msgid "Forgot your Password?"
+msgstr "Mot de passe oublié ?"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:160
+msgid ""
+"Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check "
+"your email for further instructions."
+msgstr "Entrez votre adresse de courriel et validez pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe. Vous recevrez la suite des instructions par courriel."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:161 boot.php:1707
+msgid "Nickname or Email: "
+msgstr "Pseudo ou eMail : "
+#: mod/lostpass.php:162
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr "Réinitialiser"
+#: mod/hcard.php:10
+msgid "No profile"
+msgstr "Aucun profil"
+#: mod/help.php:41
+msgid "Help:"
+msgstr "Aide :"
+#: mod/help.php:53 mod/p.php:16 mod/p.php:43 mod/p.php:52 mod/fetch.php:12
+#: mod/fetch.php:39 mod/fetch.php:48 index.php:284
+msgid "Not Found"
+msgstr "Non trouvé"
+#: mod/help.php:56 index.php:287
+msgid "Page not found."
+msgstr "Page introuvable."
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:20 mod/wall_upload.php:33 mod/wall_upload.php:86
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:122 mod/wall_upload.php:125 mod/wall_attach.php:17
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:25 mod/wall_attach.php:76
+msgid "Invalid request."
+msgstr "Requête invalide."
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:151 mod/profile_photo.php:150 mod/photos.php:806
+#, php-format
+msgid "Image exceeds size limit of %s"
+msgstr "L'image dépasse la taille limite de %s"
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:188 mod/profile_photo.php:159 mod/photos.php:846
+msgid "Unable to process image."
+msgstr "Impossible de traiter l'image."
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:221 mod/profile_photo.php:307 mod/photos.php:873
+msgid "Image upload failed."
+msgstr "Le téléversement de l'image a échoué."
+#: mod/lockview.php:31 mod/lockview.php:39
+msgid "Remote privacy information not available."
+msgstr "Informations de confidentialité indisponibles."
+#: mod/lockview.php:48
+msgid "Visible to:"
+msgstr "Visible par:"
+#: mod/directory.php:205 view/theme/vier/theme.php:201
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:525
+msgid "Global Directory"
+msgstr "Annuaire global"
+#: mod/directory.php:207
+msgid "Find on this site"
+msgstr "Trouver sur ce site"
+#: mod/directory.php:209
+msgid "Results for:"
+msgstr "Résultats pour :"
+#: mod/directory.php:211
+msgid "Site Directory"
+msgstr "Annuaire local"
+#: mod/directory.php:218
+msgid "No entries (some entries may be hidden)."
+msgstr "Aucune entrée (certaines peuvent être cachées)."
+#: mod/openid.php:24
+msgid "OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."
+msgstr "Erreur de protocole OpenID. Pas d'ID en retour."
+#: mod/openid.php:60
+msgid ""
+"Account not found and OpenID registration is not permitted on this site."
+msgstr "Compte introuvable, et l'inscription OpenID n'est pas autorisée sur ce site."
+#: mod/uimport.php:50 mod/register.php:191
+msgid ""
+"This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. "
+"Please try again tomorrow."
+msgstr "Le nombre d'inscriptions quotidiennes pour ce site a été dépassé. Merci de réessayer demain."
+#: mod/uimport.php:64 mod/register.php:286
+msgid "Import"
+msgstr "Importer"
+#: mod/uimport.php:66
+msgid "Move account"
+msgstr "Migrer le compte"
+#: mod/uimport.php:67
+msgid "You can import an account from another Friendica server."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez importer un compte d'un autre serveur Friendica."
+#: mod/uimport.php:68
+msgid ""
+"You need to export your account from the old server and upload it here. We "
+"will recreate your old account here with all your contacts. We will try also"
+" to inform your friends that you moved here."
+msgstr "Vous devez exporter votre compte à partir de l'ancien serveur et le téléverser ici. Nous recréerons votre ancien compte ici avec tous vos contacts. Nous tenterons également d'informer vos amis que vous avez déménagé ici."
+#: mod/uimport.php:69
+msgid ""
+"This feature is experimental. We can't import contacts from the OStatus "
+"network (GNU Social/Statusnet) or from Diaspora"
+msgstr "Cette fonctionalité est expérimentale. Il n'est pas possible d'importer des contacts depuis le réseau OStatus (GNU Social/Statusnet) ou depuis Diaspora."
+#: mod/uimport.php:70
+msgid "Account file"
+msgstr "Fichier du compte"
+#: mod/uimport.php:70
+msgid ""
+"To export your account, go to \"Settings->Export your personal data\" and "
+"select \"Export account\""
+msgstr "Pour exporter votre compte, allez dans \"Paramètres> Exporter vos données personnelles\" et sélectionnez \"exportation de compte\""
+#: mod/nogroup.php:41 mod/viewcontacts.php:97 mod/contacts.php:586
+#: mod/contacts.php:944
+#, php-format
+msgid "Visit %s's profile [%s]"
+msgstr "Visiter le profil de %s [%s]"
+#: mod/nogroup.php:42 mod/contacts.php:945
+msgid "Edit contact"
+msgstr "Éditer le contact"
+#: mod/nogroup.php:63
+msgid "Contacts who are not members of a group"
+msgstr "Contacts qui n’appartiennent à aucun groupe"
+#: mod/match.php:33
+msgid "No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."
+msgstr "Aucun mot-clé en correspondance. Merci d'ajouter des mots-clés à votre profil par défaut."
+#: mod/match.php:86
+msgid "is interested in:"
+msgstr "s'intéresse à :"
+#: mod/match.php:100
+msgid "Profile Match"
+msgstr "Correpondance de profils"
+#: mod/match.php:107 mod/dirfind.php:240
+msgid "No matches"
+msgstr "Aucune correspondance"
+#: mod/uexport.php:29
+msgid "Export account"
+msgstr "Exporter le compte"
+#: mod/uexport.php:29
+msgid ""
+"Export your account info and contacts. Use this to make a backup of your "
+"account and/or to move it to another server."
+msgstr "Exportez votre compte, vos infos et vos contacts. Vous pourrez utiliser le résultat comme sauvegarde et/ou pour le ré-importer sur un autre serveur."
+#: mod/uexport.php:30
+msgid "Export all"
+msgstr "Tout exporter"
+#: mod/uexport.php:30
+msgid ""
+"Export your accout info, contacts and all your items as json. Could be a "
+"very big file, and could take a lot of time. Use this to make a full backup "
+"of your account (photos are not exported)"
+msgstr "Exportez votre compte, vos infos, vos contacts et toutes vos publications (en JSON). Le fichier résultant peut être extrêmement volumineux, et sa production peut durer longtemps. Vous pourrez l'utiliser pour faire une sauvegarde complète (à part les photos)."
+#: mod/uexport.php:37 mod/settings.php:95
+msgid "Export personal data"
+msgstr "Exporter"
+#: mod/invite.php:27
+msgid "Total invitation limit exceeded."
+msgstr "La limite d'invitation totale est éxédée."
+#: mod/invite.php:49
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s : Not a valid email address."
+msgstr "%s : Adresse de courriel invalide."
+#: mod/invite.php:73
+msgid "Please join us on Friendica"
+msgstr "Rejoignez-nous sur Friendica"
+#: mod/invite.php:84
+msgid "Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."
+msgstr "Limite d'invitation exédée. Veuillez contacter l'administrateur de votre site."
+#: mod/invite.php:89
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s : Message delivery failed."
+msgstr "%s : L'envoi du message a échoué."
+#: mod/invite.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d message sent."
+msgid_plural "%d messages sent."
+msgstr[0] "%d message envoyé."
+msgstr[1] "%d messages envoyés."
+#: mod/invite.php:112
+msgid "You have no more invitations available"
+msgstr "Vous n'avez plus d'invitations disponibles"
+#: mod/invite.php:120
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"Visit %s for a list of public sites that you can join. Friendica members on "
+"other sites can all connect with each other, as well as with members of many"
+" other social networks."
+msgstr "Visitez %s pour une liste des sites publics que vous pouvez rejoindre. Les membres de Friendica appartenant à d'autres sites peuvent s'interconnecter, ainsi qu'avec les membres de plusieurs autres réseaux sociaux."
+#: mod/invite.php:122
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"To accept this invitation, please visit and register at %s or any other "
+"public Friendica website."
+msgstr "Pour accepter cette invitation, merci d'aller vous inscrire sur %s, ou n'importe quel autre site Friendica public."
+#: mod/invite.php:123
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"Friendica sites all inter-connect to create a huge privacy-enhanced social "
+"web that is owned and controlled by its members. They can also connect with "
+"many traditional social networks. See %s for a list of alternate Friendica "
+"sites you can join."
+msgstr "Les sites Friendica sont tous interconnectés pour créer un immense réseau social respectueux de la vie privée, possédé et contrôllé par ses membres. Ils peuvent également interagir avec plusieurs réseaux sociaux traditionnels. Voir %s pour une liste d'autres sites Friendica que vous pourriez rejoindre."
+#: mod/invite.php:126
+msgid ""
+"Our apologies. This system is not currently configured to connect with other"
+" public sites or invite members."
+msgstr "Toutes nos excuses. Ce système n'est pas configuré pour se connecter à d'autres sites publics ou inviter de nouveaux membres."
+#: mod/invite.php:132
+msgid "Send invitations"
+msgstr "Envoyer des invitations"
+#: mod/invite.php:133
+msgid "Enter email addresses, one per line:"
+msgstr "Entrez les adresses email, une par ligne :"
+#: mod/invite.php:134 mod/wallmessage.php:151 mod/message.php:351
+#: mod/message.php:541
+msgid "Your message:"
+msgstr "Votre message:"
+#: mod/invite.php:135
+msgid ""
+"You are cordially invited to join me and other close friends on Friendica - "
+"and help us to create a better social web."
+msgstr "Vous êtes cordialement invité à me rejoindre sur Friendica, et nous aider ainsi à créer un meilleur web social."
+#: mod/invite.php:137
+msgid "You will need to supply this invitation code: $invite_code"
+msgstr "Vous devrez fournir ce code d'invitation : $invite_code"
+#: mod/invite.php:137
+msgid ""
+"Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:"
+msgstr "Une fois inscrit, connectez-vous à la page de mon profil sur :"
+#: mod/invite.php:139
+msgid ""
+"For more information about the Friendica project and why we feel it is "
+"important, please visit http://friendica.com"
+msgstr "Pour plus d'information sur le projet Friendica, et pourquoi nous croyons qu'il est important, merci de visiter http://friendica.com"
+#: mod/invite.php:140 mod/localtime.php:45 mod/message.php:357
+#: mod/message.php:547 mod/manage.php:143 mod/crepair.php:154
+#: mod/content.php:728 mod/contacts.php:577 mod/fsuggest.php:107
+#: mod/mood.php:137 mod/poke.php:199 mod/profiles.php:681 mod/install.php:272
+#: mod/install.php:312 mod/photos.php:1125 mod/photos.php:1249
+#: mod/photos.php:1566 mod/photos.php:1617 mod/photos.php:1665
+#: mod/photos.php:1753 mod/events.php:507 object/Item.php:720
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:59 view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:80
+#: view/theme/quattro/config.php:64 view/theme/dispy/config.php:70
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:107 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:633
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:148 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:59
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Envoyer"
+#: mod/fbrowser.php:41 mod/fbrowser.php:62 mod/photos.php:63
+#: mod/photos.php:193 mod/photos.php:1107 mod/photos.php:1233
+#: mod/photos.php:1256 mod/photos.php:1825 mod/photos.php:1837
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:499
+msgid "Contact Photos"
+msgstr "Photos du contact"
+#: mod/fbrowser.php:133
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Fichiers"
+#: mod/maintenance.php:5
+msgid "System down for maintenance"
+msgstr "Système indisponible pour cause de maintenance"
+#: mod/profperm.php:19 mod/group.php:72 index.php:396
+msgid "Permission denied"
+msgstr "Permission refusée"
+#: mod/profperm.php:25 mod/profperm.php:56
+msgid "Invalid profile identifier."
+msgstr "Identifiant de profil invalide."
+#: mod/profperm.php:102
+msgid "Profile Visibility Editor"
+msgstr "Éditer la visibilité du profil"
+#: mod/profperm.php:106 mod/group.php:223
+msgid "Click on a contact to add or remove."
+msgstr "Cliquez sur un contact pour l'ajouter ou le supprimer."
+#: mod/profperm.php:115
+msgid "Visible To"
+msgstr "Visible par"
+#: mod/profperm.php:131
+msgid "All Contacts (with secure profile access)"
+msgstr "Tous les contacts (ayant un accès sécurisé)"
+#: mod/viewcontacts.php:72
+msgid "No contacts."
+msgstr "Aucun contact."
+#: mod/tagrm.php:41
+msgid "Tag removed"
+msgstr "Étiquette supprimée"
+#: mod/tagrm.php:79
+msgid "Remove Item Tag"
+msgstr "Enlever l'étiquette de l'élément"
+#: mod/tagrm.php:81
+msgid "Select a tag to remove: "
+msgstr "Sélectionner une étiquette à supprimer: "
+#: mod/tagrm.php:93 mod/delegate.php:139
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Utiliser comme photo de profil"
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:94
+msgid "Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"
+msgstr "Désolé, il semble que votre fichier est plus important que ce que la configuration de PHP autorise"
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:94
+msgid "Or - did you try to upload an empty file?"
+msgstr "Ou — auriez-vous essayé de télécharger un fichier vide ?"
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:105
+#, php-format
+msgid "File exceeds size limit of %s"
+msgstr "La taille du fichier dépasse la limite de %s"
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:156 mod/wall_attach.php:172
+msgid "File upload failed."
+msgstr "Le téléversement a échoué."
+#: mod/allfriends.php:43
+msgid "No friends to display."
+msgstr "Pas d'amis à afficher."
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:14
+msgid "Resubscribing to OStatus contacts"
+msgstr "Réinscription aux contacts OStatus"
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:30
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Erreur"
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:44 mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:51
+msgid "Done"
+msgstr "Terminé"
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:50 mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:73
+msgid "Keep this window open until done."
+msgstr "Veuillez garder cette fenêtre ouverte jusqu'à la fin."
+#: mod/delegate.php:101
+msgid "No potential page delegates located."
+msgstr "Pas de délégataire potentiel."
+#: mod/delegate.php:132
+msgid ""
+"Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for "
+"basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to "
+"anybody that you do not trust completely."
+msgstr "Les délégataires seront capables de gérer tous les aspects de ce compte ou de cette page, à l'exception des réglages de compte. Merci de ne pas déléguer votre compte principal à quelqu'un en qui vous n'avez pas une confiance absolue."
+#: mod/delegate.php:133
+msgid "Existing Page Managers"
+msgstr "Gestionnaires existants"
+#: mod/delegate.php:135
+msgid "Existing Page Delegates"
+msgstr "Délégataires existants"
+#: mod/delegate.php:137
+msgid "Potential Delegates"
+msgstr "Délégataires potentiels"
+#: mod/delegate.php:140
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Ajouter"
+#: mod/delegate.php:141
+msgid "No entries."
+msgstr "Aucune entrée."
+#: mod/credits.php:16
+msgid "Credits"
+msgstr "Remerciements"
+#: mod/credits.php:17
+msgid ""
+"Friendica is a community project, that would not be possible without the "
+"help of many people. Here is a list of those who have contributed to the "
+"code or the translation of Friendica. Thank you all!"
+msgstr "Friendica est un projet communautaire, qui ne serait pas possible sans l'aide de beaucoup de gens. Voici une liste de ceux qui ont contribué au code ou à la traduction de Friendica. Merci à tous!"
+#: mod/filer.php:30
+msgid "- select -"
+msgstr "- choisir -"
+#: mod/subthread.php:103
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is following %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s suit les %3$s de %2$s"
+#: mod/attach.php:8
+msgid "Item not available."
+msgstr "Elément non disponible."
+#: mod/attach.php:20
+msgid "Item was not found."
+msgstr "Element introuvable."
+#: mod/follow.php:19 mod/dfrn_request.php:874
+msgid "Submit Request"
+msgstr "Envoyer la requête"
+#: mod/follow.php:30
+msgid "You already added this contact."
+msgstr "Vous avez déjà ajouté ce contact."
+#: mod/follow.php:39
+msgid "Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."
+msgstr "Le support de Diaspora est désactivé. Le contact ne peut pas être ajouté."
+#: mod/follow.php:46
+msgid "OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."
+msgstr "Le support d'OStatus est désactivé. Le contact ne peut pas être ajouté."
+#: mod/follow.php:53
+msgid "The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."
+msgstr "Impossible de détecter le type de réseau. Le contact ne peut pas être ajouté."
+#: mod/follow.php:109 mod/dfrn_request.php:860
+msgid "Please answer the following:"
+msgstr "Merci de répondre à ce qui suit:"
+#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/dfrn_request.php:861
+#, php-format
+msgid "Does %s know you?"
+msgstr "Est-ce que %s vous connaît?"
+#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/api.php:106 mod/dfrn_request.php:861
+#: mod/profiles.php:641 mod/profiles.php:645 mod/profiles.php:670
+#: mod/register.php:239 mod/settings.php:1113 mod/settings.php:1119
+#: mod/settings.php:1127 mod/settings.php:1131 mod/settings.php:1136
+#: mod/settings.php:1142 mod/settings.php:1148 mod/settings.php:1154
+#: mod/settings.php:1180 mod/settings.php:1181 mod/settings.php:1182
+#: mod/settings.php:1183 mod/settings.php:1184
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Non"
+#: mod/follow.php:111 mod/dfrn_request.php:865
+msgid "Add a personal note:"
+msgstr "Ajouter une note personnelle:"
+#: mod/follow.php:117 mod/dfrn_request.php:871
+msgid "Your Identity Address:"
+msgstr "Votre adresse d'identité:"
+#: mod/follow.php:126 mod/contacts.php:624 mod/notifications.php:243
+msgid "Profile URL"
+msgstr "URL du Profil"
+#: mod/follow.php:180
+msgid "Contact added"
+msgstr "Contact ajouté"
+#: mod/apps.php:7 index.php:240
+msgid "You must be logged in to use addons. "
+msgstr "Vous devez être connecté pour utiliser les greffons."
+#: mod/apps.php:11
+msgid "Applications"
+msgstr "Applications"
+#: mod/apps.php:14
+msgid "No installed applications."
+msgstr "Pas d'application installée."
+#: mod/suggest.php:27
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette suggestion ?"
+#: mod/suggest.php:71
+msgid ""
+"No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 "
+msgstr "Aucune suggestion. Si ce site est récent, merci de recommencer dans 24h."
+#: mod/suggest.php:84 mod/suggest.php:104
+msgid "Ignore/Hide"
+msgstr "Ignorer/cacher"
+#: mod/p.php:9
+msgid "Not Extended"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/display.php:328 mod/profile.php:155 mod/cal.php:152
+msgid "Access to this profile has been restricted."
+msgstr "L'accès au profil a été restreint."
+#: mod/display.php:471
+msgid "Item has been removed."
+msgstr "Cet élément a été enlevé."
+#: mod/common.php:86
+msgid "No contacts in common."
+msgstr "Pas de contacts en commun."
+#: mod/common.php:134 mod/contacts.php:861
+msgid "Common Friends"
+msgstr "Amis communs"
+#: mod/newmember.php:6
+msgid "Welcome to Friendica"
+msgstr "Bienvenue sur Friendica"
+#: mod/newmember.php:8
+msgid "New Member Checklist"
+msgstr "Checklist du nouvel utilisateur"
+#: mod/newmember.php:12
+msgid ""
+"We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience "
+"enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page "
+"will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial "
+"registration and then will quietly disappear."
+msgstr "Nous souhaiterions vous donner quelques astuces et ressources pour rendre votre expérience la plus agréable possible. Cliquez sur n'importe lequel de ces éléments pour visiter la page correspondante. Un lien vers cette page restera visible sur votre page d'accueil pendant les deux semaines qui suivent votre inscription initiale, puis disparaîtra silencieusement."
+#: mod/newmember.php:14
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr "Bien démarrer"
+#: mod/newmember.php:18
+msgid "Friendica Walk-Through"
+msgstr "Friendica pas-à-pas"
+#: mod/newmember.php:18
+msgid ""
+"On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your "
+"profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to"
+" join."
+msgstr "Sur votre page d'accueil, dans Conseils aux nouveaux venus - vous trouverez une rapide introduction aux onglets Profil et Réseau, pourrez vous connecter à Facebook, établir de nouvelles relations, et choisir des groupes à rejoindre."
+#: mod/newmember.php:26
+msgid "Go to Your Settings"
+msgstr "Éditer vos Réglages"
+#: mod/newmember.php:26
+msgid ""
+"On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a "
+"note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and "
+"will be useful in making friends on the free social web."
+msgstr "Sur la page des Réglages - changez votre mot de passe initial. Notez bien votre Identité. Elle ressemble à une adresse de courriel - et vous sera utile pour vous faire des amis dans le web social libre."
+#: mod/newmember.php:28
+msgid ""
+"Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished"
+" directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you "
+"should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and "
+"potential friends know exactly how to find you."
+msgstr "Vérifiez les autres réglages, tout particulièrement ceux liés à la vie privée. Un profil non listé, c'est un peu comme un numéro sur liste rouge. En général, vous devriez probablement publier votre profil - à moins que tous vos amis (potentiels) sachent déjà comment vous trouver."
+#: mod/newmember.php:36 mod/profile_photo.php:250 mod/profiles.php:700
+msgid "Upload Profile Photo"
+msgstr "Téléverser une photo de profil"
+#: mod/newmember.php:36
+msgid ""
+"Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown "
+"that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make"
+" friends than people who do not."
+msgstr "Téléversez (envoyez) une photo de profil si vous n'en avez pas déjà une. Les études montrent que les gens qui affichent de vraies photos d'eux sont dix fois plus susceptibles de se faire des amis."
+#: mod/newmember.php:38
+msgid "Edit Your Profile"
+msgstr "Éditer votre Profil"
+#: mod/newmember.php:38
+msgid ""
+"Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the "
+"settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown"
+" visitors."
+msgstr "Éditez votre profil par défaut à votre convenance. Vérifiez les réglages concernant la visibilité de votre liste d'amis par les visiteurs inconnus."
+#: mod/newmember.php:40
+msgid "Profile Keywords"
+msgstr "Mots-clés du profil"
+#: mod/newmember.php:40
+msgid ""
+"Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your "
+"interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and "
+"suggest friendships."
+msgstr "Choisissez quelques mots-clé publics pour votre profil par défaut. Ils pourront ainsi décrire vos centres d'intérêt, et nous pourrons vous proposer des contacts qui les partagent."
+#: mod/newmember.php:44
+msgid "Connecting"
+msgstr "Connexions"
+#: mod/newmember.php:51
+msgid "Importing Emails"
+msgstr "Importer courriels"
+#: mod/newmember.php:51
+msgid ""
+"Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you "
+"wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email "
+msgstr "Entrez vos paramètres de courriel dans les Réglages des connecteurs si vous souhaitez importer et interagir avec des amis ou des listes venant de votre Boîte de Réception."
+#: mod/newmember.php:53
+msgid "Go to Your Contacts Page"
+msgstr "Consulter vos Contacts"
+#: mod/newmember.php:53
+msgid ""
+"Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting "
+"with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site "
+"URL in the Add New Contact dialog."
+msgstr "Votre page Contacts est le point d'entrée vers la gestion de vos amitiés/relations et la connexion à des amis venant d'autres réseaux. Typiquement, vous pourrez y rentrer leur adresse d'Identité ou l'URL de leur site dans le formulaire Ajouter un nouveau contact ."
+#: mod/newmember.php:55
+msgid "Go to Your Site's Directory"
+msgstr "Consulter l'Annuaire de votre Site"
+#: mod/newmember.php:55
+msgid ""
+"The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other "
+"federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on "
+"their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."
+msgstr "La page Annuaire vous permet de trouver d'autres personnes au sein de ce réseaux ou parmi d'autres sites fédérés. Cherchez un lien Relier ou Suivre sur leur profil. Vous pourrez avoir besoin d'indiquer votre adresse d'identité."
+#: mod/newmember.php:57
+msgid "Finding New People"
+msgstr "Trouver de nouvelles personnes"
+#: mod/newmember.php:57
+msgid ""
+"On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new "
+"friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or "
+"interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand"
+" new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 "
+msgstr "Sur le panneau latéral de la page Contacts, il y a plusieurs moyens de trouver de nouveaux amis. Nous pouvons mettre les gens en relation selon leurs intérêts, rechercher des amis par nom ou intérêt, et fournir des suggestions en fonction de la topologie du réseau. Sur un site tout neuf, les suggestions d'amitié devraient commencer à apparaître au bout de 24 heures."
+#: mod/newmember.php:65
+msgid "Group Your Contacts"
+msgstr "Grouper vos contacts"
+#: mod/newmember.php:65
+msgid ""
+"Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation "
+"groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with"
+" each group privately on your Network page."
+msgstr "Une fois que vous avez trouvé quelques amis, organisez-les en groupes de conversation privés depuis le panneau latéral de la page Contacts. Vous pourrez ensuite interagir avec chaque groupe de manière privée depuis la page Réseau."
+#: mod/newmember.php:68
+msgid "Why Aren't My Posts Public?"
+msgstr "Pourquoi mes éléments ne sont pas publics ?"
+#: mod/newmember.php:68
+msgid ""
+"Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to"
+" people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section "
+"from the link above."
+msgstr "Friendica respecte votre vie privée. Par défaut, toutes vos publications seront seulement montrés à vos amis. Pour plus d'information, consultez la section \"aide\" du lien ci-dessus."
+#: mod/newmember.php:73
+msgid "Getting Help"
+msgstr "Obtenir de l'aide"
+#: mod/newmember.php:77
+msgid "Go to the Help Section"
+msgstr "Aller à la section Aide"
+#: mod/newmember.php:77
+msgid ""
+"Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program"
+" features and resources."
+msgstr "Nos pages d'aide peuvent être consultées pour davantage de détails sur les fonctionnalités ou les ressources."
+#: mod/removeme.php:46 mod/removeme.php:49
+msgid "Remove My Account"
+msgstr "Supprimer mon compte"
+#: mod/removeme.php:47
+msgid ""
+"This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not "
+msgstr "Ceci supprimera totalement votre compte. Cette opération est irréversible."
+#: mod/removeme.php:48
+msgid "Please enter your password for verification:"
+msgstr "Merci de saisir votre mot de passe pour vérification :"
+#: mod/editpost.php:17 mod/editpost.php:27
+msgid "Item not found"
+msgstr "Élément introuvable"
+#: mod/editpost.php:40
+msgid "Edit post"
+msgstr "Éditer la publication"
+#: mod/network.php:398
+#, php-format
+msgid "Warning: This group contains %s member from an insecure network."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Warning: This group contains %s members from an insecure network."
+msgstr[0] "Attention: Ce groupe contient %s membre d'un réseau non-sûr."
+msgstr[1] "Attention: Ce groupe contient %s membres d'un réseau non-sûr."
+#: mod/network.php:401
+msgid "Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure."
+msgstr "Les messages privés envoyés à ce groupe s'exposent à une diffusion incontrôlée."
+#: mod/network.php:468 mod/content.php:119
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "Groupe inexistant"
+#: mod/network.php:495 mod/group.php:193 mod/content.php:130
+msgid "Group is empty"
+msgstr "Groupe vide"
+#: mod/network.php:499 mod/content.php:135
+#, php-format
+msgid "Group: %s"
+msgstr "Group : %s"
+#: mod/network.php:527
+msgid "Private messages to this person are at risk of public disclosure."
+msgstr "Les messages privés envoyés à ce contact s'exposent à une diffusion incontrôlée."
+#: mod/network.php:532
+msgid "Invalid contact."
+msgstr "Contact invalide."
+#: mod/network.php:825
+msgid "Commented Order"
+msgstr "Tri par commentaires"
+#: mod/network.php:828
+msgid "Sort by Comment Date"
+msgstr "Trier par date de commentaire"
+#: mod/network.php:833
+msgid "Posted Order"
+msgstr "Tri des publications"
+#: mod/network.php:836
+msgid "Sort by Post Date"
+msgstr "Trier par date de publication"
+#: mod/network.php:847
+msgid "Posts that mention or involve you"
+msgstr "Publications qui vous concernent"
+#: mod/network.php:855
+msgid "New"
+msgstr "Nouveau"
+#: mod/network.php:858
+msgid "Activity Stream - by date"
+msgstr "Flux d'activités - par date"
+#: mod/network.php:866
+msgid "Shared Links"
+msgstr "Liens partagés"
+#: mod/network.php:869
+msgid "Interesting Links"
+msgstr "Liens intéressants"
+#: mod/network.php:877
+msgid "Starred"
+msgstr "Mis en avant"
+#: mod/network.php:880
+msgid "Favourite Posts"
+msgstr "Publications favorites"
+#: mod/community.php:27
+msgid "Not available."
+msgstr "Indisponible."
+#: mod/localtime.php:24
+msgid "Time Conversion"
+msgstr "Conversion temporelle"
+#: mod/localtime.php:26
+msgid ""
+"Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and "
+"friends in unknown timezones."
+msgstr "Friendica fournit ce service pour partager des événements avec d'autres réseaux et amis indépendament de leur fuseau horaire."
+#: mod/localtime.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "UTC time: %s"
+msgstr "Temps UTC : %s"
+#: mod/localtime.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "Current timezone: %s"
+msgstr "Zone de temps courante : %s"
+#: mod/localtime.php:36
+#, php-format
+msgid "Converted localtime: %s"
+msgstr "Temps local converti : %s"
+#: mod/localtime.php:41
+msgid "Please select your timezone:"
+msgstr "Sélectionner votre zone :"
+#: mod/bookmarklet.php:41
+msgid "The post was created"
+msgstr "La publication a été créée"
+#: mod/group.php:29
+msgid "Group created."
+msgstr "Groupe créé."
+#: mod/group.php:35
+msgid "Could not create group."
+msgstr "Impossible de créer le groupe."
+#: mod/group.php:47 mod/group.php:140
+msgid "Group not found."
+msgstr "Groupe introuvable."
+#: mod/group.php:60
+msgid "Group name changed."
+msgstr "Groupe renommé."
+#: mod/group.php:87
+msgid "Save Group"
+msgstr "Sauvegarder le groupe"
+#: mod/group.php:93
+msgid "Create a group of contacts/friends."
+msgstr "Créez un groupe de contacts/amis."
+#: mod/group.php:113
+msgid "Group removed."
+msgstr "Groupe enlevé."
+#: mod/group.php:115
+msgid "Unable to remove group."
+msgstr "Impossible d'enlever le groupe."
+#: mod/group.php:177
+msgid "Group Editor"
+msgstr "Éditeur de groupe"
+#: mod/group.php:190
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Membres"
+#: mod/group.php:192 mod/contacts.php:690
+msgid "All Contacts"
+msgstr "Tous les contacts"
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:42 mod/wallmessage.php:112
+#, php-format
+msgid "Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."
+msgstr "Nombre de messages de mur quotidiens pour %s dépassé. Échec du message."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:56 mod/message.php:71
+msgid "No recipient selected."
+msgstr "Pas de destinataire sélectionné."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:59
+msgid "Unable to check your home location."
+msgstr "Impossible de vérifier votre localisation."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:62 mod/message.php:78
+msgid "Message could not be sent."
+msgstr "Impossible d'envoyer le message."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:65 mod/message.php:81
+msgid "Message collection failure."
+msgstr "Récupération des messages infructueuse."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:68 mod/message.php:84
+msgid "Message sent."
+msgstr "Message envoyé."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:86 mod/wallmessage.php:95
+msgid "No recipient."
+msgstr "Pas de destinataire."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:142 mod/message.php:341
+msgid "Send Private Message"
+msgstr "Envoyer un message privé"
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:143
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on "
+"your site allow private mail from unknown senders."
+msgstr "Si vous souhaitez que %s réponde, merci de vérifier vos réglages pour autoriser les messages privés venant d'inconnus."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:144 mod/message.php:342 mod/message.php:536
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "À:"
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:145 mod/message.php:347 mod/message.php:538
+msgid "Subject:"
+msgstr "Sujet:"
+#: mod/share.php:38
+msgid "link"
+msgstr "lien"
+#: mod/api.php:76 mod/api.php:102
+msgid "Authorize application connection"
+msgstr "Autoriser l'application à se connecter"
+#: mod/api.php:77
+msgid "Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"
+msgstr "Retournez à votre application et saisissez ce Code de Sécurité : "
+#: mod/api.php:89
+msgid "Please login to continue."
+msgstr "Merci de vous connecter pour continuer."
+#: mod/api.php:104
+msgid ""
+"Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts,"
+" and/or create new posts for you?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous autoriser cette application à accéder à vos publications et contacts, et/ou à créer des billets à votre place?"
+#: mod/babel.php:17
+msgid "Source (bbcode) text:"
+msgstr "Texte source (bbcode) :"
+#: mod/babel.php:23
+msgid "Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"
+msgstr "Texte source (Diaspora) à convertir en BBcode :"
+#: mod/babel.php:31
+msgid "Source input: "
+msgstr "Source input : "
+#: mod/babel.php:35
+msgid "bb2html (raw HTML): "
+msgstr "bb2html (HTML brut)"
+#: mod/babel.php:39
+msgid "bb2html: "
+msgstr "bb2html : "
+#: mod/babel.php:43
+msgid "bb2html2bb: "
+msgstr "bb2html2bb : "
+#: mod/babel.php:47
+msgid "bb2md: "
+msgstr "bb2md : "
+#: mod/babel.php:51
+msgid "bb2md2html: "
+msgstr "bb2md2html : "
+#: mod/babel.php:55
+msgid "bb2dia2bb: "
+msgstr "bb2dia2bb : "
+#: mod/babel.php:59
+msgid "bb2md2html2bb: "
+msgstr "bb2md2html2bb : "
+#: mod/babel.php:69
+msgid "Source input (Diaspora format): "
+msgstr "Texte source (format Diaspora) :"
+#: mod/babel.php:74
+msgid "diaspora2bb: "
+msgstr "diaspora2bb :"
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:14
+msgid "Subscribing to OStatus contacts"
+msgstr "Inscription aux contacts OStatus"
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:25
+msgid "No contact provided."
+msgstr "Pas de contact fourni."
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:30
+msgid "Couldn't fetch information for contact."
+msgstr "Impossible de récupérer les informations pour ce contact."
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:38
+msgid "Couldn't fetch friends for contact."
+msgstr "Impossible de récupérer les amis de ce contact."
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:65
+msgid "success"
+msgstr "réussite"
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:67
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "échec"
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:69 mod/content.php:792 object/Item.php:245
+msgid "ignored"
+msgstr "ignoré"
+#: mod/dfrn_poll.php:104 mod/dfrn_poll.php:537
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s welcomes %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s accueille %2$s"
+#: mod/profile.php:179
+msgid "Tips for New Members"
+msgstr "Conseils aux nouveaux venus"
+#: mod/message.php:75
+msgid "Unable to locate contact information."
+msgstr "Impossible de localiser les informations du contact."
+#: mod/message.php:215
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this message?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce message ?"
+#: mod/message.php:235
+msgid "Message deleted."
+msgstr "Message supprimé."
+#: mod/message.php:266
+msgid "Conversation removed."
+msgstr "Conversation supprimée."
+#: mod/message.php:383
+msgid "No messages."
+msgstr "Aucun message."
+#: mod/message.php:426
+msgid "Message not available."
+msgstr "Message indisponible."
+#: mod/message.php:503
+msgid "Delete message"
+msgstr "Effacer message"
+#: mod/message.php:529 mod/message.php:609
+msgid "Delete conversation"
+msgstr "Effacer conversation"
+#: mod/message.php:531
+msgid ""
+"No secure communications available. You may be able to "
+"respond from the sender's profile page."
+msgstr "Pas de communications sécurisées possibles. Vous serez peut-être en mesure de répondre depuis la page de profil de l'émetteur."
+#: mod/message.php:535
+msgid "Send Reply"
+msgstr "Répondre"
+#: mod/message.php:579
+#, php-format
+msgid "Unknown sender - %s"
+msgstr "Émetteur inconnu - %s"
+#: mod/message.php:581
+#, php-format
+msgid "You and %s"
+msgstr "Vous et %s"
+#: mod/message.php:583
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s and You"
+msgstr "%s et vous"
+#: mod/message.php:612
+msgid "D, d M Y - g:i A"
+msgstr "D, d M Y - g:i A"
+#: mod/message.php:615
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d message"
+msgid_plural "%d messages"
+msgstr[0] "%d message"
+msgstr[1] "%d messages"
+#: mod/manage.php:139
+msgid "Manage Identities and/or Pages"
+msgstr "Gérer les identités et/ou les pages"
+#: mod/manage.php:140
+msgid ""
+"Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share "
+"your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"
+msgstr "Basculez entre les différentes identités ou pages (groupes/communautés) qui se partagent votre compte ou que vous avez été autorisé à gérer."
+#: mod/manage.php:141
+msgid "Select an identity to manage: "
+msgstr "Choisir une identité à gérer: "
+#: mod/crepair.php:87
+msgid "Contact settings applied."
+msgstr "Réglages du contact appliqués."
+#: mod/crepair.php:89
+msgid "Contact update failed."
+msgstr "Impossible d'appliquer les réglages."
+#: mod/crepair.php:114 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:122 mod/fsuggest.php:20
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:92
+msgid "Contact not found."
+msgstr "Contact introuvable."
+#: mod/crepair.php:120
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: This is highly advanced and if you enter incorrect"
+" information your communications with this contact may stop working."
+msgstr "ATTENTION: Manipulation réservée aux experts , toute information incorrecte pourrait empêcher la communication avec ce contact."
+#: mod/crepair.php:121
+msgid ""
+"Please use your browser 'Back' button now if you are "
+"uncertain what to do on this page."
+msgstr "une photo"
+#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
+msgid "No mirroring"
+msgstr "Pas de miroir"
+#: mod/crepair.php:134
+msgid "Mirror as forwarded posting"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
+msgid "Mirror as my own posting"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:150
+msgid "Return to contact editor"
+msgstr "Retour à l'éditeur de contact"
+#: mod/crepair.php:152
+msgid "Refetch contact data"
+msgstr "Récupérer à nouveau les données de contact"
+#: mod/crepair.php:156
+msgid "Remote Self"
+msgstr "Identité à distance"
+#: mod/crepair.php:159
+msgid "Mirror postings from this contact"
+msgstr "Copier les publications de ce contact"
+#: mod/crepair.php:161
+msgid ""
+"Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new "
+"entries from this contact."
+msgstr "Marquer ce contact comme étant remote_self, friendica republiera alors les nouvelles entrées de ce contact."
+#: mod/crepair.php:165 mod/settings.php:665 mod/settings.php:691
+#: mod/admin.php:1375 mod/admin.php:1388 mod/admin.php:1400 mod/admin.php:1416
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nom"
+#: mod/crepair.php:166
+msgid "Account Nickname"
+msgstr "Pseudo du compte"
+#: mod/crepair.php:167
+msgid "@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname"
+msgstr "@NomEtiquette - prend le pas sur Nom/Pseudo"
+#: mod/crepair.php:168
+msgid "Account URL"
+msgstr "URL du compte"
+#: mod/crepair.php:169
+msgid "Friend Request URL"
+msgstr "Echec du téléversement de l'image."
+#: mod/crepair.php:170
+msgid "Friend Confirm URL"
+msgstr "Accès public refusé."
+#: mod/crepair.php:171
+msgid "Notification Endpoint URL"
+msgstr "Aucune photo sélectionnée"
+#: mod/crepair.php:172
+msgid "Poll/Feed URL"
+msgstr "Téléverser des photos"
+#: mod/crepair.php:173
+msgid "New photo from this URL"
+msgstr "Nouvelle photo depuis cette URL"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:100
+msgid "This introduction has already been accepted."
+msgstr "Cette introduction a déjà été acceptée."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:123 mod/dfrn_request.php:518
+msgid "Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."
+msgstr "L'emplacement du profil est invalide ou ne contient pas de profil valide."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:128 mod/dfrn_request.php:523
+msgid "Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."
+msgstr "Attention: l'emplacement du profil n'a pas de nom identifiable."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:130 mod/dfrn_request.php:525
+msgid "Warning: profile location has no profile photo."
+msgstr "Attention: l'emplacement du profil n'a pas de photo de profil."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:133 mod/dfrn_request.php:528
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d required parameter was not found at the given location"
+msgid_plural "%d required parameters were not found at the given location"
+msgstr[0] "%d paramètre requis n'a pas été trouvé à l'endroit indiqué"
+msgstr[1] "%d paramètres requis n'ont pas été trouvés à l'endroit indiqué"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:178
+msgid "Introduction complete."
+msgstr "Phase d'introduction achevée."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:220
+msgid "Unrecoverable protocol error."
+msgstr "Erreur de protocole non-récupérable."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:248
+msgid "Profile unavailable."
+msgstr "Profil indisponible."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s has received too many connection requests today."
+msgstr "%s a reçu trop de demandes d'introduction aujourd'hui."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:274
+msgid "Spam protection measures have been invoked."
+msgstr "Des mesures de protection contre le spam ont été déclenchées."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:275
+msgid "Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."
+msgstr "Les relations sont encouragées à attendre 24 heures pour recommencer."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:337
+msgid "Invalid locator"
+msgstr "Localisateur invalide"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:346
+msgid "Invalid email address."
+msgstr "Adresse courriel invalide."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:373
+msgid "This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."
+msgstr "Ce compte n'a pas été configuré pour les échanges de courriel. Requête avortée."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:476
+msgid "You have already introduced yourself here."
+msgstr "Vous vous êtes déjà présenté ici."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:480
+#, php-format
+msgid "Apparently you are already friends with %s."
+msgstr "Il semblerait que vous soyez déjà ami avec %s."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:501
+msgid "Invalid profile URL."
+msgstr "URL de profil invalide."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:579 mod/contacts.php:208
+msgid "Failed to update contact record."
+msgstr "Échec de mise à jour du contact."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:600
+msgid "Your introduction has been sent."
+msgstr "Votre introduction a été envoyée."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:640
+msgid ""
+"Remote subscription can't be done for your network. Please subscribe "
+"directly on your system."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:663
+msgid "Please login to confirm introduction."
+msgstr "Connectez-vous pour confirmer l'introduction."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:673
+msgid ""
+"Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to "
+"this profile."
+msgstr "Identité incorrecte actuellement connectée. Merci de vous connecter à ce profil."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:687 mod/dfrn_request.php:704
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr "Confirmer"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:699
+msgid "Hide this contact"
+msgstr "Cacher ce contact"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:702
+#, php-format
+msgid "Welcome home %s."
+msgstr "Bienvenue chez vous, %s."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:703
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."
+msgstr "Merci de confirmer votre demande d'introduction auprès de %s."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:832
+msgid ""
+"Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported "
+"communications networks:"
+msgstr "Merci d'entrer votre \"adresse d'identité\" de l'un des réseaux de communication suivant:"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:853
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and "
+"join us today ."
+msgstr "Si vous n’êtes pas encore membre du web social libre, suivez ce lien pour trouver un site Friendica ouvert au public et nous rejoindre dès aujourd’hui ."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:858
+msgid "Friend/Connection Request"
+msgstr "Requête de relation/amitié"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:859
+msgid ""
+"Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, "
+msgstr "Exemples : jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:868
+msgid "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
+msgstr "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:870
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search"
+" bar."
+msgstr " - merci de ne pas utiliser ce formulaire. Entrez plutôt %s dans votre barre de recherche Diaspora."
+#: mod/content.php:325 object/Item.php:95
+msgid "This entry was edited"
+msgstr "Cette entrée à été édité"
+#: mod/content.php:621 object/Item.php:429
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d comment"
+msgid_plural "%d comments"
+msgstr[0] "%d commentaire"
+msgstr[1] "%d commentaires"
+#: mod/content.php:638 mod/photos.php:1405 object/Item.php:117
+msgid "Private Message"
+msgstr "Message privé"
+#: mod/content.php:702 mod/photos.php:1594 object/Item.php:263
+msgid "I like this (toggle)"
+msgstr "J'aime"
+#: mod/content.php:702 object/Item.php:263
+msgid "like"
+msgstr "aime"
+#: mod/content.php:703 mod/photos.php:1595 object/Item.php:264
+msgid "I don't like this (toggle)"
+msgstr "Je n'aime pas"
+#: mod/content.php:703 object/Item.php:264
+msgid "dislike"
+msgstr "n'aime pas"
+#: mod/content.php:705 object/Item.php:266
+msgid "Share this"
+msgstr "Partager"
+#: mod/content.php:705 object/Item.php:266
+msgid "share"
+msgstr "partager"
+#: mod/content.php:725 mod/photos.php:1614 mod/photos.php:1662
+#: mod/photos.php:1750 object/Item.php:717
+msgid "This is you"
+msgstr "C'est vous"
+#: mod/content.php:727 mod/content.php:945 mod/photos.php:1616
+#: mod/photos.php:1664 mod/photos.php:1752 object/Item.php:403
+#: object/Item.php:719 boot.php:903
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Commenter"
+#: mod/content.php:729 object/Item.php:721
+msgid "Bold"
+msgstr "Gras"
+#: mod/content.php:730 object/Item.php:722
+msgid "Italic"
+msgstr "Italique"
+#: mod/content.php:731 object/Item.php:723
+msgid "Underline"
+msgstr "Souligné"
+#: mod/content.php:732 object/Item.php:724
+msgid "Quote"
+msgstr "Citation"
+#: mod/content.php:733 object/Item.php:725
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr "Code"
+#: mod/content.php:734 object/Item.php:726
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Image"
+#: mod/content.php:735 object/Item.php:727
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Lien"
+#: mod/content.php:736 object/Item.php:728
+msgid "Video"
+msgstr "Vidéo"
+#: mod/content.php:746 mod/settings.php:725 object/Item.php:122
+#: object/Item.php:124
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Éditer"
+#: mod/content.php:771 object/Item.php:227
+msgid "add star"
+msgstr "mett en avant"
+#: mod/content.php:772 object/Item.php:228
+msgid "remove star"
+msgstr "ne plus mettre en avant"
+#: mod/content.php:773 object/Item.php:229
+msgid "toggle star status"
+msgstr "mettre en avant"
+#: mod/content.php:776 object/Item.php:232
+msgid "starred"
+msgstr "mis en avant"
+#: mod/content.php:777 mod/content.php:798 object/Item.php:252
+msgid "add tag"
+msgstr "ajouter une étiquette"
+#: mod/content.php:787 object/Item.php:240
+msgid "ignore thread"
+msgstr "ignorer le fil"
+#: mod/content.php:788 object/Item.php:241
+msgid "unignore thread"
+msgstr "Ne plus ignorer le fil"
+#: mod/content.php:789 object/Item.php:242
+msgid "toggle ignore status"
+msgstr "Ignorer le statut"
+#: mod/content.php:803 object/Item.php:137
+msgid "save to folder"
+msgstr "sauver vers dossier"
+#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
+msgid "I will attend"
+msgstr "Je vais participer"
+#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
+msgid "I will not attend"
+msgstr "Je ne vais pas participer"
+#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
+msgid "I might attend"
+msgstr "Je vais peut-être participer"
+#: mod/content.php:912 object/Item.php:369
+msgid "to"
+msgstr "à"
+#: mod/content.php:913 object/Item.php:371
+msgid "Wall-to-Wall"
+msgstr "Inter-mur"
+#: mod/content.php:914 object/Item.php:372
+msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:"
+msgstr "en Inter-mur:"
+#: mod/contacts.php:128
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d contact edited."
+msgid_plural "%d contacts edited."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:159 mod/contacts.php:368
+msgid "Could not access contact record."
+msgstr "Impossible d'accéder à l'enregistrement du contact."
+#: mod/contacts.php:173
+msgid "Could not locate selected profile."
+msgstr "Impossible de localiser le profil séléctionné."
+#: mod/contacts.php:206
+msgid "Contact updated."
+msgstr "Contact mis à jour."
+#: mod/contacts.php:389
+msgid "Contact has been blocked"
+msgstr "Le contact a été bloqué"
+#: mod/contacts.php:389
+msgid "Contact has been unblocked"
+msgstr "Le contact n'est plus bloqué"
+#: mod/contacts.php:400
+msgid "Contact has been ignored"
+msgstr "Le contact a été ignoré"
+#: mod/contacts.php:400
+msgid "Contact has been unignored"
+msgstr "Le contact n'est plus ignoré"
+#: mod/contacts.php:412
+msgid "Contact has been archived"
+msgstr "Contact archivé"
+#: mod/contacts.php:412
+msgid "Contact has been unarchived"
+msgstr "Contact désarchivé"
+#: mod/contacts.php:437
+msgid "Drop contact"
+msgstr "Supprimer contact"
+#: mod/contacts.php:440 mod/contacts.php:799
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this contact?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce contact?"
+#: mod/contacts.php:457
+msgid "Contact has been removed."
+msgstr "Ce contact a été retiré."
+#: mod/contacts.php:498
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are mutual friends with %s"
+msgstr "Vous êtes ami (et réciproquement) avec %s"
+#: mod/contacts.php:502
+#, php-format
+msgid "You are sharing with %s"
+msgstr "Vous partagez avec %s"
+#: mod/contacts.php:507
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is sharing with you"
+msgstr "%s partage avec vous"
+#: mod/contacts.php:527
+msgid "Private communications are not available for this contact."
+msgstr "Les communications privées ne sont pas disponibles pour ce contact."
+#: mod/contacts.php:530 mod/admin.php:860
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Jamais"
+#: mod/contacts.php:534
+msgid "(Update was successful)"
+msgstr "(Mise à jour effectuée avec succès)"
+#: mod/contacts.php:534
+msgid "(Update was not successful)"
+msgstr "(Échec de la mise à jour)"
+#: mod/contacts.php:536 mod/contacts.php:978
+msgid "Suggest friends"
+msgstr "Suggérer amitié/contact"
+#: mod/contacts.php:540
+#, php-format
+msgid "Network type: %s"
+msgstr "Type de réseau %s"
+#: mod/contacts.php:553
+msgid "Communications lost with this contact!"
+msgstr "Communications perdues avec ce contact !"
+#: mod/contacts.php:556
+msgid "Fetch further information for feeds"
+msgstr "Chercher plus d'informations pour les flux"
+#: mod/contacts.php:557 mod/admin.php:869
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "Désactivé"
+#: mod/contacts.php:557
+msgid "Fetch information"
+msgstr "Récupérer informations"
+#: mod/contacts.php:557
+msgid "Fetch information and keywords"
+msgstr "Récupérer informations"
+#: mod/contacts.php:575
+msgid "Contact"
+msgstr "Contact"
+#: mod/contacts.php:578
+msgid "Profile Visibility"
+msgstr "Visibilité du profil"
+#: mod/contacts.php:579
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your "
+"profile securely."
+msgstr "Merci de choisir le profil que vous souhaitez montrer à %s lorsqu'il vous rend visite de manière sécurisée."
+#: mod/contacts.php:580
+msgid "Contact Information / Notes"
+msgstr "Informations de contact / Notes"
+#: mod/contacts.php:581
+msgid "Edit contact notes"
+msgstr "Éditer les notes des contacts"
+#: mod/contacts.php:587
+msgid "Block/Unblock contact"
+msgstr "Bloquer/débloquer ce contact"
+#: mod/contacts.php:588
+msgid "Ignore contact"
+msgstr "Ignorer ce contact"
+#: mod/contacts.php:589
+msgid "Repair URL settings"
+msgstr "Réglages de réparation des URL"
+#: mod/contacts.php:590
+msgid "View conversations"
+msgstr "Voir les conversations"
+#: mod/contacts.php:596
+msgid "Last update:"
+msgstr "Dernière mise-à-jour :"
+#: mod/contacts.php:598
+msgid "Update public posts"
+msgstr "Mettre à jour les publications publiques:"
+#: mod/contacts.php:600 mod/contacts.php:988
+msgid "Update now"
+msgstr "Mettre à jour"
+#: mod/contacts.php:605 mod/contacts.php:803 mod/contacts.php:997
+#: mod/admin.php:1394
+msgid "Unblock"
+msgstr "Débloquer"
+#: mod/contacts.php:605 mod/contacts.php:803 mod/contacts.php:997
+#: mod/admin.php:1393
+msgid "Block"
+msgstr "Bloquer"
+#: mod/contacts.php:606 mod/contacts.php:804 mod/contacts.php:1005
+msgid "Unignore"
+msgstr "Ne plus ignorer"
+#: mod/contacts.php:606 mod/contacts.php:804 mod/contacts.php:1005
+#: mod/notifications.php:60 mod/notifications.php:179
+#: mod/notifications.php:251
+msgid "Ignore"
+msgstr "Ignorer"
+#: mod/contacts.php:610
+msgid "Currently blocked"
+msgstr "Actuellement bloqué"
+#: mod/contacts.php:611
+msgid "Currently ignored"
+msgstr "Actuellement ignoré"
+#: mod/contacts.php:612
+msgid "Currently archived"
+msgstr "Actuellement archivé"
+#: mod/contacts.php:613 mod/notifications.php:172 mod/notifications.php:239
+msgid "Hide this contact from others"
+msgstr "Cacher ce contact aux autres"
+#: mod/contacts.php:613
+msgid ""
+"Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"
+msgstr "Les réponses et \"j'aime\" à vos publications publiques peuvent être toujours visibles"
+#: mod/contacts.php:614
+msgid "Notification for new posts"
+msgstr "Notification des nouvelles publications"
+#: mod/contacts.php:614
+msgid "Send a notification of every new post of this contact"
+msgstr "Envoyer une notification de chaque nouveau message en provenance de ce contact"
+#: mod/contacts.php:617
+msgid "Blacklisted keywords"
+msgstr "Mots-clés sur la liste noire"
+#: mod/contacts.php:617
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, "
+"when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"
+msgstr "Liste de mots-clés separés par des virgules qui ne doivent pas être converti en mots-dièse quand « Récupérer informations et mots-clés » est sélectionné."
+#: mod/contacts.php:633
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr "Actions"
+#: mod/contacts.php:636
+msgid "Contact Settings"
+msgstr "Paramètres du Contact"
+#: mod/contacts.php:682
+msgid "Suggestions"
+msgstr "Suggestions"
+#: mod/contacts.php:685
+msgid "Suggest potential friends"
+msgstr "Suggérer des amis potentiels"
+#: mod/contacts.php:693
+msgid "Show all contacts"
+msgstr "Montrer tous les contacts"
+#: mod/contacts.php:698
+msgid "Unblocked"
+msgstr "Non-bloqués"
+#: mod/contacts.php:701
+msgid "Only show unblocked contacts"
+msgstr "Ne montrer que les contacts non-bloqués"
+#: mod/contacts.php:707
+msgid "Blocked"
+msgstr "Bloqués"
+#: mod/contacts.php:710
+msgid "Only show blocked contacts"
+msgstr "Ne montrer que les contacts bloqués"
+#: mod/contacts.php:716
+msgid "Ignored"
+msgstr "Ignorés"
+#: mod/contacts.php:719
+msgid "Only show ignored contacts"
+msgstr "Ne montrer que les contacts ignorés"
+#: mod/contacts.php:725
+msgid "Archived"
+msgstr "Archivés"
+#: mod/contacts.php:728
+msgid "Only show archived contacts"
+msgstr "Ne montrer que les contacts archivés"
+#: mod/contacts.php:734
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr "Cachés"
+#: mod/contacts.php:737
+msgid "Only show hidden contacts"
+msgstr "Ne montrer que les contacts masqués"
+#: mod/contacts.php:794
+msgid "Search your contacts"
+msgstr "Rechercher dans vos contacts"
+#: mod/contacts.php:802 mod/settings.php:158 mod/settings.php:689
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr "Mises-à-jour"
+#: mod/contacts.php:805 mod/contacts.php:1013
+msgid "Archive"
+msgstr "Archiver"
+#: mod/contacts.php:805 mod/contacts.php:1013
+msgid "Unarchive"
+msgstr "Désarchiver"
+#: mod/contacts.php:808
+msgid "Batch Actions"
+msgstr "Actions multiples"
+#: mod/contacts.php:854
+msgid "View all contacts"
+msgstr "Voir tous les contacts"
+#: mod/contacts.php:864
+msgid "View all common friends"
+msgstr "Voir tous les amis communs"
+#: mod/contacts.php:871
+msgid "Advanced Contact Settings"
+msgstr "Réglages avancés du contact"
+#: mod/contacts.php:916
+msgid "Mutual Friendship"
+msgstr "Relation réciproque"
+#: mod/contacts.php:920
+msgid "is a fan of yours"
+msgstr "Vous suit"
+#: mod/contacts.php:924
+msgid "you are a fan of"
+msgstr "Vous le/la suivez"
+#: mod/contacts.php:999
+msgid "Toggle Blocked status"
+msgstr "(dés)activer l'état \"bloqué\""
+#: mod/contacts.php:1007
+msgid "Toggle Ignored status"
+msgstr "(dés)activer l'état \"ignoré\""
+#: mod/contacts.php:1015
+msgid "Toggle Archive status"
+msgstr "(dés)activer l'état \"archivé\""
+#: mod/contacts.php:1023
+msgid "Delete contact"
+msgstr "Effacer ce contact"
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:66 mod/profiles.php:19 mod/profiles.php:134
+#: mod/profiles.php:180 mod/profiles.php:610
+msgid "Profile not found."
+msgstr "Profil introuvable."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:123
+msgid ""
+"This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it"
+" has already been approved."
+msgstr "Ceci peut se produire lorsque le contact a été requis par les deux personnes et a déjà été approuvé."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:242
+msgid "Response from remote site was not understood."
+msgstr "Réponse du site distant incomprise."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:251 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:256
+msgid "Unexpected response from remote site: "
+msgstr "Réponse inattendue du site distant : "
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:265
+msgid "Confirmation completed successfully."
+msgstr "Confirmation achevée avec succès."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:267 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:281 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:288
+msgid "Remote site reported: "
+msgstr "Alerte du site distant : "
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:279
+msgid "Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."
+msgstr "Échec temporaire. Merci de recommencer ultérieurement."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:286
+msgid "Introduction failed or was revoked."
+msgstr "Introduction échouée ou annulée."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:415
+msgid "Unable to set contact photo."
+msgstr "Impossible de définir la photo du contact."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:553
+#, php-format
+msgid "No user record found for '%s' "
+msgstr "Pas d'utilisateur trouvé pour '%s' "
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:563
+msgid "Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."
+msgstr "Notre clé de chiffrement de site est apparemment corrompue."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:574
+msgid "Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."
+msgstr "URL de site absente ou indéchiffrable."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:595
+msgid "Contact record was not found for you on our site."
+msgstr "Pas d'entrée pour ce contact sur notre site."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:609
+#, php-format
+msgid "Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s."
+msgstr "La clé publique du site ne se trouve pas dans l'enregistrement du contact pour l'URL %s."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:629
+msgid ""
+"The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work "
+"if you try again."
+msgstr "L'identifiant fourni par votre système fait doublon sur le notre. Cela peut fonctionner si vous réessayez."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:640
+msgid "Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."
+msgstr "Impossible de vous définir des permissions sur notre système."
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:699
+msgid "Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"
+msgstr "Impossible de mettre les détails de votre profil à jour sur notre système"
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:771
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s has joined %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s a rejoint %2$s"
+#: mod/dirfind.php:36
+#, php-format
+msgid "People Search - %s"
+msgstr "Recherche de personne - %s"
+#: mod/dirfind.php:47
+#, php-format
+msgid "Forum Search - %s"
+msgstr "Recherche de Forum - %s"
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:63
+msgid "Friend suggestion sent."
+msgstr "Suggestion d'amitié/contact envoyée."
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:97
+msgid "Suggest Friends"
+msgstr "Suggérer des amis/contacts"
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:99
+#, php-format
+msgid "Suggest a friend for %s"
+msgstr "Suggérer un ami/contact pour %s"
+#: mod/item.php:116
+msgid "Unable to locate original post."
+msgstr "Impossible de localiser la publication originale."
+#: mod/item.php:334
+msgid "Empty post discarded."
+msgstr "Publication vide rejetée."
+#: mod/item.php:867
+msgid "System error. Post not saved."
+msgstr "Erreur système. Publication non sauvée."
+#: mod/item.php:993
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social "
+msgstr "Ce message vous a été envoyé par %s, membre du réseau social Friendica."
+#: mod/item.php:995
+#, php-format
+msgid "You may visit them online at %s"
+msgstr "Vous pouvez leur rendre visite sur %s"
+#: mod/item.php:996
+msgid ""
+"Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to "
+"receive these messages."
+msgstr "Merci de contacter l’émetteur en répondant à cette publication si vous ne souhaitez pas recevoir ces messages."
+#: mod/item.php:1000
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s posted an update."
+msgstr "%s a publié une mise à jour."
+#: mod/mood.php:133
+msgid "Mood"
+msgstr "Humeur"
+#: mod/mood.php:134
+msgid "Set your current mood and tell your friends"
+msgstr "Spécifiez votre humeur du moment, et informez vos amis"
+#: mod/poke.php:192
+msgid "Poke/Prod"
+msgstr "Solliciter"
+#: mod/poke.php:193
+msgid "poke, prod or do other things to somebody"
+msgstr "solliciter (poke/...) quelqu'un"
+#: mod/poke.php:194
+msgid "Recipient"
+msgstr "Destinataire"
+#: mod/poke.php:195
+msgid "Choose what you wish to do to recipient"
+msgstr "Choisissez ce que vous voulez faire au destinataire"
+#: mod/poke.php:198
+msgid "Make this post private"
+msgstr "Rendez ce message privé"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:44
+msgid "Image uploaded but image cropping failed."
+msgstr "Image envoyée, mais impossible de la retailler."
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:77 mod/profile_photo.php:84 mod/profile_photo.php:91
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:314
+#, php-format
+msgid "Image size reduction [%s] failed."
+msgstr "Réduction de la taille de l'image [%s] échouée."
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:124
+msgid ""
+"Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not "
+"display immediately."
+msgstr "Rechargez la page avec la touche Maj pressée, ou bien effacez le cache du navigateur, si d'aventure la nouvelle photo n'apparaissait pas immédiatement."
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:134
+msgid "Unable to process image"
+msgstr "Impossible de traiter l'image"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:248
+msgid "Upload File:"
+msgstr "Fichier à téléverser:"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:249
+msgid "Select a profile:"
+msgstr "Choisir un profil:"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:251
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Téléverser"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
+msgid "or"
+msgstr "ou"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
+msgid "skip this step"
+msgstr "ignorer cette étape"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
+msgid "select a photo from your photo albums"
+msgstr "choisissez une photo depuis vos albums"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:268
+msgid "Crop Image"
+msgstr "(Re)cadrer l'image"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:269
+msgid "Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."
+msgstr "Ajustez le cadre de l'image pour une visualisation optimale."
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:271
+msgid "Done Editing"
+msgstr "Édition terminée"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:305
+msgid "Image uploaded successfully."
+msgstr "Image téléversée avec succès."
+#: mod/profiles.php:38
+msgid "Profile deleted."
+msgstr "Profil supprimé."
+#: mod/profiles.php:56 mod/profiles.php:90
+msgid "Profile-"
+msgstr "Profil-"
+#: mod/profiles.php:75 mod/profiles.php:118
+msgid "New profile created."
+msgstr "Nouveau profil créé."
+#: mod/profiles.php:96
+msgid "Profile unavailable to clone."
+msgstr "Ce profil ne peut être cloné."
+#: mod/profiles.php:190
+msgid "Profile Name is required."
+msgstr "Le nom du profil est requis."
+#: mod/profiles.php:337
+msgid "Marital Status"
+msgstr "Statut marital"
+#: mod/profiles.php:341
+msgid "Romantic Partner"
+msgstr "Partenaire / conjoint"
+#: mod/profiles.php:353
+msgid "Work/Employment"
+msgstr "Travail / Occupation"
+#: mod/profiles.php:356
+msgid "Religion"
+msgstr "Religion"
+#: mod/profiles.php:360
+msgid "Political Views"
+msgstr "Tendance politique"
+#: mod/profiles.php:364
+msgid "Gender"
+msgstr "Sexe"
+#: mod/profiles.php:368
+msgid "Sexual Preference"
+msgstr "Préférence sexuelle"
+#: mod/profiles.php:372
+msgid "Homepage"
+msgstr "Site internet"
+#: mod/profiles.php:376 mod/profiles.php:695
+msgid "Interests"
+msgstr "Centres d'intérêt"
+#: mod/profiles.php:380
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Adresse"
+#: mod/profiles.php:387 mod/profiles.php:691
+msgid "Location"
+msgstr "Localisation"
+#: mod/profiles.php:470
+msgid "Profile updated."
+msgstr "Profil mis à jour."
+#: mod/profiles.php:557
+msgid " and "
+msgstr " et "
+#: mod/profiles.php:565
+msgid "public profile"
+msgstr "profil public"
+#: mod/profiles.php:568
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s changed %2$s to “%3$s”"
+msgstr "%1$s a changé %2$s en “%3$s”"
+#: mod/profiles.php:569
+#, php-format
+msgid " - Visit %1$s's %2$s"
+msgstr "Visiter le %2$s de %1$s"
+#: mod/profiles.php:572
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s has an updated %2$s, changing %3$s."
+msgstr "%1$s a mis à jour son %2$s, en modifiant %3$s."
+#: mod/profiles.php:638
+msgid "Hide contacts and friends:"
+msgstr "Cacher mes contacts et amis :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:643
+msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"
+msgstr "Cacher ma liste d'amis / contacts des visiteurs de ce profil ?"
+#: mod/profiles.php:667
+msgid "Show more profile fields:"
+msgstr "Afficher plus d'infos de profil:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:679
+msgid "Profile Actions"
+msgstr "Actions de Profil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:680
+msgid "Edit Profile Details"
+msgstr "Éditer les détails du profil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:682
+msgid "Change Profile Photo"
+msgstr "Changer la photo du profil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:683
+msgid "View this profile"
+msgstr "Voir ce profil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:685
+msgid "Create a new profile using these settings"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau profil en utilisant ces réglages"
+#: mod/profiles.php:686
+msgid "Clone this profile"
+msgstr "Cloner ce profil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:687
+msgid "Delete this profile"
+msgstr "Supprimer ce profil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:689
+msgid "Basic information"
+msgstr "Information de base"
+#: mod/profiles.php:690
+msgid "Profile picture"
+msgstr "Image de profil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:692
+msgid "Preferences"
+msgstr "Préférences"
+#: mod/profiles.php:693
+msgid "Status information"
+msgstr "Information sur le statut"
+#: mod/profiles.php:694
+msgid "Additional information"
+msgstr "Information additionnelle"
+#: mod/profiles.php:697
+msgid "Relation"
+msgstr "Relation"
+#: mod/profiles.php:701
+msgid "Your Gender:"
+msgstr "Votre genre :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:702
+msgid "♥ Marital Status:"
+msgstr "♥ Statut marital :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:704
+msgid "Example: fishing photography software"
+msgstr "Exemple : football dessin programmation"
+#: mod/profiles.php:709
+msgid "Profile Name:"
+msgstr "Nom du profil :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:709 mod/events.php:485 mod/events.php:497
+msgid "Required"
+msgstr "Requis"
+#: mod/profiles.php:711
+msgid ""
+"This is your public profile. It may "
+"be visible to anybody using the internet."
+msgstr "Ceci est votre profil public . Il peut être visible par n'importe quel utilisateur d'Internet."
+#: mod/profiles.php:712
+msgid "Your Full Name:"
+msgstr "Votre nom complet :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:713
+msgid "Title/Description:"
+msgstr "Titre / Description :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:716
+msgid "Street Address:"
+msgstr "Adresse postale :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:717
+msgid "Locality/City:"
+msgstr "Ville / Localité :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:718
+msgid "Region/State:"
+msgstr "Région / État :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:719
+msgid "Postal/Zip Code:"
+msgstr "Code postal :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:720
+msgid "Country:"
+msgstr "Pays :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:724
+msgid "Who: (if applicable)"
+msgstr "Qui : (si pertinent)"
+#: mod/profiles.php:724
+msgid "Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
+msgstr "Exemples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
+#: mod/profiles.php:725
+msgid "Since [date]:"
+msgstr "Depuis [date] :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:727
+msgid "Tell us about yourself..."
+msgstr "Parlez-nous de vous..."
+#: mod/profiles.php:728
+msgid "Homepage URL:"
+msgstr "Page personnelle :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:731
+msgid "Religious Views:"
+msgstr "Opinions religieuses :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:732
+msgid "Public Keywords:"
+msgstr "Mots-clés publics :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:732
+msgid "(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"
+msgstr "(Utilisés pour vous suggérer des amis potentiels, peuvent être vus par autrui)"
+#: mod/profiles.php:733
+msgid "Private Keywords:"
+msgstr "Mots-clés privés :"
+#: mod/profiles.php:733
+msgid "(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"
+msgstr "(Utilisés pour rechercher dans les profils, ne seront jamais montrés à autrui)"
+#: mod/profiles.php:736
+msgid "Musical interests"
+msgstr "Goûts musicaux"
+#: mod/profiles.php:737
+msgid "Books, literature"
+msgstr "Lectures"
+#: mod/profiles.php:738
+msgid "Television"
+msgstr "Télévision"
+#: mod/profiles.php:739
+msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment"
+msgstr "Cinéma / Danse / Culture / Divertissement"
+#: mod/profiles.php:740
+msgid "Hobbies/Interests"
+msgstr "Passe-temps / Centres d'intérêt"
+#: mod/profiles.php:741
+msgid "Love/romance"
+msgstr "Amour / Romance"
+#: mod/profiles.php:742
+msgid "Work/employment"
+msgstr "Activité professionnelle / Occupation"
+#: mod/profiles.php:743
+msgid "School/education"
+msgstr "Études / Formation"
+#: mod/profiles.php:744
+msgid "Contact information and Social Networks"
+msgstr "Coordonnées / Réseaux sociaux"
+#: mod/profiles.php:786
+msgid "Edit/Manage Profiles"
+msgstr "Editer / gérer les profils"
+#: mod/register.php:92
+msgid ""
+"Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."
+msgstr "Inscription réussie. Vérifiez vos emails pour la suite des instructions."
+#: mod/register.php:97
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"Failed to send email message. Here your accout details: login: %s "
+"password: %s You can change your password after login."
+msgstr "Impossible d’envoyer le courriel de confirmation. Voici vos informations de connexion: identifiant : %s mot de passe : %s Vous pourrez changer votre mot de passe une fois connecté."
+#: mod/register.php:104
+msgid "Registration successful."
+msgstr "Inscription réussie."
+#: mod/register.php:110
+msgid "Your registration can not be processed."
+msgstr "Votre inscription ne peut être traitée."
+#: mod/register.php:153
+msgid "Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."
+msgstr "Votre inscription attend une validation du propriétaire du site."
+#: mod/register.php:219
+msgid ""
+"You may (optionally) fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID "
+"and clicking 'Register'."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez (si vous le souhaitez) remplir ce formulaire via OpenID. Fournissez votre OpenID et cliquez \"S'inscrire\"."
+#: mod/register.php:220
+msgid ""
+"If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill "
+"in the rest of the items."
+msgstr "Si vous n'êtes pas familier avec OpenID, laissez ce champ vide et remplissez le reste."
+#: mod/register.php:221
+msgid "Your OpenID (optional): "
+msgstr "Votre OpenID (facultatif): "
+#: mod/register.php:235
+msgid "Include your profile in member directory?"
+msgstr "Inclure votre profil dans l'annuaire des membres?"
+#: mod/register.php:259
+msgid "Membership on this site is by invitation only."
+msgstr "L'inscription à ce site se fait uniquement sur invitation."
+#: mod/register.php:260
+msgid "Your invitation ID: "
+msgstr "Votre ID d'invitation: "
+#: mod/register.php:263 mod/admin.php:928
+msgid "Registration"
+msgstr "Inscription"
+#: mod/register.php:271
+msgid "Your Full Name (e.g. Joe Smith, real or real-looking): "
+msgstr "Votre nom complet (p. ex. Michel Dupont):"
+#: mod/register.php:272
+msgid "Your Email Address: "
+msgstr "Votre adresse courriel: "
+#: mod/register.php:274 mod/settings.php:1221
+msgid "New Password:"
+msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe:"
+#: mod/register.php:274
+msgid "Leave empty for an auto generated password."
+msgstr "Laisser ce champ libre pour obtenir un mot de passe généré automatiquement."
+#: mod/register.php:275 mod/settings.php:1222
+msgid "Confirm:"
+msgstr "Confirmer:"
+#: mod/register.php:276
+msgid ""
+"Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your "
+"profile address on this site will then be "
+"'nickname@$sitename '."
+msgstr "Choisissez un pseudo. Celui devra commencer par une lettre. L'adresse de votre profil en découlera sous la forme '<strong>pseudo@$sitename</strong>'."
+#: mod/register.php:277
+msgid "Choose a nickname: "
+msgstr "Choisir un pseudo: "
+#: mod/register.php:287
+msgid "Import your profile to this friendica instance"
+msgstr "Importer votre profile dans cette instance de friendica"
+#: mod/regmod.php:55
+msgid "Account approved."
+msgstr "Inscription validée."
+#: mod/regmod.php:92
+#, php-format
+msgid "Registration revoked for %s"
+msgstr "Inscription révoquée pour %s"
+#: mod/regmod.php:104
+msgid "Please login."
+msgstr "Merci de vous connecter."
+#: mod/settings.php:36 mod/photos.php:118
+msgid "everybody"
+msgstr "tout le monde"
+#: mod/settings.php:43 mod/admin.php:1375
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Compte"
+#: mod/settings.php:52 mod/admin.php:160
+msgid "Additional features"
+msgstr "Fonctions supplémentaires"
+#: mod/settings.php:60
+msgid "Display"
+msgstr "Afficher"
+#: mod/settings.php:67 mod/settings.php:871
+msgid "Social Networks"
+msgstr "Réseaux sociaux"
+#: mod/settings.php:74 mod/admin.php:158 mod/admin.php:1500 mod/admin.php:1560
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Extensions"
+#: mod/settings.php:88
+msgid "Connected apps"
+msgstr "Applications connectées"
+#: mod/settings.php:102
+msgid "Remove account"
+msgstr "Supprimer le compte"
+#: mod/settings.php:155
+msgid "Missing some important data!"
+msgstr "Il manque certaines informations importantes!"
+#: mod/settings.php:269
+msgid "Failed to connect with email account using the settings provided."
+msgstr "Impossible de se connecter au compte courriel configuré."
+#: mod/settings.php:274
+msgid "Email settings updated."
+msgstr "Réglages de courriel mis-à-jour."
+#: mod/settings.php:289
+msgid "Features updated"
+msgstr "Fonctionnalités mises à jour"
+#: mod/settings.php:356
+msgid "Relocate message has been send to your contacts"
+msgstr "Un message de relocalisation a été envoyé à vos contacts."
+#: mod/settings.php:375
+msgid "Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."
+msgstr "Les mots de passe vides sont interdits. Aucun changement appliqué."
+#: mod/settings.php:383
+msgid "Wrong password."
+msgstr "Mauvais mot de passe."
+#: mod/settings.php:394
+msgid "Password changed."
+msgstr "Mots de passe changés."
+#: mod/settings.php:396
+msgid "Password update failed. Please try again."
+msgstr "Le changement de mot de passe a échoué. Merci de recommencer."
+#: mod/settings.php:465
+msgid " Please use a shorter name."
+msgstr " Merci d'utiliser un nom plus court."
+#: mod/settings.php:467
+msgid " Name too short."
+msgstr " Nom trop court."
+#: mod/settings.php:476
+msgid "Wrong Password"
+msgstr "Mauvais mot de passe"
+#: mod/settings.php:481
+msgid " Not valid email."
+msgstr " Email invalide."
+#: mod/settings.php:487
+msgid " Cannot change to that email."
+msgstr " Impossible de changer pour cet email."
+#: mod/settings.php:543
+msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions. Using default privacy group."
+msgstr "Ce forum privé n'a pas de paramètres de vie privée. Utilisation des paramètres de confidentialité par défaut."
+#: mod/settings.php:547
+msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions and no default privacy group."
+msgstr "Ce forum privé n'a pas de paramètres de vie privée ni de paramètres de confidentialité par défaut."
+#: mod/settings.php:586
+msgid "Settings updated."
+msgstr "Réglages mis à jour."
+#: mod/settings.php:662 mod/settings.php:688 mod/settings.php:724
+msgid "Add application"
+msgstr "Ajouter une application"
+#: mod/settings.php:663 mod/settings.php:773 mod/settings.php:820
+#: mod/settings.php:889 mod/settings.php:976 mod/settings.php:1214
+#: mod/admin.php:927 mod/admin.php:1561 mod/admin.php:1809 mod/admin.php:1883
+#: mod/admin.php:2033
+msgid "Save Settings"
+msgstr "Sauvegarder les paramétres"
+#: mod/settings.php:666 mod/settings.php:692
+msgid "Consumer Key"
+msgstr "Clé utilisateur"
+#: mod/settings.php:667 mod/settings.php:693
+msgid "Consumer Secret"
+msgstr "Secret utilisateur"
+#: mod/settings.php:668 mod/settings.php:694
+msgid "Redirect"
+msgstr "Rediriger"
+#: mod/settings.php:669 mod/settings.php:695
+msgid "Icon url"
+msgstr "URL de l'icône"
+#: mod/settings.php:680
+msgid "You can't edit this application."
+msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas éditer cette application."
+#: mod/settings.php:723
+msgid "Connected Apps"
+msgstr "Applications connectées"
+#: mod/settings.php:727
+msgid "Client key starts with"
+msgstr "La clé cliente commence par"
+#: mod/settings.php:728
+msgid "No name"
+msgstr "Sans nom"
+#: mod/settings.php:729
+msgid "Remove authorization"
+msgstr "Révoquer l'autorisation"
+#: mod/settings.php:741
+msgid "No Plugin settings configured"
+msgstr "Pas de réglages d'extensions configurés"
+#: mod/settings.php:749
+msgid "Plugin Settings"
+msgstr "Extensions"
+#: mod/settings.php:763 mod/admin.php:2022 mod/admin.php:2023
+msgid "Off"
+msgstr "Éteint"
+#: mod/settings.php:763 mod/admin.php:2022 mod/admin.php:2023
+msgid "On"
+msgstr "Allumé"
+#: mod/settings.php:771
+msgid "Additional Features"
+msgstr "Fonctions supplémentaires"
+#: mod/settings.php:781 mod/settings.php:785
+msgid "General Social Media Settings"
+msgstr "Paramètres généraux des réseaux sociaux"
+#: mod/settings.php:791
+msgid "Disable intelligent shortening"
+msgstr "Désactiver la réduction d'URL"
+#: mod/settings.php:793
+msgid ""
+"Normally the system tries to find the best link to add to shortened posts. "
+"If this option is enabled then every shortened post will always point to the"
+" original friendica post."
+msgstr "Normalement, le système tente de trouver le meilleur lien à ajouter aux publications raccourcies. Si cette option est activée, les publications raccourcies dirigeront toujours vers leur publication d'origine sur Friendica."
+#: mod/settings.php:799
+msgid "Automatically follow any GNU Social (OStatus) followers/mentioners"
+msgstr "Suivre automatiquement ceux qui me suivent ou me mentionnent sur GNU Social (OStatus)"
+#: mod/settings.php:801
+msgid ""
+"If you receive a message from an unknown OStatus user, this option decides "
+"what to do. If it is checked, a new contact will be created for every "
+"unknown user."
+msgstr "Si vous recevez un message d'un utilisateur OStatus inconnu, cette option détermine ce qui sera fait. Si elle est cochée, un nouveau contact sera créé pour chaque utilisateur inconnu."
+#: mod/settings.php:807
+msgid "Default group for OStatus contacts"
+msgstr "Groupe par défaut pour les contacts OStatus"
+#: mod/settings.php:813
+msgid "Your legacy GNU Social account"
+msgstr "Le compte GNU Social que vous avez déjà"
+#: mod/settings.php:815
+msgid ""
+"If you enter your old GNU Social/Statusnet account name here (in the format "
+"user@domain.tld), your contacts will be added automatically. The field will "
+"be emptied when done."
+msgstr "Si vous entrez le nom de votre ancien compte GNU Social / StatusNet ici (utiliser le format utilisateur@domaine.tld), vos contacts seront ajoutés automatiquement. Le champ sera vidé lorsque ce sera terminé."
+#: mod/settings.php:818
+msgid "Repair OStatus subscriptions"
+msgstr "Réparer les abonnements OStatus"
+#: mod/settings.php:827 mod/settings.php:828
+#, php-format
+msgid "Built-in support for %s connectivity is %s"
+msgstr "Le support natif pour la connectivité %s est %s"
+#: mod/settings.php:827 mod/settings.php:828
+msgid "enabled"
+msgstr "activé"
+#: mod/settings.php:827 mod/settings.php:828
+msgid "disabled"
+msgstr "désactivé"
+#: mod/settings.php:828
+msgid "GNU Social (OStatus)"
+msgstr "GNU Social (OStatus)"
+#: mod/settings.php:864
+msgid "Email access is disabled on this site."
+msgstr "L'accès courriel est désactivé sur ce site."
+#: mod/settings.php:876
+msgid "Email/Mailbox Setup"
+msgstr "Réglages de courriel/boîte à lettre"
+#: mod/settings.php:877
+msgid ""
+"If you wish to communicate with email contacts using this service "
+"(optional), please specify how to connect to your mailbox."
+msgstr "Si vous souhaitez communiquer avec vos contacts \"courriel\" (facultatif), merci de nous indiquer comment vous connecter à votre boîte."
+#: mod/settings.php:878
+msgid "Last successful email check:"
+msgstr "Dernière vérification réussie des courriels:"
+#: mod/settings.php:880
+msgid "IMAP server name:"
+msgstr "Nom du serveur IMAP:"
+#: mod/settings.php:881
+msgid "IMAP port:"
+msgstr "Port IMAP:"
+#: mod/settings.php:882
+msgid "Security:"
+msgstr "Sécurité:"
+#: mod/settings.php:882 mod/settings.php:887
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Aucun(e)"
+#: mod/settings.php:883
+msgid "Email login name:"
+msgstr "Nom de connexion:"
+#: mod/settings.php:884
+msgid "Email password:"
+msgstr "Mot de passe:"
+#: mod/settings.php:885
+msgid "Reply-to address:"
+msgstr "Adresse de réponse:"
+#: mod/settings.php:886
+msgid "Send public posts to all email contacts:"
+msgstr "Envoyer les publications publiques à tous les contacts courriels:"
+#: mod/settings.php:887
+msgid "Action after import:"
+msgstr "Action après import:"
+#: mod/settings.php:887
+msgid "Move to folder"
+msgstr "Déplacer vers"
+#: mod/settings.php:888
+msgid "Move to folder:"
+msgstr "Déplacer vers:"
+#: mod/settings.php:919 mod/admin.php:834
+msgid "No special theme for mobile devices"
+msgstr "Pas de thème particulier pour les terminaux mobiles"
+#: mod/settings.php:974
+msgid "Display Settings"
+msgstr "Affichage"
+#: mod/settings.php:980 mod/settings.php:1001
+msgid "Display Theme:"
+msgstr "Thème d'affichage:"
+#: mod/settings.php:981
+msgid "Mobile Theme:"
+msgstr "Thème mobile:"
+#: mod/settings.php:982
+msgid "Update browser every xx seconds"
+msgstr "Mettre-à-jour l'affichage toutes les xx secondes"
+#: mod/settings.php:982
+msgid "Minimum of 10 seconds. Enter -1 to disable it."
+msgstr "Minimum de 10 secondes. Saisir -1 pour désactiver."
+#: mod/settings.php:983
+msgid "Number of items to display per page:"
+msgstr "Nombre d’éléments par page:"
+#: mod/settings.php:983 mod/settings.php:984
+msgid "Maximum of 100 items"
+msgstr "Maximum de 100 éléments"
+#: mod/settings.php:984
+msgid "Number of items to display per page when viewed from mobile device:"
+msgstr "Nombre d'éléments a afficher par page pour un appareil mobile"
+#: mod/settings.php:985
+msgid "Don't show emoticons"
+msgstr "Ne pas afficher les émoticônes (smileys grahiques)"
+#: mod/settings.php:986
+msgid "Calendar"
+msgstr "Calendrier"
+#: mod/settings.php:987
+msgid "Beginning of week:"
+msgstr "Début de la semaine :"
+#: mod/settings.php:988
+msgid "Don't show notices"
+msgstr "Ne plus afficher les avis"
+#: mod/settings.php:989
+msgid "Infinite scroll"
+msgstr "Défilement infini"
+#: mod/settings.php:990
+msgid "Automatic updates only at the top of the network page"
+msgstr "Mises à jour automatiques seulement en haut de la page du réseau."
+#: mod/settings.php:992
+msgid "General Theme Settings"
+msgstr "Paramètres généraux de thème"
+#: mod/settings.php:993
+msgid "Custom Theme Settings"
+msgstr "Paramètres personnalisés de thème"
+#: mod/settings.php:994
+msgid "Content Settings"
+msgstr "Paramètres de contenu"
+#: mod/settings.php:995 view/theme/frio/config.php:61
+#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:82 view/theme/quattro/config.php:66
+#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:72 view/theme/vier/config.php:109
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:150 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:61
+msgid "Theme settings"
+msgstr "Réglages du thème graphique"
+#: mod/settings.php:1072
+msgid "User Types"
+msgstr "Types d'utilisateurs"
+#: mod/settings.php:1073
+msgid "Community Types"
+msgstr "Genre de communautés"
+#: mod/settings.php:1074
+msgid "Normal Account Page"
+msgstr "Compte normal"
+#: mod/settings.php:1075
+msgid "This account is a normal personal profile"
+msgstr "Ce compte correspond à un profil normal, pour une seule personne (physique, généralement)"
+#: mod/settings.php:1078
+msgid "Soapbox Page"
+msgstr "Compte \"boîte à savon\""
+#: mod/settings.php:1079
+msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"
+msgstr "Accepter automatiquement toutes les demandes d'amitié/connexion comme étant des fans 'en lecture seule'"
+#: mod/settings.php:1082
+msgid "Community Forum/Celebrity Account"
+msgstr "Compte de communauté/célébrité"
+#: mod/settings.php:1083
+msgid ""
+"Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans"
+msgstr "Accepter automatiquement toutes les demandes d'amitié/connexion comme étant des fans en 'lecture/écriture'"
+#: mod/settings.php:1086
+msgid "Automatic Friend Page"
+msgstr "Compte d'\"amitié automatique\""
+#: mod/settings.php:1087
+msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"
+msgstr "Accepter automatiquement toutes les demandes d'amitié/connexion comme étant des amis"
+#: mod/settings.php:1090
+msgid "Private Forum [Experimental]"
+msgstr "Forum privé [expérimental]"
+#: mod/settings.php:1091
+msgid "Private forum - approved members only"
+msgstr "Forum privé - modéré en inscription"
+#: mod/settings.php:1103
+msgid "OpenID:"
+msgstr "OpenID:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1103
+msgid "(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account."
+msgstr " (Facultatif) Autoriser cet OpenID à se connecter à ce compte."
+#: mod/settings.php:1113
+msgid "Publish your default profile in your local site directory?"
+msgstr "Publier votre profil par défaut sur l'annuaire local de ce site?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1119
+msgid "Publish your default profile in the global social directory?"
+msgstr "Publier votre profil par défaut sur l'annuaire social global?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1127
+msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of your default profile?"
+msgstr "Cacher votre liste de contacts/amis des visiteurs de votre profil par défaut?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1131
+msgid ""
+"If enabled, posting public messages to Diaspora and other networks isn't "
+msgstr "Si activé, il est impossible de publier les messages publics sur Diaspora et autres réseaux."
+#: mod/settings.php:1136
+msgid "Allow friends to post to your profile page?"
+msgstr "Autoriser vos amis à publier sur votre profil?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1142
+msgid "Allow friends to tag your posts?"
+msgstr "Autoriser vos amis à étiqueter vos publications?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1148
+msgid "Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?"
+msgstr "Autoriser les suggestions d'amis potentiels aux nouveaux arrivants?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1154
+msgid "Permit unknown people to send you private mail?"
+msgstr "Autoriser les messages privés d'inconnus?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1162
+msgid "Profile is not published ."
+msgstr "Ce profil n'est pas publié ."
+#: mod/settings.php:1170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your Identity Address is '%s' or '%s'."
+msgstr "L’adresse de votre identité est '%s' or '%s'."
+#: mod/settings.php:1177
+msgid "Automatically expire posts after this many days:"
+msgstr "Les publications expirent automatiquement après (en jours) :"
+#: mod/settings.php:1177
+msgid "If empty, posts will not expire. Expired posts will be deleted"
+msgstr "Si ce champ est vide, les publications n'expireront pas. Les publications expirées seront supprimées"
+#: mod/settings.php:1178
+msgid "Advanced expiration settings"
+msgstr "Réglages avancés de l'expiration"
+#: mod/settings.php:1179
+msgid "Advanced Expiration"
+msgstr "Expiration (avancé)"
+#: mod/settings.php:1180
+msgid "Expire posts:"
+msgstr "Faire expirer les publications:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1181
+msgid "Expire personal notes:"
+msgstr "Faire expirer les notes personnelles:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1182
+msgid "Expire starred posts:"
+msgstr "Faire expirer les publications marqués:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1183
+msgid "Expire photos:"
+msgstr "Faire expirer les photos:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1184
+msgid "Only expire posts by others:"
+msgstr "Faire expirer seulement les publications des autres:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1212
+msgid "Account Settings"
+msgstr "Compte"
+#: mod/settings.php:1220
+msgid "Password Settings"
+msgstr "Réglages de mot de passe"
+#: mod/settings.php:1222
+msgid "Leave password fields blank unless changing"
+msgstr "Laissez les champs de mot de passe vierges, sauf si vous désirez les changer"
+#: mod/settings.php:1223
+msgid "Current Password:"
+msgstr "Mot de passe actuel:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1223 mod/settings.php:1224
+msgid "Your current password to confirm the changes"
+msgstr "Votre mot de passe actuel pour confirmer les modifications"
+#: mod/settings.php:1224
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Mot de passe:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1228
+msgid "Basic Settings"
+msgstr "Réglages basiques"
+#: mod/settings.php:1230
+msgid "Email Address:"
+msgstr "Adresse courriel:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1231
+msgid "Your Timezone:"
+msgstr "Votre fuseau horaire:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1232
+msgid "Your Language:"
+msgstr "Votre langue :"
+#: mod/settings.php:1232
+msgid ""
+"Set the language we use to show you friendica interface and to send you "
+msgstr "Détermine la langue que nous utilisons pour afficher votre interface Friendica et pour vous envoyer des courriels"
+#: mod/settings.php:1233
+msgid "Default Post Location:"
+msgstr "Emplacement de publication par défaut:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1234
+msgid "Use Browser Location:"
+msgstr "Utiliser la localisation géographique du navigateur:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1237
+msgid "Security and Privacy Settings"
+msgstr "Réglages de sécurité et vie privée"
+#: mod/settings.php:1239
+msgid "Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"
+msgstr "Nombre maximal de requêtes d'amitié/jour:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1239 mod/settings.php:1269
+msgid "(to prevent spam abuse)"
+msgstr "(pour limiter l'impact du spam)"
+#: mod/settings.php:1240
+msgid "Default Post Permissions"
+msgstr "Permissions de publication par défaut"
+#: mod/settings.php:1241
+msgid "(click to open/close)"
+msgstr "(cliquer pour ouvrir/fermer)"
+#: mod/settings.php:1250 mod/photos.php:1187 mod/photos.php:1571
+msgid "Show to Groups"
+msgstr "Montrer aux groupes"
+#: mod/settings.php:1251 mod/photos.php:1188 mod/photos.php:1572
+msgid "Show to Contacts"
+msgstr "Montrer aux Contacts"
+#: mod/settings.php:1252
+msgid "Default Private Post"
+msgstr "Message privé par défaut"
+#: mod/settings.php:1253
+msgid "Default Public Post"
+msgstr "Message publique par défaut"
+#: mod/settings.php:1257
+msgid "Default Permissions for New Posts"
+msgstr "Permissions par défaut pour les nouvelles publications"
+#: mod/settings.php:1269
+msgid "Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:"
+msgstr "Maximum de messages privés d'inconnus par jour:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1272
+msgid "Notification Settings"
+msgstr "Réglages de notification"
+#: mod/settings.php:1273
+msgid "By default post a status message when:"
+msgstr "Par défaut, poster un statut quand:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1274
+msgid "accepting a friend request"
+msgstr "j'accepte un ami"
+#: mod/settings.php:1275
+msgid "joining a forum/community"
+msgstr "joignant un forum/une communauté"
+#: mod/settings.php:1276
+msgid "making an interesting profile change"
+msgstr "je fais une modification intéressante de mon profil"
+#: mod/settings.php:1277
+msgid "Send a notification email when:"
+msgstr "Envoyer un courriel de notification quand:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1278
+msgid "You receive an introduction"
+msgstr "Vous recevez une introduction"
+#: mod/settings.php:1279
+msgid "Your introductions are confirmed"
+msgstr "Vos introductions sont confirmées"
+#: mod/settings.php:1280
+msgid "Someone writes on your profile wall"
+msgstr "Quelqu'un écrit sur votre mur"
+#: mod/settings.php:1281
+msgid "Someone writes a followup comment"
+msgstr "Quelqu'un vous commente"
+#: mod/settings.php:1282
+msgid "You receive a private message"
+msgstr "Vous recevez un message privé"
+#: mod/settings.php:1283
+msgid "You receive a friend suggestion"
+msgstr "Vous avez reçu une suggestion d'ami"
+#: mod/settings.php:1284
+msgid "You are tagged in a post"
+msgstr "Vous avez été étiquetté dans une publication"
+#: mod/settings.php:1285
+msgid "You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"
+msgstr "Vous avez été sollicité dans une publication"
+#: mod/settings.php:1287
+msgid "Activate desktop notifications"
+msgstr "Activer les notifications de bureau"
+#: mod/settings.php:1287
+msgid "Show desktop popup on new notifications"
+msgstr "Afficher dans des pops-ups les nouvelles notifications"
+#: mod/settings.php:1289
+msgid "Text-only notification emails"
+msgstr "Courriels de notification en format texte"
+#: mod/settings.php:1291
+msgid "Send text only notification emails, without the html part"
+msgstr "Envoyer le texte des courriels de notification, sans la composante html"
+#: mod/settings.php:1293
+msgid "Advanced Account/Page Type Settings"
+msgstr "Paramètres avancés de compte/page"
+#: mod/settings.php:1294
+msgid "Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"
+msgstr "Modifier le comportement de ce compte dans certaines situations"
+#: mod/settings.php:1297
+msgid "Relocate"
+msgstr "Relocaliser"
+#: mod/settings.php:1298
+msgid ""
+"If you have moved this profile from another server, and some of your "
+"contacts don't receive your updates, try pushing this button."
+msgstr "Si vous avez migré ce profil depuis un autre serveur et que vos contacts ne reçoivent plus vos mises à jour, essayez ce bouton."
+#: mod/settings.php:1299
+msgid "Resend relocate message to contacts"
+msgstr "Renvoyer un message de relocalisation aux contacts."
+#: mod/videos.php:123
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this video?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette vidéo?"
+#: mod/videos.php:128
+msgid "Delete Video"
+msgstr "Supprimer la vidéo"
+#: mod/videos.php:207
+msgid "No videos selected"
+msgstr "Pas de vidéo sélectionné"
+#: mod/videos.php:308 mod/photos.php:1075
+msgid "Access to this item is restricted."
+msgstr "Accès restreint à cet élément."
+#: mod/videos.php:390 mod/photos.php:1877
+msgid "View Album"
+msgstr "Voir l'album"
+#: mod/videos.php:399
+msgid "Recent Videos"
+msgstr "Vidéos récente"
+#: mod/videos.php:401
+msgid "Upload New Videos"
+msgstr "Téléversé une nouvelle vidéo"
+#: mod/install.php:139
+msgid "Friendica Communications Server - Setup"
+msgstr "Serveur de communications Friendica - Configuration"
+#: mod/install.php:145
+msgid "Could not connect to database."
+msgstr "Impossible de se connecter à la base."
+#: mod/install.php:149
+msgid "Could not create table."
+msgstr "Impossible de créer une table."
+#: mod/install.php:155
+msgid "Your Friendica site database has been installed."
+msgstr "La base de données de votre site Friendica a bien été installée."
+#: mod/install.php:160
+msgid ""
+"You may need to import the file \"database.sql\" manually using phpmyadmin "
+"or mysql."
+msgstr "Vous pourriez avoir besoin d'importer le fichier \"database.sql\" manuellement au moyen de phpmyadmin ou de la commande mysql."
+#: mod/install.php:161 mod/install.php:230 mod/install.php:602
+msgid "Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\"."
+msgstr "Référez-vous au fichier \"INSTALL.txt\"."
+#: mod/install.php:173
+msgid "Database already in use."
+msgstr "Base de données déjà en cours d'utilisation."
+#: mod/install.php:227
+msgid "System check"
+msgstr "Vérifications système"
+#: mod/install.php:231 mod/cal.php:281 mod/events.php:383
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Suivant"
+#: mod/install.php:232
+msgid "Check again"
+msgstr "Vérifier à nouveau"
+#: mod/install.php:251
+msgid "Database connection"
+msgstr "Connexion à la base de données"
+#: mod/install.php:252
+msgid ""
+"In order to install Friendica we need to know how to connect to your "
+msgstr "Pour installer Friendica, nous avons besoin de savoir comment contacter votre base de données."
+#: mod/install.php:253
+msgid ""
+"Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have "
+"questions about these settings."
+msgstr "Merci de vous tourner vers votre hébergeur et/ou administrateur pour toute question concernant ces réglages."
+#: mod/install.php:254
+msgid ""
+"The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please "
+"create it before continuing."
+msgstr "La base de données que vous spécifierez doit exister. Si ce n'est pas encore le cas, merci de la créer avant de continuer."
+#: mod/install.php:258
+msgid "Database Server Name"
+msgstr "Serveur de base de données"
+#: mod/install.php:259
+msgid "Database Login Name"
+msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur de la base"
+#: mod/install.php:260
+msgid "Database Login Password"
+msgstr "Mot de passe de la base"
+#: mod/install.php:261
+msgid "Database Name"
+msgstr "Nom de la base"
+#: mod/install.php:262 mod/install.php:303
+msgid "Site administrator email address"
+msgstr "Adresse électronique de l'administrateur du site"
+#: mod/install.php:262 mod/install.php:303
+msgid ""
+"Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin "
+msgstr "Votre adresse électronique doit correspondre à celle-ci pour pouvoir utiliser l'interface d'administration."
+#: mod/install.php:266 mod/install.php:306
+msgid "Please select a default timezone for your website"
+msgstr "Sélectionner un fuseau horaire par défaut pour votre site"
+#: mod/install.php:293
+msgid "Site settings"
+msgstr "Réglages du site"
+#: mod/install.php:307
+msgid "System Language:"
+msgstr "Langue système:"
+#: mod/install.php:307
+msgid ""
+"Set the default language for your Friendica installation interface and to "
+"send emails."
+msgstr "Définit la langue par défaut pour l'interface de votre instance Friendica et les mails envoyés."
+#: mod/install.php:347
+msgid "Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH."
+msgstr "Impossible de trouver la version \"ligne de commande\" de PHP dans le PATH du serveur web."
+#: mod/install.php:348
+msgid ""
+"If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on server, you "
+"will not be able to run background polling via cron. See 'Setup the poller' "
+msgstr "Si vous n'avez pas une version en ligne de commande de PHP sur votre serveur, vous ne pourrez pas exécuter l'attente active ou « polling » en arrière-plan via cron. Voir 'Setup the poller' ."
+#: mod/install.php:352
+msgid "PHP executable path"
+msgstr "Chemin vers l'exécutable de PHP"
+#: mod/install.php:352
+msgid ""
+"Enter full path to php executable. You can leave this blank to continue the "
+msgstr "Entrez le chemin (absolu) vers l'exécutable 'php'. Vous pouvez laisser cette ligne vide pour continuer l'installation."
+#: mod/install.php:357
+msgid "Command line PHP"
+msgstr "Version \"ligne de commande\" de PHP"
+#: mod/install.php:366
+msgid "PHP executable is not the php cli binary (could be cgi-fgci version)"
+msgstr "L'executable PHP n'est pas le binaire php client (c'est peut être la version cgi-fcgi)"
+#: mod/install.php:367
+msgid "Found PHP version: "
+msgstr "Version de PHP:"
+#: mod/install.php:369
+msgid "PHP cli binary"
+msgstr "PHP cli binary"
+#: mod/install.php:380
+msgid ""
+"The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "
+"\"register_argc_argv\" enabled."
+msgstr "La version \"ligne de commande\" de PHP de votre système n'a pas \"register_argc_argv\" d'activé."
+#: mod/install.php:381
+msgid "This is required for message delivery to work."
+msgstr "Ceci est requis pour que la livraison des messages fonctionne."
+#: mod/install.php:383
+msgid "PHP register_argc_argv"
+msgstr "PHP register_argc_argv"
+#: mod/install.php:404
+msgid ""
+"Error: the \"openssl_pkey_new\" function on this system is not able to "
+"generate encryption keys"
+msgstr "Erreur: la fonction \"openssl_pkey_new\" de ce système ne permet pas de générer des clés de chiffrement"
+#: mod/install.php:405
+msgid ""
+"If running under Windows, please see "
+msgstr "Si vous utilisez Windows, merci de vous réferer à \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\"."
+#: mod/install.php:407
+msgid "Generate encryption keys"
+msgstr "Générer les clés de chiffrement"
+#: mod/install.php:414
+msgid "libCurl PHP module"
+msgstr "Module libCurl de PHP"
+#: mod/install.php:415
+msgid "GD graphics PHP module"
+msgstr "Module GD (graphiques) de PHP"
+#: mod/install.php:416
+msgid "OpenSSL PHP module"
+msgstr "Module OpenSSL de PHP"
+#: mod/install.php:417
+msgid "mysqli PHP module"
+msgstr "Module Mysqli de PHP"
+#: mod/install.php:418
+msgid "mb_string PHP module"
+msgstr "Module mb_string de PHP"
+#: mod/install.php:419
+msgid "mcrypt PHP module"
+msgstr "Module PHP mcrypt"
+#: mod/install.php:420
+msgid "XML PHP module"
+msgstr "Module PHP XML"
+#: mod/install.php:421
+msgid "iconv module"
+msgstr "Module iconv"
+#: mod/install.php:425 mod/install.php:427
+msgid "Apache mod_rewrite module"
+msgstr "Module mod_rewrite Apache"
+#: mod/install.php:425
+msgid ""
+"Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erreur : Le module \"rewrite\" du serveur web Apache est requis mais pas installé."
+#: mod/install.php:433
+msgid "Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erreur : Le module PHP \"libCURL\" est requis mais pas installé."
+#: mod/install.php:437
+msgid ""
+"Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erreur : Le module PHP \"GD\" disposant du support JPEG est requis mais pas installé."
+#: mod/install.php:441
+msgid "Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erreur : Le module PHP \"openssl\" est requis mais pas installé."
+#: mod/install.php:445
+msgid "Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erreur : Le module PHP \"mysqli\" est requis mais pas installé."
+#: mod/install.php:449
+msgid "Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erreur : le module PHP mb_string est requis mais pas installé."
+#: mod/install.php:453
+msgid "Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erreur : le module PHP mcrypt est nécessaire, mais n'es pas installé."
+#: mod/install.php:457
+msgid "Error: iconv PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erreur : Le module PHP iconv requis est absent."
+#: mod/install.php:466
+msgid ""
+"If you are using php_cli, please make sure that mcrypt module is enabled in "
+"its config file"
+msgstr "Si vous utilisez php_cli, veuillez vous assurer que le module mcrypt est activé dans le fichier de configuration"
+#: mod/install.php:469
+msgid ""
+"Function mcrypt_create_iv() is not defined. This is needed to enable RINO2 "
+"encryption layer."
+msgstr "La fonction mcrypt_create_iv() n'est pas définie. Elle est requise pour activer le chiffrement RINO2."
+#: mod/install.php:471
+msgid "mcrypt_create_iv() function"
+msgstr "fonction mcrypt_create_iv()"
+#: mod/install.php:479
+msgid "Error, XML PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erreur : le module PHP XML requis est absent."
+#: mod/install.php:494
+msgid ""
+"The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\""
+" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."
+msgstr "L'installeur web doit être en mesure de créer un fichier \".htconfig.php\" à la racine de votre serveur web, mais il en est incapable."
+#: mod/install.php:495
+msgid ""
+"This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able "
+"to write files in your folder - even if you can."
+msgstr "Le plus souvent, il s'agit d'un problème de permission. Le serveur web peut ne pas être capable d'écrire dans votre répertoire - alors que vous-même le pouvez."
+#: mod/install.php:496
+msgid ""
+"At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file "
+"named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."
+msgstr "A la fin de cette étape, nous vous fournirons un texte à sauvegarder dans un fichier nommé .htconfig.php à la racine de votre répertoire Friendica."
+#: mod/install.php:497
+msgid ""
+"You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation."
+" Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."
+msgstr "Vous pouvez également sauter cette étape et procéder à une installation manuelle. Pour cela, merci de lire le fichier \"INSTALL.txt\"."
+#: mod/install.php:500
+msgid ".htconfig.php is writable"
+msgstr "Fichier .htconfig.php accessible en écriture"
+#: mod/install.php:510
+msgid ""
+"Friendica uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 "
+"compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering."
+msgstr "Friendica utilise le moteur de modèles Smarty3 pour le rendu d'affichage web. Smarty3 compile les modèles en PHP pour accélérer le rendu."
+#: mod/install.php:511
+msgid ""
+"In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have "
+"write access to the directory view/smarty3/ under the Friendica top level "
+msgstr "Pour pouvoir stocker ces modèles compilés, le serveur internet doit avoir accès au droit d'écriture pour le répertoire view/smarty3/ sous le dossier racine de Friendica."
+#: mod/install.php:512
+msgid ""
+"Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as (e.g. www-data) has"
+" write access to this folder."
+msgstr "Veuillez vous assurer que l'utilisateur qui exécute votre serveur internet (p. ex. www-data) détient le droit d'accès en écriture sur ce dossier."
+#: mod/install.php:513
+msgid ""
+"Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to "
+"view/smarty3/ only--not the template files (.tpl) that it contains."
+msgstr "Note: pour plus de sécurité, vous devriez ne donner le droit d'accès en écriture qu'à view/smarty3/ et pas aux fichiers modèles (.tpl) qu'il contient."
+#: mod/install.php:516
+msgid "view/smarty3 is writable"
+msgstr "view/smarty3 est autorisé à l écriture"
+#: mod/install.php:532
+msgid ""
+"Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration."
+msgstr "La réécriture d'URL dans le fichier .htaccess ne fonctionne pas. Vérifiez la configuration de votre serveur."
+#: mod/install.php:534
+msgid "Url rewrite is working"
+msgstr "La réécriture d'URL fonctionne."
+#: mod/install.php:551
+msgid "ImageMagick PHP extension is installed"
+msgstr "L’extension PHP ImageMagick est installée"
+#: mod/install.php:553
+msgid "ImageMagick supports GIF"
+msgstr "ImageMagick supporte le format GIF"
+#: mod/install.php:561
+msgid ""
+"The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. "
+"Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web "
+"server root."
+msgstr "Le fichier de configuration de la base (\".htconfig.php\") ne peut être créé. Merci d'utiliser le texte ci-joint pour créer ce fichier à la racine de votre hébergement."
+#: mod/install.php:600
+msgid "What next "
+msgstr "Ensuite "
+#: mod/install.php:601
+msgid ""
+"IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the "
+msgstr "IMPORTANT: Vous devez configurer [manuellement] une tâche programmée pour le \"poller\"."
+#: mod/photos.php:101 mod/photos.php:1886
+msgid "Recent Photos"
+msgstr "Photos récentes"
+#: mod/photos.php:104 mod/photos.php:1308 mod/photos.php:1888
+msgid "Upload New Photos"
+msgstr "Téléverser de nouvelles photos"
+#: mod/photos.php:182
+msgid "Contact information unavailable"
+msgstr "Informations de contact indisponibles"
+#: mod/photos.php:203
+msgid "Album not found."
+msgstr "Album introuvable."
+#: mod/photos.php:233 mod/photos.php:245 mod/photos.php:1250
+msgid "Delete Album"
+msgstr "Effacer l'album"
+#: mod/photos.php:243
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet album photo et toutes ses photos ?"
+#: mod/photos.php:323 mod/photos.php:334 mod/photos.php:1567
+msgid "Delete Photo"
+msgstr "Effacer la photo"
+#: mod/photos.php:332
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette photo ?"
+#: mod/photos.php:707
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s was tagged in %2$s by %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s a été étiqueté dans %2$s par %3$s"
+#: mod/photos.php:707
+msgid "a photo"
+msgstr "une photo"
+#: mod/photos.php:814
+msgid "Image file is empty."
+msgstr "Fichier image vide."
+#: mod/photos.php:974
+msgid "No photos selected"
+msgstr "Aucune photo sélectionnée"
+#: mod/photos.php:1135
+#, php-format
+msgid "You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."
+msgstr "Vous avez utilisé %1$.2f Mo sur %2$.2f d'espace de stockage pour les photos."
+#: mod/photos.php:1170
+msgid "Upload Photos"
+msgstr "Téléverser des photos"
+#: mod/photos.php:1174 mod/photos.php:1245
+msgid "New album name: "
+msgstr "Nom du nouvel album: "
+#: mod/photos.php:1175
+msgid "or existing album name: "
+msgstr "ou nom d'un album existant: "
+#: mod/photos.php:1176
+msgid "Do not show a status post for this upload"
+msgstr "Ne pas publier de notice de statut pour cet envoi"
+#: mod/photos.php:1189
+msgid "Private Photo"
+msgstr "Photo privée"
+#: mod/photos.php:1190
+msgid "Public Photo"
+msgstr "Photo publique"
+#: mod/photos.php:1258
+msgid "Edit Album"
+msgstr "Éditer l'album"
+#: mod/photos.php:1264
+msgid "Show Newest First"
+msgstr "Plus récent d'abord"
+#: mod/photos.php:1266
+msgid "Show Oldest First"
+msgstr "Plus ancien d'abord"
+#: mod/photos.php:1294 mod/photos.php:1871
+msgid "View Photo"
+msgstr "Voir la photo"
+#: mod/photos.php:1340
+msgid "Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."
+msgstr "Interdit. L'accès à cet élément peut avoir été restreint."
+#: mod/photos.php:1342
+msgid "Photo not available"
+msgstr "Photo indisponible"
+#: mod/photos.php:1398
+msgid "View photo"
+msgstr "Voir photo"
+#: mod/photos.php:1398
+msgid "Edit photo"
+msgstr "Éditer la photo"
+#: mod/photos.php:1399
+msgid "Use as profile photo"
+msgstr "Utiliser comme photo de profil"
+#: mod/photos.php:1424
+msgid "View Full Size"
+msgstr "Voir en taille réelle"
+#: mod/photos.php:1510
+msgid "Tags: "
+msgstr "Étiquettes:"
+#: mod/photos.php:1513
+msgid "[Remove any tag]"
+msgstr "[Retirer toutes les étiquettes]"
+#: mod/photos.php:1553
+msgid "New album name"
+msgstr "Nom du nouvel album"
+#: mod/photos.php:1554
+msgid "Caption"
+msgstr "Titre"
+#: mod/photos.php:1555
+msgid "Add a Tag"
+msgstr "Ajouter une étiquette"
+#: mod/photos.php:1555
+msgid ""
+"Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"
+msgstr "Exemples: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #Californie, #vacances"
+#: mod/photos.php:1556
+msgid "Do not rotate"
+msgstr "Pas de rotation"
+#: mod/photos.php:1557
+msgid "Rotate CW (right)"
+msgstr "Tourner dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre (vers la droite)"
+#: mod/photos.php:1558
+msgid "Rotate CCW (left)"
+msgstr "Tourner dans le sens contraire des aiguilles d'une montre (vers la gauche)"
+#: mod/photos.php:1573
+msgid "Private photo"
+msgstr "Photo privée"
+#: mod/photos.php:1574
+msgid "Public photo"
+msgstr "Photo publique"
+#: mod/photos.php:1800
+msgid "Map"
+msgstr "Carte"
+#: mod/cal.php:279 mod/events.php:380
+msgid "View"
+msgstr "Vue"
+#: mod/cal.php:280 mod/events.php:382
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Précédent"
+#: mod/cal.php:301
+msgid "User not found"
+msgstr "Utilisateur introuvable"
+#: mod/cal.php:317
+msgid "This calendar format is not supported"
+msgstr "Format de calendrier inconnu"
+#: mod/cal.php:319
+msgid "No exportable data found"
+msgstr "Rien à exporter"
+#: mod/cal.php:334
+msgid "calendar"
+msgstr "calendrier"
+#: mod/events.php:95 mod/events.php:97
+msgid "Event can not end before it has started."
+msgstr "L'événement ne peut pas se terminer avant d'avoir commencé."
+#: mod/events.php:104 mod/events.php:106
+msgid "Event title and start time are required."
+msgstr "Vous devez donner un nom et un horaire de début à l'événement."
+#: mod/events.php:381
+msgid "Create New Event"
+msgstr "Créer un nouvel événement"
+#: mod/events.php:483
+msgid "Event details"
+msgstr "Détails de l'événement"
+#: mod/events.php:484
+msgid "Starting date and Title are required."
+msgstr "La date de début et le titre sont requis."
+#: mod/events.php:485 mod/events.php:486
+msgid "Event Starts:"
+msgstr "Début de l'événement :"
+#: mod/events.php:487 mod/events.php:503
+msgid "Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"
+msgstr "Date / heure de fin inconnue ou sans objet"
+#: mod/events.php:489 mod/events.php:490
+msgid "Event Finishes:"
+msgstr "Fin de l'événement:"
+#: mod/events.php:491 mod/events.php:504
+msgid "Adjust for viewer timezone"
+msgstr "Ajuster à la zone horaire du visiteur"
+#: mod/events.php:493
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Description:"
+#: mod/events.php:497 mod/events.php:499
+msgid "Title:"
+msgstr "Titre :"
+#: mod/events.php:500 mod/events.php:501
+msgid "Share this event"
+msgstr "Partager cet événement"
+#: mod/notifications.php:35
+msgid "Invalid request identifier."
+msgstr "Identifiant de demande invalide."
+#: mod/notifications.php:44 mod/notifications.php:180
+#: mod/notifications.php:252
+msgid "Discard"
+msgstr "Rejeter"
+#: mod/notifications.php:105
+msgid "Network Notifications"
+msgstr "Notifications du réseau"
+#: mod/notifications.php:117
+msgid "Personal Notifications"
+msgstr "Notifications personnelles"
+#: mod/notifications.php:123
+msgid "Home Notifications"
+msgstr "Notifications de page d'accueil"
+#: mod/notifications.php:152
+msgid "Show Ignored Requests"
+msgstr "Voir les demandes ignorées"
+#: mod/notifications.php:152
+msgid "Hide Ignored Requests"
+msgstr "Cacher les demandes ignorées"
+#: mod/notifications.php:164 mod/notifications.php:222
+msgid "Notification type: "
+msgstr "Type de notification: "
+#: mod/notifications.php:167
+#, php-format
+msgid "suggested by %s"
+msgstr "suggéré(e) par %s"
+#: mod/notifications.php:173 mod/notifications.php:240
+msgid "Post a new friend activity"
+msgstr "Poster une nouvelle avtivité d'ami"
+#: mod/notifications.php:173 mod/notifications.php:240
+msgid "if applicable"
+msgstr "si possible"
+#: mod/notifications.php:176 mod/notifications.php:249 mod/admin.php:1390
+msgid "Approve"
+msgstr "Approuver"
+#: mod/notifications.php:195
+msgid "Claims to be known to you: "
+msgstr "Prétend que vous le connaissez: "
+#: mod/notifications.php:196
+msgid "yes"
+msgstr "oui"
+#: mod/notifications.php:196
+msgid "no"
+msgstr "non"
+#: mod/notifications.php:197
+msgid ""
+"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
+"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that "
+"you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
+msgstr "Doit être votre connexion bidirectionnelle ou non? \"Ami\" implique que vous autorisiez à lire et vous vous abonnez à leurs postes. \"Fan / Admirateur\" signifie que vous permettez de lire, mais vous ne voulez pas lire les leurs. Approuver en:"
+#: mod/notifications.php:200
+msgid ""
+"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
+"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you "
+"allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
+msgstr "Doit être votre connexion bidirectionnelle ou non? \"Ami\" implique que vous autorisiez à lire et vous vous abonnez à leurs postes. \"Fan / Admirateur\" signifie que vous permettez de lire, mais vous ne voulez pas lire les leurs. Approuver en:"
+#: mod/notifications.php:209
+msgid "Friend"
+msgstr "Ami"
+#: mod/notifications.php:210
+msgid "Sharer"
+msgstr "Initiateur du partage"
+#: mod/notifications.php:210
+msgid "Fan/Admirer"
+msgstr "Fan/Admirateur"
+#: mod/notifications.php:260
+msgid "No introductions."
+msgstr "Aucune demande d'introduction."
+#: mod/notifications.php:299
+msgid "Show unread"
+msgstr "Afficher non-lus"
+#: mod/notifications.php:299
+msgid "Show all"
+msgstr "Tout afficher"
+#: mod/notifications.php:305
+#, php-format
+msgid "No more %s notifications."
+msgstr "Aucune notification de %s"
+#: mod/ping.php:234
+msgid "{0} wants to be your friend"
+msgstr "{0} souhaite être votre ami(e)"
+#: mod/ping.php:249
+msgid "{0} sent you a message"
+msgstr "{0} vous a envoyé un message"
+#: mod/ping.php:264
+msgid "{0} requested registration"
+msgstr "{0} a demandé à s'inscrire"
+#: mod/admin.php:92
+msgid "Theme settings updated."
+msgstr "Réglages du thème sauvés."
+#: mod/admin.php:156 mod/admin.php:926
+msgid "Site"
+msgstr "Site"
+#: mod/admin.php:157 mod/admin.php:870 mod/admin.php:1383 mod/admin.php:1398
+msgid "Users"
+msgstr "Utilisateurs"
+#: mod/admin.php:159 mod/admin.php:1758 mod/admin.php:1808
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr "Thèmes"
+#: mod/admin.php:161
+msgid "DB updates"
+msgstr "Mise-à-jour de la base"
+#: mod/admin.php:162 mod/admin.php:397
+msgid "Inspect Queue"
+msgstr "Inspecter la file d'attente"
+#: mod/admin.php:163 mod/admin.php:363
+msgid "Federation Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistiques Federation"
+#: mod/admin.php:177 mod/admin.php:188 mod/admin.php:1882
+msgid "Logs"
+msgstr "Journaux"
+#: mod/admin.php:178 mod/admin.php:1950
+msgid "View Logs"
+msgstr "Voir les logs"
+#: mod/admin.php:179
+msgid "probe address"
+msgstr "Tester une adresse"
+#: mod/admin.php:180
+msgid "check webfinger"
+msgstr "vérification de webfinger"
+#: mod/admin.php:187
+msgid "Plugin Features"
+msgstr "Propriétés des extensions"
+#: mod/admin.php:189
+msgid "diagnostics"
+msgstr "diagnostic"
+#: mod/admin.php:190
+msgid "User registrations waiting for confirmation"
+msgstr "Inscriptions en attente de confirmation"
+#: mod/admin.php:356
+msgid ""
+"This page offers you some numbers to the known part of the federated social "
+"network your Friendica node is part of. These numbers are not complete but "
+"only reflect the part of the network your node is aware of."
+msgstr "Cette page montre quelques statistiques de la partie connue du réseau social fédéré dont votre instance Friendica fait partie. Ces chiffres sont partiels et ne reflètent que la portion du réseau dont votre instance a connaissance."
+#: mod/admin.php:357
+msgid ""
+"The Auto Discovered Contact Directory feature is not enabled, it "
+"will improve the data displayed here."
+msgstr "En activant la fonctionnalité Répertoire de Contacts Découverts Automatiquement , cela améliorera la qualité des chiffres présentés ici."
+#: mod/admin.php:362 mod/admin.php:396 mod/admin.php:460 mod/admin.php:925
+#: mod/admin.php:1382 mod/admin.php:1499 mod/admin.php:1559 mod/admin.php:1757
+#: mod/admin.php:1807 mod/admin.php:1881 mod/admin.php:1949
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Administration"
+#: mod/admin.php:369
+#, php-format
+msgid "Currently this node is aware of %d nodes from the following platforms:"
+msgstr "Actuellement cette instance est en relation avec %d autres instances des plate-formes suivantes :"
+#: mod/admin.php:399
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+#: mod/admin.php:400
+msgid "Recipient Name"
+msgstr "Nom du destinataire"
+#: mod/admin.php:401
+msgid "Recipient Profile"
+msgstr "Profil du destinataire"
+#: mod/admin.php:403
+msgid "Created"
+msgstr "Créé"
+#: mod/admin.php:404
+msgid "Last Tried"
+msgstr "Dernier essai"
+#: mod/admin.php:405
+msgid ""
+"This page lists the content of the queue for outgoing postings. These are "
+"postings the initial delivery failed for. They will be resend later and "
+"eventually deleted if the delivery fails permanently."
+msgstr "Cette page présente le contenu de la file d'attente pour les publications sortantes. Ce sont des messages dont la première livraison a échoué. Ils seront réenvoyés plus tard et éventuellement supprimés si l'envoi échoue de façon permanente."
+#: mod/admin.php:424 mod/admin.php:1331
+msgid "Normal Account"
+msgstr "Compte normal"
+#: mod/admin.php:425 mod/admin.php:1332
+msgid "Soapbox Account"
+msgstr "Compte \"boîte à savon\""
+#: mod/admin.php:426 mod/admin.php:1333
+msgid "Community/Celebrity Account"
+msgstr "Compte de communauté/célébrité"
+#: mod/admin.php:427 mod/admin.php:1334
+msgid "Automatic Friend Account"
+msgstr "Compte auto-amical"
+#: mod/admin.php:428
+msgid "Blog Account"
+msgstr "Compte de blog"
+#: mod/admin.php:429
+msgid "Private Forum"
+msgstr "Forum privé"
+#: mod/admin.php:455
+msgid "Message queues"
+msgstr "Files d'attente des messages"
+#: mod/admin.php:461
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Résumé"
+#: mod/admin.php:464
+msgid "Registered users"
+msgstr "Utilisateurs inscrits"
+#: mod/admin.php:466
+msgid "Pending registrations"
+msgstr "Inscriptions en attente"
+#: mod/admin.php:467
+msgid "Version"
+msgstr "Versio"
+#: mod/admin.php:472
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Extensions activés"
+#: mod/admin.php:495
+msgid "Can not parse base url. Must have at least ://"
+msgstr "Impossible d'analyser l'URL de base. Doit contenir au moins ://"
+#: mod/admin.php:798
+msgid "RINO2 needs mcrypt php extension to work."
+msgstr "RINO2 a besoin du module php mcrypt pour fonctionner."
+#: mod/admin.php:806
+msgid "Site settings updated."
+msgstr "Réglages du site mis-à-jour."
+#: mod/admin.php:853
+msgid "No community page"
+msgstr "Aucune page de communauté"
+#: mod/admin.php:854
+msgid "Public postings from users of this site"
+msgstr "Publications publiques des utilisateurs de ce site"
+#: mod/admin.php:855
+msgid "Global community page"
+msgstr "Page de la communauté globale"
+#: mod/admin.php:861
+msgid "At post arrival"
+msgstr "A l'arrivé d'une publication"
+#: mod/admin.php:871
+msgid "Users, Global Contacts"
+msgstr "Utilisateurs, Contacts Globaux"
+#: mod/admin.php:872
+msgid "Users, Global Contacts/fallback"
+msgstr "Utilisateurs, Contacts Globaux/alternative"
+#: mod/admin.php:876
+msgid "One month"
+msgstr "Un mois"
+#: mod/admin.php:877
+msgid "Three months"
+msgstr "Trois mois"
+#: mod/admin.php:878
+msgid "Half a year"
+msgstr "Six mois"
+#: mod/admin.php:879
+msgid "One year"
+msgstr "Un an"
+#: mod/admin.php:884
+msgid "Multi user instance"
+msgstr "Instance multi-utilisateurs"
+#: mod/admin.php:907
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Fermé"
+#: mod/admin.php:908
+msgid "Requires approval"
+msgstr "Demande une apptrobation"
+#: mod/admin.php:909
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Ouvert"
+#: mod/admin.php:913
+msgid "No SSL policy, links will track page SSL state"
+msgstr "Pas de politique SSL, le liens conserveront l'état SSL de la page"
+#: mod/admin.php:914
+msgid "Force all links to use SSL"
+msgstr "Forcer tous les liens à utiliser SSL"
+#: mod/admin.php:915
+msgid "Self-signed certificate, use SSL for local links only (discouraged)"
+msgstr "Certificat auto-signé, n'utiliser SSL que pour les liens locaux (non recommandé)"
+#: mod/admin.php:929
+msgid "File upload"
+msgstr "Téléversement de fichier"
+#: mod/admin.php:930
+msgid "Policies"
+msgstr "Politiques"
+#: mod/admin.php:932
+msgid "Auto Discovered Contact Directory"
+msgstr "Répertoire de Contacts Découverts Automatiquement"
+#: mod/admin.php:933
+msgid "Performance"
+msgstr "Performance"
+#: mod/admin.php:934
+msgid "Worker"
+msgstr "Worker"
+#: mod/admin.php:935
+msgid ""
+"Relocate - WARNING: advanced function. Could make this server unreachable."
+msgstr "Relocalisation - ATTENTION: fonction avancée. Peut rendre ce serveur inaccessible."
+#: mod/admin.php:938
+msgid "Site name"
+msgstr "Nom du site"
+#: mod/admin.php:939
+msgid "Host name"
+msgstr "Nom de la machine hôte"
+#: mod/admin.php:940
+msgid "Sender Email"
+msgstr "Courriel de l'émetteur"
+#: mod/admin.php:940
+msgid ""
+"The email address your server shall use to send notification emails from."
+msgstr "L'adresse courriel à partir de laquelle votre serveur enverra des courriels."
+#: mod/admin.php:941
+msgid "Banner/Logo"
+msgstr "Bannière/Logo"
+#: mod/admin.php:942
+msgid "Shortcut icon"
+msgstr "Icône de raccourci"
+#: mod/admin.php:942
+msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for browsers."
+msgstr "Lien vers une icône qui sera utilisée pour les navigateurs."
+#: mod/admin.php:943
+msgid "Touch icon"
+msgstr "Icône pour systèmes tactiles"
+#: mod/admin.php:943
+msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for tablets and mobiles."
+msgstr "Lien vers une icône qui sera utilisée pour les tablettes et les mobiles."
+#: mod/admin.php:944
+msgid "Additional Info"
+msgstr "Informations supplémentaires"
+#: mod/admin.php:944
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"For public servers: you can add additional information here that will be "
+"listed at %s/siteinfo."
+msgstr "Pour les serveurs publics : vous pouvez ajouter des informations supplémentaires ici, qui figureront dans %s/siteinfo."
+#: mod/admin.php:945
+msgid "System language"
+msgstr "Langue du système"
+#: mod/admin.php:946
+msgid "System theme"
+msgstr "Thème du système"
+#: mod/admin.php:946
+msgid ""
+"Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - change theme settings "
+msgstr "Thème par défaut sur ce site - peut être changé au niveau du profile utilisateur - changer les réglages du thème "
+#: mod/admin.php:947
+msgid "Mobile system theme"
+msgstr "Thème mobile"
+#: mod/admin.php:947
+msgid "Theme for mobile devices"
+msgstr "Thème pour les terminaux mobiles"
+#: mod/admin.php:948
+msgid "SSL link policy"
+msgstr "Politique SSL pour les liens"
+#: mod/admin.php:948
+msgid "Determines whether generated links should be forced to use SSL"
+msgstr "Détermine si les liens générés doivent forcer l'utilisation de SSL"
+#: mod/admin.php:949
+msgid "Force SSL"
+msgstr "SSL obligatoire"
+#: mod/admin.php:949
+msgid ""
+"Force all Non-SSL requests to SSL - Attention: on some systems it could lead"
+" to endless loops."
+msgstr "Redirige toutes les requêtes en clair vers des requêtes SSL. Attention : sur certains systèmes cela peut conduire à des boucles de redirection infinies."
+#: mod/admin.php:950
+msgid "Old style 'Share'"
+msgstr "Anciens style 'Partage'"
+#: mod/admin.php:950
+msgid "Deactivates the bbcode element 'share' for repeating items."
+msgstr "Désactive l'élément 'partage' de bbcode pour répéter les articles."
+#: mod/admin.php:951
+msgid "Hide help entry from navigation menu"
+msgstr "Cacher l'aide du menu de navigation"
+#: mod/admin.php:951
+msgid ""
+"Hides the menu entry for the Help pages from the navigation menu. You can "
+"still access it calling /help directly."
+msgstr "Cacher du menu de navigation le l'entrée des vers les pages d'aide. Vous pouvez toujours y accéder en tapant directement /help."
+#: mod/admin.php:952
+msgid "Single user instance"
+msgstr "Instance mono-utilisateur"
+#: mod/admin.php:952
+msgid "Make this instance multi-user or single-user for the named user"
+msgstr "Transformer cette en instance en multi-utilisateur ou mono-utilisateur pour cet l'utilisateur."
+#: mod/admin.php:953
+msgid "Maximum image size"
+msgstr "Taille maximale des images"
+#: mod/admin.php:953
+msgid ""
+"Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no "
+msgstr "Taille maximale des images envoyées (en octets). 0 par défaut, c'est à dire \"aucune limite\"."
+#: mod/admin.php:954
+msgid "Maximum image length"
+msgstr "Longueur maximale des images"
+#: mod/admin.php:954
+msgid ""
+"Maximum length in pixels of the longest side of uploaded images. Default is "
+"-1, which means no limits."
+msgstr "Longueur maximale (en pixels) du plus long côté des images téléversées. La valeur par défaut est -1, soit une absence de limite."
+#: mod/admin.php:955
+msgid "JPEG image quality"
+msgstr "Qualité JPEG des images"
+#: mod/admin.php:955
+msgid ""
+"Uploaded JPEGS will be saved at this quality setting [0-100]. Default is "
+"100, which is full quality."
+msgstr "Les JPEGs téléversés seront sauvegardés avec ce niveau de qualité [0-100]. La valeur par défaut est 100, soit la qualité maximale."
+#: mod/admin.php:957
+msgid "Register policy"
+msgstr "Politique d'inscription"
+#: mod/admin.php:958
+msgid "Maximum Daily Registrations"
+msgstr "Inscriptions maximum par jour"
+#: mod/admin.php:958
+msgid ""
+"If registration is permitted above, this sets the maximum number of new user"
+" registrations to accept per day. If register is set to closed, this "
+"setting has no effect."
+msgstr "Si les inscriptions sont permises ci-dessus, ceci fixe le nombre maximum d'inscriptions de nouveaux utilisateurs acceptées par jour. Si les inscriptions ne sont pas ouvertes, ce paramètre n'a aucun effet."
+#: mod/admin.php:959
+msgid "Register text"
+msgstr "Texte d'inscription"
+#: mod/admin.php:959
+msgid "Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."
+msgstr "Sera affiché de manière bien visible sur la page d'accueil."
+#: mod/admin.php:960
+msgid "Accounts abandoned after x days"
+msgstr "Les comptes sont abandonnés après x jours"
+#: mod/admin.php:960
+msgid ""
+"Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded "
+"accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit."
+msgstr "Pour ne pas gaspiller les ressources système, on cesse d'interroger les sites distants pour les comptes abandonnés. Mettre 0 pour désactiver cette fonction."
+#: mod/admin.php:961
+msgid "Allowed friend domains"
+msgstr "Domaines autorisés"
+#: mod/admin.php:961
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships "
+"with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"
+msgstr "Une liste de domaines, séparés par des virgules, autorisés à établir des relations avec les utilisateurs de ce site. Les '*' sont acceptés. Laissez vide pour autoriser tous les domaines"
+#: mod/admin.php:962
+msgid "Allowed email domains"
+msgstr "Domaines courriel autorisés"
+#: mod/admin.php:962
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for "
+"registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
+msgstr "Liste de domaines - séparés par des virgules - dont les adresses e-mail sont autorisées à s'inscrire sur ce site. Les '*' sont acceptées. Laissez vide pour autoriser tous les domaines"
+#: mod/admin.php:963
+msgid "Block public"
+msgstr "Interdire la publication globale"
+#: mod/admin.php:963
+msgid ""
+"Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this "
+"site unless you are currently logged in."
+msgstr "Cocher pour bloquer les accès anonymes (non-connectés) à tout sauf aux pages personnelles publiques."
+#: mod/admin.php:964
+msgid "Force publish"
+msgstr "Forcer la publication globale"
+#: mod/admin.php:964
+msgid ""
+"Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."
+msgstr "Cocher pour publier obligatoirement tous les profils locaux dans l'annuaire du site."
+#: mod/admin.php:965
+msgid "Global directory URL"
+msgstr "URL de l'annuaire global"
+#: mod/admin.php:965
+msgid ""
+"URL to the global directory. If this is not set, the global directory is "
+"completely unavailable to the application."
+msgstr "URL de l'annuaire global. Si ce champ n'est pas défini, l'annuaire global sera complètement indisponible pour l'application."
+#: mod/admin.php:966
+msgid "Allow threaded items"
+msgstr "autoriser le suivi des éléments par fil conducteur"
+#: mod/admin.php:966
+msgid "Allow infinite level threading for items on this site."
+msgstr "Permettre une imbrication infinie des commentaires."
+#: mod/admin.php:967
+msgid "Private posts by default for new users"
+msgstr "Publications privées par défaut pour les nouveaux utilisateurs"
+#: mod/admin.php:967
+msgid ""
+"Set default post permissions for all new members to the default privacy "
+"group rather than public."
+msgstr "Rendre les publications de tous les nouveaux utilisateurs accessibles seulement par le groupe de contacts par défaut, et non par tout le monde."
+#: mod/admin.php:968
+msgid "Don't include post content in email notifications"
+msgstr "Ne pas inclure le contenu posté dans l'e-mail de notification"
+#: mod/admin.php:968
+msgid ""
+"Don't include the content of a post/comment/private message/etc. in the "
+"email notifications that are sent out from this site, as a privacy measure."
+msgstr "Ne pas inclure le contenu de publication/commentaire/message privé/etc dans l'e-mail de notification qui est envoyé à partir du site, par mesure de confidentialité."
+#: mod/admin.php:969
+msgid "Disallow public access to addons listed in the apps menu."
+msgstr "Interdire l’accès public pour les greffons listées dans le menu apps."
+#: mod/admin.php:969
+msgid ""
+"Checking this box will restrict addons listed in the apps menu to members "
+msgstr "Cocher cette case restreint la liste des greffons dans le menu des applications seulement aux membres."
+#: mod/admin.php:970
+msgid "Don't embed private images in posts"
+msgstr "Ne pas miniaturiser les images privées dans les publications"
+#: mod/admin.php:970
+msgid ""
+"Don't replace locally-hosted private photos in posts with an embedded copy "
+"of the image. This means that contacts who receive posts containing private "
+"photos will have to authenticate and load each image, which may take a "
+msgstr "Ne remplacez pas les images privées hébergées localement dans les publications avec une image attaché en copie, car cela signifie que le contact qui reçoit les publications contenant ces photos privées devra s’authentifier pour charger chaque image, ce qui peut prendre du temps."
+#: mod/admin.php:971
+msgid "Allow Users to set remote_self"
+msgstr "Autoriser les utilisateurs à définir remote_self"
+#: mod/admin.php:971
+msgid ""
+"With checking this, every user is allowed to mark every contact as a "
+"remote_self in the repair contact dialog. Setting this flag on a contact "
+"causes mirroring every posting of that contact in the users stream."
+msgstr "Cocher cette case, permet à chaque utilisateur de marquer chaque contact comme un remote_self dans la boîte de dialogue de réparation des contacts. Activer cette fonction à un contact engendre la réplique de toutes les publications d'un contact dans le flux d'activités des utilisateurs."
+#: mod/admin.php:972
+msgid "Block multiple registrations"
+msgstr "Interdire les inscriptions multiples"
+#: mod/admin.php:972
+msgid "Disallow users to register additional accounts for use as pages."
+msgstr "Ne pas permettre l'inscription de comptes multiples comme des pages."
+#: mod/admin.php:973
+msgid "OpenID support"
+msgstr "Support OpenID"
+#: mod/admin.php:973
+msgid "OpenID support for registration and logins."
+msgstr "Supporter OpenID pour les inscriptions et connexions."
+#: mod/admin.php:974
+msgid "Fullname check"
+msgstr "Vérification du \"Prénom Nom\""
+#: mod/admin.php:974
+msgid ""
+"Force users to register with a space between firstname and lastname in Full "
+"name, as an antispam measure"
+msgstr "Imposer l'utilisation d'un espace entre le prénom et le nom (dans le Nom complet), pour limiter les abus"
+#: mod/admin.php:975
+msgid "UTF-8 Regular expressions"
+msgstr "Regex UTF-8"
+#: mod/admin.php:975
+msgid "Use PHP UTF8 regular expressions"
+msgstr "Utiliser les expressions rationnelles de PHP en UTF8"
+#: mod/admin.php:976
+msgid "Community Page Style"
+msgstr "Style de la page de communauté"
+#: mod/admin.php:976
+msgid ""
+"Type of community page to show. 'Global community' shows every public "
+"posting from an open distributed network that arrived on this server."
+msgstr "Type de page de la communauté à afficher. « Communauté globale » montre toutes les publications publiques des réseaux distribués ouverts qui arrivent sur ce serveur."
+#: mod/admin.php:977
+msgid "Posts per user on community page"
+msgstr "Nombre de publications par utilisateur sur la page de la communauté (n'est pas valide pour "
+#: mod/admin.php:977
+msgid ""
+"The maximum number of posts per user on the community page. (Not valid for "
+"'Global Community')"
+msgstr "Nombre maximal de publications par utilisateurs sur la page de la communauté (ne s'applique pas pour « Communauté globale »)."
+#: mod/admin.php:978
+msgid "Enable OStatus support"
+msgstr "Activer le support d'OStatus"
+#: mod/admin.php:978
+msgid ""
+"Provide built-in OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social etc.) compatibility. All "
+"communications in OStatus are public, so privacy warnings will be "
+"occasionally displayed."
+msgstr "Fourni nativement la compatibilité avec OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social etc.). Touts les communications utilisant OStatus sont public, des avertissements liés à la vie privée seront affichés si utile."
