diff --git a/altpager/lang/ca/strings.php b/altpager/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1466ab68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altpager/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Ajustos de Altpagerr actualitzats.";
+$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "Alternate Pagination Setting";
+$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Emprar enllaç a \"més nova\" i \"més antiga\" pàgina, en lloc de números de pàgina? ";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "";
+$a->strings["Force global use of the alternate pager"] = "";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether to use the alternate pager"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Ajustos actualitzats.";
diff --git a/altpager/lang/cs/strings.php b/altpager/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..837f0883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altpager/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Nastavení Altpager aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "Alternate Pagination nastavení";
+$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Použít odkazy na \"novější\" a \"starší\" stránky místo čísel stránek?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "Globální";
+$a->strings["Force global use of the alternate pager"] = "Vynutit globální použití alternativního stránkování";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "Individuálové";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether to use the alternate pager"] = "Každý uživatel si vybere, zda-li použije alternativní stránkování.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Nastavení aktualizováno.";
diff --git a/altpager/lang/de/strings.php b/altpager/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e232d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altpager/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Altpager Einstellungen sind aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "Alternative Seitenumbruch Einstellung";
+$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Nutze Links zu \"neuer\" und \"älter\" Seiten, statt Seiten Nummern?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "Global";
+$a->strings["Force global use of the alternate pager"] = "Erzwinge die Verwendung des \"Alternate Pager\" auf diesem Server";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "Individuell";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether to use the alternate pager"] = "Jede/r Nutzer/in kann wählen ob der \"Alternate Pager\" verwendet werden soll";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
diff --git a/altpager/lang/eo/strings.php b/altpager/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95115c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altpager/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Ĝisdatigis Altpager agordojn.";
+$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "Alternativa paĝonumerado agordoj";
+$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Uzi ligilojn al \"pli nova\" kaj \"pli malnova\" paĝoj anstataŭ paĝnombrojn?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Agordoj ĝisdatigita.";
diff --git a/altpager/lang/es/strings.php b/altpager/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3baa4883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altpager/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Configuración de paginador alternativo actualizada.";
+$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "Configuración de paginación alternativa";
+$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "¿Usar \"más nuevo\" y \"más antiguo\" en vez de números en las páginas?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Configuración actualizada.";
diff --git a/altpager/lang/fr/strings.php b/altpager/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61be5e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altpager/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Paramètres d'Altpager mis à jour.";
+$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "Paramètres de numérotation des pages";
+$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Utiliser des liens vers \"plus récents\" et \"plus anciens\" au lieu de numéros de pages ?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "Global";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "Individuel";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Réglages mis à jour.";
diff --git a/altpager/lang/is/strings.php b/altpager/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae212d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altpager/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "";
+$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Stillingar uppfærðar";
diff --git a/altpager/lang/it/strings.php b/altpager/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd78e7e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altpager/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Impostazioni Altpager aggiornate.";
+$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "Impostazioni Paginatore Alternativo";
+$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "Usa i collegamenti \"nuovi\" e \"vecchi\" al posto dei numeri di pagina?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "";
+$a->strings["Force global use of the alternate pager"] = "";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether to use the alternate pager"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Impostazioni aggiornate.";
diff --git a/altpager/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/altpager/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3902296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altpager/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "";
+$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Innstillinger oppdatert.";
diff --git a/altpager/lang/pl/strings.php b/altpager/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0709808b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altpager/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "";
+$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "Ogólne";
+$a->strings["Force global use of the alternate pager"] = "";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "Indywidualne";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether to use the alternate pager"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Zaktualizowano ustawienia.";
diff --git a/altpager/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/altpager/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3d83d84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altpager/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "";
+$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "As configurações foram atualizadas.";
diff --git a/altpager/lang/ru/strings.php b/altpager/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5dc29bf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altpager/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "";
+$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Настройки обновлены.";
diff --git a/altpager/lang/sv/strings.php b/altpager/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dcd4e821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altpager/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Inställningarna har uppdaterats.";
diff --git a/altpager/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/altpager/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ef29263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altpager/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Altpager settings updated."] = "Altpager设置更新了。";
+$a->strings["Alternate Pagination Setting"] = "供替换的分页设置";
+$a->strings["Use links to __DQ__newer__DQ__ and __DQ__older__DQ__ pages in place of page numbers?"] = "用到「更新」和「更旧」页代替页数?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "综合";
+$a->strings["Force global use of the alternate pager"] = "让大家用供替换的分页";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "一个人的";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether to use the alternate pager"] = "每用户选择是否用供替换的分页";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "设置跟新了";
diff --git a/blackout/lang/ca/strings.php b/blackout/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87481b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blackout/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/blackout/lang/cs/strings.php b/blackout/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae3080c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blackout/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/blackout/lang/de/strings.php b/blackout/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e5d0516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blackout/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/blackout/lang/eo/strings.php b/blackout/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68b5936b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blackout/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/blackout/lang/es/strings.php b/blackout/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2394f48b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blackout/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/blackout/lang/fr/strings.php b/blackout/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b41b6087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blackout/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/blackout/lang/is/strings.php b/blackout/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94f89330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blackout/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/blackout/lang/it/strings.php b/blackout/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb8a97d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blackout/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/blackout/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/blackout/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9001ec4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blackout/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/blackout/lang/pl/strings.php b/blackout/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e18a64fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blackout/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/blackout/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/blackout/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87481b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blackout/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/blackout/lang/ru/strings.php b/blackout/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab5e2246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blackout/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/blackout/lang/sv/strings.php b/blackout/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blackout/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/blackout/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/blackout/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6d8e7d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blackout/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/blockem/lang/ca/strings.php b/blockem/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54c918e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blockem/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "Configuració de \"Bloqueig\"";
+$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "URLS dels perfils a bloquejar, separats per comes";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Guardada la configuració de BLOQUEIG.";
+$a->strings["Blocked %s - Click to open/close"] = "Bloquejar %s - Clica per obrir/tancar";
+$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Desbloquejar Autor";
+$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Bloquejar Autor";
+$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "Actualitzar la Configuració de bloqueig";
diff --git a/blockem/lang/cs/strings.php b/blockem/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7041152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blockem/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Blockem\" Nastavení";
+$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "Čárkou oddělené URL adresy profilů určených k ignorování";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "BLOCKEM nastavení uloženo.";
+$a->strings["Blocked %s - Click to open/close"] = "Blokován %s - Klikněte pro otevření/zavření";
+$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Odblokovat autora";
+$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Zablokovat autora";
+$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "blockem nastavení aktualizováno";
diff --git a/blockem/lang/de/strings.php b/blockem/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1bb10060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blockem/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Blockem\"-Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "Profil-URLs, die blockiert werden sollen (durch Kommas getrennt)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "BLOCKEM-Einstellungen gesichert.";
+$a->strings["Blocked %s - Click to open/close"] = "%s blockiert - Zum Öffnen/Schließen klicken";
+$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Autor freischalten";
+$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Autor blockieren";
+$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "blockem Einstellungen aktualisiert";
diff --git a/blockem/lang/eo/strings.php b/blockem/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73294d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blockem/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Blockem\" Agordoj";
+$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "Blokotaj URL adresoj, disigita per komo";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Konservis Agordojn de BLOCKEM.";
+$a->strings["Blocked %s - Click to open/close"] = "%s blokita - Klaku por malfermi/fermi";
+$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Malbloki Aŭtoron";
+$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Bloki Aŭtoron";
+$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "Ĝisdatigis la blockem agordojn";
diff --git a/blockem/lang/es/strings.php b/blockem/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abaa376a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blockem/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "Configuración de \"Blockem\"";
+$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "Direcciones separadas por coma de los perfiles a bloquear";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Configuracion Blockem guardada.";
+$a->strings["Blocked %s - Click to open/close"] = "%s bloqueado. Pulsa aquí para mostrar/ocultar";
+$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Desbloquear Autor";
+$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Bloquear Autor";
+$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "Configuración de Blockem actualizada";
diff --git a/blockem/lang/fr/strings.php b/blockem/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f8b9919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blockem/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "Réglages de Blockem";
+$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "Liste d'URLS de profils à bloquer, séparés par des virgules";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Réglages Blockem sauvés.";
+$a->strings["Blocked %s - Click to open/close"] = "Bloqué %s - Cliquez pour ouvrir/fermer";
+$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Débloquer l'auteur";
+$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Bloquer l'auteur";
+$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "Réglages blockem sauvés";
diff --git a/blockem/lang/is/strings.php b/blockem/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69b31d3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blockem/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Blockem\" stillingar";
+$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "Banna lista af forsíðum (komma á milli)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "BLOCKEM stillingar vistaðar.";
+$a->strings["Blocked %s - Click to open/close"] = "%s sett í straff - Smella til að taka úr/setja á";
+$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Leyfa notanda";
+$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Banna notanda";
+$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "";
diff --git a/blockem/lang/it/strings.php b/blockem/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6602bc3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blockem/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "Impostazioni \"Blockem\"";
+$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "Lista, separata da virgola, di indirizzi da bloccare";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Impostazioni salvate.";
+$a->strings["Blocked %s - Click to open/close"] = "%s bloccato - Clicca per aprire/chiudere";
+$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Sblocca autore";
+$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Blocca autore";
+$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "Impostazioni 'blockem' aggiornate.";
diff --git a/blockem/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/blockem/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..224ddb49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blockem/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["Blocked %s - Click to open/close"] = "";
+$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "";
+$a->strings["Block Author"] = "";
+$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "";
diff --git a/blockem/lang/pl/strings.php b/blockem/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7dadda1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blockem/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["Blocked %s - Click to open/close"] = "";
+$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Odblokuj autora";
+$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Zablokuj autora";
+$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "";
diff --git a/blockem/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/blockem/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2826f5be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blockem/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "Configurações \"Blockem\"";
+$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "URLS de perfis separados por vírgulas a serem bloqueados";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "Configurações BLOCKEM armazenadas.";
+$a->strings["Blocked %s - Click to open/close"] = "Bloqueado %s - Clique para abrir/fechar";
+$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "Desbloqueie Autor";
+$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Bloqueie Autor";
+$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "configurações blockem atualizadas";
diff --git a/blockem/lang/ru/strings.php b/blockem/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..485821ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blockem/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Blockem\" настройки";
+$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "URLS, которые заблокировать (список через запятую)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "BLOCKEM-Настройки сохранены.";
+$a->strings["Blocked %s - Click to open/close"] = "Заблокированные %s - Нажмите, чтобы открыть/закрыть";
+$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "";
+$a->strings["Block Author"] = "Блокировать Автора";
+$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "\"Blockem\" настройки обновлены";
diff --git a/blockem/lang/sv/strings.php b/blockem/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blockem/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/blockem/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/blockem/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2d11a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blockem/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["__DQ__Blockem__DQ__ Settings"] = "「Blockem」配置";
+$a->strings["Comma separated profile URLS to block"] = "逗号分简介URL为栏";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["BLOCKEM Settings saved."] = "「Blockem」配置保存了。";
+$a->strings["Blocked %s - Click to open/close"] = "%s拦了-点击为开关";
+$a->strings["Unblock Author"] = "不拦作家";
+$a->strings["Block Author"] = "拦作家";
+$a->strings["blockem settings updated"] = "blockem设置更新了";
diff --git a/blogger/lang/ca/strings.php b/blogger/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..354d354a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blogger/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Post to blogger"] = "Enviament a blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger Post Settings"] = "Ajustos d'enviament a blogger";
+$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Plugin"] = "Habilita el Plugin d'Enviaments a Blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Nom d'usuari a blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Contrasenya a blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Blogger API URL";
+$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Enviament a Blogger per defecte";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Enviament des de Friendica";
diff --git a/blogger/lang/cs/strings.php b/blogger/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1bd39241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blogger/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Post to blogger"] = "Poslat na blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger Post Settings"] = "Nastavení příspěvků na Blogger ";
+$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Plugin"] = "Povolit Blogger Post Plugin";
+$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Blogger uživatelské jméno";
+$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Blogger heslo";
+$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Blogger API URL";
+$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Defaultně zaslat na Blogger";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Příspěvek z Friendica";
diff --git a/blogger/lang/de/strings.php b/blogger/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0146f1d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blogger/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Post to blogger"] = "Auf Blogger posten";
+$a->strings["Blogger Post Settings"] = "Einstellungen zum posten auf Blogger";
+$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Plugin"] = "Blogger-Post-Plugin aktivieren";
+$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Blogger-Benutzername";
+$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Blogger-Passwort";
+$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Blogger-API-URL";
+$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Standardmäßig auf Blogger posten";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Beitrag via Friendica";
diff --git a/blogger/lang/eo/strings.php b/blogger/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ab29790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blogger/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Post to blogger"] = "Afiŝi al blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger Post Settings"] = "Agordo pri Blogger Afiŝoj";
+$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Plugin"] = "Ŝalti la Blogger afiŝo kromprogramon";
+$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Blogger uzantonomo";
+$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Blogger pasvorto";
+$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Blogger API URL";
+$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Defaŭlte afiŝi al Blogger";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Afiŝo de Friendica";
diff --git a/blogger/lang/es/strings.php b/blogger/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ef963d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blogger/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Post to blogger"] = "Publícar en Blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger Post Settings"] = "Configuración de las publicaciones en Blogger";
+$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Plugin"] = "Activar el módulo de publicación en Blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Nombre de usuario de Blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Contraseña de Blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Dirección de la API de Blogger";
+$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Publicar en Blogger por defecto";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Publicado desde Friendica";
diff --git a/blogger/lang/fr/strings.php b/blogger/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec4116d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blogger/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Post to blogger"] = "Poster vers Blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger Post Settings"] = "Réglages Blogger";
+$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Plugin"] = "Activer le connecteur Blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Utilisateur Blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Mot de passe Blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "URL de l'API Blogger";
+$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Poster vers Blogger par défaut";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Publier depuis Friendica";
diff --git a/blogger/lang/is/strings.php b/blogger/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89cead41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blogger/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Post to blogger"] = "";
+$a->strings["Blogger Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "";
+$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Færslur frá Friendica";
diff --git a/blogger/lang/it/strings.php b/blogger/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ba2be27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blogger/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Post to blogger"] = "Posta su blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger Post Settings"] = "Impostazioni post per blogger";
+$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Plugin"] = "Abilita il plugin Blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Blogger username";
+$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Blogger password";
+$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Blogger API URL";
+$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Invia sempre a Blogger";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Messaggio da Friendica";
diff --git a/blogger/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/blogger/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de7246bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blogger/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Post to blogger"] = "";
+$a->strings["Blogger Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "";
+$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "";
diff --git a/blogger/lang/pl/strings.php b/blogger/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a08b447b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blogger/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Post to blogger"] = "Post na blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger Post Settings"] = "Ustawienia postów na Blogger";
+$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Nazwa użytkownika na Blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Hasło do Blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Post z Friendica";
diff --git a/blogger/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/blogger/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..332547a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blogger/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Post to blogger"] = "publica no blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger Post Settings"] = "Configuração de publicação no blogger";
+$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Plugin"] = "Habilita plugin para publicar no Blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "nome de usuário no Blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "senha no Blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "URL da API do Blogger";
+$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "Publica no Blogger por padrão";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Postar do Friendica";
diff --git a/blogger/lang/ru/strings.php b/blogger/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..086d83b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blogger/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Post to blogger"] = "";
+$a->strings["Blogger Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "";
+$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Сообщение от Friendica";
diff --git a/blogger/lang/sv/strings.php b/blogger/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blogger/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/blogger/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/blogger/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6134a7d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blogger/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Post to blogger"] = "转播到blogger";
+$a->strings["Blogger Post Settings"] = "Blogger转播设置";
+$a->strings["Enable Blogger Post Plugin"] = "使Blogger转播插件可用";
+$a->strings["Blogger username"] = "Blogger用户名";
+$a->strings["Blogger password"] = "Blogger密码";
+$a->strings["Blogger API URL"] = "Blogger API URL";
+$a->strings["Post to Blogger by default"] = "默认地转播到Blogger";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "文章从Friendica";
diff --git a/buglink/lang/ca/strings.php b/buglink/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01fc9adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buglink/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Report Bug"] = "Informar de problema";
diff --git a/buglink/lang/cs/strings.php b/buglink/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1cd51f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buglink/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Report Bug"] = "Nahlásit chybu";
diff --git a/buglink/lang/de/strings.php b/buglink/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf96a178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buglink/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Report Bug"] = "Fehlerreport erstellen";
diff --git a/buglink/lang/eo/strings.php b/buglink/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00d95a40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buglink/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Report Bug"] = "Skribi cimraporton";
diff --git a/buglink/lang/es/strings.php b/buglink/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe632488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buglink/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Report Bug"] = "Informe de errores";
diff --git a/buglink/lang/fr/strings.php b/buglink/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0075fb0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buglink/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Report Bug"] = "Signaler un bug";
diff --git a/buglink/lang/is/strings.php b/buglink/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b3823a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buglink/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Report Bug"] = "Tilkynna bilun";
diff --git a/buglink/lang/it/strings.php b/buglink/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90df28fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buglink/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Report Bug"] = "Segnala un Bug";
diff --git a/buglink/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/buglink/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec212e9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buglink/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Report Bug"] = "";
diff --git a/buglink/lang/pl/strings.php b/buglink/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8229e7a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buglink/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Report Bug"] = "Zgłoś problem";
diff --git a/buglink/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/buglink/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6283d77e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buglink/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Report Bug"] = "Relate um Bug";
diff --git a/buglink/lang/ru/strings.php b/buglink/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4223648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buglink/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Report Bug"] = "Сообщить об ошибке";
diff --git a/buglink/lang/sv/strings.php b/buglink/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab4fa67a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buglink/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+strings["Report Bug"] = "报案程序错误";
diff --git a/communityhome/lang/ca/strings.php b/communityhome/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0e6bd43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communityhome/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Login"] = "Identifica't";
+$a->strings["OpenID"] = "OpenID";
+$a->strings["Latest users"] = "Últims usuaris";
+$a->strings["Most active users"] = "Usuaris més actius";
+$a->strings["Latest photos"] = "Darreres fotos";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Fotos de Contacte";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Fotos del Perfil";
+$a->strings["Latest likes"] = "Darrers agrada";
+$a->strings["event"] = "esdeveniment";
+$a->strings["status"] = "estatus";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "foto";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Benvingut a %s";
diff --git a/communityhome/lang/cs/strings.php b/communityhome/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b696a878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communityhome/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Login"] = "Přihlásit se";
+$a->strings["OpenID"] = "OpenID";
+$a->strings["Latest users"] = "Poslední uživatelé";
+$a->strings["Most active users"] = "Nejaktivnější uživatelé";
+$a->strings["Latest photos"] = "Poslední fotky";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Fotogalerie kontaktu";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Profilové fotografie";
+$a->strings["Latest likes"] = "Poslední \"líbí se mi\"";
+$a->strings["event"] = "událost";
+$a->strings["status"] = "Stav";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "fotografie";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Vítá Vás %s";
diff --git a/communityhome/lang/de/strings.php b/communityhome/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87489c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communityhome/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Login"] = "Anmeldung";
+$a->strings["OpenID"] = "OpenID";
+$a->strings["Latest users"] = "Letzte Benutzer";
+$a->strings["Most active users"] = "Aktivste Nutzer";
+$a->strings["Latest photos"] = "Neueste Fotos";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Kontaktbilder";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Profilbilder";
+$a->strings["Latest likes"] = "Neueste Favoriten";
+$a->strings["event"] = "Veranstaltung";
+$a->strings["status"] = "Status";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "Foto";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Willkommen zu %s";
diff --git a/communityhome/lang/eo/strings.php b/communityhome/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db0fc8c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communityhome/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Login"] = "Ensaluti";
+$a->strings["OpenID"] = "OpenID";
+$a->strings["Latest users"] = "Ĵusaj uzantoj";
+$a->strings["Most active users"] = "Plej aktivaj uzantoj";
+$a->strings["Latest photos"] = "Ĵusaj bildoj";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Kontaktbildoj";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Profilbildoj";
+$a->strings["Latest likes"] = "Ĵusaj ŝatitaĵoj";
+$a->strings["event"] = "okazo";
+$a->strings["status"] = "staton";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "bildo";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Bonvenon ĉe %s";
diff --git a/communityhome/lang/es/strings.php b/communityhome/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25cea3ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communityhome/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Login"] = "Acceder";
+$a->strings["OpenID"] = "OpenID";
+$a->strings["Latest users"] = "Últimos usuarios";
+$a->strings["Most active users"] = "Usuarios más activos";
+$a->strings["Latest photos"] = "Últimas fotos";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Foto del contacto";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Foto del perfil";
+$a->strings["Latest likes"] = "Últimos me gusta";
+$a->strings["event"] = "evento";
+$a->strings["status"] = "estado";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "foto";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Bienvenido a %s";
diff --git a/communityhome/lang/fr/strings.php b/communityhome/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88381caa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communityhome/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Login"] = "Connexion";
+$a->strings["OpenID"] = "OpenID";
+$a->strings["Latest users"] = "Derniers utilisateurs";
+$a->strings["Most active users"] = "Utilisateurs les plus actifs";
+$a->strings["Latest photos"] = "Dernières photos";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Photos du contact";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Photos du profil";
+$a->strings["Latest likes"] = "Dernières approbations";
+$a->strings["event"] = "évènement";
+$a->strings["status"] = "le statut";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "photo";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Bienvenue sur %s";
diff --git a/communityhome/lang/is/strings.php b/communityhome/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..743d16cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communityhome/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Login"] = "Innskrá";
+$a->strings["OpenID"] = "OpenID";
+$a->strings["Latest users"] = "";
+$a->strings["Most active users"] = "Ofvirkustu notendurnir";
+$a->strings["Latest photos"] = "";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Myndir tengiliðs";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Forsíðu myndir";
+$a->strings["Latest likes"] = "";
+$a->strings["event"] = "atburður";
+$a->strings["status"] = "staða";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "mynd";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Velkomin(n) til %s";
diff --git a/communityhome/lang/it/strings.php b/communityhome/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a89c1e0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communityhome/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Login"] = "Accedi";
+$a->strings["OpenID"] = "OpenID";
+$a->strings["Latest users"] = "Ultimi utenti";
+$a->strings["Most active users"] = "Utenti più attivi";
+$a->strings["Latest photos"] = "Ultime foto";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Foto dei contatti";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Foto del profilo";
+$a->strings["Latest likes"] = "Ultimi \"mi piace\"";
+$a->strings["event"] = "l'evento";
+$a->strings["status"] = "stato";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "foto";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Benvenuto su %s";
diff --git a/communityhome/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/communityhome/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4ef19d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communityhome/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Login"] = "Logg inn";
+$a->strings["OpenID"] = "";
+$a->strings["Latest users"] = "";
+$a->strings["Most active users"] = "";
+$a->strings["Latest photos"] = "";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Kontaktbilder";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Profilbilder";
+$a->strings["Latest likes"] = "";
+$a->strings["event"] = "hendelse";
+$a->strings["status"] = "status";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "bilde";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Velkommen til %s";
diff --git a/communityhome/lang/pl/strings.php b/communityhome/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86f152ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communityhome/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Login"] = "Login";
+$a->strings["OpenID"] = "OpenID";
+$a->strings["Latest users"] = "Ostatni użytkownicy";
+$a->strings["Most active users"] = "najaktywniejsi użytkownicy";
+$a->strings["Latest photos"] = "Ostatnie zdjęcia";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Zdjęcia kontaktu";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Zdjęcia profilowe";
+$a->strings["Latest likes"] = "Ostatnie polubienia";
+$a->strings["event"] = "wydarzenie";
+$a->strings["status"] = "status";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "zdjęcie";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Witamy w %s";
diff --git a/communityhome/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/communityhome/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1502592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communityhome/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Login"] = "Entrar";
+$a->strings["OpenID"] = "OpenID";
+$a->strings["Latest users"] = "Últimos usuários";
+$a->strings["Most active users"] = "Usuários mais ativos";
+$a->strings["Latest photos"] = "Últimas fotos";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Fotos dos contatos";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Fotos do perfil";
+$a->strings["Latest likes"] = "";
+$a->strings["event"] = "evento";
+$a->strings["status"] = "status";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "foto";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Bem-vindo(a) a %s";
diff --git a/communityhome/lang/ru/strings.php b/communityhome/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4cb87277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communityhome/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Login"] = "Вход";
+$a->strings["OpenID"] = "OpenID";
+$a->strings["Latest users"] = "";
+$a->strings["Most active users"] = "Самые активные пользователи";
+$a->strings["Latest photos"] = "";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Фотографии контакта";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Фотографии профиля";
+$a->strings["Latest likes"] = "";
+$a->strings["event"] = "мероприятие";
+$a->strings["status"] = "статус";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "фото";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Добро пожаловать на %s!";
diff --git a/communityhome/lang/sv/strings.php b/communityhome/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f350650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communityhome/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Login"] = "Logga in";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Dina kontakters bilder";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Profilbilder";
+$a->strings["status"] = "status";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "bild";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Välkommen till %s";
diff --git a/communityhome/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/communityhome/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3cabe94d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/communityhome/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Login"] = "登录";
+$a->strings["OpenID"] = "OpenID";
+$a->strings["Latest users"] = "最近用户";
+$a->strings["Most active users"] = "最积极用户";
+$a->strings["Latest photos"] = "最近照片";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "熟人照片";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "简介照片";
+$a->strings["Latest likes"] = "最近喜欢";
+$a->strings["event"] = "项目";
+$a->strings["status"] = "现状";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "照片";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "%s欢迎你";
diff --git a/curweather/lang/ca/strings.php b/curweather/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87481b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curweather/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/curweather/lang/cs/strings.php b/curweather/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae3080c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curweather/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/curweather/lang/de/strings.php b/curweather/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e5d0516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curweather/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/curweather/lang/eo/strings.php b/curweather/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68b5936b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curweather/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/curweather/lang/es/strings.php b/curweather/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2394f48b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curweather/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/curweather/lang/fr/strings.php b/curweather/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b41b6087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curweather/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/curweather/lang/is/strings.php b/curweather/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94f89330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curweather/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/curweather/lang/it/strings.php b/curweather/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb8a97d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curweather/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/curweather/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/curweather/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9001ec4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curweather/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/curweather/lang/pl/strings.php b/curweather/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e18a64fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curweather/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/curweather/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/curweather/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87481b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curweather/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/curweather/lang/ru/strings.php b/curweather/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab5e2246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curweather/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/curweather/lang/sv/strings.php b/curweather/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curweather/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/curweather/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/curweather/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6d8e7d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/curweather/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/dav/lang/ca/strings.php b/dav/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f198cd89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dav/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+strings["Friendica-Native events"] = "esdeveniments Nadius a Friendica";
+$a->strings["Friendica-Contacts"] = "Friendica-Contactes";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica-Contacts"] = "Els teus Contactes a Friendica";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry. Maybe some events were imported anyway."] = "Quelcom va anar malament quan intentava importar l'arxiu. Disculpes. Por ser alguns esdeveniments es varen importar d'alguna manera.";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry."] = "Quelcom va anar malament quan intentava importar l'arxiu. Disculpes.";
+$a->strings["The ICS-File has been imported."] = "L'arxiu ICS ha estat importat";
+$a->strings["No file was uploaded."] = "Cap arxiu es va carregar.";
+$a->strings["Go back to the calendar"] = "Tornar al calendari";
+$a->strings["Import a ICS-file"] = "importar un arxiu ICS";
+$a->strings["ICS-File"] = "Arxiu ICS";
+$a->strings["Overwrite all #num# existing events"] = "Sobrescriu tots #num# esdeveniments existents";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Pujar";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Ajustos";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Ajuda";
+$a->strings["New event"] = "Nou esdeveniment";
+$a->strings["Today"] = "Avui";
+$a->strings["Day"] = "Dia";
+$a->strings["Week"] = "Setmana";
+$a->strings["Month"] = "Mes";
+$a->strings["Reload"] = "Recarregar";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Previ";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "Següent";
+$a->strings["Date"] = "Data";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "Error";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permís denegat.";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Els nous valors s'han guardat.";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been updated."] = "El calendari ha estat actualitzat.";
+$a->strings["The new calendar has been created."] = "El nou calendari ha estat creat.";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been deleted."] = "el calendari ha estat esborrat.";
+$a->strings["Calendar Settings"] = "Ajustos de Calendari";
+$a->strings["Date format"] = "Format de la data";
+$a->strings["Time zone"] = "Zona horària";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Guardar";
+$a->strings["Calendars"] = "Calendaris";
+$a->strings["Create a new calendar"] = "Creat un nou calendari";
+$a->strings["Limitations"] = "Limitacions";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Avís";
+$a->strings["Synchronization (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)"] = "Syncronització (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing this calendar with the iPhone"] = "Sncronitzant aquest calendari amb el iPhone";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing your Friendica-Contacts with the iPhone"] = "Sincronitzant els teus contactes a Friendica amb el iPhone";
+$a->strings["The current version of this plugin has not been set up correctly. Please contact the system administrator of your installation of friendica to fix this."] = "";
+$a->strings["Calendar"] = "Calendari";
+$a->strings["Extended calendar with CalDAV-support"] = "Calendari ampliat amb suport CalDAV";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "no contestar";
+$a->strings["Notification: "] = "";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been installed."] = "Les taules de la base de dades han estat instal·lades.";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the installation."] = "Ha ocorregut un error durant la instal·lació.";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the update."] = "";
+$a->strings["No system-wide settings yet."] = "No tens enllestits els ajustos del sistema.";
+$a->strings["Database status"] = "Estat de la base de dades";
+$a->strings["Installed"] = "Instal·lat";
+$a->strings["Upgrade needed"] = "Necessites actualitzar";
+$a->strings["Please back up all calendar data (the tables beginning with dav_*) before proceeding. While all calendar events should be converted to the new database structure, it's always safe to have a backup. Below, you can have a look at the database-queries that will be made when pressing the 'update'-button."] = "";
+$a->strings["Upgrade"] = "Actualització";
+$a->strings["Not installed"] = "No instal·lat";
+$a->strings["Install"] = "Instal·lat";
+$a->strings["Unknown"] = "";
+$a->strings["Something really went wrong. I cannot recover from this state automatically, sorry. Please go to the database backend, back up the data, and delete all tables beginning with 'dav_' manually. Afterwards, this installation routine should be able to reinitialize the tables automatically."] = "";
+$a->strings["Troubleshooting"] = "Solució de problemes";
+$a->strings["Manual creation of the database tables:"] = "Creació manual de les taules de la base de dades:";
+$a->strings["Show SQL-statements"] = "Mostrar instruccions de SQL ";
+$a->strings["Private Calendar"] = "Calendari Privat";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Mine"] = "Esdeveniments Friendica: Meus";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Contacts"] = "Esdeveniments Friendica: Contactes";
+$a->strings["Private Addresses"] = "Adreces Privades";
+$a->strings["Friendica Contacts"] = "Contactes a Friendica";
+$a->strings["Could not open component for editing"] = "";
+$a->strings["Event data"] = "data d'esdeveniment";
+$a->strings["Special color"] = "Color especial";
+$a->strings["Subject"] = "Subjecte";
+$a->strings["Starts"] = "Inicia";
+$a->strings["Ends"] = "Finalitza";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "Ubicació";
+$a->strings["Description"] = "Descripció";
+$a->strings["Recurrence"] = "Reaparició";
+$a->strings["Frequency"] = "Freqüència";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Cap";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Diari";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Setmanal";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Mensual";
+$a->strings["Yearly"] = "Anyal";
+$a->strings["days"] = "dies";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "setmanes";
+$a->strings["months"] = "mesos";
+$a->strings["years"] = "anys";
+$a->strings["Interval"] = "Interval";
+$a->strings["All %select% %time%"] = "Tot %select% %time%";
+$a->strings["Days"] = "Dies";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Diumenge";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "Dilluns";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Dimarts";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Dimecres";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Dijous";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "Divendres";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Dissabte";
+$a->strings["First day of week:"] = "Primer dia de la setmana:";
+$a->strings["Day of month"] = "Dia del mes";
+$a->strings["#num#th of each month"] = "#num# de cada mes";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of each month"] = "#num# ultim de cada mes";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of each month"] = "#num# #wkday# de cada mes";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of each month"] = "#num# ultim #wkday# de cada mes";
+$a->strings["#num#th of the given month"] = "#num# del mes corrent";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of the given month"] = "#num# ultim del mes corrent";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of the given month"] = "#num# #wkday# del mes corrent";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of the given month"] = "#num# ultim #wkday# del mes corrent";
+$a->strings["Repeat until"] = "repetir fins";
+$a->strings["Infinite"] = "Infinit";
+$a->strings["Until the following date"] = "Fins la data següent";
+$a->strings["Number of times"] = "Nombre de vegades";
+$a->strings["Exceptions"] = "Excepcions";
+$a->strings["none"] = "res";
+$a->strings["Notification"] = "Notificació";
+$a->strings["Notify by"] = "Notificat per";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Esborrar";
+$a->strings["E-Mail"] = "E-Mail";
+$a->strings["On Friendica / Display"] = "A Friendica / Display";
+$a->strings["Time"] = "Hora";
+$a->strings["Hours"] = "Hores";
+$a->strings["Minutes"] = "Minuts";
+$a->strings["Seconds"] = "Segons";
+$a->strings["Weeks"] = "Setmanes";
+$a->strings["before the"] = "bans de";
+$a->strings["start of the event"] = "inici del esdeveniment";
+$a->strings["end of the event"] = "fi del esdeveniment";
+$a->strings["Add a notification"] = "Afegir una notificació";
+$a->strings["The event #name# will start at #date"] = "El esdeveniment #name# començara el #date";
+$a->strings["#name# is about to begin."] = "#name# esta a punt de començar.";
+$a->strings["Saved"] = "Guardat";
+$a->strings["U.S. Time Format (mm/dd/YYYY)"] = "Data en format U.S. (mm/dd/YYY)";
+$a->strings["German Time Format (dd.mm.YYYY)"] = "Data en format Alemany (dd.mm.YYYY)";
+$a->strings["Private Events"] = "Esdeveniment Privat";
+$a->strings["No access"] = "Inaccessible";
+$a->strings["Private Addressbooks"] = "Contacte Privat";
diff --git a/dav/lang/cs/strings.php b/dav/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b67606c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dav/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+strings["Friendica-Native events"] = "Nativní Friendica události";
+$a->strings["Friendica-Contacts"] = "Friendica kontakty";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica-Contacts"] = "Vaše Friendica kontakty";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry. Maybe some events were imported anyway."] = "Při importu souboru se něco nezdařilo, omlouváme se. Přesto se mohly některé události načíst.";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry."] = "Při importu souboru se něco nezdařilo, omlouváme se.";
+$a->strings["The ICS-File has been imported."] = "ICS soubor byl importován.";
+$a->strings["No file was uploaded."] = "Žádný soubor nebyl nahrán.";
+$a->strings["Go back to the calendar"] = "Návrat na kalendář";
+$a->strings["Import a ICS-file"] = "Import ICS souboru.";
+$a->strings["ICS-File"] = "ICS soubor.";
+$a->strings["Overwrite all #num# existing events"] = "Přepsat všechny #num# existující události";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Nahrát";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Nastavení";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Nápověda";
+$a->strings["New event"] = "Nová událost";
+$a->strings["Today"] = "Dnes";
+$a->strings["Day"] = "Den";
+$a->strings["Week"] = "Týden";
+$a->strings["Month"] = "Měsíc";
+$a->strings["Reload"] = "Načíst znovu";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Předchozí";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "Dále";
+$a->strings["Date"] = "Datum";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "Chyba";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Přístup odmítnut.";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Nové hodnoty byly uloženy";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been updated."] = "Kalendář byl aktualizován.";
+$a->strings["The new calendar has been created."] = "Nový kalendář byl vytvořen.";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been deleted."] = "Kalendář byl smazán.";
+$a->strings["Calendar Settings"] = "Nastavení kalendáře";
+$a->strings["Date format"] = "Formát datumu";
+$a->strings["Time zone"] = "Časová zóna";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Uložit";
+$a->strings["Calendars"] = "Kalendáře";
+$a->strings["Create a new calendar"] = "Vytvořit nový kalendář";
+$a->strings["Limitations"] = "Omezení";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Varování";
+$a->strings["Synchronization (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)"] = "Synchronizace (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing this calendar with the iPhone"] = "Synchronizovat tento kalendář s iPhone";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing your Friendica-Contacts with the iPhone"] = "Synchronizovat Vaše Friendica kontakty s iPhone";
+$a->strings["The current version of this plugin has not been set up correctly. Please contact the system administrator of your installation of friendica to fix this."] = "Stávající verze tohoto rozšíření nebyla správně nastavena. Prosím, kontaktujte administrátora webu, ať to opraví.";
+$a->strings["Calendar"] = "Kalendář";
+$a->strings["Extended calendar with CalDAV-support"] = "Rozšířený kalendář s podporou CalDAV";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "neodpovídat";
+$a->strings["Notification: "] = "Notifikace:";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been installed."] = "Databázové tabulky byly nainstalovány";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the installation."] = "Během instalace nastala chyba.";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been updated."] = "Databázové tabulky byly aktualizovány.";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the update."] = "Během aktualizace došlo k chybě.";
+$a->strings["No system-wide settings yet."] = "Nastavení systému dosud nebylo vytvořeno";
+$a->strings["Database status"] = "Status databáze";
+$a->strings["Installed"] = "Instalováno";
+$a->strings["Upgrade needed"] = "Upgrade vyžadován";
+$a->strings["Please back up all calendar data (the tables beginning with dav_*) before proceeding. While all calendar events should be converted to the new database structure, it's always safe to have a backup. Below, you can have a look at the database-queries that will be made when pressing the 'update'-button."] = "Prosím, zálohujte si všechny data v kalendářích (všechny tabulky začínající s dav_*) před pokračováním. Ačkoliv by měly být všechny kalendářové události převedeny do nové databázové struktury, vždy je bezpečnější mít zálohu. Níže se můžete podívat na databázové příkazy, které budou spuštěny po stisknutí tlačítka \"Aktualizovat\".";
+$a->strings["Upgrade"] = "Upgrade";
+$a->strings["Not installed"] = "Nenainstalováno";
+$a->strings["Install"] = "Instalovat";
+$a->strings["Unknown"] = "Neznámý";
+$a->strings["Something really went wrong. I cannot recover from this state automatically, sorry. Please go to the database backend, back up the data, and delete all tables beginning with 'dav_' manually. Afterwards, this installation routine should be able to reinitialize the tables automatically."] = "Něco se opravdu nepovedlo. Z aktuálního stavu nelze provést automatickou obnovu. Prosím přihlaste se do databáze, zazálohujte data a smažte manuálně všechny tabulky začínající s \"dav_\". Poté by měl instalační skript sám automaticky znovu založit potřebné tabulky.";
+$a->strings["Troubleshooting"] = "Řešení problémů";
+$a->strings["Manual creation of the database tables:"] = "Manuálnní vytvoření databázových tabulek:";
+$a->strings["Show SQL-statements"] = "Zobrazit SQL-příkazy";
+$a->strings["Private Calendar"] = "Soukromý kalendář";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Mine"] = "Friendica události: Mé";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Contacts"] = "Friendica události: Kontakty";
+$a->strings["Private Addresses"] = "Soukromé adresy";
+$a->strings["Friendica Contacts"] = "Friendica Kontakty";
+$a->strings["Could not open component for editing"] = "Nelze otevřít komponentu pro editaci";
+$a->strings["Event data"] = "Data události";
+$a->strings["Special color"] = "Speciální barva";
+$a->strings["Subject"] = "Subjekt";
+$a->strings["Starts"] = "Hvězdiček";
+$a->strings["Ends"] = "Končí";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "Lokace";
+$a->strings["Description"] = "Popis";
+$a->strings["Recurrence"] = "Opakování";
+$a->strings["Frequency"] = "Frekvence";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Žádný";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "denně";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Týdenně";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Měsíčně";
+$a->strings["Yearly"] = "Ročně";
+$a->strings["days"] = "dnů";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "týdny";
+$a->strings["months"] = "měsíců";
+$a->strings["years"] = "let";
+$a->strings["Interval"] = "Interval";
+$a->strings["All %select% %time%"] = "Všechny %select% %time%";
+$a->strings["Days"] = "Dny";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Neděle";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "Pondělí";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Úterý";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Středa";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Čtvrtek";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "Pátek";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Sobota";
+$a->strings["First day of week:"] = "První den v týdnu";
+$a->strings["Day of month"] = "Den v měsíci";
+$a->strings["#num#th of each month"] = "#num#. v každém měsíci";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of each month"] = "#num#. od konce v každém měsíci";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of each month"] = "#num#. #wkday# v každém měsíci";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of each month"] = "#num#. od konce #wkday# v každém měsíci";
+$a->strings["#num#th of the given month"] = "#num#. v daném měsíci";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of the given month"] = "#num#. od konce v daném měsíci";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of the given month"] = "#num#. #wkday# v daném měsíci";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of the given month"] = "#num#. #wkday# od konce v daném měsíci";
+$a->strings["Repeat until"] = "Opakuj dokud";
+$a->strings["Infinite"] = "Do nekončena";
+$a->strings["Until the following date"] = "Do následujícího data";
+$a->strings["Number of times"] = "Počet opakování";
+$a->strings["Exceptions"] = "Výjimky";
+$a->strings["none"] = "žádný";
+$a->strings["Notification"] = "Notifikace";
+$a->strings["Notify by"] = "Notifikován";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Odstranit";
+$a->strings["E-Mail"] = "e-mailem";
+$a->strings["On Friendica / Display"] = "Na stránce Friendica";
+$a->strings["Time"] = "Čas";
+$a->strings["Hours"] = "Hodiny";
+$a->strings["Minutes"] = "Minuty";
+$a->strings["Seconds"] = "sekund";
+$a->strings["Weeks"] = "týdnů";
+$a->strings["before the"] = "před";
+$a->strings["start of the event"] = "začátkem události";
+$a->strings["end of the event"] = "koncem události";
+$a->strings["Add a notification"] = "Přidat notifikaci";
+$a->strings["The event #name# will start at #date"] = "Událost #name# bude zahájena #date";
+$a->strings["#name# is about to begin."] = "#name# právě začíná.";
+$a->strings["Saved"] = "Uloženo";
+$a->strings["U.S. Time Format (mm/dd/YYYY)"] = "americký formát času (mm/dd/YYYY)";
+$a->strings["German Time Format (dd.mm.YYYY)"] = "německý formát času (dd.mm.YYYY)";
+$a->strings["Private Events"] = "Soukromé události";
+$a->strings["No access"] = "Zádný přístup";
+$a->strings["Private Addressbooks"] = "Soukromé adresáře kontaktů";
diff --git a/dav/lang/de/strings.php b/dav/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac08b90e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dav/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+strings["Friendica-Native events"] = "Friendica Veranstaltungen";
+$a->strings["Friendica-Contacts"] = "Friendica-Kontakte";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica-Contacts"] = "Deine Friendica-Kontakte";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry. Maybe some events were imported anyway."] = "Entschuldigung. Bei dem Versuch die Datei zu importieren ist etwas schief gelaufen. Vielleicht wurden aber einige der Termine dennoch importiert.";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry."] = "Entschuldigung. Beim Importieren der Datei ist etwas schief gelaufen.";
+$a->strings["The ICS-File has been imported."] = "Die ICS-Datei wurde importoert.";
+$a->strings["No file was uploaded."] = "Es wurde keine Datei geladen.";
+$a->strings["Go back to the calendar"] = "Zurück zum Kalender";
+$a->strings["Import a ICS-file"] = "Importiere eine ICS-Datei";
+$a->strings["ICS-File"] = "ICS-Datei";
+$a->strings["Overwrite all #num# existing events"] = "Überschreibe alle #num# existierenden Einträge";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Hochladen";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Hilfe";
+$a->strings["New event"] = "Neue Veranstaltung";
+$a->strings["Today"] = "Heute";
+$a->strings["Day"] = "Tag";
+$a->strings["Week"] = "Woche";
+$a->strings["Month"] = "Monat";
+$a->strings["Reload"] = "Neu Laden";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Vorherige";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "Nächste";
+$a->strings["Date"] = "Datum";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "Fehler";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Zugriff verweigert.";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Die neuen Einstellungen wurden gespeichert.";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been updated."] = "Der Kalender wurde aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["The new calendar has been created."] = "Der neue Kalender wurde erstellt.";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been deleted."] = "Der Kalender wurde gelöscht.";
+$a->strings["Calendar Settings"] = "Kalendereinstellungen";
+$a->strings["Date format"] = "Datumsformat";
+$a->strings["Time zone"] = "Zeitzone";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Speichern";
+$a->strings["Calendars"] = "Kalender";
+$a->strings["Create a new calendar"] = "Neuen Kalender anlegen";
+$a->strings["Limitations"] = "Einschränkungen";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Warnung";
+$a->strings["Synchronization (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)"] = "Synchronisation (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing this calendar with the iPhone"] = "Diesen Kalender mit dem iPhone synchronisieren";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing your Friendica-Contacts with the iPhone"] = "Friendica-Kontakte mit dem iPhone synchronisieren";
+$a->strings["The current version of this plugin has not been set up correctly. Please contact the system administrator of your installation of friendica to fix this."] = "Die aktuelle Version dieses Plugins wurde nicht korrekt eingestellt. Bitte kontaktiere den System-Administrator deiner Friendica Installation um den Fehler zu beheben.";
+$a->strings["Calendar"] = "Kalender";
+$a->strings["Extended calendar with CalDAV-support"] = "Erweiterter Kalender mit CalDAV Unterstützung.";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "noreply";
+$a->strings["Notification: "] = "Benachrichtigungen: ";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been installed."] = "Die Datenbanktabellen wurden installiert.";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the installation."] = "Während der Installation trat ein Fehler auf.";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been updated."] = "Die Tabellen in der Datenbank wurden aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the update."] = "Während der Aktualisierung trat ein Fehler auf.";
+$a->strings["No system-wide settings yet."] = "Momentan keine systemweiten Einstellungen.";
+$a->strings["Database status"] = "Datenbankstatus";
+$a->strings["Installed"] = "Installiert";
+$a->strings["Upgrade needed"] = "Upgrade erforderlich";
+$a->strings["Please back up all calendar data (the tables beginning with dav_*) before proceeding. While all calendar events should be converted to the new database structure, it's always safe to have a backup. Below, you can have a look at the database-queries that will be made when pressing the 'update'-button."] = "Bitte sichere alle Kalenderdaten (die Tabellen mit dav_* beginnend) bevor du mit dem Update fortfährst. Eigentliche sollten alle Kalendereinträge in die neue Datenbankstruktur übernommen werden, aber sicher ist sicher. Weiter unten kannst du die Datenbank-Anfragen ansehen, die im Verlauf des Updates gemacht werden.";
+$a->strings["Upgrade"] = "Upgrade";
+$a->strings["Not installed"] = "Nicht installiert";
+$a->strings["Install"] = "Installieren";
+$a->strings["Unknown"] = "Unbekannt";
+$a->strings["Something really went wrong. I cannot recover from this state automatically, sorry. Please go to the database backend, back up the data, and delete all tables beginning with 'dav_' manually. Afterwards, this installation routine should be able to reinitialize the tables automatically."] = "Irgendetwas ging schief. Ich kann leider von diesem Zustand der Datenbank leider nicht automatisch fortfahren. Bitte mache ein Backup der Daten aus der Datenbank und lösche anschließend alle Tabellen deren Name mit 'dav_' anfangen. Anschließend sollte diese Installations-Routine in der Lage sein die nötigen Tabellen automatisch neu anzulegen.";
+$a->strings["Troubleshooting"] = "Problembehebung";
+$a->strings["Manual creation of the database tables:"] = "Manuelles Anlegen der Datenbanktabellen:";
+$a->strings["Show SQL-statements"] = "SQL-Anweisungen anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Private Calendar"] = "Privater Kalender";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Mine"] = "Meine Friendica-Veranstaltungen";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Contacts"] = "Friendica Veranstaltungen meiner Kontakte";
+$a->strings["Private Addresses"] = "Private Adressen";
+$a->strings["Friendica Contacts"] = "Friendica Kontakte";
+$a->strings["Could not open component for editing"] = "Kalender-Editierfunktion konnte nicht geöffnet werden";
+$a->strings["Event data"] = "Veranstaltungsdetails";
+$a->strings["Special color"] = "Spezielle Farbe";
+$a->strings["Subject"] = "Betreff:";
+$a->strings["Starts"] = "Beginnt";
+$a->strings["Ends"] = "Endet";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "Wohnort";
+$a->strings["Description"] = "Beschreibung";
+$a->strings["Recurrence"] = "Wiederholungen:";
+$a->strings["Frequency"] = "Frequenz";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Keine";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Täglich";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Wöchentlich";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Monatlich";
+$a->strings["Yearly"] = "Jährlich";
+$a->strings["days"] = "Tage";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "Wochen";
+$a->strings["months"] = "Monate";
+$a->strings["years"] = "Jahre";
+$a->strings["Interval"] = "Intervall";
+$a->strings["All %select% %time%"] = "Jeden %select% %time%";
+$a->strings["Days"] = "Tage";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Sonntag";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "Montag";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Dienstag";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Mittwoch";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Donnerstag";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "Freitag";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Samstag";
+$a->strings["First day of week:"] = "Erster Tag der Woche";
+$a->strings["Day of month"] = "Tag des Monats";
+$a->strings["#num#th of each month"] = "#num#ten jedes Monats";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of each month"] = "letzten #num#ten jedes Monats";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of each month"] = "jeden #num#ten #wkday# eines Monats";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of each month"] = "jeden #num#ten letzten #wkday# eines Monats";
+$a->strings["#num#th of the given month"] = "#num#ten des Monats";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of the given month"] = "letzten #num#ten des Monats";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of the given month"] = "jeden #num#ten eines Monats";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of the given month"] = "jeden #num#ten letzten eines Monats";
+$a->strings["Repeat until"] = "Wiederholungen";
+$a->strings["Infinite"] = "unendlich";
+$a->strings["Until the following date"] = "bis zum folgenden Datum";
+$a->strings["Number of times"] = "Bestimmte Anzahl von Wiederholungen";
+$a->strings["Exceptions"] = "Ausnahmen";
+$a->strings["none"] = "keine";
+$a->strings["Notification"] = "Benachrichtigung";
+$a->strings["Notify by"] = "Benarchrichtigungsmethode";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Entfernen";
+$a->strings["E-Mail"] = "E-Mail";
+$a->strings["On Friendica / Display"] = "Bei Friendica / Anzeige";
+$a->strings["Time"] = "Zeit";
+$a->strings["Hours"] = "Stunden";
+$a->strings["Minutes"] = "Minuten";
+$a->strings["Seconds"] = "Sekunden";
+$a->strings["Weeks"] = "Wochen";
+$a->strings["before the"] = "vor dem";
+$a->strings["start of the event"] = "Beginn des Termins";
+$a->strings["end of the event"] = "Ende des Termins";
+$a->strings["Add a notification"] = "Benachrichtigung hinzufügen";
+$a->strings["The event #name# will start at #date"] = "Der Termin #name# wird am #date anfangen";
+$a->strings["#name# is about to begin."] = "#name# beginnt demnächst.";
+$a->strings["Saved"] = "Gespeichert";
+$a->strings["U.S. Time Format (mm/dd/YYYY)"] = "U.S. Datumsformat (mm/dd/YYYY)";
+$a->strings["German Time Format (dd.mm.YYYY)"] = "Deutsches Datumsformat (dd.mm.YYYY)";
+$a->strings["Private Events"] = "Privater Termin";
+$a->strings["No access"] = "Kein Zugriff";
+$a->strings["Private Addressbooks"] = "Private Adressbücher";
diff --git a/dav/lang/eo/strings.php b/dav/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e902d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dav/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+strings["Friendica-Native events"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica-Contacts"] = "Friendica Kontaktoj";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica-Contacts"] = "Viaj Friendica Kontaktoj";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry. Maybe some events were imported anyway."] = "";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry."] = "";
+$a->strings["The ICS-File has been imported."] = "";
+$a->strings["No file was uploaded."] = "";
+$a->strings["Go back to the calendar"] = "Iri reen al la kalendaro";
+$a->strings["Import a ICS-file"] = "";
+$a->strings["ICS-File"] = "";
+$a->strings["Overwrite all #num# existing events"] = "";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Alŝuti";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Agordoj";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Helpo";
+$a->strings["New event"] = "Nova okazo";
+$a->strings["Today"] = "Hodiaŭ";
+$a->strings["Day"] = "Tago";
+$a->strings["Week"] = "Semajno";
+$a->strings["Month"] = "Monato";
+$a->strings["Reload"] = "Reŝargi";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "antaŭa";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "sekva";
+$a->strings["Date"] = "Dato";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "Eraro";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Malpermesita.";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Konservis novajn valorojn.";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["The new calendar has been created."] = "";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been deleted."] = "";
+$a->strings["Calendar Settings"] = "Kalendaraj Agordoj";
+$a->strings["Date format"] = "Datformato";
+$a->strings["Time zone"] = "Horzono";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Konservi";
+$a->strings["Calendars"] = "";
+$a->strings["Create a new calendar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Limitations"] = "Limigoj";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Averto";
+$a->strings["Synchronization (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)"] = "Sinkronigo (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing this calendar with the iPhone"] = "Sinkronigi tiun kalendaron kun la iPhone";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing your Friendica-Contacts with the iPhone"] = "Sinkronigi viajn Friendica kontaktojn kun la iPhone";
+$a->strings["The current version of this plugin has not been set up correctly. Please contact the system administrator of your installation of friendica to fix this."] = "";
+$a->strings["Calendar"] = "Kalendaro";
+$a->strings["Extended calendar with CalDAV-support"] = "Etendita kalendaro kun CalDAV subteno";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "nerespondi";
+$a->strings["Notification: "] = "";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been installed."] = "La tabeloj estas instalita en la datumbazo";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the installation."] = "Eraro okazis dum instalado";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the update."] = "";
+$a->strings["No system-wide settings yet."] = "Ankoraŭ ne disponablas tutsistemaj agordoj";
+$a->strings["Database status"] = "Stato de datumbazo";
+$a->strings["Installed"] = "Instalita";
+$a->strings["Upgrade needed"] = "Ĝisdatigo bezonata";
+$a->strings["Please back up all calendar data (the tables beginning with dav_*) before proceeding. While all calendar events should be converted to the new database structure, it's always safe to have a backup. Below, you can have a look at the database-queries that will be made when pressing the 'update'-button."] = "";
+$a->strings["Upgrade"] = "Ĝisdatigo";
+$a->strings["Not installed"] = "Ne instalita";
+$a->strings["Install"] = "Instali";
+$a->strings["Unknown"] = "";
+$a->strings["Something really went wrong. I cannot recover from this state automatically, sorry. Please go to the database backend, back up the data, and delete all tables beginning with 'dav_' manually. Afterwards, this installation routine should be able to reinitialize the tables automatically."] = "";
+$a->strings["Troubleshooting"] = "Problemsolvado";
+$a->strings["Manual creation of the database tables:"] = "Mana kreado de tabeloj en la datumbazo:";
+$a->strings["Show SQL-statements"] = "Montru SQL ordonojn";
+$a->strings["Private Calendar"] = "Privata kalendaro";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Mine"] = "Friendica Okazoj: Miaj";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Contacts"] = "Friendica Okazoj: De Kontaktoj";
+$a->strings["Private Addresses"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica Contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Could not open component for editing"] = "";
+$a->strings["Event data"] = "";
+$a->strings["Special color"] = "";
+$a->strings["Subject"] = "";
+$a->strings["Starts"] = "Komencas";
+$a->strings["Ends"] = "Finas";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "Loko";
+$a->strings["Description"] = "Priskribo";
+$a->strings["Recurrence"] = "";
+$a->strings["Frequency"] = "";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Nenio";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Ĉiutage";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Ĉiusemajne";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Ĉiumonate";
+$a->strings["Yearly"] = "";
+$a->strings["days"] = "tagoj";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "semajnoj";
+$a->strings["months"] = "monatoj";
+$a->strings["years"] = "jaroj";
+$a->strings["Interval"] = "";
+$a->strings["All %select% %time%"] = "";
+$a->strings["Days"] = "Tagoj";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Dimanĉo";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "Lundo";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Mardo";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Merkredo";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Ĵaŭdo";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "Vendredo";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Sabato";
+$a->strings["First day of week:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Day of month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["Repeat until"] = "";
+$a->strings["Infinite"] = "";
+$a->strings["Until the following date"] = "";
+$a->strings["Number of times"] = "";
+$a->strings["Exceptions"] = "";
+$a->strings["none"] = "";
+$a->strings["Notification"] = "Atentigo";
+$a->strings["Notify by"] = "";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Forviŝi";
+$a->strings["E-Mail"] = "";
+$a->strings["On Friendica / Display"] = "";
+$a->strings["Time"] = "";
+$a->strings["Hours"] = "Horoj";
+$a->strings["Minutes"] = "Minutoj";
+$a->strings["Seconds"] = "";
+$a->strings["Weeks"] = "";
+$a->strings["before the"] = "";
+$a->strings["start of the event"] = "";
+$a->strings["end of the event"] = "";
+$a->strings["Add a notification"] = "";
+$a->strings["The event #name# will start at #date"] = "";
+$a->strings["#name# is about to begin."] = "";
+$a->strings["Saved"] = "";
+$a->strings["U.S. Time Format (mm/dd/YYYY)"] = "Usona datformato (mm/dd/YYYY)";
+$a->strings["German Time Format (dd.mm.YYYY)"] = "Germana datformato (dd.mm.YYYY)";
+$a->strings["Private Events"] = "";
+$a->strings["No access"] = "No access";
+$a->strings["Private Addressbooks"] = "";
diff --git a/dav/lang/es/strings.php b/dav/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f28ecdeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dav/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+strings["Friendica-Native events"] = "Eventos nativos de Friendica";
+$a->strings["Friendica-Contacts"] = "Contactos de Friendica";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica-Contacts"] = "Tus Contactos de Friendica";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry. Maybe some events were imported anyway."] = "Algo salió mal al importar el archivo. Lo sentimos. Puede que algunos eventos se hayan importado.";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry."] = "Algo salió mal al importar el archivo. Lo sentimos.";
+$a->strings["The ICS-File has been imported."] = "El archivo ICS ha sido importado.";
+$a->strings["No file was uploaded."] = "No se ha importado ningún archivo.";
+$a->strings["Go back to the calendar"] = "Volver al calendario";
+$a->strings["Import a ICS-file"] = "Importar archivo ICS";
+$a->strings["ICS-File"] = "Archivo ICS";
+$a->strings["Overwrite all #num# existing events"] = "Sobreescribir los #num# eventos existentes";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Subir";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Configuración";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Ayuda";
+$a->strings["New event"] = "Evento nuevo";
+$a->strings["Today"] = "Hoy";
+$a->strings["Day"] = "Día";
+$a->strings["Week"] = "Semana";
+$a->strings["Month"] = "Mes";
+$a->strings["Reload"] = "Recargar";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Previo";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "Siguiente";
+$a->strings["Date"] = "Fecha";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "Error";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permiso denegado.";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Los nuevos valores se han guardado.";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been updated."] = "El calendario ha sido actualizado.";
+$a->strings["The new calendar has been created."] = "Se ha creado un nuevo calendario.";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been deleted."] = "El calendario se ha borrado.";
+$a->strings["Calendar Settings"] = "Configuración del Calendario";
+$a->strings["Date format"] = "Formato de fecha";
+$a->strings["Time zone"] = "Zona horaria";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Guardar";
+$a->strings["Calendars"] = "Calendarios";
+$a->strings["Create a new calendar"] = "Crear un nuevo calendario";
+$a->strings["Limitations"] = "Limitaciones";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Aviso";
+$a->strings["Synchronization (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)"] = "Sincronización (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android...)";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing this calendar with the iPhone"] = "Sincronizar este calendario con iPhone";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing your Friendica-Contacts with the iPhone"] = "Sincronizar tus contactos de Friendica con iPhone";
+$a->strings["The current version of this plugin has not been set up correctly. Please contact the system administrator of your installation of friendica to fix this."] = "La versión actual de este módulo no se ha ajustado correctamente. Por favor contacta al administrador de sistema de tu instalación de Friendica para arreglarlo.";
+$a->strings["Calendar"] = "Calendario";
+$a->strings["Extended calendar with CalDAV-support"] = "Calendario ampliado con soporte CalDAV";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "no responder";
+$a->strings["Notification: "] = "Notificación:";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been installed."] = "Se han instalado las tablas de la base de datos.";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the installation."] = "Ha ocurrido un error durante la instalación.";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been updated."] = "Las tablas de la base de datos han sido actualizadas.";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the update."] = "Ocurrió un error durante la actualización.";
+$a->strings["No system-wide settings yet."] = "No se han configurado aún los ajustes del sistema.";
+$a->strings["Database status"] = "Estado de la base de datos";
+$a->strings["Installed"] = "Instalada";
+$a->strings["Upgrade needed"] = "Actualización necesaria";
+$a->strings["Please back up all calendar data (the tables beginning with dav_*) before proceeding. While all calendar events should be converted to the new database structure, it's always safe to have a backup. Below, you can have a look at the database-queries that will be made when pressing the 'update'-button."] = "Por favor respalda todos los datos de calendario (las tablas que comienzan con dav_*) antes de continuar. Aunque todos los eventos de calendario deberían convertirse a la nueva estructura de base de datos, siempre es seguro tener un respaldo. Abajo, puedes ver las consultas a la base de datos que se realizarán cuando presiones el botón de 'actualizar'.";
+$a->strings["Upgrade"] = "Actualizada";
+$a->strings["Not installed"] = "Sin instalar";
+$a->strings["Install"] = "Instalar";
+$a->strings["Unknown"] = "Desconocido";
+$a->strings["Something really went wrong. I cannot recover from this state automatically, sorry. Please go to the database backend, back up the data, and delete all tables beginning with 'dav_' manually. Afterwards, this installation routine should be able to reinitialize the tables automatically."] = "Ha ocurrido algo muy malo. No puedo recuperarme automáticamente de este estado, lo siento. Por favor ve al manejador de fondo de la base de datos, respalda los datos, y borra todas las tablas que comienzan con 'dav_' manualmente. Después de eso, esta rutina de instalación debería de ser capaz de reinicializar las tablas automáticamente.";
+$a->strings["Troubleshooting"] = "Problemas";
+$a->strings["Manual creation of the database tables:"] = "Manual para la creación de las tablas de la base de datos:";
+$a->strings["Show SQL-statements"] = "Mostrar declaraciones SQL";
+$a->strings["Private Calendar"] = "Calendario privado";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Mine"] = "Eventos de Friendica: Propios";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Contacts"] = "Eventos de Friendica: Contactos";
+$a->strings["Private Addresses"] = "Direcciones privadas";
+$a->strings["Friendica Contacts"] = "Contactos de Friendica";
+$a->strings["Could not open component for editing"] = "No se puede abrir para editar";
+$a->strings["Event data"] = "Datos del evento";
+$a->strings["Special color"] = "Color especial";
+$a->strings["Subject"] = "Asunto";
+$a->strings["Starts"] = "Comienzo";
+$a->strings["Ends"] = "Final";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "Ubicación";
+$a->strings["Description"] = "Descripción";
+$a->strings["Recurrence"] = "Recurrencia";
+$a->strings["Frequency"] = "Frecuencia";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Ninguna";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Diariamente";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Semanalmente";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Mensualmente";
+$a->strings["Yearly"] = "Anual";
+$a->strings["days"] = "días";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "semanas";
+$a->strings["months"] = "meses";
+$a->strings["years"] = "años";
+$a->strings["Interval"] = "Intérvalo";
+$a->strings["All %select% %time%"] = "Todos %select% %time%";
+$a->strings["Days"] = "Días";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Domingo";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "Lunes";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Martes";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Miércoles";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Jueves";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "Viernes";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Sábado";
+$a->strings["First day of week:"] = "Primer día de la semana:";
+$a->strings["Day of month"] = "Día del mes";
+$a->strings["#num#th of each month"] = "#num#º de cada mes";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of each month"] = "#num#º antes del último de cada mes";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of each month"] = "#num#º #wkday# de cada mes";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of each month"] = "#num#º antes del último #wkday# de cada mes";
+$a->strings["#num#th of the given month"] = "#num#º del mes dado";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of the given month"] = "#num#º antes del último del mes dado";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of the given month"] = "#num#º #wkday# del mes dado";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of the given month"] = "#num#º antes del último #wkday# del mes dado";
+$a->strings["Repeat until"] = "Repetir hasta";
+$a->strings["Infinite"] = "Infinito";
+$a->strings["Until the following date"] = "Hasta la fecha siguiente";
+$a->strings["Number of times"] = "Número de veces";
+$a->strings["Exceptions"] = "Excepciones";
+$a->strings["none"] = "ninguno";
+$a->strings["Notification"] = "Notificación";
+$a->strings["Notify by"] = "Notificar por";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Eliminar";
+$a->strings["E-Mail"] = "Correo electrónico";
+$a->strings["On Friendica / Display"] = "Sobre Friendica / Mostrar";
+$a->strings["Time"] = "Hora";
+$a->strings["Hours"] = "Horas";
+$a->strings["Minutes"] = "Minutos";
+$a->strings["Seconds"] = "Segundos";
+$a->strings["Weeks"] = "Semanas";
+$a->strings["before the"] = "antes de";
+$a->strings["start of the event"] = "inicio del evento";
