. * */ namespace Friendica\Console; use Geekwright\Po\PoFile; use Geekwright\Po\PoTokens; /** * Read a messages.po file and create strings.php in the same directory */ class PoToPhp extends \Asika\SimpleConsole\Console { protected $helpOptions = ['h', 'help', '?']; const DQ_ESCAPE = "__DQ__"; protected function getHelp() { $help = << [-h|--help|-?] [-v] Description Read a messages.po file and create the according strings.php in the same directory Options -h|--help|-? Show help information -v Show more debug information. HELP; return $help; } protected function doExecute(): int { if ($this->getOption('v')) { $this->out('Class: ' . __CLASS__); $this->out('Arguments: ' . var_export($this->args, true)); $this->out('Options: ' . var_export($this->options, true)); } if (count($this->args) == 0) { $this->out($this->getHelp()); return 0; } if (count($this->args) > 1) { throw new \Asika\SimpleConsole\CommandArgsException('Too many arguments'); } $pofile = realpath($this->getArgument(0)); if (!file_exists($pofile)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Supplied file path doesn\'t exist.'); } if (!is_writable(dirname($pofile))) { throw new \RuntimeException('Supplied directory isn\'t writable.'); } $outfile = dirname($pofile) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'strings.php'; if (basename(dirname($pofile)) == 'C') { $lang = 'en'; } else { $lang = str_replace('-', '_', basename(dirname($pofile))); } $this->out('Out to ' . $outfile); $out = $this->poFile2Php($lang, $pofile); if (!file_put_contents($outfile, $out)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to write to ' . $outfile); } return 0; } private function poFile2Php($lang, $infile): string { $poFile = new PoFile(); $poFile->readPoFile($infile); $out = "getHeaderEntry()->getHeader('plural-forms'); if (!$pluralForms) { throw new \RuntimeException('No Plural-Forms header detected'); } $regex = 'nplurals=([0-9]*); *plural=(.*?)[\\\\;]'; if (!preg_match('|' . $regex . '|', $pluralForms, $match)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unexpected Plural-Forms header value, expected "' . $regex . '", found ' . $pluralForms); } $out .= $this->createPluralSelectFunctionString($match[2], $lang); foreach ($poFile->getEntries() as $entry) { if (!implode('', $entry->getAsStringArray(PoTokens::TRANSLATED))) { // Skip completely untranslated entries continue; } $out .= '$a->strings[' . self::escapePhpString($entry->getAsString(PoTokens::MESSAGE)) . '] = '; $msgid_plural = $entry->get(PoTokens::PLURAL); if (empty($msgid_plural)) { $out .= self::escapePhpString($entry->getAsString(PoTokens::TRANSLATED)) . ';' . "\n"; } else { $out .= '[' . "\n"; foreach($entry->getAsStringArray(PoTokens::TRANSLATED) as $key => $msgstr) { $out .= "\t" . $key . ' => ' . self::escapePhpString($msgstr) . ',' . "\n"; }; $out .= '];' . "\n"; } } return $out; } private function createPluralSelectFunctionString(string $pluralForms, string $lang): string { $return = $this->convertCPluralConditionToPhpReturnStatement( $pluralForms ); $fnname = 'string_plural_select_' . $lang; $out = 'if(! function_exists("' . $fnname . '")) {' . "\n"; $out .= 'function ' . $fnname . '($n){' . "\n"; $out .= ' $n = intval($n);' . "\n"; $out .= ' ' . $return . "\n"; $out .= '}}' . "\n"; return $out; } private static function escapePhpString($string): string { return "'" . strtr($string, ['\'' => '\\\'']) . "'"; } /** * Converts C-style plural condition in .po files to a PHP-style plural return statement * * Adapted from https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/9747#issuecomment-769604485 * Many thanks to Christian Archer (https://github.com/sunchaserinfo) * * @param string $cond * @return string */ private function convertCPluralConditionToPhpReturnStatement(string $cond) { $cond = str_replace('n', '$n', $cond); $tree = []; self::parse($cond, $tree); return is_string($tree) ? "return intval({$tree});" : self::render($tree); } /** * Parses the condition into an array if there's at least a ternary operator, to a string otherwise * * Warning: Black recursive magic * * @param string $string * @param array|string $node */ private static function parse(string $string, &$node = []) { // Removes extra outward parentheses if (strpos($string, '(') === 0 && strrpos($string, ')') === strlen($string) - 1) { $string = substr($string, 1, -1); } $q = strpos($string, '?'); $s = strpos($string, ':'); if ($q === false && $s === false) { $node = $string; return; } if ($q === false || $s < $q) { list($then, $else) = explode(':', $string, 2); $node['then'] = $then; $parsedElse = []; self::parse($else, $parsedElse); $node['else'] = $parsedElse; } else { list($if, $thenelse) = explode('?', $string, 2); $node['if'] = $if; self::parse($thenelse, $node); } } /** * Renders the parsed condition tree into a return statement * * Warning: Black recursive magic * * @param $tree * @return string */ private static function render($tree): string { if (is_array($tree)) { $if = trim($tree['if']); $then = trim($tree['then']); $else = self::render($tree['else']); return "if ({$if}) { return {$then}; } else {$else}"; } $tree = trim($tree); return " { return {$tree}; }"; } }