+#: mod/admin.php:979
+msgid "OStatus conversation completion interval"
+msgstr "Achèvement de l'intervalle de conversation OStatus "
+#: mod/admin.php:979
+msgid ""
+"How often shall the poller check for new entries in OStatus conversations? "
+"This can be a very ressource task."
+msgstr "Combien de fois le poller devra vérifier les nouvelles entrées dans les conversations OStatus? Cela peut utilisé beaucoup de ressources."
+#: mod/admin.php:980
+msgid "Only import OStatus threads from our contacts"
+msgstr "Importer seulement les fils OStatus de nos contacts"
+#: mod/admin.php:980
+msgid ""
+"Normally we import every content from our OStatus contacts. With this option"
+" we only store threads that are started by a contact that is known on our "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:981
+msgid "OStatus support can only be enabled if threading is enabled."
+msgstr "Le support OStatus ne peut être activé que si l'imbrication des commentaires est activée."
+#: mod/admin.php:983
+msgid ""
+"Diaspora support can't be enabled because Friendica was installed into a sub"
+" directory."
+msgstr "Le support de Diaspora ne peut pas être activé parce que Friendica a été installé dans un sous-répertoire."
+#: mod/admin.php:984
+msgid "Enable Diaspora support"
+msgstr "Activer le support de Diaspora"
+#: mod/admin.php:984
+msgid "Provide built-in Diaspora network compatibility."
+msgstr "Fournir une compatibilité Diaspora intégrée."
+#: mod/admin.php:985
+msgid "Only allow Friendica contacts"
+msgstr "N'autoriser que les contacts Friendica"
+#: mod/admin.php:985
+msgid ""
+"All contacts must use Friendica protocols. All other built-in communication "
+"protocols disabled."
+msgstr "Tous les contacts doivent utiliser les protocoles de Friendica. Tous les autres protocoles de communication intégrés sont désactivés."
+#: mod/admin.php:986
+msgid "Verify SSL"
+msgstr "Vérifier SSL"
+#: mod/admin.php:986
+msgid ""
+"If you wish, you can turn on strict certificate checking. This will mean you"
+" cannot connect (at all) to self-signed SSL sites."
+msgstr "Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez activier la vérification stricte des certificats. Cela signifie que vous ne pourrez pas vous connecter (du tout) aux sites SSL munis d'un certificat auto-signé."
+#: mod/admin.php:987
+msgid "Proxy user"
+msgstr "Utilisateur du proxy"
+#: mod/admin.php:988
+msgid "Proxy URL"
+msgstr "URL du proxy"
+#: mod/admin.php:989
+msgid "Network timeout"
+msgstr "Dépassement du délai d'attente du réseau"
+#: mod/admin.php:989
+msgid "Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended)."
+msgstr "Valeur en secondes. Mettre à 0 pour 'illimité' (pas recommandé)."
+#: mod/admin.php:990
+msgid "Delivery interval"
+msgstr "Intervalle de transmission"
+#: mod/admin.php:990
+msgid ""
+"Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
+"load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 "
+"for large dedicated servers."
+msgstr "Rallonge le processus de transmissions pour réduire la charge système (en secondes). Valeurs recommandées : 4-5 pour les serveurs mutualisés, 2-3 pour les VPS, 0-1 pour les gros servers dédiés."
+#: mod/admin.php:991
+msgid "Poll interval"
+msgstr "Intervalle de réception"
+#: mod/admin.php:991
+msgid ""
+"Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
+"load. If 0, use delivery interval."
+msgstr "Rajouter un délai - en secondes - au processus de 'polling', afin de réduire la charge système. Mettre à 0 pour utiliser l'intervalle d'émission."
+#: mod/admin.php:992
+msgid "Maximum Load Average"
+msgstr "Plafond de la charge moyenne"
+#: mod/admin.php:992
+msgid ""
+"Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - "
+"default 50."
+msgstr "Charge système maximale à partir de laquelle l'émission et la réception seront soumises à un délai supplémentaire. Par défaut, 50."
+#: mod/admin.php:993
+msgid "Maximum Load Average (Frontend)"
+msgstr "Plafond de la charge moyenne (frontale)"
+#: mod/admin.php:993
+msgid "Maximum system load before the frontend quits service - default 50."
+msgstr "Limite de charge système pour le rendu des pages - défaut 50."
+#: mod/admin.php:994
+msgid "Maximum table size for optimization"
+msgstr "Limite de taille de table pour l'optimisation"
+#: mod/admin.php:994
+msgid ""
+"Maximum table size (in MB) for the automatic optimization - default 100 MB. "
+"Enter -1 to disable it."
+msgstr "Limite de taille de table (en Mo) pour l'optimisation automatique - défaut 100 Mo. -1 pour désactiver la limite."
+#: mod/admin.php:995
+msgid "Minimum level of fragmentation"
+msgstr "Seuil de fragmentation"
+#: mod/admin.php:995
+msgid ""
+"Minimum fragmenation level to start the automatic optimization - default "
+"value is 30%."
+msgstr "Seuil de fragmentation pour que l'optimisation automatique se déclenche - défaut 30%."
+#: mod/admin.php:997
+msgid "Periodical check of global contacts"
+msgstr "Vérification périodique des contacts globaux"
+#: mod/admin.php:997
+msgid ""
+"If enabled, the global contacts are checked periodically for missing or "
+"outdated data and the vitality of the contacts and servers."
+msgstr "Si activé, les données manquantes et obsolètes et la vitalité des contacts et des serveurs seront vérifiées périodiquement dans les contacts globaux."
+#: mod/admin.php:998
+msgid "Days between requery"
+msgstr "Nombre de jours entre les requêtes"
+#: mod/admin.php:998
+msgid "Number of days after which a server is requeried for his contacts."
+msgstr "Nombre de jours avant qu'une requête de contacts soient envoyée à nouveau à un serveur."
+#: mod/admin.php:999
+msgid "Discover contacts from other servers"
+msgstr "Découvrir des contacts des autres serveurs"
+#: mod/admin.php:999
+msgid ""
+"Periodically query other servers for contacts. You can choose between "
+"'users': the users on the remote system, 'Global Contacts': active contacts "
+"that are known on the system. The fallback is meant for Redmatrix servers "
+"and older friendica servers, where global contacts weren't available. The "
+"fallback increases the server load, so the recommened setting is 'Users, "
+"Global Contacts'."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1000
+msgid "Timeframe for fetching global contacts"
+msgstr "Fréquence de récupération des contacts globaux"
+#: mod/admin.php:1000
+msgid ""
+"When the discovery is activated, this value defines the timeframe for the "
+"activity of the global contacts that are fetched from other servers."
+msgstr "Quand la découverte de contacts est activée, cette valeur détermine la fréquence de récupération des données des contacts globaux présents sur d'autres serveurs."
+#: mod/admin.php:1001
+msgid "Search the local directory"
+msgstr "Chercher dans le répertoire local"
+#: mod/admin.php:1001
+msgid ""
+"Search the local directory instead of the global directory. When searching "
+"locally, every search will be executed on the global directory in the "
+"background. This improves the search results when the search is repeated."
+msgstr "Cherche dans le répertoire local au lieu du répertoire local. Quand une recherche locale est effectuée, la même recherche est effectuée dans le répertoire global en tâche de fond. Cela améliore les résultats de la recherche si elle est réitérée."
+#: mod/admin.php:1003
+msgid "Publish server information"
+msgstr "Publier les informations du serveur"
+#: mod/admin.php:1003
+msgid ""
+"If enabled, general server and usage data will be published. The data "
+"contains the name and version of the server, number of users with public "
+"profiles, number of posts and the activated protocols and connectors. See the-federation.info for details."
+msgstr "Si cette option est activée, des informations sur le serveur et son utilisation seront publiées. Ces informations incluent le nom et la version du serveur, le nombre d’utilisateurs avec des profils publics, le nombre de messages, les protocoles supportés et les connecteurs disponibles. Plus de détails sur the-federation.info ."
+#: mod/admin.php:1005
+msgid "Use MySQL full text engine"
+msgstr "Utiliser le moteur de recherche plein texte de MySQL"
+#: mod/admin.php:1005
+msgid ""
+"Activates the full text engine. Speeds up search - but can only search for "
+"four and more characters."
+msgstr "Activer le moteur de recherche plein texte. Accélère la recherche mais peut seulement rechercher quatre lettres ou plus."
+#: mod/admin.php:1006
+msgid "Suppress Language"
+msgstr "Supprimer un langage"
+#: mod/admin.php:1006
+msgid "Suppress language information in meta information about a posting."
+msgstr "Supprimer les informations de langue dans les métadonnées des publications."
+#: mod/admin.php:1007
+msgid "Suppress Tags"
+msgstr "Masquer les tags"
+#: mod/admin.php:1007
+msgid "Suppress showing a list of hashtags at the end of the posting."
+msgstr "Ne pas afficher la liste des hashtags à la fin d’un message."
+#: mod/admin.php:1008
+msgid "Path to item cache"
+msgstr "Chemin vers le cache des objets."
+#: mod/admin.php:1008
+msgid "The item caches buffers generated bbcode and external images."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1009
+msgid "Cache duration in seconds"
+msgstr "Durée du cache en secondes"
+#: mod/admin.php:1009
+msgid ""
+"How long should the cache files be hold? Default value is 86400 seconds (One"
+" day). To disable the item cache, set the value to -1."
+msgstr "Combien de temps les fichiers de cache doivent être maintenu? La valeur par défaut est 86400 secondes (une journée). Pour désactiver le cache de l'item, définissez la valeur à -1."
+#: mod/admin.php:1010
+msgid "Maximum numbers of comments per post"
+msgstr "Nombre maximum de commentaires par publication"
+#: mod/admin.php:1010
+msgid "How much comments should be shown for each post? Default value is 100."
+msgstr "Combien de commentaires doivent être affichés pour chaque publication? Valeur par défaut: 100."
+#: mod/admin.php:1011
+msgid "Path for lock file"
+msgstr "Chemin vers le ficher de verrouillage"
+#: mod/admin.php:1011
+msgid ""
+"The lock file is used to avoid multiple pollers at one time. Only define a "
+"folder here."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1012
+msgid "Temp path"
+msgstr "Chemin des fichiers temporaires"
+#: mod/admin.php:1012
+msgid ""
+"If you have a restricted system where the webserver can't access the system "
+"temp path, enter another path here."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1013
+msgid "Base path to installation"
+msgstr "Chemin de base de l'installation"
+#: mod/admin.php:1013
+msgid ""
+"If the system cannot detect the correct path to your installation, enter the"
+" correct path here. This setting should only be set if you are using a "
+"restricted system and symbolic links to your webroot."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1014
+msgid "Disable picture proxy"
+msgstr "Désactiver le proxy image "
+#: mod/admin.php:1014
+msgid ""
+"The picture proxy increases performance and privacy. It shouldn't be used on"
+" systems with very low bandwith."
+msgstr "Le proxy d'image augmente les performances et l'intimité. Il ne devrait pas être utilisé sur des systèmes avec une très faible bande passante."
+#: mod/admin.php:1015
+msgid "Enable old style pager"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1015
+msgid ""
+"The old style pager has page numbers but slows down massively the page "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1016
+msgid "Only search in tags"
+msgstr "Rechercher seulement dans les étiquettes"
+#: mod/admin.php:1016
+msgid "On large systems the text search can slow down the system extremely."
+msgstr "La recherche textuelle peut ralentir considérablement les systèmes de grande taille."
+#: mod/admin.php:1018
+msgid "New base url"
+msgstr "Nouvelle URL de base"
+#: mod/admin.php:1018
+msgid ""
+"Change base url for this server. Sends relocate message to all DFRN contacts"
+" of all users."
+msgstr "Changer d'URL de base pour ce serveur. Envoie un message de relocalisation à tous les contacts des réseaux distribués d'amis et de relations (DFRN) de tous les utilisateurs."
+#: mod/admin.php:1020
+msgid "RINO Encryption"
+msgstr "Chiffrement RINO"
+#: mod/admin.php:1020
+msgid "Encryption layer between nodes."
+msgstr "Couche de chiffrement entre les nœuds du réseau."
+#: mod/admin.php:1021
+msgid "Embedly API key"
+msgstr "Clé API d'Embedly"
+#: mod/admin.php:1021
+msgid ""
+"Embedly is used to fetch additional data for "
+"web pages. This is an optional parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1023
+msgid "Enable 'worker' background processing"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1023
+msgid ""
+"The worker background processing limits the number of parallel background "
+"jobs to a maximum number and respects the system load."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1024
+msgid "Maximum number of parallel workers"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1024
+msgid ""
+"On shared hosters set this to 2. On larger systems, values of 10 are great. "
+"Default value is 4."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1025
+msgid "Don't use 'proc_open' with the worker"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1025
+msgid ""
+"Enable this if your system doesn't allow the use of 'proc_open'. This can "
+"happen on shared hosters. If this is enabled you should increase the "
+"frequency of poller calls in your crontab."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1026
+msgid "Enable fastlane"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1026
+msgid ""
+"When enabed, the fastlane mechanism starts an additional worker if processes"
+" with higher priority are blocked by processes of lower priority."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1055
+msgid "Update has been marked successful"
+msgstr "Mise-à-jour validée comme 'réussie'"
+#: mod/admin.php:1063
+#, php-format
+msgid "Database structure update %s was successfully applied."
+msgstr "La structure de base de données pour la mise à jour %s a été appliquée avec succès."
+#: mod/admin.php:1066
+#, php-format
+msgid "Executing of database structure update %s failed with error: %s"
+msgstr "L'exécution de la mise à jour %s pour la structure de base de données a échoué avec l'erreur: %s"
+#: mod/admin.php:1078
+#, php-format
+msgid "Executing %s failed with error: %s"
+msgstr "L'exécution %s a échoué avec l'erreur: %s"
+#: mod/admin.php:1081
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s was successfully applied."
+msgstr "Mise-à-jour %s appliquée avec succès."
+#: mod/admin.php:1085
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded."
+msgstr "La mise-à-jour %s n'a pas retourné de détails. Impossible de savoir si elle a réussi."
+#: mod/admin.php:1087
+#, php-format
+msgid "There was no additional update function %s that needed to be called."
+msgstr "Il n'y avait aucune fonction supplémentaire de mise à jour %s qui devait être appelé"
+#: mod/admin.php:1106
+msgid "No failed updates."
+msgstr "Pas de mises-à-jour échouées."
+#: mod/admin.php:1107
+msgid "Check database structure"
+msgstr "Vérifier la structure de la base de données"
+#: mod/admin.php:1112
+msgid "Failed Updates"
+msgstr "Mises-à-jour échouées"
+#: mod/admin.php:1113
+msgid ""
+"This does not include updates prior to 1139, which did not return a status."
+msgstr "Ceci n'inclut pas les versions antérieures à la 1139, qui ne retournaient jamais de détails."
+#: mod/admin.php:1114
+msgid "Mark success (if update was manually applied)"
+msgstr "Marquer comme 'réussie' (dans le cas d'une mise-à-jour manuelle)"
+#: mod/admin.php:1115
+msgid "Attempt to execute this update step automatically"
+msgstr "Tenter d'éxecuter cette étape automatiquement"
+#: mod/admin.php:1147
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
+"\t\t\t\tthe administrator of %2$s has set up an account for you."
+msgstr "\n\t\t\tChère/Cher %1$s,\n\t\t\t\tL’administrateur de %2$s vous a ouvert un compte."
+#: mod/admin.php:1150
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
+"\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1$s\n"
+"\t\t\tLogin Name:\t\t%2$s\n"
+"\t\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n"
+"\t\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n"
+"\t\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n"
+"\t\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n"
+"\t\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n"
+"\t\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n"
+"\t\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n"
+"\t\t\tthan that.\n"
+"\t\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n"
+"\t\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n"
+"\t\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n"
+"\t\t\tThank you and welcome to %4$s."
+msgstr "\n\t\t\tVoici vos informations de connexion :\n\n\t\t\tAdresse :\t%1$s\n\t\t\tIdentifiant :\t\t%2$s\n\t\t\tMot de passe :\t\t%3$s\n\n\t\t\tVous pourrez changer votre mot de passe dans les paramètres de votre compte une fois connecté.\n\n\t\t\tProfitez-en pour prendre le temps de passer en revue les autres paramètres de votre compte.\n\n\t\t\tVous pourrez aussi ajouter quelques informations élémentaires à votre profil par défaut (sur la page « Profils ») pour permettre à d’autres personnes de vous trouver facilement.\n\n\t\t\tNous recommandons de préciser votre nom complet, d’ajouter une photo et quelques mots-clefs (c’est très utile pour découvrir de nouveaux amis), et peut-être aussi d’indiquer au moins le pays dans lequel vous vivez, à défaut d’être plus précis.\n\n\t\t\tNous respectons pleinement votre droit à une vie privée, et vous n’avez aucune obligation de donner toutes ces informations. Mais si vous êtes nouveau et ne connaissez encore personne ici, cela peut vous aider à vous faire de nouveaux amis intéressants.\n\n\t\t\tMerci et bienvenu sur %4$s."
+#: mod/admin.php:1194
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s user blocked/unblocked"
+msgid_plural "%s users blocked/unblocked"
+msgstr[0] "%s utilisateur a (dé)bloqué"
+msgstr[1] "%s utilisateurs ont (dé)bloqué"
+#: mod/admin.php:1201
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s user deleted"
+msgid_plural "%s users deleted"
+msgstr[0] "%s utilisateur supprimé"
+msgstr[1] "%s utilisateurs supprimés"
+#: mod/admin.php:1248
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' deleted"
+msgstr "Utilisateur '%s' supprimé"
+#: mod/admin.php:1256
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' unblocked"
+msgstr "Utilisateur '%s' débloqué"
+#: mod/admin.php:1256
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' blocked"
+msgstr "Utilisateur '%s' bloqué"
+#: mod/admin.php:1375 mod/admin.php:1400
+msgid "Register date"
+msgstr "Date d'inscription"
+#: mod/admin.php:1375 mod/admin.php:1400
+msgid "Last login"
+msgstr "Dernière connexion"
+#: mod/admin.php:1375 mod/admin.php:1400
+msgid "Last item"
+msgstr "Dernier élément"
+#: mod/admin.php:1384
+msgid "Add User"
+msgstr "Ajouter l'utilisateur"
+#: mod/admin.php:1385
+msgid "select all"
+msgstr "tout sélectionner"
+#: mod/admin.php:1386
+msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm"
+msgstr "Inscriptions d'utilisateurs en attente de confirmation"
+#: mod/admin.php:1387
+msgid "User waiting for permanent deletion"
+msgstr "Utilisateur en attente de suppression définitive"
+#: mod/admin.php:1388
+msgid "Request date"
+msgstr "Date de la demande"
+#: mod/admin.php:1389
+msgid "No registrations."
+msgstr "Pas d'inscriptions."
+#: mod/admin.php:1391
+msgid "Deny"
+msgstr "Rejetter"
+#: mod/admin.php:1395
+msgid "Site admin"
+msgstr "Administration du Site"
+#: mod/admin.php:1396
+msgid "Account expired"
+msgstr "Compte expiré"
+#: mod/admin.php:1399
+msgid "New User"
+msgstr "Nouvel utilisateur"
+#: mod/admin.php:1400
+msgid "Deleted since"
+msgstr "Supprimé depuis"
+#: mod/admin.php:1405
+msgid ""
+"Selected users will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these users had posted on "
+"this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
+msgstr "Les utilisateurs sélectionnés vont être supprimés!\\n\\nTout ce qu'ils ont posté sur ce site sera définitivement effacé!\\n\\nÊtes-vous certain?"
+#: mod/admin.php:1406
+msgid ""
+"The user {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this user has posted on this "
+"site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
+msgstr "L'utilisateur {0} va être supprimé!\\n\\nTout ce qu'il a posté sur ce site sera définitivement perdu!\\n\\nÊtes-vous certain?"
+#: mod/admin.php:1416
+msgid "Name of the new user."
+msgstr "Nom du nouvel utilisateur."
+#: mod/admin.php:1417
+msgid "Nickname"
+msgstr "Pseudo"
+#: mod/admin.php:1417
+msgid "Nickname of the new user."
+msgstr "Pseudo du nouvel utilisateur."
+#: mod/admin.php:1418
+msgid "Email address of the new user."
+msgstr "Adresse mail du nouvel utilisateur."
+#: mod/admin.php:1461
+#, php-format
+msgid "Plugin %s disabled."
+msgstr "Extension %s désactivée."
+#: mod/admin.php:1465
+#, php-format
+msgid "Plugin %s enabled."
+msgstr "Extension %s activée."
+#: mod/admin.php:1476 mod/admin.php:1712
+msgid "Disable"
+msgstr "Désactiver"
+#: mod/admin.php:1478 mod/admin.php:1714
+msgid "Enable"
+msgstr "Activer"
+#: mod/admin.php:1501 mod/admin.php:1759
+msgid "Toggle"
+msgstr "Activer/Désactiver"
+#: mod/admin.php:1509 mod/admin.php:1768
+msgid "Author: "
+msgstr "Auteur: "
+#: mod/admin.php:1510 mod/admin.php:1769
+msgid "Maintainer: "
+msgstr "Mainteneur: "
+#: mod/admin.php:1562
+msgid "Reload active plugins"
+msgstr "Recharger les extensions actives"
+#: mod/admin.php:1567
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"There are currently no plugins available on your node. You can find the "
+"official plugin repository at %1$s and might find other interesting plugins "
+"in the open plugin registry at %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1672
+msgid "No themes found."
+msgstr "Aucun thème trouvé."
+#: mod/admin.php:1750
+msgid "Screenshot"
+msgstr "Capture d'écran"
+#: mod/admin.php:1810
+msgid "Reload active themes"
+msgstr "Recharger les thèmes actifs"
+#: mod/admin.php:1815
+#, php-format
+msgid "No themes found on the system. They should be paced in %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1816
+msgid "[Experimental]"
+msgstr "[Expérimental]"
+#: mod/admin.php:1817
+msgid "[Unsupported]"
+msgstr "[Non supporté]"
+#: mod/admin.php:1841
+msgid "Log settings updated."
+msgstr "Réglages des journaux mis-à-jour."
+#: mod/admin.php:1873
+msgid "PHP log currently enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1875
+msgid "PHP log currently disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1884
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Effacer"
+#: mod/admin.php:1889
+msgid "Enable Debugging"
+msgstr "Activer le déboggage"
+#: mod/admin.php:1890
+msgid "Log file"
+msgstr "Fichier de journaux"
+#: mod/admin.php:1890
+msgid ""
+"Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Friendica top-level "
+msgstr "Accès en écriture par le serveur web requis. Relatif à la racine de votre installation de Friendica."
+#: mod/admin.php:1891
+msgid "Log level"
+msgstr "Niveau de journalisaton"
+#: mod/admin.php:1894
+msgid "PHP logging"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1895
+msgid ""
+"To enable logging of PHP errors and warnings you can add the following to "
+"the .htconfig.php file of your installation. The filename set in the "
+"'error_log' line is relative to the friendica top-level directory and must "
+"be writeable by the web server. The option '1' for 'log_errors' and "
+"'display_errors' is to enable these options, set to '0' to disable them."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:2023
+#, php-format
+msgid "Lock feature %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:2031
+msgid "Manage Additional Features"
+msgstr ""
+#: object/Item.php:370
+msgid "via"
+msgstr "via"
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:23
+msgid "Repeat the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:23
+msgid "Will repeat your image to fill the background."
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:25
+msgid "Stretch"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:25
+msgid "Will stretch to width/height of the image."
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:27
+msgid "Resize fill and-clip"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:27
+msgid "Resize to fill and retain aspect ratio."
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:29
+msgid "Resize best fit"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:29
+msgid "Resize to best fit and retain aspect ratio."
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:42
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:54
+msgid "Note: "
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:54
+msgid "Check image permissions if all users are allowed to visit the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:62
+msgid "Select scheme"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:63
+msgid "Navigation bar background color"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:64
+msgid "Navigation bar icon color "
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:65
+msgid "Link color"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:66
+msgid "Set the background color"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:67
+msgid "Content background transparency"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:68
+msgid "Set the background image"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:226
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:232
+msgid "Visitor"
+msgstr ""
#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:83
msgid "Set resize level for images in posts and comments (width and height)"
@@ -8380,18 +8624,9 @@ msgid "Set theme width"
msgstr "Largeur du thème"
#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:86 view/theme/quattro/config.php:68
-#: view/theme/clean/config.php:88
msgid "Color scheme"
msgstr "Palette de couleurs"
-#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:74 view/theme/diabook/config.php:152
-msgid "Set line-height for posts and comments"
-msgstr "Réglez 'line-height' (hauteur de police) pour publications et commentaires"
-#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:75
-msgid "Set colour scheme"
-msgstr "Choisir le schéma de couleurs"
#: view/theme/quattro/config.php:67
msgid "Alignment"
msgstr "Alignement"
@@ -8412,6 +8647,104 @@ msgstr "Taille de texte des publications"
msgid "Textareas font size"
msgstr "Taille de police des zones de texte"
+#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:74 view/theme/diabook/config.php:152
+msgid "Set line-height for posts and comments"
+msgstr "Réglez 'line-height' (hauteur de police) pour publications et commentaires"
+#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:75
+msgid "Set colour scheme"
+msgstr "Choisir le schéma de couleurs"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:152 view/theme/vier/config.php:112
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:391 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:626
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:160
+msgid "Community Profiles"
+msgstr "Profils communautaires"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:181 view/theme/vier/config.php:116
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:412 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:630
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:164
+msgid "Last users"
+msgstr "Derniers utilisateurs"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:199 view/theme/vier/config.php:115
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:523 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:629
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:163
+msgid "Find Friends"
+msgstr "Trouver des amis"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:200 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:524
+msgid "Local Directory"
+msgstr "Annuaire local"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:291
+msgid "Quick Start"
+msgstr "Démarrage rapide"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:373 view/theme/vier/config.php:114
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:606 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:628
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:162
+msgid "Connect Services"
+msgstr "Connecter des services"
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:64
+msgid "Comma separated list of helper forums"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:110
+msgid "Set style"
+msgstr "Définir le style"
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:111 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:130
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:544 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:624
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:158
+msgid "Community Pages"
+msgstr "Pages de Communauté"
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:113 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:599
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:627 view/theme/diabook/config.php:161
+msgid "Help or @NewHere ?"
+msgstr "Aide ou @NewHere?"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:125
+msgid "Your contacts"
+msgstr "Vos contacts"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128
+msgid "Your personal photos"
+msgstr "Vos photos personnelles"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:441 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:632
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:166
+msgid "Last likes"
+msgstr "Dernièrement aimé"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:486 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:631
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:165
+msgid "Last photos"
+msgstr "Dernières photos"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:579 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:625
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:159
+msgid "Earth Layers"
+msgstr "Géolocalisation"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:584
+msgid "Set zoomfactor for Earth Layers"
+msgstr "Régler le niveau de zoom pour la géolocalisation"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:585 view/theme/diabook/config.php:156
+msgid "Set longitude (X) for Earth Layers"
+msgstr "Régler la longitude (X) pour la géolocalisation"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:586 view/theme/diabook/config.php:157
+msgid "Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layers"
+msgstr "Régler la latitude (Y) pour la géolocalisation"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:622
+msgid "Show/hide boxes at right-hand column:"
+msgstr "Montrer/cacher les boîtes dans la colonne de droite :"
#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:153
msgid "Set resolution for middle column"
msgstr "Réglez la résolution de la colonne centrale"
@@ -8424,146 +8757,6 @@ msgstr "Choisir le schéma de couleurs"
msgid "Set zoomfactor for Earth Layer"
msgstr "Niveau de zoom"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:156 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:585
-msgid "Set longitude (X) for Earth Layers"
-msgstr "Régler la longitude (X) pour la géolocalisation"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:157 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:586
-msgid "Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layers"
-msgstr "Régler la latitude (Y) pour la géolocalisation"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:158 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:130
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:544 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:624
-#: view/theme/vier/config.php:111
-msgid "Community Pages"
-msgstr "Pages de Communauté"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:159 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:579
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:625
-msgid "Earth Layers"
-msgstr "Géolocalisation"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:160 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:391
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:626 view/theme/vier/config.php:112
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:156
-msgid "Community Profiles"
-msgstr "Profils communautaires"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:161 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:599
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:627 view/theme/vier/config.php:113
-msgid "Help or @NewHere ?"
-msgstr "Aide ou @NewHere?"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:162 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:606
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:628 view/theme/vier/config.php:114
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:377
-msgid "Connect Services"
-msgstr "Connecter des services"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:163 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:523
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:629 view/theme/vier/config.php:115
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:203
-msgid "Find Friends"
-msgstr "Trouver des amis"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:164 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:412
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:630 view/theme/vier/config.php:116
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:185
-msgid "Last users"
-msgstr "Derniers utilisateurs"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:165 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:486
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:631
-msgid "Last photos"
-msgstr "Dernières photos"
-#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:166 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:441
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:632
-msgid "Last likes"
-msgstr "Dernièrement aimé"
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:125
-msgid "Your contacts"
-msgstr "Vos contacts"
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128
-msgid "Your personal photos"
-msgstr "Vos photos personnelles"
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:524 view/theme/vier/theme.php:204
-msgid "Local Directory"
-msgstr "Annuaire local"
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:584
-msgid "Set zoomfactor for Earth Layers"
-msgstr "Régler le niveau de zoom pour la géolocalisation"
-#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:622
-msgid "Show/hide boxes at right-hand column:"
-msgstr "Montrer/cacher les boîtes dans la colonne de droite :"
-#: view/theme/clean/config.php:57
-msgid "Midnight"
-msgstr ""
-#: view/theme/clean/config.php:58
-msgid "Zenburn"
-msgstr ""
-#: view/theme/clean/config.php:59
-msgid "Bootstrap"
-msgstr ""
-#: view/theme/clean/config.php:60
-msgid "Shades of Pink"
-msgstr ""
-#: view/theme/clean/config.php:61
-msgid "Lime and Orange"
-msgstr ""
-#: view/theme/clean/config.php:62
-msgid "GeoCities Retro"
-msgstr ""
-#: view/theme/clean/config.php:86
-msgid "Background Image"
-msgstr ""
-#: view/theme/clean/config.php:86
-msgid ""
-"The URL to a picture (e.g. from your photo album) that should be used as "
-"background image."
-msgstr ""
-#: view/theme/clean/config.php:87
-msgid "Background Color"
-msgstr ""
-#: view/theme/clean/config.php:87
-msgid "HEX value for the background color. Don't include the #"
-msgstr ""
-#: view/theme/clean/config.php:89
-msgid "font size"
-msgstr ""
-#: view/theme/clean/config.php:89
-msgid "base font size for your interface"
-msgstr ""
-#: view/theme/vier/config.php:64
-msgid "Comma separated list of helper forums"
-msgstr ""
-#: view/theme/vier/config.php:110
-msgid "Set style"
-msgstr "Définir le style"
-#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:295
-msgid "Quick Start"
-msgstr "Démarrage rapide"
#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:45
msgid "greenzero"
msgstr ""
@@ -8591,3 +8784,56 @@ msgstr ""
#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:62
msgid "Variations"
msgstr "Variations"
+#: boot.php:902
+msgid "Delete this item?"
+msgstr "Effacer cet élément?"
+#: boot.php:905
+msgid "show fewer"
+msgstr "montrer moins"
+#: boot.php:1567
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s failed. See error logs."
+msgstr "Mise-à-jour %s échouée. Voir les journaux d'erreur."
+#: boot.php:1679
+msgid "Create a New Account"
+msgstr "Créer un nouveau compte"
+#: boot.php:1708
+msgid "Password: "
+msgstr "Mot de passe: "
+#: boot.php:1709
+msgid "Remember me"
+msgstr "Se souvenir de moi"
+#: boot.php:1712
+msgid "Or login using OpenID: "
+msgstr "Ou connectez-vous via OpenID: "
+#: boot.php:1718
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr "Mot de passe oublié?"
+#: boot.php:1721
+msgid "Website Terms of Service"
+msgstr "Conditions d'utilisation du site internet"
+#: boot.php:1722
+msgid "terms of service"
+msgstr "conditions d'utilisation"
+#: boot.php:1724
+msgid "Website Privacy Policy"
+msgstr "Politique de confidentialité du site internet"
+#: boot.php:1725
+msgid "privacy policy"
+msgstr "politique de confidentialité"
+#: index.php:447
+msgid "toggle mobile"
+msgstr "activ. mobile"
diff --git a/view/fr/strings.php b/view/lang/fr/strings.php
similarity index 92%
rename from view/fr/strings.php
rename to view/lang/fr/strings.php
index 9166419b8..c0cb973d3 100644
--- a/view/fr/strings.php
+++ b/view/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -5,272 +5,736 @@ function string_plural_select_fr($n){
return ($n > 1);;
-$a->strings["Network:"] = "Réseau";
-$a->strings["Forum"] = "Forum";
-$a->strings["%d contact edited."] = array(
- 0 => "%d contact édité",
- 1 => "%d contacts édités.",
+$a->strings["Miscellaneous"] = "Divers";
+$a->strings["Birthday:"] = "Anniversaire:";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Age : ";
+$a->strings["YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"] = "AAAA-MM-JJ ou MM-JJ";
+$a->strings["never"] = "jamais";
+$a->strings["less than a second ago"] = "il y a moins d'une seconde";
+$a->strings["year"] = "an";
+$a->strings["years"] = "ans";
+$a->strings["month"] = "mois";
+$a->strings["months"] = "mois";
+$a->strings["week"] = "semaine";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "semaines";
+$a->strings["day"] = "jour";
+$a->strings["days"] = "jours";
+$a->strings["hour"] = "heure";
+$a->strings["hours"] = "heures";
+$a->strings["minute"] = "minute";
+$a->strings["minutes"] = "minutes";
+$a->strings["second"] = "seconde";
+$a->strings["seconds"] = "secondes";
+$a->strings["%1\$d %2\$s ago"] = "%1\$d %2\$s auparavant";
+$a->strings["%s's birthday"] = "Anniversaire de %s's";
+$a->strings["Happy Birthday %s"] = "Joyeux anniversaire, %s !";
+$a->strings["Add New Contact"] = "Ajouter un nouveau contact";
+$a->strings["Enter address or web location"] = "Entrez son adresse ou sa localisation web";
+$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"] = "Exemple: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara";
+$a->strings["Connect"] = "Relier";
+$a->strings["%d invitation available"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d invitation disponible",
+ 1 => "%d invitations disponibles",
-$a->strings["Could not access contact record."] = "Impossible d'accéder à l'enregistrement du contact.";
-$a->strings["Could not locate selected profile."] = "Impossible de localiser le profil séléctionné.";
-$a->strings["Contact updated."] = "Contact mis à jour.";
-$a->strings["Failed to update contact record."] = "Échec de mise à jour du contact.";
-$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permission refusée.";
-$a->strings["Contact has been blocked"] = "Le contact a été bloqué";
-$a->strings["Contact has been unblocked"] = "Le contact n'est plus bloqué";
-$a->strings["Contact has been ignored"] = "Le contact a été ignoré";
-$a->strings["Contact has been unignored"] = "Le contact n'est plus ignoré";
-$a->strings["Contact has been archived"] = "Contact archivé";
-$a->strings["Contact has been unarchived"] = "Contact désarchivé";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this contact?"] = "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce contact?";
+$a->strings["Find People"] = "Trouver des personnes";
+$a->strings["Enter name or interest"] = "Entrez un nom ou un centre d'intérêt";
+$a->strings["Connect/Follow"] = "Connecter/Suivre";
+$a->strings["Examples: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing"] = "Exemples: Robert Morgenstein, Pêche";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "Trouver";
+$a->strings["Friend Suggestions"] = "Suggestions d'amitiés/contacts";
+$a->strings["Similar Interests"] = "Intérêts similaires";
+$a->strings["Random Profile"] = "Profil au hasard";
+$a->strings["Invite Friends"] = "Inviter des amis";
+$a->strings["Networks"] = "Réseaux";
+$a->strings["All Networks"] = "Tous réseaux";
+$a->strings["Saved Folders"] = "Dossiers sauvegardés";
+$a->strings["Everything"] = "Tout";
+$a->strings["Categories"] = "Catégories";
+$a->strings["%d contact in common"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d contact en commun",
+ 1 => "%d contacts en commun",
+$a->strings["show more"] = "montrer plus";
+$a->strings["Friendica Notification"] = "Notification Friendica";
+$a->strings["Thank You,"] = "Merci, ";
+$a->strings["%s Administrator"] = "L'administrateur de %s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s Administrator"] = "%1\$s,, l'administrateur de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "noreply";
+$a->strings["%s "] = "%s ";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] New mail received at %s"] = "[Friendica:Notification] Nouveau courriel reçu sur %s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s sent you a new private message at %2\$s."] = "%1\$s vous a envoyé un nouveau message privé sur %2\$s.";
+$a->strings["%1\$s sent you %2\$s."] = "%1\$s vous a envoyé %2\$s.";
+$a->strings["a private message"] = "un message privé";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to your private messages."] = "Merci de visiter %s pour voir vos messages privés et/ou y répondre.";
+$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]a %3\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s a commenté sur [url=%2\$s]un %3\$s[/url]";
+$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]%3\$s's %4\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s a commenté sur [url=%2\$s]le %4\$s de %3\$s[/url]";
+$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]your %3\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]your %3\$s[/url]";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%1\$d by %2\$s"] = "[Friendica:Notification] Commentaire de %2\$s sur la conversation #%1\$d";
+$a->strings["%s commented on an item/conversation you have been following."] = "%s a commenté un élément que vous suivez.";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."] = "Merci de visiter %s pour voir la conversation et/ou y répondre.";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"] = "[Friendica:Notification] %s a posté sur votre mur de profil";
+$a->strings["%1\$s posted to your profile wall at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s a publié sur votre mur à %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s posted to [url=%2\$s]your wall[/url]"] = "%1\$s a posté sur [url=%2\$s]votre mur[/url]";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged you"] = "[Friendica:Notification] %s vous a étiqueté";
+$a->strings["%1\$s tagged you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s vous a étiqueté sur %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]tagged you[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]vous a étiqueté[/url].";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s shared a new post"] = "[Friendica:Notification] %s partage une nouvelle publication";
+$a->strings["%1\$s shared a new post at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s a partagé une nouvelle publication sur %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]shared a post[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]partage une publication[/url].";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %1\$s poked you"] = "[Friendica:Notify] %1\$s vous a sollicité";
+$a->strings["%1\$s poked you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s vous a sollicité via %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]poked you[/url]."] = "%1\$s vous a [url=%2\$s]sollicité[/url].";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged your post"] = "[Friendica:Notification] %s a étiqueté votre publication";
+$a->strings["%1\$s tagged your post at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s a étiqueté votre publication sur %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s tagged [url=%2\$s]your post[/url]"] = "%1\$s a étiqueté [url=%2\$s]votre publication[/url]";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Introduction received"] = "[Friendica:Notification] Introduction reçue";
+$a->strings["You've received an introduction from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Vous avez reçu une introduction de '%1\$s' sur %2\$s";
+$a->strings["You've received [url=%1\$s]an introduction[/url] from %2\$s."] = "Vous avez reçu [url=%1\$s]une introduction[/url] de %2\$s.";
+$a->strings["You may visit their profile at %s"] = "Vous pouvez visiter son profil sur %s";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the introduction."] = "Merci de visiter %s pour approuver ou rejeter l'introduction.";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] A new person is sharing with you"] = "[Notification Friendica] Une nouvelle personne partage avec vous";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is sharing with you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s partage avec vous sur %2\$s";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] You have a new follower"] = "[Friendica:Notification] Vous avez un nouvel abonné";
+$a->strings["You have a new follower at %2\$s : %1\$s"] = "Vous avez un nouvel abonné à %2\$s : %1\$s";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Friend suggestion received"] = "[Friendica:Notification] Nouvelle suggestion d'amitié";
+$a->strings["You've received a friend suggestion from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Vous avez reçu une suggestion de '%1\$s' sur %2\$s";
+$a->strings["You've received [url=%1\$s]a friend suggestion[/url] for %2\$s from %3\$s."] = "Vous avez reçu [url=%1\$s]une suggestion[/url] de %3\$s pour %2\$s.";
+$a->strings["Name:"] = "Nom :";
+$a->strings["Photo:"] = "Photo :";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the suggestion."] = "Merci de visiter %s pour approuver ou rejeter la suggestion.";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Connection accepted"] = "[Friendica:Notification] Connexion acceptée";
+$a->strings["'%1\$s' has accepted your connection request at %2\$s"] = "'%1\$s' a accepté votre demande de connexion à %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%2\$s has accepted your [url=%1\$s]connection request[/url]."] = "%2\$s a accepté votre [url=%1\$s]demande de connexion[/url].";
+$a->strings["You are now mutual friends and may exchange status updates, photos, and email without restriction."] = "Vous êtes désormais mutuellement amis, et pouvez échanger des mises-à-jour d'état, des photos, et des messages sans restriction.";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."] = "Veuillez visiter %s si vous souhaitez modifier cette relation.";
+$a->strings["'%1\$s' has chosen to accept you a \"fan\", which restricts some forms of communication - such as private messaging and some profile interactions. If this is a celebrity or community page, these settings were applied automatically."] = "%1\$s a choisi de vous accepter comme \"fan\", ce qui limite les moyens de communication - comme les messages privés et certaines interactions de profil. Si c'est une page de célébrité ou de communauté, ce réglage a été appliqué automatiquement.";
+$a->strings["'%1\$s' may choose to extend this into a two-way or more permissive relationship in the future."] = "%1\$s peut choisir à l'avenir de rendre cette relation réciproque ou au moins plus permissive.";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."] = "Veuillez visiter %s si vous souhaitez modifier cette relation.";
+$a->strings["[Friendica System:Notify] registration request"] = "[Système Friendica:Notification] demande d'inscription";
+$a->strings["You've received a registration request from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Vous avez reçu une demande d'inscription de %1\$s sur %2\$s";
+$a->strings["You've received a [url=%1\$s]registration request[/url] from %2\$s."] = "Vous avez reçu une [url=%1\$s]demande de création de compte[/url] de %2\$s.";
+$a->strings["Full Name:\t%1\$s\\nSite Location:\t%2\$s\\nLogin Name:\t%3\$s (%4\$s)"] = "Nom complet :\t%1\$s\\nAdresse :\t%2\$s\\nIdentifiant :\t%3\$s (%4\$s)";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the request."] = "Veuillez visiter %s pour approuver ou rejeter la demande.";
+$a->strings["Forums"] = "Forums";
+$a->strings["External link to forum"] = "Lien sortant vers le forum";
+$a->strings["Welcome "] = "Bienvenue ";
+$a->strings["Please upload a profile photo."] = "Merci d'illustrer votre profil d'une image.";
+$a->strings["Welcome back "] = "Bienvenue à nouveau, ";
+$a->strings["The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."] = "Le jeton de sécurité du formulaire n'est pas correct. Ceci veut probablement dire que le formulaire est resté ouvert trop longtemps (plus de 3 heures) avant d'être validé.";
+$a->strings["Male"] = "Masculin";
+$a->strings["Female"] = "Féminin";
+$a->strings["Currently Male"] = "Actuellement masculin";
+$a->strings["Currently Female"] = "Actuellement féminin";
+$a->strings["Mostly Male"] = "Principalement masculin";
+$a->strings["Mostly Female"] = "Principalement féminin";
+$a->strings["Transgender"] = "Transgenre";
+$a->strings["Intersex"] = "Inter-sexe";
+$a->strings["Transsexual"] = "Transsexuel";
+$a->strings["Hermaphrodite"] = "Hermaphrodite";
+$a->strings["Neuter"] = "Neutre";
+$a->strings["Non-specific"] = "Non-spécifique";
+$a->strings["Other"] = "Autre";
+$a->strings["Undecided"] = array(
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "",
+$a->strings["Males"] = "Hommes";
+$a->strings["Females"] = "Femmes";
+$a->strings["Gay"] = "Gay";
+$a->strings["Lesbian"] = "Lesbienne";
+$a->strings["No Preference"] = "Sans préférence";
+$a->strings["Bisexual"] = "Bisexuel";
+$a->strings["Autosexual"] = "Auto-sexuel";
+$a->strings["Abstinent"] = "Abstinent";
+$a->strings["Virgin"] = "Vierge";
+$a->strings["Deviant"] = "Déviant";
+$a->strings["Fetish"] = "Fétichiste";
+$a->strings["Oodles"] = "Oodles";
+$a->strings["Nonsexual"] = "Non-sexuel";
+$a->strings["Single"] = "Célibataire";
+$a->strings["Lonely"] = "Esseulé";
+$a->strings["Available"] = "Disponible";
+$a->strings["Unavailable"] = "Indisponible";
+$a->strings["Has crush"] = "Attiré par quelqu'un";
+$a->strings["Infatuated"] = "Entiché";
+$a->strings["Dating"] = "Dans une relation";
+$a->strings["Unfaithful"] = "Infidèle";
+$a->strings["Sex Addict"] = "Accro au sexe";
+$a->strings["Friends"] = "Amis";
+$a->strings["Friends/Benefits"] = "Amis par intérêt";
+$a->strings["Casual"] = "Casual";
+$a->strings["Engaged"] = "Fiancé";
+$a->strings["Married"] = "Marié";
+$a->strings["Imaginarily married"] = "Se croit marié";
+$a->strings["Partners"] = "Partenaire";
+$a->strings["Cohabiting"] = "En cohabitation";
+$a->strings["Common law"] = "Marié \"de fait\"/\"sui juris\" (concubin)";
+$a->strings["Happy"] = "Heureux";
+$a->strings["Not looking"] = "Pas intéressé";
+$a->strings["Swinger"] = "Échangiste";
+$a->strings["Betrayed"] = "Trahi(e)";
+$a->strings["Separated"] = "Séparé";
+$a->strings["Unstable"] = "Instable";
+$a->strings["Divorced"] = "Divorcé";
+$a->strings["Imaginarily divorced"] = "Se croit divorcé";
+$a->strings["Widowed"] = "Veuf/Veuve";
+$a->strings["Uncertain"] = "Incertain";
+$a->strings["It's complicated"] = "C'est compliqué";
+$a->strings["Don't care"] = "S'en désintéresse";
+$a->strings["Ask me"] = "Me demander";
+$a->strings["l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"] = "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A";
+$a->strings["Starts:"] = "Débute:";
+$a->strings["Finishes:"] = "Finit:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Localisation:";
+$a->strings["Embedded content"] = "Contenu incorporé";
+$a->strings["Embedding disabled"] = "Incorporation désactivée";
+$a->strings["Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"] = "Impossible de localiser les informations DNS pour le serveur de base de données '%s'";
+$a->strings["Logged out."] = "Déconnecté.";
+$a->strings["Login failed."] = "Échec de connexion.";
+$a->strings["We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. Please check the correct spelling of the ID."] = "Nous avons eu un souci avec l'OpenID que vous avez fourni. merci de vérifier l'orthographe correcte de ce dernier.";
+$a->strings["The error message was:"] = "Le message d'erreur était :";
+$a->strings["A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions may apply to this group and any future members. If this is not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."] = "Un groupe supprimé a été recréé. Les permissions existantes pourraient s'appliquer à ce groupe et aux futurs membres. Si ce n'est pas le comportement attendu, merci de re-créer un autre groupe sous un autre nom.";
+$a->strings["Default privacy group for new contacts"] = "Paramètres de confidentialité par défaut pour les nouveaux contacts";
+$a->strings["Everybody"] = "Tout le monde";
+$a->strings["edit"] = "éditer";
+$a->strings["Groups"] = "Groupes";
+$a->strings["Edit groups"] = "Modifier les groupes";
+$a->strings["Edit group"] = "Editer groupe";
+$a->strings["Create a new group"] = "Créer un nouveau groupe";
+$a->strings["Group Name: "] = "Nom du groupe: ";
+$a->strings["Contacts not in any group"] = "Contacts n'appartenant à aucun groupe";
+$a->strings["add"] = "ajouter";
+$a->strings["Wall Photos"] = "Photos du mur";
+$a->strings["(no subject)"] = "(sans titre)";
+$a->strings["Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."] = "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas. Aucun changement appliqué.";
+$a->strings["An invitation is required."] = "Une invitation est requise.";
+$a->strings["Invitation could not be verified."] = "L'invitation fournie n'a pu être validée.";
+$a->strings["Invalid OpenID url"] = "Adresse OpenID invalide";
+$a->strings["Please enter the required information."] = "Entrez les informations requises.";
+$a->strings["Please use a shorter name."] = "Utilisez un nom plus court.";
+$a->strings["Name too short."] = "Nom trop court.";
+$a->strings["That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."] = "Ceci ne semble pas être votre nom complet (Prénom Nom).";
+$a->strings["Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."] = "Votre domaine de courriel n'est pas autorisé sur ce site.";
+$a->strings["Not a valid email address."] = "Ceci n'est pas une adresse courriel valide.";
+$a->strings["Cannot use that email."] = "Impossible d'utiliser ce courriel.";
+$a->strings["Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."] = "Votre \"pseudonyme\" peut seulement contenir les caractères \"a-z\", \"0-9\" et \"_\".";
+$a->strings["Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."] = "Pseudo déjà utilisé. Merci d'en choisir un autre.";
+$a->strings["Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose another."] = "Ce surnom a déjà été utilisé ici, et ne peut re-servir. Merci d'en choisir un autre.";
+$a->strings["SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."] = "ERREUR SÉRIEUSE: La génération des clés de sécurité a échoué.";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during registration. Please try again."] = "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'inscription. Merci de recommencer.";
+$a->strings["default"] = "défaut";
+$a->strings["An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."] = "Une erreur est survenue lors de la création de votre profil par défaut. Merci de recommencer.";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Photos du profil";
+$a->strings["\n\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2\$s. Your account has been created.\n\t"] = "\n\t\tChère/Cher %1\$s,\n\t\t\tMerci de vous être inscrit sur %2\$s. Votre compte a bien été créé.\n\t";
+$a->strings["\n\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3\$s\n\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tPassword:\t%5\$s\n\n\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n\t\tin.\n\n\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n\n\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n\n\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n\t\tthan that.\n\n\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n\n\n\t\tThank you and welcome to %2\$s."] = "\n\t\tVoici vos informations de connexion :\n\t\t\tAdresse :\t%3\$s\n\t\t\tIdentifiant :\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tMot de passe :\t%5\$s\n\n\t\tVous pourrez changer votre mot de passe dans les paramètres de votre compte une fois connecté.\n\n\t\tProfitez-en pour prendre le temps de passer en revue les autres paramètres de votre compte.\n\n\t\tVous pourrez aussi ajouter quelques informations élémentaires à votre profil par défaut (sur la page « Profils ») pour permettre à d’autres personnes de vous trouver facilement.\n\n\t\tNous recommandons de préciser votre nom complet, d’ajouter une photo et quelques mots-clefs (c’est très utile pour découvrir de nouveaux amis), et peut-être aussi d’indiquer au moins le pays dans lequel vous vivez, à défaut d’être plus précis.\n\n\t\tNous respectons pleinement votre droit à une vie privée, et vous n’avez aucune obligation de donner toutes ces informations. Mais si vous êtes nouveau et ne connaissez encore personne ici, cela peut vous aider à vous faire de nouveaux amis intéressants.\n\n\n\t\tMerci et bienvenu sur %2\$s.";
+$a->strings["Registration details for %s"] = "Détails d'inscription pour %s";
+$a->strings["General Features"] = "Fonctions générales";
+$a->strings["Multiple Profiles"] = "Profils multiples";
+$a->strings["Ability to create multiple profiles"] = "Possibilité de créer plusieurs profils";
+$a->strings["Photo Location"] = "Lieu de prise de la photo";
+$a->strings["Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present) prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."] = "Les métadonnées des photos sont normalement retirées. Ceci permet de sauver l'emplacement (si présent) et de positionner la photo sur une carte.";
+$a->strings["Export Public Calendar"] = "Exporter le Calendrier Public";
+$a->strings["Ability for visitors to download the public calendar"] = "Les visiteurs peuvent télécharger le calendrier public";
+$a->strings["Post Composition Features"] = "Caractéristiques de composition de publication";
+$a->strings["Richtext Editor"] = "Éditeur de texte enrichi";
+$a->strings["Enable richtext editor"] = "Activer l'éditeur de texte enrichi";
+$a->strings["Post Preview"] = "Aperçu de la publication";
+$a->strings["Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"] = "Permet la prévisualisation des publications et commentaires avant de les publier";
+$a->strings["Auto-mention Forums"] = "";
+$a->strings["Add/remove mention when a fourm page is selected/deselected in ACL window."] = "";
+$a->strings["Network Sidebar Widgets"] = "Widgets réseau pour barre latérale";
+$a->strings["Search by Date"] = "Rechercher par Date";
+$a->strings["Ability to select posts by date ranges"] = "Capacité de sélectionner les publications par intervalles de dates";
+$a->strings["List Forums"] = "Liste des forums";
+$a->strings["Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"] = "Activer le widget pour afficher les forums auxquels vous êtes connecté";
+$a->strings["Group Filter"] = "Filtre de groupe";
+$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"] = "Activer le widget d’affichage des publications du réseau seulement pour le groupe sélectionné";
+$a->strings["Network Filter"] = "Filtre de réseau";
+$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"] = "Activer le widget d’affichage des publications du réseau seulement pour le réseau sélectionné";
+$a->strings["Saved Searches"] = "Recherches";
+$a->strings["Save search terms for re-use"] = "Sauvegarder la recherche pour une utilisation ultérieure";
+$a->strings["Network Tabs"] = "Onglets Réseau";
+$a->strings["Network Personal Tab"] = "Onglet Réseau Personnel";
+$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"] = "Activer l'onglet pour afficher seulement les publications du réseau où vous avez interagit";
+$a->strings["Network New Tab"] = "Nouvel onglet réseaux";
+$a->strings["Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"] = "Activer l'onglet pour afficher seulement les publications du réseau (dans les 12 dernières heures)";
+$a->strings["Network Shared Links Tab"] = "Onglet réseau partagé";
+$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"] = "Activer l'onglet pour afficher seulement les publications du réseau contenant des liens";
+$a->strings["Post/Comment Tools"] = "outils de publication/commentaire";
+$a->strings["Multiple Deletion"] = "Suppression multiple";
+$a->strings["Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"] = "Sélectionner et supprimer plusieurs publications/commentaires à la fois";
+$a->strings["Edit Sent Posts"] = "Éditer les publications envoyées";
+$a->strings["Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"] = "Éditer et corriger les publications et commentaires après l'envoi";
+$a->strings["Tagging"] = "Étiquettage";
+$a->strings["Ability to tag existing posts"] = "Possibilité d'étiqueter les publications existantes";
+$a->strings["Post Categories"] = "Catégories des publications";
+$a->strings["Add categories to your posts"] = "Ajouter des catégories à vos publications";
+$a->strings["Ability to file posts under folders"] = "Possibilité d'afficher les publications sous les répertoires";
+$a->strings["Dislike Posts"] = "Publications non aimées";
+$a->strings["Ability to dislike posts/comments"] = "Possibilité de ne pas aimer les publications/commentaires";
+$a->strings["Star Posts"] = "Publications spéciales";
+$a->strings["Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"] = "Possibilité de marquer les publications spéciales d'une étoile";
+$a->strings["Mute Post Notifications"] = "Ignorer les notifications du post";
+$a->strings["Ability to mute notifications for a thread"] = "Permettre d'ignorer les notifications d'un fil de discussion";
+$a->strings["Advanced Profile Settings"] = "Paramètres Avancés du Profil";
+$a->strings["Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"] = "Montrer les forums communautaires aux visiteurs sur la Page de profil avancé";
+$a->strings["Nothing new here"] = "Rien de neuf ici";
+$a->strings["Clear notifications"] = "Effacer les notifications";
+$a->strings["@name, !forum, #tags, content"] = "@nom, !forum, #tags, contenu";
+$a->strings["Logout"] = "Se déconnecter";
+$a->strings["End this session"] = "Mettre fin à cette session";
+$a->strings["Status"] = "Statut";
+$a->strings["Your posts and conversations"] = "Vos publications et conversations";
+$a->strings["Profile"] = "Profil";
+$a->strings["Your profile page"] = "Votre page de profil";
+$a->strings["Photos"] = "Photos";
+$a->strings["Your photos"] = "Vos photos";
+$a->strings["Videos"] = "Vidéos";
+$a->strings["Your videos"] = "Vos vidéos";
+$a->strings["Events"] = "Événements";
+$a->strings["Your events"] = "Vos événements";
+$a->strings["Personal notes"] = "Notes personnelles";
+$a->strings["Your personal notes"] = "Vos notes personnelles";
+$a->strings["Login"] = "Connexion";
+$a->strings["Sign in"] = "Se connecter";
+$a->strings["Home"] = "Profil";
+$a->strings["Home Page"] = "Page d'accueil";
+$a->strings["Register"] = "S'inscrire";
+$a->strings["Create an account"] = "Créer un compte";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Aide";
+$a->strings["Help and documentation"] = "Aide et documentation";
+$a->strings["Apps"] = "Applications";
+$a->strings["Addon applications, utilities, games"] = "Applications supplémentaires, utilitaires, jeux";
+$a->strings["Search"] = "Recherche";
+$a->strings["Search site content"] = "Rechercher dans le contenu du site";
+$a->strings["Full Text"] = "Texte Entier";
+$a->strings["Tags"] = "Tags";
+$a->strings["Contacts"] = "Contacts";
+$a->strings["Community"] = "Communauté";
+$a->strings["Conversations on this site"] = "Conversations ayant cours sur ce site";
+$a->strings["Conversations on the network"] = "Conversations sur le réseau";
+$a->strings["Events and Calendar"] = "Événements et agenda";
+$a->strings["Directory"] = "Annuaire";
+$a->strings["People directory"] = "Annuaire des utilisateurs";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "Information";
+$a->strings["Information about this friendica instance"] = "Information au sujet de cette instance de friendica";
+$a->strings["Network"] = "Réseau";
+$a->strings["Conversations from your friends"] = "Conversations de vos amis";
+$a->strings["Network Reset"] = "Réinitialiser le réseau";
+$a->strings["Load Network page with no filters"] = "Chargement des pages du réseau sans filtre";
+$a->strings["Introductions"] = "Introductions";
+$a->strings["Friend Requests"] = "Demande d'amitié";
+$a->strings["Notifications"] = "Notifications";
+$a->strings["See all notifications"] = "Voir toute notification";
+$a->strings["Mark as seen"] = "Marquer comme vu";
+$a->strings["Mark all system notifications seen"] = "Marquer toutes les notifications système comme 'vues'";
+$a->strings["Messages"] = "Messages";
+$a->strings["Private mail"] = "Messages privés";
+$a->strings["Inbox"] = "Messages entrants";
+$a->strings["Outbox"] = "Messages sortants";
+$a->strings["New Message"] = "Nouveau message";
+$a->strings["Manage"] = "Gérer";
+$a->strings["Manage other pages"] = "Gérer les autres pages";
+$a->strings["Delegations"] = "Délégations";
+$a->strings["Delegate Page Management"] = "Déléguer la gestion de la page";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Réglages";
+$a->strings["Account settings"] = "Compte";
+$a->strings["Profiles"] = "Profils";
+$a->strings["Manage/Edit Profiles"] = "Gérer/Éditer les profiles";
+$a->strings["Manage/edit friends and contacts"] = "Gérer/éditer les amitiés et contacts";
+$a->strings["Admin"] = "Admin";
+$a->strings["Site setup and configuration"] = "Démarrage et configuration du site";
+$a->strings["Navigation"] = "Navigation";
+$a->strings["Site map"] = "Carte du site";
+$a->strings["Unknown | Not categorised"] = "Inconnu | Non-classé";
+$a->strings["Block immediately"] = "Bloquer immédiatement";
+$a->strings["Shady, spammer, self-marketer"] = "Douteux, spammeur, accro à l'auto-promotion";
+$a->strings["Known to me, but no opinion"] = "Connu de moi, mais sans opinion";
+$a->strings["OK, probably harmless"] = "OK, probablement inoffensif";
+$a->strings["Reputable, has my trust"] = "Réputé, a toute ma confiance";
+$a->strings["Frequently"] = "Fréquemment";
+$a->strings["Hourly"] = "Toutes les heures";
+$a->strings["Twice daily"] = "Deux fois par jour";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Chaque jour";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Chaque semaine";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Chaque mois";
+$a->strings["Friendica"] = "Friendica";
+$a->strings["OStatus"] = "OStatus";
+$a->strings["RSS/Atom"] = "RSS/Atom";
+$a->strings["Email"] = "Courriel";
+$a->strings["Diaspora"] = "Diaspora";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Zot!"] = "Zot!";
+$a->strings["LinkedIn"] = "LinkedIn";
+$a->strings["XMPP/IM"] = "XMPP/IM";
+$a->strings["MySpace"] = "MySpace";
+$a->strings["Google+"] = "Google+";
+$a->strings["pump.io"] = "pump.io";
+$a->strings["Twitter"] = "Twitter";
+$a->strings["Diaspora Connector"] = "Connecteur Diaspora";
+$a->strings["GNU Social"] = "GNU Social";
+$a->strings["App.net"] = "App.net";
+$a->strings["Hubzilla/Redmatrix"] = "Hubzilla/Redmatrix";
+$a->strings["view full size"] = "voir en pleine taille";
+$a->strings["stopped following"] = "retiré de la liste de suivi";
+$a->strings["View Profile"] = "Voir le profil";
+$a->strings["View Status"] = "Voir les statuts";
+$a->strings["View Photos"] = "Voir les photos";
+$a->strings["Network Posts"] = "Publications du réseau";
+$a->strings["Edit Contact"] = "Éditer le contact";
+$a->strings["Drop Contact"] = "Supprimer le contact";
+$a->strings["Send PM"] = "Message privé";
+$a->strings["Poke"] = "Sollicitations (pokes)";
+$a->strings["Post to Email"] = "Publier aux courriels";
+$a->strings["Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."] = "Les connecteurs sont désactivés parce que \"%s\" est activé.";
+$a->strings["Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"] = "Cacher les détails du profil aux visiteurs inconnus?";
+$a->strings["Visible to everybody"] = "Visible par tout le monde";
+$a->strings["show"] = "montrer";
+$a->strings["don't show"] = "cacher";
+$a->strings["CC: email addresses"] = "CC: adresses de courriel";
+$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"] = "Exemple: bob@exemple.com, mary@exemple.com";
+$a->strings["Permissions"] = "Permissions";
+$a->strings["Close"] = "Fermer";
+$a->strings["%s\\'s birthday"] = "Anniversaire de %s";
+$a->strings["Disallowed profile URL."] = "URL de profil interdite.";
+$a->strings["Connect URL missing."] = "URL de connexion manquante.";
+$a->strings["This site is not configured to allow communications with other networks."] = "Ce site n'est pas configuré pour dialoguer avec d'autres réseaux.";
+$a->strings["No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered."] = "Aucun protocole de communication ni aucun flux n'a pu être découvert.";
+$a->strings["The profile address specified does not provide adequate information."] = "L'adresse de profil indiquée ne fournit par les informations adéquates.";
+$a->strings["An author or name was not found."] = "Aucun auteur ou nom d'auteur n'a pu être trouvé.";
+$a->strings["No browser URL could be matched to this address."] = "Aucune URL de navigation ne correspond à cette adresse.";
+$a->strings["Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email contact."] = "Impossible de faire correspondre l'adresse d'identité en \"@\" avec un protocole connu ou un contact courriel.";
+$a->strings["Use mailto: in front of address to force email check."] = "Utilisez mailto: en face d'une adresse pour l'obliger à être reconnue comme courriel.";
+$a->strings["The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled on this site."] = "L'adresse de profil spécifiée correspond à un réseau qui a été désactivé sur ce site.";
+$a->strings["Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal notifications from you."] = "Profil limité. Cette personne ne sera pas capable de recevoir des notifications directes/personnelles de votre part.";
+$a->strings["Unable to retrieve contact information."] = "Impossible de récupérer les informations du contact.";
+$a->strings["following"] = "following";
+$a->strings["[Name Withheld]"] = "[Nom non-publié]";
+$a->strings["Item not found."] = "Élément introuvable.";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this item?"] = "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet élément ?";
$a->strings["Yes"] = "Oui";
$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Annuler";
-$a->strings["Contact has been removed."] = "Ce contact a été retiré.";
-$a->strings["You are mutual friends with %s"] = "Vous êtes ami (et réciproquement) avec %s";
-$a->strings["You are sharing with %s"] = "Vous partagez avec %s";
-$a->strings["%s is sharing with you"] = "%s partage avec vous";
-$a->strings["Private communications are not available for this contact."] = "Les communications privées ne sont pas disponibles pour ce contact.";
-$a->strings["Never"] = "Jamais";
-$a->strings["(Update was successful)"] = "(Mise à jour effectuée avec succès)";
-$a->strings["(Update was not successful)"] = "(Échec de la mise à jour)";
-$a->strings["Suggest friends"] = "Suggérer amitié/contact";
-$a->strings["Network type: %s"] = "Type de réseau %s";
-$a->strings["Communications lost with this contact!"] = "Communications perdues avec ce contact !";
-$a->strings["Fetch further information for feeds"] = "Chercher plus d'informations pour les flux";
-$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Désactivé";
-$a->strings["Fetch information"] = "Récupérer informations";
-$a->strings["Fetch information and keywords"] = "Récupérer informations";
-$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
-$a->strings["Profile Visibility"] = "Visibilité du profil";
-$a->strings["Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely."] = "Merci de choisir le profil que vous souhaitez montrer à %s lorsqu'il vous rend visite de manière sécurisée.";
-$a->strings["Contact Information / Notes"] = "Informations de contact / Notes";
-$a->strings["Edit contact notes"] = "Éditer les notes des contacts";
-$a->strings["Visit %s's profile [%s]"] = "Visiter le profil de %s [%s]";
-$a->strings["Block/Unblock contact"] = "Bloquer/débloquer ce contact";
-$a->strings["Ignore contact"] = "Ignorer ce contact";
-$a->strings["Repair URL settings"] = "Réglages de réparation des URL";
-$a->strings["View conversations"] = "Voir les conversations";
-$a->strings["Delete contact"] = "Effacer ce contact";
-$a->strings["Last update:"] = "Dernière mise-à-jour :";
-$a->strings["Update public posts"] = "Mettre à jour les publications publiques:";
-$a->strings["Update now"] = "Mettre à jour";
-$a->strings["Connect/Follow"] = "Connecter/Suivre";
-$a->strings["Unblock"] = "Débloquer";
-$a->strings["Block"] = "Bloquer";
-$a->strings["Unignore"] = "Ne plus ignorer";
-$a->strings["Ignore"] = "Ignorer";
-$a->strings["Currently blocked"] = "Actuellement bloqué";
-$a->strings["Currently ignored"] = "Actuellement ignoré";
-$a->strings["Currently archived"] = "Actuellement archivé";
-$a->strings["Hide this contact from others"] = "Cacher ce contact aux autres";
-$a->strings["Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"] = "Les réponses et \"j'aime\" à vos publications publiques peuvent être toujours visibles";
-$a->strings["Notification for new posts"] = "Notification des nouvelles publications";
-$a->strings["Send a notification of every new post of this contact"] = "Envoyer une notification de chaque nouveau message en provenance de ce contact";
-$a->strings["Blacklisted keywords"] = "Mots-clés sur la liste noire";
-$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"] = "Liste de mots-clés separés par des virgules qui ne doivent pas être converti en mots-dièse quand « Récupérer informations et mots-clés » est sélectionné.";
-$a->strings["Profile URL"] = "URL du Profil";
-$a->strings["Location:"] = "Localisation:";
-$a->strings["About:"] = "À propos:";
-$a->strings["Tags:"] = "Étiquette:";
-$a->strings["Suggestions"] = "Suggestions";
-$a->strings["Suggest potential friends"] = "Suggérer des amis potentiels";
-$a->strings["All Contacts"] = "Tous les contacts";
-$a->strings["Show all contacts"] = "Montrer tous les contacts";
-$a->strings["Unblocked"] = "Non-bloqués";
-$a->strings["Only show unblocked contacts"] = "Ne montrer que les contacts non-bloqués";
-$a->strings["Blocked"] = "Bloqués";
-$a->strings["Only show blocked contacts"] = "Ne montrer que les contacts bloqués";
-$a->strings["Ignored"] = "Ignorés";
-$a->strings["Only show ignored contacts"] = "Ne montrer que les contacts ignorés";
-$a->strings["Archived"] = "Archivés";
-$a->strings["Only show archived contacts"] = "Ne montrer que les contacts archivés";
-$a->strings["Hidden"] = "Cachés";
-$a->strings["Only show hidden contacts"] = "Ne montrer que les contacts masqués";
-$a->strings["Contacts"] = "Contacts";
-$a->strings["Search your contacts"] = "Rechercher dans vos contacts";
-$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Trouvé: ";
-$a->strings["Find"] = "Trouver";
-$a->strings["Update"] = "Mises-à-jour";
-$a->strings["Archive"] = "Archiver";
-$a->strings["Unarchive"] = "Désarchiver";
-$a->strings["Delete"] = "Supprimer";
-$a->strings["Status"] = "Statut";
-$a->strings["Status Messages and Posts"] = "Messages d'état et publications";
-$a->strings["Profile"] = "Profil";
-$a->strings["Profile Details"] = "Détails du profil";
-$a->strings["View all contacts"] = "Voir tous les contacts";
-$a->strings["Common Friends"] = "Amis communs";
-$a->strings["View all common friends"] = "Voir tous les amis communs";
-$a->strings["Repair"] = "Réparer";
-$a->strings["Advanced Contact Settings"] = "Réglages avancés du contact";
-$a->strings["Toggle Blocked status"] = "(dés)activer l'état \"bloqué\"";
-$a->strings["Toggle Ignored status"] = "(dés)activer l'état \"ignoré\"";
-$a->strings["Toggle Archive status"] = "(dés)activer l'état \"archivé\"";
-$a->strings["Mutual Friendship"] = "Relation réciproque";
-$a->strings["is a fan of yours"] = "Vous suit";
-$a->strings["you are a fan of"] = "Vous le/la suivez";
-$a->strings["Edit contact"] = "Éditer le contact";
-$a->strings["No profile"] = "Aucun profil";
-$a->strings["Manage Identities and/or Pages"] = "Gérer les identités et/ou les pages";
-$a->strings["Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"] = "Basculez entre les différentes identités ou pages (groupes/communautés) qui se partagent votre compte ou que vous avez été autorisé à gérer.";
-$a->strings["Select an identity to manage: "] = "Choisir une identité à gérer: ";
-$a->strings["Post successful."] = "Publication réussie.";
-$a->strings["Permission denied"] = "Permission refusée";
-$a->strings["Invalid profile identifier."] = "Identifiant de profil invalide.";
-$a->strings["Profile Visibility Editor"] = "Éditer la visibilité du profil";
-$a->strings["Click on a contact to add or remove."] = "Cliquez sur un contact pour l'ajouter ou le supprimer.";
-$a->strings["Visible To"] = "Visible par";
-$a->strings["All Contacts (with secure profile access)"] = "Tous les contacts (ayant un accès sécurisé)";
-$a->strings["Item not found."] = "Élément introuvable.";
-$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Accès public refusé.";
-$a->strings["Access to this profile has been restricted."] = "L'accès au profil a été restreint.";
-$a->strings["Item has been removed."] = "Cet élément a été enlevé.";
-$a->strings["Welcome to Friendica"] = "Bienvenue sur Friendica";
-$a->strings["New Member Checklist"] = "Checklist du nouvel utilisateur";
-$a->strings["We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial registration and then will quietly disappear."] = "Nous souhaiterions vous donner quelques astuces et ressources pour rendre votre expérience la plus agréable possible. Cliquez sur n'importe lequel de ces éléments pour visiter la page correspondante. Un lien vers cette page restera visible sur votre page d'accueil pendant les deux semaines qui suivent votre inscription initiale, puis disparaîtra silencieusement.";
-$a->strings["Getting Started"] = "Bien démarrer";
-$a->strings["Friendica Walk-Through"] = "Friendica pas-à-pas";
-$a->strings["On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to join."] = "Sur votre page d'accueil, dans Conseils aux nouveaux venus - vous trouverez une rapide introduction aux onglets Profil et Réseau, pourrez vous connecter à Facebook, établir de nouvelles relations, et choisir des groupes à rejoindre.";
-$a->strings["Settings"] = "Réglages";
-$a->strings["Go to Your Settings"] = "Éditer vos Réglages";
-$a->strings["On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and will be useful in making friends on the free social web."] = "Sur la page des Réglages - changez votre mot de passe initial. Notez bien votre Identité. Elle ressemble à une adresse de courriel - et vous sera utile pour vous faire des amis dans le web social libre.";
-$a->strings["Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and potential friends know exactly how to find you."] = "Vérifiez les autres réglages, tout particulièrement ceux liés à la vie privée. Un profil non listé, c'est un peu comme un numéro sur liste rouge. En général, vous devriez probablement publier votre profil - à moins que tous vos amis (potentiels) sachent déjà comment vous trouver.";
-$a->strings["Upload Profile Photo"] = "Téléverser une photo de profil";
-$a->strings["Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make friends than people who do not."] = "Téléversez (envoyez) une photo de profil si vous n'en avez pas déjà une. Les études montrent que les gens qui affichent de vraies photos d'eux sont dix fois plus susceptibles de se faire des amis.";
-$a->strings["Edit Your Profile"] = "Éditer votre Profil";
-$a->strings["Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown visitors."] = "Éditez votre profil par défaut à votre convenance. Vérifiez les réglages concernant la visibilité de votre liste d'amis par les visiteurs inconnus.";
-$a->strings["Profile Keywords"] = "Mots-clés du profil";
-$a->strings["Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and suggest friendships."] = "Choisissez quelques mots-clé publics pour votre profil par défaut. Ils pourront ainsi décrire vos centres d'intérêt, et nous pourrons vous proposer des contacts qui les partagent.";
-$a->strings["Connecting"] = "Connexions";
-$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
-$a->strings["Authorise the Facebook Connector if you currently have a Facebook account and we will (optionally) import all your Facebook friends and conversations."] = "Activez et paramétrez le connecteur Facebook si vous avez un compte Facebook et nous pourrons (de manière facultative) importer tous vos amis et conversations Facebook.";
-$a->strings["If this is your own personal server, installing the Facebook addon may ease your transition to the free social web."] = "Si ceci est votre propre serveur, installer le connecteur Facebook peut adoucir votre transition vers le web social libre.";
-$a->strings["Importing Emails"] = "Importer courriels";
-$a->strings["Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email INBOX"] = "Entrez vos paramètres de courriel dans les Réglages des connecteurs si vous souhaitez importer et interagir avec des amis ou des listes venant de votre Boîte de Réception.";
-$a->strings["Go to Your Contacts Page"] = "Consulter vos Contacts";
-$a->strings["Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site URL in the Add New Contact dialog."] = "Votre page Contacts est le point d'entrée vers la gestion de vos amitiés/relations et la connexion à des amis venant d'autres réseaux. Typiquement, vous pourrez y rentrer leur adresse d'Identité ou l'URL de leur site dans le formulaire Ajouter un nouveau contact .";
-$a->strings["Go to Your Site's Directory"] = "Consulter l'Annuaire de votre Site";
-$a->strings["The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."] = "La page Annuaire vous permet de trouver d'autres personnes au sein de ce réseaux ou parmi d'autres sites fédérés. Cherchez un lien Relier ou Suivre sur leur profil. Vous pourrez avoir besoin d'indiquer votre adresse d'identité.";
-$a->strings["Finding New People"] = "Trouver de nouvelles personnes";
-$a->strings["On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 hours."] = "Sur le panneau latéral de la page Contacts, il y a plusieurs moyens de trouver de nouveaux amis. Nous pouvons mettre les gens en relation selon leurs intérêts, rechercher des amis par nom ou intérêt, et fournir des suggestions en fonction de la topologie du réseau. Sur un site tout neuf, les suggestions d'amitié devraient commencer à apparaître au bout de 24 heures.";
-$a->strings["Groups"] = "Groupes";
-$a->strings["Group Your Contacts"] = "Grouper vos contacts";
-$a->strings["Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with each group privately on your Network page."] = "Une fois que vous avez trouvé quelques amis, organisez-les en groupes de conversation privés depuis le panneau latéral de la page Contacts. Vous pourrez ensuite interagir avec chaque groupe de manière privée depuis la page Réseau.";
-$a->strings["Why Aren't My Posts Public?"] = "Pourquoi mes éléments ne sont pas publics ?";
-$a->strings["Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section from the link above."] = "Friendica respecte votre vie privée. Par défaut, toutes vos publications seront seulement montrés à vos amis. Pour plus d'information, consultez la section \"aide\" du lien ci-dessus.";
-$a->strings["Getting Help"] = "Obtenir de l'aide";
-$a->strings["Go to the Help Section"] = "Aller à la section Aide";
-$a->strings["Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program features and resources."] = "Nos pages d'aide peuvent être consultées pour davantage de détails sur les fonctionnalités ou les ressources.";
-$a->strings["OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."] = "Erreur de protocole OpenID. Pas d'ID en retour.";
-$a->strings["Account not found and OpenID registration is not permitted on this site."] = "Compte introuvable, et l'inscription OpenID n'est pas autorisée sur ce site.";
-$a->strings["Login failed."] = "Échec de connexion.";
-$a->strings["Image uploaded but image cropping failed."] = "Image envoyée, mais impossible de la retailler.";
-$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Photos du profil";
-$a->strings["Image size reduction [%s] failed."] = "Réduction de la taille de l'image [%s] échouée.";
-$a->strings["Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not display immediately."] = "Rechargez la page avec la touche Maj pressée, ou bien effacez le cache du navigateur, si d'aventure la nouvelle photo n'apparaissait pas immédiatement.";
-$a->strings["Unable to process image"] = "Impossible de traiter l'image";
-$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of %s"] = "L'image dépasse la taille limite de %s";
-$a->strings["Unable to process image."] = "Impossible de traiter l'image.";
-$a->strings["Upload File:"] = "Fichier à téléverser:";
-$a->strings["Select a profile:"] = "Choisir un profil:";
-$a->strings["Upload"] = "Téléverser";
-$a->strings["or"] = "ou";
-$a->strings["skip this step"] = "ignorer cette étape";
-$a->strings["select a photo from your photo albums"] = "choisissez une photo depuis vos albums";
-$a->strings["Crop Image"] = "(Re)cadrer l'image";
-$a->strings["Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."] = "Ajustez le cadre de l'image pour une visualisation optimale.";
-$a->strings["Done Editing"] = "Édition terminée";
-$a->strings["Image uploaded successfully."] = "Image téléversée avec succès.";
-$a->strings["Image upload failed."] = "Le téléversement de l'image a échoué.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permission refusée.";
+$a->strings["Archives"] = "Archives";
$a->strings["photo"] = "photo";
$a->strings["status"] = "le statut";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is following %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s suit les %3\$s de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["Tag removed"] = "Étiquette supprimée";
-$a->strings["Remove Item Tag"] = "Enlever l'étiquette de l'élément";
-$a->strings["Select a tag to remove: "] = "Sélectionner une étiquette à supprimer: ";
-$a->strings["Remove"] = "Utiliser comme photo de profil";
-$a->strings["Subscribing to OStatus contacts"] = "";
-$a->strings["No contact provided."] = "Pas de contact fourni.";
-$a->strings["Couldn't fetch information for contact."] = "Impossible de récupérer les informations pour ce contact.";
-$a->strings["Couldn't fetch friends for contact."] = "Impossible de récupérer les amis de ce contact.";
-$a->strings["Done"] = "Terminé";
-$a->strings["success"] = "réussite";
-$a->strings["failed"] = "échec";
-$a->strings["ignored"] = "ignoré";
-$a->strings["Keep this window open until done."] = "Veuillez garder cette fenêtre ouverte jusqu'à la fin.";
-$a->strings["Save to Folder:"] = "Sauver dans le Dossier:";
-$a->strings["- select -"] = "- choisir -";
+$a->strings["event"] = "évènement";
+$a->strings["%1\$s likes %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s aime %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't like %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s n'aime pas %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is attending %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s participe à %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is not attending %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s ne participe pas à %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s may attend %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s participera peut-être à %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["[no subject]"] = "[pas de sujet]";
+$a->strings["Click here to upgrade."] = "Cliquez ici pour mettre à jour.";
+$a->strings["This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."] = "Cette action dépasse les limites définies par votre abonnement.";
+$a->strings["This action is not available under your subscription plan."] = "Cette action n'est pas disponible avec votre abonnement.";
+$a->strings["newer"] = "Plus récent";
+$a->strings["older"] = "Plus ancien";
+$a->strings["prev"] = "précédent";
+$a->strings["first"] = "premier";
+$a->strings["last"] = "dernier";
+$a->strings["next"] = "suivant";
+$a->strings["Loading more entries..."] = "Chargement de résultats supplémentaires...";
+$a->strings["The end"] = "Fin";
+$a->strings["No contacts"] = "Aucun contact";
+$a->strings["%d Contact"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d contact",
+ 1 => "%d contacts",
+$a->strings["View Contacts"] = "Voir les contacts";
$a->strings["Save"] = "Sauver";
-$a->strings["Submit Request"] = "Envoyer la requête";
-$a->strings["You already added this contact."] = "Vous avez déjà ajouté ce contact.";
-$a->strings["Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."] = "Le support de Diaspora est désactivé. Le contact ne peut pas être ajouté.";
-$a->strings["OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."] = "Le support d'OStatus est désactivé. Le contact ne peut pas être ajouté.";
-$a->strings["The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."] = "Impossible de détecter le type de réseau. Le contact ne peut pas être ajouté.";
-$a->strings["Please answer the following:"] = "Merci de répondre à ce qui suit:";
-$a->strings["Does %s know you?"] = "Est-ce que %s vous connaît?";
-$a->strings["No"] = "Non";
-$a->strings["Add a personal note:"] = "Ajouter une note personnelle:";
-$a->strings["Your Identity Address:"] = "Votre adresse d'identité:";
-$a->strings["Contact added"] = "Contact ajouté";
-$a->strings["Unable to locate original post."] = "Impossible de localiser la publication originale.";
-$a->strings["Empty post discarded."] = "Publication vide rejetée.";
-$a->strings["Wall Photos"] = "Photos du mur";
-$a->strings["System error. Post not saved."] = "Erreur système. Publication non sauvée.";
-$a->strings["This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social network."] = "Ce message vous a été envoyé par %s, membre du réseau social Friendica.";
-$a->strings["You may visit them online at %s"] = "Vous pouvez leur rendre visite sur %s";
-$a->strings["Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to receive these messages."] = "Merci de contacter l’émetteur en répondant à cette publication si vous ne souhaitez pas recevoir ces messages.";
-$a->strings["%s posted an update."] = "%s a publié une mise à jour.";
-$a->strings["Group created."] = "Groupe créé.";
-$a->strings["Could not create group."] = "Impossible de créer le groupe.";
-$a->strings["Group not found."] = "Groupe introuvable.";
-$a->strings["Group name changed."] = "Groupe renommé.";
-$a->strings["Save Group"] = "Sauvegarder le groupe";
-$a->strings["Create a group of contacts/friends."] = "Créez un groupe de contacts/amis.";
-$a->strings["Group Name: "] = "Nom du groupe: ";
-$a->strings["Group removed."] = "Groupe enlevé.";
-$a->strings["Unable to remove group."] = "Impossible d'enlever le groupe.";
-$a->strings["Group Editor"] = "Éditeur de groupe";
-$a->strings["Members"] = "Membres";
-$a->strings["Group is empty"] = "Groupe vide";
-$a->strings["You must be logged in to use addons. "] = "Vous devez être connecté pour utiliser les greffons.";
-$a->strings["Applications"] = "Applications";
-$a->strings["No installed applications."] = "Pas d'application installée.";
-$a->strings["Profile not found."] = "Profil introuvable.";
-$a->strings["Contact not found."] = "Contact introuvable.";
-$a->strings["This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it has already been approved."] = "Ceci peut se produire lorsque le contact a été requis par les deux personnes et a déjà été approuvé.";
-$a->strings["Response from remote site was not understood."] = "Réponse du site distant incomprise.";
-$a->strings["Unexpected response from remote site: "] = "Réponse inattendue du site distant : ";
-$a->strings["Confirmation completed successfully."] = "Confirmation achevée avec succès.";
-$a->strings["Remote site reported: "] = "Alerte du site distant : ";
-$a->strings["Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."] = "Échec temporaire. Merci de recommencer ultérieurement.";
-$a->strings["Introduction failed or was revoked."] = "Introduction échouée ou annulée.";
-$a->strings["Unable to set contact photo."] = "Impossible de définir la photo du contact.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is now friends with %2\$s"] = "%1\$s est désormais lié à %2\$s";
-$a->strings["No user record found for '%s' "] = "Pas d'utilisateur trouvé pour '%s' ";
-$a->strings["Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."] = "Notre clé de chiffrement de site est apparemment corrompue.";
-$a->strings["Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."] = "URL de site absente ou indéchiffrable.";
-$a->strings["Contact record was not found for you on our site."] = "Pas d'entrée pour ce contact sur notre site.";
-$a->strings["Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s."] = "La clé publique du site ne se trouve pas dans l'enregistrement du contact pour l'URL %s.";
-$a->strings["The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work if you try again."] = "L'identifiant fourni par votre système fait doublon sur le notre. Cela peut fonctionner si vous réessayez.";
-$a->strings["Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."] = "Impossible de vous définir des permissions sur notre système.";
-$a->strings["Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"] = "Impossible de mettre les détails de votre profil à jour sur notre système";
-$a->strings["[Name Withheld]"] = "[Nom non-publié]";
-$a->strings["%1\$s has joined %2\$s"] = "%1\$s a rejoint %2\$s";
-$a->strings["Requested profile is not available."] = "Le profil demandé n'est pas disponible.";
-$a->strings["Tips for New Members"] = "Conseils aux nouveaux venus";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this video?"] = "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette vidéo?";
-$a->strings["Delete Video"] = "Supprimer la vidéo";
-$a->strings["No videos selected"] = "Pas de vidéo sélectionné";
-$a->strings["Access to this item is restricted."] = "Accès restreint à cet élément.";
+$a->strings["poke"] = "titiller";
+$a->strings["poked"] = "a titillé";
+$a->strings["ping"] = "attirer l'attention";
+$a->strings["pinged"] = "a attiré l'attention de";
+$a->strings["prod"] = "aiguillonner";
+$a->strings["prodded"] = "a aiguillonné";
+$a->strings["slap"] = "gifler";
+$a->strings["slapped"] = "a giflé";
+$a->strings["finger"] = "tripoter";
+$a->strings["fingered"] = "a tripoté";
+$a->strings["rebuff"] = "rabrouer";
+$a->strings["rebuffed"] = "a rabroué";
+$a->strings["happy"] = "heureuse";
+$a->strings["sad"] = "triste";
+$a->strings["mellow"] = "suave";
+$a->strings["tired"] = "fatiguée";
+$a->strings["perky"] = "guillerette";
+$a->strings["angry"] = "colérique";
+$a->strings["stupified"] = "stupéfaite";
+$a->strings["puzzled"] = "perplexe";
+$a->strings["interested"] = "intéressée";
+$a->strings["bitter"] = "amère";
+$a->strings["cheerful"] = "entraînante";
+$a->strings["alive"] = "vivante";
+$a->strings["annoyed"] = "ennuyée";
+$a->strings["anxious"] = "anxieuse";
+$a->strings["cranky"] = "excentrique";
+$a->strings["disturbed"] = "dérangée";
+$a->strings["frustrated"] = "frustrée";
+$a->strings["motivated"] = "motivée";
+$a->strings["relaxed"] = "détendue";
+$a->strings["surprised"] = "surprise";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "Lundi";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Mardi";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Mercredi";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Jeudi";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "Vendredi";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Samedi";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Dimanche";
+$a->strings["January"] = "Janvier";
+$a->strings["February"] = "Février";
+$a->strings["March"] = "Mars";
+$a->strings["April"] = "Avril";
+$a->strings["May"] = "Mai";
+$a->strings["June"] = "Juin";
+$a->strings["July"] = "Juillet";
+$a->strings["August"] = "Août";
+$a->strings["September"] = "Septembre";
+$a->strings["October"] = "Octobre";
+$a->strings["November"] = "Novembre";
+$a->strings["December"] = "Décembre";
$a->strings["View Video"] = "Regarder la vidéo";
-$a->strings["View Album"] = "Voir l'album";
-$a->strings["Recent Videos"] = "Vidéos récente";
-$a->strings["Upload New Videos"] = "Téléversé une nouvelle vidéo";
+$a->strings["bytes"] = "octets";
+$a->strings["Click to open/close"] = "Cliquer pour ouvrir/fermer";
+$a->strings["View on separate page"] = "Voir dans une nouvelle page";
+$a->strings["view on separate page"] = "voir dans une nouvelle page";
+$a->strings["link to source"] = "lien original";
+$a->strings["activity"] = "activité";
+$a->strings["comment"] = array(
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "commentaire",
+$a->strings["post"] = "publication";
+$a->strings["Item filed"] = "Élément classé";
+$a->strings["Error decoding account file"] = "Une erreur a été détecté en décodant un fichier utilisateur";
+$a->strings["Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"] = "Erreur ! Pas de ficher de version existant ! Êtes vous sur un compte Friendica ?";
+$a->strings["Error! Cannot check nickname"] = "Erreur! Pseudo invalide";
+$a->strings["User '%s' already exists on this server!"] = "L'utilisateur '%s' existe déjà sur ce serveur!";
+$a->strings["User creation error"] = "Erreur de création d'utilisateur";
+$a->strings["User profile creation error"] = "Erreur de création du profil utilisateur";
+$a->strings["%d contact not imported"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d contacts non importés",
+ 1 => "%d contacts non importés",
+$a->strings["Done. You can now login with your username and password"] = "Action réalisé. Vous pouvez désormais vous connecter avec votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe";
+$a->strings["System"] = "Système";
+$a->strings["Personal"] = "Personnel";
+$a->strings["%s commented on %s's post"] = "%s a commenté la publication de %s";
+$a->strings["%s created a new post"] = "%s a créé une nouvelle publication";
+$a->strings["%s liked %s's post"] = "%s a aimé la publication de %s";
+$a->strings["%s disliked %s's post"] = "%s n'a pas aimé la publication de %s";
+$a->strings["%s is attending %s's event"] = "%s participe à l'événement de %s";
+$a->strings["%s is not attending %s's event"] = "%s ne participe pas à l'événement de %s";
+$a->strings["%s may attend %s's event"] = "%s participera peut-être à l'événement de %s";
+$a->strings["%s is now friends with %s"] = "%s est désormais ami(e) avec %s";
+$a->strings["Friend Suggestion"] = "Suggestion d'amitié/contact";
+$a->strings["Friend/Connect Request"] = "Demande de connexion/relation";
+$a->strings["New Follower"] = "Nouvel abonné";
+$a->strings["Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Le quota journalier de %d publications a été atteint. La publication a été rejetée.";
+$a->strings["Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Le quota hebdomadaire de %d publications a été atteint. La publication a été rejetée.";
+$a->strings["Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Le quota mensuel de %d publications a été atteint. La publication a été rejetée.";
+$a->strings["Image/photo"] = "Image/photo";
+$a->strings["%2\$s %3\$s"] = "%2\$s %3\$s";
+$a->strings["$1 wrote:"] = "$1 a écrit:";
+$a->strings["Encrypted content"] = "Contenu chiffré";
+$a->strings["%1\$s attends %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s participe à %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't attend %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s ne participe pas à %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s attends maybe %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s participe peut-être à %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is now friends with %2\$s"] = "%1\$s est désormais lié à %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s poked %2\$s"] = "%1\$s a sollicité %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is currently %2\$s"] = "%1\$s est d'humeur %2\$s";
$a->strings["%1\$s tagged %2\$s's %3\$s with %4\$s"] = "%1\$s a étiqueté %3\$s de %2\$s avec %4\$s";
-$a->strings["Friend suggestion sent."] = "Suggestion d'amitié/contact envoyée.";
-$a->strings["Suggest Friends"] = "Suggérer des amis/contacts";
-$a->strings["Suggest a friend for %s"] = "Suggérer un ami/contact pour %s";
-$a->strings["Invalid request."] = "Requête invalide.";
+$a->strings["post/item"] = "publication/élément";
+$a->strings["%1\$s marked %2\$s's %3\$s as favorite"] = "%1\$s a marqué le %3\$s de %2\$s comme favori";
+$a->strings["Likes"] = "Derniers \"J'aime\"";
+$a->strings["Dislikes"] = "Derniers \"Je n'aime pas\"";
+$a->strings["Attending"] = array(
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "",
+$a->strings["Not attending"] = "Ne participe pas";
+$a->strings["Might attend"] = "Participera peut-être";
+$a->strings["Select"] = "Sélectionner";
+$a->strings["Delete"] = "Supprimer";
+$a->strings["View %s's profile @ %s"] = "Voir le profil de %s @ %s";
+$a->strings["Categories:"] = "Catégories:";
+$a->strings["Filed under:"] = "Rangé sous:";
+$a->strings["%s from %s"] = "%s de %s";
+$a->strings["View in context"] = "Voir dans le contexte";
+$a->strings["Please wait"] = "Patientez";
+$a->strings["remove"] = "enlever";
+$a->strings["Delete Selected Items"] = "Supprimer les éléments sélectionnés";
+$a->strings["Follow Thread"] = "Suivre le fil";
+$a->strings["%s likes this."] = "%s aime ça.";
+$a->strings["%s doesn't like this."] = "%s n'aime pas ça.";
+$a->strings["%s attends."] = "%s participe";
+$a->strings["%s doesn't attend."] = "%s ne participe pas";
+$a->strings["%s attends maybe."] = "%s participe peut-être";
+$a->strings["and"] = "et";
+$a->strings[", and %d other people"] = ", et %d autres personnes";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people like this"] = "%2\$d personnes aiment ça";
+$a->strings["%s like this."] = "%s aime ça.";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people don't like this"] = "%2\$d personnes n'aiment pas ça";
+$a->strings["%s don't like this."] = "%s n'aiment pas ça.";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people attend"] = "%2\$d personnes participent";
+$a->strings["%s attend."] = "%s participent.";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people don't attend"] = "%2\$d personnes ne participent pas";
+$a->strings["%s don't attend."] = "%s ne participent pas.";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people anttend maybe"] = "%2\$d personnes participeront peut-être";
+$a->strings["%s anttend maybe."] = "%s participent peut-être.";
+$a->strings["Visible to everybody "] = "Visible par tout le monde ";
+$a->strings["Please enter a link URL:"] = "Entrez un lien web:";
+$a->strings["Please enter a video link/URL:"] = "Entrez un lien/URL video :";
+$a->strings["Please enter an audio link/URL:"] = "Entrez un lien/URL audio :";
+$a->strings["Tag term:"] = "Terme d'étiquette:";
+$a->strings["Save to Folder:"] = "Sauver dans le Dossier:";
+$a->strings["Where are you right now?"] = "Où êtes-vous présentemment?";
+$a->strings["Delete item(s)?"] = "Supprimer les élément(s) ?";
+$a->strings["Share"] = "Partager";
+$a->strings["Upload photo"] = "Joindre photo";
+$a->strings["upload photo"] = "envoi image";
+$a->strings["Attach file"] = "Joindre fichier";
+$a->strings["attach file"] = "ajout fichier";
+$a->strings["Insert web link"] = "Insérer lien web";
+$a->strings["web link"] = "lien web";
+$a->strings["Insert video link"] = "Insérer un lien video";
+$a->strings["video link"] = "lien vidéo";
+$a->strings["Insert audio link"] = "Insérer un lien audio";
+$a->strings["audio link"] = "lien audio";
+$a->strings["Set your location"] = "Définir votre localisation";
+$a->strings["set location"] = "spéc. localisation";
+$a->strings["Clear browser location"] = "Effacer la localisation du navigateur";
+$a->strings["clear location"] = "supp. localisation";
+$a->strings["Set title"] = "Définir un titre";
+$a->strings["Categories (comma-separated list)"] = "Catégories (séparées par des virgules)";
+$a->strings["Permission settings"] = "Réglages des permissions";
+$a->strings["permissions"] = "permissions";
+$a->strings["Public post"] = "Publication publique";
+$a->strings["Preview"] = "Aperçu";
+$a->strings["Post to Groups"] = "Publier aux groupes";
+$a->strings["Post to Contacts"] = "Publier aux contacts";
+$a->strings["Private post"] = "Message privé";
+$a->strings["Message"] = "Message";
+$a->strings["Browser"] = "Navigateur";
+$a->strings["View all"] = "Voir tout";
+$a->strings["Like"] = array(
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "",
+$a->strings["Dislike"] = array(
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "",
+$a->strings["Not Attending"] = array(
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "",
+$a->strings["\n\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."] = "\nLes développeurs de Friendica ont récemment publié la mise à jour %s, mais en tentant de l’installer, quelque chose s’est terriblement mal passé. Une réparation s’impose et je ne peux pas la faire tout seul. Contactez un développeur Friendica si vous ne pouvez pas corriger le problème vous-même. Il est possible que ma base de données soit corrompue.";
+$a->strings["The error message is\n[pre]%s[/pre]"] = "Le message d’erreur est\n[pre]%s[/pre]";
+$a->strings["Errors encountered creating database tables."] = "Des erreurs ont été signalées lors de la création des tables.";
+$a->strings["Errors encountered performing database changes."] = "Des erreurs sont survenues lors de la mise à jour de la base de données.";
+$a->strings["Sharing notification from Diaspora network"] = "Notification de partage du réseau Diaspora";
+$a->strings["Attachments:"] = "Pièces jointes : ";
+$a->strings["Sun"] = "Dim";
+$a->strings["Mon"] = "Lun";
+$a->strings["Tue"] = "Mar";
+$a->strings["Wed"] = "Mer";
+$a->strings["Thu"] = "Jeu";
+$a->strings["Fri"] = "Ven";
+$a->strings["Sat"] = "Sam";
+$a->strings["Jan"] = "Jan";
+$a->strings["Feb"] = "Fév";
+$a->strings["Mar"] = "Mar";
+$a->strings["Apr"] = "Avr";
+$a->strings["Jun"] = "Jun";
+$a->strings["Jul"] = "Jul";
+$a->strings["Aug"] = "Aoû";
+$a->strings["Sept"] = "Sep";
+$a->strings["Oct"] = "Oct";
+$a->strings["Nov"] = "Nov";
+$a->strings["Dec"] = "Déc";
+$a->strings["today"] = "aujourd'hui";
+$a->strings["l, F j"] = "l, F j";
+$a->strings["Edit event"] = "Editer l'événement";
+$a->strings["Export"] = "Exporter";
+$a->strings["Export calendar as ical"] = "Exporter au format iCal";
+$a->strings["Export calendar as csv"] = "Exporter au format CSV";
+$a->strings["Requested account is not available."] = "Le compte demandé n'est pas disponible.";
+$a->strings["Requested profile is not available."] = "Le profil demandé n'est pas disponible.";
+$a->strings["Edit profile"] = "Editer le profil";
+$a->strings["Atom feed"] = "Flux Atom";
+$a->strings["Manage/edit profiles"] = "Gérer/éditer les profils";
+$a->strings["Change profile photo"] = "Changer de photo de profil";
+$a->strings["Create New Profile"] = "Créer un nouveau profil";
+$a->strings["Profile Image"] = "Image du profil";
+$a->strings["visible to everybody"] = "visible par tous";
+$a->strings["Edit visibility"] = "Changer la visibilité";
+$a->strings["Forum"] = "Forum";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Genre:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Statut:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Page personnelle:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "À propos:";
+$a->strings["Network:"] = "Réseau";
+$a->strings["g A l F d"] = "g A | F d";
+$a->strings["F d"] = "F d";
+$a->strings["[today]"] = "[aujourd'hui]";
+$a->strings["Birthday Reminders"] = "Rappels d'anniversaires";
+$a->strings["Birthdays this week:"] = "Anniversaires cette semaine:";
+$a->strings["[No description]"] = "[Sans description]";
+$a->strings["Event Reminders"] = "Rappels d'événements";
+$a->strings["Events this week:"] = "Evénements cette semaine :";
+$a->strings["Full Name:"] = "Nom complet:";
+$a->strings["j F, Y"] = "j F, Y";
+$a->strings["j F"] = "j F";
+$a->strings["Age:"] = "Age:";
+$a->strings["for %1\$d %2\$s"] = "depuis %1\$d %2\$s";
+$a->strings["Sexual Preference:"] = "Préférence sexuelle:";
+$a->strings["Hometown:"] = " Ville d'origine:";
+$a->strings["Tags:"] = "Étiquette:";
+$a->strings["Political Views:"] = "Opinions politiques:";
+$a->strings["Religion:"] = "Religion:";
+$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests:"] = "Passe-temps/Centres d'intérêt:";
+$a->strings["Likes:"] = "J'aime :";
+$a->strings["Dislikes:"] = "Je n'aime pas :";
+$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks:"] = "Coordonnées/Réseaux sociaux:";
+$a->strings["Musical interests:"] = "Goûts musicaux:";
+$a->strings["Books, literature:"] = "Lectures:";
+$a->strings["Television:"] = "Télévision:";
+$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"] = "Cinéma/Danse/Culture/Divertissement:";
+$a->strings["Love/Romance:"] = "Amour/Romance:";
+$a->strings["Work/employment:"] = "Activité professionnelle/Occupation:";
+$a->strings["School/education:"] = "Études/Formation:";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Forums :";
+$a->strings["Basic"] = "Simple";
+$a->strings["Advanced"] = "Avancé";
+$a->strings["Status Messages and Posts"] = "Messages d'état et publications";
+$a->strings["Profile Details"] = "Détails du profil";
+$a->strings["Photo Albums"] = "Albums photo";
+$a->strings["Personal Notes"] = "Notes personnelles";
+$a->strings["Only You Can See This"] = "Vous seul pouvez voir ça";
+$a->strings["Post successful."] = "Publication réussie.";
+$a->strings["[Embedded content - reload page to view]"] = "[contenu incorporé - rechargez la page pour le voir]";
+$a->strings["Access denied."] = "Accès refusé.";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Bienvenue sur %s";
+$a->strings["No more system notifications."] = "Pas plus de notifications système.";
+$a->strings["System Notifications"] = "Notifications du système";
+$a->strings["Remove term"] = "Retirer le terme";
+$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Accès public refusé.";
+$a->strings["Only logged in users are permitted to perform a search."] = "Seuls les utilisateurs inscrits sont autorisés à lancer une recherche.";
+$a->strings["Too Many Requests"] = "Trop de requêtes";
+$a->strings["Only one search per minute is permitted for not logged in users."] = "Une seule recherche par minute pour les utilisateurs qui ne sont pas connectés.";
+$a->strings["No results."] = "Aucun résultat.";
+$a->strings["Items tagged with: %s"] = "Éléments taggés %s";
+$a->strings["Results for: %s"] = "Résultats pour : %s";
+$a->strings["This is Friendica, version"] = "Motorisé par Friendica version";
+$a->strings["running at web location"] = "hébergé sur";
+$a->strings["Please visit Friendica.com to learn more about the Friendica project."] = "Merci de vous rendre sur Friendica.com si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur le projet Friendica.";
+$a->strings["Bug reports and issues: please visit"] = "Pour les rapports de bugs: rendez vous sur";
+$a->strings["the bugtracker at github"] = "le bugtracker sur GitHub";
+$a->strings["Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email \"Info\" at Friendica - dot com"] = "Suggestions, remerciements, donations, etc. - écrivez à \"Info\" arob. Friendica - point com";
+$a->strings["Installed plugins/addons/apps:"] = "Extensions/greffons/applications installées:";
+$a->strings["No installed plugins/addons/apps"] = "Extensions/greffons/applications non installées:";
$a->strings["No valid account found."] = "Impossible de trouver un compte valide.";
$a->strings["Password reset request issued. Check your email."] = "Réinitialisation du mot de passe en cours. Vérifiez votre courriel.";
$a->strings["\n\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\tA request was recently received at \"%2\$s\" to reset your account\n\t\tpassword. In order to confirm this request, please select the verification link\n\t\tbelow or paste it into your web browser address bar.\n\n\t\tIf you did NOT request this change, please DO NOT follow the link\n\t\tprovided and ignore and/or delete this email.\n\n\t\tYour password will not be changed unless we can verify that you\n\t\tissued this request."] = "\n\t\tChère/Cher %1\$s,\n\t\t\tNous avons reçu une demande de ré-initialisation du mot de passe de votre compte sur \"%2\$s\". Pour confirmer cette demande, veuillez cliquer sur le lien de vérification ci-dessous ou le coller dans la barre d’adresse de votre navigateur.\n\n\t\tSi vous n’êtes PAS à l’origine de cette demande, NE suivez PAS le lien—ignorez et/ou supprimez ce message.\n\n\t\tVotre mot de passe ne sera pas modifié si nous n’avons pas de confirmation que la demande émane de vous.";
@@ -290,57 +754,216 @@ $a->strings["Forgot your Password?"] = "Mot de passe oublié ?";
$a->strings["Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check your email for further instructions."] = "Entrez votre adresse de courriel et validez pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe. Vous recevrez la suite des instructions par courriel.";
$a->strings["Nickname or Email: "] = "Pseudo ou eMail : ";
$a->strings["Reset"] = "Réinitialiser";
-$a->strings["event"] = "évènement";
-$a->strings["%1\$s likes %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s aime %3\$s de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't like %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s n'aime pas %3\$s de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is attending %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s participe à %3\$s de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is not attending %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s ne participe pas à %3\$s de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s may attend %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s participera peut-être à %3\$s de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["{0} wants to be your friend"] = "{0} souhaite être votre ami(e)";
-$a->strings["{0} sent you a message"] = "{0} vous a envoyé un message";
-$a->strings["{0} requested registration"] = "{0} a demandé à s'inscrire";
+$a->strings["No profile"] = "Aucun profil";
+$a->strings["Help:"] = "Aide :";
+$a->strings["Not Found"] = "Non trouvé";
+$a->strings["Page not found."] = "Page introuvable.";
+$a->strings["Invalid request."] = "Requête invalide.";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of %s"] = "L'image dépasse la taille limite de %s";
+$a->strings["Unable to process image."] = "Impossible de traiter l'image.";
+$a->strings["Image upload failed."] = "Le téléversement de l'image a échoué.";
+$a->strings["Remote privacy information not available."] = "Informations de confidentialité indisponibles.";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Visible par:";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Annuaire global";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Trouver sur ce site";
+$a->strings["Results for:"] = "Résultats pour :";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Annuaire local";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Aucune entrée (certaines peuvent être cachées).";
+$a->strings["OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."] = "Erreur de protocole OpenID. Pas d'ID en retour.";
+$a->strings["Account not found and OpenID registration is not permitted on this site."] = "Compte introuvable, et l'inscription OpenID n'est pas autorisée sur ce site.";
+$a->strings["This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow."] = "Le nombre d'inscriptions quotidiennes pour ce site a été dépassé. Merci de réessayer demain.";
+$a->strings["Import"] = "Importer";
+$a->strings["Move account"] = "Migrer le compte";
+$a->strings["You can import an account from another Friendica server."] = "Vous pouvez importer un compte d'un autre serveur Friendica.";
+$a->strings["You need to export your account from the old server and upload it here. We will recreate your old account here with all your contacts. We will try also to inform your friends that you moved here."] = "Vous devez exporter votre compte à partir de l'ancien serveur et le téléverser ici. Nous recréerons votre ancien compte ici avec tous vos contacts. Nous tenterons également d'informer vos amis que vous avez déménagé ici.";
+$a->strings["This feature is experimental. We can't import contacts from the OStatus network (GNU Social/Statusnet) or from Diaspora"] = "Cette fonctionalité est expérimentale. Il n'est pas possible d'importer des contacts depuis le réseau OStatus (GNU Social/Statusnet) ou depuis Diaspora.";
+$a->strings["Account file"] = "Fichier du compte";
+$a->strings["To export your account, go to \"Settings->Export your personal data\" and select \"Export account\""] = "Pour exporter votre compte, allez dans \"Paramètres> Exporter vos données personnelles\" et sélectionnez \"exportation de compte\"";
+$a->strings["Visit %s's profile [%s]"] = "Visiter le profil de %s [%s]";
+$a->strings["Edit contact"] = "Éditer le contact";
+$a->strings["Contacts who are not members of a group"] = "Contacts qui n’appartiennent à aucun groupe";
+$a->strings["No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."] = "Aucun mot-clé en correspondance. Merci d'ajouter des mots-clés à votre profil par défaut.";
+$a->strings["is interested in:"] = "s'intéresse à :";
+$a->strings["Profile Match"] = "Correpondance de profils";
+$a->strings["No matches"] = "Aucune correspondance";
+$a->strings["Export account"] = "Exporter le compte";
+$a->strings["Export your account info and contacts. Use this to make a backup of your account and/or to move it to another server."] = "Exportez votre compte, vos infos et vos contacts. Vous pourrez utiliser le résultat comme sauvegarde et/ou pour le ré-importer sur un autre serveur.";
+$a->strings["Export all"] = "Tout exporter";
+$a->strings["Export your accout info, contacts and all your items as json. Could be a very big file, and could take a lot of time. Use this to make a full backup of your account (photos are not exported)"] = "Exportez votre compte, vos infos, vos contacts et toutes vos publications (en JSON). Le fichier résultant peut être extrêmement volumineux, et sa production peut durer longtemps. Vous pourrez l'utiliser pour faire une sauvegarde complète (à part les photos).";
+$a->strings["Export personal data"] = "Exporter";
+$a->strings["Total invitation limit exceeded."] = "La limite d'invitation totale est éxédée.";
+$a->strings["%s : Not a valid email address."] = "%s : Adresse de courriel invalide.";
+$a->strings["Please join us on Friendica"] = "Rejoignez-nous sur Friendica";
+$a->strings["Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Limite d'invitation exédée. Veuillez contacter l'administrateur de votre site.";
+$a->strings["%s : Message delivery failed."] = "%s : L'envoi du message a échoué.";
+$a->strings["%d message sent."] = array(
+ 0 => "%d message envoyé.",
+ 1 => "%d messages envoyés.",
+$a->strings["You have no more invitations available"] = "Vous n'avez plus d'invitations disponibles";
+$a->strings["Visit %s for a list of public sites that you can join. Friendica members on other sites can all connect with each other, as well as with members of many other social networks."] = "Visitez %s pour une liste des sites publics que vous pouvez rejoindre. Les membres de Friendica appartenant à d'autres sites peuvent s'interconnecter, ainsi qu'avec les membres de plusieurs autres réseaux sociaux.";
+$a->strings["To accept this invitation, please visit and register at %s or any other public Friendica website."] = "Pour accepter cette invitation, merci d'aller vous inscrire sur %s, ou n'importe quel autre site Friendica public.";
+$a->strings["Friendica sites all inter-connect to create a huge privacy-enhanced social web that is owned and controlled by its members. They can also connect with many traditional social networks. See %s for a list of alternate Friendica sites you can join."] = "Les sites Friendica sont tous interconnectés pour créer un immense réseau social respectueux de la vie privée, possédé et contrôllé par ses membres. Ils peuvent également interagir avec plusieurs réseaux sociaux traditionnels. Voir %s pour une liste d'autres sites Friendica que vous pourriez rejoindre.";
+$a->strings["Our apologies. This system is not currently configured to connect with other public sites or invite members."] = "Toutes nos excuses. Ce système n'est pas configuré pour se connecter à d'autres sites publics ou inviter de nouveaux membres.";
+$a->strings["Send invitations"] = "Envoyer des invitations";
+$a->strings["Enter email addresses, one per line:"] = "Entrez les adresses email, une par ligne :";
+$a->strings["Your message:"] = "Votre message:";
+$a->strings["You are cordially invited to join me and other close friends on Friendica - and help us to create a better social web."] = "Vous êtes cordialement invité à me rejoindre sur Friendica, et nous aider ainsi à créer un meilleur web social.";
+$a->strings["You will need to supply this invitation code: \$invite_code"] = "Vous devrez fournir ce code d'invitation : \$invite_code";
+$a->strings["Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:"] = "Une fois inscrit, connectez-vous à la page de mon profil sur :";
+$a->strings["For more information about the Friendica project and why we feel it is important, please visit http://friendica.com"] = "Pour plus d'information sur le projet Friendica, et pourquoi nous croyons qu'il est important, merci de visiter http://friendica.com";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Photos du contact";
+$a->strings["Files"] = "Fichiers";
+$a->strings["System down for maintenance"] = "Système indisponible pour cause de maintenance";
+$a->strings["Permission denied"] = "Permission refusée";
+$a->strings["Invalid profile identifier."] = "Identifiant de profil invalide.";
+$a->strings["Profile Visibility Editor"] = "Éditer la visibilité du profil";
+$a->strings["Click on a contact to add or remove."] = "Cliquez sur un contact pour l'ajouter ou le supprimer.";
+$a->strings["Visible To"] = "Visible par";
+$a->strings["All Contacts (with secure profile access)"] = "Tous les contacts (ayant un accès sécurisé)";
$a->strings["No contacts."] = "Aucun contact.";
-$a->strings["Invalid request identifier."] = "Identifiant de demande invalide.";
-$a->strings["Discard"] = "Rejeter";
-$a->strings["System"] = "Système";
-$a->strings["Network"] = "Réseau";
-$a->strings["Personal"] = "Personnel";
-$a->strings["Home"] = "Profil";
-$a->strings["Introductions"] = "Introductions";
-$a->strings["Show Ignored Requests"] = "Voir les demandes ignorées";
-$a->strings["Hide Ignored Requests"] = "Cacher les demandes ignorées";
-$a->strings["Notification type: "] = "Type de notification: ";
-$a->strings["Friend Suggestion"] = "Suggestion d'amitié/contact";
-$a->strings["suggested by %s"] = "suggéré(e) par %s";
-$a->strings["Post a new friend activity"] = "Poster une nouvelle avtivité d'ami";
-$a->strings["if applicable"] = "si possible";
-$a->strings["Approve"] = "Approuver";
-$a->strings["Claims to be known to you: "] = "Prétend que vous le connaissez: ";
-$a->strings["yes"] = "oui";
-$a->strings["no"] = "non";
-$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "Doit être votre connexion bidirectionnelle ou non? \"Ami\" implique que vous autorisiez à lire et vous vous abonnez à leurs postes. \"Fan / Admirateur\" signifie que vous permettez de lire, mais vous ne voulez pas lire les leurs. Approuver en:";
-$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "Doit être votre connexion bidirectionnelle ou non? \"Ami\" implique que vous autorisiez à lire et vous vous abonnez à leurs postes. \"Fan / Admirateur\" signifie que vous permettez de lire, mais vous ne voulez pas lire les leurs. Approuver en:";
-$a->strings["Friend"] = "Ami";
-$a->strings["Sharer"] = "Initiateur du partage";
-$a->strings["Fan/Admirer"] = "Fan/Admirateur";
-$a->strings["Friend/Connect Request"] = "Demande de connexion/relation";
-$a->strings["New Follower"] = "Nouvel abonné";
-$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Genre:";
-$a->strings["No introductions."] = "Aucune demande d'introduction.";
-$a->strings["Notifications"] = "Notifications";
-$a->strings["%s liked %s's post"] = "%s a aimé la publication de %s";
-$a->strings["%s disliked %s's post"] = "%s n'a pas aimé la publication de %s";
-$a->strings["%s is now friends with %s"] = "%s est désormais ami(e) avec %s";
-$a->strings["%s created a new post"] = "%s a créé une nouvelle publication";
-$a->strings["%s commented on %s's post"] = "%s a commenté la publication de %s";
-$a->strings["No more network notifications."] = "Aucune notification du réseau.";
-$a->strings["Network Notifications"] = "Notifications du réseau";
-$a->strings["No more system notifications."] = "Pas plus de notifications système.";
-$a->strings["System Notifications"] = "Notifications du système";
-$a->strings["No more personal notifications."] = "Aucun notification personnelle.";
-$a->strings["Personal Notifications"] = "Notifications personnelles";
-$a->strings["No more home notifications."] = "Aucune notification de la page d'accueil.";
-$a->strings["Home Notifications"] = "Notifications de page d'accueil";
+$a->strings["Tag removed"] = "Étiquette supprimée";
+$a->strings["Remove Item Tag"] = "Enlever l'étiquette de l'élément";
+$a->strings["Select a tag to remove: "] = "Sélectionner une étiquette à supprimer: ";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Utiliser comme photo de profil";
+$a->strings["Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"] = "Désolé, il semble que votre fichier est plus important que ce que la configuration de PHP autorise";
+$a->strings["Or - did you try to upload an empty file?"] = "Ou — auriez-vous essayé de télécharger un fichier vide ?";
+$a->strings["File exceeds size limit of %s"] = "La taille du fichier dépasse la limite de %s";
+$a->strings["File upload failed."] = "Le téléversement a échoué.";
+$a->strings["No friends to display."] = "Pas d'amis à afficher.";
+$a->strings["Resubscribing to OStatus contacts"] = "Réinscription aux contacts OStatus";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "Erreur";
+$a->strings["Done"] = "Terminé";
+$a->strings["Keep this window open until done."] = "Veuillez garder cette fenêtre ouverte jusqu'à la fin.";
+$a->strings["No potential page delegates located."] = "Pas de délégataire potentiel.";
+$a->strings["Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to anybody that you do not trust completely."] = "Les délégataires seront capables de gérer tous les aspects de ce compte ou de cette page, à l'exception des réglages de compte. Merci de ne pas déléguer votre compte principal à quelqu'un en qui vous n'avez pas une confiance absolue.";
+$a->strings["Existing Page Managers"] = "Gestionnaires existants";
+$a->strings["Existing Page Delegates"] = "Délégataires existants";
+$a->strings["Potential Delegates"] = "Délégataires potentiels";
+$a->strings["Add"] = "Ajouter";
+$a->strings["No entries."] = "Aucune entrée.";
+$a->strings["Credits"] = "Remerciements";
+$a->strings["Friendica is a community project, that would not be possible without the help of many people. Here is a list of those who have contributed to the code or the translation of Friendica. Thank you all!"] = "Friendica est un projet communautaire, qui ne serait pas possible sans l'aide de beaucoup de gens. Voici une liste de ceux qui ont contribué au code ou à la traduction de Friendica. Merci à tous!";
+$a->strings["- select -"] = "- choisir -";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is following %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s suit les %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["Item not available."] = "Elément non disponible.";
+$a->strings["Item was not found."] = "Element introuvable.";
+$a->strings["Submit Request"] = "Envoyer la requête";
+$a->strings["You already added this contact."] = "Vous avez déjà ajouté ce contact.";
+$a->strings["Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."] = "Le support de Diaspora est désactivé. Le contact ne peut pas être ajouté.";
+$a->strings["OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."] = "Le support d'OStatus est désactivé. Le contact ne peut pas être ajouté.";
+$a->strings["The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."] = "Impossible de détecter le type de réseau. Le contact ne peut pas être ajouté.";
+$a->strings["Please answer the following:"] = "Merci de répondre à ce qui suit:";
+$a->strings["Does %s know you?"] = "Est-ce que %s vous connaît?";
+$a->strings["No"] = "Non";
+$a->strings["Add a personal note:"] = "Ajouter une note personnelle:";
+$a->strings["Your Identity Address:"] = "Votre adresse d'identité:";
+$a->strings["Profile URL"] = "URL du Profil";
+$a->strings["Contact added"] = "Contact ajouté";
+$a->strings["You must be logged in to use addons. "] = "Vous devez être connecté pour utiliser les greffons.";
+$a->strings["Applications"] = "Applications";
+$a->strings["No installed applications."] = "Pas d'application installée.";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"] = "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette suggestion ?";
+$a->strings["No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 hours."] = "Aucune suggestion. Si ce site est récent, merci de recommencer dans 24h.";
+$a->strings["Ignore/Hide"] = "Ignorer/cacher";
+$a->strings["Not Extended"] = "";
+$a->strings["Access to this profile has been restricted."] = "L'accès au profil a été restreint.";
+$a->strings["Item has been removed."] = "Cet élément a été enlevé.";
+$a->strings["No contacts in common."] = "Pas de contacts en commun.";
+$a->strings["Common Friends"] = "Amis communs";
+$a->strings["Welcome to Friendica"] = "Bienvenue sur Friendica";
+$a->strings["New Member Checklist"] = "Checklist du nouvel utilisateur";
+$a->strings["We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial registration and then will quietly disappear."] = "Nous souhaiterions vous donner quelques astuces et ressources pour rendre votre expérience la plus agréable possible. Cliquez sur n'importe lequel de ces éléments pour visiter la page correspondante. Un lien vers cette page restera visible sur votre page d'accueil pendant les deux semaines qui suivent votre inscription initiale, puis disparaîtra silencieusement.";
+$a->strings["Getting Started"] = "Bien démarrer";
+$a->strings["Friendica Walk-Through"] = "Friendica pas-à-pas";
+$a->strings["On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to join."] = "Sur votre page d'accueil, dans Conseils aux nouveaux venus - vous trouverez une rapide introduction aux onglets Profil et Réseau, pourrez vous connecter à Facebook, établir de nouvelles relations, et choisir des groupes à rejoindre.";
+$a->strings["Go to Your Settings"] = "Éditer vos Réglages";
+$a->strings["On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and will be useful in making friends on the free social web."] = "Sur la page des Réglages - changez votre mot de passe initial. Notez bien votre Identité. Elle ressemble à une adresse de courriel - et vous sera utile pour vous faire des amis dans le web social libre.";
+$a->strings["Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and potential friends know exactly how to find you."] = "Vérifiez les autres réglages, tout particulièrement ceux liés à la vie privée. Un profil non listé, c'est un peu comme un numéro sur liste rouge. En général, vous devriez probablement publier votre profil - à moins que tous vos amis (potentiels) sachent déjà comment vous trouver.";
+$a->strings["Upload Profile Photo"] = "Téléverser une photo de profil";
+$a->strings["Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make friends than people who do not."] = "Téléversez (envoyez) une photo de profil si vous n'en avez pas déjà une. Les études montrent que les gens qui affichent de vraies photos d'eux sont dix fois plus susceptibles de se faire des amis.";
+$a->strings["Edit Your Profile"] = "Éditer votre Profil";
+$a->strings["Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown visitors."] = "Éditez votre profil par défaut à votre convenance. Vérifiez les réglages concernant la visibilité de votre liste d'amis par les visiteurs inconnus.";
+$a->strings["Profile Keywords"] = "Mots-clés du profil";
+$a->strings["Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and suggest friendships."] = "Choisissez quelques mots-clé publics pour votre profil par défaut. Ils pourront ainsi décrire vos centres d'intérêt, et nous pourrons vous proposer des contacts qui les partagent.";
+$a->strings["Connecting"] = "Connexions";
+$a->strings["Importing Emails"] = "Importer courriels";
+$a->strings["Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email INBOX"] = "Entrez vos paramètres de courriel dans les Réglages des connecteurs si vous souhaitez importer et interagir avec des amis ou des listes venant de votre Boîte de Réception.";
+$a->strings["Go to Your Contacts Page"] = "Consulter vos Contacts";
+$a->strings["Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site URL in the Add New Contact dialog."] = "Votre page Contacts est le point d'entrée vers la gestion de vos amitiés/relations et la connexion à des amis venant d'autres réseaux. Typiquement, vous pourrez y rentrer leur adresse d'Identité ou l'URL de leur site dans le formulaire Ajouter un nouveau contact .";
+$a->strings["Go to Your Site's Directory"] = "Consulter l'Annuaire de votre Site";
+$a->strings["The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."] = "La page Annuaire vous permet de trouver d'autres personnes au sein de ce réseaux ou parmi d'autres sites fédérés. Cherchez un lien Relier ou Suivre sur leur profil. Vous pourrez avoir besoin d'indiquer votre adresse d'identité.";
+$a->strings["Finding New People"] = "Trouver de nouvelles personnes";
+$a->strings["On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 hours."] = "Sur le panneau latéral de la page Contacts, il y a plusieurs moyens de trouver de nouveaux amis. Nous pouvons mettre les gens en relation selon leurs intérêts, rechercher des amis par nom ou intérêt, et fournir des suggestions en fonction de la topologie du réseau. Sur un site tout neuf, les suggestions d'amitié devraient commencer à apparaître au bout de 24 heures.";
+$a->strings["Group Your Contacts"] = "Grouper vos contacts";
+$a->strings["Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with each group privately on your Network page."] = "Une fois que vous avez trouvé quelques amis, organisez-les en groupes de conversation privés depuis le panneau latéral de la page Contacts. Vous pourrez ensuite interagir avec chaque groupe de manière privée depuis la page Réseau.";
+$a->strings["Why Aren't My Posts Public?"] = "Pourquoi mes éléments ne sont pas publics ?";
+$a->strings["Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section from the link above."] = "Friendica respecte votre vie privée. Par défaut, toutes vos publications seront seulement montrés à vos amis. Pour plus d'information, consultez la section \"aide\" du lien ci-dessus.";
+$a->strings["Getting Help"] = "Obtenir de l'aide";
+$a->strings["Go to the Help Section"] = "Aller à la section Aide";
+$a->strings["Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program features and resources."] = "Nos pages d'aide peuvent être consultées pour davantage de détails sur les fonctionnalités ou les ressources.";
+$a->strings["Remove My Account"] = "Supprimer mon compte";
+$a->strings["This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not recoverable."] = "Ceci supprimera totalement votre compte. Cette opération est irréversible.";
+$a->strings["Please enter your password for verification:"] = "Merci de saisir votre mot de passe pour vérification :";
+$a->strings["Item not found"] = "Élément introuvable";
+$a->strings["Edit post"] = "Éditer la publication";
+$a->strings["Warning: This group contains %s member from an insecure network."] = array(
+ 0 => "Attention: Ce groupe contient %s membre d'un réseau non-sûr.",
+ 1 => "Attention: Ce groupe contient %s membres d'un réseau non-sûr.",
+$a->strings["Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure."] = "Les messages privés envoyés à ce groupe s'exposent à une diffusion incontrôlée.";
+$a->strings["No such group"] = "Groupe inexistant";
+$a->strings["Group is empty"] = "Groupe vide";
+$a->strings["Group: %s"] = "Group : %s";
+$a->strings["Private messages to this person are at risk of public disclosure."] = "Les messages privés envoyés à ce contact s'exposent à une diffusion incontrôlée.";
+$a->strings["Invalid contact."] = "Contact invalide.";
+$a->strings["Commented Order"] = "Tri par commentaires";
+$a->strings["Sort by Comment Date"] = "Trier par date de commentaire";
+$a->strings["Posted Order"] = "Tri des publications";
+$a->strings["Sort by Post Date"] = "Trier par date de publication";
+$a->strings["Posts that mention or involve you"] = "Publications qui vous concernent";
+$a->strings["New"] = "Nouveau";
+$a->strings["Activity Stream - by date"] = "Flux d'activités - par date";
+$a->strings["Shared Links"] = "Liens partagés";
+$a->strings["Interesting Links"] = "Liens intéressants";
+$a->strings["Starred"] = "Mis en avant";
+$a->strings["Favourite Posts"] = "Publications favorites";
+$a->strings["Not available."] = "Indisponible.";
+$a->strings["Time Conversion"] = "Conversion temporelle";
+$a->strings["Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and friends in unknown timezones."] = "Friendica fournit ce service pour partager des événements avec d'autres réseaux et amis indépendament de leur fuseau horaire.";
+$a->strings["UTC time: %s"] = "Temps UTC : %s";
+$a->strings["Current timezone: %s"] = "Zone de temps courante : %s";
+$a->strings["Converted localtime: %s"] = "Temps local converti : %s";
+$a->strings["Please select your timezone:"] = "Sélectionner votre zone :";
+$a->strings["The post was created"] = "La publication a été créée";
+$a->strings["Group created."] = "Groupe créé.";
+$a->strings["Could not create group."] = "Impossible de créer le groupe.";
+$a->strings["Group not found."] = "Groupe introuvable.";
+$a->strings["Group name changed."] = "Groupe renommé.";
+$a->strings["Save Group"] = "Sauvegarder le groupe";
+$a->strings["Create a group of contacts/friends."] = "Créez un groupe de contacts/amis.";
+$a->strings["Group removed."] = "Groupe enlevé.";
+$a->strings["Unable to remove group."] = "Impossible d'enlever le groupe.";
+$a->strings["Group Editor"] = "Éditeur de groupe";
+$a->strings["Members"] = "Membres";
+$a->strings["All Contacts"] = "Tous les contacts";
+$a->strings["Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."] = "Nombre de messages de mur quotidiens pour %s dépassé. Échec du message.";
+$a->strings["No recipient selected."] = "Pas de destinataire sélectionné.";
+$a->strings["Unable to check your home location."] = "Impossible de vérifier votre localisation.";
+$a->strings["Message could not be sent."] = "Impossible d'envoyer le message.";
+$a->strings["Message collection failure."] = "Récupération des messages infructueuse.";
+$a->strings["Message sent."] = "Message envoyé.";
+$a->strings["No recipient."] = "Pas de destinataire.";
+$a->strings["Send Private Message"] = "Envoyer un message privé";
+$a->strings["If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on your site allow private mail from unknown senders."] = "Si vous souhaitez que %s réponde, merci de vérifier vos réglages pour autoriser les messages privés venant d'inconnus.";
+$a->strings["To:"] = "À:";
+$a->strings["Subject:"] = "Sujet:";
+$a->strings["link"] = "lien";
+$a->strings["Authorize application connection"] = "Autoriser l'application à se connecter";
+$a->strings["Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"] = "Retournez à votre application et saisissez ce Code de Sécurité : ";
+$a->strings["Please login to continue."] = "Merci de vous connecter pour continuer.";
+$a->strings["Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts, and/or create new posts for you?"] = "Voulez-vous autoriser cette application à accéder à vos publications et contacts, et/ou à créer des billets à votre place?";
$a->strings["Source (bbcode) text:"] = "Texte source (bbcode) :";
$a->strings["Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"] = "Texte source (Diaspora) à convertir en BBcode :";
$a->strings["Source input: "] = "Source input : ";
@@ -353,26 +976,19 @@ $a->strings["bb2dia2bb: "] = "bb2dia2bb : ";
$a->strings["bb2md2html2bb: "] = "bb2md2html2bb : ";
$a->strings["Source input (Diaspora format): "] = "Texte source (format Diaspora) :";
$a->strings["diaspora2bb: "] = "diaspora2bb :";
-$a->strings["Nothing new here"] = "Rien de neuf ici";
-$a->strings["Clear notifications"] = "Effacer les notifications";
-$a->strings["New Message"] = "Nouveau message";
-$a->strings["No recipient selected."] = "Pas de destinataire sélectionné.";
+$a->strings["Subscribing to OStatus contacts"] = "Inscription aux contacts OStatus";
+$a->strings["No contact provided."] = "Pas de contact fourni.";
+$a->strings["Couldn't fetch information for contact."] = "Impossible de récupérer les informations pour ce contact.";
+$a->strings["Couldn't fetch friends for contact."] = "Impossible de récupérer les amis de ce contact.";
+$a->strings["success"] = "réussite";
+$a->strings["failed"] = "échec";
+$a->strings["ignored"] = "ignoré";
+$a->strings["%1\$s welcomes %2\$s"] = "%1\$s accueille %2\$s";
+$a->strings["Tips for New Members"] = "Conseils aux nouveaux venus";
$a->strings["Unable to locate contact information."] = "Impossible de localiser les informations du contact.";
-$a->strings["Message could not be sent."] = "Impossible d'envoyer le message.";
-$a->strings["Message collection failure."] = "Récupération des messages infructueuse.";
-$a->strings["Message sent."] = "Message envoyé.";
-$a->strings["Messages"] = "Messages";
$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this message?"] = "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce message ?";
$a->strings["Message deleted."] = "Message supprimé.";
$a->strings["Conversation removed."] = "Conversation supprimée.";
-$a->strings["Please enter a link URL:"] = "Entrez un lien web:";
-$a->strings["Send Private Message"] = "Envoyer un message privé";
-$a->strings["To:"] = "À:";
-$a->strings["Subject:"] = "Sujet:";
-$a->strings["Your message:"] = "Votre message:";
-$a->strings["Upload photo"] = "Joindre photo";
-$a->strings["Insert web link"] = "Insérer lien web";
-$a->strings["Please wait"] = "Patientez";
$a->strings["No messages."] = "Aucun message.";
$a->strings["Message not available."] = "Message indisponible.";
$a->strings["Delete message"] = "Effacer message";
@@ -387,9 +1003,12 @@ $a->strings["%d message"] = array(
0 => "%d message",
1 => "%d messages",
-$a->strings["[Embedded content - reload page to view]"] = "[contenu incorporé - rechargez la page pour le voir]";
+$a->strings["Manage Identities and/or Pages"] = "Gérer les identités et/ou les pages";
+$a->strings["Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"] = "Basculez entre les différentes identités ou pages (groupes/communautés) qui se partagent votre compte ou que vous avez été autorisé à gérer.";
+$a->strings["Select an identity to manage: "] = "Choisir une identité à gérer: ";
$a->strings["Contact settings applied."] = "Réglages du contact appliqués.";
$a->strings["Contact update failed."] = "Impossible d'appliquer les réglages.";
+$a->strings["Contact not found."] = "Contact introuvable.";
$a->strings["WARNING: This is highly advanced and if you enter incorrect information your communications with this contact may stop working."] = "ATTENTION: Manipulation réservée aux experts , toute information incorrecte pourrait empêcher la communication avec ce contact.";
$a->strings["Please use your browser 'Back' button now if you are uncertain what to do on this page."] = "une photo";
$a->strings["No mirroring"] = "Pas de miroir";
@@ -397,6 +1016,9 @@ $a->strings["Mirror as forwarded posting"] = "";
$a->strings["Mirror as my own posting"] = "";
$a->strings["Return to contact editor"] = "Retour à l'éditeur de contact";
$a->strings["Refetch contact data"] = "Récupérer à nouveau les données de contact";
+$a->strings["Remote Self"] = "Identité à distance";
+$a->strings["Mirror postings from this contact"] = "Copier les publications de ce contact";
+$a->strings["Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new entries from this contact."] = "Marquer ce contact comme étant remote_self, friendica republiera alors les nouvelles entrées de ce contact.";
$a->strings["Name"] = "Nom";
$a->strings["Account Nickname"] = "Pseudo du compte";
$a->strings["@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname"] = "@NomEtiquette - prend le pas sur Nom/Pseudo";
@@ -406,35 +1028,664 @@ $a->strings["Friend Confirm URL"] = "Accès public refusé.";
$a->strings["Notification Endpoint URL"] = "Aucune photo sélectionnée";
$a->strings["Poll/Feed URL"] = "Téléverser des photos";
$a->strings["New photo from this URL"] = "Nouvelle photo depuis cette URL";
-$a->strings["Remote Self"] = "Identité à distance";
-$a->strings["Mirror postings from this contact"] = "";
-$a->strings["Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new entries from this contact."] = "Marquer ce contact comme étant remote_self, friendica republiera alors les nouvelles entrées de ce contact.";
-$a->strings["Login"] = "Connexion";
-$a->strings["The post was created"] = "La publication a été créée";
-$a->strings["Access denied."] = "Accès refusé.";
-$a->strings["Connect"] = "Relier";
-$a->strings["View Profile"] = "Voir le profil";
+$a->strings["This introduction has already been accepted."] = "Cette introduction a déjà été acceptée.";
+$a->strings["Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."] = "L'emplacement du profil est invalide ou ne contient pas de profil valide.";
+$a->strings["Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."] = "Attention: l'emplacement du profil n'a pas de nom identifiable.";
+$a->strings["Warning: profile location has no profile photo."] = "Attention: l'emplacement du profil n'a pas de photo de profil.";
+$a->strings["%d required parameter was not found at the given location"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d paramètre requis n'a pas été trouvé à l'endroit indiqué",
+ 1 => "%d paramètres requis n'ont pas été trouvés à l'endroit indiqué",
+$a->strings["Introduction complete."] = "Phase d'introduction achevée.";
+$a->strings["Unrecoverable protocol error."] = "Erreur de protocole non-récupérable.";
+$a->strings["Profile unavailable."] = "Profil indisponible.";
+$a->strings["%s has received too many connection requests today."] = "%s a reçu trop de demandes d'introduction aujourd'hui.";
+$a->strings["Spam protection measures have been invoked."] = "Des mesures de protection contre le spam ont été déclenchées.";
+$a->strings["Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."] = "Les relations sont encouragées à attendre 24 heures pour recommencer.";
+$a->strings["Invalid locator"] = "Localisateur invalide";
+$a->strings["Invalid email address."] = "Adresse courriel invalide.";
+$a->strings["This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."] = "Ce compte n'a pas été configuré pour les échanges de courriel. Requête avortée.";
+$a->strings["You have already introduced yourself here."] = "Vous vous êtes déjà présenté ici.";
+$a->strings["Apparently you are already friends with %s."] = "Il semblerait que vous soyez déjà ami avec %s.";
+$a->strings["Invalid profile URL."] = "URL de profil invalide.";
+$a->strings["Failed to update contact record."] = "Échec de mise à jour du contact.";
+$a->strings["Your introduction has been sent."] = "Votre introduction a été envoyée.";
+$a->strings["Remote subscription can't be done for your network. Please subscribe directly on your system."] = "";
+$a->strings["Please login to confirm introduction."] = "Connectez-vous pour confirmer l'introduction.";
+$a->strings["Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to this profile."] = "Identité incorrecte actuellement connectée. Merci de vous connecter à ce profil.";
+$a->strings["Confirm"] = "Confirmer";
+$a->strings["Hide this contact"] = "Cacher ce contact";
+$a->strings["Welcome home %s."] = "Bienvenue chez vous, %s.";
+$a->strings["Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."] = "Merci de confirmer votre demande d'introduction auprès de %s.";
+$a->strings["Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported communications networks:"] = "Merci d'entrer votre \"adresse d'identité\" de l'un des réseaux de communication suivant:";
+$a->strings["If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and join us today ."] = "Si vous n’êtes pas encore membre du web social libre, suivez ce lien pour trouver un site Friendica ouvert au public et nous rejoindre dès aujourd’hui .";
+$a->strings["Friend/Connection Request"] = "Requête de relation/amitié";
+$a->strings["Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca"] = "Exemples : jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca";
+$a->strings["StatusNet/Federated Social Web"] = "StatusNet/Federated Social Web";
+$a->strings[" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search bar."] = " - merci de ne pas utiliser ce formulaire. Entrez plutôt %s dans votre barre de recherche Diaspora.";
+$a->strings["This entry was edited"] = "Cette entrée à été édité";
+$a->strings["%d comment"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d commentaire",
+ 1 => "%d commentaires",
+$a->strings["Private Message"] = "Message privé";
+$a->strings["I like this (toggle)"] = "J'aime";
+$a->strings["like"] = "aime";
+$a->strings["I don't like this (toggle)"] = "Je n'aime pas";
+$a->strings["dislike"] = "n'aime pas";
+$a->strings["Share this"] = "Partager";
+$a->strings["share"] = "partager";
+$a->strings["This is you"] = "C'est vous";
+$a->strings["Comment"] = "Commenter";
+$a->strings["Bold"] = "Gras";
+$a->strings["Italic"] = "Italique";
+$a->strings["Underline"] = "Souligné";
+$a->strings["Quote"] = "Citation";
+$a->strings["Code"] = "Code";
+$a->strings["Image"] = "Image";
+$a->strings["Link"] = "Lien";
+$a->strings["Video"] = "Vidéo";
+$a->strings["Edit"] = "Éditer";
+$a->strings["add star"] = "mett en avant";
+$a->strings["remove star"] = "ne plus mettre en avant";
+$a->strings["toggle star status"] = "mettre en avant";
+$a->strings["starred"] = "mis en avant";
+$a->strings["add tag"] = "ajouter une étiquette";
+$a->strings["ignore thread"] = "ignorer le fil";
+$a->strings["unignore thread"] = "Ne plus ignorer le fil";
+$a->strings["toggle ignore status"] = "Ignorer le statut";
+$a->strings["save to folder"] = "sauver vers dossier";
+$a->strings["I will attend"] = "Je vais participer";
+$a->strings["I will not attend"] = "Je ne vais pas participer";
+$a->strings["I might attend"] = "Je vais peut-être participer";
+$a->strings["to"] = "à";
+$a->strings["Wall-to-Wall"] = "Inter-mur";
+$a->strings["via Wall-To-Wall:"] = "en Inter-mur:";
+$a->strings["%d contact edited."] = array(
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "",
+$a->strings["Could not access contact record."] = "Impossible d'accéder à l'enregistrement du contact.";
+$a->strings["Could not locate selected profile."] = "Impossible de localiser le profil séléctionné.";
+$a->strings["Contact updated."] = "Contact mis à jour.";
+$a->strings["Contact has been blocked"] = "Le contact a été bloqué";
+$a->strings["Contact has been unblocked"] = "Le contact n'est plus bloqué";
+$a->strings["Contact has been ignored"] = "Le contact a été ignoré";
+$a->strings["Contact has been unignored"] = "Le contact n'est plus ignoré";
+$a->strings["Contact has been archived"] = "Contact archivé";
+$a->strings["Contact has been unarchived"] = "Contact désarchivé";
+$a->strings["Drop contact"] = "Supprimer contact";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this contact?"] = "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce contact?";
+$a->strings["Contact has been removed."] = "Ce contact a été retiré.";
+$a->strings["You are mutual friends with %s"] = "Vous êtes ami (et réciproquement) avec %s";
+$a->strings["You are sharing with %s"] = "Vous partagez avec %s";
+$a->strings["%s is sharing with you"] = "%s partage avec vous";
+$a->strings["Private communications are not available for this contact."] = "Les communications privées ne sont pas disponibles pour ce contact.";
+$a->strings["Never"] = "Jamais";
+$a->strings["(Update was successful)"] = "(Mise à jour effectuée avec succès)";
+$a->strings["(Update was not successful)"] = "(Échec de la mise à jour)";
+$a->strings["Suggest friends"] = "Suggérer amitié/contact";
+$a->strings["Network type: %s"] = "Type de réseau %s";
+$a->strings["Communications lost with this contact!"] = "Communications perdues avec ce contact !";
+$a->strings["Fetch further information for feeds"] = "Chercher plus d'informations pour les flux";
+$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Désactivé";
+$a->strings["Fetch information"] = "Récupérer informations";
+$a->strings["Fetch information and keywords"] = "Récupérer informations";
+$a->strings["Contact"] = "Contact";
+$a->strings["Profile Visibility"] = "Visibilité du profil";
+$a->strings["Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely."] = "Merci de choisir le profil que vous souhaitez montrer à %s lorsqu'il vous rend visite de manière sécurisée.";
+$a->strings["Contact Information / Notes"] = "Informations de contact / Notes";
+$a->strings["Edit contact notes"] = "Éditer les notes des contacts";
+$a->strings["Block/Unblock contact"] = "Bloquer/débloquer ce contact";
+$a->strings["Ignore contact"] = "Ignorer ce contact";
+$a->strings["Repair URL settings"] = "Réglages de réparation des URL";
+$a->strings["View conversations"] = "Voir les conversations";
+$a->strings["Last update:"] = "Dernière mise-à-jour :";
+$a->strings["Update public posts"] = "Mettre à jour les publications publiques:";
+$a->strings["Update now"] = "Mettre à jour";
+$a->strings["Unblock"] = "Débloquer";
+$a->strings["Block"] = "Bloquer";
+$a->strings["Unignore"] = "Ne plus ignorer";
+$a->strings["Ignore"] = "Ignorer";
+$a->strings["Currently blocked"] = "Actuellement bloqué";
+$a->strings["Currently ignored"] = "Actuellement ignoré";
+$a->strings["Currently archived"] = "Actuellement archivé";
+$a->strings["Hide this contact from others"] = "Cacher ce contact aux autres";
+$a->strings["Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"] = "Les réponses et \"j'aime\" à vos publications publiques peuvent être toujours visibles";
+$a->strings["Notification for new posts"] = "Notification des nouvelles publications";
+$a->strings["Send a notification of every new post of this contact"] = "Envoyer une notification de chaque nouveau message en provenance de ce contact";
+$a->strings["Blacklisted keywords"] = "Mots-clés sur la liste noire";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"] = "Liste de mots-clés separés par des virgules qui ne doivent pas être converti en mots-dièse quand « Récupérer informations et mots-clés » est sélectionné.";
+$a->strings["Actions"] = "Actions";
+$a->strings["Contact Settings"] = "Paramètres du Contact";
+$a->strings["Suggestions"] = "Suggestions";
+$a->strings["Suggest potential friends"] = "Suggérer des amis potentiels";
+$a->strings["Show all contacts"] = "Montrer tous les contacts";
+$a->strings["Unblocked"] = "Non-bloqués";
+$a->strings["Only show unblocked contacts"] = "Ne montrer que les contacts non-bloqués";
+$a->strings["Blocked"] = "Bloqués";
+$a->strings["Only show blocked contacts"] = "Ne montrer que les contacts bloqués";
+$a->strings["Ignored"] = "Ignorés";
+$a->strings["Only show ignored contacts"] = "Ne montrer que les contacts ignorés";
+$a->strings["Archived"] = "Archivés";
+$a->strings["Only show archived contacts"] = "Ne montrer que les contacts archivés";
+$a->strings["Hidden"] = "Cachés";
+$a->strings["Only show hidden contacts"] = "Ne montrer que les contacts masqués";
+$a->strings["Search your contacts"] = "Rechercher dans vos contacts";
+$a->strings["Update"] = "Mises-à-jour";
+$a->strings["Archive"] = "Archiver";
+$a->strings["Unarchive"] = "Désarchiver";
+$a->strings["Batch Actions"] = "Actions multiples";
+$a->strings["View all contacts"] = "Voir tous les contacts";
+$a->strings["View all common friends"] = "Voir tous les amis communs";
+$a->strings["Advanced Contact Settings"] = "Réglages avancés du contact";
+$a->strings["Mutual Friendship"] = "Relation réciproque";
+$a->strings["is a fan of yours"] = "Vous suit";
+$a->strings["you are a fan of"] = "Vous le/la suivez";
+$a->strings["Toggle Blocked status"] = "(dés)activer l'état \"bloqué\"";
+$a->strings["Toggle Ignored status"] = "(dés)activer l'état \"ignoré\"";
+$a->strings["Toggle Archive status"] = "(dés)activer l'état \"archivé\"";
+$a->strings["Delete contact"] = "Effacer ce contact";
+$a->strings["Profile not found."] = "Profil introuvable.";
+$a->strings["This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it has already been approved."] = "Ceci peut se produire lorsque le contact a été requis par les deux personnes et a déjà été approuvé.";
+$a->strings["Response from remote site was not understood."] = "Réponse du site distant incomprise.";
+$a->strings["Unexpected response from remote site: "] = "Réponse inattendue du site distant : ";
+$a->strings["Confirmation completed successfully."] = "Confirmation achevée avec succès.";
+$a->strings["Remote site reported: "] = "Alerte du site distant : ";
+$a->strings["Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."] = "Échec temporaire. Merci de recommencer ultérieurement.";
+$a->strings["Introduction failed or was revoked."] = "Introduction échouée ou annulée.";
+$a->strings["Unable to set contact photo."] = "Impossible de définir la photo du contact.";
+$a->strings["No user record found for '%s' "] = "Pas d'utilisateur trouvé pour '%s' ";
+$a->strings["Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."] = "Notre clé de chiffrement de site est apparemment corrompue.";
+$a->strings["Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."] = "URL de site absente ou indéchiffrable.";
+$a->strings["Contact record was not found for you on our site."] = "Pas d'entrée pour ce contact sur notre site.";
+$a->strings["Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s."] = "La clé publique du site ne se trouve pas dans l'enregistrement du contact pour l'URL %s.";
+$a->strings["The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work if you try again."] = "L'identifiant fourni par votre système fait doublon sur le notre. Cela peut fonctionner si vous réessayez.";
+$a->strings["Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."] = "Impossible de vous définir des permissions sur notre système.";
+$a->strings["Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"] = "Impossible de mettre les détails de votre profil à jour sur notre système";
+$a->strings["%1\$s has joined %2\$s"] = "%1\$s a rejoint %2\$s";
$a->strings["People Search - %s"] = "Recherche de personne - %s";
-$a->strings["No matches"] = "Aucune correspondance";
-$a->strings["Photos"] = "Photos";
-$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Photos du contact";
-$a->strings["Files"] = "Fichiers";
-$a->strings["Contacts who are not members of a group"] = "Contacts qui n’appartiennent à aucun groupe";
+$a->strings["Forum Search - %s"] = "Recherche de Forum - %s";
+$a->strings["Friend suggestion sent."] = "Suggestion d'amitié/contact envoyée.";
+$a->strings["Suggest Friends"] = "Suggérer des amis/contacts";
+$a->strings["Suggest a friend for %s"] = "Suggérer un ami/contact pour %s";
+$a->strings["Unable to locate original post."] = "Impossible de localiser la publication originale.";
+$a->strings["Empty post discarded."] = "Publication vide rejetée.";
+$a->strings["System error. Post not saved."] = "Erreur système. Publication non sauvée.";
+$a->strings["This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social network."] = "Ce message vous a été envoyé par %s, membre du réseau social Friendica.";
+$a->strings["You may visit them online at %s"] = "Vous pouvez leur rendre visite sur %s";
+$a->strings["Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to receive these messages."] = "Merci de contacter l’émetteur en répondant à cette publication si vous ne souhaitez pas recevoir ces messages.";
+$a->strings["%s posted an update."] = "%s a publié une mise à jour.";
+$a->strings["Mood"] = "Humeur";
+$a->strings["Set your current mood and tell your friends"] = "Spécifiez votre humeur du moment, et informez vos amis";
+$a->strings["Poke/Prod"] = "Solliciter";
+$a->strings["poke, prod or do other things to somebody"] = "solliciter (poke/...) quelqu'un";
+$a->strings["Recipient"] = "Destinataire";
+$a->strings["Choose what you wish to do to recipient"] = "Choisissez ce que vous voulez faire au destinataire";
+$a->strings["Make this post private"] = "Rendez ce message privé";
+$a->strings["Image uploaded but image cropping failed."] = "Image envoyée, mais impossible de la retailler.";
+$a->strings["Image size reduction [%s] failed."] = "Réduction de la taille de l'image [%s] échouée.";
+$a->strings["Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not display immediately."] = "Rechargez la page avec la touche Maj pressée, ou bien effacez le cache du navigateur, si d'aventure la nouvelle photo n'apparaissait pas immédiatement.";
+$a->strings["Unable to process image"] = "Impossible de traiter l'image";
+$a->strings["Upload File:"] = "Fichier à téléverser:";
+$a->strings["Select a profile:"] = "Choisir un profil:";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Téléverser";
+$a->strings["or"] = "ou";
+$a->strings["skip this step"] = "ignorer cette étape";
+$a->strings["select a photo from your photo albums"] = "choisissez une photo depuis vos albums";
+$a->strings["Crop Image"] = "(Re)cadrer l'image";
+$a->strings["Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."] = "Ajustez le cadre de l'image pour une visualisation optimale.";
+$a->strings["Done Editing"] = "Édition terminée";
+$a->strings["Image uploaded successfully."] = "Image téléversée avec succès.";
+$a->strings["Profile deleted."] = "Profil supprimé.";
+$a->strings["Profile-"] = "Profil-";
+$a->strings["New profile created."] = "Nouveau profil créé.";
+$a->strings["Profile unavailable to clone."] = "Ce profil ne peut être cloné.";
+$a->strings["Profile Name is required."] = "Le nom du profil est requis.";
+$a->strings["Marital Status"] = "Statut marital";
+$a->strings["Romantic Partner"] = "Partenaire / conjoint";
+$a->strings["Work/Employment"] = "Travail / Occupation";
+$a->strings["Religion"] = "Religion";
+$a->strings["Political Views"] = "Tendance politique";
+$a->strings["Gender"] = "Sexe";
+$a->strings["Sexual Preference"] = "Préférence sexuelle";
+$a->strings["Homepage"] = "Site internet";
+$a->strings["Interests"] = "Centres d'intérêt";
+$a->strings["Address"] = "Adresse";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "Localisation";
+$a->strings["Profile updated."] = "Profil mis à jour.";
+$a->strings[" and "] = " et ";
+$a->strings["public profile"] = "profil public";
+$a->strings["%1\$s changed %2\$s to “%3\$s”"] = "%1\$s a changé %2\$s en “%3\$s”";
+$a->strings[" - Visit %1\$s's %2\$s"] = "Visiter le %2\$s de %1\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s has an updated %2\$s, changing %3\$s."] = "%1\$s a mis à jour son %2\$s, en modifiant %3\$s.";
+$a->strings["Hide contacts and friends:"] = "Cacher mes contacts et amis :";
+$a->strings["Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"] = "Cacher ma liste d'amis / contacts des visiteurs de ce profil ?";
+$a->strings["Show more profile fields:"] = "Afficher plus d'infos de profil:";
+$a->strings["Profile Actions"] = "Actions de Profil";
+$a->strings["Edit Profile Details"] = "Éditer les détails du profil";
+$a->strings["Change Profile Photo"] = "Changer la photo du profil";
+$a->strings["View this profile"] = "Voir ce profil";
+$a->strings["Create a new profile using these settings"] = "Créer un nouveau profil en utilisant ces réglages";
+$a->strings["Clone this profile"] = "Cloner ce profil";
+$a->strings["Delete this profile"] = "Supprimer ce profil";
+$a->strings["Basic information"] = "Information de base";
+$a->strings["Profile picture"] = "Image de profil";
+$a->strings["Preferences"] = "Préférences";
+$a->strings["Status information"] = "Information sur le statut";
+$a->strings["Additional information"] = "Information additionnelle";
+$a->strings["Relation"] = "Relation";
+$a->strings["Your Gender:"] = "Votre genre :";
+$a->strings["♥ Marital Status:"] = "♥ Statut marital :";
+$a->strings["Example: fishing photography software"] = "Exemple : football dessin programmation";
+$a->strings["Profile Name:"] = "Nom du profil :";
+$a->strings["Required"] = "Requis";
+$a->strings["This is your public profile. It may be visible to anybody using the internet."] = "Ceci est votre profil public . Il peut être visible par n'importe quel utilisateur d'Internet.";
+$a->strings["Your Full Name:"] = "Votre nom complet :";
+$a->strings["Title/Description:"] = "Titre / Description :";
+$a->strings["Street Address:"] = "Adresse postale :";
+$a->strings["Locality/City:"] = "Ville / Localité :";
+$a->strings["Region/State:"] = "Région / État :";
+$a->strings["Postal/Zip Code:"] = "Code postal :";
+$a->strings["Country:"] = "Pays :";
+$a->strings["Who: (if applicable)"] = "Qui : (si pertinent)";
+$a->strings["Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"] = "Exemples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com";
+$a->strings["Since [date]:"] = "Depuis [date] :";
+$a->strings["Tell us about yourself..."] = "Parlez-nous de vous...";
+$a->strings["Homepage URL:"] = "Page personnelle :";
+$a->strings["Religious Views:"] = "Opinions religieuses :";
+$a->strings["Public Keywords:"] = "Mots-clés publics :";
+$a->strings["(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"] = "(Utilisés pour vous suggérer des amis potentiels, peuvent être vus par autrui)";
+$a->strings["Private Keywords:"] = "Mots-clés privés :";
+$a->strings["(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"] = "(Utilisés pour rechercher dans les profils, ne seront jamais montrés à autrui)";
+$a->strings["Musical interests"] = "Goûts musicaux";
+$a->strings["Books, literature"] = "Lectures";
+$a->strings["Television"] = "Télévision";
+$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment"] = "Cinéma / Danse / Culture / Divertissement";
+$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests"] = "Passe-temps / Centres d'intérêt";
+$a->strings["Love/romance"] = "Amour / Romance";
+$a->strings["Work/employment"] = "Activité professionnelle / Occupation";
+$a->strings["School/education"] = "Études / Formation";
+$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks"] = "Coordonnées / Réseaux sociaux";
+$a->strings["Edit/Manage Profiles"] = "Editer / gérer les profils";
+$a->strings["Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."] = "Inscription réussie. Vérifiez vos emails pour la suite des instructions.";
+$a->strings["Failed to send email message. Here your accout details: login: %s password: %s You can change your password after login."] = "Impossible d’envoyer le courriel de confirmation. Voici vos informations de connexion: identifiant : %s mot de passe : %s Vous pourrez changer votre mot de passe une fois connecté.";
+$a->strings["Registration successful."] = "Inscription réussie.";
+$a->strings["Your registration can not be processed."] = "Votre inscription ne peut être traitée.";
+$a->strings["Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."] = "Votre inscription attend une validation du propriétaire du site.";
+$a->strings["You may (optionally) fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID and clicking 'Register'."] = "Vous pouvez (si vous le souhaitez) remplir ce formulaire via OpenID. Fournissez votre OpenID et cliquez \"S'inscrire\".";