+$a->strings["end of the event"] = "final del evento";
+$a->strings["Add a notification"] = "Añadir una notificación";
+$a->strings["The event #name# will start at #date"] = "El evento #name# comenzará el #date";
+$a->strings["#name# is about to begin."] = "#name# está a punto de comenzar.";
+$a->strings["Saved"] = "Guardado";
+$a->strings["U.S. Time Format (mm/dd/YYYY)"] = "Hora, formato anglosajón (mm/dd/aaaa)";
+$a->strings["German Time Format (dd.mm.YYYY)"] = "Hora, formato europeo (dd.mm.aaaa)";
+$a->strings["Private Events"] = "Eventos privados";
+$a->strings["No access"] = "Sin acceso";
+$a->strings["Private Addressbooks"] = "Libretas de direcciones privada";
diff --git a/dav/lang/fr/strings.php b/dav/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86dae0d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dav/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+strings["Friendica-Native events"] = "Événements natifs de Friendica";
+$a->strings["Friendica-Contacts"] = "Contacts Friendica";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica-Contacts"] = "Vos contacts Friendica";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry. Maybe some events were imported anyway."] = "Désolé, l'importation du fichier s'est mal passée. Toutefois, il se peut que certains événements aient tout de même été importés.";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry."] = "Désolé, l'importation du fichier s'est mal passée.";
+$a->strings["The ICS-File has been imported."] = "Le fichier ICS a été importé.";
+$a->strings["No file was uploaded."] = "Aucun fichier n'a été téléchargé.";
+$a->strings["Go back to the calendar"] = "Revenir au calendrier";
+$a->strings["Import a ICS-file"] = "Importer un fichier ICS";
+$a->strings["ICS-File"] = "Fichier ICS";
+$a->strings["Overwrite all #num# existing events"] = "Écraser les #num# événements existants";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Téléverser";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Réglages";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Aide";
+$a->strings["New event"] = "Nouvel événement";
+$a->strings["Today"] = "Aujourd'hui";
+$a->strings["Day"] = "Jour";
+$a->strings["Week"] = "Semaine";
+$a->strings["Month"] = "Mois";
+$a->strings["Reload"] = "Recharger";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Précédent";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "Suivant";
+$a->strings["Date"] = "Date";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "Erreur";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permission refusée.";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Les nouvelles valeurs ont été sauvées.";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been updated."] = "Le calendrier a été mis à jour.";
+$a->strings["The new calendar has been created."] = "Le nouveau calendrier a été créé.";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been deleted."] = "Le calendrier a été détruit.";
+$a->strings["Calendar Settings"] = "Paramètres du calendrier";
+$a->strings["Date format"] = "Format de la date";
+$a->strings["Time zone"] = "Fuseau horaire";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Sauver";
+$a->strings["Calendars"] = "Calendriers.";
+$a->strings["Create a new calendar"] = "Créer un nouveau calendrier.";
+$a->strings["Limitations"] = "Limitations";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Avertissement";
+$a->strings["Synchronization (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)"] = "Synchronisation (Iphone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing this calendar with the iPhone"] = "Synchronisation avec l'Iphone en cours";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing your Friendica-Contacts with the iPhone"] = "Synchronisation de vos contacts Friendica avec l'Iphone en cours";
+$a->strings["The current version of this plugin has not been set up correctly. Please contact the system administrator of your installation of friendica to fix this."] = "La version actuelle de cette extension n'a pas été configurée correctement. Merci de contacter votre administrateur Friendica pour régler ce problème. ";
+$a->strings["Calendar"] = "Calendrier";
+$a->strings["Extended calendar with CalDAV-support"] = "Calendrier étendu avec support CalDAV";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "noreply";
+$a->strings["Notification: "] = "Notification :";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been installed."] = "Les tables de la base de données ont été installées.";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the installation."] = "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'installation.";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been updated."] = "Les tables de la base de données ont été mises à jour.";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the update."] = "Une erreur est survenue lors de la mise à jour.";
+$a->strings["No system-wide settings yet."] = "Pas de paramètres globaux pour l'instant.";
+$a->strings["Database status"] = "Etat de la base de données";
+$a->strings["Installed"] = "Installé";
+$a->strings["Upgrade needed"] = "Mise à jour nécessaire";
+$a->strings["Please back up all calendar data (the tables beginning with dav_*) before proceeding. While all calendar events should be converted to the new database structure, it's always safe to have a backup. Below, you can have a look at the database-queries that will be made when pressing the 'update'-button."] = "Merci de sauvegarder toutes les données calendaires (les tables commençant par dav_*) avant de continuer. Bien que les évènements du calendrier doivent tous être convertis à la nouvelle structure, ça ne fait pas de mal d'avoir une sauvegarder. Ci-dessous, vous pouvez voir les requêtes qui seront faites lorsque vous lancerez la mise-à-jour.";
+$a->strings["Upgrade"] = "Mettre à jour";
+$a->strings["Not installed"] = "Non installé";
+$a->strings["Install"] = "Installer";
+$a->strings["Unknown"] = "Inconnu";
+$a->strings["Something really went wrong. I cannot recover from this state automatically, sorry. Please go to the database backend, back up the data, and delete all tables beginning with 'dav_' manually. Afterwards, this installation routine should be able to reinitialize the tables automatically."] = "Quelque-chose a vraiment déconné. Je ne vais pas pouvoir me rétablir automatiquement, désolé. Merci de contacter directement votre base de données, de sauvegarder les données, et de supprimer toutes les tables qui commencent par 'dav_' à l main. Puis, la routine d'installation devrait être en mesure de réinitialiser ces tables automatiquement.";
+$a->strings["Troubleshooting"] = "Dépannage";
+$a->strings["Manual creation of the database tables:"] = "Création manuelle des tables de la base de données :";
+$a->strings["Show SQL-statements"] = "Montrer les requêtes SQL";
+$a->strings["Private Calendar"] = "Calendrier privé";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Mine"] = "Evénements Friendica : Personnels";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Contacts"] = "Evénements Friendica : Contacts";
+$a->strings["Private Addresses"] = "Adresses privées";
+$a->strings["Friendica Contacts"] = "Contacts Friendica";
+$a->strings["Could not open component for editing"] = "Échec d'ouverture de l'élément pour édition";
+$a->strings["Event data"] = "Données de l'évènement";
+$a->strings["Special color"] = "Couleur spéciale";
+$a->strings["Subject"] = "Sujet";
+$a->strings["Starts"] = "Début";
+$a->strings["Ends"] = "Fin";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "Localisation";
+$a->strings["Description"] = "Description";
+$a->strings["Recurrence"] = "Récurrence";
+$a->strings["Frequency"] = "Fréquence";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Aucun(e)";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Chaque jour";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Chaque semaine";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Chaque mois";
+$a->strings["Yearly"] = "Par an";
+$a->strings["days"] = "jours";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "semaines";
+$a->strings["months"] = "mois";
+$a->strings["years"] = "ans";
+$a->strings["Interval"] = "Intervalle";
+$a->strings["All %select% %time%"] = "";
+$a->strings["Days"] = "Jours";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Dimanche";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "Lundi";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Mardi";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Mercredi";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Jeudi";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "Vendredi";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Samedi";
+$a->strings["First day of week:"] = "Premier jour de la semaine :";
+$a->strings["Day of month"] = "Jour du mois";
+$a->strings["#num#th of each month"] = "Le #num# de chaque mois";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["Repeat until"] = "Répéter jusqu'à";
+$a->strings["Infinite"] = "Infini";
+$a->strings["Until the following date"] = "Jusqu'à cette date";
+$a->strings["Number of times"] = "Nombre de fois";
+$a->strings["Exceptions"] = "Exceptions";
+$a->strings["none"] = "aucun";
+$a->strings["Notification"] = "Notification";
+$a->strings["Notify by"] = "";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Utiliser comme photo de profil";
+$a->strings["E-Mail"] = "Courriel";
+$a->strings["On Friendica / Display"] = "Sur Friendica / Afficher";
+$a->strings["Time"] = "Heure";
+$a->strings["Hours"] = "Heures";
+$a->strings["Minutes"] = "Minutes";
+$a->strings["Seconds"] = "Secondes";
+$a->strings["Weeks"] = "Semaines";
+$a->strings["before the"] = "avant le";
+$a->strings["start of the event"] = "début de l'événement";
+$a->strings["end of the event"] = "fin de l'événement";
+$a->strings["Add a notification"] = "Ajouter une notification";
+$a->strings["The event #name# will start at #date"] = "L'événement #name# commencera le #date#";
+$a->strings["#name# is about to begin."] = "#name# va commencer";
+$a->strings["Saved"] = "Sauvegardé";
+$a->strings["U.S. Time Format (mm/dd/YYYY)"] = "Date au format américain (mm/jj/AAAA)";
+$a->strings["German Time Format (dd.mm.YYYY)"] = "Date au format européen (jj.mm.AAAA)";
+$a->strings["Private Events"] = "Événements privés.";
+$a->strings["No access"] = "Pas d'accès";
+$a->strings["Private Addressbooks"] = "Carnets d'adresses privés";
diff --git a/dav/lang/is/strings.php b/dav/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e592e7de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dav/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+strings["Friendica-Native events"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica-Contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica-Contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry. Maybe some events were imported anyway."] = "";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry."] = "";
+$a->strings["The ICS-File has been imported."] = "";
+$a->strings["No file was uploaded."] = "";
+$a->strings["Go back to the calendar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Import a ICS-file"] = "";
+$a->strings["ICS-File"] = "";
+$a->strings["Overwrite all #num# existing events"] = "";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Hlaða upp";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Stillingar";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Hjálp";
+$a->strings["New event"] = "";
+$a->strings["Today"] = "";
+$a->strings["Day"] = "";
+$a->strings["Week"] = "";
+$a->strings["Month"] = "";
+$a->strings["Reload"] = "";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Fyrra";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "Næsta";
+$a->strings["Date"] = "";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Heimild ekki veitt.";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["The new calendar has been created."] = "";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been deleted."] = "";
+$a->strings["Calendar Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Date format"] = "";
+$a->strings["Time zone"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Vista";
+$a->strings["Calendars"] = "";
+$a->strings["Create a new calendar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Limitations"] = "";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "";
+$a->strings["Synchronization (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing this calendar with the iPhone"] = "";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing your Friendica-Contacts with the iPhone"] = "";
+$a->strings["The current version of this plugin has not been set up correctly. Please contact the system administrator of your installation of friendica to fix this."] = "";
+$a->strings["Calendar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Extended calendar with CalDAV-support"] = "";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "ekki svara";
+$a->strings["Notification: "] = "";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been installed."] = "";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the installation."] = "";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the update."] = "";
+$a->strings["No system-wide settings yet."] = "";
+$a->strings["Database status"] = "";
+$a->strings["Installed"] = "";
+$a->strings["Upgrade needed"] = "";
+$a->strings["Please back up all calendar data (the tables beginning with dav_*) before proceeding. While all calendar events should be converted to the new database structure, it's always safe to have a backup. Below, you can have a look at the database-queries that will be made when pressing the 'update'-button."] = "";
+$a->strings["Upgrade"] = "";
+$a->strings["Not installed"] = "";
+$a->strings["Install"] = "";
+$a->strings["Unknown"] = "";
+$a->strings["Something really went wrong. I cannot recover from this state automatically, sorry. Please go to the database backend, back up the data, and delete all tables beginning with 'dav_' manually. Afterwards, this installation routine should be able to reinitialize the tables automatically."] = "";
+$a->strings["Troubleshooting"] = "";
+$a->strings["Manual creation of the database tables:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show SQL-statements"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Calendar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Mine"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Addresses"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica Contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Could not open component for editing"] = "";
+$a->strings["Event data"] = "";
+$a->strings["Special color"] = "";
+$a->strings["Subject"] = "";
+$a->strings["Starts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Ends"] = "";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "";
+$a->strings["Description"] = "";
+$a->strings["Recurrence"] = "";
+$a->strings["Frequency"] = "";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Ekkert";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Daglega";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Vikulega";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Mánaðarlega";
+$a->strings["Yearly"] = "";
+$a->strings["days"] = "dagar";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "vikur";
+$a->strings["months"] = "mánuðir";
+$a->strings["years"] = "ár";
+$a->strings["Interval"] = "";
+$a->strings["All %select% %time%"] = "";
+$a->strings["Days"] = "";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Sunnudagur";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "Mánudagur";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Þriðjudagur";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Miðvikudagur";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Fimmtudagur";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "Föstudagur";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Laugardagur";
+$a->strings["First day of week:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Day of month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["Repeat until"] = "";
+$a->strings["Infinite"] = "";
+$a->strings["Until the following date"] = "";
+$a->strings["Number of times"] = "";
+$a->strings["Exceptions"] = "";
+$a->strings["none"] = "";
+$a->strings["Notification"] = "";
+$a->strings["Notify by"] = "";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Fjarlægja";
+$a->strings["E-Mail"] = "";
+$a->strings["On Friendica / Display"] = "";
+$a->strings["Time"] = "";
+$a->strings["Hours"] = "";
+$a->strings["Minutes"] = "";
+$a->strings["Seconds"] = "";
+$a->strings["Weeks"] = "";
+$a->strings["before the"] = "";
+$a->strings["start of the event"] = "";
+$a->strings["end of the event"] = "";
+$a->strings["Add a notification"] = "";
+$a->strings["The event #name# will start at #date"] = "";
+$a->strings["#name# is about to begin."] = "";
+$a->strings["Saved"] = "";
+$a->strings["U.S. Time Format (mm/dd/YYYY)"] = "";
+$a->strings["German Time Format (dd.mm.YYYY)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Events"] = "";
+$a->strings["No access"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Addressbooks"] = "";
diff --git a/dav/lang/it/strings.php b/dav/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5814dfef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dav/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+strings["Friendica-Native events"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica-Contacts"] = "Contatti Friendica";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica-Contacts"] = "I tuoi contatti Friendica";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry. Maybe some events were imported anyway."] = "";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry."] = "";
+$a->strings["The ICS-File has been imported."] = "";
+$a->strings["No file was uploaded."] = "";
+$a->strings["Go back to the calendar"] = "Torna al calendario";
+$a->strings["Import a ICS-file"] = "";
+$a->strings["ICS-File"] = "";
+$a->strings["Overwrite all #num# existing events"] = "";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Carica";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Impostazioni";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Guida";
+$a->strings["New event"] = "";
+$a->strings["Today"] = "Oggi";
+$a->strings["Day"] = "";
+$a->strings["Week"] = "Settimana";
+$a->strings["Month"] = "Mese";
+$a->strings["Reload"] = "Ricarica";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Precendente";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "Successivo";
+$a->strings["Date"] = "Data";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "Errore";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permesso negato.";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "I nuovi valori sono stati salvati.";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["The new calendar has been created."] = "";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been deleted."] = "";
+$a->strings["Calendar Settings"] = "Impostazioni Calendario";
+$a->strings["Date format"] = "Formato data";
+$a->strings["Time zone"] = "Fuso orario";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Salva";
+$a->strings["Calendars"] = "";
+$a->strings["Create a new calendar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Limitations"] = "Limitazioni";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Attenzione";
+$a->strings["Synchronization (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)"] = "Sincronizzazione (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing this calendar with the iPhone"] = "Sincronizzare questo calendario con l'iPhone";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing your Friendica-Contacts with the iPhone"] = "Sincronizzare i tuoi contatti di Friendica con l'iPhone";
+$a->strings["The current version of this plugin has not been set up correctly. Please contact the system administrator of your installation of friendica to fix this."] = "";
+$a->strings["Calendar"] = "Calendario";
+$a->strings["Extended calendar with CalDAV-support"] = "Calendario esteso con supporto CalDAV";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "nessuna risposta";
+$a->strings["Notification: "] = "";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been installed."] = "Le tabelle del database sono state installate.";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the installation."] = "Errore durante l'installazione.";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the update."] = "";
+$a->strings["No system-wide settings yet."] = "Nessun settaggio di sistema ancora.";
+$a->strings["Database status"] = "Stato database";
+$a->strings["Installed"] = "Installato";
+$a->strings["Upgrade needed"] = "Aggiornamento richiesto";
+$a->strings["Please back up all calendar data (the tables beginning with dav_*) before proceeding. While all calendar events should be converted to the new database structure, it's always safe to have a backup. Below, you can have a look at the database-queries that will be made when pressing the 'update'-button."] = "";
+$a->strings["Upgrade"] = "";
+$a->strings["Not installed"] = "";
+$a->strings["Install"] = "";
+$a->strings["Unknown"] = "";
+$a->strings["Something really went wrong. I cannot recover from this state automatically, sorry. Please go to the database backend, back up the data, and delete all tables beginning with 'dav_' manually. Afterwards, this installation routine should be able to reinitialize the tables automatically."] = "";
+$a->strings["Troubleshooting"] = "";
+$a->strings["Manual creation of the database tables:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show SQL-statements"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Calendar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Mine"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Addresses"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica Contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Could not open component for editing"] = "";
+$a->strings["Event data"] = "";
+$a->strings["Special color"] = "";
+$a->strings["Subject"] = "";
+$a->strings["Starts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Ends"] = "";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "Posizione";
+$a->strings["Description"] = "Descrizione";
+$a->strings["Recurrence"] = "";
+$a->strings["Frequency"] = "";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Nessuna";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Giornalmente";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Settimanalmente";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Mensilmente";
+$a->strings["Yearly"] = "";
+$a->strings["days"] = "giorni";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "settimane";
+$a->strings["months"] = "mesi";
+$a->strings["years"] = "anni";
+$a->strings["Interval"] = "";
+$a->strings["All %select% %time%"] = "";
+$a->strings["Days"] = "Giorni";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Domenica";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "Lunedì";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Martedì";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Mercoledì";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Giovedì";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "Venerdì";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Sabato";
+$a->strings["First day of week:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Day of month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["Repeat until"] = "";
+$a->strings["Infinite"] = "";
+$a->strings["Until the following date"] = "";
+$a->strings["Number of times"] = "";
+$a->strings["Exceptions"] = "";
+$a->strings["none"] = "";
+$a->strings["Notification"] = "Notifica";
+$a->strings["Notify by"] = "";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Rimuovi";
+$a->strings["E-Mail"] = "";
+$a->strings["On Friendica / Display"] = "";
+$a->strings["Time"] = "";
+$a->strings["Hours"] = "Ore";
+$a->strings["Minutes"] = "Minuti";
+$a->strings["Seconds"] = "";
+$a->strings["Weeks"] = "";
+$a->strings["before the"] = "";
+$a->strings["start of the event"] = "";
+$a->strings["end of the event"] = "";
+$a->strings["Add a notification"] = "";
+$a->strings["The event #name# will start at #date"] = "";
+$a->strings["#name# is about to begin."] = "";
+$a->strings["Saved"] = "";
+$a->strings["U.S. Time Format (mm/dd/YYYY)"] = "Formato data americano (mm/gg/AAAA)";
+$a->strings["German Time Format (dd.mm.YYYY)"] = "Formato data europeo (gg.mm.AAAA)";
+$a->strings["Private Events"] = "";
+$a->strings["No access"] = "Nessun accesso";
+$a->strings["Private Addressbooks"] = "";
diff --git a/dav/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/dav/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ba89070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dav/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+strings["Friendica-Native events"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica-Contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica-Contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry. Maybe some events were imported anyway."] = "";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry."] = "";
+$a->strings["The ICS-File has been imported."] = "";
+$a->strings["No file was uploaded."] = "";
+$a->strings["Go back to the calendar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Import a ICS-file"] = "";
+$a->strings["ICS-File"] = "";
+$a->strings["Overwrite all #num# existing events"] = "";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Last opp";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Innstillinger";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Hjelp";
+$a->strings["New event"] = "";
+$a->strings["Today"] = "";
+$a->strings["Day"] = "";
+$a->strings["Week"] = "";
+$a->strings["Month"] = "";
+$a->strings["Reload"] = "";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Forrige";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "Neste";
+$a->strings["Date"] = "";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Ingen tilgang.";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["The new calendar has been created."] = "";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been deleted."] = "";
+$a->strings["Calendar Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Date format"] = "";
+$a->strings["Time zone"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Calendars"] = "";
+$a->strings["Create a new calendar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Limitations"] = "";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "";
+$a->strings["Synchronization (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing this calendar with the iPhone"] = "";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing your Friendica-Contacts with the iPhone"] = "";
+$a->strings["The current version of this plugin has not been set up correctly. Please contact the system administrator of your installation of friendica to fix this."] = "";
+$a->strings["Calendar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Extended calendar with CalDAV-support"] = "";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "ikke svar";
+$a->strings["Notification: "] = "";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been installed."] = "";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the installation."] = "";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the update."] = "";
+$a->strings["No system-wide settings yet."] = "";
+$a->strings["Database status"] = "";
+$a->strings["Installed"] = "";
+$a->strings["Upgrade needed"] = "";
+$a->strings["Please back up all calendar data (the tables beginning with dav_*) before proceeding. While all calendar events should be converted to the new database structure, it's always safe to have a backup. Below, you can have a look at the database-queries that will be made when pressing the 'update'-button."] = "";
+$a->strings["Upgrade"] = "";
+$a->strings["Not installed"] = "";
+$a->strings["Install"] = "";
+$a->strings["Unknown"] = "";
+$a->strings["Something really went wrong. I cannot recover from this state automatically, sorry. Please go to the database backend, back up the data, and delete all tables beginning with 'dav_' manually. Afterwards, this installation routine should be able to reinitialize the tables automatically."] = "";
+$a->strings["Troubleshooting"] = "";
+$a->strings["Manual creation of the database tables:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show SQL-statements"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Calendar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Mine"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Addresses"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica Contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Could not open component for editing"] = "";
+$a->strings["Event data"] = "";
+$a->strings["Special color"] = "";
+$a->strings["Subject"] = "";
+$a->strings["Starts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Ends"] = "";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "";
+$a->strings["Description"] = "";
+$a->strings["Recurrence"] = "";
+$a->strings["Frequency"] = "";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Ingen";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Daglig";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Ukentlig";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Månedlig";
+$a->strings["Yearly"] = "";
+$a->strings["days"] = "dager";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "uker";
+$a->strings["months"] = "måneder";
+$a->strings["years"] = "år";
+$a->strings["Interval"] = "";
+$a->strings["All %select% %time%"] = "";
+$a->strings["Days"] = "";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "søndag";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "mandag";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "tirsdag";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "onsdag";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "torsdag";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "fredag";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "lørdag";
+$a->strings["First day of week:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Day of month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["Repeat until"] = "";
+$a->strings["Infinite"] = "";
+$a->strings["Until the following date"] = "";
+$a->strings["Number of times"] = "";
+$a->strings["Exceptions"] = "";
+$a->strings["none"] = "";
+$a->strings["Notification"] = "";
+$a->strings["Notify by"] = "";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Slett";
+$a->strings["E-Mail"] = "";
+$a->strings["On Friendica / Display"] = "";
+$a->strings["Time"] = "";
+$a->strings["Hours"] = "";
+$a->strings["Minutes"] = "";
+$a->strings["Seconds"] = "";
+$a->strings["Weeks"] = "";
+$a->strings["before the"] = "";
+$a->strings["start of the event"] = "";
+$a->strings["end of the event"] = "";
+$a->strings["Add a notification"] = "";
+$a->strings["The event #name# will start at #date"] = "";
+$a->strings["#name# is about to begin."] = "";
+$a->strings["Saved"] = "";
+$a->strings["U.S. Time Format (mm/dd/YYYY)"] = "";
+$a->strings["German Time Format (dd.mm.YYYY)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Events"] = "";
+$a->strings["No access"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Addressbooks"] = "";
diff --git a/dav/lang/pl/strings.php b/dav/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..171a73e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dav/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+strings["Friendica-Native events"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica-Contacts"] = "Kontakty friendica";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica-Contacts"] = "Twoje kontakty friendica";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry. Maybe some events were imported anyway."] = "";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry."] = "";
+$a->strings["The ICS-File has been imported."] = "";
+$a->strings["No file was uploaded."] = "Nie wgrano pliku.";
+$a->strings["Go back to the calendar"] = "Wróć do kalendarza";
+$a->strings["Import a ICS-file"] = "";
+$a->strings["ICS-File"] = "";
+$a->strings["Overwrite all #num# existing events"] = "";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Załaduj";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Ustawienia";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Pomoc";
+$a->strings["New event"] = "Nowe wydarzenie";
+$a->strings["Today"] = "Dzisiaj";
+$a->strings["Day"] = "Dzień";
+$a->strings["Week"] = "Tydzień";
+$a->strings["Month"] = "Miesiąc";
+$a->strings["Reload"] = "Załaduj ponownie";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Poprzedni";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "Następny";
+$a->strings["Date"] = "Data";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "Błąd";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Brak uprawnień.";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["The new calendar has been created."] = "";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been deleted."] = "";
+$a->strings["Calendar Settings"] = "Ustawienia kalendarza";
+$a->strings["Date format"] = "Format daty";
+$a->strings["Time zone"] = "Strefa czasowa";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Zapisz";
+$a->strings["Calendars"] = "Kalendarze";
+$a->strings["Create a new calendar"] = "Stwórz nowy kalendarz";
+$a->strings["Limitations"] = "Ograniczenie";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Ostrzeżenie";
+$a->strings["Synchronization (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)"] = "Synchronizacja (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing this calendar with the iPhone"] = "Zsynchronizuj kalendarz z iPhone";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing your Friendica-Contacts with the iPhone"] = "Zsynchronizuj kontakty friendica z iPhone";
+$a->strings["The current version of this plugin has not been set up correctly. Please contact the system administrator of your installation of friendica to fix this."] = "";
+$a->strings["Calendar"] = "Kalendarz";
+$a->strings["Extended calendar with CalDAV-support"] = "";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "brak odpowiedzi";
+$a->strings["Notification: "] = "Potwierdzeni:";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been installed."] = "";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the installation."] = "";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the update."] = "";
+$a->strings["No system-wide settings yet."] = "";
+$a->strings["Database status"] = "";
+$a->strings["Installed"] = "Zainstalowany";
+$a->strings["Upgrade needed"] = "Wymaga uaktualnienia";
+$a->strings["Please back up all calendar data (the tables beginning with dav_*) before proceeding. While all calendar events should be converted to the new database structure, it's always safe to have a backup. Below, you can have a look at the database-queries that will be made when pressing the 'update'-button."] = "";
+$a->strings["Upgrade"] = "Uaktualnienie";
+$a->strings["Not installed"] = "Nie zainstalowany";
+$a->strings["Install"] = "Zainstaluj";
+$a->strings["Unknown"] = "Nieznany";
+$a->strings["Something really went wrong. I cannot recover from this state automatically, sorry. Please go to the database backend, back up the data, and delete all tables beginning with 'dav_' manually. Afterwards, this installation routine should be able to reinitialize the tables automatically."] = "";
+$a->strings["Troubleshooting"] = "Rozwiązywanie problemów";
+$a->strings["Manual creation of the database tables:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show SQL-statements"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Calendar"] = "Kalendarz prywatny";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Mine"] = "Wydarzenia Friendici: Moje";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Contacts"] = "Wydarzenia Friendici: Kontakty";
+$a->strings["Private Addresses"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica Contacts"] = "Kontakty Friendica";
+$a->strings["Could not open component for editing"] = "";
+$a->strings["Event data"] = "Data wydarzenia";
+$a->strings["Special color"] = "";
+$a->strings["Subject"] = "Temat";
+$a->strings["Starts"] = "Zaczyna się";
+$a->strings["Ends"] = "Kończy się";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "Położenie";
+$a->strings["Description"] = "Opis";
+$a->strings["Recurrence"] = "";
+$a->strings["Frequency"] = "często";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Brak";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Dziennie";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Tygodniowo";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Miesięcznie";
+$a->strings["Yearly"] = "raz na rok";
+$a->strings["days"] = "dni";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "tygodnie";
+$a->strings["months"] = "miesiące";
+$a->strings["years"] = "lata";
+$a->strings["Interval"] = "";
+$a->strings["All %select% %time%"] = "";
+$a->strings["Days"] = "Dni";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Niedziela";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "Poniedziałek";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Wtorek";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Środa";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Czwartek";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "Piątek";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Sobota";
+$a->strings["First day of week:"] = "Pierwszy dzień tygodnia:";
+$a->strings["Day of month"] = "Dzień miesiąca";
+$a->strings["#num#th of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["Repeat until"] = "Powtarzaj do";
+$a->strings["Infinite"] = "";
+$a->strings["Until the following date"] = "Do tej daty";
+$a->strings["Number of times"] = "";
+$a->strings["Exceptions"] = "Wyjątki";
+$a->strings["none"] = "";
+$a->strings["Notification"] = "Powiadomienie";
+$a->strings["Notify by"] = "";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Usuń";
+$a->strings["E-Mail"] = "E-Mail";
+$a->strings["On Friendica / Display"] = "";
+$a->strings["Time"] = "";
+$a->strings["Hours"] = "Godzin";
+$a->strings["Minutes"] = "Minut";
+$a->strings["Seconds"] = "";
+$a->strings["Weeks"] = "";
+$a->strings["before the"] = "";
+$a->strings["start of the event"] = "rozpoczęcie wydarzenia";
+$a->strings["end of the event"] = "zakończenie wydarzenia";
+$a->strings["Add a notification"] = "Dodaj powiadomienie";
+$a->strings["The event #name# will start at #date"] = "";
+$a->strings["#name# is about to begin."] = "";
+$a->strings["Saved"] = "Zapisano";
+$a->strings["U.S. Time Format (mm/dd/YYYY)"] = "Amerykański format daty (mm/dd/YYYY)";
+$a->strings["German Time Format (dd.mm.YYYY)"] = "Niemiecki format daty (dd.mm.YYYY)";
+$a->strings["Private Events"] = "Prywatne wydarzenia";
+$a->strings["No access"] = "Brak dostępu";
+$a->strings["Private Addressbooks"] = "";
diff --git a/dav/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/dav/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..566c3a84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dav/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+strings["Friendica-Native events"] = "Eventos nativos do Friendica";
+$a->strings["Friendica-Contacts"] = "Contatos Friendica";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica-Contacts"] = "Seus contatos Friendica";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry. Maybe some events were imported anyway."] = "";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry."] = "";
+$a->strings["The ICS-File has been imported."] = "O arquivo ICS foi importado.";
+$a->strings["No file was uploaded."] = "Não foi enviado nenhum arquivo.";
+$a->strings["Go back to the calendar"] = "Voltar para a agenda";
+$a->strings["Import a ICS-file"] = "Importar um arquivo ICS";
+$a->strings["ICS-File"] = "Arquivo ICS";
+$a->strings["Overwrite all #num# existing events"] = "Sobrescrever todos os #num# eventos existentes";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Configurações";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Ajuda";
+$a->strings["New event"] = "Novo evento";
+$a->strings["Today"] = "Hoje";
+$a->strings["Day"] = "Dia";
+$a->strings["Week"] = "Semana";
+$a->strings["Month"] = "Mês";
+$a->strings["Reload"] = "";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Anterior";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "Próximo";
+$a->strings["Date"] = "Data";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "Erro";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permissão negada.";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Os novos valores foram salvos.";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been updated."] = "A agenda foi atualizada.";
+$a->strings["The new calendar has been created."] = "A nova agenda foi criada.";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been deleted."] = "A agenda foi excluída.";
+$a->strings["Calendar Settings"] = "Configurações da agenda";
+$a->strings["Date format"] = "Formato da data";
+$a->strings["Time zone"] = "Fuso horário";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Salvar";
+$a->strings["Calendars"] = "Agendas";
+$a->strings["Create a new calendar"] = "Criar uma nova agenda";
+$a->strings["Limitations"] = "Limitações";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Aviso";
+$a->strings["Synchronization (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)"] = "Sincronização (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing this calendar with the iPhone"] = "Sincronização desta agenda com o iPhone";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing your Friendica-Contacts with the iPhone"] = "Sincronização dos seus contatos Friendica com o iPhone";
+$a->strings["The current version of this plugin has not been set up correctly. Please contact the system administrator of your installation of friendica to fix this."] = "";
+$a->strings["Calendar"] = "Agenda";
+$a->strings["Extended calendar with CalDAV-support"] = "";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "naoresponda";
+$a->strings["Notification: "] = "Notificação:";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been installed."] = "As tabelas do banco de dados foram instaladas.";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the installation."] = "Ocorreu um erro durante a instalação.";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been updated."] = "As tabelas do banco de dados foram atualizadas.";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the update."] = "Ocorreu um erro durante a atualização.";
+$a->strings["No system-wide settings yet."] = "Ainda não existe nenhuma configuração global do sistema.";
+$a->strings["Database status"] = "Situação do banco de dados";
+$a->strings["Installed"] = "Instalado";
+$a->strings["Upgrade needed"] = "É necessária uma atualização";
+$a->strings["Please back up all calendar data (the tables beginning with dav_*) before proceeding. While all calendar events should be converted to the new database structure, it's always safe to have a backup. Below, you can have a look at the database-queries that will be made when pressing the 'update'-button."] = "";
+$a->strings["Upgrade"] = "Atualizar";
+$a->strings["Not installed"] = "Não instalado";
+$a->strings["Install"] = "Instalar";
+$a->strings["Unknown"] = "Desconhecido";
+$a->strings["Something really went wrong. I cannot recover from this state automatically, sorry. Please go to the database backend, back up the data, and delete all tables beginning with 'dav_' manually. Afterwards, this installation routine should be able to reinitialize the tables automatically."] = "";
+$a->strings["Troubleshooting"] = "";
+$a->strings["Manual creation of the database tables:"] = "Criação manual das tabelas do banco de dados:";
+$a->strings["Show SQL-statements"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Calendar"] = "Agenda privada";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Mine"] = "Eventos Friendica: Meus";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Contacts"] = "Eventos Friendica: Contatos";
+$a->strings["Private Addresses"] = "Endereços privados";
+$a->strings["Friendica Contacts"] = "Contatos Friendica";
+$a->strings["Could not open component for editing"] = "Não foi possível abrir o componente para edição";
+$a->strings["Event data"] = "Data do evento";
+$a->strings["Special color"] = "Cor especial";
+$a->strings["Subject"] = "Assunto";
+$a->strings["Starts"] = "Início";
+$a->strings["Ends"] = "Término";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "Localização";
+$a->strings["Description"] = "Descrição";
+$a->strings["Recurrence"] = "Recorrência";
+$a->strings["Frequency"] = "Frequência";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Nenhuma";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Diariamente";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Semanalmente";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Mensalmente";
+$a->strings["Yearly"] = "Anualmente";
+$a->strings["days"] = "dias";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "semanas";
+$a->strings["months"] = "meses";
+$a->strings["years"] = "anos";
+$a->strings["Interval"] = "Intervalo";
+$a->strings["All %select% %time%"] = "";
+$a->strings["Days"] = "Dias";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Domingo";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "Segunda";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Terça";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Quarta";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Quinta";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "Sexta";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Sábado";
+$a->strings["First day of week:"] = "Primeiro dia da semana:";
+$a->strings["Day of month"] = "Dia do mês";
+$a->strings["#num#th of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["Repeat until"] = "Repetir até";
+$a->strings["Infinite"] = "Infinito";
+$a->strings["Until the following date"] = "Até a seguinte data";
+$a->strings["Number of times"] = "Número de vezes";
+$a->strings["Exceptions"] = "Exceções";
+$a->strings["none"] = "nenhuma";
+$a->strings["Notification"] = "Notificação";
+$a->strings["Notify by"] = "Notificar por";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Remover";
+$a->strings["E-Mail"] = "E-Mail";
+$a->strings["On Friendica / Display"] = "Na Friendica / Exibir";
+$a->strings["Time"] = "Tempo";
+$a->strings["Hours"] = "Horas";
+$a->strings["Minutes"] = "Minutos";
+$a->strings["Seconds"] = "Segundos";
+$a->strings["Weeks"] = "Semanas";
+$a->strings["before the"] = "antes do";
+$a->strings["start of the event"] = "início do evento";
+$a->strings["end of the event"] = "fim do evento";
+$a->strings["Add a notification"] = "Adicionar uma notificação";
+$a->strings["The event #name# will start at #date"] = "O evento #name# iniciará em #date";
+$a->strings["#name# is about to begin."] = "#name# está prestes a começar.";
+$a->strings["Saved"] = "Salvo";
+$a->strings["U.S. Time Format (mm/dd/YYYY)"] = "Formato de data estadunidense (mm/dd/YYYY)";
+$a->strings["German Time Format (dd.mm.YYYY)"] = "Formato de data alemão (dd.mm.YYYY)";
+$a->strings["Private Events"] = "Eventos privados";
+$a->strings["No access"] = "Nenhum acesso";
+$a->strings["Private Addressbooks"] = "Livros de endereço privados";
diff --git a/dav/lang/ru/strings.php b/dav/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32921b3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dav/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+strings["Friendica-Native events"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica-Contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica-Contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry. Maybe some events were imported anyway."] = "";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry."] = "";
+$a->strings["The ICS-File has been imported."] = "";
+$a->strings["No file was uploaded."] = "";
+$a->strings["Go back to the calendar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Import a ICS-file"] = "";
+$a->strings["ICS-File"] = "";
+$a->strings["Overwrite all #num# existing events"] = "";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Загрузить";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Настройки";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Помощь";
+$a->strings["New event"] = "";
+$a->strings["Today"] = "";
+$a->strings["Day"] = "";
+$a->strings["Week"] = "";
+$a->strings["Month"] = "";
+$a->strings["Reload"] = "";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Назад";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "Далее";
+$a->strings["Date"] = "";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Нет разрешения.";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["The new calendar has been created."] = "";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been deleted."] = "";
+$a->strings["Calendar Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Date format"] = "";
+$a->strings["Time zone"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Сохранить";
+$a->strings["Calendars"] = "";
+$a->strings["Create a new calendar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Limitations"] = "";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "";
+$a->strings["Synchronization (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing this calendar with the iPhone"] = "";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing your Friendica-Contacts with the iPhone"] = "";
+$a->strings["The current version of this plugin has not been set up correctly. Please contact the system administrator of your installation of friendica to fix this."] = "";
+$a->strings["Calendar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Extended calendar with CalDAV-support"] = "";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "без ответа";
+$a->strings["Notification: "] = "";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been installed."] = "";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the installation."] = "";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the update."] = "";
+$a->strings["No system-wide settings yet."] = "";
+$a->strings["Database status"] = "";
+$a->strings["Installed"] = "";
+$a->strings["Upgrade needed"] = "";
+$a->strings["Please back up all calendar data (the tables beginning with dav_*) before proceeding. While all calendar events should be converted to the new database structure, it's always safe to have a backup. Below, you can have a look at the database-queries that will be made when pressing the 'update'-button."] = "";
+$a->strings["Upgrade"] = "";
+$a->strings["Not installed"] = "";
+$a->strings["Install"] = "";
+$a->strings["Unknown"] = "";
+$a->strings["Something really went wrong. I cannot recover from this state automatically, sorry. Please go to the database backend, back up the data, and delete all tables beginning with 'dav_' manually. Afterwards, this installation routine should be able to reinitialize the tables automatically."] = "";
+$a->strings["Troubleshooting"] = "";
+$a->strings["Manual creation of the database tables:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show SQL-statements"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Calendar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Mine"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Addresses"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica Contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Could not open component for editing"] = "";
+$a->strings["Event data"] = "";
+$a->strings["Special color"] = "";
+$a->strings["Subject"] = "";
+$a->strings["Starts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Ends"] = "";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "";
+$a->strings["Description"] = "";
+$a->strings["Recurrence"] = "";
+$a->strings["Frequency"] = "";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Ничего";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Ежедневно";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Еженедельно";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Ежемесячно";
+$a->strings["Yearly"] = "";
+$a->strings["days"] = "дней";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "недель";
+$a->strings["months"] = "мес.";
+$a->strings["years"] = "лет";
+$a->strings["Interval"] = "";
+$a->strings["All %select% %time%"] = "";
+$a->strings["Days"] = "";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "Воскресенье";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "Понедельник";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "Вторник";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "Среда";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "Четверг";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "Пятница";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "Суббота";
+$a->strings["First day of week:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Day of month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of each month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of the given month"] = "";
+$a->strings["Repeat until"] = "";
+$a->strings["Infinite"] = "";
+$a->strings["Until the following date"] = "";
+$a->strings["Number of times"] = "";
+$a->strings["Exceptions"] = "";
+$a->strings["none"] = "";
+$a->strings["Notification"] = "";
+$a->strings["Notify by"] = "";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Удалить";
+$a->strings["E-Mail"] = "";
+$a->strings["On Friendica / Display"] = "";
+$a->strings["Time"] = "";
+$a->strings["Hours"] = "";
+$a->strings["Minutes"] = "";
+$a->strings["Seconds"] = "";
+$a->strings["Weeks"] = "";
+$a->strings["before the"] = "";
+$a->strings["start of the event"] = "";
+$a->strings["end of the event"] = "";
+$a->strings["Add a notification"] = "";
+$a->strings["The event #name# will start at #date"] = "";
+$a->strings["#name# is about to begin."] = "";
+$a->strings["Saved"] = "";
+$a->strings["U.S. Time Format (mm/dd/YYYY)"] = "";
+$a->strings["German Time Format (dd.mm.YYYY)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Events"] = "";
+$a->strings["No access"] = "";
+$a->strings["Private Addressbooks"] = "";
diff --git a/dav/lang/sv/strings.php b/dav/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4a0fb2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dav/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+strings["Upload"] = "Ladda upp";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Inställningar";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Hjälp";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Åtkomst nekad.";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "noreply";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Dagligen";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Veckovis";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Månadsvis";
+$a->strings["days"] = "dagar";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "veckor";
+$a->strings["months"] = "månader";
+$a->strings["years"] = "år";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "söndag";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "måndag";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "tisdag";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "onsdag";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "torsdag";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "fredag";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "lördag";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Ta bort";
diff --git a/dav/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/dav/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45de3639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dav/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+strings["Friendica-Native events"] = "本Friendica项目";
+$a->strings["Friendica-Contacts"] = "Friendica熟人";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica-Contacts"] = "您的Friendica熟人";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry. Maybe some events were imported anyway."] = "进口文件出了问题。不好意思。可能一些项目却是成功地进口了。";
+$a->strings["Something went wrong when trying to import the file. Sorry."] = "进口文件出了问题。不好意思。";
+$a->strings["The ICS-File has been imported."] = "把ICS文件进口了。";
+$a->strings["No file was uploaded."] = "没有上传的文件。";
+$a->strings["Go back to the calendar"] = "返回日历";
+$a->strings["Import a ICS-file"] = "进口ICS文件";
+$a->strings["ICS-File"] = "ICS文件";
+$a->strings["Overwrite all #num# existing events"] = "替换所有#num#现有的项目";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "上传";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "配置";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "帮助";
+$a->strings["New event"] = "新项目";
+$a->strings["Today"] = "今天";
+$a->strings["Day"] = "天";
+$a->strings["Week"] = "周";
+$a->strings["Month"] = "月";
+$a->strings["Reload"] = "再装入";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "上";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "下";
+$a->strings["Date"] = "日期";
+$a->strings["Error"] = "错误";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "权限不够。";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "新的设置保存了。";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been updated."] = "日历更新了。";
+$a->strings["The new calendar has been created."] = "新日历创造了。";
+$a->strings["The calendar has been deleted."] = "日历删除了。";
+$a->strings["Calendar Settings"] = "日历设置";
+$a->strings["Date format"] = "日期形式";
+$a->strings["Time zone"] = "时区";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "保存";
+$a->strings["Calendars"] = "日历";
+$a->strings["Create a new calendar"] = "创造新日历";
+$a->strings["Limitations"] = "限制";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "警告";
+$a->strings["Synchronization (iPhone, Thunderbird Lightning, Android, ...)"] = "同步(iPhone,Thunderbird Lightning, 案桌,等)";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing this calendar with the iPhone"] = "正在把这个日历跟iPhone同步";
+$a->strings["Synchronizing your Friendica-Contacts with the iPhone"] = "正在把您的Friendica熟人跟iPhone同步";
+$a->strings["The current version of this plugin has not been set up correctly. Please contact the system administrator of your installation of friendica to fix this."] = "现有的插件没安装好。请跟系统管理您的friendica安装联系为维修。";
+$a->strings["Calendar"] = "日历";
+$a->strings["Extended calendar with CalDAV-support"] = "增能日历跟CalDAV支持";
+$a->strings["noreply"] = "noreply";
+$a->strings["Notification: "] = "通知:";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been installed."] = "数据库表格被安装了。";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the installation."] = "安装出错误。";
+$a->strings["The database tables have been updated."] = "数据库表格更新了。";
+$a->strings["An error occurred during the update."] = "更新出了问题。";
+$a->strings["No system-wide settings yet."] = "还没有系统设置。";
+$a->strings["Database status"] = "数据库现状";
+$a->strings["Installed"] = "安装了";
+$a->strings["Upgrade needed"] = "必须更新";
+$a->strings["Please back up all calendar data (the tables beginning with dav_*) before proceeding. While all calendar events should be converted to the new database structure, it's always safe to have a backup. Below, you can have a look at the database-queries that will be made when pressing the 'update'-button."] = "请备份所有的日历数据(表格有前缀「dav_」)继续之前。虽然所有的日历项目应该被转化成新数据库体系,备份总是最好。下边您会看数据库命令进行按「更新」按钮的时候。";
+$a->strings["Upgrade"] = "更新";
+$a->strings["Not installed"] = "没安装";
+$a->strings["Install"] = "安装";
+$a->strings["Unknown"] = "不知道的";
+$a->strings["Something really went wrong. I cannot recover from this state automatically, sorry. Please go to the database backend, back up the data, and delete all tables beginning with 'dav_' manually. Afterwards, this installation routine should be able to reinitialize the tables automatically."] = "出什么真糟糕的问题。我不能自动地恢复,不好意思。请看数据库系统,备份数据,而手动地把所有前缀着「dav_」表格删除。之后,这个安装程序应该能把表格自动地初始化。";
+$a->strings["Troubleshooting"] = "调试";
+$a->strings["Manual creation of the database tables:"] = "手动造成数据库表格:";
+$a->strings["Show SQL-statements"] = "表示SQL陈述";
+$a->strings["Private Calendar"] = "私人日历";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Mine"] = "Friendica项目:我的";
+$a->strings["Friendica Events: Contacts"] = "Friendica项目:熟人";
+$a->strings["Private Addresses"] = "私人地址";
+$a->strings["Friendica Contacts"] = "Friendica熟人";
+$a->strings["Could not open component for editing"] = "开不了部件为编辑";
+$a->strings["Event data"] = "项目内容";
+$a->strings["Special color"] = "特别颜色";
+$a->strings["Subject"] = "题目";
+$a->strings["Starts"] = "开始";
+$a->strings["Ends"] = "结束";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "位置";
+$a->strings["Description"] = "描述";
+$a->strings["Recurrence"] = "复发";
+$a->strings["Frequency"] = "频率";
+$a->strings["None"] = "没有";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "每日";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "每周";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "每月";
+$a->strings["Yearly"] = "一年一次";
+$a->strings["days"] = "天";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "星期";
+$a->strings["months"] = "月";
+$a->strings["years"] = "年";
+$a->strings["Interval"] = "间隔";
+$a->strings["All %select% %time%"] = "每%select%%time%";
+$a->strings["Days"] = "天";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "星期天";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "星期一";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "星期二";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "星期三";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "星期四";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "星期五";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "星期六";
+$a->strings["First day of week:"] = "星期第一天:";
+$a->strings["Day of month"] = "月里天数";
+$a->strings["#num#th of each month"] = "每月第#num#个";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of each month"] = "每月第#num#个最后";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of each month"] = "每月第#num#个#wkday#";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of each month"] = "每月第#num#个最后#wkday#";
+$a->strings["#num#th of the given month"] = "月第#num#个天";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last of the given month"] = "月第#num#个最后天";
+$a->strings["#num#th #wkday# of the given month"] = "月第#num#个#wkday#";
+$a->strings["#num#th-last #wkday# of the given month"] = "月第#num#个最后#wkday#";
+$a->strings["Repeat until"] = "重复到";
+$a->strings["Infinite"] = "无限的";
+$a->strings["Until the following date"] = "到下个日期";
+$a->strings["Number of times"] = "多少次";
+$a->strings["Exceptions"] = "除外";
+$a->strings["none"] = "没有";
+$a->strings["Notification"] = "通知";
+$a->strings["Notify by"] = "用地方法为通知";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "移走";
+$a->strings["E-Mail"] = "电子邮件";
+$a->strings["On Friendica / Display"] = "在Friendica/表示";
+$a->strings["Time"] = "时间";
+$a->strings["Hours"] = "小时";
+$a->strings["Minutes"] = "分钟";
+$a->strings["Seconds"] = "秒";
+$a->strings["Weeks"] = "周";
+$a->strings["before the"] = "前";
+$a->strings["start of the event"] = "项目开始";
+$a->strings["end of the event"] = "项目结束";
+$a->strings["Add a notification"] = "加一个通知";
+$a->strings["The event #name# will start at #date"] = "项目#name#开始在#date";
+$a->strings["#name# is about to begin."] = "#name#快开始。";
+$a->strings["Saved"] = "保存了";
+$a->strings["U.S. Time Format (mm/dd/YYYY)"] = "美国时间形式(月/日/年)";
+$a->strings["German Time Format (dd.mm.YYYY)"] = "德国时间形式(日/月/年)";
+$a->strings["Private Events"] = "私人项目";
+$a->strings["No access"] = "看不了";
+$a->strings["Private Addressbooks"] = "私人通讯录";
diff --git a/dwpost/lang/ca/strings.php b/dwpost/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ad56a9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwpost/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Dreamwidth"] = "Missatge a Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Dreamwidth Post Settings"] = "Configuració d'enviaments a Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Enable dreamwidth Post Plugin"] = "Habilitat el plugin d'enviaments a Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth username"] = "Nom d'usuari a Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth password"] = "Contrasenya a Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Post to dreamwidth by default"] = "Enviar per defecte a Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/dwpost/lang/cs/strings.php b/dwpost/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e01db0d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwpost/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Dreamwidth"] = "Poslat na Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Dreamwidth Post Settings"] = "Nastavení Dreamwidth příspěvků";
+$a->strings["Enable dreamwidth Post Plugin"] = "Povolit dreamwidth Plugin";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth username"] = "dreamwidth uživatelské jméno";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth password"] = "dreamwidth heslo";
+$a->strings["Post to dreamwidth by default"] = "Defaultně umístit na dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/dwpost/lang/de/strings.php b/dwpost/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e3ba985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwpost/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Dreamwidth"] = "In Dreamwidth veröffentlichen";
+$a->strings["Dreamwidth Post Settings"] = "Dreamwidth Veröffentlichungs-Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Enable dreamwidth Post Plugin"] = "Dreamwidth Post Plugin aktivieren";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth username"] = "Dreamwidth Benutzername";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth password"] = "Dreamwidth Passwort";
+$a->strings["Post to dreamwidth by default"] = "Standardmäßig bei Dreamwidth veröffentlichen";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/dwpost/lang/eo/strings.php b/dwpost/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..967d4b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwpost/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Dreamwidth"] = "Afiŝi al Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Dreamwidth Post Settings"] = "Agordoj por Afiŝoj al Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Enable dreamwidth Post Plugin"] = "Ŝalti la Dreamwidth Kromprogramon";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth username"] = "Dreamwidth salutnomo";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth password"] = "Dreamwidth pasvorto";
+$a->strings["Post to dreamwidth by default"] = "Defaŭlte afiŝi al Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/dwpost/lang/es/strings.php b/dwpost/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11e6ff59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwpost/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Dreamwidth"] = "Publicar en Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Dreamwidth Post Settings"] = "Configuración de las publicaciones en Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Enable dreamwidth Post Plugin"] = "Activar el módulo de publicación en Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth username"] = "Nombre de usuario de Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth password"] = "Contraseña de Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Post to dreamwidth by default"] = "Publicar en Dreamwidth por defecto";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/dwpost/lang/fr/strings.php b/dwpost/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..729bb028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwpost/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Dreamwidth"] = "Poster vers Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Dreamwidth Post Settings"] = "Réglages Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Enable dreamwidth Post Plugin"] = "Activer \"Poster vers Dreamwidth\"";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth username"] = "Nom d'utilisateur Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth password"] = "Mot de passe";
+$a->strings["Post to dreamwidth by default"] = "Poster vers Dreamwidth par défaut";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/dwpost/lang/is/strings.php b/dwpost/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96f1f78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwpost/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Dreamwidth"] = "";
+$a->strings["Dreamwidth Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable dreamwidth Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth username"] = "";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to dreamwidth by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/dwpost/lang/it/strings.php b/dwpost/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a47497aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwpost/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Dreamwidth"] = "Posta su Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Dreamwidth Post Settings"] = "Impostazioni post Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Enable dreamwidth Post Plugin"] = "Abilita il plugin dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth username"] = "dreamwidth username";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth password"] = "Password dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Post to dreamwidth by default"] = "Invia a dreamwidth per impostazione predefinita";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/dwpost/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/dwpost/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37677e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwpost/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Dreamwidth"] = "";
+$a->strings["Dreamwidth Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable dreamwidth Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth username"] = "";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to dreamwidth by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/dwpost/lang/pl/strings.php b/dwpost/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..237c95d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwpost/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Dreamwidth"] = "Opublikuj na Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Dreamwidth Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable dreamwidth Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth username"] = "";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to dreamwidth by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/dwpost/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/dwpost/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..329cf9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwpost/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Dreamwidth"] = "Publicar no Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Dreamwidth Post Settings"] = "Configurações de publicação no Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Enable dreamwidth Post Plugin"] = "Habilitar o plugin de publicação no Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth username"] = "Nome de usuário do Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth password"] = "Senha do Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Post to dreamwidth by default"] = "Publicar no Dreamwidth por padrão";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/dwpost/lang/ru/strings.php b/dwpost/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98b08781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwpost/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Dreamwidth"] = "";
+$a->strings["Dreamwidth Post Settings"] = "Dreamwidth настройки сообщений";
+$a->strings["Enable dreamwidth Post Plugin"] = "Включить dreamwidth плагин сообщений";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth username"] = "dreamwidth имя пользователя";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth password"] = "dreamwidth пароль";
+$a->strings["Post to dreamwidth by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/dwpost/lang/sv/strings.php b/dwpost/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwpost/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/dwpost/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/dwpost/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93e075c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwpost/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Dreamwidth"] = "转播到Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Dreamwidth Post Settings"] = "Dreamwidth转播设置";
+$a->strings["Enable dreamwidth Post Plugin"] = "使Dreamwidth转播插件可用";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth username"] = "Dreamwidth用户名";
+$a->strings["dreamwidth password"] = "Dreamwidth密码";
+$a->strings["Post to dreamwidth by default"] = "默认地转播到Dreamwidth";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/editplain/lang/ca/strings.php b/editplain/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8296c498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editplain/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Editplain settings updated."] = "Actualitzar la configuració de Editplain.";
+$a->strings["Editplain Settings"] = "Configuració de Editplain";
+$a->strings["Disable richtext status editor"] = "Deshabilitar l'editor d'estatus de texte enriquit";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/editplain/lang/cs/strings.php b/editplain/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..714e39f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editplain/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Editplain settings updated."] = "Editplain nastavení aktualizováno";
+$a->strings["Editplain Settings"] = "Nastavení Editplain";
+$a->strings["Disable richtext status editor"] = "Zakázat richtext status editor";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/editplain/lang/de/strings.php b/editplain/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4de2143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editplain/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Editplain settings updated."] = "Editplain Einstellungen aktualisiert";
+$a->strings["Editplain Settings"] = "Editplain Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Disable richtext status editor"] = "RichText Editor deaktivieren";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/editplain/lang/eo/strings.php b/editplain/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd2b8a13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editplain/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Editplain settings updated."] = "Ĝisdatigis la Editplain agordojn.";
+$a->strings["Editplain Settings"] = "Agordoj por Editplain";
+$a->strings["Disable richtext status editor"] = "Malŝalti la riĉteksto-redaktilon";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/editplain/lang/es/strings.php b/editplain/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..049b69b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editplain/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Editplain settings updated."] = "Configuración del Editor de texto plano actualizada.";
+$a->strings["Editplain Settings"] = "Configuración del Editor de texto plano";
+$a->strings["Disable richtext status editor"] = "Desactivar el editor de texto enriquecido";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/editplain/lang/fr/strings.php b/editplain/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a498584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editplain/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Editplain settings updated."] = "Réglages editplain sauvés.";
+$a->strings["Editplain Settings"] = "Réglages de editplain";
+$a->strings["Disable richtext status editor"] = "Désactiver l'édition \"riche\"";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/editplain/lang/is/strings.php b/editplain/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40d01666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editplain/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Editplain settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Editplain Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Disable richtext status editor"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/editplain/lang/it/strings.php b/editplain/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b1db1b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editplain/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Editplain settings updated."] = "Impostazioni 'Editplain' aggiornate.";
+$a->strings["Editplain Settings"] = "Impostazioni Editplain";
+$a->strings["Disable richtext status editor"] = "Disabilita l'editor di testo visuale";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/editplain/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/editplain/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ecd7551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editplain/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Editplain settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Editplain Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Disable richtext status editor"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/editplain/lang/pl/strings.php b/editplain/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f00d532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editplain/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Editplain settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Editplain Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Disable richtext status editor"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/editplain/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/editplain/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..542f1e1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editplain/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Editplain settings updated."] = "Configurações Editplain atualizadas.";
+$a->strings["Editplain Settings"] = "Configurações Editplain";
+$a->strings["Disable richtext status editor"] = "Disabilite o modo de edição richtext";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/editplain/lang/ru/strings.php b/editplain/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cf4ed55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editplain/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Editplain settings updated."] = "Editplain настройки обновлены.";
+$a->strings["Editplain Settings"] = "Editplain настройки";
+$a->strings["Disable richtext status editor"] = "Отключить richtext status editor";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/editplain/lang/sv/strings.php b/editplain/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editplain/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/editplain/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/editplain/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce911217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editplain/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Editplain settings updated."] = "Editplain设置更新了";
+$a->strings["Editplain Settings"] = "Editplain设置";
+$a->strings["Disable richtext status editor"] = "使richtext现状编辑 不能用";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/facebook/lang/ca/strings.php b/facebook/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14d79481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facebook/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Ajustos actualitzats.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permís denegat.";
+$a->strings["Facebook disabled"] = "Facebook deshabilitat";
+$a->strings["Updating contacts"] = "Actualitzant contactes";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "La clau del API de Facebook s'ha perdut.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connect"] = "Facebook Connectat";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook connector for this account."] = "Instal·lar el connector de Facebook per aquest compte.";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook connector"] = "Eliminar el connector de Faceboook";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Re-autentificar [Això és necessari cada vegada que la contrasenya de Facebook canvia.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Enviar a Facebook per defecte";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. The following settings will have no effect."] = "La vinculació amb amics de Facebook s'ha deshabilitat en aquest lloc. Els ajustos que facis no faran efecte.";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. If you disable it, you will be unable to re-enable it."] = "La vinculació amb amics de Facebook s'ha deshabilitat en aquest lloc. Si esta deshabilitat, no es pot utilitzar.";
+$a->strings["Link all your Facebook friends and conversations on this website"] = "Enllaça tots els teus amics i les converses de Facebook en aquest lloc web";
+$a->strings["Facebook conversations consist of your profile wall and your friend stream."] = "Les converses de Facebook consisteixen en el perfil del mur i en el flux del seu amic.";
+$a->strings["On this website, your Facebook friend stream is only visible to you."] = "En aquesta pàgina web, el flux del seu amic a Facebook només és visible per a vostè.";
+$a->strings["The following settings determine the privacy of your Facebook profile wall on this website."] = "Les següents opcions determinen la privacitat del mur del seu perfil de Facebook en aquest lloc web.";
+$a->strings["On this website your Facebook profile wall conversations will only be visible to you"] = "En aquesta pàgina web les seves converses al mur del perfil de Facebook només seran visible per a vostè";
+$a->strings["Do not import your Facebook profile wall conversations"] = "No importi les seves converses del mur del perfil de Facebook";
+$a->strings["If you choose to link conversations and leave both of these boxes unchecked, your Facebook profile wall will be merged with your profile wall on this website and your privacy settings on this website will be used to determine who may see the conversations."] = "Si opta per vincular les converses i deixar ambdues caselles sense marcar, el mur del seu perfil de Facebook es fusionarà amb el mur del seu perfil en aquest lloc web i la seva configuració de privacitat en aquest website serà utilitzada per determinar qui pot veure les converses.";
+$a->strings["Comma separated applications to ignore"] = "Separats per comes les aplicacions a ignorar";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Problems with Facebook Real-Time Updates"] = "Problemes amb Actualitzacions en Temps Real a Facebook";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrador";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connector Settings"] = "Ajustos del Connector de Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API Key";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Error: Apareix que has especificat el App-ID i el Secret en el arxiu .htconfig.php. Per estar especificat allà, no pot ser canviat utilitzant aquest formulari.
+$a->strings["Error: the given API Key seems to be incorrect (the application access token could not be retrieved)."] = "Error: la API Key facilitada sembla incorrecta (no es va poder recuperar el token d'accés de l'aplicatiu).";
+$a->strings["The given API Key seems to work correctly."] = "La API Key facilitada sembla treballar correctament.";
+$a->strings["The correctness of the API Key could not be detected. Something strange's going on."] = "La correcció de la API key no pot ser detectada. Quelcom estrany ha succeït.";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Application secret";
+$a->strings["Synchronize comments (no comments on Facebook are missed, at the cost of increased system load)"] = "Sincronitzar els comentaris (els comentaris a Facebook es perden, a costa de la major càrrega del sistema)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Guardar";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates"] = "Actualitzacions en Temps Real";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates are activated."] = "Actualitzacions en Temps Real està activat.";
+$a->strings["Deactivate Real-Time Updates"] = "Actualitzacions en Temps Real Desactivat";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates not activated."] = "Actualitzacions en Temps Real no activat.";
+$a->strings["Activate Real-Time Updates"] = "Actualitzacions en Temps Real Activat";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Els nous valors s'han guardat.";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Enviament a Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Enviament a Facebook cancel·lat perque hi ha un conflicte de permisos d'accés multi-xarxa.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Vist en Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Enviament a Facebook fracassat. En cua per a reintent.";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "La seva connexió a Facebook es va convertir en no vàlida. Per favor, torni a autenticar-se";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "La seva connexió a Facebook es va convertir en no vàlida";
+$a->strings["status"] = "estatus";
diff --git a/facebook/lang/cs/strings.php b/facebook/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad503d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facebook/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Nastavení aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Přístup odmítnut.";
+$a->strings["Facebook disabled"] = "Facebook zakázán";
+$a->strings["Updating contacts"] = "Aktualizace kontaktů";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Chybí Facebook API klíč.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connect"] = "Facebook připojen";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook connector for this account."] = "Nainstalovat pro tento účet Facebook konektor.";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook connector"] = "Odstranit konektor na Facebook";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Opětovná autentikace [Toto je nezbytné kdykoliv se změní Vaše heslo na Facebooku.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Standardně posílat příspěvky na Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. The following settings will have no effect."] = "Propojování facebookových přátel bylo na tomto webu zablokováno. Následující odkazy nebudou mít žádný efekt.";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. If you disable it, you will be unable to re-enable it."] = "Propojování facebookových přátel bylo na tomto webu zablokováno. Když to zakážete nebudete schopni toto znovu povolit.";
+$a->strings["Link all your Facebook friends and conversations on this website"] = "Připojit na tomto webu všechny Vaše přátelé a konverzace z Facebooku";
+$a->strings["Facebook conversations consist of your profile wall and your friend stream."] = "Facebookové konverzace se skládají z Vaší profilové zdi a příspěvků Vašich přátel (stream).";
+$a->strings["On this website, your Facebook friend stream is only visible to you."] = "Na tomto webu můžete vidět pouze příspěvky Vašich přátel Facebook (Stream).";
+$a->strings["The following settings determine the privacy of your Facebook profile wall on this website."] = "Následující nastavení určuje Vaše soukromí na Facebookovém profilu na tomto webu.";
+$a->strings["On this website your Facebook profile wall conversations will only be visible to you"] = "Na tomto webu bude konverzace z Facebookové profilové zdi viditelná pouze pro Vás.";
+$a->strings["Do not import your Facebook profile wall conversations"] = "Neimportovat konverzace z Facebookové zdi";
+$a->strings["If you choose to link conversations and leave both of these boxes unchecked, your Facebook profile wall will be merged with your profile wall on this website and your privacy settings on this website will be used to determine who may see the conversations."] = "Pokud budete chtít propojit konverzace a ponecháte obě z těchto dvou polí nezaškrtnuté, bude Vaše profilová zeď na Facebooku sloučená s profilovou zdí na tomto webu a nastavení soukromí na tomto webu bude určovat kdo bude mít možnost vidět konverzace.";
+$a->strings["Comma separated applications to ignore"] = "čárkou oddělené aplikace k ignorování";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Problems with Facebook Real-Time Updates"] = "Problémy s Facebook Real-Time aktualizacemi";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrátor";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connector Settings"] = "Nastavení Facebook konektoru ";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API Key";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Chyba: zdá se, že jste specifikoval App-ID a -Secret ve Vašem .htconfig.php souboru. Dokud jsou na tomto místě specifikované, nemohou být nastaveny s pomocí tohoto formuláře.
+$a->strings["Error: the given API Key seems to be incorrect (the application access token could not be retrieved)."] = "Chyba: zadané API Key se zdá být chybné (není možné získat aplikační přístupový token).";
+$a->strings["The given API Key seems to work correctly."] = "Zadané API Key se zdá funguje v pořádku.";
+$a->strings["The correctness of the API Key could not be detected. Something strange's going on."] = "Správnost klíče API nemohla být detekovaná. Děje se něco podivného.";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Application secret";
+$a->strings["Synchronize comments (no comments on Facebook are missed, at the cost of increased system load)"] = "Syncronizovat komentáře (nedojde k vynechání žádného komentáže na Facebooku za cenu vyšší zátěže systému)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Uložit";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates"] = "Real-Time Aktualizace";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates are activated."] = "Real-Time aktualizace aktivovány.";
+$a->strings["Deactivate Real-Time Updates"] = "Deaktivovat Real-Time aktualizace";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates not activated."] = "Real-Time aktualizace nejsou aktivovány.";
+$a->strings["Activate Real-Time Updates"] = "Aktivovat Real-Time aktualizace";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Nové hodnoty byly uloženy";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Přidat příspěvek na Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Příspěvek na Facebook zrušen kvůli konfliktu přístupových práv mezi sítěmi.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Zobrazení na Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Zaslání příspěvku na Facebook selhalo. Příspěvek byl zařazen do fronty pro opakované odeslání.";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "Vaše připojení na Facebook přestalo být platné. Prosím znovu se přihlaste.";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "Připojení na Facebook bylo zneplatněno.";
+$a->strings["status"] = "Stav";
diff --git a/facebook/lang/de/strings.php b/facebook/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74cfe839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facebook/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Zugriff verweigert.";
+$a->strings["Facebook disabled"] = "Facebook deaktiviert";
+$a->strings["Updating contacts"] = "Aktualisiere Kontakte";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Facebook-API-Schlüssel nicht gefunden";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connect"] = "Mit Facebook verbinden";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook connector for this account."] = "Facebook-Connector für dieses Konto installieren.";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook connector"] = "Facebook-Connector entfernen";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Neu authentifizieren [Das ist immer dann nötig, wenn du dein Facebook-Passwort geändert hast.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Veröffentliche standardmäßig bei Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. The following settings will have no effect."] = "Das Verlinken von Facebookkontakten wurde auf dieser Seite deaktiviert. Die folgenden Einstellungen haben keinen Effekt.";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. If you disable it, you will be unable to re-enable it."] = "Das Verlinken von Facebookkontakten wurde auf dieser Seite deaktiviert. Wenn du es ausgeschaltet hast, kannst du es nicht wieder aktivieren.";
+$a->strings["Link all your Facebook friends and conversations on this website"] = "All meine Facebook-Kontakte und -Konversationen hier auf diese Website importieren";
+$a->strings["Facebook conversations consist of your profile wall and your friend stream."] = "Facebook-Konversationen bestehen aus deinen Beiträgen auf deinerPinnwand, sowie den Beiträgen deiner Freunde Stream.";
+$a->strings["On this website, your Facebook friend stream is only visible to you."] = "Hier auf dieser Webseite kannst nur du die Beiträge Deiner Facebook-Freunde (Stream) sehen.";
+$a->strings["The following settings determine the privacy of your Facebook profile wall on this website."] = "Mit den folgenden Einstellungen kannst du die Privatsphäre der Kopie Deiner Facebook-Pinnwand hier auf dieser Seite einstellen.";
+$a->strings["On this website your Facebook profile wall conversations will only be visible to you"] = "Meine Facebook-Pinnwand hier auf dieser Webseite nur für mich sichtbar machen";
+$a->strings["Do not import your Facebook profile wall conversations"] = "Facebook-Pinnwand nicht importieren";
+$a->strings["If you choose to link conversations and leave both of these boxes unchecked, your Facebook profile wall will be merged with your profile wall on this website and your privacy settings on this website will be used to determine who may see the conversations."] = "Wenn du Facebook-Konversationen importierst und diese beiden Häkchen nicht setzt, wird deine Facebook-Pinnwand mit der Pinnwand hier auf dieser Webseite vereinigt. Die Privatsphäre-Einstellungen für deine Pinnwand auf dieser Webseite geben dann an, wer die Konversationen sehen kann.";
+$a->strings["Comma separated applications to ignore"] = "Kommaseparierte Anwendungen, die ignoriert werden sollen";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Problems with Facebook Real-Time Updates"] = "Probleme mit Facebook Echtzeit-Updates";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrator";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connector Settings"] = "Facebook-Verbindungseinstellungen";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API Schlüssel";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Fehler: du scheinst die App-ID und das App-Geheimnis in deiner .htconfig.php Datei angegeben zu haben. Solange sie dort festgelegt werden kannst du dieses Formular hier nicht verwenden.
