import QtQuick 2.0 import AndroidNative 1.0 Item { /// The URL of the image chosen. If multiple images are picked, it will be equal to the first image. property string imageUrl: "" /// A list of images chosen property var imageUrls: [] property string m_TEXT_MESSAGE: "androidnative.TextIntent.chosen"; property string m_IMAGE_MESSAGE: "androidnative.ImagePicker.chosen"; Connections { target: SystemDispatcher onDispatched: { if (type === m_IMAGE_MESSAGE) { var h=[]; for (var n in message.imageUrls){ h.push("file://"+ decodeURIComponent(message.imageUrls[n]).substring(5)) } imageUrls=h; if(imageUrls.length==1){ root.currentIndex=0;; root.uploadSignal(imageUrls) } else{ root.currentIndex=2;; root.uploadSignal(imageUrls) } } else if (type==m_TEXT_MESSAGE){ root.currentIndex=0;; root.sendtextSignal(message) } } } Component.onCompleted: { SystemDispatcher.setInitialized(); } }