+$a->strings["If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill in the rest of the items."] = "Si vous n'êtes pas familier avec OpenID, laissez ce champ vide et remplissez le reste.";
+$a->strings["Your OpenID (optional): "] = "Votre OpenID (facultatif): ";
+$a->strings["Include your profile in member directory?"] = "Inclure votre profil dans l'annuaire des membres?";
+$a->strings["Membership on this site is by invitation only."] = "L'inscription à ce site se fait uniquement sur invitation.";
+$a->strings["Your invitation ID: "] = "Votre ID d'invitation: ";
+$a->strings["Registration"] = "Inscription";
+$a->strings["Your Full Name (e.g. Joe Smith, real or real-looking): "] = "Votre nom complet (p. ex. Michel Dupont):";
+$a->strings["Your Email Address: "] = "Votre adresse courriel: ";
+$a->strings["New Password:"] = "Nouveau mot de passe:";
+$a->strings["Leave empty for an auto generated password."] = "Laisser ce champ libre pour obtenir un mot de passe généré automatiquement.";
+$a->strings["Confirm:"] = "Confirmer:";
+$a->strings["Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your profile address on this site will then be 'nickname@\$sitename '."] = "Choisissez un pseudo. Celui devra commencer par une lettre. L'adresse de votre profil en découlera sous la forme '<strong>pseudo@\$sitename</strong>'.";
+$a->strings["Choose a nickname: "] = "Choisir un pseudo: ";
+$a->strings["Import your profile to this friendica instance"] = "Importer votre profile dans cette instance de friendica";
+$a->strings["Account approved."] = "Inscription validée.";
+$a->strings["Registration revoked for %s"] = "Inscription révoquée pour %s";
+$a->strings["Please login."] = "Merci de vous connecter.";
+$a->strings["everybody"] = "tout le monde";
+$a->strings["Account"] = "Compte";
+$a->strings["Additional features"] = "Fonctions supplémentaires";
+$a->strings["Display"] = "Afficher";
+$a->strings["Social Networks"] = "Réseaux sociaux";
+$a->strings["Plugins"] = "Extensions";
+$a->strings["Connected apps"] = "Applications connectées";
+$a->strings["Remove account"] = "Supprimer le compte";
+$a->strings["Missing some important data!"] = "Il manque certaines informations importantes!";
+$a->strings["Failed to connect with email account using the settings provided."] = "Impossible de se connecter au compte courriel configuré.";
+$a->strings["Email settings updated."] = "Réglages de courriel mis-à-jour.";
+$a->strings["Features updated"] = "Fonctionnalités mises à jour";
+$a->strings["Relocate message has been send to your contacts"] = "Un message de relocalisation a été envoyé à vos contacts.";
+$a->strings["Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."] = "Les mots de passe vides sont interdits. Aucun changement appliqué.";
+$a->strings["Wrong password."] = "Mauvais mot de passe.";
+$a->strings["Password changed."] = "Mots de passe changés.";
+$a->strings["Password update failed. Please try again."] = "Le changement de mot de passe a échoué. Merci de recommencer.";
+$a->strings[" Please use a shorter name."] = " Merci d'utiliser un nom plus court.";
+$a->strings[" Name too short."] = " Nom trop court.";
+$a->strings["Wrong Password"] = "Mauvais mot de passe";
+$a->strings[" Not valid email."] = " Email invalide.";
+$a->strings[" Cannot change to that email."] = " Impossible de changer pour cet email.";
+$a->strings["Private forum has no privacy permissions. Using default privacy group."] = "Ce forum privé n'a pas de paramètres de vie privée. Utilisation des paramètres de confidentialité par défaut.";
+$a->strings["Private forum has no privacy permissions and no default privacy group."] = "Ce forum privé n'a pas de paramètres de vie privée ni de paramètres de confidentialité par défaut.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Réglages mis à jour.";
+$a->strings["Add application"] = "Ajouter une application";
+$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Sauvegarder les paramétres";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Clé utilisateur";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Secret utilisateur";
+$a->strings["Redirect"] = "Rediriger";
+$a->strings["Icon url"] = "URL de l'icône";
+$a->strings["You can't edit this application."] = "Vous ne pouvez pas éditer cette application.";
+$a->strings["Connected Apps"] = "Applications connectées";
+$a->strings["Client key starts with"] = "La clé cliente commence par";
+$a->strings["No name"] = "Sans nom";
+$a->strings["Remove authorization"] = "Révoquer l'autorisation";
+$a->strings["No Plugin settings configured"] = "Pas de réglages d'extensions configurés";
+$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Extensions";
+$a->strings["Off"] = "Éteint";
+$a->strings["On"] = "Allumé";
+$a->strings["Additional Features"] = "Fonctions supplémentaires";
+$a->strings["General Social Media Settings"] = "Paramètres généraux des réseaux sociaux";
+$a->strings["Disable intelligent shortening"] = "Désactiver la réduction d'URL";
+$a->strings["Normally the system tries to find the best link to add to shortened posts. If this option is enabled then every shortened post will always point to the original friendica post."] = "Normalement, le système tente de trouver le meilleur lien à ajouter aux publications raccourcies. Si cette option est activée, les publications raccourcies dirigeront toujours vers leur publication d'origine sur Friendica.";
+$a->strings["Automatically follow any GNU Social (OStatus) followers/mentioners"] = "Suivre automatiquement ceux qui me suivent ou me mentionnent sur GNU Social (OStatus)";
+$a->strings["If you receive a message from an unknown OStatus user, this option decides what to do. If it is checked, a new contact will be created for every unknown user."] = "Si vous recevez un message d'un utilisateur OStatus inconnu, cette option détermine ce qui sera fait. Si elle est cochée, un nouveau contact sera créé pour chaque utilisateur inconnu.";
+$a->strings["Default group for OStatus contacts"] = "Groupe par défaut pour les contacts OStatus";
+$a->strings["Your legacy GNU Social account"] = "Le compte GNU Social que vous avez déjà";
+$a->strings["If you enter your old GNU Social/Statusnet account name here (in the format user@domain.tld), your contacts will be added automatically. The field will be emptied when done."] = "Si vous entrez le nom de votre ancien compte GNU Social / StatusNet ici (utiliser le format utilisateur@domaine.tld), vos contacts seront ajoutés automatiquement. Le champ sera vidé lorsque ce sera terminé.";
+$a->strings["Repair OStatus subscriptions"] = "Réparer les abonnements OStatus";
+$a->strings["Built-in support for %s connectivity is %s"] = "Le support natif pour la connectivité %s est %s";
+$a->strings["enabled"] = "activé";
+$a->strings["disabled"] = "désactivé";
+$a->strings["GNU Social (OStatus)"] = "GNU Social (OStatus)";
+$a->strings["Email access is disabled on this site."] = "L'accès courriel est désactivé sur ce site.";
+$a->strings["Email/Mailbox Setup"] = "Réglages de courriel/boîte à lettre";
+$a->strings["If you wish to communicate with email contacts using this service (optional), please specify how to connect to your mailbox."] = "Si vous souhaitez communiquer avec vos contacts \"courriel\" (facultatif), merci de nous indiquer comment vous connecter à votre boîte.";
+$a->strings["Last successful email check:"] = "Dernière vérification réussie des courriels:";
+$a->strings["IMAP server name:"] = "Nom du serveur IMAP:";
+$a->strings["IMAP port:"] = "Port IMAP:";
+$a->strings["Security:"] = "Sécurité:";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Aucun(e)";
+$a->strings["Email login name:"] = "Nom de connexion:";
+$a->strings["Email password:"] = "Mot de passe:";
+$a->strings["Reply-to address:"] = "Adresse de réponse:";
+$a->strings["Send public posts to all email contacts:"] = "Envoyer les publications publiques à tous les contacts courriels:";
+$a->strings["Action after import:"] = "Action après import:";
+$a->strings["Move to folder"] = "Déplacer vers";
+$a->strings["Move to folder:"] = "Déplacer vers:";
+$a->strings["No special theme for mobile devices"] = "Pas de thème particulier pour les terminaux mobiles";
+$a->strings["Display Settings"] = "Affichage";
+$a->strings["Display Theme:"] = "Thème d'affichage:";
+$a->strings["Mobile Theme:"] = "Thème mobile:";
+$a->strings["Update browser every xx seconds"] = "Mettre-à-jour l'affichage toutes les xx secondes";
+$a->strings["Minimum of 10 seconds. Enter -1 to disable it."] = "Minimum de 10 secondes. Saisir -1 pour désactiver.";
+$a->strings["Number of items to display per page:"] = "Nombre d’éléments par page:";
+$a->strings["Maximum of 100 items"] = "Maximum de 100 éléments";
+$a->strings["Number of items to display per page when viewed from mobile device:"] = "Nombre d'éléments a afficher par page pour un appareil mobile";
+$a->strings["Don't show emoticons"] = "Ne pas afficher les émoticônes (smileys grahiques)";
+$a->strings["Calendar"] = "Calendrier";
+$a->strings["Beginning of week:"] = "Début de la semaine :";
+$a->strings["Don't show notices"] = "Ne plus afficher les avis";
+$a->strings["Infinite scroll"] = "Défilement infini";
+$a->strings["Automatic updates only at the top of the network page"] = "Mises à jour automatiques seulement en haut de la page du réseau.";
+$a->strings["General Theme Settings"] = "Paramètres généraux de thème";
+$a->strings["Custom Theme Settings"] = "Paramètres personnalisés de thème";
+$a->strings["Content Settings"] = "Paramètres de contenu";
+$a->strings["Theme settings"] = "Réglages du thème graphique";
+$a->strings["User Types"] = "Types d'utilisateurs";
+$a->strings["Community Types"] = "Genre de communautés";
+$a->strings["Normal Account Page"] = "Compte normal";
+$a->strings["This account is a normal personal profile"] = "Ce compte correspond à un profil normal, pour une seule personne (physique, généralement)";
+$a->strings["Soapbox Page"] = "Compte \"boîte à savon\"";
+$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"] = "Accepter automatiquement toutes les demandes d'amitié/connexion comme étant des fans 'en lecture seule'";
+$a->strings["Community Forum/Celebrity Account"] = "Compte de communauté/célébrité";
+$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans"] = "Accepter automatiquement toutes les demandes d'amitié/connexion comme étant des fans en 'lecture/écriture'";
+$a->strings["Automatic Friend Page"] = "Compte d'\"amitié automatique\"";
+$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"] = "Accepter automatiquement toutes les demandes d'amitié/connexion comme étant des amis";
+$a->strings["Private Forum [Experimental]"] = "Forum privé [expérimental]";
+$a->strings["Private forum - approved members only"] = "Forum privé - modéré en inscription";
+$a->strings["OpenID:"] = "OpenID:";
+$a->strings["(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account."] = " (Facultatif) Autoriser cet OpenID à se connecter à ce compte.";
+$a->strings["Publish your default profile in your local site directory?"] = "Publier votre profil par défaut sur l'annuaire local de ce site?";
+$a->strings["Publish your default profile in the global social directory?"] = "Publier votre profil par défaut sur l'annuaire social global?";
+$a->strings["Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of your default profile?"] = "Cacher votre liste de contacts/amis des visiteurs de votre profil par défaut?";
+$a->strings["If enabled, posting public messages to Diaspora and other networks isn't possible."] = "Si activé, il est impossible de publier les messages publics sur Diaspora et autres réseaux.";
+$a->strings["Allow friends to post to your profile page?"] = "Autoriser vos amis à publier sur votre profil?";
+$a->strings["Allow friends to tag your posts?"] = "Autoriser vos amis à étiqueter vos publications?";
+$a->strings["Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?"] = "Autoriser les suggestions d'amis potentiels aux nouveaux arrivants?";
+$a->strings["Permit unknown people to send you private mail?"] = "Autoriser les messages privés d'inconnus?";
+$a->strings["Profile is not published ."] = "Ce profil n'est pas publié .";
+$a->strings["Your Identity Address is '%s' or '%s'."] = "L’adresse de votre identité est '%s' or '%s'.";
+$a->strings["Automatically expire posts after this many days:"] = "Les publications expirent automatiquement après (en jours) :";
+$a->strings["If empty, posts will not expire. Expired posts will be deleted"] = "Si ce champ est vide, les publications n'expireront pas. Les publications expirées seront supprimées";
+$a->strings["Advanced expiration settings"] = "Réglages avancés de l'expiration";
+$a->strings["Advanced Expiration"] = "Expiration (avancé)";
+$a->strings["Expire posts:"] = "Faire expirer les publications:";
+$a->strings["Expire personal notes:"] = "Faire expirer les notes personnelles:";
+$a->strings["Expire starred posts:"] = "Faire expirer les publications marqués:";
+$a->strings["Expire photos:"] = "Faire expirer les photos:";
+$a->strings["Only expire posts by others:"] = "Faire expirer seulement les publications des autres:";
+$a->strings["Account Settings"] = "Compte";
+$a->strings["Password Settings"] = "Réglages de mot de passe";
+$a->strings["Leave password fields blank unless changing"] = "Laissez les champs de mot de passe vierges, sauf si vous désirez les changer";
+$a->strings["Current Password:"] = "Mot de passe actuel:";
+$a->strings["Your current password to confirm the changes"] = "Votre mot de passe actuel pour confirmer les modifications";
+$a->strings["Password:"] = "Mot de passe:";
+$a->strings["Basic Settings"] = "Réglages basiques";
+$a->strings["Email Address:"] = "Adresse courriel:";
+$a->strings["Your Timezone:"] = "Votre fuseau horaire:";
+$a->strings["Your Language:"] = "Votre langue :";
+$a->strings["Set the language we use to show you friendica interface and to send you emails"] = "Détermine la langue que nous utilisons pour afficher votre interface Friendica et pour vous envoyer des courriels";
+$a->strings["Default Post Location:"] = "Emplacement de publication par défaut:";
+$a->strings["Use Browser Location:"] = "Utiliser la localisation géographique du navigateur:";
+$a->strings["Security and Privacy Settings"] = "Réglages de sécurité et vie privée";
+$a->strings["Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"] = "Nombre maximal de requêtes d'amitié/jour:";
+$a->strings["(to prevent spam abuse)"] = "(pour limiter l'impact du spam)";
+$a->strings["Default Post Permissions"] = "Permissions de publication par défaut";
+$a->strings["(click to open/close)"] = "(cliquer pour ouvrir/fermer)";
+$a->strings["Show to Groups"] = "Montrer aux groupes";
+$a->strings["Show to Contacts"] = "Montrer aux Contacts";
+$a->strings["Default Private Post"] = "Message privé par défaut";
+$a->strings["Default Public Post"] = "Message publique par défaut";
+$a->strings["Default Permissions for New Posts"] = "Permissions par défaut pour les nouvelles publications";
+$a->strings["Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:"] = "Maximum de messages privés d'inconnus par jour:";
+$a->strings["Notification Settings"] = "Réglages de notification";
+$a->strings["By default post a status message when:"] = "Par défaut, poster un statut quand:";
+$a->strings["accepting a friend request"] = "j'accepte un ami";
+$a->strings["joining a forum/community"] = "joignant un forum/une communauté";
+$a->strings["making an interesting profile change"] = "je fais une modification intéressante de mon profil";
+$a->strings["Send a notification email when:"] = "Envoyer un courriel de notification quand:";
+$a->strings["You receive an introduction"] = "Vous recevez une introduction";
+$a->strings["Your introductions are confirmed"] = "Vos introductions sont confirmées";
+$a->strings["Someone writes on your profile wall"] = "Quelqu'un écrit sur votre mur";
+$a->strings["Someone writes a followup comment"] = "Quelqu'un vous commente";
+$a->strings["You receive a private message"] = "Vous recevez un message privé";
+$a->strings["You receive a friend suggestion"] = "Vous avez reçu une suggestion d'ami";
+$a->strings["You are tagged in a post"] = "Vous avez été étiquetté dans une publication";
+$a->strings["You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"] = "Vous avez été sollicité dans une publication";
+$a->strings["Activate desktop notifications"] = "Activer les notifications de bureau";
+$a->strings["Show desktop popup on new notifications"] = "Afficher dans des pops-ups les nouvelles notifications";
+$a->strings["Text-only notification emails"] = "Courriels de notification en format texte";
+$a->strings["Send text only notification emails, without the html part"] = "Envoyer le texte des courriels de notification, sans la composante html";
+$a->strings["Advanced Account/Page Type Settings"] = "Paramètres avancés de compte/page";
+$a->strings["Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"] = "Modifier le comportement de ce compte dans certaines situations";
+$a->strings["Relocate"] = "Relocaliser";
+$a->strings["If you have moved this profile from another server, and some of your contacts don't receive your updates, try pushing this button."] = "Si vous avez migré ce profil depuis un autre serveur et que vos contacts ne reçoivent plus vos mises à jour, essayez ce bouton.";
+$a->strings["Resend relocate message to contacts"] = "Renvoyer un message de relocalisation aux contacts.";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this video?"] = "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette vidéo?";
+$a->strings["Delete Video"] = "Supprimer la vidéo";
+$a->strings["No videos selected"] = "Pas de vidéo sélectionné";
+$a->strings["Access to this item is restricted."] = "Accès restreint à cet élément.";
+$a->strings["View Album"] = "Voir l'album";
+$a->strings["Recent Videos"] = "Vidéos récente";
+$a->strings["Upload New Videos"] = "Téléversé une nouvelle vidéo";
+$a->strings["Friendica Communications Server - Setup"] = "Serveur de communications Friendica - Configuration";
+$a->strings["Could not connect to database."] = "Impossible de se connecter à la base.";
+$a->strings["Could not create table."] = "Impossible de créer une table.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica site database has been installed."] = "La base de données de votre site Friendica a bien été installée.";
+$a->strings["You may need to import the file \"database.sql\" manually using phpmyadmin or mysql."] = "Vous pourriez avoir besoin d'importer le fichier \"database.sql\" manuellement au moyen de phpmyadmin ou de la commande mysql.";
+$a->strings["Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\"."] = "Référez-vous au fichier \"INSTALL.txt\".";
+$a->strings["Database already in use."] = "Base de données déjà en cours d'utilisation.";
+$a->strings["System check"] = "Vérifications système";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "Suivant";
+$a->strings["Check again"] = "Vérifier à nouveau";
+$a->strings["Database connection"] = "Connexion à la base de données";
+$a->strings["In order to install Friendica we need to know how to connect to your database."] = "Pour installer Friendica, nous avons besoin de savoir comment contacter votre base de données.";
+$a->strings["Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings."] = "Merci de vous tourner vers votre hébergeur et/ou administrateur pour toute question concernant ces réglages.";
+$a->strings["The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please create it before continuing."] = "La base de données que vous spécifierez doit exister. Si ce n'est pas encore le cas, merci de la créer avant de continuer.";
+$a->strings["Database Server Name"] = "Serveur de base de données";
+$a->strings["Database Login Name"] = "Nom d'utilisateur de la base";
+$a->strings["Database Login Password"] = "Mot de passe de la base";
+$a->strings["Database Name"] = "Nom de la base";
+$a->strings["Site administrator email address"] = "Adresse électronique de l'administrateur du site";
+$a->strings["Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin panel."] = "Votre adresse électronique doit correspondre à celle-ci pour pouvoir utiliser l'interface d'administration.";
+$a->strings["Please select a default timezone for your website"] = "Sélectionner un fuseau horaire par défaut pour votre site";
+$a->strings["Site settings"] = "Réglages du site";
+$a->strings["System Language:"] = "Langue système:";
+$a->strings["Set the default language for your Friendica installation interface and to send emails."] = "Définit la langue par défaut pour l'interface de votre instance Friendica et les mails envoyés.";
+$a->strings["Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH."] = "Impossible de trouver la version \"ligne de commande\" de PHP dans le PATH du serveur web.";
+$a->strings["If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on server, you will not be able to run background polling via cron. See 'Setup the poller' "] = "Si vous n'avez pas une version en ligne de commande de PHP sur votre serveur, vous ne pourrez pas exécuter l'attente active ou « polling » en arrière-plan via cron. Voir 'Setup the poller' .";
+$a->strings["PHP executable path"] = "Chemin vers l'exécutable de PHP";
+$a->strings["Enter full path to php executable. You can leave this blank to continue the installation."] = "Entrez le chemin (absolu) vers l'exécutable 'php'. Vous pouvez laisser cette ligne vide pour continuer l'installation.";
+$a->strings["Command line PHP"] = "Version \"ligne de commande\" de PHP";
+$a->strings["PHP executable is not the php cli binary (could be cgi-fgci version)"] = "L'executable PHP n'est pas le binaire php client (c'est peut être la version cgi-fcgi)";
+$a->strings["Found PHP version: "] = "Version de PHP:";
+$a->strings["PHP cli binary"] = "PHP cli binary";
+$a->strings["The command line version of PHP on your system does not have \"register_argc_argv\" enabled."] = "La version \"ligne de commande\" de PHP de votre système n'a pas \"register_argc_argv\" d'activé.";
+$a->strings["This is required for message delivery to work."] = "Ceci est requis pour que la livraison des messages fonctionne.";
+$a->strings["PHP register_argc_argv"] = "PHP register_argc_argv";
+$a->strings["Error: the \"openssl_pkey_new\" function on this system is not able to generate encryption keys"] = "Erreur: la fonction \"openssl_pkey_new\" de ce système ne permet pas de générer des clés de chiffrement";
+$a->strings["If running under Windows, please see \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\"."] = "Si vous utilisez Windows, merci de vous réferer à \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\".";
+$a->strings["Generate encryption keys"] = "Générer les clés de chiffrement";
+$a->strings["libCurl PHP module"] = "Module libCurl de PHP";
+$a->strings["GD graphics PHP module"] = "Module GD (graphiques) de PHP";
+$a->strings["OpenSSL PHP module"] = "Module OpenSSL de PHP";
+$a->strings["mysqli PHP module"] = "Module Mysqli de PHP";
+$a->strings["mb_string PHP module"] = "Module mb_string de PHP";
+$a->strings["mcrypt PHP module"] = "Module PHP mcrypt";
+$a->strings["XML PHP module"] = "Module PHP XML";
+$a->strings["iconv module"] = "Module iconv";
+$a->strings["Apache mod_rewrite module"] = "Module mod_rewrite Apache";
+$a->strings["Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."] = "Erreur : Le module \"rewrite\" du serveur web Apache est requis mais pas installé.";
+$a->strings["Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erreur : Le module PHP \"libCURL\" est requis mais pas installé.";
+$a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."] = "Erreur : Le module PHP \"GD\" disposant du support JPEG est requis mais pas installé.";
+$a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erreur : Le module PHP \"openssl\" est requis mais pas installé.";
+$a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erreur : Le module PHP \"mysqli\" est requis mais pas installé.";
+$a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erreur : le module PHP mb_string est requis mais pas installé.";
+$a->strings["Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erreur : le module PHP mcrypt est nécessaire, mais n'es pas installé.";
+$a->strings["Error: iconv PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erreur : Le module PHP iconv requis est absent.";
+$a->strings["If you are using php_cli, please make sure that mcrypt module is enabled in its config file"] = "Si vous utilisez php_cli, veuillez vous assurer que le module mcrypt est activé dans le fichier de configuration";
+$a->strings["Function mcrypt_create_iv() is not defined. This is needed to enable RINO2 encryption layer."] = "La fonction mcrypt_create_iv() n'est pas définie. Elle est requise pour activer le chiffrement RINO2.";
+$a->strings["mcrypt_create_iv() function"] = "fonction mcrypt_create_iv()";
+$a->strings["Error, XML PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erreur : le module PHP XML requis est absent.";
+$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "L'installeur web doit être en mesure de créer un fichier \".htconfig.php\" à la racine de votre serveur web, mais il en est incapable.";
+$a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Le plus souvent, il s'agit d'un problème de permission. Le serveur web peut ne pas être capable d'écrire dans votre répertoire - alors que vous-même le pouvez.";
+$a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = "A la fin de cette étape, nous vous fournirons un texte à sauvegarder dans un fichier nommé .htconfig.php à la racine de votre répertoire Friendica.";
+$a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = "Vous pouvez également sauter cette étape et procéder à une installation manuelle. Pour cela, merci de lire le fichier \"INSTALL.txt\".";
+$a->strings[".htconfig.php is writable"] = "Fichier .htconfig.php accessible en écriture";
+$a->strings["Friendica uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering."] = "Friendica utilise le moteur de modèles Smarty3 pour le rendu d'affichage web. Smarty3 compile les modèles en PHP pour accélérer le rendu.";
+$a->strings["In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have write access to the directory view/smarty3/ under the Friendica top level folder."] = "Pour pouvoir stocker ces modèles compilés, le serveur internet doit avoir accès au droit d'écriture pour le répertoire view/smarty3/ sous le dossier racine de Friendica.";
+$a->strings["Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as (e.g. www-data) has write access to this folder."] = "Veuillez vous assurer que l'utilisateur qui exécute votre serveur internet (p. ex. www-data) détient le droit d'accès en écriture sur ce dossier.";
+$a->strings["Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to view/smarty3/ only--not the template files (.tpl) that it contains."] = "Note: pour plus de sécurité, vous devriez ne donner le droit d'accès en écriture qu'à view/smarty3/ et pas aux fichiers modèles (.tpl) qu'il contient.";
+$a->strings["view/smarty3 is writable"] = "view/smarty3 est autorisé à l écriture";
+$a->strings["Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration."] = "La réécriture d'URL dans le fichier .htaccess ne fonctionne pas. Vérifiez la configuration de votre serveur.";
+$a->strings["Url rewrite is working"] = "La réécriture d'URL fonctionne.";
+$a->strings["ImageMagick PHP extension is installed"] = "L’extension PHP ImageMagick est installée";
+$a->strings["ImageMagick supports GIF"] = "ImageMagick supporte le format GIF";
+$a->strings["The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web server root."] = "Le fichier de configuration de la base (\".htconfig.php\") ne peut être créé. Merci d'utiliser le texte ci-joint pour créer ce fichier à la racine de votre hébergement.";
+$a->strings["What next "] = "Ensuite ";
+$a->strings["IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the poller."] = "IMPORTANT: Vous devez configurer [manuellement] une tâche programmée pour le \"poller\".";
+$a->strings["Recent Photos"] = "Photos récentes";
+$a->strings["Upload New Photos"] = "Téléverser de nouvelles photos";
+$a->strings["Contact information unavailable"] = "Informations de contact indisponibles";
+$a->strings["Album not found."] = "Album introuvable.";
+$a->strings["Delete Album"] = "Effacer l'album";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"] = "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet album photo et toutes ses photos ?";
+$a->strings["Delete Photo"] = "Effacer la photo";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo?"] = "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette photo ?";
+$a->strings["%1\$s was tagged in %2\$s by %3\$s"] = "%1\$s a été étiqueté dans %2\$s par %3\$s";
+$a->strings["a photo"] = "une photo";
+$a->strings["Image file is empty."] = "Fichier image vide.";
+$a->strings["No photos selected"] = "Aucune photo sélectionnée";
+$a->strings["You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."] = "Vous avez utilisé %1$.2f Mo sur %2$.2f d'espace de stockage pour les photos.";
+$a->strings["Upload Photos"] = "Téléverser des photos";
+$a->strings["New album name: "] = "Nom du nouvel album: ";
+$a->strings["or existing album name: "] = "ou nom d'un album existant: ";
+$a->strings["Do not show a status post for this upload"] = "Ne pas publier de notice de statut pour cet envoi";
+$a->strings["Private Photo"] = "Photo privée";
+$a->strings["Public Photo"] = "Photo publique";
+$a->strings["Edit Album"] = "Éditer l'album";
+$a->strings["Show Newest First"] = "Plus récent d'abord";
+$a->strings["Show Oldest First"] = "Plus ancien d'abord";
+$a->strings["View Photo"] = "Voir la photo";
+$a->strings["Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."] = "Interdit. L'accès à cet élément peut avoir été restreint.";
+$a->strings["Photo not available"] = "Photo indisponible";
+$a->strings["View photo"] = "Voir photo";
+$a->strings["Edit photo"] = "Éditer la photo";
+$a->strings["Use as profile photo"] = "Utiliser comme photo de profil";
+$a->strings["View Full Size"] = "Voir en taille réelle";
+$a->strings["Tags: "] = "Étiquettes:";
+$a->strings["[Remove any tag]"] = "[Retirer toutes les étiquettes]";
+$a->strings["New album name"] = "Nom du nouvel album";
+$a->strings["Caption"] = "Titre";
+$a->strings["Add a Tag"] = "Ajouter une étiquette";
+$a->strings["Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"] = "Exemples: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #Californie, #vacances";
+$a->strings["Do not rotate"] = "Pas de rotation";
+$a->strings["Rotate CW (right)"] = "Tourner dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre (vers la droite)";
+$a->strings["Rotate CCW (left)"] = "Tourner dans le sens contraire des aiguilles d'une montre (vers la gauche)";
+$a->strings["Private photo"] = "Photo privée";
+$a->strings["Public photo"] = "Photo publique";
+$a->strings["Map"] = "Carte";
+$a->strings["View"] = "Vue";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Précédent";
+$a->strings["User not found"] = "Utilisateur introuvable";
+$a->strings["This calendar format is not supported"] = "Format de calendrier inconnu";
+$a->strings["No exportable data found"] = "Rien à exporter";
+$a->strings["calendar"] = "calendrier";
+$a->strings["Event can not end before it has started."] = "L'événement ne peut pas se terminer avant d'avoir commencé.";
+$a->strings["Event title and start time are required."] = "Vous devez donner un nom et un horaire de début à l'événement.";
+$a->strings["Create New Event"] = "Créer un nouvel événement";
+$a->strings["Event details"] = "Détails de l'événement";
+$a->strings["Starting date and Title are required."] = "La date de début et le titre sont requis.";
+$a->strings["Event Starts:"] = "Début de l'événement :";
+$a->strings["Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"] = "Date / heure de fin inconnue ou sans objet";
+$a->strings["Event Finishes:"] = "Fin de l'événement:";
+$a->strings["Adjust for viewer timezone"] = "Ajuster à la zone horaire du visiteur";
+$a->strings["Description:"] = "Description:";
+$a->strings["Title:"] = "Titre :";
+$a->strings["Share this event"] = "Partager cet événement";
+$a->strings["Invalid request identifier."] = "Identifiant de demande invalide.";
+$a->strings["Discard"] = "Rejeter";
+$a->strings["Network Notifications"] = "Notifications du réseau";
+$a->strings["Personal Notifications"] = "Notifications personnelles";
+$a->strings["Home Notifications"] = "Notifications de page d'accueil";
+$a->strings["Show Ignored Requests"] = "Voir les demandes ignorées";
+$a->strings["Hide Ignored Requests"] = "Cacher les demandes ignorées";
+$a->strings["Notification type: "] = "Type de notification: ";
+$a->strings["suggested by %s"] = "suggéré(e) par %s";
+$a->strings["Post a new friend activity"] = "Poster une nouvelle avtivité d'ami";
+$a->strings["if applicable"] = "si possible";
+$a->strings["Approve"] = "Approuver";
+$a->strings["Claims to be known to you: "] = "Prétend que vous le connaissez: ";
+$a->strings["yes"] = "oui";
+$a->strings["no"] = "non";
+$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "Doit être votre connexion bidirectionnelle ou non? \"Ami\" implique que vous autorisiez à lire et vous vous abonnez à leurs postes. \"Fan / Admirateur\" signifie que vous permettez de lire, mais vous ne voulez pas lire les leurs. Approuver en:";
+$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "Doit être votre connexion bidirectionnelle ou non? \"Ami\" implique que vous autorisiez à lire et vous vous abonnez à leurs postes. \"Fan / Admirateur\" signifie que vous permettez de lire, mais vous ne voulez pas lire les leurs. Approuver en:";
+$a->strings["Friend"] = "Ami";
+$a->strings["Sharer"] = "Initiateur du partage";
+$a->strings["Fan/Admirer"] = "Fan/Admirateur";
+$a->strings["No introductions."] = "Aucune demande d'introduction.";
+$a->strings["Show unread"] = "Afficher non-lus";
+$a->strings["Show all"] = "Tout afficher";
+$a->strings["No more %s notifications."] = "Aucune notification de %s";
+$a->strings["{0} wants to be your friend"] = "{0} souhaite être votre ami(e)";
+$a->strings["{0} sent you a message"] = "{0} vous a envoyé un message";
+$a->strings["{0} requested registration"] = "{0} a demandé à s'inscrire";
$a->strings["Theme settings updated."] = "Réglages du thème sauvés.";
$a->strings["Site"] = "Site";
$a->strings["Users"] = "Utilisateurs";
-$a->strings["Plugins"] = "Extensions";
$a->strings["Themes"] = "Thèmes";
$a->strings["DB updates"] = "Mise-à-jour de la base";
$a->strings["Inspect Queue"] = "Inspecter la file d'attente";
+$a->strings["Federation Statistics"] = "Statistiques Federation";
$a->strings["Logs"] = "Journaux";
+$a->strings["View Logs"] = "Voir les logs";
$a->strings["probe address"] = "Tester une adresse";
$a->strings["check webfinger"] = "vérification de webfinger";
-$a->strings["Admin"] = "Admin";
$a->strings["Plugin Features"] = "Propriétés des extensions";
$a->strings["diagnostics"] = "diagnostic";
$a->strings["User registrations waiting for confirmation"] = "Inscriptions en attente de confirmation";
+$a->strings["This page offers you some numbers to the known part of the federated social network your Friendica node is part of. These numbers are not complete but only reflect the part of the network your node is aware of."] = "Cette page montre quelques statistiques de la partie connue du réseau social fédéré dont votre instance Friendica fait partie. Ces chiffres sont partiels et ne reflètent que la portion du réseau dont votre instance a connaissance.";
+$a->strings["The Auto Discovered Contact Directory feature is not enabled, it will improve the data displayed here."] = "En activant la fonctionnalité Répertoire de Contacts Découverts Automatiquement , cela améliorera la qualité des chiffres présentés ici.";
$a->strings["Administration"] = "Administration";
+$a->strings["Currently this node is aware of %d nodes from the following platforms:"] = "Actuellement cette instance est en relation avec %d autres instances des plate-formes suivantes :";
$a->strings["ID"] = "ID";
$a->strings["Recipient Name"] = "Nom du destinataire";
$a->strings["Recipient Profile"] = "Profil du destinataire";
@@ -456,17 +1707,12 @@ $a->strings["Active plugins"] = "Extensions activés";
$a->strings["Can not parse base url. Must have at least ://"] = "Impossible d'analyser l'URL de base. Doit contenir au moins ://";
$a->strings["RINO2 needs mcrypt php extension to work."] = "RINO2 a besoin du module php mcrypt pour fonctionner.";
$a->strings["Site settings updated."] = "Réglages du site mis-à-jour.";
-$a->strings["No special theme for mobile devices"] = "Pas de thème particulier pour les terminaux mobiles";
$a->strings["No community page"] = "Aucune page de communauté";
$a->strings["Public postings from users of this site"] = "Publications publiques des utilisateurs de ce site";
$a->strings["Global community page"] = "Page de la communauté globale";
$a->strings["At post arrival"] = "A l'arrivé d'une publication";
-$a->strings["Frequently"] = "Fréquemment";
-$a->strings["Hourly"] = "Toutes les heures";
-$a->strings["Twice daily"] = "Deux fois par jour";
-$a->strings["Daily"] = "Chaque jour";
-$a->strings["Users, Global Contacts"] = "";
-$a->strings["Users, Global Contacts/fallback"] = "";
+$a->strings["Users, Global Contacts"] = "Utilisateurs, Contacts Globaux";
+$a->strings["Users, Global Contacts/fallback"] = "Utilisateurs, Contacts Globaux/alternative";
$a->strings["One month"] = "Un mois";
$a->strings["Three months"] = "Trois mois";
$a->strings["Half a year"] = "Six mois";
@@ -478,13 +1724,11 @@ $a->strings["Open"] = "Ouvert";
$a->strings["No SSL policy, links will track page SSL state"] = "Pas de politique SSL, le liens conserveront l'état SSL de la page";
$a->strings["Force all links to use SSL"] = "Forcer tous les liens à utiliser SSL";
$a->strings["Self-signed certificate, use SSL for local links only (discouraged)"] = "Certificat auto-signé, n'utiliser SSL que pour les liens locaux (non recommandé)";
-$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Sauvegarder les paramétres";
-$a->strings["Registration"] = "Inscription";
$a->strings["File upload"] = "Téléversement de fichier";
$a->strings["Policies"] = "Politiques";
-$a->strings["Advanced"] = "Avancé";
-$a->strings["Auto Discovered Contact Directory"] = "";
+$a->strings["Auto Discovered Contact Directory"] = "Répertoire de Contacts Découverts Automatiquement";
$a->strings["Performance"] = "Performance";
+$a->strings["Worker"] = "Worker";
$a->strings["Relocate - WARNING: advanced function. Could make this server unreachable."] = "Relocalisation - ATTENTION: fonction avancée. Peut rendre ce serveur inaccessible.";
$a->strings["Site name"] = "Nom du site";
$a->strings["Host name"] = "Nom de la machine hôte";
@@ -563,6 +1807,8 @@ $a->strings["Enable OStatus support"] = "Activer le support d'OStatus";
$a->strings["Provide built-in OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social etc.) compatibility. All communications in OStatus are public, so privacy warnings will be occasionally displayed."] = "Fourni nativement la compatibilité avec OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social etc.). Touts les communications utilisant OStatus sont public, des avertissements liés à la vie privée seront affichés si utile.";
$a->strings["OStatus conversation completion interval"] = "Achèvement de l'intervalle de conversation OStatus ";
$a->strings["How often shall the poller check for new entries in OStatus conversations? This can be a very ressource task."] = "Combien de fois le poller devra vérifier les nouvelles entrées dans les conversations OStatus? Cela peut utilisé beaucoup de ressources.";
+$a->strings["Only import OStatus threads from our contacts"] = "Importer seulement les fils OStatus de nos contacts";
+$a->strings["Normally we import every content from our OStatus contacts. With this option we only store threads that are started by a contact that is known on our system."] = "";
$a->strings["OStatus support can only be enabled if threading is enabled."] = "Le support OStatus ne peut être activé que si l'imbrication des commentaires est activée.";
$a->strings["Diaspora support can't be enabled because Friendica was installed into a sub directory."] = "Le support de Diaspora ne peut pas être activé parce que Friendica a été installé dans un sous-répertoire.";
$a->strings["Enable Diaspora support"] = "Activer le support de Diaspora";
@@ -582,21 +1828,21 @@ $a->strings["Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce s
$a->strings["Maximum Load Average"] = "Plafond de la charge moyenne";
$a->strings["Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - default 50."] = "Charge système maximale à partir de laquelle l'émission et la réception seront soumises à un délai supplémentaire. Par défaut, 50.";
$a->strings["Maximum Load Average (Frontend)"] = "Plafond de la charge moyenne (frontale)";
-$a->strings["Maximum system load before the frontend quits service - default 50."] = "";
-$a->strings["Maximum table size for optimization"] = "";
-$a->strings["Maximum table size (in MB) for the automatic optimization - default 100 MB. Enter -1 to disable it."] = "";
-$a->strings["Minimum level of fragmentation"] = "";
-$a->strings["Minimum fragmenation level to start the automatic optimization - default value is 30%."] = "";
+$a->strings["Maximum system load before the frontend quits service - default 50."] = "Limite de charge système pour le rendu des pages - défaut 50.";
+$a->strings["Maximum table size for optimization"] = "Limite de taille de table pour l'optimisation";
+$a->strings["Maximum table size (in MB) for the automatic optimization - default 100 MB. Enter -1 to disable it."] = "Limite de taille de table (en Mo) pour l'optimisation automatique - défaut 100 Mo. -1 pour désactiver la limite.";
+$a->strings["Minimum level of fragmentation"] = "Seuil de fragmentation";
+$a->strings["Minimum fragmenation level to start the automatic optimization - default value is 30%."] = "Seuil de fragmentation pour que l'optimisation automatique se déclenche - défaut 30%.";
$a->strings["Periodical check of global contacts"] = "Vérification périodique des contacts globaux";
$a->strings["If enabled, the global contacts are checked periodically for missing or outdated data and the vitality of the contacts and servers."] = "Si activé, les données manquantes et obsolètes et la vitalité des contacts et des serveurs seront vérifiées périodiquement dans les contacts globaux.";
$a->strings["Days between requery"] = "Nombre de jours entre les requêtes";
$a->strings["Number of days after which a server is requeried for his contacts."] = "Nombre de jours avant qu'une requête de contacts soient envoyée à nouveau à un serveur.";
$a->strings["Discover contacts from other servers"] = "Découvrir des contacts des autres serveurs";
$a->strings["Periodically query other servers for contacts. You can choose between 'users': the users on the remote system, 'Global Contacts': active contacts that are known on the system. The fallback is meant for Redmatrix servers and older friendica servers, where global contacts weren't available. The fallback increases the server load, so the recommened setting is 'Users, Global Contacts'."] = "";
-$a->strings["Timeframe for fetching global contacts"] = "";
-$a->strings["When the discovery is activated, this value defines the timeframe for the activity of the global contacts that are fetched from other servers."] = "";
-$a->strings["Search the local directory"] = "";
-$a->strings["Search the local directory instead of the global directory. When searching locally, every search will be executed on the global directory in the background. This improves the search results when the search is repeated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Timeframe for fetching global contacts"] = "Fréquence de récupération des contacts globaux";
+$a->strings["When the discovery is activated, this value defines the timeframe for the activity of the global contacts that are fetched from other servers."] = "Quand la découverte de contacts est activée, cette valeur détermine la fréquence de récupération des données des contacts globaux présents sur d'autres serveurs.";
+$a->strings["Search the local directory"] = "Chercher dans le répertoire local";
+$a->strings["Search the local directory instead of the global directory. When searching locally, every search will be executed on the global directory in the background. This improves the search results when the search is repeated."] = "Cherche dans le répertoire local au lieu du répertoire local. Quand une recherche locale est effectuée, la même recherche est effectuée dans le répertoire global en tâche de fond. Cela améliore les résultats de la recherche si elle est réitérée.";
$a->strings["Publish server information"] = "Publier les informations du serveur";
$a->strings["If enabled, general server and usage data will be published. The data contains the name and version of the server, number of users with public profiles, number of posts and the activated protocols and connectors. See the-federation.info for details."] = "Si cette option est activée, des informations sur le serveur et son utilisation seront publiées. Ces informations incluent le nom et la version du serveur, le nombre d’utilisateurs avec des profils publics, le nombre de messages, les protocoles supportés et les connecteurs disponibles. Plus de détails sur the-federation.info .";
$a->strings["Use MySQL full text engine"] = "Utiliser le moteur de recherche plein texte de MySQL";
@@ -629,6 +1875,14 @@ $a->strings["RINO Encryption"] = "Chiffrement RINO";
$a->strings["Encryption layer between nodes."] = "Couche de chiffrement entre les nœuds du réseau.";
$a->strings["Embedly API key"] = "Clé API d'Embedly";
$a->strings["Embedly is used to fetch additional data for web pages. This is an optional parameter."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable 'worker' background processing"] = "";
+$a->strings["The worker background processing limits the number of parallel background jobs to a maximum number and respects the system load."] = "";
+$a->strings["Maximum number of parallel workers"] = "";
+$a->strings["On shared hosters set this to 2. On larger systems, values of 10 are great. Default value is 4."] = "";
+$a->strings["Don't use 'proc_open' with the worker"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable this if your system doesn't allow the use of 'proc_open'. This can happen on shared hosters. If this is enabled you should increase the frequency of poller calls in your crontab."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable fastlane"] = "";
+$a->strings["When enabed, the fastlane mechanism starts an additional worker if processes with higher priority are blocked by processes of lower priority."] = "";
$a->strings["Update has been marked successful"] = "Mise-à-jour validée comme 'réussie'";
$a->strings["Database structure update %s was successfully applied."] = "La structure de base de données pour la mise à jour %s a été appliquée avec succès.";
$a->strings["Executing of database structure update %s failed with error: %s"] = "L'exécution de la mise à jour %s pour la structure de base de données a échoué avec l'erreur: %s";
@@ -644,7 +1898,6 @@ $a->strings["Mark success (if update was manually applied)"] = "Marquer comme 'r
$a->strings["Attempt to execute this update step automatically"] = "Tenter d'éxecuter cette étape automatiquement";
$a->strings["\n\t\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\t\tthe administrator of %2\$s has set up an account for you."] = "\n\t\t\tChère/Cher %1\$s,\n\t\t\t\tL’administrateur de %2\$s vous a ouvert un compte.";
$a->strings["\n\t\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n\n\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tLogin Name:\t\t%2\$s\n\t\t\tPassword:\t\t%3\$s\n\n\t\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n\t\t\tin.\n\n\t\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n\n\t\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n\t\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n\n\t\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n\t\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n\t\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n\t\t\tthan that.\n\n\t\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n\t\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n\t\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n\n\t\t\tThank you and welcome to %4\$s."] = "\n\t\t\tVoici vos informations de connexion :\n\n\t\t\tAdresse :\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tIdentifiant :\t\t%2\$s\n\t\t\tMot de passe :\t\t%3\$s\n\n\t\t\tVous pourrez changer votre mot de passe dans les paramètres de votre compte une fois connecté.\n\n\t\t\tProfitez-en pour prendre le temps de passer en revue les autres paramètres de votre compte.\n\n\t\t\tVous pourrez aussi ajouter quelques informations élémentaires à votre profil par défaut (sur la page « Profils ») pour permettre à d’autres personnes de vous trouver facilement.\n\n\t\t\tNous recommandons de préciser votre nom complet, d’ajouter une photo et quelques mots-clefs (c’est très utile pour découvrir de nouveaux amis), et peut-être aussi d’indiquer au moins le pays dans lequel vous vivez, à défaut d’être plus précis.\n\n\t\t\tNous respectons pleinement votre droit à une vie privée, et vous n’avez aucune obligation de donner toutes ces informations. Mais si vous êtes nouveau et ne connaissez encore personne ici, cela peut vous aider à vous faire de nouveaux amis intéressants.\n\n\t\t\tMerci et bienvenu sur %4\$s.";
-$a->strings["Registration details for %s"] = "Détails d'inscription pour %s";
$a->strings["%s user blocked/unblocked"] = array(
0 => "%s utilisateur a (dé)bloqué",
1 => "%s utilisateurs ont (dé)bloqué",
@@ -656,22 +1909,20 @@ $a->strings["%s user deleted"] = array(
$a->strings["User '%s' deleted"] = "Utilisateur '%s' supprimé";
$a->strings["User '%s' unblocked"] = "Utilisateur '%s' débloqué";
$a->strings["User '%s' blocked"] = "Utilisateur '%s' bloqué";
+$a->strings["Register date"] = "Date d'inscription";
+$a->strings["Last login"] = "Dernière connexion";
+$a->strings["Last item"] = "Dernier élément";
$a->strings["Add User"] = "Ajouter l'utilisateur";
$a->strings["select all"] = "tout sélectionner";
$a->strings["User registrations waiting for confirm"] = "Inscriptions d'utilisateurs en attente de confirmation";
$a->strings["User waiting for permanent deletion"] = "Utilisateur en attente de suppression définitive";
$a->strings["Request date"] = "Date de la demande";
-$a->strings["Email"] = "Courriel";
$a->strings["No registrations."] = "Pas d'inscriptions.";
$a->strings["Deny"] = "Rejetter";
$a->strings["Site admin"] = "Administration du Site";
$a->strings["Account expired"] = "Compte expiré";
$a->strings["New User"] = "Nouvel utilisateur";
-$a->strings["Register date"] = "Date d'inscription";
-$a->strings["Last login"] = "Dernière connexion";
-$a->strings["Last item"] = "Dernier élément";
$a->strings["Deleted since"] = "Supprimé depuis";
-$a->strings["Account"] = "Compte";
$a->strings["Selected users will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these users had posted on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"] = "Les utilisateurs sélectionnés vont être supprimés!\\n\\nTout ce qu'ils ont posté sur ce site sera définitivement effacé!\\n\\nÊtes-vous certain?";
$a->strings["The user {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this user has posted on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"] = "L'utilisateur {0} va être supprimé!\\n\\nTout ce qu'il a posté sur ce site sera définitivement perdu!\\n\\nÊtes-vous certain?";
$a->strings["Name of the new user."] = "Nom du nouvel utilisateur.";
@@ -686,720 +1937,90 @@ $a->strings["Toggle"] = "Activer/Désactiver";
$a->strings["Author: "] = "Auteur: ";
$a->strings["Maintainer: "] = "Mainteneur: ";
$a->strings["Reload active plugins"] = "Recharger les extensions actives";
+$a->strings["There are currently no plugins available on your node. You can find the official plugin repository at %1\$s and might find other interesting plugins in the open plugin registry at %2\$s"] = "";
$a->strings["No themes found."] = "Aucun thème trouvé.";
$a->strings["Screenshot"] = "Capture d'écran";
$a->strings["Reload active themes"] = "Recharger les thèmes actifs";
+$a->strings["No themes found on the system. They should be paced in %1\$s"] = "";
$a->strings["[Experimental]"] = "[Expérimental]";
$a->strings["[Unsupported]"] = "[Non supporté]";
$a->strings["Log settings updated."] = "Réglages des journaux mis-à-jour.";
+$a->strings["PHP log currently enabled."] = "";
+$a->strings["PHP log currently disabled."] = "";
$a->strings["Clear"] = "Effacer";
$a->strings["Enable Debugging"] = "Activer le déboggage";
$a->strings["Log file"] = "Fichier de journaux";
$a->strings["Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Friendica top-level directory."] = "Accès en écriture par le serveur web requis. Relatif à la racine de votre installation de Friendica.";
$a->strings["Log level"] = "Niveau de journalisaton";
-$a->strings["Close"] = "Fermer";
-$a->strings["FTP Host"] = "Hôte FTP";
-$a->strings["FTP Path"] = "Chemin FTP";
-$a->strings["FTP User"] = "Utilisateur FTP";
-$a->strings["FTP Password"] = "Mot de passe FTP";
-$a->strings["Search Results For: %s"] = "Résultats de la recherche pour %s";
-$a->strings["Remove term"] = "Retirer le terme";
-$a->strings["Saved Searches"] = "Recherches";
-$a->strings["add"] = "ajouter";
-$a->strings["Commented Order"] = "Tri par commentaires";
-$a->strings["Sort by Comment Date"] = "Trier par date de commentaire";
-$a->strings["Posted Order"] = "Tri des publications";
-$a->strings["Sort by Post Date"] = "Trier par date de publication";
-$a->strings["Posts that mention or involve you"] = "Publications qui vous concernent";
-$a->strings["New"] = "Nouveau";
-$a->strings["Activity Stream - by date"] = "Flux d'activités - par date";
-$a->strings["Shared Links"] = "Liens partagés";
-$a->strings["Interesting Links"] = "Liens intéressants";
-$a->strings["Starred"] = "Mis en avant";
-$a->strings["Favourite Posts"] = "Publications favorites";
-$a->strings["Warning: This group contains %s member from an insecure network."] = array(
- 0 => "Attention: Ce groupe contient %s membre d'un réseau non-sûr.",
- 1 => "Attention: Ce groupe contient %s membres d'un réseau non-sûr.",
-$a->strings["Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure."] = "Les messages privés envoyés à ce groupe s'exposent à une diffusion incontrôlée.";
-$a->strings["No such group"] = "Groupe inexistant";
-$a->strings["Group: %s"] = "Group : %s";
-$a->strings["Private messages to this person are at risk of public disclosure."] = "Les messages privés envoyés à ce contact s'exposent à une diffusion incontrôlée.";
-$a->strings["Invalid contact."] = "Contact invalide.";
-$a->strings["No friends to display."] = "Pas d'amis à afficher.";
-$a->strings["Event can not end before it has started."] = "L'événement ne peut pas se terminer avant d'avoir commencé.";
-$a->strings["Event title and start time are required."] = "Vous devez donner un nom et un horaire de début à l'événement.";
-$a->strings["Sun"] = "Dim";
-$a->strings["Mon"] = "Lun";
-$a->strings["Tue"] = "Mar";
-$a->strings["Wed"] = "Mer";
-$a->strings["Thu"] = "Jeu";
-$a->strings["Fri"] = "Ven";
-$a->strings["Sat"] = "Sam";
-$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Dimanche";
-$a->strings["Monday"] = "Lundi";
-$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Mardi";
-$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Mercredi";
-$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Jeudi";
-$a->strings["Friday"] = "Vendredi";
-$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Samedi";
-$a->strings["Jan"] = "Jan";
-$a->strings["Feb"] = "Fév";
-$a->strings["Mar"] = "Mar";
-$a->strings["Apr"] = "Avr";
-$a->strings["May"] = "Mai";
-$a->strings["Jun"] = "Jun";
-$a->strings["Jul"] = "Jul";
-$a->strings["Aug"] = "Aoû";
-$a->strings["Sept"] = "Sep";
-$a->strings["Oct"] = "Oct";
-$a->strings["Nov"] = "Nov";
-$a->strings["Dec"] = "Déc";
-$a->strings["January"] = "Janvier";
-$a->strings["February"] = "Février";
-$a->strings["March"] = "Mars";
-$a->strings["April"] = "Avril";
-$a->strings["June"] = "Juin";
-$a->strings["July"] = "Juillet";
-$a->strings["August"] = "Août";
-$a->strings["September"] = "Septembre";
-$a->strings["October"] = "Octobre";
-$a->strings["November"] = "Novembre";
-$a->strings["December"] = "Décembre";
-$a->strings["today"] = "aujourd'hui";
-$a->strings["month"] = "mois";
-$a->strings["week"] = "semaine";
-$a->strings["day"] = "jour";
-$a->strings["l, F j"] = "l, F j";
-$a->strings["Edit event"] = "Editer l'événement";
-$a->strings["link to source"] = "lien original";
-$a->strings["Events"] = "Événements";
-$a->strings["Create New Event"] = "Créer un nouvel événement";
-$a->strings["Previous"] = "Précédent";
-$a->strings["Next"] = "Suivant";
-$a->strings["Event details"] = "Détails de l'événement";
-$a->strings["Starting date and Title are required."] = "La date de début et le titre sont requis.";
-$a->strings["Event Starts:"] = "Début de l'événement :";
-$a->strings["Required"] = "Requis";
-$a->strings["Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"] = "Date / heure de fin inconnue ou sans objet";
-$a->strings["Event Finishes:"] = "Fin de l'événement:";
-$a->strings["Adjust for viewer timezone"] = "Ajuster à la zone horaire du visiteur";
-$a->strings["Description:"] = "Description:";
-$a->strings["Title:"] = "Titre :";
-$a->strings["Share this event"] = "Partager cet événement";
-$a->strings["Preview"] = "Aperçu";
-$a->strings["Credits"] = "Remerciements";
-$a->strings["Friendica is a community project, that would not be possible without the help of many people. Here is a list of those who have contributed to the code or the translation of Friendica. Thank you all!"] = "Friendica est un projet communautaire, qui ne serait pas possible sans l'aide de beaucoup de gens. Voici une liste de ceux qui ont contribué au code ou à la traduction de Friendica. Merci à tous!";
-$a->strings["Select"] = "Sélectionner";
-$a->strings["View %s's profile @ %s"] = "Voir le profil de %s @ %s";
-$a->strings["%s from %s"] = "%s de %s";
-$a->strings["View in context"] = "Voir dans le contexte";
-$a->strings["%d comment"] = array(
- 0 => "%d commentaire",
- 1 => "%d commentaires",
-$a->strings["comment"] = array(
- 0 => "",
- 1 => "commentaire",
-$a->strings["show more"] = "montrer plus";
-$a->strings["Private Message"] = "Message privé";
-$a->strings["I like this (toggle)"] = "J'aime";
-$a->strings["like"] = "aime";
-$a->strings["I don't like this (toggle)"] = "Je n'aime pas";
-$a->strings["dislike"] = "n'aime pas";
-$a->strings["Share this"] = "Partager";
-$a->strings["share"] = "partager";
-$a->strings["This is you"] = "C'est vous";
-$a->strings["Comment"] = "Commenter";
-$a->strings["Bold"] = "Gras";
-$a->strings["Italic"] = "Italique";
-$a->strings["Underline"] = "Souligné";
-$a->strings["Quote"] = "Citation";
-$a->strings["Code"] = "Code";
-$a->strings["Image"] = "Image";
-$a->strings["Link"] = "Lien";
-$a->strings["Video"] = "Vidéo";
-$a->strings["Edit"] = "Éditer";
-$a->strings["add star"] = "mett en avant";
-$a->strings["remove star"] = "ne plus mettre en avant";
-$a->strings["toggle star status"] = "mettre en avant";
-$a->strings["starred"] = "mis en avant";
-$a->strings["add tag"] = "ajouter une étiquette";
-$a->strings["save to folder"] = "sauver vers dossier";
-$a->strings["to"] = "à";
-$a->strings["Wall-to-Wall"] = "Inter-mur";
-$a->strings["via Wall-To-Wall:"] = "en Inter-mur:";
-$a->strings["Remove My Account"] = "Supprimer mon compte";
-$a->strings["This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not recoverable."] = "Ceci supprimera totalement votre compte. Cette opération est irréversible.";
-$a->strings["Please enter your password for verification:"] = "Merci de saisir votre mot de passe pour vérification :";
-$a->strings["Friendica Communications Server - Setup"] = "Serveur de communications Friendica - Configuration";
-$a->strings["Could not connect to database."] = "Impossible de se connecter à la base.";
-$a->strings["Could not create table."] = "Impossible de créer une table.";
-$a->strings["Your Friendica site database has been installed."] = "La base de données de votre site Friendica a bien été installée.";
-$a->strings["You may need to import the file \"database.sql\" manually using phpmyadmin or mysql."] = "Vous pourriez avoir besoin d'importer le fichier \"database.sql\" manuellement au moyen de phpmyadmin ou de la commande mysql.";
-$a->strings["Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\"."] = "Référez-vous au fichier \"INSTALL.txt\".";
-$a->strings["Database already in use."] = "Base de données déjà en cours d'utilisation.";
-$a->strings["System check"] = "Vérifications système";
-$a->strings["Check again"] = "Vérifier à nouveau";
-$a->strings["Database connection"] = "Connexion à la base de données";
-$a->strings["In order to install Friendica we need to know how to connect to your database."] = "Pour installer Friendica, nous avons besoin de savoir comment contacter votre base de données.";
-$a->strings["Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings."] = "Merci de vous tourner vers votre hébergeur et/ou administrateur pour toute question concernant ces réglages.";
-$a->strings["The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please create it before continuing."] = "La base de données que vous spécifierez doit exister. Si ce n'est pas encore le cas, merci de la créer avant de continuer.";
-$a->strings["Database Server Name"] = "Serveur de base de données";
-$a->strings["Database Login Name"] = "Nom d'utilisateur de la base";
-$a->strings["Database Login Password"] = "Mot de passe de la base";
-$a->strings["Database Name"] = "Nom de la base";
-$a->strings["Site administrator email address"] = "Adresse électronique de l'administrateur du site";
-$a->strings["Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin panel."] = "Votre adresse électronique doit correspondre à celle-ci pour pouvoir utiliser l'interface d'administration.";
-$a->strings["Please select a default timezone for your website"] = "Sélectionner un fuseau horaire par défaut pour votre site";
-$a->strings["Site settings"] = "Réglages du site";
-$a->strings["Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH."] = "Impossible de trouver la version \"ligne de commande\" de PHP dans le PATH du serveur web.";
-$a->strings["If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on server, you will not be able to run background polling via cron. See 'Setup the poller' "] = "Si vous n'avez pas une version en ligne de commande de PHP sur votre serveur, vous ne pourrez pas exécuter l'attente active ou « polling » en arrière-plan via cron. Voir 'Setup the poller' .";
-$a->strings["PHP executable path"] = "Chemin vers l'exécutable de PHP";
-$a->strings["Enter full path to php executable. You can leave this blank to continue the installation."] = "Entrez le chemin (absolu) vers l'exécutable 'php'. Vous pouvez laisser cette ligne vide pour continuer l'installation.";
-$a->strings["Command line PHP"] = "Version \"ligne de commande\" de PHP";
-$a->strings["PHP executable is not the php cli binary (could be cgi-fgci version)"] = "L'executable PHP n'est pas le binaire php client (c'est peut être la version cgi-fcgi)";
-$a->strings["Found PHP version: "] = "Version de PHP:";
-$a->strings["PHP cli binary"] = "PHP cli binary";
-$a->strings["The command line version of PHP on your system does not have \"register_argc_argv\" enabled."] = "La version \"ligne de commande\" de PHP de votre système n'a pas \"register_argc_argv\" d'activé.";
-$a->strings["This is required for message delivery to work."] = "Ceci est requis pour que la livraison des messages fonctionne.";
-$a->strings["PHP register_argc_argv"] = "PHP register_argc_argv";
-$a->strings["Error: the \"openssl_pkey_new\" function on this system is not able to generate encryption keys"] = "Erreur: la fonction \"openssl_pkey_new\" de ce système ne permet pas de générer des clés de chiffrement";
-$a->strings["If running under Windows, please see \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\"."] = "Si vous utilisez Windows, merci de vous réferer à \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\".";
-$a->strings["Generate encryption keys"] = "Générer les clés de chiffrement";
-$a->strings["libCurl PHP module"] = "Module libCurl de PHP";
-$a->strings["GD graphics PHP module"] = "Module GD (graphiques) de PHP";
-$a->strings["OpenSSL PHP module"] = "Module OpenSSL de PHP";
-$a->strings["mysqli PHP module"] = "Module Mysqli de PHP";
-$a->strings["mb_string PHP module"] = "Module mb_string de PHP";
-$a->strings["mcrypt PHP module"] = "Module PHP mcrypt";
-$a->strings["Apache mod_rewrite module"] = "Module mod_rewrite Apache";
-$a->strings["Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."] = "Erreur : Le module \"rewrite\" du serveur web Apache est requis mais pas installé.";
-$a->strings["Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erreur : Le module PHP \"libCURL\" est requis mais pas installé.";
-$a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."] = "Erreur : Le module PHP \"GD\" disposant du support JPEG est requis mais pas installé.";
-$a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erreur : Le module PHP \"openssl\" est requis mais pas installé.";
-$a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erreur : Le module PHP \"mysqli\" est requis mais pas installé.";
-$a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erreur : le module PHP mb_string est requis mais pas installé.";
-$a->strings["Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erreur : le module PHP mcrypt est nécessaire, mais n'es pas installé.";
-$a->strings["Function mcrypt_create_iv() is not defined. This is needed to enable RINO2 encryption layer."] = "";
-$a->strings["mcrypt_create_iv() function"] = "";
-$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "L'installeur web doit être en mesure de créer un fichier \".htconfig.php\" à la racine de votre serveur web, mais il en est incapable.";
-$a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Le plus souvent, il s'agit d'un problème de permission. Le serveur web peut ne pas être capable d'écrire dans votre répertoire - alors que vous-même le pouvez.";
-$a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = "A la fin de cette étape, nous vous fournirons un texte à sauvegarder dans un fichier nommé .htconfig.php à la racine de votre répertoire Friendica.";
-$a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = "Vous pouvez également sauter cette étape et procéder à une installation manuelle. Pour cela, merci de lire le fichier \"INSTALL.txt\".";
-$a->strings[".htconfig.php is writable"] = "Fichier .htconfig.php accessible en écriture";
-$a->strings["Friendica uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering."] = "Friendica utilise le moteur de modèles Smarty3 pour le rendu d'affichage web. Smarty3 compile les modèles en PHP pour accélérer le rendu.";
-$a->strings["In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have write access to the directory view/smarty3/ under the Friendica top level folder."] = "Pour pouvoir stocker ces modèles compilés, le serveur internet doit avoir accès au droit d'écriture pour le répertoire view/smarty3/ sous le dossier racine de Friendica.";
-$a->strings["Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as (e.g. www-data) has write access to this folder."] = "Veuillez vous assurer que l'utilisateur qui exécute votre serveur internet (p. ex. www-data) détient le droit d'accès en écriture sur ce dossier.";
-$a->strings["Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to view/smarty3/ only--not the template files (.tpl) that it contains."] = "Note: pour plus de sécurité, vous devriez ne donner le droit d'accès en écriture qu'à view/smarty3/ et pas aux fichiers modèles (.tpl) qu'il contient.";
-$a->strings["view/smarty3 is writable"] = "view/smarty3 est autorisé à l écriture";
-$a->strings["Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration."] = "La réécriture d'URL dans le fichier .htaccess ne fonctionne pas. Vérifiez la configuration de votre serveur.";
-$a->strings["Url rewrite is working"] = "La réécriture d'URL fonctionne.";
-$a->strings["ImageMagick PHP extension is installed"] = "L’extension PHP ImageMagick est installée";
-$a->strings["ImageMagick supports GIF"] = "ImageMagick supporte le format GIF";
-$a->strings["The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web server root."] = "Le fichier de configuration de la base (\".htconfig.php\") ne peut être créé. Merci d'utiliser le texte ci-joint pour créer ce fichier à la racine de votre hébergement.";
-$a->strings["What next "] = "Ensuite ";
-$a->strings["IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the poller."] = "IMPORTANT: Vous devez configurer [manuellement] une tâche programmée pour le \"poller\".";
-$a->strings["Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."] = "Nombre de messages de mur quotidiens pour %s dépassé. Échec du message.";
-$a->strings["Unable to check your home location."] = "Impossible de vérifier votre localisation.";
-$a->strings["No recipient."] = "Pas de destinataire.";
-$a->strings["If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on your site allow private mail from unknown senders."] = "Si vous souhaitez que %s réponde, merci de vérifier vos réglages pour autoriser les messages privés venant d'inconnus.";
-$a->strings["Help:"] = "Aide :";
-$a->strings["Help"] = "Aide";
-$a->strings["Not Found"] = "Non trouvé";
-$a->strings["Page not found."] = "Page introuvable.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s welcomes %2\$s"] = "%1\$s accueille %2\$s";
-$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Bienvenue sur %s";
-$a->strings["Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"] = "Désolé, il semble que votre fichier est plus important que ce que la configuration de PHP autorise";
-$a->strings["Or - did you try to upload an empty file?"] = "Ou — auriez-vous essayé de télécharger un fichier vide ?";
-$a->strings["File exceeds size limit of %s"] = "La taille du fichier dépasse la limite de %s";
-$a->strings["File upload failed."] = "Le téléversement a échoué.";
-$a->strings["No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."] = "Aucun mot-clé en correspondance. Merci d'ajouter des mots-clés à votre profil par défaut.";
-$a->strings["is interested in:"] = "s'intéresse à :";
-$a->strings["Profile Match"] = "Correpondance de profils";
-$a->strings["link"] = "lien";
-$a->strings["Not available."] = "Indisponible.";
-$a->strings["Community"] = "Communauté";
-$a->strings["No results."] = "Aucun résultat.";
-$a->strings["everybody"] = "tout le monde";
-$a->strings["Additional features"] = "Fonctions supplémentaires";
-$a->strings["Display"] = "Afficher";
-$a->strings["Social Networks"] = "Réseaux sociaux";
-$a->strings["Delegations"] = "Délégations";
-$a->strings["Connected apps"] = "Applications connectées";
-$a->strings["Export personal data"] = "Exporter";
-$a->strings["Remove account"] = "Supprimer le compte";
-$a->strings["Missing some important data!"] = "Il manque certaines informations importantes!";
-$a->strings["Failed to connect with email account using the settings provided."] = "Impossible de se connecter au compte courriel configuré.";
-$a->strings["Email settings updated."] = "Réglages de courriel mis-à-jour.";
-$a->strings["Features updated"] = "Fonctionnalités mises à jour";
-$a->strings["Relocate message has been send to your contacts"] = "Un message de relocalisation a été envoyé à vos contacts.";
-$a->strings["Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."] = "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas. Aucun changement appliqué.";
-$a->strings["Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."] = "Les mots de passe vides sont interdits. Aucun changement appliqué.";
-$a->strings["Wrong password."] = "Mauvais mot de passe.";
-$a->strings["Password changed."] = "Mots de passe changés.";
-$a->strings["Password update failed. Please try again."] = "Le changement de mot de passe a échoué. Merci de recommencer.";
-$a->strings[" Please use a shorter name."] = " Merci d'utiliser un nom plus court.";
-$a->strings[" Name too short."] = " Nom trop court.";
-$a->strings["Wrong Password"] = "Mauvais mot de passe";
-$a->strings[" Not valid email."] = " Email invalide.";
-$a->strings[" Cannot change to that email."] = " Impossible de changer pour cet email.";
-$a->strings["Private forum has no privacy permissions. Using default privacy group."] = "Ce forum privé n'a pas de paramètres de vie privée. Utilisation des paramètres de confidentialité par défaut.";
-$a->strings["Private forum has no privacy permissions and no default privacy group."] = "Ce forum privé n'a pas de paramètres de vie privée ni de paramètres de confidentialité par défaut.";
-$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Réglages mis à jour.";
-$a->strings["Add application"] = "Ajouter une application";
-$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Clé utilisateur";
-$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Secret utilisateur";
-$a->strings["Redirect"] = "Rediriger";
-$a->strings["Icon url"] = "URL de l'icône";
-$a->strings["You can't edit this application."] = "Vous ne pouvez pas éditer cette application.";
-$a->strings["Connected Apps"] = "Applications connectées";
-$a->strings["Client key starts with"] = "La clé cliente commence par";
-$a->strings["No name"] = "Sans nom";
-$a->strings["Remove authorization"] = "Révoquer l'autorisation";
-$a->strings["No Plugin settings configured"] = "Pas de réglages d'extensions configurés";
-$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Extensions";
-$a->strings["Off"] = "Éteint";
-$a->strings["On"] = "Allumé";
-$a->strings["Additional Features"] = "Fonctions supplémentaires";
-$a->strings["General Social Media Settings"] = "Paramètres généraux des réseaux sociaux";
-$a->strings["Disable intelligent shortening"] = "Désactiver la réduction d'URL";
-$a->strings["Normally the system tries to find the best link to add to shortened posts. If this option is enabled then every shortened post will always point to the original friendica post."] = "Normalement, le système tente de trouver le meilleur lien à ajouter aux publications raccourcies. Si cette option est activée, les publications raccourcies dirigeront toujours vers leur publication d'origine sur Friendica.";
-$a->strings["Automatically follow any GNU Social (OStatus) followers/mentioners"] = "Suivre automatiquement ceux qui me suivent ou me mentionnent sur GNU Social (OStatus)";
-$a->strings["If you receive a message from an unknown OStatus user, this option decides what to do. If it is checked, a new contact will be created for every unknown user."] = "Si vous recevez un message d'un utilisateur OStatus inconnu, cette option détermine ce qui sera fait. Si elle est cochée, un nouveau contact sera créé pour chaque utilisateur inconnu.";
-$a->strings["Your legacy GNU Social account"] = "Le compte GNU Social que vous avez déjà";
-$a->strings["If you enter your old GNU Social/Statusnet account name here (in the format user@domain.tld), your contacts will be added automatically. The field will be emptied when done."] = "Si vous entrez le nom de votre ancien compte GNU Social / StatusNet ici (utiliser le format utilisateur@domaine.tld), vos contacts seront ajoutés automatiquement. Le champ sera vidé lorsque ce sera terminé.";
-$a->strings["Repair OStatus subscriptions"] = "Réparer les abonnements OStatus";
-$a->strings["Built-in support for %s connectivity is %s"] = "Le support natif pour la connectivité %s est %s";
-$a->strings["Diaspora"] = "Diaspora";
-$a->strings["enabled"] = "activé";
-$a->strings["disabled"] = "désactivé";
-$a->strings["GNU Social (OStatus)"] = "GNU Social (OStatus)";
-$a->strings["Email access is disabled on this site."] = "L'accès courriel est désactivé sur ce site.";
-$a->strings["Email/Mailbox Setup"] = "Réglages de courriel/boîte à lettre";
-$a->strings["If you wish to communicate with email contacts using this service (optional), please specify how to connect to your mailbox."] = "Si vous souhaitez communiquer avec vos contacts \"courriel\" (facultatif), merci de nous indiquer comment vous connecter à votre boîte.";
-$a->strings["Last successful email check:"] = "Dernière vérification réussie des courriels:";
-$a->strings["IMAP server name:"] = "Nom du serveur IMAP:";
-$a->strings["IMAP port:"] = "Port IMAP:";
-$a->strings["Security:"] = "Sécurité:";
-$a->strings["None"] = "Aucun(e)";
-$a->strings["Email login name:"] = "Nom de connexion:";
-$a->strings["Email password:"] = "Mot de passe:";
-$a->strings["Reply-to address:"] = "Adresse de réponse:";
-$a->strings["Send public posts to all email contacts:"] = "Envoyer les publications publiques à tous les contacts courriels:";
-$a->strings["Action after import:"] = "Action après import:";
-$a->strings["Mark as seen"] = "Marquer comme vu";
-$a->strings["Move to folder"] = "Déplacer vers";
-$a->strings["Move to folder:"] = "Déplacer vers:";
-$a->strings["Display Settings"] = "Affichage";
-$a->strings["Display Theme:"] = "Thème d'affichage:";
-$a->strings["Mobile Theme:"] = "Thème mobile:";
-$a->strings["Update browser every xx seconds"] = "Mettre-à-jour l'affichage toutes les xx secondes";
-$a->strings["Minimum of 10 seconds. Enter -1 to disable it."] = "Minimum de 10 secondes. Saisir -1 pour désactiver.";
-$a->strings["Number of items to display per page:"] = "Nombre d’éléments par page:";
-$a->strings["Maximum of 100 items"] = "Maximum de 100 éléments";
-$a->strings["Number of items to display per page when viewed from mobile device:"] = "Nombre d'éléments a afficher par page pour un appareil mobile";
-$a->strings["Don't show emoticons"] = "Ne pas afficher les émoticônes (smileys grahiques)";
-$a->strings["Calendar"] = "Calendrier";
-$a->strings["Beginning of week:"] = "Début de la semaine :";
-$a->strings["Don't show notices"] = "Ne plus afficher les avis";
-$a->strings["Infinite scroll"] = "Défilement infini";
-$a->strings["Automatic updates only at the top of the network page"] = "Mises à jour automatiques seulement en haut de la page du réseau.";
-$a->strings["Theme settings"] = "Réglages du thème graphique";
-$a->strings["User Types"] = "Types d'utilisateurs";
-$a->strings["Community Types"] = "Genre de communautés";
-$a->strings["Normal Account Page"] = "Compte normal";
-$a->strings["This account is a normal personal profile"] = "Ce compte correspond à un profil normal, pour une seule personne (physique, généralement)";
-$a->strings["Soapbox Page"] = "Compte \"boîte à savon\"";
-$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"] = "Accepter automatiquement toutes les demandes d'amitié/connexion comme étant des fans 'en lecture seule'";
-$a->strings["Community Forum/Celebrity Account"] = "Compte de communauté/célébrité";
-$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans"] = "Accepter automatiquement toutes les demandes d'amitié/connexion comme étant des fans en 'lecture/écriture'";
-$a->strings["Automatic Friend Page"] = "Compte d'\"amitié automatique\"";
-$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"] = "Accepter automatiquement toutes les demandes d'amitié/connexion comme étant des amis";
-$a->strings["Private Forum [Experimental]"] = "Forum privé [expérimental]";
-$a->strings["Private forum - approved members only"] = "Forum privé - modéré en inscription";
-$a->strings["OpenID:"] = "OpenID:";
-$a->strings["(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account."] = " (Facultatif) Autoriser cet OpenID à se connecter à ce compte.";
-$a->strings["Publish your default profile in your local site directory?"] = "Publier votre profil par défaut sur l'annuaire local de ce site?";
-$a->strings["Publish your default profile in the global social directory?"] = "Publier votre profil par défaut sur l'annuaire social global?";
-$a->strings["Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of your default profile?"] = "Cacher votre liste de contacts/amis des visiteurs de votre profil par défaut?";
-$a->strings["Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"] = "Cacher les détails du profil aux visiteurs inconnus?";
-$a->strings["If enabled, posting public messages to Diaspora and other networks isn't possible."] = "";
-$a->strings["Allow friends to post to your profile page?"] = "Autoriser vos amis à publier sur votre profil?";
-$a->strings["Allow friends to tag your posts?"] = "Autoriser vos amis à étiqueter vos publications?";
-$a->strings["Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?"] = "Autoriser les suggestions d'amis potentiels aux nouveaux arrivants?";
-$a->strings["Permit unknown people to send you private mail?"] = "Autoriser les messages privés d'inconnus?";
-$a->strings["Profile is not published ."] = "Ce profil n'est pas publié .";
-$a->strings["Your Identity Address is '%s' or '%s'."] = "L’adresse de votre identité est '%s' or '%s'.";
-$a->strings["Automatically expire posts after this many days:"] = "Les publications expirent automatiquement après (en jours) :";
-$a->strings["If empty, posts will not expire. Expired posts will be deleted"] = "Si ce champ est vide, les publications n'expireront pas. Les publications expirées seront supprimées";
-$a->strings["Advanced expiration settings"] = "Réglages avancés de l'expiration";
-$a->strings["Advanced Expiration"] = "Expiration (avancé)";
-$a->strings["Expire posts:"] = "Faire expirer les publications:";
-$a->strings["Expire personal notes:"] = "Faire expirer les notes personnelles:";
-$a->strings["Expire starred posts:"] = "Faire expirer les publications marqués:";
-$a->strings["Expire photos:"] = "Faire expirer les photos:";
-$a->strings["Only expire posts by others:"] = "Faire expirer seulement les publications des autres:";
-$a->strings["Account Settings"] = "Compte";
-$a->strings["Password Settings"] = "Réglages de mot de passe";
-$a->strings["New Password:"] = "Nouveau mot de passe:";
-$a->strings["Confirm:"] = "Confirmer:";
-$a->strings["Leave password fields blank unless changing"] = "Laissez les champs de mot de passe vierges, sauf si vous désirez les changer";
-$a->strings["Current Password:"] = "Mot de passe actuel:";
-$a->strings["Your current password to confirm the changes"] = "Votre mot de passe actuel pour confirmer les modifications";
-$a->strings["Password:"] = "Mot de passe:";
-$a->strings["Basic Settings"] = "Réglages basiques";
-$a->strings["Full Name:"] = "Nom complet:";
-$a->strings["Email Address:"] = "Adresse courriel:";
-$a->strings["Your Timezone:"] = "Votre fuseau horaire:";
-$a->strings["Your Language:"] = "Votre langue :";
-$a->strings["Set the language we use to show you friendica interface and to send you emails"] = "Détermine la langue que nous utilisons pour afficher votre interface Friendica et pour vous envoyer des courriels";
-$a->strings["Default Post Location:"] = "Emplacement de publication par défaut:";
-$a->strings["Use Browser Location:"] = "Utiliser la localisation géographique du navigateur:";
-$a->strings["Security and Privacy Settings"] = "Réglages de sécurité et vie privée";
-$a->strings["Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"] = "Nombre maximal de requêtes d'amitié/jour:";
-$a->strings["(to prevent spam abuse)"] = "(pour limiter l'impact du spam)";
-$a->strings["Default Post Permissions"] = "Permissions de publication par défaut";
-$a->strings["(click to open/close)"] = "(cliquer pour ouvrir/fermer)";
-$a->strings["Show to Groups"] = "Montrer aux groupes";
-$a->strings["Show to Contacts"] = "Montrer aux Contacts";
-$a->strings["Default Private Post"] = "Message privé par défaut";
-$a->strings["Default Public Post"] = "Message publique par défaut";
-$a->strings["Default Permissions for New Posts"] = "Permissions par défaut pour les nouvelles publications";
-$a->strings["Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:"] = "Maximum de messages privés d'inconnus par jour:";
-$a->strings["Notification Settings"] = "Réglages de notification";
-$a->strings["By default post a status message when:"] = "Par défaut, poster un statut quand:";
-$a->strings["accepting a friend request"] = "j'accepte un ami";
-$a->strings["joining a forum/community"] = "joignant un forum/une communauté";
-$a->strings["making an interesting profile change"] = "je fais une modification intéressante de mon profil";
-$a->strings["Send a notification email when:"] = "Envoyer un courriel de notification quand:";
-$a->strings["You receive an introduction"] = "Vous recevez une introduction";
-$a->strings["Your introductions are confirmed"] = "Vos introductions sont confirmées";
-$a->strings["Someone writes on your profile wall"] = "Quelqu'un écrit sur votre mur";
-$a->strings["Someone writes a followup comment"] = "Quelqu'un vous commente";
-$a->strings["You receive a private message"] = "Vous recevez un message privé";
-$a->strings["You receive a friend suggestion"] = "Vous avez reçu une suggestion d'ami";
-$a->strings["You are tagged in a post"] = "Vous avez été étiquetté dans une publication";
-$a->strings["You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"] = "Vous avez été sollicité dans une publication";
-$a->strings["Activate desktop notifications"] = "Activer les notifications de bureau";
-$a->strings["Show desktop popup on new notifications"] = "Afficher dans des pops-ups les nouvelles notifications";
-$a->strings["Text-only notification emails"] = "Courriels de notification en format texte";
-$a->strings["Send text only notification emails, without the html part"] = "Envoyer le texte des courriels de notification, sans la composante html";
-$a->strings["Advanced Account/Page Type Settings"] = "Paramètres avancés de compte/page";
-$a->strings["Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"] = "Modifier le comportement de ce compte dans certaines situations";
-$a->strings["Relocate"] = "Relocaliser";
-$a->strings["If you have moved this profile from another server, and some of your contacts don't receive your updates, try pushing this button."] = "Si vous avez migré ce profil depuis un autre serveur et que vos contacts ne reçoivent plus vos mises à jour, essayez ce bouton.";
-$a->strings["Resend relocate message to contacts"] = "Renvoyer un message de relocalisation aux contacts.";
-$a->strings["This introduction has already been accepted."] = "Cette introduction a déjà été acceptée.";
-$a->strings["Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."] = "L'emplacement du profil est invalide ou ne contient pas de profil valide.";
-$a->strings["Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."] = "Attention: l'emplacement du profil n'a pas de nom identifiable.";
-$a->strings["Warning: profile location has no profile photo."] = "Attention: l'emplacement du profil n'a pas de photo de profil.";
-$a->strings["%d required parameter was not found at the given location"] = array(
- 0 => "%d paramètre requis n'a pas été trouvé à l'endroit indiqué",
- 1 => "%d paramètres requis n'ont pas été trouvés à l'endroit indiqué",
-$a->strings["Introduction complete."] = "Phase d'introduction achevée.";
-$a->strings["Unrecoverable protocol error."] = "Erreur de protocole non-récupérable.";
-$a->strings["Profile unavailable."] = "Profil indisponible.";
-$a->strings["%s has received too many connection requests today."] = "%s a reçu trop de demandes d'introduction aujourd'hui.";
-$a->strings["Spam protection measures have been invoked."] = "Des mesures de protection contre le spam ont été déclenchées.";
-$a->strings["Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."] = "Les relations sont encouragées à attendre 24 heures pour recommencer.";
-$a->strings["Invalid locator"] = "Localisateur invalide";
-$a->strings["Invalid email address."] = "Adresse courriel invalide.";
-$a->strings["This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."] = "Ce compte n'a pas été configuré pour les échanges de courriel. Requête avortée.";
-$a->strings["Unable to resolve your name at the provided location."] = "Impossible de résoudre votre nom à l'emplacement fourni.";
-$a->strings["You have already introduced yourself here."] = "Vous vous êtes déjà présenté ici.";
-$a->strings["Apparently you are already friends with %s."] = "Il semblerait que vous soyez déjà ami avec %s.";
-$a->strings["Invalid profile URL."] = "URL de profil invalide.";
-$a->strings["Disallowed profile URL."] = "URL de profil interdite.";
-$a->strings["Your introduction has been sent."] = "Votre introduction a été envoyée.";
-$a->strings["Please login to confirm introduction."] = "Connectez-vous pour confirmer l'introduction.";
-$a->strings["Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to this profile."] = "Identité incorrecte actuellement connectée. Merci de vous connecter à ce profil.";
-$a->strings["Confirm"] = "Confirmer";
-$a->strings["Hide this contact"] = "Cacher ce contact";
-$a->strings["Welcome home %s."] = "Bienvenue chez vous, %s.";
-$a->strings["Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."] = "Merci de confirmer votre demande d'introduction auprès de %s.";
-$a->strings["Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported communications networks:"] = "Merci d'entrer votre \"adresse d'identité\" de l'un des réseaux de communication suivant:";
-$a->strings["If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and join us today ."] = "Si vous n’êtes pas encore membre du web social libre, suivez ce lien pour trouver un site Friendica ouvert au public et nous rejoindre dès aujourd’hui .";
-$a->strings["Friend/Connection Request"] = "Requête de relation/amitié";
-$a->strings["Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca"] = "Exemples : jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca";
-$a->strings["Friendica"] = "Friendica";
-$a->strings["StatusNet/Federated Social Web"] = "StatusNet/Federated Social Web";
-$a->strings[" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search bar."] = " - merci de ne pas utiliser ce formulaire. Entrez plutôt %s dans votre barre de recherche Diaspora.";
-$a->strings["Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."] = "Inscription réussie. Vérifiez vos emails pour la suite des instructions.";
-$a->strings["Failed to send email message. Here your accout details: login: %s password: %s You can change your password after login."] = "Impossible d’envoyer le courriel de confirmation. Voici vos informations de connexion: identifiant : %s mot de passe : %s Vous pourrez changer votre mot de passe une fois connecté.";
-$a->strings["Registration successful."] = "Inscription réussie.";
-$a->strings["Your registration can not be processed."] = "Votre inscription ne peut être traitée.";
-$a->strings["Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."] = "Votre inscription attend une validation du propriétaire du site.";
-$a->strings["This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow."] = "Le nombre d'inscriptions quotidiennes pour ce site a été dépassé. Merci de réessayer demain.";
-$a->strings["You may (optionally) fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID and clicking 'Register'."] = "Vous pouvez (si vous le souhaitez) remplir ce formulaire via OpenID. Fournissez votre OpenID et cliquez \"S'inscrire\".";
-$a->strings["If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill in the rest of the items."] = "Si vous n'êtes pas familier avec OpenID, laissez ce champ vide et remplissez le reste.";
-$a->strings["Your OpenID (optional): "] = "Votre OpenID (facultatif): ";
-$a->strings["Include your profile in member directory?"] = "Inclure votre profil dans l'annuaire des membres?";
-$a->strings["Membership on this site is by invitation only."] = "L'inscription à ce site se fait uniquement sur invitation.";
-$a->strings["Your invitation ID: "] = "Votre ID d'invitation: ";
-$a->strings["Your Full Name (e.g. Joe Smith, real or real-looking): "] = "Votre nom complet (p. ex. Michel Dupont):";
-$a->strings["Your Email Address: "] = "Votre adresse courriel: ";
-$a->strings["Leave empty for an auto generated password."] = "Laisser ce champ libre pour obtenir un mot de passe généré automatiquement.";
-$a->strings["Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your profile address on this site will then be 'nickname@\$sitename '."] = "Choisissez un pseudo. Celui devra commencer par une lettre. L'adresse de votre profil en découlera sous la forme '<strong>pseudo@\$sitename</strong>'.";
-$a->strings["Choose a nickname: "] = "Choisir un pseudo: ";
-$a->strings["Register"] = "S'inscrire";
-$a->strings["Import"] = "Importer";
-$a->strings["Import your profile to this friendica instance"] = "Importer votre profile dans cette instance de friendica";
-$a->strings["System down for maintenance"] = "Système indisponible pour cause de maintenance";
-$a->strings["Only logged in users are permitted to perform a search."] = "Seuls les utilisateurs inscrits sont autorisés à lancer une recherche.";
-$a->strings["Too Many Requests"] = "Trop de requêtes";
-$a->strings["Only one search per minute is permitted for not logged in users."] = "Une seule recherche par minute pour les utilisateurs qui ne sont pas connectés.";
-$a->strings["Search"] = "Recherche";
-$a->strings["Items tagged with: %s"] = "";
-$a->strings["Search results for: %s"] = "";
-$a->strings["Status:"] = "Statut:";
-$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Page personnelle:";
-$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Annuaire global";
-$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Trouver sur ce site";
-$a->strings["Finding:"] = "";
-$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Annuaire local";
-$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Aucune entrée (certaines peuvent être cachées).";
-$a->strings["No potential page delegates located."] = "Pas de délégataire potentiel.";
-$a->strings["Delegate Page Management"] = "Déléguer la gestion de la page";
-$a->strings["Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to anybody that you do not trust completely."] = "Les délégataires seront capables de gérer tous les aspects de ce compte ou de cette page, à l'exception des réglages de compte. Merci de ne pas déléguer votre compte principal à quelqu'un en qui vous n'avez pas une confiance absolue.";
-$a->strings["Existing Page Managers"] = "Gestionnaires existants";
-$a->strings["Existing Page Delegates"] = "Délégataires existants";
-$a->strings["Potential Delegates"] = "Délégataires potentiels";
-$a->strings["Add"] = "Ajouter";
-$a->strings["No entries."] = "Aucune entrée.";
-$a->strings["No contacts in common."] = "Pas de contacts en commun.";
-$a->strings["Export account"] = "Exporter le compte";
-$a->strings["Export your account info and contacts. Use this to make a backup of your account and/or to move it to another server."] = "Exportez votre compte, vos infos et vos contacts. Vous pourrez utiliser le résultat comme sauvegarde et/ou pour le ré-importer sur un autre serveur.";
-$a->strings["Export all"] = "Tout exporter";
-$a->strings["Export your accout info, contacts and all your items as json. Could be a very big file, and could take a lot of time. Use this to make a full backup of your account (photos are not exported)"] = "Exportez votre compte, vos infos, vos contacts et toutes vos publications (en JSON). Le fichier résultant peut être extrêmement volumineux, et sa production peut durer longtemps. Vous pourrez l'utiliser pour faire une sauvegarde complète (à part les photos).";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is currently %2\$s"] = "%1\$s est d'humeur %2\$s";
-$a->strings["Mood"] = "Humeur";
-$a->strings["Set your current mood and tell your friends"] = "Spécifiez votre humeur du moment, et informez vos amis";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"] = "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette suggestion ?";
-$a->strings["No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 hours."] = "Aucune suggestion. Si ce site est récent, merci de recommencer dans 24h.";
-$a->strings["Ignore/Hide"] = "Ignorer/cacher";
-$a->strings["Friend Suggestions"] = "Suggestions d'amitiés/contacts";
-$a->strings["Profile deleted."] = "Profil supprimé.";
-$a->strings["Profile-"] = "Profil-";
-$a->strings["New profile created."] = "Nouveau profil créé.";
-$a->strings["Profile unavailable to clone."] = "Ce profil ne peut être cloné.";
-$a->strings["Profile Name is required."] = "Le nom du profil est requis.";
-$a->strings["Marital Status"] = "Statut marital";
-$a->strings["Romantic Partner"] = "Partenaire / conjoint";
-$a->strings["Likes"] = "Derniers \"J'aime\"";
-$a->strings["Dislikes"] = "Derniers \"Je n'aime pas\"";
-$a->strings["Work/Employment"] = "Travail / Occupation";
-$a->strings["Religion"] = "Religion";
-$a->strings["Political Views"] = "Tendance politique";
-$a->strings["Gender"] = "Sexe";
-$a->strings["Sexual Preference"] = "Préférence sexuelle";
-$a->strings["Homepage"] = "Site internet";
-$a->strings["Interests"] = "Centres d'intérêt";
-$a->strings["Address"] = "Adresse";
-$a->strings["Location"] = "Localisation";
-$a->strings["Profile updated."] = "Profil mis à jour.";
-$a->strings[" and "] = " et ";
-$a->strings["public profile"] = "profil public";
-$a->strings["%1\$s changed %2\$s to “%3\$s”"] = "%1\$s a changé %2\$s en “%3\$s”";
-$a->strings[" - Visit %1\$s's %2\$s"] = "Visiter le %2\$s de %1\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s has an updated %2\$s, changing %3\$s."] = "%1\$s a mis à jour son %2\$s, en modifiant %3\$s.";
-$a->strings["Hide contacts and friends:"] = "Cacher mes contacts et amis :";
-$a->strings["Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"] = "Cacher ma liste d'amis / contacts des visiteurs de ce profil ?";
-$a->strings["Show more profile fields:"] = "";
-$a->strings["Edit Profile Details"] = "Éditer les détails du profil";
-$a->strings["Change Profile Photo"] = "Changer la photo du profil";
-$a->strings["View this profile"] = "Voir ce profil";
-$a->strings["Create a new profile using these settings"] = "Créer un nouveau profil en utilisant ces réglages";
-$a->strings["Clone this profile"] = "Cloner ce profil";
-$a->strings["Delete this profile"] = "Supprimer ce profil";
-$a->strings["Basic information"] = "Information de base";
-$a->strings["Profile picture"] = "Image de profil";
-$a->strings["Preferences"] = "Préférences";
-$a->strings["Status information"] = "Information sur le statut";
-$a->strings["Additional information"] = "Information additionnelle";
-$a->strings["Profile Name:"] = "Nom du profil :";
-$a->strings["Your Full Name:"] = "Votre nom complet :";
-$a->strings["Title/Description:"] = "Titre / Description :";
-$a->strings["Your Gender:"] = "Votre genre :";
-$a->strings["Birthday :"] = "Anniversaire :";
-$a->strings["Street Address:"] = "Adresse postale :";
-$a->strings["Locality/City:"] = "Ville / Localité :";
-$a->strings["Postal/Zip Code:"] = "Code postal :";
-$a->strings["Country:"] = "Pays :";
-$a->strings["Region/State:"] = "Région / État :";
-$a->strings["♥ Marital Status:"] = "♥ Statut marital :";
-$a->strings["Who: (if applicable)"] = "Qui : (si pertinent)";
-$a->strings["Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"] = "Exemples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com";
-$a->strings["Since [date]:"] = "Depuis [date] :";
-$a->strings["Sexual Preference:"] = "Préférence sexuelle:";
-$a->strings["Homepage URL:"] = "Page personnelle :";
-$a->strings["Hometown:"] = " Ville d'origine:";
-$a->strings["Political Views:"] = "Opinions politiques:";
-$a->strings["Religious Views:"] = "Opinions religieuses :";
-$a->strings["Public Keywords:"] = "Mots-clés publics :";
-$a->strings["Private Keywords:"] = "Mots-clés privés :";
-$a->strings["Likes:"] = "J'aime :";
-$a->strings["Dislikes:"] = "Je n'aime pas :";
-$a->strings["Example: fishing photography software"] = "Exemple : football dessin programmation";
-$a->strings["(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"] = "(Utilisés pour vous suggérer des amis potentiels, peuvent être vus par autrui)";
-$a->strings["(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"] = "(Utilisés pour rechercher dans les profils, ne seront jamais montrés à autrui)";
-$a->strings["Tell us about yourself..."] = "Parlez-nous de vous...";
-$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests"] = "Passe-temps / Centres d'intérêt";
-$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks"] = "Coordonnées / Réseaux sociaux";
-$a->strings["Musical interests"] = "Goûts musicaux";
-$a->strings["Books, literature"] = "Lectures";
-$a->strings["Television"] = "Télévision";
-$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment"] = "Cinéma / Danse / Culture / Divertissement";
-$a->strings["Love/romance"] = "Amour / Romance";
-$a->strings["Work/employment"] = "Activité professionnelle / Occupation";
-$a->strings["School/education"] = "Études / Formation";
-$a->strings["This is your public profile. It may be visible to anybody using the internet."] = "Ceci est votre profil public . Il peut être visible par n'importe quel utilisateur d'Internet.";
-$a->strings["Age: "] = "Age : ";
-$a->strings["Edit/Manage Profiles"] = "Editer / gérer les profils";
-$a->strings["Change profile photo"] = "Changer de photo de profil";
-$a->strings["Create New Profile"] = "Créer un nouveau profil";
-$a->strings["Profile Image"] = "Image du profil";
-$a->strings["visible to everybody"] = "visible par tous";
-$a->strings["Edit visibility"] = "Changer la visibilité";
-$a->strings["Item not found"] = "Élément introuvable";
-$a->strings["Edit post"] = "Éditer la publication";
-$a->strings["upload photo"] = "envoi image";
-$a->strings["Attach file"] = "Joindre fichier";
-$a->strings["attach file"] = "ajout fichier";
-$a->strings["web link"] = "lien web";
-$a->strings["Insert video link"] = "Insérer un lien video";
-$a->strings["video link"] = "lien vidéo";
-$a->strings["Insert audio link"] = "Insérer un lien audio";
-$a->strings["audio link"] = "lien audio";
-$a->strings["Set your location"] = "Définir votre localisation";
-$a->strings["set location"] = "spéc. localisation";
-$a->strings["Clear browser location"] = "Effacer la localisation du navigateur";
-$a->strings["clear location"] = "supp. localisation";
-$a->strings["Permission settings"] = "Réglages des permissions";
-$a->strings["CC: email addresses"] = "CC: adresses de courriel";
-$a->strings["Public post"] = "Publication publique";
-$a->strings["Set title"] = "Définir un titre";
-$a->strings["Categories (comma-separated list)"] = "Catégories (séparées par des virgules)";
-$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"] = "Exemple: bob@exemple.com, mary@exemple.com";
-$a->strings["This is Friendica, version"] = "Motorisé par Friendica version";
-$a->strings["running at web location"] = "hébergé sur";
-$a->strings["Please visit Friendica.com to learn more about the Friendica project."] = "Merci de vous rendre sur Friendica.com si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur le projet Friendica.";
-$a->strings["Bug reports and issues: please visit"] = "Pour les rapports de bugs: rendez vous sur";
-$a->strings["the bugtracker at github"] = "";
-$a->strings["Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email \"Info\" at Friendica - dot com"] = "Suggestions, remerciements, donations, etc. - écrivez à \"Info\" arob. Friendica - point com";
-$a->strings["Installed plugins/addons/apps:"] = "Extensions/greffons/applications installées:";
-$a->strings["No installed plugins/addons/apps"] = "Extensions/greffons/applications non installées:";
-$a->strings["Authorize application connection"] = "Autoriser l'application à se connecter";
-$a->strings["Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"] = "Retournez à votre application et saisissez ce Code de Sécurité : ";
-$a->strings["Please login to continue."] = "Merci de vous connecter pour continuer.";
-$a->strings["Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts, and/or create new posts for you?"] = "Voulez-vous autoriser cette application à accéder à vos publications et contacts, et/ou à créer des billets à votre place?";
-$a->strings["Remote privacy information not available."] = "Informations de confidentialité indisponibles.";
-$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Visible par:";
-$a->strings["Personal Notes"] = "Notes personnelles";
-$a->strings["l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"] = "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A";
-$a->strings["Time Conversion"] = "Conversion temporelle";
-$a->strings["Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and friends in unknown timezones."] = "Friendica fournit ce service pour partager des événements avec d'autres réseaux et amis indépendament de leur fuseau horaire.";
-$a->strings["UTC time: %s"] = "Temps UTC : %s";
-$a->strings["Current timezone: %s"] = "Zone de temps courante : %s";
-$a->strings["Converted localtime: %s"] = "Temps local converti : %s";
-$a->strings["Please select your timezone:"] = "Sélectionner votre zone :";
-$a->strings["Poke/Prod"] = "Solliciter";
-$a->strings["poke, prod or do other things to somebody"] = "solliciter (poke/...) quelqu'un";
-$a->strings["Recipient"] = "Destinataire";
-$a->strings["Choose what you wish to do to recipient"] = "Choisissez ce que vous voulez faire au destinataire";
-$a->strings["Make this post private"] = "Rendez ce message privé";
-$a->strings["Resubscribing to OStatus contacts"] = "";
-$a->strings["Error"] = "Erreur";
-$a->strings["Total invitation limit exceeded."] = "La limite d'invitation totale est éxédée.";
-$a->strings["%s : Not a valid email address."] = "%s : Adresse de courriel invalide.";
-$a->strings["Please join us on Friendica"] = "Rejoignez-nous sur Friendica";
-$a->strings["Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Limite d'invitation exédée. Veuillez contacter l'administrateur de votre site.";
-$a->strings["%s : Message delivery failed."] = "%s : L'envoi du message a échoué.";
-$a->strings["%d message sent."] = array(
- 0 => "%d message envoyé.",
- 1 => "%d messages envoyés.",
-$a->strings["You have no more invitations available"] = "Vous n'avez plus d'invitations disponibles";
-$a->strings["Visit %s for a list of public sites that you can join. Friendica members on other sites can all connect with each other, as well as with members of many other social networks."] = "Visitez %s pour une liste des sites publics que vous pouvez rejoindre. Les membres de Friendica appartenant à d'autres sites peuvent s'interconnecter, ainsi qu'avec les membres de plusieurs autres réseaux sociaux.";
-$a->strings["To accept this invitation, please visit and register at %s or any other public Friendica website."] = "Pour accepter cette invitation, merci d'aller vous inscrire sur %s, ou n'importe quel autre site Friendica public.";
-$a->strings["Friendica sites all inter-connect to create a huge privacy-enhanced social web that is owned and controlled by its members. They can also connect with many traditional social networks. See %s for a list of alternate Friendica sites you can join."] = "Les sites Friendica sont tous interconnectés pour créer un immense réseau social respectueux de la vie privée, possédé et contrôllé par ses membres. Ils peuvent également interagir avec plusieurs réseaux sociaux traditionnels. Voir %s pour une liste d'autres sites Friendica que vous pourriez rejoindre.";
-$a->strings["Our apologies. This system is not currently configured to connect with other public sites or invite members."] = "Toutes nos excuses. Ce système n'est pas configuré pour se connecter à d'autres sites publics ou inviter de nouveaux membres.";
-$a->strings["Send invitations"] = "Envoyer des invitations";
-$a->strings["Enter email addresses, one per line:"] = "Entrez les adresses email, une par ligne :";
-$a->strings["You are cordially invited to join me and other close friends on Friendica - and help us to create a better social web."] = "Vous êtes cordialement invité à me rejoindre sur Friendica, et nous aider ainsi à créer un meilleur web social.";
-$a->strings["You will need to supply this invitation code: \$invite_code"] = "Vous devrez fournir ce code d'invitation : \$invite_code";
-$a->strings["Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:"] = "Une fois inscrit, connectez-vous à la page de mon profil sur :";
-$a->strings["For more information about the Friendica project and why we feel it is important, please visit http://friendica.com"] = "Pour plus d'information sur le projet Friendica, et pourquoi nous croyons qu'il est important, merci de visiter http://friendica.com";
-$a->strings["Photo Albums"] = "Albums photo";
-$a->strings["Recent Photos"] = "Photos récentes";
-$a->strings["Upload New Photos"] = "Téléverser de nouvelles photos";
-$a->strings["Contact information unavailable"] = "Informations de contact indisponibles";
-$a->strings["Album not found."] = "Album introuvable.";
-$a->strings["Delete Album"] = "Effacer l'album";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"] = "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet album photo et toutes ses photos ?";
-$a->strings["Delete Photo"] = "Effacer la photo";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo?"] = "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette photo ?";
-$a->strings["%1\$s was tagged in %2\$s by %3\$s"] = "%1\$s a été étiqueté dans %2\$s par %3\$s";
-$a->strings["a photo"] = "une photo";
-$a->strings["Image file is empty."] = "Fichier image vide.";
-$a->strings["No photos selected"] = "Aucune photo sélectionnée";
-$a->strings["You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."] = "Vous avez utilisé %1$.2f Mo sur %2$.2f d'espace de stockage pour les photos.";
-$a->strings["Upload Photos"] = "Téléverser des photos";
-$a->strings["New album name: "] = "Nom du nouvel album: ";
-$a->strings["or existing album name: "] = "ou nom d'un album existant: ";
-$a->strings["Do not show a status post for this upload"] = "Ne pas publier de notice de statut pour cet envoi";
-$a->strings["Permissions"] = "Permissions";
-$a->strings["Private Photo"] = "Photo privée";
-$a->strings["Public Photo"] = "Photo publique";
-$a->strings["Edit Album"] = "Éditer l'album";
-$a->strings["Show Newest First"] = "Plus récent d'abord";
-$a->strings["Show Oldest First"] = "Plus ancien d'abord";
-$a->strings["View Photo"] = "Voir la photo";
-$a->strings["Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."] = "Interdit. L'accès à cet élément peut avoir été restreint.";
-$a->strings["Photo not available"] = "Photo indisponible";
-$a->strings["View photo"] = "Voir photo";
-$a->strings["Edit photo"] = "Éditer la photo";
-$a->strings["Use as profile photo"] = "Utiliser comme photo de profil";
-$a->strings["View Full Size"] = "Voir en taille réelle";
-$a->strings["Tags: "] = "Étiquettes:";
-$a->strings["[Remove any tag]"] = "[Retirer toutes les étiquettes]";
-$a->strings["New album name"] = "Nom du nouvel album";
-$a->strings["Caption"] = "Titre";
-$a->strings["Add a Tag"] = "Ajouter une étiquette";
-$a->strings["Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"] = "Exemples: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #Californie, #vacances";
-$a->strings["Do not rotate"] = "Pas de rotation";
-$a->strings["Rotate CW (right)"] = "Tourner dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre (vers la droite)";
-$a->strings["Rotate CCW (left)"] = "Tourner dans le sens contraire des aiguilles d'une montre (vers la gauche)";
-$a->strings["Private photo"] = "Photo privée";
-$a->strings["Public photo"] = "Photo publique";
-$a->strings["Share"] = "Partager";
-$a->strings["Attending"] = array(
- 0 => "",
- 1 => "",
-$a->strings["Not attending"] = "Ne participe pas";
-$a->strings["Might attend"] = "Participera peut-être";
-$a->strings["Map"] = "Carte";
-$a->strings["Not Extended"] = "";
-$a->strings["Account approved."] = "Inscription validée.";
-$a->strings["Registration revoked for %s"] = "Inscription révoquée pour %s";
-$a->strings["Please login."] = "Merci de vous connecter.";
-$a->strings["Move account"] = "Migrer le compte";
-$a->strings["You can import an account from another Friendica server."] = "Vous pouvez importer un compte d'un autre serveur Friendica.";
-$a->strings["You need to export your account from the old server and upload it here. We will recreate your old account here with all your contacts. We will try also to inform your friends that you moved here."] = "Vous devez exporter votre compte à partir de l'ancien serveur et le téléverser ici. Nous recréerons votre ancien compte ici avec tous vos contacts. Nous tenterons également d'informer vos amis que vous avez déménagé ici.";
-$a->strings["This feature is experimental. We can't import contacts from the OStatus network (GNU Social/Statusnet) or from Diaspora"] = "";
-$a->strings["Account file"] = "Fichier du compte";
-$a->strings["To export your account, go to \"Settings->Export your personal data\" and select \"Export account\""] = "Pour exporter votre compte, allez dans \"Paramètres> Exporter vos données personnelles\" et sélectionnez \"exportation de compte\"";
-$a->strings["Item not available."] = "Elément non disponible.";
-$a->strings["Item was not found."] = "Element introuvable.";
+$a->strings["PHP logging"] = "";
+$a->strings["To enable logging of PHP errors and warnings you can add the following to the .htconfig.php file of your installation. The filename set in the 'error_log' line is relative to the friendica top-level directory and must be writeable by the web server. The option '1' for 'log_errors' and 'display_errors' is to enable these options, set to '0' to disable them."] = "";
+$a->strings["Lock feature %s"] = "";
+$a->strings["Manage Additional Features"] = "";
+$a->strings["via"] = "via";
+$a->strings["Repeat the image"] = "";
+$a->strings["Will repeat your image to fill the background."] = "";
+$a->strings["Stretch"] = "";
+$a->strings["Will stretch to width/height of the image."] = "";
+$a->strings["Resize fill and-clip"] = "";
+$a->strings["Resize to fill and retain aspect ratio."] = "";
+$a->strings["Resize best fit"] = "";
+$a->strings["Resize to best fit and retain aspect ratio."] = "";
+$a->strings["Default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Note: "] = "";
+$a->strings["Check image permissions if all users are allowed to visit the image"] = "";
+$a->strings["Select scheme"] = "";
+$a->strings["Navigation bar background color"] = "";
+$a->strings["Navigation bar icon color "] = "";
+$a->strings["Link color"] = "";
+$a->strings["Set the background color"] = "";
+$a->strings["Content background transparency"] = "";
+$a->strings["Set the background image"] = "";
+$a->strings["Guest"] = "";
+$a->strings["Visitor"] = "";
+$a->strings["Set resize level for images in posts and comments (width and height)"] = "Choisir une taille pour les images dans les publications et commentaires (largeur et hauteur)";
+$a->strings["Set font-size for posts and comments"] = "Réglez 'font-size' (taille de police) pour publications et commentaires";
+$a->strings["Set theme width"] = "Largeur du thème";
+$a->strings["Color scheme"] = "Palette de couleurs";
+$a->strings["Alignment"] = "Alignement";
+$a->strings["Left"] = "Gauche";
+$a->strings["Center"] = "Centre";
+$a->strings["Posts font size"] = "Taille de texte des publications";
+$a->strings["Textareas font size"] = "Taille de police des zones de texte";
+$a->strings["Set line-height for posts and comments"] = "Réglez 'line-height' (hauteur de police) pour publications et commentaires";
+$a->strings["Set colour scheme"] = "Choisir le schéma de couleurs";
+$a->strings["Community Profiles"] = "Profils communautaires";
+$a->strings["Last users"] = "Derniers utilisateurs";
+$a->strings["Find Friends"] = "Trouver des amis";
+$a->strings["Local Directory"] = "Annuaire local";
+$a->strings["Quick Start"] = "Démarrage rapide";
+$a->strings["Connect Services"] = "Connecter des services";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of helper forums"] = "";
+$a->strings["Set style"] = "Définir le style";
+$a->strings["Community Pages"] = "Pages de Communauté";
+$a->strings["Help or @NewHere ?"] = "Aide ou @NewHere?";
+$a->strings["Your contacts"] = "Vos contacts";
+$a->strings["Your personal photos"] = "Vos photos personnelles";
+$a->strings["Last likes"] = "Dernièrement aimé";
+$a->strings["Last photos"] = "Dernières photos";
+$a->strings["Earth Layers"] = "Géolocalisation";
+$a->strings["Set zoomfactor for Earth Layers"] = "Régler le niveau de zoom pour la géolocalisation";
+$a->strings["Set longitude (X) for Earth Layers"] = "Régler la longitude (X) pour la géolocalisation";
+$a->strings["Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layers"] = "Régler la latitude (Y) pour la géolocalisation";
+$a->strings["Show/hide boxes at right-hand column:"] = "Montrer/cacher les boîtes dans la colonne de droite :";
+$a->strings["Set resolution for middle column"] = "Réglez la résolution de la colonne centrale";
+$a->strings["Set color scheme"] = "Choisir le schéma de couleurs";
+$a->strings["Set zoomfactor for Earth Layer"] = "Niveau de zoom";
+$a->strings["greenzero"] = "";
+$a->strings["purplezero"] = "";
+$a->strings["easterbunny"] = "";
+$a->strings["darkzero"] = "";
+$a->strings["comix"] = "";
+$a->strings["slackr"] = "";
+$a->strings["Variations"] = "Variations";
$a->strings["Delete this item?"] = "Effacer cet élément?";
$a->strings["show fewer"] = "montrer moins";
$a->strings["Update %s failed. See error logs."] = "Mise-à-jour %s échouée. Voir les journaux d'erreur.";
$a->strings["Create a New Account"] = "Créer un nouveau compte";
-$a->strings["Logout"] = "Se déconnecter";
-$a->strings["Nickname or Email address: "] = "Pseudo ou courriel: ";
$a->strings["Password: "] = "Mot de passe: ";
$a->strings["Remember me"] = "Se souvenir de moi";
$a->strings["Or login using OpenID: "] = "Ou connectez-vous via OpenID: ";
@@ -1408,575 +2029,4 @@ $a->strings["Website Terms of Service"] = "Conditions d'utilisation du site inte
$a->strings["terms of service"] = "conditions d'utilisation";
$a->strings["Website Privacy Policy"] = "Politique de confidentialité du site internet";
$a->strings["privacy policy"] = "politique de confidentialité";
-$a->strings["This entry was edited"] = "Cette entrée à été édité";
-$a->strings["I will attend"] = "Je vais participer";
-$a->strings["I will not attend"] = "Je ne vais pas participer";
-$a->strings["I might attend"] = "Je vais peut-être participer";
-$a->strings["ignore thread"] = "ignorer le fil";
-$a->strings["unignore thread"] = "Ne plus ignorer le fil";
-$a->strings["toggle ignore status"] = "Ignorer le statut";
-$a->strings["Categories:"] = "Catégories:";
-$a->strings["Filed under:"] = "Rangé sous:";
-$a->strings["via"] = "via";
-$a->strings["\n\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."] = "\nLes développeurs de Friendica ont récemment publié la mise à jour %s, mais en tentant de l’installer, quelque chose s’est terriblement mal passé. Une réparation s’impose et je ne peux pas la faire tout seul. Contactez un développeur Friendica si vous ne pouvez pas corriger le problème vous-même. Il est possible que ma base de données soit corrompue.";
-$a->strings["The error message is\n[pre]%s[/pre]"] = "Le message d’erreur est\n[pre]%s[/pre]";
-$a->strings["Errors encountered creating database tables."] = "Des erreurs ont été signalées lors de la création des tables.";
-$a->strings["Errors encountered performing database changes."] = "Des erreurs sont survenues lors de la mise à jour de la base de données.";
-$a->strings["Logged out."] = "Déconnecté.";
-$a->strings["We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. Please check the correct spelling of the ID."] = "Nous avons eu un souci avec l'OpenID que vous avez fourni. merci de vérifier l'orthographe correcte de ce dernier.";
-$a->strings["The error message was:"] = "Le message d'erreur était :";
-$a->strings["Add New Contact"] = "Ajouter un nouveau contact";
-$a->strings["Enter address or web location"] = "Entrez son adresse ou sa localisation web";
-$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"] = "Exemple: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara";
-$a->strings["%d invitation available"] = array(
- 0 => "%d invitation disponible",
- 1 => "%d invitations disponibles",
-$a->strings["Find People"] = "Trouver des personnes";
-$a->strings["Enter name or interest"] = "Entrez un nom ou un centre d'intérêt";
-$a->strings["Examples: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing"] = "Exemples: Robert Morgenstein, Pêche";
-$a->strings["Similar Interests"] = "Intérêts similaires";
-$a->strings["Random Profile"] = "Profil au hasard";
-$a->strings["Invite Friends"] = "Inviter des amis";
-$a->strings["Networks"] = "Réseaux";
-$a->strings["All Networks"] = "Tous réseaux";
-$a->strings["Saved Folders"] = "Dossiers sauvegardés";
-$a->strings["Everything"] = "Tout";
-$a->strings["Categories"] = "Catégories";
-$a->strings["%d contact in common"] = array(
- 0 => "%d contact en commun",
- 1 => "%d contacts en commun",
-$a->strings["General Features"] = "Fonctions générales";
-$a->strings["Multiple Profiles"] = "Profils multiples";
-$a->strings["Ability to create multiple profiles"] = "Possibilité de créer plusieurs profils";
-$a->strings["Photo Location"] = "Lieu de prise de la photo";
-$a->strings["Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present) prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."] = "";
-$a->strings["Post Composition Features"] = "Caractéristiques de composition de publication";
-$a->strings["Richtext Editor"] = "Éditeur de texte enrichi";
-$a->strings["Enable richtext editor"] = "Activer l'éditeur de texte enrichi";
-$a->strings["Post Preview"] = "Aperçu de la publication";
-$a->strings["Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"] = "Permet la prévisualisation des publications et commentaires avant de les publier";
-$a->strings["Auto-mention Forums"] = "";
-$a->strings["Add/remove mention when a fourm page is selected/deselected in ACL window."] = "";
-$a->strings["Network Sidebar Widgets"] = "Widgets réseau pour barre latérale";
-$a->strings["Search by Date"] = "Rechercher par Date";
-$a->strings["Ability to select posts by date ranges"] = "Capacité de sélectionner les publications par intervalles de dates";
-$a->strings["List Forums"] = "";
-$a->strings["Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"] = "";
-$a->strings["Group Filter"] = "Filtre de groupe";
-$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"] = "Activer le widget d’affichage des publications du réseau seulement pour le groupe sélectionné";
-$a->strings["Network Filter"] = "Filtre de réseau";
-$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"] = "Activer le widget d’affichage des publications du réseau seulement pour le réseau sélectionné";
-$a->strings["Save search terms for re-use"] = "Sauvegarder la recherche pour une utilisation ultérieure";
-$a->strings["Network Tabs"] = "Onglets Réseau";
-$a->strings["Network Personal Tab"] = "Onglet Réseau Personnel";
-$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"] = "Activer l'onglet pour afficher seulement les publications du réseau où vous avez interagit";
-$a->strings["Network New Tab"] = "Nouvel onglet réseaux";
-$a->strings["Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"] = "Activer l'onglet pour afficher seulement les publications du réseau (dans les 12 dernières heures)";
-$a->strings["Network Shared Links Tab"] = "Onglet réseau partagé";
-$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"] = "Activer l'onglet pour afficher seulement les publications du réseau contenant des liens";
-$a->strings["Post/Comment Tools"] = "outils de publication/commentaire";
-$a->strings["Multiple Deletion"] = "Suppression multiple";
-$a->strings["Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"] = "Sélectionner et supprimer plusieurs publications/commentaires à la fois";
-$a->strings["Edit Sent Posts"] = "Éditer les publications envoyées";
-$a->strings["Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"] = "Éditer et corriger les publications et commentaires après l'envoi";
-$a->strings["Tagging"] = "Étiquettage";
-$a->strings["Ability to tag existing posts"] = "Possibilité d'étiqueter les publications existantes";
-$a->strings["Post Categories"] = "Catégories des publications";
-$a->strings["Add categories to your posts"] = "Ajouter des catégories à vos publications";
-$a->strings["Ability to file posts under folders"] = "Possibilité d'afficher les publications sous les répertoires";
-$a->strings["Dislike Posts"] = "Publications non aimées";
-$a->strings["Ability to dislike posts/comments"] = "Possibilité de ne pas aimer les publications/commentaires";
-$a->strings["Star Posts"] = "Publications spéciales";
-$a->strings["Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"] = "Possibilité de marquer les publications spéciales d'une étoile";
-$a->strings["Mute Post Notifications"] = "";
-$a->strings["Ability to mute notifications for a thread"] = "";
-$a->strings["Advanced Profile Settings"] = "";
-$a->strings["Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"] = "";
-$a->strings["Connect URL missing."] = "URL de connexion manquante.";
-$a->strings["This site is not configured to allow communications with other networks."] = "Ce site n'est pas configuré pour dialoguer avec d'autres réseaux.";
-$a->strings["No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered."] = "Aucun protocole de communication ni aucun flux n'a pu être découvert.";
-$a->strings["The profile address specified does not provide adequate information."] = "L'adresse de profil indiquée ne fournit par les informations adéquates.";
-$a->strings["An author or name was not found."] = "Aucun auteur ou nom d'auteur n'a pu être trouvé.";
-$a->strings["No browser URL could be matched to this address."] = "Aucune URL de navigation ne correspond à cette adresse.";
-$a->strings["Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email contact."] = "Impossible de faire correspondre l'adresse d'identité en \"@\" avec un protocole connu ou un contact courriel.";
-$a->strings["Use mailto: in front of address to force email check."] = "Utilisez mailto: en face d'une adresse pour l'obliger à être reconnue comme courriel.";
-$a->strings["The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled on this site."] = "L'adresse de profil spécifiée correspond à un réseau qui a été désactivé sur ce site.";
-$a->strings["Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal notifications from you."] = "Profil limité. Cette personne ne sera pas capable de recevoir des notifications directes/personnelles de votre part.";
-$a->strings["Unable to retrieve contact information."] = "Impossible de récupérer les informations du contact.";
-$a->strings["following"] = "following";
-$a->strings["A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions may apply to this group and any future members. If this is not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."] = "Un groupe supprimé a été recréé. Les permissions existantes pourraient s'appliquer à ce groupe et aux futurs membres. Si ce n'est pas le comportement attendu, merci de re-créer un autre groupe sous un autre nom.";
-$a->strings["Default privacy group for new contacts"] = "Paramètres de confidentialité par défaut pour les nouveaux contacts";
-$a->strings["Everybody"] = "Tout le monde";
-$a->strings["edit"] = "éditer";
-$a->strings["Edit groups"] = "Modifier les groupes";
-$a->strings["Edit group"] = "Editer groupe";
-$a->strings["Create a new group"] = "Créer un nouveau groupe";
-$a->strings["Contacts not in any group"] = "Contacts n'appartenant à aucun groupe";
-$a->strings["Miscellaneous"] = "Divers";
-$a->strings["YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"] = "AAAA-MM-JJ ou MM-JJ";
-$a->strings["never"] = "jamais";
-$a->strings["less than a second ago"] = "il y a moins d'une seconde";
-$a->strings["year"] = "an";
-$a->strings["years"] = "ans";
-$a->strings["months"] = "mois";
-$a->strings["weeks"] = "semaines";
-$a->strings["days"] = "jours";
-$a->strings["hour"] = "heure";
-$a->strings["hours"] = "heures";
-$a->strings["minute"] = "minute";
-$a->strings["minutes"] = "minutes";
-$a->strings["second"] = "seconde";
-$a->strings["seconds"] = "secondes";
-$a->strings["%1\$d %2\$s ago"] = "%1\$d %2\$s auparavant";
-$a->strings["%s's birthday"] = "Anniversaire de %s's";
-$a->strings["Happy Birthday %s"] = "Joyeux anniversaire, %s !";
-$a->strings["Requested account is not available."] = "Le compte demandé n'est pas disponible.";
-$a->strings["Edit profile"] = "Editer le profil";
-$a->strings["Atom feed"] = "Flux Atom";
-$a->strings["Message"] = "Message";
-$a->strings["Profiles"] = "Profils";
-$a->strings["Manage/edit profiles"] = "Gérer/éditer les profils";
-$a->strings["g A l F d"] = "g A | F d";
-$a->strings["F d"] = "F d";
-$a->strings["[today]"] = "[aujourd'hui]";
-$a->strings["Birthday Reminders"] = "Rappels d'anniversaires";
-$a->strings["Birthdays this week:"] = "Anniversaires cette semaine:";
-$a->strings["[No description]"] = "[Sans description]";
-$a->strings["Event Reminders"] = "Rappels d'événements";
-$a->strings["Events this week:"] = "Evénements cette semaine :";
-$a->strings["j F, Y"] = "j F, Y";
-$a->strings["j F"] = "j F";
-$a->strings["Birthday:"] = "Anniversaire:";
-$a->strings["Age:"] = "Age:";
-$a->strings["for %1\$d %2\$s"] = "depuis %1\$d %2\$s";
-$a->strings["Religion:"] = "Religion:";
-$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests:"] = "Passe-temps/Centres d'intérêt:";
-$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks:"] = "Coordonnées/Réseaux sociaux:";
-$a->strings["Musical interests:"] = "Goûts musicaux:";
-$a->strings["Books, literature:"] = "Lectures:";
-$a->strings["Television:"] = "Télévision:";
-$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"] = "Cinéma/Danse/Culture/Divertissement:";
-$a->strings["Love/Romance:"] = "Amour/Romance:";
-$a->strings["Work/employment:"] = "Activité professionnelle/Occupation:";
-$a->strings["School/education:"] = "Études/Formation:";
-$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Forums :";
-$a->strings["Videos"] = "Vidéos";
-$a->strings["Events and Calendar"] = "Événements et agenda";
-$a->strings["Only You Can See This"] = "Vous seul pouvez voir ça";
-$a->strings["Post to Email"] = "Publier aux courriels";
-$a->strings["Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."] = "Les connecteurs sont désactivés parce que \"%s\" est activé.";
-$a->strings["Visible to everybody"] = "Visible par tout le monde";
-$a->strings["show"] = "montrer";
-$a->strings["don't show"] = "cacher";
-$a->strings["[no subject]"] = "[pas de sujet]";
-$a->strings["stopped following"] = "retiré de la liste de suivi";
-$a->strings["View Status"] = "Voir les statuts";
-$a->strings["View Photos"] = "Voir les photos";
-$a->strings["Network Posts"] = "Publications du réseau";
-$a->strings["Edit Contact"] = "Éditer le contact";
-$a->strings["Drop Contact"] = "Supprimer le contact";
-$a->strings["Send PM"] = "Message privé";
-$a->strings["Poke"] = "Sollicitations (pokes)";
-$a->strings["Welcome "] = "Bienvenue ";
-$a->strings["Please upload a profile photo."] = "Merci d'illustrer votre profil d'une image.";
-$a->strings["Welcome back "] = "Bienvenue à nouveau, ";
-$a->strings["The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."] = "Le jeton de sécurité du formulaire n'est pas correct. Ceci veut probablement dire que le formulaire est resté ouvert trop longtemps (plus de 3 heures) avant d'être validé.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s attends %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s participe à %3\$s de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't attend %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s ne participe pas à %3\$s de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s attends maybe %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s participe peut-être à %3\$s de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s poked %2\$s"] = "%1\$s a sollicité %2\$s";
-$a->strings["post/item"] = "publication/élément";
-$a->strings["%1\$s marked %2\$s's %3\$s as favorite"] = "%1\$s a marqué le %3\$s de %2\$s comme favori";
-$a->strings["remove"] = "enlever";
-$a->strings["Delete Selected Items"] = "Supprimer les éléments sélectionnés";
-$a->strings["Follow Thread"] = "Suivre le fil";
-$a->strings["%s likes this."] = "%s aime ça.";
-$a->strings["%s doesn't like this."] = "%s n'aime pas ça.";
-$a->strings["%s attends."] = "%s participe";
-$a->strings["%s doesn't attend."] = "%s ne participe pas";
-$a->strings["%s attends maybe."] = "%s participe peut-être";
-$a->strings["and"] = "et";
-$a->strings[", and %d other people"] = ", et %d autres personnes";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people like this"] = "%2\$d personnes aiment ça";
-$a->strings["%s like this."] = "%s aime ça.";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people don't like this"] = "%2\$d personnes n'aiment pas ça";
-$a->strings["%s don't like this."] = "%s n'aiment pas ça.";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people attend"] = "";
-$a->strings["%s attend."] = "%s participent.";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people don't attend"] = "";
-$a->strings["%s don't attend."] = "%s ne participent pas.";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people anttend maybe"] = "";
-$a->strings["%s anttend maybe."] = "%s participent peut-être.";
-$a->strings["Visible to everybody "] = "Visible par tout le monde ";
-$a->strings["Please enter a video link/URL:"] = "Entrez un lien/URL video :";
-$a->strings["Please enter an audio link/URL:"] = "Entrez un lien/URL audio :";
-$a->strings["Tag term:"] = "Terme d'étiquette:";
-$a->strings["Where are you right now?"] = "Où êtes-vous présentemment?";
-$a->strings["Delete item(s)?"] = "Supprimer les élément(s) ?";
-$a->strings["permissions"] = "permissions";
-$a->strings["Post to Groups"] = "Publier aux groupes";
-$a->strings["Post to Contacts"] = "Publier aux contacts";
-$a->strings["Private post"] = "Message privé";
-$a->strings["View all"] = "Voir tout";
-$a->strings["Like"] = array(
- 0 => "",
- 1 => "",
-$a->strings["Dislike"] = array(
- 0 => "",
- 1 => "",
-$a->strings["Not Attending"] = array(
- 0 => "",
- 1 => "",
-$a->strings["Undecided"] = array(
- 0 => "",
- 1 => "",
-$a->strings["Forums"] = "Forums";
-$a->strings["External link to forum"] = "";
-$a->strings["view full size"] = "voir en pleine taille";
-$a->strings["newer"] = "Plus récent";
-$a->strings["older"] = "Plus ancien";
-$a->strings["prev"] = "précédent";
-$a->strings["first"] = "premier";
-$a->strings["last"] = "dernier";
-$a->strings["next"] = "suivant";
-$a->strings["Loading more entries..."] = "";
-$a->strings["The end"] = "";
-$a->strings["No contacts"] = "Aucun contact";
-$a->strings["%d Contact"] = array(
- 0 => "%d contact",
- 1 => "%d contacts",
-$a->strings["View Contacts"] = "Voir les contacts";
-$a->strings["Full Text"] = "";
-$a->strings["Tags"] = "";
-$a->strings["poke"] = "titiller";
-$a->strings["poked"] = "a titillé";
-$a->strings["ping"] = "attirer l'attention";
-$a->strings["pinged"] = "a attiré l'attention de";
-$a->strings["prod"] = "aiguillonner";
-$a->strings["prodded"] = "a aiguillonné";
-$a->strings["slap"] = "gifler";
-$a->strings["slapped"] = "a giflé";
-$a->strings["finger"] = "tripoter";
-$a->strings["fingered"] = "a tripoté";
-$a->strings["rebuff"] = "rabrouer";
-$a->strings["rebuffed"] = "a rabroué";
-$a->strings["happy"] = "heureuse";
-$a->strings["sad"] = "triste";
-$a->strings["mellow"] = "suave";
-$a->strings["tired"] = "fatiguée";
-$a->strings["perky"] = "guillerette";
-$a->strings["angry"] = "colérique";
-$a->strings["stupified"] = "stupéfaite";
-$a->strings["puzzled"] = "perplexe";
-$a->strings["interested"] = "intéressée";
-$a->strings["bitter"] = "amère";
-$a->strings["cheerful"] = "entraînante";
-$a->strings["alive"] = "vivante";
-$a->strings["annoyed"] = "ennuyée";
-$a->strings["anxious"] = "anxieuse";
-$a->strings["cranky"] = "excentrique";
-$a->strings["disturbed"] = "dérangée";
-$a->strings["frustrated"] = "frustrée";
-$a->strings["motivated"] = "motivée";
-$a->strings["relaxed"] = "détendue";
-$a->strings["surprised"] = "surprise";
-$a->strings["bytes"] = "octets";
-$a->strings["Click to open/close"] = "Cliquer pour ouvrir/fermer";
-$a->strings["View on separate page"] = "";
-$a->strings["view on separate page"] = "";
-$a->strings["activity"] = "activité";
-$a->strings["post"] = "publication";
-$a->strings["Item filed"] = "Élément classé";
-$a->strings["Image/photo"] = "Image/photo";
-$a->strings["%2\$s %3\$s"] = "";
-$a->strings["%s wrote the following post "] = "";
-$a->strings["$1 wrote:"] = "$1 a écrit:";
-$a->strings["Encrypted content"] = "Contenu chiffré";
-$a->strings["(no subject)"] = "(sans titre)";
-$a->strings["noreply"] = "noreply";
-$a->strings["Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"] = "Impossible de localiser les informations DNS pour le serveur de base de données '%s'";
-$a->strings["Unknown | Not categorised"] = "Inconnu | Non-classé";
-$a->strings["Block immediately"] = "Bloquer immédiatement";
-$a->strings["Shady, spammer, self-marketer"] = "Douteux, spammeur, accro à l'auto-promotion";
-$a->strings["Known to me, but no opinion"] = "Connu de moi, mais sans opinion";
-$a->strings["OK, probably harmless"] = "OK, probablement inoffensif";
-$a->strings["Reputable, has my trust"] = "Réputé, a toute ma confiance";
-$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Chaque semaine";
-$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Chaque mois";
-$a->strings["OStatus"] = "OStatus";
-$a->strings["RSS/Atom"] = "RSS/Atom";
-$a->strings["Zot!"] = "Zot!";
-$a->strings["LinkedIn"] = "LinkedIn";
-$a->strings["XMPP/IM"] = "XMPP/IM";
-$a->strings["MySpace"] = "MySpace";
-$a->strings["Google+"] = "Google+";
-$a->strings["pump.io"] = "pump.io";
-$a->strings["Twitter"] = "Twitter";
-$a->strings["Diaspora Connector"] = "Connecteur Diaspora";
-$a->strings["GNU Social"] = "";
-$a->strings["App.net"] = "App.net";
-$a->strings["Redmatrix"] = "";
-$a->strings[" on Last.fm"] = "sur Last.fm";
-$a->strings["Starts:"] = "Débute:";
-$a->strings["Finishes:"] = "Finit:";
-$a->strings["Click here to upgrade."] = "Cliquez ici pour mettre à jour.";
-$a->strings["This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."] = "Cette action dépasse les limites définies par votre abonnement.";
-$a->strings["This action is not available under your subscription plan."] = "Cette action n'est pas disponible avec votre abonnement.";
-$a->strings["End this session"] = "Mettre fin à cette session";
-$a->strings["Your posts and conversations"] = "Vos publications et conversations";
-$a->strings["Your profile page"] = "Votre page de profil";
-$a->strings["Your photos"] = "Vos photos";
-$a->strings["Your videos"] = "Vos vidéos";
-$a->strings["Your events"] = "Vos événements";
-$a->strings["Personal notes"] = "Notes personnelles";
-$a->strings["Your personal notes"] = "Vos notes personnelles";
-$a->strings["Sign in"] = "Se connecter";
-$a->strings["Home Page"] = "Page d'accueil";
-$a->strings["Create an account"] = "Créer un compte";
-$a->strings["Help and documentation"] = "Aide et documentation";
-$a->strings["Apps"] = "Applications";
-$a->strings["Addon applications, utilities, games"] = "Applications supplémentaires, utilitaires, jeux";
-$a->strings["Search site content"] = "Rechercher dans le contenu du site";
-$a->strings["Conversations on this site"] = "Conversations ayant cours sur ce site";
-$a->strings["Conversations on the network"] = "";
-$a->strings["Directory"] = "Annuaire";
-$a->strings["People directory"] = "Annuaire des utilisateurs";
-$a->strings["Information"] = "Information";
-$a->strings["Information about this friendica instance"] = "Information au sujet de cette instance de friendica";
-$a->strings["Conversations from your friends"] = "Conversations de vos amis";
-$a->strings["Network Reset"] = "Réinitialiser le réseau";
-$a->strings["Load Network page with no filters"] = "Chargement des pages du réseau sans filtre";
-$a->strings["Friend Requests"] = "Demande d'amitié";
-$a->strings["See all notifications"] = "Voir toute notification";
-$a->strings["Mark all system notifications seen"] = "Marquer toutes les notifications système comme 'vues'";
-$a->strings["Private mail"] = "Messages privés";
-$a->strings["Inbox"] = "Messages entrants";
-$a->strings["Outbox"] = "Messages sortants";
-$a->strings["Manage"] = "Gérer";
-$a->strings["Manage other pages"] = "Gérer les autres pages";
-$a->strings["Account settings"] = "Compte";
-$a->strings["Manage/Edit Profiles"] = "Gérer/Éditer les profiles";
-$a->strings["Manage/edit friends and contacts"] = "Gérer/éditer les amitiés et contacts";
-$a->strings["Site setup and configuration"] = "Démarrage et configuration du site";
-$a->strings["Navigation"] = "Navigation";
-$a->strings["Site map"] = "Carte du site";
-$a->strings["User not found."] = "Utilisateur non trouvé";
-$a->strings["Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Le quota journalier de %d publications a été atteint. La publication a été rejetée.";
-$a->strings["Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Le quota hebdomadaire de %d publications a été atteint. La publication a été rejetée.";
-$a->strings["Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "Le quota mensuel de %d publications a été atteint. La publication a été rejetée.";
-$a->strings["There is no status with this id."] = "Il n'y a pas de statut avec cet id.";
-$a->strings["There is no conversation with this id."] = "Il n'y a pas de conversation avec cet id.";
-$a->strings["Invalid item."] = "Item invalide.";
-$a->strings["Invalid action. "] = "Action invalide.";
-$a->strings["DB error"] = "";
-$a->strings["An invitation is required."] = "Une invitation est requise.";
-$a->strings["Invitation could not be verified."] = "L'invitation fournie n'a pu être validée.";
-$a->strings["Invalid OpenID url"] = "Adresse OpenID invalide";
-$a->strings["Please enter the required information."] = "Entrez les informations requises.";
-$a->strings["Please use a shorter name."] = "Utilisez un nom plus court.";
-$a->strings["Name too short."] = "Nom trop court.";
-$a->strings["That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."] = "Ceci ne semble pas être votre nom complet (Prénom Nom).";
-$a->strings["Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."] = "Votre domaine de courriel n'est pas autorisé sur ce site.";
-$a->strings["Not a valid email address."] = "Ceci n'est pas une adresse courriel valide.";
-$a->strings["Cannot use that email."] = "Impossible d'utiliser ce courriel.";
-$a->strings["Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."] = "";
-$a->strings["Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."] = "Pseudo déjà utilisé. Merci d'en choisir un autre.";
-$a->strings["Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose another."] = "Ce surnom a déjà été utilisé ici, et ne peut re-servir. Merci d'en choisir un autre.";
-$a->strings["SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."] = "ERREUR SÉRIEUSE: La génération des clés de sécurité a échoué.";
-$a->strings["An error occurred during registration. Please try again."] = "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'inscription. Merci de recommencer.";
-$a->strings["default"] = "défaut";
-$a->strings["An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."] = "Une erreur est survenue lors de la création de votre profil par défaut. Merci de recommencer.";
-$a->strings["Friends"] = "Amis";
-$a->strings["\n\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2\$s. Your account has been created.\n\t"] = "\n\t\tChère/Cher %1\$s,\n\t\t\tMerci de vous être inscrit sur %2\$s. Votre compte a bien été créé.\n\t";
-$a->strings["\n\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3\$s\n\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tPassword:\t%5\$s\n\n\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n\t\tin.\n\n\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n\n\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n\n\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n\t\tthan that.\n\n\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n\n\n\t\tThank you and welcome to %2\$s."] = "\n\t\tVoici vos informations de connexion :\n\t\t\tAdresse :\t%3\$s\n\t\t\tIdentifiant :\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tMot de passe :\t%5\$s\n\n\t\tVous pourrez changer votre mot de passe dans les paramètres de votre compte une fois connecté.\n\n\t\tProfitez-en pour prendre le temps de passer en revue les autres paramètres de votre compte.\n\n\t\tVous pourrez aussi ajouter quelques informations élémentaires à votre profil par défaut (sur la page « Profils ») pour permettre à d’autres personnes de vous trouver facilement.\n\n\t\tNous recommandons de préciser votre nom complet, d’ajouter une photo et quelques mots-clefs (c’est très utile pour découvrir de nouveaux amis), et peut-être aussi d’indiquer au moins le pays dans lequel vous vivez, à défaut d’être plus précis.\n\n\t\tNous respectons pleinement votre droit à une vie privée, et vous n’avez aucune obligation de donner toutes ces informations. Mais si vous êtes nouveau et ne connaissez encore personne ici, cela peut vous aider à vous faire de nouveaux amis intéressants.\n\n\n\t\tMerci et bienvenu sur %2\$s.";
-$a->strings["Sharing notification from Diaspora network"] = "Notification de partage du réseau Diaspora";
-$a->strings["Attachments:"] = "Pièces jointes : ";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this item?"] = "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet élément ?";
-$a->strings["Archives"] = "Archives";
-$a->strings["Male"] = "Masculin";
-$a->strings["Female"] = "Féminin";
-$a->strings["Currently Male"] = "Actuellement masculin";
-$a->strings["Currently Female"] = "Actuellement féminin";
-$a->strings["Mostly Male"] = "Principalement masculin";
-$a->strings["Mostly Female"] = "Principalement féminin";
-$a->strings["Transgender"] = "Transgenre";
-$a->strings["Intersex"] = "Inter-sexe";
-$a->strings["Transsexual"] = "Transsexuel";
-$a->strings["Hermaphrodite"] = "Hermaphrodite";
-$a->strings["Neuter"] = "Neutre";
-$a->strings["Non-specific"] = "Non-spécifique";
-$a->strings["Other"] = "Autre";
-$a->strings["Males"] = "Hommes";
-$a->strings["Females"] = "Femmes";
-$a->strings["Gay"] = "Gay";
-$a->strings["Lesbian"] = "Lesbienne";
-$a->strings["No Preference"] = "Sans préférence";
-$a->strings["Bisexual"] = "Bisexuel";
-$a->strings["Autosexual"] = "Auto-sexuel";
-$a->strings["Abstinent"] = "Abstinent";
-$a->strings["Virgin"] = "Vierge";
-$a->strings["Deviant"] = "Déviant";
-$a->strings["Fetish"] = "Fétichiste";
-$a->strings["Oodles"] = "Oodles";
-$a->strings["Nonsexual"] = "Non-sexuel";
-$a->strings["Single"] = "Célibataire";
-$a->strings["Lonely"] = "Esseulé";
-$a->strings["Available"] = "Disponible";
-$a->strings["Unavailable"] = "Indisponible";
-$a->strings["Has crush"] = "Attiré par quelqu'un";
-$a->strings["Infatuated"] = "Entiché";
-$a->strings["Dating"] = "Dans une relation";
-$a->strings["Unfaithful"] = "Infidèle";
-$a->strings["Sex Addict"] = "Accro au sexe";
-$a->strings["Friends/Benefits"] = "Amis par intérêt";
-$a->strings["Casual"] = "Casual";
-$a->strings["Engaged"] = "Fiancé";
-$a->strings["Married"] = "Marié";
-$a->strings["Imaginarily married"] = "Se croit marié";
-$a->strings["Partners"] = "Partenaire";
-$a->strings["Cohabiting"] = "En cohabitation";
-$a->strings["Common law"] = "Marié \"de fait\"/\"sui juris\" (concubin)";
-$a->strings["Happy"] = "Heureux";
-$a->strings["Not looking"] = "Pas intéressé";
-$a->strings["Swinger"] = "Échangiste";
-$a->strings["Betrayed"] = "Trahi(e)";
-$a->strings["Separated"] = "Séparé";
-$a->strings["Unstable"] = "Instable";
-$a->strings["Divorced"] = "Divorcé";
-$a->strings["Imaginarily divorced"] = "Se croit divorcé";
-$a->strings["Widowed"] = "Veuf/Veuve";
-$a->strings["Uncertain"] = "Incertain";
-$a->strings["It's complicated"] = "C'est compliqué";
-$a->strings["Don't care"] = "S'en désintéresse";
-$a->strings["Ask me"] = "Me demander";
-$a->strings["Friendica Notification"] = "Notification Friendica";
-$a->strings["Thank You,"] = "Merci, ";
-$a->strings["%s Administrator"] = "L'administrateur de %s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s Administrator"] = "";
-$a->strings["%s "] = "%s ";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] New mail received at %s"] = "[Friendica:Notification] Nouveau courriel reçu sur %s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s sent you a new private message at %2\$s."] = "%1\$s vous a envoyé un nouveau message privé sur %2\$s.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s sent you %2\$s."] = "%1\$s vous a envoyé %2\$s.";
-$a->strings["a private message"] = "un message privé";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to your private messages."] = "Merci de visiter %s pour voir vos messages privés et/ou y répondre.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]a %3\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s a commenté sur [url=%2\$s]un %3\$s[/url]";
-$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]%3\$s's %4\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s a commenté sur [url=%2\$s]le %4\$s de %3\$s[/url]";
-$a->strings["%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]your %3\$s[/url]"] = "%1\$s commented on [url=%2\$s]your %3\$s[/url]";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%1\$d by %2\$s"] = "[Friendica:Notification] Commentaire de %2\$s sur la conversation #%1\$d";
-$a->strings["%s commented on an item/conversation you have been following."] = "%s a commenté un élément que vous suivez.";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."] = "Merci de visiter %s pour voir la conversation et/ou y répondre.";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"] = "[Friendica:Notification] %s a posté sur votre mur de profil";
-$a->strings["%1\$s posted to your profile wall at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s a publié sur votre mur à %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s posted to [url=%2\$s]your wall[/url]"] = "%1\$s a posté sur [url=%2\$s]votre mur[/url]";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged you"] = "[Friendica:Notification] %s vous a étiqueté";
-$a->strings["%1\$s tagged you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s vous a étiqueté sur %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]tagged you[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]vous a étiqueté[/url].";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s shared a new post"] = "[Friendica:Notification] %s partage une nouvelle publication";
-$a->strings["%1\$s shared a new post at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s a partagé une nouvelle publication sur %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]shared a post[/url]."] = "%1\$s [url=%2\$s]partage une publication[/url].";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %1\$s poked you"] = "[Friendica:Notify] %1\$s vous a sollicité";
-$a->strings["%1\$s poked you at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s vous a sollicité via %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s [url=%2\$s]poked you[/url]."] = "%1\$s vous a [url=%2\$s]sollicité[/url].";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged your post"] = "[Friendica:Notification] %s a étiqueté votre publication";
-$a->strings["%1\$s tagged your post at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s a étiqueté votre publication sur %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s tagged [url=%2\$s]your post[/url]"] = "%1\$s a étiqueté [url=%2\$s]votre publication[/url]";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Introduction received"] = "[Friendica:Notification] Introduction reçue";
-$a->strings["You've received an introduction from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Vous avez reçu une introduction de '%1\$s' sur %2\$s";
-$a->strings["You've received [url=%1\$s]an introduction[/url] from %2\$s."] = "Vous avez reçu [url=%1\$s]une introduction[/url] de %2\$s.";
-$a->strings["You may visit their profile at %s"] = "Vous pouvez visiter son profil sur %s";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the introduction."] = "Merci de visiter %s pour approuver ou rejeter l'introduction.";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] A new person is sharing with you"] = "[Notification Friendica] Une nouvelle personne partage avec vous";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is sharing with you at %2\$s"] = "";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] You have a new follower"] = "";
-$a->strings["You have a new follower at %2\$s : %1\$s"] = "";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Friend suggestion received"] = "[Friendica:Notification] Nouvelle suggestion d'amitié";
-$a->strings["You've received a friend suggestion from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Vous avez reçu une suggestion de '%1\$s' sur %2\$s";
-$a->strings["You've received [url=%1\$s]a friend suggestion[/url] for %2\$s from %3\$s."] = "Vous avez reçu [url=%1\$s]une suggestion[/url] de %3\$s pour %2\$s.";
-$a->strings["Name:"] = "Nom :";
-$a->strings["Photo:"] = "Photo :";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the suggestion."] = "Merci de visiter %s pour approuver ou rejeter la suggestion.";
-$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Connection accepted"] = "";
-$a->strings["'%1\$s' has accepted your connection request at %2\$s"] = "";
-$a->strings["%2\$s has accepted your [url=%1\$s]connection request[/url]."] = "";
-$a->strings["You are now mutual friends and may exchange status updates, photos, and email\n\twithout restriction."] = "";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."] = "";
-$a->strings["'%1\$s' has chosen to accept you a \"fan\", which restricts some forms of communication - such as private messaging and some profile interactions. If this is a celebrity or community page, these settings were applied automatically."] = "";
-$a->strings["'%1\$s' may choose to extend this into a two-way or more permissive relationship in the future. "] = "";
-$a->strings["[Friendica System:Notify] registration request"] = "";
-$a->strings["You've received a registration request from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "";
-$a->strings["You've received a [url=%1\$s]registration request[/url] from %2\$s."] = "Vous avez reçu une [url=%1\$s]demande de création de compte[/url] de %2\$s.";
-$a->strings["Full Name:\t%1\$s\\nSite Location:\t%2\$s\\nLogin Name:\t%3\$s (%4\$s)"] = "Nom complet :\t%1\$s\\nAdresse :\t%2\$s\\nIdentifiant :\t%3\$s (%4\$s)";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the request."] = "Veuillez visiter %s pour approuver ou rejeter la demande.";
-$a->strings["Embedded content"] = "Contenu incorporé";
-$a->strings["Embedding disabled"] = "Incorporation désactivée";
-$a->strings["Error decoding account file"] = "Une erreur a été détecté en décodant un fichier utilisateur";
-$a->strings["Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"] = "Erreur ! Pas de ficher de version existant ! Êtes vous sur un compte Friendica ?";
-$a->strings["Error! Cannot check nickname"] = "Erreur! Pseudo invalide";
-$a->strings["User '%s' already exists on this server!"] = "L'utilisateur '%s' existe déjà sur ce serveur!";
-$a->strings["User creation error"] = "Erreur de création d'utilisateur";
-$a->strings["User profile creation error"] = "Erreur de création du profil utilisateur";
-$a->strings["%d contact not imported"] = array(
- 0 => "%d contacts non importés",
- 1 => "%d contacts non importés",
-$a->strings["Done. You can now login with your username and password"] = "Action réalisé. Vous pouvez désormais vous connecter avec votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe";
$a->strings["toggle mobile"] = "activ. mobile";
-$a->strings["Set resize level for images in posts and comments (width and height)"] = "Choisir une taille pour les images dans les publications et commentaires (largeur et hauteur)";
-$a->strings["Set font-size for posts and comments"] = "Réglez 'font-size' (taille de police) pour publications et commentaires";
-$a->strings["Set theme width"] = "Largeur du thème";
-$a->strings["Color scheme"] = "Palette de couleurs";
-$a->strings["Set line-height for posts and comments"] = "Réglez 'line-height' (hauteur de police) pour publications et commentaires";
-$a->strings["Set colour scheme"] = "Choisir le schéma de couleurs";
-$a->strings["Alignment"] = "Alignement";
-$a->strings["Left"] = "Gauche";
-$a->strings["Center"] = "Centre";
-$a->strings["Posts font size"] = "Taille de texte des publications";
-$a->strings["Textareas font size"] = "Taille de police des zones de texte";
-$a->strings["Set resolution for middle column"] = "Réglez la résolution de la colonne centrale";
-$a->strings["Set color scheme"] = "Choisir le schéma de couleurs";
-$a->strings["Set zoomfactor for Earth Layer"] = "Niveau de zoom";
-$a->strings["Set longitude (X) for Earth Layers"] = "Régler la longitude (X) pour la géolocalisation";
-$a->strings["Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layers"] = "Régler la latitude (Y) pour la géolocalisation";
-$a->strings["Community Pages"] = "Pages de Communauté";
-$a->strings["Earth Layers"] = "Géolocalisation";
-$a->strings["Community Profiles"] = "Profils communautaires";
-$a->strings["Help or @NewHere ?"] = "Aide ou @NewHere?";
-$a->strings["Connect Services"] = "Connecter des services";
-$a->strings["Find Friends"] = "Trouver des amis";
-$a->strings["Last users"] = "Derniers utilisateurs";
-$a->strings["Last photos"] = "Dernières photos";
-$a->strings["Last likes"] = "Dernièrement aimé";
-$a->strings["Your contacts"] = "Vos contacts";
-$a->strings["Your personal photos"] = "Vos photos personnelles";
-$a->strings["Local Directory"] = "Annuaire local";
-$a->strings["Set zoomfactor for Earth Layers"] = "Régler le niveau de zoom pour la géolocalisation";
-$a->strings["Show/hide boxes at right-hand column:"] = "Montrer/cacher les boîtes dans la colonne de droite :";
-$a->strings["Midnight"] = "";
-$a->strings["Zenburn"] = "";
-$a->strings["Bootstrap"] = "";
-$a->strings["Shades of Pink"] = "";
-$a->strings["Lime and Orange"] = "";
-$a->strings["GeoCities Retro"] = "";
-$a->strings["Background Image"] = "";
-$a->strings["The URL to a picture (e.g. from your photo album) that should be used as background image."] = "";
-$a->strings["Background Color"] = "";
-$a->strings["HEX value for the background color. Don't include the #"] = "";
-$a->strings["font size"] = "";
-$a->strings["base font size for your interface"] = "";
-$a->strings["Comma separated list of helper forums"] = "";
-$a->strings["Set style"] = "Définir le style";
-$a->strings["Quick Start"] = "Démarrage rapide";
-$a->strings["greenzero"] = "";
-$a->strings["purplezero"] = "";
-$a->strings["easterbunny"] = "";
-$a->strings["darkzero"] = "";
-$a->strings["comix"] = "";
-$a->strings["slackr"] = "";
-$a->strings["Variations"] = "Variations";
diff --git a/view/is/messages.po b/view/lang/is/messages.po
similarity index 100%
rename from view/is/messages.po
rename to view/lang/is/messages.po
diff --git a/view/is/strings.php b/view/lang/is/strings.php
similarity index 100%
rename from view/is/strings.php
rename to view/lang/is/strings.php
diff --git a/view/it/messages.po b/view/lang/it/messages.po
similarity index 100%
rename from view/it/messages.po
rename to view/lang/it/messages.po
diff --git a/view/it/strings.php b/view/lang/it/strings.php
similarity index 100%
rename from view/it/strings.php
rename to view/lang/it/strings.php
diff --git a/view/nb-no/messages.po b/view/lang/nb-no/messages.po
similarity index 100%
rename from view/nb-no/messages.po
rename to view/lang/nb-no/messages.po
diff --git a/view/nb-no/strings.php b/view/lang/nb-no/strings.php
similarity index 100%
rename from view/nb-no/strings.php
rename to view/lang/nb-no/strings.php
diff --git a/view/nl/messages.po b/view/lang/nl/messages.po
similarity index 100%
rename from view/nl/messages.po
rename to view/lang/nl/messages.po
diff --git a/view/nl/strings.php b/view/lang/nl/strings.php
similarity index 100%
rename from view/nl/strings.php
rename to view/lang/nl/strings.php
diff --git a/view/pl/messages.po b/view/lang/pl/messages.po
similarity index 100%
rename from view/pl/messages.po
rename to view/lang/pl/messages.po
diff --git a/view/pl/strings.php b/view/lang/pl/strings.php
similarity index 100%
rename from view/pl/strings.php
rename to view/lang/pl/strings.php
diff --git a/view/pt-br/messages.po b/view/lang/pt-br/messages.po
similarity index 63%
rename from view/pt-br/messages.po
rename to view/lang/pt-br/messages.po
index 5574390c5..2dfb52fc9 100644
--- a/view/pt-br/messages.po
+++ b/view/lang/pt-br/messages.po
@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@
# Translators:
# abinoam , 2013
# abinoam , 2012
+# André Alves , 2016
# Frederico Gonçalves Guimarães , 2011
# Frederico Gonçalves Guimarães , 2011
+# Beatriz Vital , 2016
# Calango Jr , 2014
# Frederico Gonçalves Guimarães , 2011-2013
# Frederico Gonçalves Guimarães , 2011
@@ -22,1255 +24,466 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: friendica\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-04-04 17:54+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-05-15 20:48+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Sérgio Lima \n"
-"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/friendica/language/pt_BR/)\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-08-09 18:10+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-09-18 20:53+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: André Alves \n"
+"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (http://www.transifex.com/Friendica/friendica/language/pt_BR/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
-#: ../../view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:80
-#: ../../view/theme/vier/config.php:56
-#: ../../view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:59
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:148
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:633
-#: ../../view/theme/quattro/config.php:64 ../../view/theme/dispy/config.php:70
-#: ../../object/Item.php:678 ../../mod/contacts.php:492
-#: ../../mod/manage.php:110 ../../mod/fsuggest.php:107
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1084 ../../mod/photos.php:1203
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1514 ../../mod/photos.php:1565
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1609 ../../mod/photos.php:1697
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:140 ../../mod/events.php:478 ../../mod/mood.php:137
-#: ../../mod/message.php:335 ../../mod/message.php:564
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:686 ../../mod/install.php:248
-#: ../../mod/install.php:286 ../../mod/crepair.php:186
-#: ../../mod/content.php:710 ../../mod/poke.php:199 ../../mod/localtime.php:45
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr "Enviar"
+#: include/datetime.php:57 include/datetime.php:59 mod/profiles.php:698
+msgid "Miscellaneous"
+msgstr "Miscelânea"
-#: ../../view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:82
-#: ../../view/theme/vier/config.php:58
-#: ../../view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:61
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:150
-#: ../../view/theme/quattro/config.php:66 ../../view/theme/dispy/config.php:72
-msgid "Theme settings"
-msgstr "Configurações do tema"
+#: include/datetime.php:183 include/identity.php:627
+msgid "Birthday:"
+msgstr "Aniversário:"
-#: ../../view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:83
-msgid "Set resize level for images in posts and comments (width and height)"
-msgstr "Configure o nível de redimensionamento para imagens em publicações e comentários (largura e altura)"
+#: include/datetime.php:185 mod/profiles.php:721
+msgid "Age: "
+msgstr "Idade: "
-#: ../../view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:84
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:151
-#: ../../view/theme/dispy/config.php:73
-msgid "Set font-size for posts and comments"
-msgstr "Escolha o tamanho da fonte para publicações e comentários"
+#: include/datetime.php:187
+msgid "YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"
+msgstr "AAAA-MM-DD ou MM-DD"
-#: ../../view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:85
-msgid "Set theme width"
-msgstr "Configure a largura do tema"
+#: include/datetime.php:341
+msgid "never"
+msgstr "nunca"
-#: ../../view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:86
-#: ../../view/theme/quattro/config.php:68
-msgid "Color scheme"
-msgstr "Esquema de cores"
+#: include/datetime.php:347
+msgid "less than a second ago"
+msgstr "menos de um segundo atrás"
-#: ../../view/theme/vier/config.php:59
-msgid "Set style"
-msgstr "escolha estilo"
+#: include/datetime.php:357
+msgid "year"
+msgstr "ano"
-#: ../../view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:44 ../../include/text.php:1719
-#: ../../include/user.php:247
-msgid "default"
-msgstr "padrão"
+#: include/datetime.php:357
+msgid "years"
+msgstr "anos"
-#: ../../view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:45
-msgid "greenzero"
-msgstr "greenzero"
+#: include/datetime.php:358 include/event.php:480 mod/cal.php:287
+#: mod/events.php:389
+msgid "month"
+msgstr "mês"
-#: ../../view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:46
-msgid "purplezero"
-msgstr "purplezero"
+#: include/datetime.php:358
+msgid "months"
+msgstr "meses"
-#: ../../view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:47
-msgid "easterbunny"
-msgstr "easterbunny"
+#: include/datetime.php:359 include/event.php:481 mod/cal.php:288
+#: mod/events.php:390
+msgid "week"
+msgstr "semana"
-#: ../../view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:48
-msgid "darkzero"
-msgstr "darkzero"
+#: include/datetime.php:359
+msgid "weeks"
+msgstr "semanas"
-#: ../../view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:49
-msgid "comix"
-msgstr "comix"
+#: include/datetime.php:360 include/event.php:482 mod/cal.php:289
+#: mod/events.php:391
+msgid "day"
+msgstr "dia"
-#: ../../view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:50
-msgid "slackr"
-msgstr "slackr"
+#: include/datetime.php:360
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "dias"
-#: ../../view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:62
-msgid "Variations"
-msgstr "Variações"
+#: include/datetime.php:361
+msgid "hour"
+msgstr "hora"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 ../../include/acl_selectors.php:335
-msgid "don't show"
-msgstr "não exibir"
+#: include/datetime.php:361
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr "horas"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 ../../include/acl_selectors.php:334
-msgid "show"
-msgstr "exibir"
+#: include/datetime.php:362
+msgid "minute"
+msgstr "minuto"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:152
-#: ../../view/theme/dispy/config.php:74
-msgid "Set line-height for posts and comments"
-msgstr "Escolha comprimento da linha para publicações e comentários"
+#: include/datetime.php:362
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr "minutos"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:153
-msgid "Set resolution for middle column"
-msgstr "Escolha a resolução para a coluna do meio"
+#: include/datetime.php:363
+msgid "second"
+msgstr "segundo"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:154
-msgid "Set color scheme"
-msgstr "Configure o esquema de cores"
+#: include/datetime.php:363
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "segundos"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:155
-msgid "Set zoomfactor for Earth Layer"
-msgstr "Configure o zoom para Camadas da Terra"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:156
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:585
-msgid "Set longitude (X) for Earth Layers"
-msgstr "Configure longitude (X) para Camadas da Terra"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:157
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:586
-msgid "Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layers"
-msgstr "Configure latitude (Y) para Camadas da Terra"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:158
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:130
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:544
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:624
-msgid "Community Pages"
-msgstr "Páginas da Comunidade"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:159
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:579
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:625
-msgid "Earth Layers"
-msgstr "Camadas da Terra"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:160
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:391
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:626
-msgid "Community Profiles"
-msgstr "Profiles Comunitários"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:161
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:599
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:627
-msgid "Help or @NewHere ?"