+$a->strings["Error: the given API Key seems to be incorrect (the application access token could not be retrieved)."] = "Fehler: der angegebene API Schlüssel scheint nicht korrekt zu sein (Zugriffstoken konnte nicht empfangen werden).";
+$a->strings["The given API Key seems to work correctly."] = "Der angegebene API Schlüssel scheint korrekt zu funktionieren.";
+$a->strings["The correctness of the API Key could not be detected. Something strange's going on."] = "Die Richtigkeit des API Schlüssels konnte nicht gefunden werden. Irgendwas stimmt nicht.";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Anwendungs-Geheimnis";
+$a->strings["Synchronize comments (no comments on Facebook are missed, at the cost of increased system load)"] = "Kommentare synchronisieren (Kein Kommentar von Facebook geht verloren, verursacht höhere Last auf dem Server)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Speichern";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates"] = "Echtzeit Aktualisierungen";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates are activated."] = "Echtzeit-Updates sind aktiviert.";
+$a->strings["Deactivate Real-Time Updates"] = "Echtzeit-Updates deaktivieren";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates not activated."] = "Echtzeit-Updates nicht aktiviert.";
+$a->strings["Activate Real-Time Updates"] = "Echtzeit-Updates aktivieren";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Die neuen Einstellungen wurden gespeichert.";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Bei Facebook veröffentlichen";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Beitrag wurde nicht bei Facebook veröffentlicht, da Konflikte bei den Multi-Netzwerk-Zugriffsrechten vorliegen.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "In Friendica betrachten";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Veröffentlichung bei Facebook gescheitert. Wir versuchen es später erneut.";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "Deine Facebook Anmeldedaten sind ungültig geworden. Bitte re-authentifiziere dich.";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "Facebook Anmeldedaten sind ungültig geworden";
+$a->strings["status"] = "Status";
diff --git a/facebook/lang/eo/strings.php b/facebook/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43115eb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facebook/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Agordoj ĝisdatigita.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Malpermesita.";
+$a->strings["Facebook disabled"] = "Facebook malŝaltita";
+$a->strings["Updating contacts"] = "Mi ĝisdatigas la kontaktojn.";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "La API ŝlosilo de Facebook ne estas konata ĉi tie.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connect"] = "Kontekto al Facebook";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook connector for this account."] = "Instali la Facebook konektilo por ĉi tiu konto.";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook connector"] = "Forigi la Facebook konektilon.";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Reaŭtentiĝi [Tio estas bezonata ĉiam kiam vi ŝanĝis vian pasvorton ĉe Facebook.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Ĉiam afiŝi al Facebook.";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. The following settings will have no effect."] = "Ligado kun Facebook amikoj estas malaktivita ĉe tiu retejo. La sekvantaj agordoj do ne havas validecon.";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. If you disable it, you will be unable to re-enable it."] = "Ligado kun Facebook amikoj estas malaktivita ĉe tiu retejo. Se vi malŝaltas ĝin, vi ne eblos ree ŝalti ĝin.";
+$a->strings["Link all your Facebook friends and conversations on this website"] = "Alligu ĉiujn viajn Facebook amikojn kaj konversaciojn je ĉi-tiu retejo.";
+$a->strings["Facebook conversations consist of your profile wall and your friend stream."] = "Facebok konversacioj konsistas el via profilmuro kaj la fluo de viaj amikoj.";
+$a->strings["On this website, your Facebook friend stream is only visible to you."] = "Je ĉi-tiu retejo, la fluo de viaj amikoj ĉe Facebook nur videblas al vi.";
+$a->strings["The following settings determine the privacy of your Facebook profile wall on this website."] = "La sekvontaj agordoj difinas la privatecon de via Facebook profilmuro je ĉi-tiu retejo.";
+$a->strings["On this website your Facebook profile wall conversations will only be visible to you"] = "Je ĉi-tiu retejo, la conversacioj sur via Facebook profilmuro nur videblas al vi.";
+$a->strings["Do not import your Facebook profile wall conversations"] = "Ne importi konversaciojn de via Facebook profilmuro";
+$a->strings["If you choose to link conversations and leave both of these boxes unchecked, your Facebook profile wall will be merged with your profile wall on this website and your privacy settings on this website will be used to determine who may see the conversations."] = "Se vi elektas alligi conversaciojn kaj ne elektas tiujn butonojn, via Facebook profilmuro estas kunigota kun via profilmuro ĉi tie. Viaj privatecaj agordoj ĉi tie difinos kiu povas vidi la coversaciojn.";
+$a->strings["Comma separated applications to ignore"] = "Ignorotaj programoj, disigita per komo";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Problems with Facebook Real-Time Updates"] = "Problemoj kun Facebook Realtempaj Ĝisdatigoj";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administranto";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connector Settings"] = "Agordoj por la Facebook konektilo";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API ŝlosilo";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Eraro: Ŝajnas kvazaŭ vi agordis la App-ID kaj la sekreton en via .htconfig.php dosiero. Kiam ili estas agordita tie, vi ne povas agordi ĝin en tiu ĉi formo.
+$a->strings["Error: the given API Key seems to be incorrect (the application access token could not be retrieved)."] = "Eraro: La API ŝlosilo aspektas malĝusta (ne eblas ricevi la programa atingoĵetono).";
+$a->strings["The given API Key seems to work correctly."] = "La API ŝlosilo ŝajne ĝuste funkcias.";
+$a->strings["The correctness of the API Key could not be detected. Something strange's going on."] = "Ne povis kontroli la ĝusteco de la API ŝlosilo. Stranga afero okazas.";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "Programo ID / API Ŝlosilo";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Programo sekreto";
+$a->strings["Synchronize comments (no comments on Facebook are missed, at the cost of increased system load)"] = "Sinkronigi komentojn (vi ricevas ĉiujn komentojn de Facebook, sed la ŝargo de la sistemo iom kreskas)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Konservi";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates"] = "Realtempaj Ĝisdatigoj";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates are activated."] = "Realtempaj Ĝisdatigoj estas ŝaltita";
+$a->strings["Deactivate Real-Time Updates"] = "Malŝalti Realtempaj Ĝisdatigoj";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates not activated."] = "Realtempaj Ĝisdatigoj estas malŝaltita";
+$a->strings["Activate Real-Time Updates"] = "Ŝalti Realtempaj Ĝisdatigoj";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Konservis novajn valorojn.";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Afiŝi al Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Afiŝado al Facebook nuligita ĉar okazis konflikto en la multretpermesoj.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Vidi ĉe Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Malsukcesis afiŝi ĉe Facebook. Enigita en vico.";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "Via Facbook konekto iĝis nevalida. Bonvolu reaŭtentiĝi.";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "Facebook konekto iĝis nevalida.";
+$a->strings["status"] = "staton";
diff --git a/facebook/lang/es/strings.php b/facebook/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5b496e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facebook/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Configuración actualizada.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permiso denegado.";
+$a->strings["Facebook disabled"] = "Facebook deshabilitado";
+$a->strings["Updating contacts"] = "Actualizando contactos";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Falta la clave API de Facebook.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connect"] = "Conexión con Facebook";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook connector for this account."] = "Instalar el conector de Facebook para esta cuenta.";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook connector"] = "Eliminar el conector de Facebook";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Volver a identificarse [Esto es necesario cada vez que tu contraseña de Facebook cambie.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Publicar en Facebook de forma predeterminada";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. The following settings will have no effect."] = "El enlace con los contactos de Facebook ha sido desactivado en este servidor. La configuración no tendrá efecto alguno.";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. If you disable it, you will be unable to re-enable it."] = "El enlace con los contactos de Facebook ha sido desactivado en este servidor. Si se desactiva no podrá volver a reactivarse.";
+$a->strings["Link all your Facebook friends and conversations on this website"] = "Vincula a todos tus amigos de Facebook y las conversaciones con este sitio";
+$a->strings["Facebook conversations consist of your profile wall and your friend stream."] = "Las conversaciones de Facebook consisten en tu muro, tu perfil y las publicaciones de tus amigos.";
+$a->strings["On this website, your Facebook friend stream is only visible to you."] = "En esta página las publicaciones de tus amigos de Facebook solo son visibles para ti.";
+$a->strings["The following settings determine the privacy of your Facebook profile wall on this website."] = "La siguiente configuración determina la privacidad del muro de tu perfil de Facebook en este sitio.";
+$a->strings["On this website your Facebook profile wall conversations will only be visible to you"] = "En este sitio las publicaciones del muro de Facebook solo son visibles para ti";
+$a->strings["Do not import your Facebook profile wall conversations"] = "No importar las conversaciones de tu muro de Facebook";
+$a->strings["If you choose to link conversations and leave both of these boxes unchecked, your Facebook profile wall will be merged with your profile wall on this website and your privacy settings on this website will be used to determine who may see the conversations."] = "Si decides conectar las conversaciones y dejar ambas casillas sin marcar, el muro de tu perfil de Facebook se fusionará con el muro de tu perfil en este sitio y la configuración de privacidad en este sitio será utilizada para determinar quién puede ver las conversaciones.";
+$a->strings["Comma separated applications to ignore"] = "Aplicaciones a ignorar separadas por comas";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Problems with Facebook Real-Time Updates"] = "Hay problemas con las actualizaciones en tiempo real de Facebook";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrador";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connector Settings"] = "Configuración de conexión a Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Llave API de Facebook";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Error: parece que la App-ID y el -Secret ya están configurados en tu archivo .htconfig.php. Al estar configurados allí, no se usará este formulario.
+$a->strings["Error: the given API Key seems to be incorrect (the application access token could not be retrieved)."] = "Error: la llave API proporcionada parece incorrecta (no se pudo recuperar la ficha de acceso a la aplicación).";
+$a->strings["The given API Key seems to work correctly."] = "La Llave API proporcionada parece funcionar correctamente.";
+$a->strings["The correctness of the API Key could not be detected. Something strange's going on."] = "No se ha podido detectar una llave API correcta. Algo raro está pasando.";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "Añadir ID / Llave API";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Secreto de la aplicación";
+$a->strings["Synchronize comments (no comments on Facebook are missed, at the cost of increased system load)"] = "Sincronizar comentarios (no se perderán comentarios de Facebook, pero se incrementará la carga del sistema)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Guardar";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates"] = "Actualizaciones en tiempo real";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates are activated."] = "Actualizaciones en tiempo real activada.";
+$a->strings["Deactivate Real-Time Updates"] = "Desactivar actualizaciones en tiempo real";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates not activated."] = "Actualizaciones en tiempo real desactivada.";
+$a->strings["Activate Real-Time Updates"] = "Activar actualizaciones en tiempo real";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Los nuevos valores se han guardado.";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Publicar en Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Publicación en Facebook cancelada debido a un conflicto con los permisos de acceso a la multi-red.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Ver en Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Publicación en Facebook errónea. Reintentando...";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "Tu conexión con Facebook ha sido invalidada. Por favor vuelve a identificarte.";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "La conexión con Facebook ha sido invalidada";
+$a->strings["status"] = "estado";
diff --git a/facebook/lang/fr/strings.php b/facebook/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5276fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facebook/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Réglages mis à jour.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permission refusée.";
+$a->strings["Facebook disabled"] = "Connecteur Facebook désactivé";
+$a->strings["Updating contacts"] = "Mise-à-jour des contacts";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Clé d'API Facebook manquante.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connect"] = "Connecteur Facebook";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook connector for this account."] = "Installer le connecteur Facebook sur ce compte.";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook connector"] = "Désinstaller le connecteur Facebook";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Se ré-authentifier [nécessaire chaque fois que vous changez votre mot de passe Facebook.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Poster sur Facebook par défaut";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. The following settings will have no effect."] = "L'ajout d'amis Facebook a été désactivé sur ce site. Les réglages suivants seront sans effet.";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. If you disable it, you will be unable to re-enable it."] = "L'ajout d'amis Facebook a été désactivé sur ce site. Si vous désactivez ce réglage, vous ne pourrez le ré-activer.";
+$a->strings["Link all your Facebook friends and conversations on this website"] = "Lier tous vos amis et conversations Facebook sur ce site";
+$a->strings["Facebook conversations consist of your profile wall and your friend stream."] = "Les conversations Facebook se composent du mur du profil et des flux de vos amis.";
+$a->strings["On this website, your Facebook friend stream is only visible to you."] = "Sur ce site, les flux de vos amis Facebook ne sont visibles que par vous.";
+$a->strings["The following settings determine the privacy of your Facebook profile wall on this website."] = "Les réglages suivants déterminent le niveau de vie privée de votre mur Facebook depuis ce site.";
+$a->strings["On this website your Facebook profile wall conversations will only be visible to you"] = "Sur ce site, les conversations de votre mur Facebook ne sont visibles que par vous.";
+$a->strings["Do not import your Facebook profile wall conversations"] = "Ne pas importer les conversations de votre mur Facebook.";
+$a->strings["If you choose to link conversations and leave both of these boxes unchecked, your Facebook profile wall will be merged with your profile wall on this website and your privacy settings on this website will be used to determine who may see the conversations."] = "Si vous choisissez de lier les conversations et de laisser ces deux cases non-cochées, votre mur Facebook sera fusionné avec votre mur de profil (sur ce site). Vos réglages (locaux) de vie privée serviront à en déterminer la visibilité.";
+$a->strings["Comma separated applications to ignore"] = "Liste (séparée par des virgules) des applications à ignorer";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Problems with Facebook Real-Time Updates"] = "Problème avec les mises-à-jour en temps réel de Facebook";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrateur";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connector Settings"] = "Réglages du connecteur Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Clé d'API Facebook";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Erreur: il semble que vous ayez spécifié un App-ID et un Secret dans votre fichier .htconfig.php. Tant qu'ils y seront, vous ne pourrez les configurer avec ce formulaire.
+$a->strings["Error: the given API Key seems to be incorrect (the application access token could not be retrieved)."] = "Erreur: la clé d'API semble incorrecte (le jeton d'accès d'application n'a pu être recupéré)";
+$a->strings["The given API Key seems to work correctly."] = "La clé d'API semble fonctionner correctement.";
+$a->strings["The correctness of the API Key could not be detected. Something strange's going on."] = "La validité de la clé d'API ne peut être vérifiée. Quelque-chose d'étrange se passe.";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / Clé d'API";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Secret de l'application";
+$a->strings["Synchronize comments (no comments on Facebook are missed, at the cost of increased system load)"] = "Synchroniser les commentaires (aucun commentaire de Facebook ne devrait être oublié, au prix d'une charge système accrue)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Sauver";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates"] = "Mises-à-jour en temps réel";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates are activated."] = "Mises-à-jour en temps réel activées.";
+$a->strings["Deactivate Real-Time Updates"] = "Désactiver les mises-à-jour en temps réel";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates not activated."] = "Mises-à-jour en temps réel désactivées.";
+$a->strings["Activate Real-Time Updates"] = "Activer les mises-à-jour en temps réel";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Les nouvelles valeurs ont été sauvées.";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Poster sur Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Publication sur Facebook annulée pour cause de conflit de permissions inter-réseaux.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Voir sur Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Publication sur Facebook échouée. En attente pour re-tentative.";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "Votre connexion à Facebook est devenue invalide. Merci de vous ré-authentifier.";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "La connexion Facebook est devenue invalide";
+$a->strings["status"] = "le statut";
diff --git a/facebook/lang/is/strings.php b/facebook/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df9db5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facebook/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Stillingar uppfærðar";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Heimild ekki veitt.";
+$a->strings["Facebook disabled"] = "Ekki er kveikt á Facebook ";
+$a->strings["Updating contacts"] = "Uppfæra tengiliði";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Facebook API lykill er ekki til staðar.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connect"] = "Facebook tenging";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook connector for this account."] = "Setja þarf upp Facebook tengil fyrir þennan notanda";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook connector"] = "Fjarlæga Facebook tengil";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Þörf er á endurauðkenningu [Þetta þarf að gera í hvert skipti sem Facebook aðgangsorði er breytt.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Senda sjálfgefið færslur á Facebook ";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. The following settings will have no effect."] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. If you disable it, you will be unable to re-enable it."] = "";
+$a->strings["Link all your Facebook friends and conversations on this website"] = "Tengjast öllum vinum og samtölum á Facebook af þessum vef";
+$a->strings["Facebook conversations consist of your profile wall and your friend stream."] = "Facebook samtöl saman standa af færslum af forsíðuvegg og vinastraum þínum.";
+$a->strings["On this website, your Facebook friend stream is only visible to you."] = "Aðeins Facebook vinastraumurinn þinn er sjáanlegur á þessum þessum vef.";
+$a->strings["The following settings determine the privacy of your Facebook profile wall on this website."] = "Eftirfarandi stillingar stjórna friðhelgi Facebook forsíðu vegg á þessum vef. ";
+$a->strings["On this website your Facebook profile wall conversations will only be visible to you"] = "Samtöl á Facebook forsíðu vegg verða einungis sýnileg þér";
+$a->strings["Do not import your Facebook profile wall conversations"] = "Ekki sækja samtöl af Facebook forsíðu vegg";
+$a->strings["If you choose to link conversations and leave both of these boxes unchecked, your Facebook profile wall will be merged with your profile wall on this website and your privacy settings on this website will be used to determine who may see the conversations."] = "Ef þú ákveður að hlekkja samtöl saman og hefur bæði þessi hök slökkt, þá mun Facebook forsíðan sameinast forsíðunni á þessum vef þannig að friðhelgisstillingar hér munu stjórna hvernig mega sjá hvað.";
+$a->strings["Comma separated applications to ignore"] = "Forrit sem á að hunsa (komma á milli)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Problems with Facebook Real-Time Updates"] = "";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Kerfisstjóri";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connector Settings"] = "Facebook tengils stillingar";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "";
+$a->strings["Error: the given API Key seems to be incorrect (the application access token could not be retrieved)."] = "";
+$a->strings["The given API Key seems to work correctly."] = "";
+$a->strings["The correctness of the API Key could not be detected. Something strange's going on."] = "";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "";
+$a->strings["Synchronize comments (no comments on Facebook are missed, at the cost of increased system load)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Vista";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates"] = "";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates are activated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Deactivate Real-Time Updates"] = "";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates not activated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Activate Real-Time Updates"] = "";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Senda á Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Hætt við færslu á Facebook vegna marg nets aðgangs átaka.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Skoða á Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Færsla sem átti að flæða yfir á Facebook mistókst. Sett í biðröð til endurtekningar.";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "";
+$a->strings["status"] = "staða";
diff --git a/facebook/lang/it/strings.php b/facebook/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ddc1074e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facebook/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Impostazioni aggiornate.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permesso negato.";
+$a->strings["Facebook disabled"] = "Facebook disabilitato";
+$a->strings["Updating contacts"] = "Aggiornamento contatti";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Chiave API Facebook mancante.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connect"] = "Facebook Connect";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook connector for this account."] = "Installa Facebook connector per questo account";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook connector"] = "Rimuovi Facebook connector";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Ri-autentica [Questo è necessario ogni volta che cambia la password di Facebook.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Invia sempre a Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. The following settings will have no effect."] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. If you disable it, you will be unable to re-enable it."] = "";
+$a->strings["Link all your Facebook friends and conversations on this website"] = "Collega tutti i tuoi amici di Facebook e le conversazioni su questo sito";
+$a->strings["Facebook conversations consist of your profile wall and your friend stream."] = "Le conversazione su Facebook sono composte dai i tuoi messsaggi in bacheca e dai messaggi dei tuoi amici";
+$a->strings["On this website, your Facebook friend stream is only visible to you."] = "Su questo sito, i messaggi dai vostri amici su Facebook è visibile solo a te.";
+$a->strings["The following settings determine the privacy of your Facebook profile wall on this website."] = "Le seguenti impostazioni determinano la privacy della vostra bacheca di Facebook su questo sito.";
+$a->strings["On this website your Facebook profile wall conversations will only be visible to you"] = "Su questo sito, le conversazioni sulla tua bacheca di Facebook saranno visibili solo a te";
+$a->strings["Do not import your Facebook profile wall conversations"] = "Non importare le conversazione sulla tua bacheca di Facebook";
+$a->strings["If you choose to link conversations and leave both of these boxes unchecked, your Facebook profile wall will be merged with your profile wall on this website and your privacy settings on this website will be used to determine who may see the conversations."] = "Se scegli di collegare le conversazioni e lasci entrambi questi box non segnati, la tua bacheca di Facebook sarà fusa con la tua bacheca su questao sito, e le impostazioni di privacy su questo sito saranno usate per decidere chi potrà vedere le conversazioni.";
+$a->strings["Comma separated applications to ignore"] = "Elenco separato da virgola di applicazioni da ignorare";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Problems with Facebook Real-Time Updates"] = "Problemi con gli aggiornamenti in tempo reale con Facebook";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Amministratore";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connector Settings"] = "Impostazioni del connettore Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API Key";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
+$a->strings["Error: the given API Key seems to be incorrect (the application access token could not be retrieved)."] = "Error: the given API Key seems to be incorrect (the application access token could not be retrieved).";
+$a->strings["The given API Key seems to work correctly."] = "L' API Key fornita sembra funzionare correttamente.";
+$a->strings["The correctness of the API Key could not be detected. Something strange's going on."] = "L' API Key non puo' essere verificata. Sta succedendo qualcosa di strano.";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Application secret";
+$a->strings["Synchronize comments (no comments on Facebook are missed, at the cost of increased system load)"] = "Sincronizza i commenti (non vengono persi commenti su Facebook, al prezzo di un maggior carico di sistema)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Salva";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates"] = "Aggiornamenti Real-Time";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates are activated."] = "Gli aggiornamenti in tempo reale sono attivi";
+$a->strings["Deactivate Real-Time Updates"] = "Disattiva gli aggiornamenti in tempo reale";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates not activated."] = "Gli aggiornamenti in tempo reale non sono attivi";
+$a->strings["Activate Real-Time Updates"] = "Attiva gli aggiornamenti in tempo reale";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "I nuovi valori sono stati salvati.";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Invia a Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Invio su Facebook annullato per un conflitto nei permessi di accesso.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Vedi su Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Invio a Facebook fallito. In attesa di riprovare.";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "La tua connessione con Facebook è diventata invalida. Per favore ri-autenticati.";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "La connessione Facebook è diventata invalida.";
+$a->strings["status"] = "stato";
diff --git a/facebook/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/facebook/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29430012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facebook/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Innstillinger oppdatert.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Ingen tilgang.";
+$a->strings["Facebook disabled"] = "Facebook avskrudd";
+$a->strings["Updating contacts"] = "Oppdaterer kontakter";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Facebook API-nøkkel mangler.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connect"] = "Facebook-kobling";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook connector for this account."] = "Legg til Facebook-kobling for denne kontoen.";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook connector"] = "Fjern Facebook-kobling";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Post til Facebook som standard";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. The following settings will have no effect."] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. If you disable it, you will be unable to re-enable it."] = "";
+$a->strings["Link all your Facebook friends and conversations on this website"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook conversations consist of your profile wall and your friend stream."] = "";
+$a->strings["On this website, your Facebook friend stream is only visible to you."] = "";
+$a->strings["The following settings determine the privacy of your Facebook profile wall on this website."] = "";
+$a->strings["On this website your Facebook profile wall conversations will only be visible to you"] = "";
+$a->strings["Do not import your Facebook profile wall conversations"] = "";
+$a->strings["If you choose to link conversations and leave both of these boxes unchecked, your Facebook profile wall will be merged with your profile wall on this website and your privacy settings on this website will be used to determine who may see the conversations."] = "";
+$a->strings["Comma separated applications to ignore"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Problems with Facebook Real-Time Updates"] = "";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrator";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connector Settings"] = "Innstillinger for Facebook-kobling";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "";
+$a->strings["Error: the given API Key seems to be incorrect (the application access token could not be retrieved)."] = "";
+$a->strings["The given API Key seems to work correctly."] = "";
+$a->strings["The correctness of the API Key could not be detected. Something strange's going on."] = "";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "";
+$a->strings["Synchronize comments (no comments on Facebook are missed, at the cost of increased system load)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates"] = "";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates are activated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Deactivate Real-Time Updates"] = "";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates not activated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Activate Real-Time Updates"] = "";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Post til Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Posting til Facebook avbrutt på grunn av konflikt med tilgangsrettigheter i multi-nettverk.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Facebook-innlegg mislyktes. Innlegget er lagt i kø for å prøve igjen.";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "";
+$a->strings["status"] = "status";
diff --git a/facebook/lang/pl/strings.php b/facebook/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..246bf0e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facebook/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Zaktualizowano ustawienia.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Brak uprawnień.";
+$a->strings["Facebook disabled"] = "Facebook wyłączony";
+$a->strings["Updating contacts"] = "Aktualizacja kontaktów";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Brakuje klucza API z facebooka.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connect"] = "Połącz konto z kontem Facebook";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook connector for this account."] = "Zainstaluj wtyczkę Facebook ";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook connector"] = "Usuń wtyczkę Facebook";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Ponowna autoryzacja [Jest wymagana jeśli twoje hasło do Facebooka jest zmienione]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Domyślnie opublikuj na stronie Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. The following settings will have no effect."] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. If you disable it, you will be unable to re-enable it."] = "";
+$a->strings["Link all your Facebook friends and conversations on this website"] = "Połącz wszystkie twoje kontakty i konwersacje na tej stronie z serwisem Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook conversations consist of your profile wall and your friend stream."] = "";
+$a->strings["On this website, your Facebook friend stream is only visible to you."] = "";
+$a->strings["The following settings determine the privacy of your Facebook profile wall on this website."] = "";
+$a->strings["On this website your Facebook profile wall conversations will only be visible to you"] = "";
+$a->strings["Do not import your Facebook profile wall conversations"] = "";
+$a->strings["If you choose to link conversations and leave both of these boxes unchecked, your Facebook profile wall will be merged with your profile wall on this website and your privacy settings on this website will be used to determine who may see the conversations."] = "";
+$a->strings["Comma separated applications to ignore"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Problems with Facebook Real-Time Updates"] = "Problemy z aktualizacjami w czasie rzeczywistym Facebook'a";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrator";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connector Settings"] = "Ustawienia połączenia z Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API Key";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "";
+$a->strings["Error: the given API Key seems to be incorrect (the application access token could not be retrieved)."] = "";
+$a->strings["The given API Key seems to work correctly."] = "";
+$a->strings["The correctness of the API Key could not be detected. Something strange's going on."] = "";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "";
+$a->strings["Synchronize comments (no comments on Facebook are missed, at the cost of increased system load)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Zapisz";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates"] = "Aktualizacje w czasie rzeczywistym";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates are activated."] = "Aktualizacje w czasie rzeczywistym zostały aktywowane.";
+$a->strings["Deactivate Real-Time Updates"] = "Zdezaktywuj aktualizacje w czasie rzeczywistym";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates not activated."] = "Aktualizacje w czasie rzeczywistym nie zostały aktywowane.";
+$a->strings["Activate Real-Time Updates"] = "Aktywuj aktualizacje w czasie rzeczywistym";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Post na Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Publikacja na stronie Facebook nie powiodła się z powodu braku dostępu do sieci";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Zobacz na Friendice";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "Błędne połączenie z Facebookiem";
+$a->strings["status"] = "status";
diff --git a/facebook/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/facebook/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e370f00b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facebook/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "As configurações foram atualizadas.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permissão negada.";
+$a->strings["Facebook disabled"] = "O Facebook está desabilitado";
+$a->strings["Updating contacts"] = "Atualizando os contatos";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "A chave de API do Facebook não foi encontrada.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connect"] = "Conexão com o Facebook";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook connector for this account."] = "Instalar o conector do Facebook nesta conta.";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook connector"] = "Remover o conector do Facebook";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Reautenticar [Isso é necessário sempre que sua senha do Facebook é modificada.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Publicar no Facebook por padrão";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. The following settings will have no effect."] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. If you disable it, you will be unable to re-enable it."] = "";
+$a->strings["Link all your Facebook friends and conversations on this website"] = "Ligar todos os seus amigos e conversas do Facebook neste site";
+$a->strings["Facebook conversations consist of your profile wall and your friend stream."] = "As conversas do Facebook consistem do seu perfil/mural e da linha do tempo dos seus amigos.";
+$a->strings["On this website, your Facebook friend stream is only visible to you."] = "Neste site, a linha do tempo dos seus amigos do Facebook está visível somente para você.";
+$a->strings["The following settings determine the privacy of your Facebook profile wall on this website."] = "As seguintes configurações determinam a privacidade do mural do seu perfil do Facebook neste site.";
+$a->strings["On this website your Facebook profile wall conversations will only be visible to you"] = "Nesse site as conversas do mural do seu perfil do Facebook estão visíveis somente para você";
+$a->strings["Do not import your Facebook profile wall conversations"] = "Não importar as conversas do seu perfil/mural do Facebook";
+$a->strings["If you choose to link conversations and leave both of these boxes unchecked, your Facebook profile wall will be merged with your profile wall on this website and your privacy settings on this website will be used to determine who may see the conversations."] = "Se você escolher ligar as conversas e deixar ambas opções desmarcadas, seu perfil/mural do Facebook será mesclado com seu perfil/mural nesse website e suas configurações de privacidade nesse website serão usadas para determinar quem pode ver as conversas.";
+$a->strings["Comma separated applications to ignore"] = "Ignorar aplicações separadas por vírgula";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Problems with Facebook Real-Time Updates"] = "Problemas com as atualizações em tempo real do Facebook";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrador";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connector Settings"] = "Configurações do conector do Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Chave da API do Facebook";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Erro: parece que você especificou o App-ID e o -Secret no arquivo .htconfig.php. Uma vez estão especificado lá, eles não podem ser definidos neste formulário.
+$a->strings["Error: the given API Key seems to be incorrect (the application access token could not be retrieved)."] = "Erro: a chave de API fornecida parece estar incorreta (não foi possível recuperar o token de acesso à aplicação).";
+$a->strings["The given API Key seems to work correctly."] = "A chave de API fornecida aparentemente está funcionando corretamente.";
+$a->strings["The correctness of the API Key could not be detected. Something strange's going on."] = "";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Segredo da aplicação";
+$a->strings["Synchronize comments (no comments on Facebook are missed, at the cost of increased system load)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Salvar";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates"] = "Atualizações em tempo real";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates are activated."] = "As atualizações em tempo real estão ativadas.";
+$a->strings["Deactivate Real-Time Updates"] = "Desativar as atualizações em tempo real.";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates not activated."] = "As atualizações em tempo real não estão ativadas.";
+$a->strings["Activate Real-Time Updates"] = "Ativar atualizações em tempo real";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Os novos valores foram salvos.";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Publicar no Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "A publicação no Facebook foi cancelada devido a um conflito de permissão de acesso multi-rede.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Ver no Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Não foi possível publicar no Facebook. Armazenado na fila para nova tentativa.";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "A sua conexão com o Facebook tornou-se invalida. Por favor autentique-se novamente.";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "A conexão com o Facebook tornou-se inválida";
+$a->strings["status"] = "status";
diff --git a/facebook/lang/ru/strings.php b/facebook/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b4ed2d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facebook/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Настройки обновлены.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Нет разрешения.";
+$a->strings["Facebook disabled"] = "Facebook отключен";
+$a->strings["Updating contacts"] = "Обновление контактов";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Отсутствует ключ Facebook API.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connect"] = "Facebook подключение";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook connector for this account."] = "Установить Facebook Connector для этого аккаунта.";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook connector"] = "Удалить Facebook Connector";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Переаутентификация [Это необходимо, если вы изменили пароль на Facebook.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Отправлять на Facebook по умолчанию";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. The following settings will have no effect."] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. If you disable it, you will be unable to re-enable it."] = "";
+$a->strings["Link all your Facebook friends and conversations on this website"] = "Прикрепите своих друзей и общение с Facebook на этот сайт";
+$a->strings["Facebook conversations consist of your profile wall and your friend stream."] = "";
+$a->strings["On this website, your Facebook friend stream is only visible to you."] = "Facebook-лента друзей видна только вам.";
+$a->strings["The following settings determine the privacy of your Facebook profile wall on this website."] = "Следующие настройки определяют параметры приватности вашей стены с Facebook на этом сайте.";
+$a->strings["On this website your Facebook profile wall conversations will only be visible to you"] = "Ваша лента профиля Facebook будет видна только вам";
+$a->strings["Do not import your Facebook profile wall conversations"] = "Не импортировать Facebook разговоров с Вашей страницы";
+$a->strings["If you choose to link conversations and leave both of these boxes unchecked, your Facebook profile wall will be merged with your profile wall on this website and your privacy settings on this website will be used to determine who may see the conversations."] = "";
+$a->strings["Comma separated applications to ignore"] = "Игнорировать приложения (список через запятую)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Problems with Facebook Real-Time Updates"] = "";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Администратор";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connector Settings"] = "Настройки подключения Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API Key";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "";
+$a->strings["Error: the given API Key seems to be incorrect (the application access token could not be retrieved)."] = "";
+$a->strings["The given API Key seems to work correctly."] = "";
+$a->strings["The correctness of the API Key could not be detected. Something strange's going on."] = "";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Секрет приложения";
+$a->strings["Synchronize comments (no comments on Facebook are missed, at the cost of increased system load)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Сохранить";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates"] = "";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates are activated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Deactivate Real-Time Updates"] = "Отключить Real-Time обновления";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates not activated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Activate Real-Time Updates"] = "Активировать Real-Time обновления";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Отправить на Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Отправка на Facebook отменена из-за конфликта разрешений доступа разных сетей.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Ошибка отправки сообщения на Facebook. В очереди на еще одну попытку.";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "Facebook подключение не удалось";
+$a->strings["status"] = "статус";
diff --git a/facebook/lang/sv/strings.php b/facebook/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..802e13e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facebook/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Inställningarna har uppdaterats.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Åtkomst nekad.";
+$a->strings["Facebook disabled"] = "Facebook inaktiverat";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Facebook API key is missing.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connect"] = "Facebook Connect";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Lägg alltid in inläggen på Facebook";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Admin";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connector Settings"] = "Facebook Connector Settings";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Lägg in på Facebook";
+$a->strings["status"] = "status";
diff --git a/facebook/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/facebook/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3aec41bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/facebook/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "设置跟新了";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "权限不够。";
+$a->strings["Facebook disabled"] = "Facebook废";
+$a->strings["Updating contacts"] = "正才更新熟人";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Facebook API钥匙失踪的。";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connect"] = "Facebook联络";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook connector for this account."] = "安装Facebook连接器为这个账户。";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook connector"] = "删除Facebook连接器";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "复认证[这是必要的每当您Facebook密码变化了]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "默认地放在Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. The following settings will have no effect."] = "这个网站使Facebook朋友环节不能用。这下的设置没有印象。";
+$a->strings["Facebook friend linking has been disabled on this site. If you disable it, you will be unable to re-enable it."] = "这个网站使Facebook朋友环节不能用。假如那样的话您不会再使可用的。";
+$a->strings["Link all your Facebook friends and conversations on this website"] = "连接您所有的Facebook朋友们和交流在这个网站";
+$a->strings["Facebook conversations consist of your profile wall and your friend stream."] = "Facebook交流由您的简介墙和您朋友的溪流组成。 ";
+$a->strings["On this website, your Facebook friend stream is only visible to you."] = "在这个网站,您Facebook朋友溪流是只您可见的。";
+$a->strings["The following settings determine the privacy of your Facebook profile wall on this website."] = "下面的设置决定您在这个网站Facebook简介墙的隐私。";
+$a->strings["On this website your Facebook profile wall conversations will only be visible to you"] = "在这个网站您Facebook简介墙交流是只您可见的。";
+$a->strings["Do not import your Facebook profile wall conversations"] = "别进口您Facebook简介墙交流";
+$a->strings["If you choose to link conversations and leave both of these boxes unchecked, your Facebook profile wall will be merged with your profile wall on this website and your privacy settings on this website will be used to determine who may see the conversations."] = "如果您选择连接交流和留这两个复选框空则,您Facebook简介墙被在您这网站的简介墙融合和您的这网站隐私设置决定谁能看那些交流。";
+$a->strings["Comma separated applications to ignore"] = "逗号分开的应用要不理";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Problems with Facebook Real-Time Updates"] = "Facebook实时更新有问题";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "管理员";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Connector Settings"] = "Facebook连接器设置";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API密码";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "错误:看上去您输入App-ID和-Secret在您的.htconfig.php文件。它们那里输入的时候,您不能把他们在这个表格输入。
+$a->strings["Error: the given API Key seems to be incorrect (the application access token could not be retrieved)."] = "错误:输入的API密码显得不对(取回不了应用代金券)。";
+$a->strings["The given API Key seems to work correctly."] = "输入的API密码显得对地运行。";
+$a->strings["The correctness of the API Key could not be detected. Something strange's going on."] = "API钥匙的正确性发现不了。什么奇怪的进行";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "应用密码";
+$a->strings["Synchronize comments (no comments on Facebook are missed, at the cost of increased system load)"] = "同步评论(无Facebook评论错过了,代价增添系统工作量)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "保存";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates"] = "实时更新";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates are activated."] = "实时更新使活动";
+$a->strings["Deactivate Real-Time Updates"] = "使实时更新不活动";
+$a->strings["Real-Time Updates not activated."] = "实时更新使不活动";
+$a->strings["Activate Real-Time Updates"] = "使实时更新活动";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "新的设置保存了。";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "放在Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "发送到Facebook取消由于多网络准许矛盾。";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "看在Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Facebook发送失败了。排队着待再试。";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "您Facebook联系成无效的。请再认证。";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "Facebook联系成无效的";
+$a->strings["status"] = "现状";
diff --git a/fbpost/lang/ca/strings.php b/fbpost/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9b09ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fbpost/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Ajustos actualitzats.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permís denegat.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post disabled"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "La clau del API de Facebook s'ha perdut.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post"] = "";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Re-autentificar [Això és necessari cada vegada que la contrasenya de Facebook canvia.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Enviar a Facebook per defecte";
+$a->strings["Suppress __DQ__View on friendica__DQ__"] = "";
+$a->strings["Mirror wall posts from facebook to friendica."] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to page/group:"] = "";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Cap";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API Key";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Error: Apareix que has especificat el App-ID i el Secret en el arxiu .htconfig.php. Per estar especificat allà, no pot ser canviat utilitzant aquest formulari.
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Application secret";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Guardar";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Els nous valors s'han guardat.";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Enviament a Facebook";
+$a->strings["%s:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Enviament a Facebook cancel·lat perque hi ha un conflicte de permisos d'accés multi-xarxa.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Vist en Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Enviament a Facebook fracassat. En cua per a reintent.";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrador";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "La seva connexió a Facebook es va convertir en no vàlida. Per favor, torni a autenticar-se";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "La seva connexió a Facebook es va convertir en no vàlida";
diff --git a/fbpost/lang/cs/strings.php b/fbpost/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55da8e6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fbpost/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Nastavení aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Přístup odmítnut.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post disabled"] = "Příspěvky na Facebook zakázán.";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Chybí Facebook API klíč.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post"] = "Facebook příspěvek";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "Instalovat pro tento účet konektor pro příspěvky na Facebook.";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "Odstranit konektor pro příspěvky na Facebook";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Opětovná autentikace [Toto je nezbytné kdykoliv se změní Vaše heslo na Facebooku.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Standardně posílat příspěvky na Facebook";
+$a->strings["Suppress __DQ__View on friendica__DQ__"] = "Potlačit \"Zobrazit na friendica\"";
+$a->strings["Post to page/group:"] = "Příspěvek na stránku/skupinu";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Žádný";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post Settings"] = "Nastavení konektoru pro příspěvky na Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API Key";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Chyba: zdá se, že jste specifikoval App-ID a -Secret ve Vašem .htconfig.php souboru. Dokud jsou na tomto místě specifikované, nemohou být nastaveny s pomocí tohoto formuláře.
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Application secret";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Uložit";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Nové hodnoty byly uloženy";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Přidat příspěvek na Facebook";
+$a->strings["%s:"] = "%s:";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Příspěvek na Facebook zrušen kvůli konfliktu přístupových práv mezi sítěmi.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Zobrazení na Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Zaslání příspěvku na Facebook selhalo. Příspěvek byl zařazen do fronty pro opakované odeslání.";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrátor";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "Vaše připojení na Facebook přestalo být platné. Prosím znovu se přihlaste.";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "Připojení na Facebook bylo zneplatněno.";
diff --git a/fbpost/lang/de/strings.php b/fbpost/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32a75da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fbpost/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Zugriff verweigert.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post disabled"] = "Nach Facebook senden deaktiviert";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Facebook-API-Schlüssel nicht gefunden";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post"] = "Facebook Relai";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "Facebook-Connector für dieses Konto installieren.";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "Facebook-Connector entfernen";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Neu authentifizieren [Das ist immer dann nötig, wenn du dein Facebook-Passwort geändert hast.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Veröffentliche standardmäßig bei Facebook";
+$a->strings["Suppress __DQ__View on friendica__DQ__"] = "Unterdrücke \"Auf Friendica Ansehen\"";
+$a->strings["Mirror wall posts from facebook to friendica."] = "Spiegle Pinnwandeinträge von Facebook auf friendica";
+$a->strings["Post to page/group:"] = "Auf FB Seite/Gruppe veröffentlichen";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Keine";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post Settings"] = "Facebook-Beitragseinstellungen";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API Schlüssel";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Fehler: du scheinst die App-ID und das App-Geheimnis in deiner .htconfig.php Datei angegeben zu haben. Solange sie dort festgelegt werden kannst du dieses Formular hier nicht verwenden.
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Anwendungs-Geheimnis";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Speichern";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Die neuen Einstellungen wurden gespeichert.";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Bei Facebook veröffentlichen";
+$a->strings["%s:"] = "%s:";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Beitrag wurde nicht bei Facebook veröffentlicht, da Konflikte bei den Multi-Netzwerk-Zugriffsrechten vorliegen.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "In Friendica betrachten";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Veröffentlichung bei Facebook gescheitert. Wir versuchen es später erneut.";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrator";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "Deine Facebook Anmeldedaten sind ungültig geworden. Bitte re-authentifiziere dich.";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "Facebook Anmeldedaten sind ungültig geworden";
diff --git a/fbpost/lang/eo/strings.php b/fbpost/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99c70e4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fbpost/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Agordoj ĝisdatigita.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Malpermesita.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post disabled"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "La API ŝlosilo de Facebook ne estas konata ĉi tie.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post"] = "";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Reaŭtentiĝi [Tio estas bezonata ĉiam kiam vi ŝanĝis vian pasvorton ĉe Facebook.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Ĉiam afiŝi al Facebook.";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Nenio";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API ŝlosilo";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Eraro: Ŝajnas kvazaŭ vi agordis la App-ID kaj la sekreton en via .htconfig.php dosiero. Kiam ili estas agordita tie, vi ne povas agordi ĝin en tiu ĉi formo.
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "Programo ID / API Ŝlosilo";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Programo sekreto";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Konservi";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Konservis novajn valorojn.";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Afiŝi al Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Afiŝado al Facebook nuligita ĉar okazis konflikto en la multretpermesoj.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Vidi ĉe Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Malsukcesis afiŝi ĉe Facebook. Enigita en vico.";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administranto";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "Via Facbook konekto iĝis nevalida. Bonvolu reaŭtentiĝi.";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "Facebook konekto iĝis nevalida.";
diff --git a/fbpost/lang/es/strings.php b/fbpost/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3446489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fbpost/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Configuración actualizada.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permiso denegado.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post disabled"] = "Facebook deshabilitado";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Falta la clave API de Facebook.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "Instalar el conector de Facebook para esta cuenta.";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "Eliminar el conector de Facebook";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Volver a identificarse [Esto es necesario cada vez que tu contraseña de Facebook cambie.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Publicar en Facebook de forma predeterminada";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Ninguna";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post Settings"] = "Configuración de conexión a Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Llave API de Facebook";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Error: parece que la App-ID y el -Secret ya están configurados en tu archivo .htconfig.php. Al estar configurados allí, no se usará este formulario.
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "Añadir ID / Llave API";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Secreto de la aplicación";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Guardar";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Los nuevos valores se han guardado.";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Publicar en Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Publicación en Facebook cancelada debido a un conflicto con los permisos de acceso a la multi-red.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Ver en Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Publicación en Facebook errónea. Reintentando...";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrador";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "Tu conexión con Facebook ha sido invalidada. Por favor vuelve a identificarte.";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "La conexión con Facebook ha sido invalidada";
diff --git a/fbpost/lang/fr/strings.php b/fbpost/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3edd9fa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fbpost/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Réglages mis à jour.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permission refusée.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post disabled"] = "Publications Facebook désactivées";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Clé d'API Facebook manquante.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post"] = "Publications Facebook";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "Installer le connecteur Facebook pour ce compte.";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "Retirer le connecteur Facebook";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Se ré-authentifier [nécessaire chaque fois que vous changez votre mot de passe Facebook.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Poster sur Facebook par défaut";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Aucun(e)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post Settings"] = "Réglages Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Clé d'API Facebook";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Erreur: il semble que vous ayez spécifié un App-ID et un Secret dans votre fichier .htconfig.php. Tant qu'ils y seront, vous ne pourrez les configurer avec ce formulaire.
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / Clé d'API";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Secret de l'application";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Sauver";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Les nouvelles valeurs ont été sauvées.";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Poster sur Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Publication sur Facebook annulée pour cause de conflit de permissions inter-réseaux.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Voir sur Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Publication sur Facebook échouée. En attente pour re-tentative.";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrateur";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "Votre connexion à Facebook est devenue invalide. Merci de vous ré-authentifier.";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "La connexion Facebook est devenue invalide";
diff --git a/fbpost/lang/is/strings.php b/fbpost/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e64cde8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fbpost/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Stillingar uppfærðar";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Heimild ekki veitt.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post disabled"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Facebook API lykill er ekki til staðar.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post"] = "";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Þörf er á endurauðkenningu [Þetta þarf að gera í hvert skipti sem Facebook aðgangsorði er breytt.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Senda sjálfgefið færslur á Facebook ";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Ekkert";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Vista";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Senda á Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Hætt við færslu á Facebook vegna marg nets aðgangs átaka.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Skoða á Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Færsla sem átti að flæða yfir á Facebook mistókst. Sett í biðröð til endurtekningar.";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Kerfisstjóri";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "";
diff --git a/fbpost/lang/it/strings.php b/fbpost/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0717d849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fbpost/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Impostazioni aggiornate.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permesso negato.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post disabled"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Chiave API Facebook mancante.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post"] = "";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Ri-autentica [Questo è necessario ogni volta che cambia la password di Facebook.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Invia sempre a Facebook";
+$a->strings["Suppress __DQ__View on friendica__DQ__"] = "";
+$a->strings["Mirror wall posts from facebook to friendica."] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to page/group:"] = "";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Nessuna";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API Key";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Application secret";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Salva";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "I nuovi valori sono stati salvati.";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Invia a Facebook";
+$a->strings["%s:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Invio su Facebook annullato per un conflitto nei permessi di accesso.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Vedi su Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Invio a Facebook fallito. In attesa di riprovare.";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Amministratore";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "La tua connessione con Facebook è diventata invalida. Per favore ri-autenticati.";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "La connessione Facebook è diventata invalida.";
diff --git a/fbpost/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/fbpost/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4cf15b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fbpost/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Innstillinger oppdatert.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Ingen tilgang.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post disabled"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Facebook API-nøkkel mangler.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post"] = "";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Post til Facebook som standard";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Ingen";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Post til Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Posting til Facebook avbrutt på grunn av konflikt med tilgangsrettigheter i multi-nettverk.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Facebook-innlegg mislyktes. Innlegget er lagt i kø for å prøve igjen.";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrator";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "";
diff --git a/fbpost/lang/pl/strings.php b/fbpost/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a933d3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fbpost/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Zaktualizowano ustawienia.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Brak uprawnień.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post disabled"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Brakuje klucza API z facebooka.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post"] = "Wpis z Facebooka";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Ponowna autoryzacja [Jest wymagana jeśli twoje hasło do Facebooka jest zmienione]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Domyślnie opublikuj na stronie Facebook";
+$a->strings["Suppress __DQ__View on friendica__DQ__"] = "";
+$a->strings["Mirror wall posts from facebook to friendica."] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to page/group:"] = "Napisz na stronę/grupę:";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Brak";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post Settings"] = "Ustawienia wpisu z Facebooka";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API Key";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Zapisz";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Post na Facebook";
+$a->strings["%s:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Publikacja na stronie Facebook nie powiodła się z powodu braku dostępu do sieci";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Zobacz na Friendice";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrator";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "Błędne połączenie z Facebookiem";
diff --git a/fbpost/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/fbpost/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3662a830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fbpost/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "As configurações foram atualizadas.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Permissão negada.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post disabled"] = "A publicação no Facebook foi desabilitada";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "A chave de API do Facebook não foi encontrada.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post"] = "Publicação no Facebook";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "Instalar o conector de publicação no Facebook para esta conta.";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "Remover o conector de publicação no Facebook";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Reautenticar [Isso é necessário sempre que sua senha do Facebook é modificada.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Publicar no Facebook por padrão";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Nenhuma";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post Settings"] = "Configurações de publicação no Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Chave da API do Facebook";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "Erro: parece que você especificou o App-ID e o -Secret no arquivo .htconfig.php. Uma vez estão especificado lá, eles não podem ser definidos neste formulário.
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Segredo da aplicação";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Salvar";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "Os novos valores foram salvos.";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Publicar no Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "A publicação no Facebook foi cancelada devido a um conflito de permissão de acesso multi-rede.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "Ver no Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Não foi possível publicar no Facebook. Armazenado na fila para nova tentativa.";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrador";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "A sua conexão com o Facebook tornou-se invalida. Por favor autentique-se novamente.";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "A conexão com o Facebook tornou-se inválida";
diff --git a/fbpost/lang/ru/strings.php b/fbpost/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3aa2f443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fbpost/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Настройки обновлены.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Нет разрешения.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post disabled"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Отсутствует ключ Facebook API.";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post"] = "";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "Переаутентификация [Это необходимо, если вы изменили пароль на Facebook.]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Отправлять на Facebook по умолчанию";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Ничего";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API Key";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "";
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "Секрет приложения";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Сохранить";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Отправить на Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "Отправка на Facebook отменена из-за конфликта разрешений доступа разных сетей.";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Ошибка отправки сообщения на Facebook. В очереди на еще одну попытку.";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Администратор";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "Facebook подключение не удалось";
diff --git a/fbpost/lang/sv/strings.php b/fbpost/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3053480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fbpost/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Inställningarna har uppdaterats.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Åtkomst nekad.";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Facebook API key is missing.";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "Lägg alltid in inläggen på Facebook";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "Lägg in på Facebook";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Admin";
diff --git a/fbpost/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/fbpost/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0744878b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fbpost/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "设置跟新了";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "权限不够。";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post disabled"] = "使Facebook文章不可用的";
+$a->strings["Facebook API key is missing."] = "Facebook API钥匙失踪的。";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post"] = "Facebook文章";
+$a->strings["Install Facebook Post connector for this account."] = "安装Facebook文章连接器为这个账户";
+$a->strings["Remove Facebook Post connector"] = "把Facebook文章连接器删除";
+$a->strings["Re-authenticate [This is necessary whenever your Facebook password is changed.]"] = "复认证[这是必要的每当您Facebook密码变化了]";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook by default"] = "默认地放在Facebook";
+$a->strings["Suppress __DQ__View on friendica__DQ__"] = "禁止「看在Friendica」";
+$a->strings["Mirror wall posts from facebook to friendica."] = "复制墙文章从facebook到friendica。";
+$a->strings["Post to page/group:"] = "放在页/组:";
+$a->strings["None"] = "没有";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Facebook Post Settings"] = "Facebook文章设置";
+$a->strings["Facebook API Key"] = "Facebook API密码";
+$a->strings["Error: it appears that you have specified the App-ID and -Secret in your .htconfig.php file. As long as they are specified there, they cannot be set using this form.
"] = "错误:看上去您输入App-ID和-Secret在您的.htconfig.php文件。它们那里输入的时候,您不能把他们在这个表格输入。
+$a->strings["App-ID / API-Key"] = "App-ID / API-Key";
+$a->strings["Application secret"] = "应用密码";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "保存";
+$a->strings["The new values have been saved."] = "新的设置保存了。";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook"] = "放在Facebook";
+$a->strings["%s:"] = "%s:";
+$a->strings["Post to Facebook cancelled because of multi-network access permission conflict."] = "发送到Facebook取消由于多网络准许矛盾。";
+$a->strings["View on Friendica"] = "看在Friendica";
+$a->strings["Facebook post failed. Queued for retry."] = "Facebook发送失败了。排队着待再试。";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "管理员";
+$a->strings["Your Facebook connection became invalid. Please Re-authenticate."] = "您Facebook联系成无效的。请再认证。";
+$a->strings["Facebook connection became invalid"] = "Facebook联系成无效的";
diff --git a/forumdirectory/lang/ca/strings.php b/forumdirectory/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63bfcb61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumdirectory/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Forum Directory"] = "";
+$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Accés públic denegat.";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Directori Global";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Trobat en aquest lloc";
+$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Cercant:";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Directori Local";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "Cercar";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Edat:";
+$a->strings["Gender: "] = "Gènere:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Ubicació:";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Gènere:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Estatus:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Pàgina web:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "Acerca de:";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "No hi ha entrades (algunes de les entrades poden estar amagades).";
diff --git a/forumdirectory/lang/cs/strings.php b/forumdirectory/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f677bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumdirectory/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Forum Directory"] = "Adresář Fór";
+$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Veřejný přístup odepřen.";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Globální adresář";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Nalézt na tomto webu";
+$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Zjištění: ";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Adresář serveru";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "Najít";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Věk: ";
+$a->strings["Gender: "] = "Pohlaví: ";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Místo:";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Pohlaví:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Status:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Domácí stránka:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "O mě:";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Žádné záznamy (některé položky mohou být skryty).";
diff --git a/forumdirectory/lang/de/strings.php b/forumdirectory/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4de16ffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumdirectory/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Forum Directory"] = "Foren Verzeichnis";
+$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Öffentlicher Zugriff verweigert.";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Weltweites Verzeichnis";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Auf diesem Server suchen";
+$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Funde: ";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Verzeichnis";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "Finde";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Alter: ";
+$a->strings["Gender: "] = "Geschlecht:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Ort:";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Geschlecht:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Status:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Homepage:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "Über:";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Keine Einträge (einige Einträge könnten versteckt sein).";
diff --git a/forumdirectory/lang/eo/strings.php b/forumdirectory/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ec15e76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumdirectory/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Public access denied."] = "Publika atingo ne permesita.";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Tutmonda Katalogo";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Trovi en ĉi retejo";
+$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Trovata:";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Reteja Katalogo";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "Trovi";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Aĝo:";
+$a->strings["Gender: "] = "Sekso:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Loko:";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Sekso:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Stato:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Hejmpaĝo:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "Pri:";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Neniom da afiŝoj (kelkaj afiŝoj eble ne estas videbla).";
diff --git a/forumdirectory/lang/es/strings.php b/forumdirectory/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e89e138c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumdirectory/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Public access denied."] = "Acceso público denegado.";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Directorio global";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Buscar en este sitio";
+$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Buscando: ";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Directorio del sitio";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "Buscar";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Edad: ";
+$a->strings["Gender: "] = "Género:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Localización:";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Género:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Estado:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Página de inicio:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "Acerca de:";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Sin entradas (algunas pueden que estén ocultas).";
diff --git a/forumdirectory/lang/fr/strings.php b/forumdirectory/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93f7faa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumdirectory/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Forum Directory"] = "";
+$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Accès public refusé.";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Annuaire global";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Trouver sur ce site";
+$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Trouvé: ";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Annuaire local";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "Trouver";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Age: ";
+$a->strings["Gender: "] = "Genre: ";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Localisation:";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Genre:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Statut:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Page personnelle:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "À propos:";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Aucune entrée (certaines peuvent être cachées).";
diff --git a/forumdirectory/lang/is/strings.php b/forumdirectory/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da710b73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumdirectory/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Public access denied."] = "Alemennings aðgangur ekki veittur.";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Heims tengiliða skrá";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Leita á þessum vef";
+$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Niðurstöður:";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Vef tengiliða skrá";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "Finna";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Aldur:";
+$a->strings["Gender: "] = "Kyn:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Staðsetning:";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Kyn:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Staða:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Heimasíða:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "Um:";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Engar færslur (sumar geta verið faldar).";
diff --git a/forumdirectory/lang/it/strings.php b/forumdirectory/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8a5fb44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumdirectory/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Forum Directory"] = "";
+$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Accesso negato.";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Elenco globale";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Cerca nel sito";
+$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Ricerca: ";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Elenco del sito";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "Trova";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Età : ";
+$a->strings["Gender: "] = "Genere:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Posizione:";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Genere:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Stato:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Homepage:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "Informazioni:";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Nessuna voce (qualche voce potrebbe essere nascosta).";
diff --git a/forumdirectory/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/forumdirectory/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bcc94233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumdirectory/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Forum Directory"] = "";
+$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Offentlig tilgang ikke tillatt.";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Global katalog";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "";
+$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Fant:";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Stedets katalog";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "Finn";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Alder:";
+$a->strings["Gender: "] = "Kjønn:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Plassering:";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Kjønn:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Status:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Hjemmeside:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "Om:";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Ingen oppføringer (noen oppføringer kan være skjulte).";
diff --git a/forumdirectory/lang/pl/strings.php b/forumdirectory/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bda52400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumdirectory/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Forum Directory"] = "Katalog Forum";
+$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Publiczny dostęp zabroniony";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Globalne Położenie";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Znajdź na tej stronie";
+$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Znalezione:";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Katalog Strony";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "Znajdź";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Wiek: ";
+$a->strings["Gender: "] = "Płeć: ";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Lokalizacja";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Płeć:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Status";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Strona główna:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "O:";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Brak odwiedzin (niektóre odwiedziny mogą być ukryte).";
diff --git a/forumdirectory/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/forumdirectory/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6503b04c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumdirectory/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Forum Directory"] = "";
+$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Acesso público negado.";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Diretório global";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Pesquisar neste site";
+$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Pesquisando: ";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Diretório do site";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "Pesquisar";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Idade: ";
+$a->strings["Gender: "] = "Gênero: ";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Localização:";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Gênero:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Estado:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Página web:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "Sobre:";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Nenhuma entrada (algumas entradas podem estar ocultas).";
diff --git a/forumdirectory/lang/ru/strings.php b/forumdirectory/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b1e016e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumdirectory/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Forum Directory"] = "";
+$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Свободный доступ закрыт.";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "Глобальный каталог";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "Найти на этом сайте";
+$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Результат поиска: ";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Каталог сайта";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "Найти";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Возраст: ";
+$a->strings["Gender: "] = "Пол: ";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Откуда:";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Пол:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Статус:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Домашняя страничка:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "О себе:";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Нет записей (некоторые записи могут быть скрыты).";
diff --git a/forumdirectory/lang/sv/strings.php b/forumdirectory/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70a9ca5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumdirectory/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Global Directory"] = "Medlemskatalog för flera sajter (global)";
+$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Hittar: ";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "Medlemskatalog";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "Sök";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Ålder: ";
+$a->strings["Gender: "] = "Kön: ";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Plats:";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Kön:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Status:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Hemsida:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "Om:";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Inget att visa. (Man kan välja att inte synas här)";
diff --git a/forumdirectory/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/forumdirectory/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b5c78ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumdirectory/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Forum Directory"] = "评坛目录";
+$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "公众看拒绝";
+$a->strings["Global Directory"] = "综合目录";
+$a->strings["Find on this site"] = "找在这网站";
+$a->strings["Finding: "] = "找着:";
+$a->strings["Site Directory"] = "网站目录";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "搜索";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "年纪:";
+$a->strings["Gender: "] = "性别:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "位置:";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "性别:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "现状:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "主页:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "关于:";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "没有文章(有的文章会被隐藏)。";
diff --git a/forumlist/lang/ca/strings.php b/forumlist/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67c74335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumlist/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Forums"] = "Forums";
+$a->strings["show/hide"] = "mostra/amaga";
+$a->strings["No forum subscriptions"] = "No hi ha subscripcions al fòrum";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Fòrums:";
+$a->strings["Forumlist settings updated."] = "Ajustos de Forumlist actualitzats.";
+$a->strings["Forumlist Settings"] = "Ajustos de Forumlist";
+$a->strings["Randomise forum list"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show forums on profile page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show forums on network page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/forumlist/lang/cs/strings.php b/forumlist/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18f47ef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumlist/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Forums"] = "Fóra";
+$a->strings["show/hide"] = "zobrazit/skrýt";
+$a->strings["No forum subscriptions"] = "Žádné registrace k fórům";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Fóra:";
+$a->strings["Forumlist settings updated."] = "Nastavení Forumlist aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["Forumlist Settings"] = "Nastavení Forumlist";
+$a->strings["Randomise forum list"] = "Zamíchat list fór";
+$a->strings["Show forums on profile page"] = "Zobrazit fóra na profilové stránce";
+$a->strings["Show forums on network page"] = "Zobrazit fóra na stránce Síť";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/forumlist/lang/de/strings.php b/forumlist/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9235951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumlist/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Forums"] = "Foren";
+$a->strings["show/hide"] = "anzeigen/verbergen";
+$a->strings["No forum subscriptions"] = "Keine Foren-Mitgliedschaften.";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Foren:";
+$a->strings["Forumlist settings updated."] = "Einstellungen zur Foren-Liste aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["Forumlist Settings"] = "Foren-Liste Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Randomise forum list"] = "Zufällige Zusammenstellung der Foren-Liste";
+$a->strings["Show forums on profile page"] = "Zeige die Liste der Foren auf der Profilseite";
+$a->strings["Show forums on network page"] = "Zeige Foren auf der Netzwerk-Seite";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/forumlist/lang/eo/strings.php b/forumlist/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23f9a682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumlist/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Forums"] = "Forumoj";
+$a->strings["show/hide"] = "";
+$a->strings["No forum subscriptions"] = "";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Forumoj:";
+$a->strings["Forumlist settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Forumlist Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/forumlist/lang/es/strings.php b/forumlist/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d4e2795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumlist/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Forums"] = "Foros";
+$a->strings["show/hide"] = "mostrar/ocultar";
+$a->strings["No forum subscriptions"] = "Foro sin suscrpciones";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Foros:";
+$a->strings["Forumlist settings updated."] = "Ajustes de lista de foros actualizados.";
+$a->strings["Forumlist Settings"] = "Ajustes de lista de foros";
+$a->strings["Randomise forum list"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show forums on profile page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show forums on network page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/forumlist/lang/fr/strings.php b/forumlist/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..881bd2fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumlist/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Forums"] = "Forums";
+$a->strings["show/hide"] = "Montrer/cacher";
+$a->strings["No forum subscriptions"] = "Pas d'abonnement au forum";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Forums:";
+$a->strings["Forumlist settings updated."] = "Paramètres de la liste des forums mis à jour.";
+$a->strings["Forumlist Settings"] = "Paramètres de la liste des forums";
+$a->strings["Randomise forum list"] = "Mélanger la liste de forums";
+$a->strings["Show forums on profile page"] = "Montrer les forums sur le profil";
+$a->strings["Show forums on network page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/forumlist/lang/is/strings.php b/forumlist/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce3f5306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumlist/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Forums"] = "";
+$a->strings["show/hide"] = "";
+$a->strings["No forum subscriptions"] = "";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Forumlist settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Forumlist Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/forumlist/lang/it/strings.php b/forumlist/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ec27da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumlist/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Forums"] = "Forum";
+$a->strings["show/hide"] = "";
+$a->strings["No forum subscriptions"] = "";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Forum:";
+$a->strings["Forumlist settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Forumlist Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Randomise forum list"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show forums on profile page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show forums on network page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/forumlist/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/forumlist/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..494de1df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumlist/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Forums"] = "";
+$a->strings["show/hide"] = "";
+$a->strings["No forum subscriptions"] = "";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Forumlist settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Forumlist Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Randomise forum list"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show forums on profile page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show forums on network page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/forumlist/lang/pl/strings.php b/forumlist/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2111b126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumlist/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Forums"] = "Fora";
+$a->strings["show/hide"] = "pokaż/ukryj";
+$a->strings["No forum subscriptions"] = "";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Forumlist settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Forumlist Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Randomise forum list"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show forums on profile page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show forums on network page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/forumlist/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/forumlist/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67c07aa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumlist/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Forums"] = "Fóruns";
+$a->strings["show/hide"] = "";
+$a->strings["No forum subscriptions"] = "";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Fóruns:";
+$a->strings["Forumlist settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Forumlist Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Randomise forum list"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show forums on profile page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show forums on network page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/forumlist/lang/ru/strings.php b/forumlist/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81d378aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumlist/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Forums"] = "Форумы";
+$a->strings["show/hide"] = "";
+$a->strings["No forum subscriptions"] = "";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Forumlist settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Forumlist Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Randomise forum list"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show forums on profile page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Show forums on network page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/forumlist/lang/sv/strings.php b/forumlist/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumlist/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/forumlist/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/forumlist/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39c74c0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forumlist/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Forums"] = "论坛";
+$a->strings["show/hide"] = "表示/隐藏";
+$a->strings["No forum subscriptions"] = "没有评坛订阅";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "评坛:";
+$a->strings["Forumlist settings updated."] = "评坛单设置更新了。";
+$a->strings["Forumlist Settings"] = "评坛单设置";
+$a->strings["Randomise forum list"] = "洗牌评坛单";
+$a->strings["Show forums on profile page"] = "表示评坛在简介页";
+$a->strings["Show forums on network page"] = "表示评坛在网络页";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/fromapp/lang/ca/strings.php b/fromapp/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffa2b4d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromapp/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Fromapp settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["FromApp Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["The application name you would like to show your posts originating from."] = "";
+$a->strings["Use this application name even if another application was used."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/fromapp/lang/cs/strings.php b/fromapp/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd336347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromapp/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Fromapp settings updated."] = "Fromapp nastavení aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["FromApp Settings"] = "FromApp nastavení";
+$a->strings["The application name you would like to show your posts originating from."] = "Jméno aplikace, které chcete aby bylo jako zdroj u vašich příspěvků";
+$a->strings["Use this application name even if another application was used."] = "Použij toto jméno aplikace i když byla použita jiná aplikace";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/fromapp/lang/de/strings.php b/fromapp/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6030bf1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromapp/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Fromapp settings updated."] = "FromApp Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["FromApp Settings"] = "FromApp Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["The application name you would like to show your posts originating from."] = "Der Name der Anwendung von der deine Beiträge stammen sollen.";
+$a->strings["Use this application name even if another application was used."] = "Verwende diesen Namen auch wenn eine andere Anwendung den Anwendungsnamen bereits gesetzt hat.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/fromapp/lang/eo/strings.php b/fromapp/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7874db06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromapp/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Fromapp settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["FromApp Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["The application name you would like to show your posts originating from."] = "";
+$a->strings["Use this application name even if another application was used."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/fromapp/lang/es/strings.php b/fromapp/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8fe518fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromapp/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Fromapp settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["FromApp Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["The application name you would like to show your posts originating from."] = "";
+$a->strings["Use this application name even if another application was used."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/fromapp/lang/fr/strings.php b/fromapp/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a92ac854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromapp/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Fromapp settings updated."] = "Réglages FromApp mis-à-jour";
+$a->strings["FromApp Settings"] = "FromApp";
+$a->strings["The application name you would like to show your posts originating from."] = "Le nom d'application que vous souhaiteriez que vos publications affichent comme source.";
+$a->strings["Use this application name even if another application was used."] = "Afficher ce nom d'application même si une autre a été utilisée.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/fromapp/lang/is/strings.php b/fromapp/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50522229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromapp/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Fromapp settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["FromApp Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["The application name you would like to show your posts originating from."] = "";
+$a->strings["Use this application name even if another application was used."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/fromapp/lang/it/strings.php b/fromapp/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd997257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromapp/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Fromapp settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["FromApp Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["The application name you would like to show your posts originating from."] = "";
+$a->strings["Use this application name even if another application was used."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/fromapp/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/fromapp/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..917d12ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromapp/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Fromapp settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["FromApp Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["The application name you would like to show your posts originating from."] = "";
+$a->strings["Use this application name even if another application was used."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/fromapp/lang/pl/strings.php b/fromapp/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99a59dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromapp/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Fromapp settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["FromApp Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["The application name you would like to show your posts originating from."] = "";
+$a->strings["Use this application name even if another application was used."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/fromapp/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/fromapp/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffa2b4d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromapp/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Fromapp settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["FromApp Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["The application name you would like to show your posts originating from."] = "";
+$a->strings["Use this application name even if another application was used."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/fromapp/lang/ru/strings.php b/fromapp/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9eeb18c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromapp/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Fromapp settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["FromApp Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["The application name you would like to show your posts originating from."] = "";
+$a->strings["Use this application name even if another application was used."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/fromapp/lang/sv/strings.php b/fromapp/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromapp/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/fromapp/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/fromapp/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de2d251a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromapp/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Fromapp settings updated."] = "Fromapp设置更新了";
+$a->strings["FromApp Settings"] = "Fromapp设置";
+$a->strings["The application name you would like to show your posts originating from."] = "应用名您想当您文章的来源";
+$a->strings["Use this application name even if another application was used."] = "连别应用是用了也用这名。";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/fromgplus/lang/ca/strings.php b/fromgplus/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e46913bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Google+ Import Settings"] = "Ajustos Google+ Import";
+$a->strings["Enable Google+ Import"] = "Habilita Google+ Import";
+$a->strings["Google Account ID"] = "ID del compte Google";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Google+ Import Settings saved."] = "Ajustos Google+ Import guardats.";
diff --git a/fromgplus/lang/cs/strings.php b/fromgplus/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e061d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Google+ Import Settings"] = "Nastavení importu z Google+ ";
+$a->strings["Enable Google+ Import"] = "Povolit Import z Google+";
+$a->strings["Google Account ID"] = "název účtu Google ";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Google+ Import Settings saved."] = "Nastavení importu z Google+ uloženo.";
diff --git a/fromgplus/lang/de/strings.php b/fromgplus/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b501921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Google+ Import Settings"] = "Google+ Import Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Enable Google+ Import"] = "Aktiviere Google+ Import";
+$a->strings["Google Account ID"] = "Google Account ID";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Google+ Import Settings saved."] = "Google+ Import Einstellungen gespeichert.";
diff --git a/fromgplus/lang/eo/strings.php b/fromgplus/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89385e96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Google+ Import Settings"] = "Google+ Importo";
+$a->strings["Enable Google+ Import"] = "Aktivigi Ĝoogle+ Importon";
+$a->strings["Google Account ID"] = "Google Konto ID";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Google+ Import Settings saved."] = "Konservis Agordojn por Google+ Importo.";
diff --git a/fromgplus/lang/es/strings.php b/fromgplus/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ea59f9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Google+ Import Settings"] = "Configuración de la importación de Google+";
+$a->strings["Enable Google+ Import"] = "Habilitar la importación de Google+";
+$a->strings["Google Account ID"] = "ID de la cuenta de Google";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Google+ Import Settings saved."] = "Configuración de la importación de Google+ guardada.";
diff --git a/fromgplus/lang/fr/strings.php b/fromgplus/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..97158aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Google+ Import Settings"] = "Réglages G+";
+$a->strings["Enable Google+ Import"] = "Activer l'import G+";
+$a->strings["Google Account ID"] = "ID du compte Google";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Google+ Import Settings saved."] = "Réglages G+ sauvés.";
diff --git a/fromgplus/lang/is/strings.php b/fromgplus/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bee9b1d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Google+ Import Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Google+ Import"] = "";
+$a->strings["Google Account ID"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Google+ Import Settings saved."] = "";
diff --git a/fromgplus/lang/it/strings.php b/fromgplus/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1c10ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Google+ Import Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Google+ Import"] = "";
+$a->strings["Google Account ID"] = "ID Google Account";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Google+ Import Settings saved."] = "Impostazioni Importa Google+ salvate";
diff --git a/fromgplus/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/fromgplus/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be86da63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Google+ Import Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Google+ Import"] = "";
+$a->strings["Google Account ID"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Google+ Import Settings saved."] = "";
diff --git a/fromgplus/lang/pl/strings.php b/fromgplus/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe69796a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Google+ Import Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Google+ Import"] = "";
+$a->strings["Google Account ID"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Google+ Import Settings saved."] = "";
diff --git a/fromgplus/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/fromgplus/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c770df1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Google+ Import Settings"] = "Configurações de importação do Google+";
+$a->strings["Enable Google+ Import"] = "Habilitar a importação do Google+";
+$a->strings["Google Account ID"] = "ID da conta do Google";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Google+ Import Settings saved."] = "As configurações de importação do Google+ foram salvas.";
diff --git a/fromgplus/lang/ru/strings.php b/fromgplus/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e654bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Google+ Import Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Google+ Import"] = "";
+$a->strings["Google Account ID"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Google+ Import Settings saved."] = "";
diff --git a/fromgplus/lang/sv/strings.php b/fromgplus/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/fromgplus/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/fromgplus/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36c6e323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fromgplus/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Google+ Import Settings"] = "Google+进口设置";
+$a->strings["Enable Google+ Import"] = "使Google+进口可用";
+$a->strings["Google Account ID"] = "Google+用户名";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Google+ Import Settings saved."] = "把Google+进口设置保存了";
diff --git a/geonames/lang/ca/strings.php b/geonames/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..058ef8e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geonames/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Geonames settings updated."] = "Actualitzada la configuració de Geonames.";
+$a->strings["Geonames Settings"] = "Configuració de Geonames";
+$a->strings["Enable Geonames Plugin"] = "Habilitar Plugin de Geonames";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/geonames/lang/cs/strings.php b/geonames/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51a9b39d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geonames/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Geonames settings updated."] = "Geonames nastavení aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["Geonames Settings"] = "Nastavení Geonames";
+$a->strings["Enable Geonames Plugin"] = "Povolit Geonames rozšíření";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/geonames/lang/de/strings.php b/geonames/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebe62ddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geonames/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Geonames settings updated."] = "Geonames Einstellungen aktualisiert";
+$a->strings["Geonames Settings"] = "Geonames Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Enable Geonames Plugin"] = "Geonames Plugin aktivieren";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/geonames/lang/eo/strings.php b/geonames/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6127e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geonames/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Geonames settings updated."] = "Ĝidatigis la Geonames agordojn.";
+$a->strings["Geonames Settings"] = "Geonames Agordoj";
+$a->strings["Enable Geonames Plugin"] = "Ŝalti la Geonames Kromprogramon";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/geonames/lang/es/strings.php b/geonames/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..885c6197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geonames/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Geonames settings updated."] = "Configuración de Geonames actualizada.";
+$a->strings["Geonames Settings"] = "Configuración de Geonames";
+$a->strings["Enable Geonames Plugin"] = "Activar el complemento de nombres geográficos Geonames";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/geonames/lang/fr/strings.php b/geonames/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6428cb38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geonames/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Geonames settings updated."] = "Réglages Geonames sauvés.";
+$a->strings["Geonames Settings"] = "Réglages Geonames";
+$a->strings["Enable Geonames Plugin"] = "Activer Geonames";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/geonames/lang/is/strings.php b/geonames/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac64f2ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geonames/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Geonames settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Geonames Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Geonames Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/geonames/lang/it/strings.php b/geonames/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3aecbde2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geonames/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Geonames settings updated."] = "Impostazioni di geonames aggiornate.";
+$a->strings["Geonames Settings"] = "Impostazioni Geonames";
+$a->strings["Enable Geonames Plugin"] = "Abilita plugin Geonames";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/geonames/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/geonames/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3fea872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geonames/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Geonames settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Geonames Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Geonames Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/geonames/lang/pl/strings.php b/geonames/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff15d74f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geonames/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Geonames settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Geonames Settings"] = "ustawienia Geonames";
+$a->strings["Enable Geonames Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/geonames/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/geonames/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0cf0b53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geonames/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Geonames settings updated."] = "Configurações Geonames atualizadas.";
+$a->strings["Geonames Settings"] = "Configurações Geonames";
+$a->strings["Enable Geonames Plugin"] = "Plugin Geonames Habilitado";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/geonames/lang/ru/strings.php b/geonames/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c1c6833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geonames/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Geonames settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Geonames Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Geonames Plugin"] = "Включить Geonames плагин";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/geonames/lang/sv/strings.php b/geonames/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geonames/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/geonames/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/geonames/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f72f8c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geonames/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Geonames settings updated."] = "Geonames设置更新了。";
+$a->strings["Geonames Settings"] = "Geonames设置";
+$a->strings["Enable Geonames Plugin"] = "使Geonames插件能用";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/gnot/lang/ca/strings.php b/gnot/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..809a152d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnot/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Gnot settings updated."] = "Configuració de Gnot actualitzada";
+$a->strings["Gnot Settings"] = "Configuració de Gnot";
+$a->strings["Allows threading of email comment notifications on Gmail and anonymising the subject line."] = "Permet crear fils de les notificacions de comentaris de correu electrònic a Gmail i anonimat de la línia d'assumpte.";
+$a->strings["Enable this plugin/addon?"] = "Activar aquest plugin/aplicació?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%d"] = "[Friendica: Notifica] Conversació comentada #%d";
diff --git a/gnot/lang/cs/strings.php b/gnot/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6beeb03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnot/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Gnot settings updated."] = "Nastavení Gnot aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["Gnot Settings"] = "Nastavení Gnot";
+$a->strings["Allows threading of email comment notifications on Gmail and anonymising the subject line."] = "Umožnit řetězení emailových komentářových notifikací na Gmailu a anonymizací řádky předmětu.";
+$a->strings["Enable this plugin/addon?"] = "Povolit tento plugin/rozšíření?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%d"] = "[Friendica:Upozornění] Komentář ke konverzaci #%d";
diff --git a/gnot/lang/de/strings.php b/gnot/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20ce6879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnot/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Gnot settings updated."] = "Gnot Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["Gnot Settings"] = "Gnot Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Allows threading of email comment notifications on Gmail and anonymising the subject line."] = "Erlaubt das Veröffentlichen von E-Mail Kommentar Benachrichtigungen bei Gmail mit anonymisiertem Betreff";
+$a->strings["Enable this plugin/addon?"] = "Dieses Plugin/Addon aktivieren?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%d"] = "[Friendica-Meldung] Kommentar zum Beitrag #%d";
diff --git a/gnot/lang/eo/strings.php b/gnot/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89379e9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnot/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Gnot settings updated."] = "Ĝisdatigis Gnot agordojn.";
+$a->strings["Gnot Settings"] = "Agordoj por Gnot";
+$a->strings["Allows threading of email comment notifications on Gmail and anonymising the subject line."] = "Permesas la ĉenadon de retpoŝtaj atentigoj pri komentoj ĉe Gmail kan anonimigado de la temlinio.";
+$a->strings["Enable this plugin/addon?"] = "Ŝalti tiun kromprogramon?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%d"] = "[Friendica:Atentigo] Komento pri konversacio #%d";
diff --git a/gnot/lang/es/strings.php b/gnot/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91efb404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnot/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Gnot settings updated."] = "Configuración de Gnot actualizada.";
+$a->strings["Gnot Settings"] = "Configuración de Gnot";
+$a->strings["Allows threading of email comment notifications on Gmail and anonymising the subject line."] = "Permitir el enhebrado en las notificaciones de comentarios de correo en Gmail y hacer anónima la línea de \"Asunto\".";
+$a->strings["Enable this plugin/addon?"] = "¿Activar este módulo/extensión?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%d"] = "[Friendica:Notificación] Comentario en la conversación de #%d";
diff --git a/gnot/lang/fr/strings.php b/gnot/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7018f6c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnot/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Gnot settings updated."] = "Réglages Gnot sauvés.";
+$a->strings["Gnot Settings"] = "Réglages Gnot";
+$a->strings["Allows threading of email comment notifications on Gmail and anonymising the subject line."] = "Autorise l'arborescence des notifications de commentaires sur GMail, et rend la ligne 'Sujet' anonyme.";
+$a->strings["Enable this plugin/addon?"] = "Activer cette extension?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%d"] = "[Friendica:Notification] Commentaire sur la conversation #%d";
diff --git a/gnot/lang/is/strings.php b/gnot/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c75a1c42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnot/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Gnot settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Gnot Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Allows threading of email comment notifications on Gmail and anonymising the subject line."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable this plugin/addon?"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%d"] = "";
diff --git a/gnot/lang/it/strings.php b/gnot/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4453b12e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnot/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Gnot settings updated."] = "Impostazioni di \"Gnot\" aggiornate.";
+$a->strings["Gnot Settings"] = "Impostazioni Gnot";
+$a->strings["Allows threading of email comment notifications on Gmail and anonymising the subject line."] = "Permetti di raggruppare le notifiche dei commenti in thread su Gmail e anonimizza l'oggetto";
+$a->strings["Enable this plugin/addon?"] = "Abilita questo plugin?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%d"] = "[Friendica:Notifica] Commento alla conversazione #%d";
diff --git a/gnot/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/gnot/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d53d8296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnot/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Gnot settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Gnot Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Allows threading of email comment notifications on Gmail and anonymising the subject line."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable this plugin/addon?"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%d"] = "";
diff --git a/gnot/lang/pl/strings.php b/gnot/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64d9ef8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnot/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Gnot settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Gnot Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Allows threading of email comment notifications on Gmail and anonymising the subject line."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable this plugin/addon?"] = "Umożliwić tego plugina/wtyczkę?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%d"] = "";
diff --git a/gnot/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/gnot/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a079154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnot/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Gnot settings updated."] = "As configurações do Gnot foram atualizadas.";
+$a->strings["Gnot Settings"] = "Configurações do Gnot";
+$a->strings["Allows threading of email comment notifications on Gmail and anonymising the subject line."] = "Permite o encadeamento das notificações por e-mail de comentário no GMail, tornando a a linha de assunto anônima.";
+$a->strings["Enable this plugin/addon?"] = "Habilitar este plugin/complemento?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%d"] = "[Friendica:Notify] Comentário na conversa #%d";
diff --git a/gnot/lang/ru/strings.php b/gnot/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..350581da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnot/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Gnot settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Gnot Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Allows threading of email comment notifications on Gmail and anonymising the subject line."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable this plugin/addon?"] = "Включить этот плагин / аддон?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%d"] = "";
diff --git a/gnot/lang/sv/strings.php b/gnot/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnot/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/gnot/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/gnot/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ddb0d85d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnot/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Gnot settings updated."] = "Gnot设置更新了。";
+$a->strings["Gnot Settings"] = "Gnot设置";
+$a->strings["Allows threading of email comment notifications on Gmail and anonymising the subject line."] = "允许邮件评论通知在Gmail和匿名话题行。";
+$a->strings["Enable this plugin/addon?"] = "使这个插件/加件可用?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["[Friendica:Notify] Comment to conversation #%d"] = "[Friendica:Notify]评论在交流#%d";
diff --git a/gravatar/lang/ca/strings.php b/gravatar/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44a7ff8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gravatar/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+strings["generic profile image"] = "imatge de perfil genérica";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "Patró geometric aleatori";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "Cara monstruosa";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "Cara monstruosa generada per ordinador";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "Cara d'estil arcade retro";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "informació";
+$a->strings["Libravatar addon is installed, too. Please disable Libravatar addon or this Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Imatge d'avatar per defecte";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found at Gravatar. See README"] = "Se selecciona la imatge d'avatar per defecte si no es troba cap en Gravatar. Veure el README";
+$a->strings["Rating of images"] = "Classificació de les imatges";
+$a->strings["Select the appropriate avatar rating for your site. See README"] = "Selecciona la classe d'avatar apropiat pel teu lloc. Veure el README";
+$a->strings["Gravatar settings updated."] = "Ajustos de Gravatar actualitzats.";
diff --git a/gravatar/lang/cs/strings.php b/gravatar/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24e7d417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gravatar/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+strings["generic profile image"] = "generický profilový obrázek";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "náhodný geometrický vzor";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "tvář příšery";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "počítačově generovaná tvář";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "tvář v retro arkádovém stylu";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "Informace";
+$a->strings["Libravatar addon is installed, too. Please disable Libravatar addon or this Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "Libravatar doplněk je také nainstalován. Prosím zakažte doplněk Libravatar nebo tento doplněk Gravatar.
