argc > 1){ return health_details($a, $a->argv[1]); } if($_GET['s']){ return health_search($a, $_GET['s']); } return health_summary($a); } function health_search(&$a, $search) { if(strlen($search) < 3){ $result = 'Please use at least 3 characters in your search'; } else { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `site-health` WHERE `base_url` LIKE '%%%s%%' ORDER BY `health_score` DESC LIMIT 100", dbesc($search)); if(count($r)){ $result = ''; foreach($r as $site){ //Get user count. $site['users'] = 0; $r = q( "SELECT COUNT(*) as `users` FROM `profile` WHERE `homepage` LIKE '%s%%'", dbesc($site['base_url']) ); if(count($r)){ $site['users'] = $r[0]['users']; } $result .= ' '. '' . $site['base_url'] . ' '. '(' . $site['users'] . ')'. "
\r\n"; } } else { $result = 'No results'; } } $tpl .= file_get_contents('view/health_search.tpl'); return replace_macros($tpl, array( '$searched' => $search, '$result' => $result )); } function health_summary(&$a){ $sites = array(); //Find the user count per site. $r = q("SELECT `homepage` FROM `profile` WHERE 1"); if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) { $site = parse_site_from_url($rr['homepage']); if($site) { if(!isset($sites[$site])) $sites[$site] = 0; $sites[$site] ++; } } } //See if we have a health for them. $sites_with_health = array(); $site_healths = array(); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `site-health` WHERE `reg_policy`='REGISTER_OPEN'"); if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) { $sites_with_health[$rr['base_url']] = (($sites[$rr['base_url']] / 100) + 10) * intval($rr['health_score']); $site_healths[$rr['base_url']] = $rr; } } arsort($sites_with_health); $total = 0; $public_sites = ''; foreach($sites_with_health as $k => $v) { //Stop at unhealthy sites. $site = $site_healths[$k]; if($site['health_score'] <= 20) break; //Skip small sites. $users = $sites[$k]; if($users < 10) continue; $public_sites .= ' '. '' . $k . ' '. '(' . $users . ')'. "
\r\n"; $total ++; } $public_sites .= "
Total: $total
\r\n"; $tpl .= file_get_contents('view/health_summary.tpl'); return replace_macros($tpl, array( '$versions' => $versions, '$public_sites' => $public_sites )); } function health_details($a, $id) { //The overall health status. $r = q( "SELECT * FROM `site-health` WHERE `id`=%u", intval($id) ); if(!count($r)){ $a->error = 404; return; } $site = $r[0]; //Figure out SSL state. $urlMeta = parse_url($site['base_url']); if($urlMeta['scheme'] !== 'https'){ $ssl_state = 'No'; }else{ switch ($site['ssl_state']) { case null: $ssl_state = 'Yes, but not yet verified.'; break; case '0': $ssl_state = 'Certificate error!'; break; case '1': $ssl_state = '√ Yes, verified.'; break; } $ssl_state .= ' Detailed test'; } //Get user count. $site['users'] = 0; $r = q( "SELECT COUNT(*) as `users` FROM `profile` WHERE `homepage` LIKE '%s%%'", dbesc($site['base_url']) ); if(count($r)){ $site['users'] = $r[0]['users']; } //Get avg probe speed. $r = q( "SELECT AVG(`request_time`) as `avg_probe_time` FROM `site-probe` WHERE `site_health_id` = %u", intval($site['id']) ); if(count($r)){ $site['avg_probe_time'] = $r[0]['avg_probe_time']; } //Get scraping / submit speeds. $r = q( "SELECT AVG(`request_time`) as `avg_profile_time`, AVG(`scrape_time`) as `avg_scrape_time`, AVG(`photo_time`) as `avg_photo_time`, AVG(`total_time`) as `avg_submit_time` FROM `site-scrape` WHERE `site_health_id` = %u", intval($site['id']) ); if(count($r)){ $site['avg_profile_time'] = $r[0]['avg_profile_time']; $site['avg_scrape_time'] = $r[0]['avg_scrape_time']; $site['avg_photo_time'] = $r[0]['avg_photo_time']; $site['avg_submit_time'] = $r[0]['avg_submit_time']; } //Get probe speed data. $r = q( "SELECT `request_time`, `dt_performed` FROM `site-probe` WHERE `site_health_id` = %u", intval($site['id']) ); if(count($r)){ //Include graphael line charts. $a->page['htmlhead'] .= ''.PHP_EOL; $a->page['htmlhead'] .= ''.PHP_EOL; $a->page['htmlhead'] .= ''; $speeds = array(); $times = array(); $mintime = time(); foreach($r as $row){ $speeds[] = $row['request_time']; $time = strtotime($row['dt_performed']); $times[] = $time; if($mintime > $time) $mintime = $time; } for($i=0; $i < count($times); $i++){ $times[$i] -= $mintime; $times[$i] = floor($times[$i] / (24*3600)); } $a->page['htmlhead'] .= ''; } //Get scrape speed data. $r = q( "SELECT AVG(`total_time`) as `avg_time`, date(`dt_performed`) as `date` FROM `site-scrape` WHERE `site_health_id` = %u GROUP BY `date`", intval($site['id']) // date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()-(3*24*3600)) //Max 3 days old. ); if($r && count($r)){ //Include graphael line charts. $a->page['htmlhead'] .= ''.PHP_EOL; $a->page['htmlhead'] .= ''.PHP_EOL; $a->page['htmlhead'] .= ''; $speeds = array(); $times = array(); $mintime = time(); foreach($r as $row){ $speeds[] = $row['avg_time']; $time = strtotime($row['date']); $times[] = $time; if($mintime > $time) $mintime = $time; } for($i=0; $i < count($times); $i++){ $times[$i] -= $mintime; $times[$i] = floor($times[$i] / (24*3600)); } $a->page['htmlhead'] .= ''; } $tpl .= file_get_contents('view/health_details.tpl'); return replace_macros($tpl, array( '$name' => $site['name'], '$base_url' => $site['base_url'], '$health_score' => $site['health_score'], '$health_name' => health_score_to_name($site['health_score']), '$no_scrape_support' => !empty($site['no_scrape_url']) ? '√ Supports noscrape' : '', '$dt_first_noticed' => $site['dt_first_noticed'], '$dt_last_seen' => $site['dt_last_seen'], '$version' => $site['version'], '$plugins' => $site['plugins'], '$reg_policy' => $site['reg_policy'], '$info' => $site['info'], '$admin_name' => $site['admin_name'], '$admin_profile' => $site['admin_profile'], '$users' => $site['users'], '$ssl_state' => $ssl_state, '$avg_probe_time' => round($site['avg_probe_time']), '$avg_profile_time' => round($site['avg_profile_time']), '$avg_scrape_time' => round($site['avg_scrape_time']), '$avg_photo_time' => round($site['avg_photo_time']), '$avg_submit_time' => round($site['avg_submit_time']) )); }