-msgstr "Ajuda ou @NewHere ?"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:162
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:606
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:628
-msgid "Connect Services"
-msgstr "Conectar serviços"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:163
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:523
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:629
-msgid "Find Friends"
-msgstr "Encontrar amigos"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:164
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:412
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:630
-msgid "Last users"
-msgstr "Últimos usuários"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:165
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:486
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:631
-msgid "Last photos"
-msgstr "Últimas fotos"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/config.php:166
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:441
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:632
-msgid "Last likes"
-msgstr "Últimas gostadas"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123 ../../include/nav.php:105
-#: ../../include/nav.php:148 ../../mod/notifications.php:93
-msgid "Home"
-msgstr "Pessoal"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123 ../../include/nav.php:76
-#: ../../include/nav.php:148
-msgid "Your posts and conversations"
-msgstr "Suas publicações e conversas"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124 ../../boot.php:2133
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:7 ../../include/profile_advanced.php:87
-#: ../../include/nav.php:77 ../../mod/profperm.php:103
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:32
-msgid "Profile"
-msgstr "Perfil "
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124 ../../include/nav.php:77
-msgid "Your profile page"
-msgstr "Sua página de perfil"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:125 ../../include/nav.php:177
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:718
-msgid "Contacts"
-msgstr "Contatos"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:125
-msgid "Your contacts"
-msgstr "Seus contatos"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126 ../../boot.php:2140
-#: ../../include/nav.php:78 ../../mod/fbrowser.php:25
-msgid "Photos"
-msgstr "Fotos"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126 ../../include/nav.php:78
-msgid "Your photos"
-msgstr "Suas fotos"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127 ../../boot.php:2157
-#: ../../include/nav.php:80 ../../mod/events.php:370
-msgid "Events"
-msgstr "Eventos"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127 ../../include/nav.php:80
-msgid "Your events"
-msgstr "Seus eventos"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128 ../../include/nav.php:81
-msgid "Personal notes"
-msgstr "Suas anotações pessoais"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128
-msgid "Your personal photos"
-msgstr "Suas fotos pessoais"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:129 ../../include/nav.php:129
-#: ../../include/nav.php:131 ../../mod/community.php:32
-msgid "Community"
-msgstr "Comunidade"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:463 ../../include/conversation.php:118
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:245 ../../include/text.php:1983
-msgid "event"
-msgstr "evento"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:466
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:475 ../../include/diaspora.php:2011
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:121 ../../include/conversation.php:130
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:248 ../../include/conversation.php:257
-#: ../../mod/like.php:149 ../../mod/like.php:319 ../../mod/subthread.php:87
-#: ../../mod/tagger.php:62
-msgid "status"
-msgstr "status"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:471 ../../include/diaspora.php:2011
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:126 ../../include/conversation.php:253
-#: ../../include/text.php:1985 ../../mod/like.php:149
-#: ../../mod/subthread.php:87 ../../mod/tagger.php:62
-msgid "photo"
-msgstr "foto"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:480 ../../include/diaspora.php:2027
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:137 ../../mod/like.php:166
+#: include/datetime.php:372
#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s gosta de %3$s de %2$s"
+msgid "%1$d %2$s ago"
+msgstr "%1$d %2$s atrás"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:499 ../../mod/photos.php:60
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:155 ../../mod/photos.php:1064
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1187 ../../mod/photos.php:1210
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1760 ../../mod/photos.php:1772
-msgid "Contact Photos"
-msgstr "Fotos dos contatos"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:500 ../../include/user.php:335
-#: ../../include/user.php:342 ../../include/user.php:349
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:155 ../../mod/photos.php:731 ../../mod/photos.php:1187
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1210 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:74
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:81 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:88
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:204 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:296
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:305
-msgid "Profile Photos"
-msgstr "Fotos do perfil"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:524
-msgid "Local Directory"
-msgstr "Diretório Local"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:525 ../../mod/directory.php:51
-msgid "Global Directory"
-msgstr "Diretório global"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:526 ../../include/contact_widgets.php:36
-msgid "Similar Interests"
-msgstr "Interesses Parecidos"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:527 ../../include/contact_widgets.php:35
-#: ../../mod/suggest.php:68
-msgid "Friend Suggestions"
-msgstr "Sugestões de amigos"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:528 ../../include/contact_widgets.php:38
-msgid "Invite Friends"
-msgstr "Convidar amigos"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:544
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:648 ../../include/nav.php:172
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:90 ../../mod/admin.php:1104 ../../mod/admin.php:1325
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:22
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "Configurações"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:584
-msgid "Set zoomfactor for Earth Layers"
-msgstr "Configure o zoom para Camadas da Terra"
-#: ../../view/theme/diabook/theme.php:622
-msgid "Show/hide boxes at right-hand column:"
-msgstr "Mostre/esconda caixas na coluna à direita:"
-#: ../../view/theme/quattro/config.php:67
-msgid "Alignment"
-msgstr "Alinhamento"
-#: ../../view/theme/quattro/config.php:67
-msgid "Left"
-msgstr "Esquerda"
-#: ../../view/theme/quattro/config.php:67
-msgid "Center"
-msgstr "Centro"
-#: ../../view/theme/quattro/config.php:69
-msgid "Posts font size"
-msgstr "Tamanho da fonte para publicações"
-#: ../../view/theme/quattro/config.php:70
-msgid "Textareas font size"
-msgstr "Tamanho da fonte para campos texto"
-#: ../../view/theme/dispy/config.php:75
-msgid "Set colour scheme"
-msgstr "Configure o esquema de cores"
-#: ../../index.php:211 ../../mod/apps.php:7
-msgid "You must be logged in to use addons. "
-msgstr "Você precisa estar logado para usar os addons."
-#: ../../index.php:255 ../../mod/help.php:42
-msgid "Not Found"
-msgstr "Não encontrada"
-#: ../../index.php:258 ../../mod/help.php:45
-msgid "Page not found."
-msgstr "Página não encontrada."
-#: ../../index.php:367 ../../mod/group.php:72 ../../mod/profperm.php:19
-msgid "Permission denied"
-msgstr "Permissão negada"
-#: ../../index.php:368 ../../include/items.php:4815 ../../mod/attach.php:33
-#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:9 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:33
-#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:79 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:103
-#: ../../mod/group.php:19 ../../mod/delegate.php:12
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:66 ../../mod/settings.php:20
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:107 ../../mod/settings.php:606
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:258 ../../mod/wall_attach.php:55
-#: ../../mod/register.php:42 ../../mod/manage.php:96 ../../mod/editpost.php:10
-#: ../../mod/regmod.php:110 ../../mod/api.php:26 ../../mod/api.php:31
-#: ../../mod/suggest.php:58 ../../mod/nogroup.php:25 ../../mod/fsuggest.php:78
-#: ../../mod/viewcontacts.php:24 ../../mod/wall_upload.php:66
-#: ../../mod/notes.php:20 ../../mod/network.php:4 ../../mod/photos.php:134
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1050 ../../mod/follow.php:9 ../../mod/uimport.php:23
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:15 ../../mod/invite.php:101 ../../mod/events.php:140
-#: ../../mod/mood.php:114 ../../mod/message.php:38 ../../mod/message.php:174
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:165 ../../mod/profiles.php:618
-#: ../../mod/install.php:151 ../../mod/crepair.php:119 ../../mod/poke.php:135
-#: ../../mod/display.php:499 ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:55
-#: ../../mod/item.php:169 ../../mod/item.php:185
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:19 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:169
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:180 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:193
-#: ../../mod/allfriends.php:9
-msgid "Permission denied."
-msgstr "Permissão negada."
-#: ../../index.php:427
-msgid "toggle mobile"
-msgstr "habilita mobile"
-#: ../../addon-wrk/openidserver/lib/render/trust.php:30
-#, php-format
-msgid "Do you wish to confirm your identity (%s ) with %s "
-msgstr "Você deseja confirmar sua identidade (%s ) com %s "
-#: ../../addon-wrk/openidserver/lib/render/trust.php:43
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:676
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Confirmar"
-#: ../../addon-wrk/openidserver/lib/render/trust.php:44
-msgid "Do not confirm"
-msgstr "Não confirma"
-#: ../../addon-wrk/openidserver/lib/render/trust.php:48
-msgid "Trust This Site"
-msgstr "Confia neste site"
-#: ../../addon-wrk/openidserver/lib/render/trust.php:53
-msgid "No Identifier Sent"
-msgstr "Nenhum identificador enviado"
-#: ../../addon-wrk/openidserver/lib/render/wronguser.php:5
-msgid "Requested identity don't match logged in user."
-msgstr "Identidade solicitada não corresponde ao usuário conectado"
-#: ../../addon-wrk/openidserver/lib/render.php:27
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please wait; you are being redirected to <%s>"
-msgstr "Por favor aguarde; você será redirecionado para <%s>"
-#: ../../boot.php:749
-msgid "Delete this item?"
-msgstr "Excluir este item?"
-#: ../../boot.php:750 ../../object/Item.php:361 ../../object/Item.php:677
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1564 ../../mod/photos.php:1608
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1696 ../../mod/content.php:709
-msgid "Comment"
-msgstr "Comentar"
-#: ../../boot.php:751 ../../include/contact_widgets.php:205
-#: ../../object/Item.php:390 ../../mod/content.php:606
-msgid "show more"
-msgstr "exibir mais"
-#: ../../boot.php:752
-msgid "show fewer"
-msgstr "exibir menos"
-#: ../../boot.php:1122
-#, php-format
-msgid "Update %s failed. See error logs."
-msgstr "Atualização %s falhou. Vide registro de erros (log)."
-#: ../../boot.php:1229
-msgid "Create a New Account"
-msgstr "Criar uma nova conta"
-#: ../../boot.php:1230 ../../include/nav.php:109 ../../mod/register.php:269
-msgid "Register"
-msgstr "Registrar"
-#: ../../boot.php:1254 ../../include/nav.php:73
-msgid "Logout"
-msgstr "Sair"
-#: ../../boot.php:1255 ../../include/nav.php:92 ../../mod/bookmarklet.php:12
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "Entrar"
-#: ../../boot.php:1257
-msgid "Nickname or Email address: "
-msgstr "Identificação ou endereço de e-mail: "
-#: ../../boot.php:1258
-msgid "Password: "
-msgstr "Senha: "
-#: ../../boot.php:1259
-msgid "Remember me"
-msgstr "Lembre-se de mim"
-#: ../../boot.php:1262
-msgid "Or login using OpenID: "
-msgstr "Ou login usando OpendID:"
-#: ../../boot.php:1268
-msgid "Forgot your password?"
-msgstr "Esqueceu a sua senha?"
-#: ../../boot.php:1269 ../../mod/lostpass.php:109
-msgid "Password Reset"
-msgstr "Redifinir a senha"
-#: ../../boot.php:1271
-msgid "Website Terms of Service"
-msgstr "Termos de Serviço do Website"
-#: ../../boot.php:1272
-msgid "terms of service"
-msgstr "termos de serviço"
-#: ../../boot.php:1274
-msgid "Website Privacy Policy"
-msgstr "Política de Privacidade do Website"
-#: ../../boot.php:1275
-msgid "privacy policy"
-msgstr "política de privacidade"
-#: ../../boot.php:1408
-msgid "Requested account is not available."
-msgstr "Conta solicitada não disponível"
-#: ../../boot.php:1447 ../../mod/profile.php:21
-msgid "Requested profile is not available."
-msgstr "Perfil solicitado não está disponível."
-#: ../../boot.php:1490 ../../boot.php:1624
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:84
-msgid "Edit profile"
-msgstr "Editar perfil"
-#: ../../boot.php:1557 ../../include/contact_widgets.php:10
-#: ../../mod/suggest.php:90 ../../mod/match.php:58
-msgid "Connect"
-msgstr "Conectar"
-#: ../../boot.php:1589
-msgid "Message"
-msgstr "Mensagem"
-#: ../../boot.php:1595 ../../include/nav.php:175
-msgid "Profiles"
-msgstr "Perfis"
-#: ../../boot.php:1595
-msgid "Manage/edit profiles"
-msgstr "Gerenciar/editar perfis"
-#: ../../boot.php:1600 ../../boot.php:1626 ../../mod/profiles.php:804
-msgid "Change profile photo"
-msgstr "Mudar a foto do perfil"
-#: ../../boot.php:1601 ../../mod/profiles.php:805
-msgid "Create New Profile"
-msgstr "Criar um novo perfil"
-#: ../../boot.php:1611 ../../mod/profiles.php:816
-msgid "Profile Image"
-msgstr "Imagem do perfil"
-#: ../../boot.php:1614 ../../mod/profiles.php:818
-msgid "visible to everybody"
-msgstr "visível para todos"
-#: ../../boot.php:1615 ../../mod/profiles.php:819
-msgid "Edit visibility"
-msgstr "Editar a visibilidade"
-#: ../../boot.php:1637 ../../include/event.php:40
-#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:155 ../../mod/events.php:471
-#: ../../mod/directory.php:136
-msgid "Location:"
-msgstr "Localização:"
-#: ../../boot.php:1639 ../../include/profile_advanced.php:17
-#: ../../mod/directory.php:138
-msgid "Gender:"
-msgstr "Gênero:"
-#: ../../boot.php:1642 ../../include/profile_advanced.php:37
-#: ../../mod/directory.php:140
-msgid "Status:"
-msgstr "Situação:"
-#: ../../boot.php:1644 ../../include/profile_advanced.php:48
-#: ../../mod/directory.php:142
-msgid "Homepage:"
-msgstr "Página web:"
-#: ../../boot.php:1646 ../../include/profile_advanced.php:58
-#: ../../mod/directory.php:144
-msgid "About:"
-msgstr "Sobre:"
-#: ../../boot.php:1711
-msgid "Network:"
-msgstr "Rede:"
-#: ../../boot.php:1743 ../../boot.php:1829
-msgid "g A l F d"
-msgstr "G l d F"
-#: ../../boot.php:1744 ../../boot.php:1830
-msgid "F d"
-msgstr "F d"
-#: ../../boot.php:1789 ../../boot.php:1877
-msgid "[today]"
-msgstr "[hoje]"
-#: ../../boot.php:1801
-msgid "Birthday Reminders"
-msgstr "Lembretes de aniversário"
-#: ../../boot.php:1802
-msgid "Birthdays this week:"
-msgstr "Aniversários nesta semana:"
-#: ../../boot.php:1864
-msgid "[No description]"
-msgstr "[Sem descrição]"
-#: ../../boot.php:1888
-msgid "Event Reminders"
-msgstr "Lembretes de eventos"
-#: ../../boot.php:1889
-msgid "Events this week:"
-msgstr "Eventos esta semana:"
-#: ../../boot.php:2126 ../../include/nav.php:76
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Status"
-#: ../../boot.php:2129
-msgid "Status Messages and Posts"
-msgstr "Mensagem de Estado (status) e Publicações"
-#: ../../boot.php:2136
-msgid "Profile Details"
-msgstr "Detalhe do Perfil"
-#: ../../boot.php:2143 ../../mod/photos.php:52
-msgid "Photo Albums"
-msgstr "Álbuns de fotos"
-#: ../../boot.php:2147 ../../boot.php:2150 ../../include/nav.php:79
-msgid "Videos"
-msgstr "Vídeos"
-#: ../../boot.php:2160
-msgid "Events and Calendar"
-msgstr "Eventos e Agenda"
-#: ../../boot.php:2164 ../../mod/notes.php:44
-msgid "Personal Notes"
-msgstr "Notas pessoais"
-#: ../../boot.php:2167
-msgid "Only You Can See This"
-msgstr "Somente Você Pode Ver Isso"
-#: ../../include/features.php:23
-msgid "General Features"
-msgstr "Funcionalidades Gerais"
-#: ../../include/features.php:25
-msgid "Multiple Profiles"
-msgstr "Perfís Múltiplos"
-#: ../../include/features.php:25
-msgid "Ability to create multiple profiles"
-msgstr "Capacidade de criar perfis múltiplos"
-#: ../../include/features.php:30
-msgid "Post Composition Features"
-msgstr "Funcionalidades de Composição de Publicações"
-#: ../../include/features.php:31
-msgid "Richtext Editor"
-msgstr "Editor Richtext"
-#: ../../include/features.php:31
-msgid "Enable richtext editor"
-msgstr "Habilite editor richtext"
-#: ../../include/features.php:32
-msgid "Post Preview"
-msgstr "Pré-visualização da Publicação"
-#: ../../include/features.php:32
-msgid "Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"
-msgstr "Permite pré-visualizar publicações e comentários antes de publicá-los"
-#: ../../include/features.php:33
-msgid "Auto-mention Forums"
-msgstr "Auto-menção Fóruns"
-#: ../../include/features.php:33
-msgid ""
-"Add/remove mention when a fourm page is selected/deselected in ACL window."
-msgstr "Adiciona/Remove menções quando uma página de fórum é selecionada/deselecionada na janela ACL"
-#: ../../include/features.php:38
-msgid "Network Sidebar Widgets"
-msgstr "Widgets da Barra Lateral da Rede"
-#: ../../include/features.php:39
-msgid "Search by Date"
-msgstr "Buscar por Data"
-#: ../../include/features.php:39
-msgid "Ability to select posts by date ranges"
-msgstr "Capacidade de selecionar publicações por intervalos de data"
-#: ../../include/features.php:40
-msgid "Group Filter"
-msgstr "Filtrar Grupo"
-#: ../../include/features.php:40
-msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"
-msgstr "Habilita widget para mostrar publicações da Rede somente de grupos selecionados"
-#: ../../include/features.php:41
-msgid "Network Filter"
-msgstr "Filtrar Rede"
-#: ../../include/features.php:41
-msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"
-msgstr "Habilita widget para mostrar publicações da Rede de redes selecionadas"
-#: ../../include/features.php:42 ../../mod/network.php:194
-#: ../../mod/search.php:30
-msgid "Saved Searches"
-msgstr "Pesquisas salvas"
-#: ../../include/features.php:42
-msgid "Save search terms for re-use"
-msgstr "Guarde as palavras-chaves para reuso"
-#: ../../include/features.php:47
-msgid "Network Tabs"
-msgstr "Abas da Rede"
-#: ../../include/features.php:48
-msgid "Network Personal Tab"
-msgstr "Aba Pessoal da Rede"
-#: ../../include/features.php:48
-msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"
-msgstr "Habilitar aba para mostrar apenas as publicações da Rede que você tenha interagido"
-#: ../../include/features.php:49
-msgid "Network New Tab"
-msgstr "Aba Nova da Rede"
-#: ../../include/features.php:49
-msgid "Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"
-msgstr "Habilite aba para mostra apenas publicações da Rede novas (das últimas 12 horas)"
-#: ../../include/features.php:50
-msgid "Network Shared Links Tab"
-msgstr "Aba de Links Compartilhados da Rede"
-#: ../../include/features.php:50
-msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"
-msgstr "Habilite aba para mostrar somente publicações da Rede que contenham links"
-#: ../../include/features.php:55
-msgid "Post/Comment Tools"
-msgstr "Ferramentas de Publicação/Comentário"
-#: ../../include/features.php:56
-msgid "Multiple Deletion"
-msgstr "Deleção Multipla"
-#: ../../include/features.php:56
-msgid "Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"
-msgstr "Selecione e delete múltiplas publicações/comentário imediatamente"
-#: ../../include/features.php:57
-msgid "Edit Sent Posts"
-msgstr "Editar Publicações Enviadas"
-#: ../../include/features.php:57
-msgid "Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"
-msgstr "Editar e corrigir publicações e comentários após envio"
-#: ../../include/features.php:58
-msgid "Tagging"
-msgstr "Etiquetagem"
-#: ../../include/features.php:58
-msgid "Ability to tag existing posts"
-msgstr "Capacidade de colocar etiquetas em publicações existentes"
-#: ../../include/features.php:59
-msgid "Post Categories"
-msgstr "Categorias de Publicações"
-#: ../../include/features.php:59
-msgid "Add categories to your posts"
-msgstr "Adicione Categorias ás Publicações"
-#: ../../include/features.php:60 ../../include/contact_widgets.php:104
-msgid "Saved Folders"
-msgstr "Pastas salvas"
-#: ../../include/features.php:60
-msgid "Ability to file posts under folders"
-msgstr "Capacidade de arquivar publicações em pastas"
-#: ../../include/features.php:61
-msgid "Dislike Posts"
-msgstr "Desgostar de publicações"
-#: ../../include/features.php:61
-msgid "Ability to dislike posts/comments"
-msgstr "Capacidade de desgostar de publicações/comentários"
-#: ../../include/features.php:62
-msgid "Star Posts"
-msgstr "Destacar publicações"
-#: ../../include/features.php:62
-msgid "Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"
-msgstr "Capacidade de marcar publicações especiais com uma estrela indicadora"
-#: ../../include/features.php:63
-msgid "Mute Post Notifications"
-msgstr "Silenciar Notificações de Postagem"
-#: ../../include/features.php:63
-msgid "Ability to mute notifications for a thread"
-msgstr "Habilitar notificação silenciosa para a tarefa"
-#: ../../include/items.php:2307 ../../include/datetime.php:477
+#: include/datetime.php:578
#, php-format
msgid "%s's birthday"
-msgstr "aniversários de %s's"
+msgstr "aniversário de %s"
-#: ../../include/items.php:2308 ../../include/datetime.php:478
+#: include/datetime.php:579 include/dfrn.php:1111
#, php-format
msgid "Happy Birthday %s"
-msgstr "Feliz Aniversário %s"
+msgstr "Feliz aniversário, %s"
-#: ../../include/items.php:4111 ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:717
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:752
-msgid "[Name Withheld]"
-msgstr "[Nome não revelado]"
-#: ../../include/items.php:4619 ../../mod/admin.php:169
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1052 ../../mod/admin.php:1265 ../../mod/viewsrc.php:15
-#: ../../mod/notice.php:15 ../../mod/display.php:82 ../../mod/display.php:284
-#: ../../mod/display.php:503
-msgid "Item not found."
-msgstr "O item não foi encontrado."
-#: ../../include/items.php:4658
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this item?"
-msgstr "Você realmente deseja deletar esse item?"
-#: ../../include/items.php:4660 ../../mod/settings.php:1015
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1021 ../../mod/settings.php:1029
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1033 ../../mod/settings.php:1038
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1044 ../../mod/settings.php:1050
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1056 ../../mod/settings.php:1086
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1087 ../../mod/settings.php:1088
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1089 ../../mod/settings.php:1090
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:341 ../../mod/register.php:233
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:830 ../../mod/api.php:105
-#: ../../mod/suggest.php:29 ../../mod/message.php:209
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:661 ../../mod/profiles.php:664
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Sim"
-#: ../../include/items.php:4663 ../../include/conversation.php:1128
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:620 ../../mod/settings.php:646
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:344 ../../mod/editpost.php:148
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:844 ../../mod/fbrowser.php:81
-#: ../../mod/fbrowser.php:116 ../../mod/suggest.php:32
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:203 ../../mod/photos.php:292 ../../mod/tagrm.php:11
-#: ../../mod/tagrm.php:94 ../../mod/message.php:212
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Cancelar"
-#: ../../include/items.php:4881
-msgid "Archives"
-msgstr "Arquivos"
-#: ../../include/group.php:25
-msgid ""
-"A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions "
-"may apply to this group and any future members. If this is "
-"not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."
-msgstr "Um grupo com esse nome, anteriormente excluído, foi reativado. Permissões de itens já existentes poderão ser aplicadas a esse grupo e qualquer futuros membros. Se não é essa a sua intenção, favor criar outro grupo com um nome diferente."
-#: ../../include/group.php:207
-msgid "Default privacy group for new contacts"
-msgstr "Grupo de privacidade padrão para novos contatos"
-#: ../../include/group.php:226
-msgid "Everybody"
-msgstr "Todos"
-#: ../../include/group.php:249
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "editar"
-#: ../../include/group.php:270 ../../mod/newmember.php:66
-msgid "Groups"
-msgstr "Grupos"
-#: ../../include/group.php:271
-msgid "Edit group"
-msgstr "Editar grupo"
-#: ../../include/group.php:272
-msgid "Create a new group"
-msgstr "Criar um novo grupo"
-#: ../../include/group.php:273
-msgid "Contacts not in any group"
-msgstr "Contatos não estão dentro de nenhum grupo"
-#: ../../include/group.php:275 ../../mod/network.php:195
-msgid "add"
-msgstr "adicionar"
-#: ../../include/Photo_old.php:911 ../../include/Photo_old.php:926
-#: ../../include/Photo_old.php:933 ../../include/Photo_old.php:955
-#: ../../include/Photo.php:933 ../../include/Photo.php:948
-#: ../../include/Photo.php:955 ../../include/Photo.php:977
-#: ../../include/message.php:144 ../../mod/wall_upload.php:169
-#: ../../mod/wall_upload.php:178 ../../mod/wall_upload.php:185
-#: ../../mod/item.php:485
-msgid "Wall Photos"
-msgstr "Fotos do mural"
-#: ../../include/dba.php:56 ../../include/dba_pdo.php:72
-#, php-format
-msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
-msgstr "Não foi possível localizar a informação de DNS para o servidor de banco de dados '%s'"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:6
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:6
msgid "Add New Contact"
msgstr "Adicionar Contato Novo"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:7
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:7
msgid "Enter address or web location"
msgstr "Forneça endereço ou localização web"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:8
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:8
msgid "Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"
msgstr "Por exemplo: joao@exemplo.com, http://exemplo.com/maria"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:24
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:10 include/identity.php:212 mod/match.php:87
+#: mod/allfriends.php:82 mod/suggest.php:101 mod/dirfind.php:201
+msgid "Connect"
+msgstr "Conectar"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:24
#, php-format
msgid "%d invitation available"
msgid_plural "%d invitations available"
msgstr[0] "%d convite disponível"
msgstr[1] "%d convites disponíveis"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:30
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:30
msgid "Find People"
msgstr "Pesquisar por pessoas"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:31
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:31
msgid "Enter name or interest"
msgstr "Fornecer nome ou interesse"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:32
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:32 include/conversation.php:978
+#: include/Contact.php:324 mod/match.php:72 mod/allfriends.php:66
+#: mod/follow.php:103 mod/suggest.php:83 mod/contacts.php:602
+#: mod/dirfind.php:204
msgid "Connect/Follow"
msgstr "Conectar-se/acompanhar"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:33
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:33
msgid "Examples: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing"
msgstr "Examplos: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:34 ../../mod/contacts.php:724
-#: ../../mod/directory.php:63
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:34 mod/directory.php:212 mod/contacts.php:796
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Pesquisar"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:37
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:35 mod/suggest.php:114
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:203 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:527
+msgid "Friend Suggestions"
+msgstr "Sugestões de amigos"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:36 view/theme/vier/theme.php:202
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:526
+msgid "Similar Interests"
+msgstr "Interesses Parecidos"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:37
msgid "Random Profile"
msgstr "Perfil Randômico"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:71
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:38 view/theme/vier/theme.php:204
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:528
+msgid "Invite Friends"
+msgstr "Convidar amigos"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:108
msgid "Networks"
msgstr "Redes"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:74
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:111
msgid "All Networks"
msgstr "Todas as redes"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:107 ../../include/contact_widgets.php:139
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:141 include/features.php:103
+msgid "Saved Folders"
+msgstr "Pastas salvas"
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:144 include/contact_widgets.php:176
msgid "Everything"
msgstr "Tudo"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:136
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:173
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Categorias"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:200 ../../mod/contacts.php:439
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:237
#, php-format
msgid "%d contact in common"
msgid_plural "%d contacts in common"
msgstr[0] "%d contato em comum"
msgstr[1] "%d contatos em comum"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:18
+#: include/contact_widgets.php:242 include/ForumManager.php:119
+#: include/items.php:2122 mod/content.php:624 object/Item.php:432
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:260 boot.php:903
+msgid "show more"
+msgstr "exibir mais"
+#: include/enotify.php:24
msgid "Friendica Notification"
msgstr "Notificação Friendica"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:21
+#: include/enotify.php:27
msgid "Thank You,"
msgstr "Obrigado,"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:23
+#: include/enotify.php:30
#, php-format
msgid "%s Administrator"
msgstr "%s Administrador"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:33 ../../include/delivery.php:467
-#: ../../include/notifier.php:796
+#: include/enotify.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s Administrator"
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s Administrador"
+#: include/enotify.php:43 include/delivery.php:450
msgid "noreply"
msgstr "naoresponda"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:64
+#: include/enotify.php:70
#, php-format
msgid "%s "
msgstr "%s "
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:68
+#: include/enotify.php:83
#, php-format
msgid "[Friendica:Notify] New mail received at %s"
msgstr "[Friendica:Notify] Nova mensagem recebida em %s"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:70
+#: include/enotify.php:85
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s sent you a new private message at %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s lhe enviou uma mensagem privativa em %2$s."
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:71
+#: include/enotify.php:86
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s sent you %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s lhe enviou %2$s."
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:71
+#: include/enotify.php:86
msgid "a private message"
msgstr "uma mensagem privada"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:72
+#: include/enotify.php:88
#, php-format
msgid "Please visit %s to view and/or reply to your private messages."
msgstr "Favor visitar %s para ver e/ou responder às suas mensagens privadas."
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:124
+#: include/enotify.php:134
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]a %3$s[/url]"
msgstr "%1$s comentou uma [url=%2$s] %3$s[/url]"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:131
+#: include/enotify.php:141
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]%3$s's %4$s[/url]"
msgstr "%1$s comentou na %4$s de [url=%2$s]%3$s [/url]"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:139
+#: include/enotify.php:149
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s commented on [url=%2$s]your %3$s[/url]"
msgstr "%1$s comentou [url=%2$s]sua %3$s[/url]"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:149
+#: include/enotify.php:159
#, php-format
msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%1$d by %2$s"
msgstr "[Friendica:Notify] Comentário na conversa #%1$d por %2$s"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:150
+#: include/enotify.php:161
#, php-format
msgid "%s commented on an item/conversation you have been following."
msgstr "%s comentou um item/conversa que você está seguindo."
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:153 ../../include/enotify.php:168
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:181 ../../include/enotify.php:194
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:212 ../../include/enotify.php:225
+#: include/enotify.php:164 include/enotify.php:178 include/enotify.php:192
+#: include/enotify.php:206 include/enotify.php:224 include/enotify.php:238
#, php-format
msgid "Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."
msgstr "Favor visitar %s para ver e/ou responder à conversa."
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:160
+#: include/enotify.php:171
#, php-format
msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"
msgstr "[Friendica:Notify] %s publicou no mural do seu perfil"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:162
+#: include/enotify.php:173
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s posted to your profile wall at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s publicou no mural do seu perfil em %2$s"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:164
+#: include/enotify.php:174
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s posted to [url=%2$s]your wall[/url]"
msgstr "%1$s publicou para [url=%2$s]seu mural[/url]"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:175
+#: include/enotify.php:185
#, php-format
msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged you"
msgstr "[Friendica:Notify] %s etiquetou você"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:176
+#: include/enotify.php:187
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s tagged you at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s etiquetou você em %2$s"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:177
+#: include/enotify.php:188
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s [url=%2$s]tagged you[/url]."
msgstr "%1$s [url=%2$s]etiquetou você[/url]."
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:188
+#: include/enotify.php:199
#, php-format
msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s shared a new post"
msgstr "[Friendica:Notify] %s compartilhado uma nova publicação"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:189
+#: include/enotify.php:201
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s shared a new post at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s compartilhou uma nova publicação em %2$s"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:190
+#: include/enotify.php:202
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s [url=%2$s]shared a post[/url]."
msgstr "%1$s [url=%2$s]compartilhou uma publicação[/url]."
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:202
+#: include/enotify.php:213
#, php-format
msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %1$s poked you"
msgstr "[Friendica:Notify] %1$s cutucou você"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:203
+#: include/enotify.php:215
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s poked you at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s cutucou você em %2$s"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:204
+#: include/enotify.php:216
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s [url=%2$s]poked you[/url]."
msgstr "%1$s [url=%2$s]cutucou você[/url]."
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:219
+#: include/enotify.php:231
#, php-format
msgid "[Friendica:Notify] %s tagged your post"
msgstr "[Friendica:Notify] %s etiquetou sua publicação"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:220
+#: include/enotify.php:233
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s tagged your post at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s etiquetou sua publicação em %2$s"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:221
+#: include/enotify.php:234
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s tagged [url=%2$s]your post[/url]"
msgstr "%1$s etiquetou [url=%2$s]sua publicação[/url]"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:232
+#: include/enotify.php:245
msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Introduction received"
msgstr "[Friendica:Notify] Você recebeu uma apresentação"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:233
+#: include/enotify.php:247
#, php-format
msgid "You've received an introduction from '%1$s' at %2$s"
msgstr "Você recebeu uma apresentação de '%1$s' em %2$s"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:234
+#: include/enotify.php:248
#, php-format
msgid "You've received [url=%1$s]an introduction[/url] from %2$s."
msgstr "Você recebeu [url=%1$s]uma apresentação[/url] de %2$s."
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:237 ../../include/enotify.php:279
+#: include/enotify.php:252 include/enotify.php:295
#, php-format
msgid "You may visit their profile at %s"
msgstr "Você pode visitar o perfil deles em %s"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:239
+#: include/enotify.php:254
#, php-format
msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the introduction."
msgstr "Favor visitar %s para aprovar ou rejeitar a apresentação."
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:247
+#: include/enotify.php:262
msgid "[Friendica:Notify] A new person is sharing with you"
msgstr "[Friendica:Notificação] Uma nova pessoa está compartilhando com você"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:248 ../../include/enotify.php:249
+#: include/enotify.php:264 include/enotify.php:265
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s is sharing with you at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s está compartilhando com você via %2$s"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:255
+#: include/enotify.php:271
msgid "[Friendica:Notify] You have a new follower"
msgstr "[Friendica:Notificação] Você tem um novo seguidor"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:256 ../../include/enotify.php:257
+#: include/enotify.php:273 include/enotify.php:274
#, php-format
msgid "You have a new follower at %2$s : %1$s"
msgstr "Você tem um novo seguidor em %2$s : %1$s"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:270
+#: include/enotify.php:285
msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Friend suggestion received"
msgstr "[Friendica:Notify] Você recebeu uma sugestão de amigo"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:271
+#: include/enotify.php:287
#, php-format
msgid "You've received a friend suggestion from '%1$s' at %2$s"
msgstr "Você recebeu uma sugestão de amigo de '%1$s' em %2$s"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:272
+#: include/enotify.php:288
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You've received [url=%1$s]a friend suggestion[/url] for %2$s from %3$s."
msgstr "Você recebeu [url=%1$s]uma sugestão de amigo[/url] de %2$s em %3$s"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:277
+#: include/enotify.php:293
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nome:"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:278
+#: include/enotify.php:294
msgid "Photo:"
msgstr "Foto:"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:281
+#: include/enotify.php:297
#, php-format
msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the suggestion."
msgstr "Favor visitar %s para aprovar ou rejeitar a sugestão."
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:289 ../../include/enotify.php:302
+#: include/enotify.php:305 include/enotify.php:319
msgid "[Friendica:Notify] Connection accepted"
msgstr "[Friendica:Notificação] Conexão aceita"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:290 ../../include/enotify.php:303
+#: include/enotify.php:307 include/enotify.php:321
#, php-format
-msgid "'%1$s' has acepted your connection request at %2$s"
-msgstr "'%1$s' sua solicitação de conexão foi aceita em %2$s"
+msgid "'%1$s' has accepted your connection request at %2$s"
+msgstr "'%1$s' aceitou o seu pedido de conexão no %2$s"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:291 ../../include/enotify.php:304
+#: include/enotify.php:308 include/enotify.php:322
#, php-format
msgid "%2$s has accepted your [url=%1$s]connection request[/url]."
msgstr "%2$s Foi aceita [url=%1$s] a conexão solicitada[/url]."
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:294
+#: include/enotify.php:312
msgid ""
-"You are now mutual friends and may exchange status updates, photos, and email\n"
-"\twithout restriction."
-msgstr "Você agora são amigos em comum e podem trocar atualizações de status, fotos e e-mail\n\tsem restrições."
+"You are now mutual friends and may exchange status updates, photos, and "
+"email without restriction."
+msgstr "Vocês agora são amigos mútuos e podem trocar atualizações de status, fotos e e-mails livremente."
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:297 ../../include/enotify.php:311
+#: include/enotify.php:314
#, php-format
-msgid "Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."
-msgstr "Por favor, visite %s se você desejar fazer quaisquer alterações a este relacionamento."
+msgid "Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:307
+#: include/enotify.php:326
#, php-format
msgid ""
"'%1$s' has chosen to accept you a \"fan\", which restricts some forms of "
@@ -1279,1710 +492,686 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "'%1$s' optou por aceitá-lo um \"fã\", o que restringe algumas formas de comunicação - como mensagens privadas e algumas interações de perfil. Se esta é uma página de celebridade ou de uma comunidade, essas configurações foram aplicadas automaticamente."
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:309
+#: include/enotify.php:328
#, php-format
msgid ""
"'%1$s' may choose to extend this into a two-way or more permissive "
-"relationship in the future. "
-msgstr "'%1$s' pode optar no futuro por estender isso para um relacionamento bidirecional ou superior permissivo."
+"relationship in the future."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:322
+#: include/enotify.php:330
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."
+msgstr "Por favor, visite %s se você desejar fazer quaisquer alterações a este relacionamento."
+#: include/enotify.php:340
msgid "[Friendica System:Notify] registration request"
msgstr "[Friendica: Notificação do Sistema] solicitação de cadastro"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:323
+#: include/enotify.php:342
#, php-format
msgid "You've received a registration request from '%1$s' at %2$s"
msgstr "Você recebeu um pedido de cadastro de '%1$s' em %2$s"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:324
+#: include/enotify.php:343
#, php-format
msgid "You've received a [url=%1$s]registration request[/url] from %2$s."
msgstr "Você recebeu uma [url=%1$s]solicitação de cadastro[/url] de %2$s."
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:327
+#: include/enotify.php:347
#, php-format
msgid "Full Name:\t%1$s\\nSite Location:\t%2$s\\nLogin Name:\t%3$s (%4$s)"
msgstr "Nome completo:\t%1$s\\nLocal do Site:\t%2$s\\nNome de Login:\t%3$s (%4$s)"
-#: ../../include/enotify.php:330
+#: include/enotify.php:350
#, php-format
msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the request."
msgstr "Por favor, visite %s para aprovar ou rejeitar a solicitação."
-#: ../../include/api.php:304 ../../include/api.php:315
-#: ../../include/api.php:416 ../../include/api.php:1063
-#: ../../include/api.php:1065
-msgid "User not found."
-msgstr "Usuário não encontrado."
+#: include/ForumManager.php:114 include/nav.php:130 include/text.php:1007
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:255
+msgid "Forums"
+msgstr "Fóruns"
-#: ../../include/api.php:770
-#, php-format
-msgid "Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
-msgstr "O limite diário de postagem de %d mensagens foi atingido. O post foi rejeitado."
+#: include/ForumManager.php:116 view/theme/vier/theme.php:257
+msgid "External link to forum"
+msgstr "Link externo para fórum"
-#: ../../include/api.php:789
-#, php-format
-msgid "Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
-msgstr "O limite de postagem semanal de %d mensagens foi atingido. O post foi rejeitado."
-#: ../../include/api.php:808
-#, php-format
-msgid "Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
-msgstr "O limite de postagem mensal de %d mensagens foi atingido. O post foi rejeitado."
-#: ../../include/api.php:1271
-msgid "There is no status with this id."
-msgstr "Não existe status com esse id."
-#: ../../include/api.php:1341
-msgid "There is no conversation with this id."
-msgstr "Não existe conversas com esse id."
-#: ../../include/api.php:1613
-msgid "Invalid request."
-msgstr "Solicitação inválida."
-#: ../../include/api.php:1624
-msgid "Invalid item."
-msgstr "Ítem inválido."
-#: ../../include/api.php:1634
-msgid "Invalid action. "
-msgstr "Ação inválida."
-#: ../../include/api.php:1642
-msgid "DB error"
-msgstr "Erro do Banco de Dados"
-#: ../../include/network.php:890
-msgid "view full size"
-msgstr "ver na tela inteira"
-#: ../../include/Scrape.php:608
-msgid " on Last.fm"
-msgstr "na Last.fm"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:15 ../../mod/settings.php:1133
-msgid "Full Name:"
-msgstr "Nome completo:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:22
-msgid "j F, Y"
-msgstr "j de F, Y"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:23
-msgid "j F"
-msgstr "j de F"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:30
-msgid "Birthday:"
-msgstr "Aniversário:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:34
-msgid "Age:"
-msgstr "Idade:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:43
-#, php-format
-msgid "for %1$d %2$s"
-msgstr "para %1$d %2$s"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:46 ../../mod/profiles.php:714
-msgid "Sexual Preference:"
-msgstr "Preferência sexual:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:50 ../../mod/profiles.php:716
-msgid "Hometown:"
-msgstr "Cidade:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:52
-msgid "Tags:"
-msgstr "Etiquetas:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:54 ../../mod/profiles.php:717
-msgid "Political Views:"
-msgstr "Posição política:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:56
-msgid "Religion:"
-msgstr "Religião:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:60
-msgid "Hobbies/Interests:"
-msgstr "Passatempos/Interesses:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:62 ../../mod/profiles.php:721
-msgid "Likes:"
-msgstr "Gosta de:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:64 ../../mod/profiles.php:722
-msgid "Dislikes:"
-msgstr "Não gosta de:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:67
-msgid "Contact information and Social Networks:"
-msgstr "Informações de contato e redes sociais:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:69
-msgid "Musical interests:"
-msgstr "Preferências musicais:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:71
-msgid "Books, literature:"
-msgstr "Livros, literatura:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:73
-msgid "Television:"
-msgstr "Televisão:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:75
-msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"
-msgstr "Filmes/dança/cultura/entretenimento:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:77
-msgid "Love/Romance:"
-msgstr "Amor/romance:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:79
-msgid "Work/employment:"
-msgstr "Trabalho/emprego:"
-#: ../../include/profile_advanced.php:81
-msgid "School/education:"
-msgstr "Escola/educação:"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:34 ../../mod/navigation.php:20
-msgid "Nothing new here"
-msgstr "Nada de novo aqui"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:38 ../../mod/navigation.php:24
-msgid "Clear notifications"
-msgstr "Descartar notificações"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:73
-msgid "End this session"
-msgstr "Terminar esta sessão"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:79
-msgid "Your videos"
-msgstr "Seus vídeos"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:81
-msgid "Your personal notes"
-msgstr "Suas anotações pessoais"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:92
-msgid "Sign in"
-msgstr "Entrar"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:105
-msgid "Home Page"
-msgstr "Página pessoal"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:109
-msgid "Create an account"
-msgstr "Criar uma conta"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:114 ../../mod/help.php:36
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Ajuda"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:114
-msgid "Help and documentation"
-msgstr "Ajuda e documentação"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:117
-msgid "Apps"
-msgstr "Aplicativos"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:117
-msgid "Addon applications, utilities, games"
-msgstr "Complementos, utilitários, jogos"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:119 ../../include/text.php:968
-#: ../../include/text.php:969 ../../mod/search.php:99
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Pesquisar"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:119
-msgid "Search site content"
-msgstr "Pesquisar conteúdo no site"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:129
-msgid "Conversations on this site"
-msgstr "Conversas neste site"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:131
-msgid "Conversations on the network"
-msgstr "Conversas na rede"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:133
-msgid "Directory"
-msgstr "Diretório"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:133
-msgid "People directory"
-msgstr "Diretório de pessoas"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:135
-msgid "Information"
-msgstr "Informação"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:135
-msgid "Information about this friendica instance"
-msgstr "Informação sobre esta instância do friendica"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:145 ../../mod/notifications.php:83
-msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Rede"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:145
-msgid "Conversations from your friends"
-msgstr "Conversas dos seus amigos"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:146
-msgid "Network Reset"
-msgstr "Reiniciar Rede"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:146
-msgid "Load Network page with no filters"
-msgstr "Carregar página Rede sem filtros"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:154 ../../mod/notifications.php:98
-msgid "Introductions"
-msgstr "Apresentações"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:154
-msgid "Friend Requests"
-msgstr "Requisições de Amizade"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:155 ../../mod/notifications.php:224
-msgid "Notifications"
-msgstr "Notificações"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:156
-msgid "See all notifications"
-msgstr "Ver todas notificações"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:157
-msgid "Mark all system notifications seen"
-msgstr "Marcar todas as notificações de sistema como vistas"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:161 ../../mod/message.php:182
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Mensagens"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:161
-msgid "Private mail"
-msgstr "Mensagem privada"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:162
-msgid "Inbox"
-msgstr "Recebidas"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:163
-msgid "Outbox"
-msgstr "Enviadas"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:164 ../../mod/message.php:9
-msgid "New Message"
-msgstr "Nova mensagem"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:167
-msgid "Manage"
-msgstr "Gerenciar"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:167
-msgid "Manage other pages"
-msgstr "Gerenciar outras páginas"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:170 ../../mod/settings.php:67
-msgid "Delegations"
-msgstr "Delegações"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:170 ../../mod/delegate.php:130
-msgid "Delegate Page Management"
-msgstr "Delegar Administração de Página"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:172
-msgid "Account settings"
-msgstr "Configurações da conta"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:175
-msgid "Manage/Edit Profiles"
-msgstr "Administrar/Editar Perfis"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:177
-msgid "Manage/edit friends and contacts"
-msgstr "Gerenciar/editar amigos e contatos"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:184 ../../mod/admin.php:130
-msgid "Admin"
-msgstr "Admin"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:184
-msgid "Site setup and configuration"
-msgstr "Configurações do site"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:188
-msgid "Navigation"
-msgstr "Navegação"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:188
-msgid "Site map"
-msgstr "Mapa do Site"
-#: ../../include/plugin.php:455 ../../include/plugin.php:457
-msgid "Click here to upgrade."
-msgstr "Clique aqui para atualização (upgrade)."
-#: ../../include/plugin.php:463
-msgid "This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."
-msgstr "Essa ação excede o limite definido para o seu plano de assinatura."
-#: ../../include/plugin.php:468
-msgid "This action is not available under your subscription plan."
-msgstr "Essa ação não está disponível em seu plano de assinatura."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:27 ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:507
-msgid "Disallowed profile URL."
-msgstr "URL de perfil não permitida."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:32
-msgid "Connect URL missing."
-msgstr "URL de conexão faltando."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:59
-msgid ""
-"This site is not configured to allow communications with other networks."
-msgstr "Este site não está configurado para permitir comunicações com outras redes."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:60 ../../include/follow.php:80
-msgid "No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered."
-msgstr "Não foi descoberto nenhum protocolo de comunicação ou fonte de notícias compatível."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:78
-msgid "The profile address specified does not provide adequate information."
-msgstr "O endereço de perfil especificado não fornece informação adequada."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:82
-msgid "An author or name was not found."
-msgstr "Não foi encontrado nenhum autor ou nome."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:84
-msgid "No browser URL could be matched to this address."
-msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar nenhuma URL de navegação neste endereço."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:86
-msgid ""
-"Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email "
-msgstr "Não foi possível casa o estilo @ de Endereço de Identidade com um protocolo conhecido ou contato de email."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:87
-msgid "Use mailto: in front of address to force email check."
-msgstr "Use mailto: antes do endereço para forçar a checagem de email."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:93
-msgid ""
-"The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled "
-"on this site."
-msgstr "O endereço de perfil especificado pertence a uma rede que foi desabilitada neste site."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:103
-msgid ""
-"Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal "
-"notifications from you."
-msgstr "Perfil limitado. Essa pessoa não poderá receber notificações diretas/pessoais de você."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:205
-msgid "Unable to retrieve contact information."
-msgstr "Não foi possível recuperar a informação do contato."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:258
-msgid "following"
-msgstr "acompanhando"
-#: ../../include/uimport.php:94
-msgid "Error decoding account file"
-msgstr "Erro ao decodificar arquivo de conta"
-#: ../../include/uimport.php:100
-msgid "Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"
-msgstr "Erro! Nenhum arquivo de dados de versão! Esse não é um arquivo de conta do Friendica?"
-#: ../../include/uimport.php:116 ../../include/uimport.php:127
-msgid "Error! Cannot check nickname"
-msgstr "Erro! Não consigo conferir o apelido (nickname)"
-#: ../../include/uimport.php:120 ../../include/uimport.php:131
-#, php-format
-msgid "User '%s' already exists on this server!"
-msgstr "User '%s' já existe nesse servidor!"
-#: ../../include/uimport.php:153
-msgid "User creation error"
-msgstr "Erro na criação do usuário"
-#: ../../include/uimport.php:171
-msgid "User profile creation error"
-msgstr "Erro na criação do perfil do Usuário"
-#: ../../include/uimport.php:220
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d contact not imported"
-msgid_plural "%d contacts not imported"
-msgstr[0] "%d contato não foi importado"
-msgstr[1] "%d contatos não foram importados"
-#: ../../include/uimport.php:290
-msgid "Done. You can now login with your username and password"
-msgstr "Feito. Você agora pode entrar com seu nome de usuário e senha"
-#: ../../include/event.php:11 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:133
-#: ../../mod/localtime.php:12
+#: include/event.php:16 include/bb2diaspora.php:148 mod/localtime.php:12
msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
msgstr "l F d, Y \\@ H:i"
-#: ../../include/event.php:20 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:139
+#: include/event.php:33 include/event.php:51 include/bb2diaspora.php:154
msgid "Starts:"
msgstr "Início:"
-#: ../../include/event.php:30 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:147
+#: include/event.php:36 include/event.php:57 include/bb2diaspora.php:162
msgid "Finishes:"
msgstr "Término:"
-#: ../../include/Contact.php:119
-msgid "stopped following"
-msgstr "parou de acompanhar"
+#: include/event.php:39 include/event.php:63 include/bb2diaspora.php:170
+#: include/identity.php:329 mod/directory.php:145 mod/contacts.php:628
+#: mod/events.php:495 mod/notifications.php:232
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Localização:"
-#: ../../include/Contact.php:232 ../../include/conversation.php:881
-msgid "Poke"
-msgstr "Cutucar"
+#: include/event.php:441
+msgid "Sun"
+msgstr "Dom"
-#: ../../include/Contact.php:233 ../../include/conversation.php:875
-msgid "View Status"
-msgstr "Ver Status"
+#: include/event.php:442
+msgid "Mon"
+msgstr "Seg"
-#: ../../include/Contact.php:234 ../../include/conversation.php:876
-msgid "View Profile"
-msgstr "Ver Perfil"
+#: include/event.php:443
+msgid "Tue"
+msgstr "Ter"
-#: ../../include/Contact.php:235 ../../include/conversation.php:877
-msgid "View Photos"
-msgstr "Ver Fotos"
+#: include/event.php:444
+msgid "Wed"
+msgstr "Qua"
-#: ../../include/Contact.php:236 ../../include/Contact.php:259
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:878
-msgid "Network Posts"
-msgstr "Publicações da Rede"
+#: include/event.php:445
+msgid "Thu"
+msgstr "Qui"
-#: ../../include/Contact.php:237 ../../include/Contact.php:259
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:879
-msgid "Edit Contact"
-msgstr "Editar Contato"
+#: include/event.php:446
+msgid "Fri"
+msgstr "Sex"
-#: ../../include/Contact.php:238
-msgid "Drop Contact"
-msgstr "Excluir o contato"
+#: include/event.php:447
+msgid "Sat"
+msgstr "Sáb"
-#: ../../include/Contact.php:239 ../../include/Contact.php:259
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:880
-msgid "Send PM"
-msgstr "Enviar MP"
-#: ../../include/dbstructure.php:26
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n"
-"\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n"
-"\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n"
-"\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."
-msgstr "\n\t\t\tOs desenvolvedores de Friendica lançaram recentemente uma atualização %s,\n\t\t\tmas quando tentei instalá-la, algo deu terrivelmente errado.\n\t\t\tIsso precisa ser corrigido em breve e eu não posso fazer isso sozinho. Por favor, contate um\n\t\t\tdesenvolvedor da Friendica se você não pode me ajudar sozinho. Meu banco de dados pode ser inválido."
-#: ../../include/dbstructure.php:31
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"The error message is\n"
-msgstr "A mensagem de erro é\n[pre]%s[/pre]"
-#: ../../include/dbstructure.php:150
-msgid "Errors encountered creating database tables."
-msgstr "Foram encontrados erros durante a criação das tabelas do banco de dados."
-#: ../../include/dbstructure.php:208
-msgid "Errors encountered performing database changes."
-msgstr "Erros encontrados realizando mudanças no banco de dados."
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:43 ../../include/datetime.php:45
-msgid "Miscellaneous"
-msgstr "Miscelânea"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:153 ../../include/datetime.php:290
-msgid "year"
-msgstr "ano"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:158 ../../include/datetime.php:291
-msgid "month"
-msgstr "mês"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:163 ../../include/datetime.php:293
-msgid "day"
-msgstr "dia"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:276
-msgid "never"
-msgstr "nunca"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:282
-msgid "less than a second ago"
-msgstr "menos de um segundo atrás"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:290
-msgid "years"
-msgstr "anos"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:291
-msgid "months"
-msgstr "meses"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:292
-msgid "week"
-msgstr "semana"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:292
-msgid "weeks"
-msgstr "semanas"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:293
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "dias"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:294
-msgid "hour"
-msgstr "hora"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:294
-msgid "hours"
-msgstr "horas"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:295
-msgid "minute"
-msgstr "minuto"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:295
-msgid "minutes"
-msgstr "minutos"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:296
-msgid "second"
-msgstr "segundo"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:296
-msgid "seconds"
-msgstr "segundos"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:305
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$d %2$s ago"
-msgstr "%1$d %2$s atrás"
-#: ../../include/message.php:15 ../../include/message.php:172
-msgid "[no subject]"
-msgstr "[sem assunto]"
-#: ../../include/delivery.php:456 ../../include/notifier.php:786
-msgid "(no subject)"
-msgstr "(sem assunto)"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:32
-msgid "Unknown | Not categorised"
-msgstr "Desconhecido | Não categorizado"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:33
-msgid "Block immediately"
-msgstr "Bloquear imediatamente"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:34
-msgid "Shady, spammer, self-marketer"
-msgstr "Dissimulado, spammer, propagandista"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:35
-msgid "Known to me, but no opinion"
-msgstr "Eu conheço, mas não possuo nenhuma opinião acerca"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:36
-msgid "OK, probably harmless"
-msgstr "Ok, provavelmente inofensivo"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:37
-msgid "Reputable, has my trust"
-msgstr "Boa reputação, tem minha confiança"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:56 ../../mod/admin.php:571
-msgid "Frequently"
-msgstr "Frequentemente"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:57 ../../mod/admin.php:572
-msgid "Hourly"
-msgstr "De hora em hora"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:58 ../../mod/admin.php:573
-msgid "Twice daily"
-msgstr "Duas vezes ao dia"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:59 ../../mod/admin.php:574
-msgid "Daily"
-msgstr "Diariamente"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:60
-msgid "Weekly"
-msgstr "Semanalmente"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:61
-msgid "Monthly"
-msgstr "Mensalmente"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:76 ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:836
-msgid "Friendica"
-msgstr "Friendica"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:77
-msgid "OStatus"
-msgstr "OStatus"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:78
-msgid "RSS/Atom"
-msgstr "RSS/Atom"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:79
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:86 ../../mod/admin.php:1003
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1015 ../../mod/admin.php:1016 ../../mod/admin.php:1031
-msgid "Email"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:80 ../../mod/settings.php:741
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:838
-msgid "Diaspora"
-msgstr "Diaspora"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:81 ../../mod/newmember.php:49
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:51
-msgid "Facebook"
-msgstr "Facebook"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:82
-msgid "Zot!"
-msgstr "Zot!"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:83
-msgid "LinkedIn"
-msgstr "LinkedIn"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:84
-msgid "XMPP/IM"
-msgstr "XMPP/IM"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:85
-msgid "MySpace"
-msgstr "MySpace"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:87
-msgid "Google+"
-msgstr "Google+"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:88
-msgid "pump.io"
-msgstr "pump.io"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:89
-msgid "Twitter"
-msgstr "Twitter"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:90
-msgid "Diaspora Connector"
-msgstr "Conector do Diáspora"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:91
-msgid "Statusnet"
-msgstr "Statusnet"
-#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:92
-msgid "App.net"
-msgstr "App.net"
-#: ../../include/diaspora.php:621 ../../include/conversation.php:172
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:486
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is now friends with %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s agora é amigo de %2$s"
-#: ../../include/diaspora.php:704
-msgid "Sharing notification from Diaspora network"
-msgstr "Notificação de compartilhamento da rede Diaspora"
-#: ../../include/diaspora.php:2444
-msgid "Attachments:"
-msgstr "Anexos:"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:140 ../../mod/like.php:168
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s doesn't like %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s não gosta de %3$s de %2$s"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:206
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s poked %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s cutucou %2$s"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:226 ../../mod/mood.php:62
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is currently %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s atualmente está %2$s"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:265 ../../mod/tagger.php:95
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s tagged %2$s's %3$s with %4$s"
-msgstr "%1$s etiquetou %3$s de %2$s com %4$s"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:290
-msgid "post/item"
-msgstr "postagem/item"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:291
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s marked %2$s's %3$s as favorite"
-msgstr "%1$s marcou %3$s de %2$s como favorito"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:612 ../../object/Item.php:129
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1653 ../../mod/content.php:437
-#: ../../mod/content.php:740
-msgid "Select"
-msgstr "Selecionar"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:613 ../../object/Item.php:130
-#: ../../mod/group.php:171 ../../mod/settings.php:682
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:733 ../../mod/admin.php:1007
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1654 ../../mod/content.php:438
-#: ../../mod/content.php:741
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Excluir"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:653 ../../object/Item.php:326
-#: ../../object/Item.php:327 ../../mod/content.php:471
-#: ../../mod/content.php:852 ../../mod/content.php:853
-#, php-format
-msgid "View %s's profile @ %s"
-msgstr "Ver o perfil de %s @ %s"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:665 ../../object/Item.php:316
-msgid "Categories:"
-msgstr "Categorias:"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:666 ../../object/Item.php:317
-msgid "Filed under:"
-msgstr "Arquivado sob:"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:673 ../../object/Item.php:340
-#: ../../mod/content.php:481 ../../mod/content.php:864
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s from %s"
-msgstr "%s de %s"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:689 ../../mod/content.php:497
-msgid "View in context"
-msgstr "Ver no contexto"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:691 ../../include/conversation.php:1108
-#: ../../object/Item.php:364 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:156
-#: ../../mod/editpost.php:124 ../../mod/photos.php:1545
-#: ../../mod/message.php:334 ../../mod/message.php:565
-#: ../../mod/content.php:499 ../../mod/content.php:883
-msgid "Please wait"
-msgstr "Por favor, espere"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:771
-msgid "remove"
-msgstr "remover"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:775
-msgid "Delete Selected Items"
-msgstr "Excluir os itens selecionados"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:874
-msgid "Follow Thread"
-msgstr "Seguir o Thread"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:943
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s likes this."
-msgstr "%s gostou disso."
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:943
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s doesn't like this."
-msgstr "%s não gostou disso."
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:948
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people like this"
-msgstr "%2$d pessoas gostaram disso"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:951
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$d people don't like this"
-msgstr "%2$d pessoas não gostaram disso"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:965
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "e"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:971
-#, php-format
-msgid ", and %d other people"
-msgstr ", e mais %d outras pessoas"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:973
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s like this."
-msgstr "%s gostaram disso."
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:973
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s don't like this."
-msgstr "%s não gostaram disso."
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1000 ../../include/conversation.php:1018
-msgid "Visible to everybody "
-msgstr "Visível para todos "
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1001 ../../include/conversation.php:1019
-#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:127 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:135
-#: ../../mod/message.php:283 ../../mod/message.php:291
-#: ../../mod/message.php:466 ../../mod/message.php:474
-msgid "Please enter a link URL:"
-msgstr "Por favor, digite uma URL:"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1002 ../../include/conversation.php:1020
-msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:"
-msgstr "Favor fornecer um link/URL de vídeo"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1003 ../../include/conversation.php:1021
-msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:"
-msgstr "Favor fornecer um link/URL de áudio"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1004 ../../include/conversation.php:1022
-msgid "Tag term:"
-msgstr "Etiqueta:"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1005 ../../include/conversation.php:1023
-#: ../../mod/filer.php:30
-msgid "Save to Folder:"
-msgstr "Salvar na pasta:"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1006 ../../include/conversation.php:1024
-msgid "Where are you right now?"
-msgstr "Onde você está agora?"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1007
-msgid "Delete item(s)?"
-msgstr "Deletar item(s)?"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1050
-msgid "Post to Email"
-msgstr "Enviar por e-mail"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1055
-#, php-format
-msgid "Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."
-msgstr "Conectores desabilitados, desde \"%s\" está habilitado."
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1056 ../../mod/settings.php:1033
-msgid "Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"
-msgstr "Ocultar os detalhes do seu perfil para pessoas desconhecidas?"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1089 ../../mod/photos.php:1544
-msgid "Share"
-msgstr "Compartilhar"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1090 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:154
-#: ../../mod/editpost.php:110 ../../mod/message.php:332
-#: ../../mod/message.php:562
-msgid "Upload photo"
-msgstr "Enviar foto"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1091 ../../mod/editpost.php:111
-msgid "upload photo"
-msgstr "upload de foto"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1092 ../../mod/editpost.php:112
-msgid "Attach file"
-msgstr "Anexar arquivo"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1093 ../../mod/editpost.php:113
-msgid "attach file"
-msgstr "anexar arquivo"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1094 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:155
-#: ../../mod/editpost.php:114 ../../mod/message.php:333
-#: ../../mod/message.php:563
-msgid "Insert web link"
-msgstr "Inserir link web"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1095 ../../mod/editpost.php:115
-msgid "web link"
-msgstr "link web"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1096 ../../mod/editpost.php:116
-msgid "Insert video link"
-msgstr "Inserir link de vídeo"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1097 ../../mod/editpost.php:117
-msgid "video link"
-msgstr "link de vídeo"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1098 ../../mod/editpost.php:118
-msgid "Insert audio link"
-msgstr "Inserir link de áudio"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1099 ../../mod/editpost.php:119
-msgid "audio link"
-msgstr "link de áudio"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1100 ../../mod/editpost.php:120
-msgid "Set your location"
-msgstr "Definir sua localização"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1101 ../../mod/editpost.php:121
-msgid "set location"
-msgstr "configure localização"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1102 ../../mod/editpost.php:122
-msgid "Clear browser location"
-msgstr "Limpar a localização do navegador"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1103 ../../mod/editpost.php:123
-msgid "clear location"
-msgstr "apague localização"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1105 ../../mod/editpost.php:137
-msgid "Set title"
-msgstr "Definir o título"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1107 ../../mod/editpost.php:139
-msgid "Categories (comma-separated list)"
-msgstr "Categorias (lista separada por vírgulas)"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1109 ../../mod/editpost.php:125
-msgid "Permission settings"
-msgstr "Configurações de permissão"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1110
-msgid "permissions"
-msgstr "permissões"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1118 ../../mod/editpost.php:133
-msgid "CC: email addresses"
-msgstr "CC: endereço de e-mail"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1119 ../../mod/editpost.php:134
-msgid "Public post"
-msgstr "Publicação pública"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1121 ../../mod/editpost.php:140
-msgid "Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"
-msgstr "Por exemplo: joao@exemplo.com, maria@exemplo.com"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1125 ../../object/Item.php:687
-#: ../../mod/editpost.php:145 ../../mod/photos.php:1566
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1610 ../../mod/photos.php:1698
-#: ../../mod/content.php:719
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Pré-visualização"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1134
-msgid "Post to Groups"
-msgstr "Postar em Grupos"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1135
-msgid "Post to Contacts"
-msgstr "Publique para Contatos"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1136
-msgid "Private post"
-msgstr "Publicação privada"
-#: ../../include/text.php:297
-msgid "newer"
-msgstr "mais recente"
-#: ../../include/text.php:299
-msgid "older"
-msgstr "antigo"
-#: ../../include/text.php:304
-msgid "prev"
-msgstr "anterior"
-#: ../../include/text.php:306
-msgid "first"
-msgstr "primeiro"
-#: ../../include/text.php:338
-msgid "last"
-msgstr "último"
-#: ../../include/text.php:341
-msgid "next"
-msgstr "próximo"
-#: ../../include/text.php:396
-msgid "Loading more entries..."
-msgstr "Baixando mais entradas..."
-#: ../../include/text.php:397
-msgid "The end"
-msgstr "Fim"
-#: ../../include/text.php:870
-msgid "No contacts"
-msgstr "Nenhum contato"
-#: ../../include/text.php:879
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d Contact"
-msgid_plural "%d Contacts"
-msgstr[0] "%d contato"
-msgstr[1] "%d contatos"
-#: ../../include/text.php:891 ../../mod/viewcontacts.php:78
-msgid "View Contacts"
-msgstr "Ver contatos"
-#: ../../include/text.php:971 ../../mod/editpost.php:109
-#: ../../mod/notes.php:63 ../../mod/filer.php:31
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Salvar"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1020
-msgid "poke"
-msgstr "cutucar"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1020
-msgid "poked"
-msgstr "cutucado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1021
-msgid "ping"
-msgstr "ping"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1021
-msgid "pinged"
-msgstr "pingado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1022
-msgid "prod"
-msgstr "incentivar"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1022
-msgid "prodded"
-msgstr "incentivado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1023
-msgid "slap"
-msgstr "bater"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1023
-msgid "slapped"
-msgstr "batido"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1024
-msgid "finger"
-msgstr "apontar"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1024
-msgid "fingered"
-msgstr "apontado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1025
-msgid "rebuff"
-msgstr "rejeite"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1025
-msgid "rebuffed"
-msgstr "rejeitado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1039
-msgid "happy"
-msgstr "feliz"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1040
-msgid "sad"
-msgstr "triste"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1041
-msgid "mellow"
-msgstr "desencanado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1042
-msgid "tired"
-msgstr "cansado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1043
-msgid "perky"
-msgstr "audacioso"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1044
-msgid "angry"
-msgstr "chateado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1045
-msgid "stupified"
-msgstr "estupefato"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1046
-msgid "puzzled"
-msgstr "confuso"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1047
-msgid "interested"
-msgstr "interessado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1048
-msgid "bitter"
-msgstr "rancoroso"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1049
-msgid "cheerful"
-msgstr "jovial"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1050
-msgid "alive"
-msgstr "vivo"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1051
-msgid "annoyed"
-msgstr "incomodado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1052
-msgid "anxious"
-msgstr "ansioso"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1053
-msgid "cranky"
-msgstr "excêntrico"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1054
-msgid "disturbed"
-msgstr "perturbado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1055
-msgid "frustrated"
-msgstr "frustrado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1056
-msgid "motivated"
-msgstr "motivado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1057
-msgid "relaxed"
-msgstr "relaxado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1058
-msgid "surprised"
-msgstr "surpreso"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1228
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "Segunda"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1228
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "Terça"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1228
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "Quarta"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1228
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "Quinta"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1228
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "Sexta"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1228
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "Sábado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1228
+#: include/event.php:448 include/text.php:1112 mod/settings.php:955
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Domingo"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1232
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "Janeiro"
+#: include/event.php:449 include/text.php:1112 mod/settings.php:955
+msgid "Monday"
+msgstr "Segunda"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1232
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "Fevereiro"
+#: include/event.php:450 include/text.php:1112
+msgid "Tuesday"
+msgstr "Terça"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1232
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "Março"
+#: include/event.php:451 include/text.php:1112
+msgid "Wednesday"
+msgstr "Quarta"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1232
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "Abril"
+#: include/event.php:452 include/text.php:1112
+msgid "Thursday"
+msgstr "Quinta"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1232
+#: include/event.php:453 include/text.php:1112
+msgid "Friday"
+msgstr "Sexta"
+#: include/event.php:454 include/text.php:1112
+msgid "Saturday"
+msgstr "Sábado"
+#: include/event.php:455
+msgid "Jan"
+msgstr "Jan"
+#: include/event.php:456
+msgid "Feb"
+msgstr "Fev"
+#: include/event.php:457
+msgid "Mar"
+msgstr "Mar"
+#: include/event.php:458
+msgid "Apr"
+msgstr "Abr"
+#: include/event.php:459 include/event.php:471 include/text.php:1116
msgid "May"
msgstr "Maio"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1232
+#: include/event.php:460
+msgid "Jun"
+msgstr "Jun"
+#: include/event.php:461
+msgid "Jul"
+msgstr "Jul"
+#: include/event.php:462
+msgid "Aug"
+msgstr "Ago"
+#: include/event.php:463
+msgid "Sept"
+msgstr "Set"
+#: include/event.php:464
+msgid "Oct"
+msgstr "Out"
+#: include/event.php:465
+msgid "Nov"
+msgstr "Nov"
+#: include/event.php:466
+msgid "Dec"
+msgstr "Dez"
+#: include/event.php:467 include/text.php:1116
+msgid "January"
+msgstr "Janeiro"
+#: include/event.php:468 include/text.php:1116
+msgid "February"
+msgstr "Fevereiro"
+#: include/event.php:469 include/text.php:1116
+msgid "March"
+msgstr "Março"
+#: include/event.php:470 include/text.php:1116
+msgid "April"
+msgstr "Abril"
+#: include/event.php:472 include/text.php:1116
msgid "June"
msgstr "Junho"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1232
+#: include/event.php:473 include/text.php:1116
msgid "July"
msgstr "Julho"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1232
+#: include/event.php:474 include/text.php:1116
msgid "August"
msgstr "Agosto"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1232
+#: include/event.php:475 include/text.php:1116
msgid "September"
msgstr "Setembro"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1232
+#: include/event.php:476 include/text.php:1116
msgid "October"
msgstr "Outubro"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1232
+#: include/event.php:477 include/text.php:1116
msgid "November"
msgstr "Novembro"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1232
+#: include/event.php:478 include/text.php:1116
msgid "December"
msgstr "Dezembro"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1422 ../../mod/videos.php:301
-msgid "View Video"
-msgstr "Ver Vídeo"
+#: include/event.php:479 mod/cal.php:286 mod/events.php:388
+msgid "today"
+msgstr "hoje"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1454
-msgid "bytes"
-msgstr "bytes"
+#: include/event.php:567
+msgid "l, F j"
+msgstr "l, F j"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1478 ../../include/text.php:1490
-msgid "Click to open/close"
-msgstr "Clique para abrir/fechar"
+#: include/event.php:586
+msgid "Edit event"
+msgstr "Editar o evento"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1664 ../../include/text.php:1674
-#: ../../mod/events.php:335
+#: include/event.php:608 include/text.php:1518 include/text.php:1525
msgid "link to source"
msgstr "exibir a origem"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1731
-msgid "Select an alternate language"
-msgstr "Selecione um idioma alternativo"
+#: include/event.php:843
+msgid "Export"
+msgstr "Exportar"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1987
-msgid "activity"
-msgstr "atividade"
+#: include/event.php:844
+msgid "Export calendar as ical"
+msgstr "Exportar a agenda como iCal"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1989 ../../object/Item.php:389
-#: ../../object/Item.php:402 ../../mod/content.php:605
-msgid "comment"
-msgid_plural "comments"
-msgstr[0] "comentário"
-msgstr[1] "comentários"
+#: include/event.php:845
+msgid "Export calendar as csv"
+msgstr "Exportar a agenda como CSV"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1990
-msgid "post"
-msgstr "publicação"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2158
-msgid "Item filed"
-msgstr "O item foi arquivado"
-#: ../../include/auth.php:38
-msgid "Logged out."
-msgstr "Saiu."
-#: ../../include/auth.php:112 ../../include/auth.php:175
-#: ../../mod/openid.php:93
-msgid "Login failed."
-msgstr "Não foi possível autenticar."
-#: ../../include/auth.php:128 ../../include/user.php:67
-msgid ""
-"We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. "
-"Please check the correct spelling of the ID."
-msgstr "Foi encontrado um erro ao tentar conectar usando o OpenID que você forneceu. Por favor, verifique se sua ID está escrita corretamente."
-#: ../../include/auth.php:128 ../../include/user.php:67
-msgid "The error message was:"
-msgstr "A mensagem de erro foi:"
-#: ../../include/bbcode.php:433 ../../include/bbcode.php:1066
-#: ../../include/bbcode.php:1067
-msgid "Image/photo"
-msgstr "Imagem/foto"
-#: ../../include/bbcode.php:531
-#, php-format
-msgid "%2$s %3$s"
-msgstr "%2$s %3$s"
-#: ../../include/bbcode.php:565
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"%s wrote the following post "
-msgstr "%s escreveu a seguinte publicação "
-#: ../../include/bbcode.php:1030 ../../include/bbcode.php:1050
-msgid "$1 wrote:"
-msgstr "$1 escreveu:"
-#: ../../include/bbcode.php:1075 ../../include/bbcode.php:1076
-msgid "Encrypted content"
-msgstr "Conteúdo criptografado"
-#: ../../include/security.php:22
+#: include/security.php:22
msgid "Welcome "
msgstr "Bem-vindo(a) "
-#: ../../include/security.php:23
+#: include/security.php:23
msgid "Please upload a profile photo."
msgstr "Por favor, envie uma foto para o perfil."
-#: ../../include/security.php:26
+#: include/security.php:26
msgid "Welcome back "
msgstr "Bem-vindo(a) de volta "
-#: ../../include/security.php:366
+#: include/security.php:375
msgid ""
"The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the "
"form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."
msgstr "O token de segurança do formulário não estava correto. Isso provavelmente aconteceu porque o formulário ficou aberto por muito tempo (>3 horas) antes da sua submissão."
-#: ../../include/oembed.php:213
-msgid "Embedded content"
-msgstr "Conteúdo incorporado"
-#: ../../include/oembed.php:222
-msgid "Embedding disabled"
-msgstr "A incorporação está desabilitada"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
msgid "Male"
msgstr "Masculino"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
msgid "Female"
msgstr "Feminino"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
msgid "Currently Male"
msgstr "Atualmente masculino"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
msgid "Currently Female"
msgstr "Atualmente feminino"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
msgid "Mostly Male"
msgstr "Masculino a maior parte do tempo"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
msgid "Mostly Female"
msgstr "Feminino a maior parte do tempo"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
msgid "Transgender"
msgstr "Transgênero"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
msgid "Intersex"
msgstr "Intersexual"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
msgid "Transsexual"
msgstr "Transexual"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
msgid "Hermaphrodite"
msgstr "Hermafrodita"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
msgid "Neuter"
msgstr "Neutro"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
msgid "Non-specific"
msgstr "Não específico"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Outro"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:6 include/conversation.php:1477
msgid "Undecided"
-msgstr "Indeciso"
+msgid_plural "Undecided"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
msgid "Males"
msgstr "Homens"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
msgid "Females"
msgstr "Mulheres"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
msgid "Gay"
msgstr "Gays"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
msgid "Lesbian"
msgstr "Lésbicas"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
msgid "No Preference"
msgstr "Sem preferência"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
msgid "Bisexual"
msgstr "Bissexuais"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
msgid "Autosexual"
msgstr "Autossexuais"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
msgid "Abstinent"
msgstr "Abstêmios"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
msgid "Virgin"
msgstr "Virgens"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
msgid "Deviant"
msgstr "Desviantes"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
msgid "Fetish"
msgstr "Fetiches"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
msgid "Oodles"
msgstr "Insaciável"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:23
msgid "Nonsexual"
msgstr "Não sexual"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Single"
msgstr "Solteiro(a)"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Lonely"
msgstr "Solitário(a)"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Available"
msgstr "Disponível"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Não disponível"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Has crush"
msgstr "Tem uma paixão"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Infatuated"
msgstr "Apaixonado"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Dating"
msgstr "Saindo com alguém"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Unfaithful"
msgstr "Infiel"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Sex Addict"
msgstr "Viciado(a) em sexo"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42 ../../include/user.php:289
-#: ../../include/user.php:293
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42 include/user.php:299 include/user.php:303
msgid "Friends"
msgstr "Amigos"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Friends/Benefits"
msgstr "Amigos/Benefícios"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Casual"
msgstr "Casual"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Engaged"
msgstr "Envolvido(a)"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Married"
msgstr "Casado(a)"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Imaginarily married"
msgstr "Casado imaginariamente"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Partners"
msgstr "Parceiros"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Cohabiting"
msgstr "Coabitando"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Common law"
msgstr "Direito comum"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Happy"
msgstr "Feliz"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Not looking"
msgstr "Não estou procurando"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Swinger"
msgstr "Swinger"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Betrayed"
msgstr "Traído(a)"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Separated"
msgstr "Separado(a)"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Unstable"
msgstr "Instável"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Divorced"
msgstr "Divorciado(a)"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Imaginarily divorced"
msgstr "Divorciado imaginariamente"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Widowed"
msgstr "Viúvo(a)"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Uncertain"
msgstr "Incerto(a)"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "It's complicated"
msgstr "É complicado"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Don't care"
msgstr "Não importa"
-#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+#: include/profile_selectors.php:42
msgid "Ask me"
msgstr "Pergunte-me"
-#: ../../include/user.php:40
+#: include/oembed.php:229
+msgid "Embedded content"
+msgstr "Conteúdo incorporado"
+#: include/oembed.php:238
+msgid "Embedding disabled"
+msgstr "A incorporação está desabilitada"
+#: include/bbcode.php:349 include/bbcode.php:1054 include/bbcode.php:1055
+msgid "Image/photo"
+msgstr "Imagem/foto"
+#: include/bbcode.php:466
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$s %3$s"
+msgstr "%2$s %3$s"
+#: include/bbcode.php:1014 include/bbcode.php:1034
+msgid "$1 wrote:"
+msgstr "$1 escreveu:"
+#: include/bbcode.php:1063 include/bbcode.php:1064
+msgid "Encrypted content"
+msgstr "Conteúdo criptografado"
+#: include/dba_pdo.php:72 include/dba.php:56
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
+msgstr "Não foi possível localizar a informação de DNS para o servidor de banco de dados '%s'"
+#: include/auth.php:45
+msgid "Logged out."
+msgstr "Saiu."
+#: include/auth.php:116 include/auth.php:178 mod/openid.php:100
+msgid "Login failed."
+msgstr "Não foi possível autenticar."
+#: include/auth.php:132 include/user.php:75
+msgid ""
+"We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. "
+"Please check the correct spelling of the ID."
+msgstr "Foi encontrado um erro ao tentar conectar usando o OpenID que você forneceu. Por favor, verifique se sua ID está escrita corretamente."
+#: include/auth.php:132 include/user.php:75
+msgid "The error message was:"
+msgstr "A mensagem de erro foi:"
+#: include/group.php:25
+msgid ""
+"A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions "
+"may apply to this group and any future members. If this is "
+"not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."
+msgstr "Um grupo com esse nome, anteriormente excluído, foi reativado. Permissões de itens já existentes poderão ser aplicadas a esse grupo e qualquer futuros membros. Se não é essa a sua intenção, favor criar outro grupo com um nome diferente."
+#: include/group.php:209
+msgid "Default privacy group for new contacts"
+msgstr "Grupo de privacidade padrão para novos contatos"
+#: include/group.php:242
+msgid "Everybody"
+msgstr "Todos"
+#: include/group.php:265
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "editar"
+#: include/group.php:286 mod/newmember.php:61
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Grupos"
+#: include/group.php:288
+msgid "Edit groups"
+msgstr "Editar grupos"
+#: include/group.php:290
+msgid "Edit group"
+msgstr "Editar grupo"
+#: include/group.php:291
+msgid "Create a new group"
+msgstr "Criar um novo grupo"
+#: include/group.php:292 mod/group.php:94 mod/group.php:178
+msgid "Group Name: "
+msgstr "Nome do grupo: "
+#: include/group.php:294
+msgid "Contacts not in any group"
+msgstr "Contatos não estão dentro de nenhum grupo"
+#: include/group.php:296 mod/network.php:201
+msgid "add"
+msgstr "adicionar"
+#: include/Photo.php:996 include/Photo.php:1011 include/Photo.php:1018
+#: include/Photo.php:1040 include/message.php:145 mod/wall_upload.php:218
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:232 mod/wall_upload.php:239 mod/item.php:472
+msgid "Wall Photos"
+msgstr "Fotos do mural"
+#: include/delivery.php:439
+msgid "(no subject)"
+msgstr "(sem assunto)"
+#: include/user.php:39 mod/settings.php:370
+msgid "Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."
+msgstr "As senhas não correspondem. A senha não foi modificada."
+#: include/user.php:48
msgid "An invitation is required."
msgstr "É necessário um convite."
-#: ../../include/user.php:45
+#: include/user.php:53
msgid "Invitation could not be verified."
msgstr "Não foi possível verificar o convite."
-#: ../../include/user.php:53
+#: include/user.php:61
msgid "Invalid OpenID url"
msgstr "A URL do OpenID é inválida"
-#: ../../include/user.php:74
+#: include/user.php:82
msgid "Please enter the required information."
msgstr "Por favor, forneça a informação solicitada."
-#: ../../include/user.php:88
+#: include/user.php:96
msgid "Please use a shorter name."
msgstr "Por favor, use um nome mais curto."
-#: ../../include/user.php:90
+#: include/user.php:98
msgid "Name too short."
msgstr "O nome é muito curto."
-#: ../../include/user.php:105
+#: include/user.php:113
msgid "That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."
msgstr "Isso não parece ser o seu nome completo (Nome Sobrenome)."
-#: ../../include/user.php:110
+#: include/user.php:118
msgid "Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."
msgstr "O domínio do seu e-mail não está entre os permitidos neste site."
-#: ../../include/user.php:113
+#: include/user.php:121
msgid "Not a valid email address."
msgstr "Não é um endereço de e-mail válido."
-#: ../../include/user.php:126
+#: include/user.php:134
msgid "Cannot use that email."
msgstr "Não é possível usar esse e-mail."
-#: ../../include/user.php:132
-msgid ""
-"Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\", \"-\", and \"_\", and "
-"must also begin with a letter."
-msgstr "A sua identificação pode conter somente os caracteres \"a-z\", \"0-9\", \"-\", e \"_\", além disso, deve começar com uma letra."
+#: include/user.php:140
+msgid "Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/user.php:138 ../../include/user.php:236
+#: include/user.php:147 include/user.php:245
msgid "Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."
msgstr "Esta identificação já foi registrada. Por favor, escolha outra."
-#: ../../include/user.php:148
+#: include/user.php:157
msgid ""
"Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose "
msgstr "Essa identificação já foi registrada e não pode ser reutilizada. Por favor, escolha outra."
-#: ../../include/user.php:164
+#: include/user.php:173
msgid "SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."
msgstr "ERRO GRAVE: Não foi possível gerar as chaves de segurança."
-#: ../../include/user.php:222
+#: include/user.php:231
msgid "An error occurred during registration. Please try again."
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro durante o registro. Por favor, tente novamente."
-#: ../../include/user.php:257
+#: include/user.php:256 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:44
+msgid "default"
+msgstr "padrão"
+#: include/user.php:266
msgid "An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro na criação do seu perfil padrão. Por favor, tente novamente."
-#: ../../include/user.php:377
+#: include/user.php:345 include/user.php:352 include/user.php:359
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:74 mod/profile_photo.php:81 mod/profile_photo.php:88
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:210 mod/profile_photo.php:302
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:311 mod/photos.php:79 mod/photos.php:193
+#: mod/photos.php:770 mod/photos.php:1233 mod/photos.php:1256
+#: mod/photos.php:1849 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:500
+msgid "Profile Photos"
+msgstr "Fotos do perfil"
+#: include/user.php:387
#, php-format
msgid ""
@@ -2991,7 +1180,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "\n\t\tCaro %1$s,\n\t\t\tObrigado por se cadastrar em %2$s. Sua conta foi criada.\n\t"
-#: ../../include/user.php:381
+#: include/user.php:391
#, php-format
msgid ""
@@ -3021,2359 +1210,4198 @@ msgid ""
"\t\tThank you and welcome to %2$s."
msgstr "\n\t\tOs dados de login são os seguintes:\n\t\t\tLocal do Site:\t%3$s\n\t\t\tNome de Login:\t%1$s\n\t\t\tSenha:\t%5$s\n\n\t\tVocê pode alterar sua senha na página de \"Configurações\" da sua conta após fazer o login\n\n\t\tPor favor, dedique alguns minutos na página para rever as outras configurações da sua conta.\n\n\t\tTalvez você também queira incluir algumas informações básicas adicionais ao seu perfil padrão\n\t\t(na página de \"Perfis\") para que outras pessoas possam encontrá-lo com facilidade.\n\n\t\tRecomendamos que inclua seu nome completo, adicione uma foto do perfil,\n\t\tadicionar algumas \"palavras-chave\" (muito útil para fazer novas amizades) - e\n\t\ttalvez em que pais você mora; se você não quiser ser mais específico \n\t\tdo que isso.\n\n\t\tNós respeitamos plenamente seu direito à privacidade, e nenhum desses itens são necessários.\n\t\tSe você é novo por aqui e não conheço ninguém, eles podem ajuda-lo a fazer novas e interessantes amizades.\n\n\n\t\tObrigado e bem-vindo a %2$s."
-#: ../../include/user.php:413 ../../mod/admin.php:838
+#: include/user.php:423 mod/admin.php:1181
#, php-format
msgid "Registration details for %s"
msgstr "Detalhes do registro de %s"
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:333
+#: include/features.php:63
+msgid "General Features"
+msgstr "Funcionalidades Gerais"
+#: include/features.php:65
+msgid "Multiple Profiles"
+msgstr "Perfis Múltiplos"
+#: include/features.php:65
+msgid "Ability to create multiple profiles"
+msgstr "Capacidade de criar perfis múltiplos"
+#: include/features.php:66
+msgid "Photo Location"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:66
+msgid ""
+"Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present)"
+" prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:67
+msgid "Export Public Calendar"
+msgstr "Exportar a agenda pública"
+#: include/features.php:67
+msgid "Ability for visitors to download the public calendar"
+msgstr "Visitantes podem baixar a agenda pública"
+#: include/features.php:72
+msgid "Post Composition Features"
+msgstr "Funcionalidades de Composição de Publicações"
+#: include/features.php:73
+msgid "Richtext Editor"
+msgstr "Editor Richtext"
+#: include/features.php:73
+msgid "Enable richtext editor"
+msgstr "Habilite editor richtext"
+#: include/features.php:74
+msgid "Post Preview"
+msgstr "Pré-visualização da Publicação"
+#: include/features.php:74
+msgid "Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"
+msgstr "Permite pré-visualizar publicações e comentários antes de publicá-los"
+#: include/features.php:75
+msgid "Auto-mention Forums"
+msgstr "Auto-menção Fóruns"
+#: include/features.php:75
+msgid ""
+"Add/remove mention when a fourm page is selected/deselected in ACL window."
+msgstr "Adiciona/Remove menções quando uma página de fórum é selecionada/deselecionada na janela ACL"
+#: include/features.php:80
+msgid "Network Sidebar Widgets"
+msgstr "Widgets da Barra Lateral da Rede"
+#: include/features.php:81
+msgid "Search by Date"
+msgstr "Buscar por Data"
+#: include/features.php:81
+msgid "Ability to select posts by date ranges"
+msgstr "Capacidade de selecionar publicações por intervalos de data"
+#: include/features.php:82 include/features.php:112
+msgid "List Forums"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:82
+msgid "Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/features.php:83
+msgid "Group Filter"
+msgstr "Filtrar Grupo"
+#: include/features.php:83
+msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"
+msgstr "Habilita widget para mostrar publicações da Rede somente de grupos selecionados"
+#: include/features.php:84
+msgid "Network Filter"
+msgstr "Filtrar Rede"
+#: include/features.php:84
+msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"
+msgstr "Habilita widget para mostrar publicações da Rede de redes selecionadas"
+#: include/features.php:85 mod/search.php:34 mod/network.php:200
+msgid "Saved Searches"
+msgstr "Pesquisas salvas"
+#: include/features.php:85
+msgid "Save search terms for re-use"
+msgstr "Guarde as palavras-chaves para reuso"
+#: include/features.php:90
+msgid "Network Tabs"
+msgstr "Abas da Rede"
+#: include/features.php:91
+msgid "Network Personal Tab"
+msgstr "Aba Pessoal da Rede"
+#: include/features.php:91
+msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"
+msgstr "Habilitar aba para mostrar apenas as publicações da Rede que você tenha interagido"
+#: include/features.php:92
+msgid "Network New Tab"
+msgstr "Aba Nova da Rede"
+#: include/features.php:92
+msgid "Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"
+msgstr "Habilite aba para mostra apenas publicações da Rede novas (das últimas 12 horas)"
+#: include/features.php:93
+msgid "Network Shared Links Tab"
+msgstr "Aba de Links Compartilhados da Rede"
+#: include/features.php:93
+msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"
+msgstr "Habilite aba para mostrar somente publicações da Rede que contenham links"
+#: include/features.php:98
+msgid "Post/Comment Tools"
+msgstr "Ferramentas de Publicação/Comentário"
+#: include/features.php:99
+msgid "Multiple Deletion"
+msgstr "Deleção Multipla"
+#: include/features.php:99
+msgid "Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"
+msgstr "Selecione e delete múltiplas publicações/comentário imediatamente"
+#: include/features.php:100
+msgid "Edit Sent Posts"
+msgstr "Editar Publicações Enviadas"
+#: include/features.php:100
+msgid "Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"
+msgstr "Editar e corrigir publicações e comentários após envio"
+#: include/features.php:101
+msgid "Tagging"
+msgstr "Etiquetagem"
+#: include/features.php:101
+msgid "Ability to tag existing posts"
+msgstr "Capacidade de colocar etiquetas em publicações existentes"
+#: include/features.php:102
+msgid "Post Categories"
+msgstr "Categorias de Publicações"
+#: include/features.php:102
+msgid "Add categories to your posts"
+msgstr "Adicione Categorias ás Publicações"
+#: include/features.php:103
+msgid "Ability to file posts under folders"
+msgstr "Capacidade de arquivar publicações em pastas"
+#: include/features.php:104
+msgid "Dislike Posts"
+msgstr "Desgostar de publicações"
+#: include/features.php:104
+msgid "Ability to dislike posts/comments"
+msgstr "Capacidade de desgostar de publicações/comentários"
+#: include/features.php:105
+msgid "Star Posts"
+msgstr "Destacar publicações"
+#: include/features.php:105
+msgid "Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"
+msgstr "Capacidade de marcar publicações especiais com uma estrela indicadora"
+#: include/features.php:106
+msgid "Mute Post Notifications"
+msgstr "Silenciar Notificações de Postagem"
+#: include/features.php:106
+msgid "Ability to mute notifications for a thread"
+msgstr "Habilitar notificação silenciosa para a tarefa"
+#: include/features.php:111
+msgid "Advanced Profile Settings"
+msgstr "Configurações de perfil avançadas"
+#: include/features.php:112
+msgid "Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/nav.php:35 mod/navigation.php:19
+msgid "Nothing new here"
+msgstr "Nada de novo aqui"
+#: include/nav.php:39 mod/navigation.php:23
+msgid "Clear notifications"
+msgstr "Descartar notificações"
+#: include/nav.php:40 include/text.php:997
+msgid "@name, !forum, #tags, content"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/nav.php:75 view/theme/frio/theme.php:243 boot.php:1655
+msgid "Logout"
+msgstr "Sair"
+#: include/nav.php:75 view/theme/frio/theme.php:243
+msgid "End this session"
+msgstr "Terminar esta sessão"
+#: include/nav.php:78 include/identity.php:712 mod/contacts.php:635
+#: mod/contacts.php:831 view/theme/frio/theme.php:246
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Status"
+#: include/nav.php:78 include/nav.php:163 view/theme/frio/theme.php:246
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
+msgid "Your posts and conversations"
+msgstr "Suas publicações e conversas"
+#: include/nav.php:79 include/identity.php:603 include/identity.php:689
+#: include/identity.php:720 mod/profperm.php:104 mod/newmember.php:32
+#: mod/contacts.php:637 mod/contacts.php:839 view/theme/frio/theme.php:247
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Perfil "
+#: include/nav.php:79 view/theme/frio/theme.php:247
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:124
+msgid "Your profile page"
+msgstr "Sua página de perfil"
+#: include/nav.php:80 include/identity.php:728 mod/fbrowser.php:32
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:248 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
+msgid "Photos"
+msgstr "Fotos"
+#: include/nav.php:80 view/theme/frio/theme.php:248
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:126
+msgid "Your photos"
+msgstr "Suas fotos"
+#: include/nav.php:81 include/identity.php:736 include/identity.php:739
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:249
+msgid "Videos"
+msgstr "Vídeos"
+#: include/nav.php:81 view/theme/frio/theme.php:249
+msgid "Your videos"
+msgstr "Seus vídeos"
+#: include/nav.php:82 include/nav.php:146 include/identity.php:748
+#: include/identity.php:759 mod/cal.php:278 mod/events.php:379
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:250 view/theme/frio/theme.php:254
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
+msgid "Events"
+msgstr "Eventos"
+#: include/nav.php:82 view/theme/frio/theme.php:250
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:127
+msgid "Your events"
+msgstr "Seus eventos"
+#: include/nav.php:83 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128
+msgid "Personal notes"
+msgstr "Suas anotações pessoais"
+#: include/nav.php:83
+msgid "Your personal notes"
+msgstr "Suas anotações pessoais"
+#: include/nav.php:94 mod/bookmarklet.php:12 boot.php:1656
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Entrar"
+#: include/nav.php:94
+msgid "Sign in"
+msgstr "Entrar"
+#: include/nav.php:107 include/nav.php:163
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:174 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:123
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Pessoal"
+#: include/nav.php:107
+msgid "Home Page"
+msgstr "Página pessoal"
+#: include/nav.php:111 mod/register.php:280 boot.php:1631
+msgid "Register"
+msgstr "Registrar"
+#: include/nav.php:111
+msgid "Create an account"
+msgstr "Criar uma conta"
+#: include/nav.php:116 mod/help.php:47 view/theme/vier/theme.php:298
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Ajuda"
+#: include/nav.php:116
+msgid "Help and documentation"
+msgstr "Ajuda e documentação"
+#: include/nav.php:119
+msgid "Apps"
+msgstr "Aplicativos"
+#: include/nav.php:119
+msgid "Addon applications, utilities, games"
+msgstr "Complementos, utilitários, jogos"
+#: include/nav.php:122 include/text.php:994 mod/search.php:149
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Pesquisar"
+#: include/nav.php:122
+msgid "Search site content"
+msgstr "Pesquisar conteúdo no site"
+#: include/nav.php:125 include/text.php:1002
+msgid "Full Text"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/nav.php:126 include/text.php:1003
+msgid "Tags"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/nav.php:127 include/nav.php:193 include/identity.php:781
+#: include/identity.php:784 include/text.php:1004 mod/viewcontacts.php:116
+#: mod/contacts.php:790 mod/contacts.php:851 view/theme/frio/theme.php:257
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:125
+msgid "Contacts"
+msgstr "Contatos"
+#: include/nav.php:141 include/nav.php:143 mod/community.php:36
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:129
+msgid "Community"
+msgstr "Comunidade"
+#: include/nav.php:141
+msgid "Conversations on this site"
+msgstr "Conversas neste site"
+#: include/nav.php:143
+msgid "Conversations on the network"
+msgstr "Conversas na rede"
+#: include/nav.php:146 include/identity.php:751 include/identity.php:762
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:254
+msgid "Events and Calendar"
+msgstr "Eventos e Agenda"
+#: include/nav.php:148
+msgid "Directory"
+msgstr "Diretório"
+#: include/nav.php:148
+msgid "People directory"
+msgstr "Diretório de pessoas"
+#: include/nav.php:150
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Informação"
+#: include/nav.php:150
+msgid "Information about this friendica instance"
+msgstr "Informação sobre esta instância do friendica"
+#: include/nav.php:160 include/NotificationsManager.php:160 mod/admin.php:402
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:253
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Rede"
+#: include/nav.php:160 view/theme/frio/theme.php:253
+msgid "Conversations from your friends"
+msgstr "Conversas dos seus amigos"
+#: include/nav.php:161
+msgid "Network Reset"
+msgstr "Reiniciar Rede"
+#: include/nav.php:161
+msgid "Load Network page with no filters"
+msgstr "Carregar página Rede sem filtros"
+#: include/nav.php:168 include/NotificationsManager.php:181
+msgid "Introductions"
+msgstr "Apresentações"
+#: include/nav.php:168
+msgid "Friend Requests"
+msgstr "Requisições de Amizade"
+#: include/nav.php:171 mod/notifications.php:96
+msgid "Notifications"
+msgstr "Notificações"
+#: include/nav.php:172
+msgid "See all notifications"
+msgstr "Ver todas notificações"
+#: include/nav.php:173 mod/settings.php:887
+msgid "Mark as seen"
+msgstr "Marcar como visto"
+#: include/nav.php:173
+msgid "Mark all system notifications seen"
+msgstr "Marcar todas as notificações de sistema como vistas"
+#: include/nav.php:177 mod/message.php:190 view/theme/frio/theme.php:255
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Mensagens"
+#: include/nav.php:177 view/theme/frio/theme.php:255
+msgid "Private mail"
+msgstr "Mensagem privada"
+#: include/nav.php:178
+msgid "Inbox"
+msgstr "Recebidas"
+#: include/nav.php:179
+msgid "Outbox"
+msgstr "Enviadas"
+#: include/nav.php:180 mod/message.php:16
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Nova mensagem"
+#: include/nav.php:183
+msgid "Manage"
+msgstr "Gerenciar"
+#: include/nav.php:183
+msgid "Manage other pages"
+msgstr "Gerenciar outras páginas"
+#: include/nav.php:186 mod/settings.php:81
+msgid "Delegations"
+msgstr "Delegações"
+#: include/nav.php:186 mod/delegate.php:130
+msgid "Delegate Page Management"
+msgstr "Delegar Administração de Página"
+#: include/nav.php:188 mod/newmember.php:22 mod/admin.php:1501
+#: mod/admin.php:1759 mod/settings.php:111 view/theme/frio/theme.php:256
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:544 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:648
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Configurações"
+#: include/nav.php:188 view/theme/frio/theme.php:256
+msgid "Account settings"
+msgstr "Configurações da conta"
+#: include/nav.php:191 include/identity.php:276
+msgid "Profiles"
+msgstr "Perfis"
+#: include/nav.php:191
+msgid "Manage/Edit Profiles"
+msgstr "Administrar/Editar Perfis"
+#: include/nav.php:193 view/theme/frio/theme.php:257
+msgid "Manage/edit friends and contacts"
+msgstr "Gerenciar/editar amigos e contatos"
+#: include/nav.php:200 mod/admin.php:186
+msgid "Admin"
+msgstr "Admin"
+#: include/nav.php:200
+msgid "Site setup and configuration"
+msgstr "Configurações do site"
+#: include/nav.php:204
+msgid "Navigation"
+msgstr "Navegação"
+#: include/nav.php:204
+msgid "Site map"
+msgstr "Mapa do Site"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:32
+msgid "Unknown | Not categorised"
+msgstr "Desconhecido | Não categorizado"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:33
+msgid "Block immediately"
+msgstr "Bloquear imediatamente"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:34
+msgid "Shady, spammer, self-marketer"
+msgstr "Dissimulado, spammer, propagandista"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:35
+msgid "Known to me, but no opinion"
+msgstr "Eu conheço, mas não possuo nenhuma opinião acerca"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:36
+msgid "OK, probably harmless"
+msgstr "Ok, provavelmente inofensivo"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:37
+msgid "Reputable, has my trust"
+msgstr "Boa reputação, tem minha confiança"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:56 mod/admin.php:861
+msgid "Frequently"
+msgstr "Frequentemente"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:57 mod/admin.php:862
+msgid "Hourly"
+msgstr "De hora em hora"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:58 mod/admin.php:863
+msgid "Twice daily"
+msgstr "Duas vezes ao dia"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:59 mod/admin.php:864
+msgid "Daily"
+msgstr "Diariamente"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:60
+msgid "Weekly"
+msgstr "Semanalmente"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:61
+msgid "Monthly"
+msgstr "Mensalmente"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:76 mod/dfrn_request.php:867
+msgid "Friendica"
+msgstr "Friendica"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:77
+msgid "OStatus"
+msgstr "OStatus"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:78
+msgid "RSS/Atom"
+msgstr "RSS/Atom"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:79 include/contact_selectors.php:86
+#: mod/admin.php:1374 mod/admin.php:1387 mod/admin.php:1399 mod/admin.php:1417
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "E-mail"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:80 mod/dfrn_request.php:869
+#: mod/settings.php:827
+msgid "Diaspora"
+msgstr "Diaspora"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:81
+msgid "Facebook"
+msgstr "Facebook"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:82
+msgid "Zot!"