Libravatar doplněk se vrátí k doplňku Gravatar, pokud na Libravataru nebude nic nalezeno.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Defaultní obrázek avataru";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found at Gravatar. See README"] = "Nastavte defaulní obrázek avatara pokud ho již nemáte na Gravatar. Více viz. soubor README.";
+$a->strings["Rating of images"] = "Hodnocení obrázků";
+$a->strings["Select the appropriate avatar rating for your site. See README"] = "Zadejte ohodnocení příslušného avatara pro vaši stránku. Viz README.";
+$a->strings["Gravatar settings updated."] = "Nastavení Gravatar aktualizováno.";
diff --git a/gravatar/lang/de/strings.php b/gravatar/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f83e686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gravatar/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+strings["generic profile image"] = "allgemeines Profilbild";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "zufällig erzeugtes geometrisches Muster";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "Monstergesicht";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "Computergesicht";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "Retro Arcade Design Gesicht";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "Information";
+$a->strings["Libravatar addon is installed, too. Please disable Libravatar addon or this Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "Das Libravatar Addon ist ebenfalls installiert. Bitte deaktiviere das Libravatar Addon oder dieses Gravatar Addon.
Das Libravatar Addon nutzt Gravater, sollte nichts auf Libravatar gefunden werden.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Standard Profilbild ";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found at Gravatar. See README"] = "Wähle das Standardgesicht, wenn kein Bild auf Gravatar gefunden wurde. Schaue auch sonst im README nach.";
+$a->strings["Rating of images"] = "Bildbewertung";
+$a->strings["Select the appropriate avatar rating for your site. See README"] = "Wähle eine angemessene Bildbewertung für deinen Server. Schaue auch sonst im README nach.";
+$a->strings["Gravatar settings updated."] = "Gravatar Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
diff --git a/gravatar/lang/eo/strings.php b/gravatar/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cea08d31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gravatar/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+strings["generic profile image"] = "komuna profilbildo";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "loteca geometria skemo";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "monstrobildo";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "komputita vizaĝo";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "retrostila videoludstila vizaĝo";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "Informo";
+$a->strings["Libravatar addon is installed, too. Please disable Libravatar addon or this Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "La Libravatar kromprogramo estas ankaŭ instaltga. Bonvolu malŝalti la Libravatar kromprogramon.
La Libravatar kromprogramo retropaŝos al Gravatar se neniu troveblis ĉe Libravatar.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Defaŭlta avatarbildo";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found at Gravatar. See README"] = "Elektu defaŭltan avatarbildon se neniu troviĝis ĉe Gravatar. Vidu README.";
+$a->strings["Rating of images"] = "Pritakso de bildoj";
+$a->strings["Select the appropriate avatar rating for your site. See README"] = "Elektu la ĝustan pritakson de via avataro por via retejo. Vidu README.";
+$a->strings["Gravatar settings updated."] = "Gravatar agordoj ĝisdatigitaj.";
diff --git a/gravatar/lang/es/strings.php b/gravatar/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef1875a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gravatar/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+strings["generic profile image"] = "imagen genérica del perfil";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "patrón geométrico aleatorio";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "monstruosa";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "generada por ordenador";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "estilo retro arcade";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "Información";
+$a->strings["Libravatar addon is installed, too. Please disable Libravatar addon or this Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "El complemento Libravatar también está instalado. Por favor desactiva este complemento o el complemento de Gravatar.
El complemento Libravatar usará Gravatar si no encuentra nada en Libravatar.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Imagen del avatar por defecto";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found at Gravatar. See README"] = "Selecionar la imagen del avatar por defecto si no se ha encontrado ninguna en Gravatar. Mira el README";
+$a->strings["Rating of images"] = "Valoración de las imágenes";
+$a->strings["Select the appropriate avatar rating for your site. See README"] = "Selecciona el avatar de clasificación apropiado para tu sitio. Ver README";
+$a->strings["Gravatar settings updated."] = "Configuración de Gravatar actualizada.";
diff --git a/gravatar/lang/fr/strings.php b/gravatar/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..053a4f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gravatar/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+strings["generic profile image"] = "image de profil générique";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "motif géométrique aléatoire";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "monstre";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "généré par ordinateur";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "vieux jeu d'arcade";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "Information";
+$a->strings["Libravatar addon is installed, too. Please disable Libravatar addon or this Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "L'extension Libravatar est également installée. Veuillez désactiver celle-ci ou l'extension Gravatar.
L'extension Libravatar sera remplacée par Gravatar si rien n'a été trouvé.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Avatar par défaut";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found at Gravatar. See README"] = "Choisissez l'image de l'avatar par défaut si aucun n'est trouvé via Gravatar. Voir README";
+$a->strings["Rating of images"] = "Classe des avatars";
+$a->strings["Select the appropriate avatar rating for your site. See README"] = "Choisissez la classe des avatars appropriée pour votre site. Voir README";
+$a->strings["Gravatar settings updated."] = "Réglages Gravatar sauvés.";
diff --git a/gravatar/lang/is/strings.php b/gravatar/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..389ad1f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gravatar/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+strings["generic profile image"] = "";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libravatar addon is installed, too. Please disable Libravatar addon or this Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found at Gravatar. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Rating of images"] = "";
+$a->strings["Select the appropriate avatar rating for your site. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Gravatar settings updated."] = "";
diff --git a/gravatar/lang/it/strings.php b/gravatar/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4227e488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gravatar/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+strings["generic profile image"] = "immagine generica del profilo";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "schema geometrico casuale";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "faccia di mostro";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "Informazione";
+$a->strings["Libravatar addon is installed, too. Please disable Libravatar addon or this Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "I'addon Libravatar è installto. Disabilita l'addon Libravatar o questo addon Gravatar
L'addon Libravatar si appoggerà a Gravatar se non trova nulla su Libravatar.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found at Gravatar. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Rating of images"] = "";
+$a->strings["Select the appropriate avatar rating for your site. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Gravatar settings updated."] = "";
diff --git a/gravatar/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/gravatar/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..216ee443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gravatar/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+strings["generic profile image"] = "";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libravatar addon is installed, too. Please disable Libravatar addon or this Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found at Gravatar. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Rating of images"] = "";
+$a->strings["Select the appropriate avatar rating for your site. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Gravatar settings updated."] = "";
diff --git a/gravatar/lang/pl/strings.php b/gravatar/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4cec4f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gravatar/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+strings["generic profile image"] = "generuj obraz profilowy";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "przypadkowy wzorzec geometryczny";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "monster face";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libravatar addon is installed, too. Please disable Libravatar addon or this Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Domyślny awatar";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found at Gravatar. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Rating of images"] = "";
+$a->strings["Select the appropriate avatar rating for your site. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Gravatar settings updated."] = "Zaktualizowane ustawienie Gravatara";
diff --git a/gravatar/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/gravatar/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf64e6fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gravatar/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+strings["generic profile image"] = "Imagem genérica de perfil";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "Padrão geométrico randômico";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "cara de monstro";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "face gerada por computador";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "estilo de face arcade retrô";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libravatar addon is installed, too. Please disable Libravatar addon or this Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Imagem padrão do Avatar ";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found at Gravatar. See README"] = "Selecione a imagem padrão do Avatar se nenhuma for encontrada no Gravatar. Veja o Leiame";
+$a->strings["Rating of images"] = "Avaliação de imagens";
+$a->strings["Select the appropriate avatar rating for your site. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Gravatar settings updated."] = "Configurações do Avatar atualizadas";
diff --git a/gravatar/lang/ru/strings.php b/gravatar/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23048415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gravatar/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+strings["generic profile image"] = "";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libravatar addon is installed, too. Please disable Libravatar addon or this Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found at Gravatar. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Rating of images"] = "";
+$a->strings["Select the appropriate avatar rating for your site. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Gravatar settings updated."] = "";
diff --git a/gravatar/lang/sv/strings.php b/gravatar/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gravatar/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/gravatar/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/gravatar/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0962e8cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gravatar/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+strings["generic profile image"] = "通用简介图片";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "随机的几何图案";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "怪物面子";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "电脑造成的面子";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "复古游乐场式面子";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "信息";
+$a->strings["Libravatar addon is installed, too. Please disable Libravatar addon or this Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "Libravatar加件页安装着。请是Libravatar加件或者这个Gravatar加件。
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "默认纸娃娃系统";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found at Gravatar. See README"] = "如果Gravatar上没找到纸娃娃系统选择默认的。看README";
+$a->strings["Rating of images"] = "照相评定";
+$a->strings["Select the appropriate avatar rating for your site. See README"] = "选择适合您网站的纸娃娃系统。看README";
+$a->strings["Gravatar settings updated."] = "Gravatar设置更新了。";
diff --git a/group_text/lang/ca/strings.php b/group_text/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c7a9d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/group_text/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Group Text settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Group Text"] = "";
+$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/group_text/lang/cs/strings.php b/group_text/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c3d451d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/group_text/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Group Text settings updated."] = "Nastavení textu skupiny aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["Group Text"] = "Skupinový text";
+$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "Použijte pouze textový (neobrázkový) výběr skupiny v menu editace skupin.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/group_text/lang/de/strings.php b/group_text/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..950a9425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/group_text/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Group Text settings updated."] = "Gruppen Text Einstellungen aktualisiert";
+$a->strings["Group Text"] = "Gruppen als Text";
+$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "Beim Bearbeiten von Gruppen Text statt Bilder anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/group_text/lang/eo/strings.php b/group_text/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc8c2433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/group_text/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Group Text"] = "";
+$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/group_text/lang/es/strings.php b/group_text/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98435685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/group_text/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Group Text"] = "Texto agrupado";
+$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "Usar selector de grupos solo texto (sin imágenes) en el menú \"editar grupo\"";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/group_text/lang/fr/strings.php b/group_text/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e9f6ba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/group_text/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Group Text"] = "Affichage textuel des groupes";
+$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "Utilisez un sélecteur de groupe purement textuel (sans image) dans le menu d'édition des groupes";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/group_text/lang/is/strings.php b/group_text/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc32ed47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/group_text/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Group Text"] = "";
+$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/group_text/lang/it/strings.php b/group_text/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41539dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/group_text/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Group Text settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Group Text"] = "";
+$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/group_text/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/group_text/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..339a0128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/group_text/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Group Text"] = "";
+$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/group_text/lang/pl/strings.php b/group_text/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b76a7d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/group_text/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Group Text settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Group Text"] = "";
+$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/group_text/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/group_text/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b034e352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/group_text/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Group Text"] = "";
+$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/group_text/lang/ru/strings.php b/group_text/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd87b847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/group_text/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Group Text"] = "";
+$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/group_text/lang/sv/strings.php b/group_text/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/group_text/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/group_text/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/group_text/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2066b9d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/group_text/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Group Text settings updated."] = "组正文设置更新了。";
+$a->strings["Group Text"] = "组正文";
+$a->strings["Use a text only (non-image) group selector in the __DQ__group edit__DQ__ menu"] = "用光正文(无图片)组选择器在「组编辑」单";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/ijpost/lang/ca/strings.php b/ijpost/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5382615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ijpost/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Insanejournal"] = "Enviament a Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal Post Settings"] = "Ajustos d'Enviament a Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["Enable InsaneJournal Post Plugin"] = "Habilita el Plugin d'Enviaments a Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal username"] = "Nom d'usuari de Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal password"] = "Contrasenya de Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["Post to InsaneJournal by default"] = "Enviar per defecte a Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/ijpost/lang/cs/strings.php b/ijpost/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e40419a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ijpost/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Insanejournal"] = "Odeslat na Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal Post Settings"] = "Nastavení příspěvků pro InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["Enable InsaneJournal Post Plugin"] = "Povolit Insanejournal plugin";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal username"] = "Insanejournal uživatelské jméno";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal password"] = "Insanejournal heslo";
+$a->strings["Post to InsaneJournal by default"] = "Defaultně zasílat příspěvky na InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/ijpost/lang/de/strings.php b/ijpost/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..319a9743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ijpost/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Insanejournal"] = "Auf InsaneJournal posten.";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal Post Settings"] = "InsaneJournal Beitrags-Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Enable InsaneJournal Post Plugin"] = "InsaneJournal Plugin aktivieren";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal username"] = "InsaneJournal Benutzername";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal password"] = "InsaneJournal Passwort";
+$a->strings["Post to InsaneJournal by default"] = "Standardmäßig auf InsaneJournal posten.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/ijpost/lang/eo/strings.php b/ijpost/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11698887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ijpost/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Insanejournal"] = "Afiŝi al Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal Post Settings"] = "Agordoj pri Insaenejournal Afiŝoj";
+$a->strings["Enable InsaneJournal Post Plugin"] = "Ŝalti la InsaneJournal afiŝo kromprogramon.";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal username"] = "Salutnomo ĉe InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal password"] = "Pasvorto ĉe InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["Post to InsaneJournal by default"] = "Defaŭlte afiŝi ĉe InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/ijpost/lang/es/strings.php b/ijpost/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4468be83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ijpost/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Insanejournal"] = "Publicar en Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal Post Settings"] = "Configuración de publicación en Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["Enable InsaneJournal Post Plugin"] = "Activar el módulo de publicación en Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal username"] = "Nombre de usuario de Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal password"] = "Contraseña de Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["Post to InsaneJournal by default"] = "Publicar en Insanejournal por defecto";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/ijpost/lang/fr/strings.php b/ijpost/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7db58ccf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ijpost/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Insanejournal"] = "Publier vers InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal Post Settings"] = "Réglages InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["Enable InsaneJournal Post Plugin"] = "Activer le connecteur InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal username"] = "Utilisateur InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal password"] = "Mot de passe InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["Post to InsaneJournal by default"] = "Publier sur InsaneJournal par défaut";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/ijpost/lang/is/strings.php b/ijpost/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b79f347e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ijpost/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Insanejournal"] = "";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable InsaneJournal Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal username"] = "";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to InsaneJournal by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/ijpost/lang/it/strings.php b/ijpost/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f82132ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ijpost/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Insanejournal"] = "Invia a Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal Post Settings"] = "Impostazioni Invio a InsaneJournal ";
+$a->strings["Enable InsaneJournal Post Plugin"] = "Abilita il plugin Invio a InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal username"] = "Nome utente InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal password"] = "Password InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["Post to InsaneJournal by default"] = "Invia sempre a InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/ijpost/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/ijpost/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2eaa62e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ijpost/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Insanejournal"] = "";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable InsaneJournal Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal username"] = "";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to InsaneJournal by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/ijpost/lang/pl/strings.php b/ijpost/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b6ec674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ijpost/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Insanejournal"] = "Opublikuj na Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable InsaneJournal Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal username"] = "";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to InsaneJournal by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/ijpost/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/ijpost/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4dce00fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ijpost/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Insanejournal"] = "Publicar no InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal Post Settings"] = "Configurações da publicação no InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["Enable InsaneJournal Post Plugin"] = "Habilitar o plugin de publicação no InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal username"] = "Nome de usuário do InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal password"] = "Senha do InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["Post to InsaneJournal by default"] = "Publicar no InsaneJournal por padrão";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/ijpost/lang/ru/strings.php b/ijpost/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0109f8a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ijpost/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Insanejournal"] = "";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable InsaneJournal Post Plugin"] = "Включить InsaneJournal плагин сообщений";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal username"] = "";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to InsaneJournal by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/ijpost/lang/sv/strings.php b/ijpost/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ijpost/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/ijpost/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/ijpost/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2a04712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ijpost/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to Insanejournal"] = "转播到Insanejournal";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal Post Settings"] = "Insanejournal转播设置";
+$a->strings["Enable InsaneJournal Post Plugin"] = "使InsaneJournal转播插件可用";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal username"] = "InsaneJournal用户名";
+$a->strings["InsaneJournal password"] = "InsaneJournal密码";
+$a->strings["Post to InsaneJournal by default"] = "默认地转播到InsaneJournal";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/impressum/lang/ca/strings.php b/impressum/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4de1f0c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/impressum/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+strings["Impressum"] = "Impressum";
+$a->strings["Site Owner"] = "Propietari del lloc";
+$a->strings["Email Address"] = "Adreça de correu";
+$a->strings["Postal Address"] = "Adreça postal";
+$a->strings["The impressum addon needs to be configured!
Please add at least the owner variable to your config file. For other variables please refer to the README file of the addon."] = "El complement impressum s'ha de configurar!
Si us plau afegiu almenys la variable propietari al fitxer de configuració. Per a les altres variables, consulteu el fitxer README del complement.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Ajustos actualitzats.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["The page operators name."] = "Nom de la pàgina del gestor.";
+$a->strings["Site Owners Profile"] = "Perfil del Propietari del Lloc";
+$a->strings["Profile address of the operator."] = "Adreça del perfil del gestor.";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via snail mail. You can use BBCode here."] = "Com posar-se en contacte amb l'operador a través de correu postal. Vostè pot utilitzar BBCode aquí.";
+$a->strings["Notes"] = "Notes";
+$a->strings["Additional notes that are displayed beneath the contact information. You can use BBCode here."] = "Notes addicionals que es mostren sota de la informació de contacte. Vostè pot usar BBCode aquí.";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via email. (will be displayed obfuscated)"] = "Com contactar amb el gestor via correu electronic. ( es visualitzara ofuscat)";
+$a->strings["Footer note"] = "Nota a peu de pàgina";
+$a->strings["Text for the footer. You can use BBCode here."] = "Text pel peu de pàgina. Pots emprar BBCode aquí.";
diff --git a/impressum/lang/cs/strings.php b/impressum/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c491cc90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/impressum/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+strings["Impressum"] = "Impressum";
+$a->strings["Site Owner"] = "Vlastník webu";
+$a->strings["Email Address"] = "E-mailová adresa";
+$a->strings["Postal Address"] = "Poštovní adresa";
+$a->strings["The impressum addon needs to be configured!
Please add at least the owner variable to your config file. For other variables please refer to the README file of the addon."] = "Doplněk Impressum musí být nakonfigurován!
Prosím, přidejte alespoň proměnnou owner do konfiguračního souboru. Pro nastavení ostatních proměnných se seznamte s nápovědou v souboru README tohoto doplňku.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Nastavení aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["The page operators name."] = "Jméno operátora stránky.";
+$a->strings["Site Owners Profile"] = "Profil majitele webu";
+$a->strings["Profile address of the operator."] = "Profilová addresa operátora.";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via snail mail. You can use BBCode here."] = "Jak kontaktovat operátora prostřednictvím klasické pošty. Zde můžete použít BBCode.";
+$a->strings["Notes"] = "Poznámky";
+$a->strings["Additional notes that are displayed beneath the contact information. You can use BBCode here."] = "Další poznámky, které jsou zobrazeny pod kontaktními informacemi. Zde můžete použít BBCode.";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via email. (will be displayed obfuscated)"] = "Jak konktaktovat operátora přes mail. (bude zobrazen \"zmateně\")";
+$a->strings["Footer note"] = "Poznámka v zápatí";
+$a->strings["Text for the footer. You can use BBCode here."] = "Text pro zápatí. Zde můžete použít BBCode.";
diff --git a/impressum/lang/de/strings.php b/impressum/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a852136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/impressum/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+strings["Impressum"] = "Impressum";
+$a->strings["Site Owner"] = "Betreiber der Seite";
+$a->strings["Email Address"] = "Email Adresse";
+$a->strings["Postal Address"] = "Postalische Anschrift";
+$a->strings["The impressum addon needs to be configured!
Please add at least the owner variable to your config file. For other variables please refer to the README file of the addon."] = "Das Impressums-Plugin muss noch konfiguriert werden.
Bitte gebe mindestens den Betreiber in der Konfiguration an. Alle weiteren Parameter werden in der README-Datei des Addons erläutert.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["The page operators name."] = "Name des Serveradministrators";
+$a->strings["Site Owners Profile"] = "Profil des Seitenbetreibers";
+$a->strings["Profile address of the operator."] = "Profil-Adresse des Serveradministrators";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via snail mail. You can use BBCode here."] = "Kontaktmöglichkeiten zum Administrator via Schneckenpost. Du kannst BBCode verwenden.";
+$a->strings["Notes"] = "Hinweise";
+$a->strings["Additional notes that are displayed beneath the contact information. You can use BBCode here."] = "Zusätzliche Informationen die neben den Kontaktmöglichkeiten angezeigt werden. Du kannst BBCode verwenden.";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via email. (will be displayed obfuscated)"] = "Wie man den Betreiber per Email erreicht. (Adresse wird verschleiert dargestellt)";
+$a->strings["Footer note"] = "Fußnote";
+$a->strings["Text for the footer. You can use BBCode here."] = "Text für die Fußzeile. Du kannst BBCode verwenden.";
diff --git a/impressum/lang/eo/strings.php b/impressum/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58f3f099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/impressum/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+strings["Impressum"] = "Kolofono";
+$a->strings["Site Owner"] = "Proprietulo de la paĝo";
+$a->strings["Email Address"] = "Retpoŝta Adreso";
+$a->strings["Postal Address"] = "Poŝta Adreso";
+$a->strings["The impressum addon needs to be configured!
Please add at least the owner variable to your config file. For other variables please refer to the README file of the addon."] = "La kolofono (impressum) kromprogramo bezonas agordojn!
Bonvolu aldoni minimume la owner variablon al via agorda dosiero. Por aliaj variabloj, bonvolu legi la README dosieron de la kromprogramo.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Agordoj ĝisdatigita.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["The page operators name."] = "La nomo de la funkciigisto de la retejo.";
+$a->strings["Site Owners Profile"] = "Profilo de la Proprietulo de la Retejo";
+$a->strings["Profile address of the operator."] = "La profilo de la funkciigisto de la retejo.";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via snail mail. You can use BBCode here."] = "Kiel poŝte kontakti la funkciigisto de la retejo. Vi eblas uzi BBCode ĉi tie.";
+$a->strings["Notes"] = "Notoj";
+$a->strings["Additional notes that are displayed beneath the contact information. You can use BBCode here."] = "Pli da notoj kiuj aperas sub la kontaktinformoj. Vi eblas uzi BBCode ĉi tie.";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via email. (will be displayed obfuscated)"] = "Kiel kontakti la funkciigiston de la retejo per retpoŝto. (montriĝos vuale) ";
+$a->strings["Footer note"] = "Paĝpiednoto";
+$a->strings["Text for the footer. You can use BBCode here."] = "Teksto por la paĝpiedo. Vie eblas uzi BBCode ĉi tie.";
diff --git a/impressum/lang/es/strings.php b/impressum/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19913cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/impressum/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+strings["Impressum"] = "Términos y Política del sitio";
+$a->strings["Site Owner"] = "Propietario";
+$a->strings["Email Address"] = "Dirección de correo";
+$a->strings["Postal Address"] = "Dirección";
+$a->strings["The impressum addon needs to be configured!
Please add at least the owner variable to your config file. For other variables please refer to the README file of the addon."] = "Impressum necesita ser configurado.
Por favor añade al menos la variable propietario a tu archivo de configuración. Para otras variables lee el archivo README.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Configuración actualizada.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["The page operators name."] = "Nombre del operador de la página.";
+$a->strings["Site Owners Profile"] = "Perfil del propietario del sitio";
+$a->strings["Profile address of the operator."] = "Dirección del perfil del operador.";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via snail mail. You can use BBCode here."] = "Cómo contactar con el operador vía correo postal. BBCode permitido.";
+$a->strings["Notes"] = "Notas";
+$a->strings["Additional notes that are displayed beneath the contact information. You can use BBCode here."] = "Notas adicionales que se mostrarán bajo la información del contacto. BBCode permitido.";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via email. (will be displayed obfuscated)"] = "Cómo contactar con el operador vía email (aparecerá oculto)";
+$a->strings["Footer note"] = "Nota a pie";
+$a->strings["Text for the footer. You can use BBCode here."] = "Texto para el Pie de página. BBCode permitido.";
diff --git a/impressum/lang/fr/strings.php b/impressum/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbbaa8e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/impressum/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+strings["Impressum"] = "Impressum";
+$a->strings["Site Owner"] = "Propriétaire du site";
+$a->strings["Email Address"] = "Adresse courriel";
+$a->strings["Postal Address"] = "Adresse postale";
+$a->strings["The impressum addon needs to be configured!
Please add at least the owner variable to your config file. For other variables please refer to the README file of the addon."] = "L'extension \"Impressum\" (ou ours) n'est pas configuré!
Merci d'ajouter au moins la variable owner à votre fichier de configuration. Pour les autres variables, reportez-vous au fichier README accompagnant l'extension.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Réglages mis à jour.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["The page operators name."] = "Le nom de l'administrateur de la page.";
+$a->strings["Site Owners Profile"] = "Profil des propriétaires du site";
+$a->strings["Profile address of the operator."] = "L'adresse de profil de l'administrateur.";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via snail mail. You can use BBCode here."] = "Comment contacter l'administrateur par courrier postal. Vous pouvez utiliser du BBCode.";
+$a->strings["Notes"] = "Notes";
+$a->strings["Additional notes that are displayed beneath the contact information. You can use BBCode here."] = "Notes additionnelles à afficher sous les informations de contact. Vous pouvez utiliser du BBCode.";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via email. (will be displayed obfuscated)"] = "Comment contacter l'administrateur par courriel. (sera camouflée)";
+$a->strings["Footer note"] = "Note de bas de page";
+$a->strings["Text for the footer. You can use BBCode here."] = "Texte du pied de page. Vous pouvez utiliser du BBCode.";
diff --git a/impressum/lang/is/strings.php b/impressum/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56d7dfdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/impressum/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+strings["Impressum"] = "Impressum";
+$a->strings["Site Owner"] = "Eigandi vefs";
+$a->strings["Email Address"] = "Póstfang";
+$a->strings["Postal Address"] = "Heimilisfang";
+$a->strings["The impressum addon needs to be configured!
Please add at least the owner variable to your config file. For other variables please refer to the README file of the addon."] = "Það þarf að stilla Impressum viðbótina!
Vinsamlegast bætið allavega við eiganda breytunni ";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Stillingar uppfærðar";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["The page operators name."] = "";
+$a->strings["Site Owners Profile"] = "Forsíða eiganda vefs";
+$a->strings["Profile address of the operator."] = "";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via snail mail. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
+$a->strings["Notes"] = "Glósur";
+$a->strings["Additional notes that are displayed beneath the contact information. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via email. (will be displayed obfuscated)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Footer note"] = "";
+$a->strings["Text for the footer. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
diff --git a/impressum/lang/it/strings.php b/impressum/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..669558d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/impressum/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+strings["Impressum"] = "Impressum";
+$a->strings["Site Owner"] = "Proprietario del sito";
+$a->strings["Email Address"] = "Indirizzo email";
+$a->strings["Postal Address"] = "Indirizzo";
+$a->strings["The impressum addon needs to be configured!
Please add at least the owner variable to your config file. For other variables please refer to the README file of the addon."] = "Il plugin Impressum deve essere configurato!
Aggiungi almeno il Proprietario del sito.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Impostazioni aggiornate.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["The page operators name."] = "Nome del gestore della pagina.";
+$a->strings["Site Owners Profile"] = "Profilo del proprietario del sito";
+$a->strings["Profile address of the operator."] = "Indirizzo del profilo del gestore della pagina";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via snail mail. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
+$a->strings["Notes"] = "Note";
+$a->strings["Additional notes that are displayed beneath the contact information. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via email. (will be displayed obfuscated)"] = "Come contattare l'operatore via email. (verrà mostrato offuscato)";
+$a->strings["Footer note"] = "Footer delle note";
+$a->strings["Text for the footer. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
diff --git a/impressum/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/impressum/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5266f1de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/impressum/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+strings["Impressum"] = "Informasjon om nettstedet";
+$a->strings["Site Owner"] = "Nettstedets eier";
+$a->strings["Email Address"] = "E-postadresse";
+$a->strings["Postal Address"] = "Postadresse";
+$a->strings["The impressum addon needs to be configured!
Please add at least the owner variable to your config file. For other variables please refer to the README file of the addon."] = "Tillegget for \"Informasjon om nettstedet\" må konfigureres!
Vennligst fyll ut minst eier variabelen i konfigurasjonsfilen din. For andre variabler, vennligst se over README-filen til tillegget.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Innstillinger oppdatert.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["The page operators name."] = "";
+$a->strings["Site Owners Profile"] = "Nettstedseiers profil";
+$a->strings["Profile address of the operator."] = "";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via snail mail. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
+$a->strings["Notes"] = "Notater";
+$a->strings["Additional notes that are displayed beneath the contact information. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via email. (will be displayed obfuscated)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Footer note"] = "";
+$a->strings["Text for the footer. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
diff --git a/impressum/lang/pl/strings.php b/impressum/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b332cfcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/impressum/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+strings["Impressum"] = "";
+$a->strings["Site Owner"] = "Właściciel strony";
+$a->strings["Email Address"] = "Adres e-mail";
+$a->strings["Postal Address"] = "Adres pocztowy";
+$a->strings["The impressum addon needs to be configured!
Please add at least the owner variable to your config file. For other variables please refer to the README file of the addon."] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Zaktualizowano ustawienia.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["The page operators name."] = "";
+$a->strings["Site Owners Profile"] = "Profil właściciela strony";
+$a->strings["Profile address of the operator."] = "";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via snail mail. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
+$a->strings["Notes"] = "Notatki";
+$a->strings["Additional notes that are displayed beneath the contact information. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via email. (will be displayed obfuscated)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Footer note"] = "Notka w stopce";
+$a->strings["Text for the footer. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
diff --git a/impressum/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/impressum/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3da4991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/impressum/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+strings["Impressum"] = "Impressum";
+$a->strings["Site Owner"] = "Responsável pelo site";
+$a->strings["Email Address"] = "Endereço de e-mail";
+$a->strings["Postal Address"] = "Endereço postal";
+$a->strings["The impressum addon needs to be configured!
Please add at least the owner variable to your config file. For other variables please refer to the README file of the addon."] = "O complemento Impressum necessita ser configurado!
Por favor, adicione ao menos o nome do responsável ao arquivo de configuração. Para outras informações, por favor, consulte o arquivo README do complemento.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "As configurações foram atualizadas.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["The page operators name."] = "O nome da página operadores";
+$a->strings["Site Owners Profile"] = "Perfil do responsável pelo site";
+$a->strings["Profile address of the operator."] = "Endereço do perfil do operador";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via snail mail. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
+$a->strings["Notes"] = "Notas";
+$a->strings["Additional notes that are displayed beneath the contact information. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via email. (will be displayed obfuscated)"] = "Como entrar em contato com o operador por e-mail. (não será mostrado)";
+$a->strings["Footer note"] = "Nota de rodapé";
+$a->strings["Text for the footer. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
diff --git a/impressum/lang/ru/strings.php b/impressum/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..229dc703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/impressum/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+strings["Impressum"] = "Impressum";
+$a->strings["Site Owner"] = "Владелец сайта";
+$a->strings["Email Address"] = "Адрес электронной почты";
+$a->strings["Postal Address"] = "Почтовый адрес";
+$a->strings["The impressum addon needs to be configured!
Please add at least the owner variable to your config file. For other variables please refer to the README file of the addon."] = "Расширение Impressum должно быть настроено!
Пожалуйста, добавьте по крайней мере переменную владельца в ваш конфигурационный файл. Описание других переменных можно найти в файле README для расширения.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Настройки обновлены.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["The page operators name."] = "";
+$a->strings["Site Owners Profile"] = "Профиль владельцев сайта";
+$a->strings["Profile address of the operator."] = "";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via snail mail. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
+$a->strings["Notes"] = "Заметки";
+$a->strings["Additional notes that are displayed beneath the contact information. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via email. (will be displayed obfuscated)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Footer note"] = "";
+$a->strings["Text for the footer. You can use BBCode here."] = "";
diff --git a/impressum/lang/sv/strings.php b/impressum/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1942b0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/impressum/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+strings["Settings updated."] = "Inställningarna har uppdaterats.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/impressum/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/impressum/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b662d66d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/impressum/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+strings["Impressum"] = "Impressum(法定的出版信息)";
+$a->strings["Site Owner"] = "网站主";
+$a->strings["Email Address"] = "电子邮件地址";
+$a->strings["Postal Address"] = "邮政邮件地址";
+$a->strings["The impressum addon needs to be configured!
Please add at least the owner variable to your config file. For other variables please refer to the README file of the addon."] = "Impressum插件必须被设置!
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "设置跟新了";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["The page operators name."] = "也运作员名。";
+$a->strings["Site Owners Profile"] = "网站主的简介";
+$a->strings["Profile address of the operator."] = "运作员的简介地址。";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via snail mail. You can use BBCode here."] = "怎么用邮政跟运作员联系。您会用BBCode。";
+$a->strings["Notes"] = "便条";
+$a->strings["Additional notes that are displayed beneath the contact information. You can use BBCode here."] = "附加的便条表示在联系消息下。您会用BBCode。";
+$a->strings["How to contact the operator via email. (will be displayed obfuscated)"] = "怎么用电子邮件跟运作员联系。(将使混乱的表示)";
+$a->strings["Footer note"] = "页脚便条";
+$a->strings["Text for the footer. You can use BBCode here."] = "页脚征文。您会用BBCode。";
diff --git a/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/ca/strings.php b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd57a87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Infinite Improbability Drive"] = "Infinite Improbability Drive";
diff --git a/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/cs/strings.php b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd57a87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Infinite Improbability Drive"] = "Infinite Improbability Drive";
diff --git a/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/de/strings.php b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd57a87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Infinite Improbability Drive"] = "Infinite Improbability Drive";
diff --git a/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/eo/strings.php b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..459db940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Infinite Improbability Drive"] = "Senfina Probableca Pelilo";
diff --git a/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/es/strings.php b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fbaf71c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Infinite Improbability Drive"] = "Unidad de improbabilidad infinita";
diff --git a/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/fr/strings.php b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac788655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Infinite Improbability Drive"] = "Générateur d'improbabilté infinie";
diff --git a/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/is/strings.php b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f1e62de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Infinite Improbability Drive"] = "";
diff --git a/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/it/strings.php b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f1e62de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Infinite Improbability Drive"] = "";
diff --git a/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f1e62de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Infinite Improbability Drive"] = "";
diff --git a/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/pl/strings.php b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f1e62de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Infinite Improbability Drive"] = "";
diff --git a/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f1e62de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Infinite Improbability Drive"] = "";
diff --git a/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/ru/strings.php b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f1e62de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Infinite Improbability Drive"] = "";
diff --git a/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/sv/strings.php b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab4fa67a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infiniteimprobabilitydrive/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+strings["Infinite Improbability Drive"] = "无穷不至于机车";
diff --git a/irc/lang/ca/strings.php b/irc/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..561e24c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irc/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["IRC Settings"] = "Ajustos de IRC";
+$a->strings["Channel(s) to auto connect (comma separated)"] = "Canal(s) per auto connectar (separats per comes)";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels (comma separated)"] = "Canals Populars (separats per comes)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["IRC settings saved."] = "Ajustos del IRC guardats.";
+$a->strings["IRC Chatroom"] = "IRC Chatroom";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels"] = "Canals Populars";
diff --git a/irc/lang/cs/strings.php b/irc/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6129c33c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irc/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["IRC Settings"] = "Nastavení IRC";
+$a->strings["Channel(s) to auto connect (comma separated)"] = "Kanál(y) pro automatické připojení(oddělené čárkou)";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels (comma separated)"] = "Oblíbené Kanály (oddělené čárkou)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["IRC settings saved."] = "Nastavení IRC uloženo.";
+$a->strings["IRC Chatroom"] = "IRC Místnost";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels"] = "Oblíbené kanály";
diff --git a/irc/lang/de/strings.php b/irc/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02d4aa53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irc/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["IRC Settings"] = "IRC Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Channel(s) to auto connect (comma separated)"] = "mit diesen Kanälen soll man automatisch verbunden werden (Komma getrennt)";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels (comma separated)"] = "Beliebte Kanäle (mit Komma getrennt)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["IRC settings saved."] = "IRC Einstellungen gespeichert.";
+$a->strings["IRC Chatroom"] = "IRC Chatraum";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels"] = "Beliebte Räume";
diff --git a/irc/lang/eo/strings.php b/irc/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92dee9e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irc/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["IRC Settings"] = "IRC Agordoj";
+$a->strings["Channel(s) to auto connect (comma separated)"] = "Aŭtomate konektiĝi al la kanalo(j) (disigita per komo)";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels (comma separated)"] = "Popularaj kanaloj (disigita per komo)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["IRC settings saved."] = "IRC agordoj konservitaj.";
+$a->strings["IRC Chatroom"] = "IRC babilejo";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels"] = "Popularaj Kanaloj";
diff --git a/irc/lang/es/strings.php b/irc/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cadbcbf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irc/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["IRC Settings"] = "Configuración IRC";
+$a->strings["Channel(s) to auto connect (comma separated)"] = "Conectar automáticamente a (canales separados por coma)";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels (comma separated)"] = "Canales populares (separados por coma)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["IRC settings saved."] = "Configuración de IRC guardada.";
+$a->strings["IRC Chatroom"] = "Sala de Chat IRC";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels"] = "Canales populares";
diff --git a/irc/lang/fr/strings.php b/irc/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1693194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irc/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["IRC Settings"] = "Réglages IRC";
+$a->strings["Channel(s) to auto connect (comma separated)"] = "Canaux à rejoindre automatiquement (séparés par des virgules)";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels (comma separated)"] = "Canaux populaires (séparés par des virgules)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["IRC settings saved."] = "Réglages IRC sauvés.";
+$a->strings["IRC Chatroom"] = "Salon IRC";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels"] = "Canaux populaires";
diff --git a/irc/lang/is/strings.php b/irc/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4fbd85d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irc/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["IRC Settings"] = "IRC stillingar";
+$a->strings["Channel(s) to auto connect (comma separated)"] = "Tengjast rásum sjálfkrafa (komma á milli)";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels (comma separated)"] = "Vinsælar rásir (komma á milli)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["IRC settings saved."] = "IRC stillingum vistað";
+$a->strings["IRC Chatroom"] = "";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels"] = "";
diff --git a/irc/lang/it/strings.php b/irc/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4810199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irc/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["IRC Settings"] = "Impostazioni IRC";
+$a->strings["Channel(s) to auto connect (comma separated)"] = "Canali a cui autocollegarsi (separati da virgola)";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels (comma separated)"] = "Canali popolari (separati da virgola)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["IRC settings saved."] = "Impostazioni IRC salvate.";
+$a->strings["IRC Chatroom"] = "Stanza IRC";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels"] = "Canali Popolari";
diff --git a/irc/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/irc/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae2c9a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irc/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["IRC Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Channel(s) to auto connect (comma separated)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels (comma separated)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["IRC settings saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["IRC Chatroom"] = "";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels"] = "";
diff --git a/irc/lang/pl/strings.php b/irc/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..721a8002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irc/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["IRC Settings"] = "Ustawienia IRC";
+$a->strings["Channel(s) to auto connect (comma separated)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels (comma separated)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["IRC settings saved."] = "Zapisano ustawienia IRC.";
+$a->strings["IRC Chatroom"] = "IRC Chatroom";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels"] = "Popularne kanały";
diff --git a/irc/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/irc/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55220ea2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irc/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["IRC Settings"] = "Configurações de IRC";
+$a->strings["Channel(s) to auto connect (comma separated)"] = "Canal(is) para auto conectar (separados por vírgulas)";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels (comma separated)"] = "Canais Populares (separados por vírgula)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["IRC settings saved."] = "Configurações de IRC salvas";
+$a->strings["IRC Chatroom"] = "sala de IRC";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels"] = "Canais populares ";
diff --git a/irc/lang/ru/strings.php b/irc/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84131f0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irc/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["IRC Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Channel(s) to auto connect (comma separated)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels (comma separated)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["IRC settings saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["IRC Chatroom"] = "";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels"] = "";
diff --git a/irc/lang/sv/strings.php b/irc/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irc/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/irc/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/irc/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e526182f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irc/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["IRC Settings"] = "IRC设置";
+$a->strings["Channel(s) to auto connect (comma separated)"] = "频道要自动地连接(逗号分隔)";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels (comma separated)"] = "流行频道(逗号分隔)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["IRC settings saved."] = "IRC设置保存了。";
+$a->strings["IRC Chatroom"] = "IRC聊间";
+$a->strings["Popular Channels"] = "流行频道";
diff --git a/jappixmini/lang/ca/strings.php b/jappixmini/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f2924ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jappixmini/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Jappix Mini addon settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Activate addon"] = "";
+$a->strings["Do not insert the Jappixmini Chat-Widget into the webinterface"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber username"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber server"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber BOSH host"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Purge internal list of jabber addresses of contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Add contact"] = "";
diff --git a/jappixmini/lang/cs/strings.php b/jappixmini/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2be6042a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jappixmini/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Jappix Mini addon settings"] = "Nastavení rozšíření Jappix Mini";
+$a->strings["Activate addon"] = "Aktivovat rozšíření";
+$a->strings["Do not insert the Jappixmini Chat-Widget into the webinterface"] = "Nevlkádejte Jappixmini Chat-Widget do webového rozhraní";
+$a->strings["Jabber username"] = "Jabber uživatelské jméno";
+$a->strings["Jabber server"] = "Jabber server";
+$a->strings["Jabber BOSH host"] = "Jabber BOSH host";
+$a->strings["Jabber password"] = "Jabber heslo";
+$a->strings["Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)"] = "Zašifrovat Jabber heslo s heslem Friendica (doporučeno)";
+$a->strings["Friendica password"] = "Friendica heslo";
+$a->strings["Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically"] = "Automaticky schválit požadavek na členství od Friedica kontaktů.";
+$a->strings["Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically"] = "Automaticky zaslat požadavek na členství Friedica kontaktům.";
+$a->strings["Purge internal list of jabber addresses of contacts"] = "Očistit interní seznam jabber adres kontaktů";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Add contact"] = "Přidat kontakt";
diff --git a/jappixmini/lang/de/strings.php b/jappixmini/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84cca16d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jappixmini/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Jappix Mini addon settings"] = "Jappix Mini Addon Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Activate addon"] = "Addon aktivieren";
+$a->strings["Do not insert the Jappixmini Chat-Widget into the webinterface"] = "Füge das Jappix Mini Chat Widget nicht zum Webinterface hinzu";
+$a->strings["Jabber username"] = "Jabber Nutzername";
+$a->strings["Jabber server"] = "Jabber Server";
+$a->strings["Jabber BOSH host"] = "Jabber BOSH Host";
+$a->strings["Jabber password"] = "Japper Passwort";
+$a->strings["Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)"] = "Verschlüssele das Jabber Passwort mit dem Friendica Passwort (empfohlen)";
+$a->strings["Friendica password"] = "Friendica Passwort";
+$a->strings["Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically"] = "Kontaktanfragen von Friendica Kontakten automatisch akzeptieren";
+$a->strings["Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically"] = "Automatisch Friendica Kontakten bei Jabber folgen";
+$a->strings["Purge internal list of jabber addresses of contacts"] = "Lösche die interne Liste der Jabber Adressen der Kontakte";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Add contact"] = "Kontakt hinzufügen";
diff --git a/jappixmini/lang/eo/strings.php b/jappixmini/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2118546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jappixmini/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Jappix Mini addon settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Activate addon"] = "";
+$a->strings["Do not insert the Jappixmini Chat-Widget into the webinterface"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber username"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber server"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber BOSH host"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Purge internal list of jabber addresses of contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Add contact"] = "";
diff --git a/jappixmini/lang/es/strings.php b/jappixmini/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cc5b293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jappixmini/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Jappix Mini addon settings"] = "Ajustes de complemento Jappix Mini";
+$a->strings["Activate addon"] = "Activar complemento";
+$a->strings["Do not insert the Jappixmini Chat-Widget into the webinterface"] = "No insertar la aplicación de chat Jappixmini en la interfaz web";
+$a->strings["Jabber username"] = "Nombre de usuario de Jabber";
+$a->strings["Jabber server"] = "Servidor de Jabber";
+$a->strings["Jabber BOSH host"] = "Anfitrión BOSH de Jabber";
+$a->strings["Jabber password"] = "Contraseña de Jabber";
+$a->strings["Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)"] = "Encriptar contraseña de Jabber con la contraseña de Friendica (recomendado)";
+$a->strings["Friendica password"] = "Contraseña de Friendica";
+$a->strings["Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically"] = "Aprobar peticiones de suscripción de contactos de Friendica automáticamente";
+$a->strings["Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically"] = "Suscribirse a contactos de Friendica automáticamente";
+$a->strings["Purge internal list of jabber addresses of contacts"] = "Purgar los contactos de la lista interna de direcciones de Jabber";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Add contact"] = "Añadir contacto";
diff --git a/jappixmini/lang/fr/strings.php b/jappixmini/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16c45bcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jappixmini/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Jappix Mini addon settings"] = "Jappix Mini";
+$a->strings["Activate addon"] = "Activer";
+$a->strings["Do not insert the Jappixmini Chat-Widget into the webinterface"] = "Ne pas insérer le widget JappixMini dans l'interface web";
+$a->strings["Jabber username"] = "Utilisateur Jabber";
+$a->strings["Jabber server"] = "Serveur Jabber";
+$a->strings["Jabber BOSH host"] = "Hôte BOSH (proxy) Jabber";
+$a->strings["Jabber password"] = "Mot de passe Jabber";
+$a->strings["Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)"] = "Chiffrer le mot de passe Jabber avec le mot de passe Friendica (recommandé)";
+$a->strings["Friendica password"] = "Mot de passe Friendica";
+$a->strings["Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically"] = "Approuver les contacts Friendica automatiquement";
+$a->strings["Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically"] = "S'inscrire aux contacts Friendica automatiquement";
+$a->strings["Purge internal list of jabber addresses of contacts"] = "Purger la liste interne d'adresses Jabber";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Add contact"] = "Ajouter un contact";
diff --git a/jappixmini/lang/is/strings.php b/jappixmini/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30e8f43e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jappixmini/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Jappix Mini addon settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Activate addon"] = "";
+$a->strings["Do not insert the Jappixmini Chat-Widget into the webinterface"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber username"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber server"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber BOSH host"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Purge internal list of jabber addresses of contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Add contact"] = "";
diff --git a/jappixmini/lang/it/strings.php b/jappixmini/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ed034c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jappixmini/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Jappix Mini addon settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Activate addon"] = "";
+$a->strings["Do not insert the Jappixmini Chat-Widget into the webinterface"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber username"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber server"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber BOSH host"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Purge internal list of jabber addresses of contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Add contact"] = "";
diff --git a/jappixmini/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/jappixmini/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bced0027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jappixmini/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Jappix Mini addon settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Activate addon"] = "";
+$a->strings["Do not insert the Jappixmini Chat-Widget into the webinterface"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber username"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber server"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber BOSH host"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Purge internal list of jabber addresses of contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Add contact"] = "";
diff --git a/jappixmini/lang/pl/strings.php b/jappixmini/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35f876d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jappixmini/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Jappix Mini addon settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Activate addon"] = "";
+$a->strings["Do not insert the Jappixmini Chat-Widget into the webinterface"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber username"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber server"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber BOSH host"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber password"] = "Hasło Jabber";
+$a->strings["Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica password"] = "Hasło Friendica";
+$a->strings["Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Purge internal list of jabber addresses of contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Add contact"] = "Dodaj kontakt";
diff --git a/jappixmini/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/jappixmini/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f2924ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jappixmini/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Jappix Mini addon settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Activate addon"] = "";
+$a->strings["Do not insert the Jappixmini Chat-Widget into the webinterface"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber username"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber server"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber BOSH host"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Purge internal list of jabber addresses of contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Add contact"] = "";
diff --git a/jappixmini/lang/ru/strings.php b/jappixmini/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4d9c600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jappixmini/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Jappix Mini addon settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Activate addon"] = "";
+$a->strings["Do not insert the Jappixmini Chat-Widget into the webinterface"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber username"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber server"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber BOSH host"] = "";
+$a->strings["Jabber password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Friendica password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically"] = "";
+$a->strings["Purge internal list of jabber addresses of contacts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Add contact"] = "";
diff --git a/jappixmini/lang/sv/strings.php b/jappixmini/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jappixmini/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/jappixmini/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/jappixmini/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b0c81fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jappixmini/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+strings["Jappix Mini addon settings"] = "Jappix Mini加件设置";
+$a->strings["Activate addon"] = "使加件可用";
+$a->strings["Do not insert the Jappixmini Chat-Widget into the webinterface"] = "别把Jappixmini聊小窗插入网用户界面";
+$a->strings["Jabber username"] = "Jabber用户名";
+$a->strings["Jabber server"] = "Jabber服务器";
+$a->strings["Jabber BOSH host"] = "Jabber BOSH主机";
+$a->strings["Jabber password"] = "Jabber密码";
+$a->strings["Encrypt Jabber password with Friendica password (recommended)"] = "把Jabber密码跟Friendica密码加密(推荐的)";
+$a->strings["Friendica password"] = "Friendica密码";
+$a->strings["Approve subscription requests from Friendica contacts automatically"] = "自动地批准从Friendica熟人的订阅要求";
+$a->strings["Subscribe to Friendica contacts automatically"] = "自动地订阅Friendica熟人";
+$a->strings["Purge internal list of jabber addresses of contacts"] = "把熟人jabber地址从内部单";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Add contact"] = "加熟人";
diff --git a/js_upload/lang/ca/strings.php b/js_upload/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85b403f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js_upload/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Upload a file"] = "Carrega un arxiu";
+$a->strings["Drop files here to upload"] = "Deixa aquí el arxiu a carregar";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Cancel·lar";
+$a->strings["Failed"] = "Fracassar";
+$a->strings["No files were uploaded."] = "No hi ha arxius carregats.";
+$a->strings["Uploaded file is empty"] = "L'arxiu carregat està buit";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of "] = "La imatge excedeix el límit de ";
+$a->strings["File has an invalid extension, it should be one of "] = "Arxiu té una extensió no vàlida, ha de ser una de";
+$a->strings["Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered"] = "La pujada va ser cancel.lada, o es va trobar un error de servidor";
diff --git a/js_upload/lang/cs/strings.php b/js_upload/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa1d67df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js_upload/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Upload a file"] = "Nahrát soubor";
+$a->strings["Drop files here to upload"] = "Přeneste sem soubory k nahrání";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Zrušit";
+$a->strings["Failed"] = "Neúspěch";
+$a->strings["No files were uploaded."] = "Žádné soubory nebyly nahrány.";
+$a->strings["Uploaded file is empty"] = "Nahraný soubor je prázdný";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of "] = "Velikost obrázku překračuje limit velikosti";
+$a->strings["File has an invalid extension, it should be one of "] = "Soubor má neplatnou příponu, ta by měla být jednou z";
+$a->strings["Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered"] = "Nahrávání bylo zrušeno nebo došlo k chybě na serveru";
diff --git a/js_upload/lang/de/strings.php b/js_upload/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..282ffac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js_upload/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Upload a file"] = "Datei hochladen";
+$a->strings["Drop files here to upload"] = "Ziehe Dateien hierher, um sie hochzuladen";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Abbrechen";
+$a->strings["Failed"] = "Fehlgeschlagen";
+$a->strings["No files were uploaded."] = "Keine Dateien hochgeladen.";
+$a->strings["Uploaded file is empty"] = "Hochgeladene Datei ist leer";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of "] = "Die Bildgröße übersteigt das Limit von ";
+$a->strings["File has an invalid extension, it should be one of "] = "Die Dateierweiterung ist nicht erlaubt, sie muss eine der folgenden sein ";
+$a->strings["Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered"] = "Upload abgebrochen oder Serverfehler aufgetreten";
diff --git a/js_upload/lang/eo/strings.php b/js_upload/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd358ea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js_upload/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Upload a file"] = "Alŝuti dosieron";
+$a->strings["Drop files here to upload"] = "Ŝovmeti dosierojn ĉi tie por alŝuti ilin.";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Nuligi";
+$a->strings["Failed"] = "Malsukcesi";
+$a->strings["No files were uploaded."] = "Neniom da dosieroj alŝutita.";
+$a->strings["Uploaded file is empty"] = "Alŝutita dosiero estas malplena.";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of "] = "Bildo estas pli granda ol la limito de";
+$a->strings["File has an invalid extension, it should be one of "] = "Dosiero havas nevalidan sufikson. Ĝi estu unu de ";
+$a->strings["Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered"] = "Alŝutado estas nuligita aŭ okazis eraro sur la servilo";
diff --git a/js_upload/lang/es/strings.php b/js_upload/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f0f0ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js_upload/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Upload a file"] = "Subir un archivo";
+$a->strings["Drop files here to upload"] = "Arrastra los archivos aquí para subirlos";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Cancelar";
+$a->strings["Failed"] = "Falló";
+$a->strings["No files were uploaded."] = "No se han subido archivos aún.";
+$a->strings["Uploaded file is empty"] = "El archivo subido está vacío";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of "] = "La imagen supera tamaño límite de ";
+$a->strings["File has an invalid extension, it should be one of "] = "El archivo tiene una extensión no válida, debería ser una de ";
+$a->strings["Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered"] = "La subida ha sido cancelada, o se encontró un error del servidor";
diff --git a/js_upload/lang/fr/strings.php b/js_upload/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fba7cf36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js_upload/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Upload a file"] = "Téléverser un fichier";
+$a->strings["Drop files here to upload"] = "Déposer des fichiers ici pour les téléverser";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Annuler";
+$a->strings["Failed"] = "Échec";
+$a->strings["No files were uploaded."] = "Aucun fichier n'a été téléversé.";
+$a->strings["Uploaded file is empty"] = "Le fichier téléversé est vide";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of "] = "L'image dépasse la taille maximale de ";
+$a->strings["File has an invalid extension, it should be one of "] = "Le fichier a une extension invalide, elle devrait être parmi ";
+$a->strings["Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered"] = "Téléversement annulé, ou erreur de serveur";
diff --git a/js_upload/lang/is/strings.php b/js_upload/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d09928c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js_upload/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Upload a file"] = "Hlaða upp skrá";
+$a->strings["Drop files here to upload"] = "Slepptu skrám hér til að hala upp";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Hætta við";
+$a->strings["Failed"] = "Mistókst";
+$a->strings["No files were uploaded."] = "Engum skráð hlaðið upp.";
+$a->strings["Uploaded file is empty"] = "Skrá sem var hlaðið upp er tóm";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of "] = "Mynd er yfir stærðamörkum";
+$a->strings["File has an invalid extension, it should be one of "] = "Skrá hefur ógilda skránafnsendingu, ætti að vera eitt af";
+$a->strings["Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered"] = "Hætt var við upphal eða kerfisvilla kom upp";
diff --git a/js_upload/lang/it/strings.php b/js_upload/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4760287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js_upload/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Upload a file"] = "Carica un file";
+$a->strings["Drop files here to upload"] = "Trascina un file qui per caricarlo";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Annulla";
+$a->strings["Failed"] = "Caricamento fallito";
+$a->strings["No files were uploaded."] = "Nessun file è stato caricato.";
+$a->strings["Uploaded file is empty"] = "Il file caricato è vuoto";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of "] = "L'immagine supera il limite di";
+$a->strings["File has an invalid extension, it should be one of "] = "Il file ha un'estensione non valida, dovrebbe essere una tra ";
+$a->strings["Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered"] = "Il caricamento è stato cancellato, o si è verificato un errore sul server";
diff --git a/js_upload/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/js_upload/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09e704e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js_upload/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Upload a file"] = "Last opp en fil";
+$a->strings["Drop files here to upload"] = "Slipp filer her for å laste de opp";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Avbryt";
+$a->strings["Failed"] = "Mislyktes";
+$a->strings["No files were uploaded."] = "Ingen filer ble lastet opp.";
+$a->strings["Uploaded file is empty"] = "Opplastet fil er tom";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of "] = "Bilde overstiger størrelsesbegrensningen på ";
+$a->strings["File has an invalid extension, it should be one of "] = "Filen har en ugyldig endelse, den må være en av ";
+$a->strings["Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered"] = "Opplasting avbrutt, eller det oppstod en feil på tjeneren";
diff --git a/js_upload/lang/pl/strings.php b/js_upload/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af2d07bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js_upload/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Upload a file"] = "Załaduj plik";
+$a->strings["Drop files here to upload"] = "Wrzuć tu pliki by je załadować";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Anuluj";
+$a->strings["Failed"] = "Niepowodzenie";
+$a->strings["No files were uploaded."] = "Nie załadowano żadnych plików.";
+$a->strings["Uploaded file is empty"] = "Wysłany plik jest pusty";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of "] = "obrazek przekracza limit rozmiaru";
+$a->strings["File has an invalid extension, it should be one of "] = "Pilk ma nieprawidłowe rozszerzenie, powinien być jednym z";
+$a->strings["Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered"] = "Przesyłanie zostało anulowane lub wystąpił błąd serwera.";
diff --git a/js_upload/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/js_upload/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e121ca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js_upload/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Upload a file"] = "Enviar um arquivo";
+$a->strings["Drop files here to upload"] = "Solte os arquivos a serem enviados aqui";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Cancelar";
+$a->strings["Failed"] = "Falhou";
+$a->strings["No files were uploaded."] = "Nenhum arquivo foi enviado.";
+$a->strings["Uploaded file is empty"] = "O arquivo enviado está em branco";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of "] = "A imagem excede o tamanho máximo de ";
+$a->strings["File has an invalid extension, it should be one of "] = "O arquivo possui uma extensão inválida, são aceitas somente ";
+$a->strings["Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered"] = "O envio foi cancelado ou ocorreu algum erro no servidor";
diff --git a/js_upload/lang/ru/strings.php b/js_upload/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b30fa7b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js_upload/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Upload a file"] = "Загрузить файл";
+$a->strings["Drop files here to upload"] = "Перетащите файлы сюда для загрузки";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Отмена";
+$a->strings["Failed"] = "Ошибка";
+$a->strings["No files were uploaded."] = "Нет загруженных файлов.";
+$a->strings["Uploaded file is empty"] = "Загруженный файл пустой";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of "] = "Размер фото превышает лимит ";
+$a->strings["File has an invalid extension, it should be one of "] = "Файл имеет недопустимое расширение, оно должно быть одним из следующих ";
+$a->strings["Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered"] = "Загрузка была отменена, или произошла ошибка сервера";
diff --git a/js_upload/lang/sv/strings.php b/js_upload/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8a07875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js_upload/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Upload a file"] = "Ladda upp en fil";
+$a->strings["Drop files here to upload"] = "Dra filer som ska laddas upp hit";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Avbryt";
+$a->strings["Failed"] = "Misslyckades";
+$a->strings["No files were uploaded."] = "Inga filer laddades upp.";
+$a->strings["Uploaded file is empty"] = "Den uppladdade filen är tom";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of "] = "Bilden överskrider den tillåtna storleken ";
+$a->strings["File has an invalid extension, it should be one of "] = "Otillåten filnamnsändelse, det ska vara ";
+$a->strings["Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered"] = "Serverfel eller avbruten uppladdning";
diff --git a/js_upload/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/js_upload/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e78b7dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js_upload/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Upload a file"] = "上传文件";
+$a->strings["Drop files here to upload"] = "在这儿放文件为上传";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "退消";
+$a->strings["Failed"] = "失败";
+$a->strings["No files were uploaded."] = "没有文件上传。";
+$a->strings["Uploaded file is empty"] = "上传的文件空的";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of "] = "图片超出最大尺寸";
+$a->strings["File has an invalid extension, it should be one of "] = "文件扩展名无效的,应该是这些一个:";
+$a->strings["Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered"] = "上传注销了,或相遇服务器错误";
diff --git a/libertree/lang/ca/strings.php b/libertree/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28c6b31a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libertree/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to libertree"] = "Enviament a libertree";
+$a->strings["libertree Post Settings"] = "Ajustos d'enviaments a libertree";
+$a->strings["Enable Libertree Post Plugin"] = "Activa el plugin d'enviaments a libertree";
+$a->strings["Libertree API token"] = "Libertree API token";
+$a->strings["Libertree site URL"] = "lloc URL libertree";
+$a->strings["Post to Libertree by default"] = "Enviar a libertree per defecte";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/libertree/lang/cs/strings.php b/libertree/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51164954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libertree/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to libertree"] = "Poslat na Libertree";
+$a->strings["libertree Post Settings"] = "Nastavení Libertree příspěvků";
+$a->strings["Enable Libertree Post Plugin"] = "Povolit Libertree Post rozšíření";
+$a->strings["Libertree API token"] = "Libertree API token";
+$a->strings["Libertree site URL"] = "URL adresa Libertree ";
+$a->strings["Post to Libertree by default"] = "Defaultně poslat na Libertree";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/libertree/lang/de/strings.php b/libertree/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..553089fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libertree/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to libertree"] = "bei libertree veröffentlichen";
+$a->strings["libertree Post Settings"] = "libertree Post Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Enable Libertree Post Plugin"] = "Libertree Post Plugin aktivieren";
+$a->strings["Libertree API token"] = "Libertree API Token";
+$a->strings["Libertree site URL"] = "Libertree URL";
+$a->strings["Post to Libertree by default"] = "Standardmäßig bei libertree veröffentlichen";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/libertree/lang/eo/strings.php b/libertree/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11b8496c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libertree/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to libertree"] = "Afiŝi al libertree";
+$a->strings["libertree Post Settings"] = "Agordoj por Afiŝoj ĉe libertree";
+$a->strings["Enable Libertree Post Plugin"] = "Aktivigi Kromprogramon por Afiŝoj ĉe libertree";
+$a->strings["Libertree API token"] = "Libertree API ĵetono";
+$a->strings["Libertree site URL"] = "URL adreso de libertree retejo:";
+$a->strings["Post to Libertree by default"] = "Defaŭlte afiŝi ĉe Libertree";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/libertree/lang/es/strings.php b/libertree/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52d601d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libertree/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to libertree"] = "Publicar en Libertree";
+$a->strings["libertree Post Settings"] = "Configuración de la publicación en Libertree";
+$a->strings["Enable Libertree Post Plugin"] = "Activar el módulo de publicación en Libertree";
+$a->strings["Libertree API token"] = "Ficha API de Libertree";
+$a->strings["Libertree site URL"] = "Dirección de Libertree";
+$a->strings["Post to Libertree by default"] = "Publicar en Libertree por defecto";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/libertree/lang/fr/strings.php b/libertree/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7fd2d237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libertree/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to libertree"] = "Publier sur libertree";
+$a->strings["libertree Post Settings"] = "Réglages des messages sur libertree";
+$a->strings["Enable Libertree Post Plugin"] = "Activer le plugin de publication sur libertree";
+$a->strings["Libertree API token"] = "Clé de l'API libertree";
+$a->strings["Libertree site URL"] = "URL du site libertree";
+$a->strings["Post to Libertree by default"] = "Publier sur libertree par défaut";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/libertree/lang/is/strings.php b/libertree/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d5e7f37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libertree/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to libertree"] = "";
+$a->strings["libertree Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Libertree Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libertree API token"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libertree site URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Libertree by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/libertree/lang/it/strings.php b/libertree/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cfc3c602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libertree/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to libertree"] = "";
+$a->strings["libertree Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Libertree Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libertree API token"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libertree site URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Libertree by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/libertree/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/libertree/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..679aefe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libertree/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to libertree"] = "";
+$a->strings["libertree Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Libertree Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libertree API token"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libertree site URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Libertree by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/libertree/lang/pl/strings.php b/libertree/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..217757f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libertree/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to libertree"] = "";
+$a->strings["libertree Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Libertree Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libertree API token"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libertree site URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Libertree by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/libertree/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/libertree/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ff3c15d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libertree/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to libertree"] = "";
+$a->strings["libertree Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Libertree Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libertree API token"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libertree site URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Libertree by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/libertree/lang/ru/strings.php b/libertree/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6101b70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libertree/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to libertree"] = "";
+$a->strings["libertree Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Libertree Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libertree API token"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libertree site URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Libertree by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/libertree/lang/sv/strings.php b/libertree/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libertree/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/libertree/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/libertree/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2122014c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libertree/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to libertree"] = "转播到libertree";
+$a->strings["libertree Post Settings"] = "libertree转播设置";
+$a->strings["Enable Libertree Post Plugin"] = "使Libertree转播插件可用";
+$a->strings["Libertree API token"] = "Libertree API令牌";
+$a->strings["Libertree site URL"] = "Libertree网站URL";
+$a->strings["Post to Libertree by default"] = "默认地转播到Libertree";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/libravatar/lang/ca/strings.php b/libravatar/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f921b9fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libravatar/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Could NOT install Libravatar successfully.
It requires PHP >= 5.3"] = "No puc instal·lar Libravatar ,
requereix PHP>=5.3";
+$a->strings["generic profile image"] = "imatge de perfil genérica";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "Patró geometric aleatori";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "Cara monstruosa";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "Cara monstruosa generada per ordinador";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "Cara d'estil arcade retro";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Avís";
+$a->strings["Your PHP version %s is lower than the required PHP >= 5.3."] = "La teva versió de PHP %s es inferior a la requerida, PHP>=5.3";
+$a->strings["This addon is not functional on your server."] = "Aquest addon no es funcional al teu servidor.";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "informació";
+$a->strings["Gravatar addon is installed. Please disable the Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "el addon Gravatar està instal·lat. Si us plau, desactiva el addon Gravatar.
El addon Libravatar tornarà a Gravatar si no es trova res a Libravatar.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Imatge d'avatar per defecte";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found. See README"] = "seleccionada la imatge d'avatar per defecte si no es trova cap altre. Veure README";
+$a->strings["Libravatar settings updated."] = "Ajustos de Libravatar actualitzats.";
diff --git a/libravatar/lang/cs/strings.php b/libravatar/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c5c87c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libravatar/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Could NOT install Libravatar successfully.
It requires PHP >= 5.3"] = "Libravatar není možné úspěšně nainstalovat .
Vyžaduje PHP >= 5.3";
+$a->strings["generic profile image"] = "generický profilový obrázek";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "náhodný geometrický vzor";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "tvář příšery";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "počítačově generovaná tvář";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "tvář v retro arkádovém stylu";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Varování";
+$a->strings["Your PHP version %s is lower than the required PHP >= 5.3."] = "Vaše PHP verze %s je nižší než požadovaná PHP >= 5.3.";
+$a->strings["This addon is not functional on your server."] = "Tento doplněk není funkční na Vašem serveru.";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "Informace";
+$a->strings["Gravatar addon is installed. Please disable the Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "Gravatar doplněk je nainstalován. Prosím zakažte doplněk Gravatar.
Libravatar doplněk se vrátí k doplňku Gravatar, pokud na Libravataru nebude nic nalezeno.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Defaultní obrázek avataru";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found. See README"] = "Vyberte defaultní avatar obrázek pokud nebyl žádný nalezen. Více viz. soubor README.";
+$a->strings["Libravatar settings updated."] = "Nastavení Libravatar aktualizováno.";
diff --git a/libravatar/lang/de/strings.php b/libravatar/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9750809a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libravatar/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Could NOT install Libravatar successfully.
It requires PHP >= 5.3"] = "Kann Libravatar NICHT erfolgreich installieren.
PHP >=5.3 wird benötigt";
+$a->strings["generic profile image"] = "allgemeines Profilbild";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "zufällig erzeugtes geometrisches Muster";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "Monstergesicht";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "Computergesicht";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "Retro Arcade Design Gesicht";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Warnung";
+$a->strings["Your PHP version %s is lower than the required PHP >= 5.3."] = "Deine PHP Version %s ist niedriger als die benötigte Version PHP >= 5.3.";
+$a->strings["This addon is not functional on your server."] = "Dieses Addon funktioniert auf deinem Server nicht.";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "Information";
+$a->strings["Gravatar addon is installed. Please disable the Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "Das Gravatar Addon ist installiert. Bitte schalte das Gravatar Addon aus.
Das Libravatar Addon nutzt Gravater, sollte nichts auf Libravatar gefunden werden.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Standard Profilbild ";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found. See README"] = "Das Standard Avatar Bild wurde nicht gefunden. Siehe README";
+$a->strings["Libravatar settings updated."] = "Libravatar Einstellungen sind aktualisiert.";
diff --git a/libravatar/lang/eo/strings.php b/libravatar/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..455f0e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libravatar/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Could NOT install Libravatar successfully.
It requires PHP >= 5.3"] = "NE SUKCESIS instali la bibliotekon Libravatar.
Ĝi bezonas PHP >= 5.3";
+$a->strings["generic profile image"] = "komuna profilbildo";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "loteca geometria skemo";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "monstrobildo";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "komputita vizaĝo";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "retrostila videoludstila vizaĝo";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Averto";
+$a->strings["Your PHP version %s is lower than the required PHP >= 5.3."] = "Via PHP versio %s estas malpli alta ol la bezonata PHP >= 5.3.";
+$a->strings["This addon is not functional on your server."] = "Tiu ĉi kromprogramo ne funkcieblas je via servilo.";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "Informo";
+$a->strings["Gravatar addon is installed. Please disable the Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "La Gravatar kromprogramo estas instalita. Bonvolu malŝalti la Gravatar kromprogramon.La Libravatar kromprogramo retropaŝos al Gravatar se neniu troveblis ĉe Libravatar.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Defaŭlta avatarbildo";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found. See README"] = "Elektu la defaŭltan avatar bildon sen neniu troveblis. Legu README.";
+$a->strings["Libravatar settings updated."] = "Ĝisdatigis Libravatar agordojn.";
diff --git a/libravatar/lang/es/strings.php b/libravatar/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a746d580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libravatar/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Could NOT install Libravatar successfully.
It requires PHP >= 5.3"] = "Libravatar puede no haberse instalado correctamente.
Requiere PHP >=5.3";
+$a->strings["generic profile image"] = "imagen genérica del perfil";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "patrón geométrico aleatorio";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "monstruosa";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "generada por ordenador";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "estilo retro arcade";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Aviso";
+$a->strings["Your PHP version %s is lower than the required PHP >= 5.3."] = "Tu versión de PHP %s, menor que la requerida (PHP >=5.3).";
+$a->strings["This addon is not functional on your server."] = "Esta funcionalidad no está activa en tu servidor.";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "Información";
+$a->strings["Gravatar addon is installed. Please disable the Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "El complemento Gravatar está instalado. Por favor, desactiva dicho complemento.
El complemento Libravatar usará Gravatar si no encuentra nada en Libravatar.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Imagen del avatar por defecto";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found. See README"] = "Elige una imagen para tu avatar si no se encuentra ninguna (ver README)";
+$a->strings["Libravatar settings updated."] = "Configuración de Libravatar actualizada.";
diff --git a/libravatar/lang/fr/strings.php b/libravatar/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db7c3389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libravatar/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Could NOT install Libravatar successfully.
It requires PHP >= 5.3"] = "Libravatar n'a PAS pu être installé.
Il nécessite PHP >= 5.3";
+$a->strings["generic profile image"] = "image de profil générique";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "motif géométrique aléatoire";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "monstre";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "généré par ordinateur";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "vieux jeu d'arcade";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Avertissement";
+$a->strings["Your PHP version %s is lower than the required PHP >= 5.3."] = "La version de PHP doit être >= 5.3 ; la votre, %s, est antérieure. ";
+$a->strings["This addon is not functional on your server."] = "Cette extension ne fonctionne pas sur votre serveur.";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "Information";
+$a->strings["Gravatar addon is installed. Please disable the Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "L'extension Gravatar est installée ; veuillez la désactiver.
L'extension Libravatar sera remplacée par Gravatar si rien n'a été trouvé.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Avatar par défaut";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found. See README"] = "Sélectionner une image d'avatar par défaut si aucune n'a été trouvée. Voir le fichier README";
+$a->strings["Libravatar settings updated."] = "Paramètres de Libravatar mis à jour.";
diff --git a/libravatar/lang/is/strings.php b/libravatar/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25de0e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libravatar/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Could NOT install Libravatar successfully.
It requires PHP >= 5.3"] = "";
+$a->strings["generic profile image"] = "";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "";
+$a->strings["Your PHP version %s is lower than the required PHP >= 5.3."] = "";
+$a->strings["This addon is not functional on your server."] = "";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "";
+$a->strings["Gravatar addon is installed. Please disable the Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libravatar settings updated."] = "";
diff --git a/libravatar/lang/it/strings.php b/libravatar/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d85c9c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libravatar/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+strings["Could NOT install Libravatar successfully.
It requires PHP >= 5.3"] = "Non è possibile installare Libravatar.
Richiede PHP >= 5.3";
+$a->strings["generic profile image"] = "immagine generica del profilo";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "schema geometrico casuale";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "faccia di mostro";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Attenzione";
+$a->strings["Your PHP version %s is lower than the required PHP >= 5.3."] = "La tua versione %s è minore della richiesta PHP >= 5.3.";
+$a->strings["This addon is not functional on your server."] = "Questo addon non è funzionante sul tuo server.";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "Informazione";
+$a->strings["Gravatar addon is installed. Please disable the Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "L'addon Gravatar è installato. Disabilita l'addon Gravatar.
+L'addon Libravatar si appoggerà a Gravatar se non trova nulla su Libravatar.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found. See README"] = "Seleziona l'immagine di default se non viene trovato niente. Vedi README";
+$a->strings["Libravatar settings updated."] = "Impostazioni Libravatar aggiornate.";
diff --git a/libravatar/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/libravatar/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1afe20dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libravatar/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Could NOT install Libravatar successfully.
It requires PHP >= 5.3"] = "";
+$a->strings["generic profile image"] = "";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "";
+$a->strings["Your PHP version %s is lower than the required PHP >= 5.3."] = "";
+$a->strings["This addon is not functional on your server."] = "";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "";
+$a->strings["Gravatar addon is installed. Please disable the Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libravatar settings updated."] = "";
diff --git a/libravatar/lang/pl/strings.php b/libravatar/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9a780c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libravatar/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Could NOT install Libravatar successfully.
It requires PHP >= 5.3"] = "";
+$a->strings["generic profile image"] = "generuj obraz profilowy";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "przypadkowy wzorzec geometryczny";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "monster face";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Ostrzeżenie";
+$a->strings["Your PHP version %s is lower than the required PHP >= 5.3."] = "";
+$a->strings["This addon is not functional on your server."] = "";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "";
+$a->strings["Gravatar addon is installed. Please disable the Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Domyślny awatar";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libravatar settings updated."] = "";
diff --git a/libravatar/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/libravatar/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ff42f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libravatar/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Could NOT install Libravatar successfully.
It requires PHP >= 5.3"] = "";
+$a->strings["generic profile image"] = "Imagem genérica de perfil";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "Padrão geométrico randômico";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "cara de monstro";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "face gerada por computador";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "estilo de face arcade retrô";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "Aviso";
+$a->strings["Your PHP version %s is lower than the required PHP >= 5.3."] = "";
+$a->strings["This addon is not functional on your server."] = "";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "";
+$a->strings["Gravatar addon is installed. Please disable the Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "Imagem padrão do Avatar ";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libravatar settings updated."] = "";
diff --git a/libravatar/lang/ru/strings.php b/libravatar/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6414c889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libravatar/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Could NOT install Libravatar successfully.
It requires PHP >= 5.3"] = "";
+$a->strings["generic profile image"] = "";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "";
+$a->strings["Your PHP version %s is lower than the required PHP >= 5.3."] = "";
+$a->strings["This addon is not functional on your server."] = "";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "";
+$a->strings["Gravatar addon is installed. Please disable the Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found. See README"] = "";
+$a->strings["Libravatar settings updated."] = "";
diff --git a/libravatar/lang/sv/strings.php b/libravatar/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libravatar/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/libravatar/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/libravatar/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f086d70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libravatar/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+strings["Could NOT install Libravatar successfully.
It requires PHP >= 5.3"] = "安装不了Libravatar。
+$a->strings["generic profile image"] = "通用简介图片";
+$a->strings["random geometric pattern"] = "随机的几何图案";
+$a->strings["monster face"] = "怪物面子";
+$a->strings["computer generated face"] = "电脑造成的面子";
+$a->strings["retro arcade style face"] = "复古游乐场式面子";
+$a->strings["Warning"] = "警告";
+$a->strings["Your PHP version %s is lower than the required PHP >= 5.3."] = "您PHP版体数%s是比要求的5.3少。";
+$a->strings["This addon is not functional on your server."] = "这个加件在您的服务器不可用的";
+$a->strings["Information"] = "信息";
+$a->strings["Gravatar addon is installed. Please disable the Gravatar addon.
The Libravatar addon will fall back to Gravatar if nothing was found at Libravatar."] = "Gravatar加件安装着。请使Gravatar加件不可用。
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Default avatar image"] = "默认纸娃娃系统";
+$a->strings["Select default avatar image if none was found. See README"] = "选择默认纸娃娃系统如果一个也找不到。看README";
+$a->strings["Libravatar settings updated."] = "Libravatar设置更新了。";
diff --git a/ljpost/lang/ca/strings.php b/ljpost/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04053fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ljpost/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to LiveJournal"] = "Missatge a Livejournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal Post Settings"] = "Configuració d'enviaments a Livejournal";
+$a->strings["Enable LiveJournal Post Plugin"] = "Habilitat el plugin d'enviaments a Livejournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal username"] = "Nom d'usuari a Livejournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal password"] = "Contrasenya a Livejournal";
+$a->strings["Post to LiveJournal by default"] = "Enviar per defecte a Livejournal";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/ljpost/lang/cs/strings.php b/ljpost/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0f39003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ljpost/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to LiveJournal"] = "Poslat na LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal Post Settings"] = "Nastavení LiveJournal Post";
+$a->strings["Enable LiveJournal Post Plugin"] = "Povolit LiveJournal Post plugin";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal username"] = "LiveJournal uživatelské jméno";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal password"] = "LiveJournal heslo";
+$a->strings["Post to LiveJournal by default"] = "Defaultně umístit na LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/ljpost/lang/de/strings.php b/ljpost/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ac9e5b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ljpost/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to LiveJournal"] = "In LiveJournal veröffentlichen.";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal Post Settings"] = "LiveJournal Veröffentlichungs-Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Enable LiveJournal Post Plugin"] = "LiveJournal Post Plugin aktivieren";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal username"] = "LiveJournal Benutzername";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal password"] = "LiveJournal Passwort";
+$a->strings["Post to LiveJournal by default"] = "Standardmäßig bei LiveJournal veröffentlichen";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/ljpost/lang/eo/strings.php b/ljpost/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b606e6a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ljpost/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to LiveJournal"] = "Afiŝi ĉe LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal Post Settings"] = "Agordoj pri afiŝoj ĉe LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["Enable LiveJournal Post Plugin"] = "Ŝalti la LiveJournal-afiŝo kromprogramon.";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal username"] = "LiveJournal Salutnomo";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal password"] = "LiveJournal pasvorto";
+$a->strings["Post to LiveJournal by default"] = "Defaŭlte afiŝi al LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/ljpost/lang/es/strings.php b/ljpost/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8273c471
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ljpost/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to LiveJournal"] = "Publicar en Livejournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal Post Settings"] = "Configuración de las publicaciones en Livejournal";
+$a->strings["Enable LiveJournal Post Plugin"] = "Activar el módulo de publicación en Livejournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal username"] = "Nombre de usuario de Livejournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal password"] = "Contraseña de Livejournal";
+$a->strings["Post to LiveJournal by default"] = "Publicar en Livejournal por defecto";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/ljpost/lang/fr/strings.php b/ljpost/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..615f929a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ljpost/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to LiveJournal"] = "Poster vers LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal Post Settings"] = "Réglages LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["Enable LiveJournal Post Plugin"] = "Activer \"Poster vers LiveJournal\"";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal username"] = "Nom d'utilisateur LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal password"] = "Mot de passe";
+$a->strings["Post to LiveJournal by default"] = "Poster vers LiveJournal par défaut";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/ljpost/lang/is/strings.php b/ljpost/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5edfc631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ljpost/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to LiveJournal"] = "";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable LiveJournal Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal username"] = "";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to LiveJournal by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/ljpost/lang/it/strings.php b/ljpost/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8728fe97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ljpost/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to LiveJournal"] = "Posta su LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal Post Settings"] = "Impostazioni post LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["Enable LiveJournal Post Plugin"] = "Abilita il plugin LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal username"] = "LiveJournal username";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal password"] = "LiveJournal password";
+$a->strings["Post to LiveJournal by default"] = "Posta su LiveJournal di default";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/ljpost/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/ljpost/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4e04562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ljpost/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to LiveJournal"] = "";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable LiveJournal Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal username"] = "";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to LiveJournal by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/ljpost/lang/pl/strings.php b/ljpost/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3497dc2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ljpost/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to LiveJournal"] = "Post do LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal Post Settings"] = "Ustawienia postów do LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["Enable LiveJournal Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal username"] = "Nazwa użytkownika do LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal password"] = "Hasło do LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["Post to LiveJournal by default"] = "automatycznie publikuj na LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/ljpost/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/ljpost/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d99fb28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ljpost/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to LiveJournal"] = "Publicar no LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal Post Settings"] = "Configurações de publicação no LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["Enable LiveJournal Post Plugin"] = "Habilitar o plugin de publicação no LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal username"] = "Nome de usuário do LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal password"] = "Senha do LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["Post to LiveJournal by default"] = "Publicar no LiveJournal por padrão";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/ljpost/lang/ru/strings.php b/ljpost/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e847437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ljpost/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to LiveJournal"] = "";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable LiveJournal Post Plugin"] = "Включить LiveJournal плагин сообщений";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal username"] = "";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to LiveJournal by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/ljpost/lang/sv/strings.php b/ljpost/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ljpost/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/ljpost/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/ljpost/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f34b6365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ljpost/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Post to LiveJournal"] = "转播到LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal Post Settings"] = "LiveJournal转播设置";
+$a->strings["Enable LiveJournal Post Plugin"] = "使Livejournal转播插件可用";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal username"] = "LiveJournal用户名";
+$a->strings["LiveJournal password"] = "LiveJournal密码";
+$a->strings["Post to LiveJournal by default"] = "默认地转播到LiveJournal";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/mathjax/lang/ca/strings.php b/mathjax/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a66618a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathjax/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Settings"] = "Ajustos";
+$a->strings["The MathJax addon renders mathematical formulae written using the LaTeX syntax surrounded by the usual $$ or an eqnarray block in the postings of your wall,network tab and private mail."] = "El complement MathJax processa les fórmules matemàtiques escrites utilitzant la sintaxi de LaTeX, envoltades per l'habitual $$ o un bloc de \"eqnarray\" en les publicacions del seu mur, a la fitxa de la xarxa i correu privat.";
+$a->strings["Use the MathJax renderer"] = "Utilitzar el processador Mathjax";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Ajustos actualitzats.";
+$a->strings["MathJax Base URL"] = "URL Base de Mathjax";
+$a->strings["The URL for the javascript file that should be included to use MathJax. Can be either the MathJax CDN or another installation of MathJax."] = "La URL del fitxer javascript que ha de ser inclòs per a usar Mathjax. Pot ser utilitzat per Mathjax CDN o un altre instal·lació de Mathjax.";
diff --git a/mathjax/lang/cs/strings.php b/mathjax/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bdb83c4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathjax/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Settings"] = "Nastavení";
+$a->strings["The MathJax addon renders mathematical formulae written using the LaTeX syntax surrounded by the usual $$ or an eqnarray block in the postings of your wall,network tab and private mail."] = "Rozšíření MathJax vykresluje matematické vzorce zapsané s použitím syntaxe LaTeX označené obvyklými znaky $$ nebo v bloku \"eqnarray\" v příspěvcích na Vaší zdi, záložce síť a soukromých zprávách.";
+$a->strings["Use the MathJax renderer"] = "Použít Mathjax vykreslování";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Nastavení aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["MathJax Base URL"] = "Základní MathJax adresa URL";
+$a->strings["The URL for the javascript file that should be included to use MathJax. Can be either the MathJax CDN or another installation of MathJax."] = "URL adresa na javascriptový soubor, který musí být obsažen pro použití MathJax. Může to být MathJax CDN nebo or jiná instalace MathJax.";
diff --git a/mathjax/lang/de/strings.php b/mathjax/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42a09f1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathjax/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Settings"] = "Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["The MathJax addon renders mathematical formulae written using the LaTeX syntax surrounded by the usual $$ or an eqnarray block in the postings of your wall,network tab and private mail."] = "Mit dem MathJax Addon können mathematische Formeln, die mit LaTeX geschrieben wurden, dargestellt werden. Die Formel wird mit den üblichen $$ oder einem eqnarray Block gekennzeichnet. Formeln werden in allen Beiträgen auf deiner Pinnwand, dem Netzwerkstream sowie privaten Nachrichten gerendert.";
+$a->strings["Use the MathJax renderer"] = "MathJax verwenden";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["MathJax Base URL"] = "MathJax Basis-URL";
+$a->strings["The URL for the javascript file that should be included to use MathJax. Can be either the MathJax CDN or another installation of MathJax."] = "Die URL der MathJax Javascript-Datei, die verwendet werden soll. Diese kann entweder aus der MathJax CDN oder einer anderen Quelle stammen.";
diff --git a/mathjax/lang/eo/strings.php b/mathjax/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0d88442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathjax/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Settings"] = "Agordoj";
+$a->strings["The MathJax addon renders mathematical formulae written using the LaTeX syntax surrounded by the usual $$ or an eqnarray block in the postings of your wall,network tab and private mail."] = "La Mathjax kromprogramo bildigas matematikajn formulojn skribitajn en la LaTeX sintakso, cirkaŭigita de la komuna $$ aŭ eqnarray bloko en afiŝoj ĉe via muro, Reto folio kaj privataj mesaĝoj.";
+$a->strings["Use the MathJax renderer"] = "Ĉu uzi la Mathjax bildigilo";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Agordoj ĝisdatigita.";
+$a->strings["MathJax Base URL"] = "Mathjax Baza URL Adreso";
+$a->strings["The URL for the javascript file that should be included to use MathJax. Can be either the MathJax CDN or another installation of MathJax."] = "La URL adreso por la javascript dosiero kiu estas inkluzivigonta por uzi Mathjaz. Eblas esti aŭ la Mathjax CDN aŭ alia Mathjax instalo.";
diff --git a/mathjax/lang/es/strings.php b/mathjax/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe510820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathjax/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Settings"] = "Configuración";
+$a->strings["The MathJax addon renders mathematical formulae written using the LaTeX syntax surrounded by the usual $$ or an eqnarray block in the postings of your wall,network tab and private mail."] = "El complemento MathJax renderiza las fórmulas matemáticas escritas usando la sintaxis de LaTeX rodeadas por el habitual $ $ o un bloque de eqnarray en las publicaciones de tu muro, pestaña de red y correo privado.";
+$a->strings["Use the MathJax renderer"] = "Usar renderizado Mathjax";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Configuración actualizada.";
+$a->strings["MathJax Base URL"] = "Dirección base de Mathjax";
+$a->strings["The URL for the javascript file that should be included to use MathJax. Can be either the MathJax CDN or another installation of MathJax."] = "La dirección para el archivo javascript debe estar incluida para usar Mathjax. Puede ser Mathjax CDN o cualquier otra instalación de Mathjax.";
diff --git a/mathjax/lang/fr/strings.php b/mathjax/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1057a617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathjax/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Settings"] = "Réglages";
+$a->strings["The MathJax addon renders mathematical formulae written using the LaTeX syntax surrounded by the usual $$ or an eqnarray block in the postings of your wall,network tab and private mail."] = "L'extension MathJax affiche les formules mathématiques écrites suivant la syntaxe LaTeX lorsqu'elles sont encadrés par les $$ habituels, ou dans un un bloc eqnarray. Ceci sur le mur, le Réseau et dans les messages privés.";
+$a->strings["Use the MathJax renderer"] = "Utiliser le rendu MathJax";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Réglages mis à jour.";
+$a->strings["MathJax Base URL"] = "URL de base de MathJax";
+$a->strings["The URL for the javascript file that should be included to use MathJax. Can be either the MathJax CDN or another installation of MathJax."] = "L'URL du fichier Javascript qui doit être inclus pour utiliser MathJax. Ce peut être celle du CDN MathJax, ou bien de toute autre installation de MathJax.";
diff --git a/mathjax/lang/is/strings.php b/mathjax/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7263f30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathjax/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Settings"] = "Stillingar";
+$a->strings["The MathJax addon renders mathematical formulae written using the LaTeX syntax surrounded by the usual $$ or an eqnarray block in the postings of your wall,network tab and private mail."] = "";
+$a->strings["Use the MathJax renderer"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Stillingar uppfærðar";
+$a->strings["MathJax Base URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["The URL for the javascript file that should be included to use MathJax. Can be either the MathJax CDN or another installation of MathJax."] = "";
diff --git a/mathjax/lang/it/strings.php b/mathjax/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e04797c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathjax/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Settings"] = "Impostazioni";
+$a->strings["The MathJax addon renders mathematical formulae written using the LaTeX syntax surrounded by the usual $$ or an eqnarray block in the postings of your wall,network tab and private mail."] = "";
+$a->strings["Use the MathJax renderer"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Impostazioni aggiornate.";
+$a->strings["MathJax Base URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["The URL for the javascript file that should be included to use MathJax. Can be either the MathJax CDN or another installation of MathJax."] = "";
diff --git a/mathjax/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/mathjax/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fd85d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathjax/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Settings"] = "Innstillinger";
+$a->strings["The MathJax addon renders mathematical formulae written using the LaTeX syntax surrounded by the usual $$ or an eqnarray block in the postings of your wall,network tab and private mail."] = "";
+$a->strings["Use the MathJax renderer"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Innstillinger oppdatert.";
+$a->strings["MathJax Base URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["The URL for the javascript file that should be included to use MathJax. Can be either the MathJax CDN or another installation of MathJax."] = "";
diff --git a/mathjax/lang/pl/strings.php b/mathjax/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08b53ccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathjax/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Settings"] = "Ustawienia";
+$a->strings["The MathJax addon renders mathematical formulae written using the LaTeX syntax surrounded by the usual $$ or an eqnarray block in the postings of your wall,network tab and private mail."] = "";
+$a->strings["Use the MathJax renderer"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Zaktualizowano ustawienia.";
+$a->strings["MathJax Base URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["The URL for the javascript file that should be included to use MathJax. Can be either the MathJax CDN or another installation of MathJax."] = "";
diff --git a/mathjax/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/mathjax/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..526ea3b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathjax/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Settings"] = "Configurações";
+$a->strings["The MathJax addon renders mathematical formulae written using the LaTeX syntax surrounded by the usual $$ or an eqnarray block in the postings of your wall,network tab and private mail."] = "";
+$a->strings["Use the MathJax renderer"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "As configurações foram atualizadas.";
+$a->strings["MathJax Base URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["The URL for the javascript file that should be included to use MathJax. Can be either the MathJax CDN or another installation of MathJax."] = "";
diff --git a/mathjax/lang/ru/strings.php b/mathjax/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0c2f4a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathjax/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Settings"] = "Настройки";
+$a->strings["The MathJax addon renders mathematical formulae written using the LaTeX syntax surrounded by the usual $$ or an eqnarray block in the postings of your wall,network tab and private mail."] = "";
+$a->strings["Use the MathJax renderer"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Настройки обновлены.";
+$a->strings["MathJax Base URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["The URL for the javascript file that should be included to use MathJax. Can be either the MathJax CDN or another installation of MathJax."] = "";
diff --git a/mathjax/lang/sv/strings.php b/mathjax/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18cbdda8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathjax/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Settings"] = "Inställningar";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Inställningarna har uppdaterats.";
diff --git a/mathjax/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/mathjax/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f6f093a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathjax/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["Settings"] = "配置";
+$a->strings["The MathJax addon renders mathematical formulae written using the LaTeX syntax surrounded by the usual $$ or an eqnarray block in the postings of your wall,network tab and private mail."] = "MathJax插件表示用LaTeX句法的数学公式,围绕$$或者eqnarray快,在您墙,网络分页和私人收件箱的文章。";
+$a->strings["Use the MathJax renderer"] = "用MathJax表示器";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "设置跟新了";
+$a->strings["MathJax Base URL"] = "MathJax基础URL";
+$a->strings["The URL for the javascript file that should be included to use MathJax. Can be either the MathJax CDN or another installation of MathJax."] = "URL JavaScript文件应该包括为用MathJax。可以MathJax CDN或者别的MathJax安装。";
diff --git a/membersince/lang/ca/strings.php b/membersince/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5bbec9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/membersince/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Member since:"] = "Membre des de:";
diff --git a/membersince/lang/cs/strings.php b/membersince/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f76f6d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/membersince/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Member since:"] = "Členem od:";
diff --git a/membersince/lang/de/strings.php b/membersince/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7bc1ff8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/membersince/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Member since:"] = "Mitglied seit:";
diff --git a/membersince/lang/eo/strings.php b/membersince/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65692fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/membersince/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Member since:"] = "Membro ekde:";
diff --git a/membersince/lang/es/strings.php b/membersince/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f90c42e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/membersince/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Member since:"] = "Miembro desde:";
diff --git a/membersince/lang/fr/strings.php b/membersince/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0808e741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/membersince/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Member since:"] = "Membre depuis:";
diff --git a/membersince/lang/is/strings.php b/membersince/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..625ff8f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/membersince/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Member since:"] = "";
diff --git a/membersince/lang/it/strings.php b/membersince/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4925b135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/membersince/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Member since:"] = "Membro dal:";
diff --git a/membersince/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/membersince/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..625ff8f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/membersince/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Member since:"] = "";
diff --git a/membersince/lang/pl/strings.php b/membersince/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b3f2616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/membersince/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Member since:"] = "Data dołączenia:";
diff --git a/membersince/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/membersince/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..deee018d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/membersince/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Member since:"] = "Membro desde:";
diff --git a/membersince/lang/ru/strings.php b/membersince/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2584da9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/membersince/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Member since:"] = "Зарегистрирован с:";
diff --git a/membersince/lang/sv/strings.php b/membersince/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab4fa67a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/membersince/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+strings["Member since:"] = "客人从:";
diff --git a/morepokes/lang/ca/strings.php b/morepokes/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81afa8a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morepokes/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+strings["bitchslap"] = "bufetada";
+$a->strings["bitchslapped"] = "bufetejat";
+$a->strings["shag"] = "fotut";
+$a->strings["shagged"] = "fotre";
+$a->strings["do something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["did something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["declare undying love for"] = "declara amor inmortal a";
+$a->strings["declared undying love for"] = "declarat amor inmortal a";
+$a->strings["patent"] = "patent";
+$a->strings["patented"] = "patentat";
+$a->strings["stroke beard"] = "";
+$a->strings["stroked their beard at"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoan the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoans the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["hug"] = "";
+$a->strings["hugged"] = "";
+$a->strings["kiss"] = "petó";
+$a->strings["kissed"] = "besat";
+$a->strings["raise eyebrows at"] = "sorprès";
+$a->strings["raised their eyebrows at"] = "es van sorprendre";
+$a->strings["insult"] = "insult";
+$a->strings["insulted"] = "insultat";
+$a->strings["praise"] = "";
+$a->strings["praised"] = "";
+$a->strings["be dubious of"] = "";
+$a->strings["was dubious of"] = "";
+$a->strings["eat"] = "menja";
+$a->strings["ate"] = "menjà";
+$a->strings["giggle and fawn at"] = "";
+$a->strings["giggled and fawned at"] = "";
+$a->strings["doubt"] = "dubte";
+$a->strings["doubted"] = "dubitat";
+$a->strings["glare"] = "";
+$a->strings["glared at"] = "";
diff --git a/morepokes/lang/cs/strings.php b/morepokes/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f459ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morepokes/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+strings["bitchslap"] = "";
+$a->strings["bitchslapped"] = "";
+$a->strings["shag"] = "";
+$a->strings["shagged"] = "";
+$a->strings["do something obscenely biological to"] = "udělat něco obscéně biologického uživateli";
+$a->strings["did something obscenely biological to"] = "udělal něco obscéně biologického uživateli";
+$a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = "upozornit na poke funkci uživatele";
+$a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = "upozorněn na poke funkci ";
+$a->strings["declare undying love for"] = "vyjadřit nehynoucí lásku ke";
+$a->strings["declared undying love for"] = "vyjadřil nehynoucí lásku ke";
+$a->strings["patent"] = "patentovat";
+$a->strings["patented"] = "patentován";
+$a->strings["stroke beard"] = "pohladit plnovous";
+$a->strings["stroked their beard at"] = "pohladit něčí plnovous";
+$a->strings["bemoan the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "stěžující si na klesající úroveň moderního sekundárního a terciárního vzdělávání u";
+$a->strings["bemoans the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "stěžovat si na klesající úroveň moderního sekundárního a terciárního vzdělávání u";
+$a->strings["hug"] = "obejmout";
+$a->strings["hugged"] = "obejmut ";
+$a->strings["kiss"] = "políbit";
+$a->strings["kissed"] = "políben";
+$a->strings["raise eyebrows at"] = "zvednout obočí na";
+$a->strings["raised their eyebrows at"] = "zvednul obočí na";
+$a->strings["insult"] = "urazit";
+$a->strings["insulted"] = "uražen";
+$a->strings["praise"] = "pochválit";
+$a->strings["praised"] = "pochválen";
+$a->strings["be dubious of"] = "mít pochyby o";
+$a->strings["was dubious of"] = "má pochybnosti z";
+$a->strings["eat"] = "sníst";
+$a->strings["ate"] = "snězen";
+$a->strings["giggle and fawn at"] = "hihňat se";
+$a->strings["giggled and fawned at"] = "hihňá se";
+$a->strings["doubt"] = "pochybovat";
+$a->strings["doubted"] = "pochybující";
+$a->strings["glare"] = "zabodáván pohledem";
+$a->strings["glared at"] = "zabodávat pohledem ";
diff --git a/morepokes/lang/de/strings.php b/morepokes/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8499419a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morepokes/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+strings["bitchslap"] = "abwatschen";
+$a->strings["bitchslapped"] = "watschte";
+$a->strings["shag"] = "poppen";
+$a->strings["shagged"] = "poppte";
+$a->strings["do something obscenely biological to"] = "mit ihm/ihr etwas obszönes Körperliches machen";
+$a->strings["did something obscenely biological to"] = "machte etwas obszönes Körperliches mit";
+$a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = "zeigte die neue Anstups-Funktion";
+$a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = "zeigte die neue Anstups-Funktion";
+$a->strings["declare undying love for"] = "unterbliche Liebe verkünden";
+$a->strings["declared undying love for"] = "verkündete unsterbliche Liebe für";
+$a->strings["patent"] = "patentieren";
+$a->strings["patented"] = "patentierte";
+$a->strings["stroke beard"] = "sich den Bart kratzen";
+$a->strings["stroked their beard at"] = "kratzte sich den Bart in Richtung";
+$a->strings["bemoan the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "sich über die sinkenden Standards der Schul- und Hochschulbildung beklagen";
+$a->strings["bemoans the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "beklagte sich über die sinkenden Standards der Schul- und Hochschulbildung bei";
+$a->strings["hug"] = "umarmen";
+$a->strings["hugged"] = "umarmte";
+$a->strings["kiss"] = "küssen";
+$a->strings["kissed"] = "küsste";
+$a->strings["raise eyebrows at"] = "Augenbrauen hochziehen";
+$a->strings["raised their eyebrows at"] = "zog die Augenbrauen hoch in Richtung";
+$a->strings["insult"] = "beleidigen";
+$a->strings["insulted"] = "beleidigte";
+$a->strings["praise"] = "preisen";
+$a->strings["praised"] = "pries";
+$a->strings["be dubious of"] = "ungewiss sein";
+$a->strings["was dubious of"] = "war ungewiss über";
+$a->strings["eat"] = "essen";
+$a->strings["ate"] = "aß";
+$a->strings["giggle and fawn at"] = "kichern und einschleimen";
+$a->strings["giggled and fawned at"] = "kicherte und schleimte sich ein bei";
+$a->strings["doubt"] = "bezweifeln";
+$a->strings["doubted"] = "bezweifelte";
+$a->strings["glare"] = "zornig anstarren";
+$a->strings["glared at"] = "starrte zornig auf";
diff --git a/morepokes/lang/eo/strings.php b/morepokes/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..139fa59f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morepokes/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+strings["bitchslap"] = "";
+$a->strings["bitchslapped"] = "";
+$a->strings["shag"] = "";
+$a->strings["shagged"] = "";
+$a->strings["do something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["did something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["declare undying love for"] = "";
+$a->strings["declared undying love for"] = "";
+$a->strings["patent"] = "";
+$a->strings["patented"] = "";
+$a->strings["stroke beard"] = "";
+$a->strings["stroked their beard at"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoan the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoans the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["hug"] = "";
+$a->strings["hugged"] = "";
+$a->strings["kiss"] = "";
+$a->strings["kissed"] = "";
+$a->strings["raise eyebrows at"] = "";
+$a->strings["raised their eyebrows at"] = "";
+$a->strings["insult"] = "";
+$a->strings["insulted"] = "";
+$a->strings["praise"] = "";
+$a->strings["praised"] = "";
+$a->strings["be dubious of"] = "";
+$a->strings["was dubious of"] = "";
+$a->strings["eat"] = "";
+$a->strings["ate"] = "";
+$a->strings["giggle and fawn at"] = "";
+$a->strings["giggled and fawned at"] = "";
+$a->strings["doubt"] = "";
+$a->strings["doubted"] = "";
+$a->strings["glare"] = "";
+$a->strings["glared at"] = "";
diff --git a/morepokes/lang/es/strings.php b/morepokes/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc307fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morepokes/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+strings["bitchslap"] = "abofetear fuerte";
+$a->strings["bitchslapped"] = "abofeteó fuertemente a";
+$a->strings["shag"] = "picar";
+$a->strings["shagged"] = "picó a";
+$a->strings["do something obscenely biological to"] = "hacer algo obsceno y biológico a";
+$a->strings["did something obscenely biological to"] = "hizo algo obsceno y biológico a";
+$a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = "señalar la habilidad de toques a";
+$a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = "señaló la habilidad de toques a";
+$a->strings["declare undying love for"] = "declarar amor incondicional a";
+$a->strings["declared undying love for"] = "declaró amor incondicional a";
+$a->strings["patent"] = "patentar";
+$a->strings["patented"] = "patentó";
+$a->strings["stroke beard"] = "acariciar barba";
+$a->strings["stroked their beard at"] = "acarició su barba a";
+$a->strings["bemoan the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "deplorar los bajos estándares de educación secundaria y terciaria moderna a";
+$a->strings["bemoans the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "deplora los bajos estándares de educación secundaria y terciaria moderna a";
+$a->strings["hug"] = "abrazar";
+$a->strings["hugged"] = "abrazó a";
+$a->strings["kiss"] = "besar";
+$a->strings["kissed"] = "besó a";
+$a->strings["raise eyebrows at"] = "alzar las cejas a";
+$a->strings["raised their eyebrows at"] = "alzó sus cejas a";
+$a->strings["insult"] = "insultar";
+$a->strings["insulted"] = "insultó a";
+$a->strings["praise"] = "alabar";
+$a->strings["praised"] = "alabó a";
+$a->strings["be dubious of"] = "dudar de";
+$a->strings["was dubious of"] = "dudó de";
+$a->strings["eat"] = "comer";
+$a->strings["ate"] = "comió";
+$a->strings["giggle and fawn at"] = "reír y carcajearse de";
+$a->strings["giggled and fawned at"] = "rió y se carcajeó de";
+$a->strings["doubt"] = "dudar";
+$a->strings["doubted"] = "dudó";
+$a->strings["glare"] = "mirar fijamente";
+$a->strings["glared at"] = "miró fijamente a";
diff --git a/morepokes/lang/fr/strings.php b/morepokes/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30161647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morepokes/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+strings["bitchslap"] = "faire un coup de pute";
+$a->strings["bitchslapped"] = "a fait un coup de pute à";
+$a->strings["shag"] = "niquer";
+$a->strings["shagged"] = "a niqué";
+$a->strings["do something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["did something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = "indiquer les sollicitations";
+$a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = "a indiqué les sollicitations à";
+$a->strings["declare undying love for"] = "déclarer sa flamme";
+$a->strings["declared undying love for"] = "a déclaré sa flamme à";
+$a->strings["patent"] = "faire breveter";
+$a->strings["patented"] = "a fait breveter";
+$a->strings["stroke beard"] = "frotter sa barbe";
+$a->strings["stroked their beard at"] = "a frotté sa barbe sur";
+$a->strings["bemoan the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "se lamenter sur les valeurs qui se perdent";
+$a->strings["bemoans the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "s'est lamenté du lent déclin des valeurs auprès de";
+$a->strings["hug"] = "faire un calin";
+$a->strings["hugged"] = "a fait un câlin à";
+$a->strings["kiss"] = "embrasser";
+$a->strings["kissed"] = "a embrassé";
+$a->strings["raise eyebrows at"] = "hausser le sourcil";
+$a->strings["raised their eyebrows at"] = "a haussé le sourcil à ";
+$a->strings["insult"] = "insulter";
+$a->strings["insulted"] = "a insulté";
+$a->strings["praise"] = "louer";
+$a->strings["praised"] = "a loué";
+$a->strings["be dubious of"] = "trouver douteux";
+$a->strings["was dubious of"] = "a trouvé douteux ";
+$a->strings["eat"] = "manger";
+$a->strings["ate"] = "a mangé ";
+$a->strings["giggle and fawn at"] = "se payer la tête";
+$a->strings["giggled and fawned at"] = "s'est payé la tête de";
+$a->strings["doubt"] = "mettre en doute";
+$a->strings["doubted"] = "a mis en doute ";
+$a->strings["glare"] = "fixer";
+$a->strings["glared at"] = "a fixé";
diff --git a/morepokes/lang/is/strings.php b/morepokes/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..139fa59f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morepokes/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+strings["bitchslap"] = "";
+$a->strings["bitchslapped"] = "";
+$a->strings["shag"] = "";
+$a->strings["shagged"] = "";
+$a->strings["do something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["did something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["declare undying love for"] = "";
+$a->strings["declared undying love for"] = "";
+$a->strings["patent"] = "";
+$a->strings["patented"] = "";
+$a->strings["stroke beard"] = "";
+$a->strings["stroked their beard at"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoan the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoans the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["hug"] = "";
+$a->strings["hugged"] = "";
+$a->strings["kiss"] = "";
+$a->strings["kissed"] = "";
+$a->strings["raise eyebrows at"] = "";
+$a->strings["raised their eyebrows at"] = "";
+$a->strings["insult"] = "";
+$a->strings["insulted"] = "";
+$a->strings["praise"] = "";
+$a->strings["praised"] = "";
+$a->strings["be dubious of"] = "";
+$a->strings["was dubious of"] = "";
+$a->strings["eat"] = "";
+$a->strings["ate"] = "";
+$a->strings["giggle and fawn at"] = "";
+$a->strings["giggled and fawned at"] = "";
+$a->strings["doubt"] = "";
+$a->strings["doubted"] = "";
+$a->strings["glare"] = "";
+$a->strings["glared at"] = "";
diff --git a/morepokes/lang/it/strings.php b/morepokes/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b13e035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morepokes/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+strings["bitchslap"] = "";
+$a->strings["bitchslapped"] = "";
+$a->strings["shag"] = "";
+$a->strings["shagged"] = "";
+$a->strings["do something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["did something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["declare undying love for"] = "";
+$a->strings["declared undying love for"] = "";
+$a->strings["patent"] = "";
+$a->strings["patented"] = "";
+$a->strings["stroke beard"] = "";
+$a->strings["stroked their beard at"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoan the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoans the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["hug"] = "abbraccia";
+$a->strings["hugged"] = "ha abbracciato";
+$a->strings["kiss"] = "bacia";
+$a->strings["kissed"] = "ha baciato";
+$a->strings["raise eyebrows at"] = "solleva un sopracciglio a";
+$a->strings["raised their eyebrows at"] = "ha sollevato un sopracciglio a";
+$a->strings["insult"] = "insulta";
+$a->strings["insulted"] = "ha insultato";
+$a->strings["praise"] = "prega";
+$a->strings["praised"] = "ha pregato";
+$a->strings["be dubious of"] = "è dubbioso di";
+$a->strings["was dubious of"] = "";
+$a->strings["eat"] = "mangia";
+$a->strings["ate"] = "ha mangiato";
+$a->strings["giggle and fawn at"] = "";
+$a->strings["giggled and fawned at"] = "";
+$a->strings["doubt"] = "";
+$a->strings["doubted"] = "";
+$a->strings["glare"] = "";
+$a->strings["glared at"] = "";
diff --git a/morepokes/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/morepokes/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..139fa59f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morepokes/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+strings["bitchslap"] = "";
+$a->strings["bitchslapped"] = "";
+$a->strings["shag"] = "";
+$a->strings["shagged"] = "";
+$a->strings["do something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["did something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["declare undying love for"] = "";
+$a->strings["declared undying love for"] = "";
+$a->strings["patent"] = "";
+$a->strings["patented"] = "";
+$a->strings["stroke beard"] = "";
+$a->strings["stroked their beard at"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoan the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoans the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["hug"] = "";
+$a->strings["hugged"] = "";
+$a->strings["kiss"] = "";
+$a->strings["kissed"] = "";
+$a->strings["raise eyebrows at"] = "";
+$a->strings["raised their eyebrows at"] = "";
+$a->strings["insult"] = "";
+$a->strings["insulted"] = "";
+$a->strings["praise"] = "";
+$a->strings["praised"] = "";
+$a->strings["be dubious of"] = "";
+$a->strings["was dubious of"] = "";
+$a->strings["eat"] = "";
+$a->strings["ate"] = "";
+$a->strings["giggle and fawn at"] = "";
+$a->strings["giggled and fawned at"] = "";
+$a->strings["doubt"] = "";
+$a->strings["doubted"] = "";
+$a->strings["glare"] = "";
+$a->strings["glared at"] = "";
diff --git a/morepokes/lang/pl/strings.php b/morepokes/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd7b59e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morepokes/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+strings["bitchslap"] = "";
+$a->strings["bitchslapped"] = "";
+$a->strings["shag"] = "";
+$a->strings["shagged"] = "";
+$a->strings["do something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["did something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["declare undying love for"] = "";
+$a->strings["declared undying love for"] = "";
+$a->strings["patent"] = "";
+$a->strings["patented"] = "";
+$a->strings["stroke beard"] = "";
+$a->strings["stroked their beard at"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoan the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoans the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["hug"] = "przytul";
+$a->strings["hugged"] = "przytulony";
+$a->strings["kiss"] = "pocałuj";
+$a->strings["kissed"] = "pocałowany";
+$a->strings["raise eyebrows at"] = "";
+$a->strings["raised their eyebrows at"] = "";
+$a->strings["insult"] = "";
+$a->strings["insulted"] = "";
+$a->strings["praise"] = "";
+$a->strings["praised"] = "";
+$a->strings["be dubious of"] = "";
+$a->strings["was dubious of"] = "";
+$a->strings["eat"] = "";
+$a->strings["ate"] = "";
+$a->strings["giggle and fawn at"] = "";
+$a->strings["giggled and fawned at"] = "";
+$a->strings["doubt"] = "";
+$a->strings["doubted"] = "";
+$a->strings["glare"] = "";
+$a->strings["glared at"] = "";
diff --git a/morepokes/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/morepokes/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e4f8407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morepokes/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+strings["bitchslap"] = "";
+$a->strings["bitchslapped"] = "";
+$a->strings["shag"] = "";
+$a->strings["shagged"] = "";
+$a->strings["do something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["did something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["declare undying love for"] = "";
+$a->strings["declared undying love for"] = "";
+$a->strings["patent"] = "";
+$a->strings["patented"] = "";
+$a->strings["stroke beard"] = "";
+$a->strings["stroked their beard at"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoan the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoans the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["hug"] = "abraço";
+$a->strings["hugged"] = "";
+$a->strings["kiss"] = "beijo";
+$a->strings["kissed"] = "";
+$a->strings["raise eyebrows at"] = "";
+$a->strings["raised their eyebrows at"] = "";
+$a->strings["insult"] = "insultar";
+$a->strings["insulted"] = "";
+$a->strings["praise"] = "";
+$a->strings["praised"] = "";
+$a->strings["be dubious of"] = "";
+$a->strings["was dubious of"] = "";
+$a->strings["eat"] = "comer";
+$a->strings["ate"] = "";
+$a->strings["giggle and fawn at"] = "";
+$a->strings["giggled and fawned at"] = "";
+$a->strings["doubt"] = "";
+$a->strings["doubted"] = "";
+$a->strings["glare"] = "";
+$a->strings["glared at"] = "";
diff --git a/morepokes/lang/ru/strings.php b/morepokes/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..139fa59f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morepokes/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+strings["bitchslap"] = "";
+$a->strings["bitchslapped"] = "";
+$a->strings["shag"] = "";
+$a->strings["shagged"] = "";
+$a->strings["do something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["did something obscenely biological to"] = "";
+$a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = "";
+$a->strings["declare undying love for"] = "";
+$a->strings["declared undying love for"] = "";
+$a->strings["patent"] = "";
+$a->strings["patented"] = "";
+$a->strings["stroke beard"] = "";
+$a->strings["stroked their beard at"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoan the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["bemoans the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "";
+$a->strings["hug"] = "";
+$a->strings["hugged"] = "";
+$a->strings["kiss"] = "";
+$a->strings["kissed"] = "";
+$a->strings["raise eyebrows at"] = "";
+$a->strings["raised their eyebrows at"] = "";
+$a->strings["insult"] = "";
+$a->strings["insulted"] = "";
+$a->strings["praise"] = "";
+$a->strings["praised"] = "";
+$a->strings["be dubious of"] = "";
+$a->strings["was dubious of"] = "";
+$a->strings["eat"] = "";
+$a->strings["ate"] = "";
+$a->strings["giggle and fawn at"] = "";
+$a->strings["giggled and fawned at"] = "";
+$a->strings["doubt"] = "";
+$a->strings["doubted"] = "";
+$a->strings["glare"] = "";
+$a->strings["glared at"] = "";
diff --git a/morepokes/lang/sv/strings.php b/morepokes/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab4fa67a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morepokes/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+strings["bitchslap"] = "恶毒掌击";
+$a->strings["bitchslapped"] = "恶毒掌击了";
+$a->strings["shag"] = "肏";
+$a->strings["shagged"] = "肏了";
+$a->strings["do something obscenely biological to"] = "做什么淫秽生物的于";
+$a->strings["did something obscenely biological to"] = "做了什么淫秽生物的于";
+$a->strings["point out the poke feature to"] = "把戳特点指给";
+$a->strings["pointed out the poke feature to"] = "把了戳特点指给";
+$a->strings["declare undying love for"] = "表明永远的爱情为";
+$a->strings["declared undying love for"] = "表明了永远的爱情为";
+$a->strings["patent"] = "专利";
+$a->strings["patented"] = "专利了";
+$a->strings["stroke beard"] = "摸胡子";
+$a->strings["stroked their beard at"] = "摸胡子了";
+$a->strings["bemoan the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "哀叹现代的二三等教育规格的衰退给";
+$a->strings["bemoans the declining standards of modern secondary and tertiary education to"] = "哀叹现代的二三等教育规格的衰退给";
+$a->strings["hug"] = "拥抱";
+$a->strings["hugged"] = "拥抱了";
+$a->strings["kiss"] = "亲吻";
+$a->strings["kissed"] = "亲吻了";
+$a->strings["raise eyebrows at"] = "举起眉毛于";
+$a->strings["raised their eyebrows at"] = "举起了眉毛于";
+$a->strings["insult"] = "侮辱";
+$a->strings["insulted"] = "侮辱";
+$a->strings["praise"] = "赞扬";
+$a->strings["praised"] = "赞扬了";
+$a->strings["be dubious of"] = "怀疑";
+$a->strings["was dubious of"] = "怀疑了";
+$a->strings["eat"] = "吃";
+$a->strings["ate"] = "吃了";
+$a->strings["giggle and fawn at"] = "咯咯地笑和巴结为";
+$a->strings["giggled and fawned at"] = "咯咯地笑和巴结为了";
+$a->strings["doubt"] = "怀疑";
+$a->strings["doubted"] = "怀疑了";
+$a->strings["glare"] = "瞪";
+$a->strings["glared at"] = "瞪了";
diff --git a/notimeline/lang/ca/strings.php b/notimeline/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5dc52a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notimeline/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["No Timeline settings updated."] = "No s'han actualitzat els ajustos de la línia de temps";
+$a->strings["No Timeline Settings"] = "No hi han ajustos de la línia de temps";
+$a->strings["Disable Archive selector on profile wall"] = "Desactivar el selector d'arxius del mur de perfils";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/notimeline/lang/cs/strings.php b/notimeline/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9dd0c6c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notimeline/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["No Timeline settings updated."] = "Nastavení No Timeline aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["No Timeline Settings"] = "Nastavení No Timeline";
+$a->strings["Disable Archive selector on profile wall"] = "Znemožnit použití archivu na této profilové zdi.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/notimeline/lang/de/strings.php b/notimeline/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28a00c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notimeline/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["No Timeline settings updated."] = "Keine Timeline-Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["No Timeline Settings"] = "Keine Timeline-Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Disable Archive selector on profile wall"] = "Deaktiviere Archiv-Auswahl auf Deiner Pinnwand";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/notimeline/lang/eo/strings.php b/notimeline/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d890e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notimeline/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["No Timeline settings updated."] = "No Timeline agordojn ĝisdatigita.";
+$a->strings["No Timeline Settings"] = "No Timeline Agordoj";
+$a->strings["Disable Archive selector on profile wall"] = "Malaktivigi la Arkivo elektilo sur la profilmuro";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/notimeline/lang/es/strings.php b/notimeline/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..050b12a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notimeline/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["No Timeline settings updated."] = "Configuración Sin Linea Temporal actualizada.";
+$a->strings["No Timeline Settings"] = "Configuración Sin Linea Temporal";
+$a->strings["Disable Archive selector on profile wall"] = "Desactivar el selector de archivos en el muro del perfil";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/notimeline/lang/fr/strings.php b/notimeline/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70b6d96f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notimeline/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["No Timeline settings updated."] = "Pas de mise à jour de paramètres du calendrier.";
+$a->strings["No Timeline Settings"] = "Pas de paramètres de calendrier";
+$a->strings["Disable Archive selector on profile wall"] = "Désactiver le sélecteur d'archives sur le mur";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/notimeline/lang/is/strings.php b/notimeline/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9100a7d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notimeline/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["No Timeline settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["No Timeline Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Disable Archive selector on profile wall"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/notimeline/lang/it/strings.php b/notimeline/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42f6b404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notimeline/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["No Timeline settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["No Timeline Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Disable Archive selector on profile wall"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/notimeline/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/notimeline/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d330f5a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notimeline/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["No Timeline settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["No Timeline Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Disable Archive selector on profile wall"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/notimeline/lang/pl/strings.php b/notimeline/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a92d6597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notimeline/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["No Timeline settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["No Timeline Settings"] = "Brak ustawień Osi czasu";
+$a->strings["Disable Archive selector on profile wall"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/notimeline/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/notimeline/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf7560b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notimeline/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["No Timeline settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["No Timeline Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Disable Archive selector on profile wall"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/notimeline/lang/ru/strings.php b/notimeline/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0d0a9e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notimeline/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["No Timeline settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["No Timeline Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Disable Archive selector on profile wall"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/notimeline/lang/sv/strings.php b/notimeline/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notimeline/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/notimeline/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/notimeline/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37ea663b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notimeline/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["No Timeline settings updated."] = "没有时间链设置更新";
+$a->strings["No Timeline Settings"] = "没有时间链设置";
+$a->strings["Disable Archive selector on profile wall"] = "使在简介墙上档案选择器不能用";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/nsfw/lang/ca/strings.php b/nsfw/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36607e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsfw/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["Not Safe For Work (General Purpose Content Filter) settings"] = "Ajustos, Not Safe For Work (Filtre de Contingut de Propòsit General)";
+$a->strings["This plugin looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter."] = "Aquest plugin es veu en enviaments amb les paraules/text que s'especifiquen a continuació , i amagarà qualsevol contingut que contingui les paraules clau de manera que no apareguin en moments inapropiats, com ara insinuacions sexuals que poden ser inadequades en un entorn de treball. És de bona educació i es recomana etiquetar qualsevol contingut que contingui nus amb #NSFW. Aquest filtre també es pot fer coincidir amb qualsevol paraula/text que especifiqueu, i per tant pot ser utilitzat com un filtre general de contingut.";
+$a->strings["Enable Content filter"] = "Activat el filtre de Contingut";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords to hide"] = "Llista separada per comes de paraules clau per ocultar";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions"] = "Emprar /expressió/ per a proporcionar expressions regulars";
+$a->strings["NSFW Settings saved."] = "Configuració NSFW guardada.";
+$a->strings["%s - Click to open/close"] = "%s - Clicar per obrir/tancar";
diff --git a/nsfw/lang/cs/strings.php b/nsfw/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f32b9c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsfw/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["Not Safe For Work (General Purpose Content Filter) settings"] = "Not Safe For Work (General Purpose Content Filter) nastavení";
+$a->strings["This plugin looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter."] = "Tento plugin hledá v příspěvcích slova zadáná níže a skryje jakýkoliv obsah, který tyto slova obsahuje v prostředích, kde to není vhodné. Je slušné a doporučené jakékoliv příspěvky s mahotou označit s #NSFW. Tento filtr může také vyhledávat jakékoliv Vámi specifikované slovní spojení, takže může být využit jako obecný kontextový filtr.";
+$a->strings["Enable Content filter"] = "Povolit Kontextový filtr";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords to hide"] = "Čárkou oddělený seznam klíčových slov ke skrytí";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions"] = "Použít /výraz/ pro použití regulárních výrazů";
+$a->strings["NSFW Settings saved."] = "NSFW nastavení uloženo";
+$a->strings["%s - Click to open/close"] = "%s - Klikněte pro otevření/zavření";
diff --git a/nsfw/lang/de/strings.php b/nsfw/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bc36366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsfw/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["Not Safe For Work (General Purpose Content Filter) settings"] = "Not Safe for Work (allg. Filter für ungewollte Inhalte) Einstellungen:";
+$a->strings["This plugin looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter."] = "Dieses Plugin sucht in Beiträgen nach Wörtern oder Textbauteilen die du weiter unten eingibst, findet es diese Bausteine, dann wird der entsprechende Beitrag zusammengefaltet dargestellt. Auf diese Weise wird verhindert, dass Inhalte, wie z.B. sexuelle Anspielungen, in unpassenden Momenten angezeigt werden. Du solltest den #NSFW Tag für Beiträge verwenden von denen du ausgehen kannst, dass andere sie anstößig finden könnten. Du kannst beliebige Wörter in der Filterliste angeben und ihn so als allgemeinen Filter verwenden.";
+$a->strings["Enable Content filter"] = "Aktiviere den Inhaltsfilter";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords to hide"] = "Durch Komma getrennte Liste von Schlüsselwörtern die verborgen werden sollen";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions"] = "Verwende /expression/ um reguläre Ausdrücke zu verwenden";
+$a->strings["NSFW Settings saved."] = "NSFW-Einstellungen gespeichert";
+$a->strings["%s - Click to open/close"] = "%s – Zum Öffnen/Schließen klicken";
diff --git a/nsfw/lang/eo/strings.php b/nsfw/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3f39d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsfw/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["Not Safe For Work (General Purpose Content Filter) settings"] = "Not Safe For Work (ĝenerala filtrilo por enhavoj) agordoj";
+$a->strings["This plugin looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter."] = "Tiu kromprogramo serĉas la malsupre agordatajn vortojn en afiŝoj kaj malvidebligis ilin se ili enhavas iun vorton. Tiel, afiŝoj ne montriĝis kiuj enhavas maladekvatan enhavon, ekzemple seksumaj aferoj, kiuj ne estas adekvata, ekzemple en la laborejo. En la reto, oni kutime markas tiajn afiŝojn #NSFW - Not Safe For Work - ne adekvata por la laborejo. La filtrilo ankaŭ serĉas ĉiujn vortojn kiujn vi agordas kaj tial funkcias kiel ĝenerala filtrilo.";
+$a->strings["Enable Content filter"] = "Ŝalti la filtrilo por la enhavo";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords to hide"] = "Perkome disigita listo da kaŝontaj ŝlosilvortoj";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions"] = "Uzu /expr/ por provizi regulajn esprimojn.";
+$a->strings["NSFW Settings saved."] = "NSFW agordoj konservitaj.";
+$a->strings["%s - Click to open/close"] = "%s - Klaku por malfermi/fermi";
diff --git a/nsfw/lang/es/strings.php b/nsfw/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2f7cae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsfw/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["Not Safe For Work (General Purpose Content Filter) settings"] = "Configuración \"Not Safe For Work\" (Filtro de contenido de carácter general)";
+$a->strings["This plugin looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter."] = "Este complemento busca las palabras clave que especifiques y oculta cualquier comentario que contenga dichas claves, para que no aparezcan en momentos inoportunos, como por ejemplo, material sexual. Se considera de buena educación y correcto etiquetar los desnudos con #NSFW. Este filtro puede servir para filtrar otro contenido, así que te puede servir como un filtro de carácter general, escogiendo las palabras clave adecuadas.";
+$a->strings["Enable Content filter"] = "Activar el filtro de contenido";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords to hide"] = "Palabras clave para ocultar, lista separada por comas";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions"] = "Usa /expresión/ para proporcionar expresiones regulares";
+$a->strings["NSFW Settings saved."] = "Configuración NSFW guardada.";
+$a->strings["%s - Click to open/close"] = "%s - Pulsa aquí para abrir/cerrar";
diff --git a/nsfw/lang/fr/strings.php b/nsfw/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1bfbfdfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsfw/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["Not Safe For Work (General Purpose Content Filter) settings"] = "Réglages de \"NSFW\" (filtrage de contenu)";
+$a->strings["This plugin looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter."] = "Cette extension va parcourir les publications à la recherche des mots (ou phrases) que vous spécifierez ci-dessous, et repliera automatiquement tout contenu qui les contiendrait, afin de ne pas risquer de les afficher à un moment inopportun. Comme par exemple des messages à caractère sexuel dans un contexte professionnel. Il est globalement considéré comme correct et poli de \"tagguer\" toute publication contenant de la nudité avec #NSFW (Not Safe For Work - pas pour le boulot). Ce filtre peut également fonctionner pour tout autre texte que vous spécifierez, et pourra ainsi être utilisé comme filtre de contenu générique.";
+$a->strings["Enable Content filter"] = "Activer le filtrage de contenu";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords to hide"] = "Liste de mots-clés - séparés par des virgules - à cacher";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions"] = "Utilisez /expression/ pour les expressions rationnelles";
+$a->strings["NSFW Settings saved."] = "Réglages NSFW sauvegardés.";
+$a->strings["%s - Click to open/close"] = "%s - cliquer pour ouvrir/fermer";
diff --git a/nsfw/lang/is/strings.php b/nsfw/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4bcb824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsfw/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["Not Safe For Work (General Purpose Content Filter) settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["This plugin looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Content filter"] = "";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords to hide"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions"] = "";
+$a->strings["NSFW Settings saved."] = "NSFW stillingar vistað.";
+$a->strings["%s - Click to open/close"] = "%s - Smelltu til að opna/loka";
diff --git a/nsfw/lang/it/strings.php b/nsfw/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..690ef6c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsfw/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["Not Safe For Work (General Purpose Content Filter) settings"] = "Impostazioni per NSWF (Filtro Contenuti Generico)";
+$a->strings["This plugin looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter."] = "Questo plugin cerca nei messagi le parole/testo che inserisci qui sotto, e collassa i messaggi che li contengono, per non mostrare contenuto inappropriato nel momento sbagliato, come contenuto a sfondo sessuale che puo' essere inappropriato in un ambiente di lavoro. E' educato (e consigliato) taggare i messaggi che contengono nudità con #NSFW (Not Safe For Work: Non Sicuro Per il Lavoro). Questo filtro puo' cercare anche qualsiasi parola che inserisci, quindi puo' essere usato come filtro di contenuti generico.";
+$a->strings["Enable Content filter"] = "Abilita il Filtro Contenuti";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords to hide"] = "Elenco separato da virgole di parole da nascondere";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions"] = "Utilizza /espressione/ per inserire espressioni regolari";
+$a->strings["NSFW Settings saved."] = "Impostazioni NSFW salvate.";
+$a->strings["%s - Click to open/close"] = "%s - Clicca per aprire / chiudere";
diff --git a/nsfw/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/nsfw/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7836003f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsfw/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["Not Safe For Work (General Purpose Content Filter) settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["This plugin looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Content filter"] = "";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords to hide"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions"] = "";
+$a->strings["NSFW Settings saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["%s - Click to open/close"] = "";
diff --git a/nsfw/lang/pl/strings.php b/nsfw/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b99d9ec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsfw/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["Not Safe For Work (General Purpose Content Filter) settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["This plugin looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Content filter"] = "";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords to hide"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions"] = "";
+$a->strings["NSFW Settings saved."] = "NSFW Ustawienia zapisane.";
+$a->strings["%s - Click to open/close"] = "%s - kliknij by otworzyć/zamknąć";
diff --git a/nsfw/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/nsfw/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59f0de7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsfw/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["Not Safe For Work (General Purpose Content Filter) settings"] = "Configurações do filtro de conteúdo impróprio para o local de trabalho (Not Safe For Work)";
+$a->strings["This plugin looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Content filter"] = "Habilitar o filtro de conteúdo";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords to hide"] = "Lista de palavras-chave a serem ocultadas, separadas por vírgula";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions"] = "Use /expressão/ para fornecer a expressão regular";
+$a->strings["NSFW Settings saved."] = "Configurações NSFW armazenadas.";
+$a->strings["%s - Click to open/close"] = "%s ";
diff --git a/nsfw/lang/ru/strings.php b/nsfw/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ccb5ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsfw/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["Not Safe For Work (General Purpose Content Filter) settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["This plugin looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Content filter"] = "Включить фильтр содержимого";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords to hide"] = "ключевые слова, которые скрыть (список через запятую)";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions"] = "";
+$a->strings["NSFW Settings saved."] = "NSFW Настройки сохранены.";
+$a->strings["%s - Click to open/close"] = "%s - Нажмите для открытия / закрытия";
diff --git a/nsfw/lang/sv/strings.php b/nsfw/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsfw/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/nsfw/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/nsfw/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0669361a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsfw/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["Not Safe For Work (General Purpose Content Filter) settings"] = "工作不安全(通用内容过滤)设置";
+$a->strings["This plugin looks in posts for the words/text you specify below, and collapses any content containing those keywords so it is not displayed at inappropriate times, such as sexual innuendo that may be improper in a work setting. It is polite and recommended to tag any content containing nudity with #NSFW. This filter can also match any other word/text you specify, and can thereby be used as a general purpose content filter."] = "这个插件找您下面输入的词在所有的文章里,和把包括那些词的内容隐藏,省得不妥当的时候表示,比如性的影射在办公室里。是礼貌和建议的把什么包括裸体的内容跟#NSFW标签。这个过滤也会符合设么别的您输入的词,从而能当通用内容过滤有用的。";
+$a->strings["Enable Content filter"] = "使内容过滤可用";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of keywords to hide"] = "逗号分隔单词要隐藏";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Use /expression/ to provide regular expressions"] = "用/表达式/为输入正则表达式";
+$a->strings["NSFW Settings saved."] = "NSFW设置保持了。";
+$a->strings["%s - Click to open/close"] = "%s - 点击为打开/关闭";
diff --git a/numfriends/lang/ca/strings.php b/numfriends/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e4bea3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numfriends/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Numfriends settings updated."] = "Actualitzar la configuració de Numfriends.";
+$a->strings["Numfriends Settings"] = "Configuració de Numfriends";
+$a->strings["How many contacts to display on profile sidebar"] = "Quants contactes per mostrar a la barra lateral el perfil";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/numfriends/lang/cs/strings.php b/numfriends/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9f484bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numfriends/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Numfriends settings updated."] = "Numfriends nastavení aktualizováno";
+$a->strings["Numfriends Settings"] = "Nastavení Numfriends";
+$a->strings["How many contacts to display on profile sidebar"] = "Kolik kontaktů zobrazit na profilovém bočním menu";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/numfriends/lang/de/strings.php b/numfriends/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56355e61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numfriends/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Numfriends settings updated."] = "Numfriends Einstellungen aktualisiert";
+$a->strings["Numfriends Settings"] = "Numfriends Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["How many contacts to display on profile sidebar"] = "Wie viele Kontakte sollen in der Seitenleiste angezeigt werden";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/numfriends/lang/eo/strings.php b/numfriends/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ad728c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numfriends/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Numfriends settings updated."] = "Ĝisdatigis agordojn por Numfriends.";
+$a->strings["Numfriends Settings"] = "Agordoj por Numfriends";
+$a->strings["How many contacts to display on profile sidebar"] = "Kiom da kontaktoj mi montru en la flanka strio";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/numfriends/lang/es/strings.php b/numfriends/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a84bd3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numfriends/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Numfriends settings updated."] = "Configuración del Contador de contactos actualizada";
+$a->strings["Numfriends Settings"] = "Configuración del Contador de contactos";
+$a->strings["How many contacts to display on profile sidebar"] = "¿Cuántos contactos quieres mostrar en la barra lateral de tu perfil?";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/numfriends/lang/fr/strings.php b/numfriends/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..447ae366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numfriends/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Numfriends settings updated."] = "Réglages numfriends sauvés.";
+$a->strings["Numfriends Settings"] = "Réglages de numfriends";
+$a->strings["How many contacts to display on profile sidebar"] = "Nombre de contacts à montrer sur le panneau latéral du profil";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/numfriends/lang/is/strings.php b/numfriends/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea23b9d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numfriends/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Numfriends settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Numfriends Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["How many contacts to display on profile sidebar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/numfriends/lang/it/strings.php b/numfriends/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ecb4e5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numfriends/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Numfriends settings updated."] = "Impostazioni \"Numfriends' aggiornate.";
+$a->strings["Numfriends Settings"] = "Impostazioni Numfriends";
+$a->strings["How many contacts to display on profile sidebar"] = "Quanti contatti visualizzare nella barra laterale del profilo";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/numfriends/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/numfriends/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01b6b0de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numfriends/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Numfriends settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Numfriends Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["How many contacts to display on profile sidebar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/numfriends/lang/pl/strings.php b/numfriends/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1439cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numfriends/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Numfriends settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Numfriends Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["How many contacts to display on profile sidebar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/numfriends/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/numfriends/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7617a468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numfriends/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Numfriends settings updated."] = "Configurações Numfriends atualizadas.";
+$a->strings["Numfriends Settings"] = "Configurações Numfriends";
+$a->strings["How many contacts to display on profile sidebar"] = "Quantos contatos mostrar na barra lateral do perfil";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/numfriends/lang/ru/strings.php b/numfriends/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4674a1b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numfriends/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Numfriends settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Numfriends Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["How many contacts to display on profile sidebar"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/numfriends/lang/sv/strings.php b/numfriends/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numfriends/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/numfriends/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/numfriends/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7cca696f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numfriends/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Numfriends settings updated."] = "Numfriends设置更新了";
+$a->strings["Numfriends Settings"] = "Numfriends设置";
+$a->strings["How many contacts to display on profile sidebar"] = "多少熟人表示在简介工具栏";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/openstreetmap/lang/ca/strings.php b/openstreetmap/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd684896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstreetmap/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "URL del servidor, del mosaico de servidores";
+$a->strings["A list of public tile servers"] = "Una llista de un mosaic de servidors públics";
+$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Zoom per defecte";
+$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "Nivell de zoom per defecte. (1: el món, 18: el més alt)";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Ajustos actualitzats.";
diff --git a/openstreetmap/lang/cs/strings.php b/openstreetmap/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23a425a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstreetmap/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "URL adresa Tile serveru";
+$a->strings["A list of public tile servers"] = "Seznam veřejných tile serverů";
+$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Defaultní přiblížení";
+$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "Defaultní úroveň přiblížení (1:svět, 18:nejvyšší)";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Nastavení aktualizováno.";
diff --git a/openstreetmap/lang/de/strings.php b/openstreetmap/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d7f4118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstreetmap/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "Tile Server URL";
+$a->strings["A list of public tile servers"] = "Eine Liste öffentlicher Tile Server";
+$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Standard Zoom";
+$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "Standard Zoomlevel (1: Welt; 18: höchstes)";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
diff --git a/openstreetmap/lang/eo/strings.php b/openstreetmap/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65a56fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstreetmap/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "Adreso de Kahelservilo";
+$a->strings["A list of public tile servers"] = "Listo de publikaj kahelserviloj";
+$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Defaŭlta zoma faktoro";
+$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "La defaŭlta zoma faktoro. (1:tutmonda, 18:plej proksima)";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Agordoj ĝisdatigita.";
diff --git a/openstreetmap/lang/es/strings.php b/openstreetmap/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..075ae115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstreetmap/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "Dirección del servidor";
+$a->strings["A list of public tile servers"] = "Un listado de servidores públicos";
+$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Zoom por defecto";
+$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "Nivel de zoom predeterminado. (1:mínimo, 18:máximo)";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Configuración actualizada.";
diff --git a/openstreetmap/lang/fr/strings.php b/openstreetmap/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4a21bc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstreetmap/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "URL du serveur de tuiles";
+$a->strings["A list of public tile servers"] = "Une liste de serveurs de tuiles publics";
+$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Zoom par défaut";
+$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "Le niveau de zoom affiché par défaut. (1: monde entier, 18: détail maximum)";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Réglages mis à jour.";
diff --git a/openstreetmap/lang/is/strings.php b/openstreetmap/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..633c503d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstreetmap/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["A list of public tile servers"] = "";
+$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Sjálfgefin þysjun";
+$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "Sjálfgefna þysjunar sig. (1:heimur, 18:mest)";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Stillingar uppfærðar";
diff --git a/openstreetmap/lang/it/strings.php b/openstreetmap/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5aeb7b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstreetmap/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["A list of public tile servers"] = "";
+$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Default zoom";
+$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Impostazioni aggiornate.";
diff --git a/openstreetmap/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/openstreetmap/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24ecd225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstreetmap/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["A list of public tile servers"] = "";
+$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "";
+$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Innstillinger oppdatert.";
diff --git a/openstreetmap/lang/pl/strings.php b/openstreetmap/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..961d7f70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstreetmap/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["A list of public tile servers"] = "";
+$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Domyślne przybliżenie";
+$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Zaktualizowano ustawienia.";