+msgstr "Zot!"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:83
+msgid "LinkedIn"
+msgstr "LinkedIn"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:84
+msgid "XMPP/IM"
+msgstr "XMPP/IM"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:85
+msgid "MySpace"
+msgstr "MySpace"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:87
+msgid "Google+"
+msgstr "Google+"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:88
+msgid "pump.io"
+msgstr "pump.io"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:89
+msgid "Twitter"
+msgstr "Twitter"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:90
+msgid "Diaspora Connector"
+msgstr "Conector do Diáspora"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:91
+msgid "GNU Social"
+msgstr "GNU Social"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:92
+msgid "App.net"
+msgstr "App.net"
+#: include/contact_selectors.php:103
+msgid "Hubzilla/Redmatrix"
+msgstr "Hubzilla/Redmatrix"
+#: include/conversation.php:122 include/conversation.php:258
+#: include/like.php:165 include/text.php:1788 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:463
+msgid "event"
+msgstr "evento"
+#: include/conversation.php:125 include/conversation.php:134
+#: include/conversation.php:261 include/conversation.php:270
+#: include/diaspora.php:1402 include/like.php:163 mod/subthread.php:87
+#: mod/tagger.php:62 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:466
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:475
+msgid "status"
+msgstr "status"
+#: include/conversation.php:130 include/conversation.php:266
+#: include/like.php:163 include/text.php:1790 mod/subthread.php:87
+#: mod/tagger.php:62 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:471
+msgid "photo"
+msgstr "foto"
+#: include/conversation.php:141 include/diaspora.php:1398 include/like.php:182
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:480
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s gosta de %3$s de %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:144 include/like.php:184
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s doesn't like %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s não gosta de %3$s de %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:147
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s attends %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:150
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s doesn't attend %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:153
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s attends maybe %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:185 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:473
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is now friends with %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s agora é amigo de %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:219
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s poked %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s cutucou %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:239 mod/mood.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is currently %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s atualmente está %2$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:278 mod/tagger.php:95
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s tagged %2$s's %3$s with %4$s"
+msgstr "%1$s etiquetou %3$s de %2$s com %4$s"
+#: include/conversation.php:303
+msgid "post/item"
+msgstr "postagem/item"
+#: include/conversation.php:304
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s marked %2$s's %3$s as favorite"
+msgstr "%1$s marcou %3$s de %2$s como favorito"
+#: include/conversation.php:587 mod/content.php:372 mod/profiles.php:345
+#: mod/photos.php:1634
+msgid "Likes"
+msgstr "Gosta de"
+#: include/conversation.php:587 mod/content.php:372 mod/profiles.php:349
+#: mod/photos.php:1634
+msgid "Dislikes"
+msgstr "Não gosta de"
+#: include/conversation.php:588 include/conversation.php:1471
+#: mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1635
+msgid "Attending"
+msgid_plural "Attending"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: include/conversation.php:588 mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1635
+msgid "Not attending"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:588 mod/content.php:373 mod/photos.php:1635
+msgid "Might attend"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:710 mod/content.php:453 mod/content.php:758
+#: mod/photos.php:1709 object/Item.php:133
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Selecionar"
+#: include/conversation.php:711 mod/group.php:171 mod/content.php:454
+#: mod/content.php:759 mod/admin.php:1391 mod/contacts.php:806
+#: mod/contacts.php:1021 mod/settings.php:726 mod/photos.php:1710
+#: object/Item.php:134
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Excluir"
+#: include/conversation.php:755 mod/content.php:487 mod/content.php:910
+#: mod/content.php:911 object/Item.php:367 object/Item.php:368
+#, php-format
+msgid "View %s's profile @ %s"
+msgstr "Ver o perfil de %s @ %s"
+#: include/conversation.php:767 object/Item.php:355
+msgid "Categories:"
+msgstr "Categorias:"
+#: include/conversation.php:768 object/Item.php:356
+msgid "Filed under:"
+msgstr "Arquivado sob:"
+#: include/conversation.php:775 mod/content.php:497 mod/content.php:923
+#: object/Item.php:381
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s from %s"
+msgstr "%s de %s"
+#: include/conversation.php:791 mod/content.php:513
+msgid "View in context"
+msgstr "Ver no contexto"
+#: include/conversation.php:793 include/conversation.php:1255
+#: mod/editpost.php:124 mod/wallmessage.php:156 mod/message.php:356
+#: mod/message.php:548 mod/content.php:515 mod/content.php:948
+#: mod/photos.php:1597 object/Item.php:406
+msgid "Please wait"
+msgstr "Por favor, espere"
+#: include/conversation.php:872
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "remover"
+#: include/conversation.php:876
+msgid "Delete Selected Items"
+msgstr "Excluir os itens selecionados"
+#: include/conversation.php:964
+msgid "Follow Thread"
+msgstr "Seguir o Thread"
+#: include/conversation.php:965 include/Contact.php:364
+msgid "View Status"
+msgstr "Ver Status"
+#: include/conversation.php:966 include/conversation.php:980
+#: include/Contact.php:310 include/Contact.php:323 include/Contact.php:365
+#: mod/directory.php:163 mod/match.php:71 mod/allfriends.php:65
+#: mod/suggest.php:82 mod/dirfind.php:203
+msgid "View Profile"
+msgstr "Ver Perfil"
+#: include/conversation.php:967 include/Contact.php:366
+msgid "View Photos"
+msgstr "Ver Fotos"
+#: include/conversation.php:968 include/Contact.php:367
+msgid "Network Posts"
+msgstr "Publicações da Rede"
+#: include/conversation.php:969 include/Contact.php:368
+msgid "Edit Contact"
+msgstr "Editar Contato"
+#: include/conversation.php:970 include/Contact.php:370
+msgid "Send PM"
+msgstr "Enviar MP"
+#: include/conversation.php:974 include/Contact.php:371
+msgid "Poke"
+msgstr "Cutucar"
+#: include/conversation.php:1088
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s likes this."
+msgstr "%s gostou disso."
+#: include/conversation.php:1091
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s doesn't like this."
+msgstr "%s não gostou disso."
+#: include/conversation.php:1094
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s attends."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1097
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s doesn't attend."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1100
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s attends maybe."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1110
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "e"
+#: include/conversation.php:1116
+#, php-format
+msgid ", and %d other people"
+msgstr ", e mais %d outras pessoas"
+#: include/conversation.php:1125
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people like this"
+msgstr "%2$d pessoas gostaram disso"
+#: include/conversation.php:1126
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s like this."
+msgstr "%s curtiu."
+#: include/conversation.php:1129
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people don't like this"
+msgstr "%2$d pessoas não gostaram disso"
+#: include/conversation.php:1130
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s don't like this."
+msgstr "%s não curtiu."
+#: include/conversation.php:1133
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people attend"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1134
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s attend."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1137
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people don't attend"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1138
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s don't attend."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1141
+#, php-format
+msgid "%2$d people anttend maybe"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1142
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s anttend maybe."
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1181 include/conversation.php:1199
+msgid "Visible to everybody "
+msgstr "Visível para todos "
+#: include/conversation.php:1182 include/conversation.php:1200
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:127 mod/wallmessage.php:135 mod/message.php:291
+#: mod/message.php:299 mod/message.php:442 mod/message.php:450
+msgid "Please enter a link URL:"
+msgstr "Por favor, digite uma URL:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1183 include/conversation.php:1201
+msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:"
+msgstr "Favor fornecer um link/URL de vídeo"
+#: include/conversation.php:1184 include/conversation.php:1202
+msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:"
+msgstr "Favor fornecer um link/URL de áudio"
+#: include/conversation.php:1185 include/conversation.php:1203
+msgid "Tag term:"
+msgstr "Etiqueta:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1186 include/conversation.php:1204
+#: mod/filer.php:30
+msgid "Save to Folder:"
+msgstr "Salvar na pasta:"
+#: include/conversation.php:1187 include/conversation.php:1205
+msgid "Where are you right now?"
+msgstr "Onde você está agora?"
+#: include/conversation.php:1188
+msgid "Delete item(s)?"
+msgstr "Deletar item(s)?"
+#: include/conversation.php:1236 mod/photos.php:1596
+msgid "Share"
+msgstr "Compartilhar"
+#: include/conversation.php:1237 mod/editpost.php:110 mod/wallmessage.php:154
+#: mod/message.php:354 mod/message.php:545
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Enviar foto"
+#: include/conversation.php:1238 mod/editpost.php:111
+msgid "upload photo"
+msgstr "upload de foto"
+#: include/conversation.php:1239 mod/editpost.php:112
+msgid "Attach file"
+msgstr "Anexar arquivo"
+#: include/conversation.php:1240 mod/editpost.php:113
+msgid "attach file"
+msgstr "anexar arquivo"
+#: include/conversation.php:1241 mod/editpost.php:114 mod/wallmessage.php:155
+#: mod/message.php:355 mod/message.php:546
+msgid "Insert web link"
+msgstr "Inserir link web"
+#: include/conversation.php:1242 mod/editpost.php:115
+msgid "web link"
+msgstr "link web"
+#: include/conversation.php:1243 mod/editpost.php:116
+msgid "Insert video link"
+msgstr "Inserir link de vídeo"
+#: include/conversation.php:1244 mod/editpost.php:117
+msgid "video link"
+msgstr "link de vídeo"
+#: include/conversation.php:1245 mod/editpost.php:118
+msgid "Insert audio link"
+msgstr "Inserir link de áudio"
+#: include/conversation.php:1246 mod/editpost.php:119
+msgid "audio link"
+msgstr "link de áudio"
+#: include/conversation.php:1247 mod/editpost.php:120
+msgid "Set your location"
+msgstr "Definir sua localização"
+#: include/conversation.php:1248 mod/editpost.php:121
+msgid "set location"
+msgstr "configure localização"
+#: include/conversation.php:1249 mod/editpost.php:122
+msgid "Clear browser location"
+msgstr "Limpar a localização do navegador"
+#: include/conversation.php:1250 mod/editpost.php:123
+msgid "clear location"
+msgstr "apague localização"
+#: include/conversation.php:1252 mod/editpost.php:137
+msgid "Set title"
+msgstr "Definir o título"
+#: include/conversation.php:1254 mod/editpost.php:139
+msgid "Categories (comma-separated list)"
+msgstr "Categorias (lista separada por vírgulas)"
+#: include/conversation.php:1256 mod/editpost.php:125
+msgid "Permission settings"
+msgstr "Configurações de permissão"
+#: include/conversation.php:1257 mod/editpost.php:154
+msgid "permissions"
+msgstr "permissões"
+#: include/conversation.php:1265 mod/editpost.php:134
+msgid "Public post"
+msgstr "Publicação pública"
+#: include/conversation.php:1270 mod/editpost.php:145 mod/content.php:737
+#: mod/events.php:505 mod/photos.php:1618 mod/photos.php:1666
+#: mod/photos.php:1754 object/Item.php:729
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Pré-visualização"
+#: include/conversation.php:1274 include/items.php:1849 mod/fbrowser.php:101
+#: mod/fbrowser.php:136 mod/tagrm.php:11 mod/tagrm.php:94 mod/follow.php:121
+#: mod/suggest.php:32 mod/editpost.php:148 mod/message.php:220
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:875 mod/contacts.php:445 mod/settings.php:664
+#: mod/settings.php:690 mod/videos.php:131 mod/photos.php:248
+#: mod/photos.php:337
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Cancelar"
+#: include/conversation.php:1280
+msgid "Post to Groups"
+msgstr "Postar em Grupos"
+#: include/conversation.php:1281
+msgid "Post to Contacts"
+msgstr "Publique para Contatos"
+#: include/conversation.php:1282
+msgid "Private post"
+msgstr "Publicação privada"
+#: include/conversation.php:1287 include/identity.php:250 mod/editpost.php:152
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Mensagem"
+#: include/conversation.php:1288 mod/editpost.php:153
+msgid "Browser"
+msgstr "Navegador"
+#: include/conversation.php:1443
+msgid "View all"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/conversation.php:1465
+msgid "Like"
+msgid_plural "Likes"
+msgstr[0] "Curtida"
+msgstr[1] "Curtidas"
+#: include/conversation.php:1468
+msgid "Dislike"
+msgid_plural "Dislikes"
+msgstr[0] "Não curtiu"
+msgstr[1] "Não curtiram"
+#: include/conversation.php:1474
+msgid "Not Attending"
+msgid_plural "Not Attending"
+msgstr[0] "Não vai"
+msgstr[1] "Não vão"
+#: include/network.php:595
+msgid "view full size"
+msgstr "ver na tela inteira"
+#: include/dbstructure.php:26
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n"
+"\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n"
+"\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n"
+"\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."
+msgstr "\n\t\t\tOs desenvolvedores de Friendica lançaram recentemente uma atualização %s,\n\t\t\tmas quando tentei instalá-la, algo deu terrivelmente errado.\n\t\t\tIsso precisa ser corrigido em breve e eu não posso fazer isso sozinho. Por favor, contate um\n\t\t\tdesenvolvedor da Friendica se você não pode me ajudar sozinho. Meu banco de dados pode ser inválido."
+#: include/dbstructure.php:31
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"The error message is\n"
+msgstr "A mensagem de erro é\n[pre]%s[/pre]"
+#: include/dbstructure.php:153
+msgid "Errors encountered creating database tables."
+msgstr "Foram encontrados erros durante a criação das tabelas do banco de dados."
+#: include/dbstructure.php:230
+msgid "Errors encountered performing database changes."
+msgstr "Erros encontrados realizando mudanças no banco de dados."
+#: include/Contact.php:119
+msgid "stopped following"
+msgstr "parou de acompanhar"
+#: include/Contact.php:369
+msgid "Drop Contact"
+msgstr "Excluir o contato"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:327
+msgid "Post to Email"
+msgstr "Enviar por e-mail"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:332
+#, php-format
+msgid "Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."
+msgstr "Conectores desabilitados, desde \"%s\" está habilitado."
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:333 mod/settings.php:1131
+msgid "Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"
+msgstr "Ocultar os detalhes do seu perfil para pessoas desconhecidas?"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:338
msgid "Visible to everybody"
msgstr "Visível para todos"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:94
-msgid "This entry was edited"
-msgstr "Essa entrada foi editada"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:339 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
+msgid "show"
+msgstr "exibir"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:116 ../../mod/photos.php:1359
-#: ../../mod/content.php:620
-msgid "Private Message"
-msgstr "Mensagem privada"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:340 view/theme/vier/config.php:103
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:621 view/theme/diabook/config.php:142
+msgid "don't show"
+msgstr "não exibir"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:120 ../../mod/settings.php:681
-#: ../../mod/content.php:728
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Editar"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:346 mod/editpost.php:133
+msgid "CC: email addresses"
+msgstr "CC: endereço de e-mail"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:133 ../../mod/content.php:763
-msgid "save to folder"
-msgstr "salvar na pasta"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:347 mod/editpost.php:140
+msgid "Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"
+msgstr "Por exemplo: joao@exemplo.com, maria@exemplo.com"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:195 ../../mod/content.php:753
-msgid "add star"
-msgstr "destacar"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:349 mod/photos.php:1178 mod/photos.php:1562
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Permissões"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:196 ../../mod/content.php:754
-msgid "remove star"
-msgstr "remover o destaque"
+#: include/acl_selectors.php:350
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Fechar"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:197 ../../mod/content.php:755
-msgid "toggle star status"
-msgstr "ativa/desativa o destaque"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:200 ../../mod/content.php:758
-msgid "starred"
-msgstr "marcado com estrela"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:208
-msgid "ignore thread"
-msgstr "ignorar tópico"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:209
-msgid "unignore thread"
-msgstr "deixar de ignorar tópico"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:210
-msgid "toggle ignore status"
-msgstr "alternar status ignorar"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:213
-msgid "ignored"
-msgstr "Ignorado"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:220 ../../mod/content.php:759
-msgid "add tag"
-msgstr "adicionar etiqueta"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:231 ../../mod/photos.php:1542
-#: ../../mod/content.php:684
-msgid "I like this (toggle)"
-msgstr "Eu gostei disso (alternar)"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:231 ../../mod/content.php:684
-msgid "like"
-msgstr "gostei"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:232 ../../mod/photos.php:1543
-#: ../../mod/content.php:685
-msgid "I don't like this (toggle)"
-msgstr "Eu não gostei disso (alternar)"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:232 ../../mod/content.php:685
-msgid "dislike"
-msgstr "desgostar"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:234 ../../mod/content.php:687
-msgid "Share this"
-msgstr "Compartilhar isso"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:234 ../../mod/content.php:687
-msgid "share"
-msgstr "compartilhar"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:328 ../../mod/content.php:854
-msgid "to"
-msgstr "para"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:329
-msgid "via"
-msgstr "via"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:330 ../../mod/content.php:855
-msgid "Wall-to-Wall"
-msgstr "Mural-para-mural"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:331 ../../mod/content.php:856
-msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:"
-msgstr "via Mural-para-mural"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:387 ../../mod/content.php:603
+#: include/api.php:975
#, php-format
-msgid "%d comment"
-msgid_plural "%d comments"
-msgstr[0] "%d comentário"
-msgstr[1] "%d comentários"
+msgid "Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
+msgstr "O limite diário de postagem de %d mensagens foi atingido. O post foi rejeitado."
-#: ../../object/Item.php:675 ../../mod/photos.php:1562
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1606 ../../mod/photos.php:1694
-#: ../../mod/content.php:707
-msgid "This is you"
-msgstr "Este(a) é você"
+#: include/api.php:995
+#, php-format
+msgid "Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
+msgstr "O limite de postagem semanal de %d mensagens foi atingido. O post foi rejeitado."
-#: ../../object/Item.php:679 ../../mod/content.php:711
-msgid "Bold"
-msgstr "Negrito"
+#: include/api.php:1016
+#, php-format
+msgid "Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."
+msgstr "O limite de postagem mensal de %d mensagens foi atingido. O post foi rejeitado."
-#: ../../object/Item.php:680 ../../mod/content.php:712
-msgid "Italic"
-msgstr "Itálico"
+#: include/dfrn.php:1110
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s\\'s birthday"
+msgstr "Aniversário de %s\\"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:681 ../../mod/content.php:713
-msgid "Underline"
-msgstr "Sublinhado"
+#: include/diaspora.php:1954
+msgid "Sharing notification from Diaspora network"
+msgstr "Notificação de compartilhamento da rede Diaspora"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:682 ../../mod/content.php:714
-msgid "Quote"
-msgstr "Citação"
+#: include/diaspora.php:2854
+msgid "Attachments:"
+msgstr "Anexos:"
-#: ../../object/Item.php:683 ../../mod/content.php:715
-msgid "Code"
-msgstr "Código"
+#: include/follow.php:77 mod/dfrn_request.php:507
+msgid "Disallowed profile URL."
+msgstr "URL de perfil não permitida."
-#: ../../object/Item.php:684 ../../mod/content.php:716
-msgid "Image"
-msgstr "Imagem"
+#: include/follow.php:82
+msgid "Connect URL missing."
+msgstr "URL de conexão faltando."
-#: ../../object/Item.php:685 ../../mod/content.php:717
-msgid "Link"
-msgstr "Link"
+#: include/follow.php:109
+msgid ""
+"This site is not configured to allow communications with other networks."
+msgstr "Este site não está configurado para permitir comunicações com outras redes."
-#: ../../object/Item.php:686 ../../mod/content.php:718
-msgid "Video"
-msgstr "Vídeo"
+#: include/follow.php:110 include/follow.php:130
+msgid "No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered."
+msgstr "Não foi descoberto nenhum protocolo de comunicação ou fonte de notícias compatível."
-#: ../../mod/attach.php:8
-msgid "Item not available."
-msgstr "O item não está disponível."
+#: include/follow.php:128
+msgid "The profile address specified does not provide adequate information."
+msgstr "O endereço de perfil especificado não fornece informação adequada."
-#: ../../mod/attach.php:20
-msgid "Item was not found."
+#: include/follow.php:132
+msgid "An author or name was not found."
+msgstr "Não foi encontrado nenhum autor ou nome."
+#: include/follow.php:134
+msgid "No browser URL could be matched to this address."
+msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar nenhuma URL de navegação neste endereço."
+#: include/follow.php:136
+msgid ""
+"Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email "
+msgstr "Não foi possível casa o estilo @ de Endereço de Identidade com um protocolo conhecido ou contato de email."
+#: include/follow.php:137
+msgid "Use mailto: in front of address to force email check."
+msgstr "Use mailto: antes do endereço para forçar a checagem de email."
+#: include/follow.php:143
+msgid ""
+"The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled "
+"on this site."
+msgstr "O endereço de perfil especificado pertence a uma rede que foi desabilitada neste site."
+#: include/follow.php:153
+msgid ""
+"Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal "
+"notifications from you."
+msgstr "Perfil limitado. Essa pessoa não poderá receber notificações diretas/pessoais de você."
+#: include/follow.php:254
+msgid "Unable to retrieve contact information."
+msgstr "Não foi possível recuperar a informação do contato."
+#: include/follow.php:287
+msgid "following"
+msgstr "acompanhando"
+#: include/identity.php:42
+msgid "Requested account is not available."
+msgstr "Conta solicitada não disponível"
+#: include/identity.php:51 mod/profile.php:21
+msgid "Requested profile is not available."
+msgstr "Perfil solicitado não está disponível."
+#: include/identity.php:95 include/identity.php:305 include/identity.php:686
+msgid "Edit profile"
+msgstr "Editar perfil"
+#: include/identity.php:245
+msgid "Atom feed"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:276
+msgid "Manage/edit profiles"
+msgstr "Gerenciar/editar perfis"
+#: include/identity.php:281 include/identity.php:307 mod/profiles.php:787
+msgid "Change profile photo"
+msgstr "Mudar a foto do perfil"
+#: include/identity.php:282 mod/profiles.php:788
+msgid "Create New Profile"
+msgstr "Criar um novo perfil"
+#: include/identity.php:292 mod/profiles.php:777
+msgid "Profile Image"
+msgstr "Imagem do perfil"
+#: include/identity.php:295 mod/profiles.php:779
+msgid "visible to everybody"
+msgstr "visível para todos"
+#: include/identity.php:296 mod/profiles.php:684 mod/profiles.php:780
+msgid "Edit visibility"
+msgstr "Editar a visibilidade"
+#: include/identity.php:319 mod/directory.php:174 mod/match.php:84
+#: mod/viewcontacts.php:105 mod/allfriends.php:79 mod/cal.php:44
+#: mod/suggest.php:98 mod/hovercard.php:80 mod/common.php:123
+#: mod/network.php:517 mod/contacts.php:51 mod/contacts.php:626
+#: mod/contacts.php:953 mod/dirfind.php:223 mod/videos.php:37
+#: mod/photos.php:42
+msgid "Forum"
+msgstr "Fórum"
+#: include/identity.php:331 include/identity.php:614 mod/directory.php:147
+#: mod/notifications.php:238
+msgid "Gender:"
+msgstr "Gênero:"
+#: include/identity.php:334 include/identity.php:634 mod/directory.php:149
+msgid "Status:"
+msgstr "Situação:"
+#: include/identity.php:336 include/identity.php:645 mod/directory.php:151
+msgid "Homepage:"
+msgstr "Página web:"
+#: include/identity.php:338 include/identity.php:655 mod/directory.php:153
+#: mod/contacts.php:630 mod/notifications.php:234
+msgid "About:"
+msgstr "Sobre:"
+#: include/identity.php:420 mod/contacts.php:50 mod/notifications.php:246
+msgid "Network:"
+msgstr "Rede:"
+#: include/identity.php:449 include/identity.php:533
+msgid "g A l F d"
+msgstr "G l d F"
+#: include/identity.php:450 include/identity.php:534
+msgid "F d"
+msgstr "F d"
+#: include/identity.php:495 include/identity.php:580
+msgid "[today]"
+msgstr "[hoje]"
+#: include/identity.php:507
+msgid "Birthday Reminders"
+msgstr "Lembretes de aniversário"
+#: include/identity.php:508
+msgid "Birthdays this week:"
+msgstr "Aniversários nesta semana:"
+#: include/identity.php:567
+msgid "[No description]"
+msgstr "[Sem descrição]"
+#: include/identity.php:591
+msgid "Event Reminders"
+msgstr "Lembretes de eventos"
+#: include/identity.php:592
+msgid "Events this week:"
+msgstr "Eventos esta semana:"
+#: include/identity.php:612 mod/settings.php:1229
+msgid "Full Name:"
+msgstr "Nome completo:"
+#: include/identity.php:619
+msgid "j F, Y"
+msgstr "j de F, Y"
+#: include/identity.php:620
+msgid "j F"
+msgstr "j de F"
+#: include/identity.php:631
+msgid "Age:"
+msgstr "Idade:"
+#: include/identity.php:640
+#, php-format
+msgid "for %1$d %2$s"
+msgstr "para %1$d %2$s"
+#: include/identity.php:643 mod/profiles.php:703
+msgid "Sexual Preference:"
+msgstr "Preferência sexual:"
+#: include/identity.php:647 mod/profiles.php:729
+msgid "Hometown:"
+msgstr "Cidade:"
+#: include/identity.php:649 mod/follow.php:134 mod/contacts.php:632
+#: mod/notifications.php:236
+msgid "Tags:"
+msgstr "Etiquetas:"
+#: include/identity.php:651 mod/profiles.php:730
+msgid "Political Views:"
+msgstr "Posição política:"
+#: include/identity.php:653
+msgid "Religion:"
+msgstr "Religião:"
+#: include/identity.php:657
+msgid "Hobbies/Interests:"
+msgstr "Passatempos/Interesses:"
+#: include/identity.php:659 mod/profiles.php:734
+msgid "Likes:"
+msgstr "Gosta de:"
+#: include/identity.php:661 mod/profiles.php:735
+msgid "Dislikes:"
+msgstr "Não gosta de:"
+#: include/identity.php:664
+msgid "Contact information and Social Networks:"
+msgstr "Informações de contato e redes sociais:"
+#: include/identity.php:666
+msgid "Musical interests:"
+msgstr "Preferências musicais:"
+#: include/identity.php:668
+msgid "Books, literature:"
+msgstr "Livros, literatura:"
+#: include/identity.php:670
+msgid "Television:"
+msgstr "Televisão:"
+#: include/identity.php:672
+msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"
+msgstr "Filmes/dança/cultura/entretenimento:"
+#: include/identity.php:674
+msgid "Love/Romance:"
+msgstr "Amor/romance:"
+#: include/identity.php:676
+msgid "Work/employment:"
+msgstr "Trabalho/emprego:"
+#: include/identity.php:678
+msgid "School/education:"
+msgstr "Escola/educação:"
+#: include/identity.php:682
+msgid "Forums:"
+msgstr "Fóruns:"
+#: include/identity.php:690 mod/events.php:508
+msgid "Basic"
+msgstr ""
+#: include/identity.php:691 mod/admin.php:930 mod/contacts.php:868
+#: mod/events.php:509
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr "Avançado"
+#: include/identity.php:715 mod/follow.php:143 mod/contacts.php:834
+msgid "Status Messages and Posts"
+msgstr "Mensagem de Estado (status) e Publicações"
+#: include/identity.php:723 mod/contacts.php:842
+msgid "Profile Details"
+msgstr "Detalhe do Perfil"
+#: include/identity.php:731 mod/photos.php:100
+msgid "Photo Albums"
+msgstr "Álbuns de fotos"
+#: include/identity.php:770 mod/notes.php:46
+msgid "Personal Notes"
+msgstr "Notas pessoais"
+#: include/identity.php:773
+msgid "Only You Can See This"
+msgstr "Somente Você Pode Ver Isso"
+#: include/items.php:1447 mod/dfrn_request.php:745 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:726
+msgid "[Name Withheld]"
+msgstr "[Nome não revelado]"
+#: include/items.php:1805 mod/viewsrc.php:15 mod/display.php:104
+#: mod/display.php:279 mod/display.php:478 mod/notice.php:15 mod/admin.php:234
+#: mod/admin.php:1448 mod/admin.php:1682
+msgid "Item not found."
msgstr "O item não foi encontrado."
-#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:42 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:112
+#: include/items.php:1844
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this item?"
+msgstr "Você realmente deseja deletar esse item?"
+#: include/items.php:1846 mod/follow.php:110 mod/suggest.php:29
+#: mod/api.php:105 mod/message.php:217 mod/dfrn_request.php:861
+#: mod/contacts.php:442 mod/profiles.php:641 mod/profiles.php:644
+#: mod/profiles.php:670 mod/register.php:238 mod/settings.php:1113
+#: mod/settings.php:1119 mod/settings.php:1127 mod/settings.php:1131
+#: mod/settings.php:1136 mod/settings.php:1142 mod/settings.php:1148
+#: mod/settings.php:1154 mod/settings.php:1180 mod/settings.php:1181
+#: mod/settings.php:1182 mod/settings.php:1183 mod/settings.php:1184
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Sim"
+#: include/items.php:2011 mod/wall_upload.php:77 mod/wall_upload.php:80
+#: mod/notes.php:22 mod/uimport.php:23 mod/nogroup.php:25 mod/invite.php:15
+#: mod/invite.php:101 mod/viewcontacts.php:45 mod/wall_attach.php:67
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:70 mod/allfriends.php:12 mod/cal.php:308
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:9 mod/delegate.php:12 mod/attach.php:33
+#: mod/follow.php:11 mod/follow.php:73 mod/follow.php:155 mod/suggest.php:58
+#: mod/display.php:474 mod/common.php:18 mod/editpost.php:10 mod/network.php:4
+#: mod/group.php:19 mod/wallmessage.php:9 mod/wallmessage.php:33
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:79 mod/wallmessage.php:103 mod/api.php:26
+#: mod/api.php:31 mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:9 mod/message.php:46
+#: mod/message.php:182 mod/manage.php:96 mod/crepair.php:100
+#: mod/contacts.php:350 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:57 mod/dirfind.php:11
+#: mod/events.php:190 mod/fsuggest.php:78 mod/item.php:185 mod/item.php:197
+#: mod/mood.php:114 mod/poke.php:150 mod/profile_photo.php:19
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:175 mod/profile_photo.php:186
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:199 mod/profiles.php:166 mod/profiles.php:598
+#: mod/register.php:42 mod/regmod.php:110 mod/settings.php:22
+#: mod/settings.php:128 mod/settings.php:650 mod/notifications.php:71
+#: mod/photos.php:172 mod/photos.php:1093 index.php:397
+msgid "Permission denied."
+msgstr "Permissão negada."
+#: include/items.php:2116
+msgid "Archives"
+msgstr "Arquivos"
+#: include/like.php:186
#, php-format
-msgid "Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."
-msgstr "O número diário de mensagens do mural de %s foi excedido. Não foi possível enviar a mensagem."
+msgid "%1$s is attending %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s vai a %3$s de %2$s"
-#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:56 ../../mod/message.php:63
-msgid "No recipient selected."
-msgstr "Não foi selecionado nenhum destinatário."
-#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:59
-msgid "Unable to check your home location."
-msgstr "Não foi possível verificar a sua localização."
-#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:62 ../../mod/message.php:70
-msgid "Message could not be sent."
-msgstr "Não foi possível enviar a mensagem."
-#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:65 ../../mod/message.php:73
-msgid "Message collection failure."
-msgstr "Falha na coleta de mensagens."
-#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:68 ../../mod/message.php:76
-msgid "Message sent."
-msgstr "A mensagem foi enviada."
-#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:86 ../../mod/wallmessage.php:95
-msgid "No recipient."
-msgstr "Nenhum destinatário."
-#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:142 ../../mod/message.php:319
-msgid "Send Private Message"
-msgstr "Enviar mensagem privada"
-#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:143
+#: include/like.php:188
#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on "
-"your site allow private mail from unknown senders."
-msgstr "Caso você deseje uma resposta de %s, por favor verifique se as configurações de privacidade em seu site permitem o recebimento de mensagens de remetentes desconhecidos."
+msgid "%1$s is not attending %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s não vai a %3$s de %2$s"
-#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:144 ../../mod/message.php:320
-#: ../../mod/message.php:553
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr "Para:"
+#: include/like.php:190
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s may attend %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s está pensando em ir a %3$s de %2$s"
-#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:145 ../../mod/message.php:325
-#: ../../mod/message.php:555
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Assunto:"
+#: include/message.php:15 include/message.php:173
+msgid "[no subject]"
+msgstr "[sem assunto]"
-#: ../../mod/wallmessage.php:151 ../../mod/invite.php:134
-#: ../../mod/message.php:329 ../../mod/message.php:558
-msgid "Your message:"
-msgstr "Sua mensagem:"
+#: include/plugin.php:526 include/plugin.php:528
+msgid "Click here to upgrade."
+msgstr "Clique aqui para atualização (upgrade)."
-#: ../../mod/group.php:29
-msgid "Group created."
-msgstr "O grupo foi criado."
+#: include/plugin.php:534
+msgid "This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."
+msgstr "Essa ação excede o limite definido para o seu plano de assinatura."
-#: ../../mod/group.php:35
-msgid "Could not create group."
-msgstr "Não foi possível criar o grupo."
+#: include/plugin.php:539
+msgid "This action is not available under your subscription plan."
+msgstr "Essa ação não está disponível em seu plano de assinatura."
-#: ../../mod/group.php:47 ../../mod/group.php:140
-msgid "Group not found."
-msgstr "O grupo não foi encontrado."
+#: include/text.php:304
+msgid "newer"
+msgstr "mais recente"
-#: ../../mod/group.php:60
-msgid "Group name changed."
-msgstr "O nome do grupo foi alterado."
+#: include/text.php:306
+msgid "older"
+msgstr "antigo"
-#: ../../mod/group.php:87
-msgid "Save Group"
-msgstr "Salvar o grupo"
+#: include/text.php:311
+msgid "prev"
+msgstr "anterior"
-#: ../../mod/group.php:93
-msgid "Create a group of contacts/friends."
-msgstr "Criar um grupo de contatos/amigos."
+#: include/text.php:313
+msgid "first"
+msgstr "primeiro"
-#: ../../mod/group.php:94 ../../mod/group.php:180
-msgid "Group Name: "
-msgstr "Nome do grupo: "
+#: include/text.php:345
+msgid "last"
+msgstr "último"
-#: ../../mod/group.php:113
-msgid "Group removed."
-msgstr "O grupo foi removido."
+#: include/text.php:348
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "próximo"
-#: ../../mod/group.php:115
-msgid "Unable to remove group."
-msgstr "Não foi possível remover o grupo."
+#: include/text.php:403
+msgid "Loading more entries..."
+msgstr "Baixando mais entradas..."
-#: ../../mod/group.php:179
-msgid "Group Editor"
-msgstr "Editor de grupo"
+#: include/text.php:404
+msgid "The end"
+msgstr "Fim"
-#: ../../mod/group.php:192
-msgid "Members"
-msgstr "Membros"
+#: include/text.php:871
+msgid "No contacts"
+msgstr "Nenhum contato"
-#: ../../mod/group.php:194 ../../mod/contacts.php:586
-msgid "All Contacts"
-msgstr "Todos os contatos"
+#: include/text.php:894
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d Contact"
+msgid_plural "%d Contacts"
+msgstr[0] "%d contato"
+msgstr[1] "%d contatos"
-#: ../../mod/group.php:224 ../../mod/profperm.php:105
-msgid "Click on a contact to add or remove."
-msgstr "Clique em um contato para adicionar ou remover."
+#: include/text.php:907
+msgid "View Contacts"
+msgstr "Ver contatos"
-#: ../../mod/delegate.php:101
-msgid "No potential page delegates located."
-msgstr "Nenhuma página delegada potencial localizada."
+#: include/text.php:995 mod/notes.php:61 mod/filer.php:31 mod/editpost.php:109
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Salvar"
-#: ../../mod/delegate.php:132
-msgid ""
-"Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for "
-"basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to "
-"anybody that you do not trust completely."
-msgstr "Delegados podem administrar todos os aspectos dessa página/conta exceto por configurações básicas da conta.\nFavor não delegar sua conta pessoal para ninguém que você não confie inteiramente."
+#: include/text.php:1058
+msgid "poke"
+msgstr "cutucar"
-#: ../../mod/delegate.php:133
-msgid "Existing Page Managers"
-msgstr "Administradores de Páginas Existentes"
+#: include/text.php:1058
+msgid "poked"
+msgstr "cutucado"
-#: ../../mod/delegate.php:135
-msgid "Existing Page Delegates"
-msgstr "Delegados de Páginas Existentes"
+#: include/text.php:1059
+msgid "ping"
+msgstr "ping"
-#: ../../mod/delegate.php:137
-msgid "Potential Delegates"
-msgstr "Delegados Potenciais"
+#: include/text.php:1059
+msgid "pinged"
+msgstr "pingado"
-#: ../../mod/delegate.php:139 ../../mod/tagrm.php:93
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Remover"
+#: include/text.php:1060
+msgid "prod"
+msgstr "incentivar"
-#: ../../mod/delegate.php:140
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Adicionar"
+#: include/text.php:1060
+msgid "prodded"
+msgstr "incentivado"
-#: ../../mod/delegate.php:141
-msgid "No entries."
-msgstr "Sem entradas."
+#: include/text.php:1061
+msgid "slap"
+msgstr "bater"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:26
-msgid "Invalid request identifier."
-msgstr "Identificador de solicitação inválido"
+#: include/text.php:1061
+msgid "slapped"
+msgstr "batido"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:35 ../../mod/notifications.php:165
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:215
-msgid "Discard"
-msgstr "Descartar"
+#: include/text.php:1062
+msgid "finger"
+msgstr "apontar"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:51 ../../mod/notifications.php:164
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:214 ../../mod/contacts.php:455
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:519 ../../mod/contacts.php:731
-msgid "Ignore"
-msgstr "Ignorar"
+#: include/text.php:1062
+msgid "fingered"
+msgstr "apontado"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:78
+#: include/text.php:1063
+msgid "rebuff"
+msgstr "rejeite"
+#: include/text.php:1063
+msgid "rebuffed"
+msgstr "rejeitado"
+#: include/text.php:1077
+msgid "happy"
+msgstr "feliz"
+#: include/text.php:1078
+msgid "sad"
+msgstr "triste"
+#: include/text.php:1079
+msgid "mellow"
+msgstr "desencanado"
+#: include/text.php:1080
+msgid "tired"
+msgstr "cansado"
+#: include/text.php:1081
+msgid "perky"
+msgstr "audacioso"
+#: include/text.php:1082
+msgid "angry"
+msgstr "chateado"
+#: include/text.php:1083
+msgid "stupified"
+msgstr "estupefato"
+#: include/text.php:1084
+msgid "puzzled"
+msgstr "confuso"
+#: include/text.php:1085
+msgid "interested"
+msgstr "interessado"
+#: include/text.php:1086
+msgid "bitter"
+msgstr "rancoroso"
+#: include/text.php:1087
+msgid "cheerful"
+msgstr "jovial"
+#: include/text.php:1088
+msgid "alive"
+msgstr "vivo"
+#: include/text.php:1089
+msgid "annoyed"
+msgstr "incomodado"
+#: include/text.php:1090
+msgid "anxious"
+msgstr "ansioso"
+#: include/text.php:1091
+msgid "cranky"
+msgstr "excêntrico"
+#: include/text.php:1092
+msgid "disturbed"
+msgstr "perturbado"
+#: include/text.php:1093
+msgid "frustrated"
+msgstr "frustrado"
+#: include/text.php:1094
+msgid "motivated"
+msgstr "motivado"
+#: include/text.php:1095
+msgid "relaxed"
+msgstr "relaxado"
+#: include/text.php:1096
+msgid "surprised"
+msgstr "surpreso"
+#: include/text.php:1310 mod/videos.php:383
+msgid "View Video"
+msgstr "Ver Vídeo"
+#: include/text.php:1342
+msgid "bytes"
+msgstr "bytes"
+#: include/text.php:1374 include/text.php:1386
+msgid "Click to open/close"
+msgstr "Clique para abrir/fechar"
+#: include/text.php:1512
+msgid "View on separate page"
+msgstr "Ver em uma página separada"
+#: include/text.php:1513
+msgid "view on separate page"
+msgstr "ver em uma página separada"
+#: include/text.php:1792
+msgid "activity"
+msgstr "atividade"
+#: include/text.php:1794 mod/content.php:623 object/Item.php:431
+#: object/Item.php:444
+msgid "comment"
+msgid_plural "comments"
+msgstr[0] "comentário"
+msgstr[1] "comentários"
+#: include/text.php:1795
+msgid "post"
+msgstr "publicação"
+#: include/text.php:1963
+msgid "Item filed"
+msgstr "O item foi arquivado"
+#: include/uimport.php:94
+msgid "Error decoding account file"
+msgstr "Erro ao decodificar arquivo de conta"
+#: include/uimport.php:100
+msgid "Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"
+msgstr "Erro! Nenhum arquivo de dados de versão! Esse não é um arquivo de conta do Friendica?"
+#: include/uimport.php:116 include/uimport.php:127
+msgid "Error! Cannot check nickname"
+msgstr "Erro! Não consigo conferir o apelido (nickname)"
+#: include/uimport.php:120 include/uimport.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' already exists on this server!"
+msgstr "User '%s' já existe nesse servidor!"
+#: include/uimport.php:153
+msgid "User creation error"
+msgstr "Erro na criação do usuário"
+#: include/uimport.php:173
+msgid "User profile creation error"
+msgstr "Erro na criação do perfil do Usuário"
+#: include/uimport.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d contact not imported"
+msgid_plural "%d contacts not imported"
+msgstr[0] "%d contato não foi importado"
+msgstr[1] "%d contatos não foram importados"
+#: include/uimport.php:292
+msgid "Done. You can now login with your username and password"
+msgstr "Feito. Você agora pode entrar com seu nome de usuário e senha."
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:153
msgid "System"
msgstr "Sistema"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:88 ../../mod/network.php:371
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:167 mod/network.php:844
+#: mod/profiles.php:696
msgid "Personal"
msgstr "Pessoal"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:122
-msgid "Show Ignored Requests"
-msgstr "Exibir solicitações ignoradas"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:122
-msgid "Hide Ignored Requests"
-msgstr "Ocultar solicitações ignoradas"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:149 ../../mod/notifications.php:199
-msgid "Notification type: "
-msgstr "Tipo de notificação:"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:150
-msgid "Friend Suggestion"
-msgstr "Sugestão de amigo"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:152
-#, php-format
-msgid "suggested by %s"
-msgstr "sugerido por %s"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:157 ../../mod/notifications.php:208
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:525
-msgid "Hide this contact from others"
-msgstr "Ocultar este contato dos outros"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:158 ../../mod/notifications.php:209
-msgid "Post a new friend activity"
-msgstr "Publicar a adição de amigo"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:158 ../../mod/notifications.php:209
-msgid "if applicable"
-msgstr "se aplicável"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:161 ../../mod/notifications.php:212
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1005
-msgid "Approve"
-msgstr "Aprovar"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:181
-msgid "Claims to be known to you: "
-msgstr "Alega ser conhecido por você: "
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:181
-msgid "yes"
-msgstr "sim"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:181
-msgid "no"
-msgstr "não"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:182
-msgid ""
-"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
-"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that "
-"you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
-msgstr "Sua conexão deve ser bidirecional ou não? \"Amigo\" implica que você permite ler e se inscreve nos textos dele. \"Fan / admirador\" significa que você permite ler, mas você não quer ler os textos dele. Aprovar como:"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:185
-msgid ""
-"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
-"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you "
-"allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
-msgstr "Sua conexão deve ser bidirecional ou não? \"Amigo\" implica que você permite a leitura e assina o textos dele. \"Compartilhador\" significa que você permite a leitura mas você não quer ler os textos dele. Aprova como:"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:193
-msgid "Friend"
-msgstr "Amigo"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:194
-msgid "Sharer"
-msgstr "Compartilhador"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:194
-msgid "Fan/Admirer"
-msgstr "Fã/Admirador"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:200
-msgid "Friend/Connect Request"
-msgstr "Solicitação de amizade/conexão"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:200
-msgid "New Follower"
-msgstr "Novo acompanhante"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:221
-msgid "No introductions."
-msgstr "Sem apresentações."
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:262 ../../mod/notifications.php:391
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:482
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s liked %s's post"
-msgstr "%s gostou da publicação de %s"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:272 ../../mod/notifications.php:401
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:492
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s disliked %s's post"
-msgstr "%s desgostou da publicação de %s"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:287 ../../mod/notifications.php:416
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:507
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s is now friends with %s"
-msgstr "%s agora é amigo de %s"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:294 ../../mod/notifications.php:423
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s created a new post"
-msgstr "%s criou uma nova publicação"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:295 ../../mod/notifications.php:424
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:517
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:234 include/NotificationsManager.php:245
#, php-format
msgid "%s commented on %s's post"
msgstr "%s comentou uma publicação de %s"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:310
-msgid "No more network notifications."
-msgstr "Nenhuma notificação de rede."
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:244
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s created a new post"
+msgstr "%s criou uma nova publicação"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:314
-msgid "Network Notifications"
-msgstr "Notificações de rede"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:258
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s liked %s's post"
+msgstr "%s gostou da publicação de %s"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:340 ../../mod/notify.php:75
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:269
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s disliked %s's post"
+msgstr "%s desgostou da publicação de %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is attending %s's event"
+msgstr "%s vai comparecer ao evento de %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:291
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is not attending %s's event"
+msgstr "%s não vai comparecer ao evento de %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:302
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s may attend %s's event"
+msgstr "%s talvez compareça ao evento de %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:317
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s is now friends with %s"
+msgstr "%s agora é amigo de %s"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:750
+msgid "Friend Suggestion"
+msgstr "Sugestão de amigo"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:783
+msgid "Friend/Connect Request"
+msgstr "Solicitação de amizade/conexão"
+#: include/NotificationsManager.php:783
+msgid "New Follower"
+msgstr "Novo acompanhante"
+#: mod/oexchange.php:25
+msgid "Post successful."
+msgstr "Publicado com sucesso."
+#: mod/update_community.php:18 mod/update_notes.php:37
+#: mod/update_display.php:22 mod/update_profile.php:41
+#: mod/update_network.php:25
+msgid "[Embedded content - reload page to view]"
+msgstr "[Conteúdo incorporado - recarregue a página para ver]"
+#: mod/viewsrc.php:7
+msgid "Access denied."
+msgstr "Acesso negado."
+#: mod/home.php:35
+#, php-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s"
+msgstr "Bem-vindo(a) a %s"
+#: mod/notify.php:60
msgid "No more system notifications."
msgstr "Não fazer notificações de sistema."
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:344 ../../mod/notify.php:79
+#: mod/notify.php:64 mod/notifications.php:111
msgid "System Notifications"
msgstr "Notificações de sistema"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:439
-msgid "No more personal notifications."
-msgstr "Nenhuma notificação pessoal."
+#: mod/search.php:25 mod/network.php:191
+msgid "Remove term"
+msgstr "Remover o termo"
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:443
-msgid "Personal Notifications"
-msgstr "Notificações pessoais"
+#: mod/search.php:93 mod/search.php:99 mod/directory.php:37
+#: mod/viewcontacts.php:35 mod/display.php:199 mod/community.php:22
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:790 mod/videos.php:197 mod/photos.php:964
+msgid "Public access denied."
+msgstr "Acesso público negado."
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:524
-msgid "No more home notifications."
-msgstr "Não existe mais nenhuma notificação pessoal."
+#: mod/search.php:100
+msgid "Only logged in users are permitted to perform a search."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:528
-msgid "Home Notifications"
-msgstr "Notificações pessoais"
+#: mod/search.php:124
+msgid "Too Many Requests"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/hcard.php:10
+#: mod/search.php:125
+msgid "Only one search per minute is permitted for not logged in users."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/search.php:224 mod/community.php:66 mod/community.php:75
+msgid "No results."
+msgstr "Nenhum resultado."
+#: mod/search.php:230
+#, php-format
+msgid "Items tagged with: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/search.php:232 mod/network.php:146 mod/contacts.php:795
+#, php-format
+msgid "Results for: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/friendica.php:70
+msgid "This is Friendica, version"
+msgstr "Este é o Friendica, versão"
+#: mod/friendica.php:71
+msgid "running at web location"
+msgstr "sendo executado no endereço web"
+#: mod/friendica.php:73
+msgid ""
+"Please visit Friendica.com to learn "
+"more about the Friendica project."
+msgstr "Por favor, visite friendica.com para aprender mais sobre o projeto Friendica."
+#: mod/friendica.php:75
+msgid "Bug reports and issues: please visit"
+msgstr "Relate ou acompanhe um erro no"
+#: mod/friendica.php:75
+msgid "the bugtracker at github"
+msgstr "GitHub"
+#: mod/friendica.php:76
+msgid ""
+"Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email \"Info\" at Friendica - "
+"dot com"
+msgstr "Sugestões, elogios, doações, etc. - favor enviar e-mail para \"Info\" arroba Friendica - ponto com"
+#: mod/friendica.php:90
+msgid "Installed plugins/addons/apps:"
+msgstr "Plugins/complementos/aplicações instaladas:"
+#: mod/friendica.php:103
+msgid "No installed plugins/addons/apps"
+msgstr "Nenhum plugin/complemento/aplicativo instalado"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:19
+msgid "No valid account found."
+msgstr "Não foi encontrada nenhuma conta válida."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:35
+msgid "Password reset request issued. Check your email."
+msgstr "A solicitação para reiniciar sua senha foi encaminhada. Verifique seu e-mail."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
+"\t\t\tA request was recently received at \"%2$s\" to reset your account\n"
+"\t\tpassword. In order to confirm this request, please select the verification link\n"
+"\t\tbelow or paste it into your web browser address bar.\n"
+"\t\tIf you did NOT request this change, please DO NOT follow the link\n"
+"\t\tprovided and ignore and/or delete this email.\n"
+"\t\tYour password will not be changed unless we can verify that you\n"
+"\t\tissued this request."
+msgstr "\n\t\tPrezado %1$s,\n\t\t\tUma solicitação foi recebida recentemente em \"%2$s\" para redefinir a\n\t\tsenha da sua conta. Para confirmar este pedido, por favor selecione o link de confirmação\n\t\tabaixo ou copie e cole-o na barra de endereço do seu navegador.\n\n\t\tSe NÃO foi você que solicitou esta alteração por favor, NÃO clique no link\n\t\tfornecido e ignore e/ou apague este e-mail.\n\n\t\tSua senha não será alterada a menos que possamos verificar que foi você que\n\t\temitiu esta solicitação."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:53
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\tFollow this link to verify your identity:\n"
+"\t\tYou will then receive a follow-up message containing the new password.\n"
+"\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n"
+"\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
+"\t\tSite Location:\t%2$s\n"
+"\t\tLogin Name:\t%3$s"
+msgstr "\n\t\tSiga este link para verificar sua identidade:\n\n\t\t%1$s\n\n\t\tVocê então receberá uma mensagem de continuidade contendo a nova senha.\n\t\tVocê pode alterar sua senha na sua página de configurações após efetuar seu login.\n\n\t\tOs dados de login são os seguintes:\n\n\t\tLocalização do Site:\t%2$s\n\t\tNome de Login:\t%3$s"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:72
+#, php-format
+msgid "Password reset requested at %s"
+msgstr "Foi feita uma solicitação de reiniciação da senha em %s"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:92
+msgid ""
+"Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) "
+"Password reset failed."
+msgstr "Não foi possível verificar a solicitação (você pode tê-la submetido anteriormente). A senha não foi reiniciada."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:109 boot.php:1670
+msgid "Password Reset"
+msgstr "Redifinir a senha"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:110
+msgid "Your password has been reset as requested."
+msgstr "Sua senha foi reiniciada, conforme solicitado."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:111
+msgid "Your new password is"
+msgstr "Sua nova senha é"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:112
+msgid "Save or copy your new password - and then"
+msgstr "Grave ou copie a sua nova senha e, então"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:113
+msgid "click here to login"
+msgstr "clique aqui para entrar"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:114
+msgid ""
+"Your password may be changed from the Settings page after "
+"successful login."
+msgstr "Sua senha pode ser alterada na página de Configurações após você entrar em seu perfil."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:125
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
+"\t\t\t\t\tYour password has been changed as requested. Please retain this\n"
+"\t\t\t\tinformation for your records (or change your password immediately to\n"
+"\t\t\t\tsomething that you will remember).\n"
+msgstr "\n\t\t\t\tCaro %1$s,\n\t\t\t\t\tSua senha foi alterada conforme solicitado. Por favor, guarde essas\n\t\t\t\tinformações para seus registros (ou altere a sua senha imediatamente para\n\t\t\t\talgo que você se lembrará).\n\t\t\t"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:131
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"\t\t\t\tYour login details are as follows:\n"
+"\t\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1$s\n"
+"\t\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%2$s\n"
+"\t\t\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n"
+msgstr "\n\t\t\t\tOs seus dados de login são os seguintes:\n\n\t\t\t\tLocalização do Site:\t%1$s\n\t\t\t\tNome de Login:\t%2$s\n\t\t\t\tSenha:\t%3$s\n\n\t\t\t\tVocê pode alterar esta senha na sua página de configurações depois que efetuar o seu login.\n\t\t\t"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:147
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your password has been changed at %s"
+msgstr "Sua senha foi modifica às %s"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:159
+msgid "Forgot your Password?"
+msgstr "Esqueceu a sua senha?"
+#: mod/lostpass.php:160
+msgid ""
+"Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check "
+"your email for further instructions."
+msgstr "Digite o seu endereço de e-mail e clique em 'Reiniciar' para prosseguir com a reiniciação da sua senha. Após isso, verifique seu e-mail para mais instruções."
+#: mod/lostpass.php:161 boot.php:1658
+msgid "Nickname or Email: "
+msgstr "Identificação ou e-mail: "
+#: mod/lostpass.php:162
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr "Reiniciar"
+#: mod/hcard.php:10
msgid "No profile"
msgstr "Nenhum perfil"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:34 ../../mod/photos.php:80
-msgid "everybody"
-msgstr "todos"
+#: mod/help.php:41
+msgid "Help:"
+msgstr "Ajuda:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:41 ../../mod/admin.php:1016
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Conta"
+#: mod/help.php:53 mod/p.php:16 mod/p.php:43 mod/p.php:52 mod/fetch.php:12
+#: mod/fetch.php:39 mod/fetch.php:48 index.php:284
+msgid "Not Found"
+msgstr "Não encontrada"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:46
-msgid "Additional features"
-msgstr "Funcionalidades adicionais"
+#: mod/help.php:56 index.php:287
+msgid "Page not found."
+msgstr "Página não encontrada."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:51
-msgid "Display"
-msgstr "Tela"
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:20 mod/wall_upload.php:33 mod/wall_upload.php:86
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:122 mod/wall_upload.php:125 mod/wall_attach.php:17
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:25 mod/wall_attach.php:76
+msgid "Invalid request."
+msgstr "Solicitação inválida."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:57 ../../mod/settings.php:785
-msgid "Social Networks"
-msgstr "Redes Sociais"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:62 ../../mod/admin.php:106 ../../mod/admin.php:1102
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1155
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr "Plugins"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:72
-msgid "Connected apps"
-msgstr "Aplicações conectadas"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:77 ../../mod/uexport.php:85
-msgid "Export personal data"
-msgstr "Exportar dados pessoais"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:82
-msgid "Remove account"
-msgstr "Remover a conta"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:134
-msgid "Missing some important data!"
-msgstr "Está faltando algum dado importante!"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:137 ../../mod/settings.php:645
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:729
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Atualizar"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:243
-msgid "Failed to connect with email account using the settings provided."
-msgstr "Não foi possível conectar à conta de e-mail com as configurações fornecidas."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:248
-msgid "Email settings updated."
-msgstr "As configurações de e-mail foram atualizadas."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:263
-msgid "Features updated"
-msgstr "Funcionalidades atualizadas"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:326
-msgid "Relocate message has been send to your contacts"
-msgstr "A mensagem de relocação foi enviada para seus contatos"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:340
-msgid "Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."
-msgstr "As senhas não correspondem. A senha não foi modificada."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:345
-msgid "Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."
-msgstr "Não é permitido uma senha em branco. A senha não foi modificada."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:353
-msgid "Wrong password."
-msgstr "Senha errada."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:364
-msgid "Password changed."
-msgstr "A senha foi modificada."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:366
-msgid "Password update failed. Please try again."
-msgstr "Não foi possível atualizar a senha. Por favor, tente novamente."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:433
-msgid " Please use a shorter name."
-msgstr " Por favor, use um nome mais curto."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:435
-msgid " Name too short."
-msgstr " O nome é muito curto."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:444
-msgid "Wrong Password"
-msgstr "Senha Errada"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:449
-msgid " Not valid email."
-msgstr " Não é um e-mail válido."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:455
-msgid " Cannot change to that email."
-msgstr " Não foi possível alterar para esse e-mail."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:511
-msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions. Using default privacy group."
-msgstr "O fórum privado não possui permissões de privacidade. Utilizando o grupo de privacidade padrão."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:515
-msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions and no default privacy group."
-msgstr "O fórum privado não possui permissões de privacidade e nenhum grupo de privacidade padrão."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:545
-msgid "Settings updated."
-msgstr "As configurações foram atualizadas."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:618 ../../mod/settings.php:644
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:680
-msgid "Add application"
-msgstr "Adicionar aplicação"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:619 ../../mod/settings.php:729
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:803 ../../mod/settings.php:885
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1118 ../../mod/admin.php:620
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1156 ../../mod/admin.php:1358 ../../mod/admin.php:1445
-msgid "Save Settings"
-msgstr "Salvar configurações"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:621 ../../mod/settings.php:647
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1003 ../../mod/admin.php:1015 ../../mod/admin.php:1016
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1029 ../../mod/crepair.php:165
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nome"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:622 ../../mod/settings.php:648
-msgid "Consumer Key"
-msgstr "Chave do consumidor"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:623 ../../mod/settings.php:649
-msgid "Consumer Secret"
-msgstr "Segredo do consumidor"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:624 ../../mod/settings.php:650
-msgid "Redirect"
-msgstr "Redirecionar"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:625 ../../mod/settings.php:651
-msgid "Icon url"
-msgstr "URL do ícone"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:636
-msgid "You can't edit this application."
-msgstr "Você não pode editar esta aplicação."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:679
-msgid "Connected Apps"
-msgstr "Aplicações conectadas"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:683
-msgid "Client key starts with"
-msgstr "A chave do cliente inicia com"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:684
-msgid "No name"
-msgstr "Sem nome"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:685
-msgid "Remove authorization"
-msgstr "Remover autorização"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:697
-msgid "No Plugin settings configured"
-msgstr "Não foi definida nenhuma configuração de plugin"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:705
-msgid "Plugin Settings"
-msgstr "Configurações do plugin"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:719
-msgid "Off"
-msgstr "Off"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:719
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "On"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:727
-msgid "Additional Features"
-msgstr "Funcionalidades Adicionais"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:741 ../../mod/settings.php:742
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:151 mod/profile_photo.php:150 mod/photos.php:806
#, php-format
-msgid "Built-in support for %s connectivity is %s"
-msgstr "O suporte interno para conectividade de %s está %s"
+msgid "Image exceeds size limit of %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:741 ../../mod/settings.php:742
-msgid "enabled"
-msgstr "habilitado"
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:188 mod/profile_photo.php:159 mod/photos.php:846
+msgid "Unable to process image."
+msgstr "Não foi possível processar a imagem."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:741 ../../mod/settings.php:742
-msgid "disabled"
-msgstr "desabilitado"
+#: mod/wall_upload.php:221 mod/profile_photo.php:307 mod/photos.php:873
+msgid "Image upload failed."
+msgstr "Não foi possível enviar a imagem."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:742
-msgid "StatusNet"
-msgstr "StatusNet"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:778
-msgid "Email access is disabled on this site."
-msgstr "O acesso ao e-mail está desabilitado neste site."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:790
-msgid "Email/Mailbox Setup"
-msgstr "Configurações do e-mail/caixa postal"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:791
-msgid ""
-"If you wish to communicate with email contacts using this service "
-"(optional), please specify how to connect to your mailbox."
-msgstr "Caso você deseje se comunicar com contatos de e-mail usando este serviço (opcional), por favor especifique como se conectar à sua caixa postal."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:792
-msgid "Last successful email check:"
-msgstr "Última checagem bem sucedida de e-mail:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:794
-msgid "IMAP server name:"
-msgstr "Nome do servidor IMAP:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:795
-msgid "IMAP port:"
-msgstr "Porta do IMAP:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:796
-msgid "Security:"
-msgstr "Segurança:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:796 ../../mod/settings.php:801
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Nenhuma"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:797
-msgid "Email login name:"
-msgstr "Nome de usuário do e-mail:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:798
-msgid "Email password:"
-msgstr "Senha do e-mail:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:799
-msgid "Reply-to address:"
-msgstr "Endereço de resposta (Reply-to):"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:800
-msgid "Send public posts to all email contacts:"
-msgstr "Enviar publicações públicas para todos os contatos de e-mail:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:801
-msgid "Action after import:"
-msgstr "Ação após a importação:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:801
-msgid "Mark as seen"
-msgstr "Marcar como visto"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:801
-msgid "Move to folder"
-msgstr "Mover para pasta"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:802
-msgid "Move to folder:"
-msgstr "Mover para pasta:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:833 ../../mod/admin.php:545
-msgid "No special theme for mobile devices"
-msgstr "Nenhum tema especial para dispositivos móveis"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:883
-msgid "Display Settings"
-msgstr "Configurações de exibição"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:889 ../../mod/settings.php:904
-msgid "Display Theme:"
-msgstr "Tema do perfil:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:890
-msgid "Mobile Theme:"
-msgstr "Tema para dispositivos móveis:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:891
-msgid "Update browser every xx seconds"
-msgstr "Atualizar o navegador a cada xx segundos"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:891
-msgid "Minimum of 10 seconds, no maximum"
-msgstr "Mínimo de 10 segundos, não possui máximo"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:892
-msgid "Number of items to display per page:"
-msgstr "Número de itens a serem exibidos por página:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:892 ../../mod/settings.php:893
-msgid "Maximum of 100 items"
-msgstr "Máximo de 100 itens"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:893
-msgid "Number of items to display per page when viewed from mobile device:"
-msgstr "Número de itens a serem exibidos por página quando visualizando em um dispositivo móvel:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:894
-msgid "Don't show emoticons"
-msgstr "Não exibir emoticons"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:895
-msgid "Don't show notices"
-msgstr "Não mostra avisos"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:896
-msgid "Infinite scroll"
-msgstr "rolamento infinito"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:897
-msgid "Automatic updates only at the top of the network page"
-msgstr "Atualizações automáticas só na parte superior da página da rede"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:974
-msgid "User Types"
-msgstr "Tipos de Usuários"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:975
-msgid "Community Types"
-msgstr "Tipos de Comunidades"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:976
-msgid "Normal Account Page"
-msgstr "Página de conta normal"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:977
-msgid "This account is a normal personal profile"
-msgstr "Essa conta é um perfil pessoal normal"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:980
-msgid "Soapbox Page"
-msgstr "Página de vitrine"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:981
-msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"
-msgstr "Aprova automaticamente todas as solicitações de conexão/amizade como fãs com permissão somente de leitura"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:984
-msgid "Community Forum/Celebrity Account"
-msgstr "Conta de fórum de comunidade/celebridade"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:985
-msgid ""
-"Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans"
-msgstr "Aprova automaticamente todas as solicitações de conexão/amizade como fãs com permissão de leitura e escrita"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:988
-msgid "Automatic Friend Page"
-msgstr "Página de amigo automático"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:989
-msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"
-msgstr "Aprovar automaticamente todas as solicitações de conexão/amizade como amigos"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:992
-msgid "Private Forum [Experimental]"
-msgstr "Fórum privado [Experimental]"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:993
-msgid "Private forum - approved members only"
-msgstr "Fórum privado - somente membros aprovados"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1005
-msgid "OpenID:"
-msgstr "OpenID:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1005
-msgid "(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account."
-msgstr "(Opcional) Permitir o uso deste OpenID para entrar nesta conta"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1015
-msgid "Publish your default profile in your local site directory?"
-msgstr "Publicar o seu perfil padrão no diretório local do seu site?"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1015 ../../mod/settings.php:1021
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1029 ../../mod/settings.php:1033
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1038 ../../mod/settings.php:1044
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1050 ../../mod/settings.php:1056
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1086 ../../mod/settings.php:1087
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1088 ../../mod/settings.php:1089
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1090 ../../mod/register.php:234
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:830 ../../mod/api.php:106
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:661 ../../mod/profiles.php:665
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Não"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1021
-msgid "Publish your default profile in the global social directory?"
-msgstr "Publicar o seu perfil padrão no diretório social global?"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1029
-msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of your default profile?"
-msgstr "Ocultar visualização da sua lista de contatos/amigos no seu perfil padrão? "
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1033
-msgid ""
-"If enabled, posting public messages to Diaspora and other networks isn't "
-msgstr "Se ativado, postar mensagens públicas no Diáspora e em outras redes não será possível."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1038
-msgid "Allow friends to post to your profile page?"
-msgstr "Permitir aos amigos publicarem na sua página de perfil?"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1044
-msgid "Allow friends to tag your posts?"
-msgstr "Permitir aos amigos etiquetarem suas publicações?"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1050
-msgid "Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?"
-msgstr "Permitir que você seja sugerido como amigo em potencial para novos membros?"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1056
-msgid "Permit unknown people to send you private mail?"
-msgstr "Permitir que pessoas desconhecidas lhe enviem mensagens privadas?"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1064
-msgid "Profile is not published ."
-msgstr "O perfil não está publicado ."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1067 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:248
-msgid "or"
-msgstr "ou"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1072
-msgid "Your Identity Address is"
-msgstr "O endereço da sua identidade é"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1083
-msgid "Automatically expire posts after this many days:"
-msgstr "Expirar automaticamente publicações após tantos dias:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1083
-msgid "If empty, posts will not expire. Expired posts will be deleted"
-msgstr "Se deixado em branco, as publicações não irão expirar. Publicações expiradas serão excluídas."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1084
-msgid "Advanced expiration settings"
-msgstr "Configurações avançadas de expiração"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1085
-msgid "Advanced Expiration"
-msgstr "Expiração avançada"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1086
-msgid "Expire posts:"
-msgstr "Expirar publicações:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1087
-msgid "Expire personal notes:"
-msgstr "Expirar notas pessoais:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1088
-msgid "Expire starred posts:"
-msgstr "Expirar publicações destacadas:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1089
-msgid "Expire photos:"
-msgstr "Expirar fotos:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1090
-msgid "Only expire posts by others:"
-msgstr "Expirar somente as publicações de outras pessoas:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1116
-msgid "Account Settings"
-msgstr "Configurações da conta"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1124
-msgid "Password Settings"
-msgstr "Configurações da senha"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1125
-msgid "New Password:"
-msgstr "Nova senha:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1126
-msgid "Confirm:"
-msgstr "Confirme:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1126
-msgid "Leave password fields blank unless changing"
-msgstr "Deixe os campos de senha em branco, a não ser que você queira alterá-la"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1127
-msgid "Current Password:"
-msgstr "Senha Atual:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1127 ../../mod/settings.php:1128
-msgid "Your current password to confirm the changes"
-msgstr "Sua senha atual para confirmar as mudanças"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1128
-msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Senha:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1132
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr "Configurações básicas"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1134
-msgid "Email Address:"
-msgstr "Endereço de e-mail:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1135
-msgid "Your Timezone:"
-msgstr "Seu fuso horário:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1136
-msgid "Default Post Location:"
-msgstr "Localização padrão de suas publicações:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1137
-msgid "Use Browser Location:"
-msgstr "Usar localizador do navegador:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1140
-msgid "Security and Privacy Settings"
-msgstr "Configurações de segurança e privacidade"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1142
-msgid "Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"
-msgstr "Número máximo de requisições de amizade por dia:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1142 ../../mod/settings.php:1172
-msgid "(to prevent spam abuse)"
-msgstr "(para prevenir abuso de spammers)"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1143
-msgid "Default Post Permissions"
-msgstr "Permissões padrão de publicação"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1144
-msgid "(click to open/close)"
-msgstr "(clique para abrir/fechar)"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1153 ../../mod/photos.php:1146
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1519
-msgid "Show to Groups"
-msgstr "Mostre para Grupos"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1154 ../../mod/photos.php:1147
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1520
-msgid "Show to Contacts"
-msgstr "Mostre para Contatos"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1155
-msgid "Default Private Post"
-msgstr "Publicação Privada Padrão"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1156
-msgid "Default Public Post"
-msgstr "Publicação Pública Padrão"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1160
-msgid "Default Permissions for New Posts"
-msgstr "Permissões Padrão para Publicações Novas"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1172
-msgid "Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:"
-msgstr "Número máximo de mensagens privadas de pessoas desconhecidas, por dia:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1175
-msgid "Notification Settings"
-msgstr "Configurações de notificação"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1176
-msgid "By default post a status message when:"
-msgstr "Por padrão, publicar uma mensagem de status quando:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1177
-msgid "accepting a friend request"
-msgstr "aceitar uma requisição de amizade"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1178
-msgid "joining a forum/community"
-msgstr "associar-se a um fórum/comunidade"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1179
-msgid "making an interesting profile change"
-msgstr "fazer uma modificação interessante em seu perfil"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1180
-msgid "Send a notification email when:"
-msgstr "Enviar um e-mail de notificação sempre que:"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1181
-msgid "You receive an introduction"
-msgstr "Você recebeu uma apresentação"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1182
-msgid "Your introductions are confirmed"
-msgstr "Suas apresentações forem confirmadas"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1183
-msgid "Someone writes on your profile wall"
-msgstr "Alguém escrever no mural do seu perfil"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1184
-msgid "Someone writes a followup comment"
-msgstr "Alguém comentar a sua mensagem"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1185
-msgid "You receive a private message"
-msgstr "Você recebeu uma mensagem privada"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1186
-msgid "You receive a friend suggestion"
-msgstr "Você recebe uma suggestão de amigo"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1187
-msgid "You are tagged in a post"
-msgstr "Você foi etiquetado em uma publicação"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1188
-msgid "You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"
-msgstr "Você está cutucado/incitado/etc. em uma publicação"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1190
-msgid "Text-only notification emails"
-msgstr "Emails de notificação apenas de texto"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1192
-msgid "Send text only notification emails, without the html part"
-msgstr "Enviar e-mails de notificação apenas de texto, sem a parte html"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1194
-msgid "Advanced Account/Page Type Settings"
-msgstr "Conta avançada/Configurações do tipo de página"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1195
-msgid "Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"
-msgstr "Modificar o comportamento desta conta em situações especiais"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1198
-msgid "Relocate"
-msgstr "Relocação"
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1199
-msgid ""
-"If you have moved this profile from another server, and some of your "
-"contacts don't receive your updates, try pushing this button."
-msgstr "Se você moveu esse perfil de outro servidor e algum dos seus contatos não recebe atualizações, pressione esse botão."
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:1200
-msgid "Resend relocate message to contacts"
-msgstr "Reenviar mensagem de relocação para os contatos"
-#: ../../mod/common.php:42
-msgid "Common Friends"
-msgstr "Amigos em Comum"
-#: ../../mod/common.php:78
-msgid "No contacts in common."
-msgstr "Nenhum contato em comum."
-#: ../../mod/lockview.php:31 ../../mod/lockview.php:39
+#: mod/lockview.php:31 mod/lockview.php:39
msgid "Remote privacy information not available."
msgstr "Não existe informação disponível sobre a privacidade remota."
-#: ../../mod/lockview.php:48
+#: mod/lockview.php:48
msgid "Visible to:"
msgstr "Visível para:"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:112
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d contact edited."
-msgid_plural "%d contacts edited"
-msgstr[0] "%d contato editado"
-msgstr[1] "%d contatos editados"
+#: mod/directory.php:205 view/theme/vier/theme.php:201
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:525
+msgid "Global Directory"
+msgstr "Diretório global"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:143 ../../mod/contacts.php:276
-msgid "Could not access contact record."
-msgstr "Não foi possível acessar o registro do contato."
+#: mod/directory.php:207
+msgid "Find on this site"
+msgstr "Pesquisar neste site"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:157
-msgid "Could not locate selected profile."
-msgstr "Não foi possível localizar o perfil selecionado."
+#: mod/directory.php:209
+msgid "Results for:"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:190
-msgid "Contact updated."
-msgstr "O contato foi atualizado."
+#: mod/directory.php:211
+msgid "Site Directory"
+msgstr "Diretório do site"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:192 ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:576
-msgid "Failed to update contact record."
-msgstr "Não foi possível atualizar o registro do contato."
+#: mod/directory.php:218
+msgid "No entries (some entries may be hidden)."
+msgstr "Nenhuma entrada (algumas entradas podem estar ocultas)."
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:291
-msgid "Contact has been blocked"
-msgstr "O contato foi bloqueado"
+#: mod/openid.php:24
+msgid "OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."
+msgstr "Erro no protocolo OpenID. Não foi retornada nenhuma ID."
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:291
-msgid "Contact has been unblocked"
-msgstr "O contato foi desbloqueado"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:302
-msgid "Contact has been ignored"
-msgstr "O contato foi ignorado"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:302
-msgid "Contact has been unignored"
-msgstr "O contato deixou de ser ignorado"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:314
-msgid "Contact has been archived"
-msgstr "O contato foi arquivado"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:314
-msgid "Contact has been unarchived"
-msgstr "O contato foi desarquivado"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:339 ../../mod/contacts.php:727
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this contact?"
-msgstr "Você realmente deseja deletar esse contato?"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:356
-msgid "Contact has been removed."
-msgstr "O contato foi removido."
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:394
-#, php-format
-msgid "You are mutual friends with %s"
-msgstr "Você possui uma amizade mútua com %s"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:398
-#, php-format
-msgid "You are sharing with %s"
-msgstr "Você está compartilhando com %s"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:403
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s is sharing with you"
-msgstr "%s está compartilhando com você"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:423
-msgid "Private communications are not available for this contact."
-msgstr "As comunicações privadas não estão disponíveis para este contato."
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:426 ../../mod/admin.php:569
-msgid "Never"
-msgstr "Nunca"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:430
-msgid "(Update was successful)"
-msgstr "(A atualização foi bem sucedida)"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:430
-msgid "(Update was not successful)"
-msgstr "(A atualização não foi bem sucedida)"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:432
-msgid "Suggest friends"
-msgstr "Sugerir amigos"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:436
-#, php-format
-msgid "Network type: %s"
-msgstr "Tipo de rede: %s"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:444
-msgid "View all contacts"
-msgstr "Ver todos os contatos"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:449 ../../mod/contacts.php:518
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:730 ../../mod/admin.php:1009
-msgid "Unblock"
-msgstr "Desbloquear"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:449 ../../mod/contacts.php:518
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:730 ../../mod/admin.php:1008
-msgid "Block"
-msgstr "Bloquear"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:452
-msgid "Toggle Blocked status"
-msgstr "Alternar o status de bloqueio"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:455 ../../mod/contacts.php:519
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:731
-msgid "Unignore"
-msgstr "Deixar de ignorar"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:458
-msgid "Toggle Ignored status"
-msgstr "Alternar o status de ignorado"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:462 ../../mod/contacts.php:732
-msgid "Unarchive"
-msgstr "Desarquivar"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:462 ../../mod/contacts.php:732
-msgid "Archive"
-msgstr "Arquivar"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:465
-msgid "Toggle Archive status"
-msgstr "Alternar o status de arquivamento"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:468
-msgid "Repair"
-msgstr "Reparar"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:471
-msgid "Advanced Contact Settings"
-msgstr "Configurações avançadas do contato"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:477
-msgid "Communications lost with this contact!"
-msgstr "As comunicações com esse contato foram perdidas!"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:480
-msgid "Fetch further information for feeds"
-msgstr "Pega mais informações para feeds"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:481
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Desabilitado"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:481
-msgid "Fetch information"
-msgstr "Buscar informações"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:481
-msgid "Fetch information and keywords"
-msgstr "Buscar informação e palavras-chave"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:490
-msgid "Contact Editor"
-msgstr "Editor de contatos"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:493
-msgid "Profile Visibility"
-msgstr "Visibilidade do perfil"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:494
-#, php-format
+#: mod/openid.php:60
msgid ""
-"Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your "
-"profile securely."
-msgstr "Por favor, selecione o perfil que você gostaria de exibir para %s quando estiver visualizando seu perfil de modo seguro."
+"Account not found and OpenID registration is not permitted on this site."
+msgstr "A conta não foi encontrada e não são permitidos registros via OpenID nesse site."
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:495
-msgid "Contact Information / Notes"
-msgstr "Informações sobre o contato / Anotações"
+#: mod/uimport.php:50 mod/register.php:191
+msgid ""
+"This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. "
+"Please try again tomorrow."
+msgstr "Este site excedeu o limite diário permitido para registros de novas contas.\nPor favor tente novamente amanhã."
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:496
-msgid "Edit contact notes"
-msgstr "Editar as anotações do contato"
+#: mod/uimport.php:64 mod/register.php:286
+msgid "Import"
+msgstr "Importar"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:501 ../../mod/contacts.php:695
-#: ../../mod/nogroup.php:40 ../../mod/viewcontacts.php:64
+#: mod/uimport.php:66
+msgid "Move account"
+msgstr "Mover conta"
+#: mod/uimport.php:67
+msgid "You can import an account from another Friendica server."
+msgstr "Você pode importar um conta de outro sevidor Friendica."
+#: mod/uimport.php:68
+msgid ""
+"You need to export your account from the old server and upload it here. We "
+"will recreate your old account here with all your contacts. We will try also"
+" to inform your friends that you moved here."
+msgstr "Você precisa exportar sua conta de um servidor antigo e fazer o upload aqui. Nós recriaremos sua conta antiga aqui com todos os seus contatos. Nós também tentaremos informar seus amigos que você se mudou para cá."
+#: mod/uimport.php:69
+msgid ""
+"This feature is experimental. We can't import contacts from the OStatus "
+"network (GNU Social/Statusnet) or from Diaspora"
+msgstr "Esta funcionalidade está em fase de testes. Não importamos contatos da rede OStatuss (GNU Social/Statusnet) nem da Diaspora."
+#: mod/uimport.php:70
+msgid "Account file"
+msgstr "Arquivo de conta"
+#: mod/uimport.php:70
+msgid ""
+"To export your account, go to \"Settings->Export your personal data\" and "
+"select \"Export account\""
+msgstr "Para exportar a sua conta, entre em \"Configurações->Exportar dados pessoais\" e selecione \"Exportar conta\""
+#: mod/nogroup.php:41 mod/viewcontacts.php:97 mod/contacts.php:586
+#: mod/contacts.php:944
#, php-format
msgid "Visit %s's profile [%s]"
msgstr "Visitar o perfil de %s [%s]"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:502
-msgid "Block/Unblock contact"
-msgstr "Bloquear/desbloquear o contato"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:503
-msgid "Ignore contact"
-msgstr "Ignorar o contato"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:504
-msgid "Repair URL settings"
-msgstr "Reparar as definições de URL"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:505
-msgid "View conversations"
-msgstr "Ver as conversas"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:507
-msgid "Delete contact"
-msgstr "Excluir o contato"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:511
-msgid "Last update:"
-msgstr "Última atualização:"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:513
-msgid "Update public posts"
-msgstr "Atualizar publicações públicas"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:515 ../../mod/admin.php:1503
-msgid "Update now"
-msgstr "Atualizar agora"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:522
-msgid "Currently blocked"
-msgstr "Atualmente bloqueado"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:523
-msgid "Currently ignored"
-msgstr "Atualmente ignorado"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:524
-msgid "Currently archived"
-msgstr "Atualmente arquivado"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:525
-msgid ""
-"Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"
-msgstr "Respostas/gostadas associados às suas publicações ainda podem estar visíveis"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:526
-msgid "Notification for new posts"
-msgstr "Notificações para novas publicações"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:526
-msgid "Send a notification of every new post of this contact"
-msgstr "Envie uma notificação para todos as novas publicações deste contato"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:529
-msgid "Blacklisted keywords"
-msgstr "Palavras-chave na Lista Negra"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:529
-msgid ""
-"Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, "
-"when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"
-msgstr "Lista de palavras-chave separadas por vírgulas que não devem ser convertidas para hashtags, quando \"Buscar informações e palavras-chave\" for selecionado."
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:580
-msgid "Suggestions"
-msgstr "Sugestões"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:583
-msgid "Suggest potential friends"
-msgstr "Sugerir amigos em potencial"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:589
-msgid "Show all contacts"
-msgstr "Exibe todos os contatos"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:592
-msgid "Unblocked"
-msgstr "Desbloquear"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:595
-msgid "Only show unblocked contacts"
-msgstr "Exibe somente contatos desbloqueados"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:599
-msgid "Blocked"
-msgstr "Bloqueado"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:602
-msgid "Only show blocked contacts"
-msgstr "Exibe somente contatos bloqueados"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:606
-msgid "Ignored"
-msgstr "Ignorados"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:609
-msgid "Only show ignored contacts"
-msgstr "Exibe somente contatos ignorados"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:613
-msgid "Archived"
-msgstr "Arquivados"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:616
-msgid "Only show archived contacts"
-msgstr "Exibe somente contatos arquivados"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:620
-msgid "Hidden"
-msgstr "Ocultos"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:623
-msgid "Only show hidden contacts"
-msgstr "Exibe somente contatos ocultos"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:671
-msgid "Mutual Friendship"
-msgstr "Amizade mútua"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:675
-msgid "is a fan of yours"
-msgstr "é um fã seu"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:679
-msgid "you are a fan of"
-msgstr "você é um fã de"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:696 ../../mod/nogroup.php:41
+#: mod/nogroup.php:42 mod/contacts.php:945
msgid "Edit contact"
msgstr "Editar o contato"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:722
-msgid "Search your contacts"
-msgstr "Pesquisar seus contatos"
+#: mod/nogroup.php:63
+msgid "Contacts who are not members of a group"
+msgstr "Contatos que não são membros de um grupo"
-#: ../../mod/contacts.php:723 ../../mod/directory.php:61
-msgid "Finding: "
-msgstr "Pesquisando: "
+#: mod/match.php:33
+msgid "No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."
+msgstr "Não foi encontrada nenhuma palavra-chave associada a você. Por favor, adicione algumas ao seu perfil padrão."
-#: ../../mod/wall_attach.php:75
-msgid "Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"
-msgstr "Lamento, talvez seu envio seja maior do que as configurações do PHP permitem"
+#: mod/match.php:86
+msgid "is interested in:"
+msgstr "se interessa por:"
-#: ../../mod/wall_attach.php:75
-msgid "Or - did you try to upload an empty file?"
-msgstr "Ou - você tentou enviar um arquivo vazio?"
+#: mod/match.php:100
+msgid "Profile Match"
+msgstr "Correspondência de perfil"
-#: ../../mod/wall_attach.php:81
-#, php-format
-msgid "File exceeds size limit of %d"
-msgstr "O arquivo excedeu o tamanho limite de %d"
+#: mod/match.php:107 mod/dirfind.php:240
+msgid "No matches"
+msgstr "Nenhuma correspondência"
-#: ../../mod/wall_attach.php:122 ../../mod/wall_attach.php:133
-msgid "File upload failed."
-msgstr "Não foi possível enviar o arquivo."
-#: ../../mod/update_community.php:18 ../../mod/update_network.php:25
-#: ../../mod/update_notes.php:37 ../../mod/update_display.php:22
-#: ../../mod/update_profile.php:41
-msgid "[Embedded content - reload page to view]"
-msgstr "[Conteúdo incorporado - recarregue a página para ver]"
-#: ../../mod/uexport.php:77
+#: mod/uexport.php:29
msgid "Export account"
msgstr "Exportar conta"
-#: ../../mod/uexport.php:77
+#: mod/uexport.php:29
msgid ""
"Export your account info and contacts. Use this to make a backup of your "
"account and/or to move it to another server."
msgstr "Exporta suas informações de conta e contatos. Use para fazer uma cópia de segurança de sua conta e/ou para movê-la para outro servidor."
-#: ../../mod/uexport.php:78
+#: mod/uexport.php:30
msgid "Export all"
msgstr "Exportar tudo"
-#: ../../mod/uexport.php:78
+#: mod/uexport.php:30
msgid ""
"Export your accout info, contacts and all your items as json. Could be a "
"very big file, and could take a lot of time. Use this to make a full backup "
"of your account (photos are not exported)"
msgstr "Exportar as informações de sua conta, contatos e todos os seus items como JSON. Pode ser um arquivo muito grande, e pode levar bastante tempo. Use isto para fazer uma cópia de segurança completa da sua conta (fotos não são exportadas)"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:90
-msgid ""
-"Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."
-msgstr "O registro foi bem sucedido. Por favor, verifique seu e-mail para maiores informações."
+#: mod/uexport.php:37 mod/settings.php:95
+msgid "Export personal data"
+msgstr "Exportar dados pessoais"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:96
+#: mod/invite.php:27
+msgid "Total invitation limit exceeded."
+msgstr "Limite de convites totais excedido."
+#: mod/invite.php:49
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s : Not a valid email address."
+msgstr "%s : Não é um endereço de e-mail válido."
+#: mod/invite.php:73
+msgid "Please join us on Friendica"
+msgstr "Por favor, junte-se à nós na Friendica"
+#: mod/invite.php:84
+msgid "Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."
+msgstr "Limite de convites ultrapassado. Favor contactar o administrador do sítio."
+#: mod/invite.php:89
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s : Message delivery failed."
+msgstr "%s : Não foi possível enviar a mensagem."
+#: mod/invite.php:93
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d message sent."
+msgid_plural "%d messages sent."
+msgstr[0] "%d mensagem enviada."
+msgstr[1] "%d mensagens enviadas."
+#: mod/invite.php:112
+msgid "You have no more invitations available"
+msgstr "Você não possui mais convites disponíveis"
+#: mod/invite.php:120
#, php-format
msgid ""
-"Failed to send email message. Here your accout details: login: %s "
-"password: %s You can change your password after login."
-msgstr "Falha ao enviar mensagem de email. Estes são os dados da sua conta: login: %s senha: %s Você pode alterar sua senha após fazer o login."
+"Visit %s for a list of public sites that you can join. Friendica members on "
+"other sites can all connect with each other, as well as with members of many"
+" other social networks."
+msgstr "Visite %s para obter uma lista de sites públicos onde você pode se cadastrar. Membros da friendica podem se conectar, mesmo que estejam em sites separados. Além disso você também pode se conectar com membros de várias outras redes sociais."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:105
-msgid "Your registration can not be processed."
-msgstr "Não foi possível processar o seu registro."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:148
-msgid "Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."
-msgstr "A aprovação do seu registro está pendente junto ao administrador do site."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:186 ../../mod/uimport.php:50
+#: mod/invite.php:122
+#, php-format
msgid ""
-"This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. "
-"Please try again tomorrow."
-msgstr "Este site excedeu o limite diário permitido para registros de novas contas.\nPor favor tente novamente amanhã."
+"To accept this invitation, please visit and register at %s or any other "
+"public Friendica website."
+msgstr "Para aceitar esse convite, por favor cadastre-se em %s ou qualquer outro site friendica público."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:214
+#: mod/invite.php:123
+#, php-format
msgid ""
-"You may (optionally) fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID "
-"and clicking 'Register'."
-msgstr "Você pode (opcionalmente) preencher este formulário via OpenID, fornecendo seu OpenID e clicando em 'Registrar'."
+"Friendica sites all inter-connect to create a huge privacy-enhanced social "
+"web that is owned and controlled by its members. They can also connect with "
+"many traditional social networks. See %s for a list of alternate Friendica "
+"sites you can join."
+msgstr "Os sites friendica estão todos interconectados para criar uma grande rede social com foco na privacidade e controlada por seus membros, que também podem se conectar com várias redes sociais tradicionais. Dê uma olhada em %s para uma lista de sites friendica onde você pode se cadastrar."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:215
+#: mod/invite.php:126
msgid ""
-"If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill "
-"in the rest of the items."
-msgstr "Se você não está familiarizado com o OpenID, por favor, deixe esse campo em branco e preencha os outros itens."
+"Our apologies. This system is not currently configured to connect with other"
+" public sites or invite members."
+msgstr "Desculpe, mas esse sistema não está configurado para conectar-se com outros sites públicos nem permite convidar novos membros."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:216
-msgid "Your OpenID (optional): "
-msgstr "Seu OpenID (opcional): "
+#: mod/invite.php:132
+msgid "Send invitations"
+msgstr "Enviar convites."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:230
-msgid "Include your profile in member directory?"
-msgstr "Incluir o seu perfil no diretório de membros?"
+#: mod/invite.php:133
+msgid "Enter email addresses, one per line:"
+msgstr "Digite os endereços de e-mail, um por linha:"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:251
-msgid "Membership on this site is by invitation only."
-msgstr "A associação a este site só pode ser feita mediante convite."
+#: mod/invite.php:134 mod/wallmessage.php:151 mod/message.php:351
+#: mod/message.php:541
+msgid "Your message:"
+msgstr "Sua mensagem:"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:252
-msgid "Your invitation ID: "
-msgstr "A ID do seu convite: "
-#: ../../mod/register.php:255 ../../mod/admin.php:621
-msgid "Registration"
-msgstr "Registro"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:263
-msgid "Your Full Name (e.g. Joe Smith): "
-msgstr "Seu nome completo (ex: José da Silva): "
-#: ../../mod/register.php:264
-msgid "Your Email Address: "
-msgstr "Seu endereço de e-mail: "
-#: ../../mod/register.php:265
+#: mod/invite.php:135
msgid ""
-"Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your "
-"profile address on this site will then be "
-"'nickname@$sitename '."
-msgstr "Selecione uma identificação para o perfil. Ela deve começar com um caractere alfabético. O endereço do seu perfil neste site será 'identificação@$sitename '"
+"You are cordially invited to join me and other close friends on Friendica - "
+"and help us to create a better social web."
+msgstr "Você está convidado a se juntar a mim e outros amigos em friendica - e também nos ajudar a criar uma experiência social melhor na web."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:266
-msgid "Choose a nickname: "
-msgstr "Escolha uma identificação: "
+#: mod/invite.php:137
+msgid "You will need to supply this invitation code: $invite_code"
+msgstr "Você preciso informar este código de convite: $invite_code"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:275 ../../mod/uimport.php:64
-msgid "Import"
-msgstr "Importar"
+#: mod/invite.php:137
+msgid ""
+"Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:"
+msgstr "Após você se registrar, por favor conecte-se comigo através da minha página de perfil em:"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:276
-msgid "Import your profile to this friendica instance"
-msgstr "Importa seu perfil desta instância do friendica"
+#: mod/invite.php:139
+msgid ""
+"For more information about the Friendica project and why we feel it is "
+"important, please visit http://friendica.com"
+msgstr "Para mais informações sobre o projeto Friendica e porque nós achamos que ele é importante, por favor visite-nos em http://friendica.com."
-#: ../../mod/oexchange.php:25
-msgid "Post successful."
-msgstr "Publicado com sucesso."
+#: mod/invite.php:140 mod/localtime.php:45 mod/message.php:357
+#: mod/message.php:547 mod/manage.php:143 mod/crepair.php:154
+#: mod/content.php:728 mod/contacts.php:577 mod/events.php:507
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:107 mod/mood.php:137 mod/poke.php:199 mod/profiles.php:681
+#: mod/install.php:272 mod/install.php:312 mod/photos.php:1125
+#: mod/photos.php:1249 mod/photos.php:1566 mod/photos.php:1617
+#: mod/photos.php:1665 mod/photos.php:1753 object/Item.php:720
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:59 view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:80
+#: view/theme/quattro/config.php:64 view/theme/dispy/config.php:70
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:107 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:633
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:148 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:59
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Enviar"
-#: ../../mod/maintenance.php:5
+#: mod/fbrowser.php:41 mod/fbrowser.php:62 mod/photos.php:63
+#: mod/photos.php:193 mod/photos.php:1107 mod/photos.php:1233
+#: mod/photos.php:1256 mod/photos.php:1825 mod/photos.php:1837
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:499
+msgid "Contact Photos"
+msgstr "Fotos dos contatos"
+#: mod/fbrowser.php:133
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Arquivos"
+#: mod/maintenance.php:5
msgid "System down for maintenance"
msgstr "Sistema em manutenção"
-#: ../../mod/profile.php:155 ../../mod/display.php:332
+#: mod/profperm.php:19 mod/group.php:72 index.php:396
+msgid "Permission denied"
+msgstr "Permissão negada"
+#: mod/profperm.php:25 mod/profperm.php:56
+msgid "Invalid profile identifier."
+msgstr "Identificador de perfil inválido."
+#: mod/profperm.php:102
+msgid "Profile Visibility Editor"
+msgstr "Editor de visibilidade do perfil"
+#: mod/profperm.php:106 mod/group.php:223
+msgid "Click on a contact to add or remove."
+msgstr "Clique em um contato para adicionar ou remover."
+#: mod/profperm.php:115
+msgid "Visible To"
+msgstr "Visível para"
+#: mod/profperm.php:131
+msgid "All Contacts (with secure profile access)"
+msgstr "Todos os contatos (com acesso a perfil seguro)"
+#: mod/viewcontacts.php:72
+msgid "No contacts."
+msgstr "Nenhum contato."
+#: mod/tagrm.php:41
+msgid "Tag removed"
+msgstr "A etiqueta foi removida"
+#: mod/tagrm.php:79
+msgid "Remove Item Tag"
+msgstr "Remover a etiqueta do item"
+#: mod/tagrm.php:81
+msgid "Select a tag to remove: "
+msgstr "Selecione uma etiqueta para remover: "
+#: mod/tagrm.php:93 mod/delegate.php:139
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Remover"
+#: mod/ping.php:272
+msgid "{0} wants to be your friend"
+msgstr "{0} deseja ser seu amigo"
+#: mod/ping.php:287
+msgid "{0} sent you a message"
+msgstr "{0} lhe enviou uma mensagem"
+#: mod/ping.php:302
+msgid "{0} requested registration"
+msgstr "{0} solicitou registro"
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:94
+msgid "Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"
+msgstr "Lamento, talvez seu envio seja maior do que as configurações do PHP permitem"
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:94
+msgid "Or - did you try to upload an empty file?"
+msgstr "Ou - você tentou enviar um arquivo vazio?"
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:105
+#, php-format
+msgid "File exceeds size limit of %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/wall_attach.php:156 mod/wall_attach.php:172
+msgid "File upload failed."
+msgstr "Não foi possível enviar o arquivo."
+#: mod/allfriends.php:43
+msgid "No friends to display."
+msgstr "Nenhum amigo para exibir."
+#: mod/cal.php:152 mod/display.php:328 mod/profile.php:155
msgid "Access to this profile has been restricted."
msgstr "O acesso a este perfil está restrito."
-#: ../../mod/profile.php:180
+#: mod/cal.php:279 mod/events.php:380
+msgid "View"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/cal.php:280 mod/events.php:382
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Anterior"
+#: mod/cal.php:281 mod/events.php:383 mod/install.php:231
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Próximo"
+#: mod/cal.php:301
+msgid "User not found"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/cal.php:317
+msgid "This calendar format is not supported"
+msgstr "Esse formato de agenda não é contemplado"
+#: mod/cal.php:319
+msgid "No exportable data found"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/cal.php:327
+msgid "calendar"
+msgstr "agenda"
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:14
+msgid "Resubscribing to OStatus contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:30
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Erro"
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:44 mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:51
+msgid "Done"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/repair_ostatus.php:50 mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:73
+msgid "Keep this window open until done."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/delegate.php:101
+msgid "No potential page delegates located."
+msgstr "Nenhuma página delegada potencial localizada."
+#: mod/delegate.php:132
+msgid ""
+"Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for "
+"basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to "
+"anybody that you do not trust completely."
+msgstr "Delegados podem administrar todos os aspectos dessa página/conta exceto por configurações básicas da conta.\nFavor não delegar sua conta pessoal para ninguém que você não confie inteiramente."
+#: mod/delegate.php:133
+msgid "Existing Page Managers"
+msgstr "Administradores de Páginas Existentes"
+#: mod/delegate.php:135
+msgid "Existing Page Delegates"
+msgstr "Delegados de Páginas Existentes"
+#: mod/delegate.php:137
+msgid "Potential Delegates"
+msgstr "Delegados Potenciais"
+#: mod/delegate.php:140
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Adicionar"
+#: mod/delegate.php:141
+msgid "No entries."
+msgstr "Sem entradas."
+#: mod/credits.php:16
+msgid "Credits"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/credits.php:17
+msgid ""
+"Friendica is a community project, that would not be possible without the "
+"help of many people. Here is a list of those who have contributed to the "
+"code or the translation of Friendica. Thank you all!"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/filer.php:30
+msgid "- select -"
+msgstr "-selecione-"
+#: mod/subthread.php:103
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is following %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s está seguindo %2$s's %3$s"
+#: mod/attach.php:8
+msgid "Item not available."
+msgstr "O item não está disponível."
+#: mod/attach.php:20
+msgid "Item was not found."
+msgstr "O item não foi encontrado."
+#: mod/follow.php:19 mod/dfrn_request.php:874
+msgid "Submit Request"
+msgstr "Enviar solicitação"
+#: mod/follow.php:30
+msgid "You already added this contact."
+msgstr "Você já adicionou esse contato."
+#: mod/follow.php:39
+msgid "Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/follow.php:46
+msgid "OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/follow.php:53
+msgid "The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/follow.php:109 mod/dfrn_request.php:860
+msgid "Please answer the following:"
+msgstr "Por favor, entre com as informações solicitadas:"
+#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/dfrn_request.php:861
+#, php-format
+msgid "Does %s know you?"
+msgstr "%s conhece você?"
+#: mod/follow.php:110 mod/api.php:106 mod/dfrn_request.php:861
+#: mod/profiles.php:641 mod/profiles.php:645 mod/profiles.php:670
+#: mod/register.php:239 mod/settings.php:1113 mod/settings.php:1119
+#: mod/settings.php:1127 mod/settings.php:1131 mod/settings.php:1136
+#: mod/settings.php:1142 mod/settings.php:1148 mod/settings.php:1154
+#: mod/settings.php:1180 mod/settings.php:1181 mod/settings.php:1182
+#: mod/settings.php:1183 mod/settings.php:1184
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Não"
+#: mod/follow.php:111 mod/dfrn_request.php:865
+msgid "Add a personal note:"
+msgstr "Adicione uma anotação pessoal:"
+#: mod/follow.php:117 mod/dfrn_request.php:871
+msgid "Your Identity Address:"
+msgstr "Seu endereço de identificação:"
+#: mod/follow.php:126 mod/contacts.php:624 mod/notifications.php:243
+msgid "Profile URL"
+msgstr "URL do perfil"
+#: mod/follow.php:180
+msgid "Contact added"
+msgstr "O contato foi adicionado"
+#: mod/apps.php:7 index.php:240
+msgid "You must be logged in to use addons. "
+msgstr "Você precisa estar logado para usar os addons."
+#: mod/apps.php:11
+msgid "Applications"
+msgstr "Aplicativos"
+#: mod/apps.php:14
+msgid "No installed applications."
+msgstr "Nenhum aplicativo instalado"
+#: mod/suggest.php:27
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"
+msgstr "Você realmente deseja deletar essa sugestão?"
+#: mod/suggest.php:71
+msgid ""
+"No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 "
+msgstr "Não existe nenhuma sugestão disponível. Se este for um site novo, por favor tente novamente em 24 horas."
+#: mod/suggest.php:84 mod/suggest.php:104
+msgid "Ignore/Hide"
+msgstr "Ignorar/Ocultar"
+#: mod/p.php:9
+msgid "Not Extended"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/display.php:471
+msgid "Item has been removed."
+msgstr "O item foi removido."
+#: mod/common.php:86
+msgid "No contacts in common."
+msgstr "Nenhum contato em comum."
+#: mod/common.php:134 mod/contacts.php:861
+msgid "Common Friends"
+msgstr "Amigos em Comum"
+#: mod/newmember.php:6
+msgid "Welcome to Friendica"
+msgstr "Bemvindo ao Friendica"
+#: mod/newmember.php:8
+msgid "New Member Checklist"
+msgstr "Dicas para os novos membros"
+#: mod/newmember.php:12
+msgid ""
+"We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience "
+"enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page "
+"will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial "
+"registration and then will quietly disappear."
+msgstr "Gostaríamos de oferecer algumas dicas e links para ajudar a tornar a sua experiência agradável. Clique em qualquer item para visitar a página correspondente. Um link para essa página será visível em sua home page por duas semanas após o seu registro inicial e, então, desaparecerá discretamente."
+#: mod/newmember.php:14
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr "Do Início"
+#: mod/newmember.php:18
+msgid "Friendica Walk-Through"
+msgstr "Passo-a-passo da friendica"
+#: mod/newmember.php:18
+msgid ""
+"On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your "
+"profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to"
+" join."
+msgstr "Na sua página Início Rápido - encontre uma introdução rápida ao seu perfil e abas da rede, faça algumas conexões novas, e encontre alguns grupos entrar."
+#: mod/newmember.php:26
+msgid "Go to Your Settings"
+msgstr "Ir para as suas configurações"
+#: mod/newmember.php:26
+msgid ""
+"On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a "
+"note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and "
+"will be useful in making friends on the free social web."
+msgstr "Em sua página Configurações - mude sua senha inicial. Também tome nota de seu Endereço de Identidade. Isso se parece com um endereço de e-mail - e será útil para se fazer amigos na rede social livre."
+#: mod/newmember.php:28
+msgid ""
+"Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished"
+" directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you "
+"should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and "
+"potential friends know exactly how to find you."
+msgstr "Revise as outras configurações, em particular as relacionadas a privacidade. Não estar listado no diretório é o equivalente a não ter o seu número na lista telefônica. Normalmente é interessante você estar listado - a não ser que os seu amigos atuais e potenciais saibam exatamente como encontrar você."
+#: mod/newmember.php:36 mod/profile_photo.php:250 mod/profiles.php:700
+msgid "Upload Profile Photo"
+msgstr "Enviar foto do perfil"
+#: mod/newmember.php:36
+msgid ""
+"Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown "
+"that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make"
+" friends than people who do not."
+msgstr "Envie uma foto para o seu perfil, caso ainda não tenha feito isso. Estudos indicam que pessoas que publicam fotos reais delas mesmas têm 10 vezes mais chances de encontrar novos amigos do que as que não o fazem."
+#: mod/newmember.php:38
+msgid "Edit Your Profile"
+msgstr "Editar seu perfil"
+#: mod/newmember.php:38
+msgid ""
+"Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the "
+"settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown"
+" visitors."
+msgstr "Edite o seu perfil padrão a seu gosto. Revise as configurações de ocultação da sua lista de amigos e do seu perfil de visitantes desconhecidos."
+#: mod/newmember.php:40
+msgid "Profile Keywords"
+msgstr "Palavras-chave do perfil"
+#: mod/newmember.php:40
+msgid ""
+"Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your "
+"interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and "
+"suggest friendships."
+msgstr "Defina algumas palavras-chave públicas para o seu perfil padrão, que descrevam os seus interesses. Nós podemos encontrar outras pessoas com interesses similares e sugerir novas amizades."
+#: mod/newmember.php:44
+msgid "Connecting"
+msgstr "Conexões"
+#: mod/newmember.php:51
+msgid "Importing Emails"
+msgstr "Importação de e-mails"
+#: mod/newmember.php:51
+msgid ""
+"Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you "
+"wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email "
+msgstr "Forneça a informação de acesso ao seu e-mail na sua página de Configuração de Conector se você deseja importar e interagir com amigos ou listas de discussão da sua Caixa de Entrada de e-mail"
+#: mod/newmember.php:53
+msgid "Go to Your Contacts Page"
+msgstr "Ir para a sua página de contatos"
+#: mod/newmember.php:53
+msgid ""
+"Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting "
+"with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site "
+"URL in the Add New Contact dialog."
+msgstr "Sua página de contatos é sua rota para o gerenciamento de amizades e conexão com amigos em outras redes. Geralmente você fornece o endereço deles ou a URL do site na janela de diálogo Adicionar Novo Contato ."
+#: mod/newmember.php:55
+msgid "Go to Your Site's Directory"
+msgstr "Ir para o diretório do seu site"
+#: mod/newmember.php:55
+msgid ""
+"The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other "
+"federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on "
+"their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."
+msgstr "A página de Diretório permite que você encontre outras pessoas nesta rede ou em outras redes federadas. Procure por um link Conectar ou Seguir no perfil que deseja acompanhar. Forneça o seu Endereço de Identidade próprio, se solicitado."
+#: mod/newmember.php:57
+msgid "Finding New People"
+msgstr "Pesquisar por novas pessoas"
+#: mod/newmember.php:57
+msgid ""
+"On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new "
+"friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or "
+"interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand"
+" new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 "
+msgstr "No painel lateral da página de Contatos existem várias ferramentas para encontrar novos amigos. Você pode descobrir pessoas com os mesmos interesses, procurar por nomes ou interesses e fornecer sugestões baseadas nos relacionamentos da rede. Em um site completamente novo, as sugestões de amizades geralmente começam a ser populadas dentro de 24 horas."
+#: mod/newmember.php:65
+msgid "Group Your Contacts"
+msgstr "Agrupe seus contatos"
+#: mod/newmember.php:65
+msgid ""
+"Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation "
+"groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with"
+" each group privately on your Network page."
+msgstr "Após fazer novas amizades, organize-as em grupos de conversa privados, a partir da barra lateral na sua página de Contatos. A partir daí, você poderá interagir com cada grupo privativamente, na sua página de Rede."
+#: mod/newmember.php:68
+msgid "Why Aren't My Posts Public?"
+msgstr "Por que as minhas publicações não são públicas?"
+#: mod/newmember.php:68
+msgid ""
+"Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to"
+" people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section "
+"from the link above."
+msgstr "A friendica respeita sua privacidade. Por padrão, suas publicações estarão visíveis apenas para as pessoas que você adicionou como amigos. Para mais informações, veja a página de ajuda, a partir do link acima."
+#: mod/newmember.php:73
+msgid "Getting Help"
+msgstr "Obtendo ajuda"
+#: mod/newmember.php:77
+msgid "Go to the Help Section"
+msgstr "Ir para a seção de ajuda"
+#: mod/newmember.php:77
+msgid ""
+"Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program"
+" features and resources."
+msgstr "Consulte nossas páginas de ajuda para mais detalhes sobre as características e recursos do programa."
+#: mod/removeme.php:46 mod/removeme.php:49
+msgid "Remove My Account"
+msgstr "Remover minha conta"
+#: mod/removeme.php:47
+msgid ""
+"This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not "
+msgstr "Isso removerá completamente a sua conta. Uma vez feito isso, não será mais possível recuperá-la."
+#: mod/removeme.php:48
+msgid "Please enter your password for verification:"
+msgstr "Por favor, digite a sua senha para verificação:"
+#: mod/editpost.php:17 mod/editpost.php:27
+msgid "Item not found"
+msgstr "O item não foi encontrado"
+#: mod/editpost.php:40
+msgid "Edit post"
+msgstr "Editar a publicação"
+#: mod/network.php:398
+#, php-format
+msgid "Warning: This group contains %s member from an insecure network."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Warning: This group contains %s members from an insecure network."
+msgstr[0] "Aviso: Este grupo contém %s membro de uma rede insegura."
+msgstr[1] "Aviso: Este grupo contém %s membros de uma rede insegura."
+#: mod/network.php:401
+msgid "Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure."
+msgstr "Mensagens privadas para este grupo correm o risco de sofrerem divulgação pública."
+#: mod/network.php:468 mod/content.php:119
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "Este grupo não existe"
+#: mod/network.php:495 mod/group.php:193 mod/content.php:130
+msgid "Group is empty"
+msgstr "O grupo está vazio"
+#: mod/network.php:499 mod/content.php:135
+#, php-format
+msgid "Group: %s"
+msgstr "Grupo: %s"
+#: mod/network.php:527
+msgid "Private messages to this person are at risk of public disclosure."
+msgstr "Mensagens privadas para esta pessoa correm o risco de sofrerem divulgação pública."
+#: mod/network.php:532
+msgid "Invalid contact."
+msgstr "Contato inválido."
+#: mod/network.php:825
+msgid "Commented Order"
+msgstr "Ordem dos comentários"
+#: mod/network.php:828
+msgid "Sort by Comment Date"
+msgstr "Ordenar pela data do comentário"
+#: mod/network.php:833
+msgid "Posted Order"
+msgstr "Ordem das publicações"
+#: mod/network.php:836
+msgid "Sort by Post Date"
+msgstr "Ordenar pela data de publicação"
+#: mod/network.php:847
+msgid "Posts that mention or involve you"
+msgstr "Publicações que mencionem ou envolvam você"
+#: mod/network.php:855
+msgid "New"
+msgstr "Nova"
+#: mod/network.php:858
+msgid "Activity Stream - by date"
+msgstr "Fluxo de atividades - por data"
+#: mod/network.php:866
+msgid "Shared Links"
+msgstr "Links compartilhados"
+#: mod/network.php:869
+msgid "Interesting Links"
+msgstr "Links interessantes"
+#: mod/network.php:877
+msgid "Starred"
+msgstr "Destacada"
+#: mod/network.php:880
+msgid "Favourite Posts"
+msgstr "Publicações favoritas"
+#: mod/community.php:27
+msgid "Not available."
+msgstr "Não disponível."
+#: mod/localtime.php:24
+msgid "Time Conversion"
+msgstr "Conversão de tempo"
+#: mod/localtime.php:26
+msgid ""
+"Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and "
+"friends in unknown timezones."
+msgstr "Friendica oferece esse serviço para compartilhar eventos com outras redes e amigos em fusos horários desconhecidos."
+#: mod/localtime.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "UTC time: %s"
+msgstr "Hora UTC: %s"
+#: mod/localtime.php:33
+#, php-format
+msgid "Current timezone: %s"
+msgstr "Fuso horário atual: %s"
+#: mod/localtime.php:36
+#, php-format
+msgid "Converted localtime: %s"
+msgstr "Horário local convertido: %s"
+#: mod/localtime.php:41
+msgid "Please select your timezone:"
+msgstr "Por favor, selecione seu fuso horário:"
+#: mod/bookmarklet.php:41
+msgid "The post was created"
+msgstr "O texto foi criado"
+#: mod/group.php:29
+msgid "Group created."
+msgstr "O grupo foi criado."
+#: mod/group.php:35
+msgid "Could not create group."
+msgstr "Não foi possível criar o grupo."
+#: mod/group.php:47 mod/group.php:140
+msgid "Group not found."
+msgstr "O grupo não foi encontrado."
+#: mod/group.php:60
+msgid "Group name changed."
+msgstr "O nome do grupo foi alterado."
+#: mod/group.php:87
+msgid "Save Group"
+msgstr "Salvar o grupo"
+#: mod/group.php:93
+msgid "Create a group of contacts/friends."
+msgstr "Criar um grupo de contatos/amigos."
+#: mod/group.php:113
+msgid "Group removed."
+msgstr "O grupo foi removido."
+#: mod/group.php:115
+msgid "Unable to remove group."
+msgstr "Não foi possível remover o grupo."
+#: mod/group.php:177
+msgid "Group Editor"
+msgstr "Editor de grupo"
+#: mod/group.php:190
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Membros"
+#: mod/group.php:192 mod/contacts.php:690
+msgid "All Contacts"
+msgstr "Todos os contatos"
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:42 mod/wallmessage.php:112
+#, php-format
+msgid "Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."
+msgstr "O número diário de mensagens do mural de %s foi excedido. Não foi possível enviar a mensagem."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:56 mod/message.php:71
+msgid "No recipient selected."
+msgstr "Não foi selecionado nenhum destinatário."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:59
+msgid "Unable to check your home location."
+msgstr "Não foi possível verificar a sua localização."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:62 mod/message.php:78
+msgid "Message could not be sent."
+msgstr "Não foi possível enviar a mensagem."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:65 mod/message.php:81
+msgid "Message collection failure."
+msgstr "Falha na coleta de mensagens."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:68 mod/message.php:84
+msgid "Message sent."
+msgstr "A mensagem foi enviada."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:86 mod/wallmessage.php:95
+msgid "No recipient."
+msgstr "Nenhum destinatário."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:142 mod/message.php:341
+msgid "Send Private Message"
+msgstr "Enviar mensagem privada"
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:143
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on "
+"your site allow private mail from unknown senders."
+msgstr "Caso você deseje uma resposta de %s, por favor verifique se as configurações de privacidade em seu site permitem o recebimento de mensagens de remetentes desconhecidos."
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:144 mod/message.php:342 mod/message.php:536
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Para:"
+#: mod/wallmessage.php:145 mod/message.php:347 mod/message.php:538
+msgid "Subject:"
+msgstr "Assunto:"
+#: mod/share.php:38
+msgid "link"
+msgstr "ligação"
+#: mod/api.php:76 mod/api.php:102
+msgid "Authorize application connection"
+msgstr "Autorizar a conexão com a aplicação"
+#: mod/api.php:77
+msgid "Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"
+msgstr "Volte para a sua aplicação e digite este código de segurança:"
+#: mod/api.php:89
+msgid "Please login to continue."
+msgstr "Por favor, autentique-se para continuar."
+#: mod/api.php:104
+msgid ""
+"Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts,"
+" and/or create new posts for you?"
+msgstr "Deseja autorizar esta aplicação a acessar suas publicações e contatos e/ou criar novas publicações para você?"
+#: mod/babel.php:17
+msgid "Source (bbcode) text:"
+msgstr "Texto fonte (bbcode):"
+#: mod/babel.php:23
+msgid "Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"
+msgstr "Texto fonte (Diaspora) a converter para BBcode:"
+#: mod/babel.php:31
+msgid "Source input: "
+msgstr "Entrada fonte:"
+#: mod/babel.php:35
+msgid "bb2html (raw HTML): "
+msgstr "bb2html (HTML puro):"
+#: mod/babel.php:39
+msgid "bb2html: "
+msgstr "bb2html: "
+#: mod/babel.php:43
+msgid "bb2html2bb: "
+msgstr "bb2html2bb: "
+#: mod/babel.php:47
+msgid "bb2md: "
+msgstr "bb2md: "
+#: mod/babel.php:51
+msgid "bb2md2html: "
+msgstr "bb2md2html: "
+#: mod/babel.php:55
+msgid "bb2dia2bb: "
+msgstr "bb2dia2bb: "
+#: mod/babel.php:59
+msgid "bb2md2html2bb: "
+msgstr "bb2md2html2bb: "
+#: mod/babel.php:69
+msgid "Source input (Diaspora format): "
+msgstr "Fonte de entrada (formato Diaspora):"
+#: mod/babel.php:74
+msgid "diaspora2bb: "
+msgstr "diaspora2bb: "
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:14
+msgid "Subscribing to OStatus contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:25
+msgid "No contact provided."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:30
+msgid "Couldn't fetch information for contact."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:38
+msgid "Couldn't fetch friends for contact."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:65
+msgid "success"
+msgstr "sucesso"
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:67
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/ostatus_subscribe.php:69 mod/content.php:792 object/Item.php:245
+msgid "ignored"
+msgstr "Ignorado"
+#: mod/dfrn_poll.php:104 mod/dfrn_poll.php:537
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s welcomes %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s dá as boas vinda à %2$s"
+#: mod/profile.php:179
msgid "Tips for New Members"
msgstr "Dicas para novos membros"
-#: ../../mod/videos.php:115 ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:762
-#: ../../mod/viewcontacts.php:19 ../../mod/photos.php:920
-#: ../../mod/search.php:89 ../../mod/community.php:18
-#: ../../mod/display.php:212 ../../mod/directory.php:33
-msgid "Public access denied."
-msgstr "Acesso público negado."
+#: mod/message.php:75
+msgid "Unable to locate contact information."
+msgstr "Não foi possível localizar informação do contato."
-#: ../../mod/videos.php:125
-msgid "No videos selected"
-msgstr "Nenhum vídeo selecionado"
+#: mod/message.php:215
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this message?"
+msgstr "Você realmente deseja deletar essa mensagem?"
-#: ../../mod/videos.php:226 ../../mod/photos.php:1031
-msgid "Access to this item is restricted."
-msgstr "O acesso a este item é restrito."
+#: mod/message.php:235
+msgid "Message deleted."
+msgstr "A mensagem foi excluída."
-#: ../../mod/videos.php:308 ../../mod/photos.php:1808
-msgid "View Album"
-msgstr "Ver álbum"
+#: mod/message.php:266
+msgid "Conversation removed."
+msgstr "A conversa foi removida."
-#: ../../mod/videos.php:317
-msgid "Recent Videos"
-msgstr "Vídeos Recentes"
+#: mod/message.php:383
+msgid "No messages."
+msgstr "Nenhuma mensagem."
-#: ../../mod/videos.php:319
-msgid "Upload New Videos"
-msgstr "Envie Novos Vídeos"
+#: mod/message.php:426
+msgid "Message not available."
+msgstr "A mensagem não está disponível."
-#: ../../mod/manage.php:106
+#: mod/message.php:503
+msgid "Delete message"
+msgstr "Excluir a mensagem"
+#: mod/message.php:529 mod/message.php:609
+msgid "Delete conversation"
+msgstr "Excluir conversa"
+#: mod/message.php:531
+msgid ""
+"No secure communications available. You may be able to "
+"respond from the sender's profile page."
+msgstr "Não foi encontrada nenhuma comunicação segura. Você pode ser capaz de responder a partir da página de perfil do remetente."
+#: mod/message.php:535
+msgid "Send Reply"
+msgstr "Enviar resposta"
+#: mod/message.php:579
+#, php-format
+msgid "Unknown sender - %s"
+msgstr "Remetente desconhecido - %s"
+#: mod/message.php:581
+#, php-format
+msgid "You and %s"
+msgstr "Você e %s"
+#: mod/message.php:583
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s and You"
+msgstr "%s e você"
+#: mod/message.php:612
+msgid "D, d M Y - g:i A"
+msgstr "D, d M Y - g:i A"
+#: mod/message.php:615
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d message"
+msgid_plural "%d messages"
+msgstr[0] "%d mensagem"
+msgstr[1] "%d mensagens"
+#: mod/manage.php:139
msgid "Manage Identities and/or Pages"
msgstr "Gerenciar identidades e/ou páginas"
-#: ../../mod/manage.php:107
+#: mod/manage.php:140
msgid ""
"Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share "
"your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"
msgstr "Alterne entre diferentes identidades ou páginas de comunidade/grupo que dividem detalhes da sua conta ou que você tenha fornecido permissões de \"administração\""
-#: ../../mod/manage.php:108
+#: mod/manage.php:141
msgid "Select an identity to manage: "
msgstr "Selecione uma identidade para gerenciar: "
-#: ../../mod/editpost.php:17 ../../mod/editpost.php:27
-msgid "Item not found"
-msgstr "O item não foi encontrado"
+#: mod/crepair.php:87
+msgid "Contact settings applied."
+msgstr "As configurações do contato foram aplicadas."
-#: ../../mod/editpost.php:39
-msgid "Edit post"
-msgstr "Editar a publicação"
+#: mod/crepair.php:89
+msgid "Contact update failed."
+msgstr "Não foi possível atualizar o contato."
-#: ../../mod/dirfind.php:26
-msgid "People Search"
-msgstr "Pesquisar pessoas"
+#: mod/crepair.php:114 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:122 mod/fsuggest.php:20
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:92
+msgid "Contact not found."
+msgstr "O contato não foi encontrado."
-#: ../../mod/dirfind.php:60 ../../mod/match.php:65
-msgid "No matches"
-msgstr "Nenhuma correspondência"
+#: mod/crepair.php:120
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: This is highly advanced and if you enter incorrect"
+" information your communications with this contact may stop working."
+msgstr "ATENÇÃO: Isso é muito avançado , se você digitar informações incorretas, suas comunicações com esse contato pode parar de funcionar."
-#: ../../mod/regmod.php:55
-msgid "Account approved."
-msgstr "A conta foi aprovada."
+#: mod/crepair.php:121
+msgid ""
+"Please use your browser 'Back' button now if you are "
+"uncertain what to do on this page."
+msgstr "Por favor, use o botão 'Voltar' do seu navegador agora , caso você não tenha certeza do que está fazendo."
-#: ../../mod/regmod.php:92
-#, php-format
-msgid "Registration revoked for %s"
-msgstr "O registro de %s foi revogado"
+#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
+msgid "No mirroring"
+msgstr "Nenhum espelhamento"
-#: ../../mod/regmod.php:104
-msgid "Please login."
-msgstr "Por favor, autentique-se."
+#: mod/crepair.php:134
+msgid "Mirror as forwarded posting"
+msgstr "Espelhar como postagem encaminhada"
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:95
+#: mod/crepair.php:134 mod/crepair.php:136
+msgid "Mirror as my own posting"
+msgstr "Espelhar como minha própria postagem"
+#: mod/crepair.php:150
+msgid "Return to contact editor"
+msgstr "Voltar ao editor de contatos"
+#: mod/crepair.php:152
+msgid "Refetch contact data"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/crepair.php:156
+msgid "Remote Self"
+msgstr "Eu remoto"
+#: mod/crepair.php:159
+msgid "Mirror postings from this contact"
+msgstr "Espelhar publicações deste contato"
+#: mod/crepair.php:161
+msgid ""
+"Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new "
+"entries from this contact."
+msgstr "Marcar este contato como eu remoto: o Friendica replicará novas publicações desse usuário."
+#: mod/crepair.php:165 mod/admin.php:1374 mod/admin.php:1387
+#: mod/admin.php:1399 mod/admin.php:1415 mod/settings.php:665
+#: mod/settings.php:691
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nome"
+#: mod/crepair.php:166
+msgid "Account Nickname"
+msgstr "Identificação da conta"
+#: mod/crepair.php:167
+msgid "@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname"
+msgstr "@Tagname - sobrescreve Nome/Identificação"
+#: mod/crepair.php:168
+msgid "Account URL"
+msgstr "URL da conta"
+#: mod/crepair.php:169
+msgid "Friend Request URL"
+msgstr "URL da requisição de amizade"
+#: mod/crepair.php:170
+msgid "Friend Confirm URL"
+msgstr "URL da confirmação de amizade"
+#: mod/crepair.php:171
+msgid "Notification Endpoint URL"
+msgstr "URL do ponto final da notificação"
+#: mod/crepair.php:172
+msgid "Poll/Feed URL"
+msgstr "URL do captador/fonte de notícias"
+#: mod/crepair.php:173
+msgid "New photo from this URL"
+msgstr "Nova imagem desta URL"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:100
msgid "This introduction has already been accepted."
msgstr "Esta apresentação já foi aceita."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:120 ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:518
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:123 mod/dfrn_request.php:518
msgid "Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."
msgstr "A localização do perfil não é válida ou não contém uma informação de perfil."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:125 ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:523
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:128 mod/dfrn_request.php:523
msgid "Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."
msgstr "Aviso: a localização do perfil não possui nenhum nome identificável do seu dono."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:127 ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:525
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:130 mod/dfrn_request.php:525
msgid "Warning: profile location has no profile photo."
msgstr "Aviso: a localização do perfil não possui nenhuma foto do perfil."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:130 ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:528
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:133 mod/dfrn_request.php:528
#, php-format
msgid "%d required parameter was not found at the given location"
msgid_plural "%d required parameters were not found at the given location"
msgstr[0] "O parâmetro requerido %d não foi encontrado na localização fornecida"
msgstr[1] "Os parâmetros requeridos %d não foram encontrados na localização fornecida"
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:172
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:178
msgid "Introduction complete."
msgstr "A apresentação foi finalizada."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:214
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:220
msgid "Unrecoverable protocol error."
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro irrecuperável de protocolo."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:242
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:248
msgid "Profile unavailable."
msgstr "O perfil não está disponível."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:267
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "%s has received too many connection requests today."
msgstr "%s recebeu solicitações de conexão em excesso hoje."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:268
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:274
msgid "Spam protection measures have been invoked."
msgstr "As medidas de proteção contra spam foram ativadas."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:269
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:275
msgid "Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."
msgstr "Os amigos foram notificados para tentar novamente em 24 horas."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:331
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:337
msgid "Invalid locator"
msgstr "Localizador inválido"
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:340
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:346
msgid "Invalid email address."
msgstr "Endereço de e-mail inválido."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:367
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:373
msgid "This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."
msgstr "Essa conta não foi configurada para e-mails. Não foi possível atender à solicitação."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:463
-msgid "Unable to resolve your name at the provided location."
-msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar a sua identificação no endereço indicado."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:476
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:476
msgid "You have already introduced yourself here."
msgstr "Você já fez a sua apresentação aqui."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:480
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:480
#, php-format
msgid "Apparently you are already friends with %s."
msgstr "Aparentemente você já é amigo de %s."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:501
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:501
msgid "Invalid profile URL."
msgstr "URL de perfil inválida."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:597
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:579 mod/contacts.php:208
+msgid "Failed to update contact record."
+msgstr "Não foi possível atualizar o registro do contato."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:600
msgid "Your introduction has been sent."
msgstr "A sua apresentação foi enviada."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:650
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:640
+msgid ""
+"Remote subscription can't be done for your network. Please subscribe "
+"directly on your system."
+msgstr "A sua rede não permite inscrição a distância. Inscreva-se diretamente no seu sistema."
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:663
msgid "Please login to confirm introduction."
msgstr "Por favor, autentique-se para confirmar a apresentação."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:660
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:673
msgid ""
"Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to "
"this profile."
msgstr "A identidade autenticada está incorreta. Por favor, entre como este perfil."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:671
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:687 mod/dfrn_request.php:704
+msgid "Confirm"
+msgstr "Confirmar"
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:699
msgid "Hide this contact"
msgstr "Ocultar este contato"
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:674
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:702
#, php-format
msgid "Welcome home %s."
msgstr "Bem-vindo(a) à sua página pessoal %s."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:675
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:703
#, php-format
msgid "Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."
msgstr "Por favor, confirme sua solicitação de apresentação/conexão para %s."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:804
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:832
msgid ""
"Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported "
"communications networks:"
msgstr "Por favor, digite seu 'Endereço de Identificação' a partir de uma das seguintes redes de comunicação suportadas:"
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:824
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:853
+#, php-format
msgid ""
"If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public"
-" Friendica site and join us today ."
-msgstr "Caso você ainda não seja membro da rede social livre, clique aqui para encontrar um site Friendica público e junte-se à nós ."
+"href=\"%s/siteinfo\">follow this link to find a public Friendica site and "
+"join us today."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:827
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:858
msgid "Friend/Connection Request"
msgstr "Solicitação de amizade/conexão"
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:828
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:859
msgid ""
"Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, "
msgstr "Examplos: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca"
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:829
-msgid "Please answer the following:"
-msgstr "Por favor, entre com as informações solicitadas:"
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:830
-#, php-format
-msgid "Does %s know you?"
-msgstr "%s conhece você?"
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:834
-msgid "Add a personal note:"
-msgstr "Adicione uma anotação pessoal:"
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:837
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:868
msgid "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
msgstr "StatusNet/Federated Social Web"
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:839
+#: mod/dfrn_request.php:870
#, php-format
msgid ""
" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search"
" bar."
msgstr " - Por favor, não utilize esse formulário. Ao invés disso, digite %s na sua barra de pesquisa do Diaspora."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:840
-msgid "Your Identity Address:"
-msgstr "Seu endereço de identificação:"
+#: mod/content.php:325 object/Item.php:95
+msgid "This entry was edited"
+msgstr "Essa entrada foi editada"
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_request.php:843
-msgid "Submit Request"
-msgstr "Enviar solicitação"
-#: ../../mod/fbrowser.php:113
-msgid "Files"
-msgstr "Arquivos"
-#: ../../mod/api.php:76 ../../mod/api.php:102
-msgid "Authorize application connection"
-msgstr "Autorizar a conexão com a aplicação"
-#: ../../mod/api.php:77
-msgid "Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"
-msgstr "Volte para a sua aplicação e digite este código de segurança:"
-#: ../../mod/api.php:89
-msgid "Please login to continue."
-msgstr "Por favor, autentique-se para continuar."
-#: ../../mod/api.php:104
-msgid ""
-"Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts,"
-" and/or create new posts for you?"
-msgstr "Deseja autorizar esta aplicação a acessar suas publicações e contatos e/ou criar novas publicações para você?"
-#: ../../mod/suggest.php:27
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"
-msgstr "Você realmente deseja deletar essa sugestão?"
-#: ../../mod/suggest.php:74
-msgid ""
-"No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 "
-msgstr "Não existe nenhuma sugestão disponível. Se este for um site novo, por favor tente novamente em 24 horas."
-#: ../../mod/suggest.php:92
-msgid "Ignore/Hide"
-msgstr "Ignorar/Ocultar"
-#: ../../mod/nogroup.php:59
-msgid "Contacts who are not members of a group"
-msgstr "Contatos que não são membros de um grupo"
-#: ../../mod/fsuggest.php:20 ../../mod/fsuggest.php:92
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:133 ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:120
-msgid "Contact not found."
-msgstr "O contato não foi encontrado."
-#: ../../mod/fsuggest.php:63
-msgid "Friend suggestion sent."
-msgstr "A sugestão de amigo foi enviada"
-#: ../../mod/fsuggest.php:97
-msgid "Suggest Friends"
-msgstr "Sugerir amigos"
-#: ../../mod/fsuggest.php:99
+#: mod/content.php:621 object/Item.php:429
#, php-format
-msgid "Suggest a friend for %s"
-msgstr "Sugerir um amigo para %s"
+msgid "%d comment"
+msgid_plural "%d comments"
+msgstr[0] "%d comentário"
+msgstr[1] "%d comentários"
-#: ../../mod/share.php:44
-msgid "link"
-msgstr "ligação"
+#: mod/content.php:638 mod/photos.php:1405 object/Item.php:117
+msgid "Private Message"
+msgstr "Mensagem privada"
-#: ../../mod/viewcontacts.php:41
-msgid "No contacts."
-msgstr "Nenhum contato."
+#: mod/content.php:702 mod/photos.php:1594 object/Item.php:263
+msgid "I like this (toggle)"
+msgstr "Eu gostei disso (alternar)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:57
+#: mod/content.php:702 object/Item.php:263
+msgid "like"
+msgstr "gostei"
+#: mod/content.php:703 mod/photos.php:1595 object/Item.php:264
+msgid "I don't like this (toggle)"
+msgstr "Eu não gostei disso (alternar)"
+#: mod/content.php:703 object/Item.php:264
+msgid "dislike"
+msgstr "desgostar"
+#: mod/content.php:705 object/Item.php:266
+msgid "Share this"
+msgstr "Compartilhar isso"
+#: mod/content.php:705 object/Item.php:266
+msgid "share"
+msgstr "compartilhar"
+#: mod/content.php:725 mod/photos.php:1614 mod/photos.php:1662
+#: mod/photos.php:1750 object/Item.php:717
+msgid "This is you"
+msgstr "Este(a) é você"
+#: mod/content.php:727 mod/content.php:945 mod/photos.php:1616
+#: mod/photos.php:1664 mod/photos.php:1752 object/Item.php:403
+#: object/Item.php:719 boot.php:902
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Comentar"
+#: mod/content.php:729 object/Item.php:721
+msgid "Bold"
+msgstr "Negrito"
+#: mod/content.php:730 object/Item.php:722
+msgid "Italic"
+msgstr "Itálico"
+#: mod/content.php:731 object/Item.php:723
+msgid "Underline"
+msgstr "Sublinhado"
+#: mod/content.php:732 object/Item.php:724
+msgid "Quote"
+msgstr "Citação"
+#: mod/content.php:733 object/Item.php:725
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr "Código"
+#: mod/content.php:734 object/Item.php:726
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Imagem"
+#: mod/content.php:735 object/Item.php:727
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Link"
+#: mod/content.php:736 object/Item.php:728
+msgid "Video"
+msgstr "Vídeo"
+#: mod/content.php:746 mod/settings.php:725 object/Item.php:122
+#: object/Item.php:124
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Editar"
+#: mod/content.php:771 object/Item.php:227
+msgid "add star"
+msgstr "destacar"
+#: mod/content.php:772 object/Item.php:228
+msgid "remove star"
+msgstr "remover o destaque"
+#: mod/content.php:773 object/Item.php:229
+msgid "toggle star status"
+msgstr "ativa/desativa o destaque"
+#: mod/content.php:776 object/Item.php:232
+msgid "starred"
+msgstr "marcado com estrela"
+#: mod/content.php:777 mod/content.php:798 object/Item.php:252
+msgid "add tag"
+msgstr "adicionar etiqueta"
+#: mod/content.php:787 object/Item.php:240
+msgid "ignore thread"
+msgstr "ignorar tópico"
+#: mod/content.php:788 object/Item.php:241
+msgid "unignore thread"
+msgstr "deixar de ignorar tópico"
+#: mod/content.php:789 object/Item.php:242
+msgid "toggle ignore status"
+msgstr "alternar status ignorar"
+#: mod/content.php:803 object/Item.php:137
+msgid "save to folder"
+msgstr "salvar na pasta"
+#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
+msgid "I will attend"
+msgstr "Eu vou"
+#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
+msgid "I will not attend"
+msgstr "Eu não vou"
+#: mod/content.php:848 object/Item.php:201
+msgid "I might attend"
+msgstr "Eu estou pensando em ir"
+#: mod/content.php:912 object/Item.php:369
+msgid "to"
+msgstr "para"
+#: mod/content.php:913 object/Item.php:371
+msgid "Wall-to-Wall"
+msgstr "Mural-para-mural"
+#: mod/content.php:914 object/Item.php:372
+msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:"
+msgstr "via Mural-para-mural"
+#: mod/admin.php:92
msgid "Theme settings updated."
msgstr "As configurações do tema foram atualizadas."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:104 ../../mod/admin.php:619
+#: mod/admin.php:156 mod/admin.php:925
msgid "Site"
msgstr "Site"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:105 ../../mod/admin.php:998 ../../mod/admin.php:1013
+#: mod/admin.php:157 mod/admin.php:869 mod/admin.php:1382 mod/admin.php:1397
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Usuários"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:107 ../../mod/admin.php:1323 ../../mod/admin.php:1357
+#: mod/admin.php:158 mod/admin.php:1499 mod/admin.php:1559 mod/settings.php:74
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Plugins"
+#: mod/admin.php:159 mod/admin.php:1757 mod/admin.php:1807
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Temas"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:108
+#: mod/admin.php:160 mod/settings.php:52
+msgid "Additional features"
+msgstr "Funcionalidades adicionais"
+#: mod/admin.php:161
msgid "DB updates"
msgstr "Atualizações do BD"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:123 ../../mod/admin.php:132 ../../mod/admin.php:1444
+#: mod/admin.php:162 mod/admin.php:397
+msgid "Inspect Queue"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:163 mod/admin.php:363
+msgid "Federation Statistics"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:177 mod/admin.php:188 mod/admin.php:1875
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Relatórios"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:124
+#: mod/admin.php:178 mod/admin.php:1942
+msgid "View Logs"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:179
msgid "probe address"
msgstr "prova endereço"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:125
+#: mod/admin.php:180
msgid "check webfinger"
msgstr "verifica webfinger"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:131
+#: mod/admin.php:187
msgid "Plugin Features"
msgstr "Recursos do plugin"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:133
+#: mod/admin.php:189
msgid "diagnostics"
msgstr "diagnóstico"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:134
+#: mod/admin.php:190
msgid "User registrations waiting for confirmation"
msgstr "Cadastros de novos usuários aguardando confirmação"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:193 ../../mod/admin.php:952
-msgid "Normal Account"
-msgstr "Conta normal"
+#: mod/admin.php:356
+msgid ""
+"This page offers you some numbers to the known part of the federated social "
+"network your Friendica node is part of. These numbers are not complete but "
+"only reflect the part of the network your node is aware of."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:194 ../../mod/admin.php:953
-msgid "Soapbox Account"
-msgstr "Conta de vitrine"
+#: mod/admin.php:357
+msgid ""
+"The Auto Discovered Contact Directory feature is not enabled, it "
+"will improve the data displayed here."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:195 ../../mod/admin.php:954
-msgid "Community/Celebrity Account"
-msgstr "Conta de comunidade/celebridade"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:196 ../../mod/admin.php:955
-msgid "Automatic Friend Account"
-msgstr "Conta de amigo automático"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:197
-msgid "Blog Account"
-msgstr "Conta de blog"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:198
-msgid "Private Forum"
-msgstr "Fórum privado"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:217
-msgid "Message queues"
-msgstr "Fila de mensagens"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:222 ../../mod/admin.php:618 ../../mod/admin.php:997
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1101 ../../mod/admin.php:1154 ../../mod/admin.php:1322
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1356 ../../mod/admin.php:1443
+#: mod/admin.php:362 mod/admin.php:396 mod/admin.php:460 mod/admin.php:924
+#: mod/admin.php:1381 mod/admin.php:1498 mod/admin.php:1558 mod/admin.php:1756
+#: mod/admin.php:1806 mod/admin.php:1874 mod/admin.php:1941
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administração"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:223
+#: mod/admin.php:369
+#, php-format
+msgid "Currently this node is aware of %d nodes from the following platforms:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:399
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+#: mod/admin.php:400
+msgid "Recipient Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:401
+msgid "Recipient Profile"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:403
+msgid "Created"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:404
+msgid "Last Tried"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:405
+msgid ""
+"This page lists the content of the queue for outgoing postings. These are "
+"postings the initial delivery failed for. They will be resend later and "
+"eventually deleted if the delivery fails permanently."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:424 mod/admin.php:1330
+msgid "Normal Account"
+msgstr "Conta normal"
+#: mod/admin.php:425 mod/admin.php:1331
+msgid "Soapbox Account"
+msgstr "Conta de vitrine"
+#: mod/admin.php:426 mod/admin.php:1332
+msgid "Community/Celebrity Account"
+msgstr "Conta de comunidade/celebridade"
+#: mod/admin.php:427 mod/admin.php:1333
+msgid "Automatic Friend Account"
+msgstr "Conta de amigo automático"
+#: mod/admin.php:428
+msgid "Blog Account"
+msgstr "Conta de blog"
+#: mod/admin.php:429
+msgid "Private Forum"
+msgstr "Fórum privado"
+#: mod/admin.php:455
+msgid "Message queues"
+msgstr "Fila de mensagens"
+#: mod/admin.php:461
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Resumo"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:225
+#: mod/admin.php:463
msgid "Registered users"
msgstr "Usuários registrados"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:227
+#: mod/admin.php:465
msgid "Pending registrations"
msgstr "Registros pendentes"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:228
+#: mod/admin.php:466
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Versão"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:232
+#: mod/admin.php:471
msgid "Active plugins"
msgstr "Plugins ativos"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:255
+#: mod/admin.php:494
msgid "Can not parse base url. Must have at least ://"
msgstr "Não foi possível analisar a URL. Ela deve conter pelo menos ://"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:516
+#: mod/admin.php:797
+msgid "RINO2 needs mcrypt php extension to work."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:805
msgid "Site settings updated."
msgstr "As configurações do site foram atualizadas."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:562
+#: mod/admin.php:833 mod/settings.php:919
+msgid "No special theme for mobile devices"
+msgstr "Nenhum tema especial para dispositivos móveis"
+#: mod/admin.php:852
msgid "No community page"
msgstr "Sem página de comunidade"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:563
+#: mod/admin.php:853
msgid "Public postings from users of this site"
msgstr "Textos públicos de usuários deste sítio"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:564
+#: mod/admin.php:854
msgid "Global community page"
msgstr "Página global da comunidade"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:570
+#: mod/admin.php:859 mod/contacts.php:530
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Nunca"
+#: mod/admin.php:860
msgid "At post arrival"
msgstr "Na chegada da publicação"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:579
+#: mod/admin.php:868 mod/contacts.php:557
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "Desabilitado"
+#: mod/admin.php:870
+msgid "Users, Global Contacts"
+msgstr "Usuários, Contatos Globais"
+#: mod/admin.php:871
+msgid "Users, Global Contacts/fallback"
+msgstr "Usuários, Contatos Globais/plano B"
+#: mod/admin.php:875
+msgid "One month"
+msgstr "Um mês"
+#: mod/admin.php:876
+msgid "Three months"
+msgstr "Três meses"
+#: mod/admin.php:877
+msgid "Half a year"
+msgstr "Seis meses"
+#: mod/admin.php:878
+msgid "One year"
+msgstr "Um ano"
+#: mod/admin.php:883
msgid "Multi user instance"
msgstr "Instância multi usuário"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:602
+#: mod/admin.php:906
msgid "Closed"
msgstr "Fechado"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:603
+#: mod/admin.php:907
msgid "Requires approval"
msgstr "Requer aprovação"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:604
+#: mod/admin.php:908
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Aberto"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:608
+#: mod/admin.php:912
msgid "No SSL policy, links will track page SSL state"
msgstr "Nenhuma política de SSL, os links irão rastrear o estado SSL da página"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:609
+#: mod/admin.php:913
msgid "Force all links to use SSL"
msgstr "Forçar todos os links a utilizar SSL"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:610
+#: mod/admin.php:914
msgid "Self-signed certificate, use SSL for local links only (discouraged)"
msgstr "Certificado auto-assinado, usar SSL somente para links locais (não recomendado)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:622
+#: mod/admin.php:926 mod/admin.php:1560 mod/admin.php:1808 mod/admin.php:1876
+#: mod/admin.php:2025 mod/settings.php:663 mod/settings.php:773
+#: mod/settings.php:820 mod/settings.php:889 mod/settings.php:976
+#: mod/settings.php:1214
+msgid "Save Settings"
+msgstr "Salvar configurações"
+#: mod/admin.php:927 mod/register.php:263
+msgid "Registration"
+msgstr "Registro"
+#: mod/admin.php:928
msgid "File upload"
msgstr "Envio de arquivo"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:623
+#: mod/admin.php:929
msgid "Policies"
msgstr "Políticas"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:624
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avançado"
+#: mod/admin.php:931
+msgid "Auto Discovered Contact Directory"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:625
+#: mod/admin.php:932
msgid "Performance"
msgstr "Performance"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:626
+#: mod/admin.php:933
+msgid "Worker"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:934
msgid ""
"Relocate - WARNING: advanced function. Could make this server unreachable."
msgstr "Relocação - ATENÇÃO: função avançada. Pode tornar esse servidor inacessível."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:629
+#: mod/admin.php:937
msgid "Site name"
msgstr "Nome do site"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:630
+#: mod/admin.php:938
msgid "Host name"
msgstr "Nome do host"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:631
+#: mod/admin.php:939
msgid "Sender Email"
msgstr "enviador de email"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:632
+#: mod/admin.php:939
+msgid ""
+"The email address your server shall use to send notification emails from."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:940
msgid "Banner/Logo"
msgstr "Banner/Logo"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:633
+#: mod/admin.php:941
msgid "Shortcut icon"
msgstr "ícone de atalho"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:634
+#: mod/admin.php:941
+msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for browsers."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:942
msgid "Touch icon"
msgstr "ícone de toque"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:635
+#: mod/admin.php:942
+msgid "Link to an icon that will be used for tablets and mobiles."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:943
msgid "Additional Info"
msgstr "Informação adicional"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:635
+#: mod/admin.php:943
+#, php-format
msgid ""
"For public servers: you can add additional information here that will be "
-"listed at dir.friendica.com/siteinfo."