diff --git a/openstreetmap/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/openstreetmap/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88ac2334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstreetmap/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["A list of public tile servers"] = "";
+$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "Zoom padrão";
+$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "O nível padrão de zoom. (1:mundo, 18:máximo) ";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "As configurações foram atualizadas.";
diff --git a/openstreetmap/lang/ru/strings.php b/openstreetmap/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..909e5ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstreetmap/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["A list of public tile servers"] = "Список общедоступных серверов";
+$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "zoom по умолчанию";
+$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Настройки обновлены.";
diff --git a/openstreetmap/lang/sv/strings.php b/openstreetmap/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dcd4e821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstreetmap/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Inställningarna har uppdaterats.";
diff --git a/openstreetmap/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/openstreetmap/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..97a99b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstreetmap/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Tile Server URL"] = "砖服务器URL";
+$a->strings["A list of public tile servers"] = "一单公共砖服务器";
+$a->strings["Default zoom"] = "默认变焦距";
+$a->strings["The default zoom level. (1:world, 18:highest)"] = "默认变焦距。(1:世界, 18:最高)";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "设置跟新了";
diff --git a/page/lang/ca/strings.php b/page/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38b7c8b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/page/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Forums"] = "Forums";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "Mostrar més";
+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Fòrums:";
+$a->strings["Page settings updated."] = "Actualitzats els ajustos de pàgina.";
+$a->strings["Page Settings"] = "Ajustos de pàgina";
+$a->strings["How many forums to display on sidebar without paging"] = "Quants fòrums per mostrar a la barra lateral per pàgina";
+$a->strings["Randomise Page/Forum list"] = "Aleatoritza la llista de Pàgina/Fòrum";
+$a->strings["Show pages/forums on profile page"] = "Mostra pàgines/fòrums a la pàgina de perfil";
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new file mode 100644
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+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Fóra:";
+$a->strings["Page settings updated."] = "Nastavení stránky aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["Page Settings"] = "Nastavení stránky";
+$a->strings["How many forums to display on sidebar without paging"] = "Kolik diskuzních fór zobrazit v bočním panelu bez použití stránkování";
+$a->strings["Randomise Page/Forum list"] = "Náhodný stránka/fórum seznam";
+$a->strings["Show pages/forums on profile page"] = "Zobrazit stránky/fóra na profilové stránce";
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+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Foren:";
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+$a->strings["Page Settings"] = "Seiteneinstellungen";
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Forumoj:";
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+$a->strings["Page Settings"] = "Paĝaj Agordoj";
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+$a->strings["Randomise Page/Forum list"] = "Hazardigi la liston de Paĝoj/Forumoj";
+$a->strings["Show pages/forums on profile page"] = "Montri paĝojn/forumojn sur la profilpaĝo";
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new file mode 100644
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+$a->strings["Page Settings"] = "Configuración de la página";
+$a->strings["How many forums to display on sidebar without paging"] = "¿Cuántos foros se mostrarán en la barra lateral?";
+$a->strings["Randomise Page/Forum list"] = "Lista de Página/Foro al azar";
+$a->strings["Show pages/forums on profile page"] = "Mostrar páginas/foros en tu perfil";
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new file mode 100644
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+$a->strings["Forums:"] = "Forums:";
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+$a->strings["Page Settings"] = "Paramètres des pages";
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+$a->strings["Show pages/forums on profile page"] = "Montrer les forums sur le profil";
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+$a->strings["Page Settings"] = "Ustawienia strony";
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new file mode 100644
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+$a->strings["pageheader Settings saved."] = "pageHeader配置保存了。";
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index 00000000..119bd57c
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+strings["This website is tracked using the Piwik analytics tool."] = "Aquest lloc web realitza un seguiment mitjançant la eina d'anàlisi Piwik.";
+$a->strings["If you do not want that your visits are logged this way you can set a cookie to prevent Piwik from tracking further visits of the site (opt-out)."] = "Si no vol que les seves visites es registrin d'aquesta manera vostè pot establir una cookie per evitar a Piwik a partir de noves visites del lloc web (opt-out).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Piwik Base URL"] = "URL Piwik Base";
+$a->strings["Absolute path to your Piwik installation. (without protocol (http/s), with trailing slash)"] = "Trajectoria absoluta per a la instal·lació de Piwik (sense el protocol (http/s), amb la barra final )";
+$a->strings["Site ID"] = "Lloc ID";
+$a->strings["Show opt-out cookie link?"] = "Mostra l'enllaç cookie opt-out?";
+$a->strings["Asynchronous tracking"] = "Seguiment asíncrono";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Ajustos actualitzats.";
diff --git a/piwik/lang/cs/strings.php b/piwik/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ba58f12
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+++ b/piwik/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["This website is tracked using the Piwik analytics tool."] = "Tato webová stránka je sledována pomocí nástroje pro analýzu Piwik.";
+$a->strings["If you do not want that your visits are logged this way you can set a cookie to prevent Piwik from tracking further visits of the site (opt-out)."] = "Pokud si nepřejete, aby Vaše návštěvy byly takto sledovány, můžete si nastavit cookie, které zastaví sledování dalších návštěv na tomto webu (opt-out).";
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+$a->strings["Piwik Base URL"] = "Piwik Base adresa URL";
+$a->strings["Absolute path to your Piwik installation. (without protocol (http/s), with trailing slash)"] = "Absolutní cesta k Vaší instalaci Piwik. (bez protokolu (http/s), s koncovým lomítkem)";
+$a->strings["Site ID"] = "ID webu";
+$a->strings["Show opt-out cookie link?"] = "Zobrazit odkaz opt-out cookie?";
+$a->strings["Asynchronous tracking"] = "Asynchronní sledování";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Nastavení aktualizováno.";
diff --git a/piwik/lang/de/strings.php b/piwik/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb4d10bb
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+++ b/piwik/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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+$a->strings["If you do not want that your visits are logged this way you can set a cookie to prevent Piwik from tracking further visits of the site (opt-out)."] = "Wenn du nicht willst, dass deine Besuche auf diese Weise gespeichert werden, kannst du ein Cookie setzen. Dann wird Piwik dich auf dieser Website nicht mehr verfolgen (opt-out).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Piwik Base URL"] = "Piwik Basis URL";
+$a->strings["Absolute path to your Piwik installation. (without protocol (http/s), with trailing slash)"] = "Absoluter Pfad zu deiner Piwik Installation (ohne Protokoll (http/s) und mit abschließendem Schrägstrich)";
+$a->strings["Site ID"] = "Seiten ID";
+$a->strings["Show opt-out cookie link?"] = "Link zum Setzen des Opt-Out Cookies anzeigen?";
+$a->strings["Asynchronous tracking"] = "Asynchrones Tracken";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
diff --git a/piwik/lang/eo/strings.php b/piwik/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e38127cc
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["This website is tracked using the Piwik analytics tool."] = "Ĉi retejo uzas Piwik kiel retuma analizilo.";
+$a->strings["If you do not want that your visits are logged this way you can set a cookie to prevent Piwik from tracking further visits of the site (opt-out)."] = "Se ni ne protokolu viajn vizitojn tiel, vi povas agordi kuketon por malpermesi Piwik al plu protokoli pliajn vizitojn (mem-for-elekti / opt-out).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Piwik Base URL"] = "Piwik baza URL adreso";
+$a->strings["Absolute path to your Piwik installation. (without protocol (http/s), with trailing slash)"] = "Absoluta vojo al via Piwik instalo. (sen protokolo (http/s), inkluzive vosta oblikva streketo)";
+$a->strings["Site ID"] = "Reteja idento";
+$a->strings["Show opt-out cookie link?"] = "Montru ligilon al kuketo por mem-for-elekti (opt-out)?";
+$a->strings["Asynchronous tracking"] = "Nesinkrona spurado.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Agordoj ĝisdatigita.";
diff --git a/piwik/lang/es/strings.php b/piwik/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59e264ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/piwik/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["This website is tracked using the Piwik analytics tool."] = "Este sitio realiza un seguimiento mediante la herramienta de análisis Piwik.";
+$a->strings["If you do not want that your visits are logged this way you can set a cookie to prevent Piwik from tracking further visits of the site (opt-out)."] = "Si no quieres que tus visitas sean registradas de esta manera puedes establecer una cookie para evitar que Piwik realice un seguimiento de las visitas del sitio (opt-out).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Piwik Base URL"] = "Dirección base Piwik";
+$a->strings["Absolute path to your Piwik installation. (without protocol (http/s), with trailing slash)"] = "Ruta absoluta a tu instalación de Piwik (sin el protocolo (http/s) pero con la barra).";
+$a->strings["Site ID"] = "ID del sitio";
+$a->strings["Show opt-out cookie link?"] = "¿Mostrar enlace a las cookies?";
+$a->strings["Asynchronous tracking"] = "Seguimiento asíncrono";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Configuración actualizada.";
diff --git a/piwik/lang/fr/strings.php b/piwik/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dacafc1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/piwik/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["This website is tracked using the Piwik analytics tool."] = "Ce site collecte ses statistiques grâce à Piwik.";
+$a->strings["If you do not want that your visits are logged this way you can set a cookie to prevent Piwik from tracking further visits of the site (opt-out)."] = "Si vous ne voulez pas que vos visites soient collectées par ce biais, vous pouvez activer un cookie qui empêchera Piwik de tenir compte de vos visites ultérieures (opt-out).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Piwik Base URL"] = "URL de base de Piwik";
+$a->strings["Absolute path to your Piwik installation. (without protocol (http/s), with trailing slash)"] = "Chemin absolu vers votre installation Piwik. (sans protocole (http/s), avec un / terminal)";
+$a->strings["Site ID"] = "ID du site";
+$a->strings["Show opt-out cookie link?"] = "Montrer le lien d'opt-out?";
+$a->strings["Asynchronous tracking"] = "Suivi asynchrone";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Réglages mis à jour.";
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index 00000000..283b0013
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+$a->strings["If you do not want that your visits are logged this way you can set a cookie to prevent Piwik from tracking further visits of the site (opt-out)."] = "Ef þú villt ekki vera í vefmælingu smelltu hér til að sækja köku sem afskráir þig úr mælingu.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Piwik Base URL"] = "Slóð á Piwik grunn";
+$a->strings["Absolute path to your Piwik installation. (without protocol (http/s), with trailing slash)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Site ID"] = "Auðkenni vefs";
+$a->strings["Show opt-out cookie link?"] = "Sýna ekki taka við kökum ";
+$a->strings["Asynchronous tracking"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Stillingar uppfærðar";
diff --git a/piwik/lang/it/strings.php b/piwik/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a715f5b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/piwik/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["This website is tracked using the Piwik analytics tool."] = "Questo sito è monitorato con lo strumento di analisi Piwik.";
+$a->strings["If you do not want that your visits are logged this way you can set a cookie to prevent Piwik from tracking further visits of the site (opt-out)."] = "Se non vuoi che le tue visite vengono registrate in questo modo è possibile impostare un cookie per evitare che Piwik rintracci ulteriori visite del sito (opt-out).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Piwik Base URL"] = "Piwik Base URL";
+$a->strings["Absolute path to your Piwik installation. (without protocol (http/s), with trailing slash)"] = "Percorso assoluto alla tua installazione di Piwik, senza il protocollo (http/https), con la barra alla fine";
+$a->strings["Site ID"] = "Site ID";
+$a->strings["Show opt-out cookie link?"] = "Mostra il link per il cookie opt-out?";
+$a->strings["Asynchronous tracking"] = "Tracciamento asincrono";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Impostazioni aggiornate.";
diff --git a/piwik/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/piwik/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38f24bb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/piwik/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["This website is tracked using the Piwik analytics tool."] = "";
+$a->strings["If you do not want that your visits are logged this way you can set a cookie to prevent Piwik from tracking further visits of the site (opt-out)."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Piwik Base URL"] = "Piwik Base URL";
+$a->strings["Absolute path to your Piwik installation. (without protocol (http/s), with trailing slash)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Site ID"] = "Nettstedets ID";
+$a->strings["Show opt-out cookie link?"] = "Vis lenke for å velge bort cookie?";
+$a->strings["Asynchronous tracking"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Innstillinger oppdatert.";
diff --git a/piwik/lang/pl/strings.php b/piwik/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23950050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/piwik/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["This website is tracked using the Piwik analytics tool."] = "";
+$a->strings["If you do not want that your visits are logged this way you can set a cookie to prevent Piwik from tracking further visits of the site (opt-out)."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Piwik Base URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["Absolute path to your Piwik installation. (without protocol (http/s), with trailing slash)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Site ID"] = "ID strony";
+$a->strings["Show opt-out cookie link?"] = "";
+$a->strings["Asynchronous tracking"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Zaktualizowano ustawienia.";
diff --git a/piwik/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/piwik/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14778dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/piwik/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["This website is tracked using the Piwik analytics tool."] = "Este site é acompanhado usando a ferramenta de análises Piwik ";
+$a->strings["If you do not want that your visits are logged this way you can set a cookie to prevent Piwik from tracking further visits of the site (opt-out)."] = "Se você não deseja essa forma de registro das suas visitas pode configurar um cookie para evitar que o Piwik registre suas próximas visitas ao site (opt-out).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Piwik Base URL"] = "URL base do Piwik";
+$a->strings["Absolute path to your Piwik installation. (without protocol (http/s), with trailing slash)"] = "Caminho absoluto para sua instalação Piwik. (sem protocolo (http/s), com barra à direita)";
+$a->strings["Site ID"] = "ID do site";
+$a->strings["Show opt-out cookie link?"] = "Exibir o link para o cookie de opt-out?";
+$a->strings["Asynchronous tracking"] = "Rastreamento assíncrono";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "As configurações foram atualizadas.";
diff --git a/piwik/lang/ru/strings.php b/piwik/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f58ef45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/piwik/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["This website is tracked using the Piwik analytics tool."] = "Этот веб-сайт отслеживается с помощью Piwik a> инструмент аналитики.";
+$a->strings["If you do not want that your visits are logged this way you can set a cookie to prevent Piwik from tracking further visits of the site (opt-out)."] = "Если вы не хотите, чтобы ваши посещения записывались таким образом, вы можете установить куки для предотвращения отслеживания Piwik от дальнейших посещений сайта (opt-out).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Piwik Base URL"] = "Piwik основной URL";
+$a->strings["Absolute path to your Piwik installation. (without protocol (http/s), with trailing slash)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Site ID"] = "ID сайта";
+$a->strings["Show opt-out cookie link?"] = "Показать ссылку opt-out cookie?";
+$a->strings["Asynchronous tracking"] = "Асинхронное отслеживание";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Настройки обновлены.";
diff --git a/piwik/lang/sv/strings.php b/piwik/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dcd4e821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/piwik/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Inställningarna har uppdaterats.";
diff --git a/piwik/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/piwik/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21ce8b6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/piwik/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["This website is tracked using the Piwik analytics tool."] = "这个网站用Piwik分析工具追踪 。";
+$a->strings["If you do not want that your visits are logged this way you can set a cookie to prevent Piwik from tracking further visits of the site (opt-out)."] = "如果您不想您访问这样记录您可以用一个cookie防Piwik追踪未来的访问(选择性退出)。";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Piwik Base URL"] = "Piwik基础URL";
+$a->strings["Absolute path to your Piwik installation. (without protocol (http/s), with trailing slash)"] = "绝对道路到Piwik安装。(没有协议(http/s)跟斜线后缀)";
+$a->strings["Site ID"] = "网站ID";
+$a->strings["Show opt-out cookie link?"] = " 显示选择性退出cookie按钮?";
+$a->strings["Asynchronous tracking"] = "异步追踪";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "设置跟新了";
diff --git a/planets/lang/ca/strings.php b/planets/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79fdd6be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planets/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Planets Settings"] = "Ajustos de Planet";
+$a->strings["Enable Planets Plugin"] = "Activa Plugin de Planet";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/planets/lang/cs/strings.php b/planets/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1548def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planets/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Planets Settings"] = "Nastavení Planets";
+$a->strings["Enable Planets Plugin"] = "Povolit Planets plugin";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/planets/lang/de/strings.php b/planets/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87c3672b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planets/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Planets Settings"] = "Planeten Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Enable Planets Plugin"] = "Aktiviere Planeten Plugin";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/planets/lang/eo/strings.php b/planets/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f9ff97c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planets/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Planets Settings"] = "Agordo pri Planets";
+$a->strings["Enable Planets Plugin"] = "Ŝalti la Planets kromprogamon";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/planets/lang/es/strings.php b/planets/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67b52dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planets/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Planets Settings"] = "Configuración de Planets";
+$a->strings["Enable Planets Plugin"] = "Activar el módulo de planetas Planets";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/planets/lang/fr/strings.php b/planets/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..505d24c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planets/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Planets Settings"] = "Réglages des Planets";
+$a->strings["Enable Planets Plugin"] = "Activer Planets";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/planets/lang/is/strings.php b/planets/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d59b838f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planets/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Planets Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Planets Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/planets/lang/it/strings.php b/planets/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ecd2670d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planets/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Planets Settings"] = "Impostazioni Planet";
+$a->strings["Enable Planets Plugin"] = "Abilita plugin Planet";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/planets/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/planets/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..628eb2ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planets/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Planets Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Planets Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/planets/lang/pl/strings.php b/planets/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..97120046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planets/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Planets Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Planets Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/planets/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/planets/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5cb179c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planets/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Planets Settings"] = "Configuração dos planetas";
+$a->strings["Enable Planets Plugin"] = "Habilita configuração dos planetas";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/planets/lang/ru/strings.php b/planets/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1902b826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planets/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Planets Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Planets Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/planets/lang/sv/strings.php b/planets/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planets/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/planets/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/planets/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac066c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planets/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Planets Settings"] = "行星设置";
+$a->strings["Enable Planets Plugin"] = "使行星插件可用";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/posterous/lang/ca/strings.php b/posterous/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec7bedf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posterous/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Post to Posterous"] = "enviament a Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous Post Settings"] = "Configuració d'Enviaments a Posterous";
+$a->strings["Enable Posterous Post Plugin"] = "Habilitar plugin d'Enviament de Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous login"] = "Inici de sessió a Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous password"] = "Contrasenya a Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous site ID"] = "ID al lloc Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous API token"] = "Posterous API token";
+$a->strings["Post to Posterous by default"] = "Enviar a Posterous per defecte";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Enviament des de Friendica";
diff --git a/posterous/lang/cs/strings.php b/posterous/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..733ec89a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posterous/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Post to Posterous"] = "Poslat na Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous Post Settings"] = "Posterous nastavení příspěvků";
+$a->strings["Enable Posterous Post Plugin"] = "Umožnit Posterous Plugin";
+$a->strings["Posterous login"] = "Posterous login";
+$a->strings["Posterous password"] = "Posterous heslo";
+$a->strings["Posterous site ID"] = "Posterous site ID";
+$a->strings["Posterous API token"] = "Posterous API token";
+$a->strings["Post to Posterous by default"] = "Příspěvky standardně posílat na Posterous";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Příspěvek z Friendica";
diff --git a/posterous/lang/de/strings.php b/posterous/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..186c53d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posterous/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Post to Posterous"] = "Nach Posterous senden";
+$a->strings["Posterous Post Settings"] = "Posterous Beitrags-Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Enable Posterous Post Plugin"] = "Posterous-Plugin aktivieren";
+$a->strings["Posterous login"] = "Posterous-Anmeldename";
+$a->strings["Posterous password"] = "Posterous-Passwort";
+$a->strings["Posterous site ID"] = "Posterous site ID";
+$a->strings["Posterous API token"] = "Posterous API token";
+$a->strings["Post to Posterous by default"] = "Veröffentliche öffentliche Beiträge standardmäßig bei Posterous";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Beitrag via Friendica";
diff --git a/posterous/lang/eo/strings.php b/posterous/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06f48635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posterous/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Post to Posterous"] = "Afiŝi al Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous Post Settings"] = "Agordoj pri afiŝoj ĉe Posterous";
+$a->strings["Enable Posterous Post Plugin"] = "Ŝalti la Poserous-afiŝo kromprogramon";
+$a->strings["Posterous login"] = "Posterous salutnomo";
+$a->strings["Posterous password"] = "Posterous pasvorto";
+$a->strings["Posterous site ID"] = "Idento de Posterous retejo";
+$a->strings["Posterous API token"] = "API ĵetono de Posterous retejo";
+$a->strings["Post to Posterous by default"] = "Defaŭlte afiŝi al Posterous";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Afiŝo de Friendica";
diff --git a/posterous/lang/es/strings.php b/posterous/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9198865a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posterous/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Post to Posterous"] = "Publicar en Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous Post Settings"] = "Configuración de las publicaciones en Posterous";
+$a->strings["Enable Posterous Post Plugin"] = "Activar el módulo de publicación en Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous login"] = "Entrar en Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous password"] = "Contraseña de Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous site ID"] = "ID de Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous API token"] = "API de Posterous";
+$a->strings["Post to Posterous by default"] = "Publicar en Posterous por defecto";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Publicado desde Friendica";
diff --git a/posterous/lang/fr/strings.php b/posterous/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be14e1ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posterous/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Post to Posterous"] = "Envoyer à Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous Post Settings"] = "Réglages de l'envoi à Posterous";
+$a->strings["Enable Posterous Post Plugin"] = "Activer l'envoi à Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous login"] = "Login Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous password"] = "Mot de passe";
+$a->strings["Posterous site ID"] = "ID du site Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous API token"] = "Clé d'API Posterous";
+$a->strings["Post to Posterous by default"] = "Envoyer à Posterous par défaut";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Publier depuis Friendica";
diff --git a/posterous/lang/is/strings.php b/posterous/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d48afbba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posterous/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Post to Posterous"] = "Senda færslu á Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous Post Settings"] = "Stilla Posterous Post";
+$a->strings["Enable Posterous Post Plugin"] = "Kveðja á Posterous Post viðbót ";
+$a->strings["Posterous login"] = "Posterous notendanafn";
+$a->strings["Posterous password"] = "Posterous aðgangsorð";
+$a->strings["Posterous site ID"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous API token"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Posterous by default"] = "Sjálfgefið láta færslur flæða á Posterous";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Færslur frá Friendica";
diff --git a/posterous/lang/it/strings.php b/posterous/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c2e4067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posterous/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Post to Posterous"] = "Invia a Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous Post Settings"] = "Impostazioni di invio a Posterous";
+$a->strings["Enable Posterous Post Plugin"] = "Abilita il plugin di invio a Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous login"] = "Posterous login";
+$a->strings["Posterous password"] = "Posterous password";
+$a->strings["Posterous site ID"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous API token"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Posterous by default"] = "Invia sempre a Posterous";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Messaggio da Friendica";
diff --git a/posterous/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/posterous/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64d3fb64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posterous/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Post to Posterous"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Posterous Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous login"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous site ID"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous API token"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Posterous by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "";
diff --git a/posterous/lang/pl/strings.php b/posterous/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2514fadc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posterous/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Post to Posterous"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Posterous Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous login"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous site ID"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous API token"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Posterous by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Post z Friendica";
diff --git a/posterous/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/posterous/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2ab2977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posterous/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Post to Posterous"] = "Postar no Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous Post Settings"] = "Configurações de Postagem do Posterous";
+$a->strings["Enable Posterous Post Plugin"] = "Habilitar Plugin de Postagem do Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous login"] = "Login do Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous password"] = "Senha do Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous site ID"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous API token"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Posterous by default"] = "Postar para o Posterous como padrão";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Postar do Friendica";
diff --git a/posterous/lang/ru/strings.php b/posterous/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d1268b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posterous/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Post to Posterous"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Posterous Post Plugin"] = "Включить Posterous плагин сообщений";
+$a->strings["Posterous login"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous password"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous site ID"] = "";
+$a->strings["Posterous API token"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Posterous by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Сообщение от Friendica";
diff --git a/posterous/lang/sv/strings.php b/posterous/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posterous/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/posterous/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/posterous/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab258a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posterous/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+strings["Post to Posterous"] = "发送往Posterous";
+$a->strings["Posterous Post Settings"] = "Posterous发送设置";
+$a->strings["Enable Posterous Post Plugin"] = "使Posterous发送插件可用的";
+$a->strings["Posterous login"] = "Posterous登记名";
+$a->strings["Posterous password"] = "Posterous密码";
+$a->strings["Posterous site ID"] = "Posterous网站身份证明";
+$a->strings["Posterous API token"] = "Posterous API令牌";
+$a->strings["Post to Posterous by default"] = "默认地发送往Posterous";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "文章从Friendica";
diff --git a/privacy_image_cache/lang/ca/strings.php b/privacy_image_cache/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2edee39f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/privacy_image_cache/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Lifetime of the cache (in hours)"] = "Temps de vida de la caché (en hores)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Guardar";
+$a->strings["Cache Statistics"] = "Estadístiques de la caché";
+$a->strings["Number of items"] = "Nombre d'elements";
+$a->strings["Size of the cache"] = "Mida de la caché";
+$a->strings["Delete the whole cache"] = "Esborra tota la cachè";
diff --git a/privacy_image_cache/lang/cs/strings.php b/privacy_image_cache/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87be7041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/privacy_image_cache/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Lifetime of the cache (in hours)"] = "Životnost vyrovnávací paměti (v hodinách)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Uložit";
+$a->strings["Cache Statistics"] = "Statistika vyrovnávací paměti";
+$a->strings["Number of items"] = "Počet položek";
+$a->strings["Size of the cache"] = "Velikost vyrovnávací paměti";
+$a->strings["Delete the whole cache"] = "Vymazat celou vyrovnávací paměť";
diff --git a/privacy_image_cache/lang/de/strings.php b/privacy_image_cache/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b7a303c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/privacy_image_cache/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Lifetime of the cache (in hours)"] = "Lebenszeit des Caches (in Stunden)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Speichern";
+$a->strings["Cache Statistics"] = "Cache Statistik";
+$a->strings["Number of items"] = "Anzahl der Einträge";
+$a->strings["Size of the cache"] = "Größe des Caches";
+$a->strings["Delete the whole cache"] = "Cache leeren";
diff --git a/privacy_image_cache/lang/eo/strings.php b/privacy_image_cache/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55363b7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/privacy_image_cache/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Lifetime of the cache (in hours)"] = "Vivodaŭro de kaŝmemoro (horoj)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Konservi";
+$a->strings["Cache Statistics"] = "Statistikoj pri kaŝmemoro";
+$a->strings["Number of items"] = "Kvanto da eroj";
+$a->strings["Size of the cache"] = "Grando de la kaŝmemoro";
+$a->strings["Delete the whole cache"] = "Forviŝi la kaŝmemoron";
diff --git a/privacy_image_cache/lang/es/strings.php b/privacy_image_cache/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41431578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/privacy_image_cache/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Lifetime of the cache (in hours)"] = "Vida útil de la caché (en horas)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Guardar";
+$a->strings["Cache Statistics"] = "Estadísticas de la caché";
+$a->strings["Number of items"] = "Número de ítems";
+$a->strings["Size of the cache"] = "Tamaño de la caché";
+$a->strings["Delete the whole cache"] = "Borrar toda la caché";
diff --git a/privacy_image_cache/lang/fr/strings.php b/privacy_image_cache/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..76379fed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/privacy_image_cache/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Lifetime of the cache (in hours)"] = "Durée de vie du cache (en heures)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Sauver";
+$a->strings["Cache Statistics"] = "Statistiques du cache";
+$a->strings["Number of items"] = "Nombre d'éléments";
+$a->strings["Size of the cache"] = "Taille du cache";
+$a->strings["Delete the whole cache"] = "Vider le cache";
diff --git a/privacy_image_cache/lang/is/strings.php b/privacy_image_cache/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84741a91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/privacy_image_cache/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Lifetime of the cache (in hours)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Vista";
+$a->strings["Cache Statistics"] = "Tölfræði skyndiminnis";
+$a->strings["Number of items"] = "Fjöldi færslna";
+$a->strings["Size of the cache"] = "Stærð skyndiminnis";
+$a->strings["Delete the whole cache"] = "Eyða öllu í skyndiminni";
diff --git a/privacy_image_cache/lang/it/strings.php b/privacy_image_cache/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de9740f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/privacy_image_cache/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Lifetime of the cache (in hours)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Salva";
+$a->strings["Cache Statistics"] = "";
+$a->strings["Number of items"] = "";
+$a->strings["Size of the cache"] = "";
+$a->strings["Delete the whole cache"] = "";
diff --git a/privacy_image_cache/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/privacy_image_cache/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51ebef55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/privacy_image_cache/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Lifetime of the cache (in hours)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Cache Statistics"] = "";
+$a->strings["Number of items"] = "";
+$a->strings["Size of the cache"] = "";
+$a->strings["Delete the whole cache"] = "";
diff --git a/privacy_image_cache/lang/pl/strings.php b/privacy_image_cache/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d90ebfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/privacy_image_cache/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Lifetime of the cache (in hours)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Zapisz";
+$a->strings["Cache Statistics"] = "";
+$a->strings["Number of items"] = "Numery elementów";
+$a->strings["Size of the cache"] = "";
+$a->strings["Delete the whole cache"] = "";
diff --git a/privacy_image_cache/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/privacy_image_cache/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f814886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/privacy_image_cache/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Lifetime of the cache (in hours)"] = "Tempo de vida do cache (em horas)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Salvar";
+$a->strings["Cache Statistics"] = "Estatísticas do cache";
+$a->strings["Number of items"] = "Número de itens";
+$a->strings["Size of the cache"] = "Tamanho do cache";
+$a->strings["Delete the whole cache"] = "Excluir o cache inteiro";
diff --git a/privacy_image_cache/lang/ru/strings.php b/privacy_image_cache/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5806a615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/privacy_image_cache/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Lifetime of the cache (in hours)"] = "";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Сохранить";
+$a->strings["Cache Statistics"] = "";
+$a->strings["Number of items"] = "";
+$a->strings["Size of the cache"] = "";
+$a->strings["Delete the whole cache"] = "";
diff --git a/privacy_image_cache/lang/sv/strings.php b/privacy_image_cache/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab4fa67a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/privacy_image_cache/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+strings["Lifetime of the cache (in hours)"] = "缓存期(小时)";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "保存";
+$a->strings["Cache Statistics"] = "缓存统计";
+$a->strings["Number of items"] = "项目数量";
+$a->strings["Size of the cache"] = "缓存尺寸";
+$a->strings["Delete the whole cache"] = "删除全缓存";
diff --git a/public_server/lang/ca/strings.php b/public_server/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ead9e954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public_server/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrador";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "El teu compte en %s expirarà en pocs dies.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica account is about to expire."] = "El teu compte de Friendica està a punt de caducar.";
diff --git a/public_server/lang/cs/strings.php b/public_server/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0311631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public_server/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrátor";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "Platnost Vašeho účtu na %s vyprší během několika dní.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica account is about to expire."] = "Vašemu účetu Friendica brzy vyprší platnost";
diff --git a/public_server/lang/de/strings.php b/public_server/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0db68e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public_server/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrator";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "Dein Konto auf %s wird in ein paar Tagen verfallen.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica account is about to expire."] = "Dein Friendica-Konto wird in Kürze auslaufen.";
diff --git a/public_server/lang/eo/strings.php b/public_server/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91fc41f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public_server/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administranto";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "Via konto ĉe %s senvalidiĝos post kelkaj tagoj.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica account is about to expire."] = "Via konto ĉe Friendica baldaŭ senvalidiĝos.";
diff --git a/public_server/lang/es/strings.php b/public_server/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ceb046dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public_server/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrador";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "Tu cuenta de %s expirará en pocos días.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica account is about to expire."] = "Tu cuenta de Friendica está a punto de expirar.";
diff --git a/public_server/lang/fr/strings.php b/public_server/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..436529e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public_server/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrateur";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "Votre compte chez %s va expirer dans quelques jours.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica account is about to expire."] = "Votre compte sur Friendica est sur le point d'expirer.";
diff --git a/public_server/lang/is/strings.php b/public_server/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc5424b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public_server/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Kerfisstjóri";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica account is about to expire."] = "";
diff --git a/public_server/lang/it/strings.php b/public_server/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd901650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public_server/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Amministratore";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica account is about to expire."] = "";
diff --git a/public_server/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/public_server/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b87c0746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public_server/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrator";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica account is about to expire."] = "";
diff --git a/public_server/lang/pl/strings.php b/public_server/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b87c0746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public_server/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrator";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica account is about to expire."] = "";
diff --git a/public_server/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/public_server/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bdf4db4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public_server/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrador";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "Sua conta em %s expirará em poucos dias.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica account is about to expire."] = "";
diff --git a/public_server/lang/ru/strings.php b/public_server/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..405a408f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public_server/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Администратор";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica account is about to expire."] = "";
diff --git a/public_server/lang/sv/strings.php b/public_server/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea2177b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public_server/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Admin";
diff --git a/public_server/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/public_server/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64368f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public_server/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "管理员";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "您账户在%s几天后过期了。";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica account is about to expire."] = "您Friendica账户快过期。";
diff --git a/qcomment/lang/ca/strings.php b/qcomment/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..257e9fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qcomment/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings[":-)"] = ":-)";
+$a->strings[":-("] = ":-(";
+$a->strings["lol"] = "lol";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment Settings"] = "Configuració Ràpida dels Comentaris";
+$a->strings["Quick comments are found near comment boxes, sometimes hidden. Click them to provide simple replies."] = "Comentaris ràpids es troben prop de les caixes de comentaris, de vegades ocults. Feu clic a ells per donar respostes simples.";
+$a->strings["Enter quick comments, one per line"] = "Introduïu els comentaris ràpids, un per línia";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment settings saved."] = "Guardada la configuració de comentaris ràpids.";
diff --git a/qcomment/lang/cs/strings.php b/qcomment/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99ca6f8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qcomment/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings[":-)"] = ":-)";
+$a->strings[":-("] = ":-(";
+$a->strings["lol"] = "hlasitě se směji";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment Settings"] = "Nastavení rychlých komentářů";
+$a->strings["Quick comments are found near comment boxes, sometimes hidden. Click them to provide simple replies."] = "Rychlé komentáře jsou k nalezení blízko polí s komentáři, někdy jsou skryté. Klikněte na ně k poskytnutí jednoduchých odpovědí.";
+$a->strings["Enter quick comments, one per line"] = "Zadejte rychlé komentáře, každý na nový řádek";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment settings saved."] = "Nastavení Quick Comment uloženo.";
diff --git a/qcomment/lang/de/strings.php b/qcomment/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8cb3d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qcomment/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings[":-)"] = ":-)";
+$a->strings[":-("] = ":-(";
+$a->strings["lol"] = "lol";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment Settings"] = "Schnell-Kommentar Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Quick comments are found near comment boxes, sometimes hidden. Click them to provide simple replies."] = "Kurzkommentare findet man in der Nähe der Kommentarboxen. Ein Klick darauf erstellt einfache Antworten.";
+$a->strings["Enter quick comments, one per line"] = "Gib einen Schnell-Kommentar pro Zeile ein";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment settings saved."] = "Schnell-Kommentare Einstellungen gespeichert";
diff --git a/qcomment/lang/eo/strings.php b/qcomment/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c88b15f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qcomment/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings[":-)"] = ":-)";
+$a->strings[":-("] = ":-(";
+$a->strings["lol"] = "lol";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment Settings"] = "Agordoj pri Rapidaj Komentoj";
+$a->strings["Quick comments are found near comment boxes, sometimes hidden. Click them to provide simple replies."] = "Rapidaj komentoj troviĝas apud komentkampoj, kelkfoje kaŝita. Klaku ilin por provizi simplajn rispondojn.";
+$a->strings["Enter quick comments, one per line"] = "Entajpu rapidaj komentoj, po unu je linio.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment settings saved."] = "Konservis agordojn pri rapidaj komentoj.";
diff --git a/qcomment/lang/es/strings.php b/qcomment/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b68876c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qcomment/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings[":-)"] = ":-)";
+$a->strings[":-("] = ":-(";
+$a->strings["lol"] = "XD";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment Settings"] = "Configuración de Qcomment";
+$a->strings["Quick comments are found near comment boxes, sometimes hidden. Click them to provide simple replies."] = "Qcomments son comentarios rápidos que se encuentran cerca del cuadro de texto, a veces ocultos. Pulsa en ellos para dar respuestas simples.";
+$a->strings["Enter quick comments, one per line"] = "Introduce comentarios rápidos, uno por línea";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment settings saved."] = "Configuración de Qcomment guardada.";
diff --git a/qcomment/lang/fr/strings.php b/qcomment/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e60c182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qcomment/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings[":-)"] = ":-)";
+$a->strings[":-("] = ":-(";
+$a->strings["lol"] = "mdr";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment Settings"] = "Réglages de Quick Comment";
+$a->strings["Quick comments are found near comment boxes, sometimes hidden. Click them to provide simple replies."] = "Les commentaires rapides peuvent être trouvés à proximité des boîtes de commentaire, parfois cachés. Cliquez dessus pour fournir des réponses simples et lapidaires.";
+$a->strings["Enter quick comments, one per line"] = "Entrez les réponses rapides, une par ligne";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment settings saved."] = "Réglages de Quick Comment sauvés.";
diff --git a/qcomment/lang/is/strings.php b/qcomment/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0d3fd28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qcomment/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings[":-)"] = ":-)";
+$a->strings[":-("] = ":-(";
+$a->strings["lol"] = "lol";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Quick comments are found near comment boxes, sometimes hidden. Click them to provide simple replies."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enter quick comments, one per line"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment settings saved."] = "";
diff --git a/qcomment/lang/it/strings.php b/qcomment/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e881d7b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qcomment/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings[":-)"] = ":-)";
+$a->strings[":-("] = ":-(";
+$a->strings["lol"] = "lol";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment Settings"] = "Impostazioni commento rapido";
+$a->strings["Quick comments are found near comment boxes, sometimes hidden. Click them to provide simple replies."] = "Trovi i commenti rapidi vicino al box dei commenti, a volte nascosti. Cliccali per inviare semplici risposte.";
+$a->strings["Enter quick comments, one per line"] = "Inserire un commento rapido, uno per linea";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment settings saved."] = "Impostazioni commento rapido salvate.";
diff --git a/qcomment/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/qcomment/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c43efc39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qcomment/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings[":-)"] = "";
+$a->strings[":-("] = "";
+$a->strings["lol"] = "";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Quick comments are found near comment boxes, sometimes hidden. Click them to provide simple replies."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enter quick comments, one per line"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment settings saved."] = "";
diff --git a/qcomment/lang/pl/strings.php b/qcomment/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7627f4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qcomment/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings[":-)"] = ":-)";
+$a->strings[":-("] = ":-(";
+$a->strings["lol"] = "lol";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment Settings"] = "Ustawienia szybkiego komentowania";
+$a->strings["Quick comments are found near comment boxes, sometimes hidden. Click them to provide simple replies."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enter quick comments, one per line"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment settings saved."] = "";
diff --git a/qcomment/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/qcomment/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9aadbb65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qcomment/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings[":-)"] = ":-)";
+$a->strings[":-("] = ":-(";
+$a->strings["lol"] = "lol";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment Settings"] = "Configurações de Comentários Rápidos";
+$a->strings["Quick comments are found near comment boxes, sometimes hidden. Click them to provide simple replies."] = "Comentários rápidos são encontrados próximos às caixas de comentários, algumas vezes ocultos. Clique neles para produzir respostas simples.";
+$a->strings["Enter quick comments, one per line"] = "Digite comentários rápidos, um por linha";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment settings saved."] = "As configurações de comentários rápidos foram salvas.";
diff --git a/qcomment/lang/ru/strings.php b/qcomment/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ccbcd7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qcomment/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings[":-)"] = ":-)";
+$a->strings[":-("] = ":-(";
+$a->strings["lol"] = "lol";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Quick comments are found near comment boxes, sometimes hidden. Click them to provide simple replies."] = "";
+$a->strings["Enter quick comments, one per line"] = "Введите короткие комментарии, по одному в строке:";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment settings saved."] = "";
diff --git a/qcomment/lang/sv/strings.php b/qcomment/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qcomment/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/qcomment/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/qcomment/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3fe21538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qcomment/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings[":-)"] = ":-)";
+$a->strings[":-("] = ":-(";
+$a->strings["lol"] = "lol";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment Settings"] = "快捷评论设置";
+$a->strings["Quick comments are found near comment boxes, sometimes hidden. Click them to provide simple replies."] = "快捷评论是在评论文本框,有时候隐藏。点击它们为输入简单的回答。";
+$a->strings["Enter quick comments, one per line"] = "输入快捷评论,一行一个";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Quick Comment settings saved."] = "快捷评论设置保存了。";
diff --git a/randplace/lang/ca/strings.php b/randplace/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e2fe763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randplace/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Randplace Settings"] = "Configuració de Randplace";
+$a->strings["Enable Randplace Plugin"] = "Habilitar el Plugin de Randplace";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/randplace/lang/cs/strings.php b/randplace/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fc96617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randplace/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Randplace Settings"] = "Randplace Nastavení";
+$a->strings["Enable Randplace Plugin"] = "Povolit Randplace Plugin";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/randplace/lang/de/strings.php b/randplace/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2b2a7e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randplace/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Randplace Settings"] = "Randplace-Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Enable Randplace Plugin"] = "Randplace-Plugin aktivieren";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/randplace/lang/eo/strings.php b/randplace/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45502093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randplace/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Randplace Settings"] = "Randplace agordoj.";
+$a->strings["Enable Randplace Plugin"] = "Aktivigi la Randplace kromprogramon.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/randplace/lang/es/strings.php b/randplace/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46139f5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randplace/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Randplace Settings"] = "Configuración de Randplace";
+$a->strings["Enable Randplace Plugin"] = "Activar el módulo de lugar aleatorio Randplace";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/randplace/lang/fr/strings.php b/randplace/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f85b1cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randplace/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Randplace Settings"] = "Réglages de Randplace";
+$a->strings["Enable Randplace Plugin"] = "Activer l'extension Randplace";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/randplace/lang/is/strings.php b/randplace/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..924285d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randplace/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Randplace Settings"] = "Stilla Randplace";
+$a->strings["Enable Randplace Plugin"] = "Kveikja á Randplace einingu";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/randplace/lang/it/strings.php b/randplace/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bff8c73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randplace/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Randplace Settings"] = "Impostazioni Randplace";
+$a->strings["Enable Randplace Plugin"] = "Abilita il plugin Randplace";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/randplace/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/randplace/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16518f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randplace/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Randplace Settings"] = "Tilfeldig plassering";
+$a->strings["Enable Randplace Plugin"] = "Aktiver Tilfeldig plassering-tillegget";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/randplace/lang/pl/strings.php b/randplace/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f1b2f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randplace/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Randplace Settings"] = "Ustawienia Randplace";
+$a->strings["Enable Randplace Plugin"] = "Włącz Randplace Plugin";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/randplace/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/randplace/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f010b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randplace/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Randplace Settings"] = "Configurações do Randplace";
+$a->strings["Enable Randplace Plugin"] = "Habilitar o plugin Randplace";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/randplace/lang/ru/strings.php b/randplace/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..482c4ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randplace/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Randplace Settings"] = "Настройки Случайного места";
+$a->strings["Enable Randplace Plugin"] = "Включить Randplace плагин";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/randplace/lang/sv/strings.php b/randplace/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eec3a7bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randplace/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Randplace Settings"] = "Randplace Settings";
+$a->strings["Enable Randplace Plugin"] = "Enable Randplace Plugin";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/randplace/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/randplace/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b96f086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randplace/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Randplace Settings"] = "随意下设置";
+$a->strings["Enable Randplace Plugin"] = "使随意下插件能用";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/remote_permissions/lang/ca/strings.php b/remote_permissions/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a05b9d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote_permissions/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Remote Permissions Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Allow recipients of your private posts to see the other recipients of the posts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Remote Permissions settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Visible per a:";
+$a->strings["Visible to"] = "";
+$a->strings["may only be a partial list"] = "";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "";
+$a->strings["The posts of every user on this server show the post recipients"] = "";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether his/her posts show the post recipients"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Ajustos actualitzats.";
diff --git a/remote_permissions/lang/cs/strings.php b/remote_permissions/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eefe8b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote_permissions/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Remote Permissions Settings"] = "Nastavení Vzdálených oprávnění";
+$a->strings["Allow recipients of your private posts to see the other recipients of the posts"] = "Umožnit příjemcům Vašich soukromých příspěvků vidět ostatní příjemce příspěvků";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Remote Permissions settings updated."] = "Nastavení Vzdálených opravnění aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Viditelné pro:";
+$a->strings["Visible to"] = "Viditelné pro";
+$a->strings["may only be a partial list"] = "pouze pro část seznamu";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "Globální";
+$a->strings["The posts of every user on this server show the post recipients"] = "Příspěvek každého uživatele na tomto serveru zobrazuje příjemce příspěvků";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "Individuálové";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether his/her posts show the post recipients"] = "Každý uživatel si zvolí, zda-li jeho/její příspěvek zobrazí příjemce příspěvku.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Nastavení aktualizováno.";
diff --git a/remote_permissions/lang/de/strings.php b/remote_permissions/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3134654f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote_permissions/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Remote Permissions Settings"] = "Entfernte Privatsphäreneinstellungen";
+$a->strings["Allow recipients of your private posts to see the other recipients of the posts"] = "Erlaube Empfängern von privaten Nachrichten zu sehen wer die anderen Empfänger sind";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Remote Permissions settings updated."] = "Entfernte Privatsphäreneinstellungen aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Sichtbar für:";
+$a->strings["Visible to"] = "Sichtbar für";
+$a->strings["may only be a partial list"] = "könnte nur ein Teil der Liste sein";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "Global";
+$a->strings["The posts of every user on this server show the post recipients"] = "Die Beiträge jedes Nutzers dieses Servers werden die Empfänger des Beitrags anzeigen";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "Individuell";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether his/her posts show the post recipients"] = "Jede/r Nutzer/in kann wählen ob die Empfänger der Beiträge angezeigt werden sollen oder nicht";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
diff --git a/remote_permissions/lang/eo/strings.php b/remote_permissions/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e7ba04e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote_permissions/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Videbla al:";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Agordoj ĝisdatigita.";
diff --git a/remote_permissions/lang/es/strings.php b/remote_permissions/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9ad5811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote_permissions/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Remote Permissions Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Allow recipients of your private posts to see the other recipients of the posts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Remote Permissions settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Visible para:";
+$a->strings["Visible to"] = "";
+$a->strings["may only be a partial list"] = "";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "";
+$a->strings["The posts of every user on this server show the post recipients"] = "";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether his/her posts show the post recipients"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Configuración actualizada.";
diff --git a/remote_permissions/lang/fr/strings.php b/remote_permissions/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9f6f46a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote_permissions/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Remote Permissions Settings"] = "Permissions distantes";
+$a->strings["Allow recipients of your private posts to see the other recipients of the posts"] = "Autoriser les destinataires de vos messages privés a voir les autres destinataires du message";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Remote Permissions settings updated."] = "Permissions distantes mises-à-jour.";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Visible par:";
+$a->strings["Visible to"] = "Visibilité";
+$a->strings["may only be a partial list"] = "peut être une liste partielle";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "Global";
+$a->strings["The posts of every user on this server show the post recipients"] = "Les publications de tous les utilisateurs de ce serveur afficheront leurs destinataires";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "Individuel";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether his/her posts show the post recipients"] = "Chaque utilisateur du serveur pourra choisir si ses publications affichent leurs destinataires";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Réglages mis à jour.";
diff --git a/remote_permissions/lang/is/strings.php b/remote_permissions/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f89368f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote_permissions/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Sýnilegt eftirfarandi:";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Stillingar uppfærðar";
diff --git a/remote_permissions/lang/it/strings.php b/remote_permissions/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86e661eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote_permissions/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Remote Permissions Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Allow recipients of your private posts to see the other recipients of the posts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Remote Permissions settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Visibile a:";
+$a->strings["Visible to"] = "";
+$a->strings["may only be a partial list"] = "";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "";
+$a->strings["The posts of every user on this server show the post recipients"] = "";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether his/her posts show the post recipients"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Impostazioni aggiornate.";
diff --git a/remote_permissions/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/remote_permissions/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e141776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote_permissions/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Remote Permissions Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Allow recipients of your private posts to see the other recipients of the posts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Remote Permissions settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Synlig for:";
+$a->strings["Visible to"] = "";
+$a->strings["may only be a partial list"] = "";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "";
+$a->strings["The posts of every user on this server show the post recipients"] = "";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether his/her posts show the post recipients"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Innstillinger oppdatert.";
diff --git a/remote_permissions/lang/pl/strings.php b/remote_permissions/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13f9521d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote_permissions/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Remote Permissions Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Allow recipients of your private posts to see the other recipients of the posts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Remote Permissions settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Widoczne dla:";
+$a->strings["Visible to"] = "Widoczne dla";
+$a->strings["may only be a partial list"] = "";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "Ogólne";
+$a->strings["The posts of every user on this server show the post recipients"] = "";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "Indywidualne";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether his/her posts show the post recipients"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Zaktualizowano ustawienia.";
diff --git a/remote_permissions/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/remote_permissions/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f2c03dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote_permissions/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Remote Permissions Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Allow recipients of your private posts to see the other recipients of the posts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Remote Permissions settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Visível para:";
+$a->strings["Visible to"] = "";
+$a->strings["may only be a partial list"] = "";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "";
+$a->strings["The posts of every user on this server show the post recipients"] = "";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether his/her posts show the post recipients"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "As configurações foram atualizadas.";
diff --git a/remote_permissions/lang/ru/strings.php b/remote_permissions/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d43d61ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote_permissions/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Remote Permissions Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Allow recipients of your private posts to see the other recipients of the posts"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Remote Permissions settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Кто может видеть:";
+$a->strings["Visible to"] = "";
+$a->strings["may only be a partial list"] = "";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "";
+$a->strings["The posts of every user on this server show the post recipients"] = "";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether his/her posts show the post recipients"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Настройки обновлены.";
diff --git a/remote_permissions/lang/sv/strings.php b/remote_permissions/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbec1ace
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote_permissions/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Synlig för:";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Inställningarna har uppdaterats.";
diff --git a/remote_permissions/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/remote_permissions/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68a0afe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote_permissions/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Remote Permissions Settings"] = "对外批准设置";
+$a->strings["Allow recipients of your private posts to see the other recipients of the posts"] = "允许您私人文章接受者看别接受者。";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Remote Permissions settings updated."] = "对外批准设置更新了。";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "可见给:";
+$a->strings["Visible to"] = "可见的给";
+$a->strings["may only be a partial list"] = "可能部分的单";
+$a->strings["Global"] = "综合";
+$a->strings["The posts of every user on this server show the post recipients"] = "这网站所有用户的文章表示接受者";
+$a->strings["Individual"] = "一个人的";
+$a->strings["Each user chooses whether his/her posts show the post recipients"] = "各用户选择他问上是否表示接受者";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "设置跟新了";
diff --git a/rendertime/lang/ca/strings.php b/rendertime/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab4fa67a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rendertime/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "Configuració de \"Mostrar més\"";
+$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Habilita Mostrar Més";
+$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Tallar els missatges després de quants caràcters";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Show More Settings saved."] = "Guardada la configuració de \"Mostra Més\".";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "Mostrar més";
diff --git a/showmore/lang/cs/strings.php b/showmore/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0210a1b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/showmore/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Show more\" nastavení";
+$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Povolit Show more";
+$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Oříznout příspěvky po zadaném množství znaků";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Show More Settings saved."] = "Nastavení \"Show more\" uloženo.";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "zobrazit více";
diff --git a/showmore/lang/de/strings.php b/showmore/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b7dbc55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/showmore/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Mehr zeigen\" Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Aktiviere \"Mehr zeigen\"";
+$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Begrenze Beiträge nach einer bestimmten Anzahl an Buchstaben";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Show More Settings saved."] = "\"Mehr zeigen\" Einstellungen gesichert.";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "mehr anzeigen";
diff --git a/showmore/lang/eo/strings.php b/showmore/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1baab54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/showmore/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Montri pli\" agordoj";
+$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Ŝalti \"montri pli\"";
+$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Limitigi afiŝojn al kiom da literoj";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Show More Settings saved."] = "Konservis \"montri pli\" agordojn.";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "montri pli";
diff --git a/showmore/lang/es/strings.php b/showmore/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d0c58f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/showmore/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "Configuración de \"Muéstrame más\"";
+$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Activar Muéstrame más";
+$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Cortar las publicaciones después de cuántos caracteres";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Show More Settings saved."] = "Configuración de Muéstrame más guardada.";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "ver más";
diff --git a/showmore/lang/fr/strings.php b/showmore/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8057e2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/showmore/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "Réglages de \"Show more\"";
+$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Activer \"Show more\"";
+$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Coupure après combien de caractères";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Show More Settings saved."] = "Réglages \"Show more\" sauvés.";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "montrer plus";
diff --git a/showmore/lang/is/strings.php b/showmore/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8560b6e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/showmore/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Show more\" stillingar";
+$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Kveikja á Show More";
+$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Show More Settings saved."] = "Sýna ";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "sýna meira";
diff --git a/showmore/lang/it/strings.php b/showmore/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8be512cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/showmore/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "Impostazioni \"Mostra altro\"";
+$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Abilita \"Mostra altro\"";
+$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Dopo quanti caratteri tagliare il messaggio";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Show More Settings saved."] = "Impostazioni \"Mostra altro\" salvate.";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "mostra di più";
diff --git a/showmore/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/showmore/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c44e5c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/showmore/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "";
+$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Show More Settings saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "";
diff --git a/showmore/lang/pl/strings.php b/showmore/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b1107f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/showmore/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "\"Pokaż więcej\" ustawień";
+$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "";
+$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Show More Settings saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "Pokaż więcej";
diff --git a/showmore/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/showmore/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf42bb6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/showmore/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "Configurações de \"Exibir mais\"";
+$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Habilitar \"Exibir mais\"";
+$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Cortar as mensagens após quantos caracteres";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Show More Settings saved."] = "As configurações de \"Exibir mais\" foram salvas.";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "exibir mais";
diff --git a/showmore/lang/ru/strings.php b/showmore/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca7f31c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/showmore/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "Включить Показать больше";
+$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "Обрезание сообщения после превывения числа символов";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Show More Settings saved."] = "";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "показать больше";
diff --git a/showmore/lang/sv/strings.php b/showmore/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/showmore/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/showmore/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/showmore/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51c81002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/showmore/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["__DQ__Show more__DQ__ Settings"] = "「看更多」设置";
+$a->strings["Enable Show More"] = "使看更多能用";
+$a->strings["Cutting posts after how much characters"] = "剪掉文章多少字后";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Show More Settings saved."] = "看更多设置保存了。";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "看多";
diff --git a/snautofollow/lang/ca/strings.php b/snautofollow/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..824361aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snautofollow/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["StatusNet AutoFollow settings updated."] = "Ajustos de AutoSeguiment a StatusNet actualitzats.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet AutoFollow Settings"] = "Ajustos de AutoSeguiment a StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Automatically follow any StatusNet followers/mentioners"] = "Segueix Automaticament qualsevol seguidor/mencionador de StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/snautofollow/lang/cs/strings.php b/snautofollow/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f293b65a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snautofollow/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["StatusNet AutoFollow settings updated."] = "Nastavení automatického následování na StatusNet aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet AutoFollow Settings"] = "Nastavení StatusNet automatického následování (AutoFollow)";
+$a->strings["Automatically follow any StatusNet followers/mentioners"] = "Automaticky následovat jakékoliv StatusNet následníky/přispivatele";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/snautofollow/lang/de/strings.php b/snautofollow/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..975c9d50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snautofollow/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["StatusNet AutoFollow settings updated."] = "StatusNet AutoFollow Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet AutoFollow Settings"] = "StatusNet AutoFollow Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Automatically follow any StatusNet followers/mentioners"] = "Automatisch allen StatusNet Followern/Erwähnungen folgen";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/snautofollow/lang/eo/strings.php b/snautofollow/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bd03fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snautofollow/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["StatusNet AutoFollow settings updated."] = "Ĝidatigis StatusNet AutoFollow agordojn.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet AutoFollow Settings"] = "StatusNet AutoFollow agordoj";
+$a->strings["Automatically follow any StatusNet followers/mentioners"] = "Aŭtomate sekvu ĉiujn StatusNet sekvantojn/menciantojn.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/snautofollow/lang/es/strings.php b/snautofollow/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7313d9d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snautofollow/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["StatusNet AutoFollow settings updated."] = "Configuración para seguir automáticamente en StatusNet actualizada.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet AutoFollow Settings"] = "Configuración para el seguimiento automático en StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Automatically follow any StatusNet followers/mentioners"] = "Seguir automáticamente a cualquiera que me siga/mencione en StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/snautofollow/lang/fr/strings.php b/snautofollow/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6791ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snautofollow/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["StatusNet AutoFollow settings updated."] = "Réglages de suivi automatique sur StatusNet mis à jour.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet AutoFollow Settings"] = "Réglages de suivi automatique sur StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Automatically follow any StatusNet followers/mentioners"] = "Suivre automatiquement les personnes qui vous suivent ou vous mentionnent sur Statusnet";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/snautofollow/lang/is/strings.php b/snautofollow/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73eda760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snautofollow/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["StatusNet AutoFollow settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["StatusNet AutoFollow Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Automatically follow any StatusNet followers/mentioners"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/snautofollow/lang/it/strings.php b/snautofollow/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6bae274e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snautofollow/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["StatusNet AutoFollow settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["StatusNet AutoFollow Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Automatically follow any StatusNet followers/mentioners"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/snautofollow/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/snautofollow/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a25c730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snautofollow/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["StatusNet AutoFollow settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["StatusNet AutoFollow Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Automatically follow any StatusNet followers/mentioners"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/snautofollow/lang/pl/strings.php b/snautofollow/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ffa6d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snautofollow/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["StatusNet AutoFollow settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["StatusNet AutoFollow Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Automatically follow any StatusNet followers/mentioners"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/snautofollow/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/snautofollow/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c932de9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snautofollow/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["StatusNet AutoFollow settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["StatusNet AutoFollow Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Automatically follow any StatusNet followers/mentioners"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/snautofollow/lang/ru/strings.php b/snautofollow/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f7dec45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snautofollow/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["StatusNet AutoFollow settings updated."] = "";
+$a->strings["StatusNet AutoFollow Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Automatically follow any StatusNet followers/mentioners"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/snautofollow/lang/sv/strings.php b/snautofollow/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snautofollow/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/snautofollow/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/snautofollow/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c704242
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snautofollow/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["StatusNet AutoFollow settings updated."] = "StatusNet自动关注设置更新了。";
+$a->strings["StatusNet AutoFollow Settings"] = "StatusNet自动关注设置";
+$a->strings["Automatically follow any StatusNet followers/mentioners"] = "自动关注所有的StatusGet关注者/提及";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/startpage/lang/ca/strings.php b/startpage/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7e2048e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startpage/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Startpage Settings"] = "Ajustos de la pàgina d'inici";
+$a->strings["Home page to load after login - leave blank for profile wall"] = "Pàgina personal a carregar després d'accedir - deixar buit pel perfil del mur";
+$a->strings["Examples: "network" or "notifications/system""] = "Exemples: \"xarxa\" o \"notificacions/sistema\"";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/startpage/lang/cs/strings.php b/startpage/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d48262c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startpage/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Startpage Settings"] = "Nastavení úvodní stránky";
+$a->strings["Home page to load after login - leave blank for profile wall"] = "Domácí stránka k načtení po přihlášení - pro profilovou zeď ponechejte prázdné";
+$a->strings["Examples: "network" or "notifications/system""] = "Příklady: \"síť\" nebo \"notifikace systému\"";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/startpage/lang/de/strings.php b/startpage/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a1ed34e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startpage/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Startpage Settings"] = "Startseiten-Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Home page to load after login - leave blank for profile wall"] = "Seite, die nach dem Anmelden geladen werden soll. Leer = Pinnwand";
+$a->strings["Examples: "network" or "notifications/system""] = "Beispiele: network, notifications/system";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/startpage/lang/eo/strings.php b/startpage/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0152ac95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startpage/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Startpage Settings"] = "Startpaĝaj Agordoj";
+$a->strings["Home page to load after login - leave blank for profile wall"] = "Hejmpaĝo ŝargonta post la ensaluto - Lasu malplena por profilmuro.";
+$a->strings["Examples: "network" or "notifications/system""] = "Ekzemple: "network" aŭ "notifications/system"";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/startpage/lang/es/strings.php b/startpage/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d901e740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startpage/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Startpage Settings"] = "Configuración de página inicial";
+$a->strings["Home page to load after login - leave blank for profile wall"] = "Página por defecto, dejálo en blanco para cargar tu perfil";
+$a->strings["Examples: "network" or "notifications/system""] = "Ejemplos: "red" o "notificaciones/sistema"";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/startpage/lang/fr/strings.php b/startpage/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2ecf5ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startpage/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Startpage Settings"] = "Paramètres de la page d'accueil";
+$a->strings["Home page to load after login - leave blank for profile wall"] = "Page d'accueil à charger après authentification - laisser ce champ vide pour charger votre mur";
+$a->strings["Examples: "network" or "notifications/system""] = "Exemples : "network" ou "notifications/system"";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/startpage/lang/is/strings.php b/startpage/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..134d5726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startpage/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Startpage Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Home page to load after login - leave blank for profile wall"] = "";
+$a->strings["Examples: "network" or "notifications/system""] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/startpage/lang/it/strings.php b/startpage/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a80dc5ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startpage/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Startpage Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Home page to load after login - leave blank for profile wall"] = "";
+$a->strings["Examples: "network" or "notifications/system""] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/startpage/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/startpage/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b58f8fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startpage/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Startpage Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Home page to load after login - leave blank for profile wall"] = "";
+$a->strings["Examples: "network" or "notifications/system""] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/startpage/lang/pl/strings.php b/startpage/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..487e2535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startpage/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Startpage Settings"] = "Ustawienia strony startowej";
+$a->strings["Home page to load after login - leave blank for profile wall"] = "";
+$a->strings["Examples: "network" or "notifications/system""] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/startpage/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/startpage/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c22e3b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startpage/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Startpage Settings"] = "Configurações da página inicial";
+$a->strings["Home page to load after login - leave blank for profile wall"] = "Página a ser carregada após a autenticação - deixe em branco para o mural do perfil";
+$a->strings["Examples: "network" or "notifications/system""] = "Exemplos: "network" or "notifications/system"";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/startpage/lang/ru/strings.php b/startpage/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..361b40b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startpage/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Startpage Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Home page to load after login - leave blank for profile wall"] = "";
+$a->strings["Examples: "network" or "notifications/system""] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/startpage/lang/sv/strings.php b/startpage/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startpage/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/startpage/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/startpage/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8c02e4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startpage/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+strings["Startpage Settings"] = "开始页设置";
+$a->strings["Home page to load after login - leave blank for profile wall"] = "主页登录后表示-留空白为简介墙";
+$a->strings["Examples: "network" or "notifications/system""] = "例如:"网络"或"通知/系统"";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/statusnet/lang/ca/strings.php b/statusnet/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4bb899e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusnet/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+strings["Post to StatusNet"] = "Publica-ho a StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Please contact your site administrator.
The provided API URL is not valid."] = "Si us plau, poseu-vos en contacte amb l'administrador del lloc.
L'adreça URL de l'API proporcionada no és vàlida.";
+$a->strings["We could not contact the StatusNet API with the Path you entered."] = "No hem pogut posar-nos en contacte amb l'API StatusNet amb la ruta que has introduït.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet settings updated."] = "La configuració StatusNet actualitzada.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet Posting Settings"] = "Configuració d'Enviaments per a StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Globally Available StatusNet OAuthKeys"] = "OAuthKeys de StatusNet Globalment Disponible";
+$a->strings["There are preconfigured OAuth key pairs for some StatusNet servers available. If you are useing one of them, please use these credentials. If not feel free to connect to any other StatusNet instance (see below)."] = "Hi ha preconfigurats parells clau OAuth per a alguns servidors StatusNet disponibles. Si està emprant un d'ells, utilitzi aquestes credencials. Si no és així no dubteu a connectar-se a qualsevol altra instància StatusNet (veure a baix).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Provide your own OAuth Credentials"] = "Proporcioneu les vostres credencials de OAuth";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.
Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."] = "no s'ha trobat cap parell \"consumer key\" per StatusNet. Registra el teu compte Friendica com un client d'escriptori en el seu compte StatusNet, copieu el parell de \"consumer key\" aquí i entri a l'arrel de la base de l'API.
Abans de registrar el seu parell de claus OAuth demani a l'administrador si ja hi ha un parell de claus per a aquesta instal·lació de Friendica en la instal·lació del teu favorit StatusNet.";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Key"] = "OAuth Consumer Key";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Secret"] = "OAuth Consumer Secret";
+$a->strings["Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"] = "Base API Path (recorda deixar / al final)";
+$a->strings["To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet."] = "Per connectar al seu compte StatusNet, feu clic al botó de sota per obtenir un codi de seguretat StatusNet, que has de copiar a la casella de sota, i enviar el formulari. Només els missatges públics es publicaran en StatusNet.";
+$a->strings["Log in with StatusNet"] = "Accedeixi com en StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Copy the security code from StatusNet here"] = "Copieu el codi de seguretat StatusNet aquí";
+$a->strings["Cancel Connection Process"] = "Cancel·lar el procés de connexió";
+$a->strings["Current StatusNet API is"] = "L'Actual StatusNet API és";
+$a->strings["Cancel StatusNet Connection"] = "Cancel·lar la connexió amb StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Actualment connectat a: ";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated StatusNet account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Si està activat, tots els seus anuncis públics poden ser publicats en el compte StatusNet associat. Vostè pot optar per fer-ho per defecte (en aquest cas) o per cada missatge per separat en les opcions de comptabilització en escriure l'entrada.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to StatusNet will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Nota: A causa de les seves opcions de privacitat (Amaga els detalls del teu perfil dels espectadors desconeguts? ) el vincle potencialment inclòs en anuncis públics transmesos a StatusNet conduirà el visitant a una pàgina en blanc en la que informarà al visitants que l'accés al seu perfil s'ha restringit.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to StatusNet"] = "Permetre enviaments a StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to StatusNet by default"] = "Enviar missatges públics a StatusNet per defecte";
+$a->strings["Mirror all posts from statusnet that are no replies or repeated messages"] = "";
+$a->strings["Shortening method that optimizes the post"] = "";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to StatusNet"] = "Enviar enllaços #-etiquetes i @-noms a StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Esborrar configuració de OAuth";
+$a->strings["Site name"] = "Nom del lloc";
+$a->strings["API URL"] = "API URL";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Consumer Secret";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Consumer Key";
diff --git a/statusnet/lang/cs/strings.php b/statusnet/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74e31eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusnet/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+strings["Post to StatusNet"] = "Poslat příspěvek na StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Please contact your site administrator.
The provided API URL is not valid."] = "Obraťte se na administratora webu.
Poskytnutý odkaz na API není platný.";
+$a->strings["We could not contact the StatusNet API with the Path you entered."] = "S cestou, kterou jste zadali, se nebylo možné spojit s API StatusNetu.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet settings updated."] = "Nastavení StatusNetu aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet Posting Settings"] = "Nastavení zasílání příspěvků na StatusNet ";
+$a->strings["Globally Available StatusNet OAuthKeys"] = "Globálně dostupné StatusNet OAuth klíče";
+$a->strings["There are preconfigured OAuth key pairs for some StatusNet servers available. If you are useing one of them, please use these credentials. If not feel free to connect to any other StatusNet instance (see below)."] = "Jsou dostupné přednastavené OAuth páry klíčů pro některé servery StatusNetu. Pokud používáte některý z nich, použijte toto přihlášení. Pokud ne, neváhejte se připojit k jiné instanci StatusNet (viz níže).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Provide your own OAuth Credentials"] = "Uveďte své vlastní OAuth přihlašovací údaje";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.
Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."] = "Nenalezen žádný spotřebitelský páru klíčů pro StatusNet. Zaregistrujte si svůj účet Friendica jako desktopový klient ve Vašem účtu StatusNet, zkopírujte si sem spotřebitelský páru klíčů a vložte API base root.
Předtím, než si zaregistrujete Váš vlastní pár klíčů OAuth, zjistěte si od Friendica administrátora, zda-li již existuje pár klíčů pro tuto instalaci Friendica pro Vaši oblíbenou StatusNet instalaci.";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Key"] = "OAuth Consumer Key";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Secret"] = "OAuth Consumer Secret";
+$a->strings["Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"] = "Cesta k Base API (nezapomeňte na koncový /)";
+$a->strings["To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet."] = "Chcete-li připojit k vašemu účtu StatusNet klikněte na tlačítko níže, abyste dostati bezpečnostní kód ze StatusNetu, který musíte zkopírovat do vstupního pole níže a odelat formulář. Pouze Vaše veřejné příspěvky budou zveřejněny na StatusNetu.";
+$a->strings["Log in with StatusNet"] = "Přihlásit se s StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Copy the security code from StatusNet here"] = "Zkopírujte sem bezpečnostní kód ze StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Cancel Connection Process"] = "Zrušit připojování";
+$a->strings["Current StatusNet API is"] = "Aktuální StatusNet API je";
+$a->strings["Cancel StatusNet Connection"] = "Zrušit StatusNet připojení";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "V současné době připojen k:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated StatusNet account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Je-li povoleno, všechny Vaše veřejné příspěvky mohou být zaslány na související StatusNet účet. Můžete si vybrat, zda-li toto bude výchozí nastavení (zde), nebo budete mít možnost si vybrat požadované chování při psaní každého příspěvku.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to StatusNet will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Upozornění: Z důvodů Vašeho nastavení ochrany soukromí ( Skrýt Vaše profilové detaily před neznámými čtenáři?)
+odkaz potenciálně zahrnutý ve Vašich veřejných příspěvcích poslaných do sítě StatusNet přesměruje návštěvníky na prázdnou stránku informující návštěvníky, že přístup k vašemu profilu je omezen.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to StatusNet"] = "Povolit zasílání příspěvků na StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to StatusNet by default"] = "Standardně poslílat veřejné příspěvky na StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to StatusNet"] = "Poslat propojené #-tagy a @-jména na StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Vymazat konfiguraci OAuth";
+$a->strings["Site name"] = "Název webu";
+$a->strings["API URL"] = "API URL";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Consumer Secret";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Consumer Key";
diff --git a/statusnet/lang/de/strings.php b/statusnet/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b0c707f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusnet/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+strings["Post to StatusNet"] = "Bei StatusNet veröffentlichen";
+$a->strings["Please contact your site administrator.
The provided API URL is not valid."] = "Bitte kontaktiere den Administrator des Servers.
Die angegebene API-URL ist nicht gültig.";
+$a->strings["We could not contact the StatusNet API with the Path you entered."] = "Die StatusNet-API konnte mit dem angegebenen Pfad nicht erreicht werden.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet settings updated."] = "StatusNet Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet Posting Settings"] = "StatusNet-Beitragseinstellungen";
+$a->strings["Globally Available StatusNet OAuthKeys"] = "Verfügbare OAuth Schlüssel für StatusNet";
+$a->strings["There are preconfigured OAuth key pairs for some StatusNet servers available. If you are useing one of them, please use these credentials. If not feel free to connect to any other StatusNet instance (see below)."] = "Für einige StatusNet Server sind voreingestellte OAuth Schlüsselpaare verfügbar. Solltest du einen dieser Server benutzen, dann verwende bitte diese Schlüssel. Falls nicht, stelle stattdessen eine Verbindung zu irgend einem anderen StatusNet Server her (siehe unten).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Provide your own OAuth Credentials"] = "Eigene OAuth Schlüssel eintragen";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.
Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."] = "Kein Consumer-Schlüsselpaar für StatusNet gefunden. Registriere deinen Friendica-Account als Desktop-Client, kopiere das Consumer-Schlüsselpaar hierher und gib die API-URL ein.
Bevor du dein eigenes Consumer-Schlüsselpaar registrierst, frage den Administrator dieses Friendica-Servers, ob schon ein Schlüsselpaar für diesen Friendica-Server auf diesem StatusNet-Server existiert.";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Key"] = "OAuth Consumer Key";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Secret"] = "OAuth Consumer Secret";
+$a->strings["Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"] = "Basis-URL der StatusNet-API (vergiss den abschließenden / nicht)";
+$a->strings["To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet."] = "Um dein Konto mit einem StatusNet-Konto zu verknüpfen, klicke den Button an, um einen Sicherheitscode von StatusNet zu erhalten, und kopiere diesen in das Eingabefeld weiter unten. Es werden ausschließlich deine öffentlichen Nachrichten an StatusNet gesendet.";
+$a->strings["Log in with StatusNet"] = "Bei StatusNet anmelden";
+$a->strings["Copy the security code from StatusNet here"] = "Kopiere den Sicherheitscode von StatusNet hier hin";
+$a->strings["Cancel Connection Process"] = "Verbindungsprozess abbrechen";
+$a->strings["Current StatusNet API is"] = "Derzeitige StatusNet-API-URL lautet";
+$a->strings["Cancel StatusNet Connection"] = "Verbindung zum StatusNet Server abbrechen";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Momentan verbunden mit: ";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated StatusNet account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Wenn aktiviert, können all deine öffentlichen Einträge auf dem verbundenen StatusNet-Konto veröffentlicht werden. Du kannst das (hier) als Standardverhalten einstellen oder beim Schreiben eines Beitrags in den Beitragsoptionen festlegen.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to StatusNet will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Hinweis: Aufgrund deiner Privatsphären-Einstellungen (Profil-Details vor unbekannten Betrachtern verbergen?) wird der Link, der eventuell an deinen StatusNet-Beitrag angehängt wird, um auf den Originalbeitrag zu verweisen, den Betrachter auf eine leere Seite führen, die ihn darüber informiert, dass der Zugriff eingeschränkt wurde.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to StatusNet"] = "Veröffentlichung bei StatusNet erlauben";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to StatusNet by default"] = "Veröffentliche öffentliche Beiträge standardmäßig bei StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Mirror all posts from statusnet that are no replies or repeated messages"] = "Spiegle alle Beiträge von StatusNet die keine Antworten oder wiederholten Nachrichten sind";
+$a->strings["Shortening method that optimizes the post"] = "Kürzungsverfahren, das den Beitrag optimiert";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to StatusNet"] = "Sende verlinkte #-Tags und @-Namen nach StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "OAuth-Konfiguration löschen";
+$a->strings["Site name"] = "Seitenname";
+$a->strings["API URL"] = "API-URL";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Consumer Secret";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Consumer Key";
diff --git a/statusnet/lang/eo/strings.php b/statusnet/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0bbf349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusnet/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+strings["Post to StatusNet"] = "Afiŝi ĉe StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Please contact your site administrator.
The provided API URL is not valid."] = "Bonvolu kontaki vian retejan administranton.
La API URL adreso ne validas.";
+$a->strings["We could not contact the StatusNet API with the Path you entered."] = "Ni ne povis trovi la StatusNet API kun la vojo kiun vi entajpis.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet settings updated."] = "StatusNet agordoj ĝisdatigita.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet Posting Settings"] = "Agordoj por StausNet afiŝoj";
+$a->strings["Globally Available StatusNet OAuthKeys"] = "Ĝeneralaj disponeblaj StatusNet OAuth ŝlosiloj";
+$a->strings["There are preconfigured OAuth key pairs for some StatusNet servers available. If you are useing one of them, please use these credentials. If not feel free to connect to any other StatusNet instance (see below)."] = "Disponeblas antaŭagorditaj ŝlosilparoj por kelkaj StatusNet serviloj. Se via uzas iun de iu, bonvolu uzi unun de tiuj legitimaĵojn. Se ne, bonvolu konekti al iu alia StatusNet servilo (vidu malsupre).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Provide your own OAuth Credentials"] = "Provizi viajn proprajn OAuth legitimaĵojn";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.
Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."] = "Ne trovis klientajn ŝlosilojn por StatusNet. Registru vian Friendica konton kiel klientkomputilo/desktop client en via StausNet konto. Kopiu la klientajn ŝlosilojn ĉi tien kaj entajpu la baza API radiko.
Antaŭ vi registros viajn proprajn OAuth ŝlosilojn, demandu al la administranto ĉu jam ekzistas ŝlosiloj por ĉi-tiu Friendia retejo je via StatusNet retejo.";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Key"] = "OAuth Ŝlosilo de Kliento";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Secret"] = "OAuth Sekreto de Kliento";
+$a->strings["Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"] = "Baza vojo al la API (ne forgesu la finan /)";
+$a->strings["To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet."] = "Por konekti al vian konton ĉe StatusNet, klaku la malsupran butonon por atingi sekurecan kodon de StatusNet, kiun vi devas alglui en la malsupra kampo kaj sendi la formon. Nur viaj publikaj afiŝoj estos afiŝota al StatusNet.";
+$a->strings["Log in with StatusNet"] = "Ensaluti kun StatusNet.";
+$a->strings["Copy the security code from StatusNet here"] = "Alglui la kodon de StatusNet ĉi tie:";
+$a->strings["Cancel Connection Process"] = "Nuligi Konektadon";
+$a->strings["Current StatusNet API is"] = "La nuna StatusNet API estas";
+$a->strings["Cancel StatusNet Connection"] = "Nuligi Konekton al StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Konektita al:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated StatusNet account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Kiam ŝaltita, ĉiuj publikaj afiŝoj de vi ankaŭ eblas esti afiŝota al la asociigita StatusNet konto. Vi povas elekti ĝin defaŭlte (ĉi tie) au unuope por ĉiuj afiŝoj kiam vi skribos ilin.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to StatusNet will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Averto: Laŭ viaj privatecaj agordoj (Kaŝi viajn profilajn detalojn al nekonataj spektantoj?), la ligilo en publikaj afiŝoj plusendata al StatusNet gvidas vizitontojn al malplena paĝo sciigante ilin ke atingo al via profilo estas lmitigita.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to StatusNet"] = "Permesi afiŝojn al StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to StatusNet by default"] = "Defaŭlte sendi publikajn afiŝojn al StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to StatusNet"] = "Sendi ligitajn #-etikedojn kaj @-nomon al StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Forviŝi OAuth agordojn";
+$a->strings["Site name"] = "Nomo de retejo";
+$a->strings["API URL"] = "API URL adreso";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Sekreto de kliento";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Ŝlosilo de kliento";
diff --git a/statusnet/lang/es/strings.php b/statusnet/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c60fb374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusnet/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+strings["Post to StatusNet"] = "Publicar en StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Please contact your site administrator.
The provided API URL is not valid."] = "Por favor, contacta con el administrador de tu web.
La dirección API suministrada no es válida.";
+$a->strings["We could not contact the StatusNet API with the Path you entered."] = "No podemos contantar con StatusNet en la ruta que has especificado.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet settings updated."] = "Actualición de la configuración de StatusNet.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet Posting Settings"] = "Configuración de envío a StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Globally Available StatusNet OAuthKeys"] = "StatusNet OAuthKeys disponibles para todos";
+$a->strings["There are preconfigured OAuth key pairs for some StatusNet servers available. If you are useing one of them, please use these credentials. If not feel free to connect to any other StatusNet instance (see below)."] = "Existen pares de valores OAuthKey preconfigurados para algunos servidores. Si usas uno de ellos, por favor usa estas credenciales. De los contrario no dudes en conectar con cualquiera otra instancia de StatusNet (ver a continuación).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Provide your own OAuth Credentials"] = "Proporciona tus propias credenciales OAuth";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.
Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."] = "No se ha encontrado ningún par de claves consumer para StatusNet. Registra tu cuenta de Friendica como un cliente de escritorio en tu cuenta de StatusNet, copia el par de claves consumer aquí e introduce la dirección de la API.
Antes de registrar tu propio par de claves OAuth pregunta a tu administrador si ya existe un par de claves para esa instalación de Friendica en tu instalación StatusNet favorita.";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Key"] = "Clave OAuth del usuario";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Secret"] = "Secreto OAuth del usuario";
+$a->strings["Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"] = "Dirección de la API (recordar el / al final)";
+$a->strings["To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet."] = "Para conectarte a tu cuenta de StatusNet haz clic en el botón abajo para obtener un PIN de StatusNet, que tienes que copiar en el cuadro de entrada y enviar el formulario. Solo tus publicaciones públicas se publicarán en StatusNet.";
+$a->strings["Log in with StatusNet"] = "Inicia sesión en StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Copy the security code from StatusNet here"] = "Copia el código de seguridad de StatusNet aquí";
+$a->strings["Cancel Connection Process"] = "Cancelar la conexión en proceso";
+$a->strings["Current StatusNet API is"] = "El estado actual de la API de StatusNet es";
+$a->strings["Cancel StatusNet Connection"] = "Cancelar conexión con StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Actualmente conectado a:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated StatusNet account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Si lo habilitas todas tus publicaciones públicas podrán ser publicadas en la cuenta asociada de StatusNet. Pudes elegir hacerlo por defecto (aquí) o para cada publicación individualmente en las opciones de publicacion cuando las escribes.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to StatusNet will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Nota strong>: Debido a tus opciones de privacidad (¿Ocultar los detalles de tu perfil de espectadores desconocidos? em>) el vínculo potencialmente incluido en publicaciones públicas que se transmiten a StatusNet conducirá al visitante a una página en blanco que informa a los visitantes que el acceso a tu perfil es restringido.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to StatusNet"] = "Permitir publicaciones en StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to StatusNet by default"] = "Enviar publicaciones públicas a StatusNet por defecto";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to StatusNet"] = "Enviar a StatusNet las #-etiquetas y @-nombres";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Borrar la configuración de OAuth";
+$a->strings["Site name"] = "Nombre del sitio";
+$a->strings["API URL"] = "Dirección de la API";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Secreto del consumidor";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Clave del consumidor";
diff --git a/statusnet/lang/fr/strings.php b/statusnet/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7118173e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusnet/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+strings["Post to StatusNet"] = "Poster sur StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Please contact your site administrator.
The provided API URL is not valid."] = "Merci de contacter l'administrateur du site.
L'URL d'API fournie est invalide.";
+$a->strings["We could not contact the StatusNet API with the Path you entered."] = "Nous n'avons pas pu contacter l'API StatusNet avec le chemin saisi.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet settings updated."] = "Réglages StatusNet mis-à-jour.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet Posting Settings"] = "Réglages du connecteur StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Globally Available StatusNet OAuthKeys"] = "Clés OAuth StatusNet universelles";
+$a->strings["There are preconfigured OAuth key pairs for some StatusNet servers available. If you are useing one of them, please use these credentials. If not feel free to connect to any other StatusNet instance (see below)."] = "Ce sont des paires de clés OAuth préconfigurées pour certains serveurs StatusNet courants. Si vous utilisez l'un d'entre eux, merci de vous servir de ces clés. Autrement, vous pouvez vous connecter à n'importer quelle autre instance de StatusNet (voir ci-dessous).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Provide your own OAuth Credentials"] = "Fournissez vos propres paramètres OAuth";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.
Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."] = "Pas de paire de clé trouvée pour StatusNet. Enregistrez votre compte Friendica comme un client \"desktop\" sur votre compte StatusNet, copiez la paire de clé ici et entrez la racine de l'API.
Avant d'enregistrer votre propre paire de clé, assurez-vous auprès de l'administrateur qu'il n'y a pas déjà une paire de clé pour cette instance de Friendica chez votre fournisseur StatusNet préféré.";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Key"] = "Clé de consommateur OAuth";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Secret"] = "Secret d'utilisateur OAuth";
+$a->strings["Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"] = "Chemin de base de l'API (n'oubliez pas le / final)";
+$a->strings["To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet."] = "Pour vous connecter à votre compte StatusNet, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour obtenir un code de sécurité de StatusNet, que vous aurez à coller dans la boîte ci-dessous. Ensuite, validez le formulaire. Seuls vos articles <strong>publics</strong> seront postés sur StatusNet.";
+$a->strings["Log in with StatusNet"] = "Se connecter à StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Copy the security code from StatusNet here"] = "Coller le code de sécurité de StatusNet ici";
+$a->strings["Cancel Connection Process"] = "Annuler le processus de connexion";
+$a->strings["Current StatusNet API is"] = "L'API StatusNet courante est";
+$a->strings["Cancel StatusNet Connection"] = "Annuler la connexion à StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Actuellement connecté à: ";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated StatusNet account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "En cas d'activation, toutes vos notices publiques seront transmises au compte StatusNet associé. Vous pourrez choisir de le faire par défaut (ici), ou bien pour chaque notice séparément lors de sa rédaction.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to StatusNet will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Note: Du fait de vos réglages de vie privée (Cacher les détails de votre profil des visiteurs inconnus?), le lien potentiellement inclus dans les messages publics relayés vers StatusNet conduira les visiteurs vers une page blanche les informant que leur accès à votre profil a été restreint.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to StatusNet"] = "Autoriser la publication sur StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to StatusNet by default"] = "Par défaut, envoyer les notices publiques à StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to StatusNet"] = "Envoyer les liens vers les #-tags et les @-noms sur StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Effacer la configuration OAuth";
+$a->strings["Site name"] = "Nom du site";
+$a->strings["API URL"] = "URL de l'API";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Secret utilisateur";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Clé utilisateur";
diff --git a/statusnet/lang/is/strings.php b/statusnet/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a682499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusnet/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+strings["Post to StatusNet"] = "Senda færslu á StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Please contact your site administrator.
The provided API URL is not valid."] = "Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra.
Uppgefin API slóð er ógild.";
+$a->strings["We could not contact the StatusNet API with the Path you entered."] = "Ekki náðist í StatusNet API með slóð sem þú gafst upp.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet settings updated."] = "StatusNet stillingar uppfærðar.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet Posting Settings"] = "StatusNet færslu stillingar";
+$a->strings["Globally Available StatusNet OAuthKeys"] = "StatusNet OAuthKey í boði á heimsvísu";
+$a->strings["There are preconfigured OAuth key pairs for some StatusNet servers available. If you are useing one of them, please use these credentials. If not feel free to connect to any other StatusNet instance (see below)."] = "Það eru forstillt OAuth lykla pör í sumum StatusNet þjónum. Ef þú ert að nota slíkt par, notaðu þá þau auðkenni. Ef ekki þá er þér frjálst að tengjast hvaða öðrum StatusNet þjón (sjá fyrir neðan).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Provide your own OAuth Credentials"] = "Gefðu upp eigin OAuth auðkenni";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.
Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."] = "";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Key"] = "OAuth notenda lykill";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Secret"] = "OAuth notenda leyndarmál";
+$a->strings["Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"] = "Grunn API slóð (muna eftir / í endann)";
+$a->strings["To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet."] = "Til að tengjast StatusNet notandanum ýttu á takkann fyrir neðan, þá fæst öryggis lykill frá StatusNet sem þarf að afrita í svæðið fyrir neðan og senda inn. Aðeins opinberar færslur munu flæða yfir á StatusNet.";
+$a->strings["Log in with StatusNet"] = "Innskrá með StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Copy the security code from StatusNet here"] = "Afrita öryggis lykil frá StatusNet hingað";
+$a->strings["Cancel Connection Process"] = "Hætta við tengi ferli";
+$a->strings["Current StatusNet API is"] = "Núverandi StatusNet API er";
+$a->strings["Cancel StatusNet Connection"] = "Hætta við StatusNet tengingu";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Núna tengdur við:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated StatusNet account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Ef virkt þá geta allar opinberu stöðu meldingarnar þínar verið birtar á tengdri StatusNet síðu. Þú getur valið að gera þetta sjálfvirkt (hér) eða fyrir hvern póst í senn þegar hann er skrifaður.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to StatusNet will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to StatusNet"] = "Leyfa sendingu færslna til StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to StatusNet by default"] = "Sjálfgefið senda opinberar færslur á StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to StatusNet"] = "";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Hreinsa OAuth stillingar";
+$a->strings["Site name"] = "Nafn síðu";
+$a->strings["API URL"] = "API slóð";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Notenda leyndarmál";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Notenda lykill";
diff --git a/statusnet/lang/it/strings.php b/statusnet/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e440885c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusnet/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+strings["Post to StatusNet"] = "Invia a StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Please contact your site administrator.
The provided API URL is not valid."] = "Contatta l'amministratore del sito.
L'URL delle API fornito non è valido.";
+$a->strings["We could not contact the StatusNet API with the Path you entered."] = "Non possiamo conttattare le API di StatusNet con il percorso che hai inserito.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet settings updated."] = "Impostazioni StatusNet aggiornate.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet Posting Settings"] = "Impostazioni di invio a StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Globally Available StatusNet OAuthKeys"] = "OAuthKeys globali di StatusNet";
+$a->strings["There are preconfigured OAuth key pairs for some StatusNet servers available. If you are useing one of them, please use these credentials. If not feel free to connect to any other StatusNet instance (see below)."] = "Esistono coppie di chiavi OAuth precofigurate per alcuni server StatusNet. Se usi uno di questi server, per favore scegli queste credenziali. Altrimenti sei libero di collegarti a un'altra installazione di StatusNet (vedi sotto).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Provide your own OAuth Credentials"] = "Fornisci le tue credenziali OAuth";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.
Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."] = "Nessuna coppia di chiavi consumer trovate per StatusNet. Registra il tuo account Friendica come un client desktop nel tuo account StatusNet, copia la coppia di chiavi consumer qui e inserisci l'url base delle API.
Prima di registrare la tua coppia di chiavi OAuth, chiedi all'amministratore se esiste già una coppia di chiavi per questo sito Friendica presso la tua installazione StatusNet preferita.";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Key"] = "OAuth Consumer Key";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Secret"] = "OAuth Consumer Secret";
+$a->strings["Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"] = "Indirizzo di base per le API (ricorda la / alla fine)";
+$a->strings["To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet."] = "Per collegare il tuo account StatusNet, clicca sul bottone per ottenere un codice di sicurezza da StatusNet, che dovrai copiare nel box sottostante e poi inviare la form. Solo i tuoi messaggi pubblici saranno inviati a StatusNet.";
+$a->strings["Log in with StatusNet"] = "Accedi con StatuNet";
+$a->strings["Copy the security code from StatusNet here"] = "Copia il codice di sicurezza da StatusNet qui";
+$a->strings["Cancel Connection Process"] = "Annulla il processo di connessione";
+$a->strings["Current StatusNet API is"] = "Le API StatusNet correnti sono";
+$a->strings["Cancel StatusNet Connection"] = "Annulla la connessione a StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Al momento connesso con:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated StatusNet account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Se abilitato tutti i tuoi messaggi pubblici possono essere inviati all'account StatusNet associato. Puoi scegliere di farlo sempre (qui) o ogni volta che invii, nelle impostazioni di privacy del messaggio.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to StatusNet will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Nota: A causa delle tue impostazioni di privacy(Nascondi i dettagli del tuo profilo ai visitatori sconosciuti?) il link potenzialmente incluse nei messaggi pubblici inviati a StatusNet porterà i visitatori a una pagina bianca con una nota che li informa che l'accesso al tuo profilo è stato limitato.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to StatusNet"] = "Permetti l'invio a StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to StatusNet by default"] = "Invia sempre i messaggi pubblici a StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Mirror all posts from statusnet that are no replies or repeated messages"] = "";
+$a->strings["Shortening method that optimizes the post"] = "";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to StatusNet"] = "";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Rimuovi la configurazione OAuth";
+$a->strings["Site name"] = "Nome del sito";
+$a->strings["API URL"] = "API URL";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Consumer Secret";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Consumer Key";
diff --git a/statusnet/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/statusnet/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91ad44e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusnet/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+strings["Post to StatusNet"] = "Post til StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Please contact your site administrator.
The provided API URL is not valid."] = "Vennligst kontakt administratoren på nettstedet ditt.
Den oppgitter API URL-en er ikke gyldig.";
+$a->strings["We could not contact the StatusNet API with the Path you entered."] = "Vi kunne ikke kontakte StatusNet API-en med den banen du oppgav.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet settings updated."] = "StatusNet-innstillinger er oppdatert.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet Posting Settings"] = "Innstillinger for posting til StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Globally Available StatusNet OAuthKeys"] = "Globalt tilgjengelige StatusNet OAuthKeys";
+$a->strings["There are preconfigured OAuth key pairs for some StatusNet servers available. If you are useing one of them, please use these credentials. If not feel free to connect to any other StatusNet instance (see below)."] = "Det finnes ferdig konfigurerte OAuth nøkkelpar tilgjengelig for noen StatusNet-tjenere. Hvis du bruker en av disse, vennligst bruk disse som legitimasjon. Hvis ikke, så er du fri til å opprette en forbindelse til enhver annen StatusNet-forekomst (se nedenfor).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Provide your own OAuth Credentials"] = "Oppgi din egen OAuth-legitimasjon";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.
Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."] = "";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Key"] = "OAuth Consumer Key";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Secret"] = "OAuth Consumer Secret";
+$a->strings["Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"] = "Base API Path (husk / på slutten)";
+$a->strings["To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet."] = "For å koble din StatusNet-konto, klikk knappen under for å få en sikkerhetskode fra StatusNet som du må kopiere inn i tekstfeltet under, og send inn skjemaet. Det er bare dine offentlige meldinger som blir postet til StatusNet.";
+$a->strings["Log in with StatusNet"] = "Logg inn med StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Copy the security code from StatusNet here"] = "Kopier sikkerhetskoden fra StatusNet hit";
+$a->strings["Cancel Connection Process"] = "Avbryt forbindelsesprosessen";
+$a->strings["Current StatusNet API is"] = "Gjeldende StatusNet API er";
+$a->strings["Cancel StatusNet Connection"] = "Avbryt StatusNet-forbindelsen";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "For øyeblikket tilkoblet til:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated StatusNet account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Aktivering gjør at alle dine offentlige innlegg kan postes til den tilknyttede StatusNet-kontoen. Du kan velge å gjøre dette som standard (her), eller for hvert enkelt innlegg separat i valgmulighetene for posting når du skriver et innlegg.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to StatusNet will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to StatusNet"] = "Tillat innlegg til StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to StatusNet by default"] = "Send offentlige innlegg til StatusNet som standard";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to StatusNet"] = "";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Fjern OAuth-konfigurasjon";
+$a->strings["Site name"] = "Nettstedets navn";
+$a->strings["API URL"] = "API URL";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Consumer Secret";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Consumer Key";
diff --git a/statusnet/lang/pl/strings.php b/statusnet/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef41e39d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusnet/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+strings["Post to StatusNet"] = "Wyślij do sieci StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Please contact your site administrator.
The provided API URL is not valid."] = "Proszę się skontaktować z administratorem strony.
API URL nie jest poprawne";
+$a->strings["We could not contact the StatusNet API with the Path you entered."] = "";
+$a->strings["StatusNet settings updated."] = "Ustawienia StatusNet zaktualizowane";
+$a->strings["StatusNet Posting Settings"] = "Ustawienia StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Globally Available StatusNet OAuthKeys"] = "";
+$a->strings["There are preconfigured OAuth key pairs for some StatusNet servers available. If you are useing one of them, please use these credentials. If not feel free to connect to any other StatusNet instance (see below)."] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Provide your own OAuth Credentials"] = "";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.
Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."] = "";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Key"] = "";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Secret"] = "";
+$a->strings["Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"] = "";
+$a->strings["To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet."] = "Aby uzyskać połączenie z kontem w serwisie StatusNet naciśnij przycisk poniżej aby otrzymać kod bezpieczeństwa od StatusNet, który musisz skopiować do pola poniżej i wysłać formularz. Tylko twoje publiczne posty będą publikowane na StatusNet.";
+$a->strings["Log in with StatusNet"] = "Zaloguj się przez StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Copy the security code from StatusNet here"] = "Tutaj skopiuj kod bezpieczeństwa z StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Cancel Connection Process"] = "Anuluj proces łączenia";
+$a->strings["Current StatusNet API is"] = "Aktualnym StatusNet API jest";
+$a->strings["Cancel StatusNet Connection"] = "Anuluj połączenie StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Obecnie połączone z:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated StatusNet account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to StatusNet will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to StatusNet"] = "Pozwól zamieszczać posty na StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to StatusNet by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Mirror all posts from statusnet that are no replies or repeated messages"] = "";
+$a->strings["Shortening method that optimizes the post"] = "";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to StatusNet"] = "";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "";
+$a->strings["Site name"] = "Nazwa strony";
+$a->strings["API URL"] = "Adres API";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Sekret konsumenta";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Klucz konsumenta";
diff --git a/statusnet/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/statusnet/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f360e69b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusnet/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+strings["Post to StatusNet"] = "Publicar no StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Please contact your site administrator.
The provided API URL is not valid."] = "Por favor, entre em contato com o administrados do seu site.
A URL da API fornecida não é válida.";
+$a->strings["We could not contact the StatusNet API with the Path you entered."] = "Não foi possível contactar a API do StatusNet a partir do caminho que você informou.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet settings updated."] = "As configurações do StatusNet foram atualizadas.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet Posting Settings"] = "Configurações de publicação no StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Globally Available StatusNet OAuthKeys"] = "OAuthKeys do StatusNet disponíveis globalmente";
+$a->strings["There are preconfigured OAuth key pairs for some StatusNet servers available. If you are useing one of them, please use these credentials. If not feel free to connect to any other StatusNet instance (see below)."] = "Existem pares de chaves OAuth para alguns servidores StatusNet disponíveis. Se você estiver usando algum desses servidores, por favor utilize essas credenciais. Caso contrário, sinta-se à vontade para conectar-se a qualquer outra instância do StatusNet (veja abaixo).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Provide your own OAuth Credentials"] = "Forneça suas próprias credenciais OAuth";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.
Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."] = "Nenhum par de chaves para StatusNet encontrado. Registre sua conta Friendica como um cliente de mesa (desktop) na sua conta StatusNet, copie o par de chaves aqui e forneça a raíz base da API.
Antes de registra seu próprio par de chaves OAuth pergunte ao administrador se já existe um par de chaves para essa instalação do Friendica na sua instalação favorita do StatusNet.";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Key"] = "Chave de consumidor OAuth";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Secret"] = "Segredo de consumidor OAuth";
+$a->strings["Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"] = "Caminho base da API (lembre-se da / final)";
+$a->strings["To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet."] = "Para conectar à sua conta StatusNet, clique no botão abaixo para obter um código de segurança do StatusNet, o qual você deve copiar na caixa de texto abaixo e clicar no botão para enviar o formulário. Somente suas publicações públicas serão enviadas para o StatusNet.";
+$a->strings["Log in with StatusNet"] = "Autenticar-se no StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Copy the security code from StatusNet here"] = "Copie o código de segurança do StatusNet aqui";
+$a->strings["Cancel Connection Process"] = "Cancelar o processo de conexão";
+$a->strings["Current StatusNet API is"] = "A API atual do StatusNet é";
+$a->strings["Cancel StatusNet Connection"] = "Cancelar a conexão com o StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Atualmente conectado como: ";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated StatusNet account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Se habilitado, todas as suas publicações públicas podem ser publicadas na sua conta StatusNet associada. Você pode escolher entre publicar tudo automaticamente (marcando aqui) ou selecionar o que será enviado individualmente (nas opções de publicação, durante o processo de escrita da mensagem).";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to StatusNet will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Aviso: Devido às suas configurações de privacidade (Ocultar os detalhes do seu perfil para pessoas desconhecidas?) o link potencialmente incluído nas publicações públicas encaminhadas para o StatusNet levarão o visitante a uma página contendo a informação de que o acesso ao seu perfil é restrito.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to StatusNet"] = "Permitir a publicação no StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to StatusNet by default"] = "Enviar as publicações públicas para o StatusNet por padrão";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to StatusNet"] = "";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Limpar a configuração OAuth";
+$a->strings["Site name"] = "Nome do site";
+$a->strings["API URL"] = "URL da API";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Segredo do consumidor";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Chave do consumidor";
diff --git a/statusnet/lang/ru/strings.php b/statusnet/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..810d2583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusnet/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+strings["Post to StatusNet"] = "Отправить на StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Please contact your site administrator.
The provided API URL is not valid."] = "Пожалуйста, обратитесь к администратору сайта.
Предложенный URL API недействителен.";
+$a->strings["We could not contact the StatusNet API with the Path you entered."] = "Мы не смогли связаться с API StatusNet с маршрутом, который вы ввели.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet settings updated."] = "Настройки StatusNet обновлены.";
+$a->strings["StatusNet Posting Settings"] = "Настройка отправки сообщений на StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Globally Available StatusNet OAuthKeys"] = "Глобально доступные StatusNet OAuthKeys";
+$a->strings["There are preconfigured OAuth key pairs for some StatusNet servers available. If you are useing one of them, please use these credentials. If not feel free to connect to any other StatusNet instance (see below)."] = "Доступны предварительно сконфигурированные OAuth пары ключей для некоторых серверов StatusNet. Если вы используете один из них, пожалуйста, используйте эти учетные данные. Если нет, не стесняйтесь подключиться к любому другому экземпляру StatusNet (см. ниже).";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Provide your own OAuth Credentials"] = "Укажите свои собственные полномочия OAuth";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.
Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."] = "";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Key"] = "OAuth Consumer Key";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Secret"] = "OAuth Consumer Secret";
+$a->strings["Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"] = "Путь базы API (помните о слеше /)";
+$a->strings["To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet."] = "Чтобы подключиться к StatusNet аккаунту, нажмите на кнопку ниже, чтобы получить код безопасности от StatusNet, который нужно скопировать в поле ввода ниже, и отправить форму. Только ваши публичные сообщения будут отправляться на StatusNet.";
+$a->strings["Log in with StatusNet"] = "Войдите со StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Copy the security code from StatusNet here"] = "Скопируйте код безопасности от StatusNet здесь";
+$a->strings["Cancel Connection Process"] = "Отмена процесса подключения";
+$a->strings["Current StatusNet API is"] = "Текущим StatusNet API является";
+$a->strings["Cancel StatusNet Connection"] = "Отмена StatusNet подключения";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "В настоящее время соединены с: ";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated StatusNet account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Если включено, то все ваши общественные сообщения могут быть отправлены на соответствующий аккаунт StatusNet. Вы можете сделать это по умолчанию (здесь) или для каждого сообщения отдельно при написании записи.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to StatusNet will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to StatusNet"] = "Разрешить отправку на StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to StatusNet by default"] = "Отправлять публичные сообщения на StatusNet по умолчанию";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to StatusNet"] = "";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Очистить конфигурацию OAuth";
+$a->strings["Site name"] = "Название сайта";
+$a->strings["API URL"] = "API URL";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Consumer Secret";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Consumer Key";
diff --git a/statusnet/lang/sv/strings.php b/statusnet/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b3fac7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusnet/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Post to StatusNet"] = "Lägg in på StatusNet";
+$a->strings["StatusNet Posting Settings"] = "Inställningar för inlägg på StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.
Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."] = "No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.
Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation.";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Key"] = "OAuth Consumer Key";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Secret"] = "OAuth Consumer Secret";
+$a->strings["Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"] = "Base API Path (remember the trailing /)";
+$a->strings["To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet."] = "To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet.";
+$a->strings["Log in with StatusNet"] = "Logga in med StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Copy the security code from StatusNet here"] = "Ange säkerhetskoden från StatusNet här";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Ansluten till: ";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Clear OAuth configuration";
diff --git a/statusnet/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/statusnet/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c7b76d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statusnet/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+strings["Post to StatusNet"] = "发送到StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Please contact your site administrator.
The provided API URL is not valid."] = "请联系您的网站行政人员。
提供的API URL无效。";
+$a->strings["We could not contact the StatusNet API with the Path you entered."] = "我们不能联系StatusNet API在您输入的路径。";
+$a->strings["StatusNet settings updated."] = "StatusNet设置更新了。";
+$a->strings["StatusNet Posting Settings"] = "StatusNet发送设置";
+$a->strings["Globally Available StatusNet OAuthKeys"] = "综合可用的StatusNet OAuthKeys";
+$a->strings["There are preconfigured OAuth key pairs for some StatusNet servers available. If you are useing one of them, please use these credentials. If not feel free to connect to any other StatusNet instance (see below)."] = "有已经装配的OAuth钥匙双于有的StatusNet服务器可用。如果您用那些之一,请用那个。否则随便连接任何别的StatusNet(看下)。";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Provide your own OAuth Credentials"] = "提供您自己的OAuth证件";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendica Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.
Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendica installation at your favorited StatusNet installation."] = "找不到「consumer key」双为StatusNet。注册您Friendica账户当「desktop client」在您的StatusNet账户,粘贴「consumer key」双这儿和输入API基础根。
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Key"] = "Oauth消费者钥匙";
+$a->strings["OAuth Consumer Secret"] = "Oauth消费者密码";
+$a->strings["Base API Path (remember the trailing /)"] = "基础API地址(注意最后的/)";
+$a->strings["To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet."] = "为连接您的StatusNet账户点击下按钮得到安全密码从StatusNet您要在输入在下个栏和提交表单。只您的公开文章被送到StatusNet。";
+$a->strings["Log in with StatusNet"] = "用StatusNet登记";
+$a->strings["Copy the security code from StatusNet here"] = "复制安全密码从StatusNet这儿";
+$a->strings["Cancel Connection Process"] = "注销连接过程 ";
+$a->strings["Current StatusNet API is"] = "现在StatusNet API是";
+$a->strings["Cancel StatusNet Connection"] = "注销StatusNet连接";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "现在连接到:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated StatusNet account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "如果使可用的都您公开的文章会被发送到有关的StatusNet账户。您会选择默认地这样做(这儿)或个文章分开地写字时候选择在文章设置。";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to StatusNet will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "注意: 由于您的隐私设置(隐藏您的简介内容为生看者?)超链接可能包括在公文章转播到StatusNets会带领来客到空白页讲他看您的简介被限制。";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to StatusNet"] = "许放在StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to StatusNet by default"] = "默认发送公开文章在StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Mirror all posts from statusnet that are no replies or repeated messages"] = "复制所有文章从statusnet除了回答或重复的通知以外";
+$a->strings["Shortening method that optimizes the post"] = "缩短方法优化文章";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to StatusNet"] = "转播连接的#标签盒@名到StatusNet";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "清理出OAuth设置";
+$a->strings["Site name"] = "网页名字";
+$a->strings["API URL"] = "API URL";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "密码(Consumer Secret)";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "钥匙(Consumer Key)";
diff --git a/testdrive/lang/ca/strings.php b/testdrive/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4128afd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdrive/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrador";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "El teu compte en %s expirarà en pocs dies.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica test account is about to expire."] = "La teva provatura de Friendica esta a prop d'expirar.";
diff --git a/testdrive/lang/cs/strings.php b/testdrive/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b541391d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdrive/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrátor";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "Platnost Vašeho účtu na %s vyprší během několika dní.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica test account is about to expire."] = "Váš Friendica testovací účet brzy vyprší.";
diff --git a/testdrive/lang/de/strings.php b/testdrive/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..294f064f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdrive/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrator";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "Dein Konto auf %s wird in ein paar Tagen verfallen.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica test account is about to expire."] = "Dein Friendica-Testkonto wird bald verfallen.";
diff --git a/testdrive/lang/eo/strings.php b/testdrive/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..605f94bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdrive/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administranto";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "Via konto ĉe %s senvalidiĝos post kelkaj tagoj.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica test account is about to expire."] = "Via Friendica provkonto baldaŭ malaktiviĝos.";
diff --git a/testdrive/lang/es/strings.php b/testdrive/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f66ef19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdrive/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrador";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "Tu cuenta de %s expirará en pocos días.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica test account is about to expire."] = "Tu cuenta de prueba de Friendica está a punto de expirar.";
diff --git a/testdrive/lang/fr/strings.php b/testdrive/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad625899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdrive/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrateur";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "Votre compte chez %s va expirer dans quelques jours.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica test account is about to expire."] = "Votre compte de test Friendica est sur le point d'expirer.";
diff --git a/testdrive/lang/is/strings.php b/testdrive/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb920b92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdrive/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Kerfisstjóri";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica test account is about to expire."] = "";
diff --git a/testdrive/lang/it/strings.php b/testdrive/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b28554f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdrive/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Amministratore";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica test account is about to expire."] = "";
diff --git a/testdrive/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/testdrive/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72bf9419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdrive/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrator";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica test account is about to expire."] = "";
diff --git a/testdrive/lang/pl/strings.php b/testdrive/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72bf9419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdrive/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrator";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica test account is about to expire."] = "";
diff --git a/testdrive/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/testdrive/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34d21463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdrive/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Administrador";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "Sua conta em %s expirará em poucos dias.";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica test account is about to expire."] = "Sua conta de teste no Friendica vai expirar.";
diff --git a/testdrive/lang/ru/strings.php b/testdrive/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc171f70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdrive/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Администратор";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica test account is about to expire."] = "";
diff --git a/testdrive/lang/sv/strings.php b/testdrive/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea2177b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdrive/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "Admin";
diff --git a/testdrive/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/testdrive/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3971f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testdrive/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+strings["Administrator"] = "管理员";
+$a->strings["Your account on %s will expire in a few days."] = "您账户在%s几天后过期了。";
+$a->strings["Your Friendica test account is about to expire."] = "您Friendica化验账户快过期了。";
diff --git a/tictac/lang/ca/strings.php b/tictac/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45006aa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tictac/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Tres en línia Tridimensional";
+$a->strings["3D Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Tres en línia 3D";
+$a->strings["New game"] = "Nou joc";
+$a->strings["New game with handicap"] = "Nou joc modificat";
+$a->strings["Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. "] = "El joc del tres en línia tridimensional és com el joc tradicional, excepte que es juga en diversos nivells simultàniament.";
+$a->strings["In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels."] = "En aquest cas hi ha tres nivells. Vostè guanya per aconseguir tres en una fila en qualsevol nivell, així com dalt, baix i en diagonal a través dels diferents nivells.";
+$a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage."] = "El joc modificat desactiva la posició central en el nivell mitjà perquè el jugador en aquesta posició té sovint un avantatge injust.";
+$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Vostè va primer ...";
+$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Vaig primer aquesta vegada ...";
+$a->strings["You won!"] = "Has guanyat!";
+$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Empat!";
+$a->strings["I won!"] = "Vaig guanyar!";
diff --git a/tictac/lang/cs/strings.php b/tictac/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c61c3cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tictac/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Trojrozměrné Tic-Tac-Toe";
+$a->strings["3D Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "3D Tic-Tac-Toe";
+$a->strings["New game"] = "Nová hra";
+$a->strings["New game with handicap"] = "Nová hra s handicapem";
+$a->strings["Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. "] = "Trojrozměrné tic-tac-toe je podobná této tradiční hře kromě toho, že se hraje na více úrovních současně.";
+$a->strings["In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels."] = "V tomto případě existují tři úrovně. Vyhrajete tím, že dostane tři v řadě na jakékoli úrovni, stejně jako nahoru, dolů a šikmo na různých úrovních.";
+$a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage."] = "Hra s handicapem zakáže centrální pozici na střední úrovni, protože hráč zaujímající tuto polohu má často nespravedlivou výhodu.";
+$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Vy začněte ...";
+$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Tentokrát začnu já...";
+$a->strings["You won!"] = "Vyhrál jste!";
+$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "\"Kočičí\" hra!";
+$a->strings["I won!"] = "Vyhrál jsem!";
diff --git a/tictac/lang/de/strings.php b/tictac/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcf1eb61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tictac/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Dreidimensionales Tic-Tac-Toe";
+$a->strings["3D Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "3D Tic-Tac-Toe";
+$a->strings["New game"] = "Neues Spiel";
+$a->strings["New game with handicap"] = "Neues Handicap Spiel";
+$a->strings["Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. "] = "3D-Tic-Tac-Toe ist genauso wie das herkömmliche Spiel, nur dass man es auf mehreren Ebenen gleichzeitig spielt.";
+$a->strings["In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels."] = "In diesem Fall sind es drei Ebenen. Man gewinnt indem man drei in einer Reihe auf einer beliebigen Reihe schafft, oder drei übereinander oder diagonal auf verschiedenen Ebenen.";
+$a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage."] = "Beim Handicap-Spiel wird die zentrale Position der mittleren Ebene gesperrt, da der Spieler, der diese Ebene besitzt, oft einen unfairen Vorteil genießt.";
+$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Du fängst an...";
+$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Diesmal fange ich an...";
+$a->strings["You won!"] = "Du gewinnst!";
+$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Unentschieden!";
+$a->strings["I won!"] = "Ich gewinne!";
diff --git a/tictac/lang/eo/strings.php b/tictac/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c32d28a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tictac/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Tri-dimensia Tiktakto";
+$a->strings["3D Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "3D Tiktakto";
+$a->strings["New game"] = "Nova ludo";
+$a->strings["New game with handicap"] = "Nova ludo kun handikapo";
+$a->strings["Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. "] = "Tri-dimensia tiktakto similas la tradician ludon, sed estas ludata sur pluraj ebenoj dum la sama tempo.";
+$a->strings["In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels."] = "Ĉi-kaze ekzistas tri ebenoj. Vi venkas vicigante tri signojn en una vico, en la sama ebeno, same kiel supren, malsupren aŭ diagonale, trans la ebenoj.";
+$a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage."] = "La ludo kun handikapo malvalidigas la mezan pozicion sur la meza ebeno, ĉar la ludisto kio okupas ĉi tiun pozicion ĉiam havas avantaĝon.";
+$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Estas via vico unue.";
+$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Ĉi-tempe, unue estas mia vico.";
+$a->strings["You won!"] = "Vi venkis!";
+$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Sendecida ludo!";
+$a->strings["I won!"] = "Mi venkis!";
diff --git a/tictac/lang/es/strings.php b/tictac/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bd22692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tictac/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Tres en Raya tridimensional";
+$a->strings["3D Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Tres en Raya 3D";
+$a->strings["New game"] = "Nueva partida";
+$a->strings["New game with handicap"] = "Nuevo juego con handicap";
+$a->strings["Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. "] = "Tres en Raya tridimensional es como el juego tradicional, excepto que se juega en varios niveles simultáneamente.";
+$a->strings["In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels."] = "En este caso hay tres niveles. Ganarás por conseguir tres en raya en cualquier nivel, así como arriba, abajo y en diagonal a través de los diferentes niveles.";
+$a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage."] = "El juego con handicap desactiva la posición central en el nivel medio porque el jugador que la ocupa tiene a menudo una ventaja injusta.";
+$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Comienzas tú...";
+$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Yo voy primero esta vez...";
+$a->strings["You won!"] = "¡Has ganado!";
+$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "¡Empate!";
+$a->strings["I won!"] = "¡He ganado!";
diff --git a/tictac/lang/fr/strings.php b/tictac/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aea24d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tictac/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Morpion en trois dimensions";
+$a->strings["3D Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Morpion 3D";
+$a->strings["New game"] = "Nouvelle partie";
+$a->strings["New game with handicap"] = "Nouvelle partie avec handicap";
+$a->strings["Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. "] = "Le morpion 3D, c'est comme la version traditionnelle. Sauf qu'on joue sur plusieurs étages en même temps.";
+$a->strings["In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels."] = "Dans le cas qui nous concerne, il y a trois étages. Vous gagnez en alignant trois coups dans n'importe quel étage, ainsi que verticalement ou en diagonale entre les étages.";
+$a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage."] = "Le handicap interdit la position centrale de l'étage du milieu, parce que le joueur qui prend cette case obtient souvent un avantage.";
+$a->strings["You go first..."] = "À vous de jouer...";
+$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Je commence...";
+$a->strings["You won!"] = "Vous avez gagné!";
+$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Match nul!";
+$a->strings["I won!"] = "J'ai gagné!";
diff --git a/tictac/lang/is/strings.php b/tictac/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12fb498e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tictac/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Þrívíddar milla";
+$a->strings["3D Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "3D milla";
+$a->strings["New game"] = "Nýr leikur";
+$a->strings["New game with handicap"] = "Nýr leikur með forgjöf";
+$a->strings["Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. "] = "Þrívíddar milla er alveg einsog upphaflegi leikurinn nema spilað er á mörgum borðum í einu.";
+$a->strings["In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels."] = "Í þessu tilviki þá eru þrjú borð. Þú vinnur með því að ná þremur í röð á hvaða borði sem er, upp, niður eða á ská yfir mörg borð.";
+$a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage."] = "Leikurinn með forgjöf slekkur á miðjunni á mið borðinu því sá sem nær þeim stað hefur yfir leitt yfirburði.";
+$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Þú byrjar...";
+$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Ég byrja í þetta skiptið...";
+$a->strings["You won!"] = "Þú vannst!";
+$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Jafntefli";
+$a->strings["I won!"] = "Ég vann!";
diff --git a/tictac/lang/it/strings.php b/tictac/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a5e63cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tictac/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Tic-Tac-Toe tridimensionale";
+$a->strings["3D Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "3D Tic-Tac-Toe";
+$a->strings["New game"] = "Nuova partita";
+$a->strings["New game with handicap"] = "Nuova partita con handicap";
+$a->strings["Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. "] = "Tic-tac-toe tridimensionale è come il gioco tradizionale, solo che si gioca su livelli multipli contemporaneamente.";
+$a->strings["In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels."] = "In questo caso ci sono tre livelli. Puoi vincere mettendo tre segni in fila su ogni livello, anche verso l'alto, il basso e diagonalmente anche attraverso i diversi livelli.";
+$a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage."] = "L'handicap disabilita la casella centrale sul livello di mezzo, perchè il giocatore che si prende quella casella spesso ha un deciso vantaggio.";
+$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Cominci tu...";
+$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Comincio io questa volta...";
+$a->strings["You won!"] = "Hai vinto!";
+$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Stallo!";
+$a->strings["I won!"] = "Ho vinto!";
diff --git a/tictac/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/tictac/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e473cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tictac/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Tredimensjonal tre-på-rad";
+$a->strings["3D Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "3D tre-på-rad";
+$a->strings["New game"] = "Nytt spill";
+$a->strings["New game with handicap"] = "Nytt spill med handikapp";
+$a->strings["Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. "] = "Tredimensjonal tre-på-rad er akkurat som det vanlige spillet, bortsett fra at det spilles på flere nivåer samtidig.";
+$a->strings["In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels."] = "I dette tilfellet er det tre nivåer. Du vinner ved å få tre på rad på ethvert nivå, samt opp, ned og diagonalt på tvers av forskjellige nivåer.";
+$a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage."] = "Handicap-spillet skrur av midtposisjonen på det midtre nivået, fordi spilleren som tar denne posisjonen ofte får en urettferdig fordel.";
+$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Du starter først...";
+$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Jeg starter først denne gangen...";
+$a->strings["You won!"] = "Du vant!";
+$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "\"Katte\"-spill!";
+$a->strings["I won!"] = "Jeg vant!";
diff --git a/tictac/lang/pl/strings.php b/tictac/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f114f41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tictac/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Trójwymiarowy Kółko i krzyżyk";
+$a->strings["3D Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Kółko i krzyżyk 3D";
+$a->strings["New game"] = "Nowa gra";
+$a->strings["New game with handicap"] = "Nowa gra z utrudnieniem";
+$a->strings["Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. "] = "Trójwymiarowy tic-tac-toe jest taki sam jak tradycyjna gra, nie licząc tego, że jest grana na kilku poziomach jednocześnie.";
+$a->strings["In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels."] = "W tym przypadku są trzy poziomy. Wygrywasz poprzez zdobycie trójki w szeregu na którymkolwiek z poziomów zarówno u góry, na dole, jak i na ukos poprzez kilka różnych poziomów.";
+$a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage."] = "";
+$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Ty pierwszy...";
+$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Zaczynam...";
+$a->strings["You won!"] = "Wygrałeś!";
+$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Gra \"Kot\"!";
+$a->strings["I won!"] = "Wygrałem!";
diff --git a/tictac/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/tictac/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33407fbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tictac/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Jogo da Velha tridimensional";
+$a->strings["3D Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Jogo da Velha 3D";
+$a->strings["New game"] = "Novo jogo";
+$a->strings["New game with handicap"] = "Novo jogo com limitador";
+$a->strings["Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. "] = "O Jogo da Velha tridimensional é similar ao jogo tradicional, com a exceção que ele é jogado simultaneamente em múltiplos níveis.";
+$a->strings["In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels."] = "Neste caso, existem três níveis. Ganha quem conseguir alinhar três casas, não só no mesmo nível como também pra cima, pra baixo ou na diagonal entre os níveis.";
+$a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage."] = "O jogo com limitador desabilita a posição central do nível do meio, uma vez que o jogador que obtém essa casa ganha uma vantagem desleal.";
+$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Você começa...";
+$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Eu vou começar desta vez...";
+$a->strings["You won!"] = "Você ganhou!";
+$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Empatamos!";
+$a->strings["I won!"] = "Eu ganhei!";
diff --git a/tictac/lang/ru/strings.php b/tictac/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff7e1d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tictac/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Трехмерные крестики-нолики";
+$a->strings["3D Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "3D Tic-Tac-Toe";
+$a->strings["New game"] = "Новая игра";
+$a->strings["New game with handicap"] = "Новая игра с гандикапом";
+$a->strings["Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. "] = "Трехмерная игра в крестики-нолики точно такая же, как традиционная игра, за исключением того, что она играется на нескольких уровнях одновременно.";
+$a->strings["In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels."] = "В этом случае существуют три уровня. Вы выиграете, поставив три в ряд на любом уровне, а также вверх, вниз и по диагонали на разных уровнях.";
+$a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage."] = "Игра с гандикапом отключает центральное положение на среднем уровне, потому что игрок, занимающий эту площадь, часто имеет несправедливое преимущество.";
+$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Вы хотите первым...";
+$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Я буду первым на этот раз...";
+$a->strings["You won!"] = "Вы выиграли!";
+$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "Игра \"Кошка\"!";
+$a->strings["I won!"] = "Я выиграл!";
diff --git a/tictac/lang/sv/strings.php b/tictac/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b6ec450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tictac/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "Tredimensionellt luffarschack";
+$a->strings["3D Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "3D-luffarschack";
+$a->strings["New game"] = "Ny spelomgång";
+$a->strings["New game with handicap"] = "Ny spelomgång med handikapp";
+$a->strings["Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. "] = "Det tredimensionella luffarschacket är precis som vanligt luffarschack förutom att det spelas i flera nivåer samtidigt. ";
+$a->strings["In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels."] = "Här är det tre nivåer. Man vinner om man får tre i rad på vilken nivå som helst, eller uppåt, nedåt eller diagonalt på flera nivåer.";
+$a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage."] = "Om man spelar med handikapp så stängs mittenpositionen på mittennivån av eftersom spelare som väljer den positionen ofta får övertaget.";
+$a->strings["You go first..."] = "Du börjar...";
+$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "Jag börjar den här gången...";
+$a->strings["You won!"] = "Du vann!";
+$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "\"Cat\" game!";
+$a->strings["I won!"] = "Jag vann!";
diff --git a/tictac/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/tictac/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0adf8a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tictac/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+strings["Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "三维井字棋";
+$a->strings["3D Tic-Tac-Toe"] = "三维井字棋";
+$a->strings["New game"] = "新游戏";
+$a->strings["New game with handicap"] = "新游戏不利条件 ";
+$a->strings["Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. "] = "三维井字棋跟传统的一样,除了完同时在多水平。";
+$a->strings["In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels."] = "这游戏有三水平。您赢经过实现三一连在任何水平,不亚于上,下,和倾斜跨越三水平。";
+$a->strings["The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage."] = "不利条件游戏使中间位置不能用因为占用着选手常常有不平的好处。";
+$a->strings["You go first..."] = "您先下...";
+$a->strings["I'm going first this time..."] = "这次我先下...";
+$a->strings["You won!"] = "您赢了!";
+$a->strings["__DQ__Cat__DQ__ game!"] = "「猫子」游戏!";
+$a->strings["I won!"] = "我赢了!";
diff --git a/tumblr/lang/ca/strings.php b/tumblr/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1766618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tumblr/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Permission denied."] = "Permís denegat.";
+$a->strings["You are now authenticated to tumblr."] = "";
+$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr"] = "Publica-ho al Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Tumblr Post Settings"] = "Configuració d'Enviaments de Tumblr";
+$a->strings["(Re-)Authenticate your tumblr page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Tumblr Post Plugin"] = "Habilita el plugin de enviaments de Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr by default"] = "Enviar a Tumblr per defecte";
+$a->strings["Post to page:"] = "";
+$a->strings["You are not authenticated to tumblr"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/tumblr/lang/cs/strings.php b/tumblr/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dafa9fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tumblr/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Permission denied."] = "Přístup odmítnut.";
+$a->strings["You are now authenticated to tumblr."] = "Nyní jste přihlášen k tumblr.";
+$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "návrat ke stránce konektor";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr"] = "Příspěvek na Tumbir";
+$a->strings["Tumblr Post Settings"] = "Nastavení příspěvků na Tumbir";
+$a->strings["(Re-)Authenticate your tumblr page"] = "(Znovu) přihlásit k Vaší tumblr stránce";
+$a->strings["Enable Tumblr Post Plugin"] = "Povolit rozšíření Tumbir";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr by default"] = "Standardně posílat příspěvky na Tumbir";
+$a->strings["Post to page:"] = "Příspěvek ke stránce:";
+$a->strings["You are not authenticated to tumblr"] = "Nyní nejste přihlášen k tumblr.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/tumblr/lang/de/strings.php b/tumblr/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4817dff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tumblr/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Permission denied."] = "Zugriff verweigert.";
+$a->strings["You are now authenticated to tumblr."] = "Du bist nun auf tumblr authentifiziert.";
+$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "zurück zur Connector Seite";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr"] = "Bei Tumblr veröffentlichen";
+$a->strings["Tumblr Post Settings"] = "Tumblr-Beitragseinstellungen";
+$a->strings["(Re-)Authenticate your tumblr page"] = "(Re-)Authentifizierung deiner tumblr Seite";
+$a->strings["Enable Tumblr Post Plugin"] = "Tumblr-Plugin aktivieren";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr by default"] = "Standardmäßig bei Tumblr veröffentlichen";
+$a->strings["Post to page:"] = "Auf tumblr veröffentlichen";
+$a->strings["You are not authenticated to tumblr"] = "Du bist gegenüber tumblr nicht authentifiziert";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/tumblr/lang/eo/strings.php b/tumblr/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..375ea292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tumblr/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Permission denied."] = "Malpermesita.";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr"] = "Afiŝi al Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Tumblr Post Settings"] = "Agordoj pri afiŝoj ĉe Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Enable Tumblr Post Plugin"] = "Ŝalti la kromprogramon por Tumblr afiŝoj";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr by default"] = "Defaŭlte afiŝi ĉe Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/tumblr/lang/es/strings.php b/tumblr/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af34a57c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tumblr/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Permission denied."] = "Permiso denegado.";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr"] = "Publicar en Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Tumblr Post Settings"] = "Configuración de publicación en Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Enable Tumblr Post Plugin"] = "Habilitar el módulo de publicación en Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr by default"] = "Publicar en Tumblr por defecto";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/tumblr/lang/fr/strings.php b/tumblr/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e23f85f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tumblr/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Permission denied."] = "Permission refusée.";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr"] = "Publier sur Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Tumblr Post Settings"] = "Réglages de Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Enable Tumblr Post Plugin"] = "Activer l'extension Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr by default"] = "Publier sur Tumblr par défaut";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/tumblr/lang/is/strings.php b/tumblr/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdd3d836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tumblr/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Permission denied."] = "Heimild ekki veitt.";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr"] = "Senda fæslu til Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Tumblr Post Settings"] = "Tumblr færslu stillingar";
+$a->strings["Enable Tumblr Post Plugin"] = "Leyfa Tumblr færslu viðbót";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr by default"] = "Senda færslu á Tumblr sjálfvirkt";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/tumblr/lang/it/strings.php b/tumblr/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a93bb6b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tumblr/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Permission denied."] = "Permesso negato.";
+$a->strings["You are now authenticated to tumblr."] = "";
+$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr"] = "Pubblica su Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Tumblr Post Settings"] = "Impostazioni di invio a Tumblr";
+$a->strings["(Re-)Authenticate your tumblr page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Tumblr Post Plugin"] = "Abilita Plugin Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr by default"] = "Pubblica su Tumblr di default";
+$a->strings["Post to page:"] = "";
+$a->strings["You are not authenticated to tumblr"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/tumblr/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/tumblr/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73312854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tumblr/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Permission denied."] = "Ingen tilgang.";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr"] = "";
+$a->strings["Tumblr Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Tumblr Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/tumblr/lang/pl/strings.php b/tumblr/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..819c7c20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tumblr/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Permission denied."] = "Brak uprawnień.";
+$a->strings["You are now authenticated to tumblr."] = "";
+$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr"] = "Opublikuj na Tumblrze";
+$a->strings["Tumblr Post Settings"] = "Ustawienia postu Tumblr";
+$a->strings["(Re-)Authenticate your tumblr page"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable Tumblr Post Plugin"] = "Zezwól na wtyczkę postu Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr by default"] = "Post do Tumblr przez standard";
+$a->strings["Post to page:"] = "Napisz na stronę:";
+$a->strings["You are not authenticated to tumblr"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/tumblr/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/tumblr/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c14542e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tumblr/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Permission denied."] = "Permissão negada.";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr"] = "Postar no Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Tumblr Post Settings"] = "Configurações de postagem do Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Enable Tumblr Post Plugin"] = "Habilitar Plugin de Postagem do Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr by default"] = "Postar para o Tumblr como default";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/tumblr/lang/ru/strings.php b/tumblr/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21d77245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tumblr/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+strings["Permission denied."] = "Нет разрешения.";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr"] = "Написать в Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Tumblr Post Settings"] = "Tumblr Настройки сообщения";
+$a->strings["Enable Tumblr Post Plugin"] = "Включить Tumblr плагин сообщений";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr by default"] = "Сообщение Tumblr по умолчанию";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/tumblr/lang/sv/strings.php b/tumblr/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..266dcdbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tumblr/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+strings["Permission denied."] = "Åtkomst nekad.";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/tumblr/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/tumblr/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0956e13e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tumblr/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Permission denied."] = "权限不够。";
+$a->strings["You are now authenticated to tumblr."] = "现在tumblr证明您是真的";
+$a->strings["return to the connector page"] = "会连接器页";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr"] = "发送到Tumblr";
+$a->strings["Tumblr Post Settings"] = "Tumblr发送设置";
+$a->strings["(Re-)Authenticate your tumblr page"] = "再认证您的tumblr页";
+$a->strings["Enable Tumblr Post Plugin"] = "使Tumblr发送插件能够";
+$a->strings["Post to Tumblr by default"] = "默认地给Tumblr发送";
+$a->strings["Post to page:"] = "放在页:";
+$a->strings["You are not authenticated to tumblr"] = "tumblr没证明您是真的";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/twitter/lang/ca/strings.php b/twitter/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..203c9a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/twitter/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+strings["Post to Twitter"] = "Publica-ho al Twitter";
+$a->strings["Twitter settings updated."] = "La configuració de Twitter actualitzada.";
+$a->strings["Twitter Posting Settings"] = "Configuració d'Enviaments per a Twitter";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."] = "No s'ha pogut emparellar cap clau \"consumer key\" per a Twitter. Si us plau, poseu-vos en contacte amb l'administrador del lloc.";
+$a->strings["At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter."] = "En aquesta instància Friendica el plugin Twitter va ser habilitat, però encara no ha connectat el compte al seu compte de Twitter. Per a això feu clic al botó de sota per obtenir un PIN de Twitter que ha de copiar a la casella de sota i enviar el formulari. Només els missatges públics es publicaran a Twitter.";
+$a->strings["Log in with Twitter"] = "Accedeixi com en Twitter";
+$a->strings["Copy the PIN from Twitter here"] = "Copieu el codi PIN de Twitter aquí";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Actualment connectat a: ";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated Twitter account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Si està activat, tots els seus anuncis públics poden ser publicats en el corresponent compte de Twitter. Vostè pot optar per fer-ho per defecte (en aquest cas) o per cada missatge per separat en les opcions de comptabilització en escriure l'entrada.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to Twitter will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Nota: donada la seva configuració de privacitat ( Amaga els detalls del teu perfil dels espectadors desconeguts? ) el vincle potencialment inclòs en anuncis públics retransmesos a Twitter conduirà al visitant a una pàgina en blanc informar als visitants que l'accés al seu perfil s'ha restringit.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to Twitter"] = "Permetre anunci a Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to Twitter by default"] = "Enviar anuncis públics a Twitter per defecte";
+$a->strings["Mirror all posts from twitter that are no replies or retweets"] = "";
+$a->strings["Shortening method that optimizes the tweet"] = "";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to Twitter"] = "Enviar enllaços #-etiquetes i @-noms a Twitter";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Esborrar configuració de OAuth";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Ajustos actualitzats.";
+$a->strings["Consumer key"] = "Consumer key";
+$a->strings["Consumer secret"] = "Consumer secret";
+$a->strings["Name of the Twitter Application"] = "";
+$a->strings["set this to avoid mirroring postings from ~friendica back to ~friendica"] = "";
diff --git a/twitter/lang/cs/strings.php b/twitter/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e4f927c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/twitter/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+strings["Post to Twitter"] = "Poslat příspěvek na Twitter";
+$a->strings["Twitter settings updated."] = "Nastavení Twitteru aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["Twitter Posting Settings"] = "Nastavení zasílání příspěvků na Twitter ";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Nenalezen žádný spotřebitelský páru klíčů pro Twitter. Obraťte se na administrátora webu.";
+$a->strings["At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter."] = "Na této Friendica instanci je sice povolen Twitter plugin, ale vy jste si ještě nenastavili svůj Twitter účet. Svůj účet si můžete nastavit kliknutím na tlačítko níže k získání PINu z Vašeho Twitteru, který si zkopírujte do níže uvedeného vstupního pole a odešlete formulář. Pouze vaše veřejné příspěvky budou zaslány na Twitter.";
+$a->strings["Log in with Twitter"] = "Přihlásit se s Twitter";
+$a->strings["Copy the PIN from Twitter here"] = "Zkopírujte sem PIN z Twitteru";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "V současné době připojen k:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated Twitter account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Je-li povoleno, všechny Vaše veřejné příspěvky mohou být zaslány na související Twitter účet. Můžete si vybrat, zda-li toto bude výchozí nastavení (zde), nebo budete mít možnost si vybrat požadované chování při psaní každého příspěvku.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to Twitter will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Upozornění: Z důvodů Vašeho nastavení ochrany soukromí ( Skrýt Vaše profilové detaily před neznámými čtenáři?)