-msgstr "Para servidores públicos: você pode adicionar informações aqui que serão listadas em dir.friendica.com/siteinfo."
+"listed at %s/siteinfo."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:636
+#: mod/admin.php:944
msgid "System language"
msgstr "Idioma do sistema"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:637
+#: mod/admin.php:945
msgid "System theme"
msgstr "Tema do sistema"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:637
+#: mod/admin.php:945
msgid ""
"Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - change theme settings "
msgstr "Tema padrão do sistema. Pode ser substituído nos perfis de usuário - alterar configurações do tema "
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:638
+#: mod/admin.php:946
msgid "Mobile system theme"
msgstr "Tema do sistema para dispositivos móveis"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:638
+#: mod/admin.php:946
msgid "Theme for mobile devices"
msgstr "Tema para dispositivos móveis"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:639
+#: mod/admin.php:947
msgid "SSL link policy"
msgstr "Política de link SSL"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:639
+#: mod/admin.php:947
msgid "Determines whether generated links should be forced to use SSL"
msgstr "Determina se os links gerados devem ser forçados a utilizar SSL"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:640
+#: mod/admin.php:948
msgid "Force SSL"
msgstr "Forçar SSL"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:640
+#: mod/admin.php:948
msgid ""
"Force all Non-SSL requests to SSL - Attention: on some systems it could lead"
" to endless loops."
msgstr "Forçar todas as solicitações não-SSL para SSL - Atenção: em alguns sistemas isso pode levar a loops infinitos."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:641
+#: mod/admin.php:949
msgid "Old style 'Share'"
msgstr "Estilo antigo do 'Compartilhar' "
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:641
+#: mod/admin.php:949
msgid "Deactivates the bbcode element 'share' for repeating items."
msgstr "Desativa o elemento bbcode 'compartilhar' para repetir ítens."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:642
+#: mod/admin.php:950
msgid "Hide help entry from navigation menu"
msgstr "Oculta a entrada 'Ajuda' do menu de navegação"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:642
+#: mod/admin.php:950
msgid ""
"Hides the menu entry for the Help pages from the navigation menu. You can "
"still access it calling /help directly."
msgstr "Oculta a entrada de menu para as páginas de Ajuda do menu de navegação. Ainda será possível acessá-las chamando /help diretamente."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:643
+#: mod/admin.php:951
msgid "Single user instance"
msgstr "Instância de usuário único"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:643
+#: mod/admin.php:951
msgid "Make this instance multi-user or single-user for the named user"
msgstr "Faça essa instância multiusuário ou usuário único para o usuário em questão"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:644
+#: mod/admin.php:952
msgid "Maximum image size"
msgstr "Tamanho máximo da imagem"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:644
+#: mod/admin.php:952
msgid ""
"Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no "
msgstr "Tamanho máximo, em bytes, das imagens enviadas. O padrão é 0, o que significa sem limites"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:645
+#: mod/admin.php:953
msgid "Maximum image length"
msgstr "Tamanho máximo da imagem"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:645
+#: mod/admin.php:953
msgid ""
"Maximum length in pixels of the longest side of uploaded images. Default is "
"-1, which means no limits."
msgstr "Tamanho máximo em pixels do lado mais largo das imagens enviadas. O padrão é -1, que significa sem limites."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:646
+#: mod/admin.php:954
msgid "JPEG image quality"
msgstr "Qualidade da imagem JPEG"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:646
+#: mod/admin.php:954
msgid ""
"Uploaded JPEGS will be saved at this quality setting [0-100]. Default is "
"100, which is full quality."
msgstr "Imagens JPEG enviadas serão salvas com essa qualidade [0-100]. O padrão é 100, que significa a melhor qualidade."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:648
+#: mod/admin.php:956
msgid "Register policy"
msgstr "Política de registro"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:649
+#: mod/admin.php:957
msgid "Maximum Daily Registrations"
msgstr "Registros Diários Máximos"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:649
+#: mod/admin.php:957
msgid ""
"If registration is permitted above, this sets the maximum number of new user"
" registrations to accept per day. If register is set to closed, this "
"setting has no effect."
msgstr "Se o registro é permitido acima, isso configura o número máximo de registros de novos usuários a serem aceitos por dia. Se o registro está configurado para 'fechado/closed' , essa configuração não tem efeito."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:650
+#: mod/admin.php:958
msgid "Register text"
msgstr "Texto de registro"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:650
+#: mod/admin.php:958
msgid "Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."
msgstr "Será exibido com destaque na página de registro."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:651
+#: mod/admin.php:959
msgid "Accounts abandoned after x days"
msgstr "Contas abandonadas após x dias"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:651
+#: mod/admin.php:959
msgid ""
"Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded "
"accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit."
msgstr "Não desperdiçará recursos do sistema captando de sites externos para contas abandonadas. Digite 0 para nenhum limite de tempo."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:652
+#: mod/admin.php:960
msgid "Allowed friend domains"
msgstr "Domínios de amigos permitidos"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:652
+#: mod/admin.php:960
msgid ""
"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships "
"with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"
msgstr "Lista dos domínios que têm permissão para estabelecer amizades com esse site, separados por vírgula. Caracteres curinga são aceitos. Deixe em branco para permitir qualquer domínio."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:653
+#: mod/admin.php:961
msgid "Allowed email domains"
msgstr "Domínios de e-mail permitidos"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:653
+#: mod/admin.php:961
msgid ""
"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for "
"registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
msgstr "Lista de domínios separados por vírgula, que são permitidos em endereços de e-mail para registro nesse site. Caracteres-curinga são aceitos. Vazio para aceitar qualquer domínio"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:654
+#: mod/admin.php:962
msgid "Block public"
msgstr "Bloquear acesso público"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:654
+#: mod/admin.php:962
msgid ""
"Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this "
"site unless you are currently logged in."
msgstr "Marque para bloquear o acesso público a todas as páginas desse site, com exceção das páginas pessoais públicas, a não ser que a pessoa esteja autenticada."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:655
+#: mod/admin.php:963
msgid "Force publish"
msgstr "Forçar a listagem"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:655
+#: mod/admin.php:963
msgid ""
"Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."
msgstr "Marque para forçar todos os perfis desse site a serem listados no diretório do site."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:656
-msgid "Global directory update URL"
-msgstr "URL de atualização do diretório global"
+#: mod/admin.php:964
+msgid "Global directory URL"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:656
+#: mod/admin.php:964
msgid ""
-"URL to update the global directory. If this is not set, the global directory"
-" is completely unavailable to the application."
-msgstr "URL para atualizar o diretório global. Se isso não for definido, o diretório global não estará disponível neste site."
+"URL to the global directory. If this is not set, the global directory is "
+"completely unavailable to the application."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:657
+#: mod/admin.php:965
msgid "Allow threaded items"
msgstr "Habilita itens aninhados"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:657
+#: mod/admin.php:965
msgid "Allow infinite level threading for items on this site."
msgstr "Habilita nível infinito de aninhamento (threading) para itens."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:658
+#: mod/admin.php:966
msgid "Private posts by default for new users"
msgstr "Publicações privadas por padrão para novos usuários"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:658
+#: mod/admin.php:966
msgid ""
"Set default post permissions for all new members to the default privacy "
"group rather than public."
msgstr "Define as permissões padrão de publicação de todos os novos membros para o grupo de privacidade padrão, ao invés de torná-las públicas."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:659
+#: mod/admin.php:967
msgid "Don't include post content in email notifications"
msgstr "Não incluir o conteúdo da postagem nas notificações de email"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:659
+#: mod/admin.php:967
msgid ""
"Don't include the content of a post/comment/private message/etc. in the "
"email notifications that are sent out from this site, as a privacy measure."
msgstr "Não incluir o conteúdo de uma postagem/comentário/mensagem privada/etc. em notificações de email que são enviadas para fora desse sítio, como medida de segurança."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:660
+#: mod/admin.php:968
msgid "Disallow public access to addons listed in the apps menu."
msgstr "Disabilita acesso público a addons listados no menu de aplicativos."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:660
+#: mod/admin.php:968
msgid ""
"Checking this box will restrict addons listed in the apps menu to members "
msgstr "Marcar essa caixa ira restringir os addons listados no menu de aplicativos aos membros somente."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:661
+#: mod/admin.php:969
msgid "Don't embed private images in posts"
msgstr "Não inclua imagens privadas em publicações"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:661
+#: mod/admin.php:969
msgid ""
"Don't replace locally-hosted private photos in posts with an embedded copy "
"of the image. This means that contacts who receive posts containing private "
@@ -5381,319 +5409,521 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "Não substitue fotos privativas guardadas localmente em publicações por uma cópia inclusa da imagem. Isso significa que os contatos que recebem publicações contendo fotos privadas terão que autenticar e carregar cada imagem, o que pode levar algum tempo."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:662
+#: mod/admin.php:970
msgid "Allow Users to set remote_self"
msgstr "Permite usuários configurarem remote_self"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:662
+#: mod/admin.php:970
msgid ""
"With checking this, every user is allowed to mark every contact as a "
"remote_self in the repair contact dialog. Setting this flag on a contact "
"causes mirroring every posting of that contact in the users stream."
msgstr "Ao marcar isto, todos os usuários poderão marcar cada contato como um remote_self na opção de reparar contato. Marcar isto para um contato produz espelhamento de toda publicação deste contato no fluxo dos usuários"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:663
+#: mod/admin.php:971
msgid "Block multiple registrations"
msgstr "Bloquear registros repetidos"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:663
+#: mod/admin.php:971
msgid "Disallow users to register additional accounts for use as pages."
msgstr "Desabilitar o registro de contas adicionais para serem usadas como páginas."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:664
+#: mod/admin.php:972
msgid "OpenID support"
msgstr "Suporte ao OpenID"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:664
+#: mod/admin.php:972
msgid "OpenID support for registration and logins."
msgstr "Suporte ao OpenID para registros e autenticações."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:665
+#: mod/admin.php:973
msgid "Fullname check"
msgstr "Verificar nome completo"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:665
+#: mod/admin.php:973
msgid ""
"Force users to register with a space between firstname and lastname in Full "
"name, as an antispam measure"
msgstr "Forçar os usuários a usar um espaço em branco entre o nome e o sobrenome, ao preencherem o nome completo no registro, como uma medida contra o spam"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:666
+#: mod/admin.php:974
msgid "UTF-8 Regular expressions"
msgstr "Expressões regulares UTF-8"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:666
+#: mod/admin.php:974
msgid "Use PHP UTF8 regular expressions"
msgstr "Use expressões regulares do PHP em UTF8"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:667
+#: mod/admin.php:975
msgid "Community Page Style"
msgstr "Estilo da página de comunidade"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:667
+#: mod/admin.php:975
msgid ""
"Type of community page to show. 'Global community' shows every public "
"posting from an open distributed network that arrived on this server."
msgstr "Tipo de página de comunidade para mostrar. 'Comunidade Global' mostra todos os textos públicos de uma rede aberta e distribuída que chega neste servidor."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:668
+#: mod/admin.php:976
msgid "Posts per user on community page"
msgstr "Textos por usuário na página da comunidade"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:668
+#: mod/admin.php:976
msgid ""
"The maximum number of posts per user on the community page. (Not valid for "
"'Global Community')"
msgstr "O número máximo de textos por usuário na página da comunidade. (Não é válido para 'comunidade global')"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:669
+#: mod/admin.php:977
msgid "Enable OStatus support"
msgstr "Habilitar suporte ao OStatus"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:669
+#: mod/admin.php:977
msgid ""
"Provide built-in OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social etc.) compatibility. All "
"communications in OStatus are public, so privacy warnings will be "
"occasionally displayed."
msgstr "Fornece compatibilidade OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social, etc.). Todas as comunicações no OStatus são públicas, assim avisos de privacidade serão ocasionalmente mostrados."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:670
+#: mod/admin.php:978
msgid "OStatus conversation completion interval"
msgstr "Intervalo de finalização da conversação OStatus "
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:670
+#: mod/admin.php:978
msgid ""
"How often shall the poller check for new entries in OStatus conversations? "
"This can be a very ressource task."
msgstr "De quanto em quanto tempo o \"buscador\" (poller) deve checar por novas entradas numa conversação OStatus? Essa pode ser uma tarefa bem demorada."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:671
+#: mod/admin.php:979
+msgid "Only import OStatus threads from our contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:979
+msgid ""
+"Normally we import every content from our OStatus contacts. With this option"
+" we only store threads that are started by a contact that is known on our "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:980
+msgid "OStatus support can only be enabled if threading is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:982
+msgid ""
+"Diaspora support can't be enabled because Friendica was installed into a sub"
+" directory."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:983
msgid "Enable Diaspora support"
msgstr "Habilitar suporte ao Diaspora"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:671
+#: mod/admin.php:983
msgid "Provide built-in Diaspora network compatibility."
msgstr "Fornece compatibilidade nativa com a rede Diaspora."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:672
+#: mod/admin.php:984
msgid "Only allow Friendica contacts"
msgstr "Permitir somente contatos Friendica"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:672
+#: mod/admin.php:984
msgid ""
"All contacts must use Friendica protocols. All other built-in communication "
"protocols disabled."
msgstr "Todos os contatos devem usar protocolos Friendica. Todos os outros protocolos de comunicação embarcados estão desabilitados"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:673
+#: mod/admin.php:985
msgid "Verify SSL"
msgstr "Verificar SSL"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:673
+#: mod/admin.php:985
msgid ""
"If you wish, you can turn on strict certificate checking. This will mean you"
" cannot connect (at all) to self-signed SSL sites."
msgstr "Caso deseje, você pode habilitar a restrição de certificações. Isso significa que você não poderá conectar-se a nenhum site que use certificados auto-assinados."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:674
+#: mod/admin.php:986
msgid "Proxy user"
msgstr "Usuário do proxy"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:675
+#: mod/admin.php:987
msgid "Proxy URL"
msgstr "URL do proxy"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:676
+#: mod/admin.php:988
msgid "Network timeout"
msgstr "Limite de tempo da rede"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:676
+#: mod/admin.php:988
msgid "Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended)."
msgstr "Valor em segundos. Defina como 0 para ilimitado (não recomendado)."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:677
+#: mod/admin.php:989
msgid "Delivery interval"
msgstr "Intervalo de envio"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:677
+#: mod/admin.php:989
msgid ""
"Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
"load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 "
"for large dedicated servers."
msgstr "Postergue o processo de entrega em background por essa quantidade de segundos visando reduzir a carga do sistema. Recomendado: 4-5 para servidores compartilhados (shared hosts), 2-3 para servidores privados virtuais (VPS). 0-1 para grandes servidores dedicados."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:678
+#: mod/admin.php:990
msgid "Poll interval"
msgstr "Intervalo da busca (polling)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:678
+#: mod/admin.php:990
msgid ""
"Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
"load. If 0, use delivery interval."
msgstr "Postergue o processo de entrega em background por essa quantidade de segundos visando reduzir a carga do sistema. Se 0, use intervalo de entrega."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:679
+#: mod/admin.php:991
msgid "Maximum Load Average"
msgstr "Média de Carga Máxima"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:679
+#: mod/admin.php:991
msgid ""
"Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - "
"default 50."
msgstr "Carga do sistema máxima antes que os processos de entrega e busca sejam postergados - padrão 50."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:681
+#: mod/admin.php:992
+msgid "Maximum Load Average (Frontend)"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:992
+msgid "Maximum system load before the frontend quits service - default 50."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:993
+msgid "Maximum table size for optimization"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:993
+msgid ""
+"Maximum table size (in MB) for the automatic optimization - default 100 MB. "
+"Enter -1 to disable it."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:994
+msgid "Minimum level of fragmentation"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:994
+msgid ""
+"Minimum fragmenation level to start the automatic optimization - default "
+"value is 30%."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:996
+msgid "Periodical check of global contacts"
+msgstr "Checagem periódica dos contatos globais"
+#: mod/admin.php:996
+msgid ""
+"If enabled, the global contacts are checked periodically for missing or "
+"outdated data and the vitality of the contacts and servers."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:997
+msgid "Days between requery"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:997
+msgid "Number of days after which a server is requeried for his contacts."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:998
+msgid "Discover contacts from other servers"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:998
+msgid ""
+"Periodically query other servers for contacts. You can choose between "
+"'users': the users on the remote system, 'Global Contacts': active contacts "
+"that are known on the system. The fallback is meant for Redmatrix servers "
+"and older friendica servers, where global contacts weren't available. The "
+"fallback increases the server load, so the recommened setting is 'Users, "
+"Global Contacts'."
+msgstr "Periodicamente buscar contatos em outros servidores. Você pode entre 'Usuários': os usuários do sistema remoto; e 'Contatos Globais': os contatos ativos conhecidos pelo sistema. O plano B é destinado a servidores rodando Redmatrix ou Friendica, se mais antigos, para os quais os contatos globais não estavam disponíveis. O plano B aumenta a carga do servidor, por isso a opção recomendada é 'Usuários, Contatos Globais'."
+#: mod/admin.php:999
+msgid "Timeframe for fetching global contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:999
+msgid ""
+"When the discovery is activated, this value defines the timeframe for the "
+"activity of the global contacts that are fetched from other servers."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1000
+msgid "Search the local directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1000
+msgid ""
+"Search the local directory instead of the global directory. When searching "
+"locally, every search will be executed on the global directory in the "
+"background. This improves the search results when the search is repeated."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1002
+msgid "Publish server information"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1002
+msgid ""
+"If enabled, general server and usage data will be published. The data "
+"contains the name and version of the server, number of users with public "
+"profiles, number of posts and the activated protocols and connectors. See the-federation.info for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1004
msgid "Use MySQL full text engine"
msgstr "Use o engine de texto completo (full text) do MySQL"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:681
+#: mod/admin.php:1004
msgid ""
"Activates the full text engine. Speeds up search - but can only search for "
"four and more characters."
msgstr "Ativa a engine de texto completo (full text). Acelera a busca - mas só pode buscar apenas por 4 ou mais caracteres."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:682
+#: mod/admin.php:1005
msgid "Suppress Language"
msgstr "Retira idioma"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:682
+#: mod/admin.php:1005
msgid "Suppress language information in meta information about a posting."
msgstr "Retira informações sobre idioma nas meta informações sobre uma publicação."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:683
+#: mod/admin.php:1006
msgid "Suppress Tags"
msgstr "Suprime etiquetas"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:683
+#: mod/admin.php:1006
msgid "Suppress showing a list of hashtags at the end of the posting."
msgstr "suprime mostrar uma lista de hashtags no final de cada texto."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:684
+#: mod/admin.php:1007
msgid "Path to item cache"
msgstr "Diretório do cache de item"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:685
+#: mod/admin.php:1007
+msgid "The item caches buffers generated bbcode and external images."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1008
msgid "Cache duration in seconds"
msgstr "Duração do cache em segundos"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:685
+#: mod/admin.php:1008
msgid ""
"How long should the cache files be hold? Default value is 86400 seconds (One"
" day). To disable the item cache, set the value to -1."
msgstr "Por quanto tempo os arquivos de cache devem ser mantidos? O valor padrão é 86400 segundos (um dia). Para desativar o cache, defina o valor para -1."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:686
+#: mod/admin.php:1009
msgid "Maximum numbers of comments per post"
msgstr "O número máximo de comentários por post"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:686
+#: mod/admin.php:1009
msgid "How much comments should be shown for each post? Default value is 100."
msgstr "Quanto comentários devem ser mostradas em cada post? O valor padrão é 100."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:687
+#: mod/admin.php:1010
msgid "Path for lock file"
msgstr "Diretório do arquivo de trava"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:688
+#: mod/admin.php:1010
+msgid ""
+"The lock file is used to avoid multiple pollers at one time. Only define a "
+"folder here."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1011
msgid "Temp path"
msgstr "Diretório Temp"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:689
+#: mod/admin.php:1011
+msgid ""
+"If you have a restricted system where the webserver can't access the system "
+"temp path, enter another path here."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1012
msgid "Base path to installation"
msgstr "Diretório base para instalação"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:690
+#: mod/admin.php:1012
+msgid ""
+"If the system cannot detect the correct path to your installation, enter the"
+" correct path here. This setting should only be set if you are using a "
+"restricted system and symbolic links to your webroot."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1013
msgid "Disable picture proxy"
msgstr "Disabilitar proxy de imagem"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:690
+#: mod/admin.php:1013
msgid ""
"The picture proxy increases performance and privacy. It shouldn't be used on"
" systems with very low bandwith."
msgstr "O proxy de imagem aumenta o desempenho e privacidade. Ele não deve ser usado em sistemas com largura de banda muito baixa."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:691
+#: mod/admin.php:1014
msgid "Enable old style pager"
msgstr "Habilita estilo antigo de paginação"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:691
+#: mod/admin.php:1014
msgid ""
"The old style pager has page numbers but slows down massively the page "
msgstr "O estilo antigo de paginação tem número de páginas mas dimunui muito a velocidade das páginas."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:692
+#: mod/admin.php:1015
msgid "Only search in tags"
msgstr "Somente pesquisa nas estiquetas"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:692
+#: mod/admin.php:1015
msgid "On large systems the text search can slow down the system extremely."
msgstr "Em grandes sistemas a pesquisa de texto pode deixar o sistema muito lento."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:694
+#: mod/admin.php:1017
msgid "New base url"
msgstr "Nova URL base"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:711
+#: mod/admin.php:1017
+msgid ""
+"Change base url for this server. Sends relocate message to all DFRN contacts"
+" of all users."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1019
+msgid "RINO Encryption"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1019
+msgid "Encryption layer between nodes."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1020
+msgid "Embedly API key"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1020
+msgid ""
+"Embedly is used to fetch additional data for "
+"web pages. This is an optional parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1022
+msgid "Enable 'worker' background processing"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1022
+msgid ""
+"The worker background processing limits the number of parallel background "
+"jobs to a maximum number and respects the system load."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1023
+msgid "Maximum number of parallel workers"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1023
+msgid ""
+"On shared hosters set this to 2. On larger systems, values of 10 are great. "
+"Default value is 4."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1024
+msgid "Don't use 'proc_open' with the worker"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1024
+msgid ""
+"Enable this if your system doesn't allow the use of 'proc_open'. This can "
+"happen on shared hosters. If this is enabled you should increase the "
+"frequency of poller calls in your crontab."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1025
+msgid "Enable fastlane"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1025
+msgid ""
+"When enabed, the fastlane mechanism starts an additional worker if processes"
+" with higher priority are blocked by processes of lower priority."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1054
msgid "Update has been marked successful"
msgstr "A atualização foi marcada como bem sucedida"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:719
+#: mod/admin.php:1062
#, php-format
msgid "Database structure update %s was successfully applied."
msgstr "A atualização da estrutura do banco de dados %s foi aplicada com sucesso."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:722
+#: mod/admin.php:1065
#, php-format
msgid "Executing of database structure update %s failed with error: %s"
msgstr "A execução da atualização da estrutura do banco de dados %s falhou com o erro: %s"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:734
+#: mod/admin.php:1077
#, php-format
msgid "Executing %s failed with error: %s"
msgstr "A execução de %s falhou com erro: %s"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:737
+#: mod/admin.php:1080
#, php-format
msgid "Update %s was successfully applied."
msgstr "A atualização %s foi aplicada com sucesso."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:741
+#: mod/admin.php:1084
#, php-format
msgid "Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded."
msgstr "Atualizar %s não retornou um status. Desconhecido se ele teve sucesso."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:743
+#: mod/admin.php:1086
#, php-format
msgid "There was no additional update function %s that needed to be called."
msgstr "Não havia nenhuma função de atualização %s adicional que precisava ser chamada."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:762
+#: mod/admin.php:1105
msgid "No failed updates."
msgstr "Nenhuma atualização com falha."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:763
+#: mod/admin.php:1106
msgid "Check database structure"
msgstr "Verifique a estrutura do banco de dados"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:768
+#: mod/admin.php:1111
msgid "Failed Updates"
msgstr "Atualizações com falha"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:769
+#: mod/admin.php:1112
msgid ""
"This does not include updates prior to 1139, which did not return a status."
msgstr "Isso não inclue atualizações antes da 1139, as quais não retornavam um status."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:770
+#: mod/admin.php:1113
msgid "Mark success (if update was manually applied)"
msgstr "Marcar como bem sucedida (caso tenham sido aplicadas atualizações manuais)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:771
+#: mod/admin.php:1114
msgid "Attempt to execute this update step automatically"
msgstr "Tentar executar esse passo da atualização automaticamente"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:803
+#: mod/admin.php:1146
#, php-format
msgid ""
@@ -5701,7 +5931,7 @@ msgid ""
"\t\t\t\tthe administrator of %2$s has set up an account for you."
msgstr "\n\t\t\tCaro %1$s,\n\t\t\t\to administrador de %2$s criou uma conta para você."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:806
+#: mod/admin.php:1149
#, php-format
msgid ""
@@ -5731,2207 +5961,2874 @@ msgid ""
"\t\t\tThank you and welcome to %4$s."
msgstr "\n\t\t\tOs dados de login são os seguintes:\n\n\t\t\tLocal do Site:\t%1$s\n\t\t\tNome de Login:\t\t%2$s\n\t\t\tSenha:\t\t%3$s\n\n\t\t\tVocê pode alterar sua senha na página de \"Configurações\" da sua conta após fazer o login.\n\n\t\t\tPor favor, dedique alguns minutos na página para rever as outras configurações da sua conta.\n\n\t\t\tTalvez você também queira incluir algumas informações básicas adicionais ao seu perfil padrão\n\t\t\t(na página de \"Perfis\") para que outras pessoas possam encontrá-lo com facilidade.\n\n\t\t\tRecomendamos que inclua seu nome completo, adicione uma foto do perfil,\n\t\t\tadicionar algumas \"palavras-chave\" (muito útil para fazer novas amizades) - e\n\t\t\ttalvez em que pais você mora; se você não quiser ser mais específico\n\t\t\tdo que isso.\n\n\t\t\tNós respeitamos plenamente seu direito à privacidade, e nenhum desses itens são necessários.\n\t\t\tSe você é novo por aqui e não conheço ninguém, eles podem ajuda-lo\n\t\t\ta fazer novas e interessantes amizades.\n\n\t\t\tObrigado e bem-vindo a %4$s."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:850
+#: mod/admin.php:1193
#, php-format
msgid "%s user blocked/unblocked"
msgid_plural "%s users blocked/unblocked"
msgstr[0] "%s usuário bloqueado/desbloqueado"
msgstr[1] "%s usuários bloqueados/desbloqueados"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:857
+#: mod/admin.php:1200
#, php-format
msgid "%s user deleted"
msgid_plural "%s users deleted"
msgstr[0] "%s usuário excluído"
msgstr[1] "%s usuários excluídos"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:896
+#: mod/admin.php:1247
#, php-format
msgid "User '%s' deleted"
msgstr "O usuário '%s' foi excluído"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:904
+#: mod/admin.php:1255
#, php-format
msgid "User '%s' unblocked"
msgstr "O usuário '%s' foi desbloqueado"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:904
+#: mod/admin.php:1255
#, php-format
msgid "User '%s' blocked"
msgstr "O usuário '%s' foi bloqueado"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:999
-msgid "Add User"
-msgstr "Adicionar usuário"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1000
-msgid "select all"
-msgstr "selecionar todos"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1001
-msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm"
-msgstr "Registros de usuário aguardando confirmação"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1002
-msgid "User waiting for permanent deletion"
-msgstr "Usuário aguardando por fim permanente da conta."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1003
-msgid "Request date"
-msgstr "Solicitar data"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1004
-msgid "No registrations."
-msgstr "Nenhum registro."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1006
-msgid "Deny"
-msgstr "Negar"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1010
-msgid "Site admin"
-msgstr "Administração do site"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1011
-msgid "Account expired"
-msgstr "Conta expirou"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1014
-msgid "New User"
-msgstr "Novo usuário"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1015 ../../mod/admin.php:1016
+#: mod/admin.php:1374 mod/admin.php:1399
msgid "Register date"
msgstr "Data de registro"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1015 ../../mod/admin.php:1016
+#: mod/admin.php:1374 mod/admin.php:1399
msgid "Last login"
msgstr "Última entrada"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1015 ../../mod/admin.php:1016
+#: mod/admin.php:1374 mod/admin.php:1399
msgid "Last item"
msgstr "Último item"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1015
+#: mod/admin.php:1374 mod/settings.php:43
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Conta"
+#: mod/admin.php:1383
+msgid "Add User"
+msgstr "Adicionar usuário"
+#: mod/admin.php:1384
+msgid "select all"
+msgstr "selecionar todos"
+#: mod/admin.php:1385
+msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm"
+msgstr "Registros de usuário aguardando confirmação"
+#: mod/admin.php:1386
+msgid "User waiting for permanent deletion"
+msgstr "Usuário aguardando por fim permanente da conta."
+#: mod/admin.php:1387
+msgid "Request date"
+msgstr "Solicitar data"
+#: mod/admin.php:1388
+msgid "No registrations."
+msgstr "Nenhum registro."
+#: mod/admin.php:1389 mod/notifications.php:176 mod/notifications.php:249
+msgid "Approve"
+msgstr "Aprovar"
+#: mod/admin.php:1390
+msgid "Deny"
+msgstr "Negar"
+#: mod/admin.php:1392 mod/contacts.php:605 mod/contacts.php:803
+#: mod/contacts.php:997
+msgid "Block"
+msgstr "Bloquear"
+#: mod/admin.php:1393 mod/contacts.php:605 mod/contacts.php:803
+#: mod/contacts.php:997
+msgid "Unblock"
+msgstr "Desbloquear"
+#: mod/admin.php:1394
+msgid "Site admin"
+msgstr "Administração do site"
+#: mod/admin.php:1395
+msgid "Account expired"
+msgstr "Conta expirou"
+#: mod/admin.php:1398
+msgid "New User"
+msgstr "Novo usuário"
+#: mod/admin.php:1399
msgid "Deleted since"
msgstr "Apagado desde"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1018
+#: mod/admin.php:1404
msgid ""
"Selected users will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these users had posted on "
"this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
msgstr "Os usuários selecionados serão excluídos!\\n\\nTudo o que estes usuários publicaram neste site será excluído permanentemente!\\n\\nDeseja continuar?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1019
+#: mod/admin.php:1405
msgid ""
"The user {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this user has posted on this "
"site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
msgstr "O usuário {0} será excluído!\\n\\nTudo o que este usuário publicou neste site será permanentemente excluído!\\n\\nDeseja continuar?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1029
+#: mod/admin.php:1415
msgid "Name of the new user."
-msgstr "Nome do novo usuários."
+msgstr "Nome do novo usuário."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1030
+#: mod/admin.php:1416
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Apelido"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1030
+#: mod/admin.php:1416
msgid "Nickname of the new user."
msgstr "Apelido para o novo usuário."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1031
+#: mod/admin.php:1417
msgid "Email address of the new user."
msgstr "Endereço de e-mail do novo usuário."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1064
+#: mod/admin.php:1460
#, php-format
msgid "Plugin %s disabled."
msgstr "O plugin %s foi desabilitado."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1068
+#: mod/admin.php:1464
#, php-format
msgid "Plugin %s enabled."
msgstr "O plugin %s foi habilitado."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1078 ../../mod/admin.php:1294
+#: mod/admin.php:1475 mod/admin.php:1711
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Desabilitar"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1080 ../../mod/admin.php:1296
+#: mod/admin.php:1477 mod/admin.php:1713
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Habilitar"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1103 ../../mod/admin.php:1324
+#: mod/admin.php:1500 mod/admin.php:1758
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr "Alternar"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1111 ../../mod/admin.php:1334
+#: mod/admin.php:1508 mod/admin.php:1767
msgid "Author: "
msgstr "Autor: "
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1112 ../../mod/admin.php:1335
+#: mod/admin.php:1509 mod/admin.php:1768
msgid "Maintainer: "
msgstr "Mantenedor: "
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1254
+#: mod/admin.php:1561
+msgid "Reload active plugins"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1566
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"There are currently no plugins available on your node. You can find the "
+"official plugin repository at %1$s and might find other interesting plugins "
+"in the open plugin registry at %2$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1671
msgid "No themes found."
msgstr "Nenhum tema encontrado"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1316
+#: mod/admin.php:1749
msgid "Screenshot"
msgstr "Captura de tela"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1362
+#: mod/admin.php:1809
+msgid "Reload active themes"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1814
+#, php-format
+msgid "No themes found on the system. They should be paced in %1$s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/admin.php:1815
msgid "[Experimental]"
msgstr "[Esperimental]"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1363
+#: mod/admin.php:1816
msgid "[Unsupported]"
msgstr "[Não suportado]"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1390
+#: mod/admin.php:1840
msgid "Log settings updated."
msgstr "As configurações de relatórios foram atualizadas."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1446
+#: mod/admin.php:1877
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Limpar"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1452
+#: mod/admin.php:1882
msgid "Enable Debugging"
-msgstr "Habilitar Debugging"
+msgstr "Habilitar depuração"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1453
+#: mod/admin.php:1883
msgid "Log file"
msgstr "Arquivo do relatório"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1453
+#: mod/admin.php:1883
msgid ""
"Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Friendica top-level "
msgstr "O servidor web precisa ter permissão de escrita. Relativa ao diretório raiz do seu Friendica."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1454
+#: mod/admin.php:1884
msgid "Log level"
msgstr "Nível do relatório"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1504
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Fechar"
+#: mod/admin.php:1887
+msgid "PHP logging"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1510
-msgid "FTP Host"
-msgstr "Endereço do FTP"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1511
-msgid "FTP Path"
-msgstr "Caminho do FTP"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1512
-msgid "FTP User"
-msgstr "Usuário do FTP"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1513
-msgid "FTP Password"
-msgstr "Senha do FTP"
-#: ../../mod/wall_upload.php:122 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:144
-#, php-format
-msgid "Image exceeds size limit of %d"
-msgstr "A imagem excede o limite de tamanho de %d"
-#: ../../mod/wall_upload.php:144 ../../mod/photos.php:807
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:153
-msgid "Unable to process image."
-msgstr "Não foi possível processar a imagem."
-#: ../../mod/wall_upload.php:172 ../../mod/photos.php:834
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:301
-msgid "Image upload failed."
-msgstr "Não foi possível enviar a imagem."
-#: ../../mod/home.php:35
-#, php-format
-msgid "Welcome to %s"
-msgstr "Bem-vindo(a) a %s"
-#: ../../mod/openid.php:24
-msgid "OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."
-msgstr "Erro no protocolo OpenID. Não foi retornada nenhuma ID."
-#: ../../mod/openid.php:53
+#: mod/admin.php:1888
msgid ""
-"Account not found and OpenID registration is not permitted on this site."
-msgstr "A conta não foi encontrada e não são permitidos registros via OpenID nesse site."
+"To enable logging of PHP errors and warnings you can add the following to "
+"the .htconfig.php file of your installation. The filename set in the "
+"'error_log' line is relative to the friendica top-level directory and must "
+"be writeable by the web server. The option '1' for 'log_errors' and "
+"'display_errors' is to enable these options, set to '0' to disable them."
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/network.php:142
-msgid "Search Results For:"
-msgstr "Resultados de Busca Por:"
+#: mod/admin.php:2014 mod/admin.php:2015 mod/settings.php:763
+msgid "Off"
+msgstr "Off"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:185 ../../mod/search.php:21
-msgid "Remove term"
-msgstr "Remover o termo"
+#: mod/admin.php:2014 mod/admin.php:2015 mod/settings.php:763
+msgid "On"
+msgstr "On"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:356
-msgid "Commented Order"
-msgstr "Ordem dos comentários"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:359
-msgid "Sort by Comment Date"
-msgstr "Ordenar pela data do comentário"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:362
-msgid "Posted Order"
-msgstr "Ordem das publicações"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:365
-msgid "Sort by Post Date"
-msgstr "Ordenar pela data de publicação"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:374
-msgid "Posts that mention or involve you"
-msgstr "Publicações que mencionem ou envolvam você"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:380
-msgid "New"
-msgstr "Nova"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:383
-msgid "Activity Stream - by date"
-msgstr "Fluxo de atividades - por data"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:389
-msgid "Shared Links"
-msgstr "Links compartilhados"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:392
-msgid "Interesting Links"
-msgstr "Links interessantes"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:398
-msgid "Starred"
-msgstr "Destacada"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:401
-msgid "Favourite Posts"
-msgstr "Publicações favoritas"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:463
+#: mod/admin.php:2015
#, php-format
-msgid "Warning: This group contains %s member from an insecure network."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Warning: This group contains %s members from an insecure network."
-msgstr[0] "Aviso: Este grupo contém %s membro de uma rede insegura."
-msgstr[1] "Aviso: Este grupo contém %s membros de uma rede insegura."
+msgid "Lock feature %s"
+msgstr "Bloquear funcionalidade %s"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:466
-msgid "Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure."
-msgstr "Mensagens privadas para este grupo correm o risco de sofrerem divulgação pública."
+#: mod/admin.php:2023
+msgid "Manage Additional Features"
+msgstr "Gerenciar funcionalidades adicionais"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:520 ../../mod/content.php:119
-msgid "No such group"
-msgstr "Este grupo não existe"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:537 ../../mod/content.php:130
-msgid "Group is empty"
-msgstr "O grupo está vazio"
-#: ../../mod/network.php:544 ../../mod/content.php:134
-msgid "Group: "
-msgstr "Grupo: "
-#: ../../mod/network.php:554
-msgid "Contact: "
-msgstr "Contato: "
-#: ../../mod/network.php:556
-msgid "Private messages to this person are at risk of public disclosure."
-msgstr "Mensagens privadas para esta pessoa correm o risco de sofrerem divulgação pública."
-#: ../../mod/network.php:561
-msgid "Invalid contact."
-msgstr "Contato inválido."
-#: ../../mod/filer.php:30
-msgid "- select -"
-msgstr "-selecione-"
-#: ../../mod/friendica.php:59
-msgid "This is Friendica, version"
-msgstr "Este é o Friendica, versão"
-#: ../../mod/friendica.php:60
-msgid "running at web location"
-msgstr "sendo executado no endereço web"
-#: ../../mod/friendica.php:62
-msgid ""
-"Please visit Friendica.com to learn "
-"more about the Friendica project."
-msgstr "Por favor, visite friendica.com para aprender mais sobre o projeto Friendica."
-#: ../../mod/friendica.php:64
-msgid "Bug reports and issues: please visit"
-msgstr "Relatos e acompanhamentos de erros podem ser encontrados em"
-#: ../../mod/friendica.php:65
-msgid ""
-"Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email \"Info\" at Friendica - "
-"dot com"
-msgstr "Sugestões, elogios, doações, etc. - favor enviar e-mail para \"Info\" arroba Friendica - ponto com"
-#: ../../mod/friendica.php:79
-msgid "Installed plugins/addons/apps:"
-msgstr "Plugins/complementos/aplicações instaladas:"
-#: ../../mod/friendica.php:92
-msgid "No installed plugins/addons/apps"
-msgstr "Nenhum plugin/complemento/aplicativo instalado"
-#: ../../mod/apps.php:11
-msgid "Applications"
-msgstr "Aplicativos"
-#: ../../mod/apps.php:14
-msgid "No installed applications."
-msgstr "Nenhum aplicativo instalado"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:67 ../../mod/photos.php:1262 ../../mod/photos.php:1819
-msgid "Upload New Photos"
-msgstr "Enviar novas fotos"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:144
-msgid "Contact information unavailable"
-msgstr "A informação de contato não está disponível"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:165
-msgid "Album not found."
-msgstr "O álbum não foi encontrado."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:188 ../../mod/photos.php:200 ../../mod/photos.php:1204
-msgid "Delete Album"
-msgstr "Excluir o álbum"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:198
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"
-msgstr "Você realmente deseja deletar esse álbum de fotos e todas as suas fotos?"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:278 ../../mod/photos.php:289 ../../mod/photos.php:1515
-msgid "Delete Photo"
-msgstr "Excluir a foto"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:287
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo?"
-msgstr "Você realmente deseja deletar essa foto?"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:662
+#: mod/contacts.php:128
#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s was tagged in %2$s by %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s foi marcado em %2$s por %3$s"
+msgid "%d contact edited."
+msgid_plural "%d contacts edited."
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:662
-msgid "a photo"
-msgstr "uma foto"
+#: mod/contacts.php:159 mod/contacts.php:368
+msgid "Could not access contact record."
+msgstr "Não foi possível acessar o registro do contato."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:767
-msgid "Image exceeds size limit of "
-msgstr "A imagem excede o tamanho máximo de "
+#: mod/contacts.php:173
+msgid "Could not locate selected profile."
+msgstr "Não foi possível localizar o perfil selecionado."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:775
-msgid "Image file is empty."
-msgstr "O arquivo de imagem está vazio."
+#: mod/contacts.php:206
+msgid "Contact updated."
+msgstr "O contato foi atualizado."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:930
-msgid "No photos selected"
-msgstr "Não foi selecionada nenhuma foto"
+#: mod/contacts.php:389
+msgid "Contact has been blocked"
+msgstr "O contato foi bloqueado"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1094
+#: mod/contacts.php:389
+msgid "Contact has been unblocked"
+msgstr "O contato foi desbloqueado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:400
+msgid "Contact has been ignored"
+msgstr "O contato foi ignorado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:400
+msgid "Contact has been unignored"
+msgstr "O contato deixou de ser ignorado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:412
+msgid "Contact has been archived"
+msgstr "O contato foi arquivado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:412
+msgid "Contact has been unarchived"
+msgstr "O contato foi desarquivado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:437
+msgid "Drop contact"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:440 mod/contacts.php:799
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this contact?"
+msgstr "Você realmente deseja deletar esse contato?"
+#: mod/contacts.php:457
+msgid "Contact has been removed."
+msgstr "O contato foi removido."
+#: mod/contacts.php:498
#, php-format
-msgid "You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."
-msgstr "Você está usando %1$.2f Mbytes dos %2$.2f Mbytes liberados para armazenamento de fotos."
+msgid "You are mutual friends with %s"
+msgstr "Você tem uma amizade mútua com %s"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1129
-msgid "Upload Photos"
-msgstr "Enviar fotos"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1133 ../../mod/photos.php:1199
-msgid "New album name: "
-msgstr "Nome do novo álbum: "
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1134
-msgid "or existing album name: "
-msgstr "ou o nome de um álbum já existente: "
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1135
-msgid "Do not show a status post for this upload"
-msgstr "Não exiba uma publicação de status para este envio"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1137 ../../mod/photos.php:1510
-msgid "Permissions"
-msgstr "Permissões"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1148
-msgid "Private Photo"
-msgstr "Foto Privada"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1149
-msgid "Public Photo"
-msgstr "Foto Pública"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1212
-msgid "Edit Album"
-msgstr "Editar o álbum"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1218
-msgid "Show Newest First"
-msgstr "Exibir as mais recentes primeiro"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1220
-msgid "Show Oldest First"
-msgstr "Exibir as mais antigas primeiro"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1248 ../../mod/photos.php:1802
-msgid "View Photo"
-msgstr "Ver a foto"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1294
-msgid "Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."
-msgstr "Permissão negada. O acesso a este item pode estar restrito."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1296
-msgid "Photo not available"
-msgstr "A foto não está disponível"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1352
-msgid "View photo"
-msgstr "Ver a imagem"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1352
-msgid "Edit photo"
-msgstr "Editar a foto"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1353
-msgid "Use as profile photo"
-msgstr "Usar como uma foto de perfil"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1378
-msgid "View Full Size"
-msgstr "Ver no tamanho real"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1457
-msgid "Tags: "
-msgstr "Etiquetas: "
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1460
-msgid "[Remove any tag]"
-msgstr "[Remover qualquer etiqueta]"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1500
-msgid "Rotate CW (right)"
-msgstr "Rotacionar para direita"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1501
-msgid "Rotate CCW (left)"
-msgstr "Rotacionar para esquerda"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1503
-msgid "New album name"
-msgstr "Novo nome para o álbum"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1506
-msgid "Caption"
-msgstr "Legenda"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1508
-msgid "Add a Tag"
-msgstr "Adicionar uma etiqueta"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1512
-msgid ""
-"Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"
-msgstr "Por exemplo: @joao, @Joao_da_Silva, @joao@exemplo.com, #Minas_Gerais, #acampamento"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1521
-msgid "Private photo"
-msgstr "Foto privada"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1522
-msgid "Public photo"
-msgstr "Foto pública"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1817
-msgid "Recent Photos"
-msgstr "Fotos recentes"
-#: ../../mod/bookmarklet.php:41
-msgid "The post was created"
-msgstr "O texto foi criado"
-#: ../../mod/follow.php:27
-msgid "Contact added"
-msgstr "O contato foi adicionado"
-#: ../../mod/uimport.php:66
-msgid "Move account"
-msgstr "Mover conta"
-#: ../../mod/uimport.php:67
-msgid "You can import an account from another Friendica server."
-msgstr "Você pode importar um conta de outro sevidor Friendica."
-#: ../../mod/uimport.php:68
-msgid ""
-"You need to export your account from the old server and upload it here. We "
-"will recreate your old account here with all your contacts. We will try also"
-" to inform your friends that you moved here."
-msgstr "Você precisa exportar sua conta de um servidor antigo e fazer o upload aqui. Nós recriaremos sua conta antiga aqui com todos os seus contatos. Nós também tentaremos informar seus amigos que você se mudou para cá."
-#: ../../mod/uimport.php:69
-msgid ""
-"This feature is experimental. We can't import contacts from the OStatus "
-"network (statusnet/identi.ca) or from Diaspora"
-msgstr "Esse recurso é experimental. Nós não podemos importar contatos de uma rede OStatus (statusnet/identi.ca) ou do Diaspora"
-#: ../../mod/uimport.php:70
-msgid "Account file"
-msgstr "Arquivo de conta"
-#: ../../mod/uimport.php:70
-msgid ""
-"To export your account, go to \"Settings->Export your personal data\" and "
-"select \"Export account\""
-msgstr "Para exportar a sua conta, entre em \"Configurações->Exportar dados pessoais\" e selecione \"Exportar conta\""
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:27
-msgid "Total invitation limit exceeded."
-msgstr "Limite de convites totais excedido."
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:49
+#: mod/contacts.php:502
#, php-format
-msgid "%s : Not a valid email address."
-msgstr "%s : Não é um endereço de e-mail válido."
+msgid "You are sharing with %s"
+msgstr "Você está compartilhando com %s"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:73
-msgid "Please join us on Friendica"
-msgstr "Por favor, junte-se à nós na Friendica"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:84
-msgid "Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."
-msgstr "Limite de convites ultrapassado. Favor contactar o administrador do sítio."
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:89
+#: mod/contacts.php:507
#, php-format
-msgid "%s : Message delivery failed."
-msgstr "%s : Não foi possível enviar a mensagem."
+msgid "%s is sharing with you"
+msgstr "%s está compartilhando com você"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:93
+#: mod/contacts.php:527
+msgid "Private communications are not available for this contact."
+msgstr "As comunicações privadas não estão disponíveis para este contato."
+#: mod/contacts.php:534
+msgid "(Update was successful)"
+msgstr "(A atualização foi bem sucedida)"
+#: mod/contacts.php:534
+msgid "(Update was not successful)"
+msgstr "(A atualização não foi bem sucedida)"
+#: mod/contacts.php:536 mod/contacts.php:978
+msgid "Suggest friends"
+msgstr "Sugerir amigos"
+#: mod/contacts.php:540
#, php-format
-msgid "%d message sent."
-msgid_plural "%d messages sent."
-msgstr[0] "%d mensagem enviada."
-msgstr[1] "%d mensagens enviadas."
+msgid "Network type: %s"
+msgstr "Tipo de rede: %s"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:112
-msgid "You have no more invitations available"
-msgstr "Você não possui mais convites disponíveis"
+#: mod/contacts.php:553
+msgid "Communications lost with this contact!"
+msgstr "As comunicações com esse contato foram perdidas!"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:120
+#: mod/contacts.php:556
+msgid "Fetch further information for feeds"
+msgstr "Pega mais informações para feeds"
+#: mod/contacts.php:557
+msgid "Fetch information"
+msgstr "Buscar informações"
+#: mod/contacts.php:557
+msgid "Fetch information and keywords"
+msgstr "Buscar informação e palavras-chave"
+#: mod/contacts.php:575
+msgid "Contact"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/contacts.php:578
+msgid "Profile Visibility"
+msgstr "Visibilidade do perfil"
+#: mod/contacts.php:579
#, php-format
msgid ""
-"Visit %s for a list of public sites that you can join. Friendica members on "
-"other sites can all connect with each other, as well as with members of many"
-" other social networks."
-msgstr "Visite %s para obter uma lista de sites públicos onde você pode se cadastrar. Membros da friendica podem se conectar, mesmo que estejam em sites separados. Além disso você também pode se conectar com membros de várias outras redes sociais."
+"Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your "
+"profile securely."
+msgstr "Por favor, selecione o perfil que você gostaria de exibir para %s quando estiver visualizando seu perfil de modo seguro."
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:122
-#, php-format
+#: mod/contacts.php:580
+msgid "Contact Information / Notes"
+msgstr "Informações sobre o contato / Anotações"
+#: mod/contacts.php:581
+msgid "Edit contact notes"
+msgstr "Editar as anotações do contato"
+#: mod/contacts.php:587
+msgid "Block/Unblock contact"
+msgstr "Bloquear/desbloquear o contato"
+#: mod/contacts.php:588
+msgid "Ignore contact"
+msgstr "Ignorar o contato"
+#: mod/contacts.php:589
+msgid "Repair URL settings"
+msgstr "Reparar as definições de URL"
+#: mod/contacts.php:590
+msgid "View conversations"
+msgstr "Ver as conversas"
+#: mod/contacts.php:596
+msgid "Last update:"
+msgstr "Última atualização:"
+#: mod/contacts.php:598
+msgid "Update public posts"
+msgstr "Atualizar publicações públicas"
+#: mod/contacts.php:600 mod/contacts.php:988
+msgid "Update now"
+msgstr "Atualizar agora"
+#: mod/contacts.php:606 mod/contacts.php:804 mod/contacts.php:1005
+msgid "Unignore"
+msgstr "Deixar de ignorar"
+#: mod/contacts.php:606 mod/contacts.php:804 mod/contacts.php:1005
+#: mod/notifications.php:60 mod/notifications.php:179
+#: mod/notifications.php:251
+msgid "Ignore"
+msgstr "Ignorar"
+#: mod/contacts.php:610
+msgid "Currently blocked"
+msgstr "Atualmente bloqueado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:611
+msgid "Currently ignored"
+msgstr "Atualmente ignorado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:612
+msgid "Currently archived"
+msgstr "Atualmente arquivado"
+#: mod/contacts.php:613 mod/notifications.php:172 mod/notifications.php:239
+msgid "Hide this contact from others"
+msgstr "Ocultar este contato dos outros"
+#: mod/contacts.php:613
msgid ""
-"To accept this invitation, please visit and register at %s or any other "
-"public Friendica website."
-msgstr "Para aceitar esse convite, por favor cadastre-se em %s ou qualquer outro site friendica público."
+"Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"
+msgstr "Respostas/gostadas associados às suas publicações ainda podem estar visíveis"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:123
-#, php-format
+#: mod/contacts.php:614
+msgid "Notification for new posts"
+msgstr "Notificações para novas publicações"
+#: mod/contacts.php:614
+msgid "Send a notification of every new post of this contact"
+msgstr "Envie uma notificação para todos as novas publicações deste contato"
+#: mod/contacts.php:617
+msgid "Blacklisted keywords"
+msgstr "Palavras-chave na Lista Negra"
+#: mod/contacts.php:617
msgid ""
-"Friendica sites all inter-connect to create a huge privacy-enhanced social "
-"web that is owned and controlled by its members. They can also connect with "
-"many traditional social networks. See %s for a list of alternate Friendica "
-"sites you can join."
-msgstr "Os sites friendica estão todos interconectados para criar uma grande rede social com foco na privacidade e controlada por seus membros, que também podem se conectar com várias redes sociais tradicionais. Dê uma olhada em %s para uma lista de sites friendica onde você pode se cadastrar."
+"Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, "
+"when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"
+msgstr "Lista de palavras-chave separadas por vírgulas que não devem ser convertidas para hashtags, quando \"Buscar informações e palavras-chave\" for selecionado."
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:126
-msgid ""
-"Our apologies. This system is not currently configured to connect with other"
-" public sites or invite members."
-msgstr "Desculpe, mas esse sistema não está configurado para conectar-se com outros sites públicos nem permite convidar novos membros."
+#: mod/contacts.php:633
+msgid "Actions"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:132
-msgid "Send invitations"
-msgstr "Enviar convites."
+#: mod/contacts.php:636
+msgid "Contact Settings"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:133
-msgid "Enter email addresses, one per line:"
-msgstr "Digite os endereços de e-mail, um por linha:"
+#: mod/contacts.php:682
+msgid "Suggestions"
+msgstr "Sugestões"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:135
-msgid ""
-"You are cordially invited to join me and other close friends on Friendica - "
-"and help us to create a better social web."
-msgstr "Você está convidado a se juntar a mim e outros amigos em friendica - e também nos ajudar a criar uma experiência social melhor na web."
+#: mod/contacts.php:685
+msgid "Suggest potential friends"
+msgstr "Sugerir amigos em potencial"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:137
-msgid "You will need to supply this invitation code: $invite_code"
-msgstr "Você preciso informar este código de convite: $invite_code"
+#: mod/contacts.php:693
+msgid "Show all contacts"
+msgstr "Exibe todos os contatos"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:137
-msgid ""
-"Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:"
-msgstr "Após você se registrar, por favor conecte-se comigo através da minha página de perfil em:"
+#: mod/contacts.php:698
+msgid "Unblocked"
+msgstr "Desbloquear"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:139
-msgid ""
-"For more information about the Friendica project and why we feel it is "
-"important, please visit http://friendica.com"
-msgstr "Para mais informações sobre o projeto Friendica e porque nós achamos que ele é importante, por favor visite-nos em http://friendica.com."
+#: mod/contacts.php:701
+msgid "Only show unblocked contacts"
+msgstr "Exibe somente contatos desbloqueados"
-#: ../../mod/viewsrc.php:7
-msgid "Access denied."
-msgstr "Acesso negado."
+#: mod/contacts.php:707
+msgid "Blocked"
+msgstr "Bloqueado"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:19
-msgid "No valid account found."
-msgstr "Não foi encontrada nenhuma conta válida."
+#: mod/contacts.php:710
+msgid "Only show blocked contacts"
+msgstr "Exibe somente contatos bloqueados"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:35
-msgid "Password reset request issued. Check your email."
-msgstr "A solicitação para reiniciar sua senha foi encaminhada. Verifique seu e-mail."
+#: mod/contacts.php:716
+msgid "Ignored"
+msgstr "Ignorados"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:42
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
-"\t\t\tA request was recently received at \"%2$s\" to reset your account\n"
-"\t\tpassword. In order to confirm this request, please select the verification link\n"
-"\t\tbelow or paste it into your web browser address bar.\n"
-"\t\tIf you did NOT request this change, please DO NOT follow the link\n"
-"\t\tprovided and ignore and/or delete this email.\n"
-"\t\tYour password will not be changed unless we can verify that you\n"
-"\t\tissued this request."
-msgstr "\n\t\tPrezado %1$s,\n\t\t\tUma solicitação foi recebida recentemente em \"%2$s\" para redefinir a\n\t\tsenha da sua conta. Para confirmar este pedido, por favor selecione o link de confirmação\n\t\tabaixo ou copie e cole-o na barra de endereço do seu navegador.\n\n\t\tSe NÃO foi você que solicitou esta alteração por favor, NÃO clique no link\n\t\tfornecido e ignore e/ou apague este e-mail.\n\n\t\tSua senha não será alterada a menos que possamos verificar que foi você que\n\t\temitiu esta solicitação."
+#: mod/contacts.php:719
+msgid "Only show ignored contacts"
+msgstr "Exibe somente contatos ignorados"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:53
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\tFollow this link to verify your identity:\n"
-"\t\tYou will then receive a follow-up message containing the new password.\n"
-"\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n"
-"\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n"
-"\t\tSite Location:\t%2$s\n"
-"\t\tLogin Name:\t%3$s"
-msgstr "\n\t\tSiga este link para verificar sua identidade:\n\n\t\t%1$s\n\n\t\tVocê então receberá uma mensagem de continuidade contendo a nova senha.\n\t\tVocê pode alterar sua senha na sua página de configurações após efetuar seu login.\n\n\t\tOs dados de login são os seguintes:\n\n\t\tLocalização do Site:\t%2$s\n\t\tNome de Login:\t%3$s"
+#: mod/contacts.php:725
+msgid "Archived"
+msgstr "Arquivados"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:72
-#, php-format
-msgid "Password reset requested at %s"
-msgstr "Foi feita uma solicitação de reiniciação da senha em %s"
+#: mod/contacts.php:728
+msgid "Only show archived contacts"
+msgstr "Exibe somente contatos arquivados"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) "
-"Password reset failed."
-msgstr "Não foi possível verificar a solicitação (você pode tê-la submetido anteriormente). A senha não foi reiniciada."
+#: mod/contacts.php:734
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr "Ocultos"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:110
-msgid "Your password has been reset as requested."
-msgstr "Sua senha foi reiniciada, conforme solicitado."
+#: mod/contacts.php:737
+msgid "Only show hidden contacts"
+msgstr "Exibe somente contatos ocultos"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:111
-msgid "Your new password is"
-msgstr "Sua nova senha é"
+#: mod/contacts.php:794
+msgid "Search your contacts"
+msgstr "Pesquisar seus contatos"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:112
-msgid "Save or copy your new password - and then"
-msgstr "Grave ou copie a sua nova senha e, então"
+#: mod/contacts.php:802 mod/settings.php:158 mod/settings.php:689
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr "Atualizar"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:113
-msgid "click here to login"
-msgstr "clique aqui para entrar"
+#: mod/contacts.php:805 mod/contacts.php:1013
+msgid "Archive"
+msgstr "Arquivar"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:114
-msgid ""
-"Your password may be changed from the Settings page after "
-"successful login."
-msgstr "Sua senha pode ser alterada na página de Configurações após você entrar em seu perfil."
+#: mod/contacts.php:805 mod/contacts.php:1013
+msgid "Unarchive"
+msgstr "Desarquivar"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:125
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tDear %1$s,\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\tYour password has been changed as requested. Please retain this\n"
-"\t\t\t\tinformation for your records (or change your password immediately to\n"
-"\t\t\t\tsomething that you will remember).\n"
-msgstr "\n\t\t\t\tCaro %1$s,\n\t\t\t\t\tSua senha foi alterada conforme solicitado. Por favor, guarde essas\n\t\t\t\tinformações para seus registros (ou altere a sua senha imediatamente para\n\t\t\t\talgo que você se lembrará).\n\t\t\t"
+#: mod/contacts.php:808
+msgid "Batch Actions"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:131
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"\t\t\t\tYour login details are as follows:\n"
-"\t\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1$s\n"
-"\t\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%2$s\n"
-"\t\t\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n"
-msgstr "\n\t\t\t\tOs seus dados de login são os seguintes:\n\n\t\t\t\tLocalização do Site:\t%1$s\n\t\t\t\tNome de Login:\t%2$s\n\t\t\t\tSenha:\t%3$s\n\n\t\t\t\tVocê pode alterar esta senha na sua página de configurações depois que efetuar o seu login.\n\t\t\t"
+#: mod/contacts.php:854
+msgid "View all contacts"
+msgstr "Ver todos os contatos"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:147
-#, php-format
-msgid "Your password has been changed at %s"
-msgstr "Sua senha foi modifica às %s"
+#: mod/contacts.php:864
+msgid "View all common friends"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:159
-msgid "Forgot your Password?"
-msgstr "Esqueceu a sua senha?"
+#: mod/contacts.php:871
+msgid "Advanced Contact Settings"
+msgstr "Configurações avançadas do contato"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:160
-msgid ""
-"Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check "
-"your email for further instructions."
-msgstr "Digite o seu endereço de e-mail e clique em 'Reiniciar' para prosseguir com a reiniciação da sua senha. Após isso, verifique seu e-mail para mais instruções."
+#: mod/contacts.php:916
+msgid "Mutual Friendship"
+msgstr "Amizade mútua"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:161
-msgid "Nickname or Email: "
-msgstr "Identificação ou e-mail: "
+#: mod/contacts.php:920
+msgid "is a fan of yours"
+msgstr "é um fã seu"
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:162
-msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Reiniciar"
+#: mod/contacts.php:924
+msgid "you are a fan of"
+msgstr "você é um fã de"
-#: ../../mod/babel.php:17
-msgid "Source (bbcode) text:"
-msgstr "Texto fonte (bbcode):"
+#: mod/contacts.php:999
+msgid "Toggle Blocked status"
+msgstr "Alternar o status de bloqueio"
-#: ../../mod/babel.php:23
-msgid "Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"
-msgstr "Texto fonte (Diaspora) a converter para BBcode:"
+#: mod/contacts.php:1007
+msgid "Toggle Ignored status"
+msgstr "Alternar o status de ignorado"
-#: ../../mod/babel.php:31
-msgid "Source input: "
-msgstr "Entrada fonte:"
+#: mod/contacts.php:1015
+msgid "Toggle Archive status"
+msgstr "Alternar o status de arquivamento"
-#: ../../mod/babel.php:35
-msgid "bb2html (raw HTML): "
-msgstr "bb2html (HTML puro):"
+#: mod/contacts.php:1023
+msgid "Delete contact"
+msgstr "Excluir o contato"
-#: ../../mod/babel.php:39
-msgid "bb2html: "
-msgstr "bb2html: "
-#: ../../mod/babel.php:43
-msgid "bb2html2bb: "
-msgstr "bb2html2bb: "
-#: ../../mod/babel.php:47
-msgid "bb2md: "
-msgstr "bb2md: "
-#: ../../mod/babel.php:51
-msgid "bb2md2html: "
-msgstr "bb2md2html: "
-#: ../../mod/babel.php:55
-msgid "bb2dia2bb: "
-msgstr "bb2dia2bb: "
-#: ../../mod/babel.php:59
-msgid "bb2md2html2bb: "
-msgstr "bb2md2html2bb: "
-#: ../../mod/babel.php:69
-msgid "Source input (Diaspora format): "
-msgstr "Fonte de entrada (formato Diaspora):"
-#: ../../mod/babel.php:74
-msgid "diaspora2bb: "
-msgstr "diaspora2bb: "
-#: ../../mod/tagrm.php:41
-msgid "Tag removed"
-msgstr "A etiqueta foi removida"
-#: ../../mod/tagrm.php:79
-msgid "Remove Item Tag"
-msgstr "Remover a etiqueta do item"
-#: ../../mod/tagrm.php:81
-msgid "Select a tag to remove: "
-msgstr "Selecione uma etiqueta para remover: "
-#: ../../mod/removeme.php:46 ../../mod/removeme.php:49
-msgid "Remove My Account"
-msgstr "Remover minha conta"
-#: ../../mod/removeme.php:47
-msgid ""
-"This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not "
-msgstr "Isso removerá completamente a sua conta. Uma vez feito isso, não será mais possível recuperá-la."
-#: ../../mod/removeme.php:48
-msgid "Please enter your password for verification:"
-msgstr "Por favor, digite a sua senha para verificação:"
-#: ../../mod/profperm.php:25 ../../mod/profperm.php:55
-msgid "Invalid profile identifier."
-msgstr "Identificador de perfil inválido."
-#: ../../mod/profperm.php:101
-msgid "Profile Visibility Editor"
-msgstr "Editor de visibilidade do perfil"
-#: ../../mod/profperm.php:114
-msgid "Visible To"
-msgstr "Visível para"
-#: ../../mod/profperm.php:130
-msgid "All Contacts (with secure profile access)"
-msgstr "Todos os contatos (com acesso a perfil seguro)"
-#: ../../mod/match.php:12
-msgid "Profile Match"
-msgstr "Correspondência de perfil"
-#: ../../mod/match.php:20
-msgid "No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."
-msgstr "Não foi encontrada nenhuma palavra-chave associada a você. Por favor, adicione algumas ao seu perfil padrão."
-#: ../../mod/match.php:57
-msgid "is interested in:"
-msgstr "se interessa por:"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:66
-msgid "Event title and start time are required."
-msgstr "O título do evento e a hora de início são obrigatórios."
-#: ../../mod/events.php:291
-msgid "l, F j"
-msgstr "l, F j"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:313
-msgid "Edit event"
-msgstr "Editar o evento"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:371
-msgid "Create New Event"
-msgstr "Criar um novo evento"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:372
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Anterior"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:373 ../../mod/install.php:207
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Próximo"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:446
-msgid "hour:minute"
-msgstr "hora:minuto"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:456
-msgid "Event details"
-msgstr "Detalhes do evento"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:457
-#, php-format
-msgid "Format is %s %s. Starting date and Title are required."
-msgstr "O formato é %s %s. O título e a data de início são obrigatórios."
-#: ../../mod/events.php:459
-msgid "Event Starts:"
-msgstr "Início do evento:"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:459 ../../mod/events.php:473
-msgid "Required"
-msgstr "Obrigatório"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:462
-msgid "Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"
-msgstr "A data/hora de término não é conhecida ou não é relevante"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:464
-msgid "Event Finishes:"
-msgstr "Término do evento:"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:467
-msgid "Adjust for viewer timezone"
-msgstr "Ajustar para o fuso horário do visualizador"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:469
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Descrição:"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:473
-msgid "Title:"
-msgstr "Título:"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:475
-msgid "Share this event"
-msgstr "Compartilhar este evento"
-#: ../../mod/ping.php:240
-msgid "{0} wants to be your friend"
-msgstr "{0} deseja ser seu amigo"
-#: ../../mod/ping.php:245
-msgid "{0} sent you a message"
-msgstr "{0} lhe enviou uma mensagem"
-#: ../../mod/ping.php:250
-msgid "{0} requested registration"
-msgstr "{0} solicitou registro"
-#: ../../mod/ping.php:256
-#, php-format
-msgid "{0} commented %s's post"
-msgstr "{0} comentou a publicação de %s"
-#: ../../mod/ping.php:261
-#, php-format
-msgid "{0} liked %s's post"
-msgstr "{0} gostou da publicação de %s"
-#: ../../mod/ping.php:266
-#, php-format
-msgid "{0} disliked %s's post"
-msgstr "{0} desgostou da publicação de %s"
-#: ../../mod/ping.php:271
-#, php-format
-msgid "{0} is now friends with %s"
-msgstr "{0} agora é amigo de %s"
-#: ../../mod/ping.php:276
-msgid "{0} posted"
-msgstr "{0} publicou"
-#: ../../mod/ping.php:281
-#, php-format
-msgid "{0} tagged %s's post with #%s"
-msgstr "{0} etiquetou a publicação de %s com #%s"
-#: ../../mod/ping.php:287
-msgid "{0} mentioned you in a post"
-msgstr "{0} mencionou você em uma publicação"
-#: ../../mod/mood.php:133
-msgid "Mood"
-msgstr "Humor"
-#: ../../mod/mood.php:134
-msgid "Set your current mood and tell your friends"
-msgstr "Defina o seu humor e conte aos seus amigos"
-#: ../../mod/search.php:174 ../../mod/community.php:62
-#: ../../mod/community.php:71
-msgid "No results."
-msgstr "Nenhum resultado."
-#: ../../mod/message.php:67
-msgid "Unable to locate contact information."
-msgstr "Não foi possível localizar informação do contato."
-#: ../../mod/message.php:207
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this message?"
-msgstr "Você realmente deseja deletar essa mensagem?"
-#: ../../mod/message.php:227
-msgid "Message deleted."
-msgstr "A mensagem foi excluída."
-#: ../../mod/message.php:258
-msgid "Conversation removed."
-msgstr "A conversa foi removida."
-#: ../../mod/message.php:371
-msgid "No messages."
-msgstr "Nenhuma mensagem."
-#: ../../mod/message.php:378
-#, php-format
-msgid "Unknown sender - %s"
-msgstr "Remetente desconhecido - %s"
-#: ../../mod/message.php:381
-#, php-format
-msgid "You and %s"
-msgstr "Você e %s"
-#: ../../mod/message.php:384
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s and You"
-msgstr "%s e você"
-#: ../../mod/message.php:405 ../../mod/message.php:546
-msgid "Delete conversation"
-msgstr "Excluir conversa"
-#: ../../mod/message.php:408
-msgid "D, d M Y - g:i A"
-msgstr "D, d M Y - g:i A"
-#: ../../mod/message.php:411
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d message"
-msgid_plural "%d messages"
-msgstr[0] "%d mensagem"
-msgstr[1] "%d mensagens"
-#: ../../mod/message.php:450
-msgid "Message not available."
-msgstr "A mensagem não está disponível."
-#: ../../mod/message.php:520
-msgid "Delete message"
-msgstr "Excluir a mensagem"
-#: ../../mod/message.php:548
-msgid ""
-"No secure communications available. You may be able to "
-"respond from the sender's profile page."
-msgstr "Não foi encontrada nenhuma comunicação segura. Você pode ser capaz de responder a partir da página de perfil do remetente."
-#: ../../mod/message.php:552
-msgid "Send Reply"
-msgstr "Enviar resposta"
-#: ../../mod/community.php:23
-msgid "Not available."
-msgstr "Não disponível."
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:18 ../../mod/profiles.php:133
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:179 ../../mod/profiles.php:630
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:64
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:66 mod/profiles.php:19 mod/profiles.php:134
+#: mod/profiles.php:180 mod/profiles.php:610
msgid "Profile not found."
msgstr "O perfil não foi encontrado."
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:37
-msgid "Profile deleted."
-msgstr "O perfil foi excluído."
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:55 ../../mod/profiles.php:89
-msgid "Profile-"
-msgstr "Perfil-"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:74 ../../mod/profiles.php:117
-msgid "New profile created."
-msgstr "O novo perfil foi criado."
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:95
-msgid "Profile unavailable to clone."
-msgstr "O perfil não está disponível para clonagem."
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:189
-msgid "Profile Name is required."
-msgstr "É necessário informar o nome do perfil."
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:340
-msgid "Marital Status"
-msgstr "Situação amorosa"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:344
-msgid "Romantic Partner"
-msgstr "Parceiro romântico"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:348
-msgid "Likes"
-msgstr "Gosta de"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:352
-msgid "Dislikes"
-msgstr "Não gosta de"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:356
-msgid "Work/Employment"
-msgstr "Trabalho/emprego"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:359
-msgid "Religion"
-msgstr "Religião"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:363
-msgid "Political Views"
-msgstr "Posicionamento político"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:367
-msgid "Gender"
-msgstr "Gênero"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:371
-msgid "Sexual Preference"
-msgstr "Preferência sexual"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:375
-msgid "Homepage"
-msgstr "Página Principal"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:379 ../../mod/profiles.php:698
-msgid "Interests"
-msgstr "Interesses"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:383
-msgid "Address"
-msgstr "Endereço"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:390 ../../mod/profiles.php:694
-msgid "Location"
-msgstr "Localização"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:473
-msgid "Profile updated."
-msgstr "O perfil foi atualizado."
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:568
-msgid " and "
-msgstr " e "
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:576
-msgid "public profile"
-msgstr "perfil público"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:579
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s changed %2$s to “%3$s”"
-msgstr "%1$s mudou %2$s para “%3$s”"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:580
-#, php-format
-msgid " - Visit %1$s's %2$s"
-msgstr " - Visite %2$s de %1$s"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:583
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s has an updated %2$s, changing %3$s."
-msgstr "%1$s foi atualizado %2$s, mudando %3$s."
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:658
-msgid "Hide contacts and friends:"
-msgstr "Esconder contatos e amigos:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:663
-msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"
-msgstr "Ocultar sua lista de contatos/amigos dos visitantes no seu perfil?"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:685
-msgid "Edit Profile Details"
-msgstr "Editar os detalhes do perfil"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:687
-msgid "Change Profile Photo"
-msgstr "Mudar Foto do Perfil"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:688
-msgid "View this profile"
-msgstr "Ver este perfil"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:689
-msgid "Create a new profile using these settings"
-msgstr "Criar um novo perfil usando estas configurações"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:690
-msgid "Clone this profile"
-msgstr "Clonar este perfil"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:691
-msgid "Delete this profile"
-msgstr "Excluir este perfil"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:692
-msgid "Basic information"
-msgstr "Informação básica"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:693
-msgid "Profile picture"
-msgstr "Foto do perfil"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:695
-msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferências"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:696
-msgid "Status information"
-msgstr "Informação de Status"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:697
-msgid "Additional information"
-msgstr "Informações adicionais"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:699 ../../mod/newmember.php:36
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:244
-msgid "Upload Profile Photo"
-msgstr "Enviar foto do perfil"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:700
-msgid "Profile Name:"
-msgstr "Nome do perfil:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:701
-msgid "Your Full Name:"
-msgstr "Seu nome completo:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:702
-msgid "Title/Description:"
-msgstr "Título/Descrição:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:703
-msgid "Your Gender:"
-msgstr "Seu gênero:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:704
-#, php-format
-msgid "Birthday (%s):"
-msgstr "Aniversário (%s):"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:705
-msgid "Street Address:"
-msgstr "Endereço:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:706
-msgid "Locality/City:"
-msgstr "Localidade/Cidade:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:707
-msgid "Postal/Zip Code:"
-msgstr "CEP:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:708
-msgid "Country:"
-msgstr "País:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:709
-msgid "Region/State:"
-msgstr "Região/Estado:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:710
-msgid "♥ Marital Status:"
-msgstr "♥ Situação amorosa:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:711
-msgid "Who: (if applicable)"
-msgstr "Quem: (se pertinente)"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:712
-msgid "Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
-msgstr "Exemplos: fulano123, Fulano de Tal, fulano@exemplo.com"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:713
-msgid "Since [date]:"
-msgstr "Desde [data]:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:715
-msgid "Homepage URL:"
-msgstr "Endereço do site web:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:718
-msgid "Religious Views:"
-msgstr "Orientação religiosa:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:719
-msgid "Public Keywords:"
-msgstr "Palavras-chave públicas:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:720
-msgid "Private Keywords:"
-msgstr "Palavras-chave privadas:"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:723
-msgid "Example: fishing photography software"
-msgstr "Exemplo: pesca fotografia software"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:724
-msgid "(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"
-msgstr "(Usado para sugerir amigos em potencial, pode ser visto pelos outros)"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:725
-msgid "(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"
-msgstr "(Usado na pesquisa de perfis, nunca é exibido para os outros)"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:726
-msgid "Tell us about yourself..."
-msgstr "Fale um pouco sobre você..."
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:727
-msgid "Hobbies/Interests"
-msgstr "Passatempos/Interesses"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:728
-msgid "Contact information and Social Networks"
-msgstr "Informações de contato e redes sociais"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:729
-msgid "Musical interests"
-msgstr "Preferências musicais"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:730
-msgid "Books, literature"
-msgstr "Livros, literatura"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:731
-msgid "Television"
-msgstr "Televisão"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:732
-msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment"
-msgstr "Filme/dança/cultura/entretenimento"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:733
-msgid "Love/romance"
-msgstr "Amor/romance"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:734
-msgid "Work/employment"
-msgstr "Trabalho/emprego"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:735
-msgid "School/education"
-msgstr "Escola/educação"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:740
-msgid ""
-"This is your public profile. It may "
-"be visible to anybody using the internet."
-msgstr "Este é o seu perfil público . Ele pode estar visível para qualquer um que acesse a Internet."
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:750 ../../mod/directory.php:113
-msgid "Age: "
-msgstr "Idade: "
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:803
-msgid "Edit/Manage Profiles"
-msgstr "Editar/Gerenciar perfis"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:117
-msgid "Friendica Communications Server - Setup"
-msgstr "Servidor de Comunicações Friendica - Configuração"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:123
-msgid "Could not connect to database."
-msgstr "Não foi possível conectar ao banco de dados."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:127
-msgid "Could not create table."
-msgstr "Não foi possível criar tabela."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:133
-msgid "Your Friendica site database has been installed."
-msgstr "O banco de dados do seu site Friendica foi instalado."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:138
-msgid ""
-"You may need to import the file \"database.sql\" manually using phpmyadmin "
-"or mysql."
-msgstr "Você provavelmente precisará importar o arquivo \"database.sql\" manualmente, usando o phpmyadmin ou o mysql."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:139 ../../mod/install.php:206
-#: ../../mod/install.php:525
-msgid "Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\"."
-msgstr "Por favor, dê uma olhada no arquivo \"INSTALL.TXT\"."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:203
-msgid "System check"
-msgstr "Checagem do sistema"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:208
-msgid "Check again"
-msgstr "Checar novamente"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:227
-msgid "Database connection"
-msgstr "Conexão de banco de dados"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:228
-msgid ""
-"In order to install Friendica we need to know how to connect to your "
-msgstr "À fim de instalar o Friendica, você precisa saber como se conectar ao seu banco de dados."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:229
-msgid ""
-"Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have "
-"questions about these settings."
-msgstr "Por favor, entre em contato com a sua hospedagem ou com o administrador do site caso você tenha alguma dúvida em relação a essas configurações."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:230
-msgid ""
-"The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please "
-"create it before continuing."
-msgstr "O banco de dados que você especificou abaixo já deve existir. Caso contrário, por favor crie-o antes de continuar."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:234
-msgid "Database Server Name"
-msgstr "Nome do servidor de banco de dados"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:235
-msgid "Database Login Name"
-msgstr "Nome do usuário do banco de dados"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:236
-msgid "Database Login Password"
-msgstr "Senha do usuário do banco de dados"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:237
-msgid "Database Name"
-msgstr "Nome do banco de dados"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:238 ../../mod/install.php:277
-msgid "Site administrator email address"
-msgstr "Endereço de email do administrador do site"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:238 ../../mod/install.php:277
-msgid ""
-"Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin "
-msgstr "O endereço de email da sua conta deve ser igual a este para que você possa utilizar o painel de administração web."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:242 ../../mod/install.php:280
-msgid "Please select a default timezone for your website"
-msgstr "Por favor, selecione o fuso horário padrão para o seu site"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:267
-msgid "Site settings"
-msgstr "Configurações do site"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:321
-msgid "Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH."
-msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar uma versão de linha de comando do PHP nos caminhos do seu servidor web."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:322
-msgid ""
-"If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on server, you "
-"will not be able to run background polling via cron. See 'Activating scheduled tasks' "
-msgstr "Caso você não tenha uma versão de linha de comando do PHP instalado no seu servidor, você não será capaz de executar a captação em segundo plano. Dê uma olhada em 'Activating scheduled tasks' "
-#: ../../mod/install.php:326
-msgid "PHP executable path"
-msgstr "Caminho para o executável do PhP"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:326
-msgid ""
-"Enter full path to php executable. You can leave this blank to continue the "
-msgstr "Digite o caminho completo do executável PHP. Você pode deixar isso em branco para continuar com a instalação."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:331
-msgid "Command line PHP"
-msgstr "PHP em linha de comando"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:340
-msgid "PHP executable is not the php cli binary (could be cgi-fgci version)"
-msgstr "O executável do PHP não é o binário do php cli (could be cgi-fcgi version)"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:341
-msgid "Found PHP version: "
-msgstr "Encontrado PHP versão:"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:343
-msgid "PHP cli binary"
-msgstr "Binário cli do PHP"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:354
-msgid ""
-"The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "
-"\"register_argc_argv\" enabled."
-msgstr "\"register_argc_argv\" não está habilitado na versão de linha de comando do PHP no seu sistema."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:355
-msgid "This is required for message delivery to work."
-msgstr "Isto é necessário para o funcionamento do envio de mensagens."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:357
-msgid "PHP register_argc_argv"
-msgstr "PHP register_argc_argv"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:378
-msgid ""
-"Error: the \"openssl_pkey_new\" function on this system is not able to "
-"generate encryption keys"
-msgstr "Erro: a função \"openssl_pkey_new\" no seu sistema não é capaz de gerar as chaves de criptografia"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:379
-msgid ""
-"If running under Windows, please see "
-msgstr "Se estiver usando o Windows, por favor dê uma olhada em \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\"."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:381
-msgid "Generate encryption keys"
-msgstr "Gerar chaves de encriptação"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:388
-msgid "libCurl PHP module"
-msgstr "Módulo PHP libCurl"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:389
-msgid "GD graphics PHP module"
-msgstr "Módulo PHP GD graphics"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:390
-msgid "OpenSSL PHP module"
-msgstr "Módulo PHP OpenSSL"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:391
-msgid "mysqli PHP module"
-msgstr "Módulo PHP mysqli"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:392
-msgid "mb_string PHP module"
-msgstr "Módulo PHP mb_string "
-#: ../../mod/install.php:397 ../../mod/install.php:399
-msgid "Apache mod_rewrite module"
-msgstr "Módulo mod_rewrite do Apache"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:397
-msgid ""
-"Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."
-msgstr "Erro: o módulo mod-rewrite do Apache é necessário, mas não está instalado."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:405
-msgid "Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."
-msgstr "Erro: o módulo libCURL do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:409
-msgid ""
-"Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."
-msgstr "Erro: o módulo gráfico GD, com suporte a JPEG, do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:413
-msgid "Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."
-msgstr "Erro: o módulo openssl do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:417
-msgid "Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."
-msgstr "Erro: o módulo mysqli do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:421
-msgid "Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."
-msgstr "Erro: o módulo mb_string PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:438
-msgid ""
-"The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\""
-" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."
-msgstr "O instalador web precisa criar um arquivo chamado \".htconfig.php\" na pasta raiz da instalação e não está conseguindo."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:439
-msgid ""
-"This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able "
-"to write files in your folder - even if you can."
-msgstr "Geralmente isso está relacionado às definições de permissão, uma vez que o servidor web pode não estar conseguindo escrever os arquivos nesta pasta."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:440
-msgid ""
-"At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file "
-"named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."
-msgstr "Ao final desse procedimento, será fornecido um texto que deverá ser salvo em um arquivo de nome. htconfig.php, na pasta raiz da instalação do seu Friendica."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:441
-msgid ""
-"You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation."
-" Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."
-msgstr "Você também pode pular esse procedimento e executar uma instalação manual. Por favor, dê uma olhada no arquivo \"INSTALL.TXT\" para instruções."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:444
-msgid ".htconfig.php is writable"
-msgstr ".htconfig.php tem permissão de escrita"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:454
-msgid ""
-"Friendica uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 "
-"compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering."
-msgstr "Friendica usa o engine de template Smarty3 para renderizar suas web views. Smarty3 compila templates para PHP para acelerar a renderização."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:455
-msgid ""
-"In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have "
-"write access to the directory view/smarty3/ under the Friendica top level "
-msgstr "Para guardar os templates compilados, o servidor web necessita de permissão de escrita no diretório view/smarty3/ no diretório raíz do Friendica."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:456
-msgid ""
-"Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as (e.g. www-data) has"
-" write access to this folder."
-msgstr "Favor se certificar que o usuário sob o qual o servidor web roda (ex: www-data) tenha permissão de escrita nesse diretório."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:457
-msgid ""
-"Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to "
-"view/smarty3/ only--not the template files (.tpl) that it contains."
-msgstr "Nota: como uma medida de segurança, você deve fornecer ao servidor web permissão de escrita em view/smarty3/ somente--não aos arquivos de template (.tpl) que ele contém."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:460
-msgid "view/smarty3 is writable"
-msgstr "view/smarty3 tem escrita permitida"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:472
-msgid ""
-"Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration."
-msgstr "A reescrita de URLs definida no .htaccess não está funcionando. Por favor, verifique as configurações do seu servidor."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:474
-msgid "Url rewrite is working"
-msgstr "A reescrita de URLs está funcionando"
-#: ../../mod/install.php:484
-msgid ""
-"The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. "
-"Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web "
-"server root."
-msgstr "Não foi possível gravar o arquivo de configuração \".htconfig.php\". Por favor, use o texto incluso para criar um arquivo de configuração na raiz da instalação do Friendika em seu servidor web."
-#: ../../mod/install.php:523
-msgid "What next "
-msgstr "A seguir "
-#: ../../mod/install.php:524
-msgid ""
-"IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the "
-msgstr "IMPORTANTE: Você deve configurar [manualmente] uma tarefa agendada para o captador."
-#: ../../mod/help.php:31
-msgid "Help:"
-msgstr "Ajuda:"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:106
-msgid "Contact settings applied."
-msgstr "As configurações do contato foram aplicadas."
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:108
-msgid "Contact update failed."
-msgstr "Não foi possível atualizar o contato."
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:139
-msgid "Repair Contact Settings"
-msgstr "Corrigir configurações do contato"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:141
-msgid ""
-"WARNING: This is highly advanced and if you enter incorrect"
-" information your communications with this contact may stop working."
-msgstr "ATENÇÃO: Isso é muito avançado , se você digitar informações incorretas, suas comunicações com esse contato pode parar de funcionar."
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:142
-msgid ""
-"Please use your browser 'Back' button now if you are "
-"uncertain what to do on this page."
-msgstr "Por favor, use o botão 'Voltar' do seu navegador agora , caso você não tenha certeza do que está fazendo."
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:148
-msgid "Return to contact editor"
-msgstr "Voltar ao editor de contatos"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:159 ../../mod/crepair.php:161
-msgid "No mirroring"
-msgstr "Nenhum espelhamento"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:159
-msgid "Mirror as forwarded posting"
-msgstr "Espelhar como postagem encaminhada"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:159 ../../mod/crepair.php:161
-msgid "Mirror as my own posting"
-msgstr "Espelhar como minha própria postagem"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:166
-msgid "Account Nickname"
-msgstr "Identificação da conta"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:167
-msgid "@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname"
-msgstr "@Tagname - sobrescreve Nome/Identificação"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:168
-msgid "Account URL"
-msgstr "URL da conta"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:169
-msgid "Friend Request URL"
-msgstr "URL da requisição de amizade"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:170
-msgid "Friend Confirm URL"
-msgstr "URL da confirmação de amizade"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:171
-msgid "Notification Endpoint URL"
-msgstr "URL do ponto final da notificação"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:172
-msgid "Poll/Feed URL"
-msgstr "URL do captador/fonte de notícias"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:173
-msgid "New photo from this URL"
-msgstr "Nova imagem desta URL"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:174
-msgid "Remote Self"
-msgstr "Auto remoto"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:176
-msgid "Mirror postings from this contact"
-msgstr "Espelhar publicações deste contato"
-#: ../../mod/crepair.php:176
-msgid ""
-"Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new "
-"entries from this contact."
-msgstr "Marcar este contato como auto remoto fará com que o friendica republique novas entradas deste usuário."
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:6
-msgid "Welcome to Friendica"
-msgstr "Bemvindo ao Friendica"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:8
-msgid "New Member Checklist"
-msgstr "Dicas para os novos membros"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:12
-msgid ""
-"We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience "
-"enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page "
-"will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial "
-"registration and then will quietly disappear."
-msgstr "Gostaríamos de oferecer algumas dicas e links para ajudar a tornar a sua experiência agradável. Clique em qualquer item para visitar a página correspondente. Um link para essa página será visível em sua home page por duas semanas após o seu registro inicial e, então, desaparecerá discretamente."
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:14
-msgid "Getting Started"
-msgstr "Do Início"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:18
-msgid "Friendica Walk-Through"
-msgstr "Passo-a-passo da friendica"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:18
-msgid ""
-"On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your "
-"profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to"
-" join."
-msgstr "Na sua página Início Rápido - encontre uma introdução rápida ao seu perfil e abas da rede, faça algumas conexões novas, e encontre alguns grupos entrar."
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:26
-msgid "Go to Your Settings"
-msgstr "Ir para as suas configurações"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:26
-msgid ""
-"On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a "
-"note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and "
-"will be useful in making friends on the free social web."
-msgstr "Em sua página Configurações - mude sua senha inicial. Também tome nota de seu Endereço de Identidade. Isso se parece com um endereço de e-mail - e será útil para se fazer amigos na rede social livre."
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:28
-msgid ""
-"Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished"
-" directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you "
-"should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and "
-"potential friends know exactly how to find you."
-msgstr "Revise as outras configurações, em particular as relacionadas a privacidade. Não estar listado no diretório é o equivalente a não ter o seu número na lista telefônica. Normalmente é interessante você estar listado - a não ser que os seu amigos atuais e potenciais saibam exatamente como encontrar você."
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:36
-msgid ""
-"Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown "
-"that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make"
-" friends than people who do not."
-msgstr "Envie uma foto para o seu perfil, caso ainda não tenha feito isso. Estudos indicam que pessoas que publicam fotos reais delas mesmas têm 10 vezes mais chances de encontrar novos amigos do que as que não o fazem."
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:38
-msgid "Edit Your Profile"
-msgstr "Editar seu perfil"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:38
-msgid ""
-"Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the "
-"settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown"
-" visitors."
-msgstr "Edite o seu perfil padrão a seu gosto. Revise as configurações de ocultação da sua lista de amigos e do seu perfil de visitantes desconhecidos."
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:40
-msgid "Profile Keywords"
-msgstr "Palavras-chave do perfil"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:40
-msgid ""
-"Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your "
-"interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and "
-"suggest friendships."
-msgstr "Defina algumas palavras-chave públicas para o seu perfil padrão, que descrevam os seus interesses. Nós podemos encontrar outras pessoas com interesses similares e sugerir novas amizades."
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:44
-msgid "Connecting"
-msgstr "Conexões"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:49
-msgid ""
-"Authorise the Facebook Connector if you currently have a Facebook account "
-"and we will (optionally) import all your Facebook friends and conversations."
-msgstr "Autorize o Conector com Facebook, caso você tenha uma conta lá e nós (opcionalmente) importaremos todos os seus amigos e conversas do Facebook."
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:51
-msgid ""
-"If this is your own personal server, installing the Facebook addon "
-"may ease your transition to the free social web."
-msgstr "Se esse é o seu servidor pessoal, instalar o complemento do Facebook talvez facilite a transição para a rede social livre."
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:56
-msgid "Importing Emails"
-msgstr "Importação de e-mails"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:56
-msgid ""
-"Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you "
-"wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email "
-msgstr "Forneça a informação de acesso ao seu e-mail na sua página de Configuração de Conector se você deseja importar e interagir com amigos ou listas de discussão da sua Caixa de Entrada de e-mail"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:58
-msgid "Go to Your Contacts Page"
-msgstr "Ir para a sua página de contatos"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:58
-msgid ""
-"Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting "
-"with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site "
-"URL in the Add New Contact dialog."
-msgstr "Sua página de contatos é sua rota para o gerenciamento de amizades e conexão com amigos em outras redes. Geralmente você fornece o endereço deles ou a URL do site na janela de diálogo Adicionar Novo Contato ."
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:60
-msgid "Go to Your Site's Directory"
-msgstr "Ir para o diretório do seu site"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:60
-msgid ""
-"The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other "
-"federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on "
-"their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."
-msgstr "A página de Diretório permite que você encontre outras pessoas nesta rede ou em outras redes federadas. Procure por um link Conectar ou Seguir no perfil que deseja acompanhar. Forneça o seu Endereço de Identidade próprio, se solicitado."
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:62
-msgid "Finding New People"
-msgstr "Pesquisar por novas pessoas"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:62
-msgid ""
-"On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new "
-"friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or "
-"interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand"
-" new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 "
-msgstr "No painel lateral da página de Contatos existem várias ferramentas para encontrar novos amigos. Você pode descobrir pessoas com os mesmos interesses, procurar por nomes ou interesses e fornecer sugestões baseadas nos relacionamentos da rede. Em um site completamente novo, as sugestões de amizades geralmente começam a ser populadas dentro de 24 horas."
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:70
-msgid "Group Your Contacts"
-msgstr "Agrupe seus contatos"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:70
-msgid ""
-"Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation "
-"groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with"
-" each group privately on your Network page."
-msgstr "Após fazer novas amizades, organize-as em grupos de conversa privados, a partir da barra lateral na sua página de Contatos. A partir daí, você poderá interagir com cada grupo privativamente, na sua página de Rede."
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:73
-msgid "Why Aren't My Posts Public?"
-msgstr "Por que as minhas publicações não são públicas?"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:73
-msgid ""
-"Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to"
-" people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section "
-"from the link above."
-msgstr "A friendica respeita sua privacidade. Por padrão, suas publicações estarão visíveis apenas para as pessoas que você adicionou como amigos. Para mais informações, veja a página de ajuda, a partir do link acima."
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:78
-msgid "Getting Help"
-msgstr "Obtendo ajuda"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:82
-msgid "Go to the Help Section"
-msgstr "Ir para a seção de ajuda"
-#: ../../mod/newmember.php:82
-msgid ""
-"Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program"
-" features and resources."
-msgstr "Nossas páginas de ajuda podem ser consultadas para mais detalhes sobre características e recursos do programa."
-#: ../../mod/poke.php:192
-msgid "Poke/Prod"
-msgstr "Cutucar/Incitar"
-#: ../../mod/poke.php:193
-msgid "poke, prod or do other things to somebody"
-msgstr "Cutuca, incita ou faz outras coisas com alguém"
-#: ../../mod/poke.php:194
-msgid "Recipient"
-msgstr "Destinatário"
-#: ../../mod/poke.php:195
-msgid "Choose what you wish to do to recipient"
-msgstr "Selecione o que você deseja fazer com o destinatário"
-#: ../../mod/poke.php:198
-msgid "Make this post private"
-msgstr "Fazer com que essa publicação se torne privada"
-#: ../../mod/display.php:496
-msgid "Item has been removed."
-msgstr "O item foi removido."
-#: ../../mod/subthread.php:103
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s is following %2$s's %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s está seguindo %2$s's %3$s"
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_poll.php:103 ../../mod/dfrn_poll.php:536
-#, php-format
-msgid "%1$s welcomes %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s dá as boas vinda à %2$s"
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:121
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:123
msgid ""
"This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it"
" has already been approved."
msgstr "Isso pode acontecer eventualmente se o contato foi solicitado por ambas as pessoas e ele já tinha sido aprovado."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:240
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:242
msgid "Response from remote site was not understood."
msgstr "A resposta do site remoto não foi compreendida."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:249 ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:254
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:251 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:256
msgid "Unexpected response from remote site: "
msgstr "Resposta inesperada do site remoto: "
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:263
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:265
msgid "Confirmation completed successfully."
msgstr "A confirmação foi completada com sucesso."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:265 ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:279
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:286
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:267 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:281 mod/dfrn_confirm.php:288
msgid "Remote site reported: "
msgstr "O site remoto relatou: "
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:277
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:279
msgid "Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."
msgstr "Falha temporária. Por favor, aguarde e tente novamente."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:284
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:286
msgid "Introduction failed or was revoked."
msgstr "Ocorreu uma falha na apresentação ou ela foi revogada."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:429
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:415
msgid "Unable to set contact photo."
msgstr "Não foi possível definir a foto do contato."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:571
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:553
#, php-format
msgid "No user record found for '%s' "
msgstr "Não foi encontrado nenhum registro de usuário para '%s' "
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:581
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:563
msgid "Our site encryption key is apparently messed up."
msgstr "A chave de criptografia do nosso site está, aparentemente, bagunçada."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:592
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:574
msgid "Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us."
msgstr "Foi fornecida uma URL em branco ou não foi possível descriptografá-la."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:613
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:595
msgid "Contact record was not found for you on our site."
msgstr "O registro do contato não foi encontrado para você em seu site."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:627
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:609
#, php-format
msgid "Site public key not available in contact record for URL %s."
msgstr "A chave pública do site não está disponível no registro do contato para a URL %s"
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:647
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:629
msgid ""
"The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work "
"if you try again."
msgstr "O ID fornecido pelo seu sistema é uma duplicata em nosso sistema. Deve funcionar agora, se você tentar de novo."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:658
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:640
msgid "Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."
msgstr "Não foi possível definir suas credenciais de contato no nosso sistema."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:725
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:699
msgid "Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"
msgstr "Não foi possível atualizar os detalhes do seu perfil em nosso sistema."
-#: ../../mod/dfrn_confirm.php:797
+#: mod/dfrn_confirm.php:771
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s has joined %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s se associou a %2$s"
-#: ../../mod/item.php:114
+#: mod/dirfind.php:36
+#, php-format
+msgid "People Search - %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/dirfind.php:47
+#, php-format
+msgid "Forum Search - %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/events.php:95 mod/events.php:97
+msgid "Event can not end before it has started."
+msgstr "O evento não pode terminar antes de ter começado."
+#: mod/events.php:104 mod/events.php:106
+msgid "Event title and start time are required."
+msgstr "O título do evento e a hora de início são obrigatórios."
+#: mod/events.php:381
+msgid "Create New Event"
+msgstr "Criar um novo evento"
+#: mod/events.php:483
+msgid "Event details"
+msgstr "Detalhes do evento"
+#: mod/events.php:484
+msgid "Starting date and Title are required."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/events.php:485 mod/events.php:486
+msgid "Event Starts:"
+msgstr "Início do evento:"
+#: mod/events.php:485 mod/events.php:497 mod/profiles.php:709
+msgid "Required"
+msgstr "Obrigatório"
+#: mod/events.php:487 mod/events.php:503
+msgid "Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"
+msgstr "A data/hora de término não é conhecida ou não é relevante"
+#: mod/events.php:489 mod/events.php:490
+msgid "Event Finishes:"
+msgstr "Término do evento:"
+#: mod/events.php:491 mod/events.php:504
+msgid "Adjust for viewer timezone"
+msgstr "Ajustar para o fuso horário do visualizador"
+#: mod/events.php:493
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Descrição:"
+#: mod/events.php:497 mod/events.php:499
+msgid "Title:"
+msgstr "Título:"
+#: mod/events.php:500 mod/events.php:501
+msgid "Share this event"
+msgstr "Compartilhar este evento"
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:63
+msgid "Friend suggestion sent."
+msgstr "A sugestão de amigo foi enviada"
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:97
+msgid "Suggest Friends"
+msgstr "Sugerir amigos"
+#: mod/fsuggest.php:99
+#, php-format
+msgid "Suggest a friend for %s"
+msgstr "Sugerir um amigo para %s"
+#: mod/item.php:116
msgid "Unable to locate original post."
msgstr "Não foi possível localizar a publicação original."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:346
+#: mod/item.php:334
msgid "Empty post discarded."
msgstr "A publicação em branco foi descartada."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:839
+#: mod/item.php:867
msgid "System error. Post not saved."
msgstr "Erro no sistema. A publicação não foi salva."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:965
+#: mod/item.php:993
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social "
msgstr "Essa mensagem foi enviada a você por %s, um membro da rede social Friendica."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:967
+#: mod/item.php:995
#, php-format
msgid "You may visit them online at %s"
msgstr "Você pode visitá-lo em %s"
-#: ../../mod/item.php:968
+#: mod/item.php:996
msgid ""
"Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to "
"receive these messages."
msgstr "Por favor, entre em contato com o remetente respondendo a esta publicação, caso você não queira mais receber estas mensagens."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:972
+#: mod/item.php:1000
#, php-format
msgid "%s posted an update."
msgstr "%s publicou uma atualização."
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:44
+#: mod/mood.php:133
+msgid "Mood"
+msgstr "Humor"
+#: mod/mood.php:134
+msgid "Set your current mood and tell your friends"
+msgstr "Defina o seu humor e conte aos seus amigos"
+#: mod/poke.php:192
+msgid "Poke/Prod"
+msgstr "Cutucar/Incitar"
+#: mod/poke.php:193
+msgid "poke, prod or do other things to somebody"
+msgstr "Cutuca, incita ou faz outras coisas com alguém"
+#: mod/poke.php:194
+msgid "Recipient"
+msgstr "Destinatário"
+#: mod/poke.php:195
+msgid "Choose what you wish to do to recipient"
+msgstr "Selecione o que você deseja fazer com o destinatário"
+#: mod/poke.php:198
+msgid "Make this post private"
+msgstr "Fazer com que essa publicação se torne privada"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:44
msgid "Image uploaded but image cropping failed."
msgstr "A imagem foi enviada, mas não foi possível cortá-la."
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:77 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:84
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:91 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:308
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:77 mod/profile_photo.php:84 mod/profile_photo.php:91
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:314
#, php-format
msgid "Image size reduction [%s] failed."
msgstr "Não foi possível reduzir o tamanho da imagem [%s]."
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:118
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:124
msgid ""
"Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not "
"display immediately."
msgstr "Recarregue a página pressionando a tecla Shift ou limpe o cache do navegador caso a nova foto não apareça imediatamente"
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:128
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:134
msgid "Unable to process image"
msgstr "Não foi possível processar a imagem"
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:242
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:248
msgid "Upload File:"
msgstr "Enviar arquivo:"
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:243
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:249
msgid "Select a profile:"
msgstr "Selecione um perfil:"
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:245
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:251
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Enviar"
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:248
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
+msgid "or"
+msgstr "ou"
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
msgid "skip this step"
msgstr "pule esta etapa"
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:248
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:254
msgid "select a photo from your photo albums"
msgstr "selecione uma foto de um álbum de fotos"
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:262
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:268
msgid "Crop Image"
msgstr "Cortar a imagem"
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:263
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:269
msgid "Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."
msgstr "Por favor, ajuste o corte da imagem para a melhor visualização."
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:265
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:271
msgid "Done Editing"
msgstr "Encerrar a edição"
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:299
+#: mod/profile_photo.php:305
msgid "Image uploaded successfully."
msgstr "A imagem foi enviada com sucesso."
-#: ../../mod/allfriends.php:34
+#: mod/profiles.php:38
+msgid "Profile deleted."
+msgstr "O perfil foi excluído."
+#: mod/profiles.php:56 mod/profiles.php:90
+msgid "Profile-"
+msgstr "Perfil-"
+#: mod/profiles.php:75 mod/profiles.php:118
+msgid "New profile created."
+msgstr "O novo perfil foi criado."
+#: mod/profiles.php:96
+msgid "Profile unavailable to clone."
+msgstr "O perfil não está disponível para clonagem."
+#: mod/profiles.php:190
+msgid "Profile Name is required."
+msgstr "É necessário informar o nome do perfil."
+#: mod/profiles.php:337
+msgid "Marital Status"
+msgstr "Situação amorosa"
+#: mod/profiles.php:341
+msgid "Romantic Partner"
+msgstr "Parceiro romântico"
+#: mod/profiles.php:353
+msgid "Work/Employment"
+msgstr "Trabalho/emprego"
+#: mod/profiles.php:356
+msgid "Religion"
+msgstr "Religião"
+#: mod/profiles.php:360
+msgid "Political Views"
+msgstr "Posicionamento político"
+#: mod/profiles.php:364
+msgid "Gender"
+msgstr "Gênero"
+#: mod/profiles.php:368
+msgid "Sexual Preference"
+msgstr "Preferência sexual"
+#: mod/profiles.php:372
+msgid "Homepage"
+msgstr "Página Principal"
+#: mod/profiles.php:376 mod/profiles.php:695
+msgid "Interests"
+msgstr "Interesses"
+#: mod/profiles.php:380
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Endereço"
+#: mod/profiles.php:387 mod/profiles.php:691
+msgid "Location"
+msgstr "Localização"
+#: mod/profiles.php:470
+msgid "Profile updated."
+msgstr "O perfil foi atualizado."
+#: mod/profiles.php:557
+msgid " and "
+msgstr " e "
+#: mod/profiles.php:565
+msgid "public profile"
+msgstr "perfil público"
+#: mod/profiles.php:568
#, php-format
-msgid "Friends of %s"
-msgstr "Amigos de %s"
+msgid "%1$s changed %2$s to “%3$s”"
+msgstr "%1$s mudou %2$s para “%3$s”"
-#: ../../mod/allfriends.php:40
-msgid "No friends to display."
-msgstr "Nenhum amigo para exibir."
+#: mod/profiles.php:569
+#, php-format
+msgid " - Visit %1$s's %2$s"
+msgstr " - Visite %2$s de %1$s"
-#: ../../mod/directory.php:59
-msgid "Find on this site"
-msgstr "Pesquisar neste site"
+#: mod/profiles.php:572
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s has an updated %2$s, changing %3$s."
+msgstr "%1$s foi atualizado %2$s, mudando %3$s."
-#: ../../mod/directory.php:62
-msgid "Site Directory"
-msgstr "Diretório do site"
+#: mod/profiles.php:638
+msgid "Hide contacts and friends:"
+msgstr "Esconder contatos e amigos:"
-#: ../../mod/directory.php:116
-msgid "Gender: "
-msgstr "Gênero: "
+#: mod/profiles.php:643
+msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"
+msgstr "Ocultar sua lista de contatos/amigos dos visitantes no seu perfil?"
-#: ../../mod/directory.php:189
-msgid "No entries (some entries may be hidden)."
-msgstr "Nenhuma entrada (algumas entradas podem estar ocultas)."
+#: mod/profiles.php:667
+msgid "Show more profile fields:"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/localtime.php:24
-msgid "Time Conversion"
-msgstr "Conversão de tempo"
+#: mod/profiles.php:679
+msgid "Profile Actions"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/localtime.php:26
+#: mod/profiles.php:680
+msgid "Edit Profile Details"
+msgstr "Editar os detalhes do perfil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:682
+msgid "Change Profile Photo"
+msgstr "Mudar Foto do Perfil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:683
+msgid "View this profile"
+msgstr "Ver este perfil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:685
+msgid "Create a new profile using these settings"
+msgstr "Criar um novo perfil usando estas configurações"
+#: mod/profiles.php:686
+msgid "Clone this profile"
+msgstr "Clonar este perfil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:687
+msgid "Delete this profile"
+msgstr "Excluir este perfil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:689
+msgid "Basic information"
+msgstr "Informação básica"
+#: mod/profiles.php:690
+msgid "Profile picture"
+msgstr "Foto do perfil"
+#: mod/profiles.php:692
+msgid "Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferências"
+#: mod/profiles.php:693
+msgid "Status information"
+msgstr "Informação de Status"
+#: mod/profiles.php:694
+msgid "Additional information"
+msgstr "Informações adicionais"
+#: mod/profiles.php:697
+msgid "Relation"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/profiles.php:701
+msgid "Your Gender:"
+msgstr "Seu gênero:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:702
+msgid "♥ Marital Status:"
+msgstr "♥ Situação amorosa:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:704
+msgid "Example: fishing photography software"
+msgstr "Exemplo: pesca fotografia software"
+#: mod/profiles.php:709
+msgid "Profile Name:"
+msgstr "Nome do perfil:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:711
msgid ""
-"Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and "
-"friends in unknown timezones."
-msgstr "Friendica provê esse serviço para compartilhar eventos com outras redes e amigos em fuso-horários desconhecidos."
+"This is your public profile. It may "
+"be visible to anybody using the internet."
+msgstr "Este é o seu perfil público . Ele pode estar visível para qualquer um que acesse a Internet."
-#: ../../mod/localtime.php:30
+#: mod/profiles.php:712
+msgid "Your Full Name:"
+msgstr "Seu nome completo:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:713
+msgid "Title/Description:"
+msgstr "Título/Descrição:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:716
+msgid "Street Address:"
+msgstr "Endereço:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:717
+msgid "Locality/City:"
+msgstr "Localidade/Cidade:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:718
+msgid "Region/State:"
+msgstr "Região/Estado:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:719
+msgid "Postal/Zip Code:"
+msgstr "CEP:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:720
+msgid "Country:"
+msgstr "País:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:724
+msgid "Who: (if applicable)"
+msgstr "Quem: (se pertinente)"
+#: mod/profiles.php:724
+msgid "Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
+msgstr "Exemplos: fulano123, Fulano de Tal, fulano@exemplo.com"
+#: mod/profiles.php:725
+msgid "Since [date]:"
+msgstr "Desde [data]:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:727
+msgid "Tell us about yourself..."
+msgstr "Fale um pouco sobre você..."
+#: mod/profiles.php:728
+msgid "Homepage URL:"
+msgstr "Endereço do site web:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:731
+msgid "Religious Views:"
+msgstr "Orientação religiosa:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:732
+msgid "Public Keywords:"
+msgstr "Palavras-chave públicas:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:732
+msgid "(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"
+msgstr "(Usado para sugerir amigos em potencial, pode ser visto pelos outros)"
+#: mod/profiles.php:733
+msgid "Private Keywords:"
+msgstr "Palavras-chave privadas:"
+#: mod/profiles.php:733
+msgid "(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"
+msgstr "(Usado na pesquisa de perfis, nunca é exibido para os outros)"
+#: mod/profiles.php:736
+msgid "Musical interests"
+msgstr "Preferências musicais"
+#: mod/profiles.php:737
+msgid "Books, literature"
+msgstr "Livros, literatura"
+#: mod/profiles.php:738
+msgid "Television"
+msgstr "Televisão"
+#: mod/profiles.php:739
+msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment"
+msgstr "Filme/dança/cultura/entretenimento"
+#: mod/profiles.php:740
+msgid "Hobbies/Interests"
+msgstr "Passatempos/Interesses"
+#: mod/profiles.php:741
+msgid "Love/romance"
+msgstr "Amor/romance"
+#: mod/profiles.php:742
+msgid "Work/employment"
+msgstr "Trabalho/emprego"
+#: mod/profiles.php:743
+msgid "School/education"
+msgstr "Escola/educação"
+#: mod/profiles.php:744
+msgid "Contact information and Social Networks"
+msgstr "Informações de contato e redes sociais"
+#: mod/profiles.php:786
+msgid "Edit/Manage Profiles"
+msgstr "Editar/Gerenciar perfis"
+#: mod/register.php:92
+msgid ""
+"Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."
+msgstr "O registro foi bem sucedido. Por favor, verifique seu e-mail para maiores informações."
+#: mod/register.php:97
#, php-format
-msgid "UTC time: %s"
-msgstr "Hora UTC: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Failed to send email message. Here your accout details: login: %s "
+"password: %s You can change your password after login."
+msgstr "Falha ao enviar mensagem de email. Estes são os dados da sua conta: login: %s senha: %s Você pode alterar sua senha após fazer o login."
-#: ../../mod/localtime.php:33
+#: mod/register.php:104
+msgid "Registration successful."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/register.php:110
+msgid "Your registration can not be processed."
+msgstr "Não foi possível processar o seu registro."
+#: mod/register.php:153
+msgid "Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."
+msgstr "A aprovação do seu registro está pendente junto ao administrador do site."
+#: mod/register.php:219
+msgid ""
+"You may (optionally) fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID "
+"and clicking 'Register'."
+msgstr "Você pode (opcionalmente) preencher este formulário via OpenID, fornecendo seu OpenID e clicando em 'Registrar'."
+#: mod/register.php:220
+msgid ""
+"If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill "
+"in the rest of the items."
+msgstr "Se você não está familiarizado com o OpenID, por favor, deixe esse campo em branco e preencha os outros itens."
+#: mod/register.php:221
+msgid "Your OpenID (optional): "
+msgstr "Seu OpenID (opcional): "
+#: mod/register.php:235
+msgid "Include your profile in member directory?"
+msgstr "Incluir o seu perfil no diretório de membros?"
+#: mod/register.php:259
+msgid "Membership on this site is by invitation only."
+msgstr "A associação a este site só pode ser feita mediante convite."
+#: mod/register.php:260
+msgid "Your invitation ID: "
+msgstr "A ID do seu convite: "
+#: mod/register.php:271
+msgid "Your Full Name (e.g. Joe Smith, real or real-looking): "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/register.php:272
+msgid "Your Email Address: "
+msgstr "Seu endereço de e-mail: "
+#: mod/register.php:274 mod/settings.php:1221
+msgid "New Password:"
+msgstr "Nova senha:"
+#: mod/register.php:274
+msgid "Leave empty for an auto generated password."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/register.php:275 mod/settings.php:1222
+msgid "Confirm:"
+msgstr "Confirme:"
+#: mod/register.php:276
+msgid ""
+"Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your "
+"profile address on this site will then be "
+"'nickname@$sitename '."
+msgstr "Selecione uma identificação para o perfil. Ela deve começar com um caractere alfabético. O endereço do seu perfil neste site será 'identificação@$sitename '"
+#: mod/register.php:277
+msgid "Choose a nickname: "
+msgstr "Escolha uma identificação: "
+#: mod/register.php:287
+msgid "Import your profile to this friendica instance"
+msgstr "Importa seu perfil desta instância do friendica"
+#: mod/regmod.php:55
+msgid "Account approved."
+msgstr "A conta foi aprovada."
+#: mod/regmod.php:92
#, php-format
-msgid "Current timezone: %s"
-msgstr "Fuso horário atual: %s"
+msgid "Registration revoked for %s"
+msgstr "O registro de %s foi revogado"
-#: ../../mod/localtime.php:36
+#: mod/regmod.php:104
+msgid "Please login."
+msgstr "Por favor, autentique-se."
+#: mod/settings.php:36 mod/photos.php:118
+msgid "everybody"
+msgstr "todos"
+#: mod/settings.php:60
+msgid "Display"
+msgstr "Tela"
+#: mod/settings.php:67 mod/settings.php:871
+msgid "Social Networks"
+msgstr "Redes Sociais"
+#: mod/settings.php:88
+msgid "Connected apps"
+msgstr "Aplicações conectadas"
+#: mod/settings.php:102
+msgid "Remove account"
+msgstr "Remover a conta"
+#: mod/settings.php:155
+msgid "Missing some important data!"
+msgstr "Está faltando algum dado importante!"
+#: mod/settings.php:269
+msgid "Failed to connect with email account using the settings provided."
+msgstr "Não foi possível conectar à conta de e-mail com as configurações fornecidas."
+#: mod/settings.php:274
+msgid "Email settings updated."
+msgstr "As configurações de e-mail foram atualizadas."
+#: mod/settings.php:289
+msgid "Features updated"
+msgstr "Funcionalidades atualizadas"
+#: mod/settings.php:356
+msgid "Relocate message has been send to your contacts"
+msgstr "A mensagem de relocação foi enviada para seus contatos"
+#: mod/settings.php:375
+msgid "Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."
+msgstr "Não é permitido uma senha em branco. A senha não foi modificada."
+#: mod/settings.php:383
+msgid "Wrong password."
+msgstr "Senha errada."
+#: mod/settings.php:394
+msgid "Password changed."
+msgstr "A senha foi modificada."
+#: mod/settings.php:396
+msgid "Password update failed. Please try again."
+msgstr "Não foi possível atualizar a senha. Por favor, tente novamente."
+#: mod/settings.php:465
+msgid " Please use a shorter name."
+msgstr " Por favor, use um nome mais curto."
+#: mod/settings.php:467
+msgid " Name too short."
+msgstr " O nome é muito curto."
+#: mod/settings.php:476
+msgid "Wrong Password"
+msgstr "Senha Errada"
+#: mod/settings.php:481
+msgid " Not valid email."
+msgstr " Não é um e-mail válido."
+#: mod/settings.php:487
+msgid " Cannot change to that email."
+msgstr " Não foi possível alterar para esse e-mail."
+#: mod/settings.php:543
+msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions. Using default privacy group."
+msgstr "O fórum privado não possui permissões de privacidade. Utilizando o grupo de privacidade padrão."
+#: mod/settings.php:547
+msgid "Private forum has no privacy permissions and no default privacy group."
+msgstr "O fórum privado não possui permissões de privacidade e nenhum grupo de privacidade padrão."
+#: mod/settings.php:586
+msgid "Settings updated."
+msgstr "As configurações foram atualizadas."
+#: mod/settings.php:662 mod/settings.php:688 mod/settings.php:724
+msgid "Add application"
+msgstr "Adicionar aplicação"
+#: mod/settings.php:666 mod/settings.php:692
+msgid "Consumer Key"
+msgstr "Chave do consumidor"
+#: mod/settings.php:667 mod/settings.php:693
+msgid "Consumer Secret"
+msgstr "Segredo do consumidor"
+#: mod/settings.php:668 mod/settings.php:694
+msgid "Redirect"
+msgstr "Redirecionar"
+#: mod/settings.php:669 mod/settings.php:695
+msgid "Icon url"
+msgstr "URL do ícone"
+#: mod/settings.php:680
+msgid "You can't edit this application."
+msgstr "Você não pode editar esta aplicação."
+#: mod/settings.php:723
+msgid "Connected Apps"
+msgstr "Aplicações conectadas"
+#: mod/settings.php:727
+msgid "Client key starts with"
+msgstr "A chave do cliente inicia com"
+#: mod/settings.php:728
+msgid "No name"
+msgstr "Sem nome"
+#: mod/settings.php:729
+msgid "Remove authorization"
+msgstr "Remover autorização"
+#: mod/settings.php:741
+msgid "No Plugin settings configured"
+msgstr "Não foi definida nenhuma configuração de plugin"
+#: mod/settings.php:749
+msgid "Plugin Settings"
+msgstr "Configurações do plugin"
+#: mod/settings.php:771
+msgid "Additional Features"
+msgstr "Funcionalidades Adicionais"
+#: mod/settings.php:781 mod/settings.php:785
+msgid "General Social Media Settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:791
+msgid "Disable intelligent shortening"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:793
+msgid ""
+"Normally the system tries to find the best link to add to shortened posts. "
+"If this option is enabled then every shortened post will always point to the"
+" original friendica post."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:799
+msgid "Automatically follow any GNU Social (OStatus) followers/mentioners"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:801
+msgid ""
+"If you receive a message from an unknown OStatus user, this option decides "
+"what to do. If it is checked, a new contact will be created for every "
+"unknown user."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:807
+msgid "Default group for OStatus contacts"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:813
+msgid "Your legacy GNU Social account"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:815
+msgid ""
+"If you enter your old GNU Social/Statusnet account name here (in the format "
+"user@domain.tld), your contacts will be added automatically. The field will "
+"be emptied when done."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:818
+msgid "Repair OStatus subscriptions"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:827 mod/settings.php:828
#, php-format
-msgid "Converted localtime: %s"
-msgstr "Horário local convertido: %s"
+msgid "Built-in support for %s connectivity is %s"
+msgstr "O suporte interno para conectividade de %s está %s"
-#: ../../mod/localtime.php:41
-msgid "Please select your timezone:"
-msgstr "Por favor, selecione seu fuso horário:"
+#: mod/settings.php:827 mod/settings.php:828
+msgid "enabled"
+msgstr "habilitado"
+#: mod/settings.php:827 mod/settings.php:828
+msgid "disabled"
+msgstr "desabilitado"
+#: mod/settings.php:828
+msgid "GNU Social (OStatus)"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:864
+msgid "Email access is disabled on this site."
+msgstr "O acesso ao e-mail está desabilitado neste site."
+#: mod/settings.php:876
+msgid "Email/Mailbox Setup"
+msgstr "Configurações do e-mail/caixa postal"
+#: mod/settings.php:877
+msgid ""
+"If you wish to communicate with email contacts using this service "
+"(optional), please specify how to connect to your mailbox."
+msgstr "Caso você deseje se comunicar com contatos de e-mail usando este serviço (opcional), por favor especifique como se conectar à sua caixa postal."
+#: mod/settings.php:878
+msgid "Last successful email check:"
+msgstr "Última checagem bem sucedida de e-mail:"
+#: mod/settings.php:880
+msgid "IMAP server name:"
+msgstr "Nome do servidor IMAP:"
+#: mod/settings.php:881
+msgid "IMAP port:"
+msgstr "Porta do IMAP:"
+#: mod/settings.php:882
+msgid "Security:"
+msgstr "Segurança:"
+#: mod/settings.php:882 mod/settings.php:887
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Nenhuma"
+#: mod/settings.php:883
+msgid "Email login name:"
+msgstr "Nome de usuário do e-mail:"
+#: mod/settings.php:884
+msgid "Email password:"
+msgstr "Senha do e-mail:"
+#: mod/settings.php:885
+msgid "Reply-to address:"
+msgstr "Endereço de resposta (Reply-to):"
+#: mod/settings.php:886
+msgid "Send public posts to all email contacts:"
+msgstr "Enviar publicações públicas para todos os contatos de e-mail:"
+#: mod/settings.php:887
+msgid "Action after import:"
+msgstr "Ação após a importação:"
+#: mod/settings.php:887
+msgid "Move to folder"
+msgstr "Mover para pasta"
+#: mod/settings.php:888
+msgid "Move to folder:"
+msgstr "Mover para pasta:"
+#: mod/settings.php:974
+msgid "Display Settings"
+msgstr "Configurações de exibição"
+#: mod/settings.php:980 mod/settings.php:1001
+msgid "Display Theme:"
+msgstr "Tema do perfil:"
+#: mod/settings.php:981
+msgid "Mobile Theme:"
+msgstr "Tema para dispositivos móveis:"
+#: mod/settings.php:982
+msgid "Update browser every xx seconds"
+msgstr "Atualizar o navegador a cada xx segundos"
+#: mod/settings.php:982
+msgid "Minimum of 10 seconds. Enter -1 to disable it."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:983
+msgid "Number of items to display per page:"
+msgstr "Número de itens a serem exibidos por página:"
+#: mod/settings.php:983 mod/settings.php:984
+msgid "Maximum of 100 items"
+msgstr "Máximo de 100 itens"
+#: mod/settings.php:984
+msgid "Number of items to display per page when viewed from mobile device:"
+msgstr "Número de itens a serem exibidos por página quando visualizando em um dispositivo móvel:"
+#: mod/settings.php:985
+msgid "Don't show emoticons"
+msgstr "Não exibir emoticons"
+#: mod/settings.php:986
+msgid "Calendar"
+msgstr "Agenda"
+#: mod/settings.php:987
+msgid "Beginning of week:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:988
+msgid "Don't show notices"
+msgstr "Não mostra avisos"
+#: mod/settings.php:989
+msgid "Infinite scroll"
+msgstr "rolamento infinito"
+#: mod/settings.php:990
+msgid "Automatic updates only at the top of the network page"
+msgstr "Atualizações automáticas só na parte superior da página da rede"
+#: mod/settings.php:992
+msgid "General Theme Settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:993
+msgid "Custom Theme Settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:994
+msgid "Content Settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:995 view/theme/frio/config.php:61
+#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:82 view/theme/quattro/config.php:66
+#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:72 view/theme/vier/config.php:109
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:150 view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:61
+msgid "Theme settings"
+msgstr "Configurações do tema"
+#: mod/settings.php:1072
+msgid "User Types"
+msgstr "Tipos de Usuários"
+#: mod/settings.php:1073
+msgid "Community Types"
+msgstr "Tipos de Comunidades"
+#: mod/settings.php:1074
+msgid "Normal Account Page"
+msgstr "Página de conta normal"
+#: mod/settings.php:1075
+msgid "This account is a normal personal profile"
+msgstr "Essa conta é um perfil pessoal normal"
+#: mod/settings.php:1078
+msgid "Soapbox Page"
+msgstr "Página de vitrine"
+#: mod/settings.php:1079
+msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"
+msgstr "Aprova automaticamente todas as solicitações de conexão/amizade como fãs com permissão somente de leitura"
+#: mod/settings.php:1082
+msgid "Community Forum/Celebrity Account"
+msgstr "Conta de fórum de comunidade/celebridade"
+#: mod/settings.php:1083
+msgid ""
+"Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans"
+msgstr "Aprova automaticamente todas as solicitações de conexão/amizade como fãs com permissão de leitura e escrita"
+#: mod/settings.php:1086
+msgid "Automatic Friend Page"
+msgstr "Página de amigo automático"
+#: mod/settings.php:1087
+msgid "Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"
+msgstr "Aprovar automaticamente todas as solicitações de conexão/amizade como amigos"
+#: mod/settings.php:1090
+msgid "Private Forum [Experimental]"
+msgstr "Fórum privado [Experimental]"
+#: mod/settings.php:1091
+msgid "Private forum - approved members only"
+msgstr "Fórum privado - somente membros aprovados"
+#: mod/settings.php:1103
+msgid "OpenID:"
+msgstr "OpenID:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1103
+msgid "(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account."
+msgstr "(Opcional) Permitir o uso deste OpenID para entrar nesta conta"
+#: mod/settings.php:1113
+msgid "Publish your default profile in your local site directory?"
+msgstr "Publicar o seu perfil padrão no diretório local do seu site?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1119
+msgid "Publish your default profile in the global social directory?"
+msgstr "Publicar o seu perfil padrão no diretório social global?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1127
+msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of your default profile?"
+msgstr "Ocultar visualização da sua lista de contatos/amigos no seu perfil padrão? "
+#: mod/settings.php:1131
+msgid ""
+"If enabled, posting public messages to Diaspora and other networks isn't "
+msgstr "Se ativado, postar mensagens públicas no Diáspora e em outras redes não será possível."
+#: mod/settings.php:1136
+msgid "Allow friends to post to your profile page?"
+msgstr "Permitir aos amigos publicarem na sua página de perfil?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1142
+msgid "Allow friends to tag your posts?"
+msgstr "Permitir aos amigos etiquetarem suas publicações?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1148
+msgid "Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?"
+msgstr "Permitir que você seja sugerido como amigo em potencial para novos membros?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1154
+msgid "Permit unknown people to send you private mail?"
+msgstr "Permitir que pessoas desconhecidas lhe enviem mensagens privadas?"
+#: mod/settings.php:1162
+msgid "Profile is not published ."
+msgstr "O perfil não está publicado ."
+#: mod/settings.php:1170
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your Identity Address is '%s' or '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1177
+msgid "Automatically expire posts after this many days:"
+msgstr "Expirar automaticamente publicações após tantos dias:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1177
+msgid "If empty, posts will not expire. Expired posts will be deleted"
+msgstr "Se deixado em branco, as publicações não irão expirar. Publicações expiradas serão excluídas."
+#: mod/settings.php:1178
+msgid "Advanced expiration settings"
+msgstr "Configurações avançadas de expiração"
+#: mod/settings.php:1179
+msgid "Advanced Expiration"
+msgstr "Expiração avançada"
+#: mod/settings.php:1180
+msgid "Expire posts:"
+msgstr "Expirar publicações:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1181
+msgid "Expire personal notes:"
+msgstr "Expirar notas pessoais:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1182
+msgid "Expire starred posts:"
+msgstr "Expirar publicações destacadas:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1183
+msgid "Expire photos:"
+msgstr "Expirar fotos:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1184
+msgid "Only expire posts by others:"
+msgstr "Expirar somente as publicações de outras pessoas:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1212
+msgid "Account Settings"
+msgstr "Configurações da conta"
+#: mod/settings.php:1220
+msgid "Password Settings"
+msgstr "Configurações da senha"
+#: mod/settings.php:1222
+msgid "Leave password fields blank unless changing"
+msgstr "Deixe os campos de senha em branco, a não ser que você queira alterá-la"
+#: mod/settings.php:1223
+msgid "Current Password:"
+msgstr "Senha Atual:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1223 mod/settings.php:1224
+msgid "Your current password to confirm the changes"
+msgstr "Sua senha atual para confirmar as mudanças"
+#: mod/settings.php:1224
+msgid "Password:"
+msgstr "Senha:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1228
+msgid "Basic Settings"
+msgstr "Configurações básicas"
+#: mod/settings.php:1230
+msgid "Email Address:"
+msgstr "Endereço de e-mail:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1231
+msgid "Your Timezone:"
+msgstr "Seu fuso horário:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1232
+msgid "Your Language:"
+msgstr "Seu idioma:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1232
+msgid ""
+"Set the language we use to show you friendica interface and to send you "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1233
+msgid "Default Post Location:"
+msgstr "Localização padrão de suas publicações:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1234
+msgid "Use Browser Location:"
+msgstr "Usar localizador do navegador:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1237
+msgid "Security and Privacy Settings"
+msgstr "Configurações de segurança e privacidade"
+#: mod/settings.php:1239
+msgid "Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"
+msgstr "Número máximo de requisições de amizade por dia:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1239 mod/settings.php:1269
+msgid "(to prevent spam abuse)"
+msgstr "(para prevenir abuso de spammers)"
+#: mod/settings.php:1240
+msgid "Default Post Permissions"
+msgstr "Permissões padrão de publicação"
+#: mod/settings.php:1241
+msgid "(click to open/close)"
+msgstr "(clique para abrir/fechar)"
+#: mod/settings.php:1250 mod/photos.php:1187 mod/photos.php:1571
+msgid "Show to Groups"
+msgstr "Mostre para Grupos"
+#: mod/settings.php:1251 mod/photos.php:1188 mod/photos.php:1572
+msgid "Show to Contacts"
+msgstr "Mostre para Contatos"
+#: mod/settings.php:1252
+msgid "Default Private Post"
+msgstr "Publicação Privada Padrão"
+#: mod/settings.php:1253
+msgid "Default Public Post"
+msgstr "Publicação Pública Padrão"
+#: mod/settings.php:1257
+msgid "Default Permissions for New Posts"
+msgstr "Permissões Padrão para Publicações Novas"
+#: mod/settings.php:1269
+msgid "Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:"
+msgstr "Número máximo de mensagens privadas de pessoas desconhecidas, por dia:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1272
+msgid "Notification Settings"
+msgstr "Configurações de notificação"
+#: mod/settings.php:1273
+msgid "By default post a status message when:"
+msgstr "Por padrão, publicar uma mensagem de status quando:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1274
+msgid "accepting a friend request"
+msgstr "aceitar uma requisição de amizade"
+#: mod/settings.php:1275
+msgid "joining a forum/community"
+msgstr "associar-se a um fórum/comunidade"
+#: mod/settings.php:1276
+msgid "making an interesting profile change"
+msgstr "fazer uma modificação interessante em seu perfil"
+#: mod/settings.php:1277
+msgid "Send a notification email when:"
+msgstr "Enviar um e-mail de notificação sempre que:"
+#: mod/settings.php:1278
+msgid "You receive an introduction"
+msgstr "Você recebeu uma apresentação"
+#: mod/settings.php:1279
+msgid "Your introductions are confirmed"
+msgstr "Suas apresentações forem confirmadas"
+#: mod/settings.php:1280
+msgid "Someone writes on your profile wall"
+msgstr "Alguém escrever no mural do seu perfil"
+#: mod/settings.php:1281
+msgid "Someone writes a followup comment"
+msgstr "Alguém comentar a sua mensagem"
+#: mod/settings.php:1282
+msgid "You receive a private message"
+msgstr "Você recebeu uma mensagem privada"
+#: mod/settings.php:1283
+msgid "You receive a friend suggestion"
+msgstr "Você recebe uma suggestão de amigo"
+#: mod/settings.php:1284
+msgid "You are tagged in a post"
+msgstr "Você foi etiquetado em uma publicação"
+#: mod/settings.php:1285
+msgid "You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"
+msgstr "Você está cutucado/incitado/etc. em uma publicação"
+#: mod/settings.php:1287
+msgid "Activate desktop notifications"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1287
+msgid "Show desktop popup on new notifications"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/settings.php:1289
+msgid "Text-only notification emails"
+msgstr "Emails de notificação apenas de texto"
+#: mod/settings.php:1291
+msgid "Send text only notification emails, without the html part"
+msgstr "Enviar e-mails de notificação apenas de texto, sem a parte html"
+#: mod/settings.php:1293
+msgid "Advanced Account/Page Type Settings"
+msgstr "Conta avançada/Configurações do tipo de página"
+#: mod/settings.php:1294
+msgid "Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"
+msgstr "Modificar o comportamento desta conta em situações especiais"
+#: mod/settings.php:1297
+msgid "Relocate"
+msgstr "Relocação"
+#: mod/settings.php:1298
+msgid ""
+"If you have moved this profile from another server, and some of your "
+"contacts don't receive your updates, try pushing this button."
+msgstr "Se você moveu esse perfil de outro servidor e algum dos seus contatos não recebe atualizações, pressione esse botão."
+#: mod/settings.php:1299
+msgid "Resend relocate message to contacts"
+msgstr "Reenviar mensagem de relocação para os contatos"
+#: mod/videos.php:123
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this video?"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/videos.php:128
+msgid "Delete Video"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/videos.php:207
+msgid "No videos selected"
+msgstr "Nenhum vídeo selecionado"
+#: mod/videos.php:308 mod/photos.php:1075
+msgid "Access to this item is restricted."
+msgstr "O acesso a este item é restrito."
+#: mod/videos.php:390 mod/photos.php:1877
+msgid "View Album"
+msgstr "Ver álbum"
+#: mod/videos.php:399
+msgid "Recent Videos"
+msgstr "Vídeos Recentes"
+#: mod/videos.php:401
+msgid "Upload New Videos"
+msgstr "Envie Novos Vídeos"
+#: mod/install.php:139
+msgid "Friendica Communications Server - Setup"
+msgstr "Servidor de Comunicações Friendica - Configuração"
+#: mod/install.php:145
+msgid "Could not connect to database."
+msgstr "Não foi possível conectar ao banco de dados."
+#: mod/install.php:149
+msgid "Could not create table."
+msgstr "Não foi possível criar tabela."
+#: mod/install.php:155
+msgid "Your Friendica site database has been installed."
+msgstr "O banco de dados do seu site Friendica foi instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:160
+msgid ""
+"You may need to import the file \"database.sql\" manually using phpmyadmin "
+"or mysql."
+msgstr "Você provavelmente precisará importar o arquivo \"database.sql\" manualmente, usando o phpmyadmin ou o mysql."
+#: mod/install.php:161 mod/install.php:230 mod/install.php:602
+msgid "Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\"."
+msgstr "Por favor, dê uma olhada no arquivo \"INSTALL.TXT\"."
+#: mod/install.php:173
+msgid "Database already in use."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/install.php:227
+msgid "System check"
+msgstr "Checagem do sistema"
+#: mod/install.php:232
+msgid "Check again"
+msgstr "Checar novamente"
+#: mod/install.php:251
+msgid "Database connection"
+msgstr "Conexão de banco de dados"
+#: mod/install.php:252
+msgid ""
+"In order to install Friendica we need to know how to connect to your "
+msgstr "À fim de instalar o Friendica, você precisa saber como se conectar ao seu banco de dados."
+#: mod/install.php:253
+msgid ""
+"Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have "
+"questions about these settings."
+msgstr "Por favor, entre em contato com a sua hospedagem ou com o administrador do site caso você tenha alguma dúvida em relação a essas configurações."
+#: mod/install.php:254
+msgid ""
+"The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please "
+"create it before continuing."
+msgstr "O banco de dados que você especificou abaixo já deve existir. Caso contrário, por favor crie-o antes de continuar."
+#: mod/install.php:258
+msgid "Database Server Name"
+msgstr "Nome do servidor de banco de dados"
+#: mod/install.php:259
+msgid "Database Login Name"
+msgstr "Nome do usuário do banco de dados"
+#: mod/install.php:260
+msgid "Database Login Password"
+msgstr "Senha do usuário do banco de dados"
+#: mod/install.php:261
+msgid "Database Name"
+msgstr "Nome do banco de dados"
+#: mod/install.php:262 mod/install.php:303
+msgid "Site administrator email address"
+msgstr "Endereço de email do administrador do site"
+#: mod/install.php:262 mod/install.php:303
+msgid ""
+"Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin "
+msgstr "O endereço de email da sua conta deve ser igual a este para que você possa utilizar o painel de administração web."
+#: mod/install.php:266 mod/install.php:306
+msgid "Please select a default timezone for your website"
+msgstr "Por favor, selecione o fuso horário padrão para o seu site"
+#: mod/install.php:293
+msgid "Site settings"
+msgstr "Configurações do site"
+#: mod/install.php:307
+msgid "System Language:"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/install.php:307
+msgid ""
+"Set the default language for your Friendica installation interface and to "
+"send emails."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/install.php:347
+msgid "Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH."
+msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar uma versão de linha de comando do PHP nos caminhos do seu servidor web."
+#: mod/install.php:348
+msgid ""
+"If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on server, you "
+"will not be able to run background polling via cron. See 'Setup the poller' "
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/install.php:352
+msgid "PHP executable path"
+msgstr "Caminho para o executável do PhP"
+#: mod/install.php:352
+msgid ""
+"Enter full path to php executable. You can leave this blank to continue the "
+msgstr "Digite o caminho completo do executável PHP. Você pode deixar isso em branco para continuar com a instalação."
+#: mod/install.php:357
+msgid "Command line PHP"
+msgstr "PHP em linha de comando"
+#: mod/install.php:366
+msgid "PHP executable is not the php cli binary (could be cgi-fgci version)"
+msgstr "O executável do PHP não é o binário do php cli (could be cgi-fcgi version)"
+#: mod/install.php:367
+msgid "Found PHP version: "
+msgstr "Encontrado PHP versão:"
+#: mod/install.php:369
+msgid "PHP cli binary"
+msgstr "Binário cli do PHP"
+#: mod/install.php:380
+msgid ""
+"The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "
+"\"register_argc_argv\" enabled."
+msgstr "\"register_argc_argv\" não está habilitado na versão de linha de comando do PHP no seu sistema."
+#: mod/install.php:381
+msgid "This is required for message delivery to work."
+msgstr "Isto é necessário para o funcionamento do envio de mensagens."
+#: mod/install.php:383
+msgid "PHP register_argc_argv"
+msgstr "PHP register_argc_argv"
+#: mod/install.php:404
+msgid ""
+"Error: the \"openssl_pkey_new\" function on this system is not able to "
+"generate encryption keys"
+msgstr "Erro: a função \"openssl_pkey_new\" no seu sistema não é capaz de gerar as chaves de criptografia"
+#: mod/install.php:405
+msgid ""
+"If running under Windows, please see "
+msgstr "Se estiver usando o Windows, por favor dê uma olhada em \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\"."
+#: mod/install.php:407
+msgid "Generate encryption keys"
+msgstr "Gerar chaves de encriptação"
+#: mod/install.php:414
+msgid "libCurl PHP module"
+msgstr "Módulo PHP libCurl"
+#: mod/install.php:415
+msgid "GD graphics PHP module"
+msgstr "Módulo PHP GD graphics"
+#: mod/install.php:416
+msgid "OpenSSL PHP module"
+msgstr "Módulo PHP OpenSSL"
+#: mod/install.php:417
+msgid "mysqli PHP module"
+msgstr "Módulo PHP mysqli"
+#: mod/install.php:418
+msgid "mb_string PHP module"
+msgstr "Módulo PHP mb_string "
+#: mod/install.php:419
+msgid "mcrypt PHP module"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/install.php:420
+msgid "XML PHP module"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/install.php:421
+msgid "iconv module"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/install.php:425 mod/install.php:427
+msgid "Apache mod_rewrite module"
+msgstr "Módulo mod_rewrite do Apache"
+#: mod/install.php:425
+msgid ""
+"Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erro: o módulo mod-rewrite do Apache é necessário, mas não está instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:433
+msgid "Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erro: o módulo libCURL do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:437
+msgid ""
+"Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erro: o módulo gráfico GD, com suporte a JPEG, do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:441
+msgid "Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erro: o módulo openssl do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:445
+msgid "Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erro: o módulo mysqli do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:449
+msgid "Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erro: o módulo mb_string PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:453
+msgid "Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erro: o módulo mcrypt do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:457
+msgid "Error: iconv PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/install.php:466
+msgid ""
+"If you are using php_cli, please make sure that mcrypt module is enabled in "
+"its config file"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/install.php:469
+msgid ""
+"Function mcrypt_create_iv() is not defined. This is needed to enable RINO2 "
+"encryption layer."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/install.php:471
+msgid "mcrypt_create_iv() function"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/install.php:479
+msgid "Error, XML PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Erro: o módulo XML do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado."
+#: mod/install.php:494
+msgid ""
+"The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\""
+" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."
+msgstr "O instalador web precisa criar um arquivo chamado \".htconfig.php\" na pasta raiz da instalação e não está conseguindo."
+#: mod/install.php:495
+msgid ""
+"This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able "
+"to write files in your folder - even if you can."
+msgstr "Geralmente isso está relacionado às definições de permissão, uma vez que o servidor web pode não estar conseguindo escrever os arquivos nesta pasta."
+#: mod/install.php:496
+msgid ""
+"At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file "
+"named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."
+msgstr "Ao final desse procedimento, será fornecido um texto que deverá ser salvo em um arquivo de nome. htconfig.php, na pasta raiz da instalação do seu Friendica."
+#: mod/install.php:497
+msgid ""
+"You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation."
+" Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."
+msgstr "Você também pode pular esse procedimento e executar uma instalação manual. Por favor, dê uma olhada no arquivo \"INSTALL.TXT\" para instruções."
+#: mod/install.php:500
+msgid ".htconfig.php is writable"
+msgstr ".htconfig.php tem permissão de escrita"
+#: mod/install.php:510
+msgid ""
+"Friendica uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 "
+"compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering."
+msgstr "Friendica usa o engine de template Smarty3 para renderizar suas web views. Smarty3 compila templates para PHP para acelerar a renderização."
+#: mod/install.php:511
+msgid ""
+"In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have "
+"write access to the directory view/smarty3/ under the Friendica top level "
+msgstr "Para guardar os templates compilados, o servidor web necessita de permissão de escrita no diretório view/smarty3/ no diretório raíz do Friendica."
+#: mod/install.php:512
+msgid ""
+"Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as (e.g. www-data) has"
+" write access to this folder."
+msgstr "Favor se certificar que o usuário sob o qual o servidor web roda (ex: www-data) tenha permissão de escrita nesse diretório."
+#: mod/install.php:513
+msgid ""
+"Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to "
+"view/smarty3/ only--not the template files (.tpl) that it contains."
+msgstr "Nota: como uma medida de segurança, você deve fornecer ao servidor web permissão de escrita em view/smarty3/ somente--não aos arquivos de template (.tpl) que ele contém."
+#: mod/install.php:516
+msgid "view/smarty3 is writable"
+msgstr "view/smarty3 tem escrita permitida"
+#: mod/install.php:532
+msgid ""
+"Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration."
+msgstr "A reescrita de URLs definida no .htaccess não está funcionando. Por favor, verifique as configurações do seu servidor."
+#: mod/install.php:534
+msgid "Url rewrite is working"
+msgstr "A reescrita de URLs está funcionando"
+#: mod/install.php:551
+msgid "ImageMagick PHP extension is installed"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/install.php:553
+msgid "ImageMagick supports GIF"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/install.php:561
+msgid ""
+"The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. "
+"Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web "
+"server root."
+msgstr "Não foi possível gravar o arquivo de configuração \".htconfig.php\". Por favor, use o texto incluso para criar um arquivo de configuração na raiz da instalação do Friendika em seu servidor web."
+#: mod/install.php:600
+msgid "What next "
+msgstr "A seguir "
+#: mod/install.php:601
+msgid ""
+"IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the "
+msgstr "IMPORTANTE: Você deve configurar [manualmente] uma tarefa agendada para o captador."
+#: mod/notifications.php:35
+msgid "Invalid request identifier."
+msgstr "Identificador de solicitação inválido"
+#: mod/notifications.php:44 mod/notifications.php:180
+#: mod/notifications.php:252
+msgid "Discard"
+msgstr "Descartar"
+#: mod/notifications.php:105
+msgid "Network Notifications"
+msgstr "Notificações de rede"
+#: mod/notifications.php:117
+msgid "Personal Notifications"
+msgstr "Notificações pessoais"
+#: mod/notifications.php:123
+msgid "Home Notifications"
+msgstr "Notificações pessoais"
+#: mod/notifications.php:152
+msgid "Show Ignored Requests"
+msgstr "Exibir solicitações ignoradas"
+#: mod/notifications.php:152
+msgid "Hide Ignored Requests"
+msgstr "Ocultar solicitações ignoradas"
+#: mod/notifications.php:164 mod/notifications.php:222
+msgid "Notification type: "
+msgstr "Tipo de notificação:"
+#: mod/notifications.php:167
+#, php-format
+msgid "suggested by %s"
+msgstr "sugerido por %s"
+#: mod/notifications.php:173 mod/notifications.php:240
+msgid "Post a new friend activity"
+msgstr "Publicar a adição de amigo"
+#: mod/notifications.php:173 mod/notifications.php:240
+msgid "if applicable"
+msgstr "se aplicável"
+#: mod/notifications.php:195
+msgid "Claims to be known to you: "
+msgstr "Alega ser conhecido por você: "
+#: mod/notifications.php:196
+msgid "yes"
+msgstr "sim"
+#: mod/notifications.php:196
+msgid "no"
+msgstr "não"
+#: mod/notifications.php:197
+msgid ""
+"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
+"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that "
+"you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
+msgstr "Sua conexão deve ser bidirecional ou não? \"Amigo\" implica que você permite ler e se inscreve nos textos dele. \"Fan / admirador\" significa que você permite ler, mas você não quer ler os textos dele. Aprovar como:"
+#: mod/notifications.php:200
+msgid ""
+"Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you "
+"allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you "
+"allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "
+msgstr "Sua conexão deve ser bidirecional ou não? \"Amigo\" implica que você permite a leitura e assina o textos dele. \"Compartilhador\" significa que você permite a leitura mas você não quer ler os textos dele. Aprova como:"
+#: mod/notifications.php:209
+msgid "Friend"
+msgstr "Amigo"
+#: mod/notifications.php:210
+msgid "Sharer"
+msgstr "Compartilhador"
+#: mod/notifications.php:210
+msgid "Fan/Admirer"
+msgstr "Fã/Admirador"
+#: mod/notifications.php:260
+msgid "No introductions."
+msgstr "Sem apresentações."
+#: mod/notifications.php:299
+msgid "Show unread"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/notifications.php:299
+msgid "Show all"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/notifications.php:305
+#, php-format
+msgid "No more %s notifications."
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/photos.php:101 mod/photos.php:1886
+msgid "Recent Photos"
+msgstr "Fotos recentes"
+#: mod/photos.php:104 mod/photos.php:1308 mod/photos.php:1888
+msgid "Upload New Photos"
+msgstr "Enviar novas fotos"
+#: mod/photos.php:182
+msgid "Contact information unavailable"
+msgstr "A informação de contato não está disponível"
+#: mod/photos.php:203
+msgid "Album not found."
+msgstr "O álbum não foi encontrado."
+#: mod/photos.php:233 mod/photos.php:245 mod/photos.php:1250
+msgid "Delete Album"
+msgstr "Excluir o álbum"
+#: mod/photos.php:243
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"
+msgstr "Você realmente deseja deletar esse álbum de fotos e todas as suas fotos?"
+#: mod/photos.php:323 mod/photos.php:334 mod/photos.php:1567
+msgid "Delete Photo"
+msgstr "Excluir a foto"
+#: mod/photos.php:332
+msgid "Do you really want to delete this photo?"
+msgstr "Você realmente deseja deletar essa foto?"
+#: mod/photos.php:707
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s was tagged in %2$s by %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s foi marcado em %2$s por %3$s"
+#: mod/photos.php:707
+msgid "a photo"
+msgstr "uma foto"
+#: mod/photos.php:814
+msgid "Image file is empty."
+msgstr "O arquivo de imagem está vazio."
+#: mod/photos.php:974
+msgid "No photos selected"
+msgstr "Não foi selecionada nenhuma foto"
+#: mod/photos.php:1135
+#, php-format
+msgid "You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."
+msgstr "Você está usando %1$.2f Mbytes dos %2$.2f Mbytes liberados para armazenamento de fotos."
+#: mod/photos.php:1170
+msgid "Upload Photos"
+msgstr "Enviar fotos"
+#: mod/photos.php:1174 mod/photos.php:1245
+msgid "New album name: "
+msgstr "Nome do novo álbum: "
+#: mod/photos.php:1175
+msgid "or existing album name: "
+msgstr "ou o nome de um álbum já existente: "
+#: mod/photos.php:1176
+msgid "Do not show a status post for this upload"
+msgstr "Não exiba uma publicação de status para este envio"
+#: mod/photos.php:1189
+msgid "Private Photo"
+msgstr "Foto Privada"
+#: mod/photos.php:1190
+msgid "Public Photo"
+msgstr "Foto Pública"
+#: mod/photos.php:1258
+msgid "Edit Album"
+msgstr "Editar o álbum"
+#: mod/photos.php:1264
+msgid "Show Newest First"
+msgstr "Exibir as mais recentes primeiro"
+#: mod/photos.php:1266
+msgid "Show Oldest First"
+msgstr "Exibir as mais antigas primeiro"
+#: mod/photos.php:1294 mod/photos.php:1871
+msgid "View Photo"
+msgstr "Ver a foto"
+#: mod/photos.php:1340
+msgid "Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."
+msgstr "Permissão negada. O acesso a este item pode estar restrito."
+#: mod/photos.php:1342
+msgid "Photo not available"
+msgstr "A foto não está disponível"
+#: mod/photos.php:1398
+msgid "View photo"
+msgstr "Ver a imagem"
+#: mod/photos.php:1398
+msgid "Edit photo"
+msgstr "Editar a foto"
+#: mod/photos.php:1399
+msgid "Use as profile photo"
+msgstr "Usar como uma foto de perfil"
+#: mod/photos.php:1424
+msgid "View Full Size"
+msgstr "Ver no tamanho real"
+#: mod/photos.php:1510
+msgid "Tags: "
+msgstr "Etiquetas: "
+#: mod/photos.php:1513
+msgid "[Remove any tag]"
+msgstr "[Remover qualquer etiqueta]"
+#: mod/photos.php:1553
+msgid "New album name"
+msgstr "Novo nome para o álbum"
+#: mod/photos.php:1554
+msgid "Caption"
+msgstr "Legenda"
+#: mod/photos.php:1555
+msgid "Add a Tag"
+msgstr "Adicionar uma etiqueta"
+#: mod/photos.php:1555
+msgid ""
+"Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"
+msgstr "Por exemplo: @joao, @Joao_da_Silva, @joao@exemplo.com, #Minas_Gerais, #acampamento"
+#: mod/photos.php:1556
+msgid "Do not rotate"
+msgstr ""
+#: mod/photos.php:1557
+msgid "Rotate CW (right)"
+msgstr "Rotacionar para direita"
+#: mod/photos.php:1558
+msgid "Rotate CCW (left)"
+msgstr "Rotacionar para esquerda"
+#: mod/photos.php:1573
+msgid "Private photo"
+msgstr "Foto privada"
+#: mod/photos.php:1574
+msgid "Public photo"
+msgstr "Foto pública"
+#: mod/photos.php:1800
+msgid "Map"
+msgstr ""
+#: object/Item.php:370
+msgid "via"
+msgstr "via"
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:23
+msgid "Repeat the image"
+msgstr "Lado a lado"
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:23
+msgid "Will repeat your image to fill the background."
+msgstr "Repete a imagem para preencher o plano de fundo."
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:25
+msgid "Stretch"
+msgstr "Esticar"
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:25
+msgid "Will stretch to width/height of the image."
+msgstr "Estica até a largura/altura da imagem."
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:27
+msgid "Resize fill and-clip"
+msgstr "Preencher e cortar"
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:27
+msgid "Resize to fill and retain aspect ratio."
+msgstr "Redimensiona para preencher o plano de fundo, mantendo proporções."
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:29
+msgid "Resize best fit"
+msgstr "Ajustar"
+#: view/theme/frio/php/Image.php:29
+msgid "Resize to best fit and retain aspect ratio."
+msgstr "Redimensiona para ajustar ao plano de fundo, mantendo proporções."
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:42
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Padrão"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:54
+msgid "Note: "
+msgstr "Observação:"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:54
+msgid "Check image permissions if all users are allowed to visit the image"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:62
+msgid "Select scheme"
+msgstr "Selecionar esquema de cores"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:63
+msgid "Navigation bar background color"
+msgstr "Cor de fundo da barra de navegação"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:64
+msgid "Navigation bar icon color "
+msgstr "Cor do ícone da barra de navegação"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:65
+msgid "Link color"
+msgstr "Cor do link"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:66
+msgid "Set the background color"
+msgstr "Escolher a cor de fundo"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:67
+msgid "Content background transparency"
+msgstr "Transparência do fundo do conteúdo"
+#: view/theme/frio/config.php:68
+msgid "Set the background image"
+msgstr "Escolher a imagem de fundo"
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:226
+msgid "Guest"
+msgstr "Convidado"
+#: view/theme/frio/theme.php:232
+msgid "Visitor"
+msgstr "Visitante"
+#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:83
+msgid "Set resize level for images in posts and comments (width and height)"
+msgstr "Configure o nível de redimensionamento para imagens em publicações e comentários (largura e altura)"
+#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:84 view/theme/dispy/config.php:73
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:151
+msgid "Set font-size for posts and comments"
+msgstr "Escolha o tamanho da fonte para publicações e comentários"
+#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:85
+msgid "Set theme width"
+msgstr "Configure a largura do tema"
+#: view/theme/cleanzero/config.php:86 view/theme/quattro/config.php:68
+msgid "Color scheme"
+msgstr "Esquema de cores"
+#: view/theme/quattro/config.php:67
+msgid "Alignment"
+msgstr "Alinhamento"
+#: view/theme/quattro/config.php:67
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Esquerda"
+#: view/theme/quattro/config.php:67
+msgid "Center"
+msgstr "Centro"
+#: view/theme/quattro/config.php:69
+msgid "Posts font size"
+msgstr "Tamanho da fonte para publicações"
+#: view/theme/quattro/config.php:70
+msgid "Textareas font size"
+msgstr "Tamanho da fonte para campos texto"
+#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:74 view/theme/diabook/config.php:152
+msgid "Set line-height for posts and comments"
+msgstr "Escolha comprimento da linha para publicações e comentários"
+#: view/theme/dispy/config.php:75
+msgid "Set colour scheme"
+msgstr "Configure o esquema de cores"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:152 view/theme/vier/config.php:112
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:391 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:626
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:160
+msgid "Community Profiles"
+msgstr "Profiles Comunitários"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:181 view/theme/vier/config.php:116
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:412 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:630
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:164
+msgid "Last users"
+msgstr "Últimos usuários"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:199 view/theme/vier/config.php:115
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:523 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:629
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:163
+msgid "Find Friends"
+msgstr "Encontrar amigos"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:200 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:524
+msgid "Local Directory"
+msgstr "Diretório Local"
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:291
+msgid "Quick Start"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/vier/theme.php:373 view/theme/vier/config.php:114
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:606 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:628
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:162
+msgid "Connect Services"
+msgstr "Conectar serviços"
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:64
+msgid "Comma separated list of helper forums"
+msgstr ""
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:110
+msgid "Set style"
+msgstr "escolha estilo"
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:111 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:130
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:544 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:624
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:158
+msgid "Community Pages"
+msgstr "Páginas da Comunidade"
+#: view/theme/vier/config.php:113 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:599
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:627 view/theme/diabook/config.php:161
+msgid "Help or @NewHere ?"
+msgstr "Ajuda ou @NewHere ?"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:125
+msgid "Your contacts"
+msgstr "Seus contatos"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:128
+msgid "Your personal photos"
+msgstr "Suas fotos pessoais"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:441 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:632
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:166
+msgid "Last likes"
+msgstr "Últimas gostadas"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:486 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:631
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:165
+msgid "Last photos"
+msgstr "Últimas fotos"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:579 view/theme/diabook/theme.php:625
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:159
+msgid "Earth Layers"
+msgstr "Camadas da Terra"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:584
+msgid "Set zoomfactor for Earth Layers"
+msgstr "Configure o zoom para Camadas da Terra"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:585 view/theme/diabook/config.php:156
+msgid "Set longitude (X) for Earth Layers"
+msgstr "Configure longitude (X) para Camadas da Terra"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:586 view/theme/diabook/config.php:157
+msgid "Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layers"
+msgstr "Configure latitude (Y) para Camadas da Terra"
+#: view/theme/diabook/theme.php:622
+msgid "Show/hide boxes at right-hand column:"
+msgstr "Mostre/esconda caixas na coluna à direita:"
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:153
+msgid "Set resolution for middle column"
+msgstr "Escolha a resolução para a coluna do meio"
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:154
+msgid "Set color scheme"
+msgstr "Configure o esquema de cores"
+#: view/theme/diabook/config.php:155
+msgid "Set zoomfactor for Earth Layer"
+msgstr "Configure o zoom para Camadas da Terra"
+#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:45
+msgid "greenzero"
+msgstr "greenzero"
+#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:46
+msgid "purplezero"
+msgstr "purplezero"
+#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:47
+msgid "easterbunny"
+msgstr "easterbunny"
+#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:48
+msgid "darkzero"
+msgstr "darkzero"
+#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:49
+msgid "comix"
+msgstr "comix"
+#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:50
+msgid "slackr"
+msgstr "slackr"
+#: view/theme/duepuntozero/config.php:62
+msgid "Variations"
+msgstr "Variações"
+#: index.php:447
+msgid "toggle mobile"
+msgstr "habilita mobile"
+#: boot.php:901
+msgid "Delete this item?"
+msgstr "Excluir este item?"
+#: boot.php:904
+msgid "show fewer"
+msgstr "exibir menos"
+#: boot.php:1518
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s failed. See error logs."
+msgstr "Atualização %s falhou. Vide registro de erros (log)."
+#: boot.php:1630
+msgid "Create a New Account"
+msgstr "Criar uma nova conta"
+#: boot.php:1659
+msgid "Password: "
+msgstr "Senha: "
+#: boot.php:1660
+msgid "Remember me"
+msgstr "Lembre-se de mim"
+#: boot.php:1663
+msgid "Or login using OpenID: "
+msgstr "Ou login usando OpendID:"
+#: boot.php:1669
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr "Esqueceu a sua senha?"
+#: boot.php:1672
+msgid "Website Terms of Service"
+msgstr "Termos de Serviço do Website"
+#: boot.php:1673
+msgid "terms of service"
+msgstr "termos de serviço"
+#: boot.php:1675
+msgid "Website Privacy Policy"
+msgstr "Política de Privacidade do Website"
+#: boot.php:1676
+msgid "privacy policy"
+msgstr "política de privacidade"
diff --git a/view/pt-br/strings.php b/view/lang/pt-br/strings.php
similarity index 88%
rename from view/pt-br/strings.php
rename to view/lang/pt-br/strings.php
index 7021e9802..2dddd531a 100644
--- a/view/pt-br/strings.php
+++ b/view/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -5,202 +5,33 @@ function string_plural_select_pt_br($n){
return ($n > 1);;
-$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
-$a->strings["Theme settings"] = "Configurações do tema";
-$a->strings["Set resize level for images in posts and comments (width and height)"] = "Configure o nível de redimensionamento para imagens em publicações e comentários (largura e altura)";
-$a->strings["Set font-size for posts and comments"] = "Escolha o tamanho da fonte para publicações e comentários";
-$a->strings["Set theme width"] = "Configure a largura do tema";
-$a->strings["Color scheme"] = "Esquema de cores";
-$a->strings["Set style"] = "escolha estilo";
-$a->strings["default"] = "padrão";
-$a->strings["greenzero"] = "greenzero";
-$a->strings["purplezero"] = "purplezero";
-$a->strings["easterbunny"] = "easterbunny";
-$a->strings["darkzero"] = "darkzero";
-$a->strings["comix"] = "comix";
-$a->strings["slackr"] = "slackr";
-$a->strings["Variations"] = "Variações";
-$a->strings["don't show"] = "não exibir";
-$a->strings["show"] = "exibir";
-$a->strings["Set line-height for posts and comments"] = "Escolha comprimento da linha para publicações e comentários";
-$a->strings["Set resolution for middle column"] = "Escolha a resolução para a coluna do meio";
-$a->strings["Set color scheme"] = "Configure o esquema de cores";
-$a->strings["Set zoomfactor for Earth Layer"] = "Configure o zoom para Camadas da Terra";
-$a->strings["Set longitude (X) for Earth Layers"] = "Configure longitude (X) para Camadas da Terra";
-$a->strings["Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layers"] = "Configure latitude (Y) para Camadas da Terra";
-$a->strings["Community Pages"] = "Páginas da Comunidade";
-$a->strings["Earth Layers"] = "Camadas da Terra";
-$a->strings["Community Profiles"] = "Profiles Comunitários";
-$a->strings["Help or @NewHere ?"] = "Ajuda ou @NewHere ?";
-$a->strings["Connect Services"] = "Conectar serviços";
-$a->strings["Find Friends"] = "Encontrar amigos";
-$a->strings["Last users"] = "Últimos usuários";
-$a->strings["Last photos"] = "Últimas fotos";
-$a->strings["Last likes"] = "Últimas gostadas";
-$a->strings["Home"] = "Pessoal";
-$a->strings["Your posts and conversations"] = "Suas publicações e conversas";
-$a->strings["Profile"] = "Perfil ";
-$a->strings["Your profile page"] = "Sua página de perfil";
-$a->strings["Contacts"] = "Contatos";
-$a->strings["Your contacts"] = "Seus contatos";
-$a->strings["Photos"] = "Fotos";
-$a->strings["Your photos"] = "Suas fotos";
-$a->strings["Events"] = "Eventos";
-$a->strings["Your events"] = "Seus eventos";
-$a->strings["Personal notes"] = "Suas anotações pessoais";
-$a->strings["Your personal photos"] = "Suas fotos pessoais";
-$a->strings["Community"] = "Comunidade";
-$a->strings["event"] = "evento";
-$a->strings["status"] = "status";
-$a->strings["photo"] = "foto";
-$a->strings["%1\$s likes %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s gosta de %3\$s de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Fotos dos contatos";
-$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Fotos do perfil";
-$a->strings["Local Directory"] = "Diretório Local";
-$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Diretório global";
-$a->strings["Similar Interests"] = "Interesses Parecidos";
-$a->strings["Friend Suggestions"] = "Sugestões de amigos";
-$a->strings["Invite Friends"] = "Convidar amigos";
-$a->strings["Settings"] = "Configurações";
-$a->strings["Set zoomfactor for Earth Layers"] = "Configure o zoom para Camadas da Terra";
-$a->strings["Show/hide boxes at right-hand column:"] = "Mostre/esconda caixas na coluna à direita:";
-$a->strings["Alignment"] = "Alinhamento";
-$a->strings["Left"] = "Esquerda";
-$a->strings["Center"] = "Centro";
-$a->strings["Posts font size"] = "Tamanho da fonte para publicações";
-$a->strings["Textareas font size"] = "Tamanho da fonte para campos texto";
-$a->strings["Set colour scheme"] = "Configure o esquema de cores";
-$a->strings["You must be logged in to use addons. "] = "Você precisa estar logado para usar os addons.";
-$a->strings["Not Found"] = "Não encontrada";
-$a->strings["Page not found."] = "Página não encontrada.";
-$a->strings["Permission denied"] = "Permissão negada";
-$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permissão negada.";
-$a->strings["toggle mobile"] = "habilita mobile";
-$a->strings["Do you wish to confirm your identity (%s ) with %s "] = "Você deseja confirmar sua identidade (%s ) com %s ";
-$a->strings["Confirm"] = "Confirmar";
-$a->strings["Do not confirm"] = "Não confirma";
-$a->strings["Trust This Site"] = "Confia neste site";
-$a->strings["No Identifier Sent"] = "Nenhum identificador enviado";
-$a->strings["Requested identity don't match logged in user."] = "Identidade solicitada não corresponde ao usuário conectado";
-$a->strings["Please wait; you are being redirected to <%s>"] = "Por favor aguarde; você será redirecionado para <%s>";
-$a->strings["Delete this item?"] = "Excluir este item?";
-$a->strings["Comment"] = "Comentar";
-$a->strings["show more"] = "exibir mais";
-$a->strings["show fewer"] = "exibir menos";
-$a->strings["Update %s failed. See error logs."] = "Atualização %s falhou. Vide registro de erros (log).";
-$a->strings["Create a New Account"] = "Criar uma nova conta";
-$a->strings["Register"] = "Registrar";
-$a->strings["Logout"] = "Sair";
-$a->strings["Login"] = "Entrar";
-$a->strings["Nickname or Email address: "] = "Identificação ou endereço de e-mail: ";
-$a->strings["Password: "] = "Senha: ";
-$a->strings["Remember me"] = "Lembre-se de mim";
-$a->strings["Or login using OpenID: "] = "Ou login usando OpendID:";
-$a->strings["Forgot your password?"] = "Esqueceu a sua senha?";
-$a->strings["Password Reset"] = "Redifinir a senha";
-$a->strings["Website Terms of Service"] = "Termos de Serviço do Website";
-$a->strings["terms of service"] = "termos de serviço";
-$a->strings["Website Privacy Policy"] = "Política de Privacidade do Website";
-$a->strings["privacy policy"] = "política de privacidade";
-$a->strings["Requested account is not available."] = "Conta solicitada não disponível";
-$a->strings["Requested profile is not available."] = "Perfil solicitado não está disponível.";
-$a->strings["Edit profile"] = "Editar perfil";
-$a->strings["Connect"] = "Conectar";
-$a->strings["Message"] = "Mensagem";
-$a->strings["Profiles"] = "Perfis";
-$a->strings["Manage/edit profiles"] = "Gerenciar/editar perfis";
-$a->strings["Change profile photo"] = "Mudar a foto do perfil";
-$a->strings["Create New Profile"] = "Criar um novo perfil";
-$a->strings["Profile Image"] = "Imagem do perfil";
-$a->strings["visible to everybody"] = "visível para todos";
-$a->strings["Edit visibility"] = "Editar a visibilidade";
-$a->strings["Location:"] = "Localização:";
-$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Gênero:";
-$a->strings["Status:"] = "Situação:";
-$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Página web:";
-$a->strings["About:"] = "Sobre:";
-$a->strings["Network:"] = "Rede:";
-$a->strings["g A l F d"] = "G l d F";
-$a->strings["F d"] = "F d";
-$a->strings["[today]"] = "[hoje]";
-$a->strings["Birthday Reminders"] = "Lembretes de aniversário";
-$a->strings["Birthdays this week:"] = "Aniversários nesta semana:";
-$a->strings["[No description]"] = "[Sem descrição]";
-$a->strings["Event Reminders"] = "Lembretes de eventos";
-$a->strings["Events this week:"] = "Eventos esta semana:";
-$a->strings["Status"] = "Status";
-$a->strings["Status Messages and Posts"] = "Mensagem de Estado (status) e Publicações";
-$a->strings["Profile Details"] = "Detalhe do Perfil";
-$a->strings["Photo Albums"] = "Álbuns de fotos";
-$a->strings["Videos"] = "Vídeos";
-$a->strings["Events and Calendar"] = "Eventos e Agenda";
-$a->strings["Personal Notes"] = "Notas pessoais";
-$a->strings["Only You Can See This"] = "Somente Você Pode Ver Isso";
-$a->strings["General Features"] = "Funcionalidades Gerais";
-$a->strings["Multiple Profiles"] = "Perfís Múltiplos";
-$a->strings["Ability to create multiple profiles"] = "Capacidade de criar perfis múltiplos";
-$a->strings["Post Composition Features"] = "Funcionalidades de Composição de Publicações";
-$a->strings["Richtext Editor"] = "Editor Richtext";
-$a->strings["Enable richtext editor"] = "Habilite editor richtext";
-$a->strings["Post Preview"] = "Pré-visualização da Publicação";
-$a->strings["Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"] = "Permite pré-visualizar publicações e comentários antes de publicá-los";
-$a->strings["Auto-mention Forums"] = "Auto-menção Fóruns";
-$a->strings["Add/remove mention when a fourm page is selected/deselected in ACL window."] = "Adiciona/Remove menções quando uma página de fórum é selecionada/deselecionada na janela ACL";
-$a->strings["Network Sidebar Widgets"] = "Widgets da Barra Lateral da Rede";
-$a->strings["Search by Date"] = "Buscar por Data";
-$a->strings["Ability to select posts by date ranges"] = "Capacidade de selecionar publicações por intervalos de data";
-$a->strings["Group Filter"] = "Filtrar Grupo";
-$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"] = "Habilita widget para mostrar publicações da Rede somente de grupos selecionados";
-$a->strings["Network Filter"] = "Filtrar Rede";
-$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"] = "Habilita widget para mostrar publicações da Rede de redes selecionadas";
-$a->strings["Saved Searches"] = "Pesquisas salvas";
-$a->strings["Save search terms for re-use"] = "Guarde as palavras-chaves para reuso";
-$a->strings["Network Tabs"] = "Abas da Rede";
-$a->strings["Network Personal Tab"] = "Aba Pessoal da Rede";
-$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"] = "Habilitar aba para mostrar apenas as publicações da Rede que você tenha interagido";
-$a->strings["Network New Tab"] = "Aba Nova da Rede";
-$a->strings["Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"] = "Habilite aba para mostra apenas publicações da Rede novas (das últimas 12 horas)";
-$a->strings["Network Shared Links Tab"] = "Aba de Links Compartilhados da Rede";
-$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"] = "Habilite aba para mostrar somente publicações da Rede que contenham links";
-$a->strings["Post/Comment Tools"] = "Ferramentas de Publicação/Comentário";
-$a->strings["Multiple Deletion"] = "Deleção Multipla";
-$a->strings["Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"] = "Selecione e delete múltiplas publicações/comentário imediatamente";
-$a->strings["Edit Sent Posts"] = "Editar Publicações Enviadas";
-$a->strings["Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"] = "Editar e corrigir publicações e comentários após envio";
-$a->strings["Tagging"] = "Etiquetagem";
-$a->strings["Ability to tag existing posts"] = "Capacidade de colocar etiquetas em publicações existentes";
-$a->strings["Post Categories"] = "Categorias de Publicações";
-$a->strings["Add categories to your posts"] = "Adicione Categorias ás Publicações";
-$a->strings["Saved Folders"] = "Pastas salvas";
-$a->strings["Ability to file posts under folders"] = "Capacidade de arquivar publicações em pastas";
-$a->strings["Dislike Posts"] = "Desgostar de publicações";
-$a->strings["Ability to dislike posts/comments"] = "Capacidade de desgostar de publicações/comentários";
-$a->strings["Star Posts"] = "Destacar publicações";
-$a->strings["Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"] = "Capacidade de marcar publicações especiais com uma estrela indicadora";
-$a->strings["Mute Post Notifications"] = "Silenciar Notificações de Postagem";
-$a->strings["Ability to mute notifications for a thread"] = "Habilitar notificação silenciosa para a tarefa";
-$a->strings["%s's birthday"] = "aniversários de %s's";
-$a->strings["Happy Birthday %s"] = "Feliz Aniversário %s";
-$a->strings["[Name Withheld]"] = "[Nome não revelado]";
-$a->strings["Item not found."] = "O item não foi encontrado.";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this item?"] = "Você realmente deseja deletar esse item?";
-$a->strings["Yes"] = "Sim";
-$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Cancelar";
-$a->strings["Archives"] = "Arquivos";
-$a->strings["A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions may apply to this group and any future members. If this is not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."] = "Um grupo com esse nome, anteriormente excluído, foi reativado. Permissões de itens já existentes poderão ser aplicadas a esse grupo e qualquer futuros membros. Se não é essa a sua intenção, favor criar outro grupo com um nome diferente.";
-$a->strings["Default privacy group for new contacts"] = "Grupo de privacidade padrão para novos contatos";
-$a->strings["Everybody"] = "Todos";
-$a->strings["edit"] = "editar";
-$a->strings["Groups"] = "Grupos";
-$a->strings["Edit group"] = "Editar grupo";
-$a->strings["Create a new group"] = "Criar um novo grupo";
-$a->strings["Contacts not in any group"] = "Contatos não estão dentro de nenhum grupo";
-$a->strings["add"] = "adicionar";
-$a->strings["Wall Photos"] = "Fotos do mural";
-$a->strings["Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"] = "Não foi possível localizar a informação de DNS para o servidor de banco de dados '%s'";
+$a->strings["Miscellaneous"] = "Miscelânea";
+$a->strings["Birthday:"] = "Aniversário:";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Idade: ";
+$a->strings["YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"] = "AAAA-MM-DD ou MM-DD";
+$a->strings["never"] = "nunca";
+$a->strings["less than a second ago"] = "menos de um segundo atrás";
+$a->strings["year"] = "ano";
+$a->strings["years"] = "anos";
+$a->strings["month"] = "mês";
+$a->strings["months"] = "meses";
+$a->strings["week"] = "semana";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "semanas";
+$a->strings["day"] = "dia";
+$a->strings["days"] = "dias";
+$a->strings["hour"] = "hora";
+$a->strings["hours"] = "horas";
+$a->strings["minute"] = "minuto";
+$a->strings["minutes"] = "minutos";
+$a->strings["second"] = "segundo";
+$a->strings["seconds"] = "segundos";
+$a->strings["%1\$d %2\$s ago"] = "%1\$d %2\$s atrás";
+$a->strings["%s's birthday"] = "aniversário de %s";
+$a->strings["Happy Birthday %s"] = "Feliz aniversário, %s";
$a->strings["Add New Contact"] = "Adicionar Contato Novo";
$a->strings["Enter address or web location"] = "Forneça endereço ou localização web";
$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"] = "Por exemplo: joao@exemplo.com, http://exemplo.com/maria";
+$a->strings["Connect"] = "Conectar";
$a->strings["%d invitation available"] = array(
0 => "%d convite disponível",
1 => "%d convites disponíveis",
@@ -210,18 +41,24 @@ $a->strings["Enter name or interest"] = "Fornecer nome ou interesse";
$a->strings["Connect/Follow"] = "Conectar-se/acompanhar";
$a->strings["Examples: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing"] = "Examplos: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing";
$a->strings["Find"] = "Pesquisar";
+$a->strings["Friend Suggestions"] = "Sugestões de amigos";
+$a->strings["Similar Interests"] = "Interesses Parecidos";
$a->strings["Random Profile"] = "Perfil Randômico";
+$a->strings["Invite Friends"] = "Convidar amigos";
$a->strings["Networks"] = "Redes";
$a->strings["All Networks"] = "Todas as redes";
+$a->strings["Saved Folders"] = "Pastas salvas";
$a->strings["Everything"] = "Tudo";
$a->strings["Categories"] = "Categorias";
$a->strings["%d contact in common"] = array(
0 => "%d contato em comum",
1 => "%d contatos em comum",
+$a->strings["show more"] = "exibir mais";
$a->strings["Friendica Notification"] = "Notificação Friendica";
$a->strings["Thank You,"] = "Obrigado,";
$a->strings["%s Administrator"] = "%s Administrador";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s Administrator"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s Administrador";
$a->strings["noreply"] = "naoresponda";
$a->strings["%s "] = "%s ";
$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] New mail received at %s"] = "[Friendica:Notify] Nova mensagem recebida em %s";
@@ -266,58 +103,251 @@ $a->strings["Name:"] = "Nome:";
$a->strings["Photo:"] = "Foto:";
$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the suggestion."] = "Favor visitar %s para aprovar ou rejeitar a sugestão.";
$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Connection accepted"] = "[Friendica:Notificação] Conexão aceita";
-$a->strings["'%1\$s' has acepted your connection request at %2\$s"] = "'%1\$s' sua solicitação de conexão foi aceita em %2\$s";
+$a->strings["'%1\$s' has accepted your connection request at %2\$s"] = "'%1\$s' aceitou o seu pedido de conexão no %2\$s";
$a->strings["%2\$s has accepted your [url=%1\$s]connection request[/url]."] = "%2\$s Foi aceita [url=%1\$s] a conexão solicitada[/url].";
-$a->strings["You are now mutual friends and may exchange status updates, photos, and email\n\twithout restriction."] = "Você agora são amigos em comum e podem trocar atualizações de status, fotos e e-mail\n\tsem restrições.";
-$a->strings["Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."] = "Por favor, visite %s se você desejar fazer quaisquer alterações a este relacionamento.";
+$a->strings["You are now mutual friends and may exchange status updates, photos, and email without restriction."] = "Vocês agora são amigos mútuos e podem trocar atualizações de status, fotos e e-mails livremente.";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."] = "";
$a->strings["'%1\$s' has chosen to accept you a \"fan\", which restricts some forms of communication - such as private messaging and some profile interactions. If this is a celebrity or community page, these settings were applied automatically."] = "'%1\$s' optou por aceitá-lo um \"fã\", o que restringe algumas formas de comunicação - como mensagens privadas e algumas interações de perfil. Se esta é uma página de celebridade ou de uma comunidade, essas configurações foram aplicadas automaticamente.";
-$a->strings["'%1\$s' may choose to extend this into a two-way or more permissive relationship in the future. "] = "'%1\$s' pode optar no futuro por estender isso para um relacionamento bidirecional ou superior permissivo.";
+$a->strings["'%1\$s' may choose to extend this into a two-way or more permissive relationship in the future."] = "";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s if you wish to make any changes to this relationship."] = "Por favor, visite %s se você desejar fazer quaisquer alterações a este relacionamento.";
$a->strings["[Friendica System:Notify] registration request"] = "[Friendica: Notificação do Sistema] solicitação de cadastro";
$a->strings["You've received a registration request from '%1\$s' at %2\$s"] = "Você recebeu um pedido de cadastro de '%1\$s' em %2\$s";
$a->strings["You've received a [url=%1\$s]registration request[/url] from %2\$s."] = "Você recebeu uma [url=%1\$s]solicitação de cadastro[/url] de %2\$s.";
$a->strings["Full Name:\t%1\$s\\nSite Location:\t%2\$s\\nLogin Name:\t%3\$s (%4\$s)"] = "Nome completo:\t%1\$s\\nLocal do Site:\t%2\$s\\nNome de Login:\t%3\$s (%4\$s)";
$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the request."] = "Por favor, visite %s para aprovar ou rejeitar a solicitação.";
-$a->strings["User not found."] = "Usuário não encontrado.";
-$a->strings["Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "O limite diário de postagem de %d mensagens foi atingido. O post foi rejeitado.";
-$a->strings["Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "O limite de postagem semanal de %d mensagens foi atingido. O post foi rejeitado.";
-$a->strings["Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "O limite de postagem mensal de %d mensagens foi atingido. O post foi rejeitado.";
-$a->strings["There is no status with this id."] = "Não existe status com esse id.";
-$a->strings["There is no conversation with this id."] = "Não existe conversas com esse id.";
-$a->strings["Invalid request."] = "Solicitação inválida.";
-$a->strings["Invalid item."] = "Ítem inválido.";
-$a->strings["Invalid action. "] = "Ação inválida.";
-$a->strings["DB error"] = "Erro do Banco de Dados";
-$a->strings["view full size"] = "ver na tela inteira";
-$a->strings[" on Last.fm"] = "na Last.fm";
-$a->strings["Full Name:"] = "Nome completo:";
-$a->strings["j F, Y"] = "j de F, Y";
-$a->strings["j F"] = "j de F";
-$a->strings["Birthday:"] = "Aniversário:";
-$a->strings["Age:"] = "Idade:";
-$a->strings["for %1\$d %2\$s"] = "para %1\$d %2\$s";
-$a->strings["Sexual Preference:"] = "Preferência sexual:";
-$a->strings["Hometown:"] = "Cidade:";
-$a->strings["Tags:"] = "Etiquetas:";
-$a->strings["Political Views:"] = "Posição política:";
-$a->strings["Religion:"] = "Religião:";
-$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests:"] = "Passatempos/Interesses:";
-$a->strings["Likes:"] = "Gosta de:";
-$a->strings["Dislikes:"] = "Não gosta de:";
-$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks:"] = "Informações de contato e redes sociais:";
-$a->strings["Musical interests:"] = "Preferências musicais:";
-$a->strings["Books, literature:"] = "Livros, literatura:";
-$a->strings["Television:"] = "Televisão:";
-$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"] = "Filmes/dança/cultura/entretenimento:";
-$a->strings["Love/Romance:"] = "Amor/romance:";
-$a->strings["Work/employment:"] = "Trabalho/emprego:";
-$a->strings["School/education:"] = "Escola/educação:";
+$a->strings["Forums"] = "Fóruns";
+$a->strings["External link to forum"] = "Link externo para fórum";
+$a->strings["l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"] = "l F d, Y \\@ H:i";
+$a->strings["Starts:"] = "Início:";
+$a->strings["Finishes:"] = "Término:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Localização:";
+$a->strings["Sun"] = "Dom";
+$a->strings["Mon"] = "Seg";
+$a->strings["Tue"] = "Ter";
+$a->strings["Wed"] = "Qua";
+$a->strings["Thu"] = "Qui";
+$a->strings["Fri"] = "Sex";
+$a->strings["Sat"] = "Sáb";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Domingo";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "Segunda";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Terça";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Quarta";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Quinta";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "Sexta";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Sábado";
+$a->strings["Jan"] = "Jan";
+$a->strings["Feb"] = "Fev";
+$a->strings["Mar"] = "Mar";
+$a->strings["Apr"] = "Abr";
+$a->strings["May"] = "Maio";
+$a->strings["Jun"] = "Jun";
+$a->strings["Jul"] = "Jul";
+$a->strings["Aug"] = "Ago";
+$a->strings["Sept"] = "Set";
+$a->strings["Oct"] = "Out";
+$a->strings["Nov"] = "Nov";
+$a->strings["Dec"] = "Dez";
+$a->strings["January"] = "Janeiro";
+$a->strings["February"] = "Fevereiro";
+$a->strings["March"] = "Março";
+$a->strings["April"] = "Abril";
+$a->strings["June"] = "Junho";
+$a->strings["July"] = "Julho";
+$a->strings["August"] = "Agosto";
+$a->strings["September"] = "Setembro";
+$a->strings["October"] = "Outubro";
+$a->strings["November"] = "Novembro";
+$a->strings["December"] = "Dezembro";
+$a->strings["today"] = "hoje";
+$a->strings["l, F j"] = "l, F j";
+$a->strings["Edit event"] = "Editar o evento";
+$a->strings["link to source"] = "exibir a origem";
+$a->strings["Export"] = "Exportar";
+$a->strings["Export calendar as ical"] = "Exportar a agenda como iCal";
+$a->strings["Export calendar as csv"] = "Exportar a agenda como CSV";
+$a->strings["Welcome "] = "Bem-vindo(a) ";
+$a->strings["Please upload a profile photo."] = "Por favor, envie uma foto para o perfil.";
+$a->strings["Welcome back "] = "Bem-vindo(a) de volta ";
+$a->strings["The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."] = "O token de segurança do formulário não estava correto. Isso provavelmente aconteceu porque o formulário ficou aberto por muito tempo (>3 horas) antes da sua submissão.";
+$a->strings["Male"] = "Masculino";
+$a->strings["Female"] = "Feminino";
+$a->strings["Currently Male"] = "Atualmente masculino";
+$a->strings["Currently Female"] = "Atualmente feminino";
+$a->strings["Mostly Male"] = "Masculino a maior parte do tempo";
+$a->strings["Mostly Female"] = "Feminino a maior parte do tempo";
+$a->strings["Transgender"] = "Transgênero";
+$a->strings["Intersex"] = "Intersexual";
+$a->strings["Transsexual"] = "Transexual";
+$a->strings["Hermaphrodite"] = "Hermafrodita";
+$a->strings["Neuter"] = "Neutro";
+$a->strings["Non-specific"] = "Não específico";
+$a->strings["Other"] = "Outro";
+$a->strings["Undecided"] = array(
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "",
+$a->strings["Males"] = "Homens";
+$a->strings["Females"] = "Mulheres";
+$a->strings["Gay"] = "Gays";
+$a->strings["Lesbian"] = "Lésbicas";
+$a->strings["No Preference"] = "Sem preferência";
+$a->strings["Bisexual"] = "Bissexuais";
+$a->strings["Autosexual"] = "Autossexuais";
+$a->strings["Abstinent"] = "Abstêmios";
+$a->strings["Virgin"] = "Virgens";
+$a->strings["Deviant"] = "Desviantes";
+$a->strings["Fetish"] = "Fetiches";
+$a->strings["Oodles"] = "Insaciável";
+$a->strings["Nonsexual"] = "Não sexual";
+$a->strings["Single"] = "Solteiro(a)";
+$a->strings["Lonely"] = "Solitário(a)";
+$a->strings["Available"] = "Disponível";
+$a->strings["Unavailable"] = "Não disponível";
+$a->strings["Has crush"] = "Tem uma paixão";
+$a->strings["Infatuated"] = "Apaixonado";
+$a->strings["Dating"] = "Saindo com alguém";
+$a->strings["Unfaithful"] = "Infiel";
+$a->strings["Sex Addict"] = "Viciado(a) em sexo";
+$a->strings["Friends"] = "Amigos";
+$a->strings["Friends/Benefits"] = "Amigos/Benefícios";
+$a->strings["Casual"] = "Casual";
+$a->strings["Engaged"] = "Envolvido(a)";
+$a->strings["Married"] = "Casado(a)";
+$a->strings["Imaginarily married"] = "Casado imaginariamente";
+$a->strings["Partners"] = "Parceiros";
+$a->strings["Cohabiting"] = "Coabitando";
+$a->strings["Common law"] = "Direito comum";
+$a->strings["Happy"] = "Feliz";
+$a->strings["Not looking"] = "Não estou procurando";
+$a->strings["Swinger"] = "Swinger";
+$a->strings["Betrayed"] = "Traído(a)";
+$a->strings["Separated"] = "Separado(a)";
+$a->strings["Unstable"] = "Instável";
+$a->strings["Divorced"] = "Divorciado(a)";
+$a->strings["Imaginarily divorced"] = "Divorciado imaginariamente";
+$a->strings["Widowed"] = "Viúvo(a)";
+$a->strings["Uncertain"] = "Incerto(a)";
+$a->strings["It's complicated"] = "É complicado";
+$a->strings["Don't care"] = "Não importa";
+$a->strings["Ask me"] = "Pergunte-me";
+$a->strings["Embedded content"] = "Conteúdo incorporado";
+$a->strings["Embedding disabled"] = "A incorporação está desabilitada";
+$a->strings["Image/photo"] = "Imagem/foto";
+$a->strings["%2\$s %3\$s"] = "%2\$s %3\$s";
+$a->strings["$1 wrote:"] = "$1 escreveu:";
+$a->strings["Encrypted content"] = "Conteúdo criptografado";
+$a->strings["Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"] = "Não foi possível localizar a informação de DNS para o servidor de banco de dados '%s'";
+$a->strings["Logged out."] = "Saiu.";
+$a->strings["Login failed."] = "Não foi possível autenticar.";
+$a->strings["We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. Please check the correct spelling of the ID."] = "Foi encontrado um erro ao tentar conectar usando o OpenID que você forneceu. Por favor, verifique se sua ID está escrita corretamente.";
+$a->strings["The error message was:"] = "A mensagem de erro foi:";
+$a->strings["A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions may apply to this group and any future members. If this is not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."] = "Um grupo com esse nome, anteriormente excluído, foi reativado. Permissões de itens já existentes poderão ser aplicadas a esse grupo e qualquer futuros membros. Se não é essa a sua intenção, favor criar outro grupo com um nome diferente.";
+$a->strings["Default privacy group for new contacts"] = "Grupo de privacidade padrão para novos contatos";
+$a->strings["Everybody"] = "Todos";
+$a->strings["edit"] = "editar";
+$a->strings["Groups"] = "Grupos";
+$a->strings["Edit groups"] = "Editar grupos";
+$a->strings["Edit group"] = "Editar grupo";
+$a->strings["Create a new group"] = "Criar um novo grupo";
+$a->strings["Group Name: "] = "Nome do grupo: ";
+$a->strings["Contacts not in any group"] = "Contatos não estão dentro de nenhum grupo";
+$a->strings["add"] = "adicionar";
+$a->strings["Wall Photos"] = "Fotos do mural";
+$a->strings["(no subject)"] = "(sem assunto)";
+$a->strings["Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."] = "As senhas não correspondem. A senha não foi modificada.";
+$a->strings["An invitation is required."] = "É necessário um convite.";
+$a->strings["Invitation could not be verified."] = "Não foi possível verificar o convite.";
+$a->strings["Invalid OpenID url"] = "A URL do OpenID é inválida";
+$a->strings["Please enter the required information."] = "Por favor, forneça a informação solicitada.";
+$a->strings["Please use a shorter name."] = "Por favor, use um nome mais curto.";
+$a->strings["Name too short."] = "O nome é muito curto.";
+$a->strings["That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."] = "Isso não parece ser o seu nome completo (Nome Sobrenome).";
+$a->strings["Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."] = "O domínio do seu e-mail não está entre os permitidos neste site.";
+$a->strings["Not a valid email address."] = "Não é um endereço de e-mail válido.";
+$a->strings["Cannot use that email."] = "Não é possível usar esse e-mail.";
+$a->strings["Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\" and \"_\"."] = "";
+$a->strings["Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."] = "Esta identificação já foi registrada. Por favor, escolha outra.";
+$a->strings["Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose another."] = "Essa identificação já foi registrada e não pode ser reutilizada. Por favor, escolha outra.";
+$a->strings["SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."] = "ERRO GRAVE: Não foi possível gerar as chaves de segurança.";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during registration. Please try again."] = "Ocorreu um erro durante o registro. Por favor, tente novamente.";
+$a->strings["default"] = "padrão";
+$a->strings["An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."] = "Ocorreu um erro na criação do seu perfil padrão. Por favor, tente novamente.";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Fotos do perfil";
+$a->strings["\n\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2\$s. Your account has been created.\n\t"] = "\n\t\tCaro %1\$s,\n\t\t\tObrigado por se cadastrar em %2\$s. Sua conta foi criada.\n\t";
+$a->strings["\n\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3\$s\n\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tPassword:\t%5\$s\n\n\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n\t\tin.\n\n\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n\n\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n\n\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n\t\tthan that.\n\n\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n\n\n\t\tThank you and welcome to %2\$s."] = "\n\t\tOs dados de login são os seguintes:\n\t\t\tLocal do Site:\t%3\$s\n\t\t\tNome de Login:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tSenha:\t%5\$s\n\n\t\tVocê pode alterar sua senha na página de \"Configurações\" da sua conta após fazer o login\n\n\t\tPor favor, dedique alguns minutos na página para rever as outras configurações da sua conta.\n\n\t\tTalvez você também queira incluir algumas informações básicas adicionais ao seu perfil padrão\n\t\t(na página de \"Perfis\") para que outras pessoas possam encontrá-lo com facilidade.\n\n\t\tRecomendamos que inclua seu nome completo, adicione uma foto do perfil,\n\t\tadicionar algumas \"palavras-chave\" (muito útil para fazer novas amizades) - e\n\t\ttalvez em que pais você mora; se você não quiser ser mais específico \n\t\tdo que isso.\n\n\t\tNós respeitamos plenamente seu direito à privacidade, e nenhum desses itens são necessários.\n\t\tSe você é novo por aqui e não conheço ninguém, eles podem ajuda-lo a fazer novas e interessantes amizades.\n\n\n\t\tObrigado e bem-vindo a %2\$s.";
+$a->strings["Registration details for %s"] = "Detalhes do registro de %s";
+$a->strings["General Features"] = "Funcionalidades Gerais";
+$a->strings["Multiple Profiles"] = "Perfis Múltiplos";
+$a->strings["Ability to create multiple profiles"] = "Capacidade de criar perfis múltiplos";
+$a->strings["Photo Location"] = "";
+$a->strings["Photo metadata is normally stripped. This extracts the location (if present) prior to stripping metadata and links it to a map."] = "";
+$a->strings["Export Public Calendar"] = "Exportar a agenda pública";
+$a->strings["Ability for visitors to download the public calendar"] = "Visitantes podem baixar a agenda pública";
+$a->strings["Post Composition Features"] = "Funcionalidades de Composição de Publicações";
+$a->strings["Richtext Editor"] = "Editor Richtext";
+$a->strings["Enable richtext editor"] = "Habilite editor richtext";
+$a->strings["Post Preview"] = "Pré-visualização da Publicação";
+$a->strings["Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"] = "Permite pré-visualizar publicações e comentários antes de publicá-los";
+$a->strings["Auto-mention Forums"] = "Auto-menção Fóruns";
+$a->strings["Add/remove mention when a fourm page is selected/deselected in ACL window."] = "Adiciona/Remove menções quando uma página de fórum é selecionada/deselecionada na janela ACL";
+$a->strings["Network Sidebar Widgets"] = "Widgets da Barra Lateral da Rede";
+$a->strings["Search by Date"] = "Buscar por Data";
+$a->strings["Ability to select posts by date ranges"] = "Capacidade de selecionar publicações por intervalos de data";
+$a->strings["List Forums"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable widget to display the forums your are connected with"] = "";
+$a->strings["Group Filter"] = "Filtrar Grupo";
+$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected group"] = "Habilita widget para mostrar publicações da Rede somente de grupos selecionados";
+$a->strings["Network Filter"] = "Filtrar Rede";
+$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected network"] = "Habilita widget para mostrar publicações da Rede de redes selecionadas";
+$a->strings["Saved Searches"] = "Pesquisas salvas";
+$a->strings["Save search terms for re-use"] = "Guarde as palavras-chaves para reuso";
+$a->strings["Network Tabs"] = "Abas da Rede";
+$a->strings["Network Personal Tab"] = "Aba Pessoal da Rede";
+$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"] = "Habilitar aba para mostrar apenas as publicações da Rede que você tenha interagido";
+$a->strings["Network New Tab"] = "Aba Nova da Rede";
+$a->strings["Enable tab to display only new Network posts (from the last 12 hours)"] = "Habilite aba para mostra apenas publicações da Rede novas (das últimas 12 horas)";
+$a->strings["Network Shared Links Tab"] = "Aba de Links Compartilhados da Rede";
+$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts with links in them"] = "Habilite aba para mostrar somente publicações da Rede que contenham links";
+$a->strings["Post/Comment Tools"] = "Ferramentas de Publicação/Comentário";
+$a->strings["Multiple Deletion"] = "Deleção Multipla";
+$a->strings["Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once"] = "Selecione e delete múltiplas publicações/comentário imediatamente";
+$a->strings["Edit Sent Posts"] = "Editar Publicações Enviadas";
+$a->strings["Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"] = "Editar e corrigir publicações e comentários após envio";
+$a->strings["Tagging"] = "Etiquetagem";
+$a->strings["Ability to tag existing posts"] = "Capacidade de colocar etiquetas em publicações existentes";
+$a->strings["Post Categories"] = "Categorias de Publicações";
+$a->strings["Add categories to your posts"] = "Adicione Categorias ás Publicações";
+$a->strings["Ability to file posts under folders"] = "Capacidade de arquivar publicações em pastas";
+$a->strings["Dislike Posts"] = "Desgostar de publicações";
+$a->strings["Ability to dislike posts/comments"] = "Capacidade de desgostar de publicações/comentários";
+$a->strings["Star Posts"] = "Destacar publicações";
+$a->strings["Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"] = "Capacidade de marcar publicações especiais com uma estrela indicadora";
+$a->strings["Mute Post Notifications"] = "Silenciar Notificações de Postagem";
+$a->strings["Ability to mute notifications for a thread"] = "Habilitar notificação silenciosa para a tarefa";
+$a->strings["Advanced Profile Settings"] = "Configurações de perfil avançadas";
+$a->strings["Show visitors public community forums at the Advanced Profile Page"] = "";
$a->strings["Nothing new here"] = "Nada de novo aqui";
$a->strings["Clear notifications"] = "Descartar notificações";
+$a->strings["@name, !forum, #tags, content"] = "";
+$a->strings["Logout"] = "Sair";
$a->strings["End this session"] = "Terminar esta sessão";
+$a->strings["Status"] = "Status";
+$a->strings["Your posts and conversations"] = "Suas publicações e conversas";
+$a->strings["Profile"] = "Perfil ";
+$a->strings["Your profile page"] = "Sua página de perfil";
+$a->strings["Photos"] = "Fotos";
+$a->strings["Your photos"] = "Suas fotos";
+$a->strings["Videos"] = "Vídeos";
$a->strings["Your videos"] = "Seus vídeos";
+$a->strings["Events"] = "Eventos";
+$a->strings["Your events"] = "Seus eventos";
+$a->strings["Personal notes"] = "Suas anotações pessoais";
$a->strings["Your personal notes"] = "Suas anotações pessoais";
+$a->strings["Login"] = "Entrar";
$a->strings["Sign in"] = "Entrar";
+$a->strings["Home"] = "Pessoal";
$a->strings["Home Page"] = "Página pessoal";
+$a->strings["Register"] = "Registrar";
$a->strings["Create an account"] = "Criar uma conta";
$a->strings["Help"] = "Ajuda";
$a->strings["Help and documentation"] = "Ajuda e documentação";
@@ -325,8 +355,13 @@ $a->strings["Apps"] = "Aplicativos";
$a->strings["Addon applications, utilities, games"] = "Complementos, utilitários, jogos";
$a->strings["Search"] = "Pesquisar";
$a->strings["Search site content"] = "Pesquisar conteúdo no site";
+$a->strings["Full Text"] = "";
+$a->strings["Tags"] = "";
+$a->strings["Contacts"] = "Contatos";
+$a->strings["Community"] = "Comunidade";
$a->strings["Conversations on this site"] = "Conversas neste site";
$a->strings["Conversations on the network"] = "Conversas na rede";
+$a->strings["Events and Calendar"] = "Eventos e Agenda";
$a->strings["Directory"] = "Diretório";
$a->strings["People directory"] = "Diretório de pessoas";
$a->strings["Information"] = "Informação";
@@ -339,6 +374,7 @@ $a->strings["Introductions"] = "Apresentações";
$a->strings["Friend Requests"] = "Requisições de Amizade";
$a->strings["Notifications"] = "Notificações";
$a->strings["See all notifications"] = "Ver todas notificações";
+$a->strings["Mark as seen"] = "Marcar como visto";
$a->strings["Mark all system notifications seen"] = "Marcar todas as notificações de sistema como vistas";
$a->strings["Messages"] = "Mensagens";
$a->strings["Private mail"] = "Mensagem privada";
@@ -349,76 +385,15 @@ $a->strings["Manage"] = "Gerenciar";
$a->strings["Manage other pages"] = "Gerenciar outras páginas";
$a->strings["Delegations"] = "Delegações";
$a->strings["Delegate Page Management"] = "Delegar Administração de Página";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Configurações";
$a->strings["Account settings"] = "Configurações da conta";
+$a->strings["Profiles"] = "Perfis";
$a->strings["Manage/Edit Profiles"] = "Administrar/Editar Perfis";
$a->strings["Manage/edit friends and contacts"] = "Gerenciar/editar amigos e contatos";
$a->strings["Admin"] = "Admin";
$a->strings["Site setup and configuration"] = "Configurações do site";
$a->strings["Navigation"] = "Navegação";
$a->strings["Site map"] = "Mapa do Site";
-$a->strings["Click here to upgrade."] = "Clique aqui para atualização (upgrade).";
-$a->strings["This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."] = "Essa ação excede o limite definido para o seu plano de assinatura.";
-$a->strings["This action is not available under your subscription plan."] = "Essa ação não está disponível em seu plano de assinatura.";
-$a->strings["Disallowed profile URL."] = "URL de perfil não permitida.";
-$a->strings["Connect URL missing."] = "URL de conexão faltando.";
-$a->strings["This site is not configured to allow communications with other networks."] = "Este site não está configurado para permitir comunicações com outras redes.";
-$a->strings["No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered."] = "Não foi descoberto nenhum protocolo de comunicação ou fonte de notícias compatível.";
-$a->strings["The profile address specified does not provide adequate information."] = "O endereço de perfil especificado não fornece informação adequada.";
-$a->strings["An author or name was not found."] = "Não foi encontrado nenhum autor ou nome.";
-$a->strings["No browser URL could be matched to this address."] = "Não foi possível encontrar nenhuma URL de navegação neste endereço.";
-$a->strings["Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email contact."] = "Não foi possível casa o estilo @ de Endereço de Identidade com um protocolo conhecido ou contato de email.";
-$a->strings["Use mailto: in front of address to force email check."] = "Use mailto: antes do endereço para forçar a checagem de email.";
-$a->strings["The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled on this site."] = "O endereço de perfil especificado pertence a uma rede que foi desabilitada neste site.";
-$a->strings["Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal notifications from you."] = "Perfil limitado. Essa pessoa não poderá receber notificações diretas/pessoais de você.";
-$a->strings["Unable to retrieve contact information."] = "Não foi possível recuperar a informação do contato.";
-$a->strings["following"] = "acompanhando";
-$a->strings["Error decoding account file"] = "Erro ao decodificar arquivo de conta";
-$a->strings["Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"] = "Erro! Nenhum arquivo de dados de versão! Esse não é um arquivo de conta do Friendica?";
-$a->strings["Error! Cannot check nickname"] = "Erro! Não consigo conferir o apelido (nickname)";
-$a->strings["User '%s' already exists on this server!"] = "User '%s' já existe nesse servidor!";
-$a->strings["User creation error"] = "Erro na criação do usuário";
-$a->strings["User profile creation error"] = "Erro na criação do perfil do Usuário";
-$a->strings["%d contact not imported"] = array(
- 0 => "%d contato não foi importado",
- 1 => "%d contatos não foram importados",
-$a->strings["Done. You can now login with your username and password"] = "Feito. Você agora pode entrar com seu nome de usuário e senha";
-$a->strings["l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"] = "l F d, Y \\@ H:i";
-$a->strings["Starts:"] = "Início:";
-$a->strings["Finishes:"] = "Término:";
-$a->strings["stopped following"] = "parou de acompanhar";
-$a->strings["Poke"] = "Cutucar";
-$a->strings["View Status"] = "Ver Status";
-$a->strings["View Profile"] = "Ver Perfil";
-$a->strings["View Photos"] = "Ver Fotos";
-$a->strings["Network Posts"] = "Publicações da Rede";
-$a->strings["Edit Contact"] = "Editar Contato";
-$a->strings["Drop Contact"] = "Excluir o contato";
-$a->strings["Send PM"] = "Enviar MP";
-$a->strings["\n\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."] = "\n\t\t\tOs desenvolvedores de Friendica lançaram recentemente uma atualização %s,\n\t\t\tmas quando tentei instalá-la, algo deu terrivelmente errado.\n\t\t\tIsso precisa ser corrigido em breve e eu não posso fazer isso sozinho. Por favor, contate um\n\t\t\tdesenvolvedor da Friendica se você não pode me ajudar sozinho. Meu banco de dados pode ser inválido.";
-$a->strings["The error message is\n[pre]%s[/pre]"] = "A mensagem de erro é\n[pre]%s[/pre]";
-$a->strings["Errors encountered creating database tables."] = "Foram encontrados erros durante a criação das tabelas do banco de dados.";
-$a->strings["Errors encountered performing database changes."] = "Erros encontrados realizando mudanças no banco de dados.";
-$a->strings["Miscellaneous"] = "Miscelânea";
-$a->strings["year"] = "ano";
-$a->strings["month"] = "mês";
-$a->strings["day"] = "dia";
-$a->strings["never"] = "nunca";
-$a->strings["less than a second ago"] = "menos de um segundo atrás";
-$a->strings["years"] = "anos";
-$a->strings["months"] = "meses";
-$a->strings["week"] = "semana";
-$a->strings["weeks"] = "semanas";
-$a->strings["days"] = "dias";
-$a->strings["hour"] = "hora";
-$a->strings["hours"] = "horas";
-$a->strings["minute"] = "minuto";
-$a->strings["minutes"] = "minutos";
-$a->strings["second"] = "segundo";
-$a->strings["seconds"] = "segundos";
-$a->strings["%1\$d %2\$s ago"] = "%1\$d %2\$s atrás";
-$a->strings["[no subject]"] = "[sem assunto]";
-$a->strings["(no subject)"] = "(sem assunto)";
$a->strings["Unknown | Not categorised"] = "Desconhecido | Não categorizado";
$a->strings["Block immediately"] = "Bloquear imediatamente";
$a->strings["Shady, spammer, self-marketer"] = "Dissimulado, spammer, propagandista";
@@ -445,17 +420,31 @@ $a->strings["Google+"] = "Google+";
$a->strings["pump.io"] = "pump.io";
$a->strings["Twitter"] = "Twitter";
$a->strings["Diaspora Connector"] = "Conector do Diáspora";
-$a->strings["Statusnet"] = "Statusnet";
+$a->strings["GNU Social"] = "GNU Social";
$a->strings["App.net"] = "App.net";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is now friends with %2\$s"] = "%1\$s agora é amigo de %2\$s";
-$a->strings["Sharing notification from Diaspora network"] = "Notificação de compartilhamento da rede Diaspora";
-$a->strings["Attachments:"] = "Anexos:";
+$a->strings["Hubzilla/Redmatrix"] = "Hubzilla/Redmatrix";
+$a->strings["event"] = "evento";
+$a->strings["status"] = "status";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "foto";
+$a->strings["%1\$s likes %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s gosta de %3\$s de %2\$s";
$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't like %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s não gosta de %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s attends %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "";
+$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't attend %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "";
+$a->strings["%1\$s attends maybe %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is now friends with %2\$s"] = "%1\$s agora é amigo de %2\$s";
$a->strings["%1\$s poked %2\$s"] = "%1\$s cutucou %2\$s";
$a->strings["%1\$s is currently %2\$s"] = "%1\$s atualmente está %2\$s";
$a->strings["%1\$s tagged %2\$s's %3\$s with %4\$s"] = "%1\$s etiquetou %3\$s de %2\$s com %4\$s";
$a->strings["post/item"] = "postagem/item";
$a->strings["%1\$s marked %2\$s's %3\$s as favorite"] = "%1\$s marcou %3\$s de %2\$s como favorito";
+$a->strings["Likes"] = "Gosta de";
+$a->strings["Dislikes"] = "Não gosta de";
+$a->strings["Attending"] = array(
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "",
+$a->strings["Not attending"] = "";
+$a->strings["Might attend"] = "";
$a->strings["Select"] = "Selecionar";
$a->strings["Delete"] = "Excluir";
$a->strings["View %s's profile @ %s"] = "Ver o perfil de %s @ %s";
@@ -467,14 +456,30 @@ $a->strings["Please wait"] = "Por favor, espere";
$a->strings["remove"] = "remover";
$a->strings["Delete Selected Items"] = "Excluir os itens selecionados";
$a->strings["Follow Thread"] = "Seguir o Thread";
+$a->strings["View Status"] = "Ver Status";
+$a->strings["View Profile"] = "Ver Perfil";
+$a->strings["View Photos"] = "Ver Fotos";
+$a->strings["Network Posts"] = "Publicações da Rede";
+$a->strings["Edit Contact"] = "Editar Contato";
+$a->strings["Send PM"] = "Enviar MP";
+$a->strings["Poke"] = "Cutucar";
$a->strings["%s likes this."] = "%s gostou disso.";
$a->strings["%s doesn't like this."] = "%s não gostou disso.";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people like this"] = "%2\$d pessoas gostaram disso";
-$a->strings["%2\$d people don't like this"] = "%2\$d pessoas não gostaram disso";
+$a->strings["%s attends."] = "";
+$a->strings["%s doesn't attend."] = "";
+$a->strings["%s attends maybe."] = "";
$a->strings["and"] = "e";
$a->strings[", and %d other people"] = ", e mais %d outras pessoas";
-$a->strings["%s like this."] = "%s gostaram disso.";
-$a->strings["%s don't like this."] = "%s não gostaram disso.";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people like this"] = "%2\$d pessoas gostaram disso";
+$a->strings["%s like this."] = "%s curtiu.";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people don't like this"] = "%2\$d pessoas não gostaram disso";
+$a->strings["%s don't like this."] = "%s não curtiu.";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people attend"] = "";
+$a->strings["%s attend."] = "";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people don't attend"] = "";
+$a->strings["%s don't attend."] = "";
+$a->strings["%2\$d people anttend maybe"] = "";
+$a->strings["%s anttend maybe."] = "";
$a->strings["Visible to everybody "] = "Visível para todos ";
$a->strings["Please enter a link URL:"] = "Por favor, digite uma URL:";
$a->strings["Please enter a video link/URL:"] = "Favor fornecer um link/URL de vídeo";
@@ -483,9 +488,6 @@ $a->strings["Tag term:"] = "Etiqueta:";
$a->strings["Save to Folder:"] = "Salvar na pasta:";
$a->strings["Where are you right now?"] = "Onde você está agora?";
$a->strings["Delete item(s)?"] = "Deletar item(s)?";
-$a->strings["Post to Email"] = "Enviar por e-mail";
-$a->strings["Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."] = "Conectores desabilitados, desde \"%s\" está habilitado.";
-$a->strings["Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"] = "Ocultar os detalhes do seu perfil para pessoas desconhecidas?";
$a->strings["Share"] = "Compartilhar";
$a->strings["Upload photo"] = "Enviar foto";
$a->strings["upload photo"] = "upload de foto";
@@ -505,13 +507,129 @@ $a->strings["Set title"] = "Definir o título";
$a->strings["Categories (comma-separated list)"] = "Categorias (lista separada por vírgulas)";
$a->strings["Permission settings"] = "Configurações de permissão";
$a->strings["permissions"] = "permissões";
-$a->strings["CC: email addresses"] = "CC: endereço de e-mail";
$a->strings["Public post"] = "Publicação pública";
-$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"] = "Por exemplo: joao@exemplo.com, maria@exemplo.com";
$a->strings["Preview"] = "Pré-visualização";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Cancelar";
$a->strings["Post to Groups"] = "Postar em Grupos";
$a->strings["Post to Contacts"] = "Publique para Contatos";
$a->strings["Private post"] = "Publicação privada";
+$a->strings["Message"] = "Mensagem";
+$a->strings["Browser"] = "Navegador";
+$a->strings["View all"] = "";
+$a->strings["Like"] = array(
+ 0 => "Curtida",
+ 1 => "Curtidas",
+$a->strings["Dislike"] = array(
+ 0 => "Não curtiu",
+ 1 => "Não curtiram",
+$a->strings["Not Attending"] = array(
+ 0 => "Não vai",
+ 1 => "Não vão",
+$a->strings["view full size"] = "ver na tela inteira";
+$a->strings["\n\t\t\tThe friendica developers released update %s recently,\n\t\t\tbut when I tried to install it, something went terribly wrong.\n\t\t\tThis needs to be fixed soon and I can't do it alone. Please contact a\n\t\t\tfriendica developer if you can not help me on your own. My database might be invalid."] = "\n\t\t\tOs desenvolvedores de Friendica lançaram recentemente uma atualização %s,\n\t\t\tmas quando tentei instalá-la, algo deu terrivelmente errado.\n\t\t\tIsso precisa ser corrigido em breve e eu não posso fazer isso sozinho. Por favor, contate um\n\t\t\tdesenvolvedor da Friendica se você não pode me ajudar sozinho. Meu banco de dados pode ser inválido.";
+$a->strings["The error message is\n[pre]%s[/pre]"] = "A mensagem de erro é\n[pre]%s[/pre]";
+$a->strings["Errors encountered creating database tables."] = "Foram encontrados erros durante a criação das tabelas do banco de dados.";
+$a->strings["Errors encountered performing database changes."] = "Erros encontrados realizando mudanças no banco de dados.";
+$a->strings["stopped following"] = "parou de acompanhar";
+$a->strings["Drop Contact"] = "Excluir o contato";
+$a->strings["Post to Email"] = "Enviar por e-mail";
+$a->strings["Connectors disabled, since \"%s\" is enabled."] = "Conectores desabilitados, desde \"%s\" está habilitado.";
+$a->strings["Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?"] = "Ocultar os detalhes do seu perfil para pessoas desconhecidas?";
+$a->strings["Visible to everybody"] = "Visível para todos";
+$a->strings["show"] = "exibir";
+$a->strings["don't show"] = "não exibir";
+$a->strings["CC: email addresses"] = "CC: endereço de e-mail";
+$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"] = "Por exemplo: joao@exemplo.com, maria@exemplo.com";
+$a->strings["Permissions"] = "Permissões";
+$a->strings["Close"] = "Fechar";
+$a->strings["Daily posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "O limite diário de postagem de %d mensagens foi atingido. O post foi rejeitado.";
+$a->strings["Weekly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "O limite de postagem semanal de %d mensagens foi atingido. O post foi rejeitado.";
+$a->strings["Monthly posting limit of %d posts reached. The post was rejected."] = "O limite de postagem mensal de %d mensagens foi atingido. O post foi rejeitado.";
+$a->strings["%s\\'s birthday"] = "Aniversário de %s\__DQ_";
+$a->strings["Sharing notification from Diaspora network"] = "Notificação de compartilhamento da rede Diaspora";
+$a->strings["Attachments:"] = "Anexos:";
+$a->strings["Disallowed profile URL."] = "URL de perfil não permitida.";
+$a->strings["Connect URL missing."] = "URL de conexão faltando.";
+$a->strings["This site is not configured to allow communications with other networks."] = "Este site não está configurado para permitir comunicações com outras redes.";
+$a->strings["No compatible communication protocols or feeds were discovered."] = "Não foi descoberto nenhum protocolo de comunicação ou fonte de notícias compatível.";
+$a->strings["The profile address specified does not provide adequate information."] = "O endereço de perfil especificado não fornece informação adequada.";
+$a->strings["An author or name was not found."] = "Não foi encontrado nenhum autor ou nome.";
+$a->strings["No browser URL could be matched to this address."] = "Não foi possível encontrar nenhuma URL de navegação neste endereço.";
+$a->strings["Unable to match @-style Identity Address with a known protocol or email contact."] = "Não foi possível casa o estilo @ de Endereço de Identidade com um protocolo conhecido ou contato de email.";
+$a->strings["Use mailto: in front of address to force email check."] = "Use mailto: antes do endereço para forçar a checagem de email.";
+$a->strings["The profile address specified belongs to a network which has been disabled on this site."] = "O endereço de perfil especificado pertence a uma rede que foi desabilitada neste site.";
+$a->strings["Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal notifications from you."] = "Perfil limitado. Essa pessoa não poderá receber notificações diretas/pessoais de você.";
+$a->strings["Unable to retrieve contact information."] = "Não foi possível recuperar a informação do contato.";
+$a->strings["following"] = "acompanhando";
+$a->strings["Requested account is not available."] = "Conta solicitada não disponível";
+$a->strings["Requested profile is not available."] = "Perfil solicitado não está disponível.";
+$a->strings["Edit profile"] = "Editar perfil";
+$a->strings["Atom feed"] = "";
+$a->strings["Manage/edit profiles"] = "Gerenciar/editar perfis";
+$a->strings["Change profile photo"] = "Mudar a foto do perfil";
+$a->strings["Create New Profile"] = "Criar um novo perfil";
+$a->strings["Profile Image"] = "Imagem do perfil";
+$a->strings["visible to everybody"] = "visível para todos";
+$a->strings["Edit visibility"] = "Editar a visibilidade";
+$a->strings["Forum"] = "Fórum";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Gênero:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Situação:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Página web:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "Sobre:";
+$a->strings["Network:"] = "Rede:";
+$a->strings["g A l F d"] = "G l d F";
+$a->strings["F d"] = "F d";
+$a->strings["[today]"] = "[hoje]";
+$a->strings["Birthday Reminders"] = "Lembretes de aniversário";
+$a->strings["Birthdays this week:"] = "Aniversários nesta semana:";
+$a->strings["[No description]"] = "[Sem descrição]";
+$a->strings["Event Reminders"] = "Lembretes de eventos";
+$a->strings["Events this week:"] = "Eventos esta semana:";
+$a->strings["Full Name:"] = "Nome completo:";
+$a->strings["j F, Y"] = "j de F, Y";
+$a->strings["j F"] = "j de F";
+$a->strings["Age:"] = "Idade:";
+$a->strings["for %1\$d %2\$s"] = "para %1\$d %2\$s";
+$a->strings["Sexual Preference:"] = "Preferência sexual:";
+$a->strings["Hometown:"] = "Cidade:";
+$a->strings["Tags:"] = "Etiquetas:";
+$a->strings["Political Views:"] = "Posição política:";
+$a->strings["Religion:"] = "Religião:";
+$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests:"] = "Passatempos/Interesses:";
+$a->strings["Likes:"] = "Gosta de:";
+$a->strings["Dislikes:"] = "Não gosta de:";
+$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks:"] = "Informações de contato e redes sociais:";
+$a->strings["Musical interests:"] = "Preferências musicais:";
+$a->strings["Books, literature:"] = "Livros, literatura:";
+$a->strings["Television:"] = "Televisão:";
+$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"] = "Filmes/dança/cultura/entretenimento:";
+$a->strings["Love/Romance:"] = "Amor/romance:";
+$a->strings["Work/employment:"] = "Trabalho/emprego:";
+$a->strings["School/education:"] = "Escola/educação:";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Fóruns:";
+$a->strings["Basic"] = "";
+$a->strings["Advanced"] = "Avançado";
+$a->strings["Status Messages and Posts"] = "Mensagem de Estado (status) e Publicações";
+$a->strings["Profile Details"] = "Detalhe do Perfil";
+$a->strings["Photo Albums"] = "Álbuns de fotos";
+$a->strings["Personal Notes"] = "Notas pessoais";
+$a->strings["Only You Can See This"] = "Somente Você Pode Ver Isso";
+$a->strings["[Name Withheld]"] = "[Nome não revelado]";
+$a->strings["Item not found."] = "O item não foi encontrado.";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this item?"] = "Você realmente deseja deletar esse item?";
+$a->strings["Yes"] = "Sim";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permissão negada.";
+$a->strings["Archives"] = "Arquivos";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is attending %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s vai a %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is not attending %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s não vai a %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s may attend %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s está pensando em ir a %3\$s de %2\$s";
+$a->strings["[no subject]"] = "[sem assunto]";
+$a->strings["Click here to upgrade."] = "Clique aqui para atualização (upgrade).";
+$a->strings["This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."] = "Essa ação excede o limite definido para o seu plano de assinatura.";
+$a->strings["This action is not available under your subscription plan."] = "Essa ação não está disponível em seu plano de assinatura.";
$a->strings["newer"] = "mais recente";
$a->strings["older"] = "antigo";
$a->strings["prev"] = "anterior";
@@ -559,30 +677,11 @@ $a->strings["frustrated"] = "frustrado";
$a->strings["motivated"] = "motivado";
$a->strings["relaxed"] = "relaxado";
$a->strings["surprised"] = "surpreso";
-$a->strings["Monday"] = "Segunda";
-$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Terça";
-$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Quarta";
-$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Quinta";
-$a->strings["Friday"] = "Sexta";
-$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Sábado";
-$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Domingo";
-$a->strings["January"] = "Janeiro";
-$a->strings["February"] = "Fevereiro";
-$a->strings["March"] = "Março";
-$a->strings["April"] = "Abril";
-$a->strings["May"] = "Maio";
-$a->strings["June"] = "Junho";
-$a->strings["July"] = "Julho";
-$a->strings["August"] = "Agosto";
-$a->strings["September"] = "Setembro";
-$a->strings["October"] = "Outubro";
-$a->strings["November"] = "Novembro";
-$a->strings["December"] = "Dezembro";
$a->strings["View Video"] = "Ver Vídeo";
$a->strings["bytes"] = "bytes";
$a->strings["Click to open/close"] = "Clique para abrir/fechar";
-$a->strings["link to source"] = "exibir a origem";
-$a->strings["Select an alternate language"] = "Selecione um idioma alternativo";
+$a->strings["View on separate page"] = "Ver em uma página separada";
+$a->strings["view on separate page"] = "ver em uma página separada";
$a->strings["activity"] = "atividade";
$a->strings["comment"] = array(
0 => "comentário",
@@ -590,137 +689,275 @@ $a->strings["comment"] = array(
$a->strings["post"] = "publicação";
$a->strings["Item filed"] = "O item foi arquivado";
-$a->strings["Logged out."] = "Saiu.";
-$a->strings["Login failed."] = "Não foi possível autenticar.";
-$a->strings["We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. Please check the correct spelling of the ID."] = "Foi encontrado um erro ao tentar conectar usando o OpenID que você forneceu. Por favor, verifique se sua ID está escrita corretamente.";
-$a->strings["The error message was:"] = "A mensagem de erro foi:";
-$a->strings["Image/photo"] = "Imagem/foto";
-$a->strings["%2\$s %3\$s"] = "%2\$s %3\$s";
-$a->strings["%s wrote the following post "] = "%s escreveu a seguinte publicação ";
-$a->strings["$1 wrote:"] = "$1 escreveu:";
-$a->strings["Encrypted content"] = "Conteúdo criptografado";
-$a->strings["Welcome "] = "Bem-vindo(a) ";
-$a->strings["Please upload a profile photo."] = "Por favor, envie uma foto para o perfil.";
-$a->strings["Welcome back "] = "Bem-vindo(a) de volta ";
-$a->strings["The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."] = "O token de segurança do formulário não estava correto. Isso provavelmente aconteceu porque o formulário ficou aberto por muito tempo (>3 horas) antes da sua submissão.";
-$a->strings["Embedded content"] = "Conteúdo incorporado";
-$a->strings["Embedding disabled"] = "A incorporação está desabilitada";
-$a->strings["Male"] = "Masculino";
-$a->strings["Female"] = "Feminino";
-$a->strings["Currently Male"] = "Atualmente masculino";
-$a->strings["Currently Female"] = "Atualmente feminino";
-$a->strings["Mostly Male"] = "Masculino a maior parte do tempo";
-$a->strings["Mostly Female"] = "Feminino a maior parte do tempo";
-$a->strings["Transgender"] = "Transgênero";
-$a->strings["Intersex"] = "Intersexual";
-$a->strings["Transsexual"] = "Transexual";
-$a->strings["Hermaphrodite"] = "Hermafrodita";
-$a->strings["Neuter"] = "Neutro";
-$a->strings["Non-specific"] = "Não específico";
-$a->strings["Other"] = "Outro";
-$a->strings["Undecided"] = "Indeciso";
-$a->strings["Males"] = "Homens";
-$a->strings["Females"] = "Mulheres";
-$a->strings["Gay"] = "Gays";
-$a->strings["Lesbian"] = "Lésbicas";
-$a->strings["No Preference"] = "Sem preferência";
-$a->strings["Bisexual"] = "Bissexuais";
-$a->strings["Autosexual"] = "Autossexuais";
-$a->strings["Abstinent"] = "Abstêmios";
-$a->strings["Virgin"] = "Virgens";
-$a->strings["Deviant"] = "Desviantes";
-$a->strings["Fetish"] = "Fetiches";
-$a->strings["Oodles"] = "Insaciável";
-$a->strings["Nonsexual"] = "Não sexual";
-$a->strings["Single"] = "Solteiro(a)";
-$a->strings["Lonely"] = "Solitário(a)";
-$a->strings["Available"] = "Disponível";
-$a->strings["Unavailable"] = "Não disponível";
-$a->strings["Has crush"] = "Tem uma paixão";
-$a->strings["Infatuated"] = "Apaixonado";
-$a->strings["Dating"] = "Saindo com alguém";
-$a->strings["Unfaithful"] = "Infiel";
-$a->strings["Sex Addict"] = "Viciado(a) em sexo";
-$a->strings["Friends"] = "Amigos";
-$a->strings["Friends/Benefits"] = "Amigos/Benefícios";
-$a->strings["Casual"] = "Casual";
-$a->strings["Engaged"] = "Envolvido(a)";
-$a->strings["Married"] = "Casado(a)";
-$a->strings["Imaginarily married"] = "Casado imaginariamente";
-$a->strings["Partners"] = "Parceiros";
-$a->strings["Cohabiting"] = "Coabitando";
-$a->strings["Common law"] = "Direito comum";
-$a->strings["Happy"] = "Feliz";
-$a->strings["Not looking"] = "Não estou procurando";
-$a->strings["Swinger"] = "Swinger";
-$a->strings["Betrayed"] = "Traído(a)";
-$a->strings["Separated"] = "Separado(a)";
-$a->strings["Unstable"] = "Instável";
-$a->strings["Divorced"] = "Divorciado(a)";
-$a->strings["Imaginarily divorced"] = "Divorciado imaginariamente";
-$a->strings["Widowed"] = "Viúvo(a)";
-$a->strings["Uncertain"] = "Incerto(a)";
-$a->strings["It's complicated"] = "É complicado";
-$a->strings["Don't care"] = "Não importa";
-$a->strings["Ask me"] = "Pergunte-me";
-$a->strings["An invitation is required."] = "É necessário um convite.";
-$a->strings["Invitation could not be verified."] = "Não foi possível verificar o convite.";
-$a->strings["Invalid OpenID url"] = "A URL do OpenID é inválida";
-$a->strings["Please enter the required information."] = "Por favor, forneça a informação solicitada.";
-$a->strings["Please use a shorter name."] = "Por favor, use um nome mais curto.";
-$a->strings["Name too short."] = "O nome é muito curto.";
-$a->strings["That doesn't appear to be your full (First Last) name."] = "Isso não parece ser o seu nome completo (Nome Sobrenome).";
-$a->strings["Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site."] = "O domínio do seu e-mail não está entre os permitidos neste site.";
-$a->strings["Not a valid email address."] = "Não é um endereço de e-mail válido.";
-$a->strings["Cannot use that email."] = "Não é possível usar esse e-mail.";
-$a->strings["Your \"nickname\" can only contain \"a-z\", \"0-9\", \"-\", and \"_\", and must also begin with a letter."] = "A sua identificação pode conter somente os caracteres \"a-z\", \"0-9\", \"-\", e \"_\", além disso, deve começar com uma letra.";
-$a->strings["Nickname is already registered. Please choose another."] = "Esta identificação já foi registrada. Por favor, escolha outra.";
-$a->strings["Nickname was once registered here and may not be re-used. Please choose another."] = "Essa identificação já foi registrada e não pode ser reutilizada. Por favor, escolha outra.";
-$a->strings["SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed."] = "ERRO GRAVE: Não foi possível gerar as chaves de segurança.";
-$a->strings["An error occurred during registration. Please try again."] = "Ocorreu um erro durante o registro. Por favor, tente novamente.";
-$a->strings["An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again."] = "Ocorreu um erro na criação do seu perfil padrão. Por favor, tente novamente.";
-$a->strings["\n\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\tThank you for registering at %2\$s. Your account has been created.\n\t"] = "\n\t\tCaro %1\$s,\n\t\t\tObrigado por se cadastrar em %2\$s. Sua conta foi criada.\n\t";
-$a->strings["\n\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n\t\t\tSite Location:\t%3\$s\n\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tPassword:\t%5\$s\n\n\t\tYou may change your password from your account \"Settings\" page after logging\n\t\tin.\n\n\t\tPlease take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.\n\n\t\tYou may also wish to add some basic information to your default profile\n\t\t(on the \"Profiles\" page) so that other people can easily find you.\n\n\t\tWe recommend setting your full name, adding a profile photo,\n\t\tadding some profile \"keywords\" (very useful in making new friends) - and\n\t\tperhaps what country you live in; if you do not wish to be more specific\n\t\tthan that.\n\n\t\tWe fully respect your right to privacy, and none of these items are necessary.\n\t\tIf you are new and do not know anybody here, they may help\n\t\tyou to make some new and interesting friends.\n\n\n\t\tThank you and welcome to %2\$s."] = "\n\t\tOs dados de login são os seguintes:\n\t\t\tLocal do Site:\t%3\$s\n\t\t\tNome de Login:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\tSenha:\t%5\$s\n\n\t\tVocê pode alterar sua senha na página de \"Configurações\" da sua conta após fazer o login\n\n\t\tPor favor, dedique alguns minutos na página para rever as outras configurações da sua conta.\n\n\t\tTalvez você também queira incluir algumas informações básicas adicionais ao seu perfil padrão\n\t\t(na página de \"Perfis\") para que outras pessoas possam encontrá-lo com facilidade.\n\n\t\tRecomendamos que inclua seu nome completo, adicione uma foto do perfil,\n\t\tadicionar algumas \"palavras-chave\" (muito útil para fazer novas amizades) - e\n\t\ttalvez em que pais você mora; se você não quiser ser mais específico \n\t\tdo que isso.\n\n\t\tNós respeitamos plenamente seu direito à privacidade, e nenhum desses itens são necessários.\n\t\tSe você é novo por aqui e não conheço ninguém, eles podem ajuda-lo a fazer novas e interessantes amizades.\n\n\n\t\tObrigado e bem-vindo a %2\$s.";
-$a->strings["Registration details for %s"] = "Detalhes do registro de %s";
-$a->strings["Visible to everybody"] = "Visível para todos";
-$a->strings["This entry was edited"] = "Essa entrada foi editada";
-$a->strings["Private Message"] = "Mensagem privada";
-$a->strings["Edit"] = "Editar";
-$a->strings["save to folder"] = "salvar na pasta";
-$a->strings["add star"] = "destacar";
-$a->strings["remove star"] = "remover o destaque";
-$a->strings["toggle star status"] = "ativa/desativa o destaque";
-$a->strings["starred"] = "marcado com estrela";
-$a->strings["ignore thread"] = "ignorar tópico";
-$a->strings["unignore thread"] = "deixar de ignorar tópico";
-$a->strings["toggle ignore status"] = "alternar status ignorar";
-$a->strings["ignored"] = "Ignorado";
-$a->strings["add tag"] = "adicionar etiqueta";
-$a->strings["I like this (toggle)"] = "Eu gostei disso (alternar)";
-$a->strings["like"] = "gostei";
-$a->strings["I don't like this (toggle)"] = "Eu não gostei disso (alternar)";
-$a->strings["dislike"] = "desgostar";
-$a->strings["Share this"] = "Compartilhar isso";
-$a->strings["share"] = "compartilhar";
-$a->strings["to"] = "para";
-$a->strings["via"] = "via";
-$a->strings["Wall-to-Wall"] = "Mural-para-mural";
-$a->strings["via Wall-To-Wall:"] = "via Mural-para-mural";
-$a->strings["%d comment"] = array(
- 0 => "%d comentário",
- 1 => "%d comentários",
+$a->strings["Error decoding account file"] = "Erro ao decodificar arquivo de conta";
+$a->strings["Error! No version data in file! This is not a Friendica account file?"] = "Erro! Nenhum arquivo de dados de versão! Esse não é um arquivo de conta do Friendica?";
+$a->strings["Error! Cannot check nickname"] = "Erro! Não consigo conferir o apelido (nickname)";
+$a->strings["User '%s' already exists on this server!"] = "User '%s' já existe nesse servidor!";
+$a->strings["User creation error"] = "Erro na criação do usuário";
+$a->strings["User profile creation error"] = "Erro na criação do perfil do Usuário";
+$a->strings["%d contact not imported"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d contato não foi importado",
+ 1 => "%d contatos não foram importados",
-$a->strings["This is you"] = "Este(a) é você";
-$a->strings["Bold"] = "Negrito";
-$a->strings["Italic"] = "Itálico";
-$a->strings["Underline"] = "Sublinhado";
-$a->strings["Quote"] = "Citação";
-$a->strings["Code"] = "Código";
-$a->strings["Image"] = "Imagem";
-$a->strings["Link"] = "Link";
-$a->strings["Video"] = "Vídeo";
+$a->strings["Done. You can now login with your username and password"] = "Feito. Você agora pode entrar com seu nome de usuário e senha.";
+$a->strings["System"] = "Sistema";
+$a->strings["Personal"] = "Pessoal";
+$a->strings["%s commented on %s's post"] = "%s comentou uma publicação de %s";
+$a->strings["%s created a new post"] = "%s criou uma nova publicação";
+$a->strings["%s liked %s's post"] = "%s gostou da publicação de %s";
+$a->strings["%s disliked %s's post"] = "%s desgostou da publicação de %s";
+$a->strings["%s is attending %s's event"] = "%s vai comparecer ao evento de %s";
+$a->strings["%s is not attending %s's event"] = "%s não vai comparecer ao evento de %s";
+$a->strings["%s may attend %s's event"] = "%s talvez compareça ao evento de %s";
+$a->strings["%s is now friends with %s"] = "%s agora é amigo de %s";
+$a->strings["Friend Suggestion"] = "Sugestão de amigo";
+$a->strings["Friend/Connect Request"] = "Solicitação de amizade/conexão";
+$a->strings["New Follower"] = "Novo acompanhante";
+$a->strings["Post successful."] = "Publicado com sucesso.";
+$a->strings["[Embedded content - reload page to view]"] = "[Conteúdo incorporado - recarregue a página para ver]";
+$a->strings["Access denied."] = "Acesso negado.";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Bem-vindo(a) a %s";
+$a->strings["No more system notifications."] = "Não fazer notificações de sistema.";
+$a->strings["System Notifications"] = "Notificações de sistema";
+$a->strings["Remove term"] = "Remover o termo";
+$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Acesso público negado.";
+$a->strings["Only logged in users are permitted to perform a search."] = "";
+$a->strings["Too Many Requests"] = "";
+$a->strings["Only one search per minute is permitted for not logged in users."] = "";
+$a->strings["No results."] = "Nenhum resultado.";
+$a->strings["Items tagged with: %s"] = "";
+$a->strings["Results for: %s"] = "";
+$a->strings["This is Friendica, version"] = "Este é o Friendica, versão";
+$a->strings["running at web location"] = "sendo executado no endereço web";
+$a->strings["Please visit Friendica.com to learn more about the Friendica project."] = "Por favor, visite friendica.com para aprender mais sobre o projeto Friendica.";
+$a->strings["Bug reports and issues: please visit"] = "Relate ou acompanhe um erro no";
+$a->strings["the bugtracker at github"] = "GitHub";
+$a->strings["Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email \"Info\" at Friendica - dot com"] = "Sugestões, elogios, doações, etc. - favor enviar e-mail para \"Info\" arroba Friendica - ponto com";
+$a->strings["Installed plugins/addons/apps:"] = "Plugins/complementos/aplicações instaladas:";
+$a->strings["No installed plugins/addons/apps"] = "Nenhum plugin/complemento/aplicativo instalado";
+$a->strings["No valid account found."] = "Não foi encontrada nenhuma conta válida.";
+$a->strings["Password reset request issued. Check your email."] = "A solicitação para reiniciar sua senha foi encaminhada. Verifique seu e-mail.";
+$a->strings["\n\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\tA request was recently received at \"%2\$s\" to reset your account\n\t\tpassword. In order to confirm this request, please select the verification link\n\t\tbelow or paste it into your web browser address bar.\n\n\t\tIf you did NOT request this change, please DO NOT follow the link\n\t\tprovided and ignore and/or delete this email.\n\n\t\tYour password will not be changed unless we can verify that you\n\t\tissued this request."] = "\n\t\tPrezado %1\$s,\n\t\t\tUma solicitação foi recebida recentemente em \"%2\$s\" para redefinir a\n\t\tsenha da sua conta. Para confirmar este pedido, por favor selecione o link de confirmação\n\t\tabaixo ou copie e cole-o na barra de endereço do seu navegador.\n\n\t\tSe NÃO foi você que solicitou esta alteração por favor, NÃO clique no link\n\t\tfornecido e ignore e/ou apague este e-mail.\n\n\t\tSua senha não será alterada a menos que possamos verificar que foi você que\n\t\temitiu esta solicitação.";
+$a->strings["\n\t\tFollow this link to verify your identity:\n\n\t\t%1\$s\n\n\t\tYou will then receive a follow-up message containing the new password.\n\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n\n\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n\n\t\tSite Location:\t%2\$s\n\t\tLogin Name:\t%3\$s"] = "\n\t\tSiga este link para verificar sua identidade:\n\n\t\t%1\$s\n\n\t\tVocê então receberá uma mensagem de continuidade contendo a nova senha.\n\t\tVocê pode alterar sua senha na sua página de configurações após efetuar seu login.\n\n\t\tOs dados de login são os seguintes:\n\n\t\tLocalização do Site:\t%2\$s\n\t\tNome de Login:\t%3\$s";
+$a->strings["Password reset requested at %s"] = "Foi feita uma solicitação de reiniciação da senha em %s";
+$a->strings["Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) Password reset failed."] = "Não foi possível verificar a solicitação (você pode tê-la submetido anteriormente). A senha não foi reiniciada.";
+$a->strings["Password Reset"] = "Redifinir a senha";
+$a->strings["Your password has been reset as requested."] = "Sua senha foi reiniciada, conforme solicitado.";
+$a->strings["Your new password is"] = "Sua nova senha é";
+$a->strings["Save or copy your new password - and then"] = "Grave ou copie a sua nova senha e, então";
+$a->strings["click here to login"] = "clique aqui para entrar";
+$a->strings["Your password may be changed from the Settings page after successful login."] = "Sua senha pode ser alterada na página de Configurações após você entrar em seu perfil.";
+$a->strings["\n\t\t\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\t\t\tYour password has been changed as requested. Please retain this\n\t\t\t\tinformation for your records (or change your password immediately to\n\t\t\t\tsomething that you will remember).\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tCaro %1\$s,\n\t\t\t\t\tSua senha foi alterada conforme solicitado. Por favor, guarde essas\n\t\t\t\tinformações para seus registros (ou altere a sua senha imediatamente para\n\t\t\t\talgo que você se lembrará).\n\t\t\t";
+$a->strings["\n\t\t\t\tYour login details are as follows:\n\n\t\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%2\$s\n\t\t\t\tPassword:\t%3\$s\n\n\t\t\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tOs seus dados de login são os seguintes:\n\n\t\t\t\tLocalização do Site:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\t\tNome de Login:\t%2\$s\n\t\t\t\tSenha:\t%3\$s\n\n\t\t\t\tVocê pode alterar esta senha na sua página de configurações depois que efetuar o seu login.\n\t\t\t";
+$a->strings["Your password has been changed at %s"] = "Sua senha foi modifica às %s";
+$a->strings["Forgot your Password?"] = "Esqueceu a sua senha?";
+$a->strings["Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check your email for further instructions."] = "Digite o seu endereço de e-mail e clique em 'Reiniciar' para prosseguir com a reiniciação da sua senha. Após isso, verifique seu e-mail para mais instruções.";
+$a->strings["Nickname or Email: "] = "Identificação ou e-mail: ";
+$a->strings["Reset"] = "Reiniciar";
+$a->strings["No profile"] = "Nenhum perfil";
+$a->strings["Help:"] = "Ajuda:";
+$a->strings["Not Found"] = "Não encontrada";
+$a->strings["Page not found."] = "Página não encontrada.";
+$a->strings["Invalid request."] = "Solicitação inválida.";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of %s"] = "";
+$a->strings["Unable to process image."] = "Não foi possível processar a imagem.";
+$a->strings["Image upload failed."] = "Não foi possível enviar a imagem.";
+$a->strings["Remote privacy information not available."] = "Não existe informação disponível sobre a privacidade remota.";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Visível para:";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Diretório global";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Pesquisar neste site";
+$a->strings["Results for:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Diretório do site";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Nenhuma entrada (algumas entradas podem estar ocultas).";
+$a->strings["OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."] = "Erro no protocolo OpenID. Não foi retornada nenhuma ID.";
+$a->strings["Account not found and OpenID registration is not permitted on this site."] = "A conta não foi encontrada e não são permitidos registros via OpenID nesse site.";
+$a->strings["This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow."] = "Este site excedeu o limite diário permitido para registros de novas contas.\nPor favor tente novamente amanhã.";
+$a->strings["Import"] = "Importar";
+$a->strings["Move account"] = "Mover conta";
+$a->strings["You can import an account from another Friendica server."] = "Você pode importar um conta de outro sevidor Friendica.";
+$a->strings["You need to export your account from the old server and upload it here. We will recreate your old account here with all your contacts. We will try also to inform your friends that you moved here."] = "Você precisa exportar sua conta de um servidor antigo e fazer o upload aqui. Nós recriaremos sua conta antiga aqui com todos os seus contatos. Nós também tentaremos informar seus amigos que você se mudou para cá.";
+$a->strings["This feature is experimental. We can't import contacts from the OStatus network (GNU Social/Statusnet) or from Diaspora"] = "Esta funcionalidade está em fase de testes. Não importamos contatos da rede OStatuss (GNU Social/Statusnet) nem da Diaspora.";
+$a->strings["Account file"] = "Arquivo de conta";
+$a->strings["To export your account, go to \"Settings->Export your personal data\" and select \"Export account\""] = "Para exportar a sua conta, entre em \"Configurações->Exportar dados pessoais\" e selecione \"Exportar conta\"";
+$a->strings["Visit %s's profile [%s]"] = "Visitar o perfil de %s [%s]";
+$a->strings["Edit contact"] = "Editar o contato";
+$a->strings["Contacts who are not members of a group"] = "Contatos que não são membros de um grupo";
+$a->strings["No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."] = "Não foi encontrada nenhuma palavra-chave associada a você. Por favor, adicione algumas ao seu perfil padrão.";
+$a->strings["is interested in:"] = "se interessa por:";
+$a->strings["Profile Match"] = "Correspondência de perfil";
+$a->strings["No matches"] = "Nenhuma correspondência";
+$a->strings["Export account"] = "Exportar conta";
+$a->strings["Export your account info and contacts. Use this to make a backup of your account and/or to move it to another server."] = "Exporta suas informações de conta e contatos. Use para fazer uma cópia de segurança de sua conta e/ou para movê-la para outro servidor.";
+$a->strings["Export all"] = "Exportar tudo";
+$a->strings["Export your accout info, contacts and all your items as json. Could be a very big file, and could take a lot of time. Use this to make a full backup of your account (photos are not exported)"] = "Exportar as informações de sua conta, contatos e todos os seus items como JSON. Pode ser um arquivo muito grande, e pode levar bastante tempo. Use isto para fazer uma cópia de segurança completa da sua conta (fotos não são exportadas)";
+$a->strings["Export personal data"] = "Exportar dados pessoais";
+$a->strings["Total invitation limit exceeded."] = "Limite de convites totais excedido.";
+$a->strings["%s : Not a valid email address."] = "%s : Não é um endereço de e-mail válido.";
+$a->strings["Please join us on Friendica"] = "Por favor, junte-se à nós na Friendica";
+$a->strings["Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Limite de convites ultrapassado. Favor contactar o administrador do sítio.";
+$a->strings["%s : Message delivery failed."] = "%s : Não foi possível enviar a mensagem.";
+$a->strings["%d message sent."] = array(
+ 0 => "%d mensagem enviada.",
+ 1 => "%d mensagens enviadas.",
+$a->strings["You have no more invitations available"] = "Você não possui mais convites disponíveis";
+$a->strings["Visit %s for a list of public sites that you can join. Friendica members on other sites can all connect with each other, as well as with members of many other social networks."] = "Visite %s para obter uma lista de sites públicos onde você pode se cadastrar. Membros da friendica podem se conectar, mesmo que estejam em sites separados. Além disso você também pode se conectar com membros de várias outras redes sociais.";
+$a->strings["To accept this invitation, please visit and register at %s or any other public Friendica website."] = "Para aceitar esse convite, por favor cadastre-se em %s ou qualquer outro site friendica público.";
+$a->strings["Friendica sites all inter-connect to create a huge privacy-enhanced social web that is owned and controlled by its members. They can also connect with many traditional social networks. See %s for a list of alternate Friendica sites you can join."] = "Os sites friendica estão todos interconectados para criar uma grande rede social com foco na privacidade e controlada por seus membros, que também podem se conectar com várias redes sociais tradicionais. Dê uma olhada em %s para uma lista de sites friendica onde você pode se cadastrar.";
+$a->strings["Our apologies. This system is not currently configured to connect with other public sites or invite members."] = "Desculpe, mas esse sistema não está configurado para conectar-se com outros sites públicos nem permite convidar novos membros.";
+$a->strings["Send invitations"] = "Enviar convites.";
+$a->strings["Enter email addresses, one per line:"] = "Digite os endereços de e-mail, um por linha:";
+$a->strings["Your message:"] = "Sua mensagem:";
+$a->strings["You are cordially invited to join me and other close friends on Friendica - and help us to create a better social web."] = "Você está convidado a se juntar a mim e outros amigos em friendica - e também nos ajudar a criar uma experiência social melhor na web.";
+$a->strings["You will need to supply this invitation code: \$invite_code"] = "Você preciso informar este código de convite: \$invite_code";
+$a->strings["Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:"] = "Após você se registrar, por favor conecte-se comigo através da minha página de perfil em:";
+$a->strings["For more information about the Friendica project and why we feel it is important, please visit http://friendica.com"] = "Para mais informações sobre o projeto Friendica e porque nós achamos que ele é importante, por favor visite-nos em http://friendica.com.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Fotos dos contatos";
+$a->strings["Files"] = "Arquivos";
+$a->strings["System down for maintenance"] = "Sistema em manutenção";
+$a->strings["Permission denied"] = "Permissão negada";
+$a->strings["Invalid profile identifier."] = "Identificador de perfil inválido.";
+$a->strings["Profile Visibility Editor"] = "Editor de visibilidade do perfil";
+$a->strings["Click on a contact to add or remove."] = "Clique em um contato para adicionar ou remover.";
+$a->strings["Visible To"] = "Visível para";
+$a->strings["All Contacts (with secure profile access)"] = "Todos os contatos (com acesso a perfil seguro)";
+$a->strings["No contacts."] = "Nenhum contato.";
+$a->strings["Tag removed"] = "A etiqueta foi removida";
+$a->strings["Remove Item Tag"] = "Remover a etiqueta do item";
+$a->strings["Select a tag to remove: "] = "Selecione uma etiqueta para remover: ";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Remover";
+$a->strings["{0} wants to be your friend"] = "{0} deseja ser seu amigo";
+$a->strings["{0} sent you a message"] = "{0} lhe enviou uma mensagem";
+$a->strings["{0} requested registration"] = "{0} solicitou registro";
+$a->strings["Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"] = "Lamento, talvez seu envio seja maior do que as configurações do PHP permitem";
+$a->strings["Or - did you try to upload an empty file?"] = "Ou - você tentou enviar um arquivo vazio?";
+$a->strings["File exceeds size limit of %s"] = "";
+$a->strings["File upload failed."] = "Não foi possível enviar o arquivo.";
+$a->strings["No friends to display."] = "Nenhum amigo para exibir.";
+$a->strings["Access to this profile has been restricted."] = "O acesso a este perfil está restrito.";
+$a->strings["View"] = "";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Anterior";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "Próximo";
+$a->strings["User not found"] = "";
+$a->strings["This calendar format is not supported"] = "Esse formato de agenda não é contemplado";
+$a->strings["No exportable data found"] = "";
+$a->strings["calendar"] = "agenda";
+$a->strings["Resubscribing to OStatus contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "Erro";
+$a->strings["Done"] = "";
+$a->strings["Keep this window open until done."] = "";
+$a->strings["No potential page delegates located."] = "Nenhuma página delegada potencial localizada.";
+$a->strings["Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to anybody that you do not trust completely."] = "Delegados podem administrar todos os aspectos dessa página/conta exceto por configurações básicas da conta.\nFavor não delegar sua conta pessoal para ninguém que você não confie inteiramente.";
+$a->strings["Existing Page Managers"] = "Administradores de Páginas Existentes";
+$a->strings["Existing Page Delegates"] = "Delegados de Páginas Existentes";
+$a->strings["Potential Delegates"] = "Delegados Potenciais";
+$a->strings["Add"] = "Adicionar";
+$a->strings["No entries."] = "Sem entradas.";
+$a->strings["Credits"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica is a community project, that would not be possible without the help of many people. Here is a list of those who have contributed to the code or the translation of Friendica. Thank you all!"] = "";
+$a->strings["- select -"] = "-selecione-";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is following %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s está seguindo %2\$s's %3\$s";
$a->strings["Item not available."] = "O item não está disponível.";
$a->strings["Item was not found."] = "O item não foi encontrado.";
+$a->strings["Submit Request"] = "Enviar solicitação";
+$a->strings["You already added this contact."] = "Você já adicionou esse contato.";
+$a->strings["Diaspora support isn't enabled. Contact can't be added."] = "";
+$a->strings["OStatus support is disabled. Contact can't be added."] = "";
+$a->strings["The network type couldn't be detected. Contact can't be added."] = "";
+$a->strings["Please answer the following:"] = "Por favor, entre com as informações solicitadas:";
+$a->strings["Does %s know you?"] = "%s conhece você?";
+$a->strings["No"] = "Não";
+$a->strings["Add a personal note:"] = "Adicione uma anotação pessoal:";
+$a->strings["Your Identity Address:"] = "Seu endereço de identificação:";
+$a->strings["Profile URL"] = "URL do perfil";
+$a->strings["Contact added"] = "O contato foi adicionado";
+$a->strings["You must be logged in to use addons. "] = "Você precisa estar logado para usar os addons.";
+$a->strings["Applications"] = "Aplicativos";
+$a->strings["No installed applications."] = "Nenhum aplicativo instalado";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"] = "Você realmente deseja deletar essa sugestão?";
+$a->strings["No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 hours."] = "Não existe nenhuma sugestão disponível. Se este for um site novo, por favor tente novamente em 24 horas.";
+$a->strings["Ignore/Hide"] = "Ignorar/Ocultar";
+$a->strings["Not Extended"] = "";
+$a->strings["Item has been removed."] = "O item foi removido.";
+$a->strings["No contacts in common."] = "Nenhum contato em comum.";
+$a->strings["Common Friends"] = "Amigos em Comum";
+$a->strings["Welcome to Friendica"] = "Bemvindo ao Friendica";
+$a->strings["New Member Checklist"] = "Dicas para os novos membros";
+$a->strings["We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial registration and then will quietly disappear."] = "Gostaríamos de oferecer algumas dicas e links para ajudar a tornar a sua experiência agradável. Clique em qualquer item para visitar a página correspondente. Um link para essa página será visível em sua home page por duas semanas após o seu registro inicial e, então, desaparecerá discretamente.";
+$a->strings["Getting Started"] = "Do Início";
+$a->strings["Friendica Walk-Through"] = "Passo-a-passo da friendica";
+$a->strings["On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to join."] = "Na sua página Início Rápido - encontre uma introdução rápida ao seu perfil e abas da rede, faça algumas conexões novas, e encontre alguns grupos entrar.";
+$a->strings["Go to Your Settings"] = "Ir para as suas configurações";
+$a->strings["On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and will be useful in making friends on the free social web."] = "Em sua página Configurações - mude sua senha inicial. Também tome nota de seu Endereço de Identidade. Isso se parece com um endereço de e-mail - e será útil para se fazer amigos na rede social livre.";
+$a->strings["Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and potential friends know exactly how to find you."] = "Revise as outras configurações, em particular as relacionadas a privacidade. Não estar listado no diretório é o equivalente a não ter o seu número na lista telefônica. Normalmente é interessante você estar listado - a não ser que os seu amigos atuais e potenciais saibam exatamente como encontrar você.";
+$a->strings["Upload Profile Photo"] = "Enviar foto do perfil";
+$a->strings["Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make friends than people who do not."] = "Envie uma foto para o seu perfil, caso ainda não tenha feito isso. Estudos indicam que pessoas que publicam fotos reais delas mesmas têm 10 vezes mais chances de encontrar novos amigos do que as que não o fazem.";
+$a->strings["Edit Your Profile"] = "Editar seu perfil";
+$a->strings["Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown visitors."] = "Edite o seu perfil padrão a seu gosto. Revise as configurações de ocultação da sua lista de amigos e do seu perfil de visitantes desconhecidos.";
+$a->strings["Profile Keywords"] = "Palavras-chave do perfil";
+$a->strings["Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and suggest friendships."] = "Defina algumas palavras-chave públicas para o seu perfil padrão, que descrevam os seus interesses. Nós podemos encontrar outras pessoas com interesses similares e sugerir novas amizades.";
+$a->strings["Connecting"] = "Conexões";
+$a->strings["Importing Emails"] = "Importação de e-mails";
+$a->strings["Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email INBOX"] = "Forneça a informação de acesso ao seu e-mail na sua página de Configuração de Conector se você deseja importar e interagir com amigos ou listas de discussão da sua Caixa de Entrada de e-mail";
+$a->strings["Go to Your Contacts Page"] = "Ir para a sua página de contatos";
+$a->strings["Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site URL in the Add New Contact dialog."] = "Sua página de contatos é sua rota para o gerenciamento de amizades e conexão com amigos em outras redes. Geralmente você fornece o endereço deles ou a URL do site na janela de diálogo Adicionar Novo Contato .";
+$a->strings["Go to Your Site's Directory"] = "Ir para o diretório do seu site";
+$a->strings["The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."] = "A página de Diretório permite que você encontre outras pessoas nesta rede ou em outras redes federadas. Procure por um link Conectar ou Seguir no perfil que deseja acompanhar. Forneça o seu Endereço de Identidade próprio, se solicitado.";
+$a->strings["Finding New People"] = "Pesquisar por novas pessoas";
+$a->strings["On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 hours."] = "No painel lateral da página de Contatos existem várias ferramentas para encontrar novos amigos. Você pode descobrir pessoas com os mesmos interesses, procurar por nomes ou interesses e fornecer sugestões baseadas nos relacionamentos da rede. Em um site completamente novo, as sugestões de amizades geralmente começam a ser populadas dentro de 24 horas.";
+$a->strings["Group Your Contacts"] = "Agrupe seus contatos";
+$a->strings["Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with each group privately on your Network page."] = "Após fazer novas amizades, organize-as em grupos de conversa privados, a partir da barra lateral na sua página de Contatos. A partir daí, você poderá interagir com cada grupo privativamente, na sua página de Rede.";
+$a->strings["Why Aren't My Posts Public?"] = "Por que as minhas publicações não são públicas?";
+$a->strings["Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section from the link above."] = "A friendica respeita sua privacidade. Por padrão, suas publicações estarão visíveis apenas para as pessoas que você adicionou como amigos. Para mais informações, veja a página de ajuda, a partir do link acima.";
+$a->strings["Getting Help"] = "Obtendo ajuda";
+$a->strings["Go to the Help Section"] = "Ir para a seção de ajuda";
+$a->strings["Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program features and resources."] = "Consulte nossas páginas de ajuda para mais detalhes sobre as características e recursos do programa.";
+$a->strings["Remove My Account"] = "Remover minha conta";
+$a->strings["This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not recoverable."] = "Isso removerá completamente a sua conta. Uma vez feito isso, não será mais possível recuperá-la.";
+$a->strings["Please enter your password for verification:"] = "Por favor, digite a sua senha para verificação:";
+$a->strings["Item not found"] = "O item não foi encontrado";
+$a->strings["Edit post"] = "Editar a publicação";
+$a->strings["Warning: This group contains %s member from an insecure network."] = array(
+ 0 => "Aviso: Este grupo contém %s membro de uma rede insegura.",
+ 1 => "Aviso: Este grupo contém %s membros de uma rede insegura.",
+$a->strings["Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure."] = "Mensagens privadas para este grupo correm o risco de sofrerem divulgação pública.";
+$a->strings["No such group"] = "Este grupo não existe";
+$a->strings["Group is empty"] = "O grupo está vazio";
+$a->strings["Group: %s"] = "Grupo: %s";
+$a->strings["Private messages to this person are at risk of public disclosure."] = "Mensagens privadas para esta pessoa correm o risco de sofrerem divulgação pública.";
+$a->strings["Invalid contact."] = "Contato inválido.";
+$a->strings["Commented Order"] = "Ordem dos comentários";
+$a->strings["Sort by Comment Date"] = "Ordenar pela data do comentário";
+$a->strings["Posted Order"] = "Ordem das publicações";
+$a->strings["Sort by Post Date"] = "Ordenar pela data de publicação";
+$a->strings["Posts that mention or involve you"] = "Publicações que mencionem ou envolvam você";
+$a->strings["New"] = "Nova";
+$a->strings["Activity Stream - by date"] = "Fluxo de atividades - por data";
+$a->strings["Shared Links"] = "Links compartilhados";
+$a->strings["Interesting Links"] = "Links interessantes";
+$a->strings["Starred"] = "Destacada";
+$a->strings["Favourite Posts"] = "Publicações favoritas";
+$a->strings["Not available."] = "Não disponível.";
+$a->strings["Time Conversion"] = "Conversão de tempo";
+$a->strings["Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and friends in unknown timezones."] = "Friendica oferece esse serviço para compartilhar eventos com outras redes e amigos em fusos horários desconhecidos.";
+$a->strings["UTC time: %s"] = "Hora UTC: %s";
+$a->strings["Current timezone: %s"] = "Fuso horário atual: %s";
+$a->strings["Converted localtime: %s"] = "Horário local convertido: %s";
+$a->strings["Please select your timezone:"] = "Por favor, selecione seu fuso horário:";
+$a->strings["The post was created"] = "O texto foi criado";
+$a->strings["Group created."] = "O grupo foi criado.";
+$a->strings["Could not create group."] = "Não foi possível criar o grupo.";
+$a->strings["Group not found."] = "O grupo não foi encontrado.";
+$a->strings["Group name changed."] = "O nome do grupo foi alterado.";
+$a->strings["Save Group"] = "Salvar o grupo";
+$a->strings["Create a group of contacts/friends."] = "Criar um grupo de contatos/amigos.";
+$a->strings["Group removed."] = "O grupo foi removido.";
+$a->strings["Unable to remove group."] = "Não foi possível remover o grupo.";
+$a->strings["Group Editor"] = "Editor de grupo";
+$a->strings["Members"] = "Membros";
+$a->strings["All Contacts"] = "Todos os contatos";
$a->strings["Number of daily wall messages for %s exceeded. Message failed."] = "O número diário de mensagens do mural de %s foi excedido. Não foi possível enviar a mensagem.";
$a->strings["No recipient selected."] = "Não foi selecionado nenhum destinatário.";
$a->strings["Unable to check your home location."] = "Não foi possível verificar a sua localização.";
@@ -732,358 +969,75 @@ $a->strings["Send Private Message"] = "Enviar mensagem privada";
$a->strings["If you wish for %s to respond, please check that the privacy settings on your site allow private mail from unknown senders."] = "Caso você deseje uma resposta de %s, por favor verifique se as configurações de privacidade em seu site permitem o recebimento de mensagens de remetentes desconhecidos.";
$a->strings["To:"] = "Para:";
$a->strings["Subject:"] = "Assunto:";
-$a->strings["Your message:"] = "Sua mensagem:";
-$a->strings["Group created."] = "O grupo foi criado.";
-$a->strings["Could not create group."] = "Não foi possível criar o grupo.";
-$a->strings["Group not found."] = "O grupo não foi encontrado.";
-$a->strings["Group name changed."] = "O nome do grupo foi alterado.";
-$a->strings["Save Group"] = "Salvar o grupo";
-$a->strings["Create a group of contacts/friends."] = "Criar um grupo de contatos/amigos.";
-$a->strings["Group Name: "] = "Nome do grupo: ";
-$a->strings["Group removed."] = "O grupo foi removido.";
-$a->strings["Unable to remove group."] = "Não foi possível remover o grupo.";
-$a->strings["Group Editor"] = "Editor de grupo";
-$a->strings["Members"] = "Membros";
-$a->strings["All Contacts"] = "Todos os contatos";
-$a->strings["Click on a contact to add or remove."] = "Clique em um contato para adicionar ou remover.";
-$a->strings["No potential page delegates located."] = "Nenhuma página delegada potencial localizada.";
-$a->strings["Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to anybody that you do not trust completely."] = "Delegados podem administrar todos os aspectos dessa página/conta exceto por configurações básicas da conta.\nFavor não delegar sua conta pessoal para ninguém que você não confie inteiramente.";
-$a->strings["Existing Page Managers"] = "Administradores de Páginas Existentes";
-$a->strings["Existing Page Delegates"] = "Delegados de Páginas Existentes";
-$a->strings["Potential Delegates"] = "Delegados Potenciais";
-$a->strings["Remove"] = "Remover";
-$a->strings["Add"] = "Adicionar";
-$a->strings["No entries."] = "Sem entradas.";
-$a->strings["Invalid request identifier."] = "Identificador de solicitação inválido";
-$a->strings["Discard"] = "Descartar";
-$a->strings["Ignore"] = "Ignorar";
-$a->strings["System"] = "Sistema";
-$a->strings["Personal"] = "Pessoal";
-$a->strings["Show Ignored Requests"] = "Exibir solicitações ignoradas";
-$a->strings["Hide Ignored Requests"] = "Ocultar solicitações ignoradas";
-$a->strings["Notification type: "] = "Tipo de notificação:";
-$a->strings["Friend Suggestion"] = "Sugestão de amigo";
-$a->strings["suggested by %s"] = "sugerido por %s";
-$a->strings["Hide this contact from others"] = "Ocultar este contato dos outros";
-$a->strings["Post a new friend activity"] = "Publicar a adição de amigo";
-$a->strings["if applicable"] = "se aplicável";
-$a->strings["Approve"] = "Aprovar";
-$a->strings["Claims to be known to you: "] = "Alega ser conhecido por você: ";
-$a->strings["yes"] = "sim";
-$a->strings["no"] = "não";
-$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "Sua conexão deve ser bidirecional ou não? \"Amigo\" implica que você permite ler e se inscreve nos textos dele. \"Fan / admirador\" significa que você permite ler, mas você não quer ler os textos dele. Aprovar como:";
-$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "Sua conexão deve ser bidirecional ou não? \"Amigo\" implica que você permite a leitura e assina o textos dele. \"Compartilhador\" significa que você permite a leitura mas você não quer ler os textos dele. Aprova como:";
-$a->strings["Friend"] = "Amigo";
-$a->strings["Sharer"] = "Compartilhador";
-$a->strings["Fan/Admirer"] = "Fã/Admirador";
-$a->strings["Friend/Connect Request"] = "Solicitação de amizade/conexão";
-$a->strings["New Follower"] = "Novo acompanhante";
-$a->strings["No introductions."] = "Sem apresentações.";
-$a->strings["%s liked %s's post"] = "%s gostou da publicação de %s";
-$a->strings["%s disliked %s's post"] = "%s desgostou da publicação de %s";
-$a->strings["%s is now friends with %s"] = "%s agora é amigo de %s";
-$a->strings["%s created a new post"] = "%s criou uma nova publicação";
-$a->strings["%s commented on %s's post"] = "%s comentou uma publicação de %s";
-$a->strings["No more network notifications."] = "Nenhuma notificação de rede.";
-$a->strings["Network Notifications"] = "Notificações de rede";
-$a->strings["No more system notifications."] = "Não fazer notificações de sistema.";
-$a->strings["System Notifications"] = "Notificações de sistema";
-$a->strings["No more personal notifications."] = "Nenhuma notificação pessoal.";
-$a->strings["Personal Notifications"] = "Notificações pessoais";
-$a->strings["No more home notifications."] = "Não existe mais nenhuma notificação pessoal.";
-$a->strings["Home Notifications"] = "Notificações pessoais";
-$a->strings["No profile"] = "Nenhum perfil";
-$a->strings["everybody"] = "todos";
-$a->strings["Account"] = "Conta";
-$a->strings["Additional features"] = "Funcionalidades adicionais";
-$a->strings["Display"] = "Tela";
-$a->strings["Social Networks"] = "Redes Sociais";
-$a->strings["Plugins"] = "Plugins";
-$a->strings["Connected apps"] = "Aplicações conectadas";
-$a->strings["Export personal data"] = "Exportar dados pessoais";
-$a->strings["Remove account"] = "Remover a conta";
-$a->strings["Missing some important data!"] = "Está faltando algum dado importante!";
-$a->strings["Update"] = "Atualizar";
-$a->strings["Failed to connect with email account using the settings provided."] = "Não foi possível conectar à conta de e-mail com as configurações fornecidas.";
-$a->strings["Email settings updated."] = "As configurações de e-mail foram atualizadas.";
-$a->strings["Features updated"] = "Funcionalidades atualizadas";
-$a->strings["Relocate message has been send to your contacts"] = "A mensagem de relocação foi enviada para seus contatos";
-$a->strings["Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."] = "As senhas não correspondem. A senha não foi modificada.";
-$a->strings["Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."] = "Não é permitido uma senha em branco. A senha não foi modificada.";
-$a->strings["Wrong password."] = "Senha errada.";
-$a->strings["Password changed."] = "A senha foi modificada.";
-$a->strings["Password update failed. Please try again."] = "Não foi possível atualizar a senha. Por favor, tente novamente.";
-$a->strings[" Please use a shorter name."] = " Por favor, use um nome mais curto.";
-$a->strings[" Name too short."] = " O nome é muito curto.";
-$a->strings["Wrong Password"] = "Senha Errada";
-$a->strings[" Not valid email."] = " Não é um e-mail válido.";
-$a->strings[" Cannot change to that email."] = " Não foi possível alterar para esse e-mail.";
-$a->strings["Private forum has no privacy permissions. Using default privacy group."] = "O fórum privado não possui permissões de privacidade. Utilizando o grupo de privacidade padrão.";
-$a->strings["Private forum has no privacy permissions and no default privacy group."] = "O fórum privado não possui permissões de privacidade e nenhum grupo de privacidade padrão.";
-$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "As configurações foram atualizadas.";
-$a->strings["Add application"] = "Adicionar aplicação";
-$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Salvar configurações";
-$a->strings["Name"] = "Nome";
-$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Chave do consumidor";
-$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Segredo do consumidor";
-$a->strings["Redirect"] = "Redirecionar";
-$a->strings["Icon url"] = "URL do ícone";
-$a->strings["You can't edit this application."] = "Você não pode editar esta aplicação.";
-$a->strings["Connected Apps"] = "Aplicações conectadas";
-$a->strings["Client key starts with"] = "A chave do cliente inicia com";
-$a->strings["No name"] = "Sem nome";
-$a->strings["Remove authorization"] = "Remover autorização";
-$a->strings["No Plugin settings configured"] = "Não foi definida nenhuma configuração de plugin";
-$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Configurações do plugin";
-$a->strings["Off"] = "Off";
-$a->strings["On"] = "On";
-$a->strings["Additional Features"] = "Funcionalidades Adicionais";
-$a->strings["Built-in support for %s connectivity is %s"] = "O suporte interno para conectividade de %s está %s";
-$a->strings["enabled"] = "habilitado";
-$a->strings["disabled"] = "desabilitado";
-$a->strings["StatusNet"] = "StatusNet";
-$a->strings["Email access is disabled on this site."] = "O acesso ao e-mail está desabilitado neste site.";
-$a->strings["Email/Mailbox Setup"] = "Configurações do e-mail/caixa postal";
-$a->strings["If you wish to communicate with email contacts using this service (optional), please specify how to connect to your mailbox."] = "Caso você deseje se comunicar com contatos de e-mail usando este serviço (opcional), por favor especifique como se conectar à sua caixa postal.";
-$a->strings["Last successful email check:"] = "Última checagem bem sucedida de e-mail:";
-$a->strings["IMAP server name:"] = "Nome do servidor IMAP:";
-$a->strings["IMAP port:"] = "Porta do IMAP:";
-$a->strings["Security:"] = "Segurança:";
-$a->strings["None"] = "Nenhuma";
-$a->strings["Email login name:"] = "Nome de usuário do e-mail:";
-$a->strings["Email password:"] = "Senha do e-mail:";
-$a->strings["Reply-to address:"] = "Endereço de resposta (Reply-to):";
-$a->strings["Send public posts to all email contacts:"] = "Enviar publicações públicas para todos os contatos de e-mail:";
-$a->strings["Action after import:"] = "Ação após a importação:";
-$a->strings["Mark as seen"] = "Marcar como visto";
-$a->strings["Move to folder"] = "Mover para pasta";
-$a->strings["Move to folder:"] = "Mover para pasta:";
-$a->strings["No special theme for mobile devices"] = "Nenhum tema especial para dispositivos móveis";
-$a->strings["Display Settings"] = "Configurações de exibição";
-$a->strings["Display Theme:"] = "Tema do perfil:";
-$a->strings["Mobile Theme:"] = "Tema para dispositivos móveis:";
-$a->strings["Update browser every xx seconds"] = "Atualizar o navegador a cada xx segundos";
-$a->strings["Minimum of 10 seconds, no maximum"] = "Mínimo de 10 segundos, não possui máximo";
-$a->strings["Number of items to display per page:"] = "Número de itens a serem exibidos por página:";
-$a->strings["Maximum of 100 items"] = "Máximo de 100 itens";
-$a->strings["Number of items to display per page when viewed from mobile device:"] = "Número de itens a serem exibidos por página quando visualizando em um dispositivo móvel:";
-$a->strings["Don't show emoticons"] = "Não exibir emoticons";
-$a->strings["Don't show notices"] = "Não mostra avisos";
-$a->strings["Infinite scroll"] = "rolamento infinito";
-$a->strings["Automatic updates only at the top of the network page"] = "Atualizações automáticas só na parte superior da página da rede";
-$a->strings["User Types"] = "Tipos de Usuários";
-$a->strings["Community Types"] = "Tipos de Comunidades";
-$a->strings["Normal Account Page"] = "Página de conta normal";
-$a->strings["This account is a normal personal profile"] = "Essa conta é um perfil pessoal normal";
-$a->strings["Soapbox Page"] = "Página de vitrine";
-$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"] = "Aprova automaticamente todas as solicitações de conexão/amizade como fãs com permissão somente de leitura";
-$a->strings["Community Forum/Celebrity Account"] = "Conta de fórum de comunidade/celebridade";
-$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans"] = "Aprova automaticamente todas as solicitações de conexão/amizade como fãs com permissão de leitura e escrita";
-$a->strings["Automatic Friend Page"] = "Página de amigo automático";
-$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"] = "Aprovar automaticamente todas as solicitações de conexão/amizade como amigos";
-$a->strings["Private Forum [Experimental]"] = "Fórum privado [Experimental]";
-$a->strings["Private forum - approved members only"] = "Fórum privado - somente membros aprovados";
-$a->strings["OpenID:"] = "OpenID:";
-$a->strings["(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account."] = "(Opcional) Permitir o uso deste OpenID para entrar nesta conta";
-$a->strings["Publish your default profile in your local site directory?"] = "Publicar o seu perfil padrão no diretório local do seu site?";
-$a->strings["No"] = "Não";
-$a->strings["Publish your default profile in the global social directory?"] = "Publicar o seu perfil padrão no diretório social global?";
-$a->strings["Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of your default profile?"] = "Ocultar visualização da sua lista de contatos/amigos no seu perfil padrão? ";
-$a->strings["If enabled, posting public messages to Diaspora and other networks isn't possible."] = "Se ativado, postar mensagens públicas no Diáspora e em outras redes não será possível.";
-$a->strings["Allow friends to post to your profile page?"] = "Permitir aos amigos publicarem na sua página de perfil?";
-$a->strings["Allow friends to tag your posts?"] = "Permitir aos amigos etiquetarem suas publicações?";
-$a->strings["Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?"] = "Permitir que você seja sugerido como amigo em potencial para novos membros?";
-$a->strings["Permit unknown people to send you private mail?"] = "Permitir que pessoas desconhecidas lhe enviem mensagens privadas?";
-$a->strings["Profile is not published ."] = "O perfil não está publicado .";
-$a->strings["or"] = "ou";
-$a->strings["Your Identity Address is"] = "O endereço da sua identidade é";
-$a->strings["Automatically expire posts after this many days:"] = "Expirar automaticamente publicações após tantos dias:";
-$a->strings["If empty, posts will not expire. Expired posts will be deleted"] = "Se deixado em branco, as publicações não irão expirar. Publicações expiradas serão excluídas.";
-$a->strings["Advanced expiration settings"] = "Configurações avançadas de expiração";
-$a->strings["Advanced Expiration"] = "Expiração avançada";
-$a->strings["Expire posts:"] = "Expirar publicações:";
-$a->strings["Expire personal notes:"] = "Expirar notas pessoais:";
-$a->strings["Expire starred posts:"] = "Expirar publicações destacadas:";
-$a->strings["Expire photos:"] = "Expirar fotos:";
-$a->strings["Only expire posts by others:"] = "Expirar somente as publicações de outras pessoas:";
-$a->strings["Account Settings"] = "Configurações da conta";
-$a->strings["Password Settings"] = "Configurações da senha";
-$a->strings["New Password:"] = "Nova senha:";
-$a->strings["Confirm:"] = "Confirme:";
-$a->strings["Leave password fields blank unless changing"] = "Deixe os campos de senha em branco, a não ser que você queira alterá-la";
-$a->strings["Current Password:"] = "Senha Atual:";
-$a->strings["Your current password to confirm the changes"] = "Sua senha atual para confirmar as mudanças";
-$a->strings["Password:"] = "Senha:";
-$a->strings["Basic Settings"] = "Configurações básicas";
-$a->strings["Email Address:"] = "Endereço de e-mail:";
-$a->strings["Your Timezone:"] = "Seu fuso horário:";
-$a->strings["Default Post Location:"] = "Localização padrão de suas publicações:";
-$a->strings["Use Browser Location:"] = "Usar localizador do navegador:";
-$a->strings["Security and Privacy Settings"] = "Configurações de segurança e privacidade";
-$a->strings["Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"] = "Número máximo de requisições de amizade por dia:";
-$a->strings["(to prevent spam abuse)"] = "(para prevenir abuso de spammers)";
-$a->strings["Default Post Permissions"] = "Permissões padrão de publicação";
-$a->strings["(click to open/close)"] = "(clique para abrir/fechar)";
-$a->strings["Show to Groups"] = "Mostre para Grupos";
-$a->strings["Show to Contacts"] = "Mostre para Contatos";
-$a->strings["Default Private Post"] = "Publicação Privada Padrão";
-$a->strings["Default Public Post"] = "Publicação Pública Padrão";
-$a->strings["Default Permissions for New Posts"] = "Permissões Padrão para Publicações Novas";
-$a->strings["Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:"] = "Número máximo de mensagens privadas de pessoas desconhecidas, por dia:";
-$a->strings["Notification Settings"] = "Configurações de notificação";
-$a->strings["By default post a status message when:"] = "Por padrão, publicar uma mensagem de status quando:";
-$a->strings["accepting a friend request"] = "aceitar uma requisição de amizade";
-$a->strings["joining a forum/community"] = "associar-se a um fórum/comunidade";
-$a->strings["making an interesting profile change"] = "fazer uma modificação interessante em seu perfil";
-$a->strings["Send a notification email when:"] = "Enviar um e-mail de notificação sempre que:";
-$a->strings["You receive an introduction"] = "Você recebeu uma apresentação";
-$a->strings["Your introductions are confirmed"] = "Suas apresentações forem confirmadas";
-$a->strings["Someone writes on your profile wall"] = "Alguém escrever no mural do seu perfil";
-$a->strings["Someone writes a followup comment"] = "Alguém comentar a sua mensagem";
-$a->strings["You receive a private message"] = "Você recebeu uma mensagem privada";
-$a->strings["You receive a friend suggestion"] = "Você recebe uma suggestão de amigo";
-$a->strings["You are tagged in a post"] = "Você foi etiquetado em uma publicação";
-$a->strings["You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"] = "Você está cutucado/incitado/etc. em uma publicação";
-$a->strings["Text-only notification emails"] = "Emails de notificação apenas de texto";
-$a->strings["Send text only notification emails, without the html part"] = "Enviar e-mails de notificação apenas de texto, sem a parte html";
-$a->strings["Advanced Account/Page Type Settings"] = "Conta avançada/Configurações do tipo de página";
-$a->strings["Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"] = "Modificar o comportamento desta conta em situações especiais";
-$a->strings["Relocate"] = "Relocação";
-$a->strings["If you have moved this profile from another server, and some of your contacts don't receive your updates, try pushing this button."] = "Se você moveu esse perfil de outro servidor e algum dos seus contatos não recebe atualizações, pressione esse botão.";
-$a->strings["Resend relocate message to contacts"] = "Reenviar mensagem de relocação para os contatos";
-$a->strings["Common Friends"] = "Amigos em Comum";
-$a->strings["No contacts in common."] = "Nenhum contato em comum.";
-$a->strings["Remote privacy information not available."] = "Não existe informação disponível sobre a privacidade remota.";
-$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Visível para:";
-$a->strings["%d contact edited."] = array(
- 0 => "%d contato editado",
- 1 => "%d contatos editados",
-$a->strings["Could not access contact record."] = "Não foi possível acessar o registro do contato.";
-$a->strings["Could not locate selected profile."] = "Não foi possível localizar o perfil selecionado.";
-$a->strings["Contact updated."] = "O contato foi atualizado.";
-$a->strings["Failed to update contact record."] = "Não foi possível atualizar o registro do contato.";
-$a->strings["Contact has been blocked"] = "O contato foi bloqueado";
-$a->strings["Contact has been unblocked"] = "O contato foi desbloqueado";
-$a->strings["Contact has been ignored"] = "O contato foi ignorado";
-$a->strings["Contact has been unignored"] = "O contato deixou de ser ignorado";
-$a->strings["Contact has been archived"] = "O contato foi arquivado";
-$a->strings["Contact has been unarchived"] = "O contato foi desarquivado";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this contact?"] = "Você realmente deseja deletar esse contato?";
-$a->strings["Contact has been removed."] = "O contato foi removido.";
-$a->strings["You are mutual friends with %s"] = "Você possui uma amizade mútua com %s";
-$a->strings["You are sharing with %s"] = "Você está compartilhando com %s";
-$a->strings["%s is sharing with you"] = "%s está compartilhando com você";
-$a->strings["Private communications are not available for this contact."] = "As comunicações privadas não estão disponíveis para este contato.";
-$a->strings["Never"] = "Nunca";
-$a->strings["(Update was successful)"] = "(A atualização foi bem sucedida)";
-$a->strings["(Update was not successful)"] = "(A atualização não foi bem sucedida)";
-$a->strings["Suggest friends"] = "Sugerir amigos";
-$a->strings["Network type: %s"] = "Tipo de rede: %s";
-$a->strings["View all contacts"] = "Ver todos os contatos";
-$a->strings["Unblock"] = "Desbloquear";
-$a->strings["Block"] = "Bloquear";
-$a->strings["Toggle Blocked status"] = "Alternar o status de bloqueio";
-$a->strings["Unignore"] = "Deixar de ignorar";
-$a->strings["Toggle Ignored status"] = "Alternar o status de ignorado";
-$a->strings["Unarchive"] = "Desarquivar";
-$a->strings["Archive"] = "Arquivar";
-$a->strings["Toggle Archive status"] = "Alternar o status de arquivamento";
-$a->strings["Repair"] = "Reparar";
-$a->strings["Advanced Contact Settings"] = "Configurações avançadas do contato";
-$a->strings["Communications lost with this contact!"] = "As comunicações com esse contato foram perdidas!";
-$a->strings["Fetch further information for feeds"] = "Pega mais informações para feeds";
-$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Desabilitado";
-$a->strings["Fetch information"] = "Buscar informações";
-$a->strings["Fetch information and keywords"] = "Buscar informação e palavras-chave";
-$a->strings["Contact Editor"] = "Editor de contatos";
-$a->strings["Profile Visibility"] = "Visibilidade do perfil";
-$a->strings["Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely."] = "Por favor, selecione o perfil que você gostaria de exibir para %s quando estiver visualizando seu perfil de modo seguro.";
-$a->strings["Contact Information / Notes"] = "Informações sobre o contato / Anotações";
-$a->strings["Edit contact notes"] = "Editar as anotações do contato";
-$a->strings["Visit %s's profile [%s]"] = "Visitar o perfil de %s [%s]";
-$a->strings["Block/Unblock contact"] = "Bloquear/desbloquear o contato";
-$a->strings["Ignore contact"] = "Ignorar o contato";
-$a->strings["Repair URL settings"] = "Reparar as definições de URL";
-$a->strings["View conversations"] = "Ver as conversas";
-$a->strings["Delete contact"] = "Excluir o contato";
-$a->strings["Last update:"] = "Última atualização:";
-$a->strings["Update public posts"] = "Atualizar publicações públicas";
-$a->strings["Update now"] = "Atualizar agora";
-$a->strings["Currently blocked"] = "Atualmente bloqueado";
-$a->strings["Currently ignored"] = "Atualmente ignorado";
-$a->strings["Currently archived"] = "Atualmente arquivado";
-$a->strings["Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"] = "Respostas/gostadas associados às suas publicações ainda podem estar visíveis";
-$a->strings["Notification for new posts"] = "Notificações para novas publicações";
-$a->strings["Send a notification of every new post of this contact"] = "Envie uma notificação para todos as novas publicações deste contato";
-$a->strings["Blacklisted keywords"] = "Palavras-chave na Lista Negra";
-$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"] = "Lista de palavras-chave separadas por vírgulas que não devem ser convertidas para hashtags, quando \"Buscar informações e palavras-chave\" for selecionado.";
-$a->strings["Suggestions"] = "Sugestões";
-$a->strings["Suggest potential friends"] = "Sugerir amigos em potencial";
-$a->strings["Show all contacts"] = "Exibe todos os contatos";
-$a->strings["Unblocked"] = "Desbloquear";
-$a->strings["Only show unblocked contacts"] = "Exibe somente contatos desbloqueados";
-$a->strings["Blocked"] = "Bloqueado";
-$a->strings["Only show blocked contacts"] = "Exibe somente contatos bloqueados";
-$a->strings["Ignored"] = "Ignorados";
-$a->strings["Only show ignored contacts"] = "Exibe somente contatos ignorados";
-$a->strings["Archived"] = "Arquivados";
-$a->strings["Only show archived contacts"] = "Exibe somente contatos arquivados";
-$a->strings["Hidden"] = "Ocultos";
-$a->strings["Only show hidden contacts"] = "Exibe somente contatos ocultos";
-$a->strings["Mutual Friendship"] = "Amizade mútua";
-$a->strings["is a fan of yours"] = "é um fã seu";
-$a->strings["you are a fan of"] = "você é um fã de";
-$a->strings["Edit contact"] = "Editar o contato";
-$a->strings["Search your contacts"] = "Pesquisar seus contatos";
-$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Pesquisando: ";
-$a->strings["Sorry, maybe your upload is bigger than the PHP configuration allows"] = "Lamento, talvez seu envio seja maior do que as configurações do PHP permitem";
-$a->strings["Or - did you try to upload an empty file?"] = "Ou - você tentou enviar um arquivo vazio?";
-$a->strings["File exceeds size limit of %d"] = "O arquivo excedeu o tamanho limite de %d";
-$a->strings["File upload failed."] = "Não foi possível enviar o arquivo.";
-$a->strings["[Embedded content - reload page to view]"] = "[Conteúdo incorporado - recarregue a página para ver]";
-$a->strings["Export account"] = "Exportar conta";
-$a->strings["Export your account info and contacts. Use this to make a backup of your account and/or to move it to another server."] = "Exporta suas informações de conta e contatos. Use para fazer uma cópia de segurança de sua conta e/ou para movê-la para outro servidor.";
-$a->strings["Export all"] = "Exportar tudo";
-$a->strings["Export your accout info, contacts and all your items as json. Could be a very big file, and could take a lot of time. Use this to make a full backup of your account (photos are not exported)"] = "Exportar as informações de sua conta, contatos e todos os seus items como JSON. Pode ser um arquivo muito grande, e pode levar bastante tempo. Use isto para fazer uma cópia de segurança completa da sua conta (fotos não são exportadas)";
-$a->strings["Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."] = "O registro foi bem sucedido. Por favor, verifique seu e-mail para maiores informações.";
-$a->strings["Failed to send email message. Here your accout details: login: %s password: %s You can change your password after login."] = "Falha ao enviar mensagem de email. Estes são os dados da sua conta: login: %s senha: %s Você pode alterar sua senha após fazer o login.";
-$a->strings["Your registration can not be processed."] = "Não foi possível processar o seu registro.";
-$a->strings["Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."] = "A aprovação do seu registro está pendente junto ao administrador do site.";
-$a->strings["This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow."] = "Este site excedeu o limite diário permitido para registros de novas contas.\nPor favor tente novamente amanhã.";
-$a->strings["You may (optionally) fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID and clicking 'Register'."] = "Você pode (opcionalmente) preencher este formulário via OpenID, fornecendo seu OpenID e clicando em 'Registrar'.";
-$a->strings["If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill in the rest of the items."] = "Se você não está familiarizado com o OpenID, por favor, deixe esse campo em branco e preencha os outros itens.";
-$a->strings["Your OpenID (optional): "] = "Seu OpenID (opcional): ";
-$a->strings["Include your profile in member directory?"] = "Incluir o seu perfil no diretório de membros?";
-$a->strings["Membership on this site is by invitation only."] = "A associação a este site só pode ser feita mediante convite.";
-$a->strings["Your invitation ID: "] = "A ID do seu convite: ";
-$a->strings["Registration"] = "Registro";
-$a->strings["Your Full Name (e.g. Joe Smith): "] = "Seu nome completo (ex: José da Silva): ";
-$a->strings["Your Email Address: "] = "Seu endereço de e-mail: ";
-$a->strings["Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your profile address on this site will then be 'nickname@\$sitename '."] = "Selecione uma identificação para o perfil. Ela deve começar com um caractere alfabético. O endereço do seu perfil neste site será 'identificação@\$sitename '";
-$a->strings["Choose a nickname: "] = "Escolha uma identificação: ";
-$a->strings["Import"] = "Importar";
-$a->strings["Import your profile to this friendica instance"] = "Importa seu perfil desta instância do friendica";
-$a->strings["Post successful."] = "Publicado com sucesso.";
-$a->strings["System down for maintenance"] = "Sistema em manutenção";
-$a->strings["Access to this profile has been restricted."] = "O acesso a este perfil está restrito.";
+$a->strings["link"] = "ligação";
+$a->strings["Authorize application connection"] = "Autorizar a conexão com a aplicação";
+$a->strings["Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"] = "Volte para a sua aplicação e digite este código de segurança:";
+$a->strings["Please login to continue."] = "Por favor, autentique-se para continuar.";
+$a->strings["Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts, and/or create new posts for you?"] = "Deseja autorizar esta aplicação a acessar suas publicações e contatos e/ou criar novas publicações para você?";
+$a->strings["Source (bbcode) text:"] = "Texto fonte (bbcode):";
+$a->strings["Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"] = "Texto fonte (Diaspora) a converter para BBcode:";
+$a->strings["Source input: "] = "Entrada fonte:";
+$a->strings["bb2html (raw HTML): "] = "bb2html (HTML puro):";
+$a->strings["bb2html: "] = "bb2html: ";
+$a->strings["bb2html2bb: "] = "bb2html2bb: ";
+$a->strings["bb2md: "] = "bb2md: ";
+$a->strings["bb2md2html: "] = "bb2md2html: ";
+$a->strings["bb2dia2bb: "] = "bb2dia2bb: ";
+$a->strings["bb2md2html2bb: "] = "bb2md2html2bb: ";
+$a->strings["Source input (Diaspora format): "] = "Fonte de entrada (formato Diaspora):";
+$a->strings["diaspora2bb: "] = "diaspora2bb: ";
+$a->strings["Subscribing to OStatus contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["No contact provided."] = "";
+$a->strings["Couldn't fetch information for contact."] = "";
+$a->strings["Couldn't fetch friends for contact."] = "";
+$a->strings["success"] = "sucesso";
+$a->strings["failed"] = "";
+$a->strings["ignored"] = "Ignorado";
+$a->strings["%1\$s welcomes %2\$s"] = "%1\$s dá as boas vinda à %2\$s";
$a->strings["Tips for New Members"] = "Dicas para novos membros";
-$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Acesso público negado.";
-$a->strings["No videos selected"] = "Nenhum vídeo selecionado";
-$a->strings["Access to this item is restricted."] = "O acesso a este item é restrito.";
-$a->strings["View Album"] = "Ver álbum";
-$a->strings["Recent Videos"] = "Vídeos Recentes";
-$a->strings["Upload New Videos"] = "Envie Novos Vídeos";
+$a->strings["Unable to locate contact information."] = "Não foi possível localizar informação do contato.";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this message?"] = "Você realmente deseja deletar essa mensagem?";
+$a->strings["Message deleted."] = "A mensagem foi excluída.";
+$a->strings["Conversation removed."] = "A conversa foi removida.";
+$a->strings["No messages."] = "Nenhuma mensagem.";
+$a->strings["Message not available."] = "A mensagem não está disponível.";
+$a->strings["Delete message"] = "Excluir a mensagem";
+$a->strings["Delete conversation"] = "Excluir conversa";
+$a->strings["No secure communications available. You may be able to respond from the sender's profile page."] = "Não foi encontrada nenhuma comunicação segura. Você pode ser capaz de responder a partir da página de perfil do remetente.";
+$a->strings["Send Reply"] = "Enviar resposta";
+$a->strings["Unknown sender - %s"] = "Remetente desconhecido - %s";
+$a->strings["You and %s"] = "Você e %s";
+$a->strings["%s and You"] = "%s e você";
+$a->strings["D, d M Y - g:i A"] = "D, d M Y - g:i A";
+$a->strings["%d message"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d mensagem",
+ 1 => "%d mensagens",
$a->strings["Manage Identities and/or Pages"] = "Gerenciar identidades e/ou páginas";
$a->strings["Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share your account details or which you have been granted \"manage\" permissions"] = "Alterne entre diferentes identidades ou páginas de comunidade/grupo que dividem detalhes da sua conta ou que você tenha fornecido permissões de \"administração\"";
$a->strings["Select an identity to manage: "] = "Selecione uma identidade para gerenciar: ";
-$a->strings["Item not found"] = "O item não foi encontrado";
-$a->strings["Edit post"] = "Editar a publicação";
-$a->strings["People Search"] = "Pesquisar pessoas";
-$a->strings["No matches"] = "Nenhuma correspondência";
-$a->strings["Account approved."] = "A conta foi aprovada.";
-$a->strings["Registration revoked for %s"] = "O registro de %s foi revogado";
-$a->strings["Please login."] = "Por favor, autentique-se.";
+$a->strings["Contact settings applied."] = "As configurações do contato foram aplicadas.";
+$a->strings["Contact update failed."] = "Não foi possível atualizar o contato.";
+$a->strings["Contact not found."] = "O contato não foi encontrado.";
+$a->strings["WARNING: This is highly advanced and if you enter incorrect information your communications with this contact may stop working."] = "ATENÇÃO: Isso é muito avançado , se você digitar informações incorretas, suas comunicações com esse contato pode parar de funcionar.";
+$a->strings["Please use your browser 'Back' button now if you are uncertain what to do on this page."] = "Por favor, use o botão 'Voltar' do seu navegador agora , caso você não tenha certeza do que está fazendo.";
+$a->strings["No mirroring"] = "Nenhum espelhamento";
+$a->strings["Mirror as forwarded posting"] = "Espelhar como postagem encaminhada";
+$a->strings["Mirror as my own posting"] = "Espelhar como minha própria postagem";
+$a->strings["Return to contact editor"] = "Voltar ao editor de contatos";
+$a->strings["Refetch contact data"] = "";
+$a->strings["Remote Self"] = "Eu remoto";
+$a->strings["Mirror postings from this contact"] = "Espelhar publicações deste contato";
+$a->strings["Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new entries from this contact."] = "Marcar este contato como eu remoto: o Friendica replicará novas publicações desse usuário.";
+$a->strings["Name"] = "Nome";
+$a->strings["Account Nickname"] = "Identificação da conta";
+$a->strings["@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname"] = "@Tagname - sobrescreve Nome/Identificação";
+$a->strings["Account URL"] = "URL da conta";
+$a->strings["Friend Request URL"] = "URL da requisição de amizade";
+$a->strings["Friend Confirm URL"] = "URL da confirmação de amizade";
+$a->strings["Notification Endpoint URL"] = "URL do ponto final da notificação";
+$a->strings["Poll/Feed URL"] = "URL do captador/fonte de notícias";
+$a->strings["New photo from this URL"] = "Nova imagem desta URL";
$a->strings["This introduction has already been accepted."] = "Esta apresentação já foi aceita.";
$a->strings["Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information."] = "A localização do perfil não é válida ou não contém uma informação de perfil.";
$a->strings["Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name."] = "Aviso: a localização do perfil não possui nenhum nome identificável do seu dono.";
@@ -1101,53 +1055,88 @@ $a->strings["Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours."] = "Os amigos
$a->strings["Invalid locator"] = "Localizador inválido";
$a->strings["Invalid email address."] = "Endereço de e-mail inválido.";
$a->strings["This account has not been configured for email. Request failed."] = "Essa conta não foi configurada para e-mails. Não foi possível atender à solicitação.";
-$a->strings["Unable to resolve your name at the provided location."] = "Não foi possível encontrar a sua identificação no endereço indicado.";
$a->strings["You have already introduced yourself here."] = "Você já fez a sua apresentação aqui.";
$a->strings["Apparently you are already friends with %s."] = "Aparentemente você já é amigo de %s.";
$a->strings["Invalid profile URL."] = "URL de perfil inválida.";
+$a->strings["Failed to update contact record."] = "Não foi possível atualizar o registro do contato.";
$a->strings["Your introduction has been sent."] = "A sua apresentação foi enviada.";
+$a->strings["Remote subscription can't be done for your network. Please subscribe directly on your system."] = "A sua rede não permite inscrição a distância. Inscreva-se diretamente no seu sistema.";
$a->strings["Please login to confirm introduction."] = "Por favor, autentique-se para confirmar a apresentação.";
$a->strings["Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to this profile."] = "A identidade autenticada está incorreta. Por favor, entre como este perfil.";
+$a->strings["Confirm"] = "Confirmar";
$a->strings["Hide this contact"] = "Ocultar este contato";
$a->strings["Welcome home %s."] = "Bem-vindo(a) à sua página pessoal %s.";
$a->strings["Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s."] = "Por favor, confirme sua solicitação de apresentação/conexão para %s.";
$a->strings["Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported communications networks:"] = "Por favor, digite seu 'Endereço de Identificação' a partir de uma das seguintes redes de comunicação suportadas:";
-$a->strings["If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and join us today ."] = "Caso você ainda não seja membro da rede social livre, clique aqui para encontrar um site Friendica público e junte-se à nós .";
+$a->strings["If you are not yet a member of the free social web, follow this link to find a public Friendica site and join us today ."] = "";
$a->strings["Friend/Connection Request"] = "Solicitação de amizade/conexão";
$a->strings["Examples: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca"] = "Examplos: jojo@demo.friendica.com, http://demo.friendica.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca";
-$a->strings["Please answer the following:"] = "Por favor, entre com as informações solicitadas:";
-$a->strings["Does %s know you?"] = "%s conhece você?";
-$a->strings["Add a personal note:"] = "Adicione uma anotação pessoal:";
$a->strings["StatusNet/Federated Social Web"] = "StatusNet/Federated Social Web";
$a->strings[" - please do not use this form. Instead, enter %s into your Diaspora search bar."] = " - Por favor, não utilize esse formulário. Ao invés disso, digite %s na sua barra de pesquisa do Diaspora.";
-$a->strings["Your Identity Address:"] = "Seu endereço de identificação:";
-$a->strings["Submit Request"] = "Enviar solicitação";
-$a->strings["Files"] = "Arquivos";
-$a->strings["Authorize application connection"] = "Autorizar a conexão com a aplicação";
-$a->strings["Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"] = "Volte para a sua aplicação e digite este código de segurança:";
-$a->strings["Please login to continue."] = "Por favor, autentique-se para continuar.";
-$a->strings["Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts, and/or create new posts for you?"] = "Deseja autorizar esta aplicação a acessar suas publicações e contatos e/ou criar novas publicações para você?";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this suggestion?"] = "Você realmente deseja deletar essa sugestão?";
-$a->strings["No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 hours."] = "Não existe nenhuma sugestão disponível. Se este for um site novo, por favor tente novamente em 24 horas.";
-$a->strings["Ignore/Hide"] = "Ignorar/Ocultar";
-$a->strings["Contacts who are not members of a group"] = "Contatos que não são membros de um grupo";
-$a->strings["Contact not found."] = "O contato não foi encontrado.";
-$a->strings["Friend suggestion sent."] = "A sugestão de amigo foi enviada";
-$a->strings["Suggest Friends"] = "Sugerir amigos";
-$a->strings["Suggest a friend for %s"] = "Sugerir um amigo para %s";
-$a->strings["link"] = "ligação";
-$a->strings["No contacts."] = "Nenhum contato.";
+$a->strings["This entry was edited"] = "Essa entrada foi editada";
+$a->strings["%d comment"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d comentário",
+ 1 => "%d comentários",
+$a->strings["Private Message"] = "Mensagem privada";
+$a->strings["I like this (toggle)"] = "Eu gostei disso (alternar)";
+$a->strings["like"] = "gostei";
+$a->strings["I don't like this (toggle)"] = "Eu não gostei disso (alternar)";
+$a->strings["dislike"] = "desgostar";
+$a->strings["Share this"] = "Compartilhar isso";
+$a->strings["share"] = "compartilhar";
+$a->strings["This is you"] = "Este(a) é você";
+$a->strings["Comment"] = "Comentar";
+$a->strings["Bold"] = "Negrito";
+$a->strings["Italic"] = "Itálico";
+$a->strings["Underline"] = "Sublinhado";
+$a->strings["Quote"] = "Citação";
+$a->strings["Code"] = "Código";
+$a->strings["Image"] = "Imagem";
+$a->strings["Link"] = "Link";
+$a->strings["Video"] = "Vídeo";
+$a->strings["Edit"] = "Editar";
+$a->strings["add star"] = "destacar";
+$a->strings["remove star"] = "remover o destaque";
+$a->strings["toggle star status"] = "ativa/desativa o destaque";
+$a->strings["starred"] = "marcado com estrela";
+$a->strings["add tag"] = "adicionar etiqueta";
+$a->strings["ignore thread"] = "ignorar tópico";
+$a->strings["unignore thread"] = "deixar de ignorar tópico";
+$a->strings["toggle ignore status"] = "alternar status ignorar";
+$a->strings["save to folder"] = "salvar na pasta";
+$a->strings["I will attend"] = "Eu vou";
+$a->strings["I will not attend"] = "Eu não vou";
+$a->strings["I might attend"] = "Eu estou pensando em ir";
+$a->strings["to"] = "para";
+$a->strings["Wall-to-Wall"] = "Mural-para-mural";
+$a->strings["via Wall-To-Wall:"] = "via Mural-para-mural";
$a->strings["Theme settings updated."] = "As configurações do tema foram atualizadas.";
$a->strings["Site"] = "Site";
$a->strings["Users"] = "Usuários";
+$a->strings["Plugins"] = "Plugins";
$a->strings["Themes"] = "Temas";
+$a->strings["Additional features"] = "Funcionalidades adicionais";
$a->strings["DB updates"] = "Atualizações do BD";
+$a->strings["Inspect Queue"] = "";
+$a->strings["Federation Statistics"] = "";
$a->strings["Logs"] = "Relatórios";
+$a->strings["View Logs"] = "";
$a->strings["probe address"] = "prova endereço";
$a->strings["check webfinger"] = "verifica webfinger";
$a->strings["Plugin Features"] = "Recursos do plugin";
$a->strings["diagnostics"] = "diagnóstico";
$a->strings["User registrations waiting for confirmation"] = "Cadastros de novos usuários aguardando confirmação";
+$a->strings["This page offers you some numbers to the known part of the federated social network your Friendica node is part of. These numbers are not complete but only reflect the part of the network your node is aware of."] = "";
+$a->strings["The Auto Discovered Contact Directory feature is not enabled, it will improve the data displayed here."] = "";
+$a->strings["Administration"] = "Administração";
+$a->strings["Currently this node is aware of %d nodes from the following platforms:"] = "";
+$a->strings["ID"] = "ID";
+$a->strings["Recipient Name"] = "";
+$a->strings["Recipient Profile"] = "";
+$a->strings["Created"] = "";
+$a->strings["Last Tried"] = "";
+$a->strings["This page lists the content of the queue for outgoing postings. These are postings the initial delivery failed for. They will be resend later and eventually deleted if the delivery fails permanently."] = "";
$a->strings["Normal Account"] = "Conta normal";
$a->strings["Soapbox Account"] = "Conta de vitrine";
$a->strings["Community/Celebrity Account"] = "Conta de comunidade/celebridade";
@@ -1155,18 +1144,27 @@ $a->strings["Automatic Friend Account"] = "Conta de amigo automático";
$a->strings["Blog Account"] = "Conta de blog";
$a->strings["Private Forum"] = "Fórum privado";
$a->strings["Message queues"] = "Fila de mensagens";
-$a->strings["Administration"] = "Administração";
$a->strings["Summary"] = "Resumo";
$a->strings["Registered users"] = "Usuários registrados";
$a->strings["Pending registrations"] = "Registros pendentes";
$a->strings["Version"] = "Versão";
$a->strings["Active plugins"] = "Plugins ativos";
$a->strings["Can not parse base url. Must have at least ://"] = "Não foi possível analisar a URL. Ela deve conter pelo menos ://";
+$a->strings["RINO2 needs mcrypt php extension to work."] = "";
$a->strings["Site settings updated."] = "As configurações do site foram atualizadas.";
+$a->strings["No special theme for mobile devices"] = "Nenhum tema especial para dispositivos móveis";
$a->strings["No community page"] = "Sem página de comunidade";
$a->strings["Public postings from users of this site"] = "Textos públicos de usuários deste sítio";
$a->strings["Global community page"] = "Página global da comunidade";
+$a->strings["Never"] = "Nunca";
$a->strings["At post arrival"] = "Na chegada da publicação";
+$a->strings["Disabled"] = "Desabilitado";
+$a->strings["Users, Global Contacts"] = "Usuários, Contatos Globais";
+$a->strings["Users, Global Contacts/fallback"] = "Usuários, Contatos Globais/plano B";
+$a->strings["One month"] = "Um mês";
+$a->strings["Three months"] = "Três meses";
+$a->strings["Half a year"] = "Seis meses";
+$a->strings["One year"] = "Um ano";
$a->strings["Multi user instance"] = "Instância multi usuário";
$a->strings["Closed"] = "Fechado";
$a->strings["Requires approval"] = "Requer aprovação";
@@ -1174,19 +1172,25 @@ $a->strings["Open"] = "Aberto";
$a->strings["No SSL policy, links will track page SSL state"] = "Nenhuma política de SSL, os links irão rastrear o estado SSL da página";
$a->strings["Force all links to use SSL"] = "Forçar todos os links a utilizar SSL";
$a->strings["Self-signed certificate, use SSL for local links only (discouraged)"] = "Certificado auto-assinado, usar SSL somente para links locais (não recomendado)";
+$a->strings["Save Settings"] = "Salvar configurações";
+$a->strings["Registration"] = "Registro";
$a->strings["File upload"] = "Envio de arquivo";
$a->strings["Policies"] = "Políticas";
-$a->strings["Advanced"] = "Avançado";
+$a->strings["Auto Discovered Contact Directory"] = "";
$a->strings["Performance"] = "Performance";
+$a->strings["Worker"] = "";
$a->strings["Relocate - WARNING: advanced function. Could make this server unreachable."] = "Relocação - ATENÇÃO: função avançada. Pode tornar esse servidor inacessível.";
$a->strings["Site name"] = "Nome do site";
$a->strings["Host name"] = "Nome do host";
$a->strings["Sender Email"] = "enviador de email";
+$a->strings["The email address your server shall use to send notification emails from."] = "";
$a->strings["Banner/Logo"] = "Banner/Logo";
$a->strings["Shortcut icon"] = "ícone de atalho";
+$a->strings["Link to an icon that will be used for browsers."] = "";
$a->strings["Touch icon"] = "ícone de toque";
+$a->strings["Link to an icon that will be used for tablets and mobiles."] = "";
$a->strings["Additional Info"] = "Informação adicional";
-$a->strings["For public servers: you can add additional information here that will be listed at dir.friendica.com/siteinfo."] = "Para servidores públicos: você pode adicionar informações aqui que serão listadas em dir.friendica.com/siteinfo.";
+$a->strings["For public servers: you can add additional information here that will be listed at %s/siteinfo."] = "";
$a->strings["System language"] = "Idioma do sistema";
$a->strings["System theme"] = "Tema do sistema";
$a->strings["Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - change theme settings "] = "Tema padrão do sistema. Pode ser substituído nos perfis de usuário - alterar configurações do tema ";
@@ -1223,8 +1227,8 @@ $a->strings["Block public"] = "Bloquear acesso público";
$a->strings["Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this site unless you are currently logged in."] = "Marque para bloquear o acesso público a todas as páginas desse site, com exceção das páginas pessoais públicas, a não ser que a pessoa esteja autenticada.";
$a->strings["Force publish"] = "Forçar a listagem";
$a->strings["Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."] = "Marque para forçar todos os perfis desse site a serem listados no diretório do site.";
-$a->strings["Global directory update URL"] = "URL de atualização do diretório global";
-$a->strings["URL to update the global directory. If this is not set, the global directory is completely unavailable to the application."] = "URL para atualizar o diretório global. Se isso não for definido, o diretório global não estará disponível neste site.";
+$a->strings["Global directory URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["URL to the global directory. If this is not set, the global directory is completely unavailable to the application."] = "";
$a->strings["Allow threaded items"] = "Habilita itens aninhados";
$a->strings["Allow infinite level threading for items on this site."] = "Habilita nível infinito de aninhamento (threading) para itens.";
$a->strings["Private posts by default for new users"] = "Publicações privadas por padrão para novos usuários";
@@ -1253,6 +1257,10 @@ $a->strings["Enable OStatus support"] = "Habilitar suporte ao OStatus";
$a->strings["Provide built-in OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social etc.) compatibility. All communications in OStatus are public, so privacy warnings will be occasionally displayed."] = "Fornece compatibilidade OStatus (StatusNet, GNU Social, etc.). Todas as comunicações no OStatus são públicas, assim avisos de privacidade serão ocasionalmente mostrados.";
$a->strings["OStatus conversation completion interval"] = "Intervalo de finalização da conversação OStatus ";
$a->strings["How often shall the poller check for new entries in OStatus conversations? This can be a very ressource task."] = "De quanto em quanto tempo o \"buscador\" (poller) deve checar por novas entradas numa conversação OStatus? Essa pode ser uma tarefa bem demorada.";
+$a->strings["Only import OStatus threads from our contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Normally we import every content from our OStatus contacts. With this option we only store threads that are started by a contact that is known on our system."] = "";
+$a->strings["OStatus support can only be enabled if threading is enabled."] = "";
+$a->strings["Diaspora support can't be enabled because Friendica was installed into a sub directory."] = "";
$a->strings["Enable Diaspora support"] = "Habilitar suporte ao Diaspora";
$a->strings["Provide built-in Diaspora network compatibility."] = "Fornece compatibilidade nativa com a rede Diaspora.";
$a->strings["Only allow Friendica contacts"] = "Permitir somente contatos Friendica";
@@ -1269,6 +1277,24 @@ $a->strings["Poll interval"] = "Intervalo da busca (polling)";
$a->strings["Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system load. If 0, use delivery interval."] = "Postergue o processo de entrega em background por essa quantidade de segundos visando reduzir a carga do sistema. Se 0, use intervalo de entrega.";
$a->strings["Maximum Load Average"] = "Média de Carga Máxima";
$a->strings["Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - default 50."] = "Carga do sistema máxima antes que os processos de entrega e busca sejam postergados - padrão 50.";
+$a->strings["Maximum Load Average (Frontend)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Maximum system load before the frontend quits service - default 50."] = "";
+$a->strings["Maximum table size for optimization"] = "";
+$a->strings["Maximum table size (in MB) for the automatic optimization - default 100 MB. Enter -1 to disable it."] = "";
+$a->strings["Minimum level of fragmentation"] = "";
+$a->strings["Minimum fragmenation level to start the automatic optimization - default value is 30%."] = "";
+$a->strings["Periodical check of global contacts"] = "Checagem periódica dos contatos globais";
+$a->strings["If enabled, the global contacts are checked periodically for missing or outdated data and the vitality of the contacts and servers."] = "";
+$a->strings["Days between requery"] = "";
+$a->strings["Number of days after which a server is requeried for his contacts."] = "";
+$a->strings["Discover contacts from other servers"] = "";
+$a->strings["Periodically query other servers for contacts. You can choose between 'users': the users on the remote system, 'Global Contacts': active contacts that are known on the system. The fallback is meant for Redmatrix servers and older friendica servers, where global contacts weren't available. The fallback increases the server load, so the recommened setting is 'Users, Global Contacts'."] = "Periodicamente buscar contatos em outros servidores. Você pode entre 'Usuários': os usuários do sistema remoto; e 'Contatos Globais': os contatos ativos conhecidos pelo sistema. O plano B é destinado a servidores rodando Redmatrix ou Friendica, se mais antigos, para os quais os contatos globais não estavam disponíveis. O plano B aumenta a carga do servidor, por isso a opção recomendada é 'Usuários, Contatos Globais'.";
+$a->strings["Timeframe for fetching global contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["When the discovery is activated, this value defines the timeframe for the activity of the global contacts that are fetched from other servers."] = "";
+$a->strings["Search the local directory"] = "";
+$a->strings["Search the local directory instead of the global directory. When searching locally, every search will be executed on the global directory in the background. This improves the search results when the search is repeated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Publish server information"] = "";
+$a->strings["If enabled, general server and usage data will be published. The data contains the name and version of the server, number of users with public profiles, number of posts and the activated protocols and connectors. See the-federation.info for details."] = "";
$a->strings["Use MySQL full text engine"] = "Use o engine de texto completo (full text) do MySQL";
$a->strings["Activates the full text engine. Speeds up search - but can only search for four and more characters."] = "Ativa a engine de texto completo (full text). Acelera a busca - mas só pode buscar apenas por 4 ou mais caracteres.";
$a->strings["Suppress Language"] = "Retira idioma";
@@ -1276,13 +1302,17 @@ $a->strings["Suppress language information in meta information about a posting."