+odkaz potenciálně zahrnutý ve Vašich veřejných příspěvcích poslaných do sítě Twitter přesměruje návštěvníky na prázdnou stránku informující návštěvníky, že přístup k vašemu profilu je omezen.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to Twitter"] = "Povolit odesílání na Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to Twitter by default"] = "Defaultně zasílat veřejné komentáře na Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to Twitter"] = "Poslat propojené #-tagy a @-jména na Twitter";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Vymazat konfiguraci OAuth";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Nastavení aktualizováno.";
+$a->strings["Consumer key"] = "Consumer key";
+$a->strings["Consumer secret"] = "Consumer secret";
diff --git a/twitter/lang/de/strings.php b/twitter/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29d0fde9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/twitter/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+strings["Post to Twitter"] = "Bei Twitter veröffentlichen";
+$a->strings["Twitter settings updated."] = "Twitter Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["Twitter Posting Settings"] = "Twitter-Beitragseinstellungen";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Kein Consumer-Schlüsselpaar für Twitter gefunden. Bitte wende dich an den Administrator der Seite.";
+$a->strings["At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter."] = "Auf diesem Friendica-Server wurde das Twitter-Plugin aktiviert, aber du hast deinen Account noch nicht mit deinem Twitter-Account verbunden. Klicke dazu auf die Schaltfläche unten. Du erhältst dann eine PIN von Twitter, die du dann in das Eingabefeld unten einfügst. Denk daran, den Senden-Knopf zu drücken! Nur öffentliche Beiträge werden bei Twitter veröffentlicht.";
+$a->strings["Log in with Twitter"] = "bei Twitter anmelden";
+$a->strings["Copy the PIN from Twitter here"] = "Kopiere die Twitter-PIN hier her";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Momentan verbunden mit: ";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated Twitter account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Wenn aktiviert, können all deine öffentlichen Einträge auf dem verbundenen Twitter-Konto veröffentlicht werden. Du kannst dies (hier) als Standardverhalten einstellen oder beim Schreiben eines Beitrags in den Beitragsoptionen festlegen.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to Twitter will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Hinweis: Aufgrund deiner Privatsphären-Einstellungen (Profil-Details vor unbekannten Betrachtern verbergen?) wird der Link, der eventuell an an deinen Twitter-Beitrag angehängt wird, um auf den Originalbeitrag zu verweisen, den Betrachter auf eine leere Seite führen, die ihn darüber informiert, dass der Zugriff eingeschränkt wurde.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to Twitter"] = "Veröffentlichung bei Twitter erlauben";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to Twitter by default"] = "Veröffentliche öffentliche Beiträge standardmäßig bei Twitter";
+$a->strings["Mirror all posts from twitter that are no replies or retweets"] = "Spiegle alle Beiträge von Twitter die keine Antworten oder wiederholten Nachrichten sind";
+$a->strings["Shortening method that optimizes the tweet"] = "Kürzungsverfahren, das den Tweet optimiert";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to Twitter"] = "Sende verlinkte #-Tags und @-Namen nach Twitter";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "OAuth-Konfiguration löschen";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Einstellungen aktualisiert.";
+$a->strings["Consumer key"] = "Consumer Key";
+$a->strings["Consumer secret"] = "Consumer Secret";
+$a->strings["Name of the Twitter Application"] = "Name der Twitter Anwendung";
+$a->strings["set this to avoid mirroring postings from ~friendica back to ~friendica"] = "Setze dies um eine Spiegelung von ~friendica zu ~friendica zu vermeiden";
diff --git a/twitter/lang/eo/strings.php b/twitter/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cce714e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/twitter/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+strings["Post to Twitter"] = "Afiŝi ĉe Twitter";
+$a->strings["Twitter settings updated."] = "Ĝisdatigis Twitter agordojn.";
+$a->strings["Twitter Posting Settings"] = "Agordoj por afiŝi ĉe Twitter";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Ne trovis klientajn ŝlosilojn por Twitter. Bonvolu kontakti vian retejan administranton.";
+$a->strings["At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter."] = "Je ĉi tiu Friendica retejo, la Twitter kromprogramo jam estas ŝaltita, sed via konto anokoraŭ ne estas konektita kun via Twitter konto. Por fari tion, klaku la supran butonon por atingi nombrokodon de Twitter, kion vi kopiu en la supran eniga ĉelo, kaj sendu la formularon. Nur viaj publikaj afiŝoj estas plusendota al Twitter. ";
+$a->strings["Log in with Twitter"] = "Ensaluti kun Twitter";
+$a->strings["Copy the PIN from Twitter here"] = "Alglui la PIN de Twitter ĉi tie";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Konektita al:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated Twitter account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Kiam ŝaltita, ĉiuj publikaj afiŝoj de vi ankaŭ eblas esti afiŝota al la asociigita Twitter konto. Vi povas elekti ĝin defaŭlte (ĉi tie) au unuope por ĉiuj afiŝoj kiam vi skribos ilin.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to Twitter will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Averto: Laŭ viaj privatecaj agordoj (Kaŝi viajn profilajn detalojn al nekonataj spektantoj?), la ligilo en publikaj afiŝoj plusendata al Twitter gvidas vizitontojn al malplena paĝo sciigante ilin ke atingo al via profilo estas lmitigita.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to Twitter"] = "Permesi afiŝojn al Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to Twitter by default"] = "Defaŭlte sendi publikajn afiŝojn al Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to Twitter"] = "Sendi ligitajn #-etikedojn kaj @-nomon al Twitter";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Forviŝi OAuth agordojn";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Agordoj ĝisdatigita.";
+$a->strings["Consumer key"] = "Ŝlosilo de Kliento";
+$a->strings["Consumer secret"] = "Sekreto de Kliento";
diff --git a/twitter/lang/es/strings.php b/twitter/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2169f393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/twitter/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+strings["Post to Twitter"] = "Publicar en Twitter";
+$a->strings["Twitter settings updated."] = "Actualización de la configuración de Twitter";
+$a->strings["Twitter Posting Settings"] = "Configuración de publicaciones en Twitter";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."] = "No se ha encontrado ningún par de claves para Twitter. Póngase en contacto con el administrador del sitio.";
+$a->strings["At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter."] = "En esta instalación de Friendica el módulo de Twitter está activo pero aún no has conectado tu cuenta con la de Twitter. Para hacerlo, pulsa en el siguiente botón para obtener un PIN de Twitter, que deberás introducir en la casilla de abajo y enviar el formulario. Unicamente el contenido público que publiques será publicado en Twitter.";
+$a->strings["Log in with Twitter"] = "Acceder con Twitter";
+$a->strings["Copy the PIN from Twitter here"] = "Copia el PIN de Twitter aquí";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Actualmente conectado a:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated Twitter account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Si lo habilitas todas tus publicaciones públicas serán publicadas en la cuenta de Twitter asociada. Puedes elegir hacerlo por defecto (aquí) o individualmente para cada publicación usando las opciones cuando escribas.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to Twitter will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Nota strong>: Debido a tus opciones de privacidad (¿Ocultar los detalles de tu perfil de espectadores desconocidos? em>) el vínculo potencialmente incluido en publicaciones públicas que se transmiten a Twitter conducirá al visitante a una página en blanco que informa a los visitantes que el acceso a tu perfil es restringido.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to Twitter"] = "Permitir publicar en Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to Twitter by default"] = "Enviar publicaciones públicas a Twitter por defecto";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to Twitter"] = "Enviar a Twitter las #-etiquetas y @-nombres";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Borrar la configuración de OAuth";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Configuración actualizada.";
+$a->strings["Consumer key"] = "Clave del usuario";
+$a->strings["Consumer secret"] = "Secreto del usuario";
diff --git a/twitter/lang/fr/strings.php b/twitter/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46cb2970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/twitter/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+strings["Post to Twitter"] = "Poster sur Twitter";
+$a->strings["Twitter settings updated."] = "Réglages de Twitter mis-à-jour.";
+$a->strings["Twitter Posting Settings"] = "Réglages du connecteur Twitter";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Pas de paire de clés pour Twitter. Merci de contacter l'administrateur du site.";
+$a->strings["At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter."] = "Sur cette instance de Friendica, le connecteur Twitter a été activé, mais vous n'avez pas encore connecté votre compte local à votre compte Twitter. Pour ce faire, cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous. Vous obtiendrez alors un 'PIN' de Twitter, que vous devrez copier dans le champ ci-dessous, puis soumettre le formulaire. Seuls vos messages publics seront transmis à Twitter.";
+$a->strings["Log in with Twitter"] = "Se connecter à Twitter";
+$a->strings["Copy the PIN from Twitter here"] = "Copier le PIN de Twitter ici";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Actuellement connecté à: ";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated Twitter account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "En cas d'activation, toutes vos notices publiques seront transmises au compte Twitter associé. Vous pourrez choisir de le faire par défaut (ici), ou bien pour chaque notice séparément lors de sa rédaction.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to Twitter will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Note: Du fait de vos réglages de vie privée (Cacher les détails de votre profil des visiteurs inconnus?), le lien potentiellement inclus dans les messages publics relayés vers Twitter conduira les visiteurs vers une page blanche les informant que leur accès à votre profil a été restreint.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to Twitter"] = "Autoriser la publication sur Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to Twitter by default"] = "Envoyer les éléments publics sur Twitter par défaut";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to Twitter"] = "Envoyer les liens vers les #-tags et les @-noms sur Twitter";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Effacer la configuration OAuth";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Réglages mis à jour.";
+$a->strings["Consumer key"] = "Clé utilisateur";
+$a->strings["Consumer secret"] = "Secret utilisateur";
diff --git a/twitter/lang/is/strings.php b/twitter/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..edd7809b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/twitter/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+strings["Post to Twitter"] = "Senda færslu á Twitter";
+$a->strings["Twitter settings updated."] = "Stillingar Twitter uppfærðar.";
+$a->strings["Twitter Posting Settings"] = "Twitter færslu stillingar";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Ekkert notenda lykils par fyrir Twitter fundið. Hafðu samband við kerfisstjórann.";
+$a->strings["At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter."] = "";
+$a->strings["Log in with Twitter"] = "Innskrá með Twitter";
+$a->strings["Copy the PIN from Twitter here"] = "Afrita PIN frá Twitter hingað";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Núna tengdur við:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated Twitter account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Ef virkt þá geta allar opinberu stöðu meldingarnar þínar verið birtar á tengdri StatusNet síðu. Þú getur valið að gera þetta sjálfvirkt (hér) eða fyrir hvern póst í senn þegar hann er skrifaður.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to Twitter will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to Twitter"] = "Leyfa færslum að flæða á Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to Twitter by default"] = "Senda sjálfgefið opinberar færslur á Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to Twitter"] = "";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Hreinsa OAuth stillingar";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Stillingar uppfærðar";
+$a->strings["Consumer key"] = "Lykill neytanda";
+$a->strings["Consumer secret"] = "Leyndarmál neytanda";
diff --git a/twitter/lang/it/strings.php b/twitter/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a67a4c1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/twitter/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+strings["Post to Twitter"] = "Invia a Twitter";
+$a->strings["Twitter settings updated."] = "Impostazioni di Twitter aggiornate.";
+$a->strings["Twitter Posting Settings"] = "Impostazioni di invio a Twitter";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Nessuna coppia di chiavi per Twitter trovata. Contatta l'amministratore del sito.";
+$a->strings["At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter."] = "Il plugin Twitter è abilitato ma non hai ancora collegato i tuoi account Friendica e Twitter. Per farlo, clicca il bottone qui sotto per ricevere un PIN da Twitter che dovrai copiare nel campo qui sotto. Solo i tuoi post pubblici saranno inviati a Twitter.";
+$a->strings["Log in with Twitter"] = "Accedi con Twitter";
+$a->strings["Copy the PIN from Twitter here"] = "Copia il PIN da Twitter qui";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Al momento connesso con:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated Twitter account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Se abilitato tutti i tuoi messaggi pubblici possono essere inviati all'account Twitter associato. Puoi scegliere di farlo sempre (qui) o ogni volta che invii, nelle impostazioni di privacy del messaggio.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to Twitter will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Nota: A causa delle tue impostazioni di privacy(Nascondi i dettagli del tuo profilo ai visitatori sconosciuti?) il link potenzialmente incluse nei messaggi pubblici inviati a Twitter porterà i visitatori a una pagina bianca con una nota che li informa che l'accesso al tuo profilo è stato limitato.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to Twitter"] = "Permetti l'invio a Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to Twitter by default"] = "Invia sempre i messaggi pubblici a Twitter";
+$a->strings["Mirror all posts from twitter that are no replies or retweets"] = "";
+$a->strings["Shortening method that optimizes the tweet"] = "";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to Twitter"] = "";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Rimuovi la configurazione OAuth";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Impostazioni aggiornate.";
+$a->strings["Consumer key"] = "Consumer key";
+$a->strings["Consumer secret"] = "Consumer secret";
+$a->strings["Name of the Twitter Application"] = "";
+$a->strings["set this to avoid mirroring postings from ~friendica back to ~friendica"] = "";
diff --git a/twitter/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/twitter/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00a0f111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/twitter/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+strings["Post to Twitter"] = "Post til Twitter";
+$a->strings["Twitter settings updated."] = "Twitter-innstilinger oppdatert.";
+$a->strings["Twitter Posting Settings"] = "Innstillinger for posting til Twitter";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Ingen \"consumer key pair\" for Twitter funnet. Vennligst kontakt stedets administrator.";
+$a->strings["At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter."] = "Ved denne Friendica-forekomsten er Twitter-tillegget aktivert, men du har ennå ikke tilkoblet din konto til din Twitter-konto. For å gjøre det, klikk på knappen nedenfor for å få en PIN-kode fra Twitter som du må kopiere inn i feltet nedenfor og sende inn skjemaet. Bare dine offentlige innlegg vil bli lagt inn på Twitter. ";
+$a->strings["Log in with Twitter"] = "Logg inn via Twitter";
+$a->strings["Copy the PIN from Twitter here"] = "Kopier PIN-kode fra Twitter hit";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "For øyeblikket tilkoblet til:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated Twitter account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Aktivering gjør at alle dine offentlige innlegg kan postes til den tilknyttede Twitter-kontoen. Du kan velge å gjøre dette som standard (her), eller for hvert enkelt innlegg separat i valgmulighetene for posting når du skriver et innlegg.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to Twitter will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to Twitter"] = "Tillat posting til Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to Twitter by default"] = "Send offentlige innlegg til Twitter som standard";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to Twitter"] = "";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Fjern OAuth-konfigurasjon";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Innstillinger oppdatert.";
+$a->strings["Consumer key"] = "Consumer key";
+$a->strings["Consumer secret"] = "Consumer secret";
diff --git a/twitter/lang/pl/strings.php b/twitter/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54d3acae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/twitter/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+strings["Post to Twitter"] = "Post na Twitter";
+$a->strings["Twitter settings updated."] = "Zaktualizowano ustawienia Twittera.";
+$a->strings["Twitter Posting Settings"] = "Ustawienia wpisów z Twittera";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Nie znaleziono pary dla Twittera. Proszę skontaktować się z admininstratorem strony.";
+$a->strings["At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter."] = "";
+$a->strings["Log in with Twitter"] = "Zaloguj się przez Twitter";
+$a->strings["Copy the PIN from Twitter here"] = "Skopiuj tutaj PIN z Twittera";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Obecnie połączone z:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated Twitter account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to Twitter will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to Twitter"] = "Zezwól na opublikowanie w serwisie Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to Twitter by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Mirror all posts from twitter that are no replies or retweets"] = "";
+$a->strings["Shortening method that optimizes the tweet"] = "";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to Twitter"] = "";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Zaktualizowano ustawienia.";
+$a->strings["Consumer key"] = "Klucz konsumenta";
+$a->strings["Consumer secret"] = "Sekret konsumenta";
+$a->strings["Name of the Twitter Application"] = "";
+$a->strings["set this to avoid mirroring postings from ~friendica back to ~friendica"] = "";
diff --git a/twitter/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/twitter/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ef9edeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/twitter/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+strings["Post to Twitter"] = "Publicar no Twitter";
+$a->strings["Twitter settings updated."] = "As atualizações do Twitter foram atualizadas.";
+$a->strings["Twitter Posting Settings"] = "Configurações de publicação no Twitter";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Não foi encontrado nenhum par de chaves de consumidor para o Twitter. Por favor, entre em contato com o administrador do site.";
+$a->strings["At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter."] = "Nessa instância do Friendica o plugin Twitter foi habilitado mas você ainda não conectou sua conta à conta do Twitter. Para assim o fazer clique no botão abaixo para pegar o PIN do Twitter que você deverar copiar na caixa de entrada abaixo e enviar o formulário. Somente suas postagens públicas serão repostadas no Twitter.";
+$a->strings["Log in with Twitter"] = "Autenticar-se no Twitter";
+$a->strings["Copy the PIN from Twitter here"] = "Copie o PIN do Twitter aqui";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Atualmente conectado como: ";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated Twitter account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Se habilitado, todas as suas publicações públicas podem ser publicadas na sua conta Twitter associada. Você pode escolher entre publicar tudo automaticamente (marcando aqui) ou selecionar o que será enviado individualmente (nas opções de publicação, durante o processo de escrita da mensagem).";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to Twitter will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "Aviso: Devido às suas configurações de privacidade (Ocultar os detalhes do seu perfil para pessoas desconhecidas?) o link potencialmente incluído nas publicações públicas encaminhadas para o Twitter levarão o visitante a uma página contendo a informação de que o acesso ao seu perfil é restrito.";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to Twitter"] = "Permitir a publicação no Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to Twitter by default"] = "Enviar as publicações públicas automaticamente para o Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to Twitter"] = "";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Limpar a configuração OAuth";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "As configurações foram atualizadas.";
+$a->strings["Consumer key"] = "Chave de consumidor";
+$a->strings["Consumer secret"] = "Segredo de consumidor";
diff --git a/twitter/lang/ru/strings.php b/twitter/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98112c88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/twitter/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+strings["Post to Twitter"] = "Отправить в Твиттер";
+$a->strings["Twitter settings updated."] = "Настройки Твиттера обновлены.";
+$a->strings["Twitter Posting Settings"] = "Настройка отправки сообщений в Твиттер";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Не найдено пары потребительских ключей для Твиттера. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к администратору сайта.";
+$a->strings["At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter."] = "";
+$a->strings["Log in with Twitter"] = "Войдите с Твиттером";
+$a->strings["Copy the PIN from Twitter here"] = "Скопируйте PIN с Twitter здесь";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "В настоящее время соединены с: ";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated Twitter account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "Если включено, то все ваши общественные сообщения могут быть отправлены на связанный аккаунт Твиттер. Вы можете сделать это по умолчанию (здесь) или для каждого сообщения отдельно при написании записи.";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to Twitter will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to Twitter"] = "Разрешить отправку сообщений на Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to Twitter by default"] = "Отправлять сообщения для всех на Твиттер по умолчанию";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to Twitter"] = "";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Очистить конфигурацию OAuth";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Настройки обновлены.";
+$a->strings["Consumer key"] = "Consumer key";
+$a->strings["Consumer secret"] = "Consumer secret";
diff --git a/twitter/lang/sv/strings.php b/twitter/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02cb3fdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/twitter/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+strings["Post to Twitter"] = "Lägg in på Twitter";
+$a->strings["Twitter Posting Settings"] = "Inställningar för inlägg på Twitter";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."] = "No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator.";
+$a->strings["At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter."] = "At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter.";
+$a->strings["Copy the PIN from Twitter here"] = "Ange PIN-koden från Twitter här";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "Ansluten till: ";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "Clear OAuth configuration";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Inställningarna har uppdaterats.";
diff --git a/twitter/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/twitter/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f8f7058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/twitter/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+strings["Post to Twitter"] = "发送到在Twitter";
+$a->strings["Twitter settings updated."] = "Twitter设置更新了。";
+$a->strings["Twitter Posting Settings"] = "Twitter发送设置";
+$a->strings["No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator."] = "找不到Twitter的消费钥匙双。请联系您的网页行政人员。";
+$a->strings["At this Friendica instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter."] = "在这个Friendica网站使Twitter插件可用的可您还没有把您的账户和您Twitter账户连通。为这做点击下边的按钮得到密码从Twitter您要粘贴在下边的输入框和提交。只您的公开文章被发送到Twitter。";
+$a->strings["Log in with Twitter"] = "用Twitter登记";
+$a->strings["Copy the PIN from Twitter here"] = "复制Twitter密码这儿";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Currently connected to: "] = "现在连接到:";
+$a->strings["If enabled all your public postings can be posted to the associated Twitter account. You can choose to do so by default (here) or for every posting separately in the posting options when writing the entry."] = "如果使可用的都您公开的文章会被发送到有关的Twitter账户。您会选择默认地这样做(这儿)或个文章分开地写字时候选择在文章设置。";
+$a->strings["Note: Due your privacy settings (Hide your profile details from unknown viewers?) the link potentially included in public postings relayed to Twitter will lead the visitor to a blank page informing the visitor that the access to your profile has been restricted."] = "注意:由于您的隐私设置(隐藏您的简介内容为生人?)环节包括在转播到Twitter的条文可能通空白页通知看者看您的简介有限。";
+$a->strings["Allow posting to Twitter"] = "允许发送到Twitter";
+$a->strings["Send public postings to Twitter by default"] = "默认地发送公开文章到Twitter";
+$a->strings["Mirror all posts from twitter that are no replies or retweets"] = "复制所有文章从twitter除了回答或复准文以外";
+$a->strings["Shortening method that optimizes the tweet"] = "缩短方法优化缩短方法优化准文";
+$a->strings["Send linked #-tags and @-names to Twitter"] = "转播连接的#标签盒@名到Twitter";
+$a->strings["Clear OAuth configuration"] = "清理出OAuth设置";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "设置跟新了";
+$a->strings["Consumer key"] = "钥匙(Consumer key)";
+$a->strings["Consumer secret"] = "密码(Consumer secret)";
+$a->strings["Name of the Twitter Application"] = "Twitter应用名";
+$a->strings["set this to avoid mirroring postings from ~friendica back to ~friendica"] = "选择这个为避免复制文章从~friendica回归~friendica";
diff --git a/uhremotestorage/lang/ca/strings.php b/uhremotestorage/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80168594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uhremotestorage/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Allow to use your friendica id (%s) to connecto to external unhosted-enabled storage (like ownCloud). See RemoteStorage WebFinger"] = "Permetre l'ús del seu ID de friendica (%s) per Connectar a l'emmagatzematge extern (com ownCloud). Veure WebFinger RemoteStorage ";
+$a->strings["Template URL (with {category})"] = "Plantilles de URL (amb {categoria})";
+$a->strings["OAuth end-point"] = "OAuth end-point";
+$a->strings["Api"] = "Api";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/uhremotestorage/lang/cs/strings.php b/uhremotestorage/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3443d718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uhremotestorage/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Allow to use your friendica id (%s) to connecto to external unhosted-enabled storage (like ownCloud). See RemoteStorage WebFinger"] = "Umožnit využití friendica id (%s) k napojení na externí úložiště (unhosted-enabled) (jako ownCloud). Více informací na RemoteStorage WebFinger";
+$a->strings["Template URL (with {category})"] = "Dočasná URL adresa (s {category})";
+$a->strings["OAuth end-point"] = "OAuth end-point";
+$a->strings["Api"] = "Api";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
diff --git a/uhremotestorage/lang/de/strings.php b/uhremotestorage/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f01c519c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uhremotestorage/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Allow to use your friendica id (%s) to connecto to external unhosted-enabled storage (like ownCloud). See RemoteStorage WebFinger"] = "Ermöglicht dir, deine Friendica ID (%s) mit externen unhosted-fähigen Speichern (z.B. ownCloud) zu verbinden. Siehe RemoteStorage WebFinger";
+$a->strings["Template URL (with {category})"] = "Vorlagen URL (mit {Kategorie})";
+$a->strings["OAuth end-point"] = "OAuth Endpunkt";
+$a->strings["Api"] = "Api";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
diff --git a/uhremotestorage/lang/eo/strings.php b/uhremotestorage/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1618974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uhremotestorage/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Allow to use your friendica id (%s) to connecto to external unhosted-enabled storage (like ownCloud). See RemoteStorage WebFinger"] = "Permesi vian identecon ĉe Friendica (%s) por konekti al eksteraj konservejoj subtenata de unhosted (ekz. OwnCloud). Vidu RemoteStorage WebFinger";
+$a->strings["Template URL (with {category})"] = "URL adreso de ŝablono (kun {category})";
+$a->strings["OAuth end-point"] = "OAuth finpunkto";
+$a->strings["Api"] = "Api";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
diff --git a/uhremotestorage/lang/es/strings.php b/uhremotestorage/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1263e09e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uhremotestorage/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Allow to use your friendica id (%s) to connecto to external unhosted-enabled storage (like ownCloud). See RemoteStorage WebFinger"] = "Permitir el uso de tu ID de Friendica (%s) para conexiones de almacenamiento externo sin alojamiento activado (como OwnCloud). Mira RemoteStorage WebFinger";
+$a->strings["Template URL (with {category})"] = "Dirección de la plantilla (con {categoría})";
+$a->strings["OAuth end-point"] = "Punto final OAuth";
+$a->strings["Api"] = "API";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
diff --git a/uhremotestorage/lang/fr/strings.php b/uhremotestorage/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28b25721
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uhremotestorage/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Allow to use your friendica id (%s) to connecto to external unhosted-enabled storage (like ownCloud). See RemoteStorage WebFinger"] = "Permet l'utilisation de votre ID Friendica (%s) pour vous connecter à des sites compatibles \"unhosted\" (comme ownCloud). Voyez RemoteStorage WebFinger";
+$a->strings["Template URL (with {category})"] = "Modèle d'URL (avec {catégorie})";
+$a->strings["OAuth end-point"] = "URL OAuth";
+$a->strings["Api"] = "Type d'API";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
diff --git a/uhremotestorage/lang/is/strings.php b/uhremotestorage/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d56c631d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uhremotestorage/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Allow to use your friendica id (%s) to connecto to external unhosted-enabled storage (like ownCloud). See RemoteStorage WebFinger"] = "";
+$a->strings["Template URL (with {category})"] = "";
+$a->strings["OAuth end-point"] = "";
+$a->strings["Api"] = "Api";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
diff --git a/uhremotestorage/lang/it/strings.php b/uhremotestorage/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b96edf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uhremotestorage/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Allow to use your friendica id (%s) to connecto to external unhosted-enabled storage (like ownCloud). See RemoteStorage WebFinger"] = "Permette di usare il tuo id friendica (%s) per collegarsi a storage esterni che supportano unhosted (come ownCloud). Vedi RemoteStorage WebFinger";
+$a->strings["Template URL (with {category})"] = "Template URL (con {category})";
+$a->strings["OAuth end-point"] = "OAuth end-point";
+$a->strings["Api"] = "Api";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
diff --git a/uhremotestorage/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/uhremotestorage/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e4d477f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uhremotestorage/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Allow to use your friendica id (%s) to connecto to external unhosted-enabled storage (like ownCloud). See RemoteStorage WebFinger"] = "Tillat å bruke din friendica id (%s) for å koble til ekstern unhosted-aktivert lagring (som ownCloud). Se RemoteStorage WebFinger";
+$a->strings["Template URL (with {category})"] = "";
+$a->strings["OAuth end-point"] = "";
+$a->strings["Api"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
diff --git a/uhremotestorage/lang/pl/strings.php b/uhremotestorage/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47adec14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uhremotestorage/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Allow to use your friendica id (%s) to connecto to external unhosted-enabled storage (like ownCloud). See RemoteStorage WebFinger"] = "";
+$a->strings["Template URL (with {category})"] = "";
+$a->strings["OAuth end-point"] = "";
+$a->strings["Api"] = "Api";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
diff --git a/uhremotestorage/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/uhremotestorage/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23ab8326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uhremotestorage/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Allow to use your friendica id (%s) to connecto to external unhosted-enabled storage (like ownCloud). See RemoteStorage WebFinger"] = "Permite o uso do id friendica (%s) para conectar ao armazenamento tipo unhosted externo (ex: ownCloud). Veja RemoteStorage WebFinger";
+$a->strings["Template URL (with {category})"] = "URL do Template (com {category})";
+$a->strings["OAuth end-point"] = "OAuth terminal";
+$a->strings["Api"] = "Api";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
diff --git a/uhremotestorage/lang/ru/strings.php b/uhremotestorage/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7ca6327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uhremotestorage/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Allow to use your friendica id (%s) to connecto to external unhosted-enabled storage (like ownCloud). See RemoteStorage WebFinger"] = "";
+$a->strings["Template URL (with {category})"] = "";
+$a->strings["OAuth end-point"] = "";
+$a->strings["Api"] = "Api";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
diff --git a/uhremotestorage/lang/sv/strings.php b/uhremotestorage/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uhremotestorage/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/uhremotestorage/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/uhremotestorage/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b137ece5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uhremotestorage/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strings["Allow to use your friendica id (%s) to connecto to external unhosted-enabled storage (like ownCloud). See RemoteStorage WebFinger"] = "许用您的friendica用户名(%s)根对外没主办的贮藏(比如ownCloud)。看RemoteStorage WebFinger";
+$a->strings["Template URL (with {category})"] = "模板URL(根{category})";
+$a->strings["OAuth end-point"] = "OAuth 端点";
+$a->strings["Api"] = "API";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
diff --git a/viewsrc/lang/ca/strings.php b/viewsrc/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d5e9488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viewsrc/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["View Source"] = "Veure les Fonts";
diff --git a/viewsrc/lang/cs/strings.php b/viewsrc/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..576760bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viewsrc/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["View Source"] = "Zobrazit zdroj";
diff --git a/viewsrc/lang/de/strings.php b/viewsrc/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..356979be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viewsrc/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["View Source"] = "Quelle ansehen";
diff --git a/viewsrc/lang/eo/strings.php b/viewsrc/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8e94ade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viewsrc/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["View Source"] = "Vidi Fonton";
diff --git a/viewsrc/lang/es/strings.php b/viewsrc/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4252372a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viewsrc/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["View Source"] = "Ver fuente";
diff --git a/viewsrc/lang/fr/strings.php b/viewsrc/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd234a70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viewsrc/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["View Source"] = "Voir la source";
diff --git a/viewsrc/lang/is/strings.php b/viewsrc/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cbd2bfd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viewsrc/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["View Source"] = "";
diff --git a/viewsrc/lang/it/strings.php b/viewsrc/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a567e3f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viewsrc/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["View Source"] = "Vedi sorgente";
diff --git a/viewsrc/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/viewsrc/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cbd2bfd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viewsrc/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["View Source"] = "";
diff --git a/viewsrc/lang/pl/strings.php b/viewsrc/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..987655aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viewsrc/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["View Source"] = "Podgląd źródła";
diff --git a/viewsrc/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/viewsrc/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..758d8e0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viewsrc/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["View Source"] = "Ver Fonte";
diff --git a/viewsrc/lang/ru/strings.php b/viewsrc/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57fa23af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viewsrc/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["View Source"] = "Просмотр HTML-кода";
diff --git a/viewsrc/lang/sv/strings.php b/viewsrc/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab4fa67a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viewsrc/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+strings["View Source"] = "看源代码";
diff --git a/widgets/lang/ca/strings.php b/widgets/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db19a10b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["%d person likes this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["%d person doesn't like this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["Connect on Friendica!"] = "Connectar en Friendica";
+$a->strings["Generate new key"] = "Generar nova clau";
+$a->strings["Widgets key"] = "Ginys clau";
+$a->strings["Widgets available"] = "Ginys disponibles";
+$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Ajustos de Plugin";
+$a->strings["Get added to this list!"] = "S'afegeixen a aquesta llista!";
diff --git a/widgets/lang/cs/strings.php b/widgets/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68c4f81f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["%d person likes this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["%d person doesn't like this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["Connect on Friendica!"] = "Připojit na Friendica!";
+$a->strings["Generate new key"] = "Generovat nové klíče";
+$a->strings["Widgets key"] = "Widgety klíč";
+$a->strings["Widgets available"] = "Widgety k dispozici";
+$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Nastavení doplňku";
+$a->strings["Get added to this list!"] = "Nechte se přidat do tohoto listu!";
diff --git a/widgets/lang/de/strings.php b/widgets/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3137f02d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["%d person likes this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["%d person doesn't like this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["Connect on Friendica!"] = "In Friendica verbinden!";
+$a->strings["Generate new key"] = "Neuen Schlüssel erstellen";
+$a->strings["Widgets key"] = "Widgets Schlüssel";
+$a->strings["Widgets available"] = "Verfügbare Widgets";
+$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Plugin-Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["Get added to this list!"] = "Werde Mitglied dieser Liste";
diff --git a/widgets/lang/eo/strings.php b/widgets/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a599474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["%d person likes this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["%d person doesn't like this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["Connect on Friendica!"] = "Konekti ĉe Friendica!";
+$a->strings["Generate new key"] = "Generi novan ĉifroŝlosilon";
+$a->strings["Widgets key"] = "Ŝlosilo por fenestraĵoj";
+$a->strings["Widgets available"] = "Disponeblaj fenestraĵoj";
+$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Kromprogramoagordoj";
+$a->strings["Get added to this list!"] = "Iĝu membro de ĉi tiu listo!";
diff --git a/widgets/lang/es/strings.php b/widgets/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..181ae8e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["%d person likes this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["%d person doesn't like this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["Connect on Friendica!"] = "¡Conéctate en Friendica!";
+$a->strings["Generate new key"] = "Generar clave nueva";
+$a->strings["Widgets key"] = "Clave de aplicaciones";
+$a->strings["Widgets available"] = "Aplicaciones disponibles";
+$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Configuración de los módulos";
+$a->strings["Get added to this list!"] = "¡Añadido a la lista!";
diff --git a/widgets/lang/fr/strings.php b/widgets/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3b6108d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["%d person likes this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["%d person doesn't like this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["Connect on Friendica!"] = "Se connecter sur Friendica!";
+$a->strings["Generate new key"] = "Générer une nouvelle clé";
+$a->strings["Widgets key"] = "Clé des widgets";
+$a->strings["Widgets available"] = "Widgets disponibles";
+$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Extensions";
+$a->strings["Get added to this list!"] = "Ajoutez-vous à cette liste!";
diff --git a/widgets/lang/is/strings.php b/widgets/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9892b5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["%d person likes this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["%d person doesn't like this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["Connect on Friendica!"] = "Tengist á Friendica!";
+$a->strings["Generate new key"] = "Búa til nýjan lykil";
+$a->strings["Widgets key"] = "Lykill smáforrits ";
+$a->strings["Widgets available"] = "Smáforrit til";
+$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Eininga stillingar";
+$a->strings["Get added to this list!"] = "Láta bæta þér við þennan lista!";
diff --git a/widgets/lang/it/strings.php b/widgets/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d713d8ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["%d person likes this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["%d person doesn't like this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["Connect on Friendica!"] = "Connettiti su Friendica!";
+$a->strings["Generate new key"] = "Genera una nuova chiave";
+$a->strings["Widgets key"] = "Chiave Widget";
+$a->strings["Widgets available"] = "Widget disponibili";
+$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Impostazioni plugin";
+$a->strings["Get added to this list!"] = "Aggiungiti a questa lista!";
diff --git a/widgets/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/widgets/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7774c639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["%d person likes this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["%d person doesn't like this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["Connect on Friendica!"] = "";
+$a->strings["Generate new key"] = "Lag ny nøkkel";
+$a->strings["Widgets key"] = "Nøkkel til småprogrammer";
+$a->strings["Widgets available"] = "Småprogrammer er tilgjengelige";
+$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Tilleggsinnstillinger";
+$a->strings["Get added to this list!"] = "";
diff --git a/widgets/lang/pl/strings.php b/widgets/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..967b998b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["%d person likes this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["%d person doesn't like this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["Connect on Friendica!"] = "Połączono z Friendica!";
+$a->strings["Generate new key"] = "Stwórz nowy klucz";
+$a->strings["Widgets key"] = "";
+$a->strings["Widgets available"] = "Widgety są dostępne";
+$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Ustawienia wtyczki";
+$a->strings["Get added to this list!"] = "Zostań dodany do listy!";
diff --git a/widgets/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/widgets/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..965c39eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["%d person likes this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["%d person doesn't like this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["Connect on Friendica!"] = "Conecte no Friendica!";
+$a->strings["Generate new key"] = "Gerar nova chave";
+$a->strings["Widgets key"] = "Chave de widgets";
+$a->strings["Widgets available"] = "Widgets disponíveis";
+$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Configurações do plugin";
+$a->strings["Get added to this list!"] = "";
diff --git a/widgets/lang/ru/strings.php b/widgets/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c455eb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["%d person likes this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["%d person doesn't like this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["Connect on Friendica!"] = "Подключены к Friendica!";
+$a->strings["Generate new key"] = "Сгенерировать новый ключ";
+$a->strings["Widgets key"] = "Ключ виджетов";
+$a->strings["Widgets available"] = "Виджеты доступны";
+$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Настройки плагина";
+$a->strings["Get added to this list!"] = "";
diff --git a/widgets/lang/sv/strings.php b/widgets/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d27628b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Plugin Settings"] = "Inställningar för insticksprogram";
diff --git a/widgets/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/widgets/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11f1a96e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+strings["%d person likes this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["%d person doesn't like this"] = "Array";
+$a->strings["Connect on Friendica!"] = "连接在Friendica!";
+$a->strings["Generate new key"] = "造成新钥匙";
+$a->strings["Widgets key"] = "小窗口钥匙";
+$a->strings["Widgets available"] = "可用的小窗口";
+$a->strings["Plugin Settings"] = "插件设置";
+$a->strings["Get added to this list!"] = "被在这个单子加入!";
diff --git a/wppost/lang/ca/strings.php b/wppost/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2856b55c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wppost/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Post to Wordpress"] = "Publica-ho al Wordpress";
+$a->strings["WordPress Post Settings"] = "Configuració d'enviaments a WordPress";
+$a->strings["Enable WordPress Post Plugin"] = "Habilitar Configuració d'Enviaments a WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress username"] = "Nom d'usuari de WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress password"] = "Contrasenya de WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress API URL"] = "WordPress API URL";
+$a->strings["Post to WordPress by default"] = "Enviar a WordPress per defecte";
+$a->strings["Provide a backlink to the Friendica post"] = "Proveeix un retroenllaç al missatge de Friendica";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Enviament des de Friendica";
+$a->strings["Read the original post and comment stream on Friendica"] = "Llegeix el missatge original i el flux de comentaris en Friendica";
diff --git a/wppost/lang/cs/strings.php b/wppost/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0fea0e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wppost/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Post to Wordpress"] = "Příspěvky do WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress Post Settings"] = "WordPress Post nastavení";
+$a->strings["Enable WordPress Post Plugin"] = "Povolit rozšíření na WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress username"] = "WordPress uživatelské jméno";
+$a->strings["WordPress password"] = "WordPress heslo";
+$a->strings["WordPress API URL"] = "URL adresa API WordPress";
+$a->strings["Post to WordPress by default"] = "standardně posílat příspěvky na WordPress";
+$a->strings["Provide a backlink to the Friendica post"] = "Poskytuje zpětný link na Friendica příspěvek";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Příspěvek z Friendica";
+$a->strings["Read the original post and comment stream on Friendica"] = "Přečíst si originální příspěvek a komentáře na Friendica";
diff --git a/wppost/lang/de/strings.php b/wppost/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75f53382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wppost/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Post to Wordpress"] = "Bei WordPress veröffentlichen";
+$a->strings["WordPress Post Settings"] = "WordPress-Beitragseinstellungen";
+$a->strings["Enable WordPress Post Plugin"] = "WordPress-Plugin aktivieren.";
+$a->strings["WordPress username"] = "WordPress-Benutzername";
+$a->strings["WordPress password"] = "WordPress-Passwort";
+$a->strings["WordPress API URL"] = "WordPress-API-URL";
+$a->strings["Post to WordPress by default"] = "Standardmäßig auf WordPress veröffentlichen";
+$a->strings["Provide a backlink to the Friendica post"] = "Einen Link zurück zum Friendica-Beitrag hinzufügen";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Beitrag via Friendica";
+$a->strings["Read the original post and comment stream on Friendica"] = "Den Originalbeitrag samt Kommentaren bei Friendica lesen";
diff --git a/wppost/lang/eo/strings.php b/wppost/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c786666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wppost/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Post to Wordpress"] = "Afiŝi al Wordpress";
+$a->strings["WordPress Post Settings"] = "Agordoj por WordPress afiŝojn";
+$a->strings["Enable WordPress Post Plugin"] = "Ŝalti la Wordpress-afiŝo kromprogramon";
+$a->strings["WordPress username"] = "WordPress salutnomo";
+$a->strings["WordPress password"] = "WordPress pasvorto";
+$a->strings["WordPress API URL"] = "Wordpress API URL adreso";
+$a->strings["Post to WordPress by default"] = "Defaŭlte afiŝi al WordPress";
+$a->strings["Provide a backlink to the Friendica post"] = "Provizi re-ligilon al la Friendica afiŝo";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Afiŝo de Friendica";
+$a->strings["Read the original post and comment stream on Friendica"] = "Legi la originalan afiŝon kaj komentfluo ĉe Friendica";
diff --git a/wppost/lang/es/strings.php b/wppost/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e01a2f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wppost/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Post to Wordpress"] = "Publicar en Wordpress";
+$a->strings["WordPress Post Settings"] = "Configuración de publicación en Wordpres";
+$a->strings["Enable WordPress Post Plugin"] = "Habilitar el módulo de publicación en Wordpress";
+$a->strings["WordPress username"] = "WordPress - nombre de usuario";
+$a->strings["WordPress password"] = "WordPress - contraseña";
+$a->strings["WordPress API URL"] = "WordPress - dirección API";
+$a->strings["Post to WordPress by default"] = "Publicar a WordPress por defecto";
+$a->strings["Provide a backlink to the Friendica post"] = "Añade un enlace de vuelta a la publicación de Friendica";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Publicado desde Friendica";
+$a->strings["Read the original post and comment stream on Friendica"] = "Leer la publicación original y los comentarios en Friendica";
diff --git a/wppost/lang/fr/strings.php b/wppost/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cd4456f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wppost/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Post to Wordpress"] = "Poster sur WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress Post Settings"] = "Réglages WordPress";
+$a->strings["Enable WordPress Post Plugin"] = "Activer l'extension WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress username"] = "Utilisateur WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress password"] = "Mot de passe WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress API URL"] = "URL de l'API WordPress";
+$a->strings["Post to WordPress by default"] = "Publier sur WordPress par défaut";
+$a->strings["Provide a backlink to the Friendica post"] = "Fournir un rétrolien vers le message sur Friendica";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Publier depuis Friendica";
+$a->strings["Read the original post and comment stream on Friendica"] = "Lire le message d'origine et le flux des commentaires sur Friendica";
diff --git a/wppost/lang/is/strings.php b/wppost/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b7f3fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wppost/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Post to Wordpress"] = "Senda færslu á Wordpress";
+$a->strings["WordPress Post Settings"] = "Wordpress Post stillingar";
+$a->strings["Enable WordPress Post Plugin"] = "Kveikja á WordPress Post viðbót";
+$a->strings["WordPress username"] = "Wordpress aðgangsorð";
+$a->strings["WordPress password"] = "Wordpress aðgagnsorð";
+$a->strings["WordPress API URL"] = "Slóð á Wordpress API";
+$a->strings["Post to WordPress by default"] = "Leyfa færslum að flæða yfir á Wordpress sjálfgefið";
+$a->strings["Provide a backlink to the Friendica post"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Færslur frá Friendica";
+$a->strings["Read the original post and comment stream on Friendica"] = "";
diff --git a/wppost/lang/it/strings.php b/wppost/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..afde8920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wppost/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Post to Wordpress"] = "Pubblica su Wordpress";
+$a->strings["WordPress Post Settings"] = "Impostazioni invio a WordPress";
+$a->strings["Enable WordPress Post Plugin"] = "Abilita plugin \"invia a WordPress\"";
+$a->strings["WordPress username"] = "nome utente WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress password"] = "password WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress API URL"] = "WordPress API URL";
+$a->strings["Post to WordPress by default"] = "Pubblica su WordPress di default";
+$a->strings["Provide a backlink to the Friendica post"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Messaggio da Friendica";
+$a->strings["Read the original post and comment stream on Friendica"] = "Leggi il messaggio originale e i commenti su Friendica";
diff --git a/wppost/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/wppost/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c840e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wppost/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Post to Wordpress"] = "";
+$a->strings["WordPress Post Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["Enable WordPress Post Plugin"] = "";
+$a->strings["WordPress username"] = "";
+$a->strings["WordPress password"] = "";
+$a->strings["WordPress API URL"] = "";
+$a->strings["Post to WordPress by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Provide a backlink to the Friendica post"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "";
+$a->strings["Read the original post and comment stream on Friendica"] = "";
diff --git a/wppost/lang/pl/strings.php b/wppost/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..201ead1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wppost/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Post to Wordpress"] = "Opublikuj na Wordpress";
+$a->strings["WordPress Post Settings"] = "Ustawienia wpisów WorldPress";
+$a->strings["Enable WordPress Post Plugin"] = "Włącz plugin wpisów WorldPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress username"] = "nazwa użytkownika WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress password"] = "hasło WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress API URL"] = "WordPress API URL";
+$a->strings["Post to WordPress by default"] = "";
+$a->strings["Provide a backlink to the Friendica post"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Post z Friendica";
+$a->strings["Read the original post and comment stream on Friendica"] = "";
diff --git a/wppost/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/wppost/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f614e7ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wppost/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Post to Wordpress"] = "Postar no WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress Post Settings"] = "Configurações de postagem do WordPress";
+$a->strings["Enable WordPress Post Plugin"] = "Habilitar plugin de postagem do WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress username"] = "Usuário WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress password"] = "Senha WordPress";
+$a->strings["WordPress API URL"] = "URL da API do WordPress";
+$a->strings["Post to WordPress by default"] = "Postar para o WordPress como padrão";
+$a->strings["Provide a backlink to the Friendica post"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Postar do Friendica";
+$a->strings["Read the original post and comment stream on Friendica"] = "";
diff --git a/wppost/lang/ru/strings.php b/wppost/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f193addc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wppost/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Post to Wordpress"] = "Сообщение для Wordpress";
+$a->strings["WordPress Post Settings"] = "Настройки сообщений для Wordpress";
+$a->strings["Enable WordPress Post Plugin"] = "Включить WordPress плагин сообщений";
+$a->strings["WordPress username"] = "WordPress Имя пользователя";
+$a->strings["WordPress password"] = "WordPress паролъ";
+$a->strings["WordPress API URL"] = "WordPress API URL";
+$a->strings["Post to WordPress by default"] = "Сообщение WordPress по умолчанию";
+$a->strings["Provide a backlink to the Friendica post"] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "Сообщение от Friendica";
+$a->strings["Read the original post and comment stream on Friendica"] = "";
diff --git a/wppost/lang/sv/strings.php b/wppost/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wppost/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/wppost/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/wppost/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74db6306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wppost/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+strings["Post to Wordpress"] = "发送到Wordpress";
+$a->strings["WordPress Post Settings"] = "Wordpress发送设置";
+$a->strings["Enable WordPress Post Plugin"] = "使Wordpress发送插件可用";
+$a->strings["WordPress username"] = "Wordpress用户名";
+$a->strings["WordPress password"] = "Wordpress密码";
+$a->strings["WordPress API URL"] = "WordPress API URL";
+$a->strings["Post to WordPress by default"] = "默认地发送到Wordpress";
+$a->strings["Provide a backlink to the Friendica post"] = "输入反向链接到Friendica文章";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["Post from Friendica"] = "文章从Friendica";
+$a->strings["Read the original post and comment stream on Friendica"] = "看原来文章和评论溪流在Friendica";
diff --git a/yourls/lang/ca/strings.php b/yourls/lang/ca/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbfc3cfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yourls/lang/ca/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["YourLS Settings"] = "La Teva Configuració de LS";
+$a->strings["URL: http://"] = "URL: http://";
+$a->strings["Username:"] = "Nom d'usuari:";
+$a->strings["Password:"] = "Contrasenya:";
+$a->strings["Use SSL "] = "Emprar SSL";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["yourls Settings saved."] = "Guardar la seva configuració.";
diff --git a/yourls/lang/cs/strings.php b/yourls/lang/cs/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1fb86a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yourls/lang/cs/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["YourLS Settings"] = "YourLS nastavení";
+$a->strings["URL: http://"] = "URL: http://";
+$a->strings["Username:"] = "Uživatelské jméno:";
+$a->strings["Password:"] = "heslo:";
+$a->strings["Use SSL "] = "Použít SSL";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
+$a->strings["yourls Settings saved."] = "yourls nastavení uloženo.";
diff --git a/yourls/lang/de/strings.php b/yourls/lang/de/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a29185e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yourls/lang/de/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["YourLS Settings"] = "YourLS Einstellungen";
+$a->strings["URL: http://"] = "URL: http://";
+$a->strings["Username:"] = "Nutzername:";
+$a->strings["Password:"] = "Passwort:";
+$a->strings["Use SSL "] = "SSL Verwenden ";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$a->strings["yourls Settings saved."] = "yourls Einstellungen gespeichert";
diff --git a/yourls/lang/eo/strings.php b/yourls/lang/eo/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9e3ad10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yourls/lang/eo/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["YourLS Settings"] = "\"YourLS\" Agordoj";
+$a->strings["URL: http://"] = "URL adreso: http://";
+$a->strings["Username:"] = "Salutnomo:";
+$a->strings["Password:"] = "Pasvorto:";
+$a->strings["Use SSL "] = "Uzi SSL ";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Sendi";
+$a->strings["yourls Settings saved."] = "Konservis la agordojn de YourLS.";
diff --git a/yourls/lang/es/strings.php b/yourls/lang/es/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..925b62ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yourls/lang/es/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["YourLS Settings"] = "Tu configuración LS";
+$a->strings["URL: http://"] = "Dirección: http://";
+$a->strings["Username:"] = "Nombre de Usuario:";
+$a->strings["Password:"] = "Contraseña:";
+$a->strings["Use SSL "] = "Usar SSL ";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envíar";
+$a->strings["yourls Settings saved."] = "La configuración se ha guardado.";
diff --git a/yourls/lang/fr/strings.php b/yourls/lang/fr/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ee57d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yourls/lang/fr/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["YourLS Settings"] = "Réglages de YourLS";
+$a->strings["URL: http://"] = "URL: http://";
+$a->strings["Username:"] = "Nom d'utilisateur";
+$a->strings["Password:"] = "Mot de passe :";
+$a->strings["Use SSL "] = "Utiliser SSL ";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Envoyer";
+$a->strings["yourls Settings saved."] = "Réglages yourls sauvés.";
diff --git a/yourls/lang/is/strings.php b/yourls/lang/is/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42e8b1fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yourls/lang/is/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["YourLS Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["URL: http://"] = "";
+$a->strings["Username:"] = "Notendanafn:";
+$a->strings["Password:"] = "Aðgangsorð:";
+$a->strings["Use SSL "] = "Nota SSL";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Senda inn";
+$a->strings["yourls Settings saved."] = "";
diff --git a/yourls/lang/it/strings.php b/yourls/lang/it/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b372ea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yourls/lang/it/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["YourLS Settings"] = "Impostazioni YourLS";
+$a->strings["URL: http://"] = "URL: http://";
+$a->strings["Username:"] = "Nome utente:";
+$a->strings["Password:"] = "Password:";
+$a->strings["Use SSL "] = "Usa SSL";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Invia";
+$a->strings["yourls Settings saved."] = "Impostazioni yourls salvate.";
diff --git a/yourls/lang/nb-no/strings.php b/yourls/lang/nb-no/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..775ec8ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yourls/lang/nb-no/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["YourLS Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["URL: http://"] = "";
+$a->strings["Username:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Password:"] = "";
+$a->strings["Use SSL "] = "";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["yourls Settings saved."] = "";
diff --git a/yourls/lang/pl/strings.php b/yourls/lang/pl/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30ea9854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yourls/lang/pl/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["YourLS Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["URL: http://"] = "URL: http://";
+$a->strings["Username:"] = "Nazwa użytkownika:";
+$a->strings["Password:"] = "Hasło:";
+$a->strings["Use SSL "] = "Użyj SSL";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Potwierdź";
+$a->strings["yourls Settings saved."] = "";
diff --git a/yourls/lang/pt-br/strings.php b/yourls/lang/pt-br/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33dd64c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yourls/lang/pt-br/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["YourLS Settings"] = "Configurações YourLS";
+$a->strings["URL: http://"] = "URL: http://";
+$a->strings["Username:"] = "Usuário:";
+$a->strings["Password:"] = "Senha:";
+$a->strings["Use SSL "] = "Use SSL ";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Enviar";
+$a->strings["yourls Settings saved."] = "yourls Settings sabed";
diff --git a/yourls/lang/ru/strings.php b/yourls/lang/ru/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e3f9ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yourls/lang/ru/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["YourLS Settings"] = "";
+$a->strings["URL: http://"] = "URL: http://";
+$a->strings["Username:"] = "Имя:";
+$a->strings["Password:"] = "Пароль:";
+$a->strings["Use SSL "] = "Использовать SSL";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Подтвердить";
+$a->strings["yourls Settings saved."] = "Настройки сохранены.";
diff --git a/yourls/lang/sv/strings.php b/yourls/lang/sv/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec569a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yourls/lang/sv/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+strings["Submit"] = "Spara";
diff --git a/yourls/lang/zh-cn/strings.php b/yourls/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..690fb1ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yourls/lang/zh-cn/strings.php
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+strings["YourLS Settings"] = "YourLS配置";
+$a->strings["URL: http://"] = "URL: http://";
+$a->strings["Username:"] = "用户名:";
+$a->strings["Password:"] = "密码:";
+$a->strings["Use SSL "] = "用SSL";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "提交";
+$a->strings["yourls Settings saved."] = "yourls配置保存了。";