$a->strings["Suppress Tags"] = "Suprime etiquetas";
$a->strings["Suppress showing a list of hashtags at the end of the posting."] = "suprime mostrar uma lista de hashtags no final de cada texto.";
$a->strings["Path to item cache"] = "Diretório do cache de item";
+$a->strings["The item caches buffers generated bbcode and external images."] = "";
$a->strings["Cache duration in seconds"] = "Duração do cache em segundos";
$a->strings["How long should the cache files be hold? Default value is 86400 seconds (One day). To disable the item cache, set the value to -1."] = "Por quanto tempo os arquivos de cache devem ser mantidos? O valor padrão é 86400 segundos (um dia). Para desativar o cache, defina o valor para -1.";
$a->strings["Maximum numbers of comments per post"] = "O número máximo de comentários por post";
$a->strings["How much comments should be shown for each post? Default value is 100."] = "Quanto comentários devem ser mostradas em cada post? O valor padrão é 100.";
$a->strings["Path for lock file"] = "Diretório do arquivo de trava";
+$a->strings["The lock file is used to avoid multiple pollers at one time. Only define a folder here."] = "";
$a->strings["Temp path"] = "Diretório Temp";
+$a->strings["If you have a restricted system where the webserver can't access the system temp path, enter another path here."] = "";
$a->strings["Base path to installation"] = "Diretório base para instalação";
+$a->strings["If the system cannot detect the correct path to your installation, enter the correct path here. This setting should only be set if you are using a restricted system and symbolic links to your webroot."] = "";
$a->strings["Disable picture proxy"] = "Disabilitar proxy de imagem";
$a->strings["The picture proxy increases performance and privacy. It shouldn't be used on systems with very low bandwith."] = "O proxy de imagem aumenta o desempenho e privacidade. Ele não deve ser usado em sistemas com largura de banda muito baixa.";
$a->strings["Enable old style pager"] = "Habilita estilo antigo de paginação";
@@ -1290,6 +1320,19 @@ $a->strings["The old style pager has page numbers but slows down massively the p
$a->strings["Only search in tags"] = "Somente pesquisa nas estiquetas";
$a->strings["On large systems the text search can slow down the system extremely."] = "Em grandes sistemas a pesquisa de texto pode deixar o sistema muito lento.";
$a->strings["New base url"] = "Nova URL base";
+$a->strings["Change base url for this server. Sends relocate message to all DFRN contacts of all users."] = "";
+$a->strings["RINO Encryption"] = "";
+$a->strings["Encryption layer between nodes."] = "";
+$a->strings["Embedly API key"] = "";
+$a->strings["Embedly is used to fetch additional data for web pages. This is an optional parameter."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable 'worker' background processing"] = "";
+$a->strings["The worker background processing limits the number of parallel background jobs to a maximum number and respects the system load."] = "";
+$a->strings["Maximum number of parallel workers"] = "";
+$a->strings["On shared hosters set this to 2. On larger systems, values of 10 are great. Default value is 4."] = "";
+$a->strings["Don't use 'proc_open' with the worker"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable this if your system doesn't allow the use of 'proc_open'. This can happen on shared hosters. If this is enabled you should increase the frequency of poller calls in your crontab."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable fastlane"] = "";
+$a->strings["When enabed, the fastlane mechanism starts an additional worker if processes with higher priority are blocked by processes of lower priority."] = "";
$a->strings["Update has been marked successful"] = "A atualização foi marcada como bem sucedida";
$a->strings["Database structure update %s was successfully applied."] = "A atualização da estrutura do banco de dados %s foi aplicada com sucesso.";
$a->strings["Executing of database structure update %s failed with error: %s"] = "A execução da atualização da estrutura do banco de dados %s falhou com o erro: %s";
@@ -1316,23 +1359,27 @@ $a->strings["%s user deleted"] = array(
$a->strings["User '%s' deleted"] = "O usuário '%s' foi excluído";
$a->strings["User '%s' unblocked"] = "O usuário '%s' foi desbloqueado";
$a->strings["User '%s' blocked"] = "O usuário '%s' foi bloqueado";
+$a->strings["Register date"] = "Data de registro";
+$a->strings["Last login"] = "Última entrada";
+$a->strings["Last item"] = "Último item";
+$a->strings["Account"] = "Conta";
$a->strings["Add User"] = "Adicionar usuário";
$a->strings["select all"] = "selecionar todos";
$a->strings["User registrations waiting for confirm"] = "Registros de usuário aguardando confirmação";
$a->strings["User waiting for permanent deletion"] = "Usuário aguardando por fim permanente da conta.";
$a->strings["Request date"] = "Solicitar data";
$a->strings["No registrations."] = "Nenhum registro.";
+$a->strings["Approve"] = "Aprovar";
$a->strings["Deny"] = "Negar";
+$a->strings["Block"] = "Bloquear";
+$a->strings["Unblock"] = "Desbloquear";
$a->strings["Site admin"] = "Administração do site";
$a->strings["Account expired"] = "Conta expirou";
$a->strings["New User"] = "Novo usuário";
-$a->strings["Register date"] = "Data de registro";
-$a->strings["Last login"] = "Última entrada";
-$a->strings["Last item"] = "Último item";
$a->strings["Deleted since"] = "Apagado desde";
$a->strings["Selected users will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these users had posted on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"] = "Os usuários selecionados serão excluídos!\\n\\nTudo o que estes usuários publicaram neste site será excluído permanentemente!\\n\\nDeseja continuar?";
$a->strings["The user {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this user has posted on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"] = "O usuário {0} será excluído!\\n\\nTudo o que este usuário publicou neste site será permanentemente excluído!\\n\\nDeseja continuar?";
-$a->strings["Name of the new user."] = "Nome do novo usuários.";
+$a->strings["Name of the new user."] = "Nome do novo usuário.";
$a->strings["Nickname"] = "Apelido";
$a->strings["Nickname of the new user."] = "Apelido para o novo usuário.";
$a->strings["Email address of the new user."] = "Endereço de e-mail do novo usuário.";
@@ -1343,418 +1390,108 @@ $a->strings["Enable"] = "Habilitar";
$a->strings["Toggle"] = "Alternar";
$a->strings["Author: "] = "Autor: ";
$a->strings["Maintainer: "] = "Mantenedor: ";
+$a->strings["Reload active plugins"] = "";
+$a->strings["There are currently no plugins available on your node. You can find the official plugin repository at %1\$s and might find other interesting plugins in the open plugin registry at %2\$s"] = "";
$a->strings["No themes found."] = "Nenhum tema encontrado";
$a->strings["Screenshot"] = "Captura de tela";
+$a->strings["Reload active themes"] = "";
+$a->strings["No themes found on the system. They should be paced in %1\$s"] = "";
$a->strings["[Experimental]"] = "[Esperimental]";
$a->strings["[Unsupported]"] = "[Não suportado]";
$a->strings["Log settings updated."] = "As configurações de relatórios foram atualizadas.";
$a->strings["Clear"] = "Limpar";
-$a->strings["Enable Debugging"] = "Habilitar Debugging";
+$a->strings["Enable Debugging"] = "Habilitar depuração";
$a->strings["Log file"] = "Arquivo do relatório";
$a->strings["Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Friendica top-level directory."] = "O servidor web precisa ter permissão de escrita. Relativa ao diretório raiz do seu Friendica.";
$a->strings["Log level"] = "Nível do relatório";
-$a->strings["Close"] = "Fechar";
-$a->strings["FTP Host"] = "Endereço do FTP";
-$a->strings["FTP Path"] = "Caminho do FTP";
-$a->strings["FTP User"] = "Usuário do FTP";
-$a->strings["FTP Password"] = "Senha do FTP";
-$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of %d"] = "A imagem excede o limite de tamanho de %d";
-$a->strings["Unable to process image."] = "Não foi possível processar a imagem.";
-$a->strings["Image upload failed."] = "Não foi possível enviar a imagem.";
-$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Bem-vindo(a) a %s";
-$a->strings["OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."] = "Erro no protocolo OpenID. Não foi retornada nenhuma ID.";
-$a->strings["Account not found and OpenID registration is not permitted on this site."] = "A conta não foi encontrada e não são permitidos registros via OpenID nesse site.";
-$a->strings["Search Results For:"] = "Resultados de Busca Por:";
-$a->strings["Remove term"] = "Remover o termo";
-$a->strings["Commented Order"] = "Ordem dos comentários";
-$a->strings["Sort by Comment Date"] = "Ordenar pela data do comentário";
-$a->strings["Posted Order"] = "Ordem das publicações";
-$a->strings["Sort by Post Date"] = "Ordenar pela data de publicação";
-$a->strings["Posts that mention or involve you"] = "Publicações que mencionem ou envolvam você";
-$a->strings["New"] = "Nova";
-$a->strings["Activity Stream - by date"] = "Fluxo de atividades - por data";
-$a->strings["Shared Links"] = "Links compartilhados";
-$a->strings["Interesting Links"] = "Links interessantes";
-$a->strings["Starred"] = "Destacada";
-$a->strings["Favourite Posts"] = "Publicações favoritas";
-$a->strings["Warning: This group contains %s member from an insecure network."] = array(
- 0 => "Aviso: Este grupo contém %s membro de uma rede insegura.",
- 1 => "Aviso: Este grupo contém %s membros de uma rede insegura.",
+$a->strings["PHP logging"] = "";
+$a->strings["To enable logging of PHP errors and warnings you can add the following to the .htconfig.php file of your installation. The filename set in the 'error_log' line is relative to the friendica top-level directory and must be writeable by the web server. The option '1' for 'log_errors' and 'display_errors' is to enable these options, set to '0' to disable them."] = "";
+$a->strings["Off"] = "Off";
+$a->strings["On"] = "On";
+$a->strings["Lock feature %s"] = "Bloquear funcionalidade %s";
+$a->strings["Manage Additional Features"] = "Gerenciar funcionalidades adicionais";
+$a->strings["%d contact edited."] = array(
+ 0 => "",
+ 1 => "",
-$a->strings["Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure."] = "Mensagens privadas para este grupo correm o risco de sofrerem divulgação pública.";
-$a->strings["No such group"] = "Este grupo não existe";
-$a->strings["Group is empty"] = "O grupo está vazio";
-$a->strings["Group: "] = "Grupo: ";
-$a->strings["Contact: "] = "Contato: ";
-$a->strings["Private messages to this person are at risk of public disclosure."] = "Mensagens privadas para esta pessoa correm o risco de sofrerem divulgação pública.";
-$a->strings["Invalid contact."] = "Contato inválido.";
-$a->strings["- select -"] = "-selecione-";
-$a->strings["This is Friendica, version"] = "Este é o Friendica, versão";
-$a->strings["running at web location"] = "sendo executado no endereço web";
-$a->strings["Please visit Friendica.com to learn more about the Friendica project."] = "Por favor, visite friendica.com para aprender mais sobre o projeto Friendica.";
-$a->strings["Bug reports and issues: please visit"] = "Relatos e acompanhamentos de erros podem ser encontrados em";
-$a->strings["Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email \"Info\" at Friendica - dot com"] = "Sugestões, elogios, doações, etc. - favor enviar e-mail para \"Info\" arroba Friendica - ponto com";
-$a->strings["Installed plugins/addons/apps:"] = "Plugins/complementos/aplicações instaladas:";
-$a->strings["No installed plugins/addons/apps"] = "Nenhum plugin/complemento/aplicativo instalado";
-$a->strings["Applications"] = "Aplicativos";
-$a->strings["No installed applications."] = "Nenhum aplicativo instalado";
-$a->strings["Upload New Photos"] = "Enviar novas fotos";
-$a->strings["Contact information unavailable"] = "A informação de contato não está disponível";
-$a->strings["Album not found."] = "O álbum não foi encontrado.";
-$a->strings["Delete Album"] = "Excluir o álbum";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"] = "Você realmente deseja deletar esse álbum de fotos e todas as suas fotos?";
-$a->strings["Delete Photo"] = "Excluir a foto";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo?"] = "Você realmente deseja deletar essa foto?";
-$a->strings["%1\$s was tagged in %2\$s by %3\$s"] = "%1\$s foi marcado em %2\$s por %3\$s";
-$a->strings["a photo"] = "uma foto";
-$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of "] = "A imagem excede o tamanho máximo de ";
-$a->strings["Image file is empty."] = "O arquivo de imagem está vazio.";
-$a->strings["No photos selected"] = "Não foi selecionada nenhuma foto";
-$a->strings["You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."] = "Você está usando %1$.2f Mbytes dos %2$.2f Mbytes liberados para armazenamento de fotos.";
-$a->strings["Upload Photos"] = "Enviar fotos";
-$a->strings["New album name: "] = "Nome do novo álbum: ";
-$a->strings["or existing album name: "] = "ou o nome de um álbum já existente: ";
-$a->strings["Do not show a status post for this upload"] = "Não exiba uma publicação de status para este envio";
-$a->strings["Permissions"] = "Permissões";
-$a->strings["Private Photo"] = "Foto Privada";
-$a->strings["Public Photo"] = "Foto Pública";
-$a->strings["Edit Album"] = "Editar o álbum";
-$a->strings["Show Newest First"] = "Exibir as mais recentes primeiro";
-$a->strings["Show Oldest First"] = "Exibir as mais antigas primeiro";
-$a->strings["View Photo"] = "Ver a foto";
-$a->strings["Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."] = "Permissão negada. O acesso a este item pode estar restrito.";
-$a->strings["Photo not available"] = "A foto não está disponível";
-$a->strings["View photo"] = "Ver a imagem";
-$a->strings["Edit photo"] = "Editar a foto";
-$a->strings["Use as profile photo"] = "Usar como uma foto de perfil";
-$a->strings["View Full Size"] = "Ver no tamanho real";
-$a->strings["Tags: "] = "Etiquetas: ";
-$a->strings["[Remove any tag]"] = "[Remover qualquer etiqueta]";
-$a->strings["Rotate CW (right)"] = "Rotacionar para direita";
-$a->strings["Rotate CCW (left)"] = "Rotacionar para esquerda";
-$a->strings["New album name"] = "Novo nome para o álbum";
-$a->strings["Caption"] = "Legenda";
-$a->strings["Add a Tag"] = "Adicionar uma etiqueta";
-$a->strings["Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"] = "Por exemplo: @joao, @Joao_da_Silva, @joao@exemplo.com, #Minas_Gerais, #acampamento";
-$a->strings["Private photo"] = "Foto privada";
-$a->strings["Public photo"] = "Foto pública";
-$a->strings["Recent Photos"] = "Fotos recentes";
-$a->strings["The post was created"] = "O texto foi criado";
-$a->strings["Contact added"] = "O contato foi adicionado";
-$a->strings["Move account"] = "Mover conta";
-$a->strings["You can import an account from another Friendica server."] = "Você pode importar um conta de outro sevidor Friendica.";
-$a->strings["You need to export your account from the old server and upload it here. We will recreate your old account here with all your contacts. We will try also to inform your friends that you moved here."] = "Você precisa exportar sua conta de um servidor antigo e fazer o upload aqui. Nós recriaremos sua conta antiga aqui com todos os seus contatos. Nós também tentaremos informar seus amigos que você se mudou para cá.";
-$a->strings["This feature is experimental. We can't import contacts from the OStatus network (statusnet/identi.ca) or from Diaspora"] = "Esse recurso é experimental. Nós não podemos importar contatos de uma rede OStatus (statusnet/identi.ca) ou do Diaspora";
-$a->strings["Account file"] = "Arquivo de conta";
-$a->strings["To export your account, go to \"Settings->Export your personal data\" and select \"Export account\""] = "Para exportar a sua conta, entre em \"Configurações->Exportar dados pessoais\" e selecione \"Exportar conta\"";
-$a->strings["Total invitation limit exceeded."] = "Limite de convites totais excedido.";
-$a->strings["%s : Not a valid email address."] = "%s : Não é um endereço de e-mail válido.";
-$a->strings["Please join us on Friendica"] = "Por favor, junte-se à nós na Friendica";
-$a->strings["Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Limite de convites ultrapassado. Favor contactar o administrador do sítio.";
-$a->strings["%s : Message delivery failed."] = "%s : Não foi possível enviar a mensagem.";
-$a->strings["%d message sent."] = array(
- 0 => "%d mensagem enviada.",
- 1 => "%d mensagens enviadas.",
-$a->strings["You have no more invitations available"] = "Você não possui mais convites disponíveis";
-$a->strings["Visit %s for a list of public sites that you can join. Friendica members on other sites can all connect with each other, as well as with members of many other social networks."] = "Visite %s para obter uma lista de sites públicos onde você pode se cadastrar. Membros da friendica podem se conectar, mesmo que estejam em sites separados. Além disso você também pode se conectar com membros de várias outras redes sociais.";
-$a->strings["To accept this invitation, please visit and register at %s or any other public Friendica website."] = "Para aceitar esse convite, por favor cadastre-se em %s ou qualquer outro site friendica público.";
-$a->strings["Friendica sites all inter-connect to create a huge privacy-enhanced social web that is owned and controlled by its members. They can also connect with many traditional social networks. See %s for a list of alternate Friendica sites you can join."] = "Os sites friendica estão todos interconectados para criar uma grande rede social com foco na privacidade e controlada por seus membros, que também podem se conectar com várias redes sociais tradicionais. Dê uma olhada em %s para uma lista de sites friendica onde você pode se cadastrar.";
-$a->strings["Our apologies. This system is not currently configured to connect with other public sites or invite members."] = "Desculpe, mas esse sistema não está configurado para conectar-se com outros sites públicos nem permite convidar novos membros.";
-$a->strings["Send invitations"] = "Enviar convites.";
-$a->strings["Enter email addresses, one per line:"] = "Digite os endereços de e-mail, um por linha:";
-$a->strings["You are cordially invited to join me and other close friends on Friendica - and help us to create a better social web."] = "Você está convidado a se juntar a mim e outros amigos em friendica - e também nos ajudar a criar uma experiência social melhor na web.";
-$a->strings["You will need to supply this invitation code: \$invite_code"] = "Você preciso informar este código de convite: \$invite_code";
-$a->strings["Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:"] = "Após você se registrar, por favor conecte-se comigo através da minha página de perfil em:";
-$a->strings["For more information about the Friendica project and why we feel it is important, please visit http://friendica.com"] = "Para mais informações sobre o projeto Friendica e porque nós achamos que ele é importante, por favor visite-nos em http://friendica.com.";
-$a->strings["Access denied."] = "Acesso negado.";
-$a->strings["No valid account found."] = "Não foi encontrada nenhuma conta válida.";
-$a->strings["Password reset request issued. Check your email."] = "A solicitação para reiniciar sua senha foi encaminhada. Verifique seu e-mail.";
-$a->strings["\n\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\tA request was recently received at \"%2\$s\" to reset your account\n\t\tpassword. In order to confirm this request, please select the verification link\n\t\tbelow or paste it into your web browser address bar.\n\n\t\tIf you did NOT request this change, please DO NOT follow the link\n\t\tprovided and ignore and/or delete this email.\n\n\t\tYour password will not be changed unless we can verify that you\n\t\tissued this request."] = "\n\t\tPrezado %1\$s,\n\t\t\tUma solicitação foi recebida recentemente em \"%2\$s\" para redefinir a\n\t\tsenha da sua conta. Para confirmar este pedido, por favor selecione o link de confirmação\n\t\tabaixo ou copie e cole-o na barra de endereço do seu navegador.\n\n\t\tSe NÃO foi você que solicitou esta alteração por favor, NÃO clique no link\n\t\tfornecido e ignore e/ou apague este e-mail.\n\n\t\tSua senha não será alterada a menos que possamos verificar que foi você que\n\t\temitiu esta solicitação.";
-$a->strings["\n\t\tFollow this link to verify your identity:\n\n\t\t%1\$s\n\n\t\tYou will then receive a follow-up message containing the new password.\n\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n\n\t\tThe login details are as follows:\n\n\t\tSite Location:\t%2\$s\n\t\tLogin Name:\t%3\$s"] = "\n\t\tSiga este link para verificar sua identidade:\n\n\t\t%1\$s\n\n\t\tVocê então receberá uma mensagem de continuidade contendo a nova senha.\n\t\tVocê pode alterar sua senha na sua página de configurações após efetuar seu login.\n\n\t\tOs dados de login são os seguintes:\n\n\t\tLocalização do Site:\t%2\$s\n\t\tNome de Login:\t%3\$s";
-$a->strings["Password reset requested at %s"] = "Foi feita uma solicitação de reiniciação da senha em %s";
-$a->strings["Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) Password reset failed."] = "Não foi possível verificar a solicitação (você pode tê-la submetido anteriormente). A senha não foi reiniciada.";
-$a->strings["Your password has been reset as requested."] = "Sua senha foi reiniciada, conforme solicitado.";
-$a->strings["Your new password is"] = "Sua nova senha é";
-$a->strings["Save or copy your new password - and then"] = "Grave ou copie a sua nova senha e, então";
-$a->strings["click here to login"] = "clique aqui para entrar";
-$a->strings["Your password may be changed from the Settings page after successful login."] = "Sua senha pode ser alterada na página de Configurações após você entrar em seu perfil.";
-$a->strings["\n\t\t\t\tDear %1\$s,\n\t\t\t\t\tYour password has been changed as requested. Please retain this\n\t\t\t\tinformation for your records (or change your password immediately to\n\t\t\t\tsomething that you will remember).\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tCaro %1\$s,\n\t\t\t\t\tSua senha foi alterada conforme solicitado. Por favor, guarde essas\n\t\t\t\tinformações para seus registros (ou altere a sua senha imediatamente para\n\t\t\t\talgo que você se lembrará).\n\t\t\t";
-$a->strings["\n\t\t\t\tYour login details are as follows:\n\n\t\t\t\tSite Location:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\t\tLogin Name:\t%2\$s\n\t\t\t\tPassword:\t%3\$s\n\n\t\t\t\tYou may change that password from your account settings page after logging in.\n\t\t\t"] = "\n\t\t\t\tOs seus dados de login são os seguintes:\n\n\t\t\t\tLocalização do Site:\t%1\$s\n\t\t\t\tNome de Login:\t%2\$s\n\t\t\t\tSenha:\t%3\$s\n\n\t\t\t\tVocê pode alterar esta senha na sua página de configurações depois que efetuar o seu login.\n\t\t\t";
-$a->strings["Your password has been changed at %s"] = "Sua senha foi modifica às %s";
-$a->strings["Forgot your Password?"] = "Esqueceu a sua senha?";
-$a->strings["Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check your email for further instructions."] = "Digite o seu endereço de e-mail e clique em 'Reiniciar' para prosseguir com a reiniciação da sua senha. Após isso, verifique seu e-mail para mais instruções.";
-$a->strings["Nickname or Email: "] = "Identificação ou e-mail: ";
-$a->strings["Reset"] = "Reiniciar";
-$a->strings["Source (bbcode) text:"] = "Texto fonte (bbcode):";
-$a->strings["Source (Diaspora) text to convert to BBcode:"] = "Texto fonte (Diaspora) a converter para BBcode:";
-$a->strings["Source input: "] = "Entrada fonte:";
-$a->strings["bb2html (raw HTML): "] = "bb2html (HTML puro):";
-$a->strings["bb2html: "] = "bb2html: ";
-$a->strings["bb2html2bb: "] = "bb2html2bb: ";
-$a->strings["bb2md: "] = "bb2md: ";
-$a->strings["bb2md2html: "] = "bb2md2html: ";
-$a->strings["bb2dia2bb: "] = "bb2dia2bb: ";
-$a->strings["bb2md2html2bb: "] = "bb2md2html2bb: ";
-$a->strings["Source input (Diaspora format): "] = "Fonte de entrada (formato Diaspora):";
-$a->strings["diaspora2bb: "] = "diaspora2bb: ";
-$a->strings["Tag removed"] = "A etiqueta foi removida";
-$a->strings["Remove Item Tag"] = "Remover a etiqueta do item";
-$a->strings["Select a tag to remove: "] = "Selecione uma etiqueta para remover: ";
-$a->strings["Remove My Account"] = "Remover minha conta";
-$a->strings["This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not recoverable."] = "Isso removerá completamente a sua conta. Uma vez feito isso, não será mais possível recuperá-la.";
-$a->strings["Please enter your password for verification:"] = "Por favor, digite a sua senha para verificação:";
-$a->strings["Invalid profile identifier."] = "Identificador de perfil inválido.";
-$a->strings["Profile Visibility Editor"] = "Editor de visibilidade do perfil";
-$a->strings["Visible To"] = "Visível para";
-$a->strings["All Contacts (with secure profile access)"] = "Todos os contatos (com acesso a perfil seguro)";
-$a->strings["Profile Match"] = "Correspondência de perfil";
-$a->strings["No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."] = "Não foi encontrada nenhuma palavra-chave associada a você. Por favor, adicione algumas ao seu perfil padrão.";
-$a->strings["is interested in:"] = "se interessa por:";
-$a->strings["Event title and start time are required."] = "O título do evento e a hora de início são obrigatórios.";
-$a->strings["l, F j"] = "l, F j";
-$a->strings["Edit event"] = "Editar o evento";
-$a->strings["Create New Event"] = "Criar um novo evento";
-$a->strings["Previous"] = "Anterior";
-$a->strings["Next"] = "Próximo";
-$a->strings["hour:minute"] = "hora:minuto";
-$a->strings["Event details"] = "Detalhes do evento";
-$a->strings["Format is %s %s. Starting date and Title are required."] = "O formato é %s %s. O título e a data de início são obrigatórios.";
-$a->strings["Event Starts:"] = "Início do evento:";
-$a->strings["Required"] = "Obrigatório";
-$a->strings["Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"] = "A data/hora de término não é conhecida ou não é relevante";
-$a->strings["Event Finishes:"] = "Término do evento:";
-$a->strings["Adjust for viewer timezone"] = "Ajustar para o fuso horário do visualizador";
-$a->strings["Description:"] = "Descrição:";
-$a->strings["Title:"] = "Título:";
-$a->strings["Share this event"] = "Compartilhar este evento";
-$a->strings["{0} wants to be your friend"] = "{0} deseja ser seu amigo";
-$a->strings["{0} sent you a message"] = "{0} lhe enviou uma mensagem";
-$a->strings["{0} requested registration"] = "{0} solicitou registro";
-$a->strings["{0} commented %s's post"] = "{0} comentou a publicação de %s";
-$a->strings["{0} liked %s's post"] = "{0} gostou da publicação de %s";
-$a->strings["{0} disliked %s's post"] = "{0} desgostou da publicação de %s";
-$a->strings["{0} is now friends with %s"] = "{0} agora é amigo de %s";
-$a->strings["{0} posted"] = "{0} publicou";
-$a->strings["{0} tagged %s's post with #%s"] = "{0} etiquetou a publicação de %s com #%s";
-$a->strings["{0} mentioned you in a post"] = "{0} mencionou você em uma publicação";
-$a->strings["Mood"] = "Humor";
-$a->strings["Set your current mood and tell your friends"] = "Defina o seu humor e conte aos seus amigos";
-$a->strings["No results."] = "Nenhum resultado.";
-$a->strings["Unable to locate contact information."] = "Não foi possível localizar informação do contato.";
-$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this message?"] = "Você realmente deseja deletar essa mensagem?";
-$a->strings["Message deleted."] = "A mensagem foi excluída.";
-$a->strings["Conversation removed."] = "A conversa foi removida.";
-$a->strings["No messages."] = "Nenhuma mensagem.";
-$a->strings["Unknown sender - %s"] = "Remetente desconhecido - %s";
-$a->strings["You and %s"] = "Você e %s";
-$a->strings["%s and You"] = "%s e você";
-$a->strings["Delete conversation"] = "Excluir conversa";
-$a->strings["D, d M Y - g:i A"] = "D, d M Y - g:i A";
-$a->strings["%d message"] = array(
- 0 => "%d mensagem",
- 1 => "%d mensagens",
-$a->strings["Message not available."] = "A mensagem não está disponível.";
-$a->strings["Delete message"] = "Excluir a mensagem";
-$a->strings["No secure communications available. You may be able to respond from the sender's profile page."] = "Não foi encontrada nenhuma comunicação segura. Você pode ser capaz de responder a partir da página de perfil do remetente.";
-$a->strings["Send Reply"] = "Enviar resposta";
-$a->strings["Not available."] = "Não disponível.";
+$a->strings["Could not access contact record."] = "Não foi possível acessar o registro do contato.";
+$a->strings["Could not locate selected profile."] = "Não foi possível localizar o perfil selecionado.";
+$a->strings["Contact updated."] = "O contato foi atualizado.";
+$a->strings["Contact has been blocked"] = "O contato foi bloqueado";
+$a->strings["Contact has been unblocked"] = "O contato foi desbloqueado";
+$a->strings["Contact has been ignored"] = "O contato foi ignorado";
+$a->strings["Contact has been unignored"] = "O contato deixou de ser ignorado";
+$a->strings["Contact has been archived"] = "O contato foi arquivado";
+$a->strings["Contact has been unarchived"] = "O contato foi desarquivado";
+$a->strings["Drop contact"] = "";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this contact?"] = "Você realmente deseja deletar esse contato?";
+$a->strings["Contact has been removed."] = "O contato foi removido.";
+$a->strings["You are mutual friends with %s"] = "Você tem uma amizade mútua com %s";
+$a->strings["You are sharing with %s"] = "Você está compartilhando com %s";
+$a->strings["%s is sharing with you"] = "%s está compartilhando com você";
+$a->strings["Private communications are not available for this contact."] = "As comunicações privadas não estão disponíveis para este contato.";
+$a->strings["(Update was successful)"] = "(A atualização foi bem sucedida)";
+$a->strings["(Update was not successful)"] = "(A atualização não foi bem sucedida)";
+$a->strings["Suggest friends"] = "Sugerir amigos";
+$a->strings["Network type: %s"] = "Tipo de rede: %s";
+$a->strings["Communications lost with this contact!"] = "As comunicações com esse contato foram perdidas!";
+$a->strings["Fetch further information for feeds"] = "Pega mais informações para feeds";
+$a->strings["Fetch information"] = "Buscar informações";
+$a->strings["Fetch information and keywords"] = "Buscar informação e palavras-chave";
+$a->strings["Contact"] = "";
+$a->strings["Profile Visibility"] = "Visibilidade do perfil";
+$a->strings["Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely."] = "Por favor, selecione o perfil que você gostaria de exibir para %s quando estiver visualizando seu perfil de modo seguro.";
+$a->strings["Contact Information / Notes"] = "Informações sobre o contato / Anotações";
+$a->strings["Edit contact notes"] = "Editar as anotações do contato";
+$a->strings["Block/Unblock contact"] = "Bloquear/desbloquear o contato";
+$a->strings["Ignore contact"] = "Ignorar o contato";
+$a->strings["Repair URL settings"] = "Reparar as definições de URL";
+$a->strings["View conversations"] = "Ver as conversas";
+$a->strings["Last update:"] = "Última atualização:";
+$a->strings["Update public posts"] = "Atualizar publicações públicas";
+$a->strings["Update now"] = "Atualizar agora";
+$a->strings["Unignore"] = "Deixar de ignorar";
+$a->strings["Ignore"] = "Ignorar";
+$a->strings["Currently blocked"] = "Atualmente bloqueado";
+$a->strings["Currently ignored"] = "Atualmente ignorado";
+$a->strings["Currently archived"] = "Atualmente arquivado";
+$a->strings["Hide this contact from others"] = "Ocultar este contato dos outros";
+$a->strings["Replies/likes to your public posts may still be visible"] = "Respostas/gostadas associados às suas publicações ainda podem estar visíveis";
+$a->strings["Notification for new posts"] = "Notificações para novas publicações";
+$a->strings["Send a notification of every new post of this contact"] = "Envie uma notificação para todos as novas publicações deste contato";
+$a->strings["Blacklisted keywords"] = "Palavras-chave na Lista Negra";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords that should not be converted to hashtags, when \"Fetch information and keywords\" is selected"] = "Lista de palavras-chave separadas por vírgulas que não devem ser convertidas para hashtags, quando \"Buscar informações e palavras-chave\" for selecionado.";
+$a->strings["Actions"] = "";
+$a->strings["Contact Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Suggestions"] = "Sugestões";
+$a->strings["Suggest potential friends"] = "Sugerir amigos em potencial";
+$a->strings["Show all contacts"] = "Exibe todos os contatos";
+$a->strings["Unblocked"] = "Desbloquear";
+$a->strings["Only show unblocked contacts"] = "Exibe somente contatos desbloqueados";
+$a->strings["Blocked"] = "Bloqueado";
+$a->strings["Only show blocked contacts"] = "Exibe somente contatos bloqueados";
+$a->strings["Ignored"] = "Ignorados";
+$a->strings["Only show ignored contacts"] = "Exibe somente contatos ignorados";
+$a->strings["Archived"] = "Arquivados";
+$a->strings["Only show archived contacts"] = "Exibe somente contatos arquivados";
+$a->strings["Hidden"] = "Ocultos";
+$a->strings["Only show hidden contacts"] = "Exibe somente contatos ocultos";
+$a->strings["Search your contacts"] = "Pesquisar seus contatos";
+$a->strings["Update"] = "Atualizar";
+$a->strings["Archive"] = "Arquivar";
+$a->strings["Unarchive"] = "Desarquivar";
+$a->strings["Batch Actions"] = "";
+$a->strings["View all contacts"] = "Ver todos os contatos";
+$a->strings["View all common friends"] = "";
+$a->strings["Advanced Contact Settings"] = "Configurações avançadas do contato";
+$a->strings["Mutual Friendship"] = "Amizade mútua";
+$a->strings["is a fan of yours"] = "é um fã seu";
+$a->strings["you are a fan of"] = "você é um fã de";
+$a->strings["Toggle Blocked status"] = "Alternar o status de bloqueio";
+$a->strings["Toggle Ignored status"] = "Alternar o status de ignorado";
+$a->strings["Toggle Archive status"] = "Alternar o status de arquivamento";
+$a->strings["Delete contact"] = "Excluir o contato";
$a->strings["Profile not found."] = "O perfil não foi encontrado.";
-$a->strings["Profile deleted."] = "O perfil foi excluído.";
-$a->strings["Profile-"] = "Perfil-";
-$a->strings["New profile created."] = "O novo perfil foi criado.";
-$a->strings["Profile unavailable to clone."] = "O perfil não está disponível para clonagem.";
-$a->strings["Profile Name is required."] = "É necessário informar o nome do perfil.";
-$a->strings["Marital Status"] = "Situação amorosa";
-$a->strings["Romantic Partner"] = "Parceiro romântico";
-$a->strings["Likes"] = "Gosta de";
-$a->strings["Dislikes"] = "Não gosta de";
-$a->strings["Work/Employment"] = "Trabalho/emprego";
-$a->strings["Religion"] = "Religião";
-$a->strings["Political Views"] = "Posicionamento político";
-$a->strings["Gender"] = "Gênero";
-$a->strings["Sexual Preference"] = "Preferência sexual";
-$a->strings["Homepage"] = "Página Principal";
-$a->strings["Interests"] = "Interesses";
-$a->strings["Address"] = "Endereço";
-$a->strings["Location"] = "Localização";
-$a->strings["Profile updated."] = "O perfil foi atualizado.";
-$a->strings[" and "] = " e ";
-$a->strings["public profile"] = "perfil público";
-$a->strings["%1\$s changed %2\$s to “%3\$s”"] = "%1\$s mudou %2\$s para “%3\$s”";
-$a->strings[" - Visit %1\$s's %2\$s"] = " - Visite %2\$s de %1\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s has an updated %2\$s, changing %3\$s."] = "%1\$s foi atualizado %2\$s, mudando %3\$s.";
-$a->strings["Hide contacts and friends:"] = "Esconder contatos e amigos:";
-$a->strings["Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"] = "Ocultar sua lista de contatos/amigos dos visitantes no seu perfil?";
-$a->strings["Edit Profile Details"] = "Editar os detalhes do perfil";
-$a->strings["Change Profile Photo"] = "Mudar Foto do Perfil";
-$a->strings["View this profile"] = "Ver este perfil";
-$a->strings["Create a new profile using these settings"] = "Criar um novo perfil usando estas configurações";
-$a->strings["Clone this profile"] = "Clonar este perfil";
-$a->strings["Delete this profile"] = "Excluir este perfil";
-$a->strings["Basic information"] = "Informação básica";
-$a->strings["Profile picture"] = "Foto do perfil";
-$a->strings["Preferences"] = "Preferências";
-$a->strings["Status information"] = "Informação de Status";
-$a->strings["Additional information"] = "Informações adicionais";
-$a->strings["Upload Profile Photo"] = "Enviar foto do perfil";
-$a->strings["Profile Name:"] = "Nome do perfil:";
-$a->strings["Your Full Name:"] = "Seu nome completo:";
-$a->strings["Title/Description:"] = "Título/Descrição:";
-$a->strings["Your Gender:"] = "Seu gênero:";
-$a->strings["Birthday (%s):"] = "Aniversário (%s):";
-$a->strings["Street Address:"] = "Endereço:";
-$a->strings["Locality/City:"] = "Localidade/Cidade:";
-$a->strings["Postal/Zip Code:"] = "CEP:";
-$a->strings["Country:"] = "País:";
-$a->strings["Region/State:"] = "Região/Estado:";
-$a->strings["♥ Marital Status:"] = "♥ Situação amorosa:";
-$a->strings["Who: (if applicable)"] = "Quem: (se pertinente)";
-$a->strings["Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"] = "Exemplos: fulano123, Fulano de Tal, fulano@exemplo.com";
-$a->strings["Since [date]:"] = "Desde [data]:";
-$a->strings["Homepage URL:"] = "Endereço do site web:";
-$a->strings["Religious Views:"] = "Orientação religiosa:";
-$a->strings["Public Keywords:"] = "Palavras-chave públicas:";
-$a->strings["Private Keywords:"] = "Palavras-chave privadas:";
-$a->strings["Example: fishing photography software"] = "Exemplo: pesca fotografia software";
-$a->strings["(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"] = "(Usado para sugerir amigos em potencial, pode ser visto pelos outros)";
-$a->strings["(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"] = "(Usado na pesquisa de perfis, nunca é exibido para os outros)";
-$a->strings["Tell us about yourself..."] = "Fale um pouco sobre você...";
-$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests"] = "Passatempos/Interesses";
-$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks"] = "Informações de contato e redes sociais";
-$a->strings["Musical interests"] = "Preferências musicais";
-$a->strings["Books, literature"] = "Livros, literatura";
-$a->strings["Television"] = "Televisão";
-$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment"] = "Filme/dança/cultura/entretenimento";
-$a->strings["Love/romance"] = "Amor/romance";
-$a->strings["Work/employment"] = "Trabalho/emprego";
-$a->strings["School/education"] = "Escola/educação";
-$a->strings["This is your public profile. It may be visible to anybody using the internet."] = "Este é o seu perfil público . Ele pode estar visível para qualquer um que acesse a Internet.";
-$a->strings["Age: "] = "Idade: ";
-$a->strings["Edit/Manage Profiles"] = "Editar/Gerenciar perfis";
-$a->strings["Friendica Communications Server - Setup"] = "Servidor de Comunicações Friendica - Configuração";
-$a->strings["Could not connect to database."] = "Não foi possível conectar ao banco de dados.";
-$a->strings["Could not create table."] = "Não foi possível criar tabela.";
-$a->strings["Your Friendica site database has been installed."] = "O banco de dados do seu site Friendica foi instalado.";
-$a->strings["You may need to import the file \"database.sql\" manually using phpmyadmin or mysql."] = "Você provavelmente precisará importar o arquivo \"database.sql\" manualmente, usando o phpmyadmin ou o mysql.";
-$a->strings["Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\"."] = "Por favor, dê uma olhada no arquivo \"INSTALL.TXT\".";
-$a->strings["System check"] = "Checagem do sistema";
-$a->strings["Check again"] = "Checar novamente";
-$a->strings["Database connection"] = "Conexão de banco de dados";
-$a->strings["In order to install Friendica we need to know how to connect to your database."] = "À fim de instalar o Friendica, você precisa saber como se conectar ao seu banco de dados.";
-$a->strings["Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings."] = "Por favor, entre em contato com a sua hospedagem ou com o administrador do site caso você tenha alguma dúvida em relação a essas configurações.";
-$a->strings["The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please create it before continuing."] = "O banco de dados que você especificou abaixo já deve existir. Caso contrário, por favor crie-o antes de continuar.";
-$a->strings["Database Server Name"] = "Nome do servidor de banco de dados";
-$a->strings["Database Login Name"] = "Nome do usuário do banco de dados";
-$a->strings["Database Login Password"] = "Senha do usuário do banco de dados";
-$a->strings["Database Name"] = "Nome do banco de dados";
-$a->strings["Site administrator email address"] = "Endereço de email do administrador do site";
-$a->strings["Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin panel."] = "O endereço de email da sua conta deve ser igual a este para que você possa utilizar o painel de administração web.";
-$a->strings["Please select a default timezone for your website"] = "Por favor, selecione o fuso horário padrão para o seu site";
-$a->strings["Site settings"] = "Configurações do site";
-$a->strings["Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH."] = "Não foi possível encontrar uma versão de linha de comando do PHP nos caminhos do seu servidor web.";
-$a->strings["If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on server, you will not be able to run background polling via cron. See 'Activating scheduled tasks' "] = "Caso você não tenha uma versão de linha de comando do PHP instalado no seu servidor, você não será capaz de executar a captação em segundo plano. Dê uma olhada em 'Activating scheduled tasks' ";
-$a->strings["PHP executable path"] = "Caminho para o executável do PhP";
-$a->strings["Enter full path to php executable. You can leave this blank to continue the installation."] = "Digite o caminho completo do executável PHP. Você pode deixar isso em branco para continuar com a instalação.";
-$a->strings["Command line PHP"] = "PHP em linha de comando";
-$a->strings["PHP executable is not the php cli binary (could be cgi-fgci version)"] = "O executável do PHP não é o binário do php cli (could be cgi-fcgi version)";
-$a->strings["Found PHP version: "] = "Encontrado PHP versão:";
-$a->strings["PHP cli binary"] = "Binário cli do PHP";
-$a->strings["The command line version of PHP on your system does not have \"register_argc_argv\" enabled."] = "\"register_argc_argv\" não está habilitado na versão de linha de comando do PHP no seu sistema.";
-$a->strings["This is required for message delivery to work."] = "Isto é necessário para o funcionamento do envio de mensagens.";
-$a->strings["PHP register_argc_argv"] = "PHP register_argc_argv";
-$a->strings["Error: the \"openssl_pkey_new\" function on this system is not able to generate encryption keys"] = "Erro: a função \"openssl_pkey_new\" no seu sistema não é capaz de gerar as chaves de criptografia";
-$a->strings["If running under Windows, please see \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\"."] = "Se estiver usando o Windows, por favor dê uma olhada em \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\".";
-$a->strings["Generate encryption keys"] = "Gerar chaves de encriptação";
-$a->strings["libCurl PHP module"] = "Módulo PHP libCurl";
-$a->strings["GD graphics PHP module"] = "Módulo PHP GD graphics";
-$a->strings["OpenSSL PHP module"] = "Módulo PHP OpenSSL";
-$a->strings["mysqli PHP module"] = "Módulo PHP mysqli";
-$a->strings["mb_string PHP module"] = "Módulo PHP mb_string ";
-$a->strings["Apache mod_rewrite module"] = "Módulo mod_rewrite do Apache";
-$a->strings["Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo mod-rewrite do Apache é necessário, mas não está instalado.";
-$a->strings["Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo libCURL do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado.";
-$a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo gráfico GD, com suporte a JPEG, do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado.";
-$a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo openssl do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado.";
-$a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo mysqli do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado.";
-$a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo mb_string PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado.";
-$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "O instalador web precisa criar um arquivo chamado \".htconfig.php\" na pasta raiz da instalação e não está conseguindo.";
-$a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Geralmente isso está relacionado às definições de permissão, uma vez que o servidor web pode não estar conseguindo escrever os arquivos nesta pasta.";
-$a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = "Ao final desse procedimento, será fornecido um texto que deverá ser salvo em um arquivo de nome. htconfig.php, na pasta raiz da instalação do seu Friendica.";
-$a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = "Você também pode pular esse procedimento e executar uma instalação manual. Por favor, dê uma olhada no arquivo \"INSTALL.TXT\" para instruções.";
-$a->strings[".htconfig.php is writable"] = ".htconfig.php tem permissão de escrita";
-$a->strings["Friendica uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering."] = "Friendica usa o engine de template Smarty3 para renderizar suas web views. Smarty3 compila templates para PHP para acelerar a renderização.";
-$a->strings["In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have write access to the directory view/smarty3/ under the Friendica top level folder."] = "Para guardar os templates compilados, o servidor web necessita de permissão de escrita no diretório view/smarty3/ no diretório raíz do Friendica.";
-$a->strings["Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as (e.g. www-data) has write access to this folder."] = "Favor se certificar que o usuário sob o qual o servidor web roda (ex: www-data) tenha permissão de escrita nesse diretório.";
-$a->strings["Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to view/smarty3/ only--not the template files (.tpl) that it contains."] = "Nota: como uma medida de segurança, você deve fornecer ao servidor web permissão de escrita em view/smarty3/ somente--não aos arquivos de template (.tpl) que ele contém.";
-$a->strings["view/smarty3 is writable"] = "view/smarty3 tem escrita permitida";
-$a->strings["Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration."] = "A reescrita de URLs definida no .htaccess não está funcionando. Por favor, verifique as configurações do seu servidor.";
-$a->strings["Url rewrite is working"] = "A reescrita de URLs está funcionando";
-$a->strings["The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web server root."] = "Não foi possível gravar o arquivo de configuração \".htconfig.php\". Por favor, use o texto incluso para criar um arquivo de configuração na raiz da instalação do Friendika em seu servidor web.";
-$a->strings["What next "] = "A seguir ";
-$a->strings["IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the poller."] = "IMPORTANTE: Você deve configurar [manualmente] uma tarefa agendada para o captador.";
-$a->strings["Help:"] = "Ajuda:";
-$a->strings["Contact settings applied."] = "As configurações do contato foram aplicadas.";
-$a->strings["Contact update failed."] = "Não foi possível atualizar o contato.";
-$a->strings["Repair Contact Settings"] = "Corrigir configurações do contato";
-$a->strings["WARNING: This is highly advanced and if you enter incorrect information your communications with this contact may stop working."] = "ATENÇÃO: Isso é muito avançado , se você digitar informações incorretas, suas comunicações com esse contato pode parar de funcionar.";
-$a->strings["Please use your browser 'Back' button now if you are uncertain what to do on this page."] = "Por favor, use o botão 'Voltar' do seu navegador agora , caso você não tenha certeza do que está fazendo.";
-$a->strings["Return to contact editor"] = "Voltar ao editor de contatos";
-$a->strings["No mirroring"] = "Nenhum espelhamento";
-$a->strings["Mirror as forwarded posting"] = "Espelhar como postagem encaminhada";
-$a->strings["Mirror as my own posting"] = "Espelhar como minha própria postagem";
-$a->strings["Account Nickname"] = "Identificação da conta";
-$a->strings["@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname"] = "@Tagname - sobrescreve Nome/Identificação";
-$a->strings["Account URL"] = "URL da conta";
-$a->strings["Friend Request URL"] = "URL da requisição de amizade";
-$a->strings["Friend Confirm URL"] = "URL da confirmação de amizade";
-$a->strings["Notification Endpoint URL"] = "URL do ponto final da notificação";
-$a->strings["Poll/Feed URL"] = "URL do captador/fonte de notícias";
-$a->strings["New photo from this URL"] = "Nova imagem desta URL";
-$a->strings["Remote Self"] = "Auto remoto";
-$a->strings["Mirror postings from this contact"] = "Espelhar publicações deste contato";
-$a->strings["Mark this contact as remote_self, this will cause friendica to repost new entries from this contact."] = "Marcar este contato como auto remoto fará com que o friendica republique novas entradas deste usuário.";
-$a->strings["Welcome to Friendica"] = "Bemvindo ao Friendica";
-$a->strings["New Member Checklist"] = "Dicas para os novos membros";
-$a->strings["We would like to offer some tips and links to help make your experience enjoyable. Click any item to visit the relevant page. A link to this page will be visible from your home page for two weeks after your initial registration and then will quietly disappear."] = "Gostaríamos de oferecer algumas dicas e links para ajudar a tornar a sua experiência agradável. Clique em qualquer item para visitar a página correspondente. Um link para essa página será visível em sua home page por duas semanas após o seu registro inicial e, então, desaparecerá discretamente.";
-$a->strings["Getting Started"] = "Do Início";
-$a->strings["Friendica Walk-Through"] = "Passo-a-passo da friendica";
-$a->strings["On your Quick Start page - find a brief introduction to your profile and network tabs, make some new connections, and find some groups to join."] = "Na sua página Início Rápido - encontre uma introdução rápida ao seu perfil e abas da rede, faça algumas conexões novas, e encontre alguns grupos entrar.";
-$a->strings["Go to Your Settings"] = "Ir para as suas configurações";
-$a->strings["On your Settings page - change your initial password. Also make a note of your Identity Address. This looks just like an email address - and will be useful in making friends on the free social web."] = "Em sua página Configurações - mude sua senha inicial. Também tome nota de seu Endereço de Identidade. Isso se parece com um endereço de e-mail - e será útil para se fazer amigos na rede social livre.";
-$a->strings["Review the other settings, particularly the privacy settings. An unpublished directory listing is like having an unlisted phone number. In general, you should probably publish your listing - unless all of your friends and potential friends know exactly how to find you."] = "Revise as outras configurações, em particular as relacionadas a privacidade. Não estar listado no diretório é o equivalente a não ter o seu número na lista telefônica. Normalmente é interessante você estar listado - a não ser que os seu amigos atuais e potenciais saibam exatamente como encontrar você.";
-$a->strings["Upload a profile photo if you have not done so already. Studies have shown that people with real photos of themselves are ten times more likely to make friends than people who do not."] = "Envie uma foto para o seu perfil, caso ainda não tenha feito isso. Estudos indicam que pessoas que publicam fotos reais delas mesmas têm 10 vezes mais chances de encontrar novos amigos do que as que não o fazem.";
-$a->strings["Edit Your Profile"] = "Editar seu perfil";
-$a->strings["Edit your default profile to your liking. Review the settings for hiding your list of friends and hiding the profile from unknown visitors."] = "Edite o seu perfil padrão a seu gosto. Revise as configurações de ocultação da sua lista de amigos e do seu perfil de visitantes desconhecidos.";
-$a->strings["Profile Keywords"] = "Palavras-chave do perfil";
-$a->strings["Set some public keywords for your default profile which describe your interests. We may be able to find other people with similar interests and suggest friendships."] = "Defina algumas palavras-chave públicas para o seu perfil padrão, que descrevam os seus interesses. Nós podemos encontrar outras pessoas com interesses similares e sugerir novas amizades.";
-$a->strings["Connecting"] = "Conexões";
-$a->strings["Authorise the Facebook Connector if you currently have a Facebook account and we will (optionally) import all your Facebook friends and conversations."] = "Autorize o Conector com Facebook, caso você tenha uma conta lá e nós (opcionalmente) importaremos todos os seus amigos e conversas do Facebook.";
-$a->strings["If this is your own personal server, installing the Facebook addon may ease your transition to the free social web."] = "Se esse é o seu servidor pessoal, instalar o complemento do Facebook talvez facilite a transição para a rede social livre.";
-$a->strings["Importing Emails"] = "Importação de e-mails";
-$a->strings["Enter your email access information on your Connector Settings page if you wish to import and interact with friends or mailing lists from your email INBOX"] = "Forneça a informação de acesso ao seu e-mail na sua página de Configuração de Conector se você deseja importar e interagir com amigos ou listas de discussão da sua Caixa de Entrada de e-mail";
-$a->strings["Go to Your Contacts Page"] = "Ir para a sua página de contatos";
-$a->strings["Your Contacts page is your gateway to managing friendships and connecting with friends on other networks. Typically you enter their address or site URL in the Add New Contact dialog."] = "Sua página de contatos é sua rota para o gerenciamento de amizades e conexão com amigos em outras redes. Geralmente você fornece o endereço deles ou a URL do site na janela de diálogo Adicionar Novo Contato .";
-$a->strings["Go to Your Site's Directory"] = "Ir para o diretório do seu site";
-$a->strings["The Directory page lets you find other people in this network or other federated sites. Look for a Connect or Follow link on their profile page. Provide your own Identity Address if requested."] = "A página de Diretório permite que você encontre outras pessoas nesta rede ou em outras redes federadas. Procure por um link Conectar ou Seguir no perfil que deseja acompanhar. Forneça o seu Endereço de Identidade próprio, se solicitado.";
-$a->strings["Finding New People"] = "Pesquisar por novas pessoas";
-$a->strings["On the side panel of the Contacts page are several tools to find new friends. We can match people by interest, look up people by name or interest, and provide suggestions based on network relationships. On a brand new site, friend suggestions will usually begin to be populated within 24 hours."] = "No painel lateral da página de Contatos existem várias ferramentas para encontrar novos amigos. Você pode descobrir pessoas com os mesmos interesses, procurar por nomes ou interesses e fornecer sugestões baseadas nos relacionamentos da rede. Em um site completamente novo, as sugestões de amizades geralmente começam a ser populadas dentro de 24 horas.";
-$a->strings["Group Your Contacts"] = "Agrupe seus contatos";
-$a->strings["Once you have made some friends, organize them into private conversation groups from the sidebar of your Contacts page and then you can interact with each group privately on your Network page."] = "Após fazer novas amizades, organize-as em grupos de conversa privados, a partir da barra lateral na sua página de Contatos. A partir daí, você poderá interagir com cada grupo privativamente, na sua página de Rede.";
-$a->strings["Why Aren't My Posts Public?"] = "Por que as minhas publicações não são públicas?";
-$a->strings["Friendica respects your privacy. By default, your posts will only show up to people you've added as friends. For more information, see the help section from the link above."] = "A friendica respeita sua privacidade. Por padrão, suas publicações estarão visíveis apenas para as pessoas que você adicionou como amigos. Para mais informações, veja a página de ajuda, a partir do link acima.";
-$a->strings["Getting Help"] = "Obtendo ajuda";
-$a->strings["Go to the Help Section"] = "Ir para a seção de ajuda";
-$a->strings["Our help pages may be consulted for detail on other program features and resources."] = "Nossas páginas de ajuda podem ser consultadas para mais detalhes sobre características e recursos do programa.";
-$a->strings["Poke/Prod"] = "Cutucar/Incitar";
-$a->strings["poke, prod or do other things to somebody"] = "Cutuca, incita ou faz outras coisas com alguém";
-$a->strings["Recipient"] = "Destinatário";
-$a->strings["Choose what you wish to do to recipient"] = "Selecione o que você deseja fazer com o destinatário";
-$a->strings["Make this post private"] = "Fazer com que essa publicação se torne privada";
-$a->strings["Item has been removed."] = "O item foi removido.";
-$a->strings["%1\$s is following %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s está seguindo %2\$s's %3\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s welcomes %2\$s"] = "%1\$s dá as boas vinda à %2\$s";
$a->strings["This may occasionally happen if contact was requested by both persons and it has already been approved."] = "Isso pode acontecer eventualmente se o contato foi solicitado por ambas as pessoas e ele já tinha sido aprovado.";
$a->strings["Response from remote site was not understood."] = "A resposta do site remoto não foi compreendida.";
$a->strings["Unexpected response from remote site: "] = "Resposta inesperada do site remoto: ";
@@ -1772,6 +1509,24 @@ $a->strings["The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It sho
$a->strings["Unable to set your contact credentials on our system."] = "Não foi possível definir suas credenciais de contato no nosso sistema.";
$a->strings["Unable to update your contact profile details on our system"] = "Não foi possível atualizar os detalhes do seu perfil em nosso sistema.";
$a->strings["%1\$s has joined %2\$s"] = "%1\$s se associou a %2\$s";
+$a->strings["People Search - %s"] = "";
+$a->strings["Forum Search - %s"] = "";
+$a->strings["Event can not end before it has started."] = "O evento não pode terminar antes de ter começado.";
+$a->strings["Event title and start time are required."] = "O título do evento e a hora de início são obrigatórios.";
+$a->strings["Create New Event"] = "Criar um novo evento";
+$a->strings["Event details"] = "Detalhes do evento";
+$a->strings["Starting date and Title are required."] = "";
+$a->strings["Event Starts:"] = "Início do evento:";
+$a->strings["Required"] = "Obrigatório";
+$a->strings["Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"] = "A data/hora de término não é conhecida ou não é relevante";
+$a->strings["Event Finishes:"] = "Término do evento:";
+$a->strings["Adjust for viewer timezone"] = "Ajustar para o fuso horário do visualizador";
+$a->strings["Description:"] = "Descrição:";
+$a->strings["Title:"] = "Título:";
+$a->strings["Share this event"] = "Compartilhar este evento";
+$a->strings["Friend suggestion sent."] = "A sugestão de amigo foi enviada";
+$a->strings["Suggest Friends"] = "Sugerir amigos";
+$a->strings["Suggest a friend for %s"] = "Sugerir um amigo para %s";
$a->strings["Unable to locate original post."] = "Não foi possível localizar a publicação original.";
$a->strings["Empty post discarded."] = "A publicação em branco foi descartada.";
$a->strings["System error. Post not saved."] = "Erro no sistema. A publicação não foi salva.";
@@ -1779,6 +1534,13 @@ $a->strings["This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica socia
$a->strings["You may visit them online at %s"] = "Você pode visitá-lo em %s";
$a->strings["Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to receive these messages."] = "Por favor, entre em contato com o remetente respondendo a esta publicação, caso você não queira mais receber estas mensagens.";
$a->strings["%s posted an update."] = "%s publicou uma atualização.";
+$a->strings["Mood"] = "Humor";
+$a->strings["Set your current mood and tell your friends"] = "Defina o seu humor e conte aos seus amigos";
+$a->strings["Poke/Prod"] = "Cutucar/Incitar";
+$a->strings["poke, prod or do other things to somebody"] = "Cutuca, incita ou faz outras coisas com alguém";
+$a->strings["Recipient"] = "Destinatário";
+$a->strings["Choose what you wish to do to recipient"] = "Selecione o que você deseja fazer com o destinatário";
+$a->strings["Make this post private"] = "Fazer com que essa publicação se torne privada";
$a->strings["Image uploaded but image cropping failed."] = "A imagem foi enviada, mas não foi possível cortá-la.";
$a->strings["Image size reduction [%s] failed."] = "Não foi possível reduzir o tamanho da imagem [%s].";
$a->strings["Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not display immediately."] = "Recarregue a página pressionando a tecla Shift ou limpe o cache do navegador caso a nova foto não apareça imediatamente";
@@ -1786,21 +1548,483 @@ $a->strings["Unable to process image"] = "Não foi possível processar a imagem"
$a->strings["Upload File:"] = "Enviar arquivo:";
$a->strings["Select a profile:"] = "Selecione um perfil:";
$a->strings["Upload"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["or"] = "ou";
$a->strings["skip this step"] = "pule esta etapa";
$a->strings["select a photo from your photo albums"] = "selecione uma foto de um álbum de fotos";
$a->strings["Crop Image"] = "Cortar a imagem";
$a->strings["Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."] = "Por favor, ajuste o corte da imagem para a melhor visualização.";
$a->strings["Done Editing"] = "Encerrar a edição";
$a->strings["Image uploaded successfully."] = "A imagem foi enviada com sucesso.";
-$a->strings["Friends of %s"] = "Amigos de %s";
-$a->strings["No friends to display."] = "Nenhum amigo para exibir.";
-$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Pesquisar neste site";
-$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Diretório do site";
-$a->strings["Gender: "] = "Gênero: ";
-$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Nenhuma entrada (algumas entradas podem estar ocultas).";
-$a->strings["Time Conversion"] = "Conversão de tempo";
-$a->strings["Friendica provides this service for sharing events with other networks and friends in unknown timezones."] = "Friendica provê esse serviço para compartilhar eventos com outras redes e amigos em fuso-horários desconhecidos.";
-$a->strings["UTC time: %s"] = "Hora UTC: %s";
-$a->strings["Current timezone: %s"] = "Fuso horário atual: %s";
-$a->strings["Converted localtime: %s"] = "Horário local convertido: %s";
-$a->strings["Please select your timezone:"] = "Por favor, selecione seu fuso horário:";
+$a->strings["Profile deleted."] = "O perfil foi excluído.";
+$a->strings["Profile-"] = "Perfil-";
+$a->strings["New profile created."] = "O novo perfil foi criado.";
+$a->strings["Profile unavailable to clone."] = "O perfil não está disponível para clonagem.";
+$a->strings["Profile Name is required."] = "É necessário informar o nome do perfil.";
+$a->strings["Marital Status"] = "Situação amorosa";
+$a->strings["Romantic Partner"] = "Parceiro romântico";
+$a->strings["Work/Employment"] = "Trabalho/emprego";
+$a->strings["Religion"] = "Religião";
+$a->strings["Political Views"] = "Posicionamento político";
+$a->strings["Gender"] = "Gênero";
+$a->strings["Sexual Preference"] = "Preferência sexual";
+$a->strings["Homepage"] = "Página Principal";
+$a->strings["Interests"] = "Interesses";
+$a->strings["Address"] = "Endereço";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "Localização";
+$a->strings["Profile updated."] = "O perfil foi atualizado.";
+$a->strings[" and "] = " e ";
+$a->strings["public profile"] = "perfil público";
+$a->strings["%1\$s changed %2\$s to “%3\$s”"] = "%1\$s mudou %2\$s para “%3\$s”";
+$a->strings[" - Visit %1\$s's %2\$s"] = " - Visite %2\$s de %1\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s has an updated %2\$s, changing %3\$s."] = "%1\$s foi atualizado %2\$s, mudando %3\$s.";
+$a->strings["Hide contacts and friends:"] = "Esconder contatos e amigos:";
+$a->strings["Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"] = "Ocultar sua lista de contatos/amigos dos visitantes no seu perfil?";
+$a->strings["Show more profile fields:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Profile Actions"] = "";
+$a->strings["Edit Profile Details"] = "Editar os detalhes do perfil";
+$a->strings["Change Profile Photo"] = "Mudar Foto do Perfil";
+$a->strings["View this profile"] = "Ver este perfil";
+$a->strings["Create a new profile using these settings"] = "Criar um novo perfil usando estas configurações";
+$a->strings["Clone this profile"] = "Clonar este perfil";
+$a->strings["Delete this profile"] = "Excluir este perfil";
+$a->strings["Basic information"] = "Informação básica";
+$a->strings["Profile picture"] = "Foto do perfil";
+$a->strings["Preferences"] = "Preferências";
+$a->strings["Status information"] = "Informação de Status";
+$a->strings["Additional information"] = "Informações adicionais";
+$a->strings["Relation"] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Gender:"] = "Seu gênero:";
+$a->strings["♥ Marital Status:"] = "♥ Situação amorosa:";
+$a->strings["Example: fishing photography software"] = "Exemplo: pesca fotografia software";
+$a->strings["Profile Name:"] = "Nome do perfil:";
+$a->strings["This is your public profile. It may be visible to anybody using the internet."] = "Este é o seu perfil público . Ele pode estar visível para qualquer um que acesse a Internet.";
+$a->strings["Your Full Name:"] = "Seu nome completo:";
+$a->strings["Title/Description:"] = "Título/Descrição:";
+$a->strings["Street Address:"] = "Endereço:";
+$a->strings["Locality/City:"] = "Localidade/Cidade:";
+$a->strings["Region/State:"] = "Região/Estado:";
+$a->strings["Postal/Zip Code:"] = "CEP:";
+$a->strings["Country:"] = "País:";
+$a->strings["Who: (if applicable)"] = "Quem: (se pertinente)";
+$a->strings["Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"] = "Exemplos: fulano123, Fulano de Tal, fulano@exemplo.com";
+$a->strings["Since [date]:"] = "Desde [data]:";
+$a->strings["Tell us about yourself..."] = "Fale um pouco sobre você...";
+$a->strings["Homepage URL:"] = "Endereço do site web:";
+$a->strings["Religious Views:"] = "Orientação religiosa:";
+$a->strings["Public Keywords:"] = "Palavras-chave públicas:";
+$a->strings["(Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others)"] = "(Usado para sugerir amigos em potencial, pode ser visto pelos outros)";
+$a->strings["Private Keywords:"] = "Palavras-chave privadas:";
+$a->strings["(Used for searching profiles, never shown to others)"] = "(Usado na pesquisa de perfis, nunca é exibido para os outros)";
+$a->strings["Musical interests"] = "Preferências musicais";
+$a->strings["Books, literature"] = "Livros, literatura";
+$a->strings["Television"] = "Televisão";
+$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment"] = "Filme/dança/cultura/entretenimento";
+$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests"] = "Passatempos/Interesses";
+$a->strings["Love/romance"] = "Amor/romance";
+$a->strings["Work/employment"] = "Trabalho/emprego";
+$a->strings["School/education"] = "Escola/educação";
+$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks"] = "Informações de contato e redes sociais";
+$a->strings["Edit/Manage Profiles"] = "Editar/Gerenciar perfis";
+$a->strings["Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions."] = "O registro foi bem sucedido. Por favor, verifique seu e-mail para maiores informações.";
+$a->strings["Failed to send email message. Here your accout details: login: %s password: %s You can change your password after login."] = "Falha ao enviar mensagem de email. Estes são os dados da sua conta: login: %s senha: %s Você pode alterar sua senha após fazer o login.";
+$a->strings["Registration successful."] = "";
+$a->strings["Your registration can not be processed."] = "Não foi possível processar o seu registro.";
+$a->strings["Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."] = "A aprovação do seu registro está pendente junto ao administrador do site.";
+$a->strings["You may (optionally) fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID and clicking 'Register'."] = "Você pode (opcionalmente) preencher este formulário via OpenID, fornecendo seu OpenID e clicando em 'Registrar'.";
+$a->strings["If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill in the rest of the items."] = "Se você não está familiarizado com o OpenID, por favor, deixe esse campo em branco e preencha os outros itens.";
+$a->strings["Your OpenID (optional): "] = "Seu OpenID (opcional): ";
+$a->strings["Include your profile in member directory?"] = "Incluir o seu perfil no diretório de membros?";
+$a->strings["Membership on this site is by invitation only."] = "A associação a este site só pode ser feita mediante convite.";
+$a->strings["Your invitation ID: "] = "A ID do seu convite: ";
+$a->strings["Your Full Name (e.g. Joe Smith, real or real-looking): "] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Email Address: "] = "Seu endereço de e-mail: ";
+$a->strings["New Password:"] = "Nova senha:";
+$a->strings["Leave empty for an auto generated password."] = "";
+$a->strings["Confirm:"] = "Confirme:";
+$a->strings["Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your profile address on this site will then be 'nickname@\$sitename '."] = "Selecione uma identificação para o perfil. Ela deve começar com um caractere alfabético. O endereço do seu perfil neste site será 'identificação@\$sitename '";
+$a->strings["Choose a nickname: "] = "Escolha uma identificação: ";
+$a->strings["Import your profile to this friendica instance"] = "Importa seu perfil desta instância do friendica";
+$a->strings["Account approved."] = "A conta foi aprovada.";
+$a->strings["Registration revoked for %s"] = "O registro de %s foi revogado";
+$a->strings["Please login."] = "Por favor, autentique-se.";
+$a->strings["everybody"] = "todos";
+$a->strings["Display"] = "Tela";
+$a->strings["Social Networks"] = "Redes Sociais";
+$a->strings["Connected apps"] = "Aplicações conectadas";
+$a->strings["Remove account"] = "Remover a conta";
+$a->strings["Missing some important data!"] = "Está faltando algum dado importante!";
+$a->strings["Failed to connect with email account using the settings provided."] = "Não foi possível conectar à conta de e-mail com as configurações fornecidas.";
+$a->strings["Email settings updated."] = "As configurações de e-mail foram atualizadas.";
+$a->strings["Features updated"] = "Funcionalidades atualizadas";
+$a->strings["Relocate message has been send to your contacts"] = "A mensagem de relocação foi enviada para seus contatos";
+$a->strings["Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."] = "Não é permitido uma senha em branco. A senha não foi modificada.";
+$a->strings["Wrong password."] = "Senha errada.";
+$a->strings["Password changed."] = "A senha foi modificada.";
+$a->strings["Password update failed. Please try again."] = "Não foi possível atualizar a senha. Por favor, tente novamente.";
+$a->strings[" Please use a shorter name."] = " Por favor, use um nome mais curto.";
+$a->strings[" Name too short."] = " O nome é muito curto.";
+$a->strings["Wrong Password"] = "Senha Errada";
+$a->strings[" Not valid email."] = " Não é um e-mail válido.";
+$a->strings[" Cannot change to that email."] = " Não foi possível alterar para esse e-mail.";
+$a->strings["Private forum has no privacy permissions. Using default privacy group."] = "O fórum privado não possui permissões de privacidade. Utilizando o grupo de privacidade padrão.";
+$a->strings["Private forum has no privacy permissions and no default privacy group."] = "O fórum privado não possui permissões de privacidade e nenhum grupo de privacidade padrão.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "As configurações foram atualizadas.";
+$a->strings["Add application"] = "Adicionar aplicação";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Chave do consumidor";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Segredo do consumidor";
+$a->strings["Redirect"] = "Redirecionar";
+$a->strings["Icon url"] = "URL do ícone";
+$a->strings["You can't edit this application."] = "Você não pode editar esta aplicação.";
+$a->strings["Connected Apps"] = "Aplicações conectadas";
+$a->strings["Client key starts with"] = "A chave do cliente inicia com";
+$a->strings["No name"] = "Sem nome";
+$a->strings["Remove authorization"] = "Remover autorização";
+$a->strings["No Plugin settings configured"] = "Não foi definida nenhuma configuração de plugin";
+$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Configurações do plugin";
+$a->strings["Additional Features"] = "Funcionalidades Adicionais";
+$a->strings["General Social Media Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Disable intelligent shortening"] = "";
+$a->strings["Normally the system tries to find the best link to add to shortened posts. If this option is enabled then every shortened post will always point to the original friendica post."] = "";
+$a->strings["Automatically follow any GNU Social (OStatus) followers/mentioners"] = "";
+$a->strings["If you receive a message from an unknown OStatus user, this option decides what to do. If it is checked, a new contact will be created for every unknown user."] = "";
+$a->strings["Default group for OStatus contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Your legacy GNU Social account"] = "";
+$a->strings["If you enter your old GNU Social/Statusnet account name here (in the format user@domain.tld), your contacts will be added automatically. The field will be emptied when done."] = "";
+$a->strings["Repair OStatus subscriptions"] = "";
+$a->strings["Built-in support for %s connectivity is %s"] = "O suporte interno para conectividade de %s está %s";
+$a->strings["enabled"] = "habilitado";
+$a->strings["disabled"] = "desabilitado";
+$a->strings["GNU Social (OStatus)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Email access is disabled on this site."] = "O acesso ao e-mail está desabilitado neste site.";
+$a->strings["Email/Mailbox Setup"] = "Configurações do e-mail/caixa postal";
+$a->strings["If you wish to communicate with email contacts using this service (optional), please specify how to connect to your mailbox."] = "Caso você deseje se comunicar com contatos de e-mail usando este serviço (opcional), por favor especifique como se conectar à sua caixa postal.";
+$a->strings["Last successful email check:"] = "Última checagem bem sucedida de e-mail:";
+$a->strings["IMAP server name:"] = "Nome do servidor IMAP:";
+$a->strings["IMAP port:"] = "Porta do IMAP:";
+$a->strings["Security:"] = "Segurança:";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Nenhuma";
+$a->strings["Email login name:"] = "Nome de usuário do e-mail:";
+$a->strings["Email password:"] = "Senha do e-mail:";
+$a->strings["Reply-to address:"] = "Endereço de resposta (Reply-to):";
+$a->strings["Send public posts to all email contacts:"] = "Enviar publicações públicas para todos os contatos de e-mail:";
+$a->strings["Action after import:"] = "Ação após a importação:";
+$a->strings["Move to folder"] = "Mover para pasta";
+$a->strings["Move to folder:"] = "Mover para pasta:";
+$a->strings["Display Settings"] = "Configurações de exibição";
+$a->strings["Display Theme:"] = "Tema do perfil:";
+$a->strings["Mobile Theme:"] = "Tema para dispositivos móveis:";
+$a->strings["Update browser every xx seconds"] = "Atualizar o navegador a cada xx segundos";
+$a->strings["Minimum of 10 seconds. Enter -1 to disable it."] = "";
+$a->strings["Number of items to display per page:"] = "Número de itens a serem exibidos por página:";
+$a->strings["Maximum of 100 items"] = "Máximo de 100 itens";
+$a->strings["Number of items to display per page when viewed from mobile device:"] = "Número de itens a serem exibidos por página quando visualizando em um dispositivo móvel:";
+$a->strings["Don't show emoticons"] = "Não exibir emoticons";
+$a->strings["Calendar"] = "Agenda";
+$a->strings["Beginning of week:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Don't show notices"] = "Não mostra avisos";
+$a->strings["Infinite scroll"] = "rolamento infinito";
+$a->strings["Automatic updates only at the top of the network page"] = "Atualizações automáticas só na parte superior da página da rede";
+$a->strings["General Theme Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Custom Theme Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Content Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Theme settings"] = "Configurações do tema";
+$a->strings["User Types"] = "Tipos de Usuários";
+$a->strings["Community Types"] = "Tipos de Comunidades";
+$a->strings["Normal Account Page"] = "Página de conta normal";
+$a->strings["This account is a normal personal profile"] = "Essa conta é um perfil pessoal normal";
+$a->strings["Soapbox Page"] = "Página de vitrine";
+$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans"] = "Aprova automaticamente todas as solicitações de conexão/amizade como fãs com permissão somente de leitura";
+$a->strings["Community Forum/Celebrity Account"] = "Conta de fórum de comunidade/celebridade";
+$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans"] = "Aprova automaticamente todas as solicitações de conexão/amizade como fãs com permissão de leitura e escrita";
+$a->strings["Automatic Friend Page"] = "Página de amigo automático";
+$a->strings["Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends"] = "Aprovar automaticamente todas as solicitações de conexão/amizade como amigos";
+$a->strings["Private Forum [Experimental]"] = "Fórum privado [Experimental]";
+$a->strings["Private forum - approved members only"] = "Fórum privado - somente membros aprovados";
+$a->strings["OpenID:"] = "OpenID:";
+$a->strings["(Optional) Allow this OpenID to login to this account."] = "(Opcional) Permitir o uso deste OpenID para entrar nesta conta";
+$a->strings["Publish your default profile in your local site directory?"] = "Publicar o seu perfil padrão no diretório local do seu site?";
+$a->strings["Publish your default profile in the global social directory?"] = "Publicar o seu perfil padrão no diretório social global?";
+$a->strings["Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of your default profile?"] = "Ocultar visualização da sua lista de contatos/amigos no seu perfil padrão? ";
+$a->strings["If enabled, posting public messages to Diaspora and other networks isn't possible."] = "Se ativado, postar mensagens públicas no Diáspora e em outras redes não será possível.";
+$a->strings["Allow friends to post to your profile page?"] = "Permitir aos amigos publicarem na sua página de perfil?";
+$a->strings["Allow friends to tag your posts?"] = "Permitir aos amigos etiquetarem suas publicações?";
+$a->strings["Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?"] = "Permitir que você seja sugerido como amigo em potencial para novos membros?";
+$a->strings["Permit unknown people to send you private mail?"] = "Permitir que pessoas desconhecidas lhe enviem mensagens privadas?";
+$a->strings["Profile is not published ."] = "O perfil não está publicado .";
+$a->strings["Your Identity Address is '%s' or '%s'."] = "";
+$a->strings["Automatically expire posts after this many days:"] = "Expirar automaticamente publicações após tantos dias:";
+$a->strings["If empty, posts will not expire. Expired posts will be deleted"] = "Se deixado em branco, as publicações não irão expirar. Publicações expiradas serão excluídas.";
+$a->strings["Advanced expiration settings"] = "Configurações avançadas de expiração";
+$a->strings["Advanced Expiration"] = "Expiração avançada";
+$a->strings["Expire posts:"] = "Expirar publicações:";
+$a->strings["Expire personal notes:"] = "Expirar notas pessoais:";
+$a->strings["Expire starred posts:"] = "Expirar publicações destacadas:";
+$a->strings["Expire photos:"] = "Expirar fotos:";
+$a->strings["Only expire posts by others:"] = "Expirar somente as publicações de outras pessoas:";
+$a->strings["Account Settings"] = "Configurações da conta";
+$a->strings["Password Settings"] = "Configurações da senha";
+$a->strings["Leave password fields blank unless changing"] = "Deixe os campos de senha em branco, a não ser que você queira alterá-la";
+$a->strings["Current Password:"] = "Senha Atual:";
+$a->strings["Your current password to confirm the changes"] = "Sua senha atual para confirmar as mudanças";
+$a->strings["Password:"] = "Senha:";
+$a->strings["Basic Settings"] = "Configurações básicas";
+$a->strings["Email Address:"] = "Endereço de e-mail:";
+$a->strings["Your Timezone:"] = "Seu fuso horário:";
+$a->strings["Your Language:"] = "Seu idioma:";
+$a->strings["Set the language we use to show you friendica interface and to send you emails"] = "";
+$a->strings["Default Post Location:"] = "Localização padrão de suas publicações:";
+$a->strings["Use Browser Location:"] = "Usar localizador do navegador:";
+$a->strings["Security and Privacy Settings"] = "Configurações de segurança e privacidade";
+$a->strings["Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"] = "Número máximo de requisições de amizade por dia:";
+$a->strings["(to prevent spam abuse)"] = "(para prevenir abuso de spammers)";
+$a->strings["Default Post Permissions"] = "Permissões padrão de publicação";
+$a->strings["(click to open/close)"] = "(clique para abrir/fechar)";
+$a->strings["Show to Groups"] = "Mostre para Grupos";
+$a->strings["Show to Contacts"] = "Mostre para Contatos";
+$a->strings["Default Private Post"] = "Publicação Privada Padrão";
+$a->strings["Default Public Post"] = "Publicação Pública Padrão";
+$a->strings["Default Permissions for New Posts"] = "Permissões Padrão para Publicações Novas";
+$a->strings["Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:"] = "Número máximo de mensagens privadas de pessoas desconhecidas, por dia:";
+$a->strings["Notification Settings"] = "Configurações de notificação";
+$a->strings["By default post a status message when:"] = "Por padrão, publicar uma mensagem de status quando:";
+$a->strings["accepting a friend request"] = "aceitar uma requisição de amizade";
+$a->strings["joining a forum/community"] = "associar-se a um fórum/comunidade";
+$a->strings["making an interesting profile change"] = "fazer uma modificação interessante em seu perfil";
+$a->strings["Send a notification email when:"] = "Enviar um e-mail de notificação sempre que:";
+$a->strings["You receive an introduction"] = "Você recebeu uma apresentação";
+$a->strings["Your introductions are confirmed"] = "Suas apresentações forem confirmadas";
+$a->strings["Someone writes on your profile wall"] = "Alguém escrever no mural do seu perfil";
+$a->strings["Someone writes a followup comment"] = "Alguém comentar a sua mensagem";
+$a->strings["You receive a private message"] = "Você recebeu uma mensagem privada";
+$a->strings["You receive a friend suggestion"] = "Você recebe uma suggestão de amigo";
+$a->strings["You are tagged in a post"] = "Você foi etiquetado em uma publicação";
+$a->strings["You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"] = "Você está cutucado/incitado/etc. em uma publicação";
+$a->strings["Activate desktop notifications"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show desktop popup on new notifications"] = "";
+$a->strings["Text-only notification emails"] = "Emails de notificação apenas de texto";
+$a->strings["Send text only notification emails, without the html part"] = "Enviar e-mails de notificação apenas de texto, sem a parte html";
+$a->strings["Advanced Account/Page Type Settings"] = "Conta avançada/Configurações do tipo de página";
+$a->strings["Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"] = "Modificar o comportamento desta conta em situações especiais";
+$a->strings["Relocate"] = "Relocação";
+$a->strings["If you have moved this profile from another server, and some of your contacts don't receive your updates, try pushing this button."] = "Se você moveu esse perfil de outro servidor e algum dos seus contatos não recebe atualizações, pressione esse botão.";
+$a->strings["Resend relocate message to contacts"] = "Reenviar mensagem de relocação para os contatos";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this video?"] = "";
+$a->strings["Delete Video"] = "";
+$a->strings["No videos selected"] = "Nenhum vídeo selecionado";
+$a->strings["Access to this item is restricted."] = "O acesso a este item é restrito.";
+$a->strings["View Album"] = "Ver álbum";
+$a->strings["Recent Videos"] = "Vídeos Recentes";
+$a->strings["Upload New Videos"] = "Envie Novos Vídeos";
+$a->strings["Friendica Communications Server - Setup"] = "Servidor de Comunicações Friendica - Configuração";
+$a->strings["Could not connect to database."] = "Não foi possível conectar ao banco de dados.";
+$a->strings["Could not create table."] = "Não foi possível criar tabela.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica site database has been installed."] = "O banco de dados do seu site Friendica foi instalado.";
+$a->strings["You may need to import the file \"database.sql\" manually using phpmyadmin or mysql."] = "Você provavelmente precisará importar o arquivo \"database.sql\" manualmente, usando o phpmyadmin ou o mysql.";
+$a->strings["Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\"."] = "Por favor, dê uma olhada no arquivo \"INSTALL.TXT\".";
+$a->strings["Database already in use."] = "";
+$a->strings["System check"] = "Checagem do sistema";
+$a->strings["Check again"] = "Checar novamente";
+$a->strings["Database connection"] = "Conexão de banco de dados";
+$a->strings["In order to install Friendica we need to know how to connect to your database."] = "À fim de instalar o Friendica, você precisa saber como se conectar ao seu banco de dados.";
+$a->strings["Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings."] = "Por favor, entre em contato com a sua hospedagem ou com o administrador do site caso você tenha alguma dúvida em relação a essas configurações.";
+$a->strings["The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please create it before continuing."] = "O banco de dados que você especificou abaixo já deve existir. Caso contrário, por favor crie-o antes de continuar.";
+$a->strings["Database Server Name"] = "Nome do servidor de banco de dados";
+$a->strings["Database Login Name"] = "Nome do usuário do banco de dados";
+$a->strings["Database Login Password"] = "Senha do usuário do banco de dados";
+$a->strings["Database Name"] = "Nome do banco de dados";
+$a->strings["Site administrator email address"] = "Endereço de email do administrador do site";
+$a->strings["Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin panel."] = "O endereço de email da sua conta deve ser igual a este para que você possa utilizar o painel de administração web.";
+$a->strings["Please select a default timezone for your website"] = "Por favor, selecione o fuso horário padrão para o seu site";
+$a->strings["Site settings"] = "Configurações do site";
+$a->strings["System Language:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Set the default language for your Friendica installation interface and to send emails."] = "";
+$a->strings["Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH."] = "Não foi possível encontrar uma versão de linha de comando do PHP nos caminhos do seu servidor web.";
+$a->strings["If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on server, you will not be able to run background polling via cron. See 'Setup the poller' "] = "";
+$a->strings["PHP executable path"] = "Caminho para o executável do PhP";
+$a->strings["Enter full path to php executable. You can leave this blank to continue the installation."] = "Digite o caminho completo do executável PHP. Você pode deixar isso em branco para continuar com a instalação.";
+$a->strings["Command line PHP"] = "PHP em linha de comando";
+$a->strings["PHP executable is not the php cli binary (could be cgi-fgci version)"] = "O executável do PHP não é o binário do php cli (could be cgi-fcgi version)";
+$a->strings["Found PHP version: "] = "Encontrado PHP versão:";
+$a->strings["PHP cli binary"] = "Binário cli do PHP";
+$a->strings["The command line version of PHP on your system does not have \"register_argc_argv\" enabled."] = "\"register_argc_argv\" não está habilitado na versão de linha de comando do PHP no seu sistema.";
+$a->strings["This is required for message delivery to work."] = "Isto é necessário para o funcionamento do envio de mensagens.";
+$a->strings["PHP register_argc_argv"] = "PHP register_argc_argv";
+$a->strings["Error: the \"openssl_pkey_new\" function on this system is not able to generate encryption keys"] = "Erro: a função \"openssl_pkey_new\" no seu sistema não é capaz de gerar as chaves de criptografia";
+$a->strings["If running under Windows, please see \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\"."] = "Se estiver usando o Windows, por favor dê uma olhada em \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\".";
+$a->strings["Generate encryption keys"] = "Gerar chaves de encriptação";
+$a->strings["libCurl PHP module"] = "Módulo PHP libCurl";
+$a->strings["GD graphics PHP module"] = "Módulo PHP GD graphics";
+$a->strings["OpenSSL PHP module"] = "Módulo PHP OpenSSL";
+$a->strings["mysqli PHP module"] = "Módulo PHP mysqli";
+$a->strings["mb_string PHP module"] = "Módulo PHP mb_string ";
+$a->strings["mcrypt PHP module"] = "";
+$a->strings["XML PHP module"] = "";
+$a->strings["iconv module"] = "";
+$a->strings["Apache mod_rewrite module"] = "Módulo mod_rewrite do Apache";
+$a->strings["Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo mod-rewrite do Apache é necessário, mas não está instalado.";
+$a->strings["Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo libCURL do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado.";
+$a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo gráfico GD, com suporte a JPEG, do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado.";
+$a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo openssl do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado.";
+$a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo mysqli do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado.";
+$a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo mb_string PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado.";
+$a->strings["Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo mcrypt do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado.";
+$a->strings["Error: iconv PHP module required but not installed."] = "";
+$a->strings["If you are using php_cli, please make sure that mcrypt module is enabled in its config file"] = "";
+$a->strings["Function mcrypt_create_iv() is not defined. This is needed to enable RINO2 encryption layer."] = "";
+$a->strings["mcrypt_create_iv() function"] = "";
+$a->strings["Error, XML PHP module required but not installed."] = "Erro: o módulo XML do PHP é necessário, mas não está instalado.";
+$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "O instalador web precisa criar um arquivo chamado \".htconfig.php\" na pasta raiz da instalação e não está conseguindo.";
+$a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Geralmente isso está relacionado às definições de permissão, uma vez que o servidor web pode não estar conseguindo escrever os arquivos nesta pasta.";
+$a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Friendica top folder."] = "Ao final desse procedimento, será fornecido um texto que deverá ser salvo em um arquivo de nome. htconfig.php, na pasta raiz da instalação do seu Friendica.";
+$a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = "Você também pode pular esse procedimento e executar uma instalação manual. Por favor, dê uma olhada no arquivo \"INSTALL.TXT\" para instruções.";
+$a->strings[".htconfig.php is writable"] = ".htconfig.php tem permissão de escrita";
+$a->strings["Friendica uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering."] = "Friendica usa o engine de template Smarty3 para renderizar suas web views. Smarty3 compila templates para PHP para acelerar a renderização.";
+$a->strings["In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have write access to the directory view/smarty3/ under the Friendica top level folder."] = "Para guardar os templates compilados, o servidor web necessita de permissão de escrita no diretório view/smarty3/ no diretório raíz do Friendica.";
+$a->strings["Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as (e.g. www-data) has write access to this folder."] = "Favor se certificar que o usuário sob o qual o servidor web roda (ex: www-data) tenha permissão de escrita nesse diretório.";
+$a->strings["Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to view/smarty3/ only--not the template files (.tpl) that it contains."] = "Nota: como uma medida de segurança, você deve fornecer ao servidor web permissão de escrita em view/smarty3/ somente--não aos arquivos de template (.tpl) que ele contém.";
+$a->strings["view/smarty3 is writable"] = "view/smarty3 tem escrita permitida";
+$a->strings["Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration."] = "A reescrita de URLs definida no .htaccess não está funcionando. Por favor, verifique as configurações do seu servidor.";
+$a->strings["Url rewrite is working"] = "A reescrita de URLs está funcionando";
+$a->strings["ImageMagick PHP extension is installed"] = "";
+$a->strings["ImageMagick supports GIF"] = "";
+$a->strings["The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web server root."] = "Não foi possível gravar o arquivo de configuração \".htconfig.php\". Por favor, use o texto incluso para criar um arquivo de configuração na raiz da instalação do Friendika em seu servidor web.";
+$a->strings["What next "] = "A seguir ";
+$a->strings["IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the poller."] = "IMPORTANTE: Você deve configurar [manualmente] uma tarefa agendada para o captador.";
+$a->strings["Invalid request identifier."] = "Identificador de solicitação inválido";
+$a->strings["Discard"] = "Descartar";
+$a->strings["Network Notifications"] = "Notificações de rede";
+$a->strings["Personal Notifications"] = "Notificações pessoais";
+$a->strings["Home Notifications"] = "Notificações pessoais";
+$a->strings["Show Ignored Requests"] = "Exibir solicitações ignoradas";
+$a->strings["Hide Ignored Requests"] = "Ocultar solicitações ignoradas";
+$a->strings["Notification type: "] = "Tipo de notificação:";
+$a->strings["suggested by %s"] = "sugerido por %s";
+$a->strings["Post a new friend activity"] = "Publicar a adição de amigo";
+$a->strings["if applicable"] = "se aplicável";
+$a->strings["Claims to be known to you: "] = "Alega ser conhecido por você: ";
+$a->strings["yes"] = "sim";
+$a->strings["no"] = "não";
+$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Fan/Admirer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "Sua conexão deve ser bidirecional ou não? \"Amigo\" implica que você permite ler e se inscreve nos textos dele. \"Fan / admirador\" significa que você permite ler, mas você não quer ler os textos dele. Aprovar como:";
+$a->strings["Shall your connection be bidirectional or not? \"Friend\" implies that you allow to read and you subscribe to their posts. \"Sharer\" means that you allow to read but you do not want to read theirs. Approve as: "] = "Sua conexão deve ser bidirecional ou não? \"Amigo\" implica que você permite a leitura e assina o textos dele. \"Compartilhador\" significa que você permite a leitura mas você não quer ler os textos dele. Aprova como:";
+$a->strings["Friend"] = "Amigo";
+$a->strings["Sharer"] = "Compartilhador";
+$a->strings["Fan/Admirer"] = "Fã/Admirador";
+$a->strings["No introductions."] = "Sem apresentações.";
+$a->strings["Show unread"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show all"] = "";
+$a->strings["No more %s notifications."] = "";
+$a->strings["Recent Photos"] = "Fotos recentes";
+$a->strings["Upload New Photos"] = "Enviar novas fotos";
+$a->strings["Contact information unavailable"] = "A informação de contato não está disponível";
+$a->strings["Album not found."] = "O álbum não foi encontrado.";
+$a->strings["Delete Album"] = "Excluir o álbum";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo album and all its photos?"] = "Você realmente deseja deletar esse álbum de fotos e todas as suas fotos?";
+$a->strings["Delete Photo"] = "Excluir a foto";
+$a->strings["Do you really want to delete this photo?"] = "Você realmente deseja deletar essa foto?";
+$a->strings["%1\$s was tagged in %2\$s by %3\$s"] = "%1\$s foi marcado em %2\$s por %3\$s";
+$a->strings["a photo"] = "uma foto";
+$a->strings["Image file is empty."] = "O arquivo de imagem está vazio.";
+$a->strings["No photos selected"] = "Não foi selecionada nenhuma foto";
+$a->strings["You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."] = "Você está usando %1$.2f Mbytes dos %2$.2f Mbytes liberados para armazenamento de fotos.";
+$a->strings["Upload Photos"] = "Enviar fotos";
+$a->strings["New album name: "] = "Nome do novo álbum: ";
+$a->strings["or existing album name: "] = "ou o nome de um álbum já existente: ";
+$a->strings["Do not show a status post for this upload"] = "Não exiba uma publicação de status para este envio";
+$a->strings["Private Photo"] = "Foto Privada";
+$a->strings["Public Photo"] = "Foto Pública";
+$a->strings["Edit Album"] = "Editar o álbum";
+$a->strings["Show Newest First"] = "Exibir as mais recentes primeiro";
+$a->strings["Show Oldest First"] = "Exibir as mais antigas primeiro";
+$a->strings["View Photo"] = "Ver a foto";
+$a->strings["Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."] = "Permissão negada. O acesso a este item pode estar restrito.";
+$a->strings["Photo not available"] = "A foto não está disponível";
+$a->strings["View photo"] = "Ver a imagem";
+$a->strings["Edit photo"] = "Editar a foto";
+$a->strings["Use as profile photo"] = "Usar como uma foto de perfil";
+$a->strings["View Full Size"] = "Ver no tamanho real";
+$a->strings["Tags: "] = "Etiquetas: ";
+$a->strings["[Remove any tag]"] = "[Remover qualquer etiqueta]";
+$a->strings["New album name"] = "Novo nome para o álbum";
+$a->strings["Caption"] = "Legenda";
+$a->strings["Add a Tag"] = "Adicionar uma etiqueta";
+$a->strings["Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"] = "Por exemplo: @joao, @Joao_da_Silva, @joao@exemplo.com, #Minas_Gerais, #acampamento";
+$a->strings["Do not rotate"] = "";
+$a->strings["Rotate CW (right)"] = "Rotacionar para direita";
+$a->strings["Rotate CCW (left)"] = "Rotacionar para esquerda";
+$a->strings["Private photo"] = "Foto privada";
+$a->strings["Public photo"] = "Foto pública";
+$a->strings["Map"] = "";
+$a->strings["via"] = "via";
+$a->strings["Repeat the image"] = "Lado a lado";
+$a->strings["Will repeat your image to fill the background."] = "Repete a imagem para preencher o plano de fundo.";
+$a->strings["Stretch"] = "Esticar";
+$a->strings["Will stretch to width/height of the image."] = "Estica até a largura/altura da imagem.";
+$a->strings["Resize fill and-clip"] = "Preencher e cortar";
+$a->strings["Resize to fill and retain aspect ratio."] = "Redimensiona para preencher o plano de fundo, mantendo proporções.";
+$a->strings["Resize best fit"] = "Ajustar";
+$a->strings["Resize to best fit and retain aspect ratio."] = "Redimensiona para ajustar ao plano de fundo, mantendo proporções.";
+$a->strings["Default"] = "Padrão";
+$a->strings["Note: "] = "Observação:";
+$a->strings["Check image permissions if all users are allowed to visit the image"] = "";
+$a->strings["Select scheme"] = "Selecionar esquema de cores";
+$a->strings["Navigation bar background color"] = "Cor de fundo da barra de navegação";
+$a->strings["Navigation bar icon color "] = "Cor do ícone da barra de navegação";
+$a->strings["Link color"] = "Cor do link";
+$a->strings["Set the background color"] = "Escolher a cor de fundo";
+$a->strings["Content background transparency"] = "Transparência do fundo do conteúdo";
+$a->strings["Set the background image"] = "Escolher a imagem de fundo";
+$a->strings["Guest"] = "Convidado";
+$a->strings["Visitor"] = "Visitante";
+$a->strings["Set resize level for images in posts and comments (width and height)"] = "Configure o nível de redimensionamento para imagens em publicações e comentários (largura e altura)";
+$a->strings["Set font-size for posts and comments"] = "Escolha o tamanho da fonte para publicações e comentários";
+$a->strings["Set theme width"] = "Configure a largura do tema";
+$a->strings["Color scheme"] = "Esquema de cores";
+$a->strings["Alignment"] = "Alinhamento";
+$a->strings["Left"] = "Esquerda";
+$a->strings["Center"] = "Centro";
+$a->strings["Posts font size"] = "Tamanho da fonte para publicações";
+$a->strings["Textareas font size"] = "Tamanho da fonte para campos texto";
+$a->strings["Set line-height for posts and comments"] = "Escolha comprimento da linha para publicações e comentários";
+$a->strings["Set colour scheme"] = "Configure o esquema de cores";
+$a->strings["Community Profiles"] = "Profiles Comunitários";
+$a->strings["Last users"] = "Últimos usuários";
+$a->strings["Find Friends"] = "Encontrar amigos";
+$a->strings["Local Directory"] = "Diretório Local";
+$a->strings["Quick Start"] = "";
+$a->strings["Connect Services"] = "Conectar serviços";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of helper forums"] = "";
+$a->strings["Set style"] = "escolha estilo";
+$a->strings["Community Pages"] = "Páginas da Comunidade";
+$a->strings["Help or @NewHere ?"] = "Ajuda ou @NewHere ?";
+$a->strings["Your contacts"] = "Seus contatos";
+$a->strings["Your personal photos"] = "Suas fotos pessoais";
+$a->strings["Last likes"] = "Últimas gostadas";
+$a->strings["Last photos"] = "Últimas fotos";
+$a->strings["Earth Layers"] = "Camadas da Terra";
+$a->strings["Set zoomfactor for Earth Layers"] = "Configure o zoom para Camadas da Terra";
+$a->strings["Set longitude (X) for Earth Layers"] = "Configure longitude (X) para Camadas da Terra";
+$a->strings["Set latitude (Y) for Earth Layers"] = "Configure latitude (Y) para Camadas da Terra";
+$a->strings["Show/hide boxes at right-hand column:"] = "Mostre/esconda caixas na coluna à direita:";
+$a->strings["Set resolution for middle column"] = "Escolha a resolução para a coluna do meio";
+$a->strings["Set color scheme"] = "Configure o esquema de cores";
+$a->strings["Set zoomfactor for Earth Layer"] = "Configure o zoom para Camadas da Terra";
+$a->strings["greenzero"] = "greenzero";
+$a->strings["purplezero"] = "purplezero";
+$a->strings["easterbunny"] = "easterbunny";
+$a->strings["darkzero"] = "darkzero";
+$a->strings["comix"] = "comix";
+$a->strings["slackr"] = "slackr";
+$a->strings["Variations"] = "Variações";
+$a->strings["toggle mobile"] = "habilita mobile";
+$a->strings["Delete this item?"] = "Excluir este item?";
+$a->strings["show fewer"] = "exibir menos";
+$a->strings["Update %s failed. See error logs."] = "Atualização %s falhou. Vide registro de erros (log).";
+$a->strings["Create a New Account"] = "Criar uma nova conta";
+$a->strings["Password: "] = "Senha: ";
+$a->strings["Remember me"] = "Lembre-se de mim";
+$a->strings["Or login using OpenID: "] = "Ou login usando OpendID:";
+$a->strings["Forgot your password?"] = "Esqueceu a sua senha?";
+$a->strings["Website Terms of Service"] = "Termos de Serviço do Website";
+$a->strings["terms of service"] = "termos de serviço";
+$a->strings["Website Privacy Policy"] = "Política de Privacidade do Website";
+$a->strings["privacy policy"] = "política de privacidade";
diff --git a/view/ro/messages.po b/view/lang/ro/messages.po
similarity index 100%
rename from view/ro/messages.po
rename to view/lang/ro/messages.po
diff --git a/view/ro/strings.php b/view/lang/ro/strings.php
similarity index 100%
rename from view/ro/strings.php
rename to view/lang/ro/strings.php
diff --git a/view/ru/messages.po b/view/lang/ru/messages.po
similarity index 100%
rename from view/ru/messages.po
rename to view/lang/ru/messages.po
diff --git a/view/ru/strings.php b/view/lang/ru/strings.php
similarity index 100%
rename from view/ru/strings.php
rename to view/lang/ru/strings.php
diff --git a/view/sv/messages.po b/view/lang/sv/messages.po
similarity index 100%
rename from view/sv/messages.po
rename to view/lang/sv/messages.po
diff --git a/view/sv/strings.php b/view/lang/sv/strings.php
similarity index 100%
rename from view/sv/strings.php
rename to view/lang/sv/strings.php
diff --git a/view/zh-cn/messages.po b/view/lang/zh-cn/messages.po
similarity index 100%
rename from view/zh-cn/messages.po
rename to view/lang/zh-cn/messages.po
diff --git a/view/zh-cn/strings.php b/view/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
similarity index 100%
rename from view/zh-cn/strings.php
rename to view/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
diff --git a/view/templates/admin_logs.tpl b/view/templates/admin_logs.tpl
index e79c7d7af..b2e6357a9 100644
--- a/view/templates/admin_logs.tpl
+++ b/view/templates/admin_logs.tpl
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
diff --git a/view/templates/admin_site.tpl b/view/templates/admin_site.tpl
index 7a6e4fd35..fc84f6860 100644
--- a/view/templates/admin_site.tpl
+++ b/view/templates/admin_site.tpl
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@
{{include file="field_checkbox.tpl" field=$worker}}
{{include file="field_input.tpl" field=$worker_queues}}
{{include file="field_checkbox.tpl" field=$worker_dont_fork}}
+ {{include file="field_checkbox.tpl" field=$worker_fastlane}}
diff --git a/view/templates/admin_summary.tpl b/view/templates/admin_summary.tpl
index 70f95ca5e..08e84b008 100644
--- a/view/templates/admin_summary.tpl
+++ b/view/templates/admin_summary.tpl
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- {{$queues.deliverq}} - {{$queues.queue}} {{if $queues.workerq}} - {{$queues.workerq}}{{/if}}
+ {{$queues.deliverq}} - {{$queues.queue}} {{if $workeractive}} - {{$queues.workerq}}{{/if}}
diff --git a/view/templates/contact_edit.tpl b/view/templates/contact_edit.tpl
index 9e8606088..e7856128a 100644
--- a/view/templates/contact_edit.tpl
+++ b/view/templates/contact_edit.tpl
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- {{$contact_actions.delete.label}}
+ {{$contact_actions.delete.label}}
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
{{* Some information about the contact from the profile *}}
{{$profileurllabel}} {{$profileurl}}
{{if $location}}{{$location_label}} {{$location}} {{/if}}
+ {{if $xmpp}}{{$xmpp_label}} {{$xmpp}} {{/if}}
{{if $keywords}}{{$keywords_label}} {{$keywords}} {{/if}}
{{if $about}}{{$about_label}} {{$about}} {{/if}}
{{* End of contact-edit-links *}}
diff --git a/view/templates/event_head.tpl b/view/templates/event_head.tpl
index 99a320a89..5461ea947 100644
--- a/view/templates/event_head.tpl
+++ b/view/templates/event_head.tpl
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
{{if $editselect != 'none'}}
argv[0]; echo "-content-wrapper\">";
if(x($page,'content')) echo $page['content']; echo"
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/php/standard.php b/view/theme/frio/php/standard.php
index 93007bca5..4a92a6aec 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/php/standard.php
+++ b/view/theme/frio/php/standard.php
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
get_baseurl(); ?>
@@ -42,16 +42,6 @@
"; include('includes/photo_side.php'); echo"
argv[0]; echo "-content-wrapper\">
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/templates/comment_item.tpl b/view/theme/frio/templates/comment_item.tpl
index 116a7b7d4..405a85964 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/templates/comment_item.tpl
+++ b/view/theme/frio/templates/comment_item.tpl
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
{{if $qcomment}}
+ {{if $xmpp}}
+ {{/if}}
{{if $keywords}}
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/templates/contacts-head.tpl b/view/theme/frio/templates/contacts-head.tpl
index 60f8d5ec6..5e159ea18 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/templates/contacts-head.tpl
+++ b/view/theme/frio/templates/contacts-head.tpl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/view/theme/frio/templates/event.tpl b/view/theme/frio/templates/event.tpl
index 32e740581..ee2875686 100644
--- a/view/theme/frio/templates/event.tpl
+++ b/view/theme/frio/templates/event.tpl
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+ src="{{$baseurl}}/view/theme/frio/js/event_edit.js">
{{foreach $events as $event}}